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Life 1


정문 다 왔대요They are almost here.
(재혁) 예 선생님!Dr. Ye,
C로젯 1번 수술장 열었습니다-OR One in Rosette C is ready. -Who's operating?
(진우) 누구야?-OR One in Rosette C is ready. -Who's operating?
(재혁) 주경문 교수님이랑 NS에서는 오세화 교수님요Dr. Joo Kyung-moon and Dr. Oh Se-hwa of Neurosurgery.
[사이렌이 울린다]They are here.
(재혁) 온다They are here.
[사이렌이 뚝 멈춘다]
[의미심장한 음악]
[펜라이트를 달칵 누른다]
사망 시간Time of death…
부원장님Deputy Director Kim.
지금 몇 시냐What time is it?
(응급 대원1) 11시 48분요It's 11:48 p.m. Time of death, 11:47 p.m.
사망 시간 11시 47분Time of death, 11:47 p.m.
[긴장되는 음악]
[통화 연결음]
(창) 아, 교수님, 쉬시는데 죄송합니다만I'm sorry to disturb you at home, but…
원장님께서 돌아가셨습니다the hospital director passed away. Yes.
the hospital director passed away. Yes.
방금 전에 사고로요, 네Just now. In an accident. Yes.
근데 지금 다른 분들 다 오신다는데Everyone else is coming in now. I think you should come too, Dr. Seo.
서 교수님도 계셔야 할 거 같아서요I think you should come too, Dr. Seo.
[종이를 사락 넘기며] 네Yes.
[떨리는 숨소리]
[문이 쓱 닫힌다]
(창) 지금 가야 검사한테 장기 적출 승인을 받을 수 있어서요I have to go now to get consent from the prosecutor for the organ procurement.
어느 분이 담당이신지...Which one of you is in charge?
- (세화) 유족은? - (창) 동의하셨습니다-What about his family? -They consented.
부검부터-I'll sign it after the autopsy. -It won't affect the autopsy. As you know,
(창) 부검에 영향 없게 하겠습니다-I'll sign it after the autopsy. -It won't affect the autopsy. As you know,
아시겠지만 각막만요-I'll sign it after the autopsy. -It won't affect the autopsy. As you know, -we will just recover his corneas. -No ophthalmologist is available now.
지금 안과에 사람 없어-we will just recover his corneas. -No ophthalmologist is available now.
(창) 서 교수님 오십니다Dr. Seo is on his way.
원장님...I believe…
기다리고 계실 겁니다this is what Director Lee wants.
너무 시간이 지나면 각막도 놓치게 돼서요If we wait too long, we'll lose the corneas.
[세화가 훌쩍인다]
(창) 감사합니다, 다시 오겠습니다Thank you. I'll come back in a moment.
[옅은 한숨]
- (경문) 나 가요, 어 - (보훈) 어-Bye. -Okay.
- (보훈) 야, 야, 잠깐만 - (경문) 아, 왜, 아, 왜요, 뭐요-Hey, hold on. -What? -Just a moment. -What is it?
(경문) 어?What?
- (경문) 뭘 또 이런 걸... - 씁!I'll gladly take it. Hold up, punk.
(보훈) 가만있어 봐, 인마, 쯧Hold up, punk.
에이, 난 또...That's what… You really did it.
(경문) 기어코 하셨어?That's what… You really did it. DONOR
때 되면 네가 이쁘게 좀 해 줘I'd like you to do it for me when the time comes.
아, 왜 나한테 그래요 이식 팀은 뒀다 뭐 하려고Don't ask me. Ask the organ transplant team.
아, 때 되면, 쯧When the time comes. I don't want anyone else to see my belly.
나 요즘 배가 나와서 딴 사람 싫어I don't want anyone else to see my belly. What will you do for me if I do it?
내가 해 주면 원장님 나한테 뭐 해 줄 건데요?What will you do for me if I do it?
아, 야Come on. I'll be dead already. What can I possibly do for you?
다 죽은 마당에 내가 뭘 해 주냐?Come on. I'll be dead already. What can I possibly do for you? Then why would a dead man care about someone else seeing his belly?
(경문) 그럼 다 죽은 마당에 이거 튀어나온 거Then why would a dead man care about someone else seeing his belly?
이건 뭔 상관이래? [보훈의 당황한 신음]Then why would a dead man care about someone else seeing his belly? -Why you… -Seriously.
- 이게... - (경문) 나 참-Why you… -Seriously. Hey. Wait up.
야, 가만있어 봐, 야, 야, 야Hey. Wait up. No. I don't want to. Stop asking me to do it.
(경문) 아, 싫어요, 싫어, 왜 이래No. I don't want to. Stop asking me to do it.
(보훈) 2천 원-How about for 2,000 won? -Don't be ridiculous.
(경문) [어이없다는 듯] 많이 좀 써라, 아이고, 참-How about for 2,000 won? -Don't be ridiculous. You punk.
(보훈) 야, 야! 씨...You punk.
(경문) 천국의 자리로 돌아간 제 형제에게Father, please give my brother, who has returned to Heaven,
영원한 빛과 평화를 내려 주시고eternal light and peace.
남아 있는 이들에게And to those left behind,
위로와please provide…
용기를 주소서comfort and strength.
(진우) 떨어지셨어He fell.
골반뼈까지 완전히 부서졌어All the bones were crushed, even his hip bone.
(진우) 옮기는데When I moved him,
허리가 종이처럼 접히더라his back folded like a piece of paper.
(선우) 형Jin-woo.
됐어That's enough.
(선우) 원장님한테 그 얘기 했어?Did you talk to the director about that?
(선우) 원장님이 그거 듣고, 알고Did he know that you knew…
돌아가셨냐고when he passed away?
(진우) 응Yes.
그 얘기...Please keep it…
좀 안 퍼지게 해 봐from getting out.
벌써 보고 끝났어It has already been reported.
곧 다 알게 될 거야Everyone will find out about it soon.
그래도 어떻게든Still, do something.
(선우) 해 볼게I'll try.
그렇게 되셨다는데After what happened to him,
우리도 막무가내로 어쩌진 않겠지I doubt we'll make a big deal out of it.
(진우) 그래Okay.
(선우) 형, 괜찮아?Are you okay?
모르겠어I don't know.
[자동차 경적]
[타이어 마찰음]
[긴장되는 음악]
(방 선생) 거의 다 왔대요They're almost here. A six-year-old girl was stabbed about five times.
여섯 살이고 칼에 다섯 군데 정도 찔렸대요They're almost here. A six-year-old girl was stabbed about five times.
(노을) 누가 애를, 무슨 일이래요? 멘탈은?Who would do that to a child? What happened? Is she alert? I don't know, and they say she's alert.
(방 선생) 뭔 일인지는 모르겠고 멘탈은 있대요I don't know, and they say she's alert.
- 지혈되면 바로 CT 갈게요 - (방 선생) 네-Control her bleeding and take her to CT. -Okay.
원장님Did you hear
어디서 그렇게 되셨는지 들었어?where that happened to the director?
(진우) 응Yes.
왜 하필 부원장님 댁이었을까?Why did it happen at the deputy director's house?
(진우) 응I don't know.
이상하지 않아?-Don't you find it strange? -Yes.
(진우) 어-Don't you find it strange? -Yes.
왜 그래?What's wrong?
(응급 대원2) 소아 CPR요! 연락 드린 스탭 운드입니다Pediatric CPR needed. She's the stab victim we called in about earlier.
- (방 선생) 이쪽요 - (응급 대원2) 네-This way. -Okay.
멘탈 있다면서요-I thought she was alert. -She just went into cardiac arrest.
(응급 대원2) 들어오기 직전에 어레스트 났어요-I thought she was alert. -She just went into cardiac arrest. On my count. One, two, three.
(방 선생) 자, 잡고, 하나, 둘, 셋On my count. One, two, three.
펄스 체크해 주세요-Check her pulse. -She has none.
펄스 없습니다-Check her pulse. -She has none.
(노을) 리듬 확인할게요Let me check the rhythm.
에이시스톨, 컴프레션Asystole. Compression.
인투베이션 준비해 주시고 에피네프린 투여할게요, CPR 유지요Prepare for intubation. Administer epinephrine. Continue CPR.
(응급 대원2) 옆구리, 배, 팔, 다리를 찔렸고요 배는 두 군데예요She was stabbed in the side, abdomen, arm, and leg. -Twice in the abdomen. -Where's her guardian?
보호자는요?-Twice in the abdomen. -Where's her guardian? Over there.
저기요Over there.
- (은하) 이쪽으로 오실게요, 네 - (응급 대원3) 여기 다른 환자입니다-This way. -Here's another patient. Okay.
(응급 대원3) 환자분, 정신 잃으시면 안 돼요Sir, please stay alert.
- (응급 대원3) 옮기겠습니다, 둘, 셋 - (은하) 네, 네, 셋-We'll move him. Two, three. -Okay. Two, three.
[응급 대원4의 힘주는 신음]
(은하) 환자분, 제 말 들리세요?Sir, do you hear me?
환자분, 여기 어디인지 아시겠어요?Sir, do you know where you are?
어디가 제일 아프세요?-Where does it hurt the most? -Administer oxygen and take him to CT.
- (진우) 산소 투여하고 CT - (재혁) 예-Where does it hurt the most? -Administer oxygen and take him to CT. Okay. Two liters of oxygen please.
- O2 2리터 주세요 - (은하) 네Okay. Two liters of oxygen please. -Okay. -Any other wounds?
다른 상처는요?-Okay. -Any other wounds?
여기만요, 애 아빠는 한 군데예요No. Just this. The dad has one stab wound.
[의료 기기 작동음] (노을) DC기! 40줄 차지Defibrillator. Charge to 40 joules.
[제세동기 작동음] 다들 비켜요Clear.
하나, 둘, 셋!One, two, three!
[소란스럽다]-Doctor, please! -How long do we have to wait?
(여자1) 선생님, 먼저 봐 주세요 [아이가 엉엉 운다]-Doctor, please! -How long do we have to wait?
아기 좀요, 예?Please help my baby.
우리 아기 좀 먼저 봐 주세요 열이 너무 많이 나요, 선생님...-He is in so much pain. -Please help my baby first. Sir, I'll stitch you up after we check your CT scan.
환자분, CT 결과 확인하고 봉합해 드릴게요Sir, I'll stitch you up after we check your CT scan.
(형사1) 실례합니다Excuse me.
저기, 응급실이 어느 쪽이죠?Which way is the ER?
1층 내려가셔서 건물 밖으로 나가세요Go down to the first floor and exit the building.
그럼 바로 보여요You'll see it.
- (형사1) 예, 고맙습니다 - 감사합니다-Thank you. -Thank you.
[긴장되는 음악]
[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]
경찰이The police…
여기까지 왔다 갔네요came all the way here.
사고사니까Since it was an accidental death.
(세화) 그거보다는That's not the only reason.
앰뷸런스가 부원장님 댁에서 출발한 걸로They probably came to talk to you because the ambulance came…
떠서겠죠from your house.
내 집에서 그렇게 됐으니까Because it happened at my house.
뭐가 그렇게요?What happened?
아, 뭐가 그렇게겠어?What happened? What do you think?
질문에 질문으로 응하시네요You're answering a question with a question.
이 원장By the time…
내 집에 도착했을 때 이미 술이 많이 돼 있었어Director Lee got to my place, he was already drunk.
(태상) 그놈의 담배를 못 끊어 가지고He still couldn't quit smoking.
담배를 꺼내길래He took out his cigarettes, so I asked him if he must smoke in front of someone who already quit
'끊은 사람 집에서 꼭 피워야 되겠냐'so I asked him if he must smoke in front of someone who already quit
'옥상 올라가서 피워'and told him to go smoke on the roof.
뭐, 쿵 하는 소리가 나길래 올라갔는데Then I heard a thud, so I went up…
[한숨]I couldn't even get myself to think that he fell.
차마 아래는 내가 내려다볼 생각도 안 했어I couldn't even get myself to think that he fell.
심근 경색The heart attack…
이번에는 못 피하신 거네요, 원장님이finally got the director this time.
그렇지That's right.
[태상의 한숨]
[휴대전화 진동음]
예, 사장님Hello, Mr. Gu.
(태상) 예, 지금 가겠습니다I'll be right over.
[태상이 숨을 깊게 내뱉는다]
(세화) 구 사장 도로 왔나 보네요? 아까 퇴근하는 거 같더니I guess Mr. Gu came back. I thought I saw him leave earlier.
자기가 와야지 사장 된 지 며칠 됐다고Of course, he should come back. He only recently became the president.
(태상) 책임자가 그렇게 죽었는데The head of the hospital died.
너무 멀쩡해 보이진 마세요You should be mindful of how you look to others.
벌써 말들 많아요People are talking already.
무슨 말?About what?
(세화) 어쨌든 원장님의 마지막을 본Regardless of what really happened, you're the only person who witnessed
장본인이시잖아요Director Lee's last moment.
[문이 탁 닫힌다]
[태상의 옅은 한숨]
실례합니다Excuse me.
저, 한성경찰서에서 나왔는데요We're with Hanseong Police Station. A child was brought in with her dad…
혹시 아빠랑 같이 실려 온...A child was brought in with her dad…
보호자는 저기요The dad is over there.
[형사1이 혀를 찬다]
(형사1) 어린게 고 잠깐 새 죽었네The young thing died already. We should've come here first.
여기부터 들를걸The young thing died already. We should've come here first.
(은하) 저, 어떻게 된 거예요?What happened?
강도예요?Was it an armed robbery? Was the child stabbed in front of the dad?
아빠 보는 데서 애를 찌른 거예요?Was it an armed robbery? Was the child stabbed in front of the dad?
자살 기도인데요He attempted suicide.
동반 자살It was a murder-suicide.
애 아빠가 자기 딸을 그랬다고요?He did that to his own daughter?
[어이없는 숨소리]He stabbed his child five times,
(재혁) 근데 애는 다섯 방이고He stabbed his child five times,
아빠는 겨우...but he…
(진우) [한숨 쉬며] 입원시켜Admit him.
(형사1) 저, 선생님Doctor.
어떨 거 같으세요?How is he?
자기 딸 따라가진 않겠네요He won't end up like his daughter.
어디 다른 데 먼저 들렀다 오셨나 봐요?Did you visit somewhere else first?
(형사1) 아, 부원장실요The deputy director's office.
왜요? [어두운 음악]Why?
I see.
(진우) 실례합니다Excuse me.
왜냐는데 '예'는...Why didn't he answer my question?
[도어 록 작동음]
[도어 록 작동음]
(여자2) 일단 검사만 받는 거니까 너무 혼 빼지 마They're just running some tests, so don't get too excited yet.
(남자1) 알았어, 알았어Okay.
(보훈) 야, 진우야Jin-woo.
그럴 수도 있지It could be true.
둘이 술 마실 수도 있지They could've had drinks together.
술?-What? -The director and the deputy director…
부원장하고 원장님-What? -The director and the deputy director…
두 분 다 술 냄새가 많이 났어They both reeked of alcohol.
서로 네 집 내 집 찾아다니며 술친구 하는 사이였다고? 두 분이?Since when were they drinking buddies who pay visits to each other's houses?
그럼 넌 왜 찾아갔다고 생각하는데?Then what? Why do you think he went over?
(노을) 그건 몰라I don't know.
(진우) 모르는구나, 그건I see. You don't know about that.
뭐는 아는데?Then what do you know?
뭐가 이상한데?What do you find strange about it?
그래You're right.
두 분 사이 안 좋았던 거 여기들 다 알아Everyone knows that they didn't get along.
그래도 아무도 안 나서But no one will say anything.
(노을) 나섰다간 사람 죽은 일에 부원장 의심하는 꼴이 되니까Because that would mean they're suspecting the deputy director of a person's death.
내가 너 곤란하게 하고 있는 거야?Am I putting you in a bad spot?
두 분이서 싸웠어They had an argument.
[긴장되는 음악]
싸우는 걸 들었어, 직접은 아니지만Someone overheard them arguing. When?
누가 들었는데?Who heard them? Tonight. Around 7 p.m.
저녁에, 7시쯤Tonight. Around 7 p.m.
누가가 뭐가 중요해?It doesn't matter who heard them.
[문이 탁 닫힌다]
(태상) 어디서 개수작이야! 누구 인생 망치려고What bullshit are you trying to pull? Are you trying to ruin my life?
내가 너 가만 안 둬!I'll get you for this!
(노을) 부원장이 또 누구 사람 잡는 거 같아서 불똥 튀기 전에 피하려고 했다는데The person tried to avoid the scene because it sounded like the deputy director was ranting at someone.
[문이 달칵 열린다]the deputy director was ranting at someone. "Bullshit…"
(진우) 개수작? [문이 달칵 닫힌다]"Bullshit…"
(노을) 아무리 부원장이라도 너무 대놓고 막말이라Given how he was cursing, the person assumed that he was ranting at a fellow or somebody in a lower position,
상대가 펠로급도 아니겠다 싶었다는데that he was ranting at a fellow or somebody in a lower position,
원장님이셨어but he was with Director Lee.
원장님한테 한 소리였어He was talking to the director.
그러곤 그날 밤에 그렇게 되신 거야And then, the accident happened that very night.
가만 안 두겠다는 사람 집에서At the house of the man who said he'd get him,
본 사람도 그 사람뿐이고and that man is the only witness.
(노을) 진짜로 그러진 않잖아That doesn't happen in real life.
동료끼리 싸웠다고 정말로 어떻게 해 버리고You don't kill a colleague because of an argument.
우리가 진짜 그러진 않잖아 사는 게 영화는 아닌데No one does that. Such a thing only happens in movies.
그렇지? 진우야Right, Jin-woo?
경찰한테 말해?Should I… tell the police?
[휴대전화 진동음]
[진우의 한숨]
(진우) 왜!What?
예 선생님Dr. Ye.
아까 자살 환자요The Department of Surgery won't accept that attempted suicide patient.
외과에서 입원 안 된다는데요that attempted suicide patient.
자살이라고 입원 거부당했어요They won't admit him because it was a suicide.
주 교수님 계시면 받아 주실 텐데Dr. Joo wouldn't have refused to admit the patient,
원장님 장기 적출 때문에 지금...but he's in the organ recovery surgery…
뭐 때문에?What do you mean? For Director Lee's cornea donation.
(재혁) 원장님 각막 기증요For Director Lee's cornea donation.
그거 지켜보신다고 안 계셔서...He's watching over that, so he's out.
죄송합니다I'm sorry.
내 이름으로 입원시켜, 지금 가Admit him under my name. I'm coming.
(재혁) 네Okay.
[휴대전화 조작음]
[어두운 음악]
(진우) 2018년 4월 5일 DOAApril 5, 2018. DOA.
오늘 밤은 현재 두 명입니다There were two so far tonight.
한 명은 믿었던 아빠의 칼에 찔려서 사망One died after getting stabbed by her trusted father.
한 명은 믿었던 후배의 말에 찔린 뒤 사망One was stabbed by the words of a trusted junior and died.
(은하) 예 선생님Dr. Ye, here are the test results for the traffic accident patient.
- (은하) TA 환자 검사 결과요 - (진우) 네Dr. Ye, here are the test results for the traffic accident patient. Thank you.
(진우) 한 명은 지상에서 겨우 6년을 살다...One lived only six brief years…
머물다 갔네요in this world.
거의 그 열 배를 사신 분의 삶도To me, even the life of someone who lived ten times that
제게는 이토록 순간처럼 느껴지는데feels so short.
(진우) 환자분, 불편하세요?Sir, is it hurting anywhere?
(환자1) 괜찮습니다I'm fine.
(진우) 느낌 다 있으시죠?You can feel where I am touching, right?
댁에 가셔도 됩니다You may go home.
고생하셨습니다Good night.
(진우) 몹시도 고된 하루였겠죠, 두 사람에게It must've been an exhausting night for them both.
2018년 4월 5일April 5, 2018.
내가 모진 말을 퍼부은The day I said hurtful things to you.
[키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]The very last day of your life.
(진우) 당신의 마지막 날The very last day of your life.
[마우스 클릭음]
[창이 숟가락을 탁 내려놓는다]
[사이렌이 울린다]
- (형사2) 안녕하세요 - (형사1) 어-Hello. -Hi.
(형사1) [웃으며] 일찍 왔네?-Hello. -Hi. You're here early.
[진우의 힘겨운 신음]
예진우라고 합니다I'm Ye Jin-woo.
어제 뵀었죠?We met last night.
(형사1) 엄청 궁금하셨나 보네You must've been very curious, seeing how you came straight from work.
당직 풀리자마자 여기 오시고You must've been very curious, seeing how you came straight from work.
(진우) 제가 사망 진단서를 써야 하는데 아는 게 없어서요I need to fill out the death certificate, but I don't know anything.
어떻게 된 건가요?What happened? You should ask the deputy director. He knows the most since he witnessed it.
(형사1) 부원장한테 물어보시죠?You should ask the deputy director. He knows the most since he witnessed it.
그쪽이 제일 잘 알지 바로 코앞에서 봤는데You should ask the deputy director. He knows the most since he witnessed it.
형사님도 다이렉트로 서장님께 뭘 묻긴 좀 그렇지 않으실까요?Don't you feel uncomfortable taking questions directly to the Chief of Police?
마지막으로 원장님을 뵌 때가 언제죠?When did you last see Director Lee?
어제 낮요Yesterday afternoon.
(형사1) 어제 낮이면...Afternoon…
[어두운 음악]
(선우) 우리 쪽도 그때는 일괄 지급 해서 몰랐는데We paid in a lump sum at the time, so we didn't notice,
방금 전에 발각됐어but it just got uncovered.
형네 병원 평가 지원금이 들어간 계좌가The quality improvement incentive was deposited into…
원장님 개인 통장이래Director Lee's personal account.
(형사1) 원장님 마지막으로 뵀을 때 평소하고 뭐, 다른 점 없었습니까?Was there anything unusual the last time you saw him?
(선우) 원장님이 병원 지원금 3억 6천을 자기 개인 통장으로 받았어He funneled 360 million won paid out to the hospital into his personal account.
우리 쪽에서도 문제가 될까 봐 몰래 회수를 시도했던 모양인데I think we tried to retrieve it quietly in case it became a problem,
원장님이 벌써 돈을 옮겼나 봐but it seemed like he had already moved it.
개소리하고 자빠졌네Stop the bullshit.
어디서 말도 안 되는 소리를 주워듣고, 이게Where did you hear that nonsense?
(선우) 형 병원에서는 아무도 몰랐어?No one from your hospital knew?
(진우) 누가 그딴 소리를 해?Who said that?
밥 먹고 할 짓 없으면 우리 진료비나 가져와!If you have nothing better to do, reimburse our fees!
[휴대전화 조작음]
이게 지금 누구한테, 씨How dare he…
(형사1) 아, 저, 뭐 이상한 점 없었냐니까요?Was there anything strange?
(진우) 없었습니다No, there wasn't.
(형사1) 무슨 얘기 했는데요? 마지막으로 원장님이랑During your last conversation with him, what did you two talk about?
(진우) 늘 하는 얘기요, 업무 얘기The usual. About work.
원장님 대체 무슨 생각을 하신 거예요?What were you thinking?
(진우) 언제까지 숨기려고 하셨어요?Just how long did you think you could hide it?
누...Who… Who said that?
누, 누가 그래?Who… Who said that? What was he like?
(형사1) 어떤 분이셨습니까? 원장님What was he like?
(진우) 좋은 분이셨습니다He was a good person.
저희 모두의 존경을 받았습니다We all respected him.
(형사1) 아, 저희로서는 뭐 딱히 의심할 만한 것도 없고We haven't found anything suspicious, and everything is consistent
목격자 진술하고도 일치하고with the witness' statement.
목격자가 있습니까?Was there a witness?
옆집 사람요The next-door neighbor.
혼자 나온 걸 옆집 사람이 확실히 봤다고 했나요?Did the witness see the director come out to the roof alone?
원장님 혼자?Was he really alone?
둘이 나왔으면요?What if he wasn't?
혼자였답니다, 확실히, 남자 혼자The witness is certain that there was only one man.
-I see. -I heard he had a heart condition.
(형사1) 원래 심근 경색이 있으셨다고 원장님께서-I see. -I heard he had a heart condition. And he drank and smoked.
어, 게다가 술 자시고 담배까지And he drank and smoked.
이 상태로 떨어지신 거 같던데?I think he fell like this.
그렇겠죠-I guess. -Don't you just need
(형사1) 사인, 사망 시각-I guess. -Don't you just need
뭐, 이런 것만 알면 되는 거 아닙니까 사망 진단서는?the cause and time of death for the death certificate?
여기 온 진짜 이유가 뭡니까?Why are you really here?
[긴장되는 음악]
(선우) 친구가 죽었으니까요Because his friend died.
아버지였고He was like a father to him.
놀고 있네Give me a break.
빽 하긴Don't get all worked up.
어떻게 된 겁니까?What really happened?
어떻게 된 겁니까?What really happened?
(형사1) 원장님이 딴 데서 1차를 하고He said Director Lee had drunk elsewhere first
벌써 좀 취해 가지고는 자기 집에 왔다고 했어요and showed up at his door already drunk.
(태상) 아, 술이 많이 됐네You're drunk already.
(보훈) 야, 국물 없냐? 국물-I want some soup. -I asked him why
(형사1) 꽤 늦은 시간인데 다른 식구들은 하나도 없었냐고 했더니만-I want some soup. -I asked him why there was no one else at home so late at night,
학기 중인데 우리나라에 있는and he asked how many moms and kids actually stay in this country.
엄마나 아이가 얼마나 되겠냐고 하더라고요and he asked how many moms and kids actually stay in this country.
(보훈) 굿, 굿Good.
(형사1) 아, 처음에는 이게 무슨 소리인가 했는데-I wondered what he meant at first, -Cheers! but I figured that he was saying that his child was studying abroad.
아, 유학 보냈다는 소리를 참 당연하게도 한다 그랬죠but I figured that he was saying that his child was studying abroad.
(보훈) 아유, 기가 막혀, 기가 막혀This is so good.
아, 올라가서 피워, 좀 올라가서 피워Smoke on the roof, will you? Go up to the roof.
(태상) 끊은 지가 언제인데You know I quit smoking. Fine. You're such a nag. Gosh.
알았어, 알았어, 아유 시어미 잔소리, 아유, 아유Fine. You're such a nag. Gosh.
(태상) 아유, 저거 언제 끊으려 그러냐When will you quit?
[보훈이 숨을 깊게 내뱉는다]
(형사1) 전에도 종종 있는 일이었대요He said that was the usual between them.
근데 소리가 나서Then, he heard something.
[우당탕거리는 소리가 들린다]
[긴장되는 음악]
원장님Director Lee.
(남자2) 어? 저, 저, 사람!Someone fell!
(태상) 야!Bo-hun!
[태상의 다급한 신음]
목격자...A witness…
(형사1) 옆집 사람도 그 시간에 옥상에 나와 있다가The next-door neighbor was on his roof around the same time,
[초인종이 울린다] 어떤 남자가 혼자 옥상으로 나오는 걸 봤대요and he saw a man come out to the roof alone.
그러더니 거의 바로 쿵Then he heard a thud shortly after.
[둔탁한 효과음] 소리가 났다고Then he heard a thud shortly after.
[진우가 안전띠를 달칵 채운다] [자동차 리모컨 조작음]
[자동차 시동음]
(보훈) 환자가 돈줄로 보이기 시작하면 그 의사는 더 갈 데가 없어If doctors start to see patients as profit centers, they can no longer be considered doctors.
배우러 온 학생한테 돈 뜯어낼 궁리만 하는 선생을How can one call oneself a teacher when all they think about
선생이라고 할 수가 있나?is how to rip off their students?
학생은 선생이 푼 문제의 답이 잘못된 거나 알지A student at least knows if the teacher's answer is wrong.
우리가 하는 수술, 우리가 내리는 처방But what about the surgeries we perform and the prescriptions we write? Regular people can never fully understand them.
일반인들은 죽었다 깨나도 몰라Regular people can never fully understand them.
그래서 의술이 무서운 거야That's why we need to take them seriously.
그래서 우리가 더욱더 독하게 깨어 있어야 하는 이유고That's why we must be more alert.
근데 이딴 걸 지침이라고 내려보내?But how could they tell us to follow these guidelines?
아무리 사기업이 대학 재단을 통째로 먹었다고 해도Even if the university's foundation was acquired by a private company,
이건 아니야this isn't right. This is wrong!
이래서는 안 되는 거야this isn't right. This is wrong!
그... 위에서는I think the management believes
이 성과급제가 효율성과 직결된다고 믿는 모양입니다that the pay-for-performance program is directly related to productivity. Productivity?
(보훈) 효율?Productivity?
더 비싼 약품They will reward doctors
더 고가의 시술 처방하는 의사한테 돈 더 많이 주는 거who will administer costly medications and treatments to patients. What does that have anything to do with productivity?
그게 효율인가?What does that have anything to do with productivity?
환자가 위급하면 언제라도 누구라도 달려가야지If a patient's life is ever in danger, everyone should rush over.
남의 환자 보는 시간에If you won't treat a patient
내 환자 잘못돼서 성과 떨어질까 봐 몸 사린다면in case something might happen to yours and your performance goes down, how do we evaluate that performance?
그 성과는 어떻게 할 거야?how do we evaluate that performance?
무슨 일 생기면 제일 먼저 뛰어가는 사람들이The first ones who rush over to patients when something happens are the nurses.
간호사 선생들이야The first ones who rush over to patients when something happens are the nurses. How would you quantify their performance?
그건 어떻게 수치화할 거야How would you quantify their performance?
(경문) 어떡하실 겁니까?What will you do?
사장이 새로 오자마자 내놓은 겁니다This is the first thing the president did as soon as he got appointed.
이거부터 짰단 뜻입니다This is the first thing the president did as soon as he got appointed. He won't back down.
절대 안 물러설 겁니다He won't back down.
누가 물러설지 어디 두고 보자고We'll see who backs down.
(진우) 바로 가시게요, 사장실?Are you going to the president's office?
(보훈) 어Yes.
[진우가 숨을 들이켠다]The new president looked like he'd be a real hard ass.
새로운 사장 눈에 성깔이 든 게 아주 일당백으로 생겼던데The new president looked like he'd be a real hard ass. -I only saw him once, but… -You saw him right.
한 번밖에 못 봤지만-I only saw him once, but… -You saw him right.
여러 번 봐도 똑같아-I only saw him once, but… -You saw him right.
일당백을 왜 원장님 혼자 상대하러 가세요?Why are you trying to face him alone?
원장님 군사가 뒤에 수백인데You have hundreds of soldiers behind you.
(보훈) 수백이 함께 싸우면 전쟁이야If I get them involved, it will be a war.
장수끼리 멱따는 게 빨라It's quicker for the generals to duel.
장수가 쓰러지면 그 판 끝납니다If the general falls, it's over.
성과급제 찬성하는 사람 없어요No one is for the program he suggested.
원장님 개인 대 사장이 아니라Don't make it a battle between you and him. Make it a battle between the medical staff and him.
의국 총합 대 사장 구도로 바꾸세요Make it a battle between the medical staff and him.
(진우) 대기업에서 꽂은 인간이에요, 구 사장A large corporation appointed that guy.
꽂힌 데는 이유가 있을 겁니다There must be a reason for that.
근데 부원장은...But the deputy director-- Director Lee, let me join you.
(태상) 원장님, 함께 올라가시죠Director Lee, let me join you. I will go with you and let him know of our opinion.
저도 올라가서 '이게 우리 의견이다' 이렇게 얘기하겠습니다I will go with you and let him know of our opinion.
의견이 아니라 결론입니다This isn't our opinion. This is our ultimatum. Yes, of course.
[엘리베이터 도착음] 아, 예Yes, of course.
[긴장되는 음악]
[번호표 알림음]
(진우) 아, 과장님Chief.
(동수) 응? 아, 니 어제 당직 아니었냐? 왜 또 기어 나왔어?Weren't you on call last night? Why are you back? One of my patients was admitted.
제 입원 환자가 있어 가지고요One of my patients was admitted.
거 한갓지게 혼자 갈랬더만, 쯧I was going to go alone, but since you are here…
(진우) 아, 저... 의국 회의 안 가세요?Aren't you going to the department meeting?
아, 이짝부터This first.
무슨 일인데요?What is it?
뭔 일이겄냐, 쯧What do you think?
사람이 떴잖아A person died.
[여기저기서 한숨을 내쉰다]
(동수) 아, 2 빼기 1이여Only one of them is gone. There's no need to leave both seats empty.
뭐 하려고 둘씩이나 비워 놓는디야There's no need to leave both seats empty.
그래서 원장님 눈은 누구 줬어요?So? Who received Director Lee's eyes? The surgery is in progress.
지금 하는 중이에요The surgery is in progress.
거의 끝났겠네-It should be over by now. -Who was that punk who called me
근데 이식 센터에 어제 그...-It should be over by now. -Who was that punk who called me
나한테 전화한 걔는 누구예요?from the Organ Transplant Center last night? I thought he called me to come to the wake, but as soon as I came,
(지용) 장례 때문에 오라는 줄 알았더니 오자마자, 이씨I thought he called me to come to the wake, but as soon as I came,
딴 사람도 아니고 원장님 각막을 떼라고he told me to recover the director's corneas, of all people's.
이씨, 진짜, 이씨he told me to recover the director's corneas, of all people's. What was that about?
자기네 센터 사람 없나?What were your doctors doing?
(민기) 그랬어요?He did?
영안실은 갔다들 오셨나?He did? Did you all stop by the funeral hall?
(세화) 아침에 부검 끝나고 이제 입관하셨다니까He was just brought back after his autopsy this morning, so the funeral will be arranged soon.
이제부터 시작이죠, 뭐so the funeral will be arranged soon.
부검 결과는 뭐랍니까? [문이 달칵 열린다]-What did the autopsy show? -We don't have the report yet.
보고서는 아직인데-What did the autopsy show? -We don't have the report yet.
심근 경색 맞답니다But he did die from a heart attack.
(윤모) 아휴, 그 양반 술이 원수지He should have cut down on alcohol.
(동수) 원장님 막둥이가 장가를 갔던가?Did his youngest son get married?
[태상의 힘주는 신음] (윤모) 아직 안 갔을 거예요I don't think so. -Will you go to the funeral? -Of course. It's tomorrow, right?
- (윤모) 장례식 언제 가실 거예요? - (동수) 가야지, 내일이지?-Will you go to the funeral? -Of course. It's tomorrow, right?
[헛기침]-Will you go to the funeral? -Of course. It's tomorrow, right?
내 오늘, 어...I visited the Ministry of Health and Welfare
방금 그, 출근 전에 보건 복지부에 다녀왔는데I visited the Ministry of Health and Welfare before coming in this morning because they called me in.
(태상) 호출이 와서 [긴장되는 음악]before coming in this morning because they called me in.
지방 의료원에 필수 클리닉들이 없어서They say in rural and remote areas, many people are having a hard time because their local hospitals cannot cater to their medical needs.
지역 주민들 고통이 말이 아니라고because their local hospitals cannot cater to their medical needs.
산부들은 애 낳을 데가 없고 또 소아과는 씨가 말라가고There's nowhere for women to give birth, and there aren't enough pediatricians.
(동수) 아침 댓바람부터 사람 불러다 놓고The Ministry called you in first thing in the morning to talk about something so meaningful.
복지부서 참으로 뜻깊은 소리를 했네to talk about something so meaningful.
아, 맨날 허는 염불 잊어먹을께비, 뭐Did they play a rerun just in case
뭐, 재방송 틀어 줬대요?we forgot what they say all the time?
(태상) 그, 지방 의료원과 공공 의료 기관과의 연계 체계를 구축할 기관으로we forgot what they say all the time? They want to create a network among hospitals in rural and remote areas and public healthcare providers. Our hospital has been chosen to be part of it.
우리 병원이 선정됐습니다Our hospital has been chosen to be part of it.
(정희) 뭐, 자매결연 맺으랍니까?Do they want us to enter into a partnership with a rural hospital?
의사 인력 파견 사업에 동참해 달랍니다They would like us to send some of our doctors to a rural hospital.
(윤모) 무슨 파견...What do you mean? To where?
어디 파견요?What do you mean? To where? Naksan Medical Center.
어, 낙산 의료원Naksan Medical Center.
[술렁인다]Which departments?
그, 대상은요?Which departments?
산부인과Obstetrics and Gynecology.
소아 청소년과Pediatrics.
규모는 얼마나...How many doctors--
(태상) 응급 의료 센터How many doctors-- Emergency Medical Center.
이상 3개 과Those three departments.
(세화) 세 개 과 전체 다를요?All three departments? Until when?
언제까지요?All three departments? Until when?
(정희) 여기는 누가 남고요?Who will remain here? How many?
얼마나 남고요?Who will remain here? How many? How can you get rid of the essential departments?
(영재) 필수 진료 과목을 없애는 법이 어디 있습니까?How can you get rid of the essential departments? We're not getting rid of them. It's only temporary.
(태상) 아, 없애긴 누가 없앤대? 파견이야, 파견We're not getting rid of them. It's only temporary. Are we setting up a branch hospital? Or are we merging with them?
(경문) 분원입니까? 완전 이전입니까?Are we setting up a branch hospital? Or are we merging with them? They'll subsidize the labor cost, so…
인건비 지원은 해 주겠다니까, 뭐They'll subsidize the labor cost, so… So, are they telling us
돈 줄 테니So, are they telling us to take the money and leave the minimum number of doctors here?
법에 안 걸릴 정도만 남기고 다 옮기라 이겁니까?to take the money and leave the minimum number of doctors here? Isn't this what national universities are supposed to do?
(세화) 아니, 국립대에서 해야 할 일을 우리한테 떠넘기는 게Isn't this what national universities are supposed to do?
이게 말이 되는 건가요?They can't pass the duty onto us, can they?
우리도 거점 병원이야We're one of the regional hospitals. They're sending us because we excel.
우수하니까 보내라는 거지We're one of the regional hospitals. They're sending us because we excel. I didn't know excelling is something to be punished for.
(동수) 두 번만 우수했다가는 달나라도 보내겄네I didn't know excelling is something to be punished for.
아, 그래서 진짜 가라고요?Do we really have to go? What about here?
아, 여기는 어쩌고요?What about here?
서울 사람은 애 안 낳아요? 차에 안 치여요?It's not like we don't have any patients here. There are plenty of other hospitals.
(태상) 아, 여기는 우리 없어도 많잖아There are plenty of other hospitals. In rural areas, they shut down ERs because they lack staff.
지방에는 응급 인력이 없어서 응급실 폐쇄고In rural areas, they shut down ERs because they lack staff. You've already agreed
(경문) 옮기겠다고, 따르겠다고 확답하고 오셨군요You've already agreed to accommodate their request, haven't you?
(태상) 아, 그럼 어떡해!haven't you? What was I supposed to do?
내가 어떻게 안 된다고 얘기하나!How could I refuse?
그렇게 불만이면 가서 직접 항의들 해 봐, 씨나 먹히나If you have a problem, go and complain yourselves. See if they would listen.
(동수) 아, 왜 못 해요, 왜!Why couldn't you?
원장님이었어 봐If it were Director Lee, he would've put his foot down and refused.
백 번도 더 안 된다 했을 것을If it were Director Lee, he would've put his foot down and refused.
오늘 아침에 출근 전에 다녀오셨다고요? 복지부를?Did you say you went to the Ministry of Health and Welfare on your way in?
뭘 들었어?Weren't you listening?
그냥 가시면 어떡해요!You can't just leave like this!
그냥 가지 않으면 뭘 어쩌라고!Then what? What do you want me to do?
일단 알릴 건 알려야 하니까 의국에들 전하시고We need to let the staff know of this. Please go make an announcement about it.
각 센터별로 중지를 모으는 게 어떨까요Why don't we gather opinions from each department?
(경문) 행동책을 정해야죠We need a course of action. Let's set a time and hold a mass meeting.
시간을 정해서 전체 회의를 가집시다We need a course of action. Let's set a time and hold a mass meeting.
(동수) 말이 파견이지Whatever they call it,
이거 뭐, 퇴출 아니여they are basically expelling us.
(노을) 어떻게 하루아침에 이런 식으로...How could they do this without consulting us?
(동수) 이긴 사람이 애들 진 사람이 간호 쌤들Winner tells the doctors, the loser tells the nurses.
(진우) 아, 과장님, 그런 게...Chief, that's not…
[휴대전화 벨 소리]
아, 왜?What's up?
(은하) 무슨 소리야, 지금What are you talking about?
(안 선생) [울먹이며] 너무해요This is unacceptable.
매일 100명을 넘게 봤어요I treat over 100 patients a day.
술 취한 환자들한테 맞고Even when I got hit by drunk patients
희롱당하고and molested, I hung in there.
그러면서 지켰어요and molested, I hung in there.
(안 선생) 응급실이 제일 힘들었어요Working in the ER was the toughest.
다리는 끊어질 거 같고My legs felt like they'd break, and patients screamed about having to wait.
응급으로 왔는데 왜 기다리게 하냐고 싸우고and patients screamed about having to wait.
근데 이거예요?And this is what we get?
네? 선생님?-Is it, doctor? -Please say something.
(방 선생) 말씀 좀 해 보세요-Is it, doctor? -Please say something. I've heard of public universities sending department chiefs to rural areas,
아니, 국립대에서 지방에 교수들 파견한다는 얘기는 들어 봤어도I've heard of public universities sending department chiefs to rural areas,
갑자기 이게 무슨...but how is this…
솔직히 저는요To be honest, I feel like they just slapped me across the face and knocked some sense into me.
그래, 힘들어 죽겠는데 너희들이 뺨 쳐 주는구나 싶어요I feel like they just slapped me across the face and knocked some sense into me.
어차피 우리는 병원 소속이니까 딴 과 가거나, 뭐We're part of the hospital staff anyway, so we can just switch departments
그만두면 돼요, 갈 데는 많아요or quit. We can get a job elsewhere, but still--
그렇지만 이건 좀... [무전기 작동음]We can get a job elsewhere, but still--
(무전기 속 남자3) 소생실 환자 입실합니다Taking the patient to the ER.
[긴장되는 음악]Taking the patient to the ER.
(간호사) 월요일 날 외래 진료 했던 HCC 환자래요He came in on Monday as an outpatient for HCC.
- (진우) 예 - HCV도 있는데-Okay. -He also has hepatitis C. He's in and out of consciousness, but he responds to pain stimuli.
의식은 왔다 갔다 하고 통증은 반응 있고요He's in and out of consciousness, but he responds to pain stimuli.
- 네, 진료 기록요 - (간호사) 네-Okay. Let me see his file. -Okay.
(진우) 아, 이쪽요This way.
[환자2의 아파하는 신음]
- (응급 대원5) 하나, 둘, 셋 - (응급 대원6) 하나, 둘, 셋-One, two, three. -One, two, three.
[환자2의 아파하는 신음]
(안 선생) 100에 60, 레이트 100 세츄레이션 95요BP is 100/60. HR is 100. Saturation is 95.
- (진우) 예, 산소 2리터 주시고요 - (안 선생) 네-Administer two liters of oxygen. -Okay.
(진우) 환자분, 눈 떠 보세요Sir, could you open your eyes?
통증 있으시면 말씀하세요 [환자2의 아파하는 신음]Tell me if you feel pain.
예, 예Okay.
- (진우) 일단 복수부터 뺍시다 - (방 선생) 네-Let's drain the abdominal fluid first. -Okay.
[환자2의 신음]
[환자2의 신음]
형은 여기 아니어도 갈 데 있구나?You can get a job somewhere else, right?
이쪽도?Can he?
이 사람들은?What about them?
(선우) 하루 수백 명인데 어디 가서 누워?Hundreds come in every night. Where will they go?
어디서든 받아 주겠지 길바닥에 뒹굴기야 하겠어?Another hospital will take them in. They won't end up on the street, right?
(재혁) 아, 그럼 저희들은 어떻게 되는 건데요?Then what will happen to us?
다른 학교 가서 빌붙으라고요? 수련의들 전부 다?Should all of us go to another school to finish our training?
아니, 대학 병원이 왜 대학 병원인데요Don't you know why patients prefer university hospitals?
지방 의료 활성화도 좋고 다 좋은데요I get that we should improve access to care in those areas,
대학 병원에 응급실 하나 없다는 게 말이 돼요, 과장님?but how could a university hospital not have an ER? Listen. They're not getting rid of it.
아니, 없애는 게 아니고Listen. They're not getting rid of it.
[한숨]Why do you think we decided to train here?
우리가 왜 대학에 남았는데요Why do you think we decided to train here? Why would anyone apply for an Emergency Medicine internship here?
이러면 인턴 중에 누가 응급의를 지원하고요Why would anyone apply for an Emergency Medicine internship here?
아, 파업이라도 해야 되는 거 아니에요?Maybe we should go on strike. It's not a maybe. We definitely should.
(소정) 파업이라도가 아니라 파업해야지It's not a maybe. We definitely should.
아, 더한 것도 해야지!We should do much worse!
위의 사람들 전부 미친 거 아니에요? 어떻게 이런 결정을 내려요?Are the higher-ups out of their minds? How could they do this?
[종이컵이 탁 떨어진다]
[자동차 리모컨 조작음]
[인터폰 조작음]
[인터폰 안내음] 문이 열렸습니다
[도어 록 작동음]
(선우) 며칠 만이네?You haven't been home for days.
(진우) 그러네You're right.
[차분한 음악]
(진우) 하나, 둘One, two.
(진우) 걔 혼자서도 잘해, 나 필요 없어He can take care of himself. He doesn't need me.
알아, 잘하는 거I know he can.
(노을) 그렇지만 그게 온전히 혼자여도 된다는 소리는 아니잖아But that doesn't mean he can be completely alone.
정말 선우만 두고 너 혼자 강원도로 가야 되면 어떡해?What if you really have to go to Gangwon-do and leave Seon-woo alone?
뭐 어떡해What else?
각자 잘 먹고 잘 사는 거지We'll just live our own lives.
(진우) 야, 예선우Seon-woo.
너 오늘 원장님 장례식 왔었냐?Did you go to the director's funeral today?
(선우) 응I did.
(진우) 우리 병원 왔었다고?You came to the hospital today?
그럼 얘기를 하지You should've told me. Why bother?
됐어Why bother?
왜?Why not?
됐어Forget it.
치, 잘났다, 새끼야You punk.
(선우) 노을이 누나는 봤어I saw No-eul.
장례식장 내려왔더라She came down to the funeral hall.
(진우) 아...I see. That's why she talked about you.
그래서 네 얘기를...I see. That's why she talked about you. She did? What about me?
내 얘기? 뭐?She did? What about me?
됐어Forget it.
(선우) 누나가 뭐라 그랬는데?What did she say?
[숨을 깊게 내뱉는다]
[어두운 음악]
[진우의 한숨]
(선우) 내가 잘못 안 걸까?Was I mistaken?
(선우) 원장님이 그러실 리 없잖아Director Lee would never do such a thing.
횡령하고 공금 빼 가고He's not someone who would embezzle public funds.
그럴 리가There's no way.
내가 형한테 쓸데없는 소리를 해서 원장님을...Do you think if I had not said anything to you, Director Lee…
그렇게would not have…
가시게 한 걸까?died like that?
우리가 뭘?-What did we do? -Not you. Me.
형 말고 나-What did we do? -Not you. Me.
심근 경색이 왜 하필 그때 왔을까?Why did he have a heart attack that night?
(진우) 쓸데없는 소리 아니야You were not mistaken. He asked me how I found out
어떻게 알았냐고He asked me how I found out
(진우) 누구한테 들었냐고and who told me.
그게 원장님 첫마디였어 내가 물었을 때That was his first response when I asked him about it.
형이 뭐라고 물었는데?What did you ask him?
(진우) 언제까지 숨기려고 했냐고I asked him how long he thought he could hide it.
진짜 아무도 모를 줄 알았냐고I asked him if he thought no one would find out.
무슨 소리냐고 하셨어야지He should've asked me what I was talking about.
갑자기 쳐들어와서He should've scolded me
어른한테 버릇없이 이게 무슨 짓이냐고 나한테 호통을 쳤어야지for barging into his office and being rude to him.
(진우) 언제까지 숨기려고 하셨어요?Just how long did you think you could hide it?
어, 어, 어떻게...How… How did you…
누구한테 들은 거야?Who told you?
(보훈) 아니, 야, 야, 지, 진우야Hey. Jin-woo. That's not it.
그게 아니라 이건 나 혼자 숨기고 그러려고 했던 게 아니라Hey. Jin-woo. That's not it. It wasn't just me who tried to hide… Jin-woo!
얘, 진우야Jin-woo!
(진우) 평생을 믿고 따랐는데I've trusted you all my life.
(선우) 그래서?And then?
그래서는 뭘 그래서야What do you think?
퍼붓고 나와 버렸어, 더 실망하기 전에I just yelled at him and left before he could disappoint me more.
원장님한테 그렇게 말했어?Did you say that to him?
실망했다고?That he disappointed you?
다시 알아봐야겠어I need to look into it.
아무리 생각해도 그럴 분이 아니야He would never do such a thing.
본인이 인정했는데 뭘 더 알아봐He admitted to it. What is there to look into?
쓸데없는 데 힘 빼지 말고 네 일이나 잘해Don't waste your time on nonsense and do your job.
나 일 잘해, 걱정 마I do my job just fine. Don't worry.
문 닫아 줘?Should I close the door?
내가 해!I'll do it myself!
[문이 달칵 닫힌다] [한숨]
[잔잔한 음악]
[긴장되는 음악]
(태상) 아, 사람 많아?Are there a lot of people?
아직 오전이라서요Not yet.
(진우) 낙산 의료원Regarding Naksan Medical Center…
상태가 어떻답니까?How are things there?
아, 무슨 상태?What do you mean? Do they have any financial or operational issues?
재정 상태, 운영 실태, 뭐든요Do they have any financial or operational issues?
뭔 뜬금포야? 그걸 내가 어떻게 알아?What nonsense is that? How would I know?
이게 왜 뜬금포입니까? [긴장되는 음악]Why is that nonsense?
(진우) 한꺼번에 의국을 세 개나 옮기라고 해 놓고는They wouldn't have sent three of our departments there
복지부에서 그만한 브리핑도 안 해 줬다고요?without telling you about those things.
무려 원장 대행을 아침부터 불러다 놓고는?Then why did they call in the acting director first thing in the morning?
어제 아침에 부원장님Yesterday morning,
바로 출근하셨습니다, 댁에서 여기로you came straight to work from your home.
중간에 들르신 곳 없습니다You did not stop by anywhere on the way.
왜 거짓말하셨습니까?Why did you lie?
무슨 쉰 소리야?What bullshit is that?
누구 앞이라고 넘겨짚어?How dare you suspect me?
계속 이러시면 저도 경찰한테 갈 수밖에 없습니다If you keep this up, I'll have to talk to the police. What did you say?
[헛웃음 치며] 뭐, 경찰?What did you say?
뭘 계속 이러면?If I keep what up? You'll tell the police that I came straight to work?
내가 곧바로 출근했다 이걸 경찰한테 얘기하겠다고?You'll tell the police that I came straight to work?
(태상) 그럼 걔들이 뭐라 그러겠니?Then what would they say?
'어쩌라고'Do you think they'd even care?
댁에서 사람이 죽었지 않습니까A person died in your house.
(진우) 두 분 싸우셨어요You two had an argument.
근데 그날 밤으로 바로But you told the police that Director Lee went to your house
원장님께서 기분 좋아서 술까지 사 들고 댁으로 찾아간 걸로 돼 있으니But you told the police that Director Lee went to your house to have a drink with you that night.
경찰이 이걸 듣고도 과연If the police hear this,
'어쩌라고'일까요?would they really not care at all?
안 싸웠어-We didn't have an argument. -There was a witness.
본 사람이 있습니다-We didn't have an argument. -There was a witness.
(태상) 안 싸웠어I said we didn't. It wasn't an argument. I just…
싸운 게 아니라 내가It wasn't an argument. I just…
이 원장 참교육 좀 시켜 줬어gave him a lesson.
야, 예진우, 내 말 잘 들어Ye Jin-woo. Listen carefully.
경찰The police?
가고 싶으면 가Go ahead.
근데 그거 까려면But if you do, you'll have to expose what the director was up to as well.
원장이 무슨 수작을 벌였는지도 밝혀야 돼you'll have to expose what the director was up to as well.
난 깔 수 있어I've got nothing to lose.
그렇지만 성인군자 우리 원장님은But I bet what you are trying to do will shatter the reputation
상당히 쪽팔리게 될 거다of Director Lee, who was a well-respected man.
그것만 알고 있어Just know that.
나는 망자의 명예를 위해서I'm trying hard to keep quiet
어렵게 입을 닫아 주고 있는 사람이야in honor of the deceased.
그래, 모르는 게 약이다, 그래Ignorance is bliss.
망자의 명예를 그렇게 위하셔서If you care so much about his honor, how could you destroy the hospital he worked hard to protect
(진우) 원장님이 그 애를 써 가며 지켜 온 의국을how could you destroy the hospital he worked hard to protect
돌아가시자마자 당장 쪽박 내요?as soon as he passed away?
(태상) 야, 이 새끼야 누가 할 말을 하고 있어You asshole. Look who's talking.
진짜 쪽박 내고 있는 게 누구인데You are not the one to blame me for that. Your department is always in the red. Don't you know who made it up for you?
너희들 허구한 날 마이너스인 거 여태 누가 메꿔 줬어?Your department is always in the red. Don't you know who made it up for you?
응급실이야 아무 환자나 받으면 끝이지만The ER can accept any patient. It ends there for you,
너희들이 마구잡이로 보내는 환자 때문에but other departments suffer so much loss because of the patients you send up.
딴 과에 손해가 얼마인데but other departments suffer so much loss because of the patients you send up. You count that…
그걸 손해로 치십니까?You count that… as losses?
내가 왜 하루 종일 팔 빠지게 수술해서 너희들 구멍 메꿔 주냐?Why must I operate all day long and hurt my back to make up for your deficits?
(태상) 필수 과만 아니면 벌써 없어졌을 것들이Your department would've been long gone if it weren't an essential department.
(진우) 압니다, 부원장님 수술 많이 하시는 거Your department would've been long gone if it weren't an essential department. I know that you perform a lot of surgeries.
잘나가시는 거And that you're popular.
무슨 뜻이야What do you mean?
(진우) 왜요, 정형 과장께서 수술 많이 하신다는 말이Why? Is there a problem with my saying that the Chief of Orthopedics
뭐 잘못됐습니까?performs a lot of surgeries?
(태상) 아니, 이 자식이 이게...You punk.
[휴대전화 진동음]
어, 무슨 일이야?Hey. What's up?
[휴대전화 진동음] (태상) 알았어Okay.
[어두운 음악]
(태상) 자Thank you all for coming amidst your busy schedule.
바쁠 텐데 모이느라고 수고들 하셨고Thank you all for coming amidst your busy schedule.
이유는 다들 잘 알 테니까 생략하고I'm sure you know why we're here, so I'll pass on that. First, we need to discuss
먼저 이번 사태를 어떻게 매끄럽게 매듭짓느냐 이거인데First, we need to discuss how to resolve the situation nicely.
(동수) 아, 매끄러운 걸 찾으시면 안 되시죠how to resolve the situation nicely. You can't look for something nice.
대구리를 잡고 싸워도 모지랄 판에We should be raging a war. This happened
아, 이게 다 학교 재단이 대기업한테 팔리니까This happened because the school foundation was sold to a corporation.
이런 거 아니에요? 이것이 다because the school foundation was sold to a corporation.
(지용) 이제 와 그 얘기는 해서 뭐 해요, 예?What's the point in bringing that up now? You should've protested back then.
재단 바뀔 때 나서서 반대를 하든가, 쯧You should've protested back then. It's the Ministry's order. What can we do?
어차피 보건 복지부 명령을 어쩌라고It's the Ministry's order. What can we do?
공무원이라는 것들이Public officials don't know how to do anything
(윤모) 책상머리에 앉아서 의사들 쥐어짜는 것 말고는Public officials don't know how to do anything other than sit at their desks and squeeze doctors dry.
할 줄 아는 게 없으니other than sit at their desks and squeeze doctors dry.
(상엽) 공무원 문제가 아닙니다, 예?Public officials aren't the problem.
이거 우리 컨트롤 타워 문제예요Our management is the problem. I knew it ever since they got rid of the foundation chair
이사장실 없애고 난데없이I knew it ever since they got rid of the foundation chair
총괄사장이니 뭐니 할 때부터 내가 알아봤어I knew it ever since they got rid of the foundation chair and appointed a president.
뭐, 원래 무슨 화물 회사 사장 하다 온 사람이라면서요?I heard he used to be the president of a logistics company.
자기가 아무리 대기업에서 사장을 했어도He may be an experienced businessman,
병원을 알아? 의사도 아닌 게but he knows nothing about how things work here.
당연히 위에서 뭔 결정이 떨어져도 모르지He doesn't have a say in the higher-ups' decisions.
이쪽 비즈니스를 아는 게 있나 관련 부처에 인맥이 있나, 어?He doesn't know this business or have any connections in relevant offices.
보건 복지부도 그러니까 안 거야I'm sure the Ministry of Health and Welfare knew that.
야, 상국대병원 사장이라고 눈뜬장님 왔다더라"Hey. Sangkook University Hospital got a clueless president.
지방에 얘네 보내자Let's send them to the rural areas. They're an easy target."
얼마나 만만해Let's send them to the rural areas. They're an easy target."
낙산에서는 뭐랍니까?What does Naksan say?
아, 그쪽에서는 우리한테 절을 해도 부족하지They should be kissing our feet.
(경문) 제가 들은 거하고는 다른데요?That's not what I heard.
낙산 의료원에서는 우리 가는 거에 대해서 얘기만 들었지Naksan only heard that we were going.
거의, 거의 모르고 있던데요Other than that, they know nothing about it.
역시 주 교수님As expected, Dr. Joo knows
지방에 대해선 잘 아셔a lot about rural hospitals.
(정희) 지금 그게 중요합니까? 암 센터장님 말이 맞아요That's irrelevant. Chief Lee is correct.
병원 사장에 의대 출신도 아니고He didn't even go to medical school. We should've fought back when they said they'd send some expert CEO.
전문 무슨 CEO가 들어앉을 때부터 우리가 나섰어야 했어요We should've fought back when they said they'd send some expert CEO.
CEO를 앉혔다는 건They appointed a CEO
이 회사가 우리를 무슨 사업 부서쯤으로 여기는 겁니다because they consider us a department within their corporation.
여러분, 우리 병원이 회사입니까?I ask you all. Are we running a business here? This is all because of the current reimbursement standard.
이게 다 보험 수가 때문이죠This is all because of the current reimbursement standard.
(의사) 여기서 보험 수가 얘기가 왜 나옵니까?Why are you bringing that up here?
(세화) 수가만 높았어 봐요If they paid more,
산부인과든 소아과든OB-GYN and Pediatrics
지방에서도 잘만 돌아가지 없어지진 않았겠죠would've done fine there too. They wouldn't have gotten rid of them.
근데 여러분Listen. No matter what we do,
우리가 여기서 아무리 이래 봐야 사장이 눈 하나 깜짝할 거 같아요?Listen. No matter what we do, the president won't even bat an eye.
장사하는 기업이Let me ask you this. Do you really think a for-profit corporation
아니, 이 나라 교육 시장에 무슨 대단한 큰 뜻이 있어서Let me ask you this. Do you really think a for-profit corporation was so enthusiastic about education that it had to acquire a university?
대학을 인수했겠습니까?that it had to acquire a university?
That's right. This is…
여러분, 이건That's right. This is…
시작에 불과합니다just the beginning.
먹을래요?Do you want one?
아니요No, thank you.
(창) 해외 직구 한 건데I got this from abroad.
(경문) 보험 수가 문제는 우리 모두 다 공감하는 거지만We all agree that there's a problem with the standard,
그건 나라 정책의 문제고but that problem lies in the national policy.
[문이 달칵 열린다] 지금은...but that problem lies in the national policy. What we--
[다가오는 발걸음]What we--
[긴장되는 음악]
아이고, 진짜 많이들 모이셨네Gosh. So many of you came.
아, 그러면 지금 환자들은 누가...Then who's tending to the patients?
(지용) 필수 인원 남겨 뒀습니다We left enough on the floor.
I see.
말씀하시죠Go on.
수술 얘기 하자고 다 모이신 거 아닌가요?Aren't you here to discuss the surgery?
아, 무슨 수술 말씀입니까?What surgery do you mean?
대한민국 아픈 곳 살리는 수술 말입니다The surgery to heal Korea from its illness.
인종, 종교, 사회적 지위를 떠나서I heard that our doctors, who swore to set aside
오직 환자에 대한 의무를 지키겠노라 선서하신 우리 의사 선생님들께서race, religion, and social status and to abide by their duties toward patients,
(승효) 이제 우리 땅 소외된 곳을 몸소 가서 돕고 싶다had gathered to discuss their willingness to go to the remote areas
해서 모였다고 난 알고 있는데요had gathered to discuss their willingness to go to the remote areas of our country to help patients.
시작하시죠Why don't you begin?
(승효) 이걸 어떻게 손에 넣었지?How did they get this?
(경아) 그게 혹시...Could it be
죽은 원장이 내부 누군가한테 자료를 주고 간 거 아닐까요?Could it be that the late hospital director gave the documents to someone here? I'll do whatever it takes, even if it means
(보훈) 이사회에 호소를 하든I'll do whatever it takes, even if it means
언론이나 시민 단체에 자료를 뿌리든 할 수 있는 건 다 할 겁니다that I have to appeal to the board or get the media and other organizations involved,
사장님이 병원을 돈줄로만 본다고요to let the world know that you see this hospital only as a profit center.
(승효) 아니, 구조 자체가 수익이 안 나면 구조를 바꾸면 되지If the structure affects profitability negatively, we should change it.
원래 그렇다는 말이 어디 있습니까, 지금"That's how it is"? That is not an answer. Where do you get the authority to send away 15,000 people
(경문) 만 오천 명의 사람들을 마음대로 해체시키고Where do you get the authority to send away 15,000 people
더 멀리 분산시킬 권리는and disperse them...
어디서 나오는 겁니까?to distant hospitals? If the ER is gone, there will be no patients.
(진우) 응급실 없어지면 환자도 없습니다If the ER is gone, there will be no patients.
과장님은 저희가 보내는 노숙자 마이너스 환자You won't have to take in the homeless patients and non-paying patients anymore.
더 안 받으셔도 되고요the homeless patients and non-paying patients anymore.
(선우) 뭘 얼마나 찍혔길래 병원에서 먼저 자진해서 내려보내겠대?What did the hospital do that made them volunteer to relocate their doctors?
(은하) 혹시 아세요? 다른 과는 어떤지?Do you know how things are in other departments? They're all calculating already.
(노을) 벌써 계산들 들어갔대요They're all calculating already.
(창) 뭐, 다 같이 나서서 반대할 거냐Some say they should band together and oppose the decision,
나라 명령인데 뭔 수로 뒤집냐and others suggest giving in as it'd be impossible to overturn the decision.
뭐, 분분하더라고요and others suggest giving in as it'd be impossible to overturn the decision.
(정희) 얘기를 들으러 온 게 아니라 선고하러 온 거잖아요He wasn't here to listen. He came to make an announcement. What if we really end up going?
(영재) 이러다 저희 진짜 가는 거 아닙니까?What if we really end up going? Let's do the best we can.
최선을 다해 봅시다Let's do the best we can.
(태상) 젊은 사장이 의욕이 지나치네The young president is overly ambitious.
(승효) 이 건물에서는 지금 여기 두 사람만 아는 거 확실하죠?You are sure that you and I are the only ones here who know about it, right?
네, 여기 두 사람만 압니다Yes. You and I are the only ones who know.

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