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  종이의 집: 공동경제구역 9

Money Heist (Korea) Joint Economic Area 9


‪[고풍스러운 음악]



‪(술집 주인) [러시아어] ‪어떤 한국인이 찾아왔는데

There's some Korean here. Says he wants to see the boss.

보스를 보고 싶답니다

There's some Korean here. Says he wants to see the boss.

‪[다가오는 발소리] ‪[사람들이 떠든다]

‪[남자1 의자를 드르륵 끈다]

‪[남자1 털썩 앉는다]


Were you the one who asked for me?


We're compatriots, right?


I'm Song Sunho.

동포는 무슨

Compatriots, my ass.

우리 조직에 대해선 ‪어디메서 들언?

How'd you hear about us?


From the Internet.

‪[기가  웃음]

‪[남자1 어이없는 숨소리]

마음에 든다

I like that.


Okay, so why did you want to see me?

 보자고  이유가 뭐이가?

Okay, so why did you want to see me?

무기를 사고 싶습니다

I'd like to buy a weapon.

‪[긴장되는 음악]

But I need to see your boss in person.

당신네 보스를 ‪직접 만나야겠어요

But I need to see your boss in person.

내래 보스라니까?

I told you, I'm the boss.

‪(교수당신 말고

Not you,

평안도 출신 송중호

but Song Jungho from Pyongando.

직접 만나서 얘기할 겁니다

I'd like to talk to him face-to-face.

‪[남자2 총을 철컥 꺼낸다]

‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]

‪[강렬한 효과음] ‪[남자2 교수를  때린다]

‪[교수의 고통스러운 신음] ‪[힘주며새끼


‪"블라디미르 마야코프스키"

‪[괴로운 비명]

‪[교수가 콜록거린다]

‪[교수가 괴로운 숨을 내뱉는다]

 사람은  찾아?

Why are you looking for him?

당신 경찰이야?

Are you a cop?

이유는 만나서 직접

I'll tell him in person.

‪[교수의 겁먹은 신음]

‪[교수의 저항하는 신음]

‪[교수의 고통스러운 신음]

‪[교수의 괴로운 비명]

‪[교수가 괴로운 숨을 내뱉는다]

‪(여자마지막으로 묻겠어

I'll ask you one last time.

송중호어떻게 알아?

How do you know Song Jungho?

‪[괴로운 신음]

‪[힘겨운 목소리로형제니까

Because we're brothers.

‪[교수의 고통스러운 신음]

‪[교수가 괴로운 숨을 내뱉는다]

‪(여자미친 새끼


‪[교수의 겁먹은 신음]

‪[교수의 고통스러운 신음]

‪[교수가 숨을 깊게 들이켠다]

‪[교수의 거친 숨소리]



‪[베를린이 총을  들이댄다] ‪[교수의 겁먹은 신음]

다시 한번 말해보라

Say that again.

방금 뭐라 그랬어?

What'd you just say?

‪[교수의 힘겨운 신음] ‪[베를린의 거친 숨소리]

‪[교수의 가랑가랑한 숨소리]




You're Song Jungho, right?

‪(교수우리 중호 오랜만이다 ‪[교수의 힘겨운 숨소리]

Long time no see, Jungho.

많이 컸네

You've grown so much.

‪[의미심장한 음악]

‪(교수) [힘겹게 웃으며] ‪많이 컸네

So grown up now.

‪[베를린 모의 다급한 숨소리] ‪[어린 베를린의 겁먹은 숨소리]

‪[풀벌레 울음]

‪(베를린 가라가라!


‪[베를린 부의 가쁜 숨소리] ‪[어린 교수의 거친 숨소리]

‪[베를린 모의 놀란 신음]

‪[베를린 부의 거친 숨소리] ‪[어린 교수의 힘겨운 숨소리]

‪- (어린 베를린엄마 ‪- 어서 아버지랑  따라가라

-Mom. -Go follow your father and brother.

‪(어린 베를린먼저 가고 있어 ‪우리도 빨리 갑시다

They went first. We should hurry too.

‪[베를린 모의 호응하는 숨소리] ‪(베를린 가라


‪[거친 숨소리]

‪(베를린 ) [놀라며숨으라


‪(북한군1) 월경 도주자들이 ‪강을 건너고 있습니다! ‪[북한군들의 고함]

Defectors are crossing the river!

‪(북한군2) 저쪽이다!

Over there!

‪(북한군3) 빨리 잡으라우!

Shoot them!

‪[총성이 요란하다]

‪(어린 교수중호야어마이! ‪[총성이 요란하다]

Jungho! Mom!

‪[어린 교수의 울음] ‪(베를린  !


‪[베를린 부가 흐느낀다] ‪(어린 교수중호야


‪(어린 베를린) [울먹이며] ‪어마이어마이!




어마이 ‪[총기 조작음]


‪[놀란 숨소리]

‪(어린 교수) [막힌 소리로중호야

‪[어린 교수가 오열한다]

‪(베를린이제 와서 ‪ 찾은 이유가 뭐이가?

Why'd you come looking for me now?

‪[술이 찰랑거린다]

‪[베를린이 술병을  내려놓는다]

무슨 이산가족 상봉이라도 ‪기대한 모양인데

It looks like you were expecting some sort of family reunion…

‪[술병을  내려놓는다]

 아버지 얼굴도 기억  

but I don't even remember Father's face.

‪(베를린원망할 생각 없어

I don't blame you.

살아남으려믄 기래야 하니까

That's what you had to do to survive.

지옥에서 25년을 버티믄서

After 25 years in hell,

기거 하나 제대로 배웠디

that's one lesson I learned very well.

‪[교수가 술을 꿀꺽 삼킨다]

that's one lesson I learned very well.

‪[베를린의 씁쓸한 숨소리]



‪[교수의 떨리는 숨소리]


He passed away.


Because of money.

‪[옅은 탄성]

사기라도 맞안?

Did he get scammed or something?

 수용소에서 빼내서

In order to get you out of camp

‪(교수남한으로 데려오려면

and bring you to South Korea,


we really needed a lot of money.

어마어마한 돈이 필요했었거든

we really needed a lot of money.

‪[차분한 음악] ‪(교수그래서 아버지는

So Father…

은행을 털다가

died after being shot by a cop as he was robbing a bank.

경찰 총에 맞아 돌아가셨어

died after being shot by a cop as he was robbing a bank.

‪[떨리는 숨을 들이켠다]

‪[베를린이 술잔을  내려놓는다]

‪[떨리는 숨소리]

‪(베를린이게  뭐이가?

What's all this?

‪(교수아버지의 못다  계획

The plan Father couldn't finish.

너와 함께하려고

I want to finish it with you.


‪(베를린전용수 소장 동지가 ‪나타나디 않으믄 ‪[긴장되는 음악]

If Warden Jeon Yongsu doesn't show up, I'll rip this bitch into pieces!

 에미나이는 ‪갈가리 찢어 죽이갔어!

If Warden Jeon Yongsu doesn't show up, I'll rip this bitch into pieces!

‪[기자들이 시끌벅적하다]

‪[카메라 셔터음]

‪(TV  베를린) ‪전용수 소장 동지 불러오라우!

Get me Warden Jeon Yongsu!

 그럼  아새끼는 죽는 거야 ‪알갔어?

Otherwise, this bitch dies! Got it?

전용수 소장 동지 불러오라우

Get me Warden Jeon Yongsu!

‪20 정각!

Eight o'clock sharp!

‪[카메라 셔터음이 요란하다]

Eight o'clock sharp!

여기로 나오라우

Be here

‪20 정각이야

at exactly eight o'clock.

‪- (기자1) 나와나와 ‪- (기자2) 저기 나왔다 ‪[기자들이 시끌벅적하다]

-Move over. -They're coming out.

‪[TV  베를린의 떨리는 숨소리]


‪[상만의 난감한 숨소리]

 해결될 거라 하딜 않았소?

Didn't you say everything would be settled?

‪[난처한 숨소리]

‪[문이 드르륵 닫힌다] ‪[폐쇄 알림음]

‪[베를린이 깊은숨을 내쉰다]

‪[문이  닫힌다]

‪[깊은 한숨]

‪[의미심장한 음악]

‪- (동철이쪽 위주로 찾아봐 ‪- (경찰1) 알겠습니다

-Search this area. -Yes, sir.

‪(동철팀장님이거 한번 보시죠

Ma'am, look at this.

‪[카메라 셔터음]

‪[카메라 셔터음] ‪[우진의 놀란 숨소리]

‪[카메라 셔터음이 계속된다]

‪[놀란 숨을 내뱉는다]

‪(동철이쪽도 한번 보세요

Look over here too.

‪'밀실 회담을 저지하여 ‪통일의 방향을 바꾸자'?

"Stop the closed-door talks and change the direction of unification"?

팀장님 말씀대로  새끼들 이거

Like you said, these bastards weren't after the money.

돈이 목적이 아니었네요

Like you said, these bastards weren't after the money.

‪[미심쩍은 숨소리]

뭔가 이상해

Something's off.

‪[버튼을 달칵 누른다]

‪[삐삐 소리가 난다]

‪(경찰2) 폭탄입니다! ‪[우진의 놀란 숨소리]

There's a bomb!

‪[삐삐 소리가 연신 난다]

‪[놀란 숨소리]

‪(경찰3) 이쪽도 있습니다! ‪[우진의 당황한 숨소리]

Another one here!

‪( 형사여기도 있습니다!

Here's one too!

‪- (동철빨리 대피시켜 ‪- (경찰2) !

-Hurry and evacuate everyone. -Yes, sir!

‪[삐삐 소리가 계속 난다]

-Hurry and evacuate everyone. -Yes, sir!

‪(동철팀장님어서 나가시죠

Ma'am, we need to leave now.


Let's go.

‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]

‪[어두운 음악]

‪[연기가  새어 나온다]

‪[놀란 숨소리]

‪[우진과 동철이 놀란 숨을 내쉰다]


Damn it. I almost died a bachelor.

장가도  가고 죽을 뻔했네요

Damn it. I almost died a bachelor.

‪[휴대전화 진동음]



Song Jungho did what?

베를린이 미친 짓을 저질렀어

Berlin is acting crazy.

 빌어먹을 병이 ‪머릿속까지 파고든  분명해

That damn disease got to his brain.


-What should we do? -Relax.


-What should we do? -Relax.

베를린 멀쩡하니까

Berlin is fine.

‪- ? ‪- (교수  같아

What? I think I know why

베를린이  그랬는지 ‪[사이렌이 울린다]

Berlin did that.

자세한 얘기는 나중에 

Let's talk about the details later. I'm on my way now.

지금 가고 있으니까

Let's talk about the details later. I'm on my way now.

그동안 준비해   있어

Prepare something for me in the meantime.

‪(경찰4) 수색조!

Search team!

‪(기자3) 뭐야무슨 일이 있나?

Did something happen?

‪[기자들이 의아해한다]

‪[서장의 기가  탄성]

‪(서장이거 이제야 ‪앞뒤가 맞아 들어가네?

Everything is starting to make sense now.

이놈들 이거 ‪처음부터 이럴 계획이었던 거야

This was their plan all along.

조폐국에서 인질극 벌이면서 ‪세간의 이목 잔뜩 집중시켜 놓고

They took hostages at the Mint, keeping the public eye on them.

최종적으로는 ‪회담을 망치려는 거였어

But their ultimate plan was to ruin the summit.

‪(동철테러라도 벌이려는 걸까요?

Are they planning a terrorist attack?

‪[서장이 숨을  들이마신다]

Are they planning a terrorist attack?

‪(서장이거 설마?

Wait, are they…

뭔가 이상해요

Something's not right.

단서를 은폐하고 싶었으면 ‪진작 폭파했었어야죠

If they wanted to hide the evidence

‪(우진우리가 도착하기 전에

before we found out about their agenda, they would have blown up the place.

우리가 놈들 목적을 알아내기 전에

before we found out about their agenda, they would have blown up the place.

그런데 폭탄은

But the bomb

우리가 도착하고 ‪모든  확인하고 나서

exploded after we arrived and found everything.

‪(우진뒤늦게 터졌어요

exploded after we arrived and found everything.

솔직히 그런 중요한 단서를 ‪그대로 내버려  것부터가… ‪[서장이 숨을  들이마신다]

The fact that they left behind such a crucial clue…

‪(서장놈들이 ‪일부러 보여준 거다?

They showed it to us on purpose?

‪(우진송중호도 그래요

Look at Song Jungho.

난데없이 동료를 내치지를 않나

He kicks out one of his own out of nowhere.

전용수를 호출한 것도

And demands for Jeon Yongsu too.

‪[우진의 미심쩍은 한숨]

갑자기 눈에 띄는 ‪행동들을 하고 있어요

They're doing things that attract attention

마침 교수랑 통신이 끊긴 ‪타이밍에 말이죠

right when they lost communication with the Professor.

‪(서장 반대지

It's the opposite.

교수랑 통신이 끊어지니까 ‪다급해진 거야

Because they lost communication with the Professor, they got hasty.

‪(서장 팀장이 ‪ 봐서 그러는데

If you'd seen him, you'd agree with me.

완전히 미친놈이라니까?

The guy's a total nutcase.

확인해 보면 알겠죠

We'll find out what's happening.

‪[문이  열린다]

‪[문이  닫힌다]

‪(우진본명 리홍단

Real name, Ri Hongdan.

이미 수배 중이셨네요? ‪전적이 아주 화려하시네

You're already a wanted woman. What an impressive record.

우리한테 협조해요

Cooperate with us, and we can reduce your sentence.

그럼 형량을 대폭 낮출  있어요 ‪[서류를 사락 넘긴다]

Cooperate with us, and we can reduce your sentence.

‪(우진만약 송중호가 제시한 ‪20 이전에

If we can end the hostage situation before the time Song Jungho demanded,

 인질극을 끝낼  있다면

If we can end the hostage situation before the time Song Jungho demanded,

‪(우진강도 미수범이 아니라

you won't be an attempted robber but a hero who saved dozens of hostages.

수십 명의 인질을 구한 ‪영웅이  테고

you won't be an attempted robber but a hero who saved dozens of hostages.

그럼 형량을  이상 ‪깎을 수도 있다고 보는데?

And we may be able to reduce your sentence by more than half.

‪[의아한 숨을 들이켜며] ‪종신형이 반으로 줄면 ‪얼마나 되려나?

How long is half a life sentence?


Fifty years? Forty years?


Fifty years? Forty years?

‪[긴장되는 음악] ‪(우진당신들 아지트를 ‪찾아냈어요

We found your hideout.

거기엔 당신들이 남기고  ‪증거들이 잔뜩 있더라고

There was a lot of evidence that you all left behind.

‪'자본의 앞잡이들에게 ‪도둑맞은 통일을 되찾자'

"Let's regain the unity stolen by the capitalists."

‪(우진) '혁명으로 ‪한반도를 해방하자'

"Let's liberate the Korean peninsula through revolution."

이걸 봐서는

Judging from this, it seems that you all robbed the Mint

당신들이 조폐국을  

Judging from this, it seems that you all robbed the Mint

‪(우진돈이 목적이 아니라

not for money

정치적인 목적 때문인 걸로 ‪보이는데?

but for political purposes.

‪[ 웃는다]

‪[어이없다는  웃으며] ‪씨발뭐라는 거야진짜

Fuck. What are you saying?

혁명이니 뭐니 그따위 소리 ‪듣기 지겨워서 남으로 내려왔는데

I crossed over because I was sick of this bullshit revolution.

여기는  돈이면 ‪ 되는 세상이더라고?

Then I realized you can buy anything with money here.


I only joined because I was told I'd get a big payout.

큰돈 만지게 해주겠다고 해서 ‪끼었을 뿐이야

I only joined because I was told I'd get a big payout.

당신은  때문이었는데

You were in it for the money,

다른 사람들은 아니었던가?

but the others weren't?

 새끼들한테 ‪나도 이용당한 거라고

Those bastards took advantage of me.

‪(우진마찰이 있었던 건가요?

Was there conflict among you?

그래서 방출된 거고?

Is that why you got kicked out?

‪[쇠사슬이 달그락거린다]

베를린 새끼가  첩자로 몰았거든

That Berlin bastard framed me as a spy.

 때문에 ‪미쳐 돌아버린 건지 뭔지

He's gone crazy because of his damn illness.

헌팅턴 무도병?

-Huntington's disease? -Yeah, that.


-Huntington's disease? -Yeah, that.

약이  떨어졌는지

Maybe he ran out of medicine, but he suddenly started having seizures.

갑자기 발작을 하더니 ‪미쳐 날뛰는 거야

Maybe he ran out of medicine, but he suddenly started having seizures.

‪(도쿄총질을 존나 해대면서

Pointing guns everywhere.

나보고 반동분자라나 뭐라나

He called me a damn traitor.

‪(도쿄미친 또라이 새끼가

That crazy bastard.



 얼굴에 뭐라도 묻었나?

Is there something on my face?


Bring them in!

‪[경찰들이 장치를  내려놓는다]

‪(도쿄 하는 거야? ‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]

What are you doing?

 하는 거야? ‪[도쿄의 코웃음]

What are you doing?

‪(우진절차상 ‪진술의 신빙성을 확인해야 해서

By protocol, I need to verify the credibility of your statement.

별거 아니에요

It's no big deal.

‪[도쿄가 책상을  내리친다]

다시 해볼까요?

Shall we start over?

‪[기계 작동음]

 방출된 거라고 그랬죠?

Why did you say you got kicked out?

‪(우진첩자로 몰렸다 그랬죠?

You said they framed you as a spy, right?


That's right.

베를린이 미쳤다 그랬죠?

You said Berlin went crazy, right?

‪(우진그래서 버려졌다고

And that's why you were thrown out?



귓구멍이 막히셨나?

Are you deaf?

 했던 얘기를  하게 만들어?

Why are you making me repeat myself?

교수에 대해 얘기해 봐요

Let's talk about the Professor.

교수는 누구죠?

Who is he?

‪[기계 작동음]

‪(우진만난  있죠?

You've met him before, right?

내가  거라고 생각하나?

Do you really think I know that?

만난  있죠?

You've met him before, right?

‪[기계 작동음이 계속된다]

교수에 대해 알고 싶어?

You wanna know about the Professor?


I'll tell you.


This is what he looks like.


He's got two eyes,


two ears…

‪[어이없는 숨소리]

그리고 가장 중요한 

and, most importantly,

입은 하나라는 거야

one mouth.



협조할 생각이 없는 거죠?

you're not going to cooperate?

‪(도쿄사람대접을 ‪이따위로 하면서

What sort of cooperation do you expect when you treat people like this?

무슨 협조를 바라?

What sort of cooperation do you expect when you treat people like this?

‪(도쿄제대로  절차 밟아서 ‪혹할 만한 조건 만들어 

Go through proper procedures and come back with a deal I might like.

그럼 네가 원하는 정보 ‪  테니까

Then I'll give you all the info you want.

혹할 만한 조건?

A deal you might like?



그런데 당신

One thing though.

진짜로 쫓겨난  맞아?

Were you really kicked out?

‪[기계 작동음이 요란하다]

‪[도쿄의 떨리는 숨소리]

‪(도쿄나도 피해자라고

Hey! I'm a victim too.

내가   말해? ‪나도 피해자라니까

How many times do I have to say it? I'm a victim too!

‪(도쿄이거  ?

Let go of me!

 똑똑히 들어

Hey, listen carefully.

‪(도쿄  만나면 그땐 ‪ 손에 진짜 뒈질  알아

If I see you again, I'll kill you.

이거 이거  ?

Let go of me. I said let go!

‪[시끌벅적하다] ‪(도쿄구경났냐 새끼야!

What are you bastards looking at?

‪(우진지금 호송시키면  됩니다

We can't transfer her now.

분명히 뭔가가 있어요 ‪ 신문해야

There's something more. We need to interrogate--

‪(서장 상태로 어떻게?

In that condition?

쟤가 방금 전에  팀장한테 ‪해코지라도 했어 

What if she had harmed you just now?

‪- 그렇지만… ‪- (서장여기는 취재진도 많고

-But-- -There are a lot of reporters here.

일단 수감시켜 놓고 ‪ 진정된 다음에

Let's detain her and calm her down so we can interrogate her again, okay?

‪(서장그때 다시 취조하자고?

Let's detain her and calm her down so we can interrogate her again, okay?

‪[답답한 한숨]

‪(도쿄 치워이거 ! ‪[시끌벅적하다]

Get your hands off! Let me go!


Let go of me!



‪[카메라 셔터음이 요란하다]


What the fuck are you looking at?


Get rid of the camera! Fuckers!


Let go!

‪[사이렌이 울린다]

‪(베를린기러면 배신자는

That means the traitor is



‪[도쿄의 놀란 신음] ‪[도쿄의 저항하는 신음]

‪[덴버의 놀란 신음]



‪[덴버의 말리는 소리] ‪- (모스크바도쿄! ‪- (나이로비 !

-Tokyo! -No!

‪[나이로비의 다급한 숨소리]

‪[리우의 놀란 숨소리]

‪[의미심장한 음악]

‪[떨리는 숨소리]

내가 배신자야

I'm the traitor.

내가 그랬어 ‪[거친 숨소리]

I did it.

‪[안타까운 탄식]

그거이 정말이니?

Is that true?

‪[나이로비의 멱살을  잡는다]

‪(헬싱키어찌 그랬니?

Why did you do it?



다른 사람도 아니고

How can you, of all people, sell us out?

‪(헬싱키어찌 니가 ‪우릴 팔아먹을 수가 있니?

How can you, of all people, sell us out?

‪(나이로비) [떨리는 목소리로] ‪미안해

I'm sorry.

아들이 하나 있어

I have a son.


When he was a newborn,

내가 감옥 가는 바람에 ‪시설에 보낸

I sent him to a facility because I had to go to prison.


A son?

‪[나이로비의 떨리는 숨소리]

그럼 전에 말한 그기

What you said before…

김상만이 아이를 데리고 있어서 ‪어쩔  없었어 ‪[울먹인다]

Kim Sangman took my kid, so I had no other choice.

‪[깊은 한숨]

‪(나이로비) [울먹이며미안해

I'm sorry.

‪[나이로비가 흐느낀다] ‪[헬싱키의 울컥하는 숨소리]

이제  거지?

It worked, right?

기거 보라우

It's all good. See?

내가 통할 거라고 하디 않았니?

I told you it'd work.

‪(모스크바무슨 상황이고어이?

What's going on?

뭐고이거둘이  거였나?

What? Did you guys plan this?

‪[나이로비가 연신 흐느낀다] ‪(덴버?

‪[나이로비의 울음] ‪(베를린그만하라

Stop it.

‪[나이로비의 떨리는 숨소리]

고마 됐다

That's enough.

‪(모스크바나이로비 아니라도

In this situation, even if it wasn't Nairobi,

이런 상황이면

In this situation, even if it wasn't Nairobi,

‪(모스크바여기 있는 사람 ‪누구나  그리했을 기다

who wouldn't have done the same?


who wouldn't have done the same?

아이는 걱정하지 

Don't worry about your kid.

‪(도쿄내가 어떻게든 해볼 테니까

I'll figure something out.

‪[긴장되는 음악] ‪[절박한 숨을 삼킨다]

 원래 나갈 계획이었거든

I planned to leave anyway.

‪(베를린도쿄를 ‪조폐국 밖으로 내보낼 거야

We're going to send Tokyo out of the Mint,

‪(베를린내부 갈등인 ‪척하면서 말이야

pretending we had a conflict.

‪(덴버 나가면 ‪경찰한테 바로 잡히지

If you leave, the police will catch you right away.

‪- (베를린교수가 빼내  거야 ‪- (리우말이 ?

-The Professor will get her out. -How's that possible?

아무리 교수라도 ‪그게 쉬운 일이냐고

That's not easy to do, even for the Professor.

‪(베를린통신이 끊긴 지금

Now that communication has been cut, our priority is to contact the Professor.

우리 최우선은 ‪교수와 소통하는 거야

Now that communication has been cut, our priority is to contact the Professor.

도쿄가 직접 나가서

Tokyo will go out to inform him of the situation and take care of things.

‪(베를린 상황을 알리고 ‪문제를 해결한다

Tokyo will go out to inform him of the situation and take care of things.

거기엔 나이로비의 ‪아들 문제도 포함이 돼야갔지

And that includes the issue of Nairobi's son.

‪(리우이거 아니야 ‪이거 진짜 너무 위험해

No, this isn't right. It's way too dangerous.

그냥 도쿄한테 불구덩이로 ‪뛰어들라는 거잖아!

That's like telling her to go on a suicide mission.

‪(도쿄그러니까 ‪내가 그냥 뛰어들겠다고

That's why I'm saying I'll do it.

어차피 우리  누군가 ‪ 명은 해야 되는 일이야

One of us has to do it anyway.

‪(리우) [만류하는 목소리로도쿄


‪[사이렌이 울린다] ‪[거친 숨을 내뱉는다]

‪(TV  앵커1) 용의자는 ‪구치소에 호송 

The suspect was escorted to a detention center under tight security

철저한 경비와 보안 속에

The suspect was escorted to a detention center under tight security

사건 해결을 위한 ‪조사를 받게  예정입니다

and will be put under investigation.

한편  다른 용의자이자

Meanwhile, another suspect

익히 수배된  있는 ‪악랄한 범죄자 송중호가 ‪[차분한 음악]

and a vicious, wanted criminal, Song Jungho,

전용수 단장과의 ‪독대를 요청한  또한

requested to have a private conversation with Jeon Yongsu,

이번 일에 모종의 관계가 ‪있는  아니냐는

and there is speculation that he is somehow involved in the matter.

관측이 나오고 있습니다 ‪[리우가 약병을 달그락 꺼낸다]

and there is speculation that he is somehow involved in the matter.



‪[TV  앵커1 보도가 이어진다] ‪크게 도움은  되겠지만

Not that it'll help much.

‪(리우) [깊은숨을 들이쉬며] ‪그런 일이 있으면은

Hey, couldn't you tell me your plan beforehand?

 미리   해주면  되냐?

Hey, couldn't you tell me your plan beforehand?

 끝까지   믿은 거지?

You didn't trust me, did you?

니가 아니라는 거는

I knew from the start that it wasn't you.

‪(베를린진작부터 알았디

I knew from the start that it wasn't you.

하지만 다른 녀석들을 속이려면 ‪진짜여야 했어

But in order to fool the others, I needed it to look real.

도쿄 내보내겠다니 ‪난리 치는 모양새는

Your fuss about me sending Tokyo out…

그건 진짜배기였디?

That was real, wasn't it?


Tokyo… She'll be okay, right?


Tokyo… She'll be okay, right?


Trust her. She's stronger than most people.

누구보다 강한 아이니까니

Trust her. She's stronger than most people.

‪[불안한 숨소리]


Hey, but

 교수가 ‪우리 의도  알아채면 어떡해?

what if the Professor doesn't catch on to our plan?

‪(리우솔직히 말해서

Frankly speaking, we're just gambling here.

우리 그냥 이거 완전 도박이잖아

Frankly speaking, we're just gambling here.


That's right.


I've bet my life on this gamble.

 도박에 목숨 걸었어

I've bet my life on this gamble.

기리고 교수라믄 분명히

And I'm sure the Professor will understand our intentions behind this.

 의미를  거야

And I'm sure the Professor will understand our intentions behind this.

‪[조폐기 가동음]

‪[불안한 음악]

‪[헬싱키의 옅은 한숨]

‪(헬싱키이거는 어케 하는 거니?

How do you work this thing?

일손도 없는데

We're short-handed now.

같이 돈을 찍어내야 하지 않겠니?

We should print the money together.

‪[나이로비가 훌쩍인다]



일단 3단계로 나눠서 인쇄되는데

There are three stages of printing.

‪[나이로비가 울컥한다]

기계 돌리는 거랑 ‪검수는 내가  테니까

I'll run the machine and do the inspection.


용지 옮기는 것만

Could you just move the sheets…



너를 원망하지 않을 거다

wouldn't blame you.

나도 마찬가지고

And neither will I.

‪[엉엉 운다]

‪[연신 엉엉 운다]

‪[사이렌이 울린다]

‪[무전기 작동음] ‪(경찰5) 얼마나 걸려?

How much longer?

‪(무전  경찰6) 이제 ‪10분이면 도착합니다 ‪[무전기 작동음]

We'll be there in ten minutes, sir.

‪[의미심장한 음악] ‪[무전기를 달칵 내려놓는 소리]


‪[타이어 마찰음] ‪(경찰7) 에이!

‪[경찰6 당황한 신음] ‪(경찰8) 무슨 일이야?

-What's going on? -Sorry.

‪(경찰6) 죄송합니다

-What's going on? -Sorry.

‪[오토바이 엔진음] ‪갑자기 차량이 튀어나와서 ‪확인해 보겠습니다

A car just popped out of nowhere. I'll check it out.

전원 무장했습니다!

Everyone's armed!

‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]

‪(경찰9) [다급한 목소리로] ‪본부여기는 137 호송 차량

HQ, this is convoy 137.

지금 현재 공격받고 있다 ‪[폭탄 작동음]

We're under attack right now! We need backup! HQ!

지원 바란다본부!

We're under attack right now! We need backup! HQ!

‪[삐삐 소리가 난다] ‪(무전  경찰10) 여기는 본부 ‪  들린다다시 한번!

This is HQ. We can't hear you. Say that again!

‪- (경찰9) 본부본부! ‪- (경찰7)  하는 거야

-HQ! -What are they doing?

‪- (경찰11) 폭탄입니다 ‪- (경찰5) 폭탄?

-It's a bomb! -Bomb?

‪[삐삐 소리가 연신 난다] ‪(경찰11) 놈들이 ‪폭발물을 설치했습니다!

They've installed explosives!

‪(경찰5) 이게 무슨 일이야?

What's going on, huh?

‪- (경찰6) 이러다 죽겠습니다! ‪- (경찰8) 정신 차려!

-We're all going to die! -Pull yourself together!

‪(경찰6) 지금 나가야 합니다!

We have to evacuate!

‪[삐삐 소리가 계속 난다]

‪[경찰9 외마디 비명]

‪[경찰7 아파하는 신음]

‪(경찰8) 엎드려!

Get down!

‪[삐삐 소리가 빨라진다]

‪[삐삐 소리가  멈춘다]

‪[리드미컬한 음악]

‪[전화벨이 울린다]





Okay, understood.

‪[수화기를  내려놓는다]

Okay, understood.

‪(동철호송차가 ‪도착하지 않았답니다

They say the convoy hasn't arrived.

‪- (서장아직도? ‪- (우진무전은?

-Still? -What about the radio?

‪(동철갑자기 끊겼답니다

It got disconnected.

‪(서장대체  상황이야?

What the hell is happening?


They've attacked

습격한 거예요

the convoy.


What? Who?

밖에 있는 교수 ‪혼자 했을 리는 없고

The Professor couldn't have done it alone.

최소한 호송차랑 호위 차량을 ‪ 정도의 무장 능력을 갖춘

Which means they have associates capable of robbing a convoy and escort vehicles.

패거리가 있다는 뜻이겠죠

Which means they have associates capable of robbing a convoy and escort vehicles.

밖에 패거리가  있다고?

They have more associates on the outside?

‪(남자3)  내리라우!

Put the gun down!

‪(남자4) 살고 싶으면  내려 ‪얼른 내려!

Put the gun down if you want to live. Now!

‪[거친 숨소리]

‪(경찰11) 씨발



Okay, don't shoot.

‪(경찰5)  치워 치우면 쏜다

Put the guns away, or I'll shoot.

‪- 쏴봐 ‪- (경찰5)   치우면 쏜다니까!

-Shoot me. -I said I'll shoot!


Shoot me.



그럼  수밖에 없겠네

Then you have no choice but to shoot because we're not dropping our guns.

우린   치울 텐데

Then you have no choice but to shoot because we're not dropping our guns.

‪[도쿄의 거친 숨소리]

And then, you'll die.

‪(여자그리고  뒈지겠지

And then, you'll die.

 고민해? ‪그새 사랑에라도 빠진 거야?

What's there to think about? Did you fall in love with her already?

‪(여자같이 뒈지게?

You want to die with her?

‪[경찰5 짜증 섞인 신음]

‪[도쿄의 지친 한숨]

‪(남자3) 내리란 말이야!

Drop the gun!

‪[경찰5 반항하는 신음] ‪[도쿄의 깊은 한숨]


Get down!

교수한테 우리 얘기 대충 들었지?

You heard about us, right?

‪(도쿄) [거친 숨을 내쉬며] ‪들었는데  정도일 줄은 몰랐어

I did, but I didn't know how much you'd be capable of.

‪[도쿄의 지친 숨소리]

조폐국엔   들어온 거야?

Why didn't you come inside the Mint?

우리 대장은 베를린이니까

Because our boss is Berlin.


Nice to meet you. I'm Seoul.


Nice to meet you. I'm Seoul.

아니이게 무슨 상황이야 ‪도대체 이게?

Wait, what the hell is happening here?

‪[상만이 천막을  걷는다] ‪(상만결국 놈들은

Wait, what the hell is happening here? It means they're an anti-government terrorist organization.

반정부 테러 조직이라는 얘기죠

It means they're an anti-government terrorist organization.

뭐야당신이  여길 나타나?

What are you doing here?

‪(상만 ‪[상만이 손뼉을  친다]

From now on, this case will be transferred to the South Korean Counterterrorism Unit.

지금부터  사건은 ‪대한민국 대테러부대로 이첩됩니다

From now on, this case will be transferred to the South Korean Counterterrorism Unit.

관할 책임자인 서장님을 제외하고 ‪모두 나가주시죠

Everyone but the chief in charge, please leave.

누구 마음대로?

Says who?

아지트에서 증거  나왔다며

I heard their hideout contained all the evidence.

강도들이 정치적 목적을 지닌 ‪테러 조직인  확실해진 이상

It's clear that the robbers are terrorists with a political agenda.

 이상 시간 끌고 있을  없어

We can't drag this on any longer.

경협에 한반도의 운명이 달렸는데

The Koreas' fate depends on economic cooperation.

위에서 가만두고   같아?

The higher-ups won't stand for this.

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

The higher-ups won't stand for this.


Ah, yes, Commissioner.

 어쩔 생각이야?

What is your plan?


Don't tell me…

제가 송중호란 놈이랑 ‪묵은 구연이  있습니다

I have a history with Song Jungho.

‪[긴장되는 음악]

‪(우진인질 협상할 

Do you know what you should never do when negotiating a hostage situation?

절대 하지 말아야  ‪행동이 뭔지 아세요?

Do you know what you should never do when negotiating a hostage situation?

누구 데려오라는 사람 ‪눈앞에 데려다 놓는 겁니다

Bring the person they ask for.

흥분해서 무슨 짓을 할지 ‪모른다고요!

This will make them unpredictable!

그게 우리가 노리는 거야

That's what we're after.


While Mr. Jeon Yongsu gets their attention,

전용수 단장님께서 ‪그놈 주의를 끄는 사이에

While Mr. Jeon Yongsu gets their attention,

대테러부대가 ‪빠르게 놈들의 배후를 친다

the Counterterrorism Unit will raid them from the back.

‪[상만을  잡으며미쳤어?

the Counterterrorism Unit will raid them from the back. Are you crazy? You'll put the hostages in danger!

인질들이 위험해지잖아!

Are you crazy? You'll put the hostages in danger!

Can you


take her out, please?

‪(서장 와봐

Come on!

‪[우진의 답답한 한숨]

상부 지시인  어떡하냐?

It's an order from above. What can I do?

‪[우진의 옅은 한숨]

일단  집에 가서 쉬어

Go home and rest for now.

여기는 어찌 됐든 ‪ 마무리될  같으니까

Whatever happens here will be over soon.


Do you think so?

‪[우진의 짜증 섞인 한숨]

송중호가 리홍단을 방출하고

What if their plan all along

전용수를 불러들인  ‪놈들 계획이라면요?

was to release Ri Hongdan and bring in Jeon Yongsu?

 난리 통에?

In that mess? Without being able to communicate with the Professor?

교수랑 교신도  됐는데?

In that mess? Without being able to communicate with the Professor?

안에 있는 놈들도 ‪바보가 아니란 뜻이겠죠

Those bastards inside aren't idiots.

‪[골치 아픈 한숨]

‪- (서장 ‪- (우진생각해 봐요

Think about it.



방금 연락 끊겼던 ‪호송 차량 쪽에서 무전이 왔는데

The convoy we lost contact with called in.

호송 중에 습격당한  맞답니다 ‪[우진의 답답한 한숨]

It's true they were attacked.

일부러 내보낸  ‪확실하다는 거네?

So they let her go on purpose.


But why?

교수랑 접선하려고아니면

To get in touch with the Professor? Or is there a problem they can't resolve?

안에선 해결  하는 뭔가가 있나?

To get in touch with the Professor? Or is there a problem they can't resolve?

‪(동철배신자 때문은 아닐까요? ‪그렇지 않으면

Maybe it's because of the traitor? If not, then…

‪[머뭇대는 신음]


Oh, what I mean is…

‪(서장  눈치를 ?

-What are you looking at me for? -Huh?


-What are you looking at me for? -Huh?

‪(우진 보세요

You should get to work.

‪(동철김상만 의원이 ‪뭐로 구워삶은 건지는 몰라도

I don't know what Kim Sangman did to coax them,

강도  누군가가  말을 듣고 ‪앤을 죽이려고  거잖아요

but one of the robbers heard and tried to kill Anne.



‪(동철감형해 주겠다는 말을 듣고 ‪누가 사람을 죽이겠어요?

Who would kill after hearing they'd get their sentence reduced?

‪[어두운 음악]



김상만이 뭔가 강도들 약점을 ‪잡고 있는  수도 있겠네?

Kim Sangman might be holding the robbers' weak spot over them, right?

‪(동철그걸 처리하려고 ‪나온 걸까요?

You think they sent someone to deal with that?

‪(교수도쿄고생 많았어

Tokyo, you did a great job.

그보다도 내가 말한  알아봤어?

Did you look into what I asked for?

‪(교수송산리에 차명으로 소유한 ‪별장이 하나 있어

There's a villa in Songsanri under a fictitious name.

눈에 띄지 않는 곳에 있어서 ‪안가로 쓰기 딱이야

It's in a secluded area, which makes it a perfect hideout.

‪[시스템 작동음]

It's in a secluded area, which makes it a perfect hideout.

‪(서울나이로비 애를 숨겨놨다면 ‪거기 있을 확률이 높네

Nairobi's kid is most likely hidden there.

베를린이 전용수를 만나기까지 ‪시간이 얼마  남았어

There's not much time left until Berlin meets Jeon Yongsu.

‪(TV  앵커2) 체포됐던 ‪조폐국 강도 용의자가 호송 

The arrested suspect in the Mint robbery escaped during the escort

공범으로 추정되는 자들에 의해 ‪탈주했습니다

with the help of suspected accomplices.

‪[TV  앵커2 보도가 이어진다] ‪아휴이렇게라도 보니까 반갑네

Man, it's nice to see her even like this.


Hey, do you like her that much?

기케 좋으네?

Hey, do you like her that much?

‪(베를린내가 걱정하지 말라고 ‪그러디 않았네? ‪[리우가 훌쩍인다]

Didn't I tell you not to worry?

‪[멋쩍은 웃음]

‪[TV 종료음]

아니밖에 있는 ‪ 용병들이 움직인 건가?

Was this the work of the mercenaries outside?

‪[베를린의 힘주는 신음]

‪(베를린믿을 만한 놈들이야

They're trustworthy guys.

그걸 어떻게 알아? ‪교수가 얘기해  적도 없는데

How do you know that? The Professor never told us about that.


I know well.

내가 지옥 끝까지 간다 해도 ‪따라나설 놈들이니까니

They are the ones who would follow me even into hell.

‪(리우뭐야설마 용병들이

What? Those mercenaries…


They were working for you?

‪[놀란 숨소리]


Damn it!

괜히 들이받은  ‪아닌가 몰라

Maybe we shouldn't have acted out.

‪(교사이제 와서 무슨 소리예요?

What are you talking about now?

‪(영민아까  얘기  들었어?

Didn't you hear earlier? He asked for a politician!

정치인 불러오라고 ‪미쳐 날뛰었다잖아!

Didn't you hear earlier? He asked for a politician! He's gone crazy!

 새끼들 수틀리면

If things don't go their way, these bastards might kill us all.

여기서  같이 ‪죽자고  수도 있어

If things don't go their way, these bastards might kill us all.


‪[다가오는 발소리]

‪[지친 숨소리]

‪( 대리아휴배고파요

I'm hungry.

‪(영민 대리

Hey, Mr. Park,

 이기는  식사조라도 ‪돌리자고 할까?

should we just give in and get the dining staff to work?

‪[ 대리의 한숨]

‪[영민과  대리의 한숨]

‪[문이 철컥 열린다]

‪[문이  닫힌다]

‪(덴버지금 식당이 ‪  돌아가니까

Listen, since the cafeteria isn't running,

간단하게 묵을 

we're having something simple.

‪[뚜껑을  열며] ‪지금 이거뿐이 없다

This is all we have.



‪(헬싱키밥값들은 하기 싫음서 ‪먹고는 싶으니?

You still want to eat without earning your keep?

‪[헬싱키의 못마땅한 신음]

‪(덴버그라지 마라

Quit it.

뭣들 하노얼른 와서 묵으라

Hey, what are you waiting for? Come and eat.

‪[영민의 다급한 신음]

‪(헬싱키 족제비 같은 새끼 ‪니는 먹지 말라

You weasel. You don't get any. Damn.

‪(덴버너희  ‪배고플  아이가?

Aren't you all hungry?

싸울  싸우더라도 밥은 무야지

Even if we're fighting, you gotta eat.

얼른 와라

Come on.

‪[인질들이 웅성거린다]


Okay. Let's go.

‪[인질이 콜록거린다]

‪(영민) [비꼬는 말투로] ‪아주 로미오와 줄리엣 나셨네

You two are like Romeo and Juliet, aren't you?

정신 차리고 감자나 먹어!

Get back to reality and eat.

‪[심란한 한숨]

‪[긴장되는 음악] ‪- (TV  앵커3)  기자 ‪- 

-Mr. Park. -Yes. Speculation over the Mint hostage crisis is that it is politically motivated.

‪(TV  앵커3) ‪조폐국 인질극 사건이

Speculation over the Mint hostage crisis is that it is politically motivated.

정치적 목적에 의한 것으로 ‪보인다면서요?

Speculation over the Mint hostage crisis is that it is politically motivated.

‪(TV  기자4)  ‪익명의 경찰 관계자에 따르면

Yes, according to an anonymous source,

강도들의 본거지에 ‪남겨진 단서들이

the clues left at the robbers' hideout

조폐국 인질극이 ‪단순한 강도 사건이 아닌 ‪[서장이 설명한다]

suggest that the Mint hostage crisis is not just a robbery

정치적 목적에 의한 범죄임을 ‪[상만이 말한다]

but rather a crime that has a political agenda.

암시하고 있었다고 합니다

but rather a crime that has a political agenda.

그리고 송중호가

Song Jungho's calling for Jeon Yongsu, head of North Korean economic cooperation,

전용수 북측 경협 단장을 ‪호출한 사실 또한

Song Jungho's calling for Jeon Yongsu, head of North Korean economic cooperation,

그러한 분석에 ‪힘을 실어주고 있습니다

also reinforces that analysis.

‪(TV  앵커3) 전용수 단장을 ‪부른 이유는 뭡니까? ‪[상만의 옅은 한숨]

Why did he call for Jeon Yongsu?

‪(TV  기자4) 아무래도 ‪과거 수용소 소장으로 일한 전력을

His prior service as a warden of a concentration camp

문제 삼는  같습니다

His prior service as a warden of a concentration camp seems to be the issue.

‪(TV  앵커3) 하지만 그건 ‪정전 협정 한참 전에

seems to be the issue. But that was before… We've arranged for you to evacuate if things become too dangerous.

‪(서장위험 상황이 감지되면

We've arranged for you to evacuate if things become too dangerous.

즉시 빠지실  있게 ‪준비해 뒀습니다

We've arranged for you to evacuate if things become too dangerous.

‪(용수유난   없소

No need to make a fuss.

내가 시간을  끌어야 ‪작전에 유리하디 않갔소?

Wouldn't it be advantageous for the operation if I buy you more time?

‪(TV  기자4) 북한 지도부를 ‪설득하는 

Wouldn't it be advantageous for the operation if I buy you more time?

주도적인 역할을 했던 ‪인물로 알려져 있고요


그간의 전용수 단장의

30 MINUTES BEFORE THE MEETING In the meantime, Jeon Yongsu…


Yeah, did you find anything?

‪(동철회유 방송  ‪김상만이 백에 세워둔 사람들

The people behind Kim Sangman during the broadcast

그중에 인질 가족이 아닌 사람이 ‪ 있었어요

weren't all the hostage family members.

그게 누군데?

Who were those people?

‪(동철알아보니 ‪신원이 유출된 강도들 가족인데

They're the families of the robbers who we identified.

그중에 심영문의 아들도 있었어요

Sim Youngmun's son was among them but didn't return.

근데 방송 핑계로 ‪고아원에서 데려간 후로

Sim Youngmun's son was among them but didn't return. -They're using the broadcast as an excuse. -He's threatening her with her child?

아직 돌아오지 않았답니다

-They're using the broadcast as an excuse. -He's threatening her with her child?

설마 애로 협박을  거였어?

-They're using the broadcast as an excuse. -He's threatening her with her child?

그렇다면 어디에 데리고 있을까요?

Where would he have taken him, then?

‪[기가  한숨]

그런 구린   만한 데라면 ‪어딘지 알아

I know a place he'd go to do shady stuff like that.

‪(동철그걸 어떻게 아세요?


내가  인간이랑    년인데

I lived with that person for many years.

‪[어두운 음악]


당신들 정체가 뭐네?

Who are you people?






what do you think?

‪(무혁여기 일당이 최소  이상

I know that at least four of you

북한제 AK-105 

are heavily armed

중화기로 무장하고 있다는  알지

with weapons like the North Korean AK-105.

소리만 듣고 알아챈 건가?

Did you figure that out from just the sound?

‪[옅은 한숨]


As expected…

무장 혁명이라도 일으킬 셈인가?

Are you going to start an armed revolution?


A revolution…

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

‪[멀어지는 발소리]

‪[문이  닫힌다]

‪(교수 이렇게 오래 걸렸어?

What took so long?

‪(서울중간중간 검문이 있어서 ‪우회하느라

I had to avoid the checkpoints on the way.

‪[풀벌레 울음] ‪도착했어

We're here.

‪[긴장되는 음악]

아이는 2층에 있어

The kid's on the second floor.

‪(도쿄경비가 장난이 아닌데?

Security looks airtight.

시간이 얼마 없어

We don't have time.

‪(서울거기다 교수가 말한 ‪원칙도 지켜야지

We have to follow the Professor's rules.


Rubber bullets.

‪[철컥 장전한다]

‪(서울내가 그렇게 ‪고집이  남자는 처음 본다 ‪[카메라 조작음]

I've never seen such a stubborn man.

베를린 말고

Except for Berlin.


Can you see me clearly?


Let's go.

‪[문이  열린다]

시간 됐어가자

It's time. Let's go.

‪[풀벌레 울음]

‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]

‪[앤의 떨리는 숨소리]

‪[카메라 셔터음이 요란하다]

‪[기자들이 웅성거린다]


Long time no see.


Is that so?


Not for me.

‪(베를린수용소에서 탈출하고 ‪자유의 몸이  뒤로도

Because even after I escaped the camp and became free,

나는 밤마다 꿈에서 ‪당신을 봤으니까니

I saw you in my dreams every night.

이젠 내가 ‪당신의 악몽이 돼주갔어

Now I'll become your nightmare.

‪[도쿄와 서울의 긴장한 숨소리]

‪[남자5 힘주는 신음] ‪[경호원1 아파하는 신음]

‪[경호원2 외마디 비명]

‪[경호원1 놀란 신음] ‪[경호원1 외마디 비명]

‪[경호원3 외마디 비명]


Moving in.

‪[경호원4 경호원5 비명]

‪[경호원5 고통스러운 신음]

‪[강렬한 효과음]

‪(경호원6) 뭐야

What the hell?

‪[경호원6 저항하는 신음]

‪[경호원6 버티는 신음]

‪[경호원6 아파하는 신음]

‪[경호원6 앓는 신음]

‪[경호원7 힘없는 신음]

‪(경호원8) 뭐야뭐야!

Hey, you bastard!

‪[경호원8 힘주는 신음]

‪[경호원8 기합]

‪(경호원8) 새끼야!

You bastard!

‪[남자5 아파하는 신음]

You bastard!

‪[경호원8 다급한 숨소리]

‪[경호원8 덤비는 신음]

‪[경호원8 외마디 비명]

‪[서울의 거친 숨소리]

‪[서울의 기합] ‪[경호원9 신음]

‪[서울의 힘주는 신음] ‪[경호원10 옅은 신음]

‪[경호원11 덤비는 신음] ‪[서울의 힘겨운 신음]

‪[서울의 힘주는 신음] ‪[경호원11 아파하는 신음]

‪[서울의 힘주는 신음] ‪[경호원10 외마디 신음]

‪[도쿄의 거친 숨소리]

‪[경호원12 힘주는 신음] ‪[도쿄의 거친 숨소리]

‪[도쿄의 거친 신음] ‪[경호원13 아파하는 신음]

‪[도쿄의 가쁜 숨소리] ‪[경호원14 외마디 비명]

‪[경호원13 괴로운 신음] ‪[도쿄의 거친 숨소리]

‪[경호원12 덤비는 신음]

‪[경호원12 외마디 신음]


Watch out!

‪[도쿄의 힘주는 신음] ‪[경호원15 아파하는 신음]

‪[도쿄의 힘주는 신음]

‪[경호원15 외마디 신음]

‪[서울과 도쿄의 긴장한 숨소리]

‪[도쿄가 긴장한 숨을 내뱉는다]

‪[최루탄에서 가스가  나온다] ‪[긴장감 넘치는 음악]

‪[경호원16 놀란 신음] ‪[경호원들이 콜록댄다]

‪(도쿄지금이야 ‪[도쿄가 문을  찬다]

It's now.

‪[경호원들의 혼비백산한 신음]

‪[경호원17 당황한 신음]

‪[경호원18 외마디 신음]

‪[서울의 침착한 숨소리] ‪[경호원19 외마디 비명]

‪[경호원20 아파하는 신음]

‪[경호원20 힘겨운 외마디 신음]

‪[도쿄의 놀란 숨소리] ‪[도쿄의 다급한 숨소리]

‪[도쿄의 당황한 신음]

‪[도쿄의 거친 숨소리]

‪[강렬한 효과음]

‪[경호원21 괴로운 비명]

‪(서울다들 괜찮아? ‪[서울의 거친 숨소리]

Is everyone all right?

‪(도쿄 ‪여긴 이쯤이면 정리된  같아

I think we got this place settled.

‪[도쿄의 거친 숨소리]

‪[도쿄가 거친 숨을 내쉰다]

‪[카메라 셔터음] ‪(베를린내가 오늘 ‪ 역겨운 가면을 벗겨주디

I'll take that ugly mask off of you today.

‪[의미심장한 음악] ‪(용수옛날 일을 들춘다고

Would revealing the past change anything?

뭐이가 달라디갔습니까?

Would revealing the past change anything?

‪(용수지금  상황을 ‪한번 보시오

Look at this situation here.

‪[카메라 셔터음이 요란하다] ‪이게  무슨 일입니까?

What is all this?

전기도 끊겼다면서요

I heard you don't even have electricity.

그럼 이제  끝난  아닙니까?

So, isn't it over now?

‪(용수길디 말고!

Why don't we stop this and leave together?

나랑 같이 내려가십시다

Why don't we stop this and leave together?



‪14 수용소에서 무슨 짓을 했는디

tell everyone what you did

만인에게 밝히라우

at Concentration Camp 14.

‪(용수 그저 ‪당이 나에게 부여한 의무를

I merely carried out the duties that my country bestowed on me.

다했을 뿐입니다

I merely carried out the duties that my country bestowed on me.

‪[앤의 놀란 숨소리]

‪[카메라 셔터음]

‪(베를린) [버럭 하며의무?


개처럼 굶기고

You starved them like dogs.


Tortured and even killed!

그게 어떤 신성한 의무였네? ‪대답해 보라우

What sort of sacred duty was that? Answer me.

‪[용수가 가슴을  친다]


Let's pretend…

기런 죄를 지었다고 칩시다 ‪하지만!

that I did all those things. But haven't I already paid the price for that?

‪(용수 이미  죗값을 ‪치르지 않았습니까?

But haven't I already paid the price for that?

당신은 이미 ‪내게 복수를 하지 않았소!

Didn't you already get your revenge against me?



수용소 의무반으로 일하던  딸을

My daughter worked as a camp medic.


You raped her,

‪(용수불태워 죽였지 않았습니까!

then burned her alive!


Is that true?

‪[시민들이 술렁인다]


‪(시민1) 말도  

-Oh my God. -How could that happen?

‪(상만좋아잘하고 있어

Good, he's doing great.

‪(서장너무 자극하는  ‪아닙니까?

Isn't he provoking him too much?

저러다 누구 하나 죽기라도 하면

-What if someone dies because of-- -It'd be a necessary sacrifice.

불가피한 희생인 거죠

-What if someone dies because of-- -It'd be a necessary sacrifice.

‪(상만사태가 종결되면 ‪아무도 얘기   겁니다

No one will say anything when the situation is over.


Why? Because people want a hero.

사람들은 영웅을 원하니까

Why? Because people want a hero.


The media will be busy talking about your achievements.

우리 서장님 치적에 대해 ‪떠들어 대기도 바쁠 겁니다

The media will be busy talking about your achievements.

‪[상만의 흡족한 웃음]

‪(시민2) 이거 

-What is this? -Wow, what is that?

‪- (시민3) 이거 뭐야? ‪- (시민2) 이거이거

-What is this? -Wow, what is that?

‪[긴장되는 음악]

‪[경호원22 힘주는 신음]

‪[경호원22 힘없는 신음] ‪[경호원22  쓰러진다]

‪[경호원23 경호원24 신음] ‪[도쿄의 거친 숨소리]

‪[경호원25 힘주는 신음] ‪[도쿄의 거친 신음]

‪[도쿄의 가쁜 숨소리] ‪[경호원26 힘주는 신음]

‪[도쿄의 거친 숨소리]

‪[경호원27 힘주는 신음] ‪[도쿄의 버티는 신음]

‪[경호원27 거친 신음] ‪[도쿄의 힘주는 신음]

‪[칼을  꺼내 든다] ‪[도쿄의 가쁜 숨소리]

‪[칼이 바닥에  부딪친다] ‪[도쿄의 거친 기합]

‪[서울의 힘주는 신음] ‪[경호원28 외마디 신음]

‪[경호원29 외마디 비명] ‪[도쿄의 힘겨운 숨소리]

‪[도쿄의 버티는 신음]

‪[도쿄의 힘주는 신음]

‪[도쿄의 힘주는 신음] ‪[경호원30 거친 신음]

‪[도쿄의 가쁜 숨소리] ‪[도쿄의 거친 기합]

‪[서울의 힘주는 신음]

‪[서울의 거친 숨소리]

‪[경호원31 아파하는 신음]

‪[서울의 거친 기합]

‪[경호원32 경호원33 신음]

‪[경호원34 힘주는 신음] ‪[서울의 피하는 신음]

‪[경호원34 기합] ‪[도쿄의 기합]

‪[경호원35 다급한 신음] ‪[경호원35 아파하는 신음]

‪[도쿄와 서울의 거친 숨소리]

‪[도쿄가 안도하는 숨을 내쉰다]



이쪽으로 지원 보내줘빨리!

Send backup over here now!


Who are you?

엄마 친구야

I'm your mom's friend.

‪(도쿄엄마가  너무 걱정해서

I came to pick you up because your mom was worried about you.

데리러 왔어

I came to pick you up because your mom was worried about you.

같이 갈래?

Do you want to go with me?

‪[어두운 음악]

‪[서울이 총을  들이댄다]

‪(서울어쩐지 너무 쉽다 했다

I knew this was too easy to be true.


Don't move.

‪(도쿄우린 애를 구하러  거야

We came to rescue the kid.


I know, but this isn't going to turn you into heroes.

그렇다고 너희가

I know, but this isn't going to turn you into heroes.

영웅이 되는  아니지

I know, but this isn't going to turn you into heroes.

‪[도쿄가 거친 숨을 내쉰다]


It's okay.

 아줌마 경찰이야

That lady is a cop.

 아줌마 따라가면

If you follow her, she'll protect you from the scary guys.

여기에 있는 ‪무서운 아저씨들한테서

If you follow her, she'll protect you from the scary guys.

지켜주실 거야

If you follow her, she'll protect you from the scary guys.



‪(도쿄아줌마는 좋은 사람이야

She's a good person.




She's right.

‪(우진아줌마 나쁜 사람 아니야

I'm not a bad person.


Come here.



허튼짓하지 !

Don't do anything stupid!

‪(도쿄 앞에서 ‪총을   아니지?

You're not gonna shoot in front of a kid, are you?

그럼 쏘게 만들지 않으면 되겠지?

Then don't make me.

‪(도쿄김상만이 키우는 개들이 ‪  거야

Kim Sangman's dogs are going to wake up soon.

아이를 지키는  먼저 아닐까?

Protecting the child is priority, no?

‪[고민하는 숨소리]

Protecting the child is priority, no?

‪[우진의 긴장한 숨소리]

‪[우진의 떨리는 숨소리]

‪[자동차 시동음] ‪[우진의 당황한 숨소리]

‪[다가오는 자동차 엔진음]

‪[불안한 숨소리]

‪[분한 숨소리]

‪[우진의 놀란 숨소리]

‪[ 문이  열린다]

‪[ 문이  닫힌다]

‪[ 문이  닫힌다]

‪[ 문이  닫힌다] ‪[멀어지는 자동차 엔진음]

‪[허탈한 숨소리]

‪(TV  용수물론

Of course, the treatment in North Korean camps was bad.

북조선에서 ‪수용소의 처우는 한계가 있었소

Of course, the treatment in North Korean camps was bad.

밖에서도 굶어 죽는 사람이 ‪태반이었으니끼니

Most of the people were starving to death outside,

 안은 오죽했갔소? ‪  죄가 맞습니다

so you can only imagine what it was like on the inside.


so you can only imagine what it was like on the inside.

 이미  죗값을 ‪치렀다고 생각했소

I am to blame, but I already paid for those crimes.

‪(TV  용수의붓딸이었지만

She was my stepdaughter,

나한텐 목숨보다 소중한  

but she was more important than my life.

  때문에 잃었으니끼니

I lost her because of my crimes.

‪(베를린, 1절만 하디 그래?

Why don't you cut the crap?

‪[불안한 숨소리]

‪[휴대전화를  던진다]

이것  보셔야겠습니다

Take a look at this.

‪[경찰들이 웅성거린다]

‪[긴장되는 음악]

‪(영상  서울누군가 ‪우리 동료  하나에게

This is all because someone took one of our colleagues' only son

하나뿐인 아이를 인질 삼아

This is all because someone took one of our colleagues' only son

앤을 죽이라고 ‪협박했기 때문이었습니다

and threatened to kill him.

다행히 다들 보셨다시피 ‪방금 우리가 아이를 구했고

Fortunately, as you can see, we just saved the child

안전하게 경찰에게 인계했습니다

and handed him over safely to the police.


And what Jeon Yongsu is saying right now

‪(서울지금 전용수가 하는 말은

And what Jeon Yongsu is saying right now

전부  거짓입니다

is all a lie.

어떻게 아냐고?

How do we know?

‪[당황한 숨소리]

‪(영상  서울내가 ‪목숨보다도 소중했다던

Because I'm the stepdaughter he says was more precious… MINT ROBBERY SUSPECT LIVE VIDEO OBTAINED

 인간의 의붓딸이니까

…than his own life.

‪(영상  서울그자는 ‪어렸을 때부터  겁탈하고

He raped me when I was a child

자기 곁에 두려고

and had me work as a medic at the camp so he could keep me by him.

수용소 의무반으로 ‪일하게 했습니다

and had me work as a medic at the camp so he could keep me by him.

그자가 재미로 사람을 죽이고 ‪고문하고 가지고 놀아도

Even if he killed and tortured people for fun…

거기 있는 누구도 ‪거역할 수가 없었어

no one there could defy him.

‪[불안한 숨소리] ‪(영상  서울  사람

Except for just one person. Song Jungho.

송중호만 빼고

Except for just one person. Song Jungho.

송중호는 그자를 ‪두려워하지 않았거든

Song Jungho wasn't afraid of him.

‪(영상  서울내가 ‪ 사람을 사랑하게 되자

When I fell in love with him,

전용수는 ‪우리   죽이려고 했고

Jeon Yongsu tried to kill us both,

송중호는  구하기 위해서 ‪폭동을 일으킨 겁니다

and Song Jungho started a riot to save me.

그런 자가

And now,

이제는 평화의 전도사인 

as if he's a preacher of peace…

‪[시민들이 웅성거린다]

He was lying.

회담을 위해 여기 와있습니다

…he's here for the summit.

그리고 그자를 ‪끌어들인  누굴까요?

And who brought him into it?

그건 바로

That is

‪(영상  서울통일미래당 ‪ 대표이자

leader of the Unified Future Party and Chairman of the Special Committee,

남북경제협력특위 위원장

leader of the Unified Future Party and Chairman of the Special Committee,

김상만 의원입니다

Congressman Kim Sangman.

‪(영상  서울나이로비에게 ‪아이로 협박을 해서

He's the bastard who threatened Nairobi with her kid

앤을 죽이라고 사주한 ‪ 개새끼 말이에요

and ordered her to kill Anne.


What is that?

어떻게 할까요?

Well, what should we do?

일단 빨리 

Take him out of there.

빨리 !

Get him out!


What are those people trying to gain by killing this kid?

 아이를 죽여서라도 ‪얻어내려 했던  뭐일까?

What are those people trying to gain by killing this kid?

경제 협력평화 통일?

Economic cooperation? Peaceful reunification?

북남의 민중들이 ‪ 같이  사는 ?

Or seeing the North and South living peacefully together?



놈들은 기딴 거에 ‪아무 관심이 없어

They don't care about things like that.

이번 회담은

This summit was all a ploy so they could get richer.

그저 자신들의 ‪배때기를 불리기 위한

This summit was all a ploy so they could get richer.

‪[시민들이 술렁인다] ‪(영상  베를린) ‪수작질에 불과할 뿐이야

This summit was all a ploy so they could get richer.

‪(시민4)  말이 저거라고

‪[시민들이 호응한다]

‪(영상  베를린보라우


 돈이란  뭐이가?

What is money?

‪(영상  베를린) ‪이건 기냥 종이일 뿐이야

It's just paper.

여기서 얼마든지 ‪찍어낼  있는 거라  말이야

You can make as much of it as you want here.

근데 이걸 얼마나 찍어내고 ‪어드렇게 쓸지 정하는 작자들이

But if the ones who decide how much to print and where to use it are robbers,


how much to print and where to use it are robbers,

이건 막아야 하디 않갔어?

shouldn't this be stopped?

 종이의 집은 원래

Because this house of paper has always belonged to the people.

민중들의 것이니까니

Because this house of paper has always belonged to the people.

‪(영상  베를린!

-Now! -Oh, what's that?

‪(베를린이젠 누가 도둑이고

Now, who's the thief,

누가 진짜 주인이네?

and who's the real owner?

‪[기자들이 시끌벅적하다]

‪[카메라 셔터음이 요란하다]

‪(기자5) 해당 내용이 사실입니까?

Is this true?

‪(기자6)  말씀 부탁드립니다

Please make a comment.

‪(기자7) 전용수 단장은 ‪아무 입장 표명 없이

Jeon Yongsu left the scene without any comment.

현장을 빠져나갔습니다

Jeon Yongsu left the scene without any comment. Hurry and find out.

‪(기자8) 빨리 알아봐

Hurry and find out.

‪(덴버) [손뼉을 짝짝 치며] ‪베를린죽이네!

Berlin, that was amazing!


You did a great job.

‪[베를린의 지친 숨소리] ‪[덴버의 탄성]


인마인마 ‪[모스크바의 당황한 신음]


이거인마  이라네

What's wrong?

‪(도쿄베를린은 ‪얼마나 남은 거야?

How long does Berlin have?


I don't know.

‪(도쿄설마 죽을  찾아서 ‪조폐국 들어간  아니야?

Did he go to the Mint in search of a place to die?

‪(서울그런 못난 생각을 ‪하고 있는 거면

If he's really thinking of doing something awful like that…

 전에 내가 죽일 거야

I'll kill him first.

‪(동철김상만 의원 측에선 ‪강도들의 선동이고 날조라면서

Kim Sangman claims the robbers lied to incite the public,

아이를 보호하기 위한 ‪조치였다고 주장하고 있어요

and he was only taking measures to protect the child.

‪[어이없는 한숨]

and he was only taking measures to protect the child.

그렇게 나올  알았어

I knew he would say that.

‪(동철나중에 붙잡힌 심영문이 ‪증언해도 잡아떼겠죠

Even if Sim Youngmun testifies, he'll feign ignorance.

그래가고 있으니까

Okay, I'm on my way. I'll talk to you later.

나중에 얘기하자

Okay, I'm on my way. I'll talk to you later.



‪[통화 종료음]

‪(나이로비 아들아줌마




아까 엄마 친구들 ‪나쁜 사람이에요?

Are Mom's friends back there bad people?

우리 엄마도?

Is my mom bad too?

‪[차분한 음악] ‪[옅은 한숨]

‪[풀벌레 울음]

‪(나이로비시간 됐어 ‪[앤의 한숨]

It's time.


Let's go.

‪(나이로비너무 겁먹지 

Don't be too scared.

사실  베를린이 꾸민 거야

Berlin has it all planned out.

그딴 짓은  해요?

Why would he do that and drag me into it?


Why would he do that and drag me into it?

 있으면 알게 

You'll find out soon.

‪(나이로비무슨 일이 벌어지든

Whatever happens,

네가 다치는 일은 없을 거야

you won't get hurt.

‪(그때  죽이려고 ‪폭탄 터뜨린 것도 

The bomb that went off to kill me…


Was that all a show too?

사실 그거 내가 그런 거야

No, I did that on purpose.

‪(나이로비어쩔 수가 없었어

I had no other choice.

김상만이 협박을 해서

Kim Sangman threatened me.


I don't believe you.

‪(이제 당신들이 하는 

I don't believe anything


any of you say anymore.

‪[다가오는 발소리]

any of you say anymore.


Here. Sorry.




Potatoes again?

김치라도  주든가

At least give us some kimchi.

‪(나이로비싫으면 말고 ‪가져갈까?

If you don't like it, should I take it back?

‪[영민이 뚜껑을  내려놓는다]

If you don't like it, should I take it back?

‪(덴버배고픈 거보단 낫잖아

Hey, it's better than being hungry.

‪(청명  기네?

What's wrong with you?

먹어야 힘내지

You have to eat to keep your strength up.

‪(나이로비이거 같이 나눠 드세요

Share this with her.


Yes, thank you.


Here, let's eat.


Was it because of your son?

그때 네가 도망가지 않고

I was so glad that you didn't run away and came back.

‪(나이로비다시 돌아와서 ‪얼마나 다행이었는지

I was so glad that you didn't run away and came back.


Thank you.

‪(나이로비살아남아 줘서

For staying alive.


Okay, let's eat.

‪[헛기침] ‪에헤지금  하노?

What are you doing? Come on!

‪(덴버아이남기 놔야 ‪ 사람도 묵지?

You have to leave some for other people.

‪[심란한 한숨]


What is it?


I'm in pain.



‪[덴버의 조심스러운 숨소리]

‪(덴버이거  ‪덧난  같지는 않은데

I don't think it's infected.

많이 아프나?

Does it hurt a lot?

거기가 아프다고  적은 없는데

I didn't say that's where it hurts.


What do you mean?

‪(덴버지금  하자는 건데?

What do you want from me?

 언제까지 피할 거예요?

When are you going to stop avoiding me?

내가 언제?

When did I do that?

  나간  아니에요

It's not that I couldn't leave.

 나간 거지

I chose not to.

‪[감미로운 음악]


What? Are you crazy?

‪[미선의 답답한 한숨]

‪(미선 진짜 미쳤나 

I must be going crazy.

‪[미선의 한숨]

‪[덴버의 주저하는 숨소리]

‪(헬싱키 지금 여기서  하니?

What are you doing here?

‪(덴버) [당황하며] ‪아이치료치료

Oh, I'm treating her.

상처가 이게  덧나 가지고

The wound is a little infected.


Well, I'm all done.

아버지가 찾는다

Your dad's looking for you. I'll take her back, so go find him.

 여자는 내가 데려갈 테니까 ‪빨리 가보라

Your dad's looking for you. I'll take her back, so go find him.


Okay, I got it.

‪[헬싱키의 못마땅한 숨소리]

‪[아쉬운 한숨]

‪[심란한 한숨]

‪(동철애는  데려다줬습니다

I took the kid back safely.

‪[우진이 숨을  내뱉는다]

I took the kid back safely.

‪(우진당분간 시설에 ‪관할 경찰들 붙여

Send some officers to guard the orphanage for a while.

‪(동철워낙 시끄러웠으니까

Okay. And Kim Sangman won't be able to do anything now.

김상만이  어쩌지는 못할 거예요

Okay. And Kim Sangman won't be able to do anything now.

‪[우진의 기가  숨소리]

‪(동철이제 어쩌죠?

What do we do now?

‪[숨을  내뱉는다]



이대로 진짜  떼요?

-We're really not going to do anything? -What can we do?

그럼 어떡해?

-We're really not going to do anything? -What can we do?

상부 지시가 그런데

We've been ordered to do so.



‪(우진리홍단도 ‪그렇게 놓쳐버리고

We let Ri Hongdan escape,

‪[우진이 숨을  내뱉는다]

교수를 잡기는커녕

and not only are we unable to catch the Professor,

 패거리들한테 ‪놀아나고 있잖아 ‪[동철의 씁쓸한 한숨]

we're just being played by them.

나도   없지

I can't say I'm not to blame.

‪[동철이 라이터를  켠다]

‪[동철이 숨을  내뱉는다]

‪(동철이왕 이렇게   ‪복귀하지 마시고  쉬세요

Well, you might as well go home and rest, then.

그러다 쓰러지십니다

Otherwise, you'll faint.



너도 고생했다

You should take it easy too.

‪[답답한 한숨]

‪[분한 숨을 내뱉는다]

‪[풀벌레 울음] ‪[프로펠러 작동음]

‪(리우근데 말이야 ‪[리우의 미심쩍은 한숨]

By the way…

우리   때문에 ‪여기 있는  맞는 거지?

we're all here for the money, right?

아니전용수 앞에서 ‪대사 치는  너무 리얼하길래

Because you sounded like you meant what you said to Jeon Yongsu.


Did I?

‪[숨을  들이마신다]

Did I?

기거이  계획의 일부야

That's all part of the plan.

계획무슨 계획?

Plan? What plan?

‪'종이의 집은 민중들의 것이다'?

"This house of paper has always belonged to the people?"

‪(리우그게 무슨 개소리냐?

What the hell is all that crap?

‪[베를린의 옅은 웃음]

여기 갇혀서?

We're the ones stuck here, breaking our backs

 맞아 뒈질 각오로 ‪피똥 싸가면서  찍는  우린데

We're the ones stuck here, breaking our backs and risking our lives to print this money.

그게  민중들 건데?

So, why does that belong to the people?


Well, that…

‪(리우) [한숨 쉬며] ‪거창한 계획 따위 나는 관심 없어

I'm not interested in grand plans.



‪(리우) [한숨 쉬며] ‪네가 죽을 각오로

I don't know why you came in here, risking your life,

 여기 기어들어 왔는지 몰라도

I don't know why you came in here, risking your life,

‪[무거운 음악] ‪우리 끌어들이지 

but don't drag us into it.

괜히 교수 작전 망치지 말라고

Don't mess up the Professor's operation for nothing.

‪[베를린의 옅은 한숨]

형을 위해서야

It's for my brother.



‪(베를린기래내가 목숨 걸고 ‪여기 들어온 이유 말이야

Yeah, the reason I came here, risking my life.

 형의 작전을 ‪성공시키기 위해서야반드시

It's to make sure my brother's plan is a success.

 말은 지금 교수가

Are you saying the Professor is…

혁명주의자처럼 ‪보이게 하자는 것도

Making this look like a revolution

 교수의 계획이야

is all part of the plan.


Political criminals?

기래도 되는 거네?

Can we do that?

우리가 정치범으로 ‪보이는  성공하면

If we succeed in being seen as political criminals,

탈출의 포석이 깔리는 거야

it'll be the foundation for escape.



‪(교수비상이 걸린 경찰 당국은

The authorities will panic and will be convinced that our goal is to stop the summit.

우리의 목적이 ‪회담 저지라고 확신할 거야

and will be convinced that our goal is to stop the summit.

‪(교수서울과 용병들까지 ‪존재감을 드러내면

If Seoul and the mercenaries make their presence known,

상당한 화력을 지닌 무장 세력이

they won't be able to rule out the possibility

회담장에 테러를 저지를 가능성을 ‪절대 배제하지 못할 거야

they won't be able to rule out the possibility of armed forces trying to commit terrorist attacks at the summit.

김상만 일당은 ‪어떻게든 언론을 조작하고

Kim Sangman and his party will manipulate the media and try to hide the truth.

진실을 감추려 하겠지만

Kim Sangman and his party will manipulate the media and try to hide the truth.

이미 진실을 알아버린 사람들은

The people who already know the truth will come to the streets to cheer us on.

우리를 응원하러 거리로 나오겠지

The people who already know the truth will come to the streets to cheer us on.

그렇게 되면  쇼의 ‪마지막 무대가 만들어지는 거야

If that happens, the stage for our final act is complete.

‪(베를린그게 교수의 계획이고 ‪ 계획이야

That's the Professor's plan. And my plan too.


Wait, then

둘이 형제라는 거는 ‪ 여태 숨긴 건데?

why have you been hiding that you're brothers?

‪(베를린내가 숨기자고 했어

I told him we should hide it.

만약 숨기지 않았다면

If we hadn't, the Professor's identity would've been revealed

나이로비가 배신했을  ‪교수의 신상까지 넘어갔갔디

If we hadn't, the Professor's identity would've been revealed when Nairobi betrayed us.

‪(나이로비둘이 오붓하니  ?

What are you two doing?

인질들  모였어

All the hostages are gathered.

‪(리우인질들인질들은  ?

Hostages? What about the hostages?

‪[베를린이 깊은숨을 내뱉는다]

‪[결연한 숨을 내뱉으며] ‪도쿄를 맞이할 준비를 해야지

We should get ready to welcome Tokyo.


What did you say?

‪(베를린여기서 나가고 싶은 ‪사람이 있다믄

If anyone wants to leave,

내보내 주갔어

I'll let you leave.



남아서 우리한테 ‪협조해 주는 인질들에게는

for the hostages who stay and help us, in return,


for the hostages who stay and help us, in return,


we'll give

‪30억씩 주갔다

three billion won each.

‪[인질들이 술렁인다] ‪(영민) 3, 30?

Three billion won?


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