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  일타 스캔들 2

Crash Course in Romance 2


[해이] 저기, 나…‬Well…
‪나 학원 하나만 끊어 줘, 수학‬ ‪일타 최치열 거‬Enroll me in the star teacher Choi Chi-yeol's math course.
‪일타 최치열?‬The star teacher Choi Chi-yeol?
‪[해이] 어‬Yes.
‪수학이 너무 한계야‬ ‪나 그거 하나만 좀 끊어 줘‬Math is my biggest hurdle. Can I take just that course, please?
‪'국가대표'?‬"Nation's Best"?
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[시원한 숨소리]‬
‪[알람 소리]‬
‪- [알람이 멈춘다]‬ ‪- [치열의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[사장] 옜다‬-Here. -Thank you.
‪[치열] 아, 감사합니다‬-Here. -Thank you. It's all yours, so slow down.
‪[사장] 아무도 안 뺏어 먹으니까‬ ‪천천히 좀 먹어‬It's all yours, so slow down.
‪계란말이하고 멸치 좀 더 갖다줘?‬Do you want more rolled omelets and anchovies?
‪[치열] 아…‬
‪계란말이는 됐고 멸치만 좀‬Maybe just some more anchovies.
‪[TV 속 내레이터] 한껏‬ ‪약이 오른 사자가‬
‪- [TV 속 사자 울음소리]‬ ‪- [재우] 아!‬
‪- [행선 모] 멸치 하나 더‬ ‪- [재우] 예‬Anchovies. Okay.
‪- [계속되는 TV 소리]‬ ‪- [행선 모] 아이고‬Goodness.
‪아이, 아무리 그래도 그렇지‬ ‪다 큰 장정이‬Goodness. No matter the reason, a grown man like you should eat at least twice a day to function properly.
‪하루 두 끼는 먹어야‬ ‪머리가 돌아가지‬a grown man like you should eat at least twice a day to function properly.
‪여기 와 한 끼 먹는 걸로‬ ‪어떻게 버텨?‬How do you manage to live with only a single meal from here?
‪공무원 고시 준비?‬Preparing for the civil service exam?
‪아, 아니요, 임용 고시요‬No, the teacher certification exam.
‪선생님 될라고? 왜?‬You want to become a teacher? Why?
‪[치열] 그냥‬ ‪아버지 소원이셔서요‬It's my father's wish.
‪못 배운 게 한이 되신대요‬He regrets not having studied much.
‪착하네‬What a great son you are.
‪요즘 세상에 누가 부모 말을 들어‬Kids these days don't listen to their parents.
‪우리 딸년들은‬ ‪내가 하지 말라면 하고‬My daughters certainly don't.
‪이쪽으로 가라면 저쪽으로 가고‬My daughters certainly don't. They do the exact opposite of what I say.
‪웬수도 아주 그런 웬수가 없구먼‬They're going to be the death of me.
‪[치열, 행선 모의 웃음]‬They're going to be the death of me.
‪- 먹어‬ ‪- [휴대전화 벨 소리]‬Eat up.
‪아, 잠시만요‬Excuse me.
‪예, 여보세요‬Hello?
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪- [애잔한 음악]‬ ‪- 아, 아…‬
‪[탁 문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[울먹이며] 아빠, 아버지‬Father.
‪아, 아버지‬Father!
‪아, 아빠, 아빠가 왜!‬Dad! Why?
‪[의사] 며칠 전에 파지를 줍다가‬He came by recently after getting hit by a bike while picking up scrap paper.
‪오토바이랑 부딪쳤다고‬ ‪내원하셨어요‬He came by recently after getting hit by a bike while picking up scrap paper.
‪MRI 찍자고 했는데‬ ‪한사코 필요 없다고‬I insisted that he get an MRI scan, but he refused, saying he wasn't in pain
‪아픈 데도 없는데‬ ‪왜 쌩돈을 쓰냐고 가 버리셔서‬but he refused, saying he wasn't in pain and didn't want to waste any money.
‪[의사] 내장 파열로 인한‬ ‪과다 출혈이 원인인 것 같습니다‬He likely died due to internal bleeding.
‪[출입문 종소리]‬
‪[행선 모] 들어와, 밥 먹고 가‬Come in and eat.
‪저 식권 다 썼는데요‬I've used up my meal tickets.
‪이 낸장, 아, 누가 식권 달래?‬Cripes. I never asked for one.
‪[행선 모] 아, 배 속에‬ ‪뜨신 게 드가야 또 살 만해지지‬You need to fill your stomach if you want to stay strong.
‪얼릉 와‬Hurry up.
‪- 처먹고 가라니까, 낸장‬ ‪- [탁 때리는 소리]‬Cripes, don't make me repeat myself. Just come in.
‪들어가‬Cripes, don't make me repeat myself. Just come in.
‪[치열의 난처한 숨소리]‬
‪[TV 속 내레이터] 그런데‬ ‪이번 사냥은…‬
‪[출입문 종소리]‬
‪[행선] 오마니!‬Mom! Haeng-seon.
‪- [재우] 누나‬ ‪- [행선의 반가운 숨소리]‬Haeng-seon.
‪[행선] 이게 누구야?‬Guess who's here?
‪국대 딸내미 왔잖아‬It's your national athlete daughter.
‪충성!‬-Salute. -Why are you here?
‪[행선 모] 넌 또 왜 왔어?‬-Salute. -Why are you here? You should be training if the match is over.
‪아, 시합 끝났으면‬ ‪들어가 훈련이나 하든가‬You should be training if the match is over.
‪에이, 나도 이런 날 좀 있어야지‬ ‪난 맨날 공만 후드려 패나?‬Come on, I need to rest too. I can't always be training.
‪집밥 생각나서 왔지‬-I missed home-cooked meals. -Cripes, don't be ridiculous.
‪- 집밥은 낸장, 식당 밥이거든?‬ ‪- [행선의 한숨]‬-I missed home-cooked meals. -Cripes, don't be ridiculous. This isn't our house.
‪[행선 모] 얻어먹고 싶으면‬ ‪일이라도 돕든가, 일로 와‬Help out if you want some food. Come here.
‪[행선] 씨, 알았어‬Fine. Stop pretending like you're not happy to see me.
‪얼굴 봐서 좋으면서 시크하시기는‬Stop pretending like you're not happy to see me.
‪[행선 모] 자, 이거 손님 갖다줘‬Here. Give this to him.
‪[행선] 치, 겁나 시크해‬ ‪어, 뜨거워‬Gosh, that's hot.
‪- 뜨거워요, 식혀서 드세용‬ ‪- [탁 놓는 소리]‬Be careful. It's hot.
‪울어?‬Is he crying?
‪뭐야, 실연이라도 당했나‬-Did he get dumped or something? -This won't be an easy hunt.
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬-Did he get dumped or something? -This won't be an easy hunt.
‪- 실컷 울어라‬ ‪- [커지는 TV 소리]‬-Cry all you want. -Its location has been exposed.
‪[출입문 종소리]‬-Cry all you want. -Its location has been exposed.
‪- 어서 오세요‬ ‪- [의미심장한 효과음]‬-The hunt… -Hello.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[행선의 기가 찬 숨소리]‬She's my daughter. Her name is Hae-e.
‪[해이 모] 내 딸이야, 이름은 해이‬She's my daughter. Her name is Hae-e.
‪당분간만 좀 부탁해, 미안해‬Please take care of her for the time being. I'm sorry.
‪[행선의 한숨]‬
‪[행선] '당분간'?‬"For the time being"?
‪미친, 뭐, 얼마나 당분간?‬Exactly how long is she talking about?
‪집 나가 소식 끊고 살았으면‬ ‪사고를 쳤든 말든‬How dare she ask us for help when she left and cut all ties with us?
‪지 인생 지가 알아서 살아야지‬ ‪이게 뭐 하는 짓이야‬when she left and cut all ties with us? What is this?
‪[행선의 답답한 한숨]‬
‪아니, 엄마보고 뭐 어쩌라고?‬What does she expect you to do?
‪[행선의 한숨]‬
‪[행선 모] 아가‬Hey, kid.
‪느이 엄마가‬ ‪너 여따 델따주고 갔어?‬Did your mom drop you off here?
‪니 엄마 어디로 갔는데?‬Where did she go?
‪이, 낸장할 놈의 기지배를 그냥‬Cripes, that little brat.
‪[행선] 아, 엄마‬Mom! She's long gone now.
‪- [출입문 종소리]‬ ‪- 언니 이미 벌써 튀었지‬Mom! She's long gone now.
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪- [쿵 소리]‬ ‪- [무거운 효과음]‬
‪[코치] 또야?‬Again?
‪저번주에도 누가 아프다고‬ ‪연습 빠졌잖아, 너‬You skipped practice last week with the same excuse.
‪그때는 남동생 정기 검진 날이었고‬ ‪오늘은 조카요‬My brother had his checkup then. Today, it's my niece.
‪[행선] 어린이집 쌤이‬ ‪응급실 데려갔다는데‬The daycare center took her to the ER,
‪열은 안 내려가고‬ ‪계속 저만 찾는다고 해서‬but her fever isn't breaking, and she's looking for me.
‪야, 남행선이‬but her fever isn't breaking, and she's looking for me. Nam Haeng-seon.
‪[코치] 여기 뭐, 복지원이냐?‬You think this is a welfare facility?
‪개인 사정도 한두 번이지‬I can't excuse you every time.
‪갑자기 엄마 돌아가셨대서‬ ‪봐줬더니‬I can't excuse you every time. You must think you're entitled
‪이게 똥오줌을 못 가리고 앉았네?‬You must think you're entitled after I cut you some slack since your mom's death.
‪여기 처녀 가장이 한둘이야?‬You're not the only breadwinner here!
‪[행선] 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry.
‪근데 오늘 한 번만…‬-But just for today-- -And she's not even your daughter!
‪[코치] 네 새끼도 아니고‬ ‪조카라며?‬-But just for today-- -And she's not even your daughter!
‪됐고, 오늘부로‬ ‪에이스고 뭐고 예외 없어‬Forget it. I don't care how good you are. I won't allow this.
‪확실히 말한다‬I'm warning you.
‪가기만 해 봐‬You better not leave.
‪네 조카 죽으면‬ ‪그때 보내 줄게, 내가‬I'll let you go if your niece dies.
‪뭐? 째려보면 어쩔 건데?‬What? What's with that glare?
‪그러니까 둘 중의 하나만 하라고!‬So just pick one. Is it your niece or handball?
‪[버럭 하며] 조카야, 운동이야?‬So just pick one. Is it your niece or handball?
‪택해!‬Pick one!
‪그럼‬In that case…
‪그만두겠습니다, 핸드볼‬I'll quit.
‪[코치] 너 거기 서‬ ‪너 지금 가면 영구 제명이야, 어?‬Stop right there. I'll kick you out for good if you leave now!
‪다신 여기 발 못 붙일 줄 알아!‬You better never set foot back here!
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[영주] 야, 행선아‬Haeng-seon.
‪왜 이래, 너? 어쩌려고‬Are you serious? What's wrong with you?
‪어차피 이렇게‬ ‪길게는 못 버텨, 영주야‬I would've had to quit in the end, Yeong-ju.
‪나 여기까지야‬This is as far as I go.
‪[쏴 흐르는 물소리]‬
‪[행선의 초조한 숨소리]‬
‪[아이들] 엄마!‬-Mom! -Mom!
‪[아이] 엄마!‬Mom!
‪[아이들의 웃음]‬
‪[행선] 어, 해이야!‬Hae-e!
‪[행선의 가쁜 숨소리]‬I'm sorry, Hae-e. Did you wait long?
‪미안해, 미안해, 해이야‬ ‪이모 많이 기다렸지?‬I'm sorry, Hae-e. Did you wait long?
‪아니, 시간 맞춰서 오려고 했는데‬I was going to come on time, but customers suddenly came.
‪갑자기 손님이‬ ‪막 몰려 가지고, 어?‬I was going to come on time, but customers suddenly came.
‪[행선의 난처한 숨소리]‬
‪- 야, 남해이, 삐졌냐? 어?‬ ‪- [왈왈 개 짖는 소리]‬Are you mad at me? Are you?
‪이모가 늦어서 그래?‬Is it because I was late?
‪야, 좀 봐줘라‬Cut me some slack.
‪이모도 먹고살기 진짜 힘들다, 어?‬Your auntie is trying to make ends meet here.
‪남해이, 아이스크림 먹을래?‬Do you want some ice cream?
‪그, 퍼 먹는 거 있잖아, 비싼 거‬ ‪이모가 사 줄게‬The expensive one that comes in a tub. I'll buy you one.
‪[해이] 이모‬Auntie.
‪[행선] 해이야, 왜 그래?‬Hae-e, what's wrong?
‪어린이집에서 무슨 일 있었어?‬Did something happen today?
‪나 이모한테 그냥‬ ‪엄마라고 그러면 안 돼?‬Can I just call you Mom?
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪안 될 게 뭐가 있어?‬Why not?
‪울지 말고‬Don't cry.
‪[해이, 아이] 엄마!‬Mom!
‪[휙휙 줄넘기하는 소리]‬
‪[영주] 야야, 고만해, 이제‬Hey, that's enough.
‪셀프로 기합 주냐?‬Are you punishing yourself?
‪- [가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪- 고만!‬Stop.
‪[경쾌한 음악이 흐른다]‬
‪[영주] 좋다, 야‬This is nice.
‪가끔 일찍 문 닫고 땡땡이치자‬Let's close the shop early every now and then and relax.
‪어차피 손님도 없는데, 이 시간에‬Let's close the shop early every now and then and relax. We rarely have customers at this hour anyway.
‪[행선] 아휴‬
‪[영주] 그만하라니까, 좀‬I said that was enough.
‪뭔 자책을 그렇게‬ ‪지구력 있게 하냐, 넌?‬Can you please stop blaming yourself?
‪아유, 너무 한심해서 그래‬I just feel so pathetic.
‪나는 진짜 해이가 학원 때문에‬ ‪스트레스받는지 몰랐다‬I had no idea Hae-e wanted to attend an academy.
‪[행선] 아, 그것도 모르고‬I considered myself lucky
‪내 딸은 사교육 체질 아니라고‬ ‪계 탔다 그러고‬I considered myself lucky that she didn't want private classes and counted my blessings.
‪남의 딸 1등 축하나 하고 자빠지고‬that she didn't want private classes and counted my blessings.
‪나 왜 이렇게 둔하니‬ ‪영주야, 진짜‬Why am I so dense, Yeong-ju?
‪야, 모를 수도 있지‬Hey, it's not your fault.
‪[영주] 말 안 하는데 어떻게 아냐?‬How would you have known when she never expressed it? It's not like you can read her mind.
‪관심법을 쓰는 것도 아니고‬It's not like you can read her mind.
‪눈치를 깠어야지‬ ‪원래 속 내보이는 애가 아니잖아‬I should've known. She's not the type to express herself.
‪그때도 그렇게 마음고생해 놓고‬After how much she struggled back then…
‪난 다 괜찮아진 줄 알았어‬I thought everything was fine.
‪잘 적응하고 있다고‬ ‪잘 해내고 있다고‬I told myself that she was adjusting just fine to make myself feel better.
‪[행선] 나 편한 대로 생각했어‬I told myself that she was adjusting just fine to make myself feel better.
‪먹고사는 데 바빠서‬I was busy making ends meet.
‪나 너무 아등바등 사니?‬Am I working too hard?
‪[영주] 아등바등 사는 게‬ ‪뭐가 문제인데?‬How is that a problem?
‪아등바등 안 살아 문제지‬Slacking off would be an issue.
‪[행선] 아, 꼴값이잖아‬ ‪지만 뭐, 별난 인생 산다고‬I think I'm something special when I'm actually just like everyone else.
‪[영주] 야‬Hey, how is your life just like everyone else's?
‪네 인생이 안 별나면‬ ‪그럼 누구 인생이 별나냐?‬Hey, how is your life just like everyone else's?
‪아픈 동생에 언니가 버린 조카에‬You have a disabled brother and a niece your sister abandoned.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 솔직히‬ ‪모유만 안 먹였지, 네가‬Let's be frank. You did all but breastfeed her.
‪[목멘 소리로] 엄마나‬ ‪다름없이, 어?‬You're basically her mother.
‪네가 왜 국대까지 달고‬ ‪운동을 관뒀는데‬She's the reason why you quit the national team.
‪[영주의 헛기침]‬
‪야, 누구든 너한테 돌만 던져 봐‬ ‪내가 확 조져 버리려니까‬If anyone ever bad-mouths you, I'll kill them.
‪나 좀‬That was…
‪심쿵했다, 방금?‬pretty touching.
‪진심이야, 기지배야‬I meant that, you brat.
‪[영주] 다 너처럼은 못 해‬Not everyone is like you.
‪나 너 진짜‬I truly
‪존경해, 진짜진짜‬admire you. Seriously.
‪내가 존경받을 자격 있나 싶다‬I don't deserve to be admired.
‪너무 부족해‬I still lack so much.
‪[영주] 야, 엄마라고‬ ‪실책이 없을 수 있냐?‬Hey, moms make mistakes too.
‪만회를 하면 되지‬You can always redeem yourself.
‪지금이라도 해이 마음 헤아리고‬ ‪서포트해‬Understand Hae-e's wishes and give her your support.
‪치맛바람 확‬ ‪제대로 휘날려 주라고‬Show everyone what a passionate mom looks like.
‪- 가능할까?‬ ‪- [영주] 가능하지‬-Do you think it's possible? -Of course.
‪마음을 안 먹어서 안 한 거지‬ ‪못 해서 안 한 거야?‬It's not that you couldn't do it. You just never considered it.
‪아니잖아‬Aren't I right?
‪[행선의 시원한 숨소리]‬
‪그럼, 까짓게 별거야?‬It'll be a cakewalk. I've lived around here for years now.
‪내가 이 동네 짬바가 얼마인데?‬It'll be a cakewalk. I've lived around here for years now.
‪학교랑 학원이랑 좀‬ ‪왔다 갔다 그러면 되는 거 아니야?‬I'll just visit her school and academy and gather some information.
‪인포멘션인지 메이션인지‬ ‪뭐, 그런 거 좀 모으고, 어?‬and gather some information.
‪[쓱쓱 긋는 소리]‬
‪[실장의 한숨]‬
‪해이 어머니‬Ms. Nam.
‪[실장] 제가 웬만해선‬ ‪이렇게 말씀 안 드리는데‬I rarely tell parents this.
‪엄마가 진짜 너무하셨다‬But you owe your daughter an apology.
‪조금만 밀어주면 전교 1등 할 애를‬She could've easily become the top student.
‪어떻게 이렇게 방치를‬How could you have neglected her?
‪[행선] 그래서 이제라도 좀‬ ‪팍팍 밀어주려고요‬That's why I've decided to support her from now on.
‪수학은 여기 일타강사님이‬ ‪제일로 유명하다고 듣기는 했는데‬I hear the most popular math teacher is the star teacher here.
‪[실장] 네, 최치열 강사님이요‬Yes. He's Mr. Choi Chi-yeol.
‪그래도 운 좋으셨네‬You're in luck.
‪마침 다음 강의가‬ ‪내일 등록이거든요?‬Enrollment for his next course starts tomorrow.
‪[행선] 아, 진짜, 내일이요?‬Really? Tomorrow?
‪[실장] 근데 아실지 모르겠지만‬However, and I'm not sure if you know this,
‪등록이 쉽지가 않을 거예요‬it won't be easy to sign up.
‪제가 커뮤니티 하나 알려 드릴게요‬Let me introduce an online community site to you.
‪스카이맘점넷이라고‬It's called
‪거기서 등록 팁이랑‬ ‪입시 정보 좀 캐치하세요‬Read up on some enrollment and admission tips.
‪모르긴 몰라도‬As we speak, I'm pretty sure a war is brewing
‪아마 지금 이 동네 엄마들‬As we speak, I'm pretty sure a war is brewing
‪전운이 감돌걸요?‬among the neighborhood moms
‪내일 등록 때문에‬because of tomorrow's enrollment.
‪- [흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪- [옅은 웃음]‬
‪[미옥] 아이, 퍼펙트엠‬ ‪미친 거 아니야?‬Is Perfect M crazy or what?
‪영어를 최치열이랑‬ ‪등록을 붙여 놓으면‬How could they overlap their English course enrollment
‪뭐, 대체 어쩌겠다는 거야, 뭐야?‬How could they overlap their English course enrollment with Choi Chi-yeol's?
‪- [못마땅한 탄성]‬ ‪- [수희] 이건 지금 맞불 작전이야‬with Choi Chi-yeol's? -Darn it. -It's a counterattack.
‪내 정보에 의하면‬From what I know,
‪퍼펙트엠이‬ ‪최치열 빼 오려고 계속했는데‬Perfect M tried to recruit him, but he never budged.
‪꿈쩍도 안 하잖아?‬Perfect M tried to recruit him, but he never budged.
‪그러니까 지금 작정하고‬ ‪등록일 붙인 거야‬They've overlapped the dates on purpose.
‪- [미옥의 탄성]‬ ‪- [학부모] 너무하네‬They've overlapped the dates on purpose. Unbelievable.
‪[수희] 지들이 영어 일타는‬ ‪더 유명하니까‬Because their star teacher for English is more popular.
‪- [미옥] 그래?‬ ‪- [학부모가 구시렁거린다]‬Because their star teacher for English is more popular. Is that why? -Why would they-- -Excuse me! Another beer, please!
‪[미옥] 여기요, 여, 여기요!‬ ‪맥주 350 하나만 더요‬-Why would they-- -Excuse me! Another beer, please!
‪[수희] 아유, 좀 그만해, 자기‬ ‪이러다 내일 못 일어나‬Stop drinking. -You won't be able to wake up tomorrow. -Why?
‪[미옥] 응? 왜?‬-You won't be able to wake up tomorrow. -Why?
‪자기 술 때문에 인생 망했다면서?‬You said alcohol ruined your life.
‪- [한숨]‬ ‪- [학부모] 응?‬You said alcohol ruined your life. She was 22 and drunk
‪[수희] 스물두 살에 술기운에‬She was 22 and drunk when she slept with Dan-ji's dad.
‪열 살 많은 단지 아빠랑‬ ‪사고 쳤잖아‬when she slept with Dan-ji's dad.
‪- [학부모들의 웃음]‬ ‪- [미옥] 언니, 좀, 좀!‬when she slept with Dan-ji's dad. Be quiet! Keep your mouth shut! That's TMI.
‪언니, 쉿, TMI, TMI!‬ ‪믿지 마, 믿지 마, 믿지 마‬Keep your mouth shut! That's TMI. -Don't believe her. -Anyway,
‪[수희] 나는 어쨌든‬ ‪나 영어는 과외 돌리더라도‬-Don't believe her. -Anyway, even if I have to give up on the English course,
‪최치열 쌤한테‬ ‪올인할 거야, 무조건‬I'll make sure my kid gets signed up for Mr. Choi's course.
‪[미옥] 아, 근데 나는‬ ‪영어도 고민인데‬-My kid needs to take English too. -Mine too.
‪단지 아빠한테 연차 내라 그러고‬ ‪양쪽 다 붙이라 할까?‬-My husband should take the day off -This isn't right. so we can get both classes.
‪- [저마다 말한다]‬ ‪- 아니, 나도 그냥 알바를 쓸까?‬-Exactly. -Or should I hire a line stander?
‪내 말 좀 들어, 아유, 씨‬Are you even listening? Darn it.
‪나 선재 엄마한테 물어볼 거야, 씨‬Are you even listening? Darn it. I'm going to ask Sun-jae's mom.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪- [노크 소리]‬ ‪- 네‬Come in.
‪변호사님‬Ms. Jang.
‪[비서] 이거 검토 좀‬ ‪해 주셔야 될 거 같은데‬Can you look over this? You can leave it here.
‪- 놓고 가요‬ ‪- [비서] 네‬You can leave it here.
‪아, 저기, 잠깐만‬Wait.
‪내일 그, 저녁 회의‬ ‪캔슬 좀 시켜 줄래요?‬Can you cancel my evening meeting tomorrow?
‪중요한 일정이 있어서‬ ‪내일 일찍 들어가 봐야 될 것 같아‬I'll be leaving early due to an important matter.
‪네, 알겠습니다‬Yes, ma'am.
‪[문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[가연] 진짜 우셨다고?‬You really cried?
‪울었어요‬I did.
‪밥도 한 그릇 뚝딱하시고?‬And you finished an entire meal?
‪네‬And you finished an entire meal? Yes.
‪뚝딱‬I did.
‪이거 무슨 사인이죠?‬What is going on with me? Do I have bipolar disorder?
‪뭐, 조울증 같은 건가?‬What is going on with me? Do I have bipolar disorder?
‪씁, 아, 뭐, 그렇다기보다‬I don't think so.
‪최치열 님은‬Due to your obsession and anxiety about maintaining your position,
‪정상을 지켜야 한다는‬ ‪강박, 불안에‬Due to your obsession and anxiety about maintaining your position,
‪[가연] 섭식 장애랑‬ ‪수면 장애를 겪는 건데‬you're suffering from eating and sleep disorders.
‪일단 먹을 수 있는 음식을‬ ‪찾았다는 게‬So the fact that you found something you can eat
‪희망적인 거 같은데?‬is quite hopeful.
‪그, 도시락 먹을 때 구역질‬You didn't throw up…
‪그딴 것도 없었던 거지?‬You weren't nauseous, were you?
‪전혀요‬Not at all.
‪[치열] 속도 편했고‬ ‪약도 안 먹고 곯아떨어졌어요‬My stomach felt fine, and I didn't even need sleeping pills.
‪좋았어요, 뭔가‬It felt nice.
‪뭔가 해소된 거 같기도 하고‬I felt relieved.
‪그 여학생은?‬What about that female student?
‪[가연] 뭐, 여전히‬ ‪불쑥불쑥 등장하고?‬Does she still keep appearing?
‪예, 뭐, 그건 이랬다저랬다‬Well, every now and then.
‪[가연] 좋아요‬This is great.
‪일단 좋은 시그널 같으니까‬ ‪좀 지켜보자고‬This seems like a good sign, so let's see how it goes.
‪이게 일시적인 현상인 건지‬This could be a temporary thing,
‪아니면 뭔가‬ ‪정서적으로 변화가 시작된 건지‬or perhaps it's the beginning of an emotional change.
‪- [발랄한 음악]‬ ‪- [강의 속 치열] t가 될 거니까‬That'd be T. All right.
‪결국 제곱된 관계를 이용하면‬ ‪t는 뭐가 된다?‬That'd be T. All right. Considering that it's squared, what would T be?
‪- [딱]‬ ‪- [치열] 오케이, t는 2가 되겠지‬-It would be two. -It would be two. -Next. -That was superb.
‪- [계속되는 치열의 강의 소리]‬ ‪- 명강의야‬-Next. -That was superb. Gosh, I have a knack for talking.
‪아, 말 참 잘해, 응?‬Gosh, I have a knack for talking. I'll use this again in my senior class.
‪이건 고3 수업에 또 써먹어야겠다‬I'll use this again in my senior class. If you calculate the sequence based on this equation, M is…
‪[버튼 조작음]‬
‪[조교들] 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello. Hello.
‪자, 굿 모닝‬Hello.
‪이야, 이건 계속‬ ‪여기 이렇게 두려나 보지, 어?‬I guess we're keeping this here.
‪[치열] 너 애기, 효진이‬Hey, Hyo-jin.
‪머리 잘랐구나, 그렇지?‬You cut your hair, didn't you?
‪[효원] 효원이요, 선생님‬It's Hyo-won, Mr. Choi. And my hair's been the same this whole year.
‪머리는 1년째 그대로고요‬And my hair's been the same this whole year.
‪[치열] 그렇지?‬Right? It looks perfect and natural.
‪- 지금 딱 좋다, 자연스럽고‬ ‪- [효원의 웃음]‬Right? It looks perfect and natural.
‪테스트지 하나 뽑아 줘, 효진아‬Right? It looks perfect and natural. Print out a test paper for me, Hyo-jin.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 아, 기운 빠져‬This is so demotivating.
‪- [문소리]‬ ‪- [효원] 진짜 포기다, 포기‬This is so demotivating. I give up. I'll just change my name to Hyo-jin.
‪나 효진이 하련다, 그냥‬I'll just change my name to Hyo-jin.
‪[조교1] 그래도 선생님 오늘‬ ‪기분 좋아 보이시는데?‬He seems to be in a good mood today.
‪하루 쉬면서 산삼이라도 드셨나?‬Did he have some ginseng on his day off?
‪[조교2] 그러니까‬I know, right?
‪나 지금 어디 카메라 돌아가나‬ ‪두리번거렸잖아‬I looked around to see if there were any cameras.
‪- [조교1이 호응한다]‬ ‪- 거의 강의 때 텐션이셔‬I looked around to see if there were any cameras. That's how he sounds when teaching.
‪- [놀라며] 소름‬ ‪- [조교3] 저기‬That's how he sounds when teaching. -Shocking. -Hey.
‪기분 좋으실 때‬ ‪휴가 얘기 좀 해 보면 안 되나?‬Let's ask for a vacation since he's in a good mood.
‪겨울 방학부터 쭉 달렸잖아, 우리‬We've been working endlessly since winter break.
‪[조교2] 어!‬We've been working endlessly since winter break.
‪[동희] 시즌2 개강 앞두고‬ ‪어떻게 휴가 얘길 꺼내‬We can't do that when Season 2 is around the corner.
‪정 받고 싶으면 시즌2 시작하고‬ ‪내가 말씀드릴게, 적당한 때‬If you're that desperate, I'll ask him after Season 2 classes begin.
‪- [조교들] 네‬ ‪- [문소리]‬-Okay. -Okay. -Okay. -We got turned down already.
‪[효원] 말도 꺼내기 전에‬ ‪까였다, 야‬-Okay. -We got turned down already.
‪아유, 누가 동희빈 아니랄까 봐‬That's Royal Consort Ji for you.
‪- [조교들의 실망하는 소리]‬ ‪- [조교1] 동희빈?‬That's Royal Consort Ji for you. Royal Consort Ji?
‪[효원] 장희빈을 능가하잖아‬He's like Royal Consort Jang.
‪선생님 옆에 딱 붙어서‬ ‪다른 사람 접근도 못 하게‬He's always right beside Mr. Choi and doesn't let anyone approach him.
‪- [조교2의 웃음]‬ ‪- [조교1] 찰떡이다, 동희빈‬He's always right beside Mr. Choi and doesn't let anyone approach him. -A perfect nickname. -He could win the king's favor.
‪[조교3] 잘하면‬ ‪승은도 입을 거 같아‬-A perfect nickname. -He could win the king's favor.
‪- '전하'‬ ‪- [조교1이 질색한다]‬-"Your Majesty." -Stop that!
‪- [동희] 쌤, 커피요‬ ‪- 어, 생큐‬Here's your coffee, sir.
‪[동희] 이따 입시 토크 콘서트‬ ‪6시 시작이고요‬The admission talk show starts at 6 p.m.
‪예상 질문지입니다‬-Here are the expected questions. -Thanks.
‪[치열이 호응한다]‬-Here are the expected questions. -Thanks.
‪협회 분들이 엄청 좋아하세요‬The association is loving it.
‪돈, 돈 하는 최치열이‬They didn't expect you, a money-grubber, to do this.
‪이런 행사에‬ ‪협조해 줄 줄 몰랐다고‬They didn't expect you, a money-grubber, to do this.
‪[치열] 누굴 수전노로 아나‬Do they think I'm a miser?
‪난 돈을 밝힌다기보단‬ ‪우선순위를 따지는 거야‬I'm not a money-grubber. I just have my priorities.
‪내 시간은 소중하니까‬Time is precious to me.
‪이건 행사 취지가 좋잖아‬ ‪무료로 누구나 들을 수 있고‬I like the purpose behind this, and anyone can come for free.
‪알죠, 전‬I know.
‪어, 지 실장‬Right, Mr. Ji.
‪어제 나한테 준 도시락‬The lunch box you gave me yesterday.
‪보니까 '국가대표 반찬가게'라고‬ ‪쓰여 있던데‬It said "Nation's Best Banchan" on it.
‪그게 그 가게 이름인가?‬Is that the name of the store?
‪네‬Yes. People like it because they can pick the side dishes themselves.
‪반찬 직접 셀렉할 수 있어서‬ ‪인기가 좋던데‬People like it because they can pick the side dishes themselves.
‪괜찮으셨어요?‬People like it because they can pick the side dishes themselves. Did you like it?
‪어, 먹을 만하더라고‬Yes, it wasn't bad.
‪끝나고 같이 가 보자‬Let's go there today.
‪- 직접 가시게요?‬ ‪- [치열] 셀렉할 수 있다며, 반찬‬-You too? -You said I could pick the side dishes.
‪내가 한번 골라 보지, 뭐‬I'll pick them myself.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬You must've really liked it then.
‪진짜 괜찮으셨나 봐요‬You must've really liked it then.
‪[동희] 최치열 1분이‬ ‪얼마인지 아냐고‬You hate wasting your time even when it comes to eating.
‪식사하는 시간도 아까워하시면서‬You hate wasting your time even when it comes to eating.
‪저 지금 완전 뿌듯한데요, 쌤?‬I'm so proud of myself.
‪의사가 챙겨 먹으라잖아‬My doctor told me to eat well.
‪내 1분이 아무리 소중해도, 응?‬ ‪내 몸만 하겠냐?‬I know my time is valuable, but my body comes first.
‪토크 콘서트 어떻게‬ ‪지난번보다 무게를 좀 잡을까?‬Should I be more charismatic during this upcoming talk show?
‪그래도 한 번씩‬ ‪빵빵 터트려 주는 게 낫겠지?‬Adding a bit of humor would be better, right?
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬Yes.
‪[치열] 네, 이상‬ ‪답변이 됐을까요? 네‬Did that answer your question?
‪다음 질문 받도록 하겠습니다‬Did that answer your question? Let's move on to the next one. 2ND ADMISSION TALK SHOW WITH STAR TEACHER CHOI CHI-YEOL
‪- [학부모] 네, 안녕하세요, 저는‬ ‪- [치열] 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello. I am a mother of a daughter in 11th grade.
‪[학부모] 고2 딸아이를 둔‬ ‪엄마인데요, 선생님‬I am a mother of a daughter in 11th grade.
‪어, 저희 딸이 시험 때마다‬ ‪늘 시간이 부족해서‬Whenever she takes an exam, she runs out of time and fails to fill in all the answers.
‪- 문제를 다 못 풀더라고요‬ ‪- [치열] 아…‬she runs out of time and fails to fill in all the answers. During her usual studies, however, she completes most questions.
‪[학부모] 그래서‬During her usual studies, however, she completes most questions.
‪평소 공부할 땐‬ ‪거의 다 맞거든요 [웃음]‬During her usual studies, however, she completes most questions.
‪네, 이럴 땐‬ ‪어떻게 하면 좋을까요?‬What should we do in this situation?
‪[치열의 생각하는 소리]‬
‪시간 배분 아주 중요하죠‬Time management is extremely important.
‪그, 따님은 실력 있는 친구니까‬Since she's smart to begin with,
‪난이도가 극악인 킬러 문항들‬Since she's smart to begin with, she just needs to find a way to secure enough time to solve
‪[치열] 어, 21번, 29번, 30번을‬ ‪충분히 고민해서 풀 수 있도록‬she just needs to find a way to secure enough time to solve the killer questions, which are numbers 21, 29, and 30.
‪시간을 확보하는 게‬ ‪관건일 거 같네요‬the killer questions, which are numbers 21, 29, and 30.
‪어, 킬러 문항들은 문제당 최소‬One killer question requires at least 15 to 20 minutes to answer.
‪15분에서 20분은‬ ‪고민해야 하기 때문에‬One killer question requires at least 15 to 20 minutes to answer.
‪나머지 문제들을 40분 안에 끊어야‬ ‪알잘딱깔센입니다‬She needs to complete the other questions in 40 minutes to SWFC.
‪[학부모들이 웅성거린다]‬
‪아, 알아서 잘하고‬ ‪딱 깔끔하고 센스 있게‬That means to "succeed with flying colors".
‪- [학부모들의 탄성과 웃음]‬ ‪- 죄송합니다, 제가‬That means to "succeed with flying colors". Please forgive me.
‪MZ 애들이랑 수업을 하다 보니까‬ ‪어휘가 좀‬This is the result of teaching Gen Z.
‪아무튼 평소 공부할 때도‬Anyway, she should use a timer when studying on a normal basis.
‪타이머를 꼭 앞에 두고‬ ‪풀어 보라고 하시고요, 네‬Anyway, she should use a timer when studying on a normal basis.
‪[사회자] 네, 그럼 이번에는‬ ‪학생 한번 가 볼까요?‬Anyway, she should use a timer when studying on a normal basis. This time, how about we get a question from a student?
‪손 드신 분‬Yes?
‪[학생] 아‬
‪[사투리 억양으로] 아, 제가 쌤‬ ‪진짜 너무 팬이어 가지고‬I'm an avid fan of yours,
‪제가 대구에서 학교 째고 왔거든요‬so I even skipped school and came here from Daegu.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬so I even skipped school and came here from Daegu.
‪쌤, 그, 혹시‬ ‪그, 시그니처 한 번만‬Mr. Choi, could you please show us your signature move?
‪- [치열] 아…‬ ‪- [학생] 보여 주시면 안 돼요?‬Mr. Choi, could you please show us your signature move?
‪아, 저 인강에서만 봐 가지고‬ ‪너무 보고 싶어요‬I only saw it online, so I'd love to see it in person.
‪아무리 그래도‬ ‪이런 자리에서 발 차기는…‬I don't think this is the right place to show off my kick…
‪- [치열] 해야지! 어?‬ ‪- [사람들의 환호성]‬But I'll do it! You even skipped school for this.
‪아니, 학교까지 째고 왔다는데‬You even skipped school for this.
‪어떻게, 뭐‬ ‪시그니처 댄스까지 한번‬What do you say? How about my signature dance move?
‪- [효원] 쌤 보면 참 경이로워요‬ ‪- [치열] 보여 줘야지, 어?‬You've got to hand it to him.
‪[효원] 평소에는 그렇게 까칠하고‬ ‪움직이는 거 질색하시는 분이‬He's normally so cold and hates moving around.
‪- [계속되는 콘서트 소리]‬ ‪- 쌤은‬-Thank you for that kick, Mr. Choi. -He's the epitome of a cappie.
‪진짜 제가 본 최고의 자낳괴세요‬-Thank you for that kick, Mr. Choi. -He's the epitome of a cappie. -Please applaud. -Gosh.
‪[효원] 자본주의가 낳은 괴물이요‬A capitalist pig.
‪다 돈 벌겠다고 저러시는 거잖아요‬He's only doing that to make money.
‪[치열이 웃으며] 아이고‬Gosh.
‪아유, 다음 질문‬ ‪받도록 하겠습니다‬Let's move on to the next question.
‪[동희가 피식 웃는다]‬Let's move on to the next question.
‪다시 한번 거듭 강조하지만‬Let me repeat myself once again.
‪내일은 김 이사와‬ ‪남 부장의 협조가‬I will need help from both of you tomorrow.
‪아주 절실한 날이야‬I will need help from both of you tomorrow.
‪우리 해이가 원하는‬ ‪일타강사의 수업을‬Whether Hae-e can enroll in that star teacher's course or not
‪들을 수 있느냐, 없느냐는‬Whether Hae-e can enroll in that star teacher's course or not
‪[행선] 두 사람의 협조와‬ ‪나의 노력‬depends on your cooperation, my effort,
‪그리고 1%의 운에‬ ‪달려 있다고 봐, 난‬and one percent luck.
‪본론만 빨리 얘기해‬ ‪뭘 협조해야 되는데, 우리가?‬Just cut to the chase. What do we need to do?
‪[못마땅한 소리]‬Jeez.
‪- [치열] 여기야?‬ ‪- 네‬-Is this it? -Yes. "Nation's Best Banchan."
‪[치열] '국가대표 반찬가게'‬"Nation's Best Banchan."
‪생각보다 깔끔하네?‬It's cleaner than I thought.
‪[동희] 알차요, 들어가세요‬They have great food. You first.
‪[출입문 종소리]‬
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪- 야, 가자, 가자, 가자‬ ‪- [동희] 왜, 쌤, 왜…‬Let's go. What's wrong?
‪저 사람들은 뭐니?‬Who are those guys?
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪뭐야, 저 여자가 저기 왜 있어?‬What's going on? What's she doing there?
‪- 저 여자네 가게였어?‬ ‪- [차 문 닫히는 소리]‬Is she the owner?
‪왜 그러세요, 쌤? 무슨…‬What's wrong?
‪지 실장, 저 여자‬Mr. Ji, tell me about the owner of that shop.
‪아니, 저 사장이‬ ‪아까 뭐라 그랬지?‬Mr. Ji, tell me about the owner of that shop.
‪[동희] 어, 블로그에 단골들이‬ ‪풀어놓은 거 보면‬Based on what her regular customers posted online,
‪전 핸드볼 국대 출신이고요‬she used to be on the national handball team.
‪남편은 필리핀에서‬ ‪태권도 사업인가 하고‬Her husband runs a taekwondo studio in the Philippines,
‪옆의 선출인 친구랑 같이…‬and her co-worker was also--
‪[치열] 핸드볼 선출‬ ‪그래, 어쩐지‬A former handball player. No wonder.
‪그래서 그렇게 빨랐어‬That's why she was so fast.
‪아시는 분이세요? 어떻게…‬Do you know her? How-- I…
‪[치열] 아니, 내가‬I…
‪아, 됐어, 묻지 마‬ ‪잊고 싶은 과거야‬Don't ask. I want to forget about it.
‪됐고‬Anyway, don't come here ever again.
‪이 집은 끊어, 이 집 아니야‬Anyway, don't come here ever again. Not this place. Do you understand?
‪- 다시는 오지 마, 알겠지?‬ ‪- [노크 소리]‬Not this place. Do you understand?
‪[행선] 아저씨‬ ‪여기 주차하시면 안 되거든요?‬Sir, you can't park here.
‪- [치열] 가, 가‬ ‪- [안전띠 달그락거리는 소리]‬Go.
‪- [출입문 종소리]‬ ‪- 뭐야?‬What's his problem?
‪- [행선] 어?‬ ‪- [자동차 시동음]‬What?
‪[행선의 당황한 소리]‬Gosh.
‪어, 뭐야, 얌체같이‬He should be ashamed.
‪어디 남의 가게 앞에‬ ‪주차를 하려고‬How dare you try to park in front of my shop?
‪영주야, 우리 여기다‬ ‪'손님 외 주차 금지'‬Yeong-ju, shouldn't we post a sign that says "Customer Parking Only"?
‪이딴 거 붙여야 되는 거 아니니?‬shouldn't we post a sign that says "Customer Parking Only"? Next time. Tell us your strategy first.
‪[영주] 그거 나중에 하시고‬ ‪전략이나 마저 짜‬Next time. Tell us your strategy first.
‪내일, 뭐, 그래서 어쩐다고?‬What's the plan for tomorrow? Hold on.
‪[행선] 잠깐만‬Hold on.
‪[행선의 생각하는 소리]‬
‪여기 스카이맘점넷에 의하면‬According to, enrollment starts at 10 a.m.
‪아침 10시 등록 시작인데‬ ‪최소 7시에 줄 서야 안심이라거든?‬According to, enrollment starts at 10 a.m. But I should get in line by 7 a.m.
‪그러니까 내일‬ ‪오픈 시간 좀 늦추고‬So let's open our shop late tomorrow.
‪영주 네가 내 대신 장 보고‬ ‪반찬 준비 좀 해 주고‬Do the grocery shopping and prepare the side dishes.
‪재우는 옆에서‬ ‪영주 좀 도와주고, 어?‬Jae-woo, help her out. Okay?
‪아, 근데 나는‬But I have to go for a walk at 8 a.m.
‪내일 8시에 산책하고‬ ‪카페 가서 와플 먹어야 되는데‬But I have to go for a walk at 8 a.m. and have some waffles at a cafe.
‪[재우] 8시 알바생‬ ‪권진경 씨가 굽는 와플이‬Ms. Kwon Jin-gyeong makes the waffles at 8 a.m.,
‪12시 알바생 소현영 씨가‬ ‪굽는 와플보다 백배는 맛있거든‬and they're a hundred times better than Ms. So Hyeon-yeong's at 12 p.m.
‪[행선] 내일은 패스해라, 좀‬Take a rain check for tomorrow.
‪누나가 시간당 9천 원 줄게‬I'll pay you 9,000 won per hour.
‪만 원! 그 이상은 안 돼‬Then 10,000 won. No more.
‪[재우] 콜‬Deal.
‪[출입문 종소리]‬
‪[우적거리는 소리]‬
‪아, 맛있다‬This is tasty.
‪먹을 만하네, 이 집도‬This place is good too.
‪그래‬I knew it.
‪음식이 뭐, 다 거기서 거기지, 뭐‬It's just food.
‪아무리 맛있어도 내가‬ ‪그 집은 다시는 안 간다, 내가‬I'll never go back there no matter how good their food is.
‪절대로, 네버‬No way.
‪- [깊은 한숨]‬ ‪- [부드러운 음악]‬
‪[기계 작동음]‬
‪[안내 음성] 음식물 처리를‬ ‪시작합니다‬Breaking down food waste.
‪기계는 잘 돌아가네‬It works well.
‪깔끔해, 아주‬It's clean.
‪냄새도 안 나고‬Doesn't smell either.
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[선재의 한숨]‬
‪[선재] 엄마‬Mom.
‪[서진] 어, 어, 선재 왔구나‬Hey. Sun-jae, you're home.
‪늦었네?‬You're late.
‪조교 쌤한테 문제 좀 물어보느라고‬I was asking a teaching assistant for help.
‪[서진] 어‬I see.
‪[선재] 많이 드셨어요?‬Did you drink a lot?
‪아니, 조금‬No, just a bit.
‪내일 등록 때문에‬ ‪일찍 일어나야 되는데‬I need to wake up early tomorrow for enrollment, but I couldn't sleep.
‪너무 잠이 안 와서‬I need to wake up early tomorrow for enrollment, but I couldn't sleep.
‪이거 한 잔만 더 하고‬ ‪들어가서 잘 거야‬I'm going to have one last glass and go to bed.
‪[선재의 한숨]‬
‪[선재] 그만 드세요‬ ‪꿀물 타 드릴게요‬You should stop. I'll make you some honey tea.
‪[지친 목소리로] 선재야‬Sun-jae.
‪엄마 너밖에 없는 거 알지?‬You know you're all I have, right?
‪너마저 잘못되면‬If something happens to you as well,
‪엄마 진짜 죽어‬I'll have no will to live.
‪알지?‬You know that, right?
‪[서진의 한숨]‬
‪[서진] 됐어‬No need for that.
‪들어가‬Go to your room.
‪들어가 공부해‬Go study.
‪네‬Okay. Go study.
‪[서진] 공부해, 빨리, 가‬Go study.
‪[문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[서진의 한숨]‬
‪- [문소리]‬ ‪- [의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[새가 지저귀는 소리]‬
‪[휴대전화 알람음]‬
‪[행선의 놀란 소리]‬Goodness.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[수희] 아니야, 주차하기 힘들어‬No, I won't be able to park.
‪아, 배고파‬I'm hungry.
‪[미옥] 아이씨, 술이 안 깨‬ ‪나 미치겠어‬Darn it. I'm still hungover. This is driving me crazy.
‪어제 딱 낮술에서‬ ‪멈췄어야 되는데, 아이씨‬I should've stopped drinking earlier yesterday. Jeez. I told you not to drink so much.
‪[수희] 아유, 진짜‬Jeez. I told you not to drink so much.
‪그러게 마시지 말라 그랬잖아‬Jeez. I told you not to drink so much.
‪자기는 하여튼 중간이 없어‬You always overdo it.
‪어머, 어떡해‬ ‪어머, 줄 벌써 100명 넘어간대‬Oh, no. There are already over 100 people in line. -Gosh. Really? -Yes. Let's hurry.
‪- [미옥] 어머, 진짜? 아이씨‬ ‪- [수희] 어, 빨리 가자‬-Gosh. Really? -Yes. Let's hurry.
‪[미옥의 헛구역질]‬
‪- [미옥] 아, 잠깐, 아유‬ ‪- [수희] 어머, 어머‬-Hold on. -Goodness. She's on her own.
‪왜 저래, 나 몰라, 나 간다!‬She's on her own. I'm going ahead!
‪[직 지퍼 닫는 소리]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[힘주는 소리]‬
‪[행선] 그래, 난‬ ‪예전의 남행선이 아니야‬I am a changed woman now.
‪해이의 입시를 위해 발로 뛰고‬I will become a passionate mom
‪죽으라면 죽는 시늉도 하는‬ ‪열혈 엄마로 거듭날 것이야‬I will become a passionate mom who will do everything she can for her daughter's education.
‪오늘은 그 창대한 날의 시작이다‬Today marks the beginning of my rebirth.
‪난 오늘 해이의‬ ‪일타 등록을 해내고 만다‬Today marks the beginning of my rebirth. I am going to enroll Hae-e in that star teacher's course.
‪됐어‬I am going to enroll Hae-e in that star teacher's course. Done.
‪- [치열] 저기요‬ ‪- 아, 깜짝이야‬-Excuse me. -Gosh.
‪[행선] 뭐, 뭐예요?‬What? What do you want?
‪[치열] 가게 문 언제 여나요?‬When are you opening?
‪아, 오늘 개인 사정이 있어서‬ ‪늦게 열 건데‬I'll be opening late due to personal reasons.
‪이따가 들러 주세요, 죄송합니다‬Please stop by again later. I'm sorry.
‪[치열] 이따 언제요? 몇 시요?‬Exactly when? What time?
‪- 한 12시쯤?‬ ‪- [치열] '쯤'이라 그러면 애매…‬-Around noon. -That's too vague.
‪애매하잖아요, 뭐, 12시 정각이요?‬ ‪아니면 12시 전, 후요?‬That's a bit vague. Is it noon sharp? Before or after?
‪글쎄요, 제가, 음…‬I can't tell you for sure since I don't know when I'll be back.
‪일이 언제 끝날지‬ ‪정확히 모르겠어서‬I can't tell you for sure since I don't know when I'll be back.
‪[치열] 원래 오픈 시간은‬ ‪고객과의 약속인데‬It's your duty to open on time for your customers.
‪고객이 배가 지금 너무 고파서‬I'm famished.
‪아, 뭔 사정이시길래, 참…‬I wonder why you're so busy.
‪아, 죄송은 한데요‬I am sorry, but I don't do this often.
‪자주 이러진 않거든요?‬ ‪그럼 제가 바빠서‬I am sorry, but I don't do this often. I need to go.
‪[치열] 결론은 내 주고 가셔야죠‬You haven't answered.
‪12시에 와요? 12시 반에 와요?‬ ‪아니면 12시 15분…‬Is it noon? 12:30 p.m.? 12:15 p.m.?
‪[행선] 12시, 12시요‬Noon. Sharp.
‪12시엔 천지가 개벽해도‬ ‪문 열 테니까 그때 오세요, 됐죠?‬I will open then no matter what happens, so come then. Okay?
‪[달려가는 발소리]‬
‪[치열] 와, 빠르긴 진짜 빨라‬Gosh, she's really fast.
‪아, 밤 꼴딱 새웠더니‬ ‪배고파 죽겠는데‬I'm famished after staying up all night.
‪아, 다섯 시간 반 남았는데 [한숨]‬I still have five and a half hours to go. CLOSED FOR THE MORNING
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬I'm almost there.
‪[지친 숨소리]‬I'm almost there.
‪[여자1] 끊어 봐‬I'm hanging up.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[여자2] 어머‬Goodness.
‪- [행선의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪- [여자3] 어머!‬Goodness!
‪[사람들의 당황한 소리]‬
‪[사람들의 다급한 소리]‬
‪[행선] 우아‬ ‪와, 씨, 뭐 이렇게 많아?‬Gosh, what's this line?
‪우아, 이거 간당간당한데?‬I don't know if I'll make it.
‪[행선의 탄식]‬Had it not been for that sunglasses guy,
‪아까 그 선글라스만 아니었어도‬Had it not been for that sunglasses guy,
‪열댓 명은 더 제꼈을 텐데‬I would've passed a dozen of them.
‪재수 옴이나 붙어라‬ ‪오늘 그 선글라스, 이씨‬I hope that guy has an unlucky day today.
‪[놀란 소리]‬
‪[여자1의 하품]‬
‪[남자의 한숨]‬
‪[여자2] 기다리기‬ ‪너무 힘들어 가지고‬I'm so tired.
‪[직원1] 번호표 배부‬ ‪시작하겠습니다!‬I'll hand out your numbers.
‪[행선] 어?‬What?
‪아이씨, 나까진 와야 되는데, 제발‬I hope I get a number too.
‪- [행선의 탄성]‬ ‪- [직원1] 축하드립니다‬-Congratulations. -No way!
‪- [여자3] 감사합니다‬ ‪- [직원1] 축하드려요‬-Congratulations. -No way!
‪[여자4] 감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[행선의 초조한 숨소리]‬
‪[행선] 하나님, 부처님‬ ‪그리고 우리 조상님‬Dear God, Buddha, and my ancestors.
‪이 남행선, 하늘을 우러러‬ ‪한 점 부끄럼 없게 살았습니다‬I have lived a very honest life so far.
‪앞으로도 쭉 사회에 도움이 되는‬ ‪그런 사람이 될게요‬I promise to continue contributing to society.
‪웬만하면 고운 말만 쓰고요‬I'll try not to swear
‪폭력 절제하고요, 술도 안 먹…‬and cut down on violence. I'll quit drinking-- No, I'll cut down.
‪아니, 덜 먹고 뒷담화도 줄이고‬I'll quit drinking-- No, I'll cut down. I won't gossip as much either.
‪아까 그 선글라스 저주한 것도‬ ‪취소하고‬I take back the curse I put on that guy.
‪그저 선한 마음으로‬I take back the curse I put on that guy. I'll be kind.
‪- [직원1] 감사합니다‬ ‪- [여자5] 아유, 감사합니다‬-Thank you. -Thank you. -Thank you. -I did it!
‪- [직원1] 감사합니다‬ ‪- [사람들이 기뻐한다]‬-Thank you. -I did it!
‪축하드립니다‬Congratulations. Thank you.
‪[서진] 수고하세요‬Thank you.
‪[직원1] 축하드립니다‬Congratulations.
‪[행선이 작게] 수아 언니‬Hey.
‪[수희] 어머, 자기야, 어‬Hi, Haeng-seon. Hey.
‪[직원2] 예, 앞으로 나오세요‬ ‪천천히 오세요‬Next person. Here you go.
‪- [직원1] 감사합니다‬ ‪- [행선의 긴장한 숨소리]‬Next person. Here you go. Congratulations.
‪[행선] 살기는 개뿔, 씨‬This won't work.
‪텄어, 글렀어‬I have no luck.
‪아, 어떻게 하늘은 나한테‬ ‪이딴 복 하나를 안 줘?‬How could God not grant me this one wish?
‪간만에 해이한테 뭐 좀‬ ‪해 줘 보려 그랬더니, 낸장, 씨‬Cripes, I just wanted to do something for Hae-e for once. Why am I always the unlucky one?
‪나한테 왜 이러는 건데?‬ ‪신이 있긴 있는 거냐고!‬Why am I always the unlucky one? Does God even exist?
‪- [직원1] 감사합니다‬ ‪- [강조되는 효과음]‬Thank you.
‪[행선의 초조한 탄성]‬
‪- 축하드립니다‬ ‪- [여자6] 오!‬Congratulations.
‪어, 감사합니다, 감사합니다‬Congratulations. Thank you!
‪[기뻐하며] 어머, 너무 좋아‬I'm so elated!
‪- 아, 여보, 우리 됐어, 우리 됐어‬ ‪- [남자의 안도하는 숨소리]‬Honey, we did it!
‪[행선의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪- [경쾌한 음악]‬ ‪- [행선의 벅찬 탄성]‬
‪- [행선의 기쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪- [직원들이 인사한다]‬-Thank you. -Thank you.
‪[직원1] 아, 죄송합니다‬ ‪번호표가 다 나갔습니다‬I'm sorry. -We've run out. -You have?
‪- [사람들이 실망한다]‬ ‪- 죄송합니다, 죄송합니다‬-We've run out. -You have? I'm sorry. Yes, there is.
‪[행선] 있다, 신은 있어‬Yes, there is. There is a God.
‪[새들이 지저귀는 소리]‬WOORIM HIGH SCHOOL
‪[수아] 어, 엄마, 등록했어?‬Mom, did you get it?
‪어, 수고했어‬Okay, thanks. You're picking me up later, right?
‪- 이따 픽업하러 올 거지? 어‬ ‪- [휴대전화 진동음]‬Okay, thanks. You're picking me up later, right? -Bye. -Hi, Mom.
‪[해이] 어, 엄마‬-Bye. -Hi, Mom.
‪진짜 등록했다고, 최치열 거를?‬I got into Choi Chi-yeol's course?
‪와, 대박‬No way.
‪엄마, 진짜 고마워‬Mom, thank you so much.
‪어, 생큐, 이따 봐‬See you later.
‪[기쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[선재] 야, 잘됐다, 남해이‬Gosh, congratulations. We'll be taking his course together.
‪- 앞으로 같이 듣겠네, 수업‬ ‪- [해이] 어, 어, 어‬We'll be taking his course together. -High-five. -Yes!
‪- 하이 파이브, 예, 예, 예!‬ ‪- [해이의 신난 탄성]‬-High-five. -Yes!
‪- [해이가 아파한다]‬ ‪- [선재] 축하한다, 진짜‬Congratulations.
‪[수아] 뭐야, 남해이?‬She's taking it too?
‪열었다‬It's open.
‪오예, 사장 없다‬Nice, she's not in.
‪[딸랑거리는 소리]‬
‪어서 오세요‬Hello.
‪- [영주] 아‬ ‪- [문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪반찬 사시게요?‬Are you here to buy some side dishes?
‪[치열] 아니요, 도시락 좀‬-No, just a lunch box. -I see.
‪[영주] 아…‬-No, just a lunch box. -I see.
‪저기, 혹시 연예인이세요?‬Are you a celebrity by any chance?
‪예? 아, 아니요‬ ‪저, 눈병이 좀 나 가지고‬Sorry? No, I just have an eye infection.
‪어떻게 고르면 되나요?‬So how does it work?
‪아, 저기 도시락 통 있어요‬The containers are over there. Pick whatever you want.
‪골라 보세요‬The containers are over there. Pick whatever you want.
‪- [치열] 어‬ ‪- [영주] 예‬Right.
‪[드르륵거리는 소리]‬
‪- [출입문 종소리]‬ ‪- [행선] 영주야‬Yeong-ju.
‪[영주] 어!‬ ‪아, 어떻게 됐어? 성공?‬How did it go? Did you get it?
‪- 성공, 성공?‬ ‪- [기쁜 숨소리]‬Did you?
‪- 했구나, 축하해, 남 사장‬ ‪- [행선의 탄성]‬You did it! Congratulations.
‪[행선] 진짜 아슬아슬하게‬ ‪성공했다, 진짜‬Congratulations. I made it in the nick of time.
‪나 요새 일진 안 좋았잖아‬I've had bad luck lately.
‪갑자기 재우 아팠지‬Jae-woo suddenly got sick,
‪재우 폰 박살 났는데‬ ‪더럽게 비싸서 고쳐 주지도 못했지‬and his phone broke, but it was too expensive to fix.
‪[영주] 그래, 폰은 좀 그랬어‬You're right. That phone was still pretty new.
‪그거 산 지‬ ‪얼마 되지도 않은 거잖아‬You're right. That phone was still pretty new.
‪안 됐지, 1년도‬I bought it less than a year ago.
‪내가 다 용서해도‬I will never forgive that phone thief.
‪[행선] 그 폰 도둑놈은‬ ‪절대 용서 못 한다, 내가‬I will never forgive that phone thief.
‪- [익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- 내 손에 잡히기만 해 봐, 낸장‬If I ever catch him, I'll just…
‪아주 그냥, 그냥, 아유!‬If I ever catch him, I'll just…
‪[영주] 야, 오장육부를‬ ‪쫙 뽑아 갖고‬Pull out his organs, roll them up,
‪이렇게 돌돌돌 해 갖고 팍팍‬Pull out his organs, roll them up,
‪대창국수를 만들어 버려, 그냥‬and make some tripe noodles.
‪[행선] 그럼‬ ‪아주 눈깔을 똑 뽑아 가지고‬Of course. Let's play a game of pool with his eyeballs too.
‪당구도 한 게임 치자고, 쌈빡하게‬Of course. Let's play a game of pool with his eyeballs too.
‪좋다‬Sounds nice.
‪[행선] 손님도 계신데‬We had a customer?
‪죄송해요‬ ‪농담한 거예요, 저희끼리‬We had a customer? I'm sorry. We were just joking around.
‪맞구나, 아침에 오셨던‬-You're the guy from this morning. -Yes.
‪[치열] 아, 예‬-You're the guy from this morning. -Yes.
‪[행선] 아, 오늘은 제가‬ ‪너무 급한 일이었어서‬I had an urgent matter to take care of, so I opened late.
‪늦게 문 연 죄로‬ ‪이거 하나 넣어 드릴게요‬I had an urgent matter to take care of, so I opened late. -Take one of these. -That's okay.
‪[치열] 아니요, 아니요‬ ‪괜찮습니다‬-Take one of these. -That's okay.
‪[영주] 그럼 회원 가입이라도‬ ‪하고 가세요‬You should get a membership.
‪마일리지 적립해 드리는데‬You can get membership points.
‪천 포인트 모으면‬ ‪천 원 할인 들어가거든요, 여기‬You can get a 1,000-won discount with 1,000 points.
‪[치열의 고민하는 소리]‬Well…
‪아, 예‬Sure.
‪[쩝쩝거리는 소리]‬
‪[치열의 옅은 탄성]‬
‪[치열이 코를 훌쩍이며] 아유‬
‪아, 맛있어, 아‬This is really good.
‪어떻게 반찬 하나하나가 다‬ ‪방금 만든 거 같지?‬All of the side dishes are so fresh.
‪어디서 먹어 봤나?‬Have I had them before?
‪익숙한데?‬They taste familiar.
‪아니‬How are they not doing well when their food is this good?
‪이렇게 맛있는데‬ ‪장사가 잘 안되나?‬How are they not doing well when their food is this good?
‪왜 휴대폰 하나 살 돈이 없어?‬She has no money for a new phone?
‪아, 거, 되게 신경 쓰이네‬Gosh, I keep thinking about that.
‪박살은 왜 나 가지고, 참‬Why did it have to break?
‪[영주] 어이!‬Hey.
‪[행선] 나이스 캐치! 쌩유‬
‪[영주] 야, 근데‬By the way, about that guy in the sunglasses.
‪- 아까 그 손님, 선글라스‬ ‪- [행선] 응, 응‬By the way, about that guy in the sunglasses. Yes?
‪[영주] 계속 너 힐끗거리더라‬ ‪엄청 노골적으로‬Yes? He kept glancing at you very obviously.
‪[행선] 왜?‬Why?
‪[영주] 왜는, 이 연애 고자야‬ ‪너한테 꽂혔으니까 그렇겠지?‬What do you think, idiot? Because he's into you.
‪[행선] 얘는 또 무슨‬ ‪아휴, 말도 안 돼, 씨‬Don't be ridiculous.
‪[영주] 왜 말도 안 돼?‬How is that ridiculous?
‪- 너한테 반했다니까, 그 남자‬ ‪- [행선의 헛웃음]‬He's totally fallen for you.
‪내가 그런 쪽으로 빠삭하잖냐‬You know dating is my forte.
‪야, 빠삭하긴, 씨‬ ‪맨날 썸만 타다 끝나는 주제에‬Nonsense. You've never gone out with the guys you flirt with.
‪[행선] 야, 그리고‬Plus, you're the one who turned me into a married woman.
‪나 남편 있는‬ ‪유부녀 만든 게 누군데‬Plus, you're the one who turned me into a married woman.
‪해이 아빠 필리핀에 있다며?‬ ‪태권도 사업 한다며?‬Hae-e's dad runs a taekwondo studio in the Philippines, right?
‪동네방네 떠들고 다녔잖아‬ ‪네가 장사 초기에‬You spread that rumor when we first started out.
‪야, 그거 여자들이 자꾸‬ ‪뒤에서 수군거리니까 그렇지‬That was because all the women gossiped about you being a single mom.
‪너 미혼모 아니냐고‬That was because all the women gossiped about you being a single mom.
‪[행선] 야, 아무리 그래도 그렇지‬Even still,
‪어쩜 눈 하나 깜빡 안 하고‬ ‪그렇게 잘 지어내?‬I'm impressed you came up with an entire story on the spot.
‪'얘 남편이 필리핀에서‬ ‪태권도 사업 하거든요'‬"Her husband runs a taekwondo studio in the Philippines."
‪'국대 커플인데'‬"Her husband runs a taekwondo studio in the Philippines." "They were both on the national team and were such lovebirds."
‪'연애할 때 죽네 사네‬ ‪유난했어요, 진짜'‬"They were both on the national team and were such lovebirds."
‪'같은 남씨잖아‬ ‪천생연분이지, 뭐'‬"His last name is also Nam. They were meant to be."
‪'호호호', 아휴‬And that was the end of that rumor about you being a single mom.
‪[영주] 그래서 쏙 들어갔잖아‬ ‪미혼모 소문‬And that was the end of that rumor about you being a single mom.
‪아이, 몰라, 그러니까 남자는‬ ‪갖다 붙이지도 말라고‬Whatever. Don't involve me with men because people think I'm married.
‪난 대외적으로 유부녀니까‬Don't involve me with men because people think I'm married.
‪대외적으로나 그렇지‬Sure, that's what they think. But let's be frank.
‪[영주] 솔직히‬ ‪너 아직 처녀 딱지도 못 뗀…‬Sure, that's what they think. But let's be frank. You're still a virgin--
‪입 안 닥칠래?‬Shut it.
‪그 요사한 입 함부로 놀렸다가는‬Keep running your mouth, and you will face a painful death.
‪고통스러운 죽음이‬ ‪아주 널 기다리고 있을 것이야, 씨‬Keep running your mouth, and you will face a painful death.
‪[행선] 장사나 하자고‬Let's work. I need to make money to pay for Hae-e's academy.
‪나 돈 벌어야 돼‬ ‪해이 학원비 대려면‬Let's work. I need to make money to pay for Hae-e's academy.
‪[찍 테이프 뜯는 소리]‬
‪- 엄마‬ ‪- [행선] 어, 왔어?‬-Mom. -Hey, welcome home.
‪고마워, 고생했어, 오늘‬Thank you for today.
‪[행선] 뭐?‬For what?
‪아, 등록?‬You mean the enrollment?
‪치, 그게 뭐라고, 아이, 됐어, 야‬That was nothing. Forget it.
‪[해이] 아, 엄, 엄마, 잠깐만‬Hold on.
‪[행선] 왜?‬What?
‪[행선의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[해이] 비싸서‬ ‪영주 이모 건 못 샀어‬I couldn't get one for Auntie Yeong-ju, so eat it here.
‪먹고 들어가‬ ‪이거 좋아하잖아, 엄마‬I couldn't get one for Auntie Yeong-ju, so eat it here. It's your favorite.
‪[행선의 탄성]‬Jeez.
‪[행선의 웃음]‬
‪[힘주는 소리]‬
‪[행선의 탄성]‬
‪[행선] 달다‬It's sweet.
‪음, 달아‬It's so sweet.
‪너도 한 입 먹어 봐‬Have a bite.
‪[해이] 됐어, 난 싫어, 단거‬No, thanks. I don't have a sweet tooth.
‪[행선] 맞아‬ ‪넌 어릴 때도 단거 잘 안 먹었어‬You're right. You never had a sweet tooth as a kid either.
‪그 나이 때 그러기 참 힘든데‬That's rare for a kid.
‪근데 너 솔직히 말해 봐‬Be honest.
‪싫어한 게 아니라‬ ‪이빨 썩을까 봐 안 먹은 거지?‬It was because you didn't want cavities, right?
‪그럼 치과 가야 되고‬ ‪치과 가면 나 돈 쓰니까‬Because I'd have to pay to take you to a dentist.
‪그래서 그런 거 아니야?‬Isn't that why?
‪[해이] 미화시키지 마‬ ‪그 정도로 조숙했던 거 아니야‬Don't fool yourself. I wasn't that mature back then.
‪[행선] 아니야?‬-So I'm wrong? -Yes, you are.
‪[해이] 네, 아닙니다, 어머니‬-So I'm wrong? -Yes, you are.
‪[행선] 아니면 말고‬-So I'm wrong? -Yes, you are. Fine then.
‪나 아까 까딱하면‬ ‪등록 못 할 뻔했다?‬You know what? I almost didn't make it to the enrollment.
‪- 야, 그게 참 별세계더라, 응?‬ ‪- [해이가 호응한다]‬It was like a whole new world. I bet those parents would do anything to get their kids enrolled.
‪아까는 학원 등록‬ ‪그것만 시켜 주면‬I bet those parents would do anything to get their kids enrolled.
‪별짓 다 할 거 같더라니까?‬I bet those parents would do anything to get their kids enrolled.
‪[해이] 그게 좀 어렵긴 해‬It's not easy to enroll there.
‪[행선] 어쩜 그러니?‬It was unbelievable.
‪- [영주] 야!‬ ‪- [행선의 놀란 소리]‬Hey.
‪뭐 해? 안 들어가?‬What are you doing? -Aren't you coming in? -I am.
‪[해이가 웃으며] 들어가요‬-Aren't you coming in? -I am.
‪- [영주] 뭐 먹어?‬ ‪- [해이] 아이, 안 먹어, 안 먹…‬-Is she eating something? -No, she's not.
‪[영주] 야!‬Hey!
‪우림고 전교 1등 방수아 씨‬Why does the top student of Woorim High School look so gloomy today?
‪오늘은 또‬ ‪왜 이렇게 저기압이실까?‬Why does the top student of Woorim High School look so gloomy today?
‪[수아] 엄마, 남해이‬ ‪최치열 강의 등록한 거 알아?‬Did you know Hae-e enrolled in Mr. Choi's course?
‪[수희] 어, 아까 그‬ ‪등록 줄에 서 있긴 하더라‬Yes. I saw her mom in line this morning.
‪야, 웬일로 학원을 다 끊더라‬ ‪그렇게 버티더니‬I can't believe she enrolled Hae-e in an academy.
‪[수아] 엄마가 정보 공유한 거야?‬-Did you tell her about Mr. Choi? -I didn't need to tell her about him.
‪최치열 게‬ ‪정보 공유하고 말 게 어디 있어?‬-Did you tell her about Mr. Choi? -I didn't need to tell her about him.
‪세상이 다 아는 일타인데, 왜?‬-Did you tell her about Mr. Choi? -I didn't need to tell her about him. Everyone knows him. What's wrong?
‪아, 몰라, 짜증 나, 진짜‬Whatever. I'm so annoyed.
‪[수희] 네가 더 잘하잖아‬You're smarter than her.
‪왜 걔를 신경 써? 반찬집 딸을‬Why be bothered by the daughter of a side dish store?
‪몰라, 그냥 걔가 싫어‬I don't know. I just don't like her.
‪왜 싫은데?‬ ‪걔 무던하니 괜찮지 않아?‬Why not? Isn't she amiable and nice?
‪몰라‬I don't know.
‪없는 애가 있는 척하는 게 싫어‬I hate her pretentiousness.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[수아] 선생님‬Sir.
‪저 수행 평가 날짜 좀‬ ‪바꿔 주시면 안 돼요?‬Can you change my performance assessment date?
‪시험 기간이랑 걸려서‬ ‪준비 힘들 거 같은데‬It overlaps with the exam period.
‪[교사] 글쎄‬I'm not sure.
‪바꿔 줄 친구가 있을까?‬ ‪다들 마찬가지일 텐데‬I doubt anyone would switch since they have exams too.
‪네‬I doubt anyone would switch since they have exams too. Okay.
‪[해이] 선생님, 제가 바꿀게요‬Sir, I'll switch with her.
‪저 그냥 빨리 해치워 버릴래요‬I want to get mine over with.
‪[치열] 자, 우리 시즌1 수업은‬ ‪여기까지‬This is the last course of Season 1.
‪그동안 고생했다‬Good work, guys.
‪개학이랑 맞물려서 힘들었을 텐데‬ ‪잘 따라와 줘서 고맙고‬I know you all have been busy with school, but thank you for keeping up.
‪틀린 문제, 부족한 챕터들‬ ‪복습 잘하고‬Make sure you review the ones you got wrong or need to look over.
‪시즌2도 다들 등록했지?‬Did you all sign up for Season 2?
‪[학생들] 네!‬-Yes! -Yes!
‪자, 지금까지 시즌1‬All right. That's it for Season 1.
‪최치열강이었습니다‬I'm Choi Chi-yeol.
‪또 보자, 얘들아‬See you guys again.
‪[학생들의 박수와 환호성]‬
‪[동희] 어어, 얘들아, 얘들아‬ ‪나한테 줘‬-Here. -You can give them to me. -I'll give them to him later. Okay. -This too.
‪- 선생님한테 전할게, 어어, 그래‬ ‪- [소란스럽다]‬-I'll give them to him later. Okay. -This too.
‪[치열의 후 내뱉는 소리]‬
‪[치열] 아, 그 스토커‬ ‪시즌2도 등록했나 봐‬That stalker signed up for Season 2. It's driving me crazy.
‪아유, 돌겠다, 진짜‬That stalker signed up for Season 2. It's driving me crazy.
‪[동희] 실장님한테 말해서‬ ‪블랙리스트 올릴 걸 그랬나 봐요‬I should've told Ms. Jung about it and blacklisted her.
‪며칠 수업 안 나오길래‬ ‪잘됐다 싶었는데‬She wasn't in class for a few days, so I'd thought we were in the clear.
‪너무 방심했어요‬She wasn't in class for a few days, so I'd thought we were in the clear.
‪[치열] 맨 앞에만 앉지 않아도‬ ‪덜 끔찍할 텐데‬It'd be much better if she didn't sit in the front.
‪[자동차 리모컨 작동음]‬It'd be much better if she didn't sit in the front.
‪아, 지 실장‬Mr. Ji,
‪바로 퇴근해‬ ‪오늘은 내가 운전해서 갈게‬you can go home now. I'll drive myself home.
‪- [동희] 왜요? 피곤하신데…‬ ‪- 아니야, 하나도 안 피곤해‬-But you must be tired. -No, I'm fine.
‪[치열] 운전하고 싶어서 그래‬I just want to drive.
‪운전하는 거 까먹겠다, 키‬I should hone my skills. The keys.
‪[동희가 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[동희] 아, 그리고 이거‬And this.
‪부탁하신 최신 휴대폰이요‬The new phone you asked for.
‪아, 생큐‬
‪[동희] 폰 바꾸시게요?‬ ‪번호도 한 번 더 바꿀까요?‬Are you switching your phone? Do you need a new number too?
‪아, 아니야, 됐어‬Are you switching your phone? Do you need a new number too? No, that's okay.
‪너무 열심히 하지 마, 어?‬Don't work too hard, okay?
‪- [피식 웃는다]‬ ‪- [치열] 들어가, 내일 보자‬Don't work too hard, okay? Go home. See you tomorrow.
‪- [동희] 운전 조심하세요, 쌤‬ ‪- [치열] 어‬-Drive safely. -I will.
‪- [차 문 닫히는 소리]‬ ‪- [자동차 시동음]‬
‪- [한숨]‬ ‪- [툭 놓는 소리]‬
‪[학생] 야, 당근 등록했지‬Of course, I enrolled.
‪계속 맨 앞에 앉아서‬ ‪우리 쌤 당황하는 얼굴 봐야지‬I'm going to continue sitting up front to watch his flustered face.
‪음! 당황하면‬ ‪엄청 귀여운 거 알지?‬He looks so cute when he's flustered.
‪어? 엄마?‬What? My mom?
‪아, 당근 모르지‬Of course, she doesn't know. You know how busy she is.
‪우리 엄마 엄청 바쁘잖아‬Of course, she doesn't know. You know how busy she is.
‪아니, 나 막 기대돼‬I'm so excited.
‪나 이러다가 나 진짜‬ ‪치열 쌤이랑 결혼하는 거…‬What if I really end up getting married to him--
‪- [퍽]‬ ‪- [학생의 신음]‬What if I really end up getting married to him--
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[영주] 쏘리, 먼저 갈게‬I'm leaving first.
‪오늘 내 썸남도 오는 날이라‬ ‪꼭 가야 되거든?‬I'm leaving first. My fling is coming, so I need to go.
‪제발 연결이나 돼라, 좀‬I hope you'll date him this time.
‪[행선] 고생했어, 내일 봐‬I'll see you tomorrow!
‪[영주] 간다‬Bye.
‪- [출입문 종소리]‬ ‪- [행선이 중얼거린다]‬Jeez.
‪[문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[출입문 종소리]‬
‪[행선] 왜? 뭐 놓고 갔…‬Did you leave something--
‪[문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪아, 끝났습니까, 벌써?‬Are you closed for the day?
‪막 끝내려고 했는데‬I was wrapping up.
‪아, 골라 보세요‬ ‪하나 더 팔면 저야 좋죠‬But go on and pick. You're only doing me a favor.
‪[치열] 아, 네‬Okay.
‪- [달그락거리는 소리]‬ ‪- [발랄한 음악]‬
‪[탁 놓는 소리]‬
‪만 2천 원인데 만 원만 받을게요‬ ‪끝 손님이시니까‬You're the last customer, so you get a 2,000-won discount.
‪[치열] 아, 괜찮은데‬You don't have to.
‪[포스 조작음]‬Okay.
‪[포스 작동음]‬
‪여기, 포인트 적립도 해 드렸어요‬Here you go. You also got your reward points.
‪[치열] 아‬Okay.
‪저기‬Hold on.
‪친구가 매장을 하는데‬ ‪남아도는 거라고‬My friend sells phones, and he had an extra one.
‪원래 좀 손이 좀 크거든요, 걔가‬He's the generous type.
‪이 가게 회원 된 기념으로‬ ‪하나 쓰시라고‬I'm giving it to you as a new member of this store.
‪[행선] 손님!‬Sir.
‪[출입문 종소리]‬
‪- [탁 문 닫히는 소리]‬ ‪- [의아한 소리]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[영주] 내가 뭐랬어, 내가‬ ‪백 퍼랬잖아‬What did I tell you? I told you he was interested in you.
‪너한테 관심 있는 거 맞다고‬I told you he was interested in you.
‪[행선] 모르지‬ ‪진짜 남아돌아서 준 건지‬Who knows? Maybe it really was an extra phone.
‪[영주] 말 같은 소리를 해라‬ ‪이 남행선아‬Don't be ridiculous, you fool.
‪남아돌아서 그걸 널 줬다고?‬ ‪100만 원도 넘는 최신 휴대폰을?‬That's why he gave it to you? A new phone that costs over a million won?
‪[행선] 그럴 수도 있지 않냐?‬Isn't it possible?
‪[영주가 웃으며] 야, 이‬ ‪연애 고자야‬You're so naive.
‪빠져도 아주 푹 빠졌다니까, 어?‬I'm telling you, he's completely smitten.
‪- [행선] 아휴‬ ‪- 야, 뇌물 공세도 단계가 있지‬He didn't hesitate to get you a big gift from the get-go.
‪[영주] 진도를 봐, 완전히 KTX잖아‬He didn't hesitate to get you a big gift from the get-go. Look at what he got you. He's very bold and straightforward.
‪야, 폰을 선물한다는 건, 자‬What does a phone imply as a gift?
‪[웃으며] '너를 구속하고 싶다'‬ ‪이거라고‬It implies he wants you to be his.
‪[행선] 아, 고만해! 씨‬It implies he wants you to be his. That's enough.
‪무슨 말도 안 되는 소리를‬ ‪돌려줄 거야, 난‬Don't be ridiculous. I'm going to return it.
‪야! 이, 왜 돌려줘?‬ ‪생각해서 준 건데‬Why would you? It's a token of his affection.
‪[행선] 됐어, 지금 때가 어느 땐데‬Forget it. I have no time for that. What about Hae-e? I need to make money.
‪해이 입장은 생각 안 해?‬ ‪돈은 안 벌어?‬What about Hae-e? I need to make money.
‪그런 거 다 접고‬ ‪네 마음만 들여다보면‬Forget about everything else. Just look into your heart.
‪그럼 어떤데?‬Just look into your heart. How do you feel?
‪- 뭐?‬ ‪- [영주] 연애하고 결혼도 하고‬Feel what? Don't you have any desire to date
‪그렇게 살고 싶은 마음 없어?‬and eventually get married?
‪해이 엄마 말고 여자 남행선으로‬Not as Hae-e's mom, but as Nam Haeng-seon, a woman.
‪있지, 나도‬Of course, I do. I want to date and get married.
‪연애도 하고 결혼도 하고‬Of course, I do. I want to date and get married.
‪나 대학원도 가 보고 싶어‬I even want to go to graduate school.
‪공부해 자격증 따서‬ ‪애들도 좀 가르치고‬I want to get a certificate and teach.
‪- [탄성]‬ ‪- [행선의 웃음]‬
‪근데 일단은 해이‬ ‪대학부터 딱 보내고‬But first, I should send Hae-e to university
‪재우, 지 살게 기반도 좀 마련하고‬and provide a foothold for Jae-woo.
‪그러고 나서‬After all that.
‪앓느니 죽지, 다 늙어서 언제?‬And by the time you're done, you'll be too old.
‪걱정하지 마, 너보다 훨‬Don't you worry. I'll live much more happily than you ever will.
‪[행선] 훨 더‬ ‪행복하게 잘 살 거니까‬I'll live much more happily than you ever will.
‪아, 아이, 튀었다, 야‬Gosh, I got it on my shirt. Hey, keep an eye on this while I get changed.
‪나 옷 갈아입고 올게‬ ‪이것 좀 봐 줘‬Hey, keep an eye on this while I get changed.
‪[답답한 숨소리]‬
‪[영주] 연애하고 결혼도 하고‬ ‪그렇게 살고 싶은 마음 없어?‬Don't you have any desire to date and eventually get married?
‪- [잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪- 해이 엄마 말고 여자 남행선으로‬Not as Hae-e's mom, but as Nam Haeng-seon, a woman.
‪[드르륵 서랍 여는 소리]‬
‪뭐, 맞아, 이뻐질 수 있지‬She's right. I can be pretty too.
‪[달그락거리는 소리]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪에이‬Darn it.
‪일하자‬Let's work.
‪돈 벌자, 남행선‬Let's make some money, Haeng-seon.
‪[종렬] 좌극한, 우극한의‬ ‪구조만 주의하면 되는 문제야‬Just keep in mind the structures of the left- and right-hand limits.
‪자, x는‬Just keep in mind the structures of the left- and right-hand limits. The right-hand limit as x approaches one is one.
‪1에서의 우극한이니까 1‬The right-hand limit as x approaches one is one.
‪자, 그리고 x는‬The right-hand limit as x approaches one is one. Now, this one. The left-hand limit as x approaches negative one…
‪-1에서의 좌극한이니까‬The left-hand limit as x approaches negative one…
‪3‬is three.
‪그래서 답은? 자, 1 더하기 3…‬So the answer is one plus three…
‪하면‬which is…
‪4가 되겠지?‬four.
‪방수아‬Bang Su-a,
‪넌 선생님에 대한‬ ‪최소한의 예의도 없냐?‬do you have absolutely no respect for me?
‪아이, 수학 시간에‬ ‪학원 교재나 풀고 말이야‬Working on your academy textbook during class?
‪학교에선 학교 수업에‬ ‪집중해야 할 거 아니야?‬You should be focusing at school.
‪다 아는 거라서요‬But I already know everything.
‪중딩 때 다 풀어 본 거예요‬I learned it in middle school.
‪이번 6모 다 맞았어?‬Did you get a perfect score on your June mock?
‪[종렬] 수학 다 맞았냐고‬What about math?
‪얘가 안 가르쳐 주디?‬ ‪그래서 틀렸어?‬Did this guy not teach you?
‪'얘'가 아니라‬ ‪최치열 선생님이신데요‬That teacher has a name. It's Mr. Choi Chi-yeol. INTENSIVE COURSE SEASON 1 CHOI CHI-YEOL
‪그럼 난 뭔데?‬Then what about me?
‪[종렬] 아니, 얘는 선생님이고‬ ‪나는 뭐, 담탱이야?‬So he's a teacher to you. What about me? Am I not your teacher?
‪한 번만 더 내 교실에서‬ ‪얘 교재 풀거나‬If I ever see you working on his textbook again
‪얘 필통, 노트‬ ‪이딴 거 눈에 보이게 하면‬or see anything even remotely related to him,
‪그땐 진짜로 부모님 호출할 거야‬I will call your parents.
‪- 알았어?‬ ‪- 네‬-Got it? -Okay.
‪벌점 10점이야‬You get ten penalty points. I'll give this back in a week.
‪이건 일주일 압수고‬You get ten penalty points. I'll give this back in a week.
‪[종렬] 저런, 저…‬That little…
‪[종렬의 탄식]‬Gosh.
‪아니, 전교 1등을 하면 뭐 하냐고‬ ‪기본적인 예의를 못 배웠는데‬So what if you're the top student if you have absolutely no manners?
‪[교사1] 진짜 이럴 때마다‬ ‪상대적 박탈감 들어요‬I feel a sense of inferiority at times like this.
‪힘들게 임용 고시‬ ‪준비할 때만 해도‬I never expected teachers to be treated this way
‪내가 생각한 교사의 위상은‬ ‪이게 아니었는데‬I never expected teachers to be treated this way when I was studying hard to become a teacher myself.
‪[교사1의 헛웃음]‬when I was studying hard to become a teacher myself. We do need a wake-up call.
‪[교사2] 우리도‬ ‪경각심이 좀 필요하긴 해‬We do need a wake-up call.
‪학원 강사들만큼‬ ‪연구 안 하잖아요, 솔직히‬Honestly, we don't prepare as hard as the academy teachers.
‪게을러서 안 합니까?‬It's not because we're lazy.
‪아이, 할 시간을 안 주잖아요‬ ‪우리한테‬We just don't have the time to do that.
‪[종렬] 뭐, 각종 공문에‬ ‪수업 지도안에 비품 보고서까지‬We work on official documents, lesson plans, and equipment reports.
‪반성보다는 개선이 먼저입니다‬It's not us who have to change. It's the system.
‪[교사1] 아휴, 맞는 말이기는 한데‬I mean, he's not wrong.
‪- [교사2] 응?‬ ‪- [교사1] 예민하시다, 그렇지?‬But he's a bit sensitive, right?
‪[교사2] 질투인지 자격지심인지‬Is it jealousy or an inferiority complex?
‪와, 실력 말고 비주얼‬Gosh, forget about this guy's competence. He's just good-looking.
‪- [헛웃음]‬ ‪- [치열] 어, 나 지금 서점 왔는데‬Hey, I'm at a bookstore right now.
‪걔 있잖아‬That tall guy who goes to the gym every day…
‪키 크고 맨날 헬스하는 애기‬That tall guy who goes to the gym every day…
‪걔가 말한 개념서가 뭐였지?‬What was the textbook he mentioned?
‪어, 끊고 문자로 바로 보내 줘, 응‬Text me the title. Okay.
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흐른다]‬
‪전종렬‬Jeon Jong-ryeol?
‪용케 알아는 보네?‬So you recognize me.
‪[종렬] 나야 뭐‬I see your face on the buses every morning and evening.
‪아침저녁으로‬ ‪버스에 박힌 네 얼굴 보니까‬I see your face on the buses every morning and evening.
‪방금도 보다 왔고 [헛웃음]‬Even on my way here.
‪아, 필통에 텀블러에‬From pencil cases to tumblers,
‪별거 다 팔더라‬you sell all sorts of things.
‪[치열] 어‬Right.
‪어느 학교에 있어? 혹시 우림고?‬Which school do you work at? Woorim High?
‪궁금은 하냐?‬Are you actually curious?
‪[종렬] '근처에 있으니까‬ ‪언제 밥 한번 먹자'‬I hope you never ask me to have a meal with you just because I work nearby.
‪이딴 소리 안 했으면 좋겠다‬just because I work nearby.
‪너랑 얽히는 거에 아주‬ ‪트라우마 있는 사람이야, 내가‬I have some trauma when it comes to you.
‪근데 뭐, 버는 거에 비해‬ ‪편치만은 않나 봐?‬But I guess all that money isn't buying you happiness.
‪좀 말랐네‬You've become thinner.
‪돈 없어서 노량진 고시식당에서‬ ‪하루 한 끼 먹을 때보다‬More than when you could only afford one meal a day living in Noryangjin.
‪돈 좇아 꿈도 쓰레기통에 처넣고‬Despite choosing money over a dream,
‪해선 안 될 짓까지 해 가면서‬ ‪치열하게 살았는데‬doing something you shouldn't have, and working like a dog,
‪왜? 뭐, 막상 벌고 나니까‬ ‪별게 없냐?‬does it feel like everything you've done is futile?
‪그때 그 일은 진짜 몰랐다, 난‬I had no idea about what happened back then.
‪[종렬] 몰랐어?‬Is that so?
‪아, 몰랐구나, 음‬I see. You didn't know.
‪그래서 쌩까고 전화도 안 받고‬That's why you ghosted everyone.
‪- 종렬아, 그건…‬ ‪- [종렬] 시끄럽고‬-That was because-- -Enough.
‪결국 그 일 때문에 애가 죽었어‬A student died as a result of that incident.
‪이후로 그 집안은 풍비박산이 났고‬Her entire family was torn apart.
‪아, 최소한의 양심의 가책은‬ ‪좀 받고 살아라, 제발‬You should at least feel guilty. Please.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪너 영석이‬ ‪모친상 문자도 씹었다며?‬I heard you didn't even call when Yeong-seok's mother died.
‪아, 애들이 나쁜 새끼라고‬ ‪엄청 욕하더라‬Everyone is talking about how you're a bad guy.
‪오래 살겠어‬Hope you're happy.
‪[못마땅한 한숨]‬
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[무거운 효과음]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[자동차 경적]‬
‪[종렬] 결국 그 일 때문에‬ ‪애가 죽었어‬A student died as a result of that incident.
‪[학생] 쌤!‬Mr. Choi!
‪쌤, 나 또 모르는 거 있는데‬I have a question.
‪[종렬] 이후로 그 집안은‬ ‪풍비박산이 났고‬Her entire family was torn apart.
‪최소한의 양심의 가책은‬ ‪좀 받고 살아라, 제발‬You should at least feel guilty. Please.
‪[울먹이며] 선생님‬Mr. Choi.
‪이러려고 연락처 물어보신 거예요?‬Is this why you asked for their number?
‪이건 아니잖아요!‬This isn't right! You shouldn't have done this!
‪이러면 안 되는 거잖아요!‬This isn't right! You shouldn't have done this!
‪[행선의 한숨]‬
‪[행선] 오늘은 안 오네‬I guess he's not coming today.
‪빨리 돌려줘야 될 거 같은데‬I should return this soon.
‪으, 남한테 상처 주는 말‬ ‪잘 못하는데 어떡해‬I'm so bad at rejecting people. What do I do?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[재우] 어?‬
‪나 이 사람 어디서 봤는데‬ ‪누구지?‬I've seen him somewhere. Who is he?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬I swear I've seen him before. Who is he?
‪분명히 어디서 봤는데, 누구지?‬I swear I've seen him before. Who is he?
‪'1타강사의 진짜 수학‬ ‪수학은 최치열'‬"Real math from a star teacher. For math, Choi Chi-yeol."
‪누구지?‬Who is he?
‪[드르륵 카트 끄는 소리]‬
‪[해이] 엄마, 나 간다‬ ‪이모, 갔다 올게‬-Mom, I'm off. Bye, Auntie. -Bye.
‪[영주] 어‬-Mom, I'm off. Bye, Auntie. -Bye. Going already? Where's your uncle?
‪[행선] 일찍 가네, 삼촌은?‬Going already? Where's your uncle?
‪산책‬Taking a walk.
‪카페 들러서 또 8시 알바생‬ ‪권진경 씨 와플 먹겠지, 뭐‬He'll probably have Ms. Kwon's waffles at 8 a.m. I see.
‪- [행선의 한숨]‬ ‪- [달그락거리는 소리]‬I see.
‪엄마, 나 오늘부터‬ ‪학원 시작인 거 알지?‬Mom, you know I'm going to the academy starting today, right?
‪[행선] 그럼‬ ‪엄마 이제 군기 바짝 들었거든?‬Of course. I'm a changed mom now.
‪[해이] 학교 끝나고 바로 갈 거야‬I'll head there straight from school.
‪손목 많이 쓰잖아, 끼고 하라고‬That's for your wrist. Use it while you work.
‪나 간다‬Bye.
‪[영주의 탄성]‬
‪해이야, 강의 잘 들어!‬Hae-e, study hard today!
‪또 듣고 싶은 거 있으면 얘기하고‬Tell me if you want more courses.
‪엄마가 다 등록해 줄게!‬I'll enroll you in all of them!
‪[영주] 아휴, 참‬
‪엄마들 때문에 사교육이‬You used to complain about mothers and private education.
‪어쩌고 할 때는 언제고‬ ‪태세 전환이 너무 심한 거 아니야?‬You used to complain about mothers and private education. This is a sudden change in attitude.
‪내가 선수 때도‬ ‪공수 전환이 좀 빨랐지‬This is a sudden change in attitude. I was quick back when I was an athlete too.
‪어때?‬How is it? Doesn't this look nicer than a medal?
‪메달보다 좋아 보이지?‬How is it? Doesn't this look nicer than a medal?
‪너 이런 거 안 해 봤지?‬You've never had one before, have you?
‪- 못 해 봤지? 해 보고 싶지?‬ ‪- [영주] 치, 어머‬You've never had one before, have you? -You want one too, right? -Hey!
‪- [웃으며] 야!‬ ‪- [재우의 가쁜 숨소리]‬-You want one too, right? -Hey!
‪- [재우] 누나‬ ‪- [출입문 종소리]‬Haeng-seon.
‪누구지?‬Who is he?
‪뭐가 누구야?‬What do you mean?
‪머리 꼬리 자르지 말고‬ ‪알아듣게 얘길 해‬Don't cut out the details. Explain.
‪[재우] 어‬Okay.
‪아니, 누구지?‬Wait. Who is he?
‪버스 전광판‬The bus station ad.
‪분명히 어디서 봤는데‬He definitely looks familiar.
‪누구지? 아, 진짜, 누구지?‬Who is he?
‪아휴‬-Jeez. -What is he rambling on about?
‪[영주] 쟤는 또 아침부터 뭘 보고‬ ‪저렇게 횡설수설이래‬-Jeez. -What is he rambling on about?
‪[행선] 모르지, 또‬Who knows? He'll be mumbling all day now.
‪- 하루 종일 저러고 있게 생겼네‬ ‪- [스르륵 닫는 소리]‬Who knows? He'll be mumbling all day now.
‪[못마땅한 소리]‬Gosh.
‪[영주] 그 남자‬That guy…
‪어제 결국 안 왔지?‬didn't come yesterday, did he?
‪[행선] 어, 갖고 있기 찝찝해서‬ ‪빨리 돌려주고 싶은데‬No. I want to return it as soon as possible.
‪[치열] 하, 정신 안 차릴래?‬INTENSIVE COURSE SEASON 2 CHOI CHI-YEOL Where's your head at?
‪당장 오늘 스타트인데‬ ‪어쩔 거야, 이거?‬The course starts today. What are you going to do?
‪빼라고 한 문제는 들어가고‬ ‪넣으라는 건 안 들어가고‬You kept the ones I didn't want and removed the ones I wanted.
‪이거 누구 마음대로‬ ‪에디팅한 거야?‬Who edited this?
‪최종적으로 주신 코멘트가‬ ‪반영이 안 된 거 같습니다‬Your final feedback wasn't reflected. I should've checked.
‪제가 체크했어야 됐는데…‬Your final feedback wasn't reflected. I should've checked.
‪인쇄 다시 해‬Reprint them.
‪지금 넘기면‬ ‪강의 시간 전까지 맞출 수 있지?‬You can get them done before the course, right?
‪[조교1] 아, 지금 개강 시즌이라‬ ‪인쇄소들 다 바쁠 텐데‬School just started, so the print shops are probably busy.
‪[조교2] 수정본 뽑아서‬ ‪붙이고 있는데요‬We're gluing on the revised parts.
‪이렇게 적당히…‬We're gluing on the revised parts. -I think-- -What?
‪[치열] 적당히 뭐?‬ ‪덕지덕지 다 오려 붙이게?‬-I think-- -What? Is this a scrapbook? This isn't a trivial mistake.
‪이건 오타, 오류 수준이 아니잖아‬Is this a scrapbook? This isn't a trivial mistake.
‪[동희] 인쇄 다시 하겠습니다‬We'll reprint them. I'll look into shops in Chungmuro too.
‪안 되면 제가‬ ‪충무로 쪽도 알아볼게요‬We'll reprint them. I'll look into shops in Chungmuro too.
‪인쇄 넘기기 전에‬ ‪다른 오류 없는지 확인해‬Check if there are any other issues before reprinting them.
‪[치열] 한 번 말고‬ ‪두 번, 세 번 확실하게!‬You better check it extra thoroughly.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[치열의 한숨]‬
‪[행선] 이른 장마가 오려나요‬ ‪바람이 촉촉하네요‬Maybe the rainy season is coming sooner this year. The wind feels humid.
‪오늘 가게 꼭 들러 주시면‬ ‪좋겠어요‬The wind feels humid. I hope you stop by today.
‪국가대표 반찬가게 사장, 남행선‬From Nam Haeng-seon, the owner of Nation's Best Banchan.
‪뭐야, 이건 또?‬What is this?
‪뭐 해?‬Get moving!
‪[조교들의 당황한 소리]‬Get moving! -Right. -Yes, sir. Let's go.
‪[선재] 이야‬ ‪드디어 학원 첫날이네?‬Gosh, it's your first day of academy.
‪기분이 어때?‬How do you feel?
‪[해이] 뭐, 그냥‬Fine.
‪실은 좀 설레, 기대도 되고‬Actually, I'm so excited.
‪- [해이의 웃음]‬ ‪- [선재] 아!‬Right. You know you have to introduce yourself and sing on the first day, right?
‪너 첫 수업 때 돌아가면서‬ ‪자기소개하고 노래하는 거 알지?‬You know you have to introduce yourself and sing on the first day, right?
‪[해이] 죽을래?‬Do you want to die?
‪- 너나 노래해, 너나, 너나‬ ‪- [선재] 아, 야, 야, 진짜야‬Do you want to die? -You can sing. You better sing. -I'm serious.
‪- 야, 진짜야, 아, 야, 야, 야‬ ‪- [해이] 노래 안 하기만 해‬-You can sing. You better sing. -I'm serious.
‪- [선재의 아파하는 소리]‬ ‪- [해이의 웃음]‬THE PRIDE ACADEMY
‪[시끌벅적한 소리]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[선재] 먼저 들어가, 나 통화 좀‬Go in first. Got a call.
‪[해이] 응‬Okay.
‪[선재] 네, 엄마‬Yes, Mom.
‪[해이] 방수아, 안녕‬Hi, Su-a.
‪거기 네 자리 맞니?‬Is that your seat?
‪[수아] 아닌 거 같은데‬I don't think so.
‪[해이] 아…‬
‪[선재] 아, 너 자리 안 맡았구나‬You didn't book a seat, did you?
‪첫 수업이니까 내 자리 앉아‬ ‪뒤에선 쌤 잘 안 보여‬Take mine for today. It's hard to see him from the back.
‪아니야, 됐어‬It's okay.
‪맞다, 자리 맡아야 되지, 깜빡했다‬I totally forgot I had to book one.
‪[해이] 그냥 뒤에 앉을게‬I'll just sit in the back.
‪[선재] 그냥 앉아라, 좀‬ ‪튕기지 말고‬Just sit here. Take my seat.
‪됐어, 나 앉은키 크거든?‬No, thanks. I'm not that short.
‪괜찮아, 진짜‬I'm really fine.
‪[선재가 피식 웃으며] 진짜‬Jeez.
‪[못마땅한 한숨]‬
‪- [치열] 자‬ ‪- [부드러운 음악]‬All right.
‪이 두 식을 곱한 게‬ ‪3이 된다 그랬으니까‬Three is the number you get from multiplying these two.
‪하나는 1이 될 테고 다른 하나는‬That means the two numbers are one and…
‪[학생] 0?‬Zero?
‪어, 그냥 그렇게 집에 가면 돼‬You can just go home.
‪[학생들의 웃음]‬
‪[치열] 다른 하나는‬The other one
‪3이어야겠지, 자‬should be three. All right.
‪그래프를 그려 보면‬Let's draw the graph. A cubic function…
‪삼차 함수는 이렇게 생겼을 거고‬Let's draw the graph. A cubic function… would look like this.
‪기울기가 직선이 1인‬ ‪직선이 접해야 한다 그랬으니까‬would look like this. The slope of one should intersect with a cubic curve.
‪식을 쓰면 어떻게 돼?‬Let's write the formula.
‪f(x)와 x를 뺐을 때‬It would be f(x) minus x equals
‪x, x제곱 플러스 px‬It would be f(x) minus x equals x times x-squared plus px
‪플러스 q-1‬x times x-squared plus px plus q minus one.
‪이렇게 정리되는 게 맞을 거야‬plus q minus one. We can derive this formula.
‪난 너희들한테 바라는 게‬ ‪딱 하나 있어‬I only expect one thing from you guys.
‪뭘까?‬Guess what it is.
‪수학 만점?‬Acing the math exam?
‪점수 향상?‬Grade improvement?
‪그건 그냥 내 강의‬ ‪열심히 따라오면 되는 거고‬That'll come naturally as you take my course.
‪난 너희들이‬I want you guys…
‪나만큼 치열했으면 좋겠어‬to be as passionate as I am.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬I truly want the best for you.
‪난 너희들이 잘됐으면 좋겠어‬ ‪진심으로‬I truly want the best for you.
‪그래서 밥도 못 먹고‬ ‪잠도 안 자고 연구해‬That's why I skip meals and sleep less to prep for my courses.
‪아주 치열하게‬I really devote myself.
‪지금도 단 하나라도‬ ‪더 알려 주고 싶어서 마음이 급해‬Even as I speak, I'm eager to teach you more.
‪아주 똥줄이 탄다고‬I'm always so impatient.
‪내 수업이 좀 빠르다는‬ ‪불만들이 있던데‬Some of you complain that I go too fast, but this is why.
‪그래서 그래‬Some of you complain that I go too fast, but this is why.
‪난 너희들이‬I hope
‪나만큼 이 시간이‬ ‪간절하고 치열했으면 좋겠어‬you're just as desperate and passionate about this moment as I am.
‪나 정도는‬I hope…
‪[탁탁탁 교탁 치는 소리]‬
‪똥줄이 타길 바란다‬you'll be that eager.
‪그래서 결론은‬In short,
‪딴짓하지 말라고, 가운데 줄 너!‬stop playing on your phone, you in the middle row!
‪[학생들의 탄성과 박수]‬
‪[해이] 엄마, 대박이야‬ ‪진짜 강의 텐션이 장난이 아니야‬Mom, it's insane. The atmosphere was so upbeat.
‪왜 별명이 최치열강인지 알겠어‬I totally get why he's known for his passion.
‪풀이도 귀에 쏙쏙 박히고‬ ‪재미도 있고‬I can easily understand him and it's fun.
‪막 이렇게 '거기 너!'‬Also, he shows off his kicks during class.
‪- 막 이렇게 발 차기도 하고‬ ‪- [행선의 웃음]‬Also, he shows off his kicks during class.
‪[행선] 선생님이‬ ‪수업을 재밌게 하네‬He knows how to make his class interesting.
‪[해이] 근데 내가 오늘‬ ‪제일 감동한 포인트는‬He knows how to make his class interesting. But I was the most moved
‪진정성‬by his sincerity.
‪사람이 은근 멋있더라‬ ‪카리스마도 있고‬He was surprisingly cool and charismatic.
‪'난 여러분이 나만큼‬ ‪간절하고 치열했으면 좋겠어'‬"I hope you're just as desperate and passionate as I am."
‪- 카…‬ ‪- [영주] 야, 얘 완전 빠졌네‬You're totally into him.
‪어? 잘생겼구나?‬He must be handsome.
‪[해이] 글쎄?‬ ‪너무 멀어서 얼굴은 잘 못 봤는데‬I'm not sure. I sat far away, so I couldn't see him well.
‪괜찮아, 전체적으로‬ ‪약간 훈남 스타일?‬But he wasn't ugly. I guess he was good-looking.
‪[행선] 왜 멀리서 앉았어?‬ ‪수업은 가까이서 들어야지‬Why did you sit in the back? You should've sat up close.
‪[놀라며] 어, 맞다! 그거 자리…‬Oh, no. I should've booked a seat, right?
‪자리 맡아야 되는 거지?‬Oh, no. I should've booked a seat, right?
‪아유, 내가 등록에만‬ ‪정신 팔려 가지고‬I was too focused on the enrollment and forgot. What an idiot.
‪어떻게 그걸 까먹니? 돌대가리‬I was too focused on the enrollment and forgot. What an idiot.
‪[해이] 됐어, 장사도 바쁜데‬ ‪뭐, 자리까지‬That's okay. You're too busy anyway.
‪[행선] 아유, 아니야, 아니야‬That's okay. You're too busy anyway. No.
‪이제 엄마가 앞으로‬ ‪진짜 신경 쓸게‬I'll be more attentive from now on.
‪이왕 듣는 거 앞에서 들어야지‬I'll be more attentive from now on. You should sit up close.
‪아유, 걱정하지 마, 해이야‬Gosh. Don't worry, Hae-e. I'm all over the place.
‪아휴, 정신머리, 진짜, 씨 [한숨]‬Don't worry, Hae-e. I'm all over the place.
‪[재우] 또 까먹었다, 또‬I forgot again.
‪[영주] 야, 너 또‬ ‪'누구지' 생각했지?‬Were you trying to remember him again? Give that to me.
‪내놔‬Were you trying to remember him again? Give that to me.
‪오늘 정산 나한테 넘겨, 너‬I'll do the calculations for today.
‪[해이] '누구지'가 뭔데, 이모?‬Remember who?
‪[영주] 아, 몰라‬ ‪밖에서 뭘 봤는데 기억이 안 난대‬Beats me. He saw a guy outside but can't remember him.
‪죙일 '누구지? 누구지?'‬Beats me. He saw a guy outside but can't remember him. He's been mumbling all day long.
‪노래를 부른다, 아주‬He's been mumbling all day long.
‪삼촌 또 꽂혔구나 [웃음]‬You're obsessed about this now.
‪[해이] 그럼 전‬ ‪이만 올라가 씻겠습니다, 충성‬I'm going to go home and wash up. Salute.
‪- [행선] 어, 먼저 올라가, 해이야‬ ‪- [해이] 응‬Salute. Okay. You go ahead. Okay.
‪- [출입문 종소리]‬ ‪- [영주] 쟤 기분 엄청 좋은가 봐‬She looks so ecstatic.
‪나 저렇게 수다 떠는 거 처음 봐‬She looks so ecstatic. I've never seen her so chatty!
‪- [탁 문 닫히는 소리]‬ ‪- 그러게‬
‪우리 딸도 애는 애네‬I guess she's also a kid after all.
‪[재우] 아, 누구지?‬ ‪왜 기억이 안 나지, 왜?‬Who is he? Why can't I remember?
‪너 그 '누구지' 한 번만 더 하면‬ ‪쫓아낼 줄 알아, 진짜‬Say that one more time, and I'll kick you out.
‪한 번만 더 해!‬You better stop that.
‪[재우] 누구지?‬-Who is he? -All right.
‪[행선] 정신 차려, 이 새끼야, 쯧‬Get it together, you punk.
‪[행선의 한숨]‬
‪[준상] 역시 우리 최치열강, 응?‬I knew I could count on you.
‪시즌2 첫 수업 반응이‬ ‪아주 그냥 기가 막혀요‬Your first course of Season 2 succeeded with flying colors.
‪아, 네‬I see.
‪[준상] 봐 봐‬ ‪벌써 이 댓글이 반응이, 어?‬Check out these comments.
‪이야, 야, 야, 야, 이거‬Gosh, look at these.
‪'역시 최치열, 실망시키지 않음'‬"Mr. Choi never disappoints."
‪'치열이 형만 믿고 갑니다'‬"I trust him." "I probably failed because I missed his course."
‪'최치열 안 들어서 재수한 듯'‬"I probably failed because I missed his course."
‪그런 듯‬"I probably failed because I missed his course." -Probably. -Excuse me,
‪[치열] 저기‬ ‪제가 급한 일이 좀 있어서‬-Probably. -Excuse me, but I have an urgent matter.
‪남은 건 지 실장 편에‬You can tell him the rest.
‪- [준상] 아니…‬ ‪- [동희] 샘, 샘‬-But-- -Mr. Choi.
‪[준상] 마저 읽을까?‬Should I continue?
‪[동희의 어색한 웃음]‬Sure.
‪에이씨‬Darn it.
‪- 들어가‬ ‪- [동희] 네‬-You may go. -Okay.
‪[동희의 한숨]‬
‪[출입문 종소리]‬
‪[치열] 아직 안 끝났죠?‬Are you still open?
‪아, 도시락 사러 급하게 왔는데‬I hurried over for a lunch box.
‪[영주] 지금 막‬ ‪정리하고 있는 중이기는 한데‬We were just wrapping up.
‪골라 보세요, 네‬But you can go ahead. Jae-woo, give him a container.
‪재우야, 거기 도시락‬Jae-woo, give him a container.
‪[스르륵 닫는 소리]‬
‪[재우] 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪[치열] 네, 감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪- [영주] 여기‬ ‪- [치열] 아‬Here.
‪[드르륵 카트 끄는 소리]‬
‪[영주가 작게] 내 말 맞지?‬Wasn't I right?
‪[행선의 멋쩍은 소리]‬Stop it.
‪[행선] 아, 저기요‬Excuse me.
‪[치열] 아, 예‬Yes?
‪[행선] 저, 잠깐 저랑 얘기 좀‬Can we talk for a minute?
‪[치열] 예, 말씀하세요‬I'm listening.
‪[행선의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪[행선] 아니‬You see,
‪아, 저, 마음은 진짜 고마운데‬I'm really grateful.
‪못 받겠어요‬-But I can't accept this. -I see.
‪[치열] 아…‬-But I can't accept this. -I see. I have a complicated personal life,
‪[행선] 제가 좀‬ ‪개인적으로 좀 복잡하고‬I have a complicated personal life,
‪그리고 아직은‬ ‪일에 집중하고 싶고…‬and I want to focus on work for now.
‪[치열] 예?‬Sorry?
‪[행선] 아니, 그러니까‬I mean it'd be best for us to remain as shop owner and customer.
‪그냥 좋은 사장과 고객 관계로‬ ‪남았으면 좋겠다, 뭐, 그런…‬I mean it'd be best for us to remain as shop owner and customer.
‪[치열] 어, 뭐야?‬-Who are you? -Gosh. Jae-woo, you shouldn't do that.
‪아이고, 재우야, 그러면 안 돼‬-Who are you? -Gosh. Jae-woo, you shouldn't do that.
‪[행선] 그러면 실례야‬That's rude.
‪[작게] 죄송해요‬Okay? I'm sorry.
‪재우야‬-Jae-woo. -Tiger.
‪[재우] 호랑이‬-Jae-woo. -Tiger.
‪[행선] 응?‬What?
‪[재우] 누나‬Haeng-seon.
‪맞아요‬It's him.
‪누나, 그…‬Haeng-seon, he's…
‪버스 정류장‬ ‪이 사람이야, 호랑이!‬The bus stop. He's the tiger!
‪[치열의 당황한 소리]‬
‪아, 아니, 사람한테 호랑이라니‬How could you call me a tiger?
‪[당황한 웃음]‬How could you call me a tiger?
‪[치열] 아유, 기분이 나빠서‬ ‪갑자기 입맛이 떨어지네‬I'm so offended that I lost my appetite.
‪오늘은 그냥 가야겠다‬I'm leaving. Wait.
‪- [행선] 아이‬ ‪- [치열] 아…‬Wait.
‪[치열의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[재우] 맞네, 누나, 맞잖아‬I'm right, Haeng-seon. I told you.
‪와, 그러네, 우리 완전 구면이죠?‬You're right. We've definitely met before, right?
‪[행선] 왜, 막 추격전도 하고‬ ‪폰도 던지시고‬I was chasing you, and you threw his phone.
‪와, 어쩐지‬I found it odd that you were always wearing a hat and sunglasses.
‪밤이나 낮이나‬ ‪모자에 선글라스 끼고 오나 했더니‬I found it odd that you were always wearing a hat and sunglasses.
‪다 이유가 있었네요, 그렇죠?‬I found it odd that you were always wearing a hat and sunglasses. There was a reason for all that.
‪변장을 한 거예요, 맞죠?‬Were you disguising yourself?
‪[치열] 아, 그땐‬ ‪사소한 오해가 좀 있어 가지고‬Look, I slightly misread the situation that day.
‪저도 내내 마음에 걸렸습니다‬Look, I slightly misread the situation that day. It's been weighing on my mind. That's why I got you a new phone.
‪그래서 이렇게‬ ‪새 휴대폰도 사다 드린 거고‬It's been weighing on my mind. That's why I got you a new phone.
‪[행선] 하, 아니‬It's been weighing on my mind. That's why I got you a new phone. Does that solve everything?
‪새로운 휴대폰만‬ ‪사 주면 다예요? 어?‬Does that solve everything? You owe me an apology!
‪사람이 실수를 했으면‬ ‪사과가 먼저지!‬You owe me an apology!
‪아, 일단 진정부터 좀 하시고요‬Please calm down.
‪네, 사과드릴게요, 미안합니다‬I'll apologize. I'm sorry.
‪[치열] 그, 어쨌든 이건‬Anyway, this is a token of my apology.
‪내 실수에 대한 보상의 의미로‬ ‪드리는 거니까‬Anyway, this is a token of my apology.
‪- [탁 놓는 소리]‬ ‪- 받으세요, 됐죠, 그럼?‬Anyway, this is a token of my apology. Please take it. Are we done here?
‪- 잠깐만, 잠깐, 잠깐, 잠깐‬ ‪- [치열] 아, 아‬Please take it. Are we done here? Wait. You can't go yet.
‪[행선] 아니‬ ‪이렇게 신상 폰 들이밀면‬Do you expect me to be grateful for that new phone or something?
‪내가 고마워해야 되는 거예요?‬Do you expect me to be grateful for that new phone or something?
‪아니, 왜 폰으로 해결하려 그래?‬ ‪나도 폰 살 돈은 있어요!‬Why are you solving things with money? I have money too!
‪없다면서요‬ ‪수리비도 비싸서 고치지도 못하고‬You said you didn't and getting it fixed was too expensive.
‪아니, 그, 그건…‬Wait. Hold on.
‪들었어도 못 들은 척해야지‬ ‪이 사람…‬You should've pretended you didn't hear that.
‪[행선] 아니, 그래요‬ ‪나 수리비 없어서 못 고쳤어요‬Okay, fine. I don't have enough money.
‪그러는 그쪽은‬ ‪그렇게 돈이 많아요?‬And you? Are you that rich?
‪뭐 하는 사람인데?‬ ‪얼마나 있는데, 돈이!‬What do you do? How well-off are you?
‪[치열] 그걸 내가 왜 까요?‬ ‪언제 봤다고!‬Why would I tell a stranger how much I make?
‪아, 어쨌든 난 보상했고‬ ‪이만 가 보겠습니다‬Anyway, that's your compensation. I'm leaving now.
‪번창들 하세요!‬I wish you all the best!
‪[행선] 아, 잠깐‬ ‪이거 가지고 가세요‬Wait. Take this with you.
‪- [치열의 부정하는 소리]‬ ‪- 아니, 아니, 나 못 받아요‬Wait. Take this with you. -I can't accept this. I won't. -Just take it!
‪- 아니, 안 받아요‬ ‪- [치열] 그냥 가지시라고요!‬-I can't accept this. I won't. -Just take it!
‪[행선] 아니, 안 받는다고, 아저씨‬ ‪가져가라고!‬-I don't want to. Take it! -Just accept it!
‪[치열] 그냥 가지시라고‬ ‪이걸 왜…‬-I don't want to. Take it! -Just accept it!
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪- [행선] 뭐야, 어? 어, 재우야‬ ‪- [저마다 놀란다]‬What was that? Jae-woo! Get down!
‪엎드려!‬Jae-woo! Get down!
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[사람들의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪- [행선의 놀란 소리]‬ ‪- [영주가 작게] 뭐야, 뭐야?‬What was that?
‪[재우의 겁먹은 신음]‬
‪[행선의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[행선] 이건 살인 미수나‬ ‪다름없다니까요‬It was pretty much attempted murder.
‪[치열] 어쩌면‬ ‪제가 타깃이었을 수도 있습니다‬I could've been the target.
‪- [동희] 선생님‬ ‪- [치열] 지 실장‬-Mr. Choi. -Mr. Ji.
‪[행선] 그 호랑이랑만 엮이면‬ ‪아무튼 뭐가 깨져‬Things shatter whenever I'm around that tiger.
‪[치열] 아, 저기요, 이 동네엔‬ ‪CCTV가 왜 이렇게 없어요?‬Hey, why aren't there many CCTV cameras around here?
‪- [행선의 비명]‬ ‪- 아, 저 아줌마 왜 이렇게 웃기냐‬Why is she so hilarious?
‪- 사장이 좀 틱틱거려도‬ ‪- [행선의 못마땅한 소리]‬The owner is a bit cold, but I can stomach her food.
‪잘 먹히니까‬ ‪반찬 고르는 재미도 있고‬The owner is a bit cold, but I can stomach her food. It's also fun to pick the side dishes.
‪[영주] 걔가 확 돌면 완전 돌아이‬ ‪미친개 되지‬When she goes crazy, she becomes downright insane.
‪- [여자] 최치열이다, 최치열‬ ‪- [행선] 어디?‬-There's Choi Chi-yeol! -Where?
‪절 선택하면 된다는 얘기죠‬You just need to choose me.
‪- [학부모들의 탄성]‬ ‪- [행선이 소리친다]‬Forget the lousy mom from the past.
‪[행선] 예전의‬ ‪그 몹쓸 에미는 잊어‬Forget the lousy mom from the past.
‪대한민국 사교육의 열혈 맘으로‬ ‪한번 거듭나 보려니까‬I'm going to become a mom who's passionate about education.

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