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  피지컬: 100 .3

Physical: 100 .3


(마스터) B경기장‬[Master] Arena B.
‪설기관, 에이전트H‬ ‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬Seol Ki-kwan, Agent H.
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪(춘리) '에이전트H', '에이전트H'‬Agent H, Agent H.
‪(빛여울) 오, 여기 궁금해‬[Bo-mi-rae] Oh, I'm curious about this guy. AGENT H UDT RESERVIST
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬[whistle blowing]
‪- (깡미) 파이팅!‬ ‪- (형근) 달려, 달려, 달려!‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[whistle blowing] [contestants cheering on]
‪- (깡미) 파이팅!‬ ‪- (형근) 달려, 달려, 달려!‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬-[Kkang Mi] Good luck! -[OVAN] Run, run, run, run!
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬-[Kkang Mi] Good luck! -[OVAN] Run, run, run, run!
‪- (깡미) 파이팅!‬ ‪- (형근) 달려, 달려, 달려!‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬-[Kkang Mi] Good luck! -[OVAN] Run, run, run, run!
‪(남자) 힘이 진짜 세다‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬Wow, he is so strong. [contestants shouting in awe]
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[contestants shouting in awe]
‪[빛여울의 탄성]‬[contestants shouting in awe]
‪(소영) 돌았네, 돌았네‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬He's insane. Insane.
‪(남자) 와, 힘이 엄청나다‬[Chun-il] Wow, so powerful.
‪(여자) 와, 제대로다‬[Ye-hyun] Ouch, he's not kidding.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(깡미) 가야 돼, 가야 돼!‬-[man 1] Oh. -[Kkang Mi] Get away.
‪(요요) 와‬ ‪미쳤다, 미쳤다, 미쳤다‬ ‪[참가자들이 연신 감탄한다]‬[YOYO] He's mad.
‪[소란스럽다]‬ ‪- (요요) 와, 화났다‬ ‪- (진형) 난리 났다‬[YOYO] He's mad. [Jin-hyeong] This guy's crazy. He's on top.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Jin-hyeong] This guy's crazy. He's on top. [contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪(오반) 힘 개세, 와‬ ‪이번엔 또 반대다, 와‬[Sung-jun] He's so strong. He just flipped the situation.
‪(지수) 어, 깔렸어‬He's stuck.
‪(에이전트H) 사람들이 절대‬ ‪밑에 깔리면 안 된다고 했거든요‬[Agent H] I was told I should never get locked under.
‪깔렸네? 어‬But I did. Yeah.
‪[긴박한 음악]‬-[JJANG JAE] Twist your way out! -[Hae-min] It's a tough fight.
‪(남자1) 진짜 참호 격투 하네‬-[JJANG JAE] Twist your way out! -[Hae-min] It's a tough fight. -[Hyung-geun] Free your left hand, yes! -[JJANG JAE] Twist your way out of this.
‪(남자2) 돌아 나와야 돼‬ ‪돌아 나와야 돼, 이거‬-[Hyung-geun] Free your left hand, yes! -[JJANG JAE] Twist your way out of this.
‪(형근) 왼손 살려야 돼, 그렇지‬ ‪백으로 돌아, 백으로, 백으로!‬ ‪[참가자들이 호응한다]‬-[Hyung-geun] Free your left hand, yes! -[JJANG JAE] Twist your way out of this. [Hyung-geun] Free your left hand. Yes! Grab him from behind!
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪백으로 넘겨야 돼, 백으로!‬[Hyung-geun] Free your left hand. Yes! Grab him from behind!
‪밀렸다, 이건, 아…‬He's stuck now.
‪(짱재) 뒤집을 수 있어, 근데 이거‬He could have flipped him.
‪- (여자1) 30초‬ ‪- (오반) 공 잡아야 돼!‬-[Da-young] 30 seconds! -[JJANG JAE] Go for the ball!
‪(플로리안과 여자2)‬ ‪- 아, 지금 그냥 공 먼저 갖고…‬ ‪- 그러네, 이제 가야 돼‬-[Ye-hyun] Hey, go get the ball now! -[YOYO] Right, he has to go now.
‪(형근) 힙부터 올려야 돼, 힙부터‬ ‪엉덩이부터 올려야 돼‬[Hyung-geun] Lift your hip up first. Your hip!
‪(남자) 지훈아, 공으로 가‬ ‪공으로 가야 돼‬[Hyung-geun] Lift your hip up first. Your hip! [JJANG JAE] H, go get the ball. Go!
‪- (형근) 공, 공, 공‬ ‪- (깡미) 오, 나이스!‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(오반) 다리 세워야 돼요, H‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬[OVAN] You have to get up. Get up now, H.
‪[참가자들의 놀란 탄성]‬[OVAN] You have to get up. Get up now, H. [contestants screaming]
‪[참가자들의 놀란 탄성]‬
‪[참가자들의 놀란 탄성]‬[contestants screaming] [Hyung-geun] Turtle up!
‪(진형) 거북이, 거북이!‬Turtle up!
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪- (플로리안) 10초만! 10초, 컴 온‬ ‪- (여자) 거북이, 거북이, 거북이‬[Bo-mi-rae] Turtle, turtle! -[JJANG JAE] Ten seconds! Ten seconds! -[Chun-ri] H, H, H. -[OVAN] No! -[Kkang Mi] No!
‪- (플로리안) 아니야!‬ ‪- (깡미) 안 돼, 안 돼!‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬-[OVAN] No! -[Kkang Mi] No! [OVAN] You must get on top!
‪(정명) 어, 어, 어?‬Oh! Oh! Oh!
‪(주형) 어? 아니다, 몰라, 또 몰라‬You never know. No, not yet!
‪- (종혁) 와, 저렇게 한다고? 와‬ ‪- (주형) 아니다, 아니다‬You never know. No, not yet! [OVAN] No!
‪(진형) 같이 잡았다, 같이 잡았어‬[OVAN] No! -[Jung-ho] He's going to grab it again. -[JJANG JAE] Did he get it?
‪(정호) 같이 잡았어?‬-[Jung-ho] He's going to grab it again. -[JJANG JAE] Did he get it?
‪(주형) 와, 죽인다‬[woman 1] That's it. Hold on a bit more. [contestants shouting]
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[contestants shouting]
‪(마스터) 경기 종료‬ ‪[남자의 탄성]‬[Master] Game over.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[에이전트H의 거친 숨소리]‬[screams]
‪[기관의 기합]‬[screams]
‪(오반과 춘리)‬ ‪- 같이 잡았어, 같이 잡았어‬ ‪- 아니, 아직 아니야‬-[OVAN] They both got it. -[Chun-ri] No, not yet, not yet.
‪(춘리) 둘 다 잡고 있어‬-[OVAN] They both got it. -[Chun-ri] No, not yet, not yet. -[Chun-ri] They're both holding it. -[Kkang Mi] Keep going!
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- (여자) 끝까지!‬ ‪- (남자) 와, 죽인다‬-[Chun-ri] They're both holding it. -[Kkang Mi] Keep going! [Agent H] I could barely hang on, for real.
‪(에이전트H) 힘이‬ ‪안 들어가 가지고‬[Agent H] I could barely hang on, for real. I thought, "Oh, I can't hold out."
‪'와, 이거 못 버틴다'‬I thought, "Oh, I can't hold out."
‪(기관) 에이전트H 님이 손의 힘이‬ ‪조금 빠지셨던 거 같아요‬[Ki-kwan] I think Agent H's grip loosened a bit.
‪그래서 이 공을 잡았을 때‬So when I grabbed the ball,
‪(기관) '어? 뺄 수 있겠는데?'라는‬ ‪생각이 들더라고요‬I was like, "Oh, I think I can take it from him."
‪그래서‬I was like, "Oh, I think I can take it from him."
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(남자) 뺏었어, 와‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬ ‪뺏었어, 뺏었어, 와‬[Master] Game over.
‪(마스터) 경기 종료‬[Master] Game over.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(참가자들) 브라보‬[contestants exclaiming, applauding]
‪[밝은 음악]‬[contestants exclaiming, applauding]
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬ ‪(남자1) 와, 진짜‬ ‪울림이다, 울림, 와‬[contestants exclaiming, applauding] [Han] Wow, the sound it just made.
‪(여자) 지렸다‬[Eun-sil] Awesome.
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪- (춘리) 와, 잘했어요‬ ‪- (남자2) 멋지다, 멋지다!‬-[So-young] Wow. Congrats. -[Seong-min] Well done! Well done!
‪(지수) 소름‬I got chills. [Bit-yeo-ul] I really got chills.
‪(빛여울) 아, 나 진짜 소름‬[Bit-yeo-ul] I really got chills.
‪(민석) 이분들 보면 난 일반인인데‬ ‪잘못 나온 거 같은데‬[Bit-yeo-ul] I really got chills. They make me feel like I don't belong here.
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬[contestants cheering, applauding]
‪(오반) 멋있다!‬[Sun-ho] You did great!
‪제가 에이전트H 님을‬ ‪씹어 먹어 버리게 돼서‬I chewed out and beat Agent H, so…
‪[웃으며] 네‬ ‪좀 죄송하기도 하고, 예‬I do feel bad, yes.
‪기왕 이렇게 이제 올라오게 된 거‬But as I'm moving up,
‪(기관) 남아 있는 닭 가슴살도‬ ‪제가 잘근잘근 잘 씹어 먹겠습니다‬I will chew up the rest of the chicken breasts too.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬ ‪(에이전트H) 뭐, 제가, 뭐, 씨‬ ‪모자란 탓이지, 씨‬[Agent H] I wasn't good enough.
‪[유쾌한 음악]‬ ‪뭐, 원인이 있겠습니까? 예‬What else can I say?
‪패배자는 말이 없는 법인데‬When you lose, you lose.
‪[헛웃음]‬[chuckles softly] Didn't expect to leave so soon.
‪이렇게 빨리 집에 가게 될 줄이야‬[chuckles softly] Didn't expect to leave so soon.
‪[망치가 잘그랑 떨어진다]‬
‪(마스터) 다음 경기를‬ ‪준비하겠습니다‬[Master] Get ready for the next game.
‪B경기장‬Arena B.
‪윤성빈, 이대원‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬Yun Sung-bin, Lee Dae-won. [contestants cheering]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[contestants cheering]
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪(여자) 이거 봐야지, 이거 봐야지‬[Da-young] I need to watch this. I need to watch this. [Eun-sil] Let's go!
‪(남자) 다 우르르 간다, 우르르 가‬They're all gathering up. [contestants cheering]
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬[contestants cheering]
‪무슨 대결을 하든‬Whatever the game is, if he picks me, I'm dead.
‪저 사람이 나를 고르면‬ ‪나는 죽겠다‬Whatever the game is, if he picks me, I'm dead.
‪피해야 되는 순위 1순위‬The one guy to avoid the most.
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(남자1) 아, 어떻게 몸이‬ ‪저렇게 될 수 있을까?‬[Jong-hyeok] How do you get a body like that?
‪(남자2) 선수촌에서 만들어진 몸‬[Jun-hyeoup] By training for the Olympics.
‪(성빈) 저는 스켈레톤 탔었던‬ ‪윤성빈이라고 합니다‬[Sung-bin] I'm Yun Sung-bin, and I used to ride the skeleton.
‪내 피지컬은 실전에‬ ‪활용도 높은 근육들‬My body's got big muscles that come in handy in actual combat.
‪폭발적인 힘, 응용 능력‬ ‪이런 것들이‬I think they're well-developed in terms of pure power
‪잘 발달이 되어 있다고‬ ‪전 생각하거든요‬I think they're well-developed in terms of pure power and how to release it.
‪(마스터) 42위‬[Master] 42nd place,
‪윤성빈‬Yun Sung-bin. Select your opponent.
‪[참가자들이 술렁인다]‬ ‪대결 상대를 지목해 주십시오‬Select your opponent. [contestants murmuring]
‪(미호) 윤성빈‬[contestants murmuring] -It's Yun Sung-bin. -I'm shaking.
‪(우진용) 떨고 있다, 나 지금‬-It's Yun Sung-bin. -I'm shaking.
‪(남자) 성빈이, 와…‬[Agent H] Sung-bin, wow… [Eun-sil] I bet all the boys are nervous now.
‪(은실) 남자분들 긴장하시겠는데?‬[Eun-sil] I bet all the boys are nervous now.
‪(정호) '저분한테만‬ ‪지목 안 당하면 된다'‬[Jung-ho] As long as he doesn't pick me.
‪(민우) 바로 계속 눈 피하고, 계속‬ ‪'제발 뽑지 말아라'‬[Min-u] I kept avoiding eye contact, so he wouldn't pick me. LEE MIN-U, CHEF
‪(성빈) 제가 할 때는 거의 뭐‬ ‪빼 간 상태여 가지고, 사람들을‬[Sung-bin] When it was my turn, most people had gotten selected,
‪씁, 그래서 보고 막 했는데‬so I looked at who was left. [suspenseful music playing]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪[남자의 웃음]‬[man 1 laughs]
‪(은실) 벌써 골랐네?‬He got picked.
‪(민용) 뭐 하시는 분이에요?‬-[Kyu-tae] Who is this guy? -[Hee-chan] He's the trot singer.
‪- (희찬) 그, 트로트 하는 사람…‬ ‪- (믹주) 트로트, 네‬-[Kyu-tae] Who is this guy? -[Hee-chan] He's the trot singer. -The trot singer slash MMA fighter. -Huh?
‪(믹주) 격투기 하신다‬ ‪그러지 않았어요?‬-The trot singer slash MMA fighter. -Huh?
‪(오반) 입식 격투기, 챔피언‬ ‪[주형의 탄성]‬-He's the standing champion. -Ah…
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪저를 처음 보시거나 하면‬When people see me for the first time, most don't think that I even work out.
‪'정말 운동을‬ ‪얘가 하는 애인가?'라는 생각을‬When people see me for the first time, most don't think that I even work out.
‪정말 많이 하시거든요‬When people see me for the first time, most don't think that I even work out. [chuckles softly]
‪(대원) 근데 케이지 안에‬ ‪올라가면서부터‬[chuckles softly] [Dae-won] But once I'm in the cage, I have a different look in my eyes,
‪이제 눈빛과 뭔가‬ ‪마음가짐을 다르게 하는‬[Dae-won] But once I'm in the cage, I have a different look in my eyes, a different mindset.
‪반전이죠, 반전‬Most don't expect that. [chuckles]
‪[웃음]‬Most don't expect that. [chuckles]
‪- (선호) 안녕하세요, 네‬ ‪- (대원) 아, 안녕하세요, 아, 예‬-[Sun-ho] Hello. -[Dae-won] Hello. -[Dae-won] Oh, nice to meet you. -Lee Dae-won? Yes, I know you.
‪- 이대원 님? 예‬ ‪- (대원) 어? 아, 반갑습니다‬-[Dae-won] Oh, nice to meet you. -Lee Dae-won? Yes, I know you.
‪(선호) 저 알아요, 그…‬-[Dae-won] Oh, nice to meet you. -Lee Dae-won? Yes, I know you.
‪격투기 하는 거 보고‬ ‪너무 멋있어 가지고‬-I saw you fight. Man, you're amazing. -Oh, really?
‪- (대원) 아, 정말요?‬ ‪- (선호) 예‬-I saw you fight. Man, you're amazing. -Oh, really? -Yes. -Your fight really impressed me.
‪(동국과 대원)‬ ‪- 경기 너무 인상 깊게 봤습니다‬ ‪- 아, 정말요? 아, 감사합니다‬-Yes. -Your fight really impressed me. Oh, really? Wow. Thank you.
‪(동국) 근데 생각보다‬ ‪아니, 어떻게 이렇게‬Oh, really? Wow. Thank you. How do you get so much fight
‪가녀린 몸에서‬ ‪그런 경기력이 나옵니까‬ ‪[대원이 호응한다]‬How do you get so much fight -out of this slim body? -Yeah.
‪(대원) 생긴 걸로만 봐서‬ ‪조금 만만하게 보실 수 있지만‬[Dae-won] I don't look very tough… [chuckles softly]
‪정말 호락호락하지‬ ‪않을 겁니다, 예‬…but I'm really not an easy opponent.
‪(성빈) 재밌게 해 봅시다‬Let's have fun.
‪[대원이 입소리를 쉭 낸다]‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪[빛여울의 놀란 숨소리]‬[gasps]
‪[대원이 입소리를 쉭 낸다]‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪쉽지 않을 겁니다, 네‬It's not gonna be easy.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪[대원의 웃음]‬-[chuckles] -[contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬ ‪(남자) 아씨‬-[Ji-su] Oh, shoot. -I was so surprised.
‪(은실) 어, 깜짝 놀랐네‬-[Ji-su] Oh, shoot. -I was so surprised.
‪기선 제압을 좀 하려고‬I wanted to intimidate him.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(대원) 제 주특기인‬ ‪브라질리언 킥을 눈앞까지‬[Dae-won] I did my specialty, the Brazilian Kick, right in his face.
‪좀 놀랐던 거 같아요‬Surprised him a bit.
‪그런 거 너무 싫어요, 진짜‬ ‪아, 진짜‬I really hate stuff like that, man. Seriously.
‪왜 그러는지 모르겠어‬I don't get why they do that.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬ ‪(마스터) 일대일 데스 매치를‬ ‪시작하겠습니다‬[Master] The one-on-one Death Match will begin.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪(남자) 아, 진짜 여기‬ ‪진짜 개싸움인 거 같아요‬[Jin-yong] This is gonna be a real dogfight.
‪(대원) 일대일에서‬ ‪한 번도 져 본 적이 없고‬[Dae-won] I've never lost a one-on-one match.
‪이길 자신 있죠‬I'm sure I'm gonna win.
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬-[whistle blowing] -[door clanks]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬ ‪[대원이 풍덩 빠진다]‬
‪(남자1) 어유, 씨발‬ ‪아이언맨이네, 진짜, 몸이‬[Hyung-geun] Oh, shoot. He's got Iron Man's body.
‪(남자2) 윤성빈 파이팅!‬[OVAN] Go, Sung-bin!
‪- (남자3) 파이팅!‬ ‪- (남자2) 이대원 파이팅!‬Go, Dae-won!
‪(남자4) 저 후면 삼각근 봐 봐‬[Hyung-geun] Look at his back muscles.
‪(춘리) 체급 차이가 많이 나네‬[Chun-ri] There's a huge difference in weight class.
‪(플로리안) 이거 어떻게 하려나?‬[Chun-ri] There's a huge difference in weight class. What is he gonna do?
‪(남자1) 너무 뛰지 마‬ ‪너무 뛰지 마‬[I-taek] Don't run too much.
‪(남자2) 같이 걸어, 같이 걸어‬ ‪[남자1이 코치한다]‬-[Hyun-mi] Walk in tandem. -[Ji-su] Save your breath.
‪(제용) 계속 도망 다니면 되겠다‬He could keep running away. [Bo-mi-rae] Sure, if he can last this long.
‪(여자1) 어, 저렇게 3분 버티면‬[Bo-mi-rae] Sure, if he can last this long.
‪(남자) 체력 빠지길‬ ‪기다릴 수도 있고‬[Hee-chan] He could be waiting for him to get tired.
‪(여자2) 노리고 있네, 맹수 같아‬[Min-ji] He's watching him like a predator.
‪(남자1) 호랑이가, 씨‬ ‪토끼 사냥하는 것도 아니고‬[JJANG JAE] It's like a tiger hunting a rabbit.
‪(남자2) 와, 진짜‬ ‪압박감 장난 아니겠다‬ ‪[오반의 웃음]‬[Ye-hyun] Man, that pressure must be something.
‪(남자3) 빙글빙글 돌면‬ ‪못 잡을 수 있을 거 같은데‬[man 1] He might stay out of reach if he keeps running.
‪(남자4) 전략이 맞긴 할 거 같아‬[man 2] I think that's his strategy.
‪(대원) 누가 봐도‬ ‪근력은 안 되니까‬[Dae-won] Anyone can see I'm weaker than him, so I thought I'd keep running away until the end.
‪끝까지 한번 도망 다녀 보자‬so I thought I'd keep running away until the end.
‪(남자) 마음먹으면 잡아요‬-[Jung-ho] He can get him if he wants to. -[Bit-yeo-ul] Yes, he's really strong.
‪(여자) 그러니까‬ ‪파워가 장난 아닐 텐데‬-[Jung-ho] He can get him if he wants to. -[Bit-yeo-ul] Yes, he's really strong.
‪(까로) 솔직히 저기서 그냥‬ ‪팡 치고 나가면‬If he just catches him off guard…
‪완전히 좆 돼‬[Caro] I know what he's really capable of.
‪내가 힘을 아니까‬[Caro] I know what he's really capable of.
‪(성빈) 도망간다고‬ ‪안 잡힐 수 있는‬[Sung-bin] He could run, but he couldn't go anywhere,
‪구조가 아니었어 가지고‬[Sung-bin] He could run, but he couldn't go anywhere, so I thought I'd watch for a while and then get the ball.
‪'지켜보다가 뺏어서 해야겠다'‬so I thought I'd watch for a while and then get the ball.
‪- (깡미) 2분!‬ ‪- (남자) 이제 보여 줘!‬-[Kkang Mi] Two minutes! -[OVAN] Show us what you got!
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(깡미) 할 수 있어, 잡히면 안 돼‬ ‪잡히면 안 돼!‬[Kkang Mi] You can do it. Don't get caught!
‪[참가자들의 놀란 탄성]‬[man 1] He caught up to him in a blink.
‪(남자1과 깡미)‬ ‪- 이야, 바로 잡았다‬ ‪- 잡히면 안 돼, 잡히면 안 돼!‬[Kkang Mi] You can do it. Don't get caught! -[JJANG JAE] Wow! See? -[Kkang Mi] You can do it.
‪[긴박한 음악]‬ ‪(남자2) 우아, 봐 봐‬ ‪존나 빠르다니까‬-[JJANG JAE] Wow! See? -[Kkang Mi] You can do it. -[Kkang Mi] Don't get caught! -[JJANG JAE] He's crazy fast.
‪(깡미) 잡히면 안 돼!‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬-[Kkang Mi] Don't get caught! -[JJANG JAE] He's crazy fast. -[Bo-mi-rae] You're dead if you're caught. -[Kkang Mi] Don't get caught!
‪(여자와 깡미)‬ ‪- 잡히면 죽는다!‬ ‪- 잡히면 안 돼, 잡히면 안 돼!‬-[Bo-mi-rae] You're dead if you're caught. -[Kkang Mi] Don't get caught! [contestants shouting in suspense]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants shouting in suspense]
‪[춘리의 불안한 탄성]‬[contestants shouting in suspense]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[suspenseful music playing]
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬ ‪[여자의 탄식]‬[Jin-yong sniggers] He can catch you right away like that.
‪(남자1) [웃으며] 저렇게 하고‬ ‪바로 잡혀 가지고‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Jin-yong sniggers] He can catch you right away like that.
‪(남자2) 순간 스피드가, 오‬[Jin-yong sniggers] He can catch you right away like that. [Sun-ho] Wow, his moves are so fast.
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[Sun-ho] Wow, his moves are so fast. [Kkang Mi] Don't get caught!
‪(남자1) 들어 버리려고 하네‬[Hak-seon] He's trying to lift him up.
‪(여자) 와, 등 근육 봐‬ ‪장난 아니다‬[woman 1] Wow, look at his back muscles, they're insane.
‪(남자2) [웃으며] 거북이‬ ‪등껍질 같아‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[woman 1] Wow, look at his back muscles, they're insane. [woman 2] They look like a turtle's back.
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(남자3) 한 손으로 뜯어 가‬[Caro] He's lifting him with one arm.
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[Caro] He's lifting him with one arm.
‪방금 종이처럼 날아갔네‬[Jin-yong] He got thrown to the side like a piece of paper.
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬ ‪(남자4) 어이가 없어, 지금‬[Jin-yong] He got thrown to the side like a piece of paper. I can't believe it.
‪[참가자들의 불안한 탄성]‬ ‪(참가자들) 30초!‬[contestants shouting]
‪(남자) 1분 30초!‬
‪(참가자들) 1분 30초!‬-[man 1] One minute and 30 seconds! -[man 2] One minute and 30 seconds!
‪[빛여울의 탄성]‬ ‪- (남자1) 못 빼, 못 빼‬ ‪- (여자) 이제 못 뺀다‬[man 3] He can't get it out. [Bo-mi-rae] There's no way he can get it now.
‪(남자1) 돌멩이, 돌멩이, 돌멩이‬ ‪[남자2의 웃음]‬[Bo-mi-rae] There's no way he can get it now. [man 4] A rock. He's a rock.
‪(남자3) 와, 꿈쩍도 안 한다‬ ‪꿈쩍도 안 해‬[man 5] Wow. He wouldn't budge.
‪(남자4) 꿈쩍도 안 해, 탱크야‬[man 6] He won't budge. -[man 7] How can he get the ball out? -[man 8] He's just too strong.
‪- (남자5) 저걸 어떻게 꺼내‬ ‪- (남자6) 너무 강해 가지고‬-[man 7] How can he get the ball out? -[man 8] He's just too strong.
‪(남자7) 저걸, 구멍이 없잖아‬ ‪꺼낼 구멍이‬-[man 7] How can he get the ball out? -[man 8] He's just too strong. [Ji-su] There's no opening for him. [man 1] One minute.
‪- (남자8) 60초!‬ ‪- (남자9) 1분!‬[man 1] One minute.
‪(깡미) 할 수 있어!‬[Kkang Mi] You can do it!
‪(남자1) 그냥 덮었는데, 그냥?‬[Dong-guk] The ball's completely covered.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪- (깡미) 할 수 있어!‬ ‪- (남자2) 저걸 어떻게 뒤집어?‬-[Kkang Mi] You can do it! -[Caro] How do you flip that?
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬[timer beeping]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(남자1) 오, 빠졌다‬[timer beeping] [Seong-min] Oh, he got through!
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[함께 환호한다]‬[excited shouting]
‪오, 빠졌다, 와‬[Seong-min] Oh, he got through! -[Ye-hyun] You did it. -[Seong-min] He's holding the ball
‪- (남자2) 됐다, 됐다‬ ‪- (남자1) 공 한 손으로 잡고 있어‬-[Ye-hyun] You did it. -[Seong-min] He's holding the ball with one hand.
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬with one hand. [Sung-bin] I had my eyes locked on the ball.
‪(성빈) 그 공에‬ ‪미쳐 있었어요, 공에‬[Sung-bin] I had my eyes locked on the ball. It's just a ball.
‪공이 뭐라고, 미쳐 있었어요‬It's just a ball. [Kyu-tae] He just stood up like it's nothing. Wow.
‪(남자1) 일어나 버린다‬ ‪저렇게, 와‬[Kyu-tae] He just stood up like it's nothing. Wow. [OVAN] Wow. He's a monster. Yeah, another monster.
‪(남자2) 와, 괴물이다‬ ‪또 괴물이야, 또 괴물‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[OVAN] Wow. He's a monster. Yeah, another monster.
‪(남자3) 와, 스트렝스‬ ‪말이 안 된다‬[OVAN] Wow. He's a monster. Yeah, another monster. [BBULKUP] Wow, his strength is just extraordinary.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬-[rock music playing] -[contestants exclaiming]
‪(여자) 개무서워, 와!‬[Min-ji] He's so scary, jeez.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(남자) 20초!‬[contestants shouting]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪(깡미) 끝까지! 끝까지! 끝까지!‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[Kkang Mi] Fight to the end! [contestants shouting]
‪끝까지! 끝까지! 끝까지!‬[contestants shouting] Fight to the end!
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪(남자1) 거의 타잔이네‬[Jong-hyeok] He's almost like Tarzan.
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[Jong-hyeok] He's almost like Tarzan. [Min-u] He's agile too.
‪(남자2) 순발력도 좋아‬[Min-u] He's agile too.
‪(참가자들) 10초!‬[Min-u] He's agile too. [contestants shouting]
‪(남자) 아, 미쳤다‬[Han] Wow, that's crazy.
‪(민우) 타잔이 아니고‬ ‪치타인데, 거의?‬-He's more like a cheetah. -[OVAN] 20 seconds! 15 seconds!
‪(남자1) 15초!‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬-He's more like a cheetah. -[OVAN] 20 seconds! 15 seconds! -[man 1] Ten seconds! -[Kyu-tae] He can't get him.
‪- (남자1) 10초‬ ‪- (남자2) 못 잡네, 못 잡아‬-[man 1] Ten seconds! -[Kyu-tae] He can't get him.
‪(남자3) 라스트 10초!‬[OVAN] Last ten seconds!
‪라스트 10초!‬Last ten seconds!
‪(여자) 9초, 8초, 7초‬[Min-ji] Nine seconds, eight seconds, seven seconds!
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬[Min-ji] Nine seconds, eight seconds, seven seconds!
‪(깡미) 안 돼, 끝까지 가야 돼!‬No, you have to fight until the end!
‪[날렵한 효과음]‬[rock music playing] [music intensifies]
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪[박수 소리]‬ ‪(마스터) 경기 종료‬[Master] Game over. [applause]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[applause] Contestants, please enter.
‪(남자) 나이스!‬ ‪[차분한 음악]‬[man 1] Nice one.
‪[대원의 탄성]‬ ‪나이스!‬
‪(까로) 와, 힘이 진짜 세‬Wow, he's just so strong.
‪(마스터) B경기장 승자는‬ ‪윤성빈 참가자입니다‬[Master] The winner of Arena B is Yun Sung-bin.
‪[박수 소리]‬[Master] The winner of Arena B is Yun Sung-bin. [contestants applauding]
‪(치현) 멋있다!‬Well done!
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪(대원) 저를 거의 뭐‬ ‪한 손으로 던지시더라고요‬[Dae-won] He threw me to the side with one hand.
‪제가 어디 가서‬ ‪내팽개쳐지지는 않아요‬I never get tossed around like that anywhere.
‪[헛웃음]‬[chuckles softly]
‪(대원) 다시는 경험하고 싶지 않은‬ ‪경기입니다‬It's a match I don't want to experience again.
‪(남자1) 괴물이긴 괴물이네?‬ ‪[남자1의 웃음]‬[Hee-chan] He really is a monster.
‪(남자2) 우리나라 톱클래스인데‬[Hee-dong] He's a top-class athlete in Korea. [Sun-ho] He's so cool.
‪(남자3) 멋있다‬[Sun-ho] He's so cool.
‪(성빈) 예상대로‬ ‪잘됐던 거 같아요, 그냥‬I think it went well, as expected. [chuckles]
‪[피식 웃는다]‬I think it went well, as expected. [chuckles]
‪(마스터) 다음 경기를‬ ‪준비하겠습니다‬[Master] Prepare for the next game.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Arena A.
‪A경기장‬Arena A.
‪홍범석‬Hong Beom-seok.
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬ ‪조진형‬Jo Jin-hyeong.
‪(오반) 와, 잠깐만‬ ‪이것도 보고 싶은데?‬ ‪[에이전트H의 탄성]‬Hang on. I want to watch this one too.
‪(정호) 이것도 메인 중의 하나야‬ ‪여기도‬It's another main match.
‪- (여자1) 홍범석 가야지‬ ‪- (여자2) 이름 듣고 뛰어왔어‬[Kkang Mi] I need to watch Hong Beom-seok. [Min-ji] I ran over when I heard the name.
‪(남자1) 홍범석이 누구야?‬[man 1] Who's Hong Beom-seok?
‪(남자2) 세계 소방관 대회에서‬ ‪1위 했던 애‬[Agent H] He won the World Firefighter Games.
‪(마스터) 28위, 홍범석‬[Master] 28th place, Hong Beom-seok.
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬ ‪(범석) 저는‬ ‪세계 소방관 경기 대회에서‬[Beom-seok] I was the first Korean to win the World Firefighter Games,
‪대한민국 최초로 우승을 차지했고‬[Beom-seok] I was the first Korean to win the World Firefighter Games,
‪밀리터리 서바이벌에서‬and I appeared in another military survival TV show
‪좋은 모습으로 인사드렸던‬ ‪홍범석입니다‬and I appeared in another military survival TV show where I did pretty well.
‪(마스터) 홍범석‬[Master] Hong Beom-seok.
‪대결 상대를 지목해 주십시오‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬Select your opponent.
‪(오반) 와, 홍범석‬Wow, Hong Beom-seok.
‪(에이전트H) 범석이‬ ‪누구 선택할라나?‬Who's Beom-seok gonna pick?
‪(남자) 궁금하다‬I wanna know.
‪(범석) 제가 사전 테스트에‬ ‪너무 아쉽고‬[Beom-seok] I did really bad in the previous mission,
‪또 제 능력을‬ ‪다 못 보여 준 거 같아서‬ ‪[범석의 힘겨운 신음]‬[Beom-seok] I did really bad in the previous mission, and I didn't get to show what I'm capable of.
‪본게임에서는‬ ‪좀 강력하게 좀 가야겠다‬HONG BEOM-SEOK 28TH PLACE IN PRE-QUEST MISSION In the main challenge, I should be more aggressive.
‪그분만 계속 보고 있었어요‬[Beom-seok] I kept looking at him.
‪(에이전트H) 범석이는‬ ‪누구를 해도, 뭐‬[Agent H] Beom-seok can take on anyone.
‪(남자) 어디까지 가?‬-[Ki-kwan] Where is he going? -To the big guy in the back?
‪(에이전트H) 저 뒤에 큰 사람 많아‬-[Ki-kwan] Where is he going? -To the big guy in the back?
‪(남자1) 오, 설마? 와…‬[OVAN] Oh, no way. Whoa.
‪- (에이전트H) 맞네‬ ‪- (남자2) 체격 크신 분하고?‬-[Agent H] I'm right. -[Ki-kwan] Him and the big guy?
‪(남자3) 아, 저기 헤비급, 헤비급‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Byeong-jin] Oh, boy. He's a heavyweight.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[intimidating music playing]
‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬ ‪- (남자1) 오, 뭐야?‬ ‪- (남자2) 아이고‬[intimidating music playing] -[BBULKUP] Whoa, who's this? -[Agent H] Oh, gosh.
‪(남자2) 와, 압도하시네‬-[Agent H] He's so big. -My god, he's big.
‪[참가자들의 놀란 탄성]‬-[Agent H] He's so big. -My god, he's big.
‪(성민) 와, 진짜 크다‬-[Agent H] He's so big. -My god, he's big.
‪(국영) 뭐, 팔뚝이 제‬ ‪뭐, 두세 배만 하시니까, 이‬[Guk-young] His forearm's three times the size of mine.
‪(호주 타잔) 와, 대단한데?‬Wow, he's really something. I felt a bit out of my league.
‪좀 위압감을 조금 느꼈습니다‬Wow, he's really something. I felt a bit out of my league.
‪저는 마흔한 살‬ ‪'스트롱맨' 우승자 조진형입니다‬I'm Jo Jin-hyeong, 41 years old, and I'm the winner of "The Strongest Man."
‪(진형) 뭐, 전체적인 사이즈가‬ ‪다 저는 크다 생각하거든요‬[Jin-hyeong] Well, overall, I think I'm big. My neck's 20-inches, my forearms are around 20 inches too,
‪목은 20인치고요‬My neck's 20-inches, my forearms are around 20 inches too,
‪팔뚝도 한 21인치 정도 되고‬My neck's 20-inches, my forearms are around 20 inches too, and my thighs are about 31 inches.
‪허벅지 지금 31인치입니다‬and my thighs are about 31 inches.
‪(에이전트H) 맞네‬ ‪제일 큰 사람한테‬[Agent H] I'm right. He chose the biggest guy.
‪[남자의 탄성]‬ ‪[박수 소리]‬-[chuckles softly] -[contestants applauding]
‪'왜 내를 뽑지?' 이 생각 했어요‬ ‪처음엔, 왜냐면‬I thought, "Why did he pick me?"
‪(진형) 저는‬ ‪아예 생각도 안 하고 있었어요‬[Jin-hyeong] That's not what I had in mind at all.
‪덩치 큰 사람이‬ ‪저를 뽑으면 뽑겠다 생각했지‬I expected another big guy to pick me as their opponent.
‪그런 분이 저를 뽑을 줄‬ ‪생각도 못 했어요, 저는, 사실은‬I never imagined someone like him would choose me, to be honest.
‪(마스터) 지목권을 가진‬ ‪홍범석 참가자‬[Master] Hong Beom-seok has the right of selection.
‪원하는 경기장을‬ ‪선택해 주시기 바랍니다‬ ‪[차분한 음악]‬[Master] Hong Beom-seok has the right of selection. Select the arena.
‪A 하겠습니다‬I pick A.
‪(범석) 스피드, 근지구력, 순발력‬ ‪[강조되는 효과음]‬I've got speed, stamina, agility.
‪딱 불리한 거 하나 있었어요, 힘‬Him, he has strength.
‪공만 차지하면 승률은 진짜 100%다‬As long as I get the ball, I'll win, that's for sure.
‪(진형) 저는 근력이 좋잖아요‬ ‪그 생각이 있어서 무조건‬As long as I get the ball, I'll win, that's for sure. [Jin-hyeong] I have strong muscles, so I thought…
‪사람을 잡아야 되겠다 생각했죠‬I should grab the guy first.
‪[참가자들이 응원한다]‬ ‪(남자1) 챔피언 대 챔피언인데?‬[OVAN] A battle between champions. A champion versus another.
‪(남자2) 와, 여기 빅 매치네‬[OVAN] A battle between champions. A champion versus another. [Ji-su] Wow, this is a big match.
‪(남자3) 홍범석 파이팅!‬-[Dong-guk] Go, Hong Beom-seok! -[OVAN] Go, Jo Jin-hyeong!
‪(남자4) 조진형 파이팅!‬-[Dong-guk] Go, Hong Beom-seok! -[OVAN] Go, Jo Jin-hyeong!
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬[whistle blowing] [I-taek] Good luck!
‪(남자5) 파이팅!‬ ‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬[I-taek] Good luck!
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪파이팅!‬Good luck!
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪(남자6) 빨라, 엄청 빨라‬Wow, he's fast. He's really fast.
‪[참가자들의 놀란 탄성]‬Wow, he's fast. He's really fast.
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪(참가자들) 파이팅!‬-[whistle blowing] -Good luck!
‪[긴박한 음악]‬ ‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬[contestants shouting]
‪[참가자들의 놀란 탄성]‬ ‪(남자1) 끝났다, 놓쳤다‬[Hae-min] Oh, it's over. He missed the ball.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(남자2) 떨어뜨린다, 떨어뜨린다‬[Hae-min] Oh, it's over. He missed the ball. [contestants shouting]
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[Kyung-jin] Wow.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪- (깡미) 홍범석 파이팅!‬ ‪- (남자1) 와, 이거 어떡하냐‬Oh, shoot. -[Kkang Mi] Go, Hong Beom-seok! -[Jun-myeong] Whoa, what should he do now?
‪(남자2와 남자1)‬ ‪- 어렵다‬ ‪- 와, 이거, 씨, 거의 호랑이인데?‬[Hae-min] Wow, this one, dang. [contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬ ‪(남자3) 와, 와, 쉽지 않다‬[contestants exclaiming] Hold on a second. [Ki-kwan] Beom-seok, it's okay, it's fine. Focus. Concentrate.
‪(남자4) 범석아, 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬ ‪집중해서 해, 집중해서‬ ‪[참가자들이 응원한다]‬[Ki-kwan] Beom-seok, it's okay, it's fine. Focus. Concentrate. [suspenseful music playing]
‪(정호) 구석에다 몰아 버렸네‬ ‪아예‬[Ye-hyun] He put the ball in the corner.
‪- (정호) 홍범석 작전 실패했어‬ ‪- (동국) 그러니까‬-He failed to get the ball first. -I know.
‪(정호) 의외로 달리기가 빨라, 쟤‬ ‪조진형이‬-Jo Jin-hyeong was faster than expected. -[Dong-guk] Oh, he is. He is fast.
‪(동국) 어, 그러니까요, 빠르네요‬-Jo Jin-hyeong was faster than expected. -[Dong-guk] Oh, he is. He is fast.
‪(범석) 거기서부터 이제‬ ‪'아, 뭐가 잘못됐다'‬[Beom-seok] That's where I thought, "Oh, I went wrong." This is my mistake.
‪제 실수죠, 뭐‬This is my mistake. [suspenseful music continues playing]
‪[범석의 탄식]‬ ‪(남자1) 와, 이거‬ ‪어떻게 해야 되는 거야?‬[Jong-hyeok] Oh, how is he gonna do this? -[JJANG JAE] Oh, darn. Whoa. -[Ye-hyun] There's a lot to consider.
‪(예현2) 이게 변수가 좀‬ ‪많이 일어나네‬-[JJANG JAE] Oh, darn. Whoa. -[Ye-hyun] There's a lot to consider.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(으뜸) 원래 이런 느낌이‬ ‪아니었으니까, 고른 사람들은‬This isn't the usual match-up, like the others.
‪(남자1) 체력 빼야 돼‬ ‪체력 빼야 돼, 범석아‬[Ki-kwan] You gotta tire him out, Beom-seok.
‪(남자2) 체급 차이 너무 많이 나‬ ‪이거 안 돼‬[Ye-hyun] The weight difference is too big. Now it's impossible.
‪(남자3) 아, 이거 잡히면 이쪽은‬[Hee-dong] If he gets caught, even if Beom-seok is the best in his lane…
‪아, 아무리 홍범석 씨가‬ ‪완전 톱이라고 해도‬[Hee-dong] If he gets caught, even if Beom-seok is the best in his lane…
‪압박감 자체가 다를 거 같아‬The pressure will be crazy.
‪(기관) 와, 잘못 골랐다‬Whoa, he chose the wrong guy.
‪[참가자들이 수군거린다]‬ ‪(진형) 사람만 잡는다 했기 때문에‬[Jin-hyeong] I said I'd focus on grabbing the guy,
‪공은 놔둬 뿌고‬ ‪그냥 사람만 무조건‬[Jin-hyeong] I said I'd focus on grabbing the guy, so I put the ball to the side and defended it.
‪공을 지키는 거죠, 제가‬so I put the ball to the side and defended it.
‪(남자) 나이스!‬ ‪[요요의 웃음]‬-[OVAN] Good! -[man 1] Go, Beom-seok!
‪(여자) 와, 무서워‬[Da-young] It's so scary.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(남자1) 저렇게 되면‬ ‪어떻게 해야 할지 모른다고‬[Da-young] It's so scary. [Caro] If you're in that position, you don't know what to do.
‪(남자2) 근데 저 공을 뺏어도‬ ‪다시 뺏길 거 같은데‬[Caro] If you're in that position, you don't know what to do. [Hae-min] Even if he gets the ball, he's gonna lose it again.
‪(진형) 들어옵시다‬[Hyun-seung] He can't get past. He can't get past him.
‪들어옵시다‬[Hyun-seung] He can't get past. He can't get past him.
‪- (남자1) 못 가, 못 가‬ ‪- (남자2) 아유, 씨‬[Kyung-jin] Oh, shoot.
‪(남자3) 와, 빠르다‬Dang, he's fast.
‪(남자4) 아, 근데 저거 못 가‬ ‪못 가, 진짜‬-[Hyun-seung] No, he can't get through. -[Chi-hyun] Forward?
‪- (남자5) 앞으로?‬ ‪- (남자4) 예, 어떻게 가, 저기를‬-[Hyun-seung] No, he can't get through. -[Chi-hyun] Forward? [Hyun-seung] Yes, but how do you get through him?
‪- (깡미) 홍범석 파이팅!‬ ‪- (남자) 파이팅!‬-Go, Hong Beom-seok! -[man 1] You can do this!
‪(김경진) 야, 공 한 번‬ ‪놓쳐 가지고 이렇게 고생을 하네‬-Gosh, he lost the ball once. -[Sun-ho] What is he gonna do now?
‪(남자1) 아, 이거‬ ‪안 되겠다, 이거‬[Kyung-jin] Look at the trouble it got him in. [Agent H] Perfect defense.
‪- (남자2) 틈이 없어‬ ‪- (남자1) 빈틈이 없네‬[Agent H] Perfect defense. -[Kyung-jin] He has no chance. -[Agent H] He can't break through.
‪(남자3) 조진형 잘한다‬ ‪그래, 지키고 있어, 지키고 있어‬-[Kyung-jin] He has no chance. -[Agent H] He can't break through. [Jung-ho] Jin-hyeong, you're doing well. Defend the ball.
‪잘한다, 잘한다‬Good.
‪5초 남고 딱 끌어안아 버려‬Hug it when it's down to five seconds.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪(참가자들) 1분!‬[OVAN] One minute!
‪- (남자) 1분!‬ ‪- (여자) 와‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(남자) 거짓말 안 치고‬ ‪이건 손에 땀이 나네‬[Se-gae] My palms are sweating.
‪(여자) 50초!‬ ‪[여자의 탄성]‬[So-young] 50 seconds!
‪(남자) 더, 더 이상‬ ‪나가지 마, 나가지 마‬[Jung-ho] Don't go any further. Stay where you are.
‪거기서 나가지 마‬ ‪더 이상 나가지 마‬[Jung-ho] Don't go any further. Stay where you are.
‪- (남자) 거기까지 지켜‬ ‪- (여자) 와…‬Stay there.
‪(여자) 이거는‬ ‪뭐, 해 보지도 못하고‬[Min-ji] Oh, well, there's really nothing he can do.
‪(남자1) 그냥‬ ‪그냥 잡아 봐요, 잡아 봐!‬[Min-ji] Oh, well, there's really nothing he can do. [I-taek] Just go for it. Wrestle with him.
‪(남자2) 40초, 40초!‬[I-taek] Just go for it. Wrestle with him. [Seong-min] 40 seconds! 40 seconds!
‪- (깡미) 할 수 있어!‬ ‪- (남자1) 안 잡는 거보다 낫다‬-[Kkang Mi] You can do it! -[I-taek] It's better than not trying!
‪(남자1) 안 잡는 거보다 나아‬-[Kkang Mi] You can do it! -[I-taek] It's better than not trying!
‪[참가자들이 소리친다]‬ ‪30초!‬30 seconds!
‪어차피 못 가‬ ‪그냥 붙어야 돼, 한번 붙어 봐‬You can't get through. You need to fight. Take him on!
‪(남자3) 파고들어, 파고들어‬ ‪파고들어‬[contestants shouting]
‪(깡미) 선배님! 가셔야 돼요!‬[Kkang Mi] Beom-seok, you have to go!
‪(남자3) 파고들어, 파고들어‬ ‪파고들어‬[contestants shouting]
‪(참가자들) 20초!‬-[OVAN] 20 seconds! -[Kkang Mi] 20 seconds!
‪20초!‬ ‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬-[OVAN] 20 seconds! -[Kkang Mi] 20 seconds!
‪(남자1) 아, 걸렸다, 지금‬-[OVAN] 20 seconds! -[Kkang Mi] 20 seconds! [contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들의 탄식]‬ ‪(깡미) 잡아, 잡아‬ ‪잡고 있어, 잡고 있어!‬[contestants exclaiming] Hold on! Hold onto him!
‪(남자2) 놔, 놔, 놔, 놔‬ ‪놔, 놔, 놔‬Hold on! Hold onto him! [Sung-jun] Let go, let go, let go.
‪- (깡미) 다리 잡아, 다리!‬ ‪- (남자2) 무릎, 무릎, 무릎‬-[Kkang Mi] Grab his leg! -[Sung-jun] Now! The knees! [Kkang Mi] Get his leg!
‪(깡미) 다리 잡아!‬[Kkang Mi] Get his leg!
‪(남자) 몸을 잡아야지, 아니면…‬[contestants shouting]
‪(깡미) 선배님, 잡으셔야 됩니다!‬Beom-seok, you have to grab him! You have to grab him!
‪선배님, 잡으셔야 됩니다!‬Beom-seok, you have to grab him! You have to grab him!
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪[참가자들의 놀란 탄성]‬Three!
‪[참가자들의 박수와 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming, applauding]
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪(마스터) 경기 종료‬[Master] Game over.
‪- (남자1) 와, 대박‬ ‪- (남자2) 대박이다‬That was crazy.
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪[기합]‬-[shouts] -[contestants cheering, applauding]
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪(성준) 대단하시네‬-[shouts] -[contestants cheering, applauding] -He's amazing. -[Jin-hyeong] Come on, yo!
‪- (진형) 컴 온, 요!‬ ‪- (남자) 와, 짱이다, 짱‬-He's amazing. -[Jin-hyeong] Come on, yo! [man 1] He's the best, the best!
‪[깡미의 탄성]‬[man 1] He's the best, the best! [Min-ji] Whoa…
‪(범석) 마지막 5초 남기고 이제‬ ‪제가 한번 들어갔는데‬[Beom-seok] In the last five seconds, I tried to take him on and I'd never had that kind of experience in my life.
‪태어나서 처음 느껴 본 거 같아요‬ ‪[무거운 효과음]‬and I'd never had that kind of experience in my life.
‪그냥 이렇게 종잇장처럼‬ ‪날아갔어요‬He flung me to the side like I was made of paper.
‪차라리 처음부터 계속 부딪쳐서‬ ‪어떻게 해서라도‬He flung me to the side like I was made of paper. Maybe from the start, I should have taken him on
‪(범석) 공을 뺏어 왔어야‬ ‪되지 않을까‬in order to take the ball.
‪내가 이거밖에 안 되나‬Is this all I'm capable of?
‪(이택) 괴물을 본 것 같았어요‬[I-taek] It was as if I'd seen a monster.
‪세상에 정말 강자가 많고‬[I-taek] It was as if I'd seen a monster. In this world, there are lots of strong people
‪'함부로 어디 가서‬ ‪까불지 말아야지'라는 생각을‬and you shouldn't go and challenge just anyone.
‪좀 많이 하게 되더라고요‬ ‪그분 거 보고‬and you shouldn't go and challenge just anyone. That's what I thought watching those two.
‪(까로) 너무 좀 충격이었어요‬ ‪와…‬[Caro] It was a huge shock. Wow.
‪그런 광기, 그런 살벌함‬The madness, the savagery… It was really scary.
‪진짜 무서웠어요‬The madness, the savagery… It was really scary.
‪아무것도 손을 못 쓰고‬ ‪허망하게 가 버리니까‬He dropped out without being able to do anything. And it made me think,
‪'저 사람도 저렇게 가는구나'‬"Even that guy dropped out like that? That could happen to anyone."
‪'누구나 갈 수 있구나'‬"Even that guy dropped out like that? That could happen to anyone."
‪(마스터) 결과를 발표합니다‬[Master] I will announce the result.
‪A경기장 승자, 조진형‬Arena A winner is Jo Jin-hyeong.
‪(남자) 파이팅, 파이팅!‬ ‪[박수 소리]‬[Jung-ho] Well done!
‪(진형) 그분하고 붙고 이겨서‬ ‪자신감이 회복 좀 됐습니다, 예‬[Jin-hyeong] I took him on in one and I got some confidence back.
‪다음 경기가 이제 기대될 뿐이고요‬I just look forward to the next game.
‪(진형) 앞으로 이제‬ ‪뭐가 나올지 또 모르겠지만‬I don't know what we'll face next, but I must do what I can to win.
‪최대한 승리할 수 있도록‬ ‪해야죠, 예‬but I must do what I can to win.
‪(마스터) 일대일 데스 매치를‬ ‪시작하겠습니다‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[Master] The one-on-one Death Match will begin.
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬[whistle blowing]
‪(남자1) 나이스, 나이스‬[Seong-min] Nice. Nice.
‪(남자2) 공에 달려가, 안 돼!‬ ‪[여자1의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming] [Min-ji] Hey, she's doing so well.
‪(여자2) 어, 너무 잘하는데?‬[Min-ji] Hey, she's doing so well.
‪(마스터) 승리자는 심으뜸‬ ‪[남자의 환호성]‬[Master] The winner is Shim Eu-ddeum. [contestants applauding]
‪[박수 소리]‬[contestants applauding]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪(마스터) B경기장 승자는‬[Master] Arena B winner is Miracle.
‪미라클‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Master] Arena B winner is Miracle. DANCER MIRACLE WINS
‪[소리친다]‬DANCER MIRACLE WINS [shouts]
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬LEE YE-JI VS AN DA-JEONG
‪(참가자들) 파이팅!‬LEE YE-JI VS AN DA-JEONG
‪(남자) 너무 살벌하다‬[I-taek] This is so rough.
‪(여자) 아주 악바리로 해 버리네?‬[I-taek] This is so rough. [Eu-ddeum] Oh, she hooked her at the front.
‪(마스터) A경기장 승자는‬[Master] Arena A winner is An Da-jeong.
‪안다정‬ ‪[박수 소리]‬[Master] Arena A winner is An Da-jeong. BODYBUILDER AN DA-JEONG WINS
‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[남자의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[I-taek] Wow, he's wrapping himself around him.
‪(남자1과 남자2)‬ ‪- 휘감아, 와, 휘감는데, 그냥?‬ ‪- 가자, 가자, 가자‬[I-taek] Wow, he's wrapping himself around him. [man 1] Let's go, let's go!
‪[강렬한 효과음]‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[man 1] Let's go, let's go! [contestants shouting in amazement]
‪(마스터) A경기장 승자는‬[Master] Arena A winner is…
‪니퍼트‬ ‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬Nippert. BASEBALL PLAYER NIPPERT WINS
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬ ‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(참가자들) 잡아, 잡아!‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Kkang Mi] Hold him! Hold him! Hold him! Oh yes, nice!
‪(깡미) 오케이! 오!‬[Kkang Mi] Hold him! Hold him! Hold him! Oh yes, nice!
‪(마스터) B경기장 승자는 박진용‬ ‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬[Master] Arena B winner is Park Jin-yong.
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬ ‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬LEE JUN-MYEONG VS FLORIAN
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬LEE JUN-MYEONG VS FLORIAN [contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[OVAN] Oh, yes, yes, nice!
‪[여자의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪(마스터) A경기장 승자‬[Master] Arena A winner is
‪이준명‬ ‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬Lee Jun-myeong.
‪[기합]‬Lee Jun-myeong.
‪- (남자) 가자!‬ ‪- (춘리) 송아름 파이팅!‬-[OVAN] Let's go! -[Da-jeong] Go, Song A-reum!
‪(남자) 그렇지!‬[OVAN] That's it!
‪(춘리) 와, 씨, 진짜 깡다구‬[Da-jeong] Wow, she's really going for it. [Eu-ddeum] Wow!
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(마스터) 승자는‬[Eu-ddeum] Wow! [Master] The winner is Song A-reum.
‪송아름‬[Master] The winner is Song A-reum.
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪[참가자들이 소리친다]‬MIHO VS KO DA-YOUNG
‪[참가자들의 놀란 탄성]‬MIHO VS KO DA-YOUNG [contestants exclaiming]
‪(남자) 와, 빡세다‬[Sung-jun] Oh, this is rough.
‪와, 진짜 빡세다‬ ‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(마스터) B경기장 승자는‬[Master] Arena B winner is Miho.
‪미호‬ ‪[박수 소리]‬TRAINER MIHO WINS
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪- (남자) 야, 빠르다‬ ‪- (여자) 우아‬CARO VS MA SUN-HO [Jin-hyeong] Oh, he's fast.
‪[남자의 탄성]‬[contestants shouting]
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[contestants shouting]
‪(깡미) 안 돼, 까로!‬-[Kkang Mi] No, Caro! -[Master] The winner is…
‪(마스터) 승자는 마선호‬ ‪[선호의 기합]‬-[Kkang Mi] No, Caro! -[Master] The winner is… Ma Sun-ho.
‪[참가자들의 박수와 환호성]‬Ma Sun-ho.
‪(마스터) 다음 경기를 진행합니다‬[Master] The next game is about to start.
‪B경기장‬Arena B. Jang Eun-sil, Kkang Mi.
‪장은실, 깡미‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Jang Eun-sil, Kkang Mi. Please enter the arena.
‪입장해 주시기 바랍니다‬ ‪[아름의 환호성]‬Please enter the arena. [contestants cheering]
‪- (남자1) 이분 레슬링‬ ‪- (아름) 레슬링?‬[Ye-hyun] Wrestling, wrestling. JANG EUN-SIL NATIONAL TEAM WRESTLER
‪(남자2) 태릉에서도 진짜‬ ‪레슬링 다 알아주거든요‬[Ye-hyun] Even in Taereung, the wrestlers are famous.
‪(아름) 어, 저분한테는‬ ‪덤비면 안 되겠다‬[A-reum] Oh, I should not try to fight that person.
‪(마스터) 60위, 대결 상대를‬ ‪지목해 주시기 바랍니다‬[Master] 60th place, select your opponent.
‪(방성혁) 와, 근데 확실히‬ ‪선택지가 줄어든다‬They really don't have many options left.
‪(민용) 이제 여기서만‬ ‪뽑아야 되네?‬They must pick only from over there.
‪(은실) 그때 남아 있는 여자분들이‬ ‪별로 없었어요‬They must pick only from over there. [Eun-sil] There weren't many women left by then. Ssireum wrestler Da-hyeon.
‪씨름 선수 다현이‬Ssireum wrestler Da-hyeon.
‪유도 선수 보경이‬Judo player Bo-kyeong.
‪크로스 핏 하는 하얀이‬CrossFitter Ha-yan. And Kkang Mi, but I've never met her before.
‪깡미 님은 처음 뵈거든요‬And Kkang Mi, but I've never met her before. Only 50 of us can move forward and I wanted an easy match
‪50명만 올라가는 거잖아요‬Only 50 of us can move forward and I wanted an easy match
‪쉽게 올라가고 싶어서‬ ‪깡미 님을 지목했습니다‬Only 50 of us can move forward and I wanted an easy match so I chose Kkang Mi.
‪- (은실) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (깡미) 네‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬-[Eun-sil] Hello. -Hi. [contestants applauding]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[박수 소리]‬[contestants applauding]
‪- (남자) 군인‬ ‪- (우진용) 아…‬Army.
‪(남자) 특전사‬Special Forces.
‪저희 진흙탕에서 재밌게 놀아 봐요‬Let's have fun in the mud.
‪(깡미) 예비역 중사, 깡미!‬First Class Sergeant reservist Kkang Mi, ready for battle!
‪전투에 임할 준비가 됐습니다!‬First Class Sergeant reservist Kkang Mi, ready for battle!
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬[impressed cheering] [applauding]
‪(희찬) 중사까지 달았구나‬She's a First Class Sergeant.
‪(성준) 근데 저긴 진짜 전투네‬It's a real battle.
‪군인이라서 그런가‬She was a soldier, so I think she really can and wants to fight.
‪전투력이 상당했던 거 같아요‬She was a soldier, so I think she really can and wants to fight.
‪(은실) 그래도‬ ‪저를 쉽게 이길 순 없을 겁니다‬ ‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬[Eun-sil] Still, it won't be easy to beat me. [intimidating music playing]
‪한번 붙어 보자‬[intimidating music playing] Let's fight.
‪(깡미) 최선을 다하는‬ ‪특전 여군의 면모를‬[Kkang Mi] I promise to show you a woman from the special forces doing her best.
‪꼭 보여 드리겠습니다‬[Kkang Mi] I promise to show you a woman from the special forces doing her best.
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬[whistle blowing]
‪(남자1) 오케이!‬[man 1] Okay!
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(남자2) 우아‬[woman gasps in surprise]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬-[contestants exclaiming] -[screams]
‪[깡미의 기합]‬-[contestants exclaiming] -[screams] [contestants chuckling]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants chuckling]
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬
‪(남자) 파이팅, 파이팅!‬[Chun-ri] Go, go!
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(여자) 와, 뭐야?‬-[woman 1] Hey, what is she doing? -[man 1] What's that?
‪(남자) 뭔데?‬-[woman 1] Hey, what is she doing? -[man 1] What's that?
‪(소영) 아, 자기 거야‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(여자) 좋은 방법인데?‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪- (소영) 내 거래‬ ‪- (남경진) 야, 레슬링 보여 줘!‬-It's hers. -Hey, show us some wrestling!
‪(남자1과 남자2)‬ ‪- 아이고‬ ‪- 안 돼, 여기 레슬링 선수인데‬[Jung-ho] She can't do that, she's a wrestler.
‪(남자3) 파이팅! 머리 들어!‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Kyung-jin] Good luck! Send her home! [contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬
‪(은실) 공보다는 몸싸움을 좀 하고‬[Eun-sil] Rather than focus on the ball, I wanted to fight and tire her out.
‪지치게 만들고 싶었어요‬[Eun-sil] Rather than focus on the ball, I wanted to fight and tire her out.
‪(남자) 어, 이거 버티네, 근데?‬[Jung-ho] She's hanging in there.
‪[참가자들의 탄식]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들의 탄식]‬ ‪(은지) 오, 마이 갓‬Oh, my god.
‪(보미레) 누우면 끝날 거 같은데‬It's game over if she falls down.
‪(남경진) 누르고 있어야 돼‬Pin her down.
‪(남자) 누워서‬ ‪계속 붙잡고 있는 것도‬[Ki-kwan] Pinning her to the ground could…
‪(플로리안) 와, 미친‬[Florian] Wow, that's crazy.
‪(남자) 아, 아예 공 못 만지겠네‬[Min-u] She's never even gonna touch the ball. Wow.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(플로리안) 야, 미…‬ ‪와, 와, 와, 와, 와‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(남자) 와, 움직이는 거 봐‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[Jung-ho] Wow, watch her move. [contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪(빛여울) 너무 무서워‬[Bit-yeo-ul] It's so scary.
‪(미라클) 장난 아니야‬ ‪[미라클의 웃음]‬[Bit-yeo-ul] It's so scary. That's really tough.
‪(남자) 흙바닥에서‬ ‪레슬링하고 있어‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[OVAN] They're wrestling in the dirt. [exclaiming continues]
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[exclaiming continues]
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬
‪[무거운 효과음]‬[intense music playing]
‪(소영과 플로리안) 와!‬[impressed shouting]
‪(규태) 와!‬
‪(깡미) 계속하다 보니까‬ ‪기술이 들어오더라고요‬[Kkang Mi] After a while, she started to use skills on me.
‪그 기술에서 못 이기겠더라고요‬ ‪보니까‬[Kkang Mi] After a while, she started to use skills on me. I couldn't counter that.
‪눈만 뜨면 저기 넘어가 있고‬One blink and I'm over here.
‪눈 뜨면 또 딴 데 넘어가 있고‬Another blink and I'm over there.
‪맨몸으로는 이렇게 당해 본 적이‬ ‪처음이에요, 진짜‬That was the first time I've been tossed around like this in a fist fight.
‪(치현과 미라클)‬ ‪- 레슬링 무섭다, 진짜 무섭다‬ ‪- 레슬링, 진짜‬-That's wrestling for real. -Wrestling's really scary.
‪(김경진과 소영)‬ ‪- 레슬링 절대 못 이겨요, 진짜로‬ ‪- 진짜요?‬-You can't beat a wrestler, honestly. -For real?
‪(남자1) 시간 봐, 시간‬ ‪시간 봐요, 시간‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[I-taek] Watch the time. Watch the clock. [Chun-ri] 50 seconds.
‪- (춘리) 50초!‬ ‪- (남자1) 시간 체크해!‬[Chun-ri] 50 seconds. [man 1] Check the time!
‪(남자1) 시간!‬The time!
‪볼 잡는 게 우선이야!‬You have to grab the ball!
‪(참가자들) 40초‬-[Bo-mi-rae] 40 seconds! -[Da-jeong] 40 seconds! 40 seconds!
‪[깡미의 악쓰는 소리]‬ ‪- (남자2) 계속 잡고 있어‬ ‪- (남자1) 볼, 볼, 가져가, 뭐 해‬[I-taek] The ball. Get the ball. What are you doing? Get the ball!
‪(남자1) 볼!‬[I-taek] The ball. Get the ball. What are you doing? Get the ball! [suspenseful music playing]
‪[여자의 탄식]‬
‪(남자1) 뛰어, 뛰어, 뛰어, 뛰어‬ ‪누나, 뛰어, 누나, 뛰어, 30초‬Run, run, run, run, run! 30 seconds.
‪(남자2) 오, 몰라, 이러면 몰라‬[Min-u] Oh, you never know.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪오, 몰라, 이러면 몰라‬Oh, you never know.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬Oh, you never know.
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬ ‪(여자) 버틴다, 이제‬-[man 1] Wow. -[Min-u] How can you turn this around?
‪- (남자1) 저걸 어떻게 뒤집어?‬ ‪- (남자2) 20초!‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[So-young] She's stalling now. [Agent H] 20 seconds!
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(남자) 마지막까지‬ ‪진짜 막상막하다‬[Ji-wook] It's a really close match.
‪[연주가 카운트다운한다]‬ ‪(참가자들) 10초!‬-[So-young] Ten seconds! -[I-taek] Ten seconds!
‪(참가자들) 8, 7, 6‬[Da-young] Seven, six…
‪(남자1) 5, 4‬[Da-young] Seven, six… [Kyung-jin] Five, four…
‪(남자2) 뛰어, 뛰어‬ ‪뛰어, 뛰어, 뛰어‬[Ki-kwan] Run, run, run, run, run!
‪(참가자들) 3, 2, 1‬-[Kyung-jin] Three, two, one. -[Da-young] Wow.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬-[Kyung-jin] Three, two, one. -[Da-young] Wow. [Master] Game over.
‪(마스터) 경기 종료‬ ‪[은실의 환호성]‬[Master] Game over.
‪(지수) 나이스, 나이스!‬Nice! Nice! Nice one!
‪(희동) 나이스!‬Nice one! [applauding]
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪(남자1) 한 번 더‬ ‪'야, 역시 레슬링이구나' 했어요‬[Ye-hyun] Once more, I thought, "Wow, wrestling is tough."
‪(남자2) 레슬링이‬ ‪그렇게 무서운 운동인지 몰랐어요‬[I-taek] I didn't know wrestling was such a scary sport.
‪레슬링에서 안 된다는 걸‬ ‪느끼셨을 거예요‬They have realized you can't beat a wrestler.
‪[픽 웃는다]‬[chuckles proudly]
‪(마스터) B경기장 승자는‬ ‪장은실 참가자입니다‬[Master] Arena B winner is Jang Eun-sil.
‪[은실의 기합]‬-[screams] -[contestants cheering, applauding]
‪[참가자들의 박수와 환호성]‬-[screams] -[contestants cheering, applauding]
‪(깡미) 특전사 여군‬ ‪대표라는 느낌으로‬[Kkang Mi] I joined the competition feeling that I was representing
‪이제 참가를 했는데‬female special force soldiers, and I failed in the first round.
‪1라운드부터 이렇게 탈락을 해서‬female special force soldiers, and I failed in the first round.
‪특전사들한테 너무 죄송스럽습니다‬To my fellow soldiers, I'm so sorry.
‪[기합]‬-[screams] -[shattering]
‪(마스터) A경기장‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Master] Arena A.
‪[흥겨운 음악]‬[hip hop music playing]
‪(남자1) 이건 봐야 돼‬ ‪이건 봐야 돼‬[hip hop music playing] [OVAN] You must watch this. [Jin-hyeong] This is really a big match.
‪(남자2) 저건 진짜 빅 매치다‬[Jin-hyeong] This is really a big match.
‪뻘컵은 어떻게 될 것인가‬ ‪[오반의 웃음]‬What's gonna happen to BBULKUP?
‪(마스터) 38위, 뻘컵‬[Master] Number 38, BBULKUP.
‪대결 상대를 지목해 주세요‬Select your opponent.
‪- (남자) 아이고‬ ‪- (춘리) 아유, 씨, 저런 짓을‬[contestants murmuring] [Jin-hyeong] Oh, boy.
‪(남자) [웃으며] 진짜‬ ‪튀는 거 좋아해‬
‪(뻘컵) 어쨌든 간에 서바이벌이면‬This is a survival show, so there has to be some taunting.
‪어느 정도 도발도 있어야 되고‬This is a survival show, so there has to be some taunting.
‪다들 막 수줍어 가지고 막‬ ‪'아, 아, 예'‬This is a survival show, so there has to be some taunting. Everyone was acting shy, saying,
‪'아, 저는, 아, 아, 예'‬"Oh, ah. Hi, yes, sure. Uh."
‪아유, 되게 좀 사나이답지 못한‬ ‪느낌이었어 가지고‬"Oh, ah. Hi, yes, sure. Uh." That's not manly at all.
‪(뻘컵) 어, 남은 분 중에‬Uh, out of the ones who are left, who thinks they're the strongest?
‪본인이 여기서 제일 강한 거 같다‬Uh, out of the ones who are left, who thinks they're the strongest?
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬[cool rhythmic music playing] [laughs]
‪(성준) 역시, 역시‬I knew it.
‪(김성훈) 살릴 줄 알아‬-He knows how to put on a show. -[Chun-ri] Unbelievable.
‪(소영) [웃으며] 아, 못 살아‬-He knows how to put on a show. -[Chun-ri] Unbelievable.
‪진짜 저랑 하고 싶다‬Who wants to fight me? Who thinks they're hella tough?
‪(뻘컵) 본인이 여기서 존나 강하다‬Who wants to fight me? Who thinks they're hella tough?
‪(플로리안) 아무도‬ ‪강하지 않은가 봐‬[Florian] I guess no one is strong.
‪(현승) 뒤의 형님들‬ ‪남아 계셨어야 되는데‬I wish some of the big guys were left.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬ ‪(소영) 쟤 어쩔까?‬[So-young] What are you gonna do about him?
‪(상욱) 제가 하겠습니다‬I'll take you on.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[exclaiming, shouting excitedly]
‪- (남자) [웃으며] 상욱이, 상욱이‬ ‪- (오반) 와, 큰일 났다‬This is bad. He's in trouble.
‪(오반) 큰일 났다‬This is bad. He's in trouble.
‪(남자) 격투기 선수잖아‬ ‪격투기 선수‬He's an MMA fighter.
‪[참가자들의 박수와 환호성]‬ ‪(플로리안) 역시 남자다‬-[Hee-chan] An MMA fighter. -[Florian] A real man. [contestants applauding]
‪(뻘컵) 너무 강하네?‬[BBULKUP] He's too strong.
‪AFC 웰터급 챔피언, 김상욱입니다‬I'm the AFC Welterweight Champion Kim Sang-wook.
‪(상욱) 지금 전적은‬ ‪7전 6승 1패의 파이터고요‬[Sang-wook] My current record is six wins, one loss. I think what's most important is never giving up and having some guts.
‪포기하지 않는 근성‬ ‪이게 제일 중요하다고 생각합니다‬I think what's most important is never giving up and having some guts.
‪도발할 때도‬ ‪도발이라는 느낌보다 뭔가 밋밋한‬When he taunted us, it was more boring than taunting.
‪'존나게 강한 게‬ ‪뭔지 모르시는구나'‬He doesn't know what being strong is.
‪'내가 가르쳐 줘야지'‬So I should teach him a lesson.
‪존나 강한 게 뭔지‬ ‪보여 드리겠습니다‬I'll show you what "tough" is.
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪(은실) 세다, 세다!‬[shouting in excitement, applauding]
‪(뻘컵) 제일 센 사람‬ ‪나오라 했는데‬[BBULKUP] I asked for the strongest guy,
‪진짜 존나 센 사람 나와 가지고‬[BBULKUP] I asked for the strongest guy, and a hell of a strong guy actually showed up.
‪아, 할 말이 없는 거예요‬and a hell of a strong guy actually showed up. Oh, shit, I can't complain.
‪반대로 생각해 보니까, 잠깐만‬Oh, shit, I can't complain. But then, on the flip side, I thought, "Hang on. A real tough guy came through.
‪존나 강한 사람이 나왔어‬But then, on the flip side, I thought, "Hang on. A real tough guy came through.
‪근데 내가 이겼어‬But then, on the flip side, I thought, "Hang on. A real tough guy came through. If I beat him, that be hella cool."
‪그럼 존나 멋있잖아요‬If I beat him, that be hella cool."
‪다 저한테 뒈졌으니까‬Watch out. I'll take you all down. [suspenseful music playing]
‪(마스터) A경기장‬[Master] Arena A.
‪뻘컵, 김상욱‬BBULKUP, Kim Sang-wook.
‪(민석) 와, 저거 진짜 재밌겠다‬-That one should be really fun. -I'm curious about BBULKUP.
‪- (길환) 뻘컵도 궁금하다‬ ‪- (민석) 저거 보러 가야겠다‬-That one should be really fun. -I'm curious about BBULKUP. [Min-seok] I'm gonna watch.
‪(여자) 뻘컵도 해 줘야지‬[Kkang Mi] BBULKUP needs to put on a good show.
‪(플로리안) 얼마나 벌크 업 했는지‬ ‪형을 보여 줘!‬[Florian] Show us how much you've bulked up.
‪[남자의 탄성]‬[Han] Wow. [Kkang Mi] Good luck!
‪(깡미) 파이팅!‬ ‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬[Kkang Mi] Good luck! BBULKUP VS KIM SANG-WOOK
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪와!‬-[whistle blowing] -[Kkang Mi cheers]
‪(예지) 어, 뭐야? 왜 안 나와?‬Why isn't he coming out?
‪(남자) 뻘컵 어디 있어?‬[In-ho] Where's BBULKUP?
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪(깡미) 와!‬
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬ ‪(뻘컵) 왜 굳이 저렇게‬ ‪뒈져라고 뛰어가지?‬[BBULKUP] Why is he running like crazy?
‪그, 그거 너무 해 보고 싶어요‬ ‪남들이 '예'라고 했을 때 '아니요'‬But this is what I wanted to do. Say "no" when others say "yes", you know?
‪(짱재) 뭘 하는 건지 모르겠어‬I… I don't get what he's doing.
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬I wanted to climb up here.
‪(남자1) 좋아, 좋아! 가 보자!‬[I-taek] Okay, okay, let's go!
‪(남자2) 퍼포먼스야?‬-[Hae-min] Is that for showmanship? -What's he doing?
‪(은지) [웃으며] 아, 뭐야‬-[Hae-min] Is that for showmanship? -What's he doing?
‪(상욱) 신경이 좀 많이 쓰였습니다‬[Sang-wook] It bothered me a lot.
‪'씁, 뭐 하는 거지?'라는‬ ‪생각도 들고‬I wondered, "What's he doing?"
‪(오반) 형님, 부딪칩시다!‬Come on, let's fight. Let's make this a fight.
‪한번 부딪칩시다!‬Come on, let's fight. Let's make this a fight.
‪(남자) 작전 바꿨다‬ ‪작전 바꿨다‬[Sung-hyuk] He changed his plan.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(남자1) 붙을 수밖에 없어‬ ‪붙잡힐 수밖에 없어‬[Sun-ho] They have to fight. They have to. [Kyung-jin] Oh, he doesn't want to fight.
‪(남자2) 아이, 안 붙으려고 하네‬[Kyung-jin] Oh, he doesn't want to fight. -[Jeong-yun] What's he thinking? -BBULKUP, let's go!
‪- (정윤) 아, 무슨 전략이지?‬ ‪- (선호) 야, 뻘컵, 레츠 고!‬-[Jeong-yun] What's he thinking? -BBULKUP, let's go! [Agent H] Uh, it might be an easy win for Sang-wook.
‪(남자1) 아, 상욱이‬ ‪편하게 이기겠는데, 이거?‬[Agent H] Uh, it might be an easy win for Sang-wook.
‪(남자2) 뻘컵 파이팅!‬[OVAN] Go, BBULKUP!
‪(뻘컵) 일부러 시간을‬ ‪흘려보낸 거예요, 그렇게‬[BBULKUP] I wasted time like that on purpose.
‪3분이라는 시간이 너무 길었어요‬Three minutes was too long.
‪체력적으로 절대 못 버티겠다 해서‬I thought I'd never last stamina-wise.
‪내가 스퍼트를 달리면‬If I'd run at full speed,
‪내가 3분 동안‬ ‪과연 한 번을 안 붙잡힐까?‬If I'd run at full speed, could he really not catch me once in three minutes?
‪(뻘컵) 1분 가까워졌을 때부터‬ ‪이제 본격적으로‬So I decided to really try to steal the ball when the time went down to one minute.
‪뺏으려고 했던 거죠‬when the time went down to one minute.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Eu-ddeum laughs] [Eu-ddeum] That was a taunt! [chuckles]
‪(여자) 도발했어!‬[Eu-ddeum] That was a taunt! [chuckles]
‪- (여자) 어!‬ ‪- (오반) 그렇지, 그렇지, 이거지‬-Wow. -Yes, that's more like it.
‪(상욱) 하려면‬ ‪충분히 쉽게 갈 수 있었는데‬I could have gone for the easy way, but that would be boring.
‪그러면 재미없으니까, 예‬I could have gone for the easy way, but that would be boring.
‪(상욱) 안 뺏길‬ ‪자신감이 있었으니까‬[Sang-wook] I was sure I wouldn't lose the ball.
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬ ‪(남자) 진짜 열받겠다‬[Sang-wook] I was sure I wouldn't lose the ball. [Sun-ho] He must be going mad.
‪(여자) [웃으며] 진짜‬ ‪저러다 뺏긴다고‬[Eu-ddeum] He might end up losing it.
‪(뻘컵) 거기에 내가 도박을 했죠‬[BBULKUP] That's what I was betting on.
‪(남자) 뻘컵, 가자!‬[OVAN] Go, BBULKUP!
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪뻘컵‬-[contestants cheering] -[Chun-ri] Oh, he's fast. Wow.
‪[참가자들이 응원한다]‬ ‪(춘리) 오, 쟤가 빨라, 오…‬-[contestants cheering] -[Chun-ri] Oh, he's fast. Wow.
‪- (정윤) 뻘컵, 레츠 고, 레츠 고!‬ ‪- (선호) 오, 뻘컵!‬BBULKUP, let's go, let's go! Go, BBULKUP!
‪(연주) 날다람쥐다‬[Yeon-joo] He's like a flying squirrel.
‪(상욱) 갑자기 이제‬ ‪급발진하셔 가지고‬[Sang-wook] He suddenly sped up and I was very surprised.
‪정말 놀랐습니다, 민첩해 가지고‬[Sang-wook] He suddenly sped up and I was very surprised. He was agile.
‪[날렵한 효과음]‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪(남자1과 남자2)‬ ‪- 와, 씨, 미친 거 아니야?‬ ‪- 왜 올라가, 왜 올라가?‬[Hee-chan] Wow, dang. This is insane. How is he that fast?
‪(남자1) 야, 왜 이렇게 빨라?‬[Hee-chan] Wow, dang. This is insane. How is he that fast?
‪(남자2) 운동 신경 진짜 좋아‬ ‪운동 신경 좋아‬[Sung-jun] He's really dynamic.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(뻘컵) 제가‬ ‪뛰기 시작했을 때부터도‬[BBULKUP] When I started to run, I could have caught him right away,
‪바로 잡을 수 있었어요‬[BBULKUP] When I started to run, I could have caught him right away,
‪근데 그냥 따라다니면서 계속‬ ‪그 압박감을 준 거고‬[BBULKUP] When I started to run, I could have caught him right away, but I just followed him, applying pressure.
‪슬슬 뛰면서 이제 달궜던 거죠‬I ran slowly and cranked it up a bit. [hard rock music playing]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(남자) 한 번은 잡히겠는데?‬[Sung-jun] He might get caught.
‪[날렵한 효과음]‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(남자1) 오, 잡힌다, 잡힌다, 까비‬[man 1] He's gonna get him.
‪(남자2) 아, 이게 진짜 A구나‬[Ju-hyung] This is what an Arena A game really looks like.
‪(주형) [웃으며] 이게, 이게 A야‬[Ju-hyung] This is what an Arena A game really looks like.
‪(짱재) 생각보다‬ ‪상욱이가 도망 다니네?‬Now Sang-wook is running away.
‪(플로리안) 자, 자, 1분, 1분!‬[Florian] One minute, one minute!
‪(여자1) 페이크, 페이크 했다‬[YOYO] That's a fake move.
‪- (여자2) 안 돼!‬ ‪- (여자3) 뛰어, 뛰어!‬[Kkang Mi] No! Run, run!
‪(짱재) [영어] 재밌다!‬So exciting!
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(여자4) [한국어] 술래잡기‬ ‪술래잡기‬[Kkang Mi] It's a tag game.
‪(남자) 체력, 체력, 체력‬ ‪체력, 체력, 체력‬[I-taek] Energy, energy, energy.
‪(으뜸) 쫓기는 사람이 더 힘들어‬It's harder if you're being chased.
‪(남자) 30초, 30초!‬ ‪지금, 지금!‬[Ji-su] 30 seconds, 30 seconds! Now! Now! He got him! He got him! He got him!
‪(으뜸) 잡았어, 잡았어, 잡았어!‬He got him! He got him! He got him!
‪잡았어, 잡았어, 잡았어! 잡았어!‬ ‪[기관의 환호성]‬He got him! He got him! He got him!
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪- (으뜸) 잡았어, 잡았어, 잡았어!‬ ‪- (춘리) 그렇지, 뺏어! 뺏어!‬[Eu-ddeum] He got him! He got him! [Kkang Mi] Yes, take it! Take it! Keep trying to take it!
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪(깡미) 뺏어! 끝까지!‬[Kkang Mi] Yes, take it! Take it! Keep trying to take it! [Jin-hyeong] He did it.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(남자) 됐다‬[Jin-hyeong] He did it. [contestants cheering, shouting]
‪(남자) 뒤집어, 뒤집어, 뒤집어‬ ‪뒤집어, 뒤집어‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Hyung-geun] Flip, flip, flip, flip! Okay, okay!
‪뒤집어, 뒤집어, 뒤집어‬ ‪뒤집어, 뒤집어, 오케이, 파이팅‬ ‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬[Hyung-geun] Flip, flip, flip, flip! Okay, okay! -[Chun-ri] Fight to the end! To the end! -[Kkang Mi] You can do it!
‪(여자) 끝까지 해 봐‬ ‪끝까지 해 봐‬[shouting]
‪(플로리안) 자, 8, 7, 6‬[Florian] Okay, eight, seven, six, five,
‪(참가자들)‬[Florian] Okay, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one!
‪(남자) 같이, 같이 잡아‬ ‪같이 잡아, 같이 잡아‬[Hyung-geun] Hold the ball too!
‪[박수 소리]‬ ‪(마스터) A경기장 종료‬[Master] Arena A winner is…
‪(빛여울) 진짜 딱 1초만‬ ‪더 있었으면‬[Kkang Mi] If only he had just one more second.
‪(일레인) 진짜 볼만하다, 와‬ ‪[여자들의 탄성]‬It was really worth watching. Wow.
‪(으뜸) 잘했다, 아, 재밌어‬Ah, that was cool.
‪(학선) 오, 멋있었어, 멋있었어‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Ah, that was cool.
‪(상욱) '격투기하는 만큼‬ ‪힘들었다'라고‬[Sang-wook] I think I can say it was as hard as an MMA match.
‪말씀드릴 수 있을 것 같습니다‬[Sang-wook] I think I can say it was as hard as an MMA match.
‪그래도 저희 경기가‬ ‪제일 재밌지 않았나‬Still, wasn't our match the most fun?
‪(뻘컵) 다르긴 하구나‬ ‪격투가는, 역시‬Still, wasn't our match the most fun? [BBULKUP] Martial arts… are really something else.
‪으아! 3억!‬[screams] Come on, 300 million won!
‪3억 가자!‬[screams] Come on, 300 million won! [upbeat music playing]
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪존나 힘들어‬Gosh, I'm so tired.
‪아쉬움, 그런 건 없는 거…‬I don't have any regrets.
‪존나 아쉬워요, 존나 아쉬워‬Of course I do. Of course I do.
‪그, '피지컬: 100' 시즌2‬ ‪[유쾌한 음악]‬Please make Physical: 100 Season 2.
‪꼭 만들어 주세요‬If I don't move up in that either, then let's go for Season 3.
‪근데 그러고 또 떨어져‬ ‪그럼 시즌3 나가, 나, 아무튼‬If I don't move up in that either, then let's go for Season 3. Anyway, let's get it.
‪'레츠 겟 잇'‬Anyway, let's get it.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(마스터) 다음 경기를 진행합니다‬[Master] The next game is about to start.
‪박민지‬Park Min-ji. [suspenseful music playing]
‪(민지) 안녕하세요‬ ‪모래판 여신 박민지라고 합니다‬Hello, I'm the goddess of the sand arena.
‪제가 21년도에‬ ‪입단을 처음 해 가지고‬My name is Park Min-ji. I joined my team in 2021, so this is my second year competing.
‪이제 2년 차가 됐어요‬Ssireum is about flipping or throwing your opponent down,
‪씨름 자체가 상대방을 꽂고 넘기고‬ ‪이러는 거다 보니까‬Ssireum is about flipping or throwing your opponent down, so I'd say I have pretty good balance.
‪밸런스가 좀 잘 갖춰져 있다?‬so I'd say I have pretty good balance.
‪(마스터) 박민지 참가자‬ ‪대결 상대를 지목해 주십시오‬[Master] Park Min-ji, select your opponent.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(민지) 계속 두리번거렸거든요‬[Min-ji] I kept looking around.
‪그래도 되게 멋있고 좀‬ ‪되게 몸 좋으시길래‬He looked impressive and fit, so I though, "Oh, I'd like to take him on. This should be fun."
‪'아, 한번 해보고 싶다, 재밌겠다'‬"Oh, I'd like to take him on. This should be fun."
‪(방성혁) 근데 확실히‬ ‪이런 반전은 없다‬We haven't seen a woman picking a man yet. That would be a real surprise.
‪여자가 남자 고르는 거‬We haven't seen a woman picking a man yet. That would be a real surprise.
‪(민용) 가장 힘센 사람‬ ‪이겼으면 좋겠다, 여자애가‬She wanted to beat the strongest of them.
‪(진형) 뭐야? 어, 뭐고?‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬What?
‪- (성민) 어? 아, 예‬ ‪- (민지) 잘 부탁드립니다‬-Huh? -[Min-ji] Let's get along. -Oh, sure. -[Min-ji] Let's get along.
‪- (민지) 잘 부탁드립니다‬ ‪- (성민) 아, 예‬-Oh, sure. -[Min-ji] Let's get along.
‪[참가자들의 탄성과 박수]‬-Oh, sure. -[Min-ji] Let's get along. [contestants applauding]
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪(다현) 최고, 최고!‬You're the best!
‪(김경진) 멋있다!‬You're awesome!
‪(깡미) 아, 너무 꿀잼‬This should be so much fun.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(성민) 와, 진짜 당황스러웠어요‬[Seong-min] Oh, wow. I was so nervous.
‪(민지) B 하겠습니다‬I choose B.
‪B 하겠습니다‬I choose B. [contestants exclaiming, applauding]
‪[참가자들의 탄성과 박수]‬[contestants exclaiming, applauding]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬-[Jin-hyeong] Wow! She's awesome. -She chose B?
‪- (아름) B 한대‬ ‪- (진형) 미친, 와, 멋있다‬ ‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬-[Jin-hyeong] Wow! She's awesome. -She chose B?
‪(민지) 모래? 아, 모래면 괜찮지‬ ‪주 종목인데‬[Min-ji] Sand? Oh, sand is good. It's where I usually fight.
‪(성민) 정말 저랑‬ ‪제대로 붙고 싶구나‬[Seong-min] She really wants a decent and honest fight.
‪저도 피지컬 되게 좋고‬[Seong-min] She really wants a decent and honest fight. I have great form,
‪몸싸움에 되게 능한‬ ‪스포츠를 했는데‬I have great form, I play a sport where physical contact is important,
‪지면 안 되죠‬so I shouldn't lose. I play rugby.
‪[웃으며] 럭비 선수인데‬so I shouldn't lose. I play rugby.
‪[경기장이 소란스럽다]‬ ‪(캐스터) 아, 정말‬ ‪기다리고 기다리던 순간이 좀…‬[commentator] It's the moment we've been waiting for.
‪[캐스터가 중계한다]‬ ‪(성민) 저를 보통 부르는 수식어는‬I'm usually called "The Rugby World's Don Lee."
‪'럭비계의 마동석'도 있지만‬I'm usually called "The Rugby World's Don Lee." But I'm also called "Monster Physique," "Super Human," a lot of things.
‪(성민) '피지컬 괴물'‬ ‪그리고 '탈아시아인'‬But I'm also called "Monster Physique," "Super Human," a lot of things.
‪별명들이 좀 많았던 것 같습니다‬But I'm also called "Monster Physique," "Super Human," a lot of things.
‪- (성민) 해 보고 싶으셨어요?‬ ‪- (민지) 네‬-Did you wanna fight me? -Yes.
‪(성민) 아…‬-Did you wanna fight me? -Yes. [intense music playing]
‪약하다고는 생각은 안 해 봤는데요‬I've never thought I'm weak.
‪남자 선수들한테 지는 게 더 좀‬ ‪기분이 많이 상했거든요, 이상하게‬It feels worse to lose to men, strangely. [chuckles]
‪(민지) 아, 여자라고 무시하면‬ ‪가만히 안 있죠‬[Min-ji] Oh, I won't have it if you look down on me for being a woman.
‪저랑 붙으면 가만두지 않겠습니다‬Take me on and you'll get a beating.
‪(성민) 너무 쉬운 우승은‬ ‪재미없을 거 같습니다‬[Seong-min] An easy win would be boring.
‪제대로 덤벼 주십시오‬Fight me for real.
‪(마스터) 박민지, 장성민‬[Master] Park Min-ji, Jang Seong-min.
‪(미호) 남자 대 여자‬Man versus woman.
‪(요요) 와, 무서워‬Wow. I'm scared.
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬PARK MIN-JI VS JANG SEONG-MIN -[whistle blowing] -[woman 1] Go! Go!
‪[문이 철컥 열린다]‬ ‪(남자1) 파이팅, 파이팅!‬-[whistle blowing] -[woman 1] Go! Go!
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(남자2) 민지 누나, 파이팅!‬-[whistle blowing] -[woman 1] Go! Go! -[man 1] Go Min-ji! Go, Park Min-ji! -Good luck!
‪(남자3) 박민지 파이팅!‬-[man 1] Go Min-ji! Go, Park Min-ji! -Good luck!
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(성준) 박민지, 보여 줘라!‬-[man 1] Go Min-ji! Go, Park Min-ji! -Good luck! Show them, Min-ji!
‪(종혁) 거제도 파이팅!‬Show them, Min-ji!
‪(남자1) 모래판으로‬ ‪데리고 나와야지‬-[Kyung-jin] Bring him out to the sand. -[Florian] Get it! Get a hold of it!
‪(남자2) 잡아, 잡아! 잡아야 돼‬[contestants shouting]
‪(남자3) 저걸 못 잡아?‬ ‪왜 저걸 안 잡아?‬[Je-yong] He can't get the ball? Why doesn't he get it?
‪(남자4) 아, 일부러 힘 빼는 건가?‬[Sun-ho] Oh, is he exhausting her?
‪(남자5) 보여 줘요, 누나!‬[Jun-myeong] Show him, noona!
‪[성준의 탄성]‬ ‪(종혁) 좋다, 몸놀림‬[Min-seok] Nice moves!
‪(성민) 처음부터 제가 힘을‬[Seong-min] At first, I wasn't exactly sure how to use my strength.
‪막 어떻게 써야 될지‬ ‪잘 모르겠더라고요‬[Seong-min] At first, I wasn't exactly sure how to use my strength.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪[함께 놀란다]‬[contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪[함께 놀란다]‬[contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪(민지) 어, 나 이렇게 그냥‬ ‪붕 뜰 수 있는 사람이었구나‬[Min-ji] Was I this easy to lift?
‪나 쉽게 이렇게‬ ‪들리는 사람 아닌데‬Not many people can lift me up this easily.
‪(소영) 어, 안 돼‬[So-young] Oh, no.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬ ‪(남자1) 아파!‬[I-taek] That hurt!
‪[참가자들의 탄성과 웃음]‬[suspenseful music continues playing]
‪(남자2) 파이팅!‬[suspenseful music continues playing]
‪(남자3) 보여 주자, 박민지!‬[Jun-myeong] Show him, Park Min-ji!
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(빛여울) 담갔어, 담갔어‬She pushed him.
‪- (춘리) 사진 잘 나오겠다, 와‬ ‪- (짱재) 와!‬She pushed him. Nice pick, wow!
‪(완기) 그게 카타르시스가‬ ‪확 올라오더라고요‬[Wan-ki] It was almost liberating.
‪미쳤어‬It was insane. I'd have gotten thrown even further.
‪'나는 더 많이 날아가겠구나'‬ ‪그냥‬I'd have gotten thrown even further.
‪(성민) 바깥다리를 걸어 버려서‬ ‪빠졌어요‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Seong-min] She tripped me up, and I fell in the water.
‪정신이 번쩍 들고‬[Seong-min] She tripped me up, and I fell in the water.
‪'엄청 독기를 품고 하시는구나'‬It woke me up and I realized, she's serious about this.
‪(여자1) 대박이다‬-[Ye-ji] This is amazing. -[Eun-ji] Is this how she's playing?
‪(여자2) 원래 이렇게 하나?‬-[Ye-ji] This is amazing. -[Eun-ji] Is this how she's playing?
‪[고조되는 음악]‬ ‪(플로리안) 여자의 힘 보여 줘!‬-[Ye-ji] This is amazing. -[Eun-ji] Is this how she's playing? Show the strength of a woman!
‪(민지) 갑자기 승부욕이‬ ‪발동해 가지고‬[Min-ji] I suddenly got competitive.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants gasping, shouting]
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants gasping, shouting]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪[으뜸의 환호성]‬
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪[성민이 당황한다]‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪(성민) 성별을 떠나서‬ ‪죽기 살기로 해야겠다‬[Seong-min] Regardless of gender, I should fight to the death.
‪진짜 여기서 지면 끝이구나‬-If I lose here, it's really over. -[Chun-ri] He's annoyed.
‪- (플로리안) 삐졌어, 삐졌어‬ ‪- (춘리) 삐졌다‬Oh, he's annoyed now. Min-ji, do your specialty!
‪(은실) 민지야, 네 주특기 해!‬Min-ji, do your specialty!
‪(플로리안) 좀 더 버텨!‬[Florian] Hang in there!
‪(남자) 과감하게, 과감하게!‬[Jun-myeong] Be more upfront! [intense music playing]
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪- (으뜸) 와‬ ‪- (지수) 좋아, 좋아, 좋아‬-[Miho] If he keeps doing that… -Nice, nice.
‪(깡미와 미호)‬ ‪- 저거 럭비 기술 아니에요?‬ ‪- 저러고 계속 뛰면‬Isn't that a rugby technique?
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪(민지) 빠지니까 열받는 거예요‬[Min-ji] I got mad after I fell down.
‪열받는데 입에 모래는 들어가‬[Min-ji] I got mad after I fell down. I was angry and there was sand in my mouth.
‪'안 되겠네?'‬I was angry and there was sand in my mouth. I'd had enough.
‪(남자) 40초 남았다, 40초‬[man 1] 40 seconds to go. 40 seconds!
‪(지수) 방심하면 안 돼‬ ‪끝까지 해야 돼!‬Don't let your guard down. Don't give up!
‪(은실) 파이팅! 박민지 파이팅!‬Don't let your guard down. Don't give up! Go, Park Min-ji! Go!
‪(지수와 남자1)‬ ‪- 포기하지 마, 포기하지 마!‬ ‪- 파이팅!‬[man 2] Fight with everything you've got.
‪(남자2) 전력을 다해야 돼‬ ‪전력으로!‬[man 2] Fight with everything you've got.
‪포기하지 마!‬Don't give up!
‪[참가자들이 소란스럽다]‬
‪(남자1) 8초, 8초!‬-[Jun-myeong] Eight seconds. -[Ye-hyun] Anything could happen.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(남자2) 오, 진짜 몰라‬-[Jun-myeong] Eight seconds. -[Ye-hyun] Anything could happen.
‪(깡미) 끝까지, 끝까지!‬[Kkang Mi] Fight to the end!
‪(오반) 5초만, 5초만! 전력으로!‬[OVAN] Five seconds! Go all in!
‪(깡미) 끝까지, 끝까지!‬[Kkang Mi] Fight to the end!
‪- (남자1) 공, 공, 공!‬ ‪- (남자2) 안 돼!‬[OVAN] The ball, the ball! No!
‪[참가자들의 탄식]‬
‪(진형) 그렇지!‬ ‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬That's it!
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(마스터) 경기가 종료되었습니다‬[Master] Game over.
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪(진형) 잘했다, 잘했어!‬[Master] Game over. [contestants applauding]
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪(은실) 좋아, 좋아!‬That was good!
‪(남자) 잘 싸웠다‬-[OVAN] Well-fought. -[So-young] It was a good fight!
‪(은실) 졌잘싸!‬-[OVAN] Well-fought. -[So-young] It was a good fight!
‪(소영) 좋은 경기였어‬You lost, but you fought well.
‪(남자1과 춘리)‬ ‪- 와, 너무 멋있었다‬ ‪- 진짜 멋있어, 진짜 멋있었어‬[Ji-su] Wow, that was great!
‪(남자2) 아, 이런 걸 보네‬ ‪진짜, 와‬[Jong-hyeok] Wow. I got to see something like this? Wow.
‪(마스터) B경기장, 승자는 장성민‬[Master] Arena B winner is Jang Seong-min.
‪[박수 소리]‬ ‪[남자의 환호성]‬[Master] Arena B winner is Jang Seong-min. [contestants applauding]
‪(성민) 반했던 거… 정말‬[contestants applauding] [Seong-min] I think I fell for her as a fan
‪팬심으로 '진짜‬ ‪멋있는 사람이구나' 하고 느꼈고‬[Seong-min] I think I fell for her as a fan because she's a really cool and awesome person
‪'이 경기가 정말 멋있었다'‬because she's a really cool and awesome person and I think this match was really great. That's all I could say.
‪이 생각밖에 안 들었던 거 같아요‬and I think this match was really great. That's all I could say.
‪(민지) 최선을 다했으면‬ ‪결과에 승복하는 게‬[Min-ji] If you did your best, you accept the outcome.
‪운동 정신이니까요‬That's sportsmanship.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬[shattering]
‪(민지) 아쉬움이 많이 남는‬ ‪경기인 거 같은데‬It was a match that I do have regrets about.
‪다음에 더 좋은 몸으로‬Next time, I'll try with a better body.
‪'지금 이 몸은‬ ‪조금 부족했나 보다' 이러면서‬I guess this time I wasn't good enough.
‪'그래, 잊어버리자'‬Let's forget about it.
‪[웅장한 음악]‬[imposing music playing]
‪(뻘컵) 와, 크다‬[BBULKUP] Wow, it's huge.
‪토르소가 이만한 사람들이‬ ‪많은 거예요‬There were lots of torsos that were this big. I thought, "Oh, I'm screwed."
‪와, 좆 됐다‬I thought, "Oh, I'm screwed."
‪(남자1) 좀 많이 깜짝 놀랐어요‬ ‪너무 커 가지고‬[man 1] I was quite surprised. They were so big.
‪(남자2) 토르소만 봐도 압도된다는‬ ‪느낌을 좀 많이 받았어요‬[man 2] Just looking at the torso casts intimidated me.
‪(남자3) 실제로 보면‬ ‪장난 아닐 거 같은데‬[Hee-dong] He must be no joke in real life.
‪(이택) 희찬이‬ ‪[요요의 탄성]‬Wow, it's like the Hulk.
‪(요요) 헐크 같아, 헐크‬Wow, it's like the Hulk.
‪(남자) 와, 이분은‬ ‪와 이리 커요, 등빨이?‬ ‪[요요가 놀란다]‬-[BBULKUP] This guy's back is so massive. -[Eu-ddeum] He's crazy huge.
‪(여자) 대박 크시다‬-[BBULKUP] This guy's back is so massive. -[Eu-ddeum] He's crazy huge.
‪(남자) 그 거대한 떡대가‬ ‪와, 진짜‬[Sun-ho] That huge body was whoa. Seriously.
‪그냥 충격과 공포?‬Basically, in shock and awe.
‪(에이전트H) 주변에‬ ‪크신 분들 많더라고요‬
‪몸무게 130kg 이래 있고‬ ‪막 이래 가지고‬[Agent H] There were a lot of large people around that weighed over 130kg.
‪그러고 딱‬ ‪내 토르소를 약간 봤는데‬that weighed over 130kg. And I looked at their torsos and then mine.
‪'아, 좀 콩만 하네?'‬And I looked at their torsos and then mine.
‪'와 이랄꼬'‬ ‪[웃음]‬"Oh, I'm tiny. Why is that?" [laughs]
‪이 생각 했죠‬"Oh, I'm tiny. Why is that?" [laughs] That's what I thought.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬That's what I thought. [rock music playing]
‪안녕하세요‬-[Sung-hyuk] Wow. -Hello.
‪[방성혁의 탄성]‬-[Sung-hyuk] Wow. -Hello.
‪(정호) [웃으며] 몸 엄청 좋으시다‬ ‪[방성혁이 호응한다]‬You have a great body.
‪(에이전트H) 와, 경찰관 피지컬‬ ‪압도적이네‬Wow, that policeman's body is overwhelming.
‪(깡미) 지금 현역이세요?‬-Are you still in service? -Oh, yes, I'm still working.
‪(정호) 아, 예, 예, 저 현역이고‬ ‪전 교도관이에요‬-Are you still in service? -Oh, yes, I'm still working. -And I'm a prison guard, yes. -Wow.
‪- (정호) 아, 네, 네‬ ‪- (깡미) 우아‬-And I'm a prison guard, yes. -Wow.
‪안녕하십니까‬ ‪저는 17년 차 현직 교도관‬Hello, I'm Park Jung-ho, and I have been serving as a prison guard for the past 17 years.
‪박정호입니다‬and I have been serving as a prison guard for the past 17 years.
‪(정호) 제 초임 시절에 이제‬ ‪신창원도 제가 관리를 했었고‬[Jung-ho] In my early days as a prison guard, I watched over Sin Chang-won. Yoo Yung-chul and Kang Ho-sun also. I used to supervise them too.
‪유영철, 강호순‬ ‪뭐, 이런 수용자들도‬Yoo Yung-chul and Kang Ho-sun also. I used to supervise them too.
‪제가 관리를 했었었죠‬Yoo Yung-chul and Kang Ho-sun also. I used to supervise them too.
‪(정호) 수용자들이 신체적 능력은‬ ‪일반인이 아니잖아요‬Most inmates have a body that's beyond an ordinary person's body.
‪자기를 방어하고‬ ‪다른 수용자들 보호하기 위해서는‬So to defend myself and protect other inmates,
‪신체적 능력이‬ ‪충분히 있어야 되고요‬I must have decent physical capabilities.
‪수용자들을 제압할 수 있는 능력‬The ability to make inmates submit.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[intimidating music playing]
‪세다, 세다‬He's strong. He's strong.
‪레슬링 선수‬Gosh, a wrestler.
‪야, 레슬링 선수가‬ ‪몸이 어떻게 저렇게 좋아?‬Hey, what kind of a wrestler has -that great a body? -[Jung-ho] I know.
‪(남자) 그러니까요, 와‬-that great a body? -[Jung-ho] I know.
‪야, 레슬링 선수, 저런 사람들이랑‬Oh, wow. Against wrestlers like that…
‪안 다치는 게 다행이겠다‬you'd be lucky not to get hurt.
‪그런 분은 넣으면 안 됩니다‬ ‪이런 경기에‬People like that should not be in here.
‪사람을 찢어 버리라면‬ ‪찢을 수도 있겠구나‬They could rip a person apart if they wanted to.
‪(남자1) 체력이면 체력‬ ‪또 스피드면 스피드‬They could rip a person apart if they wanted to. [man 1] Energy, speed, endurance, he doesn't lack any of that.
‪지구력이면 지구력‬[man 1] Energy, speed, endurance, he doesn't lack any of that.
‪뭐 하나 빠지는 게 없어서‬[man 1] Energy, speed, endurance, he doesn't lack any of that.
‪(남자2) 우리나라 헤비급 무제한‬ ‪1등이시기 때문에‬[Guk-young] He's the best unlimited heavyweight wrestler.
‪(남자3) 남경진 레슬러님‬[man 2] Wrestler Nam Kyung-jin.
‪(남자4) 저분이랑은‬ ‪적으로 만나면 안 되겠구나‬[Sun-ho] You should not have him as an opponent.
‪(남경진) 예, 저는 레슬링 선수로‬ ‪20년째 선수 활동을 하고 있고‬[Kyung-jin] I have been wrestling for 20 years and I was on the national team for 12 of them.
‪국가 대표를 12년간 했었던‬and I was on the national team for 12 of them. I weigh 125kg.
‪125kg 남경진입니다‬I weigh 125kg. I'm Nam Kyung-jin.
‪(은실) 아, 근데 오빠 나오니까‬ ‪너무 반갑다‬[Eun-sil] It's so good to see you here, oppa.
‪[웃으며] 여기에 오빠‬ ‪센 사람 개많아‬There are so many strong people here. The winner of "The Strongest Man"…
‪뭐, '스트롱맨'도 있고‬There are so many strong people here. The winner of "The Strongest Man"…
‪(남경진) 그러니까‬ ‪여기 별의별 사람들 다 있다, 진짜‬ ‪[은실이 호응한다]‬There are so many strong people here. The winner of "The Strongest Man"… -[Kyung-jin] There're all sorts of people. -[Eun-sil] All sorts of people are here.
‪(은실) 추성훈 님 나온 거 보면‬ ‪말 다 한 거 아니야?‬What can you say when Choo Sung-hoon's here too?
‪(남경진) 그렇지, 그렇지, 야, 씨‬What can you say when Choo Sung-hoon's here too? [Kyung-jin] Yes, right.
‪(남경진과 은실)‬ ‪- 그래 봤자, 씨, 우리가 최고야‬ ‪- 그래, 그래 봤자지‬-Still, even so. -Yes, even so.
‪(남경진) 저는 실전 근육이니까‬Well, my muscles are for real life action,
‪뭐, 덩치가 크고‬ ‪근육이 아무리 많다 그래도‬Well, my muscles are for real life action, so however big or muscly someone is,
‪그 누구랑 해도, 예‬so however big or muscly someone is, well, I think I can beat anybody.
‪이긴다고 항상 생각을 하기 때문에‬well, I think I can beat anybody.
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪(남경진) 저는 지목하게 되면‬[Kyung-jin] If I get to pick,
‪저보다 뭐, 덩치가 크거나‬I'm going to choose someone bigger
‪강하신 분들을 위주로‬ ‪저는 딱 뽑으려고‬I'm going to choose someone bigger or stronger than me.
‪생각하고 왔거든요‬or stronger than me.
‪- (남경진) 가시죠‬ ‪- (정호) 아, 예‬-[Kyung-jin] Let's go. -[Jung-ho] Oh, sure.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬-[Kyung-jin] Let's go. -[Jung-ho] Oh, sure. [impressed exclaiming]
‪와, 미쳤네‬Wow, that's crazy.
‪(남자) 힘과 힘의 대결이네‬[Agent H] Power versus power.
‪(주형) 누구‬ ‪하나 죽는 거 아니죠? 설마…‬ ‪[주형의 웃음]‬Is someone gonna end up dead? [chuckles]
‪살려는 드리겠습니다‬I'll let you live.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[shocked gasps]
‪(정호) 감사합니다‬ ‪[남경진의 웃음]‬Thank you.
‪네, 살려 준다고 하니까‬ ‪또 감사하더라고요, 네‬Well, he said he'd let me live, so I was grateful.
‪(마스터) B경기장‬[Master] Arena B.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪남경진, 박정호 참가자는‬Nam Kyung-jin, Park Jung-ho.
‪입장하여 주시기 바랍니다‬ ‪[짱재가 감탄한다]‬-[Master] Please enter. -This is crazy.
‪(박진용) 화장실 가고 싶은데‬ ‪못 가겠다, 이거 보고 싶어서‬I gotta go to the bathroom but I can't 'cause I wanna watch.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(은실) 이건 봐야 돼, 이건 봐‬I gotta go to the bathroom but I can't 'cause I wanna watch. Oh, this should be fun. You must watch this.
‪(남자1) 빅 매치다‬Oh, this should be fun. You must watch this. -[JJANG JAE] It's a big match. -[Hyun-seung] They're really strong.
‪(남자2) 진짜 센데, 여기‬-[JJANG JAE] It's a big match. -[Hyun-seung] They're really strong.
‪(남경진) 질 확률은 없지만‬ ‪그래도 최선을 다해서‬[Kyung-jin] There's no way I could lose, but I'm still gonna do my best and smash him to pieces.
‪그냥 부숴버리겠다는 생각으로‬ ‪임하겠습니다‬but I'm still gonna do my best and smash him to pieces.
‪(정호) 제가 키가 더 크기 때문에‬[Jung-ho] I'm taller, so I thought,
‪'해볼 만하다'‬ ‪'최선을 다하자'였습니다‬[Jung-ho] I'm taller, so I thought, "I have a chance to win. Let's give it all."
‪(남자) 파이팅!‬
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬-[whistle blowing] -[In-ho] Wow.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬-[whistle blowing] -[In-ho] Wow.
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪- (박진용) 그냥 가시는구나‬ ‪- (은실) 남경진 파이팅‬-These two are so scary. -Go, Kyung-jin!
‪(빛여울) 와, 여기 너무 무섭다‬ ‪너무 무서워‬ ‪[박진용의 놀란 탄성]‬-These two are so scary. -Go, Kyung-jin! [Jin-yong] He's just walking up.
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬[Jin-yong] He's just walking up.
‪(남자1) 남경진 파이팅!‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[contestants cheering]
‪(춘리) 도망가는 거야?‬[Chun-ri] Is he running away? Oh, what's that?
‪(남자2) 진짜 무섭다‬ ‪나 저런 사람 제일 무서워‬[Chun-ri] Is he running away? Oh, what's that? [Kyung-jin] It's really scary. People like that scare me the most.
‪- (남자3) 어? 와, 머리 썼다, 와‬ ‪- (춘리) 어, 뭐야?‬ ‪[춘리의 웃음]‬[Kyung-jin] It's really scary. People like that scare me the most. -[Bit-yeo-ul] Gosh, what's going on? -Wow, that was smart. Nice.
‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬ ‪(빛여울) 대박, 이게 무슨 일이야?‬-[Bit-yeo-ul] Gosh, what's going on? -Wow, that was smart. Nice.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬-[laughs] -[Min-ji] I never thought of that.
‪[남자의 웃음]‬ ‪- (빛여울) 어, 대박이다, 우아‬ ‪- (은실) 저거 생각도 못 했다‬-[laughs] -[Min-ji] I never thought of that. -[Kkang Mi] That's crazy. Wow. -[I-taek] He can't get it back now.
‪(남자와 진형)‬ ‪- 아, 이거 못 가져오잖아, 그럼‬ ‪- 이야, 안 싸우겠다 이거지?‬-[Kkang Mi] That's crazy. Wow. -[I-taek] He can't get it back now. [Jin-hyeong] He doesn't wanna fight, does he?
‪(남경진) 저는 뭐‬ ‪전혀 신경 안 썼습니다‬[Kyung-jin] I didn't mind that at all.
‪뭐, 어차피 공을 못 잡아도‬[Kyung-jin] I didn't mind that at all. Well, if I can't get the ball, I just have to stop my opponent.
‪상대방을 잡고 있으면 되기 때문에‬Well, if I can't get the ball, I just have to stop my opponent.
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬ ‪[유쾌한 음악]‬-[Eu-ddeum] Oh, this is crazy. What now? -[Jin-yong] This is awkward.
‪- (여자) 와, 대박, 어떡해?‬ ‪- (남자1) 뻘쭘해‬-[Eu-ddeum] Oh, this is crazy. What now? -[Jin-yong] This is awkward.
‪(남자2와 남자1)‬ ‪- 잠깐, 잠깐, 잠깐, 잠깐‬ ‪- 이거 안 된대, 이거 안 된대‬-[Eu-ddeum] Wait. -[I-taek] Wait. That's a no-no.
‪(빛여울과 은실)‬ ‪- 아, 이렇게 하면 안 돼?‬ ‪- 이게 밖에 나가 가지고‬-It went outside. -Oh, you can't do that? It's outside the arena.
‪- (은실) 경기장 밖‬ ‪- (빛여울) 아, 뭐야‬It's outside the arena. Oh, come on.
‪(희찬) 저분도 생각 많이 하고‬ ‪전략 짠 건데‬ ‪[희동이 호응한다]‬He thought hard to come up with that strategy. [Hee-dong] Yeah, I know.
‪(남경진) 장외가 되어서‬ ‪공을 저한테 주셔 가지고‬[Hee-dong] Yeah, I know. [Kyung-jin] The ball went out of bounds and was given to me.
‪(남자) 아, 근데 무섭다‬ ‪되게 진지하게 임한다‬-[Eun-sil] Even I think this is brutal. -[Bit-yeo-ul] It's driving me crazy.
‪(여자1) 살벌하다‬ ‪내가 봐도 살벌하다‬-[Eun-sil] Even I think this is brutal. -[Bit-yeo-ul] It's driving me crazy. [Ki-kwan] Oh, this is scary. They're both so serious.
‪(여자2) 너무 무섭다, 너무 무섭다‬[Bit-yeo-ul] It's so scary.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪(여자3) 아, 하자 이거지?‬ ‪나오라고‬[Chun-ri] He wanna fight. He wants him out.
‪(남자1) '한판 합시다' 이거지‬-[Caro] Oh, this is so exciting. -[Sung-hyuk] Oh, I'm getting nervous.
‪(남자2) 아, 너무 기대된다, 이거‬-[Caro] Oh, this is so exciting. -[Sung-hyuk] Oh, I'm getting nervous.
‪(남자3) 오, 떨려요‬
‪(춘리) 오, 진짜‬ ‪으르렁대는 거 같아‬[Chun-ri] It's like they're growling at each other.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Chun-ri] It's like they're growling at each other. [contestants shouting]
‪(은실) 가자!‬ ‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬[Eun-sil] Go! Go! [contestants cheering]
‪[무거운 효과음]‬[contestants cheering]
‪[함께 환호한다]‬[contestants cheering]
‪[함께 놀란다]‬
‪(정호) 제가 공중에 뜰 일이‬ ‪별로 없거든요?‬[Jung-ho] I rarely find myself in the air, but I got lifted up then.
‪공중에 떠 있더라고요, 그래서‬[Jung-ho] I rarely find myself in the air, but I got lifted up then. And I realized, "Oh, I can get lifted up as well."
‪'아, 이렇게 나도 뜰 수 있구나'‬ ‪[쿵 떨어지는 효과음]‬And I realized, "Oh, I can get lifted up as well."
‪- (남자1) 우아, 대박이다‬ ‪- (남자2) 와, 미쳤다‬-[Ji-su] Wow. That's incredible. -[Ye-hyun] This is crazy.
‪(은실) 돌아, 돌아!‬[Eun-sil] Nice, nice!
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪[무거운 효과음]‬[contestants cheering]
‪(은실) 나이스!‬Good one!
‪[참가자들의 놀란 탄성]‬-[gasping] -Is that possible?
‪(춘리) 와, 이거 완전 미쳤어‬ ‪진짜‬Wow, this is so crazy.
‪- (은실) 좋아, 좋아!‬ ‪- (여자) 와, 와, 뭐야, 뭐야?‬-[Eun-sil] Good! Nice! -[Bit-yeo-ul] Wait, what happened?
‪(은실) 나이스!‬-[Eun-sil] Good! Nice! -[Bit-yeo-ul] Wait, what happened? [Kkang Mi] He said he'd smash him and he's really doing that.
‪(여자) 찢어 버리신다 하더니‬ ‪진짜 찢어 버리네‬[Kkang Mi] He said he'd smash him and he's really doing that.
‪(남자) 와, 씨, 고릴라 아니야?‬[Kkang Mi] He said he'd smash him and he's really doing that. [I-taek] Gosh. Is he a gorilla?
‪- (여자1) 힘 장난 아니다‬ ‪- (여자2) 와‬[Min-ji] He's crazy strong.
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[Da-young] Wow, he's strong.
‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬[Da-young] Wow, he's strong.
‪(여자1) 안 다치게, 안 다치게‬[Eun-sil] Don't get injured.
‪(여자1과 여자2)‬ ‪- 그렇지, 그렇지, 좋아, 좋아‬ ‪- 와, 세다‬[Eun-sil] Don't get injured. Yes, nice!
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪- (여자3) 뭐야, 뭐야, 저게 뭐야?‬ ‪- (여자4) 어떡해, 어떡해, 어떡해‬[Bit-yeo-ul] Wait, what… what is that? Oh, no. Gosh!
‪- (희동) 사람 접는 거 봤죠?‬ ‪- (희찬) 나가면 1등‬Did you see him fold him up? He folded him in half.
‪(희동) 사람 접는 거‬Did you see him fold him up? He folded him in half.
‪- (희동) 구겨지는 거‬ ‪- (희찬) 진짜 구겨진다니까‬They really crush you. They don't care about your weight class. He's getting crushed.
‪(희찬) 체급 그런 게 없어‬They don't care about your weight class. He's getting crushed.
‪(진형) 와, 기술을 쓰네, 와‬ ‪우짜노, 저거‬They don't care about your weight class. He's getting crushed. [Jin-hyeong] Wow. He's using his technique. What can you do?
‪- (남자1) 대박이다‬ ‪- (여자) 진짜 살벌해, 살벌해‬[Jin-hyeong] Wow. He's using his technique. What can you do? -[Bit-yeo-ul] It's gruesome. -[Chun-ri] Hey, he got out.
‪(남자2) 파이팅, 파이팅!‬-[Bit-yeo-ul] It's gruesome. -[Chun-ri] Hey, he got out.
‪[여자의 탄식]‬
‪(춘리) 오, 빠져나왔다‬ ‪[여자의 탄식]‬He got out.
‪(참가자들) 파이팅, 파이팅!‬-[Eun-sil] Go! Go! -[Ji-su] Go! Go!
‪(춘리) 황소들이‬ ‪막 싸우는 거 같아‬[Chun-ri] It's like two bulls fighting.
‪[참가자들의 걱정스러운 탄성]‬ ‪(여자1) 어, 안 돼, 안 돼!‬[YOYO] Oh, no, no! Gosh!
‪(여자2) 아, 너무 긴장된다‬[Young] Jeez. This is so tense.
‪(남자) 들어가면, 들어가면 안 돼‬ ‪손목 주면 안 돼‬[Han] He can't get curled up. He has to keep his hands free.
‪[긴박한 음악]‬ ‪(은실) 1분 30초!‬[Eun-sil] A minute and 30 seconds!
‪1분 30초!‬A minute and 30 seconds!
‪나이스!‬ ‪[참가자들의 놀란 탄성]‬Nice.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(여자) 미쳤다‬[Eu-ddeum] Wow! This is insane.
‪(오반) 미쳤다‬This is crazy.
‪(은실) 나이스! 안 돼, 안 돼‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Kkang Mi] Nice! [contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(은실) 나이스 태클!‬[contestants exclaiming] [Eun-sil] Nice tackle!
‪(남자1) 레슬링 기술들을‬ ‪보여 주는 퍼포먼스‬[Eun-sil] Nice tackle! [Hae-min] He did a demonstration of wrestling skills… and confidence.
‪그리고 그 자신감‬[Hae-min] He did a demonstration of wrestling skills… and confidence.
‪'와, 이게 진짜구나'‬ ‪[무거운 효과음]‬[Hae-min] He did a demonstration of wrestling skills… and confidence.
‪(남자2) 너무 무섭더라고요‬[Hae-min] He did a demonstration of wrestling skills… and confidence. [Min-u] It was so scary.
‪(남자3) 굳히기, 굳히기‬[Ji-su] Hold him. [Jung-ho breathing heavily]
‪[정호의 거친 숨소리]‬[Jung-ho breathing heavily]
‪(남자4) 경진이 형‬ ‪1분이에요, 1분‬[Jung-ho breathing heavily] [Hae-min] Kyung-jin, one minute left.
‪(춘리) 근데 저분도 어떻게‬ ‪잘 버티네‬[Chun-ri] The other guy's managing to hang in there.
‪(은실) 30초!‬[Eun-sil] 30 seconds!
‪(종혁) 볼 생각해야 돼, 볼!‬Think about the ball!
‪- (남자1) 공으로 가야 돼요!‬ ‪- (종혁) 볼, 볼, 볼 생각해야 돼‬-[Eun-sil] 30 seconds! -[OVAN] The ball, pick up the ball! [Jong-hyeok] Go to the ball!
‪(남자2) 저 경찰관은 무조건‬ ‪다리라도 잡아야 돼‬[Tarzan] The policeman has to grab his leg, at least.
‪(은실) 20초!‬[Eun-sil] 20 seconds!
‪(희동) 공으로 가야 돼!‬[contestants shouting]
‪- (은실) 가자, 이제‬ ‪- (남자) 공, 공, 공, 공‬ ‪[참가자들이 소리친다]‬-[Eun-sil] Now go. -[man 1] The ball, the ball, the ball!
‪- (종혁) 공 가야 돼, 공 가야 돼‬ ‪- (여자1) 가지러 가야 돼!‬ ‪[저마다 말한다]‬-[Da-young] Run! Get the ball! -Go to the ball. Go to the ball!
‪(남자와 여자2)‬ ‪- 잡고 있네, 아…‬ ‪- 잡고 있어서 못 갔나 봐‬-[Jong-hyeok] He's holding on. -[Da-young] He can't go, -that guy's locked on him. -He might win if he runs now.
‪(빛여울) 이거 달리면 모르겠는데‬-that guy's locked on him. -He might win if he runs now.
‪(여자1) 가지러 가야 돼!‬[Eun-sil] Get the ball!
‪[정호의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪(남경진) 연장하지, 뭐‬Let's go into overtime. -[man 1] He has to free himself. -[Eun-sil] Ten seconds!
‪(참가자들) 10초!‬-[man 1] He has to free himself. -[Eun-sil] Ten seconds! -[Bit-yeo-ul] Ten seconds! -[OVAN] Ten seconds!
‪(남자) 더 나와야 돼‬[man 2] He has to free himself.
‪[정호의 힘겨운 신음]‬[Jung-ho grunting] [contestants shouting]
‪(은실) 마지막!‬ ‪[긴박한 음악]‬[contestants shouting loudly]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants shouting loudly]
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪(은실) 천천히, 천천히‬-[OVAN] Wow, he's fast. -[Eun-sil] Slowly!
‪- (남자) 빨라, 야, 너무 빨라‬ ‪- (은실) 나이스, 나이스‬ ‪[박수 소리]‬-[man 3] He was faster. -[Eun-sil] Nice!
‪(은실) 잡아, 잡아, 잡아‬Get it, get it.
‪(남자) 왔다, 왔다‬[Agent H] There, he got it.
‪[강렬한 효과음]‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants gasping in awe]
‪[함께 놀란다]‬
‪[강렬한 효과음]‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants gasping in awe]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪(마스터) 경기가 종료되었습니다‬[Master] Game over.
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(오반) 야, 너무 멋있다‬ ‪도망 안 가고 그냥‬[OVAN] Wow, he was awesome. He didn't run away.
‪- (치현) 와, 황소다, 황소‬ ‪- (춘리) 완전 멋있어, 우아‬-That was so cool. -[applauding]
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪(은실) 좋아!‬-Nice! -Wow.
‪[빛여울의 감탄]‬-Nice! -Wow.
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬[contestants cheering, applauding]
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬[contestants cheering, applauding]
‪(은실) 나이스!‬[Eun-sil] Amazing!
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪(여자1) 와, 저 덩치에, 와!‬[cheering] -[Bit-yeo-ul] It was freaking cool. -[OVAN] That's impossible.
‪- (남자) 말도 안 돼‬ ‪- (여자2) 대박이다‬-[Bit-yeo-ul] It was freaking cool. -[OVAN] That's impossible.
‪(빛여울) 개멋있어‬
‪[은실이 소리친다]‬ ‪(종혁) 나이스, 나이스!‬Nice one!
‪(마스터) 결과를 발표하겠습니다‬[Master] Time to announce the results.
‪B경기장 승자는‬Arena B winner is Nam Kyung-jin.
‪남경진 참가자입니다‬Arena B winner is Nam Kyung-jin.
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬[contestants cheering, applauding]
‪- (남자) 와, 진짜 멋있다‬ ‪- (민지) 남경진 멋있다!‬-[Jin-hyeong] Man, that was real cool. -Well done, Kyung-jin.
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪(기관) 진짜 쩔었다‬-That was worth watching. -Wrestling…
‪(박진용) 레슬링‬-That was worth watching. -Wrestling…
‪(남자1) 고생했습니다!‬ ‪[박수 소리]‬[Ye-hyun] Good job!
‪(남자2) 고생했어요‬[Ki-kwan] Well done.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬[panting]
‪(정호) 토르소 깨기 전에‬ ‪한번 이렇게‬
‪토르소를 이렇게 안아 봤거든요?‬[Jung-ho] Before I smashed my torso, I hugged it.
‪약간 뭉클하더라고요‬[Jung-ho] Before I smashed my torso, I hugged it. I got a bit emotional.
‪아, 그리고 약간‬ ‪살짝 눈물이 고이면서‬I got a bit emotional. Tears welled up.
‪(정호) 남경진 선수님‬And Nam Kyung-jin, it was an honor to compete with you.
‪이렇게 같이 경기하게 되어서‬ ‪너무 영광스럽고‬And Nam Kyung-jin, it was an honor to compete with you.
‪앞으로 또 계속 살아남으셔서‬I hope you keep winning and be the champion.
‪꼭 우승하시기 바라겠습니다‬I hope you keep winning and be the champion.
‪(박진용) 무섭다, 진짜‬ ‪레슬링 무섭네요‬ ‪[은실의 웃음]‬That's scary. Wrestling is really scary.
‪(빛여울) 너무 무서워, 진짜, 와‬[Bit-yeo-ul] Oh, it's so scary, for real. Whoa. -He was the scariest in Taereung too. -Wrestling.
‪(박진용) 태릉에서도‬ ‪제일 무서웠는데, 레슬링‬ ‪[은실이 중얼거린다]‬-He was the scariest in Taereung too. -Wrestling.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬[rock music playing]
‪(마스터) 일대일 데스 매치를‬ ‪시작하겠습니다‬ ‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬[Master] The one-on-one Death Match is about to start. KIM YE-HYUN VS JO I-TAEK
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬KIM YE-HYUN VS JO I-TAEK [Eun-sil] Go get it!
‪- (깡미) 잡아! 가자!‬ ‪- (남자) 그렇지!‬[Eun-sil] Go get it! -[Jin-yong] That's it! -[Eun-sil] Get it!
‪(마스터) A경기장 승자‬[Master] The Arena A winner is…
‪[참가자들의 박수와 환호성]‬ ‪김예현‬-Kim Ye-hyun. -[cheers] EX-FENCER KIM YE-HYUN WINS
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬-JJANG JAE VS LEE SO-YOUNG -[contestants cheering]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(여자) 안 돼, 안 돼‬ ‪안 돼, 안 돼!‬[contestants cheering, shouting]
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬[contestants laughing]
‪(마스터) B경기장 승자, 짱재‬[Master] The Arena B winner is… JJANG JAE.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬ ‪[박수 소리]‬HWANG BIT-YEO-UL VS JO YEON-JOO
‪[여자의 탄성]‬ ‪(남자1) 와, 자비 없다, 씨‬-[contestants exclaiming] -[man 1] She's done for.
‪(남자2) 아, 그렇지‬ ‪나이스, 나이스‬ ‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬[contestants shouting]
‪(마스터) B경기장 승자는 황빛여울‬[Master] The Arena B winner is Hwang Bit-yeo-ul.
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪- (남자1) 나이스, 좋아‬ ‪- (남자2) 공만 잡아, 공만 잡아‬[OVAN] Good, get the ball.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(남자2) 좋아, 좋아‬KIM MIN-CHEOL VS KIM JI-WOOK
‪[여자1의 탄성]‬-[Eu-deum] Whoa. -[Eun-sil] He lifted him up.
‪(남자3) 치열하다‬-[Eu-deum] Whoa. -[Eun-sil] He lifted him up.
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬ ‪(여자2) 들었어‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[쿵 떨어지는 효과음]‬
‪(마스터) 승자는 김민철‬[Master] The winner is Kim Min-cheol.
‪[고조되는 음악]‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬WOO JIN-YONG VS KIM JEONG-UK [man 1] Whoa. He's like a bull.
‪(춘리) 황소, 황소‬[man 1] Whoa. He's like a bull.
‪(남자) 와, 씨‬
‪미쳤다‬This is crazy.
‪(마스터) A경기장 승자는‬[Master] The Arena A winner is…
‪[김다영의 비명]‬ ‪(남자) 피서지 같은데요?‬CHAE WAN-KI VS KIM DA-YOUNG [Ye-hyun] It looks like a holiday spot.
‪(여자) 오, 엄청 빨라‬[Min-ji] Oh, she's so fast.
‪(남자) 버텨! 다영아, 버텨!‬[OVAN] Hang on, Da-young!
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪(마스터) B경기장 승자는 김다영!‬[Master] The Arena B winner is Kim Da-young.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬SEO HA-YAN VS LEE DA-HYEON
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[woman 1] Whoa.
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[man 1] Oh.
‪(마스터) A경기장 승자는‬[man 1] Oh. [Master] The Arena A winner is…
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬OVAN VS LEE JU-HYUNG [intense music playing]
‪(마스터) B경기장 승자는‬ ‪오반입니다‬ ‪[오반의 기합]‬The Arena B winner is OVAN. SINGER OVAN WINS
‪- (남자) 그래그래, 그래‬ ‪- (여자) 아, 잘한다!‬
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪(마스터) 승자는 정해민‬The winner is Jung Hae-min.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(여자) 그렇지!‬
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(마스터) 승자는 곽명식‬The winner is Kwak Myung-sik. CROSSFITTER KWAK MYUNG-SIK WINS
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬TARZAN VS CHOI IN-HO
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬TARZAN VS CHOI IN-HO [man 1] Whoa, he's so freaking fast.
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬ ‪(남자) 와, 겁나 빠르다, 와‬[man 1] Whoa, he's so freaking fast.
‪와, 개빠르다‬
‪(여자) 해 보자, 해 보자‬ ‪끝까지 해 보자‬[woman 1] Come on, try until the end.
‪[호주 타잔의 환호성]‬ ‪(마스터) A경기장의 승자는‬ ‪호주 타잔‬-[cheers] -[Master] The Arena A winner is… Tarzan. TRAVEL YOUTUBER TARZAN WINS
‪다음 경기를 준비하겠습니다‬[Master] Get ready for the next game.
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬ ‪김강민‬Kim Kang-min.
‪[함께 놀란다]‬[exclaiming]
‪[남자1의 환호성]‬
‪(남자2) 왔다, 왔다, 왔다‬[Ji-su] He's here.
‪(남자3) 머리가‬ ‪양쪽 어깨에 달려 있는데?‬[Min-u] His shoulders look like heads.
‪(추성훈) 너무 잔인해, 어휴‬His body is no joke.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(민석) 김강민 선수‬My first impression of him, he was overpowering.
‪첫인상 일단‬ ‪압도적이었던 거 같습니다‬My first impression of him, he was overpowering.
‪(남자1) 완전 크시고 헤비급이고‬[Ji-wook] He's massive. He's a heavyweight.
‪(은실) 실제로 보니까‬ ‪진짜 팔뚝이 허벅지만 해‬[Ji-wook] He's massive. He's a heavyweight. [Eun-sil] When I saw him up close, his forearm was as big as a thigh.
‪괴물 같은 느낌이었어요‬[Eun-sil] When I saw him up close, his forearm was as big as a thigh. He was like a monster.
‪(남자2) 와, 너무 무섭더라고요‬ ‪너무 무섭고‬[OVAN] Oh, he was so scary. And he had this really powerful aura.
‪아우라가 너무 커서‬And he had this really powerful aura. [Kang-min] I asked myself,
‪(남자3) 강렬했어요‬[Kang-min] I asked myself,
‪(강민) 그냥 그런 생각 했어요‬ ‪아, 이게 누가 날 뽑을까?‬"Would anyone pick me?"
‪(준협) 저랑 하시죠‬-[Jun-hyeoup] Let's compete. -[contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬-[Jun-hyeoup] Let's compete. -[contestants exclaiming]
‪[차분한 음악]‬Let's compete.
‪저랑 하시죠‬Let's compete.
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬ ‪(여자) 어, 어, 뭐야?‬[Chun-ri] Wait, what?
‪[박수 소리]‬[Chun-ri] Wait, what? [contestants applauding]
‪(준협) 안녕하십니까‬ ‪'피지컬: 100'에 참여하는‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Hello. I'm Youn Jun-hyeoup, I'm in Physical: 100 and I'm a model.
‪모델 윤준협입니다‬Hello. I'm Youn Jun-hyeoup, I'm in Physical: 100 and I'm a model.
‪제가 피지컬 나쁘지 않고‬ ‪운동도 잘해요‬Hello. I'm Youn Jun-hyeoup, I'm in Physical: 100 and I'm a model. [Jun-hyeoup] My body is pretty good
‪(준협) 김강민 선수님이‬ ‪체격이 크시고‬and I'm good at sports.
‪엄청 두꺼우시니까‬Kang-min has a large frame and is thick and muscly,
‪내가 이 놀이터 구조물‬ ‪사이사이들로 잘 도망만 다니면‬so I thought if I were to run through the playground structures,
‪승산 있다 생각했죠‬I stood a chance.
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬[applauding]
‪(남자) 강민이 의외로 빠른데?‬[Sun-ho] Kang-min is faster than people think.
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪(에이전트H) 좀 뛰잖아‬ ‪김강민 선수‬He can run quite fast, right? Isn't he pretty swift?
‪스피드 좀 있지 않나?‬He can run quite fast, right? Isn't he pretty swift?
‪여기도 '잡히면 죽는다' 아니야?‬Is this another "get-caught-and-you-die" situation?
‪(강민) 제가 이제‬ ‪느릴 거라고 생각하고‬
‪저를 뽑으신 거 같은데‬[Kang-min] I think he chose me thinking I'd be slow,
‪기대 이상으로 빠르고‬[Kang-min] I think he chose me thinking I'd be slow, but I want to show him I'm faster and stronger than expected.
‪힘이 좀 세다는 거를‬ ‪보여 드리고 싶습니다‬but I want to show him I'm faster and stronger than expected.
‪준협아, 형 뽑은 거를‬Jun-hyeoup, I'll make you regret picking me so hard.
‪땅을 치고 후회하게 해 줄게‬Jun-hyeoup, I'll make you regret picking me so hard.
‪- (남자) 이거 궁금한데, 이거?‬ ‪- (여자) 어떡해‬[Hyun-seung] I wonder how this is gonna turn out. [Eu-ddeum] Oh, gosh.
‪여보, 파이팅‬Good luck, honey.
‪(남자) 강민아, 집중해‬-[Ki-kwan] Focus, Kang-min. -[A-reum] Go, Kim Kang-min!
‪(아름) 김강민 파이팅!‬-[Ki-kwan] Focus, Kang-min. -[A-reum] Go, Kim Kang-min!
‪(진형) 목숨 걸어!‬-[Agent H] Give it all you got! -[Eu-ddeum cheers]
‪[아름의 환호성]‬-[Agent H] Give it all you got! -[Eu-ddeum cheers]
‪체격 차이가 많이 나네‬[Jin-hyeong] There's a huge difference in physique.
‪(플로리안) 근데 이게‬ ‪상대가 안 되잖아‬[Jin-hyeong] There's a huge difference in physique. He's no competition. He's this big!
‪몸이 이만해‬He's no competition. He's this big!
‪(마스터) 일대일 데스 매치를‬ ‪시작하겠습니다‬[Master] The one-on-one Death Match is about to start.
‪[아름의 환호성]‬
‪(여자) 파이팅, 파이팅!‬[Da-young] Let's go!
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬-[whistle blowing] -[contestants exclaiming]
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪(여자) 오! 윤준협!‬[YOYO] Youn Jun-hyeoup!
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[무거운 효과음]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪[함께 놀란다]‬
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬ ‪오! 윤준협!‬[YOYO] Youn Jun-hyeoup!
‪(준협) 일단 전 계획대로‬ ‪달려 나갔죠‬[Jun-hyeoup] I rushed out as planned, but I couldn't withstand his body-slam.
‪근데 그분의 몸빵을‬ ‪견뎌 내지 못하고‬ ‪[무거운 효과음]‬[Jun-hyeoup] I rushed out as planned, but I couldn't withstand his body-slam.
‪(여자1) 잡아!‬[YOYO] Get it!
‪[긴박한 음악]‬ ‪(여자2) 오, 깜짝 놀랐어‬[Bit-yeo-ul] Oh wow, that made me jump.
‪[참가자들의 추임새]‬ ‪(아름) 와, 씨‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들의 놀란 탄성]‬ ‪(진형) 와, 좆 됐다, 아이‬ ‪좆 됐다, 아이, 좆 됐다, 씨‬Oh, he's screwed. He's screwed. Dang.
‪(성민) 오케이! 김강민!‬Okay! Kim Kang-min!
‪[강민의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪(남자1) 오케이‬[Ki-kwan] Okay.
‪[강민의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪오케이‬Okay.
‪(남자2) 형, 공 놔도 돼‬[Seong-min] Hey, drop the ball! [Jeong-yun] He's holding the ball like this.
‪(남자3) 공 이렇게 잡았어요‬ ‪와, 저거 손으로 이렇게 잡았어‬[Jeong-yun] He's holding the ball like this. Wow, how can he hold it like that?
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬Wow, how can he hold it like that?
‪(남자1) 오케이! 됐어, 됐어, 됐어‬[Seong-min] Okay, yes! You're doing it!
‪(인호) 저거는 못 빼잖아‬ ‪어차피 못 빼잖아, 저거는‬He can't get that out.
‪(남자1) 로프 잡아, 강민이 형!‬-[Seong-min] Grab the rope, Kang-min! -[YOYO] Go, Jun-hyeoup!
‪(여자) 준협아, 가자!‬-[Seong-min] Grab the rope, Kang-min! -[YOYO] Go, Jun-hyeoup!
‪(남자2) 저거 뺄 수 있나?‬[Seong-min] Can he get it out? [intense music playing]
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[intense music playing] [Chun-ri] Oh, good. Wow.
‪(남자3과 아름)‬ ‪- 와, 저거 바위인데, 그냥?‬ ‪- 강민아, 힘내!‬[Chun-ri] Oh, good. Wow. -[Hae-min] He's practically a rock. -[Chun-ri] Keep going!
‪(깡미) 와, 힘 장난 아니다‬-[Hae-min] He's practically a rock. -[Chun-ri] Keep going! -Wow, he's incredibly strong. -Look at his back muscles.
‪(춘리) 아유, 등 근육 봐 봐‬-Wow, he's incredibly strong. -Look at his back muscles.
‪(남자1) 와, 몸 봐, 이씨‬[Seong-min] Wow, look at his body.
‪(남자2) 대퇴 이두가‬ ‪저렇게 갈라져 분다‬[In-ho] The biceps on his thighs are ripped.
‪(아름) 여보, 파이팅! 버텨!‬-[A-reum] Honey, good luck. Hang in there. -[OVAN] Keep going!
‪(남자) 김강민!‬ ‪[아름의 웃음]‬[laughs]
‪(요요) 어, 준협아, 발로 차!‬Oh, Jun-hyeoup, kick him!
‪(깡미) 파이팅!‬Fight on!
‪[참가자들의 놀란 탄성]‬-[Ji-su] Oh, is he stepping on him? -[A-reum] Kim Kang-min!
‪(남자1) 밟아? 밟아?‬ ‪어, 그러면 안 되지‬-[Ji-su] Oh, is he stepping on him? -[A-reum] Kim Kang-min! -[Sung-bin] He can't do that. -[Ji-su] He must be so mad.
‪기분 나쁘겠는데?‬-[Sung-bin] He can't do that. -[Ji-su] He must be so mad.
‪(아름) 김강민!‬-[Sung-bin] He can't do that. -[Ji-su] He must be so mad. [contestants exclaiming]
‪(남자2) 와, 씨, 끝났다, 여기는‬[Hae-min] Shoot, this match is over.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬[YOYO] Dang it.
‪(상욱) 뭐, 어떻게‬ ‪뺄 수가 없다, 이건 진짜‬-There's no way he can get it out. -No, he can't.
‪(추성훈) 그렇지, 뺄 수가 없지‬-There's no way he can get it out. -No, he can't.
‪(진형) 안 된다, 아‬ ‪[우진용의 웃음]‬It's not working. [chuckles] He keeps trying to find a way in.
‪어디를 계속 들어가려 그러네‬[chuckles] He keeps trying to find a way in.
‪(여자) 안 돼, 저러면 못 해‬[Eun-ji] No, he can't do it.
‪(남자) 망부석이네‬ ‪움직이실, 일어날 생각을 안 해‬[In-ho] He's not moving even one bit.
‪[참가자들이 소리친다]‬
‪(준협) 로프를 꽉 껴안고 버티니까‬[Jun-hyeoup] He clung onto the ball, and it felt like trying to lift a fridge.
‪아, 이건 뭐‬ ‪가정용 냉장고 하나가 있는‬[Jun-hyeoup] He clung onto the ball, and it felt like trying to lift a fridge.
‪그런 느낌?‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[준협의 한숨]‬
‪'진짜 세상엔‬ ‪넘을 수 없는 벽도 많구나'‬There are lots of walls you just can't overcome.
‪[웃으며] 약간 좀 슬펐어요‬It was a little sad.
‪(남자) 안 돼, 안 돼‬ ‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬[Ji-su] No, he can't do it. [contestants chuckling]
‪(마스터) 경기 종료‬[Master] Game over.
‪(예현) 안 돼, 절대 안 돼‬ ‪힘이 너무 좋아요‬ ‪[다정의 웃음]‬[Master] Game over. No, he could never do it. He's too strong.
‪(참가자들) 나이스!‬[Ki-kwan] Good match.
‪(남자) [웃으며] 강민이 형…‬[Seong-min] That was just…
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Seong-min] That was just…
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬Ah, that was rough.
‪빡세다‬Ah, that was rough.
‪(마스터) A경기장 승자는 김강민‬[Master] The Arena A winner is Kim Kang-min.
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬
‪(남자) 나이스, 강민이 형!‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Seong-min] Nice one, Kang-min!
‪- (춘리) 와, 잘했어요!‬ ‪- (남자) 멋지다!‬ ‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬[So-young] Oh, well done! [Seong-min] Well done. Well done.
‪(남자) 멋지다‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[Seong-min] Well done. Well done.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[준협의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪(준협) 진짜 운동‬ ‪엄청 많이 한 사람이‬[Jun-hyeoup] Someone who had really worked out a lot
‪저를 진심으로 다해서‬ ‪그렇게 상대를 해 주니까‬[Jun-hyeoup] Someone who had really worked out a lot fought me seriously, with all his might,
‪오히려 저는‬ ‪조금 더 열정이 생겼었고‬fought me seriously, with all his might, and that gave me a little more passion today.
‪그래서 더 감사했었습니다‬And for that, I was grateful.
‪(준협) 운동 더 열심히 하겠습니다‬I'm gonna work out harder.
‪[준협의 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪(마스터) B경기장‬[Master] Arena B.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪박형근, 김춘리‬Park Hyung-geun, Kim Chun-ri.
‪(인호) 김춘리 궁금하다‬-I wonder how Chun-ri's gonna do. -[Jin-hyeong] I'm curious about this one.
‪- (진형) 와, 여기, 여기‬ ‪- (인호) 여기가 궁금하다‬-I wonder how Chun-ri's gonna do. -[Jin-hyeong] I'm curious about this one.
‪(인호) 사람들 다‬ ‪이쪽으로 왔어, 지금‬-[JJANG JAE] Everyone's on this side. -[OVAN] This is the highlight.
‪(남자) 여기 완전 하이라이트예요‬-[JJANG JAE] Everyone's on this side. -[OVAN] This is the highlight.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬-[So-young] Oh, Chun-ri. -[Da-young] Awesome.
‪- (소영) 춘리‬ ‪- (남자) 아, 어떡해‬-[So-young] Oh, Chun-ri. -[Da-young] Awesome.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(참가자들) 대박‬-[Jeong-yun] Oh, what now? -[So-young] Awesome.
‪(남자1) 전설이에요, 그 춘리 님도‬-[Jeong-yun] Oh, what now? -[So-young] Awesome. [BBULKUP] Chun-ri's a legend too.
‪(남자2) 저분은‬ ‪뭐 하시는 분이야?‬-[man 1] What does he do? -[Dae-won] He's an MMA fighter.
‪(남자3) 여기는 MMA 선수‬-[man 1] What does he do? -[Dae-won] He's an MMA fighter.
‪(형근) 종합 격투기 프로 전적은‬[Hyung-geun] My professional MMA record is five wins, four losses, two ties.
‪11전 5승 4패 2무고‬[Hyung-geun] My professional MMA record is five wins, four losses, two ties.
‪격투기에 대해서 알면‬If you know about martial arts, you have to know me.
‪저를 모를 수 없죠‬If you know about martial arts, you have to know me.
‪(짱재) 빅 매치!‬ ‪[남자의 환호성]‬A big match.
‪(진형) 힘이 쎄삤으니깐‬ ‪기술 쓰는 거 아이가‬[Jin-hyeong] She's strong, so he might use technique to beat her.
‪힘 대 기술 아이가, 이게?‬[Jin-hyeong] She's strong, so he might use technique to beat her.
‪(춘리) 웬만한 남자들은‬ ‪들고 옮기고 할 정도로‬[Jin-hyeong] She's strong, so he might use technique to beat her. [Chun-ri] I'm strong enough to lift up and carry most men.
‪힘은 지지 않거든요‬[Chun-ri] I'm strong enough to lift up and carry most men. I'll make him regret this.
‪후회하게 만들 거예요‬I'll make him regret this.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪(형근) 이기려고 왔고‬ ‪1등 할 겁니다‬[Hyung-geun] I came here to win, and I will.
‪(마스터) 일대일 데스 매치를‬ ‪시작하겠습니다‬[Master] The one-on-one Death Match is about to start.
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬-[whistle blowing] -[door clanks]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(남자1) 주머니에 손 넣고 나왔어‬ ‪와, 대박, 진짜‬ ‪[남자2의 탄성]‬[OVAN] He has his hands in his pockets. [laughs] That's crazy.
‪(진형) 와, 여유 있다, 여유 있다‬ ‪여유 있다, 여유 있다‬ ‪[박수 소리]‬[laughs] That's crazy. [Jin-hyeong] Oh, he looks chill.
‪와, 여유 있다, 이야, 멋지다‬He's so chill. How cool is that.
‪(남자) 와, 춘리 누나‬[man 1] Oh, Chun-ri.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪[함께 놀란다]‬[laughter]
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬[laughter]
‪(남자) 산책하시는데?‬[OVAN] He's out on a stroll.
‪(빛여울) 아이, 뭐야?‬ ‪주머니에 손 넣고‬[Bit-yeo-ul] What's he doing with his hands in his pockets?
‪어, 근데 할 만할 거 같은데?‬ ‪맞죠?‬ ‪[은실이 호응한다]‬It looks like a fair match, doesn't it?
‪- (깡미) 저분 되게 세 보여‬ ‪- (은실) 진짜 몸 좋다‬Yes. She has great body and she's a freaking strong woman.
‪- (은실) 개세, 여전사야‬ ‪- (플로리안) 형, 멋있다!‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬Yes. She has great body and she's a freaking strong woman. [Florian] Looking good!
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬[Florian] Looking good! [contestants laughing]
‪(플로리안) 이거 있다‬[suspenseful music playing] -[Min-ji] Looking good! -[Kkang Mi] No, throw it!
‪(깡미) 안 돼, 던져!‬-[Min-ji] Looking good! -[Kkang Mi] No, throw it!
‪[참가자들의 놀란 탄성]‬ ‪(여자) 멋있다!‬-Nice! -[OVAN] He's strong, though.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬-Nice! -[OVAN] He's strong, though.
‪(남자1) 와, 기술 벌써 들어가네‬-Nice! -[OVAN] He's strong, though. [Jin-hyeong] Using his technique already.
‪(남자2) 아니, 센데, 힘이?‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Seong-min] Whoa, she can't flip him over.
‪(깡미) 나이스!‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬
‪(남자3) 어, 안 넘어가‬ ‪안 넘어가, 와‬He won't go over.
‪[참가자들의 놀란 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(대원) 와, 대박‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Dae-won] Wow! Awesome! Awesome!
‪[함께 감탄한다]‬[amazed shouts]
‪(참가자들) 나이스!‬ ‪[빛여울의 환호성]‬Good one!
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪[무거운 효과음]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(형근) 이거 뭐냐‬[Jong-hyeok] He's upset.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪(남자) 당황했어‬ ‪당황한 거 같은데‬[Hyung-geun] Ah, what is this?
‪당황한 거 같은데‬[Hyung-geun] Ah, what is this?
‪[참가자들의 탄성과 웃음]‬[laughing, shouting]
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(남자) 뒤집어졌어‬ ‪뒤집어졌어‬[I-taek] He flipped her.
‪(김다영) 눌렀어‬He's pinning her.
‪(남자1) 와, 기술‬[Hyun-seung] Wow, technique, technique.
‪(남자2) 예, 기술‬ ‪기술을 걸어 버리니까 안 된다‬[Hyun-seung] Wow, technique, technique. [Agent H] She can't fight back when he uses martial arts techniques.
‪(남자3) 니 온 벨리면‬ ‪끝난 거 아니야? MMA에서‬-[Hyun-seung] He's on top, it's over. -[Ki-kwan] You can't get up either?
‪(대원) 배 위에 무릎 올리면‬ ‪거의 끝나요, 숨을 못 쉬니까‬-[Agent H] No, she can't. -[Hyun-seung] If the knee's on your stomach, it's game over, because you can't breathe.
‪- (기관) 일어나지도 못하고?‬ ‪- (대원) 예, 저렇게, 예, 예‬-Oh, I see. -[Hyun-seung] No, you're stuck like that.
‪(춘리) 그분이 저를 깔고 앉았는데‬-Oh, I see. -[Hyun-seung] No, you're stuck like that. [Chun-ri] He was half-sitting on me, and I couldn't break free.
‪그거를 제가 빠져나오지 못한 거‬[Chun-ri] He was half-sitting on me, and I couldn't break free.
‪그렇게 무겁지도 않았거든요‬He wasn't even that heavy. But I couldn't get up.
‪안 되더라고요‬ ‪못 일어나겠더라고요‬He wasn't even that heavy. But I couldn't get up.
‪- (은실) 놔줘, 놔줘, 어‬ ‪- (깡미) 재미없다! 재미없다!‬ ‪[깡미의 웃음]‬-Release! Uh-huh. -It's not fun! It's not fun!
‪[무거운 음악]‬-Release! Uh-huh. -It's not fun! It's not fun! [eerie music playing]
‪(은실) '어? 저 사람 뭐지?'‬[Eun-sil] What's with that guy?
‪그 눈빛에서 살기가 느껴졌어요‬ ‪그때 살벌했어요‬His gaze felt threatening. It gave me chills.
‪(남자1) 풀어놓고‬ ‪사냥하는 거 같아, 더 무서워‬[woman 1] It's like freeing your prey to hunt it. It's even scarier.
‪(남자2) 누나, 파이팅!‬[Agent H] Go, Chun-ri!
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들의 놀란 탄성]‬ ‪[쿵 떨어지는 효과음]‬[contestants exclaiming] Oh, that's a fighting skill. -[Ji-wook] Whoa, look at that technique. -[Hyung-geun] Sorry.
‪- (남자1) 기술 봐‬ ‪- (형근) 죄송합니다‬-[Ji-wook] Whoa, look at that technique. -[Hyung-geun] Sorry.
‪(남자2) 어, 명치 누른다‬[I-taek] He's going for the solar plexus.
‪(은실과 깡미) 가슴, 가슴, 가슴!‬-The chest! The chest! The chest! -Chest! Chest!
‪[참가자들의 탄식]‬-The chest! The chest! The chest! -Chest! Chest! [eerie tense music playing]
‪(치현) 와, 진짜 무자비하시구나‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬[Chi-hyun] Wow. He's really merciless.
‪(까로) 그 형은‬ ‪피도 눈물도 없어요‬[Caro] He shows zero mercy.
‪(형근) 다들 이 환경에서‬[Hyung-geun] Everyone in this environment wants to survive
‪살아남고 싶어 하고‬ ‪이기고 싶잖아요‬[Hyung-geun] Everyone in this environment wants to survive and wants to win. And I came here to win.
‪여기에 저는 이기러 왔고‬and wants to win. And I came here to win. Sorry to do this!
‪(형근) 죄송해요‬
‪- (남자1) 어쩔 수 없어‬ ‪- (남자2) 예, 저건 이제‬[Hyun-seung] There's nothing she can do.
‪(남자2) 전문가한테 못 이겨요‬ ‪저거는‬ ‪[남자3의 탄성]‬[Agent H] Yes, you can't beat an expert when they do that.
‪(참가자들) 파이팅!‬-[Seong-min] Keep going! -Let's go!
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪- (여자) 안 돼!‬ ‪- (플로리안) 붙잡아!‬-[Bit-yeo-ul] No! -[Florian] Get him!
‪(남자1) 이제 몸을 잡아야지‬
‪(남자2) 잡아, 잡아, 잡아‬ ‪볼, 볼, 보호해, 볼 보호해!‬[Ji-su] Get him. The ball, protect it!
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬ ‪(플로리안) 30초!‬[Florian] You have 30 seconds.
‪누나! 끝까지!‬Chun-ri, fight to the end!
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬ ‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬
‪(여자1) 잡을 수 있어‬ ‪잡을 수 있어, 잡을 수 있어‬[Eun-sil] You can get him. [Florian] Show your power!
‪(플로리안) 힘을 보여 줘, 힘!‬ ‪끝까지!‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[Florian] Show your power! Yes! To the end!
‪[진형의 탄식]‬ ‪(여자2) 잡아! 아…‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(플로리안) 마지막 힘을 줘‬ ‪달려, 달려, 달려!‬The last 15 seconds, run, run, run!
‪- (남자1) 달려야 돼요‬ ‪- (남자2) 달려, 그냥 달려, 달려‬-[Min-u] You must run. -[Kyeong-baek] Run, just run.
‪(남자3) 끝까지, 끝까지!‬[OVAN] To the end.
‪(플로리안) 붙잡아!‬[Florian] Get him! [suspenseful music playing]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[suspenseful music playing]
‪(남자) 볼, 볼‬ ‪보호해, 볼 보호해!‬[Ji-su] The ball! Protect the ball.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪(마스터) B경기장 종료되었습니다‬ ‪[박수 소리]‬[Master] The match in Arena B is over.
‪- (남자1) 누나, 나이스‬ ‪- (남자2) 와, 근데 대박이다‬[Florian] Nice one, Chun-ri.
‪(은실) 잘했다! 졌잘싸!‬-Well done. You put up a good fight! -[Florian] Nice one, Chun-ri.
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬ ‪(남자2) 누나 나이스!‬-Well done. You put up a good fight! -[Florian] Nice one, Chun-ri.
‪(오반) 멋있었습니다‬ ‪[차분한 음악]‬You were awesome.
‪(춘리) 박수받은 거 보니까‬[Chun-ri] The applause made me think I lost but in a grand manner,
‪'지더라도 멋지게는 졌구나'‬ ‪그 생각은 들어서 기분은 좋았어요‬[Chun-ri] The applause made me think I lost but in a grand manner, so I felt good about that.
‪'잘 버텼나 보다', 그 생각?‬It made me think, "I guess I endured pretty well."
‪(형근) 제 본업이‬ ‪격투기 선수다 보니까‬It made me think, "I guess I endured pretty well." [Hyung-geun] Because I'm an MMA fighter,
‪시합하는 과정이 좀‬[Hyung-geun] Because I'm an MMA fighter, our fight would have been a torment to her.
‪어떻게 보면‬ ‪좀 고통스러우셨을 거고‬our fight would have been a torment to her.
‪(춘리) 그 토르소 보면서‬ ‪저 자신이‬[Chun-ri] I looked at my torso…
‪그냥 좀 많이‬ ‪나약한 존재라는 생각?‬ ‪[춘리의 아쉬운 숨소리]‬and thought, "I'm still very weak."
‪(춘리) 앞으로 10년 더 운동해야지‬I'll keep working out for ten more years.
‪- (남자1) 추성훈 선수 했어요?‬ ‪- (남자2) 아직‬[Sik] Did Choo Sung-hoon play yet? [man 1] Not yet.
‪(남자3) 아, 약간 메인급들은‬ ‪나중에 하나 봐‬[Jin-hyeong] The main attractions must be playing later on.
‪(오반) 추성훈 선수님 안 하셨네‬-Choo Sung-hoon hasn't played yet. -He might be last.
‪(남자) 마지막에 하시는‬-Choo Sung-hoon hasn't played yet. -He might be last.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪(마스터) 다음 경기를‬ ‪준비해 주시기 바랍니다‬[Master] Get ready for the next game.
‪A경기장‬Arena A.
‪추성훈‬ ‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬Choo Sung-hoon. [contestants cheering] Choo Sung-hoon.
‪추성훈‬Choo Sung-hoon. [contestants cheering]
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬[contestants cheering]
‪[아름의 탄성]‬ ‪(남자1) 봐야지, 이건 봐야지‬
‪(마스터) 추성훈‬ ‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬Choo Sung-hoon. [I-taek] The main event. Main event, main event.
‪(남자1) 추성훈 봐야지‬ ‪추성훈 봐야지‬[I-taek] The main event. Main event, main event. -[YOYO] Oh, for real? -[man 1] Let's watch Choo Sung-hoon.
‪(남자2) 메인이벤트, 메인이벤트‬ ‪메인이벤트‬-[YOYO] Oh, for real? -[man 1] Let's watch Choo Sung-hoon.
‪(남자3) 아마 모두가 보고‬ ‪경악하지 않았을까 했던‬[Byeong-jin] I bet it was the name everyone was shocked to see.
‪이름 석 자였는데‬[Byeong-jin] I bet it was the name everyone was shocked to see.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬ ‪추성훈‬Choo Sung-hoon. [chuckles]
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪[남자3의 웃음]‬Choo Sung-hoon. [chuckles]
‪(마스터) 원하는 대결 상대를‬ ‪지목해 주시기 바랍니다‬[Master] Select your opponent.
‪(추성훈) 아이고‬Oh, boy.
‪(최성혁) 40대 넘은 나이에‬[Sung-hyuk] It's tough enough to challenge yourself
‪이렇게 도전한다는 거 자체가‬ ‪힘든 건데‬[Sung-hyuk] It's tough enough to challenge yourself with something like this when you're over 40.
‪뭐, 한 번쯤은‬ ‪겨뤄야 될 상대가 아닌가‬with something like this when you're over 40. Isn't he someone I should take on at least once?
‪(동조) 어쨌든 저한테는‬[Dong-jo] To me, he's a senior in my field.
‪저희 쪽 업계 선배님이시고‬[Dong-jo] To me, he's a senior in my field.
‪기회가 되면 한번 겨뤄 보고 싶다‬ ‪이런 생각도 했습니다‬If I get the chance, I'd like to challenge him as a token of respect.
‪존경의 의미로‬If I get the chance, I'd like to challenge him as a token of respect.
‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬[contestants gasping] [contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들이 놀란다]‬
‪[참가자들의 웃음]‬[laughter]
‪(동국) 저랑‬ ‪대결해 주시겠습니까?‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성과 박수]‬[Dong-guk] Would you please fight me?
‪저랑 대결해 주시겠습니까?‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성과 박수]‬Would you please fight me? [Agent H] Wow, cool. That's awesome.
‪예, 제가 너무 존경하는‬ ‪선배님이시라서‬[Agent H] Wow, cool. That's awesome. You're someone I really look up to.
‪(진형) 와, 멋지다, 어, 멋지다‬Oh, I got chills.
‪(우진용) 어, 소름이‬ ‪돋았던 거 같아요‬[Kang-min] He's a real man. I thought it was really cool of him.
‪(강민) '찐 남자다'‬ ‪굉장히 좀 멋있었던 거 같아요‬[Kang-min] He's a real man. I thought it was really cool of him. -When else would I get a chance to? -Oh, sure. Yeah.
‪이럴 때 아니면‬ ‪진짜 제가 언제 한번 선배님하고‬ ‪[추성훈이 감사 인사를 한다]‬-When else would I get a chance to? -Oh, sure. Yeah.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming in awe]
‪(진형) 왜냐면‬ ‪지금 격투기 선수니까‬He's an MMA fighter himself, so he wants to fight with Choo Sung-hoon.
‪추성훈하고‬ ‪한번 붙어 보고 싶은 거예요‬He's an MMA fighter himself, so he wants to fight with Choo Sung-hoon.
‪(동국) 저는 국민의 안전을 지키는‬ ‪소방관으로 근무하면서‬[Dong-guk] I work to protect the public's safety as a firefighter,
‪현 종합 격투기 선수로‬ ‪활동하고 있는‬ ‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬and I'm also an MMA fighter.
‪소방관 파이터‬ ‪신동국이라고 합니다‬I'm firefighter and MMA fighter, Shin Dong-guk. [rock music playing]
‪[동국의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪(동국) 저 스스로의 강함을‬ ‪증명하려고 나왔고‬SHIN DONG-GUK 4TH PLACE IN PRE-QUEST MISSION I came on to prove my own strength,
‪그중에서 그래도‬ ‪제일 강해 보이는 사람과‬and I decided to fight the strongest person there.
‪한번 싸워 보자‬And that's when I noticed Choo Sung-hoon.
‪추성훈 선배님이‬ ‪딱 눈에 들어오더라고요‬And that's when I noticed Choo Sung-hoon.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪첫 번째 게임에서‬ ‪격투기 선수랑 붙는 게‬I was grateful and lucky that I was going against an MMA fighter
‪사실은 격투기 선수로서 너무‬I was grateful and lucky that I was going against an MMA fighter in the first round, since I'm an MMA fighter myself.
‪감사하게 생각했습니다‬in the first round, since I'm an MMA fighter myself.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬ ‪잘 선택하신 거 같아요‬And I think he chose well.
‪(진형) 여기 선수들 오는 거는‬ ‪좀 반칙 아니야?‬[Jin-hyeong] Isn't it unfair to have professional fighters here?
‪(남자1) 신동국 선수가‬ ‪추성훈 선수보다‬[Ki-kwan] Shin Dong-guk is younger than Choo Sung-hoon,
‪나이도 젊고‬ ‪파이팅도 있으실 거 같고‬[Ki-kwan] Shin Dong-guk is younger than Choo Sung-hoon, and I think he'd be more energetic.
‪(남자2) 팬인지 뭔지 모르겠지만‬[man 1] I'm not sure if I'm a fan, but I found myself cheering for him more.
‪좀 더 더 응원하게 됐던 거 같아요‬ ‪추성훈 님 쪽으로‬[man 1] I'm not sure if I'm a fan, but I found myself cheering for him more. I wanted to see Choo Sung-hoon longer. [chuckles]
‪오래 보고 싶었어요‬ ‪[대원의 웃음]‬I wanted to see Choo Sung-hoon longer. [chuckles]
‪(정호) 미리 자리 선점 안 하면‬ ‪못 봐, 이런 건‬You can't watch unless you stick to a good spot for big events like this.
‪빅 이벤트를‬You can't watch unless you stick to a good spot for big events like this.
‪(정윤) 근데 추성훈 님은‬ ‪기술이 진짜 좋으실 거 같은데‬[Jeong-yun] I think Choo Sung-hoon is gonna have great technique.
‪(호주 타잔) 추 형이‬ ‪이길 거 같습니까?‬Do you think Choo will win?
‪(형근) 모르겠어‬Do you think Choo will win? I don't know.
‪아, 너무, 변수가 너무 심한데?‬[Hyung-geun] There are just too many variables.
‪(마스터) 그럼 일대일 데스 매치를‬[Master] The one-on-one Death Match…
‪(남자) 시작하겠습니다‬is about to start.
‪- (마스터) 시작하겠습니다‬ ‪- (오반) 진짜 궁금하다‬is about to start. [OVAN] I'm so curious to see how this will go.
‪(플로리안) 가자!‬[OVAN] I'm so curious to see how this will go. -[Chun-ri] Go. -[OVAN] Sexy-yama.
‪(남자) 섹시야마!‬-[Chun-ri] Go. -[OVAN] Sexy-yama.
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬ ‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬CHOO SUNG-HOON VS SHIN DONG-GUK
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[휘슬이 삑 울린다]‬[whistle blowing]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(남자1) 와, 존나 멋있다‬[BBULKUP] Oh, he's freaking awesome. Wow.
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬ ‪(남자2) 와, 겁나 멋있다‬[Kyung-jin] Wow, he's so cool.
‪선배님한테 제안 하나 하겠습니다‬I'd like to make a suggestion.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬[suspenseful music playing]
‪[참가자들의 환호성]‬I'd like to fight you as an MMA fighter according to the MMA rules. -[contestants exclaiming] -[Jin-hyeong] Great.
‪(일레인) 와, 멋있어요!‬-[contestants exclaiming] -[Jin-hyeong] Great.
‪- (남자1) 신동국 파이팅!‬ ‪- (진형) 나이스, 나이스‬-[contestants exclaiming] -[Jin-hyeong] Great. [contestants cheering]
‪(남자2) 종합 룰로 하자고?‬ ‪와, 타격도?‬[JJANG JAE] He wants to fight by MMA rules? With punches and kicks?
‪(동국) 이 경기에서‬ ‪내가 패배할지언정‬[Dong-guk] Even if I end up losing this match, I've still done it. I'll have a fight I won't regret.
‪그냥 멋있게 한번‬ ‪후회 남기지 말고‬I've still done it. I'll have a fight I won't regret.
‪예, 한번 싸워 보자‬ ‪[강렬한 효과음]‬I've still done it. I'll have a fight I won't regret.
‪(추성훈) 역시 남자구나‬I thought, "He's a real man." So I accepted it.
‪그래서 받아들였죠‬I thought, "He's a real man." So I accepted it.
‪(추성훈) 오케이‬[intense music playing]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[intense music playing] [contestants screaming]
‪(상욱) 추성훈 파이팅!‬Go, Shin Dong-guk!
‪(남자1) 미쳤네?‬[Sang-hoon] This is mad.
‪(남자2) 어유, 뭐야, 진짜로?‬ ‪발 차기까지?‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[Ji-su] Oh, what? For real? Kicking too? [contestants exclaiming]
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪(여자) 와, 어떡해, 어떡해‬ ‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming] [Eun-ji] Oh, no. What's gonna happen?
‪(남자3) 진짜?‬ ‪[여자의 탄성]‬[man 1] For real? [man 2] Right hand.
‪(여자) 여기 돈 주고 봐야 돼‬[Min-ji] This is a match you should pay to watch.
‪(남자) TV에서 보던 건데?‬[Min-ji] This is a match you should pay to watch. [Jin-hyeong] This is something I would watch on TV.
‪[긴박한 음악]‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[Jin-hyeong] This is something I would watch on TV. [contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬
‪(남자) 이야, 경기장을‬ ‪저쪽으로 바꿨어야 돼‬[man 1] Ah, they should have chosen the other arena.
‪(춘리) 근데 저렇게 하면‬ ‪안 아픈가?‬When they do that, doesn't that hurt?
‪(남자) 눈빛 봐‬ ‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[man 2] That looks fun. [contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들의 박수와 환호성]‬[contestants cheering]
‪(참가자들) 멋있다!‬-[Jong-hyeok] Cool, you're so cool. -That's some real men.
‪- (일레인) 신사다!‬ ‪- (여자) 남자다!‬-[Jong-hyeok] Cool, you're so cool. -That's some real men. What a gentleman!
‪(종혁) 아, 너무 멋있어‬[Jong-hyeok] Ah, this is so awesome.
‪아, 너무 멋있어‬
‪[참가자들의 감탄]‬[contestants gasping in awe] [Chun-ri] Choo Sung-hoon still has strong legs.
‪(춘리) 추성훈 씨‬ ‪하체 살아 있네, 와‬[Chun-ri] Choo Sung-hoon still has strong legs.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬[contestants exclaiming]
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪(플로리안) 절반 왔어!‬[Kyung-jin] We're halfway in.

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