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  흑기사 9

Black Knight: The Man Who Guards Me 9


여기 주차해 두시면  됩니다

You can't park here.

[코믹한 느낌의 음악]

여기 주민이십니까?

Do you live here?

[굵은 목소리


 보던 아가씬데

I don't remember seeing you, young lady.

[보통 목소리제가 아가씨로 보이세요?

Do I look like a young lady?

그럼 아줌마신가?

What, are you an old lady, then?

[코믹한 효과음]

 바로   주세요

Please move your car.

어떻게  거지?

What happened?


이분을 보호하는 강한 기운이 있습니다

There's a strong energy that protects him.

 기운을 없애려면 어떻게 해야 하나?

How can I remove that?

바깥 어른이 아니십니까?

I thought he was your husband.

다른 여자의 남자가  바엔 차라리 죽어 없어지는  낫지

I'd rather see him dead than living with another woman.

다른 배를 통해 나은  사람 자식 또한

I also can't let him have a child

살려둘  없네

from another woman.

살의를 거두십시오아씨

Put away those murderous thoughts.

애꿎은 해코지는

If you harm an innocent person,

반드시 값을 치르게 되어 있습니다

you will eventually end up paying the price.

천주학에 빠졌다고 소문이라도 내볼까?

Maybe I should spread the word that he's become a Christian.

나라에서 잡아가면

If he gets arrested,

그땐   사람도 끝나겠지

they won't be able to be together anymore.

어찌 그런

How can you

사나운 말씀을?

consider something like that?

보고만 있지는 않을 것이야

I won't just sit by and watch.

결국 다치는 

You will end up

아씨가 되실 겁니다

paying the price for that.

이명소를 보호하는 기운이 대체 뭔가?

What is this energy that protects Myung-so Lee?

그런  있기나  거요?

Does it really exist?

아끼고 아끼는 마음이군요

It's a caring heart.

누가 누굴?

Who's caring for whom?

아씨에겐 없는 마음이오

It's a feeling you do not possess.

저쪽에는 있습니다

But the other person has it.

웃기고 있네

Yeah, right.


What is it?

 무슨   있어?

Do you have something to say?

아버지 기일이 언제야?

What was the date of your father's death?

아니다기일 맞출  없이

Actually, nevermind.

인사 한번 가자

Let's just go and pay him respect.

어디다 모셨어?

Where is he buried?

화장해서 선산에 뿌렸다고 들었는데

I heard they cremated the body and scattered the ashes on the mountain.


Who did?

곤이 아버지랑 회사 사람들이

Gon's father and my dad's employees.

그때  너무 어려서 경황도 없었고

I was to young to know what to do.

엄마도 아팠고이사도 가야 하고

Not to mention, my mom was sick and we had to move.

아주 엉망이었지

Everything was a mess.


I'm sorry.

조만간 찾아뵙자

Let's find and visit him someday.

근데 갑자기 아빠는 ?

But why are you asking that all of a sudden?

 마음속에 있었어

He was always in my heart.

그때  서운했던 마음이?

You mean how you resented him?

서운한 마음도 그렇고

I resent him...

감사한 마음도 있고 감사한 마음이  컸지

and I am grateful of him. I'm actually more grateful.

그땐 내가 미안해

I'm sorry that...

편들어 주지 못해서

I didn't take your side back then.


It's okay.

이제 아버지 마음  이해할  있어

I can understand your father's feelings now.

[초인종 소리]


Who could that be? Auntie said she would be late.

내가 PT 선생 오라고 했어

I actually invited my trainer

너랑 같이 하려고 - ?

-to work out with you. -What?

[코믹한 느낌의 음악]

아니  PT?

A trainer? What for?


You told me you gained weight.

같이 운동하자고

Let's work out together.

아니무슨 내가... 내가 무슨 PT

No, I'm not... I don't need a trainer.

트레이너가 성실하고  가르치는  같아

He's really earnest and helpful.

게다가 미남이야

And he's good looking.



아니기만  봐라

You'd better be right.


오기로  거야?

Did she say she was coming?

아니온단 얘기 없었는데

No, she didn't.

해라  마침 있었네

Hae-ra, you're home.

 배달 왔어요

I brought your clothes.

죄송하게  배달까지

You didn't have to bring them in person.




Yes, hello.

잠깐  입는   알려주고 갈게요

I'm just going to show her how to put these on.

[초인종 소리]

  얘기 나누고 계세요

You two go ahead.

이쪽으로 오세요

This way.

우와집이 엄청 멋지네요?

Wow, your house is awesome.

갑자기 손님이 오셔서 금방 가실 거니까...

We have an unexpected visitor, but she'll be leaving soon.


I see, that's okay.

[코믹한 느낌의 음악]

- (지훈어떤 놈이야? - (해라모든   가진 사람

-Who is he? -A perfect guy.

(수호가족이 되고 싶은  사람이라고  두죠

Let's just say, I want them to be part of my family.


No, wait.

그날은  모습이 아니었지

I didn't look like myself that day.

똑같은 얼굴로 태어나는 

I think being born with the same face

영화에서나 있는 일이라고 생각해요

only happens in movies.

 마실  드릴까요? - ?

Do you want something to drink?


얘기 나누세요

You two carry on.


This way.

 사람 남자친구 맞죠?

He's your boyfriend, right?

회색 티셔츠 입은 사람

The guy in gray t-shirt.


No, he's not.

아니긴 뭐가 아니야맞구만

I know he is.

 사람이 벗은 사진 보냈었잖아요  이러고 있는 

He sent you a picture of himself posing like this with his top off.

 조용히  해요!

Be quiet!

오래전에 끝난 사이고요

We broke up.

저도 지금  사람 여기  있는 

I'm perplexed to see him here too.

되게 당황스럽거든요?

I'm perplexed to see him here too.

설마 양다리예요?

Are you two-timing them?



운동은   분과 같이 하시는 건가요?

Are you going to be working out with those two people?

아니요  분은 갑자기 오신 손님

No, one of them is the unexpected visitor.

누가 손님이신지

Which one is that?




Yes? What is it?


Come here for a second.


He's calling you.

오늘부터  트레이닝  주실 최지훈 선생님이셔

This is Ji-hoon Choi. He'll be our personal trainer.

안녕하세요 정해라입니다

Hello, I'm Hae-ra Jung.


Yes, nice to meet you.

해라네 이모님도 같이 하시면 좋은데

Hae-ra's aunt will be joining us, but she's coming home late today.

오늘  늦으시네요

Hae-ra's aunt will be joining us, but she's coming home late today.

저기 오늘은  분이서 운동하시면 어떨까요?

Why don't you two work out by yourselves today?

  관련 얘기    있어서

I need to discuss business.

아우그럴  없죠!

No, I can't let you do that!

 수업부터 빠지시면 어떡합니까?

How can you miss your first session?

 화를 내십니까?

Why are you upset?

화를 내는  아니라

I'm not upset.

최선을 다하고 싶은 마음이죠

I just want to do my best.

That's it.

그러면은 편하게  얘기하고 있어

Okay, you take your time, then.

 먼저 하고 있을게

We'll start first.

그럼 -  

-Well, then... -Okay.

  갈아입고 올게요

I'm going to get changed.


역시  옷을 입으면 빈티가 가신다니까

You don't look so shabby when you're wearing my clothes.


You must be happy.

 옷도 너무 예쁘네요

Yes, this one's really pretty too.

살고 싶은 이유

Did you find a reason

이젠 생겼나요?

to live yet?

살고 싶은 이유를 만들어 주면

You told me if I helped you find a reason to live,

내가 원하는  준다고 했잖아

you'd give me something I want.


You do remember that, right?



제가 잠깐 딴생각을 하느라고

I'm sorry, I was distracted for a moment.

당장 벗어요 기분 나빠졌어

Take that off. You hurt my feelings.


I'm sorry, these are very pretty.

제가  그래도  드릴 말씀이 있었는데

I actually wanted to talk to you about something.

저희 회사랑 같이

We have this fun business project we're working on.

재밌는 프로젝트 하나 해보시면 어때요?

We have this fun business project we're working on. -Do you want to join us? -No.


-Do you want to join us? -No.

문수호 씨는  사람이 해라  남친인  모르나 ?

Doesn't Soo-ho know that guy is your boyfriend?

남친 아니라니까요

He's not my boyfriend!

해라 씨랑  남자 진짜  어울려

You two are a perfect match.


You should get married.


Yes, that's it.

좋습니다    짜듯이

That's right. Imagine you're squeezing it.

저런 미인하고는

How did you...

어떻게 한집에 살게 되신 겁니까?

end up living with such a beautiful woman?

운명 같은 거라고 해두죠

Let's say fate brought us together.

이상형을 만난  그런...

You mean, she's your ideal woman.

 - 이상형이 어떻게 되시는데요?

What is your ideal woman?

프라이팬 들고 다니는 여자가 이상형입니다

I like a woman who carries a frying pan.


That's pretty unique.

그럼 조심히 가세요

Good bye, then.

 예쁘게 입으시고

I hope you like them.

 늦게 실례가 많았습니다

I'm sorry that I came by so late.

[코믹한 느낌의 음악]

해라 씨라고 하셨나요?

Your name was Hae-ra, right?

일단 스트레칭 가볍게 하시고

Let's stretch a bit first.

워밍업으로 스쿼트 50

Let's do 50 squats for the warm-up.

너무 많지 않아요?

Isn't that too many?

아우, 50 기본이죠

No, 50 is nothing.

대표님은 잠깐 쉬실게요

You can take a short break.

스쿼트 50

I said 50 squats.

오스트리아에 그런 케이스가 있지 않아요?

Wasn't there something like that in Austria.

파파넥의 세탁기 놀이터라고

They called it "the playground laundromat".


I think this was in 1995.

저소득층 동네 놀이터에 빨래방 같은  만든 건데

They made some kind of laundromat in the playground of a poor neighborhood.

그거 맞습니다

Yes, that's it.

그거 내일 오전 중에 메일로 보내드리겠습니다

I'll send you an email tomorrow morning.

서른 아홉




마흔 하나


 사람 맞지?

That's the guy, right?



모든   가진 남자 - 마흔 

-That perfect guy. -Forty-three.



 상처받을 거야

This can only end badly.

 집에서 나와 - 마흔 다섯

-You should leave. -Forty-five.

 가짜 검사인   사람도 아니?

Does he know you faked being a prosecutor?

이러지 맙시다  인생 살고 있는데

Don't mention that. I'm trying to start a new life here.

마흔 여섯


마흔 일곱    동안 속았던 

Forty-seven. You deceived me for 10 months.

 사람한테 얘기   거야 그렇게 알아

-But I won't tell him that. -Why?


-But I won't tell him that. -Why?

  사람한테 못난 여자로 남기 싫거든

I don't want him to remember me as a pathetic person.

 - 아니그게 아니라...

-I'm done. -No, I mean...


How are you doing?

힘들어 오늘은 그만해야겠어요

I'm so tired. I think I'm done for the night.

벌써 그만? - 힘들어서  쉬어야겠어

-Already? -I need to go rest.

수고하셨습니다 - 

-Thank you. -You're welcome.

기초체력이 형편없네요

She has very poor fundamentals.

[자동차 경적 소리]

벌써 끝났어요?

Are you done already?

타세요 가는 데까지 데려다줄게요

Hop in. I'll drop you off on my way.


That's okay.

해라 씨가

I think Hae-ra...

댁을  잊고 있는  같아요

still misses you.

이리 와서 앉아요

Come here and sit down.

아까 많이 놀랐던  같은데

You seemed quite shocked back there.

심신을 안정시키는 차로 골랐어요

So brought some tea that will help you relax.

이제 보니 모델의 체격을 갖고 있네요?

Now that I think about it, you'd make a good model.

모델은 무슨

No way.

우리 만난  있는  알죠?

You know we've met before, right?

그땐  오셨던 거예요?

Why were you in the gym that day?

당신을 염탐하러 갔지

I went to spy on you.

저를 왜요?

On me? Why?

당신이 해라 씨를 찼다면서

I heard you dumped Hae-ra.

후회하고 있습니다

I still regret that.

내가  그랬는지

I wonder why I did that.

아직  늦었어요

It's not too late yet.

해라 씨를 잡아요

Win Hae-ra's heart.

근데 누구세요?

But, who are you?

미모의 천재 디자이너

I'm a beautiful, genius designer.

라고들 해요

That's what people say.

해라  어떻게 아셨는데요?

How did you get to know Hae-ra?

인연이 있어서요

We were drawn together by fate.

어렵게 사는  같아서

I saw her struggling,

내가 옷을  만들어 주고 있고요

so I made her some clothes.

아까도 옷을 갖다 주러... - 생각났다 목소리였어

-I went to give her the clothes-- -That's it! That was the voice.

오늘  같이 있어

Stay with me tonight.

갑자기 목소리  그래?

What happened to your voice?

목이 갑자기...

My throat just...

누구 성대모사야? - 아니그게 아니...

-Are you mimicking someone? -No, I'm...

  목소리 들어 봤는데

I've heard that voice before.

해라 씨가


되게 성대모사를 똑같이 했어요

mimicked your voice perfectly.

그딴   중요해요?

Who the hell cares about that?

내가 말하는데  끊고 난리야?

How dare you interrupt me?

[코믹한 느낌의 음악]

해라 씨가 어울리지 않는 남자랑 지내는  걱정돼요

I'm worried about Hae-ra dating a guy who's not a match for her.

이번 생도 베릴까 

I can't let her ruin his life too.

 사람  어울리죠?

Those two are not a good match, are they?

완전  어울려요

Not at all.

좋아하는 여자를 망가지게  거예요?

Are you going to let the woman you love ruin her life?

제가 어떻게 하면 좋을까요?

What should I do?

방법이 있죠

There is a way...

한집 살면서 문자를 보내고 그래?

Why did you text me? We live in the same house.

방문 두드리면 되지

You could've just knocked.


I have something to say.

 성의는 고마운데

Thank you for thinking of me,

집에서 낯선 사람이랑 운동하는  불편해

but I don't feel comfortable working out with a stranger at home.

 회사 근처에 피트니스 끊어 놓은 것도 있고

I already joined a gym near my office.


Okay, you should do as you like.

마음 불편하면  해도 재미없지

It won't be fun if you don't feel comfortable with it.

 사람이랑 같이 운동한  오래됐어?

Has he been your trainer for long?

아니야얼마  됐어

Not really.

사람 성실하고 재밌더라고

But he's sincere and funny.

성실한지 모르겠던데

I don't think he's sincere.

다른 사람으로 교체하면  ?

Can't you get a different trainer?

맘에  들어? - 

-Why? Don't you like him? -No.

 좋아하는  같아서 질투나?

Are you jealous of him?

아니 어떻게 그렇게 모든 얘길  농담으로 받아?

Stop answering everything I say with a question.

 옛날 남친이라도 닮았나?

Does he remind you of an ex-boyfriend or something?


Let's say he does.

 어때옛날 남친이었대도 상관없지

Whatever, I don't care if he does.



못난 놈들만 만나다 상처받은  아니야

Huh? All the guys you've dated were bad ones who hurt you.

그래서 지금도 경계심 풀지 않고 있잖아나한테

That's why you're still being cautious with me.

[잔잔한 음악]

그런 자세 좋아

That's good.


I like that.

다른 남자들한테도 그렇게만 하면 

Just be sure to be like that to other guys too.

내가 못난 놈들 신경  필요도 없고

I have no reason to worry about those pathetic men.

 지킬 자신도 있고

I'm confident that I won't lose you.


Is there anything else?




Good night, then.

이번 프로젝트 불발돼도 실망하지 말고

Even if that project doesn't go well, don't get too disappointed.



 안될  같아?

Do you think it won't go well?

기대가 너무   같아서

I think your expectations are too high.

기대만큼  돼도 실망하지 않는 

True strength lies in not getting disappointed when things

진짜 강한 거지

don't go as well as you wanted.

어릴  내가  가르쳐 봐서 아는데

I know this because I tutored you when you were young.

네가  산만해서 그렇지

You get distracted easily,

똑똑하고 창의력 있는 애야

but you're smart and creative.

그동안 먹고살기 힘들어서  어벙해진  같은데

I think all those hardships you've gone through set you back,

정신 차려

but pull yourself together.

 정말 멋진 애야

You really are an amazing person.



(어린 해라수호야!






오빠한테 버릇없이

That wasn't appropriate.

이제부터 고맙거나 귀여울 

From now on, when I'm thankful or when I think you're cute,

'수호야이렇게 부를래

I'll call you Soo-ho.

오늘은  중에 뭐야?

Which one is it this time?

기억하고 있네?

So you remember.

이제부턴 괜찮은 남자로 보일  '수호야이렇게 부를래

From now on, I'm going to call you Soo-ho when I find you attractive.

여전히 버릇없지만

It's still inappropriate,

오늘은 봐주겠어

but I'll let it pass this time.



만나 뵙게 돼서 영광입니다

It's an honor to meet you.

 코트를 입고난 뒤로 저한테 ...

Every since I put on that coat...

이상한 일들이 생기는  같아요

strange things started to happen.

나는 당신을 좋아하는데?

I love you.



뭔가 일어나고 있는  같아

is happening to my life.


Try to look pretty.

사진이  나와야 빈티지하게

Make sure you get this picture properly.

지금 완전 이뻐요

You're so pretty.



모자 쓸까? - 인생샷이에요인생샷

-Should I put a hat on? -That was the best shot ever.

오늘은 레트로풍

I'm trying retro today.

100 연상 오빠들

Men from 100 years ago.

그때도 훈남은 존재

There were hotties back then too.

진짜 90  사진

Actual picture from 90 years ago.

'내가 섹시 원이다'

"I'm so sexy."

여러분모두 해피 뉴이어!

Happy new year, everyone!

아이돌 못지않은 오빠들의 인기

Come see these two who are hotter than movie stars.

복고풍 의류 할인판매 시작

We're starting discounts on retro-style clothes.

이태리 원단 밀라노 직수입

Italian fabric imported directly from Milan.

줄을 서시오!

Come get in line!


One, two, three.

3시간 만에 물건  빠졌어요

Everything sold out in just three hours.

우리 오빠들이 재물복이 있나 보다

I think they are bringing us good fortune.

농담 아니고 진짜로요

You're right, seriously.

 사진 여기  100년쯤은 놔둘까?

Maybe we should keep this picture for 100 years

좋은 생각

Good idea.

영미야! - ?

-Young-mi! -Yes?

뭐야 이모 풀메?

What's with the full makeup?

 메이크업 아니다

It's not full makeup.

그냥 BB 발랐어

I just put on some BB cream.

요즘 외모에 엄청 신경 쓰네?

You're spending a lot of time trying to look pretty these days.

앉아   있어

Let's sit down. I have something to talk about.

계약 사인은 해라랑 하면 될걸

You know, he could've just asked Hae-ra to sign the contract.

 굳이  대리인으로 지정해서

Why did he ask me to sign it

먼저 사인을 받은 걸까?

as her representative?

해라한테는 아직 얘기  했어

I didn't tell Hae-ra about it yet.

해라가 까탈스럽게 조건들을 왕창 붙일까  그런가 보지

Maybe he was worried that she'd be fussy about the details.

여튼 좋은  맞잖아그치?

It's a good deal for her though, right?

좋은  맞지

It is.

그럼 됐지 

Then there's nothing to worry about.



 같은 며느리 싫은데

don't want you to be my daughter-in-law.


What the...

이모 무슨 소리하는 거야지금?

What are you talking about?

청혼하면 어떡하지?

What should I do if he proposes to me?

곤이 아버지  아까워 갖고 결혼  하셔

Gon's father is too greedy to get married again.

재산 나눠줘야 하는데 그걸  ?

He'd never want to share his wealth with a new wife.

사람 일을 어떻게 아니?

You never know.

괜히 꿈꾸다가 상처받지 말고

I just don't want you to get your feelings hurt over an unlikely dream.

간병이고 뭐고 가지 이제

You should quit that caregiver thing too.

이래서 자식  소용없다니까

This is why you should not have kids.

아버지 외로운 생각은   하니?

Don't you think your father might be lonely?

갑자기 승질이야?

Why are you mad?

그거 비싼 거야이모  

Hey, that's expensive! You can't afford that.

내가 진짜


 여자 사진은  여기다 놨대?

Why did you hang this woman's picture here?


Which woman?

샤론 양장점이 남장하고 찍은  아니야

That's Sharon dressed up as a man, isn't it?

패션 화보처럼

Probably for some fashion magazine.


Do you think that looks like her?

완전 딴판인데

No, it's a totally different person.

눈썰미도 없는 것들이

You two have horrible eyes.

무슨 패션을 한다고

You should get out of the fashion business.


Do they look similar?

제가 어떻게 하면 좋을까요?

What should I do?

방법이 있죠

There is a way...

해라 씨를 돌아오게 하는 방법은

to make Hae-ra return to you.


You can make him

다른 여자가 생기는 거예요

fall for another woman.

내가 문수호를 가질게요

I'll take Soo-ho away from her.

당신은 나를 돕고

You can help me

나는 당신을 돕고

and I can help you.

프라이팬 들고 다니는 여자가 이상형입니다

I like a woman who carries a frying pan.

프라이팬을 들고 다니는 여자가 이상형이라고 합니다

He said he likes a woman who carries a frying pan.


A frying pan?

요리를 잘하는 여자를 말하는 건지

Maybe he meant a woman who's a good cook.

방문 판매 다니는 생활력이 강한 여자를 말하는 건지

Or maybe he was referring to a capable saleswoman.

다른 뜻이 있는 건지   없지만요

Or maybe he meant something else.

사랑받는 느낌은 어떤 건가요?

What's it like to be loved?

[프라이팬 부딪히는 쇳소리]

200년을 기다렸는데

I've waited for 200 years.

 이제  알고 싶어

I want to feel loved now.

문수호  당신한테

I want your love.

미안합니다 힘들  같아요

I'm sorry, I don't think I can make it.

제가 당사자의 의견도  물어보고 밀어붙인 거라서

I actually never asked for her opinion.

 트레이닝은  하는 걸로 하겠습니다

So I'll have to cancel the in-home training.


I understand.

좋은 하루 되세요

Have a nice day.





문수호 대표님은 어떤 분이세요?

What kind of man is Mr. Moon?

그걸 저한테 물어보시면 어떡합니까?

Why are you asking me?


I mean...

외국에서 의대 나온 분이

I don't see why a man

 여기 와서 부동산 관련 사업을 하는지 모르겠네요

who graduated from medical school abroad is running a real-estate business here.

 정확히 말하면 도시 재생 사업이죠

It's actually called a land renewal business.

근사한  하고 있는 겁니다

It's honorable work.

근사한   갖췄군요

He really is perfect.

살벌한 소문도 가지셨고요

There's also a scary rumor going around about him.

[자동차 경적 소리]

외국에서 일할 

When we was working abroad,

사업 경쟁자들이

many of his business rivals

많이 다치고 죽고 했다네요

got hurt or ended up dead.

문수호 씨가 손대는 거는  잘되고요

And every business Mr. Moon got his hands on went well.

와인커피 원두

Be it wine, coffee...

심지어 몽골 캐시미어까지

or even Mongolian cashmere.

몽골 캐시미어요?

Mongolian cashmere?

의대 다닐  의료 봉사 갔던 인연이고요

He was volunteering abroad when he was attending medical school.

캐시미어를 독점 계약하고

He managed to get an exclusive deal for the cashmere

그거를 이태리 친구 아버지네 공장에 넘겼는데

and handed it over to the factory that his Italian friend's father owns.

그게 명품 브랜드에 납품이 돼서  큰돈을 벌었다는 거예요

They ended up becoming the supplier for a luxury brand, so he made a lot money.

인맥도 글로벌하고 운도 따르고

So he's not just rich, but also has connections all over the world.

와인 수입하는 친구한테 들었는데

I heard this from a friend of mine who imports wine.

얼마 전에도


문수호 씨한테 와인 계약을 사기치려던 사람이

a man who was trying to swindle Soo-ho out of a wine deal got hurt badly.

크게 다쳤대요

a man who was trying to swindle Soo-ho out of a wine deal got hurt badly.

팔다리가 부러졌다나

I heard he broke his arms and legs.


Pull over.


I said pull over!

아까 우회전 하는 데서  비켜줬다고 저러나 봅니다

He's doing that because I didn't move out of his way on that right turn.


I said pull over!

우리가 앞으로 가면 정지선 침범이었잖아요

But we would've crossed the stop line if we went any further.

왼쪽에서 직진하는 차들한테 위험할 수도 있고

It would've been dangerous to the cars turning left from the other side.

분노 조절 장애가 있는 건지

Maybe he has some anger management issues.

저런 사람들은 운전하면  되는데

A man like that shouldn't be allowed to drive.


Are you okay?

 자식  되겠네

I should teach that bastard a lesson.

해결사라도 동원한 걸까요?

Maybe he hired some troubleshooters.

청부살인이나 폭행...

Hired killers, thugs...

우연의 일치겠죠

They must've been coincidences.

경쟁자들이 시샘으로 악소문을 내는 거고요

His rivals spread foul rumors about him out of jealousy.

지난번 지상권 관련 얘기는 도움 많이 됐습니다

Oh, that information about surface rights was very helpful.


Are you...

같이 일하시는 건가요? -  ...

-working with him now? -Well...

그건 아니고요


어르신 입장도 이해는 됩니다

I understand how you feel,

하지만 약속은  지키신 

but it's unfortunate that you decided to


go back on your word.

돈을  주겠다는 쪽으로 마음이 기우는 

It's normal for someone to go with the side that's paying him more.

당연한  아닙니까?

It's normal for someone to go with the side that's paying him more.

지난번에 찾아뵙고 이유를 설명드리고

The last time I visited, I explained everything and asked you to support us.

간곡하게 부탁까지 드리지 않았습니까?

The last time I visited, I explained everything and asked you to support us.

간곡한 말보다는

No words are better...


than cash.

그럼 저희가 조금  드리면 어떻겠습니까?

How about if we offer...


I understand.

 인삼하고 꿀은 내가 이미 뜯었어

I already opened that ginseng and honey.

원하신다면 돈으로 드리리다

I'll pay you for them if you want.


That's okay, you can keep them.

[전화벨 소리]

그럼 조심해서 가시오

Take care, then.




Yes, that's me.


Take care of yourself.

제가  애빕니다

Yes, I'm his father.

우리 외동아들인데  그러십니까?

He's my only son. Did something happen?


What? A car accident?


I'm sorry, sir.

제가 정보력이 부족했던  같습니다

I should've collected more information.

 정도는 예상했어요

I expected something like this.

처음부터 너무  풀려도 이상한 거지

It'd be weird if things go too well from the start.

바운더리를  넓혀 봅시다

Let's widen the target.


Yes, sir.

여행사 근처에 잠깐 내려 주세요

Drop me off at the travel agency.



Come on, Director.

70 단체 타면 기장님 환영 멘트 넣어주신다고 했잖아요

You said the captain will give a welcome speech for a group of 70 or more.

우리 청소년 대표팀 전지 훈련 가는 건데

This is the National Youth Team going there to train.

손님들   살게   부탁드릴게요

So please, do it for them so they feel proud.



그럼   말씀드려 주세요

Okay, please ask him.


Okay, thank you!

팀장님 - ?

-Ms. Choi. -Yeah?

 오늘 의상실  다녀와도 되죠?

May I visit the boutique today?


Of course, go ahead.

나도 예쁜 디자인 많이 찾아놨어

I found some nice designs too.

저는 샘플  뽑는 공장을 알아놨습니다

I found a good factory for making the samples.


Great job.

 맨날 전화 상담만 받다가 이런  생각하니까

I'm so happy to be thinking about this

너무 신나는  있지 - 그쵸?

-instead of answering calls. -Right?



오셨어요? - 오늘 박람회 지원 가는  알지?

-Hello. -You know about today's exhibition, right?

그럼요저랑 주희 씨랑 점심 먹고 출발하려고요

Of course, Joo-hee and I are going to leave right after lunch.

점심 먹고? - 

-After lunch? -Yes.

김밥 포장해서  안에서 먹으면서 

Order some gimbap and eat on your way in the car.


So you can save time.


, 2 전부 참석해

Everyone from Team 2 should be there.


Including Hae-ra.



다른 팀도 많이 나가는데 굳이 해라 씨까지...

we also have people from other teams. Do we really need Hae-ra there?

오늘 박람회에서 제일 중요한 역할을 맡길 거야

I'm going to entrust you with the most important task.

 어떤 역할이죠?

What is that?

우리 마스코트

You're going to be our mascot.

인형  네가 

You'll wear the costume.


Chief Director!

인형 탈은 그냥 신입들이 쓰게 하세요

Just get one of the new recruits to wear that costume.

인형 탈도 얘가 좋아하는 의상이잖아!

She's the one who loves clothes so much!


Keep up the good work.


Gosh, I'm tired.

쪼잔하게 일부러 저러는   봐요

He's so narrow-minded. He's doing that on purpose.

이럴  회장님이  나타나셔가지고

This is when the president should come and say,

'아닐쒜 자네를 응원하네'

"Don't listen to him, I'm on your side."

이러셔야 되는데

I wish that.

아우해라야 의상실 내일 가라

Hae-ra, you'll have to go to the boutique tomorrow.

내가 내일 외근으로 시간 빼줄게

I'll assign you for off-site duty tomorrow.


Thank you.

언니인형  그거 내가 쓸게내가

I'll wear that costume, don't worry about it.

하지 하지 

I'll wear that costume, don't worry about it. I'm fine.


I'm fine.

날도 추운데  인형 탈이면 감사하지

It'll be nice to wear that on such a cold day.

[전화벨 소리]

해라 전화

Hae-ra, it's for you.

[전화벨 소리]

총괄 영업부 정해라입니다

Yes, this is Hae-ra Jung in general marketing.

사진  찍는 남자가 있는 여행지  추천해 주십시오

Please recommend a travel destination where I can find a man who's good at taking pictures.

[경쾌한 음악]

대한민국 서울을 추천합니다

I'd recommend Seoul, Korea.

지금  상담 전화  녹음되고 있는  아시죠?

You are aware this call is being recorded, right?

 생각을  했네요

Oh, I didn't think of that.

그럼 진짜 하고 싶은 말은 지금 하지 않겠습니다

I'll save what I really wanted to say for later.

점심에 약속 있습니까?

Are you free for lunch?

제가 박람회 지원을  나가야 해서요

I have to go to Gangnam.


That's a shame.

다시 연락드리겠습니다

I'll call you again later.

이리  나와 보세요

You should come over here for a second.

몸에 좋은 약초들을 왕창 가져왔어요

I brought lots of medicinal herbs that are good for health.


No, thank you.

좋은  했다  테니까   월급은

I'll consider it a donation. You should spend the money...

그냥 맛있는   드세요

on something you want to eat.

어디 계세요?

Where are you?


Oh my.

이런 창고 방에서 대체  하시느라고...

What are you doing here in the storage room?



여긴 함부로 이렇게  들어오는 데가 아니에요!

You can't just barge in here like that!

이거 드세요

Here, try this.

몸의 순환을 돕고 피를 보충해 주는 약이에요

This will improve your circulation and replenish your blood.

 잔만 드셔도 몸의 느낌이 다르실 거예요

Just try one bowl. You'll feel different right away.

몸이 금세 따뜻해져요

You'll feel warm inside.

구닥다리를 모으는 취미가 있으신가 보다

I guess you like collecting junk.



강남 아파트   값은  텐데

This piece is worth 10 apartments in Gangnam!

향이 좋긴 하네요

Well, it does smell good.

이제 퇴근하세요

You should go home.

이게  그럼...

Does that mean...

비싼 골동품들인가 봐요?

These must all be expensive antiques.

정말 부자시네요

You really are rich.


Of course I'm rich.

제가 열어드릴게요

I'll open it for you.

제가 할게요

Let me do it.


Oh my god.

[피아노 음악]

오랜만에 하니까   되네

I'm not as good as I used to be.

신춘문예 준비하신다면서

I thought you were preparing for a literary contest.

마작은 어떻게 알아요?

How did you learn to play mahjong?

소설 쓰는 사람이니까 마작도 알아야지

It's because I'm a writer.

주인공이 마작왕이구나

I see, the protagonist must be a master mahjong player.

어떻게 알았어?

How did you guess?

군산으로 물자가 모이던 시절이 있었지

There was a time where everything was happening in Gunsan.

어느  겨울

One winter,

기차역 근처 술집에서

people held high-stake mahjong games

매일  큰판이 열렸는데

in a tavern near the train station.

신분을   없는 젊은 남자 둘이 나타나

A pair of young men that nobody knew showed up

모든 판을 쓸어버리기 시작했어

and started winning every game.

사기 도박?

Were they cheating?




It was pure skill.

청나라에서 100 동안 갈고닦은 솜씨를 누가 당해

How could anyone beat two people who'd played mahjong for 100 years in Qing?

중국어를 배우고

They learned Chinese,

만두를 먹고 마작을 하면서

ate dumplings and played mahjong

외로운 시간을 견뎠거든

to fight the loneliness.

누가? - 내가

-Who did? -I did.


I mean... the protagonists.

[격정적인 느낌의 음악]

서라거기 !

Stop right there!

튀어 보시지

Why don't you keep running?


You were a woman? Why you...

 돈으론 땅도 사고

They used that money to buy land

독립자금에도 보탰지

and contribute to independence movements.


Let's go.

저주받은 인생이었지만

Although they led a cursed life,

가끔 즐거울 때도 있었어

there were some happy moments.

시대가 바뀌면서 도박에서 무역상으로 변신했어

As times changed, the gamblers became traders.

무역의 탈을  밀수였지만

Though they were actually smugglers.

밀수품을 실은 트럭이 밤마다 물건을 가져오면

The trucks brought in contraband every night

몰래 내다 팔았어

and they sold them in secret.

그땐 항생제진통제 조미료화장품이

Antibiotics, analgesics, spices and cosmetics

아주 인기리에 팔렸거든

sold very well back then.

그래서 다시 한번 큰돈을 모았고

So they became rich again.

토지 개혁  땅을  뺏기긴 했지만

They lost some land during the land reform,

그래도 아직 남아서

but they still had a bit left.

다시 한번  인생을 준비하는 거야

So, I'm planning to start a new life again.


I mean, the protagonists.


How does that sound?

그냥 허무맹랑한 공상과학 소설 같아요

It just sounds like another absurd science-fiction.


You're right.

웃긴 인생이지

It was an absurd life.

행운의 마작패

This is my lucky mahjong set.

네가  가져

It's yours now.

수단과 방법을 가리지 말고

Do whatever it takes...

부자가 철민아

to become rich.


Are you okay?

오피스텔 건물

I must build that office building.

반드시반드시 지어야 !

No matter what happens!


More, more...

부자가 돼야겠어

I must become richer.





[코믹한 느낌의 음악]



  자신감 있게거만하게

Be more confident. Try to look arrogant.

그래야  옷이 살지

So they can appreciate my clothes properly.

저한테  이러세요?

Why are you doing this to me?

옷에 지면  돼요

Don't lose to the clothes.

옷과 겨뤄서 이겨야지

You have to beat them.

다시 한번 돌고

Okay, again.




Who is that?

애인 같진 않고

I don't think he's her boyfriend.

전속 모델로 뽑았나?

Maybe she hired him as a model?

어우바보 같아

I think he's a fool.


Come on, he's looks nice.

바보 같아

I think he's a fool.

누굴 바보로 아나진짜?

Do you take me for a fool?

오케이이리 와요

Okay, come here.

이제 실전에 입을 옷을 봅시다

Let's try on the clothes you'll actually be wearing.

문수호한테서 정해라를 뺏어야지

Don't you want to take Hae-ra from Soo-ho?

[활발한 느낌의 음악]

제가 안내해드리겠습니다 - 그럴래?

-I'll show you the way. -Will you?

여행 후기  부탁드립니다

Please leave a good comment for us.

캐나다가 너무 좋다

-This is so nice. -Are you going to Canada with us?

우리랑 같이 캐나다 가는 거예요?

-This is so nice. -Are you going to Canada with us?

가고 싶죠일해야죠

I wish I could, but I have to work.

그래 - 너무 좋지?

-Right. -That would've been nice.

이렇게 하면은

Here, if you do this,

이목 완전 집중   있지?

you'll draw everyone's attention. You can do it, right?

내가 그걸 어떻게 해요?

There's no way I can do that.

아니야  있어   있어 

You can do it. Put this on.

 해요 해요!

No, I can't!

  있어! - 잠깐만요!

-You can do it! -Wait!


I said I can't...


She's good.


This way.


Oh, hello.

다시  주세요!

Do it again!


Thank you.

법인 고객 대표님께서 이렇게 직접  주시고

I wasn't expecting the CEO to come.

근데  연휴  다들 출장을 가시나 봐요

I guess you're all going on a business trip during New Year's holiday.

 연휴 직원들 보너스예요

This is the bonus for New Year's holiday.


A bonus?

 사람씩 사인해

Everyone, come and sign this.

너무 좋은 회사네요

Your company is so nice.

대표님도 멋지시고

Your CEO is such a nice person too.

여기 여행사 직원분 중에 정해라라고 있죠?

There's someone name Hae-ra Jung at your company, right?


Hae-ra Jung? Yes.

저희 팀인데  그러십니까?

She's on our team. Why?

그분 때문에 문제가  많습니다

She gave us so much trouble.

 때문에 그러시죠?

What kind of trouble?

저희가 귀찮을 정도로 전화를 해서 여행 상품 문의를 했는데

We kept bugging her with inquiries about tour packages,

 번도 짜증  내시고 설명을 잘해 주셔서요

but she never got upset at us and explained everything kindly.

사람이 기계도 아닌데

You know, we're not robots.

진상 고객들이 자꾸 전화하고 그러면

It's okay to be angry when mean customers keep calling back.

짜증도  내고 그러면 좋지 않습니까?

It's okay to be angry when mean customers keep calling back.

저희가 진상까지는 아니었거든요

We weren't that mean, you know.

이번 직원들 여행도 그렇게 해서 성사된 거고요

That's how this bonus trip got worked out.

아무튼 정해라  때문에

Because of Hae-ra Jung,

이번  보너스 비용이 엄청나게 지출됐습니다

we ended up spending a lot of money for the New Year's bonus.


 덕분에 저희 회사 매출은  올라갔네요

But our company's revenue shot up.


Thank you so much.

우수 사원으로 추천합니다

I'd recommend her as the employee of the month.

정해라  우수 사원으로   주실 거면은

If you don't make her the employee of the month,

우리 회사로 스카웃하겠습니다

we'll recruit her.


That sounds nice.

농담 아닙니다 - 농담 ...

-I'm not joking. -Right, you're not...?


Wait, you're serious.


No, way. She's a valuable member of our team.

해라 씨는 저희  보배라서 절대 뺏길  없고

No, way. She's a valuable member of our team.

 스카웃하실 거면 저희  전체  데리고 가십시오

If you want to recruit her, you'll have to hire us all.


You'd be welcome.

여기서  ?

What are you doing here?

입구에 초등학생 단체  있어 빨리  

There is a group of elementary school students at the entrance. Get over there.

 진짜 갑니다대표님

I'm really going to go.

 어여 어여어여

Let's pack up, come on.

대표님열심히 할게요

I'll work hard, boss.

연봉은 그러면 어떻게... -  했어?

-How much will be my salary... -Are you finished?

 -  쓰셨죠?

-Yes, sir. -Are you finished?



서울시 프로젝트 같이 하시는 문수호 대표님 맞으시죠?

You're part of that Seoul City project, right? You must be Mr. Moon.

저희 본부장님 - 

-This is our Chief Director. -Yes.

저는 저기이동수 본부장입니다

I'm Dong-soo Lee.

처음 뵙겠습니다

Nice to meet you.

본부장님 - ?

-Chief Director? -Yes.

반갑습니다 - 

-Nice to meet you. -Yes.

[동수의 신음]

이제  싸고 떠날 준비만 하면 되는 건가?

All we have to do now is to pack our bags and get ready to leave.

야야얼굴들    얼굴  

Look at you guys. You look so happy.

[경쾌한 음악]


I love you.

이건 뭔가...

This makes me...

달라 보이는 느낌이 드네요

look somewhat different.

입는 사람의 체온과 함께하는 옷을

The clothes one wears live with that person's warmth,

 체온을 섞어서 만들어요

so I pour my warmth into them when I make them.

옷에 영혼이 없다고   있나요?

Clothes have souls.

수능 논술 혹시 빵점?

Did you fail your college entrance exam with that essay?

내가 만든 옷은 힘이 있어요

The clothes I make have power.

 뜻대로 되죠

I can control them.

직접 만든 옷을 입히면

Are you saying you can control a person

 사람을 조종할  있단 말씀이에요?

if that person wears the clothes you made?

 그런  아니지만

That's not exactly it,

뭔가 전달은   있다고 생각해요

but I think I can pass something on.

정해라한텐 제대로  먹히곤 있지만

Though it's not working against Hae-ra.

 4차원적인 매력이 있으시네

You have a very strange charm.

 매력 있는  맞죠?

I am charming, right?

[코믹한 느낌의 음악]


Of course.

문수호  셔츠를   만들 건데

I'm going to make a shirt for Soo-ho.

본인이 선물하는 

Can you give it to him

전해   있어요? - 물론이죠

-saying that it's a gift from you? -Sure.

술이나 한잔할까요?

Shall we have a drink?


Let's go.

옷도 얻어 있었는데 제가 저녁 사겠습니다

You gave me these clothes, so I'll treat you to dinner.

여기 비싼  아니에요?

Isn't this an expensive place?

 없어 보이시는데

You look like you're broke.

우리끼린 솔직해도 좋잖아요

You can be honest with me.

VIP 고객이 가끔 상품권도 주시고 이런  식사권도 주세요

My VIP client sometimes gives me gift certificates.


He's a regular customer here.

그럼  놓고 먹을게요

I won't worry about the price, then.

문수호 대표님이  좋으세요?

Why do you like Mr. Moon?

인연이 있는 사람 같아요

I think we're linked by fate.

마치 전생에

As if he was important to me

 남편이었던  같은

during our previous life together.

안녕하세요 - 안녕하세요

-Hello. -Oh, hello.

저는 아버지 모시고 저녁 먹으러 왔어요

I came to have dinner with my father.

  음식 좋아하셔서

He likes this place.

방해가  거는 아닌지 - 아우아닙니다

-I'm not interrupting, am I? -Not at all.

저는 아는 디자이너 선생님하고 같이 저녁 먹으러

I was having dinner with a designer I know.

혹시   디자이너는 아니시죠?

You're not the person who designed this suit, are you?


I am.

오늘 최지훈 선생님  달라 보여요

Wow, Ji-hoon looks completely different.

맛있는 와인 가져 왔는데

I bought some good wine.

괜찮으시면 이따  잔씩 드리겠습니다

If you don't mind, I'd like to share it with you.


Oh, thank you.

저희는 이따 2차로 한잔하러 가기로 했는데

We were going to go have a drink after dinner.

시간 되시면 조인하실래요?

Do you want to join us?

아버님 같이 오셔도 좋고

Your father can join us too.

여쭤 볼게요 - 

-I'll ask. -Okay.

저분도 문수호 대표 일에 관심 있는 분이라서요

He's interested in Mr. Moon too.

뭔가 도움이 될지도 몰라요

He may be of help.

[음산한 느낌의 음악]

아는 사람이냐?

Is that someone you know?

아버지   해드릴까요?

May I buy you a suit?

제가 솜씨 있는 디자이너 방금 발견했는데

I just met a talented designer.

쓸데없는   쓰지 

Don't waste money on something you don't need.

몸만 가리면 됐지

Clothes are for covering your body.

디자인은 무슨

What's a designer for?

[애잔한 음악]

인간의 어리석음으로

As a foolish human,

죄를 지었습니다

I have sinned.

 눈물에 대한

I wanted revenge

비수를 꽂고 싶었습니다

for the tears I shed.

 죽을  없다

You can't die.

저주가 눈에 보이는 것입니까?

Is a curse something you can see?

간절한 그리움을

Is a desperate longing...


something you can see?

원하는 모든  이루게  거야

Everything you wish will come true.

보이는 것과

The boundary between

보이지 않는 

what can be seen...

 경계가 허물어지고 있습니다

and what cannot be is crumbling apart.

부디 현명함을 주시어

Please bestow upon me your wisdom.

늙지도죽지도 않는

And save me from this lonely hell

 외로운 지옥에서

where I can neither age

저희를 구해주소서

nor die.


Save me.

점복이는 분명 한글로 썼을 텐데

Jeom Bok would've written it in Hangul.

이것들도 아니고

These aren't his.


Jeom Bok.


Please help me.

[어두운 느낌의 음악]



제가 문수호한테 1 뺏었습니다

I beat Soo-ho to a deal.

그게  소리야?

What do you mean?


I beat Soo-ho

지상권 설정을 하려던 땅에 제가 선수를 쳤어요

to a piece of land for which he was trying to get surface rights.

금성 1 끝자락에 있는 빈터요

It's an empty lot at the edge of Geumseong-dong.

금성 1  주인 누군데?

In Geumseong-dong? Who's the owner of the land?

윤달홍 씨라고

Someone named Dal-hong Yoon.

 동네 오래  할아버지예요

He's an old man who's lived there for a long time.

  그런 일을  멋대로 처리해?

Why the hell did you do that without even asking me?

네가  아들이라는  알아몰라?

Does he know that you are my son?

 아들이라는  알아몰라?

Does he know or not?

아버지 얘긴 전혀  했죠

I didn't mention you at all.

왜요 아는 분이세요?

Why? Do you know him?


As you wanted,


here's money for a house


and 100 pyeong of land.


Thank you, Chief.

 아무것도 모릅니다

I know nothing.

그날 근처로 배달 나가지도 않았고요

I didn't go anywhere near that place that day.

아무것도  봤습니다

And I saw nothing.


Shut up.

과장님은  없으시죠

You did nothing wrong.

연구소에 사람 있는지도 몰랐잖아요

You didn't know if there was anyone in the lab.

 집하고  뺏기기 싫으면  입이나  다무시오

Unless you want to lose your house and land, keep your mouth shut.


I heard...

연구소 밀어내고  자리에 아파트 들어선다는 얘기

they're going to build an apartment where the lab used to be.

헛소문 아니죠?

Is that true?

 돈도 그쪽에서 나온 겁니까?

Is that where this money came from?

 사람이 진짜!

Will you shut up?


No, I was just

분양권 딱지라도 하나 살까 하고

thinking maybe I should buy...

과장님 무서운 사람인  압니다

I know how scary you are.

 죽은 듯이 살겠습니다

I will live as if I don't exist.

길에서 봐도 모른  지나가겠습니다

I'll pretend like I don't know you even if I see you.

 - 닫아요닫아

-I promise. -Close the door.

문수호가 그놈을  리가 없는데

There's no way Soo-ho would know that man.


Is this a coincidence?

얼마 얘기하더니?

How much did he ask for?

 선에서 처리할  있는 금액이었어요

It's something I can take care of.

내가 아는 사람 소개해  테니까

I will hook you up with someone I know.

그리로 넘겨라

Hand it over to him.



이건  힘으로  건데요

I did this on my own.

넘기라면 넘겨!

I said hand it over! 

입맛 없어  먹겠네정말

Darn, I've lost my appetite.

보통 여성복남성복 디자이너 따로 있던데

I thought designers normally specialize in clothing for one gender.

어떻게  개를 한번에 배우셨대요?

How did you learn to do both?

천재성도 있고

I'm a genius.

시간도 아주 많았거든요

And I've had plenty of time.

 합석시켜 주시면

If you let me join you,

저녁은 제가 사겠습니다

I'll pay for the dinner.


Have a seat.

2차는 내가 좋아하는 LP 바에 가요

Let's go to this LP bar I like next.

우리 가서 슬픈 노래 들어요

Let's listen to some sad songs.

슬픈 노래 좋죠

I like sad songs.


Where is it? Let's go.

3차는 우리 집에 가서   

After that, let's go to my place and have some more drinks.

120  더덕주가 있어요

I have a 120-year old deodeokju.

 정도면 거의 보약인데

Wow, that'd be almost medicinal.

어제는 주지도 않더니

Hey, you didn't give me any of that yesterday.


I'm disappointed.

[경쾌한 음악]




I'd like that.

같이 가시죠

Wait for me.

많이 늦었네

You're really late.

박람회 때문에 업무 못한  내가  하고 와야 하니까

I had to finish all the work that we couldn't do because of that exhibition.

근데  자고  ?

Why arent' you sleeping?

 보고 자려고

I was waiting for you.


You're a fool.


This is so nice.


This feels so good.

 집에 오면서 이런 생각 했어

I thought of this as I was coming home.

여기서 나가야겠다

I should move out.



문수호가 점점 좋아져서

I keep falling in love with you.

[잔잔한 음악]

이대로 있다가는

If I stay here,

내가 의지하고 기대게   같아서

I'll end up relying on you.

그것도 싫고

I don't want that.

의지하고 기대도 

It's okay to rely on me.

사람  어떻게   알고

You never know what will happen later.

그리고 나만 바보 되지

I'll become a fool.

내가  과외 선생이었잖아

You know, I was your tutor.

 절대로 바보  

You'll never become a fool.

어떨  보면  못됐어

Sometimes I think you're really mean.

 마음 빤히 들여다 보고 노는  같고

It feels like you know all about me and that you're toying with me.

아직은 문수호 씨를 완전히 믿고 싶지는 않네

I don't want to fully trust you yet.

어릴   좋아해서 상처받았고

When I was a child, I became heartbroken because of you.

너를 위해서 돈을 벌었고

I became rich for you.

 지금  떄문에 여기 돌아와 있어

And I came back here because of you.


You can trust me.


While you're dating me,

세상에 믿어도 되는 남자가 있다는 

you'll learn that there is a man that you can trust.


you'll learn that there is a man that you can trust.

[로맨틱한 음악]




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