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  사이코지만 괜찮아 1

It's Okay to Not Be Okay 1


‪(강태) ‪옛날 옛날

A long time ago,

아주 깊은 숲속 어느 성에

there lived a beautiful girl in a castle located deep inside the forest.

아름다운 소녀가 살고 있었어요

there lived a beautiful girl in a castle located deep inside the forest.

‪(아이1) ‪무궁화꽃이 피었습니다

‪(강태) ‪ 혼자여서 외롭고 심심했던 소녀는

She was always alone, so she was lonely and bored.

‪[아이들이 떠들썩하다] ‪어느  함께  친구를 찾아 ‪ 밖을 나섰답니다

So one day, she left the castle to find herself a friend to play with.

‪[아이들의 의아한 신음]

‪[긴장되는 효과음] ‪하지만

She offered them all sorts of amazing gifts,

‪[아이들의 비명]

She offered them all sorts of amazing gifts,

아무리 좋은 선물을 내밀어도

She offered them all sorts of amazing gifts,

누구도 그녀를 받아 주지 않았어요

but nobody ever accepted her.

‪[무거운 효과음]

‪[아이들의 비명] ‪소녀는 나중에야  이유를 알게 됐죠

Later on, she found out why.

죽음의 그림자를 끌고 다니는 괴물

A monster who brings along the shadow of death.

사람들은 소녀를 그렇게 불렀어요

That's what the people called her.


"She's a monster. A monster."

‪[쓸쓸한 음악]

‪(강태) ‪세상 모든 이들에게 ‪단단히 화가  소녀는

She was very angry at every living soul in the world.

뭔가 분풀이 대상이 필요했어요

And she needed to take it out on someone.

‪[물고기의 신음]


‪[차분한 음악]

‪(강태) ‪본의 아니게

Ever since she unexpectedly saved the boy from dying,

소년을 죽음에서 건져 올린 그날 이후

Ever since she unexpectedly saved the boy from dying,

신기하게도  그녀를 따라다니던 ‪무시무시한 그림자가 사라졌어요

the scary shadow that always followed her around suddenly disappeared.

‪[풀벌레 울음] ‪(강태) ‪대신

And the boy always followed her around instead.

소년이 그녀 뒤를 항상 따라다녔죠

And the boy always followed her around instead.

‪[천둥이 콰르릉 친다] ‪[비가  내린다]

밤이든 낮이든

He always went with her whether it was day or night

산이든 들이든

He always went with her whether it was day or night

소녀 뒤만 졸졸졸

and whether she was in the mountains or a field.

‪(강태) ‪화창한 어느  소녀가 물었어요

On a clear and sunny day, the girl asked him this.

‪(문영) ‪

"Hey, will you always stay by my side?"

너는   옆에 있어  거지?

"Hey, will you always stay by my side?"

‪(강태) ‪그럼 절대 도망치지 않아

"Of course. I will never run away."

‪(문영) ‪이래도?

"Even if I do this?"

‪[긴장되는 음악]

‪(강태) ‪ 혼자가  소녀 곁으로

The girl was all alone again,

죽음의 그림자가 다시 찾아와 ‪속삭였어요

and the shadow of death came back and whispered this.

‪(여자1) ‪ 옆엔 아무도 있을  없어

"No one can ever stay by your side

왜냐하면  괴물이거든

because you're a monster.

 사실을 절대 잊지 

Do not ever forget that. Do you understand?"


Do not ever forget that. Do you understand?"


Yes, Mother.

‪[캐비닛 문이 철컥 열린다]

‪[옅은 탄성]

This stop is Daun Vocational School.

‪[안내 음성] ‪이번 정류장은 다운직업학교 앞입니다

This stop is Daun Vocational School.

‪[버스 벨이 울린다] ‪[안내 음성이 계속 흘러나온다]

The next stop is...

‪(교수) ‪아니수업 중에 갑자기 ‪악을악을 쓰면서 난리 발작을 하는데

I mean, he threw a huge fit in the middle of class.

‪[어두운 음악] ‪ 정말...

My goodness.

‪[상태가 소리를 지른다]


‪[안전모가  떨어진다]

‪(교수) ‪이거 말려 봐야 소용이 있나진짜 ‪[상태가 중얼거린다]

There's no use in trying to stop him.

어디 한두 번이어야 말이지?

And this isn't the first time.

‪(상태) ‪표정을 보면 감정이 보여요

Your expression... What if there was a dangerous tool next to him?

‪(교수) ‪옆에 위험한 집기라도 있었어 봐요

What if there was a dangerous tool next to him?

당장 사고지사고!

It would've led to an accident.

‪[의미심장한 효과음]

‪[날카로운 소음이 울린다]

‪[날카로운 효과음]

‪[칙칙 분사된다]

‪(교수) ‪아니 흥분 상태가 자꾸 나타나는데 ‪[상태가 중얼거린다]

I don't understand why we need to walk on eggshells

‪(상태) ‪불안하다불안하다! ‪[교수가 계속 화낸다]

I don't understand why we need to walk on eggshells -because of Sang-tae. -Is he angry? Is he angry?

‪(교수) ‪아무튼 안전 문제도 있고 ‪[상태가 중얼거린다]

Anyway, we need to think of safety, -and he's too much for us to handle. -Angry…

‪[교수가 계속 말한다] ‪(상태) ‪신경질이 난다

-and he's too much for us to handle. -Angry…

그냥 좋게 특수 학교나 ‪지역 복지관 쪽으로 옮겨 가시는 

Just send him to a special needs school or a local community center.

‪(교수) ‪서로 스트레스  받고 좋지 않겠냐 ‪ 말입니다

Just send him to a special needs school or a local community center. That will be best for everyone.

‪(상태) ‪     ‪표정을 보면 감정이 보여요

That will be best for everyone. -Your expression shows your emotions -Tell me what you think.

‪(교수) ‪    보시든가진짜

-Your expression shows your emotions -Tell me what you think.

어떻게 생각하세요?

What do you think?

   봐요입이 있으면!

Will you please say something? My gosh, seriously.


Will you please say something? My gosh, seriously.

화가 난다

He's angry.

‪[흥미진진한 음악]




Aren't you hungry?

‪(강태) ‪ 먹고 싶은  있어?

What do you want to eat?

어차피 오래 다닐 학교도 아니었잖아

You weren't planning to stay for long anyway.

나중에 이사 가면 ‪내가  좋은  알아볼게약속

I'll find you a better school once we move. I promise.

‪(강태) ‪많이 속상...

-Are you that upset? -Jjamppong.

‪(상태) ‪짬뽕

-Are you that upset? -Jjamppong.

‪- (강태? ‪- (상태탕수육 소짜찍먹

-What? -Tangsuyuk with sauce on the side.

‪(상태) ‪자금성자금자금성 말고 양자강 ‪[밝은 음악]

Let's go to Yangjagang, not Jageumseong.

‪[강태의 웃음]

Let's go to Yangjagang, not Jageumseong.

‪(강태) ‪그래

Okay, let's stuff ourselves with food at Yangjagang.

양자강 가서  터지게 먹자

Okay, let's stuff ourselves with food at Yangjagang.

‪(상태) ‪엄청 맛있어엄청 맛있어기억나?

The food is really good there. Do you remember?

‪(강태) ‪...

그때가 언제더라?

When was the last time we went?

‪(상태) ‪걱정하지 형이  줄게형이

Don't worry. I'll buy. I'm your big brother.

‪[반짝이는 효과음]

‪[새가 지저귄다]

‪[우아한 음악]

‪[꿀꺽 삼킨다]

‪[개운한 신음]

‪[함께 속삭인다]

‪(여자2) ‪혹시 고문영 작가님?

By any chance, are you Author Ko Mun-yeong?

-Yes. -See? I told you.


-Yes. -See? I told you.

저희 딸이 작가님 팬이에요

My daughter is a big fan of yours.

‪(여자2) ‪죄송하지만

I'm sorry to ask this,

여기 사인 ...

but can we please get your autograph?

‪[사인을 쓱쓱 한다]


-Your name? -Lee Seul-bi.


-Your name? -Lee Seul-bi.

‪(여자2) ‪실물로 뵈니까 진짜 미인이시다 ‪그렇지?

She's really beautiful in real life, isn't she?

‪(아이2) ‪

Yes, she's like a princess from a fairy tale.

 동화책에 나오는 공주님 같아

Yes, she's like a princess from a fairy tale.

‪[책을  덮으며] ‪내가  공주 같아?

-Why do you think so? -Because you're pretty.

‪(아이2) ‪예쁘잖아요

-Why do you think so? -Because you're pretty.

우리 엄마도 나더러 ‪'공주님공주님그러는데

My mom always calls me "princess"


because I'm pretty.



Ma'am, how about a photo?


My goodness, thank you.

‪(여자2) ‪옆에 가서  볼까?

Go stand next to her.

‪(문영) ‪일로 

Come here.

‪[여자2 벅찬 숨소리]


You're not my fan, are you?

‪(아이2) ‪?


내가  동화 속엔 ‪ 마녀가 예쁘거든

In all my fairy tales, the witch is always the one that's pretty.

공주는 무조건 ‪착하고 예쁘다고 누가 그래?

Who told you all princesses are kind and pretty?

너희 엄마가 그러디?

Did your mom tell you that?

‪(여자2) ‪공주님여기 보세요

Princess, look over here.

이쁜  그렇게 좋으면 이렇게 말해 

If you really want to be that pretty, I want you to say this.

‪(여자2) ‪하나

-One. -"Mom.


-One. -"Mom. -I'm going to be... -Two.

‪(여자2) ‪

-I'm going to be... -Two.

‪'이쁜 마녀가 될래요'

a pretty witch."

‪(여자2) ‪ ‪[아이2 엉엉 운다]


‪[카메라 셔터음]

‪[아이2 달려가는 발걸음]

‪[문이  열린다] ‪(여자2) ‪공주님!


‪[아이2 울음] ‪- (상인아이고아이고 ‪- (여자2) 공주님!

-Oh, goodness. -Princess!

‪(상인) ‪아이고

-Oh, goodness. -Princess!


My gosh.

‪[문이  닫힌다] ‪문영...

My gosh. Mun-yeong.



‪'부온 조르노', 문영!

Buongiorno, Mun-yeong.

여기  쇠사슬이...

My gosh, what's with this chain?

여기 이렇게 있냐

My gosh, what's with this chain?

‪[상인의 힘주는 숨소리]

아침부터  꼬맹이가 ‪저렇게 대성통곡을 하니?

What made that little kid cry her eyes out?


I guess she was touched. I corrected her misconception.

내가 잘못된 선입견을 고쳐 줬거든

I guess she was touched. I corrected her misconception.


What in the world...

‪[어색한 웃음]

‪(상인) ‪아유잘했다

Good job.

요새 애들한텐 선입견 그게 ‪호환 마마보다 훨씬  무서운 건데

It can be very dangerous for a kid to be biased towards something.

아유그걸 가르쳐 줬어?

But you helped her fix that?

역시 우리 문영이는 두루두루 대단해 ‪[휴대전화 진동음]

You really are amazing, Mun-yeong.


Just a second.

 대출  받는다  많다

OK PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL I don't need a loan. I'm already rich.

‪[상인의 한숨]

‪(상인) ‪슬슬 출발하자

Okay, let's get going.

 시간 정도 여유 있으니까 ‪ 들렀다 가면  맞겠다

We have about two hours. -So you have time to go to a beauty salon. -Why would I go there?

거긴 ?

-So you have time to go to a beauty salon. -Why would I go there?

 그러고   아니잖아

You can't go looking like that.

‪[신비로운 음악]

 지금 '아담스 패밀리' ‪장례식장에 조문하러 가는

You look like Francesca who's on her way to a funeral for the Addams Family.

프란체스카 같아?

to a funeral for the Addams Family.

‪(상인) ‪ 꼴을 하고 소아 병동을 간다고?

You can't go to a children's ward looking like that.

? ‪[헛웃음]

You can't go to a children's ward looking like that.

 오늘 애들한테 ‪겁주러 가는  아니라

You're going there to give kids hope, not to scare them.

꿈과 희망을 주러 가는 거야

You're going there to give kids hope, not to scare them.

네가  동화책 낭독회빠밤

You'll be reading your books there.

근데 꼴이 그게...

-But you look-- -You said it's dangerous to be biased.

선입견이 무서운 거라며

-But you look-- -You said it's dangerous to be biased.

 이런 네가  무서워?

I think you're more dangerous.

‪(상인) ‪아유문영아제발 ‪[흥미진진한 음악]

Mun-yeong, please.

옷은 티피오에 맞게?

You should dress according to the TPO.

타임플레이스어케이전 ‪[ 하는 소리가 울린다]

‪[상인의 괴로워하는 신음]

승재보고 오라고 할게 ‪승재보고 오라고 할게

I'll tell them to come to you.

‪[거친 숨소리]

내가  레스토랑을 ‪ 좋아하는지 알아?

Do you know why I like this restaurant?


-Because the steak-- -No.

‪- (상인... ‪- 아니

-Because the steak-- -No.


The knife here


is amazing.

‪[몽환적인 음악] ‪[문영의 놀란 신음]

‪-  ‪- (상인문영아

-Look. -Mun-yeong, you're bleeding.

‪-  ... ‪- (문영...

-Look. -Mun-yeong, you're bleeding.


How pretty.


I want it.


Good gracious.



‪[문이 달칵 열린다]


Just a second.

‪[상인의 힘주는 신음] ‪[문이  닫힌다]

‪[상인의 웃음]

‪[지퍼를  채우는 효과음] ‪[익살스러운 효과음]

‪[옷걸이를 달그락거린다]

‪[노크 소리가 들린다]

‪[다급한 목소리로] ‪보호사님

Mr. Moon, come to the lounge quick.

휴게실 빨리요 ‪[의미심장한 음악]

Mr. Moon, come to the lounge quick.

‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]

‪(환자1) ‪아이

Gosh, that thief ate all my food.

 도둑년이  것까지  먹어 버렸어

Gosh, that thief ate all my food.

‪(환자2) ‪ 속에 연가시가 들었나 

It's as if she starved for days.

명지숙 ?

Ms. Myoung Ji-suk.



‪[옅은 웃음]

‪[흥미진진한 음악]

‪(지숙) ‪ 속이 너무 허해

I feel so empty.

‪(강태) ‪그래도 이렇게 아무거나 급하게 드시면

Even so, if you eat in such a hurry,

 체해서 엄청 고생해요 ‪[지숙의 시무룩한 신음]

you'll get an upset stomach again.

그러니까 한꺼번에  먹지 말고

So don't eat everything all at once.

‪[비닐을 부스럭거린다]


Instead, it'd be great if you could take your time

나눠서 드시면  좋겠는데

to eat your food.

언제는  먹어서 이쁘다며

You told me you liked that I ate well.

‪(강태) ‪ 먹어서 이쁜  아니라

You took it the wrong way.

좋아하면 먹는 모습도 ‪이뻐 보이는 거예요

It's just that when you like someone, you even like the way they eat.

‪[지숙의 웃음]

‪(지숙) ‪여보!


‪[지숙의 웃음]

‪(지숙) ‪근데...


  말라비틀어진 모델 년이랑 ‪붙어먹었어?

why did you cheat on me with that skinny model?

‪[긴장되는 음악] ‪[지숙이 구역질한다]

‪[함께 헛구역질한다]

‪[지숙이 계속 구역질한다]

‪[웅장한 음악]

‪[지숙이 계속 구역질한다]

‪[ 울음]

‪[지숙의 거친 숨소리]

‪[지숙이 헛구역질한다]

‪[지숙이 구역질한다]

‪[아름다운 음악]

‪[지숙이 콜록거린다]

‪[거친 숨소리]


It's okay.


Don't smile at me.

재수 없어

It disgusts me.

‪(강사) ‪펴서  모양 ‪더블유 모양 만들어 주시고요

-Put your arms up like this. -Let me go!

‪[승철이 소리친다] ‪내리면서 쭈욱 끌어 내릴게요쭈욱

Then pull them down like this. -Stay still! -I don't belong here!

‪[승철이 계속 소리친다]

-Stay still! -I don't belong here! Let me go! Let go of me!

‪(승철) ‪ 새끼들아!

Let me go! Let go of me!

‪[도어  조작음] ‪놓으라고 여기 들어가면  

Let me go! Let go of me! I can't go in here! I can't!

 여기 들어가면  놓으라고! ‪[도어  작동음]

I can't go in here! I can't! Let go! I don't belong here!

 여기 있으면   ‪ 여기 있으면  

Let go! I don't belong here!

‪(강태) ‪새로  환자예요? ‪[승철이 계속 소리친다]

-Is he a new patient? -Let go! He overdosed on alprazolam with his daughter two days ago

‪(의사1) ‪이틀 전에 딸이랑 같이 ‪알프라졸람 과다 복용 해서

He overdosed on alprazolam with his daughter two days ago

응급으로 들어온 환자예요

and came through the ER.

‪[흥미진진한 음악] ‪불안 증세로 외래 치료를 받은 ‪히스토리도 있고

He used to get treated for his anxiety disorder.

‪(간호사1) ‪그럼 동반 자살 기도겠네요?

I think he tried to commit suicide with her.

‪(의사1) ‪정황상 아마 딸부터 죽이고 ‪자기도 따라 죽으려고   같은데

I think he wanted to kill his daughter and then kill himself.

‪(승철) ‪우리 고은이 어디 있어 ‪고은이 어디 있어새끼야

Where's Go-eun? Where is Go-eun? Where is my daughter?

우리 고은이우리 고은이 ‪[승철이 울부짖는다]

Where is Go-eun? Where is my daughter?

‪(의사1) ‪다행히 애는 ‪ 먹자마자 바로 구토했고

Fortunately, she threw up right after she took the drug.

지금은 우리 병원 소아 심리실에서 ‪PTSD 상담 치료 중이에요

And she's getting counseling for PTSD at our child psychology department.

‪(의사2) ‪고은아


고은이 무슨 생각 해요?

What's on your mind?

‪(승철) ‪!

Let me go!

오후에 경찰로 인계해서 ‪정신 감정 들어갈 거니까

Let me go! He'll receive a psychiatric assessment this afternoon.

‪(승철) ‪놓으라고!

He'll receive a psychiatric assessment this afternoon. So check his vitals every hour.

‪(의사1) ‪바이털  시간마다 체크하고 ‪수분 공급 하면서

So check his vitals every hour. And double-check the restraining band as you give him an IV fluid.

억제대 상태  살펴봐요

And double-check the restraining band as you give him an IV fluid.

‪(간호사1) ‪


‪(상인) ‪낭독 다음에 질의응답

After the reading, you'll answer questions.

그다음에 참석한 환아들한테 ‪사인 들어간 동화책 선물해 주고

Then you'll give out your autographed storybooks to the kids.

병원 관계자들이랑 ‪홍보용 단체 사진 찍으면 

And you'll be done once you take a photo with the hospital staff for PR.

‪[상인의 한숨]

이건 내가 출판사 대표인지 ‪누구 개인 비서인지

I'm not sure if I'm a secretary or the CEO of a publishing company.

하하정체성에 혼란이 온다 ‪진짜

I'm seriously starting to wonder.

‪(승재) ‪저도 출판사 아트 디렉터로 입사했는데

I got hired as an art director.

이렇게 대표님 ‪따까리 노릇 하게  줄은 몰랐어요

But I had no idea that I'd be working as your minion.

‪(상인) ‪ 면접   ‪시키면  한다더니?

You told me you'll do anything during the interview.

시키는 일이 머리가 아니라

Well, I didn't know you'd make me do physical labor.

죄다  쓰는 일이니까 그렇죠 ‪[상인의 웃음]

Well, I didn't know you'd make me do physical labor.

네가 머리가  되는 애인  ‪채용하고 알았는데

I hired you not knowing that you're not very smart.

그럼 어떡할까? ‪무를까물러

What should I do? Should I just fire you? No.

‪(승재) ‪아니요 ‪[휴대전화 진동음]


‪[놀란 숨소리]

‪(승재) ‪'괜찮은 정신병원'?

“OK Psychiatric Hospital”?

대표님정신과 다니세요?

Sir, do you get counseling?

진짜  생각하셨어요 ‪[상인의 한숨]

You did the right thing.

‪(문영) ‪받아

Answer the phone.

‪[상인의 한숨]


-Hello? -Put it on speaker.


-Hello? -Put it on speaker.

‪[휴대전화 조작음]

‪[상인의 한숨] ‪(주리) ‪여보세요대표님

Hello? Mr. Lee?

‪[새가 지저귄다] ‪(주리) ‪ 괜찮은 병원 남주리 간호사인데요

I'm Nam Ju-ri, a nurse at OK Psychiatric Hospital.

‪(간호사2) ‪따라오세요

Come this way.

‪(주리) ‪통화가  되시네요 ‪문자에 답도 없으시고

It's so hard to reach you. You never text us back either.

듣고 계세요?

Are you listening?

 ‪제가 조금 정신이 없어...

Oh, yes. I'm a bit busy--

‪(주리) ‪전에 말씀드렸죠?

I believe we told you

고대환 환자분 수술 날짜 잡힌 거요

that we set a date for Mr. Ko Dae-hwan's surgery.

‪[흥미진진한 음악] ‪[상인의 난감한 숨소리]

‪(주리) ‪보호자 동의서

How long do we need to wait

언제까지 기다리면 될까요?

for the guardian's consent?

이렇게 무조건 연락을 피하시면

You can't keep avoiding our calls like this.

이건 그냥 환자를 죽이자는 거죠

That's the same thing as killing the patient.


Ko Dae-hwan.

나한텐 죽은 사람인데

He's dead to me.

죽은 사람을  자꾸 살린대예수야?

Why do you keep trying to bring him back to life? Are you Jesus?

‪- 저기요 ‪- (문영주리야

-Excuse me. -Ju-ri.

 애가 달아 미치겠으면 ‪네가 직접 

If you're so desperate, come and get the signature yourself.


‪[문이  닫힌다]

‪[주리의 한숨] ‪() ‪왜요?

What's wrong? What is it?


-What happened? -She wants me to come and get it.

나보고 직접 오래

-What happened? -She wants me to come and get it.


‪() ‪미친  아니야 여자?

Is she out of her mind?

‪(행자) ‪아프시면 우리 병원 와야지

If she's not sane, she should come here.

‪() ‪수간호사님

Ms. Park.

‪(행자) ‪어디 히스토리 한번 들어 볼까?

Tell me about his medical history.

‪(주리) ‪, 203호의 기질성 치매 환자요

-The patient in room 203 with dementia. -Oh, Mr. Ko Dae-hwan?


-The patient in room 203 with dementia. -Oh, Mr. Ko Dae-hwan?

이번에 재발한 교모세포종 ‪제거 수술을 빨리해야 되는데

He needs to get surgery due to his glioblastoma relapse.

수술이고 뭐고  몰라라지?

But his guardian doesn't care?

‪(행자) ‪이분 우리 병원 최장기 입원 환자야

He has been with us for the longest period of time.

한데 여태 면회   없었고 ‪전화  통도 없었다면

But his guardian never once visited or called

이건 입원이 아니라 방치라는 건데

which means he's being neglected.

그런 불효막심한 보호자를 상대로 ‪전화통만 붙잡고 있을까?

So instead of just calling his ungrateful guardian,

아니면 환자를 살린다는 마음으로 ‪직접 한번 찾아가 볼까?

why don't you actually visit her in person so that we can save the patient?

‪() ‪?


아니  그렇게까지...

Is that really necessary?

그렇게까지  거지?

You're going to do it, right? I know you're a professional.

자기는 프로니까

You're going to do it, right? I know you're a professional.

 오프에 연차까지 주시면 ‪제가 직접 갈게요

If you let me take the rest of the day and tomorrow off, -I'll go see her myself. -Why two days?

이틀씩이나 ?

-I'll go see her myself. -Why two days?

서울에  ‪보고 싶은  서방이라도 있어?

Do you have a boyfriend in Seoul?

‪[발랄한 음악] ‪[부인하는 신음]

진짜인가 보네?

I guess you do.

‪() ‪선배

Ju-ri, you have a boyfriend?


Ju-ri, you have a boyfriend?

그런  아닌데


‪(주리) ‪ 그러면 좀만 있다가 출발해 볼게요

Well then, I'll be off soon.

‪(행자) ‪있네있네 서방 있어

I bet she does have a boyfriend.

‪() ‪배신자

She's a traitor.

따님이 여기 오는  ‪아무래도 조금 힘들  같아요

I don't think your daughter will be able to come here.

‪[무거운 음악]

‪[대환의 떨리는 신음]

‪[떨리는 목소리로] ‪ 



What's the matter?

‪(대환) ‪ !


‪[어눌한 말투로] ‪죽어


‪(대환) ‪오면 ‪[긴장되는 음악]

If she comes...


If she comes...

‪[불안한 숨소리]

‪[대환의 떨리는 신음]

‪[대환의 불안한 숨소리]

‪[커피가 졸졸 나온다]

‪[보호사1 힘주는 탄성]

‪[다가오는 발걸음]

‪(보호사1) ‪선배


‪(강태) ‪


‪(보호사1) ‪우웩

I heard someone puked on you.

날벼락 맞았다면서요?

I heard someone puked on you.

‪(강태) ‪뺨도 맞았어

-She even slapped me. -My gosh.

‪(보호사1) ‪아유

-She even slapped me. -My gosh.

초장부터 일진 사나운 날에는 ‪ 사려야 되는데

You should make sure the day doesn't get worse.

이따 보호실에 있는 김승철 환자 ‪경찰로 인계할 거니...

Kim Seung-cheol, who's in isolation, will be sent to the police--

들었어요 ‪제가 알아서  체크할게요

Yes, I heard. I'll take care of him.

‪(보호사1) ‪어제 병동 회식 때요

We had a team dinner last night, and we made a bet.

우리끼리  내기했는데

We had a team dinner last night, and we made a bet.


"A bet"?

문강태 보호사는 ‪ 1년마다 메뚜기처럼

"Why does Moon Gang-tae move from hospital to hospital every year instead of settling down?"

‪(보호사1) ‪ 병원  병원 ‪정처 없이 옮겨 다닐까?

move from hospital to hospital every year instead of settling down?"

그거 맞히는 내기

We tried to guess it.

, 1

Number one.

한탕 털어먹고 ‪빚쟁이들한테 도망 다니는 거다

You borrowed lots of money and you're being chased after.

‪2뭔가  사고를 쳤는데

Number two. You got yourself in big trouble,

수사망을 피해서 ‪위장 취업을 하는 거다

and you're working here to hide your identity.

‪3가는 병원마다 ‪환자간호사  가리고 꼬셔 대다가

Number three. You get kicked out of every hospital for hitting on the nurses and patients.

풍기 문란으로 쫓겨나는 거다

You get kicked out of every hospital for hitting on the nurses and patients.

 뭐에 걸었는데?

-Which one did you bet on? -I bet on

‪(보호사1) ‪저는

-Which one did you bet on? -I bet on


number three. Women.


So what's the answer?

‪[강태가 피식한다]


Number four.

‪[익살스러운 음악]




Gang-tae. My gosh.

‪(보호사1) ‪[어색하게 웃으며] ‪아이고

Gang-tae. My gosh.


The coffee tastes nice.

‪[TV에서 만화 소리가 흘러나온다]

‪(상태) ‪'그래도  아저씨를 사랑할 거야' ‪[만화  캐릭터가 똑같이 말한다]

-"I'm still going to love you. -I'm still going to love you.

‪'아저씨도 나만큼 불쌍하니까'

-You're as pitiful as I am. -You're as pitiful as I am.

‪'내가  불쌍해?', '불쌍하잖아요!' ‪[만화  캐릭터들이 똑같이 말한다]

-I'm not pitiful. -I'm not pitiful. -Yes, you are. -Yes, you are.

‪' 녀석이 이제 나를 ‪고아 취급까지 하고 있어?'

-You're even treating me like an orphan? -You're even treating me like an orphan?

‪'진짜 고아는 아니지만 ‪정신적 고아나 마찬가지예요'

-Even if you're not, -Even if you're not, -you think and act like an orphan." -you think and act like an orphan.

‪[상태가 중얼거린다]

-you think and act like an orphan." -you think and act like an orphan.

‪'인정 없고여유 없고양식 없고'

-"You're ruthless, insecure, -You're ruthless, -thoughtless, -insecure, thoughtless,

‪'마음이 황폐하니까 고아죠'

-thoughtless, -insecure, thoughtless, -and empty-hearted. -and empty-hearted.

‪'그래도  아저씨를 사랑할 거예요'

-But I'm still going to love you. -But I'm still going to love you.


-But I'm still going to love you. -But I'm still going to love you. -Do you know why? -Do you know why?

‪(만화  캐릭터) ‪왜냐고요?

-Do you know why? -Do you know why?

‪' 혼자 그렇게 마음먹었으니까요'

-Because I decided to do so." -Because I decided to do so.

‪[TV 소리가 계속 흘러나온다]

-Because I decided to do so." -Because I decided to do so. I also decided...

‪(상태) ‪'그래도  아저씨를 사랑할 거예요' ‪[휴대전화  소리]

I also decided... "I'm still going to love you."

‪[휴대전화 조작음]


Did you eat?

‪[흥얼거리며] ‪짬뽕짬뽕짬뽕

I ate jjamppong. Jjamppong.

‪(강태) ‪  그만 먹지

Again? You need to stop eating noodles.

어제 반찬도  사다 놨잖아

I bought you some side dishes yesterday. What are you doing?

 하고 있어?

I bought you some side dishes yesterday. What are you doing?


I'm drawing.

스케치북 놔두고 ‪  여자 동화책에 그리지?

You're drawing on that woman's book again.

 여자 아니고 고문영 작가님

It's not "that woman." She's writer Ko Mun-yeong.


Yes, Ko Mun-yeong.

오늘 우리 병원에 온다는데

She's coming to our hospital today.

소아 병동 애들한테 ‪동화책 읽어 주러 온대

She'll be reading her book to the children here.

? ‪[상태의 다급한 신음]


‪(상태) ‪지금지금지금지금 갈게 ‪지금 갈게지금 갈게지금 갈게

I'll go. I'll go there. I'll go there right now.

‪243 파란 버스 타고 ‪자양삼거리에서 내려서 5413

I'll take blue bus, number 243, get off at Jayang intersection, and take 5413,

잠깐만잠깐만 ‪[상태가 계속 말한다]

-the green bus. -Sang-tae. No, wait.

‪(상태) ‪명성대학병원에서 내려서

Get off at Myungsung University Medical Center and walk--

‪- 도보로 3 거리에 ‪- (강태문상태!

Get off at Myungsung University Medical Center and walk-- Moon Sang-tae!

‪[거친 숨소리]

Moon Sang-tae!

 크게   쉬어

Take three deep breaths.

‪[크게 심호흡한다]


Listen to me carefully. Even if you leave now, you'll be late.

형이 지금 출발해도 ‪여기까지 오면 이미 늦어

Listen to me carefully. Even if you leave now, you'll be late.

그리고 거긴 소아 병동 애들만 ‪들어갈  있어

Plus, it's only for the children at our hospital.

근데 형은  아니잖아그렇지?

But you're not a child, are you?

문상태  35 84년생 쥐띠

Moon Sang-tae. 35 years old. Born in 1984, the year of the rat.

보기보다 어리지만 애는 아니야

I'm younger than I look, but I'm not a child.

‪(강태) ‪그렇지어른이지?

Exactly. You're an adult.

대신 상황 봐서 ‪내가 사인받아 줄게

But instead, I'll get you an autograph if I can.

얼굴은   보면 끝인데 ‪사인은 평생 남잖아

Meeting her is a one-time thing, but autographs last forever.

그럼  중에 뭐가  좋아요?

-Which one do you think is better? -Her autograph.


-Which one do you think is better? -Her autograph.

내가 좋아고문영이 좋아?

Who do you like more, me or her?

‪(상태) ‪사인사인사인



Hello? Sang-tae?


Hello? Sang-tae?

‪(상인) ‪ 행사 앞두고 ‪기분 잡치면  되니까

I didn't want to ruin her mood prior to the big event.

일부러 쉬쉬했다고내가

That's why I kept it quiet.

아휴낭독회만  끝내면은 ‪살살 꼬드겨서

I was going to convince her and take her there

내가 어떻게든 끌고 내려가려고 ‪플랜까지   놨는데

after she successfully finished today's reading.

아유완전히 망했어

Darn it. I totally messed up.


감이  좋아

I have a bad feeling.

근데 작가님은 자기 아버지를 ‪ 그렇게 싫어해요?

Why does Ms. Ko hate her father so much?

 자기 빼고  싫어해

She hates everyone apart from herself.

‪(상인) ‪왜냐고 묻지 태생이 그래?

Don't even ask why. That's just how she was born.

그래야 너도 오래오래 산다

If you want to live a long life, just stay quiet.

아유근데  대체 어디  거야 ‪시간  됐는데

Gosh, where in the world is she? It's almost time.

‪[흥미진진한 음악]

‪(강태) ‪저기요

Excuse me.

담배 ...

-Can you please-- -This is my last one.

이거 돗대인데

-Can you please-- -This is my last one.

아니달라는  아니고 끄세요

No, I don't want one. Can you put it out?

아직 장초인데?

-I just lit it up. -You can't smoke here so put it out.

‪(강태) ‪여기 금연 구역이니까 끄세요얼른

-I just lit it up. -You can't smoke here so put it out.

‪[담배가 치익 타들어 간다]

‪[문영의 한숨]

‪[몽환적인 음악]


Do you believe in destiny?

운명을 믿어요?

Do you believe in destiny?


-What? -You heard me.


-What? -You heard me.

운명이  별거인가?

Who cares about destiny?

‪(문영) ‪이렇게 필요할   앞에 나타나 주면

If someone shows up when you need them,

그게 운명이지

you call that destiny.

‪[흥미진진한 음악]

‪[문영의 비명]


‪[마이크가  울린다]


‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]

Gosh, that was so loud.

‪[콜록거린다] ‪[목을 가다듬는다]

‪(상인) ‪굉장히 리얼하죠?

Very realistic, isn't it? She's good at acting, too.

우리 문영이가 연기를 굉장히 잘합니다

Very realistic, isn't it? She's good at acting, too.

‪[문영의 헛기침]

‪[목을 가다듬는다]

‪[신비로운 음악]

‪(문영) ‪소년은 오늘도

"The boy woke up from another awful nightmare.

끔찍한 악몽에서 깨어났어요

"The boy woke up from another awful nightmare.

잊고 싶은 과거의 나쁜 기억들이

Bad memories from the past that he wanted to forget

매일 밤마다 꿈속에 다시 나타나서

were replayed in his dreams every night

소년을 계속해서 괴롭혔죠

and haunted him nonstop.

잠드는  너무나 무서웠던 소년은

He was terrified of falling asleep.

어느  마녀를 찾아가 애원했어요

So one day, he went to the witch and begged.


'Please get rid of all my bad memories

‪'다신 악몽을 꾸지 않게'

'Please get rid of all my bad memories

‪' 머릿속에  나쁜 기억을 ‪모두 지워 주세요'

so that I won't ever have a nightmare again.

‪'그럼 당신이 원하는  ‪뭐든지 드릴게요'

Then I will do everything you ask.'"

‪(승철) ‪고은아 ‪[어두운 음악]



-Go-eun! -My goodness, what's wrong with you?

‪(간호사3) ‪진짜  그러세요

-Go-eun! -My goodness, what's wrong with you?

‪[승철의 다급한 숨소리]

-Go-eun! -My goodness, what's wrong with you?

고은이를 얻다 놔뒀...

Where is Go-eun?

‪[다급한 숨소리]

‪(승철) ‪고은아!


‪[다급한 신음]


Go-eun. Where is Go-eun?

우리 고은이 ‪우리 고은이 어디 갔어?

Go-eun. Where is Go-eun?

갈매기 777, 갈매기 777

Seagull 777. I repeat. Seagull 777.

‪[키보드 조작음]


‪[강사가 수업하는 소리가 들린다]

-Hello. -And lie on your stomach.

‪[문이  닫힌다]

-Hello. -And lie on your stomach.

‪-  ‪- (보호사1) 죄송해요

-Are you serious? -Sorry.

답답하다길래 잠깐 풀었는데

-He felt trapped so I untied him. -You have restraint straps?

‪RT  챙겼어?

-He felt trapped so I untied him. -You have restraint straps?


Oh, I forgot.

‪[문이 달칵 열린다]

‪[도어  조작음]

‪[도어  작동음]

‪(강사) ‪편안한  잡으시고 트위스트

Look to your right and hold onto your arm.

‪[도어  조작음] ‪[도어  작동음]

‪(강사) ‪   갈게요

Let's try it one more time.

세월이 흘러 어른이  소년은

"Years went by, and the boy became an adult.

‪[신비로운 음악] ‪(문영) ‪ 이상 악몽을 꾸진 않았지만

-He no longer had nightmares. -Go-eun.

‪(승철) ‪고은아고은아

-He no longer had nightmares. -Go-eun. But for some strange reason, he wasn't happy at all."

‪(문영) ‪어찌  일인지 ‪조금도 행복해지지 않았어요

But for some strange reason, he wasn't happy at all."

‪- 고은아 ‪- (여자3) 뭐예요

-Go-eun. -What's your problem?

‪[사람들이 웅성거린다] ‪(승철) ‪고은아고은아고은아

-Go-eun. -What's your problem? Go-eun.

‪- (승철고은아 ‪- (여자4)  그러세요

Gosh, what are you doing?

‪(문영) ‪붉은 보름달이 뜨던 

"One night, a blood moon filled the night sky,

소원의 대가를 받기 위해

and the witch finally showed up again

드디어 마녀가 ‪다시  앞에 모습을 드러내자

to take what he had promised in return for granting his wish.

그는 원망 어린 목소리로 ‪마녀에게 외쳤어요

And he shouted at her with so much resentment.

‪' 나쁜 기억은 모두 지워졌는데'

'All my bad memories are gone.


But why...

‪'  행복해지지 못한 거죠?'

Why can't I become happy?'

그러자 마녀는 약속대로 ‪그의 영혼을 거두며 이렇게 말했어요

Then the witch took his soul as they had promised, and told him this."

‪[문이 철컥 열린다] ‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]

-What's going on? -Mom!

갑자기 뭐야

What the hell is happening?

‪(관계자1) ‪죄송하지만 내부 사정으로 인해

We unfortunately have to end this here due to unforeseen circumstances.

낭독회를 중단하도록 하겠습니다 ‪[마이크가  울린다]

We unfortunately have to end this here due to unforeseen circumstances.

‪[어두운 음악] ‪의료진과 보호자분들께서는

All staff and guardians, please take all children

지금 즉시 아이들을 소아 병동으로 ‪신속히 이동시켜 주시기 바랍니다 ‪[승철이 연신 '고은' 부른다]

All staff and guardians, please take all children -back to the ward immediately. -Go-eun. Go-eun.

‪(승철) ‪고은아고은아




아직  끝났어요

-This isn't over yet. -Go-eun.

‪(승철) ‪고은고은아

-This isn't over yet. -Go-eun.

‪- (문영얘들아 끝났어 ‪- (승철고은아

Kids, it's not over. -Come on. -Go on.

‪(승철) ‪이런...

-Come on. -Go on. -Damn it. -Gosh.

‪[아이들이 울먹인다]

-Mom! -Mom, I'm scared.

‪(여자5) ‪괜찮아괜찮아

Okay, let's go.

‪(문영) ‪...

‪(관계자1) ‪여보세요?



Damn it.

‪(관계자2) ‪ 올라갈게요

Go up.

‪(문영) ‪어이

-Hey! -Let's go up.

‪[긴장되는 음악] ‪(승철) ‪고은아

Go-eun! My gosh, Go-eun...


Go-eun! My gosh, Go-eun...


Come with Daddy.

‪- (문영댁이 뭔데 지금  무대를 ‪- 싫어

Come with Daddy. -Who are you to end this? -No!

함부로 접어? ‪그것도 하이라이트 직전에

-Who are you to end this? -No! -Right before the climax. -Let me--

선생님그게 아니...

-Right before the climax. -Let me-- Is it something like "to be continued"?

‪'  컨티뉴다음  시간에' ‪그딴 거예요?

Is it something like "to be continued"?

‪- (승철괜찮아괜찮아괜찮아 ‪- (고은무서워

-It's all right. -No, I'm scared.

‪(문영) ‪빨리 다시 애들 불러요

Bring the kids back.

! ‪[승철의 힘주는 신음]

Come on. Let's go.

‪(문영) ‪   남았으니까

There are only a few lines left,

그거 마저 듣고 가라 그러라고

so they can leave when it's done.

‪[문이  닫힌다] ‪- (관계자1) 잠깐만 대피... ‪- 얼른!

-You should evacuate-- -Now!

‪[승철의 거친 숨소리]

‪[승철의 초조한 숨소리]

‪[울먹이며] ‪아빠이러지 

Dad, don't be like this.

‪(고은) ‪ 무서워

I'm scared.

‪(승철) ‪   들어

Listen carefully.

여기서 붙잡히면

If we get caught, I'll be locked away in a mental institution,

 정신 병원에 갇히고

If we get caught, I'll be locked away in a mental institution,

 고아원에 가는 거야

and you'll end up in an orphanage.

 평생 아빠랑 떨어져   있어?

Will you be okay if you can never see me again?

‪(고은) ‪살고 싶어죽기 싫어

I want to live. I don't want to die.

‪(승철) ‪아빠가 말했지?

I told you.

애들은 절대로 혼자  산다고

Kids can never live on their own.

이렇게 찢어져  바에 ‪차라리 같이 죽는   낫다고

If we must be separated, it'd be better to die together.

‪(문영) ‪아이

What the...


That's such bullshit.

‪[긴장되는 음악]

‪(문영) ‪...

개보다 못한 인간 진짜 간만이다

You're a worthless human being I haven't seen in a while.

‪[문영의 놀란 신음]

You're a worthless human being I haven't seen in a while.


Look at that gross face.

 뭐야죽고 싶어?

Who are you? Do you have a death wish?

죽여  적은 있고?

Have you ever killed anyone?

‪[문영의 뼈가 우두둑거린다]

‪(문영) ‪살아  자신은 없고

You can't carry on with your life,

그렇다고 혼자 죽을 용기도 없어

yet you can't even muster up the courage to die alone.

저승길에 애부터 앞세우는 ‪덜덜이 주제에

So you're trying to lure this kid into going down that road first.



찌질하게 굴지 말고 ‪ 혼자 뒈지세요

Don't be such a loser. Go ahead and take your life alone.

이런 미친년이

You crazy bitch!

‪[승철의 신음] ‪[고은의 비명]

‪[승철의 거친 신음]

‪[긴장되는 음악] ‪[승철의 다급한 신음]

A knife...

‪[승철의 아파하는 비명]

‪[승철의 거친 숨소리]


‪[승철의 성난 신음]

 ‪[승철의 힘주는 탄성]

You piece of...

‪[문영의 신음] ‪[승철의 힘주는 탄성]

‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]

‪[승철의 씩씩대는 숨소리]

‪[승철의 힘주는 탄성]

‪[다급한 숨소리]

‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다]

‪[고은의 비명] ‪[강태의 당황한 신음]

‪- (강태괜찮아? ‪- 저기 아빠가...

-Are you all right? -My dad is...

‪[어두운 음악] ‪(강태) ‪

-Are you all right? -My dad is...

‪[통화 연결음]

‪[승철의 힘주는 신음] ‪[문영의 거친 신음]

‪(승철) ‪네까짓  뭔데 껴들어!

Who are you to meddle in my affairs?


She's my child. I can kill her if I want to. I can do whatever I want with her!

죽이든 살리든  마음이라고!

I can kill her if I want to. I can do whatever I want with her!

‪[승철의 힘주는 신음] ‪졸라

Choke me. Choke me harder, you moron.

 세게 조르라고 등신아

Choke me. Choke me harder, you moron.

‪(승철) ‪이런 미친

You lunatic!


Die. Just die!

‪[승철의 힘주는 탄성]

‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악] ‪[어린 문영의 떨리는 신음]

‪(대환) ‪잠깐이면 끝나

It'll be quick.


It'll just be a moment.

‪(대환) ‪잠깐이면잠깐이면 끝나 ‪[어린 문영의 신음]

It'll just be a moment. It'll end even before you know it.

‪[대환의 울먹이는 신음]

It'll end even before you know it.

‪[힘겨운 신음]

‪[승철의 힘주는 탄성]

Die. Just die.

‪(승철) ‪죽어!

Die. Just die.


Die. Just die.

‪- (승철죽어! ‪- (강태김승철 !

-Die! -Mr. Kim Seung-cheol!

‪[승철의 거친 신음]


‪(승철) ‪!

Let go. Get off me!

‪[승철이 씩씩거린다]

You piece of...

‪[승철의 힘주는 탄성]

Come here.

‪(승철) ‪일로  ‪[문영의 거친 숨소리]

‪[승철과 강태의 힘주는 신음]

‪[승철과 강태의 신음]

‪(승철) ‪...

‪[승철과 강태의 거친 신음]

‪[승철의 아파하는 탄성]

‪(승철) ‪!

Let go. Let go of me!

‪(승철) ‪... ‪[승철의 아파하는 탄성]

Let go. Let go of me!


Let go, you bastard! I'll kill you all!

 죽여 버릴 거야

Let go, you bastard! I'll kill you all! -Let go! -I'm doing this so that you won't be hurt,

‪(강태) ‪해치려고 하는  아니라 ‪다칠까  그러는 거니까 진정하세요!

-Let go! -I'm doing this so that you won't be hurt, so calm down!

‪(승철) ‪ 죽여 버릴 거야!

I'll kill you all. I'm going to kill...

‪[다가오는 발걸음] ‪ 죽여...

I'll kill you all. I'm going to kill...

‪[긴장되는 음악] ‪[승철의 놀란 탄성]

‪[칼을  휘두른다] ‪[승철의 비명]

‪[차분한 음악]

‪[승철의 떨리는 숨소리]

‪[승철의 놀란 숨소리]

‪[승철의 놀란 탄성]

‪(문영) ‪운명

So it wasn't destiny after all.


So it wasn't destiny after all.


지금은  빠져 주면 좋겠는데

I'd appreciate it if you could stay out of this.

칼부터 놔요

Let go of the knife.

 사람 환자예요

He's a patient.



이건 환자가 아니라

He is not a patient.


He's vermin.

‪(승철) ‪미쳤어

She's crazy. She's completely nuts.

이거이거 완전  년이야

She's crazy. She's completely nuts.


She's insane!

‪[승철의 떨리는 숨소리]

‪(승철) ‪미친년미친년...

That crazy bitch. I nearly died because of that bitch!

‪[문이 철컥 닫힌다] ‪ 미친년...

That crazy bitch. I nearly died because of that bitch!

‪[승철의 놀란 신음] ‪[보호사들이 소란스럽다]

Let go. Let go of me, you idiots.


Let go. Let go of me, you idiots. Get her, not me. She's the one who needs help!

 말고 저년 잡아

Get her, not me. She's the one who needs help!

‪(승철) ‪ 안에 있는 진짜 미친년 잡으라고!

Get her, not me. She's the one who needs help!

‪- (보호사2)  잡아 ‪- (승철 새끼들아!

Get her, not me. She's the one who needs help! -Don't lose him. -Let go!

‪(승철) ‪ 안에 있는 미친년 잡으라니까 ‪[승철이 계속 외친다]

Get that insane woman in there! Let go!

‪[문영의 한숨]

칼이 아프대?

Is the knife hurt? Why are you wrapping the knife?

 그걸 감아?

Is the knife hurt? Why are you wrapping the knife?

저쪽이 심신 미약이면 ‪ 정당방위라 치고

If he's non compos mentis, we can say I acted in self-defense.

‪(문영) ‪그냥 몸에 칼집 하나  주려 그랬는데

I just wanted to give him a small cut, but you overreacted and hurt yourself.

괜히 당신이 오버해서 다친 거야

I just wanted to give him a small cut, but you overreacted and hurt yourself.



Your hand, not the knife.

‪[의미심장한 음악]

이건  특별 서비스

Here's my special service.

그거 알아요?

You know what?

세상엔 죽어 마땅한 것들이 있는데

In this world, there are people who deserve to die.

어떤 사려 깊은 또라이가

But some thoughtful freaks

그것들을 몰래 죽여 주기 때문에

kill them for us in secret.

아무 생각 없는 시민들이  다리 

That is why the clueless civilians can sleep peacefully at night,

뻗고   있다는 ?

completely unaware of it.

그럼  어느 쪽일까요?

Which one do you think I am?

생각 없는



a clueless freak.


‪(의사3) ‪아이고

Oh, boy.

제가 덕분에 바느질 솜씨가 ‪일취월장합니다

Thanks to you, my suturing skills are getting better by the day.

이제  그만  다치시죠?

Stop hurting yourself already.


Mr. Moon?

문강태 보호사?

Mr. Moon Gang-tae.

‪(강태) ‪?


‪(의사3) ‪무슨 생각 해요?

What were you thinking about?

‪[의사3 의료 기기를 달그락거린다]

‪(의사3) ‪ 됐어요

It's done.

‪(상인) ‪[손뼉을 짝짝 치며] ‪오케이오케이

Okay, fine. The event turned into total chaos

낭독회장 아수라판   ‪ 도망친 환자 탓이니까

Okay, fine. The event turned into total chaos because of that patient, so let's just consider it buzz marketing.

노이즈 마케팅 했다  

because of that patient, so let's just consider it buzz marketing.

근데  칼부림은칼부림은!

because of that patient, so let's just consider it buzz marketing. But what about the knife fight? How will you explain it?

병원 관계자가 다쳤다며?

One of the hospital staff got hurt.

그쪽에서 기사라도  뿌리면 ‪어쩌려고 그래?

What if they distribute a press release?

‪'유명 아동 문학 작가 ‪ 대신  휘둘러'

"A famous children's book author brandished a knife.

‪'설마 다음 차기작은 ‪무협 소설?' ?

Is she working on a martial arts novel?" You'll see the headlines everywhere.

그러고 포털에 그냥 ...

Is she working on a martial arts novel?" You'll see the headlines everywhere.

‪(문영) ‪ 먹여많이  봤잖아

Is she working on a martial arts novel?" You'll see the headlines everywhere. Just bribe them. You've done it many times.

‪(상인) ‪ 먹히면 먹히면!

Just bribe them. You've done it many times. -What if that doesn't work? -We'll use a honey trap. I'll seduce him.


-What if that doesn't work? -We'll use a honey trap. I'll seduce him.

‪[상인의 답답한 숨소리]

-What if that doesn't work? -We'll use a honey trap. I'll seduce him.

‪[상인이  문을 툭툭 친다]

‪(상인) ‪

Get in.

먼저  볼일 있어

You go ahead. I have to take care of something.

‪(상인) ‪무슨 볼일?

What do you need to do?


Hey, Mun-yeong!

저거  어디서 사고 치는  아니야?

Is she going to cause trouble again?

‪(행정과장) ‪보호실에 누워 있어야  환자가

A patient who should've been in isolation

버젓이 낭독회를 휘젓고 다녔어

barged in there and ruined the event.

그거 때문에 보호자들의 항의 전화로 ‪병원이 벌써부터 시끄럽다고

Guardians are calling to complain, so the phones are ringing off the hook.

빨리 아무나 ‪총대를  줘야  텐데

We need to quickly find someone who will take the bullet.


Are you saying I should be that person?


Are you saying I should be that person?

인계 담당했던 애는 들어온  ‪  됐던데

The one who was in charge of the transfer is new,

 자르기는  그렇잖아

so I can't really fire him.

‪[어두운 음악] ‪(행정과장) ‪근데 자네 보니까

I see here that you've worked

경력 10 동안 옮겨 다닌 병원이...

at so many different hospitals in the past ten years.

하이고무려 열다섯 군데

My gosh, 15 hospitals in total.

 1년도  채웠고

And less than a year at all of them. You've been here for ten months,

여기  지가 10개월째니까 ‪[행정과장이 숨을  내뱉는다]

And less than a year at all of them. You've been here for ten months,

어차피  관둘 타이밍이네?

so you'll be quitting soon anyway.

‪(보호사1) ‪선배


‪(행정과장) ‪1 다닌 걸로 치고 ‪퇴직금은 챙겨  테니까

I'll say you worked here for a year and give you the severance pay.

 선에서 마무리하자

Let's sort it out like that.

‪[물소리가  들린다]

‪[문영이 흥얼거린다]

‪[통화 연결음]

‪(상인) ‪난데

Hey, it's me.

문영이한테  맞은 ‪ 보호사 연락처   

Get me the number of the guy who got hurt because of Mun-yeong.

왜긴 왜야?

What do you think?

뭐라도 먹여 가지고 ‪입틀막 해야   아니야

I need to bribe him to silence him. Come on. You know the drill.

수습 한두  ?

I need to bribe him to silence him. Come on. You know the drill.

‪[휴대전화 조작음]

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

‪[비장한 음악]


근처 배달 왔다가

I was delivering an order

병든 닭처럼 앉아 있는 꼴세가 ‪ 너다 했다

but saw a guy sitting like a sick chicken and knew it was you.

‪[흥미진진한 음악]

‪[아파하는 신음]

‪(재수) ‪오빠가 데려다줄게

Hop on. I'll give you a ride.

‪[헛웃음 치며] ‪미친놈

You freak.

‪(재수) ‪ 다쳤냐?

You're hurt again?

‪[오토바이 시동음]

‪[물소리가  들린다] ‪

Damn it.

이거 일부러  받나?

Is he ignoring my calls?

피까지 봤으면

If he bled, I'm sure he'll sue her.

이거 일단 빼박 고소 각인데 ‪[휴대전화 진동음]

If he bled, I'm sure he'll sue her.

‪(상인) ‪[작은 소리로] ‪...


Hello, Ms. Nam.

벌써 오셨어요?

Oh, I see. You're already here?

‪[입바람을  분다]


여기가  호냐면요 ‪[도어  작동음]

The room number is...


Just a moment.

‪[초인종이 울린다]

룸서비스 시켰어?

Did you order room service?

‪(문영) ‪ 인간이 어디  거야?

Where did he go?

‪[짜증 섞인 한숨]

‪[흥미진진한 음악]

‪[강태의 시원한 숨소리]



‪[재수가 살짝 웃는다]

‪[오토바이가 덜덜거린다]

‪(재수) ‪어어알베알베르토 

Alberto, no. Don't do this to me.

 이러지  ‪알베르토 

Alberto, no. Don't do this to me. No, Alberto. Don't be like this. Please, no!

이러지 알베르토제발 ‪  

No, Alberto. Don't be like this. Please, no!

이러지 알베르토

Don't do this to me!

‪- (재수 ‪- (강태 이래?

-Shit. -What's wrong?

‪- (재수? ‪- (강태 그래?

-Gosh! -What's going on?

‪(재수) ‪진짜알베르토아이...

Hang on, Alberto. Gosh!

‪[재수의 당황한 신음]

Hang on, Alberto. Gosh!

‪(재수) ‪알베르토알베르토!


‪[재수의 다급한 신음]

‪(재수) ‪이랴이랴!


알베르토아유 ‪오토바이가 진짜...

Giddy-up! Alberto! Shit. Alberto, please...

‪[익살스러운 음악] ‪[재수가 울먹인다]

Don't die.

‪[강태의 힘주는 신음]

‪(재수) ‪강태야!


 정말 괜찮아!

I'm really okay.

형님 기다리니까 먼저 택시 타고 !

Sang-tae must be waiting for you, so just take a cab home!

그런다고 네가  버리는  아니야!

I won't say that you ditched me!


I totally understand!

그게 우정이고의리니까!

Because that is what a true loyal friend would do!

닥치고 밀기나 

Shut it and just keep on pulling.

‪(재수) ‪오케이!

‪"NETFLIX 오리지널 시리즈 ‪사이코지만 괜찮아"

많이 변했다

You've changed so much.

‪(문영) ‪전혀 몰라보겠어촌티가 벗겨져서

I almost couldn't recognize you because you don't look like a hick.

 전학 가고 거의 20 만인가?

Has it been almost 20 years since I moved to a different school?

‪(주리) ‪



We just need your signature here.

사인만 하면 

We just need your signature here.

담당의한테 전화로 ‪설명은  들었을 거고

The doctor must've already explained everything over the phone.

원래는 네가 직접 가서...

You should actually do it in person--


You should actually do it in person-- Hey, you traveled for three hours

‪(문영) ‪이깟 서류에 사인 하나 받자고

Hey, you traveled for three hours just to get my signature on this stupid paperwork?

 시간 걸려 달려올 정성이면

just to get my signature on this stupid paperwork?


Do you have a strong sense of duty? Or are you a do-gooder?

우리 병원은 정신과 단과 병원이라

Our hospital is a psychiatric clinic,

외과 수술은 협진 병원에 ‪전원해서 해야 

so we have to work with another hospital to perform surgery.

너희 아버님 같은 경우에는...

-In your father's case-- -I told you that he's dead.


-In your father's case-- -I told you that he's dead.

‪[ 웃으며] ‪ 고아야알잖아

I'm an orphan. You know that.

그렇지만 어머니는 살아 계시...

-But your mother is alive-- -I registered her death a long time ago.

사망 처리   언젠데

-But your mother is alive-- -I registered her death a long time ago.

‪(문영) ‪내가 재밌는  알려 줄까?

Do you know what's interesting?

‪[어두운 음악]

우리 아빤

My dad's soul is dead,

영혼은 죽었는데

My dad's soul is dead,

육신은 살아 있어좀비처럼

but he's physically alive like a zombie.

근데  엄만

As for my mom,

육신은 예전에 죽었거든?

she physically died many years ago.



영혼은 아직 살아 있어

her soul is still alive.


‪(문영) ‪그럼  중에 ‪누가 진짜 죽은 거야?

So between the two of them, who's really dead?

누가 진짜 죽은 거냐고간호사님

Tell me, nurse. Who's really dead?

너희 아버...

Your father...

아니고대환 환자분

I mean, Mr. Ko Dae-hwan.

이번에 수술 시기 놓치면 ‪진짜 위험할 수도 있어

He'll be in critical condition without the surgery this time.

지금처럼 인지 기능이나...

His cognitive functions--

‪(문영) ‪누가 보면 ‪진짜 네가 딸인  알겠다

Hey, others will think that you're his daughter.

‪[잔을 달그락 내려놓으며] ‪진짜 그러자

Oh, why don't we do that? You can be his daughter.

네가 고대환  해라 ‪내가 너희 엄마  할게

Oh, why don't we do that? You can be his daughter. I'll be your mom's daughter.

동의해 주면 ‪나도 여기 동의서에 사인할게어때?

I'll sign this consent form if you agree to that. What do you say?

‪[무거운 음악]

‪[엘리베이터 도착음]

‪[엘리베이터 문이 드르륵 열린다]


‪(문영) ‪너희 엄마  맛있었는데

Your mom is a good cook.

언제 한번 놀러 가서 ‪밥이나 얻어먹을까예전처럼?

Shall I come over for some food like the good old days?

‪[피식 웃는다]

농담  통하는  여전하네?

I see that you still don't get my jokes.


You're no fun.

‪(주리) ‪짜증 ...

She pisses me off.

‪(재수) ‪미쳤네

She's insane.

어떻게 그런 여자가 ‪아동 문학을 쓰냐?

I can't believe she writes children's book. That's bizarre.


I can't believe she writes children's book. That's bizarre.

미친  아니야

She's not "insane."

그냥 그렇게 태어난 거지

She was just born that way.


Gosh. Can you diagnose people at a glance

정신 병동 보호사 짬밥 10년이면 ‪눈빛만 봐도  진단이 나오신다?

Gosh. Can you diagnose people at a glance now that you've worked at mental hospitals for ten years?


Stop overreacting.

‪(재수) ‪ 제발 오버  해라새끼야

You fool, can you please learn to overreact a little?

 미친 것들 때문에 ‪칼빵 맞고 병원까지 잘렸는데

You got fired and got cut because of those lunatics.

찍소리도  하고 얌전히 기어 나와? ‪뭐라도 뒤집어엎었어야지

I can't believe you just left without causing a scene.


Had I done that,

속은 후련해도

it would've felt nice,

‪- 퇴직금  받아 ‪- (재수잘했네

-but I wouldn't get my severance pay. -Well done.

형은 학교에서 잘려 ‪동생은 직장에서 잘려

Your brother got expelled from school, and you got fired from work.

형제간의 우애 진짜 눈물 난다

You guys are two peas in a pod.

어차피 관둘 때도 됐고

It was about time I quit anyway.


It's this time of the year.

‪(강태) ‪밤공기 훈훈해질 

When the night breeze feels warm.


I guess

나비가 날아들겠지

butterflies will appear soon.

‪[잔잔한 음악]




How's Sang-tae? No signs yet?

아직  징조 없고?

How's Sang-tae? No signs yet?


No, not yet.

‪(재수) ‪다음엔  어디로 떠나야 되나

Then where should we go next?

‪[재수의 옅은 웃음]

‪(재수) ‪이참에 우리 해외로 갈까?

-Should we go to another country? -Do you even have a passport?

‪(강태) ‪여권은 있냐?

-Should we go to another country? -Do you even have a passport?

‪(재수) ‪형을 영어를 가르치자

Sang-tae should learn English.

‪[강태와 재수의 웃음]

‪- (강태재수야 ‪- (재수?


‪(강태) ‪오늘  형한텐 아무 말도 하지 

Don't say anything to Sang-tae.

‪(재수) ‪아유그놈의  ‪아유지겨워아유

Gosh, you only care about your brother. I'm sick of this.

아유질투 정말

I'm so jealous.

‪- (강태! ‪- 깜짝이야

You scared me.

‪(강태) ‪!

‪(재수) ‪  여자한테 ‪머리통도 맞은  아니야?

What's wrong? Did she also hit you in the head?


The autograph. I forgot to get her autograph.

 여자 사인  받았어

The autograph. I forgot to get her autograph.

형한테 약속했는데

-I promised him I'd get it. -She must've hit you hard.

 머리를 세게 맞았구나

-I promised him I'd get it. -She must've hit you hard.


What do I do?


Oh, dear.

‪[혀를 쯧쯧 찬다]

‪[흥미진진한 음악]


이야무슨 사인이 성형 문자야

Gosh, her autograph looks like a bunch of heroglyphs.

‪(강태) ‪상형

Hieroglyphs, not "heroglyphs."

성형이 아니고 상형 문자

Hieroglyphs, not "heroglyphs."

얼른 마저  기다려

Hurry up. Sang-tae is waiting.

‪[재수가 쓱쓱 사인한다]



Done. Have a look.

‪(재수) ‪ 얼추 비슷하지?

Look. It's very similar, isn't it?

‪- (강태... ‪- (재수...

‪- (강태! ‪- (재수!

‪(강태) ‪재수 ‪[재수의 웃음]

Nice job, Jae-su!

‪[강태의 아파하는 신음] ‪(재수) ‪

Hey, quiet down.

‪[함께 웃는다]

Hey, quiet down.

‪(재수) ‪좋냐?

-Happy now? -Yes.

‪(강태) ‪

-Happy now? -Yes.

형이 좋아하겠다

He'll be happy.

웃지 인마

Don't smile like that. It disgusts me.

재수 없어

Don't smile like that. It disgusts me.

 오늘 환자한테도  소리 들었는데

A patient said the same thing to me today.

내가 웃는  그렇게 재수 없어?

Is my smile that annoying?


You don't know?

 진짜 몰라?

You really don't know?


-What? -When you smile,


-What? -When you smile,

조커 닮았어조커

you look like the Joker.

눈은 이렇게 슬픈데 ‪입꼬리는 이러고 올라간 

With those sad eyes and your lips pointing up like this.

‪[장난스러운 웃음]

With those sad eyes and your lips pointing up like this.

거울  닮았어

Look in the mirror. You'll see.

‪[강태의 헛웃음] ‪[재수의 장난스러운 웃음]

‪(재수) ‪빨리 

Let's go.

‪[신비로운 음악]


‪[문이 철컥 열린다]

‪(강태) ‪ 왔어

Sang-tae, I'm home.

‪(상태) ‪이거...


‪[종이를 구기며] ‪가짜가짜야가짜

This is fake. It's fake.

‪[재수의 당황한 신음] ‪(상태) ‪가짜가짜야

-No, it's real-- -This is fake.

‪- (재수진짜야그거... ‪- (상태가짜

-No, it's real-- -This is fake.

‪(재수) ‪... ‪[상태가 중얼거린다]

-That's… -It's fake.

‪(강태) ‪ ‪[재수의 아파하는 신음]

-Sang-tae, wait. -This is fake.

‪(재수) ‪아유아유...

-Goodness... -This is fake.

‪[상태가 지퍼를  닫는다] ‪- (재수어유 ‪- (상태거짓말 나쁜 

-Goodness... -This is fake.

‪(상태) ‪가짜가짜가짜가짜 ‪가짜가짜

This is fake, fake, fake. It's all fake.

거짓말을거짓말을 하니까?

You lied to me.

‪- (강태 ‪- (상태 거짓말은

-Sang-tae, I'm sorry. -You lied to me.

내가 잘못했어미안해 ‪[상태가 중얼거린다]

-Sang-tae, I'm sorry. -You lied to me.

‪(상태) ‪거짓말했어거짓말?

You lied to me? -Lying is bad. -I was too busy today that...

내가 오늘 너무 바빠서 정신이...

-Lying is bad. -I was too busy today that...

‪(상태) ‪거짓말하면 나쁜 앤데 거짓말했어?

Lying is bad. You lied to me?

 거짓말은 초등학생끼리도 ?

Even little kids know that it's wrong to lie. -Shall we go to the bookstore tomorrow? -You lied?

‪(강태) ‪내일 서점 갈까?

-Shall we go to the bookstore tomorrow? -You lied?

‪(상태) ‪거짓말했어? ‪  버릇 여든까지

-Shall we go to the bookstore tomorrow? -You lied? -Even a kid-- -Shall we get the dinosaur encyclopedia?

‪(강태) ‪, '공룡대백과사러 갈까?

-Even a kid-- -Shall we get the dinosaur encyclopedia? -What? -You always wanted that book.

‪- (상태? ‪-  그거 갖고 싶어 했잖아

-What? -You always wanted that book.

‪(강태) ‪?

-Sang-tae? -You lied?

‪(상태) ‪거짓말했어거짓말?

-Sang-tae? -You lied?

거짓말했어 거짓말했어? ‪거짓말 나쁜  ‪[강태의 신음]

You lied? Why did you lie to me? -Lying is bad. -Gosh, you poor thing.

‪[상태가 계속 중얼거린다] ‪(재수) ‪아이고 불쌍한 새끼야

-Lying is bad. -Gosh, you poor thing.

아무튼  고문영이라는 여자 ‪ 여자가 사달이야아주 그냥

This is all Ko Mun-yeong's fault.

내가  책들을 아주 그냥 깡그리 ‪ 싸질러 버릴 거야내가 이거

I'm going to burn all these books! What is this?

‪(재수) ‪이거 뭐야악몽을 먹고... ‪[상태가 연신 ' '라고 말한다]

I'm going to burn all these books! What is this? -Why would a boy feed on nightmares? -No!

내가 이거   싸질러 버릴 거야 ‪내가 이거

-No, don't. -I'll burn all these books.

‪- (상태    ‪- (재수뭐가  ?

-No, don't. -I'll burn all these books.

‪-     ‪- (재수 ?

-No! -No? Why not?

‪- (재수 뭐가   ‪- (상태   거야

-No! -No? Why not? -It's mine. Don't do this. -I'll burn them all.

‪[휴대전화 알림음] ‪(상인) ‪안녕하십니까

-It's mine. Don't do this. -I'll burn them all. -Hello. -Let go.

저는 아동 문학 출판사 ‪'상상이상' 대표

I am Lee Sang-in, the CEO of SangSangESang Publishers,

이상인이라고 합니다

a children's book publisher.

‪[흥미진진한 음악]

‪[휴대전화 알림음]

먼저 오늘 저희 작가님과 있었던 ‪불미스러운 유혈 사고에 대해

First of all, I'd like to sincerely apologize for the unfortunate incident between you and our author earlier today.

깊이 사죄의 말씀 올립니다

for the unfortunate incident between you and our author earlier today.

‪[휴대전화 알림음]

바쁘신 와중에도 괜찮으시다면

I'd like to speak with you

긴히 드릴 말씀이 있사오니

if you can spare a moment out of your busy schedule.

내일 저희 출판사에서 ‪  만나 뵈었으면 합니다

if you can spare a moment out of your busy schedule. It'd be greatly appreciated if you could stop by our office tomorrow.

‪[휴대전화 알림음]

부디 거절하지 마시고

Please don't say no.

만남을 허락해 주십시오

I'd really like to meet you. Please.

‪[휴대전화 알림음] ‪제발

I'd really like to meet you. Please.

‪[똑딱거리는 효과음]

‪[휴대전화 알림음] ‪제발!

-Please! -Why would you read children's books?

‪(재수) ‪!

-Please! -Why would you read children's books?

‪(상태) ‪재수 씨는 예술을 모른다 ‪예술은 아름다운 거야

You don't understand art. Art is a beautiful thing.

‪(재수) ‪예술예술을 내가  몰라 ‪[상태가 중얼거린다]

You don't understand art. Art is a beautiful thing. What do you mean I don't understand art?

예술은 19 야설그게 ‪우리 같은 사람들이 보는  예술이야

What do you mean I don't understand art? Naughty erotica books are what I call art.

‪(상태) ‪ 버려라 버려라 ‪너희 집에  버려라

Naughty erotica books are what I call art. -This is-- -Go away. Just go home.

‪(재수) ‪나한테 ‪내가  얼마나 좋아하는데

-Just leave. -Come on. I like you so much.

‪[혀를 똑딱똑딱 튕긴다]

‪[휴대전화 진동음]


아유그럼 그렇지

Of course. I knew it. Let's see.


Of course. I knew it. Let's see.

‪(강태) ‪



"Sure"? Gosh, that doesn't sound good.

이거 싸한데 ‪[어두운 음악]

"Sure"? Gosh, that doesn't sound good. Around 6 p.m., at a Seoul hospital, a man arranged

‪(TV  기자) ‪오늘 오후 6시경 ‪서울 소재  대학 병원에서

Around 6 p.m., at a Seoul hospital, a man arranged

‪(상인) ‪감이  좋다이거

-to be transferred to the police -I have a bad feeling.

심신 미약 상태로 ‪딸과 함께 동반 자살을 기도해

-to be transferred to the police -I have a bad feeling.

‪(상인) ‪감이  좋아

-to be transferred to the police -I have a bad feeling. after attempting to take his own life as well as his daughter's

‪(TV  기자) ‪경찰로 연행될 예정이던   씨가

after attempting to take his own life as well as his daughter's

‪(전광판  기자) ‪외부 출입이 통제된 병동 보호실에서 ‪숨진  발견돼

was found dead in solitary confinement. The police are investigating his death.

경찰이 조사에 나섰습니다

The police are investigating his death.

  씨는 병원  환아들을 대상으로 ‪진행 중이던

He caused a scene at a book reading event

낭독회 행사장에서 난동을 부려

which was held for children in the hospital,

즉시 출동한 보안 요원에 의해 ‪제압된 것으로 알려졌습니다

which was held for children in the hospital, but the security guards were able to stop him immediately.

‪[차분한 음악]

눈이  예뻤는데

He has such beautiful eyes.

‪(문영) ‪그거 알아요?

Do you know this?

세상엔 죽어 마땅한 것들이 있는데

In this world, there are people who deserve to die.

‪(문영) ‪어떤 사려 깊은 또라이가

But some thoughtful freaks kill them for us in secret.

그것들을 몰래 죽여 주기 때문에

But some thoughtful freaks kill them for us in secret.

아무 생각 없는 시민들이  다리 

That is why the clueless civilians can sleep peacefully at night,

뻗고   있다는 ?

completely unaware of it.


‪[재수의 놀란 신음]

What the… I told you not to look down on me.

‪(재수) ‪무시하지 말랬잖아

What the… I told you not to look down on me.

‪(강태) ‪무시  무시  

Yes, I won't.

‪(재수) ‪말려말려말려

-Stop him. -Okay, go back to sleep.

‪- 그래무시   ‪- (재수

-Stop him. -Okay, go back to sleep.

‪[강태가 의자를  당긴다]

‪[고은이 흐느낀다] ‪(강태) ‪소년은 오늘도

"The boy woke up from another awful nightmare.

끔찍한 악몽에서 깨어났어요

"The boy woke up from another awful nightmare.

잊고 싶은 과거의 나쁜 기억들이

Bad memories from the past that he wanted to forget

매일 밤마다 꿈속에 다시 나타나서

were replayed in his dreams every night

소년을 계속해서 괴롭혔죠

and haunted him nonstop.

세월이 흘러

Years went by, and the boy became an adult.

어른이  소년은

Years went by, and the boy became an adult.

 이상 악몽을 꾸진 않았지만

He no longer had nightmares.

어찌  일인지 ‪조금도 행복해지지 않았어요

But for some strange reason, he wasn't happy at all.

‪[무거운 음악]

‪(강태) ‪붉은 보름달이 뜨던 

One night, a blood moon filled the night sky,

소원의 대가를 받기 위해

and the witch finally showed up again

드디어 마녀가 다시 ‪ 앞에 모습을 드러내자

to take what he had promised in return for granting his wish.

그는 원망 어린 목소리로 외쳤어요

And he shouted at her with so much resentment.

‪(강태) ‪' 나쁜 기억은 모두 지워졌는데 '

'All my bad memories are gone. But why…

‪'  행복해지지 못한 거죠?'

Why can't I become happy?'

그러자 마녀는

Then the witch took his soul as they had promised

약속대로 그의 영혼을 거두며 ‪이렇게 말했어요

Then the witch took his soul as they had promised and told him this.

‪(강태) ‪'아프고 고통스러웠던 기억'

'Hurtful, painful memories.

‪'처절하게 후회했던 기억'

Memories of deep regrets.

‪'남을 상처 주고  상처받았던 기억'

Memories of hurting others and being hurt.

‪[바람이  분다]

‪'버림받고 돌아섰던 기억'

Memories of being abandoned.

‪'그런 기억들을'

Only those with such memories buried in their hearts

‪(강태) ‪'가슴 한구석에 품고 살아가는 자만이'

Only those with such memories buried in their hearts

‪' 강해지고'

can become stronger, more passionate,


can become stronger, more passionate,

‪' 유연해질 수가 있지'

and emotionally flexible.

‪'행복은 바로 그런 자만이 ‪쟁취하는 거야'

And only those can attain happiness.'"

‪[상태의 옅은 신음]


‪[상태의 신음]

‪[상태가 쌔근거린다]

‪[안도하는 한숨]


Never forget today.

‪(간호사4) ‪잠이  오니?

You can't fall asleep?


Where's my dad?

 괜찮아질 거야걱정하지 

Everything will be okay. Don't worry.

‪[울먹이며] ‪경찰에 잡혀가요?

Will the police take him?

정신 병원에 갇혀요?

Will he be locked away in a mental institution?

아빠가  나타나서 ‪고은이 괴롭힐까  무서워?

Are you scared that he'll show up again and harass you?

‪(간호사4) ‪이제 그럴  없을 거야

That won't happen again.


My dad...

‪[무거운 음악]

우리 아빠는

My dad is

나쁜 사람 아니에요

not a bad person.

‪(고은) ‪아파서 그랬어요

He's just not well.

머리가 아파서 그런 거예요

He's mentally ill.



So please...

 아빠 잡아가지 마세요

Don't let the police take him.

저랑 같이 살게  주세요

Please allow me to live with him.

아빠랑 같이 살래요

I want to live with my dad.

같이 살래

I want to live with him.

아빠 보고 싶어요

I miss my dad.

‪- (문영) '그러니 잊지 ' ‪- (강태) '그러니 잊지 '

I miss my dad. -"So don't forget any of it. -Dad...


-"So don't forget any of it. -Dad...

‪- (문영) '잊지 말고 이겨 ' ‪- (강태) '잊지 말고 이겨 '

Remember it all and overcome it. If you don't overcome it,

‪- (문영) '이겨 내지 못하면' ‪- (강태) '이겨 내지 못하면'

Remember it all and overcome it. If you don't overcome it, you'll always be a kid whose soul never grows."

‪- (문영) '너는 영혼이 자라지 않는' ‪- (강태) '너는'

you'll always be a kid whose soul never grows."

‪- (강태) '영혼이 자라지 않는' ‪- (문영) '어린애일 뿐이야'

you'll always be a kid whose soul never grows."

‪(강태) ‪'어린애일 뿐이야'

you'll always be a kid whose soul never grows."

‪[강태가 스위치를 달칵 누른다]

‪[옅은 신음]

‪[신비로운 음악] ‪[상태의 옅은 신음]

‪[의미심장한 음악]

‪[무거운 효과음]

‪[긴장되는 음악]


What? Butterflies...


No, those butterflies!

‪[어린 상태의 거친 숨소리]

‪[어린 상태의 겁에 질린 숨소리]

‪[상태의 비명]

‪(상태) ‪나비나비나비나비나비나비 ‪[재수의 놀란 탄성]

-What? What's going on? -Butterflies!

‪- (상태나비나비나비나비 ‪- (강태 그래

-What? What's going on? -Butterflies! -What's the matter? -Butterflies...

‪- (상태나비나비나비 ‪- (강태

-What's the matter? -Butterflies... -Sang-tae. -Butterflies...

‪(상태) ‪나비나비나비나비나비

-Sang-tae. -Butterflies... Gosh, those butterflies...

‪[상태의 겁먹은 신음]

Gosh, those butterflies... Butterflies! Those butterflies!

‪[어두운 음악]

Butterflies! Those butterflies! -Don't! I'm sorry! -They're back. Those damn butterflies.


-Don't! I'm sorry! -They're back. Those damn butterflies.


-Don't! I'm sorry! -They're back. Those damn butterflies.

‪(상태) ‪나비나비나비나비나비!

Those butterflies!

나비가  죽인댔어 ‪나비가  죽인대

Those butterflies! They said they'll kill me. The butterflies will kill me!

‪[상태가 계속 중얼거린다]

They said they'll kill me. The butterflies will kill me! They're coming to kill me!


-I have to run away. -Sang-tae.

‪[강태의 한숨]

I have to go. I must run away!

‪(집주인) ‪어이총각!

Hey, Gang-tae!

에이이사 철도 아닌데 ‪갑자기 방을 ?

It's not even the peak moving season. Why move out?

 어이가 없어서정말

Gosh, I can't believe this.



아니계약 기간이 한참 남았는데 ‪갑자기 방을 ...

You still have months left on your lease. Why do you...


You still have months left on your lease. Why do you... Gosh, you scared me.

‪[익살스러운 음악] ‪ 아저씨  여기서 잤네?

Gosh, you scared me. Mister, you slept here again?

아니이럴 거면 수도세를  내든가!

Then you need to chip in for the water usage!

당장 여기 총각 나오라 그래요

Go bring the young man.

우린 친구인데 ‪  아저씨고  총각이에요?

We're friends. Why is he a young man when you call me a mister?

됐고총각 어디 있냐고

Cut it out. Where is he?


I wonder too.

  아침부터 어디를  거야

Where on earth did he go so early?

‪[익살스러운 효과음]


문강태 ?

Mr. Moon Gang-tae?

‪(승재) ‪안녕하세요


대표님께서 ‪인쇄소에서 오시는 길이라

My boss is on his way back from the print shop now.

 10 정도 늦으신다는데

He said he'll be about ten minutes late.

‪[흥미진진한 음악]

‪[자동차 경적] ‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪[차량 진입 알림음이 울린다]

‪[타이어 마찰음]


This way.

‪(승재) ‪여기서 잠시만 기다려 주세요

Please wait here for a moment.

‪(강태) ‪


‪[흥미진진한 음악]

‪(직원1) ‪떴대떴대

Guys, she's here! Clear your desks. Tidy up.

책상에 있는    치우고 ‪지금 정리  

Guys, she's here! Clear your desks. Tidy up.

‪(문영) ‪여기 누구 자리야?

Who sits here?

‪(직원2) ‪경리 팀장 자리인데왜요? ‪[날카로운 효과음]

The accounting manager. Why do you ask?

‪(문영) ‪예쁘네

This is pretty.

‪- ... ‪- (직원2) 탐나시면 가지세요

-I want it-- -Then you can have it.

그러려 그랬어

I was going to anyway.

‪[승재의 당황한 숨소리]

‪(승재) ‪작가님이 사무실에 웬일이세요?

-Ms. Ko, what brings you by? -Zombie Kid is coming out today.

‪'좀비아이초판 나오는 날이잖아

-Ms. Ko, what brings you by? -Zombie Kid is coming out today.

‪(문영) ‪ 대표는?

-Where's Mr. Lee? -Well...

‪(승재) ‪...

-Where's Mr. Lee? -Well...

‪[몽환적인 음악]


‪(문영) ‪그림인 

What a sight.

사복 입으니까  멋지네?

You look dashing in regular clothes.

 외상값 받으러  호스트 같아

Like an escort who's here to harass me to pay off my tab.

당신은  다른가 했지

I thought you'd be different, but I was obviously wrong.

근데 똑같네?

I thought you'd be different, but I was obviously wrong.

얼마 받기로 했어?

How much did he offer?

‪(강태) ‪존대하는 법을 모르면 ‪최소한 알아듣게라도 말해

If you can't talk politely, at least try not to be so cryptic.

자기도 열라 자연스럽게 ‪ 까면서 

And look at you talking to me so casually.

‪(문영) ‪나한테  맞았잖아

I practically stabbed you.


-What about it? -How much did Mr. Lee offer you

그거 위로금

-What about it? -How much did Mr. Lee offer you


to compensate you for that

 다무는 조건으로 ‪얼마 받기로 했냐고우리 대표한테

as well as to make sure you won't tell anyone about it?


이런 식이  통했나 보네

I guess this has always worked.

‪(문영) ‪말로 하는 위로가  무슨 소용이야?

Verbal consolation is useless.

돈이 짱이지

Money is the best.

 그거 별론데?

Not to me.

 아니면 ?

Then what do you want? Sex?

돈보다 가치가 있나?

Is it worth more than money?


그럼  하러 왔어?

Then why are you here?

돈도 아니고 몸도 아니면 ‪ 뜯어먹겠다고 여기까지 왔는데?

If not for money or sex, what are you here for?


I was hoping


I could see you




Your eyes.

다시 한번 확인해 보고 싶었거든

I wanted to see them again.

‪[차분한 음악]


My eyes?


Your eyes

내가 알던 누구랑 ‪같은 눈빛을 갖고 있어

remind me of someone I used to know.

그게 누군데?

Who is that person?

인격이 고장  사람

Someone who's messed up

‪(강태) ‪양심에 구멍이 뚫린 사람

and has no conscience.


A woman

‪(강태) ‪온기가 전혀 없는

whose eyes

그런 여자

utterly lacked warmth.


That woman...


Were you afraid of her?


No, the opposite.


I liked her.


I liked her.

‪[감성적인 음악]

‪(강태) ‪그렇게 좋아?

Are you that excited?

‪(상태) ‪'상태 오빠 ‪출판 기념회에   주세용'

"Dear Sang-tae! Please come to my book launch party."

‪(문영) ‪운명 따위로 퉁치는   진부하잖아

It's boring to say that we're destined for each other.


I thought I was on the run…

‪(상태) ‪머리 만지지 !

Don't touch my hair!

 때문이라고 생각했거든

because of my brother.

‪[남자의 아파하는 탄성]

because of my brother.

‪(문영) ‪겁쟁이


고문영 어디 있어!

Where is Ko Mun-yeong?

‪(평론가) ‪ 여자랑 엮이면 끝이   좋아

You won't end up well if you get involved with her.

‪- 가지  ‪- (문영네가  안전핀 해라

-Don't go. -I want you to be my safety pin.

내가   터지게 ‪네가  붙잡고 있으라고

Keep me under control so that I won't explode.

‪[신비로운 음악] ‪(문영) ‪소년은 오늘도

The boy woke up from another awful nightmare.

끔찍한 악몽에서 깨어났어요

The boy woke up from another awful nightmare.

‪[드르륵거리는 효과음] ‪잊고 싶은 과거의 나쁜 기억들이

Bad memories from the past that he wanted to forget

매일 밤마다 꿈속에 다시 나타나서

were replayed in his dreams every night

소년을 계속해서 괴롭혔죠

and haunted him nonstop.

잠드는  너무나 무서웠던 소년은

The boy was terrified of falling asleep.

어느  마녀를 찾아가 애원했어요

So one day, he went to the witch and begged.

‪'마녀님제발 다신 악몽을 꾸지 않게'

"Please get rid of all my bad memories

‪' 머릿속에  나쁜 기억을 ‪모두 지워 주세요'

so that I won't ever have a nightmare again.

‪'그럼 당신이 원하는  ‪뭐든지 드릴게요'

Then I will do everything you ask."

세월이 흘러 어른이  소년은

Years went by, and the boy became an adult.

 이상 악몽을 꾸진 않았지만

He no longer had nightmares.

어찌  일인지 ‪조금도 행복해지지 않았어요

But for some strange reason, he wasn't happy at all.

붉은 보름달이 뜨던 

One night, a blood moon filled the night sky,

소원의 대가를 받기 위해

and the witch finally showed up again

드디어 마녀가 ‪다시  앞에 모습을 드러내자

to take what he had promised in return for granting his wish.

그는 원망 어린 목소리로 외쳤어요

And he shouted at her with so much resentment.

‪' 나쁜 기억은 모두 지워졌는데'

"All my bad memories are gone. But why...

‪'  행복해지지 못한 거죠?'

"All my bad memories are gone. But why... Why can't I become happy?"

그러자 마녀는 약속대로 ‪그의 영혼을 거두며 이렇게 말했어요

Then the witch took his soul, as they had promised, and told him this.

‪'아프고 고통스러웠던 기억'

"Hurtful, painful memories.

‪'처절하게 후회했던 기억'

Memories of deep regrets.

‪'남을 상처 주고 ‪ 상처받았던 기억'

Memories of hurting others and being hurt.

‪'버림받고 돌아섰던 기억'

Memories of being abandoned.

‪'그런 기억들을 ‪가슴 한구석에 품고 살아가는 자만이'

Only those with such memories buried in their hearts

‪' 강해지고뜨거워지고'

can become stronger, more passionate,

‪' 유연해질 수가 있지'

and emotionally flexible.

‪'행복은 바로 그런 자만이 ‪쟁취하는 거야'

And only those can attain happiness.

‪'그러니 잊지 '

So don't forget any of it. Remember it all and overcome it.

‪'잊지 말고 이겨 '

So don't forget any of it. Remember it all and overcome it.

‪'이겨 내지 못하면'

If you don't overcome it,

‪'너는 영혼이 자라지 않는 ‪어린애일 뿐이야'

you'll always be a kid whose soul never grows."


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