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  나는 신이다: 신이 배신한 사람들 3

In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal 3


‪(도형) 어느 날 중국의‬ ‪국가 안전국이라는 곳에서‬[Kim Do-hyeong] We got a call from the Ministry of State Security of China,
‪저희 쪽에 연락이 왔습니다‬[Kim Do-hyeong] We got a call from the Ministry of State Security of China, the equivalent of South Korea's Intelligence Service.
‪우리 식으로 얘기하면은 국정원‬the equivalent of South Korea's Intelligence Service.
‪그 국가 안전국 외곽 조직에서‬ ‪저희한테 연락이 와서‬They called us and they told us that they believed
‪'정명석 추정 인물이‬ ‪북경에서 잡혔는데'‬they had Jeong Myeong-seok under arrest in Beijing.
‪[경찰차 사이렌]‬ ‪(중국 앵커) [중국어] 정명석은‬ ‪공안의 추적을‬[man] Jeong Myeong-seok evaded police officers
‪한차례 따돌리고 탈출하기도 했다‬during their first attempt to bring him in.
‪그는 비밀통로로‬ ‪몰래 빠져나갔지만‬Even though Myeong-seok was able to elude arrest this time,
‪법망을 피하지 못했고‬Even though Myeong-seok was able to elude arrest this time, officers continued to pursue the case.
‪17일 후 재차 출동한 공안들에게‬Just 17 days after the first attempt to arrest him,
‪정명석은 결국 체포당하고 만다‬Jeong Myeong-seok was detained by police officers.
‪(도형) [한국어] 2007년 5월에‬ ‪북경에서 검거가 됐습니다‬[Do-hyeong] He was arrested in Beijing in May of 2007.
‪정말 통쾌했죠‬It felt great, of course.
‪(도형) 그래서 저는 뭐, 전화 끊고‬[Do-hyeong] After I got off the phone,
‪바로 그냥 술집으로 달려갔습니다‬ ‪신나서 술 마시러‬[Do-hyeong] After I got off the phone, I went out to a bar to get some drinks because I was so excited.
‪(홍일) 서로가 막‬ ‪축제를 벌였습니다, 축제를‬[Kim Hong-il] We were very happy and we celebrated.
‪(중국 앵커) [중국어] 체포 직후‬ ‪정명석은‬[man] After Jeong Myeong-seok's arrest, the facade of an arrogant leader of a cult vanished.
‪일파의 두목 같은 면모는‬ ‪전혀 보이지 않았으며‬the facade of an arrogant leader of a cult vanished. He was a completely different person, and displayed very strange behaviors.
‪자신의 혐의를 부인하기에 바빴다‬In relation to his crimes, he denied all his wrongdoing. He also denied his offenses, including the money and sex crimes.
‪[한국어] 성경에 보면 예수는‬ ‪굉장히 당당했습니다‬In the Bible, Jesus was always confident.
‪(홍일) 자기의 죄에 대해서‬ ‪변명하지 않고‬In the Bible, Jesus was always confident. He never made excuses for his actions.
‪정명석은 도망 다니다가‬ ‪잡혔습니다‬When Jeong was arrested, he was on the run.
‪예수하고는 정반대의 길을‬ ‪걸었습니다‬When Jeong was arrested, he was on the run. That's the opposite of what Jesus would do.
‪[박진감 넘치는 음악]‬
‪(형진) 본인이 메시아라고‬ ‪생각하고 있지 않고‬[Kim Hyeong-jin] He actually said he did not believe he was the Messiah or Jesus.
‪주님이라고도 생각하지 않고‬[Kim Hyeong-jin] He actually said he did not believe he was the Messiah or Jesus.
‪그냥 한 교회의 어떤 목회자란‬ ‪말만 되풀이하였습니다‬[Kim Hyeong-jin] He actually said he did not believe he was the Messiah or Jesus. Instead, he kept saying that he was simply a pastor of a church.
‪(중국 앵커) [중국어]‬ ‪주요 심문 시에는‬[man] While he was being questioned about his crimes,
‪불쌍한 척, 미친 척 연기하며‬ ‪공안 심문을 빠져나가려 애썼다‬ ‪[명석의 괴상한 신음]‬[man] While he was being questioned about his crimes, he started acting insane and tried to gain sympathy in order to escape the questions of the public security officer.
‪[명석의 괴로운 탄성]‬[moaning]
‪[명석의 괴로운 탄성이 늘어진다]‬[moaning slowed down]
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬
‪[연신 강조하는 효과음]‬
‪[엄숙한 음악]‬
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬2007 THE ARREST
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪[한국어] 제가 캐나다에서‬ ‪태어났어요‬[poignant music] I was born in Canada.
‪(메이플) 엄마, 아빠‬ ‪그리고 그 아기는 저‬That's my mom and dad. The baby is me.
‪제가 3월 말에 태어났는데‬I was born at the end of March,
‪그날 밤 갑자기 눈 내렸다고…‬and my parents said that it suddenly started snowing that night.
‪그게 신기했다고…‬My parents used to say that it was like a miracle.
‪그래서 정말 저를 많이‬ ‪사랑했죠, 부모님‬My parents used to say that it was like a miracle. Both of them really loved me very much.
‪[영어] 저는 메이플이라고 합니다‬[speaking English] My name is Maple Yip.
‪저는 홍콩 사람이고‬ ‪올해 28살입니다‬I'm from Hong Kong. I'm 28 years old.
‪[한국어] 저는‬ ‪메이플이라고 합니다‬[interpreter] My name is Maple.
‪저는 홍콩 사람이고‬ ‪올해 29살입니다‬I'm from Hong Kong, and I'm 29 years old in Korean age.
‪[훌쩍인다]‬ ‪고등학교 때 2학년?‬I was in my second year of high school.
‪[훌쩍이며] 친구랑 동생이랑 같이‬[sniffles] I was doing shopping at a mall in Causeway Bay with my sister and a friend.
‪코즈웨이 베이에 있는‬ ‪쇼핑몰에 갔어요‬I was doing shopping at a mall in Causeway Bay with my sister and a friend.
‪[번잡한 도시 소음]‬HONG KONG
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪(메이플) 자기가 대학생이라고‬ ‪소개하고‬They approached us by saying that they were college students.
‪저희한테 다가왔어요‬They approached us by saying that they were college students.
‪그중 한 명이 계속‬ ‪저한테 연락 왔어요‬Then one of them kept on calling me.
‪만나자고, 얘기하고 싶다고‬She wanted to meet up and talk with me.
‪[숨을 길게 내뱉는다]‬[sighs]
‪어, 여러 가지 일 때문에, 학교의…‬Um… I was having some trouble at school.
‪(메이플) 일들, 문제들‬I was having some issues.
‪[애써 웃으며] 학교에서‬ ‪왕따 당했어요‬Basically, I was bullied all the time at school.
‪그리고‬And also…
‪부모님이 사이 안 좋아서…‬my parents weren't getting along…
‪그래서 많이 힘들었어요, 저도‬so I was… having a hard time.
‪우울하고‬I was depressed.
‪도대체 왜 살아야 되는지‬I didn't know why I had to keep on living or what love really meant.
‪사랑이 뭔지…‬ ‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬I didn't know why I had to keep on living or what love really meant.
‪그게 너무…‬And that was just…
‪너무 그거 때문에‬ ‪우울하고 힘들어서‬I was depressed and in a very bad place because of that.
‪얘기할 사람 없었어요‬I had no one to talk to.
‪[세찬 빗소리]‬[heavy rainfall]
‪(메이플) 그래서 결국‬So eventually,
‪어…‬So eventually,
‪그 언니한테 삶이 뭐냐고‬ ‪사랑이 뭐냐고…‬I asked her, "What's the meaning of life? What is love?"
‪[떨리는 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪(메이플) 그래서 그 언니가‬Then she started to talk to me about the Bible.
‪성경 얘기를 하기 시작했어요‬Then she started to talk to me about the Bible.
‪하나님은 인간을 창조할 때‬She explained to me that God created man with a purpose, you know?
‪[경건한 음악]‬ ‪목적이 있잖아요?‬She explained to me that God created man with a purpose, you know?
‪JMS에서는 사랑으로‬That's what they said at JMS, that our purpose was love.
‪목적하고 창조했다고…‬That's what they said at JMS, that our purpose was love.
‪하나님은 우리를‬God… loves us.
‪무지무지하게 사랑했어요‬He loves us so much that it can't be put it into words.
‪말할 수도 없이 사랑했어요‬He loves us so much that it can't be put it into words.
‪부모가 자식을 사랑한 거보다도‬The Lord loves us even a million times more
‪몇천만 배 이상을 사랑했어요‬than any parent loves their child.
‪알겠습니까?‬Is that clear?
‪(메이플) [어이없이 웃으며]‬ ‪그 말을 듣고 엄청 감동을 했죠‬I was so moved when I heard him say that.
‪'그런 사랑이 이 세상에 있다니'‬I was so moved when I heard him say that. I couldn't believe that the possibility of a love like that existed.
‪그래서 결국은 JMS에 빠졌죠‬I couldn't believe that the possibility of a love like that existed. That's how I ended up joining JMS.
‪술 먹고 남자 만나고‬I used to drink, meet up with guys…
‪[멋쩍게 웃으며] 담배 피우고‬ ‪그랬어요‬I used to smoke. All of that.
‪제가 그런 삶을 살았다고‬ ‪고백했더니‬So… when I confessed that I used to live like that,
‪'깨끗하게 주님을 모셔라'‬he told me to worship the Lord with a pure heart
‪'사랑하니까, 신부니까'‬because he loves me, and I was his bride.
‪항상 깨끗해야 돼‬Always keep yourself pure.
‪깔끔해야 되고 정결해야 돼‬You must be clean and chaste.
‪이와 같이 영적도 깨끗해야 됩니다‬And your spirit must be pure as well.
‪알겠습니까?‬Is that clear?
‪(메이플) [울먹이며] 제가 이제‬ ‪주님의 용서를 받고‬[Maple] I thought that because I had been forgiven…
‪깨끗한 사람 다시…‬and therefore had become a pure person again… [laughs]
‪[애써 웃으며] 됐다고 생각하니까‬and therefore had become a pure person again… [laughs]
‪[훌쩍인다]‬and therefore had become a pure person again… [laughs]
‪[울먹이며] 깨끗한…‬…that I…
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪하나님의 신부…‬had become a pure…
‪[울음을 삼키며] 됐다고‬ ‪생각했었죠‬bride of God as well.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(도형) 얼마 후에 '한국 정부의‬ ‪범죄인 인도 청구에 의해서'‬[Do-hyeong] Again, we heard that he'd be extradited from China to Korea soon,
‪'한국으로 보낸다'‬[Do-hyeong] Again, we heard that he'd be extradited from China to Korea soon,
‪라는 소식을 다시 듣게 됩니다‬at the request of our government.
‪(경천) 이런 상황은 우리가‬ ‪예상치 못했던 거였거든요?‬You see, we didn't anticipate that situation,
‪왜냐하면은‬because being handcuffed, arrested and then…
‪이렇게 수갑 채워져 가지고‬ ‪이렇게 잡혀 가지고‬because being handcuffed, arrested and then…
‪그렇게 검사받으시고‬ ‪조사받고 이런 것은‬investigated and questioned… PASTOR KIM GYEONG-CHEON EX-VICE-PRESIDENT OF JMS
‪없었던 내용이었습니다‬PASTOR KIM GYEONG-CHEON EX-VICE-PRESIDENT OF JMS That wasn't something we were prepared for.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(JMS 탈퇴자) 중국에서‬ ‪정명석이 붙잡혀서‬[woman] When Jeong was brought to Korea after getting arrested in China…
‪한국에 넘어오면서‬[woman] When Jeong was brought to Korea after getting arrested in China…
‪그동안 기소 중지 됐던 사건들이‬FORMER MEMBER ANTI-JMS ACTIVIST …his past indictments were uncovered,
‪본격적으로 진행이 됐고‬ ‪형사 재판이 일어나게 됐죠‬so the authorities scheduled a criminal trial.
‪정명석 씨의‬ ‪법적 문제 해결을 위해서‬I tried so hard to resolve his legal issues.
‪뛴다고 뛰었어요‬I tried so hard to resolve his legal issues. I even… took my house's down payment and gave it to the attorneys.
‪전세 보증금 빼서‬ ‪변호사 비용으로도 내고요‬I even… took my house's down payment and gave it to the attorneys.
‪피해자들 만나서 좀 합의도 하고‬I met up with the victims to get them to settle.
‪로펌 써 가지고‬And I tried to hire a law firm to obtain his acquittal.
‪유야무야 그냥 무…‬And I tried to hire a law firm to obtain his acquittal.
‪이렇게 무혐의 처리를‬ ‪하려고 했었는데‬And I tried to hire a law firm to obtain his acquittal.
‪정명석 붙잡혀 오기 전부터‬They followed me and asked me to settle
‪계속 합의를 하자고 쫓아다녔고요‬They followed me and asked me to settle even before Jeong Myeong-seok was arrested and extradited.
‪뭐, 소송 시작하니까‬ ‪이제 더 다급해진 마음에‬even before Jeong Myeong-seok was arrested and extradited. And after the trial started, I guess they were more desperate,
‪집까지 쫓아오고‬And after the trial started, I guess they were more desperate, because they followed me home.
‪(JMS 탈퇴자) 합의금을 뭐‬ ‪'10억을 준다', '20억을 준다'‬They said they would pay me half a million dollars,
‪[피식 웃으며] '백지 수표를 준다'‬ ‪뭐, 이런 얘기까지 있었는데‬then they offered a million, then even a blank check.
‪(변호사)‬NOVEMBER 2000 VICTIM'S COURT TESTIMONY [man] Is it true that during the first trial, an alleged bodyguard of Jeong Myeong-seok sat in the corner of this courtroom and tried to intimidate you?
‪(변호사)‬sat in the corner of this courtroom and tried to intimidate you?
‪(피해자 S 모 씨) [울먹이며]‬sat in the corner of this courtroom and tried to intimidate you? [woman] Yes. He kept staring at me.
‪(변호사)‬[man] Is it also true that Jeong Myeong-seok has ordered his bodyguards to catch you and threaten to kill you and your sisters?
‪(변호사)‬to catch you and threaten to kill you and your sisters? [woman] Yes, that's true.
‪(피해자 S 모 씨) [울먹이며]‬[woman] Yes, that's true. They told us they would kill us if they caught us.
‪(JMS 탈퇴자) 그래서‬ ‪한 사람이 빠지고 나머지 네 분이‬I remember one person ended up dropping out, but the remaining were relentless.
‪끝까지 이제 버텨서‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬I remember one person ended up dropping out, but the remaining were relentless.
‪1심에서는 6년이‬ ‪나왔었어요, 징역이‬He was sentenced to six years in prison at the first trial.
‪[명석의 괴상한 신음]‬[muffled groans]
‪자신의 강간 피해 사실을‬ ‪증언을 하고 있는 와중에‬KIM DO-HYEONG ANTI-JMS ACTIVIST, PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS AT DANKOOK UNIVERSITY While the victim from Hong Kong testified about the sexual assault she suffered,
‪갑자기 이놈이‬this bastard suddenly cried, "I can't breathe!"
‪'숨이 안 쉬어져요‬ ‪숨이 안 쉬어져요'‬this bastard suddenly cried, "I can't breathe!"
‪'우웩, 우웩' 하면서‬Then he made gagging noises.
‪거품 물고 넘어진 거예요‬He was foaming from the mouth.
‪'으아' 이렇게 발작을 해 가지고‬[moans] Then he started convulsing.
‪(JMS 탈퇴자) 그리고‬ ‪119 출동을 했어요‬DECEMBER 4, 2008 IN THE APPEALS COURT [woman] They even called an ambulance, but the paramedics examined him
‪그래서 119 대원들이 살펴보더니‬[woman] They even called an ambulance, but the paramedics examined him and said there was absolutely nothing wrong with him.
‪별 이상 없다고 그러는 거예요‬and said there was absolutely nothing wrong with him.
‪막 어떻게 뭐, 고혈압이 되든지‬ ‪이게 막 올라가야 되는데‬We thought his blood pressure had risen or something,
‪그냥 정상, 정상으로 나온 거예요‬but everything was normal.
‪그래서 공판 검사님이 그러셨죠‬ ‪변호인들한테‬So the prosecutor asked the attorneys, "Are you… putting on a show for us?"
‪'쇼는 그쪽이 하는구먼'‬"Are you… putting on a show for us?"
‪저게 어떻게 메시아인가‬ ‪저게, 저게 비겁하기도 짝이 없고‬Seriously, what kind of a Messiah is that? He's such a coward.
‪[피식 웃으며] 저거 어디‬ ‪써먹지도 못하는 자인데‬Seriously, what kind of a Messiah is that? He's such a coward. KIM HONG-IL ANTI-JMS ACTIVIST
‪어떻게 저거에, 저런…‬He's useless. How could anyone believe anything he says and does?
‪저런 행동에‬ ‪저런 말에 속아 넘어가는지‬He's useless. How could anyone believe anything he says and does?
‪한번은 수사 기관에서‬ ‪정명석과 대질을 하게 되었는데‬KIM HYEONG-JIN, PARTICIPANT OF INTERROGATION They conducted a confrontational interrogation of Jeong.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(형진) 조사를 받고 있다가‬ ‪갑자기 무릎을 딱 꿇고‬And during the questioning, he got down on his knees
‪검사 앞에서 싹싹 빌면서‬with his palms together and begged,
‪'검사님, 잘못했습니다‬ ‪한 번만 용서해 주세요'‬saying, "I'm so sorry, sir. Please forgive me."
‪하면서 이렇게 무릎을 꿇고‬ ‪싹싹 비는 모습을 보면서‬And as I saw him there, kneeling and crawling,
‪참 어처구니가 없었습니다‬I thought it was absurd.
‪(피디) 실제로 두 손을 모아서‬ ‪빌었어요?‬[man] Did he really beg with his hands?
‪요렇게, 응‬Yeah, like this.
‪무릎을 꿇고, 검사 앞에서‬ ‪무릎을 꿇고‬He got on his knees in front of the prosecutor,
‪요렇게 빌었습니다‬begging with his hands.
‪하나님이 안 보인다고? 안 보여?‬What if you can't see God?
‪나 쳐다봐, 하나님, 응?‬What if you can't see God? If you can't, just look at me.
‪하나님까지 볼 필요가 없잖아‬ ‪보이지 않으면, 나 쳐다봐‬If you can't, just look at me. You don't need to search for God. I am God.
‪[피식 웃으며] '메시아 맞습니까?'‬ ‪그랬더니‬I asked, "Are you the Messiah?"
‪'어? 나 메시아라고‬ ‪한 적 없는데?'‬He said, "I never said I was the Messiah."
‪굉장히 당황스러워‬ ‪그 발음도 분명하지 않아요‬It was puzzling. His pronunciation was a mess, too.
‪그래서 메시아의 권위로‬ ‪그 많은 여자들을 강간했던 인간이‬So, this man who claimed he was the Messiah to rape those women
‪막상 법정에 서니까‬ ‪자기는 메시아라고 한 적도 없고‬So, this man who claimed he was the Messiah to rape those women denied calling himself the Messiah when he was put on the stand,
‪'난 메시아가 아니다'라는‬ ‪말까지 하더라고요‬and even said that he wasn't the Messiah.
‪자기가 메시아라고 하고‬I mean, he did call himself the Messiah.
‪자기가 신랑이라고 하고‬He called himself the groom.
‪이래서 이렇게까지 해 왔는데‬That's why we worked so hard for him.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[피식 웃으며] 아니, 메시아가‬ ‪아니라는 게 말이 되는가…‬It didn't make sense to deny being the Messiah.
‪(경천) 정명석 씨가‬ ‪'나는 메시아가 아니다'‬When he said that he was not the Messiah,
‪'선생님이 메시아 아니면‬ ‪그럼 우리는 뭐냐'‬we thought, "If he's not, then what are we?"
‪'몸 주고, 마음 주고, 정 주고'‬"We gave him our bodies, hearts, and love."
‪'결혼도 않고‬ ‪선생님을 수십 년 따라왔는데'‬"We followed him for years." "He can't just say that he's not the Messiah."
‪'이제 와서 아니라면 어떡하냐'‬"He can't just say that he's not the Messiah."
‪자살한 사람 있었죠‬"He can't just say that he's not the Messiah."
‪아파트에서 뛰어내려‬ ‪죽었다고 하더라고요‬I learned a woman jumped off of her apartment building.
‪그 당시 사진부를 맡았던 자매죠‬She was in the photography department of the church.
‪지금 만약에 정명석 씨가‬ ‪메시아가 아니라고 하면‬Saying that he was not the Messiah at that point
‪자살할 사람 많아요‬could lead to deaths.
‪(앵커) 대법원 2부는‬ ‪여자 신도들을‬The Supreme Court confirmed the ten-year sentence for Jeong Myeong-seok,
‪성폭행한 혐의 등으로 구속기소 된‬The Supreme Court confirmed the ten-year sentence for Jeong Myeong-seok,
‪JMS 총재 정명석 씨에게‬president and leader of JMS, who had been arrested
‪징역 10년을 선고한 원심을‬ ‪확정했습니다‬for sexually assaulting his female followers.
‪[남자의 탄식]‬Aaah!
‪(남자) 정말…‬Honestly…
‪판사가 한 20, 30년‬ ‪때려 주길 바랐어요, 솔직히‬I hoped he'd get 20 or 30 years in prison.
‪피해자가 몇 명인데…‬There are so many victims.
‪당시 10년 형을 선고받고 정명석이‬When Jeong Myeong-seok was sentenced
‪감옥에 들어갈 당시만 해도‬to serve ten years in prison,
‪(형진) 제 생각에는‬ ‪아마 감옥에서 죽거나‬I remember thinking he would either die in prison,
‪아니면 출소했을 때는‬or maybe, if he were to get out,
‪더 이상 교주 노릇도 못 할 것이고‬he wouldn't be able to be a pastor anymore
‪JMS도 와해될 거라고‬ ‪생각을 했던 거 같습니다‬and that JMS would dissolve too.
‪[불안한 음악]‬
‪[영상 속 잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(JMS 교역자) 한국에 오자마자‬ ‪선생은 10개월 동안‬[woman] As soon as he got back to Korea, he spent ten months
‪중국에서 성자가 주신 말씀과‬ ‪잠언과 시들을‬transcribing the messages, proverbs, and psalms given to him by a saint in China.
‪매일 기록했습니다‬given to him by a saint in China.
‪(JMS 교역자)‬Then he lay on the cross, praying or the sins of all the people of this era.
‪(JMS 교역자)‬praying or the sins of all the people of this era.
‪[불길한 음악]‬
‪(명석)‬JEONG MYEONG-SEOK'S VOICE When I was there, I spent my time spreading joy to the world and fighting off evil.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(명석)‬spreading joy to the world and fighting off evil. Because I was following God's will in bearing the sins of all mankind,
‪(명석)‬Because I was following God's will in bearing the sins of all mankind, it was completely worthwhile.
‪(명석)‬I love leading people to salvation.
‪감옥, 10년 감옥이‬Basically, he thinks it's unfair that he ended up in prison for ten years.
‪[피식 웃으며] 다 억울한 거죠‬ ‪정명석 말로는‬Basically, he thinks it's unfair that he ended up in prison for ten years.
‪그래서 이 전자 발찌도‬ ‪십자가의 일부분?‬He considered his electronic anklets to be a burden.
‪그래도 검색을 안 해 봤어요‬I didn't try to find out who he really was.
‪그게 다 거짓말이라고‬The followers said that it was all lies.
‪그 사람들‬They said that the victims were selling out… the Lord.
‪주님을 파는 사람이라고 하니까‬They said that the victims were selling out… the Lord.
‪전 그 말 믿었죠‬And I believed them,
‪바보처럼‬like an idiot.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬INMATE NUMBER 1178
‪(경천) 대전교도소‬ ‪수감 번호가 1178인데‬INMATE NUMBER 1178 [Gyeong-cheon] His inmate number at Daejeon Correctional Institution was 1178.
‪새벽 1시에 기도하고‬PRAYER AT 1 AM He said that if you pray at one a.m., at one p.m., and then at seven p.m…
‪오후 1시 기도하고‬He said that if you pray at one a.m., at one p.m., and then at seven p.m…
‪저녁 7시에 기도하면‬PRAYER AT 1 PM PRAYER AT 7 PM
‪8, 8자가 펴진다‬your life will be eight times better. LIFE EIGHT TIMES BETTER
‪그리고 우리나라 한반도 길이가‬Also, the total length of the Korean peninsula is 1,178 kilometers.
‪1,178km래요‬Also, the total length of the Korean peninsula is 1,178 kilometers.
‪그리고 정명석 씨 생일이‬ ‪3월 16일이잖아요?‬Finally, Jeong Myeong-seok's birthday is March 16th.
‪[영상 속 사람들의 환호성]‬ ‪3월 16일이면‬He said March 16th is for John 3:16,
‪요한복음 3장 16절이 뭐냐‬He said March 16th is for John 3:16,
‪♪ 하나님이 세상을‬ ‪이처럼 사랑하사 ♪‬which reads, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son."
‪♪ 독생자를 주셨으니 ♪‬which reads, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son."
‪'그러니까 선생님이 예수님이다'‬Therefore, Jeong Myeong-seok is Jesus.
‪[불길한 음악]‬
‪(메이플) 어떤 호텔에 가서‬ ‪같이 수영하자고‬[Maple] She asked me to go to a hotel with her to go swimming,
‪'그래서 비키니 챙겨 와라'‬[Maple] She asked me to go to a hotel with her to go swimming, and told me to bring my bikini.
‪그래서 비키니 챙기고 갔는데‬So I brought my bikini with me.
‪'선생님께 보낼‬ ‪사진을 찍고 수영하자'‬She said, "Let's take some pictures to send to the Lord and then swim."
‪조금 당황스러웠는데‬I was a bit surprised,
‪그래도 언니들 아무렇지 않으니까‬but nobody else seemed bothered by it.
‪네, 그렇게 찍었어요, 비키니 입고‬So I just took the pictures in my bikini.
‪저를 사랑하시는 주님이니까‬Because they were for the Lord, who loved me.
‪이거는 이제 제 사진인데‬This is me. This is how the so-called "stars" sent their pictures to him. AN AUTOGRAPH FROM JEONG MYEONG-SEOK WHILE HE WAS IN PRISON
‪이렇게 직접 사인한 거예요‬And look, he signed it himself.
‪정명석은 교도소 안에서‬Even in prison, Jeong received pictures of his female followers in bikinis,
‪비키니 여신도 복장을 보고‬ ‪감상을 하면서‬Even in prison, Jeong received pictures of his female followers in bikinis,
‪그중에 마음에 드는 여성은‬ ‪교도소로 면회를 오게 만듭니다‬Even in prison, Jeong received pictures of his female followers in bikinis, and when he saw a woman that he liked, he'd make her come visit him.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬and when he saw a woman that he liked, he'd make her come visit him.
‪(메이플) 저기…‬Over there…
‪저기 들어가서‬You go in there, and you show them your passport or your official ID.
‪제 '패스포트' 이렇게‬ ‪보여 주는 장소예요‬You go in there, and you show them your passport or your official ID.
‪(메이플) 그때는‬ ‪뭐, 또 엄청 기뻤죠‬Back then, we were all so excited
‪이제 주님을 만나러 가니까‬because we were going to go meet our Lord.
‪[불안한 음악]‬[poignant music]
‪(메이플) [피식 웃으며] 또 울었죠‬ ‪감동받아 가지고‬I cried because I was so moved.
‪거기서 막 울고‬I cried so much there.
‪접견할 수 있는 게 감사했죠‬I was just so thankful that I was able to see him.
‪그러니까 모든 사람 다‬ ‪그럴 수 있는 거 아니잖아요‬I was just so thankful that I was able to see him. Not everybody in the world got to do it, you know?
‪어떻게 보면 진짜 큰 하늘의 기회?‬I thought it was a great opportunity given to me by God.
‪교도소 근처에 아파트가 있어요‬There's an apartment complex near the prison.
‪두세 번 갔어요‬I went there two or three times.
‪테라스에서‬ ‪교도소의 어떤 한 곳 보여요‬From the terrace, you can see this one spot in the prison.
‪매일 1시, 운동하러 나와요‬ ‪정명석이‬Every day, at one p.m., Jeong Myeong-seok came out to exercise.
‪대걸레를 들고, 테라스잖아요‬I used to stand on the terrace and pick up a mop.
‪그래서 이렇게 딱 밖에다 이렇게‬ ‪이렇게, 이렇게 흔들어요‬I used to stand on the terrace and pick up a mop. I would rub it on the window in a wavy motion over and over again,
‪그럼 정명석이 그거를 보고‬ ‪우리가 왔다는 거 알게 되죠‬so Jeong Myeong-seok could see it and know that we were there.
‪한번 제가 갔는데‬One time, I was there
‪정명석이 벽에다 이렇게‬and he wrote on the wall
‪'메이플'이라고 썼어요‬"Maple," with his hand.
‪[멋쩍게 웃으며] 그래서 너무‬ ‪감동받아 가지고요‬And when he did that,
‪울었어요, 그때‬I was so moved, I cried.
‪[훌쩍이는 소리]‬[sniffles]
‪(메이플) '하나님'‬Dear God.
‪[울먹이며] '주님께서‬ ‪거기 억울하게'‬Dear God. Our Lord is suffering so much there
‪[메이플이 훌쩍인다]‬Our Lord is suffering so much there
‪(메이플) '만민을 위해서'‬for all of us…
‪'우리의 죄 때문에'‬for all of mankind…
‪[메이플이 훌쩍인다]‬
‪'저렇게 고통받고 계십니다'‬and for all of our sins…
‪[훌쩍이며] '열심히‬ ‪전도할 테니까'‬I'll spread the Word to more people.
‪'정말, 주님'‬So, please,
‪'빨리 나오게 해 주시옵소서'‬let the Lord get released soon.
‪[불길한 음악]‬
‪(기자) 기독교 복음 선교회‬[man] Jeong Myeong-seok, the leader of JMS, the Christian Gospel Mission
‪일명 JMS의 교주로 알려진‬ ‪정명석 씨가‬[man] Jeong Myeong-seok, the leader of JMS, the Christian Gospel Mission
‪10년 동안의 복역을 마치고‬ ‪출소했습니다‬[man] Jeong Myeong-seok, the leader of JMS, the Christian Gospel Mission was released after serving ten years in prison.
‪정 씨는 전자 발찌를‬ ‪7년 동안 착용해야 합니다‬Mr. Jeong will have to wear an electronic anklet for seven years.
‪(도형) 아주 유해 조수가 이제‬It felt like some kind of vermin had escaped from the zoo.
‪그, 동물원에서 탈출하는?‬It felt like some kind of vermin had escaped from the zoo.
‪호랑이나 사자‬ ‪곰보다도 더 위험한‬Like a monster that was far more dangerous than a tiger or a bear
‪그런 생명체가‬Like a monster that was far more dangerous than a tiger or a bear
‪우리를 탈출해서 세상으로 나오는‬ ‪그런 심정이었습니다‬had broken out of its cage and into the world.
‪[음산한 효과음]‬
‪[영상 속 신도들의 박수와 환호성]‬-[man 1] Thank you! -[cheering and applause]
‪(명석) 반응이 좋아야 돼, 반응‬-[Myeong-seok] I want a better reaction. -[man 2] Okay!
‪(신도들) 네!‬-[Myeong-seok] I want a better reaction. -[man 2] Okay!
‪- (명석) 반응!‬ ‪- (신도들) 네!‬-[Myeong-seok] Come on! -[group] Praise!
‪반응이 안 좋으면 반항이야, 반항!‬If you don't respond, you're gonna be a rebel!
‪(신도들) 아멘!‬-[group] Amen! -[yelling]
‪확실하게 해! 하려면‬ ‪[신도들의 호응]‬-[group] Amen! -[yelling] If you're gonna do it, you have to do it right!
‪안 하려면 말아!‬Or don't do it at all!
‪(신도들) 예!‬-[group] Yes! -[woman] Yes, Lord!
‪하나님의 음성 소리 들었어?‬-[group] Yes! -[woman] Yes, Lord! Did you hear the Lord's voice?
‪(신도들) 네!‬Did you hear the Lord's voice? [group] I hear!
‪6천 년 역사야‬ ‪반응만 하면, 반응!‬It's a 6,000-year-old history. So answer!
‪- (신도들) 예!‬ ‪- 반응!‬-[group] Amen! -Answer!
‪- (신도들) 네!‬ ‪- (신도1) 선생님, 죄송합니다‬-[group] Yes! -[woman] I'm sorry, Lord!
‪주가 얼마나 무서운지 알려야!‬There's no need to fear death!
‪(신도2) 네‬[group] Yes!
‪정신 차리고 가야 돼!‬Get a grip and move forward!
‪[신도들이 저마다 대답한다]‬-[crowd] Amen! -[group] We will!
‪[신도들의 박수와 환호성]‬-[cheering] -[man] Yes!
‪[신도들이 연신 환호한다]‬
‪♪ 휴거의 역사다 ♪‬[in Korean] ♪ It is the working of rapture ♪
‪♪ 사랑의 역사다 ♪‬♪ And the working of love ♪
‪♪ 하나님 성령님 모시고서 ♪‬♪ With God and the Holy Spirit ♪
‪♪ 미련 없이 ♪‬♪ I will do it ♪
‪♪ 행합니다 ♪‬ ‪[신도들의 박수와 환호성]‬-♪ Without any regrets ♪ -[crowd cheering]
‪[경쾌한 반주가 흘러나온다]‬[upbeat pop music]
‪[메이플과 여신도가 노래한다]‬ ‪(메이플과 여신도)‬[in Korean] ♪ You are the very best, my Lord ♪
‪(신도들) 최고, 최고, 최고!‬[crowd] ♪ The best, the best, the best ♪
‪(메이플과 여신도)‬[crowd] ♪ The best, the best, the best ♪ ♪ You are our one and only Lord ♪
‪(신도들) 하나뿐인 주님!‬[crowd] ♪ You're the only one… ♪
‪[영상 속 노래가 계속된다]‬ ‪(메이플) 공식적인 자리에서‬ ‪영광 돌린다고‬[crowd] ♪ You're the only one… ♪ [Maple] I remember I sang and danced at a lot of official events to help.
‪이제 노래 부르고 춤추는 거죠‬[Maple] I remember I sang and danced at a lot of official events to help. I did it to give him glory.
‪이제 정명석도 노래시키는 거‬ ‪되게 좋아해요‬Jeong Myeong-seok loves to make people sing.
‪저를 시켰어요‬He made me sing, too,
‪그랬더니 분위기가 좀 좋아서‬and people really enjoyed my shows.
‪정명석이 '얘가 노래 잘 부른다'‬So, Jeong said, "She's pretty good at singing, appoint her as a singer."
‪'그래서 가수로 임명한다'‬So, Jeong said, "She's pretty good at singing, appoint her as a singer."
‪[영상 속 밝은 음악]‬ ‪(영상 속 사회자) 극성파‬ ‪치어리더죠‬[woman on video] They're enthusiastic cheerleaders!
‪치어리더 두 명 함께하고 있습니다‬[woman on video] They're enthusiastic cheerleaders! We have two of them right here.
‪[밝은 음악]‬[lively pop music]
‪♪ 일어나 ♪‬[in Korean] ♪ Rise and shine your light ♪
‪♪ 빛을 발하라 ♪‬[in Korean] ♪ Rise and shine your light ♪
‪[영상 속 노래가 계속된다]‬ ‪너무 힘들어 가지고‬But it was so exhausting.
‪제발 가수 시키지 말라고 해서‬I begged them to stop making me sing,
‪'어, 그러면 너 아나운서 하라'‬ ‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬so they told me that I should be the news anchor. [laughs]
‪하늘에는 영광‬
‪땅에는 평화의 역사를‬ ‪이루는 자들이 되길 기도합니다‬I pray that you will all bring peace on Earth and glory to the Lord.
‪[멋쩍게 웃으며] 섭리 뉴스‬ ‪정수정입니다‬Providence News, Jeong Soo-jeong.
‪(메이플) [애써 웃으며] 정명석이‬ ‪지어 준 이름이죠‬Jeong Myeong-seok came up with that name. Jeong Soo-jeong.
‪정수정이라고‬Jeong Myeong-seok came up with that name. Jeong Soo-jeong.
‪[영상 속 메이플이 영어로 말한다]‬Since we came to this history receiving the greatest…
‪(메이플) 10년 동안‬ ‪많은 걸 했는데‬Since we came to this history receiving the greatest… I did a lot of things during those ten years.
‪뭐, 모델도 했고 노방 전도도 했고‬I did a lot of things during those ten years. I did some modeling and street missionary work.
‪나중에 강도사하고 목사도 했어요‬Later, I also served as a probationer and a pastor.
‪[경건한 음악]‬ ‪성령님의 뜨거운 역사‬I pray that the flames of the Holy Spirit will be given to us this year.
‪올해 정말 허락하여 주시옵소서‬ ‪[신도들의 호응]‬I pray that the flames of the Holy Spirit will be given to us this year. [congregation responds]
‪주여!‬[congregation responds] [echoing] My Lord!
‪주여!‬My Lord!
‪(에이미) [영어] 유명세로 보자면‬[woman, in English] In terms of
‪메이플은 JMS 안에서‬fame inside of Providence, then yeah.
‪가장 유명한 사람 중‬ ‪한 명이었어요‬AMY FORMER JMS FOLLOWER She was one of the more famous members.
‪제가 그녀를 처음 알았을 때는‬ ‪[목을 가다듬는다]‬One of the first times I learnt about her… [clears throat] …JMS had just come out of prison,
‪정명석이 막 출소했을 때예요‬[clears throat] …JMS had just come out of prison,
‪[불안한 음악]‬ ‪그리고 그는 그녀를‬ ‪무대 위로 불러들였죠‬and he brought her up to the stage.
‪[웃으며] 그녀가 정말 정명석에게‬ ‪사랑받고 있고‬Ah, she's really, um… loved by him.
‪신의 사랑을 정말 많이‬ ‪받고 있다고 생각했어요‬[laughs] Like, she's really, uh… really loved by God.
‪(메이플) [한국어] 신입생 때 이제‬[Maple speaking Korean] [interpreter] When I was a new member, it was pretty hard
‪[멋쩍게 웃으며] 할아버지를‬ ‪사랑하는 게 힘들잖아요‬[interpreter] When I was a new member, it was pretty hard to love such a weird old man,
‪그래서 하루에 진짜‬ ‪3시간씩 기도했어요‬to love such a weird old man, so I used to pray for three hours every day.
‪하나님께 제발…‬I begged the Lord…
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬I begged the Lord…
‪[피식 웃으며] 정명석을‬ ‪사랑하게 해 달라고‬[sighs] …to please help me love Jeong Myeong-seok.
‪[영상 속 명석의 탄성]‬[Myeong-seok] Whoa!
‪[신도들의 탄성]‬ ‪(메이플)‬[woman] Whoa. -[Maple] It's cool! -[Myeong-seok] Let's go.
‪(명석)‬-[Maple] It's cool! -[Myeong-seok] Let's go. -We'll come back later, get on. -[woman] Hurry, get on the cart.
‪[신도들의 웃음]‬-We'll come back later, get on. -[woman] Hurry, get on the cart. [laughter]
‪[신도들의 탄성과 박수]‬[laughter] [clapping]
‪[메이플과 신도들의 환호성]‬MAPLE -[cheering] -[woman] Isn't this fun!
‪[여신도가 중국어로 말한다]‬-[cheering] -[woman] Isn't this fun!
‪(메이플)‬[Maple] Come on!
‪[신도들의 환호성]‬[Maple] Come on! JEONG MYEONG-SEOK
‪[여신도가 중국어로 말한다]‬ ‪[메이플이 연신 환호한다]‬JEONG MYEONG-SEOK [woman] The Pastor's the best!
‪[여신도가 중국어로 말한다]‬Wow, the Pastor is the best!
‪(메이플)‬Wow, the Pastor is the best! -You're the best! -[cheering]
‪[신도들이 따라 외친다]‬-You're the best! -[cheering] [Maple] You're the best!
‪(메이플) 아직 감옥에 있을 때‬ ‪한번 저한테 편지로 얘기했어요‬[Maple] Once, he sent me a letter while he was still in prison.
‪'내가 나가면 너 옆자리에‬ ‪골프 카 태울 거다'‬It read, "When I get out, you can sit next to me on the golf cart."
‪출소 후에‬And right after he got released,
‪이제 진짜 어느 날‬And right after he got released,
‪주일 날 이제‬the theme for one of his Sunday sermons was "Keeping my promises."
‪'내가 약속한 거 이루리라'는‬ ‪주제였어요‬the theme for one of his Sunday sermons was "Keeping my promises."
‪근데 그날 진짜 저를‬ ‪옆자리에 태웠어요‬That day, he actually let me ride next to him.
‪그래서 제가 그거 좀…‬And I thought, "Wow, he really is the Lord!"
‪'아, 정말 주님이다‬ ‪정말 그, 몇 년 전의 약속인데'‬And I thought, "Wow, he really is the Lord!" "He made that promise so many years ago."
‪'오늘 이렇게 이루네요' 이렇게…‬"He's finally keeping that promise today."
‪[어이없는 웃음]‬[laughs]
‪근데 이제‬But…
‪아, 생각해 보면 너무…‬when I think about it now…
‪바보 같았어요, 그냥‬I was such an idiot.
‪[불안한 음악]‬
‪(메이플) 월명동 근처에 있었는데‬We were near Wolmyeongdong, but he wanted me to come to Cheonggiwa all by myself.
‪저만 청기와로 불렀어요‬We were near Wolmyeongdong, but he wanted me to come to Cheonggiwa all by myself.
‪저한테 전화해서‬A woman called me and said, "Soo-jeong, he wants you to come over."
‪'수정아, 선생님이 너 오래'‬ ‪이랬어요‬A woman called me and said, "Soo-jeong, he wants you to come over."
‪주님께 가는 거니까 좀…‬Because I was going to the Lord…
‪[피식 웃는다]‬ ‪우월감?‬[scoffs] …I felt kinda superior, I guess.
‪그러니까 다른 사람은‬ ‪그런 불림 받지 않았는데 나는…‬[scoffs] …I felt kinda superior, I guess. No one else had been called there at the time but me.
‪이제 청기와…‬Very few people were summoned to visit Cheonggiwa.
‪누구나 갈 수 있는 곳이 아니니까‬Very few people were summoned to visit Cheonggiwa.
‪갔는데 이제 J 언니가 있었고‬When I got there, J was there too.
‪저보고 '수정아, 나 오늘‬ ‪서울로 가야 돼'‬I remember the woman saying something like "Soo-jeong, I need to travel to Seoul tonight,
‪'너 선생님 옆에 자고'‬"Soo-jeong, I need to travel to Seoul tonight, so you'll sleep here next to him."
‪[메이플이 훌쩍인다]‬so you'll sleep here next to him." [sniffles]
‪(메이플) '무슨 일 있으면‬ ‪나한테 얘기해 줘' 이랬어요‬[sniffles] "Please let me know if anything happens."
‪그래서 내가 '네' 하고‬So I agreed.
‪거기서 씻고‬ ‪거기서 준 잠옷을 입고‬I took a shower and changed into the pajamas they gave me.
‪이불 깔고 바닥에서‬ ‪자고 있었어요, 제가‬Then I put a blanket on the floor and I went to sleep.
‪자려고 했는데‬I was falling asleep
‪갑자기 정명석이 눈을 떴어요‬when he suddenly woke up.
‪[불길한 음악]‬ ‪그리고 웃으면서‬Then he started laughing
‪제 엉덩이 막 만진 다음에‬Then he started laughing and touching my backside, and he put his hand into my pants.
‪또 손을 바지에 넣었어요‬and he put his hand into my pants.
‪아예 정명석이 손을‬He… Jeong Myeong-seok
‪제 성기 안으로 집어넣었어요‬just put his hand into my vagina.
‪[떨리는 숨을 내뱉는다]‬[exhales]
‪그리고…‬And then…
‪(메이플) [훌쩍이며] 이제‬ ‪'하나님이 왔다'‬he said, "God has come. He has given you his love."
‪'하나님이 너한테 사랑 줬다'‬he said, "God has come. He has given you his love."
‪'너를 사랑했다, 너를 택했다'‬"He loves you. He has chosen you."
‪'아빠한테 얘기하지 마‬ ‪아빠 오해하니까'‬"But don't tell your father. He might misunderstand."
‪그러고 나서‬ ‪제가 너무 혼란스러워서‬After that incident, I got absolutely confused, so I decided to call J.
‪J 언니한테 연락했죠‬After that incident, I got absolutely confused, so I decided to call J.
‪J 언니한테 이제‬After that incident, I got absolutely confused, so I decided to call J. I told her about what had happened to me and asked her what it was.
‪이런 일 했었는데 이게 뭐냐고‬I told her about what had happened to me and asked her what it was.
‪'응, 선생님이 너를‬ ‪이렇게 예뻐해 주시는 거 몰라?'‬She said, "Soo-Jeong, can't you just see that he adores you?"
‪(메이플) 이렇게, '너 예쁘니까'‬"And you're so pretty."
‪제가 그래도 힘들다고‬ ‪신앙 힘들다고‬But I told her that I found that too hard to believe, and that I wanted to leave.
‪나가고 싶다고 해 가지고‬But I told her that I found that too hard to believe, and that I wanted to leave.
‪J 언니가 '내가 그때‬ ‪일부러 그렇게 했는데'‬Then J said, "Listen to me. I left you with him on purpose."
‪'너한테 기회를 준 거라고'‬"I was trying to give you a chance."
‪'사랑받는 기회'?‬I don't know. A chance to be loved.
‪뭐, '주님이랑 더‬ ‪가까워질 수 있는 기회'?‬Or maybe a chance to get closer to the Lord.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬[crickets chirping]
‪(메이플) 또 청기와 불렀어요‬ ‪저를‬He called me to Cheonggiwa again.
‪안수 기도 딱 하고‬He laid his hands on me to pray,
‪문을 잠갔어요‬then locked the door.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(메이플) 정명석이 저를 보고‬Jeong Myeong-seok looked at me,
‪어, '예쁘다' 했어요‬Jeong Myeong-seok looked at me, and he said, "You're so beautiful."
‪그리고 '스타킹 벗어라'‬ ‪이렇게 했어요‬He told me to take off my tights.
‪그다음에 이제 고양이 자세로‬ ‪바닥에 있으라고‬Then he told me to get down on all fours on the floor like a cat.
‪그땐…‬Back then…
‪또 그냥 순종했어요‬I just… obeyed him.
‪[훌쩍이며] 갑자기 들어왔죠‬he penetrated me.
‪[울먹이며] 근데‬ ‪제대로 안 들어가니까‬But it didn't go in smoothly.
‪계속 막 하고‬He just kept forcing himself in,
‪제가 피 났어요‬and I started bleeding.
‪너무 아파서…‬It was very painful.
‪[메이플이 훌쩍인다]‬[sniffles]
‪(메이플) [울음을 삼키며] 좀…‬So… [sighs]
‪[메이플의 괴로운 한숨]‬So… [sighs]
‪(메이플) 그만했으면 좋겠는데‬I just wanted him to stop.
‪[울먹이며] 그런 다음에‬But after he did that,
‪[메이플이 훌쩍인다]‬But after he did that,
‪(메이플) '너 이제 휴거 됐다'‬he said, "You've been raptured now."
‪[울면서] '너 영이‬ ‪엄청나게 크고 예쁘다'‬"Your soul is so big… and pretty."
‪[무거운 음악]‬[sobs]
‪[연신 흐느낀다]‬[sobs]
‪'이제 변하지 마'‬"You should never change."
‪[세찬 빗소리]‬[heavy rainfall]
‪(메이플) 그래도 참았어요‬But I endured it all.
‪메시아니까 참았죠‬Because he was the Messiah.
‪지옥 갈까 봐, 네‬Because I was afraid I'd go to hell.
‪늘 제 문제라고 생각하고‬I always thought I was the real problem.
‪그래서 엄청‬So I tried…
‪엄청 노력했어요‬so, so hard.
‪얼마나 더럽고‬He's disgusting.
‪[훌쩍이며] 정말 성격부터‬ ‪외모까지 다 싫어요‬I hate everything about him from his personality to his looks.
‪그 할아버지를 사랑하려고‬I begged God so many times and days to give me the opportunity to love that old man.
‪하나님께 간절하게 기도했고‬so many times and days to give me the opportunity to love that old man.
‪[흐느끼며] '넌 이러면 되나'‬I used to punish myself.
‪'하나님이 너를‬ ‪그렇게 사랑하는데'‬[sobbing] Even though I was in so much pain,
‪'너 그렇게 그러면 되나'‬I kept thinking, "How can you be so ungrateful?"
‪[연신 흐느낀다]‬I kept thinking, "How can you be so ungrateful?"
‪하면서 저 스스로에게 벌을 주고‬"How can you think like that when the Lord loves you so much?"
‪[메이플이 연신 흐느낀다]‬MAPLE'S SELF-HARM
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬MAPLE'S SELF-HARM
‪[말소리가 울린다]‬ ‪(영상 속 명석) 하나님의 뜻대로‬ ‪살면은‬[Myeong-seok] If you abide by the Lord's will, you'll never go to hell.
‪반드시 지옥은 절대 갈 수가 없어‬[Myeong-seok] If you abide by the Lord's will, you'll never go to hell.
‪왜? 왜, 왜 지옥을 가? 어?‬[Myeong-seok] If you abide by the Lord's will, you'll never go to hell. Why would you go to hell?
‪나 따라가는데‬ ‪왜 지옥 가냐는 말이야‬If you follow me, you won't, because I won't go either.
‪내가, 내가 지옥 가겠어? 안 가지‬If you follow me, you won't, because I won't go either.
‪(에이미) [영어] 제 이름은‬ ‪에이미이고 호주인입니다‬AMY, FORMER JMS MEMBER SEXUAL VIOLENCE VICTIM [in English] So, my name is Amy. I'm Australian.
‪저는 18~19세쯤에‬ ‪기독교인이 되었다가‬I became a Christian when I was around 18, 19 years old. And…
‪섭리의 신부가 되었습니다‬then I was brought into Providence, where I became, uh… a bride.
‪JMS에 있는 동안‬ ‪제가 저지른 죄를 뉘우치기 위해‬I was encouraged to come because I needed to repent,
‪직접 한국에 와야 한다고 했어요‬in person, of a sin that I committed, uh… while I was in Providence before that.
‪그가 계속 저를 보고‬ ‪웃었기 때문에‬He kept laughing at me because I sucked.
‪그와 가까워지고 있다고 느껴서‬ ‪좋다고 생각했어요‬But, for me, I thought, "Wow, I'm really close to him. Like, this is great."
‪JMS 메인 비서 중 한 명이 저한테‬JMS' main assistant, and she told me, "Seonsaengnim wants to meet with you."
‪선생님이 저를‬ ‪만나고 싶어 한다고 하더라고요‬JMS' main assistant, and she told me, "Seonsaengnim wants to meet with you."
‪저를 만나고 싶어 하다니‬ ‪정말 긴장됐지만‬And so I was so nervous. I sudden-- I was like, "Me?" Like, I thought, "Wow. I'm so shocked."
‪정말 흥분되기도 했죠‬Like, I thought, "Wow. I'm so shocked." Really nervous, but really excited.
‪그녀를 따라서 다른 방으로 갔어요‬I followed her out of the room,
‪전에 가 본 적 없는‬ ‪사적인 방이었죠‬and then she led me into another room. A private room that I hadn't been in before.
‪[발소리가 울린다]‬
‪(에이미) 제가 가리개 뒤로‬ ‪들어가니 정명석이 있었어요‬And I went behind the divider, and immediately, of course, I saw JMS.
‪아주 앤티크해 보이는 의자에‬ ‪앉아 있었어요‬ ‪[불길한 음악]‬He went and sat down on a chair. A very, uh, antique-looking chair.
‪그리고 저보고‬ ‪앞에 서 보라고 했죠‬And he called me over to stand in front of him.
‪그가 제 치마를 올리더니‬He lifted up my skirt and he put his hand,
‪손을 제 속옷 안으로 넣고‬not over my underwear, but directly into my underwear,
‪제 성기를 만지기 시작했어요‬and started feeling my genitals.
‪정말 충격을 받았어요‬I was so shocked,
‪그때까지만 하더라도‬ ‪이런 건 상상도 못 했으니까요‬because up until that point, I really thought, "This is impossible."
‪'메시아란 자가 이래도 되나?'‬"Is the Messiah allowed to do this?"
‪그 생각이 들자마자‬And in that split second that it happened,
‪메이플을 쳐다봤어요‬and those thoughts went in my head, I immediately looked to Maple. [laughs]
‪[떨리는 웃음]‬and those thoughts went in my head, I immediately looked to Maple. [laughs]
‪[한국어] 그 스타들은‬ ‪한국말 못 하잖아요‬Some "stars" couldn't speak Korean, so I used to go and interpret for them.
‪[불길한 음악]‬ ‪그래서 제가 가서 통역을 했어요‬Some "stars" couldn't speak Korean, so I used to go and interpret for them.
‪(에이미) [영어] 메이플은‬ ‪제 눈의 충격을 바로 알아봤죠‬[Amy] She saw, like, I-- I had panic in my eyes.
‪그녀를 쳐다봤는데‬And I looked at her, like, she just looked so normal,
‪그녀는 정말 자연스럽게‬And I looked at her, like, she just looked so normal, and she just said, "Don't worry, it's fine."
‪'괜찮아, 괜찮아' 하는 거 있죠‬Exactly like that. Like, "Don't worry."
‪[떨리는 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪'It's okay. Don't worry.'‬[in English] "It's okay. Don't worry."
‪[한국어] 이런 식으로‬[interpreter] Like that.
‪그러니까 제가 그…‬I was acting just like the other women did before me.
‪그런 언니들처럼 했죠‬I was acting just like the other women did before me.
‪그 언니들 아무렇지 않은 것처럼‬They always acted like nothing was wrong, so I did that too.
‪(메이플) 저도 그랬죠‬They always acted like nothing was wrong, so I did that too.
‪[영어] 나는 그녀를‬ ‪조력자로 봤어요‬I saw her as an enabler.
‪[한국어] 저 그때 세뇌당해서‬Back then, I was brainwashed.
‪그런 식으로 해야 될 거 같은‬ ‪느낌 들어서 그렇게 한 건데‬Back then, I was brainwashed. I did it because I thought it was what I was supposed to do.
‪지금 생각하니까 너무 죄송하죠‬Now when I think about it, I feel so sorry for that girl.
‪그 사람한테‬Now when I think about it, I feel so sorry for that girl.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(윤주) 근데 그렇게 하는 게‬ ‪거기서는 정상적인 모습이었어요‬[Yun-ju] By acting like that was completely normal,
‪피해자였지만 가해자가 되고‬you become both the victim… and the perpetrator.
‪그게 이제 그 고리가‬ ‪계속 이어지는 거예요‬you become both the victim… and the perpetrator. It's a vicious cycle.
‪근데 그 안에서는‬ ‪이거를 인식을 못 해요‬But while you're in it, you can't see that.
‪나와서 내가‬And when you're out,
‪피해자인지 가해자인지‬ ‪이게 혼란이 굉장히 많이 와요‬you get confused about whether you were the victim or the perpetrator.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪계속 너무 혼란스러웠어요‬It was so confusing, but I couldn't talk about it to anybody.
‪누구한테도 얘기 못 했고‬It was so confusing, but I couldn't talk about it to anybody.
‪제가 배운 교리‬ ‪아예 안 맞는 일인데‬It directly went against the doctrine that I had been taught.
‪'이게 혹시'‬I thought, "Do I need to reach a higher level of knowledge to understand this?"
‪'더 깊은 단계로 가야‬ ‪이게 깨달을 수 있는 건가'‬I thought, "Do I need to reach a higher level of knowledge to understand this?"
‪(에이미) [영어] 음…‬ ‪이건 제가 쓴 거예요‬[Amy] And then these are my notes.
‪'나는 그 일을 생각하느라‬ ‪밤에 거의 잠을 잘 수가 없었다'‬"I could barely sleep at night, thinking about the event,
‪'하지만 왜 그랬는지는‬ ‪알 것 같다'‬but I think I know why he did it."
‪(에이미) '그는 나를‬ ‪깨끗하게 만들고 용서하고'‬"He was cleaning me, forgiving me, and making me his."
‪'나를 그의 것으로 만들고 있었다'‬"He was cleaning me, forgiving me, and making me his."
‪'난 예수님이 기적을 만드실 때‬ ‪어떤 일을 하셨는지 생각했다'‬"I thought about how Jesus did strange things when he made miracles."
‪내가 당한 게 성추행이고‬You would think that, you know,
‪범죄라는 걸 깨달았을 거라‬ ‪생각하겠지만‬I would have realized what just happened was actually an assault. That it was a crime.
‪그러나 나는…‬But I…
‪세뇌당했었어요‬I was very, very brainwashed.
‪(메이플) [한국어] 한 해외 스타가‬[Maple] One day…
‪저랑 같이 살았던 그 언니가‬ ‪저한테 카톡이 왔어요‬[Maple] One day… one of the "stars" from abroad who used to live with me sent me a text message.
‪어, 다른 스타들도 당했다고‬She said that the other "stars" had gotten assaulted too,
‪너는 정명석이랑 가까운 사람인데‬and that something must have also happened to me,
‪안 당할 리가 없다고‬since I was so close to Jeong Myeong-seok.
‪(외국인 신도) [영어] 나는 네가‬ ‪빨리 그곳을 떠나야 한다고 생각해‬RECORDING OF PHONE CALL BETWEEN MAPLE AND A FOREIGN FOLLOWER [woman, in English] I really think you should leave. Sneak out.
‪몰래 거기서 나와‬[woman, in English] I really think you should leave. Sneak out.
‪우선 홍콩으로 가‬Like, first, go to Hong Kong.
‪꼭 홍콩으로 돌아가야 해‬You know? You have to go back to Hong Kong.
‪언니들이 너를‬ ‪되돌려보내지 않거나 붙잡으면‬If you think that she's not gonna let you go back, or that she's gonna, you know, grab you or anything, just sneak out.
‪그냥 몰래 도망가 버려‬you know, grab you or anything, just sneak out.
‪[캐리어 가방이 덜그럭거린다]‬
‪(메이플) [한국어] 그래서‬ ‪결심하고‬[Maple] That's when I made the decision and began planning my escape.
‪도망 계획을 세웠어요‬[Maple] That's when I made the decision and began planning my escape.
‪부모님 보고 싶어서‬ ‪거의 1년 못 봤으니까‬I told them, "I haven't seen my parents in a year."
‪그냥 빨리 갔다 오겠다고‬"I miss them. I'll be quick."
‪그래서 9월 14일 날‬So, on September 14th
‪마지막으로 인사하러‬I had to go see him
‪가야 되는 상황이었어요‬and say my goodbyes.
‪[불길한 음악]‬[foreboding music]
‪[음산한 효과음]‬
‪[음산한 효과음]‬
‪[음산한 효과음]‬
‪그날 백신 맞았어요‬I got vaccinated that same day,
‪그래서 열이 나고 있었는데‬I got vaccinated that same day, so I unfortunately had a fever.
‪(메이플) [울먹이며] 새벽 내내‬[speaking tearfully] But, all night long,
‪그랬잖아요, 열이 나고‬ ‪많이 힘든 상황이었는데‬But, all night long, even though I had a fever and was feeling terrible…
‪[울먹이는 숨소리]‬
‪[울음을 터트리며] 또 제 방에‬ ‪들어갔어요‬…he came into my room again. [sobbing]
‪[울면서] 언니들 들어오지 말라고‬He came in and locked the door
‪또 문을 잠그고‬so no one else could come in.
‪마지막으로‬ ‪그 자세를 좀 보고 싶다고‬He said he wanted to see "that pose" just one last time.
‪(명석)‬[Myeong-seok] Hug me.
‪(명석)‬Hug me tight.
‪[메이플의 울먹이는 숨소리]‬ ‪(명석) [속삭이며]‬-[Maple sobs] -Say you love the Lord.
‪(메이플)‬[Maple] I love you, my Lord.
‪(명석)‬[Myeong-seok] Touch me here again. It's bigger.
‪(명석)‬It's so amazing when you do that. When a man hugs a woman, he gets so damn hard.
‪[탁탁 때리는 소리]‬When a man hugs a woman, he gets so damn hard. [slapping sound]
‪(명석)‬[slapping sound] You have such wide hips.
‪[탁탁 때리는 소리]‬[slapping]
‪(명석)‬You have wide hips, Soo-Jeong.
‪[메이플이 울먹인다]‬[Maple whimpering]
‪[메이플이 울먹인다]‬
‪[메이플이 울먹인다]‬ ‪(명석)‬-[Myeong-seok] Do you like that? -[Maple whimpering] Did you come? Did you come?
‪(명석)‬Did you come? Did you come?
‪[메이플이 웅얼거린다]‬ ‪(명석)‬[Maple] Uh-huh… [Myeong-seok] Are you wet?
‪[메이플이 웅얼거린다]‬ ‪(명석)‬[Myeong-seok] Are you wet? [Maple murmurs] -[Myeong-seok] Are you really wet? -[murmurs]
‪[메이플이 웅얼거린다]‬ ‪(명석)‬-[Myeong-seok] Are you really wet? -[murmurs]
‪[탁탁 때리는 소리]‬[slapping]
‪(명석)‬[Myeong-seok] How many times did you come?
‪(명석)‬Three times? 20 times? Four times?
‪(명석) [웃으며]‬I came, like, 50 times. Fifty!
‪[메이플의 울먹이는 숨소리]‬
‪(명석)‬You see, God has chosen you like this.
‪(명석)‬Make sure that nobody touches this. Because this belongs to the Lord.
‪[훌쩍인다]‬ ‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬[breathing shakily]
‪[다가가는 발소리]‬
‪[울먹이며] 감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬[quiet piano music]
‪[훌쩍인다]‬ ‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪'아니, 나…'‬I mean…
‪'나 지금 열나고 있는데…'‬I was feeling unwell and had a fever.
‪그리고 하는 거‬ ‪너무너무 변태적이에요‬What he did was disgusting and so perverted.
‪정말 사랑으로 하면‬ ‪이렇게 하지 않아요‬If he actually loved me, he wouldn't have done that.
‪너무너무 더러웠어요‬If he actually loved me, he wouldn't have done that. It was extremely disgusting.
‪[울먹이며] 그래도, 그래도 제가‬ ‪무슨 일 당할까 봐‬But I was so scared that something bad might happen to me
‪그래서 아무렇지 않은 척하고…‬But I was so scared that something bad might happen to me that I acted like nothing was wrong.
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪[울면서] 그렇게 당하면서‬ ‪계속 하나님을 부르고‬I kept calling out to the Lord as he was raping me.
‪[흐느끼며] 지금 제가‬
‪제가 이렇게 당하는 거‬ ‪도대체 뭐냐고…‬I asked him. I asked him why I was going through something like that.
‪전 사실 이 일을 겪고‬To be honest, after that happened to me,
‪맨날, 맨날 죽고 싶었어요‬I thought about killing myself every single day.
‪그래도 이 일은‬And now… I feel like…
‪해야 될 거 같아요‬I need to do this.
‪사실을 밝히고‬I want to expose the truth
‪한 명이라도 진짜‬and make sure that…
‪그런 피해자‬ ‪안 나오게 하고 싶어요‬there aren't any more victims like me.
‪[영어] 그들은 당연히‬ ‪저를 막으려고 하겠죠‬So, they will do anything to try and stop members-- So of course they're going to tell them these things, but…
‪왜냐하면 우리가‬[sighs] Because they know that…
‪그들의 종교를 망칠 수 있는‬ ‪경험들과 이야기들을‬we have the experiences and the stories
‪가지고 있다는 것을‬ ‪알고 있기 때문이죠‬that can ruin their religion.
‪이 이야기들은‬ ‪그들의 소중한 메시아를‬That can put their precious… Messiah back into prison.
‪다시 감옥에‬ ‪넣을 수 있기 때문이죠‬That can put their precious… Messiah back into prison.
‪[무거운 음악]‬SEOUL MARCH 16, 2022
‪(기자회견 진행자) [한국어]‬ ‪안내 말씀 드렸던 것처럼‬[man] As we announced earlier,
‪오늘 그, 발언해 주시기로 한‬ ‪피해자분께서‬[man] As we announced earlier, the victim who agreed to share her testimony with us today
‪그, 압박감으로 인해서‬ ‪심한 위경련 증세가 있었고‬the victim who agreed to share her testimony with us today got severe stomach cramps because she felt under a lot of pressure.
‪그래서 오시는 사이에‬ ‪이제 병원에 들렀다 오시면서‬got severe stomach cramps because she felt under a lot of pressure. PRESS CONFERENCE OF THE VICTIMS SEXUALLY ASSAULTED BY JMS LEADER AFTER HIS RELEASE FROM PRISON
‪어, 다소 지금 어…‬SEXUALLY ASSAULTED BY JMS LEADER AFTER HIS RELEASE FROM PRISON She had to stop by a hospital, so she'll be here later than expected.
‪오시기까지‬ ‪시간이 좀 많이 걸렸습…‬She had to stop by a hospital, so she'll be here later than expected.
‪[메이플이 콜록거린다]‬[coughs]
‪[메이플이 구역질한다]‬[retching]
‪[메이플의 힘겨운 신음]‬[moans]
‪[메이플의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(피디) 메이플, 그냥‬ ‪우리 들어갈까?‬[man] Should we cancel the conference and go back?
‪기자회견 하지 말고?‬ ‪어떻게 할래요?‬[man] Should we cancel the conference and go back? What do you want to do?
‪어?‬ ‪[메이플이 웅얼거린다]‬-Huh? -[Maple] Uh…
‪뭐라고?‬-[man] What? -[Maple] I'll do it.
‪(메이플) 해야 돼…‬-[man] What? -[Maple] I'll do it.
‪[메이플의 괴로운 신음]‬
‪[메이플이 연신 구역질한다]‬
‪[힘겹게 목을 가다듬는다]‬[groans and coughs]
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[피디의 안타까운 한숨]‬[man sighs]
‪[요란한 카메라 셔터음]‬
‪(도형) 제가 1995년에‬[Do-hyeong] The first time I visited a JMS church was in the year 1995.
‪JMS 교회를 처음 가게 됐는데‬[Do-hyeong] The first time I visited a JMS church was in the year 1995.
‪지금 메이플만 해도 그때‬At that time, Maple would've been a baby wearing a diaper,
‪기저귀 차고 제대로 걷지도 못할‬ ‪그런 나이의 아기였습니다‬At that time, Maple would've been a baby wearing a diaper, she probably couldn't even walk yet.
‪그런 아기가‬Now that baby
‪이제 또다시 성폭행 피해자가 돼서‬ ‪나왔으니…‬is sitting there as another victim of sexual assault.
‪도대체 이놈을‬ ‪어찌해야 되겠습니까?‬What are we gonna do about him?
‪많이 울었어요, 너무 미안해서‬SEXUAL VIOLENCE VICTIM LEE YUN-JU (ANONYM) JOINED IN 1992 AT 19 I cried so much, I felt so bad.
‪[윤주의 안타까운 숨소리]‬I cried so much, I felt so bad.
‪했어도 제가‬ ‪제가 했었어야 되는데‬I should have been the one to do it.
‪진짜 어린 나이에…‬Because she's so young.
‪제가 피해를 당했을 때‬If I had stopped him back when I was assaulted, then that child…
‪내가 만약에 그때‬ ‪브레이크를 걸었다면‬If I had stopped him back when I was assaulted, then that child… SEXUAL VIOLENCE VICTIM FORMER JMS REPORTER
‪그 아이는 피해를‬ ‪당하지 않았을 거잖아요‬…wouldn't have become a victim.
‪(지은) 그게 제가 잘못한 거죠‬I feel like it's my fault. SEXUAL VIOLENCE VICTIM KIM JI-EUN (ANONYM) JOINED IN 1991 AT 16
‪그 침묵으로 인해서‬SEXUAL VIOLENCE VICTIM KIM JI-EUN (ANONYM) JOINED IN 1991 AT 16 'Cause I didn't say anything, and more women were sexually assaulted.
‪[울먹이며] 그 이후로‬ ‪피해자가 더 많이 나왔잖아요‬'Cause I didn't say anything, and more women were sexually assaulted.
‪[지은이 훌쩍인다]‬'Cause I didn't say anything, and more women were sexually assaulted.
‪(메이플) 정명석은‬
‪절대로 메시아 아닙니다‬[Maple] Jeong Myeong-seok is categorically not the Messiah.
‪JMS는 하나님의 뜻을 이루는‬ ‪역사가 아닙니다‬And JMS is definitely not a place that is fulfilling the Lord's will.
‪[번잡한 도로 소음]‬[inspiring music]
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(앵커) 여신도들을 성폭행해서‬ ‪10년 동안 옥살이를 했던‬[inspiring music] [woman] Jeong Myeong-seok is the leader of a religious cult who was sent to prison for ten years for sexually assaulting his female followers.
‪사이비 종교 JMS의 교주죠‬who was sent to prison for ten years for sexually assaulting his female followers.
‪정명석이 4년 전에‬ ‪출소를 했는데요‬who was sent to prison for ten years for sexually assaulting his female followers. He was released from prison four years ago.
‪그런데 출소 이후에도‬ ‪성폭행과 성추행을 일삼았다는‬However, a victim exposed him for continuing to sexually abuse his followers since his release.
‪피해자의 폭로가 나왔습니다‬for continuing to sexually abuse his followers since his release. FROM NOVEMBER 2018 TO SEPTEMBER 2021
‪(메이플) 기자회견 후에, 끝난 날‬[Maple] After the press conference was over…
‪저에 대한 얘기들‬I heard that videos about me and even my family
‪심지어 가족에 대한 얘기들, 이제…‬I heard that videos about me and even my family
‪그런 영상 올라왔다고 들었어요‬began to spread through the Internet. They were attacking me for speaking up.
‪저를 공격하는 거죠‬They were attacking me for speaking up.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬[birdsong]
‪[메이플이 광둥어로 말한다]‬Yes…
‪[메이플 부가 광둥어로 말한다]‬I'm just saying you should think about it [laughs]
‪[메이플 부의 웃음]‬I'm just saying you should think about it [laughs]
‪[메이플 부가 연신 웃으며 말한다]‬Why else would you call your daughter?
‪[광둥어] 내 딸이 지금처럼‬ ‪용감하게 나서서‬Listen, Soo-Jeong, If you truly want to be that brave
‪그 사람을 고소해야 한다면‬and expose all those crimes,
‪난 내 딸을 옆에서‬ ‪계속 지지할 거야‬rest assured knowing that I'll be by your side all the way,
‪사람들이 뒤에서‬ ‪뭐라고 손가락질하든‬and that I will give you my complete support.
‪(메이플 부) 그런 용기와‬ ‪그런 믿음이 난 자랑스럽다‬I'm so very proud of your beliefs and courage.
‪난 내 딸을 지지해‬I love you.
‪[울컥한 숨소리]‬[sobs]
‪(메이플 부) 넌 나의 전부야‬You mean everything to me.
‪(메이플) [영어] 그들은 나에게서‬ ‪아무것도 빼앗아 갈 수 없어요‬[Maple] There's nothing they can take away from me.
‪[한국어] 제가 제일 원하는 건‬Right now, I just want…
‪고소 이기고‬to win the lawsuit
‪사람들 제 말을 믿고 더 이상…‬and get people to believe me, because I know
‪진짜 한 명이라도 나와서‬ ‪진실을 밝히고‬that if one person steps forward and tells the truth,
‪[메이플의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[메이플의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪(메이플) 그러면‬then… there won't be any more victims.
‪피해자 없겠죠, 더 이상‬then… there won't be any more victims.
‪[벅찬 음악]‬
‪- (기자1) 정명석 씨, 2018년…‬ ‪- (기자2) 정명석 씨!‬-[woman] Mr. Jeong, here! -[man] Mr. Jeong! [woman] Have you sexually assaulted female followers since your release in 2018?
‪(기자1)‬[woman] Have you sexually assaulted female followers since your release in 2018?
‪[명석의 헛기침]‬
‪(기자1)‬What did you mean when you said that you came 50 times?
‪[카메라 기자의 당황한 탄성]‬ ‪(기자1)‬Are you the Messiah?
‪(기자2) 말씀 좀 해 보세요!‬-[man] Please answer the question! -[woman] He's gone.

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