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  디피 S1.5

D.P. S1.5


‪(이강) 아, 황장수 이 개새끼는, 씨발‬Hwang Jang-soo, that damn asshole. He's making me do his work until the very end.
‪마지막까지 짬을 시키고 가네, 씨‬He's making me do his work until the very end.
‪하, 야‬Hey.
‪[이강이 코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪근무표를 어쩜 이렇게 좆같이 짰으면은‬They must have fucked up the schedule
‪전역자 땜빵을 투고가 하니?‬seeing how I'm here to replace someone who was discharged.
‪안 그래?‬Don't you agree?
‪예, 그렇습니다‬Yes, I agree, sir.
‪(이강) 씨발 놈아‬You fucking asshole.
‪영혼을 담아 가지고‬ ‪이렇게 좀 말을 해, 어?‬When you say something, I want you to mean it, okay?
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry, sir.
‪(이강) 아, 야, 심심한데‬Hey, I'm bored. Let's see the anti-aircraft missile.
‪대공포 발사 쇼나 보자‬Hey, I'm bored. Let's see the anti-aircraft missile.
‪자꾸 해야 늘지‬We should keep doing it so you can get better.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[이강의 헛웃음]‬
‪(이강) '하'?‬What was that?
‪너 지금 한숨 쉬었냐?‬Did you just sigh?
‪어?‬Did you?
‪오늘따라 이 새끼가…‬ ‪드디어 너 맛탱이 간 거야?‬What's with you today? Have you lost your mind?
‪한두 번 깐 것도 아닌데, 씨‬This isn't your first time…
‪그만하십시오‬That's enough, sir.
‪(이강) 야‬Hey.
‪형이, 형이, 형이 미안하다, 진짜‬I'm really sorry.
‪진짜 장난이었는데‬It was a joke.
‪할 줄 알았냐, 이 개새끼야?‬ ‪[석봉의 신음]‬Is that what you expected, you asshole?
‪씨발, 철권인 줄 알았네‬Is that what you expected, you asshole? Do you think this is some kind of a joke, you fucking punk?
‪개씨발 새끼야, 내가 만만해?‬Do you think this is some kind of a joke, you fucking punk? Do you think I'm a joke, you fucking bastard?
‪이 개, 씨, 개새끼야, 씨발 놈아‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬Do you think I'm a joke, you fucking bastard?
‪좆같으면 군대에 빨리 오든지‬ ‪개씨발 놈아!‬It's your fault for not joining the army sooner than I did. You fucking…
‪개새끼야‬ ‪[석봉의 힘주는 신음]‬You fucking… You fucking bastard!
‪[이강의 놀란 신음]‬You fucking bastard!
‪(이강) 이런 씨발‬You fucking bastard! Die, you fucker! Die, you prick!
‪뒈져, 씨발 새끼야!‬ ‪[이강의 아파하는 신음]‬Die, you fucker! Die, you prick!
‪뒈져! 씨발‬Die, you fucker! Die, you prick!
‪뭐라고, 이 개새끼야? 씨발‬What did you fucking say, you asshole?
‪죽어, 씨발!‬Die! Fucking die!
‪죽으라고, 이 씨발 놈아!‬Die! Fucking die! Just die, you fucking dickhead!
‪죽어! 씨발‬Just die, you fucking dickhead! Fucking die!
‪씨발‬Fucking die! Just fucking die!
‪(석봉) 죽어! 씨발, 죽어, 씨발 놈아‬Just fucking die! Die, you fucking asshole.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬Die, you fucking asshole.
‪씨발‬Fuck you.
‪죽어‬Just die. Die, you asshole.
‪죽어, 그냥, 씨‬Just die. Die, you asshole.
‪(병수) 조…‬Private Cho Suk-bong, sir.
‪조, 조, 조, 조석봉 일병님‬Private Cho Suk-bong, sir.
‪[석봉의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(병수) 다, 다, 다음‬ ‪다음 근무자 이제 늦으신다고…‬The next person on duty is going to be late.
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪"넷플릭스 시리즈"‬
‪조석봉 미친 새끼, 진짜‬Cho Suk-bong, that lunatic.
‪[호열의 한숨]‬
‪[용덕의 한숨]‬
‪그러니까 얘가 우리 부대고‬ ‪얘가 우리 애라는 거지?‬So, this happened in our unit, and this is one of our guys?
‪(범구) 예, 그렇습니다‬Yes, sir.
‪류이강 상병은 의무대로 일단…‬Yes, sir. -Corporal Ryu I-gang was-- -What's your plan?
‪어떻게 할 거야?‬-Corporal Ryu I-gang was-- -What's your plan?
‪이미 위수 지역은 벗어난 거 같으니‬He's already left the garrison, so we should carry out a full-scale search
‪예하 부대부터 수방사까지‬ ‪대규모 수색으로 전환하시죠‬He's already left the garrison, so we should carry out a full-scale search with the help from our soldiers and the CDC.
‪군견 공조하고 체포조까지 전부…‬We'll ask for some military dogs and form an arrest team--
‪(용덕) 임 대위 생각은 어때?‬Captain Lim, what do you think?
‪예, 일단 박 중사 말대로 하는 게‬ ‪좋은 거 같습니다‬I think we should do as Sergeant Park says.
‪좀 시간이 지체될수록 아무래도…‬If this gets delayed--
‪(용덕) 그래?‬You think so?
‪정말로?‬Are you sure?
‪대장이 묻잖아‬I'm asking if you really agree with him.
‪같은 생각이냐고‬I'm asking if you really agree with him.
‪예, 그, 대규모 수색대‬ ‪좋은 방법이지만‬A full-scale search is a good idea,
‪또 머릿수가 는다고‬ ‪아무래도 능사는 아니니까‬but having a lot of men doesn't really guarantee anything,
‪(지섭) 조용히 움직여서 접근하는 것도‬ ‪좋은 방법인 거 같습니다‬so it might also be a good idea to do this quietly.
‪(용덕) 그래, 어? 우리가 누구야?‬Yes, you're right. Who are we?
‪헌병이야, 헌병‬We're the military police. We police the military.
‪군사 경찰이라고‬We're the military police. We police the military.
‪탈영병 잡는 헌병대에서‬ ‪탈영병이 나왔다, 응?‬We can't have a deserter when we're the ones who catch them.
‪그것도 모자라서‬ ‪동네방네 사단까지 소문 다 내 가지고‬Let's not make things worse by letting everyone know.
‪(범구) 그래도‬ ‪경찰의 협조가 있어야 용이하게…‬But we need help from the police to--
‪경찰이 알고!‬But we need help from the police to-- If the police find out,
‪그다음에 언론이 알고!‬the press will also find out!
‪(용덕) 군 위상이 어디까지‬ ‪추락을 해야 정신을 차릴 거야?‬ ‪[한숨]‬We are the military! We can't have any of that!
‪닥치고 내 말대로 하라고, 인마‬Shut up and do as I say!
‪[문이 덜컥 열린다]‬
‪(범구) 시간 없으니까‬ ‪찢어져서 움직일 거야‬We don't have time, so we'll have to split up.
‪혼자도 괜찮지?‬You're fine alone, right?
‪(준호) 예, 괜찮습니다‬Yes, sir.
‪[지섭의 한숨]‬Yes, sir.
‪(범구) 괜찮습니다‬It's okay, sir.
‪이해하고요‬I understand.
‪뭐 해? 움직여‬Go on. Get a move on.
‪[범구의 한숨]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪씨발, 진짜‬Fucking hell…
‪(범구) 개 키워 봤냐?‬Have you ever raised a dog?
‪키우던 개가 사람을 물면‬When a dog bites its owner,
‪그 개는 죽여야 돼‬that dog needs to be put down.
‪한 번이라도 사람을 문 개는‬ ‪용서가 안 되거든‬It's hard to forgive a dog that bites a person…
‪또 그럴 거라 생각하는 거지‬because it might do it again.
‪근데 개 입장에선‬But what if it bit the owner
‪자기한테 돌 던지고‬ ‪괴롭히던 새끼를 문 거면‬because the jerk threw rocks and abused the dog?
‪그런 거면 존나게 억울하지 않겠냐?‬Then wouldn't the dog think it's unfair?
‪조석봉 일병이‬Are you saying Private Cho
‪개라는 말씀이십니까?‬is a dog?
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪우린 아닌 줄 아냐?‬We're no different.
‪가‬Go on.
‪데려오자, 석봉이‬Let's bring Suk-bong back.
‪(강사) 얘들아‬Guys.
‪혹시 최근에‬Have any of you gotten any calls or texts from Mr. Bongdhi lately?
‪그, 봉디 쌤한테 연락받은 사람 있니?‬Have any of you gotten any calls or texts from Mr. Bongdhi lately?
‪(학생들) 아니요‬-No. -No.
‪[준호의 한숨]‬
‪(강사) 음, 죄송해요‬I'm sorry.
‪없나 보네요‬I guess they haven't.
‪(준호) 아, 네‬I guess they haven't. Okay.
‪'봉디 쌤'이라니…‬why do you call him Mr. Bongdhi?
‪석봉 쌤 별명이요‬That's Mr. Cho's nickname.
‪(강사) '조석봉 간디'라고‬Because he's like Gandhi.
‪[웃으며] 석봉 쌤이 워낙 착하셔서‬He's so kind and patient.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪애들이 심하게 막 장난쳐도‬ ‪혼 한 번 안 냈었거든요‬He never scolded the kids no matter how much they fooled around.
‪그냥 허허 웃고 말지‬He just laughed it off.
‪그렇죠, 그 형이 좀 그렇죠‬Yes, he tends to be like that.
‪[생각하는 숨소리]‬
‪아무튼 그럼‬ ‪조석봉 일병 갈 만한 곳이나‬Anyway, do you know where he might be or if he has any close friends?
‪혹시 가까웠던 사람 좀 아세요?‬Anyway, do you know where he might be or if he has any close friends?
‪아니면은‬If not, I'd like to take a look at his personnel record.
‪아무거나 인적 자료라도 좀‬ ‪보고 싶은데‬ ‪[강사의 생각하는 신음]‬If not, I'd like to take a look at his personnel record.
‪학원 웹 하드에 석봉 쌤 이력서랑‬ ‪원고 파일 같은 게 있긴 한데‬We have his résumé and manuscripts saved on the academy's server.
‪그 웹 하드 좀 볼 수 있을까요?‬May I take a look at that?
‪(강사) 그게‬Well…
‪어, 외부인 열람이 안 돼요‬We can't give outsiders access.
‪개인 정보랑‬It contains personal information and our students' portfolios.
‪학생들 포트폴리오 같은 게‬ ‪있어 가지고‬It contains personal information and our students' portfolios.
‪(준호) 네, 지인들까진‬ ‪아직 연락이 안 닿은 거 같고‬I don't think he's contacted any of his acquaintances.
‪조석봉 일병 주변도 한 바퀴 돌았는데‬ ‪별로 나온 게 없습니다‬I don't think he's contacted any of his acquaintances. I've done the rounds but got nothing.
‪- 예, 알겠습니다‬ ‪- (선아) 저기…‬-Okay, sir. -Excuse me…
‪(선아) 혹시‬I figured…
‪필요하실 거 같아서‬you might need this.
‪저 봉디 쌤 때문에 대학도 붙었거든요‬Mr. Bongdhi helped me get into college.
‪봉디 쌤 되게 좋은 사람인데‬He's a really good person.
‪무슨 일인지는 잘 모르겠지만‬I don't know what this is about,
‪꼭 도와주세요‬but please help him.
‪그럴게요‬I will.
‪꼭‬I promise.
‪(호열) 조석봉 일병 아시죠?‬ ‪[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다]‬Do you know Private Cho Suk-bong?
‪같이 동반 입대 했다는데‬I heard you enlisted in the army together.
‪조로요? 네‬I heard you enlisted in the army together. Zoro? Yes.
‪(범구) 조로?‬"Zoro"?
‪아, 그게‬ ‪저랑 같이 만화 동아리를 했어 갖고‬We used to be in the same comic club.
‪그, 웹툰 준비도 같이 하고‬ ‪그랬었거든요‬We drew webtoons together.
‪그럼 네가 루피야?‬Then are you Luffy?
‪네, 제가 루피예요‬Yes, I'm Luffy.
‪(호열) 담당관님‬ ‪'원피스'를 아십니까?‬Sir, you know One Piece?
‪왜, 나는 뭐, '원피스' 알면 안 되냐?‬Why? Do you find that so strange?
‪(호열) 음…‬Why? Do you find that so strange? So, you do.
‪석봉이가 탈영을 했다‬Suk-bong deserted the army.
‪(범구) 입대하고 나서도‬ ‪계속 연락 주고받았던 거 맞지?‬You've kept in touch after you enlisted, right?
‪[당황한 신음]‬Pardon?
‪(루리) 친해서‬We're close.
‪그, 휴가 때‬So we'd meet up
‪같이 애니메이션도 보러 가고‬ ‪그랬었는데‬during our leave and go watch anime together.
‪최근엔 언제 봤어요?‬When did you see him last?
‪뭐, 석봉이가 '군 생활 힘들다'‬Has he ever complained that he was having a hard time?
‪(호열) 뭐, 이런 얘기 한 적 없었어요?‬Has he ever complained that he was having a hard time?
‪[생각하는 신음]‬ ‪[밝은 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[관객들이 소란스럽다]‬
‪(직원) '카론의 행성' 굿즈 사세요‬Come and purchase the goods here.
‪굿즈 사세요‬Come and purchase the goods here.
‪(루리) 야, 조로, 야, 조로!‬Come and purchase the goods here. Hey, Zoro. Zoro!
‪- (석봉) 어?‬ ‪- 야, 조로, 왜 그럼?‬-What? -Zoro, what's the matter?
‪(루리) 요코 짱 분량이‬ ‪너무 적어서 그럼?‬Is it because Yoko-chan didn't have enough screen time?
‪괜찮아, 다음 속편에는‬ ‪요코 짱 분량이…‬It's okay. She'll appear more--
‪(석봉) 루피‬It's okay. She'll appear more-- Luffy, I'm going to head home. I'm not feeling very well.
‪나 먼저 좀 들어갈게‬ ‪몸이 안 좋아 가지고‬Luffy, I'm going to head home. I'm not feeling very well.
‪(루리) 어, 알았어‬Luffy, I'm going to head home. I'm not feeling very well. Okay.
‪[석봉의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪(남자1) 아이씨, 오타쿠 새끼가, 씨‬Gosh, you fucking nerd.
‪- (석봉) 죄송합니다‬ ‪- (남자2) 병신‬Gosh, you fucking nerd. -I'm sorry. -Idiot.
‪뒈지고 싶냐, 이 씨발 새끼야?‬Do you have a death wish, motherfucker?
‪[석봉의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬Do you have a death wish, motherfucker?
‪(루리) 그런 표정‬I've never seen him…
‪씨발 새끼가‬You fucking asshole.
‪(루리) 처음 봤어요‬…like that before.
‪씨발 새끼‬That fucking jerk.
‪[문이 스르륵 여닫힌다]‬
‪[안내 방송이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(이강) 뭐가 궁금한 건데?‬What do you want to know?
‪뭐가 궁금한 거냐고‬What is it that you want to ask?
‪고참한테까지 좆같은 탐정 놀이‬ ‪뭐, 그런 거 하는 거니?‬Are you here to play fucking detective with your senior?
‪이 지경이 돼서도 그 좆같은 고참 놀이‬ ‪계속하고 싶습니까?‬Is seniority what comes to mind even at a time like this?
‪뭐, 이 씨발 새끼야?‬-What did you say, you jackass? -Do you think you'll be okay
‪도망친 조석봉 일병 빨리 못 잡으면‬-What did you say, you jackass? -Do you think you'll be okay
‪(준호) 류이강 상뱀‬ ‪무사할 거 같습니까?‬if we don't catch Private Cho?
‪일 커지고 진상 조사 착수하면‬If they start investigating this,
‪부대 내 부조리 다 까질 텐데‬they'll find out about all the irregularities in our unit.
‪그걸 누가 전부 다 뒤집어쓸까요?‬Who do you think will be blamed?
‪그게 왜 내 잘못이야? 씨발‬How is that my fault? Fuck.
‪그게 왜 내 탓이냐고!‬How am I to blame?
‪(이강) 나보다 더 심한 새끼들‬ ‪존나 많았잖아, 어?‬There were others who were worse.
‪씨발, 황장수 그 새끼는?‬What about Hwang Jang-soo, that asshole?
‪뭐, 그 새끼는 씨발, 뭐‬Does he get off the fucking hook
‪전역하고 이미지 세탁했으니까‬ ‪된 거야?‬now that he's discharged?
‪집에 갔으니까 된 거냐고‬ ‪이 씨발 새끼야!‬Is it okay that he's back home now?
‪[이강이 씩씩거린다]‬Is it okay that he's back home now?
‪그러니까 빨리 얘기하라고‬So hurry up and tell me.
‪도와줄 테니까‬I can help you.
‪너희 D.P.들‬The D.P. soldiers…
‪그날 부대에 없었지?‬weren't there that day, right?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬weren't there that day, right?
‪황장수가 집에 가네‬-I can't believe you're going home. -Call me when you're out.
‪(장수) 나오면 전화해라‬ ‪소주 한잔 빨게‬-I can't believe you're going home. -Call me when you're out. -Let's have soju together. -The fucking time…
‪시간, 씨발‬-Let's have soju together. -The fucking time…
‪[웃음]‬-Let's have soju together. -The fucking time…
‪다음 주에 휴가 나가면은‬I'll call you next week during my leave.
‪형한테 연락할게‬I'll call you next week during my leave.
‪(장수) 너희들도‬ ‪빡센 고참 만나 욕봤다‬I'm sorry I was so hard on you guys.
‪아, 뭔 악수야? 빨리 가‬Don't bother shaking hands. Just go. We need to get to work.
‪우리 작업해야 돼‬Don't bother shaking hands. Just go. We need to get to work.
‪(장수) 하, 이 새끼 맨날 틱틱대, 이거‬This jerk's always so cranky. Time will slow down once you're in your last year.
‪너, 씨발, 이제 말년 되면‬ ‪시간 뒈지게 안 간다?‬Time will slow down once you're in your last year.
‪좆 까, 씨‬Time will slow down once you're in your last year. Fuck you.
‪우리 오타쿠‬Hey, Nerd.
‪(장수) 형 때문에 고생 많았어‬I know I put you through a lot.
‪좋은 추억도‬Let's put all our good…
‪좆같은 기억도 다 털자‬and bad memories behind us.
‪(장수) 야, '우끼끼' 해 봐‬ ‪[병사들의 웃음]‬Hey, cry like a monkey.
‪- '우끼끼' 해 봐, '우끼끼'‬ ‪- (일석) 진짜 '우끼끼' 해 봐‬-Cry like a monkey. Do it. -Bark. Cry like a monkey.
‪씨발 놈아, 해 봐, 빨리, 해 봐‬Do it, you fucking idiot. Hurry up and do it.
‪우끼끼!‬ ‪[병사들의 웃음]‬
‪야, 씨발, 이런 선임이 어디 있냐?‬You'll never meet a senior like me.
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪(장수) 공짜 왁싱도 해 주고‬I'm giving you a free hair removal.
‪[쿨럭거린다]‬ ‪(장수) 왜, 씨발‬ ‪그걸 자꾸 못 외우지?‬Why can't you fucking memorize it?
‪죄, 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry, sir.
‪(장수) 닭대가리야?‬I'm sorry, sir. Are you stupid?
‪[석봉이 쿨럭거린다]‬
‪누워 있으니까 편하냐?‬Is it comfy down there?
‪[장수가 담배를 칙 끈다]‬
‪(장수) 쯧, 간다‬I'll see you guys.
‪(석봉) 좋은 추억이 뭐가 있습니까?‬What good memories?
‪(석봉) 미안하다고 하십시오‬I want you to apologize.
‪미안하다고 말하십시오‬I want you to apologize.
‪알았다, 알았어‬Okay, fine.
‪미안하다, 미안해‬I'm sorry, okay?
‪(장수) 됐지?‬Happy now?
‪(이강) 아, 진짜‬
‪오타쿠, 이 개새끼야‬Hey, you fucking nerd.
‪너 분위기 파악이 안 되니?‬Can't you take a hint?
‪훈훈한 분위기를, 이 새끼가, 이씨, 쯧‬We were having a moment here.
‪뺑이들 쳐라‬Now get back to work.
‪형 간다‬I'm off.
‪(병사들) 충성!‬-Sir. -Sir.
‪(효상) 가요‬-See you. -Bye, Jang-soo.
‪- (일석) 가요, 형‬ ‪- (이강) 가‬-See you. -Bye, Jang-soo. -Bye. -Sir. Thank you for your service.
‪(병사) 충성, 수고하셨습니다‬-Bye. -Sir. Thank you for your service.
‪[병사들의 한숨]‬Let's go.
‪(이강) 가자‬Let's go.
‪(병사들) 예, 알겠습니다‬Let's go. Yes, sir.
‪(이강) 후딱 가서 작업 끝내자‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬Let's go get some work done.
‪[병사들이 대화한다]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Did you find anything on their server?
‪(준호) 웹 하드에서 뭐 좀 나왔습니까?‬Did you find anything on their server?
‪(기영) 들어가서 이것저것 열어 봤는데‬I poked around in there…
‪석봉이 개인 폴더에‬and something was uploaded to Suk-bong's folder two hours ago.
‪두 시간 전에 업로드된‬ ‪파일이 하나 있어‬and something was uploaded to Suk-bong's folder two hours ago.
‪두 시간 전 말입니까?‬Two hours ago?
‪하, 씨‬ ‪[마우스 휠 조작음]‬Damn it. What should I tell them?
‪뭐라고 설명해야 되냐, 진짜?‬What should I tell them?
‪(기영) 내가 파일 보낼 테니까‬ ‪한번 봐 봐‬I'll send you the file. Take a look.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪한호열 상뱀, 안준호입니다‬Corporal Han, this is An Jun-ho.
‪(호열) 뭐?‬ ‪석봉이가 황장수 만나러 갈 거라고?‬What? You think Suk-bong is on his way to meet Hwang Jang-soo?
‪[기어 조작음]‬ ‪너 그게 무슨 소리야?‬What? You think Suk-bong is on his way to meet Hwang Jang-soo? What are you talking about?
‪[자동차 시동음]‬ ‪(준호) 조석봉 일병‬ ‪오늘 인터넷 접속했고‬What are you talking about? Private Cho went online today, and we're tracing the IP address.
‪그 IP를 찾고 있습니다‬Private Cho went online today, and we're tracing the IP address.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪현 위치도 파악 중이고요‬We're trying to trace his current location too.
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬
‪석봉아‬Please don't do anything stupid, Suk-bong. Please.
‪제발 사고 치지 마라, 제발, 씨‬Please don't do anything stupid, Suk-bong. Please.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(기영) 웹 하드에 접속했던 IP‬The IP address that accessed the server
‪휴게소야, 고속 도로 휴게소‬was at a highway rest area.
‪그 뒤에 같은 IP 뜬 적은 없고‬That IP didn't show up again after that.
‪딱 그것만 했어‬It was just that one time.
‪도대체 뭐 어쩌려는 건지, 참‬I've got no idea what he's trying to do.
‪네 말대로 황장수네 집으로 간 거면‬If he really is on his way to Hwang Jang-soo's place…
‪(준호) 휴게소가 수도권 방향인 거면‬ ‪시간이 없습니다‬If the rest area is on the way to Seoul, we don't have much time.
‪(기영) 하, 그렇지‬Of course.
‪근데 문제는 어디로 도착하냐 이건데‬But we need to know where he'll be getting off.
‪일단 내가 다시 알아볼게‬I'll look into it again.
‪[수화기를 달칵 내려놓는다]‬
‪하, 씨‬
‪얼마나들 더‬ ‪상관을 좆같이 보겠다는 거지?‬Does he not give a fuck what his senior says?
‪(준호) 성남입니다‬It's Seongnam.
‪황장수가 제대할 때‬ ‪주소를 뿌리고 갔습니다‬Hwang Jang-soo gave everyone his address when he was discharged.
‪어디 있습니까?‬Where are you?
‪빨리 오시지 말입니다‬You should hurry up, sir.
‪(호열) 야, 구정이야, 구정, 지금 여기‬It's like the Lunar New Year.
‪아니, 그러니까 아까 거기서, 참…‬It's like the Lunar New Year. That's why I told you to…
‪운전을 좀 이렇게 끼어드시라니까‬Why couldn't you just cut in? Seriously.
‪진짜 그거를…‬Why couldn't you just cut in? Seriously.
‪터미널 매표소에 가면‬If you go to the ticket office,
‪타 부대 수사관들이랑‬ ‪D.P.들 모여 있을 거야‬you'll find investigators and D.P. from other units.
‪한 스무 명쯤 될 테니까‬There will be about 20 of them, so get going without us.
‪(범구) 먼저 합류해서 움직여‬There will be about 20 of them, so get going without us.
‪(준호) 네‬ ‪지금 매표소 왔습니다, 근데‬I'm at the ticket office, but…
‪아, 담당관님, 죄송한데 어디에 지금…‬Sir, I'm sorry, but where are… Gosh, this is so annoying.
‪(규) 아, 진짜 짜증 나 죽겠네‬Gosh, this is so annoying.
‪아니, 작전 취소면 취소라고‬ ‪빨리 말을 해 주든가‬Why couldn't they tell us earlier that it's been canceled?
‪잠시만 말입니다‬Just a second, sir.
‪(성곤) 잘된 거 아닙니까?‬Isn't it a good thing? I heard this guy used to do judo.
‪그 새끼 유도 했다 그럽니다, 이거‬Isn't it a good thing? I heard this guy used to do judo.
‪(규) 야, 이 새끼야‬ ‪D.P.가 그게 할 소리냐?‬And you call yourself a D.P. soldier?
‪(준호) 아저씨들‬Guys.
‪(함께) 어?‬-What? -What?
‪왜 둘만 있습니까?‬ ‪다른 분들 다 어디 가고‬Why is it just you two? Where are the others?
‪(규) 아이, 뭔 소리야?‬What are you talking about?
‪전부 너희 부대에서‬ ‪공문 다시 받았다는데‬What are you talking about? They received a message from your unit saying the operation was canceled.
‪작전 취소라고‬They received a message from your unit saying the operation was canceled.
‪(호열) 너 그게 무슨 말이야?‬What are you talking about?
‪작전 취소라니?‬The operation was canceled?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬The operation was canceled?
‪임지섭, 씨‬Lim Ji-seop, that punk.
‪(지섭) 아이, 말을 하면‬ ‪듣지를 않네, 씨발‬REQUEST TO CANCEL OPERATION TO APPREHEND MP PRIVATE CHO SUK-BONG He should have listened, that asshole.
‪쟤는 왜 말을 안 듣냐?‬He should have listened, that asshole.
‪(준호) 아니, 그럼‬ ‪어쩝, 어쩝니까, 예?‬Then what should we do? Private Cho is going to arrive soon.
‪조석봉 일병 곧 도착합니다‬Then what should we do? Private Cho is going to arrive soon.
‪뭐야, 취소 아니야?‬What? I thought it was canceled.
‪(범구) 우리끼리 하자‬I guess it's just us then.
‪해 보자‬I guess it's just us then.
‪최대한 빨리 도착할 테니까‬We'll be there as soon as possible.
‪예, 알겠습니다‬Okay, sir.
‪도와주실 겁니까?‬Are you going to help?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[성곤의 다급한 신음]‬
‪(성곤) 아이씨‬ ‪사람 왜 이렇게 많아? 씨‬Gosh, there are too many people.
‪(준호) 제가‬ ‪1번, 2번 플랫폼으로 갈 테니까‬I'll go to platforms one and two.
‪나머지 플랫폼 맡아 주십시오‬You two can check the rest.
‪(성곤) 오케이, 알겠어‬Okay, got it.
‪제가 3, 4번으로 가겠습니다‬I'll check platforms three and four.
‪- (규) 야, 성곤아‬ ‪- (성곤) 네?‬I'll check platforms three and four. -Seong-gon. -Yes?
‪[거친 숨소리]‬Let's catch him before they do this time.
‪이번에 꼭 우리가 잡자, 뺏기지 말고‬Let's catch him before they do this time.
‪제가 잡으면‬If I catch him, you'd better buy me beef.
‪소고기 쏘는 겁니다‬If I catch him, you'd better buy me beef.
‪(성곤) 태성곤 출동‬I'll get moving now.
‪쏴 버릴까?‬Should I just shoot him?
‪[몽환적인 음악이 새어 나온다]‬
‪[버스 문이 쉭 열린다]‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[몽환적인 음악이 새어 나온다]‬
‪조석봉 일병님‬Private Cho Suk-bong.
‪잠시만‬Can we…
‪(준호) 저랑 잠시만‬ ‪얘기 좀 하지 말입니다‬Can we just talk for a bit?
‪준호야, 나 잡으러 온 거야?‬Jun-ho, are you here to catch me?
‪그게 아니고‬No, it's not that.
‪저 도와주러 왔습니다‬I'm here to help.
‪그러니까 잠시만…‬So please…
‪(준호) 조석봉 일뱀 억울한 거‬I know how upset
‪답답한 거 다 압니다‬and frustrated you are.
‪저랑 잠시만 얘기 좀 하지 말입니다‬So let's just talk for a bit.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[준호의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪너도 날 병신으로 아냐?‬Do you also think I'm an idiot?
‪[준호의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[준호와 석봉의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪(준호) 진정하십시오‬Calm down, sir!
‪[석봉의 힘주는 신음]‬Calm down, sir!
‪싸우러 온 거 아닙니다‬I'm not here to fight you.
‪[석봉의 힘주는 신음]‬I'm not here to fight you.
‪[준호의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[석봉의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪(석봉) 너도 나 병신으로 보냐고!‬Do you also think I'm an idiot?
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(준호) 싸우기 싫습…‬I don't want to fight you, sir.
‪[석봉의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[준호의 거친 신음]‬
‪제발 이러지 마십시오‬Please, don't do this.
‪[준호와 석봉의 거친 숨소리]‬Please, don't do this.
‪(성곤) 잡았다, 이 새끼가…‬I've got you, you punk!
‪[석봉의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[성곤의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[준호의 다급한 신음]‬
‪아저씨, 차 빼요, 차!‬Move the bus!
‪[준호의 당황한 신음]‬ ‪(규) 성곤, 성곤이 형‬Seong-gon! Call 911!
‪119, 119!‬Seong-gon! Call 911!
‪[울먹이며] 성곤이 형, 성곤이 형‬Seong-gon.
‪차 빼라고!‬Move the bus!
‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪[석봉의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(여자) 뭐야?‬
‪[석봉의 아파하는 신음]‬ ‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[아기 울음]‬ ‪[석봉의 놀란 신음]‬
‪- 어, 미안, 어, 미안‬ ‪- (호열) 석봉아!‬-I'm sorry. -Suk-bong.
‪- (범구) 조석봉!‬ ‪- (석봉) 아이씨‬-Cho Suk-bong! -Come here, Suk-bong!
‪- (호열) 석봉아, 일로 와 봐!‬ ‪- (범구) 조석봉!‬-Cho Suk-bong! -Come here, Suk-bong! Cho Suk-bong!
‪[사람들의 놀란 신음]‬
‪(호열) 석봉아!‬ ‪[석봉의 다급한 신음]‬Suk-bong!
‪(범구) 조석봉!‬ ‪[석봉의 가쁜 숨소리]‬Cho Suk-bong!
‪(석봉) 씨발, 비켜!‬Fucking move! Move it!
‪비켜! 씨발‬Fucking move! Move it!
‪- (석봉) 비켜‬ ‪- (남자3) 오, 뭐야?‬Fucking move! Move it!
‪(범구) 조석봉!‬Fucking move! Move it! Cho Suk-bong!
‪[석봉의 당황한 신음]‬
‪(호열) 석봉아‬ ‪사람 치지 마, 사람 치지 마‬Don't hurt anyone! Suk-bong!
‪어? 석봉아!‬Don't hurt anyone! Suk-bong!
‪[석봉의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪(석봉) 이씨‬
‪- (호열) 석봉아‬ ‪- (석봉) 비켜‬Get out of my way!
‪(호열) 스톱, 스톱, 스톱, 스톱…‬
‪[사람들의 비명]‬
‪[호열의 당황한 신음]‬Hey, you punk!
‪(범구) 야, 인마, 가!‬Hey, you punk!
‪[석봉의 다급한 신음]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪[범구의 가쁜 숨소리]‬Damn it.
‪(범구) 씨발‬Damn it.
‪내가 3, 4관, 넌 1, 2관‬I'll check theaters three and four. You check one and two.
‪(호열) 네‬I'll check theaters three and four. You check one and two.
‪[관객들의 웃음]‬
‪[영화 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[호열의 한숨]‬
‪(호열) 석봉아‬Suk-bong.
‪[관객들의 웃음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[관객들의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[관객들이 소란스럽다]‬
‪[호열의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[석봉의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪(관객1) 아, 뭐야!‬Gosh, what's he doing?
‪(관객2) 미친 또라이들이‬ ‪영화 보는데, 진짜‬Gosh, what's he doing? What the hell do you think you're--
‪[호열의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪[관객들의 비명]‬What the hell do you think you're--
‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪내가 뭘 그렇게 잘못했는데?‬What did I do wrong?
‪(석봉) 씨발, 나한테 왜 그러는데!‬Why the fuck are you doing this to me?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪석봉이는?‬Where's Suk-bong?
‪(호열) 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry, sir.
‪정말 죄송합니다, 죄송합니다‬I'm really sorry, sir.
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry, sir.
‪[용덕의 웃음]‬
‪(용덕) 결혼은 했다 그랬나?‬-Did you say you're married? -Yes, sir.
‪- (지섭) 예‬ ‪- (용덕) 응, 애들은?‬-Did you say you're married? -Yes, sir. Any kids?
‪(지섭) 셋 있습니다‬ ‪딸 둘에 아들 하나 있습니다‬I have three. Two girls and a boy, sir.
‪(용덕) 아이고야, 임 대위 왕성하네‬Gosh, you must have a lot of stamina.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪어, 씁, 애들 키우는 데‬That's good. It's expensive raising kids.
‪돈이 한두 푼 드는 것도‬ ‪아닐 긴데, 응?‬It's expensive raising kids. You really are a patriot.
‪참, 진짜 애국자다, 애국자‬You really are a patriot.
‪(지섭) 감사합니다‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬Thank you, sir.
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪[용덕이 숨을 카 내뱉는다]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(용덕) 어, 그래‬Hello?
‪알았다, 끊어라‬Okay, hang up.
‪어이, 그, 잘 좀 하지‬Couldn't you do a better job? What's the matter with you?
‪왜 그랬어?‬Couldn't you do a better job? What's the matter with you?
‪(용덕) 성남에서 아가 다쳤다 안 하나‬A soldier got hurt in Seongnam.
‪조석봉인 놓치고‬A soldier got hurt in Seongnam. Cho Suk-bong got away.
‪그래서 내가 뭐라드노, 어?‬What did I tell you?
‪작전은 인원이 넉넉해야 된다‬ ‪안 하드나‬I told you there should be enough men for the operation.
‪아이, 저는 그때 대장님께서‬ ‪분명 그렇게 지시를 하셔서…‬But I thought you wanted me to keep things quiet.
‪[지섭의 한숨]‬
‪(용덕) 어이‬Hey.
‪작전 실패가 지금‬ ‪이 대장 탓이라는 거가?‬Are you blaming me for this?
‪이 새끼가 지 면피할라고, 이씨‬ ‪[한숨]‬Are you trying to avoid taking responsibility?
‪아닙니다, 죄송합니다‬No, I'm sorry, sir.
‪(용덕) 어이, 상황 보고 다시 해 봐‬Tell me what happened again.
‪말을 똑바로 해 봐, 이 새끼야!‬Speak properly, you punk!
‪[문이 쾅 닫힌다]‬Speak properly, you punk!
‪(범구) 수방사 애들은?‬Where are the CDC guys?
‪(준호) 좀 전에‬ ‪국군 서울 병원으로 후송됐습니다‬They were taken to the Korean Armed Forces Seoul Hospital.
‪다행히 생명엔 지장 없습니다‬Fortunately, he'll be fine.
‪(범구) [한숨 쉬며] 그래‬Good.
‪(준호) 저희‬Do we…
‪복귀지 말입니다‬need to go back, sir?
‪(범구) 응, 어차피 완전히 터져 버렸고‬Yes. It's already out in the open now.
‪경찰도 개입할 테니 알아서 하겠지‬The police will get involved, so they'll take care of it.
‪아무튼 일단 복귀하자, 빨리‬Anyway, let's get going now.
‪(준호) 네‬Yes, sir.
‪저 잠시 화장실 좀 다녀오겠습니다‬I need to use the bathroom first.
‪[범구의 한숨]‬
‪(범구) 호열아‬Ho-yeol.
‪(호열) 상병 한호열‬Corporal Han Ho-yeol, sir.
‪[호열의 헛기침]‬Corporal Han Ho-yeol, sir.
‪(범구) 잘했다‬You did the right thing.
‪[라이터를 탁 열며] 안 덤빈 거‬ ‪잘했다고‬I'm glad you didn't try to fight him.
‪[범구가 라이터를 탁 닫는다]‬
‪(호열) 예‬Yes, sir.
‪[어깨를 탁 짚는다]‬
‪기영이가 황장수 집 주소 보냈지?‬Gi-yeong sent you Hwang Jang-soo's address, right?
‪(범구) 경찰한테 전달했고?‬Did you give it to the police?
‪그거 준호한테 있지 말입니다‬Jun-ho has his address.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(범구) 야, 이 미친 새끼야!‬ ‪너 지금 어디야?‬You fucking maniac! Where are you?
‪늦습니다, 경찰은, 지금 가야 됩니다‬The police will get there too late. I need to go right now.
‪(준호) 조석봉 일병이‬ ‪바로 움직일 겁니다‬What? Private Cho will be there right away.
‪(범구) 무슨 근거로, 이 새끼야!‬How are you so sure, you punk?
‪직감입니다‬It's my gut feeling, sir.
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry, sir.
‪야, 안준호, 야, 야!‬Hey, Jun-ho! Hey!
‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪(범구) 뭐 하냐?‬What are you doing?
‪(호열) 저 차 좀 빌리겠습니다‬Let me borrow your car, sir.
‪[호열이 안전벨트를 달칵 채운다]‬ ‪(범구) 어?‬Let me borrow your car, sir.
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪(호열) 탈영한 안준호 이병‬ ‪잡아 와야죠‬Private An just deserted. I should go catch him.
‪(범구) 뭐? 야, 야‬What? Hey. Hey. Hey, wait. Hey, get back here! Hey!
‪야, 야, 야!‬Hey, wait. Hey, get back here! Hey!
‪일로 안 와, 인마!‬Hey, wait. Hey, get back here! Hey!
‪[범구의 짜증 섞인 신음]‬
‪(사장) 야‬Hey.
‪너 이거 치울 때‬ ‪나한테 물어보고 치우라니까?‬I told you to ask me before throwing this away.
‪아니, 유통 기한이 지나서…‬It's past the expiration date.
‪(사장) 아이, 돌았나‬ ‪어디서 말대꾸를…‬Have you lost your mind? How dare you talk back.
‪유통 기한이 지났다고 바로바로 치우면‬The store will run on a deficit if you throw them out
‪적자 나는 건?‬because of the expiration date.
‪네가 메꿀 거야? 어?‬Are you going to make up for that?
‪죄송합니다, 잘하겠습니다‬I'm sorry, sir. I'll do better.
‪(사장) 아, 다시 채워 놔‬Gosh, put it back.
‪아이, 군필이라 뽑아 놨더니만‬ ‪진짜, 씨, 쯧‬I thought he'd be good because just got out of military service.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[우유 팩을 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪(장수) 아휴, 씨발 새끼, 진짜‬ ‪[도어 록 작동음]‬That fucking jerk.
‪언제 죽이지?‬When should I kill him?
‪어휴, 군대에 있을 때가 좋았다, 씨발‬Life was much better in the army. Fuck…
‪[초인종이 울린다]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪황장수 병장님‬ ‪전화를 왜 이렇게 안 받으십니까, 예?‬Sergeant Hwang, why didn't you answer my calls?
‪뭐냐?‬What's going on?
‪꿈이냐, 이거?‬-Is this a dream? -No, it's not a dream.
‪꿈 아닙니다, 지금 시간이 없어 가지고‬-Is this a dream? -No, it's not a dream. We don't have time. You know Private Cho Suk-bong, right?
‪(준호) 조석봉 일병 있잖습니까‬We don't have time. You know Private Cho Suk-bong, right?
‪아니, 씨발‬What the fuck?
‪아니, 꿈에 나와도 좆같은 새끼가‬ ‪뭔 좆같은 새끼 얘기를 하고 있어?‬I can't believe this asshole is asking me about another asshole.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪조석봉 일병이 찾아올 겁니다‬Private Cho is coming for you.
‪잠시만 문 좀 열어 주십시오‬ ‪지금 위험해서‬-Please open the door. You're in danger. -Okay.
‪알았어, 알았어‬-Please open the door. You're in danger. -Okay.
‪알았어, 고맙다‬I got it. Thanks. Have a safe trip back.
‪조심히 가라‬I got it. Thanks. Have a safe trip back.
‪(준호) 잠깐만…‬No, wait.
‪[준호의 한숨]‬
‪하, 미치겠네, 진짜‬This is driving me insane.
‪[준호의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪하, 미치겠네‬Seriously?
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[호열의 한숨]‬ ‪[경적이 여기저기서 울린다]‬
‪범구 형 탓이 아니야, 이거‬This isn't Beom-gu's fault.
‪경기도 교통은 미래가 없어요‬The traffic in Gyeonggi Province is hopeless.
‪얘는 전화를 왜 안 받는 거야?‬Why isn't he picking up?
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪어, 여보세요‬Hello?
‪(경비원) 들어가세요‬ ‪[주민들이 인사한다]‬-Goodbye. -Bye.
‪(준호) 아니, 엄마, 그게 아니고‬No, Mom. That's not what I'm saying. I'm done here.
‪다 했어‬No, Mom. That's not what I'm saying. I'm done here.
‪어, 아유, 아이, 올라간다니까요?‬Yes. No, I'll be home soon.
‪예, 잠시만, 네‬Yes. I won't take long. Okay, bye.
‪(호열) 아, 뭐라는 거야, 어?‬What are you on about?
‪죄송합니다, 경비 아저씨 때문에‬Sorry, sir. There was a security guard.
‪(호열) 황장수 만났어?‬Did you meet Jang-soo?
‪[한숨]‬Wait for me. I'm on my way.
‪있어 봐, 나 지금 가는 중이니까‬Wait for me. I'm on my way.
‪잠시만 말입니다‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Just a second, sir.
‪(준호) 저기요‬Excuse me.
‪누구세요?‬Who are you?
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬ ‪아이, 죄송합니다‬Oh, I'm sorry.
‪[엘리베이터 문이 스르륵 열린다]‬Oh, I'm sorry.
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪조석봉 일뱀!‬Private Cho Suk-bong!
‪[입차 경고음]‬
‪[준호의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[준호의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[석봉의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪(준호) 조석봉 일병님‬Private Cho.
‪조석봉 일뱀! 잠시만‬Private Cho! Wait!
‪[석봉의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[준호의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪(준호) 아, 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry.
‪(석봉) 비켜!‬
‪[준호의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪조석봉 일뱀!‬Private Cho!
‪그만 데려가겠습니다‬I'll make this quick.
‪(석봉) 씨발‬ ‪[준호의 힘주는 신음]‬Fuck!
‪[석봉의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry, sir.
‪[소란스럽게 싸운다]‬
‪[전기 충격기 작동음]‬ ‪[준호의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪(석봉) 준호야‬Jun-ho.
‪[석봉의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[수갑을 달그락거리며] 너도‬ ‪박성우 깠잖아, 그렇지?‬You also beat up Park Sung-woo, remember?
‪[수갑을 달칵 채운다]‬
‪미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬
‪[가방을 직 연다]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[초침이 째깍거리는 효과음]‬
‪[초인종이 울린다]‬
‪(장수) 오타쿠, 형 보고 싶었구나?‬I guess you missed me, Nerd.
‪[석봉의 아파하는 신음]‬I guess you missed me, Nerd.
‪야, 상또라이 새끼, 씨발, 뭐 하냐?‬You fucking psycho. What the fuck are you doing? You should get up and salute your senior.
‪고참을 봤으면‬ ‪벌떡 일어나서 경례를 해야지‬You should get up and salute your senior.
‪[겁먹은 신음]‬
‪[웃으며] 왜?‬What's wrong?
‪왜, 여전히 무서워?‬Do I still scare you?
‪막상 만나니까 안 되겠어?‬Can't you do it now that you're here?
‪하, 야‬Hey.
‪야, 뭐 좀 물어보자‬ ‪[거친 숨소리]‬Hey. Let me ask you something.
‪너 뭘 어쩌고 싶은 건데?‬What is it that you want with me?
‪아이, 나 제대했잖아, 어?‬I mean, I was discharged.
‪다 끝났잖아‬It's over now.
‪뭘 더 어쩌고 싶은 거냐고‬What is it that you want to do to me?
‪어?‬Tell me.
‪아니, 아니‬I mean, seriously.
‪아니, 네가 뭘 어쩔 수는 있다고‬ ‪생각한 거냐?‬Did you really think you could do something to me?
‪[버럭 하며] 어!‬Did you?
‪대답해, 이 폐급 새끼야!‬Answer me, you fucking trash!
‪언제까지‬How long
‪이 지랄을 하려 했는지‬were you planning to do this shit?
‪대답해, 이 개새끼야!‬Answer me, you bastard!
‪씨발 새끼야‬You fucking asshole.
‪[석봉의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[장수가 씩씩거린다]‬
‪왜, 왜 떠십니까?‬Why are you shaking?
‪(석봉) 무서우십니까?‬Are you scared?
‪이런 미친 새끼가, 씨‬ ‪[문이 덜컥 열린다]‬You fucking lunatic.
‪(주민) 거, 좀, 저‬ ‪조용히 좀 합시다, 그‬Will you please be quiet?
‪신, 신고하기 전에‬Or I'll have to call the cops.
‪(장수) 하세요, 씨발‬ ‪이 새끼 범죄자 새끼니까‬Call the cops. He's a fucking criminal.
‪[석봉의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[장수의 아파하는 신음]‬Call the cops. He's a fucking criminal.
‪[몽환적인 음악]‬
‪저 새끼 내가 부쉈어, 이씨‬That asshole was scared of me.
‪[웃음]‬That asshole was scared of me.
‪아! 씨발‬That fucking asshole.
‪좆도 아닌 새끼, 뒈지려고, 씨‬That fucking asshole.
‪아! 씨발‬Fuck!
‪(석봉) 아! 씨발‬Fuck!
‪[석봉의 웃음]‬
‪내가 무서워? 씨발‬Are you fucking scared of me?
‪씨발, 내가 무섭냐고, 이 씨발 새끼야‬Are you fucking scared of me? Are you fucking scared of me, you asshole?
‪씨발!‬That fucking good-for-nothing bastard!
‪좆도 아닌 게, 씨발‬That fucking good-for-nothing bastard!
‪[석봉의 웃음]‬
‪[석봉의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[호열이 수갑을 잘그락거린다]‬
‪[준호의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪(석봉) 야, 씨발, 왜‬Why the fuck…
‪- (석봉) 야, 씨발, 왜…‬ ‪- (준호) 미안합니다‬-Why the fuck? -I'm sorry, sir.
‪[호열이 수갑을 달칵 채운다]‬ ‪야, 씨발, 왜!‬-Why the fuck? -I'm sorry, sir.
‪왜! 씨발‬Why for fuck's sake?
‪야, 씨발, 이제 시작이라고, 씨발 놈아‬I was just getting started, you fucking bastard. -I'm sorry, sir. -Fuck!
‪- (석봉) 아, 씨발!‬ ‪- (준호) 미안합니다‬-I'm sorry, sir. -Fuck!
‪[석봉이 씩씩거린다]‬-I'm sorry, sir. -Fuck!
‪(장수) 개새끼, 잡혔네, 이거?‬-I guess you caught the asshole. -You…
‪[석봉의 분한 신음]‬ ‪너 이 씨발 놈아!‬ ‪딱 거기까지야, 이 개새끼야‬-I guess you caught the asshole. -You… This is how far you can go, you fucking loser!
‪씨발 새끼야, 너 거기 가만있어‬You bastard! Stay right there, you dickhead!
‪(석봉) 씨발 놈아!‬You bastard! Stay right there, you dickhead!
‪씨발, 이거 경찰서 가냐?‬You bastard! Stay right there, you dickhead! -Are you taking him to the police station? -You asshole.
‪- (석봉) 씨발, 씨발…‬ ‪- (장수) 얘 감옥 가지?‬-Are you taking him to the police station? -You asshole. He's going to jail, right?
‪(준호) 이 개씨발 새…‬You fucking bastard!
‪- (석봉) 씨발, 진짜‬ ‪- (호열) 야‬-Hey. -Fucking asshole.
‪[석봉이 씩씩거린다]‬Jang-soo.
‪너 전역한 걸 다행으로 알아‬Be grateful that you've been discharged.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪(장수) 하, 씨발, 뭐라냐?‬ ‪씨발, 병신들이‬What the fuck are you losers on about?
‪야, 이 씨발 놈아‬ ‪너 거기 가만있어, 씨발!‬Hey, you asshole! Stay right there, you fucker!
‪(석봉) 야, 씨발‬ ‪저 새끼 잡으라고, 씨발!‬Hey, stop him! Fuck!
‪야, 준호야‬ ‪저 새끼 잡아, 제발 좀, 씨발!‬Jun-ho, stop that fucker! Please! Fuck!
‪잡으라고, 씨발!‬Fucking stop him! Shit!
‪[범구의 한숨]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪해 뜨면 너희 다‬ ‪탈영 처리 하려 그랬어‬I was going to register you two as deserters after sunrise.
‪(호열) 동절기라‬ ‪해가 늦게 뜨지 말입니다‬I was going to register you two as deserters after sunrise. The sun comes up late because it's winter.
‪하, 이 새끼들‬Gosh, you punks.
‪(범구) 응, 호열아‬Hey, Ho-yeol.
‪그, 경찰이랑 마무리하고 복귀해‬Settle things with the cops and come back to the unit.
‪그래, 고생하고‬Okay, thanks.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(범구) 조석봉‬Suk-bong.
‪죽인다고 복수가 아니다‬Killing someone isn't how you take revenge.
‪[울컥하는 신음]‬
‪사람이 죽을 때 되면 반성할 거 같냐?‬Do you think people repent when they're about to die?
‪그냥 그러고 죽는 거야‬They just die.
‪존나게 평화롭게‬Fucking peacefully at that.
‪그럼 죽인 사람은?‬But the person who killed them…
‪그때 가서 후회하지‬ends up regretting it.
‪'아, 씨팔'‬That fucker didn't even repent although I killed him.
‪'뒈진 새끼는‬ ‪아무것도 반성 안 했는데'‬That fucker didn't even repent although I killed him.
‪'이젠 책임이고 나발이고‬ ‪물 수가 없네, 이거, 씨발'‬But it's too fucking late to even hold him responsible.
‪그러면서 평생 후회한다‬And you end up regretting it forever…
‪'살려 둘걸'‬thinking you should've let him live
‪'살려 두고 책임지게 할걸'‬and make him pay for what he did.
‪(석봉) [떨리는 목소리로] 잘난 척은‬My ass…
‪다 알고 있었으면서‬You knew everything.
‪다들 방관했으면서‬You all just sat back and watched.
‪조석봉 일뱀‬Private Cho.
‪왜 내가 벌을 받아야 되는데?‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Why should I be punished?
‪- 나쁜 건 그 새낀데!‬ ‪- (범구) 야, 조석봉!‬-He's the one who did wrong! -Suk-bong!
‪(석봉) 왜 내가‬ ‪벌을 받아야 되는데, 왜!‬Why am I the one getting punished? -Fucking why? -Suk-bong!
‪- (준호) 석봉이 형, 석봉이 형!‬ ‪- (석봉) 씨발, 왜, 왜, 씨발, 왜!‬-Fucking why? -Suk-bong! -Why? Fucking why? -Suk-bong!
‪(준호) 석봉이 형! 그만, 석봉이 형‬ ‪석봉이 형, 그만해‬-Suk-bong! Stop! -Why? Fuck! Why?

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