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  퀸메이커 8

Queenmaker 8


(남자) 개소리 까지 마‬ ‪이 개새끼야!‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬Cut the bullshit, you son of a bitch!
‪내 집? 부자?‬Cut the bullshit, you son of a bitch! My own home? Get rich?
‪난 이 재개발 아파트‬ ‪하나 얻을라고‬My own home? Get rich? I spent everything to buy an apartment in the area because of the reconstruction!
‪전 재산을 갖다 박았어!‬ ‪[시끌벅적하다]‬I spent everything to buy an apartment in the area because of the reconstruction!
‪공사를 멈출라고‬ ‪무슨 더러운 짓을 했길래!‬I spent everything to buy an apartment in the area because of the reconstruction! What did you have to do to stop the construction?
‪놔!‬What did you have to do to stop the construction?
‪[남자의 절규]‬
‪놔, 이 개새끼야!‬Let me go, you sons of bitches!
‪놔, 이거!‬Let me go, you sons of bitches! I said let me go!
‪(앵커) 백재민 한국공화당‬ ‪서울시장 예비 후보가‬Korea Republican Party's mayoral candidate for Seoul,
‪순정지구‬ ‪재개발 조합 사무실 인근에서‬Baek Jae-min, was assaulted today near the Soonjung District Redevelopment Office.
‪기습 테러를 당했습니다‬near the Soonjung District Redevelopment Office.
‪백 후보는 현재‬ ‪인근 병원 응급실로 이송돼‬Due to his injuries, candidate Baek has been taken to a nearby emergency room,
‪치료를 받는 중인데요‬Due to his injuries, candidate Baek has been taken to a nearby emergency room, where he is currently being treated.
‪(재민) 아, 저기…‬where he is currently being treated. Hey.
‪사무실 가면…‬Are you going to the office later?
‪(재민) [반갑게] 어, 왔어?‬Hey. You're here.
‪괜찮아?‬-Are you okay? -You must have been scared.
‪많이 놀랬지?‬-Are you okay? -You must have been scared.
‪[채령 한숨]‬
‪걱정하지 마, 당신 얼굴‬ ‪알아볼 정도는 되니까‬Don't you worry. I'm lucid enough to recognize your face.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 어디 봐‬Let me look.
‪후보님, 이제 누우셔야 됩니다‬Sir, you should lie back down now.
‪(지연) 안정을 취하셔야 돼요‬You need to get some rest.
‪[재민 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(재민) [한숨]‬ ‪그 내가 얘기했던 거‬ ‪김범석 기자한테 주고‬Deliver the materials I told you about to Kim Beom-seok, the reporter,
‪팀장한테 피드백 받으면 돼‬and get feedback from the team leader.
‪- (재민) 알았지?‬ ‪- (지연) 네, 네‬-Okay? -Yes, sir.
‪(기자) 네, 지금 이곳은‬ ‪백 후보에게 흉기를 휘두른‬We are now at the Kang residence,
‪가해자 강 모 씨가‬ ‪머물던 공간입니다‬the man who assaulted Candidate Baek with a deadly weapon.
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬the man who assaulted Candidate Baek with a deadly weapon.
‪네, 보시는 것처럼 강 모 씨는‬As you can see from all the political paraphernalia,
‪오경숙 후보의‬ ‪열성 팬으로 밝혀졌는데요‬As you can see from all the political paraphernalia, Kang was a loyal and passionate supporter of Candidate Oh.
‪(기자) 강 씨는 몇 년 전에도‬Kang was a loyal and passionate supporter of Candidate Oh. It has since been revealed Kang served time a few years ago
‪건설 현장의 작업반장에게‬ ‪폭행을 가해‬It has since been revealed Kang served time a few years ago after attacking the chief of the construction site
‪실형을 선고받은‬ ‪전과자라고 합니다‬after attacking the chief of the construction site where he was employed.
‪(기자) 더욱 놀라운 것은‬ ‪당시 오경숙 후보가‬where he was employed. What's even more surprising is that Candidate Oh had defended Kang in the trial for his previous offense.
‪강 씨의 변호를 맡았다는‬ ‪사실인데요‬had defended Kang in the trial for his previous offense.
‪더 하드보일드하게‬Increase contrast.
‪그 뒤에 있는 강철진을‬ ‪앞으로 좀 빼봐‬Bring Kang Cheol-jin to the front.
‪(칼 윤) 잔혹 범죄자가 오경숙과‬ ‪매우 친밀하단 느낌으로‬They need to see Oh Kyung-sook sitting side by side with a cold-blooded criminal.
‪메인 슬로건은 이렇게 박자고‬Run that tomorrow with the headline,
‪'과연 이 사람이'‬"Is Oh Kyung-sook really the right person to have
‪'진정한 서울 시민의‬ ‪보호자가 될 수 있겠는가?'‬"Is Oh Kyung-sook really the right person to have as the defender for the people of this city?"
‪디테일은 어떻게 잡을까요?‬What details do we put in?
‪살인, 강간, 마약, 폭행 등‬ ‪[고조되는 음악]‬"Murderers, rapists, drug abusers."
‪강력범죄를 저지른‬ ‪서울의 모든 범죄자들은‬"All of Seoul's most violent criminals are flocking to support Oh Kyung-sook's candidacy."
‪오경숙을 지지한다‬are flocking to support Oh Kyung-sook's candidacy."
‪고로 오경숙이가 서울시장으로‬ ‪당선되는 순간 서울은‬Therefore, the moment Oh Kyung-sook becomes mayor,
‪범죄의 온상으로 추락한다‬Seoul will become a hotbed of crime.
‪강 씨 아저씨까지…‬They got Mr. Kang too.
‪(동주) 이 새끼들이 진짜, 씨‬Damn those bastards.
‪[경숙 한숨]‬ ‪(도희) 근데‬IS OH KYUNG-SOOK BEHIND THE "BAEK JAE-MIN ATTACK"? But is it true? Was he really charged with assault?
‪[헛웃음]‬ ‪폭행 전과 사실이야?‬But is it true? Was he really charged with assault?
‪아저씨 입장에선 어쩔 수 없었어‬There's nothing he could have done in his position.
‪살기 위한 몸부림이었어‬It was a last-ditch struggle to survive.
‪(경숙) 작업반장이‬ ‪석 달 치 임금을 가로챘으니까‬The chief stole three months of Mr. Kang's wages.
‪후보님‬Ms. Oh. This article says you're going to resign.
‪사퇴설 기사 떴는데요?‬Ms. Oh. This article says you're going to resign.
‪[불길한 음악]‬
‪(동주) 아, 이 새끼들 진짜 후지네‬Sons of bitches.
‪외곽을 때리겠다는 전략이지‬They're launching an indirect attack on us.
‪백재민이 오 후보를‬ ‪직접 공격하거나‬If Baek Jae-min actively tries to smear Ms. Oh's image or attack her directly,
‪적극적으로 네거티브에 뛰어들면‬If Baek Jae-min actively tries to smear Ms. Oh's image or attack her directly,
‪본인 이미지도 나빠지니까‬his own image will end up taking a hit too.
‪후보님‬Ms. Oh. Why don't we go meet Mr. Kang first?
‪일단 가해자부터 만나보시죠‬Ms. Oh. Why don't we go meet Mr. Kang first?
‪지금 경찰서에서‬ ‪조사받고 있다니까…‬Ms. Oh. Why don't we go meet Mr. Kang first? He's currently being investigated by the police--
‪아니‬Not yet.
‪백재민부터 만나봐야지‬I should see Baek Jae-min first.
‪날 떨궈낼려고 자해 쇼를 한 건지‬I need to determine if he orchestrated this attack against himself to get rid of me, or if somehow…
‪아니면‬to get rid of me, or if somehow…
‪[탁 내리친다]‬
‪타이밍 기가 막히게‬he managed to get attacked right when he needed to.
‪테러를 당한 건지‬he managed to get attacked right when he needed to.
‪그거부터‬ ‪확인해 봐야 되지 않겠어?‬Shouldn't we confirm that first?
‪[심각한 음악] [소란스럽다]‬ ‪(여기자1) 어? 오셨다‬
‪- (여기자2) 오셨다‬ ‪- (여기자3) 어‬There she is.
‪(여기자2) 오경숙 후보님‬Candidate Oh, were you responsible for ordering the attack?
‪가해자에게 사전 지시‬ ‪하신 적 있으십니까?‬Candidate Oh, were you responsible for ordering the attack?
‪후보님, 사퇴할 의향 있으십니까?‬Ms. Oh, do you intend to resign?
‪(여기자4) 사과할 의향‬ ‪있으십니까?‬-Any plans for an apology? -I never ordered anyone to do anything.
‪사전 지시 한 사실 없습니다‬-Any plans for an apology? -I never ordered anyone to do anything.
‪그리고 사퇴할 의사도 없습니다‬-Any plans for an apology? -I never ordered anyone to do anything. I have no intention of withdrawing from this.
‪본 사건에 대한 진실은‬ ‪저희 측과 백재민 후보 측이‬As for the unfortunate incident, Candidate Baek and I are working together.
‪합동 조사단을 꾸려서‬As for the unfortunate incident, Candidate Baek and I are working together. We'll get to the bottom of it.
‪명명백백히 밝혀내겠습니다‬We'll make sure everyone involved is punished accordingly.
‪(남기자1) 한 말씀 해주십시오!‬Give us a comment, please.
‪[기자들이 저마다 질문한다]‬Give us a comment, please.
‪[바깥이 소란스럽다]‬
‪[구두 소리]‬
‪괜찮아요‬It's okay. Give us a minute.
‪잠깐만‬It's okay. Give us a minute.
‪생각보다 꽤 오래 버티시네?‬You're hanging on longer than I thought.
‪[재민 숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪아니, 오 후보님께서‬ ‪어떻게 여기까지 오셨어요?‬Hello. What a pleasant surprise, Ms. Oh.
‪[문이 닫힌다]‬ ‪[경숙 숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪당연히 와야죠, 네‬I had to come see you. Of course.
‪선거가 아무리‬ ‪살벌한 전쟁 통이긴 하지만‬You know how elections are. It's right to visit a fellow candidate
‪그래도 상대 후보가‬ ‪이렇게 큰 사고를 당했는데‬You know how elections are. It's right to visit a fellow candidate who's been through such a terrible incident
‪문병이라도 오는 게 인지상정이죠‬as you have, Mr. Baek.
‪뭐, 사상이나 이념보다는‬Also, in my political philosophy,
‪사람이 먼저라는 게‬Also, in my political philosophy, people's well-being should come before ideology. That's what matters.
‪또 제 정치 철학이기도 합니다‬people's well-being should come before ideology. That's what matters.
‪좋네요‬That's admirable.
‪[숨을 들이쉬며] 동감입니다‬And I agree with that.
‪선거 승패를 떠나서‬Regardless of who wins,
‪앞으로 그런 정치‬ ‪저와 함께해 보시죠‬let's work together to make your philosophy come true.
‪근데‬And yet…
‪참… 신기하죠?‬It's, um, strange, though,
‪어떻게 우리가‬ ‪본선 레이스 시작하자마자‬how you just suddenly get attacked out of nowhere and end up being hospitalized,
‪이렇게 백 후보님한테‬and end up being hospitalized,
‪이런 사고가 생겼을까요?‬as soon as the race officially starts.
‪(경숙) 아, 우연이라고 하기엔‬ ‪타이밍이 너무 절묘해서요‬The timing's so perfect that it's hard to believe it's a coincidence.
‪뭐, 짜고 치는 고스톱도 아니고‬It's almost as if it were planned.
‪[경숙 숨을 들이쉰다]‬It's almost as if it were planned.
‪예수님도‬You know, Jesus Christ
‪십자가에 못 박혔을 때‬ ‪신이 되신 거잖아요‬became the Almighty the moment he was crucified.
‪[싸한 음악]‬
‪뭐라고요?‬I'm sorry?
‪그렇게 중요한 존재가 돼서‬ ‪이 나라에 봉사하라고‬Maybe the creator gave me this chance to become someone important,
‪나한테 그런‬like Jesus,
‪기회를 주신 거겠죠, 조물주께서‬so that I may go on to serve this country.
‪[비열한 웃음]‬
‪가뜩이나 살기 힘든 사람‬You took an innocent person
‪전과자까지 만들어 놓고‬and made them into a criminal,
‪하신다는 말씀이‬and all you can think about is
‪기회?‬ ‪[헛웃음]‬your campaign?
‪(경숙) 사람인 줄 알았는데‬I thought you were a human being,
‪괴물이셨네‬but you are a monster.
‪괴물 돼야지‬If the nation wants it, then I'll be a monster.
‪이 나라가 원하면‬If the nation wants it, then I'll be a monster.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 저 오늘‬ ‪피를 많이 흘려 가지고‬I've lost a lot of blood today.
‪이제 좀 쉬어야겠는데‬I think I should rest now.
‪[재민 한숨]‬
‪백재민 씨‬Mr. Baek Jae-min.
‪우리‬We… will see this fight through to the end.
‪끝까지 한번 가봅시다‬We… will see this fight through to the end.
‪(경숙) [헛웃음 치며] 내가 당신‬ ‪뻔뻔한 가죽을 벗겨서라도‬I'll show the world how despicable you really are inside,
‪[숨을 들이쉬며]‬ ‪그 드러운 알맹이를‬even if that means
‪꼭 세상에 다 까발려 놓을 테니까‬having to take off that shameless mask of yours.
‪얼른 나으세요‬You get well soon.
‪[멀어지는 구두 소리]‬
‪[후루룩 먹는다]‬
‪[탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[탄성]‬Ah, that was great.
‪아, 잘 먹었다‬Ah, that was great.
‪[철진 한숨]‬Ah, that was great.
‪[입을 쩝 뗀다]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪[라이터가 달각인다]‬
‪고생 많으셨습니다‬ ‪[철진 옅은 탄성]‬That was tough. Well done.
‪고생은 뭐‬ ‪우리 백 후보님께서 다 하셨죠‬I don't know. Mr. Baek did all the hard work.
‪[칼 윤 옅은 웃음]‬
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪남은 인생은 지금보다‬ ‪훨씬 더 편해질 겁니다‬A much more comfortable life is waiting for you.
‪선거 끝날 때까지 이 안에서‬ ‪조용히 지내기만 하면은‬As long as you stay here and remain quiet until the election ends.
‪[노크 소리]‬As long as you stay here and remain quiet until the election ends.
‪오경숙 후보 쪽에서‬ ‪면담 요청이 왔습니다‬Candidate Oh's team has requested to see you.
‪들어오시라고 해요‬Show them in.
‪예‬All right.
‪[구두 소리]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[숨을 내뱉는다]‬
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪생각보다 얼굴이 좋구먼‬You look better than I expected.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪내 아버지를‬ ‪개죽음당하게 만들어 놓고‬You made my father die on the streets like a dog.
‪뭐가 어떻다고?‬And that's what you have to say?
‪황도희 아버지란 이유만으로‬He was scapegoated because he was unlucky.
‪안타깝지만 희생양이 되신 거지‬He just happened to be Hwang Do-hee's father.
‪물론 그쪽이‬ ‪좀 더 일찍 멈췄더라면은‬Of course, this tragedy could have been avoided
‪이런 비극은 없었겠지만‬if you had stopped a little earlier.
‪[헐떡이며] 이 살인자!‬Murderer!
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪어린애나 다름없는 노인을‬ ‪죽여놓고‬How can you be so brazen after murdering a poor old man with the mind of a child?
‪[울부짖듯] 뻔뻔하게!‬How can you be so brazen after murdering a poor old man with the mind of a child?
‪정치판에서‬The word "murder"
‪[도희 떨리는 숨소리]‬The word "murder"
‪살인이란 말은 옳지 않아‬doesn't exist in politics.
‪여긴 사람은 없고‬ ‪사상만 있는 세상이니까‬In politics, people don't matter. Only ideals.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[싸늘한 음악]‬What?
‪[한숨 쉬며] 그리고‬And…
‪난 사람을 죽인 게 아니라‬I didn't kill anyone.
‪내 사상을 가로막는‬I only removed an obstacle
‪걸림돌을 제거했을 뿐이야‬that got in the way of my ideals.
‪[속삭이듯] 죽일 거야‬I'll kill you.
‪내 손으로 죽게 만들 거야‬I'll make sure you're dead with my own bare hands.
‪황도희 본부장, 잘 들어‬Now, listen to me carefully.
‪자네의 개인적인 복수심 때문에‬ ‪오경숙이 데려다 선거판 흔들고‬This idea of yours to bring Oh Kyung-sook into the election to shake things up and go against Chairperson Son
‪손 회장하고 맞서겠다는‬ ‪발상 자체가‬because of your own personal vendetta,
‪말이 된다고 생각하나?‬do you really think it'll work?
‪두고 보면 알겠지‬We'll have to wait and see.
‪내가 네 숨통을‬ ‪끊어주는 순간이 오면‬You'll see when the moment comes for me to end your life.
‪[문이 여닫힌다]‬
‪[희미하게 들리는 도로 소음]‬
‪[자동차 잠금음]‬
‪(경숙) 얼굴이 안 좋으시네?‬You look terrible.
‪[도희 한숨]‬
‪만만치 않은데?‬You don't look so good yourself.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 내가 오늘‬I met
‪진짜 나쁜 놈을 만나고 왔거든‬a truly evil man today.
‪[경숙 탄식]‬I could have gladly bludgeoned him to death.
‪당장 패 죽여도 시원찮은데‬I could have gladly bludgeoned him to death.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 전략상‬ ‪살려 두고 왔더니 아주 그냥‬I left him alive for the sake of the campaign,
‪속이 뒤집어지네‬and it's truly infuriating.
‪신기하네, 나도 그랬는데‬It's funny you should say that.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 나도‬ ‪우리 아버지를 죽인‬I met the animal who killed my father.
‪[헛웃음 치며] 짐승을 만났거든‬I met the animal who killed my father.
‪근데 사과는 고사하고‬And what did he do instead of apologize?
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬And what did he do instead of apologize?
‪돼도 않는‬ ‪사상 수업만 듣다 왔네?‬Gave me a rubbish lecture on ideals of life.
‪아, 왜 이렇게 개새끼들이 많냐‬ ‪어휴‬Ugh! Why is this world so full of these bastards? God!
‪어떡하지, 어?‬What should we do, huh?
‪어떻게 혼내주지?‬Teach them a lesson?
‪혼낸다는 워딩도 아깝지‬A lesson would just be wasted
‪[속삭이듯] 그런 것들한텐‬on this kind of trash.
‪[경숙 한숨]‬
‪밥 먹었어?‬Have you eaten?
‪[따뜻한 음악]‬ ‪(경숙) 뭐 먹고 싶어?‬Can I do anything?
‪다 얘기해 봐‬Come on. Tell me.
‪내가 오늘 황본 먹고 싶은 거‬I'll get you anything you want. It's your choice, hmm?
‪다 사 줄게, 응?‬I'll get you anything you want. It's your choice, hmm?
‪일단‬Let's first
‪그 짐승들부터 처리하자‬take care of those horrid beasts, okay?
‪그리고 나서‬When that's over,
‪나 제대로 한잔 사 줘‬you can buy me a real drink.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 그래‬
‪백재민이 자작극을 한 거라고요?‬Baek Jae-min orchestrated the whole thing?
‪와, 진짜‬Seriously?
‪진짜 대단하다‬He really is insane.
‪아니, 아무리 선거에‬ ‪눈이 뒤집혀도 그렇지‬How crazy do you have to be to slash your own face,
‪지가 지 얼굴에 칼빵을 해요?‬no matter how much you want to be mayor?
‪말했잖아‬I'm telling you,
‪우린 지금 사람을 상대로‬ ‪싸우고 있는 게 아니라고‬we're not going up against a human being here.
‪최소한의 인간미도‬ ‪내줄 필요가 없다‬They don't deserve a shred of our humanity or compassion.
‪인정사정없이‬We'll attack Baek Jae-min
‪백재민을 친다‬without mercy, understand?
‪[박진감 있는 음악]‬First,
‪사생활부터 파고들어야겠네‬we should go after his personal life.
‪(차선) 공론화만 안 됐을 뿐이지‬Everyone knows he's a notorious womanizer,
‪백재민이 여자 문제 복잡한 거‬but it hasn't been talked about openly. Until now, that is.
‪거의 팩트잖아‬but it hasn't been talked about openly. Until now, that is.
‪그걸 속속들이‬ ‪캐낼 수 있는 게 우리 팀이고요‬And we're the best ones to dig into his personal life.
‪차선 선배랑 난 전략기획실‬ ‪자기들은 비서실‬Cha-sun and I were on the Corporate Strategy Team, while you were assistants.
‪은씨 일가 밑에서‬ ‪지낸 세월만 도합‬If we add up all the time we spent working for the Eunsung owners,
‪[웃으며] 40년이 넘는데‬ ‪주변만 둘러봐도‬it equals over 40 years, so it shouldn't take much for us to find something we can use.
‪티끌 하나 정돈‬ ‪찾을 수 있지 않겠어?‬so it shouldn't take much for us to find something we can use.
‪백재민이‬Any women that Baek Jae-min has been especially close to?
‪특별히 가깝게 지낸 여자들은?‬Any women that Baek Jae-min has been especially close to?
‪비서실, 재단 직원‬ ‪여대생 봉사단?‬His secretaries, foundation workers, and university volunteers.
‪얼마 전에‬ ‪백재민 여비서 자살한 것도‬I mean, his secretary did just commit suicide.
‪아, 뭐, 파보면 나오겠는데요?‬That might lead us to something.
‪이슬이는 자살이 맞아‬I-seul did commit suicide.
‪타살로 의심할 만한‬ ‪증거도 전혀 없고‬There isn't any evidence to suspect otherwise.
‪어쨌든‬Okay, then.
‪백재민을 좀 더 파봅시다‬Let's dig into Baek Jae-min.
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪(도희) 이 중에‬ ‪단 한 사람이라도 증언을 해준다면‬Even if one person here offered to give their testimony,
‪나머지 여자들도‬it would give the other women the courage to come forward too.
‪용기 낼 수 있을 거야‬it would give the other women the courage to come forward too.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(차선) 송예나 배우님?‬-Ms. Song Ye-na? -Who is this?
‪누구시죠?‬-Ms. Song Ye-na? -Who is this?
‪(린조) 김은혜 씨‬Ms. Kim Eun-hye.
‪백재민 후보에 대해‬ ‪확인하고 싶은 게 있어서요‬I have a few questions I want to ask regarding Baek Jae-min.
‪(도희) 아영 씨‬ ‪잠깐 얘기 좀 해요‬A-yeong, let's talk for a second.
‪윤아영!‬Yoon A-yeong.
‪아영 씨‬A-yeong!
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬A-yeong!
‪난 몰라요, 모른다고요‬I'm not talking to you about anything.
‪[환호]‬I'm not talking to you about anything.
‪감사합니다, 고맙습니다‬ ‪[고조되는 음악]‬Thank you! Thank you!
‪[사람들이 백재민을 연신 외친다]‬Baek Jae-min!
‪(재민) 어유, 감사합니다‬Baek Jae-min! Thank you.
‪글쎄 난 모른다니까!‬I said I don't know anything.
‪[은혜 짜증 섞인 신음]‬
‪(지니) [한숨]‬ ‪저기요, 한마디만…‬If you just came forward…
‪난 아무것도 못 봤으니까‬ ‪다신 찾아오지 마요‬I didn't see anything, so just leave me alone.
‪[멀어지는 구두 소리]‬
‪아낌없는 지원과‬ ‪뜨거운 진심을 쏟아부어서!‬ ‪[웅장해지는 음악]‬I promise I will give everything I have and dedicate all of my heart
‪여성이 행복한 서울!‬to making Seoul the kind of city where women are not only happy
‪여성이 존중받는 서울을‬ ‪반드시 완성하겠습니다!‬to making Seoul the kind of city where women are not only happy but are respected as well!
‪[환호]‬but are respected as well!
‪네, 반갑습니다, 감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪- (여자) 승리하세요!‬ ‪- (재민) 아유, 너무 감사합니다‬
‪- 아휴, 잘 부탁드리겠습니다‬ ‪- (여자) [탄성] 너무 멋지세요‬Oh, thank you for your work.
‪안녕하세요‬-Hello. -She's the president of the organization.
‪[정답게 속삭인다]‬-Hello. -She's the president of the organization. Baek Jae-min! Baek Jae-min! Baek Jae-min!
‪[사람들이 백재민을 연신 외친다]‬Baek Jae-min! Baek Jae-min! Baek Jae-min!
‪(비서) 임신 6주 차라고 합니다‬She's six weeks pregnant.
‪[환호]‬ ‪[재민이 인사한다]‬
‪(재민) 반갑습니다‬Great to meet you. I'm always rooting for you. Thank you.
‪제가 늘 응원합니다, 감사합니다‬Great to meet you. I'm always rooting for you. Thank you.
‪고맙습니다‬I appreciate that.
‪(재민) 감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪감사합니다!‬Thank you!
‪마지막 한 명까지‬ ‪연락은 다 돌렸어요‬That was the last one. We've contacted them all.
‪회신은?‬Did they talk?
‪없죠‬They didn't.
‪있어도 '연락하지 말아라'‬Those who did said, "Never contact me again."
‪'나는 그런 사실 없다'‬Those who did said, "Never contact me again." "I don't know anything." "I'll take legal actions if you continue."
‪'니들 자꾸 이러면 고소하겠다'‬"I don't know anything." "I'll take legal actions if you continue."
‪뭐 이런 식이고요‬Stuff like that like.
‪이 칼 윤이란 인간‬ ‪대단하다, 대단해‬This Carl Yoon is a real piece of work, isn't he?
‪(경숙) 어떻게 이 많은 여자들을‬How did he manage to convince all of these women to go into hiding?
‪다 숨어버리게 만든 거야?‬How did he manage to convince all of these women to go into hiding?
‪[영심 웃음]‬
‪(영심) 귀한 걸음들 해주셔서‬ ‪정말 감사합니다‬Thank you for honoring us with your presence.
‪자, 앉으세요‬Take your seats.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪손 회장님께서 큰 뜻을 품으셨는데‬What else could be more important than being right here
‪열 일 제쳐두고 달려와야죠‬What else could be more important than being right here to be part of your grand vision?
‪아이고, 고맙습니다‬ ‪[영심과 남자의 웃음]‬Oh, thank you.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪우리‬What we Eungyeongwon members want is a world
‪은경원에서 바라는 세상은‬What we Eungyeongwon members want is a world
‪대연정의 나라입니다‬run by a grand coalition of people.
‪[영심 옅은 웃음]‬ ‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪정치와 경제‬There's nothing we want more
‪법률과 언론이‬than a new leader who can guide us into a new era of unity,
‪한마음 한뜻으로 국민을 다스리고‬than a new leader who can guide us into a new era of unity,
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪통합을 이끌어 낼‬ ‪새로운 지도자를 만들어 낸다면‬where political and economic circles, the legal system, and the press come together to govern the people.
‪더 바랄 게 없겠죠?‬and the press come together to govern the people.
‪이번 선거가‬This election
‪그 통합의 초석이 될 겁니다‬will lay the groundwork for that coalition.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬Hmm.
‪우리 대한민국 최고의‬ ‪실력자들께서 힘을 모으셨으니‬With the most capable people of Korea working together,
‪이 귀한 운명이 어디로 흘러갈지‬shall we see where fate will lead this
‪한번 볼까요?‬superb coalition?
‪[오묘한 음악]‬
‪[영심 웃음]‬
‪(영심) 어서 오세요‬Welcome.
‪[의자를 덜컹인다]‬ ‪[영심 웃음]‬
‪이번에 좋은 일이 있을 거‬ ‪같습니까?‬do you see good fortune ahead of us?
‪[쉰 목소리로] 어머니‬A mother…
‪국왕의 어머니가 보입니다‬I see the mother of a king.
‪국왕의 어머니요?‬The mother of a king?
‪아니, 그럼‬Are you saying
‪우리 사위가‬that my son-in-law
‪청와대까지 차지한단 말씀인가요?‬is in the lead for taking over the Blue House?
‪황금을 뿌리십시오‬You must go and spread gold.
‪황금을 뿌리면‬If you do that, Ms. Son,
‪그 기운이‬that great energy will come flowing back to you.
‪회장님에게 돌아옵니다‬that great energy will come flowing back to you.
‪[웃으며] 아니‬Really?
‪윤 선생‬Mr. Yoon.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬Mr. Yoon. What do you think about all of this?
‪무슨 좋은 아이디어라도‬ ‪있으신가요?‬What do you think about all of this?
‪[영심 웃음]‬
‪(진국) 하나님, 우리 아버지‬My Lord, our father in heaven.
‪우리의 조국이‬ ‪절망의 늪에 빠져 있습니다‬Our country is caught in a murky swamp of deep desperation.
‪[신도들이 중얼대며 기도한다]‬An ungodly and despicable smell spreads through Seoul,
‪불결하고 추악한 냄새가‬ ‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬An ungodly and despicable smell spreads through Seoul,
‪대한민국의 수도‬ ‪서울을 휩쓸고 있습니다‬An ungodly and despicable smell spreads through Seoul, Korea's once glorious and admirable capital.
‪[신도들이 중얼대며 기도한다]‬Korea's once glorious and admirable capital.
‪그러나 저는!‬Which is why
‪- 흔들리지 않습니다‬ ‪- (신도들) 아멘‬I will not be thrown off. Amen!
‪- 물러서지 않습니다‬ ‪- (신도들) 아멘‬Amen! -I will not back down here. -Amen! And with the blood of Christ our Lord, crucified on the cross,
‪저는 십자가에 못 박히신‬ ‪예수님의 피로‬And with the blood of Christ our Lord, crucified on the cross,
‪다시 태어났습니다‬I was born to this world again!
‪(신도들) 아멘!‬Amen!
‪저 이 나진국이‬I, Na Jin-guk, will promise
‪서울을‬I, Na Jin-guk, will promise
‪평화와 영생의 도시로‬ ‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬to rebuild Seoul to once again be a city of peace and eternal love.
‪바로 세울 것입니다!‬to rebuild Seoul to once again be a city of peace and eternal love.
‪(신도들) 할렐루야!‬-Hallelujah! -Hallelujah!
‪할렐루야!‬-Hallelujah! -Hallelujah!
‪(진국) 할렐루야!‬-Hallelujah! -Hallelujah!
‪(신도들) 할렐루야!‬-Hallelujah! -Hallelujah!
‪(칼 윤) 총회장님의 기도는‬Sir, your prayer is as passionate as ever.
‪언제 들어도 참 열정적이십니다‬Sir, your prayer is as passionate as ever.
‪(진국) 기도 평하려고‬I'm sure you didn't visit me on this holy day
‪이 영광스러운 주일날‬ ‪찾아오신 건 아닐 테고‬I'm sure you didn't visit me on this holy day just to evaluate my prayers.
‪[칼 윤 웃음]‬
‪저희와‬You should
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪단일화하시지요‬form a coalition with us.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪그런 식으로 저를 찾아오는‬Do you think you're the only player in politics
‪정치판 선수들이‬ ‪한둘인 줄 아십니까?‬Do you think you're the only player in politics to have come to me with this proposal?
‪내가 관리하는‬ ‪지교회 교우들만 해도‬In all the churches that I am in charge of,
‪최소한 50만 명이 넘습니다‬there are at least 500,000 members,
‪그 어린 양들을‬and I will not
‪아무한테나 넘겨드릴 순 없죠‬sell off those innocent lambs to you.
‪예, 지당한 말씀입니다‬I get it. You're absolutely right.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬I get it. You're absolutely right.
‪이 총회장님께서‬If you were to, perhaps,
‪은혜와 사랑으로 키우신‬ ‪어린 양들을 보내주신다면‬send over your precious flock whom you have tended to with love and grace,
‪응당한 보은을 해야죠‬you must be compensated for it.
‪맘몬의 노예가 아닙니다!‬I will not be swayed! You will stop!
‪(칼 윤) 알다마다요‬I understand your position.
‪[칼 윤이 숨을 들이쉰다]‬I understand your position.
‪[음침한 음악]‬
‪아, 그저 맘몬의 유혹에 빠진‬All I'm doing is earnestly requesting
‪어린 양들을‬ ‪국가의 품으로 인도해 주십사‬that you return the lambs led astray by temptation
‪간곡히 부탁드리는 겁니다‬back into their nation's arms.
‪아, 서울 곳곳에‬ ‪재개발을 기다리고 있는‬Eunsung has quite a few plots of land all over the city
‪은성그룹 소유의 땅이‬ ‪아주 상당히 많습니다‬Eunsung has quite a few plots of land all over the city that are waiting for redevelopment permits.
‪백 후보가 당선되고‬ ‪재개발 사업 착수해서‬How wonderful it would be if Candidate Baek got elected
‪서울 시내 곳곳에‬and redeveloped those zones,
‪어린 양을 품어줄‬ ‪하나님의 성전이 세워진다면은‬building the Lord's holy temples all around the city of Seoul
‪얼마나 좋겠습니까?‬to welcome the lambs.
‪총회장님의 마지막 꿈인‬Don't you want to achieve your dream
‪아시아 최대의‬of building the largest vision center
‪비전 센터‬of building the largest vision center
‪완성하셔야지요‬in all of Asia?
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪(진국) 하나님의 말씀을‬ ‪들었습니다‬Our Lord came to me and spoke.
‪이에 저 나진국은‬And so I, Na Jin-guk, shall follow his orders
‪예수 그리스도의 이름으로‬And so I, Na Jin-guk, shall follow his orders
‪백재민 후보와의 영적…‬and announce my partnership with Candidate Baek Jae-min…
‪(앵커) 애국희망당의‬ ‪나진국 예비 후보가‬and announce my partnership with Candidate Baek Jae-min… Patriots' Hope Party's candidate Na Jin-guk announced
‪한국공화당의 백재민 예비 후보와‬Patriots' Hope Party's candidate Na Jin-guk announced he will be unifying camps with Candidate Baek of the Korea Republican Party.
‪단일화를 선언했습니다‬with Candidate Baek of the Korea Republican Party.
‪그 영향으로 백 후보의 지지율은‬with Candidate Baek of the Korea Republican Party. As a result of this,
‪현재 50%를 넘어서며‬Candidate Baek has now risen to over 50 points in the polls,
‪독보적인 1위를 달리고 있는데요‬Candidate Baek has now risen to over 50 points in the polls, putting him firmly in the lead.
‪(앵커) 여론조사에서‬ ‪과반수를 넘으면‬ ‪[박수]‬It's said that an election is about settled once a candidate achieves the majority support in the polls.
‪본선은 볼 필요도 없다는 말‬once a candidate achieves the majority support in the polls.
‪현실이 될 날이‬ ‪머지않은 것 같습니다‬once a candidate achieves the majority support in the polls. It looks as if that will ring true for this election as well.
‪[사람들이 백재민을 연신 외친다]‬It looks as if that will ring true for this election as well. Baek Jae-min! Baek Jae-min!
‪(재민) 아버지‬Father.
‪이제 거의 다 왔어요‬I'm almost there.
‪아버지 피눈물 받아먹고‬ ‪올라간 놈들‬The ones who stepped over your blood and tears to rise to power…
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪제 손으로‬I swear…
‪다 끌어내릴 겁니다‬I'll bring them down myself.
‪[비장한 음악]‬BAEK JOONG-DO
‪(재민) 그때까지‬BAEK JOONG-DO Just wait.
‪조금만 기다리세요‬It won't be long now.
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪금방 다시 올게요‬I'll be back soon.
‪의원님, 세상이 변했습니다‬Sir, the times have changed, I'm afraid.
‪저 같은 남사당패가‬ ‪그 흐름을 타고 놀지 않으면은‬How could people such as myself survive this cutthroat world of politics
‪이 살벌한 정치판에서‬ ‪어떻게 살아남겠습니까?‬if we didn't go along with what's supposed to be happening?
‪윤대철이‬Yoon Dae-cheol…
‪네가 어떻게 나한테!‬How could you do this to me?
‪[중도 분노한 숨소리]‬How could you do this to me?
‪의원님이 선택할 수 있는 건‬ ‪두 가지뿐입니다‬Right now, you only have two choices, as I see it.
‪이대로 죽거나‬ ‪[팔을 탁 뿌리친다]‬You either die like this,
‪살아서‬or survive
‪지옥을 대물림하거나‬to pass this hell on to your children.
‪[쿵 효과음]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪너무 멀리 도망가는데?‬He's pulling too far ahead.
‪단일화까지 해버려서‬It won't be easy catching him now, not with that coalition of his.
‪따라잡기도 쉽지 않은 상황이에요‬It won't be easy catching him now, not with that coalition of his.
‪홍보전은?‬How's PR doing?
‪솔직히 게임이 안 되는 상황입니다‬Honestly, we're no match for him. I mean, they have so much money, they'd need a forklift to move it all,
‪저쪽은 돈을 뭐‬ ‪포크레인으로 퍼다 나르는데‬I mean, they have so much money, they'd need a forklift to move it all,
‪우린 땅바닥만 긁고 있으니까…‬and we have reached the bottom of our funds.
‪바닥?‬and we have reached the bottom of our funds. Bottom?
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬Bottom?
‪[한숨 쉬며] 현수막에‬ ‪플래카드에 전단지에‬Between billboards, signs, flyers,
‪오프라인 홍보물 제작만 4억‬it'll cost 400 million won total.
‪(차선) 유세 차량 렌트비가 1억‬Campaign cars will be 100 million,
‪온라인 홍보 팀‬ ‪기본 운영비가 2억 5천‬Campaign cars will be 100 million, and another 250 million to run an online PR team.
‪당에서 받은 후원금밖에‬ ‪기댈 데가 없는데‬ ‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬All we have is the funding we received from the party,
‪그걸론 택도 없고‬and that won't get us anywhere.
‪(선영) 이제 와서‬ ‪시민 펀드를 모을 수도 없고…‬It's not like we can start collecting funds from the citizens now.
‪차 대기시켜‬Get the car ready now.
‪후보님 저녁 일정‬ ‪모시고 갈 거니까‬I'll be taking Ms. Oh to her evening appointment.
‪[가야금 선율이 흐른다]‬
‪[문이 열린다]‬
‪(양 대표) 아이고, 아이고, 황본‬ ‪아이고, 아이고, 어서 오시게‬ ‪[웃음]‬Goodness! Hello, Ms. Hwang. Yes, come in. Welcome. Great to see you. Take a seat, please, Ms. Hwang.
‪아이고, 황본도 여기 앉으시고‬ ‪[옅은 웃음]‬Great to see you. Take a seat, please, Ms. Hwang.
‪- (양 대표) [탄성] 씁‬ ‪- (경숙) 안녕하십니까?‬Hello.
‪[양 대표 옅은 웃음]‬Hello.
‪[양 대표가 숨을 씁 들이쉰다]‬
‪(양 대표) 오 후보, 아시죠?‬You know who this is, don't you? Chairperson Ko Gwang-pil of Mosun Group.
‪모선그룹 고광필 회장님!‬You know who this is, don't you? Chairperson Ko Gwang-pil of Mosun Group.
‪우리 개혁당의‬ ‪오랜 후원자이자 동반자이신‬ ‪[웃음]‬He's a long-time sponsor and supporter of the People's Reform Party.
‪오경숙 후보‬I heard you were facing some difficulties, Candidate Oh.
‪고전하고 있다는 소식은‬ ‪들었습니다‬I heard you were facing some difficulties, Candidate Oh.
‪손영심 회장이 사위를‬ ‪아주 작정하고‬It seems Chairperson Son is giving her all to make sure her son-in-law wins the election.
‪밀어주시는 거 같던데‬to make sure her son-in-law wins the election.
‪아이고, 회장님‬ ‪그쪽은 걱정하지 마십시오‬Oh, don't you worry about them, sir.
‪우리 황도희 본부장이‬You see, Ms. Hwang here used to be Chairperson Son's right-hand woman.
‪손영심 회장‬ ‪오른팔 출신 아닙니까?‬ ‪[웃음]‬You see, Ms. Hwang here used to be Chairperson Son's right-hand woman.
‪[숨을 들이쉬며] 근데‬So,
‪이 자리에 저희는 무슨 일로…‬why did you want to see us?
‪그 우리 회장님께서 오 후보한테‬Well, the Chairperson here has promised to offer your campaign
‪물심양면으로 지원을 해주시겠다‬Well, the Chairperson here has promised to offer your campaign financial and moral support.
‪이렇게 약조를…‬financial and moral support.
‪[광필이 숨을 가다듬는다]‬financial and moral support.
‪[광필 한숨]‬
‪[경숙 한숨]‬
‪(양 대표) 오 후보!‬Ms. Oh?
‪아, 회장님, 죄송합니다‬ ‪예, 저…‬Ms. Oh? Oh, sir, I… I apologize.
‪어, 오 후보!‬Uh, Ms. Oh!
‪오 후보!‬Ms. Oh! Ms. Oh!
‪오 후보!‬Ms. Oh! Ms. Oh!
‪오 후보‬ ‪이게 무슨 무례한 짓입니까?‬Ms. Oh, how could you be so disrespectful?
‪당 대표님‬I'm sorry, sir,
‪대표님은 이게 무슨 똥매너입니까?‬but you disrespected me, pulling crap like this.
‪저한테 지금 재벌 돈 받아서‬ ‪선거 치르라고‬Persuading me to take money from a conglomerate
‪종용하시는 거잖아요‬to help fund my campaign.
‪불법 선거자금 수수 종용‬It's coercion to get me to take illegal contributions, simple as that.
‪아닙니까?‬It's coercion to get me to take illegal contributions, simple as that.
‪야, 오경숙이‬Listen here, Oh Kyung-sook.
‪대표님, 선 넘지 말고‬Sir, might I suggest you don't cross the line and focus on your goals instead.
‪상황 돌파하는 데만 집중하시죠?‬Sir, might I suggest you don't cross the line and focus on your goals instead.
‪오 후보‬Candidate Oh.
‪선거는 머니 게임입니다‬Elections are all about the money.
‪백재민 쪽에서 은성그룹 돈으로‬ ‪저렇게 기름칠을 해대는데‬Baek Jae-min has practically ensconced himself with money from Eunsung.
‪우리도 최소한의 기름종이는‬Baek Jae-min has practically ensconced himself with money from Eunsung. -Shouldn't we at least try to acquire-- -Yes.
‪- 확보를 해야…‬ ‪- 네‬-Shouldn't we at least try to acquire-- -Yes.
‪(경숙) 알겠습니다‬You're right, sir.
‪받겠습니다, 그럼‬I'll accept the money then. I'll do it.
‪(경숙) 받죠, 뭐‬I'll accept the money then. I'll do it.
‪대신‬But I'll do it
‪선거관리위원회에서 지정한‬ ‪정치후원금 제도하에‬But I'll do it within the National Election Commission's donations guidelines,
‪아주 공정하고 투명하게‬ ‪[당찬 음악]‬fairly and transparently.
‪네, 후원자 실명도 공개하고요‬And we'll also reveal the names of our sponsors.
‪아, 나 정말 답답해서‬ ‪실성하겠네, 정말!‬Uh, for God's sake. You're driving me crazy here, ma'am!
‪대한민국에서 어떤 미친놈이‬What person in their right mind would sponsor campaign funds under their true names, huh?
‪실명 다 까고‬ ‪정치 자금 후원합니까!‬would sponsor campaign funds under their true names, huh?
‪대표님‬You're right.
‪그게 바로‬And that right there is one of the biggest problems with Korea's political system.
‪대한민국 정치 시스템의‬ ‪가장 큰 문제입니다‬And that right there is one of the biggest problems with Korea's political system.
‪내가 빨간 쪽 후원하면‬They're afraid that if they support the red team,
‪파란 쪽한테‬ ‪책을 잡힐까 봐 겁이 나고‬They're afraid that if they support the red team, they'll be attacked by the blue team.
‪또 파란 쪽 후원하면‬But if they support the blue team, the red team might come after them also.
‪빨간 쪽한테‬ ‪책을 잡힐까 봐 무섭고‬But if they support the blue team, the red team might come after them also.
‪(경숙) 그렇게 겁나고 무서우면‬Just go and tell him
‪하지 말라고 하세요, 그냥, 네‬to drop it if he's so scared. Okay?
‪저는 그런 거 용납 못 합니다‬I will not put up with anything like this.
‪가겠습니다‬I'll be off now.
‪(양 대표) 야, 야, 오경숙이!‬Hey! Hey, Oh Kyung-sook!
‪[나지막이] 저, 저…‬That crazy…
‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬
‪(도희) 얘기 좀 해‬We need to talk.
‪뭐냐?‬What now?
‪슬슬 옛날 버릇 나오는 거야, 어?‬Are you going back to your old habits, huh?
‪[경숙 헛웃음]‬
‪(경숙) 상황 어려워지니까‬Now that things are tough, you want to take dirty money to smooth things out?
‪재벌 돈, 그런 거 받아서‬ ‪수습해 볼려고?‬Now that things are tough, you want to take dirty money to smooth things out?
‪내가 아니라 당에서 진행하는 거야‬The party's behind this, not me. You know that.
‪오래전부터‬ ‪당을 지원해 준 기업이고‬Mosun's been supporting the party for a long time.
‪그러니까 지금 당 뒤에 숨어서‬So now you're just hiding behind the party
‪어떻게 이렇게 모른 척 스리슬쩍‬and trying to suggest that I have no choice
‪그런 돈 좀 받아보자‬ ‪그런 거 아니야, 아니야?‬but to accept that money and turn a blind eye, aren't you?
‪[헛웃음]‬ ‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪정당한 방식도 좋고‬ ‪투명한 돈도 좋은데‬I'm all for keeping the funds transparent, fighting fair,
‪지금 상황에선 어쩔 수 없어‬ ‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬but we're all out of options at this point.
‪[코웃음]‬ ‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪그래서‬Okay, so we should use Hwang Do-hee's dirty tricks?
‪구린 황도희 방식으로 가자?‬Okay, so we should use Hwang Do-hee's dirty tricks?
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪그럼 이대로‬ ‪무식하게 버티다 죽을까?‬Would you prefer to keep holding out until we die?
‪네가 좋아서‬Do you want everyone who joined the campaign
‪너 하나 보고 들어온‬ ‪캠프 식구들 전부 굶어?‬Do you want everyone who joined the campaign because they believed in you to starve?
‪안 굶어, 걱정 마‬They won't starve. Don't worry.
‪죽을 일도 없어‬And no one's dying, okay?
‪나는 내 방식대로 끝까지 간다‬I'm doing this my way, and that's that.
‪그리고 앞으로는 이런 일은‬and from now on, I'd appreciate it if you could screen these sorts of things
‪황본 선에서 미리미리 좀‬ ‪커트를 해주면 좋겠네‬I'd appreciate it if you could screen these sorts of things and refuse them without telling me.
‪[멀어지는 구두 소리]‬
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪[문이 여닫힌다]‬
‪[도희 한숨]‬ ‪[다가오는 발소리]‬
‪기분 나쁠 때 마시는 술은‬ ‪독입니다‬No good comes from drinking when you're angry.
‪[옅은 탄성]‬
‪[도희 한숨]‬
‪천천히 가요‬Just slow down.
‪죽도록 이기고 싶은 마음도 알겠고‬I get that you're dying for victory.
‪복수하고 싶은 마음도 알겠는데‬Also to have your revenge.
‪혼자 자꾸 빨리 달려가니까‬But the faster you run ahead,
‪스텝이 꼬이잖아요‬the more you stumble.
‪이기지 못할까 봐‬ ‪걱정하는 게 아니야‬I'm not worried that we might not win this thing.
‪오경숙이란 사람의 진가를‬What worries me is that the world
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬What worries me is that the world
‪세상이 몰라볼까 봐‬won't appreciate the true value…
‪그게 겁나‬of Oh Kyung-sook.
‪[풀벌레 소리]‬
‪(경숙) 나 고마워서 온 거‬ ‪아니에요‬I am not here to thank you.
‪거절당하려고 이 밤에‬I am not here to thank you. Nor did I come all this way, taking time out of my busy schedule,
‪바쁜 시간 쪼개서‬ ‪여기까지 온 것도 아니고요‬Nor did I come all this way, taking time out of my busy schedule, for you to tell me no.
‪마중석 국장님이‬I want you to join me
‪제 캠프의‬and take charge
‪정책 팀을‬ ‪좀 맡아 주셨으면 좋겠어요‬of the policymaking team for my campaign.
‪(경숙) 지금 나한테 중요한 건‬What's most important to me
‪당 파워가 아니라‬isn't the power of the party
‪동지예요‬but camaraderie.
‪돈 몇 푼이 아니라‬ ‪오로지 오경숙이라는 비전‬I don't want chump change but people I can call my own
‪그거 하나로 움직여줄‬who will do their part.
‪내 사람‬That's it.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry.
‪황도희 본부장 때문에‬Are you refusing me
‪거절하시는 거예요?‬because of Ms. Hwang?
‪아버님 장례식에서도‬ ‪못 뵌 거 같은데‬I don't believe I saw you at her father's funeral.
‪[느린 음악]‬
‪그럼 황본 아버님이‬I assume that that means you don't know anything about
‪어떻게 돌아가셨는지도‬I assume that that means you don't know anything about
‪모르시겠네요‬her father passing away.
‪[차분한 음악이 흐른다]‬
‪(서진) 진짜 왔네?‬You really came.
‪바람맞은 줄 알고 열받아서‬ ‪그림이나 사 갈려고 했는데‬I assumed you stood me up, so I thought I'd buy a painting.
‪무슨 일이야?‬What did you want?
‪[입을 쩝 뗀다]‬
‪요즘‬I heard you're having a hard time.
‪힘들다며?‬I heard you're having a hard time.
‪선거 자금 딸려서‬ ‪절절맨다는 소문이 돌던데?‬There are rumors that your campaign's out of money and you're struggling.
‪진짜야?‬Is it true?
‪내가 줄게‬I could help.
‪(서진) 내 돈으로‬ ‪오경숙 시장 만들어 봐‬Use my money to make Oh Kyung-sook mayor.
‪웬만한 돈줄 잡아서는‬ ‪엄마랑 상대도 안 될 거고‬Going against Mom will take more than finding just any sponsor.
‪엄한 돈 받았다가‬ ‪오경숙 이미지만 다칠 거고‬And you'll hurt Oh Kyung-sook's image if you take the wrong money.
‪(서진) 내가 요새‬Recently…
‪[은밀한 음악]‬
‪엄마 옆에 붙어 다니면서‬ ‪돌아가는 꼴을 좀 봤는데‬…I've been sticking close to Mom and watching how things are going,
‪백재민이 시장 되면 안 되겠더라?‬and I don't think Baek Jae-min should win.
‪걔가 시장 되면‬If he does somehow,
‪엄마 약점 틀어쥐고‬he'll dig his claws into Mom, try to exploit our businesses,
‪면세점부터 우리 집안까지‬ ‪지멋대로 갖고 놀 게 뻔한데‬he'll dig his claws into Mom, try to exploit our businesses, our family, anything for his gain.
‪눈 뜨고 코 베일 순 없잖아‬I refuse to let that happen.
‪엄마랑 채령이는‬ ‪자기들이 간택한 애니까‬Chae-ryoung and Mom will never see this because they chose him,
‪이런 생각 못 할 거고‬Chae-ryoung and Mom will never see this because they chose him,
‪나라도 정신 차리고‬so I'll stay alert and do my duty
‪장녀 노릇 해야지‬as the eldest daughter.
‪까불지 마‬Don't even think about it.
‪너 같은 철딱서니가‬ ‪감당할 수 있는 판 아니니까‬This isn't a battle someone as childish as you can handle.
‪[상냥하게] 생각 바뀌면 연락해‬If you change your mind, give me a call.
‪(차선) 그린피플재단에서‬ ‪오는 길이야‬I was at the Green People Foundation.
‪백재민이랑 봉사활동 다녀왔던‬ ‪여대생들 만나고‬I was at the Green People Foundation. I've talked to the university girls who went volunteering with Baek Jae-min.
‪겁을 잔뜩 먹었더라?‬They were all scared stiff.
‪백재민 캠프에서 그랬나 봐‬His team must have forewarned them
‪'돈 받고 입 다물래?‬ ‪조용히 죽을래?'‬to take the money and move on, or die quietly.
‪예상했던 거잖아요‬ ‪그 정도 협박은‬We knew there would be threats involved at some point.
‪협박이 아닐 수도 있지‬It might not be an idle threat.
‪이슬이가 진짜 죽었잖아‬I-seul really died.
‪[싸한 음악]‬
‪[한숨 쉬며] 선배‬Cha-sun.
‪이슬이는‬ ‪저한테 유서까지 보내고…‬I-seul even left me a suicide note--
‪은성그룹 전략기획실‬I-seul even left me a suicide note-- But the Corporate Strategy Team would do absolutely anything for Eunsung's owners.
‪오너 일가를 위해서라면‬ ‪무슨 짓이든 하잖아‬But the Corporate Strategy Team would do absolutely anything for Eunsung's owners.
‪네가 그 중심에 있었던 아이고‬And you were at the center of it all.
‪(차선) 어쩌면‬Perhaps the great Hwang Do-hee overlooked something
‪천하의 황도희가 진짜 중요한 걸‬ ‪놓치고 있었는지도 모르겠는데?‬Perhaps the great Hwang Do-hee overlooked something that was very important,
‪(차선) 이슬이를‬ ‪그렇게 만들었단 죄책감 때문에‬blinded by the guilt over what happened to I-seul.
‪[새소리]‬ ‪[작업 차량 및 기계 소리]‬
‪(강 팀장) 실장님!‬Ms. Hwang.
‪(도희) 국지연이지?‬ ‪강 팀장 여기로 내려보낸 거‬It was Guk Ji-yeon, wasn't it, Kang, who sent you here?
‪아, 제가 국지연 그것만 생각하면‬ ‪진짜 분해 죽겠습니다‬Seriously, even the thought of her makes my blood boil.
‪아니, 실장님 자리‬ ‪바로 낚아채더니‬She swooped right into your position and then just started laying people off.
‪그냥 사람부터 짤라대는데‬ ‪[탄식]‬She swooped right into your position and then just started laying people off.
‪지우고 싶었겠지‬Sounds to me like she was erasing all traces of people who worked for me.
‪나랑 연결된 인맥은 전부 다‬Sounds to me like she was erasing all traces of people who worked for me.
‪네, 실장님 흔적을 그렇게‬ ‪열심히 치우는 이유가 뭔지‬You're right. I'm very interested myself in why she's trying so hard to erase any record of you,
‪저도 아주 흥미롭게‬ ‪지켜보고 있는 중입니다‬in why she's trying so hard to erase any record of you, so I'm keeping an eye on her.
‪좀 알아봤어?‬-Did you look into that thing? -Yeah.
‪[나지막이] 예‬-Did you look into that thing? -Yeah.
‪실장님이 요청하신‬I checked the security cameras for December 7th,
‪12월 7일 자 본사 CCTV 자료‬I checked the security cameras for December 7th, and the main office footage had been wiped clean.
‪싹 지워졌답니다‬and the main office footage had been wiped clean.
‪[싸한 음악]‬
‪옥상도?‬The rooftop too?
‪아예 본사 보안 시스템 자체를‬ ‪통으로 교체했다던데요?‬I heard that the entire security system had been replaced as well.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 경비 팀장 관할이지?‬Security system oversight is handled by the head of security, right?
‪본사 보안 시스템 관리‬Security system oversight is handled by the head of security, right?
‪네‬Yes. And the head of security answers to Corporate Strategy's GM.
‪그 경비 팀장을 관장하는 게‬ ‪전략기획실장이고요‬Yes. And the head of security answers to Corporate Strategy's GM.
‪실장님, 뭔가 싸한 거 맞죠?‬Something's fishy, don't you think?
‪CCTV 교체된 날이‬The security cameras were replaced
‪한이슬이가 본사 옥상에서‬ ‪떨어져 죽은 날이고‬the same day as I-seul threw herself off the office roof.
‪그 흔적을 싸그리 없앤 게‬And who removed all traces of it?
‪국지연이고‬Guk Ji-yeon.
‪제가 스토리 한번 파볼까요?‬Shall I dig deeper, Ms. Hwang?
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪강 팀장, 지난달에‬ ‪아이 태어났다 그랬지?‬You said your wife gave birth last month, didn't you?
‪그럼 팩트만 보면서 살아‬Then just keep doing what you're doing.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪아이 인생 불안하게 만드는‬ ‪스토리에 엮이지 말고‬Don't get involved in things that'll put your child in danger.
‪(도희) 갈게‬Take care.
‪저, 실장님‬Um, Ms. Hwang.
‪외부 CCTV 한번 돌려 보시죠‬What about the CCTVs on the street?
‪[어두운 음악]‬The Eunsung building is in such a crowded area.
‪(강 팀장) 은성 본사가‬ ‪워낙 번화가에 있지 않습니까‬The Eunsung building is in such a crowded area.
‪그 주변에 깔린 CCTV만 해도‬ ‪수십 대는 될 텐데‬There are probably dozens of security cameras installed around there.
‪(도희) 선배, 확인됐어요?‬Cha-sun, what did you find?
‪본사 맞은편 건물에 3대‬Cha-sun, what did you find? There are three right across from Eunsung, and four at the subway.
‪지하철 입구에 4대‬There are three right across from Eunsung, and four at the subway.
‪(차선) 도로에 설치된 CCTV까지‬Including the ones on the streets, there are 14 security cameras with a view of the building.
‪은성 사옥을 찍고 있는‬ ‪카메라는 총 14대야‬there are 14 security cameras with a view of the building.
‪녹화 영상 확보해 주세요‬Get the footage from all the feeds.
‪이슬이가 사망한 날 찍힌 자료는‬Get the footage from all the feeds. We need every second we can find from the day I-seul died.
‪하나도 빠짐없이 전부 다‬We need every second we can find from the day I-seul died.
‪[자동차 가속음]‬ ‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪[유쾌한 홍보 노래가 흐른다]‬ ‪(유세단) 지금 바로 오경숙!‬Number two! Number two! Oh Kyung-sook!
‪기호 2번, 2번, 2번!‬
‪♪ 경제 회복, 민심 회복 ♪‬ ‪[선거 유세단이 홍보를 계속한다]‬
‪♪ 이루리라 ♪‬ ‪[경숙 유세단 환호]‬
‪♪ 기호 1번 백재민! ♪‬ ‪[경숙이 홍보한다]‬
‪♪ 살신성인 백재민이 이루리라 ♪‬ ‪[경숙 팀이 환호하다가 멈춘다]‬
‪♪ 살신성인 백재민 ♪‬
‪♪ 우리 한국공화당 ♪‬
‪♪ 나의 사랑 백재민… ♪‬
‪(남팀원) 저것들이‬ ‪아주 대놓고 돈질을 하네?‬Look at them, rubbing money in our faces.
‪치! 선거를 돈으로 뛰나!‬Look at them, rubbing money in our faces. Campaigns aren't run by money. They're run by passion and people.
‪뜨거운 가슴으로 하는 거지!‬Campaigns aren't run by money. They're run by passion and people.
‪후보님, 신경 쓰지 마세요‬They're jerks. Don't worry about them.
‪어? 근데 쟤‬Whoa! Look who it is.
‪우리 캠프에 있던 애다, 보이지?‬They used to work for our campaign. Those two!
‪(여팀원) 진짜인데?‬-They did! -What are they doing over there?
‪(남팀원) 아, 쟤네가‬ ‪왜 저기 가 있어요?‬-They did! -What are they doing over there?
‪(여팀원) [한숨]‬ ‪돈으로 매수된 거지‬-They did! -What are they doing over there? They were bought out. She was promised an internship
‪쟤는 은성그룹 계열사‬ ‪인턴 자리 약속 받았고‬They were bought out. She was promised an internship in one of Eunsung's subsidiaries,
‪쟤는 공화당 청년위원장 자리‬ ‪약속 받았고‬in one of Eunsung's subsidiaries, and she was promised the youth leader position of the Korea Republican Party.
‪- 저런 속물 새끼들이…‬ ‪- 아이, 하지 마, 하지 마!‬ ‪[팀원들이 만류한다]‬and she was promised the youth leader position of the Korea Republican Party. -Backstabbing sellouts! -Don't!
‪자, 자, 자, 자‬Now, now, now, now!
‪그래도 우리 축복해 줍시다‬Forget all that, and wish them luck instead.
‪청년 실업 30만 시대에‬ ‪뭐, 저쪽에서라도 이렇게‬There are 300,000 unemployed young people these days.
‪어? 앞날 보장해 주면‬ ‪감사한 거지‬There are 300,000 unemployed young people these days. We should be happy they have jobs. -Even if we're opponents. -Yes!
‪- 안 그래?‬ ‪- 네!‬-Even if we're opponents. -Yes!
‪- 다 같이 화이팅 합시다‬ ‪- (여팀원) 역시 우리 후보님!‬-Let's shout, "You can do it." -You're so nice, ma'am.
‪- 1번도 화이팅!‬ ‪- (팀원들) 화이팅!‬-Let's shout, "You can do it." -You're so nice, ma'am. You can do it! -You can do it! -But we can do it better!
‪- (경숙) 우리는 더 화이팅!‬ ‪- (여팀원) 우리는 더 화이팅이다!‬-You can do it! -But we can do it better!
‪[환호]‬ ‪2번 찍어 주세요‬Vote for us! -Thank you so much! -Yeah!
‪감사합니다‬-Thank you so much! -Yeah!
‪[재민 홍보 노래가 크게 흐른다]‬ ‪[경숙 팀원들이 2번을 외친다]‬-Thank you so much! -Yeah!
‪본사 맞은편 건물‬ ‪CCTV부터 확보했어‬I got the footage from the building across from the Eunsung office.
‪구청이랑 지하철에서‬ ‪관리하는 카메라는‬So the district office and the subway company
‪파일 공유를 안 해줘서‬won't share their camera footage,
‪구할 수 있는 루트를 찾는 중이고‬won't share their camera footage, so I'm looking into another way to access it.
‪수고하셨어요‬so I'm looking into another way to access it. Great work.
‪(차선) [나지막이] 자‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[노트북 연결음]‬
‪[차선 한숨]‬
‪[한숨]‬ ‪찾을 수 있을까?‬Think we'll find anything?
‪해봐야죠‬We have to try.
‪백재민에 대한 아주 작은‬ ‪흔적이라도 남아 있다면‬Even the tiniest little trace of Baek Jae-min
‪[속삭이듯] 우리한텐‬ ‪큰 불씨가 될 테니까‬could spark a firestorm for us.
‪[음침한 음악]‬
‪오늘 싸움이 있었던 모양입니다‬So a fight seems to have broken out today.
‪[영상 속 우당탕 소리]‬So a fight seems to have broken out today.
‪[학생 아파하는 신음]‬
‪(칼 윤) 와우‬Wow.
‪[현우 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[학생 아파하는 신음]‬Wow.
‪[칼 윤 웃음]‬ ‪[학생 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪아주 쑥쑥 잘 자라는구나‬He's grown into quite the man, hasn't he?
‪(친구1) 현우 오늘‬ ‪겁나 열받았다매?‬-I heard you lost your shit today. -He totally flipped out!
‪(친구2) [웃으며] 완전 눈 돌았지‬-I heard you lost your shit today. -He totally flipped out!
‪그 새끼들이 현우네 엄마‬ ‪홍보물 다 망가뜨리고‬Those assholes messed up his mom's campaign posters and insulted her online.
‪엄마 기사에 악플까지‬ ‪존나 달았다니까?‬Those assholes messed up his mom's campaign posters and insulted her online.
‪(친구1) 근데 왠지 싸하지 않냐?‬Doesn't something feel off?
‪아, 그 새끼들 쪽팔려서라도‬ ‪가만히 안 있을 거 같은데?‬They'll try to retaliate, if only because Hyun-woo humiliated them.
‪(친구2) 야, 가만 안 있으면 뭐?‬Yeah, and so what if they do? He'll be ready for them.
‪우리 현우는 가만있냐?‬Yeah, and so what if they do? He'll be ready for them.
‪현우가 그 새끼들‬ ‪병신 만드는 거 일도 아니야‬ ‪[웃음]‬Hyun-woo could beat up those jackasses one-handed.
‪(친구1) 맞지, 맞지‬You're right!
‪야, 일로 와봐‬Hey, follow me.
‪[도로 소음]‬
‪[서정적인 음악]‬
‪야, 이것 좀 잡아봐‬Yo, grab that part.
‪(친구 1) 아, 똑바…‬ ‪똑바로 좀 맞춰봐‬ ‪[친구2가 호응한다]‬-Straighten it out. -Okay.
‪야, 붙이길 잘했다‬Hey, I'm glad we did that.
‪응, 아이, 그러니까‬ ‪사진 잘 나오셨어‬Right? Your mom looks great.
‪[친구들 웃음]‬You're right. I totally agree.
‪(친구1) 아, 맞아, 진짜 잘 나왔어‬You're right. I totally agree.
‪- 가자‬ ‪- (친구1) 어딜?‬-Let's go. -Where?
‪(현우) 당구장 게임비는 내가 쏜다‬-Let's go. -Where? -Pool's on me today. -Seriously?
‪- (친구2) 오, 진짜로?‬ ‪- (친구3) 레알?‬-Pool's on me today. -Seriously?
‪- (친구1) 야‬ ‪- (친구2) 가자!‬-Really? -Let's go!
‪- (친구3) 진짜로?‬ ‪- (현우) 어‬-Really? -Let's go!
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[시계 초침 소리]‬
‪[구두 소리]‬
‪[린조의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[벅찬 숨소리]‬
‪이슬이 유류품을‬Eunsung Group collected
‪은성그룹에서‬all of the items
‪수거해 갔다고?‬left behind by I-seul?
‪경찰 직통 라인 통해서‬I've read the police report from that day through my contact at the department.
‪사망 당일 조사 내용‬ ‪확인했습니다‬I've read the police report from that day through my contact at the department.
‪회사 명의로 된 휴대폰이랑‬ ‪ID 카드까지‬Everything from her work phone to her ID card was taken
‪싹 다 가져갔대요‬by Guk Ji-yeon from the Corporate Strategy Team.
‪전략기획실 국지연 팀장이‬by Guk Ji-yeon from the Corporate Strategy Team.
‪제39대 서울시장 보궐선거가‬ ‪2주 앞으로 다가오면서‬With two weeks to go until the 39th Seoul Mayoral By-election, the candidates have begun their campaigns in earnest.
‪본격적인 선거 운동이‬ ‪시작됐습니다‬the candidates have begun their campaigns in earnest.
‪(앵커) 드라마틱한 경선을 치르고‬ ‪국민개혁…‬ ‪[현관문 벨 소리]‬After a dramatic pre-election race…
‪[문이 닫힌다]‬
‪생각보다 보잘것없지?‬Not as glamorous as you thought it would be, is it,
‪은성그룹 사냥개로 사는 거‬Not as glamorous as you thought it would be, is it, being Eunsung's hunting hound.
‪잠은 늘 부족하고‬You're always sleep-deprived,
‪[한숨 쉬며] 인테리어 같은 건‬and you have no spare time to think about decorating the house.
‪생각할 여유도 없고‬and you have no spare time to think about decorating the house.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬The biggest luxury you have in this house
‪이 집에서 누릴 수 있는‬ ‪최고의 사치는‬The biggest luxury you have in this house
‪야경뿐이고‬is the view of the city at night.
‪(지연) 본론만 꺼내시죠‬Why don't you get to the point?
‪주인한테 버림받고‬You're upset that your master abandoned you,
‪살던 집까지 뺏겨서 속상한 마음‬and on top of that, you lost your apartment.
‪충분히 알겠으니까‬I completely understand that.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 참 이상해‬It's strange.
‪하필이면 이슬이가 죽은 다음 날‬The office security contractor was replaced the day after I-seul died,
‪본사 보안 업체가‬ ‪통으로 교체됐고‬The office security contractor was replaced the day after I-seul died,
‪그 보안 업체를 선정한 사람이‬and the one who chose the new security company…
‪너였고‬was you.
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬
‪뭐 급하게 숨길 거라도 있었니?‬What? Did you need to hide something quickly?
‪그런 거 없는데요?‬No, not at all.
‪그럼 왜 이슬이 핸드폰부터‬Then why'd you take I-seul's belongings?
‪직원용 출입 카드까지‬ ‪빼돌린 거야?‬Her cellphone, ID card, everything?
‪(지연) 오너 일가 담당 중에‬ ‪퇴사자가 발생할 경우‬When someone who used to serve under the Eun family quits,
‪퇴사자가 사용했던 모든 물품은‬all items used by that employee
‪전략기획실에서 수거한다‬are collected by Corporate Strategy.
‪선배가 가르쳐 준 방식이잖아요‬That's what you taught me, after all.
‪비위가 좋구나‬you must have a strong stomach,
‪(도희) 백재민 상투를 붙잡고‬seeing how you made it up here riding on Baek Jae-min's coattails.
‪여기까지 올라온 거 보면‬seeing how you made it up here riding on Baek Jae-min's coattails.
‪견딜 만하던데요?‬It wasn't that bad.
‪선배 밑에서 기어 다니는 것보다‬And I actually preferred it more to all the groveling under you.
‪훨씬 입맛에도 맞고‬And I actually preferred it more to all the groveling under you.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 머리를 잘라내면‬Coattails aren't useful anymore,
‪상투는 아무짝에도‬ ‪쓸모없는 혹이야‬after you cut off the head of the man wearing the coat.
‪[지연 코웃음]‬
‪협박하는 건가요?‬I'm sorry, was that a threat?
‪백 후보 목이라도 치겠다고?‬You're going to try and cut off Mr. Baek's head?
‪(도희) 네 목을 치게 되겠지‬Your head will be the first to go.
‪내가 니들 관계를‬ ‪공론화하는 순간‬Once I make your relationship public knowledge,
‪백재민은 널 방패로 쓸 테니까‬Baek Jae-min will probably use you as a human shield.
‪(도희) [한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪그게 네 위치야‬That's where you stand in this game.
‪몸이 부서지도록‬ ‪그 짐승을 받아줘도‬No matter how hard you try to give the beast everything it wants,
‪결국엔 폐기 처분 당하는‬in the end, you know what you are?
‪소모품‬ ‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬Disposable.
‪글쎄?‬ ‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬I don't know.
‪(지연) 그냥 폐기 처분 되기엔‬It seems to me that I've become much too valuable to simply be discarded.
‪내가 꽤 중요한 존재가‬ ‪되어버려서‬It seems to me that I've become much too valuable to simply be discarded.
‪[잔이 달각인다]‬
‪백 후보는‬ ‪날 쉽게 버릴 수 없을 거예요‬Mr. Baek won't get rid of me that easily.
‪[싸한 음악]‬
‪왜?‬Why's that?
‪백재민이 절대로 널 내칠 수 없는‬Perhaps you have information that makes you invaluable.
‪카드라도 쥐고 있니?‬An ace up your sleeve?
‪(도희) 네 후보님께서‬ ‪이슬이한테 무슨 짓을 했는지‬Would you be keeping, let's say, a secret
‪세상 사람들이 알아선 안 되는‬that the world cannot find out about,
‪비밀이라도 들고 있는 거야?‬like what your candidate did to I-seul?
‪과연 백 후보가‬ ‪이슬이를 건드렸을까?‬Do you really think Baek made advances on her?
‪지 목숨도 함부로 내던지는‬Why would he risk everything just to get a piece of a floozy like her
‪그런 싸구려가 무슨 매력 있다고‬Why would he risk everything just to get a piece of a floozy like her
‪백 후보가 걔한테‬who didn't even value her own--
‪- 손을 댔겠…‬ ‪- ‎야!‬who didn't even value her own--
‪[도희 분노한 숨소리]‬You!
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[지연 헛웃음]‬ ‪[도희 한숨]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪네가 구원받을 수 있는 기회는‬ ‪이걸로 끝났어‬I'll say that was the last chance you had to save yourself.
‪앞으로 널 사람대접해‬ ‪주는 일도 없을 거고‬From now on, I won't be treating you like a fellow human being.
‪네가 이슬이에 대해서‬ ‪뭘 쥐고 있는지‬I swear I'll do whatever it takes
‪[속삭이듯] 내가‬ ‪끝까지 찾아낼 거야‬to find out what you know about I-seul.
‪[선영이 헐떡인다]‬
‪[선영 다급한 신음]‬
‪- (교사) 아유, 어머니‬ ‪- 선생님, 너무 죄송해요‬-Hello. -I'm so sorry. I had an urgent meeting.
‪갑자기 회의가 잡혀 가지고‬-Hello. -I'm so sorry. I had an urgent meeting.
‪근데 우리 빈이는요?‬So was Bin okay, or did he cry a lot?
‪많이 울었죠?‬So was Bin okay, or did he cry a lot?
‪어, 아니요, 빈이‬Uh, not at all. He's… having fun in there.
‪잘 놀고 있는데요?‬He's… having fun in there.
‪[불길한 음악]‬
‪(칼 윤) 아무런 성과가 없었다?‬So she didn't make any progress?
‪백 후보가 잠깐이라도 스친‬ ‪여자들은 전부 찾아내서‬We tried to talk to all the women Candidate Baek ever worked with
‪한마디라도‬ ‪증언을 받아보려고 했는데‬and tried to get them to testify against him,
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬and tried to get them to testify against him,
‪수확이 없었습니다‬but we didn't get anything.
‪자네 덕분에 내가 선방했지‬Thanks to you, I had time to get ready.
‪그나저나 황도희 반응은?‬How did Hwang Do-hee react?
‪일단은 홀드하자는 분위기입니다‬She seems to want to put it on the back burner.
‪더 드라이브를 거는 게 아니라‬She's giving up on all of it, without any recourse?
‪여기서 멈췄다?‬She's giving up on all of it, without any recourse?
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬You said I'd be executive manager
‪지난번에 말씀하셨던‬You said I'd be executive manager
‪은성면세점‬ ‪코스메틱 파트 총괄 자리‬for the duty-free store's cosmetics department.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬for the duty-free store's cosmetics department.
‪정말 약속해 주시는 거 맞나요?‬Can I trust you to honor your promise?
‪이 고약한 정치판에서‬ ‪세작 노릇까지 하면서‬How could I play tricks on a single mother who's doing the best for her child
‪버티는 싱글맘한테‬How could I play tricks on a single mother who's doing the best for her child working as a double agent
‪그깟 자리 하나 갖고‬ ‪장난치면 되겠나?‬to survive the nasty world of politics?
‪(칼 윤) 자네 윤택한 미래‬I promise
‪내가 보장하지‬a bright future for you.
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪황도희 본부장이‬Hwang Do-hee
‪한이슬 사건 파고 있습니다‬is digging into the I-seul incident.
‪네, 본선 2일 차에 접어든‬ ‪서울시장 보궐선거‬So it has been two days since the mayoral election campaign officially began.
‪백재민 후보가 지지율을‬ ‪꾸준히 끌어올리면서‬since the mayoral election campaign officially began. Candidate Baek continues to be the front-runner, gathering more supporters by the day.
‪부동의 1위‬ ‪굳건히 지키고 있죠?‬gathering more supporters by the day.
‪그런데 오경숙 후보는‬The other thing we're seeing is that candidate Oh's approval ratings
‪지금 지지율이‬ ‪박스권에 갇혀 있거든요‬ ‪[기자1이 호응한다]‬The other thing we're seeing is that candidate Oh's approval ratings seem to have stalled.
‪네, 반전 드라마는‬ ‪이럴 때 터져야 제맛입니다‬ ‪[함께 웃음]‬seem to have stalled. If there's a big twist in the works, this would be a great time for it. Look.
‪자, 오경숙 후보가 백 후보를‬ ‪한 방에 날릴 수 있는‬Look. What if candidate Oh has something up her sleeve that would destroy Candidate Baek Jae-min?
‪히든카드를 쥐고 있다?‬that would destroy Candidate Baek Jae-min?
‪이렇게 되면‬If she does, I mean, it would be an incredible come-from-behind victory.
‪바로 대역전극이 펼쳐지는 건데요‬If she does, I mean, it would be an incredible come-from-behind victory.
‪(기자3) 오 후보, 과연 그런‬ ‪치트키를 찾았을까요?‬Has Candidate Oh found the winning card that she needs?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(지연) 글쎄?‬I don't know.
‪그냥 폐기 처분 되기엔‬It seems to me that I've become much too valuable to simply be discarded.
‪내가 꽤 중요한 존재가‬ ‪되어버려서‬It seems to me that I've become much too valuable to simply be discarded.
‪백 후보는‬ ‪날 쉽게 버릴 수 없을 거예요‬Mr. Baek won't get rid of me that easily.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪[옅은 탄식]‬
‪[문이 열린다]‬
‪[도희 한숨]‬ ‪[구두 소리]‬
‪(차선) 밤샌 거야?‬Did you stay up all night?
‪작업을 늦게 시작해서요‬ ‪국지연 만나고 들어오느라‬I got started late, unfortunately. I had to go see Guk Ji-yeon.
‪뭐라든?‬About what?
‪자신만만하던데요‬She's very confident, that's for sure.
‪이슬이에 대해서‬ ‪발뺌하는 건 기본이고‬She denied everything I brought up about I-seul
‪백재민이 절대로‬ ‪자길 내칠 수 없을 거라고‬and claimed that Baek Jae-min would never be able to get rid of her,
‪자신만만하더라고요‬and claimed that Baek Jae-min would never be able to get rid of her, even if he wanted to.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬ ‪걔가‬Then… there's something she wants to share.
‪확실히 뭔가를 쥐고 있구나?‬Then… there's something she wants to share.
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪[문이 열린다]‬
‪본부장님‬Ms. Hwang.
‪치트키‬That hidden card? I think I found it.
‪찾은 거 같은데요?‬That hidden card? I think I found it.
‪[심각한 음악]‬
‪오늘 새벽 1시 반‬At 1:30 in the morning,
‪백재민이 국지연 혼자 사는‬ ‪아파트에 출입하는 장면입니다‬Baek Jae-min was seen visiting Guk Ji-yeon's apartment.
‪(린조) 경호원 없이‬ ‪백이 직접 운전해서 이동했고요‬There were no bodyguards, and he drove there by himself.
‪그리고 같은 날 새벽 6시‬A few hours later, at 6:00 a.m., Baek can be seen leaving Guk's house.
‪백이 국의 집에서‬ ‪나오는 모습입니다‬A few hours later, at 6:00 a.m., Baek can be seen leaving Guk's house.
‪(차선) 한밤중에‬ ‪여자 보좌관 집에서‬He spent five hours in the middle of the night
‪다섯 시간을 단둘이 있었다?‬He spent five hours in the middle of the night with his female aide.
‪[린조 호응하는 신음]‬ ‪(차선) [코웃음] 이거‬ ‪사퇴 정도가 아니라‬Seriously, even if he resigns, the public's going to want his head.
‪완전 사형감인데?‬Seriously, even if he resigns, the public's going to want his head.
‪본부장님‬Ms. Hwang, let's send this footage to the press right away--
‪이 사진 바로 언론사에 뿌려서…‬Ms. Hwang, let's send this footage to the press right away--
‪일단 묻어‬Hold on to it for now.
‪(선영) 응?‬Hm?
‪묻으라고요?‬Hold on to it?
‪(선영) 아니, 본부장님‬But Ms. Hwang, Baek Jae-min's ratings will tank when this is released--
‪이거 나가는 순간 백재민‬ ‪지지율 바로 떨어질 텐데 왜…‬But Ms. Hwang, Baek Jae-min's ratings will tank when this is released--
‪글쎄 그렇게 간단한 문제가‬ ‪아니라니까!‬Just trust me. It's not as easy as that!
‪[한숨]‬ ‪미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪(도희) 잠깐만 쉬었다 하자‬Let's take a break.
‪[도로 소음]‬
‪(차선) 황도희!‬Hwang Do-hee!
‪너답지 않게‬ ‪왜 브레이크를 밟어?‬It's not like you to pull the brakes like that.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 선배‬Cha-sun.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪국지연이‬ ‪백재민 아이를 가진 거 같아요‬I think Guk Ji-yeon is pregnant with Baek Jae-min's child.
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬ ‪[헛웃음]‬
‪걔가 진짜 위험한 게임을‬ ‪하는구나?‬So she's really playing a dangerous game, isn't she?
‪(차선) 이슬이 문제에‬The truth about I-seul,
‪배 속의 애까지‬and now a child.
‪아니, 양손에 칼을 들고‬I mean, what's she trying to do with that kind of stance?
‪뭘 어쩌겠다는 거야?‬I mean, what's she trying to do with that kind of stance?
‪착각하는 거죠‬I'd say she's delusional.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 그 칼이‬She thinks
‪본인을 지켜주는 힘이 될 거라고‬that what she has will be enough to protect her.
‪혼외자 문제 터지면‬If there's a secret child scandal,
‪걔 무사하지 못해‬she'll be destroyed.
‪아니, 특히나 선거가 코앞인데‬And still, with the election around the corner,
‪은씨 일가가 알게 되면‬And still, with the election around the corner, if the Eunsung owners find out…
‪[차선 한숨]‬
‪우리도 끝장이죠‬It'll be over for us too.
‪이슬이의‬ ‪진짜 마지막을 열 수 있는‬Our best chance of finding out what really happened to I-seul
‪키를 놓치는 거니까‬Our best chance of finding out what really happened to I-seul will be gone.
‪일단은‬So then,
‪국지연을 커버해 주는 게 맞겠네‬we should protect her for the time being.
‪백재민의 흔적 하나라도‬ ‪찾을 때까진‬Until we find even a hint of Baek Jae-min in that footage,
‪전부 우리 통제 안에 있어야 돼요‬everything must be kept under control.
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬
‪황도희가 한이슬 사건을 캔다던데‬It seems Hwang Do-hee is digging into the Han I-seul case.
‪자네한테 황도희가‬ ‪아무런 기별도 없었나?‬Didn't she attempt to contact you at all?
‪네, 없었습니다‬No, sir, she did not.
‪유종의 미를 거둔다는 게‬ ‪참 힘들지?‬Isn't it hard staying true to your goals until the end?
‪[고조되는 음악]‬Isn't it hard staying true to your goals until the end?
‪이번 선거만큼은‬I was hoping I could end this election without getting any blood on my hands.
‪손에 피 안 묻히고‬ ‪조용히 마무리하고 싶었는데‬I was hoping I could end this election without getting any blood on my hands.
‪아, 저렇게 칼춤을 춰대면‬But if she insists on attacking us,
‪우리도 마지막으로 제대로‬we'll have to play along with her
‪살풀이를 해줘야겠지‬and show them who they're dealing with.
‪차마 비명 소리도 지르지 못하게‬We'll go after Oh Kyung-sook's jugular
‪오경숙의 급소를 찔러서‬so quickly she won't even have time to scream.
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪[구두 소리]‬
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬
‪[싸한 음악]‬
‪(도희) 그게 네 위치야‬That's where you stand in this game.
‪몸이 부서지도록‬ ‪그 짐승을 받아줘도‬No matter how hard you try to give the beast everything it wants,
‪결국엔 폐기 처분 당하는‬in the end, you know what you are?

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