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  너의 시간 속으로 10

A Time Called You 10


 [인규] 민주[In-gyu] I killed her.
이제 편해졌어She's at peace finally.
너 그게 무슨 소리야?What do you mean, you killed her?
[인규] 남시헌[In-gyu] Nam Si-heon,
내가 죽였다고she's dead all because of me.
[음악이 고조되다 잦아든다]
[준희] 인규가 민주를 죽였다고?So you're telling me In-gyu killed her?
인규가 그럴 애가 아니잖아In-gyu would never do that, huh?
[떨리는 숨을 내쉬며] 그리고 자살이라니?[sighs] I know he's not a killer, okay?
이건 잘못돼도 완전히 잘못됐어And on top of that, he committed suicide? That's not who he is. This is wrong.
나도 인규가 그렇게 되고After In-gyu stepped off that ledge,
뭐가 어디서부터 잘못된 건지I kept trying to figure out where it went wrong.
계속 생각해 봤어My mind raced through every moment.
[준희의 깊은 한숨][sighs]
이건[Si-heon] This all started
민주가 죽은 그날부터 시작된 거야on the day Kwon Min-ju was found dead. That's my theory.
그럼 그날 밤 일을 바꿔야 되는 거 아니야?Shouldn't we travel back in time and find a way to change this?
[시헌] 사실[Si-heon] To be honest, there was
내 마음 한편에서는a part of my heart that wanted to, uh…
[머뭇대는 숨을 내쉬며] 이미 다 벌어진 일 외면하고to stop thinking about what happened…
너랑 계속 같이 살고 싶다는 생각도 있었어and just continue on living my life without them and only you Jun-hee.
근데…And yet…
근데 도저히 그럴 수 없었지And yet you couldn't live with yourself if you abandoned In-gyu.
[비밀스러운 음악]
내가 너였어도 그랬을 거야If I were in your position, I would've done the same thing.
네가 갈 수만 있다면 몇 번이고 갔겠지If you could only go back, you would try over and over again, because
남시헌whether you're Nam Si-heon or…
그리고 구연준은or you're Koo Yeon-jun, that's the kind of person you are.
그런 사람이니까or you're Koo Yeon-jun, that's the kind of person you are.
너는 죽을 걸 알면서도You knew by going on that plane that day
날 다시 만나겠다고 비행기를 타러 갔어that you were going to die, but you did it so you could see me again.
이제는So now,
내가 뭔가를 할 차례야I need to do my part in all of this.
내가 98년으로 갈게I will go back to the year 1998.
가서 뭘 하면 될까?But once I'm there, how do we stop all this?
민주가 죽은…Make sure Min-ju lives.
그날을 무사히 넘겨야 돼You have to keep her alive at all costs.
네가 민주 몸에서 깨어나면 무슨 수를 써서든But when you wake up in Min-ju's body, you need to be careful,
1998년 10월 13일에…because Min-ju's murderer will be watching every move you make.
민주가 살아남게 해야 돼Do whatever it takes on October the 13th.
[준희] 응Mmm.
그렇게 할게I'll do whatever it takes.
내가 해볼게To the year 1998.
[신비로운 음악]To the year 1998. [theme music plays]
[똑딱똑딱 시곗바늘 효과음]A TIME CALLED YOU
[풀벌레 울음]
궁금한 게 있어I wanna ask you something.
뭔데?What is it?
[서정적인 음악][emotional music plays]
[준희] '너의 마음이 날 부르면'[Jun-hee] "Whenever your heart calls for me…"
이게 무슨 뜻이야?What does it mean, huh?
[시헌이 옅은 숨을 내쉰다]
[시헌] '언제든 너에게 갈게'"Whenever your heart calls for me, I will go to you."
[준희] 손[Jun-hee] Give me your hand.
[옅은 숨을 내쉰다]
98년으로 갔다 오면When I come back from the past, I need you to promise me something.
그때도 내 곁에 있어줘야 돼Promise me when I wake, you will be by my side.
약속Promise me.
약속I promise you.
[테이프 돌아가는 소리][cassette player whirs]
['내 눈물 모아'가 흘러나온다]["Gather My Tears" plays]
♪ 창밖으로 하나둘씩 ♪[in Korean] ♪ When the lights outside the window ♪
♪ 불빛이 꺼질 때쯤이면 ♪♪ Start dimming one by one ♪
♪ 하늘에 편지를 써 ♪♪ I write a letter to the sky ♪
- ♪ 날 떠나 ♪ - [강조하는 효과음]♪ You left me for someone else ♪
♪ 다른 사람에게… ♪ ['내 눈물 모아'가 잦아든다]♪ You left me for someone else ♪
[새소리]♪ You left me for someone else ♪ [music fades]
[놀란 숨을 들이쉰다][gasps]
[탁탁 뛰어가는 발소리]
[탁탁 발소리]
[달그락 식기 놓는 소리]
[시헌] 준희야Oh, Jun-hee.
[잔잔한 음악]Oh.
너 왜 그래, 괜찮아?[in English] What's wrong? Is everything okay?
1998년도에 갔다 온 거야?Did you make it back from 1998 just now?
일어났는데 네가 안 보여서 놀랐어When I woke up, you weren't by my side, Si-heon.
어젯밤 일이 다 꿈인 줄 알았어I got scared, and thought I dreamt all of last night.
[깊은숨을 내쉰다][sighs]
봐봐I'm very real.
꿈 아니지?Do you feel better now?
[준희] 응Mmm.
이제 나만 두고 어디로 가면 안 된다?Hey, so from now on, don't ever leave my side again, okay?
[시헌] 응[chuckles] Mmm.
약속했다?-Didn't you promise that? -Yes, I did promise that.
그래, 약속했다-Didn't you promise that? -Yes, I did promise that.
[준희의 옅은 웃음]-Didn't you promise that? -Yes, I did promise that. [Jun-hee chuckles]
계속 네 옆에 있을 거야I will always be by your side.
[준희] 음?[Jun-hee] Mmm.
[준희, 시헌의 옅은 웃음]
[쪽 뽀뽀 소리]
[쪽 뽀뽀 소리]
[탁 문 잠그는 소리]
[민주 삼촌] 그럼 어젯밤에는So you're saying last night, you couldn't time travel to the past
준희가 그 음악을 들었는데도 과거로 못 갔다는 건데So you're saying last night, you couldn't time travel to the past even with the cassette player like you used to.
이렇게 실패한 게 처음인 거잖아That's the first time it hasn't worked, right?
이유가 뭐지?I wonder why that is.
저, 그래서 생각을 좀 해봤는데So, I've been doing some thinking about all this.
저랑 준희가If we compare each other's
시간 여행을 했을 때 상황들을 좀 비교해 보면trajectory every time we traveled back and forth from the past
단서를 찾을 수 있을 거 같아요we might be able to find some clues.
- [옅은 숨을 들이쉰다] - [의미심장한 음악]we might be able to find some clues.
그럼 공통점들이…I'm wondering if… if there's a loophole in all this.
이 워크맨, 그리고When you listen to this song on this cassette,
이 카세트테이프로 노래를 들어야 돼When you listen to this song on this cassette, you time travel and wake up in the body of someone you resemble,
그걸 들으면 과거로 가든, 미래로 가든you time travel and wake up in the body of someone you resemble, someone you're connected to in the thread of time and space,
그곳의 너희를 닮은 누군가의 몸에서 깨어나게 되는 거고someone you're connected to in the thread of time and space, so something had to disrupt that, right?
[민주 삼촌이 옅은 숨을 들이쉰다]so something had to disrupt that, right?
근데 어젯밤에는 똑같이 했는데So if there is a loophole, then maybe we should look for what the cause is.
왜 못 간 거지?So if there is a loophole, then maybe we should look for what the cause is.
[반짝이는 효과음]
혹시I wonder if there were already clues
우리가 모르는 또 다른 조건들이 있는 거 아닐까요?Do you remember anything odd in the past we're not thinking of right now?
[민주 삼촌이 옅은 숨을 내쉰다]
아, 그리고 한 가지 이상한 점이 있어Ah, there was one thing that was pretty odd.
1998년에 범인은 이미 두 사람을 죽였어In a span of a few months, only two people were murdered back then.
변다현, 그리고Byeon Da-hyeon and Kwon Min-ju.
민주Byeon Da-hyeon and Kwon Min-ju.
몇 달 간격으로 사람을 둘이나 죽일 정도면If this person was killing two people just a few months apart,
스스로 통제를 못 하는 연쇄살인범이라는 건데then they're a serial killer by nature and wouldn't stop killing all together.
그 뒤로 왜 소식이 뚝 끊겼지?So why weren't there more killings? It's strange, right?
[시헌] 그러니까요[Si-heon] I agree.
저도 더 알아봤는데 아무것도 찾아내지 못했어요When I did my own investigation, the trail went cold out of the blue so suddenly.
[준희] 보통 연쇄살인범들이 범행을 중단하는 건Usually, serial killers only stop killing if they're caught.
감옥에 갇혔거나 아니면 어디 크게 다쳤거나And they never caught Min-ju's killer, so why has he been dormant all this time?
뭐, 그런 경우들이더라고요Something's not adding up.
혹시 그때 민주를 죽인 뒤로What if after the initial murders happened,
다시 살인을 저지르지 못하게 될 상황에 놓이게 된 거 아닐까요?the killer was prevented from committing more crimes from some unknown event we've yet to find out?
[시헌] 제가 학교 가서 한번 알아볼게요I'll go to our old high school and see what I can find.
분명히 그때 전후로I believe whatever event we are looking for
무슨 일들이 더 있었을 거예요must have been documented in the school archives.
[준희] 그럼 난 98년도 기사를 찾아볼게Then I will research articles from 1998.
그 당시 녹산에서I wonder if we missed any events that were important at the time
우리가 모르는 또 다른 사건들이 발생했을지도 모르잖아I wonder if we missed any events that were important at the time that we didn't know about.
- [시끌시끌한 소리] - [탁 짚는 소리][indistinct chatter]
- [남자] 가 봐 - [학생들] 감사합니다
[시헌] 선생님Good to see you again.
아이고Oh wow! It's been a while. [chuckles]
아이고, 이게 누구신가?Oh wow! It's been a while. [chuckles]
[담임의 웃음]Oh wow! It's been a while. [chuckles]
[탁 짚는 소리]
저 기억나세요?So you do know who I am.
아이, 당연히 기억나지Of course I know who you are. You're Nam Si-heon.
남시헌Of course I know who you are. You're Nam Si-heon.
다른 학교 여자애들이Girls from other schools lined up at the school gate just to see you.
너 보려고 교문에 막 줄 서고 그랬잖아Girls from other schools lined up at the school gate just to see you. -You were so popular. -[chuckles]
야, 반갑다, 야This is a real surprise.
어, 어 야, 이리 와, 여기 앉아This is a real surprise. Oh, oh, I'm sorry take a seat.
- [쓱 의자 끄는 소리] - 여기로Here. Be careful.
조심해Here. Be careful.
조심해Careful now.
[달그락 기대 놓는 소리]
사고 있었다는 얘기는 들었는데I heard you were in a terrible accident.
다리는 그때 그런 거야?So how are your legs doing now?
[시헌이 옅은 숨을 들이쉰다]
그래도 이제 많이 좋아졌습니다I've been walking a lot better as time goes on.
선생님은 잘 지내셨죠?How have you been? Everything good?
아이, 그럼All is good. And soon it'll be retirement. [chuckles]
야, 정년 퇴임이 코앞이다All is good. And soon it'll be retirement. [chuckles]
[담임의 웃음]
그나저나Anyhow, what can I do for you today?
무슨 일로 오셨나?Anyhow, what can I do for you today?
[시헌] 여쭤볼 게 좀 있어서요I have something important to ask you.
저희 반에 권민주 기억하시죠?Do you remember the student Kwon Min-ju? She was in my class.
[담임] 응[teacher] Yes, I do.
그 사건 전후로 해서Did you ever notice anything, uh, peculiar surrounding the time of her death?
뭐 다른 일들이 있었나 해서요Did you ever notice anything, uh, peculiar surrounding the time of her death?
[씁 들이마시는 숨소리]
그때라면은…Uh, that was a while back, huh?
그러니까 98년, 응?Uh, that was a while back, huh?
[담임의 씁 들이마시는 숨소리]
글쎄?Not really.
그, 뭐, 누가 다쳤다든가 뭐, 갑자기 전학을 갔다든가Any strange events, whether another student got injured or maybe one of the students transferred suddenly?
사소한 거라도 괜찮습니다Anything you can tell me, no matter how trivial?
선생님이 생각하시기에Anything you can tell me, no matter how trivial? Um, well, I'm just wondering if anything back then struck you as strange.
뭔가 마음에 걸리는 일이 없었나 해서요Um, well, I'm just wondering if anything back then struck you as strange.
뭐, 변다현 일은 너도 알 거고Well, there was that other murder, but you already know.
[씁 들이마시는 숨소리]
그 이후로Um, other than that, I can't recall anything strange happening. Sorry.
딱히 큰일은 없었던 걸로 기억하는데?Um, other than that, I can't recall anything strange happening. Sorry.
저, 그럼 혹시then, how about, uh,
그때 당시 학교신문이 아직도 있을까요?the school newspaper back in those days? Are there any copies in the archive?
그, 찾아볼 게 좀 있어서요I'd like to look through them just in case.
그래, 그거라면은 그, 도서관에 있겠지?Oh, well, yes, they should be, uh… The archive is in the library.
[비밀스러운 음악][mysterious music plays]
[탁 타자 치는 소리]1998 NOKSAN MURDER CASE
[마우스 클릭음]
[드르륵드르륵 마우스 휠 조작음]
[날카로운 효과음]
[깊은 한숨][sighs]
[다가오는 발소리]
뭐 좀 찾았니?Did you find anything yet?
[시헌] 아…Uh,
아니요not yet.
근데 그때 일은 왜?Si-heon, what's this all about?
인규가 범인이라는 게You don't think your friend In-gyu did this.
믿기지 않아서 그러지?You think he's innocent, don't you?
[담임이 깊은 한숨을 내쉬며] 참…[sighs]
[쓱 의자 끄는 소리]
[담임의 힘주는 소리]
[쯧 혀 차는 소리]
자백을 했다니 어쩔 수 없었지만Since he confessed to the crimes, there wasn't much I could do.
나도 내내 이상했어But we all thought it was really strange.
아, 도대체 인규가 왜 그랬는지None of us believed that In-gyu would do that.
아, 근데That leads me to the question that you had asked me earlier today.
그, 네 얘기 듣고 생각을 해봤는데That leads me to the question that you had asked me earlier today.
[작은 소리로] 이상한 일이 하나 있기는 했어There is one thing I did find strange.
[비밀스러운 음악]I remember there was this kid, not in my class though.
우리 반 애는 아니고 다른 반 애였는데I remember there was this kid, not in my class though.
건강상의 문제로 휴학을 하고 병원에 입원을 했거든?At first, I was told he was admitted to the hospital because of a common health issue.
그래서, 뭐 어디가 아픈가 보다 했는데I just assumed that's why he took a leave of absence.
나중에 알고 보니까It wasn't until later I found out
[작은 소리로] 그, 정신병원that that boy was put in a psychiatric hospital for a while.
폐쇄병동에 입원했던 거더라고that that boy was put in a psychiatric hospital for a while.
그게 언제쯤인데요?-Do you know when all of this happened? -Oh, well, it was back in 1998.
그게 98년이지-Do you know when all of this happened? -Oh, well, it was back in 1998.
민주 일 있고 얼마 안 됐을 때였어It was right after the murders of those two girls.
그때 민주랑 다현이 일 때문에Since the whole school was still very unsettled by
학교가 아주 뒤숭숭해 가지고the deaths of those innocent girls, I think they didn't want any more scandals.
걔 일은 금방 묻혔지I think they didn't want any more scandals.
그 아이가 누군지Do you remember who, uh… who that kid was?
기억하세요?Do you remember who, uh… who that kid was?
어, 어, 그럼Oh, sure, um, I was his teacher the year before, so…
내가 걔 1학년 때 담임이었거든Oh, sure, um, I was his teacher the year before, so…
가만있어 보자, 그게Give me a moment. It was…
걔 이름이…What was his name?
추…Chu… No, wait.
'철희'인가 '충희'인가 그랬던 걸로 기억하는데It was Cheol or Chung. Something like that, uh…
[도어 록 작동음][door alarm chimes]
[음악이 고조되다 잦아든다]
[찬영] 자, 어디다가 놓을까?All right, where do you want this again?
[준희] 저기다가 두면 돼You can put it up against the wall.
어이구, 내가 가져간다니까Jeez, I told you I'd get it myself later on.
힘들게 뭐 하러I know. Don't worry about it, though.
그냥 내가 오늘 좀 한가해서 온 거야I had a lot of free time on my hands today.
고마워Oh, well, thank you. Some coffee, then?
커피 한잔할래?Oh, well, thank you. Some coffee, then?
- 좋지 - [준희] 좀 앉아있어-Okay, sure. -Make yourself comfortable.
[힘주는 소리][grunts]
[달그락거리는 소리]
[찬영] 아유, 얘는 뭘 이렇게 무서운 걸 봐?You're looking at some scary stuff. What's this all about, huh?
[달그락거리는 소리]
[탁 잡는 소리]
- [어두운 음악] - [부스럭거리는 소리][ominous music plays]
- [강조하는 효과음] - [달그락거리는 소리]VICTIM, BYEON DA-HYEON (18) VICTIM, KWON MIN-JU (18)
[머뭇대는 소리]Wow.
준희야Hey, Jun-hee.
[준희] 응?-[Jun-hee] Hmm? -What's with all this?
이게 다 뭐야?-[Jun-hee] Hmm? -What's with all this?
[달그락 내려놓는 소리]-[Jun-hee] Hmm? -What's with all this?
[준희] 아, 그…Oh, that…
좀 찾아볼 게 있어서It's nothing. I was just curious is all.
다 옛날 살인사건이잖아This looks like a very old murder case.
- [다가오는 발소리] - [준희] 어[Jun-hee] Yeah.
아니, 너 안 그래도 불면증 심하다면서You said you've been having bad dreams quite often because of your insomnia. Isn't that right?
이상한 꿈도 자주 꾸고because of your insomnia. Isn't that right?
이런 거 보면 더 심해지는 거 아니야?Doesn't reading this kind of thing make it worse for you?
[옅은 숨을 들이쉰다]
찬영아Hey, Chan-yeong.
내가 저번에 해줬던 꿈 얘기 기억나?Do you remember the dream I had told you about the other day?
[찬영] 응Mm-hmm.
그거 꿈 아니었어Well, I wasn't dreaming it at all.
뭐?You weren't?
다시 연준이 만났어Yeon-jun and I met again recently.
[음악이 고조되다 잦아든다]
- [남자] 내일 뵙겠습니다 - [담임] 고생했어요-[man] See you tomorrow. -Okay, have a good night.
[멀어지는 발소리]-[man] See you tomorrow. -Okay, have a good night.
[놀라며] 어, 어 얘, 얘, 얘, 얘, 얘야Oh, here he is. This is the guy.
- 얘 - [시헌의 힘주는 소리]Look here.
[시헌] 오찬희[Si-heon] Oh Chan-hui.
- [어두운 음악] - [종이 사락거리는 소리][ominous music plays]
[강조하는 효과음]
[음악이 고조되다 뚝 끊긴다]
[씁 들이마시는 숨소리]
[찬영] 어…[Chan-yeong] Hmm.
그러니까 네 말은 시간 여행을 해서So you're telling me you traveled through time back to the year 1998.
1998년으로 갔고So you're telling me you traveled through time back to the year 1998.
그리고 이 일기장을 쓴And the girl who wrote this diary is named Kwon Min-ju,
권민주라는 여자애 몸속에서 깨어났다And the girl who wrote this diary is named Kwon Min-ju, and you woke up in her body somehow.
그리고 그 이후에 겪은 모든 1998년의 일들이And everything that had happened to you in that past timeline, you're saying that you actually experienced all of it.
사실은 실제 상황이었다you're saying that you actually experienced all of it.
이 말인 거네?Am I right so far?
[준희] 응Mmm.
[찬영] 그리고 연준이를And not only that, you met Yeon-jun
다시 만났고?And not only that, you met Yeon-jun
근데 연준이는 사실 네가 98년에서 만났던in the year 1998, except that wasn't his name, right?
남시헌이었다?His name was Si-heon, yeah?
[찬영의 쩝 입소리]
난 근데 이게 다 어떻게 가능한 건지 잘 모르겠어I have no clue how any of this can be possible.
도대체 무슨 방법으로 98년으로 갔다는 거야?So how were you able to travel back in time in the first place?
[부스럭 집는 소리]
[준희] 이거[Jun-hee] By using this.
이걸로 서지원 노래를 들었더니 갈 수 있었어I don't know how, but this cassette player lets me travel in time.
이걸로 노래를 들었다가 잠이 들었거든?I fell asleep listening to Seo Ji-won's song on the bus,
- 근데 깨어나 보니까 98년이었어 - [어두운 음악]and when I woke up, it was 1998.
그리고Strangely… uh, Kwon Min-ju and I
나랑 권민주Strangely… uh, Kwon Min-ju and I
연준이랑 시헌이는 얼굴이 똑같았어shared the same body, as well as Yeon-jun and Si-heon.
그래서 가능했던 거 같아So somehow we're connected in this thread of time.
[찬영] 음[Chan-yeong] Hmm.
[찬영의 씁 들이마시는 숨소리][mysterious music plays] So if someone in a different timeline looks like you,
그럼 내가 가려는 시간에So if someone in a different timeline looks like you,
나랑 똑같이 생긴 사람만 있으면then you are somehow connected across space and time.
이 노래를 듣고 시간 여행을 해서So if this is true, I can use this cassette player
그 사람 몸속에서 깨어날 수 있다So if this is true, I can use this cassette player to travel into someone else's body.
이런 말인 거네?That's pretty crazy, Jun-hee.
우리 생각은 그래I know it sounds crazy.
알아[sighs] But it's our only theory.
믿을 수 없는 얘기인 거I know it's hard to believe, but it's the truth.
그래서 나도 처음에는 꿈이라고 생각했으니까It's so unbelievable, and that's why I thought it was a dream at first.
아니Hey, Jun-hee.
네 말 믿어I mostly believe you.
정말?You believe me?
아, 근데 변다현 살인사건?Uh-huh. But this Byeon Da-hyeon case…
이건 왜 관심을 가지는 거야?But this Byeon Da-hyeon case… Why are you so interested in what happened to her?
[준희] 아…Ah.
사실은I think that
그 사건 범인이랑the culprit from that case
98년 권민주를 살해한 범인이랑and the culprit who murdered Kwon Min-ju might be the same person.
같은 사람인 거 같아At least, that's what I think for now.
뭐?Wh… What?
[준희] 98년도에 권민주가 살해당했어Kwon Min-ju was killed back in 1998, right?
그때 당시 민주를 죽였다고 한 범인은At the time, a guy I know was arrested because he confessed to the murder,
바로 자백해서 잡혔지만At the time, a guy I know was arrested because he confessed to the murder, but he would never do something like that.
내 생각에 진범은 따로 있는 거 같아but he would never do something like that. So my instinct tells me that the murderer had to be someone else.
분명히 변다현을 죽인 범인이My belief is the murderer in Da-hyeon's case is
권민주도 죽였을 거야the person who killed Min-ju as well.
[고조되는 음악][mysterious music continues]
찬영아[Jun-hee] Chan-yeong.
아까 커피 준다고 하지 않았었나?That cup of coffee is sounding pretty good right now. Can you make me one?
한 잔만 줄래?That cup of coffee is sounding pretty good right now. Can you make me one?
- [준희] 어, 잠깐만 기다려 - [달그락 내려놓는 소리][Jun-hee] Uh, sure. Just give me a minute.
[멀어지는 발소리]
[어두운 음악][ominous music plays]
[달그락거리는 소리][ominous music plays]
[강조하는 효과음]
[화면 전환 효과음]
[덜컥 문 열리는 소리][door opens]
[음악이 고조되다 뚝 끊긴다][door opens]
누구야?Who's this?
형, 이 누나 좋아해?Do you like this girl?
아, 찬영아 형 서랍 함부로 뒤지면 어떡해Hey, Chan-yeong, you can't go through my drawers like that.
[찬희의 옅은 웃음][scoffs] Give it back to me.
이리 줘, 얼른[scoffs] Give it back to me.
좋아하는 거 맞지?You really like her a lot, don't you?
아니야, 그냥…No, I don't. It's just, uh…
[머뭇대는 소리]No, I don't. It's just, uh…
친구도 없고She's similar to me. She doesn't talk much.
말수도 적은 게She's similar to me. She doesn't talk much.
형 같아가지고She doesn't have any friends either.
그래서 그냥 관심이 드는 거지She doesn't have any friends either. So I'm interested in her, only a little.
그게 좋아하는 거지Well, it sounds like you like her a lot.
그렇게 마음에 들면If you like her, just save her.
가지면 되잖아And she'll be yours forever.
- [어두운 음악] - [찬희] 가져?Save her? What do you mean?
어떻게?Save her? What do you mean?
표본으로 만들면Make her into a butterfly specimen.
완전히 가질 수 있잖아Once you do that, she's always yours.
나비 채집할 때처럼 말이야I love saving butterflies for my collection.
최고로 예쁠 때They are so beautiful to see.
표본으로 만들면Have you ever preserved a butterfly
완전히 내 거가 되는 거잖아Why not try it? I think you'll enjoy it.
찬영아, 지금 무슨 얘기를 하는 거야?[clears throat] Chan-yeong, please don't talk like that again.
사람은 곤충이 아니야A person is not an insect, okay?
좋아하면 해치는 게 아니라 아껴줘야 하는 거야If you like someone, uh, you have to cherish them.
아껴줘?I should cherish them?
[찬희] 그럼Mmm. That's right.
그 사람을 아프게 한다든지 그런 짓은 절대로 하면 안 돼And you must, uh, keep your friends safe and never ever harm them.
에?Huh? That's no fun. It sounds really boring.
그게 무슨 재미야?Huh? That's no fun. It sounds really boring.
치…Huh? That's no fun. It sounds really boring.
근데 이 누나Hey, don't you think her eyes look just like our puppy, Happy.
눈이 꼭Hey, don't you think her eyes look just like our puppy, Happy.
우리 집에서 키우는 해피 같다Hey, don't you think her eyes look just like our puppy, Happy.
[화면 전환 효과음]
그런 거였어?Now I see it all.
변다현을 죽인 사람이So Min-ju and Da-hyeon were killed by
권민주를 죽인 거였다?someone who went to their school.
[달그락거리는 소리]
- [휴대전화 진동음] - [쪼르르 물 따르는 소리][phone ringing]
- [탁 집는 소리] - [계속되는 휴대전화 진동음]
[휴대전화 진동음이 멈춘다]YEON-JUN
[음악이 고조되다 뚝 끊긴다]SLIDE TO POWER OFF
- [통화 연결음] - [불안한 숨소리][line ringing]
[불안한 음악][foreboding music plays]
- [통화 연결음] - [초조한 숨소리][line rings] [robotic voice] The phone has been turned off.
[안내 음성] 전원이 꺼져 있어 음성 사서함으로 연결되며[robotic voice] The phone has been turned off. You will be forwarded to voicemail. After the tone--
- 삐 소리 후… - [휴대전화 조작음]You will be forwarded to voicemail. After the tone--
[담임] 어, 찬희 얘가[teacher] Even though it's been a while,
많이 내성적이고 말수가 적었던 기억이 나I'm pretty sure that Oh Chan-hui was an introverted and quiet kid.
[불안한 숨소리]
오찬영Oh Chan-yeong?
[담임] 오찬영?[teacher] Oh Chan-yeong?
어, 남동생이 있었구나Oh, it appears he had a younger brother.
88년생이면은 98년도에If he was born in 1988, he would've been only ten years old.
11살이었겠네?If he was born in 1988, he would've been only ten years old.
[고조되는 음악][line ringing]
[통화 연결음][line ringing]
아저씨Hey, it's Si-heon.
범인이 누군지 알 거 같아요I might've found out who killed Jun-hee.
98년에 녹산고 다녔던 오찬희라는 사람이에요He was a student at Noksan High School. His name is Oh Chan-hui.
민주 사건 이후로 범행을 멈춘 이유도 설명이 돼요It also explains why the crimes stopped after Min-ju was killed.
98년부터 정신병원에 쭉 갇혀있었대요He's been hospitalized for a while. He's been locked up there since 1998.
아니요No, she's not. I'm on my way to her place right now.
지금 준희 집으로 가고 있어요No, she's not. I'm on my way to her place right now.
저, 그럼 일단In the meantime, I will forward you Oh Chan-hui's records from the school.
오찬희 생활기록부 먼저 보내드릴게요In the meantime, I will forward you Oh Chan-hui's records from the school.
All right.
- [다가오는 발소리] - [준희] 찬영아[Jun-hee] Hey, Chan-yeong.
[달그락 내려놓는 소리]
찬영아Hey, Chan-yeong.
찬영아Chan-yeong, are you there?
[음악이 고조되다 잦아든다]
[적막이 흐른다]
아, 미안Ah, I'm sorry.
이거 듣고 과거로 갔다며You said you could time travel with this cassette player.
- [탁 버튼 조작음] - 궁금해서 나도 한번 들어봤어You said you could time travel with this cassette player. I wanted to see for myself if it worked.
혹시…Ah, well, did it work?
[씁 들이마시는 숨소리]Well, the song was very pretty.
노래 좋더만Well, the song was very pretty.
근데 나는 그냥 잠만 잘 오던데?But I slept all the way through it, I guess.
아…-[Chan-yeong clears throat] -[sighs] Oh, right.
-[Chan-yeong clears throat] -[sighs] Oh, right.
[찬영] 준희야, 나 배고프다Jun-hee, I'm starving. Some food would be nice.
혹시 먹을 것 좀 있어?Jun-hee, I'm starving. Some food would be nice.
어, 그, 과일 좀 있는데 깎아줄까?Uh, sure. I have some fruit. Uh, would you like that?
[준희가 옅은 숨을 내쉰다]
[멀어지는 발소리]
[찬영] 근데 준희야-Hey, Jun-hee. -[Jun-hee] Hmm?
[준희] 응-Hey, Jun-hee. -[Jun-hee] Hmm?
[찬영] 98년 권민주 사건The Kwon Min-ju murder in 1998…
진범에 대한 단서가 있어?Did the real culprit leave any clues behind?
[옅은 숨을 들이쉬며] 어Oh, so the first time that Kwon Min-ju was attacked, uh,
그때 권민주가 처음 공격당했을 때Oh, so the first time that Kwon Min-ju was attacked, uh,
범인은 녹산고 교복을 입고 있었어the culprit was wearing a uniform from Noksan High School.
[씁 숨을 들이쉬며] 아마 그 당시 녹산고를 다녔던 남학생들 중에the culprit was wearing a uniform from Noksan High School. I think he had to be a student there, maybe one of Min-ju's classmates.
진범이 있을 거야One of the male students, perhaps.
그래?I see.
[준희] 내가 미친 소리 하는 것처럼 들렸을 텐데I see. I know how all of this must sound right now.
진지하게 들어줘서 고마워I should thank you for going along with this.
아니야, 오히려 내가 더 고맙지I should thank you for going along with this. Not at all. I should be thanking you for helping me.
[사각 과일 깎는 소리]Not at all. I should be thanking you for helping me.
네가 뭐가 고마워?Don't be silly. I didn't do anything.
[사각 과일 깎는 소리][chuckles]
네 덕분에 방금 알게 됐거든It's because of what you told me earlier tonight.
그때 형이랑 나한테Now I know exactly what happened to me and my brother back then.
무슨 일이 있었던 건지Now I know exactly what happened to me and my brother back then.
[어두운 음악]Now I know exactly what happened to me and my brother back then.
[오싹한 효과음][ominous music plays]
- [긴장되는 음악으로 변주된다] - [준희의 숨 막히는 소리][Jun-hee grunting]
내가 말했었나?Did I mention
- 나 어렸을 때 녹산 살았었다고 - [준희의 떨리는 숨소리]I used to live in Noksan when I was young?
[준희의 비명]I used to live in Noksan when I was young? [Jun-hee screams]
[준희의 힘주는 소리][Jun-hee screams] [yelping]
[준희의 거친 숨소리][yelping]
[준희의 괴로운 신음]
[외마디 신음]
그러게 아까 방해하지를 말았어야지Next time, don't get in my way, Jun-hee.
- [쉭 김 새는 소리] - [달그락거리는 소리]
[달그락거리는 소리가 계속된다]
[쪼르르 물 따르는 소리]
[탁 집어 드는 소리]
['내 눈물 모아'가 흘러나온다]["Gather My Tears" plays]
- [강조하는 효과음] - ['내 눈물 모아'가 잦아든다][in Korean] ♪ Dear, I'm going to wait ♪
[풀벌레 울음]
[민주] 야[Min-ju in English] Hey.
저, 정신 차려Hey, Chan-hui, are you okay?
-Hey. -[groans]
야, 정신 차려[Min-ju] Hey, wake up.
[머뭇대는 소리]Uh, are… are you all right, Chan-hui?
저, 정신이 들어?Uh, are… are you all right, Chan-hui?
[어두운 음악][mysterious music plays]
[부스럭 일어나는 소리]
- [강조하는 효과음] - [어지러운 숨소리][gasps] [grunts]
[울렁거리는 효과음][grunts]
[민주] 어, 택시![Min-ju] Oh, taxi!
[가쁜 숨을 내뱉으며] 택시!Taxi!
[민주의 가쁜 숨소리]
[멀어지는 자동차 주행음]
[지친 숨을 내뱉는다][sighs]
- [자동차 경적] - [민주의 비명]-[horn beeps] -[tires squeal]
[민주의 외마디 비명]-[horn beeps] -[tires squeal]
[멀어지는 자동차 주행음]
[민주가 아픈 숨을 들이쉬며] 아[Min-ju grunting]
[민주의 아파하는 신음]
- [강조하는 효과음] - [거친 숨을 내쉰다]
[거친 숨소리]
[옅은 숨을 내쉰다]
[날카로운 효과음]OH CHAN-HUI
[민주] 괘, 괜찮아?Uh, are you okay?
응, 괜찮아 난 정말 아무렇지도 않아-Yeah, don't worry. I'm absolutely fine. -[Min-ju] Oh…
[민주] 병원 가봐야 되는 거 아니야?Something terrible almost happened.
방금 전에 큰일 날 뻔했어Something terrible almost happened. Um, do you wanna go to the hospital? Are you hurt?
[옅은 숨을 내쉰다]
아니야Not at all. [chuckles]
너야말로 진짜 큰일 날 뻔했어No need to be concerned. How about yourself? Are you okay?
괜찮아?No need to be concerned. How about yourself? Are you okay?
아, 여기서 뭐 하고 있던 거야?So, how come you're alone out here?
안 다쳤으면 나 그만 가볼게uh, if you're not hurt, I'll be on my way if that's all right with you.
방금 전에 진짜 고마웠어So, uh, thank you so much.
[찬영] 이 밤에 혼자 어디 가려고?It could be dangerous for you to go by yourself.
아, 너 혼자 가는 건 아무래도 위험할 거 같아Uh, who knows who else might be out here this late at night.
내가 같이 갈게I'll go with you, hmm?
아니야, 안 그래도 돼Uh, there's no need to do that.
기껏 내가 너 구해줬…Hey, I just saved you. [grunts]
[옅은 숨을 내쉰다]Hey, I just saved you. [grunts]
구해줬는데 너한테 무슨 일 생기면 어떡해So now I feel a responsibility to protect you.
아…Uh, were you trying to head somewhere important earlier?
어디로 가는지 물어봐도 될까?Uh, were you trying to head somewhere important earlier?
큰 사거리에 있는 엄마 가게Uh, at the intersection, that's where my mom works.
큰 사거리로 가는 지름길 내가 알아I know a shortcut. Let me take you there. You'll get there in no time.
그리로 가자I know a shortcut. Let me take you there. You'll get there in no time.
[민주] 응Mm-hmm.
- [어두운 음악] - [강조하는 효과음]
[다가오는 자동차 주행음]
- [민주의 놀란 비명] - [긴장되는 음악으로 변주된다][screams]
[민주가 절박한 목소리로] 하지 마, 놔, 놔, 놓으라고!Stop! Let go of me!
너 왜 이러는 거야?Why are you doing this? Help!
[울먹이며] 사람 살…Somebody hel--
[괴로워하며 콜록대는 소리]
[숨 막히며 외치는 소리]Let go! [grunts]
[퍽퍽 때리는 소리]Ah! Stop it!
[민주의 괴로운 신음]Ah! Stop it!
하지…Ah! Stop it! [grunts]
- [민주의 힘주는 소리] - [찬영의 신음][screams]
- 비켜! - [찬영의 신음]Get away from me!
[다급한 숨을 내쉬며] 비켜Get away!
[민주의 가쁜 숨소리]
- [강조하는 효과음] - [퍽 내리치는 소리]
- [민주의 외마디 신음] - [털썩 쓰러지는 소리][grunts]
[절박한 숨을 내뱉는다][suspenseful music plays]
- [강조하는 효과음] - [민주의 힘겨운 숨소리]
[불안한 음악으로 변주된다]
[탁 집어 드는 소리]
[준희의 목소리가 울리며] 찬영아[Jun-hee] Hey, Chan-yeong.
[어두운 음악]
찬영아Chan-yeong, are you there?
[음악이 고조되다 잦아든다]
[적막이 흐른다]
[찬영] 네가 권민주가 아니라서 얼마나 아쉬운지 몰라You don't know how incredibly disappointed I am that you're not Kwon Min-ju.
[어두운 음악]
[준희] 주문하시겠어요?[Jun-hee] Hello, everyone. Are you all ready to order?
뭐야, 너?-Oh, what are you doing here? -[Yeon-jun] What are you doing here?
[연준] 뭐야?-Oh, what are you doing here? -[Yeon-jun] What are you doing here?
아, 뭘까?Uh, what is this? [chuckles]
누구셔?Who is she?
[준희가 쩝 입소리를 내며] 어, 그래서 뭐 주문하시겠어요?So, what would you like to order today? Take a look.
어, 여자분들은 A 세트나 B 세트 많이 좋아하시는데Our female customers tend to like the A and B set menus, typically.
어, 남자분들은…And, uh, as for the guys…
[찬영] 그때 처음에는 권민주인 줄 알고 설렜었지And, uh, as for the guys… [Chan-yeong] At first, I was excited because I thought you were Kwon Min-ju.
[준희] C 세트 어떠세요?[Chan-yeong] At first, I was excited because I thought you were Kwon Min-ju. …with the risotto?
[찬영] 하지만 날 똑바로 쳐다보는 널 보는 순간 깨달았어…with the risotto? [Chan-yeong] The moment I saw you look at me, that's when I realized
넌 그때 사진 속에서 봤던 권민주가 아니야you were not the Kwon Min-ju in the photo that I had obsessed over so many years ago.
[사람들의 웃음]that I had obsessed over so many years ago.
민주처럼 주눅 들지도 움츠러들지도 않았잖아You weren't afraid. You didn't shrink back like she would have.
널 보면서 전혀 짜릿함이 느껴지지 않았어I didn't feel that rush of excitement when I saw you like I did with her.
[삑삑 도어 록 조작음][door lock beeping]
[도어 록 작동음][door lock beeping] [door opens]
- [덜컥 문 열리는 소리] - [도어 록 작동음][door opens] [door alarm chimes]
[다급한 숨소리]Hey, Jun-hee.
준희야Hey, Jun-hee.
- [덜컥 문 닫히는 소리] - [도어 록 작동음][door closes]
- [도어 록 작동음] - [시헌의 초조한 숨소리][door alarm chimes]
[놀란 숨을 내쉬며 떠는 소리]
[불안한 숨소리]
- [어두운 효과음] - 준희야, 준희야!Jun-hee?! Jun-hee?
[시헌의 다급한 숨소리]
[시헌의 거친 숨소리]
[긴장되는 음악][ominous music plays]
[시헌의 초조한 숨소리]
여보세요? 여기 사람이 쓰러져 있어요Hello? Somebody's collapsed.
역삼동 45번지 805호입니다 빨리 와주세요Apartment 805, 45 Yeoksam-dong. Please hurry.
[떨리는 숨을 내쉬며] 준희야Jun-hee!
[시헌의 다급한 숨소리]
[고민하는 숨을 내쉰다]
[다가오는 발소리]
구연준?Koo Yeon-jun?
오찬영Oh Chan-yeong.
[놀란 숨을 내쉰다][breathing shakily]
네가 왜 여기 있어?What are you doing here?
[떨리는 숨소리]
설마, 네가?Y… you'd better talk.
아, 아니야Uh, um, I just…
준희 내가 왔을 때부터 이미 쓰러져 있었어Uh, um, I just… Jun-hee was like this before I even got here. I swear.
근데 왜 거기서 나와?You came out that way.
난 준희 이렇게 만든 범인이 돌아온 줄 알고I heard the door and thought the person came back, so I hid in that room because I was afraid.
무서워서 숨어있었던 거야so I hid in that room because I was afraid.
너 지금Do you really expect me to believe all that?
그 말을 믿으라고?Do you really expect me to believe all that?
너 혹시Tell me.
네 형이 한 짓 알고 있었어?Do you know what he did?
그걸 준희한테 들켜서 이런 거야?Did you do this because Jun-hee found out about it?
너 지금 무슨 소리 하고 있는 거야?What are you talking about? What does my brother have to do with this?
갑자기 무슨 우리 형!What are you talking about? What does my brother have to do with this?
난 준희 줄 게 있어가지고…I swung by because I was dropping off that chair.
그래, 저 의자I swung by because I was dropping off that chair. Look, it's right there.
저 의자 주려고 잠깐 들렀던 건데Look, it's right there. That's when I found her on the ground unconscious.
[옅은 숨을 내쉰다][sighs]
연준아Hey, Yeon-jun.
진짜 놀라 자빠질 사람은 나야I'm the one who should be really surprised right now, huh?
아까 너 살아 돌아왔다고Do you know how shocked I was
준희한테 듣고 내가 얼마나 놀랐는지 아냐, 인마?when Jun-hee told me you were still alive somehow?
네가 왔을 때는…Didn't you just say that…
준희 이미 쓰러져 있었다며she was already passed out when you found her?
[강조하는 효과음]
[놀란 숨을 내뱉는다]
너지It's you.
오찬희가 아니라It wasn't Oh Chan-hui who did it.
네가 권민주랑 변다현 죽인 거지?It was you that killed Min-ju and Da-hyeon.
[떨리는 목소리로] 너지!Wasn't it?
- [쿵 부딪는 소리] - [어두운 음악][Si-heon grunts]
[떨리는 숨소리]
- [푹 찌르는 소리] - [시헌의 외마디 신음][knife clangs]
[고조되는 음악][suspenseful music plays]
- [긴장되는 음악으로 변주된다] - [시헌의 떨리는 숨소리]
- [시헌의 힘주는 소리] - [찬영의 아파하는 신음][grunts]
[찬영의 씩씩대며 힘주는 소리][grunts]
[달그락거리는 소리][grunts]
[찬영, 시헌의 힘주는 소리]
- [시헌의 힘주는 소리] - [찬영의 아파하는 신음]
[아파하는 거친 숨소리]
- [시헌의 거친 숨소리] - [찬영의 외마디 신음][grunting]
- [시헌의 힘주는 소리] - [찬영의 아파하는 신음][grunting]
[찬영의 거친 숨소리]It was always you.
너였어It was always you.
처음부터 너였어Everything that's happened is all of your fault.
[찬영의 비웃음]Everything that's happened is all of your fault. [Chan-yeong laughs]
왜 죽였어?Why did you do it, huh?
권민주 왜 죽였어!Why did you kill Kwon Min-ju, huh?
[찬영] 그래You're right.
[찬영의 웃음]
나였더라고You're right it was me.
근데 웃긴 건 말이야It wasn't my brother at all. But
어렸을 때 형이 나한테 했던 말들everything he used to tell me back then…
그게 오늘에서야 완벽하게 퍼즐을 맞췄다는 거지I finally now know what he meant. I'm positive I know what to do now.
- [푹 찌르는 소리] - [외마디 신음]-[knife clangs] -[grunts]
98년 형 몸속으로 들어갈 수 있는 방법을 찾은 건Getting to time travel into the past, into my brother's body,
보너스라고 해야겠지?that's just an added bonus.
연준아Hey, Yeon-jun.
- [찬영의 힘주는 소리] - [시헌의 아파하는 신음]-[knife clangs] -[grunts]
이 모든 게Just so you know,
다 네 여자 친구this is all Jun-hee's fault.
우리 준희 덕분이야'Cause of her, this came together.
[거친 숨을 들이쉰다][gasps]
고마워I'm so grateful.
- [푹 찌르는 소리] - [외마디 신음][knife clangs]
[가랑가랑한 숨소리]
[힘없는 숨소리]
[찬영의 힘주는 소리][Chan-yeong grunts]
[사이렌 소리][siren blaring]
[멀어지는 발소리]
- [덜컥 문 열리는 소리] - [도어 록 작동음]-[door opens] -[door alarm chimes]
- [탁 문 닫히는 소리] - [도어 록 작동음][door closes]
[무거운 음악][somber music plays]
[가랑가랑한 숨소리]
[시헌의 숨넘어가는 소리]
- [솨 물소리] - [찬영의 거친 숨소리]
- [옅은 숨을 내쉰다] - [탁 물 잠그는 소리]
[옅은 숨을 내쉰다][sighs]
[옅은 숨을 내쉬며] 아…[groans]
아니야, 형No, Chan-hui.
형이 틀렸어You were wrong.
[탁 일기장 덮는 소리]
['내 눈물 모아'가 흘러나온다]["Gather My Tears" plays]
[어두운 효과음]♪ Dear, I'm going to wait ♪
['내 눈물 모아'가 잦아든다]
- [놀란 숨소리] - [강조하는 효과음][ominous music plays]
[풀벌레 울음]
[탁 떨어뜨리는 소리]
[옅은 숨을 내쉰다]
[어두운 음악]
흠집이 났잖아, 너 때문에Look what you've done. You've damaged a good specimen.
[분풀이하듯 힘주는 소리][grunting]
[거친 숨을 내쉰다][groans]
괜찮아It's all right.
[후 내뱉는 숨소리][sighs]
얼마든지I can fix this, huh?
시간이 있으니까I'll be here a while.
[후 내뱉는 숨소리]
[찬영이 거친 숨을 내쉰다][sighs]
[달그락거리는 소리]
[가쁜 숨을 고른다]
[옅은 숨소리][sighs]
- [솨 물소리] - [시헌] 빨리 가자고, 어? 가자고-Come on. Let's go. Hurry, In-gyu. -[In-gyu] Ah.
- 아주 샤워를 해라, 샤워를, 어? - [인규] 하지 마[Si-heon] Let me give you a shower.
- 야 - 아, 야, 알았어, 알았어-[In-gyu] Hey. -All right. All right.
[인규] 야, 너 이리 와-You're dead meat. -[Si-heon] Not if you can't catch me!
- [시헌] 그러니까 빨리 오라고 - [탁탁 뛰어가는 발소리]-You're dead meat. -[Si-heon] Not if you can't catch me!
[음악이 고조되다 잦아든다]
[불안한 음악]
[멀어지는 발소리]
[음악이 고조되다 잦아든다]
[떨리는 숨을 내쉰다]
[떨리는 숨을 들이쉰다]
[무거운 음악][somber music plays]
[준희의 옅은 숨소리]
[준희] 어휴, 어…[Jun-hee] Si-heon, come back.
[떨리는 목소리로] 시헌아, 눈 좀 떠봐Si-heon, come back to me, please.
[떨리는 숨을 들이쉰다]
[비통한 숨을 내쉰다][sobs]
어, 시헌… 어떡해Oh no. Why Si-heon?
[괴로운 신음]Oh no. Why Si-heon? Why?!
[참담한 숨을 들이쉰다]
어쩌면 좋아Please don't go.
어, 어떡, 어떡…What am I supposed to do?
어, 어떡해, 시헌…I can't do this alone. I need you.
어, 시헌아, 왜 여기 이러고 있어It wasn't supposed to end like this.
아, 어떡해Oh, what will I do now?
아, 시헌…Si-heon…
[울며] 아, 시헌아My Si-heon!
[흐느끼며] 시헌아Oh, Si-heon…
어떡해Don't go, please.
[준희의 오열]Don't go, please. [sobbing]
[민주 삼촌의 한숨]
[멀어지는 발소리]
[민주 삼촌의 괴로운 숨소리]
오찬영Oh Chan-yeong.
오찬영 찾아야 돼요We need to find Oh Chan-yeong.
오찬영이 가져간He took the cassette player from me.
그 워크맨 찾아서I need it back to save Si-heon.
무조건 시헌이 다시 살려낼 거예요I'm going to bring Si-heon back to life no matter what.
[의미심장한 음악][mysterious music plays]
[준희의 긴장한 숨소리]
[탁 타자 치는 소리]
[경찰] 범행 직후 CCTV에 찍힌 오찬영 영상입니다This was captured on camera after he committed the crime.
오찬영 지금 어디 있습니까?Has anyone been able to find him yet?
오찬영 집과 공방에 찾아가 봤지만We raided his studio apartment a little bit later,
거기는 없었습니다but we couldn't find him.
뭐, CCTV를 토대로 행적을 찾아보고 있는 중입니다We're using the security cameras to try and trace his whereabouts.
[옅은 숨을 내쉰다]We're using the security cameras to try and trace his whereabouts.
저, 근데 이거 오찬영이 훔쳐 간 거Now, those items he stole from you, were they valuable?
이게 뭔지 아십니까?Now, those items he stole from you, were they valuable?
제 워크맨이랑 일기장이요Yes, it was a cassette player and an old diary.
그 두 개가 오찬영이 왔다 간 뒤로 없어졌어요Those were the only two things that disappeared from my things.
[씁 들이마시는 숨소리]
값나가는 물건도 아닐 텐데He must've had a good reason to take them. But why those specific items?
그걸 왜 훔쳐 갔을까요?He must've had a good reason to take them. But why those specific items?
혹시 이유를 아십니까?They're not particularly valuable.
뭐, 아니면Maybe there's something he really needs them for?
그 물건이 뭔가 특별한 건가요?Maybe there's something he really needs them for?
[깊은숨을 쉰다]
[준희] 찬영아[Jun-hee] Chan-yeong?
찬영아Hey, Chan-yeong.
아…[exhales shakily]
오찬영Last night, when Chan-yeong came over, he fell asleep on my couch.
어젯밤에 제가 깨웠을 때Last night, when Chan-yeong came over, he fell asleep on my couch.
이미 98년으로 한 번 갔다 왔을지도 몰라요He was listening to the cassette player when I had woken him up, so, uh…
근데 98년으로 갔다 왔다면What if he went back to 1998 without us knowing?
도대체 누구 몸에서 깨어난 거죠?If that's the case, whose body could he have used?
얼굴이 닮은 누군가가 있어야 하잖아요Is there someone in the past that Chan-yeong looks like?
Yes! Oh Chan-hui.
오찬희야Yes! Oh Chan-hui.
어젯밤에 시헌이가 보내준 거야Si-heon sent me a picture of his brother last night.
[어두운 음악][eerie music plays]
[말문 막히는 소리][sighs]
[오싹한 효과음][eerie music continues]
[덜그럭거리는 소리]
[탁 창문 닫는 소리]
[찬영] 흠…Hmm.
아니야No, she's not Kwon Min-ju after all.
권민주가 아니잖아No, she's not Kwon Min-ju after all.
그렇지, 한준희?Isn't that right, Jun-hee?
[음악이 고조되다 잦아든다]Isn't that right, Jun-hee?
[풀벌레 울음]
[탁 문 닫히는 소리]Oh, Chan-hui.
[찬영 모] 찬희야Oh, Chan-hui.
학교 다녀왔습니다I'm back from school.
[찬영 모] 저기…Wait as second.
강아지 낑낑거리는 소리가 한참 들리더라고That poor dog was whimpering for ages.
난 또 해피랑 노느라고 그러는 줄 알았지I thought they were having fun. I didn't think he would have hurt him.
[찬영 모가 겁먹은 숨을 들이쉬며] 근데 얘는The strange thing is, after Chan-yeong killed the dog,
강아지를 죽여놓고도 눈 하나 깜짝을 안 하는 거야The strange thing is, after Chan-yeong killed the dog, he didn't even bat an eye, you know?
하, 진짜Honestly. Did I really raise him to be like this?
내 속으로 낳은 자식이 맞는지Honestly. Did I really raise him to be like this?
소름도 끼치고Something's wrong with him. I know it.
걱정도 되고And I'm frightened of him.
미치겠다, 찬희야It's driving me crazy. Can you talk to him?
찬영이 지금 어디 있어요?So where is my brother right now?
[달칵 문소리][door opens]
[찬영] 오찬영Hey, Chan-yeong.
[찬영의 씁 들이마시는 숨소리]
[찬영이 옅은 숨을 내쉰다]
[탁 내려놓는 소리]
[찬영의 옅은 웃음][chuckles]
[달그락 내려놓는 소리]
자는 거야?Are you awake? [sighs]
알았어Okay then.
지금 우리 찬영이 얘기하고 싶은 기분이 아니구나?It seems that you're not really in the mood to talk about our dog, Happy, right now.
그럼 형In that case, how about I leave you alone?
그만 나간다?In that case, how about I leave you alone?
[어린 찬영] 엄마[young Chan-yeong] Mom's angry at me for what I did.
나한테 화났지?[young Chan-yeong] Mom's angry at me for what I did.
내가 해피 그렇게 만들어서Hey, am I going to be punished for what I did?
형도 나한테 화났어?So does that mean you're angry with me too?
아니, 내가 왜?Not at all. Why would I?
형도…You said I should… I should cherish them. That's what you told me to do, right?
전에 좋아하면 해치면 안 된다고 했잖아You said I should… I should cherish them. That's what you told me to do, right?
[찬영] 미안I know I did.
음, 그때는, 어…But I've actually, uh, thought more about what I said.
형도 뭘 몰랐어But I've actually, uh, thought more about what I said.
찬영아I was wrong.
[어두운 음악]
네 생각이 맞아You shouldn't change yourself at all, Chan-yeong.
정말로 좋아하면You shouldn't change yourself at all, Chan-yeong. You know how animals are our pets?
표본으로 만들어서 네 걸로 만들어야 하는 거야Well, maybe people are also just like pets in a similar way.
정말?-They're pets? -Yes, they are.
[찬영] 그럼-They're pets? -Yes, they are.
우리 찬영이는I need you to know that you're a very special person just like me.
나처럼 특별한 사람이니까I need you to know that you're a very special person just like me.
엄마 같은 평범한 사람?See, normal people like our mom,
너랑 나 같은 사람 절대로 이해 못 해they just don't understand who we are. We're special to this world.
비밀 하나 말해줄까?I'm gonna tell you something important.
난 사실It's a cool secret.
미래에서 온 너야So I'm actually from the future. You know that?
[찬영의 웃음][laughs] You don't know what I'm saying, do you? Hmm?
무슨 말인지 모르겠지?[laughs] You don't know what I'm saying, do you? Hmm?
[씁 들이마시는 숨소리]
나중에Someday, uh, you'll understand everything.
아주 나중에Someday, uh, you'll understand everything.
내 말이 무슨 말인지 이해할 날이 오게 될 거야And when that time finally comes, uh, you will know what I'm saying.
제일 중요한 건 그때를 위해서In the meantime, you have to hide yourself for now
널 감춰야 해until the time is right, okay?
감춘다고?Hide myself for now?
앞으로 다른 사람들한테Just remember that the most important thing
네가 얼마나 특별한 사람인지 절대로 들키면 안 돼is for you to be able to blend in with everyone. It's only for the time being, all right?
최대한 착하고 허술하게Do not let anyone know how special you are, Chan-yeong.
다른 사람들이 경계하지 않을 가면을 쓰고 보여줘Learn to mask yourself and just wait for the right moment when opportunity knocks.
그래야 네가 편해Soon, it'll be easy for you.
[톡톡 두드리는 소리]
꼭 기억해 둬One day, you'll understand.
다음번에 형 표본 만들러 갈 때I'll be finding my own specimens to collect very soon.
너도 같이 가자Wanna tag along this time?
아주 크고 예쁜 표본을 만들러 갈 거야Let's find a pet that we both can preserve into a specimen together, okay?
[여자] 상태가 좋았다 나빠졌다 그래요He has good days, and he has bad days.
그래도 상태가 좋을 때는 몇 마디 대화도 하고 그러는데Now, on a good day, he sometimes speaks a few words here and there.
나쁠 때는 횡설수설 알 수 없는 말을 하다가But when he's having a bad day, it's all just gibberish.
발작까지 해요He'll even have seizures.
잠시만요Just a moment.
[멀어지는 발소리]
[강조하는 효과음]
[두런두런 대화 소리]
[준희가 긴장한 숨을 내쉰다]
안녕하세요, 오찬희 씨Hello, Mr. Oh Chan-hui.
저는 한준희라고 합니다My name is Han Jun-hee.
저…So, I'm here today because I have something to ask you.
꼭 좀 여쭤볼 게 있어서 왔어요So, I'm here today because I have something to ask you.
1998년Do you remember what happened back in 1998?
그때 무슨 일이 있었는지 기억해요?Specifically to one of your classmates?
그해 98년에Her name was Kwon Min-ju, and, uh, she was a third year at Noksan High School
녹산고등학교에서 권민주라는 학생이 죽었어요Her name was Kwon Min-ju, and, uh, she was a third year at Noksan High School and was found murdered that year.
기억하시죠?Do you remember anything?
저, 들었으면 좀 대답 좀 해주세요Can you hear me? This is really important, sir,
정말 중요해서 그래요so please answer me if you understand me.
저, 대답 좀 해봐요Do you remember what happened to her? Was it you or your younger brother?
그때 민주를 죽인 게 당신인지, 당신 동생인지Do you remember what happened to her? Was it you or your younger brother? I need to know who killed her, huh?
당신은 알고 있을 거 아니야Just answer the question, and I'll go, okay?
[준희가 답답한 숨을 내쉰다][Jun-hee sighs]
[찬희] 난 다…[Chan-hui] I can…
들을 수가 있어hear everything.
난 무슨 일이 일어나는지 볼…I was present the first time that we all… [gasps]
[어두운 음악]I was present the first time that we all… [gasps]
수도 있고 들을 수도 있어…caught a specimen. [mysterious music plays]
근데 그게 전부 다야[chuckles] I saw and heard everything.
난 지켜볼 수밖에 없고I could do nothing but watch her.
아무것도 할 수가 없어I was just an audience member, hmm?
응? 응I was just an audience member, hmm? [chuckles]
[떨리는 숨소리]
[찬영] 내가 저번에 약속했잖아[adult Chan-yeong] Do you remember when I told you
더 크고 예쁜 표본 만들러 갈 때[adult Chan-yeong] Do you remember when I told you that I was going to collect a new specimen and that you could tag along with me,
꼭 같이 가는 걸로that I was going to collect a new specimen and that you could tag along with me, so we could do it together?
- [덜컥 문소리] - [겁먹은 숨소리][door opens]
[다현의 울음][Do-hyeon crying]
[다현의 계속되는 울음]
어때? 마음에 들어?What do you think? Isn't this specimen pretty?
[작은 소리로] 잘 비추고 있어야 돼Make sure you hold the light right there, hmm?
[벌벌 떠는 숨소리][whimpers]
[다현의 계속되는 울음]
- [다현의 절박한 외침] - [탁탁 발 구르는 소리]
음? 조심해, 다쳐Mmm? Be quiet or you will get hurt.
[겁먹은 울음]Now, if you listen carefully to my instructions,
말만 잘 들으면 금방 끝나Now, if you listen carefully to my instructions,
그리고 보내줄게, 알았지?this will all be over soon. You got it?
[다현의 겁먹은 숨소리][Do-hyeon whimpers] [crying]
[다현의 겁에 질린 울음][crying]
- [덜컹거리는 소리] - [다현의 계속되는 울음]
[다현의 절박한 비명]
[벌벌 떠는 숨소리][breathing shakily]
[다현의 겁먹은 외침][Do-hyeon screaming]
[다현의 외침이 잦아든다]
[벌벌 떠는 숨소리]
[벌벌 떠는 숨소리가 계속된다]
[음악이 고조되다 잦아든다]
아니야Let her go.
아니야Let her go.
- 아, 내가 아니야 - [탁탁 치는 소리]it wasn't me.
[큰 소리로] 내가 내가 그런 게 아니야!I didn't do it! Let her go! Let her go, huh?
나 하고 싶지 않았어I wanted to help her, but I couldn't.
[떨리는 숨을 들이쉬며] 그…[gasps] It wasn't you.
당신이 한 게 아니라면It was Oh Chan-yeong, your younger brother.
당신 동생이 한 거죠?He was the one who killed her that night, not you.
오찬영이 저지른 일이죠?It was all Oh Chan-yeong, wasn't it?
맞죠?Am I right?
[의미심장한 음악]
권민주Kwon Min-ju?
네가You're alive?
네가 어떻게…How are you here?
[화면 전환 효과음]
[고조되는 음악][suspenseful music plays]
[찬희] 내가 안 했어[Chan-hui] I didn't do it. Min-ju!
민주야[Chan-hui] I didn't do it. Min-ju!
내가 안 했어-[gasps] -I didn't do it!
내가 한 게 아니야It wasn't me!
- [여자의 당황한 소리] - 어, 걔네들이 시킨 거야I had no choice, okay?
걔네들이 억지로 나한테 하게 한 거야, 민주야Min-ju, I swear. They forced me to do it, huh?
나는, 나는, 나는 그런 거 원한 적 없었어, 민주야I never wanted to do anything like that. I would never hurt you Min-ju.
- 내가 그런 게 아니야, 민주야 - [여자] 그래요, 알았어요-I'd never hurt Min-ju, okay? -[woman] All right, Chan-hui.
알았어요, 오찬희 씨-I'd never hurt Min-ju, okay? -[woman] All right, Chan-hui.
- [찬희] 소중한 사람이 있으면… - [여자] 오찬희 씨-[Chan-hui] They made me do it, I swear. -[woman] It's okay.
괜찮아요, 괜찮아-[Chan-hui] They made me do it, I swear. -[woman] It's okay.
괜찮아, 괜찮아요, 괜찮아요It's okay. It's okay. Calm down. It's all right.
민주를 죽인 거So now we know who it was.
오찬희가 아니라 오찬영이었어요Oh Chan-yeong killed her and not Oh Chan-hui.
오찬희는Oh Chan-hui was forced to watch his brother kill my niece Kwon Min-ju.
동생이 한 짓을 보고 있다가 미쳐버린 거야Oh Chan-hui was forced to watch his brother kill my niece Kwon Min-ju.
근데 걔네? 걔네가 누구를 말하는 거지?"They." What did he mean by "they"?
오찬영 말고 그런 짓을 시킬 사람이 또 누가 있어서Who else could've been there other than his brother, do you think?
왜?What is it?
[의미심장한 음악]
[찬영] 네 덕분에 방금 알게 됐거든It's because of what you told me earlier tonight.
그때 형이랑 나한테Now I know exactly what happened to me and my brother back then.
무슨 일이 있었던 건지Now I know exactly what happened to me and my brother back then.
[떨리는 숨소리]Now I know exactly what happened to me and my brother back then.
1998년 살인사건이When I was back in the past, the murder hadn't happened yet.
오찬희가 한 게 아니라 오찬영이 했다는 거Oh Chan-yeong had yet to travel back into his brother's body.
오찬영은 어젯밤 제 말을 듣고 알아낸 거예요It wasn't until I told him everything. That's when Chan-yeong discovered he could travel back in time.
아…That's when Chan-yeong discovered he could travel back in time. Ah. What have I…
아, 어떡해?Ah. What have I…
모든 걸 다 제 입으로 말해줬어요I'm the one who told Chan-yeong everything.
그러면 시헌이도 민주도 다 저 때문에…Then, that means Si-heon and Min-ju are dead all because of me. Oh!
[가쁜 숨을 내뱉으며] 아…all because of me. Oh! [gasping]
- [준희의 절망한 숨소리] - [민주 삼촌의 한숨][gasping]
[준희가 가쁜 숨을 내뱉는다]
[민주 삼촌] 민주랑 시헌이가 죽은 건There deaths were not your fault.
준희 너 때문이 아니라 오찬영 때문이야You didn't kill them, okay? You didn't murder anyone.
오찬영이 저지른 짓 때문이라고Oh Chan-yeong is the real murderer here, Jun-hee.
오찬영 잡아야지-[sighs] -[Chi-won] We have to catch him.
- [참담한 숨을 내뱉는다] - 그놈 잡아서We need to find him to get the cassette player back.
다시 워크맨을 찾아야 돼We need to find him to get the cassette player back. That's the only way we can save Min-ju and Si-heon.
그래야 시헌이도 다시 살릴 수 있어That's the only way we can save Min-ju and Si-heon.
[울먹이는 숨소리]
[가쁜 숨을 고른다]
[준희의 깊은 탄식][crying]
[휴대전화 진동음][phone buzzing]
[휴대전화 진동음이 뚝 끊긴다]
여보세요?Um, hello?
[탁탁 타자 치는 소리]
[민주 삼촌] 저 오찬영 잡으셨다고요?Hey, you said you've caught Oh Chan-yeong already?
[경찰] 예Yes.
모텔에 숨어있던 걸 저희가 체포했습니다We have him in custody. We found him in a motel today.
[준희] 그, 체포 당시에 오찬영이 뭘 하고 있던가요?Sir, by chance, at the time of the arrest, do you know if
혹시 음악을 듣고 있었나요?he was listening to music on a cassette player?
그걸 어떻게 아셨어요?he was listening to music on a cassette player? How did you know about that?
그 워크맨 지금 어디 있을까요?Well, it's mine, and I want it back if that's okay.
바로 돌려받을 수 있을까요?Please give it to me. I need it now.
[경찰이 씁 숨을 들이마시며] 어 국과수에서 증거 채취하고 나면Uh, after forensics sends it back to us,
나중에 돌려드리는 거는 문제는 안 되는데it shouldn't be a problem to return it to you. We'll have it for you soon, okay?
[씁 숨을 들이마시며] 워크맨이We'll have it for you soon, okay? That being said, the tape player isn't in good condition right now.
지금 온전한 상태는 아니라서요That being said, the tape player isn't in good condition right now.
[어두운 음악]
- [삑 카드 인식음] - [도어 록 작동음][beeps]
[테이프 돌아가는 소리]
오찬영Oh Chan-yeong.
[탁 잡는 소리]Oh Chan-yeong!
오찬영!Oh Chan-yeong!
[고조되는 음악]
- [경찰의 외마디 신음] - [찬영의 힘주는 소리][grunts]
- [퍽 때리는 소리] - [찬영의 아파하는 신음]Ah!
[찬영의 외마디 신음]
[경찰] 뭐 해, 빨리 잡아![man] Hey, don't let him go. Grab him!
[찬영의 힘주는 소리][Chan-yeong grunts]
[찬영의 힘주는 소리][grunts]
[찬영의 기합][grunts]
[거친 숨소리]
안 돼, 지금은 아니야Not yet. It's not time yet.
왜 하필 지금이야Why? Please let me go! [yells]
[외치며] 왜! 이, 씨Why? Please let me go! [yells]
[절망한 숨소리][sighs]
[거친 숨을 내쉰다]
[준희의 성난 숨소리]
- [준희] 야, 너! 너였어! - [경찰1] 어, 어, 잠깐만-Hey, it was you all along! -[man] Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
- [준희] 처음부터 너였어, 어? - [경찰들의 말리는 소리]-Hold on. -It was you from the very start, huh?
- 네가 살인자였어 - [경찰2] 진정하세요-Hold on. -It was you from the very start, huh? -You're the killer! You killed Si-heon! -[man] Hey, you can't be doing this.
시헌이 살려내-You're the killer! You killed Si-heon! -[man] Hey, you can't be doing this.
- [경찰1] 아, 이러시면 안 돼요 - [준희] 어?-You're the killer! You killed Si-heon! -[man] Hey, you can't be doing this.
시헌이 살려내!-You're the killer! You killed Si-heon! -[man] Hey, you can't be doing this. -Bring Si-heon back! -[man] Stop it!
너 왜 그랬어?-Bring Si-heon back! -[man] Stop it! Why did you do it? Why? I need to know!
왜 그랬어?Why did you do it? Why? I need to know!
- 아니야, 한준희! - [탁탁 발 구르는 소리]No, Han Jun-hee!
[준희의 떨리는 숨소리]
순서가 틀렸어 먼저 스스로한테 물어봤어야지You've got things all mixed up. You should've asked yourself something first.
'나 한준희는 과연 권민주한테'How have I, Han Jun-hee, caused the murder of Kwon Min-ju in the past?
'무슨 짓을 저지른 것인가?'How have I, Han Jun-hee, caused the murder of Kwon Min-ju in the past? Did you ever think about that?
[경찰1] 야, 가, 빨리[man] Hey, come on.
[찬영] 못 알아듣겠어?You still don't get it?
[찬영의 거친 숨소리]
권민주를 죽인 진짜 범인은 내가 아니라You were the one responsible for Kwon Min-ju's death, you see?
한준희 바로 너라고It's all because of you she's dead.

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