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  슬기로운 의사생활 S1.1

Hospital Playlist S1.1


(송화)‬ ‪오늘 안에 불 켤 거지?‬You can get the lights back up today, right?
‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]‬You can get the lights back up today, right?
‪석형아, 나 손에 커피 들었거든?‬Seok-hyeong, I'm holding a cup of coffee.
‪(석형)‬ ‪[스위치를 달칵거리며]‬ ‪미안‬Sorry.
‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]‬
‪[석형이 스위치를 탁 켠다]‬
‪[석형의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[송화의 놀라는 숨소리]‬
‪(송화)‬ ‪얼마나 안 쓴 거야?‬How long has this place been empty?
‪어휴, 먼지‬Gosh, look at all this dust.
‪[입바람을 후 분다]‬ ‪[송화가 소파를 쓱쓱 턴다]‬-About three to four years? -Gosh.
‪한 3, 4년?‬-About three to four years? -Gosh.
‪(송화)‬ ‪어유‬-About three to four years? -Gosh.
‪[송화가 콜록거린다]‬
‪[전등이 지직거린다]‬ ‪[송화의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(송화)‬ ‪나이트네, 나이트‬I feel like I'm in a club.
‪씁, 저거 곧 나가겠다‬That light will burn out soon.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪엄마, 전기 또 나갔어요‬Mom, the power went out again.
‪기사님 빨리 오시라고...‬Can you get a technician quickly?
‪아, 그럼 바로 오시겠네요‬I see. He'll be here shortly, then.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪왜, 커피도 엄마한테‬ ‪먹어도 되는지 물어보지 그래?‬Why didn't you also ask her if it's okay for you to drink coffee?
‪(석형)‬ ‪하루 한 잔은 괜찮대‬She said one cup a day is okay.
‪(송화)‬ ‪저것들 아직도 안 버렸네?‬You haven't thrown those out yet. Why would I throw them out?
‪(석형)‬ ‪왜 버려, 저걸?‬Why would I throw them out?
‪근데 너 진짜 안 할 거야?‬By the way, are you really not going to do it?
‪(송화)‬ ‪아휴, 난 안 하지‬Gosh, no. Of course not.
‪(석형)‬ ‪그럼 왜 왔어?‬Then why are you here?
‪(송화)‬ ‪너 보러 왔지, 너 걱정돼서‬To see you. I was worried about you.
‪그럼 하면 되겠네‬Then just do it.
‪(송화)‬ ‪쯧, 익준이만 있으면 되잖아‬You just need Ik-jun.
‪나는 필요 없잖아‬You don't need me.
‪안 된다니까?‬He said no.
‪그게 그렇게 안 될 일이야?‬Seriously? He won't?
‪[하늘이 우르릉거린다]‬
‪나도 안 해, 그럼, 쯧‬I won't do it either.
‪어차피 지금 시간도 없어‬I don't have time anyway. I need to help my guys with their thesis.
‪애들 논문도 봐 줘야 되고‬I don't have time anyway. I need to help my guys with their thesis.
‪- 나도 좀 봐 줘‬ ‪- (송화) 내가 너를 왜 봐 줘?‬-Help me too. -Why should I?
‪근데 오늘 지은이는 잘 보고 왔어?‬By the way, did you see Ji-eun today?
‪(석형)‬ ‪응‬Yes.
‪좋아하는 것도 사 주고?‬Did you buy her things that she likes?
‪쯧, 먹을 거랑 음악 열심히 들으라고‬ ‪블루투스 스피커도 하나 주고 왔어‬I bought her some food and gave her a Bluetooth speaker so that she can listen to music.
‪여동생한테 하는 거‬ ‪친구들한테 반만 해 봐라‬If only you were half as nice as that to your friends.
‪[문소리가 들린다]‬ ‪(전기 기사1)‬ ‪불이 또 나갔어요?‬Did the lights go out again?
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(석형)‬ ‪예, 저, 깜빡깜빡하더니 또 나갔어요‬Yes. This one was flickering for a bit and burned out.
‪[전기 기사1의 한숨]‬
‪(전기 기사1)‬ ‪아유, 아예 전기 공사를‬ ‪새로 해야 될 거 같은데?‬Gosh, it looks like you probably should redo all the wiring.
‪일단 임시로 작업은 해 드릴 텐데‬ ‪또 나가면 그땐 큰 데 부르세요‬We'll get this working temporarily, -but call a bigger company if it reoccurs. -Okay.
‪(석형)‬ ‪예, 제 방 공사는 내일 하셔도 되는데‬ ‪[달그락거리는 소리가 들린다]‬-but call a bigger company if it reoccurs. -Okay. You could've worked on my room tomorrow. You didn't have to work so late.
‪밤늦게까지 감사합니다‬ ‪[전기 기사2의 힘주는 신음]‬You could've worked on my room tomorrow. You didn't have to work so late. Thank you.
‪[전기 기사2가 중얼거린다]‬ ‪어?‬-All right. -Oh, no.
‪아저씨, 조심하세요‬Be careful, sir.
‪(송화)‬ ‪아저씨, 두꺼비집 내리고 하세요‬Sir, you should shut off the breaker before you do that.
‪장갑도 안 끼고‬ ‪그렇게 만지면 감전되는데‬You're not even wearing gloves. You'll get an electric shock.
‪[지직거리는 소리가 들린다]‬ ‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]‬You're not even wearing gloves. You'll get an electric shock.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[송화가 잔을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬Call an ambulance.
‪119‬Call an ambulance.
‪[전기 기사2의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪[전기 기사1의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(송화)‬ ‪괜찮으세요? 어디가 불편하세요?‬ ‪[통화 연결음]‬Are you all right? Are you in pain?
‪[다급한 신음]‬Hello? The address here is 33-1 Jogang-dong.
‪(석형)‬ ‪여보세요, 여기 조강동 33-1인데요‬ ‪[전기 기사2의 신음]‬Hello? The address here is 33-1 Jogang-dong. A man collapsed due to an electric shock.
‪감전으로 사람이 쓰러졌습니다‬A man collapsed due to an electric shock.
‪예, 빨리 좀 와 주세요, 예, 빨리요‬Get here quickly, please. As soon as possible.
‪(송화)‬ ‪가슴이 답답해요? 숨 쉬기 힘드세요?‬Get here quickly, please. As soon as possible. Are you having difficulty breathing?
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬Are you having difficulty breathing?
‪(전기 기사1)‬ ‪아이고, 어떡해, 어떡해‬ ‪어떡해, 어떡해, 어떡해‬My goodness. What's happening?
‪[송화의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪[전기 기사1이 흐느낀다]‬Goodness.
‪아이고, 어떡해, 어떡해‬ ‪아이고, 어떡해, 아이고‬Oh, no. What's happening to him?
‪[송화의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬
‪(전기 기사1)‬ ‪[큰 목소리로]‬ ‪여기요, 여기!‬Here!
‪여기요, 여기요!‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬We're here! Here!
‪(송화)‬ ‪환자분, 환자분‬Sir. Sir?
‪하, 환자분, 여기 어딘지 아시겠어요?‬Sir, do you know where you are now?
‪[한숨]‬ ‪(구급대원1)‬ ‪어, 그대로 두십시오‬Just leave him there, please. You did great.
‪아주 잘하셨습니다‬Just leave him there, please. You did great.
‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]‬
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪(송화)‬ ‪어, 들어가, 금방‬Hey, I'll be back soon.
‪[통화 종료음]‬He had an electric shock seven minutes ago and got a mild burn on his right hand.
‪7분 전에 감전 사고 있었고‬ ‪오른손에 경미한 화상 있어요‬He had an electric shock seven minutes ago and got a mild burn on his right hand. I performed CPR for two minutes.
‪CPR 2분 시행했고‬I performed CPR for two minutes.
‪하트 펑션은 돌아온 거는 같은데‬ ‪아직은 불안정해요‬His heart is pumping again, but it's not stable yet. -Are you a doctor? -Yes.
‪- (구급대원2) 의사세요?‬ ‪- (송화) 네‬-Are you a doctor? -Yes.
‪(구급대원2)‬ ‪저, 환자 바이털이 불안정한 거 같은데‬ ‪동승해 주실 수 있나요?‬His vitals seem unstable. -Could you come with us? -I got an emergency call.
‪(송화)‬ ‪저는 응급 콜이 와서요‬ ‪저 말고 다른 선생님이 가실 거예요‬-Could you come with us? -I got an emergency call. Another doctor will accompany you.
‪쟤요‬That one.
‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다]‬ ‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[구급차 경적]‬
‪(전기 기사1)‬ ‪괜찮아?‬Are you all right?
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪올해 운 다 썼어, 이 사람아‬You were extremely lucky, man.
‪거기 계시던 분들이 다 의사였어‬Both of them happened to be doctors.
‪내 말 들리지?‬You can hear me, right?
‪[석형의 당황한 신음]‬ ‪(구급대원2)‬ ‪아, 혈압, 맥박도 괜찮아졌네요‬Both his BP and pulse are okay now.
‪(전기 기사1)‬ ‪아...‬I see.
‪아, 근데 이 양반‬ ‪몸을 왜 이렇게 떨지?‬Why is he shivering like this though?
‪[전기 기사1의 한숨]‬Hey, are you okay?
‪(전기 기사1)‬ ‪어, 어, 어이, 괜찮아?‬Hey, are you okay?
‪추워서 그럽니다‬He's just cold.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪[석형의 멋쩍은 신음]‬
‪(석형)‬ ‪저, 히터 좀 켜 주세요‬Excuse me. Can you please turn up the heater?
‪앞에 카톡 좀...‬Can you message him or something?
‪히터 강으로...‬Tell him to jack up the heater.
‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪(정원)‬ ‪[하품하며]‬ ‪석형이 새끼 문자 왔었지?‬Seok-hyeong texted you, right? I said I'd do it.
‪나 한다 그랬는데‬Seok-hyeong texted you, right? I said I'd do it.
‪난 안 하다 그랬어‬-My answer is no. -So, you got his text?
‪(정원)‬ ‪문자 왔어?‬-My answer is no. -So, you got his text?
‪(준완)‬ ‪아니, 오면 그렇게 답한다고‬ ‪[정원이 피식한다]‬No, that's what I'll say if he does. I mean, aren't we too old for that?
‪이 나이에 뭐 하는 짓이야, 그게?‬I mean, aren't we too old for that?
‪그리고 그럴 시간 있으면‬ ‪여자 친구랑 데이트를 하지‬I'd much rather go see my girlfriend. Why would I see you guys?
‪너희들을 왜 만나?‬I'd much rather go see my girlfriend. Why would I see you guys?
‪(정원)‬ ‪야, 너 오늘, 야, 약혼식 하러 가냐?‬I'd much rather go see my girlfriend. Why would I see you guys? Hey, are you getting engaged today or something?
‪여친 만나러 가는 새끼가‬ ‪뭘 그렇게 빼입었어?‬Why get all dressed up just to see your girlfriend?
‪분위기 좋은 데 예약했지‬ ‪부산 앞바다 쫙 보이는 곳으로‬I made a reservation at a romantic place in Busan with an ocean view.
‪(정원)‬ ‪아이고, 좋겠다‬ ‪누군 일하러 가고 누군 데이트 가고‬Good for you. You're going on a date, while I'm just going to work.
‪근데 부산은 어떻게 가려고?‬-By the way, how will you get there? -By my girlfriend's car.
‪(준완)‬ ‪송 피디 차로‬-By the way, how will you get there? -By my girlfriend's car.
‪저기 왔네, 세워 줘‬There she is. Pull over.
‪(정원)‬ ‪씁, 송 피디‬ ‪아직 술이 덜 깬 거 같은데?‬It looks like she's still drunk.
‪(준완)‬ ‪[안전벨트를 달칵 풀며]‬ ‪밤새워서 그래‬She pulled an all-nighter. And we're leaving right away.
‪- 밤새우고 바로 출발하는 거야‬ ‪- (정원) 야, 네가 운전해‬She pulled an all-nighter. And we're leaving right away. -Hey, you should drive. -All right.
‪(준완)‬ ‪알았어‬-Hey, you should drive. -All right.
‪- 야‬ ‪- (정원) 어?‬-Hey. -Yes.
‪고생해라, 아침부터‬Work hard.
‪(정원)‬ ‪야, 씨, 쯧‬You prick.
‪(여자1)‬ ‪제가 찾아보니까요‬ ‪그, 대성병원에서는‬According to my research, Daeseong Hospital uses a non-surgical procedure to treat intussusception.
‪장중첩증을 수술을 안 하고 시술로‬ ‪치료한다고 하더라고요‬a non-surgical procedure to treat intussusception.
‪씁, 아까도 말씀드렸지만‬I've explained to you just now.
‪빛나 경우엔‬ ‪괴사가 진행되고 있을 가능성이 높아서‬As for Bit-na, it's likely that necrosis has already begun.
‪수술 외엔 방법이 없어요, 어머니‬So surgery is the only option, ma'am.
‪확실한 거죠, 선생님?‬You're sure, right? Can she actually undergo the surgery?
‪수술해도 되는 거죠?‬You're sure, right? Can she actually undergo the surgery?
‪(정원)‬ ‪수술해도 되는 게 아니라‬ ‪수술하셔야 됩니다‬She definitely needs the surgery, ma'am.
‪그래도 인터넷에서 보니까‬I read on the Internet that it stops kids from growing taller after the surgery.
‪수술하면‬ ‪애 키가 안 자란다고 그러던데‬I read on the Internet that it stops kids from growing taller after the surgery.
‪[살짝 웃으며]‬ ‪그런 건 믿지 마시고요‬Don't believe things like that.
‪나가셔서‬ ‪빨리 원무과 수속부터 하세요‬Just go to the reception and have them book her surgery.
‪하, 알겠습니다‬Okay.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪저 그럼 정말 선생님만 믿고‬ ‪저희 빛나...‬Okay. -Then I'll trust you and-- -According to my research,
‪(녹음 속 여자1)‬ ‪제가 찾아보니까요‬ ‪그, 대성병원에서는‬-Then I'll trust you and-- -According to my research, Daeseong Hospital uses a non-surgical procedure to treat...
‪(여자1)‬ ‪뭐야, 이거 왜 이래?‬Daeseong Hospital uses a non-surgical procedure to treat...
‪(녹음 속 여자1)‬ ‪장중첩증을 수술을 안 하...‬Daeseong Hospital uses a non-surgical procedure to treat...
‪빛나 병실 났나요?‬ ‪병동에 전화 한 번 더 부탁드립니다‬Do we have a room for Bit-na? Call the ward again.
‪(간호사1)‬ ‪네‬Yes, sir.
‪(여자1)‬ ‪[멋쩍게 웃으며]‬ ‪선생님, 정말 잘 부탁드리겠습니다‬Please take good care of Bit-na.
‪- (여자1) 감사합니다‬ ‪- (정원) 네‬-Thank you. -No problem.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪[아이가 칭얼거린다]‬
‪(간호사1)‬ ‪동민아, 우리 옷 좀‬ ‪잠깐만 올려 볼까요?‬Dong-min, can we pull up your top for a moment?
‪[아이의 짜증 섞인 신음]‬
‪(간호사1)‬ ‪음, 한 번만 해 보자‬Just once, please.
‪[아이의 짜증 섞인 신음]‬Just once, please.
‪아이고, 곰돌이, 배가 아파서 왔어요?‬My gosh, Teddy Bear. You're here because of a stomachache?
‪(정원)‬ ‪어디 보자‬Let me have a look.
‪[굵은 목소리로]‬ ‪아, 네, 선생님, 배가 너무 아파요‬Yes, doctor. My stomach hurts so much.
‪(정원)‬ ‪보자‬Let's see. What?
‪[놀라며]‬ ‪우아, 이거 하니까 벌써 다 나았네요‬Let's see. What? Wow, this took all the pain away. You're totally fine now, right?
‪이제 하나도 안 아프죠?‬Wow, this took all the pain away. You're totally fine now, right?
‪(여자2)‬ ‪네, 다 나았어요‬Yes, I'm fine now. All right, then.
‪(정원)‬ ‪자, 그럼 이번에는‬ ‪우리 엄마 배도 아픈가 볼까요?‬All right, then. Let's check your mom's stomach now.
‪[여자2의 놀라는 숨소리]‬Let's check your mom's stomach now.
‪(여자2)‬ ‪선생님, 벌써 다 나았어요‬ ‪[정원의 놀라는 숨소리]‬Doctor, I already feel much better.
‪[놀라며]‬ ‪하나도 안 아파요‬Doctor, I already feel much better. I'm totally fine now.
‪[정원의 놀라는 숨소리]‬I'm totally fine now.
‪(정원)‬ ‪자, 그럼 이번에는 누구를 해 볼까?‬All right. Then who's next?
‪[정원의 놀라는 숨소리]‬
‪- (간호사1) 동민이 해 볼까요?‬ ‪- (정원) 동민이 해 볼까?‬-Dong-min, you want to try it? -You want to go next?
‪어디 보자‬Let's see. Good boy. You're such a good boy.
‪아이고, 잘하네, 아이고, 잘하네‬Let's see. Good boy. You're such a good boy.
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬
‪(정원)‬ ‪[피식 웃으며]‬ ‪여기가 부산이냐?‬Is this Busan?
‪(준완)‬ ‪내가 너보다 병원에 더 빨리 왔을걸?‬I bet I got here before you did.
‪(정원)‬ ‪저녁이나 같이 먹자‬Let's have dinner together. Okay. I just need to check on a patient first.
‪(준완)‬ ‪어, 환자 한 명 확인만 좀 하고‬Okay. I just need to check on a patient first.
‪[안내 음성이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(정원)‬ ‪살살 해, 살살‬-Doors are closing. -Take it easy.
‪[어두운 음악]‬Who's in charge of Room 513?
‪513호 담당 누구야?‬Who's in charge of Room 513?
‪그럼 어제 당직은 너냐?‬Then who worked last night? You?
‪(준완)‬ ‪513호 김숙희 환자‬ ‪해열제 처방 누가 했어?‬Who prescribed the fever reducer to Kim Suk-hui in Room 513?
‪- 너겠네?‬ ‪- (전공의1) 아, 저 아닌데요‬-It must've been you. -No, it wasn't me.
‪(준완)‬ ‪그럼 너야?‬Then was it you?
‪(전공의2)‬ ‪절대 아닌데요‬No, not a chance. I don't even know what she looks like.
‪저는 김숙희 환자‬ ‪얼굴도 본 적 없습니다‬No, not a chance. I don't even know what she looks like.
‪그렇지, 얼굴도 본 적 없지?‬Right? You've never even seen her.
‪(준완)‬ ‪둘 다 처자느라‬ ‪환자 얼굴도 안 보고 해열제를 줬지?‬You prescribed it without even seeing her because you wanted to sleep.
‪너희들이 뭔데‬ ‪환자 어세스도 없이 오더를 내?‬How dare you prescribe without seeing her?
‪아주 명의들 났네, 명의‬Are you that confident as a doctor?
‪의사 하기 싫으면 빨리 얘기해‬ ‪나 시간 낭비시키지 말고‬If you don't want to be a doctor, just tell me. Don't waste my time.
‪어?‬Do you understand?
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬ ‪(전공의들)‬ ‪죄송합니다‬-I'm sorry. -I'm sorry.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(준완)‬ ‪어‬Hey.
‪갑자기 왜?‬Why all of a sudden?
‪알았어, 금방 갈게‬Okay, I'll be right there.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪(준완)‬ ‪뭐 해, 안 오고?‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Come on! Let's go.
‪(전공의3)‬ ‪선생님, 그, 에크모 달고 있었는데‬ ‪[준완의 한숨]‬Dr. Kim, the patient was hooked up to the ECMO,
‪환자 풀모너리 이데마 진행돼서‬ ‪인투베이션 했습니다‬but she developed pulmonary edema, so we intubated her.
‪에코 봤는데 심장 거의 안 뜁니다‬We looked at the echo but her heart was barely beating.
‪은아 어제까지 괜찮았잖아‬But Eun-a was okay up until yesterday.
‪에크모 떼고 병실로 올리려던 앤데‬We were going to remove ECMO and move her to the ward.
‪- (준완) 보호자는 알고 계셔?‬ ‪- (전공의3) 예‬-Does her family know? -Yes.
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(준완)‬ ‪잠깐 보시죠, 어머니‬Please spare us a moment, ma'am.
‪(준완)‬ ‪하, 은아 심장 기능이 더 안 좋아져서‬ ‪폐부종이 진행되고 있어요‬Eun-a has developed pulmonary edema as her heart is not functioning well.
‪그, 더 이상 에크모로는 안 되겠고‬Eun-a has developed pulmonary edema as her heart is not functioning well. ECMO isn't enough anymore.
‪직접적으로 좌심실을 감압하기 위해‬ ‪인공 심장이 더 적절할 거 같아요‬An artificial heart will be better in reducing the pressure on her left ventricle.
‪(준완)‬ ‪오늘내일 중으로 수술하셔야 돼요‬She needs surgery either today or tomorrow.
‪(은아 모)‬ ‪하, 어떡해‬My gosh, what should I do?
‪저기, 선생님‬ ‪지금 당장 수술비가 없어요‬Doctor, we can't afford to pay for the surgery at the moment.
‪(은아 모)‬ ‪애 수술비가 한두 푼도 아니고...‬It'll cost a fortune.
‪어디서 구하지?‬Where can I get the money?
‪저, 선생님, 저 일주일만 시간 주시면‬Doctor, please give me a week. Then I'll figure out a way to get some money no matter what.
‪제가 어떻게든 수술비 구해 볼게요‬ ‪[애잔한 음악]‬Then I'll figure out a way to get some money no matter what.
‪[울먹이며]‬ ‪저, 우리 은아 좀 제발‬Please... My Eun-a...
‪제발 좀 살려 주세요, 선생님‬Please save her.
‪하, 지금 시간이 없는데‬ ‪바로 수술해야 돼요‬We can't really wait though. She needs surgery immediately.
‪안 그럼 은아 죽을 수도 있어요‬If we wait, she may not make it.
‪(은아 모)‬ ‪어떡해요, 그럼?‬What do I do, then?
‪걱정하지 마세요‬Don't worry. We have many programs to support our patients,
‪병원에 지원 방법 많으니까‬ ‪은아 수술 못 할 가능성은 없어요‬Don't worry. We have many programs to support our patients, so I'm sure Eun-a can get the surgery. And we can do it right away.
‪바로 수술도 가능하고요‬so I'm sure Eun-a can get the surgery. And we can do it right away.
‪야, 너 그것 좀 알아봐라‬Hey, look into it.
‪뭐 해? 빨리 전화해‬-Hey, call them now. -Yes, sir.
‪(전공의2)‬ ‪예, 알겠습니다‬-Hey, call them now. -Yes, sir.
‪(준완)‬ ‪수술도 내가 하고 이것도 내가 하면‬ ‪넌 여기 왜 있냐?‬I have to do the surgery and take care of this? What do you do?
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪여보세요?‬Hello? This is Kim Jun-wan from Cardiothoracic Surgery.
‪네, 흉부외과 김준완입니다‬Hello? This is Kim Jun-wan from Cardiothoracic Surgery.
‪키다리 아저씨 후원 좀‬ ‪받을 수 있을까요?‬Can we get some help from the Daddy-Long-Legs Program?
‪잠시만요‬Just a second, please.
‪[전공의2의 멋쩍은 신음]‬
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪[전공의2의 탄성]‬SOCIAL SERVICES OFFICE
‪네, 여보세요‬ ‪저는 흉부외과 전공의 이석현인데요‬Hello. I'm Lee Seok-hyeon, a cardiothoracic surgery resident.
‪저희 환자 한 명‬ ‪수술비 지원 좀 받을 수 있을까요?‬Hello. I'm Lee Seok-hyeon, a cardiothoracic surgery resident. Could you help one of our patients with her surgery costs?
‪시간이 없어서요‬We can't wait. She needs surgery immediately.
‪바로 수술해야 되는 건이라서‬We can't wait. She needs surgery immediately.
‪네, 그래서 키다리 아저씨 후원금으로‬ ‪받으려고요‬Yes, can the Daddy-Long-Legs Program help her finance it?
‪다섯 살이고요‬ ‪좌심실 보조 장치 삽입술요‬She's five. It's for implanting a ventricular assist device.
‪(정원)‬ ‪뭐 시켰는데?‬What did you order? Did you order tteokbokki again?
‪너 또 떡볶이 시켰지?‬What did you order? Did you order tteokbokki again?
‪(준완)‬ ‪언제쯤 답이 올까요?‬When can we find out?
‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪먹어, 먼저‬Go ahead and eat.
‪야, 햄버거 시키지‬Hey, why didn't you order burgers instead?
‪안 매운 거야, 1단계, 그냥 처먹어‬I got level one, so it won't be spicy. Just eat, will you?
‪아직 문자 안 하셨어요?‬You haven't texted them yet?
‪(정미)‬ ‪저희도 최종 확인 하느라고요‬We had to do some final checks. We'll text them now.
‪- (정미) 지금 문자 드릴 겁니다‬ ‪- (준완) 음‬We had to do some final checks. We'll text them now. If everything looks good, you'll get the money in a couple of days.
‪(정미)‬ ‪아마 케이스 보시고 별 의견 없으시면‬ ‪보통 이삼일 안에 입금하세요‬If everything looks good, you'll get the money in a couple of days.
‪[바스락거리며]‬ ‪아, 예‬ ‪그럼 연락 오면 바로 전화 주세요‬I see. Please let me know as soon as you hear from them. Thank you.
‪(준완)‬ ‪[나무젓가락을 탁 떼며]‬ ‪네, 수고하세요‬I see. Please let me know as soon as you hear from them. Thank you.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪(준완)‬ ‪[휴대전화를 탁 내려놓으며]‬ ‪안 맵지?‬It's not spicy, right? You don't find this spicy? You need to see a doctor.
‪야, 이게 안 맵냐? 너 병원 가 봐‬You don't find this spicy? You need to see a doctor.
‪싫어, 돈 들어‬No, that will cost me.
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬
‪(준완)‬ ‪아, 곧 콜 하나 올 것 같다‬I'll probably get a call soon. -See? Tteokbokki was a good call. -Just answer that, prick.
‪봐, 떡볶이 시키길 잘했지?‬ ‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬-See? Tteokbokki was a good call. -Just answer that, prick.
‪(정원)‬ ‪전화 와, 새끼야‬-See? Tteokbokki was a good call. -Just answer that, prick.
‪아, 난리다, 난리, 진짜‬Gosh, today's been a disaster.
‪(준완)‬ ‪응, 아직 퇴근 못 했지‬Hey, I'm still at the hospital.
‪이제 하려고‬I'm going to leave now.
‪응, 어디야?‬Yes, where are you?
‪[정원의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(준완)‬ ‪아니, 아무것도 안 먹는데? 응‬Why? I didn't eat anything. Right. Of course.
‪(정원)‬ ‪어디야?‬-Where are you? -What do you think?
‪(송화)‬ ‪어디겠어‬-Where are you? -What do you think?
‪(정원)‬ ‪씁, 너 이번 주말에 뭐 해?‬What are you doing this weekend? I've got a date. Professor Jang is free this weekend.
‪(송화)‬ ‪데이트, 장 교수 시간 된대‬I've got a date. Professor Jang is free this weekend.
‪(정원)‬ ‪하, 여기도 데이트, 저기도 데이트, 치‬I've got a date. Professor Jang is free this weekend. Everyone's going on a date. Is Jun-wan still seeing that girl?
‪(송화)‬ ‪준완이 아직 안 헤어졌어?‬Is Jun-wan still seeing that girl?
‪이번에 오래가네?‬ ‪[정원이 피식 웃는다]‬This one's lasting for a while.
‪근데 용건이 뭐야? 석형이 건이지?‬Why did you call? I bet it's about Seok-hyeong.
‪난 안 한다고 했는데‬I already said no.
‪(정원)‬ ‪아니, 그 새끼는 그냥 두면 되고‬No. As for that fool, we can just ignore him.
‪씁, 너한테 진지하게 부탁할 게 있어서‬No. As for that fool, we can just ignore him. I have a favor to ask.
‪(송화)‬ ‪무슨 일 있어?‬-Is everything okay? -Yes, everything's fine.
‪(정원)‬ ‪[피식 웃으며]‬ ‪없어‬-Is everything okay? -Yes, everything's fine.
‪내가 전부터 하던 일이 있는데‬There's something I've been working on.
‪쯧, 아휴, 아니다, 만나서 얘기하자‬You know what? Let's talk in person. You should go home.
‪얼른 퇴근해, 난 간만에 일찍 퇴근한다‬You know what? Let's talk in person. You should go home. I'm going home early for a change.
‪뭐예요?‬-What's up? -Min-yeong's vitals aren't looking good.
‪(전공의4)‬ ‪민영이 바이털이 계속 안 좋습니다‬-What's up? -Min-yeong's vitals aren't looking good. I have to go.
‪(정원)‬ ‪끊는다‬I have to go.
‪바이털 어떤데요?‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬-What's going on? -Her BP keeps dropping.
‪(전공의4)‬ ‪BP가 계속 떨어져서‬ ‪수액 100 정도 풀 드립 했는데‬-What's going on? -Her BP keeps dropping. It's not getting better even after a full 100ml bag of saline.
‪아무런 반응이 없습니다‬It's not getting better even after a full 100ml bag of saline.
‪(정원)‬ ‪노에피는 들어갔어요?‬-Has she gotten norepinephrine? -Yes, but her vitals are still unstable.
‪(전공의4)‬ ‪했습니다‬ ‪그래도 바이털이 불안불안해요‬-Has she gotten norepinephrine? -Yes, but her vitals are still unstable.
‪[통화 종료음]‬ ‪(송화)‬ ‪너도 오늘 집엔 다 갔다, 야‬It doesn't sound like you can go home tonight.
‪[놀라는 신음]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[마우스를 슥슥 움직인다]‬
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬
‪[마우스를 슥슥 움직인다]‬
‪네, 과장님‬Yes, sir.
‪(송화)‬ ‪좀 전에 기사 봤어요‬I read the article.
‪(신경외과장)‬ ‪난 회장님 옆에 붙어 있어야 되니까‬I have to stay with the chairman all night.
‪채 교수가 오늘 밤에‬ ‪응급 서브듀랄 환자 엑토미 쳐 주고‬I have to stay with the chairman all night. So take care of the craniectomy for the subdural hematoma patient, as well as the VP shunt surgery tomorrow.
‪내일 브이피 션트만 좀 해 줘‬as well as the VP shunt surgery tomorrow.
‪알겠습니다‬Yes, sir.
‪근데 괜찮으세요?‬But are you all right?
‪(신경외과장)‬ ‪아니, 준비들 하는 눈치야, 힘들어‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬No, everyone's getting ready for the worst-case scenario. It's hard.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬
‪[카드 인식음]‬
‪(병원장)‬ ‪안녕하십니까‬-Hello, how are you? -Not well, obviously.
‪안녕하지 못해요‬-Hello, how are you? -Not well, obviously.
‪(병원장)‬ ‪죄송합니다‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬My apologies, ma'am.
‪(안 회장 부인)‬ ‪죄송은요, 사실인걸요‬No need to apologize. It is what it is.
‪괜찮아요‬Don't worry about it.
‪(주 전무)‬ ‪병원장입니다‬He's the director of the hospital.
‪여긴 뇌 센터 센터장님‬And he is in charge of the Brain Center.
‪(안 회장 부인)‬ ‪지금 그게 중요한 게 아니잖아...‬Is that important now?
‪네‬Right. It's nice to meet you anyway.
‪어쨌든 반갑습니다‬Right. It's nice to meet you anyway.
‪(안 회장 부인)‬ ‪저이 힘든가요?‬Will he not make it?
‪(병원장)‬ ‪아무래도 쉽진 않을 거 같습니다‬Frankly, it won't be easy.
‪최선을 다하겠습니다‬But we'll do our very best.
‪편 변 왔어?‬Mr. Pyeon, you're here.
‪(편 변호사)‬ ‪아니, 이게 무슨 일입니까?‬What on earth happened?
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪사모님, 일단 잠깐 저 좀 보시죠‬Ma'am, please spare me a moment.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬ ‪주 전무님, 제 방에서 커피 한잔하시죠‬Mr. Ju, why don't we have some coffee in my office?
‪(병원장)‬ ‪여긴 걱정 마시고‬Don't worry about things here.
‪[달그락거리는 소리가 들린다]‬DIRECTOR JU JEON
‪(병원장)‬ ‪형, 커피 마셔‬-Hey, come and have some coffee. -Oh, I was going to do it.
‪아유, 제가 할 건데...‬-Hey, come and have some coffee. -Oh, I was going to do it.
‪빨리도 말한다‬What's the point of saying that now?
‪[신경외과장의 멋쩍은 신음]‬
‪(병원장)‬ ‪형, 이리 와서 앉으라니까‬Hey, come join us.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(주 전무)‬ ‪야경 좋다‬The night view is awesome.
‪(병원장)‬ ‪지금 야경이 눈에 들어와?‬Can you actually enjoy the night view right now? That punk who's still wet behind the ears is about to inherit the hospital.
‪병원이 홀라당 새파랗게 어린놈에게‬ ‪넘어가게 생겼는데‬That punk who's still wet behind the ears is about to inherit the hospital.
‪마흔이 뭐가 어려?‬He's 40. He's not that young.
‪(신경외과장)‬ ‪진짜 우리 병원 그 의사 한다는‬ ‪막내아들이 물려받는 겁니까?‬Will the hospital fall into the hands of his youngest son who's a doctor?
‪회장님 유언장도 없죠?‬I bet he hasn't even written his will yet.
‪이사장은 유언장이 있어도‬ ‪어차피 이사회에서 투표로 결정해‬Even if he has one, the board will have to vote to make the decision.
‪(신경외과장)‬ ‪투표로‬ ‪주 전무님이 되실 수도 있잖아요‬But they may vote to appoint Mr. Ju to the position.
‪(편 변호사)‬ ‪사모님이 그래도‬ ‪전화 한 통씩은 돌리시는 게‬I think you should call the board members, ma'am.
‪안드레아가 직접 하면 더 좋고요‬Even better if Andrea can call them himself.
‪(편 변호사)‬ ‪별일이야 없겠지마는‬I'm sure things will go smoothly, but just in case. I mean, you never know.
‪세상일은 이게 알 수가 없으니깐요‬I'm sure things will go smoothly, but just in case. I mean, you never know.
‪황 회장님한테만이라도 내일 바로 좀‬ ‪통화를 한번 해 보시는 게...‬I suggest you call Chairman Hwang first thing tomorrow. It's because of Mr. Ju, isn't it?
‪주 전무 걱정되는 거죠?‬It's because of Mr. Ju, isn't it?
‪(병원장)‬ ‪거기 이사들 다 안 회장님 쪽 사람이야‬All the board members are Chairman Ahn's people.
‪황 회장이라고‬ ‪이사진들 분위기 만드는 사람이 있는데‬The other members tend to follow Chairman Hwang's lead.
‪회장님하고 30년 지기야‬He's Chairman Ahn's friend for 30 years.
‪사모님이 황 회장한테‬ ‪전화 한 통만 하면 ‬Chairman Ahn's wife just needs to make one phone call to him.
‪바로 게임 끝이야‬Then it's game over.
‪(신경외과장)‬ ‪우리 회장님, 참 훌륭하신 분인데‬Chairman Ahn is such a wonderful person.
‪그래도 마지막 물욕은 있으시구나‬ ‪[병원장이 살짝 웃는다]‬But he, too, is a greedy man after all.
‪이 정도면 없는 거지‬You can't call him greedy for this.
‪있던 재산 대부분 사회에 환원하시고‬He's donated most of his assets.
‪(병원장)‬ ‪근데 형은 줄을 서도‬ ‪꼭 재단 쪽에 서서‬Why did you pick the foundation to begin with?
‪다른 계열사들은 다‬ ‪전문 경영인들이 물려받았는데 하필...‬As for all the other subsidiaries, they hired management specialists.
‪아유, 처음으로‬ ‪사촌 형 덕 좀 보나 했는데‬Jeez, I thought I'd ride on my cousin's coattails for the first time ever.
‪[병원장이 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬
‪아직 모르는 거지‬We don't know yet.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬We don't know yet.
‪나도 최선을 다해야지‬I should do my best.
‪(안 회장 부인)‬ ‪이것들은 전화한 지가 언젠데‬ ‪아직도 안 와?‬I called them a while ago. Why aren't they here yet?
‪내가 자식을 잘못 키웠어, 쯧쯧‬ ‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬I taught my children wrong.
‪오셨네요‬There he is.
‪(신경외과장)‬ ‪씁, 주 전무님 어디 가셨지?‬Where did Mr. Ju go?
‪(병원장)‬ ‪[힘겨운 목소리로]‬ ‪형수님 방에 갔겠지‬He probably went to see his wife.
‪그 형 올해는‬ ‪병원 복이 터졌네, 터졌어‬What an eventful year this has been for him.
‪[병원장의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪근데 우리 회장님은‬By the way,
‪왜 첫째가 아니라 막내한테 물려줘요?‬why would Chairman Ahn pass the hospital down to his youngest son?
‪그것도 3남이라던데‬I heard he has three sons.
‪형들이 위로 줄줄이 사고라도 쳤나?‬Did the elder ones cause trouble or something?
‪(병원장)‬ ‪다음 주가 마지막 출근이라고?‬Is next week your last week here?
‪- (신경외과장) 네‬ ‪- (병원장) 귀촌?‬-Yes. -Back to your hometown?
‪(병원장)‬ ‪자넨 정말 속세에는 관심이 없구먼‬I suppose you really have no interest in worldly matters.
‪유치원생도 다 아는 일을‬Even little kids would know the answer to that.
‪첫째 아들은‬ ‪지금 일만으로도 시간이 없어‬As for his eldest son, he's too busy with his current job.
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬he's too busy with his current job.
‪(안 회장 첫째 아들)‬ ‪아유‬ ‪[웅장한 음악]‬Hello.
‪(안 회장 부인)‬ ‪왔니?‬Hey, you came.
‪(안 회장 첫째 아들)‬ ‪아...‬Hi.
‪엄마, 괜찮으세요?‬Mom, are you all right?
‪둘째 아들은요?‬-What about his second son? -He assists someone who's very high up.
‪(병원장)‬ ‪아주 높은 분을 모시고 계시지‬-What about his second son? -He assists someone who's very high up.
‪[우아한 음악]‬
‪[안 회장 부인의 한숨]‬
‪따님도 있지 않나?‬ ‪[병원장이 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬Doesn't he also have a daughter?
‪같은 분을 모시고 계셔‬She's the same.
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[성스러운 음악]‬
‪(편 변호사)‬ ‪오랜만입니다‬It's been a while.
‪[울먹이며]‬ ‪아버지‬Dad...
‪[놀라는 숨소리]‬His second daughter too?
‪설마 둘째 딸도?‬His second daughter too?
‪[고풍스러운 음악]‬
‪[안 회장 둘째 딸이 기도한다]‬
‪[안 회장 둘째 딸의 한숨]‬
‪[안 회장 둘째 딸의 한숨]‬
‪막내는 오늘 안에는 온다니?‬Is my youngest coming or what?
‪이러다 아버지 초상 다 치르고 오겠다‬At this rate, he'll get here after your dad's funeral.
‪(안 회장 첫째 아들)‬ ‪응, 엄마, 저기, 안드레아‬ ‪지금 엘리베이터래요‬Mom, Andrea is in the elevator now.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬ ‪(편 변호사)‬ ‪어, 왔어?‬Finally. Your brothers and sisters are all here.
‪형하고 누나들 다 왔다‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬Finally. Your brothers and sisters are all here.
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬ ‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪[안드레아의 한숨]‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(안 회장 부인)‬ ‪막내야, 엄마 잠깐 봐‬Spare me a second. YULJE MEDICAL CENTER
‪(편 변호사)‬ ‪말씀하셨죠?‬-You told him, right? -Yes.
‪(안 회장 부인)‬ ‪네‬-You told him, right? -Yes.
‪(편 변호사)‬ ‪지금 전화하면 더 좋은데‬It would be a good idea to call him now.
‪사업하시는 분이라‬ ‪밤늦게도 받으실 겁니다‬I know it's late, but he'll answer because he's a businessman.
‪지금 전화하라고 했어요‬I told him to call him right away.
‪걔가 그나마 어미 말‬ ‪제일 잘 듣는 애랍니다‬He's the only one that actually listens to my advice.
‪우리 애들 중에 가장 휴먼이에요‬He's the most reasonable of them all.
‪[안내 음성]‬ ‪고객이 통화 중이어서‬ ‪삐 소리 후 소리 샘 퀵 보이스로‬The number you've called is busy. Please leave a message...
‪그 양반은 무슨 통화를‬ ‪그렇게 오래 하신대?‬ ‪[안내 음성이 계속 흘러나온다]‬He's been on the phone for so long already.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪너 잠 못 잤지? 들어가서 눈 좀 붙여‬You probably didn't get any sleep. Go get some sleep.
‪[안드레아가 라이터를 탁 켠다]‬You probably didn't get any sleep. Go get some sleep.
‪[안드레아가 라이터를 탁 닫는다]‬ ‪[안드레아가 숨을 후 내쉰다]‬
‪너 담배 피우냐?‬Do you smoke?
‪언제부터?‬Since when?
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬Since when?
‪자식, 의사가 담배를 피워도 돼?‬ ‪아이고, 쯧‬Jeez, you're a doctor. You shouldn't be smoking. My goodness.
‪(안 회장 첫째 아들)‬ ‪어, 엄마‬Good. Mom, he smokes.
‪얘 담배 피운대요‬Mom, he smokes.
‪(안 회장 부인)‬ ‪내가 가르쳤어, 20년 전에‬I taught him how to smoke 20 years ago.
‪통화했어?‬Did you talk to him?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[출차 경고음]‬
‪[새가 짹짹 지저귄다]‬
‪[입차 경고음]‬
‪[발랄한 음악]‬
‪[안전벨트를 달칵 푼다]‬
‪[송화가 쪽 뽀뽀한다]‬ ‪(장 교수)‬ ‪오늘도 수고해‬-Have a good day. -Thanks, you too.
‪(송화)‬ ‪나 갈게‬-Have a good day. -Thanks, you too.
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬
‪[안내 음성]‬ ‪1층입니다‬Ground floor.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪[안내 방송 알림음]‬
‪(안내 방송 속 직원1)‬ ‪낙상은 넘어지거나 떨어져서‬ ‪몸을 다치는 것으로‬
‪[사람들이 소란스럽다]‬ ‪병원 내에서 발생할 수 있는...‬
‪[안내 방송이 계속 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬Such injuries can cause mild bruises and even serious adverse effects.
‪(안내 방송 속 직원1)‬ ‪그리고 야간에 침상에서 벗어나‬ ‪이동하는 환자분들은‬or if you need to leave your bed at nighttime,
‪반드시 보호자와 동행하시거나‬please make sure you're accompanied by your guardian
‪담당 간호사를 호출하여‬ ‪동행하시기 바랍니다‬or call your nurse for help.
‪율제병원은 환자분들의‬ ‪빠른 쾌유를 위하여‬Yulje Medical Center will always do its best to ensure all patients' fast recovery. Thank you.
‪항상 최선을 다하겠습니다, 감사합니다‬to ensure all patients' fast recovery. Thank you. PROFESSOR OF NEUROSURGERY CHAE SONG-HWA
‪자, '이' 한번 해 보실까요?‬All right. Open your mouth like this.
‪(여자3)‬ ‪이‬
‪(송화)‬ ‪씁, 지금 느껴지시는 건 어떠세요?‬How does this feel?
‪이쪽하고 이쪽하고 비교하면‬Both your left and right sides.
‪(여자3)‬ ‪양쪽 다 좋아요‬-Both feel good. -I see.
‪(송화)‬ ‪어‬-Both feel good. -I see. I was worried you might experience facial palsy, but it looks good.
‪안면 마비가 조금 걱정됐었는데‬ ‪괜찮네요‬I was worried you might experience facial palsy, but it looks good.
‪[여자3이 살짝 웃는다]‬ ‪아주 좋아요‬You're doing great.
‪어, 약은 지난번이랑‬ ‪똑같이 챙겨 드시면은 되고‬As for your medication, I'll keep you on the same routine. You can come back in three months.
‪외래는 3개월 뒤로 잡을게요‬You can come back in three months.
‪오시느라 고생하셨어요‬Thank you for coming all the way here.
‪(여자3)‬ ‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪저, 그리고 이거 ‬Well, I have something for you.
‪별건 아닌데‬It's just something small.
‪좋은 책이라서‬ ‪읽어 보시라고 가져왔어요‬It's a great book, so I got one for you.
‪(송화)‬ ‪음, 이 책 너무 좋죠?‬Isn't this book amazing? I have one.
‪저도 집에 있어요‬Isn't this book amazing? I have one.
‪석민 쌤도 봤지?‬You read it too, right?
‪(석민)‬ ‪예, 저도 봤습니다‬Yes, I've read it too.
‪[여자3의 난감한 신음]‬ ‪애독서‬-My favorite. -I see. You've already read it.
‪(여자3)‬ ‪아, 이, 이 책 보, 보셨구나‬-My favorite. -I see. You've already read it.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪남편이 꼭 드리고 오랬는데‬My husband told me to give it to you.
‪(송화)‬ ‪자, 그럼 3개월 후에 뵐게요‬All right, then. I'll see you in three months.
‪(여자3)‬ ‪네‬Okay.
‪[할머니의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪- (할머니) 아유‬ ‪- (여자4) 안녕하십니까, 선생님‬-Hello, doctor. -Hello, have a seat here.
‪(송화)‬ ‪예, 앉으세요‬-Hello, doctor. -Hello, have a seat here.
‪(여자4)‬ ‪엄마, 이, 이짝으로 앉아‬Mom, sit here.
‪결과가 나왔는데요‬We have the results.
‪CT상 혹이 보여서 MRI 촬영을 하셨는데‬A lump was seen on your CT scan, so you got an MRI done.
‪어, 안타깝게도‬ ‪악성 가능성이 있어 보여서‬Unfortunately, it looks like it might be cancerous,
‪조직 검사로 확인해 봐야 돼요‬so we'll have to do a biopsy.
‪어머님 연세도 많으시고‬ ‪또 종양의 위치가 좋지 않기 때문에‬You aren't young, and the location of the tumor isn't ideal,
‪수술은 좀 어려운 걸로 보여집니다‬so it'll be quite difficult to remove it surgically.
‪(송화)‬ ‪근데 이렇게 되기까지‬ ‪[여자4가 흐느낀다]‬You must've been experiencing severe headaches though.
‪두통이 많이 심하셨을 텐데‬ ‪어떻게 참으셨을까?‬You must've been experiencing severe headaches though. How did you endure the pain?
‪(여자4)‬ ‪저, 수술하면 나슬까요, 선생님?‬Can it be treated by surgery, doctor?
‪(송화)‬ ‪아, 수술이 아니라‬No, she needs chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
‪항암 치료나‬ ‪방사선 치료를 하셔야 되는데‬No, she needs chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
‪확진을 위해서는 조직 검사가 필요해요‬But before that, we need to do a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis.
‪만약 제가 지금 의심하고 있는‬ ‪신경 교종이 맞을 경우‬I'm suspecting that it's neuroglioma. If I'm right,
‪악성도가 낮은 1, 2등급이면‬ ‪방사선 치료만으로도 생존율이 높고‬and if it's not too bad like grade one or two, the survival rate will be high. Even just with radiation therapy.
‪만약 뭐, 3, 4단계일 경우엔‬If it's grade three or four,
‪항암과 방사선 치료를‬ ‪병행하셔야 되는데‬we'll have to combine chemotherapy with radiation therapy.
‪재발률도 높고‬ ‪또 생존율 역시 현저히 떨어집니다‬But the recurrence rate and the survival rate will be substantially lower.
‪[흐느끼며]‬ ‪어째쓰까, 어째쓰까‬My gosh.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪(여자4)‬ ‪어째쓰까‬What do we do?
‪오메, 오메, 우리 엄마 짠해서 어쩔까?‬Gosh, my poor mom.
‪(할머니)‬ ‪괜찮여‬It's okay.
‪나, 많이 살았으니께 괜찮여‬I've lived long enough, so I'm fine. Gosh, I don't want to hear it.
‪(여자4)‬ ‪아유, 시끄러워, 아유, 시끄러워‬Gosh, I don't want to hear it.
‪[여자4가 오열한다]‬Oh, Ma'am. It can be treated.
‪아이고, 어머니‬Oh, Ma'am. It can be treated.
‪치료하실 수 있으세요‬ ‪너무 울지 마시고...‬Oh, Ma'am. It can be treated. Please don't cry... Oh, my.
‪(송화)‬ ‪아이고‬Please don't cry... Oh, my.
‪우선 입원을 하셔서‬ ‪조직 검사를 하시고‬First, let's get her admitted so that we can do a biopsy.
‪결과를 보고‬ ‪추후 치료 과정을 말씀드릴게요‬I'll explain the plan in more detail when we have the results.
‪어머님이 힘을 내셔야죠‬You need to stay strong for your mother.
‪- (여자4) 아유, 선생님, 죄송합니다‬ ‪- (할머니) 감사합니다‬I'm sorry, doctor.
‪선생님, 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry, doctor.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪[여자4가 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[문이 스르륵 닫힌다]‬I feel bad.
‪마음이 안 좋다‬I feel bad.
‪(송화)‬ ‪근데 저 따님분‬By the way, that patient's daughter. Doesn't she look familiar?
‪보호자분 낯이 좀 익지 않아?‬By the way, that patient's daughter. Doesn't she look familiar?
‪하, 어디서 많이 봤는데‬I feel like I've seen her somewhere.
‪(민영 모)‬ ‪아, 어떻게, 또 까졌네, 또 까졌어‬Gosh, another skin tear?
‪하, 선생님‬ ‪지난번에도 한참 고생했어요‬Doctor, that last one took a long time to heal.
‪아유, 진짜‬My goodness.
‪민영아, 따갑지?‬Min-yeong, it must be stinging. -I'll tell him off. -Her skin is delicate,
‪엄마가 혼내 줄게‬-I'll tell him off. -Her skin is delicate,
‪(전공의4)‬ ‪이게, 피부가 약하고‬ ‪또 너무 오래 붙이고 있어서요‬-I'll tell him off. -Her skin is delicate, and she had it on for too long.
‪우리 애도 아픈 거 다 느끼거든요‬and she had it on for too long. My daughter can feel pain too, you know.
‪(전공의4)‬ ‪예, 제가 조심하겠습니다‬ ‪[전공의4의 헛기침]‬Right, I'll be careful from now on.
‪(민영 모)‬ ‪교수님 언제 오세요?‬When is the professor coming?
‪아니, 어제 약 처방된 거 보니까‬ ‪지난달이랑 너무 많이 달라졌어요‬What he prescribed yesterday is so different from what she got last month.
‪목요일마다 처방됐던‬ ‪비타민 K랑 밀양 원소, 그거 빠졌던데‬She takes Vitamin K and traces elements every Thursday. Why doesn't she anymore?
‪그거 왜 빠진 거예요?‬She takes Vitamin K and traces elements every Thursday. Why doesn't she anymore?
‪아니, 그리고 무슨 피를‬And as for the blood tests, you used to draw 30ml. Why do you need 70ml now?
‪30씩 뽑아 가다‬ ‪70이나 뽑아 가는 거예요?‬you used to draw 30ml. Why do you need 70ml now?
‪안 그래도 애 힘든데‬-She's already exhausted. -I explained everything to you before.
‪제가 전에 설명 다 드렸잖아요‬-She's already exhausted. -I explained everything to you before.
‪민영이가 이, 이제 더 이상...‬-Min-yeong is no longer... -Min-yeong.
‪(정원)‬ ‪민영아‬-Min-yeong is no longer... -Min-yeong.
‪(정원)‬ ‪민영아‬Hi, Min-yeong.
‪(민영 모)‬ ‪선생님, 약 처방이 왜 달라졌죠?‬Doctor, why did her prescription change?
‪그리고 TPN 드립 속도가‬ ‪지난달엔 16으로 들어갔는데‬And last month, she was on the TPN drip for 16 hours last month.
‪왜 더 빨라진 거예요?‬Why is it shorter now?
‪아니, 그리고 ‬And don't you think she looks like she's having trouble breathing?
‪우리 민영이‬ ‪오늘 숨차 보이지 않아요?‬And don't you think she looks like she's having trouble breathing?
‪얼굴도 자꾸 찡그리는 게‬ ‪어디가 불편해요, 지금‬She keeps grimacing too. Something must be bothering her.
‪[정원의 한숨]‬
‪어머님, 민영이가‬ ‪오래 버틸 힘이 없어요‬Ma'am, Min-yeong doesn't have the strength to hold out for much longer.
‪(정원)‬ ‪우리 조용준 선생한테도 들으셨겠지만‬I'm sure Dr. Jo already told you,
‪이제 우리 조금씩‬ ‪마음의 준비를 하시...‬but we should start mentally preparing--
‪뭐가 문제인데요? 하라는 거 다 했는데‬What's the problem? I did everything you told me to do.
‪어제는 얼굴 좋았다고요‬She was doing great yesterday.
‪어젠 바이털 좋았어요?‬Were her vitals good yesterday?
‪오늘이랑 비슷했습니다‬-They were about the same as today. -You doctors rarely see her.
‪(민영 모)‬ ‪하루에 한두 번 와서‬-They were about the same as today. -You doctors rarely see her.
‪쓱 보고 가는 의사들보다‬ ‪내가 훨씬 더 잘 알지, 내가 엄마인데‬-They were about the same as today. -You doctors rarely see her. I know much better than you. I'm her mother.
‪그럼 오늘 우리 조용준 선생이‬ ‪쭉 지켜볼게요‬Then I'll have Dr. Jo monitor her all day today.
‪무슨 일 있으면 바로 콜해요‬Call me right away if anything happens.
‪(전공의4)‬ ‪예‬ ‪[전공의4의 한숨]‬Yes, sir.
‪(민영 모)‬ ‪[흐느끼며]‬ ‪민영아, 민영아‬Min-yeong. Min-yeong.
‪엄마가 너무너무 미안해‬I'm so sorry.
‪미안해, 민영아‬I'm sorry, Min-yeong.
‪우리 민영이 아프게 해서‬ ‪엄마가 너무너무 미안해‬I'm so sorry that you have to suffer like this.
‪미안해, 민영아‬I'm really sorry, Min-yeong.
‪우리 민영이 엄마가 미안해‬My sweet daughter, I'm so sorry.
‪[심전도계 경고음]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY
‪(전공의5)‬ ‪BP 낮은가요?‬Is BP low? How much norepinephrine did you use?
‪놀핀 얼마나 쓰고 있어요?‬Is BP low? How much norepinephrine did you use?
‪(간호사2)‬ ‪계속 올리고 있습니다‬-We're scaling it up. -I'll do it!
‪(전공의5)‬ ‪제가 할게요!‬-We're scaling it up. -I'll do it!
‪[전공의5의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[심전도계 경고음]‬ ‪[전공의5의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬
‪[석민의 한숨]‬
‪[문이 스르륵 닫힌다]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬
‪(여자4)‬ ‪우리 아들 간 이식 기다리는 중이에요‬My son is waiting for a liver transplant.
‪(송화)‬ ‪아, 그래서 제가‬ ‪안면이 좀 있었나 봐요‬I see. That's why you looked familiar.
‪(여자4)‬ ‪6개월째 입원하고 퇴원하고‬ ‪왔다 갔다 함시롱‬He was in and out of the hospital all the time for six months. He practically lived here.
‪병원에서 살다시피 했는데‬He practically lived here.
‪3일 전에‬Then three days ago,
‪상태가 갑자기 안 좋아져 불어 갖고‬his condition suddenly worsened.
‪우리 아들‬My son...
‪이제 안 될랑 갑네요, 선생님‬I guess I should give up now.
‪(송화)‬ ‪아니에요‬No, don't say that.
‪어머니, 나으실 수 있어요‬Ma'am, he can get better.
‪자기 아들한테만 정신이 팔려 갖고‬I was so preoccupied with my son and his illness
‪즈그 엄마는 아픈지 어짠지도 모르고‬that I had no idea that my mother was also ill.
‪나가 죄인입니다‬It's all my fault.
‪아드님이 그런 상황인데‬What kind of mother would think of something else
‪(송화)‬ ‪어느 엄마가 다른 데 신경을 쓰겠어요‬when her son is critically ill?
‪아무도 어머니 욕 못 해요‬No one can blame you, ma'am.
‪[휴대전화 알림음]‬
‪(여자4)‬ ‪선생님‬Doctor.
‪시상천지에‬I'm pretty sure I'm the unluckiest woman in the whole wide world.
‪나같이 복 없는 년이 또 있을까요?‬I'm pretty sure I'm the unluckiest woman in the whole wide world.
‪40년 시집살이에‬I put up with my in-laws for 40 years,
‪남편은 사업한다고‬and my husband
‪집에 있는 돈 마지막 끌텅까지‬ ‪싹 다 까먹어 불고‬spilled every last penny we had into his darned business.
‪우리 아들 하나, 그거‬And my one and only son...
‪너무 착해 갖고‬ ‪내가 그거 믿고 포도시 사는디‬He has a heart of gold, so he's the one that got me through everything.
‪내가 재수가 없는 년이라‬I must be cursed or something.
‪우리 엄마도 그라고‬I guess that's why both my mom and my son ended up like that.
‪우리 아들도 그라고 돼 불었는가‬ ‪싶기도 하고‬I guess that's why both my mom and my son ended up like that.
‪나가 참말로‬I'm telling you.
‪복이라고는 없는 년이랑께요‬I've been so unlucky in life.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬Seriously, I don't even want to live.
‪[울먹이며]‬ ‪진짜로 내가 살고 싶은 마음이, 난...‬Seriously, I don't even want to live.
‪손톱만큼도 없당께요‬Not even one bit.
‪그냥‬Not even one bit.
‪죽고만 싶당께요‬I just want to end my life.
‪[여자4가 오열한다]‬
‪[송화의 한숨]‬
‪[엘리베이터 도착음]‬Doors are opening.
‪[안내 음성]‬ ‪문이 열립니다‬Doors are opening.
‪다음 거 타‬Take the next one.
‪[안내 음성]‬ ‪내려갑니다‬Okay.
‪(전공의들)‬ ‪예‬Okay.
‪[버튼 조작음]‬ ‪[안내 음성이 흘러나온다]‬Doors are closing.
‪[휴대전화 알림음]‬
‪(송화)‬ ‪너희 엄마 뇌 수술 시켜 준 의사한테‬ ‪[TV에서 뉴스가 흘러나온다]‬I performed your mom's brain surgery.
‪커피를 사 주지는 못할망정 얻어먹냐?‬Shouldn't you be buying me coffee, not the other way around?
‪(광현)‬ ‪너희 아빠 새벽에 다리 부러져서‬ ‪응급실 오셨을 때‬When your dad came to the ER at night with a broken leg,
‪당직 아닌데 와 준‬ ‪응급의학과 교수님한테‬I ran to the ER even though I was off that night. And what? Just iced Americano?
‪고작 아이스아메리카노냐?‬I ran to the ER even though I was off that night. And what? Just iced Americano?
‪아메리카노면 됐지‬It should be good enough.
‪동기 사이에 더 주면 서로 불편해져‬If I get you something better, it'll make you uncomfortable.
‪말은 청산유수지‬You have such a way with words.
‪너 오늘 응급실 한가한가 봐?‬I guess the ER isn't busy today.
‪(송화)‬ ‪여유 있게 편의점 쇼핑을 다 하고‬You had time to go to the convenience store.
‪(광현)‬ ‪말조심해라‬ ‪너 그런 말 하는 거 아니다‬Watch what you say. You should never say that. Near Bupyeong IC on the Gyeongin Expressway,
‪(TV 속 기자)‬ ‪경인 고속 도로 부평 나들목 인근에서‬Near Bupyeong IC on the Gyeongin Expressway,
‪1톤 트럭과 승용차 등‬ ‪차량 4대가 잇달아 추돌했습니다‬four vehicles, including a one-ton truck, have collided.
‪이 사고로‬ ‪트럭 운전사 52살 윤 모 씨 등‬In total, six people, including the 52-year-old truck driver, got critically injured in the accident.
‪6명이 중상을 입고 인근 병원으로‬ ‪이송되었으며‬got critically injured in the accident.
‪(광현)‬ ‪곧 도착하겠네, 간다‬-They're being transferred... -They'll get here soon. I have to go.
‪(TV 속 기자)‬ ‪이 중 두 명은‬ ‪생명이 위독한 상태로 알려졌습니다‬-They're being transferred... -They'll get here soon. I have to go. Two of them are said to be fatally injured.
‪현재 경인 고속 도로는 일부 차선이...‬The Gyeongin Expressway is partially restricted...
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(구급대원3)‬ ‪현장에서부터 의식 저하였고‬ ‪발견 당시 BP 60에 30‬He was found barely conscious. When we got there, his BP was 60 over 30. And his oxygen saturation was around 70.
‪산소 포화도 70대로 떨어져 있었습니다‬When we got there, his BP was 60 over 30. And his oxygen saturation was around 70.
‪(구급대원4)‬ ‪두피 열상으로 블리딩이 많았습니다‬He's bled a lot due to a scalp laceration.
‪[남자1의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪(전공의6)‬ ‪IV 라인 잡아 주고‬ ‪노멀 셀라인 달아 주고...‬Get him ready for an IV and give him normal saline.
‪(여자4)‬ ‪오메, 선생님‬Doctor.
‪[송화의 놀란 신음]‬
‪(여자4)‬ ‪우리 아들‬My son can finally get the surgery.
‪드디어 수술받을 수 있게 됐다네요‬My son can finally get the surgery.
‪(여자4)‬ ‪이것이 꿈일까요, 생시일까요?‬Is this a dream? I still can't believe it.
‪순위도 3번째여 갖고‬ ‪내가 하나도 기대를 안 했는디‬I almost gave up, because he was only third in line.
‪오메, 이것이 뭔 일이당가, 시상에‬My gosh, is this really happening?
‪앞의 환자분들이‬ ‪수술을 못 받게 됐다네요‬I heard the patients before him can't get the surgery anymore.
‪아이고, 하나님, 감사합니다‬Thank you, God.
‪하, 정말 잘됐네요‬That's such amazing news. I'm so happy for you, ma'am.
‪어머니, 정말 다행이에요‬That's such amazing news. I'm so happy for you, ma'am.
‪(여자4)‬ ‪아, 근디 저, 아, 내가‬ ‪돌아가신 분한텐 너무 죄송한디‬But I have to say, I feel so bad for the ones who passed away.
‪내가 이라고 좋아해도 되는지‬ ‪모르겄는디?‬I'm not sure if it's okay for me to feel this happy.
‪사람 마음이 참말로‬ ‪이렇게 간사해져 부네요, 선생님‬I guess we're all selfish after all.
‪아드님 담당하는 선생님은 누구세요?‬Who's your son's doctor?
‪겁나게 유명하신 분인디‬He's very famous.
‪그, 며, '명의'‬ ‪명, '명의'에도 나오시고요‬What's that show called? Good Doctors. He was on that show.
‪권순정 교수님이시구나?‬-Dr. Kwon Sun-jeong? -Yes, that's right.
‪어, 어, 어, 그분요‬-Dr. Kwon Sun-jeong? -Yes, that's right.
‪(송화)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪저랑도 친해요‬He and I are close. He's a great doctor.
‪저도 존경하는 분이에요‬He and I are close. He's a great doctor.
‪어? 근데 ‬Wait. I think he's away today though.
‪권순정 교수님‬ ‪오늘 지방 가셨을 텐데?‬Wait. I think he's away today though.
‪아이, 저, 소식 듣더만은‬ ‪밀양서 수술 끝나자마자‬He already heard the news. He'll come back as soon as he finishes the surgery in Milyang.
‪그냥 곧바로 올라오신다 하네요‬He'll come back as soon as he finishes the surgery in Milyang.
‪그라고 수술도 교수님 도착하자마자‬ ‪그냥 바로 들어간다고요‬He also said he'll operate on my son as soon as he returns.
‪(여자4)‬ ‪아이, 근디‬ ‪교수님 너무 피곤해서 우짤까요?‬But... Poor him. He'll be exhausted. I see.
‪아, 그래요?‬I see. Is that what's happening?
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬ ‪(왕 이모)‬ ‪의사 선생님, 저기도 환자 있어요‬Doctor, there's another patient over there.
‪애가 본드를 헬멧에 발랐는데‬This kid put super glue all over a helmet,
‪애 아빠가 그걸 모르고 뒤집어써서‬and his dad wore the helmet because he had no idea.
‪대가리랑 헬멧이‬ ‪딱 붙어서 안 떨어져요‬Now, the helmet is stuck on his head. He can't take it off.
‪우리도 급한데‬ ‪우리부터 좀 봐 주시면 안 될까요?‬He needs to be looked at immediately. Can you take him in first?
‪(전공의7)‬ ‪아, 저, 지금 응급 상황이라서요‬ ‪조금만 기다리시면 해 드릴게요, 네‬But then I'm dealing with an emergency case now. Please wait.
‪아, 우리도 응급 상황이에요‬This is an emergency case too!
‪우리 교수님 지금 쪽팔려서‬ ‪돌아가시게 생겼어요‬He's embarrassed to death right now.
‪(구급대원5)‬ ‪잠시만요, 비켜 주세요!‬Excuse me. Coming through!
‪[남자2의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪어, 교수님, 다른 병원으로 갈까요?‬Sir, shall we go to a different hospital?
‪(왕 이모)‬ ‪아, 어디 가세요?‬ ‪아직 우리 안 불렀는데‬Where are you going, sir? They haven't called your name yet.
‪우주야, 아빠 잡아라‬U-ju, stop your dad.
‪아빠 빡쳤어, 이모‬Daddy is fuming mad. He said he'll knock them all down.
‪다 엎어 버린대‬Daddy is fuming mad. He said he'll knock them all down.
‪[비장한 음악]‬
‪(광현)‬ ‪권순정 교수님, 이게 무슨 일입니까?‬Professor Kwon, what happened?
‪숄더 디스로케이션은 아니니까‬ ‪너무 걱정하지 말고‬I didn't dislocate my shoulder, so don't worry too much.
‪[광현의 한숨]‬
‪(순정)‬ ‪손가락을 잘 못 움직이는 게‬I can't really move my fingers,
‪아무래도 라디우스 프렉처 같은데‬so it's probably a radius fracture.
‪(광현)‬ ‪엑스레이 찍고 정형외과 콜해‬Get an X-ray done and call Orthopedics.
‪신경외과는?‬-What about Neurosurgery? -I'm here.
‪(송화)‬ ‪나 여기 있어‬-What about Neurosurgery? -I'm here.
‪(순정)‬ ‪응, 왔어?‬ ‪[광현의 한숨]‬Hey, you.
‪[휴지통이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(순정)‬ ‪[놀라며]‬ ‪나 근데 큰일 났네‬This is bad.
‪(송화)‬ ‪교수님, 수술 어떡해요?‬Professor Kwon, what about the surgery?
‪채 교수가 어떻게 알아?‬How do you know about it?
‪(송화)‬ ‪빨리 다른 교수님이라도 콜하세요‬You should call another professor at once. The patient needs surgery immediately.
‪환자 상태 엄청 안 좋아요‬You should call another professor at once. The patient needs surgery immediately.
‪있었으면 내가 밤새 지원 수술 하고‬ ‪내 차 몰고 왔겠냐?‬Had there been someone else, I wouldn't have come here after an all-nighter.
‪아무도 없어‬There's no one.
‪다른 병원으로 보내‬Send the patient to another hospital.
‪(송화)‬ ‪우리가 수술 못 한다고 하면‬ ‪옳다구나 간만 가져가겠다고 할걸?‬If we say we can't do the surgery, they'll just want to take the liver.
‪그 환자 마지막 기회야‬This is his last chance.
‪롱 미드라인 인시전 환자라‬ ‪쉬운 수술 아니야‬A long midline incision is required, so it won't be an easy operation.
‪아, 미치겠네, 진짜‬Gosh, this is nuts.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬
‪[여자4의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪이렇게 해요‬Let's do this.
‪(광현)‬ ‪어떻게?‬How?
‪쟤가 있네?‬We have him.
‪나?‬Me? Hey.
‪야‬Me? Hey.
‪(광현)‬ ‪나 더블 보더라도‬ ‪수술실에 안 들어간 지 5년 넘었어‬I am double board-certified, but I haven't dealt with any operations for over five years.
‪이식이 장난인 줄 알아‬Transplant surgery is no joke.
‪너 말고‬I'm not talking about you.
‪(익준)‬ ‪아니...‬Gosh.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[익준의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬Crap.
‪뭐, 이게...‬This is... Oh, right. U-ju, say hello.
‪아, 우주야, 인사해야지‬This is... Oh, right. U-ju, say hello.
‪어, 아빠 친구, 어, 그렇지, 잘했어‬They're Daddy's friends. Good boy.
‪[익준의 한숨]‬
‪[물소리가 쏴 들린다]‬
‪(익준)‬ ‪씁, 근데 이거 병원장님이 아시면‬ ‪괘, 괜찮으려나?‬But... What if the director finds out? Are we going to be okay?
‪(전공의8)‬ ‪채송화 교수님이 해결하셨답니다‬Dr. Chae said she sorted everything out.
‪(익준)‬ ‪아, 보호자들 동의를 구하고‬ ‪충분히 설명을 해 드려야 되는데‬But we need to get his mother's consent and explain everything to her.
‪그것도 채송화 교수님이‬ ‪잘 아는 분이셔서‬Dr. Chae knows her well, so she got her to sign it in five minutes.
‪5분 만에 서명받으셨습니다‬Dr. Chae knows her well, so she got her to sign it in five minutes.
‪(익준)‬ ‪아, 아무리 그래도‬ ‪담당 교수는 기분이 좀 그렇지 않을까?‬Still, wouldn't this upset his doctor? I mean, I would be.
‪나 같으면 기분 나쁠 거 같은데‬Still, wouldn't this upset his doctor? I mean, I would be. Dr. Chae already talked to him and got him on board.
‪채송화 교수님이‬ ‪이미 얘기 다 끝내셨어요‬Dr. Chae already talked to him and got him on board.
‪[익준의 한숨]‬ ‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪(익준)‬ ‪나쁜 년‬What the heck?
‪그럴 시간 있으면 이거나 좀 벗겨 주지‬She should get this off my head if she has all that time.
‪(익준)‬ ‪오늘 잘 부탁드립니다‬Thank you all in advance.
‪꼭 살립시다‬Let's save this patient.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬Let's save this patient.
‪[째깍거리는 효과음이 연신 울린다]‬
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪[송화의 놀라는 숨소리]‬
‪[송화의 다급한 숨소리]‬ ‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(송화)‬ ‪예, 여보세요, 과장님‬Yes. Hello, sir.
‪(신경외과장)‬ ‪어, 채 교수, 아직 병원이지?‬Dr. Chae, you're still at the hospital, right?
‪(송화)‬ ‪예‬Yes.
‪(신경외과장)‬ ‪결국 돌아가셨어‬He didn't make it.
‪김동혁 환자 잘못됐어요?‬Kim Dong-hyeok's surgery didn't go well?
‪(신경외과장)‬ ‪무슨 소리야? 회장님 돌아가셨다고‬What are you talking about? The chairman passed away.
‪(송화)‬ ‪아...‬I see.
‪(신경외과장)‬ ‪장례식장 201호라니까 먼저 내려가 봐‬His funeral will take place in Room 201. You head over there first.
‪난 잠깐 집에 옷 갈아입으러 왔는데‬ ‪바로 나갈게‬I came home to get changed. I'll be there shortly.
‪(송화)‬ ‪예, 예, 알겠습니다‬Yes, sir. Will do.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[송화의 한숨]‬
‪[휴대전화 알림음]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪[저마다 말한다]‬
‪(남자3)‬ ‪안녕하십니까‬Hello.
‪[황 회장의 한숨]‬
‪(황 회장)‬ ‪뭐라 드릴 말씀이 없습니다, 사모님‬I'm so sorry for your loss, ma'am.
‪황 회장님 제일 좋아하셨던 거 아시죠?‬You know that you were his favorite, right?
‪예, 알죠‬Yes, of course.
‪그래서 지금‬That's why...
‪제 마음이‬I am completely...
‪[흐느끼며]‬ ‪너무 안 좋습니다‬heartbroken for him.
‪우리 나이에도 아직 눈물이 있네요‬I guess we are not too old for tears.
‪요즘‬We seem to meet a lot these days.
‪자주 보네, 우리‬We seem to meet a lot these days.
‪[사람들이 소란스럽다]‬
‪[발랄한 음악]‬
‪(준완)‬ ‪너 정원이랑 불알친구 아니야?‬Aren't you Jeong-won's best friend since little?
‪(송화)‬ ‪집안끼리도 잘 안다며‬Aren't you Jeong-won's best friend since little? I thought you knew his family well.
‪(석형)‬ ‪응‬Yes.
‪(준완)‬ ‪넌 알았지?‬-You knew who he was, right? -Yes.
‪(석형)‬ ‪응‬-You knew who he was, right? -Yes. -Why didn't you tell us? -You didn't ask.
‪(준완)‬ ‪왜 말 안 했어?‬-Why didn't you tell us? -You didn't ask.
‪안 물어봤잖아‬-Why didn't you tell us? -You didn't ask.
‪[석형이 바스락거린다]‬
‪너희도 정원이 집 부자인 건 알았잖아‬You knew Jeong-won's family was loaded.
‪그래도 이 정도인 줄은 몰랐지‬I had no idea they were this rich.
‪난 그리고 쟤네 집‬ ‪요즘 좀 망한 줄 알았어, 어?‬Actually, I thought his family went broke these days.
‪나한테 빌붙어 산 지가 몇 년이냐?‬He's been mooching off me for years now.
‪(준완)‬ ‪하여튼 있는 놈이 더해요‬Seriously. Rich people are stingier.
‪그래도 20년 넘게는‬ ‪좀 너무한 거 아니야, 어?‬How could he keep it a secret for 20 years?
‪우리가 알면 뭐‬ ‪취직을 시켜 달래, 돈을 빌려 달래?‬So what if we knew? Would we ask for jobs or money?
‪(석형과 송화)‬ ‪그럴 수도 있지‬-That's possible. -That's possible.
‪그래서 말 안 했네, 이 새끼‬That's why that jerk didn't tell us.
‪익준이는 왜 안 와?‬Why isn't Ik-jun here?
‪아직 수술 중이야‬He's still in surgery. He's probably finishing up now.
‪(송화)‬ ‪이제 거의 끝났겠다‬He's still in surgery. He's probably finishing up now. It's a difficult one. It'll take him some time.
‪어려운 수술이라 꽤 걸릴 거야‬It's a difficult one. It'll take him some time.
‪(준완)‬ ‪뭔 소리야, 걔가 여기서 수술을 왜 해?‬What do you mean? Why would he do surgery here?
‪여차저차 해서‬ ‪우리 병원에서 급하게 수술하게 됐어‬Things just happened that way. We needed him to do surgery.
‪- 알았네, 그 새끼?‬ ‪- (송화) 아니야, 그런 거‬-He knew about this. -No, he didn't.
‪어? 병원장님이다‬Wait. The director is here.
‪- (준완) 안녕하십니까‬ ‪- (병원장) 어‬-Hello, sir. -What brings you here?
‪(병원장)‬ ‪자네가 여긴 어쩐 일로?‬-Hello, sir. -What brings you here?
‪(병원장)‬ ‪인사해, 내 밑에서 오래 배웠던 제자‬Say hello. He had been a student of mine long ago.
‪(병원장 부인)‬ ‪아, 안녕하세요‬-I see. Hello. -Hello, ma'am.
‪안녕하세요‬-I see. Hello. -Hello, ma'am.
‪근데 회장님 아들 안 교수하고는‬ ‪아는 사이야?‬Do you know the chairman's son, Professor Ahn?
‪예, 제일 친한 친구입니다‬Yes. He's my closest friend.
‪[송화의 헛웃음]‬
‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪고맙다, 와 줘서‬-Thanks for coming. -No need to thank us.
‪(송화)‬ ‪고맙긴, 당연히 와야지‬ ‪친구 아버지인데‬-Thanks for coming. -No need to thank us. We ought to come to our friend's father's funeral.
‪(준완)‬ ‪너 진짜 안 회장님 아들이야?‬Is the chairman your father? Why didn't you tell us? You thought we'd ask for money?
‪왜 말 안 했냐?‬Why didn't you tell us? You thought we'd ask for money?
‪누가 뭐, 돈이라도 꿔 달랄까 봐?‬Why didn't you tell us? You thought we'd ask for money?
‪하, 아이‬ ‪말할 타이밍을 놓쳤어, 미안해‬I just couldn't find the right time to tell you guys. I'm sorry.
‪아, 숨기려고 한 건 아니고‬I didn't try to hide it from you.
‪(정원)‬ ‪아, 진짜 말할 것도 없어‬ ‪나 진짜 개뿔도 없다니까?‬I mean, there's nothing to tell you. I don't have any money. I swear.
‪그게 더 재수 없어‬That's more annoying.
‪병원은? 그럼 병원은 네가 맡는 거야?‬What about the hospital? Will you take charge of the hospital?
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪병원?‬The hospital?
‪[사이렌 소리가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[준완과 석형의 놀란 신음]‬The hospital?
‪[준완과 석형의 한숨]‬
‪(준완)‬ ‪아유, 애 떨어지는 줄 알았네‬I thought I lost my unborn child.
‪(석형)‬ ‪심장 터질 뻔했어‬I thought I lost my unborn child. -My heart almost exploded. -We all know you're a doctor.
‪(준완)‬ ‪야, 의사 티 내냐? 벨 소리 뭐냐?‬-My heart almost exploded. -We all know you're a doctor. -Why that ringtone? -Well...
‪(정원)‬ ‪아...‬-Why that ringtone? -Well...
‪야, 넌 그리고 심장 터지는 게‬Heart explosion sounds scary. How can you say that so casually?
‪얼마나 무서운 일인데‬ ‪그런 말을 함부로 하냐?‬Heart explosion sounds scary. How can you say that so casually?
‪그러는 넌, 애 떨어지는 게‬ ‪얼마나 슬픈 일인데‬Do you know how sad it is to lose an unborn child? How can you say that?
‪함부로 애 떨어진다는 말을 해?‬ ‪넌 보면 진짜 ‬Do you know how sad it is to lose an unborn child? How can you say that? You know what?
‪(석형)‬ ‪부성애가 없어‬You don't have any paternal love.
‪(정원)‬ ‪야, 야, 그만들 좀 해라‬You don't have any paternal love. Hey, guys. Stop arguing. My head is about to crack.
‪하, 진짜 머리 깨지겠다‬Hey, guys. Stop arguing. My head is about to crack.
‪머리가 깨지다니?‬Your head is about to crack? Then, you'll die.
‪너 그럼 죽어‬Your head is about to crack? Then, you'll die.
‪(정원 큰형)‬ ‪정원아‬Jeong-won.
‪저, 작은아버지 오셨어‬Uncle is here.
‪(정원)‬ ‪아, 그래?‬ ‪[정원의 힘주는 신음]‬He's here?
‪(정원 큰형)‬ ‪어, 너희들도 왔구나, 고맙다‬Thank you for coming, guys.
‪저기, 우리 정원이 좀 잘 부탁한다‬Please take care of my brother, Jeong-won.
‪그리고 너는 왜‬ ‪계속 전화를 안 받아?‬I called you multiple times. Why didn't you answer?
‪(정원)‬ ‪아, 형, 미안, 진동으로 해 뒀다‬Sorry. I set my phone to vibrate.
‪- (석민) 교수님, 결과 나왔습니다‬ ‪- (송화) 어‬-Dr. Chae, I have the result. -Okay.
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪[송화가 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪어, 익준아‬Hey, Ik-jun.
‪어, 알았어, 금방 갈게‬All right. I'll be there soon.
‪[통화 종료음]‬ ‪(석형)‬ ‪수술 잘 끝났대?‬-Did the surgery go well? -Yes.
‪(송화)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪어‬-Did the surgery go well? -Yes.
‪(준완)‬ ‪그럼 여기로 바로 좀 오라 그래‬Tell him to come here right away.
‪(송화)‬ ‪내가 해 줘야 될 일이 좀 있어서‬I need to do something. I'll be back soon.
‪나 금방 갔다 올게‬I need to do something. I'll be back soon.
‪- (준완) 응‬ ‪- (석형) 어‬I need to do something. I'll be back soon. -Okay. -Sure.
‪그래도 네가 고생했는데 네가 얘기해‬You were the one who did the surgery. You should tell her.
‪(익준)‬ ‪하, 이 꼴로? 야, 됐어, 참‬Looking like this? Forget it.
‪보호자가 이 꼴 보면‬ ‪퍽이나 신뢰하겠다, 아이고, 쯧‬If she sees me, she'd lose all of her confidence in me. Gosh.
‪전공의 쌤한테 얘기하라고 할까 하다가‬I thought about asking the resident to inform his mother. But I thought hearing it from you would be better. You should go now.
‪그래도 네가 직접 말씀드리는 게‬ ‪나을 거 같아서‬But I thought hearing it from you would be better. You should go now.
‪얼른 가 봐, 오래 기다리셨겠다‬But I thought hearing it from you would be better. You should go now. She must've waited for long.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(여자4)‬ ‪오메, 오메‬Goodness.
‪[송화의 웃음]‬
‪수술 잘 끝났어요‬His surgery went really well.
‪(송화)‬ ‪좀 어려운 수술이었지만‬ ‪지금은 출혈도 거의 없고‬It was a difficult one. But there's almost no bleeding now,
‪받은 간의 상태도 아주 좋아 보여요‬and the liver he received seems very healthy.
‪지금은 중환자실로 올라갔어요‬Right now, he's transferred to the ICU.
‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪아이고, 선생님, 진짜‬Oh, my. I mean it.
‪(여자4)‬ ‪아, 선생님, 감사합니다‬Thank you so much.
‪감사합니다‬ ‪[송화가 살짝 웃는다]‬Thank you.
‪진짜 참말로 감사합니다‬Thank you so much.
‪(송화)‬ ‪그리고 어머니 결과도 나왔는데요‬And I have your mother's biopsy result.
‪다행히 1단계예요‬It's only stage one cancer.
‪방사선 치료 받으시면‬ ‪앞으로 10년은 거뜬하게 사실 겁니다‬With the radiation treatment, she'll be healthy for another ten years.
‪아유, 좋은 소식들인데‬ ‪왜 이렇게 우셔?‬This is good news. Why are you crying?
‪아이고‬ ‪[송화의 웃음]‬My goodness.
‪(여자4)‬ ‪아유, 선생님‬Doctor.
‪선생님, 진짜 감사합니다‬Thank you so much.
‪겁나게 감사합니다‬Thank you for everything. Thank you so much.
‪아이고, 선생님‬ ‪진짜 참말로 감사합니다‬Thank you for everything. Thank you so much.
‪선생님, 지가요‬Doctor. I am the luckiest woman in this world.
‪이 시상천지에서‬ ‪제일로 복이 많은 사람입니다‬I am the luckiest woman in this world.
‪나만큼 복 많은 년 있으면‬ ‪나와 보라고 하시오‬There's no other woman who's as lucky as I am.
‪내가 복이 많아요‬I am such a lucky person.
‪내가 제일로 행복한 사람입니다‬I am such a lucky person. I am the happiest person in the world.
‪그랑께 이라고 좋은 선생님도 만나고‬That's why I was able to meet a nice doctor like you
‪우리 엄마도 이제 살 수 있고‬and my mother will live now.
‪이런 복이 어디 있을까요?‬How can I not call myself lucky?
‪[오열한다]‬My goodness. Oh, my.
‪아유, 선생님, 아유, 선생님‬Doctor...
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪저 양반이 여길 왜 와?‬Why on earth would he come here?
‪하, 미쳤나 봐, 진짜‬He must be out of his mind.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[달그락거리는 소리가 들린다]‬CHAIRMAN AHN BYEONG-U
‪엄마, 가족사진도 여기 넣어요?‬Mom, should I put our family photo in the box, too?
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪거기, 엄마 가방에 넣어‬Put it in my bag over there.
‪[놀라는 숨소리]‬
‪아니, 뭔 병원비가 이렇게 비싸요?‬This is a lot of money for a medical bill.
‪특실이잖아‬It's a VIP ward.
‪너희 아빠 나름 VIP란다‬Your father is a VIP, you know.
‪(정원)‬ ‪여기 장례식장 비용도 포함된 거예요?‬Is the funeral service fee included?
‪아니, 병실비만‬No, that's only for the room.
‪와, 이것들 완전 바가지네‬They completely overcharged us.
‪일주일도 안 됐는데‬ ‪천만 원이 넘어, 엄마?‬The bill is over ten million won for less than a week?
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪얘도 참 물색없네‬The bill is over ten million won for less than a week? You're being absurd.
‪그 정도면‬ ‪다른 병원 VIP 병실에 비하면 싼 거야‬Compared to other hospitals, our bill is considered not much.
‪거기 쓰는 사람들이 돈이 중요하겠니?‬The cost isn't important to these VIP patients.
‪돈을 세 배를, 네 배를 주더라도‬ ‪건강하게 살아 나올 수만 있다면‬Even if it means they must pay triple or quadruple the price, as long as they can become healthy,
‪아마 열 배도 낼 거다‬they would even pay tenfold.
‪(정원)‬ ‪근데 엄마 돈 있어?‬Mom, do you have money for this?
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪얘가 왜 이래?‬Are you serious?
‪네 엄마 이래 봬도 정략결혼 한 여자야‬You might've forgotten it, but I married for convenience.
‪[정원의 헛웃음]‬
‪[달그락거리며]‬ ‪사랑 없는 결혼이었지만‬It was a loveless marriage, but I was happy in my own way.
‪그래도 나름 행복했단다‬It was a loveless marriage, but I was happy in my own way.
‪엄마, TMI‬Mom.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪응?‬-What? -Don't worry. It's nothing.
‪(정원)‬ ‪아니야, 그런 게 있어‬-What? -Don't worry. It's nothing.
‪(편 변호사)‬ ‪주 전무 오셨다‬Mr. Ju is here.
‪(정원)‬ ‪아, 네, 가겠습니다‬Okay. I'll be there.
‪[정원의 아파하는 신음]‬Gosh, Mom.
‪(정원)‬ ‪아, 엄마‬Gosh, Mom.
‪쯧, 형도 동의했습니다‬My brother agreed.
‪어머니도 설득했고요‬And I persuaded my mother, too.
‪(편 변호사)‬ ‪내일 이사회에 사모님도 오실 거죠?‬Ma'am, you're coming to the board meeting tomorrow, right?
‪안 가요‬No, I'm not.
‪[정원 모가 잔을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪정원이 섭섭해할 텐데‬Jeong-won will be disappointed.
‪(정원)‬ ‪그동안 얼마나 고생하셨는지 아는데‬I know how hard you have been working all these years.
‪죄송합니다‬I am sorry.
‪앞으로도 잘 부탁드립니다‬I hope I can continue to count on you.
‪하여간, 이 집안 분들‬ ‪별난 거 알아줘야 한다니까‬Goodness. Your family is definitely not ordinary.
‪(편 변호사)‬ ‪이미 상황 끝났네요?‬So this is already a done deal.
‪응, 끝났어요‬Yes. It's over.
‪'디 엔드'‬
‪황 회장님이 그렇게 한대요?‬Did Chairman Hwang agree to that?
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪정원이가 찾아가서 부탁했나 봐요‬Jeong-won went to him and personally asked him
‪자기 뽑지 말고 주 전무 뽑아 달라고‬to choose Mr. Ju over himself.
‪전화해서 황 회장 꼬시랬더니‬I told him to call Chairman Hwang to get him on his side. Gosh, I raised him wrong.
‪아이고, 내가 자식을 잘못 키웠어‬I told him to call Chairman Hwang to get him on his side. Gosh, I raised him wrong.
‪자식 농사 개판이야, 개판‬All of my effort to raise my children went to nothing.
‪(주 전무)‬ ‪알겠습니다‬I understand.
‪근데 내일이 이사회인데‬But tomorrow is the board meeting.
‪어떻게 믿죠?‬How can I trust you?
‪여기‬I have the agreement letters Chairman Hwang got from the board of directors.
‪황 회장님이 받아 준‬ ‪이사들 동의서입니다‬I have the agreement letters Chairman Hwang got from the board of directors.
‪[서류를 쓱 내밀며]‬ ‪그리고 저와 어머니‬ ‪이사직 사임서도 넣었고요‬And I put in my mother and my resignation letters as well.
‪(정원)‬ ‪저, 근데 ‬But...
‪조건이 하나 있습니다‬I have one condition.
‪(주 전무)‬ ‪실례가 안 된다면‬If you don't mind,
‪그 돈은 어디에 쓰실 건지‬ ‪물어봐도 됩니까?‬can I ask you about how you will use the money?
‪(정원)‬ ‪[피식 웃으며]‬ ‪뭐, 재벌 피가 어디 가나요?‬I'm still a guy from a rich family.
‪다들 뒷주머니 하나씩은 차잖아요‬Everyone puts away some money.
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪VIP 병동 참 웃긴 곳이죠‬The concept of VIP wards is fascinating, isn't it?
‪병실의 수는 4개인데‬There are only four wards.
‪늘릴 수는 있는데 그럴 필요가 없어요‬But we don't need more than those.
‪흔해지는 순간, 아무도 안 찾거든요‬The moment they become accessible, no one will want them.
‪[주 전무의 웃음]‬We must set an astronomical price
‪(주 전무)‬ ‪말도 안 되게 비싸야‬We must set an astronomical price
‪말도 안 되는 사람들이‬ ‪찾아오는 곳입니다‬to attract astronomically rich patients.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪저희는 잘나가는 의사들만‬ ‪데리고 있으면 되죠‬We just need to focus on is staffing talented doctors.
‪씁, 근데 좋은 교수 찾기가‬ ‪쉽지 않을 겁니다‬By the way, finding a good professor will be difficult.
‪지금 우리 병원‬ ‪교수들이 부족한 상황이라던데‬I heard that our hospital needs more professors.
‪그건 제가 알아서 하겠습니다‬I'll take care of that.
‪주 전무님은‬ ‪월급이나 두둑하게 준비해 주세요‬Please prepare to pay handsomely for their salaries.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪할 거지?‬You'll do it, right?
‪(익준)‬ ‪아니, 뭐가 이렇게 길어?‬This is a long contract.
‪야, 누가 대표로 설명 좀 해 봐‬Can someone explain what it means?
‪(송화)‬ ‪요약하면‬To sum it up,
‪갑의 요청이 있으면‬ ‪주말 응급 수술에도 응해야 되고‬ ‪[송화가 삭 밑줄 친다]‬if Party A asks for surgery, we have to perform emergency surgery even on weekends.
‪갑이 지정하는 수술에는‬ ‪반드시 참여해야 한다‬And we have to participate in the surgery Party A assigns.
‪(준완)‬ ‪누가 갑이야?‬-Who's Party A? -Him.
‪(송화)‬ ‪쟤‬-Who's Party A? -Him. It must come with a crazy reward.
‪(준완)‬ ‪야, 뭘 얼마나 대단한 걸 주려고‬ ‪조건이 노예 계약 수준이냐?‬It must come with a crazy reward. -You're asking us to be your slaves. -Twice the annual salary you get now.
‪지금 받는 연봉의 두 배‬-You're asking us to be your slaves. -Twice the annual salary you get now.
‪(익준)‬ ‪야!‬Hey!
‪야, 다음부터 그, 그런 거‬ ‪제일 위 줄에 써‬Next time, write that on top of the contract.
‪[송화가 펜을 달칵 누른다]‬ ‪재벌 아니랄까 봐 통이 엄청 크네, 쟤‬Next time, write that on top of the contract. He does come from a rich family. He's very generous.
‪(송화)‬ ‪나야 뭐, 사표 낼 일도 없는데, 콜‬I won't resign from my job anyway. I'm in.
‪- (준완) 야, 인주 없냐?‬ ‪- (익준) 없어‬-Is there an ink pad? -Here. I should sign it with my thumbprint.
‪(준완)‬ ‪이런 건 지장을 찍어야 되는데‬ ‪[저마다 사인을 쓱쓱 한다]‬I should sign it with my thumbprint.
‪야, 너는?‬Hey, what about you?
‪(석형)‬ ‪난 더 놀래‬I want to have more time off.
‪엄마, 사치스러운 놈, 저‬My goodness, you sound like you're so well-off.
‪야, 너 펠로 끝나고‬ ‪한국 들어온 지가 두 달이 넘어‬Hey, you came back to Korea two months ago after your fellowship.
‪(익준)‬ ‪취직 안 해, 취직?‬Shouldn't you get a job?
‪엄마랑 더 놀래‬I want to hang out with my mom more.
‪연봉 두 배에 지정 주차‬Twice your annual salary and an assigned parking spot.
‪- (송화) 야, 우리는?‬ ‪- (준완) 야, 우리는?‬-What about us? -What about us?
‪(정원)‬ ‪야, 좀 조용히 좀...‬Hey, be quiet.
‪글쎄?‬I don't know.
‪지정 주차에 ‬On top of that, I'll throw in an exclusive research lab and your own office.
‪단독 연구실, 교수 일인실 줄게‬On top of that, I'll throw in an exclusive research lab and your own office.
‪- (송화) 야, 우리도!‬ ‪- (익준) 뭐야?‬-What about us? Who do you think we are? -What? Do you think we're fools?
‪(준완)‬ ‪야, 우리는 뭐 어쨌다고...‬-What about us? Who do you think we are? -What? Do you think we're fools?
‪- (익준) 우리는 뭐, 바보 똥개냐?‬ ‪- (송화) 나 지금 사인했단 말이야‬-What about us? Who do you think we are? -What? Do you think we're fools? I don't want those things.
‪(석형)‬ ‪그런 거 말고, 음, 내 조건은 딱 하나‬I don't want those things. I only have one condition.
‪뭔데? 다 들어줄게‬What is it? I'll make it work.
‪밴드‬A band.
‪- (익준) 어?‬ ‪- (준완) 밴드 같은 소리 하고 있네‬-What? -What on earth is he jabbering about?
‪(준완)‬ ‪카톡 이모티콘도 겨우 보내는 새끼가‬ ‪[송화의 한숨]‬You can barely manage to text.
‪안 해, 안 해, 인마‬I won't do it. I said no.
‪(익준)‬ ‪난 콜, 좋아‬I'm in. I like it.
‪(송화)‬ ‪나도 바빠, 시간 없어, 못 해‬I'm busy. I don't have time for that. I can't do it.
‪[준완이 테이블을 탁 친다]‬ ‪[정원의 한숨]‬I'm busy. I don't have time for that. I can't do it.
‪너 밴드 하면 우리 병원 올 거지?‬Then, will you work here?
‪응, 산부인과 없이‬ ‪어떻게 VIP 병동을 운영해?‬Sure. How can you run VIP wards without an ob-gyn?
‪그건 있을 수 없는 일 아닌가요?‬I don't think that's possible at all.
‪(준완)‬ ‪아유, 아유, 나 간다‬Goodness. I'm leaving now.
‪오늘 들은 얘기는 없던 걸로 해‬-Count me out from this. -Hey.
‪- 야, 야‬ ‪- (준완) 이럴 땐 또 콜도 안 와요‬-Count me out from this. -Hey. I'd rather work right now.
‪(준완)‬ ‪나 증 없어, 내려다 줘‬-I don't have my ID. Help me go down. -Okay. Let's go.
‪(송화)‬ ‪어, 가자‬-I don't have my ID. Help me go down. -Okay. Let's go.
‪나도 분명히 얘기했다‬My answer was clear. I don't have time to be in a band.
‪밴드 할 시간 없다, 나‬My answer was clear. I don't have time to be in a band.
‪(정원)‬ ‪야, 송화야, 너, 하‬Hey, Song-hwa. You...
‪[정원의 한숨]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬
‪하, 문제는 송화인데‬I just need Song-hwa to get on board.
‪준완이가 더 문제야‬It will be harder to persuade Jun-wan.
‪걘 전화 한 통이면 돼‬I can fix that with just a phone call.
‪(정원)‬ ‪진짜 안 할 거야?‬You really won't do it?
‪(준완)‬ ‪안 한다니까‬I said no. I'm way too mature for that kind of kiddie stuff.
‪이 나이에 오글거리게 뭔 짓이야?‬I said no. I'm way too mature for that kind of kiddie stuff.
‪(정원)‬ ‪하, 어제 간만에 싸이월드 정리하는데‬I was going through my old Cyworld account.
‪사진첩에 진짜 아름다운 사진이‬ ‪한 장 있더라‬I found a beautiful photo in the album.
‪카, 하와이에서...‬ ‪[발을 탁 구른다]‬-It was in Hawaii. -I'll do it.
‪[준완의 다급한 목소리가 흘러나온다]‬-It was in Hawaii. -I'll do it.
‪[통화 종료음]‬ ‪준완이 한대‬Jun-wan is in.
‪[정원이 휴대전화를 툭 내려놓는다]‬What?
‪(익준)‬ ‪뭐야?‬What?
‪야, 준완이 이 새끼‬ ‪대체 무슨 죄를 어떻게 지었길래?‬What on earth do you have on him?
‪(정원)‬ ‪씁, 아, 이제 송화 한 명 남았는데‬We just need to persuade Song-hwa.
‪아, 송화는 진짜 안 한다면 안 하는데‬ ‪어떡하지?‬We just need to persuade Song-hwa. If she says no, she means it. What should I do?
‪야, 너 송화 약점 잡은 거 없냐?‬Hey, do you have anything on her?
‪야, 너는 왜 생각을‬My gosh, is that your strategy?
‪남의 약점, 뭐, 아킬레스‬ ‪이렇게 부정적인 것들만 생각하냐?‬Why are you taking a negative approach like finding people's weaknesses? Try to think of what Song-hwa would want or want to do.
‪송화, 어?‬ ‪진짜 뭐, 하고 싶은 거, 원하는 거‬Try to think of what Song-hwa would want or want to do. -Take that approach. -I know a way.
‪- 그런 거 해 주면 되지, 뭐‬ ‪- (석형) 그런 거 있어‬-Take that approach. -I know a way.
‪- 뭐?‬ ‪- (익준) 뭔데?‬-What? -What is it?
‪자기 보컬 시켜 주면 한대‬-She'll do it if she's the vocalist. -You lunatic.
‪(익준)‬ ‪도른 자, 도른 자‬-She'll do it if she's the vocalist. -You lunatic.
‪보컬? 송화 아직도 보컬에 미련 있어?‬A vocalist? Is she still hung up on that?
‪내가 1번으로 얘기했는데‬ ‪자기 보컬 시켜 주면 밴드 하겠대‬I told her first. She said she'd be in it if she's the vocalist.
‪(익준)‬ ‪환장한다‬I can't believe this. Song-hwa is tone-deaf and has no sense of rhythm.
‪야, 송화 절대 음치에 절대 박치야‬I can't believe this. Song-hwa is tone-deaf and has no sense of rhythm.
‪베이스 배우는 데도‬ ‪5년 걸린 애야, 걔가‬It took her five years to learn to play the bass guitar.
‪석형아, 너 밴드 해서 그래미 갈 거야?‬Seok-hyeong, do you want our band to win a Grammy Award?
‪(석형)‬ ‪응?‬What?
‪웸블리에서 공연할 거 아니지?‬-You don't want to perform at Wembley? -I don't want to.
‪- 그럼‬ ‪- (정원) 그럼...‬-You don't want to perform at Wembley? -I don't want to. Then...
‪송화 보컬 하라 그래‬let Song-hwa sing.
‪(익준)‬ ‪야!‬Hey.
‪[정원의 한숨]‬ ‪(석형)‬ ‪난 상관없어‬I don't care.
‪나는 오랜만에 우리끼리‬ ‪하고 싶은 거 하고 싶은 거니까‬I just want to do something together with my friends.
‪난 송화 보컬‬ ‪꽤 매력적이라고 생각했어‬I thought that Song-hwa had an attractive voice.
‪(익준)‬ ‪와, 진짜 못됐다‬My gosh, you're awful.
‪개성 있지‬She has a unique voice. My goodness. You're all going nuts!
‪(익준)‬ ‪엄마, 환장 파티, 진짜‬My goodness. You're all going nuts!
‪야, 너희들‬ ‪사람 그렇게 놀리는 거 아니야‬Don't be so mean to her.
‪애를 바른길로 인도해야지‬You ought to bring her to the right path.
‪너희들이 송화 진짜 생각하면‬ ‪그러면 안 돼, 진짜!‬If you care about her, you can't do this to her.
‪오케이, 오케이, 됐어, 됐어‬It's all good now.
‪익준이가 송화를‬ ‪진짜 생각하고 있으니까‬Ik-jun, you're truly looking out for her. Which means you should be okay with this.
‪보컬도 오케이 한 거야‬Ik-jun, you're truly looking out for her. Which means you should be okay with this.
‪(정원)‬ ‪밴드도 시작하고‬ ‪너도 다음 주부터 출근해‬We'll start the band. You're starting work next week.
‪반가워, 양 선생‬Nice to meet you, Dr. Yang.
‪(석형)‬ ‪아이고, 반갑습니다, 안정원 교수님‬ ‪소문 많이 들었어요‬My gosh, it's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you. People call you "Buddha".
‪별명이 부처님이라고‬I've heard a lot about you. People call you "Buddha".
‪나 천주교야‬I'm Catholic.
‪아...‬I see.
‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪빨리 와, 송화야, 언제 콜 올지 몰라‬Hurry up, Song-hwa. We might get called in any minute.
‪[송화가 호로록거린다]‬Hurry up, Song-hwa. We might get called in any minute.
‪[숨을 하 내쉰다]‬
‪[컵을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪아, 아, 아, 아, 아‬
‪아, 아, 아‬
‪(송화)‬ ‪[흥얼거리며]‬ ‪아, 아, 아, 아, 아, 아, 아‬
‪[송화의 헛기침]‬
‪[송화가 입술을 부르르 튕긴다]‬
‪[정원이 드럼을 탁탁 친다]‬ ‪[송화가 심호흡한다]‬
‪[송화가 목을 계속 푼다]‬
‪(송화)‬ ‪마, 마‬
‪마, 마, 마, 마, 마‬
‪[헛기침하며]‬ ‪아, 아‬
‪[송화가 혀를 아르르 튕긴다]‬
‪[송화가 목을 계속 푼다]‬
‪[송화가 꺽 트림한다]‬ ‪[준완의 못마땅한 신음]‬Gosh.
‪[익준이 거친 숨을 내쉰다]‬
‪아유, 비린내‬Gosh, that stinks.
‪가지가지 한다, 진짜‬You're ridiculous.
‪뭘로 맞춰 보지?‬-Which song should we start with? -Seok-hyeong already picked out a song.
‪(정원)‬ ‪석형이가 벌써 골랐대‬-Which song should we start with? -Seok-hyeong already picked out a song.
‪너 들으면 바로 알 거야‬You'll know as soon as you hear it.
‪[송화의 탄성]‬
‪[신나는 음악이 연주된다]‬
‪(송화)‬ ‪[불안한 음정으로]‬ ‪♪ 이런 시간엔 더 그리워 ♪‬I miss you even more around this time
‪♪ 홀로 남는 이 순간 ♪‬When I am all alone
‪♪ 떠난 줄 알면서도 ♪‬I know that you are gone now
‪♪ 자꾸 떠오르는 너 ♪‬But I keep thinking of you
‪♪ 왜 넌 그때 날 떠났을까 ♪‬Why did you leave me then?
‪♪ 너무 힘이 든다던 그게 ♪‬You told me that Things were getting tough between us
‪♪ 이유라면 이유일 수 있지만 ♪‬That could have been The reason you left me
‪♪ 나는 알 수 없는걸 ♪‬But I can't know for sure
‪♪ Lonely night ♪‬
‪♪ Lonely night ♪‬
‪♪ 떠나던 그 모습이 남았던 ♪‬I remember the night when you left me
‪♪ Lonely night ♪‬
‪♪ So lonely night ♪‬
‪♪ 기억 속에 남은 모습으로 ♪‬You in my memory
‪[준완이 픽을 탁 내던진다]‬
‪[정원의 한숨]‬ ‪[학생1의 신나는 노래가 흘러나온다]‬You really scared me just now.
‪(익준)‬ ‪어유, 깜짝 놀랐네, 진짜‬You really scared me just now.
‪[학생들의 환호성]‬
‪(학생1)‬ ‪♪ Lonely night ♪‬
‪♪ Lonely night ♪‬
‪♪ 떠나던 그 모습이 남았던 ♪‬I remember the night when you left me
‪♪ Lonely night ♪‬I remember the night when you left me
‪[학생들의 환호성]‬
‪♪ Lonely night ♪‬
‪♪ Lonely night, lonely night ♪‬
‪♪ Lonely night ♪‬
‪[학생들의 환호성]‬ ‪[휘파람 소리가 들린다]‬
‪(과 대표)‬ ‪자, 박수, 박수!‬Give it up for him!
‪야, 노래 소름, 얼굴 더 소름‬His singing gave me the chills and his face gave me even more chills.
‪[학생들의 웃음]‬His singing gave me the chills and his face gave me even more chills.
‪자, 그럼 다음에 누가 할래?‬All right. Who wants to go next?
‪(학생2)‬ ‪저요!‬-Me! -Give it up for him!
‪(과 대표)‬ ‪박수!‬ ‪[학생들의 환호성]‬-Me! -Give it up for him!
‪(학생2)‬ ‪남보원 선생님의‬ ‪남보원 쇼 보여 드리겠습니다‬I will impersonate Nam Bo-won on Nam Bo-won's Show.
‪[학생2의 헛기침]‬I will impersonate Nam Bo-won on Nam Bo-won's Show.
‪[굵은 목소리로]‬ ‪1950년, 여기는 강원도 산골짜기‬It's a mountain valley in Gangwon Province in 1950.
‪개구리가 울고 있는데‬Frogs were croaking.
‪[학생2가 개구리 울음을 흉내 낸다]‬ ‪[학생들의 탄성]‬
‪이때 장병들은‬ ‪한가한 시간을 보내고 있었으니‬-The soldiers were having a rest. -Hey, where are you going?
‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪야, 어디 가?‬-The soldiers were having a rest. -Hey, where are you going?
‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪저거 하느니 그냥 자퇴할래‬I'd rather drop out of college than do that.
‪[학생2가 계속 장기 자랑을 한다]‬I'd rather drop out of college than do that.
‪(정원)‬ ‪야...‬-Hey. -Hey, Corporal Kim.
‪[학생들이 소란스럽다]‬ ‪[석형이 속삭인다]‬
‪(선배)‬ ‪어디 가냐?‬Where are you going?
‪(정원)‬ ‪아, 저, 화장실이 좀...‬We wanted to use the restroom.
‪아, 친구가 많이 취해서‬My friend is very drunk.
‪[석형이 헛구역질한다]‬ ‪(정원)‬ ‪어, 야, 야‬Hey, are you okay?
‪[정원의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪[석형이 연신 헛구역질한다]‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪(정원)‬ ‪아, 씨, 왜 안 들어가고 있어?‬ ‪진상들, 진짜, 아이‬Damn it. Why aren't they going back in? They are so annoying. It's cold out here. Should we stay in the restroom?
‪(석형)‬ ‪너무 추운데‬ ‪그냥 계속 화장실에 있을까?‬It's cold out here. Should we stay in the restroom?
‪야, 냄새 배‬We'll smell like toilets.
‪아, 짱박힐 데 없나?‬Gosh, is there a place to hide?
‪(정원)‬ ‪야‬
‪[정원이 문을 달칵거린다]‬
‪[정원의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[정원의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[정원의 놀라는 신음]‬
‪[정원의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(준완)‬ ‪뭐고?‬Why are they here?
‪(익준)‬ ‪뭐기는, 우리맹키로‬ ‪분위기 꼬롬해지니까‬Why do you think? Like us, when things were getting lame, they lied to people and came to hide here.
‪변소 간다 카고 토낀 놈들 아이가‬Like us, when things were getting lame, they lied to people and came to hide here.
‪(석형)‬ ‪일본인들이야?‬Are they Japanese?
‪- (준완) 지랄한다‬ ‪- (익준) 허, 참‬-He's ridiculous. -My gosh.
‪(정원)‬ ‪들어가도 되겠니?‬Can we come in?
‪[익준의 탄성]‬
‪(익준)‬ ‪서울말 쥑인다‬His standard Korean accent is dope.
‪(준완)‬ ‪와, 진짜 라디오 듣는 것 같네‬His standard Korean accent is dope. It's like listening to the radio.
‪(준완)‬ ‪[서울 말씨를 흉내 내며]‬ ‪'가도 되겠니?'‬-"Can we come in?" -"Can we come in?"
‪(익준)‬ ‪'되겠니?'‬-"Can we come in?" -"Can we come in?"
‪(익준)‬ ‪들어온나‬Come on in.
‪빨리 들어온나‬Hurry up.
‪좀 비좁아도 ‬I know there's not much space here.
‪저 가서 생쇼 하는 거보다‬ ‪여기가 훨씬 낫다‬Staying in here is a much better deal than putting on a show over there.
‪[석형의 고민하는 신음]‬
‪[정원의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[멀리서 개가 왈왈 짖는다]‬
‪(정원)‬ ‪난 안정원, 얘는 양석형, 반가워‬My name is Ahn Jeong-won. His name is Yang Seok-hyeong. -Nice to meet you. -My name is Lee Ik-jun.
‪(익준)‬ ‪'와타시와 이익준데스'‬-Nice to meet you. -My name is Lee Ik-jun.
‪(준완)‬ ‪미친 새끼‬ ‪[익준의 웃음]‬You crazy punk.
‪(준완)‬ ‪야는 이익준, 나는 김준완‬His name is Lee Ik-jun. My name is Kim Jun-wan.
‪우리 둘 다 창원에서 왔다‬We're both from Changwon. We went to the same high school. Did you two go to school together?
‪같은 고등학교 친구‬We went to the same high school. Did you two go to school together?
‪느그 둘도 한 학교가?‬We went to the same high school. Did you two go to school together?
‪어, 우린 국민학교, 중학교 동창‬We went to elementary and middle school together.
‪[준완이 정원의 발을 툭 밟는다]‬ ‪[정원의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪(익준)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪안 죽는다‬-You won't die from it. -You're such a crybaby.
‪(준완)‬ ‪엄살은‬-You won't die from it. -You're such a crybaby.
‪(석형)‬ ‪근데 우리 언제까지 여기 있어?‬ ‪너무 좁은데‬How long do we need to stay here? It's too cramped here.
‪(익준)‬ ‪한 놈 더 안 오는 게 어디고‬At least it's just the four of us.
‪[문이 덜컹거린다]‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[사람들의 멋쩍은 숨소리]‬
‪(정원)‬ ‪난 안정원‬I'm Ahn Jeong-won. He's Yang Seok-hyeong. They're Kim Jun-wan and Lee Ik-jun.
‪얜 양석형, 김준완, 이익준‬I'm Ahn Jeong-won. He's Yang Seok-hyeong. They're Kim Jun-wan and Lee Ik-jun.
‪나는 채송화‬My name is Chae Song-hwa.
‪너희들 다 친구야?‬Are you guys friends?
‪- (익준) 아이다, 친구 아이다‬ ‪- (정원) 아니야, 미쳤어?‬ ‪[준완이 부정한다]‬-No, we are not. -Are you crazy?
‪- (정원) 본 지 5분밖에 안 됐어‬ ‪- (준완) 가스나, 뭐라 카노?‬ ‪[정원이 말한다]‬-We met five minutes ago. -What? No, we are not.
‪(석형)‬ ‪아닙니다‬No, we are not.
‪(송화)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪아니면 됐지, 뭐 그렇게 난리야?‬You can just say no. What's all this fuss?
‪야, 우리 이렇게 만난 것도 인연인데‬Hey, it's a fun coincidence that we all met here.
‪기념사진 한 방 찍을까?‬Do you want to take a photo together?
‪(준완)‬ ‪그게 말이가, 방구가?‬Are you for real?
‪[송화의 웃음]‬I'm for real.
‪말이야‬I'm for real.
‪(익준)‬ ‪그라지, 뭐‬Sure.
‪[밝은 음악]‬We can get the chair and put the camera on top.
‪(정원)‬ ‪야, 그, 저기‬ ‪저기 의자 세워서 찍으면 되겠다‬We can get the chair and put the camera on top.
‪[송화의 다급한 신음]‬Okay.
‪(정원)‬ ‪잠깐만‬Hold on.
‪(송화)‬ ‪불 깜빡깜빡하면 찍히는 거다‬It will blink before taking the photo. Hey, it's starting.
‪어, 어, 한다, 한다, 한다‬Hey, it's starting.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪(익준)‬ ‪야, 다음 곡은 '천년의 사랑'이다‬ ‪[준완의 웃음]‬We're playing "Love over a Thousand Years" next.
‪(송화)‬ ‪이, 씨, 너 일로 와, 씨‬-You jerk. -Hey.
‪(익준)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪야, 야, 야‬-You jerk. -Hey. -Hey! -Yes?
‪- (송화) 야, 야!‬ ‪- (준완) 네, NS 채송화입니다‬-Hey! -Yes? -This is Chae Song-hwa. Go on. -Hey, Jun-wan!
‪- (송화) 야, 김준완!‬ ‪- (준완) 네, 말씀하세요‬-This is Chae Song-hwa. Go on. -Hey, Jun-wan!
‪(송화)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪미쳤나?‬-This is Chae Song-hwa. Go on. -Hey, Jun-wan! -I got it. -Crazy jerk.
‪- (준완) 알겠습니다, 네‬ ‪- (송화) 빨리 갖고 와‬-I got it. -Crazy jerk. -Bring it back. Hey. -Okay.
‪(송화)‬ ‪야, 문 열어‬-Bring it back. Hey. -Okay. Open up. Hey. Damn it.
‪[손잡이를 달칵거리며]‬ ‪야, 아이, 씨‬Open up. Hey. Damn it. Hey, Seok-hyeong.
‪야, 석형아‬Hey, Seok-hyeong.
‪야, 정원아‬Hey, Jeong-won.
‪[송화의 못마땅한 신음]‬ ‪[자동차 시동음]‬Damn it. Come on, give it back!
‪(송화)‬ ‪[차를 탁탁 두드리며]‬ ‪아, 빨리 내놔!‬Damn it. Come on, give it back!
‪[사이렌 소리가 흘러나온다]‬Damn it. Come on, give it back!
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[중얼거린다]‬Let me see.
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪어, 형‬Hey.
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪아니, 내가 돈이 어디 있어?‬I don't have any money.
‪이번에 심장병 아이 하나도‬ ‪겨우 송금했는데‬I barely got enough money to cover the bills for a kid with heart disease.
‪아, 나 완전 개털이야‬ ‪[송화가 차를 계속 두드린다]‬I'm completely broke.
‪아니, 신부가 맨날 와인을 사 달래‬ ‪형, 무소유 몰라, 무소유?‬You're a priest. Why do you always ask for wine? -Have a life of non-possession! -Hey, Jun-wan!
‪(송화)‬ ‪야, 김준완, 문 안 열어?‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬-Have a life of non-possession! -Hey, Jun-wan! -You should be happy if you are -Open up!
‪(정원)‬ ‪형, 법정 스님이랑 동급이면‬ ‪[송화의 못마땅한 신음]‬-You should be happy if you are -Open up! -as respected as Bopjong. -Hey, even you?
‪고마운 줄 알아‬-as respected as Bopjong. -Hey, even you?
‪(송화)‬ ‪야, 너까지 이럴래, 진짜?‬-as respected as Bopjong. -Hey, even you?
‪(정원)‬ ‪아, 몰라, 나 돈 없다니까‬-Seriously? -Whatever. I don't have money.
‪형이 신부지 소믈리에냐고‬ ‪[송화가 투덜거린다]‬-Seriously? -Whatever. I don't have money. You're a priest, not a sommelier.
‪[카드 인식음]‬
‪[황 회장의 놀라는 신음]‬
‪어떡해‬How did you...
‪(황 회장)‬ ‪오늘 주치의가 아주 힘들게‬ ‪얘기를 꺼냈나 봐요‬Mr. Ju heard about his wife's condition today.
‪주 전무, 부인을 아주‬ ‪끔찍하게 생각하는 사람인데‬He would do anything for his wife, you know.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪미안해 죽겠어요‬I'm very sorry for him.
‪뭐가요?‬What do you mean?
‪종수도 힘들 텐데‬ ‪재단 일까지 맡겼으니‬Jong-su is already having a hard time. I made him run the foundation.
‪걔를 어떻게 봐, 진짜‬I don't know if I can face him.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪주 전무 이름이 종수예요‬Jong-su is Mr. Ju's first name.
‪(황 회장)‬ ‪아, 예‬ ‪[황 회장이 살짝 웃는다]‬-I see. -We're old friends.
‪불알친구예요‬-I see. -We're old friends.
‪집사람 아프니까‬I told him not to come to my husband's funeral since his wife is sick.
‪상갓집에 절대 오지 말라고‬ ‪그렇게 말했는데도‬I told him not to come to my husband's funeral since his wife is sick.
‪누가 말려, 그 똥고집을‬No one can stop that stubborn man.
‪(황 회장)‬ ‪안 오면은 주 전무가 아니죠‬Mr. Ju wouldn't be himself if he didn't.
‪아유, 늘 그냥 뚱하고 표정이 없길래‬Goodness. He was always quiet and didn't express any emotions.
‪전 사실 좀 '음흉한 사람이다‬ ‪속을 알 수 없는 사람이다'‬To be honest, I just thought that I could never read his mind.
‪이렇게 생각하고‬ ‪정말 많이 경계를 했었는데‬So I was always cautious around him.
‪알고 보니 그...‬-But it turns out-- -He just doesn't have any schemes.
‪별생각이 없는 거예요‬-But it turns out-- -He just doesn't have any schemes.
‪(황 회장)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪나, 참‬Gosh.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪걔 5살 때도 그랬어요‬He was just like that when he was five years old. And even on his wedding day.
‪자기 결혼식 때도요‬And even on his wedding day.
‪생긴 게 뚱해서‬He looks sulky so people get the wrong idea that he's hiding something.
‪남들은 뭔가 숨기는 게 있다고‬ ‪오해들 하는데‬He looks sulky so people get the wrong idea that he's hiding something.
‪걔 아무 생각 없는 거예요‬-He doesn't have any ulterior motives. -Right.
‪(황 회장)‬ ‪아, 회장님 돌아가시기 이틀 전인가‬ ‪우리 집엘 찾아왔더라고요‬-He doesn't have any ulterior motives. -Right. That reminds me. About two days before your husband passed away, he came to see me at my house.
‪밤늦게 집에까지 찾아왔길래‬He came to my house at a late hour.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪전 뭐, 당연히 이사회에서‬He came to my house at a late hour. I just assumed that he came to ask me to vote for him at the board meeting.
‪자기 쪽으로‬ ‪표를 달라는 얘기인 줄 알고‬I just assumed that he came to ask me to vote for him at the board meeting.
‪아이, 뭐, 좀 재수는 없었지마는‬Well, I was irritated that he came to see me.
‪안 그래도 아드님께서‬ ‪부탁을 하신 것도 있고 해서‬But since your son asked me for a favor, -I thought I'd give him what he wants. -What did he say?
‪잘 들어줘야지 했죠‬-I thought I'd give him what he wants. -What did he say?
‪근데 종수가 뭐래요?‬-I thought I'd give him what he wants. -What did he say?
‪나, 참‬Goodness.
‪대충 알 거 같네요‬I think I already know.
‪(황 회장)‬ ‪예‬Yes.
‪아무 말도 안 하더라고요‬He didn't say anything to me.
‪[정원 모의 웃음]‬ ‪(황 회장)‬ ‪한참을‬He stared at the flower tree in my garden for a long time.
‪우리 정원의 꽃나무만 쳐다보더니‬He stared at the flower tree in my garden for a long time.
‪자기 집사람이 꽃을 좋아한다고‬ ‪꽃나무 하나만 달라 그러더라고요‬Then he asked me for the tree because his wife likes flowers.
‪걔 그런 말 못 해요‬He can never ask for favors.
‪[황 회장의 웃음]‬He's frustrating.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪아유, 답답이‬He's frustrating.
‪어유, 멍청한 놈‬That fool.
‪(황 회장)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪참‬Gosh.
‪아이고, 벌써 8시가 넘었네요‬Goodness, it's already past 8 p.m. You should go now.
‪얼른 들어가 보세요‬You should go now.
‪안 그래도 사모님 기다리는 눈치던데‬I think he's waiting for you.
‪밥해 오래요‬He asked me to cook for him.
‪제가 정원이 초등학교 소풍 때 싸고‬ ‪30년 만에 도시락 쌌어요‬It's been 30 years since I last packed a dinner.
‪[황 회장이 살짝 웃는다]‬ ‪(정원 모)‬ ‪그럼 저는 이만‬It's been 30 years since I last packed a dinner. -Bye. -Bye.
‪(황 회장)‬ ‪예‬-Bye. -Bye.
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(안내 방송 속 직원2)‬ ‪코드 블루 3층, 코드 블루 3층‬Code Blue, third floor.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪CPR 아이, CPR 아이‬CPR in the ICU.
‪본관 3층, 본관 3층‬Third floor of the main building.
‪[심전도계 경고음]‬ ‪[흐느낀다]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪(민영 모)‬ ‪민영아, 조금만, 조금만‬Min-yeong, hang in there.
‪조금만, 민영아, 민영아‬Hang in there, Min-yeong.
‪(정원)‬ ‪몇 분 됐어요?‬Hang in there, Min-yeong. -How long? -Ten minutes. I can't get her sinus back.
‪(전공의4)‬ ‪10분째 리듬이 안 돌아옵니다‬-How long? -Ten minutes. I can't get her sinus back.
‪(민영 모)‬ ‪아니요! 한 번만 더 해 봐요‬No way. Please do it one more time.
‪지난주엔 돌아왔잖아!‬You brought her back last time!
‪(전공의4)‬ ‪어머님, 민영이 이제 그만...‬Ma'am, you should let Min-yeong go now...
‪한 번만, 딱 한 번만, 제발, 제발‬Just try it one more time, please. Please.
‪해 볼게요, 어머니, 더 해 볼게요‬I'll do it. I'll keep trying.
‪[정원의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(민영 모)‬ ‪민영아, 민영아, 민영아‬Min-yeong. Min-yeong.
‪[민영 모가 연신 흐느낀다]‬
‪민영아, 조금만, 조금만‬Min-yeong, hang in there, please.
‪조금만, 민영아, 민영아‬Hang in there, Min-yeong.
‪민영아, 민영아, 조금만‬Min-yeong, please. Hang in there. Min-yeong!
‪조금만, 민영아‬Min-yeong, please. Hang in there. Min-yeong!
‪[정원의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[정원의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[정원의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[민영 모의 놀란 신음]‬
‪민영이 많이 아플 거예요, 어머니‬Ma'am, she must be in a lot of pain.
‪이제 편하게 해 줘요, 우리‬We should let her rest now.
‪[심전도계가 삐 울린다]‬
‪[민영 모가 흐느낀다]‬
‪우리 민영이‬My sweet Min-yeong,
‪이제 그만 갈래?‬do you want to go now?
‪엄만 싫은데‬But I don't want you to.
‪(민영 모)‬ ‪조금만 더 있다 가면‬ ‪우리 딸 많이 힘들까?‬If you stay here a little longer, would that be too painful for you?
‪엄마가 조금만 더 보고 싶은데‬I would like to see you a bit more.
‪미안해, 민영아‬I'm sorry, Min-yeong.
‪민영이 아프게 해서‬ ‪엄마가 너무너무 미안해‬I am so sorry for making you go through this pain.
‪엄마가 많이많이 사랑해‬I love you so much.
‪우리 딸‬My daughter.
‪사랑해‬I love you.
‪2019년 3월 26일 14시 29분‬March 26, 2019. At 2:29 p.m.
‪김민영 님 사망하셨습니다‬I pronounce Kim Min-yeong dead.
‪(민영 모)‬ ‪민영아‬Min-yeong.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(전공의9)‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪우릴 다 보자고 하신 거예요?‬Did she want to see all of us?
‪하, 또 얼마나 난리를 치실까?‬I bet she'll just complain.
‪(간호사3)‬ ‪네, 표정이 싹 변하시더니‬You're right. Her face changed completely.
‪[전공의4의 한숨]‬
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪어떡해요‬What choice do we have?
‪지금은 어떤 말을 해도 다 이해해야죠‬Whatever she says, we should try to understand her.
‪이해돼요, 저는‬I can understand her.
‪(전공의4)‬ ‪저도 이해야 하지만‬I understand her, but we did our best.
‪저희도 정말 최선을 다했는데‬I understand her, but we did our best.
‪안정원 교수님은 민영이 때문에‬ ‪석 달 동안 하루도 못 쉬었어요‬Professor Ahn didn't get a day off for three months because of Min-yeong.
‪(전공의9)‬ ‪어? 교수님 오신다‬There he comes.
‪[전공의4의 헛기침]‬
‪다들 그동안 고생 많으셨어요‬Thank you so much for your hard work.
‪가서 일들 보세요‬You should get back to work.
‪- (전공의4) 예?‬ ‪- (정원) 저 혼자 봬도 되니깐‬-Pardon? -I can meet with her alone.
‪얼른들 가 보세요‬You should go.
‪할 일들 많으시잖아요‬You have a lot of work.
‪그동안 정말 감사했습니다‬Thank you so much for everything.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(민영 모)‬ ‪우리 민영이‬Min-yeong...
‪욕심 많은 엄마 때문에‬ ‪고생 많이 했지만‬was in so much pain because I wanted to see her more.
‪그래도 좋으신 간호사 선생님‬ ‪의사 선생님 만나서‬But thanks to great doctors and nurses she had,
‪3년 동안 행복하게 살다 갔습니다‬she had three years of a happy life.
‪그동안 정말 고생 많으셨고요‬Thank you for your hard work.
‪우리 민영이 사랑해 주시고‬ ‪잘 치료해 주셔서‬Thank you for loving my daughter and treating her
‪정말 감사합니다‬the best you could.
‪고맙습니다, 선생님‬Thank you so much.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[정원이 연신 흐느낀다]‬
‪(정원)‬ ‪오늘 한 아이가‬ ‪하늘나라로 갔습니다, 신부님‬Father, a girl went to heaven today.
‪[종이 뎅뎅 울린다]‬I was at her 100th-day celebration.
‪백일잔치도‬ ‪해마다 생일 파티도 함께한‬I was at her 100th-day celebration. Every year, we celebrated her birthday together. We made so many memories.
‪저와 추억이 너무나 많은 아이였는데‬Every year, we celebrated her birthday together. We made so many memories.
‪겨우 3년‬Just three years...
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪세상에 태어난 지 겨우 3년 만에‬After only three years,
‪민영이가 하늘나라로 갔어요‬Min-yeong left this world.
‪저는 하느님의 자식인데‬I'm his child,
‪계속 하느님을 원망하게 됩니다‬but I can't stop resenting God.
‪하느님이 너무나 밉고‬ ‪원망스럽습니다‬I hate him. And I resent him, too.
‪하루하루가 너무 힘들어요, 신부님‬It's so hard to move on with my life, Father.
‪저 어떡하면 좋죠?‬What should I do?
‪[술 취한 목소리로]‬ ‪내가 그래서 의사 안 한다고 했잖아‬That's why I told you I wasn't going to be a doctor.
‪나도 신부 한다고 그랬잖아, 어?‬I told you I was going to be a priest, too, didn't I?
‪(정원)‬ ‪근데 형들이 그랬지?‬Remember what you guys told me?
‪신부는 언제든지 될 수 있어도‬ ‪의사는 지금 아니면 안 된다고‬That I could be a priest whenever I wanted, but that's not the case for a doctor.
‪나 형들 때문에 오래 했어, 어?‬I worked all these years as a doctor because of you guys.
‪나도, 나 이제‬ ‪내가 하고 싶은 거 할 거야, 알았지?‬Starting now, I'm going to do what I want with my life. Okay?
‪알았냐고!‬Did you get that?
‪나는, 의사 자격이 없어‬I don't... deserve to be a doctor.
‪이 감정이 주체가 안 돼‬I can't... I can't control my emotions.
‪감정 이입이, 와...‬I empathize too easily.
‪남들은‬Other doctors tell me
‪시간 좀 지나면‬ ‪별일 아닌 거처럼 된다 그러데?‬that once time passes, it becomes like nothing.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪와‬
‪형, 근데 나는 말이야‬You know what?
‪이 환자한테 퐁, 저 환자한테 퐁‬I care too much about all my patients.
‪아주 환장, 환장, 환장을 해요‬I care too much about all my patients. I completely go nuts for them, you know?
‪내가 우리 아버지 돌아가셨을 때도‬ ‪안 울었어‬I didn't cry even when our father passed away.
‪최근에 우리 아버지가‬ ‪돌아가셨거든요, 신부님‬My father recently passed away, you know.
‪(정원 큰형)‬ ‪어, 그래?‬Is that so?
‪(정원)‬ ‪근데‬But...
‪오늘 민영이 엄마가‬when Min-yeong's mother
‪그동안 너무 고마웠다고‬thanked me...
‪인사를 하시는데‬for treating her today.
‪[흐느끼며]‬ ‪아이, 씨‬Damn it.
‪환자가 의사를 위로해!‬My patient's mother comforted me. But I'm the doctor!
‪형, 근데‬But then,
‪솔직히 그때‬to tell you the truth,
‪세상에서 제일‬it was the most wonderful feeling...
‪정말로 체험할 수 없는‬ ‪그런 기분과 느낌이었어‬It was a kind of feeling that I couldn't experience in this world.
‪너무 감사하고 너무 미안하고‬I was so grateful, but I was sorry at the same time.
‪난 의사 자격이 없어‬I don't deserve to be a doctor.
‪아, 나 너무 힘들어‬No. It's too hard.
‪안 해‬I won't do it. I'll quit being a doctor!
‪나 의사 안 해!‬I won't do it. I'll quit being a doctor!
‪안 그래도 내가‬ ‪올해만 하고 관두려고 했어‬As a matter of fact, I was going to quit after this year.
‪내가 하던 일도‬ ‪친구한테 물려주려고 했고‬I was planning to hand off things I do to my friend anyway.
‪이제 다 끝났어‬It's over now.
‪지금 당장, 내일 바로 관둘 거야!‬I'll quit my job tomorrow. Damn it.
‪(정원)‬ ‪씨...‬
‪안드레아, 정 뭐하면‬ ‪그때 형이 먼저 그만두라고 얘기할게‬Andrea, if that's how you feel, I'll tell you to quit later. So why don't you hang in there one more year?
‪그러니까 딱 1년만 더 하자, 응?‬So why don't you hang in there one more year?
‪아, 정말‬Seriously.
‪[닭 울음 효과음]‬1 YEAR AGO
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(정원)‬ ‪[술 취한 목소리로]‬ ‪형, 민우가‬Hey, Min-u...
‪나한테 편지를 썼더라고‬wrote me a letter.
‪아직 한글도 잘 모르는 애인데‬He couldn't even read Korean.
‪[흐느끼며]‬ ‪죽기 전에 나한테 편지를 썼어‬But he wrote me a letter before he died.
‪(정원)‬ ‪난...‬ ‪[뼈를 퉤 뱉는다]‬I...
‪의사로서 자격이 없어‬don't deserve to be a doctor.
‪실력도 없고 아무것도 없어!‬I'm not good enough and I've got nothing to show for!
‪나 의사 그만둘 거야‬I'm going to quit being a doctor.
‪내일 당장 때려치울 거야! 씨‬I'm going to quit tomorrow!
‪안드레아, 딱 1년만 더 하자‬Andrea. Hang in there for one more year.
‪아, 이건‬Seriously.
‪[닭 울음 효과음]‬2 YEARS AGO
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬You know, my patient, Min-ji?
‪[술 취한 목소리로]‬ ‪형, 민지 있잖아‬You know, my patient, Min-ji?
‪민지가 오늘 깨어났다‬Min-ji woke up today.
‪심지어‬She was even able to breathe on her own.
‪(정원)‬ ‪이 자발 호흡까지 했어‬She was even able to breathe on her own.
‪형, 날 보고‬She looked at me and winked at me like this.
‪이렇게 윙크를 하더라고‬She looked at me and winked at me like this.
‪이렇게, 이렇게‬Just like this.
‪이렇게 날 보고 윙크를 했어‬ ‪우리 민지가 나한테, 형!‬She looked at me and winked at me.
‪자, 건배, 건배!‬Okay. Cheers.
‪자, 내 생애 최고로 기쁜 날이야‬Okay. Cheers. It's the happiest day of my life. Cheers!
‪건배! 건배!‬It's the happiest day of my life. Cheers! Cheers!
‪[정원이 오열한다]‬3 YEARS AGO
‪[닭 울음 효과음]‬3 YEARS AGO
‪[유쾌한 음악]‬I'm going to quit.
‪[술 취한 목소리로]‬ ‪나 의사 때려치울 거야‬I'm going to quit.
‪난 의사도 아니야!‬I'm not a doctor.
‪돌팔이야, 돌팔이‬I'm a fraud!
‪(정원)‬ ‪죽어, 죽어, 죽어‬Die! I should die!
‪딱 1년만 더 하자, 응?‬Let's try this for one more year. Okay?
‪[정원의 거친 숨소리]‬My gosh, how adorable.
‪아유, 귀여워‬My gosh, how adorable.
‪[닭 울음 효과음]‬ ‪[훌쩍인다]‬
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬Yes, come in.
‪(송화)‬ ‪응, 들어와요‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬Yes, come in.
‪이 병원은 아침 메뉴 뭐가 맛있나?‬What's a good menu in the cafeteria?
‪(송화)‬ ‪꼬리, 너 출근 일찍 했다?‬-Look at you. You came to work early. -I didn't go home last night.
‪퇴근 안 했다‬-Look at you. You came to work early. -I didn't go home last night.
‪(준완)‬ ‪아침 먹고 가려고‬I'll have breakfast before I go.
‪밤새우고 운전 괜찮겠어?‬Should you drive after an all-nighter?
‪택시 타고 가지, 뭐, 간다‬Should you drive after an all-nighter? I'll grab a cab. Bye.
‪(송화)‬ ‪주말에 학회 가지?‬Do you have a symposium this weekend? Was it at J Hotel?
‪J호텔?‬Do you have a symposium this weekend? Was it at J Hotel?
‪네가 CS 스케줄을 어떻게 알아?‬How do you know about it?
‪아, 장 교수?‬Right. Professor Jang?
‪안부 전해 줄게‬I'll send him your regards. I'm leaving.
‪- 진짜 간다‬ ‪- (송화) 응‬I'll send him your regards. I'm leaving. Bye.
‪[차창이 스르륵 열린다]‬
‪[준완의 힘주는 신음]‬Hey.
‪(송 피디)‬ ‪왔어?‬ ‪[준완의 한숨]‬Hey.
‪내려, 얼른‬Get off now.
‪[안전벨트를 달칵 푼다]‬
‪(송 피디)‬ ‪아니, 아니, 다 깼어‬ ‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬Listen to me. I'm sober now. I swear.
‪진짜야‬I'm sober now. I swear.
‪다 깼어‬I'm completely sober.
‪장난해?‬Are you kidding me?
‪너 말할 때마다 지금 술 냄새 나‬-I smell alcohol whenever you talk. -No way. It's been hours.
‪아니야, 마신 지 한참 됐어‬-I smell alcohol whenever you talk. -No way. It's been hours.
‪그냥, 냄새만 나는 거야‬I just smell like alcohol.
‪(준완)‬ ‪너 아까 나랑 새벽에 통화할 때도‬ ‪술 마시고 있었어, 쫑파티 한다고‬When we talked on the phone earlier, you were still drinking at the wrap party.
‪그게 5시간 전이야, 너 만취 상태였고‬That was five hours ago. You were totally drunk then.
‪범죄다, 이거?‬-This is a crime. -I'm completely fine now.
‪(송 피디)‬ ‪아니, 지금 멀쩡하다니까‬-This is a crime. -I'm completely fine now. Forget it. Let's just go.
‪아, 됐어, 그냥 가자‬Forget it. Let's just go.
‪어차피 아무도 모르는데‬ ‪왜 이래, 진짜!‬No one will know anyway. What's your problem?
‪앞에 사우나 보이지? 가서 자고 가‬Do you see the sauna over there? Get some sleep there.
‪아, 그만해라, 진짜!‬ ‪[차 문이 달칵 열린다]‬That's enough.
‪(송 피디)‬ ‪별것도 아닌 걸로 왜 이래?‬Stop making a big deal out of nothing!
‪(준완)‬ ‪차는 내가 집에다 가져다 둔다‬I'll drop off your car at your house. Let's talk later.
‪그리고 나중에 얘기해‬ ‪[안전벨트를 달칵 채운다]‬I'll drop off your car at your house. Let's talk later.
‪그때 우리‬And we should...
‪끝내‬end it then.
‪[기어 조작음]‬
‪[새가 짹짹 지저귄다]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[차 리모컨 작동음]‬
‪[안내 음성]‬ ‪문이 열립니다‬The doors are opening.
‪[엘리베이터 문이 스르륵 열린다]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(석민)‬ ‪별명이 귀신이잖아‬Her nickname is "ghost." She teaches and does a lot of surgery.
‪강의도 나가고 수술도 많이 하시고‬ ‪전공의 논문도 꼼꼼히 봐 주시고‬Her nickname is "ghost." She teaches and does a lot of surgery. She checks residents' papers thoroughly. She goes hiking and camping on weekends.
‪주말엔 등산도 하고‬ ‪캠핑도 하고 그러면서도‬She checks residents' papers thoroughly. She goes hiking and camping on weekends.
‪아침 7시 출근도 안 늦으시지‬But she still manages to come to work at 7 a.m. Only ghosts can do that.
‪귀신이 아니고서는‬ ‪설명이 안 되는 사람이야‬But she still manages to come to work at 7 a.m. Only ghosts can do that.
‪(여자5)‬ ‪나야 넌 줄 알았지‬I knew it was you. You're famous. Your name pops up on search engines.
‪너 유명해, 인터넷에 쳐도 나와‬I knew it was you. You're famous. Your name pops up on search engines.
‪(익준)‬ ‪와, 진짜, 채송화 진짜 대단하다‬Gosh, Chae Song-hwa. She's amazing.
‪(석민)‬ ‪그럼 환자 죽는 거 지켜보실 거예요?‬Are you going to watch the patient die?
‪(송화)‬ ‪야‬-Hey! -We can't do that to a patient.
‪(석민)‬ ‪그건 아니죠‬ ‪환자한테 그러면 안 되는 거잖아요‬-Hey! -We can't do that to a patient.
‪(남자4)‬ ‪민기준 교수님은 그렇게 위험한 수술이‬Dr. Min said it won't be such a dangerous procedure. I want to stick with him.
‪아니라고 하셨는데 안 바꾸고 싶어요‬such a dangerous procedure. I want to stick with him.
‪(병원장)‬ ‪기자들이 두 눈 부릅뜨고 지켜봐서‬ ‪무조건 잘돼야 된단 말이야‬Reporters have their eyes on us.
‪이참에 채 교수 이름도 좀 알리고‬We can use this surgery to get your name out there.
‪(여자5)‬ ‪나한테 참 관심들이 많으셔‬They're all so nosy. I'll just suffer and die alone.
‪그냥 혼자 걸려서 혼자 죽을래‬They're all so nosy. I'll just suffer and die alone.
‪나 그때까지 살 수 있을까?‬Will I live until then?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪아이스아메리카노 차가운 거 하나요‬-A cold cup of iced Americano, please. -I'd like a warm cup of hot latte.
‪(정원)‬ ‪난 핫카페라테 따뜻한 거요‬-A cold cup of iced Americano, please. -I'd like a warm cup of hot latte.
‪(준완)‬ ‪내 것도‬-A cold cup of iced Americano, please. -I'd like a warm cup of hot latte. -And mine too. -Jeong-won, do you know Daddy-Long-Legs?
‪- 정원아, 너 키다리 아저씨라고 알아?‬ ‪- (정원) 어?‬-And mine too. -Jeong-won, do you know Daddy-Long-Legs? -What? -He's quite famous at your last hospital.
‪(광현)‬ ‪너 전에 있던 병원에서‬ ‪유명한 분이던데‬-What? -He's quite famous at your last hospital.
‪(준완)‬ ‪하여튼 재벌들은 믿으면 안 돼‬-What? -He's quite famous at your last hospital. You can't trust rich people. They lie all the time.
‪- 입만 열면 거짓말‬ ‪- (익준) 양아치‬You can't trust rich people. They lie all the time. Prick.
‪(익준)‬ ‪이 환자 내일 오전에 간 이식하잖아‬Prick. This patient will get a liver transplant tomorrow morning.
‪간 이식이잖아, 내가 집도의고‬Liver transplant. And I'm leading the surgery.
‪내 수술 들어올래?‬Do you want to join me?
‪(주 전무)‬ ‪이렇게 선남선녀들인데‬ ‪그동안 아무 일 없었어?‬You're all good-looking. How did nothing happen between you guys?
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪얘, 네가 방금 돌 던졌어‬Why would you do that?
‪잔잔한 호수에 돌 던졌다고‬Why would you do that? Why disturb the calm water?

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