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  이상한 변호사 우영우 7

Extraordinary Attorney Woo 7


(직원1) 행복로는‬[Myeong-jin] Happiness Road is a highway
‪함운 신도시의‬ ‪교통 수요에 대응하고자‬[Myeong-jin] Happiness Road is a highway that Gyeonghae-do and Dongbang Land and Housing
‪경해도와‬that Gyeonghae-do and Dongbang Land and Housing have jointly pledged to bring forward as a response
‪저희 동방토지주택공사가‬ ‪함께 추진 중인‬have jointly pledged to bring forward as a response to future transportation demands.
‪자동차 전용 도로입니다‬to future transportation demands.
‪전체 노선은 이렇게 되고요‬ ‪[리모컨 조작음]‬For the planned city of Hamun, this is the full stretch of Happiness Road.
‪행복로가 소덕동을‬ ‪지나는 모습은 여기‬And here's what Happiness Road will look like in Sodeok-dong.
‪[주민들이 웅성거린다]‬ ‪(주민1) 아, 뭐야, 저거?‬GYEONGHAE-DO, KIYOUNG-SI, SODEOK-DONG [indistinct chatter]
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪(현우) 잠시만요‬[indistinct chatter] Wait a second!
‪저거는 행복로가 소덕동을‬ ‪지나는 정도가 아니잖아요‬That's crazy! The proposed highway route isn't just passing by Sodeok-dong,
‪마을 한가운데를 관통하고 있는데!‬it's cutting right through the center of town!
‪(주민1) 지금 장난하는 겁니까!‬Is this a joke? Are you trying to split our neighborhood in half?
‪우리 동네를‬ ‪두 동강 낼 작정이에요!‬Are you trying to split our neighborhood in half?
‪(주민2) 아니‬Look at that! You just drew the line right through our community, really?
‪노선을 저따위로 짜는 게‬ ‪어디 있습니까, 예?‬Look at that! You just drew the line right through our community, really?
‪[주민들이 저마다 항의한다]‬[clamoring]
‪(직원1) 노선 결정은‬ ‪경해도랑 협의해서 하는 겁니다‬Everyone, please. Gyeonghae-do is responsible for the proposal. We at Dongbang are simply operating on their behalf.
‪저희 동방은 이 사업을 대행받아서‬ ‪시행할 뿐이고요‬We at Dongbang are simply operating on their behalf.
‪[주민들이 연신 항의한다]‬[clamoring]
‪(직원2) 경해도 건설 본부에서‬ ‪나왔습니다‬I'm here as a representative of Gyeonghae-do,
‪우리가요‬in the construction division.
‪결정된 노선을 주민들한테‬ ‪고지할 의무는 있지만요‬in the construction division. We are obligated to notify residents of the planned route.
‪주민 설명회를 통해서‬ ‪노선 변경을 할 순 없습니다‬However, we cannot discuss changes to the plan at a residence meeting.
‪전문가들이 다 고민해서‬ ‪결정한 거예요‬The route was established after a great deal of consideration.
‪[주민들이 항의한다]‬The route was established after a great deal of consideration. -[clamoring] -[man] Yeah!
‪(한수) [테이블을 탁 치며] 나!‬-[clamoring] -[man] Yeah! -Listen… -[man] We don't want this road!
‪소덕동 이장 최한수요‬I am Choi Han-su, head of Sodeok-dong!
‪지금까지 경해도가‬How has Gyeonghae-do treated Sodeok-dong up until now, huh?
‪우리 소덕동에‬ ‪어떻게 했습니까, 예?‬How has Gyeonghae-do treated Sodeok-dong up until now, huh?
‪뭐, 뭐더라? 그…‬The… the… What…
‪(현우) 지하철 10호선이요?‬-We're talking about subway line ten. -That's it!
‪(한수) 그래!‬-We're talking about subway line ten. -That's it!
‪지하철 10호선 짓는다고‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬You kicked residents out of Sodeok-dong, and then proceeded to dig up the entire town
‪소덕동 토박이 수십 가구를 내쫓고‬and then proceeded to dig up the entire town
‪온 마을을 파헤치지 않았습니까!‬ ‪[주민들이 거든다]‬to build subway line ten!
‪서울시는 또‬ ‪소덕동에 어떻게 했습니까?‬And what has Seoul done for Sodeok-dong in that time? Huh? Huh?
‪예? 예?‬Huh? Huh?
‪- 예?‬ ‪- (현우) 쓰레기 소각장!‬-Huh? -The incineration plant.
‪그래, 쓰레기 소각장!‬Right, the incineration plant.
‪우리 쓰레기도 아니고‬It's not even for our trash.
‪(한수) 서울 사람들‬ ‪쓰레기 소각장을‬They built a garbage incineration plant in Sodeok-dong for Seoul's trash!
‪소덕동에 지어 놨어요!‬ ‪[주민들이 호응한다]‬They built a garbage incineration plant in Sodeok-dong for Seoul's trash!
‪우리가 아무리 반대를 해도‬No matter how hard we fought it, neither Seoul nor Gyeonghae-do would give us the time of day!
‪서울시랑 경해도는‬ ‪눈 하나 깜빡하지 않았습니다!‬neither Seoul nor Gyeonghae-do would give us the time of day!
‪(직원2) 아‬ ‪그게 무슨 상관이에요?‬What makes that relevant? Happiness Road is what we are discussing here today.
‪우리는 지금‬ ‪행복로 이야기를 하는 건데‬Happiness Road is what we are discussing here today.
‪(한수) 우린 지금‬ ‪소덕동 얘기를 하고 있는 겁니다!‬ ‪[주민들이 거든다]‬This is about Sodeok-dong and all that's been done!
‪지하철 공사 어제 끝났고‬ ‪소각장 공사 그제 끝났습니다‬The subway was just finished, and the trash incinerator before that! And now, there's more?
‪그런데 이제 또!‬And now, there's more?
‪뭐, 뭐냐? 그…‬The… Wha…
‪행복로!‬Happiness Road!
‪(한수) 를 위해서‬ ‪또 땅을 내놓으라고요?‬Do you expect us to welcome this into our town?
‪그만 좀 하십시다, 예?‬Can't you give us a break? For once?
‪소덕동 사람들‬ ‪많이 묵었다 아닙니까!‬The hardworking people of this town have had enough!
‪[주민들이 연신 항의한다]‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬[clamoring]
‪(현우) 노선을‬ ‪이렇게 정해 놓은 거는‬[Hyeon-u] The fact that they planned a route like this, means they want us to leave our town.
‪우리더러‬ ‪마을을 떠나란 얘기입니다‬means they want us to leave our town.
‪행복로 위를 매일같이‬ ‪차들이 다닌다고 생각해 보십시오‬Can you imagine cars driving up and down your neighborhood?
‪그 소음, 매연, 분진을‬ ‪주민들이 싹 다 뒤집어쓰는 겁니다‬Our lovely community will be assaulted by all that noise, exhaust, and dust.
‪(한수) 우리가‬ ‪이런 얘기를 하잖아?‬When we discussed all this, Dongbang offered to put a, uh…
‪그럼 경해도랑 동방은‬When we discussed all this, Dongbang offered to put a, uh…
‪- 뭐더라? 그…‬ ‪- (현우) 방음벽이요‬Uh… What was it? -A soundproofing wall. -[Han-su] Oh, yes.
‪(한수) 어, 그래‬ ‪방음벽을 치면 괜찮대‬-A soundproofing wall. -[Han-su] Oh, yes. They said a soundproofing wall will solve it.
‪근데 그거 치잖아?‬But if they do that, it means having a massive pieces of…
‪그럼 눈앞에 아파트 7, 8층 높이의‬But if they do that, it means having a massive pieces of…
‪그, 뭐, 뭐지, 그거?‬Um, what do you… What do you call it?
‪(영우) 방음벽?‬-Soundproofing wall? -No. No.
‪(한수) 아니, 야‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬-Soundproofing wall? -No. No. -Hey. -Retaining wall. A retaining wall.
‪(현우) 옹벽이요, 옹벽‬-Hey. -Retaining wall. A retaining wall.
‪(한수) 아, 그래‬[Han-su] Ah, right. A retaining wall as high as an apartment building
‪옹벽이‬ ‪새로 생기는 거나 마찬가지야‬[Han-su] Ah, right. A retaining wall as high as an apartment building with seven, or eight floors splitting apart the town.
‪마을이 반으로 쪼개져서‬with seven, or eight floors splitting apart the town. So, each part is isolated.
‪따로따로‬ ‪고립이 되는 거라고, 이거‬So, each part is isolated.
‪(명석) 씁, 저, 혹시‬ ‪보상금 관련해서‬Um, have you spoken to Gyeonghae-do or Dongbang in regards to compensation?
‪경해도나 동방 쪽에‬ ‪얘기해 보셨습니까?‬Um, have you spoken to Gyeonghae-do or Dongbang in regards to compensation?
‪어, 말씀하신 어려움들을‬Sometimes they will make up for any difficulties that they caused financially.
‪뭐, 금전적으로나마‬ ‪보상을 해 주겠다든지…‬Sometimes they will make up for any difficulties that they caused financially.
‪(한수) 참 나‬Oh, please.
‪땅이 수용돼서‬They hardly even paid anything to the people whose land they took away.
‪마을을 떠나야 하는 사람들한테도‬ ‪보상금을 제대로 안 주는데‬They hardly even paid anything to the people whose land they took away. You think they'll bother with the people still living there?
‪남아 있는 사람들한테‬ ‪돈을 풀겠습니까, 이거, 예?‬You think they'll bother with the people still living there?
‪씁, 아니, 보상금을‬ ‪제대로 안 주다니요?‬Uh, people had their land taken away unfairly?
‪(현우) 소덕동은‬ ‪그린벨트 지역이라‬Sodeok-dong's a green belt area. The compensation offer is much cheaper.
‪주변에 비해‬ ‪공시 지가가 많이 쌉니다‬The compensation offer is much cheaper.
‪그래서 지하철 10호선을 지을 때도‬[Hyeon-u] When they built subway line ten, everyone whose land
‪땅이 수용됐던 주민들‬ ‪재산 피해가 심각했어요‬the government confiscated took a hard financial hit.
‪집터 전체가 수용이 됐는데‬Some had to surrender all their land, but the compensation was much lower than the land value at the time.
‪보상금은 천만 원을‬ ‪채 못 받는 경우가 허다했고요‬but the compensation was much lower than the land value at the time.
‪평생을 소덕동에서 산 사람이‬Where were these people supposed to go,
‪서울서는 월세 보증금도 안 되는‬ ‪그 돈을 들고‬when you can't even afford a small apartment in Seoul with that kind of money?
‪우리가 어디로 가겠습니까?‬with that kind of money?
‪(한수) 우리 할 만큼‬ ‪다 해 봤습니다‬We've tried everything you can think of.
‪주민 대책 위원회 만들어서‬ ‪진정서도 수십 장 내 봤고‬We've submitted petitions, created a community board, asked everyone to make phone calls,
‪항의 전화도 수백 통 걸어 봤고‬asked everyone to make phone calls,
‪도청 앞에서 시위까지 했어요‬and even protested at the provincial office.
‪근데도 안 돼‬Nothing helped.
‪경해도는 우리 얘기를‬ ‪들어 줄 생각이 없어요!‬It's clear Gyeonghae-do doesn't respect us at all.
‪그렇다면 이제 남은 건‬Our only option…
‪뭐냐, 그거?‬Uh… What is it?
‪(현우) 재판이요, 재판‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬[Hyeon-u] A trial. A trial.
‪(한수) 아, 재판은 재판인데‬Yes, a trial, yes. But what's the… The thing…
‪그, 왜, 있잖아, 그거, 저기…‬Yes, a trial, yes. But what's the… The thing…
‪소송이요?‬You want a lawsuit?
‪(영우) 행복로 도로 구역‬ ‪결정 취소 청구 소송?‬Seeking to revoke the zone choice for Happiness Road.
‪(한수) 이야‬Whoa.
‪그래요‬ ‪우리가 그걸 할 생각입니다‬That's right. We wanna do exactly that.
‪(명석) 아, 예‬ ‪두 분 뜻은 잘 알겠습니다‬[Atty. Jung] I see. We understand your wishes.
‪어, 그런데 저희가‬ ‪도로 건설 쪽에 대해서는‬However, since road constructions not our area of expertise,
‪전문가들이 아니라서‬ ‪[키보드 조작음]‬However, since road constructions not our area of expertise,
‪어, 행복로에 대해‬ ‪알아볼 시간이 좀 필요합니다‬it will take time to look into Happiness Road.
‪수임 결정하기 전에‬Can we research this on our own before we accept?
‪사건 조사부터‬ ‪해 봐도 되겠습니까?‬Can we research this on our own before we accept?
‪(한수) 아, 그러세요‬Of course.
‪대신 빠른 결정 부탁드리겠습니다‬Just make a decision quickly, please.
‪신도시 쪽에선‬ ‪공사 시작한 지 오래라‬They're already working on that new city…
‪그, 뭐냐, 그, 저기, 이…‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬So… What is… What is it, the…
‪(명석) 삽이요?‬-A shovel? -Hydraulic excavator!
‪유압식 굴착기?‬-A shovel? -Hydraulic excavator!
‪포, 포클레인이요‬It's a… a digger.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪(한수) 어어, 어어‬[Han-su] Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
‪그 포클레인이‬Uh, it won't be long before the digger's coming
‪우리 마을을 덮칠 날이‬ ‪멀지 않았습니다‬Uh, it won't be long before the digger's coming for our own neighborhood.
‪(명석) 예, 알겠습니다‬ ‪연락드리겠습니다‬Yes, all right. You'll be hearing from us.
‪(한수) 아휴‬[Han-su sighs]
‪감사합니다, 예‬Uh, I appreciate it. Thank you.
‪- (현우) 가시죠‬ ‪- (한수) 응‬Come on, let's go.
‪[문이 덜컹 열린다]‬
‪(명석) 조심히 들어가세요, 예‬Take care.
‪[문이 덜컹 닫힌다]‬
‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬
‪[명석의 힘주는 숨소리]‬[sighs] Thoughts, anyone?
‪어떻게 생각해?‬[sighs] Thoughts, anyone?
‪(수연) 왜 노선 계획을‬ ‪이렇게 짰을까요?‬Why would they construct the road this way?
‪마을을 관통하는 대신‬ ‪우회하는 방법도 있었을 텐데요‬There are all sorts of routes that avoid bisecting the town.
‪(민우) 그야 뭐, 비용 때문이겠죠‬That's probably because of costs.
‪돌아가는 것보다는 질러가는 게‬If the road is built straight through instead of around,
‪만들어야 되는‬ ‪도로 길이가 짧으니까‬If the road is built straight through instead of around, that will require less materials.
‪오로지 비용 때문에‬ ‪이런 결정을 했다면‬If costs alone were responsible for the decision, we can claim the Principle of Proportionality was violated.
‪(영우) 행정법상‬ ‪비례의 원칙 위반을‬we can claim the Principle of Proportionality was violated.
‪주장할 수 있습니다‬we can claim the Principle of Proportionality was violated.
‪행정 기관은 여러 수단 중에서‬we can claim the Principle of Proportionality was violated. An administrative agency is required
‪상대방의 권리 침해가‬ ‪가장 적은 수단을 선택해야 하는데‬to utilize the method that infringes on the other party's rights, the least.
‪경해도는 우회 도로라는‬ ‪대안이 있음에도‬Here, we see they did have an alternative, but the option was rejected entirely on account of its cost.
‪비용만을 이유로‬ ‪그것을 선택하지 않은 것이니까요‬but the option was rejected entirely on account of its cost.
‪비례 원칙 중 최소 침해의 원칙을‬ ‪위반한 것입니다‬A violation of the principle of minimal harm.
‪(수연) 주민들이 입을 손해를‬If we calculate the damage in terms of social costs,
‪사회적 비용으로 계산해 보면‬If we calculate the damage in terms of social costs,
‪행복로 건설로 인한 이익보다‬ ‪클 수도 있지 않을까요?‬then wouldn't it exceed the benefits of constructing the road?
‪그렇다면 이 계획 노선은‬Then this planned route inherently has a conflict of interest.
‪이익 형량에‬ ‪하자가 있는 결정이고요‬Then this planned route inherently has a conflict of interest.
‪씁, '비례 원칙 위반이다'‬"The Principle of Proportionality."
‪'이익 형량에 하자가 있다'‬"A conflict of interest."
‪응, 좋아, 다 좋은데‬Mm. They're good ideas.
‪사법부는 원래‬ ‪행정부가 하는 일에 대해서‬The Judicial Branch will typically avoid a judgment
‪판단하길 꺼리는 편이야‬The Judicial Branch will typically avoid a judgment on the Executive Branch.
‪(명석) 게다가 이 사건처럼‬ ‪전문적인 경우는 더 그렇지‬Especially in cases like this where it gets technical.
‪판사로서는 잘 모르는 분야인데‬It's too much pressure for a judge who doesn't know much about the subject to make this kind of ruling.
‪해라, 마라 판결 때리기‬ ‪너무 부담스럽잖아‬who doesn't know much about the subject to make this kind of ruling.
‪씁, 그 말씀하신 이유 때문인지‬It could be due to the reasons you just said,
‪비슷한 행정 소송에서‬but it's rare to take a case like this to court and expect to get a settlement.
‪주민들이 이긴 판례도‬ ‪거의 없습니다‬but it's rare to take a case like this to court and expect to get a settlement.
‪응, 나도 그런 경우는‬ ‪못 들어 본 거 같아‬I don't know of any previous cases like that, either.
‪어, 일단 전문가들 찾아가서‬ ‪의견을 좀 들어 봐‬Let's consult some professionals and get their opinions.
‪(명석) 이 계획 노선이 최선인지‬ ‪대안 노선은 없는지‬[Atty. Jung] To figure out whether this route is the best option, or what alternatives exist.
‪그걸 먼저 알아야‬or what alternatives exist. We have to know that
‪이 사건을 맡을지 말지‬ ‪결정할 수 있겠네‬before we can decide whether we'll be able to take the case or not.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Civil engineers in Korea are simple-minded.
‪(건축가) 우리나라 토목 하는 애들‬ ‪참 단순해요‬Civil engineers in Korea are simple-minded.
‪땅 모양을 완전히 무시하고‬ ‪이 끝에서 저 끝까지‬They completely ignore the shape of the land and draw a straight line
‪그냥 자를 대고 그어 놨잖아요‬from one end to the other.
‪유럽에 가 보면요‬In Europe,
‪공항에서 수도로 가는 길은‬ ‪경관 도로라고‬engineers consider the scenery when they map out a route.
‪이렇게 직선으로 만들지 않아요‬So they never just draw a straight line.
‪땅의 굴곡을 최대한 살려서‬They consider the natural curve of the land
‪적당히 구불구불하게 만들죠‬and use it to make winding roads.
‪가는 길을 천천히 즐기게 해서‬They want people to enjoy the journey.
‪길 자체가‬ ‪목가적인 분위기를 연출하고‬This creates a pleasant experience that's in line with the image of the whole country.
‪그 나라의 이미지를‬ ‪홍보하는 거예요‬that's in line with the image of the whole country.
‪야, 이, 이게 뭐냐, 이게‬This is ridiculous.
‪(교수) 토목 하는 입장에서 보기에‬From a civil engineering perspective, this route could be worse.
‪이 계획 노선 나쁘지 않아요‬From a civil engineering perspective, this route could be worse.
‪나 이 동네 잘 알거든‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬I know this neighborhood. My students used it for their urban design assignments.
‪학생들한테 도시 설계 해 보라고‬ ‪맨날 숙제 내 주는 데니까‬My students used it for their urban design assignments.
‪[교수가 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬[sucks teeth] The first time I heard a road
‪여기 도로 낼 거란 얘기를‬ ‪내가 처음 들은 게 2016년이니까‬[sucks teeth] The first time I heard a road was being constructed here was 2016.
‪아이고, 벌써 6년 전이네요‬That's more than six years ago now.
‪(수연) 행복로가‬ ‪소덕동을 관통하는 대신‬And what if Happiness Road were designed to go around Sodeok-dong instead of through?
‪돌아가도록 설계하면 어떨까요?‬to go around Sodeok-dong instead of through?
‪돌아가려면‬Circumventing it?
‪(교수) 이 소덕동 밑에 있는‬ ‪자동차 전용 도로인‬That Happiness Road would have to be constructed next to Peaceful Road, the highway below Sodeok-dong.
‪이 평화로 쪽에 붙이거나‬next to Peaceful Road, the highway below Sodeok-dong.
‪아니면 바로 요 위‬next to Peaceful Road, the highway below Sodeok-dong.
‪지하철 10호선에 바짝 붙여서‬ ‪도로를 내야 하잖아요?‬Or right above here, next to subway line ten.
‪그런데 평화로 쪽으로 내려면은‬ ‪이 터널 공사가 많고‬To put it near Peaceful Road means a lot of excavating for tunnels.
‪이 교차로 만들기가 애매해요‬And creating an intersection is tricky.
‪그나마 이 10호선 쪽에‬ ‪붙이는 게 나은데‬So it would be better near subway line ten.
‪여긴 또‬ ‪군사 안보 대학교 부지가 있잖아‬However, the University for Defense Security is here.
‪[웃으며] 그래서 어렵지‬[civil engineer laughs] So that would be difficult.
‪(건축가) 위도 아래도 어렵다면‬ ‪방법이 있죠‬[architect] If those routes are too difficult, there is another way.
‪땅 밑으로 보내면 되잖아요‬Go below the town.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪그런 걸 도로를 지하화한다고 해요‬It would work. You just underground the road.
‪(민우) 그럼 비용이‬ ‪더 드는 거 아닌가요?‬Would it be cost-efficient, though?
‪아니요, 꼭 그렇지 않아요‬I don't see why not. In expensive areas, they're taking roads underground all the time,
‪땅값이 비싼 지역은‬ ‪도로를 지상에 짓는 것보다‬In expensive areas, they're taking roads underground all the time,
‪(건축가) 지하에 만드는 게‬ ‪건설비가 훨씬 적게 들어요‬and it saves a lot of money and construction fees compared to above ground.
‪그리고 도로를 지하화하면‬compared to above ground. And if you build the road underground,
‪지상에 있는 공간을‬ ‪그대로 활용할 수 있잖아요‬the town can still use the land on the surface.
‪그 살아난 땅의‬ ‪활용 가치를 따진다면‬If we consider the land's utilization value,
‪지하화로 변경하면서 생기는‬ ‪추가 비용도‬that amount can offset the additional expense of undergrounding the road.
‪어느 정도 상쇄할 수 있죠‬of undergrounding the road.
‪비용 면에서 큰 차이가 없다면‬Without much difference in terms of money,
‪경해도나 동방은‬why hasn't Dongbang given consideration to going underground?
‪왜 지하화하는 대안을‬ ‪고려하지 않는 걸까요?‬why hasn't Dongbang given consideration to going underground?
‪그건 말이죠‬Well, because…
‪도로를 만드는 사람들은‬ ‪다 토목과거든요‬these people all have civil engineering majors.
‪(건축가) 토목과는‬ ‪지면만 다루잖아요‬[architect] Civil engineering is only about the surface.
‪지하화를 한다는 건‬ ‪건축 개념이 들어가요‬Undergrounding is an architect's purview.
‪단순하긴 해도 공간이니까요‬It saves the surface for future use.
‪(교수) 아니, 아니, 그렇지 않아요‬[civil engineer] No, no, no. That's not true.
‪냉정하게 생각해 봐야죠‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬You have to think objectively. Is the land in Sodeok-dong valuable enough
‪과연 소덕동이‬ ‪지하 도로를 만들면서까지‬Is the land in Sodeok-dong valuable enough that building an underground road is worthwhile?
‪보존을 해야 할 만한‬ ‪가치가 있는 땅이냐?‬that building an underground road is worthwhile?
‪아니라는 거예요‬The answer is no.
‪소덕동은 서울 근교긴 하지만‬Sodeok-dong is on the outskirts of Seoul, but with this military function,
‪군사적인 목적도 있고 해서‬Sodeok-dong is on the outskirts of Seoul, but with this military function,
‪그린벨트 풀리기 어려워요‬its green belt zoning won't change.
‪신도시가 될 가능성이‬ ‪거의 없는 거죠‬There's no chance it will turn into a planned city.
‪[수연의 한숨]‬[Su-yeon sighs]
‪(현우) 지금 변호사님 말씀은‬[Hyeon-u] So what you're saying is,
‪우리더러 아예‬ ‪소송을 하지 말라는 건가요?‬we should abandon the lawsuit idea entirely?
‪(명석) 어, 저희가 알아본 바로는‬Based on what we've found out,
‪이 계획 노선보다 월등히 더 나은‬it's difficult to claim that there's a surefire alternative
‪확실한 대안이 있다고‬ ‪주장하기는 어려울 거 같습니다‬it's difficult to claim that there's a surefire alternative to the route as it's currently planned.
‪그렇다면 승소할 가능성이‬ ‪매우 적습니다‬So, the chances of winning the suit are quite low.
‪행정 소송은‬ ‪판결까지 걸리는 시간이‬In this sort of civic matter, reaching a verdict
‪짧게는 3개월‬takes three months at minimum and could take up to a year and a half.
‪길게는 1년 반까지도 가는데‬takes three months at minimum and could take up to a year and a half.
‪이길 가능성이 적은 소송에‬We're concerned about putting that much time and energy
‪너무나 긴 시간과 에너지를‬ ‪쓰시게 될까 걱정이 됩니다‬We're concerned about putting that much time and energy just to lose ultimately.
‪[헛기침]‬[clears throat]
‪내가 이런 얘기까진‬ ‪안 하려고 했는데‬I really didn't want to say this yet.
‪내가 좀 삽니다‬But I'm pretty well-off.
‪(명석) 네?‬-Huh? -[Hyeon-u] He's a man of wealth.
‪(현우) 우리 이장님‬ ‪알고 보면 대단한 재력가세요‬-Huh? -[Hyeon-u] He's a man of wealth. His reputation is well-known in our town.
‪몇 대째 소덕동 토박이신데‬His family's been in Sodeok-dong for generations.
‪대대손손 물려받으신 땅이‬The land he's inherited spans far and wide.
‪소덕동뿐만 아니라‬ ‪기영시 전체에…‬Not only in Sodeok-dong, but all over Kiyoung.
‪이장님네 땅을 밟지 않고서는‬-If you take a step anywhere in Kiyoung… -All right, now.
‪[한수가 말린다]‬ ‪아유, 기영시를‬ ‪지나갈 수가 없다니깐요‬-If you take a step anywhere in Kiyoung… -All right, now. [clears throat] …you will be standing on his property.
‪(명석) 아…‬Ah.
‪이 소송‬This lawsuit…
‪뭐라 그러지?‬Uh, what was it?
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪(한수) 아, 왜‬ ‪그런 속담 있잖아요‬You know, that famous saying.
‪계, 계란…‬Eggs…
‪'계, 계, 계란은‬ ‪한 바구니에 담지 마라'‬Don't put all your eggs in one basket?
‪아니, 그…‬That isn't it.
‪'계란으로 바위 치기'‬Hitting a boulder with an egg.
‪(한수) 그래요‬That's it.
‪계란으로 바위 치기라는 거 압니다‬I know this is hitting a boulder with an egg,
‪그래도 합니다‬but we're going with it.
‪지더라도 하고‬ ‪나 혼자서라도 합니다‬Even if we lose, even if it's only me,
‪수임료는 얼마든지 드릴 테니까‬whatever commission you want to charge,
‪제발 계란 편에 서 주세요, 예?‬so please stand with this little egg.
‪아, 저…‬Uh…
‪[현우의 다급한 숨소리]‬I have an idea! You should all come to Sodeok-dong.
‪(현우) 우리 이 얘기‬ ‪소, 소덕동에 가서 마저 할까요?‬I have an idea! You should all come to Sodeok-dong.
‪네?‬-What? -[Hyeon-u] Well, I mean…
‪(현우) 아, 아니, 소덕동에도‬ ‪한번 안 와 보시고‬-What? -[Hyeon-u] Well, I mean… How can you decide about taking the case
‪사건 수임을 할지 말지를‬ ‪어떻게 정합니까?‬without visiting Sodeok-dong at least one time?
‪(명석) 아, 아니요‬Uh, no. The materials you showed us are sufficient.
‪지금 보여 주신‬ ‪자료들로도 충분합니다‬Uh, no. The materials you showed us are sufficient.
‪저희가 워낙 일이 많아서‬ ‪시간이 없기도 하고요‬We've got so much to do and not enough time.
‪(현우) 에헤‬ ‪소덕동 아주 가깝습니다‬Hey, Sodeok-dong is really close by. It's only an hour drive from here at most.
‪여기서 차로 한 시간이면 갑니다‬Hey, Sodeok-dong is really close by. It's only an hour drive from here at most.
‪(한수) 그래요‬Yes. You can turn us down in Sodeok-dong if you must, yeah?
‪거절하시더라도‬ ‪소덕동 가서 하십시다, 예?‬Yes. You can turn us down in Sodeok-dong if you must, yeah?
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪(명석) 아니요‬ ‪저, 저희가 다음 일정이 있어서‬No, we have something after this, -so we really should finish up. -Attorney Jung, let's go.
‪[한수가 재촉한다]‬ ‪그걸 좀 보고 가야 될…‬-so we really should finish up. -Attorney Jung, let's go.
‪[명석이 당황한다]‬ ‪(현우) 가시죠‬-Wait. Let's go. -We should…
‪(명석) 저기…‬-Wait. Let's go. -We should…
‪(현우) 여기서 금방, 금방입니다‬It won't take long.
‪(현우) 알겠습니다‬Right here.
‪- (준호) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (한수) 아, 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪- (한수) 여, 여, 여기로 타요‬ ‪- (준호) 아, 감사합니다‬-Please, go ahead, have a seat. -Thank you so much.
‪- (준호) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (현우) 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪(민우) 변호사님 오고 계셔?‬-Is Mr. Jung ready? -Yes, he's on his way.
‪(준호) 어, 곧 오실 거야‬-Is Mr. Jung ready? -Yes, he's on his way.
‪- (한수) 한 분 더 기다려야 돼‬ ‪- (현우) 예, 예‬[Han-su] We're still waiting for one more. [Hyeon-u] Got it.
‪(민우) 아주 그냥 선남선녀네‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[Min-woo] They're such an equal match.
‪[수연과 준호가 화기애애하다]‬ ‪(민우) 우리 준호가‬Don't you think that Jun-ho has a thing for Attorney Choi?
‪최수연 변호사‬ ‪좋아하는 거 같지 않아요?‬Don't you think that Jun-ho has a thing for Attorney Choi?
‪저와 자리를 바꾸겠습니까?‬Want to trade places with me?
‪(영우) 선남선녀가‬ ‪나란히 앉는 게 좋겠습니다‬An equal match should really sit side by side.
‪(준호) 네?‬-What? -Uh…
‪(수연) 뭐?‬What?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[민우의 헛기침]‬[Min-woo chuckles]
‪[민우가 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬
‪우영우 변호사가 뭘 좀 아네, 예‬Ah, great minds do think alike. [Min-woo] Yeah.
‪(현우) 저기 저‬ ‪빨간 깃발들 보이시죠?‬You see all those red flags by the roadside?
‪얼마 전에 동방 애들이 나와서‬ ‪박아 놓고 간 거예요‬[Hyeon-u] Dongbang just had a crew here putting them up.
‪공사할 노선대로‬ ‪미리 쭉 꽂아 놓은 거죠‬They're marking their construction route before they break ground.
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬[clicks tongue]
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪(한수) 여기서부터‬ ‪우리 동네 소덕동입니다‬[Han-su] And now, we're in Sodeok-dong.
‪자, 좀 내려서 걸을까요?‬Should we get out and walk a bit?
‪(명석) 아, 네‬[Atty. Jung] Uh, sure.
‪[차 문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[soft music playing]
‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪(명석) 씁‬ ‪마을이 참 아름답습니다‬The town is so… so beautiful.
‪(한수) 마을도 아름답지만‬ ‪여기 사는 사람들은 더 이뻐요‬The people who live here, they are even more beautiful than the land.
‪[한수의 웃음]‬they are even more beautiful than the land. [Han-su laughs]
‪어어, 저기 저‬ ‪소덕동 김장훈이 있네‬Oh, look. Right there, that's the Kim Jang-hoon of Sodeok-dong.
‪(현우) 어이!‬Hey!
‪(주민3) 어이!‬Hey!
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[grunts, laughs] [all laugh]
‪(수연) 왜 소덕동 김장훈이에요?‬Why is he the Kim Jang-hoon of Sodeok-dong?
‪(현우) 아, 저 친구 별명이에요‬Ah, that's his name because he's basically an angel.
‪기부 천사거든‬Ah, that's his name because he's basically an angel.
‪해마다 자기가 직접 농사지은 쌀을‬[Hyeon-u] Every year, he makes a huge donation of rice to City Hall,
‪시청에 꼬박꼬박 기부를 해요‬[Hyeon-u] Every year, he makes a huge donation of rice to City Hall,
‪기영시에 사는‬ ‪불우 이웃들 나눠 주라고요‬to help feed the less fortunate in the area.
‪[한수의 웃음]‬[Hyeon-u laughs]
‪- (한수) 가실까요?‬ ‪- (명석) 예‬-Shall we? -Yeah.
‪[사람들이 대화한다]‬[laughter]
‪(한수) 아, 저기, 저기‬[Han-su] Ah!
‪(민우) 그, 이번엔 혹시‬ ‪손흥민인가요?‬-Is it Son Heung-min this time? -Yes.
‪(현우) 네, 소덕동 손흥민‬-Is it Son Heung-min this time? -Yes. Sodeok-dong's Son Heung-min.
‪(한수) 그, 기영시에서‬[Han-su] The thing in Kiyoung…
‪뭐라 그러지?‬ ‪그, 이거, 이거, 이거‬What's the word? Like this…
‪- (현우) 체육 대회요?‬ ‪- (한수) 어, 그래‬-[Hyeon-u] Athletic competition? -[Han-su] Yes, that!
‪(한수) 체육 대회를 하면은‬Whenever we have these competitions,
‪줄다리기 같은 건‬Sodeok-dong always wins the tug-of-war in all these events.
‪우리 소덕동이 우승도 하고‬ ‪준우승도 하거든?‬Sodeok-dong always wins the tug-of-war in all these events. But for whatever reason, we could never get past the first round in soccer
‪근데 이상하게‬ ‪축구만 했다 하면 예선 탈락‬But for whatever reason, we could never get past the first round in soccer
‪영 맥을 못 춰요‬no matter what we did.
‪그래서 축구팀을 만들어‬ ‪주야장천 맹연습을 했더니‬So, we got a team together. Practice, practice, practice.
‪작년엔, 음, 뭐지, 그거?‬And last year… Wait, what was it?
‪이, 이, 이, 이…‬ ‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪우승?‬-You won! -Not first place,
‪(현우) 까지는 못 했지만‬ ‪4강엔 진출했어요‬ ‪[한수가 호응한다]‬-You won! -Not first place, -but we got to the semifinals. -[Han-su] Yeah.
‪그 주역이 바로 우리 흥민이 형님‬ ‪[문소리]‬It was Heung-min who was responsible.
‪[한수의 웃음]‬ ‪어, 저기 나오시네‬It was Heung-min who was responsible. -Oh, there he is. -Yeah.
‪[한수의 반가운 소리]‬ ‪축구!‬-Oh, there he is. -Yeah. -Soccer! -Yeah, yeah. [Han-su laughs]
‪[한수가 재촉한다]‬Hi.
‪어떻게, 사인해 드려?‬So, want an autograph?
‪[한수가 당황한다]‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬[laughs]
‪[명석의 웃음]‬[laughs]
‪(한수) 아, 아니야, 이 사람아‬-No, you fool. -What?
‪[한수의 웃음]‬ ‪(주민4) 예?‬-No, you fool. -What? You said "hi," now get back inside.
‪(한수) 아‬ ‪인사했으면 됐어, 들어가‬You said "hi," now get back inside.
‪[한수와 주민4의 웃음]‬You said "hi," now get back inside.
‪응, 그래, 응‬See you later.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪(주민4) 아이고‬[Heung-min grunts]
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬ ‪아이고‬
‪(한수) 가시죠‬[Han-su] Let's go.
‪가시죠‬[Heung-min grunts] [Atty. Jung] He's very light on his feet.
‪(명석) 아유, 가벼우신데요?‬[Atty. Jung] He's very light on his feet.
‪소덕동에는 인물이 참 많네요‬Sodeok-dong is full of characters.
‪김장훈 씨도 계시고‬ ‪손흥민 씨도 계시고‬Kim Jang-hoon, of course, and Son Heung-min.
‪(한수) 아유, 아유, 아유‬ ‪예, 들어가세요?‬ ‪[주민들이 인사한다]‬-Well, hello there. -[woman] Hello. -Nice to see you. -Hello!
‪예, 예‬ ‪[주민들의 웃음]‬-Nice to see you. -Hello!
‪아, 이 집은‬ ‪소덕동 테레사 님이 사세요‬Ah, this house is where the Mother Teresa of Sodeok-dong lives.
‪어, 일로 와 봐, 일로 와‬Ah, this house is where the Mother Teresa of Sodeok-dong lives. Come on. Come on!
‪(명석) 아‬ ‪테레사 수, 수녀님이요?‬Come on. Come on! As in Mother Teresa? Yes, Teresa. President of the women's association.
‪(한수) 어, 테레사 부녀회장, 응‬Yes, Teresa. President of the women's association.
‪(명석) [웃으며] 부녀회장님‬-Ah, the women's association. -Hello there. Teresa.
‪- (현우) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (한수) 테레사 님‬-Ah, the women's association. -Hello there. Teresa.
‪아이고, 변호사님들이시구나?‬How wonderful! And you must be the attorneys. [chuckles]
‪[부녀회장의 웃음]‬And you must be the attorneys. [chuckles]
‪(부녀회장) 잘 오셨어요‬[Teresa] Thank you for coming. [chuckles]
‪(현우) 소덕동에는‬ ‪공중목욕탕이 없어요‬Unfortunately, Sodeok-dong doesn't have a public bathhouse. So, once every month, President Teresa
‪그래서 한 달에 한 번‬ ‪우리 테레사 부녀회장님이‬So, once every month, President Teresa takes all the town elders to the one in the next town over.
‪마을 어르신들 싹 다 모시고‬ ‪옆 동네 목욕탕에 다녀오십니다‬takes all the town elders to the one in the next town over.
‪가서 할머니들 등도 밀어 드리고‬She scrubs their backs and even takes them for ox bone soup afterward.
‪목욕 후에는‬ ‪설렁탕도 대접해 주시고요‬She scrubs their backs and even takes them for ox bone soup afterward.
‪(부녀회장) [웃으며] 에이그‬[laughs]
‪마을회비 갖고 다 같이 하는 건데‬To be fair, I use the town dues.
‪(한수) 아, 근데 솔직히‬Now, don't sell yourself short.
‪매달 그렇게 시간 내고‬ ‪마음 내기가 쉽습니까?‬Now, don't sell yourself short. Making an effort to do it properly every month.
‪부녀회장님이‬ ‪테레사시니까 가능한 거지‬It only happens because you're our Mother Teresa.
‪에이그, 뭘요‬Really, stop it!
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[laughter]
‪(부녀회장) 우리 변호사 선생님들‬[laughter] Counselors, please take care of Sodeok-dong.
‪소덕동 잘 좀 부탁합니다‬Counselors, please take care of Sodeok-dong. Thank you very much.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪잘 좀 봐 주세요‬Thank you very much.
‪[영우의 어색한 웃음]‬ ‪[부녀회장의 웃음]‬-[Young-woo grunts] -[laughs]
‪잘 좀 부탁합니다‬Take good care of us.
‪부탁합니다, 부탁합니다‬Thank you. Thank you.
‪(명석) 아, 그럼 이장님이랑‬ ‪위원장님도 별명이 있습니까?‬[Atty. Jung] So do the two of you have nicknames as well?
‪(한수) 아, 그럼‬[Han-su] Of course.
‪음, 나는 그…‬I'm the, uh…
‪(영우) 소덕동 뭐더라?‬-"What Is It of Sodeok-dong"? -Uh, no.
‪(한수) 아니‬-"What Is It of Sodeok-dong"? -Uh, no. [exclaims]
‪- 소덕동 이건희‬ ‪- (명석) 아, 네?‬ ‪[준호의 탄성]‬-The Bill Gates of the town. -What's that?
‪(한수) 아, 말했잖아요‬ ‪내가 좀 산다고‬As I mentioned, I'm quite well-off.
‪(명석) 아니, 그럼 위원장님은요?‬[chuckles] And what about you, Chairman?
‪저는 소덕동‬I'm the Sodeok-dong undercover Brad Pitt.
‪장동건입니다‬I'm the Sodeok-dong undercover Brad Pitt.
‪[준호와 명석의 웃음]‬[laughter]
‪(한수) 아, 아니‬ ‪왜 그렇게 놀랍니까?‬[laughter] [Han-su] Why are you surprised?
‪이 친구 부리부리하니‬ ‪잘생겼잖아요‬A handsome guy with those strong features.
‪아직도 소덕동 처녀들은‬Whenever the single women of Sodeok-dong walk by his house…
‪이 동건이 집 앞을 지날 땐‬Whenever the single women of Sodeok-dong walk by his house…
‪뭐, 뭐, 뭐더라? 그, 저…‬What was it? Um…
‪어, 그, 옷고름을 가다듬는다고요‬What was it? Um… Ah, they make sure their clothes are straight.
‪[한수의 웃음]‬ ‪(현우) 아이고, 이장님도‬Ah, they make sure their clothes are straight. Where do I find all these
‪소덕동에 옷고름을‬ ‪가다듬을 처녀가 어디 있습니까?‬young single women who are straightening their clothes for me?
‪주민들 평균 연령이 65세인데‬The average age of a resident here is 65.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬ ‪(한수) 아하하, 그렇구나?‬Ah, okay.
‪그래서 우리 동건이가‬ ‪여태 장가를 못 갔구나?‬So, that's why you still haven't gotten married yet, is it?
‪- (한수) 에이, 에이‬ ‪- (현우) 흥!‬So, that's why you still haven't gotten married yet, is it? [Hyeon-u grunts]
‪(한수) 자, 자, 자‬ ‪어, 주민들 구경은 이쯤 하시고‬Okay, okay, okay. You've met enough residents. Should we go see the town's crown jewel?
‪이제 마을 조망을 좀 해 볼까요?‬Should we go see the town's crown jewel?
‪저 언덕배기‬ ‪팽나무 아래까지 걸어갑시다‬We can walk to the hackberry tree on the hilltop.
‪(영우) 와‬Whoa.
‪[바람이 쏴 분다]‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[light music playing]
‪(한수) 소덕동 천연기념물이에요‬[Han-su] That is Sodeok-dong's national monument.
‪[옅은 탄성]‬
‪(준호) 실제 천연기념물로‬ ‪지정된 건가요?‬Is it actually designated a national monument?
‪(현우) 아니요, 아니요‬ ‪그냥 소덕동 천연기념물‬No, no. Just to us here in Sodeok-dong.
‪소덕동 장동건처럼‬Like, Brad Pitt of Sodeok-dong.
‪(준호) 아‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬[all laugh]
‪(한수) 아, 그때가 언제였지?‬[Han-su] Uh, when was it? 2016.
‪2016년도였나?‬[Han-su] Uh, when was it? 2016.
‪어, 우리도 혹시나 싶어서‬ ‪도청에 문의한 적이 있어요‬We asked the provincial office just in case.
‪그런데 전문가들이 나와서 보더니‬ ‪그 정도는 아니라데‬But when they checked it out, they said it's not enough to qualify.
‪[한수의 웃음]‬[Han-su laughs]
‪천연기념물 될 정도까지는 아니래‬They said it doesn't count as a national monument.
‪아니, 위풍당당한 게‬It looks so majestic.
‪(명석) 최소한‬ ‪보호수라도 될 거 같은데‬[Atty. Jung] You'd think it would at least be a protected tree.
‪아쉽네요‬-What a shame. -Whether it's official, it doesn't matter.
‪(한수) 아, 무관이면 어떻습니까‬-What a shame. -Whether it's official, it doesn't matter. Everyone from Sodeok-dong as a child has climbed upon its branches.
‪소덕동 사람 중에‬Everyone from Sodeok-dong as a child has climbed upon its branches.
‪어린 시절 저 나무 타고‬ ‪안 논 사람이 없고‬Everyone from Sodeok-dong as a child has climbed upon its branches.
‪기쁜 날 저 나무 아래서‬ ‪잔치 한번 안 연 사람이 없고‬[Han-su] Whenever there's a grand celebration, it's beneath its leaves.
‪간절할 때‬ ‪기도 한번 안 한 사람이 없어요‬And in times of hardship, the tree has heard our prayers.
‪감투 하나 못 썼지마는‬ ‪우리 마을 든든하게 지켜 주는‬It might not be official, however, it's the town's own…
‪뭐, 뭐라 그러지, 그걸?‬What was it? Um…
‪팽나무?‬Hackberry tree!
‪(한수) 당산나무입니다‬-The guardian tree. -Ugh.
‪뭐, 행복로 들어서면은‬ ‪저 친구도 잘려 나가겠지만요‬But once Happiness comes along, our old relative will be chopped down.
‪자, 가시죠‬[Han-su] Come with me.
‪(한수) 이제 언덕으로 오를 겁니다‬We're going to the top of the hill. Just a bit more.
‪조금만 더 가면 돼요‬We're going to the top of the hill. Just a bit more.
‪[한수가 격려한다]‬[Han-su grunts]
‪[준호가 쓱 미끄러진다]‬
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬ ‪[영우의 비명]‬[Young-woo whines]
‪[아파하는 신음]‬-[groans] -Attorney Woo!
‪변호사님!‬-[groans] -Attorney Woo!
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬ ‪(준호) 괜찮으세요?‬-[Jun-ho] Are you okay? -Uh, yeah.
‪아, 네‬-[Jun-ho] Are you okay? -Uh, yeah.
‪(영우) 아…‬[Young-woo sighs]
‪잠시만요‬Just a moment. Ooh.
‪(준호) 아이고, 옷이 찢어졌네요‬Just a moment. Ooh. Your jacket's torn.
‪(영우) 아…‬Ah.
‪저, 우선 이거라도 좀 걸치세요‬Here, why don't you put this on?
‪아, 괜찮습니다‬Uh, no, I'm okay.
‪변호사님 일하시는 중인데‬ ‪찢어진 옷은 좀 그렇잖아요‬You're in the middle of work and you shouldn't have to wear something torn.
‪(영우) 아…‬Mm.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬[chuckles] Ah.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[mellow music playing]
‪(준호) 조심‬
‪[영우의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(한수) 아유, 자‬ ‪이, 이, 이쪽으로 앉으세요‬Gather around. Sit right over here. This way.
‪[사람들의 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪이쪽으로‬Gather around. Sit right over here. This way. Rest your legs, good job.
‪(한수) 아이고, 수고하셨습니다‬Rest your legs, good job.
‪(준호) 조, 조심‬Careful. Yeah.
‪(현우) 다들‬ ‪언덕 오르느라 힘드셨죠?‬[Hyeon-u] I'm sure you're all winded from that climb.
‪시원하게 식혜 한 잔씩들 하세요‬Everyone, have a cup of iced tea to cool down.
‪(준호) 어, 주세요‬Everyone, have a cup of iced tea to cool down.
‪(현우) 테레사 부녀회장님께서‬ ‪주신 겁니다‬-I'll do it. -Teresa made this for us.
‪- (현우) 자, 여기‬ ‪- (한수) 아주 맛있을 거예요‬ ‪[한수의 웃음]‬-Here. -[Han-su] It should be delicious.
‪아니, 근데 저분은 누구신지?‬Uh, so, who is that?
‪(한수) 아, 소덕동 유진박‬[Han-su] Ah, the Eugene Park of Sodeok-dong.
‪[웃으며] 오늘‬ ‪변호사님들 오시니까‬[laughs] I asked him to come play the violin for us today since you're visiting.
‪바이올린 연주 해 달라고‬ ‪특별히 불렀어요‬the violin for us today since you're visiting.
‪소덕동 최고의 인재입니다‬He's our most talented musician.
‪아, 저, 거기가 어디지?‬Uh, the… Where is it?
‪경해도청이요‬-Provincial office. -That's right!
‪(한수) 그렇지‬-Provincial office. -That's right! He works at the Gyeonghae-do office. [Han-su laughs]
‪이 친구 경해도청 다녀요‬He works at the Gyeonghae-do office. [Han-su laughs]
‪[한수의 웃음]‬He works at the Gyeonghae-do office. [Han-su laughs]
‪[잔잔한 바이올린 연주]‬[classical music playing]
‪자, 저기 좀 보세요‬Now. Take a look over there.
‪변호사님들한테‬[Han-su] I put a lot of thought into what would be the right way
‪소덕동 가치를 어떻게 보여 줄까‬ ‪고민이 많았습니다‬[Han-su] I put a lot of thought into what would be the right way to show you the magic of Sodeok-dong and all its value.
‪사실‬Truth is,
‪종이에 적힌 숫자로만 놓고 보면‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬if you just look in terms of numbers, Sodeok-dong isn't worth a whole lot.
‪소덕동은 참 초라한 동네예요‬Sodeok-dong isn't worth a whole lot.
‪주민 수도 적고‬'Cause it doesn't have that many residents and the price of land is cheap.
‪땅값도 싸니까요‬'Cause it doesn't have that many residents and the price of land is cheap.
‪근데 직접 와서 보면‬ ‪그렇지가 않거든‬But once you come, see it for yourself,
‪김장훈도 살고 손흥민도 살고‬it's an amazing neighborhood
‪테레사 부녀회장도 살고‬ ‪유진박도 사는‬where Mother Teresa and Eugene Park live.
‪대단한 동네입니다‬And have you ever seen a…
‪보호수도 못 되는 주제에‬more beautiful tree, despite not being a national monument, hmm?
‪이 팽나무는 또‬ ‪얼마나 멋집니까, 예?‬ ‪[바람이 쏴 분다]‬more beautiful tree, despite not being a national monument, hmm?
‪그렇게 막 밀어 버려도‬This neighborhood shouldn't be something they can split into two like that.
‪그렇게 막 사라져 버려도 괜찮은‬This neighborhood shouldn't be something they can split into two like that.
‪그런 동네는 아니란 말입니다‬It shouldn't just evaporate.
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬[elevator dings] Our priority is to become experts on everything we can about Happiness Road.
‪(명석) 행복로에 관한‬ ‪모든 걸 알아야 돼‬Our priority is to become experts on everything we can about Happiness Road.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪건설 계획을 처음 세운 시점부터‬Our priority is to become experts on everything we can about Happiness Road. Starting with the decision to construct it,
‪도로 구역을 결정한 때까지를‬Starting with the decision to construct it,
‪시간 순서대로 정리해서‬ ‪자료들을 샅샅이 살펴봐‬to the choice of the route. I want it organized.
‪관련 법규들, 판례들까지‬ ‪싹 다 뒤져 보라고‬Regulations, precedents. Look through everything.
‪(변호사들) 네, 알겠습니다‬-Yes, Attorney. -Yes, Attorney.
‪(명석) 준호 씨가 내 방에‬ ‪사건 자료 갖다 놨다고 했으니까‬Jun-ho said he put the case materials in my office,
‪각자 몫들 나눠서 가져가‬so divide them between yourselves.
‪어, 셋이 같이 보면‬ ‪뭐, 금방 보겠지‬It shouldn't take too much time to read because it'll be a… a group effort.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[tense music playing]
‪(수연) 이게 다‬ ‪행복로 관련 자료들이에요?‬This is all information on Happiness Road?
‪셋이 같이 봐도‬ ‪금방은 다 못 보겠는데요?‬I don't suppose our group effort will even make a dent.
‪금방은 다 못 보겠습니다‬This won't be done quickly at all.
‪(명석) 쩝, 그래, 뭐, 그…‬Go on. You got this!
‪파이팅!‬ ‪[명석의 헛기침]‬You got this! [upbeat music playing]
‪[밝은 음악]‬[upbeat music playing]
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪[뽀득거리는 효과음]‬
‪[종이 넘기는 소리]‬
‪[빨리 감기 효과음]‬
‪[물방울 소리 효과음]‬
‪[알람이 울린다]‬[alarm beeping]
‪[입소리를 쉭 낸다]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬[groans]
‪[종이 넘기는 소리]‬
‪[수연의 하품]‬[yawns] [knocking on door]
‪[노크 소리]‬[knocking on door] [door opens]
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬ ‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬[door opens]
‪[수연의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪[준호의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪(준호) 식사하셨어요?‬[Jun-ho] Did you eat? You must be tired.
‪힘드시죠?‬[Jun-ho] Did you eat? You must be tired.
‪[수연이 살짝 웃는다]‬[Su-yeon chuckles]
‪추가 자료는 아니죠?‬Don't tell me that's for us.
‪읽어야 될 게‬ ‪더 있다는 말은 말아 주세요‬I think we've had our fill of material today.
‪[놀라며] 어떡하죠?‬Just a little more material.
‪추가 자료 맞아요‬Just a little more material.
‪(준호) 주민 대책 위원회가‬ ‪경해도로 보낸 민원 서류들하고요‬These are the documents and complaints made by the residents. And these are the responses from Gyeonghae-do.
‪경해도가 답변한‬ ‪처리 서면들이에요‬And these are the responses from Gyeonghae-do.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[종이 넘기는 소리]‬
‪[멋쩍은 숨소리]‬
‪그럼 고생하세요‬-Keep up the good work. -Okay.
‪예‬-Keep up the good work. -Okay.
‪[수연의 한숨]‬[Su-yeon sighs] [door opens, closes]
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬[door opens, closes] Are you just pretending or do you really not know?
‪(수연) 넌 모르는 거야?‬ ‪모르는 척하는 거야?‬Are you just pretending or do you really not know?
‪내가 보기엔 준호 씨가‬ ‪너 좋아하는 거 같은데?‬From what I can see, I think Jun-ho has feelings for you.
‪그거 아닌 것 같아, 내가 물어봤어‬He doesn't. I asked him myself.
‪물어봤다고?‬You asked him?
‪뭐라고 물어봤는데?‬What was the question?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(영우) '이준호는‬ ‪우영우를 좋아한다'‬Lee Jun-ho likes Attorney Woo Young-woo.
‪사실입니까?‬Is this true?
‪(수연) 헐, 취조를 했네‬[Su-yeon] So… an interrogation?
‪준호 씨는 뭐랬는데?‬And his response was?
‪(준호) 그건‬[Jun-ho] That is…
‪황두용 부장님이 대답하기엔‬too hard of… too hard of a question
‪너무 어, 어려운 질문이네요‬for Director Hwang Du-yong to answer.
‪이준호 씨는‬Jun-ho avoided answering me on the matter directly.
‪그 문제에 대해‬ ‪직접적으로 언급하길 피했어‬Jun-ho avoided answering me on the matter directly.
‪(수연) 어유, 너 무슨 재판하냐?‬Are you two in the middle of a trial? Is love a trial?
‪사랑의 재판이야?‬Are you two in the middle of a trial? Is love a trial?
‪직접적으로 언급하길 피했다니‬ ‪말이 뭐 그래?‬What do you even mean he avoided speaking on it directly?
‪명확한 대답을 하지 않고‬ ‪말을 돌렸어‬He changed the subject without giving me his answer.
‪당연하지‬Of course, he did! "Jun-ho likes Young-woo. Is this statement true?"
‪'이준호는 우영우를 좋아한다‬ ‪사실입니까?'‬"Jun-ho likes Young-woo. Is this statement true?"
‪(수연) 이따위로 물어보는데‬ ‪그럼 거기다 대고‬How did you expect him to answer?
‪'네, 그것은‬ ‪틀림없는 사실입니다' 이러냐?‬"Yes, it is under penalty of perjury." Like that?
‪나라도 직접적인 언급을 피하겠다‬Even I wouldn't speak openly like that.
‪[당황한 소리]‬Hmm…
‪너는 어떤데?‬What are your feeling?
‪너는 준호 씨 좋아?‬Do you like Jun-ho or not?
‪(영우) 음…‬Hmm…
‪[답답한 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪쉽지 않아‬It's not easy.
‪누군가 나를 좋아하는 건‬ ‪쉽지 않아‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬It's not easy for someone to care for me like that.
‪나도 그 정도는 알아‬I know that at least.
‪너는 선녀지만 나는‬You're an attractive woman, and I?
‪자폐인이잖아‬I'm just autistic.
‪아, 너는!‬Cut it out!
‪(영우) 응?‬Mm.
‪너는 그, 그런‬ ‪약해 빠진 소리 하지 마!‬You really shouldn't say something so weak-minded, huh!
‪쉽지 않긴 뭐가 쉽지 않아!‬What do you mean by that, anyway?
‪[수연의 답답한 숨소리]‬[scoffs]
‪[문이 쾅 여닫힌다]‬[door opens, closes]
‪[종이를 사락 넘긴다]‬[paper rustles]
‪(그라미) 씁, 그러니까‬[Geu-ra-mi sucks teeth] Okay. So, you want me to help you find out if you like him or not?
‪우영우가 이준호를‬ ‪좋아하는지 아닌지‬So, you want me to help you find out if you like him or not?
‪고것이 알고 싶다?‬So, you want me to help you find out if you like him or not?
‪(영우) 응‬Mm.
‪아이고, 연애 상담도‬ ‪뭐, 할 만한 사람한테 해야지‬I don't know. You should be careful who to trust for dating advice.
‪얘가 뭐 안다고‬She's an expert now?
‪뭐래, 강화도 팜 파탈한테?‬Oh, please, in this neighborhood? I'm the femme fatale of Ganghwa-do.
‪(그라미) 화문석 다음으로‬ ‪치명적이야, 내가‬I'm the femme fatale of Ganghwa-do.
‪- 집중해‬ ‪- (영우) 응‬-Keep focused! -Mm.
‪자, 이준호를 떠올려 봐‬Now. Think of Jun-ho's face.
‪- (그라미) 어때?‬ ‪- 응‬-[Geu-ra-mi] How do you feel? -Mm.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬ ‪(준호) 쿵 짝짝‬[Jun-ho] One, two, three.
‪(함께) 쿵 짝짝, 쿵 짝짝‬-One, two, three. -One, two, three. -One, two, three. -One, two…
‪- (준호) 쿵 짝, 지금이에요‬ ‪- (영우) 쿵 짝짝‬-One, two… Here we go. -One, two, three.
‪(준호) 쿵 짝…‬ ‪[밝은 효과음]‬-Two, three. -One, two.
‪(영우) 이준호 씨는‬[Young-woo] Jun-ho is…
‪친절해‬very kind.
‪변호사님 일하시는 중인데‬ ‪찢어진 옷은 좀 그렇잖아요‬You're in the middle of work and you shouldn't have to wear something torn.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪다정한 사람이야‬He's a good person.
‪[그라미의 들뜬 숨소리]‬[chuckles] What about when you're around him, your heart,
‪그럼 같이 있을 땐 어때?‬What about when you're around him, your heart,
‪막 떨려?‬What about when you're around him, your heart,
‪심장이 막‬ ‪팍 바운스 바운스 두근대?‬sometimes, does it start beating like crazy?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[soft music playing]
‪변호사님 같은 변호사가‬I would hope that maybe you…
‪내 편을 들어 주면 좋겠어요‬wanted to be on my team as well.
‪그런 적도 있어‬Yes, at least once.
‪[놀라며] 어유!‬[gasps] Oh!
‪(그라미) 아, 뭐야, 이 새끼‬ ‪얼굴까지 빨개지고!‬Look, you're totally blushing!
‪야, 너 완전 좋아하네!‬You definitely like him!
‪(영우) 으응?‬Hmm…
‪[들뜬 숨소리]‬If you're not completely sure, why not try a little bit of touching?
‪야, 잘 모르겠으면‬If you're not completely sure, why not try a little bit of touching?
‪이준호를 살짝 만져 보는 건 어때?‬If you're not completely sure, why not try a little bit of touching?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(영우) 뭐?‬What?
‪만졌을 때‬ ‪심장이 얼마나 빨리 뛰는지‬Measure your heartbeat at the moment you touch him
‪심박수를 재 보는 거야‬to see if it starts pounding.
‪(그라미) 분당 150 정도다‬ ‪그러면 그냥 호감‬At 150 beats per minute, it's a crush,
‪근데, 근데 막 엄청나‬but if your poor heart starts beating madly, like it's going to explode,
‪막 심장이 막 미칠 것 같고‬ ‪터질 것 같고‬but if your poor heart starts beating madly, like it's going to explode, like you've been running like crazy for miles,
‪막 쿵쾅쿵쾅 최대 심박수야‬like you've been running like crazy for miles,
‪그러면 진짜 좋아하는 거야‬well, then, you really like the guy!
‪(민식) 야!‬Hey!
‪큰일 날 소리 하고 있어‬What's wrong with you?
‪살짝 만져 보긴 뭘 만져 봐‬Stop talking about touching him, okay? What about consent?
‪그, 범죄야, 인마, 쯧‬Stop talking about touching him, okay? What about consent?
‪(그라미) 어?‬Huh?
‪맞아‬He's right.
‪다른 사람의 몸을‬ ‪허락 없이 만지면 안 돼‬You shouldn't touch other people without consent.
‪그럼 허락받고 만지면 되잖아‬Well, then, ask permission.
‪(민우) 아, 태산 애들이랑‬ ‪한판 붙어 보는 건 또 처음이네‬Finally, a chance to go head-to-head with Taesan kids.
‪'태산 애들'이요?‬Who's the kid here? Suddenly, you're the adult?
‪언제 봤다고 애들이에요?‬Who's the kid here? Suddenly, you're the adult?
‪저 중의 한 명이‬ ‪나랑 로스쿨 동기예요‬I remember going to school with that attorney.
‪(민우) 그러니까‬ ‪쟤는 신입이라는 소리고‬[Min-woo] Which means he's a rookie.
‪나머지 한 명도 뭐‬And the other one doesn't seem like he's any older.
‪그렇게 나이가‬ ‪많은 거 같진 않은데?‬And the other one doesn't seem like he's any older.
‪(명석) 그렇긴 하네‬Mm. You're right.
‪근데 시니어도 없이‬ ‪저렇게 둘만 나온 건가?‬Will it be just those two without a senior attorney?
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[발걸음이 울린다]‬[tense music playing]
‪[수미가 말한다]‬
‪(수연) 태수미 변호사 맞죠?‬Attorney Tae Su-mi's here?
‪왜 왕이 직접 나왔어?‬-Why'd the king come herself? -"King"?
‪왕?‬-Why'd the king come herself? -"King"?
‪저 사람이 왕입니까?‬That woman's the king?
‪얼마 전까지 태산의 대표였잖아‬Up until recently, she was the CEO of Taesan.
‪(수연) 사퇴하고‬ ‪일반 변호사로 활동한다더니‬[Su-yeon] She resigned and works as a regular attorney now.
‪진짜 재판에도 나오네요‬ ‪이름만 올리는 게 아니라‬I didn't expect her to show up personally in court like that.
‪아, 법무부 장관 후보라는‬ ‪소리도 있던데 안 바쁜가?‬I heard rumors she's a candidate for the Justice Ministry.
‪자, 그만 쑥덕거리고‬ ‪사건에 집중합시다‬All right, that's more than enough gossip. Come on. Focus.
‪어, 들어가‬All right, that's more than enough gossip. Come on. Focus.
‪(민우) 알겠습니다‬
‪(명석) 피고가 설계한‬ ‪행복로의 계획 노선은‬The defendant's proposal for Happiness Road's route
‪원고들의 주거지인‬ ‪소덕동을 관통하여‬cuts through Sodeok-dong, the plaintiffs' place of residence, splitting it in half.
‪마을을 두 동강 내고 있습니다‬cuts through Sodeok-dong, the plaintiffs' place of residence, splitting it in half.
‪이 대안 노선을 봐 주십시오‬Consider these other options.
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬
‪행복로는 소덕동의 남쪽‬[Atty. Jung] Happiness Road could go around Sodeok-dong,
‪혹은 북쪽으로 우회하거나‬on either the south side, or the north side.
‪지하에 지을 수도 있습니다‬Or it could go underground.
‪얼마든지 다른 대안이 있음에도‬All of these alternatives would work.
‪피고는 원고들의 권리를‬ ‪과소평가하고‬However, the defendant underestimated the plaintiffs' rights,
‪도로 건설로 인한 이익을‬ ‪과대평가하여‬and consequently overestimated the benefits of the road,
‪이익 형량에 하자가 있는‬ ‪결정을 한 것입니다‬leading to a decision that presents a conflict of interest.
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬ ‪이상입니다‬That is all. PLAINTIFF
‪(재판장) 피고‬ ‪원고의 주장이 사실입니까?‬Defendant, is the plaintiffs' claim true?
‪대안 노선들을‬ ‪충분히 검토하지 않았어요?‬Did you fail to thoroughly review alternate routes?
‪(수미) 충분히 검토했습니다‬ ‪재판장님‬We did thoroughly review them, Your Honor.
‪원고들이 주장하는‬ ‪저 세 개의 노선이‬And now, I will explain to the court why none of the routes that were just described are…
‪어째서 좋은 대안이 될 수 없는지‬why none of the routes that were just described are…
‪직접 보여 드리겠습니다‬suitable alternatives.
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬ ‪[자동차 시동음이 난다]‬[car engine starts]
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪[살짝 웃으며] 죄송합니다‬[Su-mi chuckles] I apologize.
‪미리 허락도 받지 않고‬I got you and the associate judges
‪재판장님과 배석 판사님들을‬ ‪출현하시게 했네요‬to make an appearance without bothering to get your consent in advance.
‪(재판장) 아, 저게 우리입니까?‬Uh, those would be us?
‪저 법복 입고서‬ ‪고개 까딱까딱하는 세 명이?‬[judge] The three bobbing heads dressed in robes?
‪오늘 날씨가 아주 화창하던데요‬The weather is so nice today. Since I'm not exactly able to bring the court outside,
‪판사님들 모시고‬ ‪법정 밖으로 나갈 수는 없으니‬Since I'm not exactly able to bring the court outside, we could travel Happiness Road virtually.
‪이렇게라도 행복로 위를‬ ‪달려 볼까요?‬we could travel Happiness Road virtually.
‪(수미) 우선 원고들이 주장하는‬First, we'll drive along the first route suggested by the plaintiff.
‪첫 번째 노선대로 달려 보겠습니다‬First, we'll drive along the first route suggested by the plaintiff.
‪[리모컨 작동음]‬
‪[타이머 효과음]‬
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[자동차 엔진음이 요란하게 난다]‬[gasps]
‪행복로를 남쪽‬If Happiness Road were built on the south, next to Peaceful Road,
‪평화로 옆에 짓게 되면‬If Happiness Road were built on the south, next to Peaceful Road, the road would stretch an extra five kilometers.
‪길이를 5km나 더 늘여야 합니다‬the road would stretch an extra five kilometers.
‪길이만 늘어나는 게 아닙니다‬It wouldn't just be the road.
‪[타이어 마찰음이 난다]‬ ‪평화로 주변에는‬ ‪쓰레기 소각장이 있죠‬[Su-mi] There's a garbage incineration plant near Peaceful Road.
‪이설이 불가능한 시설입니다‬[Su-mi] There's a garbage incineration plant near Peaceful Road. Which is impossible to relocate. So what are we to do?
‪그럼 어떻게 해야 할까요?‬Which is impossible to relocate. So what are we to do?
‪이렇게 터널과‬ ‪고가를 만들어야 합니다‬Tunnels and elevated roadways would need to be built.
‪서울시와의 접점에서‬And that's not to mention having to make a sharp curve connecting it to Seoul.
‪급커브를 만들게 되는 건‬ ‪말할 것도 없고요‬ ‪[타이어 마찰음이 난다]‬And that's not to mention having to make a sharp curve connecting it to Seoul.
‪[사람들의 놀란 탄성]‬[people gasping]
‪추가 공사비만 3천억 원이 넘는데‬This will result in construction fees amounting to 230 billion won.
‪길이는 5km나 늘어나고‬This will result in construction fees amounting to 230 billion won.
‪도로는 롤러코스터처럼 덜컹거려‬And incidentally, the road is as bumpy as a rollercoaster
‪수많은 교통사고를‬ ‪야기하게 되는 것입니다‬ ‪[쿵 부딪는 소리가 난다]‬And incidentally, the road is as bumpy as a rollercoaster which is bound to result in countless accidents.
‪그럼 두 번째 노선은 어떨까요?‬And so, what about the second route?
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬ ‪[자동차 엔진음이 요란하게 난다]‬
‪행복로를 북쪽‬If we were to build Happiness Road to the north, next to subway line ten,
‪지하철 10호선 옆에 짓게 되면‬If we were to build Happiness Road to the north, next to subway line ten,
‪군사 안보 대학교 부지를‬ ‪지나가야 합니다‬ ‪[영우의 놀란 숨소리]‬we'd have to pass through the land owned by the University for Defense Security.
‪[타이어 마찰음이 난다]‬ ‪대학에서 동의하지 않으니‬ ‪결국 이렇게 되겠네요‬we'd have to pass through the land owned by the University for Defense Security. The university would not allow this construction, which leads to this.
‪[돼지 울음이 난다]‬ ‪[사람들이 당황한다]‬The university would not allow this construction, which leads to this. [gasps]
‪[닭 울음이 난다]‬[cows mooing]
‪[소 울음이 난다]‬[cows mooing]
‪[피식 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪[쾅 부딪는 소리가 난다]‬ ‪[가축 울음이 요란하게 난다]‬[chickens clucking]
‪[사람들이 술렁인다]‬[chickens clucking] [indistinct chatter]
‪(명석) 동의하지 않는 건‬ ‪원고들도 마찬가지입니다‬The plaintiffs have something to say here.
‪축사 건물조차 내놓지 않겠다는‬The University of Defense Security's wish to maintain its land is significant.
‪군사 안보 대학교의 뜻은 중요하고‬The University of Defense Security's wish to maintain its land is significant.
‪집터를 뺏길 수 없다는‬ ‪소덕동 주민들의 반대는‬But what about all the residents of Sodeok-dong who don't want to give up their land?
‪무시하는 겁니까?‬who don't want to give up their land?
‪(수미) 재판장님‬[Su-mi] Your Honor.
‪함운 신도시는‬ ‪내년 6월부터 입주를 시작합니다‬The planned city of Hamun will open its doors by June.
‪지금 이 소송으로 인해‬ ‪행복로 완공이 늦어지게 되면‬If this suit causes a delay in Happiness Road construction,
‪서울시와 경해도는‬Seoul and Gyeonghae-do will be faced with unimaginable traffic.
‪최악의 교통 대란을‬ ‪피할 수 없습니다‬Seoul and Gyeonghae-do will be faced with unimaginable traffic.
‪행복로 계획 노선에 포함된‬ ‪다른 마을들은‬Other towns that fall along the route of Happiness Road understand this
‪모두가 이 사실을 이해하고‬Other towns that fall along the route of Happiness Road understand this
‪기꺼이 마을 부지를 내주었습니다‬and gladly gave up their plots.
‪그런데‬And yet,
‪경해도 전체에서 가장 인구수가‬ ‪적은 마을인 소덕동만이‬Sodeok-dong is a town that ranks least in terms of Gyeonghae-do's populus.
‪유달리 협조하지 않겠다며‬And they are being very uncooperative.
‪지하 도로 이야기까지‬ ‪꺼내고 있습니다‬Going so far as to bring up underground roads.
‪이야말로 명백한‬ ‪지역 이기주의이며…‬This seems to be a case of regional egoism that--
‪(한수) [테이블을 쾅 치며]‬ ‪지역 이기주의라니요!‬What do you mean regional egoism?
‪우리 뜻을 어찌 그리 매도합니까!‬How can you ignore us like that?
‪(현우) 다른 동네는‬Other towns must've received proper compensation
‪보상금이라도 제대로 받으니‬ ‪협조를 했겠죠‬Other towns must've received proper compensation
‪우리 소덕동하고는‬ ‪상황이 다릅니다!‬while our people suffer time and time again!
‪(수미) 아‬Ah.
‪아!‬[Su-mi] Ah.
‪그럼 원고들은‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬Tell me, are you only bringing this lawsuit to court
‪보상금을 더 받으려고‬ ‪지금 이 소송을 하시는 겁니까?‬Tell me, are you only bringing this lawsuit to court to receive different compensation?
‪[한수와 현우가 당황한다]‬ ‪'수천억 원의‬ ‪국민 세금이 낭비되고'‬It doesn't matter if billions of taxpayer's won are wasted,
‪'우리 지역 전체에‬ ‪교통 대란이 닥치더라도'‬or if the whole area turns into a traffic disaster…
‪'보상금만 더 받을 수 있다면‬ ‪상관없다'‬as long as the compensation is better, right?
‪'소송을 해서라도‬ ‪이 공사를 막겠다'‬Stopping this construction with a lawsuit.
‪그게 바로‬ ‪지역 이기주의의 정의 아닐까요?‬Isn't that the definition of regional egotism?
‪- (현우) 아, 그게 아니라…‬ ‪- (한수) 아니…‬ ‪[명석이 말린다]‬-How that… -Can you not… Please sit down, it's okay.
‪(명석) 앉으세요, 괜찮아요‬Please sit down, it's okay.
‪(수미) 재판장님‬Honorable judges,
‪행복로 공사는‬ ‪올해 말 완공을 목표로‬Happiness Road construction crews have already broken ground,
‪이미 상당 부분 진행이 됐습니다‬and it's on track to be completed this year.
‪지금 이 결정을 취소하게 되면‬At this point, if the project is revoked,
‪수백억 원의 손해가 나는 것은‬ ‪자명한 일입니다‬then billions of government won will be lost as a result.
‪이상입니다‬That will be all.
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪- (현우) 아니…‬ ‪- (한수) 저…‬[all murmuring]
‪[명석의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪[수연과 민우의 한숨]‬
‪[노크 소리]‬ ‪(영우) 네‬[knocking on door] Come in.
‪(광호) 어, 영우야, 빵 먹어라‬Hey, Young-woo. You have to try this.
‪야, 동네에‬ ‪새로 빵집이 생겼는데…‬There's a new bakery in the neighborhood. It's just down the…
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪[마우스 조작음]‬THE GREAT CEO ATTORNEY TAE SU-MI
‪지금 뭐 하는 거야?‬What are you doing?
‪태수미 변호사라고 아십니까?‬Tae Su-mi, do you know this woman?
‪(영우) 얼마 전까지‬She used to run the Taesan Law Firm, although, she recently resigned.
‪법무 법인 태산의‬ ‪대표 변호사였다가‬She used to run the Taesan Law Firm, although, she recently resigned.
‪자진 사퇴 했습니다‬She used to run the Taesan Law Firm, although, she recently resigned.
‪태산 창립자의 딸이고‬ ‪강천그룹 회장과 결혼했으며‬Her father founded Taesan, her husband is the president of Gangcheon,
‪아들이 하나…‬-and she has one son. -Why…
‪(광호) 왜‬-and she has one son. -Why…
‪태수미를 알아보는 건데?‬Why are you reading about her?
‪지금 하고 있는 사건의‬ ‪상대 변호사입니다‬She's opposing counsel on the case I'm working on.
‪변론하는 모습을 봤는데‬I saw her plead her case today. She was amazing even on the opposing side.
‪상대편이지만 멋있었어요‬She was amazing even on the opposing side.
‪나도 저렇게 되고 싶다는‬ ‪생각이 들었습니다‬I want to be impressive, just like Tae Su-mi.
‪[포클레인 엔진음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[인부들이 분주하다]‬[worker] Come over this way!
‪- (현우) 잠시만요, 잠시만요!‬ ‪- (주민3) 어이, 스톱, 그만!‬Yep, over here! -Stop working! -[Cheol-min] Stop!
‪- (현우) 잠시만요!‬ ‪- (주민3) 하지 마!‬-[Hyeon-u] Wait! -No, stop!
‪(현우) 잠시만, 잠시만요!‬ ‪[주민들의 다급한 숨소리]‬[Hyeon-u] Wait! Wait! Wait!
‪[인부들이 당황한다]‬-Wait! -[worker] What is it?
‪잠시만요, 잠시만요!‬-Wait! -[worker] What is it? You have to stop digging right now!
‪지금 뭐 하시는 겁니까, 예?‬Come on, stop digging. Stop. What's happening? What are you doing here? Who gave you permission to dig, huh?
‪누구 마음대로 공사를 해요!‬Who gave you permission to dig, huh?
‪예? 누구 마음대로라니?‬Huh? What are you going on about?
‪이거 나라에서 하는 도로 공사예요‬We're building this road for the government.
‪(한수) 이거 보시오‬-Wait! -Hey!
‪[한수의 가쁜 숨소리]‬[Han-su panting]
‪도로 못 짓게‬ ‪우리가 지금 소송 중이에요!‬We're in the middle of a lawsuit to halt work on this road!
‪공사 멈춰 달라고‬ ‪뭐, 뭐, 뭐, 뭐, 뭐지, 그거?‬-What was… What was the thing called? -Suspension of effect.
‪(현우) 효력 정지‬-What was… What was the thing called? -Suspension of effect. Right, we asked for a suspension of effect!
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(한수) 그래, 효력 정지‬ ‪신청을 했단 말이오!‬Right, we asked for a suspension of effect!
‪(인부1) 예?‬-Huh? -Complain to the judge then.
‪(인부2) 아, 그럼‬ ‪판사한테 가서 따지든가요!‬-Huh? -Complain to the judge then.
‪왜 여기 와서 이래?‬-Why are you doing this here? -This is really getting on my nerves.
‪(인부1) 아, 짜증 나게, 진짜‬-Why are you doing this here? -This is really getting on my nerves.
‪아저씨들, 제때 공사 못 해서‬ ‪우리 돈 못 받으면은‬Look, guy, are you going to be responsible for us getting paid
‪뭐, 아저씨들이 책임질 거예요?‬Look, guy, are you going to be responsible for us getting paid when this isn't built on time?
‪- (인부1) 예?‬ ‪- 뭔 소리 하는 거야!‬What are you saying?
‪아, 뭔 소리는, 공사하는 소리지‬I'm saying that we're going ahead, okay? Raise it up, come on! Come on!
‪(인부1) 아, 기사님, 올려, 올려!‬I'm saying that we're going ahead, okay? Raise it up, come on! Come on!
‪(인부2) 올려요, 올려!‬I'm saying that we're going ahead, okay? Raise it up, come on! Come on!
‪[주민들이 항의한다]‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬No, no! -[Hyeon-u] No! No, you can't. Stop. Stop. -[Han-su] You asshole.
‪아니, 이 아저씨 왜 이래?‬-[Hyeon-u] No! No, you can't. Stop. Stop. -[Han-su] You asshole.
‪(주민4) 아유, 형님, 형님!‬[Hyeon-u] No, no, no, stop. No.
‪아, 이놈들이 이거!‬[Hyeon-u] No, no, no, stop. No. [clamoring]
‪(부녀회장) 중단하라!‬You can't do this!
‪(한수) 저…‬-This is our town! -Oh, no.
‪[다급한 소리]‬-This is our town! -Oh, no.
‪[소란스럽다]‬Please! Do something! [Teresa sobs]
‪[통화 연결음]‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Please! Do something! [Teresa sobs] [line ringing]
‪변호사님‬ ‪[다급한 숨소리]‬Attorney Jung?
‪효력 정지는 언제 됩니까?‬When does the suspension start?
‪도로 공사 하는 사람들이‬The construction guys barged right in and they've started digging up the ground.
‪마을 입구까지 쳐들어와서‬ ‪땅을 팝니다‬The construction guys barged right in and they've started digging up the ground.
‪난리 났어요, 지금 여기‬Everything's a mess here.
‪(명석) 어, 효력 정지 결정이‬ ‪아직 안 났기 때문에‬A decision hasn't been made regarding suspension, which means there's no way to put a stop to the building as of now.
‪지금 공사를 막을 방법은 없습니다‬which means there's no way to put a stop to the building as of now.
‪결정을 신속하게 해 달라고‬I will request that the court perhaps speed up the decision process.
‪재판부에 한 번 더 요청하겠습니다‬I will request that the court perhaps speed up the decision process.
‪(수연) 행복로 얘기인가요?‬Was that about Happiness Road?
‪(명석) 소덕동 쪽에도‬ ‪공사가 시작된 모양이야‬It seems they've started construction.
‪(수연) 효력 정지 결정이‬Isn't it unusual for a court's decision to take so long?
‪이렇게 오래 걸리는‬ ‪경우도 있나요?‬Isn't it unusual for a court's decision to take so long?
‪재판부가 깜빡한 건 아니겠죠?‬Is there any possibility they forgot?
‪(명석) 음, 깜빡할 리는 없고‬Hmm, there's no way they forgot.
‪아마 안 받아 주고 버티다가‬Hmm, there's no way they forgot. I assume this means they're going to decline,
‪나중에 본안 기각할 때‬ ‪같이 기각하려는 거 같아‬I assume this means they're going to decline, but will hold the decision and dismiss everything at once.
‪판사가 보기에는‬ ‪그만큼 인용할 가능성이‬Meaning when the decision comes, there is very little possibility it will go in our favor.
‪거의 없다 싶은 사건이란 뜻이겠지‬there is very little possibility it will go in our favor.
‪하긴, 뭐, 판사들 입장에서도‬ ‪얼마나 부담스럽겠어요‬Well, I imagine the magistrate must be under pressure.
‪이 행복로가 있느냐 없느냐에 따라‬Happiness Road, existing or not, would affect the property value of the planned city of Hamun.
‪함운 신도시 땅값이‬ ‪엄청나게 차이 날 텐데‬would affect the property value of the planned city of Hamun. The government wouldn't look kindly on a reckless decision.
‪함부로 취소했다가는‬ ‪공공의 적이 될 수도 있잖아요‬The government wouldn't look kindly on a reckless decision.
‪그러니까 더더욱‬ ‪위법 사유를 찾아야 돼‬That's why we're looking for something done illegally. The only way the court would defy the government is if
‪정부가 하는 일을‬ ‪법원이 취소시킬 수 있는 건‬The only way the court would defy the government is if
‪그 일이 위법하다고‬ ‪판단했을 때뿐이니까‬they've reached a judgment based on something illegal.
‪(영우) 저 하나 찾았습니다‬ ‪위법 사유‬I found something that seems illegal.
‪(명석) 아, 그래?‬You did?
‪뭔데?‬What is it?
‪(영우) 전략 환경 영향 평가‬ ‪절차를 위반했습니다‬They violated the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment.
‪(민우) 그래요?‬Really?
‪씁, 전략 환경 영향 평가‬ ‪다 했던데?‬I see they did the assessment, though.
‪하긴 했는데‬ ‪언제 했느냐가 문제입니다‬Yes, they did it. However, the issue is when it was done.
‪환경 영향 평가법에 따르면‬According to the Environmental Impact Assessment Act,
‪전략 환경 영향 평가는‬According to the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the Strategic Impact Assessment has to be done as soon as the proposal
‪환경에 영향을 미치는 계획을‬ ‪수립할 때 해야 합니다‬the Strategic Impact Assessment has to be done as soon as the proposal that would impact the environment is done.
‪하지만 행복로의 경우‬Happiness Road was designed in 2017,
‪도로 설계에 대한‬ ‪계획을 수립한 건 2017년인데‬Happiness Road was designed in 2017, however, the impact assessment itself
‪전략 환경 영향 평가는‬ ‪2019년에야 했습니다‬wasn't actually completed until the end of 2019.
‪아, 그래?‬Oh, is that right?
‪경해도가 실수했네‬Gyeonghae-do's in the wrong, then.
‪(명석) 잘 찾았어요‬Good job. We should try moving forward with this.
‪우리 이걸로 한번 가 봅시다‬Good job. We should try moving forward with this.
‪우리도 발표 자료에‬ ‪공을 들여야 되지 않을까요?‬Shouldn't we put more effort into how we present things in court?
‪태산에서 했던 것처럼‬ ‪3D 게임 화면까진 아니더라도‬It doesn't have to be a video game like Taesan did,
‪뭔가 화려하게…‬It doesn't have to be a video game like Taesan did, -however, something flashy would help. -[chuckles]
‪[피식 웃는다]‬-however, something flashy would help. -[chuckles]
‪전략 환경 영향 평가를‬ ‪늦게 했다는 걸‬What is exactly is flashy about showing that the Environmental Impact Assessment was done late?
‪어떻게 화려하게‬ ‪보여 줄 수 있을까?‬that the Environmental Impact Assessment was done late?
‪(수연) PT 자료 만들어 주는‬ ‪업체가 있다고 들었는데요‬There are companies that specialize in that sort of thing.
‪그런 업체에 한번 문의해 볼까요?‬Should I make some calls to find out?
‪씁, 글쎄‬
‪우리는 오히려 반대로 가면 어때?‬Why don't we go about things another way?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪경해도가 대형 로펌 앞세워서‬Gyeonghae-do's entire strategy involves a major law firm
‪삐까뻔쩍한 자료들로‬ ‪판사들을 홀리려고 할수록‬Gyeonghae-do's entire strategy involves a major law firm using a flashy design, so instead, we should emphasize the sincerity of Sodeok-dong,
‪우리는 소덕동 주민들의‬ ‪진정성을 앞세워서‬so instead, we should emphasize the sincerity of Sodeok-dong, and take a straightforward tact at it.
‪우직하게 가야 되지 않을까?‬and take a straightforward tact at it.
‪(명석) 아, 우리도 물론‬ ‪대형 로펌이긴 하지만‬I mean, we're a major law firm too,
‪태산보다는‬ ‪좀 더 인간적인 느낌으로‬but we'll use a more humane strategy here.
‪감성 전략‬An emotional strategy.
‪(영우) 음‬[Young-woo] Uh…
‪그렇다면 소덕동으로‬How about if we ask for an on-site verification for Sodeok-dong?
‪현장 검증을‬ ‪신청하면 어떻겠습니까?‬How about if we ask for an on-site verification for Sodeok-dong?
‪현장 검증?‬On-site verification?
‪네, 우리도 처음엔‬ ‪소송을 맡지 않으려 했지만‬Well, when they first came to us, we didn't want the case, but after we took a trip to Sodeok-dong in person, we changed our minds.
‪소덕동에 직접 가 보고 난 뒤‬ ‪수임을 결정했으니까요‬but after we took a trip to Sodeok-dong in person, we changed our minds.
‪(명석) 음‬Mm.
‪그래, 뭐, 현장 검증 할‬ ‪명분이 좀 없긴 한데‬Yes, well, just cause might be hard to find, but even so,
‪일단 생각해 봅시다‬we should think about it.
‪잘 찾았어요‬Very nice work. I'm genuinely impressed, Attorney Woo.
‪아무튼 우영우 변호사, 잘했어‬Very nice work. I'm genuinely impressed, Attorney Woo.
‪[종이 넘기는 소리]‬
‪(선영) 아유, 미안‬ ‪오래 기다렸지?‬Gosh, I'm sorry. Have you been waiting long?
‪오는데 힘들지 않았어요?‬How was the trip out here?
‪왜, 무슨 일인데?‬What? What's this about?
‪지금‬The case…
‪영우가 하는 사건‬Young-woo is assigned,
‪상대 변호사가‬ ‪태수미인 거 알고 있어?‬were you aware that Tae Su-mi was on it as well?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬Really? And?
‪어, 그래?‬Really? And?
‪너 다 알고 그런 거지?‬Don't act like you didn't know.
‪[어색하게 웃으며] 뭘?‬[chuckles] Know what?
‪이상했어‬It was strange…
‪서류에서 탈락시킨‬ ‪신입 변호사 하나 다시 붙이겠다고‬that a rookie attorney who was passed over would be suddenly hired, and personally visited by the director.
‪대표가 집까지 찾아온다는 게‬and personally visited by the director.
‪내가 한바다 대표로서 간 거야?‬Did I visit just as the CEO of Hanbada?
‪모처럼 선배 얼굴 볼 겸‬ ‪겸사겸사 간 거지‬I also came to visit my old colleague from law school, didn't I?
‪날 진짜 선배라고 생각하면‬If you really value me as your friend,
‪너 솔직하게 대답해‬then don't lie to me.
‪우리 영우 한바다에 취직시킨 거‬When you gave my daughter a chance,
‪그거 태수미 때문이야?‬was Tae Su-mi the reason?
‪씁, 이런 소리 하는 거 보니까‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬Considering you came here at all,
‪태수미랑 선배 사이 소문‬ ‪사실인가 봐?‬does that mean I should believe the rumor about you and Tae Su-mi?
‪(광호) 응‬Mm-hmm.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪한 번은 허락할게‬I'll permit this once.
‪태수미 잡으려고 내 딸 써먹는 거‬ ‪한 번은 허락한다고‬You may use my daughter to mess with Tae Su-mi this one time
‪취직시켜 준 대가로‬since you gave her the job.
‪취직시켜 준 대가?‬Use her since I gave her the job? Come on.
‪써, 써먹어?‬Use her since I gave her the job? Come on.
‪선배, 무슨 말을 그렇게 해?‬What makes you even say that?
‪(광호) 너 한바다‬ ‪1등 만들고 싶잖아‬You want Hanbada to be number one.
‪태산 이겨야 하는데‬So, you have to beat Taesan.
‪태수미가 정계 진출하면 큰일이지‬But if Tae Su-mi gets into politics,
‪지금도 못 이기는데‬ ‪장관 되면 더 못 이기니까‬it's a problem for you, even more if she becomes minister.
‪그래서 영우 취직시킨 거잖아‬That's why, why you hired Young-woo,
‪아니야?‬isn't it?
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬[gasps] So you're saying that
‪그러면은 내가‬So you're saying that
‪선배 딸 받아 놓고‬I gave a job to your daughter
‪'태수미 혼외 자식이‬ ‪한바다에 있다'‬just to proclaim that Hanbada is the employer
‪까발리기라도 할 작정이라는 거야?‬just to proclaim that Hanbada is the employer of Su-mi's daughter out of wedlock?
‪그런 꿍꿍이가 있어야만‬ ‪내 딸 받아 줄 수 있는 거라면‬If your tactical scheme is what got my daughter a job here,
‪그렇게 해‬then okay.
‪(광호) 대신 한 번만‬But just once.
‪결정적인 순간에 딱 한 번‬Only use her once at a crucial time.
‪이렇게 아무 때나 막‬You can't put them together
‪둘을 한 법정에 집어넣지 말라고‬in the same courtroom whenever you want to.
‪[선영의 어이없는 숨소리]‬[Seon-young sighs]
‪(선영) 이야‬
‪[헛웃음 치며] 이거는‬ ‪또 무슨 소리야?‬What are you saying? [chuckles] Gwang-ho.
‪선배‬[chuckles] Gwang-ho.
‪무슨 아빠가 이래, 어?‬What kind of father are you, huh?
‪내가 정말 선배 딸‬ ‪이용한다고 생각했으면은‬If you believe I'm taking advantage of your daughter, shouldn't you be putting a stop to it? Isn't that what fathers do?
‪못 하게 말려야지‬shouldn't you be putting a stop to it? Isn't that what fathers do?
‪그게 부모 아니야?‬shouldn't you be putting a stop to it? Isn't that what fathers do?
‪내가 못 하게 말리면‬I won't stop you because…
‪너 결국 내 딸 내보낼 거잖아‬then you would fire my daughter.
‪어떤 핑계든 대서‬ ‪한바다 못 다니게 만들 거잖아‬You'll make any excuse about why Hanbada doesn't need her.
‪(광호) 이 세상은‬ ‪영우한테 기회를 주지 않아‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬You know the truth. The world doesn't give Young-woo chances.
‪서울대 로스쿨 수석을 하고‬Even if she graduated summa cum laude,
‪변호사 시험에 만점 가까이 받아도‬and earned a near-perfect score on the bar exam,
‪자폐인은 안 된대‬autism closes every door.
‪로펌이며 개인 사무실이며‬ ‪닥치는 대로 지원해 봤지만‬She applied everywhere, from government firms to private practices,
‪면접조차 볼 기회가 없었어‬and never even got an interview.
‪그런 딸을 보면서‬Seeing Young-woo's pain…
‪아무것도 못 해 주는 내 마음은…‬with no ability to help her out…
‪나 그냥‬I'll just…
‪나쁜 아빠 할래‬be the bad father.
‪영우한테 그 어떤 원망을 듣더라도‬ ‪그건 내 몫이야‬Even knowing it could make Young-woo resent me forever.
‪내 딸 이용할 생각으로 데려간‬ ‪나쁜 후배랑 결탁을 해서라도‬Even if I have to collude with a bad friend who used Young-woo.
‪나 영우한테 기회 줄래‬She deserves this chance.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬[door opens]
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪(영우) 어?‬[Young-woo] Huh?
‪어, 영우야‬Oh, Yo… Young-woo.
‪(영우) 아버지가‬ ‪여기 웬일이십니까?‬Father, what are you doing at my office?
‪어, 그, 그게…‬Uh, well, I…
‪- (민우) 아, 우 변 아버지세요?‬ ‪- (영우) 네‬-This is your father? -Yes.
‪(민우) 아, 안녕하십니까‬Oh. Hello, sir.
‪(광호) 아, 예, 안녕하세요‬Yes, hello.
‪어, 아빠 여기 뭐‬ ‪아는 사람이 있어서 잠깐 왔어‬I came by to have a visit with someone that I know.
‪갈게, 어‬[Gwang-ho] I'm going to go.
‪아, 예‬-Ah, yes. -[Min-woo] Yes.
‪좀 있다 집에서 보자, 어‬I'll see you at home later, all right?
‪(영우) 응‬Mm.
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬[elevator dings]
‪[엘리베이터 문이 스르륵 열린다]‬[elevator dings]
‪(민우) 저, 우 변‬ ‪아버지랑은 대표님‬How does Hanbada's boss know your father?
‪어떻게 아는 사이예요?‬How does Hanbada's boss know your father?
‪(영우) 예?‬How does Hanbada's boss know your father? What?
‪아니, 방금‬ ‪대표님 방에서 나오셨는데‬Well, he just came out of her office and said,
‪'여기 뭐, 아는 사람 있어서 왔다'‬"I was visiting someone I know." So, he must know the CEO.
‪대표님 아신단 소리잖아요‬"I was visiting someone I know." So, he must know the CEO.
‪아, 뭐 아는 거 없어요?‬How much do you know?
‪(영우) 음…‬Hmm…
‪아, 그러고 보니까 우 변 아버지‬I remember you mentioning your father went to Seoul University law school, right?
‪서울 법대 나오셨다고‬ ‪하지 않았어요, 저번에?‬I remember you mentioning your father went to Seoul University law school, right?
‪아, 네‬Yes, I did.
‪그럼 대표님이 대학 후배겠네‬That means the director went to school with your dad.
‪아, 뭐야?‬Oh, wait.
‪아, 우영우 변호사 낙하산 맞네?‬Did you use connections to get a job here?
‪낙…‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬Con…
‪(민우) 하, 나, 진짜‬Wow, I can't believe this.
‪아, 나 어쩐지 이상하더라니‬Something was always off.
‪역시 백이 있었구나?‬You're obviously connected.
‪와, 백이 있었어‬It all makes sense.
‪(영우) 응?‬Hmm.
‪[커피 머신 작동음]‬[coffee machine whirring]
‪(준호) 아, 오셨어요?‬Uh, hello.
‪저, 이거 먼저 드세요‬Here, you can have this one.
‪아니에요‬ ‪저는 영우 거도 만들 거라서‬That's okay. I'm gonna make one for Attorney Woo.
‪아, 우영우 변호사님이랑‬ ‪같이 계세요?‬Oh, you and Attorney Woo are working together? Ah.
‪준호 씨‬Jun-ho.
‪요즘도 영우랑 둘이 점심 먹죠?‬You have lunch with Attorney Woo still, right?
‪네, 그렇죠‬Yes, that's right.
‪고래 얘기 듣는 거‬Listening to her talk about whales is a good time?
‪재밌어요?‬Listening to her talk about whales is a good time?
‪진심?‬Listening to her talk about whales is a good time?
‪어, 음, 뭐…‬Oh, um…
‪나도 처음엔 괜찮았어요‬I wasn't bothered at first.
‪(수연) '일부러 시간 내서‬ ‪자연 다큐도 보는데'‬I thought it takes time to watch documentaries.
‪'나는 영우가 알아서 말해 주니‬ ‪얼마나 좋아' 생각했다고요‬But how lucky for me to have Young-woo tell me instead, right?
‪대왕고래, 혹등고래‬ ‪돌고래 정도까지는‬Through blue whales, humpbacks, dolphins, it was, hmm,
‪응, 솔직히 재미도 있었어‬Through blue whales, humpbacks, dolphins, it was, hmm, fun to learn about it.
‪근데요, 외뿔고래에‬ ‪양쯔강돌고래까지 가면요‬And then, comes narwhals and the Yangtze river dolphin,
‪지쳐요, 사람이‬well, it gets old after a while.
‪나는 시험 망쳐서 울고 있는데‬I'm here crying because I failed a test,
‪자기는 1등 하고 와 가지고‬and Young-woo starts in about how the Pakicetus is the whale's ancestor.
‪고래의 조상이‬ ‪파키케투스라는 소리 하잖아요?‬and Young-woo starts in about how the Pakicetus is the whale's ancestor. I had never been so frustrated!
‪진짜 한 대 쥐어박고 싶다고요!‬I had never been so frustrated!
‪허, 지금도 봐‬Somehow, I can't forget about that stupid Pakicetus! Ugh!
‪나 잊어버리지도 않잖아요‬ ‪그놈의 파키케투스!‬Somehow, I can't forget about that stupid Pakicetus! Ugh!
‪[수연의 분한 숨소리]‬ ‪(준호) 아, 변호사님‬I'm not sure I really understand what you mean.
‪[당황하며] 대체‬ ‪이게 무슨 말씀이신지…‬I'm not sure I really understand what you mean.
‪고래 얘기‬ ‪평생 들어 줄 것처럼 굴다가‬Just don't pretend you're gonna listen forever
‪1년도 못 참고 닥치라고‬just to give up in less than a year.
‪그렇게 영우한테 상처나 줄 거면‬If you're going to hurt her, it's better if you don't begin at all.
‪아예 시작도 하지 말아야죠‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬If you're going to hurt her, it's better if you don't begin at all.
‪(수연) 준호 씨도 그래요‬Don't lead her on.
‪얼마 못 갈 거 같은 마음이면‬ ‪잘해 주지 말라고요‬If your feelings are temporary, stop acting nice to her.
‪저 얼마 못 갈 거 같은 마음‬ ‪아니에요‬But my feelings aren't temporary, though!
‪그럼 영우한테 가서 말해요!‬Then go tell Young-woo about that!
‪얼마 못 갈 거 같은 마음‬ ‪아니라고!‬That they're not temporary feelings!
‪(수연) 왜 사람‬ ‪단체로 헷갈리게 해요?‬Why are you making everyone guess?
‪아, 대체 제가 뭘…‬What are you talking about?
‪우영우도!‬Woo Young-woo
‪권민우도‬and Min-woo.
‪나도‬And me.
‪아, 다 헷갈렸잖아요‬ ‪준호 씨 때문에‬Ugh! We're all so confused by you!
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪[한숨]‬[heavy sigh]
‪(명석) 재판장님, 피고는‬Your Honor, the defendant violated the process
‪전략 환경 영향 평가 절차를‬ ‪위반했습니다‬Your Honor, the defendant violated the process of Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment.
‪환경 영향 평가법에 따르면‬According to the Environmental Impact Assessment Act,
‪전략 환경 영향 평가는‬According to the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, the survey should've been done
‪환경에 영향을 미치는 계획을‬ ‪수립할 때 해야 합니다‬the survey should've been done as soon as the relevant proposal was established.
‪하지만 행복로의 경우‬In the case of Happiness Road,
‪도로의 기본 설계 및‬ ‪실시 설계는 2017년도에 했음에도‬the road's basic and implementation designs were made in 2017,
‪전략 환경 영향 평가는‬ ‪2019년에서야 했으므로‬but the impact assessment wasn't done until 2019. Which is not the correct timeframe.
‪시기상 절차의 하자가 있습니다‬Which is not the correct timeframe.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪(재판장) 피고 대리인‬ ‪답변해 보세요‬Counselor, please respond.
‪(수미) 환경에 영향을 미치는‬ ‪계획을 수립할 때‬It's true that the Environmental Impact Assessment should be done
‪전략 환경 영향 평가를‬ ‪해야 하는 건 맞습니다‬as soon as the plan in question is being established.
‪문제는 그때가‬ ‪정확히 언제인가 하는 점입니다‬ ‪[리모컨 조작음]‬And in this case, when exactly was it established?
‪도로 계획 표준 절차입니다‬This is the Standard Urban Planning Procedure.
‪기본 설계니 실시 설계니 하는‬ ‪복잡한 말들은 잠시 뒤로하고‬Basic design, implementation design, we'll skip the complicated words.
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬ ‪여기‬Basic design, implementation design, we'll skip the complicated words. Look here. This section clearly states
‪이 부분을 봐 주십시오‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬Look here. This section clearly states
‪최적 노선 결정은‬the determination of the best route
‪전체 도로 계획의‬ ‪후반 단계에서 이루어지는 것으로‬is done in a later phase of the overall design work.
‪행복로의 경우에는 2019년 10월에‬[Su-mi] In the case of Happiness Road, the best route was determined
‪최적 노선 결정이 이루어졌습니다‬in October 2019.
‪원고 대리인이 지적하는‬ ‪전략 환경 영향 평가는‬And the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment noted by the claim,
‪2019년 6월에 실시했고요‬it was done in June of 2019.
‪행복로가 다른 도로 계획에 비해서‬It might be true that the Impact Assessment
‪전략 환경 영향 평가가‬for Happiness Road did happen a little later compared to other plans.
‪다소 늦게 이루어진 것은‬ ‪사실입니다‬for Happiness Road did happen a little later compared to other plans.
‪하지만 분명히‬However, it was certainly done
‪환경에 영향을 미치는 계획을‬ ‪수립하기 이전에 실시했습니다‬However, it was certainly done before the plan that would impact the environment was established.
‪위법하지 않습니다‬So, there's no legal problem.
‪(한수) 아, 그…‬ ‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬[indistinct chatter]
‪[민우의 한숨]‬
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[바람이 쏴 분다]‬ ‪[신비로운 음악]‬[dreamy music playing]
‪[고래 울음]‬[squeaking]
‪(영우) 음‬Hmm…
‪그렇지 않습니다‬That is not correct!
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪피고 대리인의 주장이 맞다면‬If what the attorney said is true,
‪2019년 10월 전에는‬at the time the plaintiffs filed their complaint,
‪원고들이 민원을 제기했을 때‬at the time the plaintiffs filed their complaint, they should've been able to change the road construction plan,
‪도로 건설 계획‬they should've been able to change the road construction plan,
‪그러니까 노선을‬ ‪변경할 수 있었어야 합니다‬they should've been able to change the road construction plan, and its route before October 2019.
‪하지만 그 당시‬ ‪경해도의 회신을 보면‬However, looking at Gyeonghae-do's reply at the time,
‪'이미 설계가 완료돼‬ ‪변경이 불가하다'‬However, looking at Gyeonghae-do's reply at the time, there's a line that reads specifically, "The design is complete."
‪는 문구가 있습니다‬there's a line that reads specifically, "The design is complete."
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪(재판장) 어, 그래요?‬Ah, is that so? Where exactly is that phrase written?
‪정확히 어디에‬ ‪그런 문구가 있습니까?‬Ah, is that so? Where exactly is that phrase written?
‪뭐, 제출된 증거가‬ ‪워낙 많아 가지고‬There's just so much evidence to look through.
‪(준호) 어떡하죠?‬ ‪추가 자료 맞아요‬ ‪[땡 울리는 효과음]‬[Jun-ho] Just a little more material.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪(준호) 주민 대책 위원회가‬ ‪경해도로 보낸 민원 서류들하고요‬These are the documents and complaints made by the residents.
‪경해도가 답변한‬ ‪처리 서면들이에요‬And these are the responses from Gyeonghae-do.
‪2019년 4월 3일‬On April 3rd, 2019.
‪(영우) 경해도가‬ ‪소덕동 주민 대책 위원회에 보낸‬The second line of the third paragraph of the complaint's response
‪처리 서면 세 번째 문단 둘째 줄‬The second line of the third paragraph of the complaint's response made by Gyeonghae-do reads…
‪'이미 기본 설계 및‬ ‪실시 설계가 완료되어'‬"The basic and implementation design is complete,
‪'도로 노선 결정을‬ ‪변경할 수 없사오니'‬therefore, the route of the road cannot be altered."
‪라는 문구입니다‬That would be the phrase!
‪갑 제4호증‬I submit Exhibit 4,
‪경해도지사 명의로‬ ‪발송된 회신입니다‬sent in the name of the governor of Gyeonghae-do.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬
‪어…‬[sighs] Yes, that's correct.
‪예, 그러네요‬Yes, that's correct.
‪(재판장) 이 회신에 따르면‬ ‪경해도는 이미‬According to the evidence, Gyeonghae-do had approved the design
‪저, 2019년도 4월에‬and had acknowledged the route.
‪도로 노선이 확정되었다고‬ ‪판단했던 거 같네요‬This is dated here in April 2019.
‪씁, 그렇다면은‬Which means
‪전략 환경 영향 평가를‬the plaintiff's point that the Impact Assessment
‪그 이후에 했다는‬ ‪원고 대리인들의 지적은‬the plaintiff's point that the Impact Assessment was done after the fact…
‪타당해 보입니다‬is reasonable.
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬is reasonable.
‪(수연) [작은 소리로] 잘했어‬Nice work.
‪(명석) 재판장님‬Your Honor.
‪소덕동에 대한‬ ‪현장 검증을 신청합니다‬We'd like to request an on-site verification
‪행복로가 마을을 관통하는 것이‬for the town of Sodeok-dong, so you can see for yourself how damaging this road could be.
‪주민들에게‬ ‪얼마나 심각한 피해를 주는지‬so you can see for yourself how damaging this road could be.
‪그 현장을 직접 보신다면‬We feel it would be very helpful
‪재판장님의 현명하신 판단에‬ ‪큰 도움이 될 것 같습니다‬We feel it would be very helpful in supplementing the wise judgement of the bench.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪(재판장) 이거 뭐‬ ‪제출된 자료만 해도‬There's been a lot of materials already submitted.
‪이게 볼 게 너무 많은데‬There's been a lot of materials already submitted.
‪그냥 사진을 내세요, 사진‬Just take a photograph.
‪직접 가는 거는 너무 멉니다‬[judge] It's too far for me to go there personally.
‪(현우) 아닙니다!‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[Hyeon-u] No, it isn't!
‪소덕동 여기서 아주 가깝습니다‬Sodeok-dong isn't very far from here.
‪차로 한 시간이면 갑니다‬It's only an hour by car.
‪마을에 오셔서‬ ‪직접 보셔야만 알 수 있는 것들이‬So many great things about our town you'd only know by seeing in person.
‪분명 있습니다‬So many great things about our town you'd only know by seeing in person.
‪재판장님‬ ‪소덕동에 한 번만 와 주세요‬Honorable judges, please, come visit Sodeok-dong. I beg you.
‪한 번만요‬Honorable judges, please, come visit Sodeok-dong. I beg you.
‪[판사가 속삭인다]‬
‪[수미가 속삭인다]‬[whispering]
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[수미가 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪(수미) 한바다 변호사 맞죠?‬ ‪[물이 뚝 멈춘다]‬You're an attorney at Hanbada, right?
‪[살짝 웃으며] 같은 사건 하는데‬ ‪이름도 모르네요‬I don't think we've been properly introduced.
‪태수미예요‬Tae Su-mi.
‪(영우) 아…‬[Young-woo] Uh…
‪어, 제, 제 이름은‬Uh, my name is…
‪우영우입니다‬ ‪[수미가 살짝 웃는다]‬Woo Young-woo. A pleasure.
‪똑바로 읽어도‬ ‪거꾸로 읽어도 우영우‬Whether it's read straight or flipped, it's still Woo Young-woo.
‪기러기, 토마토, 스위스‬ ‪인도인, 별똥별, 우영우‬Kayak, deed, rotator, noon, racecar, Woo Young-woo.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪씁, 우영우?‬Woo Young-woo?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪왜 어디서 들어 본 이름 같지?‬Why does that name sound familiar?
‪아무튼 만나서 반가워요‬Anyway, nice to meet you.
‪아까 인상적이었어요‬That was great earlier. You have quite the memory.
‪기억력이 대단하던데요?‬That was great earlier. You have quite the memory.
‪[더듬거리며] 네‬Yes.
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬
‪(준호) 어‬[Jun-ho] I got it.
‪[준호의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[준호의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪어, 변호사님, 저 주세요‬Oh, Attorney Woo, allow me.
‪[준호의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪생큐‬Thank you.
‪[민우의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪다들 사무실로 가시죠?‬Is everyone going to the office? I have an extra seat.
‪자리 하나가 남는데…‬Is everyone going to the office? I have an extra seat.
‪아, 그래? 그러면…‬Shotgun. It's mine.
‪(수연) 우영우가 타면 되겠네‬Let Attorney Woo take it.
‪너 가‬Go ahead.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬[quirky music playing]
‪(영우) 음‬Mm.
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬[car door closes]
‪[안전벨트 조작음]‬
‪[자동차 시동음]‬[car engine starts]
‪(민우) 아, 나 좀 편하게‬ ‪가 볼까 했더니 왜 그래요?‬Hey, I wanted to sit comfortably, you know.
‪양보할 거면 본인이나 할 것이지‬Next time, give up your own seat.
‪똥 촉은 편하게 갈 자격이 없어요‬People with crappy instinct shouldn't be comfortable.
‪똥?‬What? Me? You're referring to me?
‪나, 나한테 하는 말이에요?‬What? Me? You're referring to me?
‪택시 탈 거죠? 부를게요‬You want a taxi? I'll get it.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪씁, 아, 그나저나‬ ‪그, 우 변 아버지‬Oh, did you know that Young-woo's dad is an alum of Seoul University law school?
‪서울 법대 출신인 거‬ ‪알고 있었어요?‬Oh, did you know that Young-woo's dad is an alum of Seoul University law school?
‪대표님이랑‬ ‪선후배 사이인 거 같던데?‬Seems like our boss is an old friend.
‪우아, 똥 촉이‬ ‪그건 또 어떻게 알아냈대?‬Oh. Is this another one of your gut feelings?
‪웃겨요?‬You think that's funny?
‪우 변이 대표님 백으로 들어온‬ ‪낙하산인 게 웃깁니까?‬Getting a job just because your dad's connected is funny?
‪다 같이 분노하고‬ ‪긴장해야 될 일 아닌가?‬It should make you and everyone else nervous.
‪왜 분노를 하고 긴장을 해요?‬And what exactly is there to be so nervous about, huh?
‪그것도 다 같이?‬And what exactly is there to be so nervous about, huh?
‪부정 취업이니까‬Employment fraud.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪무슨 소리 하는 거예요?‬What are you talking about?
‪영우가 부정 취업을 했다는‬ ‪증거 있어요?‬Do you have proof Attorney Woo's involved in fraud?
‪우 변 아버지가‬ ‪대표님 방에서 나오는 걸 봤어요‬I saw her father come out of the boss' office.
‪생각해 봐요‬Think about it.
‪(민우) 한바다도 그렇고‬ ‪태산도 그렇고‬Hanbada and Taesan, along with all the other major law firms
‪대형 로펌들은 다‬Hanbada and Taesan, along with all the other major law firms
‪로스쿨 졸업 전에‬ ‪취업을 확정해 주잖아요?‬all confirm employment before graduation.
‪근데 졸업한 지 6개월이나 지나서‬all confirm employment before graduation. Then, Young-woo suddenly joins our firm all by herself,
‪신입들 오티며‬ ‪워크숍 다 끝난 뒤에‬Then, Young-woo suddenly joins our firm all by herself, six months after graduating and after orientation.
‪우 변 혼자 달랑 입사했어요‬six months after graduating and after orientation.
‪이게 안 이상해요?‬Is that not weird?
‪다 백이 있으니까 가능한 거죠‬It's obvious there was some fraud.
‪백이 있으면 뭐 어쩌게요?‬Who cares about her connections?
‪(수연) 경찰에 신고할 건가?‬Are you gonna get the police involved?
‪아니면 감사 팀에라도‬ ‪찾아가서 불 거예요?‬Or what, report it to the audit team tomorrow?
‪그런 식으로 따지면요‬While we're on the subject,
‪대표님이 대표님 된 건‬ ‪과연 실력으로만 된 건가요?‬did the CEO become the CEO for her abilities alone? Not because the position was passed down from her dad, Hanbada's founder?
‪아버지가 한바다 창립자라서‬Not because the position was passed down from her dad, Hanbada's founder?
‪대표 자리를 세습한 건 아니고?‬Not because the position was passed down from her dad, Hanbada's founder?
‪그래서요?‬So what?
‪대표님부터‬ ‪문제가 있는 회사에 다니면‬It's more than problematic if our CEO is using fraudulent hiring practices; that's something we can't overlook,
‪이 정도의 부정은 눈감아야 된다‬ ‪뭐, 그런 거예요?‬is using fraudulent hiring practices; that's something we can't overlook, am I wrong?
‪(민우) 최수연 변호사‬ ‪아버지가 부장 판사라서 찔려요?‬Or do you feel guilty because your own father is a chief judge?
‪아니면 지금 뭐‬ ‪대표님, 우 변한테‬Are you trying to put yourself in Attorney Woo's shoes right now?
‪동질감 이런 거 느끼는 건가?‬Are you trying to put yourself in Attorney Woo's shoes right now?
‪내 말은요‬What I'm saying is,
‪그냥 영우를 괴롭히고 싶은 거면서‬don't act like a martyr when this is really about bullying Young-woo.
‪정의로운 척하지 말란 말이에요‬when this is really about bullying Young-woo. If you insist on making an issue of fraud within the firm, speak to the CEO.
‪(수연) 진짜로 사내 부정을‬ ‪문제 삼고 싶으면‬If you insist on making an issue of fraud within the firm, speak to the CEO.
‪대표님부터 문제 삼으세요‬If you insist on making an issue of fraud within the firm, speak to the CEO.
‪왜 강자는 못 건드리면서‬ ‪영우한테만 그래요?‬Why can't you mess with someone stronger than you?
‪우영우가 강자예요!‬Young-woo is stronger!
‪모르겠어요?‬Can't you see?
‪로스쿨 때 별명도‬ ‪'어차피 1등은 우영우'였다면서요‬You said her nickname in law school was "First Place Woo."
‪(민우) 이 게임은‬ ‪공정하지가 않아요‬This is not a fair game.
‪우영우는 우리를 매번 이기는데‬Woo Young-woo beats us every day
‪정작 우리는 우영우를‬ ‪공격하면 안 돼‬Woo Young-woo beats us every day and we're not supposed to come at her ever?
‪왜?‬and we're not supposed to come at her ever? Just because she's autistic?
‪자폐인이니까‬Just because she's autistic?
‪우리는 우 변한테‬ ‪늘 배려하고 돕고‬We always have to be considerate and help her? We have to give up even that one empty seat in the car?
‪저 차에 나온 빈자리 하나까지‬ ‪다 양보해야 된다고요!‬We have to give up even that one empty seat in the car?
‪우영우가 약자라는 거‬Woo Young-woo's weakness,
‪그거 다 착각이에요‬it's all an illusion.
‪하, 씨‬[Min-woo sighs] Hey, I…
‪아…‬Hey, I…
‪[발랄한 음악]‬[playful music playing]
‪[삐거덕하는 효과음]‬
‪왜 그러세요?‬Are… you okay?
‪아닙니다‬It's nothing.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬
‪[준호의 멋쩍은 숨소리]‬[Jun-ho] Mm.
‪[차창이 쓱 열린다]‬
‪[바람이 휭 분다]‬
‪[탁 놓는 소리]‬
‪[준호의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[준호의 가쁜 숨소리]‬[Jun-ho sighs] You did good today, Attorney Woo.
‪(준호) 고생했습니다, 변호사님‬You did good today, Attorney Woo.
‪(영우) 네, 고생하셨습니다‬Yes, you did good today too.
‪아, 그럼 갈까요?‬-Time to go? -Mm.
‪(영우) 응‬-Time to go? -Mm.
‪저, 이준호 씨?‬Uh, excuse me, please.
‪제가‬Can I…
‪이준호 씨를 한번‬touch you maybe
‪만져 봐도 되겠습니까?‬just this one time?
‪[당황한 소리]‬Uh…
‪예, 예?‬Huh?
‪제가 이준호 씨를‬ ‪좋아하는지 아닌지‬With your permission, I would like to see whether I like you or not.
‪확인하고 싶습니다‬With your permission, I would like to see whether I like you or not.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬[light music playing]
‪아, 아…‬[light music playing] Ah.
‪[당황하며] 아, 예‬Uh, yes.
‪저를 만져 봐야만‬And is touching me the only way you can check?
‪확인하실 수 있나요?‬And is touching me the only way you can check?
‪(영우) 음…‬Hmm…
‪이준호 씨를 만질 때‬I want to check my heart rate
‪제 심장이 얼마나 빨리 뛰는지‬to determine if it's beating fast when…
‪분당 심박수를 재 보려고 합니다‬when my hands are touching your body.
‪그럼‬So, um…
‪절 만지지 않으면‬when you don't touch me,
‪심장이 빨리 뛰지 않는 건가요?‬your heartbeat isn't already going fast?
‪(준호) 저랑 같이 있어도?‬Even when we're together?
‪섭섭한데요?‬I'm disappointed.
‪[달려오는 발걸음]‬[footsteps approaching]
‪[문이 덜컹 열린다]‬[door opens, closes]
‪(광호) 어, 우리 딸 왔어?‬Oh, you're home.
‪(영우) 다녀왔습니다‬I'm home! I'm gonna go to bed early!
‪먼저 들어갈게요‬I'm home! I'm gonna go to bed early!
‪(광호) 저, 영우야‬I'm home! I'm gonna go to bed early! Hey, Young-woo.
‪아빠가 할 말 있어‬I'm going to tell you something.
‪(영우) 음‬ ‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬Hmm? Tell me tomorrow.
‪내일 하십시오‬Tell me tomorrow.
‪오늘은 많이 피곤합니다‬Right now, I have to rest up for the case.
‪(광호) 한선영 대표‬ ‪아빠 대학 후배야‬Hanbada's boss is a friend from university.
‪대학 다닐 땐 꽤 친했는데‬We were quite close when we were in school.
‪졸업하고 뭐‬ ‪서로 바빠서 연락이 없었어‬But we eventually lost touch because we got too busy.
‪아무튼 선영이가‬ ‪아빠를 찾아왔었어‬Anyway, she had stopped in for a visit.
‪영우 한바다에 다니게 해 주겠다고‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬She offered you the job at Hanbada.
‪영우도 이제 알아야 할 거 같아서‬I thought that you had the right to know.
‪그럼 제가‬So, you mean…
‪대표님 백으로 들어온‬ ‪낙하산이 맞는 겁니까?‬I got my job through connections with Hanbada's boss?
‪부정 취업을 한 겁니까?‬was I employed fraudulently?
‪부정 취업이든 뭐든‬ ‪아빠는 선영이한테 고마워‬Employment by fraud or not, I'm very grateful to Seon-young.
‪아빠도 영우도‬ ‪그동안 취직 안 돼서‬We both suffered greatly when your applications were denied.
‪많이 힘들었었잖아‬We both suffered greatly when your applications were denied.
‪(광호) 영우도‬ ‪부모 돼 보면 알 거야‬You'll understand when you're a parent.
‪자식의 좌절을 보는 게‬ ‪얼마나 고통스러운지‬How painful it is to see your child discouraged.
‪선영이가‬There's another reason Seon-young wanted to hire you.
‪영우를 취직시킨 데에는‬ ‪사실 다른 이유가 있어‬There's another reason Seon-young wanted to hire you.
‪저, 그거는…‬It's, uh--
‪오롯이 좌절하고 싶습니다‬I want to be completely discouraged.
‪좌절해야 한다면 저 혼자서‬If I'm going to be rejected, then it should be…
‪오롯이 좌절하고 싶습니다‬a rejection that's on my own terms.
‪저는 어른이잖아요‬Because I'm an adult.
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪영우야‬Young-woo.
‪아버지가 매번 이렇게‬ ‪제 삶에 끼어들어서‬Every time you intervene to make my life easier,
‪좌절까지도 대신 막아 주는 거‬and try to stop discouragement,
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬I hate it, Dad.
‪싫습니다‬I hate it, Dad.
‪하지 마세요!‬So, stop doing it!
‪(광호) 야, 영우야‬Young-woo.
‪영우야, 영우야!‬Young-woo. Young-woo!
‪[키보드 조작음]‬ ‪[게임 소리가 흘러나온다]‬[keyboard clacking]
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪[PC 작동음]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[foreboding music playing]
‪"법무 법인 한바다"‬
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬WRITE
‪[밝은 음악]‬[light music playing]
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬[elevator dings] [Min-woo] If it hadn't been for the unreasonable request of her father,
‪(민우) 아버지의‬ ‪부당한 청탁이 없었다면‬[Min-woo] If it hadn't been for the unreasonable request of her father,
‪과연 그 신입 변호사는‬[Min-woo] If it hadn't been for the unreasonable request of her father, would the rookie attorney have gotten a job?
‪한바다에 입사할 수 있었을까요?‬ ‪[수연의 어이없는 숨소리]‬would the rookie attorney have gotten a job?
‪네 성적으로 아무 데도 못 가는 게‬ ‪차별이고 부정이고 비리야‬You not being employed with your grades is discrimination and corruption.
‪(수연) 늦게라도 입사를 한 게‬ ‪당연한 거라고!‬[Su-yeon] It's only fair that you joined the firm!
‪(재판장) 소덕동 주민들‬ ‪전체의 뜻을‬[judge] Are you properly representing the wishes of all Sodeok-dong's residents?
‪제대로 반영하고 있는 게‬ ‪맞습니까?‬[judge] Are you properly representing the wishes of all Sodeok-dong's residents?
‪다음 변론 기일 전까지‬ ‪주민들 동의서를 받아 오세요‬[judge] Are you properly representing the wishes of all Sodeok-dong's residents? Get the written consent before the next hearing.
‪(영우) 좋아하는 게‬ ‪맞는 것 같습니다‬I think that I do like you.
‪(준호) 저는요…‬-[Jun-ho] And I… -[Young-woo] Are you running away?
‪(영우) 설마 도망치는 겁니까?‬-[Jun-ho] And I… -[Young-woo] Are you running away?
‪(수미) 무슨 할 말 있는 거예요?‬-Do you have something to say? -Do you really not recognize me?
‪(영우) 저를‬ ‪알아보지 못하시겠습니까?‬-Do you have something to say? -Do you really not recognize me?

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