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  신입사관 구해령 8

Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung 8


지금 무얼 하는 것이냐?‬What are you doing?
‪(의원)‬ ‪누구십니까?‬-Who might you be? -His Highness Prince Dowon
‪(부제학)‬ ‪위무사로 오신 도원 대군마마시다‬-Who might you be? -His Highness Prince Dowon is here as a wimusa. Be courteous.
‪예를 갖추어라‬is here as a wimusa. Be courteous.
‪(의원)‬ ‪대군마마를 몰라뵈어 송구하옵니다‬Your Highness, I apologize for not recognizing you.
‪소인 내의원에서 어의를 지낸‬ ‪김홍록이라 하옵니다‬I am Kim Hong-rok, a former royal physician at the Medical Office. You were a royal physician?
‪(이림)‬ ‪어의까지 지낸 자가 어찌‬You were a royal physician?
‪저 여인이 하는 짓을‬ ‪두고 보기만 한 것이냐?‬Then why did you let her do that?
‪아이들에게 병을 옮기고 있었다‬She was infecting the children.
‪그건 병을 옮기는 것이 아니라‬No. She wasn't, Your Highness. It is a medical procedure called variolation.
‪인두종법이라는 의술이옵니다‬It is a medical procedure called variolation.
‪(모화)‬ ‪예로부터 병자에게서 두즙을 취하여‬ ‪건강한 사람 몸에 집어넣으면‬Since ancient times, it's been known that infecting healthy people with fluid from those with active smallpox immunizes them against the disease
‪한 차례 두창을 앓은 뒤‬immunizes them against the disease
‪다시는 두창에‬ ‪걸리지 않는다 하였습니다‬after causing a mild case of it.
‪(부제학)‬ ‪하나 인두법은 반은 살리고‬ ‪반은 죽이는 위험한 예방법이 아닌가?‬However, half of the people who are variolated die. It is a high-risk prevention method. I tested it on 12 children,
‪열두 명의 아이들에게 행해 본 결과‬I tested it on 12 children, and seven of them have fully recovered.
‪일곱이 완전히 나았습니다‬and seven of them have fully recovered.
‪하면 다섯은?‬-Then what about the five of them? -They aren't doing too well.
‪차도가 좋진 않습니다‬-Then what about the five of them? -They aren't doing too well. You wicked witch!
‪(부제학)‬ ‪이런 고약한 년!‬You wicked witch! How could you conduct such a risky test on children who are physically weak?
‪어찌 연약한 아이들에게‬ ‪그리 위험천만한 짓을 해?‬How could you conduct such a risky test on children who are physically weak?
‪그래도 일곱은 살렸다지 않습니까?‬ ‪일곱이나요‬But she said she managed to save seven of them. She saved seven children.
‪이 아이들이 살아 있는 것이‬ ‪하늘의 뜻이지‬She saved seven children. Providence is what saved those children's lives. It has nothing to do with what she did!
‪(부제학)‬ ‪저 계집의 의술 때문이겠는가?‬It has nothing to do with what she did!
‪죽어 가는 아이들도 가만히 두었더라면‬Had she done nothing to the children, even the dying ones
‪무사히 역병을 넘기고‬ ‪지나갔을 수도 있는 일이네‬might not have caught the disease at all. However, we couldn't just sit back
‪그렇다고 손 놓고 앉아서‬However, we couldn't just sit back
‪(의원)‬ ‪역병에 걸리지 않기만을‬ ‪바랄 수는 없었습니다‬However, we couldn't just sit back and hope they wouldn't catch the plague.
‪뭐라도 해서 한 사람이라도 더‬ ‪살려야 하지 않겠습니까?‬We ought to do something to save at least one more life.
‪마마, 이곳의 백성들에게‬ ‪인두법을 계속하게 해 주십시오‬Your Highness. Please allow us to perform variolation on more people here.
‪현재로서는 이 방법이 최선이옵니다‬It is the best solution we have at the moment.
‪아니 된다‬No, you cannot.
‪(이림)‬ ‪백성들의 목숨을 담보로‬ ‪위험을 무릅쓸 수는 없다‬We mustn't take such a huge risk using people's lives.
‪그만하거라‬Stop this now.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪부인, 예서 뭘 하는 게요?‬My dear, what on earth are you doing here? What if someone sees you?
‪누가 보면 어쩌려고?‬What if someone sees you? Why did you bring His Highness here? You should've stayed in the office.
‪어찌 마마를 이곳으로 모셨습니까?‬Why did you bring His Highness here? You should've stayed in the office.
‪감영에 계시지 않고요‬Why did you bring His Highness here? You should've stayed in the office.
‪아이, 그게, 나인들 수가 있었겠소?‬Well, I had no choice.
‪마마께서 한사코 고집을 피우시는데‬His Highness kept insisting on coming here.
‪[모화의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪역병의 기세가 등등하니‬The epidemic is in full force, so please make sure His Highness never leaves the guest house.
‪마마께서 객사 밖으로‬ ‪나오지 않도록 주의해 주십시오‬so please make sure His Highness never leaves the guest house.
‪하루빨리 한양으로 돌아가셔야 합니다‬He must return to Hanyang as soon as possible.
‪내 마마를 잘 타일러 보리다‬I will do my best to persuade His Highness.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪한데, 저...‬By the way...
‪부인은 괜찮은 거요?‬Are you all right, my dear? Don't worry about me.
‪제 걱정은 마시고‬Don't worry about me.
‪마마를 잘 보필해 주십시오‬Just focus on taking good care of His Highness.
‪[걱정스러운 한숨]‬
‪알았소, 알았소‬Okay, I will.
‪- 잘한 거겠지?‬ ‪- (삼보) 예?‬-I hope I did the right thing. -Pardon? The procedure called variolation, which the female physician was performing.
‪그 의녀가 하던‬ ‪인두법이란 의술 말이다‬The procedure called variolation, which the female physician was performing.
‪그만두게 한 게 옳아‬I did the right thing by stopping her.
‪(이림)‬ ‪옳고말고‬Yes, I did the right thing.
‪그렇지 않느냐?‬Don't you agree?
‪(삼보)‬ ‪아이...‬Well, I'm not so sure.
‪글쎄요‬Well, I'm not so sure. Her explanation made sense.
‪얘기를 들어 보니까 일리가 있는 것이‬Her explanation made sense.
‪꼭 틀린 말은 아닌 거 같던데?‬Her explanation made sense. I don't think she's wrong.
‪아, 그리고‬ ‪그 의녀가 와서 부탁을 했습니다‬Oh, she actually stopped by earlier and asked me
‪마마께서 역병에 옮을지 모르니‬to make sure you never leave the guest house as you might catch the disease.
‪객사 밖으로 외출을 삼가 달라고요‬as you might catch the disease.
‪그런 거로 보면은‬ ‪마마가 좀 매정하기는 했습니다요‬She's obviously concerned about you. You were too unsympathetic earlier.
‪매정하다니?‬What do you mean?
‪난 대군으로서 우리 백성들을‬ ‪지켜야 할 의무가 있고...‬Protecting the people is my duty as a prince-- Sure, of course. You're absolutely right.
‪예, 예, 예, 그렇습죠, 예, 예‬Sure, of course. You're absolutely right. Since you're a prince of this country,
‪마마께서는 이 나라의 대군‬Since you're a prince of this country,
‪한낱 의녀의 말 따위에 귀 기울이실‬ ‪필요가 없으신 분이시죠, 예‬you do not need to listen to what a mere female physician has to say.
‪뭐, 아무튼 이미 결론 내리신 거‬Anyhow, you've already made your decision,
‪구태여 다시 생각지 마시고‬ ‪푹 주무십시오‬so don't have second thoughts and just get a good night's sleep. Who cares about the people and smallpox?
‪두창이고 백성이고 나발이고‬Who cares about the people and smallpox?
‪일단 마마 마음이 편한 게‬ ‪가장 중요하지 않겠습니까?‬What matters the most is you finding peace of mind, Your Highness.
‪[삼보의 인사하는 신음]‬
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬ ‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪(모화)‬ ‪예로부터 병자에게서 두즙을 취하여‬ ‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬Since ancient times, it's been known that infecting healthy people
‪건강한 사람 몸에 집어넣으면‬with fluid from those with active smallpox
‪한 차례 두창을 앓은 뒤‬immunizes them against the disease
‪다시는 두창에‬ ‪걸리지 않는다 하였습니다‬after causing a mild case of it.
‪[새들이 짹짹 지저귄다]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪아, 의녀님‬Ma'am.
‪저, 이건 제가 하겠습니다‬ ‪다른 일 보세요‬I'll do this. You can take care of something else.
‪아, 예, 고맙습니다‬Okay, thank you.
‪[해령의 옅은 신음]‬
‪(모화)‬ ‪먹자‬Let's eat.
‪(해령)‬ ‪정말 대단하신 거 같아요‬I'm very impressed by you.
‪다른 마을은 의원이며 의녀며‬ ‪다들 손 놓고 피병 갔다는데‬I heard all the physicians in other towns gave up and left in fear of catching the disease,
‪이렇게 먼 곳까지 오셔서‬ ‪병자를 돌보시다니요‬but you came all the way here to look after the ill.
‪많이 힘드시죠?‬It must be very stressful.
‪(모화)‬ ‪제가 힘들다 한들‬ ‪앓아누운 이 아이들만 하겠습니까?‬It can't be as bad as the pain these kids are experiencing now. Besides, I'm responsible for this situation.
‪게다가 애초에 책임이 있는 건 접니다‬Besides, I'm responsible for this situation.
‪저, 그때 마마께서 하신 말씀은‬ ‪너무 신경 쓰지 마십시오‬Well, about what His Highness said... Please don't take it to heart.
‪원래 성격이 좀 재수 없었다가‬ ‪좀 봐줄 만은 했다가‬He can switch from being tolerable to totally obnoxious in a flash.
‪이렇게 오락가락하십니다‬He can be quite moody.
‪[아이1의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪[놀라며]‬ ‪열이 들끓고 있습니다‬She's burning up with fever. We should try to lower her temperature.
‪체온을 좀 낮춰 줘야 할 거 같은데요?‬She's burning up with fever. We should try to lower her temperature.
‪[모화가 천을 계속 적신다]‬
‪병자가 두렵지 않으십니까?‬Aren't you afraid of touching those who are infected?
‪(모화)‬ ‪얼굴을 보아하니‬ ‪두창을 앓으신 적도 없는 듯한데요‬Judging from your skin, I don't think you've ever had smallpox.
‪(해령)‬ ‪아...‬
‪예, 저는 괜찮습니다‬No, I'm not afraid.
‪(해령)‬ ‪실은 어릴 때 팔에 무언가 넣고서‬ ‪막 아팠던 기억이 있거든요‬I actually remember something was put into my arm, and I remember it really hurt. They said it'd prevent smallpox.
‪두창을 예방한다고요‬They said it'd prevent smallpox.
‪지금 생각하니까‬ ‪그게 인두법이었나 싶습니다‬ ‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬Looking back, I wonder if that was inoculation.
‪저희 아버지께서도 잠깐 앓고 나면‬ ‪괜찮아질 거라고 절 다독이셨고요‬My father calmed me down by explaining to me that I'd be fine after suffering for a short while.
‪그게 언제쯤입니까?‬Do you remember roughly when that was?
‪제가 지금 스물여섯 살이니까 한...‬I'm 26 years old now, so it was probably around 20 years ago.
‪이십 년 전쯤일 겁니다‬so it was probably around 20 years ago.
‪부친께서 의술에 밝으셨나 봅니다‬Your father must've been well versed in medical knowledge.
‪(모화)‬ ‪그땐 조선에서 인두법을 행하는 사람이‬ ‪몇 안 됐을 터인데요‬Back then, not many people in Joseon knew how to perform variolation.
‪(해령)‬ ‪아, 아마 건너 건너 소문 듣고‬ ‪아신 걸 겁니다‬He probably heard about it through the grapevine.
‪저희 아버지는 의술은커녕‬He had no medical knowledge. He just assisted a merchants' guild
‪상단 일 도우시면서‬ ‪이름도 관직도 없이 사신 분이라서요‬He had no medical knowledge. He just assisted a merchants' guild and never held any public office.
‪일찍 돌아가셨고요‬He passed away when I was little.
‪죄송합니다‬My apologies.
‪그저 귀한 집 아씨인 줄로만 알고‬I assumed you were from a prestigious family. I shouldn't have brought it up.
‪괜한 얘기를 꺼냈어요‬I shouldn't have brought it up.
‪(해령)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪아니요‬Gosh, please don't worry. I'll take that as a compliment.
‪아, 귀하게 봐 주셨다니까‬ ‪무조건 칭찬으로 들어야죠‬Gosh, please don't worry. I'll take that as a compliment. I'm truly flattered.
‪기분 좋기만 합니다‬I'm truly flattered.
‪(모화)‬ ‪궁녀 같지는 않으신데‬ ‪이곳엔 무슨 일로 따라오셨습니까?‬You don't look like a court lady. What brought you here?
‪아, 제가 인사가 좀 늦었죠?‬Right, I should introduce myself.
‪저는 여사관입니다‬I'm a female historian.
‪예문관 권지 구해령이라고 합니다‬I'm Goo Hae-ryung, an apprentice from the Office of Royal Decrees.
‪모화라고 합니다‬I'm Mo-hwa.
‪[까치가 깍깍 운다]‬
‪(이진)‬ ‪도성에 역병 소식이 알려진 지도‬ ‪얼마 되지 않았습니다‬The news about the plague only reached the capital recently.
‪한데 벌써부터‬ ‪매점매석이 판을 친다는 겁니까?‬Are you saying people are already hoarding things in preparation for it?
‪[도승지의 헛기침]‬
‪[답답한 한숨]‬
‪[코 고는 소리가 드르렁 울린다]‬
‪[코 고는 소리가 드르렁 울린다]‬
‪[대신들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪[서권이 코를 드르렁 곤다]‬
‪(시행)‬ ‪[작은 소리로]‬ ‪성 검열, 성 검열‬Officer Seong.
‪[대신들의 헛기침]‬
‪(서권)‬ ‪송구하옵니다, 저하‬-I apologize, Your Royal Highness. -How rude.
‪(우의정)‬ ‪이런 괘씸한 놈을 봤나?‬-I apologize, Your Royal Highness. -How rude. His Royal Highness can't even sleep due to his concern for our people.
‪저하께서는 나라 걱정에‬ ‪밤잠도 설치시거늘‬His Royal Highness can't even sleep due to his concern for our people. How dare you doze off and even snore in front of His Royal Highness!
‪감히 어느 안전이라고‬ ‪코까지 골며 졸아 대는 것이야?‬How dare you doze off and even snore in front of His Royal Highness!
‪(대제학)‬ ‪자네는 법궁의 대전이‬ ‪자네 집 안방으로 보이는 겐가?‬Does the palace look like your bedchamber to you? As a historian, you must record everything you see and hear.
‪안위와 동정 하나하나‬ ‪살피고 적어야 할 사관이‬As a historian, you must record everything you see and hear.
‪어찌 입시 중에 잠이 들어?‬How dare you fall asleep! I sincerely apologize. Please forgive me.
‪죽을죄를 지었습니다‬I sincerely apologize. Please forgive me.
‪용서해 주십시오‬I sincerely apologize. Please forgive me. Your Royal Highness, that historian dared to mock the dignity of the court
‪(우의정)‬ ‪저하, 저 사관은‬ ‪지엄한 대전을 농락하고‬Your Royal Highness, that historian dared to mock the dignity of the court
‪사관의 막중한 직무를 업신여겼습니다‬and neglected his crucial duty as a historian.
‪당장에 의금부로 끌고 가‬ ‪마땅히 벌을 내리시옵소서‬Please send him to the Royal Investigation Bureau to be punished. -Please punish him. -Please punish him.
‪(대신들)‬ ‪벌을 내리시옵소서‬-Please punish him. -Please punish him.
‪그만들 하세요‬Enough, all of you. Everyone is aware of the historians' heavy workloads.
‪(이진)‬ ‪사관의 업무가 과중함은‬ ‪모두가 아는 사실입니다‬Everyone is aware of the historians' heavy workloads. Who'd want to become a historian if we punished him
‪이깟 일로 처벌까지 내린다면‬Who'd want to become a historian if we punished him
‪누가 이 나라의 사필을‬ ‪잡으려 하겠습니까?‬-for something like this? -But, Your Royal Highness--
‪(우의정)‬ ‪하오나, 저하...‬-for something like this? -But, Your Royal Highness-- Have you forgotten what we are supposed to discuss at this meeting?
‪지금 여기가 무엇을 논하는 자리인지‬ ‪잊으셨습니까?‬Have you forgotten what we are supposed to discuss at this meeting?
‪[위태로운 음악]‬
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪사관의 일은 나중에 추고하겠습니다‬I will think about what to do with the historian later on.
‪우선 각 도에서 올라온 구휼미를‬ ‪모두 평안도, 황해도로 보내고‬First, send all the rice from other provinces to Pyongan Province and Hwanghae Province.
‪약재를 사는 데 부족한 돈은‬ ‪내탕고를 열어 보충할 테니‬I will open the Royal Treasury if there isn't enough money to buy all the medicine,
‪전국을 뒤져서라도‬ ‪충분한 약재를 준비시키도록 하세요‬so search all over the country if you must in order to obtain enough medicine for everyone.
‪(도승지)‬ ‪예, 저하‬Yes, Your Royal Highness.
‪(시행)‬ ‪성 검열 졸다가 걸렸다‬Officer Seong got caught dozing off.
‪- 잠을 잤다고요?‬ ‪- (경묵) 대전에서?‬-He dozed off? -At the royal meeting?
‪입시 중에?‬While he was recording it?
‪말도 마라‬Don't even get me started.
‪내가 진짜 오금이 저리고‬ ‪심장이 벌렁거려서‬My legs were all wobbly, and my heart was pounding like crazy.
‪(시행)‬ ‪[분노하며]‬ ‪아유!‬Gosh!
‪(아란)‬ ‪그럼 성 검열님은 어찌 되시는 겁니까?‬Then what's going to happen to Officer Seong now?
‪설마 잘리시는 겁니까?‬Will he get fired?
‪잘리기만 하면 다행이게요?‬Then he should be grateful.
‪옛날에 어떤 사관은‬ ‪입시 중에 졸아 가지고‬A long time ago, a historian who had dozed off while on duty
‪저 멀리 물 좋고 산 높은 곳으로‬ ‪유배까지...‬was exiled to a faraway land...
‪가시진 않겠죠?‬That won't happen to him, right?
‪나도 마음 같아서는‬I'd love to send him
‪정신 차리라고‬ ‪어디 시골에다 콱 처박고 싶은데‬to the countryside to teach him a lesson,
‪자비로운 저하께서‬ ‪자송문 하나 쓰면 끝내시겠단다‬but His Royal Highness mercifully said he will be forgiven if he submits a letter of apology.
‪(경묵)‬ ‪아, 성 검열, 너 운 좋은 줄 알아‬Officer Seong, consider yourself lucky. Had it been His Majesty instead of His Royal Highness, you would've been...
‪세자 저하가 아니라 주상 전하였으면‬Had it been His Majesty instead of His Royal Highness, you would've been...
‪넌 그 자리에서 그냥 깩, 어?‬Had it been His Majesty instead of His Royal Highness, you would've been...
‪(서권)‬ ‪예‬I know.
‪저는 입이 열 개라도 할 말이 없습니다‬I'm too ashamed to say anything. Come on. It's not your fault.
‪아이, 근데 그게 어디‬ ‪성 검열 잘못입니까?‬Come on. It's not your fault.
‪역병 때문에 일은 넘쳐 나는데‬We're swamped with work because of the plague.
‪사람이 모자라니까 그렇죠‬It's because we're short-staffed.
‪(홍익)‬ ‪아, 그건 또 그렇습니다‬That is true.
‪상참, 윤대, 조강에서 석강‬We have to be there for all the royal meetings and lectures.
‪아, 주상 전하 한 분‬ ‪따라다니는 것도 힘든데‬We have to be there for all the royal meetings and lectures. Following around His Majesty is enough work, and we have His Royal Highness too.
‪대리청정 중인 세자 저하까지‬and we have His Royal Highness too. And as you know, our work doesn't end there.
‪아이, 그리고‬ ‪우리가 어디 입시만 합니까?‬And as you know, our work doesn't end there. We have to record all the royal commands and send them out.
‪명하시는 거 다 적어다‬ ‪공문서로 내려보내야지‬We have to record all the royal commands and send them out.
‪또 그것들 다 정리해‬ ‪시정기 자료로 만들어야지‬Also, we must put all of them into the administration record.
‪[홍익의 질색하는 신음]‬
‪아, 오죽하면 제가 계룡산 도사를‬ ‪다 찾아가고 싶더라니까요?‬I actually thought about visiting the guru in Gyeryongsan
‪분실술이라도 배워 오게‬so that I can learn how to clone myself.
‪(치국)‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪가장사초 적는 거는 또 어떻고요?‬so that I can learn how to clone myself. We have to record our opinions on current events too.
‪퇴궐하고 나서도‬ ‪이게 집인지 예문관인지...‬Even when I go home, I have to work as hard as I do here.
‪아니, 부인하고 단란하게‬ ‪이, 술 한잔할 시간도 없습니다‬I don't even have time to enjoy a glass of wine with my wife.
‪손 대교님도 저번에 사초 쓰다가‬Officer Son, you said you missed
‪둘째 손주 걸음마 떼는 거‬ ‪놓치셨다면서요‬Officer Son, you said you missed your second grandchild taking his first step because of work.
‪[길승의 속상한 신음]‬
‪[장군이 책상을 탁 친다]‬
‪(장군)‬ ‪양 봉교님이 저희 대표로‬ ‪상소 좀 써 주십시오‬Officer Yang, please file a petition on behalf of all of us. Either hire more historians
‪예문관 인원을 늘리든가‬ ‪업무를 줄이든가‬Either hire more historians or reduce our workload.
‪뭐라도 좀 해 달라고요‬Please do something.
‪(시행)‬ ‪아니, 이것들이‬ ‪왜 또 불똥을 나한테 튀겨, 어?‬Why are you taking it out on me again?
‪저기요, 여기서 예문관 일 힘든 거‬ ‪모르고 사관 된 놈 있으세요?‬Look, did any of you have no idea what you were getting yourselves into when you decided to become historians?
‪어?‬when you decided to become historians?
‪성균관 시절부터 선진들이‬Even during our Sungkyunkwan days, our seniors always said,
‪'귀양은 가도 예문관은 가지 마라'‬"Don't ever work at the Office of Royal Decrees.
‪'낭랑 18세가‬ ‪백발 19세 돼서 나오는 곳이다'‬The heavy workload will age you like there is no tomorrow."
‪귓구녕에 못이 박히도록 경고하는 거‬ ‪못 들어 본 놈 있으세요?‬They warned us countless times. Has any of you never heard that before?
‪그래 놓고 이제 와서‬ ‪얻다 대고 징징질이야, 징징질이?‬Then why are you guys whining to me now?
‪징으로 머리를 한 대씩‬ ‪휘모리장단을 연주해 버릴라, 쯧‬I'd love to give each of you a big smack in the head right now.
‪다시 일!‬Now, get back to work!
‪[홍익의 한숨]‬
‪[경묵의 헛기침]‬
‪(시행)‬ ‪너는 '검열 성서권‬ ‪대전에서 코 골고 잠들다'‬And you. "Senior Ninth-rank Historian Seong Seo-gwon dozed off and snored while on duty."
‪사책에다 똑똑히 적어라‬Make sure you write that in your records. Yes, sir.
‪네, 알겠습니다‬Yes, sir.
‪[새가 짹짹 지저귄다]‬
‪[해령의 가쁜 숨소리]‬Hello.
‪아이를 데리러 왔습니다‬I'm here to pick up your child.
‪(해령)‬ ‪아랫마을에 격리소가 생겨서요‬There's a new isolation camp in the other village.
‪[여인이 흐느낀다]‬
‪[슬픈 음악]‬
‪[여인이 흐느낀다]‬
‪(여인)‬ ‪[오열하며]‬ ‪내 새끼...‬My baby...
‪[여인이 오열한다]‬
‪[여인이 연신 흐느낀다]‬ ‪[해령의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[여인이 연신 오열한다]‬
‪[숨죽여 흐느낀다]‬
‪[여인이 연신 오열한다]‬
‪[해령이 훌쩍인다]‬
‪아씨‬My lady.
‪무슨 일 있으셨습니까?‬Did something happen?
‪저 때문에‬Because of me,
‪한 아이가 죽었습니다‬a child lost her life.
‪[해령의 울먹이는 숨소리]‬
‪살릴 수 있었는데‬I could've saved her.
‪지켜 줄 수 있었는데‬I could've protected her,
‪제가 외면했습니다‬but I turned my back on her.
‪[해령이 흐느낀다]‬
‪[해령이 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[해령이 흐느낀다]‬
‪고맙습니다‬Thank you.
‪이제 좀 기분이 괜찮아지셨습니까?‬Are you feeling a little better now?
‪[깊은 한숨]‬
‪(모화)‬ ‪누가 그러더군요, 아씨‬My lady, someone once told me
‪꽃이 필 때는 비바람이 많고‬that it always gets windy and rainy when flowers start to bloom
‪사람의 삶에는 이별이 많은 것이라고요‬and that life is full of farewells.
‪세상에는 내 탓도 아니고‬You can neither blame yourself
‪누구의 탓도 아닌‬nor others
‪그런 일도 있는 법입니다‬for some things in life.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪그러니 스스로를 책망하지 마세요‬ ‪[해령이 훌쩍인다]‬So please don't beat yourself up.
‪그 힘으로‬ ‪할 수 있는 일을 하시면 됩니다‬Instead, use that energy to do the things that you can do.
‪[이진의 한숨]‬Your Royal Highness, Her Majesty is here for an audience with you.
‪(나인)‬ ‪세자 저하, 대비마마 드셨사옵니다‬Your Royal Highness, Her Majesty is here for an audience with you.
‪뫼시거라‬She may enter.
‪대비마마‬Your Majesty.
‪바쁜데 방해가 된 건 아닌지요?‬I know that you're busy. I hope I'm not interrupting.
‪아닙니다, 앉으십시오‬Not at all. Please have a seat.
‪평안도에서 소식이 왔다 들었습니다‬I heard a messenger arrived from Pyongan Province.
‪상황이 아주 안 좋다지요?‬I hear that the situation is very bad.
‪예‬-Yes. -Crown Prince.
‪세자‬-Yes. -Crown Prince.
‪하루빨리 도원을 환궁시켜 주세요‬Make sure Prince Dowon can return as soon as possible.
‪이 할미가 도원 걱정에‬ ‪밥도 넘어가질 않고‬I am so concerned about him that I can neither eat nor sleep.
‪잠도 이룰 수가 없습니다‬that I can neither eat nor sleep.
‪이러다 정말 흉한 소식이라도 들릴까‬What if we hear some terrible news one of these days?
‪매일같이 속을 태우고 있습니다‬I am awfully anxious every single day.
‪저도 도원을 데려오고 싶은 마음이‬ ‪태산입니다‬I, too, would love to bring him back as soon as possible,
‪하나 부왕께서...‬but Father...
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[이진의 한숨]‬
‪(이진)‬ ‪속히 환궁하라 명을 내리겠습니다‬I will order him to return as soon as possible. Thus, please look after your health
‪그러니 부디 귀체를 살피십시오‬Thus, please look after your health
‪도원이 돌아오면‬ ‪웃으며 맞아 주셔야 하지 않겠습니까?‬so that you can welcome him with a big smile when he returns.
‪내 그래야겠지요‬I should.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪대군마마‬Your Highness, are you asleep?
‪(해령)‬ ‪주무십니까?‬Your Highness, are you asleep?
‪아니‬No, I'm not.
‪(이림)‬ ‪들어오거라‬Come in.
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪무슨 일이더냐, 이 야심한 시각에?‬What's the matter? It's getting late.
‪이게 무엇이냐?‬What is this?
‪모두를 살릴 수 있는 방도입니다‬This book will tell us how we can save everyone.
‪(해령)‬ ‪정답은 사람이 아니라 소였습니다‬Cows were the solution, not people.
‪인두즙이 아니라 우두즙을 쓰면‬Using the fluid from cowpox lesions can help us
‪두창을 막을 수 있습니다‬stop the smallpox outbreak.
‪우두즙을 쓴다는 게 무슨 뜻이지?‬Use the fluid from cowpox lesions? What do you mean? I'm referring to the procedure where the fluid
‪두창 걸린 소에게서 짜낸 고름을‬I'm referring to the procedure where the fluid
‪사람의 몸에 집어넣는 의술입니다‬from cows with cowpox is inserted into people.
‪너무 놀라지 마십시오‬Please don't be alarmed.
‪본디 사람의 두즙은 그 기세가 강해‬ ‪건강한 사람을 죽이기도 하지만‬The fluid from smallpox lesions can have bad effects on healthy individuals and can even kill them.
‪(해령)‬ ‪소의 두즙은‬ ‪가볍게 두창을 앓고 지나갈 뿐‬However, the fluid from cowpox lesions only causes mild smallpox
‪생명에는 지장이 없다고 합니다‬without any life-threatening adverse effects.
‪말이 안 되질 않느냐?‬without any life-threatening adverse effects. That makes no sense though.
‪사람의 고름만으로도‬ ‪절반이 죽는다는데‬The death rate is 50 percent even with the fluid from infected humans.
‪어찌 짐승의 고름으로...‬How could animals'--
‪이미 구라파의 영길리라는 나라에서는‬How could animals'-- But in a European country called England, they saved many lives
‪우두법을 시행해 수많은 사람들의‬ ‪목숨을 구했다고 합니다‬But in a European country called England, they saved many lives through this method using cowpox.
‪뿐만 아니라 사해 곳곳에서...‬-Also near the Dead Sea-- -I don't want to hear it.
‪듣기 싫다‬-Also near the Dead Sea-- -I don't want to hear it.
‪그 얘기는 그만하거라‬Stop talking about it.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪마마‬Your Highness, I failed to understand
‪죽어 가는 가족을 두고‬Your Highness, I failed to understand
‪뭐라도 하고 싶은 그 마음을‬wanting to do anything
‪제가 헤아리지 못했습니다‬to save a dying family member.
‪제가 잘못했습니다‬It is my fault.
‪사람의 목숨을‬ ‪하늘의 뜻에 맡긴다는 게‬I've finally realized how cowardly it is
‪얼마나 비겁한 일이었는지‬ ‪이제야 깨달았습니다‬to just leave it up to heaven's will when it comes to people's lives.
‪지금 드리는 말씀이 얼마나 황당한지는‬ ‪저도 잘 알고 있습니다‬I'm fully aware of how absurd all of this must sound to you.
‪하지만 제가 이곳의 백성들처럼‬ ‪죽을 날만을 기다리는 입장이라면‬But if I were one of the people here, who are just waiting to die,
‪그 황당한 이야기에 실낱같은 기대라도‬ ‪걸어 보고 싶었을 겁니다‬I'd want to take my chances on the absurd idea.
‪그만큼 간절했을 테니까요‬Because I'd be so desperate.
‪한 번만 읽어 봐 주십시오, 마마‬Please read it, Your Highness.
‪그리고 그때 안 된다고 명을 내리셔도‬If you wish not to give us permission to try it, you can still say so
‪늦지 않습니다‬after reading the book.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[이림의 한숨]‬
‪[이림의 답답한 한숨]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(문직)‬ ‪예로부터 구라파에서는‬"Since ancient times, people in Europe have believed
‪소의 젖을 짜는 여인들이 두창에‬ ‪걸리지 않는다는 속설이 있었다‬"Since ancient times, people in Europe have believed that women who milk cows never catch smallpox.
‪우두종법은 그 속설을 기원으로 한다‬This method originated from that belief.
‪우두즙을 놓은 서른여섯‬ ‪모두가 완쾌하여 일어났다‬All 36 people who were injected with the fluid from cowpox lesions fully recovered,
‪이들은 앞으로도‬ ‪두창에 걸리지 않을 것이다‬and they will be immune to smallpox for the rest of their lives.
‪하나 나는 완전히 실패했다‬However, I completely failed."
‪(문직)‬ ‪잠시...‬Wait... "The people don't even want to listen to me for they don't want
‪(문직)‬ ‪짐승 고름을 몸에 넣겠다는 얘기에‬ ‪백성들은 굳게 마음을 닫았다‬"The people don't even want to listen to me for they don't want to be injected with pus from animals." Is anybody inside?
‪계십니까?‬Is anybody inside?
‪(문직)‬ ‪해괴한 소문이 온 도성에 퍼졌다‬"Bizarre rumors have spread all over the city.
‪[백성들의 겁먹은 신음]‬-My gosh. -I could win the battle against smallpox,
‪두창과 싸워 이길 수는 있었으나‬-My gosh. -I could win the battle against smallpox,
‪두려움과 싸워 이길 수는 없었다‬but not against people's fear." YEONGAN SEOMUN JIK
‪이것은 평생에 걸쳐 해결해야 할‬ ‪우리의 과업이다‬YEONGAN SEOMUN JIK "This is our duty, which we ought to fulfill even if it takes our whole lives.
‪백성들에게 믿음을 얻는 것‬Earning the people's trust
‪해서 이 나라 조선을‬ ‪두창에서 해방시키는 것‬and freeing our country, Joseon, from smallpox.
‪[한숨]‬and freeing our country, Joseon, from smallpox.
‪사람의 목숨을 하늘의 뜻에‬ ‪맡기는 시대는 끝나야 한다‬The era of solely trusting heaven's will with people's lives must come to an end.
‪이제는 사람이 사람을 살리는 시대다‬This is an era where people's lives are saved by people."
‪[매미가 요란하게 운다]‬
‪[소들이 음매 운다]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪마마, 데려왔습니다‬Your Highness, I brought her.
‪(모화)‬ ‪대군마마‬Your Highness.
‪서책을 보았다‬I read the book.
‪(이림)‬ ‪밤새 생각하고 또 생각해 보았는데‬I spent all night thinking about it,
‪믿을 수가 없었다‬but still couldn't believe it.
‪이 병든 소가‬ ‪사람을 살릴 수 있다는 게‬The fact that this sick cow can save people's lives.
‪도저히 믿어지지가 않아‬I find it so hard to believe.
‪모두들 그랬습니다‬Everyone reacted the same way.
‪그저 허무맹랑한 얘기라 여겼지요‬They all thought it was a preposterous idea.
‪그래, 허무맹랑한 얘기다‬Right, it is a preposterous idea indeed.
‪하지만 나는‬However, I...
‪나는 이 허무맹랑한 얘기를‬ ‪믿어 보고 싶다‬I'd like to believe this preposterous idea.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪진심으로‬I truly mean it.
‪(이림)‬ ‪그러니 답해다오‬So answer my question. I find it awfully hard to believe.
‪난 이리 어려운데‬So answer my question. I find it awfully hard to believe.
‪넌 어찌 이 서책의 내용이 사실이라고‬How could you trust everything in the book
‪믿을 수가 있는 것이냐?‬to be true?
‪그 서책에 나온 의녀가‬I'm the female physician
‪접니다‬you read about in that book.
‪20여 년 전 서래원이라는 곳에서‬ ‪의술을 배웠습니다‬I studied medicine at a place called Seoraewon around 20 years ago. My teacher and I
‪(모화)‬ ‪그때 스승님과 함께‬ ‪우두종법을 연구하면서 쓴 서책입니다‬My teacher and I wrote the book together while studying the variolation method.
‪제 손으로 우두즙을 채취했고‬I collected the fluid from cowpox lesions
‪제 손으로 사람들에게 우두즙을 넣었고‬and injected people with it with my own hands. Also, I saw
‪제 눈으로‬Also, I saw
‪사람들이 건강히 일어나는 것을‬ ‪똑똑히 보았습니다‬all the people completely recovering with my own two eyes.
‪그 말에‬Can you prove
‪너의 목숨도 걸 수 있겠느냐?‬what you just said with your own life?
‪예‬Yes, Your Highness.
‪따라오너라‬Follow me.
‪[새들이 짹짹 지저귄다]‬
‪(부제학)‬ ‪마마, 그게 무슨 말씀이십니까?‬What do you mean, Your Highness? You wish to inject the people with pus from cows?
‪백성들에게 소 고름을 놓으시겠다니요?‬You wish to inject the people with pus from cows?
‪분명 백성들의 목숨을 담보로 위험을‬ ‪무릅쓸 수는 없다 하지 않으셨습니까?‬You said yourself that we mustn't take a risk using the people's lives. Back then, I was terrified by the idea.
‪그땐 내가 지레 겁을 먹었습니다‬Back then, I was terrified by the idea.
‪(이림)‬ ‪하지만 이제는 아닙니다‬But I am no longer afraid.
‪이렇게 손을 놓고 역병이 퍼지는 걸‬ ‪지켜보지만은 않을 겁니다‬I won't just sit back and watch the plague spread further.
‪(부제학)‬ ‪소신 고금을 막론하고‬Never in my life have I heard of a medical procedure
‪짐승 고름을 쓰는 의술은‬ ‪들어 본 바가 없사옵니다‬that uses pus from animals.
‪어찌 그리 해괴한 방법으로‬How could we stop the outbreak using such a preposterous method, Your Highness?
‪천리만리 퍼지는 역병을‬ ‪막을 수가 있단 말입니까, 마마?‬using such a preposterous method, Your Highness? We can stop the outbreak.
‪막을 수 있습니다‬We can stop the outbreak.
‪(이림)‬ ‪역병을 잠재우는 것도‬ ‪백성을 살리는 것도‬Both vanquishing the plague and saving people's lives
‪더 이상 하늘의 뜻이 아니니까요‬no longer depend on heaven's will.
‪(부제학)‬ ‪[걱정스럽게]‬ ‪대군마마‬Your Highness.
‪(의원)‬ ‪외람되오나, 마마‬With all due respect,
‪마마의 뜻이 그렇다 해도‬ ‪백성들이 순순히 따르진 않을 것입니다‬the people won't obey this order easily even if you believe in this method, Your Highness.
‪일전에 이 의녀가 인두법을 하겠다고‬ ‪아이들을 모을 때에도‬The female physician had a hard time gathering the children to test variolation on.
‪퍽 어려움을 겪었는데‬gathering the children to test variolation on.
‪하물며 소의 고름이라면은...‬-If we are using pus from cows-- -Hence,
‪(이림)‬ ‪해서‬-If we are using pus from cows-- -Hence,
‪내가 먼저 백성들에게‬ ‪믿음을 주려 합니다‬I want to reassure the people by demonstrating it first.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪(부제학)‬ ‪마마, 아니 되옵니다‬Your Highness, you cannot do that.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪아니 되옵니다, 마마‬Please don't, Your Highness.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪내게 우두즙을 놓아 줄 수 있겠느냐?‬Can you inject me with the fluid from cowpox lesions?
‪예, 대군마마‬Yes, Your Highness.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(우원)‬ ‪넌 알고 있었느냐?‬Did you know about this?
‪마마께서 갑자기 생각을 바꾸신 이유‬Why did His Highness suddenly change his mind?
‪제가 어젯밤에 마마를 찾아뵙고‬ ‪서책을 한 권 드렸습니다‬I visited His Highness last night and gave him a book.
‪우두종법에 대해 쓰인 서책요‬It's a book about cowpox variolation.
‪어찌하여?‬Why did you do that?
‪마마께서 생각을 바꾸시길 바랐습니다‬I wanted His Highness to change his mind. For what reason?
‪[언성을 높이며]‬ ‪어찌하여?‬For what reason?
‪그게 옳은 결정이라 여겼기 때문입니다‬Because I thought it was the right decision.
‪(우원)‬ ‪넌 지금 그것이‬ ‪[우원의 한숨]‬Do you think...
‪사관으로서도‬ ‪옳은 결정이라 생각했느냐?‬it was the right decision to make even as a historian? I am a subject of this nation before I am a historian.
‪전 사관이기 이전에‬ ‪이 나라의 신하고 백성입니다‬I am a subject of this nation before I am a historian.
‪밖에서 사람들이 저렇게 죽어 가는데‬I can't just sit and write historical records,
‪붓 들고 사책만 적고 있을 수는‬ ‪없지 않습니까?‬-knowing how many people are dying. -That is your job as a historian!
‪그것이 사관이다!‬-knowing how many people are dying. -That is your job as a historian!
‪말을 하는 사람이 아니라‬ ‪말을 듣는 사람이고‬Your job is to listen, not to speak.
‪(우원)‬ ‪결정을 내리는 사람이 아니라‬You're not someone who makes decisions.
‪결정을 기록하는 사람이야‬Your job is to record all the decisions.
‪단순히 기록만 할 거라면‬Why do all that work to recruit
‪왜 힘들여 사관을 뽑고 가르칩니까?‬and train us if all we have to do is record things?
‪글을 아는 사람 아무나 데려다가‬ ‪앉혀 놓으면 될 일을요?‬Why don't they just hire anyone who can write?
‪글을 아는 사람은 많아도‬Many people know how to write,
‪주제를 아는 사람은 적기 때문이다‬but only a handful of people know their place.
‪[아련한 음악]‬
‪[우원의 한숨]‬
‪모든 역사에는 명암이 있다‬There are rights and wrongs in every history.
‪그 사실을 받아들이는 것이‬ ‪사관의 숙명이야‬And we, as historians, ought to accept that fact.
‪누군가의 과오를 바로잡겠다‬ ‪누군가의 생각을 바꾸겠다‬The moment you decide to right someone's wrongs or change someone's opinion...
‪그리 마음먹은 순간부터‬The moment you have such thoughts,
‪넌 네 입맛대로‬you turn into a novelist
‪역사를 쓰는 소설가에 불과하게 된다‬who writes about history however she likes.
‪알겠느냐?‬Do you understand?
‪[매미가 요란하게 운다]‬ ‪[소들이 음매 운다]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪부인!‬Mo-hwa!
‪아, 부인!‬My dear, what on earth are you thinking?
‪대체 어쩌자는 게요?‬My dear, what on earth are you thinking? Will you actually inject His Highness with pus from cows?
‪정말로 마마께‬ ‪소 고름을 집어넣을 생각이오?‬Will you actually inject His Highness with pus from cows? Didn't you hear?
‪못 들으셨습니까?‬Didn't you hear?
‪마마께서 명하신 일입니다‬-His Highness ordered me to do so. -Even so, you shouldn't.
‪아무리 그래도 그렇지‬-His Highness ordered me to do so. -Even so, you shouldn't.
‪만약 마마께서 잘못되기라도 하시면은‬If anything bad happens to His Highness,
‪(삼보)‬ ‪부인은 그냥 참형이오, 참형‬you will be decapitated.
‪목이 날아간단 말이오!‬You'll be beheaded!
‪[답답해하며]‬ ‪부인!‬Mo-hwa, please!
‪[삼보의 답답한 신음]‬Gosh.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪부인!‬Mo-hwa!
‪[위태로운 음악]‬
‪(익평)‬ ‪평안도다, 성히 데려오거라‬It's Pyongan Province. Go there and bring her back in one piece.
‪내 그 계집에게 물을 것이 많으니‬I have a lot to ask that woman.
‪[귀재의 기합]‬I have a lot to ask that woman.
‪[백성들이 소란스럽다]‬
‪(백성1)‬ ‪아니, 대군 몸에 소 고름을 넣는다니‬Why are they putting cow pus in His Highness?
‪그게 무슨 흉측한 짓이오?‬What is this awful nonsense?
‪(백성2)‬ ‪고저 서양 오랑캐들의 의술이라잖소?‬It is apparently the medicine of Western barbarians.
‪두창을 막는다고‬ ‪[백성1의 질색하는 숨소리]‬It's to stop smallpox.
‪(백성3)‬ ‪내 살다 살다‬ ‪별 희한한 소리를 다 들어‬That's the most absurd thing I've heard in my life.
‪그, 소나 되지 않으면 다행이게?‬I hope he doesn't become a cow.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪마마, 지금이라도‬ ‪명을 거두어 주시옵소서‬Your Highness, please withdraw your order. It's not too late.
‪너무 위험합니다‬This is too dangerous.
‪차라리 제가 소 고름을 맞겠습니다‬I'll be injected with cow pus instead.
‪이깟 몸뚱어리 마마의 뜻을 위해서라면‬ ‪기꺼이 바치겠습니다‬I will gladly sacrifice this lowly body for your will.
‪[답답해하며]‬ ‪마마‬Your Highness!
‪준비가 다 되었습니다‬We are all ready.
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪발을 걷거라‬ ‪[삼보의 못마땅한 신음]‬Roll up the screen.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[삼보의 걱정스러운 숨소리]‬
‪[부제학의 한숨]‬
‪[삼보의 걱정스러운 숨소리]‬
‪[백성들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪[이림의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪[삼보의 걱정스러운 숨소리]‬
‪[백성들이 질색한다]‬-Gosh. -Goodness.
‪[이림의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[백성들이 술렁인다]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪[걱정스럽게]‬ ‪마마‬Your Highness...
‪[백성들이 질색한다]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[부제학의 못마땅한 한숨]‬
‪[백성들이 연신 웅성거린다]‬
‪[칼이 휙 스친다]‬
‪[귀재가 칼로 쓱 벤다]‬
‪- (귀재) 잡아라‬ ‪- (사병) 예‬-Take her away. -Yes.
‪[사병들의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[모화의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[사병들의 다급한 신음]‬
‪[말 울음소리가 들린다]‬
‪[사내들의 재촉하는 신음]‬
‪[사내들의 기합]‬
‪[칼이 휙 스친다]‬
‪(각쇠)‬ ‪어서 타십시오‬ ‪[사내들이 소란스럽게 싸운다]‬Hop on.
‪[위태로운 음악]‬
‪[각쇠의 재촉하는 신음]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪[다급하게]‬ ‪부인!‬Mo-hwa!
‪[삼보의 다급한 신음]‬
‪이보시오‬Excuse me. Where is the female physician who was here?
‪여기 있던 그 의녀, 의녀 어디로 갔소?‬Excuse me. Where is the female physician who was here? She didn't come in last night. Wasn't she in the guest house?
‪밤새 들어오지 않았습니다‬She didn't come in last night. Wasn't she in the guest house?
‪(의원)‬ ‪객사에 있던 거 아니었습니까?‬She didn't come in last night. Wasn't she in the guest house?
‪[삼보의 절망하는 신음]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪부인!‬Mo-hwa!
‪(부제학)‬ ‪뭐라? 그 의녀가 사라져?‬What? The female physician is gone? Yes, she went out to check on the children last night,
‪(삼보)‬ ‪예, 어제 잠시 아이들을‬ ‪보고 온다며 나갔는데‬Yes, she went out to check on the children last night,
‪여태 돌아오질 않습니다‬but she never came back.
‪거처에도 밤새 안 왔다 하고‬She never came back to her residence.
‪대체 어딜 간 건지...‬-Where could she be? -How is His Highness?
‪마마께서는 어떠시냐?‬-Where could she be? -How is His Highness?
‪열이 올라 의식이 온전치가 않습니다‬He is highly feverish and isn't in his right mind.
‪두창이 발병한 거 같습니다‬I think he's sick with smallpox. She probably ran away because she couldn't deal with this.
‪감당치 못할 일을 벌여 놓고‬ ‪도망친 게 분명하다‬She probably ran away because she couldn't deal with this.
‪(부제학)‬ ‪당장 군졸을 풀어‬ ‪샅샅이 마을을 뒤져라‬Let the soldiers search through the village immediately. We must capture that physician.
‪반드시 그 의녀를 잡아들여야 한다‬We must capture that physician. Yes!
‪(군장)‬ ‪예‬Yes!
‪[이림의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[이림의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪"출입 금지"‬DO NOT ENTER
‪[이조 정랑의 신난 웃음]‬
‪(이조 정랑)‬ ‪자, 그...‬ ‪[수레가 요란하게 지나간다]‬
‪아니, 아니‬ ‪이놈들이 왜 남의 집에서...‬Goodness, why are you taking that from my house?
‪야, 이놈, 멈춰!‬You scoundrels! Stop. Stop, all of you.
‪멈춰, 이놈들아, 멈춰, 멈춰!‬You scoundrels! Stop. Stop, all of you. Stop. Stop, all of you.
‪멈춰, 멈춰, 이놈들아!‬Stop. Stop, all of you.
‪아니, 이놈들이, 이놈들이...‬How dare you! You scoundrels.
‪(집사)‬ ‪마지막이네‬How dare you! You scoundrels. -That's the last of it. Take it. -What?
‪응, 수고하시게‬ ‪[이조 정랑의 당황한 신음]‬-That's the last of it. Take it. -What?
‪(이조 정랑)‬ ‪이거, 이게, 이게 무슨...‬What? What's going on?
‪(포졸)‬ ‪자, 이제 다 됐다, 가자‬-We're good. Let's go. -What's going on right now?
‪(이조 정랑)‬ ‪야, 이게 무슨 일들이야, 어?‬-We're good. Let's go. -What's going on right now?
‪왜 광이 다 비었어?‬Why is my storehouse empty?
‪왜 저놈들이‬ ‪내 광을 다 털어 가냐고, 글쎄!‬Why are they taking everything from me?
‪(집사)‬ ‪예? 쇤네는 영감마님 명을 받고...‬What? I did this per your order...
‪(이조 정랑)‬ ‪이 작자가 노망이 났나?‬Have you gone senile? When did I tell you to do this? When?
‪내가 언제 이딴 일을 시켰어?‬ ‪내가 언제?‬When did I tell you to do this? When?
‪거, 거짓이 아니옵니다‬When did I tell you to do this? When? I am not lying.
‪아까 분명‬ ‪사희 아씨가 영감마님 명이라고...‬Lady Sa-hui said it was your order.
‪뭐라고? 사, 사희?‬What? Sa-hui?
‪(집사)‬ ‪예‬Yes. She said you told me to bring all the ingredients for samdueum
‪영감마님께서 삼두음 재료를‬ ‪모두 혜민서에 갖다주라 명하셨다고‬Yes. She said you told me to bring all the ingredients for samdueum to the Public Dispensary. She made herself very clear.
‪분명 그리 전하였습니다‬ ‪[이조 정랑의 황당한 숨소리]‬to the Public Dispensary. She made herself very clear.
‪(이조 정랑)‬ ‪사희 어디 있어?‬Where is she? Where is that brat, Song Sa-hui?
‪송사희 이년 어디 있어?‬Where is she? Where is that brat, Song Sa-hui?
‪(노비)‬ ‪[다급하게]‬ ‪마님, 영감마님!‬Lord! My lord!
‪[노비의 다급한 신음]‬You have a message from the palace.
‪궐에서 전갈이 왔습니다요‬You have a message from the palace.
‪- 뭐? 궐?‬ ‪- (노비) 예‬You have a message from the palace. -What? The palace? -Yes.
‪[이조 정랑의 옅은 신음]‬
‪(이진)‬ ‪앉으세요, 정랑‬Have a seat, Section Chief.
‪(이조 정랑)‬ ‪아, 예‬Yes.
‪갑자기 불러내어 놀라셨습니까?‬Were you surprised to hear from me?
‪(이조 정랑)‬ ‪아이, 아닙니다, 저하‬No, Your Royal Highness.
‪한데 무슨 일로 소신을 동궁전까지...‬But why did you call me out all the way to Dongungjeon?
‪(이조 정랑)‬ ‪아, 아, 예‬All right.
‪[이조 정랑의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪(이조 정랑)‬ ‪저하, 이거는‬Your Royal Highness, this is silk made with saturniid cocoon.
‪천잠사 비단이 아닙니까?‬Your Royal Highness, this is silk made with saturniid cocoon.
‪그대가 혜민서로‬ ‪약재를 보냈다는 소식을 들었습니다‬I heard you sent medicinal herbs to the Public Dispensary.
‪해서 내 약소하나마‬ ‪보답을 준비했습니다‬I prepared something little in return.
‪(이조 정랑)‬ ‪아유, 야, 약소하다니요?‬Goodness, this is not little. This is very precious. My gosh.
‪이 귀하디귀한 걸, 아휴‬Goodness, this is not little. This is very precious. My gosh. You are the one who gave up something precious.
‪귀한 걸 내어 주신 분은‬ ‪정랑이 아닙니까?‬You are the one who gave up something precious.
‪(이진)‬ ‪어찌 된 영문인지 근래 들어‬I've been quite worried for a while
‪도성에서 약재를 구하기가 어려워‬ ‪내 걱정이 많았는데‬because we couldn't find any medicinal herbs within the city.
‪정랑 덕분에 역병으로 고생하는‬ ‪백성들을 보살필 수 있게 됐습니다‬Thanks to you, we can look after the people who are suffering from the epidemic. It's a great help.
‪큰 도움이 됐어요‬the people who are suffering from the epidemic. It's a great help. I am flattered.
‪(이조 정랑)‬ ‪과찬이십니다‬I am flattered.
‪소신 그저 백성들을 위해‬ ‪사비를 탈탈 털어 약재를 사 모으고‬I just bought out the herbs with the money out of my own pocket for the sake of the people
‪그저 혜민서에 고이 보냈을 뿐입니다‬and donated it to the Public Dispensary.
‪[이조 정랑의 억지웃음]‬
‪이, 천...‬Yes, Your Royal Highness.
‪[이조 정랑의 억지웃음]‬
‪[못마땅한 숨소리]‬
‪(이조 정랑)‬ ‪에이, 씨...‬Darn it.
‪아니, 들인 약재값이 얼만데‬ ‪이깟 비단으로‬Those herbs cost me a fortune. This silk is nothing compared to them.
‪에이, 이, 씨‬
‪[분한 숨소리]‬
‪[당황한 신음]‬
‪(사희)‬ ‪저도 물러나 보겠습니다‬I'll get going now.
‪(이진)‬ ‪네가 한 일임을 안다‬I know you did it.
‪[이진의 한숨]‬
‪(이진)‬ ‪네 아비가 매점매석을 한다는 소문에‬I heard your father has been hoarding things in his house,
‪증좌를 찾고 있었는데‬and I've been trying to find evidence.
‪용케도 처벌을 면했어‬But he managed to avoid getting punished.
‪게다가 네 손으로‬ ‪사책에 아비의 덕행을 적어‬And you were even given a chance to write down your father's good deeds.
‪길이 남길 수 있게 되었으니‬to write down your father's good deeds.
‪그 지극한 효심에 감동을 해야 할지‬to write down your father's good deeds. I'm not sure if I should feel touched by how much you love your father
‪괘씸해해야 할지 모르겠구나‬or if I should feel disgusted.
‪읽으시겠습니까?‬Would you like to read it?
‪읽어 드릴까요?‬should I read it to you?
‪(사희)‬ ‪'이조 정랑 송재천이‬ ‪혜민서에 약재를 보냈다'‬"The Section Chief of Personnel sent medicine to the Public Dispensary.
‪'이는 일찍이 어지러운 시국을 틈타'‬ ‪[이진의 한숨]‬-He had gathered the medicine -That's enough.
‪- (이진) 그만하거라‬ ‪- '폭리를 취하기 위해 사 둔...'‬-He had gathered the medicine -That's enough. -to earn money--" -Enough!
‪(이진)‬ ‪그만!‬-to earn money--" -Enough!
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[이진의 분노한 숨소리]‬
‪너는 사관이다‬You're a historian.
‪비밀로 해야 될 사책의 내용을‬ ‪어찌 내 앞에서 발설하는 것이냐?‬This should be kept a secret. How dare you read it out loud! You're the one who doubted me first,
‪저를 먼저 의심하신 건‬You're the one who doubted me first,
‪저하셨습니다‬Your Royal Highness.
‪제가 혜민서에 약재를 보낸 건‬I didn't send the medicine to help my father avoid getting punished,
‪처벌을 면하기 위한 술책도‬ ‪아비를 위한 효심도 아닙니다‬to help my father avoid getting punished, and I didn't do it out of love either.
‪그저 그것이‬ ‪사대부의 도리라 여겼기 때문입니다‬I only did it because I thought of it as a nobleman's duty.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪목단피...‬Moutan.
‪[해령이 중얼거린다]‬
‪대청엽‬Green tobacco leaves.
‪[탕약이 보글보글 끓는다]‬
‪[해령의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪[해령의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪(이림)‬ ‪[힘겹게]‬ ‪물...‬
‪마마‬Your Highness.
‪물을 좀 다오‬Can I have some water?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪[해령의 안도하는 웃음]‬
‪[삼보의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪마마!‬Your Highness!
‪마마‬ ‪[삼보의 옅은 웃음]‬Your Highness!
‪(삼보)‬ ‪마마!‬Your Highness!
‪[삼보의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪마마‬Your Highness! Your Highness!
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪마마, 마마...‬Your Highness! Your Highness!
‪[삼보가 훌쩍인다]‬
‪뭔 잠을 이리 오래 주무십니까?‬Why did you have to sleep for such a long time?
‪[삼보가 흐느낀다]‬
‪내가 정말 애가 타고 속이 타서‬ ‪죽을 뻔했습니다‬You have no idea how worried I was.
‪이 허삼보, 마마 없이 못 사는 거‬ ‪아시잖습니까?‬You know I can't live without you, Your Highness.
‪[삼보의 징징대는 신음]‬
‪(이림)‬ ‪일단 이것 좀 놓고...‬Can you let me go?
‪[삼보가 계속 훌쩍인다]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪아, 예‬
‪정말 괜찮으신 겁니까?‬Are you really okay?
‪갑자기 소여물이 먹고 싶다거나‬Do you want to eat what the cows eat?
‪'음매' 이리 울고 싶지는 않으십니까?‬Or do you want to cry like a cow?
‪엉덩이에 꼬리가 생긴 건 아니겠지요?‬-Did you grow a tail on your bottom? -That's enough.
‪(부제학)‬ ‪그만하시게, 허 내관‬-Did you grow a tail on your bottom? -That's enough.
‪의원도 진맥을 봐야 하지 않겠는가?‬The physician needs to check his condition.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪아, 예, 진맥, 진맥 봐야지요‬Oh, right. Yes, the physician should check his condition.
‪[삼보의 안도하는 흐느낌]‬
‪(어의)‬ ‪어디 불편한 데는 없으십니까?‬Is there anything that makes you feel uneasy?
‪오래 누워 있던 탓인지‬ ‪조금 어지럽습니다‬I'm a little dizzy. Maybe it's because I've been lying down for so long.
‪(이림)‬ ‪그리고...‬And I think
‪여기 수포가 올라오고 있는데‬I'm starting to get rashes on my arm.
‪(어의)‬ ‪이거는 올라오는 게 아니라‬They're not rashes. They're signs that you're getting better.
‪가라앉고 있는 것입니다‬They're not rashes. They're signs that you're getting better.
‪[평화로운 음악]‬ ‪이제 다 나으셨습니다, 마마‬You're all better now, Your Highness.
‪[삼보의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪[안도하는 한숨]‬
‪한데 그 의녀는 어디에 있습니까?‬By the way, where's the female physician?
‪아뢰옵기 황송하오나‬I'm sorry to tell you this,
‪그 의녀는 사흘 전부터‬ ‪종적을 감추었습니다‬but she's been missing for the past three days.
‪종적을 감춰? 어찌하여?‬She went missing? What happened?
‪이유는 모르옵고‬I don't know,
‪(부제학)‬ ‪군졸들을 풀어 수색 중입니다‬but I sent the soldiers to look for her.
‪내가 우두즙을 맞는 모습을‬ ‪기록했습니까?‬Did you record the fact that I was injected with cow pus?
‪(우원)‬ ‪예, 대군마마‬Yes, Your Highness. Please send the record to all the villages in Pyongan Province.
‪그대로 적어‬ ‪평안도의 각 고을에 내려보내세요‬Please send the record to all the villages in Pyongan Province.
‪예‬Yes, Your Highness.
‪우두종법을‬I shall allow people
‪시행할 겁니다‬to get cured with cow pus.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬
‪[어의의 호응하는 신음]‬
‪[소들이 음매 운다]‬
‪[소가 음매 운다]‬
‪(의원)‬ ‪자, 됐소‬You're all done.
‪(백성4)‬ ‪아이고, 저, 여보라오‬ ‪거, 참말로 괜찮은 거오?‬Is this really okay?
‪그, 저쪽 마을 누구네 아들놈이‬I heard someone's son
‪이걸 맞고 송아지로 변했다던데?‬ ‪[의원의 옅은 웃음]‬turned into a cow after he got this.
‪저길 보시게‬Look over there. His Highness is still human, and he's completely fine.
‪(의원)‬ ‪대군마마께서 멀쩡히‬ ‪사람 모습으로 앉아 계시질 않나?‬His Highness is still human, and he's completely fine. -He's apparently the prince. -Really?
‪(백성5)‬ ‪저분이 대군마마시래‬ ‪[백성들이 수군거린다]‬-He's apparently the prince. -Really?
‪소 고름을 넣고도 다 나았다지?‬He got better after he got injected with cow pus.
‪[백성들이 연신 수군거린다]‬-He got better? -That's unbelievable.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪마마‬Your Highness.
‪누가 보면은‬ ‪억지로 앉혀 놓은 줄 알겠습니다‬People might think you're sitting here against your will.
‪좀 웃으시지요?‬Why don't you smile a little?
‪[어색한 웃음]‬
‪이렇게 말이냐?‬Like this?
‪(삼보)‬ ‪아이, 그 잘난 얼굴을‬ ‪왜 그리 쓰십니까?‬Why can't you make good use of your handsome face?
‪더 활짝‬Give them a big smile. Show them how many teeth you have.
‪내 이빨이 이렇게 많다‬Show them how many teeth you have.
‪더 활짝 이렇게‬ ‪[삼보가 키득거린다]‬Show them how many teeth you have. Smile like this. Like this.
‪[해령이 풋 웃는다]‬
‪[해령의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪[이림의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪[삼보의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪[해령의 새어 나오는 웃음]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪마마, 왜 그러십니까?‬Your Highness, what's wrong?
‪또 어디 아프신 겁니까?‬Do you feel sick?
‪(이림)‬ ‪아니‬No, it's because I had to wave for such a long time earlier.
‪아까 어찌나‬ ‪손을 이렇게 흔들어 댔는지‬No, it's because I had to wave for such a long time earlier.
‪[이림의 지친 신음]‬
‪온몸에 기운이 하나도 없다‬I'm so exhausted.
‪예‬Of course. You had to sit and smile for hours.
‪몇 시진 동안‬Of course. You had to sit and smile for hours.
‪가만히 앉아서 웃기만 하느라고‬ ‪고생 많으셨습니다, 그래‬Of course. You had to sit and smile for hours. You really must be exhausted.
‪[이림의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(이림)‬ ‪그게 무엇이냐?‬What's that?
‪이 허삼보가 마마를 위해 준비한‬I brought a special dish for you,
‪(삼보)‬ ‪특식입니다‬-Your Highness. -Boiled pork?
‪수육?‬ ‪[삼보의 신난 웃음]‬-Your Highness. -Boiled pork?
‪이 판국에 수육을 어찌 구해서?‬How did you manage to get this? My goodness, I went around asking for this
‪(삼보)‬ ‪아이참‬My goodness, I went around asking for this
‪제가 마마 드리려고‬ ‪여기저기 발품도 팔고‬My goodness, I went around asking for this so I could get it for you.
‪전두도 뿌리고 고생 좀 했지요‬And I even paid people to get it.
‪[삼보가 숨을 씁 들이마신다]‬
‪자, 드셔 보십시오‬Here. Have a bite.
‪누가 고기 냄새 맡고‬ ‪쫓아오기 전에, '아'‬Eat it before someone smells it and runs over here.
‪잠깐‬Eat it before someone smells it and runs over here. Wait. You can have this. Can you get me some water?
‪(이림)‬ ‪이건 너 먹고, 나 물 한 잔만 떠다오‬Wait. You can have this. Can you get me some water? Water?
‪(삼보)‬ ‪물?‬Water?
‪알았, 가만...‬Okay, wait here. I'll be right back.
‪금방 다녀오겠습니다‬Okay, wait here. I'll be right back.
‪[삼보의 행복한 웃음]‬
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬
‪[들뜬 숨소리]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪(이림)‬ ‪구 서리‬Clerk Goo.
‪이번엔 또 어디로 잠행 가십니까?‬Where are you off to this time?
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪이건 뭐, 너무 어두워 가지고‬ ‪사책이 보이지도 않을 텐데요?‬I won't be able to write anything because it's too dark.
‪[해령이 책장을 탁탁 넘긴다]‬
‪그게 아니라...‬No, that's not it.
‪받거라‬Take this.
‪내 너에게 주는 하사품이다‬It's my royal gift for you.
‪[아름다운 음악]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪응? 수육?‬Boiled pork?
‪저한테 수육을 내리시는 겁니까?‬You're giving me boiled pork? Yes, that's right. You must've been very worried about me
‪그래‬Yes, that's right. You must've been very worried about me
‪네가 내 걱정을 얼마나 많이 했는지‬Yes, that's right. You must've been very worried about me
‪얼굴이 막 반쪽이 됐길래‬judging by how much weight you've lost.
‪[이림의 쑥스러운 웃음]‬
‪네? 제가요?‬What? Are you sure?
‪아, 아니, 저 그동안 밥도 잘 먹고‬ ‪잠도 무지 잘 잤는데요?‬I've been eating and sleeping really well.
‪- 뭐라고?‬ ‪- (해령) 아니, 뭐, 여기 와 있으니까‬-What? -I don't have any superiors
‪잡일 시키는 선진들도 없고‬asking me to do odd jobs here.
‪(해령)‬ ‪뭐, 한양처럼‬ ‪날씨가 더운 것도 아니고 하여‬And the weather is a lot cooler than Hanyang. I've been taking walks every day and night,
‪뭐, 아침저녁으로‬ ‪산책 꼬박꼬박 하면서‬I've been taking walks every day and night, and I also helped treat the patients.
‪병자들 구호도 돕고‬and I also helped treat the patients.
‪아주 부지런하게 잘 지냈습니다, 저‬I've been very busy and well.
‪어찌 잘 지낼 수가 있느냐?‬How could you have been well?
‪대군이 아파서 누워 있는데‬Your prince was lying sick in bed.
‪오늘내일하면서‬ ‪사경을 막 이렇게 헤매고 있는데!‬I was so close to losing my life.
‪아이고, 저기, 그‬My gosh, let's be honest. It wasn't that bad.
‪아, 솔직히 그 정도로‬ ‪심각한 상황은 아니었죠‬My gosh, let's be honest. It wasn't that bad.
‪그래, 잘 알겠다‬Okay, fine.
‪내 걱정 요만큼도 안 한 거‬ ‪아주 잘 알겠어‬I get that you weren't worried about me at all.
‪(해령)‬ ‪대군마마‬Your Highness.
‪또 뭐?‬What?
‪기쁩니다‬I'm glad that you got better.
‪마마께서 깨어나셔서요‬I'm glad that you got better.
‪너...‬You... You're so...
‪너, 너 진짜...‬You... You're so...
‪[이림이 씩씩거린다]‬
‪[해령이 풋 웃는다]‬
‪[해령의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪(이태)‬ ‪우두종법?‬Treating smallpox with cow pus?
‪그건 웬 듣도 보도 못한 의술이냐?‬I've never heard of that before. Western people use this method to prevent smallpox.
‪(도승지)‬ ‪서양에서 쓰이는 두창의 예방법인데‬Western people use this method to prevent smallpox.
‪사람의 두즙 대신‬ ‪소의 두즙을 쓴다 합니다‬They use pus from cows instead of humans.
‪(우의정)‬ ‪하면 마마께서 백성들 몸에다‬Then are you saying His Highness ordered the people
‪소, 소 고름을 넣으라‬ ‪명을 하셨단 말인가?‬Then are you saying His Highness ordered the people to get cow pus injected into their bodies?
‪그것도 서양 오랑캐들의 학문을 믿고?‬Did he believe in that barbaric method? Yes. That's not all. He even got an injection himself
‪(도승지)‬ ‪예, 뿐만 아니라‬Yes. That's not all. He even got an injection himself
‪백성들에게 우두법을 독려하겠다며‬Yes. That's not all. He even got an injection himself
‪대군마마께서 직접‬ ‪우두즙을 맞으셨다 합니다‬so he could give faith to the people there.
‪[대제학의 못마땅한 신음]‬
‪(대제학)‬ ‪주상께서 물려주신 귀체에‬ ‪어찌 그런 망측한...‬How could he do something like that to his royal body?
‪해서 도원은요?‬So what happened to him? Is Prince Dowon okay?
‪도원은 괜찮답니까?‬So what happened to him? Is Prince Dowon okay? He must be okay, seeing that he's going around doing odd things.
‪(이태)‬ ‪괜찮으니 그런 해괴한 짓도‬ ‪벌이고 다니는 거겠지‬He must be okay, seeing that he's going around doing odd things.
‪즉시 교지를 내리거라‬I want you to send a letter right now. Ban the treatment of smallpox using cowpox
‪우두종법을 금하고‬ ‪도원을 당장 한양으로 불러들여‬I want you to send a letter right now. Ban the treatment of smallpox using cowpox and tell Prince Dowon to return to Hanyang. -Yes, Your Majesty. -Yes, Your Majesty.
‪(대신들)‬ ‪예, 전하‬-Yes, Your Majesty. -Yes, Your Majesty.
‪소 고름?‬Cow pus?
‪(시행)‬ ‪참 나, 말도 안 되는...‬That's nonsense. Why don't you just say he ate dog poop?
‪야, 왜, 아주 개똥을 퍼먹었다 그러지?‬That's nonsense. Why don't you just say he ate dog poop? I'm serious. Didn't you hear it as well?
‪(홍익)‬ ‪진짜라니까요? 현 대교님도 들으셨죠?‬I'm serious. Didn't you hear it as well?
‪(경묵)‬ ‪글쎄 그게 두창 예방법이라고‬It's apparently a method to prevent smallpox.
‪우두 걸린 소 배에서‬ ‪고름을 쫙 짜 가지고‬They take out cow pus from a cow that has cowpox.
‪여길 째서 막 쑤셔 넣는답니다, 어?‬They take out cow pus from a cow that has cowpox. Then they make a cut on your arm and inject that into the cut.
‪(길승)‬ ‪아, 그, 그게 진짜 효험이 있나?‬Do you think that really works? So if you get injected with cow pus, you become immune to smallpox?
‪그 소 고름을 맞으면‬ ‪두창에 영영 안 걸린다고?‬So if you get injected with cow pus, you become immune to smallpox? Who cares if it works or not?
‪(시행)‬ ‪효험이 있든 없든‬ ‪그게 사람으로 태어나서 할 짓이니?‬Who cares if it works or not? Why would you do something like that as a human being?
‪'신체발부수지부모'요‬We were always taught that the first step
‪제 몸을 중히 여기는 것이‬ ‪효의 시작이라고 했거늘‬to respecting our parents is to take good care of our bodies.
‪더럽게 얻다가 짐승 고름...‬Injecting animal's pus is disgusting. Only a few villages will go ahead with the procedure.
‪(홍익)‬ ‪안 그래도 몇몇 고을에서나 따르지‬Only a few villages will go ahead with the procedure.
‪열에 아홉은 거들떠도 안 본답니다‬Nine out of ten villages apparently refused to do it.
‪대군마마가 이상한 짓을 벌인다고요‬They're doubting His Highness. Of course. I wouldn't do it either.
‪당연하지, 나 같아도 안 한다, 쯧‬Of course. I wouldn't do it either.
‪(시행)‬ ‪밥 먹는데 고름 얘기!‬ ‪[시행의 불쾌한 신음]‬Stop talking about pus. I'm eating.
‪(홍익)‬ ‪아니, 물어보시길래...‬ ‪[경묵의 헛기침]‬You kept asking.
‪(아란)‬ ‪저거 보십시오‬Look at them.
‪민 봉교님은 그 멀리서‬ ‪쌀밥도 못 먹고 있는데‬Officer Min can't even eat rice there,
‪자기들은 시간 맞춰서 꼬박꼬박‬ ‪고기반찬 챙겨 먹는 거‬but they eat three times a day including all that meat.
‪어휴, 하여간 얄미워, 진짜‬They're so annoying.
‪(은임)‬ ‪그래도 이제 한시름 놓았잖아요‬Still, I'm relieved.
‪구 권지 돌아오면‬ ‪우리끼리 작게 환영회라도 할까요?‬Should we hold a welcome back party when Apprentice Goo comes back?
‪(사희)‬ ‪전 빼 주십시오‬-Count me out. I'll be busy on that day. -My gosh, come on.
‪- (사희) 그날 바쁠 예정이라서요‬ ‪- (은임) 에이...‬-Count me out. I'll be busy on that day. -My gosh, come on.
‪(은임)‬ ‪또 까칠한 척하신다‬Stop pretending to be so cold-hearted.
‪벌써 소문 다 났습니다‬Everyone has already heard the rumor. I heard you sent medicine to the Public Dispensary.
‪송 권지가 혜민서에 약재 보낸 거‬I heard you sent medicine to the Public Dispensary. She's right. People are so surprised to find out that Master Yes
‪(아란)‬ ‪맞아요, 사람들이‬ ‪지당 영감한테 그런 여식이 있었냐고‬She's right. People are so surprised to find out that Master Yes has an incredible daughter like you.
‪'호부견자'가 아니라‬ ‪'견부호자'라고 막...‬They think you're better than your father.
‪'지당 영감'요?‬"Master Yes"?
‪사람들이 제 아비를 그리 부릅니까?‬Is that what people call my father?
‪아, 아니, 그게...‬Well, it's not anything bad.
‪막 심한 욕도 아닙니다‬Well, it's not anything bad.
‪그냥 좌상 대감 옆에서‬It's because he always says "Yes, you're right."
‪'지당하십니다, 지당하십니다'‬It's because he always says "Yes, you're right." to the Second State Councilor.
‪(아란)‬ ‪그 말만 하는 영감이라고 막...‬to the Second State Councilor.
‪(아란)‬ ‪아, 송 권지‬Apprentice Song.
‪- (은임) 아유, 그런 소릴 왜 합니까?‬ ‪- (아란) 아, 어떡합니까?‬-What is wrong with you? -My gosh.
‪(각쇠)‬ ‪분부하신 대로 한양으로 모셨습니다‬I did what you ordered and brought her to Hanyang.
‪당분간은 안전하실 겁니다‬-She'll be safe for now. -Okay, good job.
‪(재경)‬ ‪그래, 수고했다‬-She'll be safe for now. -Okay, good job.
‪(각쇠)‬ ‪예‬Yes, sir.
‪[백성들이 시끌벅적하다]‬ ‪(아전1)‬ ‪줄 좀 서시게‬Wait in line.
‪- (아전2) 자, 어여 오시오‬ ‪- (아전3) 자, 다음 분 오시게‬-Hurry up. -Who's next?
‪(아전4)‬ ‪아이고, 줄을 서시오, 줄을!‬-Hurry up. -Who's next? -Please stand in line. -Hurry up and get your food.
‪- (아전5) 아, 빨리빨리...‬ ‪- (아전2) 어여 오시오‬-Please stand in line. -Hurry up and get your food.
‪(아전2)‬ ‪자, 얼른 오시오‬-Come on over here. -Don't fight.
‪(아전5)‬ ‪싸움들 하지 말고‬-Come on over here. -Don't fight.
‪[아전5가 중얼거린다]‬My goodness, look at this.
‪(백성6)‬ ‪많이 주시오, 많이많이, 많이‬Can I have a lot?
‪(삼보)‬ ‪어, 아이...‬Are you just going to watch?
‪보고만 계실 겁니까?‬Are you just going to watch?
‪(백성6)‬ ‪3일을 굶었소, 3일을!‬I starved for three days!
‪- (백성7) 좀 새치기하지 마요‬ ‪- (백성6) 아유, 아유!‬My gosh, don't cut in line.
‪(해령)‬ ‪아유, 쯧‬
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪(우원)‬ ‪자...‬Here.
‪[이림의 헛기침]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪좀만 더 먹으면 돼‬
‪(우원)‬ ‪자, '아', '아'‬Open your mouth.
‪[무뚝뚝하게]‬ ‪아, 맛있다, '아'...‬Here. This is tasty. Open your mouth.
‪[우원의 답답한 신음]‬
‪- (이림) 옳지, 옳지, 옳지, 아유‬ ‪- (우원) 많, 많으냐?‬ ‪[아이2가 콜록댄다]‬-Good job. -Why aren't you eating?
‪(해령)‬ ‪아, 저, 여기 그...‬You should just leave and start the fire.
‪가서 불이나 피우십시오‬You should just leave and start the fire.
‪(우원)‬ ‪그, 이...‬But...
‪(우원)‬ ‪불이 붙을 것 같습니다, 마마‬I think we're almost there, Your Highness.
‪[우원이 입바람을 후 분다]‬
‪- (이림) 힘내자‬ ‪- (우원) 네‬ ‪[이림의 힘겨운 신음]‬-Let's keep going. -Okay.
‪[우원의 용쓰는 신음]‬
‪[해령의 답답한 한숨]‬
‪[우원과 이림이 입바람을 후후 분다]‬
‪[우원과 이림의 당황한 숨소리]‬
‪[해령의 한숨]‬
‪지금까지 불 안 피우고 뭐 하셨습니까?‬Why haven't you started the fire yet?
‪(해령)‬ ‪설마 살면서‬ ‪불 피워 본 적 없으십니까?‬Haven't you ever started a fire in your entire life?
‪[우원의 멋쩍은 헛기침]‬
‪[우원의 헛기침]‬ ‪부엌에 들어가 본 적도 없으시고요?‬And you've never entered the kitchen?
‪(우원)‬ ‪응‬No.
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪그, 저기, 나가 가지고‬ ‪장작이나 나르십시오‬You can leave and move the firewood.
‪(해령)‬ ‪아유, 자‬
‪[재촉하며]‬ ‪빨리빨리, 빨리 가십시오, 빨리‬Hurry up! Hurry!
‪[우원이 중얼거린다]‬
‪[해령의 못마땅한 신음]‬
‪(해령)‬ ‪아니, 이걸 왜 못 해? 아유, 진짜‬Why can't they do this? It's so easy.
‪(이림)‬ ‪가시가 있다‬It's prickly. Be extra careful
‪다치지 않게 조심 또 조심하거라‬It's prickly. Be extra careful not to get hurt.
‪예, 마마‬Okay, Your Highness. I will follow your order.
‪명을 받들겠사옵나이다‬Okay, Your Highness. I will follow your order.
‪[사내의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪(우원)‬ ‪마마‬ ‪[우원과 이림의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[우원의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪[이림의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪- (우원) 괜찮으십니까, 마마?‬ ‪- (이림) 괜찮다‬-Are you okay, Your Highness? -I'm okay.
‪(우원)‬ ‪저는 괜찮습니다‬I'm okay too.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪[혀를 쯧쯧 차며]‬ ‪우리 마마는‬I'm okay too. Prince Dowon may be good-looking and good at writing,
‪얼굴과 글, 그 두 개 말고는‬ ‪잘하는 게 전혀 없으시네‬Prince Dowon may be good-looking and good at writing, but he's bad at everything else.
‪민 봉교님도 마찬가지입니다‬The same goes for Officer Min.
‪외딴곳에 버려두면‬They'll starve to death
‪굶어 죽기 딱 좋게 생겼어요, 저 둘‬ ‪[우원과 이림의 당황한 신음]‬if they get abandoned on a deserted island.
‪[우원과 이림의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(우원)‬ ‪이, 가, 가시가‬ ‪있는 거 같습니다, 마마‬I think there are thorns here, Your Highness.
‪(이림)‬ ‪하, 조심하라 하지 않았느냐‬I told you to be careful.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪아유‬ ‪[삼보가 혀를 쯧쯧 찬다]‬
‪- (우원) 하나, 둘, 셋‬ ‪- (이림) 하나, 둘‬-One, two, three. -One, two...
‪[우원과 이림의 힘주는 신음]‬-One, two, three. -One, two...
‪(우원)‬ ‪아이고‬My gosh.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪아유, 씨‬ ‪[삼보가 혀를 쯧쯧 찬다]‬My goodness.
‪[밤새 울음]‬ ‪- (우원) 감사합니다‬ ‪- (삼보) 네‬
‪[삼보의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪이야‬
‪- (삼보) 드시지요‬ ‪- (우원) 예‬-Eat up. -Okay.
‪(이림)‬ ‪반찬은?‬Where are the side dishes?
‪반찬은 없는 것이냐?‬Aren't there any side dishes?
‪그, 반찬 없을 수 있지‬I guess that doesn't really matter.
‪[이림의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪- (이림) 아, 먹자‬ ‪- (삼보) 예‬-Let's eat. -Okay.
‪(아이3)‬ ‪대군마마‬Your Highness.
‪이거 엄마가 갖다주라고...‬Here. My mother told me to give this to you.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪고맙다‬Thank you. Please thank her for me.
‪잘 먹겠다고 전해 드리거라‬Thank you. Please thank her for me.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[삼보의 놀라는 신음]‬
‪[삼보의 호응하는 신음]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪뭐야?‬What is it?
‪[놀라며]‬ ‪아이...‬
‪[우원의 의아한 신음]‬ ‪(이림)‬ ‪이게 뭐야? 미역인가?‬What is it? Is it seaweed?
‪개떡이라는 겁니다‬It's called gaetteok.
‪(삼보)‬ ‪'얼굴이 개떡 같다' 할 때 그 개떡요‬The name means that it looks ugly.
‪아, 이제...‬Let me try one.
‪[삼보의 행복한 웃음]‬ ‪[해령의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪맛있습니다‬ ‪[삼보의 웃음]‬It's delicious.
‪아, 근데 그...‬We didn't even give out that much barley today.
‪오늘 나눠 준 보리도 얼마 안 되는데‬We didn't even give out that much barley today.
‪그걸 또 대군마마 드리겠다고‬ ‪이렇게 음식을 만들었나 봅니다‬I guess she used most of it to cook this for you, Your Highness.
‪날 위해‬Are you saying
‪자기들이 먹을 걸 내어 줬다는 말이냐?‬they used the food they got to cook this for me?
‪며칠을 내내 굶고도‬They've been starving for days.
‪날 위해서?‬But they did this for me?
‪맛있다‬It's delicious.
‪맛있구나, 맛있어‬It's really delicious.
‪(이림)‬ ‪민 봉교도 먹어 보세요‬Try some, Officer Min.
‪(우원)‬ ‪예, 마마‬Yes, Your Highness.
‪[이림의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪(우원)‬ ‪음, 맛있습니다, 마마‬ ‪[삼보와 이림의 웃음]‬It's good, Your Highness.
‪개떡이 맛있구나‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬I didn't know they were this good.
‪이 이름을 참 잘 지은 거 같습니다‬Whoever named it did a good job of naming it.
‪- (삼보) 개떡입니다, 개떡‬ ‪- (이림) 개떡, 개떡‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬-It's called gaetteok. -Yes, gaetteok.
‪[엄숙한 음악]‬
‪(부제학)‬ ‪마마, 벌써 어명이 내려온 지‬ ‪열흘이나 지났습니다‬Your Highness, it's been over ten days since we received orders from the king. -You cannot delay-- -Okay.
‪더 이상 시간을 지체하시면은...‬-You cannot delay-- -Okay.
‪알겠습니다‬-You cannot delay-- -Okay.
‪(김 내관)‬ ‪저하, 체통을 지키십시오‬Your Royal Highness, please keep calm.
‪그리 좋으십니까?‬ ‪[이진의 웃음]‬-Are you that happy? -Let's hurry.
‪(이진)‬ ‪어서, 네‬-Are you that happy? -Let's hurry.
‪[이진의 설레는 한숨]‬
‪(삼보)‬ ‪마마, 주상 전하십니다‬Your Highness, His Majesty is here.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪아바마마‬Father, have you been well?
‪그간 강녕하셨습...‬Father, have you been well?
‪(이태)‬ ‪강녕?‬Have I been well?
‪네놈이 감히 어디서‬ ‪강녕함을 묻는 게야?‬How dare you ask if I've been well!
‪어명을 무시해 놓고도‬ ‪진정 내가 강녕하길 바라느냐?‬You ignored my orders. Did you really think I'd be okay?
‪예‬That's right.
‪제가 어명을 무시했습니다, 전하‬I ignored your orders, Your Majesty.
‪우두종법을 금하고‬ ‪한양으로 돌아오란 교지를 받았으나‬You told me to stop the treatment and return to Hanyang.
‪따르지 않았습니다‬But I didn't do as I was told.
‪(이림)‬ ‪용서해 주십시오‬Please forgive me.
‪(이태)‬ ‪그래, 네가 이리 본색을 드러내는구나‬So you're finally showing your true colors.
‪임금을 무시하고도‬ ‪한 치 죄스러움도 없는 흉악한 본색을‬You ignored my orders, but you don't seem sorry at all.
‪이제야 드러내?‬So this is what you're really like.
‪그런 것이 아닙니다‬You're mistaken. I just wanted to help the people--
‪소자는 그저 그곳의 백성들에게...‬You're mistaken. I just wanted to help the people-- How can you help them? You know nothing!
‪네가 뭘 안다고 백성을 운운해?‬How can you help them? You know nothing!
‪(이태)‬ ‪평생 궁궐 구석에 처박혀 산 놈이‬ ‪대체 뭘 안다고?‬You've been locked up in the palace your entire life. What do you know?
‪[안타까운 숨소리]‬
‪내 이번 일은‬ ‪절대 그냥 넘어가지 않을 것이야‬I will not let this slide.
‪여봐라, 당장 도원 대군을...‬Listen to me! I want Prince Dowon to be--
‪(이진)‬ ‪아바마마!‬Father!
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[이진의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(이진)‬ ‪아바마마, 이번 한 번만‬ ‪도원을 용서해 주십시오‬Father, please forgive him just this once.
‪이렇게 용서를 구하고 있지 않습니까?‬-You can see he's trying to apologize. -Do not interfere.
‪세자는 끼어들지 말거라‬-You can see he's trying to apologize. -Do not interfere.
‪사관이 있습니다‬There are historians here.
‪(이진)‬ ‪사관이‬The historians are watching,
‪모두 보고 있습니다, 전하‬Your Majesty.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[대비 임씨의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪(익평)‬ ‪아직도 나를 원망하는 게냐?‬Do you still resent me?
‪(우원)‬ ‪아버지의 아들인 것이‬ ‪이미 제겐 허물입니다‬The fact that I'm your son is already a big flaw to me. I want to live outside the palace.
‪(이림)‬ ‪사가로 나가 살고 싶습니다‬I want to live outside the palace.
‪도원이 있을 곳은 여기입니다‬This is where you belong.
‪(대비 임씨)‬ ‪이 궐이 도원의 자리입니다‬This palace is where you should be. The crown prince fought with the crown princess?
‪(시행)‬ ‪세자 저하랑 세자빈마마가 부부 싸움?‬The crown prince fought with the crown princess?
‪(세자빈)‬ ‪말로만 하는 사과는‬ ‪듣고 싶지 않습니다‬I don't need your apology if you don't mean it.
‪다음 합방일입니다‬ ‪세손 생산에 힘써 주십시오‬This is when we'll be sleeping together. Try your best so we can have a child.
‪(은임)‬ ‪잘생긴 미친놈이랑‬ ‪개막장처럼 사랑해 보는 거요‬I want to fall in love with a good-looking but crazy man. I don't mind keeping you near me.
‪(이림)‬ ‪난 네가 내 곁에 있는 거 싫지 않아‬I don't mind keeping you near me.
‪내 곁에서 멀어지지 마라‬Do not distance yourself from me.

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