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  소년 심판 8

Juvenile Justice 8


(남경 부) 하… 식물인간‬[Nam-gyeong's father] A coma?
‪아니, 확실하답니까?‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬Are you positive?
‪저희 사무관이‬ ‪직접 병원까지 갔는데‬My secretary went to the hospital.
‪확실하답니다‬And it's for sure.
‪(이선 부) 그럼 우리 딸은요?‬And… my daughter?
‪(미주 부) 이러다 우리가‬ ‪덤터기 쓰는 거 아닙니까?‬What if the blame gets shifted to us?
‪(보조인) 솔직히 말하면‬To be honest,
‪그렇게 판정이 났다 해도‬ ‪달라질 건 없습니다‬his physical condition won't matter.
‪사건도 여전히‬ ‪보호 사건에 묶여 있고‬It's a juvenile protection trial,
‪운전한 쪽은 곽도석이지‬ ‪아이들이 아니니까요‬and Do-seok was driving, not your kids.
‪문제는 방조 혐의인데‬[Nam-gyeong's attorney] They're only charged with aiding and abetting.
‪뭐, 그래도‬But there's a way around it, so don't worry.
‪달아날 구석은 다 있으니‬ ‪걱정 안 하셔도 됩니다‬But there's a way around it, so don't worry.
‪(태훈 부) 씁, 그럼‬[sucks teeth] Then what should we do first?
‪우린 뭐부터 하면 됩니까?‬Then what should we do first?
‪더 각별히‬ ‪아이들 단속부터 시키세요‬Start by keeping the children in check.
‪[밖에서 사이렌이 울린다]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬[solemn music]
‪(도석) 그래도 설날인데‬ ‪판사님 세배받으셔야죠‬[Do-seok] It's New Year's Day. Here's a special bow, sir, huh?
‪(태주) 응?‬Here's a special bow, sir, huh?
‪(도석) 새해 복 많이 받으세요‬[Do-seok] Happy New Year.
‪(태주) 야, 도석아, 야‬[Tae-ju] Hey, Do-seok. Hey.
‪[웃으며] 그래‬Okay. [chuckles]
‪감사합니다‬Thanks, Mr. Cha.
‪(태주) 그래, 앉아, 도석아, 앉아‬[Tae-ju] Go on, have a seat.
‪- 그래, 새해 복 많이 받자‬ ‪- (도석) 네‬-[Do-seok] Okay. -All right. Happy New Year. Yeah! I got this…
‪그리고 이건‬Yeah! I got this…
‪오다 주운 건데‬on the way here.
‪(도석) 판사님 일하실 때‬ ‪연필 쓰신다고 하셔서‬You said that you use pencils at work,
‪한번 준비해 봤습니다‬so I thought this would be cool.
‪직접 고른 거예요‬I chose it myself. [chuckles]
‪[태주가 비닐을 부스럭거린다]‬
‪고맙다‬Do-seok, thanks.
‪판사님 이거 잘 쓸게‬I'll use it today.
‪너 판사님하고 약속했다?‬You promised me, you know…
‪다신 법정에 안 서기로‬no more standing trial.
‪네‬[chuckles] Yeah.
‪진짜 절대‬I swear, this time, no more standing trial.
‪절대 다시 안 설게요‬I swear, this time, no more standing trial.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(남경) 저희는 진짜‬ ‪아무것도 몰랐고요‬[Nam-gyeong] I really didn't know anything.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪차에 타라고 해서 탔을 뿐이에요‬He just told me to get in the car, so I did. [Tae-hun] If he tells us to do something, we have to do it.
‪(태훈) 걔 한마디면‬ ‪저희는 꼼짝도 못 해요‬[Tae-hun] If he tells us to do something, we have to do it.
‪(도석 모) 걔네들 다 거짓말이에요‬[Do-seok's mother] They're all lying.
‪밤 11시고 12시고 할 것 없이‬ ‪애를 불러 댔어요‬They would call him out in the middle of the night.
‪내가 걔네들을 타이르고 혼을 내도‬LEESUNEE JUST ABOUT TO GO TO TRIAL. [Do-seok's mother] I tried reasoning with them, and scolding them,
‪집 앞까지 또 찾아왔고요‬[Do-seok's mother] I tried reasoning with them, and scolding them, but they kept coming to our house.
‪(도석 모) 우리 애가‬ ‪차를 렌트했다고요?‬[Do-seok's mother] My kid rented a car?
‪운전을 했다고요?‬He was driving? He probably did. So he wouldn't get beaten.
‪했겠죠, 또 맞지 않으려면‬He was driving? He probably did. So he wouldn't get beaten.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[자동차 리모컨 조작음]‬[car beeps]
‪[자료를 툭 내려놓는다]‬So today we meet the new judge?
‪오늘이죠? 부장님 첫 출근일‬So today we meet the new judge?
‪- 어‬ ‪- (범) 아는 직원이 그러는데‬Yeah. I heard from one of my colleagues
‪(범) 어젯밤인가 법원에 오셨대요‬that she came in here last night.
‪살짝 오셔 가지고‬ ‪법원 내부도 한번 보시고‬She stopped by to look around the court
‪기록들도 대충 보셨대요‬and go over records.
‪(영실) 어, 맞나?‬Interesting.
‪- (범) 참여관님‬ ‪- (영실) 어‬[Beom] Ms. Joo. -[Yeong-sil] Yeah? -Have you heard about her?
‪혹시 뭐 들으신 거 없으세요?‬-[Yeong-sil] Yeah? -Have you heard about her?
‪부장님 성격이나‬ ‪아니면 특이 사항 이런 거‬-[Yeong-sil] Yeah? -Have you heard about her? Like her personality, or… any quirks?
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬ ‪있지‬[sniffles] Yes, I have.
‪어? 뭔데요?‬[gasps] What?
‪거, 유명한 벙커라 카던데, 벙커‬I heard she's something of a bunker.
‪아…‬[laughs] [Yeong-sil] Number three.
‪[근희가 잔을 잘그락 든다]‬
‪민주적으로 해요, 민주적으로‬Let's be democratic about it.
‪(근희) 나 뭐, 그렇게‬ ‪깐깐한 사람 아니에요‬I'm really not that uptight.
‪그, 식사도 각자 알아서 하고‬We don't have to eat lunch together,
‪출퇴근 인사 같은 건‬and I don't need to know when you're coming and going from work.
‪굳이 내 방까지 와서‬ ‪할 필요는 없을 거 같아요‬and I don't need to know when you're coming and going from work.
‪나도 귀찮아서‬[chuckles] It annoys me, too.
‪(은석) 그럼 단독과‬ ‪합의부 재판 요일하고‬What about the days for setting trials,
‪판결문 제출 요일은…‬and submitting decisions--
‪[잔을 잘그락 내려놓으며]‬ ‪그것도 뭐, 기존대로‬Just keep doing what you have.
‪그밖에 더 정할 거 없죠?‬Is there anything left?
‪네, 지금은요‬Not for now.
‪추후 더 있으면‬We can talk about it… later if something comes up.
‪그때 다시 정하면 될 거 같습니다‬We can talk about it… later if something comes up.
‪그럼 오늘 회의 여기서 끝내죠, 뭐‬Well, then, this meeting is over.
‪(근희) 근데‬There is one thing I hate.
‪나는 그런 게 있다?‬There is one thing I hate.
‪배석이 멍청한 거는 참겠는데‬I'm able to tolerate dumb judges,
‪건방 떠는 거는 또 못 참거든요‬but not judges who are rude.
‪그렇잖아요‬Just know, I'm the head judge.
‪엄연히 내가 부장인데‬Just know, I'm the head judge.
‪어떤 선이 있는 거지‬Don't forget the line. You know?
‪안 그래요?‬Don't forget the line. You know?
‪특히‬Especially you. You should look out.
‪주의해야 할 거예요‬Especially you. You should look out.
‪내가 들은 게 좀 많아‬I've heard about you.
‪(은석) 차차‬Let's try to get along then.
‪서로 맞춰 가죠‬Let's try to get along then.
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬[door opens]
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬[closes]
‪제대로 찍힌 거 같지?‬Already on her bad side.
‪[태주의 한숨]‬ ‪(은석) 뭐‬-[sighs] -Well, nothing I can do.
‪그래도 할 수 없고‬-[sighs] -Well, nothing I can do.
‪- 판사님, 그래서 말인데요‬ ‪- (은석) 안 돼‬Judge Sim, I wonder-- -No way. -You don't know what I was going to say.
‪제가 무슨 말 할 줄 알고요‬-No way. -You don't know what I was going to say.
‪사건에 개입하려는 거잖아‬You want to interfere with the case.
‪미성년자 무면허 교통사고 사건‬The unlicensed minor car accident.
‪곽도석 사정 안타까운 건‬ ‪나도 알아‬Kwak Do-seok's condition is upsetting, I get it.
‪딱 거기까지야‬But stop, okay?
‪(은석) 나 두 번 말 안 해‬I hate repeating myself. Don't cross the line.
‪선 넘지 마‬I hate repeating myself. Don't cross the line.
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬[door opens]
‪곽도석 담당‬ ‪보호 관찰관 맞으십니까?‬Are you the probation officer for Do-seok?
‪(은석) 기록 검토 중에‬ ‪여쭤보고 싶은 게 있어서요‬I had some questions after reading his records.
‪곽도석 보호 관찰 기간 중‬He answered all of your calls with great diligence in the beginning.
‪초반에는 성실히‬ ‪보호 관찰을 받더니‬He answered all of your calls with great diligence in the beginning.
‪한두 달 뒤부터는‬ ‪교육 참석도 하지 않고‬But after a month or two, he started skipping the training sessions
‪연락조차 제대로 되지 않았던데‬and was even ignoring your calls.
‪그 이유가 뭡니까?‬What happened?
‪(보호 관찰관) 저희도‬ ‪그 건 때문에‬[probation officer] Well, we made some house visits
‪몇 번이나 가정 방문도 하고‬ ‪어머님도 뵀는데요‬[probation officer] Well, we made some house visits and met with his mom to try and find out.
‪뭐, 별다른 이유가 있나요‬ ‪애가 귀찮고 하기 싫어서죠‬What other reason could there be? He just got lazy and didn't want to.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪가정 환경을 보면 곽도석 보호자는‬ ‪어머님이 유일한데‬Kwak Do-seok's situation is that his mother is his only guardian, and she's busy just trying to support them.
‪먹고사는 일이 바빠‬ ‪보호력이 많이 떨어져요‬and she's busy just trying to support them.
‪그렇다고 저희도 곽도석에만‬ ‪매달릴 수도 없는 노릇이고요‬But that doesn't mean we have the resources or ability to dwell on him for long.
‪오랜 기간‬ ‪괴롭힘을 당했다는 주장이 있던데‬It was said, he was harassed for a long time. His mom said that, right?
‪(보호 관찰관) 어머님 주장이시죠?‬His mom said that, right?
‪곽도석 그 아이 보시면 아시겠지만‬Look, I'm sure you already know this,
‪태권도 유단자에‬ ‪키만 180이 넘어요‬but he's a Taekwondo blackbelt, and over six feet tall.
‪과거 보호 관찰 이유도‬ ‪폭행과 갈취였고‬His past records show he used violence to take people's money,
‪씁, 음, 그건 아닐 겁니다‬so I find it hard to believe her.
‪[팀장의 힘주는 신음]‬[store manager grunts]
‪벌써 몇 달 전 일이고‬ ‪형사분들께 이미 다 말씀드렸어요‬That was months ago, and I told the detectives everything.
‪예, 예, 압니다‬Yes, I'm aware.
‪그렇지만 그…‬Uh, but the kid who rented the car that day…
‪당시 운전했던 미성년자가‬Uh, but the kid who rented the car that day…
‪오랜 병원 생활을 하게 됐어요‬is comatose in the hospital.
‪(태주) 죄송하지만‬ ‪당시 담당했던 직원분 좀‬I'm sorry, but can I meet the employee who was in charge of that rental?
‪제가 만나 뵐 수 있을까요?‬I'm sorry, but can I meet the employee who was in charge of that rental?
‪(팀장) 아휴, 글쎄요‬[store manager] Jeez, I don't know.
‪그 직원 저번 달부터‬ ‪다른 지점으로 발령 나서요‬They assigned her to another branch last month, so…
‪(태주) 그러면‬ ‪연, 연락처라도 알 수 있을까요?‬Uh, well… then can I contact the branch that she was sent to? Can I reach her?
‪아니면 어느 지점으로‬ ‪발령 나셨나요?‬Uh, well… then can I contact the branch that she was sent to? Can I reach her?
‪(보호 관찰관) 이 일 하면서‬[probation officer] Working here, I've seen lots of kids turn themselves around and get better
‪변화하고 갱생하는 아이들‬ ‪많이 봤습니다‬I've seen lots of kids turn themselves around and get better
‪그렇지만 그렇지 않은‬ ‪아이들도 많아요‬but I've seen a lot of kids that don't.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬-[sighs] -[knock on door]
‪[문이 철컥 여닫힌다]‬[door opens, closes]
‪찾으셨습니까, 판사님?‬You needed me, Judge Sim?
‪(은석) 앞으로 이 사건에서‬Kwak Do-seok will not be prosecuted in the trial,
‪곽도석은 불처분 결정될 겁니다‬Kwak Do-seok will not be prosecuted in the trial,
‪그러니 다음 기일에 맞춰서‬ ‪동승한 소년들 전부 소환해 주세요‬so please summon the other children for the next trial.
‪그날은‬And also,
‪보호자와 보조인은‬ ‪밖에 대기시키고 소년들만 따로‬only the kids will be allowed in this time around.
‪아, 네, 알겠습니다‬Okay, I'm on it.
‪틈나는 대로 해당 소년들‬ ‪SNS에 들어가서‬when you have some time, can you please check
‪문제 될 만한 게 있는지‬ ‪살펴봐 주시고요‬their social media accounts as well.
‪(범) 네, 알겠습니다‬[Beom] Yes, ma'am.
‪좌배석 관리를‬ ‪대체 어떻게 하는 겁니까!‬Can't you control the junior judge?
‪(근희) [책상을 탁탁 치며]‬ ‪미성년자 무면허 운전 사고‬Who's in charge with that whole car accident case?
‪그 담당자가 누구예요?‬Who's in charge with that whole car accident case?
‪접니다‬I'm in charge.
‪근데 왜 좌배석이 담당도 아니면서‬ ‪렌터카 대리점이고 어디고‬If you're in charge, why did he go into the car rental store and harass their staff?
‪들쑤시고 다니는 겁니까?‬why did he go into the car rental store and harass their staff?
‪(근희) 지금 민원실이‬ ‪얼마나 난리 난 줄 알아요?‬[Geun-hee] The Civil Service Office is in chaos.
‪그 렌터카 대리점에서‬ ‪항의 전화 오고 난리라고‬The store called them and chewed them all out.
‪몇 달도 더 된 사건을‬[Geun-hee] Because it was months ago, and it resulted in a serious loss.
‪그 당시 손해액이‬ ‪얼마인 줄 아냐고‬[Geun-hee] Because it was months ago, and it resulted in a serious loss.
‪그것 때문에 내가 수석 부장한테‬ ‪전화까지 받고‬The principal supervisor called me, this is insane!
‪이게 말이 돼요?‬The principal supervisor called me, this is insane!
‪오라 그래요, 당장, 내 방으로‬Send him to me right now.
‪(은석) 저, 제 선에서‬Well, I… I just…
‪제대로 주의시키겠습니다‬I'll go warn him now.
‪교육을요‬You should teach him a lesson.
‪똑바로 시켜요‬You should teach him a lesson.
‪[괴로운 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪[성난 숨소리]‬[inhales deeply, exhales sharply]
‪(은석) 대체 무슨 생각이야?‬[Eun-seok] What were you thinking?
‪내가 분명히 말했지?‬ ‪거기까지라고‬I mean, I specifically told you
‪선 넘지 말라고‬not to cross the line!
‪정말‬Are you really
‪이대로 끝내실 겁니까?‬gonna let it end this way?
‪서 실무관한테 얘기 다 들었습니다‬Mr. Seo told me everything.
‪도석이 어머니 진정서 내셨다고‬Do-seok's mother filed a petition.
‪(태주) 억울하다고‬ ‪[한숨]‬-And she feels wronged. -[sighs]
‪그러니 저라도 찾아봐야죠‬That's why I investigated.
‪이게 차 판 사건이야?‬-Are you in charge here? -There was someone else there.
‪한 명 더 있었답니다‬-Are you in charge here? -There was someone else there.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[suspenseful music]
‪렌트할 당시에‬When Kwak Do-seok rented the car,
‪곽도석 말고‬When Kwak Do-seok rented the car,
‪또 다른 한 명 더 있었답니다‬he was with someone.
‪(미주) 아, 야, 거기 서!‬[Mi-ju] Hey stop!
‪- (팀장) 희정 씨‬ ‪- 네‬-[store manager] Hye-jeong! -Yes?
‪(직원) 안녕하세요‬Hi, there. Do you have a reservation?
‪예약하고 오셨습니까?‬Hi, there. Do you have a reservation?
‪아, 아니요‬Uh… no.
‪여기 앉으세요‬Have a seat here.
‪아, 예‬Oh, okay.
‪(태주) 경찰 조사 당시‬ ‪본인도 놀란 나머지‬When the police were questioning her,
‪같이 있었던 그 여자애에 대해선‬ ‪진술하지 못했다고‬she was in so much shock that she forgot about the girl.
‪뒤늦게 경찰서에 찾아가 봤는데‬She went to the police station later,
‪이미 그 사건은 검찰로‬ ‪넘어간 상태였답니다‬She went to the police station later, but the case had already gone to the Prosecutor.
‪멀리서 봐서 확실하진 않지만‬She was far, so she couldn't be sure.
‪지금 와서 생각해 보면‬But she said it looked like… it was one of the kids who was in the car with him.
‪같이 있었던 또래 여자아이 중의‬ ‪한 명인 것 같답니다‬But she said it looked like… it was one of the kids who was in the car with him.
‪(태주) 그 아이가 이번 사건의‬ ‪키가 될 수 있어요‬She could be the key to this case.
‪더 조사해 봐야 된다고요‬We need to investigate.
‪[태주의 거친 숨소리]‬[Tae-ju panting]
‪판사님!‬Judge Sim!
‪곽도석에게만 불개시‬ ‪불처분이랬지‬I said Kwak Do-seok won't be prosecuted,
‪사건‬not that I'd handle this trial carelessly.
‪이대로 대충 마무리 짓겠다‬ ‪안 했어‬not that I'd handle this trial carelessly.
‪보호자가 미리 진정서 제출했고‬His guardian filed a petition,
‪담당 법관인 내가 파악했으니‬and now I have new knowledge.
‪재판 진행 방향 역시‬So I need to find out exactly what happened,
‪어떻게 사건이 발생했고‬So I need to find out exactly what happened,
‪서로 어떤 책임이 있는가‬and who's accountable for what.
‪사건의 실체 진실 파악이 먼저야‬The truth is what matters most now.
‪(은석) 적정 절차에 따라‬[Eun-seok] And it's a judge's duty to find it by using the proper procedures.
‪사건의 실체적 진실을‬ ‪파악하는 것도 법관의 의무니까‬[Eun-seok] And it's a judge's duty to find it by using the proper procedures.
‪차 판이 이렇게 들쑤시지 않아도‬You really shouldn't sneak around.
‪나도 최선을 다하고 있다고‬I'm trying my hardest
‪담당 판사로서‬as the judge in charge.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[breathes shakily]
‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬ ‪예, 알겠습니다‬Okay, yes, ma'am.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬[phone vibrating]
‪[태주가 숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬[exhales sharply]
‪(범) 네, 판사님, 서 실무관입니다‬[Beom] Hi, Judge Sim. It's Seo Beom.
‪무슨 일입니까?‬What's happening?
‪(범) 말씀하셨던 대로‬ ‪아이들 SNS를 살펴봤는데요‬[Beom] I checked their social media accounts like you asked.
‪담당 보조인이 시켰는지‬Everything was deleted.
‪SNS 사진이랑 영상들이‬ ‪전부 삭제됐습니다‬Everything was deleted. Photos, videos, their entire accounts are deleted.
‪아예 탈퇴한 회원으로 나옵니다‬I think their attorney told them to do it.
‪그룹 공개 SNS도 모두 탈퇴했고요‬They dropped out of the online groups as well.
‪이제 어떻게 할까요?‬What should we do now?
‪(태주) 한 명 더 있었답니다‬ ‪렌트할 당시에‬[Tae-ju] There was one more person. When Kwak Do-seok was there to rent the car,
‪곽도석 말고‬When Kwak Do-seok was there to rent the car,
‪또 다른 한 명 더 있었답니다‬he was with someone.
‪그 아이가 이번 사건의‬ ‪키가 될 수가 있어요‬[Tae-ju] She could be the key to this case.
‪더 조사해 봐야 된다고요‬We need to look into it more.
‪[한숨]‬[exhales sharply]
‪(범) 곽도석이 차를 렌트할 당시에‬[Beom] All four kids have alibis at the time Kwak Do-seok rented the car.
‪소년들이 모두‬ ‪알리바이가 있었는데요‬[Beom] All four kids have alibis at the time Kwak Do-seok rented the car.
‪이남경, 강태훈은‬ ‪PC방에 있었던 게 확인되었고‬Nam-gyeong and Tae-hun were at an Internet cafe,
‪김이선, 백미주‬and I-seon and Mi-ju left early to go rest at home.
‪모두 그날은 집에 일찍 들어가서‬ ‪쉬었다고 합니다‬and I-seon and Mi-ju left early to go rest at home.
‪당시 집에 함께 있었던 사람은요?‬Was anyone with them at home?
‪두 사람 모두 혼자 있었다고‬ ‪증언했습니다‬Both said that they were home by themselves.
‪[미주의 불안한 숨소리]‬[Mi-ju sighs]
‪[울먹이는 숨소리]‬[breathing shakily] [sniffles]
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬[elevator dings]
‪[미주의 놀란 숨소리]‬[Mi-ju gasps]
‪[미주의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪(태주) 아이고‬[whimpers, groans] [Tae-ju] Oh, my… Oh, no. Are you okay? Are you…
‪아유, 괜찮아요?‬[Tae-ju] Oh, my… Oh, no. Are you okay? Are you…
‪아, 아니, 잠…‬Hey, just a minute…
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬[heart monitor beeping]
‪(중한) 저…‬-Hey… -Hey there. What's goin' on?
‪네, 경위님, 무슨 일이세요?‬-Hey… -Hey there. What's goin' on?
‪어떤 한 여학생이‬ ‪이걸 두고 갔더라고요‬So, this girl just dropped this off…
‪이게 뭐예요?‬Oh, what is it?
‪저도 정확히는 모르겠는데‬ ‪무슨 USB 같기도 하고‬I don't know either, but… I think it's a USB stick. YEONHWA DISTRICT COURT FILES FOR THE KWAK DO-SEOK CASE
‪(중한) 원랜 바로‬ ‪폐기하는 게 맞는데‬I'm supposed to throw stuff like this away, but I wanted to be sure.
‪혹시나 싶어서요‬I'm supposed to throw stuff like this away, but I wanted to be sure.
‪(은석) 이게…‬This was… given to you today?
‪오늘 전달됐다고요?‬This was… given to you today?
‪법원까지 와서 경위님한테‬ ‪맡기고 갔더라고요‬She gave it to the bailiff at the courthouse.
‪(범) CCTV 확인해 보니까‬[Beom] I checked the CCTV footage. I couldn't see her face,
‪얼굴은 잘 안 보이는데‬[Beom] I checked the CCTV footage. I couldn't see her face,
‪곽도석 또래의‬ ‪여자아이 같았습니다‬but she was Do-seok's age, roughly.
‪여기 글씨도 그렇고요‬She has a teenager's handwriting.
‪사실 법원 보안상‬For security reasons,
‪이런 물건은 판사님들한테‬ ‪전달 안 하고‬we're supposed to throw this stuff out, not give it to the judges.
‪바로 폐기해야 맞는 건데요‬we're supposed to throw this stuff out, not give it to the judges.
‪혹시나 해서 봤는데‬But I wanted to be sure, and I was really shocked.
‪저도 너무 놀라 가지고‬But I wanted to be sure, and I was really shocked.
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬[keyboard clacking]
‪(은석) 이거 소리는‬[Eun-seok] What about the sound?
‪소리는 안 나옵니까?‬-It doesn't play? -[Beom] No.
‪(범) 네‬-It doesn't play? -[Beom] No.
‪이게 핸드폰으로 녹화한 거 같은데‬It seems to have been recorded by a cell phone,
‪소리는 안 나오더라고요‬It seems to have been recorded by a cell phone, but there's no sound.
‪이 영상이 사실이라면‬If this really happened,
‪곽도석 보호자 주장은 증명이 됐네‬Do-seok's mother's claims are true.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[breathes deeply]
‪(범) 근데…‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬[Beom] But why is he letting them beat him up?
‪왜 맞고만 있었을까요?‬[Beom] But why is he letting them beat him up?
‪곽도석 그래도 선수 출신‬ ‪유단자 아니었나요?‬Wasn't he… an amazing martial arts athlete?
‪판, 판사, 판사님‬[Beom] Oh, uh, um… Judge Cha…
‪차 판‬Judge Cha.
‪(은석) 차 판‬Judge Cha.
‪[은석의 한숨]‬[Eun-seok sighs]
‪다른 사람 다 몰라도 전 압니다‬ ‪도석이가 얼마나 달라졌는지‬I don't know what everyone else thinks, but Do-seok has changed.
‪뭐, 남들 눈에는‬And it might look like
‪일방적 폭행으로 보이겠죠‬ ‪아닙니다‬he was defenseless, but it's not true.
‪참은 겁니다‬He let them do it.
‪(태주) 여기서 주먹을 휘두르면‬ ‪또다시 법정에 서게 될 테니까‬He knew he'd stand trial if he hit those kids,
‪저렇게 참은 거라고요‬so he let them win.
‪도석이한테는요‬He has no reason to forge an ID,
‪신분증 도용에‬He has no reason to forge an ID,
‪불법 렌트를 하면서까지‬ ‪무면허 운전을 할 이유가 없어요‬rent a car and go… driving without a license.
‪게다가 다른 사람도 아니고‬ ‪자기를 폭행했던 무리까지 태우고‬And the kids who beat him up were the passengers, so it…
‪이, 이건 진짜 말이 안 되잖아요‬And the kids who beat him up were the passengers, so it… it doesn't make any sense.
‪말이 안 되지‬No, it doesn't.
‪아이들 사이에 폭행이 있었든‬ ‪협박이 있었든‬even if the kids threatened him, or they…
‪그럼에도 불구하고‬assaulted him,
‪곽도석이 한 운전에‬assaulted him, the fact remains that…
‪한 가장이 중태에 빠졌단 사실은‬ ‪변함없고‬a man is in a critical condition because of the car
‪(은석) 곽도석이 직접‬ ‪불법 렌트 했단 사실 역시‬Do-seok drove and illegally rented himself.
‪달라지진 않아‬Do-seok drove and illegally rented himself.
‪아직 출처도‬ ‪정확히 모르는 영상이야‬And we don't know who sent that video.
‪이럴수록 우린‬Stay calm, okay?
‪더 냉정해져야 한다고‬Right now it's vital.
‪[통화 연결음]‬[phone line dialing] [ringing]
‪(은석) 심은석입니다‬This is Sim Eun-seok.
‪오늘 받은 영상 원본 갖고 가서‬Please take the original copy of the video
‪조작된 영상은 아닌지‬ ‪감정 부탁드리고‬and request to see whether it's fabricated.
‪복사본 하나 USB에 담아 주세요‬And please make a copy as well.
‪[통화 종료음]‬[phone beeps]
‪[키보드를 탁 누른다]‬[keyboard clacks]
‪뭐라는 거야, 대체‬What are they saying?
‪[키보드를 탁 누른다]‬ ‪[한숨]‬[breathes deeply]
‪[범의 당황한 탄성]‬[yelps] Oh no, whoa! I'm so sorry, Judge Sim. I was rushing…
‪(범) 죄송합니다, 판사님‬ ‪제가 급하게…‬I'm so sorry, Judge Sim. I was rushing…
‪아닙니다‬It's okay. Any news about the video?
‪곽도석 폭행 영상‬It's okay. Any news about the video?
‪(범) 아, 예, 그 영상‬ ‪감정 의뢰 연락이 왔는데요‬Oh, yes. The… video, I… heard from the analyst.
‪짜깁기 영상이나 조작된 영상은‬ ‪아니라고 합니다‬[Beom] He said it's neither edited nor fabricated.
‪- 수고했어요‬ ‪- (범) 네‬-Good work. -[Beom] Sure.
‪(영상 속 남경) 어?‬ ‪아유! 씨발 새끼야‬[Nam-gyeong] Huh? Come on! You motherfucker, hey!
‪야, 이 개새끼야‬[Nam-gyeong] Huh? Come on! You motherfucker, hey!
‪야, 이 씨발 새끼야! 씨‬ ‪[은석의 어이없는 숨소리]‬You asshole, son of bitch!
‪피해? 개새끼야? 어? 어?‬Hey did… did you just dodge, asshole? Did you?
‪(영상 속 도석) 지워 준다며, 사진‬[Do-seok] You said you'd delete the photos.
‪- (영상 속 남경) 어?‬ ‪- 사진 지워 준다며‬[Nam-gyeong] What? [Do-seok] You said you'd delete the photos.
‪(영상 속 남경) 지워 줄게‬[Do-seok] You said you'd delete the photos. [Nam-gyeong] Pshh… Yeah, I will.
‪- (영상 속 태훈) 야‬ ‪- (영상 속 남경) 씨발 놈아‬-[Tae-hun] Hey. -[Nam-gyeong] You son of a bitch.
‪(영상 속 남경)‬ ‪말 좆같이 하지 마, 너‬-[Tae-hun] Hey. -[Nam-gyeong] You son of a bitch. -Don't talk shit to me. -[Tae-hun] Hey. You motherfucker--
‪(영상 속 태훈) 야, 이 씨발‬-Don't talk shit to me. -[Tae-hun] Hey. You motherfucker--
‪- (영상 속 남경) 어?‬ ‪- 사진 지워 준다며‬[Nam-gyeong] What? [Do-seok] You said you'd delete the photos.
‪(영상 속 남경) 지워 줄게‬[Do-seok] You said you'd delete the photos. [Nam-gyeong] Pshh… Yeah, I will.
‪(영상 속 태훈) 씨발‬ ‪너 그년 좋아하냐?‬[Tae-hun] What the fuck, you got a crush on that bitch?
‪[수화기를 달그락 든다]‬
‪심은석입니다‬It's Sim Eun-seok.
‪오늘 오후 재판에‬Are all the kids… attending the trial today?
‪소년들 전원 참석합니까?‬Are all the kids… attending the trial today?
‪[키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬-[keyboard clacking] -[knocks on door]
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬-[keyboard clacking] -[knocks on door]
‪네, 들어오세요‬Come on in.
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪(근희) 무슨 일이죠?‬[Geun-hee] What is it?
‪죄송합니다, 부장님‬I'm sorry, Ms. Na.
‪저 때문에 며칠 전‬I heard that… the principal supervisor
‪수석 부장실까지 호출받으셨다고‬I heard that… the principal supervisor called you because of me.
‪앞으로는 주의하겠습니다‬I'll be more careful now.
‪자기 선에서 교육시키겠다더니‬I told her to teach you a lesson. I guess she did it right.
‪제대로 시켰나 보네‬I told her to teach you a lesson. I guess she did it right.
‪오케이, 나가 봐요‬Okay. You can go.
‪(근희) 잠깐만, 스톱‬[Geun-hee] Wait, stop.
‪분명 혼낸 건 둘인데 왜 혼자야?‬I scolded you both, where is she?
‪아, 그, 그게, 그…‬Uh, well, actually… Uh…
‪심, 심은석 판사는‬Um, well, Judge Sim is…
‪나 방금 받은 사과 취소‬Now, I can't accept it from just you.
‪사과를 하려면 제대로 하든가‬You should do it properly.
‪반쪽짜리 사과?‬I won't accept a… half-assed apology.
‪난 안 받고 싶네?‬I won't accept a… half-assed apology.
‪[키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬[keyboard clacking]
‪그, 그 부분은 저도‬ ‪안타깝게 생각합니다‬That part does make me feel bad.
‪안타깝게 생각하는구나‬It makes you feel bad?
‪저도 피해자니까요‬I'm also a victim.
‪피해자?‬Oh, you are?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[TV 전원음]‬[device chimes]
‪(영상 속 남경과 영상 속 도석)‬ ‪- 어?‬ ‪- 사진 지워 준다며‬[Nam-gyeong] What? [Do-seok] You said you'd delete the photos.
‪(영상 속 남경) 지워 줄게‬Pssh… I will.
‪- (영상 속 태훈) 야‬ ‪- (영상 속 남경) 씨발 놈아‬-[Tae-hun] Hey. -[Nam-gyeong] You son of bitch.
‪(영상 속 남경과 영상 속 태훈)‬ ‪- 말 좆같이 하지 마, 너‬ ‪- 야‬-[Tae-hun] Hey. -[Nam-gyeong] You son of bitch. -Don't talk to shit to me. -[Tae-hun] Hey.
‪(영상 속 태훈) 이 씨발 놈이‬You motherfucker.
‪(영상 속 남경) 뭐 하냐‬ ‪씨발 놈아, 뭐 하냐‬ ‪[영상 속 도석의 신음]‬You motherfucker. [Nam-gyeong] What are you doing, you motherfucker, huh?
‪이 개새끼야‬-[Do-seok groans] -[Nam-gyeong] You asshole.
‪아유, 씨, 아유, 아유!‬-Come on you stupid fucking piece of shit! -[Eun-seok] Stop.
‪(은석) 그만‬-Come on you stupid fucking piece of shit! -[Eun-seok] Stop.
‪가해자 아니라?‬You were saying?
‪곽도석 보호자 측이 제출한‬ ‪진정서에 의하면‬PETITION FILED BY KIM HYE-GYEONG [Eun-seok] According to the petition filed by Do-seok's mother,
‪'곽도석은 피해자다'‬"Do-seok is a victim.
‪'운전도, 불법 렌트도'‬He was forced to illegally rent
‪'강요에 의해 어쩔 수 없이 했다'‬and drive the car that night.
‪'오랜 기간‬ ‪폭행과 협박에 시달렸다'‬These kids have assaulted and threatened him for a long time."
‪이래도 피해자 확실하니?‬So, are you sure you're a victim?
‪[한숨]‬[breathes deeply]
‪(은석) 그거 기억나지?‬[Eun-seok] You remember that, right?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪굳이 기억 안 난다면‬If you don't, I can show you the CCTV footage that shows you bringing it to the courthouse.
‪법원 CCTV로 그걸 갖고 온 네 모습‬ ‪확인시켜 줄 수도 있어‬the CCTV footage that shows you bringing it to the courthouse.
‪갖다준 것도 죄예요?‬Was that a crime?
‪죄는 아니지‬No, it wasn't.
‪걱정이 돼서‬I'm concerned.
‪곽도석이 맞고 있는 그 영상에‬Because you have something to do with why they beat him up.
‪백미주 너도 연관돼 있으니까‬Because you have something to do with why they beat him up.
‪(은석) 그래서 영상 속의‬ ‪오디오도 제거하고‬Which is probably why you removed the sound and secretly…
‪영상도‬Which is probably why you removed the sound and secretly…
‪몰래 법원 직원에게 부탁했겠지‬brought it to the bailiff to give to us.
‪지금부터 네가 여기서 하는‬ ‪모든 발언은‬[Eun-seok] From now on, whatever you say here
‪법적으로 아무런 효력이 없어‬will hold absolutely no weight.
‪기록도 멈출 거고‬We'll stop recording.
‪친구들도 전혀 알 수 없어‬And your friends will have no idea.
‪그러니까‬So, you can…
‪편히 말해도 된다고‬tell me everything.
‪몰카‬A spy cam.
‪몰카를 당하면‬Do you know how it feels…
‪어떤 기분인지 아세요?‬to be filmed without consent?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[메신저 알림음]‬-[phone chiming] -[Mi-ju inhales deeply, exhales heavily]
‪[미주의 떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪[메신저 알림음이 연신 울린다]‬-[phone chiming] -[Mi-ju inhales deeply, exhales heavily] [friend 1] Oh, I know, it's really good!
‪[함께 대화한다]‬[friend 1] Oh, I know, it's really good! -We should order side dishes for sure. -Ah, I know, right?
‪[메신저 알림음]‬-We should order side dishes for sure. -Ah, I know, right?
‪(남경) 이거 어디에다 뿌려 줄까?‬[Tae-hun] Where do you… want us to send these?
‪(이선) 이걸 본‬ ‪우리 학교 애들 반응은?‬[I-seon] How will everyone at school react when they see these?
‪(태훈) 너희 엄마한테 보내 줄까?‬[Tae-hun] Should we send them to your mom?
‪(이선) 야, 대답 안 하냐?‬[I-seon] Hey, why won't you answer?
‪(태훈) 씹네? 걸레 년이‬[Tae-hun] This whore is ignoring us.
‪[태훈의 웃음]‬ ‪(미주 친구1) 미주야‬ ‪야, 너 뭐 해?‬[Tae-hun] This whore is ignoring us. -[laughs] -[friend 1] Mi-ju. What are you doing?
‪아, 빨리 가자‬Come on, let's go.
‪(미주 친구2) 나 배고파‬[friend 2] I'm starving!
‪(미주 친구1) 야, 백미주‬[friend 1] Hello… Mi-ju?
‪말 그대로‬I completely… well, I panicked.
‪멘붕 상태‬I completely… well, I panicked.
‪(미주) 딱 한 번 1박 2일‬ ‪바다 가자 해서 갔다가‬[Mi-ju] They invited me under overnight beach trip, so I went.
‪저도 모르는 사이에‬I was sleeping when they did it.
‪지워 달라고 해도‬They said they'd only delete them
‪말만 잘 들으면 지워 준다고‬if I did everything they said. [breathes shakily]
‪그럼 곽도석은?‬What about Do-seok?
‪나중에요‬Well, later…
‪저한테 그 얘기 듣고‬ ‪여기 끼게 됐고요‬When he heard what happened, he joined the group.
‪그 사진 때문에?‬To get the photos?
‪그거 지워 주려고?‬And delete them for you?
‪[울먹이며] 근데‬But…
‪하나, 둘 수위를 높여 가면서‬they started to bully him… [crying]
‪도석이를 너무 괴롭혀서‬…and it just got worse and worse.
‪허, 씨…‬And his…
‪[미주가 흐느낀다]‬[solemn music]
‪그럼 렌터카 대리점은?‬And the rental car store?
‪말리러 왔었니?‬You went to stop him?
‪(미주) 네‬Yes.
‪위조 신분증에‬A forged ID and unlicensed driving.
‪무면허 운전까지‬A forged ID and unlicensed driving.
‪그건 진짜 미친 짓이니까‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬It was a crazy thing to do.
‪(미주) 야, 곽도석!‬[Mi-ju] Hey, Do-seok! Wait…
‪너 이게 무슨 짓인지 몰라?‬Do you know what you're about to do? If you get caught, you're done!
‪걸리는 순간 너 끝이야‬Do you know what you're about to do? If you get caught, you're done!
‪이번이 마지막이라잖아‬-It's the last time, they said. -You believe that?
‪그 말을 믿어?‬-It's the last time, they said. -You believe that?
‪(도석) 너무 걱정하지 마, 응?‬[Do-seok] Listen, don't worry.
‪내가 무슨 수를 써서라도‬ ‪네 사진 꼭 지워 줄 테니까‬[Do-seok] Listen, don't worry. I'll make sure they delete your photos, okay?
‪갔다 올게, 가 있어‬I'll make sure they delete your photos, okay? I'll be back. Wait here.
‪(미주) 야, 야!‬[Mi-ju] Hey. Hey!
‪결국‬And… thanks to Do-seok,
‪지우긴 지웠어요‬And… thanks to Do-seok,
‪도석이 덕분에‬they deleted the pictures.
‪(미주) 그거 때문에 도석이는‬But now he's in a coma…
‪그렇게 됐지만‬…because of me.
‪(은석) 그래도 설득은 해 볼게‬[Eun-seok] I'll try to persuade her.
‪백미주 그 아이가‬ ‪증언을 해 준다면‬If Baek Mi-ju will testify,
‪실제 운전은 곽도석이 했어도‬ ‪참작은 가능하니까‬we can take it into consideration, even though the driver was Do-seok.
‪덜 억울하겠지‬It could help.
‪파, 판사님‬Ju… Judge Sim…
‪근데 기대는 하지 마‬But don't get your hopes up.
‪(은석) 소년에게 또래 집단 관계는‬ ‪목숨보다 중요해‬A teenager's peer group is more important than their life.
‪자백은‬She won't confess if she still cares what they think.
‪그 관계를 박살 낼‬ ‪각오로 해야 하고‬She won't confess if she still cares what they think.
‪쉽진 않을 거야‬It won't be easy.
‪(은석) 그렇지만‬ ‪끝까지 입을 다무는 게‬But would remaining silent…
‪과연 옳은 선택일까?‬really be the right thing?
‪백미주‬[Eun-seok] Baek Mi-ju.
‪이건 너의 선택인데‬It's your decision.
‪(영실) 판사님‬-[Yeong-sil] Judge Sim. -What's the matter?
‪[작은 목소리로] 무슨 일입니까?‬-[Yeong-sil] Judge Sim. -What's the matter?
‪[미주의 떨리는 숨소리]‬[breathing shakily]
‪[한숨]‬[exhales heavily]
‪대기실에 있는 소년들‬ ‪보호자들, 보조인‬Tell the children and their guardians and lawyer
‪전부 모이라고 하세요‬to come to the courtroom.
‪(은석) 지금부터‬I have to inform you that this protection case
‪위 소년 보호 사건은‬I have to inform you that this protection case
‪종결합니다‬is over.
‪(이선 부) 갑자기 종결이라니요?‬[Nam-gyeong's father] It's over? So suddenly?
‪(남경 부) 아니, 끝났다니?‬[Tae-hun's father] The case has been closed?
‪- (태훈 부) 아, 무섭게 왜 그러셔‬ ‪- (중한) 착석해 주십시오‬[Jung-han] Please be quiet. [Tae-hun's father] Isn't that a good thing?
‪(보조인) 아니, 이유가 뭡니까?‬[Tae-hun's father] Isn't that a good thing? [Nam-gyeong's attorney] Excuse me? What's the reason for that?
‪피해자 오규상 씨가 사망했습니다‬O Gyu-sang has passed away.
‪- (보조인) 사망이라니‬ ‪- (남경) 아씨, 말도 안 돼‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬He passed away? Oh, that's crazy.
‪(규상 처) [울며] 오빠‬ ‪나랑 예주는 어떻게 살아‬[Gyu-sang's wife] Gyu-sang! How are Ye-ji and I going to live?
‪(은석) 교통사고 피해자‬ ‪오규상 씨가 사망했으므로‬[Gyu-sang's wife] What am I supposed to do now? Because the car accident victim, Mr. O Gyu-sang, has died,
‪위 사건은‬tomorrow this case will return
‪내일 날이 밝는 대로‬tomorrow this case will return
‪검찰로 역송할 예정입니다‬to the Prosecutor's Office.
‪추후 검사가 기소하면‬If they choose to press charges,
‪해당 사건은 소년 형사 사건으로‬ ‪진행될 수도 있습니다‬a criminal case could be opened up against you as well.
‪(남경 부) 아, 형사 사건이요?‬A criminal case?
‪(중한) 착석하십시오‬[Jung-han] Please sit down.
‪(은석) 오늘 재판은‬ ‪여기서 마칩니다‬This trial is now over.
‪[남경 부의 한숨]‬[Nam-gyeong's attorney sighs]
‪(남경 부) 어떻게 되는 겁니까?‬ ‪[미주가 흐느낀다]‬[Nam-gyeong's father] So, what now?
‪[문이 탁 열린다]‬[Nam-gyeong's father] Do we need to explain it?
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪- (미주 부) 야, 괜찮아, 미주야‬ ‪- (남경 부) 알았어, 알았어‬-[door closes] -[Nam-gyeong's attorney] Hey, it's okay. -All right. All right. -Let's go outside and talk.
‪(남경 부) 일단 나가서 얘기…‬-All right. All right. -Let's go outside and talk.
‪(태주) 그게 무슨 말씀이세요?‬ ‪소년 형사 사건이라니요?‬YEONHWA DISTRICT COURT [Tae-ju] What do you mean? Now it's a juvenile criminal case?
‪오토바이 피해자‬ ‪오규상 씨가 사망했어‬The man who was hit has passed.
‪(은석) 피해자가 사망했으니‬Because he died,
‪당연히 사건은 검찰로 역송해야지‬the case returns to the Prosecutors' Office.
‪그럼 자백은요?‬What about their confession?
‪(태주) 보호 사건 때도‬ ‪자백할까 말까인데 이게 형사면‬[Tae-ju] They wouldn't confess when it was a protection case.
‪자백이 더‬ ‪힘들어지는 거 아닌가요?‬Won't it be harder to get now?
‪차태주‬Cha Tae-ju.
‪적당히 해, 이제‬Stop right there.
‪- (태주) 예?‬ ‪- 이 사건에 집착하는 거‬-Huh? -I think you're obsessed
‪그거 죄책감 때문이잖아‬because you feel guilty.
‪(은석) 차 판과의 약속대로‬ ‪소년은 변했는데‬[Eun-seok] Kwak Do-Seok changed like he promised you.
‪달라졌는데‬He became a different person.
‪결과가 이 모양이라서‬But this is where he ended up.
‪아무것도 해 준 것도‬You think you failed him.
‪이제 더 해 줄 수도 없어서‬ ‪억지 부리는 거잖아, 지금‬You're being insistent since you can't do anything to help him.
‪아이가 죽을힘을 다해서‬ ‪달라졌다면‬Do-seok tried everything to change and become…
‪변했다면‬a better person.
‪차 판도 그 격에 맞게 달라져야지‬So you, too, must change.
‪무조건 감싸고 억울하다‬ ‪편만 들어 줄 게 아니라‬[Eun-seok] You can't just cover up for him and take his side.
‪잘못한 건 잘못했다‬You should recognize what he did,
‪사건을 똑바로 봐야지‬and objectively proceed.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[breathes nervously]
‪본인들이 저지른 범죄로‬The actions of those kids,
‪한 친구는 평생‬ ‪침대 신세를 지게 됐어‬made Do-seok permanently bed-ridden,
‪아무 죄 없는 한 가장은‬ ‪목숨을 잃었고‬and cost an innocent man his life.
‪근데 아무도 책임을 지지 않아‬[Eun-seok] But no one wants to take responsibility.
‪모두가 가해자면서‬Everyone's a culprit here, but they won't admit it.
‪억울하다 호소만 해‬Everyone's a culprit here, but they won't admit it.
‪뭐 느끼는 거 없니?‬[Eun-seok] What does that tell you?
‪뭘 해야 될지‬Can't you see what must be done?
‪정말 몰라?‬Can't you see what must be done?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[breathing shakily]
‪[은석이 의자에 탁 앉는다]‬
‪[은석이 종이를 사락거린다]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪(근희) 그 피해자 사망으로‬ ‪검찰로 역송한 사건‬[Geun-hee] The case was sent back to the Prosecutors' Office due to the victim's death.
‪미성년자 무면허‬ ‪교통사고 사건인가?‬Was that the Unlicensed Minor Car Accident Case?
‪그거 심 판사 담당이었죠?‬Judge Sim was in charge of it, right?
‪검찰 조사를‬ ‪더 보강할 필요가 있습니다‬The prosecution needs to investigate more.
‪- 보강이라니요?‬ ‪- (은석) 운전자 곽도석 측과‬Why's that? Kwak Do-seok's guardian and the passengers made opposing statements.
‪나머지 동승자들 사이의‬ ‪주장이 엇갈립니다‬and the passengers made opposing statements.
‪(은석) 이번 사건은 동승자들 역시‬The passengers are suspected of abetting Do-seok
‪곽도석의 무면허와 사문서 위조‬ ‪위조 사문서 행사‬into unlicensed driving, forgery and fraudulent use
‪주민 등록법 위반 사실을‬ ‪알고 있으면서도‬of a private document, violating the Resident Registration Act.
‪방조한 혐의가 있고‬of a private document, violating the Resident Registration Act.
‪교통사고 처리 특례법‬ ‪위반 혐의까지‬The Act on Special Cases Concerning the Settlement of Traffic Accidents
‪적용할 수 있다는 것이‬ ‪이 사건의 핵심이며‬The Act on Special Cases Concerning the Settlement of Traffic Accidents can be applied.
‪사망한 오규상과‬We also need to see how to help compensate
‪식물인간이 된 곽도석 측에‬We also need to see how to help compensate
‪어떤 피해 회복이 이루어질지 역시‬Gyu-sang, who passed away, and Do-seok, who's now in a coma.
‪함께 따져 볼 문제입니다‬Gyu-sang, who passed away, and Do-seok, who's now in a coma.
‪차 판사 생각은 어때요?‬What do you think, Judge Cha?
‪저도 심은석 판사와‬ ‪같은 생각입니다‬I agree with everything Judge Sim said.
‪(태주) 이 사건으로‬ ‪한 사람은 사망했고‬Because of this accident, an innocent man died,
‪한 사람은 평생‬ ‪병원에 있어야 됩니다‬and another will spend his life in the hospital.
‪그러면 그 가족들도 알아야죠‬Their families have the…
‪내 가족이 왜, 어떻게‬ ‪누구에 의해서 이렇게 됐는지‬the right… to know why, how, and… for whom this happened.
‪법관은 진실을 밝힐 의무가‬ ‪있다고 생각합니다‬We judges are charged with uncovering the truth, I feel.
‪근데 법관이 진실을 밝히기에는‬ ‪미제가 너무 많죠‬Yes, but we have too many cold cases to worry about that.
‪(근희) 실체적 진실을‬ ‪밝히는 것도 중요한데‬Uncovering the truth is important, of course…
‪지연된 정의는 정의가 아니다‬[scoffs] But if it's delayed, that's not justice.
‪나는 소년 사건은‬ ‪속도전이라고 생각해요‬Juvenile cases are all about speed.
‪지금 우리 부서에만 밀려 있는‬ ‪미제가 몇 건인 줄 압니까?‬[Geun-hee] Do you know how many unsolved cases are in our department alone?
‪여러분들이 이런 식이니까‬Because you've been carrying on this way, our division has a heap of work.
‪우리 부서에만‬ ‪이렇게 쌓여 있는 겁니다‬Because you've been carrying on this way, our division has a heap of work.
‪앞으로는 별거 아닌 사건에‬ ‪힘 빼지 말고요‬Don't waste your strength on trivial cases.
‪미제 관리에 좀 각별히‬ ‪신경 좀 써 주세요‬Please pay special attention to the unsolved ones.
‪오늘 회의 끝‬Okay, that's it.
‪[근희의 한숨]‬[Geun-hee exhales]
‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬[door closes]
‪[자료를 툭 내려놓는다]‬[files thump]
‪어제 말씀 듣고‬ ‪생각 많이 했습니다‬I thought a lot about what you said yesterday.
‪판사님 말씀‬You were right…
‪모두 맞습니다‬about everything.
‪도석이를 보면‬I think Do-seok reminded me of myself as a teen, so…
‪제 어렸을 때 모습을‬ ‪보는 것 같았습니다‬I think Do-seok reminded me of myself as a teen, so…
‪그래서‬I think Do-seok reminded me of myself as a teen, so…
‪해 준 것도 없고‬it tortured me to know I didn't help him…
‪해 줄 수 있는 것도 없다는 게‬it tortured me to know I didn't help him…
‪견디기가 좀 힘들었습니다‬and now I really can't anymore.
‪(태주) 사건을 똑바로 보고‬Approaching the case with a cool head
‪올바른 결정을 내리는 게‬and doing what's right for the case
‪도석이를 위한 일이고‬is what Do-seok and also… Gyu-sang deserve.
‪피해자를 위한 일인데‬is what Do-seok and also… Gyu-sang deserve.
‪제가 너무 감정만‬ ‪앞서 있었던 거 같습니다‬I was too emotional I suppose.
‪죄송합니다, 판사님‬I'm sorry, Judge Sim.
‪(태주) 이제‬So what should we do now?
‪어떻게 할까요?‬So what should we do now?
‪[한숨]‬[exhales heavily]
‪산 넘어 산이다‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬It's never-ending.
‪(근희) 사건 번호‬[Geun-hee] Case number 2022 CC 4012.
‪2022고합 4012‬[Geun-hee] Case number 2022 CC 4012.
‪재판을 시작하겠습니다‬We'll begin the trial.
‪검찰 측에서 기소한‬The defendants have been charged with the following…
‪무면허 운전‬ ‪교통사고 처리 특례법 위반‬with the following… aiding and abetting unlicensed driving,
‪주민 등록법 위반, 사문서 위조‬forgery, and the fraudulent use of a private document,
‪위조 사문서 행사 등의‬ ‪방조 혐의를 인정하십니까?‬which violated the Resident Registration Act. Do they admit it?
‪(변호인) 아니요, 저희 피고인들은‬ ‪인정하지 않습니다‬No, my clients do not admit it.
‪그 근거가 뭐예요?‬What's the reason?
‪(변호인) 함께 차를 탔다는 건‬ ‪인정하나‬They admit that they rode in his car,
‪당시 곽도석이 면허를 취득했고‬ ‪차를 빌려 왔는 줄 알았지‬but they thought he rented the car legally with a valid driver's license,
‪검찰이 기소한 방조 사항에‬so there was no aiding… or abetting of any kind.
‪전혀 관여하지 않았기 때문입니다‬so there was no aiding… or abetting of any kind.
‪(검사) 피고인 이남경은‬Defendant Lee Nam-gyeong claims that Kwak Do-seok rented a car somewhere,
‪운전자 곽도석이‬ ‪어디선가 차를 빌려 왔고‬Defendant Lee Nam-gyeong claims that Kwak Do-seok rented a car somewhere,
‪이남경, 강태훈, 김이선‬ ‪백미주가 함께 모여 있을 때‬and when the rest of the defendants were together,
‪직접 차를 몰고 찾아와‬ ‪자랑삼아 태워 줬다고 주장합니다‬Kwak brought it over proudly to offer them a ride.
‪그러나 일반적으로 차에‬ ‪누군가를 태워 준다는 건‬The thing is, people generally only offer rides
‪친분이 있을 때‬to folks that they have a close relationship with.
‪혹은 그 이상의 친한 관계일 때나‬ ‪가능한 일이죠‬to folks that they have a close relationship with.
‪(영상 속 남경) 야, 이 씨발 놈아‬ ‪아유! 씨발‬[Nam-gyeong on video] Hey, you motherfucker! What the fuck!
‪어쩌자고, 개새끼야!‬[Nam-gyeong on video] Hey, you motherfucker! What the fuck! What are you trying to do, you stupid asshole?
‪씨발, 안 일어나? 일어나‬Get the fuck up, now! Get up, come on, you son of bitch!
‪[퍽퍽 맞는 소리가 계속된다]‬ ‪일어나, 씨발 놈아, 어? 어?‬Get the fuck up, now! Get up, come on, you son of bitch!
‪아유, 씨발 새끼야‬ ‪야, 이 개새끼야‬Come on, fucker, you're such a piece of shit.
‪야, 이 씨발 새끼야, 씨발‬-[Do-seok groans on video] -[Nam-gyeong] What an asshole! Fuck you.
‪(변호인) 예, 이 영상은‬ ‪피고인 측 역시 이미 확인했으나‬-[Do-seok groans on video] -[Nam-gyeong] What an asshole! Fuck you. Your Honor, the defendants have already seen this.
‪당시 말다툼이 있었고‬They were having a quarrel,
‪화를 못 참은 피고인이‬ ‪저지른 사건으로‬and the defendant unfortunately failed to control his anger.
‪피고인 역시‬ ‪깊이 반성하고 있습니다‬[Nam-gyeong's attorney] And now he deeply regrets it.
‪(검사) 그럼 이건 어떻습니까?‬[prosecutor] Then how about this?
‪보호자가 보호 재판 당시‬ ‪법원에 제출했던 진정서인데‬It's the petition Kwak's guardian submitted.
‪이 진정서에 보시면‬ ‪증거 사진이 첨부되어 있습니다‬There are photos enclosed as evidence.
‪(근희) 예, 검찰 측‬ ‪진정서의 사진들도‬Okay, Prosecution. Decide whether you'll submit them as a form of evidence.
‪증거로 제출할지 한번 검토하세요‬Okay, Prosecution. Decide whether you'll submit them as a form of evidence.
‪예, 위 사진 모두‬ ‪증거로 제출하겠습니다‬Yes, I'll submit them all as evidence, ma'am
‪증거로 채택하겠습니다‬Well, we'll accept them.
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬[camera shutter clicks] [sobbing]
‪[흐느낀다]‬[sobbing] [heart monitor beeping]
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬[heart monitor beeping]
‪(태주) 병원 의료진들 역시‬PHOTO EVIDENCE OF GANG ASSAULT ON KWAK DO-SEOK The medical staff also said
‪이 정도의 상처와 피멍들은‬the types of wounds and bruises he sustained can only happen
‪꽤 오랜 기간 동안‬ ‪폭행에 노출되었고‬the types of wounds and bruises he sustained can only happen
‪그 폭행 수위도 꽤 심했을 때‬ ‪생길 수 있는 것이라 진단했습니다‬if the assailant has been severely beaten over a period of time.
‪위 증거들로 미루어 봤을 때‬ ‪이들의 관계를‬Based on the evidence we've seen, it would seem
‪친한 친구보다‬ ‪권력관계로 보는 것이‬their relationship is one of power and not friendship.
‪더 타당해 보입니다‬their relationship is one of power and not friendship.
‪그러므로 특히‬Therefore, the idea that he offered them a ride as a favor
‪호의로 차를 태워 줬다는‬ ‪변호인의 주장은‬Therefore, the idea that he offered them a ride as a favor
‪더더욱 납득하기가 어려운데‬Therefore, the idea that he offered them a ride as a favor is not a convincing assertion.
‪변호인 생각 어떠십니까?‬What do you think, counselor?
‪(은석) 우리가 주목해야 할 건‬[Eun-seok] The thing we need to focus on is the kids' relationship.
‪아이들 사이의 관계야‬[Eun-seok] The thing we need to focus on is the kids' relationship.
‪변호사 측이 주장하는 건‬ ‪딱 하나지‬Their attorney claims one thing.
‪'아무것도 몰랐다, 관계없다'‬"He offered a ride so they went.
‪'그저 차를 태워 줘서‬ ‪탔을 뿐이다'‬They thought it was his car."
‪하지만 차를 태워 줄 만큼‬But there's no evidence that shows
‪이들이 어떤 관계였는지‬But there's no evidence that shows that Do-seok was close enough to offer them a ride.
‪그 근거들은 없어‬that Do-seok was close enough to offer them a ride.
‪우린‬We need to see if their claim is reasonable.
‪그들의 주장이 합당한 주장인지‬ ‪확인만 하면 돼‬We need to see if their claim is reasonable.
‪(변호인) 렌터카 대리점 내‬ ‪CCTV 어딜 봐도‬The CCTV footage from the car rental store
‪우리 피고인들은‬ ‪이 자리에 없었습니다‬The CCTV footage from the car rental store shows that the defendants weren't there.
‪위조 신분증 제시도‬ ‪자동차 콘택트도, 서명도‬It was Kwak Do-seok who showed his ID, rented a car,
‪모두 곽도석이 했죠‬and signed the contract.
‪(태주) 백미주 증인석에 올리시죠‬[Tae-ju] Call Baek Mi-ju to the witness stand.
‪안 되는 건 알지만 제가‬You said you can't,
‪만나서 어떻게든‬ ‪설득해 보겠습니다‬but I'll try to persuade her somehow.
‪- (은석) 안 돼‬ ‪- 판사님‬-No. -Judge Sim.
‪백미주의 속 얘기를 듣기 위해서‬ ‪마련한 자리였어‬That was to get her to tell the truth.
‪당시 녹취도 기록도 모두 중단했고‬We had stopped the recording at that point…
‪그때의 증언들은‬I told her whatever she told me would hold no weight in court.
‪법적으로 아무런 효력 없다‬I told her whatever she told me would hold no weight in court.
‪백미주에게도 고지했어‬I told her whatever she told me would hold no weight in court.
‪(은석) 사건의 진실도 중요하지만‬ ‪[한숨]‬[Eun-seok] Uncovering the truth is important. -[sighs] -But if it goes wrong,
‪자칫 잘못했다간‬-[sighs] -But if it goes wrong,
‪법원이 또 다른 피해자를‬ ‪만들 수도 있는 문제야‬the court could harm someone else as well.
‪(은석) 증인‬[Eun-seok] Witness.
‪본인 이름과 소속을 말씀해 주시죠‬Please state your name and affiliation.
‪(경찰) 강남경찰서 교통과 소속‬ ‪김태환 경사입니다‬I'm Sergeant Kim Tae-hwan, Transportation Division.
‪당시 피고인들이 탄 차량의‬ ‪음주 운전 단속을 맡았습니다‬I stopped the defendants at a drunk driving checkpoint.
‪당시 상황을 설명해 주시겠습니까?‬Can you tell us exactly what happened?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[도석이 입바람을 후 분다]‬ ‪[음주 측정음]‬-[Do-seok blows] -[device beeps]
‪죄송하지만, 선생님‬-Excuse me, young man. -Yeah?
‪- 예?‬ ‪- (경찰) 신분증 좀 주십시오‬-Excuse me, young man. -Yeah? [Tae-hwan] May I see your ID?
‪(도석) 예, 잠시만요‬Yes, just a minute.
‪[도석이 안전띠를 달칵 푼다]‬[seatbelt clanks]
‪뭐 잘못된 거라도…‬Is something wrong, or…
‪(경찰) 단속 당시 차 안에‬ ‪술 냄새도 없고‬The car didn't smell like alcohol and there was no alcohol detected.
‪수치도 정상인데‬The car didn't smell like alcohol and there was no alcohol detected.
‪이상하게 운전자가‬ ‪바짝 얼었더라고요‬[Tae-hwan] But the driver was unusually tense, and…
‪동승자들도 어려 보였고요‬the passengers looked like minors.
‪(은석) 그때 동승했던 아이들‬ ‪반응은 어땠습니까?‬IDENTIFICATION CARD KIM SE-JIN [Eun-seok] And how did… the other kids in the car react?
‪함께 긴장하던가요?‬[Eun-seok] And how did… the other kids in the car react? Were they tense, too?
‪(경찰) 예‬[Tae-hwan] Yes, all four of them were tense.
‪동승자 네 명 모두 긴장했고‬[Tae-hwan] Yes, all four of them were tense.
‪특히 여자아이들은 더 심했고요‬Especially the girls.
‪확실합니까?‬Are you sure?
‪네, 확실합니다‬Absolutely.
‪예, 한 시간 이상 정도 휴정하고‬ ‪다시 시작하겠습니다‬All right, the court will adjourn for an hour… we'll take a recess.
‪(근희) 더 이상의 재판이‬ ‪의미가 있나요?‬[Geun-hee] What's the use of proceeding with this trial?
‪양측 모두 다‬ ‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬At this point, neither side has presented clear evidence.
‪뚜렷한 증거가 있는 것도 아니고‬At this point, neither side has presented clear evidence.
‪모두 다 간접 증거들뿐인데‬It's all circumstantial.
‪이제 그만 정리하고 결론부터 내죠‬Let's wrap it up and draw a conclusion.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪부장님‬Miss Na… it's too early to conclude this--
‪그렇지만 이대로 결론을 내기에는‬Miss Na… it's too early to conclude this--
‪어떤 관점에서 보느냐에 따라서‬ ‪달라질 뿐입니다‬I guess it all depends on how you look at it, really.
‪(태주) 재판 이대로 끝내선‬ ‪안 됩니다‬We can't end the trial this way.
‪판사님 말씀처럼‬You even said, an innocent person was killed.
‪이 사건으로 무고한 사람이‬ ‪사망을 했어요‬You even said, an innocent person was killed.
‪그렇다면‬And someone… should be held accountable.
‪누군가는 책임을 져야죠‬And someone… should be held accountable.
‪(근희) 선고하겠습니다‬[Geun-hee] The court has made its ruling.
‪피고인들의 이 사건 범행으로‬As a result of the crimes that have been committed,
‪죄 없는 무고한‬ ‪한 가장이 사망하고‬an innocent man has lost his life,
‪운전자 친구가‬and the driver is now in a vegetative state.
‪식물인간 선고를 받는 등‬and the driver is now in a vegetative state.
‪두 명의 희생자를 낳은‬There have been two casualties, which is a dreadful consequence.
‪끔찍한 결과를 초래했다‬There have been two casualties, which is a dreadful consequence.
‪그럼에도 피고인들은‬However, the defendants still deny the charges
‪이 법정에 이르러서도‬However, the defendants still deny the charges
‪범행을 부인하고‬and what's worse, they don't seem to have regrets about anything they have done.
‪여전히 잘못을 뉘우치지 않고 있다‬and what's worse, they don't seem to have regrets about anything they have done.
‪(은석) 초범이고‬They're first-time offenders
‪사망에 재해 책임이 있으며‬ ‪미합의 사건입니다‬accountable for a man's death. -With no settlement made. -[breathes softly]
‪교통사고 처리 특례법 위반 형이‬ ‪5년 이하 금고이니‬The penalty for violating the Traffic Accident Act is up to five years' imprisonment,
‪단기 1년‬so I think
‪장기 2년 6개월이‬ ‪적당하다고 봅니다‬one to two-and-a-half years is appropriate.
‪아, 근데 누구 마음대로‬ ‪교특법까지 적용합니까?‬Who told you that you could apply that act?
‪(근희) 무면허, 사문서 위조‬ ‪위조 사문서 행사‬We can turn it back into a protection case,
‪주민 등록법 위반 방조만 인정해서‬and convict them of abetting unlicensed driving,
‪소년 보호 사건으로 해도‬ ‪충분할 사건을‬forgery, and fraudulent use of a private document.
‪피해자가 사망했다고‬ ‪검찰로 보내 갖고‬You annoyed me sending it to the prosecution
‪사건 이렇게 키워 놓고‬ ‪이제 와서 또 뭐라고요?‬You annoyed me sending it to the prosecution just because he died, and now?
‪교특법을 적용한다고요?‬You'll apply the Traffic Act?
‪하, 참 나‬[scoffs] Oh, boy. You think our job is to put people in prison?
‪아니, 전과자 만드는 게‬ ‪우리 일인 줄 압니까?‬You think our job is to put people in prison?
‪[어두운 음악]‬[somber music]
‪(근희) 그러나‬[Geun-hee] But…
‪교통사고 처리 특례법 위반의 경우‬regarding the Act on Settlement of Traffic Accidents,
‪사고와 피고인들의 행위 사이에‬there's no link between the traffic accident
‪인과 관계가 인정되지 않아‬and evidence against the defendants,
‪무죄를 선고하고‬so we find them innocent.
‪무면허, 사문서 위조‬[Geun-hee] They're guilty of aiding and abetting
‪위조 사문서 행사‬unlicensed driving, forgery, and the fraudulent use of a private document,
‪주민 등록법 위반에 대해서는‬unlicensed driving, forgery, and the fraudulent use of a private document,
‪방조가 인정되나‬unlicensed driving, forgery, and the fraudulent use of a private document, violating the Resident Registration Act.
‪피고인들의 나이, 과거 전력‬But considering their ages, past records,
‪이 사건에 이르게 된‬ ‪경위에 비추어‬and the actual cause of the accident,
‪소년 보호 사건으로 함이‬ ‪적합하다고 판단‬we judge it right to turn it into a juvenile protection case,
‪소년부 송치 결정을 한다‬so it will be forwarded to the juvenile court.
‪[함께 기뻐한다]‬so it will be forwarded to the juvenile court. [teens sigh]
‪(중한) 착석해 주시죠‬-[I-seon] I'm so stoked! -[Jung-han] Please be quiet.
‪[황당한 숨소리]‬ ‪(태주) 소년부 송치라니요?‬-[I-seon] I can't believe it! -[Nam-gyeong] Wow, thank you. -[I-seon] Thank God, we're saved! -[Tae-ju] It'll go to the juvenile court?
‪아니, 어떻게 사건을‬-[I-seon] Thank God, we're saved! -[Tae-ju] It'll go to the juvenile court? How can you turn this into a juvenile protection case?
‪보호 사건으로 보낼 수가 있습니까‬How can you turn this into a juvenile protection case?
‪증거가 부족하다면‬ ‪기일을 다시 잡아서‬If the evidence is insufficient,
‪추가로 증거를 요청하는‬ ‪방법도 있습니다‬we can schedule another trial.
‪기일을 다시 잡으면요?‬And what if we do?
‪없는 증거라도 나온답니까?‬There may be no more evidence.
‪(근희) 특히나‬ ‪교통사고 처리 특례법 위반이‬And only when the passengers are co-perpetrators,
‪동승자한테 적용되려면‬And only when the passengers are co-perpetrators, can we accuse them of violating that specific Traffic Accidents Act.
‪동승자 역시‬ ‪공동 정범이란 소리인데‬can we accuse them of violating that specific Traffic Accidents Act.
‪[헛웃음 치며]‬ ‪이제 와서 무슨 수로‬ ‪그걸 증명할 수 있답니까?‬can we accuse them of violating that specific Traffic Accidents Act. [scoffs] How can we prove that at this point?
‪동승자 교특법 위반이‬[Geun-hee] Those cases are rare in the first place.
‪이런 사례가 애초에 드물다는 거‬[Geun-hee] Those cases are rare in the first place. And you both know that. So why are you doing this?
‪익히 알고 있는 사람들이‬ ‪왜들 그래요?‬And you both know that. So why are you doing this?
‪아무리 그렇다 하더라도‬ ‪보호 사건은 아닙니다‬Yeah, but it still shouldn't be… a protection trial.
‪(태주) 이 사건으로 피해자가‬ ‪두 명이나 생겼습니다‬ ‪[한숨]‬[Tae-ju] Two people have been victimized by this case.
‪그렇다면 누군가는‬ ‪책임을 져야 합니다‬Somebody must be held accountable.
‪그건 우리 책임이 아니지‬Well, it won't be us.
‪(근희) 그냥 보호 처분으로‬ ‪끝내 버립시다‬[Geun-hee] Let's just put them on probation.
‪다시 기일 잡아서‬ ‪애들 전과자 만드는 것보다‬It'll be better for the children
‪보호 처분이 저 아이들에게‬ ‪더 나을 겁니다‬than another trial and serving time in prison.
‪정말 소년들을 위한 게‬ ‪맞긴 합니까?‬Are you really doing it for the children?
‪소년 사건은‬Or are you…
‪속도전이라서가 아니라?‬worried about the trial's speed?
‪[아이들의 웃음]‬[I-seon laughing] -[Nam-gyeong] This is great, thank you. -[Geun-hee] The trial is now--
‪(근희) 이상 재판을 마치겠…‬-[Nam-gyeong] This is great, thank you. -[Geun-hee] The trial is now--
‪(규상 처) 아, 저, 저기요‬-[Nam-gyeong] This is great, thank you. -[Geun-hee] The trial is now-- [Gyu-sang's wife] Excuse me. Hello? Can I say something?
‪저, 하, 한 말씀만 드려도 될까요?‬[Gyu-sang's wife] Excuse me. Hello? Can I say something?
‪누구시죠?‬Who are you?
‪[울먹이며] 피해자‬ ‪오규상 씨 아내입니다‬…Gyu-sang's wife, Your Honor.
‪(근희) 피해자요?‬The victim?
‪안 됩니다‬No, you cannot.
‪이상 재판을 마치겠습니다‬[Geun-hee] The trial is over now.
‪아니요, 아니요, 아니요‬ ‪아니, 이렇게 끝내면 안 되죠‬No, wait, you can't just finish it like this! [Gyu-sang's wife] Who killed my husband, then? Come on! Huh?
‪(규상 처) 그러면 제 남편은‬ ‪누가 죽인 겁니까? 네?‬[Gyu-sang's wife] Who killed my husband, then? Come on! Huh?
‪아니, 아, 왜 제 남편 얘기는‬ ‪하나도 없고, 아니‬I mean… you didn't talk about my husband at all!
‪아, 그러면, 제 남편은‬ ‪억울하게 죽었는데‬He was killed wrongfully, who's going to be held accountable for that?
‪그러면 그건 누가 책임집니까, 네?‬He was killed wrongfully, who's going to be held accountable for that? -[Gyu-sang's wife sobbing] -[Jung-han] Please stop.
‪- (중한) 그만하시죠‬ ‪- (규상 처) 아니, 그게 아니라‬-[Gyu-sang's wife sobbing] -[Jung-han] Please stop. [Gyu-sang's wife] No, seriously! You can't honestly
‪(규상 처와 근희)‬ ‪- 아니, 그렇게 하시면 안 되죠‬ ‪- 여기 계속 있을 겁니까?‬[Gyu-sang's wife] No, seriously! You can't honestly -just leave it like this! -Are you going to stay here?
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪(규상 처) 아니‬ ‪아, 이렇게 끝내면‬-just leave it like this! -Are you going to stay here? [Gyu-sang's wife] If you let it end this way… Ugh!
‪이러면 우리 남편‬ ‪억울해서 어떡해요‬[Gyu-sang's wife] If you let it end this way… Ugh! Finishing it like this is not fair for my husband!
‪아, 재판장님!‬ ‪[문소리가 탁 난다]‬Your Honor, please!
‪억울해서 어떡해‬Ah! How can you do this to us?
‪[함께 흐느낀다]‬[sobbing]
‪(규상 처) 아, 이게 뭐야‬[Gyu-sang's wife] How is this happening?
‪아, 고맙습니다‬Oh, my gosh, thanks.
‪아, 괜찮아요‬It's okay, thank you.
‪제, 제 목소리 기억하시나요?‬It's okay, thank you. I don't want to bother you. Do you recognize my voice?
‪(도석 모) 전에 몇 번‬ ‪전화드렸었는데‬I tried calling you a few times,
‪전부 중간에 끊으셔 가지고…‬but you hung up on me.
‪저 아이들은‬Do you think
‪이번 처분이 어떤 의미인지‬ ‪알긴 알까요?‬the kids understand this ruling?
‪(태주) 그 순간 숨이 콱 막히는 게‬[Tae-ju] I felt suffocated at that moment…
‪뭔가 잘못됐구나‬and thought something was wrong.
‪하…‬[exhales sharply]
‪저들이 저렇게 환호하면‬ ‪안 되는 거잖아요‬They were cheering, that's not okay.
‪선고가‬Do you think…
‪잘못됐다고 생각해?‬it was the wrong decision?
‪(태주) 아닌가요?‬[Tae-ju] Wasn't it?
‪[태주의 한숨]‬[breathes deeply]
‪[수미가 키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]‬
‪잠시만요, 판사님‬ ‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]‬Judge Cha, you have…
‪택배 있어요‬a package here.
‪[옅은 신음]‬[groans softly]
‪(변호인) 저, 그럼‬Goodbye.
‪[남경 부의 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪너희들‬All of you.
‪이번엔 그냥 이렇게 넘어가지만‬ ‪다음엔 얄짤없어‬You got away with it this time, but next time you won't be so lucky.
‪(이선 부) 다들 반성 좀 하고‬Think about what you did. All right?
‪어?‬Think about what you did. All right?
‪(은석) 보통‬[Eun-seok] Usually, when a car accident happens…
‪사고가 나면 말이죠‬[Eun-seok] Usually, when a car accident happens…
‪운전자는 무의식적으로‬…the driver will subconsciously,
‪핸들을 운전자‬ ‪반대 방향으로 돌립니다‬in most cases, turn the wheel to the left
‪그래야 운전자 본인이‬ ‪덜 다칠 테니까‬so he or she will get hurt less.
‪그런데 이번 사고의‬ ‪가장 특이점은‬But the difference with this accident was the steering wheel.
‪핸들 방향이더군요‬But the difference with this accident was the steering wheel.
‪일반적인 경우와는 반대로‬Unlike the usual cases,
‪운전자 쪽으로 돌렸던 핸들로‬Do-seok turned the wheel to the right
‪그 모든 충격을‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬and as a result,
‪곽도석이 먼저 받았기 때문에‬was the most heavily impacted.
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬-[tires screeching] -[crashing]
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬-[tires screeching] -[crashing]
‪[미주의 겁먹은 신음]‬[gasping, whimpering]
‪[도석의 힘주는 신음]‬-[grunts] -[tires screeching]
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬[tires screech]
‪[쿵 떨어지는 소리가 들린다]‬[thuds]
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬[sirens wailing]
‪[미주의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬[somber music]
‪[남경의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[도석 모가 흐느낀다]‬[Do-seok's mother sobbing]
‪밟아! 밟으라고, 병신아!‬Faster! Go faster you dickhead!
‪(이선) 존나 잘 밟아‬[I-seon] What a pussy! -[Nam-gyeong groans] -Yeah, yeah! Go faster, yeah!
‪더 밟아, 새끼야!‬-[Nam-gyeong groans] -Yeah, yeah! Go faster, yeah!
‪야, 곽도석‬ ‪만약에 우리가 잡히잖아?‬-[Nam-gyeong] Fuck! Oh, shit! -Hey, Do-seok. If we get caught, we'll kill you first, fucker!
‪(태훈) 그럼 너부터 죽여 버린다‬ ‪씨발 놈아!‬ ‪[이선의 환호]‬If we get caught, we'll kill you first, fucker! -[Nam-gyeong] Oh, shit! -[Tae-hun] You stupid motherfucker.
‪[아이들의 웃음]‬-[Nam-gyeong] Oh, shit! -[Tae-hun] You stupid motherfucker. [Nam-gyeong groans]
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬[Nam-gyeong groans] -[Tae-hun laughs] -[sirens wailing]
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬[tires screeching]
‪[도석 모가 계속 흐느낀다]‬[Do-seok's mother crying]
‪(은석) 그렇지만 우리는‬But you laugh and cheer
‪웃고‬But you laugh and cheer
‪환호하고‬But you laugh and cheer
‪법정에 섭니다‬while you're at court.
‪그래도 산 사람이니까‬I won't tell you that
‪잊지 말라는 말‬you can never forget it as long as you live.
‪않겠습니다‬you can never forget it as long as you live.
‪적어도 알고는 있어야죠‬But you should at least know that,
‪재판 결과를 떠나‬regardless of the verdict,
‪지금 이 순간‬how many people you hurt…
‪나는‬how many people you hurt…
‪몇 명의 희생을 밟고‬to be standing up here
‪여기 서 있는가‬in this court today.
‪[미주가 흐느낀다]‬[Mi-ju sobbing]
‪[미주가 연신 흐느낀다]‬[Mi-ju sobbing]
‪[한숨]‬[inhales deeply, exhales heavily]
‪(도석 모) 잘못했습니다‬I'm so sorry.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪이 말씀 드리려고 여기 왔어요‬I wanted to tell you to your face.
‪(규상 처) 아니요‬ ‪됐어요, 필요 없어요‬No, I don't need it. Wait, after what happened to my son,
‪저기, 아들 그렇게 되고 나니까‬Wait, after what happened to my son,
‪(도석 모) 그제야‬ ‪정신이 들더라고요‬I finally truly realized
‪우리 애가 무슨 짓을 저질렀는지‬exactly what he had done.
‪어쩌다가, 왜‬And I think that…
‪누군가한테는 흥미로운 기사 한 줄‬ ‪[흐느낀다]‬For some people, it's just an interesting story,
‪피고인, 피해자로 불릴지 몰라도‬and they're just a defendant and a victim.
‪우리한텐‬But for us, they were a husband and a son.
‪남편이고 아들이니까‬But for us, they were a husband and a son.
‪용서해 달란 말 아닙니다‬[Do-seok's mother] I'm not asking for your forgiveness.
‪그저…‬I just want to say I'll never
‪제 아들 잘못‬I just want to say I'll never
‪평생 잊지 않고 살게요‬forget what Do-seok did.
‪사죄하는 마음으로‬ ‪반성하며 살게요‬[Do-seok's mother] I'll be sorry about it for the rest of my life.
‪잘못했습니다‬[sobbing] I'm sorry.
‪잘못했습니다‬I'm so sorry.
‪(도석 모와 규상 처)‬ ‪- 잘못했습니다‬ ‪- 아니요, 사과하지 마시라고요‬-I'm sorry. -[Gyu-sang's wife] No, stop apologizing!
‪이제 와서 그런 게 다‬ ‪무슨 소용인데요‬What's the point of doing it now?
‪폭행 좀 당한 게 뭐‬Your kid got beat up? So what! Come on!
‪구타 좀 당한 게 뭐!‬Your kid got beat up? So what! Come on!
‪그래도 당신은 가서 당신 아들‬ ‪얼굴이라도 볼 수 있잖아‬You can still see your son's face! And I'll never see my husband again!
‪나는 이제 다시는 못 본다고‬And I'll never see my husband again!
‪[가슴을 탁탁 치며]‬ ‪벌써 죽었다고!‬-Because he's dead now! -[both sobbing]
‪(규상 처) 내 남편 살려 내, 어?‬Make him come back to life!
‪내 불쌍한 남편 살려 내, 살려 내!‬Bring my husband back to life! Make him come back to life!
‪살려 내, 우리가 뭘 잘못했는데‬Make him come back to life! My poor husband! Make him come back to life!
‪[규상 처가 오열한다]‬[Gyu-sang's wife sobbing hysterically]
‪우리 애들 불쌍해서‬ ‪어떡해요, 어떡해‬Oh, my poor babies! They don't deserve this! What am I going to do now?
‪어떡해요, 어떻게 살아‬[both sobbing] What am I supposed to do? How are we supposed to live?
‪[한숨]‬[exhales heavily]
‪(도석) 이게 뭐예요?‬[Do-seok] What's this?
‪응, 판사님이‬ ‪제일 좋아하는 책이야‬This book is my favorite.
‪거기 군데군데 밑줄 쳐 놨으니까‬I underlined some of the quotes I like,
‪거기라도 한번 봐 봐‬so at least read those.
‪(도석) 감사합니다‬MY TEACHER'S DIARY BY KANG TAE-SOO This is awesome! [chuckles]
‪(도석 모) 도석이 엄마입니다‬[Do-seok's mother] This is Do-seok's mom.
‪도석이가 판사님께 돌려드리려고‬Do-seok wrapped this himself to return it to you.
‪직접 포장해 놨었는데‬Do-seok wrapped this himself to return it to you.
‪이제야 돌려드립니다‬Now I'm returning it.
‪그동안 감사했습니다‬Thank you for everything.
‪(태주) '폴 선생은 말했다'‬[Tae-ju] "Paul said,
‪'내게 와라'‬'Come to me.
‪'나는 아직 너에게 가르쳐 줄 것이‬ ‪너무도 많다'‬I still have many things to teach you.'
‪(태주) '인생에서 중요한 것은‬ ‪마침표보다 쉼표다'‬What's important in life is a comma, not a period.
‪'그러니 초조할 필요가 없다'‬So you don't need to be anxious.
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬
‪(태주) '누구나 실수는 한다'‬Anyone can make a mistake."
‪'그렇다고 그 실수가'‬"Mistakes
‪'곧 실패는 아니다'‬do not mean failure.
‪(태주) '언제든‬ ‪다시 시작하면 된다'‬You can start over again at any time."
‪[울먹이는 숨소리]‬[sobs]
‪(은석) 선고가 잘못됐다고 생각해?‬[Eun-seok] Do you think it was the wrong decision?
‪(태주) 아닌가요?‬Wasn't it?
‪법이 원래 그래‬That's the way the law is.
‪피해자라고‬The law doesn't protect every single victim.
‪법이 모두를‬ ‪보호해 주는 건 아니니까‬The law doesn't protect every single victim.
‪법은‬The law is decided through evidence.
‪증거에 의해 판단하니까‬The law is decided through evidence.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(이환) 원래 법이 그래‬[I-hwan] That's just how the law is.
‪알잖아‬You know that.
‪[뚜껑을 달그락 닫는다]‬[somber music]
‪(은석) 그렇지‬[Eun-seok] That's right.
‪법이 원래‬That's the way
‪그래‬the law is.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬[birds chirping]
‪(범) 오늘 기록이 좀 많습니다‬You have lots of records to read today.
‪이 사건은 좀 빨리 보셔야 합니다‬You should read this one right away.
‪집단 성폭행 사건인데‬It's a gang rape case.
‪일부는 형사 사건으로‬[Beom] Some parts have been divided into criminal cases, and protection cases.
‪일부는 보호 사건으로‬ ‪나눠졌습니다‬[Beom] Some parts have been divided into criminal cases, and protection cases.
‪그래요? 무슨 사건이길래‬Really? What happened?
‪[은석의 떨리는 숨소리]‬YEONHWA POLICE STATION PROTECTION CASE HWANG IN-JUN, AGE 16 [breathing shakily]
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪판사님, 괜찮으세요?‬Judge Sim, are you okay?
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[hyperventilating]
‪- (태주) 판사님!‬ ‪- (범) 판사님‬[Tae-ju] Oh, Judge Sim!
‪(태주) 119, 119‬ ‪빨리 불러 주세요, 119‬Please call 911. Hurry!
‪- (수미) 119‬ ‪- (태주) 판사님‬[Su-mi gasps] 911. -[Tae-ju] Judge Sim! -[Beom] Judge Sim!
‪(태주) 판사님!‬-[Tae-ju] Judge Sim! -[Beom] Judge Sim! [Tae-ju] Judge Sim!

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