피지컬: 100 .6
Physical: 100 .6
(마스터) 다섯 명의 추가 생존자 | [Master] The five additional survivors, please come in. |
입장해 주십시오 | [Master] The five additional survivors, please come in. |
(진형) 일로, 일로 들어오네 | [man 1] They're coming in from this way. |
[참가자들이 놀란다] | [contestants gasp in surprise, applauding] |
[참가자들이 놀란다] | [all shouting] -[man 2] No way! -[man 3] Wow. |
- (선호) 대박, 와 - (여자) 대박 | -[man 2] No way! -[man 3] Wow. -[man 4] Whoa. -[woman 1] Amazing. |
[성훈의 탄성] - (선호) 뭐야? - (여자) 아, 미쳤다 | Wow. -You? -[woman 2] This is crazy. |
[참가자들의 탄성] - (성훈) 아이고 - (선호) 오, 브로 | -[man 5] Wow. -[contestants cheering] |
(여자) 와, 개멋있어 | Oh, this is so cool. I got goosebumps. |
소름 돋았어 | Oh, this is so cool. I got goosebumps. |
나도 소름 돋았어, 방금 | I got goosebumps too. |
와, 이렇게 남았구나 | Wow, so these are the survivors. |
(남자) 어떤 곳일까? 진짜 궁금하네 | Wow, so these are the survivors. -[man 1] I wonder what they did. -[woman 1] Me too. |
"퀘스트: 2.5" | [ominous music playing] |
[의미심장한 음악] | |
[긴장되는 효과음] | |
(남자1) | [man 1] Oh, there are so many amazing people. |
(남자1) [웃으며] 근데 진짜 | [man 1] Oh, there are so many amazing people. [man 2] But all the people here are too strong. |
(남자1) | [man 2] But all the people here are too strong. [man 3] I feel nervous again, shoot… |
(남자2) | [man 3] I feel nervous again, shoot… |
[무거운 효과음] [참가자들의 탄식] | [man 4] Wow, they look like corpses. |
- (남자1) 와, 시체 같아 - (남자2) 무서워 | [man 4] Wow, they look like corpses. [man 5] Oh, it's scary. |
- (남자3) 토르소 매달아 놨어 - (여자) 어? | -[Guk-young] They hung up our busts. -[woman 1] What? |
[참가자들의 탄성] (다정) 너무 잔인하다 | -[woman 2] This is so cruel. -[woman 3] Oh, it looks disgusting. |
- (여자) 아, 너무 징그러워 - (남자4) 운발이야? | -[woman 2] This is so cruel. -[woman 3] Oh, it looks disgusting. -[man 6] Is this about luck? -[man 7] Whoa, this is so cruel. |
(남자5) 아, 너무 잔인해 | -[man 6] Is this about luck? -[man 7] Whoa, this is so cruel. |
(남자6과 종혁) - 와, 이거는 - 와, 시체 같아, 이게 뭐야? | -[man 6] Is this about luck? -[man 7] Whoa, this is so cruel. [man 8] Oh, they look like dead bodies. [man 9] What is this? |
[강조되는 효과음] (종혁) 이게 메인이었네, 오늘! | [man 9] What is this? [man 10] This is the real main event today. |
[탄식] | [nervous shouting] |
(종혁) 기괴하고 속상했습니다 | [Jong-hyeok] It was bizarre and upsetting. [Bit-yeo-ul] How did they come up with this idea? |
(빛여울) 어떻게 그걸 매달 생각을 했지? | [Bit-yeo-ul] How did they come up with this idea? |
(짱재) 장렬히, 살벌하게 집에 보내는구나 | [JJANG JAE] They're sending us home in such a brutal way. |
와, 진짜 잔인하다 | Wow, this is really cruel. |
뭘까? 패자 부활전 같은데? | What are these? There's gotta be a revival match. |
[긴장되는 음악] 와, 좆 됐다 패자 부활전이다, 이거 | This is dumb. This is a revival match. |
빨리 시작합시다 | Let's get started. [sighs] |
[신비로운 소리가 흘러나온다] (마스터) '피지컬: 100' | [Master] Physical:100, you have been eliminated. |
여러분은 탈락하셨습니다 | [Master] Physical:100, you have been eliminated. |
- (경진) 예 - (민우) 예, 압니다 | -Yeah. -Ah, I know. |
(오반) 맞습니다 | -Yeah. -Ah, I know. That's right. |
(마스터) 이제 여러분은 자신의 토르소를 깨고 | That's right. [Master] You must now break your bust and leave. |
이곳을 떠나야 합니다 | [Master] You must now break your bust and leave. |
단, 여러분에게 | However, we will give you one last chance to survive. |
생존할 수 있는 마지막 기회를 | However, we will give you one last chance to survive. |
[흥미진진한 음악] 뭐야? | What? |
[호주 타잔의 탄성] - (오반) 오케이! - (마스터) 드리겠습니다 | -[grunts] -Okay! [all shouting] |
[참가자들의 기합] | [all shouting] |
(민우) 오케이 | Okay, let's go. |
[스페인어] 가자! | Okay, let's go. |
(경진) [한국어] '지푸라기라도 한번 잡을 수 있겠구나'라는 | [Kyung-jin] I'm gonna grab a straw to survive. |
(마스터) 줄에 매달린 자신의 토르소를 붙잡고 | [Master] Hold onto the rope connected to your bust |
끝까지 버티면 생존 | and last to the end to survive. |
아씨 | Shoot. |
(마스터) 놓치면 그 즉시 토르소는 파괴되며 | The moment you let go, your bust will fall, smash and you will be eliminated. |
탈락하게 됩니다 | your bust will fall, smash and you will be eliminated. |
아, 몸무게 | Right, our weight. |
몸무게 쟀네, 이거 때문에 | They weighed us for this. |
(마스터) 여러분이 버텨야 할 토르소의 무게는 | The weight of the bust you hold |
각자의 체중의 40%로 측정되었습니다 | is 40 percent of your body weight. 40% OF THE CONTESTANT'S WEIGHT |
- 40% - (민우) 40% | -40 percent. -40 percent. |
(마스터) 단, 남아 있는 여러분 중 다섯 명만이 | [Master] However, out of those remaining, -only five of you… -[man 1] Whoa… |
[참가자들의 탄성] | -only five of you… -[man 1] Whoa… [man 2] That's rough. |
(다정) 빡세다 | [man 2] That's rough. |
(마스터) 자신의 토르소를 지킬 수 있습니다 | …can protect your busts. |
[차분한 음악] 와 | Wow… |
쉽지 않다 | This is hard. |
누나, 우리 패자 부활전에선 꼭 살자 | Let's survive this match, losers. |
해 보자 | Mm. Let's do this. |
(으뜸) 오늘 이 자리에서 죽는다는 각오로 할 거야 | [Eu-ddeum] I'm determined to fight till I die. |
(예현) 기회가 오면 기회를 잡으라고 했으니까 | [Ye-hyun] Never miss the chance that comes your way. |
그 기회는 제가 잡도록 하겠습니다 | I will grab this chance. |
(빛여울) 제가 여기서 떨어지긴 좀 아쉽잖아요? | [Bit-yeo-ul] It would be a shame for me to leave now. |
[무거운 음악] (상욱) 제가 뭐 잡고 버티고 | [Sang-wook] I'm not afraid |
이런 거에 대해서 정말 자신감이 있어 가지고 | [Sang-wook] I'm not afraid because I'm confident about holding on to the rope. |
두렵지 않습니다 | because I'm confident about holding on to the rope. |
(성민) 최선을 다해서 5인 안에는 좀 들어 보자 | [Seong-min] I'm gonna do my best and get into the top five. |
(한) 살아야 돼요, 무조건 이거는 이제 다음 기회는 없다 | [Kang Han] I must survive, no matter what. This is my last chance. |
(치현) 다 본인은 붙을 거라고 생각하고 있겠죠? | Is anyone else thinking they'll get through? |
나도 난 붙을 거라고 생각하고 있는데 | I think I'll get through. |
(치현) 아, 진짜로 이게 하늘에서 기회를 한 번 더 준 거라면 | [Chi-hyun] Oh, if this is really another chance that God gave me, |
그 기회는 절대 놓치지 말자 | I cannot miss it. |
(마스터) 생존 게임을 시작하겠습니다 [비장한 음악] | [Master] The survival game will begin. |
[신호음이 삐 울린다] [무거운 효과음] | 25-PERSON SURVIVAL GAME |
- (남자1) 뭐야? - (남자2) 뭔데? | -[man 1] What? -[man 2] Oh, no. |
(마스터) 생존 게임을 시작하겠습니다 [긴장되는 음악] | [Master] The survival game will begin. |
[신호음이 삐 울린다] [무거운 효과음] | 25-PERSON SURVIVAL GAME |
(남자) 어? | [man 1 grunts] |
[신호음이 삐 울린다] | [tense music playing] |
어? | [man 1] No. |
[툭 끊어지는 소리] | What? |
뭐야? | What? |
[툭 끊어지는 소리] - 이씨 - (남자) 아이고야 | [Tarzan] Oh, god. |
[툭 끊어지는 소리] | |
어, 씨 | Oh, shoot. |
(빛여울) 생각보다 너무 무겁더라고요 | [Bit-yeo-ul] It was much heavier than I thought. |
(최성혁) 와, 무겁다 | [Tarzan] Whoa, this is heavy. |
[지훈의 힘겨운 신음] | [exhausted grunt] [Ji-hoon] My body got dragged forward at first. |
(지훈) 아예 몸이 끌려갔어요 처음에 | [Ji-hoon] My body got dragged forward at first. |
(디보) 개무거운데? 어떡하지? | [Dbo] This is so darn heavy. What should I do? |
빡센데? [무거운 음악] | This is rough. |
(남자) 미쳤다 | This is rough. [Kang Han] I'm done. |
(상욱) 어, 뭐야, 끝 아니야? | Oh, wait. Is he out? |
[툭 끊어지는 소리] [당황한다] | Oh, wait. Is he out? Uh… |
[무거운 효과음] | [shatters] |
(한) 제 토르소가 떨어졌을 때 | [Kang Han] When my bust fell, I thought, "Oh, is this for real?" |
'아, 이게 실화인가?' 믿기지가 않았어요 | [Kang Han] When my bust fell, I thought, "Oh, is this for real?" I couldn't believe it. I hadn't even started yet. |
해 본 게 없으니까 | I couldn't believe it. I hadn't even started yet. NATIONAL TEAM BOBSLEIGH ATHLETE KANG HAN OUT |
(방성혁) 어? | [man 1] Oh. |
[방성혁의 힘주는 소리] | [exhausted grunt] Damn it. |
[힘주는 소리] | [grunts] Damn it. |
(방성혁) 무게가 쏠리더라고요 그 정도로 무거워서 끌려가더라고 | [Seong-hyeok] The weight shifted to one side and it dragged me along, |
그래서 거기서 떨어졌습니다 [무거운 효과음] | so I dropped it. [dejected laugh] |
[방성혁의 헛웃음] | [dejected laugh] |
아, 나 어이가 없네 | I don't believe this. TRAINER BANG SEONG-HYEOK OUT |
(지수) 와, 털린다 | [Ji-su] Ah, I'm losing it. I'm losing my grip. |
아구가 털려 | [Ji-su] Ah, I'm losing it. I'm losing my grip. PARK JI-SU NATIONAL TEAM RUGBY PLAYER |
(다정과 오반) - 와, 씨, 개무거워 - 파이팅, 파이팅, 파이팅, 파이팅 | -[woman 1] God, this is too much. -[man 1] Hang on. Hang on. |
(다정) 아, 너무 무거웠어요 | -[man 1] Hang on. -[woman 1] Gosh, it was so heavy. |
(민우) 처음부터 일단 이게 너무 힘들다고 느껴서 | [Min-u] I didn't think it was so bad in the beginning, so I think the mindset matters too. |
사실 정신력의 문제도 있었던 거 같아요 | so I think the mindset matters too. |
(성민) 그냥 무조건 버티는 수밖에 없다 | [Seong-min] I had no choice but to just hang on. |
(치현) 나 혼자와의 싸움이라고 생각해서 | [Chi-hyun] I considered it a fight against myself, so I close my eyes and count to 100. |
눈을 감고 100초만 세자 | so I close my eyes and count to 100. |
(경진) 아휴 | [man 1 groans] |
(으뜸) 다 강한 사람들이기 때문에 | [Eu-ddeum] Everyone here is strong so… |
정신력이 여기서 좀 많이 발휘를 해야 된다고 생각을 했어요 | I thought I should focus and channel the strength of my mind. |
[힘주는 소리] | [grunts] |
[경진의 가쁜 숨소리] | [tired exhale] |
(민우) 미끄러진다 | I'm losing it. |
하, 씨발 | [Min-u] Ah, darn it. |
[한숨] | [sighs] |
[경진의 힘겨운 숨소리] | [arduous breathing] |
[경진의 애쓰는 소리] | [grunting] |
(경진) 아, 씨발 | Ah, shoot. |
[무거운 효과음] | [intense music playing] |
존나 무겁네, 씨발 [방성혁의 웃음] | It's so damn heavy. [man 1 laughs] |
형님, 전 딸려 갔다니까요 | I got dragged along, bro. |
[힘주며] 아, 씨 | Ah, shoot… |
아씨 | Ah, shoot. |
(다정) 솔직히 버티고 싶었는데 너무 무거웠어요 | [Da-jeong] I wanted to hold on, but honestly, it was too heavy. |
아휴, 씨 | Ugh, shoot. |
(빛여울) 아, 나도 안 되네, 이거 | Ah, I can't do this. |
(빛여울) 생각보다 너무 무겁더라고요 | [Bit-yeo-ul] It was so much heavier than I thought. |
그리고 정말정말 아쉽네요 | I'm really, really disappointed. [laughs awkwardly] |
[웃음] | [laughs awkwardly] 300 million won is gone. |
3억이 날아갔네요 | 300 million won is gone. |
[긴장되는 음악] [남자가 숨을 후 내뱉는다] | [man 1 sighs deeply] |
어, 으뜸 씨 올라가겠다 | Ooh, Eu-ddeum might move on. |
(빛여울) 와, 끄떡없어 | [Bit-yeo-ul] Wow, she's unwavering. |
(으뜸) 저는 내 토르소를 지켜 주고 싶은 마음도 있고 해서 | [Eu-ddeum] I wanted to save my bust, so to not think about anything else, I counted to myself. |
아무 생각 안 하려고 속으로 초를 셌어요 | so to not think about anything else, I counted to myself. |
하나, 둘, 셋 | One, two, three. [tense music playing] |
[리드미컬한 음악] | [tense music playing] |
[호주 타잔의 힘겨운 탄성] | [Tarzan groans] |
[무거운 효과음] | [sighs] |
[힘겨운 신음] | [exhausted groan] Oh, shoot. |
아, 씨발 [토르소가 쿵 떨어진다] | Oh, shoot. |
(성민) 아, 씨발 [무거운 효과음] | Oh, shoot. |
명식이 형, 할 수 있어 할 수 있어 [민우가 응원한다] | -Myung-sik, you can do it. -[Min-u] Myung-sik. |
(민우) 가자, 가자 | Let's go, let's go. |
[민우의 탄식] | [Myung-sik] Ah… |
[무거운 효과음] 괜찮아, 괜찮아, 잘했어 | [Min-u] It's okay, it's okay, you did well. |
아, 손 너무 미끄러운데? | Ah, my hands hurt so bad. [sighs] |
(민우) 그래도 우리 팀 잘했어 | [Min-u] Still, our team did well. |
아씨 [토르소가 쿵 떨어진다] | Darn it. MMA FIGHTER JOO DONG-JO OUT |
(남자1) 다 떨어진다, 다 떨어진다 | [man 1] They're all falling, they're all falling. |
(남자2) 어, 몇 명 안 남았다 [긴장되는 효과음] | [man 2] There aren't that many left. |
아자, 파이팅! [흥미진진한 음악] | Let's go! Keep going! Keep going! |
파이팅! | Keep going! Keep going. |
(치현) 파이팅! | Keep going. [Eu-ddeum] One, two, three, four, five. |
(으뜸) 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯 | [Eu-ddeum] One, two, three, four, five. |
(성민) 예현아, 할 수 있다 할 수 있다 | Ye-hyun, you can do this. |
아니, 얼마 안 남았어 | There aren't many left. |
(성민) 제가 팀장으로 있어서 옆에 있는 팀원들을 | [Seong-min] I was the team leader so I rooted for my teammates. |
응원을 엄청 많이 했어요 | [Seong-min] I was the team leader so I rooted for my teammates. |
무조건 올라갔으면 좋겠다 해서 계속 응원해 주고 있었어요 | I really wanted them to move on so I kept cheering for them. |
(성민) 얼마 안 남았어, 현아 얼마 안 남았어, 제발, 제발 | Almost there, Ye-hyun. Almost. Please. |
멘탈이야, 멘탈 | It's all about the focus. |
(경진) 지금 포기하면 안 돼 포기하지 마 | [man 1] Don't give up now, don't give up. |
몇 명 안 남았어 | There are only a few left. |
(경진) 저희 팀원은 누구나 우승까지 응원하고 싶습니다 | [Kyung-jin] All of us wanted to root for the other teammates. |
(지수) 짱재 파이팅 | [Ji-su] Go, JJANG JAE. |
[힘주는 숨소리] (경진) 몇 명 안 남았어 | -[agonized breathing] -[man 2] You're almost there. |
[숨을 후 내뱉는다] | -[blows] -[Ji-su] You gotta bear with it. |
(지수) 참아, 참아야 돼요 | -[blows] -[Ji-su] You gotta bear with it. [JJANG JAE] It was before the pain of defeat had washed away. |
(짱재) 뭔가 패배의 아픔이 씻겨 나기기 전이었어 가지고 | [JJANG JAE] It was before the pain of defeat had washed away. |
끝까지 한번 해 보자 | Let's go until the end. |
(성민) 계속 잡아, 계속 잡아 | [Seong-min] Hold on, hold on. |
잡아, 현아, 제발 현아, 제발, 괜찮아 | Hold on, Ye-hyun. Ye-hyun, you got this. |
[힘겨운 숨소리] | [arduous breathing] |
다시 고쳐 잡아, 다시 고쳐 잡아 | [Seong-min] Get a fresh grip, get a fresh grip. [rope straining] |
[예현의 힘겨운 숨소리] [무거운 효과음] | [Ye-hyun] Ah… [Ye-hyun sighs] |
전에는 괜찮았는데 | [Ye-hyun] I was okay before. EX-FENCER KIM YE-HYUN OUT |
- (오반) 다 왔어요 - (지수) 열 명 | -[man 1] You're almost there. -[man 2] Ten people. |
(호주 타잔) 다섯 명만 더 제치면 돼요, 다섯 명만 | [man 3] You only have to beat five more people. |
(경진) 다 됐다, 다 됐다 | [man 3] You only have to beat five more people. [man 4] You're almost there. [tense music playing] |
아이고, 죽겠다 | Oh, it's killing me. Look at Eu-ddeum. |
으뜸 씨 봐 봐 | Look at Eu-ddeum. |
(남자) 으뜸 님 진짜 대박이다 | [Min-u] Eu-ddeum is seriously incredible. |
[긴장되는 음악] (디보) 그, 으뜸이 누나가 | [Dbo] Eu-ddeum stood there and her expression never changed. |
표정의 변화 하나 없이 서 있어 가지고 | [Dbo] Eu-ddeum stood there and her expression never changed. |
'괴물이다', '미쳤다' | She's a monster, it's insane. |
(디보) '어떤 수를 써도 이길 수 없다' | [Dbo] Whatever you do, you can't beat her. |
그래서 뭐… | [Dbo] Whatever you do, you can't beat her. [exhales deeply] |
[디보의 한숨] | [exhales deeply] |
[쿵] | |
[디보의 아쉬운 숨소리] | [sighs] RAPPER DBO OUT |
[힘주는 소리] (오반) 자, 아홉 명 형, 네 명, 네 명만 기다려 | -[man 1] There are nine now, JJANG JAE. -Go, go! |
형, 네 명만 기다려요, 형 | -[man 1] There are nine now, JJANG JAE. -Go, go! Just four left. Beat just four more. |
안 돼, 지금 포기하지 마! | No, don't give up! |
- (빛여울) 나이스, 나이스 - (경진) 포기하지 마 | -[man 2] Don't give up. -[woman 1] Nice, nice. |
(오반) 할 수 있어, 할 수 있어! | -[man 2] Don't give up. -[woman 1] Nice, nice. [man 3] You can do it, you can do it. |
떨어지잖아, 참아야 돼 | You're not gonna drop it, you gotta hold on. |
(경진) 떨어지잖아, 참아야 돼 | You're not gonna drop it, you gotta hold on. |
떨어지잖아, 참아야 돼 | You're not gonna drop it, you gotta hold on. You're not gonna drop it, you gotta hold on. |
떨어지잖아, 참아야 돼 | You're not gonna drop it, you gotta hold on. |
[짱재의 힘겨운 숨소리] - (오반) 세 명 남았어요, 세 명 - (짱재) 아, 씨발 | You're not gonna drop it, you gotta hold on. -[man 1] There are three left. -[JJANG JAE] Oh, shoot. |
[짱재의 탄식] | Wow… |
(짱재) 내 피지컬이 안 돼서 떨어진 거잖아요 | [JJANG JAE] I lost because I wasn't strong enough. |
씨발 [웃음] | Shoot. [laughing] |
(마스터) 현재 일곱 명 생존 [비장한 음악] | [Master] Seven people remaining. |
진짜 얼마 안 남았다 | There aren't many left. |
(경진) 두 명 남았어, 두 명 | [Kyung-jin] Two left, two. |
(성민) 치현이 형, 멘탈이야 여기까지 왔잖아, 멘탈이야 | [Seong-min] Chi-hyun, it's a mental game. You got this far. |
여유 있잖아, 여유 있어 | [Seong-min] Chi-hyun, it's a mental game. You got this far. Mental game, you've got this. |
(치현) 이 끈을 놓지 말고 더 열심히 해 보자 | Mental game, you've got this. [Chi-hyun] Don't let go of the rope. Try harder. |
더 나의 한계를 확인할 수 있는 기회가 또 왔구나 | I got another chance to test my limits. |
역시 저, 이거 하시는 분은 잘한다 | He's good at this. That Jun-myeong guy. |
- (지수) 저기 계신 분 - (오반) 아, 준명이 형님? | -[OVAN] Oh, Jun-myeong? -[man 1] Hold on. |
(준명) '올라가야 한다'라는 | [Jun-myeong] I got really competitive. |
그런 강한 승부욕이 돋았던 거 같습니다 | [Jun-myeong] I got really competitive. I really wanted to move on. [Seong-min] Guk-young, you're almost there. |
(성민) 국영이 형 다 했어, 다 했어 | [Seong-min] Guk-young, you're almost there. |
(국영) 아유, 여기서는 진짜 죽기 살기로 해야겠다 | [Guk-young] Oh, I need to fight for my life here. |
(희찬) '제발 한 번만 버티자 버티자'만 생각을 했었어요 | [Hee-chan] Please let me hang on this one time. |
[숨을 후 내뱉는다] | [deep exhale] |
(최성혁) 제 몸을 이용해서 하는 거는 | [Sung-hyuk] I should go back in. Because I'm totally confident in what I can do with my body. |
완전 자신이 있기 때문에 | Because I'm totally confident in what I can do with my body. |
다시 또 돌아갈 수 있겠구나 | Because I'm totally confident in what I can do with my body. |
[숨을 후 내뱉는다] | [puffs] KIM SANG-WOOK MMA FIGHTER |
(상욱) 최선을 다해서 열심히 좋은 성적 거두도록 하겠습니다 | [Sang-wook] I will do my best to get a good result. |
(으뜸) 거기서 포기하면 심으뜸이 아니에요, 그래서 | [Eu-ddeum] It would be a shame if I gave up now. I won't let it go even if I break my arm. |
내 팔이 약간 끊어지더라도 버텨 보자 | I won't let it go even if I break my arm. |
누나라도 올라가 | You're moving on. |
(빛여울) 나이스, 와, 다 잘한다 | [Bit-yeo-ul] Nice, wow, everyone's so good. |
[감탄] | Wow… [suspenseful music playing] |
[상욱의 탄식] | [exhausted groan] |
저기 끝난다, 끝난다, 끝난다 | -He's done, he's done, he's done… -He's done, he's done. |
(예현과 성민) - 두 명 끝난다, 두 명 끝난다 - 끝났다, 끝났다 | -He's done, he's done, he's done… -He's done, he's done. [suspenseful music continues playing] |
[희찬의 힘겨운 숨소리] | [arduous breathing] |
[힘겨운 숨소리] | |
[희찬의 지친 신음] [쿵] | [Hee-chan groans] |
[희찬의 지친 신음] [쿵] | [groans] |
[희찬의 지친 신음] [무거운 효과음] | [groans] SSIREUM WRESTLER SON HEE-CHAN OUT |
(마스터) 여섯 명 생존 [긴장되는 효과음] | [Master] Six people remaining. |
한 명, 한 명! [무거운 음악] | One person, one person. |
(남자) 와, 가자! | Ah, let's go. |
(민우) 가자, 가자, 가자 '바모스' | Let's go, let's go, let's go. You're almost there. |
(호주 타잔) [한국어] 누나 다 왔다 | You're almost there. |
[최성혁의 가쁜 숨소리] (예현) 형, 좀만 더, 좀만 더 좀만 더, 좀만 더, 좀만 | [Ye-hyun] A little more, a little more, bro. [Kyung-jin] One more, one more. |
(남자) 한 명, 한 명 | [Kyung-jin] One more, one more. |
(빛여울) 안 돼! [긴장되는 음악] | [Bit-yeo-ul] No! |
(오반) 파이팅, 다 왔어요 한 명, 한 명 남았는데? | [OVAN] Keep going, just one to go. |
지금 이 한 명 되면 너무 억울해 | Don't be that one person. |
다 왔어요, 다 왔어요 | You're almost there. |
국영이 형, 다 했어, 다 했어 | Guk-young, almost done. |
(예현) 형, 조금만 더, 진짜로 | [Seong-min] Oh, bro, hold on just a bit longer. |
다 했어 진짜 거의 다 떨어졌어, 저기 | You're almost all out. |
좀만 더 버텨요 | You're almost all out. |
(성민) 씨발, 여기까지 왔잖아 할 수 있어, 할 수 있어 | -[Ye-hyun] Hang in just a little longer. -You got this far. |
(예현) 형, 국영이 형 잡아요, 잡아요 | -You can do it, you can do it. -Bro, bro, hold on, please, please. |
(성민과 남자) - 아니, 아니, 아니, 아니야 - 안 돼 | -You can do it, you can do it. -Bro, bro, hold on, please, please. [Seong-min] No, no, no, no, no, no, no. |
(성민) 아니야, 아니야 | [Seong-min] No, no, no, no, no, no, no. |
(정윤) 헹님, 잡아요, 잡아요 헹님, 잡아요 | [Jeong-yun] Hey, hold on, hold on. |
(성민) 잡았어, 잡았어 잡았어, 잡았어 [정윤이 응원한다] | [Jeong-yun] Hey, hold on, hold on. [Seong-min] You got it, you got it, you got it. |
형, 조금만 더 조금만 더, 좀만 더 | -A bit more, a bit more, a bit more. -Hey, grab hold, you can do it. |
헹님, 다 왔어, 헹님, 다 왔어 | -[Ye-hyun] A bit more, bro. -Hey, you're almost there. |
(오반) 다 왔어요 지금 부들부들 떨려, 지금 | [man 1] You're almost there, they're shaking right now, they're shaking. |
부들부들 떨려, 지금 여기 괜찮아 지금 여기 괜찮아 [동조가 응원한다] | they're shaking right now, they're shaking. [man 2] They're all the same, all the same, hold on. |
(성민) 저기 끝났어, 저기 끝났어 국영이 형, 저쪽 끝났어, 제발 | [man 2] They're all the same, all the same, hold on. [Seong-min] Over there, he's done. Guk-young, he's done. |
(예현) 저쪽 끝났어요 저기 끝났어요, 진짜 다 끝났어요 | [Seong-min] Over there, he's done. Guk-young, he's done. [Ye-hyun] He's done, he's done, he's really done. |
(오반) 이거만 봐 이거만 봐, 이거만 보고 있어 | Look at this, look at this, just look at this. |
다 왔으니까 이거만 봐 | You're almost there so just look at this. |
(예현과 성민) - 형, 성혁이 형, 성혁이 형 - 성혁이 형 | You're almost there so just look at this. [Ye-hyun] Sung-hyuk, Sung-hyuk, Sung-hyuk. |
[힘겨운 탄성] - (성민) 좀만 더 - (예현) 아, 아니야, 아니야 | [Ye-hyun] Sung-hyuk, Sung-hyuk, Sung-hyuk. Wow. |
(예현) 형, 줄 좀만 잡아요 좀만 더, 조금만, 조금만 | [Ye-hyun] No, no, Sung-hyuk, hang in there just a bit longer. |
(성민) 다시 잡아, 다시 잡아 | -[man 1] Fix your grip, fix your grip. -[man 2] Just a bit. |
(예현) 조금만 더, 조금만 더 | -[man 1] Fix your grip, fix your grip. -[man 2] Just a bit. |
(예현과 성민) - 아니야, 조금만 더, 조금만 - 안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼 | -Just a little more. -[OVAN] No, no. A bit more, a bit more. |
치현이 형, 진짜 안 돼 여기까지 왔잖아 | Chi-hyun, not now, you got this far. |
(오반) 다 왔으니까 이거만 봐요, 좀만 더 | [OVAN] You're almost there, so just hang on. |
[무거운 효과음] (마스터) 생존 게임이 종료되었습니다 | [Master] The survival game is over. |
[참가자들의 환호성] | [men shouting] |
(마스터) 다섯 명의 추가 생존자 | [Master] The five additional survivors, |
[의미심장한 음악] 입장해 주십시오 | [Master] The five additional survivors, please come in. |
(성훈) 아이고 | [man 1] Oh, dear. They're coming in this way. |
(진형) 일로, 일로 들어오네 | [man 1] Oh, dear. They're coming in this way. |
[참가자들이 놀란다] | [man 1] Oh, dear. They're coming in this way. [contestants cheering, applauding] |
[참가자들이 놀란다] | [cheering continues] |
[참가자들의 탄성] | |
(참가자들) 대박 | -[woman 1] No way. -[woman 2] No way. |
[치현의 기합] | [yells] |
[참가자들의 탄성] (다영) 와, 미쳤다 | [woman 3] Ah, this is crazy. |
[참가자들의 환호성] | -[woman 4] What? -[man 1] Wow. |
(미호) 근데 진짜 기분 좋았겠어 진짜 | [woman 5] They must feel so good. [man 2] Okay, okay. |
(으뜸) 아, 근데 진짜 무서웠어요 패자 부활전 | Ah, but it was really scary, the revival match. It was so scary. |
엄청 무서웠어 | Ah, but it was really scary, the revival match. It was so scary. |
[흥미진진한 음악] (마스터) 여섯 명 생존 | [Master] Six people remaining. |
(오반) 다 왔어요 지금 부들부들 떨려, 지금 | [man 1] You're almost there, they're shaking, they're shaking. |
(성민) 저기 끝났어, 저기 끝났어 국영이 형, 저쪽 끝났어, 제발 | [Seong-min] He's done for, he's done. Guk-young, he's done. |
(예현) 저쪽 끝났어요 저기 끝났어요, 진짜 다 끝났어요 | He's done, he's done, he's done. |
(오반) 다 왔으니까 이거만 봐요 좀만 더 | [OVAN] You're almost there, so just hang on. |
[남자의 힘겨운 신음] [무거운 효과음] | [Guk-young groans] |
[국영의 힘겨운 신음] | [Guk-young groans] |
[힘겨운 신음] [토르소가 쿵 떨어진다] | |
(마스터) 생존 게임이 종료되었습니다 | [Master] The survival game is over. |
[상욱과 준명의 환호성] | -[all shout] -[man 1] Thank you. [screams] |
[치현과 성혁의 환호성] | -[yells] -[whoops] Thanks so much, guys. |
(으뜸) 아, 진짜 고마워, 얘들아 | Thanks so much, guys. [Master] The survival game is over. |
(마스터) 생존 게임이 종료되었습니다 [상욱과 준명의 환호성] | [Master] The survival game is over. [Jin-hyeong] Wow, a woman to make it back is incredible. |
[으뜸의 힘겨운 숨소리] | [Jin-hyeong] Wow, a woman to make it back is incredible. |
(진형) 와, 근데 여자가 여자가 왔다는 건 대단한 건데 | [Eu-ddeum] It was exciting, I felt like a main character of the story. |
저분도 장난 아닌가 보네 | [Eu-ddeum] It was exciting, I felt like a main character of the story. |
(으뜸) 짜릿했어요 약간 주인공이 된 느낌? | [Eun-sil] Eu-ddeum, wow. You hurt your leg and survived. |
(미호) 으뜸 씨 와, 다리 다쳤는데 살아남았어 [박수 소리] | [Eun-sil] Eu-ddeum, wow. You hurt your leg and survived. Are you okay? |
- (미호) [놀라며] 괜찮아? - (치현) 진짜 | Are you okay? Seriously, it was pure willpower. |
악으로, 악으로 버텼어, 악으로 | Seriously, it was pure willpower. |
(진형) 반대, 반대, 반대로 | [man 1] The other side, the other side, the other side. |
[참가자들의 탄성] (치현) A 맵에서는 언덕 같은 게 있잖아요 | [man 1] The other side, the other side, the other side. [Chi-hyun] Arena A had a hill-like thing. I jumped from it and hurt my knee. |
뛰어내렸는데 그때 무릎을 부상을 바로 당해서 | [Chi-hyun] Arena A had a hill-like thing. I jumped from it and hurt my knee. |
'내 다리 튼튼하다' | I wanted to show that my legs are strong and I can do more. |
'나는 더 할 수 있다'라고 보여 주고 싶더라고요 | I wanted to show that my legs are strong and I can do more. |
(치현) 강한 척을 좀 했던 것 같습니다 | I think I pretended to be strong. |
(최성혁) 저는 살아서 들어갔으니까 | [Sung-hyuk] I survived and got back in |
그냥 기분 좋았어요 | so I felt good. |
(준명) 최후의 5인에 있는 거잖아요, 너무 좋아요 | [Jun-myeong] I got to be in the last five. I'm so happy. |
너무 다시 오고 싶었어요 | I really wanted to come back. |
[준명의 웃음] | |
(마스터) 이들은 본인의 토르소를 지켜 | [Master] These people are survivors who came back after saving their busts. |
다시 돌아온 생존자입니다 [무거운 음악] | who came back after saving their busts. |
(성훈) 와… | Wow. |
(마스터) 추가 생존자 다섯 명을 포함해 | Including the five additional survivors, the current number of contestants |
현재 살아남은 참가자는 | Including the five additional survivors, the current number of contestants |
[긴장되는 효과음] 서른 명입니다 | is 30. |
(강민) 아, 근데 저는 인원수가 많아질수록 | [Kang-min] Uh, I didn't like that there were more people than before. |
별로 반갑지가 않은 거 같아 | [Kang-min] Uh, I didn't like that there were more people than before. |
(형근) 아직도 스물네 명이나 있는데 | [Hyung-geun] There were 24 people and five more came back, |
거기다가 또 플러스 다섯 명이나 생겼으니 | [Hyung-geun] There were 24 people and five more came back, so I don't think people were happy about that. |
달갑지는 않았었던 거 같아요 | so I don't think people were happy about that. |
(기관) 어떻게 얻어 낸 자리인데 | [Ki-kwan] Why did they come back? |
빡치죠 | I was angry. |
(마스터) 현재 생존한 팀은 윤성빈 팀 | [Master] The current surviving teams are Team Yun Sung-bin, |
추성훈 팀 | Team Choo Sung-hoon, |
마선호 팀 | Team Ma Sun-ho, |
조진형 팀 | Team Jo Jin-hyeong, |
장은실 팀 | and Team Jang Eun-sil, |
총 다섯 팀입니다 | a total of five teams. |
김상욱, 이준명, 최성혁 | Kim Sang-wook, Lee Jun-myeong, Choi Sung-hyuk, Seong Chi-hyun, |
성치현, 심으뜸은 | Kim Sang-wook, Lee Jun-myeong, Choi Sung-hyuk, Seong Chi-hyun, Sim Eu-ddeum will automatically form one team to compete in the next quest. |
자동으로 한 팀이 되어 | Sim Eu-ddeum will automatically form one team to compete in the next quest. |
다음 퀘스트를 함께 진행하게 됩니다 | Sim Eu-ddeum will automatically form one team to compete in the next quest. Oh, this is more fun. |
(성훈) 어, 이게 더 재밌다 | Oh, this is more fun. |
[성훈의 탄성] (민철) 이렇게 했는데 저 팀이 올라가면 | If we compete and that team wins… |
[어두운 음악] (성훈) 그러니까 거기 팀 올라갈 수도 있으니까 | If we compete and that team wins… Yeah, that team could move on so that's why it's fun. |
이게 또 재밌는 거지 | Yeah, that team could move on so that's why it's fun. |
(형근) 우리는 다시 역사를 쓴다, 오늘 | We made history today again. |
[형근의 웃음] (학선) 역사를 써야 된다, 또 아… | We made history today again. [Hak-seon] We have to write history again. |
(학선) 게임을 뭘 시키려고 다섯 명을 더 올려 보냈지? | [Hak-seon] We have to write history again. What was the game that sent five people back? |
(아름) 뭘 할까? | What will we do? |
진짜 뭘 시키려고 | Seriously. What's next? |
(해민) 소름 돋아, 긴장돼 | It's scary. I'm nervous. |
(으뜸) 죽었다 다시 살아났기 때문에 | [Eu-ddeum] I died and came back. |
솔직히 무서울 게 별로 없어요 | So I have nothing to be afraid of. |
(마스터) 세 번째 퀘스트는 | [Master] The third quest is… |
어, 공개한다 | Oh, they're telling us. |
(준명) 뭐 할지 너무 궁금해 | What are we gonna do? |
(마스터) 1.5톤 | [Master] The third quest is… [tense music rising] |
배 끌기입니다 | …dragging a 1.5-ton ship. |
[흥미진진한 음악] (민철) [웃으며] 근데 1.5톤이면 | [laughing] 1.5 tons? |
(보미레) 할 수 있어 | [laughing] 1.5 tons? -[Bo-mi-rae] We can do it. -How can we pull 1.5 tons? |
(은실) 야, 1.5톤을 우리가 어떻게 끌어? | -[Bo-mi-rae] We can do it. -How can we pull 1.5 tons? |
(은실) '망했다' | We're doomed. |
1.5톤 배를 끌 수가 있을까? | Can we pull a 1.5-ton ship? |
와, 이거는 일단 쉽지 않은 미션이다 | Wow, this is not an easy mission. |
(진형) 끄는 거 전문 아이가, 응 | I'm an expert at pulling. |
(박진용) 너무 좋은 | [laughing] I love it. |
(진형) 우린 다 끌어… 웬만한 건 끌어 봤으니까 | [laughing] I love it. [Jin-hyeong] We drag anything. |
'스트롱맨'이 두 명이 있다는 걸 다 까먹고 있나 본데 | They must've forgotten about the two strongest man here. |
(진형) 힘으로는 어디 가서도 웬만하면 안 집니다, 저희, 예 | They must've forgotten about the two strongest man here. We never lose at pulling. |
(마스터) 세 번째 퀘스트는 | [Master] The third quest will be carried out in a team alliance. |
팀 연합 매치로 진행됩니다 | [Master] The third quest will be carried out in a team alliance. |
(형근) 어, 연합? | [Hyung-geun] Uh, alliance? |
연합은 진짜 생각도 못 했어요 | I never even thought about allying. |
어, 연합? 또 재밌는 거 하겠구나 | Oh, alliance? Sounds like a fun mission. [Master] We'll time how long it takes to move the 1.5-ton ship to the dock. |
(마스터) 1.5톤의 배를 정박지까지 옮긴 시간을 측정해 | [Master] We'll time how long it takes to move the 1.5-ton ship to the dock. |
세 팀의 연합 중 | [Master] We'll time how long it takes to move the 1.5-ton ship to the dock. |
최하위 기록을 세운 연합 팀 열 명은 | Out of the three allied teams, the team with the worst record will be eliminated. |
전원 탈락하게 됩니다 | the team with the worst record will be eliminated. |
(남자) 어떡해? | What can we do? |
(마스터) 더불어 세 번째 퀘스트 이후 | Also, after the third quest, there will be no survival game. |
생존 게임은 없습니다 [강조되는 효과음] | Also, after the third quest, there will be no survival game. |
떨어지면 끝이야 생존 게임이 더 이상 없대 | If you lose, that's it. No more survival games. |
(마스터) 그러므로 신중하게 연합 팀을 선택해 주시기 바랍니다 | If you lose, that's it. No more survival games. So pick your alliance carefully. |
(선호) 아, 왜, 패자 부활전 여기서도 그래도 한 번 더 해 주지 | [Sun-ho] Ah, why there isn't another revival match after this? |
(치현) 가혹하구나 | [Sun-ho] Ah, why there isn't another revival match after this? |
어떻게 잔인한 선택을 하게 만드시나 | [Chi-hyun] This is harsh. It's gonna be a cruel pick. |
연합만 잘 맺으면 승산이 있겠다 | If we get a good alliance, we have a shot. |
'어떤 팀을 연합을 맺어야지 제일 좋을까'라는 거를 | I wondered which team would be the best to partner with. |
[차분한 음악] 생각을 했죠, 아무래도 | I wondered which team would be the best to partner with. |
(성빈) [피식 웃으며] 너무 뻔한데? | [Sung-bin] It's too obvious. |
(성빈) 조진형 팀 생각했고 | Jo Jin-hyeong's team. I think that because they're so strong. |
힘이 워낙 세니까 | I think that because they're so strong. |
배를 옮기려면 힘이 있어야 되는데 | TEAM LEADER JANG EUN-SIL NATIONAL TEAM WRESTLER To move a ship, we need strength. |
그분들은 아무래도 덩어리가 있으시니까 | And they probably have lumps. |
(상욱) 조진형 선수님 팀도 그렇고 | [Sang-wook] Jo Jin-hyeong's team and Choo Sung-hoon's team |
추성훈 선수님 | [Sang-wook] Jo Jin-hyeong's team and Choo Sung-hoon's team and Yun Sung-bin's too. |
윤성빈 선수님 | and Yun Sung-bin's too. |
힘하고 폭발력이 좀 좋고 덩치가 있는 팀 | A team with strength and explosive power with massive bodies. |
전 그 팀들이 좋을 거 같다고 생각했습니다 | I thought they would do well. |
(해민) 저 끄는 거는 진짜 자신 있어요 | I'm really good at pulling stuff. |
(진형) 오빠 1등 했어, 끄는 거 | I came in first in a dragging event. |
[다영의 탄성] | I came in first in a dragging event. Yesterday, we competed with friendship in mind, |
쉽게 이기려면 성빈이네랑 하고 싶었어요 | For an easy win, I wanted to partner with Sung-bin. |
(박진용) 왜냐면 거기는 다 다섯 명이 남자잖아요 | For an easy win, I wanted to partner with Sung-bin. [Jin-yong] Because all five of them are guys. |
(성빈) 근데 우리 이건 우리만 그런 게 아니고 | [Jin-yong] Because all five of them are guys. But probably everyone else was thinking the same thing. |
다들 똑같을 거야, 아마 [팀원들이 호응한다] | But probably everyone else was thinking the same thing. The same team, no question. |
(식) 조진형 씨 팀도 우리를 제일 어떻게 보면 높게… [기관이 호응한다] | Jo Jin-hyeong's team might think we have all the aces. -Yeah. We don't have any women. -Yes. |
우리 팀이 어떻게 보면 제일 에이스 팀으로 [기관이 거든다] | -Yeah. We don't have any women. -Yes. |
(성빈) 저희가 또 남자 비율이 가장 높은 팀 아니었나요? | -Yeah. We don't have any women. -Yes. Aren't we the team with the highest male ratio? |
세니까, 그쪽에 있는 아들이 기본적으로 힘쓰는 것도 다 좋고 | They all know how to use their strength. |
배 끌기 미션이라는 거는 | Dragging a ship requires tremendous strength. |
엄청난 근력을 필요로 하는 미션이고 | Dragging a ship requires tremendous strength. |
(선호) 남성이 주 멤버로 있는 팀이 | [Sun-ho] A team that's mostly men would give us an advantage. |
유리하다고 생각을 했기 때문에 | [Sun-ho] A team that's mostly men would give us an advantage. |
윤성빈 팀이 같이 함께 한다면 | I thought we'll have a better chance if we could partner with Yun Sung-bin's team. |
좋은 결과가 나지 않을까 그런 생각을 했습니다 | if we could partner with Yun Sung-bin's team. |
(강민) 먼저 후추를 좀 쳐 놔야 돼, 형님이 [흥미로운 음악] | Go, give them a pitch. Make them excited. |
[강민의 웃음] | Go, give them a pitch. Make them excited. |
(선호) 성빈아, 같이 한번 해 보자 | Sung-bin, let's do this together. |
성빈아, 같이 한번 해 보자 | Sung-bin, let's do this together. |
[윤성빈 팀의 웃음] | [all laughing] Don't you wanna move on with us? Look, it's not a bad deal. |
같이 올라가고 싶지? | Don't you wanna move on with us? Look, it's not a bad deal. |
봐 봐, 성빈아, 나쁘지 않잖아 | Don't you wanna move on with us? Look, it's not a bad deal. |
[참가자들의 탄성과 웃음] | Oh… |
[강조되는 효과음] (아름) 오, 마이 갓 | [Han-saem] Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. |
[참가자들의 탄성] | [Han-saem] Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. |
오, 마이 갓, 오, 마이 갓 [참가자들의 웃음] | [Han-saem] Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. |
(성빈) 가까이서 한번 봐도 돼요? 진짜로? | Can I take a look? Really? |
와, 이쪽이, 씨 | Wow, this is sick. |
(한샘) 강민이 형의 허벅지를 딱 보여 주는 순간 | [Han-saem] As soon as Kang-min showed them his thigh, |
그때 이제 알았죠 | I knew, we are gonna be on the same team. |
'아, 같은 팀을 하겠구나' | I knew, we are gonna be on the same team. |
(희동) 김강민 선수의 허벅지를 봤거든요 | [Hee-dong] I saw Kang-min's thighs. They looked reliable. |
믿음직스러웠습니다 | [Hee-dong] I saw Kang-min's thighs. They looked reliable. |
그냥 믿는 거 같았어요, 그냥 | They just believe in me. |
[웃음] | [laughing nervously] |
(희동) 저 두 팀만 안 고르면 돼요, 저희가 | As long as we don't pick those two teams. |
[의미심장한 음악] - (성빈) 그렇지 - (희동) 여자분이랑 저기 다리… | -The girls and the leg injury. -Right. We just have to tag the top two. |
(식) 어차피 2등 이상만 하면 되니까 | We just have to tag the top two. |
(기관) 약간 꼴등 할 거 같은 조를 만들게끔 몰아주는 것도 | Forcing them to make a team that will most likely lose could be an option. |
방법인 거지 | that will most likely lose could be an option. |
(은실) 이미 지금 저기 연합하고 있는 거 같고 | [Eun-sil] I think they're already teaming up. |
(형근) 쟤네들도 우리가 여자가 세 명이 있으니까 [은실이 호응한다] | They won't want to work with us because our team has three women. |
하고 싶지 않거든 | They won't want to work with us because our team has three women. |
근데 우리가 그냥 여자가 아니잖아 | But we're not just regular girls. You never know. |
모르는 거야, 그거를 | But we're not just regular girls. You never know. |
배 끌기면 일단은 | To pull a ship, we need body weight but our team is too light. |
(학선) 또 그래도 중량이 좀 있어야 되는데 | To pull a ship, we need body weight but our team is too light. |
우리 팀은 너무 가볍다 | To pull a ship, we need body weight but our team is too light. |
무게 진짜 잘 칠 거 같은 그런 헤비급 | [Hak-seon] We need to be with a heavyweight team that can pull, |
그래서 조진형 팀이랑 같이 하고 싶었어요, 저희는 | [Hak-seon] We need to be with a heavyweight team that can pull, so we wanted to team up with Jo Jin-hyeong's team. |
(미호) 우리도 여기랑 연합할까? 우리 연합하자 | Shall we go get them too? -Uh-huh. -Let's go. |
(형근과 은실) - 안녕하십니까, 예 - 형님, 저희 왔습니다, 형님 | -Hello. -Jin-hyeong, we're here, brother. |
(은실) 전 형님의 왼팔 아닙니까? | -Hello. -Jin-hyeong, we're here, brother. -I'm your wingman, right? -Well, but… |
- (학선) 역사를 쓰는 거 봤죠? - (정명) 아, 근데… | -I'm your wingman, right? -Well, but… |
(학선) 우리 역사 쓰는 거 봤잖아요 | -[Hak-seon] You saw us write history. -Our meeting, our meeting isn't over. |
(정명) 아직, 아직 회의가 안 끝나 가지고 | -[Hak-seon] You saw us write history. -Our meeting, our meeting isn't over. -[Hak-seon] You saw us write history. -We need to, we need to think about this. |
얘들아, 우리 생각 생각을 좀 하자 왜냐면 이게 이제 | -[Hak-seon] You saw us write history. -We need to, we need to think about this. |
(진형) 이게 서바이벌이다 보니까 | [Jin-hyeong] This is survival. |
또 올라가야 되잖아요, 그래서 | We need to move on, so… |
좀 그게 많이 힘들었어요 | [sighs] That was really tough. |
저희도 살아야 되기 때문에 | We have to survive too, so we can't pick just any team. |
마냥 아무 팀이나 고를 순 없고 | We have to survive too, so we can't pick just any team. |
'어중간하게 팀 잘못 고르면 이거 무조건 여기서 떨어진다' | If we pick the wrong team, we are gonna definitely end up going home. |
그 생각 들어 가지고 | If we pick the wrong team, we are gonna definitely end up going home. |
(으뜸) 학선이가 지금 저기 아까 진형 오빠한테 가서 붙었는데 | Hak-seon went to talk to Jin-hyeong |
아마 저분도 머리가 있으면 | but if he thinks for himself, he wouldn't pick a weak team. |
약한 팀을 고르진 않을 거란 말이지 | but if he thinks for himself, he wouldn't pick a weak team. |
우리도 약하지 않아 | -But we're not just a weak team. -[Chi-hyun] Yeah, we're strong. |
- (치현) 우리, 우리 좀 세 - (상욱) 저희는… | -But we're not just a weak team. -[Chi-hyun] Yeah, we're strong. |
(치현) 지금 나 때문에 그런 이미지가 생긴 거지 | My injury gave us a bad image but if you look at you four, you're really strong. |
이렇게 보면 엄청 세 | but if you look at you four, you're really strong. |
지금 이게 달리기하는 이런 미션이 아니잖아 | It's not a running kind of challenge. |
(으뜸) 달리기 아니야, 힘이야 | It's not a running kind of challenge. And I'm confident in dragging stuff. |
(치현) 난 또 자신 있거든 그냥 끄는 거는 | And I'm confident in dragging stuff. -No, it's about strength. -We shouldn't be stuck here like this. |
(상욱) 지금 우리가 그냥 이렇게 모여 있을 게 아니라 | -No, it's about strength. -We shouldn't be stuck here like this. |
(으뜸과 상욱) - 가서 가야 돼, 생각 있는지 - 가 가지고 얘기를 해야 돼 | -No, it's about strength. -We shouldn't be stuck here like this. [Eu-ddeum] We need to go, go and ask who they want to team up with. |
(으뜸) 어디랑 할 생각인지 | [Eu-ddeum] We need to go, go and ask who they want to team up with. |
- (으뜸) 정하셨어요? - (진형) 응 | [Eu-ddeum] We need to go, go and ask who they want to team up with. -Yes. -Have you decided? |
(으뜸과 진형) - 저희가 나쁘지 않은 거 같아요 - 이게 | -Yes. -Have you decided? -Well… -I don't think we're a bad choice. |
(치현) 형님 별거 아닌 거 아시죠? | -Well… -I don't think we're a bad choice. Bro, this is not a big deal, right? You know you can drag with one leg, right? |
끄는 건 그냥 한 발이라도 끄는 거 아시잖아요 [무거운 음악] | Bro, this is not a big deal, right? You know you can drag with one leg, right? |
(진형) 이게 내 혼자 하는 게 아니라 사실 | Bro, this is not a big deal, right? You know you can drag with one leg, right? Uh, this isn't just about me, I have to talk to my team and… |
동생들도 이야기 들어야 돼 | Uh, this isn't just about me, I have to talk to my team and… |
(치현) 동생들은 이미 넘어왔습니다 | Your teammates are already on board. |
(다영) 부상자에 대한 | [Da-young] The injured guy… |
조금 부담스러웠던 거 같아요 | I thought it was a bit daunting. |
뭔가 좀 아쉽지만 부상자라든지 아니면 여자가 없는 팀에 가는 게 | It's sad but it's better for us to partner with a team without women or injured members. |
우리한테 유리하지 않을까 | without women or injured members. |
- (으뜸) 혹시 마음 정하셨어요? - (성훈) 아니요 | -Have you made up your mind? -No. |
- (으뜸) 안 정했어요? - (성훈) 네 [남자의 웃음] | -Have you made up your mind? -No. -You're still thinking? -Yeah. |
(최성혁) 같이 하시죠 | -You're still thinking? -Yeah. -We should make a decision. -Join us. |
(상욱) 협의를 하면 되는 건데 | -We should make a decision. -Join us. |
꼴찌를 안 하는 팀을 정해 가지고 그냥 올라가는 게 중요한 거지 | It's important to pick a team that won't give up. |
어떤 팀하고 하는지 중요하지 않아요 | I think which team you join doesn't really matter. |
제 생각은 그렇습니다, 그래서 | I think which team you join doesn't really matter. |
(미호) 근데 좀 경쟁이다 | But it's a competition |
왜냐면 저 팀이랑 아무도 안 하려고 할 거 아니야 | But it's a competition because no one wants to work with that team. |
- (형근) 우리 팀이랑? - (미호) 저 팀, 저 팀 | because no one wants to work with that team. -With our team? -That team, that team. |
- (형근) 여섯 번째 팀? - (미호) 네 | -With our team? -That team, that team. |
(성훈) 나도 조금 움직여 볼게, 응 | -[Hyung-geun] The sixth team? -[Miho] Yes. [Sung-hoon] I'm gonna get moving. Come on. Let's go together. |
- (성훈) 자, 같이 가자 - (우진용) 오케이, 오케이 | [Sung-hoon] I'm gonna get moving. Come on. Let's go together. |
(남자) 조장들끼리 한번 대화를 하는 게 빠를 것 같습니다 | I think it would be faster if the team leaders do the talking. |
(학선) 조장만 나가서 이야기하시는 게 | I think it would be faster if the team leaders do the talking. It would be best for the team leaders to step up and talk, yes. |
제일 편할 거 같아요, 예 | It would be best for the team leaders to step up and talk, yes. |
(은실) 저희 팀은 제일 센 팀을 이겼습니다 [강조되는 효과음] | It would be best for the team leaders to step up and talk, yes. My team beat the strongest team. |
[참가자들의 웃음] (성빈) 알죠, 저도 알긴 알아요, 저도 | My team beat the strongest team. I know that. I know that already. |
(치현) 우리 팀은 그냥 살아남은 자들 [진형의 고민하는 소리] | -My team members are survivors. -Ah… |
끌어서, 끌기로 살아남은 자들 | They survived by pulling. Did you see Kang-min's thigh? |
강민이 허벅지 봤지? | Did you see Kang-min's thigh? |
(성빈) 아아, 진짜 미치겠네 | [Sung-bin] Ah, this is driving me nuts. |
저는 그러면 | Then I will… [clicks tongue] |
(성빈) '어떤 팀이랑 하는 게 좋을까' | [Sung-bin] Ah, what team should we go with? |
저희 이 팀이랑 같이 할게요 [강조되는 효과음] | I'll go with this team. This team. |
[흥미로운 음악] - (성빈) 저희 이 팀이랑 - (선호) 오케이, 오케이 | I'll go with this team. This team. [Sun-ho] Okay, okay. |
(선호) 오케이, 오케이 | Okay, okay. |
(아름) 기분이 완전 좋아요 | [A-reum] I feel so good. |
그냥 날아갈 거 같아 | I'm so happy I could fly. |
전체적인 밸런스로 봤을 때 | When I considered the overall balance of the teams. |
괜찮겠다 싶었던 게 이제 | When I considered the overall balance of the teams. I thought Ma Sun-ho's team would be good. |
마선호 팀 | I thought Ma Sun-ho's team would be good. |
(선호) 목숨을 다해 끌겠습니다 진짜 | I thought Ma Sun-ho's team would be good. We'll pull like our lives are on the line, seriously. |
(아름) 잘 부탁드립니다 | We'll pull like our lives are on the line, seriously. -[A-reum] Let's make a great team. -Okay. |
(기관) 이렇게 보디빌딩이 이렇게 모였네 | -[A-reum] Let's make a great team. -Okay. -The bodybuilders are together. -That's right. |
- (아름) 맞아 - (기관) 드디어 모였네 | -The bodybuilders are together. -That's right. -We're finally together. -Hey. |
[아름과 기관의 탄성] | -We're finally together. -Hey. |
(은실) 형님, 우리 하세요 | Pick us, brother. |
[무거운 음악] (진형) 근데 이게 진짜 경기가 | But this game, we want to move on easily, and to go up, we need men with strength, because this is about strength. |
이제 서바이벌이니까 올라가야 돼 | and to go up, we need men with strength, because this is about strength. |
올라가야 되기 때문에 힘이 남자가 이거는 힘이라서 | and to go up, we need men with strength, because this is about strength. Jin-hyeong, do we look like ordinary women to you? |
형님, 저희가 그냥 보통 여자로 보이세요? | Jin-hyeong, do we look like ordinary women to you? [Jin-hyeong] No, you don't. |
(진형) 아니, 그건 아는데 | [Jin-hyeong] No, you don't. |
아는데… | You don't. |
(은실) 제 눈을 안 쳐다보려고 하더라고요 | [Eun-sil] He kept avoiding my eyes. |
어필이 씨알도 안 먹히더라고요 | It was impossible to convince him. We survived by pulling so we're confident we're good at that. |
(치현) 저희가 끄는 거에서 버텨서 살아남은 사람들이어서 [성훈이 고민한다] | We survived by pulling so we're confident we're good at that. |
- (성훈) 알아, 그건 - (치현) 자신 있습니다 | I know, I know you're strong. But I have no choice. |
- (성훈) 힘 있는 것도 알아 - (치현) 예 | But I have no choice. |
(진형) 근데 어쩔 수 없다 지금 이거는 | -Yes. -This is a survival and I have no choice. |
서바이벌이라서 어쩔 수 없다 | -Yes. -This is a survival and I have no choice. I'm sorry but I have no choice this time. |
사람들 미안한데 어쩔 수 없다 | I'm sorry but I have no choice this time. Just make the decision you want. |
(해민) 그냥 형이 원하는 곳에 전적으로 하겠습니다 | Just make the decision you want. To win, because it's a survival. |
(남자) 이기려면, 어 이제 서바이벌이라 | Yes. It's a survival. |
(성훈과 보미레) 오케이 | -Yes. -[Da-young] Wow. |
(다영) 와 | -Yes. -[Da-young] Wow. |
(남자) 서바이벌이라 | -[Sung-hoon] Okay. -[Bo-mi-rae] Okay. |
(성훈과 보미레) 오케이 | -[Sung-hoon] Okay. -[Bo-mi-rae] Okay. TEAM CHOO SUNG-HOON AND TEAM JO JIN-HYEONG ALLIANCE |
[흥미진진한 음악] - (진형) 미안하지만 어쩔 수 없어 - (성훈) 어쩔 수 없어 | I'm sorry but I have no choice. |
(진형) 그리고 팀원들이 추성훈 팀에서는 추성훈 형님을 | Choo Sung-hoon's teammates trust him 100 percent |
100% 믿더라고요 | Choo Sung-hoon's teammates trust him 100 percent and my teammates trust me completely. |
그리고 저희 팀도 저를 믿어요 | and my teammates trust me completely. |
(진형) 뭐, 우리 팀은 | [Jin-hyeong] Our team can work with any other team, |
뭐, 어떤 팀하고 해도 할 만하기 때문에 | [Jin-hyeong] Our team can work with any other team, |
뭐, 자신 있습니다, 이번에는 | because so we're confident. |
(은실) 가자, 우리 뭉쳐 보자 뭉쳐 보자 | -Let's go, let's get together. -[Chi-hyun] Okay. |
- (치현) 이렇게? 오케이, 오케이 - (은실) 상체가 세시니까 | -Let's go, let's get together. -[Chi-hyun] Okay. We're here, we're here, we're here. |
(학선과 으뜸) - 왔어, 왔어, 왔어, 괜찮아 - 해 봅시다, 해 봅시다 | -[Hak-seon] It's okay. -[Eun-sil] You have a strong upper body. |
(학선) 괜히 무리하지 마요 괜찮아, 무리하지 마 | Don't try too hard, it's okay. -Don't overdo it. -Let's do this. |
저희가 같은 팀을 하고 싶지는 않았어요 | To be honest, we didn't want to team up with them. |
솔직히 말씀드리면 | To be honest, we didn't want to team up with them. |
(은실) 선택받지 못한 10인이 팀이 되었습니다 | [Eun-sil] The unchosen ten became a team. |
[은실의 웃음] | [laughs] |
진짜 솔직하게 말씀드리면 | To be totally honest, I thought they should know why. |
'본인들도 알겠지' 했어요 | To be totally honest, I thought they should know why. |
약한 분들이 남아 있으면 프로그램이 재미없어지니까 | It would be boring for the show if the weaker people are left, |
강팀들끼리 뭐 연합할 수밖에 없었죠, 예 | so the stronger teams would have to pick each other. |
(상욱) 하나, 둘, 셋 | -[Hyung-geun] Okay, One, two, three! -[man 1] Let's go! |
(함께) 파이팅! | -[Hyung-geun] Okay, One, two, three! -[man 1] Let's go! |
(치현) 절대로 진다는 생각 하지 말고 | [Chi-hyun] Never think we'll lose and fight to the end. |
[흥미진진한 음악] 무조건 끝까지! | [Chi-hyun] Never think we'll lose and fight to the end. We definitely have to win since everyone else looks down on us. |
(으뜸) 우리는 무조건 이겨야 된다 | We definitely have to win since everyone else looks down on us. |
다들 우리 무시하니까 | We definitely have to win since everyone else looks down on us. |
질 생각이었으면 저 집에 갔어요 | If I were thinking of losing, I'd have gone home. |
걱정하지 말고 질 생각 하지 말고 | Don't worry, don't think of losing and let's do our best to the end. |
우리 끝까지 최선을 다하자 | Don't worry, don't think of losing and let's do our best to the end. |
(마스터) 세 번째 퀘스트 | [Master] The allied teams for the third quest are decided. |
모든 연합 팀이 결정되었습니다 | [Master] The allied teams for the third quest are decided. |
[은실의 헛기침] (성훈) 아, 아, 오케이 | [Sang-wook] Ah, okay. [Sung-bin] All right. |
[성훈이 숨을 후 내뱉는다] (선호) 와, 이거 너무… | [Sung-bin] All right. |
[비장한 음악] | |
[긴장한 탄성] | [sighing] Okay. |
결전의 시간이다 | It's time to fight. |
(선호) 우리가 생각했던 대로만 그리고 끝나고 나왔을 때 | Let's do this as we planned. We put all our energy into this, |
아예 그냥 아무 소리 안 나올 정도로 | We put all our energy into this, so that we can't even make a peak when it's over. |
우리가 힘을 다 쏟으면 될 거 같아 | so that we can't even make a peak when it's over. |
- (기관) 아, 거품 뭅니다 - (선호) 자, 다시 한번 더 | -I'm so excited. -Then, let's go! |
- (선호) 자, 파이팅! - (참가자들) 파이팅! [선호의 기합] | -I'm so excited. -Then, let's go! Let's go! |
(선호) 정말 우리 팀은 살아남자 [참가자들의 기합] | [Sun-ho] Seriously, our team will survive. |
정말 떨어지고 싶지 않았고 | I really didn't want to lose. |
꼴등을 안 하는 게 첫 번째 목표니까 | Our goal is not to come last. |
(은실) 우리 팀 파이팅 한번 하자, 밑으로? | -[Eun-sil] Let's do a team cheer. -[Hak-seon] Down? |
(형근) 무조건 이긴다 | [man 1] We'll win no matter what. |
이기러 왔고 역사 씁시다, 오늘 [저마다 말한다] | [man 1] We'll win no matter what. [man 2] We came here to win, so let's write history today. |
하나, 둘, 셋 | [man 2] We came here to win, so let's write history today. -One, two, three. Let's go! -Let's go! |
(함께) 파이팅! | -One, two, three. Let's go! -Let's go! |
(치현) 오케이! [박수 소리] | -One, two, three. Let's go! -Let's go! |
(은실) 아, 팀장으로서 부담도 됐습니다 | [Eun-sil] I felt pressure as team leader. |
일단 해 봐야 아는 거니까 | You never know what will happen until everything's over, |
끝까지 밀어붙이겠습니다 | You never know what will happen until everything's over, so I'll push to the end. |
(상욱) 죽는다는 각오로 | [Sang-wook] I'll fight to the death. |
다시는 떨어지지 않겠다는 각오로 열심히 하겠습니다 | I'll work hard. I'll never fail again. |
(진형) 여기도 똑같네, 똑같네 | It's the same here. TEAM CHOO SUNG-HOON AND JO JIN-HYEONG |
자! 해 보자! | -Okay, let's do this! -[man 1] Let's do this! |
(우진용) 해 보자! [함께 환호한다] | -Okay, let's do this! -[man 1] Let's do this! [women cheer] |
- (진형) 뭐, 별거 있나 - (다영) 파이팅, 파이팅! | -[Da-young] Go! Go! -Let's go! |
(해민) 파이팅! | -[Da-young] Go! Go! -Let's go! |
(진형) 한 대 때려 줘, 뒤에 때려 줘, 뒤에 한 대 | Hit him on the back. Hit the person behind you. |
[민철의 아파하는 신음] | [laughing] Ow. |
- (성훈) 아휴 - (우진용) 언제… | Oh, gosh. |
[참가자들의 웃음] (박진용) 언제 때려 봐 저도 해 주세요 | Oh, gosh. Hit me any time. |
- (성훈) 아휴 - (다영) 어? 저도요 | Gosh. -Everyone, get slapped. -[Da-young] Me too. |
(박진용) 한 대씩 다 맞아 | -Everyone, get slapped. -[Da-young] Me too. |
[참가자들의 웃음] - (성훈) 아휴 - (진형) 아, 좋다 | -Everyone, get slapped. -[Da-young] Me too. Ah, nice. |
(성훈) 와, 크다 | [Bo-mi-rae] Hard. |
(보미레) 세게 [성훈이 호응한다] | [Bo-mi-rae] Hard. |
[참가자들의 탄성] | There we go. |
[참가자들의 기합] | [shouts] |
(성훈) 요번에 팀이 끝이니까 | [Sung-hoon] No matter what, this is the last team quest. |
저는 무조건 이겨야 되니까 | [Sung-hoon] No matter what, this is the last team quest. I must win. |
(진형) 살아남을 자신 있습니다 | [Jin-hyeong] I'm confident we'll survive. |
다 죽었어! | You're all dead. |
"퀘스트: 3" | [ominous music playing] |
[의미심장한 음악] | [Jin-hyeong] Come at me! Darn. |
- (진형) 뭐고? 또, 씨 - (우진용) 악! | [Jin-hyeong] Come at me! Darn. -Ah, right, an upward slope. -What's this? |
- (진형) 뭐고, 이거? - (정명) 아, 맞네, 오르막 | -Ah, right, an upward slope. -What's this? |
[긴장되는 효과음] | [lights thudding] |
(마스터) '피지컬: 100' 세 번째 퀘스트 [천둥소리 효과음] | [Master] Physical: 100's third quest, pull a 1.5-ton ship. |
1.5톤 배 끌기 | [Master] Physical: 100's third quest, pull a 1.5-ton ship. |
그럼 세 번째 퀘스트를 | The third quest will begin now. |
시작하겠습니다 | The third quest will begin now. |
[참가자들의 탄성] (정명) 밧줄 해 가지고 올리는 거지 | The ship, yes, that's it, you're right. |
(성훈) 아, 배가 그렇게 되네 | The ship, yes, that's it, you're right. |
(진형과 정명) - 헹님, 이거 나무로 하는 거 맞네 - 와, 물 없네 | We're using wood, we use the wood and pull. |
(진형) 나무로 하는 거 맞네 그래서 저, 끌어땡기고 [우진용이 묻는다] | [Jin-yong] It's what we talked about, right? Putting wood underneath. |
(우진용) 나무 밑에 해 가지고 | [Jin-yong] It's what we talked about, right? Putting wood underneath. -Yes, but it's heavy, wood is heavy. -Whoa, and there are obstacles too. |
[진형의 탄성] (성훈) 아니, 근데 무거워 나무가 무거워 | -Yes, but it's heavy, wood is heavy. -Whoa, and there are obstacles too. |
(진형) 그라고 이게 그게 있네 | -Yes, but it's heavy, wood is heavy. -Whoa, and there are obstacles too. |
- (진형) 장애물이 있었네 - (다영) 장애물 있다고 했잖아 | [Da-young] They said there would be obstacles. [Jin-yong] There are obstacles. |
(마스터) '피지컬: 100' | [Master] Physical: 100. |
1.5톤에 달하는 무거운 배를 | In this quest, you have to pull a 1.5-ton-heavy ship to the finish line. |
결승점까지 끌어 올려야 하는 이번 퀘스트는 | In this quest, you have to pull a 1.5-ton-heavy ship to the finish line. Muscle strength is the most important element in this quest. |
근력이 가장 중요합니다 | Muscle strength is the most important element in this quest. |
(진형) 배가 큰 게 보이더라고요, 배 | [Jin-hyeong] I saw the huge ship. |
1.5톤이라 해서 생각보다 작게 생각했어요, 사실은 | When they said 1.5 tons, I thought it would be smaller, |
근데, 와, 배가 커요, 생각보다 | When they said 1.5 tons, I thought it would be smaller, but whoa, the ship was bigger than I thought. |
1.5톤 넘을 거 같은데, 배가요 | It looked heavier than that. |
(마스터) 지금부터 퀘스트의 룰을 설명해 드리겠습니다 | [Master] Here are the rules of this quest. |
팀 연합 매치로 진행되는 이번 퀘스트는 | We will time how long it takes you to move the ship to the dock. |
배를 정박지까지 이동시킨 시간을 측정해 | We will time how long it takes you to move the ship to the dock. The order of the recorded time will determine your fate. |
기록순으로 생존과 탈락이 결정됩니다 | The order of the recorded time will determine your fate. |
- (진형) 정박지가 어딘데? - (성훈) 어디까지? [참가자들이 대화한다] | -Where's the dock? -How far? [Nippert] Up, up, okay. -[Jin-yong] Up there? -[Jung-myung] Up there. |
- (민철) 저 위에까지? - (우진용) 응, 위에까지 | -[Jin-yong] Up there? -[Jung-myung] Up there. |
(마스터) 가장 기록이 빠른 두 연합은 전원 생존 | [Master] The two allied teams with the faster records will survive. |
최하위를 기록한 연합은 전원 탈락합니다 | The one with the worst record will be eliminated. |
여러분의 눈앞에 배 위에 실어야 하는 | Scattered in front of you are ten oak barrels you must load onto the ship. |
열 개의 오크 통이 흩어져 있습니다 | are ten oak barrels you must load onto the ship. |
(다영) 배 위에 실어야 된다고? | [Bo-mi-rae] We need to load them on board? |
- (해민) 무슨 통이에요? - (우진용) 이거, 이거 | -[Jin-yong] What barrels? -This, this. |
(성훈) 이거 엄청 무거울 거 같은데? | It looks crazy heavy. I'll just pull them out. |
(우진용) 뽑겠습니다, 이거 | I'll just pull them out. |
(마스터) 신호음이 울리면 열 개의 오크 통을 | When you hear the signal, you must load all ten oak barrels onto the ship. |
모두 배 위에 실어야 합니다 | When you hear the signal, you must load all ten oak barrels onto the ship. |
(정명) 아, 이거 뽑아서 실어야 돼 [다영의 탄성] | [Jin-yong] Ah, we need to take them out and load them. |
(성훈) 실어야 된다고? 다? | Load them on the ship? All of them? |
(마스터) 단, 오크 통 한 개는 | [Master] However, one oak barrel… |
해머를 찾아 궤짝을 깨야만 획득하실 수 있습니다 | one oak barrel can be obtained by finding a hammer and smashing a crate with it. |
반드시 열 개의 오크 통을 | one oak barrel can be obtained by finding a hammer and smashing a crate with it. You can only start to move the ship once all ten oak barrels are on board. |
모두 배에 실어야만 출발이 가능합니다 | You can only start to move the ship once all ten oak barrels are on board. |
배를 끌고 이동할 때는 통나무를 배 앞에 깔고 [드르륵거리는 소리] | You can only start to move the ship once all ten oak barrels are on board. To move the ship, lay out the logs in front and push the ship over them. |
그 위로 배를 밀어서 이동하시면 됩니다 | To move the ship, lay out the logs in front and push the ship over them. |
정박지 앞 언덕에 도착하면 | Once you reach the slope up to the dock, |
도르래와 배의 로프를 연결해 | Once you reach the slope up to the dock, attach the ship's rope to the pulley and pull the ship up the slope. |
배를 언덕 위까지 끌어 올려야 합니다 | attach the ship's rope to the pulley and pull the ship up the slope. |
마지막으로 배의 로프를 쇠 말뚝에 거는 순간 | Finally, the game ends when you slide the ship's rope over the iron stake. |
게임은 종료됩니다 | Finally, the game ends when you slide the ship's rope over the iron stake. |
[휘슬이 삑 울린다] | [whistle blows] |
(진형) 근데 망치 어디 있는데? | [Jin-hyeong] But where's the hammer? -The hammer's there in the back. -[Jung-myung] There. |
- (해민) 망치 저기 뒤에 있어요 - (우진용) 망치 저기 | -The hammer's there in the back. -[Jung-myung] There. [Jin-hyeong] It's there? Then who's gonna smash it? |
(진형) 그라면 저거를 누가 깰래? | [Jin-hyeong] It's there? Then who's gonna smash it? |
(다영) 니퍼트가 깨 줘, 오크 통 [차분한 음악] | [Da-young] Nippert could. Do you wanna break it? |
깰래? 저거, 저거 상자 | [Da-young] Nippert could. Do you wanna break it? -[Jin-yong] Nippert can do it. -[Da-young] There, that box. |
(정명) 그럼 니퍼트가 깨고 | -[Jin-yong] Nippert can do it. -[Da-young] There, that box. |
(진형) 이거를 하나씩 정해 줘야 될 거 같아요 | We should decide who's gonna do what now. |
그래야 바로 한 번에 뭘, 뭘 정해야 될 거 같으니까 | We should decide who's gonna do what now. Well, the logs, we had to bring the logs too. |
(민철) 통나무도 갖다 놓아야겠고 | Well, the logs, we had to bring the logs too. |
(진형) 아니, 통나무는 하고 나서 하면 되니까 | No, we can move the logs later. The oak barrels come first. |
일단 이 오크부터 | No, we can move the logs later. The oak barrels come first. |
그러니까 오크 통 먼저 끝내고 나서 | We move them first then move the logs. |
저 통나무를 옮겨야지 | We move them first then move the logs. |
(우진용) 질문이 뽑아서 갖다 놓을까요? 아니면 | My question is, do we dig them up and bring them over or… |
(진형) 아니지, 오크 통 바로 실어 | -No, load them right away. -[Bo-mi-rae] Right away? |
(보미레와 진형) - 바로 싣는… - 바로 싣고 나서 끝나고 나면 | -No, load them right away. -[Bo-mi-rae] Right away? Put the barrels in the ship |
- (진형) 바로 통나무 옮겨 - (우진용) 알겠습니다 | -then, we were gonna move the logs. -[Min-cheol] Got it. |
(진형) 우리 팀에 '스트롱맨'이 두 명이 있다는 걸 | [Jin-hyeong] They must've forgotten there are two of The strongest man competitors on our team. |
다 까먹고 있나 본데 | there are two of The strongest man competitors on our team. |
우리는 웬만한 건 다 끌어 봤으니까 | We've pulled most things. |
주도적으로 끌고 간 건 일단 조진형 팀장님이 | Team Leader Jo Jin-hyeong took the active lead first. |
'이거 해라', '저거 해라' 이렇게 말씀하셨고 | Team Leader Jo Jin-hyeong took the active lead first. He said, "Do this, do that." |
노련함에서 좀 나오는 노하우 이런 거 아닐까 | I think he used the know-how coming from being experienced. |
가장 적극적으로 아이디어를 냈던 거 같아요 | I think he used the know-how coming from being experienced. He came up with most of the ideas. |
(성훈) [손뼉 치며] 여러분, 여러분, 여러분 | Everyone, everyone. Don't rush too much. |
너무 서두르지 말고 | Everyone, everyone. Don't rush too much. |
우리는 거기 아까 팀 있었잖아 | Everyone, everyone. Don't rush too much. -There were other teams back there. -Right. |
- (성훈) 훨씬 세, 훨씬 세 - (진형) 우리는 맞아 | -There were other teams back there. -Right. We have a bigger advantage, we're much stronger. |
제대로 그냥 생각하면 돼 | We have a bigger advantage, we're much stronger. |
- (성훈) 오케이? - (니퍼트) 오케이 [참가자들이 호응한다] | We just need to think smart. Okay? |
(참가자들) 파이팅! | -Yes. -Let's go! [Da-young] Okay. Let's go! |
[긴장되는 음악] | |
(성훈) 인제 우리가 한 팀 돼서 팀워크 무조건 필요해요 | [Sung-hoon] Now we're one team and we definitely need teamwork. |
자기가 너무 힘세다고 한꺼번에 힘 당기면 | If we just pull hard but our breathing doesn't match, |
이게 호흡이 안 맞으면 힘을 못 써요 | If we just pull hard but our breathing doesn't match, we won't be able to use our strength. |
(성훈) 그래서 그거를 계속 생각하면서 | So we kept that in mind and strategized together. |
'호흡 맞춰서 우리는 하자' | So we kept that in mind and strategized together. |
이런 식으로 작전 냈습니다 | Made a plan. |
[흥미진진한 음악] (정명) 그때부터 이제 긴장감이랑 | [Jung-myung] That's when the tension started to build up. |
그런 게 조금씩 올라오더라고요 | [Jung-myung] That's when the tension started to build up. |
마치 좀 시합 때 경기를 앞두고 있는 | It's like a game before the game. |
(보미레) 뒤에 딱 서 있는데 | [Bo-mi-rae] I was standing in the back and I was like, |
'진짜 오늘 진짜 이기고 싶다' 이런 생각이 들었어요 | [Bo-mi-rae] I was standing in the back and I was like, "I really wanna win today." |
(우진용) 떨어지지 않는 게 목표가 아니고 1등 | [Jin-yong] Not losing out isn't my goal. Coming first is. |
1등으로 올라가겠다 | [Jin-yong] Not losing out isn't my goal. Coming first is. |
(진형) 그냥 자신 있었어요 | [Jin-hyeong] I'm confident. When it comes to strength, we won't lose. |
힘으로는 어디 가서도 웬만하면 안 집니다, 저희 | [Jin-hyeong] I'm confident. When it comes to strength, we won't lose. |
살아남을 자신 무조건 있습니다, 네 | We're definitely gonna survive, yeah. |
(성훈) 승부니까 무조건 이겨야 돼 | [Sung-hoon] This is a competition, so we have to win, but also… |
근데 재밌게 이겨야 돼요 [강조되는 효과음] | [Sung-hoon] This is a competition, so we have to win, but also… we're gonna have fun while winning. [Master] Now… the third quest will begin. |
(마스터) 그럼 | [Master] Now… the third quest will begin. |
세 번째 퀘스트를 시작하겠습니다! [비장한 음악] | [Master] Now… the third quest will begin. |
- (진형) 한다, 한다 - (정명) 파이팅, 파이팅! | -It's on, it's on. -Let's go, let's go! |
[휘슬이 삑 울린다] - (정명) 오케이, 고 - (진형) 가자 | -[whistle blowing] -[Jin-hyeong] Come on, let's go! |
[휘슬이 삑 울린다] - (정명) 오케이, 고 - (진형) 가자 | -[whistle blowing] -[Jin-hyeong] Come on, let's go! [Jin-hyeong] Come on, let's go! |
(우진용) 바로 가 | [Jin-hyeong] Come on, let's go! Go straight. |
(진형) 옮겨 | Move them. |
[진형의 힘주는 소리] | [grunts] |
(진형) 통나무도 들 만했어요 별로 안 무거웠어요 | [Jin-hyeong] The log was not too heavy to carry, |
단지 모래밭이라서 힘든 거예요 | but the sand made it so hard. |
내가 할 수 있는 거는 그냥 조용히 입 다물고 | All I could do was to keep my mouth shut and work. |
무조건 힘쓰는 거밖에 없다 생각했습니다 | All I could do was to keep my mouth shut and work. |
[영어] | [Nippert] It's just not that I'm strong, I need to be smart. |
[웃음] | [laughs] |
[박진용의 힘주는 소리] (정명) [한국어] 씨발 존나 깊은데? | [Jung-myung grunts] Are your hands hurting? |
진용아, 한쪽만 파야 될 거 같은데, 일단 | I think we should dig this side first. |
(박진용) 여기, 여기 파자 | Here, let's dig here. |
[힘주며] 가요 | [Jin-yong grunting] Go. [Jung-myung] You can carry that on your own. |
[박진용의 힘주는 소리] | [Jung-myung] You can carry that on your own. [grunting with exertion] |
(우진용) 여기 참가자 중에서는 제가 날렵한 편이긴 해요 | [Jin-yong] Out of the contestants here, I am the best one. |
체구에 비해서 힘을 잘 쓰기 때문에 | I'm strong for my size so I'm sure we can win. |
무조건 이길 수 있다 | I'm strong for my size so I'm sure we can win. |
- (다영) 읏차 - (보미레) 할 수 있어 | We can do it, one, two, three. |
(함께) 하나, 둘, 셋 | We can do it, one, two, three. One, two, three. |
(다영) 읏차 | One, two, three. |
(성훈) 하나, 둘, 셋 하나, 둘, 셋, 하나, 둘, 셋 [해민의 힘주는 소리] | [Sung-hoon] One, two, three. One, two, three. |
가자, 가자 아, 생각보다 무겁네 | One, two, three. Roll it over, let's go, let's go. |
[무거운 음악] (해민과 성훈) 하나, 둘, 셋 | -One, two, three. -[Sung-hoon] It's heavier than I thought. |
(성훈) 잠깐만 | -One, two, three. -[Sung-hoon] It's heavier than I thought. -[Sung-hoon] One, two, three. -[Hae-min] One, two, three. |
내가 좀 아파 가지고, 잠깐만 | -[Sung-hoon] One, two, three. -[Hae-min] One, two, three. [Sung-hoon] Wait. That hurts. Wait a bit. |
(성훈) 솔직히 이게 가볍다고 생각했는데 이게 들면 [성훈과 해민이 구령한다] | [Sung-hoon] Wait. That hurts. Wait a bit. [Sung-hoon] I thought it would be lighter but when I lifted it, |
무조건 남자 둘이는 못 하고 | [Sung-hoon] I thought it would be lighter but when I lifted it, |
(성훈) 네가 올려, 거기 올라가, 올라가 | [Sung-hoon] I thought it would be lighter but when I lifted it, it wasn't something two men could manage. |
- (해민) 어? 미끄러지는데 - (성훈) 어? | [Hae-min] Uh, it's sliding. |
(성훈) 몇 kg였는지 모르겠지만 진짜 무겁습니다 | [Sung-hoon] Put it up there. Then you go. [Sung-hoon] I don't know how much it weigh but it was really heavy. |
[해민과 성훈의 힘겨운 숨소리] | [both grunting] |
[해민의 힘겨운 숨소리] | [exhausted groan] |
(해민과 성훈) 하나, 둘, 셋 | [Hae-min] One, two, three. |
(성훈) 와, 이게 | [ragged panting] Whoa, this, this is… |
[성훈이 숨을 후 내뱉는다] | Whoa, this, this is… |
(성훈) 이거 도와줘, 도와줘 도와줘, 도와줘 | Yeah, help them. Yes, help them, help them, help them. [Sung-hoon] The oak barrel. |
(성훈) 오크 통 엄청 무거웠습니다 | [Sung-hoon] The oak barrel. It was so heavy. Crazy heavy. |
엄청 무거웠죠 | It was so heavy. Crazy heavy. |
[어두운 음악] | [suspenseful music playing] |
[보미레의 힘겨운 신음] | [grunts] |
[니퍼트의 힘주는 소리] | [grunts] |
[보미레의 힘주는 소리] | -[grunts] -Drop that in and take this. |
(정명) 진용아, 너 하나 놓고 받아 | -[grunts] -Drop that in and take this. |
뭐야, 그다음? 통나무? | What's next? The logs? |
(정명과 박진용) - 통나무 옮겨, 통나무 옮겨 - 통나무, 통나무 | What's next? The logs? -[Bo-mi-rae] This, this, this. -Move the logs, the logs, the logs. |
(다영과 보미레) - 이거 들어, 한 명 들어 주세요 - 이거, 이거, 이거, 이거 | -[Bo-mi-rae] This, this, this. -Move the logs, the logs, the logs. [Da-young] We need two people to carry this. |
(정명) 누구야? 보미레, 가자 | -One and two. -Bo-mi-rae, let's go. |
[보미레의 힘주는 소리] | -One and two. -Bo-mi-rae, let's go. [ragged breathing] |
(보미레) 멀리, 멀리 여기, 여기에 놔요 | Far away. Put it down here. |
(성훈) 생각, 생각보다 무거우니까 | |
- (박진용) 들게요, 하나, 둘, 셋 - (성훈) 하나, 둘, 셋 | We need to work together, this is heavier than I thought. |
- (우진용) 조심 - (성훈) 하나, 둘, 셋 | We need to work together, this is heavier than I thought. Let's lift. One, two, three, one, two, three. |
(성훈) 오케이 | Let's lift. One, two, three, one, two, three. |
(성훈) 하나, 둘, 셋, 오케이 | One, two, three. |
(우진용) 그거 풀어요, 풀어 | [Hae-min] Let it go, let it go. |
(진형) 반대쪽, 반대쪽 | |
- (진형) 밀자, 밀자 - (성훈) 밀자 | The other side, the other side. |
(진형) 반대쪽, 반대쪽 | The other side. Let's go this way, here. |
- (성훈) 반대, 잡아 - (박진용) 요쪽으로 가야지 | [Jin-hyeong] Let's push, let's push, let's push. [Jin-yong] Uh, me, uh, do I go to the other side? |
(민철) 어, 나, 잠시만 나 반대로 가야 되나요? | [Jin-yong] Uh, me, uh, do I go to the other side? [Jin-hyeong] The other side, the other side. |
- (우진용) 하나 - (성훈) 하나, 둘, 셋 | One, two, three. [grunting] |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | [grunting] |
[소란스럽다] (박진용) 이게 뚫려야 될 거 같은데? | [Da-young] One. Okay, one, two, three. |
- (우진용) 하나 - (성훈) 하나, 둘, 셋 | Okay, one, two, three. [all grunting] |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | [all grunting] |
[소란스럽다] (박진용) 이게 뚫려야 될 거 같은데? | Go, one, two, three. |
- (우진용) 하나 - (성훈) 하나, 둘, 셋 | Go, one, two, three. |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | [all grunting] |
(박진용) 이게 다 싣고 처음 딱 배를 미는데 | [Jin-yong] We loaded everything and pushed the ship and I was so flustered. |
너무 당황스러웠어요 안 밀리는 거예요 | [Jin-yong] We loaded everything and pushed the ship and I was so flustered. It wouldn't move. It wouldn't even budge. |
꿈쩍도 안 하는 거예요 | It wouldn't move. It wouldn't even budge. |
(우진용) 생각보다 너무 무겁더라고요, 진짜 | [Park Jin-yong] It was so much heavier than I thought, really. |
'아, 이게 가능할까?' | I thought, "Oh, is this even possible?" |
(진형) 안 끌리더라고 | [Jin-hyeong] It didn't move. I wasn't even sure how to push it. |
어떻게 밀어야 될지도 모르겠고 | [Jin-hyeong] It didn't move. I wasn't even sure how to push it. |
이거 당겨야 되나? 옆으로 해야 되나? | [Jin-hyeong] It didn't move. I wasn't even sure how to push it. I thought, do we need to pull it? |
그리고 오크 통이 실려 있잖아요 | I thought, do we need to pull it? There were the oak barrels too. They made it even heavier. |
그 무게까지 올라가니까 이제 더 무거워진 거겠죠 | There were the oak barrels too. They made it even heavier. |
- (성훈) 일단 밀자, 하나, 둘, 셋 - (우진용) 하나 | One, two, three. |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | [clamoring] |
[소란스럽다] (박진용) 이게 뚫려야 될 거 같은데? | [clamoring] |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | |
[소란스럽다] 이게 뚫려야 될 거 같은데? | |
(우진용과 성훈) - 하나, 둘, 셋 - 들어야 되겠다, 들어야 되겠다 | -One, two, three. -We need to lift, we need to lift it. |
(성훈) 들어서 가자, 들어서 '하나, 둘, 셋' 해서 들어 | -One, two, three. -We need to lift, we need to lift it. Let's lift, lift and push. Lift on three. |
(참가자들) 하나, 둘, 셋 | Let's lift, lift and push. Lift on three. |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | Let's lift, lift and push. Lift on three. [all] One, two, three. |
(성훈) 하나, 둘, 셋 [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | [all] One, two, three. [all grunt] |
(참가자들) 하나, 둘, 셋! [참가자들의 기합] | [all] One, two, three. [exertive shouts] |
하나, 둘, 셋! | [all] One, two, three. [exertive shouts] |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | [Hae-min] Team Leader Choo Sung-hoon had great leadership… |
(해민) 추성훈 팀장이 굉장히 좀 리더십이 있어서 [성훈이 지시한다] | [Hae-min] Team Leader Choo Sung-hoon had great leadership… Let's lift on three. …and it helped us put our energy together and work in unison. |
힘을 모으는 데 박자 같은 것도 잘 맞았던 거 같아요 | …and it helped us put our energy together and work in unison. |
(참가자들) 하나, 둘, 셋! [참가자들의 기합] | [all] One, two, three. [exertive shouts] |
하나, 둘, 셋! | [all] One, two, three. |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | [grunting] |
[참가자들이 구령한다] (정명) 사실 모든 팀원이 다 당황한 거 같아요 | [Jung-myung] Actually, I think everyone was agitated. |
근데 그때부터 다시 잡고 | But we got together and went "One, two, three" |
'하나, 둘, 셋' 해서 옮기니까 그때 끌리니까 | But we got together and went "One, two, three" and pushed and it began to move. |
'이거는 무조건 다 같이 힘을 한 번에 다 같이 써야 된다' | and pushed and it began to move. So we realized we had to push at the same time, |
'무조건 팀워크가 중요하다' 그 생각이 바로 들더라고요 | So we realized we had to push at the same time, that it was definitely about teamwork. |
(참가자들) 하나, 둘, 셋! | [all] One, two, three. |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | [all] One, two, three. [all] One, two, three. |
하나, 둘, 셋! | [all] One, two, three. |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | [all] One, two, three. |
하나, 둘, 셋 | [all] One, two, three. |
[드르륵] | [all] One, two, three. |
하나, 둘, 셋! | [all] One, two, three. |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] (정명) 이쪽, 이쪽 좀 밀어, 밀어 | Jin-hyeong, here, at the back, on this side. |
[다영의 힘주는 소리] (우진용) 진형이 형, 여기, 여기… | -[Da-young shouts] -This side, this side, push, push. |
(정명) 글로도 밀어야 돼요, 좀 | -[Da-young shouts] -This side, this side, push, push. We have to push this way, this way. |
(해민) 이렇게 잡으면 되겠다 | We have to push this way, this way. One, two, three. |
(진형) 하나, 둘, 셋! | One, two, three. |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] (참가자들) 오케이 | Okay. |
(진형) 하나, 둘, 셋! | One, two, three. |
(참가자들) 오케이 [해민의 탄성] | [men] Okay. |
역시 듬직하구나 | He's so reliable. |
덩칫값 하네 | He's awesome. [chuckles] |
(성훈) 간다, 앞으로 가자 하나, 둘, 셋! [고조되는 음악] | Go, let's go forward. One, two, three. |
하나, 둘, 셋 | One, two, three. [grunts] |
[참가자들의 애쓰는 소리] | [grunting] |
(해민) 됐어? | -[Park Jin-yong] Yes? It moved, it moved. -[all] One, two, three. |
- (정명) 갔어, 갔어 - (성훈) 아니, 아니야, 안 돼 | -[Park Jin-yong] Yes? It moved, it moved. -[all] One, two, three. |
(참가자들) 하나, 둘, 셋! | [Sung-hoon] Yes, no, no. |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] (성훈) 잠시만 | [Sung-hoon] Yes, no, no. [all] One, two, three. |
(참가자들) 하나, 둘, 셋! | [all] One, two, three. [Jin-yong] Okay, we're here, we're here, we're here. |
- (해민) 됐다 - (성훈) 오케이, 왔어, 왔어 | [Hae-min] Watch your feet, watch your feet. The logs need to be laid well. |
- (민철) 통나무 잘해야 돼, 여기 - (정명) 통나무 빼야 돼, 통나무 | The logs need to be laid well. [Park Jin-yong] Take out the logs, the logs. |
- (박진용) 로프 안 걸어? - (다영) 네, 일단 가세요 [무거운 음악] | [Park Jin-yong] Take out the logs, the logs. [Da-young] Okay, go ahead. [ragged breathing] |
[참가자들의 거친 숨소리] | [indistinct chatter] |
- (정명) 밀어, 밀어, 하나 - (성훈) 하나, 둘, 셋 | -[Jin-yong] Push, push. One, two, three. -[Sung-hoon] One, two, three. |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | -[Jin-yong] Push, push. One, two, three. -[Sung-hoon] One, two, three. |
[저마다 말한다] (정명) 통나무 빼야 돼, 뒤에 하나, 둘, 셋 | -[Jin-yong] Push, push. One, two, three. -[Sung-hoon] One, two, three. [Hae-min] Wait, wait, at the bottom, the log. |
잠시만, 저 통나무, 통나무 | -The log, the log. -[Hae-min] One, two, three. |
- (보미레) 아직, 아직, 아직 - (성훈) 그래 | -The log, the log. -[Hae-min] One, two, three. -[Bo-mi-rae] Not yet, not yet, not yet. -[Jung-myung] Run, run. |
- (정명) 통나무 - (박진용) 하나 | -[Bo-mi-rae] Not yet, not yet, not yet. -[Jung-myung] Run, run. |
(정명) 뛰어, 뛰어 | -[Bo-mi-rae] Not yet, not yet, not yet. -[Jung-myung] Run, run. |
- (정명) 뛰어, 뛰어, 뛰어, 뛰어 - (보미레) 하나, 둘, 셋 | Run, run, run, run, run. -[Bo-mi-rae] One, two, three. -[Hae-min] No, no. |
(니퍼트와 성훈) - 잠깐만, 잠깐만, 잠깐만 - 나무, 나무, 나무 | -[Bo-mi-rae] One, two, three. -[Hae-min] No, no. [Nippert] Wait, wait, wait. |
(성훈과 박진용) - 오케이, 오케이, 잘 보고 - 통나무 깔아야지, 그렇지, 좀 더 | [Sung-hoon] Wood, wood, wood, wood. -Okay, okay. Watch out, watch out. -More, more, that'll do, that'll do. |
(정명) 됐어, 됐어 | -Okay, okay. Watch out, watch out. -More, more, that'll do, that'll do. |
(참가자들) 하나, 둘, 셋 | [all] One, two, three. |
(우진용) 여기다, 여기다 | -Over here, over here. -[all] One, two, three. |
- (다영) 밀자, 쭉 - (성훈) 하나, 둘, 셋! | -Over here, over here. -[all] One, two, three. |
(다영) 밀자, 밀자, 계속 밀어요 | -Over here, over here. -[all] One, two, three. [Da-young] Let's keep pushing. |
- (성훈) 하나, 둘, 셋! - (다영) 밀어! | [Da-young] Let's keep pushing. -Push, push. Keep pushing. -[all] One, two, three. |
- (우진용) 통나무 - (진형) 뒤의 거 앞에 오고 | -Move from the back to the front. -Wait, wait, wait. |
- (정명) 잠깐만, 잠깐, 잠깐 - (진형) 잠시만, 잠시만 | -Move from the back to the front. -Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, bring it from the back to the front. |
(진형) 뒤의 거 앞에 와 | Wait, wait, bring it from the back to the front. |
(우진용) 이거 어떻게 해, 이거? 빠질 거 같은데 | [Park Jin-yong] What about this one? -Can you take this? -Bring the wood in the back to the front. |
- (진형) 뒤의 거 앞에 가져오고 - (민철) 가져갈 수 있으세요? | Yes. A bit more, push a bit more. |
[참가자들이 분주하다] | A bit more, push a bit more. |
(박진용) 잠시만요 잠시만요, 잠시만요 | A bit more, push a bit more. Wait, it's a bit, it's this way. |
- (성훈) 잠깐만, 잠깐만, 잘 보고 - (진형) 깔고, 깔고 | -[Jung-myung] One, two, three. -[Jin-yong] Space it out. -[Sung-hoon] Wait, wait, watch carefully. -[Hae-min] The logs. |
(민철) 바짝바짝 붙여야 돼요 통나무를 | -[Sung-hoon] Wait, wait, watch carefully. -[Hae-min] The logs. |
- (보미레) 어? 여기, 여기… - (민철) 간격 넓으면 안 돼 | -Put them close to each other. -[Da-young] Uh? This, this… |
(성훈) 조금, 조금만 이렇게 | -Put them close to each other. -[Da-young] Uh? This, this… -Hae-min, we need to push this. -[Jin-hyeong] Sung-hoon, to the back. |
(정명) 해민이 형 힘 좋은 사람이 밀어야 돼요 [성훈이 호응한다] | -Hae-min, we need to push this. -[Jin-hyeong] Sung-hoon, to the back. -To your side. -A bit, hey, a bit, a bit like this. |
(성훈) 하나, 둘, 셋! 오케이 | -To your side. -A bit, hey, a bit, a bit like this. -[Jin-hyeong] One, two, three. -[Jung-myung] Hey, the log. |
- (우진용) 통나무, 통나무 - (박진용) 됐어 | -[Jin-hyeong] One, two, three. -[Jung-myung] Hey, the log. |
- (민철) 통나무, 통나무 - (박진용) 됐어, 됐어, 됐어 | -[Jin-hyeong] One, two, three. -[Jung-myung] Hey, the log. -[Hae-min] Okay, done. -[Jung-myung] The log, the log, the log. -[Hae-min] Done, done, done, done. -[Sung-hoon] Okay, stop. |
(민철) 각자의 위치에서 각자 수행할 그 임무를 다했다? [성훈이 지시한다] | -[Hae-min] Done, done, done, done. -[Sung-hoon] Okay, stop. [Jin-yong] Each of us played our role so well. Our teamwork was almost perfect. |
호흡 거의 완벽했던 거 같아요 | Our teamwork was almost perfect. |
(진형) 팀전 같은 경우에는 일단 협응력 | [Jin-hyeong] When it comes to a team quest, you need to cooperate |
그리고 팀원끼리 소통이 잘돼야 되거든 | [Jin-hyeong] When it comes to a team quest, you need to cooperate and teammates need to communicate well, and we had that, so I think this team did well. |
그런 게 저희 팀이 너무 잘됐던 거 같아요 | and we had that, so I think this team did well. |
(진형) 땡겨, 땡겨 | -[Hae-min] The log, the log. -[Jin-hyeong] Pull, pull. |
(참가자들) 하나, 둘, 셋! | -[Hae-min] The log, the log. -[Jin-hyeong] Pull, pull. -[all] One, two, three. -[Jin-hyeong] That's it. |
- (우진용) 그렇지 - (니퍼트) 오케이 | -[all] One, two, three. -[Jin-hyeong] That's it. [Sung-hoon] Okay. |
(다영) 쭉, 쭉, 쭉, 쭉, 쭉, 쭉 | [Da-young] Go, go, go, go, go, go. |
- (우진용) 좀 더, 좀 더 - (다영) 한 번 더 | [Da-young] Go, go, go, go, go, go. -[Hae-min] A bit more, a bit more. -[Da-young] A bit more. |
하나, 됐다, 하나, 둘, 셋, 땡겨 [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | Okay, it's done. One, two, three, pull! |
(진형과 성훈) - 하나, 둘, 셋 - 잠깐, 잠깐만, 잠깐만, 잠깐만 | -[Jin-hyeong] One, two, three. -[Jung-myung] Wait, wait, wait, wait. |
- (성훈) 잠깐, 잠깐, 잠깐 - (진형) 왜? | [Sung-hoon] Hey, hey, wait, wait. -[Min-cheol] What? Why? -The log slipped out, it slipped out. |
(정명) 통나무 빠졌어, 빠졌어 내가 할게, 내가 할게, 내가 할게 [소란스럽다] | -[Min-cheol] What? Why? -The log slipped out, it slipped out. -I'll do it, I'll do it. -What slipped? |
- (우진용) 뭐가 빠져? - (해민) 내가 밀게, 밀게 | -I'll do it, I'll do it. -What slipped? [Jin-hyeong] Just one or two more, one or two more pushes, one or two. |
(진형) 한두 번 더 가면 된다, 한두 번 | [Jin-hyeong] Just one or two more, one or two more pushes, one or two. |
- (다영) 두 개 - (정명) 한두 번? | [Jin-hyeong] Just one or two more, one or two more pushes, one or two. -[Jung-myung] I'll do it. I'll do it. -I think this will be the last one. |
(정명) 이게 마지막일 거 같은데? | -[Jung-myung] I'll do it. I'll do it. -I think this will be the last one. |
(진형) 됐어, 됐어 | -[Jung-myung] I'll do it. I'll do it. -I think this will be the last one. -[Hae-min] One or two! -[Jin-hyeong] Good, good, good. |
(성훈) 그대로, 오케이, 자 | -[Hae-min] One or two! -[Jin-hyeong] Good, good, good. |
(다영) 밀자, 쭉! | -Now, go ahead, okay, go. -We're gonna do it all at once? |
- (정명) 한 번에 쭉 갈까요? - (진형) 됐다 | -Now, go ahead, okay, go. -We're gonna do it all at once? -Okay. Go! Push. -Let's go, let's go, let's go. |
- (우진용) 밀어, 밀어 - (진형) 가자, 가자 | -Okay. Go! Push. -Let's go, let's go, let's go. -[Da-young] Push, straight ahead. -One, two, three. |
(함께) 하나, 둘, 셋 [참가자들의 기합] | -[Da-young] Push, straight ahead. -One, two, three. -[Jung-myung] Let's go all the way. -[Da-young] In one go, one. |
(우진용) 끝까지 가자! | -[Jung-myung] Let's go all the way. -[Da-young] In one go, one. |
(성훈과 진형) 하나, 둘, 셋 [참가자들의 기합] | -[all] One, two, three. -Let's go all the way, let's go. |
(우진용) 끝까지 가자! | -[all] One, two, three. -Let's go all the way, let's go. |
(보미레) 가자 | [Da-young] Let's go. [Jin-hyeong] Keep going. |
- (정명) 계속 가 - (보미레) 가자 | [Jin-hyeong] Keep going. [Da-young] Let's go. |
(정명) 계속 가 | [Jin-hyeong] Keep going. |
됐어, 됐어 | -It's done, it's done. -[Park Jin-yong] Let's go! |
- (보미레) 가자! - (박진용) 야, 가자! [정명의 힘주는 소리] | -It's done, it's done. -[Park Jin-yong] Let's go! [Jung-myung] Let's go! -[all grunting] -[Da-young yelling in pain] |
[다영의 비명] (박진용) 왜, 왜, 왜? | -[all grunting] -[Da-young yelling in pain] |
[불길한 음악] (해민) 옆에서 보는데 다리 진짜 부러지는 거 아닌가 | [Hae-min] I saw from the side and I thought her leg would snap. |
진짜 깜짝 놀랐거든요 | I was so startled. |
(진형) 빨리빨리, 빨리 [다영의 비명] | -[Sung-hoon] Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! -[Jin-hyeong] Hurry, hurry! Her leg! |
[참가자들이 놀란다] (다영) 됐어, 됐어, 됐어, 됐어 됐어요, 됐어 | -[Sung-hoon] Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! -[Jin-hyeong] Hurry, hurry! Her leg! [Da-young] It's fine, it's fine, it's fine. It's fine, it's fine. |
(해민) 다행히도 큰 부상은 아니고 | [Da-young] It's fine, it's fine, it's fine. It's fine, it's fine. [Hae-min] Fortunately, it wasn't a big injury. |
(다영) 가요, 가요, 가요 밀어 주세요 | [Hae-min] Fortunately, it wasn't a big injury. Go, go. |
(해민) 그때 다리 빼 주려고 하니까 막 | Keep pushing. [Hae-min] I tried to get her leg out and she said she was fine. |
괜찮다고 빨리 빨리 옮기라고 막 하는데 | [Hae-min] I tried to get her leg out and she said she was fine. She told me to move on quick and I thought, oh, she's real tough. |
아, 진짜 깡다구 세구나 | She told me to move on quick and I thought, oh, she's real tough. |
(참가자들) 가자! 가자! [긴박한 음악] | [Park Jin-yong] Let's go! -[Jin-hyeong] Push, push, keep pushing! -[Jung-myung] Dang it, let's go! |
[참가자들의 기합] - (진형) 밀어, 계속 밀어! - (박진용) 밀어! | -[Jin-hyeong] Push, push, keep pushing! -[Jung-myung] Dang it, let's go! ARRIVED AT BERTH TEAM CHOO SUNG-HOON AND JO JIN-HYEONG |
(진형) 이거, 이거 풀어야 돼 | We need to get this one. |
자 | |
- (진형) 헹님, 이거 풀어 줘요 - (성훈) 천천히, 천천히, 천천히 | -[Jin-hyeong] Put this on for me, brother. -[Sung-hoon] Slowly, slowly, slowly. |
(민철과 진형) - 여기 안 끼고? 여기, 여기 - 여기 맞아, 여기 | -[Hae-min] Here, no, here… -[Jin-hyeong] Yes, this is it. |
(진형) 밀어 | Push. |
- (진형) 땡겨, 땡기고 밀고 - (성훈) 오케이 | Pull, pull and push, pull and push. |
(진형) 땡기고 밀고 | Pull, pull and push, pull and push. |
조용히 해, 하나, 둘, 셋, 땡겨! [성훈의 힘주는 소리] | One, two, three, pull! |
[긴장되는 음악] (참가자들) 하나, 둘, 셋 | [all] One, two, three! |
하나, 둘, 셋 | [Jin-hyeong] One, two, three. |
(민철) 밀어야 돼, 밀어야 돼 몇 명 밀어야 될 거 같아 | [Jin-yong] Push, we need to push. Some have to push. |
(진형) 뒤에서 밀자 뒤에서 밀어야 되겠다 | [Jin-hyeong] Push, push, push from behind. |
- 다영 씨, 다영 씨! - (다영) 네 | Da-young, Da-young! |
(정명) 요거 빠지니까 이렇게 잡고 있어야 돼요 | [Jung-myung] This is gonna fall off. You gotta hold it like this. |
(다영) 네 | [Jung-myung] This is gonna fall off. You gotta hold it like this. |
- (정명) 요거 밀면 얘 빠지니까 - (다영) 네 | -If the ship moves, this comes loose. -Okay. |
- (정명) 오케이 - (진형) 밀어야 돼 | [Jung-myung] Okay. -We need to push. -[Da-young] Okay. -[Jin-yong] Yes. Nippert, go. -Okay. |
- (우진용) 니퍼트, 고 - (니퍼트) 예 | -[Jin-yong] Yes. Nippert, go. -Okay. |
(진형) 다 뒤로 와, 그 뒤에 잡고 | All come to the back. Hold onto the back. |
하나, 둘, 셋! | One, two, three! |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | [Jung-myung] Push! |
- (진형) 밀어, 계속 밀어! - (박진용) 밀어! | [Jung-myung] Push! [Jin-hyeong] Push, keep pushing! |
(성훈) 가, 가, 가, 가, 가, 가 겁내지 마! | [Jung-myung] Push! |
[보미레의 기합] | [Sung-hoon] Go, go, go, go, go, go, keep going! |
- (진형) 계속! 밀어, 계속 밀어! - (박진용) 밀어! | [Jin-hyeong] Push, keep pushing! Push! |
(성훈) 가, 가, 가, 가, 가, 가 겁내지 마! [참가자들의 기합] | Go, go, go, go, go, go, keep going! |
- (성훈) 오케이 - (진형) 하나, 둘, 셋 | Go, go, go, go, go, go, keep going! -One, two, three! -Okay. |
[참가자들의 힘겨운 신음] | -One, two, three! -Okay. [grunting] |
(진형) 둘, 셋! | [grunting] One, two, three! |
[참가자들의 힘겨운 신음] | One, two, three! |
(해민) 배를 다 끌고 오르막길을 올라갈 때 | [Hae-min] When we tried to get the ship up the slope, it stopped moving. |
그때 또 꼼짝도 안 하더라고요 | [Hae-min] When we tried to get the ship up the slope, it stopped moving. |
(보미레) 밀어도 안 밀리는 느낌이 났는데 | [Bo-mi-rae] We pushed it so hard but it didn't seem to budge. |
머리가 하얘져서 | [Bo-mi-rae] We pushed it so hard but it didn't seem to budge. My mind went blank and I didn't know what to do. |
좀 당황스러웠거든요 | My mind went blank and I didn't know what to do. |
(민철) '아, 이거 뭐지? 우리가 힘이 부족한가?' | [Jin-yong] Uh, what is this? Are we not strong enough? |
(다영) 끄는데 하나도 안 올라가는 거예요 | [Da-young] We pulled and it wouldn't come up. |
(니퍼트) [영어] 배가 움직이지 않았어요 | [Nippert] It's not moving. We were all exhausted. |
[한국어] 우리 다 힘들었어요 | [Nippert] It's not moving. We were all exhausted. |
진짜 너무 무거워요 | Really, it was so heavy. |
[참가자들의 기합] (진형) 잠시만, 잠시만 잠시만 쉬어, 여기 | Wait, wait, take a break. No, no, a bit, we need to pull, we need to pull now. |
(성훈) 안 돼, 안 돼 조금 이제 당겨, 이제 당겨야 돼 | No, no, a bit, we need to pull, we need to pull now. |
(진형) 잠시만 쉬어 | Take a break. [Jin-hyeong] We'd gone up a little |
(진형) 어느 정도가 앞에 올라갔는데 | [Jin-hyeong] We'd gone up a little but after that, ah, it just wouldn't go up. |
그 뒤로부터 이게 미는데 진짜 안 올라가요 | but after that, ah, it just wouldn't go up. |
이게 그 상태에서 올리는 거니까 [무거운 음악] | It was smack against the slope. |
(진형) 그때 솔직히 말해서 약간 | Then, to be honest, I thought, man, we might not be able to get it up. |
'와, 이거 잘하면 몬 올릴 수 있겠다' | Then, to be honest, I thought, man, we might not be able to get it up. |
생각이 들었는데 | Then, to be honest, I thought, man, we might not be able to get it up. |
(박진용) 뒤에서 미는 사람도 필요할 거 같아 | [Jung-myung] We need someone to push from behind. |
(우진용) 우선 당겨 보고요 하는 게 | Let's pull for now. |
(정명) 이제 그냥 당겨야 돼 당겨야 돼 | Let's just pull. We need to pull. |
당겨, 밀어, 밀어, 올라와 | Push, push, go up. |
(성훈) 아씨 | [ragged breathing] |
(다영) 여기예요 | Over here. |
(성훈) 자, 좀 숨 쉬고, 숨 쉬고 자, 여러분, 숨 쉬고 | [Sung-hoon] Okay, take a deep breath. Breathe. Everyone, breathe. [Park Jin-yong] Easy, easy, easy. |
아직 괜찮아, 괜찮아, 시간 있어 | We're still good, we're still good, there's still time. |
(정명) 갑자기 상의 탈의 하시고 '호흡해' [성훈이 말한다] | We're still good, we're still good, there's still time. [Park Jin-yong] He suddenly took off his shirt |
'호흡하고 다시 가자' 하고 다 말씀해 주시고 | and said, "Breathe, breathe, now let's go." |
(성훈) 자, 힘주고 | and said, "Breathe, breathe, now let's go." |
하나, 둘, 셋! | [Sung-hoon] Now let's go. Use your power. One, two, three. |
(정명) 어차피 지금 급하게 해 봤자 안 되니까 | [Sung-hoon] Now let's go. Use your power. One, two, three. [Jung-myung] Even if we were rush now, it wouldn't work anyway. |
[성훈이 구령한다] 쉬었다가 호흡하고 다시 밀자 해서 | [Jung-myung] Even if we were rush now, it wouldn't work anyway. One, two, three. |
오히려 그때 좀 팀원들이 이렇게 | [Jung-myung] So, we took a break to breathe and then push again. |
좀 차분해지면서 힘을 모았던 거 같아요 | [Jung-myung] So, we took a break to breathe and then push again. [Sung-hoon] One, two, three. [Nippert] Our Captain Choo, yeah, I trust him. |
[영어] | [Nippert] Our Captain Choo, yeah, I trust him. |
[성훈의 기합] | [Nippert] Our Captain Choo, yeah, I trust him. [Sung-hoon] Okay, it's working! |
- (성훈) [한국어] 오케이, 왔어! - (다영) 오케이! | [Sung-hoon] Okay, it's working! [Da-young] Okay! One, two, three. |
(참가자들) 하나, 둘, 셋! | [Da-young] Okay! One, two, three. |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | [Sung-hoon] One, two, three! |
(다영) 하나, 둘, 셋! | [Da-young] One, two, three. |
(성훈) 오케이! | [Da-young] One, two, three. [Jung-myung] Okay. |
(다영) 하나, 둘, 셋! | [Da-young] One, two, three. |
[참가자들의 기합] | [Da-young] One, two, three. |
와… | Wow… |
(성훈) 오케이 | [Sung-hoon] Okay. |
2m, 2m | -Okay. -[Jin-yong] Two meters, two meters. |
(참가자들) 2m! | -Two meters, two meters! -Two meters! |
(박진용) 여기 이쪽에 힘센 사람 들어가서 | Here, we need someone strong to come in and lift as we move in. |
살짝 위로 밀면서 들어야 될 거 같아요 | Here, we need someone strong to come in and lift as we move in. |
해민이 형, 저랑 같이 들면서 | [Park Jin-yong] Hae-min, lift with me, lift up! |
위로! | [Park Jin-yong] Hae-min, lift with me, lift up! [grunting shouts] |
[참가자들의 힘겨운 신음] | [grunting shouts] |
좋아 | [Park Jin-yong] Nice! Hae-min, once more! |
해민이 형, 한 번 더! | [Park Jin-yong] Nice! Hae-min, once more! |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] [배가 드르륵 끌린다] | [grunting shouts] |
(성훈) 자, 호흡합시다, 우리! | [Sung-hoon] Now, let's work at the same time! |
(보미레) 네 | [Sung-hoon] Now, let's work at the same time! |
(성훈) 간다! 하나, 둘, 셋! | [Sung-hoon] Now, let's work at the same time! Let's go! |
[참가자들의 기합] | One, two, three! |
- (보미레) 한 번 더 - (다영) 뒤 조심 | |
(성훈) 간다! 하나, 둘, 셋! | -[Da-young] Watch your back. -[Sung-hoon] Let's go! One, two, three! |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | One, two, three! |
(민철) 안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼 | -[Jin-yong] No, no, no. -[Da-young] I'll do it. |
- (우진용) 좀 더, 좀 더! - (다영) 제가 할게요 | -[Jin-yong] No, no, no. -[Da-young] I'll do it. |
(다영) 한 번 더, 한 번 더 | -One more time, one more time. -[Jin-yong] I'll be watching from here. |
(성훈) 보고 있어 | -One more time, one more time. -[Jin-yong] I'll be watching from here. |
(해민) 얼마 갔어요? | -Almost! -[Da-young] A bit more, a bit more! |
- (다영) 좀만 더, 좀만! - (해민) 한 번 더! | -Almost! -[Da-young] A bit more, a bit more! |
(성훈) 한 번 더 세게! | [Sung-hoon] Once more! Once more, hard! |
[영어] | [Sung-hoon] Once more! Once more, hard! [Nippert] Everybody started pulling on the rope |
(보미레) [한국어] 진짜 정신력으로 | and then started pushing with everything we had. [Bo-mi-rae] I think we made it happen purely with our own willpower. |
했다는 생각이 들었어요 | [Bo-mi-rae] I think we made it happen purely with our own willpower. |
[참가자들의 기합] [영어] | [Nippert] It felt like the one meter took, like, 20 minutes. |
[차분한 음악] | But, it just felt like it took forever. |
(성훈) [한국어] 하나, 둘, 셋 30cm! | [Sung-hoon] One, two, three, 30 centimeters! |
[다영이 소리친다] (성훈) 선수들 다 봤거든요 땀이 엄청 나고 | [Sung-hoon] I watched everyone. They were sweating like crazy and worked hard |
열심히 각자 가지고 있는 힘은 | They were sweating like crazy and worked hard and I think they used up more than 100 percent of their strength. |
한 100% 이상 나온 거 같아요 | and I think they used up more than 100 percent of their strength. |
그거를 너무 많이 느꼈어요 위에서 보면서 [배가 드르륵 끌린다] | and I think they used up more than 100 percent of their strength. I felt that so much as I looked down from the top. |
확실히 자신감 확 올라갔어요 | I felt that so much as I looked down from the top. I definitely only felt super confident. |
모든 걸 할 수 있는 거 같은 느낌? | Feeling like I could do anything. |
(성훈) 잠깐만, 잠깐만 호흡합시다 | [Jin-hyeong] Wait, wait, let's work at the same time. One, two, three! |
하나, 둘, 셋! | [Jin-hyeong] Wait, wait, let's work at the same time. One, two, three! |
[참가자들의 기합] | [Jin-hyeong] Wait, wait, let's work at the same time. One, two, three! [all grunting] |
(다영) 아, 좀만 더! | [Da-young] Ah, a bit more! |
- (보미레) 한 번 더! - (성훈) 20cm! | 20 centimeters, last push! |
(성훈) 자, 마지막 | 20 centimeters, last push! -One, two, three, use your power! -[Da-young] More! |
하나, 둘, 셋, 힘줘! | -One, two, three, use your power! -[Da-young] More! |
[참가자들의 기합] | -One, two, three, use your power! -[Da-young] More! |
[다영의 힘주는 소리] | Ah, a bit more. Once more, just once more. |
(다영과 성훈) - 좀만 더, 한 번만, 한 번만 - 한 번만 | Ah, a bit more. Once more, just once more. [Sung-hoon] Once more, last time. One, two, three! |
(성훈) 자, 마지막, 하나, 둘, 셋! | [Sung-hoon] Once more, last time. One, two, three! |
[참가자들의 애쓰는 소리] (진형) 계속 '조금만 더' 하니까 이게 | [Jin-hyeong] The ship started to move little by little. |
배가 진짜 조금씩 움직이더라고요 | [Jin-hyeong] The ship started to move little by little. Man, all I could think of was, "How long do I have to keep pushing?" |
와… | Man, all I could think of was, "How long do I have to keep pushing?" |
'언제까지 이걸 밀어야 되지?' 그 생각밖에 안 했죠 | Man, all I could think of was, "How long do I have to keep pushing?" I pushed with all my might. |
어깨, 몸 대고 그냥 밀었죠 | Okay, let's go as far as we can go. |
'갈 데까지 가자' 어디까지인지 모르겠지만 | Okay, let's go as far as we can go. Either my shoulder gives way or the ship does, |
내 어깨가 나가든지 배가 나가든지 둘 중 한 개는 나가겠죠 | Either my shoulder gives way or the ship does, one or the other will break. |
(성훈) 자, 마지막, 하나, 둘, 셋! | [Sung-hoon] Now, one last time. One, two, three! |
[성훈의 기합] (다영) 됐어! | [Sung-hoon] Now, one last time. One, two, three! |
[성훈의 기합] (참가자들) 됐어, 됐어! | [Sung-hoon] It's done! It's done! It's done! |
[성훈의 기합] 됐어, 됐어! | -It's done! -It's done! |
[성훈의 기합] 됐어, 됐어! | [Da-young] It's done! It's done! |
[휘슬이 삑 울린다] (성훈) 오케이 | -It's done! -[whistle blows] [Sung-hoon] Okay. |
[참가자들의 가쁜 숨소리] [잔잔한 음악] | QUEST COMPLETE [panting] |
(다영) 와, 씨 | -[Da-young] Dang… -What the [bleep]! |
[음 소거 효과음] 왓 더 * | -[Da-young] Dang… -What the [bleep]! Dang. |
[다영의 힘겨운 탄성] | Dang. |
[진형이 악쓴다] | [Sung-hoon] Hey! |
(진형) 겁나 무겁네, 씨 | That was freaking heavy. |
[성훈의 기합] | [Jin-hyeong screams] |
(박진용) 다 찢어졌어 다 찢어졌어 | [Jin-yong] We rip it. We rip it. [inhales deeply] |
- (민철) 와, 진짜 - (다영) 와, 이걸 올렸어, 우리가 | Wow, seriously. |
(진형) 올렸다 | We should have put this up too. |
(진형) 팀원들이 잘 따라 줬고 모든 게 진짜 잘 맞았던 | [Jin-hyeong] The team followed my instructions well and everything worked out fantastic. |
정말 만족할 정도로 호흡이 좋았어요 | and everything worked out fantastic. It was great teamwork. |
(해민) 사실 막 정신없이 하다 보니까 | [Hae-min] Actually, it felt like we took a long time. |
시간이 엄청 오래 걸린 거 같더라고요 | [Hae-min] Actually, it felt like we took a long time. I was working without thinking. |
'아, 이거, 씨 어떻게 될지 모르겠다, 이거' | Ah, this, shoot, I don't know what's gonna happen. |
'아, 누가 이길지 모르겠구나' | I don't know who's gonna win. |
(정명) 너무 힘들었어요 | [Jung-myung] It was so hard. I think going to the Olympic Games one more time would be easier. |
올림픽 한 번 더 나가는 게 더 쉬울 거 같아 | I think going to the Olympic Games one more time would be easier. |
이번 베이징 올림픽 때가 | I think going to the Olympic Games one more time would be easier. The Beijing Olympics was less tense than what we just did. |
더 편했어요, 덜 떨렸어요 지금 한 것보다 | The Beijing Olympics was less tense than what we just did. |
(성훈) 그 기분이 시합 이기는 [무거운 효과음] | [Sung-hoon] The feeling was similar to winning a match. |
그런 느낌이랑 비슷해요 | [Sung-hoon] The feeling was similar to winning a match. |
완전 팀워크 잘해서 너무 좋았어요 | I was so pleased we had great teamwork. |
따라와 주셔서 너무너무 감사해요 | I was so pleased we had great teamwork. I'm so thankful they followed my lead. |
너무 행복한 시간이었었습니다 | It was such a happy time. |
[참가자들이 대화한다] (마스터) 추성훈 팀과 조진형 팀의 게임이 종료되었습니다 | [Master] Team Choo Sung-hoon and Team Jo Jin-hyeong's game is over. |
(성훈) 윤성빈, 마선호 팀, 확실히 힘이 있는 사람 너무 많아서 | [Sung-hoon] Yun Sung-bin and Ma Sun-ho's team definitely has so many strong people. |
(진형) 왜냐면 거기가 | [Jin-hyeong] When you look at their bodies, |
일단 피지컬로 봤을 때는 힘쓰기는 거가 좋거든 | [Jin-hyeong] When you look at their bodies, they're great for this kind of challenge. |
[강조되는 효과음] 다 운동 신경도 좋고 | they're great for this kind of challenge. |
(다영) 뭐, 지구력이면 지구력 뭐, 근력이면 근력 | [Miho] Well, endurance, muscle strength, weight, we have it all. |
체중이면 체중 | [Miho] Well, endurance, muscle strength, weight, we have it all. |
다 뭐, 빠짐없이 되니까 | [Miho] Well, endurance, muscle strength, weight, we have it all. |
(남자) 강한 팀 두 팀이 만난 거 같은 느낌? | [Sang-wook] It feels like two strong teams have merged, |
그래서 뭔가 그 두 팀의 시너지가 | [Sang-wook] It feels like two strong teams have merged, and so their synergy is way too powerful. |
너무 강해져 버린 느낌 | and so their synergy is way too powerful. [Kang-min] In terms of strength, |
(강민) 팀적으로 봤을 땐 | [Kang-min] In terms of strength, |
우린 무적이다? | we're invincible. |
[흥미로운 음악] (선호) 긴장이 되긴 한다 그래도 이게 게임이다 보니까 | Ah, I am nervous but it's just a game. |
[한샘이 호응한다] [영어] | -I'm trembling. -Yes. |
(선호) [한국어] 이번에는 이제 미션을 이야기를 해 준 거잖아 | -I'm trembling. -Yes. They told us the quest. We'll pull a 1.5-ton ship, so a strategy needs to be… |
배 끄는 거고 1.5톤이라고 했는데 | We'll pull a 1.5-ton ship, so a strategy needs to be… |
- 이걸 진짜 전략을 - (성빈) 결국에는 | We'll pull a 1.5-ton ship, so a strategy needs to be… |
전략을 이렇게 생각해도 딱 가잖아요? | Even if we come up with a strategy, once we get there… |
'야!' 이렇게 하고 있어 [참가자들의 웃음] | Even if we come up with a strategy, once we get there… "Ahh!" We're all doing that. |
(기관) 근데 우리는 그냥 기본 빵으로 힘은 다 있어서 | [all laughing] We all are strong, basically, so I think it'll be fine. |
- 괜찮을 거 같고 - (선호) 오케이, 오케이 | We all are strong, basically, so I think it'll be fine. |
(기관) 뭐, 변수 없을 거 같지 않아, 그냥? | There won't be anything that would trip us, don't you think? |
(성빈) 이번에는, 응, 이번에는 생각하는 대로 | This time, um, this time, I think it'll go how we think. |
(강민) 힘에 너무 다 쏠려 있어서 | This time, um, this time, I think it'll go how we think. We're all so focus on our power. |
(기관) 일단 힘캐가 강민이랑 식이 | We're all so focus on our power. The strong guys we have -are Kang-min, Sik and Sung-bin. -Sung-bin. |
- (기관) 그리고 성빈이 - (선호) 성빈이 | -are Kang-min, Sik and Sung-bin. -Sung-bin. |
(성빈) 나 힘캐야? | -Me, I'm a strong guy? -You're in the strong guy group. |
(선호) 너 힘캐 너까지 힘캐 들어가야지 | -Me, I'm a strong guy? -You're in the strong guy group. |
[성빈의 헛웃음] | -Anyone over 90K is a strong guy. -He's a strong guy too. |
(선호와 성빈) - 90kg 넘으면 힘캐로 가야 돼 - 오케이, 오케이 | -Anyone over 90K is a strong guy. -He's a strong guy too. -You're strong too. -Okay, okay. |
- (한샘) 얘도 힘캐예요 - (선호) 너도 힘캐 | -You're strong too. -Uh, with about four people. |
(선호) 쟤까지 힘캐 [미라클의 웃음] | -You're strong too. -Uh, with about four people. -About four. You saw Kang-min's thighs. -Yeah. |
- (기관) 어, 한 네 명 정도 하면 - (선호) 네 명 정도 | -About four. You saw Kang-min's thighs. -Yeah. |
(선호와 성빈) - 아까 강민이 허벅지 봤잖아 - 응 | -Will you show them? -My thighs? |
- (선호) 한번 보여 줄래? 어 - (강민) 허벅지? | -Will you show them? -My thighs? Yes. |
[강렬한 음악] [참가자들의 탄성] | Whoa, that's crazy. |
(희동) 와, 미쳤다 [기관의 감탄] | Whoa. |
[참가자들의 탄성] (희동) 햄스트링 | Wow. |
(기관) 우리 팀도 허벅지 한번 | Shall we show our thighs? |
[선호의 탄성] | Shall we show our thighs? |
[참가자들의 감탄] | [impressed exclamation] |
(선호) 아, 그러면 또 우리 팀도 또 약간 [참가자들의 웃음] | Ah, then our team too… [all laugh] |
(기관) 평상시에 이제 계속 꾸준하게 무거운 무게를 다루는 | [Ki-kwan] Most of us trained with heavy weights on a regular basis. |
사람들이 주 구성원으로 돼 있기 때문에 | Confident? Yes. |
자신감? | Strong? Yes. |
예, 힘이 세다, 네 | Strong? Yes. |
1등 한다는 생각으로 나는 좀 안전빵으로 | Think about coming first. To be on the safe side. We have to think that we are gonna win, you're right. |
아, 무조건 1등 한다는 생각으로 해야죠, 예, 맞아 [선호가 호응한다] | We have to think that we are gonna win, you're right. We just have to think that we're gonna be number one. |
(기관) 우리는 좀 조심해야 될 거는 | We just have to think that we're gonna be number one. The only thing we have to be careful is not to be arrogant |
(선호와 기관) - 그래서 우리가 자만하지만 않고 - 자만하지만 말고 | The only thing we have to be careful is not to be arrogant |
(기관) 1등 한다는 생각으로만 | and think we are already number one. |
그러니까 약간 입에 거품 문다 생각하고 해야 돼 | So well, don't worry, we have to do with a little bit of foam in the mouth. |
[참가자들의 웃음] - (기관) 맞아 - 그런 느낌 | So well, don't worry, we have to do with a little bit of foam in the mouth. |
(성빈) 너무 재밌겠어 | It's gonna be fun. |
재밌을 거 같아 [차분한 음악] | It's gonna be so much fun. |
우리는 최고로 빠른 기록을 저희가 기록을 할 거고요 | That's really the kind of feeling. We're gonna get the shortest time recorded and we're gonna get number one. |
당연히 1등을 할 거라고 생각을 하고 있습니다 | We're gonna get the shortest time recorded and we're gonna get number one. |
거품 물 때까지 할 겁니다, 예 | We're gonna do this until we froth at the mouth, yes. |
(마스터) 윤성빈 팀 마선호 팀 연합은 | [Master] Team Yun Sung-bin and Team Ma Sun-ho's alliance, |
입장해 주시기 바랍니다 | [Master] Team Yun Sung-bin and Team Ma Sun-ho's alliance, please enter. |
[긴장되는 효과음] - (아름) 와 - (선호) 오케이! | -[A-reum] Wow. -[Sun-ho] Okay! |
[흥미진진한 음악] - (아름) 와 - (선호) 오케이! | -Wow. -Okay! |
- (성빈) 역시 - (아름) 모래가 있네? [저마다 말한다] | Holy shit, holy shit. -[Sung-bin] What are we gonna do? -[A-reum] There's sand? |
[참가자들의 탄성과 웃음] (기관) 오르막 있네 | -[Sung-bin] What are we gonna do? -[A-reum] There's sand? |
- (성빈) 이거 어떡하냐? - (식) 오케이, 장애물도 있고 | -Sand? -Are we moving these obstacles? |
(식) 이걸 옮기는 거야? 오크 통을 저기로 | -There's a slope. -The oak barrels over there? |
(희동) 근데 일단 이런 것부터 치워야 되네요 | We'll have to get these out of the way first, they're obstacles. |
이 장애물이니까 | We'll have to get these out of the way first, they're obstacles. |
(선호) 바닥 보면서 대충 이제 머릿속으로는 그려졌어요 | [Hyun-seung] We looked at the ground and drew things in our minds. |
(아름) 여러 가지의 해야 할 일들이 | [A-reum] There were many things to do |
배를 끌기 전에 있는 거 같아서 | before we actually pull the ship. |
그래도 게임 룰에 대한 설명을 이제 듣고 [긴장되는 음악] | We listened to the rules of the game, then quickly discussed with the team. |
(기관) 빠르게 또 팀원들끼리 상의해서 | then quickly discussed with the team. Okay, first, listen. |
(선호) 자, 일단은 지금, 봐 봐 | Okay, first, listen. The important thing is, |
중요한 거는 일단 통나무를 | The important thing is, first, go get the logs in pairs and lay them out here. |
2인 1조로 가서 여기다가 아예 배치를 해서 놔야 돼 | first, go get the logs in pairs and lay them out here. |
(아름) 전 어디로 가는 게 나을 거 같아요? | [A-reum] Where do you think I should go? |
(선호) 어, 아름이는 가까이에 있는 오크 통 있지? | Uh, A-reum, do you see the oak barrels close by? |
이거 그냥 옮기는 걸로 무슨 말인지 알지? | Uh, A-reum, do you see the oak barrels close by? You move those, do you know what I mean? |
일단 2인 1조로 왜냐면 이거 다 옮겨야 돼 | You move those, do you know what I mean? We need to work in pairs because you can't do this alone. |
- (선호) 이런 거 혼자 못 드니까 - (희동) 2인 1조로 | We need to work in pairs because you can't do this alone. |
(선호) 그다음에 다 싣고 | We need to work in pairs because you can't do this alone. Make pairs. |
(식) 그래도 그, 마선호 팀장이 | Make pairs. [Sik] I think Team Leader Ma Sun-ho was a great leader. |
되게 리드를 저는 잘했다고 생각합니다 | [Sik] I think Team Leader Ma Sun-ho was a great leader. Then load them all. |
(한샘) 작전 짤 때 제일 이런저런 막 의견도 많이 내 주시고 | [Han-saem] Team Leader Sun-ho was making good decisions. |
무조건 다 끌고 갈 겁니다 | Absolutely, I'll take them all. |
(선호) 저희가 무조건 이깁니다 | [Sun-ho] Yes, we're gonna win. |
(한샘) 방심하지 않고 그냥 전력으로 | [Hee-dong] Don't be too careful, just use all your power. |
(식) 1등 하겠습니다 | [Sik] We'll take first place. |
(마스터) 그럼 세 번째 퀘스트를 시작하겠습니다 [비장한 음악] | [Master] The third quest will begin now. |
(성빈) 당기는 게 중요하다 | The pulling is the key. |
(아름) 파이팅 | [A-reum] Let's go. |
[강조되는 효과음] | |
[무거운 효과음] - (선호) 레츠 고! - (기관) 가자! | [Sun-ho] Let's go! [Ki-kwan] Let's go! |
- (선호) 레츠 고! - (기관) 가자! | -Let's go! -Let's go! |
(선호) 하나, 둘, 셋 어깨에다 올려, 어깨에다 | Grab it. One, two, three. On your shoulder. |
- (미라클) 어깨 - (선호) 오케이, 컴 온 | Grab it. One, two, three. On your shoulder. -Your shoulder. -Shoulder? |
(식) 와, 무거워, 무거워 | -Okay, come on. -Wow, it's heavy. |
[익살스러운 음악] (성빈) 아이씨 | -Okay, come on. -Wow, it's heavy. |
- (식) 이거를 - (성빈) 파야 되네 | Shoot, we have to dig it out. |
[함께 힘준다] - (한샘) 와, 씨 - (강민) 와, 안 움직이는데? | -[both grunt] -Whoa, shoot. -It won't move. -Whoa, shoot, it won't move. |
[함께 힘준다] - (한샘) 와, 씨 - (강민) 와, 안 움직이는데? | -It won't move. -Whoa, shoot, it won't move. |
[강민의 헛웃음] | [ragged breathing] |
(현승) 군부대에서 작업을 좀 많이 해 가지고 | [Hyun-seung] I did a lot of work in the army so I was used to using a hammer. |
해머 쓰는 게 좀 익숙해서 | so I was used to using a hammer. |
[무거운 효과음] '어? 뭐지?' | Uh? What happened? |
좀 많이 당황했어요 | I was a bit confused. |
[무거운 음악] | [tense music playing] |
(선호) 송아름이 그 오크 통 들어 가지고 [아름의 힘주는 소리] | [Sun-ho] When I saw Song A-reum lift an oak barrel and put it on board |
막 올리는 거 보고서 | [Sun-ho] When I saw Song A-reum lift an oak barrel and put it on board |
'와, 정말 대단하다'라고 생각이 들었습니다 | I thought, wow, she's amazing. |
(선호) 좀 붙여, 아니야, 좀 더 오케이, 됐어, 고 | Put it closer. No, a bit more. Okay, it's done, go. |
(강민) 아, 이거 어떻게 들어야 되지? | How am I gonna lift this? Man… |
[강민의 힘겨운 탄성] | How am I gonna lift this? Man… |
(강민) 오크 통 드는 거 | [Kang-min] Lifting the oak barrel… |
그게 저는 혼자서 들려 그랬는데 | I was gonna carry it myself but even two people couldn't lift it. |
두 명이서도 안 들리더라고요 | I was gonna carry it myself but even two people couldn't lift it. |
[강민의 힘겨운 신음] - (한샘) 굴릴까요? - (강민) 어, 굴리자, 자 | -[Han-saem] Shall we roll it? -[Kang-min] Yes, let's roll it. |
[무거운 효과음] | [suspenseful music playing] |
(기관) 오케이! 한 번에 찾았다 | [Sun-ho] Okay, got it! |
(선호) 아까처럼 | Like before. |
자, 미라클, 하나, 둘, 셋 | Hey, Miracle. One, two, three. |
오케이 [미라클의 힘주는 소리] | Okay. [grunts] |
(강민) 와, 이거 어떻게 들지? 이거 혼자 못 드는데 | [Kang-min] Whoa, how do you carry this? |
(기관) 같이 네 명이서 듭시다, 그러면 | -You can't carry it on alone. -The four of us can do it, then. |
(참가자들) 하나, 둘 [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | One, two, three. |
(식) 하나, 둘, 셋 [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | One, two, three. [all grunt] |
[강민의 거친 숨소리] | [all grunt] [ragged breathing] |
[아름의 가쁜 숨소리] | [panting] |
(선호) 통나무, 통나무! | The logs, the logs! |
통나무, 통나무! | -The logs, the logs! -Let's get the logs. |
- (한샘) 통나무 갑시다 - (기관) 셋 | -The logs, the logs! -Let's get the logs. |
(강민) 오 | Whoo. |
[한샘의 힘주는 소리] | Whoo. Okay, let's go. Two, three. |
(한샘) 가시죠 | Okay, let's go. Two, three. |
- (한샘) 둘, 셋 - (선호) 식이 나랑 같이 | -[Sun-ho] Sik, with me. Two, three. -[Ki-kwan] Okay. |
(선호) 둘, 셋 | -[Sun-ho] Sik, with me. Two, three. -[Ki-kwan] Okay. |
(성빈) 하나, 둘, 셋 [기관의 힘주는 소리] | One, two, three. [grunts] |
(선호) 다 올렸어? 올리면 얘기해 줘! | [Sun-ho] Are they all on board? Tell me when it's done! |
(식) 다 됐습니다 | [Sun-ho] Are they all on board? Tell me when it's done! [Hyun-seung] All done. |
다 됐습니다 | -[Hee-dong] All done. -[Sun-ho] Okay, it's done. |
(선호) 오케이, 됐어, 됐어 | -[Hee-dong] All done. -[Sun-ho] Okay, it's done. -It's done. -[Hyun-seung] All done. All done. |
오케이, 오케이 | Okay, okay. |
(강민) 임무 분담이 굉장히 처음에 잘됐던 거 같아 | Okay, okay. [Kang-min] I think our tasks were divided well from the beginning. |
(한샘) 모든 사람들이 | [Kang-min] I think our tasks were divided well from the beginning. [Han-saem] If everyone plays each role well, we are definitely gonna win. |
자기 위치에서 자기 역할만 잘해 주면 | [Han-saem] If everyone plays each role well, we are definitely gonna win. |
그 팀은 무조건 이기거든요 | [Han-saem] If everyone plays each role well, we are definitely gonna win. |
(성빈) 통 같은 거 옮기는 것도 | [Sung-bin] Stuff like moving the barrels. |
저희가 되게 빨리 옮긴 거 같고 | I think we moved them very quickly. |
(선호) '아, 우리가 1등이다' 이런 생각 했습니다 | [Sun-ho] Ah, I thought we are in first place. |
[참가자들의 가쁜 숨소리] | [ragged breathing] |
[긴장되는 음악] (선호) 자, 호흡해 | Now breathe. It's okay, this speed is fine. |
괜찮아, 지금 속도 좋아 | Now breathe. It's okay, this speed is fine. |
(기관) 좋아, 좋아, 좋아 | Good, good, good. |
(강민) 내가 앞에 할게 아름이 나와, 뒤에서 해 | I got this. A-reum, move. |
(기관) 자, 최대한 붙어야 돼 | So, we need to get as close as possible. |
(선호) 자, 됐어? | So, we need to get as close as possible. Everyone ready? |
- (식) 오케이! - (희동) 완료! | Everyone ready? -Ready. -Okay. |
(선호) 자, 하나, 둘, 셋! | -Ready. -Okay. Okay, one, two, three! Okay, one, two, three! |
[참가자들의 힘겨운 신음] 자, 하나, 둘, 셋! | Okay, one, two, three! Okay, one, two, three! |
다시, 누워, 둘, 셋, 누워 | Again, lean right back, two, three, lean back. |
둘, 셋, 누워 | Again, lean right back, two, three, lean back. |
[참가자들의 힘겨운 신음] | Again, lean right back, two, three, lean back. [all grunting] |
둘, 셋! 하나, 둘, 셋! [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | [Sun-ho] Two, three, lean back. -Oh, shit, shit. -One, two, three. |
[참가자들의 힘겨운 신음] - (성빈) 야, 씨발 - (한샘) 씨발 | -Oh, shit, shit. -One, two, three. |
(식) 아, 이건 뭔가 잘못됐다 | [Sik] Ah, something is wrong. The ship was too heavy. |
배가 너무 무거워 가지고 | [Sik] Ah, something is wrong. The ship was too heavy. |
너무너무 좀 충격이었어요 | It was a huge, huge shock |
(선호) 왜냐면 아예 움직이질 않았어요 | because the ship didn't move at all. |
(강민) 1.5톤의 배를 너무 우습게 보지 않았나 | [Kang-min] We underestimated the weight of a 1.5-ton ship. [Hee-dong] I really wanted to smash the ship, |
(희동) 배를 진짜 부수고 싶었어요, 좀 | [Hee-dong] I really wanted to smash the ship, |
어떻게라도 덜 무겁게 | [Hee-dong] I really wanted to smash the ship, to make it less heavy. |
(선호와 기관) - 자, 일단 당겨, 당겨, 당겨 - 당기자, 당기자, 당기자 | Let's pull. Now, pull, pull, pull. -Pull. Pull, let's pull. -[Sun-ho] Okay, one, two, three. |
- (한샘) 준비, 준비 - (아름) 앞에 서 | -Pull. Pull, let's pull. -[Sun-ho] Okay, one, two, three. |
(선호) 자, 하나, 둘, 셋! | -Pull. Pull, let's pull. -[Sun-ho] Okay, one, two, three. -[Hyun-seung] Get ready, get ready. -[A-reum] From the front. |
오케이, 둘, 셋 [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | -[Hyun-seung] Get ready, get ready. -[A-reum] From the front. [Sun-ho] Okay, one, two, three. |
하나, 둘, 셋 [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | Okay, one, two, three. |
하나, 둘, 셋 [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | -One, two, three. -[all grunting] |
둘, 셋 [참가자들의 기합] | -Two, three. -[all groaning] |
[선호가 계속 구령한다] (선호) 모래에다가 발을 박아 놓고서 당기는 게 | [Sun-ho] I thought shoving our feet in the sand and pulling -would work better. -Two, three. |
훨씬 더 이점이 있다고 생각이 들어서 | -would work better. -Two, three. |
다시 기합을 넣고 한마음 한뜻이 되어서 | We put all our lives in and pulled it together. Then it started to move little by little. |
정말 죽을 듯이 당겼던 거 같아요 | Then it started to move little by little. |
그러니까 이제 조금씩 움직이면서 | Then it started to move little by little. [Sun-ho] Two, three. |
(강민) 그래도 마선호 팀장이 | [Sun-ho] Two, three. Team Leader Ma Sun-ho… |
뭐, 구호나 굉장히 팀 사기를 많이 올렸었던 거 같아요 | Team Leader Ma Sun-ho… He counted out and did a great job boosting the team. |
호흡하는 타이밍이나 구령이나 | He shouted the timing to breathe or counts endlessly, he kept at it. |
이런 거를 끊임없이 넣어 주시고 [선호가 구령한다] | He shouted the timing to breathe or counts endlessly, he kept at it. One, two, three. |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | One, two, three. |
(선호) 둘, 셋! 좋아, 좋아 [참가자들의 기합] | Two, three. Good, good. |
둘, 셋, 하나, 둘, 셋 [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | Two, three. One, two, three. |
- (선호) 둘, 셋, 그렇지, 좋아! - (미라클) 오케이 | Two, three. That's it, yes, two, three. |
(희동) 그 힘든 와중에도 계속 끝까지 파이팅 외쳐 주고 | That's it, yes, two, three. [Hee-dong] Even in the middle of the fight, he kept shouting to give us commands and counts. |
구령도 외쳐 주고 해 가지고 [흥미진진한 음악] | he kept shouting to give us commands and counts. |
(선호와 한샘) - 잘하고 있어, 지금, 속도 좋아 - 가자, 가자, 가자 | We're doing good. -We're at the right pace. -Let's go, let's go, let's go. |
(희동) 그거 때문에 저희가 이제 더 힘낼 수 있고 | -We're at the right pace. -Let's go, let's go, let's go. I think that made it possible for us to try harder. |
더 잘할 수 있었던 거라고 생각해요 | I think that made it possible for us to try harder. He managed to do better. That's what I think. |
[참가자들의 기합] | He managed to do better. That's what I think. |
(선호) 둘, 셋 [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | Two, three. Two, three. |
자, 하나, 둘, 셋 [참가자들의 기합] | [tense music playing] Okay, one, two, three. |
둘, 셋, 오케이 [참가자들의 기합] | -[all grunting] -[Sun-ho] Two, three. |
둘, 셋 [참가자들의 기합] | Okay, two, three. |
- (식) 그렇지 - (선호) 오케이, 오케이, 둘, 셋 | Okay, okay, two, three. |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] (선호) 오케이 오케이, 오케이, 둘, 셋! | Okay, okay, two, three. Okay, okay, two, three. |
[참가자들의 기합] | Okay, okay, two, three. |
- (선호) 왔다, 왔다, 왔다 - (식) 왔어, 왔어, 왔어 | It's moving, it's moving. -It's moving, it's moving. -[Han-saem] It's moving, it's moving. |
(기관) 통나무 가져오자 가져오세요, 가져와 | -It's moving, it's moving. -[Han-saem] It's moving, it's moving. -It's moving, it's moving. -Let's get the logs, the logs. |
(한샘) 통나무 가져와야 돼 | -It's moving, it's moving. -Let's get the logs, the logs. |
[차분한 음악] | |
(선호) 야, 힘쓰는 사람들은 일단 오고 | Hey, the stronger guys come over here. |
성빈아, 일로 와 성빈아, 여기 잡아 | Sung-bin, come here, Sung-bin, hold this here. |
- (기관) 내가 들게 - (선호) 어, 희동이 뒤로 | Sung-bin, come here, Sung-bin, hold this here. -And Hee-dong to the back. -[Ki-kwan] Watch your feet. |
- (기관) 발 조심, 발 조심 - (선호) 오케이, 오케이, 발 조심 | Watch your feet, okay? Okay, okay, watch your feet, watch your feet. |
(선호) 여기, 여기 | Okay, okay, watch your feet, watch your feet. -[Sung-bin] I got it. -[Sun-ho] Here, here, good, good, good. |
- (기관) 오케이 - (선호) 좋아, 좋아, 좋아 | -[Sung-bin] I got it. -[Sun-ho] Here, here, good, good, good. |
(선호) 자, 가자, 이제 이제 끌려왔어 | -Okay, let's go, we got it moving. -[Ki-kwan] Hold on and let's go. |
- (기관) 자, 붙잡고 가자 - (선호) 자, 준비해 | Get ready. One, two, three. |
(선호) 하나, 둘, 셋! | One, two, three. |
[참가자들의 기합] (기관) 아, 좋아! | Ah, nice. |
- (선호) 둘, 셋! - (기관) 아, 좋아! [참가자들의 기합] | Ah, nice. |
- (선호) 셋! - (기관) 아, 좋아 [참가자들의 기합] | [all grunting] Ah, nice, nice, nice. |
[긴장되는 음악] (선호) 좋아, 좋아 | Ah, nice, nice, nice. |
(기관) 하나, 둘, 셋! | One, two, three! |
[참가자들의 애쓰는 소리] | One, two, three! -Stop, stop. -[Han-saem] One more, one more. |
- (성빈) 스톱, 스톱 - (선호) 야, 하나 더, 하나 더 | -Stop, stop. -[Han-saem] One more, one more. [Sung-bin] Stop, stop. |
(아름) 통나무 들어야 돼 | -[A-reum] We have to lift the log. -[Sung-bin] The log. |
(강민) 통나무 | -[A-reum] We have to lift the log. -[Sung-bin] The log. |
(기관) 같이, 같이 | [Ki-kwan] Together, together. |
[참가자들의 거친 숨소리] | |
(선호) 호흡 아껴, 호흡 아껴 | [Sun-ho] Keep breathing, keep breathing. |
(현승) 다 이제 지쳐 가는 게 보이더라고요 | [Sun-ho] Keep breathing, keep breathing. [Sung-bin] We were all so tired, including me. |
저도 그렇고 | [Sung-bin] We were all so tired, including me. |
(강민) 그때가 굉장히 힘들었던 거 같아 | [Kang-min] I think that was the hardest part. |
(희동) 땀이 엄청 나시더라고요 | [Hee-dong] He was sweating like crazy. |
저도 힘든데 유독 제 눈에 제일 많이 보였어요 | [Hee-dong] He was sweating like crazy. It was hard for me too but he could drenched in sweat. |
땀 나는 게 | It was hard for me too but he could drenched in sweat. |
[강민의 가쁜 숨소리] (선호) 가져오는 사람은 가져오고 좀 호흡 쉬어, 괜찮아, 오케이? | Take a breath after putting down the log, okay? |
- (선호) 자, 줘, 줘, 줘 - (기관) 나와, 조심해 | -[Ki-kwan] Hey, step aside. -[Sun-ho] Okay. [Ki-kwan] There, there. Over there. Hold over there. |
(선호) 자, 거기서, 자 | [Ki-kwan] There, there. Over there. Hold over there. |
- (식) 오케이 - (선호) 오케이, 됐어, 됐어 | [Ki-kwan] There, there. Over there. Hold over there. [Sun-ho] Okay, it's done, it's done. |
- (선호) 일단 가자, 일단 가자 - (기관) 자, 잡아, 잡자! | -Let's go, let's go. -[Ki-kwan] Now hold on, hold on. |
(선호) 길게, 길게, 힘 길게 쓰자 | -[Sik] Long, long, long pushes. -[Sun-ho] One, two, three! |
(참가자들) 하나, 둘, 셋! | -[Sik] Long, long, long pushes. -[Sun-ho] One, two, three! |
[참가자들의 기합] | |
(선호) 하나, 둘, 셋! | One, two, three! |
[배가 드르륵 끌린다] [참가자들의 기합] | One, two, three! |
- (기관) 자, 한 번 더 - (선호) 하나, 둘, 셋! | -[Ki-kwan] There, one more time. -[Sun-ho] One, two, three! |
(기관) 야, 다 와 간다 | [Ki-kwan] We're almost there. |
(참가자들) 하나, 둘, 셋! | [Sun-ho] One, two, three! One, two, three! |
[참가자들의 애쓰는 소리] | [Sun-ho] One, two, three! One, two, three! |
(선호) 하나, 둘, 셋! [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | [Sun-ho] One, two, three! One, two, three! [Sung-bin] Stop, stop. |
- (기관) 스톱, 스톱 - (선호) 야, 좋아, 좋아! | [Sung-bin] Stop, stop. Nice, nice! |
(기관) 야, 이거 하고 많이 가도 돼 | Once we do this, we can go a long way. |
(선호) 오케이, 오케이, 오케이 | Okay, okay, okay. |
(기관) 거의 끝까지 가도 돼 | [Ki-kwan] We can push to the end. |
(한샘) 통나무를 대거나 통나무를 들고 옮겨야 되거나 [무거운 음악] | [Han-saem] It was so hard to pick up, move and put down the log. |
체력적으로 너무 힘들더라고요 | [Han-saem] It was so hard to pick up, move and put down the log. |
(현승) 그 짧은 줄 잡고 당기려고 하다 보니까 | [Hyun-seung] Holding on to a short rope to pull just didn't work. |
[선호가 구령한다] 너무 안 당겨져 가지고 | [Hyun-seung] Holding on to a short rope to pull just didn't work. |
(참가자들) 하나, 둘, 셋! | [Sun-ho] One, two, three! |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | [Sun-ho] One, two, three! |
둘, 셋! [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | -[men] One, two, three. -[Sung-bin] Okay. |
- (성빈) 오케이 - (한샘) 한 번 더, 한 번 더 | -[men] One, two, three. -[Sung-bin] Okay. -[men] Once more, once more. -[Sun-ho] Two, three. |
(선호) 하나, 둘, 셋 [참가자들이 악쓴다] | -[men] Once more, once more. -[Sun-ho] Two, three. |
(선호와 기관) - 자, 가자, 하나, 둘, 셋 - 자, 파이팅, 빨리, 희동아 | -Okay, let's go. One, two, three. -Hey, keep going, hurry, Hee-dong. |
- (식) 스톱, 스톱 - (희동) 통나무, 통나무 | -Okay, let's go. One, two, three. -Hey, keep going, hurry, Hee-dong. -[Hee-dong] Stop, stop. -[Hyun-seung] The log, the log. |
(기관) 자, 다 왔다, 다 왔다! [미라클의 기합] | [Ki-kwan] There, we're almost there! Good, good, good! |
(선호) 좋아, 좋아, 좋아! | Good, good, good! |
- (기관) 자, 파이팅! - (선호) 야, 별거 아니네 | -[Ki-kwan] Let's keep going! -[Sun-ho] Hey, this is nothing! Nice, nice! |
(기관) 좋아, 좋아 | Nice, nice! |
(한샘) 받아 줘야 돼 밑에 받아 줘야 돼 | -[Han-saem] Catch it from the other side. -[Ki-kwan] Here, here. |
- (기관) 됐어, 됐어, 됐어 - (선호) 가자 | -Done, done, done. -Okay, let's go. |
[참가자들이 분주하다] (선호) 야, 다 붙어! | -We're almost there, almost there! -Come on, stick together. |
- (기관) 다 올리자 - (선호) 자, 하나, 둘, 셋! | -Let's get it all. -[Sun-ho] Now, one, two, three! |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | -Let's get it all. -[Sun-ho] Now, one, two, three! Once more. One, two, three! |
(선호) 한 번 더, 하나, 둘, 셋! [참가자들의 기합] | Once more. One, two, three! |
- (선호) 하나, 둘, 셋! - (희동) 됐어, 됐어 [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | -One, two, three. -[Sik] It's done, it's done. [Sun-ho] One, two, three. |
- (선호) 하나, 둘, 셋 - (한샘) 오케이, 다 했어 | [Sun-ho] One, two, three. -[Ki-kwan] Okay, we're done. -[Kang-min] Okay, okay. |
- (한샘) 오케이, 다 했어 - (식) 오케이, 오케이, 여기 | -[Ki-kwan] Okay, we're done. -[Kang-min] Okay, okay. |
(선호) 좀만, 조금만 더 조금만 더 | [Sun-ho] A bit more, a bit more. |
- (기관) 가자! - (선호) 하나, 둘, 셋! | Let's go. One, two, three. |
[참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | Let's go. One, two, three. |
(선호) 좀 더, 하나, 둘, 셋! [참가자들의 기합] | A bit more. One, two, three. |
(한샘) 가자, 가자, 가자 | We're done. |
(선호) 됐어, 자, 10초만 호흡하자 [성빈이 숨을 후 내뱉는다] | We're done. Let's breathe for ten seconds. [Ki-kwan] Go on. |
자, 10초만 호흡하자 [가쁜 숨소리] | |
자, 호흡 한번, 호흡 한번 | [Sun-ho] Breathe, let's breathe. |
자, 호흡 한번, 호흡 한번 [기관의 가쁜 숨소리] | Breathe, let's breathe. |
자, 호흡 한번, 호흡 한번 [미라클의 가쁜 숨소리] | Breathe, let's breathe. |
(기관) 한 번에 가자, 한 번에 | Let's do this in one go. |
- (기관) 자, 다, 자, 붙잡아 - (식) 잠깐, 잠깐, 잠깐 | Hold on. [Sik] Wait, wait, wait. |
- (기관) 야, 저거 내려! - (선호) 어디 있어? | [Han-saem] Hey, hey, get that down. |
(선호) 이거 어디 있어? 뭐야? 이거, 이거, 이거 | Where is it? Where is this? This, this, this. |
(한샘) 아, 이거야? 이거 가져가? | [Ki-kwan] Ah, is it this, do I take this? |
(선호와 기관) - 아, 놔 봐, 놔 봐, 놔 봐 - 천천히, 괜찮아요 | -Let go, let go, let go. -[Han-saem] Slowly, it's fine. |
(선호) 아니야, 아니야 그 상태, 그 상태, 그렇게 그 상태 | [Sun-ho] No, it works, it works, it works. |
(아름) 파이팅, 천천히, 천천히 | [A-reum] Keep going. Slowly, slowly. |
(성빈) 와, 이게 근데 줄로 옮기기가 개빡셀 거 같은데 | [Sung-bin] Wow, moving this to align will be so hard. |
(기관) 자, 됐어, 연결됐어 | [Han-saem] Okay, it's done, it's connected. |
- (식) 이쪽 와서 여기 잡아야 돼 - (희동) 여기, 여기 | -Come here and hold onto this. -Here, here. |
- (성빈) 저기 잡아, 저거 - (기관) 여기 잡아야 돼, 여기 | -Hold it up there. -[Hee-dong] Hold onto this part here. [Ki-kwan] That's okay? Come on, hold on tight. Come on, let's go. |
(선호) 됐어? 자, 팽팽하게 잡고 | [Ki-kwan] That's okay? Come on, hold on tight. Come on, let's go. |
(기관) 자, 가자, 잡아 | Now, let's go, two, three. |
- (기관) 하나, 둘, 셋 - (선호) 자, 가자, 둘, 셋 [참가자들의 기합] | One, two, three. |
(참가자들) 하나, 둘, 셋 | One, two, three. [all] One, two, three. |
[함께 힘준다] | [all] One, two, three. |
(선호) 체중 뒤로 실어 하늘 보면서 | Put your weight into it and look up at the ceiling. One, two, three. |
하나, 둘, 셋! [참가자들의 기합] | Put your weight into it and look up at the ceiling. One, two, three. [Sun-ho] Again, one, two, three. |
다시, 하나, 둘, 셋 [참가자들의 기합] | [Sun-ho] Again, one, two, three. |
다시, 하나, 둘, 셋! | Again, one, two, three. |
[참가자들의 기합] | Again, one, two, three. One, two, three. |
하나, 둘, 셋! | One, two, three. [Miracle] Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. |
(미라클) 잠깐만, 잠깐만, 잠깐만 | [Miracle] Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. |
[의미심장한 음악] 잠깐만, 잠깐만, 잠깐만 | [Miracle] Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. |
(기관) 아, 걸렸어 | [Ki-kwan] Ah, it's stuck. |
자, 우리 빨라, 괜찮아 | We're fast, it's okay. |
(선호와 기관) - 잘하고 있어, 잘하고 있어 - 가자, 가자! | We're doing well, we're doing well. Let's go, let's go, hold on. |
- (선호) 붙잡고 - (기관) 팽팽하게 | We're doing well, we're doing well. Let's go, let's go, hold on. -[Han-saem] Keep it tight. -[all] One, two, three. |
(참가자들) 하나, 둘, 셋 [참가자들의 기합] | -[Han-saem] Keep it tight. -[all] One, two, three. |
(선호) 둘, 셋 [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | [Sun-ho] Two, three. |
둘, 셋 [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | -Two, three. -[all grunting] |
둘, 셋 [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | -Two, three. -[all grunting] |
- (선호) 둘, 셋 - (기관) 좋다, 좋아! [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | -Two, three. -[Han-saem] It's moving, nice! [Sun-ho] Two, three. |
- (선호) 둘, 셋 - (기관) 올라간다! | [Sun-ho] Two, three. -[Miracle] It's going up! -[Sun-ho] Two, three. |
- (선호) 둘, 셋 - (기관) 좋다 [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | -[Miracle] It's going up! -[Sun-ho] Two, three. |
(선호) 둘, 셋! [참가자들의 기합] | -[Sun-ho] Two, three. -[all grunting] |
둘, 셋! [참가자들의 기합] | -[Sun-ho] Two, three. -[grunting continues] [Sun-ho] Two, three. |
둘, 셋! [참가자들의 기합] | [Sun-ho] Two, three. |
(성빈) 자리 바꿔, 자리 바꿔 자리 바꿔 | Switch. Switch, switch. Switch left and right. |
오른쪽, 왼쪽 바꿔 | Switch. Switch, switch. Switch left and right. |
오른쪽, 왼쪽 바꿔 | Switch left and right. [Sung-bin] Uh, just… |
(성빈) 아, 그냥 그 오르막이 진짜 제일 힘들었어 | [Sung-bin] Uh, just… The slope was the hardest. |
(아름) 이제 통나무가 다 빠지고 배가 다 올라온 순간부터 | [A-reum] The moment we left the logs behind and the ship got onto the slope, |
와, 1cm 끌어 올리는 게 힘들더라고요 | it was hard to pull just even one centimeter. |
(선호) 지금까지 했던 퀘스트 중에는 비교할 수 없죠 | it was hard to pull just even one centimeter. [Sun-ho] I can't even compare this quest to the other ones. |
완전히 정말 최상, 최고 | [Sun-ho] I can't even compare this quest to the other ones. This was by far the toughest, on a crazy level. |
말도 안 되는 어떤 그런 레벨이었지, 이거는, 예 | This was by far the toughest, on a crazy level. |
(한샘) 너무너무 화가 나더라고요 | [Han-saem] I was furious. |
근력에 대한 어떤 스트레스가 갑자기 확 몰려왔었어요 | [Han-saem] I was furious. The stress on my muscles suddenly hit me. [Hyun-seung] From start to finish, what I'm using was all… |
(현승) 지금 처음부터 끝까지 지금, 악 | [Hyun-seung] From start to finish, what I'm using was all… |
악으로 하는 거밖에 없어요, 지금 | [Hyun-seung] From start to finish, what I'm using was all… sheer willpower. |
개힘들어요, 진짜 | It was just so damn hard. |
[긴장되는 음악] | [timer ticking] |
- (기관) 거의 다 왔어 - (식) 다 했어, 다 했어 | -[Ki-kwan] We're almost there. -[A-reum] Let's go! |
(아름) 파이팅! | -[Ki-kwan] We're almost there. -[A-reum] Let's go! -[Hee-dong] Let's go! -Let's keep going! |
- (기관) 자, 파이팅 하자! - (한샘) 파이팅! | -[Hee-dong] Let's go! -Let's keep going! |
(참가자들) 하나, 둘, 셋! [참가자들의 기합] | [Sun-ho] One, two, three. |
- (선호) 하나, 둘, 셋! - (기관) 아, 좋아! | -One, two, three. -[Han-saem] Almost done, almost done. |
(선호) 하나, 둘, 셋! | -One, two, three! -[Miracle] Nice! |
- (기관) 꽉 잡아! - (선호) 둘, 셋! | -[Ki-kwan] Hold on tight. -[Sun-ho] One, two, three! |
- (기관) 좋아, 꽉 잡아! - (선호) 둘, 셋! [참가자들의 힘겨운 신음] | [Ki-kwan] Nice, hold tight! [Sun-ho] Two, three! |
- (선호) 둘, 셋! - (아름) 조금만 힘내 | [Sun-ho] Two, three! |
(선호) 오케이, 봐 봐, 봐 봐 | Okay, check, check. |
[참가자들의 지친 숨소리] | [arduous breathing] |
- (식) 안 돼, 조금만 더 - (기관) 조금만 더 | -[Sun-ho] No? -[Han-saem] A bit more. |
- (기관) 다 왔어, 다 왔어 - (성빈) 하, 씨발 | [Sung-bin] Oh, shoot. |
(참가자들) 조금만 더 | |
[힘겨운 숨소리] | |
(기관) 야, 이거 힘들어, 못 해 우리 잘한 거야 | Hey, this is way too hard, but we're doing well. |
- (선호) 잘하고 있어, 지금 - (기관) 자, 자 | Hey, this is way too hard, but we're doing well. -Good job, guys. -Okay. [Ki-kwan] Okay, together, together. |
- (기관) 다 같이, 다 같이 - (식) 최종, 최종 | [Ki-kwan] Okay, together, together. |
(선호) 야, 가자, 가자, 자, 준비 | [Sun-ho] Let's go, let's go. [man 1] Put your weight on it, your weight. |
(참가자들) 하나, 둘, 셋 [함께 힘준다] | [all] One, two, three. [all grunt] |
둘, 셋 [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | -[Sun-ho] Two, three. -[all grunt] -[Ki-kwan] Hold on tight. -[Sun-ho] Two, three. |
- (기관) 꽉 잡아! - (선호) 하나, 둘, 셋! | -[Ki-kwan] Hold on tight. -[Sun-ho] Two, three. |
(선호) 하나, 둘, 셋! | One, two, three. |
[참가자들의 애쓰는 소리] 하나, 둘, 셋! | -[all grunting] -[Sun-ho] One, two, three. |
하나, 둘, 셋! | -One, two, three. -[grunting continues] |
하나, 둘, 셋! | [all] One, two, three. |
[참가자들의 힘겨운 탄성] (선호) 뒤에서 밀어야 되나? | [all] One, two, three. -[Ki-kwan] Should we push? -[arduous breathing] |
- (성빈) 씨발 - (기관) 아니, 아니야 [고조되는 음악] | [Ki-kwan] No, no. |
[성빈의 가쁜 숨소리] (성빈) 어쩔 수 없어요, 이게 | [Sung-bin] It was impossible. In that kind of situation, you can't help but curse. |
그렇게 되면, 그 상황이 되면 | In that kind of situation, you can't help but curse. |
욕이 안 나올 수가 없는 거 같아 | In that kind of situation, you can't help but curse. |
진짜 이만큼이 | We just couldn't get it to move this much at the end. |
안 당겨지는 거예요, 마지막에 | We just couldn't get it to move this much at the end. |
'이거 큰일 났다' | "This looks bad. Can we finish?" |
'끝낼 수 있을까?' | "This looks bad. Can we finish?" |
(선호) 둘, 셋 [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | [Sun-ho] Two, three! |
둘, 셋 [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | [Sun-ho] Two, three! -Two, three! -[all grunt] |
둘, 셋 [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | -Two, three! -[all grunt] |
(기관) 하나, 둘, 셋! [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | -One, two, three. -[all grunt] -[Miracle] Again. -[all] One, two, three. |
하나, 둘, 셋! [참가자들의 힘겨운 신음] | -[Miracle] Again. -[all] One, two, three. |
(선호와 기관) 둘, 셋 | [all] Two, three! [all grunting] |
(선호) 둘, 셋 [참가자들의 힘주는 소리] | [all] Two, three! -[Sun-ho] Three! -[grunting continues] |
둘, 셋! | -[Sun-ho] Two, three! -[all grunting] |
자, 하나, 둘, 셋! | -[Sun-ho] Now, one, two, three. -[grunting continues] |
하나, 둘, 셋 | [Sun-ho] One, two, three. -[Sun-ho] One, two, three. -[all grunting] |
하나, 둘, 셋 [아름의 힘겨운 탄성] | -[Sun-ho] One, two, three. -[all grunting] -[Sun-ho] One, two, three. -[grunting continues] |
하나, 둘, 셋 [아름이 소리친다] | -[Sun-ho] One, two, three. -[grunting continues] |
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