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  피지컬: 100 .5

Physical: 100 .5


(마스터) '피지컬: 100'‬ ‪팀 대 팀 대결‬[Master] Physical: 100 team quest. -Team Nam Kyung-jin versus… -[yells]
‪남경진 팀과 장은실 팀의‬ ‪[참가자들의 기합]‬-Team Nam Kyung-jin versus… -[yells] -…Team Jang Eun-sil. -[roars] [Ha-yan] Let's go!
‪대결을 시작하겠습니다!‬[Master] The competition is about to start.
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬[starting signal beeping]
‪[은실이 중얼거린다]‬ ‪(경진) 해 보자, 해 보자‬-[Eun-sil] Three each. -[JJANG JAE] Let's go. [Eun-sil] Careful.
‪(은실) 안 다치게, 안 다치게‬[Eun-sil] Careful.
‪(경진) 글로 올려, 올려, 올려‬[Kyung-jin] Take it and go up there.
‪(학선) 저희가 아무리‬ ‪최약팀이라고 불리는 팀이지만‬[Hak-seon] We might be called the weakest team, but we can do it.
‪할 만하다‬[Hak-seon] We might be called the weakest team, but we can do it.
‪(하얀) 최대한 많이 담아‬ ‪최대한 많이‬[Ha-yan] Pack as much as you can.
‪(은실) 12분 동안‬ ‪흙이랑 사투했던 거 같아요‬[Eun-sil] For 12 minutes, I struggled with the sand.
‪(형근) 가, 가, 가, 가, 가!‬[Hyung-geun] Go, go, go!
‪[형근이 숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬[deep exhale] I really wanted to win.
‪(형근) 꼭 이기고 싶었어요‬[deep exhale] I really wanted to win.
‪[학선의 기합]‬[Ha-yan] Give it to me now.
‪(하얀) 조심조심‬[Ha-yan] Give it to me now.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[JJANG JAE] Go ahead. -Okay. Okay. -[Ji-su] Careful.
‪(지수) 깊게 넣자‬ ‪[경진의 힘주는 소리]‬-Okay. Okay. -[Ji-su] Careful.
‪아, 재밌다!‬Ah, this is fun!
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪(희찬) 경진이 형이 세긴 세구나‬[Hee-chan] Kyung-jin is really strong.
‪(희찬) 얼른 날라, 얼른‬Quick, move them.
‪(지수) 100%로죠, 어떻게 지겠어요‬[Ji-su] We're gonna win it all. How could we lose?
‪(학선) 파이팅, 파이팅, 파이팅!‬Go, go!
‪(마스터) 종료 1분 전‬ ‪[무거운 효과음]‬[Master] One minute left.
‪(지수) 빨리빨리, 빨리빨리‬ ‪빨리빨리‬[Ji-su] Quick, quick, quick, quick!
‪(희찬) 한 번만 더 옮기자‬ ‪한 번만 더 옮기자‬[Hyung-geun] Let's make one more trip. [Ha-yan] Last one!
‪(하얀) 마지막!‬[Ha-yan] Last one!
‪(형근) 아, 씨발‬[Hyung-geun] Oh, darn.
‪(경진) 야, 45초!‬[Kyung-jin] Hey, 45 seconds!
‪(짱재) 천천히‬[JJANG JAE] Slowly.
‪- (은실) 오케이!‬ ‪- (경진) 나이스!‬-[Ha-yan] Okay. -[Kyung-jin] Nice!
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪(마스터) 경기 종료‬[Master] Game over.
‪[신비로운 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪(마스터) '피지컬: 100'‬ ‪두 번째 퀘스트‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Physical: 100 second quest.
‪남경진 팀과‬Team Nam Kyung-jin…
‪장은실 팀의 대결‬versus Team Jang Eun-sil.
‪(학선) 하, 제발!‬Please!
‪(경진) 완벽하게‬ ‪퍼펙트하게 이기지 않을까‬[Kyung-jin] It's gonna be a perfect win.
‪(은실) 저희가 더 강하다는 걸‬ ‪증명하고 싶습니다‬[Eun-sil] I wanna prove that we are stronger.
‪(형근) 우리 팀이 이기게‬ ‪이기고 싶었어요‬[Hyung-geun] I wanted for us to win, and I wanted to make our team win.
‪그리고 이기게‬ ‪만들어 주고도 싶었고‬[Hyung-geun] I wanted for us to win, and I wanted to make our team win.
‪(희찬) 누구랑 하든‬ ‪다 이길 자신 있었어요‬[Hee-chan] I was sure we could win no matter what.
‪(지수) 이기자, 절대 질 일은 없다‬[Ji-su] Let's win. There's no way we'll lose.
‪(마스터) 승리 팀은‬[Master] The winning team is…
‪[덜컹거리는 소리]‬ ‪(경진) 어?‬
‪(학선) 오케이!‬ ‪[장은실 팀의 환호성]‬-[Kyung-jin yelps] -[Ha-yan] Okay!
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪(경진) 어?‬-[Kyung-jin yelps] -[Ha-yan] Okay!
‪(학선) 오케이!‬ ‪[장은실 팀의 환호성]‬-[Kyung-jin yelps] -[Ha-yan] Okay! -[Kyung-jin yelps] -[Ha-yan] Okay! [Team Jang Eun-sil cheering enthusiastically]
‪[함께 기뻐한다]‬[Team Jang Eun-sil cheering enthusiastically]
‪[장은실 팀이 연신 환호한다]‬[Eun-sil] Well done! TEAM JANG EUN-SIL, TEAM NAM KYUNG-JIN
‪[장은실 팀의 탄성]‬[Team Jang Eun-sil shouting excitedly]
‪(하얀과 학선)‬ ‪- 안 떨어지잖아!‬ ‪- 와, 해냈다, 해냈다, 해냈다‬[Hak-seon] We did it. We did it. We did it. Whoa!
‪[소란스럽다]‬ ‪- (하얀) 잘했어, 잘했어‬ ‪- (학선) 해냈다, 해냈다, 와‬[Hak-seon] We did it. We did it. We did it. Whoa!
‪(형근) 나이스‬Nice.
‪(학선) 됐다, 됐다, 됐다‬ ‪됐다, 됐다, 됐다‬[Hak-seon] We did it! We did it! We did it!
‪(미호) 이길 줄 알았어‬ ‪[학선과 형근의 탄성]‬-Whoa! -Whoa!
‪(형근) 와, 나이스, 나이스‬-Whoa! -Whoa! Nice. Nice.
‪(하얀) 솔직히 저희 팀이 이제 다‬ ‪최약체라고 생각을 하셨는데‬[Ha-yan] To be honest, everyone thought our team was the weakest.
‪'꼴찌 팀의 반란이 아니었나'라는‬ ‪생각을 합니다‬And I think we can call this a revolt of the underdogs.
‪팀원분들이‬ ‪다들 너무 잘해 주셔 가지고‬All my teammates did so well.
‪(은실) 오히려 제가‬ ‪팀원분들의 버스를 탄 거 같습니다‬[Eun-sil] I'd say I got carried by their hard work.
‪집에 갈 준비 하라고 하셨는데‬They told us to get ready to go home.
‪본인들 짐이나 싸서‬ ‪얼른 집에 가시죠‬And now they're the ones who can pack and go home. [chuckles]
‪(빛여울) 괜찮아, 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬ ‪[장은실 팀의 환호성]‬[Bit-yeo-ul] It's okay. It's okay.
‪(경진) [한숨 쉬며] 끝났구나‬[Kyung-jin] It's over.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪[장은실 팀이 연신 기뻐한다]‬[Hak-seon] We did it. Wow.
‪(지수) 진짜야? 와…‬[Ji-su] Is this for real? Wow.
‪(희찬) 최약체 팀이라고 생각해서‬ ‪고른 거기도 하고 한데‬[Hee-chan] We chose them thinking they were the weakest team,
‪지니까 거기에 대해서‬ ‪좀 분하기도 하고‬and we lost, so that was very upsetting.
‪(짱재) 제가 다리를 설치하고‬After setting up the bridge, I should have moved quickly
‪빨리 모래 나르는 쪽으로‬ ‪움직였어야 되는 거 같아요‬After setting up the bridge, I should have moved quickly to help carry the sand.
‪(짱재) 그래서 좀 패배 요인이‬to help carry the sand. [JJANG JAE] So I think it's my fault that our team lost.
‪저희 팀에선‬ ‪저한테 있는 거 같아서‬[JJANG JAE] So I think it's my fault that our team lost.
‪그게 더 아쉬운 거 같고, 예‬And that's disappointing.
‪[경진의 깊은 한숨]‬[Kyung-jin sighs] This thing called defeat…
‪(경진) 패배라는 것은 진짜, 쯧‬[Kyung-jin sighs] This thing called defeat…
‪정말 생각하기도 싫습니다‬I don't even want to think about it.
‪결과가 이렇다 보니까 좀‬This is the result we got.
‪팀장으로서 마음이‬ ‪너무 안 좋습니다‬So as the team leader, I feel terrible.
‪(경진) 그냥 제가 한 포대를‬ ‪더 날랐으면 이겼을 거 같다‬If I had moved one more sack, I think we could have won.
‪[속상한 숨소리]‬[sighs]
‪(경진) 뭐, 그래도‬[Kyung-jin] Well, Jang Eun-sil, a fellow wrestler, won,
‪같은 레슬링 선수‬ ‪장은실 선수가 이겼기 때문에‬[Kyung-jin] Well, Jang Eun-sil, a fellow wrestler, won,
‪예, 조금 더 레슬링이‬ ‪빛날 수 있는 부분도 있고‬so yes, I guess wrestling did get to shine.
‪간절한 이 마음 그대로 가면‬If they keep going this hard,
‪네, 우승할 수도 있다고‬ ‪생각합니다‬yes, I think they could win.
‪우승까지 제가‬yes, I think they could win. Until they do win, I'd like to root for them.
‪응원하고 싶습니다‬Until they do win, I'd like to root for them.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[theme music playing]
‪가장 강력한 팀은‬You might not agree,
‪의외로 저는‬ ‪저희 팀이라고 생각을 했어요‬but I thought we had the strongest team.
‪(선호)‬[Sun-ho] Kim Kang-min,
‪(선호)‬…Miracle… MIRACLE, DANCER
‪(선호)‬…Jeong Han-saem. JEONG HAN-SAEM, MUSICAL ACTOR
‪(선호) 그러니까‬ ‪전체적으로 뭔가 다 강하다‬JEONG HAN-SAEM, MUSICAL ACTOR Overall, they're pretty strong.
‪어, 힘도 있고 지구력도 좋고‬Uh, they have good strength and stamina.
‪비슷한 캐릭터의 능력을‬ ‪대비를 해 봤을 때‬When you compare both team members,
‪저희가 조금 더 많이 우세했고‬I think we have the upper hand.
‪아, 그거는 아닌 거 같아요‬ ‪그건 아니고‬Oh, no, I don't think that's right.
‪그쪽에 있는 형님들보다는‬ ‪조금 더 저희가‬I think we have an advantage against the guys on the other team.
‪우위에 있지 않을까‬I think we have an advantage against the guys on the other team.
‪아무래도 이제‬ ‪격투기 선수들도 많고‬We have a few MMA fighters.
‪[관중들이 소란스럽다]‬ ‪(캐스터) 프런트 킥‬[commentator] Front kick. KIM SANG-WOOK
‪[해설진의 탄성]‬JOO DONG-JO -[audience cheering] -[commentator] Nice!
‪[관중들이 소란스럽다]‬-[audience cheering] -[commentator] Nice! OVAN
‪체력, 스피드‬ ‪이런 걸 요하는 쪽에 있어 가지고‬When it comes to things that need a strong body, speed, things like that,
‪'저희 쪽이 훨씬 더‬ ‪높지 않을까'라고 생각했습니다‬When it comes to things that need a strong body, speed, things like that, I think we are way above them.
‪[오반의 환호성]‬-[Sun-ho] Oh, let's go. -[OVAN] Okay. Okay.
‪- (선호) 레츠 고!‬ ‪- (오반) 오케이, 오케이!‬-[Sun-ho] Oh, let's go. -[OVAN] Okay. Okay.
‪(한샘) 가자‬[Sang-wook] Let's go.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬-[daunting music playing] -[Dong-jo] Wow.
‪(오반) 레츠 고, 파티‬[OVAN] Let's go party.
‪(상욱) 올라갈 때‬ ‪넘어지지 않게 조심하고‬[Sang-wook] Careful not to fall up there.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Dong-jo] Whoa, a step-by-step bridge.
‪(다정) 와, 이걸 만드는 거구나‬[Han-saem] Whoa, we have to build this?
‪(오반) 아, 이거‬ ‪전술 진짜 잘 짜야 돼‬Hey, we need to come up with a really good plan.
‪전술 진짜 잘 짜야 돼요‬Hey, we need to come up with a really good plan.
‪(동조) 다리가 반밖에 없었는데‬ ‪'밧줄을 타서 가는 건가?'‬[Dong-jo] There was just half a bridge. Do we have to walk on the ropes?
‪(상욱) 만약에 혹시나 떨어졌을 때‬ ‪그 높이 먼저 본 거 같아요‬[Kang-min] I checked the heights from which we'd fall. What if we fall from there?
‪떨어지면 어떻게 될까‬What if we fall from there?
‪[차분한 음악]‬[Miracle] When I first saw it, it looked very interesting.
‪[신비로운 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪(마스터) '피지컬: 100'‬ ‪팀 대 팀 대결‬-[Master] Time to announce Physical: 100… -Do you get it?
‪(한샘) 이해했어?‬-[Master] Time to announce Physical: 100… -Do you get it?
‪(마스터) 두 번째 퀘스트를‬ ‪공개하겠습니다‬-[Master] Time to announce Physical: 100… -Do you get it? …team quest.
‪두 번째 퀘스트는‬The second quest is…
‪[무거운 효과음]‬ ‪모래 나르기입니다‬"Moving Sand."
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(오반) 오케이!‬-Okay! -Yeah!
‪[참가자들의 기합]‬-Okay! -Yeah!
‪(마스터) 두 팀은 다리를 건너‬ ‪모래 통에 모래를 채워야 합니다‬[Master] The two teams must cross the bridges and put sand in the sand box.
‪이건 우리가 이겼다‬We've won this. OVAN, SINGER
‪(오반) 이게 흔들거리면‬ ‪밸런스가 요구되는 미션일 텐데‬[OVAN] If the bridge swings, it's gonna be a mission that needs balance.
‪[덜컹거린다]‬ ‪아무래도 저쪽보다는‬Compared to the other team, we had a huge advantage.
‪훨씬 유리하지 않을까?‬Compared to the other team, we had a huge advantage.
‪(강민) 힘만 세서는‬ ‪되는 건 아니고‬[Kang-min] It's not just about being strong.
‪뭔가 전체적인 민첩성이나‬ ‪밸런스가 좋아야 된다는‬[Kang-min] It's not just about being strong. You need to have agility and balance.
‪(선호) 순간‬ ‪머리가 너무 복잡했어요‬[Sun-ho] My brain just stopped working.
‪'아, 이거 어떻게 분배해야 되지?'‬Oh, how should I divide the roles? How should we plan this?
‪'작전을 어떻게 짜야 되지?'‬Oh, how should I divide the roles? How should we plan this?
‪(한샘) 내려가서 그냥‬ ‪모래 계속 담아요‬You go down and keep bagging sand. You and I, we'll set up the bridge fast.
‪이거 우리 설치하자, 빨리‬ ‪니랑 내랑‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬You and I, we'll set up the bridge fast.
‪그게 나을 거 같아‬ ‪난 설치 바로 하고‬ ‪[선호가 호응한다]‬That's best. We're gonna build the bridge.
‪(한샘) '내가 잘할 수‬ ‪있을 거 같다'라는 생각을‬[Han-saem] I immediately thought I could do well.
‪순간 바로 했어요‬[Han-saem] I immediately thought I could do well.
‪'아, 저거 내가 조립해야겠다'‬"Oh, I should set up the bridge."
‪(한샘) 네, 네‬-There aren't that many. -Okay. Bring them all up there -and put it together. -Okay.
‪- 일단 얘네가 할 동안‬ ‪- (강민) 일단‬While they build the bridge, the three of us quickly bag the sand -while they work. -[Sang-wook] First…
‪[지훈의 탄성]‬ ‪(오반) 어, 어, 맞아‬while one person builds the bridge, we bag the sand and come up and across.
‪(동조) 오케이, 오케이, 오케이‬ ‪알겠어요‬-I think it'd be best if you build it. -Okay, okay. Got it.
‪(상욱) 설치해 주시고‬-Set it up. -I'll try.
‪[신비로운 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪(마스터) '피지컬: 100'‬ ‪두 번째 퀘스트‬[Master] Physical: 100 second quest.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[Sang-wook] We're gonna win at all costs, that's my mindset.
‪(상욱) '오늘은‬ ‪무조건 이긴다'라는 마음으로‬[Sang-wook] We're gonna win at all costs, that's my mindset.
‪임해야겠습니다‬[Sang-wook] We're gonna win at all costs, that's my mindset.
‪(선호) 무조건 살아남는다는‬ ‪어떤 그런 각오고요‬[Sun-ho] We're determined to survive at all costs.
‪오늘 미션 이겨야 돼‬We must win today's mission.
‪(마스터) 김상욱 팀과‬[Master] Team Kim Sang-wook versus…
‪(상욱) 우승까지 가고 싶습니다‬[Master] Team Kim Sang-wook versus… [Sang-wook] I wanna win this in the end.
‪(마스터) 마선호 팀의‬[Master] …Team Ma Sun-ho.
‪(선호) 미안하지만‬[Sun-ho] Uh, sorry, but I think it's right that we move on.
‪우리가 올라가는 게‬ ‪맞다고 생각을 합니다‬[Sun-ho] Uh, sorry, but I think it's right that we move on.
‪(마스터) 대결을‬[Master] The quest is about to start.
‪시작하겠습니다‬[Master] The quest is about to start.
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬[suspenseful music playing]
‪- (선호) 조심, 안전‬ ‪- (한샘) 네‬-Be careful. Be safe. -Yeah.
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪- (선호) 레츠 고‬ ‪- (상욱) 오케이, 오케이‬-Let's go. -[OVAN] Okay, okay.
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪- (선호) 레츠 고‬ ‪- (상욱) 오케이, 오케이‬-[whistle blows] -Let's go. [OVAN] Okay, okay.
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪- (선호) 레츠 고‬ ‪- (상욱) 오케이, 오케이‬-[Sang-wook] Let's go. -[OVAN] Okay, okay. [Sang-wook] Now, don't overdo it. It's okay.
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪(상욱) 무리하지 말고‬ ‪괜찮아, 괜찮아‬[Sang-wook] Now, don't overdo it. It's okay.
‪페이스 조절, 페이스 조절‬Keep your pace. It's okay, let's do our best.
‪괜찮아, 괜찮아‬ ‪최대한, 최대한 가‬Keep your pace. It's okay, let's do our best.
‪(한샘) '다리 먼저‬ ‪만드는 놈이 이긴다'‬[Han-saem] The first one to build the bridge, wins.
‪(동조) 이겨야죠‬ ‪이겨야 됩니다, 이겨야 돼요‬[Dong-jo] We must win. We really must win.
‪(상욱) 동조 씨, 바로 뒤에‬ ‪둘 거예요, 바로 뒤에 둘게요‬Dong-jo, I'll put it here, right behind you.
‪(한샘과 미라클)‬ ‪- 됐어, 그냥, 그냥 바로 줘‬ ‪- 응?‬Rip it off and hand it over. -[Miracle] What? -Hand it over.
‪(한샘) 바로 줘‬-[Miracle] What? -Hand it over.
‪(미라클) 줘, 그냥?‬[Miracle] Okay. Let's go.
‪[참가자들의 힘주는 소리]‬[Miracle] Okay. Let's go.
‪(오반) 아이씨‬Oh, shoot. Oh, shoot.
‪아이씨‬Oh, shoot. Oh, shoot.
‪[발판이 달그락 떨어진다]‬[OVAN breathing heavily]
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪- (아름) 무게 무거워?‬ ‪- (강민) 무거워‬[A-reum] Are they heavy? -[Kang-min] They're heavy. -[A-reum] They're heavy.
‪(아름) 무겁대‬-[Kang-min] They're heavy. -[A-reum] They're heavy.
‪[비장한 음악]‬[suspenseful music playing]
‪(상욱) 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬[Sang-wook] It's okay. Don't overdo it.
‪[상욱이 말한다]‬ ‪(상욱) 동조 씨가 이제 균형‬ ‪좀 작고 하시니까‬[Sang-wook] It's okay. Don't overdo it. Dong-jo has balance since he's on the smaller side,
‪그거를 최대한 빨리 만드는 역할을‬ ‪제가 맡겼습니다‬Dong-jo has balance since he's on the smaller side, so I asked him to build it as fast as he could.
‪- (한샘) 벨크로 떼서 줘‬ ‪- (미라클) 떼, 떼서?‬-[Han-saem] Can you take the Velcro off? -[Miracle] Okay, I ripped it off.
‪(한샘) 판때기 더 갖고 와!‬[Han-saem] Bring more planks.
‪계속해, 계속해, 빨리빨리‬Keep them coming. Quickly.
‪(한샘) 저는 제 포지션이 다리다‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[Han-saem] My role is to set up the bridge.
‪모든 사람들이 자기 위치에서‬ ‪자기 역할만 잘해 주면‬[Han-saem] My role is to set up the bridge. If everyone does what they're supposed to do,
‪그 팀은 무조건 이기거든요‬the team definitely wins.
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪(한샘) 빨리빨리‬Quickly.
‪(동조) 너무 급하게 하려다 보니까‬ ‪손이 꼬이고‬[Dong-jo] I tried to go too fast and I got clumsy.
‪발판 좀 도와줘야 되겠다‬I need help with the planks.
‪(상욱) 괜찮아, 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬[Sang-wook] It's okay.
‪(동조) 발판, 발판, 발판‬The planks! The planks! Undo the Velcro on the back of the planks.
‪발판 뒤의 벨크로‬ ‪벨크로 떼 주자, 벨크로‬The planks! The planks! Undo the Velcro on the back of the planks.
‪(한샘과 상욱)‬ ‪- 판때기 그만, 판때기 그만!‬ ‪- 뒤에, 뒤에, 바로 뒤에 있어‬-No more planks! -Behind. They're right behind you. No more planks!
‪(상욱) 오케이‬[Miracle] Okay.
‪[무거운 음악]‬[Han-saem] No more planks. No more planks!
‪(아름) 파이팅‬[A-reum] Good luck.
‪- (선호) 오케이, 됐어‬ ‪- (한샘) 빨리빨리, 빨리‬-[Sun-ho] Okay, done. -[Han-saem] Quickly. Quickly.
‪(선호) 됐어, 나와‬[Sun-ho] Okay, move.
‪나와, 나와‬Move.
‪(한샘) 자, 가자!‬Let's go, now!
‪(강민) 어, 흔들린다, 흔들린다‬[Kang-min] Oh, it's shaking.
‪(상욱) 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬ ‪전혀 이상 없어‬[Sang-wook] It's okay. -[Sang-wook] It's completely okay. -Oh, gosh.
‪(강민) 아이씨‬ ‪[강민의 거친 숨소리]‬-[Sang-wook] It's completely okay. -Oh, gosh. [heavy breathing]
‪(한샘) 조심조심‬-[Sang-wook] Careful. -Sang-wook, we have to go fast. Quickly.
‪빨리빨리‬-[Sang-wook] Careful. -Sang-wook, we have to go fast. Quickly. [OVAN] I think the other team's bridge was completed first.
‪(오반) 상대편 다리가‬ ‪더 먼저 완성이 됐던 거 같아요‬[OVAN] I think the other team's bridge was completed first.
‪그러다 보니까‬[OVAN] I think the other team's bridge was completed first.
‪굉장히 마음이 급했는데‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬I felt very rushed, but I was like, "It hasn't even begun yet."
‪'아직 시작도 안 했다'‬I felt very rushed, but I was like, "It hasn't even begun yet." I thought, we could overcome this with no problem.
‪'아직 이거는 충분히‬ ‪넘길 수 있다'라는 생각으로‬I thought, we could overcome this with no problem.
‪(상욱) 오케이, 오케이‬ ‪거의 다 끝났어‬[Sang-wook] Okay. It's almost done.
‪(동조) 조심히, 조심히, 조심히‬[Dong-jo] Careful. Careful.
‪(상욱) 주머니 갖고 와야 돼요‬[Sang-wook] Bring back the bags. TEAM KIM SANG-WOOK
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(미라클) 이거는?‬And this? Give it, we'll fill it.
‪(선호) 일단 줘, 일단 줘‬ ‪아름아, 빨리‬Give it, we'll fill it.
‪(미라클) 아이씨, 잠깐‬ ‪천천히, 천천히‬[Miracle] Dang. Slowly. Slowly.
‪천천히, 천천히‬[Kang-min] Slowly.
‪(미라클) 브리지가 너무‬ ‪움직이고 있으니까‬[Miracle] Ah, the bridge moved so much that it was really hard.
‪너무 힘들어요‬[Miracle] Ah, the bridge moved so much that it was really hard.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬[Dong-jo panting]
‪(지훈) 조심‬[Sang-wook] Careful. [Dong-jo grunts in effort]
‪[동조의 힘주는 소리]‬[Dong-jo grunts in effort] [Dong-jo] At first, I was a bit slow building the bridge.
‪(동조) 제가 다리 설치가‬ ‪좀 늦어 가지고, 초반에‬[Dong-jo] At first, I was a bit slow building the bridge.
‪'그만큼 더 열심히‬ ‪뛰면 된다'라고 생각을 했거든요‬I thought I could run harder to make up for it.
‪(지훈) 주머니 가져와야 돼요‬ ‪주머니‬[OVAN] You gotta bring back the bags.
‪[동조의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪(상욱) 가자, 가자‬[Sang-wook] Throw it.
‪잘했어, 잘했어‬He's here. You go first.
‪- (상욱) 먼저 가‬ ‪- (지훈) 주머니, 주머니‬He's here. You go first. [OVAN] The bags.
‪[힘주는 소리]‬[Sang-wook] You have to take these.
‪[동조의 가쁜 숨소리]‬[Sang-wook panting]
‪(상욱) 오케이, 좋아, 고‬Okay, nice. Go.
‪자, 조심조심, 조심, 가, 먼저 가‬ ‪내가 뒤에 잡고 있을게, 가‬Careful. Go. I'll steady the bridge from behind. Go.
‪(한샘) 출발, 출발‬Go, go. Careful.
‪(상욱) 조심‬Careful.
‪(동조) 이겼어, 이겼어‬We won.
‪천천히‬ ‪너무 급하게 하지 마래이, 너무‬[Dong-jo] Slowly, don't rush.
‪(동조) 일단 저도 그렇고‬ ‪팀원들도 그렇고‬Well, I think our team climbed the stairs…
‪계단을 타고 올라가고‬ ‪다리를 건너는 속도가‬Well, I think our team climbed the stairs… -[Sang-wook] Okay. -[Dong-jo] … and crossed the bridge
‪옆 팀보다는‬ ‪좀 더 빨랐던 거 같아요‬a little faster than the other team.
‪'우리 격투기 선수의‬ ‪힘을 보여 주자'‬Let's show the power of MMA fighters.
‪(선호) 오케이‬ ‪빨리 가야 돼, 미라클‬We gotta move these two faster.
‪[모래를 쓱쓱 담는다]‬A little faster.
‪(동조) 뒤에 더 있어‬[Ji-hoon] During the challenge, we worked really, really hard. There's more behind.
‪[동조의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪- 큰 거 담자, 큰 거 담자‬ ‪- (미라클) 오케이‬-Let's fill the big one. The big one. -[Miracle] Okay.
‪(아름) 여보, 일로 와, 일로 와‬ ‪일로 와‬[A-reum] Honey, come here, come here and fill this up.
‪여기에 담아 줘‬[A-reum] Honey, come here, come here and fill this up.
‪[모래를 쓱쓱 담는다]‬
‪(강민) 엄청 불타올라 있었어요‬[Kang-min] I was completely fired up.
‪'패배할 수 없다'라고‬ ‪생각이 들었었거든‬There's no way we could give up.
‪[고조되는 음악]‬ ‪[강민의 힘주는 소리]‬[A-reum] The big one.
‪(아름) 큰 거, 큰 거‬[A-reum] The big one.
‪[선호의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪(선호) 모래 하나 더 줘‬[Sun-ho] Give me one more.
‪(선호) 힘적인 요소는 저희 팀이‬ ‪은근히 강하다고 생각했어요‬In terms of strength, I thought our team was pretty good.
‪(선호) 오케이, 한샘, 비켜!‬Okay, Han-saem. Move! [Han-saem] Okay.
‪(한샘) 네‬[Han-saem] Okay.
‪[선호의 지친 숨소리]‬
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬[siren blaring]
‪[신호음이 삐 울린다]‬ ‪[무거운 효과음]‬[buzzer humming]
‪[신호음이 삐 울린다]‬ ‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪오케이, 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬Okay, it's okay. Safety first.
‪안전이 중요해, 지금은‬Safety first.
‪이제 옆에 진짜 넘어지니까‬ ‪안 부딪치게‬You can really fall over the side. So don't run into each other.
‪[선호의 기합]‬[Sun-ho grunts]
‪(아름) 옮겨‬[OVAN] Let's go.
‪조금만 더 힘내자, 파이팅!‬[A-reum] Let's put a little more into it. Keep going.
‪[참가자들의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪(오반) 이겼다고 생각했어요‬[OVAN] I thought we'd won.
‪(한샘) 절대로‬ ‪안 떨어질 자신 있었습니다‬[Han-saem] I'm sure we're never gonna fail.
‪(동조) 또 힘들게 왔는데‬ ‪살아남아야죠‬[Dong-jo] We went through a lot to get here. So we have to survive.
‪(상욱) 오케이, 나이스!‬[Dong-jo] We went through a lot to get here. So we have to survive. [Sang-wook] Okay, nice!
‪아, 좋아, 좋아, 좋아‬ ‪오케이, 좋아, 계속 가자‬Good. Good. Go this way.
‪[선호의 기합]‬[Sun-ho grunts] Let's go.
‪(선호) 레츠 고‬[Sun-ho grunts] Let's go.
‪(선호와 아름) 파이팅!‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬[Han-saem] Keep going! Go! Go! [A-reum] Go!
‪(선호) 팀전이라는 거는‬ ‪여러 가지 변수가 작용하기 때문에‬[A-reum] Go! [Sun-ho] In a team challenge, there are so many variables
‪영원한 강자도 없고‬that anyone can win or lose.
‪정말 영원한 약자도 없다‬that anyone can win or lose.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬[suspenseful music playing]
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪(마스터) 종료 1분 전‬[Master] One minute left.
‪(한샘) 1분 전!‬[OVAN] One minute left!
‪[강민의 힘주는 소리]‬[Kang-min grunts]
‪(선호) 오케이, 마지막, 마지막!‬ ‪[긴박한 음악]‬[Sun-ho] It's the last run!
‪(미라클) 형, 레츠 고! 조심해!‬Let's go! Last run. Han-saem, run!
‪(아름) 7초, 6초!‬[A-reum] Seven seconds, six seconds.
‪5, 4, 3‬Five, four, three, two, one.
‪2, 1‬Five, four, three, two, one.
‪(선호) 스톱, 스톱, 스톱!‬ ‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬-Stop! Stop! -[whistle blowing]
‪스톱, 스톱, 스톱!‬ ‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬-Stop! Stop! -[whistle blowing]
‪(마스터) 경기 종료‬[Master] Game over.
‪[참가자들의 힘겨운 탄성]‬[OVAN exclaims]
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪[다정의 지친 숨소리]‬[Da-jeong sighs]
‪악!‬[tired shout]
‪(미라클) 다 힘들었어요‬[tired shout] [Miracle] It was so hard.
‪체력 안 좋은 사람 진짜‬You really need to have stamina if you wanna play this game.
‪그거 못 할 거 같아요‬You really need to have stamina if you wanna play this game.
‪(강민) 그냥 전‬ ‪시작과 동시에 힘들었던 거 같아요‬[Kang-min] I think it was hard the moment it started.
‪중심 잡는 것과 건너는 게 굉장히‬ ‪[지친 신음]‬Keeping my balance and crossing the bridge took a toll on me.
‪신경이 많이 쓰였던 거 같아요‬Keeping my balance and crossing the bridge took a toll on me.
‪야, 게임 잘 만들었다!‬Wow, what a great game!
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬Wow, what a great game! Oh, really.
‪와, 진짜‬Oh, really. Insane. I never imagined this.
‪말이 안 돼, 상상도 못 했어요‬Insane. I never imagined this.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪- (미라클) 악!‬ ‪- 너무 고생했어‬You did so well. Good job.
‪(한샘) 아, 잘했어‬ ‪이겼어, 이겼어‬You did so well. Good job. [Han-saem] Ah, well done. We won.
‪- (상욱) 고생했어‬ ‪- (한샘) 형, 고생했어요‬-Sang-wook. -Well done.
‪(참가자들) 고생하셨습니다‬-Sang-wook. -Well done. Well done, man. Are you okay?
‪(아름) 괜찮아?‬Are you okay?
‪[신비로운 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪(마스터) '피지컬: 100'‬ ‪두 번째 퀘스트‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬[Master] Physical: 100 second quest.
‪두 팀 중 승리한 팀은 생존‬Out of the two teams, the winning team survives,
‪패배한 팀의 팀장은‬the bridge of the losing team will break, and the team leader will fall.
‪다리가 끊어지며 추락하게 됩니다‬the bridge of the losing team will break, and the team leader will fall.
‪추락한다고?‬I'm going to fall? [OVAN] No, no, it's okay.
‪(오반) 아니야, 아니야, 괜찮아‬[OVAN] No, no, it's okay.
‪(동조) 추락할 일 없다‬You won't fall.
‪(아름) 우리가 더 없다‬We lost.
‪(마스터) 그럼‬[Master] Time
‪승자를‬to announce…
‪발표하겠습니다‬the winner.
‪(선호) 정말 모르겠다‬ ‪어떻게 될지 모르겠다‬[Sun-ho] I really don't know. I don't know what's gonna happen.
‪(상욱) 죄송하지만 승리는‬ ‪저희가 가져가도록 하겠습니다‬[Sang-wook] I'm sorry, but we're gonna take the win.
‪(마스터) '피지컬: 100'‬ ‪두 번째 퀘스트‬[Master] Physical: 100 second quest.
‪김상욱 팀과‬Team Kim Sang-wook…
‪마선호 팀의 대결‬versus Team Ma Sun-ho. [suspenseful music playing]
‪승리 팀은!‬The winner is…
‪(오반) 제발, 제발, 제발‬[OVAN] Please. Please.
‪(강민) 굉장히 이기고 싶고‬[Kang-min] I really want to win and show a good result.
‪결과도 좀 보여 드리고 싶습니다‬[Kang-min] I really want to win and show a good result. [suspenseful music playing]
‪[덜컹거리는 소리]‬
‪[마선호 팀의 환호성]‬ ‪(선호) 오케이!‬[Team Ma Sun-ho cheering]
‪[웅장한 음악]‬
‪[마선호 팀의 환호성]‬[Team Ma Sun-ho cheering]
‪[마선호 팀의 환호성]‬[Team Ma Sun-ho cheering]
‪[한샘의 환호성]‬
‪(한샘) 아유, 너무 짜릿했어요‬[Han-saem] Oh, it was so exciting!
‪이렇게 제가 기쁠 줄 몰랐어요‬ ‪[함께 기뻐한다]‬[Han-saem] Oh, it was so exciting! I didn't know I'd be so happy.
‪[기합]‬[elated scream]
‪(선호) 화려한 승리‬ ‪멋진 승리를 했습니다, 네‬[Sun-ho] Ah, it was a magnificent win. Yes!
‪[선호의 환호성]‬[Miracle] Wait, let me…
‪(미라클) 잠깐만, 한번‬[Miracle] Wait, let me… [Team Ma Sun-ho cheering]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪[미라클이 소리친다]‬[Team Ma Sun-ho cheering]
‪[함께 기뻐한다]‬
‪(선호) 제가‬ ‪이 퀘스트를 진행하면서‬While doing the quest, even though I was losing my mind in all the chaos,
‪그 정신없는 순간에도‬even though I was losing my mind in all the chaos,
‪(선호) 팀원 한 명, 한 명의‬ ‪얼굴을 다 봤어요‬even though I was losing my mind in all the chaos, I saw the face of each team member.
‪최선을 다해 준 팀원들한테‬I saw the face of each team member. I'm so grateful they did their best,
‪정말 너무너무 감사하고‬ ‪고맙다는 말을 하고 싶습니다‬I'm so grateful they did their best, and I wanna say thank you.
‪(오반) 고생했습니다‬[OVAN] You did well.
‪(다정) 고생했어‬Good job.
‪[한샘의 환호성]‬ ‪(다정) 고생했어‬[Da-jeong] Uh, I felt mostly disappointed.
‪제가 다리를 늦게 설치했던 게‬I got the bridge together later.
‪아, 쩝, 아쉬워요‬[sighs] That was a pity.
‪- (상욱) 아유‬ ‪- (지훈) 팀장님, 고생하셨습니다‬-[Da-jeong] Good work. -Good work.
‪- (상욱) 고생했어요‬ ‪- (동조) 다리가 너무 늦었어‬-[Da-jeong] Good work. -Good work. Yes, we were the best. We were the best.
‪(오반) 우리가 최고였어‬ ‪우리가 최고였어‬Yes, we were the best. We were the best.
‪괜찮아, 우리가 최고였어‬[OVAN] It's okay. We were the best.
‪(상욱) 팀을 믿지 못한 게 아니라‬[Sang-wook] It's not that I didn't believe in the team.
‪스스로를‬ ‪못 믿었던 거 같아요, 제가‬I didn't believe in myself.
‪팀원들이 부족한 게 아니라‬ ‪전략이 좀 부족한 경기가 아니었나‬The team was good, it was my strategy that was lacking in that game.
‪생각합니다‬The team was good, it was my strategy that was lacking in that game.
‪[예현의 한숨]‬
‪- (치현) 파이팅, 올라갑시다‬ ‪- (최성혁) 할 수 있다‬-[Ki-kwan] Good luck. -Let's move on. TEAM LEADER JANG SEONG-MIN NATIONAL TEAM RUGBY PLAYER
‪(성빈) 장성민 팀‬[Sung-bin] Jang Seong-min's team.
‪장성민 팀‬Jang Seong-min's team. Me?
‪[참가자들의 웃음과 박수]‬ ‪오케이, 오케이‬Okay. Okay. [contestants applauding]
‪아, 원래 뽑으려 했던 팀인데‬ ‪너무 감사합니다‬I was going to pick your team, so thanks so much.
‪[참가자들의 탄성과 웃음]‬[contestants exclaiming] [man] That's feisty, whoa!
‪(학선) 세다! 오!‬[man] That's feisty, whoa!
‪(성빈) 일단 저는 뭐, 당연히‬ ‪이기는 것도 중요한데‬First, for me, of course it's important to win,
‪재밌게 할 수 있는 사람을‬ ‪좀 뽑고 싶었거든요‬but I wanted to pick a team that we could have a fun game with.
‪(기관) 맨 마지막?‬The last one?
‪(식) 맨 마지막이‬ ‪여자 세 명인 거지?‬The last team has three women.
‪(기관) 양학선이랑‬ ‪박형근 있는 팀이야?‬[Ki-kwan] The team with Yang Hak-seon and Park Hyung-geun.
‪(식) 네, 거기‬[Ki-kwan] The team with Yang Hak-seon and Park Hyung-geun.
‪[기관의 탄성]‬-They have three women and two guys. -[Ki-kwan] Ah.
‪(성빈) 근데‬ ‪제일 끝에서 두 번째도 멤버가‬But the second to last team doesn't have that great a group either, in my opinion.
‪많이 별로인 거 같아, 나는‬ ‪내가 보기에는‬But the second to last team doesn't have that great a group either, in my opinion. -Can we go take a look at them? -[Sik] Jang Seong-min's team?
‪- (식) 장성민 쪽?‬ ‪- (기관) 9, 9번 맞나?‬-Can we go take a look at them? -[Sik] Jang Seong-min's team?
‪(식) 거기 가죠, 그냥‬Should we pick them, then?
‪'이 팀을 선택하는 게 맞나?'‬Is it right to pick that team?
‪조금 꺼렸던 부분이‬What I was a bit unsure about
‪(기관) 럭비 국가 대표‬ ‪출신이기 때문에‬was that he was on the national rugby team.
‪힘과 민첩성‬[Ki-kwan] So strength and agility, he has so qualities.
‪뭐, 이런 체력들을 가지고 있어서‬ ‪조금 부담은 됐었어요, 사실‬[Ki-kwan] So strength and agility, he has so qualities. So it was a bit of a burden, actually.
‪(성민) 윤성빈 선수가 처음에‬ ‪지목을 했을 때‬[Seong-min] When Yun Sung-bin picked us,
‪제 팀을 고른 것도‬ ‪자존심이 너무 상해서‬him picking my team hurt my pride so much,
‪진짜 이기고 싶었고‬ ‪이겨 드리고 싶었어요‬so I really want to win, and I want to beat him.
‪(예현) 무시했으니‬ ‪골랐을 거 아니에요‬[Ye-hyun] He must have chosen us cause he looked down on us.
‪저는 오히려 잘됐다 했습니다‬[Ye-hyun] He must have chosen us cause he looked down on us. Well, it was for the best. We have a rugby player, I was a fencer,
‪뭐, 럭비 했고 저 펜싱 했고‬Well, it was for the best. We have a rugby player, I was a fencer,
‪크로스 핏 하는 관장님 계시고‬and we have a CrossFitter slash gym owner.
‪'어, 우리가 유리하네?'라고‬ ‪생각을 했어요‬and we have a CrossFitter slash gym owner. I thought we had an advantage.
‪(성민과 치현)‬ ‪- 죽이고 오자, 어? 진짜로, 어?‬ ‪- 죽이자, 쓰리, 투, 원!‬Let's crush them for real, okay? [Chi-hyun] Three, two, one.
‪[비장한 음악]‬ ‪[참가자들의 기합]‬[Chi-hyun] Three, two, one.
‪(치현) 죽이자, 죽이자‬Let's crush them.
‪(성빈) 진짜로 뭐‬ ‪누구든 상관없고‬[Sung-bin] Seriously, well, I don't care who it is,
‪'그냥 재밌게 해야겠다'‬ ‪이렇게 생각했어요, 예‬[Sung-bin] Seriously, well, I don't care who it is, let's just have fun. [Hee-dong] What's gonna be the game?
‪(기관) 어떤 게임일까‬[Hee-dong] What's gonna be the game?
‪(치현과 기관) 파이팅!‬ ‪[박수 소리]‬Good luck. Good luck.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(기관) 와, 이거 뭐야?‬[contestants exclaiming in surprise]
‪(참가자들) 모래‬-[Seong-min] Sand. There's sand. -[Ki-kwan] Sand.
‪- (희동) 뭐야, 이게?‬ ‪- (국영) 아, 포대가 있구나‬-[Seong-min] Sand. There's sand. -[Ki-kwan] Sand.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(기관) 와, 이거 뭐야?‬
‪(최성혁) 어허, 로프‬[Chi-hyun] Whoa, what is this?
‪(기관) 이건 뭐지?‬[Ki-kwan] What is this? The high staircase and the piles of sand.
‪이 높은 계단과‬ ‪이 많이 쌓여 있는 흙들과‬[Ki-kwan] What is this? The high staircase and the piles of sand.
‪(성민) 모래 나르기네‬ ‪모래 나르기‬It's carrying sand.
‪- (최성혁) 그렇지‬ ‪- (예현) 네‬ ‪[참가자들이 호응한다]‬Right. -I think we have much better stamina. -[Ye-hyun] Us.
‪(예현) 우리가‬-I think we have much better stamina. -[Ye-hyun] Us. [Guk-young] I think the deck if we build the deck faster, we can win.
‪(예현) 게임이 너무‬ ‪잘 걸린 거예요, 제가 봤을 때는‬[Ye-hyun] We got a great game, I thought.
‪전 기대했습니다‬ ‪'이겨야지, 당연히'‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬I had high expectations. We should win obviously.
‪- (성민) 형, 씨발, 마지막이라고‬ ‪- (예현) 조지자‬Hey, shoot. This is the last one. Pretend this is the finals, okay?
‪(성민) 이게, 이게 우승이야‬ ‪결승이야, 어?‬Pretend this is the finals, okay? [Ye-hyun] Let's crush it.
‪(현승) 그렇지, 그렇지‬Basically, we build the bridge and keep going back and forth. It's shakier than you think. If you fall, it's done.
‪(식) 일단 우리 다섯 명이니까‬[Ki-kwan] Yes, it's harder to control than you think.
‪전력적으로는 저는‬ ‪뭐, 충분히 이길 수 있겠다‬First, there's five of us. Strategically, I thought we could easily win.
‪(식) 뭐, 스피드라든지, 체력‬Strategically, I thought we could easily win. Speed or stamina, power,
‪파워, 이런 게 기본적으로 다‬Speed or stamina, power,
‪뭐든지 균형 하게‬ ‪좋을 거라고 생각했고‬Speed or stamina, power, I thought we all evenly have these qualities.
‪정말 우리 팀 쉽게 이길 거라고‬ ‪저는 일단 생각했습니다‬I thought we all evenly have these qualities. So I thought our team would win easily.
‪저희는 우리가‬ ‪무조건 이긴다고 생각했어요‬I thought we'd absolutely win. Because we had an advantage.
‪우리가 유리하니까, 그냥‬I thought we'd absolutely win. Because we had an advantage.
‪딱 육안으로 봤을 때‬ ‪우리가 유리하니까‬Just in one look, you could see we had it.
‪(마스터) '피지컬: 100'‬ ‪윤성빈 팀과‬[Master] Physical: 100. Team Yun Sung-bin versus…
‪[무거운 효과음]‬ ‪(성빈) 이변만 없다면‬ ‪실수하지만 않는다면‬Team Yun Sung-bin versus… [Sung-bin] If there's no unexpected incident or mistake,
‪크게 문제없을 거 같다‬there should be no problem.
‪(마스터) 장성민 팀의‬[Master] …Team Jang Seong-min.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬ ‪(성민) 자존심이 걸린‬ ‪문제기도 하고 지면 안 되죠‬[Seong-min] Our pride is on the line, so we can't lose. I'll make them feel they made the wrong choice.
‪잘못된 선택인 걸‬ ‪느끼게 해 드리겠습니다‬I'll make them feel they made the wrong choice.
‪(마스터) 대결을‬[Master] The quest…
‪시작하겠습니다‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬is about to start.
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪- (국영) 고‬ ‪- (최성혁) 천천히 해, 천천히‬-[whistle blowing] -[Ye-hyun] Don't rush. Slowly.
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪- (국영) 고‬ ‪- (최성혁) 천천히 해, 천천히‬-[whistle blowing] -[Ye-hyun] Don't rush. Slowly.
‪(예현) 올릴까?‬-Do you want to put those on here? -No, I'm fine.
‪(성민) 어? 됐어‬-Do you want to put those on here? -No, I'm fine.
‪(기관) 한 명이 그 발판을‬ ‪최대한 빨리 만들어 내는 동안‬And while one person made that as fast as possible,
‪우리 나머지는‬ ‪모래주머니를 만들자‬the rest bagged the sand.
‪(국영) 오케이‬[Sung-hyuk] Okay.
‪(최성혁) 좋다, 좋다, 좋다‬ ‪가자, 가자‬[Sung-hyuk] Okay. Good. Let's go.
‪(국영) 두 명은 다리를 만들고‬ ‪두 명은 모래를 담아 놓자‬[Guk-young] We thought it would require cooperation more than personal skill, so two made the bridge while two bagged the sand.
‪(최성혁) 가자, 가자, 가자, 좋다!‬[Sung-hyuk] Let's go. Let's go. Nice.
‪(성민) 얼마큼 됐어, 위에?‬[Seong-min] How far along are they up there?
‪(치현) 안 보인다, 그렇죠?‬-[Chi-hyun] I can't see from here. -[Seong-min] I'll go and check.
‪(성민) 일단 가 볼게‬-[Chi-hyun] I can't see from here. -[Seong-min] I'll go and check.
‪(기관) 묶지 말고?‬[Ki-kwan] Why not help us?
‪벌써 간다고?‬Is he going already?
‪[어두운 음악]‬[man] Good.
‪[식이 숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪(식) 약간의 변수라고는‬ ‪뭐, 생각했지만‬[Ki-kwan] I thought there might be obstacles,
‪한 명이 생각보다‬ ‪시간이 굉장히 오래 걸려 가지고‬but having just one person on the bridge was taking way too long,
‪좀 불안한 감정이 있었습니다‬and I got a little worried.
‪(식) 들어간다‬Thank you.
‪(최성혁) 아, 다 왔다‬ ‪왔다, 다 왔다‬[Sung-hyuk] Go, go, we're there.
‪아, 다 왔다, 왔다, 다 왔다‬[Sung-hyuk] Go, go, we're there.
‪- (국영) 라스트‬ ‪- (최성혁) 오케이, 오케이, 출발‬-[Guk-young] Last one. -[Sung-hyuk] Okay, okay, start.
‪(최성혁) 오케이, 오케이, 출발‬Okay, okay, start.
‪- (성민) 나와, 나와‬ ‪- (국영) 출발‬[Guk-young] Move.
‪- (식) 성빈아! 나무 두 개‬ ‪- (국영) 출발‬-[Sik] Sung-bin, two planks! -[Seong-min] Let's go.
‪(국영과 최성혁)‬ ‪- 출발‬ ‪- 출발, 출발, 출발, 출발‬[Sung-hyuk] Go, go, go, go. [Seong-min] Move, move.
‪- (성민) 나와, 나와, 나와, 나와‬ ‪- (최성혁) 좋다, 좋다, 좋다‬[Seong-min] Move, move. -[Sung-hyuk] Good, good. -[Guk-young] Okay.
‪(국영과 최성혁)‬ ‪- 오케이‬ ‪- 빨리 넣어라, 빨리 넣어라‬-[Sung-hyuk] Good, good. -[Guk-young] Okay. [Sung-hyuk] Pour it quick.
‪(최성혁) 빨리 넣어라‬-[Sung-hyuk] Pour it quick. -[Guk-young] We won. We won.
‪이기고 있다, 이기고 있다‬-[Sung-hyuk] Pour it quick. -[Guk-young] We won. We won. [Sung-hyuk] I saw our opponents, and they looked discouraged.
‪(최성혁) 상대방을 봤을 때‬[Sung-hyuk] I saw our opponents, and they looked discouraged.
‪저기서 낙담을 하고 있었거든요‬[Sung-hyuk] I saw our opponents, and they looked discouraged. I thought we'd win for sure.
‪무조건 이겼다고 생각했어요‬I thought we'd win for sure.
‪(최성혁) 좋다, 좋다, 좋다‬ ‪이겼다, 이겼다‬Good, good. [Ye-hyun] We won. Keep going!
‪(참가자들) 파이팅!‬[Ye-hyun] We won. Keep going! Keep going!
‪(최성혁) 좋아, 좋아, 좋아, 좋아‬Good. [Sung-hyuk] We won.
‪이기고 있다, 이기고 있다‬[Sung-hyuk] We won. [Guk-young] Okay, okay.
‪(국영) 오케이, 오케이‬ ‪오케이, 오케이‬[Guk-young] Okay, okay.
‪(식) 앞에 보고 있어‬[Sik] Look ahead.
‪(현승) 와, 이거 진짜로 잘못하면‬ ‪내가 큰 민폐겠다‬[Hyun-seung] Wow, if I mess up, I could end up bringing down the team.
‪솔직히 말하면‬ ‪쫄리는 것도 있었는데‬To be honest, I felt intimidated.
‪(국영) 오케이‬[Sung-hyuk] Okay.
‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬ ‪(최성혁) 스톱, 스톱, 스톱, 스톱‬[Sung-hyuk] Okay. Stop, stop, stop!
‪(국영) 오케이‬Okay. Stop, stop, stop!
‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬ ‪(최성혁) 스톱, 스톱, 스톱, 스톱‬Stop, stop, stop! [Seong-min] Whoa.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(국영) 깜짝 놀랐어요‬[Seong-min] Whoa. [Guk-young] I was surprised.
‪다리를 먼저 만들었고‬ ‪잘했다 생각했거든요‬[Guk-young] I was surprised. We finished the bridge first, and I thought it'd gone well.
‪약간 좀 허망한 느낌?‬We finished the bridge first, and I thought it'd gone well. [sighs] I felt a little lost.
‪- (최성혁) 좋아‬ ‪- 괜찮아, 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬Whoa. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
‪- (예현) 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬ ‪- 괜찮아, 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬Whoa. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. -It's okay. It's okay. -It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
‪(국영) 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬-It's okay. It's okay. -It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. [Sung-hyuk] Oh, this might be tough.
‪(최성혁) 빡시게 하면 돼‬[Sung-hyuk] Oh, this might be tough.
‪(현승) 기뻤어요, 일단‬[Hyun-seung] I was satisfied. I thought perhaps we could make up for the time we lost.
‪딜레이가 생기는‬ ‪그 텀을 줄일 수 있지 않을까‬I thought perhaps we could make up for the time we lost.
‪(식) 성빈아, 나무 두 개!‬I thought perhaps we could make up for the time we lost. [Sik] Sung-bin, two planks!
‪(희동) 나무 두 개‬[Hee-dong] Two planks.
‪일단 건너자‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬[Ki-kwan] Let's get across. Keep going.
‪(참가자들) 파이팅!‬[Ki-kwan] Let's get across. Keep going. [Hee-dong] Go, go.
‪(국영과 최성혁)‬ ‪- 지금 모자라‬ ‪- 한 명씩, 한 명씩, 한 명씩‬-[Sik] We're short of planks. -[Hyun-seung] One at a time.
‪(국영) 야, 이씨‬[Seong-min] Hey!
‪현이 와도 돼‬Hey, you can come.
‪(성민과 최성혁)‬ ‪- 괜찮아, 와, 와, 괜찮아, 와‬ ‪- 천천히, 천천히, 천천히‬It's okay, come. Come.
‪(최성혁) 조금만 천천히‬[Sung-hyuk] Slowly, slowly.
‪이거 많이 뛰면 안 되겠다, 어‬[Ye-hyun] We can't run too much, no.
‪[국영의 불안한 탄성]‬[man] One by one. Almost there.
‪뛰면 안 돼, 뛰면 안 돼‬ ‪한 명씩 걸어야 돼, 걸어야 돼‬[Guk-young] Don't run. Don't run. Walk one step at a time.
‪(예현) 천천히 갈게요‬[Guk-young] Don't run. Don't run. Walk one step at a time. [Ye-hyun] Okay. I'll go slowly.
‪천천히 와, 천천히, 천천히‬It's okay. Slowly. -[Guk-young] One at a time. Slowly. -[Seong-min] Okay, steady. Nice.
‪(국영과 성민)‬ ‪- 한 명씩, 천천히, 천천히‬ ‪- 오케이, 꾸준하게, 꾸준하게‬-[Guk-young] One at a time. Slowly. -[Seong-min] Okay, steady. Nice.
‪- (성민) 좋아, 씨발, 아자, 아자‬ ‪- (최성혁) 좋다, 좋다, 좋다‬-[Guk-young] One at a time. Slowly. -[Seong-min] Okay, steady. Nice. [Seong-min] Let's go, go, go.
‪- (치현) 천천히 가‬ ‪- (성민) 오케이‬[Sung-hyuk] Nice, nice. Slowly. Okay.
‪(성민) 쏘리, 쏘리‬ ‪[치현의 힘주는 소리]‬Sorry. Sorry.
‪(성민) 여유 있어, 여유 있어‬[Chi-hyun] There's time. [Sung-hyuk] We won.
‪(최성혁) 이기고 있다‬ ‪이기고 있다‬[Sung-hyuk] We won.
‪(예현) 뛰면 안 돼, 뛰면 안 돼‬Don't run.
‪(성빈) 처음에는‬ ‪조금 꼬이는 거 같았는데‬[Sung-bin] At first, I thought it was turning into a mess.
‪근데 오히려 아무 생각 없이 좀‬ ‪계속 최선을 다해서 하자‬[Sung-bin] At first, I thought it was turning into a mess. But instead, without thinking about much, I just decided to do my best and just did my job.
‪저는 그냥 저 할 것만 했습니다‬I just decided to do my best and just did my job.
‪(희동) 일단 와요, 와요‬[Ye-hyun] Come, come.
‪[성빈의 힘주는 소리]‬[indistinct conversation]
‪(기관) 그 미친 피지컬의 소유자‬ ‪윤성빈 선수‬[Ki-kwan] The man with the crazy physique, Yun Sung-bin.
‪(현승) 정신력이나 신체적 능력이‬[Hyun-seung] I really felt he has an incredible mentality
‪엄청 뛰어나다는 거를‬[Hyun-seung] I really felt he has an incredible mentality
‪많이 좀 느낀 거 같고‬and a lot of skills.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪(성민) 다 했다, 형님‬[Seong-min] Let's go. Pack the sand a little faster!
‪모래 조금만 빨리 담아!‬Pack the sand a little faster!
‪(치현) 오케이, 파이팅!‬[Chi-hyun] Okay! [Sung-hyuk] Go!
‪(성민) 오케이, 담아! 계속해!‬ ‪[성빈의 힘주는 소리]‬-[man] Don't give up! -[grunts]
‪(예현과 국영)‬ ‪- 와, 야, 위험하다‬ ‪- 그냥, 그냥, 그냥 가, 그냥 가‬-[Ye-hyun] Wow. Hey, it's dangerous. -[Guk-young] Just go, yeah.
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬-[Ye-hyun] Wow. Hey, it's dangerous. -[Guk-young] Just go, yeah. [siren blaring]
‪[어두운 음악]‬[Hee-dong] When the siren went off to tell us that we had three minutes,
‪(희동) '아, 12분이‬ ‪이렇게 빨리 가는구나'‬[Hee-dong] When the siren went off to tell us that we had three minutes, I thought, "Wow, 12 minutes went by so fast."
‪그때 이제는 좀‬ ‪그때 좀 급해졌어요‬That's when I felt a bit rushed.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬ ‪[신호음이 삐 울린다]‬[buzzer humming]
‪[무거운 효과음]‬ ‪[신호음이 삐 울린다]‬
‪[무거운 효과음]‬ ‪[신호음이 삐 울린다]‬
‪[긴박한 음악]‬[gasps]
‪(성민) 그냥 와, 그냥 와‬[Seong-min] Hey, come here. It fell.
‪떨어진 거야, 떨어진 거야‬It fell.
‪(최성혁) 위험하다‬ ‪조심조심조심, 조심!‬[Ye-hyun] It's dangerous. Careful.
‪(성민) 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬[Seong-min] It's okay.
‪(국영) 오케이, 빨리 와, 빨리빨리‬[Guk-young] Okay. I'm coming. Let's go.
‪(성민) 빨리 와‬[Ye-hyun] Come quickly. -[Sung-hyuk] Go first. -[Ye-hyun] Go.
‪- (성민) 가, 우선 가‬ ‪- (국영) 요것만 피해 가‬-[Sung-hyuk] Go first. -[Ye-hyun] Go. Let me just jump over this.
‪- (국영) 오케이‬ ‪- (최성혁) 저건 내가 만들게‬-[Seong-min] Okay. -[Sung-hyuk] It's okay, I'm gonna do it.
‪(기관) 2분 20초!‬[Ki-kwan] 2 minutes, 20 seconds!
‪[희동의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪(최성혁) 오케이, 좋아‬-[Sung-hyuk] Okay, nice. -[Hee-dong] Go. Go.
‪- (최성혁) 파이팅, 파이팅!‬ ‪- (국영) 파이팅!‬-[Ye-hyun] Go. Go. -[Hyun-seung] Oh, gosh.
‪- (성민) 주세요‬ ‪- (국영) 가, 가, 가‬-[Chi-hyun] Give it to me. -[Hyun-seung] Go. Go. [Chi-hyun] Keep going! Quickly. Go!
‪- (치현) 파이팅!‬ ‪- (국영) 가, 가, 가‬[Chi-hyun] Keep going! Quickly. Go!
‪[성민의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(치현) 포기하지 마!‬Don't give up! [Guk-young] Don't give up!
‪(국영) 포기하지 마!‬ ‪[고조되는 음악]‬[Guk-young] Don't give up!
‪(기관) 파이팅, 파이팅‬[Ki-kwan] Go, go.
‪- (기관) 자, 1분!‬ ‪- (치현) 야, 고작 1분 남았어!‬-[Sung-hyuk] Hey, one minute left. -[Ye-hyun] Fill them all up.
‪(최성혁) 이제 다 채워라‬ ‪다 채워라‬[Sung-hyuk] We have just one minute left! We're almost there.
‪- (치현) 고작 1분이다!‬ ‪- (성민) 다 왔다, 다 왔다‬[Ye-hyun] Fill them all! Fill them all! [Sung-hyuk] We have just one minute left! We have just one minute left!
‪(최성혁) 그냥 채워라‬ ‪그냥 채워라‬[Sung-hyuk] We have just one minute left! We have just one minute left!
‪- (치현) 고작 1분이다!‬ ‪- (성민) 다 왔다, 다 왔다‬[Sung-hyuk] We have just one minute left! We have just one minute left! [Seong-min] We're almost there.
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪(최성혁) 45초, 45초‬[Sung-hyuk] Forty-five seconds.
‪(예현) 헹님, 40초입니다‬[Ye-hyun] Hey, we have 40 seconds left.
‪(최성혁) 한 번에 가‬[Sung-hyuk] Go at once.
‪[참가자들이 분주하다]‬-[Sung-bin] Quickly, quickly. -[Ye-hyun] Let's go.
‪(식) 마지막‬ ‪다 같이 가야 돼, 가야 돼‬[Sung-hyuk] Last one. Together. We gotta go.
‪(최성혁) 30초‬[Hee-dong] Thirty seconds.
‪한 번 더 해라, 한 번 더 해라‬[Sung-hyuk] Just one more.
‪(예현) 지금 가야 돼‬ ‪지금 가야 돼‬
‪- (성민) 더 담아‬ ‪- (예현) 형님, 같이 가, 같이 가‬
‪(식) 오지 마, 오지 마, 거기 있어‬[Ye-hyun] Don't come, stay there.
‪(최성혁) 이겼다, 이겼다‬[Sung-hyuk] We won. [Hee-dong] Ten seconds.
‪(희동) 10초, 10초‬[Hee-dong] Ten seconds.
‪(성민과 국영)‬ ‪- 나와, 나와‬ ‪- 뛰어, 뛰어, 뛰어, 뛰어, 뛰어‬-[Seong-min] Move, move. -[Guk-young] Run, run.
‪- (예현) 지금 가 봐야 돼‬ ‪- (국영) 5!‬-[Seong-min] Move, move. -[Guk-young] Run, run. -[Guk-young] Five, four. -[Ye-hyun] Quickly.
‪- (예현) 빨리빨리, 빨리‬ ‪- (국영) 4!‬-[Guk-young] Five, four. -[Ye-hyun] Quickly.
‪- (기관) 야, 뛰어, 뛰어, 뛰어‬ ‪- (국영) 3!‬-[Guk-young] Five, four. -[Ye-hyun] Quickly. -[Guk-young] Three. -[Ye-hyun] Hey, run! Run!
‪[강렬한 음악]‬[intense music playing]
‪- (국영) 2!‬ ‪- (예현) 오케이, 오케이!‬-[Guk-young] Two. -[Sung-hyuk] Okay!
‪- (국영) 나이스!‬ ‪- (최성혁) 오!‬ ‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬-[Guk-young] Nice! -[whistle blowing]
‪(마스터) 경기 종료‬[Master] Game over.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬ ‪- (최성혁) 자, 자‬ ‪- (치현) 이겼어?‬We won!
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪(최성혁) 이겼다, 이겼다‬ ‪100% 이겼다‬-[Seong-min] We won. -[Sung-hyuk] We won for sure.
‪100%로 이겼다, 질 수가 없다‬ ‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬We won for sure. [Sung-hyuk] We can't lose. [panting]
‪[거친 숨소리]‬ ‪100% 이겼다‬100 percent, we won.
‪(현승) 딱 끝나고 나서 기뻤어요‬[Hyun-seung] Once it was done, I was feeling good about it. I was so tired.
‪일단 너무 힘들었기 때문에‬I was feeling good about it. I was so tired.
‪이게 이기고 지고를 떠나서‬No matter who wins or loses, wow, it's over.
‪'와, 끝났다'‬ ‪[참가자들의 거친 숨소리]‬No matter who wins or loses, wow, it's over. [deep panting]
‪유산소 했다, 유산소‬That was some workout.
‪(예현) 고생했다‬ ‪아, 네가 좀 많이 뛰더라‬Good job.
‪모래 담는 데 좀 걸려 가지고‬You did a lot of running.
‪(성민) 괜찮아, 최선을 다했어‬[Ye-hyun] With all that sand. It's okay. We did our best.
‪[성민의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[성민의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(예현) 성민아, 괜찮아?‬Seong-min, are you okay?
‪(성빈) 진짜 약간‬
‪어릴 때 놀이터에서 놀던 감성?‬[Sung-bin] It kind of felt like playing in the playground as a kid.
‪그런 느낌으로‬[Sung-bin] It kind of felt like playing in the playground as a kid.
‪서로 되게 열심히 한 거 같아서‬ ‪저는 좋았어요‬We all worked hard, and I liked that.
‪재밌게 한 거 같아요, 진짜로, 예‬I think we really had fun, yes.
‪[신비로운 소리가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(마스터) '피지컬: 100'‬ ‪두 번째 퀘스트‬[Master] Physical: 100 second quest. It is time to reveal the winning team.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪이제 승리 팀을 공개하겠습니다‬It is time to reveal the winning team.
‪윤성빈 팀과 장성민 팀의 대결‬Team Yun Sung-bin versus Team Jang Seong-min.
‪승리 팀은!‬The winner is…
‪(성빈) 다 같이 의기투합해서 했고‬[Sung-bin] We all worked together with the same mind, and I think we moved faster.
‪우리가 그래도‬ ‪기동력이 좀 좋지 않았었나‬and I think we moved faster.
‪(성민) 초반 기세도 되게 좋았고‬[Seong-min] We got off to a good start, so I think the result will be in our favor.
‪좋은 결과 있지 않을까 생각합니다‬so I think the result will be in our favor.
‪[고조되는 음악]‬[suspenseful music playing]
‪[덜컹거리는 소리]‬ ‪[윤성빈 팀의 환호성]‬[Team Yun Sung-bin cheering]
‪[덜컹거리는 소리]‬
‪[윤성빈 팀의 환호성]‬
‪[어두운 효과음]‬
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪[윤성빈 팀의 환호성]‬[Team Yun Sung-bin cheering]
‪[함께 기뻐한다]‬[Ki-kwan] Nice. Well done, well done.
‪- (기관) 잘했어, 잘했어, 잘했어‬ ‪- (현승) 고생했어요, 나이스‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Ki-kwan] Nice. Well done, well done. [Hyun-seung] Good job. Whoa, I really thought we were gonna lose.
‪(기관) 나 진짜 질 줄 알았어‬Whoa, I really thought we were gonna lose. [Hyun-seung] That was really nerve-racking.
‪(현승) 개쫄리네, 진짜‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Hyun-seung] That was really nerve-racking.
‪[윤성빈 팀이 서로를 다독인다]‬[Hee-dong] We really worked hard. We really did.
‪- (현승) 진짜‬ ‪- (희동) 진짜 열심히 했어, 진짜‬ ‪[기관의 탄성]‬[Hee-dong] We really worked hard. We really did. [Hyun-seung] Really.
‪[윤성빈 팀이 기뻐한다]‬
‪[성민의 탄식]‬
‪[성민의 한숨]‬[soft music playing]
‪(성민) 솔직하게 이길 줄 알았어요‬[Seong-min] To be honest, I thought we'd win.
‪정말 미세한 차이로‬ ‪졌더라고요, 그래서‬[Seong-min] To be honest, I thought we'd win. We lost by a really small gap.
‪제가 한 번이라도 더 갔으면‬We lost by a really small gap. If I had made one more trip, the result could have been different.
‪'좀 결과가‬ ‪뒤집어지지 않았을까'라는 생각에‬If I had made one more trip, the result could have been different.
‪그 부분이 조금 아쉽습니다‬If I had made one more trip, the result could have been different. I feel a bit bad about that.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪일단 너무 축하드리고‬Big congratulations, first of all.
‪앞으로 남은 미션 부상 없이‬Big congratulations, first of all. I hope you finish the remaining challenges well without a scratch.
‪마무리 잘했으면 좋겠습니다‬I hope you finish the remaining challenges well without a scratch. I'll root for you in the back.
‪또 뒤에서도 응원 많이 하겠습니다‬I'll root for you in the back.
‪마음이 아프다‬It's heartbreaking.
‪(호주 타잔) 내가 봤을 때‬I think it's true that we're stronger and in better shape.
‪나 여기 성공하러 왔다‬I think it's true that we're stronger and in better shape.
‪진짜 넘버원 되러 왔다, 진짜‬I'm here to be number one, really.
‪근데 이미, 이미 성공했제‬ ‪이미 자리 잡았제‬They're already successful. They're already stable.
‪우리 다 젊다 아이가‬We're all young. -They don't have the juice. -Yes, we have the juice, we do.
‪(방성혁과 호주 타잔)‬ ‪- 절박함이 없어, 절박함이‬ ‪- 절박함이 있다, 우리‬-They don't have the juice. -Yes, we have the juice, we do.
‪(호주 타잔) 꼭 이겨야겠다는‬ ‪마음이 있었어요‬-They don't have the juice. -Yes, we have the juice, we do. I was really determined to win. I'm still hungry.
‪전 아직 배고픕니다‬I was really determined to win. I'm still hungry.
‪(성훈) 나이도 어리고‬ ‪체력도 있기도 하고‬[Sung-hoon] They are younger, and have more energy, but we have a lot of experience in this and that.
‪근데 우리는 경험이 많아서‬but we have a lot of experience in this and that.
‪그런 경험이랑‬ ‪이것저것 경험이 많은 거 같아서‬but we have a lot of experience in this and that.
‪머리 많이 써야 되니까‬We must use our brains a lot. And that's where the mind games begin.
‪머리싸움이 이제‬ ‪시작하는 거죠, 거기서‬We must use our brains a lot. And that's where the mind games begin.
‪(성훈) 만약에‬ ‪게임 시작한다고 하고‬If the game begins, for example,
‪예를 들어서 조그마한 공‬and the team that gets more small balls wins,
‪(성훈과 우진용)‬ ‪- 많이 가져오는 사람이 이긴다고‬ ‪- 음, 그런 걸 수 있지‬and the team that gets more small balls wins, if it's something like that,
‪(성훈) 만약에‬ ‪그런 거 있다고 생각하면‬if it's something like that, don't get too greedy and bring too many.
‪너무 많이 욕심내서‬ ‪그거 많이 들고 오지 마세요‬You gotta put your greed on the side.
‪욕심 그거는 버리라고, 우리는‬
‪무조건 빨리빨리 움직이는 스피드‬We gotta move fast. Speed, always speed, right?
‪[영어] 무조건 속도, 알았죠?‬Speed, always speed, right?
‪[한국어] 아마 그런 거‬ ‪할 일이 높아요, 내 생각에‬The game will probably need speed.
‪(성훈) 어떻게든 이길 수 있는‬ ‪방법을 찾고 있으니‬[Sung-hoon] I'm looking for a way to win somehow.
‪그래도 50 대 50이 아닌가 싶어서‬ ‪계속 보고 있었습니다‬Still, I wasn't sure. It was 50-50. So I stayed on my toes.
‪[신비로운 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪(마스터) '피지컬: 100'‬ ‪팀 대 팀 대결‬[Master] Time to reveal Physical: 100 team quest.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪두 번째 퀘스트를 공개하겠습니다‬[Master] Time to reveal Physical: 100 team quest.
‪두 번째 퀘스트는‬The second quest…
‪모래 나르기입니다‬is "Moving Sand."
‪(성훈) 가벼운 사람이‬ ‪가긴 가야 되나?‬[Dbo] Should the lighter person go?
‪(으뜸) 그거를 고정해야 된대‬It has to be set. Who do you think should do this?
‪이거 누가 하는 게 낫겠어?‬It has to be set. Who do you think should do this?
‪(호주 타잔과 으뜸)‬ ‪- 내, 내랑 정윤이, 내랑 정윤이‬ ‪- 여기 설치 두 명, 어, 오케이‬[Eu-ddeum] Two people to set it up. Me. Me and Jeong-yun.
‪(으뜸) 우리 셋이는‬ ‪모래를 그냥 퍼야 돼‬[Eu-ddeum] Oh, okay. Okay. Us three must pile the sand.
‪(디보) 담고 있으면 되겠다‬[Eu-ddeum] Oh, okay. Okay. Us three must pile the sand.
‪[니퍼트가 호응한다]‬ ‪[영어]‬-And pile them up. -Two. Two people are at bridge. -Okay. -[Sung-hoon] And three people…
‪(니퍼트) 모래주머니를 만들고요?‬-Okay. -[Sung-hoon] And three people… Making the sandbags.
‪(니퍼트) 아, 여기서요?‬-Yes, making and here. -Okay, here? -Here. Here. If the bridge is good… -Then we start to move them.
‪(니퍼트) 나르면 되죠?‬-Here. Here. If the bridge is good… -Then we start to move them. Yeah, yeah. Okay.
‪(마스터) [한국어] '피지컬: 100'‬ ‪두 번째 퀘스트‬[Master] Physical: 100 second quest.
‪추성훈 팀과‬Team Choo Sung-hoon…
‪호주 타잔 팀의 대결을‬versus Team Tarzan. The quest…
‪시작하겠습니다‬is about to start.
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪(성훈) 가자‬-[whistle blowing] -[Eu-ddeum] Let's go!
‪[긴박한 음악]‬[man] Let's go.
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪(호주 타잔) 다섯 개씩 들어‬-[whistle blowing] -[Sung-hoon] Guys, let's go.
‪(호주 타잔) 저희 팀의‬ ‪강점 같은 경우에는‬[Tarzan] The strength of our team is that we're all young,
‪다 젊고 투지력은 좋았던 거 같고‬[Tarzan] The strength of our team is that we're all young, and I think we all have that fighting spirit.
‪(성훈) 우리는 빨리빨리 움직이고‬and I think we all have that fighting spirit. [Sung-hoon] If we move quickly,
‪자기 역할만 맡아서‬ ‪그거만 다 하면‬[Sung-hoon] If we move quickly, and kept to our roles, I thought we could win.
‪이길 수 있는 거 같다고‬ ‪생각했습니다‬and kept to our roles, I thought we could win. [suspenseful music playing]
‪(호주 타잔) 놔두고 가, 놔두고‬[Tarzan] Leave it. Leave it and go.
‪- (호주 타잔) 뒤로, 뒤에 줄게‬ ‪- (정윤) 예‬-[Tarzan] Putting them right behind you. -[Jeong-yun] Okay.
‪(호주 타잔) 뒤에 있다‬-[Tarzan] Putting them right behind you. -[Jeong-yun] Okay.
‪[보미레의 탄성]‬[Bo-mi-rae] Ah.
‪(호주 타잔) 움직이지 마‬ ‪할 수 있지?‬[Tarzan] Don't move too much. You can do this. Take it easy.
‪- (호주 타잔) 천천히 해, 천천히‬ ‪- (정윤) 예‬[Tarzan] Don't move too much. You can do this. Take it easy. [Jeong-yun] Okay.
‪(정윤) 상대 팀보다는‬ ‪다리를 먼저 만들어 놓자‬[Jeong-yun] I thought, "Let's make the bridge faster than the other team.
‪뭐, 이랬던 거 같아요‬[Jeong-yun] I thought, "Let's make the bridge faster than the other team.
‪(성훈) 어깨가‬ ‪너무 무거우면 힘들어, 오케이‬ ‪[니퍼트가 호응한다]‬[Sung-hoon] It's gonna be tough if it's too heavy.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪(성훈) 모래 같은 건‬ ‪가져갈 수 있는 만큼만 가져가서‬[Sung-hoon] Bring as much sand as you can to the top of the stairs.
‪계단 위에서 올려라‬[Sung-hoon] Bring as much sand as you can to the top of the stairs. That was the plan I came up with.
‪이런 식으로 제가 작전을 낸 거죠‬That was the plan I came up with.
‪(으뜸) 성혁아, 한쪽 들어 봐‬ ‪아니야, 지금 더 있어야 돼‬Seong-hyeok, lift one side. No, it needs more sand.
‪(방성혁) 아니야, 아니야‬ ‪처음에는, 한 번은 이 상태만 넣자‬[Seong-hyeok] No, no, no, first, let's go with this.
‪(으뜸) 양손에 들어야 되니까‬ ‪잠깐만‬[Eu-ddeum] You have to carry one in each hand. Wait.
‪(방성혁) 오케이‬ ‪와, 이씨, 야, 이거 무…‬Okay. Whoa, shoot. Hey, this… Can you carry it? Should we take a bit out?
‪(디보와 방성혁)‬ ‪- 그건 안 돼? 안 돼? 좀 빼?‬ ‪- 이 정도면 무거워‬Can you carry it? Should we take a bit out? -[Seong-hyeok] This is heavy. -[Eu-ddeum] Where is it?
‪(으뜸) 이거 어디 있어?‬-[Seong-hyeok] This is heavy. -[Eu-ddeum] Where is it?
‪됐어요? 좀 오래 걸려?‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬Is it done? Is it taking a while?
‪- (민철) 조금만 더‬ ‪- (우진용) 어때요? 기다려?‬-[Min-cheol] Just a bit more. -[Jin-yong] How is it? Should I wait?
‪지금 들어가도 될까요?‬Can I go in now?
‪- (우진용) 다인가, 이게?‬ ‪- (호주 타잔) 침착하게, 침착하게‬-[Min-cheol] Is this okay? -[man 1] Don't rush. Make it sturdy.
‪(호주 타잔) 침착하게, 침착하게‬[man 1] Don't rush. Make it sturdy.
‪- 천천히 한 번만 지나갈게요‬ ‪- (보미레) 네‬[man 1] Don't rush. Make it sturdy. -Hang on, I'll go by slowly. -[Bo-mi-rae] Okay.
‪(우진용과 보미레)‬ ‪- 천천히 한 번만 지나갈게요‬ ‪- 네‬-[Jin-yong] I'll go by slowly. -[Bo-mi-rae] Okay.
‪(우진용) 어유‬-[Jin-yong] I'll go by slowly. -[Bo-mi-rae] Okay. [Tarzan] Oh. We should stay alert.
‪(호주 타잔) 긴장해야겠다‬[Tarzan] Oh. We should stay alert.
‪(디보) 다 됐어?‬[indistinct chatter]
‪(민철) 조심‬[Dbo] Is it done?
‪- (방성혁) 됐어?‬ ‪- (호주 타잔) 아, 근데 모래…‬[Seong-hyeok] Is it done? I mean, the sand…
‪- (호주 타잔) 그냥 들고 올게‬ ‪- (정윤) 예‬-[Tarzan] I'll bring some more. -[Jeong-yun] Okay.
‪(으뜸) 자, 성혁이 가자‬ ‪성혁이 가자‬-Hey, go, Seong-hyeok. -[Dbo] Go. Go.
‪(디보) 가자, 가자‬-Hey, go, Seong-hyeok. -[Dbo] Go. Go. Is it done? I mean, the sand…
‪- (방성혁) 됐어?‬ ‪- (호주 타잔) 아, 근데 모래…‬Is it done? I mean, the sand…
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬BANG SEONG-HYEOK, TRAINER
‪(방성혁) 좀 뭔가 불안했죠‬[Seong-hyeok] I felt a little uneasy.
‪(정윤) 조심조심, 조심, 침착하게‬[Jeong-yun] Careful, careful. Be calm. [Tarzan] Uh, honestly, Seong-hyeok is a big guy
‪(정윤) 사실 성혁이가‬ ‪어떻게 보면 부피가 크다 보니까‬[Tarzan] Uh, honestly, Seong-hyeok is a big guy so I kind of expected it.
‪대충 보고 예상은 했습니다‬so I kind of expected it. [Jeong-yun] Careful. Careful. Careful. Calmly.
‪'아, 성혁이가‬ ‪오히려 위험할 수 있겠다'‬[Tarzan] Seong-hyeok could be in trouble.
‪(정윤) 지나가, 지나가, 지나가‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[Jeong-yun] Go on. Go on.
‪가라‬Go. Go.
‪[방성혁의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(우진용) [영어] 완성했어‬We made it.
‪(성훈) [한국어] 됐어?‬-Is it done? Okay. -Yeah, there is the bridge.
‪(우진용) [영어] 네‬ ‪다리 완성됐어요‬-Is it done? Okay. -Yeah, there is the bridge.
‪(우진용) [한국어] 하나 내 거니까‬ ‪기다려요, 저기 위의‬One is mine, so wait up, up there. -That one is mine. -[Sung-hoon] Okay.
‪- (우진용) 위의 하나 내 거야‬ ‪- (성훈) 오케이‬-That one is mine. -[Sung-hoon] Okay.
‪(성훈) 이제 무조건‬ ‪빨리빨리 움직이고‬[Sung-hoon] Now, if we just move quickly…
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬and kept it to each of our roles…
‪자기 역할만 맡아서‬ ‪그 일만 다 하면‬and kept it to each of our roles…
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪- (우진용) 들어갈게요‬ ‪- (민철) 네, 지나가도 돼요‬-[Jin-yong] Coming through. -[Min-cheol] Yes, go through.
‪(우진용과 보미레)‬ ‪- 죄송합니다, 아, 앉고, 오케이‬ ‪- 네, 먼저, 먼저 지나가세요‬-[Jin-yong] Sorry, sit. -[Bo-mi-rae] Yes, you first, go on. -Sorry, sit. -[Bo-mi-rae] Yes, you first, go on. [Jin-yong] Okay. Okay.
‪(보미레) 와, 씨, 뭐야?‬[Bo-mi-rae] Oh, shoot. What's that?
‪어, 뭐야? 뒤에 다 빠지네‬Wait, these are coming off.
‪(성훈) 저는 그게‬ ‪어, 조금 무서워 가지고‬[Sung-hoon] It was a little scary.
‪(성훈) 오케이‬Okay.
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪가, 가, 가‬Go. Go, go.
‪(민철) 어? 모래가 없네‬[Min-cheol] There's no sand.
‪(성훈) 오케이, 오케이‬Okay.
‪(니퍼트) 대박‬ ‪[니퍼트의 웃음]‬[Nippert] Awesome. Really amazing, yeah.
‪[영어] 정말 놀라웠어요‬[Nippert] Awesome. Really amazing, yeah.
‪(우진용) [한국어] 추성훈 형님‬ ‪엄청 상황 판단이 빨랐다고 생각…‬[Jin-yong] I think Sung-hoon really played it by ear.
‪(성훈) 어, 무릎 꿇고 가니까‬ ‪조금 약간 좀 그렇지만‬[Sung-hoon] Uh, me crawling on my knees wasn't looking, you know, too good,
‪뛰면 이게 나무가 떨어져요‬but if you run, the wood falls.
‪이렇게 아기처럼 가는 게‬ ‪훨씬 빨리 움직였거든요‬So moving like a baby was much faster and not so scary.
‪안 무섭고‬So moving like a baby was much faster and not so scary.
‪[참가자들의 가쁜 숨소리]‬[Jeong-yun] Let me get these out of your way.
‪- (정윤) 내가 치울게요‬ ‪- (호주 타잔) 오케이‬[Jeong-yun] Let me get these out of your way. [Tarzan] Okay.
‪- (방성혁) 빨리 갖다줘, 갖다줘‬ ‪- (정윤) 어‬[Seong-hyeok] Take it. Yeah, take it.
‪(방성혁) 아, 내가 가도 되겠다‬[Seong-hyeok] Take it. Yeah, take it.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[breathing heavily]
‪(니퍼트) [영어] 잘했어‬Good job.
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(방성혁) [한국어] 야, 이씨‬[Seong-hyeok] Wow, gosh.
‪(정윤) 급해 가지고‬ ‪많이 뛰었거든요‬[Jeong-yun] I felt rushed and I ran a lot, and well, the bridge fell apart.
‪그때 다리가 많이 무너지길래‬[Jeong-yun] I felt rushed and I ran a lot, and well, the bridge fell apart. [Seong-hyeok] Wow, gosh.
‪(방성혁) [웃으며] 야, 이씨‬[Seong-hyeok] Wow, gosh.
‪[방성혁의 탄성]‬Oh, they fell off. [Jeong-yun] "Oh, this is bad. What a shame."
‪(정윤) '아, 이거 좀 큰일 났구나‬ ‪아쉽구나'‬[Jeong-yun] "Oh, this is bad. What a shame."
‪그런 생각 많이 했던 것 같습니다‬I think that's what I was thinking at that moment.
‪(호주 타잔) 어, 다리가 없으면‬ ‪일단 옮기지를 못하니까‬[Tarzan] Without the bridge, we can't move anything,
‪'다리를 한 개, 한 개씩 메꾸자'‬[Tarzan] Without the bridge, we can't move anything, so I thought, "Let's fill in the holes one by one."
‪저는 다리는 보완하면서 동시에‬so I thought, "Let's fill in the holes one by one." I worked on the bridge while I could.
‪그렇게 플레이했던 것‬ ‪같습니다, 예‬ ‪[차분한 음악]‬I worked on the bridge while I could.
‪[참가자들의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(민철) 어?‬
‪(니퍼트) 자, 빨리빨리, 빨리‬[Nippert] Quickly. Quickly
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[contestants panting]
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪(니퍼트) [영어] 잘했어‬ ‪[우진용의 탄성]‬-[Jin-yong] Good job. -[Sung-hoon] Oh.
‪[호주 타잔의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[한국어] 헤이, 간다, 간다, 간다‬ ‪간다, 간다‬Hey, I'm coming. I'm coming. Don't move, bro.
‪- (정윤) 고, 고, 고‬ ‪- (호주 타잔) 가만있어, 헤이‬Hey, I'm coming. I'm coming. Don't move, bro. [Jeong-yun] Go, go,go. Don't jump.
‪(정윤) 점프하면 안 돼‬ ‪점프하면 안 돼, 점프하면 안 돼‬[Jeong-yun] Go, go,go. Don't jump.
‪(정윤과 호주 타잔)‬ ‪- 점프하면 안 돼‬ ‪- 급하다, 급하다 아이가‬-[Jeong-yun] You're going too fast. -[Tarzan] Sorry, sorry, sorry.
‪(호주 타잔) 쏘리, 쏘리, 쏘리‬-[Jeong-yun] You're going too fast. -[Tarzan] Sorry, sorry, sorry.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬-[Seong-hyeok] Yes, right. -[Eu-ddeum] Close the opening.
‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬[siren blaring]
‪침착하게, 가, 가‬Slowly. Go. Go.
‪[방성혁의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪할 수 있어!‬You can do this! [siren blaring]
‪[신호음이 삐 울린다]‬ ‪[무거운 효과음]‬[buzzer humming]
‪(정윤) 우아, 뭐야?‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[Min-cheol] Oh, what was that?
‪(우진용) 마지막 3분‬
‪(성훈) 3분‬[Sung-hoon] Three minutes.
‪(호주 타잔) 아, 이제‬ ‪부으면 안 되지, 어?‬[Tarzan] Hey, you can't pour that, can you?
‪아, 이제 부으면 안 되지, 어?‬Hey, you can't pour that. [Jeong-yun] Tarzan, we gotta go.
‪(정윤) 가야 돼, 형님, 가야 돼‬[Jeong-yun] Tarzan, we gotta go.
‪헹님, 가야 돼, 헹님, 가야 돼‬ ‪시간 안 끝났어‬-What? -Tarzan, we gotta go. It's not over yet.
‪(호주 타잔) 어, 룰을 제가‬ ‪이해를 좀 못 했던 것 같습니다‬[Tarzan] Uh, I didn't fully understand the rules, I guess.
‪(정윤) 끝난 줄 아시더라고요‬[Jeong-yun] He thought it was over. "No, Tarzan, it's not. It's not over yet."
‪'아, 헹님, 아입니다, 아입니다'‬[Jeong-yun] He thought it was over. "No, Tarzan, it's not. It's not over yet."
‪'안 끝났어요, 안 끝났어요'‬ ‪막 이러면서‬[Jeong-yun] He thought it was over. "No, Tarzan, it's not. It's not over yet."
‪그런, 그거 때문에‬ ‪약간 정신없었어요, 저도‬Because of that, I got a little upset.
‪(으뜸) 이거, 하나 더‬[Bo-mi-rae] Here, one more.
‪(보미레) 이거 해‬This one.
‪(정윤) 분홍색에 담아야 돼‬[Jeong-yun] Use the pink bag. Only the pink bag.
‪(정윤과 으뜸)‬ ‪- 분홍색에만 담아, 분홍색에다‬ ‪- 어, 오케이, 오케이‬[Jeong-yun] Use the pink bag. Only the pink bag. [Eu-ddeum] Oh, okay.
‪(성훈) 이거 되면 가, 먼저‬[Eu-ddeum] Oh, okay. [Sung-hoon] If this is done, go ahead.
‪야, 야, 야, 있는 거‬Hey, hey, hey. If that one's filled up, this one.
‪(성훈과 우진용)‬ ‪- 있는 거 가져가, 여기 두 개‬ ‪- 어, 없어, 없어, 없어‬Hey, hey, hey. If that one's filled up, this one. -[Jin-yong] No, no, no. -[Sung-hoon] Two here.
‪(우진용과 민철)‬ ‪- 줘, 줘, 줘, 줘, 줘, 줘, 줘‬ ‪- 여기 가져가시면 돼요‬[Jin-yong] Me, me, me.
‪(방성혁) 끝까지 가야 된다‬ ‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[Seong-hyeok] We gotta go to the end.
‪(호주 타잔) '이길 수 있다'라고‬ ‪계속 자기 주문을 했습니다‬[Tarzan] I kept telling myself that we could win.
‪[호주 타잔의 환호성]‬[Tarzan exhales loudly]
‪[긴박한 음악]‬ ‪(정윤) 1분, 1분‬-[Jeong-yun] One minute. -[Master] One minute left.
‪(마스터) 종료 1분 전‬ ‪종료 1분 전‬-[Jeong-yun] One minute. -[Master] One minute left. One minute left.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬One minute left. [suspenseful music playing]
‪(우진용) 마지막‬ ‪최선을 다하자! 최선을‬[Tarzan] Guys, let's do three more.
‪(보미레) 파이팅, 파이팅!‬[Eu-ddeum] Go, go!
‪좀만 더, 좀만 더‬ ‪이거 하나 가는 게 나아‬A bit more. A bit more. It's better to take this one.
‪그거 하나 가는 게 나아‬ ‪이거 하나 가는 게 나아‬A bit more. A bit more. It's better to take this one.
‪- (방성혁) 아니야, 누나, 아니야‬ ‪- (으뜸) 성혁아‬[Seong-hyeok] No. [Tarzan] It's life or death, really.
‪(호주 타잔) 죽기 살기로 해야죠‬ ‪진짜‬[Tarzan] It's life or death, really.
‪죽기 살기로 해야 됩니다‬Life or death.
‪(호주 타잔) 와‬Life or death.
‪(민철) 더 퍼야 돼, 더 퍼야 돼‬Do more bags.
‪(우진용) 천천히 가, 천천히‬[Jeong-yun] Don't rush. Don't rush.
‪13초, 12초‬[Jeong-yun] Don't rush. Don't rush. [Jin-yong] 13 seconds, 12 seconds.
‪(으뜸) 이거, 이거 퍼야 돼‬[Eu-ddeum] This one.
‪- (우진용) 이거만 넣어‬ ‪- (으뜸) 어? 10초 남았다‬[Jin-yong] Just this one.
‪(우진용) 괜찮아, 10초‬It's okay. Ten seconds.
‪(호주 타잔) 와, 씨‬
‪[호주 타잔의 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪(정윤) 3, 2‬[suspenseful music playing]
‪[모래를 쓱쓱 담는다]‬
‪- (우진용) 그것만 넣어‬ ‪- (정윤) 4‬A bit more. Four, three,
‪- (정윤) 3, 2, 1‬ ‪- (성훈) 잘했어, 잘했어, 잘했어‬Four, three, -two, one. -[Jeong-yun] It's done.
‪(정윤) 끝, 끝, 끝‬[Jin-yong] It's over. It's the end.
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪- (우진용) 오케이‬ ‪- (보미레) 오케이‬Okay, now. [Bo-mi-rae] Okay.
‪[우진용이 소리친다]‬[Bo-mi-rae] Okay.
‪(성훈) 마지막에 3초에서‬ ‪다리 있는데‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬[Sung-hoon] Through the last three seconds, he was at the bridge and one, two, three, made it.
‪하나, 둘, 셋 이렇게… 와‬he was at the bridge and one, two, three, made it. Just like that. Wow.
‪깜짝 놀랐어요, 마지막‬That surprised me.
‪우리, 우리 윈‬ ‪우리 승리하고 싶어, 예‬I want us to win, yes.
‪[영어] 이기고 싶어요‬I just want to win.
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪[저마다 말한다]‬-[Jin-yong and Sung-hoon] Well done. -[Bo-mi-rae] Good job.
‪- (성훈) [한국어] 잘했어, 잘했어‬ ‪- (보미레) 수고하셨습니다‬-[Jin-yong and Sung-hoon] Well done. -[Bo-mi-rae] Good job.
‪(정윤) 잘했어, 잘했어‬[Dbo] Well done. [Tarzan panting]
‪[참가자들의 가쁜 숨소리]‬[Tarzan panting]
‪(성훈) 아이씨‬[Sung-hoon] Shoot. [pants]
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[Sung-hoon] Shoot. [pants] [Jin-yong] It's a little bit deep, but very wide.
‪끝나니까 무섭네, 더‬ ‪[웃음]‬[Jin-yong] It's a little bit deep, but very wide.
‪[보미레가 살짝 웃는다]‬[Sung-hoon chuckles]
‪완전 이겼어‬[Sung-hoon chuckles] We won, completely.
‪[보미레의 가쁜 숨소리]‬We won, completely.
‪- (성훈) 작전 잘했어, 다, 우리‬ ‪- (보미레) 네‬-We all did well. We stuck to the plan. -[Bo-mi-rae] Yes.
‪(성훈) 우리 팀 진짜 일을 잘했고‬-We all did well. We stuck to the plan. -[Bo-mi-rae] Yes. [Sung-hoon] Our team really worked well.
‪아까도 얘기했듯이‬ ‪50 대 50이라고 했는데‬Like I said earlier, it was 50-50.
‪하면서, 하면서‬ ‪이게 확률이 높아졌습니다‬Like I said earlier, it was 50-50. but the more we did, the better our chances got.
‪(호주 타잔) 저희 팀 모두 다‬ ‪하나하나 맡은 바에 다‬[Tarzan] Everyone on our team did their best,
‪최선을 다해 줘서 그냥 고마웠고‬[Tarzan] Everyone on our team did their best, and I'm grateful for it.
‪이길 수 있다고 생각하는 거는‬and I'm grateful for it. Also, I think our chance to win is about 80 percent.
‪확률이 80%라고 예상합니다‬Also, I think our chance to win is about 80 percent.
‪[신비로운 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[Master] Physical: 100 second quest.
‪(마스터) '피지컬: 100'‬ ‪두 번째 퀘스트‬[Master] Physical: 100 second quest.
‪추성훈 팀과 호주 타잔 팀의 대결‬Team Choo Sung-hoon versus Team Tarzan.
‪[참가자들의 가쁜 숨소리]‬[contestants panting]
‪승리 팀은‬The winner is…
‪(으뜸) 무리수만 두지 않으면‬[Eu-ddeum] As long as we don't do something too crazy,
‪자연스럽게 이기게 되지 않을까?‬[Eu-ddeum] As long as we don't do something too crazy, wouldn't we naturally win?
‪(민철) 팀워크는‬ ‪완벽했던 거 같아요‬wouldn't we naturally win? [Min-cheol] I think our teamwork was perfect.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬-[deep breaths] -[suspenseful music playing]
‪(마스터) 승리 팀은‬[Master] The winner is…
‪[덜컹거리는 소리]‬ ‪[호주 타잔의 놀란 탄성]‬[Team Choo Sung-hoon cheering]
‪[추성훈 팀의 환호성]‬[Team Choo Sung-hoon cheering]
‪[무거운 효과음]‬[Team Choo Sung-hoon cheering]
‪[차분한 음악]‬[dramatic emotional music playing]
‪[함께 환호한다]‬[Team Choo Sung-hoon cheering]
‪(으뜸) 잘했다‬-Well done. -Nice. Nice. Nice.
‪(방성혁) 잘했어, 잘했어‬ ‪잘했어, 잘했어‬ ‪[저마다 다독인다]‬-Well done. -Nice. Nice. Nice.
‪(민철) 압도적으로‬ ‪승리한 것 같습니다‬[Dbo] You all did well. [Min-cheol] I think we won overwhelmingly.
‪스타트부터 잘 진행을 했고‬ ‪[추성훈 팀의 탄성]‬From the start, we did well and when there were small mistakes,
‪사소한 실수 같은 그런 거를 이제‬ ‪[보미레가 인사한다]‬From the start, we did well and when there were small mistakes,
‪다른 사람들이 서로서로‬ ‪이제 잘 챙겨서 메꿔 주고‬we all had each other's back. And I think that's why we won.
‪그런 부분이‬ ‪승리의 요인인 거 같아요‬And I think that's why we won.
‪(성훈) 저를 100% 믿고‬ ‪따라온 게‬[Sung-hoon] For completely trusting me, following me,
‪너무 감사드립니다‬I'm… thankful.
‪맛있는 거 사 줄게, 응‬I'll treat you all to a nice meal. Hm.
‪[박수 소리]‬-[soft music playing] -[contestants clapping]
‪(호주 타잔) [목멘 소리로] 그냥‬
‪미안한 마음밖에 없습니다‬I just feel terrible.
‪최선을 다했다고 말하고 싶은데‬I just feel terrible. I want to say I did my best,…
‪그냥‬I want to say I did my best,… but I just… I don't think I went all in. Yeah.
‪그냥 죽을, 죽을 듯이는‬ ‪못 했던 것 같습니다, 네‬but I just… I don't think I went all in. Yeah.
‪(진형) 좀 쉽게 봤던 거 같아요‬ ‪저희를‬[Jin-hyeong] They thought we'd be easy to take on and I don't like that.
‪별로 기분 안 좋습니다‬[Jin-hyeong] They thought we'd be easy to take on and I don't like that.
‪느그 사람 잘못 골랐다‬You picked the wrong team.
‪(명식) 할 만해 보인다?‬ ‪약간 그 팀은‬[Myung-sik] It looked like easy opponents. That's what we thought.
‪그런 생각 했던 거 같아요‬[Myung-sik] It looked like easy opponents. That's what we thought.
‪이기는 건‬ ‪쉽지 않으실 거예요, 예‬ ‪[강조되는 효과음]‬It won't be easy to beat us, right?
‪(마스터) '피지컬: 100'‬ ‪두 번째 퀘스트‬[Master] Physical: 100 second quest.
‪곽명식 팀과 조진형 팀의 대결을‬ ‪시작하겠습니다‬Team Kwak Myung-sik versus Team Jo Jin-hyeong. The quest is about to start.
‪(한) 뭐, 여기‬ ‪다들 이제 우승하러 왔지만‬[Han] Well, we all came here to win,
‪네, 우승은 어차피‬ ‪곽명식 팀입니다‬but the winner will be Team Kwak Myung-sik.
‪(해민) 저희 팀이‬ ‪만만해 보였는지 모르겠는데‬[Hae-min] You might have thought our team would be easy to beat,
‪그 선택 후회하게 될 겁니다‬but you're gonna regret this. JUNG HAE-MIN, CYCLIST
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪(진형) 가자‬[whistle blowing]
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪가자, 가자, 가자, 가자‬ ‪가자, 가자‬[whistle blowing] [Jin-hyeong] Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
‪- (박진용) 가자!‬ ‪- (진형) 파이팅!‬[Jin-hyeong] Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. [Myung-sik] Let's go!
‪(진형) 들고 올라가‬Go straight up.
‪(종혁) 큰 거부터 할까요?‬[Jong-hyeok] Shall we do the big ones first?
‪[참가자들이 분주하다]‬[indistinct comment]
‪(종혁) 뭐야, 이거 뭐야?‬[Jong-hyeok] What? What's this?
‪[참가자들이 분주하다]‬This is…
‪와, 이거 힘들다‬Ah, this is hard. This is difficult.
‪(준명) 이거 어려워, 어려워‬Ah, this is hard. This is difficult.
‪(박진용) 가세요‬[Jin-yong] Go. Go. Take this.
‪- (박진용) 너 가져가‬ ‪- (정명) 이렇게…‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪(한) 다리를 이제 제가 놔두면서‬[Han] I laid down the bridge and at first things went well, really well.
‪처음엔 초반엔 좋았어요, 엄청‬[Han] I laid down the bridge and at first things went well, really well.
‪내가 더 먼저 다리를‬ ‪설치해야겠다는 생각이 들었어요‬I thought I was gonna finish the bridge first.
‪(다영) 상대편이 먼저 깔고‬ ‪제가 불안했는데‬[Da-young] The opposing team was ahead of us, and I felt insecure.
‪어쨌든 저는‬ ‪이 스턴트 일을 하면서‬But anyway, working in the stunt business, I learned a huge lesson about safety.
‪안전이라는 걸‬ ‪크게 배운 사람이라서‬But anyway, working in the stunt business, I learned a huge lesson about safety.
‪지는 한이 있어도‬ ‪다치면 안 된다는 생각 때문에‬So even if we lose, we shouldn't get hurt.
‪되게 꼼꼼히 했던 거 같아요‬I worked very thoroughly.
‪- (명식) 더 필요해, 하나?‬ ‪- 아니, 아니야, 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬-[Min-u] Do you need one more? -No, no. It's okay. It's okay.
‪- (명식) 갈 수 있을 거 같아‬ ‪- 아, 한 개만, 한 개만‬-[Min-u] Do you need one more? -No, no. It's okay. It's okay. -[Min-u] I think we can go. -No, one more. One more.
‪(한) 야, 올라오라고 말해!‬[Han] Hey, tell them to come up!
‪가, 가, 가, 와, 와, 와‬Go, go. Come, come.
‪- (한) 가, 가, 가, 와, 와, 와‬ ‪- (민우) 나와, 나와, 나와‬-Go, go. Come, come. -[Min-u] Move, move, move.
‪(민우) 오, 야, 흔들려, 씨‬Oh, gosh, it's shaking.
‪와, 와‬Whoa! Whoa!
‪(한) 조심조심, 조심‬[Han] Careful. Careful.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- (명식) 벨크로 풀렸다‬ ‪- (한) 조심‬[Han] Careful. Careful. [suspenseful music playing]
‪(진형과 해민)‬ ‪- 들고 올라가, 어, 들고 올라가‬ ‪- 됐어요?‬Leave that and go up. -[Hae-min] Is it done? -Leave it and go.
‪- (해민) 형, 저 올라가요?‬ ‪- (진형) 어, 올라가‬-[Hae-min] Jin-hyeong. Do I go up? -[Jin-hyeong] Yes, go up.
‪- (정명) 갈 거야?‬ ‪- (박진용) 어, 가‬-[Jung-myung] Are you going? -[Hae-min] Yeah. Go. Please go.
‪(박진용) 가 주세요, 가 주세요‬-[Jung-myung] Are you going? -[Hae-min] Yeah. Go. Please go.
‪- (다영) 안전하게‬ ‪- (박진용) 가 주세요‬-[Da-young] Safely. -[Hae-min] Please go.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪야, 나와, 나와, 나와, 나와‬-Hey, move aside! -Hey, this thing is dangerous, though.
‪(종혁) 야, 여기 위험해, 근데‬-Hey, move aside! -Hey, this thing is dangerous, though.
‪(한) 천천히, 천천히, 천천히‬Slowly. Slowly.
‪(명식) 조심조심‬[bridge rattling] [Min-u] Careful.
‪조심, 야, 이거‬ ‪생각보다 되게 많이 흔들려‬Hey, this shakes much more than you think.
‪잠깐, 잠깐만‬Wait. Wait.
‪[진형의 가쁜 숨소리]‬Oh, shoot.
‪어유, 씨‬Oh, shoot.
‪(진형) 아침을‬ ‪괜히 먹고 왔어요, 제가‬[Jin-hyeong] I shouldn't have eaten breakfast.
‪아침 묵고 왔는데‬[Jin-hyeong] I shouldn't have eaten breakfast. I had breakfast before I got in the feel of the game.
‪감을 몬 잡았거든요, 와‬I had breakfast before I got in the feel of the game.
‪그때 좀 당황했죠, 사실은‬I had breakfast before I got in the feel of the game. Oh, I was a little panicked then, to be honest.
‪[진형의 가쁜 숨소리]‬[Jin-hyeong panting]
‪(정명) 오케이‬Okay.
‪야, 난 밑에서 풀게‬Hey, I'm gonna fill up the bags.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪(해민) 좋아, 좋아, 좋아‬ ‪잘하고 있어, 잘하고 있어‬Nice, nice, we're doing well. We're doing well.
‪잘하고 있어‬Nice, nice, we're doing well. We're doing well.
‪내 먼저 갈게‬I'm going first. [Jin-yong] Come. Come.
‪(정명) 와, 와, 와‬[Jin-yong] Come. Come.
‪(명식) 와, 와, 와, 와‬[Hae-min] Come. Come.
‪[종혁의 가쁜 숨소리]‬[contestants panting]
‪(민우) 야, 이거 한 명씩 해야 돼‬ ‪이거 너무 흔들려‬[Min-u] We must cross one by one. It's too shaky.
‪나와 봐, 나와 봐, 나와 봐‬Hey, move, move, move.
‪와, 씨‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Oh, shoot. [Han] You have to tie this down properly.
‪(명식) 이거 다시‬ ‪제대로 묶어야 돼‬[Han] You have to tie this down properly. [Jong-hyeok] It should be done again.
‪(종혁) 다시 해야겠다‬[Jong-hyeok] It should be done again. It should be done again.
‪(명식) 묶는 거부터 해‬ ‪묶는 거부터, 묶는 거‬It should be done again. -[Myung-sik] Tie it up first. Tie it up. -[Jong-hyeok] Do one plank. Do one.
‪(종혁) 하나 묶어, 하나 묶어‬-[Myung-sik] Tie it up first. Tie it up. -[Jong-hyeok] Do one plank. Do one.
‪(명식) 다리를‬ ‪아, 잘 놨어야 됐는데‬[Myung-sik] The bridge, ah, I should have set it up better.
‪그냥 짜증 났죠, 사실, 예‬[Myung-sik] The bridge, ah, I should have set it up better. I was actually annoyed, yes.
‪- (한) 아휴‬ ‪- (준명) 할 수 있다‬[Team Kwak Myung-sik shouting]
‪(한) 파이팅!‬[Min-u] Keep going!
‪(민우) 그냥 가, 그냥 가‬[Myung-sik] Just go. Go.
‪[곽명식 팀이 당황한다]‬-[Min-u] Hey, these… Hey, hey, hey! -[Jong-hyeok] Whoa!
‪그냥 가, 그냥 가‬Just go. Go. -Hey, these… Hey, hey, hey! -[Jong-hyeok] Whoa!
‪[곽명식 팀이 당황한다]‬-Hey, these… Hey, hey, hey! -[Jong-hyeok] Whoa!
‪- (종혁) 다 떨어진다, 씨‬ ‪- (명식) 다 떨어졌다‬[Min-u] They're falling down, shoot. They all fell down.
‪(종혁) 제 마음이 쿵‬ ‪내려앉더라고요‬[Jong-hyeok] That crushed my heart. I felt really bad about that.
‪좀 마음이 많이 안 좋았어요‬[Jong-hyeok] That crushed my heart. I felt really bad about that.
‪(한) 열심히 하려고 했는데‬[Han] I tried to do well, but I focused so much on laying down the bridge
‪너무 다리를 놓는 데에만‬ ‪포커스를 둬서‬but I focused so much on laying down the bridge
‪다리가 뭐, 빠질 것이다‬ ‪그런 부분을 생각 못 한 것 같아요‬that I didn't think the boards would fall.
‪(명식) 야, 기다려 봐, 기다려 봐‬[Min-u] Hey, wait.
‪이거 정리하고 가는 게‬ ‪나을 거 같은데, 우리?‬I think we should patch things up first.
‪(정명) 상대 팀 것도 좀 봤죠‬[Jung-myung] I looked at our opponents.
‪근데 저희는 다 뛰어다니고 있는데‬We were running across, and they were stuck.
‪거기는 계속 막혀 있는 거예요‬We were running across, and they were stuck.
‪그리고 다영 씨가 이거를 진짜‬ ‪너무 잘 붙여 놓으셔서‬Da-young had fixed our planks so well they never moved, not even once.
‪한 번도 흔들림이 없었어요‬ ‪저희가 깔아 놓은 거는‬they never moved, not even once.
‪그래서 사실 그때부터‬So from that moment I thought,
‪'어? 이거 괜찮겠는데?'‬ ‪이 생각 드는데‬"Oh, this might be okay."
‪(진형) 올라, 올라가‬[Jin-hyeong] Go up.
‪- (진형) 올라가‬ ‪- (정명) 나 간다!‬ ‪[비장한 음악]‬-[Jin-hyeong] Go up again. -[Jung-myung] I'm coming!
‪(진형) 아, 이거 큰 거 말고‬[Jin-hyeong] No, not this.
‪[정명의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪[무거운 효과음]‬[contestants panting]
‪(한) 야, 우리 이거에 이제‬ ‪시간 쓰지 말고‬[Myung-sik] Hey. I think we should stop spending time on this and just do it.
‪그냥 졸라 해야 될 거 같아‬[Myung-sik] Hey. I think we should stop spending time on this and just do it.
‪(종혁) 하자, 하자, 하자‬[Myung-sik] Hey. I think we should stop spending time on this and just do it. [Da-young] Let's go, let's go.
‪(종혁) 승부욕이 엄청 생겼어요‬[Jong-hyeok] I got really competitive.
‪이건 끈기로 그냥 가야겠다‬[Jong-hyeok] I got really competitive. We have to persevere. To fight to the death.
‪진짜 그냥 죽어라 해야겠다‬We have to persevere. To fight to the death.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[contestants panting]
‪(종혁) 할 수 있어, 할 수 있어!‬We can do it! -[Min-u] Let's go! -[Jong-hyeok] Oh, damn.
‪- (준명) 파이팅‬ ‪- (민우) 아유, 씨‬-[Min-u] Let's go! -[Jong-hyeok] Oh, damn.
‪(민우) 나와, 나와‬ ‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬[Myung-sik] Go. Move. [siren blaring]
‪[긴박한 음악]‬[siren blaring]
‪아, 씨발‬Oh, what the heck?
‪야, 3분, 3분!‬Hey, three minutes!
‪(명식) 3분!‬[Min-u] Three minutes!
‪[신호음이 삐 울린다]‬ ‪(다영) 빨리빨리‬[buzzer humming]
‪[신호음이 삐 울린다]‬ ‪- (한) 악!‬ ‪- (다영) 빨리빨리‬[Da-young] Quick.
‪(한) 악!‬Quick.
‪- (한) 뭐야?‬ ‪- 뭐야? 씨‬What's that?
‪- (해민) 안 힘들어, 안 힘들어‬ ‪- (진형) 안 힘들어‬[Jin-yong and Jin-hyeong] I'm not tired.
‪(해민) 하나도 안 힘들어!‬[Jin-yong] I'm not tired at all.
‪(진형) 자, 얼마 안 남았다!‬[Jin-hyeong] Hey, there's not much to go.
‪나이스, 해민이‬Nice, Hae-min.
‪[다영의 탄성]‬ ‪'스트롱맨' 3등이다!‬-You're top three in Korean cycling. -[Da-young] You're amazing!
‪(다영) 미쳤다, 미쳤다!‬-You're top three in Korean cycling. -[Da-young] You're amazing! [Jin-hyeong] There you go. You're Jung Hae-min!
‪(진형) 그래!‬ ‪[해민의 기합]‬[Jin-hyeong] There you go. You're Jung Hae-min!
‪- (진형) 내가 해민이 믿는다!‬ ‪- (해민) 가자!‬[Jin-hyeong] There you go. You're Jung Hae-min! [Hae-min] Let's go! -[Da-young] Go, Hae-min! -[Jin-hyeong] Get up there quick!
‪- (진형) 그래! 퍼뜩 올라가라!‬ ‪- (다영) 해민이 파이팅!‬-[Da-young] Go, Hae-min! -[Jin-hyeong] Get up there quick!
‪[째깍거리는 효과음]‬[clock ticking]
‪[고조되는 음악]‬[intense suspenseful music playing]
‪(해민) 계속 만들어 주세요‬ ‪제가 계속 올게요, 제가‬[Hae-min] Keep making more. I'm gonna come back. -[Jin-yong] We must do it together. -Together.
‪- (박진용) 같이 해야 돼요, 같이‬ ‪- (해민) 저 지금 안 힘들어요‬-[Jin-yong] We must do it together. -Together. [Hae-min] Aren't you tired? If you're tired, bag the sand.
‪(해민과 박진용)‬ ‪- 힘들면 계속 만들어 주세요‬ ‪- 예‬[Hae-min] Aren't you tired? If you're tired, bag the sand.
‪(정명) 쉬면 안 돼요, 형‬[Jung-myung] You can't rest.
‪(해민과 박진용)‬ ‪- 제가 네 개씩 갖고 올게요‬ ‪- 괜찮아, 괜찮…‬-[Hae-min] I'll bring four at a time. -[Jin-yong] It's okay.
‪(해민) 50 대 50이잖아요‬[Hae-min] It's 50-50.
‪이기면 살고 지면 죽으니까‬Win and we survive. Lose and we're done.
‪꼭 살아남아서 끝까지 가자‬So let's survive and go all the way.
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬ ‪(한) 30초, 30초‬[Han] Thirty seconds.
‪(정명과 민우)‬ ‪- 그냥 가야 돼, 그냥 가야 돼‬ ‪- 두 개씩 들어야 돼, 이거‬-You gotta go. Take two of these each. -Okay.
‪(정명) 천천히, 형, 천천히 가요‬ ‪어차피 한 번 마지막이에요‬[Hae-min] Take your time, it's the last run anyway. [Jong-hyeok] Cross the bridge. Cross the bridge.
‪- (명식) 넘어가, 넘어가, 넘어가‬ ‪- (다영) 마지막이에요, 마지막‬[Jong-hyeok] Cross the bridge. Cross the bridge. -[Hae-min] Slowly. -[Da-young] It's the last one.
‪(정명) 어차피 마지막이야‬[Hae-min] It's the last run anyway.
‪[참가자들이 분주하다]‬ ‪- (정명) 천천히‬ ‪- (박진용) 파이팅!‬Go slow. Go slow. -[Jong-hyeok] We got this. -[Han] Ten seconds!
‪- (종혁) 일단 가, 일단 가, 10초‬ ‪- (한) 나와, 나와, 나와, 나와‬-[Jong-hyeok] We got this. -[Han] Ten seconds! [Myung-sik] Move, move, move.
‪[긴박한 음악]‬ ‪(종혁) 빨리 와야 돼, 10, 9, 6‬[Jong-hyeok] Get over here, quick! Ten, nine, six… -[Jun-myeong] Han's the last one. -Pour the bag first.
‪(명식) 큰 거만 들고 와‬-[Jun-myeong] Han's the last one. -Pour the bag first.
‪털어, 털어, 털어‬ ‪흙 털어, 흙 털어‬-[Jun-myeong] Han's the last one. -Pour the bag first. Grab it.
‪(종혁) 털어, 털어‬Grab it. [contestants shouting]
‪(명식) 털어, 털어, 털어‬ ‪흙 털어, 흙 털어‬[contestants shouting]
‪(종혁) 털어, 털어‬Grab it.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(정명) 끝이야?‬-Is it over? -[whistle blowing]
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬-Is it over? -[whistle blowing]
‪(마스터) 경기 종료‬ ‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬-Is it over? -[whistle blowing] [Master] Game over. [Hae-min] Okay. Okay.
‪- (정명) 오케이, 오케이, 오케이‬ ‪- (다영) 와, 힘들어‬[Hae-min] Okay. Okay. [Jung-myung] Well done.
‪(참가자들) 잘했어, 잘했어‬[Jung-myung] Well done. [Hae-min] Well done. Okay.
‪[저마다 인사한다]‬ ‪(정명) 오케이, 오케이, 수고했어‬ ‪수고했어, 다영 씨, 수고했어‬-Good job, Da-young. Well done. -[Jin-yong] We did it.
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪(준명) 경기가 12분이었잖아요‬ ‪근데‬[Jun-myeong] The game was 12 minutes long.
‪뭔가 할 때는 되게 힘들었거든요‬[Jun-myeong] The game was 12 minutes long. While doing it, it felt like really hard work,
‪근데 끝나고 나니까‬While doing it, it felt like really hard work, but once it was over, well, I felt, like, some regret for not trying harder.
‪아, 뭔가 '조금만 더 해 봤으면‬ ‪어땠을까' 하는 아쉬움‬but once it was over, well, I felt, like, some regret for not trying harder.
‪(박진용과 다영)‬ ‪- 다영 님이 진짜 대박이었어요‬ ‪- 잘했죠, 잘했죠?‬-Da-young was really awesome. -Did I do well?
‪(박진용) 저기가 안 흔들리고‬ ‪여기가 흔들렸어, 행운‬Well done. Ever since you joined our team, I had a good feeling.
‪(진형) 내가 우리 편 왔을 때부터‬ ‪내가 느낌이 왔어‬Well done. Ever since you joined our team, I had a good feeling. [Jin-yong] The bridge didn't shake at all, even when the safety net did.
‪(명식) 진짜 잘 설치했다, 어떻게‬ ‪어떻게 하나도 안 빠졌지?‬ ‪[저마다 감탄한다]‬[Jin-yong] The bridge didn't shake at all, even when the safety net did. [Jong-hyeok] You set it up so well. Not a single one came off. I can't believe it.
‪- (다영) 꼼꼼하게‬ ‪- (박진용) 진짜, 대박‬Not a single one came off. I can't believe it. You just gotta do it clean.
‪(박진용) 벨크로 절대 안 떨어져‬You just gotta do it clean.
‪[신비로운 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪(마스터) '피지컬: 100'‬ ‪두 번째 퀘스트‬[Master] Physical: 100 second quest.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[Master] Physical: 100 second quest.
‪곽명식 팀과‬Team Kwak Myung-sik…
‪조진형 팀의 대결‬versus Team Jo Jin-hyeong.
‪승리 팀은‬The winner is…
‪[덜컹거리는 소리]‬ ‪[진형의 환호성]‬[Team Jo Jin-hyeong cheering]
‪[조진형 팀의 환호성]‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬-[screams] -[Team Jo Jin-hyeong cheering]
‪(정명) 빨리 와요‬
‪[조진형 팀이 기뻐한다]‬ ‪잘했어, 잘했어‬
‪(진형) 이렇게 될 줄 알았어‬
‪[함께 환호한다]‬
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬[cheery music playing]
‪(선호) 좋아‬ ‪[한샘의 탄성]‬[Han-saem] This is nice.
‪[미라클의 웃음]‬ ‪(한샘) 승자의 여유‬-[Sun-ho] The winners get to relax. -[Han-saem] The winners get to relax.
‪(선호) 승자의 여유‬ ‪[아름의 웃음]‬-[Sun-ho] The winners get to relax. -[Han-saem] The winners get to relax.
‪(아름) 아, 다시 내가 또 살아서‬ ‪이 공간에 또 오는구나‬[A-reum] Ah, I survived and got to return to this space.
‪(남자1) 다시 한번 승자가 돼서‬ ‪들어가니까‬[Jin-yong] It felt different to be a winner again and go back there.
‪또 감회가 남다르더라고요‬[Jin-yong] It felt different to be a winner again and go back there.
‪(남자2) '잘만 더 하면'‬[Hae-min] I thought that if I did well, I could even reach top ten.
‪'톱 텐에도 갈 수 있겠구나'라는‬ ‪생각을 많이 했어요‬[Hae-min] I thought that if I did well, I could even reach top ten.
‪(한샘) '1등도‬ ‪가능하지 않을까'라는 기대를‬[Han-saem] I got hopes that perhaps I could even win first place.
‪조금 해 봅니다‬[Han-saem] I got hopes that perhaps I could even win first place.
‪(우진용) 우리 팀에서‬ ‪1등 나왔으면 좋겠습니다‬I hope someone on our team takes first place.
‪(성훈) 아이, 그렇죠‬I hope someone on our team takes first place. Oh yeah, right.
‪(다영) 근데 확실히 줄었다‬[Da-young] There are definitely much less people.
‪(다영) 75명이 떨어지고‬Seventy-five dropped out.
‪(현승) 이제 100명 중의 25명‬[Hyun-seung] 25 left out of 100. CHA HYUN-SEUNG, DANCER
‪(학선) 저희 살아남을 줄‬ ‪알았어요? 솔직히?‬Did you think we'd make it? Honestly?
‪- (선호) 어, 솔직히, 죄송해요‬ ‪- (학선) 맞죠?‬ ‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬Did you think we'd make it? Honestly? -Uh, honestly, sorry. -[Hak-seon] Right? [contestants laughing]
‪(남자) 아, 의외의 팀은‬ ‪장은실 선수 팀‬[Park Jin-yong] Oh, the underdog team was Jang Eun-sil's team.
‪누가 봐도 질 줄 알았고‬[Park Jin-yong] Oh, the underdog team was Jang Eun-sil's team. We all thought they'd lose no matter who they took on.
‪어느 팀이랑 붙어도‬ ‪질 줄 알았는데‬We all thought they'd lose no matter who they took on.
‪(기관) 그 팀‬ ‪너무 깜짝 놀랐어요, 진짜‬I was so surprised by your team, really.
‪(학선) 이게 드라마죠, 여기가‬ ‪진짜 드라마‬Our team is a drama. Full on drama. [chuckles]
‪[웃음]‬Our team is a drama. Full on drama. [chuckles]
‪(선호) 자, 잠깐만요, 여러분‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[Sun-ho] Okay. Excuse me, everyone.
‪어, 뭐, 이렇게 팀별로 이렇게 또‬ ‪좋은 이야기를 나누고 있는데‬Uh, so I see you're having good conversations with your teams.
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬Uh, so I see you're having good conversations with your teams. [contestants laughing]
‪레크리에이션 강사분이 오셨어요‬Now, we have a show host here.
‪(은실) 진행 잘하시네‬-He's a great host. -He's a real MC.
‪- MC네, MC‬ ‪- (선호) 자, 우리 게임식으로‬-He's a great host. -He's a real MC. So, I think it would be nice to warm up with a game.
‪(선호) 몸을 한번‬ ‪풀어 보면 좋을 거 같아요, 그래서‬So, I think it would be nice to warm up with a game. [Sun-ho] So, the first one is called Sargent jump.
‪첫 번째, 서전트 점프‬[Sun-ho] So, the first one is called Sargent jump.
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(학선) 기본적이죠, 예‬[Hak-seon] It's a basic skill, yes.
‪(선호) 이거는 팀전이 아니에요‬[Hak-seon] It's a basic skill, yes. [Sun-ho] This isn't a team event. Think of it as showing off your basic skills.
‪자기의 어떤 기본적인 능력을‬ ‪보여 주신다 생각하면 되고‬Think of it as showing off your basic skills.
‪가볍게 뭐‬ ‪'나 이거 서전트 자신 있다'‬Who here thinks they can do this well?
‪'내가 뭐, 이 사람 정도‬ ‪이길 수 있다'‬"I think I can beat this person."
‪- (선호) 그냥 자연스럽게‬ ‪- (미라클) 왜 저?‬ ‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬-[laughing] -Just be natural. [laughs]
‪(선호) 점프‬ ‪그냥 올라가면 됩니다, 예‬Jump. Just gotta land on top. Okay.
‪예, 그냥, 오케이‬ ‪한 번씩 그냥 와서 자기가‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬Yes, just… okay. Take your turn…
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬ ‪와, 맨!‬Yes, just… okay. Take your turn… Wow, man!
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬ ‪- (선호) 와, 맨!‬ ‪- (은실) 뭐야?‬Wow, man! What?
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(은실) 나 진짜 놀랐어‬I was really surprised. -Shall we all take turns then? -[Jin-hyeong] Let's all do it.
‪(선호) 그러면 다‬ ‪한 번씩 해 볼까요, 그럼?‬-Shall we all take turns then? -[Jin-hyeong] Let's all do it.
‪쭉 나와서 한번 그냥, 예‬-Shall we all take turns then? -[Jin-hyeong] Let's all do it. Come on out. Line up. Yes, come over.
‪쭉 나오세요, 다 같이 나와서‬ ‪가볍게, 오케이‬Come on out. Line up. Yes, come over. Take it easy. Okay.
‪자, 다 나오세요, 다 나오세요, 예‬Come on over, everyone.
‪(우진용) 니퍼트‬ ‪니퍼트, 니퍼트‬ ‪[보미레의 탄성]‬Oh, Nippert. Nippert. Nippert.
‪(선호) '서전트에 아픔이 있다'‬ ‪그런 사람 빼고는 다 나오는 걸로‬ ‪[아름의 탄성]‬Unless you have traumatic experiences with the Sargent jump before, -everyone should take a turn. -[A-reum] What if I can't do it?
‪어, 좋아요, 좋아요‬-everyone should take a turn. -[A-reum] What if I can't do it?
‪아, 좋습니다, 예‬-everyone should take a turn. -[A-reum] What if I can't do it? [Sun-ho] Oh, nice. Nice.
‪(아름과 선호)‬ ‪- 나 안 되면 어떡해?‬ ‪- 예, 좋아, 좋아, 안 되면…‬Okay, okay. Nice, nice. If you can't… Oh, nice! Nice!
‪(선호) 어유, 좋아, 좋아‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬Okay, okay. Nice, nice. If you can't… Oh, nice! Nice!
‪(기관) 여기서 안 되는 사람‬ ‪재밌겠다‬Okay, okay. Nice, nice. If you can't… Oh, nice! Nice! [Han-saem] If anyone can't do this, that would be funny.
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬ ‪(선호) 좋아, 좋아, 좋아‬[Han-saem] If anyone can't do this, that would be funny. Yes, good.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬Yes, good. Oh, we missed some fun!
‪(기관) 재미 놓쳤네‬Oh, we missed some fun! Okay, nice. Nice. Yes.
‪(선호) 자, 좋아, 좋아‬ ‪좋아요, 어‬Okay, nice. Nice. Yes. Very nice. Okay. Nice. Nice.
‪자, 좋아요, 자, 좋아, 좋아‬Very nice. Okay. Nice. Nice. Uh, nice. Everyone's pretty relaxed.
‪아, 좋습니다, 다들 여유 있어요‬Uh, nice. Everyone's pretty relaxed. -Now we'll add more mats. -Let me. I'll help you.
‪(선호와 강민)‬ ‪- 자, 올리겠습니다‬ ‪- 도와드릴게요, 도와드릴게요‬-Now we'll add more mats. -Let me. I'll help you.
‪(선호) 자, 한 요 정도 올릴까요?‬ ‪일단 요 정도‬-Now we'll add more mats. -Let me. I'll help you. [Sun-ho] Okay, shall we add this much? 5 MATS ADDED, CURRENT HEIGHT 64CM
‪(은실) 에이, 더 올려야지‬No, add more.
‪(선호) 안 해요, 도전?‬ ‪뭐, 이 정도는 여유 있다?‬ ‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬No one wants to try? What, this height is nothing?
‪(선호와 남자)‬ ‪- 아, 오케이, 오케이, 오케이‬ ‪- 넘어가시죠‬[Sun-ho] Oh, okay. Okay. Here. It's getting higher.
‪(선호) 자, 좀 올라갑니다‬Here. It's getting higher.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬5 MATS ADDED, CURRENT HEIGHT 74CM 5 MATS ADDED, CURRENT HEIGHT 84CM -[Miho] Is that doable? -[Sun-ho] This much, yes. This much.
‪- (다영) 근데 저게 되나?‬ ‪- (선호) 이 정도, 예, 이 정도‬-[Miho] Is that doable? -[Sun-ho] This much, yes. This much. -[Hae-min] Oh, it's high now. -[Da-young] Wow, that's…
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪- (다영) 아, 저거는‬ ‪- (성훈) 여기는 높은데, 이게‬-[Hae-min] Oh, it's high now. -[Da-young] Wow, that's… -[Sung-hoon] This is high now. -Now this is a battle.
‪(선호) 자, 배틀식으로‬-[Sung-hoon] This is high now. -Now this is a battle.
‪이제 할 수 있는 사람‬ ‪나오는 걸로, 오케이‬-[Sung-hoon] This is high now. -Now this is a battle. Anyone who thinks they can do it can come up. Okay? -Iron Man can. -Iron man?
‪- (강민) 아이언맨‬ ‪- (선호) 아이언맨?‬-Iron Man can. -Iron man?
‪[강민의 웃음]‬ ‪(선호) 아이언맨‬[Sun-ho] Iron Man.
‪(선호) 윤성빈 선수가‬I knew that Yun Sung-bin had a great Sargent jump record.
‪서전트 점프가 좋다는 거는‬ ‪알고는 있었어요‬I knew that Yun Sung-bin had a great Sargent jump record.
‪(선호) 우리나라의‬Our country's… [contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪우리나라의‬Our country's…
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[contestants exclaiming in awe] -He got up there standing. -He was just standing.
‪- (해민) 서서 올라가는데, 서서?‬ ‪- (진형) 서서, 서서 올라간다‬-He got up there standing. -He was just standing.
‪(기관) 아니, 무릎을 안 굽혔어‬-He didn't even bend his knees. -So who will challenge Iron Man?
‪(선호) 자, 아이언맨에 도전한다‬-He didn't even bend his knees. -So who will challenge Iron Man?
‪- (강민) 고, 고‬ ‪- (아름) 강민 잘해‬[Kang-min] Go. Go. Kang-min's good at this.
‪(선호) 좋아, 좋아, 좋아! 강민맨!‬Nice, nice, nice. Kang-min Man. -[rock music playing] -[contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬-[rock music playing] -[contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Kang-min] That was light.
‪(진형) 가볍다‬[Kang-min] That was light.
‪(선호) '피지컬: 100'‬ ‪와우, 맨, 요, 맨!‬ ‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬Physical: 100. Wow, man. Yo, man. Yo, man.
‪요, 맨! 기관맨!‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬Wow, man. Yo, man. Yo, man. Ki-kwan Man.
‪(참가자들) [웃으며] '기관맨'‬[Jin-yong] Ki-kwan Man. Ki-kwan Man.
‪- (기관) 어, 높다, 이거‬ ‪- (선호) 오, 맨!‬-Oh, this is high. -Yo, man. It's almost at my chest. Who could do this?
‪(학선) 나 명치야, 곧 있으면‬ ‪어떡해, 이거‬It's almost at my chest. Who could do this?
‪(강민) 와, 근데 높다, 근데‬Oh, it's high though.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[impressed exclaims]
‪- (남자) 다 잘 뛴다‬ ‪- (선호) 기관맨!‬[Park Jin-yong] They're all pretty good.
‪40cm 올려야 돼요, 40cm‬Add 40cm.
‪많이, 많이, 많이, 많이‬That's a lot, lot, lot.
‪(학선) 어유, 씨, 잠깐만‬ ‪높아졌는데?‬[Hak-seon] Shoot, hang on. It's so much higher.
‪(기관) 어, 이거‬ ‪몇 개를 갖고 간 거야?‬[Hak-seon] Shoot, hang on. It's so much higher. -[Han-saem] How many mats did you move? -[Da-young] How do you jump onto that?
‪(다영) 저거 어떻게 넘어?‬-[Han-saem] How many mats did you move? -[Da-young] How do you jump onto that?
‪(선호) 자, 여기까지만‬ ‪여기까지만, 한번 해 볼게요‬-[Han-saem] How many mats did you move? -[Da-young] How do you jump onto that? [Sun-ho] Okay, up to here. Up to here. Let's try this.
‪(미라클) 아, 안 돼‬[Sun-ho] Okay, up to here. Up to here. Let's try this. [Miracle] Oh no, I must sit down now.
‪[웃으며] 이제 앉아야 돼‬[Miracle] Oh no, I must sit down now.
‪- (강민) 한번 해 보겠습니다‬ ‪- (아름) 어, 강민이‬I'll give it a go. Oh, Kang-min.
‪(남자) 자, 레츠 고, 레츠 고‬[Kang-min] Okay, let's go. Let's go.
‪(선호) 와, 꽤 높은데요‬ ‪형님, 이거?‬[Kang-min] Okay, let's go. Let's go. -[Sun-ho] It's quite high now, Kang-min. -Whoa. Oh, hang on.
‪(강민) 와, 와, 잠깐만‬-[Sun-ho] It's quite high now, Kang-min. -Whoa. Oh, hang on. [contestants laughing]
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬[contestants laughing]
‪보고 놀랐어‬He's surprised.
‪(학선) 와, 와‬-[Ki-kwan] Wow. Wow. -This…
‪- (강민) 이게…‬ ‪- (학선) 와, 높긴 하다‬-[Ki-kwan] Wow. Wow. -This… -[Ki-kwan] Whoa, that's high. -I'm gonna do it.
‪- 도전, 도전 정신‬ ‪- (강민) 도전!‬That's the challenging spirit.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬-Wow. -[Sun-ho] Wow.
‪(강민) 제가 다리 힘도‬ ‪가장 센 부위이긴 한데‬-Wow. -[Sun-ho] Wow. [Kang-min] My legs are the strongest part of my body.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[amazed exclaim]
‪[무거운 효과음]‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[amazed exclaim]
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬
‪- 오‬ ‪- (해민) 와, 탄력 좋다‬[Sun-ho] Wow, he has a nice spring.
‪귀여워‬You're cute.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬[contestants chuckling]
‪(강민) 어, 높다, 근데‬Oh, it's high, though.
‪(선호) 기관맨! 기관맨!‬ ‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬Ki-kwan Man. Ki-kwan Man.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(기관) 와, 이거 진짜‬ ‪장난 아닌데?‬Ki-kwan Man. Ki-kwan Man. Wow, this is no joke.
‪첫 번째 탈락자‬ ‪한번 예상해 봅니다‬ ‪[강민의 웃음]‬I expect to be the first to fail.
‪(선호) [마스터를 흉내 내며]‬ ‪자, 첫 번째 탈락자는‬[Sun-ho] So, the first to fail is…
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬[contestants laughing]
‪[날렵한 효과음]‬
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[amazed exclaims]
‪[날렵한 효과음]‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[amazed exclaims] Ki-kwan Man.
‪기관맨‬Ki-kwan Man.
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬Ki-kwan Man.
‪기관맨‬Ki-kwan Man. I barely made it.
‪겨우 올라탔어‬I barely made it.
‪(선호) 아이언맨‬-Iron Man. -[Jin-hyeong] Iron Man.
‪(기관과 선호) 아이언맨‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬[Sun-ho] Iron Man.
‪(선호) [마스터를 흉내 내며]‬ ‪과연 첫 번째 탈락자는‬-"Who will be the first to be eliminated?" -Wow, it is quite high.
‪[한샘의 탄성]‬ ‪(성빈) 높긴 하네‬-"Who will be the first to be eliminated?" -Wow, it is quite high.
‪[기관의 웃음]‬
‪(선호) 자, 지금부터‬ ‪A 팀과 B 팀을…‬"Now we will have two teams…"
‪[성빈의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[amazed exclaims]
‪[날렵한 효과음]‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬
‪와, 이건 진짜 장난 아닌데?‬Wow, this is really no joke. Wow. He's amazing.
‪(한샘) 와, 진짜 잘 뛴다‬Wow. He's amazing. How do you do this? [chuckles]
‪- (미라클) 어떻게?‬ ‪- (한샘) 어떻게 저렇게 뛰지?‬How do you do this? [chuckles]
‪(현승) 진짜 아이언맨이야‬ ‪이렇게 올라가‬He's a real Iron Man. He goes up like this.
‪(강민) 이거 다 올려도‬ ‪할 거 같은데?‬I think he can manage with all the mats.
‪(선호와 한샘)‬ ‪- 최후의 1인으로 가야 됩니다‬ ‪- 확실하게 올리시죠, 형님‬[Sun-ho] Let's find out who is the last one standing.
‪(선호) 최후의 1인, 자, 아이언맨!‬[Sun-ho] Let's find out who is the last one standing. [Han-saem] Let's make it serious. -Okay, Iron Man. -[Jin-hyeong chuckles] Iron Man.
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬ ‪- (진형) '아이언맨'‬ ‪- (성빈) 나?‬-Okay, Iron Man. -[Jin-hyeong chuckles] Iron Man.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(학선) 아이언맨‬ ‪아이, 보여 줘야지‬-Okay, Iron Man. -[Jin-hyeong chuckles] Iron Man. -Iron Man, come on, show us. -[sighs]
‪[한숨]‬-Iron Man, come on, show us. -[sighs]
‪이건 좀 아닌데‬Oh, uh, it's really high.
‪(성빈) 와, 이거 진짜 높은데?‬Oh, uh, it's really high.
‪(선호) 자, 우리 아이언맨‬ ‪박수 한번‬[Sun-ho] A round of applause for Iron Man.
‪[박수 소리]‬[applause]
‪[날렵한 효과음]‬
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[amazed shout]
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬Still looks easy.
‪[영어]‬Still looks easy. Yeah. No stretching, nothing. He just does it.
‪(학선) [한국어] 20cm‬ ‪더 올려야 돼요‬[Hak-seon] Hey, you gotta raise it by 20cm.
‪- (학선) 이거 20cm‬ ‪- (기관) 뭐야?‬[Hak-seon] Hey, you gotta raise it by 20cm. -[Sun-ho] What the heck? -[Miho] Is he a monster?
‪- (남자1) 와‬ ‪- (여자) 괴물 아니야?‬-[Sun-ho] What the heck? -[Miho] Is he a monster?
‪(남자2와 진형)‬ ‪- 뭐야?‬ ‪- 다 올려도 되겠다, 다 올려도‬[Jin-hyeong] You could add them all on top.
‪(학선) 여기 스프링 있어, 여기‬ ‪스프링 있다니까, 여기‬[Hak-seon] Hey, there are springs here. There are springs in his ankles.
‪여기 스프링 있어, 지금‬There are springs in his ankles.
‪(형근) 한 번 더 올려야 돼‬-Add another chunk. -[Sun-ho] We're gonna add more.
‪- (선호) 올릴게요, 올릴게요‬ ‪- (여자) 어, 이거는 진짜‬-Add another chunk. -[Sun-ho] We're gonna add more. [Da-young] Uh, this is really…
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Da-young] Uh, this is really… -[Eun-sil] It's as high as Da-young. -[Min-cheol] This is high.
‪(여자) 다영이만 해‬-[Eun-sil] It's as high as Da-young. -[Min-cheol] This is high.
‪(한샘) 이건 높다‬-[Eun-sil] It's as high as Da-young. -[Min-cheol] This is high. -[Ki-kwan] Wow, I can't do this. -[Hyun-seung] Wow, this is really…
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪- (기관) 와, 이거는 안 된다‬ ‪- (여자) 이건 안 된다‬-[Ki-kwan] Wow, I can't do this. -[Hyun-seung] Wow, this is really…
‪(성훈) 인제 힘들겠다‬[Jin-hyeong] Now it's tough.
‪(선호) 우리 윤성빈 응원하면서‬ ‪한번 해 보겠습니다‬[Sun-ho] Let's cheer for Yun Sung-bin. Go, Yun Sung-bin.
‪[학선의 웃음]‬ ‪- (선호) 자, 윤성빈‬ ‪- (학선) 빈‬[Sun-ho] Let's cheer for Yun Sung-bin. Go, Yun Sung-bin. [contestants chanting] Yun Sung-bin.
‪(참가자들) 윤성빈, 윤성빈!‬[contestants chanting] Yun Sung-bin. -[Hak-seon] It's doable. -[Jin-hyeong] Wow. It's really high.
‪- (진형) 와, 이거 진짜 높다‬ ‪- (학선) 충분해, 충분해‬-[Hak-seon] It's doable. -[Jin-hyeong] Wow. It's really high. -[Jin-hyeong] This is record high. -[Kang-min] Wow.
‪[흥겨운 음악]‬ ‪- (남자) 이거 역대급인데?‬ ‪- (여자) 와, 진짜 높다‬-[Jin-hyeong] This is record high. -[Kang-min] Wow. -[Eun-sil] Wow, it's really high. -[Sung-bin] This is really high.
‪(성빈) 아, 이거 진짜 높은데?‬ ‪진짜 높은데? 무서워서 못 뛰겠어‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬-[Eun-sil] Wow, it's really high. -[Sung-bin] This is really high. It's really high. I'm too scared to jump.
‪[놀란 탄성]‬-[Jin-hyeong] Wow. -I think he can do it.
‪(우진용) 될 거 같아, 될 거 같아‬ ‪[보미레의 탄성]‬-[Jin-hyeong] Wow. -I think he can do it. -Oh, I think he'll make it. -It was no joke earlier.
‪- (우진용) 아까 장난 아니었어‬ ‪- (보미레) 할 거 같아‬-Oh, I think he'll make it. -It was no joke earlier.
‪어, 할 거 같아‬Oh, he's gonna make it.
‪(성빈) 아, 근데 진짜 높다, 아씨‬[Sung-bin] Oh, but it's really high. Oh, shoot.
‪(학선) 조심해‬
‪[날렵한 효과음]‬[music intensifying]
‪[날렵한 효과음]‬[music intensifying]
‪[성빈의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬-[contestants cheering] -[Jin-hyeong] That's crazy.
‪(진형) 미쳤다‬-[contestants cheering] -[Jin-hyeong] That's crazy.
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬
‪[성빈의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬-[contestants cheering] -[Jin-hyeong] That's crazy. Whoa!
‪- (진형) 미쳤다, 와‬ ‪- (남자) 와, 진짜 대박이다‬-[contestants cheering] -[Jin-hyeong] That's crazy. Whoa! Really, that was insane.
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪(진형) 와, 미쳤다‬Really, that was insane.
‪(성빈) 오, 쉽지 않다‬ ‪진짜 쉽지 않다‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬Oh, it's not easy. It's really not. [Sun-ho] Whoa, his body is really something.
‪(남자) 와, 피지컬이‬ ‪장난 아니구나‬[Sun-ho] Whoa, his body is really something. As a fellow athlete, I thought he's really agile.
‪(해민) 같은 운동선수로서‬As a fellow athlete, I thought he's really agile.
‪'순발력이 진짜 좋구나'‬As a fellow athlete, I thought he's really agile.
‪'적이 된다면 상당히 힘들겠다'‬I thought that if we were to become enemies, it'd be really tough.
‪라는 생각을 했습니다‬I thought that if we were to become enemies, it'd be really tough.
‪(선호) 자, 두 번째 게임‬ ‪자, 준비돼 있고요‬[Sun-ho] Okay. We have a second game prepared.
‪허벅지 씨름을 시작하겠습니다!‬ ‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬It's thigh wrestling! [cheering]
‪자, 우리들의 영원한 스타‬Okay, our eternal star.
‪우리들의 영웅이자‬ ‪우리들의 리스펙트 히어로‬Okay, our eternal star. Our hero and the hero we all respect.
‪추성훈!‬Choo Sung-hoon!
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬Choo Sung-hoon! [applause]
‪오케이, 오케이, 오케이‬Okay, okay, okay.
‪(성훈) 그러면 여기서‬ ‪제일 힘세다고 제가 생각하는 분이‬Then I think… the strongest person here is…
‪[선호의 탄성]‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬[Sun-ho] Oh.
‪[선호의 탄성]‬-[Sun-ho] Wow, man. Bro! -[Sung-hoon] Yes.
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬ ‪(선호) 와, 맨, 스트롱!‬-[Sun-ho] Wow, man. Bro! -[Sung-hoon] Yes.
‪와…‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬JO JIN-HYEONG, CAR DEALER
‪한번 도전하겠습니다, 예‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬-[Sun-ho] Wow. -I'd like to challenge him. Yes.
‪(진형) 아, 나 별로 안 센데?‬[chuckles] I'm not that strong.
‪[성훈의 웃음]‬ ‪(강민) 저 형님 몇 kg일까?‬[chuckles] I'm not that strong. -How much do you think he weighs? -How much do you weigh?
‪- (진형) 별로 안 센데‬ ‪- (성훈) 몇 kg 나가세요?‬-How much do you think he weighs? -How much do you weigh? 127 kilos.
‪(진형) 저는 127kg‬ ‪[성훈의 놀란 탄성]‬127 kilos. -[Sun-ho] How much do you weigh? -90 kilos.
‪(선호와 성훈)‬ ‪- 추성훈 님, 체중 몇 kg시죠?‬ ‪- 저는 90이에요‬-[Sun-ho] How much do you weigh? -90 kilos. -[Sun-ho] Okay, 90 kilos versus 127 kilos. -Wow. 90?
‪- (하얀) 와, 90?‬ ‪- (선호) 90kg 대 127kg‬-[Sun-ho] Okay, 90 kilos versus 127 kilos. -Wow. 90?
‪(선호) 추성훈 님이‬ ‪이렇게 작게 보이는 건 처음입니다‬I've never seen Choo Sung-hoon look so small.
‪(성훈과 선호)‬ ‪- 제가 그럼 안에, 안에 이렇게…‬ ‪- 네, 네, 안으로, 벌리고‬[Sung-hoon] I'm gonna put my knees inside here and push your legs open.
‪- (진형) 제가 모으고‬ ‪- (성훈) 오케이‬-[Jin-hyeong] Yes and I'll keep mine shut. -Okay
‪- 오케이‬ ‪- (선호) 네, 그냥 편하게‬-[Jin-hyeong] Yes and I'll keep mine shut. -Okay [Sun-ho] Yes, relax.
‪(선호) 자, 다 같이 한번‬ ‪박수 한번 주세요‬How about some applause?
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬How about some applause? [contestants cheering, applauding]
‪자, 준비, 시작! 하나‬ ‪[성훈의 긴장한 숨소리]‬Then. Ready? Go.
‪작! 하나‬ ‪[성훈의 힘주는 소리]‬-Go. -[yelps in surprise] What?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪[성훈의 힘겨운 신음]‬What? [laughter]
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬[laughter]
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪(선호) 작! 하나‬ ‪[성훈의 힘주는 소리]‬[Sung-hoon] What?
‪[성훈의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬[Sung-hoon] What? [contestants laughing]
‪어유, 씨‬Oh, shoot…
‪어유, 진짜‬Oh, come on!
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬[laughter]
‪- (선호) 오케이!‬ ‪- (성훈) 와…‬Okay.
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬Wow. Oh. [chuckles]
‪[선호와 성훈의 탄성]‬Wow. Oh. [chuckles] [Jin-hyeong chuckles]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬Oh, God. He's freaking strong.
‪(성훈) 와, 존나 힘세네, 씨발‬Oh, God. He's freaking strong.
‪(우진용) '존나'…‬ ‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬Oh, gosh. [laughs]
‪(진형) 약간 뭐, 약간‬[Jin-hyeong] A bit, well, a little bit. Yeah.
‪[웅장한 음악]‬ ‪약간 뭐, 좀 약간 좋았습니다, 예‬[Jin-hyeong] A bit, well, a little bit. Yeah. [chuckles] I liked it, yes. I felt good.
‪기분 좋았습니다‬[chuckles] I liked it, yes. I felt good.
‪그, 이게 힘이랑 그건‬ ‪이거는 다른 거 같아요, 예‬[chuckles] I liked it, yes. I felt good. I think strength and this are different things.
‪(선호) 자, 그럼 이상‬ ‪우리 몸풀기 마치고‬Okay, that concludes the warm-up.
‪자, 본격적인 게임을‬ ‪시작하도록 하겠습니다, 파이팅!‬Now it's starting, the real games will begin. -Good luck! -[man] Good luck!
‪(함께) 파이팅!‬-Good luck! -[man] Good luck! [Sun-ho] Let's do well.
‪(기관) 잘해 보자‬[Sun-ho] Let's do well.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[suspenseful music playing]
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪(기관) 와, 여기 다시 오네‬[Ki-kwan] Whoa, we're back here again.
‪(식) 우아, 많이 없어졌어‬[Hyun-seung] Whoa, so many are gone.
‪(학선) 많이 줄었어‬ ‪어떡해, 이거, 아…‬[Hyun-seung] Whoa, so many are gone. [Hak-seon] We're down to a few. What are we gonna do now?
‪(진형) 이제 몇 개 안 남았네‬[Hak-seon] We're down to a few. What are we gonna do now? [Jin-hyeong] There really aren't that many left.
‪(미호) 진짜 많이 사라지셨구나‬[Jin-hyeong] There really aren't that many left. [Miho] So many have gone.
‪(형근) 아직 24명의 사람이‬ ‪남아 있기 때문에‬[Hyung-geun] There are still 24 other people.
‪기분이 썩 좋지는 않아요‬So I don't feel that great.
‪(성훈) 여기서 뭘 하지? 도대체‬ ‪[성훈과 민철의 웃음]‬What do we do in here?
‪(성훈) 근데 거기서‬ ‪무슨 게임 시작하는 건지 몰라서‬[Sung-hoon] I didn't know what kind of game we were gonna do there,
‪기대만큼 긴장도 많이 있었습니다‬so I was as nervous as I was excited.
‪(아름) 뭘 할까?‬[A-reum] What are we gonna do? [Han-saem] I wish they'd tell us what we're gonna do.
‪(선호) 뭐 하는지‬ ‪알려 줬으면 좋겠다‬[Han-saem] I wish they'd tell us what we're gonna do.
‪[신비로운 소리가 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(마스터) '피지컬: 100'‬[Master] Physical: 100.
‪(은실) 뭐야?‬What's that?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪씨불인다, 씨불인다‬It's talking. It's talking.
‪(마스터) 두 번째 퀘스트를 거쳐‬ ‪생존한 참가자는‬[Master] After the second quest, we now have 25 survivors left.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬ ‪25명‬[Master] After the second quest, we now have 25 survivors left.
‪치열한 경쟁을 거쳐‬ ‪살아남은 여러분‬To those of you who survived the brutal competition, welcome.
‪환영합니다‬To those of you who survived the brutal competition, welcome. [contestants applauding, cheering]
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬[contestants applauding, cheering]
‪세 번째 퀘스트 진행에 앞서‬Before the third quest,
‪중요한 사실을 공개하겠습니다‬I'm going to reveal an important fact.
‪(남자) 뭐야?‬[Ki-kwan] What? An important fact?
‪- (아름) 중요하다고?‬ ‪- (남자) 중요한 사실?‬[Ki-kwan] What? An important fact? It's important.
‪(마스터) 지금 이곳에 계신‬ ‪여러분과‬[Master] Along with you who are here,
‪다음 퀘스트를 함께할‬there are additional survivors who will participate…
‪추가 생존자가 있습니다‬ ‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬there are additional survivors who will participate… -Huh? -[Jin-hyeong] What? [Master] …in the next quest.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪추가?‬[Master] …in the next quest. Additional?
‪(박진용) 뭐야‬ ‪어떻게 살아남은 거야?‬What? How did they survive?
‪(우진용) 떨어진 사람들이 왜‬ ‪이해를 할 수 없어요‬[Jin-yong] They failed, so why? I don't get it.
‪패자 부활전이‬ ‪너무 일찍 주어지지 않았나‬ ‪[강조되는 효과음]‬The consolation match came way too soon.
‪(형근) 아, 이거‬ ‪힘들게 떨어트려 놨더니‬[Hyung-geun] Ah, we worked hard to eliminate them, so why bring them back?
‪왜 살려 내 가지고‬[Hyung-geun] Ah, we worked hard to eliminate them, so why bring them back?
‪진짜 독한 사람들‬-They're so tenacious. -[Da-young] Yes.
‪(미호) 어떻게 해서든‬ ‪살아남겠다고‬They'll do anything to survive.
‪어이가 없어‬It's crazy.
‪(마스터) 그럼 5명의‬ ‪추가 생존자 여러분‬[Master] The five additional survivors, please come in.
‪입장해 주십시오‬[Master] The five additional survivors, please come in.
‪(성훈) 아이고‬[Jin-hyeong] Oh, man.
‪(진형) 일로 들어온다‬[contestants gasping, shouting]
‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[contestants gasping, shouting]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬[contestants gasping, shouting]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(여자) 대박‬[Sun-ho] No way! Wow!
‪- (선호) 뭐야?‬ ‪- (여자) 와, 미쳤다‬-You? -[Sung-hoon] Oh, wow.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬-You? -[Sung-hoon] Oh, wow. [Da-young] This is crazy! Oh, that's freaking cool.
‪(여자) 와, 개멋있어‬[Da-young] This is crazy! Oh, that's freaking cool.
‪소름 돋았어‬I got goosebumps.
‪나도 소름 돋았어, 방금‬I got goosebumps too.
‪와, 이렇게 남았구나‬Wow. They got through.
‪(남자) 어떤 곳일까?‬ ‪진짜 궁금하네‬[Hee-dong] How did they survive? I'm so curious.

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