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  퀸메이커 9

Queenmaker 9


♪ 노동자의 친구 오경숙 ♪‬2 OH KYUNG-SOOK The workers' friend, Oh Kyung-sook
‪♪ 여성의 친구 오경숙 ♪‬ ‪[환호]‬Friend to women, Oh Kyung-sook
‪♪ 같이 살기 더 좋은… ♪‬A better world to live in together…
‪[환호]‬ ‪(경숙) 서울 시민 여러분‬ ‪오경숙입니다‬Dear fellow citizens of Seoul, this is Oh Kyung-sook.
‪새로운 서울‬New Seoul, new politics!
‪새로운 정치‬New Seoul, new politics!
‪새로운 사람, 이 오경숙이!‬I, the new face, Oh Kyung-sook, will make politics
‪서민을 위한 정치‬I, the new face, Oh Kyung-sook, will make politics
‪그리고 우리 아이들을 위한‬ ‪서울을 만들어 보겠습니다!‬serve the common people and make Seoul a city for our children!
‪(지지자들) 오경숙!‬Oh Kyung-sook!
‪[홍보 노래가 계속된다]‬
‪♪ 오경숙 믿어 ♪‬You can trust Oh Kyung-sook
‪♪ 기호 2번 오경숙… ♪‬Candidate Number two, Oh Kyung-sook!
‪(경숙) 네, 저에게도‬Yes. I also have a son around your age.
‪여러분 또래와 같은‬ ‪아들이 하나 있습니다‬Yes. I also have a son around your age.
‪저는 제 아들에게‬ ‪한 가지 약속을 했습니다‬I promised my son one thing.
‪엄마가 만든 좋은 세상에서‬That he would have a happy adulthood
‪행복한 어른으로 살게 해주겠다고‬ ‪약속을 했습니다‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬in a better world built by his mother.
‪[남학생 아파하는 신음]‬ ‪(경숙) 예비 유권자‬Dear teens, our future voters, I love you all!
‪청소년 여러분 정말 사랑합니다!‬Dear teens, our future voters, I love you all!
‪행복한 하루 되세요!‬Have a great day!
‪- (친구) 야, 야, 야, 야‬ ‪- (현우) 이야!‬-Hey! You'll kill him. -Stop!
‪[현우 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[현우 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[현우 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[현우 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪(사람들) 오경숙!‬-Oh Kyung-sook! -Oh Kyung-sook!
‪오경숙! 오경숙!‬-Oh Kyung-sook! -Oh Kyung-sook!
‪[멀리서 들리는 사이렌]‬
‪얘, 너 무슨 우리 애한테‬ ‪억하심정 있니?‬Look, do you have a grudge against my son?
‪봤어요?‬Have you seen him?
‪(경숙) 현우야‬Hyun-woo.
‪[놀라는 신음]‬
‪[떨리는 목소리로] 어휴, 세상에‬Oh my gosh.
‪[경숙 한숨]‬
‪[경숙 탄식]‬Oh gosh.
‪많이 놀라셨겠습니다‬You must be quite shocked.
‪우선 아이들 상황이‬ ‪정확히 어떻게 된 건지…‬Let's find out what happened exactly--
‪[큰소리로] 보면 몰라?‬Isn't it obvious?
‪오경숙, 당신 아들 깡패야?‬Oh Kyung-sook. Is your son a thug?
‪죄송합니다‬ ‪죄송합니다, 너무 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I really am.
‪죄송하면 다야?‬What good is your apology?
‪정치한답시고 싸돌아다닐 시간에‬You should educate your son
‪집구석에서 애새끼 교육이나‬ ‪똑바로 시키지‬instead of gallivanting around, playing politician.
‪(남학생 부) 부모 노릇도 못하는‬ ‪인간이 뭔 정치를 한다고‬Why not try being a decent parent before meddling in politics?
‪너희 어쩌다 이렇게 된 거니?‬How did this happen?
‪제가 일방적으로 맞았는데요?‬He beat me up. It was one-sided.
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪가만히 있는데 강현우가 빡쳐서‬I didn't do anything, but Kang Hyun-woo went nuts and started beating me up.
‪저를 일방적으로 팼다고요‬I didn't do anything, but Kang Hyun-woo went nuts and started beating me up.
‪(남학생 모) 이제 알겠어?‬Do you see?
‪오경숙, 당신 아들이‬Oh Kyung-sook, your son beat up my child on the street for no reason.
‪길바닥에서‬ ‪아무 이유도 없이 애를 밟았다고‬Oh Kyung-sook, your son beat up my child on the street for no reason.
‪(남학생 모) 우리 애가‬ ‪너무 충격을 받아서‬My son's so shocked that he doesn't think
‪이제 학교도 못 다니겠고‬ ‪밖에도 못 나가겠대!‬he can go outside or go to school anymore.
‪말해봐, 이거 다 사실이니?‬Tell me. Is all of this true?
‪(경숙) 왜 말을 못 해!‬Why won't you say anything?
‪[울먹이며] 너 어떻게‬ ‪이럴 수가 있니, 어?‬How could you do such a thing?
‪[현우 힘주는 신음]‬
‪왜? 쫄려?‬Why? Are you scared?
‪(현우) 나 땜에‬ ‪선거 떨어질까 봐 쫄리냐고‬That you'll lose the election because of me?
‪- 야, 현우야‬ ‪- 현우야‬Hey, Hyun-woo. Hyun-woo.
‪그럼 나 걱정돼서 온 거야?‬Are you even worried about me?
‪[느린 음악]‬Are you even worried about me?
‪지금 나 땜에 선거 망칠까 봐‬ ‪쫄려서 여기 온 거잖아!‬You came because you're afraid I might ruin the election!
‪[경숙 한숨]‬ ‪(현우) 나 같은 새끼만 없으면‬ ‪시장 될 수 있는데‬You could be mayor if it weren't for me,
‪내가 앞길 막으니까‬but I'm getting in your way.
‪너 어떻게,‬ ‪너 어떻게 그런 소리를 하니!‬ ‪[문복이 말린다]‬How? How could you say such a thing?
‪어? 그런 소리를 어떻게…‬ ‪너 엄마가 그렇게 가르쳤어? 어?‬How could you? Is that how I taught you? Huh?
‪제대로 가르쳐 준 거나 있어?‬When did you ever teach me anything?
‪나한테 제대로‬ ‪가르쳐 준 거나 있냐고‬Tell me one thing you taught me.
‪(문복) 야, 현우야‬ ‪니 엄마한테 무슨 말버릇이고!‬Hey, Hyun-woo. Watch your tone.
‪그만하시죠‬Let's stop there.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪우선, 경민이는 병원부터‬I think Gyeong-min should be taken to a hospital first.
‪빨리 데려가시는 게‬ ‪좋을 거 같습니다‬I think Gyeong-min should be taken to a hospital first.
‪저희 보좌진이 병원으로 모실 테니‬We'll drive you to the hospital, so tell us if you need anything--
‪필요한 게 있으시면 뭐든…‬We'll drive you to the hospital, so tell us if you need anything--
‪(경민 모) 왜?‬Why? So you can settle and make this go away with money?
‪돈으로 대충 합의 보고 끝낼라고?‬Why? So you can settle and make this go away with money?
‪지 새끼 감방 가게 생기니깐‬ ‪돈으로 찍어 누르겠다는 거야?‬Are you trying to buy our silence so he won't go to jail?
‪아니, 저, 아니요‬ ‪아니, 그게…‬No, that's not it.
‪우리는 합의해 줄 생각이‬No, that's not it. We don't have the slightest intention of settling, so don't even dream of it.
‪요만큼도 없으니까 꿈도 꾸지 마‬We don't have the slightest intention of settling, so don't even dream of it.
‪우린 조사 다 받았으니까 갑니다‬We're done being questioned, so we're leaving. Okay?
‪[큰소리로] 예?‬We're done being questioned, so we're leaving. Okay?
‪[나지막이] 가자‬Let's go.
‪(경숙) 죄송합니다, 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
‪[훌쩍인다]‬I'm so sorry.
‪(문복) 여, 여기 좀 앉자‬Here. Take a seat.
‪[한숨]‬Here. Take a seat.
‪[숨을 몰아쉰다]‬
‪[한숨 쉬며] 이거 다 내 탓이야‬This is all my fault.
‪어떻게 애가 저 지경이 되도록…‬How did I let that happen to him?
‪(문복) 아이, 그래 얘기하지 마라‬ ‪당신 탓 아이다‬Don't say that. It's not your fault.
‪현우 학교생활은 문제없었나요?‬Has Hyun-woo had problems at school before?
‪아무 이유도 없이‬It doesn't make sense
‪[기가 찬 한숨]‬
‪일방적으로 때렸다는 게‬ ‪아무래도 이상한데‬that he'd beat him for no reason.
‪그 얼마 전에‬ ‪이상한 낌새가 좀 있긴 했는데‬Well, I did notice something strange a few days ago.
‪[심각한 음악]‬
‪아이, 교복에 피를 묻혀 왔더라고‬He had blood on his uniform.
‪아이, 놀래 가지고‬ ‪이게 뭐냐 그랬더니‬I was startled. I asked him what had happened.
‪친구들이랑 그냥 놀다가‬ ‪조금 싸운 거라 그래서‬He told me that he'd gotten into a scuffle with his friends.
‪현우 아빠‬Honey. You should have told me then.
‪그때 나한테 얘기를 해줬어야지‬Honey. You should have told me then.
‪아, 왜 당신‬ ‪나한테 얘기를 안 해, 어?‬Why didn't you tell me, huh?
‪유세한다고 밥도 못 먹고‬ ‪뛰댕기는 사람한테‬You're so busy with your campaign that you don't even have time to eat.
‪내가 언제 어떻게 얘기하까?‬When and how was I supposed to tell you?
‪(도희) 오 후보‬Kyung-sook.
‪힘들겠지만 마음 다잡아‬I know it's hard, but be strong.
‪엄마로서도 당연히 괴롭겠지만‬I know this is hard as a mother,
‪이제부터 후보로서도‬ ‪어려운 상황이 될 수 있어‬but it might hurt you on the political front too.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪저는 피해자 부모랑‬ ‪최대한 빨리 합의 볼 테니까‬I'll settle with the parents as quickly as I can,
‪현우 잘 케어해 주세요‬so look after Hyun-woo.
‪조사 진행되는 상황도‬ ‪바로 알려주시고요‬And keep me updated on the investigation.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪죄송합니다, 안 그래도 바쁘신데‬And keep me updated on the investigation. I'm sorry. You're busy enough already without our son causing trouble.
‪우리 아까지 이래‬ ‪사고를 쳐 가지고‬I'm sorry. You're busy enough already without our son causing trouble.
‪확인해 봐야죠‬We'll have to determine
‪[한숨 쉬며] 사고를 친 건지‬whether he started this
‪본의 아니게 사고를 당한 건지‬or was unwittingly dragged into it.
‪그럼 전 현우‬ ‪학교 친구들 만나보고‬Then I'll talk to Hyun-woo's school friends
‪확실하게 왜 싸우게 됐는지‬ ‪파악하겠습니다‬and find out exactly how this fight began.
‪보안 철저히 하고‬Make sure it doesn't leak.
‪백재민 쪽에 새 나가면 안 돼‬to Baek Jae-min's camp.
‪(도희) 절대로‬Never.
‪[영어] 와우, 기특한 녀석이야‬Wow, what a good boy!
‪[한국어] 오경숙이 아들답네‬Like mother, like son.
‪이거 확실히 들이받았어‬ ‪[옅은 웃음]‬He charged headfirst into trouble.
‪자, 우리도‬ ‪마지막 소몰이를 시작해야지‬We should start leading the bull to its demise.
‪본부장‬Ms. Guk.
‪[싸한 음악]‬
‪(지연) 이틀 후면‬ ‪깜깜이 기간 시작입니다‬In two days, the blackout period will begin.
‪공식적인 여론 조사 발표가‬ ‪금지되는 기간이자‬That's when official opinion polls are no longer released
‪중도 및 샤이 지지층이‬ ‪가장 많이 움직이는 타이밍이죠‬That's when official opinion polls are no longer released and most swing and shy voters shift their support.
‪하지만 그때까지‬ ‪오경숙이 살아 있으면‬It also means if Oh Kyung-sook is still in the race by then,
‪내 패를 얼마나 더 갉아먹을지‬ ‪알 수 없단 뜻이기도 하죠‬there's no telling how many of my votes she'll chew through.
‪그 전에 사퇴시켜야지‬She'll pull out before then.
‪오경숙 이미지를‬ ‪회생 불가능한 수준까지‬We'll smear her image beyond the point of no return.
‪철저하게 망가뜨려서‬We'll smear her image beyond the point of no return.
‪오경숙이 사퇴 안 하고‬ ‪버틸 수도 있을 것 같은데요?‬But she might dig her heels in and refuse to withdraw.
‪뭐, 나쁠 거 없어‬That won't hurt us. All she'd do
‪그래 봤자‬That won't hurt us. All she'd do
‪선거 기간 내내 개망신만‬ ‪당하다가 끝날 테니까‬is humiliate herself for the remainder of the campaign.
‪아, 대한민국에서‬Has there ever been
‪가족 리스크 패싱하고‬ ‪당선된 정치인 있나?‬a politician elected after a controversy about their family surfaced?
‪없죠‬There hasn't.
‪(재민) 게다가‬And family issues can be fatal for female politicians.
‪여성 정치인은‬ ‪훨씬 더 불리할 수도 있고요‬And family issues can be fatal for female politicians.
‪사퇴든 사생결단이든‬ ‪우린 양손에 떡을 쥐고‬Whether she withdraws or decides to fight, all that's left for us to do is to sit back and watch
‪맛있게 관전만 하면 되는 거야‬all that's left for us to do is to sit back and watch
‪(칼 윤) 오경숙이가‬ ‪어떻게 무너지는지‬how Oh Kyung-sook falls.
‪- 본부장, 시작해‬ ‪- (지연)네‬-Ms. Guk, proceed. -Yes, sir.
‪[고조되는 음악]‬ ‪[포스팅 효과음]‬
‪[영어] 이미 걸려들었어‬A rat in a trap.
‪(앵커) [한국어] 네, 오늘 오후‬ ‪SNS에서 퍼지기 시작한‬It's been reported that the bully assaulting a fellow student
‪청소년 폭행 동영상의 주인공이‬in the video that surfaced online today
‪오경숙 국민개혁당 서울시장‬ ‪후보의 아들인 걸로 밝혀져‬is actually the son of Oh Kyung-sook, Reform Party of Korea's candidate,
‪충격을 주고 있습니다‬shocking the public.
‪피해자는 중상을 입고‬The victim was seriously injured
‪현재 병원에서 입원 치료 중이며‬and is receiving treatment at a hospital.
‪극도의 정신적 충격을 호소해‬He's experiencing severe mental trauma
‪상담 치료까지‬ ‪받아야 할 상황이라는데요‬that will require therapy.
‪(앵커) 정의롭고 서민적인‬ ‪이미지로 큰 사랑을 받으며‬Candidate Oh, loved for her righteous and down-to-earth image,
‪- (기자) 사퇴하시는 겁니까?‬ ‪- 유력한 당선 후보로 거론되던‬Candidate Oh, loved for her righteous and down-to-earth image, was a strong candidate for the election,
‪오경숙 후보자에 대해‬was a strong candidate for the election,
‪시민들의 분노와 실망이‬ ‪커지고 있습니다‬but voters' anger and disappointment are now on the rise.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪사퇴까지 논의하기엔 아직‬It's too early to consider
‪시기상조입니다‬her withdrawal.
‪(양 대표) 어, 당에서도‬ ‪확인 중에 있고요‬The party is also looking into it.
‪사실관계 정리해서‬We'll get to the bottom of this incident
‪공식적으로 기자회견 할 거니까‬and hold an official press conference, so please be patient.
‪기다려 주십시오‬and hold an official press conference, so please be patient.
‪아, 추측성 기사는‬Oh, and please refrain from publishing any speculative articles.
‪자제해 주시기 바랍니다‬Oh, and please refrain from publishing any speculative articles.
‪[기자들이 저마다 질문한다]‬
‪캠프에 연락해서‬ ‪어떻게 된 건지 확인해, 빨리‬Call the camp and ask what happened!
‪(남기자) 하실 말씀 없으십니까?‬Any comments for us?
‪(여기자) 대표님!‬Mr. Yang!
‪(린조) 권력형 게이트?‬"Powergate"?
‪이것들이 진짜…‬You've got to be kidding me.
‪아니, 갖다 붙여도‬ ‪적당히 갖다 붙여야지!‬This is just distorting the truth beyond all plausibility!
‪프레임을 씌우는 거지‬They're trying to frame this issue,
‪권력자라는 워딩의‬ ‪부정적 이미지를‬deliberately using the word "power" to make Ms. Oh look bad.
‪우리 후보한테 얹어서‬deliberately using the word "power" to make Ms. Oh look bad.
‪본부장님, 언론사에‬ ‪경고 한번 날리시죠?‬Ms. Hwang. Why don't we warn the press?
‪아직 조사 중인 사건 갖고‬ ‪어그로 끌지 말라고‬To stop posting clickbait news on an ongoing investigation.
‪단순히 어그로의 문제가 아니야‬That's not the main issue here.
‪스토리가 퍼져 나가는‬ ‪과정이 이상하잖아‬It's strange how this story is spreading.
‪(도희) 갑자기 발생한‬ ‪폭행 현장에서‬This fight occurred spontaneously,
‪현우 얼굴이 잘 보이게끔‬ ‪정교하게 동영상이 촬영됐고‬yet the footage was filmed meticulously to show Hyun-woo's face.
‪경찰은 기다렸다는 듯이‬ ‪바로 현장에 출동했고‬The police showed up right away, as if they were waiting.
‪동영상이 퍼져 나가는 속도도‬ ‪비정상적으로 빠르고, 우연치곤‬And the footage went viral abnormally fast. It all fits too…
‪타이밍이 너무 절묘하지?‬Too well to be a coincidence, right?
‪[오묘한 음악]‬
‪동영상이 퍼지자마자‬As soon as the footage spread,
‪백재민한테 우호적인 매체에서‬ ‪기사들을 쏟아내고‬media outlets favoring Baek Jae-min began churning out articles.
‪권력자의 아들 프레임에‬ ‪우리 후보를 가둬서‬They're trying to frame Ms. Oh and smear her image to the voters
‪유권자들한테‬ ‪부정적인 이미지를 심어주고‬by making it seem like her son's abusing her power.
‪깜깜이 기간에‬ ‪가장 많이 쓰는 전략이거든‬This is the most popular tactic during the blackout period.
‪자극적인 마타도어를 동원해서‬ ‪부동층을 끌어당기는‬They're using provocative black propaganda to lure the swing voters
‪마지막 총력전‬in a final volley.
‪(도희) 그럼‬So…
‪현우도?‬Hyun-woo was…
‪셋업 당했을 가능성이 크지‬It's likely he was set up.
‪매우‬Highly likely.
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬
‪(사회자) 지금부터‬ ‪오경숙 후보 자녀 폭행 사건‬We will now begin the press conference addressing
‪진술 기자회견을‬ ‪시작하도록 하겠습니다‬Candidate Oh's son's assault on another student.
‪[초롱 한숨]‬
‪(경민 모) [울먹이며]‬ ‪ 오경숙 후보의 아들에게‬Candidate Oh Kyung-sook's son beat up our son mercilessly.
‪일방적으로 구타를 당했습니다‬Candidate Oh Kyung-sook's son beat up our son mercilessly.
‪경찰은 가해자 취급 했고‬The police treated my son as the assailant
‪오경숙 후보 아들을‬ ‪보호하는 데만 급급했습니다‬and only seemed to care about protecting Candidate Oh's son.
‪[울먹이며] 제발 병원이라도‬ ‪갈 수 있게 해달라고 빌었는데‬I begged them to at least let us take him to the hospital, but…
‪(경민 부) 지금 경찰과‬ ‪오경숙 후보 측은‬Both the police and Candidate Oh
‪저희에게 강압적으로‬ ‪합의를 종용하고 있습니다‬have been coercing us into settling with them.
‪(경민 부) 끔찍한 학교 폭력의‬ ‪피해자인 우리 아들을 위해‬ ‪[도희 한숨]‬For our son, who fell victim to this horrible school violence…
‪(린조) 본부장님‬Ms. Hwang.
‪[경민 부가 계속 말한다]‬
‪그냥 보고 계실 거예요?‬Are we just going to do nothing?
‪우리도 아닌 건 아니다‬Shouldn't we also be publishing articles and setting the record straight?
‪기사 한 줄이라도‬ ‪내야 되는 거 아니냐고요‬Shouldn't we also be publishing articles and setting the record straight?
‪[도희 한숨]‬ ‪어? 본부장님‬Ms. Hwang.
‪이것 좀 보세요‬Look at this.
‪분위기가 왜 이래?‬What's going on here? Why is the press targeting us?
‪화살이 왜 우리한테 꽂히는 거야?‬What's going on here? Why is the press targeting us?
‪[탄식]‬ ‪저희도 당황스럽습니다‬We're utterly bewildered as well.
‪오경숙의 아들인 걸‬ ‪모른 상태에서 연행을 했고‬The officers arrested him, not knowing he was Oh Kyung-sook's son,
‪이제 막 조서를‬ ‪쓰기 시작했다고 하는데…‬and they had only just begun writing the report…
‪- 청장님‬ ‪- 또 뭐야?‬-Sir. -What now?
‪기사가 떴습니다‬There's a new article.
‪(경찰) '오경숙 후보, 허철균‬ ‪서울 경찰청장에게 청탁 의혹'‬"Oh asked Commissioner General Heo Cheol-gyun to cover up her son's case
‪'청문회 프리 패스 대가로‬ ‪아들 사건 무마 시도'‬as a favor by offering him a free pass at the hearing."
‪아니, 어떤 미친 새끼가‬ ‪그딴 헛소리를…‬Who the hell's writing this bullshit? Jeez.
‪[철균 짜증 섞인 탄식]‬Who the hell's writing this bullshit? Jeez.
‪(철균) 넘기라니?‬Hand it over?
‪우리 애들이 멀쩡히‬ ‪수사 잘하고 있는 사건을‬Our officers are doing fine. Why would we give this case to the prosecution?
‪왜 검찰에 넘깁니까?‬Our officers are doing fine. Why would we give this case to the prosecution?
‪아직도 경찰이‬Do you think the police still play the lackey for the prosecution?
‪떡검 쫄따구 짓거리나 하는‬ ‪조직인 줄 아세요?‬Do you think the police still play the lackey for the prosecution?
‪시간 끌면 끌수록 청장님께‬ ‪불리해지는 게임입니다‬The more you drag this out, the worse things will get for you.
‪무궁화 4개‬"The four-star commissioner general
‪경찰의 수장이 오경숙 아들을‬ ‪감싸려고 권력 남용을 했다‬"The four-star commissioner general abuses his power in order to protect Oh Kyung-sook's son."
‪경찰이 개입된 희대의 부정 선거‬"Dirtiest election in history, rigged by the police."
‪민중의 지팡이에서‬ ‪썩은 내가 진동한다‬"The protectors of the people reek of corruption."
‪뭐, 이런 온갖 추잡한 말들이‬ ‪청장님을 휘감겠죠‬You will be up to your neck in disgusting headlines like those.
‪나 경찰청장입니다!‬I'm the commissioner general!
‪담금질을 하려면‬ ‪사람 봐가면서 해야지, 어디서!‬Who do you think you are trying to threaten? How dare you!
‪내년이 임기 마지막 해‬ ‪아니십니까?‬Doesn't your term end next year?
‪[긴장감 흐르는 음악]‬ ‪아, 우리 경찰에서도‬A minister from the police,
‪검찰의 지렛대 노릇이나 하는‬ ‪조직에서 벗어나려면은‬that's what the police need to grow beyond its role
‪장관 한 분쯤은 배출해야…‬as the prosecution's lackey…
‪백재민 후보 시장 당선 즉시‬ ‪다음 대선 준비 들어갑니다‬As soon as Candidate Baek is elected mayor, he'll be preparing the presidential race.
‪대통령이 임명하는‬ ‪행안부 장관 자리‬The president appoints the Interior Minister.
‪우리 청장님을 위해서‬I believe that position is open and could be waiting for you.
‪오롯이 비워둘 수도‬ ‪있을 거 같은데‬I believe that position is open and could be waiting for you.
‪검찰이요?‬The prosecution?
‪아직 조사 절차도‬ ‪다 안 끝났는데 무슨 검찰…‬They're still investigating. Why would they be--
‪끝났습니다‬It's done.
‪아드님 사건 검찰로 송치됐습니다‬This case has been transferred to the prosecution.
‪피해자도‬ ‪처벌을 강력히 원하는 데다‬It's a felony, and the victim strongly wants to press charges,
‪강력 범죄 사건이라‬ ‪검찰에서 수사를 하는 게…‬It's a felony, and the victim strongly wants to press charges, so the prosecution should--
‪[떨리는 목소리로] 제가‬I've been
‪촉법소년 무료 변호만‬ ‪한 10년을 했습니다, 네‬defending juvenile offenders pro bono for about ten years.
‪이렇게 경찰 조사 단계에서‬ ‪미숙하게 대처했다가‬I've seen many kids who were charged unfairly
‪억울하게 기소당하는 아이들‬because of missteps during police investigations.
‪- 너무 많이 봤어요‬ ‪- (형사) [한숨] 지금‬because of missteps during police investigations. Are you saying your son is being accused unfairly?
‪아드님이 억울하다고‬ ‪생각하시는 겁니까?‬Are you saying your son is being accused unfairly?
‪[한숨 쉬며] 아니…‬
‪제가 지금 제 아이의 죄를‬ ‪부정하는 게 아닙니다, 네‬I do not deny that what my son did was wrong. Not at all.
‪응당히 죗값을 치러야죠, 네‬He should pay for his crime. Of course.
‪그런데 그러려면‬But shouldn't his investigation be fair and transparent for that to be possible?
‪조사 과정도 좀‬ ‪투명하고 공정해야죠‬But shouldn't his investigation be fair and transparent for that to be possible?
‪이렇게 보호자한테 한마디‬ ‪말도 없이, 설명도 없이‬Ending the investigation hastily
‪졸속적으로 수사 끝내 버리고‬ ‪검찰로 송치하는 건‬without telling his parents and sending it to the prosecution…
‪형사님, 이거는‬ ‪경찰 규칙 위반이고…‬Sir, you're violating regulations--
‪지금 규칙 같은 거‬ ‪따질 상황 아닙니다‬This isn't the time to be nitpicking over regulations.
‪이거‬This is
‪살인 미수 사건이라고요‬ ‪[문복 당황한 탄식]‬an attempted murder case.
‪(문복) 아니, 살인 미수라니요?‬ ‪[불길한 음악]‬My gosh, attempted murder? How could you say such a horrible thing?
‪형사님, 무슨 말을‬ ‪그래 살벌하게 하십니까?‬ ‪[형사 한숨]‬My gosh, attempted murder? How could you say such a horrible thing?
‪보세요‬Look here.
‪(형사) 유리병이 잔뜩 들어 있는‬ ‪포대 자루로‬The victim was struck with a bag filled with glass bottles.
‪- 피해자를 내리쳤습니다‬ ‪- (영상 속 친구) 야, 야, 야, 야‬The victim was struck with a bag filled with glass bottles.
‪(형사) 이거 단순 폭행이 아니라‬This isn't just a common assault.
‪흉기를 사용한 특수 폭행이라고요‬This is a aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
‪[영상 속 싸움 소리]‬This is a aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
‪뭐, 변호사님이니까 잘 아시겠네요‬You're a lawyer, so you must know.
‪특수 폭행은 합의 여부와 관계없이‬Aggravated assault cases are prosecuted whether or not a settlement is reached.
‪무조건 형사 기소 된다는 거‬Aggravated assault cases are prosecuted whether or not a settlement is reached.
‪아무튼, 앞으로 이제‬ ‪검찰에서 수사할 거니까‬Anyway, the prosecution will be handling this case from now on,
‪억울한 부분 있으면‬ ‪그쪽 가서 얘기하세요‬so please talk to them if you have any complaints.
‪- (기자1) 어, 왔다!‬ ‪- (기자2) 왔다, 왔다, 왔다!‬-They're here! -He's here!
‪(기자3) 지금 심정이 어떻습니까?‬How do you feel?
‪(기자4) 피해 학생을 일방적으로‬ ‪폭행했다는 것이 사실입니까?‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬Did you mercilessly assault the victim?
‪[기자들이 저마다 질문한다]‬Did you have a grudge against the victim?
‪[아득히 들리는 말소리]‬
‪(경숙) 현우야!‬Hyun-woo!
‪[소란스럽다]‬Move! Get those cameras away!
‪(경숙) 비키세요, 카메라 치워!‬Move! Get those cameras away!
‪[기자들이 웅성댄다]‬
‪소년법!‬The Juvenile Act!
‪[울먹이며] 소년법‬The Juvenile Act,
‪제68조 1항‬Article 68, Clause 1.
‪소년 사건에 대한 보도 금지법‬ ‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬You can't broadcast juvenile cases.
‪조사 또는 심리 중인 사건에 대해‬For cases under investigation,
‪해당 당사자라고‬ ‪미루어 짐작할 수 있을 만한‬any fact or picture that may identify the juvenile
‪사실 또는 사진을‬ ‪신문, 방송, 출판에‬concerned in the case shall neither be published nor broadcast.
‪내보내어서는 안 된다‬concerned in the case shall neither be published nor broadcast.
‪이건 명백한 소년법 위반입니다‬This is a clear violation of the Juvenile Act.
‪인권 침해예요‬ ‪카메라 치우세요, 다들!‬A breach of human rights. Get those cameras away!
‪아니, 왜요?‬ ‪아드님 얼굴은 예쁘게‬Why? We're going to blur out your son's face nicely.
‪모자이크 처리 해드릴 건데‬ ‪자, 자, 찍어요, 자!‬Why? We're going to blur out your son's face nicely. Go on! Take the photos!
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪[기자들이 저마다 질문한다]‬Go on! Take the photos!
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪뭐 하시는 거예요!‬What do you think you're doing? Go inside!
‪들어가, 들어가!‬What do you think you're doing? Go inside!
‪(앵커) 네, 오경숙 후보의‬ ‪아들 강 모 군이‬Candidate Oh's son, Kang, is now being investigated by the prosecution.
‪검찰에 기소됐습니다‬Candidate Oh's son, Kang, is now being investigated by the prosecution.
‪특수 폭행과‬ ‪살인 미수 등의 혐의로‬Kang, handed over to the prosecution,
‪조금 전 검찰에 송치된 강 모 군은‬on aggravated assault and attempted murder charges,
‪수갑을 찬 모습으로‬ ‪검찰 포토 라인에…‬stood in front of the prosecution in cuffs…
‪(지연) 그럼 검사장님, 감사합니다‬Thank you, Chief Prosecutor. Please see the case through until the end.
‪마무리도 잘 부탁드리고요‬Thank you, Chief Prosecutor. Please see the case through until the end.
‪아, 예‬Yes, sure.
‪아, 그럼 저는 회의가 있어서…‬Okay, then, I have a meeting now.
‪자리 비켜드릴 테니까‬I will leave you two to talk as freely as you like.
‪두 분이 편하게 말씀 나누십시오‬I will leave you two to talk as freely as you like.
‪[문이 닫힌다]‬ ‪늦으셨네요?‬You're late.
‪참 서글프죠?‬You must be upset.
‪황도희 기술이‬ ‪안 먹히는 날도 다 오고‬The Hwang Do-hee technique stopped working.
‪어설프게 내 흉내 내지 말고‬Stop trying to mimic me
‪본론만 뱉어‬and just get to the point.
‪얼마 안 남았네요‬There isn't much time
‪오경숙 후보 아들 기소까지‬until Candidate Oh's son is indicted.
‪정확히 12시간‬Twelve hours to be exact.
‪(지연) 기소되고 나면‬You know he can't avoid criminal punishment if he is indicted.
‪형사 처벌‬ ‪피할 수 없는 거 아시죠?‬You know he can't avoid criminal punishment if he is indicted.
‪법원에 송치돼서 재판받을 거고‬His case will be sent to court,
‪형이 확정되기 전까진‬and he will be incarcerated in a juvenile detention hall
‪소년원이나 미결수를 수용하는‬ ‪구치소에서 지내게 될 거예요‬and he will be incarcerated in a juvenile detention hall or a pretrial detention center until he's sentenced.
‪- 국지연!‬ ‪- 공직자 자녀의 강력 사건인 만큼‬Guk Ji-yeon! It's a politician's son in a felony case,
‪법원은 이 사안을‬ ‪엄중하게 다룰 거고‬so the court will not go easy on him.
‪현우는 무거운 형을‬ ‪선고받게 되겠죠‬And Hyun-woo will do serious time in jail.
‪(지연) 최소 10년을 받으면‬If he gets ten years,
‪만 18세까진‬ ‪소년 교도소에서 지내게 될 거고‬he'll be locked up in a juvenile hall until he turns 18.
‪성인이 되면‬When he reaches legal age,
‪일반 교도소에서‬ ‪남은 형기를 채우게 될 거예요‬he'll serve his remaining sentence in a prison
‪(지연) 강력 범죄를 저지른‬ ‪재소자들과 같은 공간에서‬alongside the inmates who've committed violent crimes.
‪[서늘한 음악]‬
‪지금 네가 무슨 짓을‬ ‪하고 있는지 알아?‬Do you realize what you're doing right now?
‪모를 리가 없죠‬Do you realize what you're doing right now? How could I not?
‪은성그룹이 관리하는 언론에서‬The press in Eunsung's pocket
‪우리가 불러주는 대로‬ ‪성실하게 기사를 썼고‬have published what we told them, word for word,
‪그룹에서 관리하는 검사들이‬and the prosecutors who work for us
‪발 빠르게 움직여서‬ ‪아이를 포토 라인에 세웠고‬soon had him standing in front of the press.
‪평생을 범죄자로 살게 할‬ ‪준비까지 끝냈고‬We'll make him live out the rest of his life as a convict.
‪유감스럽지만‬It's unfortunate, but what can we do?
‪뭐 어쩌겠어요‬It's unfortunate, but what can we do?
‪이런 게‬They're just getting their comeuppance.
‪인과응보인데‬They're just getting their comeuppance.
‪뭐가 어째?‬What did you just say?
‪자식 잘못 키운 애미가‬This is the price she needs to pay
‪이 정도 죗값은 치러야죠‬for having raised her son wrong.
‪[힘주어] 오경숙‬Have Oh Kyung-sook withdraw her candidacy.
‪사퇴시키세요‬Have Oh Kyung-sook withdraw her candidacy.
‪(지연) 그럼 피해자 부모랑‬ ‪설득해서 합의시키고‬Then we'll convince the victim's parents to settle,
‪검찰 수사 종결한 다음‬close the case,
‪모든 게 오해였다‬and say it was a misunderstanding
‪시시한 애들 싸움에‬ ‪어른들이 잠깐 동요한 거다‬and adults overreacting about a minor squabble between kids.
‪언론에 정정 기사 배포해서‬ ‪조용히 선처해 드릴 테니까‬We'll release a follow-up article and let him off quietly.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪선처?‬Let him off?
‪시간 많이 못 드려요‬I can't give you much time.
‪지금도 시간은 계속 가고 있고‬The clock is ticking as we speak.
‪[비웃으며] 눈물겨운 모성애구나‬Your motherly love makes me cry.
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪[도희 숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪(도희) [한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪배 속의 애를 지키려고‬To protect the child you are carrying,
‪다른 여자의 애를‬you're going to end the life
‪아무 죄책감도 없이 죽이다니‬of another mother's child without remorse.
‪[긴장감 넘치는 음악]‬
‪(도희) 백재민도 알고 있을까?‬I wonder if Baek Jae-min knows
‪네가 본인 핏줄을 지키려고‬that you're going to such great lengths
‪이렇게까지 애쓰는 거?‬to protect his child.
‪선배님이야말로‬You're the one
‪애 많이 쓰셨네요‬who's gone to great lengths
‪스토리 짜내느라‬to make up a story.
‪[풉 웃으며] 실망인데?‬I'm disappointed.
‪[웃으며] 너같이 똑똑한 아이가‬ ‪이 와중에 동문서답이라니‬Such a ridiculous answer from a smart girl like you.
‪최소한‬ ‪내가 잘못 짚었나 싶을 정도의‬I at least expected a perceptive comeback that would make me doubt myself.
‪우문현답은 할 줄 알았는데‬that would make me doubt myself.
‪널 보니 더더욱 확신이 드네‬Thanks to you, I'm more sure than ever that we shouldn't withdraw at all costs.
‪절대로 사퇴하지 말아야겠다는‬Thanks to you, I'm more sure than ever that we shouldn't withdraw at all costs.
‪우린 끝까지 갈 거야‬We're going to fight until the end
‪그래서 니들이 어린애까지‬ ‪제물로 바쳐 가면서‬and expose to the world that you would sacrifice a child
‪선거를 조작했다는 거‬ ‪반드시 세상에 알릴 거야‬and expose to the world that you would sacrifice a child to manipulate the election in your favor!
‪후회하실 텐데요?‬You'll regret it.
‪후회는 네가 하게 될 거 같은데?‬It seems you are the one who'll regret it.
‪아무도 원하지 않는 애를 낳아서‬Giving birth to a child no one wants
‪그 애가 현우처럼‬and seeing that child be crushed
‪[속삭이듯] 은씨 일가한테‬ ‪밟히는 걸 보면‬by the Eunsung owners, just like Hyun-woo.
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪[분주하게 대화한다]‬
‪(도희) 사진 파일 열어봐‬Open the photo file.
‪국지연 아파트 주차장에서 찍은‬The one from Guk Ji-yeon's parking lot.
‪본부장님, 그건 왜…‬Ms. Hwang, why are you…
‪백재민 스캔들 터트릴 준비 해‬Get ready to expose Baek Jae-min's scandal.
‪전면전으로 가자?‬So, a full-on battle?
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬So, a full-on battle?
‪이제 우리한테 퇴로는 없어요‬There's no turning back now.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪끝까지 싸워서 무조건 이겨야 돼‬No matter what happens, we'll fight until the end and win.
‪현우 살릴 수 있는 방법‬That's the only way…
‪[나지막이] 그거뿐이야‬we can save Hyun-woo.
‪사퇴를 안 하겠다?‬She won't pull out?
‪생각보다 강경합니다‬She's more determined than expected.
‪우리도 좀 더 빠르게‬ ‪대처해야 될 것 같습니다‬It seems we'll have to speed up our plan.
‪아니, 속도보단 수위를 높여야지‬We need to fan the flames.
‪살아서는 자식의 몸을 대신하고‬They say a parent must live for their child while alive
‪죽어서는 자식의 몸을 지키는 게‬ ‪부모라 했는데‬They say a parent must live for their child while alive and protect them in death.
‪자식 몸뚱아리 하나‬ ‪지키지 못한 애미가‬A mother who couldn't even protect her child
‪편안히 저승길을‬ ‪밟게 해서는 되겠나?‬shouldn't leave peacefully for the afterlife, should she?
‪코뿔소 오경숙이‬Oh Kyung-sook, the Rhino,
‪죽어서라도‬ ‪피를 토하게 만들어야지‬will choke on her own blood, even in her grave.
‪네, 묻지 마 폭행 사건으로‬ ‪검찰 조사를 받고 있는‬Candidate Oh's son, Kang, who is being investigated
‪오경숙 후보의 아들 강 모 군에게‬by the prosecution on an assault charge,
‪성추행을 당했다는 증언이 나와‬ ‪충격을 주고 있습니다‬is now facing allegations of sexual harassment, shocking the public.
‪(앵커) 강 모 군은 같은 중학교에‬ ‪재학 중인 여학생들을‬Kang is reported to have lured female students from his school
‪노래방, 멀티방 등으로 유인해‬ ‪성추행을 일삼았으며‬Kang is reported to have lured female students from his school to karaoke and private room cafes to sexually harass them repeatedly
‪담배와 술을 강제로 권하는 등‬and coerce them into drinking and smoking.
‪강 군의 동급생들은‬ ‪이와 같은 성추행 피해 사실을‬Kang's classmates allege they reported Kang's sexual harassment
‪여러 차례 학교에 호소했지만‬ ‪묵살당했다고 합니다‬to the school many times but were silenced.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 아니야‬ ‪[앵커가 계속 말한다]‬No.
‪말도 안 되는 소리지‬ ‪우리 현우 이런 애 아입니다‬It's all nonsense. Hyun-woo is not a kid who would do that.
‪이거 완전 가짜 뉴스예요, 이거‬It's fake news.
‪저희도 알아보고 있습니다‬We're looking into it too.
‪기자들 쪽에서‬ ‪들고 있는 증거가 뭔지‬we have to find out what evidence the reporters have--
‪- 확인부터…‬ ‪- (동주) 확인하실 필요 없어요‬we have to find out what evidence the reporters have-- There's no need.
‪(앵커) 현재‬ ‪특수 폭행으로 검찰에…‬
‪성추행은 현우가 아니라‬Hyun-woo didn't sexually harass anyone. The others did.
‪애들이 했으니까요‬Hyun-woo didn't sexually harass anyone. The others did.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[놀라는 숨소리]‬
‪[경숙 한숨]‬ ‪(선영) 어우‬My gosh.
‪(동주) 현우 주변 애들‬ ‪탐문하다 찾았습니다‬I found this from his acquaintances.
‪경민이란 애가 그 합성 사진을‬I think the fight broke out when Gyeong-min
‪현우 SNS에 올리면서‬ ‪싸움이 시작된 거 같아요‬ ‪[지니 놀라는 숨소리]‬uploaded that doctored photo on Hyun-woo's social media page.
‪[놀란 신음]‬ ‪[한숨]‬uploaded that doctored photo on Hyun-woo's social media page. Oh my.
‪[경숙 한숨]‬ ‪그럼 우리 현우가‬ ‪이유 없이 때린 게 아이고…‬So Hyun-woo didn't beat that kid up for no reason.
‪예, 애들 얘기 들어보니깐‬No. From what I heard from the other kids,
‪[경숙 한숨]‬No. From what I heard from the other kids,
‪그동안 현우가‬Hyun-woo has been having a hard time because of attacks on Ms. Oh.
‪엄마 문제로‬ ‪마음고생 많이 했더라고요‬Hyun-woo has been having a hard time because of attacks on Ms. Oh.
‪(동주) 그리고 특히 최근에‬Lately, he's been constantly receiving malicious online comments about Ms. Oh,
‪SNS로 엄마 관련된 악플을‬ ‪하도 많이 받아서‬Lately, he's been constantly receiving malicious online comments about Ms. Oh,
‪[경숙 한숨]‬ ‪현우가 좀 더 예민해진‬ ‪상태였던 거 같고요‬which really had him on edge.
‪현우 SNS 관리 안 했어?‬Have you been monitoring his account?
‪아니요, 매일 수시로 확인했는데‬Yes. We've been monitoring it every day,
‪아무 문제 없었어요‬but everything seemed fine.
‪아, 이 계정 말고 다른 계정이요‬Not this one, his other account.
‪다른 계정이 있었다고?‬He has another account?
‪예, 비밀 계정 만들어서‬ ‪친구들이랑 썼나 봐요‬Yes. He has an alt account that he shared with his friends.
‪(동주) 이 계정은 캠프에서‬ ‪관리하니깐 간섭당하기 싫어서‬He didn't want the campaign staff meddling with his account.
‪접속해 봐, 얼른‬Hurry up and log in.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(경숙) 현우가 저걸 다 견디고‬Hyun-woo put up with all that.
‪저 욕들을‬He's been swallowing up
‪[울먹이며] 혼자 다 받아내고‬all those attacks alone.
‪혼자서 저걸 다 견디고‬And suffering by himself.
‪[나지막이] 어떻게 이래‬What's happening?
‪어떻게 이렇게 끔찍한 일을 당해‬How could something so horrible happen to him?
‪(경숙) 어떻게…‬How?
‪[경숙 탄식]‬God.
‪그게 무슨 말씀이십니까?‬What do you mean?
‪뻔히 아는 놈이 뭘 되새김질을 해?‬You know exactly what I mean. Don't make me say it again.
‪(양 대표) 성범죄자 애미를‬ ‪후보로 끌어안고 있다가‬Imagine what'd happen with a sex offender's mom
‪뭔 꼴을 당하라고!‬as our party's candidate.
‪[컵을 달각인다]‬
‪이쯤에서 빨리‬ ‪오경숙이랑 손절해야‬We need to sever ties with her to save the party, isn't that right?
‪당이라도 살아남는 거 아니야?‬We need to sever ties with her to save the party, isn't that right?
‪[양 대표 헛기침]‬
‪[입을 쩝 떼며] 네가 책임지고‬You take charge
‪황도희 설득해서‬ ‪오경숙이 사퇴시켜‬and convince Hwang Do-hee to make Oh withdraw.
‪그럼 네가 서민정이 뒤통수‬ ‪때린 거 없던 일로 하고‬We'll forget about how you stabbed Seo in the back and welcome you back.
‪다시 당으로 복귀시켜 줄게‬We'll forget about how you stabbed Seo in the back and welcome you back.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪- 사양하겠습니다‬ ‪- 뭐?‬-No, thank you. -What?
‪저 정치판에 미련 남아서‬ ‪돌아온 거 아닙니다‬I didn't come back because I have regrets.
‪오경숙 후보 당선시킬려고‬ ‪잠깐 들른 거예요‬I'm only here to help Candidate Oh Kyung-sook win.
‪야, 마중석‬Hey, Ma Joong-seok.
‪정신 차려, 이 새끼야!‬Snap out of it, you moron!
‪이 드러운 똥물에서‬ ‪너 혼자 1급수인 척하면‬Do you think you'll make a candidate if you alone pretend to be clean?
‪누가 공천이라도 준대?‬Do you think you'll make a candidate if you alone pretend to be clean?
‪[중얼거리며] 미친 새끼‬You idiot. It's over for Oh Kyung-sook.
‪오경숙이는 끝났어‬You idiot. It's over for Oh Kyung-sook.
‪아니요, 아직 안 끝났습니다‬No, it's not over yet.
‪이런 더러운 똥물에서도‬I'll prove that
‪한 번쯤은 진짜가 살아남는다는 거‬sometimes the real deal can survive,
‪제가 직접 증명해 보이겠습니다‬even in a cesspool like this.
‪[비장한 음악]‬
‪- (중석) 스크린 띄워봐‬ ‪- (남자) 예‬-Turn on the monitor. -Yes, sir.
‪[입을 쩝 뗀다]‬ ‪현우 비밀 계정 트래픽을‬ ‪분석한 결과인데‬We've analyzed the traffic on Hyun-woo's alt account.
‪이게 친한 친구들끼리만‬ ‪사용하는 계정이라‬Only his close friends visit this account, so it usually has 30 or so visitors a day.
‪평소에 서른 명 정도‬ ‪들어오는 곳인데‬Only his close friends visit this account, so it usually has 30 or so visitors a day.
‪일주일 전부터 하루 150명 이상이‬ ‪동시에 유입됐어‬But last week, he started getting 150 simultaneous visitors a day.
‪그래서 거기 들어온 애들 IP를‬So I tracked each visitor's IP address and investigated each of them.
‪일일이 추적해서 확인해 봤더니‬So I tracked each visitor's IP address and investigated each of them.
‪특정 브라우저에‬ ‪접속한 흔적이 있어‬There's evidence they used a specific browser.
‪(중석) 다크 웹이라는 게‬So, the dark web is
‪IP 추적을 못 하게끔 고안된‬ ‪일종의 유령 인터넷망인데‬a sort of ghost network devised to prevent your IP from being tracked.
‪주로 범죄에 많이 사용됩니다‬It's mainly used for criminal purposes.
‪100명이 넘는 아이들이‬ ‪동시다발로 접속을 했다는 건‬The fact that over 100 kids visited his page simultaneously
‪어떤 대가를 받았을 확률이 크죠‬indicates that they may have been bought out
‪(중석) 다크 웹에서만 거래되는‬with things only dealt on the dark web.
‪[손뼉을 짝 친다]‬ ‪게임 머니!‬In-game currency!
‪아까 PC방 가서‬ ‪게임하는 걸 봤는데‬I saw them playing video games at an Internet cafe earlier,
‪다들 아이템이 짱짱하더라고요‬and they were decked out with the most powerful items.
‪(동주) 그래서‬and they were decked out with the most powerful items.
‪'야, 니들 이거 어떻게 샀냐?'‬ ‪물어봤더니‬So I asked how they could afford the items,
‪다들 알바해서 번 돈으로 샀다고‬and they said they worked part-time.
‪그럼 그 애들이 전부 다…‬Then those kids must have all…
‪다크 웹에 들어가서‬ ‪대가성 게임 머니를 받고‬They went on the dark web, received in-game currency…
‪알바 개념으로‬And wrote nasty comments
‪현우 SNS에 악플을 달았다는 거네‬on Hyun-woo's social media account as a part-time job.
‪[헛웃음]‬ ‪다시 말하면‬In other words…
‪오경숙 아들을 망가트릴 작정으로‬In order to destroy Oh Kyung-sook's son,
‪아이들을 매수해서‬ ‪[경숙 한숨]‬they bribed those children to leave malicious comments, provoked a fistfight,
‪악플을 종용하고‬ ‪몸싸움을 유도한 다음‬to leave malicious comments, provoked a fistfight,
‪검찰과 공조해서‬ ‪포토 라인까지 세운 거지‬and conspired with the prosecution to expose him to the press.
‪오경숙 이미지를‬ ‪완전히 훼손할 목적으로‬ ‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬All just to smear Oh Kyung-sook's image.
‪이게 다… 계획적인 거였네‬all of this had been planned out
‪[나지막이] 처음부터‬from the beginning.
‪[서글픈 음악]‬from the beginning.
‪선거 때문에‬They roped in all those innocent kids because of the election.
‪아무것도 모르는 애들‬ ‪다 끌어들여서‬They roped in all those innocent kids because of the election.
‪현우가 희생양이 된 거네요‬Hyun-woo became the scapegoat
‪성범죄자의 엄마는‬for their attempt to frame you as a sex offender's mother.
‪절대 시장이 될 수 없다는‬ ‪프레임에‬for their attempt to frame you as a sex offender's mother.
‪[나지막이] 이 개새끼들‬Those bastards.
‪- (동주) 후보님!‬ ‪- (경숙) 놔!‬-Ms. Oh! -Let go!
‪이거 놔, 놓으라고, 놔, 놔!‬ ‪[여럿이 경숙을 말린다]‬Let go of me! Let go!
‪죽일 거야, 죽일 거야!‬I'm going to kill them all! I will!
‪[절규한다]‬I'm going to kill them all! I will!
‪그 새끼들 다 죽일 거야‬I'll kill them all! Those bastards!
‪[경숙 울부짖는다]‬
‪(경숙) 우리 현우 어떡해‬My poor Hyun-woo.
‪[울부짖으며] 불쌍해서 어떡해‬That poor thing.
‪내가‬It's me.
‪내가 다 망쳤어‬I ruined everything.
‪우리 현우 내가 다‬I ruined my boy's life!
‪내가 다 망쳤어‬ ‪나 땜에, 나 땜에…‬I ruined my boy's life! It's all my fault.
‪(도희) 오경숙‬Oh Kyung-sook.
‪정신 차려!‬ ‪[경숙 흐느낀다]‬Get a hold of yourself!
‪미안한 마음은 둘째 치고‬ ‪아이 살릴 생각부터 해야지‬Forget how bad you feel for him, and focus on saving him first.
‪저것들이 현우 인생 망치는 거‬ ‪보고만 있을 거야?‬Will you sit by and let them ruin Hyun-woo's life?
‪[흐느낀다]‬Will you sit by and let them ruin Hyun-woo's life?
‪(도희) 아직 기회 있어‬We still have a chance.
‪현우 살릴 수 있다고‬We can still save Hyun-woo.
‪[경숙 떨리는 숨소리]‬We can still save Hyun-woo.
‪[멀리서 들리는 도로 소음]‬
‪사퇴를 하라고?‬They want me to withdraw?
‪검찰청에서 국지연이‬ ‪마지막으로 경고했어‬Ji-yeon gave me a final warning at the Prosecutors' Office.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 사퇴하면‬She said
‪현우 사건 완벽하게‬ ‪없던 일로 만들어 주겠다고‬she'd make Hyun-woo's case go away if you withdrew.
‪시시한 애들 싸움 정도로‬ ‪조용히 끝내 주겠다고‬And the case would end as a squabble between kids.
‪내가 거절했어‬I refused.
‪사퇴 없이 끝까지 갈 거라고‬I told her we would keep going.
‪사퇴는 우리가 아니라‬ ‪니들이 하게 될 거라고‬I even pressured and warned them that they would be the ones to withdraw.
‪협박하고 압박했어‬I even pressured and warned them that they would be the ones to withdraw.
‪[숨을 몰아쉰다]‬I even pressured and warned them that they would be the ones to withdraw.
‪그래서 이 지경까지 온 거야‬That's how we ended up in this mess. It was because I provoked them.
‪내가 저쪽을 자극해서‬That's how we ended up in this mess. It was because I provoked them.
‪자극한 거 아니야‬You didn't provoke them.
‪[담배를 탁탁 턴다]‬
‪그냥 할 일을 한 거지‬You just did your job.
‪내일 아침에‬The prosecution…
‪[느린 음악]‬
‪검찰에서 현우 기소할 거야‬will indict Hyun-woo tomorrow morning.
‪그 전에 사퇴하겠다고 통보하면‬ ‪여기서 멈출 거고‬They'll stop if you tell them you're withdrawing before then.
‪안 하면?‬And if I don't?
‪벼랑 끝까지 몰고 가겠지‬They'll keep backing us into a corner.
‪현우 인생이‬Until Hyun-woo's life…
‪회생 불가능할 정도로‬can never return to normal.
‪후보님!‬Ms. Oh!
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪현우 조사 끝났답니다‬They've finished interrogating Hyun-woo.
‪[숨을 몰아쉰다]‬
‪[구두 소리]‬
‪[현우 한숨]‬
‪강현우‬Kang Hyun-woo.
‪엄마 봐‬Look at me.
‪(경숙) 엄마 안 볼 거야, 어?‬Are you not going to look at me? Huh?
‪너 평생 엄마 안 볼 거니?‬Will you never look at me again?
‪얼른 일루 와, 빨리!‬Come over here. Now.
‪[경숙 한숨]‬
‪이유가 뭐가 됐든‬Whatever the reason was…
‪사람 때리는 거 나쁜 짓이야‬it's wrong to hit people. You know that, don't you?
‪알지?‬it's wrong to hit people. You know that, don't you?
‪(경숙) 그래서 너 이렇게‬ ‪벌받고 있는 거고‬That's what you're being punished for.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 근데 내가 너였어도‬But if it had been me
‪우리 엄마 얼굴에다‬ ‪그런 이상한 사진 갖다 붙이고‬seeing such an obscene photo attached to my mom's face, mocking her,
‪함부로 놀려대고 그런 거 봤으면‬seeing such an obscene photo attached to my mom's face, mocking her,
‪못 참지‬I would've lost my cool.
‪그걸 어떻게 참니? 확 들이받지‬How could I not? I would've hit him too.
‪[경숙 입을 쩝 뗀다]‬
‪다 엄마 때문이야, 미안해‬This is all my fault. I'm sorry.
‪네가 엄마 때문에‬You're going through so much all because of me.
‪이런 고생을 다 한다‬You're going through so much all because of me.
‪[떨리는 목소리로]‬ ‪왜 자꾸 그런 소리를 해?‬Why do you keep saying that?
‪잘 들어‬Listen.
‪[서정적인 음악]‬The other grown-ups that are competing against me
‪엄마랑 싸우는 어른들이‬ ‪선거에서 이길려고‬The other grown-ups that are competing against me
‪네 친구들 이용해서‬used your friends to provoke you and put you here
‪너 화나게 하고‬used your friends to provoke you and put you here
‪너 이렇게까지 만든 거래‬so that they could win the election.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪너무 잔인하지? 어른들 세상이?‬Grown-ups live in such a cruel world, don't they?
‪(경숙) 엄마도 그런 놈들‬ ‪너무 화가 나서‬Those grown-ups upset me so much
‪좀 제대로 혼내 주려고‬that I've been holding on until now
‪버티고 버텼는데‬to teach them a lesson.
‪어, 이제 그만할 거야‬But I'm going to stop now.
‪엄마‬You see.
‪후보 사퇴할 거야‬I'm going to withdraw my candidacy.
‪[경숙 탄식]‬
‪너 이 고생 시키고‬After putting you through this,
‪엄마는 서울시장이고 뭐고 진짜‬being mayor of Seoul and all that…
‪진짜 관심 없다, 안 해‬I'm not interested anymore. I won't do it.
‪이제 와서?‬After all this?
‪괜찮아, 어?‬It's fine, okay?
‪그래, 이제 와서라도‬I know it's a bit too late,
‪엄마 노릇 좀 제대로 해볼란다‬but I'm going to try and be a proper mother. What?
‪(경숙) 왜?‬but I'm going to try and be a proper mother. What?
‪못 할 거 같애?‬You don't think I can?
‪[울먹이며] 엄마가‬I…
‪엄마가 너를 낳았는데, 어?‬I was the one who gave birth to you.
‪엄마가 희생을 해도 모자란데…‬I should be making sacrifices for you.
‪네 인생을 엄마한테‬ ‪어떻게 이렇게 희생을 시키니?‬How could I let you sacrifice yourself for me instead? That just isn't right.
‪말이 되니?‬ ‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬How could I let you sacrifice yourself for me instead? That just isn't right.
‪(현우) [울먹이며] 누가 희생한대?‬I'm not sacrificing myself.
‪그냥 엄마가 이기면 되잖아‬All you have to do is win.
‪엄마가 관두면‬If you give up…
‪나 같은 애가‬ ‪계속 만들어질 거 아니야‬they'll keep making scapegoats like me.
‪아, 일단 이겨야 혼을 내든‬ ‪갈아엎든지 할 거 아니냐고‬You have to win to teach them a lesson and bring change.
‪- [한숨] 현우야‬ ‪- (현우) 나 오경숙 아들이야‬-Hyun-woo. -I'm Oh Kyung-sook's son.
‪시위 현장에서 태교했고‬While in your womb, I saw you protest.
‪인권 운동 짬밥만 15년을 먹은‬I've seen you fight for labor rights for 15 years.
‪코뿔소 분신‬I'm a mini rhino.
‪이런 데 잠깐 갇혀 있는다고‬ ‪내가 쫄 거 같애?‬Do you think I'll flinch being locked up in here?
‪어차피 엄마가 이겨서‬ ‪나 꺼내줄 거잖아‬I know that you'll win in the end and get me out.
‪[울먹이며] 현우야, 엄마‬Hyun-woo, I'm not as great as you think I am. Okay?
‪엄마 그렇게‬ ‪대단한 사람 아니야, 어?‬Hyun-woo, I'm not as great as you think I am. Okay?
‪선거에서‬ ‪꼭 이긴다는 보장도 없고…‬I might not even win the election--
‪(헌우) 엄마 약속했지?‬You promised me.
‪나 좋은 세상에서 살게 해준다고‬That you'd create a better world for me.
‪(현우) 그거 하나 믿고 아빠랑‬ ‪둘이서 지금까지 버텼는데‬That promise kept Dad and me going for all this time.
‪이렇게 실망시킬 거야?‬Are you going to let us down?
‪저 나쁜 인간들이 만든 세상에서‬ ‪엄마 아들 살게 할 거냐고‬Will you let me live in a world built by those evil people?
‪[흐느끼며] 현우야‬Hyun-woo.
‪[흐느끼며] 엄마 안 울려 그랬는데‬I really wasn't going to cry.
‪너 왜 이렇게 엄마 울려, 어?‬Why did you have to make me cry, huh?
‪(경숙) [속삭이며]‬ ‪미안하다, 우리 아들‬I'm sorry, honey.
‪[경숙 흐느낀다]‬
‪[툭 친다]‬ ‪(경숙) [속삭이며] 미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪[경숙이 흐느낀다]‬
‪[구두 소리]‬ ‪[도희 한숨]‬
‪가보자‬Let's do this.
‪황본 방법대로‬We'll do this your way.
‪[비장한 음악]‬We'll do this your way. We'll keep going.
‪한번 가보자고‬We'll keep going.
‪우리 이제‬From now on,
‪수단, 방법 가리지 말고‬we'll do whatever it takes.
‪끝까지 가서‬Let's keep fighting to the end
‪꼭 이기자‬and win.
‪[웅장해지는 음악]‬
‪['희망의 나라로'가 흐른다]‬
‪[컵을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪(칼 윤) 이제 마지막 승기는‬We have this game
‪우리 쪽으로‬ ‪완전히 넘어왔고, 앉아‬completely in our pocket now. Have a seat.
‪[칼 윤 힘주는 신음]‬
‪마지막 여론 조사가‬ ‪어떻게 끝났지?‬How did we do in the most recent poll?
‪저희가 55%로‬We dominated the polls at 55%.
‪- 압도적인 1위였습니다‬ ‪- (칼 윤) 오케이‬We dominated the polls at 55%. Okay.
‪그 마지막 여론 조사로‬ ‪언론 플레이 계속해‬Keep flooding the press with that final poll.
‪앞으로 일주일 동안 우리는‬For the next week,
‪55% 지지율로 쭉 가는 거야‬we'll keep our rating at 55%.
‪마음 정하지 못한 부동층도‬The swing voters always end up
‪막판에 될 거 같은 후보 쪽에‬ ‪표를 던지는 법이니까‬giving their votes to the candidate who seems most likely to win.
‪네, 알겠습니다‬Yes, sir.
‪오경숙 쪽은 어떻게 할까요?‬what should we do about Oh Kyung-sook?
‪그냥 놔둬‬Just leave her.
‪(칼 윤) 사퇴를 하든 안 하든‬Whether she withdraws or not, it's over for Oh Kyung-sook.
‪오경숙은 이제 끝났으니까‬ ‪[손을 탁 내려놓는다]‬Whether she withdraws or not, it's over for Oh Kyung-sook.
‪(칼 윤) 자, 이제‬Let's see.
‪우리의 손 회장님이‬If Chairwoman Son would kindly share some of her gold with the starving subjects,
‪굶주린 백성들을 위해서‬ ‪금화를 풀어주시면은‬If Chairwoman Son would kindly share some of her gold with the starving subjects,
‪이번 선거는‬ ‪아름답게 마무리가 될 텐데, 응?‬this election would be wrapped up nicely, right?
‪수고들 했어‬Good job, everyone.
‪[노래가 절정에 이르며 끝난다]‬
‪물론이지‬Of course.
‪우리 백 서방이 이렇게 선전하는데‬It's my turn to support Jae-min when he's doing so well.
‪이번엔 내가 밀어줘야지‬It's my turn to support Jae-min when he's doing so well.
‪면세점 개장 준비는?‬And the duty-free shop's opening?
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪완벽하게 끝냈어요‬Everything's perfectly prepared.
‪내 인맥 이용해서‬I used my connections to invite Korean and international celebrities.
‪연예인 애들이랑‬ ‪해외 셀럽들 초청했고요‬I used my connections to invite Korean and international celebrities.
‪(서진) 우리한테 은혜 입은 언론은‬ ‪전부 불러다가‬We'll also have all the media outlets that owe us announce the opening,
‪어나운스시킬 거고‬We'll also have all the media outlets that owe us announce the opening,
‪그리고 제가 마지막엔‬and I will give a speech at the end as the CEO of the duty-free shop.
‪면세점 대표 자격으로‬ ‪공식 스피치 할 거고요‬and I will give a speech at the end as the CEO of the duty-free shop.
‪다들 괜찮으시죠?‬Sound good?
‪백 서방한테 포커스 맞춰라‬Focus the event on Jae-min.
‪(영심) 네가 돋보이는 데만‬ ‪신경 쓰지 말고‬Don't try to hog all the spotlight.
‪아, 내일부터 선거 날까지‬Starting tomorrow, have the duty-free shop open 24 hours
‪면세점 24시간 개방하고‬until the day of the election.
‪서울 시민이라면 누구나 들어와서‬Leave it open so that anyone can shop as long as they're Seoul citizens.
‪쇼핑할 수 있도록 열어주자‬Leave it open so that anyone can shop as long as they're Seoul citizens.
‪- (서진) 엄마‬ ‪- 회장님‬-Mom. -Ma'am.
‪너그럽게 베풀고 싶으신‬ ‪마음은 알겠지만‬I know that you're feeling generous, but that's a bit--
‪그건 좀…‬I know that you're feeling generous, but that's a bit--
‪우리 백 서방이 당선되는 날‬And the duty-free shop's official opening will be held
‪면세점은 공식 개장 하고‬on the day Jae-min wins the election.
‪[긴장감 흐르는 음악]‬
‪네가 여긴 왜?‬What are you doing here?
‪(채령) 왜?‬What's wrong?
‪내가 못 올 데 왔나요?‬Am I not welcome here?
‪(채령) 보직은 내려놨지만‬I may have left my position,
‪나도 은성그룹‬ ‪주요 이사진 중 하나잖아‬I may have left my position, but I'm still a key member of the Eunsung Group board.
‪회장님 숙원 사업이었던‬ ‪우리 은성면세점이‬Our chairwoman's lifelong dream, Eunsung Duty-Free Shop,
‪내일 임시 개장을 한다는데‬will hold its soft opening event tomorrow.
‪나도 돌아가는 상황은 알아야죠‬I should be kept in the loop.
‪선거도 코앞인데‬Especially with the election imminent.
‪(채령) 왜?‬What's wrong?
‪어차피 내 남편이 당선돼야‬It's only when my husband is elected
‪면세점 정식 개장도‬ ‪가능한 거 아니야?‬that the duty-free shop can officially open, isn't it?
‪면세점 부지 인허가부터‬ ‪준공 검사까지‬You need him to cover up everything illegal we did,
‪전부 불법으로 통과한 것도‬ ‪눈감아 주고‬from getting site permits to passing the building inspection.
‪마지막 안전 검사도‬He also needs to use his power as mayor to exempt us
‪서울시장 특권으로‬He also needs to use his power as mayor to exempt us
‪올 패스 시켜 줘야‬from the final safety inspection so we can decide
‪개장을 하든, 폐장을 하든‬from the final safety inspection so we can decide
‪가부간에 결론을 내지‬whether to open the shop or not.
‪너 미쳤어?‬Have you lost it?
‪무슨 말이 하고 싶은 거야?‬What are you trying to say?
‪근데 오경숙 보통 아니더라?‬We shouldn't underestimate Oh Kyung-sook.
‪애까지 생매장시켜 가면서‬ ‪죽으라고 하는데도‬She won't give in even when we try burying her son alive to make her quit.
‪끈질기게 버티네?‬She won't give in even when we try burying her son alive to make her quit.
‪이 와중에 우리 면세점이‬If she were to discover that the duty-free shop
‪온갖 비리로 올라간‬ ‪철근 덩어리라는 게 알려지면‬If she were to discover that the duty-free shop is a hunk of metal built on all sorts of corruption,
‪판이 뒤집힐 것도 같은데?‬the tables might turn.
‪(채령) 만약 오경숙이한테‬ ‪시장 자리 내주면‬If Oh Kyung-sook ends up becoming mayor,
‪우린 어떻게 되는 건가요, 회장님?‬what will happen to us, Chairwoman Son?
‪우리 은성면세점 사장님‬ ‪되실 분한테 여쭤봐야 되나?‬Maybe I should ask the future CEO of Eunsung Duty-Free Shop.
‪(채령) 이렇게 다급한 상황에‬If your figurehead can't even come up with a solution in an emergency like this,
‪솔루션 하나 못 내놓는 얼굴마담이‬If your figurehead can't even come up with a solution in an emergency like this,
‪과연 사장 노릇을‬ ‪제대로 할 수 있을까?‬would she really be able to do her job as the CEO?
‪회장님 답변을 좀 듣고 싶은데요?‬I'd like to hear what the chairwoman thinks.
‪오랜만에 우리 은 상무하고‬ ‪단둘이 대화 좀 해야겠구나‬I think it's time we talked privately, Director Eun.
‪(영심) 우리 막내딸이 많이 컸구나‬My youngest has come a long way.
‪[담배 케이스를 탁 닫는다]‬
‪이젠 애미 겁줄 줄도 알고‬You even know how to threaten your mother now.
‪(채령) 항상 그랬잖아‬It's always been like this.
‪[구두 소리]‬
‪이렇게 미친 짓까지 해야‬ ‪엄마가 날 봐주니까‬I couldn't get your attention unless I pulled a crazy stunt like this.
‪언니한테‬Were you worried I was going to give your sister the duty-free shop?
‪면세점 내줄까 봐 불안했니?‬Were you worried I was going to give your sister the duty-free shop?
‪불쾌하지‬More like offended.
‪백재민이가 아무 데나‬ ‪씨 뿌리는 것까지 참아주면서‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬I've even put up with Baek Jae-min sowing his wild oats everywhere
‪이만큼 왔는데‬to get where I am.
‪참 대단하지?‬He's something, isn't he?
‪이 와중에 밖에서 애까지 만들고‬Making an illegitimate child at a time like this.
‪내 집 담장 밖에 뿌린 씨는‬We can always dig out the seed that is sown outside of my walls.
‪도려내면 그만이야‬We can always dig out the seed that is sown outside of my walls.
‪그 문제는 엄마가 알아서‬ ‪해결해 줄 테니…‬I'll deal with that problem, so--
‪그 애‬You know what?
‪내가 데려다 키울 거야‬I'll raise that child as my own.
‪아버지가 밖에서 만든 나를‬Just like how you took me in,
‪엄마가 거둬준 것처럼‬Father's illegitimate child.
‪공직자 후보답게‬ ‪양심선언도 해야겠지?‬He'll have to announce it as he's in line for public office.
‪백재민이한테 혼외자가 있다는 거‬ ‪솔직하게 고백하고‬I'll have him come clean to everyone that he has an illegitimate child…
‪선거 포기하게 만들 거야‬and make him give up the election.
‪애미 눈에서‬ ‪피눈물이라도 뽑겠다는 게야?‬Are you trying to hang your mother out to dry?
‪그러고 싶은 딸이 있을까?‬Would any daughter want to do that?
‪난 평생을‬I lived my entire life…
‪엄마 딸이 되려고 노력했어‬doing my best to become your daughter.
‪(채령) 엄마 배에서 태어난‬ ‪언니보다‬I wanted people to tell me that I took after you more than Seo-jin,
‪더 엄마를 닮았단 얘기가‬ ‪듣고 싶어서‬I wanted people to tell me that I took after you more than Seo-jin, the daughter you gave birth to.
‪경영 수업도 악착같이 받았고‬So I tried hard to learn how to run this company.
‪엄마 피는 물려받지 못했지만‬Even if I didn't inherit your blood,
‪회사를 물려받으면‬ ‪진짜 엄마 딸이 되는 거라고‬I held on so far, thinking I'd become your real daughter
‪생각하면서 버텼어‬if I inherited the company.
‪그러니까 나한테도‬ ‪언니랑 똑같이 기회 줘‬So give me the same chance you gave Seo-jin.
‪은성그룹의 주인이 될 수 있는‬The chance to become Eunsung Group's owner.
‪[채령 훌쩍인다]‬
‪그것만 약속해 주면‬ ‪엄마 뜻대로 선거에만 전념할게‬If you promise me that, I'll focus on this election as you want.
‪[채령 훌쩍인다]‬
‪백재민 그 새끼‬I'll do whatever it takes…
‪내가 꼭 시장 만들게‬to make that bastard mayor.
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪(영심) [속삭이며] 그래‬All right.
‪우리 딸이 원하는 대로‬I'll do what you want me to do.
‪해주마‬My daughter.
‪[채령 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[연신 흐느낀다]‬
‪[차분한 음악이 흐른다]‬
‪[잔이 달각인다]‬
‪(서진) 어떻게 됐어?‬How did it go?
‪(비서) 면세점 임시 개장 행사‬Ms. Eun Chae-ryoung will attend the duty-free shop's soft opening
‪채령 상무님께서 가신답니다‬Ms. Eun Chae-ryoung will attend the duty-free shop's soft opening
‪부부 동반으로‬with her husband.
‪사장직은?‬And the CEO position?
‪(비서) 회장님께서‬It seems that Chairwoman Son will give it to Director Eun Chae-ryoung.
‪채령 상무님께 맡기실 것 같답니다‬It seems that Chairwoman Son will give it to Director Eun Chae-ryoung.
‪[휴대폰 진동음]‬HWANG DO-HEE
‪[잔들이 달각인다]‬
‪[서진 헛웃음]‬
‪생각보다 괜찮네‬You seem better than I thought.
‪당장 보자 하길래‬ ‪다 죽어가나 했더니‬You sounded desperate, so I thought you'd be dying.
‪왜 죽어? 그럴 일이 없는데‬What for? I have no reason to be.
‪그럼 더 설레이는데?‬My heart flutters even more.
‪죽을 일도 아닌 마당에‬Why would the high and mighty Ms. Hwang
‪우리 도도한 황 실장님께서‬ ‪나를 왜?‬ask to see a nobody like me when she isn't in any imminent danger?
‪지난번에 제안한 거‬The offer you made me before.
‪아직 유효한가?‬Is that still on?
‪200억‬The 20 billion won.
‪캐시로 내일까지 가능해?‬Can you get it in cash by tomorrow?
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬
‪천하의 황도희도 별수 없네‬How the mighty have fallen.
‪우리 식구한테는‬ ‪쌀 한 톨 안 받아먹을 것처럼‬You wouldn't take an umbrella from us even if it were pouring,
‪박차고 나가더니‬You wouldn't take an umbrella from us even if it were pouring,
‪오경숙이 떨어질 것 같으니까‬but now that Oh Kyung-sook might end up losing,
‪슬그머니 손 벌리는 거야?‬you're crawling back to us for help?
‪너무 굴욕적이다‬How humiliating.
‪[웃으며] 이거 나 혼자‬ ‪보기 아까워서 어떻게 하지?‬This is too good to just watch on my own.
‪(서진) [장난스럽게]‬ ‪우리 황 실장이‬Ms. Hwang, of all people,
‪나한테 구걸을 하고 있잖아?‬is begging me for money!
‪[웃음]‬is begging me for money!
‪(도희) 이렇게 우매하니까‬ ‪평생을 채령이한테 밀렸지‬This stupidity is why you always lost to Chae-ryoung.
‪사생활 관리부터‬Private life, marriage, and corporate management skills.
‪결혼, 경영 능력까지‬Private life, marriage, and corporate management skills.
‪네가 채령이보다‬ ‪나은 게 뭐가 있지?‬Are you better than Chae-ryoung at anything?
‪(도희) 엄마 눈 밖에 나는 건‬ ‪무서운데‬You don't want to lose your mom's favor,
‪채령이랑 싸워서‬ ‪이길 자신은 없으니까‬but you know you are no match for Chae-ryoung,
‪쿨한 척, 센 척 하면서‬ ‪도망 다닌 거잖아‬so you keep running away, pretending to be tough and cool,
‪네 열등감을 감추려고‬trying to hide your inferiority complex.
‪[도희 코웃음]‬
‪입 닥쳐‬Shut your mouth.
‪결국 네가 채령이보다 나은 점은‬The only advantage you have over Chae-ryoung
‪은씨 일가의‬ ‪적통이라는 거밖에 없잖아‬is that you were born to the chairwoman legitimately. I told you to shut your mouth!
‪입 닥치라고!‬I told you to shut your mouth!
‪어디서 성질이야?‬Don't you throw a fit at me.
‪내가 지금 너한테‬ ‪천금 같은 기회를 주고 있는데‬I'm giving you the chance of a lifetime now.
‪이번 선거‬I'm going to win…
‪무조건 내가 이길 거야‬this election, whatever it takes.
‪그럼 백재민이는‬Then Baek Jae-min
‪네 엄마한테 버림받겠지?‬will be discarded by your mother.
‪(도희) 채령이도‬ ‪찬밥 신세가 될 거고‬ ‪[고조되는 음악]‬Chae-ryoung will fall out of favor with him too.
‪그 와중에 넌‬And meanwhile, you will end up
‪오경숙 서울시장 쪽에‬ ‪다이렉트로 라인이 생기는 거야‬with a direct connection to Mayor Oh Kyung-sook's office.
‪은성그룹의 헤게모니는‬you will be the one holding hegemony
‪네가 쥐는 거고‬in Eunsung Group.
‪이길 수 있다고?‬You think you can win?
‪이렇게 말도 안 되는 상황에서?‬When things are this hopeless?
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪그새 까먹었니?‬Have you forgotten already?
‪난 한 번도 진 적이 없어‬I've never lost, not even once.
‪그래, 알지‬Yes. I'm well aware.
‪그럼 황 실장 말대로‬So let's say I inherit Eunsung,
‪내가 그룹을 물려받고‬ ‪오경숙은 시장이 된다 치자‬and Oh Kyung-sook becomes mayor, as you said.
‪그럼 황 실장은?‬What about you?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(서진) 넌 얻는 게 뭔데?‬What do you get out of it?
‪[잔을 내려놓는다]‬
‪내일까지야‬Have it ready by tomorrow.
‪[담배 케이스를 탁 닫는다]‬
‪[라이터를 연다]‬
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪이것 좀 먹어봐 봐‬Have some of this.
‪이놈의 새끼야‬You little brat. I told you to stop playing video games.
‪게임 좀 그만하랬지?‬You little brat. I told you to stop playing video games.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪좀 그냥 좀 냅두라고‬Just leave me alone.
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪[문이 여닫힌다]‬
‪[구두 소리]‬
‪여기가 어디라고…‬How dare you come here?
‪경민이 회복 잘되고 있나‬ ‪궁금해서요‬I wanted to see if Gyeong-min was recovering well.
‪아이한테‬ ‪꼭 물어보고 싶은 것도 있고‬There was also something I wanted to ask him.
‪궁금한 거 있으면 검찰에 물어봐요‬If you have any questions, go ask the prosecutors.
‪우린 당신이랑 할 말 없으니까‬We have nothing to say to you.
‪(도희) 정말 괜찮으시겠어요?‬Are you sure about that?
‪제가 지금 말씀드리려는 내용을‬ ‪검찰에 고발하면‬If I were to go to the prosecutors with what I'm about to discuss with you,
‪경민이 입장이 피해자에서‬ ‪가해자로 바뀔 텐데?‬Gyeong-min would become the assailant, not the victim.
‪[긴장감 도는 음악]‬
‪경민이 너 가만히 있는데‬You said that Hyun-woo beat you when you didn't do anything, right?
‪현우가 때렸다고 했지?‬You said that Hyun-woo beat you when you didn't do anything, right?
‪- 확실해?‬ ‪- 이거 봐!‬-Are you sure? -Hey, you!
‪지금 애한테 뭐 하는 거예요?‬What do you think you're doing to him?
‪(도희) 이거‬This.
‪[긴박해지는 음악]‬
‪네가 현우 SNS에 올린 거라며?‬You uploaded this to Hyun-woo's social media page, right?
‪그날 현장에 있던 아이들 증언으론‬According to the kids there that day,
‪이 사진 때문에 너랑 현우가‬ ‪싸우기 시작했다는데‬you and Hyun-woo started fighting because of this photo you uploaded.
‪넌 현우가 아무 이유도 없이‬ ‪일방적으로 때렸다고‬But you lied that Hyun-woo beat you up for no good reason.
‪거짓말을 했지‬But you lied that Hyun-woo beat you up for no good reason.
‪그, 그게…‬That's not…
‪위증에 음란물 유포‬Perjury, distributing pornography, and recklessly provoking violence.
‪미필적 고의에 의한 폭행 유도까지‬Perjury, distributing pornography, and recklessly provoking violence.
‪[큰소리로] 너 이게‬ ‪얼마나 큰 범죄인 줄 아니?‬These are serious charges, okay?
‪이 여자가 지금 애한테‬ ‪무슨 소리를 하는 거야‬What do you think you're saying to him?
‪당신 우리 애‬ ‪협박하는 거야, 지금?‬Are you blackmailing him now?
‪협박하는 겁니다‬ ‪그러니까 어머니도 같이 들으세요‬I am, so you'd better listen carefully too.
‪[경민 모 한숨]‬
‪앞으로 네 인생은‬ ‪아주 힘들어질 거야‬Life is about to become very difficult for you.
‪내가 널 평생 쫓아다니면서‬ ‪단죄할 거거든‬I'll make you pay for your crimes for the rest of your life.
‪네가 현우랑 현우 엄마한테‬ ‪무슨 짓을 했는지‬In all the important moments you will face in life,
‪내가 네 인생의‬ ‪중요한 순간마다 나타나서‬I'll show up and remind you of what you did to Hyun-woo
‪상기시키고 죄를 물을 거야‬and his mother, and I'll make you pay.
‪네가 운 좋게 대학을 가면‬If you get into a university,
‪학교 홈페이지에 들어가서‬ ‪네가 한 짓을 폭로할 거고‬I'll expose the things you did on the school's website.
‪네가 취업을 하면‬ ‪회사 인트라넷까지 파고들어서‬If you get a job, I'll hack into the company's intranet
‪네 악마 같은 실체를 알릴 거야‬and expose what an evil monster you are.
‪(경민 모) 뭐가 어째?‬What did you say?
‪결혼도 쉽지 않을 거야‬Marriage won't be easy either.
‪네가 중학생 때부터‬ ‪아무 죄책감도 없이‬I'll tell your wife-to-be that you've been disseminating pornography
‪음란물을 유포하고‬I'll tell your wife-to-be that you've been disseminating pornography
‪여자를 성적으로 학대했다는 걸‬and sexually abusing women
‪내가 네 예비 신부한테‬ ‪알려줄 거니까‬without any remorse since middle school.
‪그리고 네가 아이를 낳으면‬And I'll upload the photo you doctored of Hyun-woo's mother
‪그 아이 SNS에‬And I'll upload the photo you doctored of Hyun-woo's mother
‪네가 만든 현우 엄마의‬ ‪합성 사진을 똑같이 올려서‬on your kids' social media pages and make your kids pay
‪네 죄를 대물림하게 만들 거야‬ ‪[경민 모 어이없는 한숨]‬for the sins of their father.
‪(도희) 설마 그러겠냐고?‬Don't believe me, do you?
‪응, 그럴 거야‬You better believe I will. Because that's what I do for a living!
‪내가 이런 걸‬ ‪전문으로 하는 사람이거든!‬Because that's what I do for a living!
‪친구의 인생을 함부로 밟으면‬If you run over your friend's life,
‪너도 똑같이 밟힌다는 걸 알아야지‬the same thing happens to yours. You should know that.
‪그래야 좋은 어른이 되지?‬That's how you become a good person.
‪게임 머니 주겠다고‬They offered us in-game currency.
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬ ‪[경민 모 떨리는 숨소리]‬They offered us in-game currency.
‪현우 SNS에 악플 달면‬To leave nasty comments…
‪게임 머니 주겠다고‬on Hyun-woo's social media.
‪[경민 모 기가 찬 신음]‬Oh my!
‪[떨리는 목소리로] 그 사진까지‬ ‪같이 올리면‬They promised to pay us five times if we uploaded that photo too.
‪다섯 배는 더 주겠다고 해서‬They promised to pay us five times if we uploaded that photo too.
‪[경민 모 한숨]‬
‪그래서 그런 거예요‬That's why I did it.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪합의하고‬So, they'll settle and testify?
‪증언하겠다?‬So, they'll settle and testify?
‪[경숙 한숨]‬
‪[박진감이 더해지는 음악]‬
‪다음 스텝으로‬ ‪빨리 나갑시다, 그럼‬Let's quickly move on to our next step.
‪(경숙) 선거 일주일도 안 남았는데‬We wasted three days of valuable time
‪그 짐승 같은 새끼들한테‬ ‪놀아나느라고‬getting played by those beastly bastards
‪아까운 시간을 3일이나 버렸네요‬when we have less than a week left.
‪일단, 공식 사과 일정부터‬ ‪잡아볼까요?‬Should we schedule a public apology first?
‪일단, 이단 따질 거 없이‬No need to take this step by step.
‪사과부터 유세까지‬We'll do both the apology and the campaign at once.
‪한 번에 갑시다‬We'll do both the apology and the campaign at once.
‪그래야 지지율을 좀‬ ‪광속도로 끌어 올리죠‬That will be the fastest way we can rise in the polls.
‪일리 있어‬She has a point.
‪구체적인 솔루션은?‬The specifics to carry this out?
‪[한숨 쉬며] 우선‬First…
‪오경숙한테 실망한‬we'll have to appease the disappointed mothers.
‪모성애부터 달래야겠죠‬we'll have to appease the disappointed mothers.
‪네, 좌도 우도 아닌 오직‬ ‪중도만을 위한 정치 유튜브‬This show isn't for the left or the right, but for the centrists. "Centrists, To the National Assembly."
‪'중도야, 국회 가자'‬but for the centrists. "Centrists, To the National Assembly."
‪오늘은 교육감을‬ ‪세 번이나 역임하신‬We have with us Candidate Yook Seung-cheol, who's served three terms as Superintendent of Education.
‪육승철 서울시장 후보를‬ ‪모셔봤는데요‬who's served three terms as Superintendent of Education.
‪육 후보님‬Candidate Yook.
‪지금 오 후보 아들 때문에‬The online parent communities are outraged because of Candidate Oh's son.
‪학부모들 커뮤니티에서‬ ‪난리가 났죠?‬The online parent communities are outraged because of Candidate Oh's son.
‪여길 보시면‬If you look here, it says
‪'유년기 시절부터‬ ‪모친의 잦은 부재로 인해'‬he "craves affection due to his mother's continued absence since childhood."
‪'애정 결핍 증세를 나타냄'‬he "craves affection due to his mother's continued absence since childhood."
‪아이의 이런 징후가‬These symptoms must have led to hatred and violence toward women
‪여성에 대한 혐오와 폭력성‬These symptoms must have led to hatred and violence toward women
‪그리고 왜곡된 성적 표출로‬ ‪이어지면서‬and distorted sexual expression,
‪성범죄까지 저지른 거‬ ‪아니겠습니까?‬ultimately causing him to commit sex crimes.
‪육승철 후보님?‬Candidate Yook Seung-cheol.
‪가발을 조금‬Why don't you change
‪중후한 디자인으로‬ ‪바꿔보시는 게 어떨까요?‬your toupee to something that better suits your age?
‪얼굴엔 검버섯이 올라오는데‬Keeping a youthful hairstyle…
‪헤어스타일만 젊게 유지한다고‬with liver spots on your face
‪정치생명이‬ ‪길어지실 거 같진 않아서‬isn't going to make your political career last any longer.
‪소문대로 아주 발칙하시구만‬You're as insolent as the rumors say.
‪본인 후보는 다 죽어가는데‬You're here spying on my bald spots
‪이 와중에 남의 소갈머리나‬ ‪훔쳐보러 다니고‬when your candidate is dying.
‪[숨을 들이쉬며] 육 후보님‬Sir.
‪[숨을 들이쉰다]‬
‪다음번 선거 자금‬ ‪후원받는 조건으로‬In return for your next campaign's sponsorship…
‪백재민 캠프랑 손잡으셨죠?‬you joined hands with Candidate Baek, right?
‪지금 무슨 소리를…‬What are you accusing me of--
‪백재민 후보 쪽에서‬I have all the evidence on how Candidate Baek has set Ms. Oh's son up.
‪오 후보 아들 셋업한 정황‬ ‪전부 파악했습니다‬I have all the evidence on how Candidate Baek has set Ms. Oh's son up.
‪거기에 우리 육 후보님께서‬ ‪가담하셨고‬And I've also obtained evidence
‪오 후보 아들‬to prove how you joined them
‪정신 상담 기록에‬and manipulated
‪생기부까지 조작하신 증거도‬his psychiatric counseling
‪확보했고요‬ ‪[심오한 음악]‬and school records.
‪[종이를 바스락댄다]‬
‪[연신 바스락댄다]‬
‪[나지막이] 결정하시죠?‬Make your choice.
‪대한민국의 참교육자답게‬Will you join Candidate Oh
‪오 후보한테 힘을 실어주시고‬ ‪평안한 노년을 보내실지‬like a true educator of Korea and spend your remaining years peacefully,
‪정치판에 미련 못 버리고‬or will you live the rest of your life
‪손주뻘 되는 아이 인생을‬ ‪짓밟은 노욕으로‬serving time for ruining a kid young enough to be your grandson
‪치욕스러운 옥살이를 하실지‬because you couldn't give up on your ambitions?
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪[손을 탁 짚는다]‬
‪황도희 본부장‬Ms. Hwang Do-hee.
‪이번 선거는 끝났어요‬This election is already over.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[숨을 씁 들이쉬며] 내가‬ ‪아무리 양심선언을 하고‬Even if I told the truth and criticized Baek Jae-min openly,
‪백재민을 공개 비난 한다고 해도‬Even if I told the truth and criticized Baek Jae-min openly,
‪성범죄자 애미한테 표를 던지는‬no one in their right mind would vote for a sex offender's mother.
‪민심은 없다 이겁니다‬no one in their right mind would vote for a sex offender's mother.
‪선거판에선‬Do you still not understand
‪이기는 쪽이 팩트가 되는 거‬ ‪아직도 모르겠어요?‬that the winner's words become the truth in politics?
‪육승철 후보님!‬Mr. Yook!
‪요즘 청소년 자살률‬ ‪높은 거 아시죠?‬You know how high the suicide rate is among today's youth, right?
‪오경숙‬Have Oh Kyung-sook
‪조용히 사퇴시키세요‬withdraw quietly…
‪자식 초상까지‬ ‪치르게 하고 싶지 않으면‬unless she wants to hold a funeral for her son.
‪[승철 웃음]‬
‪카밀라 송 맞죠?‬Camilla Song, right?
‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬
‪[구두 소리]‬
‪캘리포니아에 거주하고 있는‬ ‪80년생 연인‬Your 42-year-old lover living in California.
‪(도희) 불륜으로 시작해서‬It began as an affair,
‪10년 넘게 사실혼 관계를‬ ‪유지하는 중이고‬and you've been in a common-law marriage over the past ten years.
‪카밀라 명의로‬And it seems
‪미국에 차명 재산도‬ ‪꽤 많이 보유하고 계시던데?‬you have quite a fortune in the US under her name.
‪[묘한 음악]‬
‪[나지막이] 200억‬Here's 20 billion won.
‪백재민 캠프에서‬ ‪받으신 대가의 정확히 10배‬It's exactly ten times the money you received from Baek Jae-min's camp.
‪카밀라 계좌로 넣어드릴 테니까‬ ‪은퇴하시죠‬If you retire, I will have the funds wired to Camilla's account.
‪이 더러운 정치판보단‬Wouldn't the warm sun of California
‪따뜻한 캘리포니아가 노년을‬ ‪즐기기엔 훨씬 좋으실 테니까‬suit you better in your later days than the filthy world of politics?
‪[경쾌해지는 음악]‬
‪(승철) 여러분!‬My fellow citizens!
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪바로 이겁니다!‬This is it!
‪[모두 놀라는 신음]‬
‪이 육승철이‬That is the reason
‪긴급 기자회견을 요청한 이유!‬that I, Yook Seung-cheol, requested an urgent press conference.
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬that I, Yook Seung-cheol, requested an urgent press conference.
‪저 끔찍한 사진이‬These horrible photos
‪오경숙 후보 아들의 SNS에‬ ‪올라와 있었습니다‬were found to have been uploaded to the social media of Candidate Oh's Son.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪(승철) 오 후보 아들에게‬ ‪일방적으로 폭행을 당했다고‬The classmate who claimed to have been beaten senselessly by Candidate Oh's son
‪주장하는 학생이‬The classmate who claimed to have been beaten senselessly by Candidate Oh's son
‪애초에 싸움을 일으킬 목적으로‬uploaded this photo to provoke
‪저 사진을 올린 겁니다‬a violent response from her son.
‪(승철) 그렇다면‬This being the case,
‪[쾅 내리친다]‬
‪저 사진을 아이가‬ ‪자발적으로 올렸을까요?‬would that kid have decided on his own to upload that photo online?
‪게임 머니를 준다며‬ ‪학생들을 유인해‬It was adults who bribed the students with in-game currency,
‪오 후보 아들의 SNS에‬ ‪악플을 종용하고!‬pressuring them to post toxic comments on the boy's social media
‪엄마를 성적으로‬and to upload those sexually suggestive photos
‪희롱하는 저 사진까지‬ ‪올리게 만든‬and to upload those sexually suggestive photos
‪어른들이 있었습니다!‬that humiliated his mother!
‪[웅성댄다]‬ ‪[기자들이 저마다 질문한다]‬Mr. Yook!
‪(승철) 여러분‬Dear citizens,
‪아이들은‬ ‪나라의 희망이라고 했습니다‬they say that a nation's hope lies in our children.
‪평생 교육에 몸담은 저로서는‬I've been an educator my whole life,
‪아이를 선거판에 이용하는‬and I can't forgive such despicable people who used an innocent child
‪이 파렴치범들을‬and I can't forgive such despicable people who used an innocent child
‪도저히 용서할 수가 없습니다!‬to try and win an election!
‪맞습니다!‬ ‪[사람들이 웅성대며 동의한다]‬That's right!
‪그래서 저는‬So I've decided…
‪오경숙 후보에게‬to lend my strength…
‪힘을 실어드리려 합니다‬to Candidate Oh Kyung-sook.
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪(승철) 이 육승철!‬I, Yook Seung-cheol,
‪국민개혁당‬will unite camps
‪오경숙 후보와 단일화하여‬with the Reform Party of Korea's Oh Kyung-sook
‪참교육자의 위치에서‬and continue my part in this battle
‪백의종군하겠습니다‬as a true educator of children.
‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬
‪여러분‬My dear citizens, as you have seen today…
‪보셨다시피‬My dear citizens, as you have seen today…
‪제 아이는‬my son…
‪선거판의 악마 같은 어른들에게‬was ruthlessly exploited
‪철저히 이용당했고‬by the monstrous adults in politics.
‪그래서 저는 그렇게‬And I was
‪발가벗겨졌습니다‬bared before all.
‪[웅성댄다]‬ ‪[엄숙한 음악]‬
‪(경숙) 정치인이기 이전에‬ ‪한 사람으로서‬I am a human being, a mother of a child,
‪[울먹이며] 한 아이의 엄마로서‬and a woman
‪여성으로서‬before I am a politician,
‪그렇게 사살당했습니다‬and I was trampled on.
‪(경숙) 그러나 이유가 뭐였든 간에‬But no matter what his reasons were,
‪친구에게 폭행을 가한‬I cannot justify my son's violence toward his friend.
‪제 아이의 잘못을‬ ‪덮어줄 수는 없습니다‬I cannot justify my son's violence toward his friend.
‪덮어줘서는 안 된다고 생각합니다‬I believe that it should not be justified.
‪여러분‬Dear citizens.
‪제가 만들고 싶은 세상은‬That is the world
‪그런 세상입니다‬I would like to create.
‪정치인의 자식일지라도‬ ‪재벌가의 핏줄일지라도‬A world where you must pay for your crimes,
‪죄를 지었다면‬even if you are a politician's child or the heir to a chaebol.
‪반드시 죗값을 치르는‬even if you are a politician's child or the heir to a chaebol.
‪그런 공정한 사회‬A fair world.
‪[울먹이며] 그런 사회를‬That is the world
‪만들고 싶습니다‬I want to create.
‪소리에 놀라지 않는‬Like a lion that does not flinch at loud noises,
‪사자와 같이‬Like a lion that does not flinch at loud noises,
‪그물에 걸리지 않는‬like a wind that cannot be trapped by a net,
‪바람과 같이‬like a wind that cannot be trapped by a net,
‪흙탕물에도 더럽혀지지 않는‬like a lotus flower that's never tainted even in the mud…
‪연꽃과 같이‬like a lotus flower that's never tainted even in the mud…
‪[울먹이며] 탐욕과 혐오를 넘어‬I will overcome greed and hatred,
‪두려움 없이‬and I'll continue
‪무소의 뿔처럼 묵묵히‬to fearlessly walk my path
‪저의 길을 가겠습니다‬like the horn of a rhinoceros.
‪(경숙) 존경하는‬My beloved and esteemed citizens of Seoul.
‪[고조되는 음악]‬My beloved and esteemed citizens of Seoul.
‪사랑하는 서울 시민 여러분‬My beloved and esteemed citizens of Seoul.
‪부디‬I beg of you…
‪저에게 기회를 주십시오‬to give me a chance.
‪[웅장해지는 음악]‬
‪[박수와 환호가 쏟아진다]‬
‪[모두 오경숙을 연신 외친다]‬Oh Kyung-sook! Oh Kyung-sook!
‪다음 스텝 시작해‬Proceed with the next step.

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