나는 신이다: 신이 배신한 사람들 2
In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal 2
(앵커1) 한 종교 단체 신도들이 탈퇴한 여신도를 납치해 | Followers of a religious organization were arrested |
집단 폭행한 혐의로 체포됐습니다 | for kidnapping and beating a former member. |
경찰은 문제의 종교 단체 설립자가 | Based on a report that the founder of the organization |
여신도들을 상습적으로 폭행하고 돈을 빼앗아 왔다는 신고에 따라 | had repeatedly assaulted the female followers and took their money, |
수사에 나섰습니다 | the police started investigating. |
(앵커2) 다섯 달 전 자신들의 종교 단체를 탈퇴한 | They are accused of kidnapping Ms. Hwang, 27, |
27살 황 모 양을 납치해 | who left them five months ago, |
4시간 동안 감금하고 폭행한 혐의를 받고 있습니다 | imprisoning her and beating her for four hours. |
[긴장한 숨소리] | |
저는 이미 JMS가 사이비 종교임을 깨달았고 해서 | By then, I already realized that JMS was a cult. |
'난 그 사람 볼 일 없다'라고 했더니 | So I told them I didn't want anything to do with him. |
(황 모 양) '왜 교주를 싫어하냐' | They asked me why I hated the president |
왕 사탄이 씌었다면서 | and said I was possessed by the big Devil. |
주먹과 발로 때리고 | They punched me and kicked me |
제 손을 찍고 발로 걷어차고 | and stomped on my hands, then kicked me again. |
온몸을 때렸습니다 | They beat me all over. |
황 양이 이제 JMS 본부에서 정명석하고 살다가 | Ms. Hwang resided with Jeong Myeong-seok at the JMS Headquarters, but left the organization after she became skeptical about JMS. |
JMS에 대해서 회의를 느끼고 탈퇴를 하게 됐습니다 | but left the organization after she became skeptical about JMS. |
탈퇴를 해서 이제 정상적인 삶으로 돌아가려고 하는데 | After leaving, she was trying to return to her normal life. |
JMS 측에서 '다시 돌아와라' 이런 회유가 계속됐고 | However, people from JMS kept attempting to convince her to return. |
집과 핸드폰으로 교회에 나오라는 연락이 왔고 | they called my home and cell phone to tell me to come back to the church. |
[경찰차 사이렌] | |
(황 모 양) 저는 교회에 가지 않는다고 대답을 하였습니다 | But I told them that I wouldn't go back to the church. |
[불안한 음악] | |
(황 모 양) '왜 교회를 나오지 않냐' | They said, "Why don't you come to church? You're possessed by the Devil," |
'사탄이 들렸다'라면서 | They said, "Why don't you come to church? You're possessed by the Devil," while ruthlessly beating me up. |
마구 때려 | while ruthlessly beating me up. |
강제로 봉고차에 태웠습니다 | Then they forced me into their van. |
그렇게 월명동이라는 교주의 생가까지 끌려갔습니다 | That's how I was taken to the president's childhood home called Wolmyeongdong. |
그런데 교주가 사는 건물 방 앞으로 가자 | When I got to the building where the president lived, |
두 줄인가 세 줄로 신발이 쫙 진열되어 있었습니다 | I could see two or three rows of shoes laid out there. |
아마도 그날인 것 같았습니다 | It seemed like it was that day. |
바로 교주가 | The day when the president had an orgy with his female followers. |
여신도들과 집단으로 성관계를 갖는 날이지요 | The day when the president had an orgy with his female followers. |
[경찰차 사이렌] 그리고 다시 차를 타고 내려오는데 | As they were driving me back down, |
어떻게든 빠져나가고 싶어 고개를 돌려 온갖 인상을 쓰며 | I was desperate to escape, so I turned around, grimacing. |
경찰을 쳐다보며 구해 달라는 사인을 보냈고 | I was looking at the police, sending them signals to save me. |
(도형) 언론을 통해서 정명석의 성폭행과 | Through this incident, Jeong Myeong-seok's sexual assaults, kidnappings, and assaults |
납치, 폭행, 이런 사실들이 처음으로 | Through this incident, Jeong Myeong-seok's sexual assaults, kidnappings, and assaults were exposed to the world through the media for the first time. |
세상에 폭로되는 그런 사건이었죠 | were exposed to the world through the media for the first time. |
(기자) 황 양은 자신을 비롯한 수많은 여성 신도들이 | Ms. Hwang claims many female followers, including herself, |
총재 정 씨로부터 상습적으로 성폭행을 당했다고 주장했습니다 | were repeatedly sexually assaulted by Mr. Jeong, the president. |
(황 모 양) | He said that he'd borrowed God's body and that God's spirit resided within him. |
(황 모 양) | Being brainwashed for a long time with something like that |
(황 모 양) | is how it became so natural. |
[강조하는 효과음] | |
[연신 강조하는 효과음] | |
[엄숙한 음악] | |
[불안한 음악] | |
[강조하는 효과음] | |
(경천) 1999년이 정명석이 십자가 박힌 해예요 | The year 1999 is when Jeong Myeong-seok was crucified. |
1981년도에 정명석이 뭐라고 말했냐 | In 1981, Jeong Myeong-seok said that |
1999년 되면 | in 1999, he would be on the news, he'd be reported and sued, |
방송 터지고 자기가 고발, 고소되고 | in 1999, he would be on the news, he'd be reported and sued, |
제자들 다 떠날 거라 그랬어요 | and that all his followers would leave. |
근데 1999년 되니까 딱 그런 일이 발생한 거예요 | Those things actually happened in 1999. |
(기자) JMS 교주 정명석 씨는 | Jeong Myeong-seok, the president of JMS, |
신도들을 성폭행하고 교단 자금을 빼돌려 쓴 혐의로 | was accused of sexually assaulting his followers and embezzling church funds |
지난 99년부터 당국의 수사선상에 올랐습니다 | and has been under investigation since 1999. |
바로 그날 오후에 정명석이는 보도가 나오자마자 | When the news came out, on that very same afternoon |
(도형) 월명동 뒷산을 넘어서 서울로 도망갔습니다 | he fled to Seoul through the mountain behind Wolmyeongdong. |
그러고는 그다음 날 | The day after that, he fled straight to Hong Kong. |
바로 홍콩으로 도피를 했습니다 | The day after that, he fled straight to Hong Kong. |
(경천) '역시 우리는 하나님의 역사야' [경건한 음악] | I told my disciples that there will be great turmoil and difficulties in 1999… "We are the subjects of God, indeed." |
'이렇게 환란과 핍박을 받잖아' | "Just look at us, going through turmoil and persecution." |
[강조하는 효과음] | |
[큰 목소리로] '하나님 아버지! 사람들이 몰라서' | "Our heavenly Father!" "Those ignorant men are trying to crucify our president!" |
'우리 선생님을 십자가에 못 박고 있습니다!' | "Those ignorant men are trying to crucify our president!" |
'아버지 하나님!' | "Father! Please free our president!" |
'우리 선생님을 해방시켜 주시고!' | "Father! Please free our president!" |
'이 누명에서 벗어나게 해 주시옵소서!' | "Please prove his innocence!" |
[강조하는 효과음] | |
탈퇴 신도들을 모아서 정명석을 법적으로 고소를 했는데 | We gathered the former followers of Jeong Myeong-seok |
준강간 | and filed a lawsuit against him for rape, kidnapping, and so on. |
약취 유인 등으로 이제 | and filed a lawsuit against him for rape, kidnapping, and so on. So we've sued Jeong Myeong-seok in the criminal court. |
정명석을 형사 고소를 했고 | So we've sued Jeong Myeong-seok in the criminal court. |
동시에 민사 소송을 제기를 했습니다 | We proceeded with the civil lawsuit at the same time. |
[차분한 음악] | Now, I would really love to do some work overseas. |
(명석) 알겠어요? | Do you understand? I need to go overseas and work there too. |
(경천) 정명석 씨는 해외 선교 하러 갔다 그래요 | He said he was going on an overseas mission. |
사실은 도망이죠, 해외 도주죠 | But frankly, he just fled to another country. |
근데 그 사람들은 해외 선교라 그래요 | But those people called it an overseas mission trip. |
(앵커) 종교 단체에서 탈퇴한 여신도를 납치해서 폭행했다는 | After it was reported that a female follower was kidnapped and beaten |
동서크리스찬연합이라는 [불안한 음악] | by a religious organization called East West Christian Union, |
단체를 고발하자 | by a religious organization called East West Christian Union, |
MBC에는 나도 피해자라는 제보 전화가 잇따랐습니다 | MBC began to receive calls from people who claimed to be victims as well. |
(기자) 과거에도 단체를 탈퇴하거나 비방하는 신도들에게 | It was revealed that they have a history of indiscriminately beating |
무차별 폭력을 휘둘러 온 것으로 드러났습니다 | those who left or criticized the organization. |
(탈퇴 신도) | They would say my criticisms were groundless and beat me up ruthlessly. FORMER MEMBER |
제 이름은 김도형입니다 | My name is Kim Do-hyeong. |
어… | Currently, I'm a mathematics professor at Dankook University, |
현재 단국대학교 수학과에서 | Currently, I'm a mathematics professor at Dankook University, |
교수로서 학생들 가르치면서 연구를 하고 있습니다 | teaching students and also conducting research. |
[불안한 음악] (도형) 99년 1월에 | After Ms. Hwang's kidnapping case got exposed in January 1999, |
황 양 납치 사건이 터지고 | After Ms. Hwang's kidnapping case got exposed in January 1999, |
[마우스 조작음] 2월 달쯤에 | I created a website around February. |
제가 인터넷 사이트를 만들었는데 | I created a website around February. |
거기로 많은 탈퇴 신도들이 와서 | Many former followers of JMS visited that site |
어, 서로 연락을 주고받다가 | and started talking to each other. |
그 사이트를 통해서 몇몇 사람들이 모임을 시작을 했습니다 | Then some people started to get together through the website. |
[의미심장한 음악] | |
(도형) 그게 이제 발전하면서 | PROSECUTE THE SEX-CRAZED CULT LEADER JEONG MYEONG-SEOK! Those get-togethers evolved |
친목 단체가 아니고 전투 조직으로 변했습니다 | from social gatherings to a fierce activist organization |
[강조하는 효과음] | 1999 FLEEING OVERSEAS |
[차분한 음악] | 1995 FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH JMS |
과학 고등학교 2년 수료를 하고 | After I finished two years of science high school, |
(도형) 카이스트에 입학해서 | I got into KAIST as a double major in mathematics and physics. |
수학, 물리학 복수 전공을 하던 시절이었습니다 | I got into KAIST as a double major in mathematics and physics. |
[불안한 음악] | |
(도형) 졸업을 앞둔 해 봄에 | I first attended a JMS church in the spring before my graduation. |
JMS 교회를 가게 됐습니다 | I first attended a JMS church in the spring before my graduation. |
거기서 정명석이가 하는 말이 | There, I heard Jeong Myeong-seok |
그랜드 캐니언을 빗대서 '그년도 개년'이라고 얘기를 하고 | refer to the Grand Canyon as the Grand Bitch. |
'전국에 있는 모든 대학 교수 나한테 와서 배우라 그래'라고 | "Let all the professors of the country come and learn from me." He said those vulgar words. |
상스러운 소리를 하는데 | He said those vulgar words. |
저는 하도 기가 막혀서 멍하니 있는데 | So I was just completely speechless and dumbfounded. |
신도들은 거기, 그 말이 얼마나 은혜스러운지 | But his followers seemed so blessed by what he said. |
'아멘, 아멘' 하는 걸 보고 | They kept saying, "Amen!" |
'야, 여기가 정상적인 집단은 아니구나'라는 생각을 | That's when I first realized that this group was far from being sane. |
그때 처음 하게 됐습니다 | That's when I first realized that this group was far from being sane. |
(명석) 알겠습니까? | Okay? |
(도형) '예수의 신성을 계속 깎아내린다' | I got the feeling that |
라는 느낌을 받으면서 | he was undermining the holiness of Jesus. |
'아, 이 교회가 일반 교회와는 교리가 다르구나'라는 걸 | And I realized his doctrine was different from the doctrines of normal churches. |
느끼게 됐습니다 | And I realized his doctrine was different from the doctrines of normal churches. |
[불안한 음악] | |
(도형) 어느 날 여자 친구가 저한테 얘기를 했습니다 | One day, my girlfriend told me |
'선생님이 나 안아 주신 적 있다' | that the president had held her once. |
'그게 무슨 말이야?' | I asked her what she meant. |
한참을 가만히 있다가 하는 말이 '현대종교 수기' | She was quiet for a while before simply saying, "A memoir from Modern Religion." |
당시 사이비 종교에 대해서 연구한다는 '현대종교'라는 곳에 | There was an institute, Modern Religion, which conducted research on cults. |
1983년에 정명석에게 성추행당한 여대생의 | They had a memoir of a female student who was sexually assaulted |
수기가 있는 겁니다 | by Jeong Myeong-seok in 1983. |
이런 성범죄 전문으로 하는 사이비 종교 집단이 | The fact that a cult specializing in sex crimes |
대한민국의 모든 대학에 | had infiltrated all the universities in Korea disguised as clubs. |
서클로 들어가 있다는 게 이게 | had infiltrated all the universities in Korea disguised as clubs. |
말이 되는 소리가 아니지 않습니까 | It was incredulous. |
[입소리를 쩝 낸다] | |
그래서 '정명석 이 새끼는 가만두면 안 되겠다' | So I thought, "I can't let this asshole get away with it." |
[긴장되는 음악] | |
(도형) 피해자들을 계속 찾으러 다녔습니다 | I continued to search for victims. |
'나이 어린 피해자는 초등학생, 중학생' | The youngest victims were in elementary or middle school. |
[횡단보도 음향 신호] '이런 애도 가리지 않는다' | The age of the victims did not stop him. |
'성추행, 성폭행에 대해서 당신 증언해 줄 수 있냐'라고 했더니 | I asked her if she could testify about the sexual harassment and assaults, |
'내가 그런 거 증언하면 나는 죽는다' | but she said she'd die if she testified. |
'김도형 씨 당신이 내 인생 책임질 거냐' | She asked me if I'd be responsible for her life. |
(변호사) | Though many women want to sue Jeong Myeong-seok, I heard they still can't to this day. Why is that? He threatens to kill. |
(피해자 S 모 씨) | He threatens to kill. |
(피해자 S 모 씨) [울먹이며] | I heard they came to her house yesterday too. |
'정명석 이 새끼는 정말 죽여버려야 되는 거 아닌가' | I thought, "This bastard really deserves to die." |
'이게 사람 새끼인가?' | "He's not even human." |
그래서 그때 제가 총포상에다가 | So, I actually called a gun store |
(도형) 전화를 해 가지고 | So, I actually called a gun store |
산탄총 가격을 알아보기까지 했습니다 | and asked for the price of a shotgun. |
그때 당시, 96년인가 97년 | I think that was in 1996 or 1997. |
당시 가격으로 한 80만 원 정도 하더라고요 | The shotgun cost around 800,000 won back then. |
[총성] | |
[총성] | |
(도형) 정말 사람을 죽이고 싶은 마음은 | That was the first time in my life when I genuinely wanted to kill someone. |
아마 제 평생에 처음이었던 거 같아요, 그때 | That was the first time in my life when I genuinely wanted to kill someone. |
JMS 안에서는 | In JMS, they talk about Kim Do-hyeong like he's the Devil. |
김도형을 사탄처럼 얘기해요 | In JMS, they talk about Kim Do-hyeong like he's the Devil. FORMER JMS MEMBER |
왜냐하면 | And that's because |
월명동에 전화를 했었잖아요 | he called Wolmyeongdong and started swearing. |
욕 전화 | he called Wolmyeongdong and started swearing. |
'여보세요' 하면 그럽니다 | When they pick up, I'd say, "Hey, let me talk to Jeong, that asshole." |
'야, 정명석 이 새끼 좀 바꿔 봐라' | When they pick up, I'd say, "Hey, let me talk to Jeong, that asshole." |
'네가 뭔데 우리 선생님을 새끼라 그러냐' | Then they'd say, "How dare you call our president an asshole?" |
'너한테는 재림 예수인지 몰라도' | I'd say "He might be Resurrected Jesus to you, but he's just a horny dog to me." |
'나한테는 발정 난 수캐 새끼로밖에 안 보이니까' | I'd say "He might be Resurrected Jesus to you, but he's just a horny dog to me." |
'빨리 좀 바꿔 봐, 이 새끼야' | "So just get him on the phone, you asshole." |
아주 그냥 사탄의 화신으로 보였죠 [불안한 음악] | Kim Do-hyeong really did seem like the Devil incarnate. |
김도형 씨는 완전 | Kim Do-hyeong really did seem like the Devil incarnate. |
섭리에 있었던 사람들이라면 | I'm sure that everybody at the Providence heard this countless times. |
아주 그냥 귀가 닳도록 들었을 거예요 | I'm sure that everybody at the Providence heard this countless times. |
김도형, 엑소더스 | Kim Do-hyeong and the Exodus. |
'김도형 이퀄 사탄' 이런 식으로 생각을 했죠 | "Kim Do-hyeong equals Satan." That's what we thought. |
[서늘한 음악] | 1995 FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH JMS |
(윤주) 한국을 떠나서 | While he traveled around the world after he left Korea, |
해외 다니는 곳곳마다 [불안한 음악] | While he traveled around the world after he left Korea, |
여자들을 불러서 해외에서 성관계를 늘 했어요 | he called women over and had sex with them. |
(JMS 탈퇴자) 그리고 그 현지에서도 | He even did things to local college students. |
현지 또 대학생들을 막 건드렸기 때문에 | He even did things to local college students. |
(남자) 해외로 나가서는 | When he went abroad, |
문란함의 끝판왕이에요 완전히 이거는 | he became the epitome of promiscuousness. |
막 호화 궁전 지어 놓고 | He has built these extravagant palaces. |
[여자의 웃음] | |
여기는 말레이시아 쿠알라룸푸르의 한… | We're currently in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, |
호텔 수영장입니다 | at a hotel swimming pool. |
[신난 탄성] [사람들의 환호성] | |
[사람들의 웃음과 박수] | |
(윤주) 그 리조트 하나를 거의 빌려서 | He rented out an entire resort |
한국에 있는 정명석의 여자들을 불렀어요 | and brought his women over from Korea. |
바닷가 가서 놀고 거의 뭐, 노는 분위기 | They went to the beach, and it was all about having fun. |
어, 노는 분위기, 섹스하는 분위기 | It was all about just playing around and having sex. |
정명석이 좋아할 만한 그런… | You know, it's the type of fun that Jeong Myeong-seok would like. |
[윤주의 어이없는 웃음] | You know, it's the type of fun that Jeong Myeong-seok would like. |
그런 놀이 문화? 그 자체였었어요 | You know, it's the type of fun that Jeong Myeong-seok would like. That's exactly what it was. |
또다시 여기저기 돌아다니는데 | He started traveling to different countries again. |
그러는 와중에 | As he was doing so, |
대만 사회에서 크게 문제가 됩니다 | he became a huge problem in the Taiwanese society. |
(홍일) 11월 경인데 | It was around November. |
'한국에 있는 사교 그, 정명석 집단이' | An article was written on a cult leader from Korea, Jeong Myeong-seok, |
'대만에 있는 정치대학교에 있는' | and his group raping and sexually harassing 100 female students |
'여학생, 여대생 한 100여 명을' | and his group raping and sexually harassing 100 female students KIM HONG-IL ANTI-JMS ACTIVIST |
'간음했다', '성추행했다' 이런 기사가 났습니다 | who were studying at Chengchi University in Taiwan. A CULT LEADER LURED AROUND 100 FEMALE STUDENTS |
[중국어] 한국 JMS가 | The news that Korea's JMS had committed such a crime in Taiwan… |
대만 사회에 큰 충격을 주었습니다 | …was a big shock to the Taiwanese society. |
(지예 메이) JMS는 주로 대만의 대학교 안에서 | JMS was usually active in the campus of National Taiwan University. |
동아리로 위장해 활동했습니다 | Let's look at the number of victims. |
피해자 수를 말하자면 | The number of women who have been affected by the JMS incidence |
JMS 사건으로 피해를 입은 여성분이 | The number of women who have been affected by the JMS incidence came to a total of around 100 female students. |
100명 정도 됩니다 | came to a total of around 100 female students. |
주로 대학생입니다 | Most of these women were college students. |
(도형) [한국어] 우리 식으로 얘기하면은, 뭐 | Put it this way, it's like a Taiwanese or Chinese cult leader coming to Korea |
중국이나 대만의 사이비 교주가 | Put it this way, it's like a Taiwanese or Chinese cult leader coming to Korea |
우리나라 서울대, 연세대 고려대 100여 명의 여대생을 | Put it this way, it's like a Taiwanese or Chinese cult leader coming to Korea and raping 100 female college students from SNU, Yonsei, and Korea University. |
강간을 했다면은 나라가 뒤집어질 일 아닙니까, 이게? | and raping 100 female college students from SNU, Yonsei, and Korea University. The entire nation would be in an uproar. |
(홍일) 대만 피해자들의 내용도 [불쾌한 음악] | The stories of the Taiwanese victims are completely identical |
100% 동일합니다 | The stories of the Taiwanese victims are completely identical |
한국에서 일어난 것과 동일합니다 | to what happened in Korea. |
면담이란 명목으로 해서 건드린 겁니다 | He took advantage of them under the guise of private meetings. |
(도형) 비자 없이 갈 수 있는 | Hong Kong was the quickest place he could flee to without a visa. |
가장 빨리 도망갈 수 있는 데가 홍콩이라서 | Hong Kong was the quickest place he could flee to without a visa. |
바로 홍콩으로 도피를 했습니다 | So he fled to Hong Kong right away. |
(명석) | This is Hong Kong. |
- (여자1) 코알라 - (여자2) 코알라, 코알라 | I can see a building above me that looks like a monkey climbing a tree. |
(여자3) 저기에 코알라가 올라가는 모습… | It's like a koala is climbing… |
(명석) 저 위에 나무에 올라가는 그런 모양의 건물이 보이죠? | You can see that those buildings look like monkeys climbing a tree. |
오스트리아… | |
뭐, 오대양 육대주가 좁다 하기에 | Well, since he traveled to all those different countries |
여기저기 돌아다니면서 해외 도피를 하니까 | Well, since he traveled to all those different countries to hide from the authorities, |
여권의 사증란이 부족해진 겁니다 [어두운 음악] | he ran out of pages on his passport. |
사실은 그냥 가서 여권 지면 늘려 달라고 하면 | Actually, if you just visit the Consulate and ask for more pages on the passport, they will extend it for you. |
(JMS 탈퇴자) 그, 영사관에서 그냥 늘려 주는 게 보통 관례인데 | and ask for more pages on the passport, they will extend it for you. That's the normal procedure. |
이게 도둑이 제 발 저린다고 정명석은 | He must've had a guilty conscience. |
무슨 굉장히 값비싼 크리스털 선물을 사 갖고 갔대요 | He brought a very expensive crystal gift to the Consulate, apparently. |
'지면 연장해 달라 그러면서 이런 선물을 갖다 주나' 하면서 | They were suspicious as he gave them a valuable gift for simple paperwork. |
조사를 해 보니까 | So they looked into him, and found out there was a warrant out for his arrest. |
지명수배가 걸려 있는 사람이라는 걸 알게 됐고… | So they looked into him, and found out there was a warrant out for his arrest. |
(형진) 신원 조회를 해 보니까 기소중지자인 거예요 | His background check showed that his proceedings have stayed. |
그래서 아마 그 자리에서 | After that, his passport was probably taken away right on the spot. |
여권을 몰수를 했죠 | After that, his passport was probably taken away right on the spot. |
'정명석 씨 지금 즉시 귀국하시오' | They told him he had to return to Korea immediately |
(도형) 라고 해서 여행자 증명서를 발급을 해 주는데 | and were issuing a travel certificate for him. |
정명석이가 그냥 도망가 버렸습니다 | But Jeong Myeong-seok just ran away. |
영사관을 빠져나간 거죠 | He slipped out of the Consulate. |
2002년 10월 달에 SBS '그것이 알고 싶다'가 | In October 2002, an SBS show called Unanswered Questions made a report |
'정명석의 해외 성 추문'이라는 제목으로 보도를 했는데 | with the title, "Jeong Myeong-seok's Overseas Sex Scandals." |
JMS 애들이 1만 명이 몰려서 여의도에서 시위를 하게 됩니다 | So 10,000 JMS members gathered in Yeouido to protest. |
[강조하는 효과음] | |
(경천) '우리가 잘못해서 방송에 난다' | We didn't think, "They put us on TV because we did something wrong." |
이렇게 생각하지 않고 | We didn't think, "They put us on TV because we did something wrong." |
'사탄들이 방송 권력을 이용해서 우리를 핍박한다' | We thought the devils were using the power of the media to persecute us. |
뭐, 이런 생각도 했어요 | I even thought about riding in a hot air balloon |
'애드벌룬 타고' | I even thought about riding in a hot air balloon |
'가스통 등에 메고' | with a gas barrel on my back |
'SBS 사옥 유리창 깨고 들어가서 자폭해 버릴까' | and crashing through the windows of an SBS building to blow myself up. |
방송 못 나오게 | To stop the broadcast. |
어느 언론사에서 보도한 거를 보면은 | One of the newspapers published an article with a picture of the protesters. |
시위 장면을 사진을 찍어놨는데 | One of the newspapers published an article with a picture of the protesters. There was this girl at the very front, |
맨 앞에 있는 어떤 여자애가 | There was this girl at the very front, |
(도형) 아주 그냥 격정적으로 이렇게 | and she was protesting very passionately in that picture. |
시위를 하는 장면이 사진에 찍힌 게 있습니다 | and she was protesting very passionately in that picture. |
그렇게 격렬하게 '우리 선생은 결백하다'라고 | The one who was on the front line of the protests |
시위대 맨 앞에 서서 시위했던 애가 | to fiercely defend her president's innocence |
불과 석 달 후에 | goes to Hong Kong |
홍콩에 가서 정명석의 실체를 절절하게 깨닫게 되는 거죠 | only three months later, to find out exactly what kind of person Jeong was. |
[강조하는 효과음] | 2003 SEXUAL ASSAULT IN HONG KONG |
[애잔한 음악] (동생 피해자) 당시 정명석은 | At the time, Jeong Myeong-seok was out of the country. |
외국에 나가 있었기 때문에 | At the time, Jeong Myeong-seok was out of the country. |
[전화벨 소리] | |
(동생 피해자) 해외로 정명석 씨를 만나러 오라는 내용의 전화를 | So he used to call me and tell me to come overseas to see him, |
여러 번 받았습니다 | on multiple occasions. |
(언니 피해자) 전화를 받는 일이 | Getting a phone call from him |
신도들 사이에선 | was considered a great honor among his followers. |
대단한 영광으로 여겨지는 일이었습니다 | was considered a great honor among his followers. |
(JMS 탈퇴자) 홍콩 피해자는 자매였고요 | The Hong Kong victims were sisters. |
그 안에서는 '절대로 방송을 보면 안 된다' | They were told not to watch the TV broadcasts, |
'보면 구원이 취소된다' | They were told not to watch the TV broadcasts, as watching them will negate their salvation. |
이렇게 철저하게 금지를 시키고 있기 때문에 | They were thoroughly forbidden like this, |
피해를 당하기까지 한 번도 방송을 본 적이 없더라고요 | so they had never seen the TV programs until after they were assaulted. |
그때 마침 정명석이 호출을 했어요 | That's when Jeong Myeong-seok called for them. |
'아, 잘됐다 이렇게 선생님이 억울한데' | Maybe they thought, "Great, since he was falsely accused, |
'내가 가서 선생님이 그런 분이 아니라는 거를' | I'll go and experience firsthand that he's not a person like that." |
'직접 경험하고 와서 증인이 돼야겠다' | "Then I will become his witness." |
[천천히 걷는 발소리] | |
(동생 피해자) 선생님이 피곤해하시니까 | They said we should give the president a massage since he was tired. |
안마해 드려야 한다고 했습니다 | They said we should give the president a massage since he was tired. |
저희는 얼떨결에 떠밀려 방으로 들어갔고 | Before we knew it, they put us into his room. |
정명석은 침대 가운데에 누워 | And Jeong Myeong-seok was lying in the middle of his bed. |
양팔을 벌리며 양쪽에 누우라고 했습니다 | He spread his arms and told us to lie down on either side of him. |
(언니 피해자) 메시아가 시키는 것이라 | As it was an order from the Messiah, we couldn't disobey him. |
거역할 수도 없고 해서 | As it was an order from the Messiah, we couldn't disobey him. |
시키는 대로 양쪽에 어색하게나마 눕자 | Though it was awkward, we laid down on each side as we were told to do. |
저도 모르게 얼핏 잠이 들었나 봅니다 | Then, I think I must have fallen asleep. |
(동생 피해자) 정명석은 제가 잠이 든 줄 알았던지 | I think Jeong Myeong-seok thought I was asleep. |
어둠 속에서 정명석은 [영상 속 언니 피해자의 비명] | He took off my sister's underwear in the dark, |
친언니의 팬티를 벗겨내고 | He took off my sister's underwear in the dark, |
갑자기 친언니 다리를 벌리고는 덮쳤습니다 | suddenly spread her legs, and humped her. |
(언니 피해자) 그것이 하늘의 뜻이라고 했습니다 | He said that it was the Lord's will. |
'안 해도 된다' | That he didn't have to do it. |
'하지만 그러면 너의 육적 구원이 없을 것이다' | But that my body wouldn't be saved if he didn't do it. |
(동생 피해자) 그제야 엑소더스 사이트에 있는 글들이 | Only then did I realize that the posts on the Exodus website |
사실이었다는 생각이 나면서 소름이 끼쳤습니다 | were true, and it was horrifying. |
(JMS 탈퇴자) 자기가 듣던 일이 | Something that she had only heard about was actually happening to her. |
자기한테 실제로 벌어지게 된 거잖아요, 그래서… | Something that she had only heard about was actually happening to her. And the reporters were sleeping in the room right next to them. |
[영상 속 언니 피해자의 비명] 바로 옆방에는 보고자들이 자고 있었어요 | And the reporters were sleeping in the room right next to them. |
[영상 속 계속되는 비명] 도움을 요청하려고 옆방 문을 열었더니 | She opened the door to ask for help, |
그 옆방에서는 아무 일도 없는 것처럼 자는 척하고 | but they were all pretending to be asleep like everything was perfectly fine. |
누구 하나 깨서 쳐다보는 사람이 없었대요 | Nobody woke up to acknowledge her. |
'아, 이들이 다 한패구나' | Then she realized, "Oh, they're all in on it." |
'여기서 강간 피해 당했다고 생각한다거나' | "If they find out that I think of this as rape, |
'자기네들이 의심한다고 생각하면' | or if I show any signs of suspicion, |
'쥐도 새도 모르게 죽을 수도 있겠다' [영상 속 흐느끼는 울음소리] | I might actually be killed without anyone knowing." |
이런 공포를 느꼈다고 해요 | That's the kind of horror they felt. |
그래서 거기서는 | So, they spent a few days there, pretending that they were fine. |
최대한 아무렇지도 않은 척 며칠을 보내고 | So, they spent a few days there, pretending that they were fine. |
한국에 오자마자 | As soon as they came back to Korea, she called Professor Kim Do-hyeong. |
김도형 교수한테 전화를 걸었고 | As soon as they came back to Korea, she called Professor Kim Do-hyeong. |
그래서 엑소더스랑 바로 연결이 될 수 있었어요 | And that's how she was able to connect with Exodus right away. |
이건 사람으로 보면 안 됩니다 | He's not a human being. |
어떻게 성범죄로 이미 기소 중지 돼서 수배된 사람이 | He had a warrant out for his sex crimes, and the legal proceedings had been stayed, |
한국에서 또 여신도를 불러 가지고 또다시 강간을 하는지 | but he called more of his female followers from Korea and raped them again. |
이게 도저히 사람이라고 할 수 있을까요? | A human being can't do something like that. |
[불안한 음악] (남자) 홍콩 X파일 | 2006 THE HONG KONG X-FILE The Hong Kong X-File. |
거기에 보면은 | If you look at it, |
자료가 어마어마해요 방대해요, 한마디로 | there's so much information on it, a massive amount. |
거기서 이제 또 뭐, 인터넷 이메일로다가 | He got his reports over email while he was there. |
모든 또 자료를 보고받고 | He got his reports over email while he was there. |
이 인터넷이 이제 정명석을 살린 거죠 | The Internet was what kept Jeong Myeong-seok alive, really. |
[영상 속 경쾌한 음악] | |
[여자들의 환호성] | |
[다가오는 발소리] | |
이제 대학 졸업을 하고 취업해야 될 시기에 | At the time, I graduated from college, so I had to look for a job. |
마침 이제 홍콩에서 | That's when Pastor Kim called me from Hong Kong and told me |
(홍콩 X파일 제보자) 김 모 목사가 정명석을 보좌하는 홍콩 연락 사무소가 있는데 | That's when Pastor Kim called me from Hong Kong and told me that there was a liaison office in Hong Kong for Jeong Myeong-seok. |
거기 와서 해 볼 생각 없냐 하니까 | He asked me if I wanted to work there. |
'메시아를 위해서 뭔가 좀 일을, 멋진 일을 해 보자' | I thought, "Let's do something great for the Messiah." |
[영상 속 번잡한 도로 소음] 홍콩 그 주룽, 카오룽 지역의 | It was at a mansion on Kimberly Road, |
킴벌리로드의 맨션이었는데 | in the Kowloon area of Hong Kong. |
그 당시에 이제 가서 했던 일은 뭐냐면 | Back then, the kind of work I did |
한국에서 오는 그, 우편물들, 소포들 | was to receive letters, parcels, and other luggage from Korea. |
그런 짐들 있잖습니까 그런 것들 받아다가 | You know, those kinds of things. Then I forwarded them to places in China, like Shenzhen. |
중국에다가 넣어 주고, 심천, 선전 | Then I forwarded them to places in China, like Shenzhen. |
정명석이 어디 있는지 정확하게 몰랐는데, 처음에는 | I didn't know exactly where Jeong Myeong-seok was at first. |
그, 나중에 하다 보니까 중국에 있는 거 같더라고요 | After a while, it started looking like he was in China. |
중국에, 그래서 | After a while, it started looking like he was in China. |
한국에서 온 짐들을 다 이렇게 열어 가지고 | I was told to open up every single package from Korea and check the contents. |
다 확인을 해야 한다더라고요 | I was told to open up every single package from Korea and check the contents. |
[툭 내려놓는 소리] | |
이렇게 동그란 그, 도화지 동그랗게 말아 넣는 통 | There were these round storage tubes for posters. |
예, 그런 것도 있더라고요 그걸 뜯어서 보니까 | So I opened them and looked inside, |
사진이 | and there were pictures of women posing. |
여자가 이렇게 자세를 포즈를 취하는 그런 자세인데 | and there were pictures of women posing. |
위에는 항상 상반신은 이제 탈의된… | But those women were always topless |
그렇게 그냥 다 보이는 여자가 그런 포즈의 사진을 | and just revealing everything. I saw a lot of those pictures, all rolled up in a bundle, |
여러 장 말아 넣어 있는 거를 보고서 | I saw a lot of those pictures, all rolled up in a bundle, |
'이게 뭐지?' 뭐, 이렇게… | and thought, "What's this?" |
(지은) 한번 전체적으로 사진을 찍으러 오라고 하더라고요 | Once, they told everybody to come and get their pictures taken. |
그래서 보고자들이 어느 지역의 누구누구 해서 오라고 | The reporters called these girls from different regions. |
저도 가서 스튜디오에서 사진을 찍었거든요? | I also went to the studio to get my pictures taken. |
원피스 입고 사진을 찍어서 이제 | I made an album with photos of me wearing a dress and sent it. |
스크랩 만들어 가지고 다 보냈어요 | I made an album with photos of me wearing a dress and sent it. |
[불길한 음악] | |
(피해자) 속옷을 입히고 사진을 찍게 하고 | They made me take pictures in my underwear. |
그런 것들이 나중에 점점, 점점 이렇게 | I remember that the extent gradually became more intense. |
강도가 세졌었던 거 같아요 | I remember that the extent gradually became more intense. |
다 벗을 정도가 되면 A급이에요 | Taking all the clothes off would earn an A rating. |
정명석 앞에서 진짜 과감하게 벗을 정도는 A급 | An A rating if you could get naked in front of Jeong Myeong-seok. |
(윤주) 정명석과 | Also if you could have sex with Jeong Myeong-seok. |
성관계를 할 수 있는 정도가 되면 A급이었어요 | Also if you could have sex with Jeong Myeong-seok. |
비키니 정도가 한 B급 정도 되고 | If you wore a bikini, you were rated as B. |
아니면 원피스 | Or a dress too. |
정명석이 그, 야한 슬립이랑 수영복 이런 거를 | Around then, sexy lingerie and swimsuits were sent out by Jeong Myeong-seok. |
보내 줬을 때였었거든요? | Around then, sexy lingerie and swimsuits were sent out by Jeong Myeong-seok. |
'이 슬립 선물 받았으니까 사진 찍어서 보내 줘' | "Send me a picture since you got it as a gift." |
이렇게 얘기를 하거든요? | That's what he used to say. |
그래서 이제 그때 한창 뭐, 사진도 찍고 영상도 찍고 | So, all the girls would take pictures and videos of themselves at the time. |
막 그런 분위기였어요 | So, all the girls would take pictures and videos of themselves at the time. |
[불길한 음악] | |
[애교 섞인 목소리로] 여보 | Honey. |
[쪽 뽀뽀한다] | Honey. |
[할짝거리는 숨소리] | |
[할짝거리는 숨소리] | |
(여자) 정명석한테 | Those videos were for introducing reporters to Jeong Myeong-seok. |
보고 애들 소개시켜 주는 영상이었죠 | Those videos were for introducing reporters to Jeong Myeong-seok. |
자위하는 거나 | They probably sent videos of themselves masturbating to Jeong. |
뭐, 아마 그런 거 찍어서 보냈을 거예요, 정명석한테 | They probably sent videos of themselves masturbating to Jeong. |
다리 모았을 때 | He told them to send |
성기만 크게 클로즈업해 가지고 보내라고 얘기를 하더라고요 | close-up shots of their genitals with their legs put together. |
[영상 속 나른한 음악] | |
(함께) 여보, 사랑해! | I love you, honey! |
자유롭게 여신도를 부를 수가 없으니까 | Because he couldn't call in female followers all the time, |
항상 이런 동영상을 보고 | he would always watch those videos. |
그중에 예쁜 여자가 있으면은 전화를 해서 '나 만나러 와라' | If he saw a pretty woman, he called and told her to come and see him. |
그래서 강간을 하는 겁니다 | Then he raped her. |
(여신도) | -Is this **? -Yes, it is. |
(명석) 어… | Hey. |
(명석) | You want to see me, don't you? |
(여신도) [멋쩍게 웃으며] | Pardon? |
(명석) | -You want to see me too, don't you? -Of course. |
(여신도) | -You want to see me too, don't you? -Of course. |
(명석) | -I saw your picture yesterday. -Yes. |
(여신도) 예 | -I saw your picture yesterday. -Yes. |
(명석) | Others said you're prettier in person. |
(여신도) | Sorry? |
(명석) | They said you're prettier in person. Oh, my. Thank you. |
(여신도) [멋쩍게 웃으며] | Oh, my. Thank you. |
(여신도) | You know that gift you sent me before? -Yeah? -Yes. |
(명석) 그래 | -Yeah? -Yes. I was going to thank you for that… |
(여신도) | I was going to thank you for that… |
(명석) | When a man gives you underwear, it's like you basically gave him your body. |
(여신도) [멋쩍게 웃으며] 아, 그래요? | Oh, really? |
(명석) | That means that I love you. So, don't tell anybody. Giving underwear as a gift means we're already like lovers. |
(명석) | Giving underwear as a gift means we're already like lovers. |
[여신도의 웃음] | |
(명석) | Come if you want. What are you going to do here? |
(여신도) | Sorry? |
(명석) | What are you going to do here? Once we meet? |
(여신도) [멋쩍게 웃으며] | I wanted to say hello to you. |
- (명석) - (여신도) | -And? -And listen to your sermons. |
(명석) | And? No time even for sermons, so come quickly. |
[여신도의 공손한 웃음] | And? No time even for sermons, so come quickly. |
(홍콩 X파일 제보자) 자료들을 보면서 | Looking at those files, I realized Jeong Myeong-seok truly is a sex offender. |
'정명석이가 성범죄자 맞는구나' | Looking at those files, I realized Jeong Myeong-seok truly is a sex offender. |
'내가 이때까지 잘못 알고 있었구나'라고 | I concluded that I had been wrong about him all this time. |
결론을 내리게 됐던 거죠 | I concluded that I had been wrong about him all this time. |
[의미심장한 음악] | |
(홍콩 X파일 제보자) 한 1년 하고 나니까 | After a year or so, |
'홍콩 사무소가 없어지게 됐다' | they said the Hong Kong office will close as they're withdrawing. |
뭐, '철수하게 됐다' | they said the Hong Kong office will close as they're withdrawing. |
5.25인치, 500기가짜리 | I removed the hard disk from the computer |
PC에 있는 하드디스크만 떼어 가지고 | that was 5.25 inches and 500 GB, and brought it back to Korea. |
한국으로 귀국을 하게 됐던 거 같아요 | that was 5.25 inches and 500 GB, and brought it back to Korea. |
이게, 이게 사실이니까 그, 다른 피해자들이 | These were the truth, so I wanted the other victims to see the truth and leave the organization. |
그걸 보고서 여기서 탈퇴할 수 있도록 | to see the truth and leave the organization. |
디스크에 있던 자료를 다 웹하드에 올려 가지고 | So I uploaded all the files in the disk to an online drive |
보내 줬죠, 참고하시라고 | and sent it to them as a reference. |
그 내용이 하도 방대하고 | The content was extremely extensive |
자료가 많아서 | and had so many materials. |
언론에서는 '홍콩 X파일'이라고 이름을 붙였습니다 | So the media dubbed it the "Hong Kong X-File." |
(지은) 정명석을 바라보면서 | I used to look at Jeong Myeong-seok and never stopped wondering, |
'도대체 얼마나 많은 여자들이 여기를 거쳐 지나갔을까' | I used to look at Jeong Myeong-seok and never stopped wondering, |
계속 그 생각을 또 많이 해 봤거든요? | "Just how many women went through this place?" |
초창기 JMS 목사들이 낸 진정서에 보면은 | According to a petition submitted by JMS pastors of the early days, |
정명석이가 이렇게 얘기를 했다고 합니다 | Jeong Myeong-seok said something like this. |
'내 목표는 만 명을 강간하는 거다' | "My goal is to rape 10,000 women." |
(도형) 그리고 실제로 | And he thinks… |
그놈은 | that he came very close to achieving his goal, his dream. |
자기 목표, 자기 꿈을 많이 이뤘다고 생각해요 | that he came very close to achieving his goal, his dream. |
(기자) 해외 도피 기간 중에도 | Even during his exile abroad, |
정 씨에게 성폭행을 당했다는 피해자들의 증언이 계속 이어지자 | more women testified that they had been sexually assaulted by Jeong. |
지난 2003년 | Interpol placed him on the Red Notice list in 2003. |
인터폴은 정 씨를 적색 수배자로 분류했습니다 | Interpol placed him on the Red Notice list in 2003. |
(도형) 2003년 6월쯤에 저희한테 제보가 하나 왔습니다 | We received a report around June 2003. |
[긴장되는 음악] 'JMS 여자 간부들이, 목사들이' | It said that the female officers and pastors of JMS are heading |
'정명석을 만나러 홍콩으로 갈 예정이다' | to Hong Kong to meet with Jeong Myeong-seok. |
어차피 뭐, 경찰, 검찰은 관심이 없으니까 | As the police and the prosecutors weren't really interested anyway, |
'그럼 우리가 잡자' | we figured we should catch him. |
그래 가지고 이제 엑소더스 회원 몇 명이 떠났죠, 홍콩으로 | That's why some of the Exodus members went to Hong Kong. |
"홍콩" | |
(형진) 저희는 미리 이제 홍콩 공항에서 | We were already waiting at Hong Kong Airport. |
대기를 하고 있었고요 | We were already waiting at Hong Kong Airport. |
그리고 또 다른 한국에 있는 팀은 이제 여신도들 출국할 때 | When the female followers were leaving, another team in Korea went to the airport |
가서 공항에서 어떻게 생긴 애들인지 | to see what they looked like and what they were wearing. |
어떤 옷을 입고 있는지 | to see what they looked like and what they were wearing. |
[카메라 셔터음] (도형) 망원 렌즈로 줌 업을 해서 | They took zoomed-in pictures of them with telephoto lenses. |
사진을 찍었습니다 | They took zoomed-in pictures of them with telephoto lenses. |
막상 입국장에서 나왔을 때는 여자 목사들이 | But when they actually arrived, the female pastors wore outfits |
한국에서 보내준 사진하고는 | the female pastors wore outfits that were completely different to the pictures from Korea. |
(형진) 완전히 다른 옷을 입고 나와서 | that were completely different to the pictures from Korea. |
[숨을 씁 들이켜며] 잘못하면 그 여자 목사들을 | There was an incident where we almost lost them. |
놓칠 뻔한 적이 있습니다 | There was an incident where we almost lost them. |
아마 홍콩 공항에 내려서 정명석을 만나러 가기 위해서 | They were going to meet Jeong Myeong-seok from Hong Kong Airport, |
옷을 이쁜 원피스로 갈아입었던 거 같습니다 | so they probably got changed into prettier dresses. |
공항을 나와서 | They exited the airport, |
미리 대기하고 있던 JMS 측 봉고차하고 | then they got into the JMS van and Lexus that were waiting for them. |
렉서스 차에 탑승을 했고 | then they got into the JMS van and Lexus that were waiting for them. |
그때부터 저희가 JMS 차량을 미행하기 시작했습니다 | From that moment, we started following those JMS vehicles. |
어느덧 미행을 하다 보니까 | As we were following them, |
민가가 없는 약간 산길을 이렇게 올라가기 시작했습니다 | they started going up a mountain road where there were no houses nearby. |
그래서 산등성이를 오르자마자 코너가 있길래 | There was a curve at the mountain ridge, so we followed the curve too. |
저희도 코너를 꺾어서 들어갔더니 | so we followed the curve too. |
그게 다름 아니라 정명석이 거주하는 별장의 마당이었습니다 | There, it was the front yard of the villa where Jeong Myeong-seok was staying. |
일단은 정명석이 그 별장에 있는지 없는지 | First, it was important for us to check that he was actually in the villa. |
확인을 해야 할 필요성이 있었습니다 | First, it was important for us to check that he was actually in the villa. |
정명석의 별장 뒤로 산이 있는데 | There was a mountain behind his villa, |
그 산을 통해서 정명석의 별장에 접근하다가 | so we approached the villa through the mountain. |
정명석이 여신도들과 산책을 하는 것을 보게 되었습니다 | We saw Jeong Myeong-seok taking a walk with his female followers. |
잠복을 하면서 2층에 불이 켜진 걸 보고 | As we were staking out the place, the light on the second floor was on. |
이제 지켜보고 있었는데 | So, we were watching them. |
여자 3명이 번갈아 가면서 | Three women were taking turns, |
정명석과 침대에서 성행위를 하고 | having sex with Jeong Myeong-seok on the bed. |
[긴장되는 음악] 저희는 철수해서 | After that, we went back and asked for the immigration office's cooperation. |
이민국에 협조를 구해 놓은 상태였습니다 | After that, we went back and asked for the immigration office's cooperation. |
(도형) 다음 날 이제 | The very next day, |
홍콩 이민국 직원들 10여 명이 마이크로버스에 탑승을 하고 | around ten Hong Kong immigration officers got on their microbus |
정명석이 숨어있는 클리어 워터 베이로 | and headed for Clear Water Bay, where Jeong Myeong-seok was hiding. |
출발을 했습니다 | and headed for Clear Water Bay, where Jeong Myeong-seok was hiding. |
[경찰차 사이렌] [광둥어 무전 소리] | |
이민국은 앞문으로 정명석을 검거하러 들어갔고 | The immigration officers entered through the front door to arrest him, |
(형진) 저희가 퇴로를 막으려고 | and we went up the mountain to block his escape route. |
뒷산을 올라가는데 [형진이 숨을 씁 들이켠다] | and we went up the mountain to block his escape route. |
전날 보지 못했던 모기장이 쳐져 있고 | We found this mosquito net we hadn't seen the day before |
그 안에 정명석이 여신도들과 | where Jeong Myeong-seok was hanging out |
수영복 차림으로 노닥거리고 있었습니다 | with his female followers in swimsuits. |
[도형의 단호한 말소리] | Don't touch that. Put on your underwear and pants. |
[도형이 단호하게 말한다] | Don't touch that. Put on your underwear and pants. |
[도형이 연신 단호하게 말한다] | Put them on and come out. Come out here. |
(도형) 나와라 | Put them on and come out. Come out here. |
- 나와라 - (명석) 뭘 나온다고? | -Come out. -What's coming out? |
(도형) 나와, 이 새끼야 | Get out, asshole. |
병신 되기 전에 나와라이 좋은 말 할 때 나와 | Come out before I kill you. All right? |
[긴박한 음악] (도형) 정명석이 여신도들과 | As Jeong Myeong-seok was in his underwear with the female followers in swimsuits, |
비키니 차림으로 팬티 차림으로 있어서 그런지 아마 | As Jeong Myeong-seok was in his underwear with the female followers in swimsuits, |
발기가 된 모양입니다 | it seems like he had an erection. |
그래서 이게 허리를 못 펴요 | So he couldn't stand up straight. |
'한국 가자, 나와라' | I said, "Let's go to Korea. Come out." |
하니까 혀 짧은 목소리로 한다는 소리는 | Then, he said with this lisp, "What's coming out?" |
'멀 나온다궁?' | Then, he said with this lisp, "What's coming out?" |
- (도형) 빨리 나와라 - (명석) 뭘 나온다고? | -Come out. -What's coming out? Come out, asshole. |
(도형) 나와, 이 새끼야 | Come out, asshole. |
(형진) 제가 카메라를 찍고 있으니까 | Because I was filming with a camera, I think he wanted to take it. |
일단 그 카메라를 뺏고 싶었나 봐요 | Because I was filming with a camera, I think he wanted to take it. |
카메라를 툭 치더라고요 | He knocked my camera. |
[부스럭거리는 소리] | |
(명석) 뭐, 뭐야, 이거 지금? 뭘 찍나, 이거 왜 찍어? | What are you doing? Why are you filming this? |
- (명석) 어, 발 찼어? - 아니, 야, 됐어, 됐어, 됐어 | -Huh? You kicked me? -Hey, no. It's fine. |
(도형) 야, 이 새끼야 | Hey, you asshole. Hey, why are you putting your hands on me? Why, huh? |
(명석) 아니, 왜, 왜, 왜 손, 손을 대? 왜, 왜! 어! | Hey, why are you putting your hands on me? Why, huh? |
- (형진) 가만있어, 새끼야 - (명석) 너 손댔지! | -Stay still. -You grabbed me? |
- (도형) 내가 언제 손댔어? - (명석) 손댔잖아 | -When did I do that? -You just did. |
(도형) 아, 네가 손대고 있네 마, 찍어라 [명석의 당황하는 소리] | You're the one grabbing me. Film this. This asshole's grabbing my hand. |
이 새끼 내 손 잡고 있잖아 | You're the one grabbing me. Film this. This asshole's grabbing my hand. |
(명석) 어? 너 왜 너, 너 손댔지? | You just grabbed me, right? |
(형진) 야, 새끼야, 어, 왜… [철썩 소리] | Hey, you asshole. Hey, damn it. |
(명석) 어? 손댔지? | Hey, you asshole. Hey, damn it. After he got slapped once, |
(형진) 따귀 한 대 맞고 슬금슬금 [영상 속 형진과 도형이 화낸다] | After he got slapped once, he started backing away, saying, "You hit me?" |
'때렸어? 때렸어?' 하면서 | he started backing away, saying, "You hit me?" |
줄행랑을 타는 모습을 보면서 | Then he hurried away from us. |
(영상 속 형진) 가만있어 | Stay still. |
(형진) 참… | That was… |
'이렇게 보잘것없고' | I thought, "Did I really spend so much effort and time |
'겁 많은 사람을 잡으려고' | I thought, "Did I really spend so much effort and time |
'내가 이렇게까지 큰 고생과 시간을 허비했나?'하는 | I thought, "Did I really spend so much effort and time to catch such a pathetic and cowardly person?" |
허무함이 느껴졌습니다 | It felt so futile. |
[박진감 넘치는 음악] (도형) '색마 교주가 체포됐다'라고 | The headline of a Hong Kong newspaper was "Sex-crazed cult leader arrested." |
홍콩 신문 1면 톱에 실렸고 | The headline of a Hong Kong newspaper was "Sex-crazed cult leader arrested." |
또 주간지에도 표지에서 뭐라고 했냐면 | And the covers of the weekly papers read, |
'색마 교주가 야전에서 체포됐다' | And the covers of the weekly papers read, "Sex-crazed cult leader arrested in the field." |
[경찰차 사이렌] | |
(JMS 탈퇴자) 정명석은 체포가 되었고 | Jeong Myeong-seok was arrested, |
그때 당시에 저희는 | so at the time, |
이제 그때 끝난 건 줄 알았거든요 정명석이 잡혔으니까 | we thought it was all over since he had been caught. |
(도형) 그래서 이제 저놈 잡혀 오는 건 | We thought it'd be a matter of time until he was brought back to Korea, |
시간문제겠거니 하고 저희는 생각하고 있었는데 | We thought it'd be a matter of time until he was brought back to Korea, |
어, 구속됐던 정명석이가 | but Jeong Myeong-seok, who had been arrested… |
아… | but Jeong Myeong-seok, who had been arrested… |
10만 달러 보석금을 내고 석방이 됐습니다 | He hired a lawyer and was released after paying a 100,000-dollar bail. |
변호사를 선임하고 | He hired a lawyer and was released after paying a 100,000-dollar bail. |
이후에 중국으로 | After that, he illegally crossed over to China without a passport. |
밀항을 했던 겁니다, 여권 없이 | After that, he illegally crossed over to China without a passport. |
[의미심장한 효과음] | 2003 FOX HUNT IN OCTOBER |
할렐루야 | Hallelujah. |
[불안한 음악] | |
(남자) 걔들이 그 모기장 쇼크 | I think the mosquito net incident |
그게 엄청났나 봐요 | was quite a big shock for them. |
[부스럭대는 소리] | |
(명석) 뭐, 뭐야, 이거 지금? 뭘 찍나, 이거 왜 찍어? | What are you doing? Why are you filming this? |
- (명석) 어, 발 찼어? - 아니, 야, 됐어, 됐어, 됐어 | -Huh? You kicked me? -Hey, no. It's fine. |
(도형) 야, 이 새끼야 | Hey, you asshole. |
(명석) 아니, 왜, 왜, 왜 손, 손을 대? 왜, 왜! | Hey, why are you putting your hands on me? Why, huh? |
JMS 입장에서 볼 때는 | People at JMS probably thought, |
'우리 메시아한테 감히 저런 짓을' | "How dare they do that to the Messiah?" |
그러니까 어마어마하게 분노를 한 거죠 | So they were really enraged. |
왜냐면 주님이 저렇게 맞는데 | They couldn't just sit and watch the Lord getting beaten up like that. |
가만히 있을 수가 없다는 거지 | They couldn't just sit and watch the Lord getting beaten up like that. |
그러니까 정명석이가 맞으면 부모가 맞는 것처럼 | So when Jeong Myeong-seok was beaten up, they became very hostile |
그 이상의 반감을 느껴요 | as if their parents were beaten up, or even worse. |
신도들은 그 교육을 받으면 | After the indoctrination, the followers became Jeong Myeong-seok's loyal subjects. |
다 교주를 위한 충성 분자가 됩니다 | After the indoctrination, the followers became Jeong Myeong-seok's loyal subjects. |
(홍일) 설교 때 | During his sermons, he'd say, |
'요즘 가라지가 많아' | "There are many foxtails. We cannot farm with too many foxtails in the fields." |
'논에 가라지가 많으면 농사가 안돼' | "There are many foxtails. We cannot farm with too many foxtails in the fields." |
이런 조로 설교를 합니다 | He'd talk like that in his sermons. |
'아, 가라지는 뽑아 버려야 해' | "Oh, we need to pull out all the foxtails." |
'그것은 곧 없애란 뜻이다' | "It means we must get rid of them." |
'이제 여우 사냥을 시작을 해야 되겠다' | "We must start the fox hunt now." |
'주님을 보좌, 보존하기 위하여' | "In order to serve and assist the Lord, |
[불길한 음악] '필요시 김도형을 제거하겠다' | we'll exterminate Kim Do-hyeong if it's necessary." |
[섬뜩한 음악] | JEONJU |
(형진) 점점 저에게 협박 전화가 오는 번호가 | The threatening calls I had been receiving |
전라도 쪽으로 국한되다가 | started coming from Jeolla-do only. |
최종적으로는 저희 학교에 있는 | Then finally, the calls started coming from the payphones in my school. |
[영상 속 통화 연결음] 구내 공중전화까지 오는 것을 보고 | Then finally, the calls started coming from the payphones in my school. |
뭔가 다른 때랑은 다르게 좁혀 온다는 느낌은 들었습니다 | That's when I felt like they were starting to close in on me, unlike before. |
[불길한 음악] | |
(형진) 제가 당시 이제 학교 졸업 때문에 | It was before my graduation, |
여기 이 원룸에 거주하고 있었는데 | so I was living in a small studio apartment at the time. |
현관문을 열고 들어왔는데 | One day, I came through the front door, |
여기 센서 등이 안 들어오는 거예요 | but the motion sensor light didn't come on. |
그래서 고장 났나 싶어서 | I thought it was probably broken, so I just walked up to the second floor. |
[계단 오르는 발소리] 2층까지 올라가는데 | I thought it was probably broken, so I just walked up to the second floor. |
마찬가지로 여기 센서 등도 안 들어오는 거예요 | But this motion sensor light didn't come on either. |
그 순간 | At that moment, |
갑자기 이쪽에서 | somebody suddenly came running down from this side, |
어떤 사람이 뛰어 내려오면서 | somebody suddenly came running down from this side, |
뭐가 번쩍하는 걸 느꼈어요 | and I felt something flash in front of me. |
[괴한의 거친 신음] [둔탁한 쇳소리] | |
(형진) 다행히 그때 제가 들고 있던 형사소송법 책을 [영상 속 괴한의 힘주는 신음] | Luckily, I was carrying my Criminal Procedure Law textbook, |
순간적으로 본능적으로 들어서 막았는데 [영상 속 괴한의 거친 신음] | so I instinctively raised it to defend myself. |
그게 보니까 쇠 파이프였더라고요 [영상 속 괴한의 힘주는 신음] | Later, I realized that it was a steel pipe. |
그리고 괴한들이 제 머리만 집중적으로 가격을 했어요 | Also, the attackers were only aiming for my head. |
[퍽 때리는 소리] | |
이대로 있으면 안 되겠다 싶어서 | I thought that I couldn't let it continue. |
같이 이렇게 붙잡고 이쪽으로 굴렀어요 | So, I grabbed the attacker and rolled together to the side. |
[형진의 신음] | |
[영상 속 형진의 신음] (형진) 이제 건물 밖으로 | So, we all ended up outside the building. |
이렇게 서로 노출이 된 거죠 [영상 속 괴한의 거친 신음] | So, we all ended up outside the building. |
그러다 보니까 건물 밖에 가로등이 있었는데 [영상 속 형진의 아파하는 신음] | There was a streetlamp outside the building. |
어, 그 괴한들의 얼굴이 노출되는 순간 | The moment their faces became visible, |
각자 마치 약속이라도 한 것처럼 | as if they planned beforehand, |
뿔뿔이 헤어져서 도망을 갔죠 [영상 속 형진의 신음] | they scattered all at once and ran for it. |
제가 부모님한테도 말씀은 드렸어요 | I told my parents too. |
'밤늦게 돌아다니지 마시고' | "Don't go out late at night." |
'혹시 이놈들이 미친놈들이니까' | "Don't go out late at night." "Also, these people are nuts, so I won't be coming home for a while." |
'저는 당분간 집에 안 들어가겠습니다' | "Also, these people are nuts, so I won't be coming home for a while." |
[불길한 음악] | |
[영상 속 휴대폰 조작음] (도형) 제가 아버지하고 통화하던 중이었는데 | I was on a call with my father, |
인사로 이제 아버지 지금 어디시냐고 | and I asked him where he was as a greeting. |
물어봤더니 '이제 집에 거의 다 와 간다' | He told me that he was almost home. |
전화 통화 중에 갑자기 저희 아버지가 | All of a sudden during the call, |
'왜 그래? 왜 이래, 왜 이래? 너희들 도대체 왜 이래?' | my father suddenly screamed very frantically, |
라고 다급하게 비명을 지르셨습니다 | "What are you doing? What on earth are you doing?" |
[휴대폰 조작음] | |
'여보세요? 여보세요? 아버지' 하는데 대답을 안 하세요 | I said, "Hello? Dad?" But he didn't say anything. |
'이게 뭐, 왜, 무슨 소리지?' | I wondered why he was saying, "What are you doing?" |
'왜 이래, 왜 이래, 왜 이래?' | I wondered why he was saying, "What are you doing?" |
그래서 다시 아버지께 전화를 드렸는데 | So I called him back, but he didn't pick up. |
전화를 안 받으십니다 | So I called him back, but he didn't pick up. |
[불안한 음악] | |
(민석) 쇠막대기로 막 사람을 찔러 가지고 얼굴이 | They jabbed me in the face with steel pipes. |
이 뼈가 그때 부러졌습니다 | That's when this bone got fractured. |
그래서 입이 돌아가 버리고 뭐, 눈이 안 감겨요 | My mouth was twisted to the side, and I can't close one of my eyes. |
여름에 갑자기 같은 장소, 한 장소에서 | It happened in the summer, all at the same place. |
거기서 핸드폰으로 통화를 하고 있는 중에 | I was speaking on my cell phone, |
[불길한 음악] | |
(민석) 차를 앞에 방해를 해서 서게 만들고 | and they came in front of my car, making me stop. |
긴 뭐, 뭐, 막대기, 몽둥이 | They had these long sticks, clubs, and baseball bats. Things like that. |
막 야구 배트, 막 이런 거 들고 | They had these long sticks, clubs, and baseball bats. Things like that. |
[영상 속 와장창 부서지는 소리] 차를 막, 막 부수는 겁니다 | They started to smash my car with them. |
[괴한들의 힘주는 신음] [부서지는 소리가 연신 난다] | |
(민석) '웬 놈들이냐!' 이러면서 그러니까 | I said, "Who the hell are you?" |
[영상 속 괴한의 힘주는 신음] 운전석 있는 데 문이 열려 있지요 | The window on the driver's side was open, that glass window. |
유리문이, 유리 창문이 | The window on the driver's side was open, that glass window. |
[영상 속 괴한의 힘주는 신음] 그걸 통해 가지고 막… | And through the window, |
때릴 순 없잖아, 좁아 가지고 | they started jabbing because it was too narrow to swing at me. |
이렇게 할 수가 없으니 막 주로 찔러요 | they started jabbing because it was too narrow to swing at me. |
[영상 속 민석의 신음] | |
(민석) 운전석에 앉아 있었으니까 아래는 괜찮고 | I was inside the car, so my lower body was fine. |
주로 얼굴이고 가슴이에요 | But it was mainly my face and chest. |
[영상 속 민석의 신음] | |
(민석) 그래 가지고 한 5분도 안 될 겁니다 [영상 속 와장창 깨지는 소리] | I don't think it even took five minutes. |
그래서 까무러쳤어요, 맞아 가지고 | I don't think it even took five minutes. I was beaten until I got knocked out. |
정신을 잃어버리고 쓰러졌어요 | I just passed out. |
[민석의 힘겨운 숨소리] | |
[떨리는 숨소리] | |
[애잔한 음악] | |
그래서 저희 형이 | So, my brother |
아버지한테 가서 이제 얼굴을 이렇게 감싸는데 | went up to my father and held his face, |
이쪽 얼굴이 물컹하더라는 겁니다 | and he said this side of his face felt squishy. |
그래서 수건을 들어서 봤더니 그냥… | So he lifted the towel to look, and… |
(도형) 얼굴 자체에 구멍이 뚫려 있었죠 | He actually had a hole in his face. |
저도 그거 봤는데 거의 뭐, 야구공만 한 구멍이… | I saw it too, and there was a hole as big as a baseball. |
야구공만 한 구멍이 나 있었어요 | I saw it too, and there was a hole as big as a baseball. |
의사 말로는 | The doctor said |
왼쪽 얼굴을 지나가는 모든 핏줄이 다 끊어졌다 그러더라고요 | that all the veins on the left side of his face had been severed. |
외람된 말씀이지만 아버지 정말 운 좋으셨다고 | He told us he might be presumptuous, but my father had been very lucky. |
그때 아버지 말씀이 | Then, my father said, |
어… | |
'내가 안 당했으면은' | "If I wasn't attacked, my son would've been assaulted like this." |
'내 아들이 이렇게 당했을 거 아니냐' | "If I wasn't attacked, my son would've been assaulted like this." |
'난 차라리 그런 점에서 기분이 좋다' | "I'm glad it happened to me instead." |
이렇게 말씀을 하셨습니다 | That's what he said. |
천만다행이죠, 그럼요 | Of course. I'm very grateful. |
내가 대신 당했다는 거 하느님께 감사합니다 | I thank God that I was attacked instead of my son. |
- (도형) 흰색 약만 드세요 - (민석) 응? | -You need to take the white pills only. -What? |
- (도형) 흰색 약만 드시라고 - (민석) 응, 응 | -Only take the white pills. -Okay. |
(도형) 노란색은 드시지 말고 | Don't take the yellow ones. |
(도형) 그 사건 벌어진 후에는 | For a while, after that happened, |
한동안은 전 진짜 | For a while, after that happened, |
'내가 왜 정명석하고 싸웠나'라고 후회도 했습니다 | I really regretted going up against Jeong Myeong-seok. |
사람이라면 도저히 그럴 수 없는 거 아닙니까? | How could a human being do such a thing? |
조직 폭력배들도 가족 소중한 건 알 거예요 | Even gangsters would understand how precious family is. |
[경찰차 사이렌] [불안한 음악] | |
(도형) 그래서 저를 테러하려고 했는데 | EVIDENCE CONFISCATED BY THE POLICE AFTER THE INCIDENT They were planning to attack me, but there was no way for them to find me. |
도저히 저를 찾을 수가 없으니까 | They were planning to attack me, but there was no way for them to find me. |
테러 대상을 저희 아버지로 바꿔 버린 겁니다 | So they decided to attack my father instead. |
그 안에 현직 검사도 JMS 신도니까 | There were active prosecutors among the JMS members, too. |
사람 뒷조사하는 건 얘네들한텐 일도 아니죠 | It's easy for them to get information about someone. |
경찰이 압수 수색 한 테러범 수첩을 보면은 | In a notebook the police confiscated from the attackers, |
저희 온 가족 이름 주민 번호, 주소 | my entire family's names, resident registration numbers, addresses, |
차량 번호까지 전부 다 기재돼 있었고 | and even license plate numbers were written down. |
심지어는 저희 부모님 집에다가 도청 장치까지 해 놨더라고요 | They even bugged my parents' home. |
[엘리베이터 도착음] | |
[불안이 고조되는 음악] | |
[엘리베이터 도착음] | |
[배 기적 소리] | CHINA |
정명석이 나 지금 중국에 있다고 그렇게 얘기를 하면서 | Jeong Myeong-seok told me he was in China… SEXUAL VIOLENCE VICTIM LEE YUN-JU (ANONYM) JOINED IN 1992, AGE 19 AT THE TIME |
나한테 건너오라고 | SEXUAL VIOLENCE VICTIM LEE YUN-JU (ANONYM) JOINED IN 1992, AGE 19 AT THE TIME …and told me to come to him. |
(윤주) 그때 북경에 본부 언니가 한 명 더 있었어요 | Another girl from the HQ was in Beijing at the time. |
둘이서 한참을 승용차를 타고 가는데 | We rode in a car for a very long time. |
길도 울퉁불퉁하고 계속 가는 거예요 | The road was super bumpy. We just kept on driving. |
도착했는데 커다란 대문에서 | When we arrived there, there were these huge gates, |
뭐, 도착했다고 하니까 문이 탁 열리더라고요 | which opened when they said we had arrived. |
그 큰 대문이 딱 열리면서 저희가 이제 삭 들어갔죠 | We went in through those enormous gates as they opened. |
정명석이 머무는 건물 [어두운 음악] | In the building where Jeong Myeong-seok stayed, |
그 지하, 이렇게 계단으로 쭉 내려가면 | there was a bathhouse downstairs in the basement. |
목욕탕이 있었어요 | there was a bathhouse downstairs in the basement. |
그 목욕탕에서 샤워시켜 주고 찜질방에 데려가서… | They washed us in the bathhouse, then took us to the dry sauna where he raped us. |
성폭행이 이루어졌던 곳이에요 | then took us to the dry sauna where he raped us. |
근데 그다음 주에 | Then the week after, |
태권도 사건이 터져 버린 거예요 | the Taekwondo incident happened. |
잇따른 성 추문으로 해외 도피한 | The founder of JMS, Jeong Myeong-seok, who fled abroad |
JMS 창립자 정명석 씨가 | after getting accused of several sexual crimes, |
이번엔 중국에서 여성 신도들을 | is now being accused of sexually assaulting |
성폭행했다는 주장이 나왔습니다 | his female followers in China. |
(JMS 탈퇴자) 중국 피해자들은 그, 대학생이고요 | The victims in China were college students. |
태권도 시범단으로 JMS 안에서 활동을 하고 있다가 | They were members of the JMS taekwondo demonstration team. |
'중국에서 이제 태권도 시범을 공연을 하게 된다' | He invited them to China saying |
그러면서 중국으로 불러들였는데 | that they'd be performing a taekwondo demonstration in China. |
홍콩에서 한번 붙잡힌 전력이 있다 보니까 | Because he had already been caught in Hong Kong once before, |
나름대로 보안을 엄청 철저히 하느라고 | he was being very careful with security. |
(김 모 양) | I had no idea. They didn't tell me anything. |
(김 모 양) | I got on the boat, and I saw this sign as we were getting off. "Welcome to Dalian." So it was Dalian. |
(제작진1) 중국 대련 항에 도착해 | After arriving in Dalian, China, she managed to figure out her location |
그나마 위치를 알 수 있었던 것은 | After arriving in Dalian, China, she managed to figure out her location |
한 음식점에서 챙긴 숟가락 포장지 [영상 속 거리가 시끌벅적하다] | using a spoon wrapper she took from a restaurant. |
요녕성 안산시였습니다 | She was in Anshan, Liaoning. |
(김 모 양) | It had Anshan written on it. That's how I knew. |
(김 모 양) | Yes, this is it. That was the biggest building, and there were three identical buildings in the back there. |
(제작진2) 음, 혹시… | and there were three identical buildings in the back there. Can I ask where you were sexually assaulted? |
(제작진2) | Can I ask where you were sexually assaulted? Right here. |
(김 모 양) | Right here. There was a dry sauna in the basement, |
(김 모 양) | and there were a bunch of secret passageways in there. |
그날 저녁에 바로 그 피해자가 | That very evening, the victim ended up |
거의 뭐, 성 고문이라고 할 정도로 잔혹하게 | getting raped so violently, which was nothing short of sexual torture. |
강간을 당하게 됐습니다 | getting raped so violently, which was nothing short of sexual torture. |
[어두운 음악] [덜그럭 소리가 울린다] | Jeong Myeong-seok slapped my buttocks and thighs, |
(김 모 양) 손으로 엉덩이와 허벅지를 때린 후 | Jeong Myeong-seok slapped my buttocks and thighs, |
뜨거운 물이 나오는 샤워기 호스를 | then he stuck the hose of the shower, |
정명석의 손가락과 함께 저의 음부에 집어넣었습니다 | which had hot water coming out, into my vagina, along with his fingers. |
정명석은 고통을 호소하는 저에게 | But Jeong Myeong-seok just told me to be quiet |
조용히 하라고 하면서 | when I cried out in agony. |
'가만히 있지 않으면 보지를 찢어서라도 한다' | He yelled at me that he'd rip my pussy to do it if I didn't stay still, |
라고 소리친 다음 | He yelled at me that he'd rip my pussy to do it if I didn't stay still, |
저를 간음하였습니다 | then he raped me. |
(도형) 중국 사건이 또 터져서 | Jeong Myeong-seok ran away again after the incident in China came to light. |
정명석이가 그냥 도망가 버렸습니다 | Jeong Myeong-seok ran away again after the incident in China came to light. |
거처를 옮겨서 더 이상의 추적은 불가능했죠 | We couldn't track him anymore after he moved his hideout. |
[명석의 신나는 웃음] | MARCH 2ND, 2006 SLEDDING WHILE IN HIDING |
[여자들의 환호성] | |
(윤주) 장소를 이동했잖아요? [영상 속 시끌벅적한 환호성] | So he moved locations, right? |
2006년, 2007년 그때도 | But even in 2006 and 2007, |
정명석은 [영상 속 여자들의 환호성] | Jeong Myeong-seok kept bringing in women from other places to have sex with them. |
다른 곳에서 여자들을 불러 가지고 계속 성관계를 했어요 | Jeong Myeong-seok kept bringing in women from other places to have sex with them. |
[여자들의 웃음] | |
신앙 유지 하면서 끝까지 계속 밀고 나가 | Never give up your faith. Keep it up till the end. |
세계를 점령해서 사랑으로 점령해 나가자고 | Let's conquer the world. Let's conquer it with love. |
알겠어요? | Okay? |
그러면 여기서 모두 모두 마치고 여러분들, 안녕 | Well, that's all I have for you today. Bye, everyone. |
네, 안녕 | Goodbye. |
[경건한 음악] | 2006 HIDING |
[영상 속 전화벨 소리] (도형) 어느 날 갑자기 전화가 왔었는데 | We got a call one day out of the blue from an external group of the Ministry of State Security of China. |
중국의 국가 안전국의 외곽 조직이었습니다 | from an external group of the Ministry of State Security of China. |
우리나라로 얘기하면 국정원 | The equivalent of South Korea's NIS. |
그쪽에서 연락이 온 이유가 | They called us and asked us to come to China as soon as possible. |
'최대한 빨리 중국으로 좀 들어와 달라' | They called us and asked us to come to China as soon as possible. |
'한중 문화 교류라는 명목으로 행사를 기획하는데' | They were planning a cultural exchange event between China and Korea, |
'거기에 정명석이 나타날 가능성이 높다' | and they thought Jeong Myeong-seok was likely to show up there. |
[강조하는 효과음] [경찰차 사이렌] | |
[강조하는 효과음] | |
[강조하는 효과음] | |
(중국 앵커) [중국어] 주요 심문 시에는 | While he was being questioned about his bigger crimes, |
불쌍한 척, 미친 척 연기하며 공안의 심문을 빠져나가려 애썼다 [명석의 괴상한 신음] | he tried to escape the questions of the officer, acting insane and pitiful. |
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