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  성+인물: 대만 편 4

Risqué Business: Taiwan 4


- [리드미컬한 음악] - [중국어로]This is the actual length of the penis.
[새가 지저귄다]
[동엽이 한국어로] 오늘은 이제 성 특강 들으러 가는 날이라고I heard we'll be getting a special lecture on sex today.
근데 새소리, 물소리가 이렇게 정말 끝내주니까With the beautiful sounds of water splashing and birds chirping,
이런 데서 뭔가 강의를 들으면 머릿속에 쏙쏙 들어올 거 같아I feel like I can absorb the whole lecture like a sponge.
[시경] 여기가 이 앞에 있는 산 이름이I heard that the mountain that's standing before us is called
- '양밍샨', '양명산'이래 - [부드러운 음악]I heard that the mountain that's standing before us is called Yangmingshan Mountain.
'음양' 할 때 '양'에 '밝을 명' 자에"Yang" as in "yin and yang" and "ming" as in "bright." It's full of yang energy.
- 양기가 많은… - [동엽이 웃으며] 아!It's full of yang energy. YANGMINGSHAN MOUNTAIN
[동엽] 오늘 우리 초대한 그 선생님은The lecturer that invited us today
우리나라로 치면 예전의 구성애 선생님would be the equivalent of Ms. Koo Sung-ae.
대만에서 성교육을 전문적으로 하는 분이라고 하는데She's a sex education specialist here.
'대만에서 가장 아름다운 성교육 선생님'People call her the most beautiful sex educator in Taiwan.
이런 별명이 있대People call her the most beautiful sex educator in Taiwan.
- [흥미로운 음악] - [시경] 어, 그러니까So I've heard.
어? 저기 계시는 거 같은데?-That must be her. -She's over there.
- [동엽] 어, 저분인 거 같다 - [시경] 어-I think that's her. -Yes.
- 안녕하세요 - [동엽] 아유, 안녕하세요-Hello. -Hello. -Hello. -Hello.
[중국어로]-Hello. -Hello.
[한국어로] 오늘 저희 초대해 주신 박사님 맞으시죠?You are the doctor who invited us today, right?
- [중국어로] - [동엽이 호응한다]Hello, I'm Dr. Gracie Hsu.
[동엽이 한국어로] 아니 근데 여기 공기도 좋고The air is so fresh here and the view is absolutely beautiful.
경치도 좋고 그래서The air is so fresh here and the view is absolutely beautiful.
성교육을 받으면I feel like we're ready to get into this sex education lecture.
아주 그냥 머릿속에 쏙쏙 들어올 거 같아요I feel like we're ready to get into this sex education lecture.
박사님이라고 말씀을 하셨는데You said you were a doctor.
구체적으로 어떤 박사님인지 소개해 주세요Could you explain what you studied?
[중국어로]I got my PhD in nursing from Taipei Medical University,
[탄성]I got my PhD in nursing from Taipei Medical University,
[익살스러운 음악]
[동엽이 한국어로] 아니요, 아니요 '요실금' 하니까 저도 모르게It's just that when you said "urinary incontinence,"
이 녀석이 걱정이 돼서I was worried about my little guy.
[중국어로]My lectures are based on my knowledge of medicine.
[시경, 동엽이 호응한다]
[동엽이 한국어로] 박사님도 어렸을 때부터Were you interested in sex from a young age?
성에 대한 호기심이 많았나요?Were you interested in sex from a young age?
[중국어로]When I was young, my mom emphasized one thing.
[강조되는 효과음]When I was young, my mom emphasized one thing. "Your first time must be with your husband."
[동엽이 한국어로] 그랬던 분이 어떻게 이렇게How come you ended up becoming a sex educator?
성교육 강의를 하고…How come you ended up becoming a sex educator?
[중국어로]I talked to a lot of men over the course of my research,
[리드미컬한 음악]I realized that sex education is often insufficient in Asia, so I decided to teach it myself.
[중국어로 설명한다]TV SHOWS
[한국어로] 네Okay.
[시경] 여기는 박사님 여기는 명예 교수She's a doctor, and you're an honorary professor.
[동엽의 웃음]She's a doctor, and you're an honorary professor.
[중국어로]My specialty is theory, and yours is practice.
- [익살스러운 효과음] - [놀란 탄성]Let's begin Dr. Gracie's special lecture on sex.
[딸랑거리는 소리]Let's begin Dr. Gracie's special lecture on sex.
[매혹적인 음악]
[한국어로] 강의 본격적으로 한번 시작해 볼까요?Shall we get started?
[중국어로]Welcome to Dr. Gracie's special lecture on sex.
[동엽이 한국어로] 오늘 이렇게 저희와 함께하고 있는 분들도…We are joined by special guests today.
여기도 자기소개를 해 주셔야 될 거 같아요Please introduce yourselves.
- [흥미로운 음악] - [중국어로]I'm Mr. Jun, a college student who just turned 18.
[시경, 동엽의 탄성]We have a doctor,
[동엽이 한국어로] 여기 뭐We have a doctor,
박사님도 계시고 또We have a doctor, an honorary professor,
명예 교수도 있고 또 조교까지 있으니깐an honorary professor, and a teaching assistant as well.
물어보시기 바랍니다Feel free to ask us anything.
[시경] 엄마한테 얘기했어요? 여기 나온다고Did you tell your mother that you were coming here?
- [중국어로] - [사람들의 웃음]No.
[사람들의 탄성]
- [사브리나] - [리드미컬한 음악]Hello, my name is Sabrina. And I turned 30 this year.
[사브리나가 중국어로 소개한다]SABRINA (30) RUNS A MUAY THAI GYM
- [한국어로] 무에타이 체육관 - [동엽의 탄성]A Muay Thai gym?
- '무에타이' - [동엽의 탄성]Muay Thai, yeah.
[중국어로]I've been Dr. Gracie's fan for a long time,
- [호응한다] - [시경이 한국어로] 좋습니다-I see. -Great.
[중국어로 자신을 소개한다]AMY (30) MAKEUP ARTIST
- [경쾌한 음악] - [중국어로]I've been with my boyfriend for three years, and I felt like it was time to spice things up.
[동엽이 한국어로] 자 그럼 우리 박사님 성 특강-All right, why don't we get started? -Okay.
- 한번 제대로 들어 볼까요? - [쉬란팡이 호응한다]-All right, why don't we get started? -Okay.
[중국어로]What do you think "sex" is?
- [한국어로] 아, 처음부터… - [사람들의 웃음]That's your…
- 이렇게 시작한다고요? - [익살스러운 음악]first question?
[시경] 자, 정답을 듣기 전에 그러면 학생들의 이야기부터Before we hear the answer, let's hear from our students first.
[중국어로]I think it's a kind of impulse.
- [흥미로운 효과음] - [사람들의 웃음]
[동엽, 시경의 탄성]
[시경이 한국어로] 되게 무에타이적인 대답을That's very Muay Thai.
[사람들의 웃음]
[중국어로]A release of your desires?
- [탄성] - [사람들의 웃음]
[한국어로] 그래, 열여덟 살이면…Well, he's 18 after all.
[시경] 뭔가요? 교수님What is sex, Professor?
[시경이 중국어로 묻는다]
[동엽] 사랑하는 사람과It's the most entertaining activity you can engage in with your lover.
가장 재밌게 할 수 있는 유희?It's the most entertaining activity you can engage in with your lover.
[사람들이 호응한다]
[시경] 저는 전적으로 교수님 말에 동감합니다I absolutely agree with Professor Shin.
[사람들의 웃음]
[중국어로]What do you do when you feel sleepy?
[시경이 한국어로] 자야죠-You sleep. -You sleep.
[사람들이 중국어로]-You sleep. -You sleep.
[쉬란팡]What about when you want to have sex?
- [의미심장한 효과음] - [사람들의 웃음]
[익살스러운 음악]
[동엽이 한국어로] 아이 지금 배가 고파서I just got hungry.
배가 고파I just got hungry.
[중국어로]Professor Shin was spot on.
[사람들의 탄성]It is one of the three basic human desires.
[시경이 한국어로] 한 번의 교육이나No single lecture or conversation
한 번의 이야기가No single lecture or conversation could change the way we think about sex,
우리의 생각을 다 바꾸진 않겠지만could change the way we think about sex,
자꾸 이렇게 이야기를 할 수 있게 되는 걸로but I think it's meaningful to simply talk about it.
많은 변화가 있다고 생각하고but I think it's meaningful to simply talk about it.
[시경이 한국어로] 참여한 분들의 질문부터 한번 들어 보죠-Let's hear from our guests now. -Yes.
저희는, 교수님과 조교는 같이 이렇게 듣도록 하겠습니다The professor and I will listen carefully.
- [흥미로운 음악] - [중국어로]I met a guy when I was 20.
[시경이 한국어로] 한 어느 정도…How small was it?
[중국어로]May I ask how small his penis was?
[강조되는 효과음]And it was just a little thicker than a straw.
- [시경이 한국어로] 빨대요? - [놀란 탄성]-A straw? -What?
- 빨대요? - [동엽의 놀란 탄성]-A straw? -What?
- 근데 빨대도 여러 가지가 있는데 - [흥미로운 음악]But there are many types of straws.
아이스아메리카노 빨대랑 버블티There are coffee straws and boba straws.
[중국어로]Was it like a Frappuccino straw?
[쉬란팡]Was it about this big? I was actually just thinking that it looked similar.
[매혹적인 효과음]I was actually just thinking that it looked similar.
- [시경이 한국어로] 근데 진짜… - [동엽이 콜록거린다]But… Goodness.
- [사람들의 웃음] - [익살스러운 음악]Goodness.
우리 크기 얘기는 그만합시다Let's stop talking about size.
[사람들의 웃음]
근데 진짜 잘생기고 멋있고?But he was handsome and attractive, right?
[중국어로]His face was perfect.
[한국어로] 몸도 좋고?-What about his body? -It wasn't great.
[중국어로]-What about his body? -It wasn't great.
[한국어로] 아이고 그래서 어떡했어요?So what did you do?
[중국어로]I just ghosted him.
[시경이 한국어로] 부디 우리 셋은 관계가 없길 바라면서I'm hoping the three men here don't have this problem,
- 이 이야기와 - [웃음]I'm hoping the three men here don't have this problem, but do you have any advice for men who do?
이럴 때 그런 남자는 어떡해야 되는지 얘기를 해 주시죠but do you have any advice for men who do?
시청하는 사람도 있을 테니까Some of our viewers might need it.
[중국어로]Let me ask you a question.
[강조되는 효과음]Short and hard, or long and soft?
[쉬란팡]Which is better?
- [익살스러운 효과음] - [사람들이 호응한다]
[익살스러운 음악]
- [동엽이 한국어로] 어… - [쉬란팡이 중국어로 말한다]
- [시경] 꼭, 꼭 그래야 하나요? - [사람들의 웃음]Do we have to choose one?
[중국어로]-This is how it actually is. -Can't it be long and hard?
[시경이 한국어로] 쟤가 딱딱할 순 없나요?-This is how it actually is. -Can't it be long and hard?
[중국어로]Which do you think is better?
[한국어로] 아, 저는I think hardness is of the utmost importance.
무조건 딱딱해야 된다고 생각을 하죠, 예I think hardness is of the utmost importance.
- [딩동 하는 효과음] - [중국어로]It always has to be hard.
[한국어로] 딱딱은 했나요?Was it at least hard?
- [중국어로] - [흥미로운 음악]I don't even remember. I didn't feel it at all. Did it go in at all?
[사람들의 웃음]It was over before I felt it coming in.
[한국어로] 아이고, 아이고Oh, no.
[동엽] 길이보단 강직도가 더 중요하다고 말씀하셨는데You said hardness is more important than length.
저 칭찬해 주셔서 감사하다는 말씀을 드리고I'd like to thank you for the compliment.
[사람들의 웃음]
[중국어로]I've been with a guy of a similar size, but he had great technique.
[익살스러운 효과음]I had several orgasms as well.
- [쉬란팡] - [강조되는 효과음]A penis this big may cause vaginal tears.
[흥미로운 음악]The vaginal canal is only seven to nine centimeters long.
[사람들이 호응한다]
[탄성]So as long as there is penetration, women can feel pleasure.
[탄성]You first need to learn how to pleasure yourself
[탄성]You first need to learn how to pleasure yourself
[탄성]There are clitoral orgasms and vaginal orgasms,
[중국어로 호응한다]and clitoral orgasms are much easier to achieve. According to a worldwide study,
[동엽, 시경이 호응한다]That's why women should explore their own bodies
[호응한다]Penetration can be easier once the woman is aroused from being touched.
[시경이 한국어로] 그래, 그러니까 혼자 할 수 있는 게 아니라니깐요Exactly, it's not just the man's job.
사실은 여자 쪽에서도 가르쳐 줘야 되는…We need help from the women.
- 이게 무슨… - [중국어로]-It's not like… -That's right.
[한국어로] '이 마법의 성을 한번 너가 열어 봐'Women shouldn't just say, "Try and find this castle of pleasure."
'나는 다 열 수 있어'가 아니라"The doors are wide open."
'왼쪽으로 갔다가 오른쪽으로 두 번 가고'They should say, "Take a left and then two rights."
'직진하면 들어올 수 있어'라고-"And it'll be right ahead of you." -Exactly.
- [시경] 얘길 해 줘야지 - [중국어로]-"And it'll be right ahead of you." -Exactly. It's a team effort.
[사람들이 호응한다]Often in Asian cultures, it's considered disgraceful for women
[사람들이 호응한다]
[시경이 한국어로] '속궁합'이라는 말이 있는데, 한국에는Koreans often talk about sexual compatibility.
그런 게 실제로 있는 걸까요? 아니면…Does it actually exist? Scientifically, it does exist.
- [중국어로] - [사람들의 탄성]Scientifically, it does exist. There may be one person who's the most compatible with you in this world.
[사람들이 호응한다]But it'd be almost impossible to meet them.
[한국어로] 만나면 좋겠다, 그죠?It'd be nice if we could.
[중국어로]It's important to adjust yourself for your significant other. In terms of sex as well.
[동엽이 한국어로] 한국의 선배 코미디언이One of the senior comedians in Korea said,
예전에 그런 얘길 했어요One of the senior comedians in Korea said,
누가 잘 맞고 안 맞고 모르니깐since it's hard to know who we are compatible with,
- 성기의 모양이 다 - [시경의 웃음]he wished everyone had distinct genital shapes.
- 한 명은 별표, 한 명은 세모 - [흥미로운 음악]Star-shaped, triangular,
한 명은 네모, 시간 낭비 안 하고-rectangular… -Just like the blood types.
혈액형처럼-rectangular… -Just like the blood types.
[동엽] '안녕하세요 저는 세모입니다' 그러면"Hello, I'm a triangle."
'어, 저 세모예요' 해서"I'm a triangle as well!"
[사람들의 웃음]
그러면 얼마나 편할까How convenient would that be? Triangles can be with triangles.
세모는 세모끼리 만나고Triangles can be with triangles.
[중국어로]You can try different positions to change the shape of your genitals.
[한국어로] 세모가 별이 되기도 하는구나So a triangle can be a star.
[중국어로]If your penis is curved upward,
[한국어로] 약간 중국 무술 설명하시듯이 되게…It looked as if you were explaining martial arts moves.
- [흥미로운 음악] - [동엽의 기합]
[중국어로]People ask me which position is the best.
[한국어로] 형, 난 이쪽에서도 카메라가 하나 있었으면 좋겠는데I wish there was another camera back here.
이렇게 지금 보면The view from here, along with the sound of water flowing…
- 물소리가 쫙 나면서 - [평화로운 음악]The view from here, along with the sound of water flowing…
[시경] 닭백숙에다가 막 이렇게 그런 데 같잖아It looks as if we're in a restaurant with a nice view.
[새가 지저귀는 소리]
근데 이렇게Except, instead of food, she's holding model genitals in her hands.
- 계속 닭 다리 대신 저걸 들고 - [음악이 뚝 끊긴다]Except, instead of food, she's holding model genitals in her hands.
- 계속 이렇게 한다는 게, 지금 - [사람들의 웃음]Except, instead of food, she's holding model genitals in her hands. It's kind of like we're out camping as well.
캠핑 온 거 같기도 하고 뭔가…It's kind of like we're out camping as well.
[중국어로]These are all parts of our bodies.
[시경이 한국어로] 예, 예 알겠습니다-It's natural. -Right. -Understood. -Could you explain to the viewers
[동엽] 우리 프로그램을 보는 사람들을 위해서-Understood. -Could you explain to the viewers
우리 남자들이how to achieve harder erections?
강직도를 강화할 수 있는 방법이 혹시 있으면…how to achieve harder erections?
[중국어로]Erection hardness is closely related to your blood vessels.
[시경이 한국어로] 술은 마시죠 진짜…He does drink. -A lot. -I do.
[동엽] 음, 술-A lot. -I do. When you're drunk, your penis gets drunk as well.
- [중국어로] - [조르르 따르는 효과음]When you're drunk, your penis gets drunk as well.
[한국어로] 아 그래서 약간 이렇게That's why it goes…
[사람들의 웃음]
[중국어로]Alcohol may keep you from getting an erection or ejaculating.
[사람들이 호응한다]It can depress the central nervous system and cause you to lose your erection.
[동엽이 호응한다]The nicotine from cigarettes damages the elasticity of your blood vessels.
[사람들의 탄성]
- [한국어로] 그때 끊은 거구나? - [사람들의 웃음]So that's when you quit.
[익살스러운 음악]
너무 놀라서I was so shocked!
[중국어로]Everyone's genitals look different,
- [한국어로] 얘기하면서 - [쉬란팡이 호응한다]And talk to each other.
[동엽] 스무 살 때라You must have been surprised because you were 20 back then.
그러니까 조금 놀랐던 모양이에요You must have been surprised because you were 20 back then.
[중국어로]I guess we were just a bad fit.
'청총합'-Sexual compatibility. -Sexual compatibility.
[사람들이 한국어로] '속궁합'-Sexual compatibility. -Sexual compatibility.
아이, 그 많은 한국말 중에So that's the first Korean word you want to learn?
처음 배워 보고 싶은 말이 '속궁합'이에요?So that's the first Korean word you want to learn?
[사람들의 웃음]
- [밝은 음악] - [중국어로]Finding someone who loves and understands you is more important
[사람들의 웃음]than the size of their genitals.
[동엽이 한국어로] 다음 고민Next question.
- [중국어로] - [흥미로운 음악]I only just came of age,
- [미스터 준의 웃음] - [사람들이 호응한다]
- [흥미로운 음악] - [사람들의 웃음]That'd be too awkward.
[한국어로] 미스터 준은 손 하나 까딱 안 하고?So you'd just be lying still?
[사람들의 웃음]
[중국어로]Have you kissed a girl yet?
[한국어로] 어떻게 하는 거예요? 어떻게 하는 거예요?So how do you kiss?
[사람들의 웃음]So how do you kiss?
[시경] 좀 더 본격적인 곳으로 가기 전에Before we move forward,
공부가 미천한 조교가 이걸 해결해 준다면let me answer his question as a teaching assistant.
나는 첫 키스는 재채기 같은…I think that your first kiss is like a sneeze.
재채기는 참을 수가 없잖아요You can't hold in a sneeze, right?
- [사람들의 탄성] - [부드러운 음악]You can't hold in a sneeze, right?
이만큼 차 있어 가지고So when it happens,
좋아 죽겠어서 어떻게 해야 될지 모르겠어you've just held back for so long that you can't help it anymore.
울컥하고 나와 버리는…you've just held back for so long that you can't help it anymore.
- [중국어로] - [시경이 한국어로] 그런 고백It's uncontrollable. I think that's how a first kiss should be.
그런 첫 키스여야 된다고 난 생각해요I think that's how a first kiss should be.
이렇게 냉정하게 '오케이, 이제 왔어'You can't plan it like, "Okay, she's here. She's out of the shower."
다 샤워했고 쫙 마사지해 준 다음에"Okay, she's here. She's out of the shower." And then you give her a massage and go, "Okay, here we go."
'자, 이제 간다'And then you give her a massage and go, "Okay, here we go."
- [사람들의 웃음] - 이거는…That's not it.
첫 키스 하는 남자는 그렇게 할 수가 없어요You can't do that when you're about to have your first kiss.
심장이 막 요기서 뛰니까You can't do that when you're about to have your first kiss. You can hear your own heartbeat.
- [호응한다] - 어쩔 수 없어요, 처음엔 그냥It's just the way it is. But everyone's different.
사람마다 다르니까 진심이 제일 중요한 거 같아요But everyone's different. What matters is your sincerity.
진짜 하고 싶어야 돼You have to be dying to do it.
- [동엽] 저기, 손, 손, 손 - [사람들의 웃음]Please watch your hands.
[익살스러운 효과음]
그래서 첫 키스는 그렇게 뜨겁게 뜨겁게 한 다음에-Let's say you've had your first kiss. -Right. It was passionate. -It's what comes after that's confusing. -It's uncharted territory.
그다음에 사실 굉장히 혼란스러워요-It's what comes after that's confusing. -It's uncharted territory.
그건 꼭 박사님한테 교육을 받고-That's where Dr. Gracie comes in. -Right.
[중국어로]-That's where Dr. Gracie comes in. -Right.
[사람들이 호응한다]shine a flashlight down there. That's why I'm about to teach you about the female genitals.
[익살스러운 효과음]When the legs are spread out…
[동엽이 한국어로] 저, 저기…When the legs are spread out…
우리 둘은 잘 알고 있으니까 미스터 준에게 좀We already know this. -Could you show it to him? -Please turn it that way.
- 보여 주세요 - [사람들의 웃음]-Could you show it to him? -Please turn it that way.
[중국어로]It's really quite small.
[사람들의 웃음]But you can't stare straight into it when you're in that situation.
[사람들의 웃음]I don't think so.
- [시경, 쉬란팡] - [사람들의 웃음]-"Is this okay?" -"Is this okay?" If your partner says it's okay,
'괜찮아'you continue to go deeper.
[사람들이 호응한다]Let's say I ask my partner and she says it hurts.
[동엽이 한국어로] 그러면 '괜찮아? 괜찮아?' 하는데 만약에Let's say I ask my partner and she says it hurts.
'아, 아니야, 아파' 그러면 그때 멈춰야 돼요?Let's say I ask my partner and she says it hurts. Do I stay still or should I pull it right out?
'미안해!' 하면서 빡 빼면…Do I stay still or should I pull it right out?
[사람들의 웃음]
[중국어로]-You shouldn't. -She says you shouldn't.
[한국어로] 아, 안 돼요? 안 돼요-You shouldn't. -She says you shouldn't.
[미스터 준의 탄성]
[동엽] 가만히 있어야 돼요?You should stay still.
[중국어로]It's okay to stay still for a moment.
[한국어로] 어, 멈춰요 멈춰, '스톱'You should just stop.
[사람들이 호응한다]
[중국어로]So how can I make it less painful for the girl?
[흥미로운 음악]Here are the labia majora and the labia minora. This is the clitoris.
[호응한다]You often see men doing this in AVs, right?
[강조되는 효과음]Don't do this. Would it feel good if someone tapped your penis like this?
[부정하는 소리]
- [동엽의 괴로운 소리] - [사람들의 웃음]What if someone pinched it?
[흥미로운 음악]you shouldn't keep rubbing the clitoris.
[탄성]Do you know how to use a condom?
[한국어로] 콘돔 쓰는 방법도 알고 있어요?Do you know how to use a condom?
[중국어로]I've never put one on before.
[사람들이 호응한다]
[시경이 한국어로] 보통 학생 때 여자 친구가 있거나 하지 않아도Don't most boys try it on out of curiosity even if they don't have girlfriends?
자기가 궁금해서 한번 껴 보지 않나?even if they don't have girlfriends?
[동엽이 호응한다]even if they don't have girlfriends?
[중국어로]I haven't.
[동엽이 한국어로] 근데 이게 되게 중요한 게This is very important.
한국에서 청소년들 대상으로I used to do a show in Korea where we gave sex advice to teenagers.
성 고민 상담하는 프로그램을 했었는데where we gave sex advice to teenagers.
고등학교 1학년인데One tenth-grader said
콘돔을 사는 게 민망해서that they were too embarrassed to buy condoms.
자기들끼리 랩을 가지고So they used plastic wrap instead.
- 랩을 가지고… - [사람들의 놀란 소리]-Plastic wrap. -The kind you'd find in a kitchen.
- [시경] 주방용품 - [동엽] 그런데-Plastic wrap. -The kind you'd find in a kitchen. They found out that it had come off during sex,
그게 나중에 보니까 빠져 있어서They found out that it had come off during sex,
'혹시 임신했으면 어떡하죠?' 걱정을 하더라고so they were worried about pregnancy.
그래서 이 콘돔 쓰는 방법을 정확히 알고So you need to realize the importance of condoms
콘돔이 얼마나 중요한지를 이제 알아야 돼요and learn how to use them properly.
[중국어로]Condoms are very important for many reasons.
[동엽이 한국어로] 그만큼You need to make it a habit from a young age.
어릴 때부터 그걸 습관화시켜야 된다You need to make it a habit from a young age. There are two things to check when purchasing condoms.
[중국어로]There are two things to check when purchasing condoms.
- [한국어로] 유통 기한 - [사람들이 호응한다]-Expiration date. -Yes.
[중국어로]Condoms can go bad after a few years.
[사람들의 웃음]
[사람들의 웃음]And very rarely, it can be this big.
[동엽이 한국어로] 준의 자존심을 위해서Let's use this one instead to protect Mr. Jun's pride.
- 이렇게 좀 바꿔 볼까요? - [흥미로운 효과음]Let's use this one instead to protect Mr. Jun's pride.
- [쉬란팡이 중국어로 호응한다] - [사람들의 웃음]
[중국어로]There are a few things to keep in mind when putting on a condom.
[사람들이 호응한다]So first, you should push the condom down. Then you open the wrapper, making sure the condom is out of the way.
[동엽이 한국어로] 그냥 씌우면 여기 공기가 들어가서 요렇게 되면If you're careless and let air get inside, it might pop like a balloon.
- 빵 터져요, 풍선처럼 터져요 - [사람들의 탄성]it might pop like a balloon. -That would make it pointless. -Right.
그러면 콘돔을 낄 이유가 아무것도 없죠-That would make it pointless. -Right.
[시경] 역시He knows.
[중국어로]Professor Shin.
[한국어로] 본인 이름이 걸려 있는 콘돔이 있어요, 한국에In Korea, we have condoms that have his name on them.
[중국어로]I heard he's a brand ambassador.
[시경이 한국어로] 얼굴이 그려져 있어요, 콘돔에They have his face on them.
아, 콘돔 안에 얼굴이 그려져 있는 건 아니에요It's not on the actual condoms.
- [사람들의 웃음] - [익살스러운 음악]
[동엽] 얘기를 들어 보니깐 굉장히 좀 많은 것들을Do you see how much preparation
준비하고 생각해야 된다는 거 아시겠죠?and thoughts go into having sex now?
[중국어로 호응한다]
여자도 그렇고 남자도 그렇고 처음 섹스를 할 때For both men and women, your first sex can be painful
- 잘 몰라서 서로 아프게 하고 - [부드러운 음악]because of your lack of knowledge
상대를 배려하지 못함으로or failure to be considerate.
트라우마로 남는 경우가 있어요It can be traumatic.
여자는 아파서 '아' 이러는데The woman might scream from pain,
남자는 그것 때문에 상처를 받을 수도 있고and that may hurt the man emotionally.
여자가 아파서 소리 지르는데You may also misinterpret
마치 내가 너무 좋아서 소리를 지른다고the woman's cry of pain as one of pleasure.
착각할 수도 있고the woman's cry of pain as one of pleasure.
[중국어로]You're right.
[동엽이 한국어로] 그러니까 잘 알고 하는 게 중요해요So it's important to be well informed.
[탄성]What's your question, Amy?
자, 에이미는 어떤 고민 갖고 오셨나요?What's your question, Amy?
- [흥미로운 음악] - [중국어로]I met my boyfriend at a golf course.
[한국어로] 3년?-Three years? -Yes, over three years.
[중국어로]-Three years? -Yes, over three years.
[동엽의 탄성]in terms of how to turn each other on.
[중국어로 호응한다]And because it's predictable,
[사람들이 호응한다]there's less excitement, mystery, and freshness.
- [의아한 소리] - [흥미로운 음악]It's when you perform fellatio
[사람들의 웃음]When you do that…
[시경이 한국어로] 지금 뭐라고… '빙화' 뭐라고요?What did she say?
[중국어로]-Binghuowuchongtian. -Binghuowuchongtian. -Binghuo means "ice and fire." -There's a word for it?
[시경이 한국어로] 아 그 말이 있어요?-Binghuo means "ice and fire." -There's a word for it? Wuchongtian means "different sensations."
[중국어로]Wuchongtian means "different sensations."
[한국어로] '빙화오중천'The ice and fire technique.
- [사람들의 웃음] - [중국어로]First, you perform fellatio with cold water in your mouth.
- [한국어로] 그니까 냉온욕 같은 - [동엽] 어It's like contrast bath therapy.
[중국어로]It's to make the man climax. To send him to cloud nine.
[한국어로] 아니, 근데 그거는 서로 할 수 있는 거 아닌가?But can't you do that to each other?
[중국어로]Of course.
[한국어로] 같이 천당으로 가는 거네요, 그러면?-It works for women too. -You can be on cloud nine together.
[동엽] 그럼 만약에 패턴이So how does it work?
빙화 빙화 빙화로 간 다음에Does it have to be "ice, fire, ice, fire,"
- 빙화 빙빙화 - [시경] 빙빙화-or can it be "ice, fire, ice, ice, fire…" -"Ice, ice, fire."
- [동엽] 빙비리빙빙 화화 - [사람들의 웃음]And then "Ice, ice, ice, fire, fire"?
- ♪ 빙비리빙빙 화화 ♪ - [동엽] ♪ 화화 ♪-"Ice, ice, ice, fire, fire!" -"Fire, fire!"
- [시경] ♪ 화라화라 빙빙 ♪ - [익살스러운 음악]"Fire, fire, ice…"
[동엽] 상관없는 거죠? 패턴은 불규칙해도 되죠?You can mix it up like that, right? Can you make it random?
[중국어로]You just need some time in between.
[시경이 한국어로] 아, 그러네Hey, that's true!
- 어, 어떡해, 너무 슬프다 - [사람들의 웃음]That'd be so sad!
아, 시려, 막, 아!"Darn it, my teeth!"
[동엽, 시경의 괴로운 소리]
아, 젊고 건강한 사람들This technique is only for young people with healthy teeth.
이가 튼튼한 사람들이 할 수 있는 사랑 방법이네요This technique is only for young people with healthy teeth.
아, 근데 안 좋아졌어요, 아직?Hold on. Have things still not gotten better?
그렇게 노력을 많이 하는데?Despite all your efforts?
더 좋은 게 있을까 하고 물어보러 오신 건가요?Or are you here to ask if there's something even better?
[중국어로]We are still trying out various methods,
[시경이 한국어로] 어, 사이좋은 교수 부부 같아They look like a couple of happily married professors.
- [사람들의 웃음] - 이렇게 드는 거 도와주고They look like a couple of happily married professors. Look at him helping her.
[중국어로]Let me draw this for you.
[시경이 한국어로] 아 밑에, 밑에서 본 거예요Then the man… So we're looking from the bottom up.
[중국어로]And he has his legs spread.
[사람들의 웃음]That's right.
[익살스러운 음악]That's right.
[사람들이 호응한다]So you can lick this part using the tip of your tongue.
[사람들의 탄성]This is the third spot.
[한국어로] 아, 그니까 이 위쪽보다는 밑의 쪽So it's not the top side, but the bottom side.
- [중국어로] - [시경이 호응한다]Yes, the bottom.
[한국어로] 어? 그 정도로 우리가 둔감하다고요?Are men that insensitive?
[강조되는 효과음]-No way. -It's true.
- [사람들의 웃음] - [흥미로운 음악]-No way. -It's true. Men who have experienced…
[한국어로] 마취된 사람 아니면 아니, 어떻게…You'd have to be under anesthesia to not notice that.
당연히 알지You'd have to be under anesthesia to not notice that.
[중국어로]The man would be lying down like this, right?
[호응한다]If you do, he'll know what you're about to do.
[중국어로 호응한다]Don't tell him what you're about to do.
[동엽이 한국어로] 박사님이 아시아는 특히You said that a lot of Asians feel quite embarrassed
성교육에 대해서You said that a lot of Asians feel quite embarrassed
드러내 놓고 하는 걸 좀 쑥스러워하고to openly talk about sex like this.
성에 대한 욕구가 있다는 걸 얘기하는 것도And that they feel guilty
어떤 죄책감을 사실 들게 한다고 했는데to express their sexual desires.
저는 너무 너무나 훌륭한 일을I think what you're doing is amazing in that sense.
지금 하고 계시는 거라고 생각을 해요I think what you're doing is amazing in that sense.
왜냐하면 예전에 제가 방송 프로그램 할 때When I was hosting a show in the past,
북유럽 친구들이 네 살, 다섯 살 때 보는I saw a campaign video for four to five-year-olds
캠페인 송이 있고 거기에in Scandinavian countries. It featured a character that looked like a penis
남자 성기 모양의 캐릭터It featured a character that looked like a penis
여자 성기 모양의 캐릭터and one that looked like a vagina.
그 네 살, 다섯 살, 여섯 살 때 봤던 캠페인을The video was for little kids,
지금 우리는 어른들이 방송하면서and we were sitting there as grown-ups,
'이걸 과연'worrying about whether it was okay to show it on Korean TV
'이 애니메이션을 내보낼 수 있을까, 이거?'worrying about whether it was okay to show it on Korean TV
'방송법에 저촉되는 거 아닌가?'since it might violate the regulations.
그런 걱정을 하고 있더라고요, 그래서That's what we were worried about.
참 우리는 아직도 이렇게 성교육에 대해서We are still very careful and passive about sex education.
계속 쉬쉬하고 조심조심하고We are still very careful and passive about sex education.
알아서 학교에서만 뭔가 해 줬으면 하는데We tend to dump all the responsibility on schools.
이렇게 좀 적극적으로So I think it's great that you're providing sex education
- [쉬란팡이 호응한다] - 성교육을 양지에서 해 주시니깐So I think it's great that you're providing sex education -openly and publicly like this. -Right.
[중국어로]-openly and publicly like this. -Right.
[동엽이 한국어로] 너무 너무나 좋은 거 같습니다-openly and publicly like this. -Right. And a surprising number of people don't know about all of this.
[시경] 그리고 생각보다 모르는 사람들이 많고And a surprising number of people don't know about all of this.
'에이, 저걸 왜 몰라'You expect everyone to know how to use a condom
'콘돔 사용법은 알겠지, 아유'You expect everyone to know how to use a condom and where the vagina is located,
여성의 성기의 어떤 위치나 '다 알지'가 아니라and where the vagina is located,
진짜 모르는 사람들이 계속 있으니까but there are people who don't.
[중국어로]-Right. -So we think it's very meaningful
[시경이 한국어로] 이런 이야기를 양지로 끌어내서 해 준다는 건-Right. -So we think it's very meaningful
되게 의미가 있는 거라고 생각합니다, 진짜로that you cast a light on these subjects.
[동엽] 우리 쉬란팡 박사님의 성 특강 이렇게 들으셨는데How did you like Dr. Gracie's lecture today?
어땠어요?How did you like Dr. Gracie's lecture today?
[중국어로]I learned so many things that I couldn't have learned otherwise. I'm looking forward to my beautiful first sex.
[시경이 한국어로] 여자 친구가 생기면 아마When you get a girlfriend… You have a YouTube channel, don't you?
인터넷 같은 데다 유튜브 같은 거 하시잖아요You have a YouTube channel, don't you?
영상 같은 게 있을 거 아니에요You upload videos, right?
그걸 같이 보는 게 중요할 거 같아요You should watch them with your girlfriend.
[중국어로]-Right. -Don't watch them alone
[시경이 한국어로] 혼자만 딱 알고 '나도 빙화오중천'-Right. -Don't watch them alone and ask her to perform the ice and fire technique out of nowhere.
이러면 약간 안 될 거 같고and ask her to perform the ice and fire technique out of nowhere.
[중국어로]Exactly. Both of you need to be on the same page.
[시경이 한국어로] 같이 '아! 오, 그럼 난…' 이렇게 해야Both of you need to be on the same page.
우리 땐 그런 게 없었잖아Back in our days, we didn't have educational videos to watch together.
여자 친구랑 같이 볼 만한 영상도 없고Back in our days, we didn't have educational videos to watch together.
스무 살 때-Right. -Back when we were 20.
- [동엽] 그렇죠 - 근데 되게 좋은…-It would be good material. -Absolutely.
- [탄성] - [동엽] 그래요-It would be good material. -Absolutely.
[중국어로]I also learned a lot today.
[동엽이 한국어로] 자 원하는 좋은 남자 친구I'd like to thank Dr. Gracie and the hosts. I hope you meet the man of your dreams,
- 꼭 만나길 바라고요 - [부드러운 음악]I hope you meet the man of your dreams,
지금의 남자 친구랑 더 예쁜 사랑 만들어 가길 바라고I hope you and your boyfriend will continue your beautiful relationship,
- 미스터 준, 예 - [사람들의 웃음]and Mr. Jun, I hope you find an amazing girlfriend.
좋은 여자 친구 빨리 만나길 바랄게요and Mr. Jun, I hope you find an amazing girlfriend.
[시경] 만날 거 같아I think he will.
[동엽] 자 쉬란팡 박사님과 함께한 성 특강We'll be wrapping up Dr. Gracie's special lecture here.
- 여기서 마치겠습니다 - [사람들의 탄성]We'll be wrapping up Dr. Gracie's special lecture here. -Thank you. -Thank you.
[저마다 중국어로 감사를 전한다]-Thank you. -Thank you.

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