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  닥터 차정숙 7

Doctor Cha 7


교수님 [가쁜 숨소리]


마라톤은 전력 질주 하면  돼요

You don't run at full speed in a marathon.

[로이본인이 진짜 하니라도   아는 거예요?

Do you think you actually are Hany or something?

[정숙여긴 웬일이세요?

What brings you here?


I have something to tell you.


Something to tell me?

[정숙무슨  말이

What do you--

[로이아주 중요한   있어서 왔어요

It's something very important.

오늘  하면

If I don't tell you today,


I might never be able to.

오늘 여기  

-The reason I came here today… -Excuse me, who are you?

[애심거기 누구세요?

-The reason I came here today… -Excuse me, who are you?


EPISODE 7 Mother.

저희 시어머니세요

This is my mother-in-law.


[애심아니 야심한 시각에 무슨 급한 일이 있길래

What could be urgent enough to warrant holding onto my daughter-in-law

남의 며느리를 붙들고 계시나?

this late at night?

그게 아니고요

It's not like that.

[정숙우리 병원 교수님이세요

He's a professor from the hospital.

  이식 수술  주신 교수님이세요

He's a professor from the hospital. He's the one who performed my liver transplant.

기억  나세요?

Do you not remember?

 의사 선생님 맞네

You are that doctor.




Yes, hello.

아니그나저나 선생님이 여긴 어쩐 일로

But what brings you here?

저도  근처 삽니다

I live nearby as well.

산책하다가 우연히 만났고요

I ran into her while I was out on a walk.


그럼 이만  보겠습니다

I should get going.

[로이 선생님내일 뵙죠

Dr. Cha, see you tomorrow.

[정숙조심히 들어가세요

Yes, get home safely.

아이그럴 일은 없겠지마는

I know you're not that type, but even if the hospital doesn't know about you and In-ho,

[애심아무리 병원에서

but even if the hospital doesn't know about you and In-ho,

 교수랑 니가 부부 사이인  모른대도

but even if the hospital doesn't know about you and In-ho,

항상 몸가짐은 조심해야 된다

you still always have to watch your behavior.

 교수 얼굴에 먹칠할 일은 만들면  되잖니

You can't do anything that'll bring disgrace to him, don't you think?


어머니 오늘 늦으셨네요

Mother, you're late today.

어디 들렀다 오세요?

Mother, you're late today. -Did you stop by somewhere? -Yes.


-Did you stop by somewhere? -Yes.

아이아유이번  관리비가 너무 많이 나왔더라

This month's maintenance bill is so high.

 그렇게 많이 나와 관리비가?

Why is the maintenance bill so high?


Let's go.

[애심아이아니이게  뭐야?

Gosh. What is all of this?

  이러고 있어?

Why are you kneeling?

어머니는 들어가시고 당신은 이리 와서  앉지

Mother, you should head to your room. Jeong-suk, sit with me.

[애심아유그래아유 너희들끼리 해결해야지   같다

Goodness, fine. I think you guys will have to solve this on your own.


Gosh, my head.



[ 여닫히는 소리]

당신도 알고 있었어이랑이 미대 준비하는 

Did you know that I-rang was preparing for art school?

그게… - [인호알고 있는 정도가 아니라

-That… -I'm sure you didn't just know.

아주 죽이 척척 맞았겠지

You were probably helping her.

미리   해서 미안해여보

Honey, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.


How long has this been going on?

[인호 미대 간다고 했다가 마음 돌렸을 

When she was in tenth grade, she said she wanted to go to art school but changed her mind.

   앞에서 연극한 거야?

Were both of you putting on an act?

[한숨그런  아니야

-That's not true. -Then when did this start?

그럼 언제부터야?

-That's not true. -Then when did this start?

[인호도대체 언제부터 가족들  속이고!

When did you all start preparing for art school

[인호의 거친 숨소리]

미대 준비를 했냐고

while lying to your whole family?

학원비다과외비다  달에 가져가는 돈이 얼마인데

Do you know how much I pour into her education every month?

 돈으로 이딴 것들 사면서  기만한 거야?

Have you been using that money to buy this junk?

얼마  됐어 이랑이가 너무 하고 싶대

It hasn't been long. I-rang really wants to do this.

미술이 너무 하고 싶대

She wants to pursue art.

[인호서이랑  없어?

Seo I-rang, cat got your tongue?

내년에 스무 살이나 되는 녀석이

You'll be an adult next year.

 진학 문제에 대해서  입도 뻥긋  ?

What do you have to say about your college admissions?

전에도 충분히 얘기했었어요

I've told you more than enough before

미대 가고 싶다고

that I want to go to art school.

아빠는 답정너였잖아

But to you, my future was set in stone.

[인호그래답은 정해져 있지

That's right. It is set in stone.

쓰레기봉투 가져와

Bring me a trash bag.

[무거운 음악]



- [정숙여보여보그러지  - [문소리]

Honey, don't do this!



Honey, please.

어머니 도와주세요

Mother, please help me.

여보제발 그만해 - [애심아유그만해라?

-Please just stop! -Goodness, stop it!

- [정숙그만해? - [애심그만해!

-Please just stop! -Goodness, stop it!

이랑아 하니? - [정숙의 말리는 소리]

-I-rang, what are you doing? -Stop it! Apologize to your father and tell him you'll study hard.

아빠한테 잘못했다고 빌고 앞으로 공부 열심히 하겠다고 

Apologize to your father and tell him you'll study hard.

아유쟤가  저래

Gosh, what's with him?

- [정숙이러지 제발 - [애심그만해

-Please don't be like this. -Stop!

- [정숙이러지 여보 - [애심그만해그만해

-Honey, don't be like this. -In-ho, stop.


-Honey, don't be like this. -In-ho, stop. Hey, enough!

 이렇게 고집을 부려

Why are you being so stubborn?

- [정숙이러지  여보! - [애심그만 들어가

-Honey, don't be like this. -In-ho, stop this.

그만그만그만 그만! - [탁탁 때리는 소리]

-Honey, don't be like this. -In-ho, stop this. Stop! Stop already!

아이고 이놈의 새끼그만해

Stop! Stop already! Hey! My goodness. Stop this now.



아유아유말을  들어!

Gosh! Why won't you listen?

[가쁜 숨소리]

- [ 닫히는 소리] - [정숙의 거친 숨소리]

이렇게까지 해야 ?

Do you have to go that far?

[정숙자식이 그렇게 하고 싶다는데

Your child wants to do something so passionately.

지지해 주지는 못할망정

Your child wants to do something so passionately.

그냥 내버려  정도의 아량도 없어?

If you can't be supportive, at least leave her be.

당신 세상에는 의사만 있어?

Is a doctor the only job that's acceptable for you?

이랑이 미대 보내고 싶으면

If you want to send I-rang to art school, you should quit working at the hospital.

당신이 병원 그만둬

you should quit working at the hospital.



[인호전부  당신 뜻대로   있을  알았어?

Did you think you could have everything your way?

가장은 나야

I'm the head of the family.

하나를 얻었으면 하나는 잃을 각오를 해야지

If you gain something, you should be prepared to lose something.

[기가  숨소리]

그게 무슨 말도  되는 논리야?

What kind of ridiculous logic is that?

[정숙누구 마음대로 병원을 그만둬?

Why would I quit the hospital?

[정숙의 거친 숨소리]

이랑이 미대도 보낼 거고

I'm going to send her to art school

나도 병원 계속 다닐 거야 나한테 명령하지 

and continue to work at the hospital. Don't order me around.


Is that so?

그럼 미대 입시 준비부터 대학 보내는 거까지

Then handle everything from her tuition to her art school entrance prep.

 당신이 알아서 

Then handle everything from her tuition to her art school entrance prep.

[인호당신도 이제 일하고  벌고 능력 있잖아 그래?

You have a job now. You're more than capable of doing that.

그래여태 당신이 벌어서

Fine. Since you have fed, sheltered, and clothed us until now,

먹여 주고 재워 주고 입혀 줬으니까 이제 내가 할게

Fine. Since you have fed, sheltered, and clothed us until now, I'll handle it from now on.

[정숙그동안   먹여 줘서 너무너무 고마워

Thank you so much for feeding me this whole time.

[  닫히는 소리]


[애잔한 음악]

- [정숙의  내뱉는 소리] - [달려오는 발소리]

[경비원의 헛기침]

쓰시고 여기 그냥 두세요

You can use this and leave it here after you're done.

[멀어지는 발소리]


Thank you.

[서정적인 음악이 흐른다]

- [리모컨 조작음] - [음악이 멈춘다]




If you have something to say, say it.

[ 닫히는 소리]

승희 딸이

Seung-hi's daughter.

- [정숙이랑이랑 친구더라? - [긴장되는 음악]

She's I-rang's friend.


To tell you the truth,

병원에 승희 있는  알았을 때부터

ever since I found out Seung-hi worked at the hospital,

내내 찜찜했어

I felt uncomfortable.

근데 이랑이 친구인 줄만 알았던 애가

What's more, I-rang's friend turned out to be Seung-hi's daughter.

승희 딸이래

What's more, I-rang's friend turned out to be Seung-hi's daughter.

병원에서 우연히 만났어

I ran into them at the hospital.

내가 이걸 어떻게 받아들여야 ?

How should I interpret all of this?

당신 마음 찜찜한 거까지 내가 어떻게   

I can't do anything about you feeling uncomfortable.

[인호승희 우리 병원에 있는      미안한데

I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Seung-hi working at our hospital.

들어서 기분 좋은  아니라서   했다고 이미 설명했고

But I already explained why I didn't tell you.

승희 딸이랑 우리 이랑이 친구란  나도 지금 알았어

And I also just learned that I-rang and Seung-hi's daughter are friends.

근데   애들 둘이 알아서 친구  

But they're grown-up kids. I can't stop them from being friends.

나더러  어쩌라는 거야?

But they're grown-up kids. I can't stop them from being friends.

그럼 팔찌는?

What about the bracelet?

팔찌 ?

What about it?


Never mind.

당신 계속 이런 식이면

If you're going to continue to be like this,

우리 같은 직장에서   

we can't work at the same hospital.

[리모컨 조작음]

[서정적인 음악이 흐른다]

[ 닫히는 소리]

[떨리는 숨소리]

[이랑이 훌쩍인다]

아빠가  그림을 쓰레기 취급 했어

Dad treated my art like trash.



이랑이 하고 싶은 공부 하게  줄게

I'll make sure you can study art.

끝까지  편이  주겠다는 약속

I'm going to keep my promise and stay by your side until the end.

엄마는 지킬 거야

I'm going to keep my promise and stay by your side until the end.

[정숙아빠한테 진작 말했어야 하는데

I should've told your dad from the beginning,

엄마가 못나서

but I was foolish.

여태  꿈을 숨기고 있게 해서 미안해

I'm sorry for making you hide your dream all this time.

엄마  순진하다

Mom, you're so naive.

[이랑엄마가 무슨 수로 미대를 보내 ?

How will you send me to art school?

당장 여름방학 미대 입시 특강만 1,200 원이야

The summer college admissions lecture for art school is 12 million won. If you add the consulting and the art project report edits,

입시 컨설팅에 미활보 첨삭비까지 합치면 2, 3천인데

If you add the consulting and the art project report edits, it'll be 20 to 30 million won.

엄마   있어?

Do you have that much money?

그렇게나 많이 드나?

It's that expensive?



[풀벌레 울음]

[다가오는 발소리]

[승희 시간에 웬일이야?

What brings you here at this hour?

[인호은서가 이랑이를 알아둘이 친구라며?

Eun-seo knows I-rang? I heard they're friends.

[승희의 한숨나도 최근에 알았어

I found out only recently too.

나한테 말을 했어야지!

You should have told me!

[인호대체 둘이 어떻게 친해진 거야?

How did they become friends?

진짜 우연히 친해진  맞아?

Was it really a coincidence?

나한테 추궁하듯 말하지 

Don't talk to me like you're interrogating me.

[승희우리 둘이 같이 저지른 일에

We created this situation together.

이런 상황 생길 때마다  나만 죄인이어야 되니?

Why should I always be the one at fault?

그런 뜻이 아니잖아

That's not what I meant.

[승희내가 당신네  평화 유지까지 책임져야 ?

Do I have to be your family's peacekeeper too?

[인호의 한숨미안하다

I'm sorry.

내가 와이프한테  소리 듣고 너무 놀라서 그랬어

I… I was just shocked when I heard the news from my wife.

근데 대체 둘을 어떻게 해야 되는 거야

What on earth should we do about those two?

  애들 친구 하지 말라 그럴 수도 없고

We can't tell two grown kids not to be friends. It's just because they go to the same academy now.

지금이야 같은 학원 다니니까 그렇지

It's just because they go to the same academy now.

[승희서로 다른 대학 들어가면 소원해질 거야

They'll grow apart once they get into different universities.

아니그거 때문에 지금  시간에 달려온 거니?

But is that why you came all the way here at this hour?

[승희의 어이없는 숨소리]

[부드러운 음악이 흐른다]

550 원까지 가능하세요

We can give you 5.5 million won for this.

조금 더는  될까요?

Can you buy it at a higher price?

[점원죄송합니다  생각해 보시겠어요?

I'm sorry. Do you want to reconsider?

아니에요그냥 매입해 주세요

No, I will accept that price.

그리고 요거 [헛기침]

And this…

이것도   주세요

Please appraise this as well.

[ 여닫히는 소리]

[애심의 한숨]

What kind of room did you reserve?

[애심 인실 예약했니?

What kind of room did you reserve?



[애심병실 말이야

My hospital room.

 모레 입원하잖니 - [정숙

I'll be admitted the day after tomorrow.

[애심 인실 예약했냐고

What kind of room did you reserve?

1인실 잡아 둘게요어머니

Mother, I'll reserve a private room for you.

어머니 모르는 분들하고 같은 공간에 있는 

Mother, I'll reserve a private room for you. You'd be uncomfortable sharing the same space with strangers.


You'd be uncomfortable sharing the same space with strangers.

[애심의 한숨]


But Mother…

… - [애심너무들 하는구나

-do you have money-- -How could you?

어쩌면 식구들 중에

Not a single soul in this family is even worried about me.

걱정하는  한마디  주는 이가 없어

Not a single soul in this family is even worried about me.

- [달그락거리는 소리] - 죄송해요어머니

Mother, I'm sorry.


아휴 - [문소리]

[사람들] ♪ 주여 나의 병든 몸을 ♪

-Heal me now, my Savior, Jesus -Heal me now, my Savior, Jesus

♪ 지금 고쳐 주소서 ♪

-Touch and mend my ailing frame -Touch and mend my ailing frame

♪ 모든 병을 고쳐 주마 ♪

-I will heal all thy diseases -I will heal all thy diseases

♪  약속하셨네 ♪

-That promise, Lord, I claim -That promise, Lord, I claim

♪ 내가 지금 굳게 믿고 ♪

-That promise, Lord, I claim -That promise, Lord, I claim -See me, Lord, expectant kneeling -See me, Lord, expectant kneeling

♪ 주님 앞에 구하오니 ♪

-Confident in faith appealing -Confident in faith appealing

[다가오는 발소리]

-Confident in faith appealing -Confident in faith appealing

♪ 주여크신 권능으로… ♪

-Now Thy mighty power revealing… -Now Thy mighty power revealing…

아참오늘 아침 회의록 아직  보냈던데?

Right, you haven't sent the minutes for the morning meeting yet.

아직 정리가  끝나서요

Right. I haven't finished organizing them.

12 전까지 보내 드리겠습니다

I'll send them before noon.

[의미심장한 효과음]


Dr. Choi.


I'm sorry to ask,


but could you tell me…

어디서 샀는지 물어봐도 될까요?

where you bought that bracelet?

그거 묻는데 미안할   있어

Why do you have to be sorry for asking me that?

남편이 사다 줘서 장소는 모르겠는데?

My husband bought it for me, so I don't know where he got it.



남편이 사다 주셨구나

I see, your husband bought it for you.

남편이 있었네

She has a husband.

[무거운 음악]


[승희남편도 가족도 없이 타국에서  하나 낳아 기른 내가

Did I commit such an unforgivable sin by being a single mother

너한테 죽을죄 지은 죄인이야?

giving birth to and raising you abroad?

[은서그래  낳은  자체가 죄야

giving birth to and raising you abroad? Yes, having me was a sin.

엄마가 예전에 학원에  데리러 왔을  같이 있던 

Do you remember the girl you saw when you came to pick me up?

걔가 누군지 알아?

Do you know who she is?

나랑 자매야 - [무거운 효과음]

She's my sister.

? - [은서서인호  딸이라고

-What? -She's Seo In-ho's daughter.

내가 걔랑 친구 먹었거든

I became friends with her.

  집에도  봤어

I even went to their house.

아빠랑  여자가 어떻게 사는지  보고 왔다고!

I saw how Dad was living with that woman.

[승희 미쳤어그게 무슨 짓이야?

Are you crazy? What do you think you're doing?

엄마가  짓보다는 나아!

It's better than what you did!

유부남 꼬드겨서

You seduced a married man, had an affair, and had a kid with him!

 낳고 십수 년간 불륜질한 거보단 내가 낫다고!

You seduced a married man, had an affair, and had a kid with him!

그래서 미국에서 15 동안 살았잖아

That's why we lived in the US for 15 years!

너한테 그런 상처  주려고

That's why we lived in the US for 15 years! I didn't want you to be hurt,

아빠랑 이혼했다는 거짓말까지 하면서!

so I lied to you that your father and I were divorced!

[승희  맺힌  없이 키우려고

I tried my hardest to raise you so you didn't have to endure that pain.

 깎는 노력 했어

I tried my hardest to raise you so you didn't have to endure that pain.


Too bad.

 노력이 전부 물거품돼서

All that effort was for nothing.

[은서 꼬일 대로 꼬인 인간이 됐거든

I've become an extremely twisted person.

[승희의 괴로운 숨소리]

니가 아는  다가 아니야

You don't know the full story.

엄마가 먼저였어

I was first.

아빠랑 엄마가

Your father and I liked each other before all of this happened.

서로 먼저 좋아했다고

Your father and I liked each other before all of this happened.

아빠랑 엄마가 먼저였다고?

You and Dad liked each other first?

근데  이러고 살아?

Then why are you living like this?

- [  닫히는 소리] - [떨리는 숨소리]

[정숙전에  말은

I take back…


what I said before.

내가 예민했어

I was being too harsh.

의심해서 미안해

I'm sorry I doubted you.

승희 얘기는  하지 말자

Let's not talk about Seung-hi anymore.

이랑이는 어쩔 셈이야?

What about I-rang?

이랑이가 미술 포기하면서 너무 불행해했어

I-rang was so unhappy when she gave up on art.

[정숙그렇다고 당신하고 상의를 하자니

But consulting you would have turned the entire household upside down.

 집안이 발칵 뒤집힐  같고

But consulting you would have turned the entire household upside down.

그래서 쉬운 방법을 택한 거야

So I chose the easy option.

결국 가장 중요한 

In the end, you did what you wanted

당신 마음대로네

for something that was important.

당신 뜻대로 정민이 의사 만들었으면

Jung-min became a doctor just as you wanted,

이랑이는  봐줘도 되잖아

so you should be able to cut I-rang some slack.


[정숙그냥 준비한 대로 미대 가게  

Just let her go to art school like she prepared.

예술은 선택받은 천재들이나 하는 거야

Art is done by geniuses with exceptional talent.

당신은 이랑이가 그런 재능이 있다고 생각해?

Do you think I-rang is one of those people?

[인호우리를 닮았으면 공부 머리는 있어도

She's our daughter. She's smart but not artistic.

그런 재능은 없어

She's our daughter. She's smart but not artistic. I know she's our kid, but please…

아무리 자식이지만 

I know she's our kid, but please…


 객관적으로 판단을 

Be more objective.

그럼 이랑이 꿈은?

Then what about her dream?

[인호의 한숨]

꿈은 이룰  없으니까 꿈인 거야

Dreams aren't meant to be achieved.

- [한숨] - [차분한 음악]

그냥 취미로 하라고 

Tell her to keep it as a hobby.

[덕례갑상선암 수술 하고서는  거를 계속 마셔야 된다면서요

I heard you have to keep drinking cold beverages after having surgery for thyroid cancer.

[애심아유 그래도 얼음물 마시는  질릴 참이었는데

I was just about to get tired of drinking ice water.


I was just about to get tired of drinking ice water. My goodness, you must have worked so hard to make all of this.

이걸  만드시느라고 얼마나 애를 쓰셨어요

you must have worked so hard to make all of this.

바쁜 며느리 대신이라고 생각하세요

Just think this is on behalf of your busy daughter-in-law.

[덕례그래도 솜씨가 이럭저럭이라

My cooking isn't so bad,

병원 음식보다는 낫지 싶네요

so what I prepared should be better than the hospital food.


so what I prepared should be better than the hospital food. Make sure you eat the porridge.

수정과하고 식혜는 냉장고에 뒀다가

I'll put the rice punch and cinnamon punch in the fridge.

틈날 때마다 드세요

Drink them whenever you can.

고마워요사돈 먹을게요

Thank you. I'll be sure to enjoy them.

[옅은 웃음]

[정숙엄마는 우리 시어머니 밉지도 않우?

Don't you resent my mother-in-law?


I do.

 수술할   시어머니가  짓을 생각하면

How could I not resent her after what she did when you had your surgery?

밉지   미워

when you had your surgery?

내가 엄마라면 그렇게    같아

I don't think I'd be able to do it if I were you.

 위해서 내가 ' 쌓는다생각하고   거야

I did this because I thought it'd bring you some good karma.



병원 계속 다니기로  거는 백번 천번 잘했다

you made the right decision to keep working at the hospital.

[덕례여자도 일이 있어야 되는 거야

Women need to have work too.


Oh, my.

 그만둔다고    그거 잘했다며?

You said I was making the right decision to quit.

이러나저러나  딸인데 그럼

You're my daughter, so I have no choice but to support you and your decisions.

 잘했다고 해야지어쩌냐?

so I have no choice but to support you and your decisions.

[함께 웃는다]

so I have no choice but to support you and your decisions.

[흥미로운 음악]

애비는 어디 있는 거야정민도  뵈고

Where is In-ho? I don't see Jung-min either.


Excuse me.

서인호 교수 지금 어디 있어요?

Where is Professor Seo right now?

- [퉁명스럽게왜요? - [키보드 조작음]


[휴대전화 진동음]


Yes, hello?


Yes, ma'am.

[난처한 숨소리]

오늘 이랑이 진학 상담인  아는데

I know today is I-rang's admissions counseling,

제가 갑자기 당직을 서게  가지고요

but I was suddenly put on night duty.

너무 죄송합니다선생님

Yes, I'm so sorry. Thank you.

- [통화 종료음] - [로이선생님

Dr. Cha.



[로이퇴근하세요 당직  제가 받을게요

You can clock out. I'll stay on duty.


I can't let you do that.

[정숙어느 교수님이 레지던트 당직을 대신  줘요

What kind of professor would take a resident's night duty?


What kind of professor would take a resident's night duty? I'll be all right.

[로이쓰읍, 1  레지던트보다

I'll be all right. I think I'd be of more use

제가   쓸모 있을 텐데

than a first-year resident.

그렇긴 하지만

That is true but…

[살짝 웃으며어서  봐요

You should go.

그럼 염치없지만  번만 부탁드릴게요

It's a bit shameless of me, but I'll ask you this favor just once.

- [로이의 옅은 웃음] - [정숙너무 감사해요교수님

Professor, thank you so much.


Right. When you showed up in front of my house that night,

그날 저희  앞에 오셨을 

Right. When you showed up in front of my house that night,

저한테   있다고 하지 않으셨어요?

didn't you say you had something to tell me?


Right, that.

[살짝 웃는다]


What should I do? I forgot what it was.

I see.

 그럼 다녀올게요 감사해요

Okay. I'll be right back then. Thank you.

[달려가는 발소리]

[옅은 웃음]


Hello, Professor.


Yes, hello.

얼마 전에 저희  앞에서도 뵀었죠?

We saw each other in front of my house recently.

[애심 서인호 교수 엄마

I'm Professor Seo In-ho's mother.

알고 있습니다

Yes, I'm aware.

[로이근데 입원 중이세요?

But were you admitted to the hospital?

But were you admitted to the hospital?

이게 갑상선 수술 때문에

Yes. For my thyroid surgery.

… - [애심의 옅은 웃음]

Yes. For my thyroid surgery.



우리 며느리랑 친하신가 

are you close to my daughter-in-law?

우리 며느리가 뒤늦게 병원  하느라

She'll be quite clumsy since she started working at an older age.

서툰 점이 많을 거예요

She'll be quite clumsy since she started working at an older age.

다소간의 실수가 있더라도

She'll be quite clumsy since she started working at an older age. Even if she makes mistakes to some degree, please be generous and forgive her.

교수님이 너그럽게 이해해 주세요

Even if she makes mistakes to some degree, please be generous and forgive her.

지금도 잘하고 있습니다 걱정 마십시오

She's doing well, so you don't have to worry.

그럼 다행이고요

Then that's a relief.


If you'll excuse me.

[인호말도  되는 말씀이세요 무슨 그런

That is ridiculous. What are you even saying…

 젊은 교수가 미쳤어요 엄마를 좋아하게

Why would that young professor like a mother of two?

[애심누가 지금 좋아… [답답한 한숨]

Who said anything…

지금 좋아한대?

Who said he likes her now?

자꾸 붙어 있다 보면 그렇게  수도 있다는 거지

I'm saying working close together may lead to it.

- [익살스러운 음악] - [애심의 한숨]

배우자 기만하는 행동은 이제 그만하시는  어떨까요?

How about you stop deceiving your wife?

교수님과 최승희 교수

You and Professor Choi Seung-hi.

[로이알면서도 모르는 척하려니까 굉장히

It greatly irks me to try and turn a blind eye


to what is happening.

그거는 그게 아니고

It's not because of that.

아무튼 백날 붙어 있어 봐야 그럴  없어요걱정 마세요

Anyway, even if they are close, it won't happen.

[애심  교수가 우리  앞에 찾아온 것도 모르지?

You don't know he came to see her in front of our house, do you?


Our house?

[애심아니말은  한동네 사는데

He did say that he lives nearby, and they ran into each other in passing.

지나가다가 만났다고는 하더라마는

and they ran into each other in passing.

- [흥미로운 음악] - 핑계는 뭐를  대니?

But that could be an excuse.

아까도 복도에서 둘이 무슨 얘기를 하는지

They were talking to each other in the hallway earlier too.

아주 다정하기가 이를  없더라

They seemed to be on great terms.

[의아한 소리]

[애심의 한숨]

[쓱쓱 문지르는 소리]

- [ 누르는 소리] - [물소리]

You must have an emergency surgery.

[로이응급 수술인가 보네요

You must have an emergency surgery.

[인호일전에 저희  앞엔 무슨 일로 오신 겁니까?

Why did you show up in front of our house?

상당히 불쾌하네요

I find it unpleasant.

[ 누르는 소리]

[로이제가 교수님 외도 사실을 폭로라도 했을까  그러세요?

Are you worried I might expose your affair?

[서늘한 효과음]

걱정 마세요아무   했으니까

Don't worry. I didn't say anything.

- [ 누르는 소리] - [물소리]

제가  선생한테

Do you think I don't have

 말이 그거밖에 없다고 생각하세요?

other topics to talk to her about?

[인호그럼 무슨  말이  있다는 겁니까?

Then what more do you have to tell her?

[로이너무 안일하시네요

You're so full of yourself.


[정숙너무 죄송합니다선생님

Ma'am, I'm so sorry.

 때문에  시간까지 퇴근도  하시고

You're still at work at this hour because of me.

[교사제가 어머님의 고충을 모르는  아닙니다

You're still at work at this hour because of me. I'm aware of your difficulties.

그렇지만 저도 워킹 맘이에요

But… I'm a working mom too.

아이 입시가 걸린 문제인데

This is about your child's college admissions.

이런 약속은 무슨 일이 있어도 지켜 주셔야죠

You should keep this kind of appointment no matter what.






엄마가 너무 늦게 왔지?

-I came so late, right? -I had low expectations anyway.

기대하지도 않았어

-I came so late, right? -I had low expectations anyway.


What about the money?


Did you get it?

[차분한 음악]



Let's go.


I said let's go.

[정숙이 살짝 웃는다]

[정숙이 웃으며배고프지?

You're hungry, right?

[이랑엄청 배고프지

You're hungry, right? I'm starving. I haven't eaten anything since I was waiting for you.

 아무것도  먹었어 엄마 기다리느라

I haven't eaten anything since I was waiting for you.


I'm sorry.

[이랑 먹었어?

Did you eat?

[정숙엄마도  먹었지

I haven't eaten either.

[사이렌 소리]


대장 항문외과 교수님께도 얘기 들으셨겠지만

I'm sure you heard from the colon and rectal surgery professor.

치료가 지체되다 보니 혈행성 전이 때문에

The liver metastasis is worsening due to hematogenous metastasis

간에서도 전이가  심해지고 있어요

since the treatment has been delayed.

[로이다행히 아직까지는

Thankfully, the cancer cells are only on the surface and can be removed.

 표면에만 암세포가 있어 절제가 가능한 상황이지만

Thankfully, the cancer cells are only on the surface and can be removed.

치료가  지체되면 간에 있는 주요 혈관까지 침범해

But if the treatment is delayed any longer, the cancer might invade major liver blood vessels

수술 자체가 어려워질  있습니다

and may make it difficult to operate on.

힘든 결정이겠지만

I know this is difficult,

현재로선 임신을 중단하고

but as of now, the best option is to terminate the pregnancy, perform surgery,

수술  항암을 하는  환자분께 최선인  같습니다

the best option is to terminate the pregnancy, perform surgery, and receive chemotherapy.

[보호자가 흐느낀다]

어떡할 거야?

What will you do?

 어떡해아기 낳는다니까

What do you mean? I told you I'm having this baby.

지금  목숨이 왔다 갔다 하는데 애가 문제야?

How can the baby be important when your life is at stake?

[한숨 쉬며엄마


[환자엄마한테 내가 소중한 것처럼

Just as I'm precious to you, this baby is precious to me.

 아기도 나한테 소중해

Just as I'm precious to you, this baby is precious to me.

  아기 낳을 거야

-I'm going to have this baby. -But you have to live!

[보호자가 흐느끼며니가 살아야지

-I'm going to have this baby. -But you have to live!

 때문에 낳지도 않은 애한테 집착하고 그래!

Why are you so obsessed over a child that's not even born yet?


Why are you so obsessed over a child that's not even born yet? Stop it.

[환자의 한숨]

[환자의  내뱉는 소리]

[속상한 숨소리]


- [놀란 숨소리] - [무거운 음악]

[환자의 당황한 숨소리]

 아빠가  사람이야?

Is he the baby's father?

[보호자 사람 탤런트잖아 맞지?

This person is an actor. Right?

[보호자의 어이없는 숨소리]

아니야 사람  아빠 아니야

No. He's not the baby's father.

[요란한 자동차 엔진음]

[타이어 마찰음]

[자동차 리모컨 작동음]


-Hello. -Hello.

차가 엄청 좋네요

Your car is nice.

이번에 새로 뽑았어요

I just got it.

비쌀 텐데

It looks expensive.

마통으로 뽑았어요

-I got it on an OD. -OD?


-I got it on an OD. -OD?

마이너스 통장 - [소라

-An overdraft account? -Yes.

[정숙이 살짝 웃는다]

- [정숙으유철딱서니하고는 - [끌끌  차는 소리]

Gosh, look how irresponsible she is.


Gosh, look how irresponsible she is.

마통? - [경쾌한 음악]

An OD?


Dr. Jeon!

[가쁜 숨소리]

 마이너스 대출이요

Can I get an overdraft account too?

저도 받을  있어요?

Can I get an overdraft account too?

신용 불량자 아니면  주겠죠

-Unless you have bad credit, then yes. -Up to how much?


-Unless you have bad credit, then yes. -Up to how much?

[소라인턴이랑 레지던트는  1억까진 될걸요

It's about 100 million won for interns and residents.

은행마다 다르니까 가서 알아보세요

It depends on the bank, so you should check.

[기쁜 숨소리]


Okay. Thank you!

[은행원고객님 명의로 대출이 없다고 하셨죠?

You said you had no loans in your name, right?


[은행원 은행에 부동산 담보 대출 있으신데요?

But you have a loan against your real estate.

4 5천만 원이요

For 450 million won.


For 450 million won. What?

부동산이 없는데

How is that possible when I don't own any real estate?

어떻게 부동산 담보 대출이 있을 수가 있어요?

How is that possible when I don't own any real estate?

경기도에 고객님 명의의 건물이 있는데요

You have a building under your name in Gyeonggi-do.

[흥미로운 음악]

- [정숙어머니외출하세요? - [문소리]

Mother, are you going out?

에미야 - [정숙

-Yes, Jeong-suk. -Yes?

[애심 오늘 구청에 가서 인감 하나 만들어라

Go to the district office today and make a seal.

인감이요? - [애심그래

A seal? Yes, you need a seal to buy and sell things.

 사고팔려면 인감이 있어야지

Yes, you need a seal to buy and sell things.

집안일로  명의가 필요한 일도 있을  있잖니

You may need one when taking care of things for the household.

그럴  대비해서 미리 만들어 

You should make one just in case.

만들면 도장은 나한테 맡기고?

And when you do, leave it with me, okay?

 건물 담보로 대출 진행해 드릴까요?

Should I issue a loan using this building as collateral?

아니요 그냥 신용 대출로  주세요

No, just make it a credit loan.


Yes, ma'am.


Excuse me.

 명의 건물이라는 곳이요

The building under my name.

주소    있을까요?

Can I get the address to it?

[정숙의 기가  숨소리]

나한테는 맨날  없다고 하시더니

She always said she didn't have any money.


The special lecture fee?

[정숙 학원에 특강비 입금했어

Yes. I paid the academy.

무슨 돈으로아빠가 줬을 리는 없고

Where did you get the money? There's no way Dad helped.

너는 그런 거까지  필요 없고

You don't need to know that.

 걱정 하지 말고 입시 준비 열심히 

Don't worry about money and work hard on getting into that art school.

[정숙아빠랑  상해 가면서 하는 공부니까

Pursuing art will sour things with your dad,

너도  행동에 책임을 져야 ?

so you have to take responsibility for your actions, okay?

아니 어떻게 구한 건데?

Come on, how did you get the money?

으음엄마 직업 있잖아

I have a job now.

[정숙직장인 신용 대출 받았지

I have a job now. I got a credit loan for workers.

엄마가 일할  싫은데 요럴   좋지?

I know you don't like that I work, but you do at times like this, right?


I know you do.

좋잖아웃고 싶잖아 [웃음] - [이랑이 웃으며

I know you love it. It makes you want to laugh.


Mom, thank you.

- [차분한 음악] - [소라상기 32 남환은

This is a 32-year-old male patient suffering from Crohn's disease

크론병을 앓고 있는 환자로

This is a 32-year-old male patient suffering from Crohn's disease

기존에 S 결장에 게실염이 동반되어 있었던 것으로 보입니다

and it looks like he had been suffering from diverticulitis in his sigmoid colon.

[소라 부위의 염증이 심해지면서 지난 4 22

The inflammation in that area worsened, and on April 22nd in Busan,

부산에서 판페리토나이티스 소견으로

he received Hartmann's procedure after being diagnosed with panperitonitis.

하트만 수술을 받은 환자인데

he received Hartmann's procedure after being diagnosed with panperitonitis.

워낙에 젊은 환자라 강력하게 항문으로의 배변을 원하고 있고

Since he's still young, he wants to be able to defecate through the anus.

이에 장루 복원 수술을 받기 위해

He visited the outpatient clinic of our Colon and Rectal Surgery Department

본원 대장 항문외과 외래로 내원한 환자입니다

He visited the outpatient clinic of our Colon and Rectal Surgery Department for a stoma reversal surgery.

현재 크론병 액티비티 정도  복원 시기 등에 대한 논의 위해

for a stoma reversal surgery. I'm presenting this case to discuss when to pursue the reversal surgery and the current level of Crohn's disease activity.

케이스 상정하였습니다

and the current level of Crohn's disease activity.

[인호크론 환자 만나 봤나?

-Have you met the Hartmann patient? -Yes, I have.

[ 치프만나 봤습니다

-Have you met the Hartmann patient? -Yes, I have.

[인호환자는  어때?

How is he?

[ 치프심리적으로 많이 안정된 상태라서

He's stabilized mentally, so I don't think it will be an issue…

수술하는   무리는 없을  같고

He's stabilized mentally, so I don't think it will be an issue…

- [소라서정민 - [정민?

-Hey, Seo Jung-min. -Yes?

[소라미안한데  방에서 휴대폰  갖다줘야겠다

Sorry, but can you get me my phone from my dorm room?

- [익살스러운 효과음] - [정민

-Okay. -Wait!


-Okay. -Wait!

제가 갔다 올게요 [웃음]

I'll get it for you.

[정민아이 내가 가도 되는데

I could just go get it…

[가쁜 숨소리]


아휴정민이가 아주 그냥  밥인  알아

Jeez, she must think Jung-min is her lackey or something.

툭하면 이래라저래라 아주 그냥

She always bosses him around.

[도어  조작음]

[도어  작동음]


What's with her passcode?

[도어  작동음]

[놀란 숨소리]

- [발랄한 음악] - 아휴세상에

My goodness.


Look at all this.



아이고 디딜 틈이 없네  디딜 틈이 없어

There's no place to step with all this mess.

남자 거야?

Is this men's underwear?

남자 친구가 있어?

She has a boyfriend?

에이고 [혀를 쯧쯧 찬다]


어느  귀한 아들인지 진짜

Whoever that poor soul is,

너무 안됐다너무 안됐어

I feel so bad for him.

니들은 여기서 그게 하고 싶디?

Do you really want to do that in this place?



How youthful.


내가 지금  하는 거야?

What am I doing right now?

  방도 아닌데

It's not like this is my daughter's room.

- [ 울리는 효과음] - 핸드폰!

Her cell phone!

[흥미로운 음악]

[익살스러운 효과음]

[ 울리는 효과음]


[놀란 숨소리]

[놀란 숨소리]

[어두운 효과음]

정민이 팬티네

This is Jung-min's underwear.

우리 아들

My son…

- [익살스러운 음악] - [도어  작동음]

[힘겨운 숨소리]



No way.

결혼까지 생각하는  아니겠지?

They're not thinking of marriage, are they?

[유쾌한 음악]

[소라 먹었습니다

Thank you for the meal.


So-ra. -What about the dishes? -Mother.

어머니여기  부러진 사람이 있는 것도 아니고

-What about the dishes? -Mother. Everyone here knows how to wash the dishes.

[소라어머니랑 제가 밥을 차렸으면

Everyone here knows how to wash the dishes. If you and I prepared the meal,

치우는  다른 사람이 해야죠 - [ 울리는 효과음]

then other people should clean it up.

[익살스러운 효과음]

어머니 과일   깎는데

Mother, I can't cut fruit well.

[소라괜히 제가 해서 망치는 것보단

Wouldn't it be more efficient for an expert to cut it

잘하는 사람이 하는   효율적이지 않을까요?

Wouldn't it be more efficient for an expert to cut it rather than have me mess it up?

[소라어머니 이거 논문에  환자 자료인데

Mother, these materials are for my paper,

- [강조되는 효과음] - S, O, A, P 맞춰 쓰셔야죠

so you should write them according to the SOAP.

누가 차트 이따위로 썼냐는 얘기 듣고 싶으세요?

Do you want people to criticize these poorly-written charts?

[절망적인 숨소리]

근데 기분 나쁘게  맞는단 말이야

What's worse is that everything she says is right.

[거친 숨소리]

[통화 연결음]



Yes. Okay.


But you don't…

혹시 여자 친구 있는  아니지?

have a girlfriend, do you?


I don't.


I said I don't.


I'm telling you the truth.

다음에 얘기해요

Let's talk later.


[ 놓는 소리]

뭐가 그렇게 없다고 강조를 ?

What were you talking about?

[소라누가 돈이라도 빌려 달랬냐?

Is someone asking you for money?

[정민 없다고 잡아뗐어

Yes, I told them I don't have any money.


Good job.

근데 너희 어머니는 어떤 분이셔?

But what is your mother like?


[어색한 웃음]

갑자기 그건 ?

Why do you ask?

그냥 어머니 교수님이랑 사이좋으신가 해서

I was wondering if she gets along with Professor Seo.

Is this about that rumor about Dr. Cha and my father?

아버지랑 차정숙 쌤이랑  탄다는 소문 때문에 그래?

Is this about that rumor about Dr. Cha and my father?

[정민의 한숨]

[작게  아무 사이 아니라니까

There's nothing going on between them.


[무거운 효과음]

그런  때문에 물어본  아니야인마

I'm not asking because of that, you punk.

- '인마'? - [발랄한 음악]

"You punk"?

[정민자꾸 보자 보자 하니까

You keep trying to rile me up.

[작게남자 친구한테 '인마' 뭐냐?

How can you call your boyfriend "punk"?

[소라 마음이다인마

I can do what I want, you punk.

[잘그랑 놓는 소리]

같이 가요

Wait for me.

[키보드 조작음]

[익살스러운 효과음]

휴대폰 갖다준  고마워요

Thank you for bringing my phone.

저한테    있으세요?

Do you have something to say?


Dr. Jeon.

남자 친구 있으세요?

Do you have a boyfriend?



I do, why?

그게 누군데요?

Who is it?


 상황에서 내가   추궁당하는 기분이 들죠?

Why does it feel like I'm being interrogated here?


Goodness. I'm not interrogating. I was just being curious, that's all.

그냥 궁금해서 묻는 거지

I'm not interrogating. I was just being curious, that's all.

[정숙남자 친구가 누군데요?

Who's your boyfriend?

내가 아는 사람인가요?

Is it someone I know?

 가르쳐 줘요

I'm not going to tell you.

- [익살스러운 효과음] - [소라궁금한  그쪽 사정이고

I don't care that you're curious.

제가 그런 거까지 대답해야  의무는 없지 않아요?

I have no reason to answer questions like that.



- [정숙이 씩씩거린다] - [유쾌한 음악]

[정숙 정말  못돼 처먹은 기지배랑

Are you really dating that rude girl?

사귀는 거야?

Are you really dating that rude girl?



[정숙여자 친구 없다고 잡아뗀 마당에

He's pretending not to have a girlfriend.

확인 사살 해서  ?

What's the point of confirming the truth?

  불편한 상황만  텐데

It'll just make all three of us uncomfortable.

[키보드 조작음]


Dr. Seo.

시계가  보이네요

I don't see your watch.

[정숙항상 차고 다니시던데

You always wear it.

- [익살스러운 음악] - [정민

Right, I forgot to wear it.

깜빡하고 놓고 왔어요 씻느라고 벗어 놔서

Right, I forgot to wear it. I took it off while showering.

친구친구 집에

At a friend's house.


I knew it.

진도 나갈 대로 나간 사이로구나

They've already gone as far as they can go.

[정숙의 한숨]

[울먹이며저놈이  닮았어

That punk takes after me.

[정숙의 한숨]

[잔잔한 음악이 흐른다]

[잘그랑 놓는 소리]

우리가 아무리 불편한 상황이라도

I know things are uncomfortable between us,

 먹을  대화  하면서 먹자

but let's talk when we eat together.

미안해그런  아니야

Sorry, it's not like that.

[승희 동네 유명한 미술 학원이

There aren't many famous art academies in that neighborhood.

 거기서 거기잖아

There aren't many famous art academies in that neighborhood.

당신 와이프도 그렇게 이해하고 넘길 거야

Your wife will just think of it like that and move on.


문제는 그게 다가 아니라는 거야

That's not the full issue.

우리 과에 새로  스탭 말이야 로이인지뭔지

The new guy in my department, Roy or whatever.


Sure, I know him.

당신 와이프  이식 수술   사람이라며

He's the one who performed your wife's liver transplant.

 자식이 알아

That punk knows.

우리  사이

About us.



[인호어떻게 아는지까지는 모르겠고여튼 알아

I don't know how he found out, but he knows.

지가 뭐라도   약점 하나 잡았다 싶은지

He's acting all high and mighty because he thinks he knows my weakness.

허세를 떠는  아주

He's acting all high and mighty because he thinks he knows my weakness.


It pisses me off.


이제 어떡할 거야?

What are you going to do?

 자식이  어쩌겠어

What can that punk do?

그래 봐야 남의 가정사인데

It's none of his business.

[ 놓는 소리]

 앉아도 될까요?

May I sit down?


Of course.

[긴장되는 음악]

하실 말씀 있으세요?

Do you have something to say?

저는 서인호 교수랑 헤어질 생각이 없어요

I have no intention of breaking up with Professor Seo.



That's interesting.

그런 고백을  저한테 하시는 겁니까?

Why are you making that confession to me?

이야기할 데가 없어서요

Because I have no one else to tell.

그럼 차라리 벽에다가 대고 하시죠

Then you should try talking to a wall instead.

[승희말하고 싶으면 하세요 우리  사이

If you want to tell her about us, go ahead.

차정숙 선생한테

To Dr. Cha.

지금 나더러

Are you asking me to break up a family for you?

본인 대신에 남의 가정  달라는 겁니까?

Are you asking me to break up a family for you?

어떻게 생각하셔도 상관없습니다

I don't care what you think.

누구 좋으라고 제가 그런 짓을 하죠?

For whose benefit would I do that?

저를 이용하지 마세요

Don't try to use me.

서인호 교수님보다는 조금 나은 사람인  알았는데

I thought you were a bit better than Professor Seo.

실망이 크네요

I'm greatly disappointed.

[엘리베이터 알림음]



 하실 말씀이라도

Do you need to speak to me about something?

웃지 말아요

Don't smile.

[애잔한 음악]

이에  묻었으니까

You have something in your teeth.


I'm stressed.


여기 [웃음]

Over here.

[ 교수아이고 여사

Gosh, Ms. Kwak.

먼저  계셨네

You got here before me.

[애심오랜만에 드라이브하는 기분으로

Yes. I left early because it's been a while

일찍 출발했죠

since I've been out.

그럼 내가 늦었으니까 이거 먼저 드려야겠다풀어 봐요

Since I was late, I should give you this first. Open it.

어머이거 명품인데

Oh, my, this is a designer brand.

[애심의 웃음]

[기대에  소리]

[애심어머이거 스카프잖아요

Goodness, it's a scarf.

 목의 상처 때문에 내내 신경 쓰는  같아서

You seemed to be always bothered by that scar on your neck.

[ 교수 스카프로 예쁘게 가리고 다녀요

You can cover it with this pretty scarf.

계절 바뀌면  다른 컬러로   드릴게

Once the seasons change, I'll get you one in a different color.

- [애심아유세상에 [웃음] - [잔잔한 음악]

My goodness.

어서 둘러 봐요

Try it on.

피부가 고와서  어울릴  같은데?

I think it will suit you well since you have such fair skin.

[울음 섞인 웃음]


Thank you.

[애심 요즘 많이 약해져 있었는데

I've been feeling so weak these days.

정말이지 너무 감동받았어요

I'm so touched by this.

 볼게요 - [ 교수

-I'll try it on. -Okay.

- [애심의 웃음] - 예쁘다

It's pretty.

 가려지죠? [웃음] - [ 교수의 웃음]

Does it cover it up well?

- [애심쑥쑥 나아야지 - [ 교수

-I feel so reinvigorated. -Yes.

[애심기분이 좋으네

I'm in such a good mood.

[함께 웃는다]

I'm in such a good mood.

[애심의 행복한 탄성]

[PD] 교수님 카메라 보시면  되고요

Professor, you can't look at the camera.

[멋쩍게 웃으며


[옅은 웃음]

[인호환자분 통증은  어떠세요?

Ma'am, how is your pain?

쬐끔씩 나아지긴 하는데 그래도 아프죠

It's slowly getting better. But it still hurts.

시간이 약입니다 차차 호전되실 거고요

You will get better in time. It'll improve slowly. Are you eating well?

[인호식사는 잘하고 계시죠?

It'll improve slowly. Are you eating well?

[환자밥은 그럭저럭 먹는데

I'm managing to eat, but I can't seem to have a bowel movement.

변이  나와서 - [인호아이고

I'm managing to eat, but I can't seem to have a bowel movement. Goodness.

[환자변비약  주시면 좋겠는데

Goodness. It'd be great if you'd give me some constipation medicine.

[인호제가 주치의한테 얘기해 놓겠습니다

I'll let the doctor in charge of you know.

 불편하신 데는 없으시고요?

Is everything else fine?



교수님 오늘은 정말 친절하시네요

Professor, you're very friendly today.

그동안 교수님이 쏜살같이  버려서

You don't know how frustrated I've been

궁금한 것도  물어보고 얼마나 답답했나 몰라요

because you'd always rush out of here before I could ask you anything.

- [익살스러운 음악] - [사람들의 웃음]

[인호가 당황하며그러… 그러셨어요?

Is that so?

[인호의 어색한 웃음]

- [반짝이는 효과음] - [유쾌한 음악]

제가  환자가 많아 가지고

It's just that I have a lot of patients.

[인호의 어색한 웃음]

- [차분한 음악] - [인호유착이 생각보다 심한데?

The adhesion is worse than I thought.

연결이 쉽지가 않겠어

Connecting it won't be easy.

시그모이드 콜론이 충분히 내려올지도 걱정이고

I'm worried the sigmoid colon might not come down far enough.

스플레닉 플렉셔     있나?

Can we get the splenic flexure further?

[ 치프지금 최대한 쳤습니다

It's at its limit.

[인호골반도 좁고 길이도 빠듯한데

His pelvis is narrow, and the length is barely making it.

아래로 내려가 연결해 보자

-Move it down. Let's try to connect it. -Yes, sir.

[ 치프알겠습니다

-Move it down. Let's try to connect it. -Yes, sir.

바디 넣겠습니다

-I'm inserting the body. -Slowly.


-I'm inserting the body. -Slowly. Yes, good.

이제 스파이크 전진

Go forward with the spike.

[ 치프 스파이크 전진하겠습니다

Yes, going forward with the spike.

- [인호끝까지 전진 - [ 치프

Go all the way in. Okay.


I'm going to staple it now. Fire.

[ 치프파이어하겠습니다


[인호  줘요

Please pass me the water.


Put it all in.


Shoot it in again.



It's slightly leaking.

[인호의 한숨]

우선 리인포스하고 글루 있지글루 뿌리고

Let's reinforce it. Do we have glue? -Let's apply some first. -Okay.

[ 치프

-Let's apply some first. -Okay.

[인호  없네 다이버전해야겠다

It can't be helped. We'll have to go with a diversion.

어쩔 수가 없어 - [ 치프

-There's no way around it. -Okay.

- [우두둑] - [인호!

[ 치프교수님괜찮으세요?

Professor, are you all right?


My arm.

 움직인다 - [경쾌한 음악]

I can't move it.

[인호의 힘겨운 숨소리]

장루 뽑고 헤모박 넣었으니까

We pulled the stoma and put in the Hemovac drain.

 닫고 스토마 마츄레이션만 하면 

All we need to do is close the stomach and maturate the stoma.

[한숨 쉬며지금 펠로우 불러

Call in a fellow now.

[힘겨운 신음]

[익살스러운 효과음]

[인호장루 복원을 하기는 했는데

We tried to perform the stoma reversal.

생각했던 것보다 조직도 좋지 않고 길이도 충분치가 않았어요

But the tissue wasn't as healthy as we thought, and the length wasn't long enough either.

그래서 우선 문합 부위로 배변이 지나가지 않도록

For now, we have constructed a temporary ileostomy

우회 목적으로 일시적 회장루를 형성했습니다

so that no feces pass through the anastomosis area.

다음엔 정말로 장루를   있을까요?

Then can you really remove the stoma next time?

경과를  지켜보시죠

Let's monitor your progress.

[태식아이 교수 팔이  정도로 불편한  알았으면

Gosh, if I knew your arm was that bad, I wouldn't have asked you for such a cumbersome favor.

 번거롭게 그런 부탁  했지

I wouldn't have asked you for such a cumbersome favor.

그러게  말을  했어

Why didn't you tell me?

과에 폐를 끼치면  된다는 생각에 그만

I didn't want to inconvenience the department.

제가 생각이 짧았습니다 죄송합니다과장님

I apologize for the trouble, Chief.

[태식아유그런 말은 됐고

There's no need for that.

그나저나 '명의'에는  교수가 딱이었는데

You were the perfect man for the broadcast.

 누굴 추천한담

Who will I recommend now?

[장엄한 음악]

[강조되는 효과음]

[PD]  멋있냐?

Why does he look so cool?

[인호 환자 심장약 아스피린 먹던 환자 아닌가?

Isn't this the patient that took aspirin as heart medication?


[익살스러운 음악]

[인호 환자 아스피린 끊었어며칠이나 끊었지?

Did this patient stop taking aspirin? How long has it been?


확인을  했습니다

I didn't check.

[ 차트 집는 소리]



어제 입원 후부터 끊었습니다

The patient stopped taking it after being admitted yesterday.


I'm sorry.

[버럭 하며 이런 중요한  제때 확인을  !

Why do you fail to check important things on time?

[인호내가  물어봤으면 계속 확인  하고 있다가

If I hadn't asked, you wouldn't have checked,

수술 때까지 아스피린 먹을 뻔했잖아!

and the patient would've taken aspirin until it was time for the surgery!


어디 !

Where are you going?

Well, I…

구경 갔다

was going to go watch…

[멀리  짖는 소리]

- [우두둑거리는 소리] - [인호!

[인호의 힘겨운 숨소리]


My shoulder.

[인호의 고통스러운 신음]

My shoulder.

[전자레인지 알림음]

[인호의 한숨]


[인호 끝까지 고집 피울 거야?

Are you going to stay stubborn?

- [조르르 따르는 소리] - 뻔히 후회할 짓을  ?

Why do something you'll obviously regret?

후회해도  인생이야

It's my life. I'll be the judge of that.

 인생  혼자 만들었어?

Did you make that life on your own?

아빠 말대로 고분고분 의대 가서 의사  오빠는

Jung-min listened to you, went to med school, and became a doctor.

지금 자기 인생이 행복하고 만족스럽대요?

Do you think he's satisfied and happy with his life?


Jung-min wanted to major in communications and become a variety show producer.

[이랑오빠는 원래 신방과 가서 방송국 예능 PD 되고 싶어 했어

Jung-min wanted to major in communications and become a variety show producer.

아빠는 그것도 몰랐지?

You didn't know that, did you?

아빠가 코웃음   뻔하니까 말도  꺼낸 거야

He didn't even mention it because he knew you'd laugh.

정작 아빠   들은 오빠는

Jung-min listened to you so well,

지금 개후회하는  같던데?

but he seems to be awfully regretting it now.

[멀어지는 발소리]

저놈의 자식이

That little punk.


[피곤한 숨소리]


수술방에 있는  아니었어?

-You weren't in the surgery room? -It finished early.

일찍 끝났어

-You weren't in the surgery room? -It finished early.


어디 가려고

Where are you going?


 지금 검사 푸시하러 가야 되는데

I have to go push for an examination.

가기 전에 뽀뽀나 한번 하고 

Give me a kiss before you go.


A kiss?

- [노크 소리] - [날쌘 효과음]

[소라의 헛기침]

[소라의 찌뿌둥한 소리]

무슨 일이시죠?

What are you doing here?

선생님저희 남편 어떡해요

Doctor, what should we do about my husband?


What's wrong?

[울먹이며 자꾸 살기 싫다고

He keeps saying he doesn't want to live and that he wants to die.

 죽고 싶다고

He keeps saying he doesn't want to live and that he wants to die.

[보호자그러다가 무슨  생길까  무서워요

I'm scared that something might happen.

[애잔한 음악]

[소라수술 실패한 직후로 그러실  있어요

It's not uncommon to feel that way after a failed surgery.

그래도 지금 제일 힘이 되는  가족이니까

But his biggest source of strength right now is his family.

아내분께서  다독여 주세요

But his biggest source of strength right now is his family. Please try your best to comfort him.

진짜 괜찮을까요?

Will he really be okay?

[환자다시 제자리네요

I'm back to where I started.

양쪽에 구멍만  군데나 뚫리고

With two holes on each side of me.

상태가 좋아지면

When your condition improves,

재수술할 기회가   거예요

you'll be able to undergo the surgery again.

[정숙운동은  하셨어요?

Right, have you exercised?

이게 자꾸자꾸 움직여야지 자극이 돼서

You have to keep moving to stimulate your intestines.

장운동이 좋아지거든요

You have to keep moving to stimulate your intestines.

[환자아까는 옥상에 올라가 봤어요

I went up to the roof before.

옥상에는 왜요?

Why the roof?

여기서 죽으면 편해질까 싶어서요

I wondered if I would feel at peace if I died there.

[환자차라리   후에 죽는 병이면 나을  같아요

It would have been better if this was something I'd die of in a few months.

이렇게 평생을 살아야 한다는 

But the thought of having to live like this forever

너무 절망적이네요

makes me feel so hopeless.

아이에이환자분 그런  말아요

Goodness, you shouldn't say things like that.

[정숙죽음을 앞에 뒀다는  얼마나 절망적인지

You're only saying that because you don't know how hopeless it really is

겪어 보지 않아서 그래요

to have death staring at you in the face.

선생님도  같은 병엔  걸려 보셨잖아요

You've never experienced what I have either.

[환자나는 내가 직장 생활을   있을지

I don't know if I'll be able to work again,

결혼 생활을 계속할  있을지 자식을 낳아도 될지

if I can maintain my marriage, or if I should have kids.

어떻게 살아야 할지

I have no certainty

아무런 확신이 없어요

as to how I should live.


Dr. Jeon.

황선규 환자분이요

The patient, Hwang Seon-gyu.

아무래도 우울감이 너무   같아서요

I think he's suffering from severe depression.


I'm aware.

와이프가 걱정이 많더라고요

His wife seemed very worried.

정신과랑 협진할 필요가 있지 않을까요?

Shouldn't we consult the Psychiatry Department?

크론병 환자  이상이 이삼십 대예요

More than half of Crohn's patients are in their twenties and thirties.

[소라한창 사회생활할 나이라 박탈감이 크겠죠

So it's natural that they feel hopeless.

지금은 수술 직후라  그렇긴  텐데

It's even more so for him since it's post-surgery.

금방 괜찮아질 거예요

But he'll be better soon.

[정숙그렇다면 다행인데

If so, that's a relief.

아휴  같지 않아서요

I just feel for him.

우리 아들이랑 나이 차이도 얼마  나는  같던데

He's at a similar age as my son.

아들이 있으세요?

You have a son?

[흥미로운 음악]

[정숙있죠 금쪽같은 아들이 있긴 있어요

I do. My son is very precious to me.

애지중지 키우셨나 보네요

You must have raised him with great love and care.

- [한숨] - [정숙그래

I did.

근데  쒀서  줬지 뭐니에이

But in the end, all that effort was in vain. Goodness.


Anyway, I think we should do what we can.

저희가   있는 선에서 조치를 취해야   같습니다

Anyway, I think we should do what we can.

교수님한테 한번 말씀드려 주세요

Could you please talk to the professor about this?




[의료 기기 작동음]

- [인호카메라  들어오고 - [의사

-Bring in the camera more. -Okay.

[인호 환자 자궁 근종까지 같이 떼고 싶어 하지 않았나?

But didn't this patient want her uterine fibroids removed too?

최종적으로 입원 후에 다시 묻기로 했는데

I was going to ask her a final time, but I never got around to it.

확인을  했네

I was going to ask her a final time, but I never got around to it.

[정숙제가 물어봤습니다

I asked her.

그냥  하고 지켜보신답니다

She wants to observe it first.


Really? Good job.

평소엔 눈도  마주치던 사람이  일이야?

You normally don't even glance at me. What's gotten into you?

[인호당신 헤어스타일 바꿨나?

Did you change your hairstyle?


What is with you?

옛날엔 내가 머리를 빡빡 밀어도  알아보던 사람이?

You never noticed things about me, even if I were to shave my head.

[인호무슨 말을 그렇게 극단적으로 

Why do you have to be so extreme?

내가 아무리 무신경해도 그렇지

I know I may be indifferent,

당신이 머리를 빡빡 밀었는데 그것도  알아봤을까 

but how would I not realize if you shaved your head?

[정숙말이 그렇다는 거야말이

but how would I not realize if you shaved your head? I'm just saying.

아무튼 새삼스럽지만 알아봐 줘서 고맙네요

Anyway, even though it's unlike you, thanks for noticing.

[인호당신 피부과 시술도 받았어?

Have you received cosmetic treatments too?

요새 운동도 하고 외모에 신경 많이 쓰네

You've been exercising and putting effort into your appearance.

[정숙이 피식한다]

 피부는 원래 좋았거든?

My skin has always been good, okay?

[흥미로운 음악]

[로이오늘  이렇게 이뻐요?

Why do you look so pretty today? You look great.

- [정숙의 호응] - 얼굴 너무 좋아 보이시는데?

Why do you look so pretty today? You look great.

서인호는 그냥 최승희 가지라고  버려요

Just let Choi Seung-hi have Seo In-ho.

- [메아리치는 말소리] - 아유조금만  이따가요

Just let Choi Seung-hi have Seo In-ho. I will do that later.

[정숙둘이 생쇼하는  너무너무 웃기잖아요

It's so funny watching them snoop around.

- [정숙로이의 웃음] - [메아리치는 웃음소리]

- [ 울리는 효과음] - [인호아휴

미친 건가?

Am I going crazy?

[영상 소리]

[선규 처의 웃음]

[선규 아빠 엄마가 연락도 없이 어떻게 왔어?

Mom, Dad, why did you come without telling us?

[선규 장모사위가 아프다는데  봐야지

We should come since our son-in-law is sick.


Father, Mother.

 어디 나가서 주스라도    와라

You go out and buy us some juice or something.

목이  죽겠다

I'm dying of thirst.



- [문소리] -  분께 정말 면목이 없습니다

I'm ashamed to face both of you.

[선규의 놀란 소리]

[선규 장모세상에


[선규 장인

Goodness. How could you hide this horrific disease and marry our daughter?

어떻게 이런 못된 병을 숨기고 결혼할 수가 있어

How could you hide this horrific disease and marry our daughter?

  인생을 망쳐도 분수가 있지 이게 무슨 꼴이냐고!

How dare you ruin my daughter's life? What on earth is this?


I'm sorry.

[선규 장모 서방   유전도 된다면서

Seon-gyu. I heard this disease is genetic.

 결혼 자네가 포기해 

Please give up on this marriage.

- [무거운 음악] - [울먹이며 딸이 괜찮대도

Even if my daughter says it's okay, you should have given up on this marriage.

자네가 포기했어야지

Even if my daughter says it's okay, you should have given up on this marriage.

  호강시켜 주는 것까지는 바라지도 않아

I wasn't hoping you'd give my daughter a life of comfort.

[선규 장인하지만

But I can't bear seeing her care for her sick husband

시작부터 남편  수발 들게 만드는 꼴은  !

But I can't bear seeing her care for her sick husband from the very beginning!

[선규 장모우리가 이렇게 빌게?

We are begging you. Please.

[선규 장모의 한숨]


[선규 오빠엄마 아빠는?

Seon-gyu. Where are Mom and Dad?

[선규급한  있다고 먼저 가셨어

Something urgent came up, so they left.

[선규 나도  보고?

What? Without saying goodbye to me?

자기한테 뭐라고 하셨어?

Did they say something to you?



아무 걱정 말고 몸조리 잘하라고 하셨어

They told me not to worry and to take care of myself.

[선규 처가 웃으며다행이다

What a relief.

있잖아 - [선규 ?

Hey. Yes?

[선규양평에 우리 자주 가는 청국장집 말이야

You remember that cheonggukjang place in Yangpyeong?



 거기 청국장이 너무 먹고 싶은데

I'm craving their cheonggukjang.

 사다 주면  될까?

Could you go buy some for me?



[의미심장한 음악]

[놀란 숨소리]

[정숙여보세요, 119?

Hello? Is this 911?

여기 구산대학병원 신관인데요

I'm calling from the new wing of Gusan University Hospital.

자살 시도 환자 발생했습니다

There's a patient who's trying to commit suicide.

빨리  주세요

There's a patient who's trying to commit suicide. Please come quickly!

[다급한 숨소리]

[정숙의 가쁜 숨소리]

[떨리는 숨소리]

황선규 환자분

Mr. Hwang Seon-gyu.

황선규 환자분

Mr. Hwang Seon-gyu.

- [  내려가는 소리] - [노크 소리]


I'm sorry.

[불안한 숨소리]

[정숙의 가쁜 숨소리]

[거친 숨소리]

- [사이렌 소리] - [긴장되는 음악]

[자동차 경적]

- [여자어떡해어떡해 - [웅성거리는 소리]

-Goodness. -Gosh. What is going on here?

- [ 치프? - [인호

-Hello, sir. -Hey.

이게  무슨 난리야불났나?

What is all this commotion? Is there a fire?

[로이에어 매트 까는  봐선 불은 아닌  같네요

Judging by the air mats, that doesn't seem to be the case.

[ 치프누가 떨어지려나 본데요?

It seems like someone is trying to jump.

[의사크론병 환자래요 항문 복원 수술 실패한

It seems like someone is trying to jump. It's the Crohn's disease patient whose stoma reversal failed.

죽고 싶다고 유서 쓰고 옥상에 올라갔답니다

He wrote a suicide note and went to the roof.

 환자 아니야?

He wrote a suicide note and went to the roof. Isn't that my patient?

[인호아니나이도 젊은 사람이 무슨 그런 극단적인 생각을 ?

He's still so young. Why would he make such a drastic choice?

젊으니까  암담할  있죠

It could be more hopeless because he's young.

[의사근데 차정숙 쌤이 설득하러 갔답니다

because he's young. What? Dr. Cha went to dissuade him

 환자 주치의라서

because she's his doctor.

내려가요아내분이 기다려요

Let's go down. Your wife is waiting.

[선규살지도 못하고 죽지도 못하고

I can't live, and I can't die.


This is honestly so embarrassing.

그런  어디 있어요

There's no need to feel that way.

[로이의 가쁜 숨소리]

[인호괜찮은 거야?

Are you okay?

[로이 선생님 제가 설득할게요이쪽으로 오세요

I'll persuade him, so come over here.

 환자니까 내가 설득할게  말은 들을 거야

He's my patient, so I'll persuade him! He'll listen to me!


All right.

[인호의 거친 숨소리]


Let's go.


Let's go.



[선규가 훌쩍인다]

[함께 안도한다]

[무거운 음악]

[정숙의 비명]


- [사람들의 비명] - [여자어떡해

Oh, no!

[ 떨어지는 소리]

- [인호! - [고조되는 음악]

[인호의 다급한 소리]

[인호의 놀란 숨소리]

[함께 안도한다]

[애절한 음악]


What a relief.

정말정말 다행이에요

It's such a relief.


It's okay.

[인호의 가쁜 숨소리]

[무거운 효과음]

[익살스러운 음악]

[의사1] 환자분괜찮으세요?

Sir, are you all right?

[의사2] 환자 들어가니까 준비해 주세요

-Make preparations. We're bringing him in. -He fell by accident.

[정숙실수로 떨어졌어요

-Make preparations. We're bringing him in. -He fell by accident.

[ 치프저희가 조치 취할게요

-Make preparations. We're bringing him in. -He fell by accident. We'll take it from here.

[인호가 버럭 하며미쳤어거기가 어디라고 진짜

Are you crazy? Why would you go up there?

죽을 뻔했잖아!

You almost died!

[정민의 놀란 숨소리]

- [로이다친  없죠? - [인호의 가쁜 숨소리]

Are you okay?

[반짝이는 효과음]

- [ 하는 효과음] - [경쾌한 음악]

[사람들의 놀란 소리]

무사해서 다행이에요

I'm glad you're safe.

[앙증맞은 효과음]

[ 치프 상황 진짜 뭐지셋이 삼각관계인가?

What could this be? Maybe they are in a love triangle!

[인호근데 둘이 어떻게 친해진 거니?

But how did you two become friends?

[은서그런 질문 하기엔  늦은  같은데

I think it's a little too late for you to be asking me that.

[애심미친놈외방 자식이라니

You crazy bastard! A love child?

엄마도 알아요?

Does Mom know too?

[인호 엄마는 모른다 알아서도  되고

Your mom doesn't know, and she can't find out.

[애심지금까지 속였으면 끝까지 모르게 

You've fooled her until now. Make sure she stays in the dark.

[로이생일 축하합니다

Happy birthday. It's Professor Choi's social media page.

[간호사최승희 교수님 SNS예요

It's Professor Choi's social media page.

[정숙서인호 교수님이 이때 휴가를 가셨다고요?

Professor Seo went on vacation during that time?


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