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  일타 스캔들 1

Crash Course in Romance 1


[택시 기사] 아, 빨리 좀 갑시다!‬Move it, will you?
‪아나, 이 시간엔‬ ‪여길 지나가면 안 되는데‬Jeez, it was a bad idea to pass through here around this time.
‪진짜, 이씨, 쯧‬Jeez, it was a bad idea to pass through here around this time.
‪- [정각 알림음]‬ ‪- [택시 기사의 한숨]‬
‪[리포터] 이 시간 역삼동, 삼성동‬ ‪도곡동 쪽으로 가시는 분들‬If you're headed for Yeoksam-dong, Samseong-dong, or Dogok-dong,
‪- [시끌벅적하다]‬ ‪- 핸들을 돌리셔야 될 것 같습니다‬turn around right now.
‪녹은로 학원가 학생들 하원 여파로‬The streets around Nokeun-ro are jammed
‪주변 도로에 정차된‬ ‪학부모님들 차들이‬with cars of parents picking up their children
‪비상등 쇼를‬ ‪펼치고 있다는 소식인데요‬after their private classes.
‪이 구간 교통 정체 예상되니‬ ‪우회하시길 바랍니다‬As congestion is expected, consider taking a detour.
‪- [사이렌 소리]‬ ‪- [계속되는 자동차 경적]‬
‪- [긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- [학생의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[자동차 경적]‬EPISODE 1
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬EPISODE 1
‪[여자] 여기는 대한민국‬ ‪사교육의 메카인 강남의 모 학원가‬Welcome to the Gangnam academy district, Korea's private education mecca.
‪일타강사 수업의‬ ‪앞자리를 차지하기 위해‬Welcome to the Gangnam academy district, Korea's private education mecca. Lining up for front-row seats in star teachers' classes
‪학생도 아닌 학부모가‬are not students, but their parents.
‪학부모도 아닌‬Sometimes not even the parents, but people hired by them.
‪학부모에게 고용된‬ ‪아르바이트생이 줄 서기를 하는‬Sometimes not even the parents, but people hired by them.
‪웃픈 현실이 있는‬ ‪현대판 맹모삼천지교의 현장‬This sad reality shows how far parents would go for their kids' studies.
‪[학부모] 이보세요‬ ‪왜 새치기해요?‬Excuse me. No cutting in line, please.
‪[수희] 새치기라니요?‬ ‪얻다 대고 새치기래?‬No one's cutting in line.
‪[학부모] 맞잖아요‬I saw you do it.
‪이 아줌마랑 눈 깜빡거리고‬ ‪여기 꼈잖아요, 방금!‬-You cut after exchanging looks with her! -I went to use the bathroom.
‪- [수희] 화장실 갔다 왔어요!‬ ‪- [미옥의 재채기]‬-You cut after exchanging looks with her! -I went to use the bathroom.
‪[학부모의 기가 찬 소리]‬-You cut after exchanging looks with her! -I went to use the bathroom. -But it's inside the building! -There's one there too.
‪[학부모] 화장실은‬ ‪저 건물 안에 있거든요?‬-But it's inside the building! -There's one there too.
‪[수희] 저쪽에 있어요‬-But it's inside the building! -There's one there too.
‪[학부모] 어머, 웃겨, 정말‬ ‪뻔뻔해‬-How can you be so shameless? -Stop pointing fingers.
‪[수희] 얻다 대고 삿대질이에요?‬-How can you be so shameless? -Stop pointing fingers.
‪[여자] 그렇다‬That's right.
‪누가 이 대한민국을‬ ‪고요한 아침의 나라라고 했던가‬Who in the world called Korea the Land of the Morning Calm?
‪- [지하철 경적]‬ ‪- 새벽같이 고동치는 나라‬Our day starts early.
‪닭 울기 전부터‬ ‪고성이 오가는 나라‬We raise our voices before daybreak.
‪아침 댓바람부터‬ ‪고단하고 고달프고‬We already feel worn out as we begin our day,
‪그래도 고진감래를 믿으며‬but we keep plugging away, believing in "no pain, no gain."
‪고삐를 늦출 새 없이‬ ‪고생길을 달려‬but we keep plugging away, believing in "no pain, no gain." We pursue higher income, education, and grades,
‪고소득, 고학력, 고득점, 씁, 후‬We pursue higher income, education, and grades, in order to enter high society.
‪고위층을 향해 고, 고 하는 나라‬in order to enter high society.
‪그곳이 바로 지금‬ ‪대한민국의 현주소가 아니던가‬That's where Korea stands today.
‪그렇게 비꼬는 넌 그럼 누구냐고?‬Are you thinking, "Who are you to be so cynical?"
‪나? 전 핸드볼 국가대표이자‬I'm a former member of the national handball team
‪현 국가대표 반찬가게 사장‬and current owner of Nation's Best Banchan.
‪남행선‬and current owner of Nation's Best Banchan. I'm Nam Haeng-seon.
‪[행선] 아침이면‬ ‪또 다른 이유로 달리는 여자‬My mornings are busy for a different reason.
‪나를 위해‬ ‪우리 가족의 행복을 위해‬It's for myself and the happiness of my family.
‪- [여자의 놀란 소리]‬ ‪- [행선의 비명]‬
‪[행선의 비명]‬
‪[행선의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[행선의 비명]‬
‪[남자] 아유‬Oh, my.
‪- [익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- [행선의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬Oh, my.
‪- [사람들이 웅성거린다]‬ ‪- [행선의 당황한 소리]‬
‪[행선] 어머, 눈깔‬Goodness, his eye.
‪어머, 이거 어떡해?‬Shoot, what do I do?
‪"프라이드가 수학을 만든다"‬FOR MATH, CHOI CHI-YEOL
‪[새가 지저귀는 소리]‬
‪[영주] 그래서, 그래서, 그래서?‬So? What did you do?
‪뭘 '그래서'야‬What else? I treated the wounds as best as I could.
‪대충 응급 처치 하고 발랐지‬What else? I treated the wounds as best as I could.
‪[영주의 한숨]‬You could've hurt yourself really badly.
‪[영주] 큰일 날 뻔했다, 진짜, 응?‬You could've hurt yourself really badly.
‪그러게 내가 오도방 타고‬ ‪속력 내지 말랬지?‬Didn't I tell you not to ride your scooter too fast?
‪스피드 즐길 생각 말고‬ ‪밥줄로 인식하라고, 어?‬Be careful. You can't afford to get hurt.
‪[행선] 아니, 속력 때문이 아니라‬I wasn't riding it too fast.
‪그 아줌마가 확 튀어나오는 바람에‬That woman came out of nowhere, and I turned instinctively.
‪내가 반사적으로‬ ‪핸들을 꺾었다니까?‬That woman came out of nowhere, and I turned instinctively.
‪- 이게 다 그 학원 앞의 줄…‬ ‪- [손님] 오랜만이에요‬-I blame-- -It's been a while.
‪- [행선] 오셨어요?‬ ‪- [손님의 웃음]‬Welcome.
‪- 머리 염색하셨나 봐‬ ‪- [손님이 웃으며] 어머, 어떡해‬-You dyed your hair? -Can you tell?
‪아유, 우리 남편보다 낫다니까‬ ‪진짜, 아유‬You're better than my husband. -It looks great. -My goodness.
‪- [행선] 잘 나왔다‬ ‪- [영주의 웃음]‬-It looks great. -My goodness. -Take your time. -Okay, I will.
‪- 골라 보세요‬ ‪- [손님] 알았어요, 하던 거 해요‬-Take your time. -Okay, I will.
‪[행선] 이게 다 그‬ ‪학원 앞의 줄 때문이라고, 결국‬I blame that line outside the academy.
‪[영주] 줄? 무슨 줄?‬Line? What line?
‪[행선] 아, 맨날 줄 서잖아‬ ‪엄마들‬Line? What line? Moms line up every day to get their kids good seats.
‪애들 자리 맡는다고‬Moms line up every day to get their kids good seats.
‪[영주] 아, 그 줄?‬Oh, that.
‪[행선] 난 참 이해할 수가 없어요‬I really don't understand.
‪아니, 뭔 학원 앞자리 앉히려고‬ ‪엄마들이 줄까지 서야 되냐고‬Lining up to get front-row seats for a mere academy class? In this age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
‪이 4차 산업 혁명 시대에 말이야‬In this age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
‪[영주] 어유, 너 요새‬ ‪시사 프로 좀 보나 보다‬Have you been watching a lot of current affairs programs?
‪4차 산업 혁명이 뭔데?‬What's the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
‪[행선] 그거‬You know…
‪그거, 네 번째니까‬It's the fourth…
‪그거, 4차 산업 혁명‬It's the fourth revolution…
‪[영주의 헛웃음]‬Anyway, I blame the moms for the private education fad.
‪애니웨이‬ ‪난 이 대한민국 사교육 과열은‬Anyway, I blame the moms for the private education fad.
‪다 엄마들 책임이라고 봐‬Anyway, I blame the moms for the private education fad.
‪너무 유난들인 거지‬They're taking it too far. Enthusiasm grows and turns into obsession,
‪유난이 유난을 낳고‬ ‪유난이 집착이 되고‬Enthusiasm grows and turns into obsession,
‪집착은 또 경쟁을 낳고, 어?‬leading to competition.
‪[영주] 그 말은 맞다, 동감‬You have a point there. I agree.
‪[행선] 야, 일타강사 거‬ ‪등록하려면‬They line up early in the morning to sign up for a star teacher's course.
‪꼭두새벽부터 줄을 서야 된대‬ ‪그건 진짜 아니지 않냐?‬They line up early in the morning to sign up for a star teacher's course. Isn't that absurd?
‪[영주] 일타? 그건 또 뭔데?‬A star teacher? What's that?
‪[웃으며] 수타 동생이냐?‬Is there a moon teacher too?
‪[행선이 헛웃음 치며] 아, 넌 진짜‬I can't believe you.
‪야, 너 이 동네 짬바가 얼마인데‬ ‪너 아직도 일타를 모르니?‬How can you not know that after all these years in this area?
‪과목별로 타 찍는 학원 강사‬ ‪1등 스타 강사‬How can you not know that after all these years in this area? Star teacher means the most popular teacher in each subject.
‪사교육계의 BTS, 아유‬They're the BTS of private education. Get it?
‪[비장한 음악]‬
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪[남자들의 기합]‬
‪[남자의 기합]‬
‪[남자의 신음]‬
‪[강렬한 효과음]‬
‪[총성 효과음]‬
‪[빗발치는 총성 효과음]‬
‪- [총성 효과음]‬ ‪- [남자들의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪'Pride Maketh Math'‬
‪수학은 최치열강‬For math, Choi Chi-yeol.
‪- [거친 숨소리]‬ ‪- [감독] 컷!‬
‪[박수 소리]‬
‪아, 너무 좋은데요‬That was amazing,
‪음, 이번엔‬ ‪댄스 버전으로 가 볼까요?‬but how about we try a dance version?
‪액션을 막 크게, 크게‬but how about we try a dance version? With big moves.
‪[치열] 댄스 버전?‬A dance version?
‪오케이, 빨리 가시죠‬Let's make it quick.
‪[감독] 아, 선생님, 그‬ ‪시그니처 포즈 있잖아요‬Sir, your signature pose.
‪아이, 수업 시간에 하시는 거‬The one you do during class.
‪- [치열] 이거요?‬ ‪- [감독] 오, 예, 이거 발 차기‬-This? -Yes, that kick.
‪이거 꼭 넣어서, 빠지면 섭하니까‬Be sure to incorporate that. It's a must.
‪[치열] 오케이, 이런 건 어떨까요?‬ ‪이런 거 좀 넣을까요?‬Then what about this?
‪[감독] 선생님‬Mr. Choi.
‪너무 좋죠 [웃음]‬That'd be awesome. Let's roll.
‪자, 그럼 가 보실게요‬Let's roll.
‪[치열] 오케이‬
‪[감독] 레디!‬
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪[총성 효과음]‬
‪'Pride Maketh Math'‬
‪수학은 최치열강‬For math, Choi Chi-yeol.
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪[감독] 컷!‬
‪아, 너무 좋습니다‬That was incredible.
‪잠깐 영상 좀 볼게요‬Let me check what we just filmed.
‪[사람들의 분주한 소리]‬
‪- [동희] 올라왔어요‬ ‪- 올라왔어?‬-It's up. -It is?
‪가자, 빨리, 그럼‬Then let's get going.
‪[감독] 아, 치열 쌤‬Mr. Choi! Sir!
‪아, 선생님, 선생님‬Mr. Choi! Sir!
‪[감독의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪아, 괜찮은데, 어…‬It turned out pretty well,
‪발 차기를 조금 더 높게 해서‬ ‪한 번만 더 가면…‬but if you could kick just a little higher this time--
‪[치열] 원장님한테‬ ‪촬영 시간 3시간으로 들었는데?‬I was told the shoot would take three hours.
‪[감독] 아, 네, 그렇긴 한데‬Yes, it was supposed to.
‪이, 좀 아쉬워서요‬But we can do better. It'll take just ten minutes.
‪딱 10분만 더‬But we can do better. It'll take just ten minutes.
‪- 10분?‬ ‪- [감독] 네, 10분‬-Ten minutes? -No more.
‪감독님, 제 별명이 뭔지 아세요?‬Do you know what my nickname is?
‪[감독] 글쎄요‬I'm not sure.
‪수학의 신‬God of Math.
‪아, 일타‬I know. The Star.
‪- 오브 일타 [웃음]‬ ‪- [치열] 땡‬-…of the Stars. -Wrong.
‪- 1조 원의 남자‬ ‪- [감독] 아…‬The Trillion Won Man.
‪현강, 인강, 출판‬ ‪거기에 부가 가치까지 합치면‬Offline and online classes, publishing, plus value added.
‪연평균 약 1조 원의‬ ‪경제적 가치를 만들거든요‬Offline and online classes, publishing, plus value added. I create a value of one trillion won each year.
‪[치열] 그럼 최치열의 10분은‬ ‪얼마일까요?‬Then how much is ten minutes worth?
‪1조 원을 365일로 나누면‬ ‪하루는 약 27억‬Divide 1 trillion by 365, and it's 2.7 billion a day.
‪한 시간엔 버림 해서 약 1억‬That's 100 million an hour. Therefore, 10 minutes of my time is worth 17 million won.
‪고로 내 10분의 가치는, 어유‬ ‪1,700만 원이네‬Therefore, 10 minutes of my time is worth 17 million won.
‪입금됩니까? 1,700만 원‬Can you wire me 17 million?
‪[감독의 당황한 소리]‬-Well… -I hate unpaid overtime.
‪제가 대가 없는 초과 노동은‬ ‪딱 질색이라‬-Well… -I hate unpaid overtime.
‪가자‬-Let's go. -Wait--
‪[감독] 아, 저…‬-Let's go. -Wait--
‪오늘 6월 모의고사 있는 날이라‬ ‪평소보다 살짝 더 예민하세요‬The June mock exam was today, so he's more on edge than usual.
‪죄송합니다‬I apologize.
‪[감독] 아, 저…‬Wait…
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[치열] 오, 수열 문제‬ ‪비중이 좀 높네‬There were many sequence questions.
‪준킬러에서‬ ‪변별력 있는 문제가 좀 보이고‬And some make-or-break semi-killer questions.
‪표점 최소 10점은 높아지겠다‬The standard score will go up by at least ten.
‪19번‬Number 19.
‪도형에서, 오케이‬It's on geometry.
‪[동희] 애들 멘붕 좀 했겠는데요?‬The kids must have panicked.
‪내가 예측했잖아‬ ‪지난주 화요일 수업에서‬It's just as I warned them during class last Tuesday.
‪삼각 함수 어려울 거고‬Tough trigonometric functions questions and killer geometry questions.
‪[치열] 도형에서‬ ‪킬러 문제 나올 수 있으니까‬Tough trigonometric functions questions and killer geometry questions.
‪정신 붙들어 매라고‬Tough trigonometric functions questions and killer geometry questions.
‪귀에 안 꽂혔나? 포인트가 약했어?‬Did I not emphasize it enough?
‪아니요, 제가 놓쳤어요‬ ‪제 탓이에요, 쌤‬No, I missed it. It's just me.
‪그래, 네 탓이야‬Yes, it is.
‪아유, 네 탓이어야 할 텐데‬Gosh, I really hope it's just you.
‪근데 네 탓이 아니면 어쩌지?‬ ‪애들도 귀담아 안 들었으면?‬But what if it's not and the kids missed it too?
‪그럴 리가요‬That's impossible. I'm sure they made a mental note.
‪애들은 귀담아들었을 겁니다‬ ‪틀림없이‬That's impossible. I'm sure they made a mental note.
‪세 번만 더 얘기해 줄래?‬ ‪귀담아들었을 거라고‬Can you say that three more times?
‪내가 불안해서 그래‬I feel anxious.
‪[동희] 귀담아들었을 거예요‬ ‪귀담아들었을 거예요‬They made a mental note.
‪귀담아들었을 거예요‬They made a mental note. Good.
‪[치열] 오케이, 됐어, 확신 왔어‬Good. That gives me confidence.
‪[치열] '최고차항의 계수가 -2인‬ ‪삼차 함수 y=f(x) 그래프 위의…'‬"On the graph of the cubic function y=f(x) where the leading coefficient is minus two…"
‪아유, 원장은 하필 6모 날‬ ‪촬영 일정을 잡아 가지고, 쯧‬Why did Director Kang schedule the shoot on the day of the June mock?
‪몇 시지?‬What time is it?
‪[동희] 5시 58분이요‬It's 5:58 p.m., sir.
‪[치열] 아니, 고3 해설 라이브‬I mean the live review session. It's scheduled for 6:30 p.m., right?
‪여섯 시 반으로 공지된 거 맞지?‬I mean the live review session. It's scheduled for 6:30 p.m., right?
‪- [동희] 네‬ ‪- [휴대전화 벨 소리]‬Yes, sir.
‪어, 왜?‬Hi. What's up?
‪알았어, 방송 링크 보내 봐‬Okay. Send me the link.
‪- 쌤‬ ‪- [치열] 응?‬-Sir. -Yes? Song Jun-ho at Perfect M has started his live review session.
‪[동희] 퍼펙트엠 송준호가‬ ‪고3 해설 라이브 시작했다는데요?‬Song Jun-ho at Perfect M has started his live review session.
‪[치열] 누구? 송준호?‬Who? Song Jun-ho?
‪아, 그 라이징이라고 깝죽대는 애?‬The self-proclaimed rising star?
‪뻑하면 나 저격한다는?‬The one dying to get me?
‪[동희] 네‬Yes. Check the link.
‪링크 확인해 보시면 됩니다‬Yes. Check the link.
‪아유, 됐어, 그럴 수도 있지, 뭐‬ ‪먼저 하라 그래‬It's not a big deal. He can start his session before me.
‪근데‬But still,
‪괘씸은 하다, 그렇지?‬it's quite brazen of him, isn't it?
‪대놓고 도전장‬ ‪내민 거 아니야, 어?‬He's openly challenging me.
‪그것도 얍삽하게‬ ‪30분 먼저 들어가서‬By sneakily starting 30 minutes early.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬By sneakily starting 30 minutes early.
‪[치열] 줘 봐 봐‬Let me see.
‪[영상 속 준호] 2023학년도‬ ‪6월 모의 평가‬Let's start our review session
‪해설 강의 시작할게‬Let's start our review session for the 2023 June mock exam.
‪- 수학 송준호야‬ ‪- [입소리를 끽 낸다]‬I'm your math teacher, Song Jun-ho.
‪- 밟아‬ ‪- [동희] 네?‬-Step on it. -Pardon?
‪[치열] 연구실로 밟으라고‬Drive me to the academy fast.
‪도착하자마자 라이브 켤 수 있게‬ ‪애들한테 세팅해 놓으라 그래‬Tell the team I'm going live as soon as I arrive.
‪걔 있잖아, 걔 누구야?‬Tell what's-his-name…
‪그, 안경 쓰고 얼굴 동그란 애기‬The round-faced guy with glasses.
‪걔한테 카메라 준비하라 그러고‬Tell him to get the camera ready.
‪걔 누구야? 맨날 빵 먹는 애기‬And the one eating bread all the time.
‪걔한테 문항별 분석 PT‬ ‪바로 뽑으라 그래, 그리고‬Tell her to print the question analysis slides.
‪밟아‬Now, step on it.
‪[자동차 가속음]‬
‪[버튼 조작음]‬
‪[조교1] 안녕하십니까‬-Hello, sir. -How far has he gotten?
‪[치열] 거기 지금 몇 번 풀어?‬-Hello, sir. -How far has he gotten? He's on question five.
‪[조교2] 5번 문제 풀고 있습니다‬He's on question five.
‪[치열] 뭐야, 얼마 못 갔네‬What? He's barely done anything.
‪- 카메라 세팅 다 됐지?‬ ‪- [조교3] 다 됐습니다!‬-Is the camera ready? -Yes, sir!
‪[치열] 누구야?‬ ‪애기, 너 문제지부터 가져오고‬-Hey kid, get me the exam papers. -Okay.
‪[조교4] 네‬-Hey kid, get me the exam papers. -Okay. Keep an eye on Song Jun-ho, kid.
‪[치열] 애기 너‬ ‪그쪽 상황 계속 체크하고‬Keep an eye on Song Jun-ho, kid. Yes, sir.
‪[조교5] 네‬Yes, sir.
‪[치열] 잘라라, 이제‬And cut these!
‪[조교2] 언능 뽑아라, 애기야‬Print them out, kid.
‪쌤 번갯불에 팝콘 튀기시겠다‬It's a race against time. How can he still call me kid? I've worked here for over a year.
‪[조교5] 어떻게 아직도 애기냐‬ ‪일한 지 1년이 넘었는데‬How can he still call me kid? I've worked here for over a year.
‪[조교2] 일 외에는‬ ‪관심이 없으신 거지‬How can he still call me kid? I've worked here for over a year. He's not interested in anything but work.
‪내 이름도 아직 헷갈리시잖아‬I've been here for three years, but he still forgets my name.
‪나 벌써 3년 차인데‬I've been here for three years, but he still forgets my name.
‪[조교5의 탄성]‬
‪[학생] 야, 최치열 시작했다‬Choi Chi-yeol is live.
‪[영상 속 치열] 자, 고생했다‬Good job, everyone.
‪오늘 시험 개어려웠지, 얘들아?‬It was one heck of an exam, right?
‪울지 마, 다 스불재야‬Stop crying. BIUY. You brought it upon yourself.
‪멘붕 중일 거 같아서‬ ‪공지보다 좀 더 빨리 켰어‬I started early because I thought you'd be panicking.
‪자, 긴말하지 말고‬Let's cut to the chase.
‪자, 바로 1번, 레 고!‬Let's cut to the chase. Question number one. Let's go.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Question number one. Let's go. 2023 JUNE MOCK EXAM LIVE MATH REVIEW SESSION
‪자, 1번‬ ‪자, 가장 기본적인 지수 문제네‬Question one. It's the most basic form of an exponents question.
‪이 둘을 곱하면, 지수끼리는?‬It's the most basic form of an exponents question. To multiply these two,
‪더하면 되겠지?‬add the exponents up.
‪자, 지수끼리 더하면 어떻게 돼?‬Then what do you get? Two to the power of four.
‪2의 네 제곱이니까 16이 맞을 거야‬Two to the power of four. So the correct answer is 16.
‪아유, 쉽다, 다음!‬Easy-peasy. Next.
‪[준호] 모든 근들의 평균이‬ ‪파이가 될 거고‬The average of the roots is pi.
‪[치열] 지수 함수와 로그 함수의‬ ‪대칭을 이용할 거야‬The average of the roots is pi. Logarithmic functions and exponential functions are inverses.
‪자, 직선의 기울기가‬ ‪2라고 했으니까‬Since the slope of the line is two, the run is one, and the rise is two.
‪- [준호의 강의 소리]‬ ‪- 1 대 2가 되는 게 맞을 거고‬Since the slope of the line is two, the run is one, and the rise is two.
‪자, 그럼 B랑 C랑 대칭이니까‬ ‪좌표를 구하면 어떻게 되겠어? B는‬Since B and C are inverses, what are the coordinates? B is…
‪[영상 속 치열] 자, p보다‬ ‪작을 경우는 위의 식을 쓸 거고‬If it's smaller than p, we're going to use the upper formula.
‪p보다 클 경우에는…‬If it's larger than p… Hey, let's switch to Choi Chi-yeol.
‪[학생1] 야‬ ‪우리도 최치열 쌤 거 듣자‬Hey, let's switch to Choi Chi-yeol.
‪[학생2] 야, 그러자‬Sounds good.
‪[치열이 중얼거린다]‬
‪[치열] 이렇게 구할 수 있을 거고‬There you go. -Since the number of terms is 21… -Let's see here.
‪자, 항의 개수가‬ ‪스물하나라고 했으니까‬-Since the number of terms is 21… -Let's see here.
‪- [준호] 여기서‬ ‪- [계속되는 치열의 강의 소리]‬-Since the number of terms is 21… -Let's see here. I GET IT NOW -…2m plus 1 plus l -If you list the terms…
‪항을 쭉 나열해 보면 되려나?‬-…2m plus 1 plus l -If you list the terms…
‪p값이 뭔지 모르니까‬-If we substitute l -Since we don't know what p is…
‪- [절망적인 효과음]‬ ‪- [치열] 20-2m을‬with 20 minus 2m,
‪식에 대입하면 m은 뭐가 된다?‬and put it into the equation, m equals
‪6이 되는 게‬six.
‪- [익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪- [준호] 잠깐만‬Give me just a second. SWITCHING TO CHI-YEOL!
‪다시 해 보자‬Let's try that again.
‪[치열] 자, 그럼‬ ‪우리가 구하고자 하는‬So let's find out what p is.
‪p의 개수는 몇 개다?‬So let's find out what p is.
‪p는 서른둘이 맞겠지‬As you can see, p equals 32.
‪- [동희의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪- [치열] 그러니까‬So,
‪킬러 문항에서 절었다는 거야?‬he made a mistake solving the killer question?
‪[동희] 전 정도가 아니라‬ ‪아예 막혔나 보더라고요‬It wasn't just a mistake. He threw in the towel.
‪[치열] 그러게 미리‬ ‪풀어 보지도 않고 해설은 무슨‬Why did he go live without solving the questions first?
‪피아노 잘 치는 사람도‬Even a piano player can mess up if they play and sing at the same time.
‪피아노 치면서 노래 부르려 그러면‬ ‪꼬이는 거야‬Even a piano player can mess up if they play and sing at the same time.
‪나 정도 되니까, 어?‬You see, I'm an exception.
‪지 실장, 동희야‬Mr. Ji. Dong-hui.
‪나 정도 되니까‬I'm an exception, and I still barely manage it.
‪나도 겨우 하는 거야‬I'm an exception, and I still barely manage it.
‪[커지는 선풍기 소리]‬
‪[치열의 후 내뱉는 소리]‬Good work, sir.
‪[동희] 고생하셨어요‬Good work, sir.
‪[준상] 아, 그래? 압승이야?‬Really? A crushing victory?
‪당연하지‬ ‪우리 더 프라이드 에이스인데‬I'm not surprised. He's the ace of The Pride.
‪아따, 차 원장 이 새끼‬ ‪아주 쭈그리가 됐겠구먼‬Director Cha will have to eat humble pie
‪간만에 호기롭게 덤벼 봤는데‬after challenging us so confidently.
‪그래, 알았고, 어‬Anyway, distribute the edited video and start promoting.
‪바로 영상 편집해서 뿌리고‬ ‪홍보 시작해‬Anyway, distribute the edited video and start promoting.
‪시즌2도 한번 쓸어 보자고!‬Let Season 2 be another great success.
‪[단지의 한숨]‬
‪[단지] 내 6모‬I totally screwed up the June mock.
‪6모 개망했네, 씨, 쯧‬I totally screwed up the June mock. It's still too cold to jump into the Han River, right?
‪야, 아직 한강 물 춥겠지?‬It's still too cold to jump into the Han River, right?
‪[해이] 응‬Probably.
‪[단지, 선재의 한숨]‬
‪[선재] 난 1교시 국어부터‬ ‪완전 멘붕‬I drew a blank in the first Language Arts section.
‪아니, 한국 사람인데‬ ‪왜 이렇게 한국어가 어려울까? 난‬How can a Korean find his native language so difficult?
‪[해이] 대신 넌 수학 잘하잖아‬You're good at math at least.
‪나 수학 심각하다‬I suck at it.
‪아예 접근 틀린 문제도 여러 개고‬ ‪시간도 부족하고‬I kept taking the wrong approach, and I ran out of time.
‪22번은 머리 하얘져서‬ ‪손도 못 댔어‬My mind went completely blank when I saw question number 22.
‪[선재] 아, 그럼 1등급 안 돼?‬Will you not make Level 1?
‪[해이] 응, 완전‬No. Not a chance.
‪[단지] 야, 이씨, 잔인한 것들아‬You guys are cruel. Your friend here is in Level 4!
‪그게 4등급 친구 앞에서‬ ‪할 소리야, 지금!‬Your friend here is in Level 4!
‪[수아] 해이야, 남해이‬Hae-e! Nam Hae-e!
‪시험 잘 봤어?‬How did you do?
‪아, 나 완전 망했어‬I totally screwed up.
‪수학에서 4점짜리 나간 거 있지‬I missed a four-point question in math.
‪[단지] 딸랑? 그 하나?‬Is that it? Just the one?
‪[수아] 응, 하나긴 한데‬ ‪그래도 4점짜리잖아‬Yes. But it was worth four points.
‪아, 다 맞을 수 있었는데‬ ‪쯧, 속상해‬I was so close to getting a perfect score. I'm so upset.
‪그러게, 속상하겠다‬I bet you are.
‪밤새운 거 같던데‬Seemed like you pulled an all-nighter.
‪다음엔 컨디션 관리 꼭 해‬Next time, make sure you're well-rested.
‪그러는 넌? 시험 잘 봤어?‬What about you? Did you do well?
‪어, 뭐, 평소대로 [웃음]‬Well, I guess I did as usual.
‪어, 뭐, 평소대로?‬"As usual"?
‪넌 컨디션 관리만 했나 보다‬Seems you spent all your time resting.
‪[수아, 해이의 웃음]‬Seems you spent all your time resting.
‪[수아] 아무튼‬ ‪난 너 대단한 거 같아‬Anyway, I admire you.
‪학원 하나 안 다니고‬ ‪자기 주도 학습‬You study on your own without taking any private classes.
‪야, 나중에 책 내라, 너‬You should write a book later.
‪'교과서만 봤어요'‬ ‪'학원은 사절', 뭐, 이런 거‬"Textbooks are all you need. Private classes are overrated."
‪[수아, 해이의 웃음]‬
‪[자동차 경적]‬
‪어? 엄마 왔다‬ ‪나 먼저 갈게, 얘들아‬My mom's here. I'll get going.
‪- [단지의 헛웃음]‬ ‪- 내일 봐‬See you tomorrow!
‪어휴, 빵수아, 저거!‬Bang Su-a, that little…
‪한 대만 확 칠까, 그냥?‬What if I smack her?
‪[단지] 야, 너는 말로 패‬ ‪주먹은 내가 쓴다‬Just use your words. I'll hit her for you.
‪아유, 저, 한주먹 거리도‬ ‪안 되는 게‬I could beat her to a pulp.
‪- 야, 말로 패, 말로 패, 야, 말‬ ‪- [해이] 말로 패?‬-Just curse her out. -Should I?
‪[단지] 어, 야, 말로 패, 말로 패‬ ‪아유, 씨‬Go ahead. Jeez.
‪딱 보니까 선재도 그냥‬ ‪평타인 거 같고‬It seems like Sun-jae didn't do that well, and Hae-e clearly screwed up.
‪남해이는 망한 거 같고‬and Hae-e clearly screwed up.
‪씁, 4반 송지혜는‬ ‪영어를 개망했나 보더라고‬Ji-hye in Class 4 messed up English.
‪[수희의 호응하는 소리]‬Ji-hye in Class 4 messed up English. I see.
‪잘하면 나 6모 1등일 거 같아‬I might have scored the highest in my year.
‪- 진짜야?‬ ‪- [수아] 응‬-Really? -Yes.
‪[수희] 어머, 세상에‬Oh, my goodness.
‪어유, 수아야‬Su-a, I'm so happy that I'm going to cry.
‪엄마 눈물 날 거 같아‬ ‪너무 좋아서‬Su-a, I'm so happy that I'm going to cry.
‪- [수아] 아유, 또 오버‬ ‪- [수희] 어머‬You're overreacting again.
‪[수아] 수능 대박 치면‬ ‪그때 울지, 엄마?‬Cry when I do well on the actual CSAT.
‪[수희] 어, 맞다‬You're right.
‪샴페인 너무 일찍 터트리면‬ ‪부정 탄다, 그렇지?‬If I celebrate now, I might jinx it, right?
‪엄마가 정신 차릴게‬I'll pull myself together.
‪[수희의 벅찬 숨소리]‬
‪근데 수아야‬By the way, Su-a,
‪너 기분 좋은데‬ ‪엄마가 찬물 끼얹어서 좀 미안한데‬I'm sorry to ruin your good mood,
‪베드 뉴스가 하나 있는데‬but I have bad news. What is it?
‪[수아] 뭔데? 괜찮아‬ ‪오늘은 웬만하면 용서할게, 내가‬What is it? It's all right. I'm feeling generous today.
‪그, 학원 말이야‬It's about the academy.
‪앞자리 못 맡았어, 오늘‬I couldn't get you a good seat today.
‪[수희] 중간에서 좀 뒤야‬You're further back.
‪[수아] 아, 엄마, 미쳤어?‬Are you crazy?
‪아, 중간 뒤는‬ ‪아예 안 보인단 말이야, 쌤이!‬Then I'll barely be able to see the teacher!
‪아, 진짜‬Gosh, seriously.
‪- [부드러운 음악]‬ ‪- [새들이 지저귀는 소리]‬
‪[해이] 오늘따라‬ ‪하늘은 또 왜 이렇게 파랗니?‬Why is the sky especially blue today?
‪눈물 나게 이쁘네‬It's so painfully beautiful.
‪[선재] 그러게 [한숨]‬You're right.
‪[해이] 왜 너까지 심각하고 난리?‬Why do you sound so down?
‪나보다 낫잖아, 넌‬You're better off than me.
‪[선재] 에이, 나을 것도 없어‬Come on. Not really.
‪정시 의대는‬ ‪신의 영역이라잖아 [한숨]‬Med schools are impossible to get into.
‪아이, 인서울은 힘들 거 같다‬I'll probably end up somewhere outside of Seoul.
‪[해이의 한숨]‬
‪[해이] 야‬Hey.
‪우린 왜 이러고 사냐?‬What do you think is our problem?
‪아니, 너랑 나 정도면‬ ‪솔까 성실한 10대 아니냐?‬To be frank, aren't we pretty hard-working for teenagers?
‪우리가 방황을 하냐, 반항을 하냐?‬We never cause trouble or act out.
‪밥 먹고 공부밖에 안 하는 것도‬ ‪억울한데‬Studying all the time is bad enough. So why do we have to feel so frustrated?
‪아니, 왜 이렇게까지‬ ‪좌절감을 느껴야 되냐고‬So why do we have to feel so frustrated?
‪- [해이의 한숨]‬ ‪- [선재] 씁, 어, 그…‬Hey, why don't you…
‪너도 최치열 강의 들으면 어때?‬sign up for Choi Chi-yeol's course?
‪아니, 빵수아도 최치열 듣고‬ ‪1등급 굳힌 거 같던데‬Su-a hasn't missed Level 1 since she started taking it.
‪최치열이 그렇게 잘 가르쳐?‬Is he that good?
‪[선재의 생각하는 소리]‬Well…
‪현강은 확실히 도움 돼‬His offline classes are definitely helpful.
‪교재나 자료도 좋고‬He uses high-quality materials
‪강의 시작 전에 테스트 보는데‬ ‪그 문제 퀄이 좋거든‬and tests us before every class, which is super helpful.
‪아, 엄마한테 학원 체질 아니라고‬ ‪너무 큰소리를 쳐 놔서‬I already told my mom that private classes aren't my thing.
‪- 아…‬ ‪- [해이] 아, 모르겠다‬-I see. -I don't know what to do.
‪1학년 때까지는‬ ‪혼자 해 볼 만했는데‬I was okay on my own until 10th grade,
‪진짜 한계야‬but this is my limit.
‪- 야‬ ‪- [선재] 어?‬-Hey. -Yes?
‪너 학원 시작 전까지 40분 있지?‬-You have 40 minutes until class, right? -Yes. Why?
‪어, 왜?‬-You have 40 minutes until class, right? -Yes. Why?
‪우리 바람 쐬자‬Let's get some fresh air.
‪아, 나 편의점 들러야 돼, 저녁‬But I have to get dinner.
‪10분이면 먹잖아‬ ‪30분만 줘, 누나한테‬That only takes 10 minutes. Spare me 30.
‪[해이] 가자‬Let's go.
‪빨리 와‬Come on.
‪[선재] 아이, 모르겠다, 씨‬Gosh, whatever.
‪- 이씨, 뛰어! 씨‬ ‪- [경쾌한 음악]‬Let's run!
‪[반짝이는 효과음]‬
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪[선재] 왜, 왜, 왜?‬What?
‪- [해이가 웃으며] 와‬ ‪- [선재의 웃음]‬
‪[해이, 선재가 조잘거린다]‬I held it like this… It went up and then…
‪[해이] 어때? 괜찮지?‬ ‪30분 종점 여행‬So? Did you enjoy our 30-minute bus trip?
‪[선재] 어, 좋네‬Yes, it was nice.
‪[해이] 가라‬See you.
‪열심히 해라, 이선재, 졸지 말고‬Study hard, Sun-jae. Don't doze off.
‪[선재] 응‬Okay.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪[지글거리는 소리]‬
‪[해이] 엄마‬-Mom. -Welcome back. Hold this up for me.
‪[행선] 어, 딸, 이것 좀 잡아 봐‬-Mom. -Welcome back. Hold this up for me.
‪마침 잘 왔다, 너‬You came at the perfect time.
‪좀 아까 단체 들어왔거든‬I just received a large order.
‪얼른 배달 좀 갔다 와‬Can you deliver it?
‪곧 저녁 시간이잖아‬It's dinnertime soon. It's a war out there.
‪- 전쟁이야, 영주 이모랑 난‬ ‪- [해이] 아, 제발‬It's dinnertime soon. It's a war out there. Please. I took the mock exam all day.
‪나 오늘 하루 종일‬ ‪모의고사 보고 왔는데‬Please. I took the mock exam all day.
‪아이, 난 죙일 서서 반찬 만들었어‬I've been on my feet all day cooking. Stop complaining, kid.
‪[행선] 얻다 명함을 내밀어?‬ ‪새파란 게‬I've been on my feet all day cooking. Stop complaining, kid.
‪옷 갈아입고 와‬ ‪삼촌도 얼른 내려오라 그러고‬Go change and tell your uncle to come downstairs. Hey, Mom.
‪[해이] 저기, 엄마‬Hey, Mom.
‪아니야‬Never mind.
‪[행선] 야!‬Hey!
‪너 모의고사는?‬What about your mock exam?
‪100점 맞았어?‬Did you get 100 percent?
‪[작게] 왜?‬Why not?
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[힘주는 소리]‬
‪- [재우] 해이야, 해이야‬ ‪- 아, 깜짝아!‬-Hae-e. -Gosh, you scared me!
‪인기척 좀 하라니까, 삼촌은‬Don't sneak up on me like that, Uncle.
‪어, 나 여기 있어, 해이야‬I'm here, Hae-e.
‪[해이가 한숨 쉬며] 하이‬
‪엄마가 내려오래, 삼촌‬Mom wants you downstairs.
‪[재우] 어, 해이야, 근데‬By the way, Hae-e, this is a famous lioness named Mmamoriri.
‪얘는 엠마물레이라는‬ ‪네임드 암사자인데‬By the way, Hae-e, this is a famous lioness named Mmamoriri. Strangely, she has a mane.
‪아주 드물게 갈기를 가지고 있어‬Strangely, she has a mane.
‪- 암사자가 갈기가 있다고?‬ ‪- [재우] 어‬There's a maned lioness? Yes.
‪프라이드 우두머리 상징인‬ ‪검은 갈기까지 단 애도 있대‬Yes. Some even have a black mane, the symbol of a pride leader.
‪보통 수사자가 이거 달고 있으면‬ ‪그 지역 끝판왕이란 얘기거든‬Some even have a black mane, the symbol of a pride leader. A male lion with a black mane usually is the leader of the territory.
‪근데 얘는 테스토스테론 과다로‬ ‪갈기도 있고‬A male lion with a black mane usually is the leader of the territory. But this lioness has high levels of testosterone and even roars like a male.
‪울음소리도 수컷처럼 변한다는데‬and even roars like a male.
‪나는 이거‬ ‪완전 남행선 누나 같아…‬She reminds me of my sister, Nam Haeng-seon.
‪어, 미안‬I'm sorry. Am I boring you again?
‪내가 또 너무 내 얘기만 했지?‬ ‪귀찮아? 그만할까?‬I'm sorry. Am I boring you again? Are you annoyed? Should I stop?
‪[해이] 난 괜찮은데, 삼촌‬That's fine, but we should head downstairs.
‪빨리 내려가야 될걸, 우리?‬ ‪엄마 빡쳤을 거 같은데‬That's fine, but we should head downstairs. Mom must be getting angry.
‪- [재우] 어, 근데…‬ ‪- [문소리]‬Okay, but--
‪[행선] 야! 너희 죽을래?‬ ‪바쁘댔지?‬Hey, hurry up! I'm busy! Come downstairs.
‪빨리 나와‬I'm busy! Come downstairs.
‪- [탁 문 닫히는 소리]‬ ‪- [도어 록 작동음]‬I told you.
‪[해이] 내 말이 맞지?‬I told you.
‪- [달려가는 소리]‬ ‪- [한숨]‬
‪- 개수 맞아? 오케이, 오케이‬ ‪- [조교] 네‬-Are there enough? -Yes. Okay. How's the temperature?
‪[동희] 온도는?‬Okay. How's the temperature?
‪[온도계 작동음]‬
‪[동희가 속삭인다]‬
‪[치열] 자, 22번‬ ‪거듭제곱근이 좀 어렵게 나왔지?‬Question number 22 was on nth roots, and it was quite difficult.
‪이 문제 보고 긴장들 했을 텐데‬ ‪그럴 필요 없지?‬It might have made you panic, but there's no need.
‪왜? 난 최치열 강의 들었으니까‬Why? Because you took Choi Chi-yeol's course.
‪딱 거듭제곱근 나왔다‬You see a question on nth roots.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[학생들의 웃음]‬No need to panic.
‪이러고 쫄지 말란 말이야‬No need to panic.
‪딱 거듭제곱근 나왔다‬You see a question on nth roots.
‪'거듭제곱근 활용?'‬So it's a question on nth roots?
‪'반갑네, 잘 만났어'‬Just what I've been waiting for. Lucky me.
‪'내가 널 틀릴 수 없지'‬I can't possibly get it wrong.
‪'왜? 난'‬Why?
‪[학생들] '최치열 강의‬ ‪들었으니까'‬-Because I took Choi Chi-yeol's course. -Because I took Choi Chi-yeol's course.
‪오케이, 문제를 보자마자‬ ‪떠오르는 게 있어야 돼‬What else comes to mind when you see this type of question?
‪없다고? 뭐야, 진짜 없어?‬Really? Nothing? Seriously?
‪[치열] 아휴, 내 탓이지, 뭐‬Gosh, it's all my fault.
‪고2 6모에서‬ ‪이게 안 되게 한 내 죄‬I'm to blame for not teaching you properly.
‪원래 미성년자는 잘못이 없어요‬ ‪다 으른들 탓이야‬When minors mess up, it's all the grown-ups' fault.
‪[학생들의 웃음]‬
‪으른들 탓이지?‬It is, right?
‪[학생들] 아니에요‬-No. -No. As the grown-up here, let me teach you again.
‪으른이 다시 알려 줄게, 자, 보자‬As the grown-up here, let me teach you again.
‪[치열] 이 문제는 m이‬To solve this question,
‪홀수인지 짝수인지‬ ‪구분부터 하는 게 관건인데‬you need to first figure out whether m is even or odd.
‪관건인데!‬That's the key!
‪[학생들의 웃음]‬
‪[학생의 헛기침]‬
‪어때? 잠이 홀딱 깨지?‬Well? Did that wake you up?
‪[학생] 네‬Yes.
‪내가 누누이 얘기하지만‬As I always say,
‪- [부드러운 음악]‬ ‪- 조는 건 오케이‬I can put up with students dozing off.
‪[치열] 참아 줄 수 있어‬I can put up with students dozing off. Sure, it's annoying,
‪아유, 짜증 나지‬Sure, it's annoying,
‪근데 용서는 돼, 왜?‬but I can let it slide. Why? Because I feel sorry.
‪짠하거든‬Because I feel sorry.
‪아침부터 밤까지 공부하는데‬ ‪얼마나 힘들까‬Studying from dawn until dusk is no easy feat.
‪하루 종일 앉아 있는 게‬ ‪얼마나 고역일까‬What torture to be sitting at a desk all day.
‪그래도 존다는 건‬If you doze off,
‪이 내면에서 굉장히‬ ‪사투를 벌이고 있다는 거잖아‬If you doze off, it means you're battling against yourself.
‪근데 엎드려 자는 건‬But taking a full nap in class? It means you've given up.
‪그건 의지가 없다는 거거든‬It means you've given up.
‪자기 자신과의 싸움에서‬ ‪패배한 거고‬It means you lost the battle against yourself
‪나에 대한 최소한의 예의도‬ ‪없다는 거다‬and have zero respect for me. I find it…
‪아주 딱 질색이야‬I find it… detestable.
‪[북적거리는 소리]‬
‪- [손님] 계산 좀‬ ‪- [영주] 예‬-Put that there. -Okay.
‪[손님] 여기 청국장은 없어요?‬Do you have any cheonggukjang? Yes, right over here.
‪[행선] 어, 청국장 여기 있어요‬ ‪여기 제가 드릴게요‬Yes, right over here. I'll get it for you.
‪여기 있어요, 감사합니다‬Here you go. Thank you.
‪아유, 오늘은 고를 것도 없어‬There's nothing to even think about.
‪오늘 원 픽은 무조건이야‬ ‪고등어김치찜‬The braised kimchi and mackerel is the best today.
‪아니, 내가 만들고‬ ‪이렇게 펌프질하기가 쉽겠냐고‬The braised kimchi and mackerel is the best today. It's shameless of me to compliment the food I made,
‪민망하지, 나도‬It's shameless of me to compliment the food I made, but it just tastes so good.
‪근데 어떡해, 맛이 예술인데‬but it just tastes so good. You know blue-backed fish are good for students.
‪언니들 알잖아, 수험생들한테‬ ‪등 푸른 생선 좋은 거‬You know blue-backed fish are good for students.
‪'디에이치에이'‬It's high in DHA.
‪- [미옥이 웃으며] 에이, 에이‬ ‪- [수희, 행선의 웃음]‬It's high in DHA. Come on. Fine, I get it.
‪아유, 알았어, 하여튼 정신을‬ ‪사람 정신을 쏙 빼놔‬Fine, I get it. You never give me a moment to think. But you see, this lady here doesn't need it.
‪근데 오늘 요 집엔 필요 없어‬But you see, this lady here doesn't need it.
‪DHA‬I mean the DHA.
‪수아 이번에‬ ‪모의고사 전교 1등이래‬Su-a scored the highest in her year in the mock exam.
‪[수희] 아유, 아직‬ ‪확실한 거 아니라니까 왜 그래‬We don't know that yet.
‪[행선] 와, 축하해, 언니‬Wow, congratulations.
‪이게 뭔 일이래‬That's great news.
‪- 아, 진짜 수아 대단하다‬ ‪- [미옥] 그러니까‬That's great news. -Su-a is incredible. -I know.
‪[수희] 아, 무슨, 해이도 잘하면서‬Hae-e is amazing too.
‪[행선] 에이‬Come on.
‪[수희] 그리고 모의고사는‬ ‪전국 백분위가 중요한 거야‬Also, what counts is the national percentile rank.
‪전교 1등 영양가 없어‬Being top of her class doesn't mean anything.
‪- [웃으며] 아무것도 아니야‬ ‪- [미옥] 아유‬Being top of her class doesn't mean anything. Still, if she's top of her class, she's one of the top students
‪그래도 우리 학교에서‬ ‪전교 1등이면‬Still, if she's top of her class, she's one of the top students
‪- 전국 딱 최상위지, 이게!‬ ‪- [수희의 웃음]‬in the country too. And half the credit goes to her.
‪이게 다 반은 우리 언니 공이라고‬And half the credit goes to her.
‪스카이맘점넷 있잖아‬ ‪거기서도 우리 수아임당 말이라면‬Even on, this lady, Suaimdang's word is the law.
‪묻지도 따지지도 않고‬ ‪엄마들이 다 듣잖아‬All the moms trust her completely.
‪완전 다 듣잖아, 왜냐?‬All the moms trust her completely. Why?
‪워낙 입시 정보에‬ ‪빠삭하면 그러겄어?‬Why? Because she knows all the latest news about education.
‪[수희] 진짜, 왜 이래‬Stop it. You're embarrassing me.
‪왜 이렇게 띄워?‬ ‪알았어, 내가 쏠게‬Stop it. You're embarrassing me. Fine, it's my treat.
‪- 몇, 몇 팩 골라, 지금 [웃음]‬ ‪- [미옥이 놀라며] 쏴?‬Fine, it's my treat. -Pick what you want. -You're buying?
‪- [행선] 두 팩? 두 팩?‬ ‪- [수희] 두 팩 담아 줘요, 네‬-Two of these? -Sure. -I'll take two. -Lucky me.
‪[미옥] 땡잡았다‬-I'll take two. -Lucky me.
‪- 오, 역시 우리 언니 통도 커‬ ‪- [수희] 고등어찜 비싼데‬-You're so generous, Su-hui. -Mackerel is expensive, you know.
‪- [미옥] 애 전교 1등 할 만하네‬ ‪- [출입문 종소리]‬-You're so generous, Su-hui. -Mackerel is expensive, you know. You deserve a top student as your daughter.
‪- [수희의 웃음]‬ ‪- [행선] 어서 오세요‬You deserve a top student as your daughter. Welcome! -Hello. -Hi.
‪- [저마다 반긴다]‬ ‪- 오셨어요? 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hi. -Hello. -Good to see you.
‪[미옥] 왔어요?‬-Hello. -Good to see you. Are you just getting off work, Sun-jae's mom?
‪[수희] 지금 퇴근하나 보다‬ ‪선재 엄마‬Are you just getting off work, Sun-jae's mom?
‪아, 네‬-Yes. -You must be busy.
‪[미옥] 바쁜가 봐요‬ ‪얼굴을 통 못 보겠어‬-Yes. -You must be busy. It's so hard to catch a glimpse of you.
‪[수희] 그럼, 당연하지‬Of course.
‪대한민국 최고의 로펌‬ ‪변호인이신데‬She's an attorney at Korea's best law firm.
‪- [미옥] 맞아‬ ‪- [수희의 웃음]‬You're right. I'm a "lawyer," not an "attorney."
‪[서진] 변호인이 아니라 변호사요‬I'm a "lawyer," not an "attorney."
‪변호인은 형사 소송에서만 쓰이는‬ ‪지위적인 개념이고‬"Attorney" refers to lawyers practicing in court.
‪직업으로는‬ ‪변호사라고 해야 맞아요‬If you're talking about my occupation, "lawyer" is correct.
‪[수희가 떨떠름하게] 음, 그래요?‬-Oh, I see. -Lawyer…
‪[수희의 웃음]‬Same difference. Tomahto, tomato.
‪뭐, 그거나 그거나‬ ‪도찐개찐 같은데‬Same difference. Tomahto, tomato.
‪- [수희의 웃음]‬ ‪- [미옥] 그렇지‬Same difference. Tomahto, tomato.
‪[서진] '도긴개긴'이에요‬ ‪'도찐개찐' 아니고‬It's "tomato, tomahto," not "tomahto, tomato."
‪[행선] 아, 이제 셀렉들 하셔야죠‬Guys, make up your mind.
‪다들 빨리빨리 빠져 주셔야 또‬ ‪제가 다음 손님 받아요‬I need you to make room for the next customers.
‪[미옥의 어색한 웃음]‬Okay. Choose your items.
‪- 셀렉들 하세요, 언니, 셀렉, 응?‬ ‪- [미옥의 멋쩍은 소리]‬Choose your items. Quickly. Take your pick.
‪셀렉들 하세요‬Make a decision.
‪- [수희] 줘‬ ‪- [행선] 뚜껑이 잘 안 닫히네‬-Give it to me. -Careful.
‪- [해이] 엄마, 배달 완료‬ ‪- [행선] 어, 왔어?‬-Mom, I dropped off the order. -Hey.
‪- 인사드려‬ ‪- [해이] 안녕하세요‬-Say hello. -Hello.
‪[수희] 해이 오랜만이다‬-It's been a while, Hae-e. -You're a good girl, Hae-e.
‪[미옥] 아유, 우리 해이 너무 착해‬-It's been a while, Hae-e. -You're a good girl, Hae-e.
‪이렇게 학원을 안 가니까‬ ‪엄마도 돕고 얼마나 좋아, 어?‬It's so nice you can help out your mom since you don't take private classes.
‪[미옥의 웃음]‬
‪근데 해이는 아빠 닮았나 봐‬ ‪엄마는 별로 안 닮았어‬Does Hae-e take after her dad? She doesn't really look like you. Don't you agree?
‪그렇죠?‬Don't you agree?
‪[행선] 왜 안 닮아요?‬ ‪다들 딱 보면 알던데‬What are you talking about? Everyone says we look alike.
‪아, 근데 안 닮은 건‬ ‪단지랑 단지 엄마가 더하지 않나?‬Besides, it's Dan-ji that doesn't take after you.
‪단지는 볼 때마다‬ ‪키가 크는 거 같던데, 그렇지?‬She looks taller every time I see her. Right?
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬Right? I can't seem to find braised tofu.
‪[미옥] 오, 근데‬ ‪두부조림이 없나 봐 [헛기침]‬I can't seem to find braised tofu. -Go home. -See you.
‪- [행선] 들어가‬ ‪- [해이] 나 간다‬-Go home. -See you.
‪[출입문 종소리]‬
‪수고했어, 해이야‬Thanks, Hae-e.
‪[해이] 어, 들어가‬Go back inside.
‪[손님들이 대화한다]‬-Where? -Here…
‪[출입문 종소리]‬
‪[치열] 늘 말하지만‬ ‪6월 모의고사에 집착하면 망해‬As I always say, don't let the June mock exam mess with you.
‪6모는 잊자‬Move on from the June mock.
‪미련은 미련한 거다‬Regret is a waste of time.
‪[학생들] 네!‬Regret is a waste of time. -Okay! -Okay!
‪[치열] 자, 궁금한 거 있으면‬ ‪밖에 있는 조교 쌤들한테 질문하고‬If you have any questions, ask my assistants outside.
‪이상, 여기까지, 오늘도‬That's all for today. And I'm…
‪최치열강이었습니다‬Choi Chi-yeol.
‪잘 가, 얘들아‬Bye, guys.
‪[학생들의 박수와 탄성]‬
‪[조교들] 수고하셨습니다‬-Good work, sir. -Good work, sir.
‪[학생] 쌤!‬Mr. Choi!
‪[울리는 발소리]‬ ‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪[학생들] 쌤!‬-Mr. Choi! -Mr. Choi!
‪[학생1] 저 6모 다섯 개밖에‬ ‪안 틀렸어요‬I only got five questions wrong.
‪[학생2] 쌤‬ ‪오늘 머리 너무 예뻐요‬-Good job. -Your hair looks amazing! -Thanks. -This is for you.
‪- [치열의 호응하는 소리]‬ ‪- [학생들이 저마다 말한다]‬-Thanks. -This is for you. -Take this too. -Mr. Choi. -Here, take this. -Thanks.
‪- [동희] 어, 그래, 나 줘, 나 줘‬ ‪- [치열] 아, 고마워, 고마워‬-Here, take this. -Thanks. -Thanks. -Mr. Choi!
‪[학생3] 아, 안 돼‬-Thanks. -Mr. Choi! Mr. Choi, I made these cookies. Please…
‪[학생4] 쌤!‬ ‪이거 제가 직접 만든 쿠키인데‬Mr. Choi, I made these cookies. Please…
‪한 번만 드셔 보시…‬Mr. Choi, I made these cookies. Please…
‪[학생들의 설레는 소리]‬-He's so good-looking. -What?
‪엥?‬-He's so good-looking. -What?
‪아씨, 보고 눌렀어, 씨‬He closed the doors after seeing me.
‪- [학생5] 너무 멋있지 않아?‬ ‪- [학생4의 코웃음]‬He closed the doors after seeing me. Isn't he so cool?
‪- [학생들이 웅성거린다]‬ ‪- [학생4] 겁나 귀엽네, 최치열?‬How cute, Chi-yeol.
‪그런다고 내가 포기할까 봐?‬Do you think that'll make me give up on you?
‪어림없지‬No way.
‪[치열의 후 내뱉는 소리]‬
‪[실장] 수고하셨습니다‬ ‪아, 최 쌤‬Good work. Wait, Mr. Choi.
‪[치열] 네‬Yes?
‪조 실장님‬Ms. Cho.
‪[정 실장] 정 실장인데요‬It's Jung.
‪조 실장님이‬ ‪더 잘 어울리실 거 같은데‬I think Cho suits you better.
‪[치열] 근데 왜?‬Anyway, what is it?
‪[정 실장] 아, 저기, 아…‬Well…
‪저기, 제 후배 중에‬ ‪쌤 팬이 한 명 있는데‬A friend of mine is a big fan of yours.
‪피아니스트거든요‬She's a pianist.
‪혹시 소개팅 안 하실래요?‬-Would you like me to set you up with her? -No, thanks.
‪네, 안 할래요‬-Would you like me to set you up with her? -No, thanks. I prefer a natural approach.
‪제가 자만추 스타일이라‬I prefer a natural approach.
‪자연스러운 만남을 추구하시는구나‬So you want to meet people in a more natural setting.
‪근데 걔 되게 이쁜데?‬But she's gorgeous. She comes from a good family too.
‪[정 실장] 막 집안도 엄청 좋아요‬But she's gorgeous. She comes from a good family too.
‪[치열] 네, 그래도 안 할래요‬I'm good.
‪조 실장님‬Ms. Cho.
‪[동희] 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry.
‪[어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪지가 일타면 일타지‬ ‪왜 사람 성까지 바꾸고…‬Just because you're a star doesn't mean you can change my name.
‪- [탁탁 누르는 소리]‬ ‪- 재수 없어, 진짜‬He's so full of himself.
‪[후 내뱉는 소리]‬
‪[동희의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[차 문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[치열의 피곤한 숨소리]‬
‪[치열] 아유, 빡세다‬Man, I'm tired.
‪잘 갖다 놔‬ ‪아무 데나 막 놔두지 말고‬Keep them in a safe place. Don't lose them.
‪또 선물 버렸네, 어쨌네‬If you throw them away, I'll be bashed online again.
‪최치열 인성 논란 글 올라온다‬If you throw them away, I'll be bashed online again.
‪네, 알아요‬I know.
‪[달칵 안전띠 채우는 소리]‬
‪[동희] 한번 해 보시죠, 왜?‬You should give it a try.
‪뭘?‬What do you mean?
‪- [동희] 소개팅이요‬ ‪- [피식 웃는다]‬The blind date.
‪자만추 할 기회도 없으시잖아요‬You never meet new people.
‪[치열] 내 사전의 '자만추'란‬What I meant by a natural approach is
‪'자연스러운 만남조차‬ ‪추구하지 않는다'란 뜻이야‬that I'd rather not meet anyone.
‪인간이 하는 짓 중에‬ ‪가장 소모적인 게 뭔 줄 아냐?‬Do you know what's the most pointless human activity of all?
‪바로 인간관계야‬Relationships.
‪서로 알아 가고 의지하고‬You get to know each other, rely on each other,
‪그러다 싸우고‬then you fight,
‪화해하려고 애쓰고‬and try to make up.
‪그런 가성비 떨어지는 짓을‬ ‪왜 하냐‬What a waste of energy.
‪에너지 99%를 강의에 쓰고‬ ‪겨우 1% 남는데‬I spend 99 percent of my energy on work and the rest on surviving.
‪- 아주 딱…‬ ‪- [동희] 질색이시죠‬-I find relationships-- -Detestable?
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪알았으니까 이거나 좀 드세요‬I get it, so just eat this.
‪오늘 한 끼도 안 드셨잖아요‬ ‪커피 여덟 잔 드신 게 다예요‬You haven't eaten anything today except eight cups of coffee.
‪[치열] 아이…‬Goodness.
‪나 또 안 먹힐 거 같은데‬I don't think I can eat.
‪아이, 신체는‬ ‪왜 이렇게 비효율적인 걸까?‬Why is the human body so inefficient?
‪먹어야 되고, 자야 되고‬ ‪싸야 되고, 어?‬You have to eat, sleep, and excrete.
‪좀 더 효율적으로 진화할 순 없나?‬There must be a more efficient way.
‪알약 하나만 먹어도‬ ‪살 수 있는 기술은‬Why are there still no pills that can keep us alive?
‪왜 아직도 안 나오는 거야?‬Why are there still no pills that can keep us alive?
‪수요가 없는 거 아닐까요?‬Maybe no one wants them.
‪[치열] 내가 다 사 준다 그래, 다‬I'd buy them all.
‪아예 직접 투자를 해 버릴까 보다‬Maybe I should invest.
‪이게 뭔 맛이야?‬What the hell? The texture of the sandwich is like paper…
‪무슨 샌드위치가 종이 씹는…‬What the hell? The texture of the sandwich is like paper…
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪지 실장‬Mr. Ji.
‪[헛구역질 소리]‬
‪괜찮으세요, 쌤?‬Are you okay, sir?
‪[치열의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪누가 보면 입덧하시는 줄 알겠어요‬People would think you have morning sickness.
‪이렇게 좀만 피곤해도‬ ‪아무것도 못 드시고‬You're unable to eat whenever you feel tired.
‪3년 전만 해도‬ ‪이 정도는 아니었는데‬It wasn't this bad three years ago.
‪아니, 1조 원의 남자면 뭐 해요?‬ ‪돈을 쓸데가 없는데‬What's the point of being the Trillion Won Man if you never spend?
‪[변기 물이 쏴 내려가는 소리]‬What's the point of being the Trillion Won Man if you never spend?
‪[치열] 아, 입에서‬ ‪쓰레기통 냄새 난다‬My mouth tastes like garbage.
‪[동희] 위액 올라와서 그래요‬It's your stomach acid.
‪- [퉤 뱉는 소리]‬ ‪- 병원은 계속 가시죠?‬Are you still seeing a doctor? What did they say?
‪뭐래요, 의사가?‬Are you still seeing a doctor? What did they say?
‪[치열] 뭐‬Well…
‪스트레스에 의한 섭식 장애‬ ‪감정적 결핍, 공허함‬An eating disorder caused by stress, emotional deprivation, feelings of emptiness…
‪또 뭐라더라?‬emotional deprivation, feelings of emptiness… What else was there?
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[동희] 그 여학생은‬ ‪계속 나타나고요?‬Do you keep seeing that student?
‪뭐, 가끔‬Sometimes.
‪[동희] 아, 뭐, 그래서 뭐‬ ‪어떻게 해야 낫는대요, 의사는?‬So what can you do to get better?
‪[치열이 웅얼거리며] 푹 쉬고‬ ‪스트레스…‬I need to rest and avoid stress…
‪[꿀꺽 삼키는 소리]‬
‪왜 지금 말을 시켜?‬Stop talking to me.
‪[서진] 어쩌라고?‬ ‪나더러 뭘 어쩌라는 건데!‬What do you want me to do? What on earth am I supposed to do?
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪대답해‬Answer me.
‪어딜 가? 대답하라니까!‬Where do you think you're going?
‪[선재 부] 너 미쳤어!‬-You're out of your mind! -Yes, I am!
‪[서진] 그래, 미쳤어, 어?‬-You're out of your mind! -Yes, I am!
‪그렇게 잘난 네가 말해 봐‬ ‪말해 보라고‬If you're so smart, tell me. Go ahead, tell me.
‪[선재 부] 아, 왔어?‬You're home.
‪저기, 아빠가…‬I…
‪[서진] 왔니?‬Hey.
‪모의고사 시험지 가져와 봐‬Bring me your exam papers.
‪너 이 문제, 이거 왜 틀렸니?‬Why did you get this one wrong? It's a basic question.
‪이거 기본 독해잖아‬It's a basic question.
‪실수했어요, 단어가 헷갈려서‬It was a mistake. I mixed up the vocab.
‪실수도 실력이야‬You didn't study hard enough.
‪의사 돼서 환자 잘못 치료해 놓고‬ ‪실수였다고 할래?‬You can't make a mistake when diagnosing a patient.
‪그, 그래서 되기 싫어요, 엄마‬That's why I don't want to be a doctor.
‪난 의사‬That's why I don't want to be a doctor.
‪그럼 뭐? 뭐가 될 건데?‬Then what? What do you want to be?
‪[서진] 어?‬What?
‪너 로스쿨도 싫다며?‬You didn't want to study law either.
‪대체 네가 되고 싶은 게 뭔데? 어?‬Then what do you want to become? Tell me.
‪[웅장한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪들어가‬Go to your room.
‪[달칵 문 여닫히는 소리]‬
‪[웅장한 음악이 흐른다]‬
‪[고조되는 음악 소리]‬
‪오케이, 청소 끝!‬I'm done cleaning up.
‪[행선의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[행선의 기합]‬
‪[영주] 오, 천재 센터 백 남행선이‬ ‪아직 안 죽었구먼‬Nam Haeng-seon, the genius center back. You haven't lost your touch.
‪빨리 마무리하고 치맥이나 하자‬ ‪해이 모의고사도 끝났는데‬Let's wrap up and get chicken and beer. Hae-e took her mock exam today.
‪[영주] 야, 모의고사는‬ ‪해이가 봤는데 왜 우리가‬We're partying because Hae-e took an exam?
‪파티를 해야지, 그럼‬We're partying because Hae-e took an exam? Of course, we are.
‪- [해이가 웃으며] 치‬ ‪- [행선] 쏴‬Exactly.
‪[영주, 행선의 기합]‬Exactly. I have no objection.
‪[영주] 아주 타당한 이유야‬I have no objection.
‪근데 재우 너, 왜 벌써 벌겋냐?‬By the way, Jae-woo, why is your face so red?
‪소주 됫병 깐 애마냥‬Are you already drunk?
‪[행선] 쟤 또 하루 종일‬Are you already drunk? Isn't it because he's been hunching over his phone all day?
‪고개 숙이고‬ ‪핸드폰만 봐서 그런 거 아니야?‬Isn't it because he's been hunching over his phone all day?
‪요새 완전 맹수에 꽂혀 가지고‬He's hooked on predators these days.
‪삼촌 열나, 해이야‬Your uncle has a fever.
‪[체온계 전원음]‬
‪- [체온계 작동음]‬ ‪- 39.5‬It's 39.5 degrees.
‪[영주] 야, 39도면‬ ‪너무 높은 거 아니야?‬Hey, isn't that dangerously high?
‪열이 나면 난다고 말을 하지‬Why didn't you say you were running a fever?
‪- [체온계 작동음]‬ ‪- 9.8, 안 되겠다, 해이야‬Why didn't you say you were running a fever? It's 39.8 now. Oh, no.
‪[탁 놓는 소리]‬
‪[달그락거리는 소리]‬
‪네, 응급 환자가 있어서요‬We have an emergency.
‪주소가…‬The address is…
‪[치열] 고생했다‬Good work today.
‪- 택시 콜했지?‬ ‪- [동희] 예‬-Did you call a cab? -Yes.
‪- [치열] 그러게 차 뽑아 준다니까‬ ‪- [자동차 리모컨 작동음]‬Why won't you let me buy you a car?
‪[동희] 택시가 편해요‬ ‪비용 처리 해 주시잖아요‬I prefer taking cabs. I get reimbursed anyway.
‪푹 쉬세요, 쌤‬I prefer taking cabs. I get reimbursed anyway. -Get some rest, sir. -I sure would like to.
‪[치열] 푹 쉬고 싶다, 나도‬-Get some rest, sir. -I sure would like to.
‪[다급한 발소리]‬
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- [치열] 어? 아, 뭐야? 아유‬
‪[치열의 당황한 소리]‬
‪- 누구야, 너, 어?‬ ‪- [학생] 와, 우아, 집 진짜 좋다‬-Who are you? -Wow, your place looks amazing!
‪- 어, 개넓어, 어, 대박‬ ‪- [치열] 얘‬-It's so spacious! Incredible! -Hey!
‪[치열] 야, 너 뭐…‬ ‪얘, 너 뭐 하니? 어?‬Hey, what do you think you're doing?
‪[학생] 아, 쌤, 저 말고‬ ‪또 다른 친구 여기 온 적 없죠?‬Mr. Choi, none of the kids have been here before, right?
‪그렇죠? 제가 일빠죠?‬Mr. Choi, none of the kids have been here before, right? I'm the first, aren't I?
‪[치열] 나가, 빨리 나가‬Get out right now. Do you know what time it is?
‪야, 너 지금‬ ‪시간이 몇 시인데, 지금‬Get out right now. Do you know what time it is?
‪- 야, 야‬ ‪- [학생의 들뜬 숨소리]‬Hey! I'm just here to give you this.
‪[학생] 아, 저 이것만 드리고‬ ‪가려 그랬어요‬I'm just here to give you this.
‪이거 제가 직접 구운 쿠키예요‬I baked these cookies for you.
‪[치열] 너‬ ‪이거 지금 주거 침입이야‬You're breaking and entering. It's a serious crime.
‪- 중범죄라고, 나와, 빨리‬ ‪- [학생] 아아, 잠깐만요‬You're breaking and entering. It's a serious crime. -Get out. -I just--
‪- 아, 선생님, 이거, 이거‬ ‪- [치열] 얘 지금 겁도 없이 진짜‬-Get out. -I just-- -You have some nerve. -Take this. -Come here. -That hurts!
‪- 와, 일로 와, 일로 와‬ ‪- [학생] 아, 너무 아파요, 선생님‬-Come here. -That hurts!
‪[치열] 네, 주차장 입구요, 네‬I'm at the garage. Yes. I see you.
‪아, 여기 보이네, 여기요‬Yes. I see you.
‪[학생] 씨‬ ‪그러게 아까 받아 주시지‬You should've taken it earlier. You closed the doors on purpose!
‪일부러 엘리베이터 문 막 닫고‬You should've taken it earlier. You closed the doors on purpose!
‪[치열] 집에 들어가는 거까지‬ ‪꼭 확인해 주세요, 네?‬Don't leave until she enters her house.
‪- [학생] 아니, 아니…‬ ‪- [치열] 타, 얼른‬Wait-- -I-- -Get in. Mr. Choi.
‪[학생] 아, 쌤‬ ‪저 한 번만 안아 주세요‬Mr. Choi. -Can I get a hug? -What?
‪- [치열] 뭐?‬ ‪- 저 그럼 진짜 갈게요‬-Can I get a hug? -What? -I'll leave after a hug. -Are you joking?
‪얘가 정말 못 하는 말이 없어‬-I'll leave after a hug. -Are you joking?
‪- 타, 얼른!‬ ‪- [학생] 아, 선생님‬-Get in! -Mr. Choi!
‪[치열] 아유, 씨, 야, 야‬ ‪야, 야, 왜, 야‬-Get in! -Mr. Choi! Hey, what are you doing?
‪- [학생] 선생님‬ ‪- 야, 야, 왜 이러니, 진짜‬-Mr. Choi! -Why are you doing this?
‪- 야, 놔, 야‬ ‪- [학생] 음, 냄새 좋다‬-Mr. Choi! -Why are you doing this? -Get off me. -You smell so nice.
‪- 선생님, 저 대학 붙을 수 있을…‬ ‪- [치열] 야, 야, 놔! 얘 진짜‬-Get off me. -You smell so nice. -Take me home. -Stop it! How are you so strong?
‪얘 왜 이렇게 힘이 세니, 진짜‬ ‪야, 놔‬How are you so strong? Get off me. Now!
‪- [학생의 웃음]‬ ‪- 놔라, 야, 야‬Get off me. Now! -Hey! -Please take me home.
‪- [계속되는 카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪- [실랑이하는 소리]‬-Hey! -Please take me home. -Please? -Get off me!
‪힘쓴다, 야, 놔, 놔, 야‬Get off me while I'm being nice.
‪[의사] 음, 37.5도‬It's down to 37.5 degrees.
‪그래도 열은 많이 내렸네요‬His fever is breaking.
‪선천적 심질환 때문에‬Fever can lead to infective endocarditis due to his congenital heart disease.
‪열나면 심내막염으로 갈‬ ‪위험 있는 거 아시죠?‬Fever can lead to infective endocarditis due to his congenital heart disease.
‪일단 입원해서‬ ‪내일 검사 하나 더 하시고요‬He'll stay overnight and we'll run another test tomorrow.
‪경과 괜찮으면‬ ‪퇴원하시는 게 좋겠어요‬He'll stay overnight and we'll run another test tomorrow. If everything looks good, he can leave.
‪[행선] 네, 감사합니다, 선생님‬Okay. Thank you, sir.
‪[행선의 한숨]‬
‪일단 응급실 수납부터 하라고 해서‬I'm here to pay for an emergency room visit.
‪남재우요‬The name is Nam Jae-woo.
‪- [키보드 조작음]‬ ‪- [직원] 남재우 환자분이요‬The name is Nam Jae-woo. Mr. Nam Jae-woo, correct?
‪네, 오늘 검사비랑 해열제 해서‬ ‪38만 원 나왔습니다‬The tests and the fever treatment today will be 380,000 won.
‪이거‬Could you split the payment among these four cards?
‪10, 10, 10, 이렇게‬ ‪8로 좀 나눠서‬Could you split the payment among these four cards?
‪[직원] 네, 나눠서 해 드릴게요‬Sure, I'll do that.
‪[행선] 제가 가게를 하는데‬I run a shop. That's why I have so many cards for my purchases.
‪결제할 게 많아서‬ ‪카드가 좀 여러 개라서요‬That's why I have so many cards for my purchases.
‪- [행선이 살짝 웃는다]‬ ‪- [직원] 네‬Right.
‪[카드 단말기 작동음]‬
‪어‬Hey. Uncle was moved to another room.
‪[해이] 삼촌 병실 옮겼어‬Uncle was moved to another room.
‪엄마 이제 들어가‬ ‪새벽에 시장도 가야 되잖아‬Go home. You have to go to the market in the morning.
‪[행선] 아유‬ ‪영주 이모한테 부탁했어‬I asked Yeong-ju to do it.
‪너 가, 내일 학교 가야지‬I asked Yeong-ju to do it. Go home. You have school tomorrow.
‪[해이] 괜찮겠어?‬-Will you be okay? -Of course.
‪아유, 그럼‬ ‪엄마 또 체력 야무지잖니‬-Will you be okay? -Of course. You know I'm made of steel.
‪국대 때 별명 몰라? 깡순이‬I was the toughest one back in my handball days.
‪[행선] 가‬Go home.
‪갈게‬See you tomorrow.
‪- [잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪- [주르륵 물 떨어지는 소리]‬
‪[행선의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[행선의 피곤한 신음]‬
‪[해이의 한숨]‬
‪[해이]‬Is our sewing assignment due tomorrow? Correct. My mom asked the dry cleaner.
‪[단지]‬Correct. My mom asked the dry cleaner.
‪[선재]‬Same here.
‪[해이의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[치열의 지친 숨소리]‬
‪[치열의 피곤한 신음]‬
‪[웅얼거리며] 아, 생수‬I forgot to buy water.
‪[시원한 숨소리]‬
‪[치열의 피곤한 숨소리]‬
‪[센서 작동음]‬
‪[치열의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪[지친 숨소리]‬
‪[센서 작동음]‬
‪- [한숨]‬ ‪- [쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[피곤한 숨소리]‬
‪[센서 작동음]‬
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[학생] 쌤!‬Mr. Choi!
‪- 치열 쌤! [옅은 웃음]‬ ‪- [차분한 음악]‬Mr. Choi!
‪쌤, 오늘도‬ ‪왜 이렇게 잘생겼어요? 대박‬Why do you always look so perfect? Unbelievable. You get more handsome by the day.
‪맨날 잘생김 경신‬Unbelievable. You get more handsome by the day.
‪저 이것 좀 풀어 주세요‬ ‪이거 잘 안 풀려요‬Can you help me with this one? I can't seem to solve it.
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪[피곤한 신음]‬
‪[힘주는 소리]‬
‪[피곤한 목소리로] 어‬ ‪지 실장, 왜?‬Hello, Mr. Ji. What's up?
‪[동희] 일찍 죄송한데요, 선생님‬I'm sorry to wake you up.
‪열공닷컴 좀‬ ‪들어가 보셔야겠는데요‬But you need to see STUDYHARD.COM: ONLINE STUDENT COMMUNITY
‪또 왜?‬Why?
‪- [새들이 지저귀는 소리]‬ ‪- [한숨]‬
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪- [전화벨 소리]‬ ‪- 네, 사실무근입니다‬It's not true.
‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- [조교1] 네, 변호사님‬It's not true. Hello, sir. What should we do about his social media?
‪네, 그럼 개인 SNS는‬ ‪어떻게 하나요?‬Hello, sir. What should we do about his social media? You need to take it down. This is defamation.
‪[조교2] 바로 내려 주셔야죠‬ ‪명확히 명예 훼손인데‬You need to take it down. This is defamation.
‪- [조교1] 네, 네, 알겠습니다‬ ‪- [조교3] 아닙니다, 아닙니다‬-Understood, thank you. -It's not true. -Okay. -Hello?
‪- [조교2] 네‬ ‪- [계속되는 통화 소리]‬-Okay. -Hello?
‪[동희] 포털 사이트에‬ ‪이니셜로 기사 뜨고‬There are articles mentioning your initials.
‪열공닷컴 실시간 검색어 순위도‬ ‪장악했어요‬Your name is in the trending searches on
‪1위 '최치열 해명해'‬"One. Explain, Chi-yeol." "Two. We believe you, Chi-yeol."
‪2위 '믿어요, 최치열'‬"Two. We believe you, Chi-yeol."
‪3위 '일타강사', 4위 '소아 성'…‬"Three. Star teacher." "Four. Pedophil--"
‪댓글도 읽을까요?‬Should I read the comments?
‪[동희의 한숨]‬"I'm so disappointed."
‪'최치열 진짜 실망이야'‬"I'm so disappointed." "Why would you date her, not me?"
‪'왜 내가 아니라 걔야?'‬"Why would you date her, not me?"
‪'강의에 미친 놈인 줄 알았더니‬ ‪그냥 미친놈이네'‬"I thought he was crazy about math, but he was plain crazy." "I believe you, Mr. Choi."
‪'치열 쌤 믿어요'‬"I believe you, Mr. Choi."
‪'최치열강 무너지지 않기로‬ ‪약속…'‬"Promise you'll stay strong."
‪[치열] 아, 그냥‬ ‪확 밖으로 내쫓고 말걸 [한숨]‬Gosh, I should've kicked her out right away.
‪[동희] 말은 맨날 그러면서‬ ‪택시까지 잡아 보내시고‬You always say that, yet you call cabs for them. -You say one thing and do another. -I can't kick out a teenage girl at night…
‪가만 보면 언행이 잘 안 맞으세요‬-You say one thing and do another. -I can't kick out a teenage girl at night…
‪[치열] 야, 그럼 그 밤에‬ ‪여자애를 위험하게…‬-You say one thing and do another. -I can't kick out a teenage girl at night…
‪아니, 그러다 사고라도 나면‬ ‪내 수강생 빠지고 나만 손해잖아‬If something bad happens, I'd lose all my students.
‪누가 올린 건데?‬Who posted that anyway?
‪그거 또 '최치열라짱나'지?‬ ‪맨날 나 까고 다니는 애‬Is it Chiyeolsucks again? The one always bad-mouthing me.
‪아니요, 그 친구가‬ ‪올린 거 같지는 않고‬I don't think it's them.
‪악플은 엄청 달고 있습니다‬ ‪지금도‬But they are leaving a ton of hateful comments.
‪열공닷컴 원글 내렸고‬The original post has been taken down. And all the posts have been declared defamatory and deleted.
‪스카이맘점넷도 명예 훼손성 글로‬ ‪다 삭제 조치 했으니까‬And all the posts have been declared defamatory and deleted.
‪며칠 있으면 잠잠해질 거예요‬ ‪너무 스트레스받지 마세요‬The matter will blow over in a few days, so don't worry.
‪뭐, 지난번 너랑 나‬ ‪파트너 어쩌고 찍힌 사진도‬People lost interest in those rumors of us dating after two days.
‪[치열] 이틀 만에 심드렁해졌잖아‬People lost interest in those rumors of us dating after two days.
‪뭐, 이 정도 일로 내 일타 명성에‬ ‪금이 가는 것도 아니고‬It's not like this can harm my reputation.
‪아, 그럼요, 그럴 리가 없죠‬That's never going to happen.
‪세 번만 더 얘기해 줄래?‬ ‪그럴 리 없다고‬Will you say that three more times?
‪[동희] 그럴 일 없어요‬ ‪그럴 일 없어요, 그럴 일 없어요‬That's never going to happen.
‪오케이, 스트레스받지 말자‬ ‪끝, 끝, 끝!‬I'll stop stressing over it. I'm done with this!
‪- [문 열리는 소리]‬ ‪- [조교4] 쌤, 쌤‬-Mr. Choi! -What's the matter?
‪- [동희] 왜, 왜?‬ ‪- [조교4] 이것 좀 보세요‬-Mr. Choi! -What's the matter? You need to see this. That girl posted something.
‪그 여학생이 글을 올렸어요‬You need to see this. That girl posted something.
‪[치열의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[학생] 저 쌤이랑‬ ‪사귀는 사이 맞고요‬Mr. Choi and I really are together.
‪우리 이대로 사랑하게 해 주세요‬Please just let us love each other.
‪누가 뭐래도 우린 트루 러브‬No matter what you think, this is true love. That crazy little…
‪아, 미친, 개또라이‬That crazy little…
‪[동희] 아, 선생님‬Mr. Choi!
‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- [치열의 한숨]‬
‪[치열의 괴로운 신음]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[강사1] 아, 갑자기 웬 휴강?‬Why did he suddenly cancel?
‪[강사2] 그러게, 이상하네‬Why did he suddenly cancel? Beats me. It's so strange.
‪휴강 한 번에‬ ‪날아가는 돈이 얼마인데‬He should know how much one canceled class costs.
‪[이상] 잠수 탄 거지, 왜?‬He's hiding. Why?
‪제자랑 그딴 사진이 찍혔으니까‬He was caught on camera with his student.
‪그게 아예 없는 얘기가 아니라니까‬The rumor isn't totally groundless.
‪최치열이 그러고도‬ ‪남을 인간이라고, 그 인간이‬He's the type of guy that would date his student.
‪[미옥] 음…‬
‪어, 뭐야?‬What?
‪최치열 오늘 휴강이라는데?‬Choi Chi-yeol canceled class today.
‪- [학부모들의 의아한 소리]‬ ‪- [수희] 무슨 일이야?‬-Oh, no. -What happened?
‪아니, 휴강 한 번도 한 적 없는데‬ ‪치열 쌤은‬He's never done this before.
‪[미옥의 놀란 소리]‬
‪- [미옥] 혹시 그거 진짜 아니야?‬ ‪- [학부모1] 뭐?‬-Could it be true? -What?
‪오늘 스카이맘점넷에‬ ‪잠깐 올라왔다가 삭제된 거잖아‬There was this post on that got deleted right away today.
‪[학부모2] 봤어, 봤어‬There was this post on that got deleted right away today. -I saw it. -Right?
‪[미옥] 그렇지?‬ ‪그 여자애랑 뭐 어쩌고저쩌고‬-I saw it. -Right? -He has this thing with a teenage girl… -Exactly.
‪- [학부모2] 그래그래‬ ‪- [미옥] 봤지?‬-He has this thing with a teenage girl… -Exactly. -Right? -Don't be ridiculous.
‪[수희] 아이, 설마‬ ‪최치열이 미쳤어? 아니야‬-Right? -Don't be ridiculous. Why would he do that? It can't be true.
‪있어 봐, 내가‬ ‪원장한테 전화 한번 해 볼게, 지금‬Hold on. Let me try calling the director.
‪네, 원장님‬Hello, Director.
‪네, 알겠습니다, 네‬Okay, got it.
‪네, 들어가세요‬Bye.
‪[치열] 뭐래, 원장이?‬What did he say?
‪[동희의 한숨]‬A canceled class is no big deal,
‪[동희] 휴강은 어쩔 수 없고‬A canceled class is no big deal,
‪최대한 아프신 거‬ ‪노출시키지 말라고요‬but no one can know you're sick.
‪오늘 일 때문인 걸로‬ ‪확산될 수도 있고‬It can be seen as related to today's incident
‪다른 학원 떡밥 되기도 쉽다고‬or used against you.
‪[치열의 한숨]‬
‪[치열이 끙끙거린다]‬
‪의사가 뭐라는지 아세요?‬You know what the doctor said?
‪[치열] 모르지‬No, I don't. He said whatever it is you do for a living,
‪[동희] 뭔 일 하는 분인지는‬ ‪모르겠지만‬He said whatever it is you do for a living,
‪당장 그 일 그만두래요‬you need to stop right now.
‪수면 부족에 영양…‬Sleep-deprived, malnourished--
‪[작게] 신체 밸런스가‬ ‪다 무너졌대요‬Your body is out of whack.
‪1조 원의 남자가‬The Trillion Won Man is malnourished? That's embarrassing.
‪영양실조가 뭐냐고요‬ ‪제가 다 쪽팔려요‬The Trillion Won Man is malnourished? That's embarrassing.
‪안 먹고 싶어서 안 먹냐?‬ ‪안 먹히니까 안 먹지‬It's not that I don't want to eat. I just can't.
‪앞으로 진짜 먹을 수 있는 방법‬ ‪찾아야 할 거 같아요‬We need to find a way to help you eat.
‪[동희] 아, 쌤도‬ ‪일, 일 그러지만 마시고‬Stop obsessing over work and take better care of yourself.
‪본인 몸을 좀 챙기세요‬ ‪이것도 자기 관리잖아요‬Stop obsessing over work and take better care of yourself. -It's part of being professional. -I get it!
‪아유, 알았어, 알았다고‬-It's part of being professional. -I get it!
‪얘가 왜 이렇게‬ ‪점점 잔소리가 늘어?‬You're turning into such a nag. I liked you because you were quiet.
‪처음엔 과묵해서 좋더니만‬I liked you because you were quiet.
‪[치열의 숨 들이켜는 소리]‬
‪- [동희] 몸…‬ ‪- [치열] 알았다고‬-You-- -I said I get it.
‪[걱정스러운 숨소리]‬
‪[안내 방송이 흐른다]‬If you are using the parking lot,
‪[동희] 아, 쌤‬ ‪잠깐만 여기 좀 계세요‬Sir, wait here. I have to go pay for parking.
‪주차 등록만 얼른 하고 올게요‬Sir, wait here. I have to go pay for parking.
‪[치열] 빨리 와, 최대한 빨리‬-Make it as quick as you can. -Got it.
‪[동희] 네‬-Make it as quick as you can. -Got it.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[치열] 아유, 좀, 어이!‬Gosh, seriously. Hey.
‪폰 줘요‬Hand over your phone.
‪아, 좀, 이런 장난 좀‬ ‪치지 맙시다, 좀‬This kind of rude behavior really needs to stop! -Sorry? -What did you just take a picture of?
‪- [재우] 예?‬ ‪- [치열] 뭐 찍은 건데, 뭐, 뭐?‬-Sorry? -What did you just take a picture of?
‪이거랑 나랑 또 엮으려고?‬Trying to start another rumor?
‪바로 삭제하면‬ ‪문제 안 삼을 테니까 폰 내놔요‬Delete the photos and I'll let it slide. Hand me your phone.
‪[재우] 아…‬Where are you going?
‪[치열] 뭐, 뭘 어디‬Where are you going? What's the deal with you? This is unacceptable!
‪뭐야, 당신?‬ ‪이거 진짜 나쁜 짓이야, 이거, 어?‬What's the deal with you? This is unacceptable!
‪폰 내놔요‬What's the deal with you? This is unacceptable! Hand me your phone. Are you a professional photographer?
‪아니, 뭐, 당신 뭐, 전문 찍사야?‬Hand me your phone. Are you a professional photographer?
‪- 누구한테 사주받았어?‬ ‪- [재우] 호랑이‬Hand me your phone. Are you a professional photographer? -Were you hired? -The tiger.
‪어제 그 사진도 당신이지?‬Did you take those photos last night?
‪- 내놔 봐, 폰 내놔 보라고‬ ‪- [행선] 재우야, 재우야‬Did you take those photos last night? -Give me the phone. -Jae-woo! -Just give me your phone! -Jae-woo!
‪- [치열] 아, 폰 좀 달라고, 좀!‬ ‪- [재우] 호랑이‬-Just give me your phone! -Jae-woo! What's going on here?
‪[행선] 아유, 왜 그래요?‬ ‪무슨 일이에요?‬What's going on here?
‪[치열] 뭐야, 당신은 또?‬ ‪아, 둘이 한패야?‬Who are you? Are you two a team?
‪- 아, 뭐, 그런 셈이긴 한데‬ ‪- [치열] 폰 내놔‬Are you two a team? Kind of. Anyway, let him go first.
‪[행선] 일단 놓, 놓고‬ ‪놓고 얘기를 좀 해요, 네?‬Kind of. Anyway, let him go first. Before that, I'm a little low on energy today.
‪[치열] 아유, 됐고, 오늘 내가 좀‬ ‪기운이 없어서 그러니까‬Before that, I'm a little low on energy today.
‪사진만 바로 삭제하면‬ ‪문제 안 삼을 테니까 폰 내놔요‬Just delete the photos, and I'll let it slide. -Give me the phone. -Photos?
‪- 뭔 사진을, 일단 놓고 얘기해요‬ ‪- [치열] 내놔, 내놔‬-Give me the phone. -Photos? Let him go first. You're scaring him!
‪[행선] 아니, 애가 놀라잖아요!‬ ‪이씨‬Let him go first. You're scaring him!
‪- [사람들이 웅성거린다]‬ ‪- [행선의 놀란 소리]‬He fell.
‪[치열의 한숨]‬
‪[카메라 작동음]‬He's so flimsy.
‪아이씨‬Damn it.
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪[행선] 저 새끼 뭐니? 야!‬What the hell? -Hey! -He took my phone!
‪[재우] 누나, 내 폰‬-Hey! -He took my phone!
‪- [행선] 야‬ ‪- [치열] 아유, 씨‬-Hey, stop right there! -Jeez.
‪[행선] 너 거기 안 서?‬-Hey, stop right there! -Jeez.
‪[치열] 빠르다, 저 여자‬She's fast.
‪무섭도록 빠르다‬Freakishly fast.
‪나의 달리기 최고 속도는‬ ‪100m 16초‬I can run 100m in 16 seconds.
‪시속 22.5km‬That's 22.5km per hour.
‪노화와 현재 컨디션을 감안하면‬ ‪20초도 어렵다‬But considering my age and poor health, I can't run as fast.
‪저 여자의 속도는 대충 어림잡아도‬ ‪시속 25km에 육박‬That woman seems to be running at a speed of at least 25km per hour.
‪이대로는 승산이 없다‬I stand no chance.
‪남은 방법은 하나‬Only one thing can save me.
‪관성을 이용한다‬Inertia.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪[치열의 기합]‬
‪[사람들의 놀란 소리]‬
‪[행선의 다급한 소리]‬RESTROOM
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[행선] 아휴‬
‪[행선의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪어디 있어, 이 새끼?‬Where did that jerk go?
‪아, 낸장‬Jeez.
‪일로 들어온 거 같은데‬I think he's in here.
‪저기요, 선생님!‬ ‪좋은 말로 할 때 나와요‬Sir? Come out while I'm being nice.
‪네 발로 나오면 폰만 받고‬ ‪넘어가 줄게요, 그냥, 예?‬If you come out now, I'll take the phone and leave. Got it?
‪나쁜 짓 하고 사는 거 아니에요‬You're creating bad karma here.
‪그럼 천벌받아요‬What goes around comes around.
‪요즘 세상 은근 공평해요, 알아요?‬The world is surprisingly fair.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪여기 있니?‬Are you in there?
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪여기 있으세요?‬Are you?
‪[한숨]‬Excuse me.
‪[남자] 저기요‬Excuse me.
‪[경비원] 여기서 지금‬ ‪뭐 하시는 거예요?‬What are you doing in here?
‪여기 남자 화장실이에요, 나오세요‬This is the men's room. Come out.
‪여기 핸드폰 도둑놈이‬There might be a phone thief hiding in here.
‪숨어 있을지도‬ ‪몰라서 그래요, 아저씨‬There might be a phone thief hiding in here.
‪[경비원] 뭐래?‬That's nonsense.
‪- 나오세요, 신고하기 전에‬ ‪- [행선] 아저씨, 진짜‬-Leave or I'll call the cops. -I'm serious.
‪- 나가세요, 빨리, 가세요‬ ‪- [행선] 아니, 아, 아저씨, 진짜‬-Get out. -I mean-- -Get out right now! -Believe me, sir.
‪아, 가세요‬-Get out right now! -Believe me, sir.
‪[치열의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪잠깐만‬Let's see.
‪[치열] '남재우'?‬Nam Jae-woo? Let's see here.
‪[치열이 중얼거린다]‬Nam Jae-woo? Let's see here.
‪이, 이, 이게 뭐야?‬What is this?
‪호, 호, 호, 호랑이?‬The tiger?
‪[당황한 소리]‬I mean…
‪아휴‬What the…
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[후 내뱉는 소리]‬
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪[치열] 어?‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪여기 계셨네요?‬There you are.
‪[치열의 놀란 소리]‬There you are.
‪내 동생 폰 내놔‬ ‪이 도둑놈의 새끼야‬Give me my brother's phone, you thief.
‪[으르렁거리는 효과음]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[툭 떨어지는 소리]‬
‪- [행선] 어머, 어떡해‬ ‪- [무거운 음악]‬Oh, no.
‪[행선의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪어머, 깨졌어‬It's cracked.
‪아휴, 낸장, 씨‬Cripes.
‪- [거친 숨소리]‬ ‪- [흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪- [자동차 경적]‬ ‪- [치열] 어?‬
‪어, 여기, 여기, 여기‬I'm here.
‪- 어, 내리지 마, 내, 내가 갈게‬ ‪- [동희] 아, 어디 계셨어요?‬-Don't come. I'll come to you. -Where were you?
‪- 왜요?‬ ‪- [치열] 출발하자‬We have to go.
‪[가쁜 숨을 내쉬며] 출발해‬-Let's go. -Okay.
‪[동희] 예, 예‬-Let's go. -Okay.
‪[치열의 다급한 소리]‬
‪[치열] 가자, 가자, 가자, 가자‬Let's get going.
‪[치열의 안도하는 숨소리]‬
‪아니, 무슨 DMZ도 아니고‬What is this, the DMZ?
‪사방이 다 지뢰밭이야, 이 동네는‬This neighborhood is a damn minefield.
‪또라이 사생팬에 이상한 아줌마에‬A crazy stalker, a weird lady…
‪이사를 갈까?‬Maybe I should move.
‪댁으로 가실 거죠?‬Are you going home?
‪아니, 연구실‬No, to the academy.
‪수업도 못 했는데‬ ‪스피드 테스트 마무리는 해야지‬I want to finish up the pop quiz to make up for the canceled class.
‪[행선] 이거 고치려면‬ ‪꽤 비쌀 텐데, 씨‬It's quite expensive to fix this.
‪아유, 그 나쁜 놈의 호랑이 새끼‬That damn tiger guy.
‪거기서 딱‬ ‪생포를 했어야 되는데, 진짜, 이씨‬I should've captured him alive there.
‪아휴, 씨‬Jeez.
‪[재우] 누나, 내 폰은?‬Haeng-seon, where's my phone?
‪[행선의 속상한 신음]‬
‪[재우의 한숨]‬
‪[종렬] 장단지‬Jang Dan-ji.
‪- 방수아‬ ‪- [수아] 네‬-Bang Su-a. -Yes.
‪[종렬의 한숨]‬
‪[종렬] 뭐, 정식 성적표‬ ‪나와 봐야 알겠지만‬It's not official yet,
‪방수아 전교 1등 확실한 거 같더라‬but Su-a seems to have come out on top.
‪[학생들의 탄성과 박수]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬MATH SCORE: 83, LEVEL: 2 -Kim Hui-won. -Yes.
‪- 김희원‬ ‪- [희원] 네‬-Kim Hui-won. -Yes.
‪[교사] 어, 엄마가 고생 많으셨네‬Your mom did an amazing job.
‪[학생들의 웃음]‬
‪이건 어디 수선집이야?‬Which seamstress's work is this?
‪[학생들의 웃음]‬
‪어, 이건 전문가 솜씨인데?‬This looks professional.
‪어디 세탁소야?‬Which dry cleaner?
‪[학생들의 웃음]‬Which dry cleaner?
‪아, 이거는 의심의 여지가 없다‬Meanwhile, someone obviously did her assignment herself.
‪해이 솜씨네‬Hae-e.
‪- [학생들의 웃음]‬ ‪- 삐뚤빼뚤‬
‪[자동차 경적]‬
‪[수희] 해이야, 탈래?‬ ‪집 앞에 내려 주고 갈게‬Get in, Hae-e. I'll give you a lift home.
‪아, 아니에요‬ ‪편의점에서 우산 사면 돼요‬It's okay. I'll pick up an umbrella at the store.
‪- [수희] 어, 그래, 그럼‬ ‪- [해이] 감사합니다‬-All right. -Thanks anyway.
‪[재우의 한숨]‬Jae-woo, just eat a little.
‪[행선] 재우야‬ ‪한 숟갈만 먹자, 응?‬Jae-woo, just eat a little.
‪그래야 약을 먹지‬You need to take your medicine.
‪또 열나, 너 이러면‬Do you want to run a fever again?
‪[작게] 누나가 폰 고쳐 줄게, 응?‬I'll have your phone fixed.
‪한 숟갈만 먹자, 응?‬So just eat a bit. Okay?
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬
‪- [도어 록 작동음]‬ ‪- [문 여닫히는 소리]‬
‪- [해이] 다녀왔습니다‬ ‪- [행선의 한숨]‬I'm home.
‪삼촌, 괜찮아?‬Are you okay, Uncle?
‪[행선] 아유, 이 꼴통, 진짜‬Gosh, you stubborn goat.
‪넌 또 왜 이렇게 젖었어?‬You're soaking wet.
‪비 와, 밖에‬It's raining.
‪[행선] 아니‬Why didn't you share an umbrella with a friend or buy one?
‪아, 비가 오면 친구랑 같이‬ ‪우산을 쓰고 오든가‬Why didn't you share an umbrella with a friend or buy one?
‪편의점에서 하나 사든가‬Why didn't you share an umbrella with a friend or buy one?
‪헛똑똑이야, 아무튼‬Talk about being book-smart.
‪[해이의 한숨]‬
‪남재우!‬ ‪누나가 폰 고쳐 준다니까, 너‬Jae-woo, I promise I'll have your phone fixed! You don't believe me?
‪누나 못 믿어? 어?‬You don't believe me?
‪너 먹을래, 맞을래?‬ ‪먹을래, 죽을래!‬Eat, or I'll beat you up. Eat, or I'll kill you!
‪빨리 한 숟갈만 먹어‬Here. Just one spoonful.
‪[문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[피곤한 숨소리]‬
‪[행선] 해이야‬Hae-e, come out and make some hotteok.
‪나와서 호떡 좀 구워 봐‬Hae-e, come out and make some hotteok.
‪삼촌이 네 호떡 좋아하잖아‬Your uncle loves it.
‪[귀찮은 숨소리]‬I'm going to sleep. I'm tired.
‪싫어, 나 잘래, 피곤해‬I'm going to sleep. I'm tired.
‪야, 몇 개만 좀 구워 봐‬Come on. Grill a few for your uncle.
‪[행선] 삼촌 약은 먹여야지‬He needs to take his medicine.
‪호떡 굽고 너 죽 먹어‬Have porridge after you make hotteok.
‪삼촌 안 먹어서 한 솥 그대로야‬ ‪너 죽 좋아하잖아‬Your uncle didn't even touch it. You love porridge.
‪아니, 나 죽 싫어해‬No, I hate it.
‪삼촌 아플 때마다 끓이니까‬ ‪어쩔 수 없이 먹은 거야‬I just had no choice but to eat it whenever he got sick.
‪아휴, 얘가 왜 화를 내고‬Why are you so upset?
‪[행선] 너 학교에서‬ ‪무슨 일 있었어?‬Did something happen at school?
‪왜, 어제‬ ‪그 모의고사 때문에 그래?‬Is this about the mock exam? Because you didn't get 100 percent?
‪그거 100점 못 맞아서?‬Is this about the mock exam? Because you didn't get 100 percent?
‪모의고사에 100점이 어디 있어?‬You don't get 100 percent on a mock exam.
‪수능은 등급인 것도 몰라, 엄마는?‬The CSAT has a level system!
‪딴 엄마들은 맨날‬ ‪학교 데려다주고 데리러 오고‬Other moms give their kids rides and know all the news about education.
‪입시 정보도 엄마들이 다 알아보고‬Other moms give their kids rides and know all the news about education.
‪수행 평가도 대신 해‬ ‪공부만 집중하라고!‬They even do their kids' assignments so they can study!
‪[해이] 그런 거 바라지도 않아‬ ‪근데 어떻게…‬I'm not even asking you to do that.
‪비 맞은 딸 감기 걸릴라‬ ‪한마디를 안 해?‬But at least ask me if I'm coming down with a cold.
‪계모라서 그래?‬Is it because you're my stepmom?
‪[행선] 너 왜 이렇게‬ ‪말을 못되게 해?‬Why would you be so mean?
‪내가 무슨 네 계모니?‬I'm not your stepmom!
‪그러게 이모는 이렇게 못된 애를‬ ‪뭐 하러 키웠는데?‬Then why did you take in a mean kid like me, Auntie?
‪엄마도 버린 애‬ ‪보육원에 그냥 갖다 맡겨 버리지‬You should've sent me away when my mom abandoned me.
‪- [문 닫히는 소리]‬ ‪- [도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[재우] 아, 나는‬ ‪죽 먹고 약 먹어야겠다‬I should eat some porridge before I take my medicine.
‪죽이 어디 있지?‬I should eat some porridge before I take my medicine. Where's the porridge?
‪[속상한 숨소리]‬
‪그래서 누나 지금 어쩌고 있는데?‬So what's your sister doing now?
‪해이한테 전화해 봤어? 안 받아?‬Did she try calling Hae-e? Not picking up?
‪폰 얘기 안 하면 안 돼, 누나?‬Please stop talking about phones.
‪[영주] 아, 쏘리‬Right.
‪너희 집에 우환이 많구나, 오늘‬It's an eventful day for your family.
‪일진이 참‬What a bad day.
‪[출입문 종소리]‬-Hello. -Welcome.
‪[동희] 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Welcome.
‪[재우] 어서 오세요‬-Hello. -Welcome.
‪[동희] 여기 도시락도 되죠?‬-Hello. -Welcome. I can get takeout, right?
‪- [문 닫히는 소리]‬ ‪- [재우] 예, 맞아요‬That's right. Goodness, he's totally my type. Fragile and pale.
‪[영주] 어머, 내 스타일‬Goodness, he's totally my type. Fragile and pale.
‪병약미 쩔어‬Goodness, he's totally my type. Fragile and pale.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪골라 담으면 되는 건가요?‬-Do I just fill the tray myself? -You betcha.
‪넹넹‬-Do I just fill the tray myself? -You betcha.
‪[영주] 어쩜 저렇게 하얘? 남자가‬How can a man be so fair-skinned?
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬He has asparagus fingers. So long and slim.
‪손가락 긴 거 봐‬ ‪아스파라거스야, 뭐야?‬He has asparagus fingers. So long and slim.
‪오늘 두부조림 예술인데‬The braised tofu turned out amazing today.
‪[어색한 웃음]‬
‪- [동희] 이거 쓰면…‬ ‪- [영주] 아, 이걸로 하면, 네, 네‬-Do I use… -Exactly.
‪궁중떡볶이 미쳤어요‬The gungjung tteokbokki is nuts.
‪[웃음]‬I see.
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪[동희] 쌤, 식사하세요‬Mr. Choi, I brought you food.
‪근처 반찬 가게 도시락인데‬This side dish shop is all the rage among bloggers.
‪블로거가 극찬을 하더라고요‬ ‪인공 조미료 안 쓴다고‬This side dish shop is all the rage among bloggers. No artificial ingredients.
‪넌 참 착해, 응?‬You're so kind but gullible.
‪그걸 믿어?‬ ‪다 짜고 치는 고스톱이지‬Bloggers get paid to advertise the store.
‪그래서 안 드시겠다고요?‬So you're not going to eat it?
‪쩝, 그러세요, 그럼‬Suit yourself. Collapse, get taken to the hospital, cancel your class,
‪또 쓰러지시고 병원 실려 가시고‬Collapse, get taken to the hospital, cancel your class,
‪[동희] 무단 휴강 하시고‬Collapse, get taken to the hospital, cancel your class,
‪열공닷컴 실검 1위부터 10위까지‬ ‪쫙 찍어 주시면 되겠네요‬and take over again.
‪최치열 데일리 루틴이네요‬-Maybe it'll be your routine soon. -All right, I get it!
‪아유, 알았어‬-Maybe it'll be your routine soon. -All right, I get it!
‪알았어, 집에 가서 먹을게‬ ‪아유, 잔소리, 진짜‬I'll eat it at home. Stop nagging.
‪지금‬Eat it now.
‪[문 열리는 소리]‬
‪[탁 놓는 소리]‬
‪쟤 안 착해‬He's definitely not kind.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[자동차 경적]‬
‪[행선의 한숨]‬
‪[해이의 헛기침]‬
‪[행선] 야‬Hey.
‪내가 무슨 계모냐? 이모지‬I'm not your stepmom. I'm your aunt.
‪[해이] 누가 몰라?‬I know.
‪말이 그렇다는 거지‬I was just saying.
‪[행선] 잘 나가다‬ ‪한 번씩 왜 그래?‬Why do you act out like this once in a while?
‪너 그러는 거‬ ‪이모 트라우마 있는 거 알지?‬You know these events traumatize me.
‪아주 심장이 덜렁거려‬ ‪내가 너 그럴 때마다‬My heart drops a beat every time you do that.
‪[해이] 벌렁거리는 거겠지‬ ‪덜렁거리는 게 아니라‬Your heart doesn't "drop" a beat. It "skips" a beat. Same difference.
‪[행선] 벌렁이나 덜렁이나, 씨‬ ‪애니웨이‬Same difference.
‪[해이] 미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪잘못했어, 내가‬It was mean of me.
‪맞아, 잘못했어‬Yes, it was.
‪[행선] 사과는 쿨하게 받아 줄게‬I accept your apology.
‪근데 이유가 뭐야?‬ ‪알아듣게 얘기해‬But why did you do that? Be straight with me so I can understand.
‪돌리지 말고‬But why did you do that? Be straight with me so I can understand.
‪네가 얘기 안 하면‬ ‪이모는 알 수가 없어‬I'll never know unless you tell me.
‪뭔데?‬What is it?
‪[치열의 피곤한 숨소리]‬NATION'S BEST BANCHAN
‪아휴, 먹고 또 토하는 거 아니야?‬What if I throw up after eating again?
‪그래도 먹어 보자‬But I still need to eat.
‪살아야지‬To survive.
‪[아련한 음악]‬
‪[행선] 얘기해, 해이야‬Tell me, Hae-e.
‪남해이!‬Nam Hae-e.
‪저기, 나‬Well…
‪나 학원 하나만 끊어 줘, 수학‬ ‪일타 최치열 거‬Enroll me in the star teacher Choi Chi-yeol's math course.
‪일타 최치열?‬The star teacher Choi Chi-yeol?
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪'국가대표'?‬"Nation's Best"?
‪[직원] 고객님, 수리하시면 비용이‬ ‪총 28만 7천 원 소요되는데‬The repair will cost 287,000 won.
‪괜찮으시겠어요?‬Is that okay?
‪[행선] 아…‬Well, let me think about it first.
‪아니요, 생각 좀 해 볼게요‬ ‪이참에 다시 살까 싶기도 해서‬Well, let me think about it first. Perhaps I'll get a new one instead.
‪돌겠네, 진짜‬ ‪앞으로 돈 들어갈 일 태산인데, 씨‬What do I do? Money keeps slipping through my fingers.
‪내 손에 잡히기만 해 봐‬If I find him, I'll beat him to a pulp.
‪아주 납작만두를‬ ‪만들어 버리려니까‬If I find him, I'll beat him to a pulp.
‪아, 호랑이 놈‬ ‪낯이 익은 걸로 봐선‬He looked somewhat familiar. He must live around here.
‪분명히 이 동네 놈인데, 이걸‬He looked somewhat familiar. He must live around here.
‪어디 가서 잡아, 이걸? 씨‬Where can I find him? EPILOGUE
‪[반짝이는 효과음]‬EPILOGUE
‪[행선] 우리 해이가 원하는‬ ‪일타강사의 수업을‬Whether Hae-e can enroll in that star teacher's course or not
‪들을 수 있느냐, 없느냐는‬Whether Hae-e can enroll in that star teacher's course or not
‪두 사람의 협조와 나의 노력‬ ‪1%의 운에 달려 있다고 봐, 난‬depends on your cooperation, my effort, and one percent luck.
‪[실장] 마침 다음 강의가‬ ‪내일 등록이거든요?‬Enrollment for his next course starts tomorrow.
‪등록이 쉽지가 않을 거예요‬But it won't be easy to sign up.
‪- [박수 소리]‬ ‪- [동희] 어어…‬
‪[행선] 난 오늘‬ ‪해이의 일타 등록을 해내고 만다‬I am going to enroll Hae-e in that star teacher's course.
‪[치열] 정신 안 차릴래?‬Where's your head at?
‪당장 오늘 스타트인데‬ ‪어쩔 거야, 이거?‬The course starts today. What are you going to do?
‪[재우] '1타강사의 진짜 수학‬ ‪수학은 최치열'‬"Real math from a star teacher. For math, Choi Chi-yeol."
‪나 이 사람 어디서 봤는데?‬I've seen him somewhere.
‪[치열] 저 여자가 저기 왜 있어?‬What's she doing there?
‪야, 가자, 가자‬Let's go. Who are those guys?
‪저 사람들은 뭐니?‬

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