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  피지컬: 100 .1

Physical: 100 .1


‪(마스터)‬The human body does not lie.
‪[포효하는 소리]‬
‪(마스터)‬It's the self-written history of pain,
‪[웅장한 음악]‬ ‪(마스터)‬and also the result of it.
‪(마스터)‬In this world, there are many kinds of humans and body shapes.
‪(마스터)‬We wondered,
‪(마스터)‬"What is the perfect physique?"
‪(마스터)‬A hundred physiques compete…
‪- (여자1) 버텨!‬ ‪- (남자1) 파이팅!‬-Hang on! -Hang on!
‪(마스터)‬…in an extreme competition to survive.
‪[소리친다]‬…in an extreme competition to survive.
‪(남자2)‬It won't stop until someone's shipped out dead.
‪(남자3)‬Only the most tenacious will do well.
‪[남자4의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[참가자들의 힘주는 신음]‬We would kill if we were told to.
‪(남자5)‬We would kill if we were told to.
‪[남자6의 비명]‬We would kill if we were told to.
‪(마스터)‬Just one body will stand at the end. All the monsters are here. They've all gathered here.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪(남자7)‬All the monsters are here. They've all gathered here.
‪(남자8)‬I came to win, and I will.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪(남자9)‬It's beast versus beast.
‪(남자9)‬It's really dangerous.
‪[참가자들의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪(남자10) 목을 따야 돼요, 목을‬It's really dangerous. Go for the throat.
‪[남자들의 힘주는 신음]‬Our genders, specialties, and weight classes are all different.
‪(남자11)‬Our genders, specialties, and weight classes are all different.
‪(여자2) 뺏어, 뺏어!‬Our genders, specialties, and weight classes are all different. Take it! I thought, "It's okay to kill."
‪(남자12)‬I thought, "It's okay to kill."
‪[남자들의 거친 숨소리]‬ ‪(남자12)‬I could crush everyone.
‪(여자3)‬You never know until you enter the arena.
‪(마스터)‬Starting now, we will search for the answer.
‪[웅장한 음악]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[발걸음이 울린다]‬
‪오, 멋있다‬This is so cool.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬This is so cool.
‪(학선) 네, 안녕하세요‬Hello. For 21 years,
‪21년 동안 선수 생활 하고 있는‬ ‪기계 체조 선수 양학선입니다‬Hello. For 21 years, I've been a professional gymnast, and my name is Yang Hak-seon.
‪네, 2010년도‬ ‪아시아 선수권 대회에서‬I won gold at the 2010 Asia Championship
‪금메달을 땄고요‬I won gold at the 2010 Asia Championship
‪런던 올림픽에서‬ ‪금메달을 땄습니다‬and gold at the London Olympic Games.
‪어, 제 피지컬은 그래도‬As for my physique,
‪맨손 체조나 이런 부분에 대해서는‬I'd say I'm at the top of the group in things like free gymnastics.
‪톱이지 않을까‬I'd say I'm at the top of the group in things like free gymnastics.
‪처음에 딱 들어갔을 때‬ ‪저 혼자 있었거든요‬When I entered, I was the only one there.
‪조금 생소한 분위기‬It felt a little strange.
‪(학선) 어, 내 거 여기 있네‬ ‪[학선의 웃음]‬Mine's here.
‪[학선의 감탄]‬
‪160‬One hundred sixty.
‪멋있네, 멋있어‬Looking good.
‪(범석) 우아‬
‪- (학선) 어, 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (범석) 어, 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪(학선) 체조 선수 양학선입니다‬ ‪반갑습니다‬I'm gymnast Yang Hak-seon. -Nice to meet you. -What an honor.
‪- (범석) 아, 영광입니다‬ ‪- (학선) 네‬-Nice to meet you. -What an honor.
‪- (범석) 찾는 거예요, 자기 거?‬ ‪- 예, 제 거 찾았어요, 지금‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬-Do we look for our own? -Yes, I found mine. It's right here.
‪- (범석) 어‬ ‪- (학선) 여기 있어요‬-Do we look for our own? -Yes, I found mine. It's right here.
‪[학선의 웃음]‬
‪(범석) 안녕하십니까, 저는‬Hello. I served in the special forces for over 11 years.
‪특수 부대에 11년 이상 있었고‬I served in the special forces for over 11 years.
‪세계 소방관 경기 대회에서‬I was the first Korean to win at the World Firefighter Games.
‪대한민국 최초로 우승을 차지했고‬I was the first Korean to win at the World Firefighter Games.
‪대한민국에서 이제‬ ‪피지컬 최강자들이 모인다고 해서‬I heard the fittest people in Korea would be competing.
‪그분들이 봤을 때‬So I wanted to show people how strong and reliable
‪대한민국 특수 부대‬ ‪그리고 대한민국 소방관이‬So I wanted to show people how strong and reliable
‪이렇게 강하고 든든하다‬So I wanted to show people how strong and reliable Korea's special forces and firefighters are.
‪이런 모습을‬ ‪좀 더 보여 주고 싶습니다‬Korea's special forces and firefighters are.
‪(선호) 뭐야?‬What's all this?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(선호) 내추럴 보디빌더로‬ ‪활동하고 있고‬I'm a natural bodybuilder.
‪국내 대회‬ ‪최다 우승 기록을 갖고 있는‬I hold the most domestic competition wins.
‪마왕 마선호라고 합니다‬I'm Ma Sun-ho the King.
‪압도됐어요‬I felt overwhelmed.
‪너무나 멋진 몸들의‬ ‪많은 토르소가 있었고‬There were so many fit-looking torso casts,
‪그걸 보고서‬ ‪약간 위축된 느낌도 있었고‬and seeing them all intimidated me.
‪구경하는, 또‬ ‪재미가 있었던 거 같아요‬and seeing them all intimidated me. It was also fun to look around.
‪피지컬이 다 좋은데?‬It was also fun to look around. Everyone looks so fit.
‪(선호) 어? 혹시‬Hey, aren't you on the national team?
‪- (선호) 국가 대표‬ ‪- (학선) 아‬Hey, aren't you on the national team?
‪- 아이, 반갑습니다‬ ‪- (학선) 반갑습니다‬-Hi, nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you.
‪- (선호) 아이, 네‬ ‪- (학선) 안녕하세요‬-Hi, nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(에이전트H) 특수 부대‬ ‪해군 특수전 전단 UDT라는 곳에서‬Under the Korean Navy's Special Warfare Flotilla,
‪저격수로 전역을 한‬I served as a sniper with the UDT.
‪에이전트H로 활동을 하고 있는‬I'm Hwang Ji-hun, also known as Agent H.
‪네, 황지훈입니다‬I'm Hwang Ji-hun, also known as Agent H. AGENT H UDT RESERVIST
‪처음 들어오니까‬ ‪뭐, 토르소부터 해 가지고‬When I first came in, all the torsos made me think of a Greek temple,
‪뭔가 그리스 신전 같은‬ ‪느낌이어 가지고‬all the torsos made me think of a Greek temple,
‪웅장한 느낌이 있었어요‬and it was grand and imposing. I thought, "The production team went all-out."
‪'제작진분들 장난 아닌데'‬ ‪막 이런 생각 했죠‬I thought, "The production team went all-out."
‪(범석) 어, 왔어?‬Hey, you're here.
‪어, 왔나? 많네, 아따, 씨, 많네‬What's up? -Man, there are so many. -Yes, there are lots.
‪(범석) 어, 엄청 많다‬-Man, there are so many. -Yes, there are lots.
‪(예현) 안녕하세요, 저는‬Hello. I am Kim Ye-hyun, a former fencer.
‪전 펜싱 선수‬I am Kim Ye-hyun, a former fencer.
‪김예현이라고 합니다‬I am Kim Ye-hyun, a former fencer.
‪저도 나름 운동을 좀 한다고‬ ‪생각을 하는데‬I think I'm a pretty fit athlete,
‪잘하시는 분들이‬ ‪모인다고 했었어요‬and I heard some other fit people were gathering.
‪1등 하려고 나왔습니다‬I came to win the competition.
‪- (선호) 예, 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (방성혁) 어, 반갑습니다‬-Hello. -Nice to meet you.
‪- (선호) 아, 반갑습니다‬ ‪- (방성혁) 와, 마왕‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬-Wow, the King. -Hi.
‪- (선호) 몸 엄청 좋으신데‬ ‪- 아닙니다, 아닙니다, 아닙니다‬-You have a great body. -Not at all.
‪(학선) 팔대가 제 얼굴만 해요‬Your upper arm is as big as my face.
‪- 아, 아닙니다, 아유, 아닙니다‬ ‪- (학선) [웃으며] 팔대가‬-Well, I guess. -Your arm. Thank you.
‪[학선의 탄성]‬ ‪(방성혁) 감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪(플로리안) [영어] 안녕하세요‬
‪영어 할 줄 아세요?‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪[학선의 웃음]‬
‪[한국어] 안녕하십니까‬How are you all?
‪네, 안녕하십니까‬Hello, I've lived in Korea for four years now.
‪한국 생활 4년 차‬Hello, I've lived in Korea for four years now.
‪그냥 평범한 독일인처럼 생겼지만‬I look like an ordinary German, but in my heart hides a real Korean.
‪마음속에‬ ‪찐 한국인이 숨어 있습니다‬I look like an ordinary German, but in my heart hides a real Korean.
‪플로리안입니다, 반갑습니다‬I'm Florian. Nice to meet you.
‪(플로리안) 스포츠 모델뿐만‬ ‪아니라 방송 활동도 하고‬Not only am I a fitness model, but I'm also a TV personality.
‪예, 저의 라이프 모토가 몸입니다‬ ‪그래서‬Not only am I a fitness model, but I'm also a TV personality. My life's motto is staying fit. So with Physical: 100, I wanted to take on a new challenge.
‪[영어] '피지컬: 100'‬So with Physical: 100, I wanted to take on a new challenge.
‪[한국어] 새로운 도전‬ ‪해 보고 싶었죠‬So with Physical: 100, I wanted to take on a new challenge.
‪(플로리안) 반갑습니다‬Nice to meet you.
‪- 어? 국가 대표신가 봐요‬ ‪- (학선) 아, 네, 네‬Hey, you must be on the national team. -Yes. I'm Yang Hak-seon. -Nice to meet you.
‪- (플로리안) 반갑습니다, 예‬ ‪- 체조 선수 양학선입니다‬-Yes. I'm Yang Hak-seon. -Nice to meet you.
‪와, 복근이, 야…‬Wow, your abs. Gosh. They look awesome.
‪(플로리안) 와, 쩔었어‬ ‪[학선의 웃음]‬Gosh. They look awesome.
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪- (은지) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- 아, 반갑습니다‬ ‪[은지의 웃음]‬-Hello. -Nice to meet you.
‪- 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (은지) 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪오, 되게 크시네요, 키가‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬You're really tall.
‪(은지) 저는 피트니스 선수이자‬I'm Kim Eun-ji, a competitive fitness model and trainer.
‪트레이너로 활동하고 있는‬ ‪김은지입니다‬I'm Kim Eun-ji, a competitive fitness model and trainer.
‪눈에 계속 이제 보이는 거는‬What I'm looking to see is
‪저보다 몸매가 더 이쁜‬ ‪여자분이 있는지‬if there are any women with prettier bodies than mine.
‪계속 그걸 찾게 되더라고요?‬if there are any women with prettier bodies than mine.
‪(은지) 내 몸보다 이쁜 분이‬Is there anyone with a body prettier than mine?
‪있으시려나?‬Is there anyone with a body prettier than mine?
‪(춘리) 어머, 이런 데가 다 있어?‬What kind of place is this?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪- 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (춘리) 안녕하세요‬ ‪[은지의 웃음]‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪(은지) 좀 놀랐어요‬I was a little surprised.
‪여자로서는‬ ‪진짜 대박이었던 거 같아요‬I was a little surprised. She was really impressive.
‪(예현) 춘리 쌤‬Ms. Chun-ri. How are you?
‪안녕하세요‬Ms. Chun-ri. How are you?
‪(춘리) 안녕하세요‬ ‪저는 17년 차 되는‬Hello, I'm Kim Chun-ri, and I've been a bodybuilder for 17 years.
‪현역 보디빌더‬ ‪김춘리 선수라고 합니다‬Hello, I'm Kim Chun-ri, and I've been a bodybuilder for 17 years.
‪제 피지컬로‬I thought it'd be a waste to not enter with my physique,
‪솔직히 가만히 있기에는‬ ‪좀 아깝다는 생각이 들어서‬I thought it'd be a waste to not enter with my physique,
‪관심을 갖고‬ ‪이제 참가하게 됐습니다‬so I decided to participate.
‪(춘리) 와, 이거 이렇게‬ ‪만들어 놓으니까 되게 신기하네‬It's fascinating to see it like this.
‪(플로리안) 어, 이게‬ ‪이게 혹시 본인 조각상이세요?‬-Is this your sculpture? -Hello. This is my body.
‪(춘리) 아, 안녕하세요‬ ‪제 몸이에요‬-Is this your sculpture? -Hello. This is my body.
‪(플로리안) 야, 이게‬ ‪몸 그냥 그대로 조각상인데?‬Wow, your body is a sculpture in itself.
‪아, 그, 허벅지, 어, 어떡하니‬Your thighs. I'm lost for words.
‪하나, 둘, 셋‬One, two, three.
‪(에이전트H) 저긴 또 와 저라노‬What's going on over there?
‪(플로리안) 하나, 둘, 셋‬One, two, three.
‪- (춘리) [힘주며] 하나‬ ‪- (플로리안) 하나‬-One, two. -One, two.
‪(플로리안과 춘리) 둘‬-One, two. -One, two.
‪(예현) 뚝뚝 소리 나는데?‬-One, two. -One, two. -I heard something snap. -Three.
‪(춘리와 플로리안) 셋‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬-I heard something snap. -Three.
‪(플로리안) 아, 일단 합격‬Okay, you pass for now.
‪[은실의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(은실) 멋있다‬How cool.
‪이렇게 보니까 다르네, 또‬It's different to see them like this.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[은실의 감탄]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(은실) 와, 몸매 좋으시다‬What a figure. -Hello. -Hello.
‪- (은지) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (은실) 안녕하세요‬ ‪[은지의 웃음]‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪- (은실) 몸매가 너무 좋으시네요‬ ‪- (은지) 찾으셨어요?‬-You have an amazing figure. -Did you find yours?
‪- (은지) 아, 저요? 반갑습니다‬ ‪- 반갑습니다‬-Me? -Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. Anyone could tell you're an athlete.
‪누가 봐도 운동인이신데‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬Nice to meet you. Anyone could tell you're an athlete.
‪네, 전 스포츠인입니다‬I'm a sportsperson. Hello.
‪(은실) 네, 안녕하세요, 저는‬Hello. I'm Jang Eun-sil and I'm a wrestler.
‪여자 레슬링 선수 장은실입니다‬I'm Jang Eun-sil and I'm a wrestler.
‪현재 여자 레슬링 선수로 17년 차‬I've been a wrestler for 17 years now, and I do CrossFit and ssireum as hobbies.
‪그리고 취미로는 크로스 핏과‬ ‪씨름을 하고 있습니다‬and I do CrossFit and ssireum as hobbies.
‪20년 넘게 운동 외길을 걸어오면서‬I've been an athlete for over 20 years, and I decided to join the program
‪저의 신체적 능력을‬ ‪프로그램을 통해‬I've been an athlete for over 20 years, and I decided to join the program
‪발휘하고 싶어서‬ ‪참가하게 되었습니다‬to show off my physical abilities.
‪어? 저기 있다, '장은실'‬There it is. "Jang Eun-sil."
‪(은실) 우아, 내가 여기 있네‬Wow, so this is me.
‪뱃살, 와, 잘 나왔다‬My tummy. It came out nice.
‪(에이전트H) 원래 어떤…‬Originally, you're…
‪(은실) 저는 레슬링 선수예요‬I'm a wrestler.
‪- (에이전트H) 레슬링?‬ ‪- 예, 여자 레슬링 선수‬Wrestling. A female wrestler.
‪(에이전트H) 아‬A female wrestler.
‪- 네, 다 잡아 돌리겠네요‬ ‪- (은실) 적당히 잡아 돌려야죠‬You'll kick everyone's butt. -Just a bit. -You came prepared to beat everyone up.
‪(에이전트H) 네‬ ‪다 팰 준비 하고 오셨네요‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬-Just a bit. -You came prepared to beat everyone up.
‪- (플로리안) 어, 어, 반갑습니다‬ ‪- (요요와 이택) 안녕하세요‬Nice to meet you. -Hello. -Hello.
‪(플로리안) 파트너, 커플이신가요?‬-Hello. -Hello. -Are you partners? A couple? -No, we're siblings.
‪(요요) 아니요, 저희 남매예요‬-Are you partners? A couple? -No, we're siblings.
‪- (이택) 시블링, 예‬ ‪- (플로리안) 남매, 시블링? 와‬Siblings.
‪(요요) [영어] 어디서 오셨어요?‬Siblings.
‪(플로리안) [한국어]‬ ‪독일에서 왔어요, 저머니‬I'm from Germany.
‪(요요) 독일, 저머니‬
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪- (뻘컵) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (플로리안) 하이‬Hello.
‪(뻘컵) 아, 하이‬
‪어, 저 많이 뵀어요‬-I watch your videos a lot. -I watch yours too.
‪(에이전트H) 어‬ ‪많이 뵀습니다, 와‬-I watch your videos a lot. -I watch yours too.
‪(뻘컵) 아, 진짜 미인이십니다‬-You're beautiful. -Hello.
‪- (은실) 안녕하세요, 감사합니다‬ ‪- (뻘컵) 감사합니다‬-You're beautiful. -Hello. -Thank you. -Thank you.
‪들어가세요‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬See you later.
‪너무 튀신다‬He stands out too much.
‪(뻘컵) 이게 다 온 건가요, 우리?‬ ‪[돈통 열리는 효과음]‬Is this everyone here? All 100 of us?
‪100명?‬Is this everyone here? All 100 of us?
‪(은실) 저분 누구예요?‬Who is he? That's BBULKUP.
‪(에이전트H) 뻘컵 님이라고‬That's BBULKUP.
‪- 뻘컵?‬ ‪- (에이전트H) 네‬-BBULKUP? -Yes.
‪(에이전트H) 원래‬ ‪피트니스 하시다가‬He was doing fitness.
‪어, 인플루언서로 활동하고 계시는‬Then he became an influencer.
‪유튜브도 하시고, 뭐‬ ‪사업도 하시는 걸로 알고 있어요‬Then he became an influencer. He's a YouTuber and owns a business too.
‪[방성혁의 탄성]‬ ‪(뻘컵) 와, 좆 됐다‬ ‪여기 존나 크다‬I'm screwed. This guy is so damn huge.
‪(방성혁) 아닙니다‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪아, 카메라가 있네?‬Hey, there's a camera. BBULKUP FOOD SERVICE CEO
‪[으뜸의 감탄]‬
‪(뻘컵) 으뜸 님‬-Eu-ddeum. -Hey!
‪- (으뜸) 어? 네‬ ‪- (뻘컵) 반갑습니다‬-Eu-ddeum. -Hey! Nice to meet you.
‪(으뜸) 성함이?‬-Your name is… -I'm BBULKUP.
‪- 저 뻘컵이라고‬ ‪- (으뜸) 뻘컵‬-Your name is… -I'm BBULKUP. -BBULKUP? -When I was younger,
‪- 제가 진짜 예전에 어렸을 때‬ ‪- (으뜸) 뻘컵‬-BBULKUP? -When I was younger, I saw you in magazines often.
‪(뻘컵) 잡지에서 많이 뵀거든요‬ ‪[으뜸의 웃음]‬I saw you in magazines often.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬Hello.
‪(으뜸) 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪121만 운동 유튜버‬I'm Shim Eu-ddeum, a fitness YouTuber with 1.21 million subscribers.
‪심으뜸입니다‬I'm Shim Eu-ddeum, a fitness YouTuber with 1.21 million subscribers.
‪저는 운동, 몸을 쓰는 무언가에‬When it comes to exercising or doing something physical,
‪욕심이 있는 편이에요‬When it comes to exercising or doing something physical, I'm quite ambitious.
‪제 자존감 자체가 100이기 때문에‬Because my self-esteem is at 100,
‪피지컬에 대한 자신감도‬ ‪100점을 주고 싶어요‬I'd say my confidence in my body is also at 100.
‪(에이전트H) 아, 어, 으뜸 님‬-Hey, Eu-ddeum. -Hello.
‪(참가자들) 안녕하세요‬-Hey, Eu-ddeum. -Hello.
‪- 으뜸 님, 와‬ ‪- (으뜸) H 님‬-Eu-ddeum. -Hi, Agent H.
‪- (에이전트H) 네‬ ‪- (으뜸) 팬이에요‬ ‪[에이전트H의 웃음]‬-Yes. -I'm a fan.
‪- 안다정 님이시죠?‬ ‪- (다정) 어, 네‬-You're An Da-jeong, right? -Yes.
‪저기서 봤어요‬I saw yours over there.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬ ‪팬이에요‬I'm a fan.
‪[에이전트H의 감탄]‬ ‪(치현) 타잔 왔…‬Tarzan's here.
‪(뻘컵) 어, 왔나?‬Hey, you're here. Tarzan's here too.
‪- (호주 타잔) 어‬ ‪- (뻘컵) 와, 타잔이도 나왔네‬Hey, you're here. Tarzan's here too.
‪(정윤) 어, 옷을 벗고 계시네‬ ‪[저마다 인사한다]‬You stripped already.
‪옷을 이미, 이미 벗으셨어요‬ ‪이미 벗으셨어요‬You took off your clothes already?
‪- [웃으며] 미쳤다‬ ‪- (희찬) 아, 근데 몸 왜 이래‬-That's crazy. -Why is everyone so fit? SON HEE-DONG, WRESTLER SON HEE-CHAN, SSIREUM WRESTLER
‪(여자) 아, 몸이 너무 좋아, 다들‬Everyone here is so fit.
‪(깡미) 아유, 덩치가 엄청 크셔‬Gosh, he's massive.
‪어, 어머‬Gosh, he's massive. Wait.
‪단결‬ ‪[범석의 탄성]‬Sir.
‪단결‬ ‪[범석의 탄성]‬Sir.
‪(깡미) 안녕하십니까‬ ‪[범석이 호응한다]‬-How are you? -How are you?
‪여기서 또…‬ ‪[깡미의 웃음]‬Funny seeing you here.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪안녕하십니까, 저는‬ ‪특전사 707 특수 임무단에서‬Hello. I served for eight years in the 707th Special Missions Group under the Special Warfare Command,
‪(깡미) 8년 동안 근무하고‬in the 707th Special Missions Group under the Special Warfare Command,
‪현재 예비역 중사로 활동 중인‬and I am currently a sergeant first class reservist.
‪깡미입니다‬My name is Kkang Mi. KKANG MI 707TH SMG RESERVIST
‪저기 또, 또 계시네요‬Yet another comrade. How are you?
‪안녕하십니까‬Yet another comrade. How are you?
‪어유, 아유‬
‪아이, 깡미 님‬ ‪반갑습니다, 오셨네요‬It's good to see you, Kkang Mi. You made it.
‪(에이전트H와 깡미)‬ ‪- 예, 한번 둘러보십시오, 네‬ ‪- 저도 보고 오겠습니다‬-Go and take a look around. -I'll have a look around.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[예현의 웃음]‬
‪- (성민) 어, 뭐야‬ ‪- (예현) 야, 나 진짜‬-What is this? -Everyone seems to know someone here.
‪(예현) 막 다 알고 있어 가지고‬ ‪나 근데…‬-What is this? -Everyone seems to know someone here.
‪- (성민) 야, 뭐야‬ ‪- (예현) 다행이다‬-I'm so glad you're here. -I'll beat one, then.
‪(성민) 한 명은 이겼다‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬-I'm so glad you're here. -I'll beat one, then.
‪(예현) 아, 너 이겼다고?‬-Wait, you'll beat me? -I'll beat you.
‪- (성민) 내가 널 이겨…‬ ‪- (예현) 오케이‬-Wait, you'll beat me? -I'll beat you.
‪- (박진용) 나야?‬ ‪- (정명) 너 여기 있다‬-Is that mine? -This is yours.
‪- (학선) 아, 안녕하세요, 네‬ ‪- (정명) 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪[저마다 인사한다]‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪(정명) 양학선 선수도 있어‬ ‪[박진용의 탄성]‬Gymnast Yang Hak-seon is also here.
‪(남자) 그래서 국대분들‬ ‪웨이트 하시는 분들‬National team athletes, weightlifters, and bodybuilders are all here.
‪빌더 하시는 분들 다 모였네요‬National team athletes, weightlifters, and bodybuilders are all here.
‪대한민국 내로라하시는 분들‬The cream of the crop in Korea.
‪- (정호) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (방성혁) 안녕하세요, 와‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪- 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (방성혁) 안녕하세요, 와‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪(정호) [웃으며] 몸 엄청 좋으시다‬You have a great physique.
‪(정호) 저는 17년 차‬I've been a prison guard for 17 years.
‪현직 교도관 박정호입니다‬I've been a prison guard for 17 years. My name is Park Jung-ho.
‪법무부 교정 본부에서‬ ‪지금 일하고 있습니다, 네‬I work at the Korea Correctional Service under the Ministry of Justice.
‪[요요의 탄성]‬
‪- 안녕하십니까‬ ‪- (요요) 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪- (이택) 로보캅 같으세요‬ ‪- (정호) 아유‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬-You're like Robocop. -Gosh.
‪[웅장한 음악]‬
‪(에이전트H) 아이고‬My goodness.
‪(플로리안) 어유, 쉣‬
‪어, 무서워‬I'm scared.
‪[저마다 말한다]‬
‪[저마다 인사한다]‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪(참가자들) 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello. JO JIN-HYEONG CAR DEALER
‪어유, 나 무서워서 못 쳐다보겠어‬I'm too scared to look.
‪- (요요) 엄마‬ ‪- 집에 갈래‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬-Mommy. -I want to go home.
‪엄마‬-Mommy. -I'm scared.
‪(남자) 와, 저거 진짜 몸 봐‬ ‪장난 아니네‬Wow, look at his body. It's no joke. JUNG HAE-MIN CYCLIST
‪(정호) 저도‬ ‪저희 동네에서 좀 큰 편인데‬I'm pretty big where I come from,
‪제가 큰 몸이 아니더라고요‬but apparently, I'm not so big after all.
‪너무 크신 분들이 많아 가지고‬ ‪깜짝 놀랐습니다‬but apparently, I'm not so big after all. There were so many bigger people. I was so surprised.
‪팔뚝 봐, 씨‬ ‪[놀란 숨소리]‬Look at his arm.
‪(은실) 팔뚝이 내 얼굴만 해‬His arm is as big as my face.
‪[은실의 웃음]‬His arm is as big as my face.
‪팔뚝 장난 아닌데?‬His arms are no joke.
‪[으뜸의 감탄]‬
‪[짱재의 웃음]‬
‪- (짱재) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (에이전트H) 어유, 짱재 님‬Hello. -JJANG JAE. -How are you?
‪[저마다 인사한다]‬-JJANG JAE. -How are you? -JJANG JAE. - Hello, I'm JJANG JAE the E-Tool.
‪(짱재) 예‬ ‪야전삽 짱재라고 합니다‬-JJANG JAE. - Hello, I'm JJANG JAE the E-Tool.
‪아, 반갑습니다‬ ‪[참가자들이 호응한다]‬-JJANG JAE. - Hello, I'm JJANG JAE the E-Tool. Nice to meet you.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(현승) 안녕하세요, 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪- (현승) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (소영) 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪(소영) 네, 안녕하세요, 네‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪- (방성혁) 어?‬ ‪- (정윤) 아마, 예‬Yes.
‪- (정윤) 그, 댄서시면서, 예‬ ‪- (방성혁) 어제‬-I saw him on a dancing show yesterday. -The dancer. Yes, that's him.
‪(방성혁) 어제, 어제, 어제‬ ‪댄서 프로그램에서 봤는데‬ ‪[정윤이 호응한다]‬-I saw him on a dancing show yesterday. -The dancer. Yes, that's him.
‪- (방성혁) 다 나오네‬ ‪- (정윤) 네, 진짜 다 나오네요‬Everyone's here. Yes, everyone's here.
‪(호주 타잔) 야, 진짜‬ ‪다양한 사람 많네‬There are all sorts of people. This is beyond my expectation.
‪기대 이상이다‬There are all sorts of people. This is beyond my expectation.
‪(연주) 안녕하세요‬ ‪[경쾌한 음악]‬Hello.
‪- 어, 뭐야‬ ‪- (연주) 안녕하세요‬-Who's she? Hey. -She's a fairy.
‪(예현) 요정이야, 요정‬-Who's she? Hey. -She's a fairy.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪(성민) 오래 살자, 오래 살아남자‬Let's survive for a long time.
‪(한샘) 치어리더 하시는 분 맞죠?‬-You're a cheerleader, right? -Yes.
‪(연주) 어, 맞아요‬-You're a cheerleader, right? -Yes.
‪(연주) 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪스물네 살‬My name is Jo Yeon-joo. I'm a 24-year-old cheerleader.
‪치어리더 조연주입니다‬My name is Jo Yeon-joo. I'm a 24-year-old cheerleader.
‪2017년 9월 15일부터 해서‬I started on September 15, 2017,
‪거의 6년 차 치어리더로‬ ‪활동하고 있습니다‬and I've been cheerleading for almost six years now.
‪(정윤) 아, 근데‬ ‪치어리딩 하시는 분들이‬Cheerleaders have great physicality and movement
‪운동 신경 진짜 좋아요‬Cheerleaders have great physicality and movement
‪[참가자들이 호응한다]‬ ‪이렇게 막 점프하고‬ ‪막 텀블링 하고 막 이러시잖아요‬because they're always jumping and doing somersaults.
‪(춘리와 플로리안)‬ ‪- 치어리더‬ ‪- 우리를 응원하러 왔네요‬-A cheerleader. -She's here to cheer us on.
‪- 어유, 춘리 쌤‬ ‪- (예현) 적응 능력‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬-Look at Ms. Chun-ri. -She's just…
‪(성민) 이두박근 삼두박근‬Biceps, triceps.
‪(뻘컵) 아, 안녕하세요‬-Hello. It's nice to meet you. -Hello.
‪- (연주) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (뻘컵) 아, 처음 뵙겠습니다‬-Hello. It's nice to meet you. -Hello.
‪- (연주) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (뻘컵) 아, 아, 네‬-Hello. It's nice to meet you. -Hello.
‪(연주) 블링블링‬That's very shiny.
‪[연주의 웃음]‬
‪아, 나오길 잘했네‬I'm glad I came on.
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪(일레인) 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪(일레인) 싱가포르에서 온 배우‬ ‪일레인입니다‬I'm ELAINE, an actress from Singapore.
‪제가 딱 들어가는 순간‬As soon as I entered,
‪저를 쳐다보는 눈빛이‬I noticed the glances. "What is she doing here? What's her deal?"
‪'쟤 왜 왔지?', '얘 뭐냐?'‬"What is she doing here? What's her deal?"
‪그런 눈빛 받았어요, 사실 제가‬That's the impression I got.
‪어, 되게‬I was thinking,
‪'헐, 잘못 온 건가?‬ ‪아, 큰일 났다'‬"Should I not be here? This is bad."
‪(뻘컵) 아, 잠깐만‬Hang on.
‪아, 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪[호주 타잔의 웃음]‬ ‪이거 삼각관계는 조금 곤란한데‬I don't do love triangles.
‪나만 연애 프로그램으로‬ ‪알고 나온 거야?‬Am I the only one who thought this was a dating show?
‪(제용) [큰 소리로] 안녕하제용!‬Hello!
‪[제용의 호탕한 웃음]‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Hello!
‪어머, 깜짝이야, 씨‬ ‪[제용의 호탕한 웃음]‬Hello! My gosh. What was that?
‪- 뭐, 뭐야‬ ‪- (뻘컵) 와, 좆 돼 뿠다‬My gosh. What was that? Man, we're screwed.
‪(제용) 여러분, 안녕하십니까‬Man, we're screwed. Hello, everyone.
‪대한민국 가장 힘센 남자‬ ‪하제용입니다‬I'm Ha Je-yong, the strongest man in Korea.
‪반갑습니다‬Nice to meet you.
‪(형근) 쟤 존나 웃긴다‬ ‪[참가자들의 박수]‬He's so damn funny. PARK HYUNG-GEUN MMA FIGHTER
‪(남자) 어, 뭐, 저렇게 걷냐?‬Why is he walking like that?
‪힘은 센데‬ ‪싸움은 못할 거 같습니다‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬I bet he's strong but not a good fighter.
‪(요요) 누구야?‬Who's that?
‪(이택) 저 사람 팔씨름 대회 우승‬He's an arm-wrestling champion.
‪(제용) 10년 이상‬For over ten years,
‪팔씨름 무제한급 국가 대표로‬ ‪활동했었고‬I represented Korea in open-weight arm-wrestling competitions,
‪현재 파워 리프팅 선수로서‬and currently, as a power-lifter, I hold the Korean bench-press record.
‪대한민국 벤치 프레스의‬ ‪신기록 보유자이고‬and currently, as a power-lifter, I hold the Korean bench-press record.
‪조만간 세계 기록을 달성할‬ ‪하제용이라고 합니다‬Soon, I will break the world record. My name is Ha Je-yong.
‪[아름이 말한다]‬ ‪[강민의 탄성]‬
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪- (아름) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- 안녕하세요, 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello. SONG A-REUM, KIM KANG-MIN BODYBUILDERS
‪(플로리안) 야, 미친, 뭐야, 이게?‬No way, what is this?
‪[함께 웃는다]‬No way, what is this?
‪사람이 맞아?‬Is he even a human being?
‪(대원) 진짜 어제 유튜브 봤는데‬I saw him on YouTube yesterday.
‪(석환) 저도‬ ‪전 오늘 아침에도 봤는데‬Me too. I even watched him this morning.
‪- (대원) 아, 진짜요?‬ ‪- (석환) 네‬-Really? -Yes.
‪(다정) 김강민?‬Kim Kang-min?
‪SNS나 선수층에서도 유명하고‬ ‪팬층도 많고‬He's famous on social media and among competing athletes, and he has lots of fans.
‪(함께) 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪(강민) 저희는 동갑내기‬ ‪보디빌딩 부부‬We're a married bodybuilding couple of the same age.
‪- (강민) 김강민‬ ‪- (아름) 송아름입니다‬-We're Kim Kang-min… -And Song A-reum.
‪(강민) 6년 차 부부고요‬We've been married for six years.
‪(아름) 지금 여섯 살 난‬ ‪딸아이가 있습니다‬And we have a six-year-old daughter.
‪아, 나 여기 있다‬Here I am.
‪(강민) 등 보고‬ ‪한 번에 알아봤던 거 같아요‬Here I am. I saw the back and recognized it.
‪(강민) 너 여기 있어‬I saw the back and recognized it. Here's yours.
‪(강민) 다른 분들에 비해‬ ‪굉장히 관리가 되고 있는‬Compared to the others, my torso looks much better taken care of.
‪석고가 아니었나‬Compared to the others, my torso looks much better taken care of.
‪(플로리안) 오, 마이 갓‬
‪야, 얘는 3 대 1,000‬ ‪되는 거 아니에요?‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬-Does he push 1,000kg or something? -Did you say 1,000kg?
‪(정명) 1,000이 된다고요?‬-Does he push 1,000kg or something? -Did you say 1,000kg?
‪다음 생에‬ ‪다시 도전해야겠네요, 제가‬I should compete again in my next lifetime.
‪(정명) 그렇죠, 이번 생엔 글렀고‬I should compete again in my next lifetime. We have no chance in this one.
‪(아름) [놀라며] 부부가‬ ‪우리밖에 없나 봐‬We must be the only married couple. We're the only couple.
‪커플이 우리밖에 없어‬We must be the only married couple. We're the only couple.
‪- (다현) 오‬ ‪- (민지) 우아‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(다현) 안녕하세요, 안녕하세요‬Hello. Hello.
‪(다현) 우아, 신기해‬This is so cool. Hello.
‪와, 안녕하세요‬This is so cool. Hello.
‪(다현) 저는 여자 씨름 최초로‬ ‪전관왕을 차지한‬I'm the first female ssireum wrestler to win a grand slam.
‪여자 씨름 선수‬ ‪거제시청 이다현입니다‬I'm the first female ssireum wrestler to win a grand slam. I'm Lee Da-hyeon and I'm on the Geoje City team.
‪(민지) [놀라며] 아‬
‪너무 금방 찾았는데?‬I found it so soon.
‪[민지의 웃음]‬
‪안녕하세요‬ ‪모래판 여신 박민지라고 합니다‬Hello, I'm Park Min-ji, the goddess on the sand.
‪(민지) 네, 씨름 선수라고 하면‬When I say I play ssireum, most people are surprised.
‪'허!' 이런 반응이어 가지고‬When I say I play ssireum, most people are surprised.
‪근데 저는‬ ‪운동을 너무 사랑해 가지고‬But I love sports so much, so I think I might get really fired up with the competitive spirit.
‪승부욕이 엄청나게 활활‬ ‪불타오르지 않을까 싶어요‬so I think I might get really fired up with the competitive spirit.
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪[참가자들의 탄성과 박수]‬Hello.
‪자랑 바이브‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬Show-off time.
‪- (식) 안녕하세요, 반갑습니다‬ ‪- (한) 안녕하세요, 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Nice to meet you. KANG HAN, NATIONAL TEAM BOBSLEIGH ATHLETE KIM SIK, NATIONAL TEAM SKELETON COACH
‪(참가자들) 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello. -Hello. -Hello.
‪(보경) 안녕하세요‬ ‪안녕하세요, 안녕하세요‬ ‪[저마다 인사한다]‬-Hello. -Hello. Hello. JEONG BO-KYEONG NATIONAL TEAM JUDO PLAYER
‪(남경진) 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪(정호) 올림픽 아니야?‬ ‪이거 올림픽인데, 거의‬It's almost like the Olympic Games.
‪(에이전트H) 그냥 운동하는‬ ‪사람들은 다 왔네, 대한민국의‬Everyone who works out in Korea is here.
‪재밌겠네요‬This should be fun.
‪[강렬한 음악]‬
‪[참가자들의 탄성과 박수]‬ ‪(여자) 대박, 와‬No way.
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬
‪(으뜸) 오, 맞아, 맞아, 맞아‬It is him!
‪[놀라며] 와!‬
‪(남자) 추성훈 선수님‬Choo Sung-hoon came in and he had this aura.
‪들어오시는데 포스가 엄청났어요‬ ‪[참가자들의 박수]‬Choo Sung-hoon came in and he had this aura.
‪깜짝 놀라 가지고‬ ‪'저분이 나오셨어?'‬I was startled and thought, "He's here too?"
‪추성훈 님이 나오신다고?‬Choo Sung-hoon is here?
‪(은실) 와, 미쳤다‬Wow, this is mad.
‪(요요) 너무 신기했어요‬It felt so strange.
‪저런 분과 내가 이 한 공간에‬I was in the same space as someone like him.
‪굉장히 약간 성덕이 된 느낌‬I felt like a fan whose wish had come true.
‪(현승) 뭔가 있으면 안 될 거 같은‬ ‪이름이 있는 거예요‬I felt like a fan whose wish had come true. I saw a name that I didn't think belonged here.
‪나 잘못 나왔나, 여기?‬Was it wrong of me to come here?
‪(짱재) 추성훈 형님‬Choo Sung-hoon. I'm lost for words.
‪할 말을…‬ ‪[짱재의 웃음]‬Choo Sung-hoon. I'm lost for words.
‪뭘 시키려고 이런 사람들을‬ ‪다 데려다 놨나, 지금‬I was surprised at the lineup.
‪(성훈) 저는 원 챔피언십에서‬I'm Choo Sung-hoon, an MMA fighter at ONE Championship.
‪지금 격투기 선수‬I'm Choo Sung-hoon, an MMA fighter at ONE Championship.
‪아, 추성훈입니다‬I'm Choo Sung-hoon, an MMA fighter at ONE Championship.
‪세 살, 네 살부터 유도 했고‬I started judo at 3 or 4 and trained until I was 30.
‪서른 살까지는 유도 했었습니다‬I started judo at 3 or 4 and trained until I was 30.
‪그 이후에 격투기 17년간 했죠‬Since then, I've been doing MMA for 17 years now.
‪시합하면서도‬ ‪나이 어린 친구랑 또 싸워요‬I still compete with younger fighters.
‪이 나이대에도 젊은 애들한테‬ ‪이길 수 있는 방법이 있다고 하는‬I want to show people that even at this age, there's a way to beat young people.
‪그런 모습을 보여 주고 싶어요‬there's a way to beat young people.
‪아저씨 무시하지 마‬Don't underestimate this middle-aged man.
‪(학선) 저도 인사 한번 하겠습니다‬I'd like to say hi. Hello.
‪(학선과 뻘컵)‬ ‪- 안녕하세요, 반갑습니다‬ ‪- 대체 언제, 언제 악수해 보겠노‬I'd like to say hi. Hello. When would you ever get to shake his hand?
‪(호주 타잔) 저도 팬입니다‬I'm a fan too.
‪(학선) 다 가게 돼, 이게‬ ‪다 가게 된다, 이제‬ ‪[저마다 인사한다]‬You end up going over, you know. You can't help it.
‪(오반) 안녕하세요‬ ‪오반이라고 합니다‬ ‪[성훈이 인사한다]‬You end up going over, you know. You can't help it. -Hello, I'm OVAN. -Hello.
‪- (은실) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (성훈) 아유‬-Hello. -Gosh.
‪[저마다 인사한다]‬ ‪아유‬-Hello, sir. -Gosh. -It's an honor. -Nice to meet you.
‪- (연주) 안녕하세요, 대박‬ ‪- (성훈) 아유, 예‬Hello. -Yes. Thank you. -Amazing.
‪- (동국) 팬입니다‬ ‪- (성훈) 아유, 감사합니다‬-I'm a fan. -Thank you.
‪(진형) 아, 반갑습니다‬Nice to meet you.
‪(은실) 나 악수했어‬ ‪굳은살 장난 아니야‬I shook his hand. It's crazy calloused.
‪손이 장난 아니야, 진짜‬I shook his hand. It's crazy calloused. His hand is so tough.
‪살기가 느껴지더라, 살기가‬His hand is so tough. I could feel an intimidating energy from him.
‪- (은실) 센 사람 개많아‬ ‪- (남경진) 아, 그러니까‬-There are so many strong people here. -I know.
‪[강렬한 음악]‬
‪(현미) 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪(희동) 복싱, 프로 복싱 챔피언‬ ‪[참가자들의 박수]‬The boxer. The pro-boxing champion.
‪세계 1등‬ ‪최현미 선수인 거 같은데요‬ ‪[뻘컵의 탄성]‬-Choi Hyun-mi, the world champion. -I see.
‪(에이전트H) 복싱 1등 아이가?‬-Boxing champion, right? -Yes, of all women in the world.
‪(뻘컵) 어, 세계 여자‬-Boxing champion, right? -Yes, of all women in the world.
‪현 WBA 슈퍼 페더급‬ ‪세계 챔피언입니다‬I'm the current WBA Super Featherweight World Champion.
‪[퍽퍽 때리는 효과음]‬
‪[휭 가르는 효과음]‬
‪(현미) 세계 레코드 안에는‬My current record is 18 wins and 1 tie.
‪19전 18승 1무‬My current record is 18 wins and 1 tie.
‪아직 한 번도 져 본 적이 없고요‬I haven't lost yet,
‪앞으로도‬and I don't plan to in the future.
‪질 생각이 없습니다‬and I don't plan to in the future.
‪[웃음]‬and I don't plan to in the future.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(남자) 잘 어울려요, 둘이‬You two look good together.
‪- (남자) 잘 어울려요‬ ‪- (은실) 어, 까로다‬-You look good. -It's Caro.
‪(용승) 안녕하십니까‬ ‪안녕하십니까‬ ‪[저마다 인사한다]‬-You look good. -It's Caro. Hello.
‪안녕하십니까, 안녕하십니까‬ ‪[저마다 인사한다]‬Hello.
‪(이택) 크로스 핏 유튜버분 중에서‬There's a CrossFit YouTuber called Caro
‪까로 님이라고 계시는데‬There's a CrossFit YouTuber called Caro
‪그분 몸 정말 예쁘거든요‬who has a beautiful physique.
‪그분 몸처럼 되면‬ ‪소원이 없을 거 같습니다‬I'd wish for nothing else if I had a body like his.
‪(까로) 솔직히 얘기하면‬ ‪벗겨 놓으면 턱 밑으로는 제가‬To be honest, if I were stripped naked,
‪거의 완벽에 가깝다고 생각합니다‬I'd be close to perfect from the neck down.
‪아, 이거는 사실이니까‬That's just a fact.
‪(남자) 아, 몸 진짜 좋다‬Wow, he has such a nice shape.
‪- (에이전트H) 왔나?‬ ‪- (용승) 예, 안녕하십니까, 형님‬-Hey. -Hello, sir.
‪(뻘컵) 오셨어요?‬-Hey. -Hello, sir. Among the people I know,
‪(에이전트H) 제가 아는 사람의‬ ‪기준에 한해서는‬Among the people I know, when it comes to strength and aesthetics,
‪힘과 심미적인 부분을 봤을 때‬when it comes to strength and aesthetics,
‪코리안 헤라클레스 용승이가‬ ‪힘이 진짜 좋고‬Yong-seung, the Korean Hercules, is the strongest and has the greatest body.
‪몸도 진짜 빡세거든요‬and has the greatest body.
‪[남자1의 감탄]‬
‪(여자) 어떻게 저렇게 되지?‬How do you get it to look like that?
‪- (남자2) 와, 진짜 몸 갈라진 게‬ ‪- (남자3) 직이네‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬-Look at those ripped muscles. -Killer muscles.
‪[저마다 인사한다]‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪- (병진) 안녕하십니까‬ ‪- (여자1) 반갑습니… 어?‬-Hello. -Hello. Nice to meet you.
‪- (여자1) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- 안녕하십니까‬-Hello. -Hello. A student?
‪(여자2) 엥, 학생이네?‬A student?
‪(뻘컵) 학생이시구나‬He must be a student.
‪(은실) 학생이‬ ‪학교 안 가고 일로 왔네‬-Shouldn't he be in school? -He must have something.
‪(선관) 그래도 뭔가 있을 거 같아‬-Shouldn't he be in school? -He must have something.
‪(진형) 아, 교복을 입고 왔는데?‬He's in a school uniform. -He must have something under the uniform. -Yes.
‪(선관) 저 교복을 벗으면‬ ‪뭔가 있을 거 같아‬ ‪[은실이 호응한다]‬-He must have something under the uniform. -Yes.
‪(진형) 야, 이제는 진짜 모르겠다‬ ‪무슨 경기 할지‬Now I really don't know what we'll be competing in.
‪- (뻘컵) 몇 살이세요?‬ ‪- (병진) 저 열여덟 살입니다‬-How old are you? -I'm 18.
‪(뻘컵) 아, 진짜로? 어떤 운동…‬Really? What do you do?
‪- (병진) 저 태권도 하고 있습니다‬ ‪- (뻘컵) 아, 태권도?‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬I do taekwondo. Taekwondo.
‪- (진형) 국가 대표예요, 혹시?‬ ‪- (병진) 네, 국가 대표‬-Are you on the national team? -Yes.
‪(진형) 아! 그래‬ ‪그냥 나올 수 있나 그래, 와‬-Are you on the national team? -Yes. I knew it. He's here for a reason.
‪열여덟 살 대한민국‬I'm Kim Byeong-jin, an 18-year-old national team free poomsae competitor.
‪자유 품새 국가 대표‬ ‪김병진이라고 합니다‬an 18-year-old national team free poomsae competitor.
‪(병진) 국가 대표 선발전 1등‬I came first in the national team selection process
‪이번에 세계 선수권 대회‬ ‪자유 품새 페어‬ ‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬and in this year's World Championship Free Poomsae Pair.
‪1등 했습니다‬and in this year's World Championship Free Poomsae Pair.
‪10대의 무서움을‬ ‪보여 드리도록 하겠습니다‬I'll show you how fearsome teens can be.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(빛여울) 안녕하세요‬ ‪안녕하세요, 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪(우진용) 어, 안녕하세요‬ ‪[빛여울의 웃음]‬KWAK MYUNG-SIK, CROSSFITTER
‪(은실) 어, 황빛여울‬Hwang Bit-yeo-ul.
‪다 나오네?‬They're all here.
‪- 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (지욱) 안녕하십니까‬-Hello. -Hello, it's nice to meet you all.
‪- 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (지욱) 잘 부탁드립니다‬-Hello. -Hello, it's nice to meet you all.
‪안녕하십니까, 안녕하세요‬ ‪[저마다 인사한다]‬-Hello. -Nice to meet you. KIM MIN-CHEOL MOUNTAIN RESCUE
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬ ‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬
‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬
‪어머, 어머, 깜짝이야‬ ‪어, 깜짝이야‬My gosh, that scared me. What's his deal?
‪(춘리) 어유, 씨‬ ‪뭐, 뭐 하시는 분이야?‬My gosh, that scared me. What's his deal?
‪(여자) 팔이 꺾였어‬ ‪미친 거 아니야?‬-Look at his arms. That's crazy. -Hello.
‪(영) 안녕하세요‬-Look at his arms. That's crazy. -Hello.
‪(영) 저는 한국 최초의‬-Look at his arms. That's crazy. -Hello. I'm Jeon Young, the leader of Korea's first bone-breaking team.
‪본 브레이킹 팀 리더로‬ ‪활동하고 있는‬I'm Jeon Young, the leader of Korea's first bone-breaking team.
‪전영이라고 합니다‬I'm Jeon Young, the leader of Korea's first bone-breaking team.
‪'킹덤1, 2' 그리고 '지옥'에서‬I designed the choreography for both seasons of Kingdom and for Hellbound,
‪안무를 디자인하고‬and for Hellbound,
‪모션 캡처로‬ ‪플레이어로 역할을 하고‬and I worked on the motion capture.
‪이런 일을 수행하고 있습니다‬That's the kind of work I do.
‪(성민) [웃으며] 춘리 쌤‬-Ms. Chun-ri. -How does he do that?
‪(니퍼트) 아, 안녕하세요‬ ‪[참가자들의 박수]‬Hello.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪안녕하세요, 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬
‪(남자1) 두산 레전드‬The Doosan legend.
‪- (남자2) 야구 선수 니퍼트 왔다‬ ‪- (니퍼트) 반갑습니다‬-Nippert the baseball player is here. -Wow.
‪키 한 2m 되겠는데요?‬He's at least two meters tall.
‪(여자) 2m 3, 아까 2m 3‬He's 203cm. I saw it earlier.
‪안녕하세요, 저는‬Hello. I'm Dustin Nippert.
‪더스틴 니퍼트입니다‬Hello. I'm Dustin Nippert.
‪(니퍼트) 2002년‬In 2002, I was drafted by the Arizona Diamondbacks
‪어, 애리조나 다이아몬드백스‬ ‪메이저 리그 베이스볼 드래프트‬In 2002, I was drafted by the Arizona Diamondbacks in the Major League Baseball Draft.
‪2011년 KBO 두산 베어스‬ ‪[캐스터가 해설한다]‬In 2011, I came to Korea to play for KBO Doosan Bears.
‪한국 왔어요‬In 2011, I came to Korea to play for KBO Doosan Bears.
‪[시끌벅적하다]‬ ‪[관중들의 환호와 박수]‬KBO TOTAL 1,000 STRIKEOUTS NO. 40 NIPPERT
‪(학선) 아니‬ ‪남자 중에 제일 큰 사람을‬KBO TOTAL 1,000 STRIKEOUTS NO. 40 NIPPERT You can't put the tallest guy next to the shortest guy.
‪제일 작은 사람 옆에‬ ‪세워 놓으면 어떡해‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬You can't put the tallest guy next to the shortest guy.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬He's here too?
‪- (식) 토르소‬ ‪- (박진용) 모르셨어요?‬-You didn't know? -No, he's coming?
‪(식) 어, 나와?‬-You didn't know? -No, he's coming?
‪(박진용) 어‬ ‪나오는 거 같던데요, 저기서‬-I think so. -I thought you two would know.
‪두 분은 아실 줄 알았는데‬-I think so. -I thought you two would know.
‪(식) 물어봤을 때‬ ‪안 나온다 했는데?‬-I asked, and he said no. -Really?
‪- (박진용) 아, 진짜요?‬ ‪- (정명) 어, 대박인데‬ ‪[식이 호응한다]‬-I asked, and he said no. -Really? This is crazy.
‪(은실) 어? 이 선수도 나왔네‬He's coming too?
‪역시 몸이 진짜 엄청 좋다‬He really has a great body.
‪(희동) 운동 잘하잖아‬ ‪탄력이 장난 아니잖아‬He's good. His vertical jump is no joke.
‪(예현) 인터뷰할 때‬ ‪제일 무섭다고 했었던 분이‬During my interview, I said he scared me the most.
‪저분이거든요‬During my interview, I said he scared me the most.
‪- (범석) 아, 나오셨어‬ ‪- (예현) [웃으며] 아닐 거야‬-I hope not. -He's coming.
‪(예현) 이거 아니…‬-I hope not. -He's coming.
‪(남자1) 걔가 1등일 거 같은데‬ ‪피지컬은?‬I bet he has the best physique.
‪여기 나오실진 모르겠지만‬I'm not sure if he'll come on.
‪엔간한 노력으로 잡을 수 없는‬ ‪범주에 있는 사람이어서‬You can't catch up to his level, even with great effort.
‪한마디로 말하자면‬To put it in one word, he's a monster.
‪정말 괴물이라는 표현밖에‬ ‪할 수가 없습니다‬To put it in one word, he's a monster.
‪(남자1) 아, 100번째로‬ ‪나오나 보다‬-He must be the 100th one to enter. -Number 100, the ending.
‪100번째, 엔딩, 엔딩‬-He must be the 100th one to enter. -Number 100, the ending.
‪(여자) 어디서 올까요?‬Where will he come in from?
‪두구, 두구, 두구, 두구, 두구‬ ‪두구, 두구, 두구, 두구, 두구‬Where will he come in from?
‪(남자2) 마지막 국가 대표‬The last national team athlete.
‪[저마다 말한다]‬-I hope he won't come. -Hello.
‪(남자3) 짐승 한 마리가‬ ‪걸어오는 거 같습니다‬It looked like a beast was walking in.
‪산에서 호랑이를 마주치면‬ ‪요런 느낌이지 않을까‬It felt as if I came across a tiger in the mountains.
‪(준협) 와, 왠지 모르게‬ ‪되게 강렬했어요‬I don't know why, but it was powerful.
‪눈빛 자체가‬The look in his eyes.
‪- 내 거 어디 있지?‬ ‪- (여자) 티셔츠 찢어지겠다‬Where's mine? -His shirt is going to rip. -Hello.
‪(성빈) 안녕하세요‬-His shirt is going to rip. -Hello.
‪안녕하세요, 저는 스켈레톤 탔었던‬ ‪윤성빈이라고 합니다‬Hello, I'm Yun Sung-bin, a former skeleton racer.
‪(성빈) 평창 동계 올림픽에서‬ ‪금메달 땄었고요‬I won gold at the Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Games.
‪올림픽에 참가하는‬ ‪선수들 같은 경우에는‬Olympic athletes rarely get a chance
‪본인을 어필하거나‬to appeal to the public or to share about themselves.
‪얘기를 할 수 있는 기회가‬ ‪많이 없어요‬to appeal to the public or to share about themselves.
‪4년에 한 번‬ ‪딱 올림픽 그때뿐이다 보니까‬The Olympics happen every four years, and we're usually forgotten quickly.
‪금방 잊히는 경우가 많은데‬The Olympics happen every four years, and we're usually forgotten quickly.
‪저도 보여 드리고 싶은‬ ‪모습도 있고 해서‬I came on the show because I wanted to show myself.
‪출연하게 됐습니다‬I came on the show because I wanted to show myself.
‪(남자1) 몸 진짜 좋다‬He has such a great physique.
‪(여자) 토르소가 못 담았어, 몸을‬The torso doesn't do justice to it.
‪(남자2) 어떻게 나오시는 분마다‬ ‪다 상상 이상‬Everyone here is way beyond my imagination.
‪(마스터) '피지컬: 100'에 오신‬ ‪여러분, 환영합니다‬Welcome to Physical: 100.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪앞으로 여러분은‬ ‪이곳의 규칙에 따라‬Starting now, you will compete in games according to the rules here.
‪게임을 진행하게 됩니다‬Starting now, you will compete in games according to the rules here.
‪각자의 토르소 아래‬ ‪미션복이 있습니다‬Your uniforms are under your torsos.
‪지금부터 환복을 시작해 주십시오‬Please change into them now.
‪(남자1) 와, 이들 사이에서‬ ‪내가 경쟁을 해야 된다?‬I have to compete with these people?
‪[웃으며] 아, 이건 미쳤다‬This is crazy.
‪(남자2) 이렇게 유명한 사람들‬All these famous, athletic people have joined this show to compete for real.
‪그리고 신체 능력이 뛰어난‬ ‪사람들이 와서 리얼로 한다‬All these famous, athletic people have joined this show to compete for real.
‪(남자3) 제목 그대로‬ ‪'피지컬: 100'이잖아요‬It literally is Physical: 100.
‪다양한 피지컬을‬ ‪가지고 있는 사람들이‬People with various physiques will be competing against each other.
‪경쟁하는 느낌을 세게 받아서‬People with various physiques will be competing against each other.
‪재밌겠다 싶었어요‬I thought it would be fun.
‪(남자4) 드디어‬ ‪이제 게임을 시작하는구나‬The game is kicking off at last.
‪뭔가 실감이 났어요, 이제 그때‬It felt real then, so I got a little nervous.
‪그때부터 좀 긴장도 되고‬It felt real then, so I got a little nervous.
‪(마스터) 이제‬ ‪게임을 시작하겠습니다‬The games will now begin.
‪그럼 행운을 빌겠습니다‬Good luck.
‪[웅장한 음악]‬
‪(남자1) 아, 이제 진짜 시작이다‬It's beginning for real.
‪(남자2) 아, 진짜 궁금하다‬I can't wait.
‪[참가자들의 기합]‬Let's go!
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪- (남자1) 열렸다‬ ‪- (남자2) 와, 대박, 뭐야?‬-It opened. -Wow, this is insane. What is this?
‪(남자3) 아, 천국의 문이 열렸네‬What is this? The door to heaven has opened.
‪(남자4) 자, 가 보자‬Let's go.
‪(여자) [놀라며] 뭐야, 무서워‬What's this? I'm scared.
‪(남자5) 재밌겠다‬This is going to be fun.
‪[남자6의 탄성]‬
‪(남자7) 뭐야, 번호가 있어‬Wait, there are numbers.
‪(남자8) 야, 미쳤다‬This is insane.
‪(플로리안) 오, 마이 갓‬
‪(남자9) 숫자가 뭔가‬ ‪불길하긴 한데‬I've got a bad feeling about these numbers.
‪'오징어 게임' 같은 느낌이‬ ‪빡 왔죠‬ ‪[신비로운 음악]‬I got the feeling it would be like Squid Game.
‪(여자) 와, 이거 진짜‬ ‪스케일 장난 아니다‬This is an incredible setup.
‪(치현) 와‬ ‪이런, 이런 장소가 있다니‬A place like this exists? What games will we play?
‪무슨 게임을 하지?‬A place like this exists? What games will we play?
‪(제용) 좀 흥분됐었어요‬ ‪드디어 시작이구나‬I got excited. It was finally beginning.
‪(주형) 진짜 도대체‬ ‪이 사람들을 모아 놓고‬What on earth will they do with these people?
‪도대체 뭘 할까?‬What on earth will they do with these people?
‪(동국) 지금까지 준비했던 것들‬I thought, "It's time to show them what I've prepared."
‪이제 드디어‬ ‪이제 보여 줄 때가 왔구나‬I thought, "It's time to show them what I've prepared."
‪(호주 타잔) 오늘 죽을 때까지‬ ‪한번 달려 보도록 하겠습니다‬I'll keep going until I die.
‪(남자) 와, 너무 재밌어, 벌써‬Wow, it's so much fun already.
‪(다정) 이거‬ ‪뚫리는 거 아니겠죠, 바닥?‬ ‪[소영이 호응한다]‬The floor won't fall out, right?
‪(소영) [웃으며] 바닥, 바닥이‬The floor…
‪너무 많이 봤다, 너무 많이‬ ‪바닥이 쫙‬The floor… You've watched way too many movies. The floor?
‪(남자1) 뭘 시킬지 감을 못 잡겠네‬I can't guess what they'll make us do.
‪(남자2) 싸하다‬I have a bad feeling about this. What are we doing?
‪과연 뭐 할까?‬I have a bad feeling about this. What are we doing?
‪(은실) 아, 진짜 뭐지?‬What could it be?
‪[신비로운 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪[신비로운 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬
‪(마스터) 100인의 참가자 여러분‬ ‪반갑습니다‬Welcome, 100 contestants.
‪(여자) 와!‬
‪(마스터) 우리는 성별, 나이‬We invited you all here
‪인종의 구분 없이‬We invited you all here
‪가장 완벽한 피지컬을‬ ‪탐구하기 위해‬to search for the most perfect physique,
‪여러분을 이곳으로 초대했습니다‬regardless of gender, age, or race.
‪가장 완벽한 피지컬에 대한 탐구‬To find the most perfect physique,
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪우리가 준비한 퀘스트는‬we have prepared five quests.
‪다섯 가지입니다‬ ‪[신비로운 효과음]‬we have prepared five quests.
‪마지막까지 살아남은‬ ‪최후의 피지컬‬The one to last to the end,
‪그 주인공에게는‬the final physique standing,
‪상금‬the final physique standing,
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬ ‪3억 원이‬will win 300 million won.
‪3억 원이 주어집니다‬ ‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬will win 300 million won.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(남자1) 3억? 와, 3억? 와‬Three hundred million won?
‪(남자2) 3억까진 생각 못 했다‬I wasn't expecting 300 million won.
‪독하게 해야겠다‬I have to go all in.
‪아, 진짜 3억 대박이구나‬Wow, 300 million won is insane.
‪(희찬) 욕심을‬ ‪한번 내 볼 수 있는 금액이구나‬It's an amount that I'd like to get my hands on.
‪(예지) 소름 돋았어‬I got chills.
‪(남자) 3억이면‬ ‪이거 목숨 걸어야 되지‬It's worth betting your life for. I should have exercised harder.
‪(춘리) 운동 좀 열심히 할걸‬I should have exercised harder.
‪(학선) 죽기 살기로‬ ‪해야 되겠는데, 이거?‬ ‪[요요의 웃음]‬I really need to give my all.
‪(소영) 현찰 3억?‬Three hundred million in cash?
‪그거 좋다‬That's nice.
‪(현승) 저거를‬ ‪내 거로 만들어야겠다‬I'm going to make it mine.
‪일단 최선을 다해 보자, 후회 없이‬I'm going to give it my best with no regrets.
‪(마스터) 그럼‬The first quest will now begin.
‪첫 번째 퀘스트를 시작하겠습니다‬The first quest will now begin.
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬
‪- (여자) 가자, 가자‬ ‪- (소영) 가자!‬-Let's go! -Let's go!
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(마스터) 첫 번째 퀘스트의‬ ‪생존율은‬The survival rate of the first quest…
‪50%입니다‬is 50 percent.
‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬is 50 percent.
‪- (뻘컵) 절반이 떨어진다고?‬ ‪- (대원) 쉣‬Half of us will be eliminated?
‪(여자) 너무‬ ‪극단적인 거 아니에요?‬Isn't that too extreme?
‪(미라클) 뭐라고?‬
‪(마스터) [한국어] 하지만 그 전에‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬But before we get to that, there is a pre-quest mission you must go through.
‪여러분이 거쳐야 할‬ ‪사전 퀘스트가 있습니다‬there is a pre-quest mission you must go through.
‪룰은 매우 간단합니다‬The rule is very simple.
‪구조물에 매달려‬Hang from the structure…
‪구조물에 매달려‬Hang from the structure, and be the one who lasts the longest.
‪가장 오래 버티시면 됩니다‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄식]‬Hang from the structure, and be the one who lasts the longest.
‪(호주 타잔) 구조물이‬ ‪어디 있는데?‬-Where's the structure? -We're supposed to hang from that?
‪(남자) 와, 이거 매달리는 거였어‬-Where's the structure? -We're supposed to hang from that?
‪이럴 줄 알았어‬-I'm doomed. -I knew it.
‪(플로리안) 잡고‬ ‪잘 매달리는 거야?‬-We have to hang on? -Yes, for as long as possible.
‪(지한) 어, 제일 오래 매달리는 거‬-We have to hang on? -Yes, for as long as possible.
‪(선호) 어, 많이 좀‬ ‪당황을 했습니다‬I was very flustered.
‪(진형) 이건 내 게임이 아이다‬I had a bad feeling about this.
‪(방성혁) 제가‬ ‪체중이 많이 나가는데‬I weigh quite a lot. I should have lost some weight.
‪살 좀 뺄걸‬I weigh quite a lot. I should have lost some weight.
‪(학선) 매달리기야‬ ‪내가 조금 더 자신 있는 분야니까‬Hanging is something I'm relatively confident in.
‪1등을 해야겠다‬I'm going for the win.
‪(민철) 제가 아이스 클라이밍‬ ‪선수로 활동 중이니까‬I currently compete as an ice climber,
‪웬만하면 1등을 하지 않을까 하는‬so I was confident that I would most likely win.
‪그런 자신감이 있었습니다‬so I was confident that I would most likely win.
‪(마스터) 두 팔의 힘으로 매달려‬Hang with the strength of your arms
‪끝까지 버텨 주십시오‬and last as long as you can.
‪(남자) 와, 이거 어떡하나?‬Darn it. This is bad.
‪(마스터) 끝까지 버틴 자에게는‬The one who lasts the longest…
‪생존에 유리한‬ ‪강력한 특권이 주어집니다‬will get a privilege that will give them an advantage in their survival.
‪(상훈) 아, 이게‬ ‪바로 떨어지는 게 아니네‬We won't get eliminated right away.
‪(요요) 오래 버티는 사람‬ ‪생존에 유리한 특권이 주어진대‬The one who lasts the longest gets a privilege.
‪특권을 준다고 하니까‬ ‪'어, 오래 버티자'‬A privilege was at stake, so I needed to last long.
‪'할 수 있는 내 모든 걸‬ ‪일단 다 해 보자'‬I'll give it everything I've got.
‪(남자) 베니핏이라면‬ ‪성별을 떠나서‬A benefit… Regardless of gender, I should hang on as if my life depends on it.
‪죽기 살기로 해야겠다‬Regardless of gender, I should hang on as if my life depends on it.
‪아, 무조건 이기겠습니다‬I'll win no matter what.
‪(마스터) 여러분이 서 있는‬ ‪자리에는‬You are each standing on a number of your choice.
‪여러분이 선택한 번호가 있습니다‬You are each standing on a number of your choice.
‪그 번호에 따라 두 조로 나눠‬ ‪게임을 진행하겠습니다‬For this game, you will be divided into two groups according to the numbers.
‪그럼 게임을 준비해 주십시오‬Now, prepare yourselves.
‪"퀘스트: 0"‬GROUP 1
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- (남자1) 나 떨려‬ ‪- (남자2) 나도 떨려‬-I'm nervous. -Me too.
‪(플로리안) [영어]‬
‪(은실) [한국어] 와‬ ‪여길 매달리라고?‬Gosh, we have to hang on to that?
‪(다정) 쉽지 않을 거 같은데‬I don't think it'll be easy.
‪(다정) 첫 번째로‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬It was our first chance to check each other's strength,
‪서로의 전투력을 확인할 수 있는‬ ‪그런 건데‬It was our first chance to check each other's strength, but the quest was something I was weak at,
‪취약 종목이 나와서‬ ‪좀 당황스러웠습니다‬but the quest was something I was weak at, so I was quite flustered.
‪(남자) 양학선 선수가‬ ‪당연히 체조시니까‬Yang Hak-seon is a gymnast.
‪더 우위에 있을 거라고‬ ‪생각했거든요‬I thought he'd have an edge over us.
‪(지한) 처음에‬ ‪어떻게 잡고 있어요?‬-How should we hold on at first? -Me?
‪(학선) 저요?‬ ‪내려오는 위치에 따라서‬-How should we hold on at first? -Me? It depends on where we are when it comes down.
‪전 이렇게 잡았을 거 같아요‬It depends on where we are when it comes down. -I'd do this. -Like this?
‪- (지한) 아, 이렇게 잡으면…‬ ‪- (학선) 네‬-I'd do this. -Like this? Yes, cling on like this and droop downward.
‪(학선) 이렇게 해 가지고‬ ‪죽 늘어…‬Yes, cling on like this and droop downward.
‪- 그냥 늘어져요, 힘 빼고?‬ ‪- (학선) 힘 빼고‬-Just droop and relax? -Relax.
‪(요요) 힘 빼고…‬Relax and droop.
‪(학선) 매달리기야‬ ‪내가 조금 더 자신 있는 분야니까‬Hanging is something I'm confident in,
‪좀 기분 좋았어요, 오랜만에, 예‬so I felt good. It had been a while.
‪(한샘) 저희 조에‬ ‪추성훈 님이 있었거든요?‬Choo Sung-hoon was in my group.
‪그래서 제가‬ ‪'아, 추성훈 님만 이겨 보자'‬So I thought, "Let's just beat him."
‪(성훈) 어, 아귀힘은‬When it comes to gripping strength,
‪솔직히 제가 유도 했기 때문에‬ ‪어느 정도의 자신이 있습니다‬When it comes to gripping strength, I trained in judo, so I'm quite confident about that.
‪그래서 10등 안에 들어갈 수 있나‬I trained in judo, so I'm quite confident about that. So I think I could be in the top ten, more or less.
‪그 정도 생각하고 있습니다‬So I think I could be in the top ten, more or less.
‪(성훈) 겨드랑이에다가‬ ‪이거 껴도 괜찮대요‬It's okay to hang with the bar under your arms.
‪(은지) 네, 된다고 하는데요‬It's okay to hang with the bar under your arms. Yes, they said we could.
‪- (성훈) 훨씬 좋아요‬ ‪- (은지) 음, 이렇게 하면요?‬-That's much better. -If you do this?
‪(성훈) 네, 훨씬 좋아요‬Yes, it's much better.
‪(마스터) '피지컬: 100'‬ ‪사전 퀘스트‬The Physical: 100 pre-quest mission for group one will now begin.
‪1조 참가자 게임을 시작하겠습니다‬The Physical: 100 pre-quest mission for group one will now begin.
‪[비장한 음악]‬
‪(남자1) 와, 온다‬It's coming.
‪(플로리안) 아‬ ‪내려온다, 내려온다‬It's coming down. Will I be okay?
‪- (플로리안) 괜찮겠지?‬ ‪- (남자1) 온다, 온다‬It's coming down. Will I be okay? -It's coming. -I'm sweating.
‪(플로리안) 야, 땀이 나‬ ‪[남자1의 탄성]‬-It's coming. -I'm sweating.
‪(남자1) 떨린다, 떨려‬This is tense.
‪(남자2) 파이팅, 파이팅!‬Let's do this.
‪파이팅!‬Let's do this!
‪(상욱) 파이팅!‬-Let's do this! -Let's do this!
‪(참가자들) 파이팅!‬-Let's do this! -Let's do this! Let's do this!
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(예지) 위의 철봉 보고‬ ‪닭살이 돋는 게‬I got goosebumps when I saw the bars above my head.
‪(범석) 전 머릿속이 복잡했어요‬My mind was racing.
‪어떻게 매달려야 되나‬My mind was racing. How should I hang from this?
‪긴장은 안 됐습니다‬I didn't feel nervous.
‪(남경진) 그냥 아무 생각 없이‬ ‪그냥 한번 매달려 보자‬I didn't think much about it. I thought, "Let's just do it."
‪어찌 되었건‬ ‪이건 본 게임이 아니니까‬This isn't the main game,
‪(까로) 고민했죠‬ ‪이거에 최선을 다해야 하나‬so I was torn. Should I give this my all, or should I save some energy?
‪아니면 여기서‬ ‪좀 힘을 비축을 해야 하나‬Should I give this my all, or should I save some energy?
‪[종소리가 뎅뎅 울린다]‬ ‪(상욱) 야, 형, 형‬Hey.
‪[종소리가 뎅뎅 울린다]‬ ‪야, 형, 형‬Hey.
‪[범석의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪(남자) 와, 이거 빡센데?‬Jeez, this is tough.
‪(플로리안) 아, 올라간다고?‬ ‪야, 미친 거 아니야?‬It's going up? This is crazy!
‪[여자가 놀란다]‬
‪(남자1) 와, 씨, 이게 뭐야‬What is this?
‪(남자2) 오, 올라가는구나‬It's going up.
‪[참가자들의 당황한 탄성]‬It's going up.
‪와, 씨, 물이야‬There's water.
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪(정호) 뚜껑 열리니까‬ ‪안개가 자욱하게 있어서‬When the floor opened up, there was thick fog.
‪이게 깊이를 잘 모르지 않습니까‬When the floor opened up, there was thick fog. We couldn't judge the depth. so it was really scary.
‪그래서 너무 무서웠어요‬We couldn't judge the depth. so it was really scary.
‪(소영) 저거 빠지면‬ ‪정말 죽지 않나?‬Will I die if I fall down?
‪(다정) 제가 '오징어 게임'‬ ‪봤을 때 그런 느낌의‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬I felt the kind of fear I felt when I was watching Squid Game.
‪그런 살짝 공포가 오는 거예요‬I felt the kind of fear I felt when I was watching Squid Game.
‪(은실) 진짜 아찔했어요‬I felt dizzy.
‪[여자가 놀란다]‬
‪(플로리안) 야‬ ‪이거에다가 버틴다고?‬I have to hang like this?
‪야, 씨발‬Shit.
‪아, 나 욕 안 했어요‬No, I didn't curse.
‪아, 이렇게 버텨야 되는구나‬So this is how you do it.
‪마, 센데?‬Wow. This is no joke.
‪(여자) 파이팅! 가자!‬Let's go! Let's do this!
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬Let's do this!
‪(플로리안) 야, 어떡, 어떡해‬Oh, no.
‪(여자) 가자!‬Let's do this!
‪[첨벙 떨어지는 소리]‬
‪(플로리안) 야‬ ‪어떡, 어떡해, 아니…‬Oh, no. What…
‪뭐야? 벌써 빠졌어?‬What was that? Someone fell already?
‪[남자의 탄성]‬ ‪(소영) 올라가자마자‬ ‪떨어지더라고요‬JEON YOUNG, MOVIE CHOREOGRAPHER GROUP 1, 50TH PLACE He dropped as soon as we went up.
‪'그래도 10초는 버텨야지'‬ ‪뭐, 이런 생각‬I thought, "You should last at least ten seconds."
‪(최성혁) 베니핏이‬ ‪주어진다 했는데도‬He fell off even when there was a benefit, so this was clearly not his forte.
‪빨리 떨어진 거 보니까‬He fell off even when there was a benefit, so this was clearly not his forte.
‪저 사람 잘 못했구나‬He fell off even when there was a benefit, so this was clearly not his forte.
‪[진형의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪이거는 못 매달리는데‬I can't do this.
‪(남자) 와, 빠진다‬People started falling.
‪(진형) 몬 버티겠더라고요‬I couldn't hold on.
‪포기는 했지만‬I couldn't hold on. So I gave up, but it hurt my pride, to be honest.
‪좀 자존심 사실 좀 많이 상했어요‬So I gave up, but it hurt my pride, to be honest.
‪그냥, 스트롱맨 대회 1등도 했는데‬So I gave up, but it hurt my pride, to be honest. I mean, I've been a champion in a strong man competition.
‪와, 괜히 나왔나‬ ‪생각도 좀 했고 좀‬I thought, "Maybe I shouldn't have joined."
‪[무거운 음악]‬I thought, "Maybe I shouldn't have joined." JUNG HAE-MIN CYCLIST
‪[해민의 애쓰는 신음]‬JUNG HAE-MIN CYCLIST I hadn't hung from anything since elementary school,
‪(해민) 매달리는 건 초등학교 때‬ ‪이후로 해 본 적이 없어서‬I hadn't hung from anything since elementary school,
‪자신은 없었어요‬so I wasn't confident.
‪그래도‬ ‪최선은 다해 보자는 생각으로‬But I thought I'd still do my best.
‪[참가자들의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(플로리안) 야, 이게‬ ‪너무 힘든 거야‬Gosh, this is really hard.
‪이런 거 헬스장에서‬ ‪안 알려 준단 말이야‬They don't teach this at the gym.
‪[소영의 힘겨운 탄성]‬
‪(소영) 난 망했다‬I'm done for.
‪[은지의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[요요의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(은실) 와, 씨‬Darn it.
‪(은실) 처음 퀘스트부터 떨어지면‬This was the first game so I really didn't want to fail.
‪무조건 안 된다는 생각에‬This was the first game so I really didn't want to fail.
‪'이건 가야 된다'‬I had to hold on.
‪(플로리안) 야, 이거‬I think I'm getting cramps.
‪쥐가 날 거 같아‬ ‪[풍덩 떨어지는 소리]‬I think I'm getting cramps.
‪(남경진) 아따, 피 안 통하네, 씨‬Damn, my blood's not circulating.
‪[해민의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(진형) [웃으며]‬ ‪안 되겠더라, 이거는‬-I was too heavy to hold on. -How do they do it? I couldn't do it.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Lighter people are bound to win this one. YANG HAK-SEON NATIONAL TEAM GYMNAST
‪(지한) 왜 이렇게 편안해 보여요?‬-Why do you look so relaxed? -I'm tired too.
‪(학선) 힘들어요, 힘들어‬-Why do you look so relaxed? -I'm tired too.
‪파이팅!‬Let's do this!
‪(상욱) 파이팅!‬Let's do this!
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(참가자들) 파이팅!‬-Let's go! -Let's go!
‪(은실) 와, 여기서 떨어지면‬ ‪쪽팔릴 거 같아서‬It'll be so embarrassing if I fall now. I should give it my all.
‪최선을 다해 봐야죠‬It'll be so embarrassing if I fall now. I should give it my all.
‪(플로리안) 야, 이게 미끄러워진다‬Hey, it's becoming slippery.
‪[다정의 힘겨운 신음]‬No. You've got this!
‪(남자) 안 돼, 안 돼‬ ‪안 돼, 안 돼‬No. You've got this!
‪[다정의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪파이팅!‬No. You've got this!
‪안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼‬No.
‪[불안한 웃음]‬
‪[다정의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[까로의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[플로리안의 힘주는 탄성]‬No, darn it.
‪[까로의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬ ‪[풍덩]‬No, darn it.
‪[플로리안의 힘주는 탄성]‬No, darn it.
‪(플로리안) 야, 이거 헬스장에서‬ ‪안 알려 준단 말이야‬They don't teach this at the gym.
‪[참가자들의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(여자1) 파이팅, 파이팅‬You can do it!
‪(여자2) 파이팅!‬You got this!
‪[참가자들이 응원한다]‬Wow, it's so scary. -Keep going! -It's no joke.
‪(플로리안) 그거 잡을 수 있어요‬I can hold on.
‪[은실의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪- (여자1) 파이팅, 파이팅‬ ‪- (진형) 와, 잘 버틴다‬-You can do this. -She's good.
‪(여자2) 파이팅!‬ ‪[풍덩]‬You got this!
‪아! 쉣!‬
‪(은실) 아! 쉣!‬
‪쪽팔려요‬ ‪[웃음]‬It's humiliating.
‪너무 잘해, 사람들이‬The others are so good. They're crazy.
‪미쳤어‬They're crazy.
‪[풍덩 빠지는 소리]‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[참가자들의 비명]‬
‪(남자) 파이팅!‬You can do it!
‪(성훈) 음, 생각보다 조금‬CHOO SUNG-HOON, MMA FIGHTER GROUP 1, 27TH PLACE I fell much sooner than I expected to,
‪많이 빨리 떨어졌네 싶어서‬I fell much sooner than I expected to,
‪별로 마음이 안 좋네요‬so I'm not very pleased.
‪씁, 열심히 한 거 같은데‬I tried pretty hard.
‪(은실) 스물한 명!‬Twenty-one left!
‪스무 명!‬Twenty left!
‪열아홉 명!‬Nineteen left!
‪(정명)‬Look at the wrestler. He's amazing.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(해민)‬He looks heavy but he's holding on really well. -Yes. He's just holding on. -Keep going!
‪[참가자들이 응원한다]‬ ‪(진형)‬-Yes. He's just holding on. -Keep going! -You got this! -Keep going!
‪(진형)‬Won't his shoulder dislocate from that?
‪(해민) 그러니까요‬Won't his shoulder dislocate from that? I know.
‪[남경진의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(남경진) 제가 체급도 있으니깐‬Because I'm heavier, I did think I'd be at a disadvantage.
‪좀 불리할 거라 생각은 했었어요‬Because I'm heavier, I did think I'd be at a disadvantage.
‪근데 뭐, 자신과의 싸움에서‬Because I'm heavier, I did think I'd be at a disadvantage. But I wanted to win this fight against myself.
‪해보자라는 생각으로‬ ‪[힘겨운 신음]‬But I wanted to win this fight against myself.
‪(정호) 이 팔 하나 갖고‬ ‪버티는 거 보고‬He was hanging by just one arm,
‪[풍덩 빠지는 소리]‬ ‪'저 사람은 절대 만나면 안 된다'‬and I thought I should avoid him at all costs.
‪(은실) 자기 체중을 이긴다는 게‬ ‪정말 대단한 거 같아요‬Withstanding his body weight was really impressive.
‪(은실) 잘하고 있어!‬You're doing well!
‪(플로리안) [영어] 가자!‬
‪[참가자들의 힘겨운 탄성]‬
‪(남자) [한국어] 어유, 팔 저려‬My arm is numb.
‪(은실) 열여섯 명!‬ ‪레슬링 파이팅, 남경진 파이팅!‬Sixteen left. Go, wrestlers! Nam Kyung-jin, you got this!
‪[준명의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪버텨!‬Hang in there! Don't fall!
‪떨어지지 마‬Hang in there! Don't fall!
‪[남경진의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪아, 잘했어, 잘했어‬You did well.
‪(남경진) 특권‬ ‪요런 얘기가 있었기 때문에‬A privilege was at stake, so when I fell, I thought, "This is bad."
‪[웃으며] 와‬ ‪큰일 났단 생각이 들었죠‬A privilege was at stake, so when I fell, I thought, "This is bad."
‪마음이 안 좋았습니다‬ ‪[웃음]‬I didn't feel so great.
‪(은실) 잘하고 있어!‬You're doing great! Yang Hak-seon looks so relaxed.
‪[나른한 음악]‬
‪(기관) 자고 있어, 양학선 선수‬Hak-seon is asleep.
‪(학선) 네? 아니, 아니, 아니에요‬What? No.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪[강렬한 음악]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[애쓰는 신음]‬
‪(참가자들) 파이팅, 파이팅!‬-Keep going! -Keep going!
‪(예지) 제 앞에‬ ‪황빛여울 님이 계셨거든요?‬Hwang Bit-yeo-ul was in front of me.
‪'여자 중에선 그래도‬ ‪끝까지 남아 보자' 이 생각으로‬I held out as long as I could because I wanted to be the last woman standing.
‪최대한 버텼어요, 떨어지기 싫어서‬I held out as long as I could because I wanted to be the last woman standing. I didn't want to fall.
‪(빛여울) 제가 보여 줘야죠‬I have to show them.
‪- (해민) 아, 대단하다, 진짜‬ ‪- (진형) 여자들 대단하다, 진짜‬-How amazing. -The women are really impressive.
‪(은실) 잘하고 있어!‬You're doing great! Hang in there!
‪좀만 더 버텨!‬You're doing great! Hang in there!
‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬
‪(참가자들) 파이팅, 파이팅!‬You got this! Keep going!
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬-Gosh, where is she going? -Jeez.
‪[참가자들의 안타까운 탄식]‬
‪(남자1) 나이스!‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬LEE YE-JI, MMA FIGHTER GROUP 1, 11TH PLACE
‪(여자) 아, 잘했어, 잘했어‬LEE YE-JI, MMA FIGHTER GROUP 1, 11TH PLACE A woman lasted this long?
‪(남자2) 여자분이‬ ‪이렇게 오래 버텼다고?‬A woman lasted this long?
‪(남자3) 대단하다‬-Gosh. -Amazing.
‪(해민) 대단하다‬ ‪여자 한 분 남았네?‬Amazing. There's only one woman left.
‪(다정) 어, 되게 안정적이다‬She seems really stable.
‪나 혼자 여자야, 혹시?‬ ‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬Am I the only woman left?
‪[픽 웃는다]‬
‪(빛여울) 일단 우리 조에서‬ ‪5등 안에만 들자‬I wanted to come in the top five of my group.
‪더 매달렸다가 그냥 나도‬ ‪베니핏을 최대한 활용해야겠다‬I wanted to come in the top five of my group. I thought I should hang on to get the benefit.
‪[남자의 탄성]‬
‪(최성혁) 아, 팔이야‬My arms.
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪[참가자들이 응원한다]‬Hang on!
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(범석) 이렇게 올라가 있으니까‬ ‪겨드랑이가 아파서‬I propped myself up, and my armpits became sore.
‪이제 그 고통을‬ ‪참았어야 되는 거거든요‬So I had to endure the pain.
‪'진짜 쉽지 않겠다'‬I thought it was going to be hard.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[범석의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[참가자들의 탄식]‬
‪(범석) 톱 5 안에는‬ ‪들었어야 됐는데‬I should have gotten in the top five.
‪첫 스타트가 너무 아쉬웠어요‬It was a disappointing way to start off.
‪[미라클의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(해민) 와, 저 외국인분도 잘한다‬-The foreigner is doing well. -Miracle, hang in there!
‪(플로리안) 미라클, 좀 더 버텨!‬-The foreigner is doing well. -Miracle, hang in there!
‪- (한샘) 미라클!‬ ‪- 예스!‬Miracle! Fight it!
‪(한샘) 버텨!‬Miracle! Fight it!
‪(플로리안) [영어]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬I'm afraid of deep water.
‪(미라클) [한국어] 미라클이‬ ‪깊은 거 무서워요‬I'm afraid of deep water.
‪그거 때문에 열심히 하고 있어요‬That's why I tried even harder.
‪할 수 있다‬ ‪[참가자들이 응원한다]‬I can do it.
‪[미라클의 힘겨운 신음]‬Keep going!
‪(여자) 아, 저분은 폴 댄스 하시고‬ ‪크로스 핏 하시고‬ ‪[남자1이 호응한다]‬-He does pole dancing, -Yes, that's right. as well as CrossFit.
‪(남자2) 체조 선수 표정‬ ‪너무 여유로운 거 아니에요?‬-Doesn't the gymnast look so relaxed? -Yes, seriously.
‪(남자3) 아, 진짜‬-Doesn't the gymnast look so relaxed? -Yes, seriously.
‪[나른한 음악]‬ ‪(남자2) 책도, 책도 읽겠는데?‬He could read a book up there.
‪(해민) 김치까지 하는데요?‬He's even making a peace sign.
‪(학선) 생각보다‬ ‪진짜 많이 힘들었거든요?‬ ‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬It was much harder than I thought.
‪근데 일단 주변에서‬ ‪무조건 체조가 1등 한다, 이거는‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬But everyone else said the gymnast would win this,
‪그래서 '아, 이왕 할 거면‬ ‪1등을 해야겠다'‬so I was like, "I might as well win."
‪(남자1) 아, 저 끝의 분‬ ‪너무 여유로워 보이는데?‬The guy at the end looks so at ease.
‪(남자2) 경백, 나이스‬Kyeong-baek, nice. Why are you so relaxed?
‪뭐야, 여유롭잖아‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Kyeong-baek, nice. Why are you so relaxed?
‪[진형의 감탄]‬
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬My UDT senior and a former drill instructor.
‪(대원) 대박‬No way.
‪(경백) 저희가 실제 훈련할 때도‬In our actual training, we need to hang from things in many situations.
‪매달려야 되는 상황들이‬ ‪많기 때문에‬In our actual training, we need to hang from things in many situations.
‪'상위권 이상은 할 수 있겠구나'‬ ‪이런 생각을 했었습니다‬I thought I could land somewhere in the top tier.
‪[미라클의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪(한샘) 미라클!‬Miracle!
‪(플로리안) 포기하지 마‬
‪[참가자들의 탄식]‬Keep it up!
‪[박수 소리]‬ ‪(플로리안) [한국어] 대단하다‬MIRACLE, DANCER GROUP 1, 6TH PLACE You did amazing.
‪- (은실) 잘했어, 잘했어‬ ‪- (남자) 톱 5, 톱 5‬-Well done. -Down to the top five.
‪(은실) 좋아, 좋아, 굿 보이!‬Nice.
‪- (은실) 잘했어‬ ‪- (이택) [영어] 잘했어‬Well done.
‪(여자) [한국어] 버텨, 버텨!‬Fight it!
‪(기관) 이거 버틸 때까지‬ ‪버텨 보자 했는데‬I wanted to hold on as long as I could,
‪주변에 있는 양학선이라는 선수는‬but Yang Hak-seon, who was close by, was on another level.
‪너무 넘사였어요‬ ‪[기관의 웃음]‬but Yang Hak-seon, who was close by, was on another level.
‪너무 편안해 보였어‬He just looked so at ease. So I held on as long as I could, but…
‪그래서 버티다 버티다…‬He just looked so at ease. So I held on as long as I could, but…
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬He just looked so at ease. So I held on as long as I could, but…
‪(남자) 아, 톱 5‬
‪(까로) 아, 축하드립니다, 형님‬Congratulations.
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬
‪(참가자들) 파이팅!‬-Keep going! -Keep going!
‪(현미) 여울아, 세 명‬Three to go.
‪- 세 명?‬ ‪- (현미) 세 명‬Three? Three.
‪(현미) 버텨‬Stay up there.
‪(빛여울) 버텨‬I will.
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪아, 죽겠다‬I'm dying.
‪[최성혁의 힘겨운 신음]‬I'm dying.
‪[최성혁의 헛웃음]‬
‪(빛여울) [힘겨워하며] 내려가세요‬Please let go.
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬
‪(참가자들) 파이팅!‬-You got this. -Keep it up.
‪[힘주는 신음]‬ ‪(최성혁) 제 앞쪽에‬ ‪여성분이 한 분 계셔 가지고‬-You got this. -Keep it up. There was a woman in front of me, so I tried harder.
‪[웃으며] 끝까지 버티는데‬ ‪안 떨어지더라고요‬There was a woman in front of me, so I tried harder. But she refused to give up, so I held out.
‪악으로 버텼죠‬But she refused to give up, so I held out.
‪[힘겨운 탄성]‬
‪누구야?‬That woman is amazing. Who is she?
‪[은지의 탄성]‬-I see. -Hang in there.
‪나 이제 그만 갈까?‬Should I just give up?
‪(지수) 네 명이야, 네 명‬ ‪네 명이에요‬There are four left.
‪(은실) 잘하고 있어!‬You're doing well!
‪(요요) 할 수 있다!‬ ‪[이택의 환호성]‬You can do it!
‪(빛여울) 조금 더 버텨 볼까?‬Should I hold on a little longer?
‪(남자) 어, 온다, 온다‬He's feeling it.
‪(참가자들) 파이팅!‬-You got this! -You got this!
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[참가자들의 탄식]‬
‪(남자) 와, 저분도‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬Wow, he fell too.
‪- (천일) 와, 대박, 아‬ ‪- (대원) 와, 멋있어, 멋있어‬-Hold on! -He did great.
‪나 이제 내려가면 안 될까?‬Can I come down now?
‪(현미) 아니야, 아니야‬No!
‪아, 못 하겠다‬I can't do it!
‪[빛여울의 비명]‬ ‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬
‪(빛여울) 아, 못 하겠다‬I can't do it!
‪[빛여울의 비명]‬ ‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬
‪(해민) 에이스다, 와‬ ‪대단하다, 대단해‬She's the best. Wow, that was amazing.
‪(은실) 빛여울, 잘했어!‬Well done, Bit-yeo-ul!
‪(빛여울) 와, 너무 힘들다‬ ‪[빛여울의 서러운 소리]‬Gosh, that was so hard.
‪(예지) 팔 괜찮으세요?‬Are your arms okay?
‪(빛여울) 팔에 감각이 없어‬I can't feel my arms.
‪(빛여울) 뿌듯했어요, 사실 제가‬I did feel proud. I was the longest-lasting woman,
‪여자 중에 제일 위에 있기도 했고‬I was the longest-lasting woman,
‪여자도 남자 못지않게 세다는 걸‬ ‪보여 준 거 같아서‬and I think I showed them that women are just as strong as men.
‪좀 잘했던 거 같아요‬I think I did pretty well.
‪(참가자들) 파이팅!‬-Keep going! -Keep going!
‪- (남자) 노려, 노려보고 있어‬ ‪- (은실) 체조 레전드‬-Keep it up! -He's glaring. -You're a legend! Hang on! -He's glaring at him.
‪[웅장한 음악]‬ ‪[저마다 말한다]‬-You're a legend! Hang on! -He's glaring at him.
‪(해민) 와, 대단하다, 대단해‬Gosh, they're amazing.
‪(은실) 가자, 체조 레전드‬Gosh, they're amazing. Go, gymnastics legend. Hang in there!
‪버텨, 버텨!‬Go, gymnastics legend. Hang in there!
‪(이택) 양학선 파이팅!‬Go, Yang Hak-seon!
‪(학선) 21년 동안‬ ‪매달리기를 했기 때문에‬I've hung off things for 21 years, so I need to win at all costs.
‪무조건 이겨야 돼요‬I've hung off things for 21 years, so I need to win at all costs.
‪제가 거기서 지잖아요?‬If I lose here, all the gymnasts nationwide will give me hell.
‪전국에 있는 체조 선수들한테‬ ‪질타받습니다‬If I lose here, all the gymnasts nationwide will give me hell.
‪(경백) UDT의‬ ‪15년이라는 세월 동안‬I trained with the UDT for 15 years, and there were many situations where we had to hang from things,
‪매달려야 되는 상황들이‬ ‪많기 때문에‬and there were many situations where we had to hang from things,
‪가장 자신 있는 거 같습니다‬so I feel very confident.
‪- (지수) UDT 가자, UDT!‬ ‪- (상욱) UDT 파이팅!‬Go, UDT! Let's go, UDT!
‪[참가자들이 응원한다]‬Let's go, UDT! -You're almost there. -They're looking at each other.
‪(여자) 야, UDT와‬ ‪올림픽 금메달리스트‬Gosh, a UDT soldier and an Olympic gold medalist.
‪(남자1) 파이팅, 파이팅‬ ‪라스트, 라스트‬You got this. It's the last stretch.
‪(남자2) 저분은 저게 일상이니까요‬That's his everyday life right there. It's what he does.
‪저 운동만 하잖아요‬That's his everyday life right there. It's what he does.
‪(여자) 다 했어, 다 했어‬-You're almost there! -You got this. Not much longer.
‪(남자3) 안 돼, 안 돼!‬No!
‪안 돼, 안 돼!‬ ‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬-No! -No!
‪(참가자들) 안 돼!‬-No! -No!
‪(은실) 안 돼! 버텨, 버텨!‬No! Stay!
‪[참가자들이 응원한다]‬Keep going!
‪좋아, 좋아, 안정적이야‬Nice, you look stable.
‪(학선) 오래 매달리다 보니까‬ ‪이게 팔이 저리고‬I was up there for a while, and my arms felt numb.
‪'아, 나도 진짜 힘들구나, 이게'‬I was up there for a while, and my arms felt numb. Just when I realized I was really tired,
‪라고 느끼는 순간‬Just when I realized I was really tired,
‪김경백 씨는‬ ‪너무 이렇게 부동자세인 거예요‬Kyeong-baek was motionlessly hanging.
‪[저마다 말한다]‬ ‪(여자) 저분 안 떨어‬-That must hurt. -He's not shaking.
‪(남자1) 노려, 노려보고 있어‬-You got this! -He's glaring.
‪(남자2) 이렇게 정말 시체처럼‬ ‪걸려 있는 거 보고‬He was hanging there like a corpse, and I thought,
‪'멘탈이 너무 세다'‬"He has a strong will."
‪와, 저분이랑은‬ ‪또 만나면 안 되겠다‬ ‪[남자2의 웃음]‬"I don't want to compete against him again."
‪(성훈) 저보다 몸이 무거워요‬He weighs more than me.
‪근데 '독하구나, 성격이' 싶어서‬ ‪좀 보고 있었습니다‬I thought, "He must be so tenacious," so I kept an eye on him.
‪[심호흡]‬ ‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪(경백) 지고 싶은 마음이‬ ‪없기 때문에‬I didn't want to lose, so it was somewhat of a war of nerves.
‪약간의 신경전?‬I didn't want to lose, so it was somewhat of a war of nerves.
‪(참가자들) 파이팅!‬-Keep going! -Keep going!
‪파이팅!‬ ‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬-You can do this! -You can do this!
‪파이팅!‬ ‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬-You can do this! -You can do this!
‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬
‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪(대원과 석환)‬ ‪- 어디 가, 어디 가, 어디 가?‬ ‪- 어디 가, 어디 가?‬-Where are you going? -Where is he going?
‪(대원) 그게 더 힘들 거 같아‬That'll tire you out!
‪[참가자들의 불안한 탄성]‬
‪(은실) 나이스!‬ ‪[참가자들의 박수]‬Nice! Well done.
‪잘했어, 잘했어‬Nice! Well done.
‪뭐야, 뭐야, 뭐야?‬What was that?
‪(남자) 어, 포지션 바꿨어‬He changed his position. He won't look. He's refusing to look at the other guy.
‪(진형) 와, 안 본다 이거지‬ ‪안 보겠다 이거지‬He won't look. He's refusing to look at the other guy.
‪- (진형) 안 보겠다는 거지‬ ‪- (은실) 잘했어, 잘했어!‬-He won't look. -Well done!
‪(박진용) 양학선 파이팅!‬Go, Yang Hak-seon!
‪- (요요) 양학선!‬ ‪- (미라클) 어, 할 수 있어!‬Go, Yang Hak-seon! -Yang Hak-seon! -You got this!
‪(은실) 체조 레전드 보여 줘!‬Legendary gymnast, show them!
‪- (남자) 버텨, 버텨, 버텨!‬ ‪- (은실) 양학선!‬-Stay! -You're doing well!
‪(은실) 보지 마, 보지 마!‬Don't look!
‪너만 생각해!‬Think only of yourself!
‪(대원) 상대도 똑같아‬ ‪상대도 똑같아!‬The other guy is the same!
‪(남자1) 3억, 3억‬ ‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬Three hundred million!
‪나 지금 떨어지면 불쌍할 거 같아‬I'll look so pitiful if I fall now.
‪[참가자들의 박수]‬ ‪(남자2) 양학선 파이팅!‬Go, Yang Hak-seon!
‪2등 하면 의미 없어요‬There's no point in coming second!
‪(남자3) 2등이 진짜 치열하다‬-The fight for second place is fierce. -Keep going!
‪(은실) 좋아, 좋아‬ ‪흔들리고 있어!‬Nice! He's struggling!
‪(경백) 팔이 일단 마비가 됐는데‬My arms were numb, but I couldn't give up, so I decided to last as long as possible.
‪뭐, 포기는 할 수 없으니까‬My arms were numb, but I couldn't give up, so I decided to last as long as possible.
‪해 볼 만큼 해 보자‬My arms were numb, but I couldn't give up, so I decided to last as long as possible.
‪(상욱) 김경백 파이팅!‬Go, Kim Kyeong-baek!
‪(해민) 둘 다 떨고 있어, 지금‬ ‪둘 다 한계야‬-They both reached their limits. -They're both shaking.
‪(여자) 둘 다, 둘 다 떨어‬-They both reached their limits. -They're both shaking.
‪(플로리안) 둘 다 지금‬ ‪좀 약해진 거 같아‬Do you think they're both struggling?
‪[학선의 심호흡]‬
‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬
‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬
‪(우진용) 안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼‬ ‪안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼‬ ‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬No.
‪안 돼!‬No.
‪(은실) 안 돼, 안 돼!‬No! Do a muscle-up!
‪머슬업 해, 머슬업 해!‬No! Do a muscle-up!
‪머슬업 해!‬ ‪안 돼, 머슬업 해서 올라가!‬Do a muscle-up!
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬
‪[참가자들의 환호성과 박수]‬
‪(석환) 양학선!‬Yang Hak-seon!
‪양학선!‬Yang Hak-seon!
‪(은실) 양학선!‬Yang Hak-seon!
‪(남자1) 와, 또‬ ‪그림을 만들어 주시네, 또‬He gave us an amazing scene.
‪(남자2) 진짜 지린다, 대박이다‬It was incredible. He's awesome.
‪(우진용) 그거 보고 좀 놀랐어요‬I was so surprised. He won Olympic gold for a reason.
‪역시, 역시 올림픽 금메달은‬ ‪아무나 하는 게 아니구나‬I was so surprised. He won Olympic gold for a reason.
‪(학선) 조금만 더 버텨 보자‬Let's hang in there a little longer.
‪(경백) 아, 힘들어지겠다‬It's getting harder.
‪(상욱) UDT 교관 김경백 파이팅!‬Go, UDT instructor, Kim Kyeong-baek!
‪(남자) 야, 근데 저분은‬ ‪이기면 약간‬If he wins,
‪(여자와 남자)‬ ‪- 진짜로, 진짜, 이기는 거야‬ ‪- 메달리스트 이긴 거잖아‬-he'll have beaten a medalist. -You're right.
‪(남자) 기분 얼마나 좋아‬That would feel great.
‪(경백) 조금만 더 있어 보자‬Let's hold on a little longer.
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[석환이 응원한다]‬-Hold on tight! -Hold on! No!

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