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  닥터 차정숙 8

Doctor Cha 8


 [인호가 버럭 하며미쳤어거기가 어디라고 진짜

Are you crazy? Why would you go up there?

죽을 뻔했잖아!

You almost died!

[정민의 놀란 숨소리]

- [로이다친  없죠? - [인호의 가쁜 숨소리]

Are you okay?

[ 하는 효과음]

- [경쾌한 음악] - [놀란 숨소리]

[사람들의 놀란 소리]

무사해서 다행이에요

I'm glad you're safe.



[정숙의 힘주는 소리]


 괜찮아요다치지 않았어요

I'm fine. I'm okay.

[ 치프대박 사건 대박 사건

I have big news!

[ 치프아니

When I heard the rumor about Professor Seo and Dr. Cha,

 교수님이랑  선생이랑  탄다는 소문 들었어도

When I heard the rumor about Professor Seo and Dr. Cha,

진짜 설마 했거든?

When I heard the rumor about Professor Seo and Dr. Cha, I was skeptical.

근데   눈으로 똑똑히 봤잖아

But then I saw it with my very own eyes.

[인호를 흉내 내며] '미쳤어죽을 뻔했잖아!'

"Are you crazy? You almost died!"

[의사1] 그러고 보면 로이 교수님이 한술  떴죠

Professor Roy took it a step further.

[ 치프가 부드럽게] '다행이다 무사해서 다행이에요'

"I'm glad you're safe."

[의사1] 아유그렇게까지 재연하실 필요는 없거든요?

"I'm glad you're safe." You don't need to reenact everything.

[ 치프쓰읍뭐지 상황 진짜 뭐지?

What is this? What could this be?

- [의사2] 뭐가? - [의사3] 뭔데요?

What do you mean? What now?

[ 치프아니설마 셋이 삼각관계인가?

Maybe they are in a love triangle! Right?

[의사2] 밥이나 먹어?

-Just eat your food, okay? -Isn't it a love triangle?

[ 치프아니이상하지 않니?

-Just eat your food, okay? -Isn't it a love triangle?

그런  아닙니다

It's nothing like that.

뭐야 선생이 어떻게 알아?

What? How would you know, Dr. Jeon?

어떻게 알아요

I just do.

서인호 교수님  선생이랑은 아무 사이 아니에요

Professor Seo and Dr. Cha have nothing going on between them.

[종권아무 사이 아니긴

"Nothing's going on between them"?

 교수랑  선생이랑 둘이 그렇고 그런 사이라고

Everyone heard the rumor that Dr. Cha and Professor Seo are seeing each other.

소문이  났는데

Everyone heard the rumor that Dr. Cha and Professor Seo are seeing each other.

[ 교수아유이제는  로이 킴인가 뭔가

Goodness, and you know Roy Kim?

 잘생긴 교수까지 합세해서

That handsome professor is involved too.

셋이 삼각관계란 말까지 돌아요

People say they're in a love triangle.

[종권입에 올리기도 남사스럽구먼

I'm embarrassed even talking about this.

아니 친구는 말이야 나이가 먹을 만큼 먹어 가지고

I mean, think about it. How can someone her age not know how to manage her reputation?

 이렇게 자기 관리를  하는 거야?

How can someone her age not know how to manage her reputation?

툭하면 사람들 입방아에 오르내리고 말이야

How can someone her age not know how to manage her reputation? She's always the talk of the town.

- [종권의 한숨] - [ 교수 선생 다음 파견이

Right, isn't Dr. Cha's next placement in Family Medicine?

가정 의학과 아니에요?

Right, isn't Dr. Cha's next placement in Family Medicine?


It is.

[종권 교수 아랫사람 단도리 잘해요

It is. Professor Choi, make sure to keep an eye on her

별스러운 소문  나게

so weird rumors don't go around.

[한숨 쉬며

I will.

[졸졸 소변보는 소리]

- [흥미로운 음악] - [분한 숨소리]

[로이의 가쁜 숨소리]

[불쾌한 숨소리]

어디서 남의 마누라를

He can't just do that to someone else's wife.

[ 지퍼 내리는 소리]



Are you all right?


Are you asking me?

아까 많이 놀라신  같던데

You seemed quite shocked earlier.

[인호놀라긴 남편인 저보다 교수님이 더한  같던데

I'm her husband but you seemed even more shocked than I was.


I know, right?

 선생님이 많이 걱정되네요

I worry about Dr. Cha a lot.

여러 가지 면에서 말이죠

In many respects.

[흥미로운 음악]

[인호걱정 감사합니다만

I appreciate your concern

 선생도  걱정 달가워할지는 의문이네요

but I'm not sure if Dr. Cha would welcome it too.

병원 안에서 이러쿵저러쿵 말이 많던데

There's a lot of talk going around the hospital.

[ 놓는 소리]

[소라황선규 환자

Mr. Hwang has been sent to the suicide prevention center,

자살 예방 센터에 연결했고 정신과에 협진 요청했어요

Mr. Hwang has been sent to the suicide prevention center, and a Psychiatry Department consultation has been requested.



얘기 들었어요

I heard what happened.


Are you okay?




That's a relief.

환자나 제가  다친  다행이지만

It's a relief no one got hurt,

진작 정신과랑 협진했다면

but this event could have been avoided altogether

이런 불상사는 막을  있었을 텐데 아쉽네요

had we consulted the Psychiatry Department to begin with.

[정숙자살 시도 가능성에 대해서

His wife told you about the possibility of a suicide attempt,

보호자도 선생님께 얘기했다고 하고

His wife told you about the possibility of a suicide attempt,

저도 정식으로 말씀드렸는데요

and I officially notified you as well.

그래서 지금

So are you telling me

 사태가  책임이라는 거예요?

that I'm at fault for all of this?

[무거운 음악]

[정숙아니요 우리 모두의 책임이죠

No. We're all at fault here.

[선규어디 가는 건데요?

Where are we going?

같이  보고 싶은 데가 있어서요

There's somewhere I wanted to take you.

[정숙다른 사람들의 불행을 보면서

I'm not telling you to feel comforted

위로받으라는 뜻은 아니에요

by witnessing other people's unhappiness.

 건물우리 발밑에

There are countless patients in this building

얼마나 많은 사람들이 살기 위해 애쓰고 있는지 몰라요

There are countless patients in this building struggling just to survive.

[아기 울음소리]

The families of all of these patients are just as desperate.

환자의 가족들도 간절하긴 마찬가지고요

The families of all of these patients are just as desperate.

환자분이 얼마나 힘들지는

No one other than you

사실 본인 외에는  몰라요

knows the full extent of your pain.

그래서  또한

So I won't say…

쉽사리 이해한다고 말하지 않을게요

that I understand what you're feeling.

하지만  가지 말씀드릴  있는 

But I can tell you this.

살아 있는 생명은 모두 고귀하다는 거예요

There's no life on this earth… that isn't precious.



 쉬고 살아간다는 

Being able to live and breathe

생각보다 훨씬  아름다운 일이에요

is something much more beautiful than you think.

죽지 말고

So don't die.

살아 내세요

You must survive.


[선규 그러지  깜짝 놀랐단 말이야진짜

Still, please never do that again. You scared me.

[선규미안해많이 걱정했지?

Sorry. You must have been so worried. No, I'll take better care of you.

[선규 내가  잘할게

No, I'll take better care of you.


Are you okay?


I'm okay.

이제 진짜 괜찮아

I'm really okay now.


[정숙괜찮을  같아

I think he'll be okay.

 부인젊은 사람이 굉장히 헌신적이야

His wife is young but devoted.

환자  다독이고 설득해서  지낼  같아

She comforted and persuaded him well. So I think he'll be okay.


So I think he'll be okay. Okay.


And he cares about his wife too.

자기 와이프 마음 몰라줄 사람 아니고

And he cares about his wife too.

하여튼 천만다행이야진짜 아이고

I'm just glad everything is okay.

 부부 보는데

Looking at that couple,

어쩐지  부럽더라

I felt kind of envious.



[정숙 부부가 서로를 생각하는 마음이

Their love for each other seemed strong,

어떤 고난보다도 강한  같더라고

like they could overcome any hardship together.

'나는 그런 사랑을  봤던가'

It made me wonder if I have experienced that kind of love,

'그런 사랑을 받아 봤던가'

or if I have received that kind of love.

그런 마음이 들어서

Thoughts like that.

[정숙의 옅은 웃음]

Thoughts like that. It's silly, right?


It's silly, right?

알면 됐어

At least you know it's silly.

[정숙이랑이 입시 끝나면 우리 식구들  같이

After I-rang is done with her college admissions, let's all go on a family trip to Jeju Island.

제주도라도 한번 가자

let's all go on a family trip to Jeju Island.

나도 결혼 전에  보고  번도   봤잖아

I haven't been there since before we got married.

[인호 소리 하는 거야 나하고 애월  놓고

What are you talking about? We went to Aewol together.



우리가 언제 애월을 갔어?

When did we go to Aewol?

- [마우스 클릭음] - 애월 갔었잖아기억  

We went to Aewol, do you not remember…

- [긴장되는 음악] - [정숙대체 누구랑  놓고

Who on earth did you go with? Because it sure wasn't with me.

나랑 갔다고 이렇게 우기는 거야?

Who on earth did you go with? Because it sure wasn't with me.


I went there for a conference.

학회  갔었네

I went there for a conference.

당신이 하도 우겨서

You were so insistent that for a moment I really thought I went.

순간 나도 내가 갔다 왔는  알았네

You were so insistent that for a moment I really thought I went.



Sorry, I mixed things up.

[살짝 웃는다]

[인호아이고 이렇게 깜빡깜빡해요

Jeez, my memory these days.

[정숙우아이랑이 열심히 하네

Look at you, working so hard.

 의지를 결과로 보여 주라며?

You wanted me to show my resolve with results.

[정숙그렇다고 너무 스트레스받지 말고

Still, don't push yourself too hard and get stressed.

하던 대로 열심히 하면 되지그냥

Still, don't push yourself too hard and get stressed. Just work hard like you always had.

하던 것보다  열심히  건데?

I'm going to work harder than that.

[함께 웃는다]

[휴대전화 진동음]


은서랑 친해?

-Are you close with Eun-seo? -Why are you peeking at my phone?

[이랑 폰은 훔쳐보고 그래

-Are you close with Eun-seo? -Why are you peeking at my phone?

어떻게 친해졌어?

How did you two become close?

 어떻게 친해져?

What do you mean?

같은 학원 다니다가 자꾸 카페에서 마주치고

We go to the same academy, so we ran into each other at a cafe,

[이랑노트 빌리느라  걸고 그러다 친해졌지

We go to the same academy, so we ran into each other at a cafe, and we exchanged lecture notes. That's how we became friends.

[정숙은서 엄마는 의사랬고

So her mom's a doctor.

아빠는  하는 사람이야?

What does her father do?

걔네 엄마 아빠 이혼했을걸?

I think her parents are divorced.

[이랑나도  몰라 자세히  물어봤어

I didn't ask in detail, so I don't know much.

[인호의 웃음]

[인호비거리가 많이 늘었네 스피드도 좋아지고

Your carry has increased, and your speed is good too.

근데 올려   어깨가 이렇게 같이 올라가면은

But if you raise your shoulders when you swing up,

방향이 부정확해져

it messes up your aim.


Your turn.


Shall I?

[스크린 골프 기계음]

근데 말이야당신 지난번에

But you know, didn't you get

재민대학병원에서 스카우트 제의 오지 않았나?

an offer from Jaemin University Hospital?


I did.

조건 좋으면 몸값 높여서 옮겨 앉는 것도 괜찮지 않아?

If their offer was good, wouldn't it be good to accept it and raise your pay rate?

여기랑 조건 비슷하고 집이랑 너무 멀어

They offered a similar salary, and it's too far from home.

[승희그리고 이미 다른 사람 채용됐어

And they already hired someone else.

I see.

한번   소리야

I just thought I'd ask.

[인호의 한숨]

 어디  좋아? - [인호?

Is something wrong? What?


No. I'm good.

[승희공이 많이 휘었네?

The ball went way off the mark.

채가 휘었나?

Or is your club bent?


I know, I can't seem to get it right.

[웃으며 안되네

I know, I can't seem to get it right.

[승희우리 은서

Right. Eun-seo came in second in a national art competition.

이번 전국 미술 실기 대회에서 은상 받았어

Eun-seo came in second in a national art competition.

한번 만나서 축하해 

You should meet and congratulate her.

[어색한 웃음]

아니어쩌면   번도 먼저 만나겠다는 말을  ?

How can you not even once suggest meeting her first?

솔직히  눈을   쳐다보겠어

Honestly, I can't look her in the eyes.

[인호서슬 퍼런 눈으로  보는데어찌나 무서운지

It's scary when she looks at me with such contempt.

[한숨 번도 노력을  했으니까 그렇지

It's because you haven't made an effort.

친해지려는 노력을

An effort to get close to her.


Fine. I'll try.

한번 보자고 

Tell her I want to meet.

우리 은서 맛있는   줘야지

I should buy her something delicious.


- [학생엄마! - [학부모지은아

-Mom! -Ji-yun.

[이랑기사님 저희 지금 나왔어요

-Mom! -Ji-yun. -Yes, sir. We've just come out. -Bye.

안녕하세요 - [택시 기사

-Hello. -Hello.



[은서엄마 집에 가는 중이야

Hi, Mom. I'm on my way home. I'm in a taxi with I-rang.

이랑이랑 택시 탔어

I'm on my way home. I'm in a taxi with I-rang.

아빠가 은서   받았다니까 맛있는   주고 싶대

Your dad heard you won an award and wants to treat you to a nice dinner.

한번 만나 달라고 구걸한  아니고?

It's not because you begged him to meet me? Come on, don't be ridiculous.

[승희무슨 말도  되는 소리야

Come on, don't be ridiculous.

아빠가  얼굴도  

He wants to meet you and congratulate you on your award.

 받은  축하도   만나자는 건데

He wants to meet you and congratulate you on your award.



보기 싫으면  봐도   마음대로 

If you don't want to see him, you don't have to.


No, let's meet.

만나면 재밌을  같아

I think it'll be fun if we meet.

[의미심장한 음악]

빨리 만나자고 

-Tell him I want to meet him soon. -Okay.


-Tell him I want to meet him soon. -Okay.

무슨 일이야?

What's going on?


It's nothing.

[이랑의 웃음]

- [부드러운 음악이 흐른다] - [승희

Here, cheers.




Right. Eun-seo, I heard the award you won is a really big award.

이번에 받은 상이 그게 진짜로 되게  상이라면서?

Right. Eun-seo, I heard the award you won is a really big award.

입시에 진짜 도움이 많이 되겠다그렇지?

It'll help your college admissions, right?


Of course.

[은서이랑이랑 저랑   의대하고는 담쌓아서

Yes, but you must dread the fact that I-rang and I both

마음에  드시겠어요?

don't want to go to med school.

[인호의 당황한 소리]

[인호섭섭하기는 하다

Well, I am a little disappointed.

근데 둘이 어떻게 친해진 거니?

But how did you two become friends?

[은서같은 학원에 다니는  알고 일부러 접근했어요

I knew we were in the same academy, so I approached her on purpose.

[긴장되는 음악]






Why do you think?

아빠 가족이 궁금하고 짜증 나니까 그랬지

Because I'm curious and annoyed about your family, Dad.


Don't tell me…

전부 얘기할 생각은 아니지?

you're thinking of telling I-rang everything.

그런 질문 하기엔  늦은  같은데

I think it's a little too late for you to be asking me that.

[출입문 종소리]

[무거운 효과음]

[놀란 숨소리]

[고조되는 음악]

뭐야 아빠가 여기에 있어?

What's going on? Why are you here, Dad?

이랑아이게 어떻게  거냐면

I-rang, the thing is…

[잘그랑 놓는 소리]

[은서사실은 너희 아빠가 우리 아빠야

The truth is that your dad is my dad.

몰랐으면 이제라도 알았으면 해서

I just thought that you should know.

 앞뒤 없이 천진난만한  - [ 붙드는 소리]

Your thoughtless naivety really annoyed me this entire time.

그동안 되게 짜증 났었거든

Your thoughtless naivety really annoyed me this entire time.


Do you not get it?

너랑 배다른 자매라고

We're half-sisters! We have different moms, but the same dad!

엄마는 다르고 아빠는 같고! - [인호그만  !

We have different moms, but the same dad! -Just stop! -Don't yell at my daughter!

 딸한테 소리 지르지 

-Just stop! -Don't yell at my daughter!

[혼란스러운 숨소리]

엄마가 20 동안    내가 했어

I did what you couldn't for 20 years.

[은서바보같이 이런  하나  해서

Why did you keep hiding when it's this easy to say the truth?

내가 말할 때까지 숨어 살아?

Why did you keep hiding when it's this easy to say the truth?

[잘그랑거리는 소리]

[출입문 종소리]

[가쁜 숨소리]

[거친 숨소리]

[무거운 음악]


I'm sorry.

[신호등 알림음]

[요란한 자동차 경적]

[엉엉 운다]


[애심] '남의 아내와 간음하는 사람은'

"But a man who commits adultery has no sense."

'생각이 모자라는 사람이다'

"But a man who commits adultery has no sense."

니가  시간에 웬일이야?

Why are you here at this hour?

이랑이 아직  왔어요?

Is I-rang not home yet?

아직  왔는데

No, she's not.

- [한숨] - [도어  조작음]

- [문소리] - [도어  작동음]

- [  닫히는 소리] - [애심어어왔네

She's here.

[도어  작동음]

[이랑엄마 있어요?

Is Mom home?

[애심… 아아오늘 당직이라던데?

She has night duty. Why?

[인호의 떨리는 숨소리]



할머니는 아들을  저렇게 키웠어요?

Why did you do such a poor job of raising your son?

[애심의 당황한 소리]


[애심이 웃으며뭐라고?

What? -What did you just say? -You raised him completely wrong!

완전히 잘못 키웠잖아요!

-What did you just say? -You raised him completely wrong!

- [한숨] - [이랑

축하드릴 일도 있네요

I guess I should congratulate you.

할머니 손녀 하나  생기셨어요

You have another granddaughter.

[애심어머어머어머 어머머머어머어머웬일이야

Oh, my! Really?

그것도 나랑 동갑인

She's my age. Seo I-rang.


Seo I-rang.

엄마한테 절대로 얘기하지 마요

Don't ever tell Mom.

엄마까지 알게 되면  진짜 무슨 짓을 저지를지 모르니까

I really don't know what I'll do if Mom finds out too.


Hey, In-ho.

[  닫히는 소리]


What's with her?



You crazy bastard!


Damn you!

[울먹이며외방 자식이라니 외방 자식라니!

A love child?

외방 자식이라니

A love child?


Gosh, dear Lord.

  많은 어린양을 어찌하면 좋습니까

What do I do with this sinful child?

어쩌자고 그런 짓을 저질러!

How could you do such a thing?

니가 그러고도 사람이냐!

What were you thinking?

애를 낳았다는데 어떡해요그러면

What could I do when she decided to keep the baby?

에미하고도 정민이 생겨 얼레벌레 결혼하더니

You married Jeong-suk after she got pregnant with Jung-min.

[애심어떻게 그런 실수를  번이나  수가 있어!

You married Jeong-suk after she got pregnant with Jung-min. How could you make the same mistake twice?

남들은   하기도 힘든 실수를

How could you make the same mistake twice? A mistake most people don't even make!

니가 그러고도 지성인이냐?

And you still consider yourself an intellectual?

아니근데 이랑이는 이걸 어떻게 알았어?

By the way, how did I-rang find out?

저쪽 딸이

My other daughter…

얘기하는 바람에

told her.


What do we do?

누구길래 그렇게 지독한 계집애를 낳았어?

Who gave birth to such a vicious daughter?

[익살스러운 음악]


You know…

아는 사람이에요

the mother too.




I do?

[애심내가 어떻게 알아?

How could I know her?

대체 누구길래?

Who on earth is it?



[익살스러운 효과음]





 대학  만나던  승희?

The Seung-hi you dated in college?


[애심의 놀란 소리]



[정민혹시 누구 찾으세요?

Are you looking for someone?

서인호 교수님을  뵙고 싶은데요

I wanted to see Professor Seo In-ho.

교수님 퇴근하셨는데요

He left for the day.

[여자사실은 제가 5 전에

Actually, Professor Seo performed surgery on me five years ago,

서인호 교수님한테 수술을 받고 완치 판정을 받았거든요

Actually, Professor Seo performed surgery on me five years ago, and I made a full recovery.

근데 그사이  이름으로 시집이   나왔는데

During that time, I published a collection of poems.

드리고 싶어서

I wanted to give it to him.

이거 교수님께  전해 주실래요?

Could you give this to him for me?

그럼요 전해 드릴게요

Of course, I'll make sure he gets it.

- [웃으며고맙습니다 - [정민

-Thank you. -Sure.

'존경하고 감사하는 서인호 교수님'

"To Professor Seo In-ho, whom I respect and am grateful for."

[ 들이켜는 소리]

[애심의 한숨]


So you've been seeing Seung-hi even after you got married?

 결혼하고 나서도 승희를 계속 만난 거야?

So you've been seeing Seung-hi even after you got married?



[인호 레지던트 

When I was a resident,

미국에 있는 병원에 연수 갔었잖아요

I went to the US for training.



 병원에서 승희를 다시 봤어요

I met Seung-hi again at that hospital. She was doing her residency there.

[인호거기서 레지던트 하고 있더라고요

I met Seung-hi again at that hospital. She was doing her residency there.


I met Seung-hi again at that hospital. She was doing her residency there.

[인호반갑기도 하고

I was happy to see her.

옛날 생각도 나고

And it made me think of our past.

그러다가 연수 끝나서 한국 나왔는데

After my residency, I came back to Korea.

임신했다는 연락이 왔어요

Then she called me saying she was pregnant,

근데 그때 정민 엄마까지 임신을 해서

but Jeong-suk was pregnant then too.


[애심의 괴로운 신음]

제가 뭐라고 하겠어요

What could I do?

아무   하니까 자기가 알아서 하겠다고 하더라고요

I was at a loss for words, so she said she'd take care of it.

근데 그게 애를 낳겠다는 말일 줄은

But I had no idea that meant she was going to have the baby.

꿈에도 몰랐죠

But I had no idea that meant she was going to have the baby.

걔도  보기보다 맹꽁이네

Seung-hi is a fool too.

[애심아니저가 뭐가 부족해서 애비도 없는 자식을 낳아낳기를!

Seung-hi is a fool too. Why would a girl that has everything have a child without a father?

이혼한  치고  아빠 노릇만  달라고 해서

She asked me to consider us divorced and act as the child's father,

한국 나올   번씩 만났어요

so I met them whenever they came to Korea.

[인호그러다가 3 전에 아주 한국 나왔고요

But three years ago, they came back to Korea for good.


But three years ago, they came back to Korea for good. So you're saying you maintained two families for all these years?

  세월 동안   살림 했단 말이지?

So you're saying you maintained two families for all these years?

이게 엄밀하게 얘기를 하자면

So you're saying you maintained two families for all these years? Strictly speaking, I did not maintain two families.

  살림을  거는 절대 아니고

Strictly speaking, I did not maintain two families.

승희가 한국 나오고 나서부터 자주 만나다 보니까 

But once Seung-hi came back to Korea, we saw each other often,


and those feelings--


Are you bragging right now?

애는 싸질러 놓고

You knocked up a girl and had an affair for three years.

불륜은 3년만 저질렀으니까   살림은 아니냐?

You knocked up a girl and had an affair for three years. What else would you call it?

엄마싸질렀다니 무슨 그런 교양 없는

Mom, don't be so crass--

[애심내가 지금  와중에 교양 찾게 생겼어아유

Do you think I can stay refined right now?

[한숨 쉬며승희 걔는 지금  ?

What does Seung-hi do now?

병원 차렸어?

Does she own a clinic?

사실 승희 - [애심

Actually, Seung-hi… Yes?

저희 병원에 있어요 - [애심의 놀란 숨소리]

…works at our hospital

정민 엄마랑 같은  교수로

-in the same department as Jeong-suk. -You darn little…


-in the same department as Jeong-suk. -You darn little…

니가 그러고도 사람이냐?

You don't deserve to be called a human being.

내가 사람이 아니고 짐승 새끼를 낳았어!

I must have given birth to a wild animal!

아니조강지처하고 첩하고  사람  병원에 두고 보면서

How can you even go about your day when your wife and mistress are working at the same hospital?

목구멍으로 밥이 넘어가디?

when your wife and mistress are working at the same hospital?

멋대로 병원 들어온  정민 엄마예요!

Jeong-suk is the one who started working against my will.


Shut up!

 일을 어쩔 거야?

What are you going to do?

[무거운 음악]

에미는 모르게 해야 된다

Make sure Jeong-suk doesn't find out.

지금까지 속였으면 끝까지 모르게 

You've fooled her until now. Make sure she stays in the dark.

[인호이랑이가 알잖아요

But I-rang knows.

아까  봤어?

Did you not see her before?

 엄마 알게 하면 가만  있겠다고 난리 치는 ?

She was against Jeong-suk finding out.

[애심  설득해 나도 달래  테니까

Try and persuade her. I'll talk to her too.

[의미심장한 음악]


-Okay. -Also,


-Okay. -Also,

이랑이 미대 가는  허락해 

allow I-rang to go to art school.

이제 무슨 면이 서서 반대를  거야?

How do you expect to go against her now?


Damn you!

[애심의 거친 숨소리]

[인호의 놀란 소리]

[애심의 한숨]


[흥미로운 음악]

[이랑이 쏘아붙이며누구야?

Who is it?


That startled me.

그러니까 결론이 뭐야?

So what's your point?

[이랑엄마한테 얘기하지 말라고?

"Don't tell Mom"?

그래 주면 고맙겠다

I'd be grateful if you didn't.

[이랑그래그러긴  건데 확실히   있어

Fine, that was my plan too. I want to make this clear.

내가 아빠의 불륜에 대해서  다무는 

I'm not exposing your affairs for Mom's sake, not yours.

엄마를 위해서지 아빠를 위해서가 아니야

I'm not exposing your affairs for Mom's sake, not yours.

그래이유가 어찌 됐건

Whatever the reason may be,

그게 우리 가족의 평화를 위한 길이라고 생각해 주면 좋겠다

I hope you can think of it as maintaining the peace in this family.

[인호그래서 말인데

I hope you can think of it as maintaining the peace in this family. That brings me to this point.

나도 이번 기회에 이랑이  진학 문제에 대해서

With this opportunity, I decided to reconsider your future and college,

다시 생각해 보기로 했어

With this opportunity, I decided to reconsider your future and college,

 소신과는 별개로 너의  꿈을

and despite my own beliefs, I have decided to support your dreams…

지지해 주는 방향으로 생각을 선회하기로

and despite my own beliefs, I have decided to support your dreams…

[이랑의 짜증 섞인 한숨]

and despite my own beliefs, I have decided to support your dreams…

[이랑장황하게 설명하실 필요 없고요

You don't have to ramble on like that.

열라 미안해서 미대 가는  터치  하겠다는 말인 

I get that you're supporting me because you're so damn sorry.

 알겠으니까 그만 나가 주실래요?

I got your message, so can you please get out?



[익살스러운 음악]


[인호근데 학교는 어디 생각하고 있냐?

But what school do you have your eyes set on?

한국대 가라고?

Why? You want me to go to Hanguk University?

대한민국은 아직 학벌주의 사회

This country still cares a lot about what school--

그냥 나가제발!

This country still cares a lot about what school-- Please just leave!

[기가  숨소리]

[노크 소리]

[휴대전화 진동음]

[긴장되는 효과음]


[의미심장한 음악]

[  차는 소리]


[마우스 클릭음]

[째깍거리는 효과음]





[고조되는 음악]

[이랑나한테 멘털 약하냐고 물어본 

When you asked me if I was mentally strong,

우리  풍비박산 내기 전에 걱정해  거였어?

were you worrying for me before you tore my family apart?

걱정이 아니고

I wasn't worrying.


I was giving a warning.


너가 뭔가 착각하는  같은데

I think you've misunderstood something.

[이랑니가 나한테  사실을 폭로했다고

Just because I know the truth doesn't mean I'll tell my mom.

 쪼르르 엄마한테 가서 이르지 않아

Just because I know the truth doesn't mean I'll tell my mom.

너나 나나 그냥 지금처럼 살던 대로  살면 

You and I can just continue living as we always have.

학원은 너가 옮겨야겠다

Right. You'll have to move academies.

내가 더한 짓도   있다는 생각은   봤어?

Did it never occur to you that I'd take things further?

우리 엄마한테  얘기한다고?

What? You're going to tell my mom?

[이랑그럼 내가 그냥 놀고 있을  같아?

Do you think I'll just stand back and watch?

우리 엄마는 레지던트지만 너희 엄마는 교수야

My mom may be a resident, but your mom is a professor.

우리 엄마는 피해자 너희 엄마는 가해자불륜녀!

My mom is a victim. Your mom is the perpetrator. A home-wrecker!

그러는 너네 아빠는 불륜남 아니고?

Then your father isn't an adulterer?

[무거운 음악]


우리 아빠가 니네 아빠라며

You said we have the same dad.

[이랑근데  괜찮겠어?

Will you be okay?

엄마는 불륜녀아빠도 불륜남

Your mom is a home-wrecker. Your dad is an adulterer.

너는 불륜 커플의 !

You're a cheating couple's daughter.

[우당탕거리는 소리]

[의료 기기 작동음]

- [어두운 효과음] - [인호의 한숨]

[인호정신 차려!

Get it together!

장을 오른쪽으로 치우라고오른쪽 거기가 오른쪽이야?

I said to move the intestines to the right. Do you not know which way that is?


I'm sorry.

[인호의 한숨]

[인호아까부터  멍때리고 있어어제  잤어?

Why are you daydreaming? Did you not sleep last night?

[정민아닙니다 제대로 하겠습니다

No, I'll do it properly.

[  차는 소리]

[인호  들어 주고 카메라 들어와

Lift it up more. Bring in the camera.

[ 닫히는 소리]




그래근데 병원에선 호칭에 주의하기로 

What? We should address each other in a professional--

최승희 교수님  아세요?

Are you close with Professor Choi?

그거는  묻는 거니?

Why are you asking that?

  부적절한 사이예요?

Are you two… having an affair?

[긴장되는 음악]



[인호의 한숨]

이랑이가 그러던?

Did I-rang tell you?

할머니한테 들었냐? - [정민 알아요?

Did you hear from your grandma? -They both know? -Then how on earth did you find out?

그럼 대체 어떻게  거야?

-They both know? -Then how on earth did you find out?

아니 가족이  알고 있었어요?

I mean, the whole family knows?

[정민아니그것보다 그럼

Wait, that means all the rumors are true.

그게 전부  사실이라는 얘기잖아요

Wait, that means all the rumors are true.

- [정민의 한숨] - [꼴깍 삼키는 소리]

엄마도 알아요?

Does Mom know too?

[인호 엄마는 모른다 알아서도  되고

Your mom doesn't know, and she can't find out.

엄마는 절대 알게 하시면  돼요

You can never let her find out.

[정민건강도  좋으시고 일도 힘들고

She's not healthy, and her work is taxing.

아무튼 절대절대  돼요

Anyway, she can never know.

그래 생각도 그렇다

Yes, I agree.


I know you must be in shock and I have no excuses to give you.

당황스러울 테고 나도 면목이 없다만

I know you must be in shock and I have no excuses to give you.

정민이  이미 성인이고

But Jung-min, as an adult man, I believe that you'll understand me.

[인호같은 남자로서 나를 이해해  거라고 믿는다

But Jung-min, as an adult man, I believe that you'll understand me.

아니요이해하고 싶지 않아요

No, I don't want to understand you.

[꼴깍 삼키는 소리]

한때는 아버지처럼 유능한 의사로 살고 싶다는 생각도 했었고

There was a time when I wanted to become a talented doctor like you.

존경하기도 했어요

I respected you.

근데 이제  되겠네요

But not anymore.


I'm disappointed in you, Father.

[  닫히는 소리]

[떨리는 숨소리]

[ 내뱉는 소리]

[꿀꺽 삼키는 소리]

[애잔한 음악]


[정민의 헛기침]

[작게아들 먹었어?

Jung-min, have you eaten?


What about you, Mom?


여기서 너한테 엄마 소리 들으니까 너무너무 설렌당

Hearing you call me Mom here makes me so happy.

[함께 웃는다]

[정민약은 챙기고 있어요?

What about your medicine? Are you keeping up with it?


What about your medicine? Are you keeping up with it? Of course. I put an alarm on and take it regularly.

알람  놓고 꼬박꼬박 먹고 있어

Of course. I put an alarm on and take it regularly.

이따 같이 저녁 먹을까내가 쏠게

Do you want to have dinner? My treat.

[놀란 숨소리]

My treat.

[정숙아유 오늘 당직인데

What a shame. I'm on night duty today.

너무 아깝다

What a shame. I'm on night duty today.

오늘 당직 내가  줄까?

Shall I take your night duty today?

엄마 많이 피곤해 보인다

You seem really tired.


It's okay.

[안쓰러운 숨소리]

[정숙이 살짝 웃는다]


[사이렌 소리]


I'm sorry.

[의아한 숨소리]

' 딸을 미혼모로 만든'

"The shameful truth about Actor S,

'배우 S 씨의 뻔뻔한 실체를 고발합니다'?

"The shameful truth about Actor S, who made my daughter a single mother?"


Who could this be?

찌라시  그만 보세요

Stop looking at gossip.

- [한숨] - [문소리]

[정숙이 흥얼거리며 하시나요

What are you doing?

[ 치프의 놀란 숨소리]

What are you doing?


It's Seo Min-jun.

- [정숙서민준이 왜요? - [ 치프의 탄성]

What about Seo Min-jun?

[의사지금 인터넷에 난리 났잖아요

What about Seo Min-jun? The internet is blowing up.

서민준이 임신한 여자 친구 버렸다고

Apparently, he abandoned his pregnant girlfriend.

 여자 부모가 국민 신문고에  올렸대요

The girl's parents posted it on the national civil complaints website.



[정숙 서민준 좋아했었는데 실망이네

I liked Seo Min-jun. How disappointing. ACTOR SEO MIN-JUN'S IMAGE TARNISHED

[놀란 숨소리]

[ 치는 소리]

맞네어디서 봤다 했더니

Right, I knew I recognized him from somewhere.

무슨 소리예요?

What are you talking about?

[정숙 지금  병동 앞에서 서민준   같은데?

I think I just saw Seo Min-jun in front of the ward.

진짜요? - [정숙서민준

-Really? -Yes, Seo Min-jun.

[환자의 한숨]

누가 그런 글을 올리래?

Who told you to upload that post?

[환자내가 아니랬잖아!

I said it wasn't him! I said he wasn't the baby's father!

 사람  아빠 아니라고 했잖아!

I said it wasn't him! I said he wasn't the baby's father!

열녀 났네열녀 났어!

Just look how devoted you are!

니가 감싸 준다고 걔가 고마워할  알아?

Do you think he'll be grateful that you're protecting him?

[보호자그래 아니면 대체 누구냐?

Fine, if it's not him, then who is it?

누구라고 말을 해야 우리도

You have to tell us the truth for us to believe otherwise!

 자식이 아니라고 믿을  아니야!

You have to tell us the truth for us to believe otherwise!

- [노크 소리] - [환자의 한숨]

[남자여기가 유지선  병실 맞습니까?

Excuse me, is this Yoo Ji-seon's room?


Who are you?

저는 서민준  매니저입니다

I'm Seo Min-jun's agent.

- [차분한 음악] - [지선 모의 놀란 숨소리]

[의사진짜 서민준 확실해요?

Are you sure it was Seo Min-jun?

[정숙그러니까 병동 앞에서  마주쳤는데

I ran into him right in front of the ward, and we bumped into each other.

어깨를  쳤거든근데  사람이

I ran into him right in front of the ward, and we bumped into each other. And then he said, "I'm sorry." That voice was Seo Min-jun's!

'죄송합니다이러는데 목소리가  서민준

And then he said, "I'm sorry." That voice was Seo Min-jun's!

서민준 같더라니까

It really was him.

[ 치프서민준이네 서민준이야대박

-It was Seo Min-jun. This is crazy. -No way.

- [웅성거리는 소리] - 아닌가?

Was it not?

- [ 치프… - [의사아이고

Was it not?


No, his voice sounded just like Seo Min-jun.

[정숙, '죄송합니다목소리가 그냥  서민준인 거야

No, his voice sounded just like Seo Min-jun.

목소리가 그냥 울림이

The reverberation of his voice.

[민준을 흉내 내며] '죄송합니다이러는데

I couldn't forget his voice when he said he was sorry.

목소리가 잊혀지지가 않는 거예요

I couldn't forget his voice when he said he was sorry.

[의사들의 웃음]

I couldn't forget his voice when he said he was sorry. Dr. Cha.

 선생님 - [정숙

Dr. Cha. What? Yes?

혹시  방에 휴대폰 가지러 갔을 

When you went to my dorm room to get my phone, did you clean it?


When you went to my dorm room to get my phone, did you clean it?

Well… Yes.

[정숙아이 디딜 틈이 없길래 제가 본능적으로

There was no space left to move,

정신없이 그냥 치워 버렸네

so I instinctively cleaned things up since you are so busy.

선생님 바쁘시니까 [웃음]

so I instinctively cleaned things up since you are so busy.

내가 언제 청소해 달랬습니까?

Did I tell you to clean it?


You didn't.



[소라 함부로 남의 물건에 손을 대요?

Why did you just touch someone else's things without asking?

함부로 물건에 손댄 

It was my mistake to touch your things without asking.


It was my mistake to touch your things without asking.

앞으로  물건에 손대지 말아요

Don't touch my things from now on.


It's unpleasant.

[소라의 한숨]

[민준   했어?

Why didn't you tell me?

말했으면   포기하더라도  책임졌을 거야

If you did, I would've taken responsibility no matter what.


Why did you not tell me?

지금이라도 알았으니까 됐어

But at least I know now.



I'm sorry.

[지선엄마가 올린 글은 최대한 빨리 내리고

I'll take down the post and upload an explanation that it's not true.

아니라는 해명 글도 올릴게

and upload an explanation that it's not true.

[민준그럴 필요 없어  거짓말하기 싫어

You don't need to do that. I don't want to lie.

오빠가 아니야애기 아빠

The baby's father isn't you.

- [무거운 음악] - [지선오빠가 아니라고

You are not the father.


It's my ex-boyfriend's baby.


[지선 모의 놀란 숨소리]

- [딱딱 울리는 칼질 소리] - [새소리]

- [계속되는 칼질 소리] - [TV 소리]

[싸늘한 효과음]

[익살스러운 효과음]

[휴대전화 진동음]

[달그락 놓는 소리]


Hey, Mi-hee.

[정숙 달리러 가자고?

Why? You want to go running again?

- [흥미로운 음악] -   건데?

Then what will you do?

 밑반찬 만들고 있지

Me? I'm making side dishes.




Okay. Bye.

[통화 종료음]

어머니 - [애심?

-Mother. -What?

여보 - [인호

-Honey? -Yes?

 잠깐 미희  만나러 갔다 와도 될까?

Can I go out to meet Mi-hee for a bit?

나갔다  - [애심그럼그럼

Go. Of course. Go get some fresh air.

밖에 나가서 바람 쐬고 

Of course. Go get some fresh air.

미안해서 어떡하지정민이 오랜만에 왔는데

I feel so bad though. We haven't had a family gathering in a while.

[정숙이랑이도 그렇고

I feel so bad though. We haven't had a family gathering in a while.

아아괜찮아괜찮아 다음 주에  오지

It's okay. I can come home again next week.

나도 괜찮

That sounds good to me.

알았어그럼 갔다 올게 [웃음]

Okay, then I'll be back.

[달그락거리는 소리]


[ 닫히는 소리]

- [정숙다녀올게요어머니 - [애심그래

-Mother, I'll be back. -All right.


-See you later. -Okay.

- [이랑다녀와요 - [정민다녀오세요

-Bye. -Okay.

- [ 닫히는 소리] - [정민애심의 힘겨운 한숨]

- [도어  작동음] - [정민의 한숨]

[정민엄마 아무것도 모른 채로

It's really painful to see Mom like that when she doesn't know anything.

저런 모습 보는  너무 괴로워요

It's really painful to see Mom like that when she doesn't know anything.

 관계하루빨리 정리해 주세요

End things with that woman as soon as possible

엄마가 아시기 전에

before Mom finds out.


The thing is…

말처럼 그렇게

That relationship isn't something that he can end that easily.

쉽게 끊어질 관계가 아니다

That relationship isn't something that he can end that easily.

그쪽하고도 자식이 있거든 - [익살스러운 효과음]

He had a child with her.

자식? - [흥미로운 음악]

A child?

[이랑딸이야나하고 동갑 대박이지?

A daughter. Same age as me. Crazy, right?

[정민의 떨리는 숨소리]

[힘겨운 신음]

- [정민의 구역질] - [  닫히는 소리]

 나오나 보네

He must be nauseated.

하긴그럴 만도 하지

Well, it's understandable.


[계속되는 정민의 구역질]

- [잔잔한 음악이 흐른다] - [미희요즘 주식도 별로고

Lately, my stocks are tanking

 좋다는 연하도 없고

and there are no young guys who like me.

사는  재미가 없다

Life is just no fun.

 그래도 병원은 잘되잖아

But still, your clinic is doing well.

잘되면  하냐?

What's the point when all that money just goes to paying the bank interest?

  몽땅 은행 이자로 꼬라박고 있는데

What's the point when all that money just goes to paying the bank interest?

그래 그런  보면 

When you think of that, salaried workers have it nice, don't they?

월급쟁이가 속은 편하겠다 그렇지?

When you think of that, salaried workers have it nice, don't they?

- [미희그래서 말인데 - [정숙

-On that note. -Yes?

우리  보러 가자신점

Let's go get our fortunes read. -A psychic reading. -Hey.


-A psychic reading. -Hey.

우리 엄마 교회 다녀

My mom goes to church.

- [의미심장한 음악] - [무속인시집갈 생각 하지 말아

Don't even think about getting married.



[무속인남자만  만나면 아무 근심 걱정이 없는 팔자니까

As long as you don't see a man, you have no cause for worry or concern.

앞으로 남자 생기기 전까진 여기 오지 말아

As long as you don't see a man, you have no cause for worry or concern. Don't come back here unless you get yourself a man.


Dear Lord.

너도 궁금한  있으면 얘기해

Ask her if you are curious about anything.



우리 남편

Is my husband cheating on me?


Is my husband cheating on me?

서인호 여자 있어?

He's seeing another woman?

[ 때리는 소리]

[정민절대로 절대로 엄마가 알아선  돼요

Mom can never, ever find out.


Father, Grandma, I-rang, just act as you always have.

모두 평소처럼 행동해요

Father, Grandma, I-rang, just act as you always have.

[애심나도 그래야 된다고 생각해

That's what I think too.

불륜은 그렇다 쳐도

Having an affair is one thing,

애까지 만들어 놓은  알게 되면

but it'll kill her if she finds out that your affair produced a child.

아마  죽고 싶을 거다

but it'll kill her if she finds out that your affair produced a child.


What about you, Father?

[익살스러운 효과음]

내가 무슨  말이 있겠니

I have no right to say anything.

그때도 말했다시피

Just as I said last time,

 엄마가 알아서 좋을  없지

nothing good will come from your mother knowing.

이랑아너도 그럴 거지?

I-rang, you're on board, right?

오빠가 은근히 주도면밀한 데가 있었네

I guess you do have a meticulous side to you.

이런  아빠를 닮은 건가?

-Do you take after Dad in this regard? -No!


-Do you take after Dad in this regard? -No!

[이랑정민의 한숨]

[이랑 엄청난 일을  숨기고

I don't know if it'll be possible to act like nothing's wrong

아무 일도 없던 것처럼 연극하면서 산다는 

I don't know if it'll be possible to act like nothing's wrong

가능할지 모르겠다나는

while hiding this big issue.

[애심어차피 인생은  편의 연극이라고 했다

They say that life is like one big play.


My gosh.



언제까지 이렇게   살림  작정이세요?

How long are you planning to maintain two families?

하긴  들켰으면 계속 그러셨겠지만

I guess you would've kept going if you didn't get caught. Decide in three years, when Mom will be done with her residency.

엄마 레지던트 마치는 3 후에 바로 결정하세요

Decide in three years, when Mom will be done with her residency.

엄마랑 이혼하고 그분을 선택하든

Divorce Mom and choose that woman,

그분이랑 헤어지고 엄마랑 살든요

or break up with that woman and stay with Mom.

약속해 주세요

Promise me you'll choose.

[긴장되는 음악]

[힘겨운 숨소리]

[무속인너도 알잖아

You already know.


What… -What do you mean? -That your husband…


-What do you mean? -That your husband…

매력 1 없는 

has zero charm.

[깔깔거리는 효과음]

[정숙아이… [헛기침]


 정도는 아닌데

He's not that bad.

남자는 니가 꼬이는데

You're the one men chase after!

[흥미진진한 음악]

- [미희? - [정숙저요?

-What? -Me?

[무속인가까이 있어 생각해 

He's close by. Think carefully.


Be careful.

나이가 들수록 남자가 들러붙는

You have a rare fate. More men cling to you as you get older.

이거이거 흔치 않은 사주여

You have a rare fate. More men cling to you as you get older.


What on earth?

이게 무슨 일이야대박이다 - [정숙의 당황한 소리]

What on earth is this?

[정숙아유 시간 낭비 낭비으유

Jeez, what a waste of time and money.


Hey, what in the world?

니가 뒤늦게 남자복이 터질 모양이다

I guess your luck with men will kick in later in life.

말이 되는 소리를 하셔

What nonsense are you talking about?

남자들이 뭐가 아쉬워서  좋아해?

What nonsense are you talking about? Why would men like someone like me?

무슨 저런 택도 없는 소리를  여자는?

Why did that woman say something so preposterous?

   - [정숙

Look at you.

[미희여기가 얼마나  맞히는지 알아?

Do you know how accurate this place is?

이름만 대면  만한 국회 의원들 연예인들도?

Do you know how accurate this place is? Well-known assemblymen and celebrities wait in line

대기 타고 있다가 보는 집이야  여자야

Well-known assemblymen and celebrities wait in line to get their fortunes told here, you crazy woman.

 남편 매력 1 없는  맞힌  용하다

to get their fortunes told here, you crazy woman. She's gifted. She knew your husband had zero charm.


Hey, you little…

[ 교수근데  이렇게 얼굴이  좋아요?

But why do you look so unwell?

어머 그래 보여요?

Oh, my. Do I look gaunt?

혹시 무슨  좋은  생겼어요?

Did something bad happen?



교수님 자리 까셔야겠어요

Professor, you should be a fortune teller.


The truth is…

우리 아들이 사고를 쳤잖아요

my son has caused some trouble.

아니 병원 교수씩이나 되는 사람이

He's a professor at a big hospital. What trouble could he have caused?

무슨 사고를

He's a professor at a big hospital. What trouble could he have caused?

[ 교수혹시 여자 문제?

Does he, perhaps, have another woman?


[인호결국 우리 가족 모두  사실을 알게 됐네요

In the end, my whole family learned the truth.

그거 자랑하려고 오신 겁니까?

Did you come to brag about that?

집사람이 레지던트 마치면 모두 정리하기로 했습니다

I'll take care of everything when my wife finishes her residency.

이렇게든 저렇게든

I'll take care of everything when my wife finishes her residency. One way or another.

[인호그러니까 3자인 교수님이 나서지 않았으면 좋겠군요

So I'm hoping that you won't interfere.

몸도 약한 집사람이 충격받길 원치 않으니까

Since I don't want my ill wife to suffer any shock.

 배려심이 깊으시네요

How… considerate of you.

그러니까 입조심해 달란 뜻입니다

That's why I'm asking you to keep silent about this.

[로이저도 무슨 뜻인지는 알겠습니다만

I understand what you're telling me.

- [긴장되는 음악] -  입이

But I'm not sure

말을 들을지는  모르겠네요

if my lips will cooperate.

[로이 사람은 말해 달라

One person says to tell her, and the other says to keep silent.

 사람은 말하지 말아 달라

One person says to tell her, and the other says to keep silent.

중간에서  재밌는 구경 하네요

Gosh. What a fun scene I'm witnessing from the middle.

아직도 내가  선생한테 말해 주길 바라세요?

Do you still want me to tell Dr. Cha?

이미 거절한  알았는데요

I thought you already declined.

기다려 보세요

Just wait.

혹시 압니까?

Who knows?

내가    사람 소원을 들어줄지

I might grant one of you your wish.

[로이 사람   어울려요

You two really suit each other.

저지르는 방식은 대담하고

You create a mess without any hesitation.

해결하는 자세는 치졸해요

But your solution is cowardly.

차라리 정면 승부를 택했다면   나았을 텐데

It might've been better to face it head-on.

[엘리베이터 알림음]


[애심거기 K 판타스티크 호텔이죠?

This is K-Fantastique Hotel, right?

I want to make a reservation for five for next Tuesday.

다음  화요일에 다섯  예약하려고 하는데요

I want to make a reservation for five for next Tuesday.

그날이 우리 며느리 생일이거든요

It's my daughter-in-law's birthday that day.

케이크도 준비되나요?

Can you also prepare a cake?

호텔이요거긴 왜요?

A hotel? Why there? It's Jeong-suk's birthday.

[애심정민 에미 생일이잖아!

It's Jeong-suk's birthday.


I see.

[애심얼마나 핑계가 좋으니

It's a great excuse.

가족들  모여서 축하도  주고 선물도 하고 그러면서

We can all gather as a family and make her feel good by celebrating her birthday and giving her gifts.

에미 기분 좋게  주란 말이야

by celebrating her birthday and giving her gifts.

지금까지  좋게 넘어갔다지만

You've been lucky until now,

승희하고 에미하고 같은 병원에 있는데

but she works with Seung-hi, so you might end up getting caught.

들키지 말란  있어?

but she works with Seung-hi, so you might end up getting caught.

- [애심딴생각  들게 - [한숨]

Keep an eye on her so she doesn't do anything fishy.

단도리 잘해

Keep an eye on her so she doesn't do anything fishy.

  이혼하는 꼴은  끊어

I won't allow you to get divorced. I'm hanging up.

[통화 종료음]

I'm hanging up.


[잔잔한 음악이 흐른다]

[점원1] 혹시 찾고 계신 제품 있으실까요?

Are you looking for something in particular?

[애심정해   없고

I haven't decided on anything,

며느리 생일 선물 고르고 있어요

I haven't decided on anything, but I want to buy my daughter-in-law a gift.

[점원1] 이상적인 시어머님이세요

What a great mother-in-law.

[애심의 웃음]

What a great mother-in-law.

[애심요즘 시어머니들  그렇죠 옛날 같지 않아요

All mothers-in-law are like this these days. It's not like the old times.

저기   보여 주실래요?

-Can you show me that bag? -Okay.


-Can you show me that bag? -Okay.

이건 가격이 어떻게 돼요?

How much does this cost?

[점원1]  제품은 미디엄 사이즈는 230 원이고요

The medium size costs 2.3 million won.

라지 사이즈는 290 원입니다

The medium size costs 2.3 million won. And the large size is 2.9 million won.


Well, can you show me some wallets or scarves?

지갑  보여 주실래요스카프나

Well, can you show me some wallets or scarves?


Well, can you show me some wallets or scarves? Okay.

[부드러운 음악이 흐른다]

[점원2] 피부 톤이 고우셔서 너무  어울리세요

It suits you so well since you have such fair skin.

이걸로 할게요

I'll take this.

 어깨가 너무 아파서 그러는데

My shoulder hurts so badly.

[덕례 좋은   없을까요?

Is there any good medicine for that?

[약사잠시만 기다려 주세요

Please wait one moment.

[휴대전화 진동음]




이게  뭐예요?

What is this?

[애심 성의라고 생각해 주세요

Think of it as a sign of appreciation.

이게 주름살 제거에 그렇게 효과가 좋다네요

This is supposed to work wonders on wrinkles.

아유 나이에 주름살 없애 봐야 

What's the point of getting rid of wrinkles at my age?

새로 시집갈 것도 아니고

It's not like I'm going to get remarried.

아유사부인말씀도 재밌게 하셔

You're so witty, Ms. Oh.

[애심아유남들은   병이 아니라지만

Gosh, people kept saying it wasn't a serious illness.

병원에서 수술하고 누워 있는데

But after the surgery, I couldn't help but be depressed

그렇게 마음이 우울할 수가 없더라고요

while lying in that hospital bed.

근데 사부인께서 그렇게 정성스럽게 음식을 해다 주셔서

But you prepared all that food with such care.

아유제가 얼마나

You don't even understand how touched I was.

 감동을 받았는지 몰라요 [웃음]

You don't even understand how touched I was.

[덕례어쩌려고 나를 사부인이라고 불러?

Why is she being so respectful?

Well, it's a relief if it brought you some comfort.

위안을 받으셨다니 다행이네요

Well, it's a relief if it brought you some comfort.

그럼  선물은 감사한 마음으로 받지요

Then I'll accept this gift with gratitude.



언제  사부인이  주신 식혜

I want to try your rice punch one more time.

아유맛보고 싶네요

I want to try your rice punch one more time.

식혜  번도  담가 보셨나 봐요

I guess you've never made rice punch before.


I haven't.

그게 얼마나 손이 많이 가는 건데

It takes a lot of effort to make.

- [익살스러운 음악] - [덕례엿기름 치대려면

It takes a lot of effort to make. You strain your wrists from kneading the malt.

 팔목이  시큰거린답니다

You strain your wrists from kneading the malt.

[애심 [멋쩍은 웃음]

I see.

제가 미처 몰랐네요

I didn't know.

그나저나 요즘

You haven't been able to see Jeong-suk often these days, right?

정민 에미 자주  보시죠?

You haven't been able to see Jeong-suk often these days, right?

워낙 바쁘니까

Yes, she's very busy.

힘들어도 에미가 일하는  좋아하니까

But even if it's hard, she likes working.

그럼요힘들어도 보람되고 그런가 보더라고요

Of course, even though it's hard, she finds it rewarding.

… [어색한 웃음]

I see.

[흥미로운 음악]

[덕례내가 식혜  해다 줬다고 고마워할 위인이 아닌데?

She's not the type to thank me like this for making rice punch.

철철이 김장 김치 해다 바쳐도

She never thanked me once for sending her kimchi every season.

고맙다 소리    하던 양반이

She never thanked me once for sending her kimchi every season.

모르는  확실해

She definitely doesn't know.

에미도 모르고 사돈도 모르고

Jeong-suk doesn't know, and neither does her mother.

- [구성진 음악이 흐른다] - [애심의 헛기침]

♪ 헤이헤이헤이 ♪


♪ 속절없는 세월 탓해서 무얼  ♪

What's the point in blaming The unavoidable passing of time?

[차분한 음악]

[승희저는 서인호 교수랑 헤어질 생각이 없어요

I have no intention of breaking up with Professor Seo.

말하고 싶으면 하세요 우리  사이

If you want to tell her about us, go ahead.

집사람이 레지던트 마치면 모두 정리하기로 했습니다

I'll take care of everything when my wife finishes her residency.

그러니까 3자인 교수님이 나서지 않았으면 좋겠군요

So I'm hoping that you won't interfere.



Professor, are you leaving work now?

[정숙의 웃음]

이제 해야죠

I should.

기분 좋아 보이시네요

You look like you're in a good mood.

 많이 나요?

-Is it obvious? -Yes.


-Is it obvious? -Yes.

사실  오늘 생일이거든요

To tell you the truth, today is my birthday.

[정숙의 웃음]

가족들이랑 호텔에 가서 저녁 먹기로 했어요

I'm having dinner at a hotel with my whole family.

[정숙근데  그게 뭐라고 호텔에 간다니까 

I know it's not a big deal, but I'm excited we'll be having dinner at a hotel.

신경이 쓰이네요 [웃음]

but I'm excited we'll be having dinner at a hotel.


With your family?

 교수님도 같이하시겠네요?

I guess Professor Seo will be there too.

그렇죠 [웃음]

That's right.

[정숙그럼   볼게요

I'll get going now.

[로이 선생님

Dr. Cha.

제가  선생님께  말이 있어요

I have something to tell you.

하기가  어려운 말인데

It's something difficult to say.

 말을 하는  맞는지

And I'm not sure…

판단이  되네요

if I should be saying this.

[무속인남자는 니가 꼬이는데

You're the one men chase after!

가까이 있어 생각해 

He's close by. Think carefully.

그럼  하는  좋을  같아요

Then I think it's best that you don't say it.

[정숙하기 어려운 말이고

If it's difficult to say,

 말을 하는  맞는지 아닌지 판단이   때는

and if you're unsure whether you should say it or not,

 하는  좋지 않을까요?

then it would be best not to say it, right?


That's true.

 그럼  볼게요

Then I'll get going now.

[로이생일 축하합니다

Happy birthday.

[감성적인 음악]

이건 괜찮죠?

It's okay to say that, right?

[옅은 한숨]

[휴대전화 조작음]

[간호사퇴근  하세요?

Aren't you leaving?

처방   내리고 가려고요

Not yet. I want to put in some prescription orders first.

[정숙 어디 여행 갔다 왔어요?

Did you get back from a vacation?

이거   아니고

This isn't my account.

가정 의학과 최승희 교수님 SNS예요

This isn't my account. It's Professor Choi's social media page.

[간호사다른 선생님  타고 들어갔는데 완전 럭셔리

I found it through another doctor's account. Her life is so luxurious.

[한숨 쉬며  사는 인생 이렇게 살아 봐야 되는데

I wish I could live like this too.

파리도 가셨나 보네?

I guess she went to Paris too.

[의미심장한 음악]

어머교수님 남친 있으신가 보다

Oh, my. I think she has a boyfriend.


Or is it her husband?

왜요? - [간호사] '우행시'

-Why do you say that? -"Couple Goals."

이거 '우리들의 행복한 시간'이란 뜻이잖아요

It's a tag used only by couples.

[당황한 숨소리]

근데 이맘때 파리에 학회 있지 않았어요?

Wasn't there a conference in Paris around this time?

서인호 교수님도 학회 가신다고   같은데

I think Professor Seo said he went to a conference there.

[간호사그거는  모르겠는데

I'm not sure, but Professor Seo didn't go to a conference then.

서인호 교수님은 이때 학회  가셨어요

I'm not sure, but Professor Seo didn't go to a conference then.

휴가 가신다고 해서

I remember him rescheduling an operation because he was going on vacation.

수술 스케줄 조절하시던  기억나거든요

I remember him rescheduling an operation because he was going on vacation.



서인호 교수님이

Professor Seo

이때 휴가를 가셨다고요?

went on vacation during that time?


[고조되는 음악]

[간호사가 감탄하며어머 너무 예쁘다

Gosh, this is so pretty.

[간호사의 부러운 숨소리]

[의미심장한 효과음]



Can I…

나도   있어요?

also access her social media?

[간호사이거 아이디만 치면   있어요

also access her social media? What? You can if you search her ID.

[어색한 웃음]

[떨리는 숨소리]

지금 컨디션

Is your condition bad enough that I have to cancel my conference?

 학회 포기하고 가야  정도야?

Is your condition bad enough that I have to cancel my conference?

[힘겨운 숨소리]



[정숙미안하지만  팔찌

I'm sorry to ask, but could you tell me…

어디서 샀는지 물어봐도 될까요?

where you bought that bracelet?

그거 묻는데 미안할   있어

Why do you have to be sorry for asking me that?

남편이 사다 줘서 장소는 모르겠는데?

My husband bought it for me, so I don't know where he got it.


[놀란 숨소리]


[강조되는 효과음]

- [흐느낀다] - [서글픈 음악]

[힘겨운 숨소리]


[의사1]  번째 오는 거야

How many times have they come?

[채윤맨날  가지고는

They always come…



-Jeong-suk. -Hello.

- [의사1, 정숙안녕하세요 - [의사2] 오랜만이에요

-Jeong-suk. -Hello. -It's been a while. -Hello.

오랜만이에요 - [채윤무슨 일이에요?

-It's been a while. -Hello. What brings you here?

 선생내가 지난번에

Dr. Moon, remember when I said I'd switch positions with you from Family Medicine?

가정 의학과로 파견 바꿔 주기로 했던 

remember when I said I'd switch positions with you from Family Medicine?


I'll need to take that back.

[정숙다음 파견 내가 가정 의학과로 와야겠거든

I have to go to the Family Medicine Department for my next dispatch.

그런  어디 있어요 약속은 약속이지

But a promise is a promise.

너무 미안해요

I'm really sorry.

설명하긴  어려운데

It's difficult to explain,

나도 어쩔  없는 상황이어서

but it can't be helped.

바꿔 주기 싫으면 그냥 싫다고 얘기를 하면 되지

If you didn't want to switch, you should've said so.

짜증 나게 진짜

So annoying.



[정숙 하는 꼬락서니를 보니까  바꿔 주기가 싫다

Your attitude makes me not want to switch with you even more.

다음 가정 의학과 파견은 원래대로 내가  거야

I'm going to Family Medicine next, just as I was supposed to.


Got it, sweetie?

[채윤근데  반말이에요나이 많은  무슨 자랑인  아나

Why are you calling me "sweetie"? Don't treat me like a child just because you're old.

[긴장되는 음악]

[정숙우리 처음 봤을 

When we first met, you told me

나이 많다고 대접받으려고 하는  극혐이랬지?

you hated those who want special treatment just because they're older.

나는 말이지

But to me,

나이를 막론하고 예의 없는 것들이 극혐이야

I hate those who are rude, regardless of age.


I absolutely hate it!


[강조되는 효과음]


[경쾌한 음악이 흐른다]

[애심아유표정 관리들  해라

Can you all try to look happy?

에미 생일에 얼굴이 그게 뭐니?

No long faces on Jeong-suk's birthday.

[이랑할머니는 배우를 하실  그랬어요

Grandma, you should have been an actress.

빈정거리지 말아

Don't be sarcastic.

나도  가정 지키려고 발버둥 치는 거야

I'm struggling to protect my family too.

[이랑아빠는 누굴 닮아서 여자관계가 저렇게 복잡한 거예요?

Who did Dad take after to grow up to be such a womanizer?

[애심 속으로 낳았다고 속속들이  아는  아니란다

Just because I gave birth to him doesn't mean I know everything.

아빠는 가정 교육을 잘못 받았어

You were raised poorly.


Seo I-rang!

이랑이한테 뭐라고 하지 마세요

Don't tell I-rang off. You don't have the right.

[정민아버지 그럴 자격 없으니까

Don't tell I-rang off. You don't have the right.

뭐야? - [애심그래

-What? -You're right.

자식 교육 잘못 시킨 나도 야단맞아 싸지

I didn't raise him properly. I deserve to be criticized.


I deserve to be criticized.

거봐라남자가 조강지처 두고  여자 보면

See, In-ho? You lose all your respect as the man of the house

그날로 가장 대접  받는 거야

when you have an affair.

저도 압니다어머니까지

I know that too. Why do you have to…


That's enough.

승희 걔는  상의도 없이 지멋대로 애를 낳아?

How could Seung-hi have a kid without telling you?

[애심누구 집안을 말아먹으려고

Is she trying to destroy our family?

아휴 팔자도 

She is just as pathetic too.


She is just as pathetic too.

[정민이 이를 악물고혼자 저지른 일이 아니잖아요

She didn't do it on her own.

명백하게 쌍방 과실이죠

Both parties are clearly at fault here.

다들 조용히 

Everyone, be quiet!


[고혹적인 음악]

[또각또각 울리는 발소리]

[타이어 마찰음]


How pathetic.

[정민엄마 왔어요

How pathetic. Mom's here.

[어색하게 웃으며엄마


- [이랑엄마 - [애심왔어?

Mom. -Mom. -Hey, Jeong-suk.

[고조되는 음악]

[긴장되는 효과음]

[쓸쓸한 음악]

[정숙이제부터  집에서 나갈 생각이에요

I am going to leave this house.

[여자남편의 바닥을 보게 되실 거예요

You'll see your husband at his worst.

[인호지금  하시는 겁니까!

What do you think you're doing right now?

[여자한마디로 진흙탕 싸움이죠

Simply put, it's a dirty fight.

[정숙그냥 깔끔하게 이혼하면요?

What if I just want a clean divorce?

[인호우리 집사람이 친화력이 아주 좋죠?

My wife is very sociable, isn't she? Are you going to reveal the truth? About you and her?

[로이이제 공식적으로 커밍아웃하시게요?

Are you going to reveal the truth? About you and her?


Are you going to reveal the truth? About you and her?

[ 취한 말투로여보!



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