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  라이프 15

Life 15


(경문) 원장님Director.
업무 복귀 말씀드리려고요I wanted to tell you I was back.
갑자기 휴가 쓴 건 죄송했습니다My apologies for suddenly taking time off.
두 사람도 와 있었네요? 무슨 일?What are you two here about? We were notifying Mr. Gu of the Council of Chiefs' decision.
교수협의회 발의 내용을We were notifying Mr. Gu of the Council of Chiefs' decision.
사장님께 전달 중이었습니다We were notifying Mr. Gu of the Council of Chiefs' decision.
(세화) 뭐, 사장님 교수들한테 단체로 까인 거요?About Mr. Gu being fired by all the chiefs?
본인 얘기를 남 얘기 하듯 하시네You make it sound like it doesn't involve you.
뭐, 모인 김에 송별회라도 할까요? 까인 사람들끼리?Since everyone that was fired is here, shall we have a farewell party? Why would I have a farewell party when I just returned?
(세화) 업무 복귀하겠다는 사람한테 무슨 송별회예요?Why would I have a farewell party when I just returned?
저는 밀린 일이 많아서 먼저 갑니다I have a lot of work piled up, so I'll go now.
- (승효) 오 원장님 - (진우) 원장님-Director Oh. -Director Oh.
오 원장 ID 반납하고 원장실 비우세요Turn in your ID card and empty out the director's office. Did you know that you were used for money laundering?
원장님께서 돈세탁에 동원됐던 건 아십니까?Did you know that you were used for money laundering?
여기 있는 사람 아무도 안 그만둬요No one in this office is quitting. Not Mr. Gu, not me, and neither of you.
(세화) 사장님도 나도, 두 사람도Not Mr. Gu, not me, and neither of you. Let's not waste energy on useless things
괜히 쓸데없는 데 힘 빼지 말고Let's not waste energy on useless things
가서 일합시다and get to work.
나와요, 두 분Come out, you two.
오 원장-Director Oh. -What do you want?
왜요!-Director Oh. -What do you want?
여기 이렇게 셋이 있어 봤자All we will do here
서로 '네가 나가라' 그 얘기밖에 더 해요?is argue about who needs to leave!
(세화) 흉부, 많이 한가해졌나 보네요?Cardiothoracic Surgery must not have a lot of patients these days.
응급, 요새 일 없니?Does Emergency Medicine have no work?
사장님이 이러고 있으니까 팀장님도 일을 못 하잖아요!Ms. Kang can't do her work because of you, Mr. Gu!
[도어 록 작동음]
뭐 하고 있어요, 나와!What are you waiting for? Get out!
[도어 록 작동음] [경아가 숨을 후 내뱉는다]
[한숨 쉬며] 저거 트럭으로 막아 버릴 수도 없고How can I stop her?
왜요, 뭐요?What? What is it?
괜찮으세요?Are you okay?
어디 불편하셨던 건 아니고요?Were you sick?
아니에요I wasn't.
(세화) 나 따로 갈 데가 있으니까 따라오지 마요I have to go somewhere, so don't follow me.
[세화의 한숨]
따로 갈 데가 있다니까요 왜 따라와요?I said I have somewhere to go. Why are you following me?
아, 그게 아니라...That's not it.
그게, 저희도 따로 갈 수 있으면 좋은데...Well, it would be nice if we could go on our own too, but…
어디 있어요?Where are they?
(진우) 구조실에서 뺏어 갔어요The Restructure Team took them away.
(경문) 사람들 다 보는 데서요In front of everyone.
이 새끼들이...Those assholes.
[세화가 문을 발로 퍽 찬다]
[긴장되는 음악]
무슨 일입니까?What is it? Give them to me.
(세화) 내놔Give them to me.
퇴직금요?Your severance? Give me our doctors' ID cards.
우리 선생들 ID 내놔Give me our doctors' ID cards. Now.
[구조 실장의 한숨]
(구조 실장) 버렸는데요I threw them away.
[댕그랑거리는 소리가 들린다]
[카드를 툭툭 턴다]
너지?It was you, right?
내 집에 여자 보낸 거 너지?You're the one who sent those women, right?
(세화) 나 흔적도 증거도 없이 사람 보내는 방법 50가지도 더 알아I know more than 50 ways to kill people without leaving a trace or evidence.
너희 집 물건마다 주사기로 독극물 좀 찔러 줘?Should I inject poison into everything in your home? Should I make your entire family crawl on all fours?
식구마다 네발로 기어 다니게 해 줘?Should I make your entire family crawl on all fours?
네 아들 축구 교실 다니더라?So, your son goes to soccer class.
야, 협박을 하려면 네 새끼 사진은 올리지 말아야지Hey, you. If you want to threaten someone, you shouldn't post your kid's photos online.
그따위 짓 하면서You do crap like that, but you still have the nerve to post photos of your kid?
자기 새끼는 귀엽고 해시태그는 달아지니?but you still have the nerve to post photos of your kid?
내 식구 건드리면 그 즉시If you touch my family,
너도 네 거 다시는 못 봐, 알았어?you'll never see yours ever again, got it?
또박또박 월급은 병원에서 타 가면서You get your paychecks from the hospital, but you don't know who you work for?
아직도 소속 분간이 안 돼?but you don't know who you work for?
(세화) 여기가 어디야 화정 본사야? 공장이야?Did you forget where you work at? Is this Hwajeong's head office? Their factory? This is Sangkook University Hospital!
여기 상국대병원이야!This is Sangkook University Hospital! If you have a desk here, you're the hospital's employee,
자리 차지하고 앉았으면 전부 다 병원 직원이고If you have a desk here, you're the hospital's employee,
내가 당신들 원장이야!and I'm your director!
내가 상사인 게 마음에 안 들면 댁들이 짐을 빼!If you don't like your boss, you're free to go!
어디서 이따위 되지도 않는 월권행위야!How dare you overstep your authority?
[긴장되는 음악]
(세화) 쯧
[세화의 옅은 한숨]
(경문) 저희가 그, 코드도 말소가 됐는데요Our codes were locked, too. -I hear you're the deputy director now. -Yes.
(세화) 부원장 됐다면서요?-I hear you're the deputy director now. -Yes.
(경문) 예-I hear you're the deputy director now. -Yes. Get the IT Department to unlock them. You're the deputy director.
(세화) 전산실에 풀어 달라고 하세요 부원장인데Get the IT Department to unlock them. You're the deputy director.
(경문) 아, 제가 부원장은 처음이라서...I've never been a deputy director before, so…
(진우) 원장님, 이정선 씨 검시 때...When you inspected Lee Jeong-seon--
구 사장 압력 없었어 그걸로 꼬투리 잡을 생각 하지 마Mr. Gu didn't pressure me. Don't think of using that against him. Then how did you know?
그럼 어떻게 아셨는데요?Then how did you know?
원장님께서 시신 가져갔을 땐 아직 뉴스도 터지기 전이었어요When you took the body, it was before the news got out.
(진우) 그런데 환자가 누군진 어떻게 아셨고How did you know who the patient was, and why did you return to the hospital that night?
그 밤에 병원에는 왜 도로 나오셨는데요?and why did you return to the hospital that night?
내가 도로 나오지도 못해?Can't I come back? I said he didn't.
아니라니까I said he didn't.
이번 한 번이 문제가 아닙니다This isn't about just this incident.
지금 침묵하면 우린 앞으로 영원히 입 닥쳐야 돼요If we remain silent now, we'll have to shut our mouths forever. "We can use her like that.
(진우) '아, 쟤네는 저렇게 써먹어도 되는구나'"We can use her like that.
'꿈틀도 반발도 않는구나'She won't resist or talk back."
아닐 거 같으세요?Do you disagree?
[진우의 옅은 한숨]
원장님, 여기서 끊어 주세요Director, please end it here,
후배들을 위해서도요, 제발at least for your junior doctors. I'm begging you.
(경문) 뭐든지 다 다이렉트로 밝힐 순 없는 거야You can't expose everything directly.
원장님께서도 말씀 못 하시는 이유가 있겠지I'm sure the director has a reason for being unable to speak.
[다가오는 발걸음]
[세화의 난감한 한숨]
(경문) 따로 갈 데가 있다고 하신 건...You said you had somewhere to go-- I went there.
(세화) 갔다 왔어요I went there.
[문이 달칵 닫힌다]
(세화) 현실적으로 따져 봅시다Let's discuss this realistically.
그래서 어디까지 끌어들일 건데?How far do you want to go?
화정 회장이랑 싸울 거예요? 조남형이랑?Will you fight Cho Nam-hyeong? The chairman of Hwajeong?
다른 현실도 있죠There's another reality, where we can't pretend it didn't happen.
없던 일로 할 수도 없다는 현실where we can't pretend it didn't happen.
[깊은 한숨]
내가 돈세탁에 이용됐다는 건 뭐예요?What did you mean, I was used for money laundering? The construction site in Songtan.
전에 참석하신 송탄의 신축 부지요The construction site in Songtan.
조 회장이 그걸 사면서 뇌물을 바쳤나 봐요, 정치권에다가Chairman Cho bribed a politician through the land purchase.
하, 며칠이나 비웠다고I was gone for only a few days.
산부인과 과장은 또 무슨 이보훈 원장님 통장 얘기를 하질 않나The chief of Obstetrics and Gynecology said something about Director Lee Bo-hun's bank account. We received the director's family's consent
아, 그건 거래 내역을 조회하기로We received the director's family's consent to investigate the transactions.
원장님 가족분들 동의까진 구했습니다to investigate the transactions.
넌 다른 건 신고 잘한다면서You're good at reporting things. You should've told me things like that right away.
그런 거야말로 째깍째깍 말했어야지You should've told me things like that right away. When did you know about the incentive?
평가금 문제 언제 알았어?When did you know about the incentive?
원장님 돌아가신 날요The day the director passed away.
하필 돌아가신 날이야Why that day, of all days?
[세화의 한숨]
(세화) 공을 넘겨야겠어요We shouldn't be the ones trying to resolve the autopsy matter.
부검 문제 우리가 끌고 가면 안 돼요We shouldn't be the ones trying to resolve the autopsy matter.
잘라야 돼We must cut it loose.
땅 얘기는 당분간 덮어 둡시다Let's bury the land issue for now.
어떻게 하시려고요?What will you do?
[어두운 음악]
(세화) 제가 정리할게요I'll take care of it.
(세화) 내가 정리해요I'll take care of it.
(세화) 나 아는 기자 많아요I know many reporters.
'나는 부검 결과가 그렇게 나와서 정정한 거다'"I revised my statement because of what the autopsy showed, so you should wait for the written opinion.
'그러니까 너희들은 소견서 기다려라'so you should wait for the written opinion.
'왜 설레발들이냐'Why are you so impatient? These opinions usually take
'소견서라는 게 원래 한 달도 걸리고 두 달도 걸리는 건데'Why are you so impatient? These opinions usually take a month or two.
'상국대나 화정이나 별다른 음모가 있었던 게 아니다'Neither Sangkook nor Hwajeong had an agenda." If I announce that,
내가 그렇게 내보내면If I announce that, the medical examiner will have to write according to what he saw.
부검의도 그냥 본 대로 발표할 수밖에요the medical examiner will have to write according to what he saw.
그러니까 사장님은 조 회장 설득해 주세요So, you persuade Chairman Cho.
저희 회장님은 설득을 설득하시는 분이라...Our chairman is not someone you can easily persuade. He must know as well,
본인도 알 거 아니에요He must know as well,
이제 와서 또 화정에 유리하게 번복하면that if they flip it again in Hwajeong's favor,
(세화) 진짜 돌 맞는다는 거they'll be stoned to death. I'm trying to minimize the damage for Chairman Cho.
조 회장 본인한테도 최대한 대미지 없게 가자는 건데I'm trying to minimize the damage for Chairman Cho.
아니, 지금까지 어떤 일이 우리나라 기업 회장한테 대미지를 입혔습니까?What has ever caused damage to a chairman of a corporation?
그런 거 없습니다There's no such thing.
대미지 안 입어요, 원래Nothing can damage them.
[세화의 한숨]
평가금 얘기 들으셨죠?You heard about the incentive, right?
- 네 - 사장님은 언제 아셨어요?-Yes. -When did you find out? You knew it already, didn't you?
이번이 처음 아니죠?You knew it already, didn't you? I found out the day Director Lee Bo-hun passed away.
그전에I found out the day Director Lee Bo-hun passed away.
이보훈 원장 사망 당일에 김태상 부원장한테서요I found out the day Director Lee Bo-hun passed away. From Deputy Director Kim Tae-sang.
(승효) 원장이 병원 돈을 꿀꺽한 거 같다고He said he thought the director siphoned hospital funds, and that he'll get it back somehow.
자기가 어떻게든 돌려놓을 테니까and that he'll get it back somehow.
어차피 가신 분 뭐, 곱게 보내드리자고요He asked that we not taint the director's name, since he passed away anyway.
무슨 수로 남이 꿀꺽한 걸 돌려놨을까I wonder how he returned something someone else took. We checked the details of the transaction.
저희가 거래 경로 추적 확인한 게 있는데 보내 드릴까요?We checked the details of the transaction. Should I send it to you?
[어이없는 숨을 내뱉는다]
그럼 사장실에서도 그때Then you suspected
부원장을 의심했다는 거네요?the deputy director then, too.
아, 사람 어떻게 믿습니까?You can't trust people. Who would really care about the name of someone who died?
누굴 곱게 보내 주고 싶다느니 그런 사람 세상 어디 있는데요?Who would really care about the name of someone who died?
그래도 두 분 30년 지기예요Still, they worked together for 30 years.
아, 이분 곱게 크셨네She must have grown up sheltered.
사기 안 당해 봤죠?You've never been conned, have you?
(세화) 나 더는 안 피해요I won't avoid it anymore. I'm already annoyed as hell that I hid until now.
지금까지 숨어 준 것도 짜증 나 죽겠는데I'm already annoyed as hell that I hid until now.
사장님 언제까지 사람 자르는 걸로 모면하실래요?How long will you avoid things by just firing people?
(승효) 아이는 어떻게 하고 왔습니까?What did you do with your child?
기숙 학교요Boarding school.
애가 버텨서 못 보냈는데 핑계 김에 잘됐죠, 뭐I couldn't send her because she kept resisting. It was a good excuse to send her.
기자 만나는 건Let's hold off on meeting
보류합시다with reporters.
사장님Mr. Gu. Until after I report it.
내가 먼저 보고드린 다음에Until after I report it.
(세화) 그럼 회장님 만난다는 소리네요?So you mean you'll meet with the chairman?
잘하실 거예요You'll do well.
나 사장님 믿습니다I have faith in you.
아, 관둬요Stop it.
싫네요I will not.
[도어 록 작동음] (경아) 왜 저래, 잘 알지도 못하면서, 진짜What's wrong with her? She doesn't know anything.
[도어 록 작동음] 하, 못 살아, 진짜She's unbelievable.
회장님 스케줄 좀 알아봐 주세요Find out the chairman's schedule.
[어두운 음악]
[승효의 고민스러운 한숨]
내가 통보할 때까지 기다리라고 해Tell him to wait until I send a notice.
[남형의 한숨]
[수화기를 달그락 내려놓는다]
(구조 실장) 출입 기록에 병원장이 지하 주차장에서The system shows that Director Oh
곧장 사장실로 간 것으로 찍혔습니다went from the parking lot to Mr. Gu's office.
그다음 동선이 저희 구조실이고요After that, she came to the Restructure Team office.
여러 정황상Considering the factors,
그간 오 원장이 회장님 지시를 무시하고 안하무인 했던 건I think Director Oh had been audacious and ignoring your orders because she had some sort of an agreement with Mr. Gu.
이미 사장실과 모종의 합의가 있었기 때문으로 보입니다because she had some sort of an agreement with Mr. Gu.
구 사장 이 새끼...Gu Seung-hyo, that asshole.
가져가는 월급이 얼마인데With all that we pay him…
자기가 잘나서인 줄 알지?He thinks he's so great.
(남형) 인프라를 그만큼 갖춰 줬으면 웬만한 놈 앉혀만 놔도Anyone can accomplish that much if the infrastructure is set up like that.
다 저만큼 뽑아if the infrastructure is set up like that.
내가 비싼 월급 줘 가며 사람 쓰는 이유가 뭔데?I didn't give him such a high salary for no reason.
시키는 거나 똑바로 할 것이지, 씨He should just do as he's told.
[노크 소리가 들린다]
[문이 달칵 열린다]
(비서) 포털 사이트에서 보고가 올라왔는데요This came up on the portal.
(구조 실장) 방금 포털에 등록된 기사입니다This article was just submitted to the portal,
메인에 올려도 되는지and they want to post it as the main story.
포털 사이트에서 먼저 회장님께 승낙을 구하고 싶다고 합니다and they want to post it as the main story. They're asking for your permission first. What is it?
(남형) 뭔데?What is it?
(구조 실장) 이정선 씨 관련해서는..."Regarding Lee Jeong-seon--" Damn it…
에이씨Damn it…
상국대학교병원 측에서"Sangkook Hospital has requested
한국의사위하고 전병협에 성명을 요청했습니다the Korean Medical Association and the Korean Hospital Association
(구조 실장) 현 경영진에 대한 불신임과 화정그룹의 불법적 행위 give their statements regarding the management's distrustful acts and Hwajeong's illegal…
(남형) 새글 21이네?It's by Saegeul21?
[서류를 탁 내려놓는다]
새글 대표 불러Get me the CEO of Saegeul21.
Yes, sir.
(남형) 메인 좋아하고 자빠졌네, 씨Yes, sir. Main story? Like hell.
대표 불러서Call him and…
그, 뭐였지? 무슨 기자였지?What was his name again? That reporter who stuck his nose everywhere and got arrested.
새글에서 깝죽대다 잡혀간 새끼That reporter who stuck his nose everywhere and got arrested.
권희상 기자입니다Reporter Kwon Hui-sang.
기자는 무슨, 엿같은 게, 씨That shithead is no reporter. Say I'll have that asshole released,
(남형) 내가 그 새끼 풀어 줄 테니까Say I'll have that asshole released,
앞으로 우리 그룹 기사 쓰지 말라고 해so they'd better not write about us again.
아니면 진짜Otherwise…
[고함치며] 씨... 그거 하나 시키는 대로 못 해?Fuck. Can't he do that one thing right?
[어두운 음악] 내가 사람을 죽이랬어 시체를 뺏어 오랬어?Did I tell him to kill someone or steal a corpse? She died while fighting anyway.
어차피 싸우다 죽은 거She died while fighting anyway.
맞아 죽었다고 하는 게 뭐 그렇게 어렵다고 사장이라는 새끼가What's so hard about saying she got beaten to death? He's the president of the hospital, and he can't do that simple thing?
자기 병원에서 그거 하나를 처리를 못 해!He's the president of the hospital, and he can't do that simple thing?
새글 대표한테Tell the CEO of Saegeul21
인생 개박살 나는 게 뭔지 제대로 보여 준다고 해that I'll show him what it means to have your life utterly ruined.
지금껏 우리 집안, 우리 그룹에 대해서And that I'll forgive Saegeul21 for all the bullshit they wrote until now about my family and our group.
기사랍시고 갈긴 쓰레기는 내가about my family and our group.
용서해 줄 테니까I'll forgive them, so…
구승효가 나한테서 얼마를 가져가는데Do you know how much Seung-hyo takes from me? I'm paying him to do as I say,
내 말 들으라고 내가 시키는 대로 하라는 거지I'm paying him to do as I say, and do what I tell him to do!
모든 자리에 내가 다 있을 수 없으니까Because I can't be everywhere at every minute of the day, so that's why I use the presidents, to act on my behalf!
나 대신 움직이라고 사장들 쓰는 거지!so that's why I use the presidents, to act on my behalf!
자기들이 대단해서인 줄 알아?Do they think it's because they're good?
(남형) 괘씸하잖아, 씨They're despicable.
자기들이 의사면 의사지Who cares if they're doctors? They work at my hospital.
내 병원에서 일하는 주제에They work at my hospital.
구 사장 새끼도 그래That asshole Gu Seung-hyo, too.
아버지 돌아가시자마자Even if I got rid of him as soon as my dad passed away,
[책상을 탁 치며] 내가 등짝을 차서 내쫓았어도Even if I got rid of him as soon as my dad passed away,
나한테 '감사합니다' 절을 해야 될 새끼가 어디를 감히, 씨he should get down on his knees and thank me.
왜, 의사 것들이랑 놀아나니까Does he think he's a doctor
뭐, 자기가 사람 고치는 의사라도 되는 줄 알아?Does he think he's a doctor just because he hangs around doctors?
나 아니면!If it weren't for me, how could he even be a company president?
자기가 어디 가서 사장입네 고개를 쳐들고 다녀!how could he even be a company president?
[거친 숨을 내뱉는다]
[남형이 거친 숨을 내뱉는다]
[남형이 숨을 후 내뱉는다]
[남형이 숨을 깊게 내쉰다]
[인터폰 조작음]
(비서) 네, 회장님Yes, sir.
(남형) 어, 방금 기사Regarding the article, tell PR to handle it the way they usually do.
홍보실에 매뉴얼대로 하라고 해Regarding the article, tell PR to handle it the way they usually do.
기사 지워Delete that, make an article about celebrity couples the main story,
연예인 사귀는 애들 메인에 올리고make an article about celebrity couples the main story,
댓글 달라고 해, 당장and tell them to post comments. Now.
[인터폰에서 손을 탁 뗀다]
저 포털 사이트That portal…
우리 그룹 관련 온라인 광고 상향 조정 해 줘, 5%만Increase our group's online advertisements on it, just five percent.
앞으로도 내 허락 받고 기사 올리라고 하고Tell them to post articles only with my permission.
예, 회장님Yes, sir.
[남형의 한숨]
새글 대표, 애들 데리고 가Take the guys when you go meet Saegeul21's CEO.
말 안 들으면 마음대로 해If he doesn't listen, do as you want.
(구조 실장) 네, 회장님, 바로 보고드리겠습니다Yes, sir. I'll report back right away.
[남형의 한숨]
[문이 달칵 여닫힌다] [남형이 성난 숨을 내뱉는다]
[인터폰 조작음]
구 사장 이따 10시...Tell Mr. Gu to come at ten…
11시에 오라 그래No, at eleven.
(노을) 어?
주세요, 주세요Please. Give it to me.
아, 생큐Thank you. Thank the director.
생큐는 원장님한테 해Thank the director.
(노을) 아!
원장님은?What about the director?
별일 없으셨대?Did anything happen to her?
무슨 별일?Like what?
(노을) 아니, 갑자기 휴가를 내신 게 혹시 뭐...Well, she suddenly took time off, so I thought maybe she was followed or something.
미행을 당하셨다거나she was followed or something.
미행?"Followed"? This isn't a spy film.
무슨 첩보 영화야?"Followed"? This isn't a spy film.
Go on. -See you later. -Okay.
- (진우) 간다 - (노을) 응-See you later. -Okay.
(진우) '그렇지'는 뭐야What's up with her?
[타이어 마찰음]
[노을이 차를 탕탕 친다]
왜 나만...Why only me?
[엘리베이터 문이 스륵 닫힌다]
(진우) 어...
무슨 일로 여기까지...What brings you here?
아, 기사요I kept running a search for the article, but couldn't find it.
계속 검색했는데 안 올라오길래 혹시 무슨 일 있으신가...I kept running a search for the article, but couldn't find it. Did something happen?
킬당한 거 같아요I think it was killed.
다시 올릴 거예요I'll upload it again. I'll send it until they post it.
걸어 줄 때까지 송고할 거야I'll send it until they post it.
하지 마요Don't.
딴 방법이 생겼어요We found a new way.
서현 씨는 진짜 하지 마요Don't do it. I mean it.
무슨 방법요?What new way?
병원 자체적으로 돼서...Within the hospital, we'll… What will you do?
(서현) 어떻게 자체적으로요?What will you do?
있어요There's a way.
하지 마요, 진짜Don't do it. I mean it.
약속해요, 나랑, 네?Promise me, okay?
[잔잔한 음악]
동생 이름이 선우죠?Your brother's name is Seon-woo, right?
예?-Sorry? -I guess your brother
동생한테 여러 번 들켰나 봐요?-Sorry? -I guess your brother caught you every time
여자들 만날 때마다you were dating a woman.
진우 씨가 말하는 거 들었어요I heard what you said.
병원에서 이노을 선생님인가?You told Dr. Lee No-eul, I believe, at the hospital,
그분한테 '이번에는 선우한테 말하지 마'You told Dr. Lee No-eul, I believe, at the hospital, "You'd better not tell Seon-woo this time."
그러는 거"You'd better not tell Seon-woo this time."
선우랑 노을이가 우리를 봤대요Seon-woo and No-eul saw us.
우리를 보다뇨?Saw us? Last time.
지난번에Last time.
지하 주차장에서In the parking lot.
(진우) 아, 그 자식들은 있으면 있는 척을 해야지, 응?Those punks. They should've shown themselves. They were just hiding and watching us.
그걸 뭐, 몰래 막 훔쳐보고They were just hiding and watching us.
지하 주차장요?In the parking lot?
[놀란 숨소리]That…
어, 그...That…
예, 그...Yes. That.
서현 씨는 신경 쓰지 마요Don't worry about it. I'll punish them properly. I swear.
내가 나중에 처절히 응징할게요, 진짜I'll punish them properly. I swear.
뽀뽀라도 했으면 큰일 날 뻔했네?Thank goodness we didn't kiss or anything.
That's right.
걔네 지금 없는데요they're not here now.
(서현) 왜 그래요?What's wrong?
진우 씨Jin-woo.
[차분한 음악]
안 하는 게 좋을걸?It's better not to say anything.
누가 이해해 주겠어No one will understand.
그냥 만나, 잡고 싶잖아Just date her. You know you want to.
진우 씨, 괜찮아요?Are you okay?
동생이 있어요I have a brother. I know.
알죠I know.
둘이에요There are two of them.
둘이 있어요There are two.
동생이 둘이에요?You have two brothers?
선우가 축구를 참 잘했어요Seon-woo was very good at soccer.
축구 신동이라They called him a soccer prodigy.
지금은 의사가 됐지만Although he's a doctor now…
동생분이...So your brother
공부도 잘하고 운동도 잘하셨구나was smart and athletic.
운동은 이제 못 해요, 다리를 다쳐서He can't do sports anymore because he hurt his legs.
얼마나...How badly?
못 걸어요He can't walk.
못 걸어요He can't walk.
영원히Ever again.
(서현) 다른 동생은요?What about your other brother?
동생이 둘이라고 했잖아요You said you have two brothers.
그 자식만 걸을 수 있으면"If only he could walk, it wouldn't be
엄마가 덜 힘들 텐데so hard for Mom.
무리하게 일 안 나가도 될 텐데She wouldn't have to work so hard." That's all I could think back then.
그땐 그 생각뿐이었어요That's all I could think back then.
선우가 너무 미웠어요I hated Seon-woo so much.
그래서 언제부터...So? Since when… He refused to go to a school picnic.
(진우) 소풍을 안 가겠다는 거예요, 걔가He refused to go to a school picnic. On the day before,
전날부터 엄마가On the day before,
'이번에는 꼭 가자'Mom asked him to go,
'가서 친구들하고 놀자'and to play with his friends.
선우한테 빌다시피 했는데She practically begged him.
새벽부터 김밥도 쌌고She packed his lunch early in the morning.
휠체어에 실려서 소풍을 가는 게I didn't think about how horrible it must have been to go to the picnic,
얼마나 싫었을지 그땐...strapped into his wheelchair.
엄마가 걔한테 비는 게 너무 싫었어요I hated seeing my mom beg him.
잘못한 것도 없이 왜She did nothing wrong, so why?
식구대로 저 때문에 얼마나 고생을 하는데Our family was suffering so much because of him…
그래서 내가 선우를 갈겼어요That's why I berated him.
엄마는 날 갈기고And Mom berated me.
(진우) 근데 그날 학교를 다녀오는데But that day, as I was returning from school,
선우가 애들 틈에 있는 거예요Seon-woo was among the kids
소풍 갔다 오는 애들 틈에returning from the picnic.
근데But then,
그 자식이 막 나한테 뛰어오더라고요he started running toward me.
와서 말도 걸고He even talked to me.
믿지는 않았어요, 너무 다르니까I didn't believe it, since he was so different,
믿고는 싶었지만although I wanted to believe it.
그 다른...Your other brother…
동생이 처음 보인 게 진우 씨 몇 살 때였어요?How old were you when you started to see that other brother?
열한 살요I was 11.
그때부터 쭉?From then until now?
지금 여기도?Here, too?
여기도Here, too.
[문이 스륵 열린다]
[진우의 힘주는 신음] [선우의 아파하는 신음]
(선우) [졸린 목소리로] 아, 뭐야
[진우의 장난스러운 웃음] 아, 왜 이래, 진짜What's wrong with you? Get off.
아, 저리 가What's wrong with you? Get off.
[선우의 신음] [진우의 힘주는 신음]
[진우의 힘주는 신음]
[숨을 깊게 내뱉는다]
죽고 싶냐?Do you have a death wish?
(진우) 죽고 싶은 사람이 어디 있냐Who would actually want to die?
[휴대전화 진동음]
(서현) 동생분한테 인사드릴 수 있을까요?May I meet your brother?
[잔잔한 음악]
(진우) 고마워요Thank you.
이제 이 얘기는 서현 씨밖에 몰라요You're the only person who knows now.
[휴대전화 진동음]
(서현) '이젠'?"Now"?
(진우) 네Yes.
- (진우) 이젠... - (선우) 문!-Now-- -The door.
아, 아, 미안, 미안My bad.
잘 자라Sleep tight.
(선우) [짜증 난 목소리로] 잘 자고 있었다고I was sleeping just fine.
[남형이 잔을 달그락 내려놓는다]
(남형) 뭐 해?What are you waiting for?
(승효) 네Yes, sir.
'합리성과 효율성이 기본인 기업인의 토대에서 바라본바'"From the perspective of a businessman for whom rationality and efficiency are standard,
'상국대학병원이 일으킨 저간의 물의에 대해 실망이 매우 크다'I am deeply disappointed by the public criticism Sangkook Hospital has gained.
'상국대병원은 사학 재단임에도'Although it is a private school, because the medical staff's sense of entitlement is too strong,
'종사자인 의료진의 특권 의식이 너무나 팽배하여'because the medical staff's sense of entitlement is too strong, the management's guidance is not being relayed properly or executed.
'경영 지침이 제대로 전달되지 않거나 실행되지 않는다'the management's guidance is not being relayed properly or executed.
'이러한 특권 의식을 타파하고'In order to get rid of this sense of entitlement and improve competitiveness,
'일원화된 경쟁력을 갖추기 위해'and improve competitiveness,
'비영리 의료 법인인 상국대병원은'Sangkook University Hospital, a non-profit hospital, will be converted into a for-profit hospital."
'영리 법인으로 전환될 것이다'will be converted into a for-profit hospital."
[어두운 음악]Mr. Cho.
저, 회장님Mr. Cho.
(남형) 응?What?
일반 종합 병원도 비영리만 허용되는데Even regular general hospitals must be non-profit entities, but we are one of the largest with over 2,000 beds.
저희는 병상 수 2천 개 이상의 초대형입니다but we are one of the largest with over 2,000 beds. Legally,
법적으로 영리 법인 전환 자체가 허용되지 않습니다Legally, it cannot be converted into a for-profit entity.
되게 하면 되잖아Just make it happen.
구 사장이랑 내가 언제 법 때문에 뭐 못 했어?Since when did you and I not do something because of the law?
[남형이 숨을 내뱉는다]
[승효의 헛기침]
(승효) '미래의 먹거리를 책임질'"As a leader in
'글로벌 메디컬 비즈니스의 선두 주자로서'the global medical business, it will draw in
'외국 자본 유치와 외국인 의사 채용을 확대할 것이며'it will draw in more foreign funds and hire more foreigner doctors, construct a medical cluster centered around the Songtan campus,
'현재 조성 중인 송탄 캠퍼스를 중심으로'construct a medical cluster centered around the Songtan campus, and pursue being designated
'의료 클러스터를 구축 경제특구 지정을 추진한다'and pursue being designated a special economic zone. Sangkook University Hospital,
'시민의 품으로 돌아온 민영화된 상국대병원은'Sangkook University Hospital, which will return to the public as a privatized institution,
'회원제로 운영되는 종합 메디컬 쇼핑몰로 승격'will be a members-only medical shopping mall.
'투자 개방형 병원에 걸맞는 고급 시설을 갖춰'Befitting of a for-profit hospital, it will have top-quality facilities, and become the center of
'해외 VIP를 끌어오는 환승 의료 관광의 중심이 될 것이며'and become the center of health tourism, drawing in VIPs from abroad. It will create jobs
'이로써 일자리를 창출하고'It will create jobs and become the model
'기업과 기관이 교류하는 산학 연계의 모델로서 우뚝 설 것을'and become the model for connecting education and business.
'국민 여러분께 약속드린다'This is our promise to the people."
구 사장이 읽으니까 폼 나네It sounds nice coming from you.
그대로 가도 되겠어We can keep it as is.
저, 민영화 추진은...Do you have a plan
어, 고려 중인 방안이 있으신 겁니까?for pursuing privatization?
우리나라 법이Our country's law prevents big hospitals from making money,
큰 병원은 무조건 돈 벌지 말라고 틀어막아 놨으니prevents big hospitals from making money,
치외 법권으로 가야지so we'll go with extraterritoriality.
(남형) 해외 펀드에서 상국대에 투자할 거야A foreign fund will invest in Sangkook University. I guess the fund that will invest is already decided.
아, 투자할 펀드도 벌써 정해졌나 보네요?I guess the fund that will invest is already decided.
업체명이...Which company?
'길드 트리플'Guild Triple.
저, 죄송합니다만 저는 들어 본 적이 없는 데라서I'm sorry, but I've never heard of it.
(남형) 당연히 없지Of course not, since we'll create it now.
이제 만들 거니까Of course not, since we'll create it now.
(승효) 회장님께서 직접 설립하시는 겁니까?Are you starting it yourself?
(남형) 아, 진짜 해외 투자 받았다가 뭔 뒤통수를 맞으려고I don't want to get stabbed in the back by real foreign investors.
무늬만 해외면 되지It just has to seem foreign.
[어색하게 웃으며] 그렇죠That's right.
(남형) [손가락을 탁 튕기며] 아, 송탄 클러스터에Announce that the cluster at Songtan will include
스포츠 재활 센터, 스파a sports rehab center, a spa, and a fitness center.
피트니스 건립도 같이 발표해and a fitness center.
우리 센터에 발을 들이는 순간Stress that the moment you step foot into our center,
모든 헬스 케어가 포괄적으로 한 번에 된다는 걸 각인시키라고Stress that the moment you step foot into our center, every type of healthcare will be provided comprehensively.
[남형이 손가락을 탁 튕긴다]
새끼Asshole. Seong-chan could never do this no matter how hard he tries.
홍성찬이는 죽었다 깨나도 이런 건 못 하지Seong-chan could never do this no matter how hard he tries.
네, 회장님That's right, sir.
저, 그런데However, aren't you showing every card you have
어, 너무 모든 패를However, aren't you showing every card you have a little too soon?
이렇게 한 번에 다 보여 주시는 건 아닐까요?a little too soon? We need to be ahead of everyone.
치고 나가기로 했으니까We need to be ahead of everyone.
우리 경제인들은 정치인들한테 배신만 당했어We businessmen have always been betrayed by politicians.
(남형) 전 정권에서도 '민영화해 주겠다'The previous government promised privatization.
그 전 정권에서도 '규제 풀어 준다'And the one before promised to lighten regulations.
말만 몇 년이야?They bullshitted us for years.
의료 서비스업이야말로 부가 가치를 얼마든지 늘릴 수 있어A medical service business can increase its added value indefinitely.
야, 빈부 격차가 걱정되면 공공 병원에 투자를 해야지If they're concerned about the gap between the rich and poor, they should invest in public hospitals. Why are they regulating private businesses?
왜 정부가 민간사업을 규제해?Why are they regulating private businesses? Why are they reducing our competitiveness?
왜 경쟁력을 떨어트려?Why are they reducing our competitiveness?
정치인들 말만 믿다가 이미 늦었어We're late now because we trusted politicians.
나랑 구 사장이 바꿔 보자고Let's change that, you and I.
(승효) 저, 회장님 [남형이 잔을 쓱 민다]Mr. Cho. But the businesses referenced here are premised upon
근데 여기 언급된 사업은 전부Mr. Cho. But the businesses referenced here are premised upon the privatization of the hospital.
병원 민영화가 기본 전제입니다the privatization of the hospital.
이게 의료법 자체를 뒤집어야 하는데It'll be entirely against medical laws. How do you plan to accomplish this?
이건 어떻게 뚫고 가실 건지...How do you plan to accomplish this?
찢어야지We'll take it apart.
(남형) 너무 덩어리가 큰 초대형 병원이라 영리 법인 설립이 안 되면If we can't make it for-profit because the hospital is too big,
단과별로 찢어서 뭐, 하나하나 따로 허가를 내야지we'll break them down by department, and get a permit for each. I guess our hospital will be split up according to the medical treatment.
진료 과목별로 저희 병원 쪼개지겠네요I guess our hospital will be split up according to the medical treatment.
그래야 경쟁을 시키지That way, we can make them compete.
다스리기도 쉽고And it's easier to control them.
[어두운 음악]
[남형이 숨을 깊게 내뱉는다]
(남형) 휴대폰이랑 연동만 됐으면 더 이상 완벽할 수가 없는데It would've been perfect if we were able to link things with cell phones.
(승효) 죄송합니다, 회장님I'm sorry, sir.
[입소리를 쩝 낸다]
내일 출근하자마자Announce it first thing
첫 번째로 발표해요tomorrow morning. Yes, sir.
알겠습니다Yes, sir.
[남형이 잔을 달그락 든다]
[남형이 차를 후룩 마신다]
[남형이 잔을 달그락 내려놓는다]
(기사) 사장님?Mr. Gu?
퇴근해요Go home.
[어두운 음악] [안전띠를 달칵 채운다]
[옅은 한숨]
[고 위원의 어이없는 숨소리]He's out of his mind.
아주 제정신이 아니야He's out of his mind.
[종이를 탁 내려놓으며] 내가 폭탄을 맡았다I'm carrying a ticking time bomb.
(정 위원) 욕먹고 싶어서 환장한 게 아니면 어떻게...It's like he's asking to be cursed out.
여기 이런 '투자 개방형 병원'이나 '환승 관광'These terms about investments and health tourism
이런 용어들은 일반인들은 잘 모른다고 쳐도may not be well-known by the general public, but a "comprehensive medical shopping mall"?
'종합 메디컬 쇼핑몰'은...but a "comprehensive medical shopping mall"? How could they flat-out talk about wanting to make money?
어떻게 이렇게 대놓고 돈타령을 할까요?How could they flat-out talk about wanting to make money?
댓글만 보면 여기 병원 사장은 완전 백 번도 더 죽었어요Read the comments. The hospital president is being slaughtered.
(고 위원) 젠장Shit. If he wants to create jobs, he should hire more nurses.
일자리 창출하려면 간호사나 더 뽑지Shit. If he wants to create jobs, he should hire more nurses. They're not hiring in order to cut back on salaries.
지금도 인건비 때문에 안 뽑아 줘서 난리인데They're not hiring in order to cut back on salaries. Why is he ignoring existing jobs and creating jobs elsewhere?
이왕 있는 일자리는 나 몰라라 하고 왜 애먼 데서 창출하겠대?Why is he ignoring existing jobs and creating jobs elsewhere?
빅5 중의 하나가 영리화되면If one of the Big Five becomes for-profit,
거의 쓰나미일 텐데요, 다른 데도the others will follow immediately. Everyone will complain
다 들고일어나겠지 '왜 우리는 안 해 주냐', 역차별이라고Everyone will complain that they should be allowed to do it as well.
(정 위원) 아, 그것도 웃겨요That's ridiculous, too. They should say it's wrong,
그러면 안 된다고 해야지That's ridiculous, too. They should say it's wrong, not ask for the same.
'왜 쟤네만 해 주냐' 그게 뭐예요?not ask for the same.
(고 위원) 경제특구는 무슨Special economic zone? Like hell. There are eight already.
8개나 되는데 뭘 또...There are eight already. People love anything "special."
하여튼 '특' 자 되게 좋아해People love anything "special." I know, right? Even the massive China
그러게요I know, right? Even the massive China
그 땅덩어리 넓은 중국도 딸랑 두 개인데, 특구는I know, right? Even the massive China has only two special economic zones.
[고 위원의 못마땅한 한숨]
(고 위원) 사람 하나 잘못 들어와서 저 큰 데가 아주 망가진다That big hospital is falling apart because of one bad hire.
그 성분 분석 기능을 추가하면 사이즈가 커질까요?Will it get larger if we add a composition analysis function?
아, 땀요Sweat.
땀 성분을 분석할 수 있는지Can it analyze the composition of sweat?
씁, 그 테스터는 언제쯤이죠?When will the tester be out?
아, 오케이, 알겠습니다Okay. I understand. Thank you.
수고하십시오 [전화벨이 울린다]Okay. I understand. Thank you.
(경아) 어머, 안녕하세요, 예 선생님Hello, Dr. Ye.
아, 잠시만요Just a minute.
사장님, 심평원의 예선우 선생인데요It's Dr. Ye Seon-woo from the HIRA.
[전화기 조작음] [전화벨이 울린다]
(승효) 네Hello?
(선우) 안녕하셨어요, 구승효 사장님Hello, Mr. Gu.
(승효) 아유, 예, 오랜만이네요Hello. It's been a while. How have you been?
잘 있었어요?Hello. It's been a while. How have you been? We'll soon announce the results
김태상 부원장 조사 결과 곧 발표입니다We'll soon announce the results of the investigation of Deputy Director Kim Tae-sang.
알려드려야 할 것 같아서I thought I should notify you. I see. Thank you for keeping your word.
아, 예, 고마워요 그, 엠바고 지켜 줘서I see. Thank you for keeping your word.
(선우) 상국대도 실명으로 거론될 거고요Sangkook will be mentioned as well by name.
그, 김태상 이제 여기 사람 아니고 부원장도 아니고He is no longer with us, and no longer our deputy director.
대리 수술 발각 이후에 한 건의 진료도 수술도 없었다는 사실도After we found out about that surgery, he didn't treat or operate on a single person. Please mention that.
언급해 줍시다he didn't treat or operate on a single person. Please mention that. That's something Sangkook should say in a clarification article.
그건 해명 기사로 상국대 측에서 내보낼 내용인데요That's something Sangkook should say in a clarification article.
아, 그래요?Is it? Sure, we'll do that then.
그래요, 뭐, 알겠어요, 그러든가Is it? Sure, we'll do that then.
(승효) 예선우 선생?Dr. Ye?
(선우) 제가 전에 사장님 뵀을 때요Before, the last time we met,
그때 제 앞에서you were about to stand up in front of me, and sat back down.
자리에서 일어나시려다 도로 앉았어요in front of me, and sat back down. Did I do that?
(승효) 아, 내가, 내가 그랬어요?Did I do that? But what about it?
근데 그게 뭐요?But what about it? That's the type of person you are,
그런 분이세요, 구 사장님That's the type of person you are,
스스로를 어떻게 여기시든regardless of how you think of yourself.
(선우) 또 연락드릴 일이 있을지 모르겠네요I don't know if I'll need to contact you again. Take care of yourself, Mr. Gu.
안녕히 계세요, 구승효 사장님Take care of yourself, Mr. Gu.
예 선생도요You too.
건강해요Take care of yourself.
여보세...Hello? What the hell?
이거 뭐야Hello? What the hell?
오세화 원장님Director Oh?
(세화) 사장님, 우리 밥 먹을까요?Mr. Gu, would you like to eat with me?
[차분한 음악]
(선우) 형Jin-woo.
(진우) 응?Yes?
(선우) 노을이 누나Have you seen No-eul
아무하고나 술 마시고 막 취하고drink with just anyone and get drunk or anything like that?
그런 거 본 적 있어?or anything like that?
(진우) 걔가 그랬대?Did she do that?
누나도 일만 하지 말고 사람도 만나고 살아야지She should meet people too, instead of just working.
누가 할 소리를 누가Look who's talking.
없지?No, right?
누나가 아무나하고는 안 그러잖아She doesn't do that with just anyone. Whom did you see her with?
누구랑 있는 걸 본 거야?Whom did you see her with?
그냥 누나한테 그런 사람이 있다면I just mean, if she finds someone like that,
좋아하는 사람이 생긴다면someone that she likes,
그 사람이 좋은 사람이었으면 좋겠어someone that she likes, I hope he's a good person.
좋은 사람이어야지He has to be a good person.
[문이 드르륵 닫힌다]You were a personal assistant?
비서였다고요?You were a personal assistant?
(세화) 화정그룹 비서였다고요, 사장님이?You were a personal assistant at Hwajeong Group?
Yes. That was my first job.
그게 제 첫 사회생활이었는데요?Yes. That was my first job. Then… You're not…
(세화) 어머, 그러면 그거는...Then… You're not…
아니, 구승효 사장이I mean, people said you were the late Hwajeong's chairman's son
전 화정 회장님 숨겨 놓은 아들이었다고, 돌아가신I mean, people said you were the late Hwajeong's chairman's son that he kept from the world.
[그릇을 댕그랑 친다]Since you're so successful,
아니, 구승효라는 사람이 워낙 잘나가니까Since you're so successful, people at Hwajeong gossip,
(세화) 화정에서 이런저런 얘기가 있고people at Hwajeong gossip,
그걸 뭐, 건너건너 들은 건데and I heard it through the grapevine. There's no need to get upset.
뭘 그거 가지고 이렇게 뾰족하게 굴어요?There's no need to get upset. Look at my mom before you say that.
우리 엄마를 보고 그런 말씀을 하세요Look at my mom before you say that. She's not capable of such a thing.
그 앞에서 떡 하나도 못 숨겨She's not capable of such a thing.
근데 무슨 아들을 숨겨 놔?The chairman's son? My foot.
난 모태 금수저인 줄 알았네, 흥I thought you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth.
뭐가 흥이에요?What was that for?
내가 그 입방아 깨부수려고 얼마나 어금니를 꽉 깨물었는데I worked so hard to kill that stupid rumor.
그리고 나 원래 금수저 맞아요And it's true, I was born rich.
IMF 때 쫄딱 망해서 그렇지We lost it all during the IMF crisis, that's all.
왜요?What? Have you never met someone who went bankrupt during the IMF crisis?
IMF 때 망한 사람 처음 봐요?What? Have you never met someone who went bankrupt during the IMF crisis?
아니, 저희 고향 집을 몰래 사찰을 하셨는가 싶어서It sounded familiar. I thought you were talking about my family and how we went bankrupt.
그때 쫄딱 망한 거and how we went bankrupt.
사람들이 왜 이래?What's with you people?
(경문) 원장님은 그때 잘 모르시죠?You don't know about that time, do you? Since both of your parents were doctors and professors.
양친께서 의사에다가 대학교수시니까Since both of your parents were doctors and professors. Come on. Who doesn't know about the IMF crisis?
왜 이래요, IMF를 누가 몰라요?Come on. Who doesn't know about the IMF crisis?
아, 들어서 아는 거랑 몸소 겪은 거랑은 천지 차이죠Hearing about it and experiencing it are as different as night and day.
좋으시겠어요들Good for you both. You got to personally experience Korea's dark history.
대한민국의 흑역사를 몸소 겪으셔서You got to personally experience Korea's dark history.
(경문) 흑역사죠It is a dark history. But at least we overcame it quickly by working together.
그래도 그땐 합심해서 다 이겨냈잖아요But at least we overcame it quickly by working together.
우리 병원 흑역사도 빨리 떨쳐내야죠, 하루빨리We should shake off our hospital's dark history as soon as possible as well.
[젓가락을 잘그락 내려놓는다]
[숨을 깊게 내뱉는다]
(세화) 이런 자리 마지막일 거 같은데This may be the last time we eat together,
[젓가락으로 그릇을 탁탁 친다]so let's talk after we finish eating.
밥그릇은 비우고 얘기하죠so let's talk after we finish eating.
(세화) [헛웃음 치며] 근데 옛날 사람들 참 순진해요But people were so naive back then.
아니, 나라 말아먹은 인간들은 따로 있는데Some were responsible for bleeding the country dry.
거기다 돌을 던져야지They should've thrown stones at them.
왜 아기 돌 반지는 가지고 나와서 나랏빚을 갚겠다고 그러는 거예요?Why did people offer up their jewelry to pay the national debt?
(경문) 그때만 그랬나요?That wasn't the only time. What was that? That dam.
그건 뭐였죠? 그, 무슨 댐That wasn't the only time. What was that? That dam.
- 평화의 댐 - 아, 맞다-The Peace Dam. -That's right. Even when I think about it now, it still makes no sense.
진짜 그거는 지금 생각해 봐도 진짜 말이 안 돼요, 그거는Even when I think about it now, it still makes no sense.
[경문의 웃음]Even when I think about it now, it still makes no sense. Exactly. Everyone thought all of Seoul would be flooded
(세화) 그러니까요Exactly. Everyone thought all of Seoul would be flooded
그때 그거 안 하면 서울 바닥 다 잠기는 줄 알고 [경문의 웃음]Exactly. Everyone thought all of Seoul would be flooded if we didn't build that back then.
몰라요?Don't you know about it?
처음 들어요, 평화의 댐?Have you never heard of the Peace Dam?
[웅얼거리며] 아, 뭐...Well…
사장님 그때 몇 살이었어요?How old were you back then?
남자 나이 함부로 묻는 거 아닙니다It's rude to ask a man his age. When was that? The eighties…
(세화) 그때 언제였죠? 80, 80...When was that? The eighties… -In… -In 1986? Or was it 1987?
(경문) 86년, 7년? 87년?-In… -In 1986? Or was it 1987?
- (세화) 유치원생? - 1학년 때요-Kindergarten? -First grade. First grade.
1학년요First grade. I was in the sixth grade back then.
나 그때 6학년이었는데I was in the sixth grade back then.
내가 지금 그때 1학년짜리를I'm working under someone who was in the first grade back then.
사장님이라고 이렇게 겸상을 하고 있는 거예요I'm working under someone who was in the first grade back then. Oh, my gosh, how times have changed.
(세화) 어머, 세상 참 좋아졌다, 그렇죠?Oh, my gosh, how times have changed.
전 고딩이었는데요I was in high school.
(승효) 씁, 얼추 다 드신 거 같은데 그냥 말씀하시죠?It looks like you're done eating, so why don't you just begin? You must have a whole lot of things to say to me.
나한테 쏟아부을 거 한 트럭이잖아요You must have a whole lot of things to say to me.
혹 떼러 갔다가 혹 붙이고 왔죠 조 회장한테?You went to get rid of a burden, but got another one from Chairman Cho, right?
거봐요, 사장님 아이디어 아니라고 했잖아요I told you, the crap that was announced today
오늘 발표된 쓰레기가wasn't Mr. Gu's idea. That doesn't change anything.
달라질 건 없죠?That doesn't change anything.
(세화) 네, 달라질 거 없어요No, it doesn't.
우리 싸울 거예요We're going to fight.
네, 나도 싸울 겁니다Sure. I'm going to fight as well.
같은 편이었으면 좋았을걸Too bad we're not on the same side.
(경문) 상대는 어쩌라고요? 이렇게 같은 편이면The other side wouldn't stand a chance if you two were on the same side.
그쪽 회장님께서 너무 막 나가는 통에It's because the chairman is so out of control,
저희가 힘을 많이 받고 있습니다we're gaining a lot of support.
의사 가운 입고I've never received so much support as a doctor before.
이렇게 지지를 많이 받아 보기도 처음입니다I've never received so much support as a doctor before.
(세화) 너무 아무 말 대잔치를 벌이신 거죠He said too much gibberish. I know he doesn't know the medical industry, and only business, but still.
아무리 의료계를 모르고 아무리 사업만 안다고 하지만I know he doesn't know the medical industry, and only business, but still.
덕분에 우리 쪽 반응이 참 좋아요Thanks to him, the public is favorable toward us.
옛날 사람들만 순진한 거 아니네요I guess it isn't just people in the past who were naive.
무슨 뜻입니까?What do you mean?
곧 알게 되시겠죠You'll find out soon.
후회 없이Let's do everything we can
해 봅시다, 서로so that we won't have any regrets.
[어두운 음악]
[세화가 안전띠를 달칵 채운다]
'옛날 사람들만 순진한 게 아니다'"It isn't just people in the past who were naive."
뭘까요?What could he have meant?
(경아) 사장님Mr. Gu. The chairman went to the Ministry of Health and Welfare quite a while ago.
회장님 아까아까 복지부 가셨대요Mr. Gu. The chairman went to the Ministry of Health and Welfare quite a while ago. His secretary only told me now.
비서실에서 인제 알려 준 거 있죠?His secretary only told me now.
[영상 속 기자들이 저마다 질문한다]Whose idea was it? Doesn't it mean you'll only focus on making a profit?
(영상 속 기자1) 한 말씀 해 주시죠Please say a few words.
(영상 속 남형) 오전에 발표된 내용이The announcement that was made this morning
지나친 수익 추구라는deserved your criticism
국민 여러분의 비판을 겸허히 수용하고that we're overly profit-driven,
사죄드립니다and I apologize.
(은하) 박 쌤!Dr. Park.
[영상 속 남형의 고민하는 신음] 벌써 나왔어요?Is it out already? We haven't heard
(영상 속 남형) 저희도 지금We haven't heard
[박 선생의 한숨] 병원 총괄 책임자의 발표가any reports regarding how the announcement by the hospital president
어떤 경로를 통해 나오게 됐는지by the hospital president
이, 보고를 받지 못해서요got out to the public.
상국대 재단 측을 통해서 확인 중입니다We are checking through the Sangkook University Foundation. We will follow
국민 여러분과We will follow
정부 부처의 의견을 겸허히 수용해서the public opinion and the government's opinion. The comprehensive medical shopping mall,
종합 메디컬 쇼핑몰The comprehensive medical shopping mall, the membership system,
병원의 회원제 운영the membership system, the fitness center,
피트니스 센터와 같은the fitness center,
그, 일체의and other businesses in the hospital
병원 제반 사업을 철회합니다in the hospital will be canceled. CRITICISM DESERVED, FOR-PROFIT BUSINESS TO BE CANCELED
심려 끼쳐드렸습니다Our apologies for causing concern.
(영상 속 기자2) 더 하실 말씀 없으십니까?Do you have anything else to say?
(영상 속 기자3) 사업 철회의 다른 이유라도 있습니까?Is there another reason for the cancellation?
[박 선생의 헛웃음]Now, we have your weather forecast.
이어서 날씨 정보 전해 드립니다Now, we have your weather forecast. What the… Is that it?
[영상에서 음성이 흘러나온다] (박 선생) 뭐야, 이게 다야?What the… Is that it?
[마우스 클릭음]What the… Is that it? It can't end like this.
아니, 이렇게 끝나면 어떡하라고It can't end like this. What about the for-profit entity issue?
영리 법인 소리는 왜 안 해?What about the for-profit entity issue?
그걸 안 한다고 해야지 그게 제일 중요한 건데That's what he should say they won't do. That's the most important.
그러니까Exactly. Everything else is side business anyway.
어차피 딴거 다 부대사업인데Exactly. Everything else is side business anyway. They'll do it anyway if it becomes privatized.
영리화만 되면 결국 할 거면서They'll do it anyway if it becomes privatized.
하, 핵심은 쏙 빼놓고He left out the core.
이게 무슨 겸허히 수용이야? 눈 가리고 아웅이지, 씨That's not following the public's opinion. They're playing cheap tricks. This is what he was after.
처음부터 이러려고...This is what he was after.
'너희가 싫다니까 우리가 안 할게'"You don't like it, so we won't do it." They pretend to listen to people's opinions.
다 수용하는 척하면서They pretend to listen to people's opinions. but they're getting away with the biggest issue.
정작 제일 큰일 난 건 쏙 빠져나간 거잖아요but they're getting away with the biggest issue.
그러네You're right.
어그로 끌어서 물타기한 거네It was a distraction tactic.
병원 민영화시키겠다는 소리만 내놓으면It was obvious people would complain
안 된다고 난리 칠 게 뻔하니까if they said they'd privatize the hospital, so… Mr. Gu drew the attention with nonsense,
(박 선생) 구 사장이 어그로 끌고 회장이 수습하는 척하면서Mr. Gu drew the attention with nonsense, and the chairman pretended to fix it.
아, 이거 모르는 사람들은People who don't realize it will think the problem is resolved now.
이걸로 전부 다 해결된 줄 알 거 아니에요People who don't realize it will think the problem is resolved now.
빡 쌤Dr. Park.
시프트 금방 끝나죠?Your shift is over soon, right? Yes. Why?
네, 왜요?Yes. Why?
[은하의 한숨]
(은하) 저희 간호사 노조에서 집회 시위 하기로 했어요The nurses union decided to demonstrate.
(진우) 언제요?When?
(은하) 지금 신고 중이에요We're notifying the police. We need to tell them 48 hours in advance,
48시간 전에만 하면 된다고 하니까 허가 나는 대로 바로We're notifying the police. We need to tell them 48 hours in advance, so as soon as we get the approval.
(진우) 여기서 하겠네요?I guess it'll be here.
(은하) 그래야 하는 의미가 있죠That's the only way it'll be meaningful. Everyone who isn't working will come out and surround
근무 조 아닌 사람들 다 나와서 뺑뺑 둘러 줄 거예요Everyone who isn't working will come out and surround
병원 건물 전체를the entire hospital.
가만히 있어 주는 게 아니었어We shouldn't have stayed quiet.
아니, 구 사장은 왜 안 나가는 거예요?Why won't Mr. Gu leave already? He was told to leave, so he should leave.
나가랬으면 나가야지, 자기가He was told to leave, so he should leave.
[화난 숨을 내뱉는다]
구 사장이 문제가 아니니까Because Mr. Gu isn't the problem.
(경문) '옛날 사람들만 순진한 게 아니다'"It isn't just people in the past who were naive."
회장이 어떻게 나올지 사장은 미리 알긴 한 거 같아I think Mr. Gu knew what the chairman was going to do.
근데 알았어도But even if he knew, seeing how he's being blamed,
지금 혼자 원흉 된 거 보면But even if he knew, seeing how he's being blamed,
사장이라도 안 되는 게 있는 게 아닐까?perhaps even he can't control it.
둘이 연극을 하는 거라면요? 회장이랑 구 사장이What if the chairman and Mr. Gu are putting on an act?
둘이 한통속이라면If they were working together, why would he have said that?
왜 그런 말을 했을까?why would he have said that?
어떤...What? "I'm going to fight as well."
'나도 싸울 겁니다'"I'm going to fight as well."
우리한테 선전 포고를 할 게 아니라 모른 척을 했어야지He should've played dumb, not challenged us.
[경문의 한숨]
원장님은 어디 가셨어요?Did Director Oh go somewhere?
복지부To the Ministry. We were going to announce our letters of complaint,
원래 성명을 발표할 거였는데To the Ministry. We were going to announce our letters of complaint, but that one piece of news killed it all.
뉴스 한 방에 다 깨졌어but that one piece of news killed it all.
전에 제주도에요Remember how
(진우) 외국 돈 끌어다가 부자들 상대하는 병원 지으려고 했던 거they were planning to build a hospital in Jeju Island for the wealthy?
별문제 없었으면 지금쯤 완공됐겠죠?It would have been finished by now if nothing had happened. That's right. Since the Ministry of Health and Welfare tried to approve it,
(경문) 그렇지, 복지부는 승인을 해 주려고 했으니까That's right. Since the Ministry of Health and Welfare tried to approve it,
해외 투자자라는 놈들이 무자격자에not knowing the supposed foreign investors were unqualified scammers.
사기꾼인 것도 모르고unqualified scammers.
무자격자한테도 승인을 해 줄 정도였으면If they were about to consent to unqualified scammers,
화정그룹이면 무사통과겠네요Hwajeong Group will be approved without any trouble.
[깊은 한숨]
뭐야? 저건 또 뭐 하는 사람들이야?Who are they? Who are those people?
[어두운 음악]
(은하) 아니, 이게...What… What are you doing in front of our hospital?
이, 이게 뭐예요 지금 남의 병원 앞에서What… What are you doing in front of our hospital?
(박 선생) 여기서 뭐 하세요?What are you doing here?
(간호사) 아니, 대답을 좀 하시라니까요Say something, will you?
(박 선생) 병원 관계자세요?Do you work for the hospital?
(은하) 뭐, 하루 종일 이러고 있을 거예요?Are you going to stay here all day long?
뭐예요?What's going on?
(간호사) 이 사람들이 지금 여기 다 차지했잖아요These people just took over this spot.
아, 이거 보세요, 이거 여기 우리 건데Look at them. This is our spot.
(박 선생) 아, 저희가 집회 신고를 했거든요We requested a permit to demonstrate. The police said we can't because there's one already until next week.
경찰서에서 근데 다음 주까지The police said we can't because there's one already until next week.
우리 병원은 접수가 끝나서 안 된다는 거예요The police said we can't because there's one already until next week.
그러더니 이 사람들이 왔어요Then these people came. So these people are protesting right now?
이 사람들이 시위를 하는 거란 말이에요, 지금?So these people are protesting right now?
(노을) 저기요, 시위를 하려면 구호를 외치든가Excuse me. If you're going to protest, shouldn't you say something, or hold up some kind of picket?
피켓이라도 들고 있어야 되는 거 아닙니까?or hold up some kind of picket?
지금 뭘 주장하려고 여기를 와 있는 건데요?What are you here to protest about?
(은하) 화정 사람들이에요They're from Hwajeong.
우리가 꼼짝 못 하게 자리 선점하고 있는 거예요They're claiming the spot, so that we can't do anything.
알 박기They're squatting.
[어이없는 숨소리]
(박 선생) 저기요Hey, you.
(진우) 밖에 뭐야?What's going on?
[휴대전화 조작음] (노을) 화정 사람들, 유령 집회What's going on? They're from Hwajeong. It's a phantom assembly.
(노을) 우리가 어떻게 나올지 예상하고 집회 신고를 미리 해 놨나 봐They predicted what we'd do, and got a permit to demonstrate beforehand.
그냥 아무나 동원된 거 같아 직원 중에서I think they just sent random employees.
(은하) 구 사장이 깔아 놓은 사람들이야Mr. Gu sent them. If we're not careful, we'll be arrested.
까딱하면 우리가 잡혀간다니까If we're not careful, we'll be arrested.
그렇다고 내버려 둬요?-So what, leave them alone? -What else?
안 내버려 두면?-So what, leave them alone? -What else?
[화난 숨을 내뱉는다]
(간호사) 어떡하죠?What should we do?
(박 선생) 다른 방법을 찾아봐야지We have to find another way.
[문이 탁 열린다]
어떻게 되셨어요?How did it go?
[통화 연결음]
[마우스 클릭음] [휴대전화 진동음]DOCTOR LEE NO-EUL
[휴대전화 진동음이 멈춘다] [숨을 후 내뱉는다]
"암 센터 의료진"
"조정, 의학 박사"
강 팀장님Ms. Kang.
[승효가 노트북을 탁 닫는다]
(승효) 그, 송탄 임대는 정리 끝났습니까?Is the Songtan lease settled? Yes.
아, 예Yes.
(경아) 임대차 계약 진행하고요We will proceed with the lease.
기간은... [마우스 클릭음]For the term, I made it perpetual.
영구적으로 설정했습니다For the term, I made it perpetual. What about the possibility of canceling the contract?
차후 계약 파기 가능성은요?What about the possibility of canceling the contract?
(경아) 말씀대로 특약 사항에 포함시켜서요As you asked, for special circumstances, if there is a unilateral cancellation,
일방적 해지를 시행하는 경우에if there is a unilateral cancellation,
아, 건축물 무상 사용 승낙서 효력이 발생하도록요the building may be utilized freely.
[차분한 음악] 공증받아 놓으시고요Get it notarized.
상반기 빅5 매출 통계 좀 보죠Let's see the Big Five's incomes from the first half of the year. Just a minute.
(경아) 예, 잠시만요Just a minute.
[마우스 클릭음] 아, 여기 있습니다Here. If you look at the rate of growth,
아, 여기 성장률을 보시면 상국대학병원이If you look at the rate of growth,
작년 하반기 빅5 중 매출 4위에서Sangkook went from fourth during the second half of last year to second this year.
올해는 2위까지 뛰어올랐습니다to second this year.
그룹 계열사별 매출 비교요The income comparison of the group's subsidiaries.
(경아) 아이고, 이게 왜...My goodness. Why is that… I'm sorry.
아이고, 죄송합니다My goodness. Why is that… I'm sorry. I saved this as an image file.
제가 이걸 이미지 파일로 저장했더니 여기 가서 붙었네I saved this as an image file. It got saved here.
[마우스 클릭음] [경아가 키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]Ms. Kang.
팀장님Ms. Kang. I'm sorry, sir.
(경아) 죄송합니다, 사장님I'm sorry, sir.
[숨을 깊게 내뱉는다]
6년이죠?Six years, right? That's how long you and I worked together.
팀장님이랑 나랑 같이 일한 거That's how long you and I worked together.
근데 그동안에 큰 실수 한 번이 없었어요You never once made a big mistake.
(경아) 아, 여기 있습니다 [마우스 클릭음]Here it is.
여기 매출 비중을 보시면If you look at the comparison between incomes…
여...If you look at the comparison between incomes…
뭐라고 하셨어요, 사장님?What did you say?
왜 갑자기 그런 말씀을 하세요?Why did you suddenly say that?
이건...Why do you want to see this now?
왜 지금 다 보려고 하시는데요?Why do you want to see this now?
아, 뇌물 증거가 어디 있어요?There's no proof of the bribe. I only heard it in passing from a relative.
나도 동서한테 지나가다 들은 소리인데I only heard it in passing from a relative.
(동수) 왜 지나가다 들어, 캐물었시야지Why did you hear it in passing? You should've dug into it.
[노크 소리가 들린다]It's Dr. Ye. Come in.
아, 예 선생이야, 들어와It's Dr. Ye. Come in.
[동수의 당황한 신음] (세화) 앉아요Sit down.
[문이 달칵 닫힌다]
(경문) 어, 내가 볼 수 있는 서류들은 거의 다 훑어봤는데I looked through all the documents that I could,
그, 송탄 땅 매입할 때 우리 쪽에서 나간 게 580억이에요and 58 billion won came out of our funds to purchase the land in Songtan.
고유 목적 준비금에서 빠진 게From the Reserve Fund for Essential Business. What use is the purchase price?
아, 매입가가 무슨 의미라고요What use is the purchase price?
원래 시세보다 더 얹어 줬다 쳐도Even if it was more than the fair market value, you pay what the seller demands. What can we say about that?
땅값이야 땅 주인이 부르는 게 값이지 거기다 뭐라고 할 건데?you pay what the seller demands. What can we say about that?
복지부 일은 어떻게...What about the Ministry? They're in bed with each other already.
애초에 자기들끼리 다 입 맞춰 놨어요They're in bed with each other already.
그러지 않고서야 이럴 수가 없지They couldn't do this otherwise.
(세화) 무리수 먼저 던져 놓고From making a ridiculous move first, to having their head step in
총수가 나서서 '미안하다, 사과한다'to having their head step in and apologize.
그런 것까지 다and apologize. They had us distracted with Mr. Gu,
(동수) 우리를 구 사장한테 정신 팔리게 하고They had us distracted with Mr. Gu,
뒤서는 다 맹글고 있었나 보네while they set everything up behind our backs.
(경문) 원장님, 송탄 건물 계약서들 가장 최근 거 혹시 보셨어요?Did you look at the latest contract for the buildings in Songtan?
그중에 딱 한 군데만Only one of them was changed to a free perpetual lease.
그, 무상 영구 임대 방식으로 바뀌었던데요was changed to a free perpetual lease.
누구한테 임대를 해요? 뭐를?What was leased, and to whom? The name of the tenant was odd.
그게 임차인 명의가 이상한 게The name of the tenant was odd.
서산에 있는 무슨 화평리 마을 협동조합?Something like Hwapyeong-ri Village Cooperative in Seosan? A village cooperative?
마을 협동조합요?A village cooperative?
왜, 거기가 뭔데?What's that?
어? 화평리면 우리 저기 본가 근처인디?What? Hwapyeong? That's near where my family's from.
(경문) 저도 진짜 있는 데인가 싶어서 알아봤는데I looked into it to see if it really exists, and it's comprised of about 20 families.
조합원이 한 스무 가구 되나?and it's comprised of about 20 families.
캠퍼스 맨 끝에 있는 건물을 그 조합 단체에 주는 걸로The building at the end of the campus was given to them.
이렇게 해 놨더라고요The building at the end of the campus was given to them.
(상엽) 아, 그건가 보다 그, 그때 기공식 갔을 때That must be it. At the groundbreaking ceremony, we saw it in the model illustration.
설계도인가 조감도에서 본 거we saw it in the model illustration.
약간 뭐, 공동 주택처럼 생겼더라고요 택지도 따로 구분됐고It looked like an apartment. It was a separate housing site.
[동수가 의아한 숨을 들이켠다]
(동수) 이거, 이거 구 사장이 즈그 부모나 친척들Did Mr. Gu give it to his relatives or someone?
따로 챙겨 준 거 아니여?his relatives or someone?
아니지No. Was it the chairman?
회장이 그랬나?No. Was it the chairman?
아무튼 이거 되는 얘기인디?Regardless, that works. That's a type of embezzlement.
아, 횡령 아니여, 일종의Regardless, that works. That's a type of embezzlement. Or it may be nothing.
(세화) 별거 아닐 수도 있고요Or it may be nothing. Why?
(상엽) 왜요?Why? Mr. Gu said he'd tell me
구 사장이 나한테 직접 얘기한다고 했어요Mr. Gu said he'd tell me what it'll be used for.
무슨 용도로 쓰일 건지what it'll be used for. Are you sure he wasn't just saying that?
(동수) 말만 그리 한 거 아니고요?Are you sure he wasn't just saying that? He has never lied or made things up.
(세화) 없는 얘기를 하거나 거짓말을 한 적은 없잖아요, 구 사장이He has never lied or made things up. It's just that they never helped us.
그게 우리들한테 좋은 말들이 아니어서 그렇지It's just that they never helped us.
그리고 내가 알아야 한다고 한 거 보면And seeing how he said I should know, it may be related to the hospital.
병원 자체랑 관계된 그런 거일 수도 있고요it may be related to the hospital. There's no way to stop them.
나 원, 막을 카드가 없네There's no way to stop them.
아, 뭐, 좀 증거 없어요?Don't you have anything we can use? Something like that financial statement? Anyone?
(상엽) 저번에 그, 왜, 매출표 올렸을 때처럼 좀 뭐 없어요, 다들?Something like that financial statement? Anyone?
[경문의 한숨] 아휴, 답답해 죽겠네, 쯧This is so frustrating.
매출표 제가 올렸습니다I posted… the financial statement.
(진우) 부원장께서는 아마 절 막아 주려고 하신 거 같습니다I think Deputy Director Joo was trying to protect me.
(세화) [헛웃음 치며] 또 너야?You again?
아, 지금 그, 그게 중혀?That's not important right now!
(동수) 뭣이 중헌디!What now?
앞으로 어쩔 거냐고, 앞으로What will you do now?
아니, 저, 저, 보셔요, 저, 응?Look. Look at that. You saw on your way in, right?
원장님도 들어오다 보셨죠?Look. Look at that. You saw on your way in, right?
나 같으면 화정 직원들 보낼래도 어디 저기, 저, 응?Even if I were going to send Hwajeong's employees, I'd at least have them change clothes to look like protesters.
시위꾼처럼 옷이라도 바꿔 입혀서 보내겄어I'd at least have them change clothes to look like protesters.
알아보면 어떠냐"Who cares if you know?" He doesn't care anymore.
막 나가기로 한 거여, 이제"Who cares if you know?" He doesn't care anymore. If he's working with the Ministry,
복지부하고 입을 맞췄다면 뭔가 불법적인 거래가 있을 법한데요If he's working with the Ministry, there must have been an illegal deal.
있겠지I'm sure there was, but how would we find out?
근데 우리가 그걸 어떻게 알아내I'm sure there was, but how would we find out?
(동수) 아휴, 우라질, 손발 다 묶였네, 이씨Both our hands and feet are tied.
[휴대전화 벨 소리]
(경문) 죄송합니다Excuse me.
알았어, 괜찮아It's okay.
어, 그래, 곧 갈게, 어I'll be right there. Okay.
[휴대전화 조작음]
제가 수술이 있어서I have a surgery.
(상엽) 아휴, 가시죠Let's go.
[문이 달칵 열린다]
[문이 달칵 닫힌다]
[경문의 한숨]
부원장님-Deputy Director Joo. -Yes?
어?-Deputy Director Joo. -Yes?
어떻게든 방법이 있겠죠There must be a way.
(세화) 아, 참That's right. About Director Lee Bo-hun's bank account.
[문이 달칵 닫힌다] 이보훈 원장님 계좌요That's right. About Director Lee Bo-hun's bank account. The one the incentive went into?
평가 지원금 받은 계좌요?The one the incentive went into? Yes. I checked the transaction details,
(세화) 어Yes. I checked the transaction details,
통장 내역 살펴보니까 이 교수님 이름이 있던데요Yes. I checked the transaction details, and Dr. Lee, your name was there.
아니, 뭔 소리예요, 시방?What do you mean?
아, 내가 언제요?Me? When?
(세화) 그게 좀 오래전 일이긴 한데요Me? When? It was a while ago. Around 1997.
97년도쯤?Around 1997.
그때 그 통장으로 무슨 거래 한 거예요?What transaction did you do with that account?
아, 97년이면 뭐여?If it was in 1997…
아, 20년도 넘었네That was over 20 years ago.
(세화) 그 계좌가 김태상 부원장부터 은퇴한 선배들까지There were many deposits and withdrawals by Deputy Director Kim Tae-sang
입출금 내역이 아주 화려해요and many other retired doctors.
뭐 짚이는 거 없어요?Can you think of anything?
아니, 생각해 볼게요I'll think about it.
(동수) [중얼거리며] 97년, 97년...In 1997?
(상엽) 어렵겠어This will be hard. I don't think we can do anything.
이번에는 도리가 없겠어요This will be hard. I don't think we can do anything.
(동수) 아, 우리가 암만 지랄을 혀도 허가만 나면 끝이니께We can bark all we want. Once they get the approval, it's over.
(동수) 예, 가세요Okay. Bye.
아이고, 이놈아You punk.
니는 거기서 니가 올렸다는 소리가 왜 나와?Why did you say you posted it?
가뜩이나 홀랑 디비진 마당에Things are already a mess. If you really have to move,
진짜 딴 데로 옮겨야 되면 어디서 누가 널 받아 준다고?If you really have to move, who would take you?
[진우의 한숨]
아, 감싸 준 사람 성의를 생각혀서 입 딱 다물어야지You should've kept your mouth shut for the person who protected you.
때린 놈은 떡하니 붙어 있고 맞은 놈이 쫓겨나는 거 한두 번 봤어?How many times have you seen the assailant survive while the victim got kicked out?
그것도 안 하면 전 뭘 해야 될까요?If I don't even do that, what can I do?
정말 어떻게 해야 될지 이젠 모르겠어요I really don't know what to do.
아, 왜 니가 그려! [무거운 음악]Why are you thinking that?
나야말로...I'm the one…
[동수의 한숨]
원장님은 어떻게 방법이 없을라나?I wonder if the director can think of something.
[동수의 한숨]
이게 뭡니까?What is this?
[잔잔한 음악]
아셨죠?You knew…
이렇게 될 걸 아셨죠?this would happen, didn't you?
그래서...That's why
(경문) 같이하자 하셨잖아요you asked me to work with you.
(경문) 아, 지금 보실 자료는What you're looking at are the changes in health services
2005년부터 2013년까지What you're looking at are the changes in health services
공공 의료 비중 변화 보건 복지부 자료입니다from 2005 to 2013 as provided by the Ministry of Health and Welfare.
이 그래프를 보셔서 아시겠지만from 2005 to 2013 as provided by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. As you can see…
(경문) 다 헛일이고 시간 낭비다It was all useless and a waste of time.
절망뿐이었습니다There was only despair.
떠들어 봐야 내 입만 아프다 [노크 소리가 들린다]Talking about it only tired me out. It was when I was boiling up with resentment.
원망이 부글대던 때였습니다It was when I was boiling up with resentment.
김해의료원이 결점투성이라면If Gimhae Medical Center only had flaws,
왜 100년 넘게 이어져 왔겠습니까?how could it have been around for over 100 years?
(경문) 차라리 천지개벽이 일어나서It was when I was wishing
나를 포함한 인간들이 밤새 전부 휩쓸려 갔으면the world would come to an end,
그게 낫겠다고 바라던 때였습니다and all of humanity, including me, would be wiped away.
[경문의 옅은 한숨]
(경문) 아셨잖아요You knew
제가 어떤 놈인지what I was like,
제가 어떤 마음으로 서울에 왔는지and why I came to Seoul.
(경문) 더 큰 곳Somewhere bigger.
더 유명한 곳Somewhere more famous.
거기서도 더 높은 자리, 인정받는 자리A higher position there. A position in which I am respected.
그래서 내 목소리가 들리는 곳A place where my voice would therefore be heard.
내가 말하면A place where
(경문) 이루어지는 곳what I say would be done.
나날이 일만 늘어갔어요But every day, I just got more and more work.
[사이렌이 울린다]
침 뱉을까?Should we spit?
아, 우짜라고 이래 많이 몰려?Why do so many people come here?
서울 사람들은 맨 여만 오나, 쯧Does everyone in Seoul come here?
[경문의 한숨] (보훈) 침 뱉으면 네가 맞아If you spit, you'll get hit.
저기, 저기, 저기There, there, and there. They're all you.
저거 다 너야There, there, and there. They're all you.
얼마나 귀해, 가엾고How precious and pitiful are they?
귀하긴 뭘Precious, my foot.
왜 이렇게 꼬였어, 안 그런 사람이?Why are you so cynical? That's not like you.
(보훈) 왜, 애들이 따돌려서?Why? Because the others exclude you?
그냥 전초전이다 생각해Consider it a prelude.
앞으로 다가올 일은 더할 테니까It'll only get worse.
의사가 환자만 보던 시절은 얼마 안 남았어doctors won't be just treating patients.
(경문) 그 시절은 이미 끝났어요That era ended long ago.
그래That's right.
그러니까 네가 싸워So you need to fight.
(보훈) 네가 지켜, 여기You protect this place.
잘 지켜서 후배한테 넘겨줘Protect it well and pass it on to your juniors.
너만큼 잘할 거 같은 후배한테Someone who will do just as well as you.
이 병원 시작한 사람은 있어도 끝내는 사람은 없게 하라고Make sure this hospital has a founder, but not someone who ends it.
같이 지켜요Protect it with me.
내 시대 이제 다 끝났어My era's over.
다 됐어It's over.
(경문) 에이
다할 때까지 끝까지 어디 한번 싸워 보자, 그래Let's fight until the end.
[손을 박박 씻는다]
(경문) 원장님의 젊은 후배들이Your young junior doctors
[심전도계 비프음] (경문) 이제 저를 바라봅니다look to me now.
그런데 원장님But Director,
전 방법을 모르겠습니다I don't know what to do.
(경문) 그때는 몰랐지만I didn't know then,
형님과 함께했던 나날은but the days I spent with you
호시절이었습니다were the best.
다시 올까요?Will those days return?
이편이 나을지도요Perhaps this is better.
너무 많은 걸 보기 전에 잘 떠나셨어요I'm glad you left before you saw too much.
영원히 원장님의 빛나는Remember Sangkook University Hospital
자랑스러운 상국대병원으로 기억하세요as one that shines, which you can be proud of forever.
[어두운 음악]
(은하) 구 사장이 깔아 놓은 사람들이야Mr. Gu sent them.
(TV 속 남형) 저희도 지금 병원 총괄 책임자의 발표가We haven't heard any reports regarding how the announcement
(TV 속 남형) 어떤 경로를 통해 나오게 됐는지by the hospital president
이, 보고를 받지 못해서요got out to the public.
(경문) 둘이 한통속이라면 왜 그런 말을 했을까?If they were working together, why would he have said that?
'나도 싸울 겁니다'"I'm going to fight as well."
본사로 갑시다Go to the head office.
(기사) 아까 댁으로...But you said… -The head office. -Yes, sir.
본사로-The head office. -Yes, sir.
아, 예-The head office. -Yes, sir.
[타이어 마찰음] [놀란 신음]
저게, 씨...Why that…
[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]
(승효) 죽고 싶으면 딴 차에 뛰어들어!If you want to die, jump in front of someone else's car!
(진우) 누구와 싸울 겁니까?With whom will you fight? What are you trying to do?
뭐 하자는 거야, 지금What are you trying to do?
[긴장되는 음악] 방법을 알고 있죠?You know a way, don't you?
이노을 사표 냈어요?No-eul resigned?
(진우) 야, 너 갑자기 이게 무슨 바람이야?What's gotten into you?
뭐, 꼭 서울만 장땡인가?Seoul isn't the best. You're telling me indirectly
(남형) '나한테 손 떼라'You're telling me indirectly that I should keep my hands off the matter.
지금 이 말 돌려 까는 거잖아that I should keep my hands off the matter. I'm simply saying there's no need for you to be the scapegoat.
회장님께서 굳이 총알받이가 되실 이유가 없다고I'm simply saying there's no need for you to be the scapegoat.
드리는 말씀입니다I'm simply saying there's no need for you to be the scapegoat.
그럼 원장님은요?What about the director, then?
(진우) 이게 그분 끝이에요?Is this how it ends for him?
(남형) 의사 놈들도 내가 소유만 했지 지배하지 못한다는 걸 아니까Those doctor punks are challenging me because they know that even though I'm the owner, I can't control them.
감히 덤비는 거야because they know that even though I'm the owner, I can't control them. Please don't tear the hospital apart.
(승효) 병원을 조각내진 말아 주십시오Please don't tear the hospital apart.
(진우) [울먹이며] 내 동생이 오래 살았으면 좋겠어I wish my little brother would live a long life.
나보다 너무 빨리 가지 않았으면 좋겠어I wish he wouldn't leave much sooner than I do.
(경아) 사장님한테 발표시키고I think it was decided ever since the chairman decided you'd make the announcement
회장님이 수습하는 걸로 할 때부터the chairman decided you'd make the announcement and he'd fix it.
정해져 있었나 봐요and he'd fix it.
(승효) 저는 제가 잠시나마 몸담았던 상국대학병원I'll keep a close eye on Sangkook University Hospital, which I was a part of, albeit briefly.
지켜볼 겁니다which I was a part of, albeit briefly.
여러분들의 10년, 20년 후를 지켜보겠습니다I look forward to seeing how you will turn out to be in the next ten to twenty years.
(승효) 건승하십시오I wish you all good luck.

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