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  모범가족 7

A Model Family 7


잡아‬Grab him.
‪[광철의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[광철의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[용수의 한숨]‬
‪나도 몰라, 이렇게 하더라고‬I don't know either. This is how they do it, though.
‪빨리 썩으라고 그런다나, 뭐‬It makes them decompose faster, or something.
‪덮어‬Dump it on him.
‪[용수가 연기를 후 뱉는다]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬ ‪(용수) 처음이냐, 사람 잡는 거?‬Is it your first time killing a man?
‪[용수의 한숨]‬ ‪나도 처음이다‬It's my first time too.
‪위에서 시켜서 하긴 했는데‬I only did it because they told me to.
‪씨발, 좆같네, 기분‬But fuck, it feels like shit.
‪어젠 한솥밥 먹던 새끼를‬We used to break bread together,
‪오늘 묻어 버리고, 씨, 참 나‬and now I'm burying him. Fucking hell.
‪어떻게 돌아가는지‬ ‪믿을 새끼가 하나도 없다, 씨발‬How is it that there's no one you can fucking trust?
‪너 누가 나 묻으라 그러면‬If someone orders you to bury me,
‪나한테 말해 줄 거냐?‬are you going to tell me?
‪우리 서로 말해 주자‬ ‪묻을 땐 묻더라도‬Let's tell each other, even if we bury one another.
‪왜 죽는지는 알고‬ ‪죽어야 될 거 아니야, 씨발‬We should at least know why we're fucking dying.
‪어?‬We should at least know why we're fucking dying.
‪너 고아랬지?‬You're an orphan, right?
‪우리 서로‬Let's trust each other
‪평생 믿고 가자‬for the rest of our lives.
‪오늘 너 대가리 털 나고‬For the first time in your life, you have a family now.
‪처음 가족이라는 게‬ ‪생기는 거야, 인마‬For the first time in your life, you have a family now.
‪[긴장감 흐르는 배경음악]‬
‪[용수의 웃음]‬
‪왔으면 앉아라‬Take a seat.
‪(강준) 앉긴 뭘 앉아, 씨‬What do you mean, take a seat?
‪야, 이 개새끼야‬Hey, motherfucker. Are you here to show us your knife skills, or what?
‪뭐, 칼춤이라도 한번 추려고 왔냐?‬Hey, motherfucker. Are you here to show us your knife skills, or what?
‪춰 봐, 이 씨발 새끼야‬I fucking dare you to hit me.
‪너 지금 상선 덕에 살아 있는 줄‬ ‪알아, 이 병신 새끼야‬You're only alive because of the head cartel, you fucking idiot.
‪(용수) [만류하듯] 씁‬You're only alive because of the head cartel, you fucking idiot.
‪영영 못 볼 줄 알았다‬I thought I'd never see you again.
‪약속했잖아요, 우리‬We promised
‪묻을 땐 서로 말해 주기로‬to give each other the heads-up.
‪왜 죽는지는 알고 죽어야죠‬You should at least know why.
‪(강준) 이 씨발 새끼‬ ‪뭐라고 씨불이는 거야, 씨‬What the fuck are you talking about right now?
‪(용수) 야‬Hey.
‪그래서?‬So, you're here to bury me?
‪나 묻으러 왔다?‬So, you're here to bury me?
‪(광철) 우리 둘 중의 하나는‬ ‪죽습니다‬One of us is going to die.
‪그러니까 날 버릴 게 아니라‬ ‪저 새끼를 버렸어야죠‬This is why you should've abandoned that punk, not me.
‪그럼 이 지랄은‬ ‪안 났을 거 아닙니까‬Then we wouldn't be in this mess.
‪좆만 한 새끼가, 씨…‬Let's go, motherfucker.
‪[강준의 신음]‬
‪[칼 휘두르는 소리]‬
‪[강준의 신음]‬
‪[강준의 신음]‬
‪[강준의 신음]‬
‪자, 이제 죽는 이유는 알겠고‬So we know the reason why we're dying,
‪누가 죽을지는 아직 모르는 거네?‬but we don't know who it's going to be yet, do we?
‪대신 죽어 줄 순 없지 않습니까‬I can't exactly die for you now, can I?
‪(용수) 야‬Hey, it wouldn't be right for me to kill
‪개 키우겠다고‬ ‪가족을 버릴 순 없잖냐, 어?‬Hey, it wouldn't be right for me to kill a member of my family just so I could raise a dog, would it?
‪[씁쓸한 배경음악]‬
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬
‪[내려오는 발소리]‬
‪[라이터 열고 불붙이는 소리]‬
‪[연기를 후 뱉는다]‬
‪[다가오는 차 소리]‬
‪(득수) 뭐 하냐?‬What are you doing?
‪어른이 왔으면 냉수라도 한 잔‬ ‪냉큼 안 내오고‬You should know enough to offer your elders a cup of cold water.
‪큰놈보다 작은놈이 더 빠릿하네‬The younger one is a lot quicker than the older one.
‪[물컵 달그락거리는 소리]‬The younger one is a lot quicker than the older one.
‪넌 몇 살이냐?‬How old are you?
‪중3인데요‬I'm in 9th grade.
‪에이, 나이를 물었잖냐‬Come on. I asked for your age.
‪네가 1년 더 꿇었는지‬ ‪내가 어떻게 아냐‬ ‪[현우가 물컵을 탁 내려놓는다]‬How am I supposed to know if you had to repeat a grade or not?
‪(득수) 술은 없냐?‬-Do you guys have any alcohol? -No.
‪- 네‬ ‪- (득수) 집 안에 술이 없어?‬-Do you guys have any alcohol? -No. There's no alcohol in the house?
‪너희 아버지는 술 안 마시냐?‬Does your dad not drink?
‪뭐, 하기사‬Well,
‪제 어미를 닮아 가지고‬he did take after his mother,
‪놈이 물렁하긴 했지‬he was rather soft.
‪너희 어미는?‬Where's your mom?
‪(현우) 아직 안 들어오셨는데‬ ‪곧 오실 때 됐어요‬She hasn't come home yet, but she should be here soon.
‪(득수) 그래, 알았다‬All right, then.
‪[연우의 한숨]‬ ‪(연우) 근데 저기요, 할아버지‬Excuse me, sir.
‪할아버지가 우리 할아버지라는 건‬ ‪어떻게 증명하실 건데요?‬How are you going to prove you're really our grandfather?
‪[득수의 황당한 웃음]‬
‪아니, 내가 그런 걸 왜 해야 되냐?‬Why do I have to do anything like that?
‪우리 할아버지는 아빠 어릴 때‬ ‪돌아가셨다고 그랬거든요?‬We heard that he passed away when our dad was young.
‪그래, 어떻게 죽었다디?‬All right, then. How did he die?
‪(현우) 병으로 돌아가셨다고‬He said you passed away from an illness.
‪개소리다‬That's bullshit.
‪우리 집안 사람들은‬ ‪절대 병으로 안 죽어‬No one in our family has ever died because of an illness.
‪다들 전쟁 때 죽고, 사고로 죽고‬Everyone died in the war or because of accidents.
‪(득수) 너희 할미도‬ ‪교통사고로 먼저 가고‬Even your grandmother passed away from a car accident.
‪좀 조심만 하면‬As long as we're careful, we're blessed with long lives
‪명이 길어, 우리 집안이‬As long as we're careful, we're blessed with long lives in this family.
‪그런 걸로는 증명이 안 되거든요?‬That doesn't prove anything.
‪아이, 쪼끄만 녀석이‬Jeez, you little…
‪(득수) 우리 셋 다 명궁이 닮았네‬Our glabella look similar.
‪눈썹과 눈썹 사이, 여기‬That's the area between our eyebrows.
‪기본적으로‬ ‪대가리가 잘 돌아간단 뜻이야‬It means we're all quick-witted.
‪됐냐?‬Are you happy now?
‪알겠냐?‬Got it?
‪무슨 집에 술이 없어‬What kind of house has no alcohol?
‪[멀리서 개가 짖는다]‬
‪[개가 땅을 파며 낑낑댄다]‬
‪[개가 헥헥댄다]‬
‪(은주) 현우야‬Hyun-woo.
‪우리 집에 웬 개가 한 마리가…‬What's a dog doing in our…
‪(현우) 엄마‬Mom.
‪[은주의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(은주) 누구세요?‬Who are you?
‪[불안한 배경음악]‬
‪아, 네가 애들 어미냐?‬Are you their mother?
‪누구시냐고요‬Who are you?
‪내가 네 시아비다‬I'm your father-in-law.
‪반갑다‬-It's a pleasure to meet you. -What?
‪네?‬-It's a pleasure to meet you. -What?
‪[급브레이크 소리]‬
‪[동하의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[동하의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음이 울린다]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(동하) 어, 현우야‬Yes, Hyun-woo.
‪[득수의 웃음]‬
‪왔냐?‬You're here.
‪(득수) 일찍일찍 좀 다녀라‬Try and be home earlier, would you?
‪아니, 여긴 어떻게 왔어요?‬ ‪어떻게 알고‬How did you get here? How did you know?
‪당신이 여기 왜 있냐고‬What do you think you're doing here?
‪아, 씨, 새끼…‬You punk…
‪오랜만에 만난 아비한테 말본새가‬It's been a while. What's with the attitude in your language?
‪당장 나가‬Leave, right now.
‪당장 내 집에서 나가‬Get out of my house, right now.
‪야‬Hey, you're making an ugly scene in front of the kids.
‪애들 보기 꼴사납다, 어?‬Hey, you're making an ugly scene in front of the kids.
‪어서 이리 와, 앉아‬Come here. Sit down.
‪오늘 처음으로‬ ‪온 가족이 다 모였으니까‬ ‪[동하의 떨리는 숨소리]‬It's the first time the whole family is getting together,
‪해피하게‬so let's be happy.
‪가족은 씨발!‬What fucking family?
‪[배경음악이 고조된다]‬ ‪(동하) 나가!‬Get out!
‪[고함치며] 나가!‬Get out!
‪이거 안 나가?‬ ‪[득수의 웃음]‬Get out!
‪나가!‬-Get out! -Hey…
‪- (득수) 야…‬ ‪- (동하) 나가, 나가!‬-Get out! -Hey… Get out!
‪나가‬Get out.
‪[가족의 비명]‬
‪- (현우) 아빠‬ ‪- (득수) 하, 아이, 새끼‬ ‪[동하의 신음]‬-Dad. -Jeez, man.
‪야, 더 해 봐‬Bring it on.
‪너는 원래‬ ‪근성 있는 놈이잖아, 응?‬I know you're tenacious.
‪아, 어서‬-Come on. -You!
‪[동하의 괴성]‬-Come on. -You!
‪[연우의 다급한 신음]‬ ‪(득수) 야, 이 새끼야!‬You punk!
‪[은주의 놀라는 숨소리]‬ ‪그래!‬Come on!
‪[동하의 괴성]‬ ‪(득수) 야! 야, 이 새끼!‬Come on! You punk!
‪(김 사장) 담배 한 대 줘‬ ‪[강준의 힘겨운 신음]‬Give me a cigarette.
‪[김 사장의 헛웃음]‬
‪여 비즈니스 얘기해야 되니까‬We need to talk business,
‪거, 낑낑거리고 앉아 있지 말고‬so stop whimpering
‪저기 가 커피나 좀 타 온나‬and go make us some coffee.
‪[김 사장의 웃음]‬
‪네 눈깔 보니‬ ‪[한숨]‬By that look in your eye, you get your ass kicked a lot, don't you?
‪많이 맞고 살겠다‬you get your ass kicked a lot, don't you?
‪[김 사장의 웃음]‬
‪[새는 발음으로]‬ ‪뭐랬습니까, 지금?‬What did you just say?
‪어이, 사돈총각‬Hey, brother.
‪가 커피나 한잔 타 오래도‬Go make me a cup of coffee.
‪그러다가‬If you keep that up,
‪진짜로 눈깔 뽑혀, 이 사람아‬you might really lose one of those eyes, man.
‪(용수) [한숨 쉬며] 야‬Hey.
‪[연기를 후 뱉는다]‬
‪[김 사장의 웃음]‬
‪(강준) 어쩐지‬ ‪오늘의 운세가 좆같더라‬No wonder my fortune for the day was shit.
‪꼬라지 서글프네‬I look pathetic.
‪(필성) 일단 병원부터 가시죠‬Let's get you to the hospital.
‪[긴 한숨]‬
‪저 돼지 같은 새끼도‬That fucking bum
‪상선이랍시고 한 자리 낀다니까‬is taking advantage of his head cartel clout.
‪판돈 커지네‬The pot's gotten a lot bigger.
‪이왕 이렇게 된 거‬Now that things have turned out this way,
‪한 방에 싹 다 털어먹자‬we can wipe the lot of them out in one swoop.
‪우리 짭새 아저씨‬The pig must be drooling already.
‪군침 돌겠네‬The pig must be drooling already.
‪[멀리서 개가 짖는다]‬
‪(경찰) 처벌을‬ ‪원하진 않으신다는 거죠?‬So, you don't want to press charges?
‪(은주) 네‬I don't.
‪(경찰) 예, 알겠습니다‬All right, then.
‪경찰은 안 돼‬ ‪[문 여는 소리]‬The cops can't get involved.
‪(득수) 그건 맞다‬He's right about that.
‪[문이 닫힌다]‬ ‪[도어록 작동음]‬He's right about that.
‪우리 집안하고 경찰은‬ ‪궁합이 안 좋아‬Our family and law enforcement do not get along.
‪[득수의 헛기침]‬
‪[연우의 한숨]‬
‪정당방위다‬It was self-defense.
‪에헤, 이 아까운 걸 그냥…‬Goodness. What a waste.
‪[차갑게 가라앉은 배경음악]‬
‪[스위치 조작음]‬
‪(은주) 처음 만났을 때부터‬ ‪아버지 돌아가셨다고 했잖아‬You told me your father passed away when we first met.
‪설마 어머니도 살아 계셔?‬Is your mother also alive?
‪[은주의 한숨]‬Why did you hide it from me?
‪왜 숨긴 건데?‬Why did you hide it from me?
‪왜 하는 일이 죄다 그래?‬Why does everything you do turn out like this?
‪왜 맨날 일을 키워서 터트리냐고!‬Why do you always make everything worse?
‪저 사람 없이도 살 수 있으니까‬I did it because I could get along just fine without him.
‪(동하) 몇 년에 한 번씩‬ ‪집에 오면…‬He would always come home every few years
‪안 좋은 일들이 생겨‬and then bad things would happen.
‪통장을 들고 튀었는지‬He probably stole all the money from our accounts
‪엄마는 일을 더블로 뛰어야 되고‬because Mom started to work double time.
‪나는 시름시름 앓고‬I was suffering constantly.
‪이사를 가도 어떻게 알았는지‬I don't know how he knew, but he always found us, even if we moved.
‪귀신같이 찾아오더라고‬ ‪[은주의 한숨]‬I don't know how he knew, but he always found us, even if we moved.
‪엄마가 사고로 앓다가 죽고‬My mom died from an accident…
‪보험금 나오니까 또 찾아왔었고‬and he showed up again to collect on the life insurance.
‪그래서 인연 끊은 거야‬So, that's why I cut ties with him.
‪[은주의 한숨]‬ ‪너랑 결혼 앞두고 있어서‬I was about to get married to you
‪나도 이제 가족이 생길 거니까‬and I was going to have a family soon.
‪더 이상…‬So I thought…
‪저 인간하고 엮이면‬ ‪안 되겠다 싶더라‬I shouldn't be involved with him anymore.
‪내가 쫓아낼 거니까 걱정하지 마‬I'll kick him out, so don't worry.
‪[휴대전화 진동음이 울린다]‬
‪[동하의 한숨]‬
‪별일 아닙니다‬It's nothing.
‪예‬All right.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪생각해 봤는데‬I gave it some thought…
‪이해할 수 있을 거 같아‬and I think I can understand
‪너 딴 사람 만난 거‬why you met someone else.
‪이해해 볼 수 있을 것 같다고‬ ‪[은주의 한숨]‬I think I can try to understand.
‪내가 좀 더 잘했어야 되는 건데‬I should have done better.
‪내 잘못도 있고‬It's my fault.
‪다 지난 일이니까‬But that's in the past,
‪이제부터‬so from now on,
‪안 그러면 되는 거니까‬we can be different.
‪이혼…‬Why do you…
‪왜 하고 싶은 건데?‬want a divorce?
‪그 친구 때문에?‬Is it because of him?
‪(은주) 아니‬No.
‪그건 우리 문제하고 상관없어‬That has nothing to do with our problem.
‪그거 때문에 이혼하자는 거‬ ‪아니니까 오해하지 마‬That's not why I want a divorce, so don't misunderstand.
‪(동하) 그럼?‬Then
‪진짜 이유가 뭐야?‬what's the real reason?
‪너 없이도 살 수 있을 것 같아서‬Because I think I can live without you.
‪[느리고 슬픈 배경음악]‬
‪그 남자는…‬That man…
‪너한테 해 줄 수 있는 게 없어‬can't do anything for you.
‪내가 가족을 지킬게, 너도 지키고‬I'll protect you, and our family.
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪저 개 우리가 키우면 안 돼요?‬Can we take care of that dog?
‪무슨 개?‬What dog?
‪[멀리서 개가 짖는다]‬
‪(동하) 야!‬ ‪[동하의 개 쫒는 소리]‬Hey! Go!
‪- 아이…‬ ‪- (동하) 빨리 저리 가!‬-Goodness. -Go away! Go! Shoo!
‪저리 가, 가, 지금, 가!‬ ‪[개가 낑낑댄다]‬-Goodness. -Go away! Go! Shoo!
‪(득수) 아이, 놀라라, 씨‬ ‪[동하의 거친 숨소리]‬Gosh, you scared me.
‪아까부터 땅 파고 있더라?‬He's been digging for a while.
‪뭔 뼈다귀를 묻어 놨는지‬Maybe he buried a bone or something.
‪야, 그렇게 쫓아 봤자‬ ‪또 와서 또 팔 거야‬No matter how much you chase him away, he'll come back and dig.
‪원래 개가 집요한 데가 있잖아‬Dogs are persistent, you know?
‪왜 왔어요?‬Why did you come?
‪손주 보러‬To see my grandchildren.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪가세요‬Please leave.
‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬
‪너 요새 뭔 일 있냐?‬Is something going on with you these days?
‪무슨 상관입니까?‬Why does it matter to you?
‪그냥 가세요‬Just leave.
‪살던 대로 사시라고‬-Go back to living your life. -I have no place to go, okay?
‪내가 갈 데가 없어, 응?‬-Go back to living your life. -I have no place to go, okay?
‪집도 없고 절도 없다, 나‬I have absolutely nothing.
‪그래 봐야‬ ‪이 집에 뜯어먹을 거 없어요‬There's even less for you to mooch off of in my house.
‪그냥 가시라고‬Please just leave.
‪[웃음]‬Please just leave.
‪(득수) 이런 촌구석에 사는 놈‬What would I take anything from someone who lives out in the country, like this?
‪뭘 뜯어먹을 게 있다고‬What would I take anything from someone who lives out in the country, like this?
‪(동하) 됐네요, 그럼‬Good, then.
‪원래 집요한 데 있으시잖아‬ ‪뭐 뜯어먹을 거 있으면은‬You've always been persistent when you wanted something from someone.
‪이거 자식한테‬It's not like I can cuss you out and call you a son of a bitch.
‪아비도 몰라보는 개새끼라고‬ ‪욕할 수도 없고‬It's not like I can cuss you out and call you a son of a bitch.
‪하시든가‬Go for it.
‪나 개…‬ ‪[한숨을 내쉰다]‬Because
‪새끼 맞으니까‬I am a son of a bitch.
‪[득수의 헛웃음]‬
‪에헤, 참 나, 어?‬Jeez.
‪[문 여는 소리]‬
‪[한숨 쉬며] 이야‬My goodness.
‪[개가 낑낑댄다]‬ ‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(주현) 처음엔 그런 생각을 했어‬At first, I thought about why these two were moving around together
‪'이 두 사람이 왜 같이 움직일까?'‬At first, I thought about why these two were moving around together
‪[느릿한 배경음악]‬ ‪'둘이 무슨 관계일까?'‬and what their relationship was.
‪근데 다시 이런 생각이 든 거야‬Then something came to mind.
‪교수가 광철이랑‬ ‪왜 같이 움직였냐보다‬Instead of wondering why the professor moves around with Kwang-chul,
‪돈 배달하던 차가‬ ‪왜 여길 왔냐는 거‬I asked myself why the delivery car ended up here.
‪난 그게 이 동네에 숨어서‬ ‪대마 키우던 새끼랑‬At first, I thought it had something to do
‪관련이 있을 거라고 생각했는데‬with the marijuana grower.
‪어쩌면 저 교수 때문일 수도‬ ‪있겠다 싶었어‬But I realized it may be because of the professor.
‪'교수 정체가 뭘까?'‬Who is this professor?
‪'뭘 얼마나 어디까지‬ ‪알고 있는 걸까?'‬And how much does he know?
‪[주현의 한숨]‬ ‪[매미 소리]‬
‪처음엔 이게 사건이랑‬ ‪관련이 있나 싶었는데‬I wasn't sure if this had anything to do with our case.
‪확실한 건…‬But what I know for sure
‪교수도 분명‬ ‪뭔가를 찾고 있다는 거야‬is that the professor is also looking for something.
‪- (동하) 여기 있어요, 고마워요‬ ‪- (교무 직원) 아‬-Here you go. -Great.
‪- 네, 가세요‬ ‪- (동하) 네‬-See you later. -Bye.
‪(주현) 저, 실례합니다‬Excuse me.
‪혹시 저 교수님‬ ‪무슨 일로 오셨을까요?‬May I ask the reason for that professor's visit?
‪[매미 소리]‬
‪(주현) 이 교수 부부‬ ‪한철이랑 같은 학교 나왔어‬The couple went to the same university as Han-cheol.
‪근데 예전부터 알던 사이라면‬ ‪굳이 학적부를 뒤지진 않았겠지‬But if he already knew Han-cheol, he wouldn't have looked him up.
‪최근에 알게 된 거야‬He learned about him recently.
‪광철이랑 단순히 엮인 게‬ ‪아닐지도 몰라‬His relationship with Kwang-chul may not be that simple.
‪[휴대전화 진동음이 울린다]‬His relationship with Kwang-chul may not be that simple.
‪(윤석) 팀장님‬ ‪찾았습니다, 박득수‬Joo-hyun, I found Park Deuk-soo.
‪(주현) 이제‬ ‪어른 노릇 좀 하셔야지‬Start acting like an adult.
‪아직 철이 안 들어서‬I'm still pretty immature.
‪영감님 가족들‬Your family is in great danger right now.
‪지금 진짜 위험해요‬Your family is in great danger right now.
‪무서운 놈들한테‬ ‪코가 제대로 꿰였어‬They got involved with some scary people.
‪저대로 두면‬If we just leave them, they might vanish without a trace.
‪뭐, 쥐도 새도 모르게‬ ‪사라질 거 같은데‬If we just leave them, they might vanish without a trace.
‪영감님 아들, 며느리‬Your son, daughter-in-law, and your grandchildren. All of them.
‪손녀, 손자 다‬Your son, daughter-in-law, and your grandchildren. All of them.
‪얼마나 무서운 놈들인데?‬How scary are these guys?
‪마약 조직‬They're a drug ring.
‪(주현) 저러다 가족들‬ ‪진짜 다 개박살 나요‬Your entire family will get destroyed.
‪영감님이 구원하셔야 돼요‬You need to save them.
‪내가 뭘 할 수 있는데?‬What can I do? I'm having him look into their phones for recent calls, texts, photos,
‪(주현) 이 두 사람 핸드폰에서‬I'm having him look into their phones for recent calls, texts, photos,
‪최근 통화 목록‬ ‪카톡 메시지, 사진‬I'm having him look into their phones for recent calls, texts, photos,
‪뭐, 이번 배달 사고랑 관련된 건‬ ‪뭐든 털어 내라고 했어‬and anything that may have to do with the delivery accident.
‪(윤석) 배달 사고가 어쨌든‬So you're saying the delivery mess-up is related to the professor's family?
‪저 교수네 가족이랑‬ ‪관련이 있다는 거네요?‬So you're saying the delivery mess-up is related to the professor's family?
‪뭐가 나오나 봐야지‬We'll have to wait and see.
‪(주현) 이제 이 가족은‬ ‪배달 사고의 중요 용의자야‬This family is now a prime suspect of the delivery accident.
‪새로 등장한 놈은‬We have no information on the new guy. We need to do some digging.
‪자료가 없어, 뒤를 캐 봐야 돼‬ ‪[사진을 탁 내려놓는다]‬We have no information on the new guy. We need to do some digging.
‪용수랑 광철이는‬ ‪이제 완전히 갈라섰고‬Yong-soo and Kwang-chul have completely parted ways.
‪뭐가 어떻게 돌아가든‬ ‪돈으로 모이게 돼 있어‬But they'll all end up where the money is.
‪그 돈이 지금 여기에 있고‬That money is here right now,
‪그래서 광철이가 뭉개고 있는 거야‬and that's why Kwang-chul is waiting around.
‪지금 우리 사냥개가‬ ‪저기서 좆나게 뛰고 있고‬And our hunting dog is working his ass off.
‪[개가 킁킁거린다]‬
‪[푸드덕거리는 소리]‬
‪[득수의 한숨]‬
‪집에 술이 없어‬How could there be no alcohol?
‪[득수가 주스 병을 달그락 넣는다]‬
‪[개운한 숨소리]‬
‪뭐 그렇게 놀라냐?‬Why are you so surprised?
‪(득수) 근데 어미 넌‬ ‪원래 이렇게 예민하냐?‬By the way, are you always this sensitive?
‪하, 이거 참‬My goodness.
‪[빈 통을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[타닥타닥 불타는 효과음]‬
‪[슬픈 배경음악]‬
‪[악을 내지른다]‬
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[괴로운 신음]‬
‪[동하의 비명]‬ ‪[동하의 괴로운 신음]‬What is this?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[휴대전화 벨이 울린다]‬
‪(은주) 네가 지금까지‬ ‪가족한테 한 게 뭐가 있다고‬What have you done for our family? You don't deserve to say things like that.
‪이제 와서 가족 타령이야!‬What have you done for our family? You don't deserve to say things like that.
‪네가 여태껏‬ ‪가족한테 뭘 했는데, 뭘!‬Tell me what you've done for our family!
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(동하) 나, 나는?‬Am I not family to you?
‪너한테 가족이 아니야?‬Am I not family to you?
‪아니야‬You're not. Not anymore.
‪이젠‬You're not. Not anymore.
‪[매미 소리]‬Doesn't anyone wait for their elders before digging in for a meal?
‪(득수) 어른 없이도‬ ‪식사 시작이냐?‬Doesn't anyone wait for their elders before digging in for a meal?
‪(현우) 아까 제가 식사하시랬는데‬I called you earlier. But I think you were washing up and couldn't hear me.
‪씻고 계셔서 못 들으셨나 봐요‬I called you earlier. But I think you were washing up and couldn't hear me.
‪애쓰는구나, 어린 녀석이‬The little one is putting in some effort.
‪(득수) 그나마‬ ‪이 집에도 희망은 있구나‬It seems there's still some hope left for this family.
‪오늘 할아버지 가실 거야‬Your grandfather's leaving today.
‪오늘 가세요?‬Are you?
‪글쎄다, 그렇다네‬Well, apparently so.
‪(연우) 우리 집에서 이상한 게‬ ‪한두 개도 아닌데‬There are too many weird things about our family.
‪다녀오겠습니다‬I'm off to school.
‪은주야‬ ‪[문 여는 소리]‬Eun-ju.
‪현우 등교 좀 부탁할게‬Can you take Hyun-woo to school?
‪[문이 닫힌다]‬ ‪[도어록 작동음]‬
‪현우, 가자‬Let's go, Hyun-woo.
‪(현우) 다녀오겠습니다‬-See you later. -Bye.
‪- (동하) 다녀와‬ ‪- (득수) 어‬-See you later. -Bye. All right.
‪[문 여는 소리]‬
‪[문이 닫힌다]‬ ‪[도어록 작동음]‬
‪[봉투를 부스럭 꺼낸다]‬
‪[봉투를 쓱 집어 든다]‬
‪(동하) 다신 오지 마세요‬Don't ever come back.
‪딱 일주일‬Let me just stay for one week.
‪(득수) 나도‬ ‪거처는 알아봐야 되니까‬I need to find a place to stay.
‪그 뒤에는 있으래도 안 있어‬After that, I won't stay, even if you ask me to.
‪죽기 전에 손주들 보는 거‬ ‪이게 마지막일 텐데‬This will probably be the last time I see my grandchildren before I die.
‪그 정도도 못 봐주냐?‬Am I asking for too much?
‪없는 듯 지내세요‬I want it to seem like you're not even here.
‪갑자기 나타나서‬ ‪가족인 척하지 마시고‬Don't just show up, pretending to be a part of this family.
‪(득수) 다녀와‬See you later.
‪집 잘 지키고 있을게‬I'll look after the house.
‪[긴장감 흐르는 배경음악]‬ ‪[연기를 후 뱉는다]‬
‪[폴더폰 진동음]‬
‪[폴더폰을 달그락 집어 든다]‬
‪(메신저) 부산‬Busan.
‪내일 저녁 돈 갖고 와‬Tomorrow night. Bring the money.
‪중배야‬-Jung-bae. -Yes, sir.
‪- (중배) 네‬ ‪- (광철) 돈 옮겨야겠다‬-Jung-bae. -Yes, sir. Let's move the money.
‪이번엔 사고 나면 안 되겠지만‬ ‪사고 날 거다‬We can't afford another accident, but it will indeed happen.
‪용수가 김 사장 괜히 불렀겠냐‬Yong-soo called Mr. Kim for a reason.
‪준비해‬-Be prepared. -Yes, sir.
‪예, 형님‬-Be prepared. -Yes, sir.
‪(윤석) 나는 죽어도‬ ‪분명 안 썩을 거야‬I know for sure I won't decompose after I die.
‪(주현) 처먹어, 내가 화장해 줄게‬Eat as much as you want. I'll have you cremated.
‪내 것도 먹어‬-Have mine too. -What--
‪- (윤석) 안…‬ ‪- (주현) 보기도 싫다‬-Have mine too. -What-- -I can't even look at that right now. -Gosh.
‪(윤석) 아, 진짜 또…‬-I can't even look at that right now. -Gosh.
‪(윤석) 근데‬ ‪[윤석의 헛기침]‬By the way,
‪그 언더커버랑은 친했나 봐요?‬were you close with the undercover agent?
‪왜?‬ ‪[라이터로 불을 붙인다]‬Why?
‪아니, 그냥‬Just because
‪동료애가 남다른 거 같아 가지고‬you seemed to be fond of him as a colleague.
‪아니, 뭐 안 먹을 거면‬ ‪이거 물을 붓지를 말든가, 아휴‬If you weren't going to eat, you shouldn't have poured the water.
‪(윤석) 라면 냄새만 맡아도‬ ‪토할 것 같은데‬Just the smell makes me want to puke.
‪(득수) '딱정벌레'…‬"Beetles…"
‪자식‬Interesting kid.
‪[흥미로운 배경음악]‬
‪아이, 더럽게, 쯧‬Damn it.
‪[문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪- 여기서 뭐 하세요?‬ ‪- (득수) 어?‬-What are you doing here? -Huh?
‪저거 문제 되겠는데?‬That might be a problem.
‪저기 천장 모서리 사이에‬ ‪물기 보이냐?‬Do you see the water in that ceiling corner right there?
‪[은주의 한숨]‬
‪넌 지금 잘 안 보이지?‬You don't see anything right now, do you?
‪저게 지금 괜찮아 보여도‬ ‪나중엔 문제가 돼‬It may look fine right now, but it will end up being a problem.
‪누수가 있어‬You have a water leak.
‪'누수'요?‬"A water leak"?
‪애들 방도 그러더니‬ ‪여기도 그러네?‬The kids' rooms have the same problem.
‪(득수) 이대로 방치하면‬ ‪나중에 큰돈 든다‬If you just leave it, it will cost you a lot later.
‪놔두면 안 돼‬You can't just leave it.
‪아이, 현우는 학교 잘 갔지?‬Did Hyun-woo get to school safely?
‪(병구) 씁‬ ‪이 또 상태가 왜 이러지?‬What's wrong with you now?
‪아, 밥맛 떨어져‬-You make me lose my appetite. -Byeong-gu.
‪(동하) 형‬-You make me lose my appetite. -Byeong-gu.
‪유한철이라고 알아?‬Do you know who Yoo Han-cheol is?
‪누구? 유, 유한철?‬Who? "Yoo Han-cheol"?
‪그게 누군데?‬Who's that?
‪(동하) 대학 때‬I heard he used to go out with Eun-ju in college.
‪은주랑 사귀었던 사람이라는데‬I heard he used to go out with Eun-ju in college.
‪아이 씨, 은주한테‬ ‪껄떡대던 놈들이 어디 한둘이냐?‬Come on, man. Do you know how many guys tried to hit on Eun-ju?
‪네가 마지막이었다 뿐이지‬You may have been the last one,
‪네가 유일한 건 아니야‬but that doesn't mean you were the only one.
‪나도 마지막은 아니야‬I'm not even the last.
‪- 은주 바람피워?‬ ‪- (동하) 아니‬-Is she cheating on you? -No.
‪그냥‬It's nothing.
‪아냐고 모르냐고‬Do you know him or not?
‪밥 먹어‬Just eat.
‪[매미 소리]‬
‪[짧은 휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[휴대전화를 달그락 집어 든다]‬
‪(광철) 내일 중요한 일 있다‬There's something important coming up tomorrow. Clear your schedule.
‪스케줄 비워 놔‬There's something important coming up tomorrow. Clear your schedule.
‪[휴대전화를 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[짜증스러운 한숨]‬
‪[지게차 후진 경고음이 울린다]‬
‪(용수) 조만간‬ ‪교수 시켜서 돈 옮긴단다‬They're making the professor move the money soon.
‪우리도 준비 좀 해야지‬We should get ready too.
‪이제부터 나한테만‬ ‪보고하기로 했으니까‬He's only reporting to me now. Just letting you know.
‪그렇게 알아‬He's only reporting to me now. Just letting you know.
‪죽을 뻔했더니‬After a near-death experience, I realized I needed good insurance.
‪보험은 잘 들어야겠더라고요‬After a near-death experience, I realized I needed good insurance.
‪[그릇을 달그락대며 꺼낸다]‬
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪뭐 필요한 거 있으세요?‬Do you need anything?
‪응, 있다‬Yes, I do.
‪내가 전화기를 험하게 써서‬ ‪맛이 갔는지‬My phone is acting weird. I don't think I took proper care of it.
‪전화가 안 된다‬It won't work.
‪(득수) 전화 좀 빌리면 안 되겠냐?‬Can I borrow your phone?
‪네, 그러세요‬Sure, go ahead.
‪근데 여기 혹시 비번이…‬What's your passcode?
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(득수) 고맙다‬Thanks.
‪방에 들어가서 쓰마‬I'll make the call in my room.
‪나도 프라이버시가 있으니까‬I need some privacy too.
‪아이고, 순옥 씨!‬Goodness! Sun-ok!
‪저 박득수입니다‬This is Park Deuk-soo!
‪아, 네‬Yes!
‪[크게 하하 웃는다]‬ ‪(친구) 아이고, 이 새끼‬ ‪이거, 이거 뭐라는 거야, 이거?‬Goodness. What is this punk saying?
‪아이고, 제가 바쁘기는요‬Gosh, I'm not busy.
‪(친구) 이 새끼 이거, 어디서‬ ‪또 사기 치고 있나 보네‬-Is this another one of your scams? -I'm only a little busy.
‪아주 쪼금 바쁩니다‬-Is this another one of your scams? -I'm only a little busy.
‪- (친구) 야, 네가 바쁘긴…‬ ‪- (득수) 네‬-Why would you be busy-- -Yes!
‪(친구) 됐고, 소주나 한잔해, 어?‬That's enough. Let's have some soju.
‪(득수) 아, 네, 그럼요‬Oh, I agree.
‪[크게 하하 웃는다]‬
‪[작게] 야, 소주 한 잔‬ ‪마실 시간 없어, 이 새끼야‬I don't have time to drink with you, you punk.
‪- (친구) 뭔데?‬ ‪- (득수) 아, 몰라, 이 새끼야‬-What's going on? -I don't know, you punk.
‪지금 끊지 말고‬Just don't hang up. Stay on the line with me.
‪- 전화 잠깐만 들고 있어‬ ‪- (친구) 아, 왜?‬Just don't hang up. Stay on the line with me. -Why? -I'll fill you in later.
‪(득수) 나중에 얘기해 줄게‬ ‪이 새끼야‬-Why? -I'll fill you in later.
‪(친구) 어?‬-Why? -I'll fill you in later. -What? -My goodness, Sun-ok.
‪하하, 아이고, 순옥 씨‬-What? -My goodness, Sun-ok.
‪(득수) 아, 유머가 더 늘었어요‬You've gotten even funnier.
‪[득수가 하하 웃는다]‬You've gotten even funnier.
‪(친구) 이 새끼 이거 또‬ ‪돈 많은 여자 하나 물었구먼‬You punk. Did you find yourself another rich lady? You crook.
‪이 사기꾼 새끼, 이거, 이거, 어?‬You punk. Did you find yourself another rich lady? You crook.
‪[불길한 배경음악]‬ ‪야, 잘되면 너 술 한잔 꼭 사라‬ ‪좀, 이 새끼야, 어?‬If everything goes well, you better treat me to some drinks.
‪(은주) 넌 예전이랑‬ ‪변한 게 하나도 없네‬You haven't changed a bit.
‪좋겠다‬Lucky you.
‪네, 오늘 반가웠습니다‬Yes, it was nice talking to you.
‪네, 들어가세요‬Yes. Take care.
‪네‬All right.
‪(득수) 잘 썼다‬Thank you.
‪(은주) 식사하셔야죠‬You should eat something.
‪아니다‬It's okay.
‪입맛이 별로 없다‬I'm not hungry right now.
‪[서장이 연기를 후 뱉는다]‬
‪얘들은 또 뭐냐?‬Who are these guys?
‪상선 배달 사고에‬ ‪연루된 정황이 있습니다‬They might be involved in the delivery incident.
‪(주현) 수사 중이고요‬ ‪[정국의 한숨]‬We're still investigating.
‪어떤 정황?‬ ‪그냥 평범한 애들이잖아‬What do you mean? They're just normal people.
‪조만간 실마리 잡을 것 같아서‬ ‪그때 보고서 올리겠습니다‬We'll be able to get a lead soon. I'll submit another report then.
‪그래, 어떤 실마리?‬Okay, so what lead?
‪(정국) 뭐야?‬What is it? You can't keep it a secret from us too.
‪우리한테까지‬ ‪수사 기밀이면 안 되지‬What is it? You can't keep it a secret from us too.
‪[안경을 탁 내려놓으며] 야!‬Hey!
‪우리 같은 식구 아니었어?‬I thought we were on the same team.
‪우리가 모르는 뭐가 있어?‬Is there something we don't know about?
‪강 팀장‬Joo-hyun.
‪[서류철 집어 드는 소리]‬
‪(서장) 야!‬Hey!
‪이제 그만하자!‬Let's just stop.
‪다 그만두고‬Dissolve the team, and have them report back to their units.
‪팀들 해체하고 다들 원대 복귀시켜‬Dissolve the team, and have them report back to their units.
‪(주현) 우리 내부에 마약 조직하고‬ ‪연결된 쥐새끼가 있습니다‬We have a mole that's connected to the drug ring.
‪(서장) 뭐?‬What?
‪우리만 언더커버‬ ‪심어 놓은 게 아닌 거죠‬ ‪[긴장감 흐르는 배경음악]‬We weren't the only ones who had an undercover agent. The head cartel member that we're looking for could be a cop too.
‪(주현) 우리가 찾는 상선이‬ ‪경찰일 수도 있습니다‬ ‪[서장의 한숨]‬The head cartel member that we're looking for could be a cop too.
‪사실이야?‬Is this true?
‪(주현) 네, 실종된 우리 식구도‬ ‪그래서 제거된 거고요‬Yes, that's how our agent was killed.
‪배달 사고도‬And it looks like that's what caused the mishap with the delivery.
‪그 상황에서‬ ‪발생한 것으로 보입니다‬And it looks like that's what caused the mishap with the delivery.
‪(서장) 그래‬Okay, so what kind of progress have you made?
‪그럼 그 진도는 얼마나 나갔는데?‬Okay, so what kind of progress have you made?
‪이제 시작이고요‬We're just getting started.
‪곧 단서들이 드러날 겁니다‬We'll start getting some leads soon.
‪[서장의 한숨]‬ ‪[날카로운 효과음]‬
‪[매미 소리]‬
‪[착잡한 배경음악]‬
‪(주현) 영감님 가족들이‬ ‪마약 조직하고 엮여 버렸다고‬Your family got tangled up with a drug ring.
‪집에 들어가서 뒷조사 좀 합시다‬ ‪뭐든 좋으니까‬Go in the house and do a little digging. Anything will help.
‪무슨 일이 있는지 알아야‬We need to know what's going on in order for us to help them.
‪뭐, 경찰이 돕든지 할 거 아니야‬We need to know what's going on in order for us to help them.
‪[땅 헤집는 소리]‬
‪(득수) 아이, 저놈의 개새끼가‬Jeez. That freaking dog.
‪야, 저리 가!‬Hey! Scram!
‪가!‬ ‪[개가 낑낑댄다]‬Shoo!
‪[쿵 하는 효과음]‬ ‪[득수의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[느릿한 컨트리풍 배경음악]‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음이 울린다]‬
‪- (동하) 여보세요‬ ‪- (득수) [당황하며] 동하야‬Hello? Dong-ha, you punk. Where are you right now?
‪너 이 새끼야, 지금 어디야?‬Dong-ha, you punk. Where are you right now?
‪- (동하) 네?‬ ‪- (득수) 이거…‬-What? -This…
‪뒤, 뒷마당에 이거…‬What is this in your backyard? Is it a dead body?
‪이거 사람 시체야?‬What is this in your backyard? Is it a dead body?
‪너 사람 죽였어?‬Did you kill someone?
‪응?‬Answer me.
‪야, 그런 거야?‬Is that what's going on?
‪동하야‬Dong-ha, you punk. Where are you right now?
‪너 이 새끼야, 지금 어디야?‬Dong-ha, you punk. Where are you right now?

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