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Love and Leashes


‪(내레이터) 이 세상에‬ ‪완벽하게 평등한 관계는 없습니다‬[female narrator] No relationship is perfectly equal in the world.
‪두 사람이 만나면 의도했든 아니든‬ ‪권력은 한쪽으로 기울죠‬When two people meet, the power dynamic shifts to one or the other. No matter the intention.
‪어쩌면 우리 마음속엔‬Perhaps, deep down, the instinctive desire to dominate or submit to another person
‪본능적으로 누굴 지배하거나‬the instinctive desire to dominate or submit to another person
‪아님 누군가에게‬ ‪복종하고픈 무의식이‬the instinctive desire to dominate or submit to another person is tough to weigh in our subconscious.
‪숨어 있을지도 모르죠‬is tough to weigh in our subconscious.
‪그리고 바로 당신 마음속에도‬Isn't there at least one secret desire waiting within your heart that you can't admit to anyone?
‪남들에겐 말할 수 없는 욕망이‬waiting within your heart that you can't admit to anyone?
‪하나쯤은 숨어 있지 않나요?‬waiting within your heart that you can't admit to anyone?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬[upbeat music playing]
‪(황 팀장) 정지후 씨!‬-[male] Mr. Jung Jihoo. -Yes?
‪예?‬-[male] Mr. Jung Jihoo. -Yes?
‪(황 팀장) 오, 발령받자마자‬ ‪1등으로 출근쓰?‬[male] First day of your reassignment and you're the first one in the office!
‪(지후) 안녕하세요?‬[Jihoo] Hello.
‪아‬Ah. Sorry, Jiwoo. Please meet Jihoo.
‪지우 씨 말고‬Sorry, Jiwoo. Please meet Jihoo.
‪지후 씨‬Sorry, Jiwoo. Please meet Jihoo.
‪[지후가 피식 웃는다]‬ ‪(지후) 안녕하세요?‬Hello.
‪(황 팀장) 양 대리는 갔지만‬[male] Mr. Yang may have left,
‪어, 대신에 우리 사업팀의‬ ‪소문난 엄친아‬but Jung Jihoo, the business teams' poster child, is joining our PR team in his place as assistant manager.
‪정지후 대리가‬ ‪우리 홍보팀에 왔어요‬is joining our PR team in his place as assistant manager.
‪(지후) 잘 부탁드리겠습니다!‬-[Jihoo] I'm excited to be here. -A round of applause!
‪자, 박수‬-[Jihoo] I'm excited to be here. -A round of applause! [all clapping]
‪(과장) 근데‬So you're saying, Jung Jihoo. Jung Jiwoo? Sounds very similar.
‪정지후, 정지우‬So you're saying, Jung Jihoo. Jung Jiwoo? Sounds very similar.
‪정말 점 하나 차이네‬So you're saying, Jung Jihoo. Jung Jiwoo? Sounds very similar.
‪(과장) 그 성까지 똑같아서‬ ‪이름 부를 때 헷갈리겠다‬And with the same last name too? This will be confusing.
‪에이, 직급 자체가 다르잖아‬ ‪헷갈릴 게 뭐가 있어?‬Come on, it's easy. They have different jobs. One's a girl.
‪됐고, 회식이나 하자구‬Let's have a team dinner tonight.
‪그러면 메뉴는 양고기랑‬ ‪양고기 중에 뭐가 좋을까?‬As for the menu, which do you guys prefer? The lamb or the lamb?
‪양고기요‬I'll take the lamb.
‪[황 팀장이 헤헤 웃는다]‬ ‪팀장님, 저도 양고기지만‬ ‪법인카드가 한도 초과인데요‬Manager Hwang, I like lamb too, but the corporate card is maxed out.
‪그리고 그 말씀하셨던‬ ‪유튜브 섭외 건‬Plus, we haven't really decided on how to proceed regarding casting the YouTuber that you talked about yet.
‪어떻게 할지‬ ‪아직 확실히 정리가 안 돼서요‬on how to proceed regarding casting the YouTuber that you talked about yet.
‪(황 팀장) 아니, 하, 정지우 씨‬Listen-- [sighs]
‪그거는 정리가 안 된 게 아니라‬It's not that we haven't decided,
‪본인이 개인적으로 싫어하는‬ ‪유튜버니까 그런 거잖아‬I know it's because you personally don't like that YouTuber.
‪그 유튜버가 구독자 수가‬ ‪얼마나 많은지 알아?‬Do you know how many subscribers he has?
‪아니, 교육용 콘텐츠에‬We shouldn't have someone who made homophobic comments
‪동성애 혐오 발언을 했던 사람을‬ ‪섭외하는 건 좀 아니죠‬We shouldn't have someone who made homophobic comments be associated with our educational content.
‪아니, 하, 혐오가 아니라‬I-- [sighs] I wouldn't say what he said was homophobic.
‪좀 불편하다‬ ‪뭐 그 정도 발언 아냐?‬I-- [sighs] I wouldn't say what he said was homophobic. It just made him uncomfortable, right?
‪저, 팀장님‬How about this,
‪아무래도 리스크가‬ ‪생길 수 있는 사람이라면‬if he's someone who might become a liability,
‪쪼끔 더 재고해 보시는 건‬ ‪어떻습니까?‬why don't we wait and think it over a little more.
‪이게 팀장님의 결정이‬ ‪저희 채널 이미지로‬I mean, it is your decision that affects the image of our channel.
‪바로 이어지는 거다 보니까 이게…‬I mean, it is your decision that affects the image of our channel.
‪아니, 이렇게 좀 하란 말이야‬ ‪지우 씨‬See? Why can't you be more like him.
‪다 끝난 얘기를‬ ‪굳이 끄집어내 가지고‬If you want to bring up something that was already decided,
‪이 전체 회의의 효율성을‬ ‪떨어뜨리고 싶은 사람은‬and sacrifice the energy and efficiency of the group meeting,
‪최소한, 최소한 이렇게 웃으면서‬and sacrifice the energy and efficiency of the group meeting, at least-- at least smile like him,
‪싹싹하게‬ ‪이거 얼마나 좋아, 어?‬and be more polite about it.
‪애교가 연애할 때만‬ ‪필요한 게 아니에요, 여러분‬Guys, it's not just your lovers you should be cute for.
‪[직원들이 작게 투덜댄다]‬[female] There he goes again. Hold on.
‪팀장님‬Hold on.
‪지금 애교라고 하신 거 맞죠?‬Mr. Hwang, did you just say "cute"?
‪자, 그러니까 내 말은, 어‬ ‪우리 일이 팀웍이 중요하니까‬What I mean is teamwork is important for this job.
‪뭔가 좀 부드럽게 일하자‬ ‪그런 말이에요‬So let's all just try being nicer to each other, all right?
‪(황 팀장) 우리 팀에‬ ‪여자들이 많아서, 하‬These talks are so difficult… [scoffs]
‪이런 게 너무 어려워, 아유‬…because our team has women. [grunts]
‪홍보팀 분위기가 의외이긴 하네요‬The PR team is different than I expected.
‪네, 사업팀이었으면‬ ‪큰일 날 발언인데‬The PR team is different than I expected. You'd be in trouble if the business team heard.
‪아, 무슨 큰일이 나‬But what trouble you mean?
‪아이, 팀장님‬Manager Hwang, don't you know?
‪모르셨어요?‬Manager Hwang, don't you know?
‪요새 그러시면 성희롱이에요‬That's considered sexual harassment.
‪[지우가 숨을 내쉰다]‬[sighs]
‪합격‬He passed!
‪우리 정 대리의 젠더 감수성을‬ ‪테스트해 봤죠‬You see, I was just trying to test his gender sensitivity.
‪나는 합격‬He passed the test.
‪(황 팀장) 그러면은‬Okay, then.
‪[빨대 소리를 내며 마신다]‬[slurps]
‪이렇게 하자‬Let's do this,
‪어, 우리 정 대리하고‬Mr. Jung and Jiwoo, who is always on the ball,
‪우리 만사 똑 부러지는‬ ‪정지우 씨하고‬Mr. Jung and Jiwoo, who is always on the ball, they can work together to make a list of potential people to cast.
‪같이 섭외 리스트를‬ ‪만들어서 올리는 걸로‬they can work together to make a list of potential people to cast.
‪어우, 기대된다‬[inhales sharply] Man, can't wait.
‪[찬 바람 휭 부는 소리]‬[inhales sharply] Man, can't wait.
‪[컵 찌그러트리는 소리]‬[plastic crackling]
‪[컵 찌그러트리는 소리]‬
‪(지후) 잘 마실게요‬Thank you.
‪[애교스럽게] 조만간 우리끼리‬ ‪환송회 한 번 더 해요‬Mm-hmm. Let's have a farewell party. -Just the four of us. It's on me. -Wow, he has his own fan club.
‪어, 내가 쏠게‬-Just the four of us. It's on me. -Wow, he has his own fan club.
‪거의 팬클럽이네‬-Just the four of us. It's on me. -Wow, he has his own fan club.
‪[지후와 직원들이 대화한다]‬ ‪모두가 자길 좋아한다는 걸‬ ‪너무 잘 아는 얼굴이라는 게‬So that's the face someone makes when they know everyone's obsessed with them, huh?
‪저런 거구나?‬everyone's obsessed with them, huh?
‪(과장) 자긴 저런 남자에도‬ ‪관심 없지?‬A guy like that doesn't interest you, right?
‪생겨요‬He does.
‪관심‬He does.
‪(과장) 어?‬Oh.
‪[지우가 숨을 깊게 들이쉰다]‬[sighs]
‪[과장이 피식 웃는다]‬[woman] How you settling in at the PR team?
‪왜 쳐다보지?‬-Why is he staring? -[Jihoo] Sorry, I should go.
‪진짜?‬-Why is he staring? -[Jihoo] Sorry, I should go. -See you later. -For real? Staring?
‪진심?‬-See you later. -For real? Staring?
‪어머, 인기남 오셨네‬-Well, here's Mr. Popular. -Oh, no.
‪아휴, 아니에요‬ ‪저기 사업팀 동료들이에요, 동료들‬They're just my former colleagues from the business team.
‪(과장) 으음‬[chuckles]
‪저, 지우 씨‬Um, Jiwoo?
‪지우 씨 덕분에‬ ‪섭외 사고 막을 수 있어서‬Good job saving us from that disaster waiting to happen
‪다행이라는 이야기를‬ ‪꼭 하고 싶어서요‬Good job saving us from that disaster waiting to happen if we hired that YouTuber.
‪홍보팀은 특히 시대에 민감하게‬I believe it's necessary for the PR team to be sensitive and with the times.
‪(지후) 업데이트할 필요가 있다고‬ ‪생각을 하거든요‬I believe it's necessary for the PR team to be sensitive and with the times.
‪네, 감사합니다‬-I appreciate it. -I'm happy to be here.
‪앞으로 잘 부탁드려요‬-I appreciate it. -I'm happy to be here.
‪이따 회의실에서 봬요‬I'll see you at the meeting later.
‪관심 있다면서‬ ‪표정 변화 1도 없는 거 봐‬You say you're interested but you don't want to show it at all.
‪그렇다고 뭘 할 건 아니라서요‬It's not like I'll do anything about it. What?
‪뭘이 뭔데?‬What do you mean by that?
‪뭘 어디까지 생각한 건데?‬And what is it that you wouldn't do?
‪아유, 아니에요, 그런 거‬Nothing like that.
‪연애하려면 눈빛 교정‬if you want a boyfriend, use your eyes.
‪표정 좀 피자‬Smile a little.
‪[TV 속 여자가 말한다]‬-[indistinct chatter on TV] -[potato chips crunching]
‪(지우 모) 웃어주되‬You can always smile, but remember to always keep the ball in your court.
‪주도권을 절대 뺏기지 마‬You can always smile, but remember to always keep the ball in your court.
‪[계속 이어지는 TV 소리]‬You can always smile, but remember to always keep the ball in your court. And don't even think about asking him out first.
‪그리고 있지‬ ‪절대 고백 먼저 하면 안 된다, 어?‬And don't even think about asking him out first.
‪여자가 들이대면 싹 식어버리거든‬Guys lose interest if the girl's too forward.
‪엄마, 나 지금 '잘생겼다'‬Mom, all I said was that I think he's kinda cute.
‪지금 고거 딱 한마디 했어‬Mom, all I said was that I think he's kinda cute.
‪(지우 모) 야, 잘생긴 남자 드물어‬Mom, all I said was that I think he's kinda cute. Come on, it's hard to find a cute guy. You don't see many at work.
‪회사에 잘 없어‬Come on, it's hard to find a cute guy. You don't see many at work.
‪(지우) 그건 그렇지‬-Hmm? -That's true.
‪아니, 근데 고백하면 왜 안 돼?‬-[mom chuckles] -But why can't I ask him out first?
‪지금이 뭐 1920년인 줄 알아?‬This isn't like 1920 anymore.
‪2220년에도‬ ‪그건 어쩔 수가 없는 거야‬Even in the year 2320, it'll be the same, huh?
‪남자들은‬ ‪사냥 본능이라는 게 있거든?‬Guys have an instinct to hunt within them.
‪어, 자기가 막 쫓아다녔다가‬ ‪확 잡아먹고 싶은‬Guys have an instinct to hunt within them. They have an inclination to dominate after chasing and hunting their prey.
‪지배욕 같은 게 있는 거지‬They have an inclination to dominate after chasing and hunting their prey.
‪확은 무슨 뭐 내가 토끼야?‬What am I, a rabbit or something?
‪[지우 모가 작게 웃는다]‬ ‪어후‬ ‪그리고 여자도 사냥은 했거든?‬[chuckles] -Hey, women went hunting too, you know! -Hey, that face again?
‪(지우 모) 음! 또 인상!‬-Hey, women went hunting too, you know! -Hey, that face again?
‪차라리 사냥을 하든가‬[inhales] Well, then hunt then.
‪심심한 인생 뭐라도 좀 해보셔‬Life is boring, -so just do something with it. -[sighs]
‪에유‬-so just do something with it. -[sighs] [indistinct chatter on the TV]
‪[지우 모가 작게 웃는다]‬[indistinct chatter on the TV]
‪(지우) 아우‬[sighs]
‪- (남자) 감사합니다‬ ‪- 예‬-Thank you. -Sure.
‪(지후) 아, 그럴 리가 없는데‬Oh, that-- that can't be. I just got a text that it was delivered yesterday.
‪어제저녁에 도착했다고‬ ‪문자가 왔거든요?‬I just got a text that it was delivered yesterday.
‪에구, 사업팀에 온 건‬ ‪하나도 없었다니까는‬Goodness. Nothing came for the business team.
‪아니요, 선생님‬ ‪저 홍보팀으로 옮겼어요‬Sir, I-- I transferred to the PR team.
‪- 홍보팀?‬ ‪- 예‬PR team? Yeah.
‪아, 그러면 그게‬ ‪그 정지후 씨 택배였나?‬Oh, was that package meant for you instead?
‪그거 아까 전달했는데?‬-Someone picked it up already. -What?
‪예? 누구한테요?‬-Someone picked it up already. -What? Who took it?
‪[묘한 효과음]‬[suspenseful music playing]
‪[밝고 긴박한 음악]‬[upbeat music playing]
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[breathing heavily]
‪죄, 죄송합니다!‬Excuse me. Sorry.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[elevator dings]
‪어우!‬[breathing heavily]
‪아, 제발!‬Please!
‪(지후) 지우 씨, 잠깐만…‬Jiwoo, wait!
‪[슬로 효과]‬ ‪어!‬[echoing] Whoa!
‪[뚜둥 효과음]‬[slow motion gasps]
‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬ ‪[지후 거친 숨소리]‬[both breathing heavily in slow motion]
‪[쿵 효과음]‬ ‪[지후 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[지후가 멋쩍게 웃는다]‬[chuckles] Ta-da!
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪짜잔!‬[chuckles] Ta-da!
‪이거 저희 집 개 목걸이예요‬It's my dog's collar. You know, collars are required by law nowadays.
‪요즘에 그 목줄 착용‬ ‪의무화된 거 아시죠?‬You know, collars are required by law nowadays.
‪아, 예, 죄송해요‬ ‪전 제 건 줄 알고‬Oh, I'm sorry. I thought it came for me.
‪으음, 이름이 비슷하다 보니까‬ ‪회사에서 이런 일도 막 생기고‬Mm-mm. This was bound to happen sooner or later since our names are alike.
‪막 그러네요, 그렇죠?‬ ‪아유, 반대‬Mm-mm. This was bound to happen sooner or later since our names are alike. It's backwards.
‪그 개 이름이 미호예요?‬Your dog's name is Miho?
‪아, 예‬Uh, yes!
‪미호, 이름 예쁘죠?‬Miho, isn't it a pretty name?
‪어, 암컷이에요‬She's female.
‪푸들, 3살‬Poodle. She's three. [chuckles]
‪그거 푸들 목에는 클 거 같은데‬It seems, um, a bit big for a poodle.
‪저희 집 푸들 못 보셨죠?‬I guess you haven't seen my poodle. Miho's neck is super thick. [grunts]
‪저희 집 푸들 목이 벌크업이 막!‬ ‪[힘주는 신음]‬I guess you haven't seen my poodle. Miho's neck is super thick. [grunts] It's like that. [chuckles]
‪쫙 이래 가지고, 네‬It's like that. [chuckles]
‪네‬[chuckles softly]
‪- 줄 좀…‬ ‪- 아, 네‬-The leash. -Oh, sure.
‪이거 제가 버려드릴게요‬I'll throw this out for you.
‪어, 제가 버릴게요!‬Oh! I'll-- I'll throw it out!
‪[지우와 지후의 놀란 신음]‬[Jiwoo groans]
‪[반짝거리는 효과음]‬[Jiwoo groans]
‪[짠 효과음]‬
‪[쾅 떨어지는 소리]‬15% OFF FOR RE-PURCHASES
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(지후) 종이, 종이는 재활용‬Pa-- Paper-- Paper should be recycled. I'll throw this away. [chuckles]
‪이거 제가 버릴게요‬Pa-- Paper-- Paper should be recycled. I'll throw this away. [chuckles]
‪[지후가 멋쩍게 웃는다]‬ ‪할인 쿠폰을 왜 버리세요?‬Why would you throw away a coupon?
‪시력이‬You have, uh,
‪좋으시구나‬really good eyesight, huh? [chuckles nervously]
‪- (과장) 맛있게 먹어요‬ ‪- (직원들) 맛있게 드세요‬-[female 1] Enjoy. -[female 2] Enjoy.
‪[TV에서 나오는 요란한 만화 소리]‬
‪(만화 캐릭터) 뭐?‬ ‪변태가 나타났다고?‬What? A pervert?
‪- 변태다!‬ ‪- (변태 캐릭터2) 변태!‬It's the pervert!
‪- (한) 아이, 대리님, 괜찮으세요?‬ ‪- (만화 캐릭터3) 변태! 변태!‬-[coughs] -[male] You all right?
‪(만화 캐릭터) 좋아, 우리가‬ ‪변태로부터 학교를 지키는 거야!‬Here's water. [TV character] Well protect the school from the pervert.
‪둥둥이 둥둥이, 체인지!‬[TV character] Well protect the school from the pervert. Doongi doongi, change!
‪괜찮아요, 괜찮아‬-No worries. I'm fine. -All right.
‪(만화 캐릭터) 변태 악당‬ ‪어디 숨어 있나 보자고!‬-No worries. I'm fine. -All right. [TV character] Let's see where he's hiding!
‪[평화로운 음악]‬[typing] [Jihoo] One good thing is that no one seems to know yet.
‪(지후) 근데 다행인 건‬[Jihoo] One good thing is that no one seems to know yet.
‪아직까진 아무도 모르는 거 같아요‬[Jihoo] One good thing is that no one seems to know yet.
‪(지후) 그 직원분도 평소랑‬ ‪별로 다름없이 대해주시고요‬And that co-worker isn't treating me any differently.
‪희망이 있지 않을까요?‬Maybe there's hope?
‪[띠링 알림음]‬ ‪(주인님의 펭귄) 아직‬ ‪맘 놓지 마요‬-[dings] -[female] It's too soon to relax. I've seen someone who was in a similar situation at my old work place.
‪전 직장에서 비슷하게 들킨 사람‬I've seen someone who was in a similar situation at my old work place.
‪결국 소문 쫙 나고‬I've seen someone who was in a similar situation at my old work place. Eventually, word got out and they asked him to resign.
‪권고사직 당하는 거 봤음‬ ‪[깊은 한숨]‬Eventually, word got out and they asked him to resign.
‪[띠링 알림음]‬ ‪(노원멜돔커) 혹시 그 직원도‬ ‪우리 쪽인 거 아님?‬-[dings] -[man] Maybe that colleague's like us too.
‪커뮤에도 몇 번 올라온 적 있음‬I've seen posts about it in the past. They met someone in real life who happened to also be into BDSM.
‪오프에서 만났는데‬ ‪알고 보니 성향자였다고‬They met someone in real life who happened to also be into BDSM.
‪(주인님의 펭귄) 경험 있는 사람‬ ‪생각보다 많긴 해요‬[female] There's more of us than we think. Just look at us.No one who knows us would ever think we're into it. 
‪우리도 뭐 주변에선‬ ‪상상도 못 하잖아요‬Just look at us.No one who knows us would ever think we're into it. 
‪지우 씨가?‬Jiwoo? Really?
‪[띠링 알림음]‬[dings]
‪(내레이터) 그래도 아웃팅은‬ ‪무조건 위험해요‬[female] Still, it's too dangerous to tell her.
‪최대한 피하고 조심하세요‬Avoid it at all costs. Be careful.
‪"당신의 기쁨을 발견해 보세요‬ ‪플레저 랩"‬[enchanting music playing]
‪[반짝이는 효과음]‬[enchanting music playing]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[romantic music playing]
‪기왕 다 아시게 된 거‬Since you've found out--
‪죄송한데‬I'm sorry, but I don't even like wearing turtlenecks.
‪전 목폴라도 답답한 스타일이라‬I'm sorry, but I don't even like wearing turtlenecks.
‪[휙 효과음]‬
‪(지우 모) 정지우, 뭐 해?‬ ‪[지우 놀라는 신음]‬-Jiwoo, what are you doing? -[Jiwoo gasps]
‪보고만 있게? 들어가 봐‬Don't just look. Go inside. Hmm.
‪(지우 모) 그냥 가게?‬ ‪엄마가 하나 사 줄까, 어?‬Don't just leave. Want me to buy you one?
‪- (지우) 아, 됐어, 안 해‬ ‪- (지우 모) 하나 사 줄게‬-No, stop. Leave me alone. -I'll buy you one.
‪- (여직원1) 점심은 뭐 먹을까용?‬ ‪- (여직원2) 색깔이 좀 애매하죠?‬-What should we eat for lunch? -This color doesn't fit, right?
‪- (과장) 검정 칼라는 나와야 돼‬ ‪- (여직원2) 음‬-I think the color has to be like this. -It looks like he's wearing--
‪[직원들이 대화한다]‬-I think the color has to be like this. -It looks like he's wearing-- [Jihoo] Excuse me,
‪(지후) 저‬[Jihoo] Excuse me,
‪지우 씨는 오늘 안 나오시죠?‬Jiwoo isn't coming today, right?
‪행사장 쪽 컨디션 확인하러 갔어요‬She just went over to check on the venue.
‪팀장님 때문에 독박 썼지, 뭐‬Manager Hwang totally screwed her over.
‪지우 씨도 좀만‬ ‪유도리 있으면 좋을 텐데‬Manager Hwang totally screwed her over. It would be good for her to be more flexible.
‪(여직원2) 그러니까요‬I agree with that.
‪아, 이한 씨, 둥둥이랑‬ ‪토이 둘 다 옮겼어요?‬I agree with that. Han, did you move Doong-doong and Toy?
‪네, 토이는 소품실에서‬ ‪갖다 놨고요, 둥둥이는…‬Yes, I picked up Toy from the supply room, now as for Doong-doong, uh--
‪- 어디 있을까요?‬ ‪- 어디 갔을까, 어?‬-I don't know -Where did he go? Huh?
‪내가 지금 인턴한테‬ ‪너무 많은 걸 시키고 있는 거지?‬Am I asking the intern to do too much right now?
‪- 제가 가져올게요‬ ‪- (한) 아뇨, 제가 가져올…‬-I'll get it. -No, I'll get it.
‪일 봐요‬Don't worry about it.
‪(한) 감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪[잔잔하고 흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[메시지 타이핑하는 소리]‬[suspenseful music playing]
‪(지후) 안녕하세요, 지우 씨‬ ‪주말 잘 보내고 계신가요?‬[thinking] Hello, Jiwoo. Are you enjoying your weekend?
‪다름이 아니라‬ ‪감사하고 죄송하다는 말씀을‬I'm writing because I never got the chance to thank you…
‪- (지후) 못 드린 거 같아서‬ ‪- (지우) 네, 과장님‬I'm writing because I never got the chance to thank you…
‪(지우) 네, 지금 현장 확인하고‬ ‪비품 확인하러 들렀어요, 네‬Yes, sir. I just checked the venue, and came in to check on the…
‪[메시지 전송음]‬ ‪[문이 열린다]‬-[message sends] -[cell phone alert dings]
‪어머‬ ‪[띠용 효과음]‬Oh!
‪누구세요?‬Who are you?
‪[신비로운 음악]‬
‪그걸 왜 쓰고 있지?‬Why are you wearing that? [suspenseful music playing]
‪둥이 둥이 둥둥이!‬Doong-doong. Doong-doong, doong!
‪- 정 대리님?‬ ‪- 오!‬-Is that Mr. Jung? -No, no! It's not! It's not!
‪(지후) 어, 아니에요, 아니에요!‬-Is that Mr. Jung? -No, no! It's not! It's not!
‪아니, 잠깐만요! 어?‬ ‪[지후 아파하는 신음]‬-Is that Mr. Jung? -No, no! It's not! It's not! Wait! Oh! Mr. Jung! [breathes heavily]
‪어, 정 대리님!‬Wait! Oh! Mr. Jung! [breathes heavily]
‪- (지우) 어머, 괜찮아요?‬ ‪- (지후) 아휴, 괜찮아요!‬Wait! Oh! Mr. Jung! [breathes heavily] -Are you okay? -I'm okay.
‪어우, 괜찮긴 뭐가 괜찮아요!‬No, don't lie to me. You're not okay!
‪[느려지는 음악]‬[grunts, breathes heavily]
‪[지후 거친 숨소리]‬[grunts, breathes heavily]
‪[지우 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 목소리로] 우와‬Wow.
‪[지우 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[반짝이는 효과음]‬ ‪[심장 소리]‬
‪바보같이 뭐 하는 짓이에요?‬Why are you acting so stupid?
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬ ‪죄송합니다‬I'm really sorry.
‪어, 움직이지 마요‬Okay, don't move.
‪어지러워요?‬Are you dizzy?
‪둥둥이 푹신해서 괜찮아요‬Doong-doong is, uh-- So I'm fine. Thank you.
‪아, 그래도 머리를 박았잖아요!‬Well, still, you just hit your head. You need a doctor.
‪병원 가요‬Well, still, you just hit your head. You need a doctor.
‪당장 가요, 병원!‬Let's go right now!
‪괜찮은데‬I'm okay.
‪[헛기침]‬[clears throat]
‪죄송합니다‬ ‪괜히 저 때문에 주말에 이렇게‬Sorry you wasted your weekend on me like this.
‪이게 무슨 말이에요?‬What'd you mean when you sent this?
‪그런 것까지 보셨는데도‬I wanted to thank you
‪회사에 아무 말 안 해주시고‬ ‪정말 감사해서요‬for not telling anyone at work about everything that you saw before.
‪당연하죠, 남 얘길 왜 해요?‬for not telling anyone at work about everything that you saw before. Of course. It's none of my business.
‪진짜 감사하고 오늘도 감사하고‬Thank you so much. Thank you for today too. And I'm sorry as well.
‪- 죄송합니다‬ ‪- (지우) 앉으세요‬Thank you for today too. And I'm sorry as well. Have a seat.
‪사실 저도 죄송해요‬Actually, I'm sorry too.
‪(지후) 예?‬What?
‪아까 좀 놀라셨죠?‬I feel bad for startling you and ordering you around back there.
‪제가 막 명령하듯이 소리 질러서‬I feel bad for startling you and ordering you around back there.
‪[지후가 작게 웃는다]‬
‪사실‬The truth is,
‪제가 좀 그런 성향이 있어요‬I actually have a tendency to be like that.
‪그런 성향이요?‬To be like what?
‪그래도 회사에서‬ ‪이런 적은 없었는데…‬I've never done anything like that at work before.
‪[작게 들리는 지우 말소리]‬ ‪(노원멜돔커) 혹시 그 직원도‬ ‪우리 쪽인 거 아님?‬I've never done anything like that at work before. [thinking] Maybe that colleague is like us too.
‪[작게 들리는 지우 말소리]‬ ‪(노원멜돔커) 알고 보니‬ ‪성향자였다고‬I've seen posts about it in the past.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(지우) 그렇다고‬ ‪저 피하실 건 없어요‬…but you don't have to avoid me.
‪뭐 이런 성향 때문에‬ ‪남 눈치 안 보는 거 같아도‬It may look like I don't care what others think
‪다 보고 살거든요‬because of my tendencies,
‪- 그러니까 대리님도…‬ ‪- (지후) 지우 씨‬-but I do-- -Jiwoo.
‪진짜 감사해요‬ ‪이렇게 솔직하게 다 털어놔 주셔서‬Thank you very much for being so honest with me.
‪진짜 너무 감사하고‬ ‪너무 다행이에요‬I'm so thankful and so relieved.
‪저 지우 씨가‬ ‪저 변태라고 생각할까 봐‬I was really worried that you would think I'm a pervert,
‪진짜 걱정 많이 했거든요‬ ‪근데 그쪽이셨다니‬I was really worried that you would think I'm a pervert, but in reality, you're one of us.
‪이야, 이거 진짜 하늘이 도왔네요‬ ‪그죠?‬Wow, this is so amazing! It's like fate!
‪- 변태라고 생각 안 해요‬ ‪- 아이, 그러니까요, 그럼요‬-I don't think you're a pervert. -Exactly! Of course not.
‪우릴 변태로 보는‬ ‪세상이 가혹한 거죠‬The world is cruel for saying we are.
‪사실 솔직히 말하면‬To be completely honest,
‪그런 게 아닐까 생각도 들더라고요‬ ‪지우 씨 보면서‬I kind of thought that you might be into it too.
‪지우 씨도 숨기고 살기 힘드시면‬If it's too hard to hide it, and if you don't mind that it's me,
‪저라도 괜찮다면‬ ‪저한테 해주셔도 괜찮아요‬If it's too hard to hide it, and if you don't mind that it's me, you can do anything to me.
‪뭘요?‬Do what?
‪뭐 명령이든 고함을 치든‬ ‪다 괜찮으니까‬Order me around, scream, anything! Just think of me as your pet dog and treat me like one.
‪그냥 앞으로 저를 개라 생각하고‬ ‪그냥 개처럼 대해주세요‬Just think of me as your pet dog and treat me like one.
‪이렇게 회사에서‬ ‪성향자끼리 만난 것도 인연인데‬It was fate that we met each other at work.
‪저희끼리 앞으로 솔직하게‬ ‪다 오픈하시죠!‬Let's be open and honest about our tendencies! [chuckles]
‪[지후가 작게 웃는다]‬Let's be open and honest about our tendencies! [chuckles]
‪(지우) 아‬Oh.
‪(지후) 예?‬What?
‪저는 그…‬When I said I had a tendency,
‪그 성향이라는 게‬When I said I had a tendency, that-- that wasn't really what I meant at all.
‪그러니까‬ ‪그, 그 뜻은 아니었거든요‬that-- that wasn't really what I meant at all.
‪- 예?‬ ‪- (지우) 원체 좀‬What? People always say I'm so aloof and look intimidating,
‪무뚝뚝하고 뭐 무서워 보인다는‬ ‪말을 많이 들어서‬People always say I'm so aloof and look intimidating,
‪좀 그런 콤플렉스가 있다는‬ ‪얘기였는데‬so I have a bit of a complex. That's what I meant.
‪아, 그러시구나‬Oh, I see.
‪아, 그럼 그 목줄…‬[gasps] That collar!
‪여자한테가 아니라‬ ‪직접 차려고 사신 거…‬It wasn't meant for a woman. You bought it for yourself?
‪[지우 작게 놀라는 신음]‬ ‪아니, 그게 아니고‬-[gasps] -Uh, that-- that's not it.
‪(지우) 아‬[both sigh]
‪[띠용]‬ ‪(내레이터) BDSM‬[narrator] BDSM.
‪그중에서도‬ ‪'도미넌스 앤 서브미션'‬Among the many types, there is DS,
‪지배와 복종을 뜻하죠‬which is a dominant-submissive relationship.
‪앉아, 삐삐!‬ ‪[강아지가 짖는다]‬which is a dominant-submissive relationship. -Sit, Pippi. -[Pippi barks]
‪[혜미가 쪽쪽 소리를 낸다]‬ ‪앉아!‬-Sit, Pippi. -[Pippi barks] [kisses] And Sit.
‪엎드려‬Now down.
‪돌아!‬Roll over.
‪옳지, 잘했어, 오!‬There you go. [chuckles] Good job.
‪(내레이터) 지배자 역할을 하는‬ ‪사람을 도미넌트‬[female narrator] The person who gives orders is the dominant.
‪반대로 복종하는 역할을‬ ‪서브미시브라고 하는데요‬[female narrator] The person who gives orders is the dominant. On the other hand, the person who obeys is the submissive.
‪(혜미) 야, 쟤 오늘 왜 저래?‬Hey, what's with with her today?
‪맨날 눈 이렇게 뜨고‬ ‪개 만지고 가더니?‬She usually squints with her eyes and pets the dogs.
‪지우 누나 오늘‬ ‪계속 폰만 보시던데요?‬She's been staring at her phone nonstop all day.
‪(내레이터) 흔히 줄여서‬ ‪돔과 섭이라고 부릅니다‬[narrator] Often referred to as Doms and Subs for short.
‪- (혜미) 돔으로 할래요?‬ ‪- 어, 네? 도, 돔이 뭐야?‬-[female] Want a sub? -A sub? What? Why?
‪돌돔 들어와서‬Well, I make a real mean sandwich. Why are you so startled?
‪- 뭘 그렇게 놀래요?‬ ‪- 아‬Well, I make a real mean sandwich. Why are you so startled? -Oh. -Half off since you're a regular.
‪깎아줄게, 단골 할인‬-Oh. -Half off since you're a regular.
‪[혜미와 지우가 작게 웃는다]‬-Oh. -Half off since you're a regular. [chuckles]
‪아유, 무슨 말인지‬ ‪하나도 모르겠네‬Oh, I don't understand a word you're saying.
‪아, 브리핑을 좀 더‬ ‪명확하게 해 봐요, 평소처럼‬Explain it to me, so I don't think it's weird because I do.
‪- 음‬ ‪- (지우) 그러니까‬Okay.
‪(지우) 사실 우혁 씨가‬ ‪개를 싫어하는 거야‬[Jiwoo] Imagine Woohyuk secretly hates dogs.
‪쟤 개 엄청 좋아해‬ ‪개보다 더 개 같은 애야, 쟤‬What do you mean? He loves dogs. He's more like a dog than actual dogs.
‪아니, 근데 사실은‬ ‪개가 너무 무서운데‬But let's just say he's terrified of dogs,
‪막 사람들이‬but he pretends to like dogs because he's afraid people might say,
‪어머, 어떻게 개를 혐오해?‬ ‪사이코패스!‬but he pretends to like dogs because he's afraid people might say,
‪뭐 이럴까 봐 그냥‬"What? How can you possibly hate dogs? Are you a psychopath?"
‪평범하게 개가 좋은 척 사는 거야‬"What? How can you possibly hate dogs? Are you a psychopath?"
‪근데 언니가 그걸 알게 됐어‬ ‪우연히‬But then you find out his hidden truth.
‪점점 더 무슨 말인진 모르겠지만‬You know, you're making even less sense right now, but, okay.
‪어후, 그래서?‬You know, you're making even less sense right now, but, okay. So what?
‪그럼 그거를 내가‬ ‪모르는 척해주는 게 좋을까 아니면‬[sighs] Is it then better for me to ignore all of this in him?
‪뭐, 더 잘해줘야 되나?‬Or should I pity him?
‪그 사람 좋아요, 싫어요?‬ ‪그 개 혐오자‬Do you want to care for the dog-hater or choke him?
‪좋죠‬Care for.
‪귀여워요‬He's cute.
‪아, 그럼 모른 척하고‬ ‪시간을 좀 줘요‬Then play dumb and give him time. He's probably a bit embarrassed.
‪그 사람도 창피할 거 아니야‬Then play dumb and give him time. He's probably a bit embarrassed.
‪괜히 오버하면 더 민망할걸?‬He'll be even more so if you overdo it.
‪[개가 낑낑대고 헐떡이는 소리]‬-[Pippi whimpers] -[gasps] [panting]
‪[사람들이 웅성댄다]‬
‪(과장) 둥둥이 팔로우 수‬ ‪꽤 늘었네?‬[female] Doong-doong got a lot of new followers today.
‪- (지우) 아‬ ‪- 역시 오프 행사의 맛이 있다니까‬[female] Doong-doong got a lot of new followers today. Offline events have a special charm.
‪반응 좋아서 다행이죠, 뭐‬Offline events have a special charm. Well, I'm glad it's going so well.
‪망했으면 또 팀장님한테‬ ‪한 소리 들었을 텐데‬Mr. Hwang would've gotten on us if it had failed.
‪여태 준비할 때는 관심 1도 없다가‬He showed zero interest in preparing it.
‪이제 둥둥이 팔로우 수‬ ‪캡처해서 보내고 난리다, 아유‬And now, he's sending screenshots of the new follower account.
‪아니, 빨리 나타나기나 할 것이지‬ ‪왜 자꾸 사진을 찍어 보내래?‬I wish he'd actually show up instead of just sending pictures.
‪아, 과장님, 저 축제 본부 가서‬ ‪무대 일정 좀 확인하고 올게요‬Let me go to the office and check the schedule of the performances.
‪응, 아!‬ ‪[휴대폰 벨 소리]‬-Mm-hmm. Ah! -[cell phone ringing]
‪웬 영통?‬A video call.
‪화이팅!‬[gasps] Good luck.
‪네, 팀장님, 보이세요?‬[sighs] Hello, sir. Can you see me?
‪(한) 선배님‬-Jiwoo, isn't it almost lunch time? -[gasps]
‪- 점심시간 다 되지 않았어요?‬ ‪- 어우!‬-Jiwoo, isn't it almost lunch time? -[gasps]
‪뭐 하는 거예요?‬ ‪지금 여기서 벗으면 안 되죠!‬What are you doing now? You can't take that off here.
‪도시락 도착하면 바로 알려줄게요‬What are you doing now? You can't take that off here. I'll tell you when the lunch gets here, okay?
‪- 빨리 써요‬ ‪- 그럼 물, 저…‬I'll tell you when the lunch gets here, okay? -Water, please! -[Jiwoo grunts]
‪[한의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪미안한데‬ ‪축제 본부 좀 갔다 올게요‬Sorry, but I need to go to the office.
‪하고 있어요‬Cover for me!
‪지우 씨!‬Jiwoo.
‪같이 가시죠‬Could I go with you?
‪아니요, 한 사람만 가면 될 일이라‬Could I go with you? No, it only needs one person to go.
‪그럼 제가 가겠습니다‬Then let me do it for you.
‪제가 갈게요‬Then let me do it for you. No, I'll go.
‪수고하세요, 정 대리님‬No, I'll go. See you, Mr. Jung.
‪(황 팀장) 아유, 거기는 고기를‬ ‪그냥 아주 튀기고 있네‬[Hwang] Jeez, you're overcooking the meat.
‪무슨 에어프라이기야?‬ ‪어? 줘봐‬That's not an air fryer. Give me that.
‪- (과장) 지우 씨! 여기‬ ‪- 고기를 구워야 될 거 아냐‬[female] Jiwoo, over here! Come!
‪- (과장) 일로 와‬ ‪- 과자네, 과자, 어?‬[female] Jiwoo, over here! Come!
‪(황 팀장) 과자 하나씩 드세요‬[Hwang] Here, have some crispy meat.
‪- (여직원1) 감사합니다‬ ‪- (여직원2) 잘 먹겠습니다‬[Hwang] Here, have some crispy meat. [female 2] Thank you.
‪- (황 팀장) 딱딱하네‬ ‪- (한) 제가 너무 익혔죠?‬-[Hwang] It's hard as rubber. -[Han] I overcooked it, right?
‪- (한) 다시 주문할까요?‬ ‪- (황 팀장) 뭐, 그럴 것까진 없고‬-Should I order another plate? -[Hwang] No, it's fine.
‪아! 인스타에 이벤트 후기‬ ‪올라온 거 봤어?‬Hey, did you see the Instagram comments about the event? Yeah.
‪- (여직원1) 아, 네‬ ‪- 지금 난리 났어, 이거‬ ‪[직원이 호응한다]‬Yeah. -They're going crazy! -Right.
‪- 내가 하자 그랬잖아, 그지?‬ ‪- 소주?‬ ‪[지우가 작게 대답한다]‬-I told you we should do it. -Soju, right?
‪(황 팀장) 아, 사람 말을…‬[Hwang] You should listen.
‪- (지우) 아휴, 씨‬ ‪- (한) 하길 잘한 것 같습니다‬-I think that was a good call, boss. -[whispers] Shit!
‪- 고생했어‬ ‪- (지우) 아!‬Good work.
‪정 대리는 고기도 잘 굽네, 응?‬You're actually really good at grilling meat. Hmm?
‪정 대리 약점은 뭘까?‬I wonder what Jihoo's flaws are. What do you think, Jiwoo?
‪뭔 거 같아, 지우 씨?‬I wonder what Jihoo's flaws are. What do you think, Jiwoo?
‪(황 팀장) 아이, 남자는 원래‬ ‪고기를 잘 구워야…‬[Hwang] You can't cook meat. -Men should know… -I wouldn't know.
‪저야 모르죠, 뭐‬-Men should know… -I wouldn't know.
‪당연히 전혀 친한 사이도 아닌데‬It's not like we're close.
‪(황 팀장) 여자들은‬ ‪과일을 잘 깎아야 돼‬It's not like we're close. [Hwang] Women should be able to cut fruits.
‪여자는 과일을 잘 깎아야‬ ‪시집을 잘 가요‬Women must learn to cut fruits to find a good husband.
‪[지우 짜증 내는 한숨]‬ ‪(지우) 진짜 극혐‬Women must learn to cut fruits to find a good husband. [whispers] So disgusting. He makes me sick.
‪개극혐‬[whispers] So disgusting. He makes me sick.
‪- (과장) 응, 갈게!‬ ‪- (지우) 네, 조심히 가세요!‬-[female] Bye! -[Jiwoo] Get home safely.
‪(과장) 정지후랑 썸도 화이팅!‬Good luck with Jihoo!
‪네, 가세요, 가세요‬Good luck with Jihoo! Goodbye!
‪아우, 뭐야‬ ‪택시가 왜 이렇게 안 잡혀?‬ ‪[잉잉 우는 소리]‬[sighs] Why can't I get a cab around here?
‪[잉잉 우는 소리]‬[sobbing]
‪[잉잉 우는 소리]‬ ‪(지우) 개소리가 들려…‬[sobbing] Why do I hear a dog?
‪[잉잉 우는 소리]‬ ‪어머, 깜짝이야!‬[gasps] Oh my Gosh!
‪[지후 앓는 소리]‬ ‪정 대리님!‬[sniffling] Is that Mr. Jung?
‪뭐 해요?‬What's wrong?
‪속 안 좋아요?‬Do you feel sick?
‪- (지후) 네‬ ‪- 울어요?‬Are you crying?
‪뭐야, 우네‬[crying continues] Yes, you are.
‪안 울어요‬I-- I'm not crying.
‪왜 울어요?‬Why are you crying?
‪저는 지우 씨가 좋은데‬Well, I like you, but--
‪솔직히 극혐이라고 생각하셔도 뭐‬I understand if you think I'm disgusting
‪다 이해합니다, 근데‬and sicken you,
‪제가 발령받은 지가 얼마 안 돼서‬but because I was just transferred here,
‪재발령 신청하기도 너무 어렵고‬it's too hard to request another transfer.
‪진짜 너무 죄송합니다‬I'm very sorry.
‪울보네, 이 사람‬You're a crybaby.
‪하나 말고 누구한테‬ ‪얘기하는 게 처음이라‬I've never told anyone about this other than Hana.
‪하나는 누군데요?‬Okay, who's Hana?
‪저 변태라고 차 버린 전 여친이요‬She dumped me for being a pervert. [crying]
‪[귀여운 음악]‬[crying]
‪(지우) 정 대리님‬Mr. Jung,
‪저 싫어서 피하는 게 아니라요‬I didn't avoid you because of that.
‪정 대리님이 좀 어색하고‬ ‪불편하실까 봐‬I thought you might be uncomfortable and awkward around me.
‪제가 피해드린 거였어요‬So I gave you space.
‪서로 좀 편해질 때까지‬Until we became comfortable.
‪그럼 극혐 아니에요?‬So I don't make you sick?
‪말했잖아요‬ ‪변태라고 생각 안 한다고‬I told you, I don't really think you're a pervert.
‪아니, 변태는 맞나?‬Well, maybe you are a pervert.
‪뭐 인간은 어느 정도‬ ‪다 변태 아닐까요?‬Isn't everyone a little bit perverted in some ways?
‪알아요?‬Do you know…
‪지우 씨 멋있는 거?‬how awesome you are?
‪[엉뚱한 음악]‬ ‪제, 제가요?‬[scoffs] Me?
‪지우 씨, 혹시‬Jiwoo, would you--
‪제 주인님이 돼주시면 안 될까요?‬Do you think you could be my master?
‪그건…‬Um, well--
‪사귀고 싶거나 막 그런 게 아니라‬ ‪그냥 순수하게‬I'm not saying we should go out just purely.
‪주인님만요‬Be my master.
‪순수하게요?‬-M-- Master? -Yes!
‪네!‬ ‪지우 씨 같은 사람이 주인이라면‬-M-- Master? -Yes! It'd be nice to have someone like you
‪좋겠어요‬as my master.
‪그쵸?‬All right. [chuckles]
‪다시는 이런 일 없을 겁니다‬This will never happen again.
‪어, 대리 부르실 거 아니에요?‬But don't you need a designated driver?
‪(여직원) 대리님이 손만 대면‬ ‪고장이야‬[female] Every machine that you touch breaks.
‪(지후) 이게 고장이 아니라‬ ‪뭐가 좀 낀 것 같은데요?‬[Jihoo] It's not broken. I think it's a paper jam.
‪이 핑계로 지후 씨 보고‬ ‪잘됐지, 뭐‬It's a good thing for us though, since we got to see you.
‪(지후) 고장 안 나도‬ ‪자주 불러 주세요‬Call me over even if things aren't breaking.
‪밥 먹자고 연락 먼저 해도‬ ‪맨날 바쁜 척하면서?‬I always ask you to have lunch, but you say you're too busy.
‪말만 이러더라‬-You're all talk. -[scoffs]
‪(과장) 눈으로 장풍 쏘니?‬[female] Your eyes are screaming murder.
‪지우 씨‬Jiwoo,
‪남자는‬glaring at a guy…
‪[지후와 직원들 대화 소리]‬ ‪이러고 째려만 본다고‬ ‪꼬셔지는 게 아니야‬[grunts] …isn't going to help seduce him.
‪꼬시려는 거 아닌데요‬I'm not trying to seduce him.
‪(과장) 쟤네들 봐봐‬Look at them.
‪아주 정 대리만 보잖아, 하트 뿅뿅‬You can literally see hearts in their eyes for him.
‪자기도‬Have you considered being more flirtatious?
‪선을 좀 넘어봐‬Have you considered being more flirtatious?
‪(지후) 들어가 보겠습니다‬-[chuckles softly] -[Jihoo] I'm gonna get going.
‪(황 팀장) 정 대리‬[Hwang] Mr. Jung.
‪어, 좋아‬Nice.
‪(지후) 예, 감사합니다‬[Jihoo] Thank you.
‪[휴대폰 진동]‬[cell phone vibrates]
‪(지우) 정 대리님, 바쁘신가요?‬ ‪긴히 말씀드릴 게 있어요‬[Jiwoo] Mr. Jung, are you busy? I need to tell you something right now.
‪휴게실에서 기다릴게요‬I'll wait in the lounge.
‪[문이 열린다]‬[door opening]
‪꼭 여기서 말씀하셔야 할 일이…‬What is it that you need to tell me here?
‪쓰세요‬Wear this.
‪- 예?‬ ‪- 주인님까진 모르겠는데‬-What? -I don't know about being a master,
‪궁금한 게 있어서요‬-What? -I don't know about being a master, but I'm curious.
‪쓰세요‬Put this on.
‪와, 꿈인가?‬Am I dreaming?
‪아이, 근데 갑자기 이렇게‬ ‪훅 들어오고 그러시면…‬-But this is so sudden. I-- I-- -Forget it if you don't want to.
‪싫으면 말고요‬-But this is so sudden. I-- I-- -Forget it if you don't want to.
‪아니요, 싫다고 한 적 없는데‬Don't worry! I never said that.
‪쓰겠습니다‬I'll put it on.
‪저, 근데요, 지우 씨‬-Uh, but, Jiwoo-- -Shh! Just lie down here.
‪누우세요, 여기‬-Uh, but, Jiwoo-- -Shh! Just lie down here.
‪[긴장한 한숨]‬
‪그 지난번에‬I wanted to ask you something after hearing what you said.
‪정 대리님 말 듣고‬ ‪묻고 싶은 게 생겼어요‬I wanted to ask you something after hearing what you said.
‪뭐요?‬What's that?
‪(지우) 저 같은 사람이‬ ‪주인님이었으면 좋겠다고‬You said you wanted someone like me as a master.
‪제가 어떤 사람인데요?‬What did you mean, "Someone like me?"
‪지우 씨는 처음 보는 사람이에요‬I don't think I've ever met anyone like you.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪솔직히 저는요‬To be honest,
‪항상 남들 눈치 보면서 살거든요‬I had always worried about what others think.
‪미움 안 받고 실수 안 하려고‬ ‪막 어른인 척‬I act mature so no one hates me and I look perfect.
‪근데 지우 씨는‬ ‪남들이 어떻게 쳐다봐도‬But you don't care what others think, or that people treat you unfairly.
‪뭐 불공평하게 대해도‬But you don't care what others think, or that people treat you unfairly.
‪심지어 저같이 이상한 놈을 보고도‬Even when you saw a weirdo like myself,
‪정말로 어른스럽더라고요‬you were actually so mature.
‪척이 아니라 진짜‬It wasn't an act. You care.
‪안심이 되더라고요‬ ‪말마따나 친한 사이도 아닌데‬You made me relax. We're not close, as you say,
‪어리광 부리고 싶을 만큼‬but it's like I was a kid.
‪죄송해요‬ ‪자꾸 곤란한 소리만 해서‬I'm sorry, I keep saying things to make you uncomfortable.
‪[지후가 숨을 내쉰다]‬ ‪아니에요‬Not at all.
‪이젠 진짜‬ ‪선 넘는 일 없도록 할게요‬I promise that I'll make sure I don't cross the line anymore. I mean it.
‪더 이상‬I promise that I'll make sure I don't cross the line anymore. I mean it.
‪그 정 대리님이 원하시는 그런 거‬To be honest with you, I don't really know anything about the things you would want.
‪저 솔직히 잘 몰라요‬I don't really know anything about the things you would want.
‪근데 제가 뭐든지‬ ‪좀 빨리 배우긴 하거든요?‬But I'm-- Well, I'm a really quick learner.
‪뭐 생각만 한번 해볼 테니까‬I mean, I'll think it over.
‪대신 앞으로 저 피하지 말래요?‬So will you stop avoiding me now?
‪오, 그럼요‬Uh, of course.
‪그럼 천천히 30까지 세고 나서‬ ‪안대 벗고 사무실로 오세요‬Then slowly count to 30, remove it, and then go back to your desk.
‪(지후) 고마워요, 지우 씨‬-Thank you, Jiwoo. -[gasps]
‪제가 만난 모든 인간 통틀어서‬You're really the coolest human being
‪최고 멋있음‬I've ever met.
‪30 세고 벗으라니까요‬I said to count to 30.
‪아직 제 주인님 아니시잖아요‬You're not my master yet, though.
‪강아지마냥 누굴 그러고 기다려요?‬Who are you waiting for like a puppy?
‪지우 씨요‬You, ma'am.
‪설마 같이 쓰자는‬ ‪뭐 그런 클래식한 수작?‬Are you using some cheesy line about sharing an umbrella?
‪(지후) 수작이 아니라 설득이죠‬I'm just trying to persuade you.
‪항시 잘 모시겠다는 어떤‬It's my own way of showing that
‪어필?‬I'll serve you well.
‪전 지우 씨가‬ ‪왜 저를 그렇게 쳐다보는지 알아요‬And I know why you're looking at me so closely like that.
‪왜요?‬Oh yeah?
‪(지후) 지우 씨는‬You always
‪뭐든지 집중해서‬ ‪잘 보려는 거잖아요‬focus hard on everything so that you really see it.
‪그렇게‬Like that.
‪제가 주인님이 될게요‬I will be your master.
‪잘 따라와요‬ ‪[지후 감격한 숨소리]‬Follow me closely, so I don't get wet.
‪비에 젖지 않게‬so I don't get wet. [chuckles]
‪(지후) 내일 마음 바뀌시면‬ ‪안 돼요!‬You can't change your mind tomorrow.
‪(내레이터) 디엣‬[female narrator] DS. Shorthand for a dominant-submissive relationship.
‪'도미넌트 서브미시브‬ ‪릴레이션십'을 줄인 말‬ ‪[신비로운 음악]‬[female narrator] DS. Shorthand for a dominant-submissive relationship.
‪지배하고 복종하는‬ ‪두 사람의 관계를 뜻하죠‬It refers to a relationship between one who commands and one who obeys.
‪지배자인 돔, 피지배자인 섭이‬Dom, the dominant, and Sub, the submissive,
‪성별에 따라 멜돔, 펨돔‬ ‪멜섭, 펨섭으로 나뉘고요‬Dom, the dominant, and Sub, the submissive, can be further categorized as a Male-Dom, Female-Dom, Male-Sub, and Female-Sub.
‪(지우) 그러면‬as a Male-Dom, Female-Dom, Male-Sub, and Female-Sub. [Jiwoo] Then
‪정 대리님은‬Mr. Jung has to be
‪멜… 멜… 섭이?‬Mr. Jung has to be a Male-Sub?
‪[둔탁한 소리]‬ ‪[여자 흥분한 신음]‬[whipping, female moaning]
‪(지우) 미쳤나 봐‬[whipping, female moaning] This is a lot.
‪[때리는 소리와 여자 신음]‬[moaning continues] [Jihoo thinking] Congrats to me!
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪(지후) 축, 공지!‬[Jihoo thinking] Congrats to me!
‪제 인생에 처음으로‬ ‪주인님이 생겼습니다‬I finally got my first ever master!
‪소리 질러!‬I finally got my first ever master! Make some noise!
‪(영상 속 내레이터) 디엣과 SM이‬ ‪뭐가 다르냐‬[female narrator] What is the difference between DS and SM?
‪디엣은 관계 설정에서 오는‬[female narrator] What is the difference between DS and SM? DS is more of a psychological game based on the relationship dynamics.
‪정신적 유희에 가깝고‬DS is more of a psychological game based on the relationship dynamics.
‪SM은‬SM is
‪신체적, 감각적‬ ‪유희라고 볼 수 있죠‬more of a physical and sensual play.
‪물론 아주 떨어져 있는 개념은‬ ‪아니고‬Of course, they're not completely unrelated.
‪디엣 관계 안에서‬ ‪SM 플레이를 즐길 수도 있습니다‬Some couples in a DS relationship may enjoy SM play.
‪[지우가 나지막하게 수긍한다]‬ ‪둘 다 일반적으로 연애하고는‬ ‪별개인 경우가 많은 편인데요‬But most of the time, they're both separate from romantic relationships.
‪디엣이나 SM은‬ ‪그 수직적인 관계지만‬Since DS and SM relationships are based on a clear hierarchy,
‪연인 관계는 대등해야 하니까요‬whereas in romance, we aim for equality.
‪물론 불가능하다는 건 아닙니다‬whereas in romance, we aim for equality. But of course, this doesn't mean it's impossible.
‪다만 연애와 디엣을‬ ‪같이 하는 연디는 조금‬But of course, this doesn't mean it's impossible. But I think it's hard to juggle both a romantic relationship
‪쓰읍, 험난하다는 게 저의 생각‬But I think it's hard to juggle both a romantic relationship with a DS relationship.
‪[나른한 음악]‬[gentle music playing]
‪(지우) 기분 좋아요, 지후 씨‬[Jiwoo] That feels good, Jihoo.
‪전 여친한테 해줬을 때는‬ ‪안 좋아했어요?‬Did your ex-girlfriend not like it when you did this to her?
‪(지후) 제 성향을 몰랐을 땐‬[Jihoo] She did when she didn't know I was into BDSM.
‪좋아했는데‬[Jihoo] She did when she didn't know I was into BDSM.
‪알고 나선 경멸했어요‬She hated it once she knew.
‪[휙 효과음]‬ ‪[지후 신음과 떨리는 숨소리]‬[gasps]
‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬ ‪경멸당하는 게 좋다며?‬You say you like being hated because
‪변태니까‬you're a pervert.
‪[휴대폰 알람음]‬-[alarm rings] -[gasps]
‪[휴대폰 알람음]‬[sighs] [scoffs]
‪주인님, 첫 호출인데‬ ‪늦어서 죄송합니다‬Master, I'm sorry I'm late on your first command.
‪주인님의 섭으로서‬ ‪다시는 이런 안일한…‬Master, I'm sorry I'm late on your first command. As your sub, this will never happen.
‪규칙을 정해야겠어요‬We need to set some rules.
‪(내레이터) 둘 사이에만‬ ‪통용되는 규칙을 정하라‬[narrator] Establish rules that apply only to the two of you.
‪일단 주인님이라고 부르지 마세요‬First, don't call me master. I want you to call me "Jiwoo."
‪호칭은 그냥 지우 씨‬I want you to call me "Jiwoo."
‪지우 님은 어떨까요?‬-What about "Lady Jiwoo"? -Call me "Jiwoo."
‪지우 씨로 부르세요‬-What about "Lady Jiwoo"? -Call me "Jiwoo."
‪어길 때마다 벌을 줍니다‬I'll punish disobedience.
‪벌이요?‬You'll punish me?
‪왜 이렇게 표정이 설레요?‬Why do you look so excited?
‪아, 설레다뇨? 어휴!‬Excited? No, no, no!
‪전혀, 전혀‬Excited? No, no, no! Definitely not.
‪(내레이터) 벌도 칭찬도‬ ‪꼬박꼬박 줄 것‬[narrator] Punish and compliment him regularly.
‪주인이 사 준 선물을‬ ‪가지고 있는 걸로도‬I've read the Sub can feel dominated by simply carrying a gift they got from their masters.
‪섭이 구속감을‬ ‪느낄 수 있다고 하더라고요‬simply carrying a gift they got from their masters.
‪지우 씨‬Jiwoo,
‪공부해 주셨구나‬you really studied up on it.
‪(내레이터) 명령에는‬ ‪조건을 붙이는 게 좋다‬[narrator] It's good to put conditions on your orders.
‪그 안경이 신호예요‬Those glasses are a sign.
‪회사에서 제 명령이 필요한 순간엔‬If you ever need my order in the office,
‪안경을 쓰세요‬just put them on.
‪그럼 인감으로 하실래요?‬ ‪사인으로 하실래요?‬[chuckles] So then, do you want to stamp it or sign it?
‪- 예?‬ ‪- 계약해야죠?‬-What? -Our contract.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪(내레이터) 정지우, 이하 '돔'은‬[narrator] Jung Jiwoo, hereinafter "the Dom,"
‪정지후, 이하 '섭'이‬[narrator] Jung Jiwoo, hereinafter "the Dom," must maintain an image of perfection,
‪존경할 수 있는‬ ‪이상적인 모습을 갖춰야 한다‬that Jung Jihoo, hereinafter "the Sub", can respect.
‪팀장님은 어제 제육을 드셨고‬ ‪과장님은 매운 게 땡기시는 거니까‬Mr. Hwang had spicy pork yesterday, and you're craving something spicy.
‪그럼 엽떡 1단계 두 개‬ ‪2단계 두 개에‬Then we'll get two level-one, and two level-two
‪주먹김밥 추가하는 걸로 할게요‬rice cakes and rice balls.
‪쿨피스 추가하겠습니다‬And we'll add one Calpico.
‪[박수 소리]‬And we'll add one Calpico. [clapping]
‪(내레이터) 동시에 섭은 돔에게‬[narrator] The Sub must try to serve the Dom to the best of his abilities.
‪최선의 봉사를 할 수 있도록‬ ‪노력해야 한다‬to the best of his abilities.
‪(내레이터) 계약 기간은‬ ‪계약 체결일로부터 3개월로 하고‬The contract is effective for three months from the date of signing.
‪합의 없이 일방적으로‬ ‪계약을 해지할 수 없으며‬ ‪[침 삼키는 소리]‬Neither party may terminate the contract without the other's consent.
‪플레이는 일주일에‬ ‪최소 한 번 하기로 한다‬Neither party may terminate the contract without the other's consent. The Dom and Sub will play at least once a week.
‪[지후가 놀라는 소리를 낸다]‬ ‪돔과 섭은 플레이 도중‬ ‪긴급하거나 위험한 상황에‬-[elevator rumbles] -[gasps] The Dom and Sub shall establish a safe word to use during dangerous or urgent situations during play.
‪사용할 수 있는 안전어를 정한다‬during dangerous or urgent situations during play. UNDER MAINTENANCE
‪안전어를 사용한 경우‬ ‪플레이는 그 즉시 멈춰야 한다‬Once the safe word is said, play must terminate immediately. Safe words are usually random words that you wouldn't use all the time.
‪(지후) 보통 안전어는‬ ‪평소에 안 쓸 뜬금없는 말이나‬Safe words are usually random words that you wouldn't use all the time.
‪발음하기 쉬운 단어로‬ ‪많이 한다고 해요‬And something that's easy to pronounce.
‪예를 들어서 혹성 탈출이나, 음‬For example, The Sensual M, or something like soondae soup.
‪순대국밥, 뭐 이런 거‬For example, The Sensual M, or something like soondae soup.
‪써보고 싶었던 단어 있어요?‬Is there a word you've wanted to use?
‪서로 특별하거나‬ ‪의미 있는 단어면 좋겠는데‬I'd like a word that's meaningful to both of us.
‪의미 있는 단어?‬Something meaningful?
‪(둥둥이) 나?‬[groans]
‪(내레이터) 섹스는‬ ‪돔과 섭의 합의하에 가능하다‬Sex is permitted upon consent of both the Dom and Sub.
‪아, 그게‬Uh, well, I just found a generic contract online.
‪그 돌아다니는 표준 계약서랄까?‬well, I just found a generic contract online.
‪- 뭐 거의 그대로 뽑은 건데‬ ‪- (지후) 예‬I didn't really change much, you know? Okay, I understand what you're worried about.
‪걱정하시는 부분은 이해합니다‬Okay, I understand what you're worried about.
‪노터치!‬No touching.
‪전 지우 씨한테 음흉한 마음‬ ‪1도 없습니다‬I don't have any hidden agendas for you.
‪[밝고 묘한 음악]‬[suspenseful music playing]
‪이게 사실 이름만 호텔이지‬ ‪모텔만도 못한 데도 많고, 아‬Some places are called hotels but are worse than motels. Not that I'm an expert in motels or anything.
‪제가 뭐 모텔 박사는 아닙니다‬Not that I'm an expert in motels or anything.
‪제일 깨끗한 데가 어딜까?‬I wonder where the cleanest would be.
‪- 제일 좋은 곳으로다가…‬ ‪- 어플에 다 나와있네요‬-I think there's a nice one over-- -It's here on the app.
‪우회전이요‬Make a right.
‪여태 한 번도 안 쓴 거예요?‬You mean, you haven't used it yet?
‪그래도 개 목걸이가 주는‬Collars just have a certain kind of aesthetic, so,
‪순수 예술적인‬ ‪미학 같은 게 있기 때문에‬Collars just have a certain kind of aesthetic, so,
‪그냥 놓고 보기만 해도‬ ‪충분히 만족스러운 어떤…‬I'm always able to feel satisfaction just by looking at--
‪물건은 쓰라고 있는 건데‬I'm always able to feel satisfaction just by looking at-- Things are meant to be worn.
‪(내레이터) 플레이 상황을‬ ‪주도하는 돔은‬[narrator] During play, it is important for the Dom to not get flustered.
‪절대 당황하지 않는 게 중요합니다‬[narrator] During play, it is important for the Dom to not get flustered.
‪돔은 섭에게‬ ‪항상 멋있어 보여야 하니까요‬Because the Dom must always look perfect to the Sub.
‪(내레이터) 도그 플레이‬[narrator] Dog play. An introduction level, soft but standard play, in the SM world.
‪SM계에서는 입문 코스인‬An introduction level, soft but standard play, in the SM world.
‪소프트하고 정석적인 플레이‬An introduction level, soft but standard play, in the SM world.
‪진짜 개를 다루듯이 하면 돼요‬Treat him like you would a real dog.
‪머리‬And head.
‪계속 말 잘 들으면 상을 줄게요‬I'll give you a reward if you're good and you obey me.
‪[지후 벅찬 숨소리]‬[Jihoo exhales]
‪네‬Yes. Anything you say.
‪- 지우 씨 말이라면…‬ ‪- 어?‬Yes. Anything you say. Oh?
‪개가 사람 말을 하네?‬A dog speaking like a human?
‪[귀엽게 왈왈 짖는다]‬[barking]
‪[야릇한 음악]‬[munching]
‪[옆방 남녀 흥분한 신음]‬[moaning in the distance]
‪[놀라는 숨소리]‬
‪[계속 들리는 남녀 신음]‬[male] Oh! Ah!
‪[지우 당황한 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪[때리는 소리와 남녀 신음]‬-[male grunts] -[whipping]
‪[사납게 왈왈 짖는다]‬[barking]
‪아니야, 안 돼, 안 돼!‬No, no! Stop that!
‪어? 어, 안 돼!‬-No, no! -[barks, growls]
‪[사납게 짖으며 으르렁댄다]‬ ‪아니야, 안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼!‬-No, no! -[barks, growls] No, no. Stop that! Stop!
‪[으르릉댄다]‬ ‪아!‬[growls]
‪[사납게 짖는다]‬ ‪앉아! 앉아!‬And sit! Sit! [moaning continues]
‪[남녀 신음]‬[moaning continues]
‪엎드려!‬Now down!
‪- 빵!‬ ‪- (지후) 으악!‬Floor!
‪(지우) 옳지! 아유, 착하다‬That's it. Yes. Good boy. [breathes heavily] Here.
‪자‬[breathes heavily] Here.
‪어우, 어!‬Oh! Whoa!
‪[남녀 신음과 가쁜 숨소리]‬[moaning continues intensely]
‪[사납게 짖는다]‬ ‪안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼!‬ ‪안 돼, 안 돼!‬[barking] No! Stop! No, stop it! Stop it!
‪[지후 짧은 비명]‬Ow! Ow! [choking, barking]
‪(옆방 남자) 야!‬ ‪[지후가 짖는다]‬[choking, barking]
‪개 짖는 소리 좀 안 나게 해라!‬[male] Stop your dog from barking! [barking continues]
‪[지후가 사납게 짖고 포효한다]‬[barking continues]
‪(옆방 남자) 저 개새끼가‬ ‪어디 대고 꼬박꼬박 말대꾸야!‬[male] How dare a dog talk back to a human?
‪[똑똑똑]‬[knocking on door]
‪(모텔 여직원) 고객님, 잠시‬ ‪신고 확인 좀 부탁드리겠습니다‬[female] Excuse me? Hello? We received a noise complaint.
‪어, 그럼‬Okay, then.
‪고생하셨습니다‬Thank you for your work.
‪아, 예, 저기‬Y-- yes. So-- [clears throat]
‪고생하셨습니다‬Thank you very much.
‪'고생하셨습니다'‬"Thank you for your work"?
‪어휴, 나 뭐래는 거니‬[sighs] Did I just say that?
‪[지후 한숨]‬
‪(황 팀장) 아이, 그니까‬ ‪'편집실에서 실수로 넣었다'‬Just say the editing department put it in by mistake.
‪그럼 됐지 왜 자꾸 들춰내냐고‬Just say the editing department put it in by mistake. Why must we dig into it?
‪팀장님‬Mr. Hwang,
‪이렇게 책임 회피하시면 나중에‬ ‪더 큰 문제 생길 수도 있습니다‬ ‪[황 팀장 한숨]‬if we avoid taking responsibility it might cause bigger problems later. It's a children's show with barely average ratings.
‪아니, 막말로 시청률 1%도‬ ‪안 나오는 애들 프로잖아‬It's a children's show with barely average ratings.
‪왜 이렇게까지 해?‬Why are you so insistent?
‪아니, 애들 프로니까‬Shouldn't we be more careful because it's a children's show?
‪윤리적으로‬ ‪더 엄격해야 되는 거 아닙니까?‬Shouldn't we be more careful because it's a children's show?
‪지우 씨‬Jiwoo, do you have the documents from that copyright complaint?
‪지난번 저작권 시비 때‬ ‪보도 자료 있죠?‬Jiwoo, do you have the documents from that copyright complaint?
‪- 그거 좀 챙겨 주시고요‬ ‪- 네‬-Please gather them. -Yes.
‪이한 씨는 3시에‬ ‪회의실 좀 잡아줘요‬Han, book the conference room for three o'clock.
‪- 네‬ ‪- 이거 정리하고 갑니다, 팀장님‬-Okay. -We need to resolve this now, Mr. Hwang.
‪협박받는 기분은 뭐지?‬Why do I feel like I was threatened?
‪[강아지 짖는 소리가 계속 들린다]‬[muffled barking] [sighs]
‪정지후 제법인데?‬Jihoo's impressive.
‪황 팀장 암말 못 하는 거 봐‬ ‪아주 통쾌하다‬Mr. Hwang isn't saying a peep. That felt cathartic.
‪그러게요, 제가 지랄할 때는‬ ‪그냥 지랄이었는데‬Right? When I complained to him, he just ignored me.
‪더 잘해야겠네‬I should be better.
‪지우 씨, 잘하긴 뭘 더 잘해?‬The better you do here, the more he'll try to humiliate you just because you're a woman.
‪잘할수록 꼽 준다, 여자한텐?‬the more he'll try to humiliate you just because you're a woman.
‪(황 팀장) 정지우 씨‬[Hwang] Jiwoo, when can I expect the budget for the festival?
‪축제 예산서 언제 줄 거야?‬[Hwang] Jiwoo, when can I expect the budget for the festival?
‪오전에 올려놨습니다‬I put it there earlier.
‪이럼 말을 해야 내가 알지 않을까?‬Didn't you think to tell me so that I'd know?
‪이것들이 아주 팀장을 똥으로 알아‬These brats have no respect for their boss. Ugh! My life sucks.
‪(황 팀장) 아휴, 내 팔자야‬Ugh! My life sucks.
‪저, 지우 씨, 퇴근 안 하세요?‬Jiwoo, aren't you going home?
‪정 대리님‬Mr. Jung,
‪어제 아팠죠?‬were you hurt yesterday?
‪제가 더 준비해 갈걸‬I should've been more prepared. I'm sorry.
‪미안해요‬I should've been more prepared. I'm sorry.
‪저, 미안하시면‬If you feel bad about it,
‪다음 약속은 제가 잡게 해주세요‬then please let me plan the next one for us.
‪좋은 시간 보내세요‬I hope you enjoy it.
‪♪ 생일 축하합… ♪‬♪ Happy Birthday to-- ♪
‪노래부터 부르고 꺼야 되는데‬You were supposed to wait for the song.
‪저 오늘 생일 아닌데요‬You were supposed to wait for the song. Today is not my birthday.
‪알아요, 내일이잖아요‬I know, it's tomorrow. I saw it on KakaoTalk.
‪카톡에 딱 뜨던데‬I know, it's tomorrow. I saw it on KakaoTalk.
‪근데 회사에서 또 축하받으실 거고‬We'll probably celebrate at the office,
‪제가 1등으로다가‬ ‪모시고 싶었습니다‬but I wanted to be the first one to say it to you.
‪[지후가 작게 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪생일 축하드려요‬Happy birthday.
‪(지후) 이쪽은 제가…‬Let me do this one.
‪[지후 감탄하는 숨소리]‬[chuckles]
‪(지후) 진짜 너무‬They are so--
‪너무 예뻐요, 지우 씨‬They look so pretty.
‪(지우) 고맙긴 한데‬[Jiwoo] Thank you, but I feel bad.
‪아직 이 정도 값은‬ ‪못 한 거 같아서‬[Jiwoo] Thank you, but I feel bad. I don't think I've done nearly enough to deserve this yet.
‪마음이 불편하네요‬I don't think I've done nearly enough to deserve this yet.
‪- 첫 플레이도 망했고‬ ‪- (지후) 값이라뇨‬I messed up last time. What do you mean? You're just like the sun to me, Jiwoo.
‪지우 씨는 저한테‬ ‪태양 같은 존재예요‬What do you mean? You're just like the sun to me, Jiwoo.
‪어, 그냥 이 세상에 태어난 것‬ ‪자체만으로도 감사하다고요, 전‬I'm just very grateful that you were even born in my lifetime.
‪잘 신을게요‬Well then, thank you.
‪그럼‬[chuckles] So, should I step on you?
‪밟아드릴까요?‬So, should I step on you?
‪제가 꼭 그걸‬It wasn't as if
‪기대한 건 아니지만 그…‬I was expecting that, but--
‪[지후 떨리는 숨소리]‬[inhales]
‪기대하신 건 아니지만‬ ‪준비된 자세네요‬You weren't expecting it, but you looked quite prepared for it.
‪아니요, 이게 그‬No, I-- I, uh--
‪꿈에서 늘 습관이 돼놔서‬ ‪반사적으로다가…‬ ‪[멋쩍게 웃는다]‬I've always dreamed about it, so I instinctively--
‪꿈에서요?‬Dreamed about it?
‪아, 그게 막 불쾌하실 만한‬ ‪꿈은 아니고요‬I mean, it's nothing to get all weirded out by really. Uh--
‪아, 조금은 그런 꿈이긴 한데‬I mean, it's nothing to get all weirded out by really. Uh-- Well, it's-- it's a bit like that, but what I mean is--
‪- (지후) 그러니까 그…‬ ‪- 쉿‬Well, it's-- it's a bit like that, but what I mean is-- Shh!
‪남들은 모르는 곳이어야겠죠?‬It should be somewhere no one else can see.
‪[묘한 음악]‬
‪[지후 힘겨운 신음]‬[Jihoo groans softly]
‪[지후 옅은 신음]‬
‪많이 아파요?‬Does it hurt much?
‪죽을 것 같아요‬It's killing me.
‪[지후 옅은 신음]‬[breathes heavily]
‪[지후 긴장한 숨소리]‬[breathes heavily]
‪[지후 떨리는 숨소리]‬[Jihoo grunts]
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬[grunts]
‪그만할까요?‬Want me to stop?
‪지우 씨라서‬I'm so happy…
‪기뻐요‬…it's you.
‪[옅은 신음]‬[grunts]
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(지후) 평상시엔 경쟁심이 많아서‬ ‪이기는 걸 좋아해요‬[Jihoo] I'm usually competitive, so I like to win.
‪사소한 거 하나라도‬ ‪만만해 보이거나‬Even with the little things, I hate looking easy or losing to guys who act tough.
‪특히 센 척하는 남자들한테‬ ‪지는 게 싫거든요‬I hate looking easy or losing to guys who act tough.
‪아마 들키기 싫었던 거 같아요‬I think I didn't want others to find out that I was weak.
‪제가 약하다는 걸‬I think I didn't want others to find out that I was weak.
‪사실 속은 이렇게 엉망진창인데‬When I'm a total mess on the inside.
‪그래서 그 모든 게 무너지는 게‬That's why I like the feeling of everything crumbling down.
‪너무 좋아요‬That's why I like the feeling of everything crumbling down.
‪곤두박질쳐서 짓밟히고‬I like failing and being stomped on.
‪망가뜨려지는 게 좋아요‬I like being broken.
‪지우 씨한테만요‬Only by you.
‪- 꼬셔‬ ‪- 어!‬-Seduce him. -[gasps]
‪[지우가 숨을 내쉰다]‬-[sighs] -[chuckles]
‪판이 싹 깔렸네‬So it's a done deal.
‪생일 선물도 받았으면 빼박이지‬He even gave you a birthday present. It's obvious.
‪뭔진 모르지만 비밀도 텄겠다‬He shared a secret with you, whatever it is.
‪둘이 같이 프로젝트도 한다며?‬And you're working on a project together.
‪뒤풀이하자 그래, 아유‬Ask him to dinner. No, drinks.
‪- (혜미) 2차 가자고 그래‬ ‪- 아, 그거는 그‬Ask him to dinner. No, drinks. That, uh, may be construed as an abuse of power.
‪권력 남용이 될 소지가 있다고요‬That, uh, may be construed as an abuse of power.
‪그쪽은 대리라며‬He's an assistant manager, you're a subordinate,
‪아, 직급은 네가 더 낮으면서‬ ‪뭔 걱정?‬He's an assistant manager, you're a subordinate, what are you worried about?
‪암튼 공사 구분은‬regardless, I think we should keep our private lives separate from work.
‪- 해야 되나 싶기도 하고‬ ‪- (혜미) 얼씨구‬regardless, I think we should keep our private lives separate from work.
‪[월월]‬regardless, I think we should keep our private lives separate from work.
‪[월월]‬ ‪(혜미) 아우, 삐삐‬ ‪요 질투쟁이, 그만!‬-[Pippi barking] -Don't be jealous, Pippi. Stop.
‪[월월]‬ ‪그만, 쉿‬-Stop it. Hush! -[barks, whimpers]
‪[삐삐가 낑낑댄다]‬-Stop it. Hush! -[barks, whimpers] He's so loud.
‪아유, 시끄러워‬He's so loud.
‪하여튼 고지식해요‬You're really old-fashioned.
‪아휴, 알아서 해요‬Well, do as you wish. Are you going on a date?
‪- 또 데이트 가요?‬ ‪- 네, 뭐 비슷해요‬Are you going on a date? Yes, something like that.
‪공사 구분하면서 사내 연애?‬A professional office romance?
‪쉽지 않을걸요‬Won't be that easy.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪그리고 이거 주간 회의 자료‬ ‪폰트 좀 크게 하자‬Make the font bigger when you make handouts for weekly meetings.
‪이거 뭐야, 이거, 응?‬What's this? Do you not want me to see it or what?
‪나만 못 보게 하려는 거야?‬Do you not want me to see it or what?
‪농담이야, 농담‬Just kidding. Come on.
‪아유, 진짜‬-[all chuckle] -No, seriously. [scoffs]
‪아, 이한이‬Ah, so Han, everyone's in a good mood. Why not introduce yourself?
‪분위기 좋으니까‬ ‪자기소개 한번 하자‬Ah, so Han, everyone's in a good mood. Why not introduce yourself?
‪아, 네‬Yes, sir.
‪안녕하세요‬Uh, hello.
‪신입 사원으로 승진한, 어‬I'm Lee Han, I just got promoted to a full-time employee here.
‪아시다시피 이한입니다‬I'm Lee Han, I just got promoted to a full-time employee here.
‪이 한 몸 바치겠습니다!‬I promise to give it my all!
‪박수‬-Applause. -[all clapping]
‪나이스‬-Applause. -[all clapping] Nice.
‪(과장) 근데 업무에 인볼브하려면‬I think Han might need a mentor, you know, to teach him the ropes around here.
‪사수가 있어야 될 거 같긴 한데‬I think Han might need a mentor, you know, to teach him the ropes around here.
‪지우 씨가 하자고‬[inhales] Jiwoo can do it.
‪지우 씨‬Jiwoo.
‪아, 근데 지우 씨는‬ ‪이번 달 일이 많아서요‬But she has a heavy workload this month.
‪어, 소연 씨 어때요?‬What about Soyeon?
‪아, 지우 씨가‬ ‪일 하나는 칼같이 해, 음?‬Ah! Jiwoo always does a great job.
‪한이, 지우 씨한테 일 배우면‬ ‪어디서든 살아남을 수 있어‬Han, you can survive anywhere if you learn from her.
‪- 네‬ ‪- (황 팀장) 응‬-[chuckles] Yes, sir. -[Hwang] Uh-huh.
‪(지우) 그 토이 굿즈 리스트‬ ‪확인하고‬[Jiwoo] First, check the list of Toi merchandise.
‪그리고 인쇄소 발주 넣은 그 시안‬[Jiwoo] First, check the list of Toi merchandise. After that, forward the proposal
‪기획팀에 공유 메일 한 번 보내고‬that we sent to the printers, to the planning team.
‪굿즈 판매 업체 리스트 업데이트…‬And then, update the distributors list.
‪다리 좀‬Your legs.
‪업데이트 잘하고‬Update the list.
‪[긴장감 있고 오묘한 음악]‬[upbeat music playing]
‪[지후 힘겨운 신음]‬[gasps]
‪(한) 선배님‬[Han] Jiwoo.
‪[헛기침]‬[Han clears throat]
‪저, 죄송하지만‬ ‪엑셀 함수가 안 먹는데요‬Sorry, but the formula, it's not working in Excel.
‪(지우) 딱 한 번만 해보고‬ ‪안 된다고 하는 건 아니겠죠?‬[Jiwoo] I hope you're not just saying that after trying it only once.
‪[지후 거친 숨소리]‬[breathes sharply] [sighs]
‪[지후 떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪(한) 선배님‬-[breathes nervously] -[Han] Jiwoo.
‪어제 말씀하신‬ ‪세 번째 지시 사항이 뭐였죠?‬What was the third thing you told me to do yesterday?
‪그 앞으로 기억을 못 하겠으면‬ ‪녹음을 하세요‬What was the third thing you told me to do yesterday? You should record it from now on if you can't remember.
‪(한) 아‬You should record it from now on if you can't remember.
‪[고조되는 음악]‬[upbeat music continue playing]
‪[지훈이 가쁘게 숨을 쉰다]‬
‪보고 올릴 걸‬ ‪단체 메일로 보내면 어떡해?‬How could you send the report in a group email?
‪이한 씨 회의록을‬ ‪뭐 사장님까지 읽어야겠어요?‬Do you think the CEO needs to read your minutes from the meeting?
‪- 잘 봐요, 이 파일 보이죠?‬ ‪- (한) 네‬-Look. You see this file? -Yes.
‪(지우) 여기로‬ ‪들어가야 되는 거예요‬[Jiwoo] You have to stick it in here.
‪[볼펜 딸각대는 소리]‬ ‪(과장) 그럼 예고 더빙 수정 사항‬ ‪다 체크된 것 같은데요‬[Jiwoo] You have to stick it in here. [female] We checked the revisions for the dubbing and now it's all ready.
‪[다리 떠는 소리]‬ ‪바로 전달하고 녹음실도‬ ‪제가 직접 가는 걸로 할게요‬I'll send the production sheet and message the recording studio.
‪[볼펜 소리와 다리 떠는 소리]‬ ‪(황 팀장) 그래, 이거 두 번 세 번‬ ‪고칠 필요 없이 좀 제대로‬I'll send the production sheet and message the recording studio. [Hwang] Okay, let's not try to fix it again and again.
‪이제 고칠 시간도 없어‬We don't have enough time for that.
‪(과장) 네‬ ‪제가 완벽하게 마무리할게요‬[female] Okay, I'll be sure to send a follow-up. [pen clicking]
‪[볼펜 소리와 다리 떠는 소리]‬[pen clicking] Please stop that.
‪그만 좀요‬Please stop that.
‪(지후) 어‬Hi.
‪힘들죠?‬It's tough, right?
‪궁금한 거 있으면‬ ‪언제든지 물어봐요‬You can ask me if you have any questions.
‪아, 저 아주 괜찮습니다‬Oh! No, I'm okay. Really.
‪다들 지우 선배 무섭지 않냐고‬ ‪걱정해 주시는데‬Everyone is worried about me and says Jiwoo is scary.
‪저는 그런 면이 너무 좋아요‬But that's good. I love that.
‪어떤 면이요?‬You love what?
‪괜히 돌려서 얘기 안 하고‬ ‪딱 짚어서 알려주시거든요‬You love what? She tells it how it is. Nothing with her is sugarcoated.
‪무섭게 얘기하실 때는‬When she sounds scary,
‪묘하게‬it's kind of,
‪- 섹시하달까?‬ ‪- 뭐라고?‬sexy in a way. What did you say?
‪[목을 가다듬는다]‬-[clears throat, chuckles] Well, I see. -[cell phone vibrating]
‪[휴대폰 진동]‬ ‪아하, 그렇구나‬-[clears throat, chuckles] Well, I see. -[cell phone vibrating]
‪[휴대폰 진동]‬ ‪- 잠시만요‬ ‪- (지후) 음‬-Excuse me. -Sure.
‪아, 네, 바로 나가겠습니다‬Okay, I'll be there in a minute.
‪저 지우 선배랑 외근 나가야 해서‬Speaking of, I have to go to a meeting with Jiwoo. I'll let you go.
‪- (한) 볼일 보세요‬ ‪- (지후) 음‬Speaking of, I have to go to a meeting with Jiwoo. I'll let you go.
‪(지후) 조심히 다녀와요‬-Get back safe. -Okay.
‪- (한) 네‬ ‪- (지후) 네‬-Get back safe. -Okay. [chuckles]
‪(지후) 정지우 씨‬ ‪바로 퇴근하지 말고‬[Jihoo] Jiwoo, stop by the office before you go home.
‪사무실로 들어오세요‬[Jihoo] Jiwoo, stop by the office before you go home.
‪정 대리님‬Mr. Jung?
‪잘못 보냈어요‬I sent it by mistake.
‪뭘요?‬What was?
‪[작은 목소리로] 단, 체, 메, 일‬[whispers] The. Group. E. Mail.
‪다시 보내시면 되죠‬You can just resend it then.
‪그게 다예요?‬Is that really all?
‪대리님은‬ ‪제 부하 직원이 아니니까요‬You're not my subordinate, are you?
‪그치만 전 지우 씨 건데요?‬But I belong to you, not him!
‪대리님‬Mr. Jung, are you nervous right now?
‪뭐가 불안하세요?‬Mr. Jung, are you nervous right now?
‪아니, 지우 씨가 너무 잘하잖아요‬I mean, you're clearly good at it.
‪이한 씨한테 막 주인님처럼‬But you act like Hans' master.
‪안 되겠네, 정 대리님‬Well, this just won't do.
‪(내레이터) 예기치 않은‬ ‪돌발 상황에서‬[narrator] Initiating and executing a perfect play in an unexpected situation without the help of toys,
‪도구 없이도 완벽하게‬ ‪플레이를 진행하는 게‬in an unexpected situation without the help of toys,
‪진정한 돔의 책임이고 자질이죠‬is the true duty and qualification of a Dom.
‪(지우) 앉아요, 거기‬[Jiwoo] Sit there.
‪벨트 풀어요‬Undo your belt.
‪지금이라도 관두고 싶으면‬ ‪안경을 벗어요‬You can always take off your glasses to stop this.
‪[지후 놀라는 숨소리]‬
‪[벨트를 팽팽하게 당긴다]‬[belt cracks]
‪벗어요‬Take it off.
‪[옷이 바닥에 떨어진다]‬ ‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[jacket thuds on the floor]
‪생각보다 묵직하네요?‬It's thicker than I expected.
‪정지후 대리‬Mr. Jung,
‪이렇게 공사 구분이‬ ‪안 돼서야 되겠어요?‬you need to separate your private life from work.
‪[지후 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[옅은 신음]‬-[whips] -[gasps]
‪[옅은 신음]‬-[breathes nervously] -[whips]
‪[철썩]‬-[whips] -[gasps]
‪마음대로 상상하고 질투하고‬You imagine these scenarios and get jealous.
‪그렇게 주인에 대한‬ ‪믿음이 없어요?‬How come you have no faith in your master?
‪[테이프 떼는 소리]‬
‪[지후가 숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪[지후가 숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪진짜 때려주세요‬Please, just hit me for real.
‪잘못했으니까‬ ‪진짜 때려주셔도 돼요‬What I did was wrong, so you can hit me for real.
‪쪽팔린데요‬It's humiliating,
‪아프고 싶어요‬but still punish me.
‪때리는 게 힘드시면‬ ‪뭐 발로 까이거나 욕이라도‬If you can't hit me, you should step on me or curse at me.
‪욕이라도 먹고 싶어요‬ ‪지우 씨한테‬I want you to at least curse at me.
‪개새끼‬You little bitch.
‪뭐?‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[지후 긴장한 숨소리]‬What?
‪뭘 꼴아봐, 이 변태 새끼야‬What are you staring at, asshole?
‪어디서 눈을 똥그랗게 뜨고‬How dare you look at me like that?
‪눈 깔어‬Look down.
‪커피머신 하나 제대로 못 고치고‬You can't even fix a stupid coffee maker?
‪네가 똑바로 할 줄 아는 게‬ ‪뭐가 있어!‬You can't even fix a stupid coffee maker? Is there anything you can do right? Is it because of your male ego?
‪- 너 남자라고 유세 떠냐?‬ ‪- (지후) 죄송합니다‬Is there anything you can do right? Is it because of your male ego? I'm sorry, Jiwoo. I'm very sorry.
‪지우 씨, 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry, Jiwoo. I'm very sorry.
‪- 안 되겠어, 따라 나와‬ ‪- 어?‬-No way. Come with me. -Wha-- Wait!
‪(지우) 네가 할 줄 아는 게‬ ‪뭐가 있어?‬Can you do anything right?
‪예산안을 올리면‬ ‪뭐 제때 보기만 하는 것도 어려워?‬Is it too hard to review the budget after I submit it? Is it?
‪그렇게 업무 효율성을‬ ‪떨어뜨릴 거면‬Is it too hard to review the budget after I submit it? Is it? If you're going to kill our efficiency like that,
‪최소한 싹싹하게‬ ‪아, 웃으면서 말하라고‬If you're going to kill our efficiency like that, at least be polite and smile, you ugly, stupid, little cockroach.
‪이 생기다 만 버러지 같은 새끼야!‬at least be polite and smile, you ugly, stupid, little cockroach.
‪예, 저 버러지만도 못하죠‬Yes, I'm not even worthy of a cockroach.
‪(지우) 망할 놈의 복사기‬Yes, I'm not even worthy of a cockroach. [Jiwoo] Why does this damn copier keep breaking?
‪아, 왜 이렇게‬ ‪자꾸 고장 나는 건데!‬[Jiwoo] Why does this damn copier keep breaking?
‪야, 이 씨발놈아, 다시 해 와!‬You fucking asshole! Redo it!
‪[고조되는 음악]‬[upbeat music playing]
‪(지우) 이딴 걸 하나하나‬ ‪언제 다 적고 앉았어!‬Do you really think there's time to write everything down?
‪좀 외우란 말이야!‬Just memorize it!
‪답답해 죽겠다, 이 멍청한 새끼야!‬You're so frustrating, you stupid dumbass! Yes, I'm a stupid dumbass!
‪예, 전 멍청한 새끼입니다!‬Yes, I'm a stupid dumbass! And what is wrong with your finger?
‪그리고 손가락이 뭐 어떻게 됐길래‬And what is wrong with your finger?
‪왜 자꾸 단체 메일로 보내냐고!‬Why the hell do you have to keep sending group emails?
‪죄송합니다‬ ‪한 번만 더 알려주시면…‬I'm sorry! Teach me one more ti--
‪아, 씨발‬ ‪몇 번을 더 가르쳐야 되는 건데!‬Again? How many times must I teach you?
‪그냥 보내기 전에‬ ‪한 번만 더 생각하면 되잖아‬All you have to do is just think twice before you send it.
‪그게 어려워? 어우, 씨발!‬Is that so hard? -Shithead! -Shithead!
‪[지우 절규]‬ ‪씨부랄!‬-Shithead! -Shithead!
‪- (지우) 어우, 씨!‬ ‪- (지후) 어, 죄송합니다!‬-Damn it! -I'm sorry.
‪(지우) 이 밥맛 떨어지는‬ ‪등긁개 같은 놈‬You piss me off like this back scratcher.
‪[등긁개를 내던진다]‬ ‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬You piss me off like this back scratcher.
‪똥 같은 새끼‬You piece of shit.
‪[다시 고조되는 음악]‬[upbeat music continues]
‪이 좆도 좆만 하니 개 같은‬[scoffs] You ugly runt. You make me sick.
‪역겹고 못생긴‬ ‪개 후라보노 같은 새끼야‬And your dick is so tiny that it's smaller than a chihuahua's.
‪내가 너보다 오천만 배는‬ ‪더 일 잘해, 이 씨바알!‬And your dick is so tiny that it's smaller than a chihuahua's. I'm a thousand times better at this job than you are! Shit!
‪[놀라는 숨소리]‬[moans] Jiwoo.
‪(지후) 아, 지우 씨‬[moans] Jiwoo.
‪[작아지는 음악]‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[breathing heavily]
‪(경비) 이 시간에 누구 나온 겨?‬ ‪[지후와 지우의 놀라는 숨소리]‬[security guard] Is someone still here? [gasps]
‪좋았어요?‬How was that?
‪지우 씨는요?‬I liked it. [chuckles] Me too.
‪나도, 막 흥분됐어‬[chuckles] Me too. I got all excited.
‪[가방을 툭 놓는다]‬ ‪[한숨]‬[sighs]
‪[느리고 잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪[지후 가쁜 숨소리]‬[breathing nervously]
‪(내레이터) 신체적인‬ ‪SM 플레이만큼이나 중요한 건‬[narrator] Psychological restriction is just as important as physical SM play.
‪정신적인 구속이죠‬[narrator] Psychological restriction is just as important as physical SM play.
‪가벼운 일상 보고를 통해서‬You may want to strengthen the DS bond
‪디엣 관계의 결속력을‬ ‪다져보는 것도 좋습니다‬ ‪[휴대폰 진동]‬You may want to strengthen the DS bond -through simple daily reports. -[cell phone vibrates]
‪(지후) 아침은‬ ‪방울토마토 샐러드와 빵‬[Jihoo] I had a cherry tomato salad, bread, and apple-kale juice.
‪사과 케일 주스로 먹었습니다‬[Jihoo] I had a cherry tomato salad, bread, and apple-kale juice.
‪지우 씨도 아침 드셨나요?‬ ‪회사에서 뵙겠습니다‬Have you had breakfast? See you at the office.
‪[통화 연결음]‬[cell phone line ringing]
‪(지후) 예, 주인…‬ ‪아니, 지우 씨‬[Jihoo] Yes, Master. I mean Jiwoo.
‪정 대리님‬-Mr. Jung. -See you at the office.
‪그러다 살 빠져요‬You'll lose weight if you keep doing that.
‪(지후) 어, 그럼…‬You'll lose weight if you keep doing that. Oh. Then--
‪- (지후) 식사 맛있게 하십시오‬ ‪- (황 팀장) 응‬-[Han] Enjoy. -[Hwang] You too.
‪[지후가 숨을 내쉰다]‬-[Han] Enjoy. -[Hwang] You too.
‪이야, 정 대리 이제 알았구나, 어?‬ ‪국밥의 참맛을‬Ah! I can clearly see that you're starting to appreciate a good soup.
‪(한) 대리님‬ ‪이런 걸 다 찍으시네요‬[Han] Why are you taking a picture of your lunch?
‪인스타 하세요?‬Instagram?
‪PT 받아요, 예‬Personal trainer.
‪식단 관리‬-Uh-- -Checks what I eat.
‪(황 팀장) 어‬-[chuckles] -Mm-mm.
‪[찰칵]‬-[chuckles] -Mm-mm. [camera shutter clicks]
‪(황 팀장) 음, 맞다‬ ‪어제 누가 야근했어?‬[Hwang] Tell me, was someone here last night?
‪사무실 완전 난리였다는데‬I heard the office was a mess.
‪(지후) 진짜요?‬[Jihoo] Really?
‪(황 팀장) 내 것도‬ ‪하나 파손됐어, 이씨, 쯧‬Broke my back scratcher. [sucks teeth]
‪(황 팀장) 뭐야?‬MEOW BACK SCRATCHER What is this?
‪[묘한 음악]‬
‪[고조되는 음악]‬[whips]
‪뭘 잘못했는지 알죠?‬You know what you did wrong, don't you?
‪잘 모르겠는데‬No, I guess I don't.
‪알게 해줄게‬No? Then I'll tell you.
‪[지후 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[지후 힘겨운 숨소리]‬[grunts]
‪[작아지는 음악]‬[music fading out]
‪[옅은 신음]‬[music fading out] [breathing shakily]
‪[옅은 신음]‬[groans]
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬[groans, inhales] [breathes shakily]
‪[휴대폰 진동]‬[cell phone vibrates] HANA
‪아직도 연락해요?‬Do you still keep in touch?
‪전 여친 아니에요?‬Isn't that your ex-girlfriend?
‪- 그때 막 엉엉 울면서 말씀하신‬ ‪- (지후) 아!‬The one you told me about while bawling.
‪쓰읍, 아!‬[gasps, grunts]
‪[지후 한숨]‬
‪연락이라기보다는‬It's not that we keep in touch.
‪절 너무 미워해요, 하나는‬She really hates my guts. [chuckles]
‪차놓고 미워할 건 또 뭐야‬Why does she hate you after dumping you?
‪[지후 한숨]‬ ‪(지후) 그럴 수 있죠‬I mean, I get it.
‪솔직하게 말했던 게‬I was acting selfishly by telling her the truth.
‪나 편하자는 이기적인‬ ‪마음이기도 하잖아요‬Since I knew it would've only made me feel better.
‪이렇게 피까지 나는 게‬ ‪정말 좋아요?‬Do you really enjoy all this pain and suffering?
‪(지후) 아픈데‬It hurts…
‪살아있다는 실감이 나요‬but I still feel so alive, you know?
‪이해가 안 가‬I don't get it.
‪그럴 수 있죠‬It's understandable.
‪아니, 좋아하는 사람이‬ ‪살아있다고 느끼는 일이면‬I mean, if it makes the person you like feel more alive,
‪뭐 해줄 수도 있는 거 아닌가?‬I mean, if it makes the person you like feel more alive, why can't you do it for them, you know?
‪이게 뭐 잘못된 것도 아니고‬It's not like it's anything bad.
‪근데 저도 억지로는 싫어요‬But I don't want to force it.
‪그래서 지우 씨가 계신 게‬ ‪진짜 다행이에요‬That's why I'm so happy that I have you.
‪그 지우 씨도 점점‬ ‪디엣을 좀 즐기시는 거 같아서‬You seem to enjoy DS more and more too. [chuckles]
‪오늘도 고생 많으셨습니다‬ ‪지우 씨‬Thank you again for today.
‪저 정돈 좀 하고 올게요‬I should go get cleaned up.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬-[gentle music playing] -[sighs]
‪(지우) 제가 한 짓들이‬ ‪믿기지가 않는데‬[Jiwoo] I can't believe the things I did.
‪그렇다고 머릿속에서‬ ‪떠나지도 않아요‬But I can't forget about it either.
‪플레이가 좋아질수록‬The more I enjoy playing with him,
‪플레이 빼면 대체 무슨 관계인지‬ ‪헷갈리기만 하고요‬The more I enjoy playing with him, the more I wonder what we are outside of it.
‪이 정도로 하드한 플레이를 하고도‬Is it normal to play this rough
‪섹스까지 가지 않는 게‬ ‪일반적인가요?‬ ‪[키보드 치는 소리]‬without it leading to sex?
‪[메시지 알림음]‬[cell phone alerts]
‪(내레이터) 뭐가 일반적이라고‬ ‪말씀드리긴 어렵습니다‬I can't tell you what's normal and what's not. There are many couples who have consensual sex,
‪합의하에 섹스까지 가는‬ ‪커플들이 많긴 한데‬There are many couples who have consensual sex, but as you know, it's all on a case-by-case basis.
‪아시겠지만‬ ‪모두 케이스 바이 케이스니까요‬but as you know, it's all on a case-by-case basis.
‪님이 원하는 게 뭔가요?‬What do you want?
‪그걸 섭에게 얘기해 보세요‬You should tell yourself that.
‪어? 우혁 씨‬Hey, Woohyuk!
‪[지우가 작게 웃는다]‬ ‪(우혁) 안녕하세요‬-[chuckles] -Hi there.
‪(지우) 아이, 오늘 왜 혼자?‬ ‪사장님은요?‬Why are you alone today? Where's your boss?
‪그 데이트 있다고‬ ‪늦게 나오신대요‬So she said she has a date and she'll be late.
‪아, 맞다, 오늘 수목원 데이트‬ ‪한다고 자랑했는데‬That's right, something about a botanical garden?
‪주말마다 바쁘시네‬She's busy every weekend, huh?
‪애인은 없다고 하면서‬ ‪데이트는 쉬질 않으시네요‬She says she has no boyfriend, but she's always going on dates.
‪그럼 우혁 씨도 하자고 해봐요‬ ‪데이트‬Then why don't you both go on a date?
‪아유, 아니에요, 저는 사장님을…‬Uh-- I didn't-- No, I-- I don't--
‪에이, 그런 거 아니에요‬It's not like that.
‪누나는 뭐 아침부터‬ ‪달리기하시는 거예요?‬Are you up for a morning run?
‪좋은 취미다‬What a good hobby. [chuckles]
‪말을 해야 혜미 언니도 알죠‬Hyemi won't know if you don't tell her.
‪아휴, 암튼 아직은 비밀이에요‬[sighs] Well, it's still a secret.
‪- (우혁) 갈게요‬ ‪- (지우) 가요‬-See ya. -Bye.
‪(우혁) 가자‬ ‪[강아지가 짖는다]‬-Come on. -[dog barks]
‪[휴대폰 진동]‬[cell phone vibrates]
‪[면도기를 끈다]‬[cell phone vibrates]
‪[휴대폰 진동이 계속 울린다]‬
‪[휴대폰 진동이 멈춘다]‬
‪응, 하나야‬Hmm. Hana.
‪(하나) 야, 정지후‬ ‪요즘 엄청 바쁜 척한다?‬Jihoo, stop pretending to be so busy.
‪아니야, 시간이 안 맞았네‬I'm not, our timing is just off.
‪어쩐 일이야?‬What do you need?
‪(하나) 나 합정이야‬I'm in your neighborhood. My stomach hurts. Buy me noodle soup.
‪속 쓰려, 칼국수 좀 사라‬My stomach hurts. Buy me noodle soup.
‪나 지금 약속 있어서‬ ‪바로 나가 봐야 돼‬I'm getting ready to go out right now. I have some plans.
‪(지후) 다음에, 다음에 통화하자‬Hana, let's talk some other time.
‪끊을게‬I'm hanging up now.
‪[기가 찬 듯 웃는다]‬[scoffs]
‪아, 그래?‬Oh, is that right?
‪[통화 끊기는 소리]‬[phone line beeps]
‪웃기는 새끼네‬He's such an asshole.
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪[새가 지저귄다]‬[upbeat music playing]
‪날이 좋아서 그런가?‬Maybe it's this nice weather? There sure seems to be a lot of couples.
‪데이트하러 온 사람들이 많네요‬There sure seems to be a lot of couples.
‪그러게요‬Yeah, it does.
‪남들이 보면‬ ‪우리도 그렇게 보이겠죠?‬I bet people see us as a couple too.
‪우린 뭐 순수하게‬ ‪플레이하러 온 건데요‬No way. We're simply here to play a little.
‪[달그락]‬[metal clanking]
‪(지후) 어?‬But, uh, then--
‪이러면…‬But, uh, then--
‪오늘 하루‬I order you to stay next to me all day long.
‪저랑 떨어지지 않는 걸로‬ ‪명령할게요‬I order you to stay next to me all day long.
‪예? 밖에 나가서도요?‬What? Even out there, you mean?
‪나갔다가‬ ‪이 차에 돌아올 때까지 무조건‬No matter what. By my side until we return.
‪(지후) 알겠어요, 지우 씨‬Okay, Jiwoo.
‪그럼‬In that case--
‪[지우 신음]‬[grunts]
‪아, 죄송합니다‬I-- I'm so sorry.
‪[지후 신음]‬
‪[지우 헛기침]‬[Jiwoo clears throat]
‪저만 차도 되는데‬ ‪괜찮으시겠어요, 지우 씨?‬I can wear it by myself. Are you sure you're okay, Jiwoo?
‪(지우) 토 달지 말아요‬ ‪공평하게 하려는 거니까‬Don't talk back to me. I'm only trying to be fair.
‪(혜미) 얼씨구‬Well.
‪[코웃음]‬ ‪쟤 좀 봐‬[chuckles] Would you look at that.
‪기사님, 저 여기 내릴게요‬I'll get off. I'll get off here. [scoffs]
‪딱 걸렸어, 정지우‬ ‪[재미있다는 듯 웃는다]‬Caught you red-handed, Jiwoo. Ha!
‪[통화 연결음]‬[cell phone line ringing]
‪오‬Oh, Oh!
‪오, 정지우‬ ‪데이트한다고 전화도 안 받아, 오‬She goes on a date and can't even answer her phone.
‪[통화 연결음]‬[line continues ringing]
‪(제너럴) 펭귄 님?‬Ms. Penguin?
‪(혜미) 아‬-Hi. -[chuckles]
‪[통화 연결음]‬[phone line rings, ends abruptly]
‪[설레는 음악]‬[gentle music playing]
‪주문하신 아이스 아메리카노‬Here are your two Iced Americanos.
‪두 잔이랑‬Here are your two Iced Americanos. This is for you,
‪베이컨 샌드위치 나왔습니다‬and bacon sandwich for you, sir.
‪힘내요‬Be strong.
‪그냥 힘내라고요‬I said, "Be strong."
‪감사합니다‬I appreciate it. We got this!
‪화이팅!‬We got this!
‪(지우) 옆으로 좀 오셔야겠는데‬Why don't you come sit next to me?
‪아, 예‬Oh, right.
‪가만있어 봐요‬Okay, calm down.
‪- 제가 다 할 수 있습니다‬ ‪- 쓰읍!‬-It's okay, I can do it myself. -[scoffs]
‪별수 없잖아요‬We have no choice.
‪'아' 하세요‬Ah, open.
‪[알콩달콩한 음악]‬[female] Did you see them?
‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪- (여자) 저 사람들 봤어?‬ ‪- (남자) 응?‬[female] Did you see them?
‪(여자) 아, 보지 마!‬Don't look.
‪[남녀 손님 헛웃음]‬[male chuckles] Are you jealous?
‪- (남자) 왜, 부러워?‬ ‪- (여자) 아, 미쳤냐?‬[male chuckles] Are you jealous? Thank you. -[female] Are you crazy? -[male] I'll feed you too.
‪- (남자) 너도 먹여줄게‬ ‪- (여자) 아, 됐어!‬-[female] Are you crazy? -[male] I'll feed you too. -[female] No way! -[male] Come on.
‪- (남자) '아' 해봐, '아' 해봐‬ ‪- (여자) 하지 마, 하지 말라니까‬-[female] No way! -[male] Come on. -[female] Stop. I said stop. -[male] Open wide.
‪- (남자) 알겠어‬ ‪- (여자) 먹어, 먹어‬-[female] Stop. I said stop. -[male] Open wide. [female] Just eat.
‪(남자) 이야‬[male] Wow.
‪입까지 닦아준다‬She wiped his mouth.
‪정 대리님‬Mr. Jung.
‪사실 오늘 할 말 있어요‬I wanted to ask you something.
‪뭔데요, 지우 씨?‬What is it, Jiwoo?
‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪오, 괜찮네?‬Wow, not bad.
‪(제너럴) 와‬Wow. What an interesting place, huh?
‪별 군데가 다 있다‬Wow. What an interesting place, huh?
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪어, 저기, 아니, 잠깐만요‬Oh, what? Wait. Hold on.
‪아니, 왜 옷부터 벗고‬ ‪그러시는 건데요? 어?‬Wh-- why are you taking off your clothes? Don't be coy.
‪빼기는, 자기도 흥분해 놓고‬Don't be coy. I know you're excited too.
‪우리 여기까지 합의 안 했잖아요‬I know you're excited too. Well, we didn't agree to do this.
‪억지로 하는 거 좋아하잖아‬You like being forced, don't you?
‪그럼 뭐 맞고 할래?‬Or you want me to hit you first?
‪[카페 음악이 작게 들린다]‬
‪좋아해요, 정 대리님‬I like you, Mr. Jung.
‪동료나 파트너 말고‬Rather than being colleagues or partners…
‪우리‬Rather than being colleagues or partners…
‪연애할래요?‬should we date?
‪연애해요‬Let's go out.
‪해봐요‬Let's try it.
‪명령이에요‬That's an order.
‪저…‬ ‪[휴대폰 벨 소리]‬So I--
‪[휴대폰 벨 소리]‬-[Jiwoo gasps] -[cell phone rings]
‪[가방 떨어지는 소리]‬ ‪(지우) 어, 죄송… 아!‬ ‪[지후 놀란 탄성]‬[grunts] Sorry! Ow! [grunts]
‪[지우 신음]‬ ‪지우 씨, 괜찮으세요?‬Are you okay? Your-- your head! [waitress] Are you okay? I'll wipe that!
‪- (지후) 머리…‬ ‪- (직원) 고객님, 괜찮으세요?‬[waitress] Are you okay? I'll wipe that!
‪- (남자) 자기야, 봤어? 뭐야?‬ ‪- (직원) 제가 닦아드릴…‬[waitress] Are you okay? I'll wipe that! [male] What is that? -[male 2] Oh, they're wearing handcuffs. -[male 3] Are those handcuffs.
‪- (여자) 뭐야? 봤어?‬ ‪- (남자) 헐, 수갑 찼네‬-[male 2] Oh, they're wearing handcuffs. -[male 3] Are those handcuffs.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪[뛰어 오는 소리]‬-[male 2] Oh, they're wearing handcuffs. -[male 3] Are those handcuffs. -[male 2] What's going on? -[male 3] Why don't we get a pair too?
‪[손님들이 수군댄다]‬-[male 2] What's going on? -[male 3] Why don't we get a pair too?
‪[가방을 열어서 뒤진다]‬-[male 2] Come on, let's do it. -[female] Yeah, let's do it!
‪[무거워지는 음악]‬
‪어! 저기, 제너럴 님‬ ‪아니, 아니, 오빠‬Stop, General, I mean, master.
‪제가 준비한 게 있는데요‬I've prepared something.
‪아이, 뭘 또 가져왔어?‬[chuckles] Oh, well, you didn't need to.
‪이게 본디지라는 건데요‬Bondage. We can use it in bed.
‪(지우) 하, 이게 아닌데‬[sighs] This isn't what I imagined.
‪일단 가서 풉시다‬Let's go and take this off first.
‪(지후) 싫어요‬No.
‪(지우) 좀 더 안전한 환경에서‬ ‪다시 해볼 테니까‬We'll try it again in a safer setting.
‪일단은 풀어요‬Let's just take it off for now.
‪[수갑이 당겨지는 소리]‬
‪(지후) 그게 아니라‬It's not that.
‪싫어요, 지우 씨‬No, Jiwoo. I--
‪연애는 안 해요‬I don't think we should date.
‪죄송해요‬I'm sorry.
‪[휴대폰 벨 소리]‬[cell phone rings]
‪(지우) 언니‬[Jiwoo] Hyemi?
‪[목을 가다듬는다]‬[clears throat]
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪(혜미) 파주 SM 테마 모텔‬It's fate that we met in the Paju SM Theme Motel, in Room 506.
‪506호에서 만난 것도 인연인데‬It's fate that we met in the Paju SM Theme Motel, in Room 506.
‪우리 첫 플레이를 대충 하기‬ ‪아쉬워서 그러지, 오빠‬We can't just wing our first ever play.
‪내가 아무리 섭이라도‬Even if I'm the Sub, don't you think a rape play is too much when we've only just met?
‪초면에 강간 플레이는‬ ‪너무 빡세지 않나?‬don't you think a rape play is too much when we've only just met?
‪오빠가 강간범이나‬ ‪변태 바닐라도 아니고, 그죠?‬It's not like you're a rapist or a fake BDSMer, right?
‪그래서 뭐 어쩌자는 건데?‬So, what do you want, huh?
‪(지우) 언니, 무슨 소리야?‬ ‪어디야?‬Hyemi? What are you talking about? -Where are you? -[gasps]
‪[혜미 옅은 신음]‬ ‪언니!‬-Where are you? -[gasps] Hyemi!
‪야, 너 뭐 하냐?‬Hey, what is this?
‪[음악이 뚝 멈춘다]‬ ‪(혜미) 파주 SM, 506호!‬-[Hyemi] Paju SM, Room 506! -[phone line ends]
‪변태 바닐라가 그거죠?‬-[Hyemi] Paju SM, Room 506! -[phone line ends] We have to go and help her now!
‪- 네?‬ ‪- 그 개새끼들‬-What? -[sighs] Son of a bitch!
‪[긴박한 음악]‬ ‪[지후와 지우의 거친 숨소리]‬-[upbeat music playing] -[both breathing heavily]
‪[지우 힘겨운 숨소리]‬[Jiwoo grunts]
‪(지후) 조, 조심하세요‬ ‪[지우 힘겨운 신음]‬Be careful. [grunts]
‪[지우 힘주는 신음]‬[grunts]
‪[툭]‬ ‪(지우) 어? 어, 열쇠!‬No, the key!
‪지우 씨, 일단 출발이요!‬Jiwoo, we need to leave first.
‪(지우) 안 멀어요‬ ‪2.3km, 우회전!‬It's close. Make a right soon.
‪혜미 언니! 괜찮아?‬Hyemi, are you okay?
‪나 지우!‬It's Jiwoo!
‪언니, 거기 있어요?‬Are you inside?
‪[지우 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪어? 언니!‬Hyemi!
‪늦었어‬You're too late.
‪(직원) 거봐요‬-[sighs] -See?
‪네 분 같이 쓰실 거면‬ ‪추가 요금이세요‬If you're gonna join them, you have to pay extra, okay?
‪[지후 신음]‬ ‪[제너럴 신음]‬
‪괜찮아요?‬Are you okay?
‪놀랬지? 아휴, 자기한테 딱 걸렸네‬Did I scare you? You totally got me now.
‪아, 이건 나중에‬Uh, I'll explain later.
‪암튼 빨리 가요‬-Let's go. -Don't you think we should call the cops?
‪저 경찰에 신고해야 되는 거‬ ‪아니에요?‬-Let's go. -Don't you think we should call the cops?
‪[제너럴 신음]‬ ‪잠깐만‬-[Jiwoo sighs] -Hold on.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬ ‪내가 변태라고‬Just because I'm a pervert,
‪네가 날 함부로 대할 권리는 없어‬ ‪이 새끼야‬doesn't give you the right to mistreat me.
‪그리고 네 면상, 묶인 거‬ ‪다 찍어 놨으니까‬And by the way, I got a picture of you all tied, so don't even bother trying anything.
‪깝칠 생각하지 마라‬so don't even bother trying anything.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬so don't even bother trying anything. [grunts] [breathing heavily]
‪[제너럴 힘주는 소리]‬[grunting continues]
‪[제너럴 힘주는 소리]‬[straining]
‪[코를 푼다]‬[snorting]
‪아이, 씨발, 변태 새끼!‬Mmm! Shit! That fucking perv. [sniffs]
‪아니, 내가 구인 글 올리고‬ ‪쪽지가 50개가 왔어‬When I posted online, I literally got more than 50 requests.
‪그중 절반은 여자라면‬ ‪무조건 쪽지 보내는 애들이구‬Half of them are total idiots who basically would message any girl with tits.
‪나머지 반은‬ ‪아, 내 취향이고 뭐고‬who basically would message any girl with tits. The others didn't care what I wanted.
‪일단 지 꼬추 사진부터‬ ‪보내더라니까!‬The others didn't care what I wanted. They just sent me pictures of their dick right away!
‪아, 진짜!‬[sniffles, murmurs]
‪근데 더 빡치는 건 뭔지 알아?‬You know what pisses me off even more?
‪고소하고 싶어도‬ ‪소용없을 게 뻔하다는 거야‬That I know there's no use going to the police for this shit.
‪그리고 나 아까‬ ‪걔 사진도 안 찍었어‬[sighs] And I didn't take that jerks picture back there.
‪왜냐고?‬Why not?
‪나도 그 새끼들하고‬ ‪똑같아지는 거잖아‬[gasps] …then I'd be no better than those assholes.
‪[혜미 엉엉 운다]‬[crying] I hear there are a lot of fake Doms who only care about having sex right away.
‪돔인 척하고 나와서‬I hear there are a lot of fake Doms who only care about having sex right away.
‪그거부터 하려는 변바들이‬ ‪많다고 하더라고요‬I hear there are a lot of fake Doms who only care about having sex right away.
‪나쁜 새끼들‬Those freaking assholes.
‪[혜미가 훌쩍인다]‬ ‪대부분이 디엣이 뭔지도‬ ‪제대로 모르는 놈들이에요‬They probably don't even know anything about DS.
‪[혜미가 훌쩍인다]‬ ‪(혜미) 음‬[whimpers] Huh?
‪님이 그 개 혐오자구나?‬So you're the dog-hater then?
‪[혜미 거친 숨소리]‬
‪반가워요‬It's nice to meet you.
‪잘생겼네‬He's very cute.
‪- 아유, 앞에 봐야지, 운전, 운전‬ ‪- 아, 예‬-Jeez, eyes forward when you drive, okay? -Oh, yes, ma'am.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬Yeah.
‪그러네‬Right. [scoffs]
‪잘생겼네‬He is cute.
‪[헤미가 코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪(지우) 연애해요‬[Jiwoo] Let's go out.
‪명령이에요‬ ‪[한숨]‬-That's an order. -[sighs]
‪(지후) 싫어요, 지우 씨‬[Jihoo] No, Jiwoo. I--
‪연애는 안 해요‬I don't think we should date.
‪죄송해요‬I'm sorry.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪[깊은 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪미친년아‬Crazy bitch.
‪[휴대폰 알림음]‬[phone alerts]
‪[깊은 한숨]‬[sighs gently] [gentle music playing]
‪[지후 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪(하나) 야, 정지후, 잠깐만!‬[scoffs] [Hana] Hey, Jihoo. Stop!
‪지금 무슨 미친 소리를‬ ‪하는 거야?‬What kind of crazy bullshit are you saying?
‪우리 가끔 깨물고 때리고 그랬잖아‬we bite and hit each other once in a while. And so, it's like that, you know?
‪그런 거랑 비슷한 거야‬And so, it's like that, you know?
‪하나 너도 좋아했던 거‬You like it too, I think.
‪아, 그건 애정 표현의 일부고‬That's just me showing affection. It's totally different from doing sex stuff.
‪진짜 변태 짓이랑 이거랑 같아?‬It's totally different from doing sex stuff.
‪어?‬ ‪[음악이 무거워진다]‬What?
‪정신과 상담‬ ‪받아야 되는 거 아니야?‬I think maybe you should see a therapist. Were you abused as a kid?
‪어릴 때 무슨 일 있었어?‬Were you abused as a kid?
‪그냥 이게 나야, 하나야‬No, this is just who I am.
‪근데 너한테라도‬ ‪이젠 솔직해지고 싶어서‬I thought a lot about this because I wanted to be completely honest with you now.
‪나 진짜 고민 많이 했어‬because I wanted to be completely honest with you now.
‪그럼 지금까지 나랑 했던 건 뭐야?‬Then what was everything you've done with me?
‪다 가짜였단 거네?‬Was that all a lie?
‪흥분되지도 않고‬ ‪하고 싶은 건 따로 있는데‬So this whole time, you weren't excited,
‪억지로 했단 거잖아‬but you forced yourself? Is that it?
‪아니야?‬but you forced yourself? Is that it?
‪억지로가 아니었어, 하나야‬I didn't force myself, Hana.
‪(하나) 속이려면 끝까지 속이든가‬You never should've told me.
‪소름 끼쳐‬You're disgusting.
‪(혜미) 음‬[Hyemi] Hmm.
‪에이, 그것도 완전히‬ ‪이해 못 할 건 또 아니다‬I can understand where he's coming from.
‪이게 연애랑 디엣을 같이 하는 걸‬ ‪연디라 그러거든?‬Some people do end up dating their Dom/Sub partner.
‪그게 당연히 좋을 것 같은데‬Sounds great, right?
‪아, 이게 생각보다 쉽지가 않아요‬But it's not as easy as you think.
‪아, 조련도 사랑이긴 한데‬Commanding and obeying is love too.
‪으음, 조련만으로‬ ‪사랑할 수는 없거든‬But you can't base love on that alone.
‪알아요‬I know.
‪사실 뭐가 제일 쪽팔린 줄 알아요?‬And you know the thing that's the most humiliating?
‪당연히 좋다 그럴 줄 알았던 거‬The absolute confidence I had.
‪지금까지 내 말 다 들었으니까‬Because I was certain he would say yes.
‪내 말 듣는 거 좋아하니까‬Because he liked obeying me.
‪[지우 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪내가 변바랑 다를 게 없잖아‬I'm just like those fake Doms.
‪(우혁) 사장님‬-[Woohyuk] Boss. -[Hyemi] Hmm?
‪(혜미) 응‬-[Woohyuk] Boss. -[Hyemi] Hmm?
‪(우혁) 이거 붙이면‬ ‪흉 안 진대요, 누나‬[Woohyuk] This will make sure it doesn't scar. You know.
‪[코웃음]‬[jazz music playing] [both chuckle]
‪아, 들이대지 마‬Hey, don't hit on me. If I were to go out with you at my age--
‪야, 내 나이에‬ ‪내가 널 만나면, 인마‬Hey, don't hit on me. If I were to go out with you at my age--
‪개꿀이죠‬I would love it.
‪아이, 뭐 나 아니어도 되는데‬It doesn't have to be me, but please don't go out with those freaks.
‪제발 이상한 사람 좀 만나지 마요‬It doesn't have to be me, but please don't go out with those freaks.
‪별 이상한 사람들 다 돼도‬ ‪넌 안 돼‬All sorts of freaks are fine but not you.
‪그런 줄 알아‬Don't argue with me.
‪가, 빨리‬Go. Go on.
‪빨리, 빨리, 빨리‬Go, go, go, go!
‪넌 변바랑은 다르지‬And you're not a fake.
‪그래도 노력은 해본 거잖아‬At least you really tried, right?
‪(최 대리) 예산이‬ ‪큰 기획도 아닌데‬Thank you for putting in so much thought into the small budget project.
‪신경 많이 써주셔서 감사해요‬ ‪팀장님‬Thank you for putting in so much thought into the small budget project. I really appreciate it.
‪아, 뭐야, 됐어‬No, don't mention it.
‪사업팀하고 우리하고 남도 아니고‬ ‪같이 먹고살아야지‬Not like we're at different companies. We need each other.
‪정 대리, 계속 팔로우를 하라고‬Mr. Jung, keep following up, okay?
‪- (황 팀장) 응? 응‬ ‪- (지후) 예, 알겠습니다‬Mr. Jung, keep following up, okay? -Yes, sir. -Good.
‪정 대리‬Hey,
‪그 안경 어디 거야?‬ ‪나 한번 써봐도 돼?‬what brand are your glasses? Can I try them on?
‪(최 대리) 칫‬ ‪사람 되게 무안 주네‬Okay. Forget it then.
‪안경 사려고 알아보고 있어서‬ ‪그런 건데‬I only asked you because I need to buy new ones.
‪(황 팀장) 어후, 내가 다 민망하네‬I only asked you because I need to buy new ones. -Gosh, even I feel awkward. -No, sir. I--
‪아니요, 그게…‬-Gosh, even I feel awkward. -No, sir. I--
‪이건 제가 꼭‬ ‪쓰고 있어야 되는 겁니다‬I just always have to keep my glasses on. They're like my lucky charm.
‪제 부적 같은 거예요, 부적‬I just always have to keep my glasses on. They're like my lucky charm.
‪[황 팀장 헛웃음]‬ ‪아이, 정 대리가 은근‬ ‪미신 이런 거에 약하구나‬-[chuckles] -[Hwang scoffs] You're a lot more superstitious than I expected, aren't you?
‪아, 의외로 인간적인 스타일이야‬ ‪[아련한 음악]‬Wow, I like this human side of you.
‪최 대리가 이해해‬Be understanding, Ms. Choi.
‪(한) 선배님‬[Han] Jiwoo.
‪무슨 고민 있으세요?‬Is there anything wrong?
‪아니에요‬Uh, no.
‪[대화 소리]‬[Hwang] I drank too much last night.
‪[지우와 과장의 대화 소리]‬ ‪(황 팀장) 아이, 나는 여기‬ ‪여기 쓸개가 아파‬[Hwang] I drank too much last night. Even my gallbladder hurts so much right now.
‪(과장) 뭐야?‬ ‪둘이 진짜 요즘 어색해?‬What was that? Are things awkward right now?
‪은근 작업 잘 들어가는 분위기더만‬I thought you guys were getting along so well.
‪[직원들이 시끌벅적하게 인사한다]‬ ‪- (여직원1) 안녕히 가세요‬ ‪- (여직원2) 다음 주에 뵐게요‬-[female 1] Goodbye! -[female 2] Goodbye! -Goodbye! -Goodbye!
‪- (여직원3) 양고기 맛집이래‬ ‪- (과장) 버스 타고 가요?‬-Let's go to the lamb place. -Yes!
‪고생하셨습니다, 주말 잘 보내세요‬Thank you very much. Have a great weekend.
‪(지우) 수고했어요‬Thank you very much. Have a great weekend. Thank you, you too.
‪- 정 대리님‬ ‪- 예‬Mr. Jung. Yeah?
‪수고하셨습니다‬Have a nice weekend.
‪[메시지 알림음]‬[phone alert dings]
‪(지우) 마지막 플레이는‬ ‪내일 예정대로 하시죠‬[Jiwoo] We'll do our final play tomorrow as discussed.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬[soft music playing] [water bubbling]
‪(내레이터) 본디지야말로 SM의 꽃‬[narrator] Bondage is the epitome of SM play.
‪로프의 퀄리티부터‬ ‪조임의 세기와 강도‬[narrator] Bondage is the epitome of SM play. It has a higher level of difficulty because you must consider the quality of the rope,
‪매듭의 방식까지 고려할 게 많아서‬because you must consider the quality of the rope, how tight to tie it, which knots to make, and so on.
‪난이도가 높습니다‬how tight to tie it, which knots to make, and so on.
‪밧줄에 묶인 사람은‬The person who is tied up feels euphoric
‪피가 통하지 않는‬ ‪저릿한 의식 속에서‬The person who is tied up feels euphoric and free from the tingliness that comes from the restriction of blood flow.
‪고양감과 해방감을 느끼게 되죠‬and free from the tingliness that comes from the restriction of blood flow.
‪묶이는 순간 자유로워지는‬Feeling free from the moment they are bound
‪고통의 역설‬is the paradox of pain.
‪난이도가 높은 만큼‬ ‪결과를 예측하기 어렵습니다‬Because of it's high level of difficulty, it's hard to predict the results.
‪[도어 벨 소리]‬ ‪[음악이 멈춘다]‬[doorbell rings]
‪바보야‬You idiot,
‪'누구세요'도 안 하냐?‬you don't even ask, "Who is it?"
‪(지후) 하나야, 너 취했니?‬Are you drunk, Hana?
‪아이, 전화를 하지‬You should've called first.
‪네가 안 받았잖아‬You didn't pick up.
‪오늘은 좀…‬[sighs] Not today.
‪나 남자 친구랑 깨졌어‬My boyfriend and I broke up.
‪[지후 한숨]‬ ‪싸웠구나, 또‬[sighs] Did you fight again?
‪친구들은 이제‬ ‪이런 얘기 안 들어주거든‬My friends won't listen to me talk about this anymore.
‪너한테는 해도 되잖아, 그치?‬I feel I can talk to you, though, right?
‪하나야, 들어줄 수는 있는데‬[sighs] Hana, I can listen to you.
‪지금 말고‬But not now.
‪나한테 빚졌으니까‬you know deep down that you owe me.
‪그 빚은‬Because, you know
‪평생 갚아도 못 갚으니까‬that you can never really pay me back for this.
‪(하나) 존나 티 내네‬You're so obvious.
‪다 내가 미안한데 오늘 말고…‬I'm sorry about everything, but not today--
‪존나 티 내네, 진짜!‬You're disgusting.
‪넌 그러면 안 돼‬You can't just do that.
‪너는 나한테 싫은 티 낼 자격 없어‬You have no right to look put out. I can't do it.
‪난 못 봐‬I can't do it.
‪너가 아무렇지 않다는 듯이‬ ‪멀쩡하게 사는 거 짜증 나‬Seeing you live a normal life like everything's fine annoys me.
‪내가 멀쩡하게 살 수 있겠냐?‬How can I possibly live normally?
‪야, 너 때문에 겁이 나서 연애고‬ ‪뭐고 이제 아무것도 못 하겠어‬You've burned me so bad I'm scared to do anything, let alone date.
‪나도 못 하겠어‬I can't either.
‪나도 너 때문에 연애하는 게 겁나‬I'm scared to go out with a guy because of you too.
‪너‬Shit. Can't you imagine how much you hurt me?
‪그게 나한테‬ ‪얼마나 상처였을지 몰라?‬Shit. Can't you imagine how much you hurt me?
‪나한테도 상처였어, 하나야‬Well, I was hurt too, Hana.
‪넌 이해 못 하겠지만 단 한순간도‬You may not understand at all, but for me to never be accepted for who I was not for a moment…
‪있는 모습 그대로는‬ ‪요만큼도 이해 못 받은 나도‬but for me to never be accepted for who I was not for a moment…
‪상처라고‬that hurt too.
‪내가 잘못한 게‬And now I'm realizing that…
‪내가 잘못된 게 아닐 수도 있잖아‬there might not be anything wrong with me.
‪[휴대폰 진동]‬[cell phone vibrates]
‪[휴대폰 진동이 계속 울린다]‬JUNG JIWOO
‪[접시가 깨진다]‬ ‪[휴대폰 진동이 멈춘다]‬[glass shatters]
‪[접시가 깨진다]‬[glass shatters]
‪[잔이 깨진다]‬[glass shatters]
‪나가줄게‬I'll leave.
‪근데 내가 장담하는데‬But I can promise you this one thing.
‪너 제대로 된 사랑 못 해‬You'll never be able to love anyone
‪아무것도 포기하지 않으니까‬because you won't give up anything.
‪넌 결국 너 자신밖에‬ ‪사랑 안 하는 거야‬And, so in the end, you're all you've got.
‪[숨을 깊이 들이쉬고 내쉰다]‬[Jihoo inhales] -[exhales] -[door opens]
‪(지후) 마주치셨죠?‬[Jihoo] You saw her, didn't you?
‪다시 만나세요?‬Are you back together with her?
‪아니요, 그런 게 아니라‬No, of course not.
‪절 아직도 너무 미워해요‬She still hates me.
‪좋아하지 않으면‬You don't hate someone
‪미워하지도 않죠‬if you don't like them.
‪[긴장한 듯 숨을 쉰다]‬[sighs deeply]
‪[숨을 크게 쉰다]‬[sighs]
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[romantic music playing]
‪[긴장한 숨소리]‬[Jihoo gasps] [Jiwoo exhales]
‪[지후 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(지우) 아파?‬Does that hurt?
‪말만 해‬Say the word.
‪더한 것도 해 줄 수 있어‬I can do much more than that.
‪[지후 긴장된 숨소리]‬
‪[지후 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪마지막 플레이니까‬Since this is our final play,
‪아쉬움 없이 다 해‬let's have no regrets tonight.
‪(지우) 아, 그만해요, 지후 씨!‬[grunts] Stop it, Jihoo!
‪[지우 가쁜 숨소리]‬[breathing heavily]
‪안 되겠어요, 저 못 하겠어요‬Sorry, but I don't think I can do this.
‪[지우 한숨]‬[exhales]
‪내가 뭐 하고 있는 건지‬ ‪모르겠어요‬I don't even know what I'm doing anymore.
‪[지우 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪미안해요‬I'm sorry.
‪뭐가 미안한데요?‬What are you sorry for?
‪[지후 숨소리]‬[inhales]
‪[지우가 움직인다]‬
‪(지후) 지우 씨‬ ‪[지후 가쁜 숨소리]‬Jiwoo.
‪수성이 왜 조그맣고‬ ‪새까만지 아세요?‬Do you know why Mercury is small and black?
‪태양에 너무 가까이 붙어있어서‬It's too close to the Sun.
‪흑연처럼 탄 거래요‬ ‪[옅은 웃음]‬So it shriveled up and burned.
‪쪼그라들고‬So it shriveled up and burned.
‪전 따뜻한 건 좋은데요‬I like warmth…
‪탈까 봐 무서워요, 지우 씨‬but I'm always afraid of getting burned.
‪지우 씨는‬Because…
‪저한테 태양이거든요‬you're my sun.
‪살면서 처음 만난‬The first that I've ever met.
‪하나밖에 없는‬The one and only.
‪마지막 플레이는 여기까지 하죠‬Let's end the final play here.
‪[옷을 집어 든다]‬
‪[슬픈 음악]‬[sad music playing]
‪[문이 여닫힌다]‬[door opens, closes shut]
‪[깊게 한숨 쉰다]‬[sobbing]
‪(황 팀장) 아니‬ ‪입이 하나 줄었네, 응?‬[Hwang] We have one less mouth to feed. Jiwoo actually took a sick day.
‪지우 씨가 병가를 다 쓰고‬[Hwang] We have one less mouth to feed. Jiwoo actually took a sick day.
‪휴먼이었네, 휴먼‬So she is human after all.
‪난 가끔 로보트인 줄 알았어‬ ‪[황 팀장이 웃는다]‬I thought she was a robot. [chuckles]
‪- (한) 팀장님‬ ‪- (황 팀장) 아, 땡큐, 한이‬Iced Americano. Thank you, Han.
‪- (황 팀장) 내 자리에 갖다줘‬ ‪- (한) 네‬-Put it on my desk. -Yes, sir.
‪(여직원) 감사합니다‬
‪대리님‬Sir Jung, you're not wearing them today?
‪오늘은 안 쓰세요?‬Sir Jung, you're not wearing them today?
‪안경이요‬ ‪엄청 소중한 부적이라면서요‬Your glasses. You know, your precious good luck charm.
‪부러워요, 대리님‬I'm jealous that you have something so important to you.
‪그렇게 소중한 게 있다는 게‬I'm jealous that you have something so important to you.
‪[지후 한숨]‬[sighs]
‪(지우) 귀찮게 뭔 죽을 끓였어‬Why'd you make me porridge? You didn't have to.
‪사 온 건데?‬It's store bought.
‪[지우가 헛웃는다]‬ ‪잘했어, 맛있네‬[chuckles] Okay. It tastes good.
‪많이 먹고 다시 자‬Eat up, and go back to sleep.
‪뭐, 왜 또?‬What now? What?
‪나 암말도 안 했다?‬What now? What? I didn't say anything.
‪눈으로 하고 있잖아‬I didn't say anything. It's with your eyes.
‪뜻대로 안 되는 게‬ ‪사람 마음이라구‬They say we don't have any control over our hearts, you know?
‪너무 애끓이지 마‬Don't kick yourself, okay?
‪[음료에 든 얼음이 달각인다]‬
‪(혜미) 참‬ ‪[지후 한숨]‬Jeez. I think I might have complicated Jiwoo's entire life.
‪제가 지우 씨를 힘들게‬ ‪만들어 드린 것 같아요‬I think I might have complicated Jiwoo's entire life.
‪일반인이신데‬She's just a normal person. I shouldn't have asked her to do that.
‪그런 부탁 하지 말걸‬She's just a normal person. I shouldn't have asked her to do that.
‪자의식 과잉 쩐다‬What an overinflated ego.
‪지우가 선택한 거거든요?‬That was all Jiwoo's choice.
‪아이, 얼마나 철저하게‬ ‪고민한 줄 알아요?‬Do you know how hard she thought about it?
‪권력 남용하는 걸까 봐‬She refused to ask you to have a beer
‪아, 그쪽이랑 맥주 한잔 사적으로‬ ‪마시자는 얘기를 못 하더라고요‬because she was afraid it would be an abuse of work power.
‪하하, 참, 어찌나 고지식하신지‬[chuckles] Seriously, she's so old-fashioned.
‪처음부터 멋있었어요‬She was cool from the get-go.
‪그런 면이 막 설레고‬That's what attracted me to her, you know?
‪아이, 그럼 그건 성향자로서?‬ ‪아님 남자로서?‬Is that as a man talking or BDSMer?
‪처음에는 확실했거든요‬At first, I was sure, but--
‪- 응‬ ‪- (지후) 근데‬-Uh-huh? -But now, I can't differentiate.
‪이제 구분이 안 가요‬-Uh-huh? -But now, I can't differentiate.
‪하, 저 진짜 한심하죠‬[both chuckle] I'm really pathetic, aren't I?
‪[혜미의 깊은 한숨]‬[sighs] You are.
‪참‬[sighs] You are.
‪나도 난데‬I'm a mess too.
‪진짜 님도 님이다‬And yet, so are you.
‪아, 그렇게 맨날 맨날 자괴감만‬ ‪느끼고 있으면 뭐 좀 좋아져요?‬Does anything get better if you hate yourself day in, day out?
‪그럴 시간에‬If you have that time,
‪자기 마음에‬ ‪책임질 생각을 좀 해요‬try taking responsibility for your feelings.
‪[키보드 치는 소리]‬[typing]
‪(한) 오케이‬Okay.
‪좆 됐다‬What?
‪[휴대폰 알림음]‬ ‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[cell phone alert dings]
‪[불길한 음악]‬ ‪(한) 선배님, 조심하세요‬[Han] Jiwoo, be careful.
‪세상엔 이해 못 할 사람이‬ ‪더 많습니다‬There are many people in this world who wouldn't understand.
‪(녹음 속 지우) 앉아요, 거기‬ATTACHMENTS 1 UNTITLED01.M4A [Jiwoo] Sit there.
‪벨트 풀어요‬Undo your belt.
‪[벨트 푸는 소리]‬Undo your belt. [shuffling]
‪[고조되는 음악]‬ ‪(녹음 속 지우) 생각보다‬ ‪묵직하네요‬[Jiwoo] It's thicker than I expected.
‪(녹음 속 지후) 진짜 때려주세요‬[Jiwoo] Sit there.
‪(황 팀장) 혼자 뭐 올바른 척‬ ‪뭐 난 년인 척‬[Hwang] You always acted all high and mighty, thinking you're better,
‪똑똑한 척 다 하더니, 어?‬ ‪이게 뭐야, 이게?‬smarter than everyone else. But what's this?
‪어떡할 거야!‬What are you gonna do now?
‪대답 안 해?‬Answer me! [Yuna] That bastard Han isn't coming in, huh? Did he quit?
‪(과장) 이한 이 새끼는‬ ‪안 나오겠다 이거지?‬[Yuna] That bastard Han isn't coming in, huh? Did he quit?
‪퇴사야?‬[Yuna] That bastard Han isn't coming in, huh? Did he quit?
‪그리고 정 대리는‬ ‪왜 이렇게 안 와?‬-And why isn't Mr. Jung here yet? -He's here.
‪(여직원1) 저기 오네요‬-And why isn't Mr. Jung here yet? -He's here.
‪(지후) 분위기 왜 이래요?‬What's going on?
‪- 회의실로 가봐‬ ‪- (여직원2) 네‬-Go to the conference room. -[female] Nothing's been confirmed. Okay.
‪(여직원2) 확인된 바 없습니다, 네‬-Go to the conference room. -[female] Nothing's been confirmed. Okay.
‪블라인드 게시판에‬ ‪글이 자꾸 올라오나 봐요‬People keep posting on the anonymous forum.
‪(과장) 일단 사내 공문 돌렸어?‬[Yuna] Send out a notice. Anyone who shares it will be punished.
‪외부 유포 하면 중징계한다고‬ ‪다 돌려, 얼른‬[Yuna] Send out a notice. Anyone who shares it will be punished.
‪(직원들) 네, 알겠습니다‬-[female 1] Yes, ma'am. -[female 2] Yes, ma'am.
‪(과장) 아니 이게 무슨 개망신이야‬ ‪홍보팀에서‬[Yuna] How humiliating. The PR team of all places.
‪빨리 들어와‬Come inside.
‪(남직원1) 야, 정지우인가‬ ‪그 여자는 회사 못 다니겠다, 이제‬[male 1] I guess Jung Jiwoo, that woman can't work here anymore.
‪(남직원2) 그래서 남자가 변태야?‬ ‪여자가 변태야?‬[male 1] I guess Jung Jiwoo, that woman can't work here anymore. [male 2] Who do you think is the perv, him or her?
‪(남직원1) 아이, 뭐‬ ‪부창부수지, 뭐‬[male 1] The woman follows the man's lead.
‪[걷는 발소리가 멀어져간다]‬[male 1] The woman follows the man's lead.
‪아니, 어떻게 맞는 게 좋지?‬ ‪막상 맞으면 흥분되나, 응?‬[male 3] How could you like being hit? Do they get off on the pain? [male 4] Do you want to know? Want me to hit you too?
‪(남직원3) 궁금해? 내가 해줘?‬[male 4] Do you want to know? Want me to hit you too?
‪(남직원4) 아, 조용히 해‬ ‪너도 벨트로 맞을라‬[male 4] Do you want to know? Want me to hit you too? [male 3] Shut it, or you'll get belt-whipped too.
‪[휴대폰 진동]‬MR. JUNG JIHOO [vibrating continues]
‪(안내 음성) 지금 고객님께서‬ ‪전화를 받을 수 없습니다‬[operator] The person you're trying to reach can't come to the phone right now.
‪다음에 다시 걸어주세요‬ ‪[슬픈 음악]‬can't come to the phone right now. Please try again later.
‪(지후) 저 지우 씨 회사‬ ‪동료인데요‬I'm Jiwoo's colleague. Her phone is sending me straight to voicemail.
‪지우 씨가 전화를‬ ‪계속 안 받으셔서‬I'm Jiwoo's colleague. Her phone is sending me straight to voicemail.
‪그냥 동료 맞아요?‬Are you just a colleague?
‪(지우 모) 동료면‬If you are, then she would've answered.
‪받겠죠?‬If you are, then she would've answered.
‪(지후) 저만 아니었으면‬[Jihoo] If it weren't for me,
‪주인님이 지금 같은 수모와‬ ‪괴로움을 겪지 않았을 텐데‬you wouldn't be going through this pain and humiliation, Master.
‪다 저 때문이에요‬It's all my fault.
‪이렇게 자책하다가도‬Even as I blame myself like this,
‪사람들에게 숨겨진 내 모습이‬ ‪알려졌다는 걸 생각하면‬when I think about the fact that people found out about my deepest secret,
‪그냥 어딘가 숨고 싶어요‬I just want to run away and hide somewhere.
‪진짜 한심하죠?‬I'm really pathetic, aren't I?
‪지우 씨‬Jiwoo.
‪[한숨]‬[male sighs]
‪[똑똑똑]‬[knocking on door]
‪(인사과장) 인사팀 징계 회의‬ ‪시작하겠습니다‬[male 2] We'll begin the disciplinary hearing.
‪(녹음 속 지우) 앉아요, 거기‬[Jiwoo] Sit there.
‪벨트 풀어요‬Undo your belt.
‪[벨트 푸는 소리]‬[shuffling]
‪(녹음 속 지우) 벗어요‬Take it off.
‪생각보다 묵직하네요‬It's thicker than I expected.
‪(녹음 속 지후) 진짜 때려주세요‬[Jihoo] Please, just hit me for real.
‪(인사팀장) 그만‬[sucks teeth] Enough.
‪두 사람‬What exactly…
‪도대체 무슨 관계야?‬is your relationship?
‪아니, 무슨 사이길래‬ ‪회사에서 풀고 벗고 때리고‬Why were you taking off your clothes and then hitting each other at the office?
‪문제 되는 건‬ ‪업무 공간에서의 규정 위반이지‬The problem was that we broke the rules regarding the place of business.
‪저희 사생활은 아니지 않습니까?‬It's not about our personal lives.
‪(인사과장) 그 사생활인지 뭔지를‬ ‪낱낱이 조사를 해야‬-[scoffs] -[male] We have to investigate that personal life to know exactly what and how much you've violated.
‪뭘 얼마나 어떻게 위반했는지‬ ‪알 거 아니에요!‬that personal life to know exactly what and how much you've violated.
‪우리가 보통 회사예요?‬We're not a regular company!
‪학부모 맘 카페에라도 퍼지면‬ ‪어쩔 겁니까!‬What if it gets posted on a forum for moms?
‪근데 정지우 씨는‬Jiwoo…
‪낮져밤이인가 보네?‬I guess you're dominant at night then?
‪아이, 재밌나?‬[all chuckle] Was that funny?
‪그냥 솔직하게 얘기해요‬Just be honest with us.
‪일 커져 봐야‬ ‪우리로서도 좋을 거 없고‬We don't want to make this a bigger deal than it needs to be, either.
‪'청춘 남녀가 연애 감정 때문에‬ ‪장난이 좀 심해졌다'‬We'll just say in our report that a young man and a woman in a relationship got carried away.
‪뭐, 보고는 이 정도로 올릴 테니까‬and a woman in a relationship got carried away.
‪(인사팀장) 그래, 이참에 둘이 좀‬ ‪건전하게 잘해보는 쪽으로‬Yes. Why don't you pursue a cleaner relationship now?
‪아, 그건 또 별로인가, 정 대리?‬Or is that not exciting enough, Jihoo?
‪(인사과장) 쓰읍, 막상 사귀긴‬ ‪또 좀 부담스러울 수 있죠‬Or is that not exciting enough, Jihoo? [male] Well, sure, it might feel like too much to actually date.
‪뭐냐, 그 엔조이였을 수도‬ ‪있지 않습니까‬[male] Well, sure, it might feel like too much to actually date. They could've been a friends with benefits situation.
‪(인사팀장) 하긴… 아? 아‬They could've been a friends with benefits situation. [male 2] True. Well,
‪여자가 하라는 대로 벗고 풀고‬ ‪이게 뭐 한두 번은 자극적인데‬It's exciting the first few times to listen to a woman ordering you around,
‪계속 그러면서 사귀는‬ ‪그런 남자 체면은…‬It's exciting the first few times to listen to a woman ordering you around, but if that continues, it will only degrade the man--
‪(지우) 지금 그 발언들‬but if that continues, it will only degrade the man-- You do realize that your comments can be quite problematic
‪문제 제기 가능하다는 거‬ ‪알고 하시는 거죠?‬You do realize that your comments can be quite problematic to many people, right?
‪하이고, 듣던 대로 대단하시네‬My gosh, you really are as amazing as I've heard.
‪설마 탕비실에서‬ ‪그 이상 뭐를 한 건 아니죠?‬You didn't do anything more than that in the employee lounge, did you?
‪그래, 그거는 확실히 하자‬ ‪했어? 안 했어?‬Yes, let's make that clear. Did you or no?
‪그 발언 후회 없으시죠?‬You'll regret what you're saying right now.
‪- 제가…‬ ‪- 그만하시죠!‬-I don't like-- -That's enough!
‪제가 그날 계속 혼내달라 그랬고‬ ‪지우 씨는 아무 잘못 없습니다‬I kept asking her to punish me. Jiwoo did nothing wrong.
‪잘못이 있고 없고는‬ ‪우리가 판단하는 거고요‬We'll be the ones who decide whether or not she did something wrong.
‪암튼 뭐 이 모든 게‬Anyway, all this started with your talk of tendencies, right?
‪본인 특이 취향 때문에‬ ‪시작된 일이다?‬Anyway, all this started with your talk of tendencies, right?
‪예‬Yes. I'm the type of person that likes being ordered around and stepped on.
‪저는 명령받고 짓밟히고‬ ‪그런 거 좋아하는 사람이고요‬Yes. I'm the type of person that likes being ordered around and stepped on.
‪이거 다 저 때문에‬ ‪시작된 일이니까‬This all happened because of me, so stop with your debates.
‪- 토론 좀 그만하세요, 좀‬ ‪- 대리님, 둥둥이‬This all happened because of me, so stop with your debates. [whispers] Mr. Jung, Doong-doong.
‪오늘은 지우 씨 명령 안 듣습니다‬Respectfully, I'm not listening to you today.
‪- (인사팀장) 뭐래니?‬ ‪- (남직원) 둥둥이랍니다‬Respectfully, I'm not listening to you today. -[male] What was that? -Doong-doong.
‪(인사팀장) 뭐? 암호인가?‬Doong-doong? Is that a code?
‪아, 됐고‬Whatever. [sucks teeth]
‪야, 정리하면은, 어?‬Let's get this straight,
‪정 대리는 지우 씨한테‬ ‪특별한 감정은 없는데‬Mr. Jung has no romantic feelings for Jiwoo.
‪그냥 밟히는 게 좋은 거다, 어?‬Mr. Jung has no romantic feelings for Jiwoo. You just like being stepped on.
‪그럼 지우 씨는‬ ‪정 대리가 좋은 거야?‬So, Jiwoo, do you like Mr. Jung or do you just like hitting him?
‪때리는 게 좋은 거야?‬ ‪확실히 하자구‬So, Jiwoo, do you like Mr. Jung or do you just like hitting him? Let's make this clear.
‪아닙니다‬No, sir. I…
‪저 지우 씨‬No, sir. I…
‪좋아합니다‬want Jiwoo.
‪[지우 놀라는 숨소리]‬[gasps]
‪[이 악물고]‬ ‪정 대리님, 그런 얘기를 하시려면…‬Mr. Jung, you really shouldn't be say--
‪[감성적인 음악]‬ ‪좋아하고 연애 감정 있고‬ ‪잘해보고 싶어요‬I actually like her, and I do want to go out with her.
‪그러니까 이런 얘기‬ ‪여기서 듣고 싶지 않습니다‬So I don't want to just sit here and listen to this.
‪어, 좋아하는구나‬So he does like her.
‪근데 그래도 징계는 가는 거야‬ ‪알지?‬Still, you need to be disciplined.
‪징계를 받든 짤리든!‬Whether you discipline me or fire me, It's important I say this.
‪이 얘기는 꼭 해야겠습니다‬Whether you discipline me or fire me, It's important I say this.
‪말씀드렸다시피‬ ‪저 이상한 인간이고‬Yeah, sure, whatever. I'm a freak and I ended up causing this mess.
‪그래서 제가 이 사달 만들었지만‬Yeah, sure, whatever. I'm a freak and I ended up causing this mess.
‪지우 씨는 아닙니다‬But Jiwoo is different.
‪까놓고 얘기해서‬ ‪지금 이 방에서 지우 씨만 빼고‬To be honest, everyone here other than her seems like a total nut job.
‪전부 다 또라이 같아요‬To be honest, everyone here other than her seems like a total nut job.
‪지우 씨는 제가 맡겨드린 업무에‬ ‪철저하게 책임을 지셨을 뿐인‬Jiwoo was carrying out the task I asked of her fully and responsibly.
‪유능하고 멋있는 여자입니다‬Jiwoo was carrying out the task I asked of her fully and responsibly. She's amazing and capable.
‪그래서 반했습니다‬That's why I fell for her.
‪반하면 안 됩니까?‬Is that so wrong?
‪내규에 있어요?‬Is that a rule too?
‪사람 앞에다 앉혀 놓고‬ ‪마음껏 선 넘고‬You're the ones overstepping boundaries left and right, acting rude to our face!
‪무례하게 굴고 계신 여러분들은!‬You're the ones overstepping boundaries left and right, acting rude to our face!
‪진짜 부끄러운 줄 아세요!‬You should be ashamed of yourselves!
‪지우 씨‬Jiwoo…
‪제가 또 이상한 타이밍에‬ ‪이러고 있는 거 아는데요‬I know I have the worst timing as usual…
‪좋아합니다‬but I like you.
‪계약도 징계도 다 상관없고요‬Forget the contract and disciplinary action.
‪동료로서‬As a colleague,
‪인간으로서, 남자로서‬ ‪존경하고 좋아합니다‬a human being, and a man, I respect and like you.
‪지우 씨가 짐작할 수도‬ ‪없을 정도로 좋아해요‬I like you even more than you can ever imagine.
‪좋아해요‬So much.
‪[지우와 지후가 긴장이 풀린 듯‬ ‪숨을 쉬며 웃는다]‬[chuckles] [chuckles]
‪[와그작]‬ ‪쓰읍!‬-[crunches] -Shh!
‪암튼 풍기문란이야!‬It's still public indecency!
‪네, 아무래도‬ ‪그럼 저희가 문란한가 보네요‬Okay. Well then, I guess we've been indecent.
‪앞으론 회사 밖에서만‬ ‪문란하겠습니다‬We'll be indecent only outside of the office.
‪그럼 더 질문 없으시죠?‬No more questions, right?
‪후회도 없으시길 바래요‬And no regrets, I hope.
‪그렇게까지 안 해도 됐는데‬You didn't have to go that far.
‪[지우가 작게 웃는다]‬[chuckles]
‪시크할 땐 멋있고‬ ‪웃을 땐 예쁘고‬You're cool when you're tough, and pretty when you smile.
‪아주 혼자 다 하세요, 지우 씨‬You're cool when you're tough, and pretty when you smile. You're just so perfect, Jiwoo!
‪안 웃으면 안 예뻐요?‬Am I not pretty if I don't smile?
‪지우 씨 바보 아니에요?‬Are you kidding me right now? How could you not be pretty?
‪안 예쁠 리가 있어요?‬Are you kidding me right now? How could you not be pretty?
‪아, 진짜 답답하네‬Are you kidding me right now? How could you not be pretty? You're so frustrating.
‪계약 끝났다고‬ ‪말투가 완전 불손해지셨네?‬You've become very arrogant now that our contract is over.
‪재계약을 해야 되나?‬Maybe we should renew it?
‪지우 씨가 힘든 건‬You don't have to do anything if it's too hard for you.
‪안 해도 돼요‬You don't have to do anything if it's too hard for you.
‪[지우 답답해하는 한숨]‬[sighs deeply]
‪또! 또 이런다‬[sighs deeply] There you go again.
‪앞으론 넘겨짚지 좀 마요‬Don't be making assumptions.
‪제가 원래‬ ‪도전 정신이 있는 편이고‬I always like doing things that push my boundaries.
‪좀 즐겁기도 했거든요‬And it was kind of fun.
‪[지우가 작게 웃는다]‬
‪둘 다 해보죠‬Let's do both.
‪연디‬-DS. -And dating?
‪- 정말요?‬ ‪- 아, 계약서 다시 써요‬-DS. -And dating? Let's rewrite the contract,
‪타 죽을 일 없게 철저하게‬so Mercury won't get burned.
‪(지후) 우와‬[gasps] This makes it worth getting fired.
‪오늘 회사 짤린 보람 있다‬[gasps] This makes it worth getting fired.
‪짤릴지 안 짤릴지는 봐야 알죠‬We still have to see whether or not we are.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[연이은 카톡 알림음]‬ANONYMOUS
‪(여자) 황 팀장님‬ ‪우리 여행은 언제 가?‬[female] Mr. Hwang, when are we going away together? [Hwang] Mmm, you don't need to call me "Mister."
‪(황 팀장) 음!‬ ‪팀장님이라고 하지 말고‬ ‪[직원들이 수군댄다]‬[Hwang] Mmm, you don't need to call me "Mister." You know my wife has been sensitive lately.
‪와이프가 요즘 예민해‬You know my wife has been sensitive lately.
‪우리 애기, 오빠랑 같이 부산‬ ‪출장 가서 고등어회 먹을까?‬Wanna take a business trip to Busan and get mackerel sashimi, baby?
‪미친 또라이 간첩 새끼‬You've got to be kidding me.
‪(녹음 속 인사과장) 팀장님‬ ‪제가 완전 A급 애들로 다 섭외를…‬[Chief Hong] Sir, I'll get the hottest girls around the entire of--
‪야, 씨, 이거 뭐야, 이거?‬Hey, what was that?
‪- 아니, 이게 단톡방에…‬ ‪- 이게 단톡방에? 어?‬It was sent in a group chat. In a group chat? Are you crazy? Wh--
‪(여직원) 이한 씨‬ ‪지우 선배가 찾는대요‬[female] Han, Jiwoo wants to see you.
‪아, 네‬Oh, okay.
‪(지우) 녹취가 됐다면‬[Jiwoo] I'm sure we weren't the only ones being recorded that day.
‪그날의 우리 것만 된 건‬ ‪아닐 거 같았어요‬[Jiwoo] I'm sure we weren't the only ones being recorded that day.
‪[철썩]‬-[whip cracks] -[Jihoo] Please, just hit me for real.
‪(지후) 진짜 때려주세요‬ ‪[문이 벌컥 열린다]‬-[whip cracks] -[Jihoo] Please, just hit me for real.
‪(지우) 안 되겠어, 따라 나와‬-[door slams open] -[Jiwoo] No way. Come with me.
‪(여자) 황 팀장님‬ ‪우리 여행은 언제 가?‬[female] Mr. Hwang, when are we going away together?
‪(한) 선배님‬ ‪곤란하게 한 거 진짜 죄송한데‬[Han] I'm terribly sorry for what I put you through,
‪그래도 제가 큰일 날 것 같은데‬but I'm worried that I'll get in trouble.
‪회사 어차피 안 나올 거 아니에요?‬Aren't you going to quit anyway?
‪[곤란한 한숨]‬[scoffs]
‪그럼 도와줘요‬Then help me.
‪- (여직원1) 정직이야?‬ ‪- (여직원2) 정직이면 월급 나와?‬[female] Suspension? [female 2] They get paid during suspension?
‪(남직원1) 두 사람만 징계하고‬ ‪넘어가는 거야?‬[female 2] They get paid during suspension? [male] They'll cover this up… JUNG JIHOO SIX-MONTH SUSPENSION
‪- (남직원2) 와, 홍보팀 어떡하냐?‬ ‪- (여직원1) 6개월 정직이면…‬JUNG JIHOO SIX-MONTH SUSPENSION JUNG JIWOO THREE-MONTH PAY CUT
‪[직원들이 웅성댄다]‬ ‪(과장) 갑자기 우리 팀만‬ ‪인원이 너무 빠졌어‬[Yuna] We lost too many people all at once.
‪당분간 행사 쪽 외근 맡아줘‬Take charge of the events on-site for the time being.
‪팀 내 처분이야‬That's your punishment.
‪(지우) 네‬Okay.
‪외근 빡세다고 때려치울 거야?‬Or are you going to quit because it's a lot of work?
‪(지우) 네‬I might.
‪[지우가 작게 웃는다]‬ ‪오케이‬-[chuckles] -Okay.
‪[밝은 음악]‬[narrator] No relationship is perfectly equal in this world.
‪(내레이터) 이 세상에‬ ‪완벽하게 평등한 관계는 없습니다‬ ‪[우혁이 개를 부른다]‬[narrator] No relationship is perfectly equal in this world. -Probably. -[Woohyuk] Coming.
‪아마도‬ ‪[우혁이 개를 부른다]‬-Probably. -[Woohyuk] Coming. But we can try to be as equal as we can until our dying breath.
‪그래도 우린‬ ‪평등하게 사랑하기 위해‬ ‪[우혁이 개를 칭찬한다]‬But we can try to be as equal as we can until our dying breath.
‪죽을 때까지 노력하겠죠?‬ ‪[우혁이 개를 칭찬한다]‬But we can try to be as equal as we can until our dying breath. You like it?
‪(우혁) 또 데이트 가요?‬Going on another date?
‪[개들이 짖는다]‬ ‪나 너랑 갈 건데, 가게 문 닫고‬I'll go out with you after I close up. [dog barks]
‪- (우혁) 어?‬ ‪- (혜미) 어, 아유!‬-Oh! -[Hyemi] No, no, James.
‪- 제임스, 제임스, 안 돼, 그만!‬ ‪- (우혁) 혜미 누나!‬-Oh! -[Hyemi] No, no, James. -Stop it. -[Woohyuk] Hyemi!
‪어쭈, '사장님', 어?‬Hyemi? I'm your boss, huh?
‪으이구, 으이구‬[chuckles]
‪- (내레이터) 돔이든 섭이든‬ ‪- 가자‬[narrator] Dom or Sub, S or M, we're all searching for someone
‪[기쁜 탄성]‬ ‪(내레이터) S든 M이든‬ ‪우린 모두 찾고 있잖아요‬[narrator] Dom or Sub, S or M, we're all searching for someone
‪가면 속 우리 모습‬ ‪그대로를 받아들여 줄 사람‬who will accept us as we are behind the mask.
‪포기하지 않으면‬ ‪찾을 수 있을지도 모르는‬The unique love that you may find if you don't give up.
‪희귀한 사람‬The unique love that you may find if you don't give up.
‪그런 사람을 만난다면‬If you meet someone like that,
‪인생이 통째로 바뀔 정도로‬it may be worth enduring a little change in your life.
‪많은 걸 감수할 가치가 있겠죠?‬it may be worth enduring a little change in your life.
‪(지우) 진짜 깨물리는 게‬ ‪소원이에요?‬[Jiwoo] Is it really your wish to be bit?
‪뽀뽀랑 키스랑 이것저것 요것‬ ‪다 소원인데요‬Well, kissing, hugging, I like all of that, you know?
‪저는 진도를 천천히‬-[chuckles] -But I like moving very slowly,
‪단계별로다가 차근차근‬one base at a time. Slowly.
‪그럼 지후 씨 기준에선‬So I'm guessing, what? This is first base for you?
‪이게 진도 1번인 거네요?‬So I'm guessing, what? This is first base for you?
‪[감격한 탄성]‬So I'm guessing, what? This is first base for you? [chuckles]
‪[고조되는 음악]‬[upbeat music playing]
‪[지후 힘겨운 신음]‬[Jihoo sighs]
‪(지후) [힘겹게] 지우 씨‬Jiwoo.
‪(지우) 연디를 해보기로 했습니다‬[Jiwoo] We decided to try a romantic DS relationship
‪어쩐지 팸팸 님에게는‬ ‪알리고 싶어서요‬[Jiwoo] We decided to try a romantic DS relationship I wanted to let you know, Femme Femme.
‪고맙습니다‬Thank you.
‪(내레이터) 그런 사람을 만난 걸‬ ‪축하해요‬[Femme Femme] Congratulations on meeting someone like that.
‪(한) 당신의 디엣도 사랑도‬ ‪응원합니다‬[Han] I wish you luck on your DS relationship as well as your love.
‪[키보드를 친다]‬as well as your love.
‪[개가 앓는 소리]‬[barks]
‪대부분 귀엽지만‬You're cute normally too,
‪이렇게 묶여있을 때가‬ ‪특히 더 귀여워‬but I think you're even cuter when you're tied up like this.
‪그럼 계속 이렇게 묶어주세요‬ ‪[지후가 작게 웃는다]‬Then you should keep tying me up like this.
‪(지우) 쓰읍‬
‪그건 좀 두고 봐야 될 거 같은데?‬I'll have to see about that.
‪일단 오늘은 내가 만족할 때까지‬But today, I won't untie you until I'm more than satisfied.
‪안 풀어줄 거니까‬But today, I won't untie you until I'm more than satisfied.
‪[지우 비명]‬[screams, chuckles]
‪[지우 웃음과 비명]‬[screams, chuckles]
‪쓰읍, 어허‬Okay, trying to take the easy way out?
‪쉬운 길로 가려고 하네?‬Okay, trying to take the easy way out?
‪[월]‬Okay, trying to take the easy way out? -[barks] -[chuckles]
‪사랑해요, 주인님‬I love you, Jiwoo.

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