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  미남당 8

Café Minamdang 8


(재희) 2차라니, 합격이라니‬A second audition? We're in?
‪이게 무슨 개수작이에요?‬What crap are you trying to pull?
‪[한준의 한숨]‬
‪수작은 내가 아니라‬ ‪그쪽이 부리는 거 같은데?‬If anyone's trying to pull something, I think that's you.
‪(한준) 아, 그리고‬ ‪여기 남자 화장실이야‬Also, this is the men's bathroom.
‪나는 엄연히 위장 잠…‬I'm wrking undercover--
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(재희) [작은 목소리로] 왜?‬ ‪누구 있어요?‬What? Is someone here?
‪[작은 목소리로] 아주 그냥‬ ‪정체를 까발리고 싶어서‬Do you want everyone to know who you really are?
‪(한준) 난리가 났구먼‬Do you want everyone to know who you really are?
‪[변기 물 내리는 소리]‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪밑에 구두 보여, 구두‬ ‪구두 보인다고, 구두 보여‬Your shoes. They can see your shoes on the floor.
‪- (한준) 발 들어, 발 들어‬ ‪- (재희) 어떡해, 어떡해‬-Put your feet up, come on. -Oh, gosh.
‪[멀어지는 발걸음]‬
‪[문이 스륵 여닫힌다]‬
‪[함께 안도한다]‬
‪저 새끼 느낌이 안 좋아‬I've got a bad feeling about that guy.
‪씁, 묘하게‬ ‪날 계속 의식한단 말이지‬He's fixated on me somehow.
‪자뻑은 여전하시네‬You're still so full of yourself.
‪[재희의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(한준) [놀라며] 야, 무거워‬You're so heavy.
‪[재희의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪- (재희) 씨‬ ‪- (한준) 들러붙어‬Don't come closer.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[재희의 한숨]‬
‪[한준의 한숨]‬
‪(한준) 분명 내가 여기 있는 걸‬ ‪알면서도 들어와서 경계했어‬He definitely knew I was here, but he was still on guard when he came in.
‪씁, 정중한 행동에 무례한 눈빛‬He acts polite but has an insulting look in his eyes.
‪까칠한 피부랑은 어울리지 않는‬ ‪하이 엔드급 정장‬His suit is top of the line, but his skin is rough.
‪씁, 수상한 게‬ ‪한두 가지가 아니란 말이지‬He's suspicious on a lot of fronts.
‪그런 것도 못 보는 뇌로‬ ‪어떻게 경찰을 하고 있지? 어?‬How do you call yourself a cop when you can't even notice these things?
‪여기 왜 왔는지 말해 주고‬when you can't even notice these things? Just tell me why you're here
‪(재희) 협조나 하시지?‬and start cooperating.
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪협조 아니라 협박 같은데?‬This seems more like a threat.
‪정보 공유하고 협조하면‬If you share your information and cooperate,
‪나도 공유할게요‬then I'll do the same.
‪조이스 엔터 박진상 이사가‬Park Jin-sang of Joyce Entertainment
‪(한준) 강은혜 사건과‬ ‪관련돼 있을 가능성이 있어‬may be related to the Kang Eun-hye case.
‪그래서 손목에 긁힌 흉터가 있는지‬ ‪확인하려고 했는데‬So I tried to see if he has a scar on his wrist,
‪파스가 붙어 있더라고‬but he was wearing a pain relief patch.
‪그쪽은?‬What about you?
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪강은혜 SNS로‬ ‪친구가 이상한 메시지를 보냈는데‬Kang Eun-hye's friend sent her a strange message to her social media account,
‪(재희) 그 친구 찾으러 왔어요‬so I'm here to find that person.
‪무서워서 모른 척했다?‬They feigned ignorance out of fear?
‪이 친구 내가 찾아 줄게‬I'll find that friend for you.
‪대신 나 좀 도와‬In return, help me.
‪뭘 어떻게 도와요?‬What? How can I help you?
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[진상이 코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪(진상) 아이돌 지망이라고‬ ‪하지 않았나?‬Didn't you say you wanted to be an idol?
‪네, 그랬었죠‬Yes. I did.
‪근데 저분이‬But he recommended that I audition to become an action star.
‪액션 배우를 권하셔서‬But he recommended that I audition to become an action star.
‪씁, 신령님께서‬The spirit
‪(한준) [탁자를 탁 치며]‬ ‪액션 스타가 될‬tells me that she has the potential to become one.
‪[흥얼거리며] 재능이 있다고‬ ‪말씀하시네‬tells me that she has the potential to become one.
‪체격도 다부지고‬She has a sturdy frame,
‪무엇보다 관상이‬ ‪딱 체육인이여, 어‬and most of all, she has the face of an athlete.
‪조이스 엔터에서 발굴한‬ ‪초특급 액션 스타‬"An action superstar discovered by Joyce Entertainment."
‪이거 돈 냄새가‬ ‪좀 나는 거 같은데, 폴폴?‬I think I smell big money.
‪(진상) 돈 냄새 좋죠‬Money's good.
‪(해성) 뭐, 한번 확인해 볼까요?‬Well, let's take a look.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(한준) 어유‬Goodness.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[진상이 당황한다]‬
‪(진상) 아이씨‬Damn it.
‪[진상의 짜증 섞인 숨소리]‬
‪(재희) 아, 죄송합니다‬ ‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry!
‪(한준) [작은 목소리로] 으이그‬Come on!
‪[작은 목소리로] 완벽한‬ ‪작전이라면서요‬I thought you said this plan was infallible!
‪[손목을 탁탁 치며] 아니‬ ‪손목에다 조준을 해 가지고‬You should have aimed for his wrist and checked if he had a burn scar.
‪화상 흉터를 확인했었어야지‬You should have aimed for his wrist and checked if he had a burn scar.
‪아, 지금 발로 차는데‬ ‪그럴 정신이 어디 있어요?‬How am I supposed to do that with a kick?
‪아이, 그걸‬ ‪제대로 조준 못 해 가지고…‬-I can't believe you messed this up. -Unbelievable!
‪- 아, 진짜…‬ ‪- (한준) 진짜…‬-I can't believe you messed this up. -Unbelievable!
‪(진상) 됐어, 옷 갈아입고 올게‬Never mind, I'll go change.
‪[진상의 괴로운 신음]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪[재희의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(한준) 아이고!‬Goodness!
‪[진상의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪[재희의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪119 부르세요, 빨리‬Call 911. Hurry.
‪[해성의 당황한 소리]‬
‪(한준) 아이고‬ ‪내가 횡액이 들었다고‬I told him he had a misfortune coming and he should be careful.
‪조심하라고 했건만‬I told him he had a misfortune coming and he should be careful.
‪(진상) [힘겨운 목소리로] 도사님‬Mr. Shaman. You were right.
‪도사님 말씀이 맞았어요‬Mr. Shaman. You were right.
‪[진상의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪횡액이, 횡…‬The misfortune…
‪(한준) 이봐! 정신 차려!‬Hey, wake up!
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪네, 검사님‬Yes, Mr. Cha.
‪(도원) 그, 조이스 엔터‬ ‪박진상 이사요‬Director Park Jin-sang of Joyce Entertainment…
‪사건 당일 알리바이가 있는데요?‬Director Park Jin-sang of Joyce Entertainment… He has an alibi for the day. Mr. Shaman…
‪(진상) [힘겨운 목소리로]‬ ‪도, 도, 도사님‬Mr. Shaman…
‪무슨 일 있어요?‬-What's going on? -It's okay.
‪(한준) 괜찮아, 괜찮아, 안 죽어‬-What's going on? -It's okay. You're not going to die. It's not your time yet.
‪아직 죽을 때 아니여‬You're not going to die. It's not your time yet.
‪(진상) 그렇겠죠?‬It isn't, right?
‪아…‬Are you with Mr. Nam right now?
‪지금 남한준 씨랑 같이 있습니까?‬Are you with Mr. Nam right now?
‪[한준이 못마땅해한다]‬-Poor thing. -What happened is…
‪- (재희) 아, 저, 그게‬ ‪- (한준) 내가 신령님께…‬-Poor thing. -What happened is…
‪[한준이 말한다]‬ ‪(재희) 조이스 엔터에서‬ ‪우연히 만났어요‬-I ran into him at Joyce Entertainment. -I'll put in a prayer for you.
‪검사님, 제가 지금‬ ‪경황이 없어서 그런데‬Mr. Cha, I'm a bit busy now, so I'll call you right back.
‪바로 연락드릴게요‬Mr. Cha, I'm a bit busy now, so I'll call you right back.
‪아, 저…‬Wait.
‪[도원의 한숨]‬
‪검사님‬-Mr. Cha. -Yes?
‪네, 네‬-Mr. Cha. -Yes?
‪말씀하신 조이스 엔터‬ ‪자금 흐름 추적한 자료입니다‬Here's the data on Joyce's cash flow that you requested.
‪아, 죄송한데‬I'm sorry,
‪제가 좀 어디 좀 다녀와서 볼게요‬but I'll take a look at it after I come back.
‪(도원) 먼저‬ ‪저, 퇴근들 하세요, 네‬You two can head home first. Bye.
‪[재희의 한숨]‬
‪은혜 친구도 못 찾고‬ ‪이게 무슨 난리인지…‬All that fuss and we didn't even -find Eun-hye's friend… -I know.
‪(한준) 내 말이‬-find Eun-hye's friend… -I know. This is all because of your terrible aim.
‪그거 하나 제대로 조준 못 해서‬ ‪이 사달을 만드나‬This is all because of your terrible aim.
‪누가 들으면‬You're making it sound like it was some grand operation.
‪엄청난 작전이라도‬ ‪펼친 줄 알겠네요‬You're making it sound like it was some grand operation.
‪[강렬한 음악]‬
‪또 이렇게 시비를 거나?‬You're picking a fight with me again.
‪(재희) 뭐라고요?‬What?
‪(수철) 아이고, 그냥 여기서‬ ‪또 싸우고 있어, 그냥, 아유‬You two are fighting again.
‪(두진) 아, 이래 가지고‬ ‪공조가 되겠어?‬How are we going to work together like this?
‪- (재희) 아, 이런 사기꾼이랑‬ ‪- (한준) 이런 까칠이랑‬-I'm not working with this fraud! -I'm not working with Grumpy!
‪(재희와 한준) 공조는 무슨!‬-I'm not working with this fraud! -I'm not working with Grumpy!
‪(두진) 쯧, 아휴‬
‪(재희) 어? 넌 아까…‬Hey, you are…
‪(두진) 아, 그 디엠 보낸 친구가‬ ‪이 친구래‬She's the one who sent the DM.
‪(수철) 이, 뭔가 본 거 같은디‬I think she saw something.
‪아, 싸우지 말고 같이 들어요‬Stop fighting and come hear her out.
‪[한준의 한숨]‬
‪(혜준) 이지은, 18세‬"Lee Ji-eun, 18 years old."
‪한국 무용 전공 중인 예고생이네?‬She's a Korean Dance major at an arts high school.
‪강은혜하고는‬ ‪함께 오디션 봐서 합격한 동기야‬She joined the company when she auditioned with Kang Eun-hye.
‪(한준) 은혜랑‬ ‪같이 오디션 보고 합격했다며?‬I heard you and Eun-hye were at the same audition.
‪아저씨 정말 은혜가 보여요?‬Can you really see Eun-hye?
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪은혜가 너 춤출 때‬ ‪한 마리 새처럼 예뻤다고‬Eun-hye says that you looked pretty like a bird when you danced.
‪(한준) 친하게 지내고 싶었는데‬She wanted to be friends with you.
‪쯧, 먼저 다가가지 못해서‬ ‪미안하다네?‬She's sorry that she didn't take the first step.
‪정말 미남당 남 도사님이구나‬You really are Minamdang's Shaman Nam Han-jun.
‪(한준) [흥얼거리며] 내가‬ ‪10대들한테 한 인기 하지‬I am pretty popular with teenagers.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪은혜가 자기 억울한 거 풀 수 있게‬She's asking you to tell us the truth about what you saw so her grudge can be settled.
‪본 대로 솔직하게 말해 달라네‬so her grudge can be settled.
‪(한준) 은혜는‬ ‪그때 일이 많이 힘들었는지‬She doesn't remember much.
‪잘 기억 못 해‬It must have been hard on her.
‪은혜가 연습실 안 나오기 전에‬Something weird happened before Eun-hye stopped
‪이상한 일이 있었어요‬coming to practices.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(지은) 연습실에‬I went back to the studio because I forgot my wallet…
‪지갑을 두고 와서 되돌아갔는데‬I went back to the studio because I forgot my wallet…
‪[신나는 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪은혜가‬and Eun-hye was dancing in front of some people.
‪사람들 앞에서‬ ‪춤을 추고 있더라고요‬and Eun-hye was dancing in front of some people.
‪은혜 혼자 개인 레슨 받나 싶어서‬I thought she was secretly getting one-on-one lessons,
‪몰래 숨어서 촬영을 했는데‬so I hid and filmed it.
‪춤 다 추고 나서‬ ‪여자가 뭐라고 하니까‬But the woman said something after she finished dancing,
‪은혜가 울었어요‬and Eun-hye cried.
‪(두진) 울어?‬She cried?
‪아니, 왜?‬Why?
‪그게…‬Well, the thing is…
‪괜찮햐, 이, 말해도 돼야, 이‬It's okay. You can tell us.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪옷을 벗었어요‬-took off her clothes. -These scumbags.
‪(수철) 이런, 씨‬-took off her clothes. -These scumbags.
‪(재희) 오, 옷을 벗었다고?‬She took off her clothes?
‪(지은) [울먹이며] 그래서‬ ‪바로 도망 나왔어요‬So I sneaked out right away.
‪들켰다간 저한테도 시킬 거 같아서‬I thought they might make me do it too if they found me.
‪근데 은혜가 죽었다고 하니까‬But now that I know Eun-hye's dead…
‪괜찮아‬You don't have to tell us anything else if you don't feel up to it.
‪힘들면 더 얘기 안 해도 돼‬You don't have to tell us anything else if you don't feel up to it.
‪(한준) 대신‬ ‪그 영상 혹시 가지고 있어?‬But do you still have that video?
‪무서워서 영상 다 지우고‬I was so scared that I deleted it
‪핸드폰도 팔아 버렸어요‬and sold my phone.
‪(두진) 그 영상 찍은 새…‬Do you remember the bastards--
‪아, 그놈들 기억나?‬I mean, the people who were there?
‪누군지 알아?‬-Do you know who they are? -No.
‪아니요‬-Do you know who they are? -No.
‪(지은) 다 처음 보는‬ ‪사람들이었어요‬I'd never seen any of them before.
‪(한준) 핸드폰 산 사람은?‬Who bought your phone?
‪누구한테 팔았는지 알려 주면‬ ‪우리가 다 알아서 할게‬Tell us who you sold it to, and we'll take care of the rest.
‪(수철) 이‬Yes. We need to catch whoever did this to Eun-hye.
‪은혜 그렇게 만든 놈 꼭 잡아야지‬Yes. We need to catch whoever did this to Eun-hye.
‪(지은) 여기, 연락처요‬Here's their number.
‪(재희) 용기 내 줘서 고마워‬Thank you for stepping forward.
‪은혜도 분명 고마워할 거야‬I'm sure Eun-hye's grateful too.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(지은) 저, 은혜한테‬But could you please tell Eun-hye
‪모른 척해서 미안하다고‬that I'm sorry that I pretended
‪꼭 전해 주세요‬not to see it?
‪(한준) [한숨 쉬며] 아이고‬ ‪아이고‬Come on, it's okay.
‪은혜가 고맙다고‬Eun-hye thanks you
‪이제 그만 마음의 짐‬ ‪내려놓으라고 하네‬and says not to let it weigh on you anymore.
‪[토닥이며] 쯧, 쯧, 쯧, 쯧‬ ‪딱한 것‬Poor thing.
‪[연신 흐느낀다]‬
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪(혜준) 거래자 위치 알아냈어‬I found where the buyer is.
‪근데 따뜻한 남쪽 나라‬But he's somewhere warm down south on an island.
‪그것도 섬이네?‬But he's somewhere warm down south on an island.
‪(한준) 섬? 어떤 섬?‬An island? What island?
‪(혜준) 거래자 위치랑 사진‬ ‪전송해 줄 테니까‬ ‪[시스템 작동음]‬I'll text you their location and a picture.
‪그, 올 때‬ ‪회랑 조개구이 사 와라잉‬-Bring me some sashimi and roasted clams. -Cut the crap and get over here.
‪야, 헛소리하지 말고 빨리 나와‬-Bring me some sashimi and roasted clams. -Cut the crap and get over here.
‪나, 왜? 아, 싫어! 데이트 있어‬Why? I don't want to! I have a date.
‪새 남친한테 생얼 사진‬ ‪보내기 전에 나와라, 어?‬Before I send a picture of your face without makeup to your new boyfriend.
‪(한준) 핸드폰 포렌식 할 사람은‬ ‪있어야 될 거 아니야‬We need someone to run forensics on the phone.
‪[수철이 숨을 하 내뱉는다]‬We need someone to run forensics on the phone.
‪(두진) 아니, 저기, 다름이 아니라‬Hey, the thing is the Chief made such a fuss that I had to send
‪서장이 하도 난리를 쳐 가지고‬the Chief made such a fuss that I had to send Sang-hyeop and Gwang-tae to the illegal election activities division.
‪상협이랑 광태는‬ ‪그, 선거 사범 단속 보냈어‬Sang-hyeop and Gwang-tae to the illegal election activities division.
‪어쩔 수 없죠‬That can't be helped. Let's go before Nam Han-jun gets the phone.
‪남한준한테 핸드폰 뺏기기 전에‬ ‪빨리 출발하죠‬That can't be helped. Let's go before Nam Han-jun gets the phone.
‪(두진) 그래서 내가‬ ‪대신 같이 갈 지원군을 불렀지‬But I did call for backup.
‪[두진의 웃음]‬ ‪[도원의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(재희) 검사님, 여긴 어떻게…‬Mr. Cha, what are you doing here?
‪(도원) [거친 숨을 몰아쉬며] 그‬ ‪남한준 씨하고 섬…‬He said you were going to an island with Mr. Nam.
‪섬에 가신다고…‬He said you were going to an island with Mr. Nam.
‪(두진) 한 팀장, 아니‬It'll be a good cover story if the Chief finds out.
‪서장한테 걸리면은‬ ‪핑곗거리로 좋잖아‬It'll be a good cover story if the Chief finds out.
‪- (재희) 네?‬ ‪- (두진) 빨리빨리‬-What? -Come on already.
‪최선을 다해서 협조하겠습니다, 네‬I'll do my best to assist you.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬
‪타시죠‬After you.
‪[도원의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[거친 숨을 내뱉는다]‬
‪[수철의 휘파람]‬Hurry up and step on it. We have to get there first no matter what.
‪(한준) 야, 더 밟아‬Hurry up and step on it. We have to get there first no matter what.
‪빨리 무조건, 무조건‬ ‪우리가 먼저 도착해야 돼‬Hurry up and step on it. We have to get there first no matter what.
‪이? 더 밟으면 과속이여‬Hurry up and step on it. We have to get there first no matter what. -I'll be over the speed limit then. -We have to get the phone first.
‪(한준) 야, 우리가 먼저, 어?‬ ‪핸드폰 손에 넣어야지‬-I'll be over the speed limit then. -We have to get the phone first.
‪까칠이 손에 넘어가면은‬If Grumpy gets it,
‪뭐, 증거니 온갖 핑계 대면서‬ ‪절대 안 보여 줄 거라고‬she'll make all sorts of excuses not to show it to us.
‪아, 그러니까‬ ‪진작에 잘하지 그랬어‬You shouldn't have been so mean to her.
‪(한준) 아까 못 봤냐, 어?‬Didn't you just see?
‪내가 아까 엄청난 연기력으로‬ ‪핸드폰에 관심 없는 척했으니까‬I used my acting skills to pretend not to be interested, so we just need to get on the boat first.
‪배에 먼저 타기만 하면 돼‬ ‪그럼 게임 끝이여‬so we just need to get on the boat first. -Then it'll be game over! -Okay.
‪(수철) 이, 그려‬-Then it'll be game over! -Okay. Good.
‪(한준) 빨리 밟으라고!‬-Step on it! -There's a traffic camera.
‪(수철) 구간 단속이여‬-Step on it! -There's a traffic camera.
‪(한준) 고건 또 인정해야지‬We should respect that.
‪- (수철) 그것도 맞지, 이‬ ‪- (한준) 응‬-That's what's right. -Yes.
‪[갈매기 울음]‬ ‪[뱃고동 소리]‬
‪(도원) 남한준 씨도 진짜 오셨네요‬You're really here, Mr. Nam.
‪[한준의 어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪(한준) 아, 나도 불쾌해‬-I'm just as offended. -Whatever.
‪(도원) 아나, 씨‬-I'm just as offended. -Whatever.
‪[도원이 구역질한다]‬ ‪(한준) 치, 약해…‬
‪[한준이 구역질한다]‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪[도원이 콜록거린다]‬
‪(수철) 어어? 지도…‬I also have to…
‪[수철이 구역질한다]‬
‪곱게 자라서…‬I grew up quite sheltered…
‪(두진) 아휴, 젊은 사람들이…‬I grew up quite sheltered… Jeez, youngsters nowadays…
‪[두진이 구역질한다]‬ ‪[자동차 경적]‬Jeez, youngsters nowadays…
‪[저마다 구역질한다]‬
‪[혜준의 한숨]‬
‪[재희의 한숨]‬
‪[저마다 힘겨워한다]‬
‪[저마다 구역질한다]‬
‪- (두진) 응, 아파, 아파‬ ‪- (수철) 이, 어유, 아파‬-That hurts. -It hurts.
‪- (한준) 더블!‬ ‪- 어?‬-I'll double it. -What?
‪(한준) 100만 원 드리겠습니다‬I'll pay you one million won.
‪씁, 50에 주고 사셨으니까‬You bought it for 500,000 won,
‪손해 볼 금액은 아닌 거 같은데‬so it won't be a loss for you.
‪(재희) 이 사람한테 팔면‬ ‪나중에 문제 생길 수도 있어요‬ ‪[판매자가 의아해한다]‬If you sell it to him, you could get into trouble later.
‪이 핸드폰에 살인 사건 증거가‬ ‪있을 수도 있거든요‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬This phone might hold evidence to a murder.
‪(한준) 피의자 신분도 아닌데‬ ‪경찰에 협조해야 할 의무는 없죠‬You're not a suspect. You don't have to cooperate with the police.
‪영장 없이 임의 제출한 핸드폰은‬ ‪나중에 돌려받기도 힘들어요‬Phones turned in when there's no warrant are hard to get back later.
‪(도원) 하, '영장'? '영장'?‬Phones turned in when there's no warrant are hard to get back later. A warrant? Did you just say "warrant"?
‪영장 나오기 전에 협조해 주시죠?‬Cooperate with us before we get a warrant.
‪제가 보상은‬ ‪충분히 해 드릴 테니까…‬ ‪[수철의 말리는 소리]‬-I'll give you plenty of compensation-- -I can't believe what I'm hearing.
‪(수철) 아니‬ ‪저, 듣자 보자 하니까 이게‬-I'll give you plenty of compensation-- -I can't believe what I'm hearing.
‪사장님, 아, 사장님은‬ ‪그, 증거 영상 본 적도 없잖아요‬Sir, you've never even seen that video, have you?
‪그렇죠? 이?‬Right? It's better if you sell it to us before the headache begins.
‪그러면은 골치 아파지기 전에‬ ‪그냥 우리한테 파는 게 맞아요‬Right? It's better if you sell it to us before the headache begins.
‪(두진) 사장님‬Sir.
‪생각 잘하셔야 돼‬-Make the right choice. -Goodness, how ghastly.
‪(수철) 아이고, 흉측혀라, 아유‬-Make the right choice. -Goodness, how ghastly.
‪치사하게, 저…‬That's so dirty.
‪(한준) 잠깐만‬ ‪내가 씨, 얼마를 가져왔더라?‬Wait, how much did I bring?
‪아, 모르겄다, 200!‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Who cares? Two million!
‪(수철) 성, 200은 좀…‬-Two million? That's too much… -No, it's fine.
‪아니여, 괜찮어‬-Two million? That's too much… -No, it's fine.
‪(한준) 200 드리겠습니다‬I'll give you two million won.
‪뭐, 나중에 경찰에‬ ‪뭐, 임의 제출을 하든‬Whether I submit it to the police or if they confiscate it,
‪압수를 당하든 제가 다 책임질게요‬Whether I submit it to the police or if they confiscate it, I'll take full responsibility.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪나는, 마‬I'm going to…
‪이쪽에 팔란다‬sell it to him.
‪[한준의 감탄하는 숨소리]‬
‪[수철의 웃음]‬ ‪[재희의 한숨]‬
‪(한준) 요기 있네‬Here it is.
‪요래, 요래, 요기…‬Look what we've got.
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬ ‪(재희) 검사님, 도망치세요!‬Mr. Cha, run!
‪- (한준) 잡아, 잡아, 잡아‬ ‪- (재희) 도망쳐요‬-Get him! Get him! -Don't you move.
‪[저마다 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪(두진) 가만있어, 가만있어‬-Get him! Get him! -Don't you move. -Hey, Jo Na-dan, get Cha Do-won! -Stay still.
‪(한준) 야, 조나단, 차 검사 잡아!‬-Hey, Jo Na-dan, get Cha Do-won! -Stay still.
‪- (두진) 야, 아이…‬ ‪- (재희) 야!‬-Get him. -Gosh.
‪(두진) 잡아, 잡아, 잡아‬-Get him. -Gosh.
‪[재희의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪(재희) 비켜‬Out of my way!
‪- (한준) 야‬ ‪- (수철) 야, 야, 야, 너 인마‬-Hey. -Hey, you!
‪[한준이 씩씩댄다]‬ ‪[수철의 괴성]‬
‪(한준) 야!‬ ‪[재희의 비명]‬
‪[수철의 기합]‬
‪(재희) 비켜‬-Get out of my way! -Give it back!
‪[저마다 힘주는 소리]‬-Get out of my way! -Give it back! Hey, let go!
‪선배님!‬Mr. Jang!
‪[소란스럽다]‬ ‪(한준) 야, 수철아, 잡아‬Grab it, Su-cheol!
‪(두진) 오케이, 먼저 갈게‬I'll be off.
‪[저마다 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪(재희) 비켜, 이씨‬Come on, get off!
‪[두진의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪[수철의 괴성]‬
‪(두진) 안 돼‬ ‪[수철의 힘주는 소리]‬-No. -Hey, you! Hey!
‪(혜준) 아휴, 왜들 저러나 몰라‬Jeez, I don't know why they're doing this.
‪피곤하게도 산다‬It must be tiring.
‪(도원) 아, 도대체‬ ‪왜 이렇게까지 하는 거예요?‬Come on, why are we doing this? We can all look together.
‪다 같이 확인하면 되잖아요‬Come on, why are we doing this? We can all look together.
‪(한준) 뭔 소리야‬ ‪어차피 인생 개쌍 마이 웨이야‬What are you saying? She'll just do whatever she wants.
‪(재희) 사기꾼은 좀 꺼져, 씨‬ ‪[한준의 힘겨운 신음]‬Get lost, you fraud!
‪[나단과 도원의 힘겨운 신음]‬Get lost, you fraud! Give it here.
‪(수철) 이제 줘요‬ ‪아, 아이, 줘요!‬Give it here. -Hey! No! -Come on, give it to me!
‪(두진) 안 돼!‬-Hey! No! -Come on, give it to me!
‪[수철이 말한다]‬ ‪(재희) 선배님!‬-Mr. Jang! -Hurry. Give it.
‪[두진의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[휙휙 날아가는 효과음]‬
‪[재희의 놀란 탄성]‬
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪[나단의 놀란 탄성]‬
‪[나단의 당황한 탄성]‬ ‪[한준과 도원의 다급한 숨소리]‬Where do you think you're going?
‪(재희) 가만있어, 씨‬ ‪[나단이 아파한다]‬Stay still.
‪[수철의 다급한 숨소리]‬ ‪[두진의 힘주는 소리]‬-You. -Damn it, what are you doing?
‪- (수철) 아, 뭐여‬ ‪- (두진) 아, 뭐야, 이게‬-You. -Damn it, what are you doing?
‪(한준) 아유!‬Gosh.
‪[도원의 웃음]‬
‪[도원의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪(한준) 아이씨‬Damn it. Time out!
‪타임, 타임‬Damn it. Time out!
‪[수철의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪[두진의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(도원) 뭐?‬What?
‪(한준) 같이 보자며?‬-You wanted to look at it together. -You said no.
‪당신이 싫다면서요?‬-You wanted to look at it together. -You said no.
‪거 쪼잔하게, 씨‬Don't be so cheap.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[수철이 다급해한다]‬What should I do with him?
‪[거친 숨소리]‬ ‪(도원) 어? 저기…‬-Hey, look over there. -Please.
‪오, 내가 고딴 트릭에‬ ‪넘어갈 거 같아?‬-Hey, look over there. -Please. Do you think I'm going to fall for that?
‪아니, 아니…‬No, look.
‪[수철이 당황한다]‬ ‪[경쾌한 음악]‬Crap.
‪[도원의 웃음]‬ ‪(한준) 뭐야?‬What the hell?
‪저 자식이 팀 킬을 해?‬I can't believe he hit me.
‪[도원이 풉 웃는다]‬
‪[한준의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪- (도원) [힘주며] 줘‬ ‪- (한준) 아이, 야, 놔, 놔!‬-Hey, let go! -Give it!
‪[한준과 재희의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪경찰 자존심이 있지‬ ‪당신한텐 안 져‬I'm an officer of the law. There's no way I'm losing to you!
‪[한준의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[재희의 비명]‬
‪(재희) 놔, 놔, 놔‬ ‪[한준이 아파한다]‬Let go. I said, let go!
‪[힘주는 소리]‬ ‪[도원의 아파하는 탄성]‬
‪(두진) 아, 진짜, 아, 놔, 씨‬You freaking perverts.
‪이거 앞뒤로 변태 새끼들, 이거‬You freaking perverts.
‪[두진의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪[수철이 아파한다]‬
‪어휴, 가지가지 한다‬ ‪[소란스럽다]‬-Jeez. What a bunch of idiots. -I said, let go.
‪아휴‬ ‪[한준의 아파하는 탄성]‬Let go.
‪(한준) 야, 내 머리털!‬ ‪[저마다 아파하는 소리]‬Hey, my hair.
‪[뱃고동 소리]‬ ‪(재희) 놔, 놔, 놔, 안 놔?‬-Let go. -Get off me.
‪[힘주며] 어유‬Goodness.
‪(한준) 아, 내 머리털‬-Gosh, my hair! -I said, let go!
‪- (재희) 이씨, 놔!‬ ‪- (한준) 머리털, 머리털!‬-Gosh, my hair! -I said, let go!
‪[소란스럽다]‬ ‪(혜준) 다 끝났으니까‬ ‪같이 밥이나 먹죠?‬-Gosh, my hair! -I said, let go! It's over, so why don't we just go eat?
‪마지막 배 떴다고요‬The last ship of the day left.
‪어차피 여기서‬ ‪하룻밤 자고 가야 되는데‬We have to stay the night here anyway.
‪내가 포렌식 해서‬ ‪같이 보는 게 낫지 않겠어요?‬Wouldn't you rather have me run the forensics and share it with you?
‪[혜준의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪왜, 뭐, 더 싸울 게 남았나?‬Do you want to fight some more?
‪- (수철) 아유‬ ‪- (한준) 아이씨‬Damn it, why did you wait till now to tell us that?
‪(한준) 그걸 왜 이제 얘기해? 씨‬Damn it, why did you wait till now to tell us that?
‪[한준의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪밥 먹자‬Let's eat.
‪(수철) 아이고‬I haven't run on the beach in such a long time. I'm starving.
‪오랜만에 모래사장에서 뛰었더니‬ ‪배고프네, 이‬I haven't run on the beach in such a long time. I'm starving.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬
‪[한준의 웃음]‬
‪(한준) [웃으며] 공수철‬ ‪바지 터졌어‬Kong Su-cheol's pants ripped.
‪(수철) 보지 마, 보지 마!‬Kong Su-cheol's pants ripped. -No, don't. -What?
‪- (두진) 어?‬ ‪- (수철) 보지 마!‬-No, don't. -What?
‪(나단) 자‬ ‪[풀벌레 울음]‬All right.
‪[숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬ ‪(수철) 아, 빨리빨리‬ ‪빨리빨리, 빨리!‬-Hurry up. I'm hungry! -It's done.
‪(나단) 다 했어요‬ ‪다 했어요, 다 했어요‬ ‪[수철이 배고파한다]‬-Hurry up. I'm hungry! -It's done.
‪(수철) 이, 오, 그냥‬Okay. -The food is here. -Good.
‪(나단) 나왔어요, 나왔어요‬ ‪[수철이 호응한다]‬-The food is here. -Good.
‪(수철) 이, 이, 이, 그려, '아'‬My gosh! Open up.
‪(재희) 저, 그래도‬ ‪다 같이 고생했는데‬We worked hard today. Why don't we have a drink?
‪한잔하시죠?‬We worked hard today. Why don't we have a drink?
‪(두진) 예, 그럽시다‬-Yes, let's. We have a common goal. -Okay.
‪[함께 호응한다]‬ ‪뭐, 목적이 같으니까, 응‬-Yes, let's. We have a common goal. -Okay. All right.
‪(도원) 그래, 뭐‬All right.
‪(재희) 아, 선배님, 많이 드세요‬Here you go, sir. It's been a tough day, right?
‪- (재희) 오늘 힘드셨죠?‬ ‪- (두진) 아유‬Here you go, sir. It's been a tough day, right?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪(수철) 성! 성!‬Han-jun.
‪아유, 빨리 와!‬Come over here.
‪아이고, 우리 도사님‬Gosh. You look just like a local.
‪(두진) 아유‬ ‪영락없이 이 동네 분이네‬Gosh. You look just like a local.
‪예, 여기서 태어났어, 그냥‬It's as if you were born here.
‪[두진의 웃음]‬
‪(한준) 아, 내가 원래‬ ‪그, 뭘 걸쳐 놔도‬There aren't any clothes that I can't pull off.
‪멋지게 소화하는 능력이 있거든‬ ‪[두진이 호응한다]‬There aren't any clothes that I can't pull off. Right.
‪- 촥‬ ‪- (도원) 아, 뭐‬Ta-da! It's pretty comfortable, I like it.
‪(도원) 은근 편하고 좋은데요, 뭐‬It's pretty comfortable, I like it.
‪검사님은 뭘 입어도 멋있으세요‬You look great in everything, Mr. Cha.
‪[두진의 웃음]‬
‪(도원) [웃으며] 네‬You still have a terrible eye for fashion.
‪(한준) 저, 저‬ ‪사람 보는 눈 없는 건 여전하구먼‬You still have a terrible eye for fashion.
‪쯧, 안 변해, 응‬You still have a terrible eye for fashion. People don't change.
‪뭘 꼬나봐, 씨‬What are you glaring at?
‪[두진의 한숨]‬ ‪자, 오늘 회식이라고 생각하고‬ ‪많이 마셔‬Think of it as a team dinner. Drink up.
‪[혜준의 흡족한 소리]‬ ‪(수철) 그려, 먹어, 먹어‬Think of it as a team dinner. Drink up. Yes. Eat up.
‪들이부어‬Pour it down.
‪(한준과 수철) 죽어!‬-To the death! -To the death!
‪(재희) 아이, 좀‬ ‪거, 조용히 좀 먹읍시다!‬-To the death! -To the death! Come on, you're being too loud.
‪저, 저, 칙칙한 거 봐‬ ‪아유, 재미없어, 어유, 재미없어‬Look how lame she is. Gosh, she's no fun at all.
‪[시스템 작동음]‬Party pooper.
‪[시스템 완료음]‬ ‪(혜준) 어? 됐다‬Hey, I got it.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪[신나는 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(한준) 누구지? 그때 그놈인가?‬Who's that? Is that the guy from before?
‪앉은 자세나 분위기를 봐선‬Looking at the way she's seated, she seems to be ranked higher.
‪저 여자가 윗선 같은데…‬Looking at the way she's seated, she seems to be ranked higher.
‪조이스 엔터 관계자 중에‬ ‪저런 여자는 없었어‬I don't recall seeing her on the Joyce Entertainment employee list.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬ ‪곱슬머리에 커다란 반점‬Curly hair and a large birthmark…
‪일단 저놈이 누군지 찾아 봐야겠어‬I should find out who he is first.
‪(두진) 아, 저놈들 정말, 씨…‬I should find out who he is first. -Unbelievable. -Those perverted bastards.
‪(재희) 이런 개호로‬ ‪잡놈의 변태 새끼들‬-Unbelievable. -Those perverted bastards.
‪내 눈에 띄기만 해 봐‬ ‪아주 죽여 버릴라‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬Just you wait, I'm going to kill you once I find you.
‪개새끼들, 진짜, 씨‬Those sons of bitches…
‪그러니까요, 와, 이거 씨발 놈들‬I know. These fuckers…
‪(혜준) 이거 면상 다 갈겨 버리고‬ ‪눈깔도 확 다 뽑아 버리고‬We should bash their faces in, rip their eyes out,
‪뼈랑 살도‬ ‪분리시켜 버려야 되는데, 씨‬and flay them afterward. Sir, we have to get that bastard.
‪(재희) 선배님‬Sir, we have to get that bastard.
‪그, 이 새끼‬ ‪꼭 잡아야 할 거 같아요‬Sir, we have to get that bastard.
‪(두진) 어, 그래야겠네, 응‬Right, we should. Yes.
‪저기, 우리 다 같이 좀‬ ‪심기일전해서 좀‬Why don't we all put our hands together and cheer
‪- (두진) 파이팅 합시다, 예‬ ‪- (재희) 예‬-for a resolution of this case? -Okay.
‪경찰 쪽은 알아서 파이팅하세요‬You cops do that on your own.
‪(재희) 아, 근데 동생‬ ‪그, 나랑 좀 통하는 거 같은데‬But wait. It seems like we have a bit in common. Can you fight?
‪싸움 좀 하나?‬It seems like we have a bit in common. Can you fight?
‪언니도…‬You too?
‪[강렬한 음악]‬You too?
‪(재희) 짠‬Cheers.
‪[혜준의 성난 숨소리]‬
‪이 개새끼‬That son of a bitch.
‪[캔 찌그러트리는 소리]‬
‪[재희의 성난 숨소리]‬Those goddamn sons of a bitches.
‪(혜준) 잣 같은 새끼들‬Those goddamn sons of a bitches.
‪[한준이 흥얼거린다]‬
‪[한준의 코웃음]‬
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪(한준) 날도 추운데 뭐 하는 거야?‬ ‪청승맞게‬What are you doing out when it's cold? You look pathetic.
‪(재희) 남한준 씨는 왜 나왔어요?‬What are you doing out, Mr. Nam?
‪설마 나 따라 나온 겁니까?‬Did you follow me?
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬Gosh, don't you think that's a stretch?
‪그건 너무 무리수 아닌가?‬Gosh, don't you think that's a stretch?
‪(재희) 치‬Whatever.
‪(한준) 쯧‬Whatever.
‪[한준의 추워하는 숨소리]‬
‪(재희) 추우면 좀 앉든가‬Sit down if you're cold.
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪뭐, 연기 때문이긴 한데‬I'm coughing because of the smoke, but seeing as you offered, I suppose…
‪(한준) 뭐, 성의를 봐서 잠깐‬I'm coughing because of the smoke, but seeing as you offered, I suppose…
‪[헛기침하며] 앉아 볼까‬I'll sit for a moment.
‪[재희가 피식 웃는다]‬ ‪[한준의 편안한 숨소리]‬
‪[한준이 코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪(재희) 옛날 생각 나네요‬This reminds me of my childhood.
‪오빠가 좋아해서‬ ‪캠핑 되게 자주 갔었는데‬This reminds me of my childhood. We used to go camping a lot because my brother liked it.
‪쯧, 난 캠핑 별로 안 좋아해‬We used to go camping a lot because my brother liked it. I don't really care for camping.
‪(한준) 옛날에 친구 놈이‬ ‪하도 가자고 해서 한번 가 봤는데‬I went once because my friend wouldn't stop badgering me, but it wasn't for me.
‪안 맞아, 뭔 고생을 사서 하는지‬but it wasn't for me. Why go through all that trouble voluntarily?
‪[한준의 한숨]‬
‪그래도, 뭐‬But I guess it's not that bad once in a while. It's nice and warm.
‪한 번씩은 따뜻하니 괜찮구먼‬But I guess it's not that bad once in a while. It's nice and warm.
‪[재희의 한숨]‬
‪금방 포기할 줄 알았는데‬I thought you'd have given up already.
‪왜 그렇게까지 이 사건에‬ ‪매달리는지 물어봐도 돼?‬Can I ask why you're so determined to solve this case?
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪왜?‬Why is that?
‪내가 최영섭을 잡았는데‬Because I caught Choi Yeong-seop, yet some stupid cop let him go?
‪웬 바보 같은 경찰이‬ ‪풀어 줬다 생각해서?‬Because I caught Choi Yeong-seop, yet some stupid cop let him go?
‪그러는 남한준 씨는‬What about you? Why are you so sure the killer is someone else?
‪(재희) 왜 진범이 따로 있다고‬ ‪확신하는 건데요?‬What about you? Why are you so sure the killer is someone else?
‪범인 얼굴도 못 봤다면서요‬You said you didn't even see their face.
‪[한숨]‬You said you didn't even see their face.
‪얼굴은 못 봤는데‬I didn't see his face,
‪(한준) 분명히 봤어‬ ‪범인 팔에 있는 화상 흉터‬but I definitely saw that he had a burn scar on his arm.
‪3년 전 최영섭 손목엔‬ ‪화상 흉터가 없었고‬And Choi Yeong-seop didn't have a burn scar three years ago.
‪(재희) 그래서 박진상 손목을‬ ‪확인했던 거예요?‬ ‪[강조되는 효과음]‬Is that why you checked Park Jin-sang's wrist?
‪[재희의 한숨]‬
‪쯧, 그러는 당신은?‬What about you? Why are you so fixated on this case?
‪(한준) 왜 그렇게까지‬ ‪이 사건에 집착하는 건데?‬What about you? Why are you so fixated on this case?
‪최영섭이 구치소에서 풀려났던 날‬The day Choi Yeong-seop was released,
‪(재희) 그 사람을 미행했었어요‬I followed him.
‪사건 현장에 숨겨 둔‬ ‪핸드폰을 찾는 것도 확인했고요‬I saw him retrieve the cell phone he hid at the crime scene.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪[문이 드르륵 열린다]‬
‪하, 이 치밀한 새끼, 씨‬Jeez, he's thorough.
‪최영섭이 핸드폰을 들고‬ ‪재정이 집으로 가면‬He planned to pin everything on Choi Yeong-seop
‪(한준) 모든 범행을‬ ‪뒤집어씌우려고 계획한 거야‬when he took that cell phone to Jae-jeong's house.
‪당신과 내가 의도치 않게‬ ‪개입해서 실패한 거고‬He failed because we inadvertently got in his way.
‪(재희) 그럼 그 핸드폰도‬So the culprit must have hidden that cell phone there too.
‪진범이 숨겨 둔 거겠네요?‬So the culprit must have hidden that cell phone there too.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪미안해요‬I'm sorry.
‪당신 말 못 믿고‬ ‪계속 의심하고 몰아붙인 거‬I'm truly sorry about not believing you, doubting you, and accusing you.
‪그동안 오해했던 거‬I apologize
‪진심으로 사과할게요‬for having misjudged you until now.
‪(한준) 어허‬Look at this.
‪역시 저번에 사과한 건‬ ‪진심이 아니었구먼‬I knew you weren't being sincere when you apologized last time.
‪내가 당신이었어도‬I would've also thought that
‪최영섭이 범인이라고 믿었을 거야‬Choi Yeong-seop was the killer if I were you.
‪서로 다른 걸 보고‬We just saw different things and believed what we each saw.
‪본 대로 믿었을 뿐이니까‬ ‪미안해하지 마‬We just saw different things and believed what we each saw. So don't be sorry.
‪당신도 나도‬ ‪충분히 후회하고 있으니까‬We're both regretting enough already.
‪'그때'‬I wish
‪'그냥 최영섭이 범인이라고 할걸'‬I had just said that Choi Yeong-seop was the killer.
‪'그때'‬I wish
‪'최대한 빨리 친구한테 달려갈걸'‬I had rushed to my friend more quickly.
‪후회하고 있거든‬I regret it.
‪당신도 그런 후회가‬ ‪가슴을 누르고 있을 거 아니야‬You must have regrets like that weighing on your chest too.
‪후회로도 충분히 힘드니까‬It's hard enough with all this regret.
‪미안해하지 말자고‬Let's not be sorry as well.
‪아유, 다리야‬Gosh, my legs.
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(재희) 남한준 씨, 나 사실…‬Mr. Nam. There's actually--
‪[재희의 당황한 탄성]‬Mr. Nam. There's actually--
‪[한준의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪말 안 한 게 있는데…‬There's something I didn't tell you.
‪(도원) 한 경위님‬ ‪[땡 울리는 효과음]‬Lieutenant Han.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪아이…‬Gosh.
‪괜찮아요?‬-Are you okay? -Yes.
‪(재희) 네‬ ‪[한준이 숨을 고른다]‬-Are you okay? -Yes.
‪(한준) 그, 누가‬ ‪껌딱지 아니랄까 봐‬You just can't leave her alone being her sidekick and all.
‪더럽게 따라다니는구먼‬You just can't leave her alone being her sidekick and all.
‪(도원) 저기요‬Hey, I'm not here for you, so mind your own business.
‪저 그쪽 따라온 거 아니니까‬ ‪신경 끄세요‬Hey, I'm not here for you, so mind your own business.
‪뭐, 한따까리 하자는 거야?‬-You want to duke it out? -What's he on about?
‪(도원) 뭐라는 거야‬-You want to duke it out? -What's he on about?
‪추워요, 들어가요‬-It's cold. -Let's go inside.
‪(재희) 네‬Okay.
‪(한준) 저 쓸데없는 기사도‬You've got to be kidding me.
‪얼어 죽겠구먼, 아이, 추워‬It's freezing here. Gosh, it's cold.
‪(도원) 남한준 씨랑‬ ‪그새 많이 친해진 거 같아요‬Looks like you and Mr. Nam are pretty close now.
‪(재희) 제가요? 아니에요‬Me? No way!
‪[재희의 황당한 웃음]‬Me? No way!
‪(도원) 난 재희 씨가‬I want you to be as relaxed with me
‪남한준 씨한테 하는 것처럼‬ ‪나한테도‬I want you to be as relaxed with me as you are with Mr. Nam, like you're with a friend.
‪친구처럼 편하게‬ ‪대해 줬으면 좋겠거든요‬as you are with Mr. Nam, like you're with a friend.
‪그런 사람이 되는 거는‬Is it too soon for you to think of me like that?
‪아직 힘들까요?‬Is it too soon for you to think of me like that?
‪아, 그, 열받아서 막 대하는 거랑‬But kicking someone around because they piss you off
‪친구처럼 편하게 대하는 건‬ ‪분명 다른 거죠‬and being relaxed with someone are two different things.
‪(도원) 아니, 뭐, 남한준 씨랑‬It's just that it seems like you're closer to Mr. Nam than you are with me.
‪나보다 더‬ ‪친하게 지내는 거 같으니까‬It's just that it seems like you're closer to Mr. Nam than you are with me.
‪그게 좀 서운해서‬That made me a little sad.
‪(재희) 검사님‬Mr. Cha.
‪검사님도 앞으로 막 대해 드려요?‬Do you want me to kick you around too from now on?
‪(도원) [웃으며] 네‬Yes.
‪아니요, 아니요, 아니요‬ ‪그런, 그런 뜻이 아니라‬No, wait. That's not what I meant.
‪제가 항상 재희 씨 편이라는 것만‬ ‪잊지 말아요‬Just don't forget that I'm always on your side.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪(재희) 아, 저, 다 왔네요‬Well, we're here.
‪저 먼저 들어가 볼게요‬I'll go inside.
‪아유, 저…‬Here…
‪저도 항상‬Don't forget
‪검사님 편이라는 거 잊지 마세요‬that I'm always on your side too.
‪네‬-Okay. -Sweet dreams.
‪(재희) 그럼 좋은 꿈 꾸세요‬-Okay. -Sweet dreams.
‪(한준) 아이고, 염병하네‬Oh, please. What a load of crap.
‪난 누구의 편도 아니여‬I'm not on anyone's side.
‪난 내 편이여‬I'm on my side.
‪머리를 확 받아 버릴라, 쯧‬I ought to headbutt you.
‪하여튼 남한준 씨도 참 여전하네요‬You're still the same, Mr. Nam. Three years ago…
‪(도원) 3년 전이나‬You're still the same, Mr. Nam. Three years ago…
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪지금이나‬and now.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪그때 그쪽이 내 충고를‬ ‪흘려듣지 않았다면‬If you hadn't ignored my advice then,
‪다르게 살 수도 있었겠지‬I might have not been the same.
‪그런가?‬Is that so?
‪그때 포기했으면‬If you gave up then, could we have avoided conflicts like this?
‪이런 갈등 피할 수 있었을까요?‬If you gave up then, could we have avoided conflicts like this?
‪브레이크를 제때 밟는 건‬Knowing when to brake is a skill
‪(한준) 운전할 때나 필요한 거고‬you only need when driving.
‪진실을 밝히는 건‬Finding the truth
‪포기하고 말고의 문제가 아니라고‬isn't something you give up on.
‪아, 존나 카리스마 있어, 씨‬That was fucking charismatic.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[도원의 한숨]‬
‪(도원) 쯧‬
‪[갈매기 울음]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(재희) 원하는 대로‬ ‪동영상 확인했으니까‬You saw the video like you wanted,
‪핸드폰 경찰에 넘겨주시죠?‬You saw the video like you wanted, so why don't you hand over the phone?
‪(한준) 좋아‬ ‪우리의 공조는 여기까지‬All right. This is where our cooperation ends.
‪나처럼 용한 무당한테‬ ‪도움받고 싶겠지만 뭐, 어쩌겠어‬I know you'd love to have a great shaman like me help you, but what can you do?
‪참아야지‬You'll have to do without me.
‪잘해 주고 싶다가도‬ ‪욱하게 만드는 재주가 있다니까‬You have a knack for ticking me off when I'm trying to be nice.
‪(재희) 궁금한 거 생기면‬ ‪연락할게요‬I'll call you if I have a question.
‪(한준) 아니, 왜? 연락하지 마‬I'll call you if I have a question. What for? Don't call me.
‪이대로 쭉 각자도생하자고, 이렇게‬Let's just keep going our separate ways.
‪[한준이 입소리를 끽 낸다]‬
‪(재희) 나랑 마주치기 싫으면‬ ‪사건에서 손 떼든가요‬If you don't want to see my face, step away from the case.
‪(한준) 그냥 지금처럼‬ ‪쭉 앙숙으로 지내는 게 어때?‬How about we continue to be each other's archenemies?
‪그게 좋지 않겠어?‬Doesn't that sound better?
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪예, 그게 좋겠네요‬Yes, that sounds better.
‪(도원) 또 마주치기 싫으면‬If you don't want to see us again, don't get too involved in the case.
‪사건에 너무 깊이 개입하지 마세요‬If you don't want to see us again, don't get too involved in the case.
‪(한준) 저건 뭔데‬ ‪실실거리면서 얘기하고 있어, 씨‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬What's he smirking for?
‪아유, 속 안 좋아‬ ‪가자, 술을 너무 많이 먹었네‬Gosh, I don't feel good. Let's go. I had too much to drink.
‪아유, 씨‬Gosh.
‪[저마다 말한다]‬I want to sleep some more.
‪(수철) 아, 근디 한 팀장한테‬ ‪고풀이 얘기 다 안 해 줄 겨?‬Aren't you going to tell Inspector Han everything we know about Gopuri?
‪아, 정보 공유하고‬ ‪같이 잡으면 낫잖애‬Aren't you going to tell Inspector Han everything we know about Gopuri? It'll be better if we share information and work together.
‪(한준) 뭐, 고풀이 눈에만 띄지‬It'll be better if we share information and work together. No, it'll only make Gopuri notice us.
‪까칠이가 얽혀서‬ ‪좋을 거 하나 없어‬No good can come from dealing with Grumpy.
‪그, 조이스 엔터 쪽‬ ‪직원은 살펴봤어?‬Did you look into the employees at Joyce?
‪(혜준) [하품하며] 어‬Yes. But that man from the video wasn't there.
‪근데 영상 속 남자는 안 보여‬Yes. But that man from the video wasn't there. They all have straight hair.
‪머리카락이 다 멀쩡해‬They all have straight hair.
‪(수철) 이?‬ ‪가발을 썼을 수도 있잖애‬He might be wearing a wig. There's no one with a birthmark either?
‪뭐, 점 있는 놈도 없어?‬He might be wearing a wig. There's no one with a birthmark either?
‪(혜준) 없어‬No.
‪외부 관계자 중에‬ ‪더 있는지 찾아 볼게‬I'll see if anyone outside the company fits the bill.
‪(한준) 씁, 강은혜 동선 파악해서‬ ‪주변인들 신상 정보도 한번 파 봐‬Look into Kang Eun-hye's movements and dig into the people who were around her.
‪- (혜준) 오케이‬ ‪- (한준) 응‬-Okay. -Right.
‪(혜준) 아, 근데‬ ‪그 전에 잠 좀 자자‬But I need some sleep first. I still feel drunk.
‪와, 술이 안 깬다‬But I need some sleep first. I still feel drunk.
‪누가 혜준이 술 멕인 겨?‬ ‪어떤 놈이여?‬Who gave Hye-jun alcohol? Who?
‪(한준) 너잖아‬-It was you. -Did you blackout?
‪(혜준) 필름 끊겼어?‬-It was you. -Did you blackout?
‪나여?‬-I did? -Why are you so upbeat these days?
‪(한준) 어제 왜 그렇게 신이 났어?‬-I did? -Why are you so upbeat these days?
‪(수철) 간만에 외출했잖여‬-We haven't left the house in a while. -Wake me up when we're there.
‪(혜준) 도착하면 깨워‬-We haven't left the house in a while. -Wake me up when we're there.
‪(한준) 아, 죽겠다‬I'm tired.
‪[드르렁거리는 소리]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬MS. LEE JI-EUN
‪어, 지은 학생, 무슨 일이야?‬Yes, Ms. Lee. What is it?
‪(지은) 그게‬ ‪도움이 될진 모르겠는데‬I don't know if this will help…
‪생각난 게 있어서요‬…but I remembered something.
‪은혜 항상‬ ‪한국대입구역에서 내렸어요‬Eun-hye used to always get off at Hankuk University Station.
‪알려 줘서 고마워, 지은 학생‬Thank you for letting me know, Ms. Lee.
‪(재희) 응‬Bye.
‪남한준보다 더 빨리‬ ‪그 사람들 찾을 수 있을 거 같아요‬We might be able to find them faster than Nam Han-jun!
‪[재희의 신난 숨소리]‬
‪[도원이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪(두진) [드르렁거리며] 어유‬
‪도망가야 돼‬We have to run.
‪가지 마, 가…‬Don't go.
‪[도원이 피식 웃는다]‬ ‪[두진의 한숨]‬
‪차 세울 뻔했네‬I almost stopped the car.
‪[두진이 잠꼬대한다]‬We can do this…
‪[후루룩거리는 소리]‬CAFÉ MINAMDANG
‪[탁 내려놓는 소리]‬ ‪[혜준의 개운한 숨소리]‬TRAVEL HISTORY RESULTS
‪(혜준) 강은혜가 출국할 때마다‬There's this guy who left the country whenever Kang Eun-hye did.
‪같이 출국하는 놈이‬ ‪한 명 있더라고‬There's this guy who left the country whenever Kang Eun-hye did.
‪전경철이라고‬ ‪인터넷 방송국 운영하는 놈인데‬His name's Jeon Gyeong-cheol. He runs a livestream service.
‪이, 말이 방송국이지‬ ‪그냥 음란물 제작업체야‬They call it a streaming service, but it's pretty much a porn studio.
‪21세기형 포주‬A 21st-century pimp.
‪한마디로 그…‬In a nutshell,
‪개새끼‬he's a piece of shit.
‪(한준) 응‬
‪홍콩, 마카오, 필리핀‬ ‪[한준의 한숨]‬Hong Kong, Macao, Philippines…
‪요거 딱 원정 도박이네‬It's obviously expedition gambling. And they took a high school girl?
‪어, 거기다가 여고생을 동반했다?‬It's obviously expedition gambling. And they took a high school girl?
‪이거 미친 새끼들 아니야, 쯧‬Crazy bastards.
‪- (수철) 이, 이, 맞어!‬ ‪- (한준) 깜짝이야‬-Yes. True. -Jeez.
‪(수철) 그 새끼 그, 여기‬ ‪여, 여, 여, 여, 여, 여‬That guy, the one with the birthmark on his face around here.
‪얼굴에 그, 저거 있, 저, 점 있는‬That guy, the one with the birthmark on his face around here.
‪그, 쪽문파, 그, 저기, 실장‬That guy, the one with the birthmark on his face around here. He's the acting chief for the Jjokmun Gang.
‪어, 밥 먹고 있었네?‬-Hey, you guys were eating. -Dig in.
‪- (한준) 어, 먹어, 먹어‬ ‪- (수철) 이‬-Hey, you guys were eating. -Dig in.
‪[탁 내려놓는 소리]‬ ‪쪽문파? 그 사채업체?‬The Jjokmun gang? The loan sharks?
‪이, 그걸로 돈 솔찬히 벌어 가지고‬Yes, they made big money with that,
‪지금은 안 하는 사업이 없잖여‬and now they have their fingers in everything.
‪씁, 아, 동영상은‬ ‪성 상납 취향 조사용이었겠네‬The video must've been to check the tastes of the people they bribe with sex.
‪응‬The video must've been to check the tastes of the people they bribe with sex.
‪전경철 해외 원정에 대해서‬ ‪알 만한 사람 없을까?‬Could anyone know about Jeon Gyeong-cheol's trips?
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪그게, 저…‬Well, there is someone. Madam Wang…
‪왕 마담이라고 있기는 헌디‬Well, there is someone. Madam Wang…
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬-"The Queen Bee…" -"Queen Bee"?
‪그게 여왕벌이라고…‬-"The Queen Bee…" -"Queen Bee"?
‪- (한준) '여왕벌'?‬ ‪- (수철) 이‬-"The Queen Bee…" -"Queen Bee"? Yes. They call her that because she devours men who are her type.
‪자기 취향인 남자를‬ ‪잡아먹는다고 여왕벌‬Yes. They call her that because she devours men who are her type.
‪(수철) 이?‬
‪화려한 거 좋아하는 거 보니께‬ ‪형이랑 잘 맞겄네‬She likes flashy things, so you two will get along.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪여왕벌에 포주에 여고생이라…‬A queen bee, a pimp, and a high school girl…
‪마음에 안 드는 조합이야‬Not a combination I love.
‪(재희) 아‬
‪저, 혹시 이 여자분‬ ‪근처에서 보신 적 있으세요?‬Excuse me. Have you seen this woman around here?
‪잘 모르겠어요‬-I'm not sure. -Have you ever seen this woman?
‪혹시 이런 얼굴 본 적 없으세요?‬-I'm not sure. -Have you ever seen this woman?
‪(여자1) 어, 아니요‬ ‪처음 보는 거 같은데…‬No, I don't think so.
‪(재희) 저, 혹시‬ ‪이 여자분 보신 적 있으세요?‬Hi, have you seen this woman?
‪보신 적 있으신지…‬Do you know…
‪(여자2) 어, 글쎄‬ ‪잘 모르겠는데…‬I'm not sure. I don't think so.
‪[출입문 종 소리]‬
‪(두진) [한숨 쉬며] 아‬ ‪야, 야, 야, 야, 야‬Jeez.
‪아유, 삭신이야‬ ‪아유, 다리 쑤시네, 아유‬I'm aching all over. My legs hurt.
‪(재희) 다리에‬ ‪감각이 없어지는 때가‬Once your legs lose all feeling,
‪바로 기적이 일어나는 순간이죠‬that's when they say a miracle will occur.
‪어, 그렇지‬Right, sure.
‪가시죠‬Let's go.
‪- (재희) 저쪽으로 가시죠‬ ‪- (두진) 어‬-That way. -Okay.
‪(종업원) 아, 이분‬ ‪저희 카페 단골 학생이에요‬She's a regular at our cafe.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪저 앞 오피스텔 쪽으로‬ ‪가는 거 봤었어요‬I saw her go toward that studio building out front.
‪(중개인) 아, 얘‬Oh, her? She lives in unit 1802.
‪1802호 학생이네‬Oh, her? She lives in unit 1802.
‪부모님이 지방에 계셔서‬ ‪삼촌이랑 집 보러 왔었어요‬Her parents don't live in Seoul, so she came with her uncle.
‪아, 잠시만요‬Give me a second.
‪여기 계약서랑 통장 사본‬Here's the contract and a copy of her bankbook.
‪(두진) '전경철'?‬Jeon Gyeong-cheol?
‪이거 어디서‬ ‪많이 들어 본 이름인데…‬I've heard of that name before.
‪쪽문파 전경철이‬Jeon Gyeong-cheol, with the Jjokmun Gang.
‪혹시 얼굴에‬ ‪큰 점이 하나 있지 않았어요?‬Didn't he have a big birthmark on his face?
‪(중개인) 어, 맞아요‬ ‪얼굴에 큰 점이 있어서‬Yes, he did. He left a strong impression because of that big birthmark.
‪인상이 더 강해 보였어요‬Yes, he did. He left a strong impression because of that big birthmark.
‪(한준) 아니, 좀 꾸미고 오랬더니‬ ‪아재 스타일로 나와?‬I tell you to dress up, and you dress like a middle-aged man.
‪(수철) 아나, 진짜 이거‬ ‪어이가 없어서‬I tell you to dress up, and you dress like a middle-aged man. Come on. Are you kidding me?
‪내가 여기에 이렇게‬ ‪힘 줬잖여, 힘!‬Look how well-dressed I am.
‪(한준) 힘을 얻다 준…‬What is that? Did you get it from the hardware store?
‪이거 뭐야?‬ ‪철물점에서 가져온 거야, 이거?‬What is that? Did you get it from the hardware store?
‪24K 금이여!‬What is that? Did you get it from the hardware store? It's 24-karat gold!
‪(한준) 어유, 답답해‬It's 24-karat gold! -My god, this is so frustrating. -This stuff is expensive.
‪베르사체 스타일, 어‬-My god, this is so frustrating. -This stuff is expensive.
‪(직원) 이번에 나온 신상입니다‬This is from the new line.
‪[왕 마담이 살짝 웃는다]‬This is from the new line.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(한준) 화려한 목걸이에‬ ‪비비드한 패션‬Flashy necklace and vivid-colored clothes…
‪게다가 핫 핑크색 가방에‬ ‪관심을 가지는데‬She's interested in that hot pink bag,
‪화장은 한 듯 안 한 듯 자연스럽게‬but her makeup's very natural.
‪주목받는 걸 즐기지만‬She likes getting attention but doesn't want others to know that.
‪또 그걸 들키고 싶어 하지 않는‬ ‪타입이네‬She likes getting attention but doesn't want others to know that.
‪(수철) 얼굴에 부티가‬ ‪좔좔 흐르는 걸 보니께‬You can tell she's rich just from her face.
‪자기 관리‬ ‪엄청 신경 쓰는 타입인가 벼‬She must really look after herself.
‪아니‬No. She's very strict about maintaining her looks,
‪자기 관리는 철저한데‬No. She's very strict about maintaining her looks,
‪(한준) 복잡한 거‬ ‪싫어하는 타입인 거지‬but she doesn't like complicated things.
‪게다가 이쪽을 보고‬ ‪화장을 고친다는 거는‬but she doesn't like complicated things. And she's fixing her makeup while looking this way,
‪나한테 관심이 있다는 거야‬which means she's interested in me.
‪씁, 일이 좀 쉬워지겠어‬which means she's interested in me. That will make things easier.
‪(수철) 이, 그러네, 쉽겄다잉‬ ‪[한준의 헛기침]‬That will make things easier. Yes. You really must have something.
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[한준의 헛기침]‬
‪평범해 보이지만‬I think
‪저 고급스러운 블랙이‬that simple but classy black will accentuate your beauty more.
‪(한준) 그쪽 미모를‬ ‪더 돋보이게 할 거 같은데‬that simple but classy black will accentuate your beauty more.
‪- (한준) 어때요?‬ ‪- 그러네요‬-What do you think? -You're right.
‪단단하고 기품이 느껴지는 게‬It's solid and elegant.
‪(왕 마담) 아주 마음에 드네요‬ ‪[매혹적인 음악]‬I like it very much.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪왜 나여? 이?‬ ‪[한준이 풉 웃는다]‬Why me?
‪[당황한 소리]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪전경철이 가게 에이스들을‬ ‪모아 달라 그래서‬So he asked you to bring together your best earners,
‪여자들을 소개해 줬다?‬so you introduced them to him?
‪(왕 마담) 돈 냄새가 났거든‬ ‪[수철의 한숨]‬I could smell the money on him.
‪어지간한 돈으로는‬ ‪한 명 부르기도 어렵다니까‬I said he wouldn't be able to afford even one of them with the usual sum,
‪전경철이 뭐랬는 줄 알아?‬and do you know what he said?
‪'돈 걱정 할 필요 없다'‬"No need to worry about money."
‪'유명 정재계 인사들을‬ ‪모실 거니까'‬"I'll be bringing famous politicians and businessmen,
‪'그에 걸맞는 여자들을 데려와라'‬so prepare the women on that level."
‪하면서…‬-And then… -And then?
‪'하면서'?‬-And then… -And then?
‪계약금 1억을 턱 놓고 가는 거야‬He left a 100 million won deposit!
‪(왕 마담) 비밀 철저하게‬ ‪지켜 달라는 대가라면서‬He said it was to ensure complete confidentiality.
‪이 바닥 에이스들 싹 모아 오니까‬I brought all the top girls in the field,
‪전경철이 누굴 데려와서‬ ‪면접을 보기는 했어‬and Jeon Gyeong-cheol brought someone with him to interview them.
‪같이 온 사람이…‬Who did he bring?
‪[왕 마담의 헛기침]‬
‪(수철) [작은 목소리로] 왜?‬
‪[왕 마담의 한숨]‬-What? -Do something.
‪[수철의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[수철의 헛기침]‬
‪[매혹적인 음악]‬
‪같이 온 사람이?‬Who did he bring?
‪조이스 엔터테인먼트 이사‬The director of Joyce Entertainment.
‪(한준) 조이스 엔터 이사라면‬ ‪박진상?‬You mean Park Jin-sang?
‪이름은 몰라‬I don't know his name.
‪[왕 마담의 웃음]‬ ‪(수철) 잠시만요, 이, 잠시만요‬Please hold on.
‪아, 잠깐 놔 봐요, 그냥!‬ ‪[왕 마담이 놀란다]‬Let go, come on!
‪[왕 마담의 헛기침]‬This is going to be bigger than we thought.
‪[작은 목소리로] 이거‬ ‪생각보다 판이 크겄는디?‬This is going to be bigger than we thought.
‪(왕 마담) 아‬ ‪내가 아는 건 다 말했고‬I told you everything I know,
‪사이즈 각도 나온 거 같은데…‬and you seem to have understood how high up this goes…
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪[한준의 한숨]‬
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬
‪[수철의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬ ‪(한준) 아유‬ ‪나는 신상이나 구경해야겠다‬Well, I'll just go take a look at the new line.
‪[왕 마담의 신난 탄성]‬ ‪[한준의 질색하는 탄성]‬You're adorable!
‪[왕 마담의 옅은 탄성]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬SISTER
‪[안내 음성] 고객이‬ ‪전화를 받지 않아‬The number you called cannot be reached. Please leave--
‪삐 소리 이후…‬The number you called cannot be reached. Please leave--
‪이것이 전화를 돌려?‬The number you called cannot be reached. Please leave-- I can't believe she screened me.
‪(한준) 지금 어딜 쏘다니는 거야‬ ‪대기하고 있으라니까, 쯧‬Where did she run off to? I told her to be on standby.
‪[흥얼거리며] 그래 봤자‬ ‪너는 내 손바닥 안이다, 이것아‬Evade me all you want, but you're in the palm of my hand.
‪한강?‬Han River?
‪한강? 한강 데이트?‬Han River? She's on a date at Han River again?
‪데이트면 피크닉 갔다가‬She's on a date at Han River again? If she's on a date, she'll go on a picnic,
‪차 안에 들어가서 눈 맞으면…‬If she's on a date, she'll go on a picnic, then they'll get in the car, and if they click…
‪망할 놈의 계집애‬then they'll get in the car, and if they click… That little minx.
‪야, 수철아, 가자‬Hey, Su-cheol, let's go.
‪- (수철) 이? 이‬ ‪- (한준) 가자, 가‬Hey, Su-cheol, let's go. -What? -Go. I'll see you again.
‪우린 다음에 또‬-What? -Go. I'll see you again.
‪[왕 마담의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[강렬한 음악]‬
‪[야구 배트 끄는 소리]‬
‪[남자가 놀란다]‬
‪[혜준이 살짝 웃는다]‬ ‪(남자) 자, 자, 자기야‬Honey.
‪[강렬한 음악]‬
‪아이씨, 야, 씨‬Oh, god.
‪[여자3의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬
‪(혜준) 개새끼야, 여기가 회사냐?‬You son of a bitch. I thought you were working?
‪급하게 잡혔다던 미팅이‬ ‪이런 화끈한 만남인 줄은 몰랐네‬You son of a bitch. I thought you were working? I had no idea you were referring to a hot date when you said you had an urgent meeting.
‪(남자) 자기야?‬ ‪자기야, 자기야, 야!‬Honey…
‪[여자3과 남자의 비명]‬
‪(남자) 와‬
‪진짜 사람 질리게 하는 재주도‬ ‪가지가지다, 어?‬You really know how to make a guy sick of you, don't you? Sick of me?
‪(혜준) 질려?‬Sick of me?
‪어, 질려?‬You're sick of me?
‪어, 질려‬Yes. I'm sick of you.
‪(남자) 너 완전 제멋대로에‬You're too unpredictable, I never know what you'll do, and I'm sick of it!
‪어디로 튈지 모르는‬ ‪예측 불허라 질려!‬You're too unpredictable, I never know what you'll do, and I'm sick of it!
‪언제는 그게 내 매력이라며?‬You said that was what you liked about me.
‪야‬Please. I put up with it at first because you were hot.
‪처음엔 예쁘니까 참았지‬Please. I put up with it at first because you were hot.
‪(남자) 근데 이건 무슨, 뭐‬But you're nothing like your looks.
‪안 그렇게 생겨선‬ ‪입은 험하지, 입맛은 아재에‬But you're nothing like your looks. You swear like a sailor and eat like a middle-aged man.
‪아휴, 여자다운 구석은‬ ‪1그램도 없으면서‬Jeez. There isn't a drop of femininity in you, and you have to get home before midnight?
‪무조건 12시 전 귀가야?‬There isn't a drop of femininity in you, and you have to get home before midnight?
‪자기가 무슨‬ ‪신데렐라도 아니고, 씨‬Who are you, Cinderella?
‪(혜준) 와‬
‪[혜준이 어이없는 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪너 완전 시대를 역행하는‬ ‪조선 개꼰대 새끼구나?‬You're truly an outdated and condescending prick, aren't you?
‪양자 컴퓨터 하나 이해 못 하는‬ ‪빡대가리 새끼‬I've dated you although you were an idiot who doesn't understand quantum computing.
‪내가 귀여워서 만나 줬더니만‬ ‪뭐가 어째, 이 씨발 놈아?‬I've dated you although you were an idiot who doesn't understand quantum computing. What did you say, you piece of shit?
‪와, 나‬ ‪중심도 제대로 안 서는 새끼가‬What a horndog you are, considering you can't even get it up.
‪밝히긴 존나 밝혀요‬What a horndog you are, considering you can't even get it up.
‪(남자) 아, 이 계집애가 진짜, 씨‬-You little… -Stop right there.
‪(수철) 그거 안 치워?‬-You little… -Stop right there.
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪저 새끼들은 또 뭐야?‬Who are those idiots?
‪네 저승사자‬Your angels of death.
‪[야구 배트 떨어지는 소리]‬
‪내가 원래‬ ‪남자들은 디테일하게 안 봐‬I don't usually look at guys in detail.
‪(한준) 너무 자세하게 알면‬ ‪기분 별로거든‬It's off-putting, learning too much about guys.
‪근데 넌‬But you…
‪이 차도 네 게 아니구나?‬This car isn't yours, is it?
‪(남자) 어, 어, 어떻게…‬How did you…
‪샴푸도 향수도 싸구려에‬ ‪시계도 짝퉁인데‬You use cheap shampoo and perfume, and your watch is a knockoff,
‪차가 너무 고급져서 물어봤어‬but your car's expensive, so I thought I'd ask.
‪(한준) 돈 없는 건 상관없는데‬I don't care if you're poor,
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪감히 내 동생한테‬ ‪개 발을 치켜들어?‬but how dare you raise your hands at my sister?
‪너 뭐 하는 새끼야?‬Who the heck are you?
‪난 혜준이 귀엽고 깜찍하고 예뻐서‬Hye-jun's so cute and adorable that I couldn't touch a single hair on her head,
‪(수철) 머리털 하나 못 건드리는데‬that I couldn't touch a single hair on her head,
‪네가 감히 손을 치켜들어?‬yet you dared to raise your hand at her?
‪어떻게 할까?‬What should we do?
‪이 새끼 한강에 던져서‬ ‪변사체로 떠오르게 해 줄까?‬Should I throw him in the river to drown?
‪(혜준) 아‬
‪아무리 죽일 놈이어도‬ ‪진짜 죽이면 귀찮아져‬He does deserve to die, but it'd just end up being a hassle.
‪(수철) 그런가?‬I guess so.
‪그러면 어디 하나 똑 부러트려 줘?‬I guess so. Then how about I break something?
‪어디를 똑 하…‬What should I snap?
‪(한준) 우리 혜준이가 얘기했나?‬Did Hye-jun tell you
‪오빠가‬how her brother
‪저주에 유명한 무당이라고‬is a shaman famous for his curses?
‪한 번만 더 여자들 울리고 다니면‬Lie to another woman again,
‪이게 네 미래가 될 거야‬and this is what will happen to you.
‪(남자) 아, 제, 제, 제, 제‬ ‪제, 제, 제, 제, 제, 제가‬I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
‪제가 잘못했습니다, 형님들‬I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
‪- (남자) 한 번만 봐주십시오, 예?‬ ‪- (수철) 아유, 괜찮아‬I'm sorry. Please forgive me. -It's fine. These things happen. -Please?
‪(수철) 남자가 그럴 수도 있지‬ ‪일어나, 일어나, 괜찮아‬-It's fine. These things happen. -Please? Get back up. It's all right.
‪있잖아‬You know, if you ever bother Hye-jun again,
‪한 번만 더‬ ‪혜준이 옆에서 껄떡대면‬You know, if you ever bother Hye-jun again,
‪저주 인형보다‬ ‪내 주먹이 먼저 가까이 올 거야‬my fists will get you before that voodoo doll does.
‪알겠어?‬Got it?
‪[호두 깨지는 소리]‬ ‪(남자) 아…‬
‪(수철) 이거 간수 잘하고‬keep it in your pants.
‪(한준) 선물‬ ‪[남자의 겁먹은 소리]‬My gift to you.
‪(수철) 근디 차가 왜 저런디야?‬By the way, why is his car like that?
‪(혜준) 내가 그냥 가만히 있으면‬ ‪남혜준이 아니지?‬I wouldn't be Nam Hye-jun if I did nothing, would I?
‪(수철) 이, 그것도 맞지‬I wouldn't be Nam Hye-jun if I did nothing, would I? True.
‪(한준) 아유, 설마 또 찻값‬ ‪물어 줘야 되는 건 아니겠지?‬True. Do I have to pay for the damages again?
‪(윤 계장) 그, 조이스 엔터‬ ‪자금 추적하다가‬I was tracking the movements of Joyce's funds
‪동남아에서 법인 카드 사용한‬ ‪내역이 나와서 확인해 보니까‬and found they used their company card in Southeast Asia.
‪그, 항공권 결제한 사람이‬and found they used their company card in Southeast Asia. It turns out we know the guy who purchased the plane ticket.
‪우리가 아는 사람이었습니다‬It turns out we know the guy who purchased the plane ticket.
‪(도원) 쪽문파 출신‬ ‪사채업자 전경철‬Jeon Gyeong-cheol, the loan shark?
‪(윤 계장) 네, 뭐, 지금은‬ ‪인터넷 방송국 운영 중인데‬Yes. He runs a livestream service now,
‪해외 원정 도박, 성 접대 관련‬ ‪전과가 있습니다‬but he has a record of expedition gambling and sexual bribery.
‪원정 도박에 여고생이라…‬Expedition gambling and high school girls…
‪강은혜 살인 사건하고‬ ‪조이스 엔터하고‬Do you think Joyce Entertainment is related to Kang Eun-hye's murder?
‪관련 있다고 보십니까?‬related to Kang Eun-hye's murder?
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪뭐, 아직은 합리적 의심일 뿐‬For now, it's just reasonable suspicion. I don't have any proof.
‪증거가 없네요‬For now, it's just reasonable suspicion. I don't have any proof.
‪[도원의 탄식]‬
‪(도원) 저는 저기, 대운서에‬ ‪좀 다녀올 테니까‬I'm going to go to Daeun station.
‪그, 박진상하고 전경철 사이에‬ ‪무슨 연결 고리가 있는지‬I'm going to go to Daeun station. In the meantime, could you find out how Park Jin-sang knows Jeon Gyeong-cheol?
‪확인 한번 해 주세요‬how Park Jin-sang knows Jeon Gyeong-cheol?
‪(윤 계장) 예‬-Okay. -Bye.
‪(도원) 수고하세요‬-Okay. -Bye.
‪[감탄하는 숨소리]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪어떻게 저러실 수가 있죠?‬How does he do that?
‪(김 사무관) 아니‬ ‪학연, 지연은 그렇다 쳐도‬Alumni and friends are one thing,
‪혈연 앞에서 저렇게까지‬ ‪냉정하기가 쉽지 않은데‬but it's hard to be that cold to your relatives.
‪(윤 계장) 아휴, 뭐‬ ‪괜히 킹 오브 철벽남이겠나‬There's a reason he's famous for being absolutely unapproachable to women.
‪[윤 계장이 피식 웃는다]‬ ‪(김 사무관) 역시‬No wonder.
‪[윤 계장이 숨을 들이켠다]‬No wonder.
‪(두진) 아, 도대체‬ ‪무슨 일이 있었길래‬What could have happened to make her cry like that?
‪저렇게 우는 거야?‬What could have happened to make her cry like that?
‪[재희의 한숨]‬
‪[두진의 한숨]‬
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪(재희) 아, 저, 근데‬But I heard she got around using the subway.
‪지하철 타고 다녔다고 했는데‬But I heard she got around using the subway.
‪왜 주차장에서 내리죠?‬So why did she come out of the underground car park?
‪씁, 강은혜를 누가 데리러 왔나?‬Did someone come to pick her up?
‪[키보드 조작음]‬
‪(두진) 전경철…‬-Jeon Gyeong-cheol… -Did Jeon Gyeol-cheol lease
‪(도원) 강은혜 오피스텔을‬ ‪전경철이 계약했습니까?‬-Jeon Gyeong-cheol… -Did Jeon Gyeol-cheol lease Kang Eun-hye's studio?
‪- (재희) 검사님‬ ‪- (두진) 어…‬-Mr. Cha. -Oh, hey.
‪[두진의 당황한 소리]‬-Mr. Cha. -Oh, hey.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[재희의 한숨]‬
‪(혜준) 건물은‬ ‪유네스코 등재될 기세인데‬The building looks like it should be registered with UNESCO,
‪보안 시스템이 최첨단이구먼‬The building looks like it should be registered with UNESCO, but it has a high-tech security system.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪저래 봬도‬ ‪해외 우회 서버만 수십 개야‬but it has a high-tech security system. They've got dozens of proxy servers overseas.
‪아이피 추적 피하려고‬ ‪개수작 부린 거지‬They're pulling that crap to avoid having their IP traced.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪(한준) 그, 내부 CCTV는?‬-Are there any CCTVs inside? -I can manipulate them all
‪(혜준) 다른 건 컨트롤 가능하고‬-Are there any CCTVs inside? -I can manipulate them all
‪인터넷에 연결 안 된 게‬ ‪딱 하나 있는데‬except the one that's not connected to the internet. This one.
‪요거‬except the one that's not connected to the internet. This one.
‪이야, 이거는‬ ‪'어서 훔쳐 가세요'야?‬Are they just begging for someone to steal it,
‪아니면은 고도의 트릭이야, 뭐야?‬or is it some convoluted trick?
‪하여튼 똑똑한 놈들은 이게 문제야‬That's the problem with smart people.
‪(혜준) 아니, 왜 굳이 그렇게‬ ‪꼬아서 생각을 할까?‬Why would you make things unnecessarily complicated?
‪그냥 여기 중요하니까‬ ‪딱 설치를 한 건데, 멍청아?‬They just installed it there because it's important.
‪- (한준) 그렇게 단순하다고?‬ ‪- (혜준) 어‬-It's that simple? -Yes.
‪(수철) 이? 이?‬
‪저건 또 뭐 하는 상황이래? 이?‬What's going on there?
‪[여자4의 겁먹은 탄성]‬ ‪(한준) 이 미친놈들‬They must be crazy. In broad daylight?
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪대낮부터, 씨‬They must be crazy. In broad daylight?
‪- 수철아, 카메라, 카메라‬ ‪- (수철) 이‬-Su-cheol. The camera. -Okay. -Send it. -Right.
‪- (혜준) 그거 보내‬ ‪- (수철) 이‬ ‪[키보드 조작음]‬-Send it. -Right.
‪[영상 소리가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(혜준) 인터넷 성인 방송‬ ‪BJ 레아야‬It's Re-a, an adult entertainment streamer.
‪(수철) 씁, 딱 봐도 이거‬ ‪약에 취한 거 같은디?‬It's obvious she's high on drugs.
‪전경철한테 사채 빚을 갚기 위해‬She's forced into doing livestreams to pay back her debt to Jeon Gyeong-cheol,
‪성인 방송을 강요받고‬She's forced into doing livestreams to pay back her debt to Jeon Gyeong-cheol,
‪(한준) 그렇게 번 돈으로‬ ‪마약을 강매당하는 악순환이라…‬ ‪[영상 속 레아의 가쁜 숨소리]‬then is forced to buy drugs with the money she makes. It's a vicious cycle.
‪(혜준) 방송 중에‬ ‪갑자기 사라져 가지고‬She disappeared during a livestream, and the chat room went wild.
‪채팅방이 난리가 났는데‬ ‪[영상 속 레아의 비명]‬She disappeared during a livestream, and the chat room went wild.
‪피해자가 레아 말고도 더 있대‬But she's not the only victim.
‪(수철) 이?‬What?
‪[키보드 조작음]‬ ‪(혜준) BJ 은하라고‬Eun-a, another streamer,
‪몇 달 전에 갑자기‬ ‪방송 중에 끌려 갔는데‬was dragged away during a livestream a few months ago,
‪이후로 행방이 묘연해‬and she hasn't been heard from since. There are no signs of life.
‪생활 반응도 전혀 없고‬and she hasn't been heard from since. There are no signs of life.
‪근데 이쯤 되면‬ ‪신고하는 게 먼저 아닐까?‬I think we should call the police since this is serious.
‪(수철) 이?‬What? Even the police won't be able to get in there.
‪아유, 저기는‬ ‪경찰도 들어가기 힘들어‬What? Even the police won't be able to get in there.
‪마약 유통하는 애들은 겁나 살벌햐‬Guys in the drug trade are really brutal.
‪(한준) 아유, 서류 하나‬ ‪훔쳐 보려 했더니, 씨‬Damn it, all I wanted was a lousy document.
‪착하게 살지, 이 못된 새끼들‬Why can't they be good? Those scumbags.
‪어, 나단아, 테이크 아웃 해야겠다‬Hey, Na-dan. We need a delivery.
‪(수철) 우리도 가자‬-We should go too. -Let's go.
‪- (혜준) 가자‬ ‪- (수철) 이‬-We should go too. -Let's go.
‪(한준) 야, 듣고 있니? 들려?‬Hey, are you listening? Can't you hear me?
‪[킥 스탠드 내리는 소리]‬ ‪(혜준) 어?‬-What? -He's here. Jeez.
‪(한준) 됐다, 아휴, 씨‬-What? -He's here. Jeez.
‪야, AI 음성 학습…‬Is the AI done learning… Hey, is the AI voice recognition…
‪야, AI 음성 인식…‬Is the AI done learning… Hey, is the AI voice recognition…
‪AI 음성 학습 끝났냐고!‬Is the AI done learning her voice?
‪AI 음성 학, AI!‬The AI voice learning!
‪어!‬Yes. It'll be like Eun-ha came back to life.
‪아마 은하 씨가‬ ‪살아 돌아온 거 같을걸?‬Yes. It'll be like Eun-ha came back to life.
‪(수철) 이, 준비 다 됐슈‬Okay. I'm ready. I'm here.
‪- (수철) 이‬ ‪- (한준) 치‬Okay. I'm ready. I'm here.
‪(한준) 너 어디 뭐, 전쟁 나가냐?‬Are you going to war?
‪- (한준) 의상은?‬ ‪- (수철) 이, 여기‬-Where's the outfit? -Here.
‪이이? 이거 위험햐‬This is dangerous.
‪[한준이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪저 그냥 맞짱 뜰게요‬I'd rather just fight them.
‪(나단) 이건 아니야!‬I'm not wearing this!
‪[절망한 숨소리]‬ ‪(한준) 아유‬ ‪잘 어울려, 잘 어울려‬-Oh, it'll look good on you. -Aren't you coming?
‪(수철) 안 가?‬-Oh, it'll look good on you. -Aren't you coming?
‪가자!‬Let's go!
‪어, 가!‬Yes, okay.
‪어유, 애가 귀까지 먹어 가지고‬Gosh, she's going deaf.
‪(수철) 그, 다 해 봤던 겨‬-We've all been through this. -Come on.
‪- (나단) 아니, 아유, 그, 형…‬ ‪- (수철) 너도 할 수 있어, 이‬-We've all been through this. -Come on. -You can do it too. -No, I can't!
‪(나단) 아이…‬-You can do it too. -No, I can't!
‪[시끌시끌하다]‬-Gosh. -Darn it.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪[방울이 딸랑거린다]‬Darn it. That doesn't work these days.
‪[방울이 연신 딸랑거린다]‬
‪(한준) 네 이년!‬You!
‪썩 물러나지 못할까!‬Begone!
‪(조폭1) 당신 뭐야?‬Who are you?
‪누군데 함부로 들어와서‬ ‪지랄일까? 어?‬Do you think you can just barge in here and pull your crap?
‪나?‬Me? I'm Shaman Nam Han-jun
‪용해동 명물‬Me? I'm Shaman Nam Han-jun
‪(한준) 박수무당 남 도사‬the wonder of Yonghae-dong.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪저기, 저 원귀한테서‬And your savior
‪네놈들을 구해 줄 귀인이기도 하지‬who will rescue you from that vengeful spirit over there.
‪[조폭1의 어이없는 숨소리]‬ ‪(조폭1) 원귀?‬A vengeful spirit?
‪(한준) 이런, 이런‬Oh my.
‪저 원귀가‬So that's why that spirit is wandering around the land of the living
‪구천을 떠도는 이유가 다…‬So that's why that spirit is wandering around the land of the living
‪네놈들 때문이었구먼‬because of you lot.
‪쯧, 쯧, 쯧‬ ‪[조폭들이 어이없어한다]‬
‪[조폭1의 어이없는 웃음]‬
‪뭐라는 거니? 미친놈이‬Are you kidding me? He's crazy.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(조폭1) 너 최근에‬ ‪맞은 적 없지, 그렇지?‬You haven't been beaten up recently, have you?
‪야, 이 새끼 끌어내‬ ‪[조폭들이 호응한다]‬-Hey. -Yes, sir. -Drag him out. -Yes, sir.
‪(한준) 정은하‬-Drag him out. -Yes, sir. Jung Eun-ha.
‪네 뒤에 있는 원귀 이름이라는데‬The spirit behind you says that's her name.
‪정말 몰라?‬You really don't know her?
‪[은하의 웃음]‬
‪(은하) 안녕, 자기들‬Hi, guys.
‪다시 만나서 반가워‬Nice to see you again.
‪(조폭2) 이거 은하 목소리 맞지?‬Isn't that Eun-ha's voice?
‪[퍽 터지는 소리]‬ ‪[조폭들의 겁먹은 소리]‬-Oh my. -Goodness.
‪아이고, 아이고, 아이고, 아이고‬Oh my. What to do.
‪(한준) 이놈들아, 아이고‬You fools. Oh my.
‪아이고, 아이고‬-Oh my. -I sure am glad to see you again,
‪[한준이 계속 말한다]‬ ‪(은하) 난 반가운데‬ ‪오빠들은 아닌가 봐?‬-Oh my. -I sure am glad to see you again, -but I don't think you are. -Oh my.
‪[조폭들의 겁먹은 소리]‬ ‪[은하의 웃음]‬
‪(한준) 아이고, 아이고‬Oh my.
‪엄마야, 깜짝이야‬ ‪왜 저렇게 리얼하게 있어?‬Goodness. It's so realistic.
‪(은하) 왜? 나 또 죽이려고?‬What's wrong? -Are you going to kill me again? -Oh my!
‪(한준) 아이고, 아이고, 아이고‬-Are you going to kill me again? -Oh my! Oh my. Your ill intent is about to
‪[은하의 웃음소리가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪네가 해코지할 인간을 찾고 있구먼‬Oh my. Your ill intent is about to
‪아이고, 아이고‬Oh my. The spirit grows evil in its vengeance.
‪원귀가 악귀가 되는구나‬ ‪아이고, 아이고‬Oh my. The spirit grows evil in its vengeance. Oh my.
‪아이고, 아이고‬Oh my. -Oh my. -Ghosts don't fucking exist!
‪(조폭1) 귀신이 어디 있어, 씨발‬-Oh my. -Ghosts don't fucking exist!
‪(한준) 아이고, 아이고‬Oh my…
‪(조폭1) 누가 장난 치고 지랄이야!‬Who's pulling this crap?
‪[조폭1의 당황한 소리]‬
‪[조폭1의 비명]‬ ‪(한준) 아이고‬Oh my.
‪[조폭들의 겁먹은 소리]‬Oh my.
‪(조폭2) 도사님!‬ ‪어떻게 좀 해 주십시오‬Mr. Shaman, do something, please!
‪[울먹이며] 무당이면‬ ‪귀신도 쫓아낼 수 있지 않습니까?‬You're a shaman. You can get rid of spirits, can't you?
‪(한준) 어, 저거?‬Oh, that? It requires a lot of time and effort.
‪이거 시간과 정성이 더 필요해‬Oh, that? It requires a lot of time and effort.
‪뭐든 하겠습니다‬I'll do anything.
‪뭐든 할 거여?‬-Anything? -Yes!
‪- (조폭2) 예‬ ‪- (한준) 예라, 이 나쁜놈‬-Anything? -Yes! You miserable, vicious, horrible, vile creatures.
‪(한준) 나쁜 놈들, 나쁜 놈들‬ ‪나쁜 놈들아, 쯧‬You miserable, vicious, horrible, vile creatures.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬
‪(한준) [흥얼거리며]‬ ‪천지신명님께 고하노니‬I pray to the gods of heaven and earth to have mercy on this vengeful spirit turned evil.
‪악귀가 된 원귀를‬ ‪잘 보살펴 주시옵소서‬to have mercy on this vengeful spirit turned evil.
‪보살펴 주시옵소서‬to have mercy on this vengeful spirit turned evil. I pray upon you.
‪[한준의 헛기침]‬I pray upon you.
‪내가 악귀를 쫓을 때까지‬ ‪절대 사무실 밖으로 나와선 안 돼!‬You cannot leave this office until I get rid of the spirit. -Yes, sir! -Yes, sir!
‪(조폭들) 예‬-Yes, sir! -Yes, sir!
‪그랬다간 아주‬ ‪큰일을 치르게 될 게야!‬Disobey me, and something terrible will happen.
‪[저마다 호응한다]‬-Yes, sir! -Yes, sir! Gosh…
‪쳐다도 보지 마, 뒤돌아서!‬Don't even look! Turn around!
‪[저마다 호응한다]‬-Yes, sir! -Yes, sir!
‪[철컥 잠그는 소리]‬We did it!
‪[작은 목소리로] 야, 야‬We did it!
‪[철컥 잠그는 소리]‬We did it!
‪- (한준) 이‬ ‪- (수철) 이‬
‪[나단의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[한준과 수철의 웃음]‬
‪[숨 들이켜는 소리]‬
‪[경철이 입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪(경철) 우리 언니‬I wonder
‪오늘 왜 그리‬ ‪컨디션이 저조하셨을까?‬why you were in such a bad state today.
‪(레아) 잘못했어요‬I'm sorry.
‪이젠 다시는 안 그럴게요‬I promise I won't do it again.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪(경철) '다시'?‬Again?
‪시청자들이 언니 눈깔‬ ‪'에' 돌아가는 거 다 봤어‬The viewers already saw your eyes roll back like this.
‪이제 너 볼 때마다‬ ‪그 장면 생각나서‬Now that off-putting sight is what they'll think of when they see you.
‪기분이 잡칠 텐데 어떻게 다시?‬Now that off-putting sight is what they'll think of when they see you. So what do you mean again? JJOKMUN GANG'S ACTING CHIEF JEON GYEONG-CHEOL
‪얘 빚이 얼마냐?‬How much does she owe us?
‪(조폭3) 얘는 1억 3천입니다‬One hundred and thirty million won.
‪(경철) 이 상태론‬ ‪방송도 못 돌리는데‬She can't stream anymore like this, so how shall we get our money back?
‪이거 어떻게 벌충한다? 어?‬She can't stream anymore like this, so how shall we get our money back?
‪바로 비디오 찍게 하고‬ ‪손님 받게 해‬Send her to make videos and receive clients.
‪(레아) 실장님, 제발‬Sir, please.
‪저 진, 저 진짜 열심히 할게요‬I promise I'll work really hard.
‪살려 주세요‬Please, don't.
‪살려 주세요‬-Please. -Hey.
‪(경철) 레아야‬-Please. -Hey.
‪열심히 한다고 되는 세상이면‬ ‪네가 여기까지 안 왔지‬You wouldn't be here if working hard is all it took.
‪[레아의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪응?‬You wouldn't be here if working hard is all it took.
‪여기 왜 와, 왜?‬Why do you think you're here?
‪[레아의 힘겨운 신음]‬Why do you think you're here?
‪[짜증 섞인 한숨]‬
‪[레아의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[조폭3의 웃음]‬
‪얘 얼마나까지‬ ‪버틸지 모르겠다, 응?‬I don't think she'll last much longer.
‪- (경철) 빨리 찍어서 뿌려‬ ‪- (조폭3) 아, 네‬-Hurry up with the video. -Yes, sir.
‪(조폭3) 야, 카메라 가지고 와‬ ‪[경철의 한숨]‬Hey, get the camera.
‪(경철) 눈을 왜‬ ‪뒤집어 까 가지고 지랄이야‬What are you rolling your eyes back for?
‪네가 좀비야?‬What are you rolling your eyes back for? What are you? A zombie?
‪어유, 깜짝이야, 씨‬-Jeez. -Damn it.
‪아, 놀랐잖아, 이 쌔발 놈아, 씨‬You startled me, you prick.
‪- (수철) '쌔발 놈'?‬ ‪- (경철) 형사야?‬-Prick? -Are you a cop?
‪아니, 처음 본 사람한테‬ ‪쌔발 놈이라는 거‬That's so rude, calling me names when you just met me.
‪(수철) 그거 노 매너 아니여?‬That's so rude, calling me names when you just met me.
‪(한준) 그러게, 어?‬ ‪쌔발 놈이라니?‬That's right. A prick?
‪얘가 아무리 멍청이처럼 보여도‬ ‪쌔발 놈이라니! 쯧‬ ‪[경철의 웃음]‬I know he looks like an idiot, but that's going too far! I guess you're not cops. So what are you?
‪(경철) 아, 뭐, 형사는 아니고‬I guess you're not cops. So what are you?
‪[경철이 코를 훌쩍인다]‬I guess you're not cops. So what are you?
‪뭐냐, 너희?‬I guess you're not cops. So what are you?
‪(수철) 아니, 잠깐만‬Hey, wait. An idiot? You think I'm an idiot?
‪멍청이가 뭐여? 내가 멍청이여?‬Hey, wait. An idiot? You think I'm an idiot?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪아니, 야, '쌔발 놈'이‬ ‪더 기분 나쁜 거 아니야?‬Isn't "prick" way worse?
‪(한준) 멍청이, 핀트가 거기로 가?‬How are you bothered about that?
‪(수철) 아니, 내가 왜, 왜‬ ‪내가 왜 멍청혀?‬How am I an idiot?
‪형은 쫌생이 아니여, 그럼?‬-Then you're a cheapskate! -What?
‪[한준과 수철이 말싸움한다]‬-Then you're a cheapskate! -What? -You're embarrassing us right now. -Can't you hear me?
‪[한준이 말한다]‬ ‪(조폭3) 야, 너희‬ ‪내 말 안 들리니, 지금?‬-You're embarrassing us right now. -Can't you hear me?
‪(수철) 멍청이? 창피해?‬I'm embarrassing you?
‪- (한준) 그래, 얼마나 창피한데‬ ‪- (수철) 나 형이랑 다니면‬-Yes! -Two can play at that game.
‪얼마나 창피한지 알아?‬ ‪어? 얼마 전에도‬-That one time, you even-- -Hey!
‪(수철) 내가 여기서‬ ‪막 이렇게 했는데…‬-That one time, you even-- -Hey!
‪(조폭3) 야!‬-That one time, you even-- -Hey!
‪이것들이 진짜, 씨‬Are you kidding me?
‪뭐야, 이거‬ ‪한 놈은 옷은 거지같이 입고‬One's dressed like a hobo…
‪뭐, 거지 같…‬Hobo?
‪(조폭3) 한 놈은‬ ‪머리는 멍청해 가지고‬…and the other is an idiot. -An idiot? -Hey, beat him to a pulp.
‪- (수철) 멍청, 멍청이?‬ ‪- (한준) 하, 야, 조져 버려‬-An idiot? -Hey, beat him to a pulp.
‪(조폭3) 여기 이러는 데 아니니까‬ ‪빨리 가, 어?‬ ‪[수철이 씩씩댄다]‬You're not supposed to be here, so hurry on out.
‪[수철의 성난 숨소리]‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[조폭3의 신음]‬ ‪[소란스럽게 싸운다]‬
‪(수철) 말을 해도, 이 개새끼야‬ ‪[우두둑거리는 효과음]‬Watch your words, you moron!
‪[수철의 아파하는 탄성]‬
‪넌 뭐여!‬What was that?
‪[신난 탄성]‬
‪[수철의 성난 숨소리]‬
‪[조폭3의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬ ‪뭐? 멍청이?‬What? An idiot?
‪이씨‬ ‪[조폭3의 겁먹은 소리]‬What? An idiot?
‪[수철이 씩씩댄다]‬ ‪[조폭3의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪너여? 이, 일로 와, 씨‬Was it you? Come over here.
‪[수철이 씩씩댄다]‬Was it you? Come over here.
‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[조폭4의 당황한 소리]‬ ‪[수철이 씩씩댄다]‬
‪[수철의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[조폭4의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(한준) 수철이가 다 뒤집어 놨어‬-Yes! You knocked them all out! -What did you say? An idiot?
‪(수철) 뭐? 멍청이?‬-Yes! You knocked them all out! -What did you say? An idiot?
‪멍청이?‬-Yes! You knocked them all out! -What did you say? An idiot? An idiot?
‪- (수철) 멍청이?‬ ‪- (한준) 아니지, 아니지‬-An idiot? -No, of course not.
‪(한준) 우리 수철이가‬ ‪얼마나 똘똘한데‬-An idiot? -No, of course not. -I know how smart you are. -What?
‪(수철) 이?‬-I know how smart you are. -What?
‪(한준) 자, 자, 자‬Here. How long has it been since I gave you some pocket money?
‪[지폐 세는 소리]‬ ‪형이 용돈 안 준 지가‬ ‪얼마나 됐냐, 자‬Here. How long has it been since I gave you some pocket money? Ta-da!
‪따란‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Ta-da!
‪(한준) 응‬-Here. -Okay.
‪(수철) 이‬-Here. -Okay.
‪[수철의 웃음]‬
‪- 다친 덴 없어?‬ ‪- (수철) 이‬-Are you hurt? -No.
‪(한준) [토닥이며] 응‬ ‪잘했어, 잘했어‬You did a good job.
‪(경철) 아이씨‬
‪[한준의 헛기침]‬
‪(수철) 너 아까 뭐라 그랬어?‬What did you say to me before?
‪'쌔발 놈'? 이? '쌔발 놈'?‬What did you say to me before? A prick?
‪[경철의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪아, 나 싸움 못해요‬ ‪그냥 말로 해요‬I can't fight. Let's talk this out.
‪살살 해라‬Go easy on him.
‪[재희의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[두진이 말린다]‬I told you it's dangerous to ambush them without a plan.
‪(두진) 무작정 들어가면‬ ‪위험하다니까 그러네‬I told you it's dangerous to ambush them without a plan.
‪그럼 흩어져서 움직이는 걸로 하죠‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬We'll split up, then.
‪(재희) 저랑 검사님이랑‬ ‪먼저 들어갈 테니까‬Mr. Cha and I will go in first.
‪선배님은 김 형사, 나 형사랑‬ ‪백업 부탁드려요‬You, Detective Kim, and Detective Na can back us up.
‪[재희의 비장한 숨소리]‬You, Detective Kim, and Detective Na can back us up.
‪(도원) 백업해 주세요‬Watch our backs, please.
‪(두진) 내 말 안 들었지?‬She didn't listen to me, right?
‪일에 진지한 거야?‬ ‪뭐, 뭐, 나 먹인 거야, 뭐야?‬Is she just working hard or messing with me?
‪(광태) 음, 진지한 얼굴로‬ ‪먹이는 거죠‬She's working hard to mess with you.
‪[광태가 두진을 툭툭 친다]‬ ‪(상협) 팀장님한테‬ ‪찍힌 거야? 예?‬Does she have it in for you?
‪(두진) 찍힌 거야‬I guess so.
‪[삼단봉 펴는 소리]‬ ‪(상협) 아유, 씨‬Damn it.
‪(혜준) 아이씨‬Crap.
‪(나단) 사장님께‬ ‪연락해야 되는 거 아니에요?‬Shouldn't we call Mr. Nam?
‪(혜준) 포기해, 이미 늦었고‬Don't bother. It's too late.
‪자, 만일의 사태를 대비해서‬ ‪우리가 해야 할 일은‬What we need to do right now is…
‪튀는 거야‬run away.
‪누나, 같이 가요!‬Wait for me!
‪(도원) 여기 엄청 위험한 곳이라고‬ ‪하지 않았어요?‬Didn't they say this place was dangerous?
‪아니, 형사님들이‬ ‪뭐, 착각하신 건가?‬Did the other detectives make some sort of mistake?
‪(재희) 아니면‬ ‪무슨 일이 벌어지고 있거나요‬That or something's going on.
‪(도원) 예?‬ ‪[재희의 긴장한 숨소리]‬-What? -Follow me.
‪(재희) 따라오세요‬-What? -Follow me.
‪(도원) 아이, 아…‬Wait…
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪[한준의 웃음]‬
‪(한준) 이래도‬ ‪이래도 얘기 안 해?‬Are you still not going to talk?
‪비밀번호가 뭐여? 얼른 말혀‬What's the password? Come on.
‪(경철) 아, 모른다고‬I said, I don't know.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(한준) 씁, 야, 이게 안 통하네?‬This isn't working.
‪수철아, 네가 알아서 해야겠는디?‬ ‪[수철이 호응한다]‬-Su-cheol, you'll need to step in. -Okay.
‪넌 이제 죽었다‬You're dead now.
‪(수철) 말 안 할 겨?‬Come on, tell us.
‪모른다고 몇 번을 말해‬I told you I don't know!
‪(수철) 아, 그려? 알았어‬Really? Okay.
‪[한준의 한숨]‬Really? Okay.
‪좀 있으면은 119 올 테니까‬ ‪걱정하지 말고 계세요‬The emergency responders will be here soon, so don't worry.
‪(수철) 그럼 '하나, 둘, 셋' 하면‬ ‪내려가는 겨‬I'm going to let you go on a count of three.
‪자, 이‬I'm going to let you go on a count of three.
‪(수철) 하나, 둘‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬One. -Two. -I really don't know!
‪(경철) 아, 진짜 모른다고!‬-Two. -I really don't know!
‪[경철의 비명]‬
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[경철의 겁먹은 소리]‬
‪이래도 말 안 할 겨?‬How about now?
‪마, 말, 말, 말할게‬I'll tell you.
‪(경철) 말할게‬-I will. -Okay.
‪[힘주며] 그려‬-I will. -Okay.
‪[경철의 겁먹은 숨소리]‬
‪비밀번호 뭐여?‬-What's the password? -It's 9876543.
‪(경철) [작은 목소리로] 987654‬-What's the password? -It's 9876543.
‪9, 8, 뭐?‬-It's 98, what? -It's 9876543.
‪987654‬-It's 98, what? -It's 9876543.
‪들었어?‬-Did you get that? -What?
‪뭐라고?‬-Did you get that? -What?
‪오케이, 987654!‬Okay, 987654!
‪[기계 작동음]‬
‪[경철의 안도하는 숨소리]‬
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪(한준) 987654‬So 987654.
‪[금고 작동음]‬
‪아이, 저, 단순한 새끼‬Jeez, what a simpleton.
‪[경철의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(수철) 이제‬ ‪묻는 말에 대답만 잘하면‬Now, everything's going to be fine as long as you answer my questions.
‪아무 문제 없을 겨‬Now, everything's going to be fine as long as you answer my questions.
‪(경철) 그럼 이것부터 풀어 주세요‬-Could you untie me first? -What?
‪[수철의 못마땅한 숨소리]‬ ‪아아, 구, 궁금한 게 뭡니까?‬-Could you untie me first? -What? -What do you want to know? -What we want to know?
‪궁금한 거?‬-What do you want to know? -What we want to know?
‪(한준) 치‬
‪[경철을 탁 치며] 이쪽한테‬ ‪물어봤어야지‬You should be asking me.
‪조이스 엔터랑‬ ‪쪽문파랑 무슨 관계야?‬How are Joyce and Jjokmun related?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪박진상 이사가 보내서 온 겁니까?‬Did Director Park Jin-sang send you?
‪씁, 박진상 이사랑‬ ‪관계가 안 좋나 봐?‬I guess you two don't get along?
‪(한준) 박진상이 아니면‬Who sent you on those overseas trips, if not Park Jin-sang?
‪너한테 해외 원정‬ ‪시킨 놈이 누구야?‬Who sent you on those overseas trips, if not Park Jin-sang?
‪(경철) [어색하게 웃으며] 글쎄‬ ‪무슨 말인지 잘 모르겠는데‬I don't know what you're talking about.
‪- (수철) 이?‬ ‪- (한준) 이야‬-What? -You're going to pretend you don't know?
‪이 와중에 모른 척한다?‬ ‪수철아?‬-What? -You're going to pretend you don't know? Su-cheol.
‪(수철) 이, 그, 줄이‬ ‪좀 튼튼해야 될 낀디…‬Yes, okay, I hope this rope's sturdy.
‪아아! 조이스 엔터가‬ ‪관련됐다는 것만 알지‬I just know that Joyce is involved but I don't know any details!
‪(경철) 정확한 건 몰라요‬I just know that Joyce is involved but I don't know any details!
‪그냥 돈 많이 준대서 한 겁니다‬I just know that Joyce is involved but I don't know any details! I just did it because they offered me a lot of money.
‪진짜예요‬I'm telling you the truth!
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪(한준) 팔에 화상 흉터‬ ‪있는 놈이 시킨 거야?‬Did someone with a burn scar on his arm put you up to this?
‪그 새끼 누구야?‬Who is it?
‪그놈 누구냐고, 씨‬Come on, who is it?
‪꼼짝 마, 경찰이다‬Don't move. We're the police.
‪(도원) 남한준 씨?‬Mr. Nam?
‪[재희의 한숨]‬What?
‪아니, 지금 여기서‬ ‪뭐 하는 겁니까?‬What? What are you doing here?
‪쯧, 아니‬You know, I was passing by with Su-cheol,
‪내가 수철이랑‬ ‪요 앞을 딱 지나가는데‬You know, I was passing by with Su-cheol,
‪(한준) 이상한 기운이‬ ‪느껴지더라고‬and I felt this strange energy.
‪그래서 또 와 봤더니‬ ‪저놈한테 악귀가 씌어 있는 거야‬I dropped by again and found that he was being haunted by an evil spirit.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬I dropped by again and found that he was being haunted by an evil spirit.
‪[도원의 어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪(도원) 악귀?‬ ‪[재희의 어이없는 숨소리]‬An evil spirit?
‪그, 다른 레퍼토리는 없습니까?‬Don't you have any other excuses?
‪[수철의 당황한 소리]‬
‪그거 내려놔‬Put that down.
‪(재희) 움직이면 쏜다‬Move, and I'll shoot.
‪아니, 우리가, 어?‬ ‪철천지원수 같아도‬I know we're archenemies,
‪(한준) 그, 총 들이밀고 이런 건‬ ‪좀 너무 심한 거 아니오?‬but isn't it a bit much, holding us at gunpoint?
‪움직이면 쏜다고 했다!‬I said I'll shoot if you move.
‪참 나‬Do you think I'll fall for an empty threat--
‪내가 그딴 협박에 넘어갈…‬ ‪[재희의 놀란 숨소리]‬Do you think I'll fall for an empty threat--
‪(수철) 성!‬ ‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬Han-jun!
‪[어두운 음악]‬EPILOGUE
‪벗어 봐‬Take off your clothes.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(태수) 3년 전 그 경찰이 맞습니다‬He's the cop from three years ago.
‪어떡할까요?‬What should we do?
‪(여자5) 귀찮게 됐구나‬How bothersome.
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪(두진) 전경철을‬ ‪비호하는 세력들이 있더라고‬There are people who are trying to protect Jeon Gyeong-cheol.
‪(재희) 비호 세력이요?‬Protect him?
‪(한준) 조이스 엔터 박진상 이사가‬Protect him? I've heard that Park Jin-sang of Joyce Entertainment is your cousin.
‪차 검사랑 사촌이라며?‬ ‪[도원의 거친 숨소리]‬I've heard that Park Jin-sang of Joyce Entertainment is your cousin.
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬ ‪(재희) 두려워서‬ ‪마주하기 싫은 거예요?‬-Is it because you're afraid, or… -Lieutenant Han.
‪- (재희) 아니면‬ ‪- (두진) 한 팀장‬-Is it because you're afraid, or… -Lieutenant Han.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪(재희) 외면하고 싶은 거예요?‬…is it because you don't want to know?
‪(한준) 내가 아끼는 사람들이‬ ‪또 위험해질까?‬I might endanger the people I love again.
‪(여자5) 그놈이 입을 열면‬ ‪대업에 차질이 생긴다고‬I was told to take care of him since Our plan will be foiled
‪처리하라고 하시는구나‬ ‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬once he starts running his mouth.
‪[한준의 안타까운 소리]‬ ‪(한준) 제 발로 오게 만들고‬ ‪제 입으로 불게 만들어야지‬We'll make him come on his own accord and tell us everything.
‪(경철) 살려 주세요, 도사님‬Please, help me, Mr. Shaman. The only way for you to live is to sort him out.
‪(한준) 그놈을 정리해야 네가 살아‬The only way for you to live is to sort him out.
‪팔에 화상 흉터 있는 놈이지?‬He has a burn scar on his arm, right?
‪너 이 새끼‬You bastard…

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