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  슬기로운 의사생활 S1.2

Hospital Playlist S1.2


‪( 교수) ‪고맙습니다

Thank you very much.

‪[ 교수의 웃음]


‪(병원장) ‪뇌신경 센터 앞으로  부탁드립니다 ‪ 과장님

I'm pleased to have you join us at the Neuroscience Center. -Welcome, Chief Min. -Goodness.

‪( 교수) ‪아유저야말로  부탁드립니다

-Welcome, Chief Min. -Goodness. Yes. I'm greatly looking forward to it.

며칠  됐지만 우리 스태프들 ‪실력도 좋고 우리 시스템도 좋아서

It's been only a few days, but I can see you have a great system and talented medical staff here. I should be the one to thank you.

오히려 제가  감사합니다

I should be the one to thank you.

 교수  부탁해요

Professor Chae, I'm hope to work with you.

그럼 우리 밥이나 먹으러 갈까요?

If you're free, why don't we get something to eat. -Let's go to the cafeteria. -[all] Yes, sir.

여기 식당 맛있던데

-Let's go to the cafeteria. -[all] Yes, sir.

‪(교수들) ‪교수님

-Let's go to the cafeteria. -[all] Yes, sir.

‪( 교수) ‪교수는 무슨선배라고 불러

[Gi-joon chuckles] Don't be so formal. You can relax.

‪(교수1) ‪ ‪[교수들의 웃음]

You can relax.

‪[커피 머신 작동음] ‪(병원장) ‪ 교수 TV보다 실물이 훨씬 낫네

[Jeon] Professor Min looks much better in person than on TV.

방송 스케줄도 많은데 ‪수술은  꼬박꼬박  한다네?

He's on a lot of TV shows, but he performs all of his surgeries himself.

공형우   교수가  

I want you to handle Gong Hyeong-u's surgery. He's not in critical condition, but this surgery is tricky.

심각한 상태는 아닌데 ‪ 까다로운 수술이야

He's not in critical condition, but this surgery is tricky.

기자들이   부릅뜨고 지켜봐서 ‪무조건 잘돼야 된단 말이야

Reporters have their eyes trained on us, so his surgery must go off without a hitch.

이참에  교수 이름도  알리고?

And besides, we can use this to get your name out there, hm?

 다음  수술 스케줄 풀이에요

But my surgery schedule for next week is full.

스케줄  돼요

I won't have time for it.

‪[못마땅한 신음]


‪( 교수) ‪우리 김민식 교수 ‪이번에 셋째 가졌다고?

Oh, Min-sik, I heard you have a third baby on the way.

‪(교수1) ‪어떻게 아셨어요?

Huh? How did you know that?

얘기하는  들었지

I heard you guys talking. You should go home.

집에 빨리 들어가

You should go home.

급한  있으면 나한테 돌리고

I'll handle your emergency calls.

‪( 교수) ‪내가  달에 두세 개는  줄게

I can certainly take two or three calls a month.

말씀만이라도 감사합니다

-Thank you. It's a nice gesture. -It's not just a gesture.

말씀만이라니사람 섭섭하게

-Thank you. It's a nice gesture. -It's not just a gesture. You're breaking my heart.


I appreciate it.

‪[교수들의 웃음]

[all chuckle]

‪(교수2) ‪[놀라며] ‪근데 저분들 언제까지 계세요?

[all chuckle] By the way, how much longer are they going to film us?

아유피디들 고생한다진짜?

[doctor] Wow, being a TV director is so hard. I know, their job is tough.

‪( 교수) ‪아유쉬운 일이 없다

I know, their job is tough.

피디님 먹을  그냥 식사하세요 ‪ 어디  가요

Excuse me, sir. You can take your time. I'm not going anywhere.

하라는    드릴 테니까 ‪그냥 식사하세요

I'll do everything you ask. Just enjoy your meal.

‪[교수2 웃음] ‪(피디) ‪감사합니다

I'll do everything you ask. Just enjoy your meal. Yes. Thank you. [chuckles]

‪(선빈) ‪용석민 선생님

There you are, Dr. Yong. We need to give Han Seung-hyeok a lumbar drain.

한승혁 환자 ‪럼바 드레인 해야   같은데?

We need to give Han Seung-hyeok a lumbar drain.


We need to give Han Seung-hyeok a lumbar drain. Unless you've done it.

‪[석민의 한숨]



Who's that?

‪7104 한승혁 환자요

Who's that? Han Seung-hyeok in Room 7104.

민기준 교수님 환자지?

-Isn't that Professor Min's patient? -Yes.

‪(선빈) ‪

-Isn't that Professor Min's patient? -Yes.

‪[석민의 한숨]


‪(치홍) ‪박정수 환자 오전 진료  ‪씨티 엔지오를 봤는데

This is Park Jeong-su. I looked at his CT angiography scan this morning.

비파열성 뇌동맥류가 확인돼서 ‪ 전에 입원했고

We have him admitted because of an unruptured cerebral aneurysm.

다음  수술 예정입니다

His surgery is scheduled next week.

환자복 입으니까  잘생겼다 ‪[남자1 살짝 웃는다]

You look quite handsome in the patient gown. Dr. Min, is it true the surgery isn't too difficult?

‪(여자1) ‪선생님수술 어려운  아니죠?

Dr. Min, is it true the surgery isn't too difficult?

‪( 교수) ‪제가 수백 건도 넘게  수술이니까 ‪너무 걱정  하셔도 됩니다

I have performed this surgery hundreds of times. You have nothing to worry about.

애뉴리즘 위치가 어디지?

Where's the location of his aneurysm?

‪(치홍) ‪오른쪽 파라클리노이드에 ‪뇌동맥류 위치하는데

Where's the location of his aneurysm? Oh, the right paraclinoid aneurysm is on the cerebral artery.

넥이 좁아 보였습니다

Oh, the right paraclinoid aneurysm is on the cerebral artery. -But its neck looked narrow. -Hmm.

‪( 교수) ‪

-But its neck looked narrow. -Hmm.

문제없습니다간단한 수술이에요

That won't be a problem. It's a simple surgery.

여자 친구 있어?

-Do you have a girlfriend? -[sighs]

‪(남자1) ‪



Oh… Oh, wait, I don't.

‪(여자1) ‪엄마가 뭐라 그래?

Oh… Oh, wait, I don't. What? You think that'll upset me? [scoffs]

‪[헛웃음 치며] ‪얘가 사람 이상하게 만드네

What? You think that'll upset me? [scoffs] Gosh, he's making me look like a bad mother.

‪[사람들의 웃음]

Gosh, he's making me look like a bad mother. [all laugh]

‪- ( 교수그럼 ‪- (여자1)  부탁드릴게요선생님

-All right. -Thank you for all your help, Doctor.

‪( 교수) ‪

-All right. -Thank you for all your help, Doctor. Sure.


Oh, hello there. And how are we feeling today?

오늘은  어떠세요?

Oh, hello there. And how are we feeling today?

‪(석민) ‪아유몰라

It doesn't matter.

그럼 어떡해요?

-What? You're not going to do anything? -[slurping]

‪( 교수) ‪그래요?

-Is that so? -They only ran a blood test

‪(여자2) ‪ 검사하고  수액만 걸어 놓고는 ‪ 번도 오시질 않으니까요

-Is that so? -They only ran a blood test and gave him an IV drip. And then they have completely deserted him.

수술 날짜도 아직  알려 주시고

We haven't heard anything about his surgery date.

이런저런 말도 없고

No one gave us an update.

아유이대로 죽으라는 거야뭐야?

Ah, are you people just waiting for him to die? But, please, accept my apologies.

정말 죄송합니다

But, please, accept my apologies.

우리 전공의가 ‪정신이 없어서 놓친  같은데

I believe my resident missed it, as this day has been hectic.

제가 대신 사과드리겠습니다

I will apologize on his behalf.

정말 죄송합니다 ‪[여자2 한숨]

-I am very sorry for this. -[woman] Huh!

‪[의미심장한 음악]

[ominous music]

‪[작은 목소리로] ‪담당 누구야?

Who's in charge?

그냥 내가 알아서 할까?

Should I just do it myself?

한승혁 환자 ‪오늘 진짜 럼바 드레인 해야 되거든

Han Seung-hyeok really needs to get a lumbar drain done today.

‪(선빈) ‪석민  맘대로 어떻게 해요?

Han Seung-hyeok really needs to get a lumbar drain done today. You can't just do it yourself.

민기준 교수님이 ‪자기한테  물어보고 하라 그랬잖아요

Don't forget you have to run everything by Professor Min, first.

지난주에  난리를 겪고도 그러세요?

Remember last week, colossal disaster?

근데 민기준 교수님은 ‪그럼 오더라도 내시든가

[sighs] The least he could do is tell you what he wanted done, right? He doesn't even bother giving us any orders.

입원만 시켜 놓고 ‪어떻게 한마디도 없으세요?

He doesn't even bother giving us any orders.

환자 앞에서만 젠틀하지 ‪환자한텐 관심 하나도 없어요

He doesn't even bother giving us any orders. He seems nice in front of patients, but he doesn't care about them at all.

‪[문이 달칵 열린다] ‪(송화) ‪석민아이명기 환자 수술 당겼어

He seems nice in front of patients, but he doesn't care about them at all. Seok-min, I moved up Lee Myeong-gi's surgery.

‪- (송화보호자 동의서 받자 ‪- (석민

Get his guardian's consent. Okay.

‪(송화) ‪ 급해라면  먹고 ‪한숨 돌리고 

[Song-hwa] It's not that urgent. -Finish your ramyeon and take a breather. -No, I'm done.

 먹었어요 ‪[마우스 클릭음]

-Finish your ramyeon and take a breather. -No, I'm done. -[gulping] -[chuckles]

‪(송화) ‪[피식 웃으며] ‪천천히 먹어

-[gulping] -[chuckles] You can take your time.

‪[문이  열린다] ‪( 교수) ‪!

-[door slams open] -You!

‪[긴장되는 음악] ‪ 지금 라면이 목구멍으로 넘어가?

How can you be eating right now? How can you stuff your face?

넘어가 새끼야?

How can you stuff your face?

‪[ 교수의 성난 숨소리]

Why didn't you do a lumbar drain for Han Seung-hyeok?

 한승혁 환자 ‪럼바 드레인   했어?

Why didn't you do a lumbar drain for Han Seung-hyeok?


-Why didn't you do it? -Doctor, please.

‪(치홍) ‪교수님

-Why didn't you do it? -Doctor, please.

‪[ 교수가 석민을  놓는다] ‪[ 교수의 거친 숨소리]

[huffs in anger] Do you call yourself a doctor?

네가 그러고도 의사야?

Do you call yourself a doctor? How can you call yourself a doctor?

네가 그러고도 의사냐고새끼야!

How can you call yourself a doctor? What if his hydrocephalus gets worse and we lose him?

‪( 교수) ‪환자 저러다가 하이드로 심해져서 ‪ 좋아지면

What if his hydrocephalus gets worse and we lose him? Will you take responsibility? Will you own up to it?

그때 네가 책임질 거야?

Will you take responsibility? Will you own up to it?

책임질 거냐고!

Will you take responsibility? Will you own up to it?

교수님이 오더  주셨잖아요

You didn't give me any orders in the first place.

오더도   주시고선...

You didn't give me any orders in the first place. -What are you blaming me for? -Have you lost your mind?

 새끼가 미쳤나?

-What are you blaming me for? -Have you lost your mind? You think I'm here to hold your hand? How dare you talk to me like that?

어디 교수한테 ‪또박또박 말대꾸야말대꾸가?

You think I'm here to hold your hand? How dare you talk to me like that?

‪[차분한 음악] ‪( 교수) ‪

Hey. Hey.

네가 이러고도 치프야?

You call yourself a chief resident?

 정도 판단도  하는 새끼가 ‪무슨 치프라고이씨

You can't even make a judgment call. You shouldn't be a chief resident.

어쭈 새끼 봐라?

Look at you. You're pathetic.

 눈빛 뭐냐지금?

[Gi-Joon] Are you glaring at me?


Stop glaring.

 풀어 새끼야!

I said stop, you idiot! [indistinct chatter]

‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]

[indistinct chatter] [Gi-Joon] Stop glaring at me!


[Gi-Joon] Stop glaring at me!

‪[숨을 들이켠다]

[inhales deeply] Lastly, about the complications.

마지막으로 합병증인데요

[inhales deeply] Lastly, about the complications.

의식 장애경련운동 장애 ‪감각 마비언어 장애가   있는데

One percent of patients experience altered consciousness,

환자 중의 1%에서 발생을 하며

convulsion, dyskinesia, and more. Sequelae are infectious diseases,

감염증수술부 감염 ‪뇌염뇌막염뇌농양 등의

convulsion, dyskinesia, and more. Sequelae are infectious diseases, encephalitis, meningitis, and brain abscess.

후유증이 발생할  있습니다 ‪혹시 궁금한 ?

encephalitis, meningitis, and brain abscess.

없으실  같은데

Any more questions? [sighs]

‪[익살스러운 음악]

[comical music]


I doubt you have any.

‪[석민의 힘겨운 신음]


‪[석민이 입소리를  낸다]

[clicks tongue] Lastly, due to the lack of oxygen in the organs,

마지막으로 간혹 환자 중에 ‪1% 확률로

Lastly, due to the lack of oxygen in the organs, one percent of patients suffer from organ failure, brain damage,

장기로의 산소 공급이 부족해 ‪장기 부전뇌손상그리고...

one percent of patients suffer from organ failure, brain damage, -and-- -[man] Hold on. "Brain damage"?

‪(남자2) ‪뇌손상요?

-and-- -[man] Hold on. "Brain damage"?

‪(여자3) ‪오빠는 엄마가 ‪저렇게 아픈 것도 모르고

How come you have no idea that Mother's condition was this bad?


How come you have no idea that Mother's condition was this bad? [stuttering]

‪(남자2) ‪선생님저희 어머니 수술이 ‪그렇게 심각한 겁니까?

Doctor, are you saying my Mom's surgery doesn't look good?

‪(석민) ‪아니이럴 수도 있다

No, sir, but this could happen, okay?

알고 계시라 말씀드리는 거고요

No, sir, but this could happen, okay? I'm here to inform you of all the possibilities.

그리고 수술  ‪심근 손상이 발생할  있으며

Her heart muscles may be damaged during the surgery.

심한 경우 사망에 이를  있으며...

-In severe cases, she may die. -[man] Our Mother may die?

‪(남자2) ‪사망이라니요?

-In severe cases, she may die. -[man] Our Mother may die?

‪[익살스러운 음악]

But, but she was just fine a few minutes ago.

방금 전까지 멀쩡하셨는데요?

But, but she was just fine a few minutes ago.

 사망하신다는  아니라 ‪그럴 수도 있다 ‪[여자3 흐느낀다]

She might not. I'm not saying that she will die. -I'm saying that could happen, though. -[woman] Oh, Mom, no.

‪(여자3) ‪우리 엄마

-I'm saying that could happen, though. -[woman] Oh, Mom, no.

우리 엄마 저렇게 가면 ‪우리 엄마 불쌍해서 어쩌누?

What if Mom dies during the surgery? I can't believe that this is happening to her. [both sobbing]

우리 엄마 보고 싶어서 ‪ 어떻게 산대?

[both sobbing] I wouldn't want to go on living. I'm going to miss her so much!


I wouldn't want to go on living. I'm going to miss her so much! [woman wails]


[woman wails]


-[screaming, crying] -[man sobbing]


No. Mom! [crying]

우리 엄마 불쌍해서 어떡해

No. Mom! [crying] -I'm not ready to lose our poor mother. -[both crying]

‪[여자3 남자2 오열한다]

-I'm not ready to lose our poor mother. -[both crying] Hang on. Um, excuse me. Your mom, she… Your mom is still alive.

‪(석민) ‪저기아직 병실에 계신데...

Hang on. Um, excuse me. Your mom, she… Your mom is still alive.

‪(남자2) ‪어머니!

-Oh, Mom! -[both sobbing]

‪(여자3) ‪엄마!

-Oh, Mom! -[both sobbing]

‪(남자2) ‪어머니

-[both wailing] -[sighs deeply] NURSES' OFFICE

‪[석민의 한숨]


‪(석민) ‪벌써 출근하는 ?

Hey, did you just get here? Are you on the night shift again?


Hey, did you just get here? Are you on the night shift again? -No, I'm not. -Are you about to head home?

‪(지완) ‪나이트 아닌데?

-No, I'm not. -Are you about to head home?

‪(석민) ‪아니면 퇴근이신가?

-No, I'm not. -Are you about to head home? I have the morning shift.

‪(지완) ‪ 오늘 데이인데?

I have the morning shift. Then what are you doing here at seven?

데이인데  7시에 나와요?

Then what are you doing here at seven?

데이니까 7시에 나오죠

Because that's the time my shifts start.

‪- 지금 밤인데? ‪- (지완지금 아침인데?

-It's evening. -It's morning already.

‪[밝은 음악] ‪(석민) ‪?


‪[석민의 헛웃음]


‪[석민의 한숨]


‪[사이렌이 울린다]

[siren blaring]

‪[심전도계 비프음]

-[machine beeping] -[approaching footsteps]

‪(정원) ‪어떤 환자입니까?

[Jeong-won pants] What's the patient status?

‪(준희) ‪복통 환자인데 ‪컨스티페이션으로 에네마 했더니

He had a stomachache and was constipated, so I performed an enema, but he's fine now.

지금은 괜찮습니다

so I performed an enema, but he's fine now.


Sorry, you had to come in. My intern got scared, so she called you immediately.

우리 인턴이 너무 놀라서 ‪교수님한테 바로 콜했나 봐요

My intern got scared, so she called you immediately.

아침부터 죄송합니다

Sorry about that, Doctor.


No, that's okay.

보호자분 많이 놀라셨겠네요

You must have been scared when that happened.

‪(준희) ‪많이 놀라셨죠어머니?

-Were you going crazy earlier? -Yes.

애들한텐 흔히 있는 일이니까 ‪크게 걱정  하셔도 돼요

This happens to kids often, so you don't need to worry too much.

특히 이맘땐 정후처럼

A lot of kids around Jeong-hu's age get rushed to the ER

변비로 응급실 오는 소아 환자 ‪되게 많아요

A lot of kids around Jeong-hu's age get rushed to the ER because of constipation.

정후 첫째죠?

because of constipation. -Is he your first born? -Ah, yes…


-Is he your first born? -Ah, yes…

‪(준희) ‪보통 첫째 아이는 ‪어머니들이 놀라서 많이 오세요

For their first child, moms get easily scared and rushed to the ER.

둘째셋째넷째 어머니들은 ‪전문가가  되셔 가지고

and rushed to the ER. But for moms with second or third children when you see them, they are like experts. They come here, ask for the meds, chat a little, and then leave.

응급실 와서 알아서 처방하고 ‪ 수다 떨고 가고 그러세요

They come here, ask for the meds, chat a little, and then leave.

‪(여자4) ‪그래요?

They come here, ask for the meds, chat a little, and then leave. [woman chuckles] Really?

아휴저는  혹시 잘못될까 싶어 ‪엄청 놀랐거든요

Oh, to tell you the truth, I was so scared that something terrible had happened to my son.

아휴제가 이렇게 엄마 경험이 ‪부족해요선생님

Oh, my gosh, I still have a long way to go as a mother.

‪(준희) ‪에이경험 있는 엄마들도 ‪처음엔 다들 놀라세요

Oh, my gosh, I still have a long way to go as a mother. Well, even experienced mothers get scared for their children. It's only natural to feel afraid. Don't beat yourself up.

놀라는  당연한 거니까 ‪너무 자책하지 마시고

It's only natural to feel afraid. Don't beat yourself up.

정후 잠깐 잠든  같으니까 ‪ 재우고 커피 한잔하실래요?

[inhales deeply] Look at him, he's sleeping so deeply now. We should let him rest. Do you want some coffee?

‪(여자4) ‪[살짝 웃으며] ‪좋죠

[woman chuckles] -Yeah. Sounds great. -Let's go.

‪(준희) ‪가요

-Yeah. Sounds great. -Let's go.

카페가 열었나?

[Jun-hui] Is the cafe open?

‪[발랄한 음악]

[quirky music]

‪[새가 짹짹 지저귄다]

‪[스위치 조작음]

‪[익준의 한숨] ‪[익준이 흥얼거린다]


‪( 이모) ‪교수님티켓 보니까

[U-ju's nanny] Professor Lee, I'm sorry, I didn't notice that the date

돌아가는 날이 ‪이번 주가 아이라 다음 주네요?

[U-ju's nanny] Professor Lee, I'm sorry, I didn't notice that the date for my returning flight is next week, not this week.

티켓 끊어 주신 것도 미안한데

[sighs] Ah, I hope that's okay. And thanks again for paying for my ticket.


But what about U-ju? Who will watch U-ju while I'm gone?

우주는 어떡해요?

But what about U-ju? Who will watch U-ju while I'm gone?

‪(익준) ‪우주는 ‪오후에 부모님이 오셔 가지고

But what about U-ju? Who will watch U-ju while I'm gone? Don't worry about it. My parents are coming this afternoon.

 주시기로 했으니까 ‪아무 걱정  하셔도 돼요

Ah, they will watch him for me. You have nothing to worry about, okay?

따님하고 ‪좋은 구경 많이 하고 오세요여기저기

Everything is okay here. Enjoy sightseeing with your daughter.

‪[익준의 웃음]


중국이  넓습니까?

You know, China is a big country.

우주야그거 매워

Uh, U-ju, that's spicy.

그거 엄청 매워이리...

It's really spicy.


[Ik-jun] Enough of that soup. Eat your food.


Okay. Bye.

‪(송화) ‪엄마

[Song-hwa] Hi, Mom.

거길  교수랑  ?

-Why would I go there with Professor Jang? -[car lock beeps]

‪[ 리모컨 작동음] ‪아유   사정이 있어

-Why would I go there with Professor Jang? -[car lock beeps] Gosh. I can't go there for a reason.

  교수랑 헤어졌어

I broke things off with him. [sighs]

  교수랑 헤어졌다고!

I broke up with Professor Jang.

‪(송화 ) ‪?

[Son-hwa's mother] What? How come? He cheated on me.

‪(송화) ‪바람피웠어 교수

He cheated on me.


No. He cheated on… [groans]

 교수  새끼가 바람피웠다고

That jerk, Professor Jang, cheated on me.

지난주 수술 끝나고 피곤한데 ‪연구실까지 자기 발로 찾아와서는

Last week, when I was tired after surgery, he came to my office himself and confessed everything.

자기가 먼저  얘기하더라고

he came to my office himself and confessed everything. He said he was seeing someone else.

자기  여자 생겼다고

He said he was seeing someone else.

아이고내가 20대야괜찮지그럼

My gosh. I'm not in my 20s, anymore. Of course, I'm fine.

바빠 죽겠는데 차라리 잘됐어

I'm really busy these days. It's better this way.

그깟 남자 친구 없으면 그만이고 ‪아니면  새로 사귀면 되지

I'm really busy these days. It's better this way. I can live without him. Or I can get a new boyfriend.

엄마 수술수술 들어간다끊어

I can live without him. Or I can get a new boyfriend. Hey, Mom, I'm going into surgery now. Goodbye.

‪[통화 종료음] ‪깜짝이야

-[phone beeps] -[gasps] Dude, you startled me. [comical music]

‪[흥미로운 음악] ‪[익준의 가쁜 숨소리]

[comical music]

웃기려고 입은 거야?

Are you trying to look funny?


I was going for a sexy.

 걸음 떨어져서  ‪같이 다니기 부끄러우니까

Just keep your distance. It's embarrassing to be seen with you.

‪(익준) ‪ 교수 바람났어?

Professor Jang cheated on you?

‪(송화) ‪들었어?

Did you hear that?

‪(익준) ‪그거  들리면 ENT 가야지

If I didn't, I should go to an ENT doctor.

근데  발성 되게 좋다

Hey, by the way, wait. Your vocalization is really nice.

절대 음감이야

You have perfect pitch.

내가 달리 밴드 보컬이겠니?

I know. I'm the band's vocalist for a reason.

Tone deaf.

‪[밝은 음악]

[light music]

‪(석형) ‪아이스아메리카노 ‪차가운    주세요

Good morning, I'll have a cold cup of iced Americano, please.

‪(준완) ‪아이스아메리카노가 차가운 거야

Good morning, I'll have a cold cup of iced Americano, please. Iced Americano is already cold.

‪(석형) ‪그게 그거지

Iced Americano is already cold. -They mean the same thing. -Yes, they do. So you just pick one.

‪(준완) ‪그게 그거니까 하나만 얘기하라고

-They mean the same thing. -Yes, they do. So you just pick one.

네가 계산해라간다

You pay for this. See you.

‪[포스기 조작음]


Gosh, what an asshole. Uh, I'm sorry about that.


Uh, I'm sorry about that.

아이스아메리카노 ‪차가운   잔하고요

A cold cup of iced Americano for me,

 새끼초코우유  개랑

and please include that asshole's chocolate milk.

그리고 스콘 주세요

And I'll get, uh, scone. That's it. Thanks.

‪(여자5) ‪내가 살려고 병원 왔지 ‪죽으려고 왔냐고!

[patient] I came to the hospital, so I could live. -Do you think I want to die? -[sighs]

사람이 아프면 말이야

You know what? When someone is in pain, you should give them painkillers,

진통제를 주든지 ‪수술한 데를 들여다보든지 해야지

You know what? When someone is in pain, you should give them painkillers, or check if everything's okay with the surgical wound. I see you coming by here only once or twice a day.

하루에 한두  ‪얼굴만 빼꼼 비치면 다야?

I see you coming by here only once or twice a day.

그게 다냐고!

Is that the best you can do?

‪(석민) ‪저기요그렇게 소리를 지르시면

Excuse me, ma'am. When you screaming like this,

다른 환자분들한테 피해가 가니까...

Excuse me, ma'am. When you screaming like this, you're making other patients uncomfortable, okay?

아프다고내가 너무 아프다고! ‪[문이 드르륵 열린다]

-I'm in pain! I said I'm in severe pain! -[sighs]

‪[석민의 한숨] ‪(여자5) ‪사람이 아파 죽겠는데

-I'm in pain! I said I'm in severe pain! -[sighs] If a patient is in so much pain, shouldn't you do something about it?

뭐라도  줘야 되는  아니야?

If a patient is in so much pain, shouldn't you do something about it?

‪[문이  닫힌다]

If a patient is in so much pain, shouldn't you do something about it?


[patient] Oh, Dr. Chae.

저기드레싱을 ‪하루  번은  줘야지

I told them they need to dress the wound three times a day. Dressing it twice won't disinfect, right?

  해서 소독이 되겠어요?

Dressing it twice won't disinfect, right? I'll tell them to take better care of you. Please don't be upset.

제가  신경 쓰라고 할게요 ‪너무 화내지 마세요

I'll tell them to take better care of you. Please don't be upset.

교수님이 그렇게 말씀하시면 ...

I'll try my best not to be upset any more.

말하기 전에 ‪알아서 잘하면  좋아요?

It would've been great if you'd done a better job from the start.

소변은  보시죠?

Do you have urination problems? No. It's all good.

‪(할머니1) ‪좋아라우

No. It's all good.

적당허니  나와요

-I peeing just the right amount, Doctor. -Okay, that's good.

‪(송화) ‪그럼

-I peeing just the right amount, Doctor. -Okay, that's good.

‪[문이 드르륵 열린다]

‪(송화) ‪ 환자 퇴원시켜

Discharge the patient.

‪(석민) ‪?


‪(송화) ‪ 전에 목소리  들었어? ‪쩌렁쩌렁하시잖아

Didn't you hear her voice just now? She's full of energy.


She's all better now. Let's discharge her. [soft chuckle] Okay.

‪(석민) ‪

[soft chuckle] Okay.

‪(준완) ‪환자 INR 이렇게 높은데 ‪  했어?

[Jun-wan] What happened? The patient's INR is off the charts!


[Jun-wan] What happened? The patient's INR is off the charts! -I, uh… I'm sorry, Doctor. -[Jun-wan] That's it? Sorry?

‪(준완) ‪죄송하면 다야?

-I, uh… I'm sorry, Doctor. -[Jun-wan] That's it? Sorry? Didn't I tell you to check

내가 환자 INR 체크하고

Didn't I tell you to check

‪2 이상이면 FFP   주라고 ‪했어 했어?

and give him two FFPs if his INR went over two?

정확하게 오더를  내려서

I even told you the number of FFPs because you can't do that yourself.

내가 FFP    것까지 ‪얘기해 줬으면

I even told you the number of FFPs because you can't do that yourself.

그거라도 똑바로 해야   아니야

You should've followed my order.

‪(남자3) ‪저기선생님

Excuse me, Doctor.

심장이 아파서 병원에 왔는데

I came here because my heart is not well.

지금 심장이 벌렁벌렁해서 ‪죽을  같은데요?

But my heart is about to explode from all this tension.

‪(준완) ‪죄송합니다

I'm sorry, sir.


Do your job, please.


[sighs deeply]

‪(남자3) ‪선생님괜찮으세요?

[sighs deeply] Uh, Doctor, are you all right?


어디 불편하신  없으시죠?

Is there anything else I can get for you?


No. I feel much better.

‪(남자3) ‪괜히  때문에 죄송해요

I'm sorry. It's my fault he's mad.

어유제가 잘못해서 깨진 건데요

No, don't worry. I got scolded because I messed up.



   먹고 오겠습니다

Hey, I'll come back after my meal.

‪(재학) ‪용석민 선생 있나요?

-Is Dr. Yong here? -[Seok-min] I'm here.

‪(석민) ‪재학 쌤이 NS 의국엔 무슨 일로?

What brings you all the way to Neurosurgery, Jae-hak?

인사해흉부외과 도재학 선생님치프

Hey, guys. Say hello to the chief resident -for CS Dr. Do Jae-hak. -[both] Hello, Doctor.

‪(실습생들) ‪안녕하십니까

-for CS Dr. Do Jae-hak. -[both] Hello, Doctor. -Are these the med students? -Yes.

‪- (재학실습생? ‪- (석민

-Are these the med students? -Yes. [sighs] Guys, sit down.

‪(석민) ‪얘들아앉아

[sighs] Guys, sit down. -Okay. -Okay.

‪- (홍도 ‪- (윤복

-Okay. -Okay. Our department has these med students for the whole week.

본과 실습생들인데 이번 주가 우리예요

Our department has these med students for the whole week.

‪(석민) ‪저분이  들어 뵈지?

He looks pretty old, doesn't he?

웬만한 교수들보단 학번이 위야

He started college before some professors. No, I didn't.

‪(재학) ‪학번은 아래야

No, I didn't. I took the CSAT four times and the bar exam six times.

대학 4수에 사시 6년이라니까 ‪이제  외워

I took the CSAT four times and the bar exam six times. I memorized it. Do you wanna go eat?


I memorized it. Do you wanna go eat?

‪(석민) ‪밥요그게 뭐예요?

What? Eat? What's that again? I had to attend the conference for Gong Hyeong-u's surgery.

공형우  수술 콘퍼런스 있어서 ‪가야 돼요

I had to attend the conference for Gong Hyeong-u's surgery. Ah, the good Samaritan, Gong Hyeong-u.

알지의인 공형우 ?

Ah, the good Samaritan, Gong Hyeong-u. The homeless man in the subway.

지하철 거의 노숙자인데

The homeless man in the subway.

철로에 떨어진 임산부 구해서 ‪영웅  사람

He saved the pregnant lady, and now he's a hero.

‪(석민) ‪아니 수술을 갑자기 ‪  과장님이 하시지?

That's right. I don't get why Chief Min is leading this surgery. Huh. This patient needs transphenoidal surgery.

공형우 환자  TSA 케이스라

Huh. This patient needs transphenoidal surgery. Dr. Chae is the specialist for it. How could he steal that?

채송화 교수님이 전문이신데 ‪그걸 가로채냐?

Dr. Chae is the specialist for it. How could he steal that?

‪TSA, 코로 내시경 넣어서 하는 수술

An endoscope is inserted into the nose.

‪(석민) ‪제가  환자 자료도 ‪ 모아 놨거든요?

An endoscope is inserted into the nose. I mean, I gathered all of his data on the case, too.

채송화 교수님이랑 같이 들어가면 ‪진짜 딱인데

It will be perfect if I do this case with Dr. Chae. Oh, man. Are you not eating?

‪(재학) ‪아휴  먹어?

Oh, man. Are you not eating? I already told you I have to attend the conference.

콘퍼런스 있다니까요

I already told you I have to attend the conference.

‪(석민) ‪허선빈안치홍 전공의 3 

Dr. Heo Seon-bin. Dr. Ahn Chi-hong. They are third-year residents.

‪(실습생들) ‪안녕하세요

-[both] Nice to meet you. -[Chi-hong] Hey. Hello.

그러고 보니까 ‪너희 둘도 커플이냐?

I've got a question for you. Are you two a thing, too?

‪(홍도) ‪아닌데요

-No, we are not. -Hey. We are not a thing, either.

우리도 아니라니깐요

-No, we are not. -Hey. We are not a thing, either. Why are you always together then? Captain Ahn is older than you.

‪(석민) ‪근데  맨날 붙어 다녀?

Why are you always together then? Captain Ahn is older than you.

 대위는 나이도 많은데

Why are you always together then? Captain Ahn is older than you.

육사 출신 ‪세상에 희한한 사람  많지?

Why are you always together then? Captain Ahn is older than you. It's fascinating. He's from the military academy.

친하니까요의전 동기잖아요

We're just friends. -We went to the same medical school. -But your genders…


-We went to the same medical school. -But your genders…

‪- (홍도옛날 사람 ‪- (윤복아이고아버지

-Oh, he's so old-fashioned. -Oh, you sound like an oldie.

‪(석민) ‪[헛웃음 치며] ‪나야말로 '아이고아버지'

[chuckles] Oh, is that right? Oh, whatever you say. What am I going to do with this surgery?

 수술을 어떻게 하면 좋냐?

What am I going to do with this surgery?

선빈 쌤이 애들  데리고 다니고

Dr. Heo, take the med students with you. And Dr. Ahn, will you come with me to the conference.

치홍 쌤은 ‪나랑 같이 콘퍼런스 들어가요

And Dr. Ahn, will you come with me to the conference. Okay.

‪(치홍) ‪


‪( 교수) ‪라지 피츄이터리 튜머이고요

Um… as you can see, it's a large pituitary tumor.

‪TSA 토탈 리무버는 ‪어려울  같아서

I don't think I can remove the tumor completely through the TSA.

테리오널 어프로치로 ‪튜머 리섹션 하겠습니다

So I'll take the pterional approach to reach the mass exemplary.

‪[교수2 놀라는 신음]

Well, if you do that, that will result in a lot of bleeding.

‪(교수1) ‪개두술 하면 블리딩도 많을  같고

Well, if you do that, that will result in a lot of bleeding. Isn't that gonna cause a brain injury?

브레인 인저리 가지 않을까요?

Isn't that gonna cause a brain injury?

튜머가 워낙 크고

It's an unusually big tumor.

‪( 교수) ‪슈프라셀라 익스텐션도 심해서

It's an unusually big tumor. It's expanded into the suprasellar region.

테리오널 어프로치로 하는  낫습니다

It would be better if I take the pterional approach. I still believe the TSA is a better.

그래도 TSA 나을  같은데요?

I still believe the TSA is a better.

나중에 방사선 치료를 하더라도

I still believe the TSA is a better. He's going to need radiation therapies later, but he has diabetes and his wounds will heal slowly.

 환자 DM이라 운드 힐링 느릴 테고

but he has diabetes and his wounds will heal slowly. -Performing a craniotomy is too much. -We must remove the tumor completely.

더더욱 개두술은 무리입니다

-Performing a craniotomy is too much. -We must remove the tumor completely.

종양을  번에  제거해야죠

-Performing a craniotomy is too much. -We must remove the tumor completely.

‪( 교수) ‪언론에서도 당장 수술 경과부터 ‪물어볼 텐데

The first thing the press will ask us are details about the surgery. If some of the tumor remains and he might undergo radiation therapy,

‪'일부가 남았고 ‪추가로 방사선 치료  수도 있다'

If some of the tumor remains and he might undergo radiation therapy,

그러면 그쪽에서 뭐라고 쓰겠습니까?

If some of the tumor remains and he might undergo radiation therapy, what do you think those reporters will write?

괜히 병원 이미지만  좋아져요

It will ruin the hospital's reputation.

환자를 살리고 ‪종양을 모두 제거하는 것도 중요한데

Saving the patient and removing the tumor is the utmost importance. If you do that,

아마 그럼 옵틱너브나 ‪피츄이터리 스톡 쪽에

If you do that, his optic nerves or his pituitary stalk might be greatly damaged.

문제가 생길  있습니다

his optic nerves or his pituitary stalk might be greatly damaged.

‪[어두운 음악]

his optic nerves or his pituitary stalk might be greatly damaged. You know what, I don't think you guys have much experience with this surgery.

‪( 교수) ‪다들 경험들이 많이 없으셔서 ‪그러시나 본데

You know what, I don't think you guys have much experience with this surgery. I've done this surgery hundreds of times.

  수술만 수백 건이에요

I've done this surgery hundreds of times.

퀄리티 오브 라이프도 중요하지만

I agree the quality of his life is important,

환자 종양을 눈으로 직접 보고 ‪완전히 제거하는   낫습니다

but seeing the tumor myself and removing it completely will be much better for him. I've had a low rate regarding sequelae on my patients had.

 그동안 환자 후유증도 아주 적었고

I've had a low rate regarding sequelae on my patients had. Their recoveries weren't that bad.

예후도 나쁘지 않았어요

Their recoveries weren't that bad. It's got to be more than a low chance of suffering from sequelae.

‪(병원장) ‪후유증이 좋고 나쁘지 않은 걸로는 ‪ 됩니다

It's got to be more than a low chance of suffering from sequelae.

병원 이미지 잠깐은  좋아지더라도

Even if our reputation gets ruined for a while, the patient's quality of life in this case must be prioritized.

환자의 퀄리티 오브 라이프 ‪생각해야죠

the patient's quality of life in this case must be prioritized.


[sighs deeply]

‪(선빈) ‪ 앉아 있어 ‪ 잠깐 은행  갔다 올게

[Seon-bin] Wait here. I have to go to the bank quickly.

어르신애들한테 좋은    줘요

Hey, Old-timer. Share your wisdom with the med students. Since you lived twice as longer as they have.

얘들보다 인생을    사셨는데

Since you lived twice as longer as they have.

‪(재학) ‪어르신이라니 아직 30대야

Who were you calling "Old-timer"? I'm still in my 30s. But you turn 40 next year. [chuckles]

내년에 40이잖아요

But you turn 40 next year. [chuckles]

‪[선빈의 웃음]

But you turn 40 next year. [chuckles]

‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]

[door opens] -[door closes] -[chuckles]

‪(재학) ‪일단 둘의 이름은?

All right. First off, what are your names?


My name is Jang Hong-do.

서당에서 씨름  했겠는데?

Oh, my bet you were good at ssireum at your school.

‪(재학) ‪취미는 붓글씨?

What's your hobby? Calligraphy?


Uh, no, I'm a guitarist. I'm in a band at my church.

교회에서 밴드 하거든요

Uh, no, I'm a guitarist. I'm in a band at my church.

아쟁 아니고?

Not a traditional instrument?

‪[재학의 웃음]

Not a traditional instrument? [laughing]


I'm sorry.

너는 이름이?

So, what's your name? [chuckles]


I'm Yun-bok, Doctor.

어른 놀리는  아니야

You're not kidding, are you?

‪(석민) ‪채송화 교수님한테 연락했죠?

[Seok-min] Did you informed Dr. Chae, right away?

‪(치홍) ‪휴대폰 꺼져 있어서 문자 남겼습니다

[Chi-hong] Her phone was off, so I left a text.

‪(석민) ‪오늘 강의 있는 날이거든

[Chi-hong] Her phone was off, so I left a text. All right. She's doing a lecture today. She will respond soon.

바로 답장  거예요

She will respond soon.

‪(치홍) ‪강의도 나가세요?

-Does she give lectures? -Yes.

‪(석민) ‪강의도 나가고 ‪수술도 많이 하시고

-Does she give lectures? -Yes. And she also teaches and does a lot of surgery. And she checks residents' papers thoroughly.

전공의 논문도 꼼꼼히  주시고 ‪학회도 나가고

And she checks residents' papers thoroughly. And she attends symposiums. And she goes hiking and camping on weekends.

주말엔 등산도 하고 캠핑도 하고

And she goes hiking and camping on weekends.

그러면서도 아침 7 ‪꼬박꼬박 출근도  늦으시지

And she goes hiking and camping on weekends. But she still manages to come to work at 7 a.m. She's never late.

그게 가능해요?

-Is that even possible? -[exhales]

‪[석민이 숨을  내쉰다]

-Is that even possible? -[exhales] -That's why her nickname is Ghost. -[cell phone beeps]

‪(석민) ‪그래서 별명이 귀신이잖아 ‪[휴대전화 알림음]

-That's why her nickname is Ghost. -[cell phone beeps] I thought of it.

내가 지었어

I thought of it.


She's in the lobby. She's gonna be coming with Ms. Hwang.

지금 황재신 쌤이랑 같이 오신대요

She's in the lobby. She's gonna be coming with Ms. Hwang. Ah. See? I told you. [inhales deeply]

‪(석민) ‪거봐

Ah. See? I told you. [inhales deeply]

정말 귀신이 아니고서는 ‪설명이  되는 사람이야

Ah. See? I told you. [inhales deeply] The reason she can do all those things is because she's a ghost.

‪[치홍이 살짝 웃는다] ‪들어갑시다

The reason she can do all those things is because she's a ghost. -Let's go in. -[Chi-hong chuckles]

‪(재신) ‪교수님은 귀신인데 신발이 닳았네요?

You're known as the Ghost. And yet, your shoes are worn out. -I'm the Ghost? -Yes, that's your nickname for you.

‪(송화) ‪내가 귀신이야?

-I'm the Ghost? -Yes, that's your nickname for you.

‪(재신) ‪별명이 귀신이에요

-I'm the Ghost? -Yes, that's your nickname for you. -Why? -Because you can't be human.

‪- (송화? ‪- (재신사람이 아니니깐요

-Why? -Because you can't be human.

‪(송화) ‪김주찬 환자 POD 7일째인데 어때?

It's post-op day seven for Kim Ju-chan.

‪(재신) ‪운드 깨끗해요

His wound is clean. We can take his stitches out.

스티치 아웃 해도   같아요

His wound is clean. We can take his stitches out.

근데 다음 주면 교수님 생일이시던데

By the way, your birthday is next week.

신발은 제가  드릴게요

I'm gonna get you a new pair of shoes. This pair can last me ten more years.

‪(송화) ‪ 신발 10년은  신을  있어

This pair can last me ten more years. It's about ten years when I first saw them.

‪(재신) ‪제가  신발   10   가요

It's about ten years when I first saw them. You got them when you were a resident.

전공의 때부터 신던 거잖아요

You got them when you were a resident.

그만 보내 드려요

You should dump those shoes.

누가 지었어?

Tell me, who was it?


Who nicknamed me?


-Yong Seok-min did. -Got it.


-Yong Seok-min did. -Got it.

‪[재학의 시원한 숨소리]


‪[코를 훌쩍인다]

[sniffs, chuckles]

‪[피식 웃는다]

[sniffs, chuckles]

너희들아직  얘기 같지만

The two of you still have a long way to go, but trust me you must choose GS when you become residents.

나중에 전공 선택은  GS 

but trust me you must choose GS when you become residents.

‪(윤복) ‪GS...


‪(재학) ‪'편의점요?' 이러지 말고

Don't say, "GS the convenience store?"

 쇼핑도  된다

It's not home-shopping network either.

제너럴 서저리일반 외과?

Ah, you mean, general surgery? Am I right?

‪(재학) ‪그렇지

That's right.

물론 다른 외과들도 ‪전공의들이 많이 없지만

I know there aren't a lot of residents for other fields too.

그중에서 GS 전공의들은 ‪진짜 전국에서    

Hm. But the number of GS residents in Korea, is even more limited.

근데 말이야

You wanna know something?

이게  새로운 역학 관계를 만들었지

That's why I've noticed the shift in the dynamics.

‪[흥미로운 음악]

[quirky music] [Jae-hak] Listen up, Jang-hwa and Hong-ryeon.

‪(재학) ‪얘들아장화홍련아

[Jae-hak] Listen up, Jang-hwa and Hong-ryeon.

‪(윤복) ‪홍도와 윤복인데요

[Yun-bok] Actually, our names are Hong-do and Yun-bok. [Jae-hak] Okay. Hong-do and Yun-bok. Listen carefully.

‪(재학) ‪그래홍도와 윤복아 들어

[Jae-hak] Okay. Hong-do and Yun-bok. Listen carefully.

우리 병원만 해도 말이야

In our hospital for example, 13 general surgeons are on our staff.

일반 외과 교수님만 무려 13

In our hospital for example, 13 general surgeons are on our staff.

‪[문이 달칵 열린다] ‪근데 전공의는 딸랑 1?

But there is only one resident. You know what I mean?

장겨울 선생 ?

Dr. Jang Gyeo-ul, what are you doing?

‪(재학) ‪이건 마치 13명의 아버지를  ‪외동딸 같은 거지

[Jae-hak] It's as if there are 13 dads and she happens to be their only daughter.

그렇다면 과연 누가 갑일까?

So who do you think always gets their way?

얘들아외과나쁘지 않다

Turns out, general surgery isn't so bad.

장겨울 치프님 ‪ 이렇게 일찍 나오셨어?

Dr. Jang, why did you come so early? I told you to take a day off.

오늘은  쉬라니까

I told you to take a day off. She prepared the materials for a colorectal surgery meeting.

‪(익준) ‪아침부터 대장 항문외과 ‪회의 준비해 주셨어

She prepared the materials for a colorectal surgery meeting.

 걸지 바쁘시니까

Don't talk to her. She's busy.

그리고 꺼져 줄래?

Don't talk to her. She's busy. Get out of here.

‪[교수3 혀를  찬다]


‪[가습기 작동음]


‪[가습기 조작음]


‪(익준) ‪아이고우리 장겨울 선생 ‪밥은 먹었어?

[sighs] My goodness. Dr. Jang, have you eaten?

‪(겨울) ‪아까 여기서 컵라면 먹었어요

Yeah. I had cup noodles here earlier.


Cup noodles? [inhales deeply]

컵라면이  말이야나와

Cup noodles? [inhales deeply] That's not real food. You'll get sick.

나와내가   줄게얼른 나와

Let's go. I'll buy you a meal. Come on.

‪(익준) ‪장겨울 선생이 쓰러지면 ‪우리 외과도 쓰러지는 거야나와

If you collapse, General Surgery will collapse too. Come on.

‪- (겨울괜찮아요 ‪- (익준괜찮아?

-No, I'm fine. -That's good.

이용찬 환자 차트 보고 있었구나?

I see, you're reading Lee Yong-chan's chart.

 환자 내일 오전에  이식하잖아

This patient will get a liver transplant in the morning.

 이식이잖아내가 집도의고

Liver transplant. And I'm leading the surgery.

 수술 들어올래?

Do you want to join me, tomorrow?

‪[마우스 클릭음] ‪HCC 환자네요?

-[clicks] -He's an HCC patient.

‪[문이 달칵 열린다]

‪(교수4) ‪장겨울 선생님 오늘 회진인데 ‪같이  주면  될까요?

Dr. Jang, I was just doing my rounds. Would you like to come with me?

‪(익준) ‪  

No, she can't. She's busy right now, sorry.

‪- (교수4) 아니저기... ‪- (익준  

No, she can't. She's busy right now, sorry.

‪[숨을 들이켠다]

[sighs, mumbles]

 수술 들어올 거지?

You'll help me tomorrow, right?

 어제도 혼자 수술해서 ‪목이 아직도  돌아가

l can't turn my head I did surgery alone yesterday.

오전이면 괜찮아요

I can do it if it's in the morning.


You will?

‪[문이 달칵 열린다] ‪정말?


‪[익준의 탄성] ‪(교수5) ‪장겨울 선생여기 있었네?

Oh, there you are. Hello, Dr. Jang.

내일 오전에 ‪유방암 수술  도와줄  있나?

Oh, are you free to help me with my breast cancer surgery tomorrow morning?

‪[익살스러운 음악]

[quirky music]


Sure, I can assist you, Doctor.

‪(교수5) ‪오케이



Hey, it's you.

이익준 선생

You're Dr. Lee Ik-jun.

‪(익준) ‪안녕하십니까

Hello, sir. [groans]



‪(교수5) ‪자네 말이야아니어떻게 그렇게

You know something? I remember you're a great dancer? How could you be so good at that?

그렇게 춤을  추나?

I remember you're a great dancer? How could you be so good at that? -Well… -[both laugh]

‪[교수5 웃음]

-Well… -[both laugh]

 생전 자네같이 춤도  추고 ‪노래도  부르고  노는 친구

I have to say I have never seen anyone who's as good at singing and dancing as you, and who knows how to have as fun much as you do.

 세상에서 처음 봤어

and who knows how to have as fun much as you do. -Thanks. I'm flattered, sir. -[chuckles]

과찬이십니다 ‪[교수5 웃음]

-Thanks. I'm flattered, sir. -[chuckles] Anyway, I'll see you at the next gathering, hm?

‪(교수5) ‪그럼 다음 회식   보세?

Anyway, I'll see you at the next gathering, hm?

‪- (익준 ‪- 수고해

-Okay. Thanks. -Have a good day.

‪[교수5 웃음]

-Okay. Thanks. -Have a good day. [chuckles]

‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]

‪(익준) ‪장겨울 선생 ‪그럼 우린 이대로 끝인 거지?

[sighs deeply] Dr. Jang, I guess this means you can't join me for surgery.


I'm sorry about that.

내일 수술도 내가  소독하고 ‪배도  열고  닦고 나올게

I'll disinfect everything tomorrow, open the patient up and close him up by myself.

‪(익준) ‪ 대신

open the patient up and close him up by myself.


But next time, please…

‪♪ Pick me, pick me, pick me up ♪

♪ Pick me, pick me, pick me up ♪ ♪ Pick me, pick me, pick me ♪

‪♪ Pick me, pick me, pick me ♪

♪ Pick me, pick me, pick me ♪ -For you. -[cell phone ringing]

  ‪[휴대전화  소리]

-For you. -[cell phone ringing]

‪♪ Pick me, pick me, pick me up ♪

-♪ Pick me, pick me, pick me up ♪ -Yes?

‪(겨울) ‪지금 바로 갈게요

-♪ Pick me, pick me, pick me up ♪ -Yes? Okay, I'll be right there.

‪(익준) ‪어디 핫바  먹고?

-Where? Eat the sausage. -It's the ER.

‪(겨울) ‪응급 콜요

-Where? Eat the sausage. -It's the ER.

‪(익준) ‪안정원 불러 줄까? ‪ 요즘 한가하던데

Should I call Jeong-won? I heard he's not busy.

‪(겨울) ‪저한테  콜이라서요

It was a personal call to me.

‪[휴대전화  소리]

[cell phone ringing] [door opens]

‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]

[door opens] [door closes]

‪(익준) ‪이모님

Hello, ma'am.


What? Okay. I'll be there.

제가 갈게요

What? Okay. I'll be there.

걱정하지 마시고 다녀오세요

Don't worry about it, you need to go.

제가 알아서 합니다

I'll take care of it. Yeah.

‪(선빈) ‪저쪽은 채혈실 옆은 CT ‪엑스레이실, MRI

[Seon-bin] That's the Blood Collection Room, CT Scan Room, X-Ray Room and MRI Room. If you go straight, there's the PET Scan Room.

이리로  가면 페트 촬영하는 

If you go straight, there's the PET Scan Room.

너희들 페트라고 알지? P, E, T?

You've heard of that before, right? PET.

‪(홍도) ‪페트이거?

PET? Plastic bottle?

‪(윤복) ‪양전자 단층 촬영?

Positron emission tomography?

‪(선빈) ‪어디 쓰는 건데?

What is that used for?

그것까진 아직 모르는데요

I've heard of it, but I don't really know what it's for.

‪(홍도) ‪우리 이제 본과생이잖아요

We just got into med school. -You guys are soulmates, aren't you? -[chuckles]

‪(선빈) ‪너희  완전 영혼의 단짝이구나?

-You guys are soulmates, aren't you? -[chuckles]

‪(홍도) ‪[살짝 웃으며] ‪

-You guys are soulmates, aren't you? -[chuckles] -Yes. -Yep, that's what I thought.

‪(선빈) ‪그럴  알았다

-Yes. -Yep, that's what I thought. -Hey, what's wrong with you? -Ouch.

‪(윤복) ‪근데 선생님 ‪우리 수술실도 가나요?

-Hey, what's wrong with you? -Ouch. [Yun-bok] Excuse me, Dr. Heo, can we go to the operating rooms?

‪(선빈) ‪언젠간

[Seon-bin] Someday.

‪(준희) ‪희수  인스타 보니까 ‪어제 수플레 팬케이크집 갔던데

Hui-su, I saw your Instagram post. You had a soufflé pancake yesterday. -Was that any good? -It was delicious.

거기 맛있나?

-Was that any good? -It was delicious.

‪(희수) ‪완전요

-Was that any good? -It was delicious.

‪3시에 퇴근해서 가니까 ‪ 하나도  섰어요

-Was that any good? -It was delicious. I went to the cafe at three. And I didn't have to wait. You should go after work and try it, too.

준희 쌤도  가요

You should go after work and try it, too.

시간이 돼야 가죠

If only I had free time.

가면 같이 가요

Can you come with me, then?

 그래도 희수 쌤이 ‪우리 인턴들  주는데

Actually, I should treat you to a meal since you're always looking after my interns.

제가  한번 사야죠

since you're always looking after my interns. You always get me stuff. Next time it's on me.

맨날  주시잖아요

You always get me stuff. Next time it's on me.

다음엔 제가 살게요

You always get me stuff. Next time it's on me.

‪(희수) ‪선생님쿠키  드세요

Dr. Jang, would you like to have some cookies.

‪(겨울) ‪아니요단거 별로  좋아해서

No, I'm not really a fan of sweets.

‪(희수) ‪

I see. Okay.

 살이라 그랬죠?

How old is the patient?

, 7 남아 TA

A seven-year-old, TA. They said he was showing signs of stupor.

멘탈은 스투퍼입니다

They said he was showing signs of stupor. That's why I called the GS.

그래서 외과 콜했어요

That's why I called the GS.

‪(겨울) ‪ ‪[전화벨이 울린다]

-I see. -[telephone ringing]

‪(희수) ‪



Okay. Thank you so much. -[telephone clanks] -They'll get here in 20 more minutes.

‪[수화기를 달칵 내려놓는다]

-[telephone clanks] -They'll get here in 20 more minutes.

‪20  걸린대요

-[telephone clanks] -They'll get here in 20 more minutes.

 그럼  먹고 올게요

-Then, I'll come back after my meal. -[Hui-su] Okay.

‪(희수) ‪

-Then, I'll come back after my meal. -[Hui-su] Okay.

‪[발랄한 음악]

[playful music]

‪[카드 인식음]

[playful music]

‪(선빈) ‪너희들이거 공짜 아니다

Guys, this isn't free, okay? It's coming out of my paycheck.

  월급에서 나가는 거야

Guys, this isn't free, okay? It's coming out of my paycheck.

‪(홍도) ‪ 전에 컵라면 먹었...

Guys, this isn't free, okay? It's coming out of my paycheck. -We had cup noodles just now. -Thanks a lot for the meal.


-We had cup noodles just now. -Thanks a lot for the meal.

‪(선빈) ‪가자

Let's go.

‪[석형의 웃음]

-[chuckles] -[machine beeps]

‪[카드 인식음]

-[chuckles] -[machine beeps]

‪(선빈) ‪아저씨소시지 많이 주세요

Hello, sir, a lot of sausages, please. -[Ik-jun] Are you a resident? -Huh?

‪(익준) ‪전공의야?

-[Ik-jun] Are you a resident? -Huh?

-[Ik-jun] Are you a resident? -Huh? -Yes. -Okay. Then, you'll have three sausages.

‪(익준) ‪그럼 소시지 3

-Yes. -Okay. Then, you'll have three sausages.

이모님이 소시지는 ‪2 넘지 말라 그랬는데

Actually, she told me not to give out more than two, but I gave you three since you're a resident.

전공의니까 봐주는 거야다음

but I gave you three since you're a resident.


-Are you an intern? -No, I'm a med student.

‪(홍도) ‪본과 실습생인데요

-Are you an intern? -No, I'm a med student.

‪(익준) ‪어유그럼 5

My gosh. You get five sausages.

Here. There you go.


-You too? -Yes.

‪-  ‪- (익준

-You too? -Yes. [Ik-jun] Hm. Okay. Here. There you go.

‪[익준의 힘주는 신음]

[Ik-jun] Hm. Okay. Here. There you go.

 여기서 지금  ?

What are you doing here? You're a professor.


You're a professor.

‪(익준) ‪교수님은 소시지 1

You get one sausage.


[sighs deeply] That way I can balance out supply and demand.

그래야 소시지 개수를 ‪맞출  있거든

That way I can balance out supply and demand.

앞의 애들한테  줬으니까

I gave a lot of sausages to the people in front of you.

높은 사람일수록  적게 줘야지

The higher your position is, the fewer you'll have.


Don't stand there. Keep moving.

‪[익살스러운 음악]

[quirky music]

여기 이모님이랑 나랑 절친

[inhales] The cafeteria lady and I are best friends.

아드님이 갑자기 경찰서에 갔다고 해서

[inhales] The cafeteria lady and I are best friends. Her son suddenly ended up at the police station.

위생 장갑 끼고 ‪마스크 썼잖아와이?

I'm wearing gloves and a mask. What's wrong?


Give me another one.

‪- (석형하나만 ‪- (익준꺼져다음

-[Seok-hyeong] Just one more. -Get lost. -[Ik-jun] Next. -Hmm.

‪(석형) ‪

-[Ik-jun] Next. -Hmm.


Are you kidding me?

‪[익살스러운 음악]


Darn it. [sighs deeply]

‪(익준) ‪어유여기

Fine. [Ik-jun] Here.

이래야 수요와 공급이 맞아요

This way I can balance supply and demand.

앞의 애들한테 ‪소시지 많이  줬으니까

I gave a lot of sausages to the people in front of you. You should make a small sacrifice, sir.

병원장님이 조금 희생을 다음

You should make a small sacrifice, sir. -Next, please. -[groans]

‪[못마땅한 숨소리]

-Next, please. -[groans]


Hi there. [chuckles]


You know I care, right?


Thank you so much.

‪(익준) ‪잠깐잠깐


‪(선빈) ‪아침점심저녁야식

They prepare everything from breakfast, lunch, dinner, late-night snack

그리고 수술할  먹을 도시락까지 ‪여기서   주셔

They prepare everything from breakfast, lunch, dinner, late-night snack -to packed meals during surgery. -Even packed meals?

‪(홍도) ‪도시락도요?

-to packed meals during surgery. -Even packed meals? Yeah, they send the packed meals upstairs.

‪(선빈) ‪도시락 같은  담아서 올려 주시지

Yeah, they send the packed meals upstairs.

수술할  내려와서  먹으니까

We can't come down to eat during surgery.

‪(윤복) ‪우리 이거 먹고 나서는

We can't come down to eat during surgery. Um, when we finish eating here, can we go to the operating rooms?

수술실 가나욤?

Um, when we finish eating here, can we go to the operating rooms?


I don't know.


‪[휴대전화  소리]

[cell phone ringing]

‪[심전도계 비프음]

-[indistinct chatter] -[machines beeping]

‪[사이렌이 울린다]

[siren blaring]

‪[어두운 음악]

[suspenseful music]

‪(구급대원1) ‪7 남아 교통사고 환자입니다

[paramedic] A seven-year-old boy from a traffic accident. He was out with his mom. He was trying to pick up a toy on the road

엄마하고 놀러 갔다 ‪차도에 떨어진 장난감 주우려다

He was out with his mom. He was trying to pick up a toy on the road

과속하던 트럭에 치였습니다

He was out with his mom. He was trying to pick up a toy on the road when a speeding truck crashed into him. His BP is 60/40.

‪BP 60 40

when a speeding truck crashed into him. His BP is 60/40.

골반이랑 가슴뼈가 부러진  같습니다 ‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]

I think his pelvis and chest bone are broken.

‪(여자6) ‪[흐느끼며] ‪주환아

[Ju-hwan's mother] Ju-hwan. [Ju-hwan's mother crying]

‪[심전도계 비프음] ‪[긴장되는 음악]

[Jun-hui] I see intraperitoneal bleeding and thoracic injury.

‪(준희) ‪복강  출혈 있고 흉부 손상 있고

[Jun-hui] I see intraperitoneal bleeding and thoracic injury.

엑스레이상 경추 손상 크고 ‪골반뼈도 부러진 걸로 보입니다

[Jun-hui] I see intraperitoneal bleeding and thoracic injury. From the X-ray, he has a cervical spine injury and a pelvic fracture.


[sighs] What should we do?

‪(광현) ‪어떡하긴   봐야지

[Gwang-hyeon] What else? We try to save him.

‪CT 찍어빨리

Get a CT scan now.

뇌손상 있을  있으니까 ‪채송화 교수 호출하고

He might also have a brain injury so make sure to call Dr. Chae.

‪(준희) ‪

[Jun-hui] Okay.

‪(광현) ‪안정원 교수는요?

Where's Dr. Ahn Jeong-won?

‪(희수) ‪외근 중이셨는데 거의 도착하셨대요

He was working outside today, but he's almost here.

‪[광현의 한숨]


‪(광현) ‪얘는 ‪정원이가 와도 힘들겠다아이고

This will be a tough case even with Jeong-won's help. Oh, man.

의식이 많이 떨어져 있고 ‪맥박도  잡히고 호흡도 약합니다

Uh, he's losing consciousness. And we can't get his pulse, and his breathing is already weak.

초음파엑스레이만 확인했는데

We only checked his ultrasound and X-ray scan.

복강  출혈 있고 ‪경추 손상골반뼈도 부러졌습니다

We only checked his ultrasound and X-ray scan. He has hemoperitoneum, cervical spine injury, and a pelvic fracture.

브레인 CT 찍어 봐야   같습니다

We'll know more once we take his brain CT.

아마 뇌도 부어 있을 확률도 높다

What else? Uh, there's a high chance that his brain might be swelling too. We can operate, although even if we do,

수술을   있지만 ‪수술을 해도 의식 회복이 힘들  있다

We can operate, although even if we do, he may not regain consciousness.


What are you doing? Get moving. His guardian must be waiting. Go talk to her now.

보호자 기다리실  아니야 ‪얼른 가서 얘기해 드려

His guardian must be waiting. Go talk to her now.


Uh, right away, Doctor.

‪(선빈) ‪여기는 콘퍼런스 룸들 있는 

[Seon-bin] We have our conference rooms here.

수술 환자가 생기면 ‪집도의가 알아서  하는  아니라

When a patient needs surgery, the surgeon doesn't make all the decisions.

담당과 교수님들이  모여서

When a patient needs surgery, the surgeon doesn't make all the decisions. All the professors in the department have a meeting

환자에게 제일 좋은 수술법이 뭔지 ‪서로 토론하고 조언도  주고 그러셔

All the professors in the department have a meeting to discuss the best approach for the patient, and they advise each other.

 방이 열렸나?

Let's see if this room is free.

‪[흥미로운 음악]

[quirky music]

‪[송화의 힘겨운 신음]


‪(송화) ‪[피식 웃으며] ‪귀엽다

[soft chuckle] They're cute.

나도 저런 때가 있었는데

To think, I used to be young like them.


I'm sorry.

‪(병원장) ‪그래도 귀한 본과생들 오셨는데 ‪의대 지원 동기나 들어 볼까?

We are being joined by our precious med students. Let's listen to why they applied to med school.

 저러셔그냥 보내 주지

Oh, what's wrong with him? He's putting them on the spot.

그렇지너도 저런  싫지?

Come on? You don't like that, either.

‪(치홍) ‪?

-Pardon? -I'm sorry.


-Pardon? -I'm sorry.

이제   시킬게

I wasn't talking to you. [chuckles softly]

저는 부모님    의사셔서 ‪  없이...

Both of my parents are doctors, so I didn't have much a choice. Hey, Seon-bin. We don't wanna hear from you.

‪(교수1) ‪허선빈  궁금해

Hey, Seon-bin. We don't wanna hear from you.

‪[교수2 웃음]

[both laugh]

‪(병원장) ‪ 번째 학생부터 들어 볼까?

Let's start with you, young lady.

의대 오게  동기가 뭐야?

Hmm. What made you decide to study medicine?

‪(윤복) ‪...


‪10 전에 엄마가  수술 받으셨는데

my mother had major surgery ten years ago.

그때 헌신적으로 치료하던 ‪의사 선생님 모습에 반해서

The doctor who treated my mom inspired me so much, that's why I decided to study medicine.

지원하게 됐습니다

that's why I decided to study medicine. Really now, that's great. Next.

‪(병원장) ‪아이고좋다

Really now, that's great. Next.


Really now, that's great. Next.

‪(홍도) ‪...

Well, let's see…

‪10 전에 어머니께서 ‪ 수술을 받으셨는데

When my mother had major surgery, this was ten years ago,

 당시에 열정적으로 수술하시던...

I was very moved by her passionate doctor and--

‪(교수1) ‪했잖아

I was very moved by her passionate doctor and-- [Min-sik] She already said that.

 전에  친구가 했잖아 ‪[교수2 웃음]

Your friend said that exact same thing. -[doctor laughs] -We're sorry for bothering you.

‪(선빈) ‪죄송합니다저희 이만  보겠습니다 ‪[선빈의 멋쩍은 웃음]

-[doctor laughs] -We're sorry for bothering you. We'll get going now. Let's go. Come on.


We'll get going now. Let's go. Come on.

‪- (윤복안녕히 계세요 ‪- (홍도안녕히 계세요

We'll get going now. Let's go. Come on. -Goodbye. -Goodbye.

‪(선빈) ‪수고하세요

[Seon-bin] Bye. Excuse us.

‪[홍도가 인사한다]

[Seon-bin] Let's go that way. TELL THEM YOU'LL DO IT, PROFESSOR

‪[휴대전화  소리]

TELL THEM YOU'LL DO IT, PROFESSOR -[cell phone ringing] -[Hong-do] Thank you.

‪(송화) ‪채송화입니다

Yes. This is Chae Song-hwa speaking.

‪(준완) ‪내가 기가 막힌 타이밍에 전화했지?

-Admit it, I got perfect timing, right? -[Song-hwa laughs]

‪(송화) ‪[웃으며] ‪잘했어

-Admit it, I got perfect timing, right? -[Song-hwa laughs] Yes. Nicely done. [chuckles]


Who is it? Come in.

‪[석민의 한숨]

-[Seok-min sighs] -[slurps]

‪(석민) ‪교수님이 한다고 하세요

You should volunteer to do it.

‪(송화) ‪얘가수술이 무슨 ‪호텔방 잡는   아나?

[Song-hwa] Unbelievable. Do you think doing surgery is like booking a hotel room?

그렇게  바꾸고 그러는  아니야

Changing the lead surgeon isn't that simple.

그럼 환자 죽는  지켜보실 거예요?

Are you really just going to watch the patient die?

‪(송화) ‪!


‪[송화의 한숨]

[sighs deeply]

민기준 교수님이 ‪개두술  하고 TSA 수술 하신다잖아

Professor Min said he won't do a craniotomy. He'll do the TSA. What's the problem here?

뭐가 문제야?

What's the problem here?

 과장님 TSA 수술 ‪    보셨대요

He has only performed the TSA once in his entire career.

‪(석민) ‪그것도 전의 병원에선 ‪펠로우 쌤이  했대요

And his fellow doctor did most of the work while he was just standing in the OR.

 과장님은 옆에  있기만 했대요

did most of the work while he was just standing in the OR.

공형우 환자 ‪슈프라셀라 익스텐션 돼서

The tumor expanded into the suprasellar region.

‪TSA 중에서도 어려운 수술이잖아요

The tumor expanded into the suprasellar region. Doing the TSA is more dangerous.

‪(송화) ‪과장님이 알아서 잘하시겠지

I'm sure he's got it under control.

이전 병원에선 ‪TSA 전담인 펠로우 쌤이라도 있었지

At his previous hospital, his fellow doctor did the TSA for him.

우리 병원은요?

But what about us? We have you. Why don't you go and assist him.

 있잖아네가  어시하면 되겠네

We have you. Why don't you go and assist him. Come on, I can't do this procedure!

제가    안다고요?

Come on, I can't do this procedure!

깜짝이야작게 말해

You startled me. Keep your voice down. [sighs] Professor Chae.

‪(석민) ‪[한숨 쉬며] ‪교수님

[sighs] Professor Chae.

이대로 공형우 환자

Are you just going to let Professor Min operate on Gong Hyeong-u like that?

민기준 교수님한테 ‪수술받게 하실 거예요?

Are you just going to let Professor Min operate on Gong Hyeong-u like that?

그건 아니죠 ‪환자한테 그러면  되는 거잖아요

That's not right. We can't do that to any patient.

병원장님한테 말씀드리세요

You should talk to the hospital director.

교수님이  수술 하신다고

Insist that you'll be the one to do it.

수술 모레지?

Isn't that in two days?

‪(송화) ‪ 내일 오후에 ‪스컬 베이스 튜머 수술 있어

Tomorrow afternoon, I have a skull base tumor surgery.

모레까지 넘어가스케줄이  

I won't done by then. I don't have time to do it.

‪(석민) ‪마취과한테 중간에 시간 ‪좀만 벌려 달라고 하면 되잖아요

But maybe you can ask the anesthesiologist to buy you some time. And I can help by setting everything up, please.

제가  준비해 놓을게요?

And I can help by setting everything up, please.

몰라몰라머리 아파

I don't know. Oh, my head hurts. Jun-wan, do you have anything for headaches?

준완아두통약 있니?

Jun-wan, do you have anything for headaches? You're a neurosurgeon. Don't you have anything?

‪NS 닥터가 두통약도 없냐?

You're a neurosurgeon. Don't you have anything?

‪[컵을  내려놓는다] ‪  가자

You're a neurosurgeon. Don't you have anything? Let's go to my office.

‪(석민) ‪교수님교수님

-[Song-hwa sighs] -Professor Chae. Please. -Professor Chae. -Hey, drop it already.

‪(준완) ‪그만해응석도 적당히 해야지

-Professor Chae. -Hey, drop it already. That's enough whining.

‪[석민의 한숨]


‪[석민의 한숨]

[sighs deeply] [breathes deeply]

‪[난감한 숨소리]

[breathes deeply]

‪[흥미로운 음악]

[quirky music] -What did I just say? -You saw Professor Jang with his junior.

내가 방금 뭐라 그랬지?

-What did I just say? -You saw Professor Jang with his junior.

 교수 후배랑 있는  봤다고

-What did I just say? -You saw Professor Jang with his junior.


-You knew it, didn't you? -It was a coincidence.

우연히  거야

-You knew it, didn't you? -It was a coincidence.

‪(송화) ‪

-Hey. -Only for a day or two

‪(준완) ‪ 교수가 너한테 말하기 ‪하루인가 이틀 전인가 그래

-Hey. -Only for a day or two before I admit it to you.

말하려고 했지

I was going to tell you.

바로 말했어야지나한테

You should've told me right away. I can't assume anything about relationships.

아이남녀 사이에 ‪무슨 사정이 있는  알고?

I can't assume anything about relationships. If you have seen seen something, you should have told me how you saw it.

팩트를 봤으면 ‪팩트 그대로 얘기하면 되지

If you have seen seen something, you should have told me how you saw it.

남녀 사정이런  뭐가 중요해?

If you have seen seen something, you should have told me how you saw it. Your assumption wouldn't matter.

그게 그렇게  된다니까

Hey, it's not that easy to do it. If it were you, would you have told me?

너라면 나한테 말할  있어?

Hey, it's not that easy to do it. If it were you, would you have told me? Yes. I would tell you right away.

 바로 얘기해

Yes. I would tell you right away. I would tell you your girlfriend is cheating on you the second I saw it.

 여친  남자랑 바람피운다고 ‪보자마자 바로 얘기해 ‪[노크 소리가 들린다]

I would tell you your girlfriend is cheating on you the second I saw it.

‪- (준완뭐야? ‪- (재학외래 시간 됐는데요

-What is it? -Uh, it's time for your outpatients.

오늘 무슨 외래?

-I'm not seeing them today. -I was talking to Professor Chae.

아니채송화 교수님요

-I'm not seeing them today. -I was talking to Professor Chae.

‪(송화) ‪맞는다

Oh, that's right.

 이따 보자

We're not done.


‪(재학) ‪NS 안치홍 선생이 ‪문밖에서 계속 기다리고 있길래...

I noticed Dr. Ahn Chi-hong from NS waiting by the door. -That's why I said that. -That's all right.


-That's why I said that. -That's all right.

잘했어올해   중에 제일 잘했어

Very good. This is the best thing you've done this year.

‪[긴장되는 음악]

[tires screech]

‪(겨울) ‪출혈성 쇼크에 빠졌을 가능성이 높아요

It's likely his body is in hemorrhagic shock.

‪(여자6) ‪그럼 어떻게 해야 돼요?

So, what's going to happen now?

‪(겨울) ‪맥박도 약하고 흉부 손상에 ‪뇌손상까지 있는  같아서

His pulse is very weak. We believe he may have a thoracic and brain injury. We took him up for a CT.

‪[문이 스르륵 열린다] ‪지금 CT 찍고 있습니다

We took him up for a CT.

그때까지 환자가 ‪ 버틸지는 모르겠어요

But we're not sure if he will survive after everything.

소생할 확률이 낮습니다

There's a slim chance we can save him.

가망이 없습니다

There's no hope for him.

‪[어두운 음악]

[dramatic music] Doctor, I'm begging you, please save Ju-hwan.

선생님우리 주환이  살려 주세요

Doctor, I'm begging you, please save Ju-hwan.

‪[흐느끼며] ‪주환이 없으면   살아요

[sobbing] If my baby boy die, I can't go on living.

혹시 CPR 하셨어요?

Ma'am, did you perform CPR?

‪(여자6) ‪?


가슴 압박요

Did you do chest compressions?


No. I didn't.

‪[한숨 쉬며] ‪심폐 소생술 하셨으면 ‪살았을 수도 있는데

Ah, he'd have a bigger chance of surviving if you had done that.

‪- ? ‪- (정원장겨울 선생

-What? -Excuse me, Dr. Jang. -[Gyeo-ul] Yes? -Can we talk, please.

‪- (겨울 ‪- (정원  볼까요?

-[Gyeo-ul] Yes? -Can we talk, please.

‪(정원) ‪소아외과 안정원 교수입니다

I'm Professor Ahn from Pediatric Surgery.

지금 상황이  좋은  맞는데

It's true your son condition isn't good,

저희가   있는 최선을 ‪다하겠습니다

It's true your son condition isn't good, but we will do everything we can to save him.

‪CT 결과 나오면 다시 말씀드릴게요

-I'll talk to you once we get the CT scan. -[whimpers]

어머니아직 모릅니다

Listen, ma'am, nothing is final yet.

‪[여자6 흐느낀다]

[sobbing continues]

장겨울 선생전공의   차예요? ‪[어두운 음악]

Dr. Jang, how long have you been a resident? -For three years. -Is that how you talk to guardians?

‪- (겨울) 3 차요 ‪- (정원근데 말을 그렇게 해요?

-For three years. -Is that how you talk to guardians?

‪(정원) ‪'가슴 압박을 하면   있었다' ‪이런 말을 어떻게 하지?

He could've lived if she did CPR? How could you say that?

아이 엄마가 가질 ‪평생의 죄책감은 어떡하려고요?

Did you think about how guilty she would feel for the rest of her life?

그리고 '아이가 가망이 없다힘들다' ‪어떻게 그렇게 확신해요?

Did you think about how guilty she would feel for the rest of her life? And besides, how can you be certain the boy has no hope or a slim chance?

‪(겨울) ‪도착부터 지켜봤고

I've observed him since he got here.

차트와 환자 상태를 보고 ‪팩트를 말씀드린 겁니다

I only stated facts after reading his chart and observing his condition.

‪[정원의 한숨]

[sighs deeply]

근데  말이 맞잖아요

Doctor, everything I told her is true.

 환자 살기 힘든  맞고

He's got a slim chance of survival.

보호자도 확실하게 ‪지금 상황을 아는 

I only told her the truth because I believed she needed to know her son's condition.

필요하다고 생각해서 그랬습니다

because I believed she needed to know her son's condition.


[sighs deeply]

가슴 압박했어야 한다고 말한 

Telling her that she should have performed CPR…

제가 잘못했습니다죄송합니다

-It was my mistake. I'm so sorry. -[approaching footsteps]

‪(광현) ‪둘이 여기서  ?

[Gwang-hyeon] What are you doing here?

나와여기 베드  사람 있어

Come out. Someone's gonna use this bed. How's the kid? Did you call Song-hwa?

‪(정원) ‪애는 어때채송화 불렀어?

How's the kid? Did you call Song-hwa?


[sighs] I don't need to. What?

‪(정원) ‪?


‪CT 뇌손상 없대

There's no brain damage from the CT scan. We can save him if we focus on stopping the bleeding.

블리딩 포커스만 잡으면 ‪   있겠다

We can save him if we focus on stopping the bleeding.

아이고십년감수했다 ‪[정원의 한숨]

-My god. That was a close one, right? -[exhales deeply] I need to treat a patient with a stomachache.

‪(광현) ‪ 바로 복통 환자 봐야 하고

I need to treat a patient with a stomachache.

배준희 선생도 같이 가야 하니까

I need to treat a patient with a stomachache. And I'm taking Dr. Bae Jun-hui.

장겨울 선생이 ‪보호자한테 얘기   

Dr. Jang, go and talk to the guardian for me.

‪(정원) ‪장겨울 선생님

Wait, Dr. Jang.

의사들이  '장담할  없습니다' ‪'아직 모릅니다'

Do you know why doctors only give vague answers like "We can't be sure yet," "We don't know yet,"

‪' 지켜봐야 합니다'

"We don't know yet,"

이렇게 애매한 말만 하는지 알아요?

and "We still need to observe a bit more"?

의사는 말에 책임을 져야 하거든

Doctors must take full responsibility.

말을 조심해야 하니까

So we must be careful with our words.

의사가 환자에게 ‪확실하게   있는 말은  하나예요

There's only one thing we doctors can tell our patients with certainty.

‪'최선을 다하겠습니다'

And that is, "We will do our best."

  하나밖에 없어요

That's the only thing we're sure of.

‪[잔잔한 음악]

[bright music] [Jeong-won sighs]

얼른  봐요 ‪아이 엄마 너무 좋아하시겠네요

Well, go on then. His mother will be happy to hear the good news.

‪[마우스 클릭음] ‪(송화) ‪안녕히 가세요

[Song-hwa] Got it, thank you so much.

 환자 아침에  봤는데

Let's see, I looked at this patient's chart this morning.

우리 병원에서   전에 ‪유방암 수술 하셨더라

The patient got breast cancer surgery at our hospital a month ago.

파리에탈 로브 쪽에 ‪3cm 정도 메타가 보이네

Uh, I do see a 3cm-metastatic tumor in the parietal lobe.

기록 보니까 유방암 수술 받으시고 ‪우울증 치료도 병행하셨던데

From her record, after the breast cancer surgery, she also got treated for depression. Was that why she didn't do chemotherapy?

그래서 케모를  하신 건가?

Was that why she didn't do chemotherapy?

들어오시라 그래성함이?

[sucks teeth] Bring her in. What's her name?

‪(재신) ‪바람요

[Jae-shin] It's Ba-ram.

이름이 바람이네요

It's said here, her name is Ba-ram.

 고등학교 동창 중에도 ‪바람이라는  있었는데

That's strange. I had a high school friend with the exact same name.

아주 쪼끔 친했어

We were quite close.

‪[웃으며] ‪ 번호도 기억난다

[chuckles] I still remember her number. Well, this patient is the same age as you.

나이도 교수님이랑 같은데요?

Well, this patient is the same age as you.

‪- 어머 ‪- (재신아니다

-No way. -Listen to this.

성이 희귀 성이네갈씨예요

She has a unique last name. -It's Gal. -Yes.

그래서 걔가 1...

-It's Gal. -Yes. So her attendance number was…


Oh, my gosh. I knew it was you. [chuckles]

나야   알았지 ‪[웃음]

I knew it was you. [chuckles]

 유명해인터넷에 쳐도 나와

You're famous. You're even on the Internet.

‪(송화) ‪됐고항암은   했어?

You're famous. You're even on the Internet. Stop it. Why didn't you do chemotherapy?

그래도 하면은 전이 막을 수도 있는데

If you had, you could've stopped it from spreading.

해도 전이됐을 거야

It would've spread even if I did.

해도 죽고  해도 죽는데 ‪ 하러 힘들게

I will die in the end no matter what. So, what's the point?

‪[송화의 한숨]

 힘든 수술이야?

-Is my surgery difficult? -Not really.

아니머리를 싸고 있는  쪽에 ‪붙어 있는 거라 어려운  아니야

-Is my surgery difficult? -Not really. It's on the layer that wraps around your head. So it's not hard to reach. You have nothing to worry about.

크게 걱정  해도 

So it's not hard to reach. You have nothing to worry about.


I'm not worried

친구가 의사인데

since my doctor is you.

‪(바람) ‪오늘 입원 바로 해야 ?

Do I need to get admitted today?

촌각을 다투는 그런 수술은 아닌데

Well, we're not pressed for time to do the surgery.

그래도 최대한 빨리하는  낫지

But it's still best to do it as soon as possible. I'm available this weekend. Let's do it then.

이번 주말에  시간 되니까 ‪주말에 하자

I'm available this weekend. Let's do it then. You should get admitted today and get all the tests done.

 오늘 입원해서 검사들  받고

You should get admitted today and get all the tests done.


Thank you. [soft chuckle]

감사 인사는  퇴원하고 ‪동창회에서 받을게

[soft chuckle] You can thank me at our school reunion after you get discharged.

 그때까지   있을까?

You think I'll still be alive by then? Hey.


‪[송화의 한숨]

‪(송화) ‪하루  길다

[sighs] Today was a really long day.

‪(경호원) ‪교수님  가지고 오셨어요?

Professor. Hey, didn't you drive today?

있는데요오늘은 운전할 힘도 없네요

Yes, I did. But I'm out of energy to drive.

‪[배에서 꼬르륵 소리가 난다]

[stomach grumbles]

배고 고프고

And I'm hungry, too.

‪[자동차 경적]

[car horn honking]

‪(익준) ‪채송화  ‪배고픈데 칼국수 하나 하시죠

Hey, Dr. Chae, I'm hungry. Let's get some kalguksu.


Sounds great.

 애들도 부를까?

Should I call the others?

‪(석형) ‪여기 있어 ‪[부드러운 음악]

-I'm here. -God, you're so loud.

‪- (익준아유시끄러워 ‪- (준완여기 있어빨리 

-I'm here. -God, you're so loud. -I'm here. Get in the car. -I'm right here!

‪- (정원여기 있어 ‪- (준완빨리  ‪[익준의 한숨]

-I'm here. Get in the car. -I'm right here! -[Jeong-won] Hurry. -[laughs]

‪- (정원앞으로  당겨  ‪- (석형잠깐만 기다려 

-[Jeong-won] Hurry. -[laughs] [Jeong-won] Hurry up.

‪- (준완빨리  ‪- (익준그만  

[Jeong-won] Hurry up. -Hey, pull up your seat, will you? -[overlapping chatter]

‪- (준완너도  앞으로 당겨 ‪- (익준이게 최대한이야

-Hey, pull up your seat, will you? -[overlapping chatter]

‪(준완) ‪이럴 거면 ‪차를 각자 갖고 나와야지

-Hey, pull up your seat, will you? -[overlapping chatter] [Seok-hyeong] What about your car?

‪- (준완  차로 간다고 ‪- (석형알았어잠깐만

-Come on, move forward, move up. -[Ik-jun] Okay. Hold on. [Seok-hyeong] Hey, why do you have to stay here?

‪(준완) ‪사람이 5명인데

[Seok-hyeong] Hey, why do you have to stay here? MAMA'S HOMEMADE KALGUKSU, 24 HOURS

‪[정원이 휴지를  뽑는다]

[utensils rattling]

‪(정원) ‪파스 줄까?

You want a pain relief patch?

‪(준완) ‪별걸  들고 다닌다

[Jun-wan] You carry all sorts of stuff in there. Excuse me, ma'am.


Excuse me, ma'am.

‪(석형) ‪우리 엄마도 칼국수 좋아하는데 ‪포장해 갈까?

My mother really likes kalguksu. Should I take some home for her?

‪- (익준정원아  ‪- (정원

My mother really likes kalguksu. Should I take some home for her? -Jeong-won, give me your cup. -Hm.

‪(익준) ‪ 별명   아냐?

Do you know what your nickname is?

‪[피식 웃으며] ‪뭔데천사이런 건가?

Do you know what your nickname is? [scoffs] What is it? Any chance they call me Angel?


-It's Buddha. -Ah…

‪[정원의 탄성] ‪[익준의 웃음]

-It's Buddha. -Ah… [laughs]

말이 ?

[laughs] That makes no sense, right?

집에 신부수녀가 넷인데

-His family has two priests and two nuns. -I love Buddha, too.

 부처님도 사랑해

-His family has two priests and two nuns. -I love Buddha, too. -[cell phone trilling] -[Ik-jun] My goodness.

‪(익준) ‪진짜정원이 ‪[통화 연결음]

-[cell phone trilling] -[Ik-jun] My goodness. Jeong-won is my ideal friend.

 진짜  스타일이라니까

Jeong-won is my ideal friend. Gosh, if I had a sister, I would definitely set you up with her.

내가 여동생만 있으면 진짜 ‪너랑 잘해 보라고 하는 건데

Gosh, if I had a sister, I would definitely set you up with her.


-You do have a sister. -Oh, right. I do.


-You do have a sister. -Oh, right. I do. Hey, Mom. Do you want me to bring home some kalguksu?

엄마칼국수   갈까요?

Hey, Mom. Do you want me to bring home some kalguksu? Why are you asking her that? Just buy some for her.

‪(익준) ‪새끼 물어보고 그래 ‪그냥  가지

Why are you asking her that? Just buy some for her. [Seok-hyeong] Kalguksu.

‪(석형) ‪칼국수요

[Seok-hyeong] Kalguksu.

 먹고  있다 금방  거예요

I'll go straight home after eating. Is something bothering you?

‪(정원) ‪  고민 있어?

Is something bothering you? -Hm? It's nothing. -[liquid sloshing]

‪(송화) ‪아니

-Hm? It's nothing. -[liquid sloshing]

공형우 환자 때문에 그러지

I bet it's because of Gong Hyeong-u.

지하철 영웅 말이지?

The good Samaritan from the subway? What about him?

 사람이 ?

The good Samaritan from the subway? What about him? I heard the new chief will be performing the surgery.

 수술 새로   센터장이 ‪한다 그러던데

I heard the new chief will be performing the surgery.

‪(정원) ‪송화랑 상관있어?

What does she have to do with it? [inhales]

‪(송화) ‪민기준 교수님이 ‪TSA 거의  보신 적이 없으신가 

I found out Professor Min doesn't have much experience with the TSA. And given the location of the tumor and sequelae,

근데  환자는 개두술보단

And given the location of the tumor and sequelae,

종양 위치랑 시퀄레 고려하면 ‪TSA 훨씬 낫거든

And given the location of the tumor and sequelae, the TSA is a much better choice than a craniotomy. [clicks tongue]

원래  쪽으로  환자라서

[clicks tongue] Since he was originally my patient,

그냥 내가 한다고 말씀드릴까 ‪고민 중이야

I'm thinking of telling him that I'll handle the surgery.

근데 그건  그렇지

[sucks teeth] But that might be a bit awkward.

‪(정원) ‪이제 민기준 교수님 환자인데

He's Professor Min's patient now.

‪(석형) ‪엄마가   바꾸래

Mom wants to talk to you.


Hello, Mother. It's Ik-jun, your stepson,

친아들과 달리 활달하고 밝은 ‪양아들 익준이예요

Hello, Mother. It's Ik-jun, your stepson, who's cheerful and bubbly unlike your biological son.

‪[피식 웃는다] ‪(익준) ‪

who's cheerful and bubbly unlike your biological son. -[Ik-jun] Yeah. -You think?


-[Ik-jun] Yeah. -You think? [groans] My gosh.

‪(송화) ‪뭐라 그러고 바꿔 달라 그래? ‪[익준이 통화한다]

[groans] My gosh. -How am I going to tell him? -[Ik-jun] Oh, yeah.

나라면 가서 말해

-How am I going to tell him? -[Ik-jun] Oh, yeah. I would just tell him.

너라면 말하겠지

-Of course, that what you would do. -[Ik-jun] Yes.

환자한테  수술법이 나으면 ‪가서 얘기해야지

-Of course, that what you would do. -[Ik-jun] Yes. If that's a better option for the patient, I ought to. "I can perform that surgery better than you.

교수님보다 제가  수술  잘하고 ‪환자를 위해서 그게 최선이다

"I can perform that surgery better than you. And it's better for the patient."

 가서 바로 이렇게 얘기해

-That's exactly what I'll tell him. -[inhales deeply]

‪(정원) ‪  

-That's exactly what I'll tell him. -[inhales deeply] I couldn't do that. Every doctor has their own methods and processes.

의사들마다 자기 방식도 있고 ‪사정도 있을 텐데

I couldn't do that. Every doctor has their own methods and processes.


It's disrespectful.

‪(준완) ‪월권은 무슨팩트대로 가야지

It's disrespectful. Oh, no, it's not. We must stick to the facts.

그렇게 팩트 따지는 애가

If you're so inclined to stick to facts, why didn't you tell me the fact that my ex was cheating on me?

‪(송화) ‪ 엑스 바람피우는 팩트는 ‪   했을까?

why didn't you tell me the fact that my ex was cheating on me? -Excuse me. Here you go. -[Jeong-won] Okay.

‪(가게 주인) ‪잠시만요

-Excuse me. Here you go. -[Jeong-won] Okay.

‪(정원) ‪ ‪[정원이 살짝 웃는다]

-Excuse me. Here you go. -[Jeong-won] Okay. [owner] Enjoy your meal.

‪- (가게 주인맛있게 드세요 ‪- (정원감사합니다

[owner] Enjoy your meal. -[Jeong-won] Thank you. -[Ik-jun] Okay.

‪(익준) ‪그래요어머니

Is that so? Okay.


Okay. Thank you. Anyway, I'll get it checked out.

어쨌든 내일 병원  볼게요 ‪제가 아는 병원도 있고

Okay. Thank you. Anyway, I'll get it checked out. I know a few clinics.

Okay. Thanks for asking. Take care now. Bye.

감사해요어머니 ‪들어가세요어머니

Okay. Thanks for asking. Take care now. Bye.

‪[통화 종료음] ‪- (익준석형아 ‪- (석형?

[cell phone beeps] -Seok-hyeong. -Hm?

 전립선 문제까지 ‪너희 엄마랑 공유하고 싶지 않아

I don't want your mom to know about my prostate problems.

‪(석형) ‪내가 엄마한테 요즘  너무 ‪화장실 자주 간다고 말했거든

I told my mom that I noticed that you've been going to the bathroom more often these past few days

빈뇨랑 잔뇨감이 너무 심하다고

more often these past few days due to frequent urination and urinary retention.

‪(준완) ‪ 교수랑  남친이랑 같냐?

Hey, Professor Min's case is different from your ex's.

 교수는 ‪나랑 아무 상관 없는 사람이잖아

Hey, Professor Min's case is different from your ex's. He has no connection to us at all.

그리고 거긴 일이고 ‪너희 둘은 남녀 사이인데

It's strictly work whereas you're a couple.

내가 무슨 권리로 이래라저래라 ?

-It's not like I didn't tell you what-- -I'm not saying that I expect you to…

누가 이래라저래라 하래?

-It's not like I didn't tell you what-- -I'm not saying that I expect you to… I'm saying you should've told me what you saw.

 것만 팩트로 얘기해 줬어야지

I'm saying you should've told me what you saw.

‪(준완) ‪너라면 그럴  있어?

-Could you have done it? -Yes, totally.

‪- (송화 그래 ‪- (준완뻥치시네

-Could you have done it? -Yes, totally. -You're lying. -Hey.

‪(정원) ‪ ‪[카메라 셔터음]

-You're lying. -Hey. [camera shutter clicks] The kalguksu is ready.

칼국수 먹어도 되겠다

The kalguksu is ready.

나중에 싸우고 일단 먹어?

Fight later. Let's eat first. Hm?

‪(송화) ‪ 만약  여친이  놈이랑 있는  ‪ 눈으로 직접 봤다

If let's say, I saw you girlfriend and she was sweet with another guy, no doubt, I'd call you right away.

 그럼 1 만에 너한테 전화해

no doubt, I'd call you right away.

아이고말이야 쉽지?

-Come on, that's easier said than done. -[sniffs]

‪[코를 훌쩍인다]

-Come on, that's easier said than done. -[sniffs]

 교수  새끼 ‪처음부터 마음에  들었어

I never liked Professor Jang to begin with.

‪- 고춧가루   ‪- (송화

-Pass me the chili powder. -Okay.

‪[숟가락이 달그락 떨어진다] ‪[송화의 놀라는 신음]

-[Song-hwa] Hmm. -[spoon clatters]

이모님여기 숟가락 하나만  주세요

Excuse me. Can we get another spoon over here?

‪[휴대전화  소리]

-[cell phone ringing] -[slurping]

‪(익준) ‪우주야 ‪아빠  있다 들어갈 거야

Hey, U-ju. Daddy will be home soon.

우리 우주  자고  했어?

Uh, what happened? Why are you still up?

‪(정원) ‪우주 아직도  ?

U-ju is still awake?

 이번에 엄청  TV 샀다며?

Hey, so I heard you bought a big-ass TV.

꿈에서 만나요

Hey, so I heard you bought a big-ass TV. I'll see you in your dream. Bye. -[slurping continues] -[phone beeps]

‪[통화 종료음] ‪(익준) ‪석형이 TV 연애하잖아

-[slurping continues] -[phone beeps] Seok-hyeong's TV is like his girlfriend.

‪(석형) ‪ 줬어

But it's pretty expensive.

다음에 밴드 연습할  ‪한번 올라가서 봐야겠다

Hey, I wanna see it when we meet up for our next band session.

‪(석형) ‪맞는다 ‪우리 밴드 다음 연습 언제 하지?

Hey, I wanna see it when we meet up for our next band session. Oh, that's right, so when will you guys be free for that?

이번 주말에 할까?

-[slurps] -[Seok-hyeong] How about this weekend?

 주말에 수술 있어

I have a surgery booked this weekend.

‪(가게 주인) ‪   볶을까요?

[owner] How many bowls of rice would you like?

‪- (송화 ? ‪- (준완하나

-Two? -Just one.

‪(송화) ‪ 개만 할까많지?

-Two will be too much, right? -Yes, I'm getting full.

‪(준완) ‪배불러

-Two will be too much, right? -Yes, I'm getting full.

‪(송화) ‪ 개만 볶아 주세요

-We'll just get one, please. -[grunts]

‪(준완) ‪깜짝이야

-We'll just get one, please. -[grunts] Jeez!

‪5개요, 5 볶아 주세요

We want five. Five bowls of rice, please.

‪(익준) ‪정원이 이렇게 폭발할  알았어

-I knew Jeong-won would get angry. -Hey, aren't you full, yet?


-I knew Jeong-won would get angry. -Hey, aren't you full, yet?

‪(정원) ‪...

-I knew Jeong-won would get angry. -Hey, aren't you full, yet? -Hey, what the-- -You two, didn't leave him that much.

‪(익준) ‪ 많이  먹었어

-Hey, what the-- -You two, didn't leave him that much.

‪[정원의 한숨]

-Hey, what the-- -You two, didn't leave him that much. And us too. We just started eating.

우리도 이제 먹기 시작했고

And us too. We just started eating.

너희는 ‪전쟁 통에도 그렇게  먹겠다

What gives, guys? Why were you eating that fast? It's not like we're in a war.

 그렇게 빨리 먹어?

What gives, guys? Why were you eating that fast? It's not like we're in a war. Okay, fine. Why are you getting so worked up?

‪(준완) ‪알았어 화를 내고 그래?

Okay, fine. Why are you getting so worked up?

볶음밥 5 시켜

Okay, fine. Why are you getting so worked up? Order five servings.

하여튼 자기만 알아요

It's because you're so self-centered.

 살다 살다 칼국수 먹다 ‪별소리를  듣는다

What a weird thing to say in the middle of eating kalguksu.

그럼 네가  빨리 먹어 ‪[휴대전화  소리]

What a weird thing to say in the middle of eating kalguksu. -[cell phone rings] -Why don't you try eating faster too?

그럼 네가 분위기 맞춰서 ‪천천히 먹으면 되잖아

Why don't you try to slow down a little for everyone else? -[Jun-wan groans] -Hi, Mom.

‪(석형) ‪엄마?

-[Jun-wan groans] -Hi, Mom.


Oh, fresh kimchi? Excuse me. I'd like some fresh kimchi to go.

이모님겉절이도 같이 포장해 주세요

Excuse me. I'd like some fresh kimchi to go.

‪(준완) ‪  주고 내가 먹는데

Why must I control my pace when I'm paying for my food?

속도 조절까지 하면서 먹어야 ? ‪[통화 종료음]

Why must I control my pace when I'm paying for my food? But you're not. The hospital's paying for this.

 돈이냐법카로 먹는 거잖아

But you're not. The hospital's paying for this.

원래 우리 아버지 병원이니까 ‪엄연히 따지면  돈이야

And it's my dad's hospital. So strictly speaking, it is my money.

진짜 치사한 새끼

Jeez, you're acting like a prick.

알았어 ‪  주고 내가 먹으면 되잖아

Jeez, you're acting like a prick. Fine. I'll pay for everything we've ordered.

‪- 얼만데? ‪- (정원내놔

Fine. I'll pay for everything we've ordered. -How much do I owe you? -Pay me!

‪- (익준그만   ‪- (준완얼마냐고!

-How much do I owe you? -Pay me! -[overlapping shouting] -Stop it, guys. Enough!

‪- (정원빨리 내놓으라고 ‪- 그만그만!

-[overlapping shouting] -Stop it, guys. Enough!

‪(익준) ‪정말진짜

[Ik-jun] Gosh, seriously.

 우리 우주 수준이다우주 수준

You guys are acting like you're around U-ju's age. You're 40. Must you fight over fried rice?

나이 마흔 먹고 ‪볶음밥 때문에 싸우고 싶냐?

You're 40. Must you fight over fried rice? Hey, you have no idea what they did.

 몰라서 그렇지

Hey, you have no idea what they did. When we had cheonggukjang last time, I ended up only eating tofu.

지난번에 청국장 먹을 때도 ‪ 두부만 먹고

When we had cheonggukjang last time, I ended up only eating tofu.

얘네 둘이 ‪ 안의 소고기   건져 먹었어

When we had cheonggukjang last time, I ended up only eating tofu. Because these two punks ate all the beef.

‪[준완의 못마땅한 신음] ‪(익준) ‪알았어알았어

Because these two punks ate all the beef. Okay, I heard you. Jeez, the things this prick remembers.

별걸  기억해 새끼

Okay, I heard you. Jeez, the things this prick remembers.

‪(가게 주인) ‪그래서    볶아요!

Okay, I heard you. Jeez, the things this prick remembers. [owner sighs] So how many bowls of rice do you want?

‪- (정원) 5개요! ‪- (준완) 2개요!

[owner sighs] So how many bowls of rice do you want? -Five, please! -Just two!


Three and a half bowls, please.

‪[익살스러운 음악] ‪[준완의 한숨]

[quirky music] [Jun-wan sighs]

‪[휴대전화 알림음]


‪[휴대전화 조작음]


[sighs deeply]

‪[휴대전화 알림음]


‪[통화 연결음]

[phone chimes] [dial tone trilling]

‪(석민) ‪교수님

-[Seok-min] Hello, Professor. -Well, haven't you given up yet?

아직도 포기  했어?

-[Seok-min] Hello, Professor. -Well, haven't you given up yet?

‪(석민) ‪그럼요환자한테 중요한 일인데 ‪어떻게 포기해요

Of course not. How could I? I'm doing this for the patient's sake.

교수님진짜 마지막으로 부탁드립니다

Please, Professor, I'm begging you for the last time.

교수님이 수술해 주세요

Please perform the surgery.

어떻게 그래월권이야

I told you, I can't. That oversteps boundaries.

환자가 직접 얘기하면 모를까

Unless the patient requests me, specifically.

‪[석민의 탄성]

[Seok-min sighs] That's it!

‪(송화) ‪오늘은 너무 늦었어 ‪오버해서 지금 얘기하지 말고

Anyway, it's already late. So don't bother pushing for that tonight.

내일 아침에 환자분한테 ‪ 말씀드려 

You can discuss it with the patient tomorrow morning.

설명 잘해 드리고

Explain the situation well.

‪[통화 종료음]



‪(송화) ‪컨디션 어때?

[Song-hwa] Hi. How are you feeling?

‪(바람) ‪그렇지

[Ba-ram] Well, you know how it is.

‪(송화) ‪남편은?

-[Song-hwa] Where's your husband? -It's fine my caregiver is here.

‪(바람) ‪간병인 있는데

-[Song-hwa] Where's your husband? -It's fine my caregiver is here.

그리고 남편 있으면 신경만  쓰여 ‪없는  나아

If he were here, he'd just get on my nerves, so this is better. I get that, but we still need him to sign the consent for your surgery.

‪(송화) ‪없는  낫다지만 ‪ 수술 동의서는 써야   아니야

I get that, but we still need him to sign the consent for your surgery.

메일은 보냈어?

-Did you e-mail him? -Yeah, I sent him a message.

메일 보냈어

-Did you e-mail him? -Yeah, I sent him a message.

‪(바람) ‪읽었는데 아직 답장은 없네

I know, he read it but he hasn't replied yet.

‪(송화) ‪답장이 아니라 바로 와야지

Who cares about a reply? He should come here right away.

‪(바람) ‪거기 나오는 데만 이틀 걸려

Who cares about a reply? He should come here right away. It takes him two days just to get out of there.

인도네시아 어디더라?

He's in Indonesia. [soft groan] What was it called?

맨날 듣는데 모르겠다

I can never remember the name.

나무 벤다고 아마 정신없을 거야

He's probably busy cutting down the trees.

 유방암 수술   있었어?

Was he around for your breast cancer surgery?


Actually, he has no idea.

-Hey. -Nothing changes even if he knows.

‪(바람) ‪알면 뭐가 달라지니?

-Hey. -Nothing changes even if he knows.

남편도 귀찮고  귀찮아

I can't worry about him on top of everything else.


[sighs deeply]

그냥 혼자 걸려서 혼자 죽을래

I'll going to suffer and die all alone.

별소리를  한다

What are you talking about?

‪(송화) ‪커튼은  이렇게 쳤어 답답해?

And why are the curtains closes? Don't you feel stuffy? I want them that way,

여기  할머니들이잖아

I want them that way, because this ward is full of nosy elderly ladies.

나한테  관심들이 많으셔

because this ward is full of nosy elderly ladies.

유방암 환자도 신기하고

Like breast cancer fascinates them.

한쪽 가슴이 진짜로 가짜인지도 ‪궁금하고 그런가 

I think they want to know whether one of my breasts is fake or not.

자꾸 힐끔힐끔 쳐다봐

All of them keep looking at me.

그래서   버렸어

-[approaching footsteps] -That's why I closed the curtains.


Have some rice cake.


No, thank you. Oh, are you on a restricted diet or something?

금식해서 묵으면  되는가?

Oh, are you on a restricted diet or something?


No, I don't want to eat.

오메슨상님도 계셨소?

My gosh, I didn't see you there, doctor. Doctor, please try some of these rice cake.

‪(할머니1) ‪슨상님  쪼까 잡숴 보시오잉

Doctor, please try some of these rice cake.

하나만 먹을게요 ‪[송화의 웃음]

Sure, I'll try one. Thanks. [chuckles] By the way, you're urinating without any problems, right?

‪(송화) ‪할머니소변은  나오시죠?

By the way, you're urinating without any problems, right?

‪(할머니1) ‪암만

By the way, you're urinating without any problems, right? [patient] Yes, of course. Honestly, I'm doing great these days.

아이고참말로 좋당께라우

[patient] Yes, of course. Honestly, I'm doing great these days. It's all because you've taken such good care of me

아이고우리 의사 슨상님께서 ‪ 고쳐 줘서 그런가 ‪[바람의 한숨]

It's all because you've taken such good care of me from the very beginning.

이제 암시렁도  해라우

from the very beginning. -I'm totally fine now. -Ooh.

‪[송화의 탄성]

-I'm totally fine now. -Ooh.

예전에는  대구빡이 한짝으로 ‪매일같이 돌아가고

If you remember, my head used to turn to one side for no reason, and my lips used to twitch.

  입도 ‪낚싯줄에 걸린 배도라치맹키로

and my lips used to twitch. I couldn't control it, as if someone was trying to pull them.

 우로 요러고요러고 ‪ 올라가 쌓고워메 ‪[송화가 호응한다]

I couldn't control it, as if someone was trying to pull them. -[grunting] -[Song-hwa] Right. -Right. -Just like that. -I see. -It was so annoying. Nevertheless, you should still take it easy and make sure you eat well.

‪(송화) ‪그래도 아직은 무리하지 마시고 ‪식사 골고루  챙겨 드세요

Nevertheless, you should still take it easy and make sure you eat well.

‪(할머니1) ‪ ‪[송화의 웃음]

-I will. -I'll see you.

‪(송화) ‪이만 ‪[할머니1 웃음]

-I will. -I'll see you. [patient chuckles]

‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]

‪[문이 스르륵 닫힌다]

‪- (송화치홍아 ‪- (치홍

[Song-hwa] Chi-hong.

‪(송화) ‪ 가서 수술 준비해

Go get ready for the surgery. I'll take care of the positioning. Just set up the Wilson frame.

포지셔닝은 내가 알아서  테니까 ‪윌슨 프레임만 준비해 주고

I'll take care of the positioning. Just set up the Wilson frame. -And call me when everything's ready. -[Chi-hong] Will do.

‪- 마취  되면 연락해  ‪- (치홍

-And call me when everything's ready. -[Chi-hong] Will do.

‪[남자4 비틀거린다]

[patient grunts]

‪(남자4) ‪아휴감사합니다선생님

-Are you all right? -Uh, thank you for your help, Doctor.

‪[남자4 힘겨운 숨소리]

‪(석민) ‪진짜 말귀를  알아들으시네

[Seok-min groans] Unbelievable. You don't understand what I'm trying to tell you.

환자분 종양이 ‪ 뒤쪽 머리 중앙에 있어요

Your tumor is located behind your nose, near the center of the brain,

위치가 아주  좋아요

Your tumor is located behind your nose, near the center of the brain, which isn't an ideal place at all.

그래서 두개골을 열어서 ‪기저부까지 들어가면 위험해서

which isn't an ideal place at all. It'd be dangerous to open the skull to get to the cranial base, so we'll gonna do something called the TSA,

‪TSA라고 코에 내시경을 넣어서 ‪종양을 제거하는 건데

so we'll gonna do something called the TSA, where an endoscope is inserted in the nose to remove the tumor, but Professor Min Gi-joon doesn't specialize

 수술은 ‪민기준 교수님 전문이 아니에요

but Professor Min Gi-joon doesn't specialize in that kind of surgery.

민기준 교수님은

in that kind of surgery. Dr. Min told me that the procedure he'll be doing won't be that dangerous.

그렇게 위험한 수술이 ‪아니라고 하셨는데

Dr. Min told me that the procedure he'll be doing won't be that dangerous.

자기만 믿으라고

-He also told me to trust him. -[sighs]


-He also told me to trust him. -[sighs] I hear you but I really like Dr. Min.

‪(남자5) ‪ 그냥  교수님이 좋아요

I hear you but I really like Dr. Min.

 바꾸고 싶어요

I want to stick with him.

환자분 생명이잖아요

It's your life that's on the line, sir.

제가 환자분한테  좋은  ‪이렇게까지 권하겠어요?

I mean I would never suggest you do something that is bad for you.

설명을 그렇게 드렸는데

I've explained it to you multiple times, sir.

이렇게  알아들으시면 ‪어떡해요진짜?

I've explained it to you multiple times, sir. The problem here is you just don't get it.

‪(석민) ‪그냥  말대로 하세요? ‪[어두운 음악]

[Seok-min] Please just do what I tell you to, okay?

모르면 그냥 시키는 대로 하시라고요

You don't know anything so just follow my advice.

보호자분도 이해  하셨죠?

Your guardian doesn't get it either.

아니얼마나  쉽게 ‪설명을 해야 정말?

To think, I've already put it in layman's terms for you.

‪[석민의 한숨]

‪[휴대전화  소리]

[cell phone ringing]

‪(송화) ‪

-Hmm? -[Chi-hong] Professor, we're ready.

‪(치홍) ‪교수님내려오세요

-Hmm? -[Chi-hong] Professor, we're ready.

‪(송화) ‪알았어

Okay. Thanks.



‪[송화가 똑똑 노크한다]

오늘 옥시피탈 로브  ‪수술 있다 그러지 않았어?

Shouldn't you be performing occipital lobe surgery, right now?

‪(송화) ‪지금 내려가 봐야 돼요

Yes, I'm heading to the OR.

‪( 교수) ‪아휴내일 오전에나 끝나겠다

Oh. [chuckles] You'll probably be done tomorrow morning. [chuckles]

‪[송화가 살짝 웃는다]

[chuckles] So what brings you here?

근데 무슨 일이야?

So what brings you here?

교수님공형우 환자 말인데요

You see, sir, about the patient Gong Hyeong-u…

아이이것들이 진짜... ‪[의미심장한 음악]

Jeez, I know what those punks--

제가 어시하겠습니다

I'll like to assist in the procedure.

‪(송화) ‪제가 TSA 수술이 아직  부족해요

I still don't feel very confident with the TSA surgery.

기회 주시면 옆에서 보면서 ‪많이 배우겠습니다

Now that the opportunity has presented it, so I'd love to learn from you.

‪[흥미로운 음악]

[comical music]

‪[휴대전화  소리]

[cell phone ringing]


Thank you, Doctor. Bye.

‪(송화) ‪지금 내려가

Hey, I'm on my way now.

‪(선빈) ‪채송화 교수님이 ‪환자분한테 허락 구했다고 하니까

[Seon-bin] It's a good thing Professor Chae got the patient's permission,

교수님 뵈면 인사 잘하고

-so make sure you thank her later. -Okay.

‪(윤복) ‪

-so make sure you thank her later. -Okay.

‪(선빈) ‪오늘 수술 스컬 베이스 튜머라 ‪아마 최소 10시간 넘게?

The surgery we're doing is for a skull base tumor, so the whole operation will take about 10 to 13 hours.

‪13시간 정도 걸릴 거야

so the whole operation will take about 10 to 13 hours.

초반만 보다 나와서 ‪그냥 알아서 집에 

You can observe the beginning and then just go home.

‪[놀라며] ‪13시간요?

You can observe the beginning and then just go home. -It can take up to 13 hours? -Most neurosurgery procedures are long.

‪NS 장시간 수술이 많아

-It can take up to 13 hours? -Most neurosurgery procedures are long.

특히 스컬 베이스  수술은 ‪오래 걸리지

The skull base surgery is especially long. It takes an hour just to position the patient.

자세 잡는 거만 1시간 정도 걸려

It takes an hour just to position the patient.

‪- (선빈가자 ‪- 

-Let's go. -Okay.

‪(송화) ‪내일 빨리 끝나도 6?

[Song-hwa] The earliest I'll be done is 6 a.m.

마취과에 연락해서 ‪공형우 환자 1시간만 미뤄 달라 그래

Call Anesthesiology and ask them to push Gong back by an hour.

네가 미리 와서 드랩   놓고 ‪ENT 교수님께 연락도 드려 놓고

Call Anesthesiology and ask them to push Gong back by an hour. You can go in first and drape the patient. -And call the ENT professor. -[Seok-min] Professor, I love you!

‪(석민) ‪교수님사랑합... ‪[통화 종료음]

-And call the ENT professor. -[Seok-min] Professor, I love you!

‪[어두운 음악]

[tense music]

‪[심전도계 비프음]

[machine beeping]

‪(선빈) ‪아직 자세 잡고 계시네

They're still positioning the patient.

조금 있다 들어가자따라와

Let's wait for a few minutes. Follow me.

‪- (홍도 ‪- (윤복

-Okay. -Okay.

‪(선빈) ‪윤복아 진짜  의대 갔어?

Yun-bok, why did you decide to go to med school?

나처럼 공부 잘해서?

You got good grades like I did?

‪- (윤복감사합니다 ‪- (홍도감사합니다

-Thank you for the food. -Thank you for the food.

엄마가 10 전에  수술 하셨는데

Like I said, my mom had surgery ten years ago, and it was her doctor who inspired me to study medicine.

그때 의사 선생님이 너무 멋있어서요

and it was her doctor who inspired me to study medicine.


What? Seriously?

제가  ‪엄마가 많이 아프셨거든요

Yes, my mom became very ill when I was in seventh grade.

수술을 10시간 넘게 하시고 ‪중환자실에서 일주일 동안 계시다가

Her surgery took over ten hours. She was in the ICU for a week after the surgery.

 깨어나시고 돌아가셨어요

She never woke up. She passed away.


-Gosh, I'm sorry. -It's okay.


-Gosh, I'm sorry. -It's okay.

지금 생각하면 ‪인턴레지던트였던  같은데

Hm, looking back, I think her doctors, an intern or a resident, I'm not really sure though.

그때는  가운만 입으면 ‪ 의사라고 생각했으니까

Back then, I thought everyone wearing a white coat was a doctor.

 의사 쌤이 펑펑 우시는 거예요

I remember the doctor cried so hard that day. She apologized for not being able to save my mom.

 엄마  살려 줘서 미안하다고

She apologized for not being able to save my mom.

‪[잔잔한 음악] ‪(윤복) ‪1이라도    알잖아요

I was in seventh grade, but even then,

엄마 힘들다는  알았고

I knew that my mom's condition was serious. The doctors in the ICU worked so hard to save her.

중환자실에서 ‪의사 선생님들 고생하시는 

The doctors in the ICU worked so hard to save her.

 눈으로 똑똑히 봤는데

They did everything they could to save my mom.

오히려 저는 처음에 담담했거든요

I was actually pretty calm about it at first.

‪[흐느낀다] ‪엄마 돌아가셨다고

I was actually pretty calm about it at first. I was doing okay until an old doctor came,

어떤 나이 많으신 의사 쌤이 오셔서 ‪말할 때까지는 괜찮았는데

I was doing okay until an old doctor came, and she was the one who told me that my mom has passed away.

근데 그분이 우리  보자마자 ‪엄청 우시는 거예요

But as soon as that doctor saw, she started crying so hard,


and she apologized.

엄마가 천국에서 지켜볼 거다

"Your mom will watch over you from heaven so become a wonderful woman."

 커야 된다

"Your mom will watch over you from heaven so become a wonderful woman." The doctor promised she'd also work hard to be a better doctor.

그리고 자기는 ‪ 좋은 의사가 되겠다고

The doctor promised she'd also work hard to be a better doctor.

중학생한테 ‪울면서 다짐을 하시더라고요

Saying all that in tears to a seventh-grader.

그때 저도 홍도도 ‪그때  실감 나더라고요

That's when it really hit us. It affected both Hong-do and I.

‪' 이제 엄마 없구나'

-Ah… -[Hong-do sobbing] "We don't have a mom anymore.

‪'남들  있는 엄마가 ‪나는 이제 없구나'

Everyone else has a mom, except for us, because she's gone."


And then I cried my eyes out.

근데 '우리'라니?

[stammers] What do you mean, you and Hong-do?

저랑 홍도

Well, Hong-do and I, the truth is that we are twins.


Well, Hong-do and I, the truth is that we are twins. -[gasps] -[Hong-do sobbing]


Hey, stop crying.

 아직도 엄마 얘기만 하면 ‪수도꼭지예요

He still cries his eyes out whenever we talk about Mom.

‪(선빈) ‪진작 말하지   했어?

You should've told me. Why didn't you tell me?

재미 들려 가지고

It's fun to keep it a secret.

어릴 때부터 선생님도 애들도 ‪하도 많이 물어봐서

All our teachers and friends used to bug us about it all the time.

‪(윤복) ‪대답하기도 귀찮고 그래서 ‪이젠 즐기기로 했어요

It's started to become a pain. So we've decided to have some fun.

선생님만 아세요죄송해요

Please don't tell anyone about it. I'm sorry.

‪[훌쩍이며] ‪죄송합니다

Please don't tell anyone about it. I'm sorry. [sniffles] We're so sorry.

‪[선빈이 살짝 웃는다]

I won't tell anyone for now.

당분간 나만 알고 있을게

I won't tell anyone for now.

‪(선빈) ‪근데 윤복아 선생님 이름은 알아?

Hey, Yun-bok, do you know the doctor's name?

한번 찾아가서 ‪인사하면 좋아할  같은데?

I think the doctor would like it if you contacted her.

나도 의사 됐다고 자랑도  하고

You can also show that you're a doctor now.

이름을 몰라요

-I don't really know her name. -Or her face?


-I don't really know her name. -Or her face?

‪(윤복) ‪얼굴도 가물가물

-I don't really know her name. -Or her face? Hm, I barely remember what she looks like.

‪(홍도) ‪저랑 윤복이는 신발만 기억나요

The only thing we remember were the shoes she was wearing. Her shoes?


Her shoes?

‪(윤복) ‪그때 우느라고 땅만 봤는데

Yes, our eyes were glued to the floor because we kept crying. I think she was wearing a new pair of shoes that day,

그날 그분이  신발을 신으셨나 봐요

I think she was wearing a new pair of shoes that day, because the size stickers were still on. She had forgotten to peel them off.

근데 바쁘셨는지 ‪사이즈 스티커를  뗐더라고요

because the size stickers were still on. She had forgotten to peel them off.

사이즈 225, 이것만 기억나요

Two twenty-five was the size of her shoe. That's all I remember.

‪[휴대전화  소리] ‪ 찾는다 찾아

-[cell phone ringing] -Finding her will be hard then.

‪(선빈) ‪알았어

Hey. Yes, okay.

‪[통화 종료음] ‪들어가자시작한대

-Let's go. They're starting now. -Okay.

‪[긴장되는 음악] ‪(송화) ‪오늘은 주변 어디젼이 심해서

[Song-hwa] The adhesion is pretty bad, so it'll take some time for us to separate the tumor.

박리하느라 시간이  걸려요

so it'll take some time for us to separate the tumor. I know, we will all do our best.

다들  부탁드립니다

I know, we will all do our best. [suspenseful music]

바이털 어때요?

-[Song-hwa] What are the vitals? -[nurse] The BP is 120.

‪(간호사1) ‪BP 120이고

-[Song-hwa] What are the vitals? -[nurse] The BP is 120.

하트 레이트 70에서 80 정도로 ‪스테이블합니다

The heart rate is stable, hovering between 70 and 80.

‪(송화) ‪

Good. [Song-hwa sighs]

‪(치홍) ‪교수님본과 실습생요

[Chi-hong] Professor, the med students are here.

‪(송화) ‪가까이 와서 보라 그래

[Song-hwa] Okay, tell them to come closer.

‪(치홍) ‪가까이 와서 보라신다

[Chi-hong] You're allowed to come closer.

‪(선빈) ‪감사합니다

[Chi-hong] You're allowed to come closer. -[Seon-bin] Thank you, Doctor. -[both] Thank you, Doctor.

‪(홍도와 윤복) ‪감사합니다

-[Seon-bin] Thank you, Doctor. -[both] Thank you, Doctor.

‪(간호사1) ‪  안으로 들어오시면  돼요

[nurse] Please make sure you stay out of this line.

장비들  부딪히게 조심하고요

And be careful not to bump into the equipment.

‪(홍도와 윤복) ‪

[Hong-do and Yun-bok] Okay.

‪(송화) ‪ 학생들

[Song-hwa] Guys, observe carefully.

궁금한  있으면 편하게 물어보고

And don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions.

‪(홍도와 윤복) ‪

[Hong-do and Yun-bok] Yes.

‪(송화) ‪[작은 목소리로] ‪이래야 신경외과 많이 지원하지

[Song-hwa] This way, more of them will apply to Neurosurgery.

‪[송화의 웃음]

[Song-hwa giggles]

‪- (선빈오늘 스컬 베이스 튜머죠? ‪- (강남

-It's for a skull base tumor, right? -[Gang-nam] Yes. [Seon-bin] How long will it take?

‪(선빈) ‪ 시간 예상?

[Seon-bin] How long will it take?

‪(강남) ‪그래도 에이스 채송화 교수님이시니깐

[Gang-nam] Now, that you've mention it. Since our ace Professor Chae is doing the surgery,

‪13시간 봅니다

Since our ace Professor Chae is doing the surgery, I think it'll take about 13 hours.

‪(선빈) ‪오호초스피드

-Ooh… That's very fast. -[both laugh]

‪[강남과 선빈의 웃음]

-Ooh… That's very fast. -[both laugh]

‪[어두운 음악]


‪(익준) ‪안녕하세요안녕하세요

[Ik-jun] Hello, everyone. Hi, there.

오늘도  혼자지만 ‪아주 유능한 우리 펠로우 쌤이

I thought I'd be doing this alone again, but a fellow is here to help.

어시스트를  주신다니까

but a fellow is here to help. Oh, this reminds me that place in the south.


Oh, what's that word?

전남 무안 영광이라고 할까요?

Right, "honor." I'm honored by your presence.

‪[사람들의 웃음]

Right, "honor." I'm honored by your presence. [Ik-jun and nurse chuckle]

진짜 고마워 

Seriously, thank you. You really are the best, Dr. Jong.

  쌤밖에 없어

Seriously, thank you. You really are the best, Dr. Jong.

이따 끝나고 ‪자기 돈으로 비싼   먹어

[grunts] Please, treat yourself to some expensive pastries

‪[사람들의 웃음] ‪알았지

-when we're done, all right? -[all laugh]

오늘도 소중한 생명  살립시다

[Ik-jun] Okay, team. Let's save another precious life today. [nurses] Okay.

‪- (간호사2)  ‪- (전공의

[nurses] Okay.

‪(익준) ‪수술 시작할게요메스

[Ik-jun] Let's get started. Scalpel.

‪(이현) ‪노진혁 

Mr. No Jin-hyeok!

‪(준완) ‪노진혁?

No Jin-hyeok?

‪2015 수술

He had surgery in 2015.

뭐야 왔지?

What? Why is he back?

‪4 전에 나한테 ‪ASD 수술 받은 대학생 맞지?

Didn't he get the ASD surgery from me four years ago?

‪(이현) ‪저희 강운대병원 있을  ‪왔던 학생 맞는  같은데요?

Didn't he get the ASD surgery from me four years ago? Yes, the doctor you treated at Kangwoon University Medical Center.

‪[다가오는 발걸음]

Yes, the doctor you treated at Kangwoon University Medical Center. He looks like a different person in a suit.

양복 입으니까 딴사람 같네?

He looks like a different person in a suit.


What's going on? I'm worried.

들어오시라 그래요

Anyway, let him in.

‪[흥미로운 음악]

[comical music]

교수님이 ‪ 심장 빵꾸 메워 주셨잖아요

Please, Doctor. You were the one who fixed the hole in my heart.


Please help me out…

 번만  메워 주세요

for the last time, I promise.

‪(진혁) ‪감사합니다!

Thank you so much!


Thank you.

‪[긴장되는 음악] ‪[심전도계 비프음]

-[machine beeping] -[tense music]

‪(간호사1) ‪수고하십시오

[nurse] I hope all goes well.

‪(여자7) ‪아니아기 옷을 ‪미리 준비하고 싶어서 그러죠

[woman] Doctor, I just want to be able to buy clothes for my baby in advance.

우리 아기 크면 BTS 시킬까요?

Why can't you tell me? Will my baby be BTS or maybe she's going to be Blackpink?

아니면 블랙핑크를 시킬까요?

Will my baby be BTS or maybe she's going to be Blackpink?

‪[석형의 한숨]

Will my baby be BTS or maybe she's going to be Blackpink?


It's Sharp.


Pardon? Who's that? I think it'll be Sharp.

샵으로 키우세요

I think it'll be Sharp.

샵이 누구예요?

But Sharp? Wait, who's that?

샵을 모르시는구나그러면

Oh, right, you don't know Sharp. Hm…


Hm… ZAM?

‪(민하) ‪악동뮤지션요

Let's say Akdong Musician, AKMU. Yes, that's it.

악뮤로 키우세요

Let's say Akdong Musician, AKMU. Yes, that's it.


Ah… Okay.

Ah… Okay.

‪[밝은 음악]

‪[사이렌이 울린다]


‪(정원) ‪가면서    갈까?

[Jeong-won] Hey, you wanna pick something up on the way? What do you think?

‪(준완) ‪시켜 먹자귀찮아

[Jun-wan] Let's just order in. It's a hassle.

‪(치홍) ‪고생하십시오

-[Chi-hong] I hope all goes well. -[Song-hwa] Hm. Thanks. Get some rest.

‪(송화) ‪ 쉬어

-[Chi-hong] I hope all goes well. -[Song-hwa] Hm. Thanks. Get some rest.

아이스아메리카노 차가운  하나요

A cold cup of iced Americano, please.

저는 핫카페라테 따뜻한 거요

I'd like a warm hot latte, please.

‪(준완) ‪ 것도

Pay for mine.

‪(송화) ‪끝났다

[exhales deeply] We're done.


It went well, didn't it? [Seon-bin] Excellent work, Professor Chae.

‪(선빈) ‪고생하셨어요교수님

[Seon-bin] Excellent work, Professor Chae.

‪(송화) ‪너도 고생했다

[grunts] Thank you too.

마무리  부탁해

Wrap it up for me, please.

‪(송화) ‪너희들 아직도  갔어?

[Song-hwa] You guys are still here?

‪(홍도와 윤복) ‪

-[Hong-do] Yes. -[Yun-bok] Yes. -Wow. -[Seon-bin] I told them several times

‪(송화) ‪어머

-Wow. -[Seon-bin] I told them several times

‪(선빈) ‪중간에 들어가라고 ‪ 번을 얘기했는데

-Wow. -[Seon-bin] I told them several times that they could go home. I'm impressed they stayed.


that they could go home. I'm impressed they stayed.

이름이 뭐예요?

-What's your name again? -I'm Jang Yun-bok, Professor.

‪(윤복) ‪장윤복입니다

-What's your name again? -I'm Jang Yun-bok, Professor.

‪(홍도) ‪장홍도입니다

-My name is Jang Hong-do. -[laughs]

‪[웃으며] ‪ 사람 뭐야?

-My name is Jang Hong-do. -[laughs] -What's your relationship? -We're twins.

‪(윤복) ‪쌍둥이요이란성 쌍둥이입니다

-What's your relationship? -We're twins. -We're fraternal twins. -[Song-hwa] I see.

‪[송화의 탄성]

-We're fraternal twins. -[Song-hwa] I see. -Could I ask you, Professor? -Yes?

‪- (홍도저기근데 교수님 ‪- (송화? ‪[의미심장한 음악]

-Could I ask you, Professor? -Yes?

‪(홍도) ‪혹시

By any chance…

상계동 명진교회  다니세요?

Do you go to Myeongjin Church in Sanggye-dong?

‪(송화) ‪[놀라며] ‪맞아

Do you go to Myeongjin Church in Sanggye-dong? [gasps] I do.

‪[익살스러운 음악] ‪(윤복) ‪찬양  프리마 돈나맞죠?

You're the prima donna of the choir, am I right?

‪- 내가 프리마 돈나야? ‪- (홍도

-I'm known as the prima donna? -Yes.

‪(윤복) ‪우리 교회에서 밴드 하거든요

My brother and I are in the church band. We have no idea. You're so famous.

교수님 진짜 유명해요

We have no idea. You're so famous. What's she famous for?

‪(선빈) ‪ 유명하신데?

What's she famous for?

‪(홍도) ‪찬송가 완전 열창하시고 ‪율동도 엄청 크게 하세요

[Hong-do] Everyone knows her because dances so passionately while singing hymns.

사람들이 병원에서 ‪스트레스 엄청 받아서 그런다고...

while singing hymns. People say it's because she's stressed out from work -and that's why-- -Get going, guys. Go.

‪(선빈) ‪얘들아

-and that's why-- -Get going, guys. Go.

가자집에 가자들어가

It's time to go home. -[Seon-bin] Get some rest. -Bye, guys.

‪(송화) ‪ 가요

-[Seon-bin] Get some rest. -Bye, guys.

‪(윤복) ‪안녕히 계세요

-Take care, Doctor. -Take care. Bye.

‪(홍도) ‪안녕히 계세요

-Take care, Doctor. -Take care. Bye.


-[exhales deeply] -[knocking]

‪[노크 소리가 들린다]

-[exhales deeply] -[knocking]


Well done, Professor.

‪(석민) ‪그리고 죄송합니다

And I'm sorry. You have back-to-back operation because of me.

 때문에 수술 연달아 하시게 돼서

And I'm sorry. You have back-to-back operation because of me.

정말 죄송합니다

I'm really sorry for that.

‪(송화) ‪괜찮아시간  있네

No worries. I still have some time.

‪(석민) ‪[살짝 웃으며] ‪수술 준비 시작했고요

No worries. I still have some time. We're getting ready for the surgery. Professor Min said to call him as soon as we are ready,

민기준 교수님은 준비 끝나는 대로 ‪전화하면 내려오시기로 하셨어요

Professor Min said to call him as soon as we are ready, and then he'll come down to the OR.

교수님은 제가 정말 ‪스페노이드 사이너스 들어가면

I'll let you know once we start working on the sphenoid sinus. So there's really not rush, Doctor.


So there's really not rush, Doctor.

얼른 올라가서  주무세요

You should get some sleep first.

‪- 석민아 ‪- (석민

-Seok-min. -Yes.

‪(송화) ‪  수술 들어오기 전에

Before you go into the OR,

사과부터 하고 

you should apologize to him.

사과하고 오라고

Apologize to him first.



민기준 교수님에겐 ‪지금 바로 올라가서 사과드리겠습니다

Oh, okay, yeah. I'll go upstairs right now, and I'll make sure to apologize Professor Min.

‪(송화) ‪ 교수님 말고

[Song-hwa] No, not Professor Min.

환자한테 사과하고 

Go apologize to the patient,

 전엔  수술  들어와

or I won't let you into the OR.




‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪[카드 인식음]


[sighs deeply]

‪(석민) ‪죄송합니다

[Seok-min] I'm sorry.

진심으로 사과드리겠습니다

I sincerely apologize.

‪[긴장되는 음악]

[suspenseful music]

‪[심전도계 비프음]

‪[버튼을  누른다]

그럼 고생들 하세요

I hope the rest goes well.

‪(석민) ‪종양도  떨어지고

[Seok-min] Now that the tumor's been removed,

피츄이터리 스톡도 ‪ 보존된  같네요

it looks like we managed to preserve the pituitary stalk too.

‪(송화) ‪석민아

[Song-hwa] Seok-min.

이리 가까이  

Could you come closer, please?

‪(석민) ‪

[Seok-min] Yes.

‪(송화) ‪용석민 선생

-Listen, Dr. Yong. -[Seok-min] Yes, Professor Chae.

‪(석민) ‪교수님

-Listen, Dr. Yong. -[Seok-min] Yes, Professor Chae.

‪(송화) ‪ 그렇게 하지 

Do not talk like that.

‪(석민) ‪?


‪(송화) ‪ 논문 때문에 그런 거잖아

Wasn't this whole thing for your thesis?

환자 때문이라는 핑계는  ?

Why did you talk like it was for the patient? [dramatic music]

‪[어두운 음악]

[dramatic music]

 번만  환자들한테 ‪그런 식으로 얘기해

If you talk to any patient in that tone again,


I will not forgive you.

‪(석민) ‪

-Yes. -Do you understand?

‪(송화) ‪알았냐고

-Yes. -Do you understand?

‪(석민) ‪알겠습니다죄송합니다

Yes, I understand. I'm sorry.


[Song-hwa sighs]

석형이 새끼 ‪ 이렇게 전화를  받지송화도

Why isn't Seok-hyeong answering his phone? Song-hwa too.

‪(정원) ‪석형이는 오늘 오후까지 외래 ‪송화는 수술

Seok-hyeong is seeing his outpatients, and Song-hwa has surgery. Gosh, Chae Song-hwa. She's really amazing.

‪(익준) ‪채송화 진짜 대단하다

Gosh, Chae Song-hwa. She's really amazing.

‪[키보드를 탁탁 치며] ‪암요너희들 같은 ‪날라리 의사랑은 차원이 다르지

That's right. She's nothing like you two. You're a punch of lazy-ass quacks.

‪(정원) ‪내가 익준이랑 동급이냐?

Hey, how there you? I'm nothing like him.


Of course, you do.

하여튼 재벌들은 믿으면  

That's why you can't trust rich people. They lie to your face all the time.

‪(준완) ‪입만 열면 거짓말

That's why you can't trust rich people. They lie to your face all the time.

‪(익준) ‪쟤가 무슨 재벌이야개털인데

But he's not rich. He's dirt poor. I mean, he still lives at your place.

아직 너희 집에 붙어살잖아

But he's not rich. He's dirt poor. I mean, he still lives at your place.

‪1인실 준다며?

-You promised me an office. -He's a prick.

‪- 양아치 ‪- (준완양아치

-You promised me an office. -He's a prick. -A prick. -[Ik-jun] Totally.

‪(익준) ‪양아치

-A prick. -[Ik-jun] Totally. [Ik-jun chuckles]

 프로 게이머랑 한방이야

Hey, my office mate is a pro gamer.

 교수 하루 종일 프리셀만 

Professor Ban plays FreeCell all day.


Actually, forget it.

석형이가석형이가 제일 불쌍해

Seok-hyeong… Seok-hyeong still has the worst one.


Have you seen his office?

‪[익살스러운 음악]

[quirky music]

 교수 어차피 하루 종일 ‪프리셀만 하잖아

Come on, Professor Ban plays FreeCell all day anyway.

투명 인간이랑 똑같아

He's practically invisible,

그게 1인실이지 ‪1인실이랑 뭐가 달라?

He's practically invisible, so it's like you have the whole office to yourself.

저거저거남들은 부처인  알지

-I can't believe people call him Buddha. -And me?


-I can't believe people call him Buddha. -And me?

‪(정원) ‪너는 인마나랑? ‪일심동체잖아

Hey, you and I are like… -The two of us is like soul mates. -Soul mates, my ass.

‪(준완) ‪일심동체 같은 소리 하고 자빠졌네! ‪[휴대전화  소리]

-The two of us is like soul mates. -Soul mates, my ass. -You lie through your teeth. -[cell phone rings]


-Hey, what's up? -Jerk.

시스톨릭 얼마야?

[Jun-wan] What's the systolic pressure?

‪[서랍이  닫힌다] ‪노르에피 달았어?


바소  달고 ‪그래도 혈압  오르면 다시 콜해

Use vasopressin. If you still can't get it back up, just call me immediately.

바로  테니까

If you still can't get it back up, just call me immediately.

좋겠다누군 전공의도 있고 ‪[통화 종료음]

Oh, you're lucky. It feels good to have a resident.

너희들도 있잖아

You guys do too.

있지 윈터 선생

I do. [munches] Dr. Long Winter, in fact. [chuckles]

하늘 같은 장겨울 선생이랑 ‪언제 같이 일을 한번  보냐?

When will I get to work with the high and lofty Dr. Jang Gyeo-ul?

‪(정원) ‪ 장겨울 선생이랑 ‪  번도   봤지?

I guess that means you've never worked with Dr. Jang, am I right?

‪[냉장고 문이  열린다] ‪ 무려  봤어?

Don't tell me you have? Yeah, we both work on some emergency cases.

‪(정원) ‪그럼요즘 ER 건이 많아서  봤는데 ‪[냉장고 문이  닫힌다]

Yeah, we both work on some emergency cases.

나랑   맞아

-Not my cup of tea. -Really?

‪(익준) ‪그래?

-Not my cup of tea. -Really?

무뚝뚝하긴 해도 성실하던데

She seems like the quiet type, but she's hardworking.

‪[긴장되는 음악] ‪[준희의 가쁜 숨소리]

[tense music]

‪(준희) ‪무슨 환자예요?

What's wrong with the patient?

‪(구급대원2) ‪노숙자인데요

Well, he's a homeless man found at a construction site,

공사장에서 발견됐는데 동상에 걸려서

Well, he's a homeless man found at a construction site, and he got frostbite.

다리가 썩었습니다

He's got a rotting leg.

‪[괴로운 신음]


‪(준희) ‪체온 잴게요잠시만요

[Jun-hui] I have to take your temperature. Please be still.

‪[준희의 힘주는 신음] ‪[남자6 괴로운 신음]

[patient groans]


[Jun-hui] Help me.

‪[남자6 괴로운 신음]

[patient grunting]

‪(희수) ‪잠시만요

[Hui-su] Stay still, please.

‪[남자6 괴로운 신음]

[patient groaning]

 성실한 전공의도 있냐? ‪ 성실은 하지

Of course, Dr. Jang is hardworking. Every resident works hard.

‪(광현) ‪정원아

Hey, Jeong-won.

어이구 있었네? ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]

Oh, hey, guy. Hello. Everyone's here.

‪(정원) ‪웬일이야?

What's going on?

‪(광현) ‪ 키다리 아저씨라고 알아?

What's going on? Do you know Daddy-Long-Legs? [sighs]

‪(정원) ‪?



-Not sure. -Really?


-Not sure. -Really? They say he's famous at the hospital you used to work at.

 전에 있던 병원에서 ‪유명한 분이던데?

They say he's famous at the hospital you used to work at. [scoffs] Really?


[scoffs] Really?

‪(정원) ‪근데 키다리 아저씨는 ?

So, what? Why do you wanna know?

‪(광현) ‪ 친한 피디가 ‪ 사람 인터뷰하고 싶다 그래서

Oh, I've got a friend who's a TV show director, -and he wants to interview the guy. -No, thanks.


-and he wants to interview the guy. -No, thanks.

  네가 뭔데  ?

What? What do you mean? Why you're saying no?

, ' '라고  사람이야

I mean, I'm sure he'll say no.

 사람 모른다며?

You just said you don't know him, didn't you?

‪[휴대전화  소리] ‪아니야아는 사람이야

I meant I do know him. Anyway, he won't do it. No way.


I meant I do know him. Anyway, he won't do it. No way.

‪(광현) ‪알았어

All right. Relax.



그래내가 금방 갈게

Really? Okay, I'll be right there.

혹시 모르니까 ‪GS 장겨울  호출하고

Uh, wait, can you call Dr. Jang Gyeo-ul as well just in case. Thanks.

‪[통화 종료음]

What's going on?

‪(정원) ‪뭔데?

What's going on?

배준희 선생인데 ‪ER 노숙자  명이 들어왔는데

That was Dr. Bae just now. A homeless man just came in with a leg severely damaged from frostbite.

한쪽 다리에 동상이 심하고

with a leg severely damaged from frostbite.

 다리로   동안 ‪공사장에서 방치됐나 

with a leg severely damaged from frostbite. He stayed at a construction site with that leg for months.

동상 걸린 다리에 물이 차면서 ‪다리가 썩었는데

The leg is now rotting due to edema caused by frostbite.

다리에 완전아휴

But the leg is totally… [groans]

다리에 완전 ?

The legs totally what?

구더기 천지래

It's covered with maggots.

‪[문이 달칵 열린다]

‪[어두운 음악] ‪[희수의 탄식]

[Hui-su groans]

‪(준희) ‪어떡하지?

What do we do?

저걸  뭘로 떼지? ‪[남자6 괴로운 신음]

How do we take them off? [groaning]


Good. You're here.

‪(준희) ‪공사장에 있다 다친  같은데

[Jun-hui] He got injured at a construction site. The skin's rotting due to frostbite. It's infested with maggots.

동상 자리에 물이 닿으면서 ‪살이 썩어서 구더기가 생겼어요

The skin's rotting due to frostbite. It's infested with maggots.

저렇게 많은 구더기 처음 봐요

[patient and Jun-hui groan] I've never seen so many maggots in my life.

소독하려면 ‪일단  구더기부터 떼야   같은데

We have to remove them first to be able to disinfect the skin.

우리 석션 어디 있죠?

-Where's the suction unit? -I'll go get it.

‪(희수) ‪찾아볼게요

-Where's the suction unit? -I'll go get it.

배준희 선생일단 핀셋으로...

Hold on a sec, Dr. Bae, we can actually use tweezers to…

‪[잔잔한 음악]

[light music]

‪[남자6 괴로운 신음]

[patient groaning continues]

하이고저런 친구가  있네

[chuckles] She's really is something, huh?

‪[문이 달칵 열린다]


집에  ?

-You're staying late? -Yes.

‪(송화) ‪ ‪[마우스 클릭음]

-You're staying late? -Yes. I've got my high school friend's surgery for her metastatic tumor tomorrow.

내일 고등학교 동창이 ‪메타스타틱 튜머 수술하는데

I've got my high school friend's surgery for her metastatic tumor tomorrow.

자료  보고 가려고

I want to read up on it.


Get going.


Good night.


-Take it easy. -I will.

‪[펜을 달칵 누른다] ‪(송화) ‪

-Take it easy. -I will.

‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]

[door closes]

‪(석민) ‪데이가 나아요나이트가 나아요?

[Seok-min] Is the day shift better than the night shift?

‪(간호사3) ‪나이트가 낫죠바로 오프하면 되니까

[Ji-wan] I like the night shift more, I think.

석민아갈바람 환자 ‪수술 동의서 받았니?

Hey, Seok-min, do we have the consent for Gal Ba-ram's surgery?

교수님 동창분 말씀이시죠?

Is she the high school friend your operating on? -Yes. -No, her husband hasn't arrived here yet.

‪(송화) ‪

-Yes. -No, her husband hasn't arrived here yet.

아니요남편분이 아직  오셔서

-Yes. -No, her husband hasn't arrived here yet.

내일 수술인데 어쩌죠?

The surgery's tomorrow. What do we do?

‪(송화) ‪...

[sighs deeply]

‪[잔잔한 음악]

-[somber music] -[siren wails in distance]

‪[사이렌 소리가 들려온다]



‪(바람) ‪할머니

-Can I ask you something? -Yes?

‪(할머니1) ‪?

-Can I ask you something? -Yes?

할머니제가 그렇게 신기하세요?

Are you that fascinated by me?

‪(할머니1) ‪?


가짜 가슴  여자 처음 보니까 ‪신기하고  그러시죠?

Does the idea of a woman with a fake breast fascinate you that much?


No, that's not it.

무신 말을 고러코롬 한당가?

No, that's not it. How could you say something like that?



 맨날 훔쳐보시잖아요

Because you're always staring at me.


Am I a monkey in the zoo?


Is this fun for you?



이삐니께 글제

It's because you're pretty.

‪[부드러운 음악]

[soft music] I can't help but stare because you're pretty.

‪(할머니1) ‪ 눈에는 참말로 이쁘게 보이는디?

I can't help but stare because you're pretty.

가슴 한쪽도 없는데

But I only have one breast.

뭐가 이뻐요?

I'm not pretty at all.

그래도 이뻐

You're still attractive.

꽃맹키 이뻐

Like a beautiful flower.

가슴 한짝 없어도 젊으니께 이뻐

Who cares about only having one breast? -You're beautiful because you're young. -[patient 2] She's right.

‪(할머니2) ‪맞는다

-You're beautiful because you're young. -[patient 2] She's right.

우리 같은 노인들은 ‪수술하고 고치고 멀쩡하게 나가도?

As for old people like us, even if we get surgery and walk out of here feeling completely healthy, we'll never look pretty ever again.

생긴   이뻐

we'll never look pretty ever again. [patient 1] That's right.

‪(할머니1) ‪글제?

[patient 1] That's right.

아이나는 ‪가슴    없어도 쓰니께

[patient 1] That's right. Let me tell you, I wouldn't mind losing both my breast as long as I can turn back time rewind it to 20 years ago


as long as I can turn back time rewind it to 20 years ago

우리 아기 엄마맹키로 ‪젊어 봤으면 소원이 없겄다

as long as I can turn back time rewind it to 20 years ago and look as young as you do.

‪(바람) ‪아니에요 ‪[바람이 훌쩍인다]

You don't mean that. [sniffs]

제가 뭐가 젊어요 ‪[바람이 휴지를  뽑는다]

I'm also not young any more.

‪(할머니2) ‪젊제

[patient 2] Yes, you are young.

  나이믄 ‪우리 할배캉 이혼하고

If I were your age, I'd divorce my husband right away.

 세계를 댕기면서

Then I would travel all over the world and do everything I wanted to do.

 하고 싶은   하고

Then I would travel all over the world and do everything I wanted to do.

놀고 싶은   놀고 살았을 기다

Then I would travel all over the world and do everything I wanted to do. I'll be out there living my life to the fullest.

‪[할머니2 웃음]

I'll be out there living my life to the fullest. [patient 2 laughs]

하이고근데 인자는  된다

[patient 2 laughs] My goodness. Too bad. I'm really way too old for that now.

다리도 아프고 눈도   비고

My legs hurt, and I can no longer see very well.

대구빡도 아프고

It's my head that's killing me.

‪[할머니들의 웃음]

It's my head that's killing me. [patients laugh]

‪[피식 웃는다]


‪(할머니1) ‪오메웃으니께  이쁘구먼

Oh, gosh, you look even prettier when you smile.

아휴젊으니께  이뻐

It gives you natural beauty.

그냥 이때는  이쁜 것이여

You radiate beauty, so don't try to hide it.

‪[다급한 발소리] ‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]

You radiate beauty, so don't try to hide it. [door clattering]



‪[잔잔한 음악]

-[soft music] -[sobbing]




[both sobbing]


Honey, honey… [sobbing]

‪(바람) ‪여보

-Honey. -[both whimper]

‪(바람 남편) ‪여보

-Honey. -[both whimper]

‪(바람) ‪여보

-Honey. -[both sobbing]


Honey, what do I do?

 죽으면 어떡해?

What if I don't survive?

 어떡해여보 죽기 싫어

What do I do? I don't want to die, honey.

당신  죽어당신  죽어

You won't die, you won't leave me.

내가내가 당신  살려 줄게

You won't die, you won't leave me. I will not let that happen.

‪(바람 남편) ‪내가 미안미안해여보내가

I will not let that happen. -[both sobbing] -I'm sorry, honey. I'm sorry.

내가 너무 미안해내가 미안해

-[both sobbing] -I'm sorry, honey. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

여보내가 미안해

[both crying] I'm sorry. I'm sorry. [Ba-ran's husband cries]

‪[함께 흐느낀다]

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. [Ba-ran's husband cries]

‪(석민) ‪부러우시죠?

Are you jealous?


-You should date. -[Ba-ram's husband] I'm sorry, honey.

‪(바람 남편) ‪내가 미안해

-You should date. -[Ba-ram's husband] I'm sorry, honey.

싫어 혼자가 좋아

No, way. I like being single.

‪(송화) ‪갈바람 환자 보호자 왔으니까 ‪수술 동의서 받으면 되겠다

Now that her husband is here, make sure you have him sign the consent form.

‪(석민) ‪

-Okay. -[gasps]

‪[송화가 석민을  잡는다] ‪(송화) ‪나중에

-Okay. -[gasps] [whispers] Later, not now. My goodness.

‪[석민의 당황한 신음]

[whispers] Later, not now. My goodness.

나중에으이구 ‪[송화가 석민을  친다]

[whispers] Later, not now. My goodness.

‪[휴대전화 알림음]

[cell phone beeps]

‪(송화) ‪요즘  이런 일이 많네

[Song-hwa] We go to funerals fairly often these days.

‪(준완) ‪우리 나이가 이제 그런 나이가  거지

[Jun-wan] I guess it means that we're really at that age now.

‪(송화) ‪ 전무님

Mr. Ju…

아니이사장님 상심이 크시겠네

I mean, Director Ju. He must be devastated. -He had a happy marriage, right? -Yes, a very happy one.

금실이 좋으셨지?

-He had a happy marriage, right? -Yes, a very happy one.


-He had a happy marriage, right? -Yes, a very happy one. I heard he didn't leave his wife alone

사모님 돌아가시기 2, 3 전부턴 ‪ 분이 거의 1분도  떨어지셨나 

I heard he didn't leave his wife alone even for a minute for weeks before her death.

‪[익준의 한숨]


‪[준완의 힘주는 신음]


‪(종수) ‪다들 바쁠 텐데 얼른들 가요?

[Jong-su] All of you must be busy. You must get back to work. No, it's okay. Have you got any sleep, sir?

‪(준완) ‪아닙니다이사장님 주무셨어요?

No, it's okay. Have you got any sleep, sir?


He hasn't. He's been greeting the guests all day.

오늘도 하루 종일  있길래 ‪내가 이리로 데리고  거야

He hasn't. He's been greeting the guests all day. I dragged him here. Jong-su, you need to eat something.

종수야  먹어

I dragged him here. Jong-su, you need to eat something.


I dragged him here. Jong-su, you need to eat something. [chuckles] I'm fine. I can't really eat right now.


[chuckles] I'm fine. I can't really eat right now.

뭐든 필요한  있으면 바로 얘기해요

Please, let me know if there's anything you need.

술은  마셔요?

Are you not drinking?


No, we're all right, thanks. Don't worry about us, sir.

저흰 신경 쓰지 마세요

No, we're all right, thanks. Don't worry about us, sir.

어렸을  여러  봤잖아정원이

You saw Jeong-won many times when he was little.

  놓지 그러니?

You saw Jeong-won many times when he was little. You don't need to be so formal.

그러니깐요제발 그래 주세요

Exactly. Feel free to say what you want.

‪(종수) ‪아이그래도 어떻게 그래

Exactly. Feel free to say what you want. Gosh, I'm not used to doing that.

우리 병원 먹여 살리는 분들이신데 ‪[정원 모의 웃음]

Our hospital stays afloat thanks to these pristine doctors. Maybe at the hospital,

‪(송화) ‪병원에서는 그래도

Maybe at the hospital,

여기는 정원이 어머니 ‪친구분 자격이시니까  놓으세요

Maybe at the hospital, but right now, you are friend of the family, and you shouldn't have to watch what you say to us.

저희도 그게 편해요

It'll make us more comfortable.

‪[종수의 멋쩍은 신음]


-Shall I then? -Yes, please do.

‪- (정원그럼요 ‪- (송화

-Shall I then? -Yes, please do.

‪(종수) ‪그러니까 이렇게 5명이 ‪제일 친한 친구들?

So tell me, how did the five of you end up becoming the best of friends?

‪(정원) ‪동기예요

Well, we meet at school.

반은 달랐는데 여차저차 해서 ‪친해졌어요

We were all in different classes but somehow ended up becoming friends.


-My gosh, how adorable. -Adorable, my foot.

이쁘긴 뭐가 이뻐?

-My gosh, how adorable. -Adorable, my foot.

다들 부모들  썩이고 싶어서 ‪시집장가들  가고

They're all still single because they want their parents to worry about them.

저는 갔다 왔습니다

They're all still single because they want their parents to worry about them. -Actually, I'm divorced. -And I'm married man.

저는 갔습니다

-Actually, I'm divorced. -And I'm married man.

‪(정원 ) ‪그래너희 둘은 이쁘다

[Rosa] Okay, I like you two. [all chuckle]

‪[정원의 헛웃음]

[all chuckle]

이렇게 선남선녀들인데 ‪그동안 아무  없었어?

You're also good-looking. How did nothing happen between you guys?

‪[돌이 퐁당 떨어지는 효과음] ‪[흥미로운 음악]

Excuse me?


Excuse me?

‪(정원 ) ‪네가 방금  던졌어

Hey. Why would you make them uncomfortable?

잔잔한 호수에  던졌다고

Why would you disturb calm waters?


Oh, did I?

‪(준완) ‪그런 거요?

Oh, romance?


Has there been any?

제가 송화한테 고백했다 ‪까인  있습니다

I told Song-hwa I had feelings for her, but I got rejected.

‪[익살스러운 효과음] ‪[사람들의 탄성]

I told Song-hwa I had feelings for her, but I got rejected. [all gasp] [Rosa] Seriously?

‪(정원 ) ‪진짜?

[Rosa] Seriously?

‪- 언제? ‪- (준완언제?

-When? -Yeah. When?

어제 일도 기억  나는데 나겠냐?

-When? -Yeah. When? It was such a long time ago. We don't remember.

‪1학년 송화 생일날 ‪좋아한다고 고백했다 세련되게 까였지

On her birthday, freshman year. I told her I had feelings for her, but she rejected me.


-How did she reject you? -She said she liked someone else.

다른 사람 있대

-How did she reject you? -She said she liked someone else.


[inhales deeply] Jeez, that's such a cookie-cutter answer.

‪(준완) ‪진짜 구태의연하다

Jeez, that's such a cookie-cutter answer.

근데 거절할  고정 레퍼토리잖아 ‪'다른 사람 있다'

We hear that all the time. "I like someone else." What a line.


-No, it's true. I really did. -I was like that before too.

‪(정원 ) ‪우리 때도 그랬어

-No, it's true. I really did. -I was like that before too.

대놓고   좋다는   하잖니

-No, it's true. I really did. -I was like that before too. It's hard to say to the person's face that you don't like them.

‪- (준완그렇죠 ‪- (정원맞아요

-Yeah. That's right. -Totally.

‪(준완) ‪면전에서 그걸 어떻게... ‪[밝은 음악]

-Yeah. That's right. -Totally. -[Ik-jun] Right to his face. -[Jun-wan] …that be too cruel.

‪[석형이 캑캑거린다]


‪(송화) ‪미안해

[coughs] Hey, I'm sorry.

아니야이런 말도 아니고

Hey, I'm sorry. No, I mean… Uh, never mind what I said.

그래도  전처럼 ‪너랑  지내고 싶거든

What I'm trying to say is, I still want to be friends with you.

이런 일로 분위기 ‪요상해지는  싫은데

I don't want things to get awkward between us because of this.

‪[송화의 한숨]

[breathes deeply]

 빨리 무슨 다른 말이라도 ‪   

Come on. Will you please say something? You're making me nervous.


Don't worry. I'm okay.

송화야이상한 소리 해서 ‪내가 미안해

Song-hwa, I… I'm sorry for bringing up such nonsense. Oh, no. Look, it wasn't nonsense.

뭐가  이상한 소리야

Oh, no. Look, it wasn't nonsense.

‪(송화) ‪됐어됐어됐어됐고

Anyway, can we just forget all about it.

오늘  생일이지?

It's my birthday today, right?


It's my birthday today, right? We should celebrate. Let's cause some trouble today, huh?

오늘 진상 한번 부리자?

We should celebrate. Let's cause some trouble today, huh?


Hey, let's go. Come on, get up. Come on.

‪- (송화빨리 가자 ‪- (석형?

Hey, let's go. Come on, get up. Come on.

‪[송화가 재촉한다]

Let's go. [Song-hwa chuckles]

‪[송화의 놀라는 신음]

Let's go. [Song-hwa chuckles]

‪[리드미컬한 음악이 연주된다]

[flustered murmur] [Ik-jun] Just for today, okay?

‪(익준) ‪ 오늘  하루다

[Ik-jun] Just for today, okay?

생일이니까 봐주는 거야

I'll make an exception for your birthday.

‪(송화) ‪예이

[Song-hwa] Yay!

‪(함께) ‪♪ 겨울이라 날씨가 추워서일까 ♪

♪ Is it because of the cold weather? ♪

‪♪ 팔짱 끼는 연인들의 모습에 ♪

♪ Why do couples with their arms locked ♪

‪♪ 나의 눈이  시려 올까 ♪

♪ Make me teary-eyed? ♪

‪♪ 한땐 나도 저런  있었다며 ♪

♪ Do they remind me Of the good old days? ♪

‪♪ 새로운 사람이 그리운 걸까 ♪

♪ Do they remind me Of the good old days? ♪ ♪ Do I want to meet someone new? ♪

‪♪  사람이 그리워진 걸까 ♪

♪ Or do I just miss my ex? ♪

‪(송화) ‪♪ 좋은 사람 있으면 소개시켜  ♪

♪ If you know someone nice Set me up with them ♪

‪♪ 때로는 물처럼 때로는 불처럼 ♪

♪ Someone who's like water and fire ♪

‪♪ 진심으로 나만을 사랑할  있는 ♪

♪ Someone who's like water and fire ♪ ♪ Someone who will truly love me only me ♪ ♪ I want someone Who's mature and faithful ♪

‪♪ 성숙하고 성실한 ‪사람이라면 좋겠어 ♪

♪ I want someone Who's mature and faithful ♪

‪♪ 좋은 사람 있으면 소개시켜  ♪

♪ If you know someone nice Set me up with them♪ ♪ Even love requires practice ♪

‪♪ 사랑에도 연습은 있는 거기에 ♪

♪ Even love requires practice ♪

‪♪ 아주 조그만 일에도 ‪신경을  주는 ♪

♪ I want someone caring Who notices even small details ♪

‪♪ 사랑 경험이 많은 ‪사람이라면 좋겠어 ♪

♪ Someone with a lot Of relationship experience ♪

‪(익준) ‪♪ 나에겐 아픈 상처가 있는데 ♪

♪ Someone with a lot Of relationship experience ♪ ♪ I have wounds and scars ♪

‪♪ 과거가 없는 사람은 부담스러워 ♪

♪ So I don't feel comfortable dating Someone with no past whatsoever ♪

‪(함께) ‪♪  번쯤은 시련에 울었었던 ♪

♪ I want to be consoled in the arms ♪

‪♪ 눈이 고운 사람 품에 안겨서 ♪

♪ Of someone with pretty eyes Who has cried ♪

‪♪ 뜨겁게 위로받고 싶어 ♪

♪ Because of a breakup at least once ♪

‪♪ 혼자임에 지쳤던  모든  ♪

♪ If only I could lean on the shoulder ♪

‪♪ 손이 고운 사람에게 맡긴  ♪

♪ Of someone with beautiful hands ♪

‪♪ 외로움을 잊을  있다면 ♪

♪ And forget my loneliness ♪

‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다] ‪[송화가 흥얼거린다]


‪♪ 고운 사람에게 맡긴  ♪

♪ Someone with beautiful hands ♪


♪ And forget my loneliness ♪

‪[휴대전화  소리]

♪ And forget my loneliness ♪

‪(송화) ‪엄마

[Song-hwa] Hi, Mom.

‪(송화 ) ‪우리 생일 축하해

[Song-hwa's mother] Sweetheart, happy birthday.

엄마도  낳느라고 고생했어

I'll say thank you for bringing me into this world. [Song-hwa's mother] Had I known it'd be this lovely to have a daughter,

‪(송화 ) ‪딸이 이렇게 좋을  알았으면은 ‪하나  낳을  그랬어

[Song-hwa's mother] Had I known it'd be this lovely to have a daughter, -I would've had another one. -[laughs]

‪[웃으며] ‪아직도 늦지 않았어

-I would've had another one. -[laughs] It's not too late, mind you.

마흔  차이 나는 동생도 괜찮지 ‪[송화 모의 웃음]

I wouldn't mind a sibling who's 40 years is my junior.

‪(송화 ) ‪ 아빠 도망갔다

I wouldn't mind a sibling who's 40 years is my junior. -Now, your dad's running away. -[both laugh]


Come back here. Talk to your daughter.

딸이랑 통화해요

Come back here. Talk to your daughter. Mom, I'm driving now. I'll call you when I get to the hospital.

‪(송화) ‪엄마 운전해 ‪병원 도착하면 전화할게

Mom, I'm driving now. I'll call you when I get to the hospital.

‪(송화 ) ‪그래

All right.

‪[통화 종료음]

‪(송화) ‪♪ 좋은 사람 있으면 ♪

[Song-hwa humming]

‪[카드 인식음] ‪♪ 소개시켜  ♪

[Song-hwa humming]

‪[송화가 흥얼거린다]

♪ I want someone who… ♪

‪[밝은 음악]

♪ I want someone who… ♪





‪( 교수) ‪우리 나가서 얘기하자

-Let's talk outside. -Let's just talk here.

‪(준완) ‪여기서 얘기해

-Let's talk outside. -Let's just talk here.


Believe me. It happened only once.

 그날  번이야

Believe me. It happened only once.

‪(준완) ‪그날  번이든  번이든 ‪그건 관심 없고

Whether it was just that day or not, I really couldn't care less.

송화한테 얘기해

Just tell Song-hwa.

‪[ 교수의 한숨] ‪송화한테 얘기하라고

She deserved the truth.

잠깐 만나는 사이든 ‪아니면 진지하게 바람을 피우든 간에

Whether it's just a fling or a serious affair, she needs to know the truth about this. Am I right?

송화는 알아야지 그래?

she needs to know the truth about this. Am I right?

 바보 만들지 말고 지금 전화해

Don't make a fool of her. Call her now.

알았어내가 알아서 할게

Okay, I'll sort it out myself.

‪(준완) ‪아니면 내가 얘기해?

-Should I be the one to tell her? -I said I'll do it.

‪( 교수) ‪내가 한다고

-Should I be the one to tell her? -I said I'll do it.

  오버 아니냐?

You're going overboard.

‪[ 교수의 헛웃음]


이거 연인 사이 일이야

This is between me and Song-hwa.

근데 네가 뭔데 이래라저래라야?

Who do you think you are to tell me what to do?

 송화 좋아해?

Do you have feelings for her?

‪[ 교수의 헛웃음]


아니너희 둘이 친한  알겠는데

I know that the two of you are best friends,

이건  너무하는데?

but this is too much.

 친구 없지?

-I bet you have no friends. -I do, of course I have friends.


-I bet you have no friends. -I do, of course I have friends.

근데 너희들은 남녀잖아 이상해?

-But you're a guy, and Song-hwa is a girl. -Yeah, so what?


-But you're a guy, and Song-hwa is a girl. -Yeah, so what?


You're so old-fashioned.

진짜 송화가 아깝다

Seriously, Song-hwa is too good for you.

‪(준완) ‪아휴


‪[문이 달칵 열린다]

[door opens]

‪[리드미컬한 음악] ‪[문이  닫힌다]

[door closes]

‪[밝은 음악] ‪여러분 하루만이라도

[radio host] Listen up. What if you can do all the things

내가 하고 싶은 일만 ‪  있는 그런 

[radio host] Listen up. What if you can do all the things you wanted to do for a whole day? -How about we try to live today like that? -[laughs]

우리 오늘은 ‪그렇게 살아 보는  어떨까요? ‪[웃음]

-How about we try to live today like that? -[laughs]

‪5월은 그러기에  좋은 날이니까요

May is actually the perfect month for that.

겨울 뭐야애인이야?

[Min-ha] Dr. Jang, who's that? Your boyfriend?

 사진만 봐도 좋아?

-But his picture makes you that happy? -Yes, it actually does.

사진만 봐도 좋네요

-But his picture makes you that happy? -Yes, it actually does. [Ik-jun] Hey, why do you like him so much anyway?

어디가 그렇게 좋은데?

[Ik-jun] Hey, why do you like him so much anyway?

권위적이지도 않고 ‪자기  일은 알아서 딱딱 하시고

[Ik-jun] Hey, why do you like him so much anyway? [Eun-won] He's not authoritative, and he always make sure he does his work well.


I really like him.

울지 마세요 ‪지금까지  참으셨잖아요

[Jun-wan] Please, don't cry. You've been holding up so well, you know.

사람 그렇게  봤는데 ‪심쿵 포인트가 있으시네

[Ho-jun] Wow, I didn't think you'd be like this, but he's actually very charming.

너희들그거 아냐?

Did you guys know? -What? -What?

‪- ? ‪- ?

-What? -What?

근데 교수님 말씀  하셨어요?

Professor Yang, why didn't you ever tell us?



‪[무거운 음악] ‪교수님 전화  받으세요?

Professor Lee, why didn't you answer my phone call? -Can you go check on Ik-jun. -Why?

‪- 익준이한테나   ‪- ?

-Can you go check on Ik-jun. -Why? [Jun-wan] I think something's up with him, but he won't tell me.

  있는  같은데 말을  하네

[Jun-wan] I think something's up with him, but he won't tell me. [Ik-jun] Hey, Jeong-won. What is this?

어이안정원 이거 뭐야?

[Ik-jun] Hey, Jeong-won. What is this?

진짜  저래?

[Min-ha sighs] What is the matter with him?

아휴사람이 감정이 없어

[Min-ha sighs] What is the matter with him? [Jae-hak sighs] This guy has no feelings at all.

정신 차려 새끼야 ‪맞아 뒈지기 전에

You prick, you'd better come to your senses before I beat you up.

지금 뭐라고 그런 거야?

[Ik-jun] Wait. What did you just say?


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