성+인물: 대만 편 3
Risqué Business: Taiwan 3
[사람들의 박수와 환호성] | 1ST PLACE FOR 2 YEARS IN A ROW! |
[새가 지저귄다] | |
[시경] 오늘 쥬쥬라는 여기 1등 하는 친구가 | JKF's number-one model, Jiu Jiu, invited us here today. |
- 초대를 해 줘서 - [동엽] 맞아요 | JKF's number-one model, Jiu Jiu, invited us here today. -That's right. -We'll get to have a tour thanks to her. |
우리가 이제 구경을 하러 가게 됐는데 | -That's right. -We'll get to have a tour thanks to her. |
우리 시경이가 대만 최대 | We've been invited to a photo shoot for Taiwan's largest adult magazine. |
성인 잡지 화보 촬영 간다고 하니깐 | We've been invited to a photo shoot for Taiwan's largest adult magazine. |
진짜 미세하게 뭔가 신경을 굉장히 썼어요, 지금 | I don't know if you can tell, but Si-kyung is dressed better than usual. |
[동엽] 깔끔하게 뭔가 딱 떨어지는 느낌으로 | He's looking quite dandy. |
- 헤어스타일도 그렇고 - [흥미로운 음악] | He's looking quite dandy. Look at his hair too. |
[시경] 나는 그냥 라운드 티 입겠다 그랬더니 | I just wanted to wear a T-shirt, |
코디가 동엽이 형이 정장 입으신다고 | I just wanted to wear a T-shirt, but my stylist wouldn't let me |
내가 그렇게 입으면 자기만 튄다고, 안 된다고 | because you'd stand out too much wearing a suit. |
- [동엽의 웃음] - 억지로 재킷 입은 거예요 | because you'd stand out too much wearing a suit. That's why I'm wearing this. |
[동엽] 아니, 근데 진짜로 어렸을 때 성인 잡지… | Did you read a lot of adult magazines when you were young? |
[시경] 저는 시 이런 걸 위주로 읽었던 거 같아요 | I was more into poetry. |
[동엽의 웃음] | I was more into poetry. That probably led me to become a singer. |
아무래도 지금 직업도 그래서 가수가 된 게 아닌가 | That probably led me to become a singer. -You were more into literary magazines. -Yes. |
- [동엽] '월간문학' 뭐, 그쪽? - [시경] 네, 뭐, 예, 예 | -You were more into literary magazines. -Yes. |
[동엽] 아, 비슷하네, 비슷하네 | -You were just like me. -Really? |
- 비슷해? 아 - [동엽] 비슷하네 | -You were just like me. -Really? Of course. |
[시경] 제일 좋아했던 책은 '좋은생각'이라고 | My favorite magazine was Positive Thinking. |
[함께 웃는다] | My favorite magazine was Positive Thinking. |
- [매혹적인 음악] - '좋은생각'이라고 | Positive Thinking. |
[동엽, 시경의 웃음] | Positive Thinking. When I was in high school, |
우리 고등학교 때인가? | When I was in high school, |
'뜨거운 바람'이라는 잡지가 나왔었지 | there was a magazine called Hot Wind. |
'핫윈드'라는 | there was a magazine called Hot Wind. |
- 아, '핫윈드'? - [시경] 어 | -Right, Hot Wind. -Yes. |
'핫윈드'? | -Right, Hot Wind. -Yes. |
[동엽] '건강다이제스트' '리더스다이제스트'에… | We had magazines called Health Digest and Reader's Digest. -A few pages featured sexy photos. -That's right. |
[시경] 거기에 한 장, 두 장 컬러 사진 들어 있는 거 | -A few pages featured sexy photos. -That's right. |
들어가 봅시다 | Let's go in. |
와, 무슨 성이야? | It's like a palace. |
- [동엽] 자, 지금 여기서 - [시경의 탄성] | They're having a photo shoot here. |
- 화보 촬영을 한다고 합니다 - [흥미로운 음악] | They're having a photo shoot here. |
[시경] 여기 무슨 '플레이보이' 저택처럼 | -It's like the Playboy Mansion, isn't it? -Yes. |
- 그지? - [동엽] 응 | -It's like the Playboy Mansion, isn't it? -Yes. Man, this place is massive. |
- [시경] 이야, 어마어마하네 - [동엽의 웃음] | Man, this place is massive. |
- [동엽] 이렇게 들어가도 되나? - [시경] 어, 그러게 | -Can we just go in? -Sure. |
[남자가 중국어로] | All right. |
[남자] | Good! Now give us a seductive look. |
[계속되는 카메라 셔터음] | I love it. Show off your bodies. |
[동엽이 한국어로] 어, 여긴 뭐 아, 풀이 | -There's a swimming pool. -Goodness. |
- 풀장이 있었네 - [시경] 아이고 | -There's a swimming pool. -Goodness. |
[중국어로] | Great! |
[한국어로] 잘 모르겠는데 여기 되게 좋은 곳이다 | I don't know where I am, but I love it. |
[포토그래퍼가 중국어로 말한다] | |
[여자의 탄성] | |
[중국어로] | Hello, I'm Anita, the media director of JKF. |
[시경이 한국어로] 저희 쥬쥬라는 분이 | Jiu Jiu invited us here. |
초대해 주셔 가지고 왔는데 | Jiu Jiu invited us here. |
[중국어로] | Jiu Jiu is over there. |
[동엽이 한국어로] 아, 알겠습니다 | She's still shooting, so please wait. -All right. -Okay. |
- [경쾌한 음악] - [중국어로] | Let's go for something sweet this time. |
- [포토그래퍼의 탄성] - [카메라 셔터음] | |
[반짝이는 효과음] | You can take them off as well. |
[포토그래퍼가 중국어로 말한다] | |
[익살스러운 효과음] | All right. Jiu Jiu, you can take a break. |
[레이디들의 웃음] | All right. Jiu Jiu, you can take a break. |
[쥬쥬가 한국어로] 안녕, 오빠! | Hey, babes. |
- [동엽] '안녕, 오빠'? - [시경] 안녕하세요 | -Did she say "hey, babes"? -Hello. |
[동엽] 어, 안녕하세요 | Hello. |
- [쥬쥬] 안녕하세요 - [시경] 안녕하세요, 반갑습니다 | -Hello. -Nice to meet you. |
[쥬쥬가 중국어로] | Hello. I'm Jiu Jiu, a JKF Lady. |
[한국어로] 안녕하세요 제 이름은 JKF 쥬쥬입니다 | Hello. I'm Jiu Jiu with JKF. |
[동엽] 카메라 앞에서는 | You were a complete professional in front of the camera. |
완전히 프로페셔널한 모습으로 계속 사진을 찍다가 | You were a complete professional in front of the camera. But you seem so friendly now that you're here and speaking Korean. |
지금 이제 이렇게 막 한국말도 하니까 | But you seem so friendly now that you're here and speaking Korean. |
너무 이렇게 좀 친근하고 | But you seem so friendly now that you're here and speaking Korean. |
[중국어로] | I studied Korean. |
[한국어로] 라면 맛있어 | "Ramyeon is delicious." |
[함께 웃는다] | |
라면 먹고 갈래? | "Do you want to come in for ramyeon?" |
- [익살스러운 효과음] - 어, 어 | -Right. -He wants some. |
- 어, 먹는대요, 먹는대요 - [시경] 아니, 아니… | -Right. -He wants some. -No, I meant she said it correctly. -He wants it. |
- [동엽] 먹는대요 - [시경] 맞아요 | -No, I meant she said it correctly. -He wants it. |
- [웃음] - [시경] 라면 맛있어요 | Ramyeon is delicious. |
이거 귀에다가 착용하시면, 요렇게 | You can put this in your ear. TRANSLATION EARPIECE |
- [쥬쥬] 아 - [흥미로운 효과음] | TRANSLATION EARPIECE |
[의미심장한 효과음] | |
제가 넣으라고요? | -You want me to put it in? -Yes. |
요렇게, 요렇게 | -Like that. -Do it for her. |
직접 넣어 줘, 모르니까 | -Like that. -Do it for her. -She hasn't done it before. -Come on. |
- [시경] 아이 - [익살스러운 음악] | -She hasn't done it before. -Come on. |
아이, 잘 모르잖아 반대로 이렇게 잘못 넣으면… | She hasn't used it before, so she might put it in wrong. |
[시경] 아니야, 아니야, 잘 넣었어 들려요? | No, she's got it. Can you hear them? |
[중국어로] | -Yes, I can hear them. -Okay. |
[동엽이 한국어로] 아, 예 | -Yes, I can hear them. -Okay. |
[시경] 오늘 저희를 초대해 주신 이유가 있나요? | Why did you invite us here today? |
- [흥미로운 음악] - [중국어로] | At JKF, we make sexy content |
[동엽이 호응한다] | to you and everyone in Korea. |
[동엽이 한국어로] 지금 촬영하는 건 어떤 촬영이에요? | So what's this photo shoot for? |
[중국어로] | Right now, we're doing a sexy photo shoot for JKF magazine. |
[한국어로] 아, 한 달에 한 권씩 | It's a monthly publication. |
[중국어로] | Have you ever seen this kind of shoot before? |
[한국어로] 아니요 처음이에요, 처음 | -No, this is my first time. -Never. |
[동엽] 너무 멋있어요 | And it's amazing. |
[쥬쥬] 어, 좋아해? | Do you like it? |
- [익살스러운 음악] - [함께 웃는다] | |
[시경] '스', 좋아해 | He absolutely does. |
[함께 웃는다] | He absolutely does. |
[동엽] 아, 일하는 모습 보면 좋죠 | It's great seeing people work. |
열심히 일하는 모습이 가장 아름다운 모습입니다, 예 | People are most beautiful when they are working hard. |
[시경] 아, 근데 이게 콘셉트가 되게 다양할 거 같은데 | I imagine there are many themes in photo shoots. |
특이했던 콘셉트 같은 게 있나요? | Were there any eccentric themes? |
[중국어로] | One time, I had to be a girlfriend who popped out of a delivery package. |
- [동엽의 웃음] - [매혹적인 음악] | My fans really loved it. |
[흥미로운 효과음] | |
[사람들의 웃음] | Pop, pop. |
[매혹적인 효과음] | |
- [한국어로] 뽁뽁이 - [시경] 맞아요, 뽁뽁이 | -Bubble wrap. -That's right. Bubble wrap. |
[시경] 그럼 이런 화보 말고도 또 다른 활동도 해요? | Do you do anything other than photo shoots? |
사진 찍는 거 말고 | Do you do anything other than photo shoots? |
[중국어로] | I do both online and offline activities. |
- [한국어로] 7, 8백 명? - [동엽] 야, 되게 많네요 | -Over 700 models? -That's a lot. |
- [리드미컬한 음악] - [중국어로] | Each model has her own style. |
[쥬쥬] | WILD AND SEXY |
[쥬쥬] | PURE AND SEXY |
[쥬쥬] | SLIM AND SEXY |
[동엽이 한국어로] 큐티 섹시 와일드 섹시 | Cute and sexy, wild and sexy, |
청순 섹시 | pure and sexy. |
뒤에 '섹시'는 무조건 붙어야 되나요? | So "sexy" is in there no matter what. |
[익살스러운 효과음] | So "sexy" is in there no matter what. |
7백 명이 다 섹시해요? | Are all 700 models sexy? |
- 네, '예스' - [동엽의 탄성] | Yes. |
아, 전 지금까지 한 번도 쳐다본 적이 없어요, 지금 | I haven't looked straight at her once. I just can't. |
쳐다볼 수도 없고, 지금 | I just can't. |
[시경] 계속 흰자위로 보고 있는데 약간 멀미가 납니다 | I don't know where to focus my eyes and it's making me nauseous. |
- 지금 이렇게, 거리감이… - [동엽의 웃음] | and it's making me nauseous. I can't focus my eyes. |
- [흥미로운 음악] - [중국어로] | How will you look at us when the five of us are together? |
[시경이 한국어로] 아이고, 예 깜짝이야 | My goodness. That startled me. |
[쥬쥬의 웃음] | That startled me. |
- 갑자기 또 엄마 생각나고 그러네 - [함께 웃는다] | My mom keeps popping into my head again. |
[중국어로] | I'll be introducing you to some sexy ladies today. |
[쥬쥬가 한국어로] 잘 부탁해 오빠 | Let's have a good time, babes. |
[사람들의 웃음] | Let's have a good time, babes. |
[시경] 어, 우리 이름 외웠어요? | Do you know our names? |
[중국어로] | I know them in Chinese. |
[동엽이 한국어로] 중국어로는 뭐라고 해요? | What are they? -Cheng Shi Jing. -Cheng Shi Jing. |
- [중국어로] - [시경] '청스징' | -Cheng Shi Jing. -Cheng Shi Jing. Cheng Shi Jing. |
[동엽이 호응한다] | Shen Dong Ye. |
- '신동양' - [시경] '신동'… | -It sounds like Hsin Tung Yang. -Hsin Tung… |
[사람들의 웃음] | |
- [동엽이 한국어로] 오빠, 오빠 - [시경] 아빠, 아빠, 아빠, 아빠 | It's a Taiwanese beef jerky brand. |
- [의미심장한 효과음] - [사람들의 웃음] | |
[동엽] 아, 잠깐만, 잠깐만 | Wait. |
[웃음] | |
그 육포는 맛있어요? | Is their beef jerky any good? |
- 맛있어, 진짜 맛있어 - [동엽의 안도하는 소리] | It's really delicious. |
- [익살스러운 음악] - [사람들의 웃음] | |
[동엽] 와 | |
어, 너무 무서워, 비밀은 없어요 | This is scary. There are no secrets in the world. |
[사람들의 웃음] | |
나도 언뜻 들었거든요 | I did hear |
대만 그쪽 그 브랜드 육포가 되게 맛있다는 얘긴 들었는데 | that Taiwanese beef jerky is really good. |
[시경] 한 2만 번 한 거 같은데 그지, 이거? | He's made this joke about 20,000 times. I can't believe it still works. |
- 이게 계속 먹힌다는 게 참… - [동엽의 웃음] | I can't believe it still works. |
잘 부탁합니다 | I look forward to today. |
[중국어로] | I look forward to today. That was great. |
[경쾌한 음악] | -Thank you. -Thank you. Let's take a few more. |
[카메라 셔터음] | Here we go. Look charming. Great. |
- [저마다 인사한다] - [쥬쥬가 한국어로] 신동양 오빠 | -Hi. -Hi. -Hi, Dong-youp. -Hello. |
[사람들의 웃음] | |
[동엽] 아까 촬영하는 모습 보니깐 | I was watching you guys shoot earlier, |
프로페셔널하게 하는 모습 보면서 | and you were so professional. |
진짜 속으로 이렇게 막 박수 쳤어요 | I was cheering you on on the inside. |
[레이디들의 웃음] | I was cheering you on on the inside. |
자, 한 분 한 분 본인 소개 부탁드려요 | Please introduce yourselves. |
[중국어로] | I'm Jiu Jiu, a JKF Lady. |
[리드미컬한 음악] | I won first place in both 2021 and 2022. |
[사람들의 박수와 환호성] | JKF SEXY LADY TOP 100 2ND PLACE, YOU BAO |
[매혹적인 효과음] | JKF SEXY LADY TOP 100 2ND PLACE, YOU BAO My most attractive feature is my big and voluptuous butt. |
[레이디들의 웃음] | My breasts are the size of a xiaolongbao. They're not as big as the other ladies'. |
- [함께] '샤오룽바오' - [사람들의 웃음] | -Xiaolongbao? -Xiaolongbao. It's delicious. |
[레이디들] | -We also have giant dumplings in Taiwan. -Giant ones. GIANT DUMPLINGS OVER HERE |
- [의미심장한 효과음] - [레이디들의 웃음] | |
- [비트] - [흥미진진한 음악] | Hello, I'm Bi Te, the number-three JKF Lady. |
[사람들의 박수와 환호성] | JKF SEXY LADY TOP 100 3RD PLACE, BI TE |
[웬신] | I joined JKF about a year ago, and my name is Wen Xin. |
[리드미컬한 음악] | I came in 11th place, and I was awarded Rookie of the Year. |
[사람들의 박수와 환호성] | JKF 11TH PLACE & ROOKIE OF THE YEAR WEN XIN |
[사람들의 박수와 환호성] | My name is Bao Qi, and I came in 7th place. JKF 7TH PLACE BAO QI |
- [강조되는 효과음] - [레이디들의 탄성] | The more I massaged them, the bigger they got. |
[흥미로운 음악] | -You should start massaging them now. -I should have massaged mine. |
[레이디들의 웃음] | |
[동엽이 한국어로] 그, JKF 레이디 | Could you tell us more about |
정확히 어떤 직업인지 좀 설명해 주세요 | what a JKF Lady does? |
[중국어로] | Just like they have Playboy and Maxim in the US and gravure magazines in Japan, |
[리드미컬한 음악] | Our job is to spread and promote the sexiness of Taiwan. SEXY MAGAZINES |
[사람들의 환호성] | We are like the sexy version of AKB48 from Japan. |
[시경이 한국어로] 대만이랑 한국이랑 | Do you think Taiwan and Korea define sexiness differently? |
섹시함에 대한 기준이 좀 다를까요? | Do you think Taiwan and Korea define sexiness differently? |
여러분이 생각하는 섹시함이 뭔지 | How would you define sexiness? |
[중국어로] | I think women who are confident and elegant are sexy. |
[시경의 탄성] | the company prepares your shoot based on your preferred nudity level. |
[시경이 호응한다] | and the company respects our decision. My nudity level doesn't go beyond wearing underwear, |
[시경이 한국어로] 아 되게 구체적으로 정하는구나 | It gets very specific. |
[중국어로] | I don't show my "three points" in my shoots. |
[한국어로] 아, 쓰리 포인트? | -"Three points"? -Yes. |
'원, 투, 쓰리' | |
- [쥬쥬가 중국어로] - [의미심장한 효과음] | One, two, three. |
[동엽이 한국어로] 그러면은 투 포인트도 있어요? | Is there such a thing as "two points"? |
[경쾌한 효과음] | |
투 포인트, 띵띵, 이쪽은 돼요 | Two points. Revealing just one nipple. |
- [레이디들의 웃음] - [의미심장한 효과음] | -There's no such thing. -Just one side. |
- [익살스러운 음악] - [중국어로] | -There's no such thing. -Just one side. |
[한국어로] 계약서에 '저는' | On the contract, it says… "I can show my left nipple, but not my right." |
[동엽] '왼쪽은 되고 오른쪽은 안 돼요' | "I can show my left nipple, but not my right." |
[레이디들의 웃음] | |
[시경] 지금 이제 순위를 다 얘기해 주셨는데 | You've all told us your rankings. |
팬분들이 투표를 해서 결정되는 건가요? | Is it based on votes from your fans? |
[중국어로] | Is it based on votes from your fans? That's right. You can vote from anywhere in the world. |
[동엽, 시경의 탄성] | All you need is a phone number. |
[시경이 한국어로] 아니, 그럼 지금 2년 연속 1위인데 | All you need is a phone number. You came in first for two years in a row. |
[중국어로] | That's right. |
[한국어로] 되게 자랑스러워하고 있는 거 같은데 | You seem very proud of it. |
- [중국어로] - [레이디들의 웃음] | Of course. It's unprecedented. |
[한국어로] 불안하지 않아요? 1위를 뺏기면 어떻게 하나 | Aren't you afraid someone might take your spot? |
- [중국어로] - [강조되는 효과음] | No, I'll always be number one. |
- [익살스러운 효과음] - [레이디들의 웃음] | |
[의미심장한 효과음] | |
[탄성] | |
[한국어로] 한국에서는 이런 식으로 말을 하면 | If you talk like that in Korea, |
주변에 친구가 없거든요? | you end up having no friends. |
- [동엽] 대만은 괜찮은 거죠? - [레이디들의 웃음] | But is that not the case in Taiwan? In JKF, it's okay. |
- [익살스러운 음악] - [중국어로] | In JKF, it's okay. -It's fine in JKF. -It's fine. |
[시경이 한국어로] 친구들이 다 착해 | They're all so nice. |
'나도 1위 해 보고 싶다', 아, 아 | Does anyone want to be number one? |
- 예, '내가 1위 하고 싶다' - [바오치, 웬신이 호응한다] | Who wants to be number one? |
[중국어로] | I came in 11th place, and I was awarded the Rookie of the Year. |
- [한국어로] 파이팅, 파이팅 - [함께 웃는다] | Good luck. -Good luck. -Good luck. |
- [쥬쥬] - [시경의 탄성] | |
[시경] 아마 궁금해하는 분들이 많을 거 같아서 | I'm sure a lot of people are curious as to |
JKF 레이디로 활동하면 | I'm sure a lot of people are curious as to |
수입이 한 어느 정도까지 할 수 있는지 | how much you would make if you work as a JKF Lady. |
[중국어로] | I make about five million New Taiwan dollars in a year. |
[강조되는 효과음] | That's about 200 million won. Because I'm number one, |
[익살스러운 효과음] | Compared to when I was a waitress, I make hundreds of times more now. |
[시경이 한국어로] 그러면 처음에 어떻게 시작하게 돼요? | How did you enter this industry? |
본인이 신청해요? | Did you apply? |
[중국어로] | JKF discovered me on Instagram. I was just as pretty as a kid as I am now. |
- [사람들의 웃음] - [익살스러운 효과음] | At one point, I even thought, "Is it a crime to be pretty?" |
[강조되는 효과음] | and show off my beauty and sexiness confidently. |
[동엽, 시경의 탄성] | As I worked hard to keep up, I found my identity of sweet sexiness. |
[한국어로] '스윗한 섹시함' | "Sweet sexiness." |
되게 다양한 섹시함이 있다 대만에는 | There are so many types of sexiness in Taiwan. |
- [비트가 중국어로] - [익살스러운 효과음] | There are so many types of sexiness in Taiwan. This is what you call sweet and sexy. |
[동엽이 한국어로] 응 스윗한 섹시함 | |
[중국어로] | I actually used to be an assistant engineer. |
[한국어로] 무슨 사진이었는데요? | What kind of pictures? Pictures of my butt. |
[중국어로] | Pictures of my butt. |
[탄성] | |
[시경이 한국어로] 저도 SNS를 하는데 | I'm also on social media. |
음악도 올리고 요리도 올리고 진짜 열심히 해서 | I've posted numerous videos of me singing and cooking, |
이제 한 50만 좀 넘었나 인스타는? | and I finally have over 500,000 followers on Instagram now. |
근데 되게 예쁜 여자분이 백만이 넘는 걸 보고 | And then I saw a beautiful lady with over a million followers. |
[웃으며] 아, 좀… 3년 동안 노력했는데 | It took me three years, but she hit a million in a few months. |
만든 지 한 몇 개월 만에 백만이 되니까 | but she hit a million in a few months. |
[중국어로] | You lost to breasts. |
[흥미로운 음악] | -You should take off your clothes too. -Totally. Come on, try. |
[사람들의 웃음] | |
[한국어로] 심지어 유튜브도 하는데 | I also have a YouTube channel. |
맛있는 집 소개하는 것도 하고 노래도 하는데 | I share good restaurants and upload cover songs. |
맛있는 집이 훨씬 더 잘 나와요 | But the restaurant videos are much more popular. |
[유바오가 중국어로] | You should sing and eat at the same time. -Yes, you can sing and eat. -You can do both. |
[웬신이 중국어로 말한다] | -Yes, you can sing and eat. -You can do both. |
- [한국어로] - [사람들의 웃음] | People like you are the worst. |
- [웬신이 중국어로] - [비트가 중국어로 말한다] | You sing, and then you eat. |
[사람들의 웃음] | |
[시경이 한국어로] 대만 분들이 | What do Taiwanese people think of the JKF models? |
JKF 모델들을 바라보는 시선이 어때요? | What do Taiwanese people think of the JKF models? |
[중국어로] | Some people say girls like us would flirt with any man |
[레이디들이 호응한다] | Bao Qi is actually highly educated. |
[동엽이 한국어로] 아니, 근데 | Is there a stereotype that women with big breasts are dumb? |
가슴이 크면 머리가 나쁘다는 말이 있어요? | Is there a stereotype that women with big breasts are dumb? |
[중국어로] | Haters say that girls with big breasts have nothing else to show for themselves. |
[비트가 중국어로 말한다] | Haters say that girls with big breasts have nothing else to show for themselves. |
[경쾌한 효과음] | But we have a lot to show. They call them "vases" because they're pretty but useless. |
[레이디들이 호응한다] | They call them "vases" because they're pretty but useless. That's right. |
[한국어로] '미쳤어' | but now I just say, "They're crazy." |
- [레이디들의 웃음] - [동엽의 놀란 소리] | |
[시경] 그래도 '아, 이거 하길 잘했다'라고 | But there must be times you're glad you chose this career. |
생각하게 되는 좋은 것도 있을 거 아니에요 | But there must be times you're glad you chose this career. |
힘든 점도 많지만 '이럴 땐 좀 힘이 난다' | What part of this job cheers you up? |
[중국어로] | Around 1 out of 20 fans of mine are girls. |
[동엽이 호응한다] | One of them even bought my magazine for her boyfriend |
[사람들의 탄성] | I was truly moved. |
[동엽이 한국어로] 여기 이제 카메라 감독님들 | Do you see all the cameramen here? |
[시경] 이렇게 밝은 얼굴로 하는 거 | It's been a while -since they've looked this happy. -This is a first. |
- 나 진짜 오랜만에 봐 - [동엽] 나 지금 처음 봤어 | -since they've looked this happy. -This is a first. |
- 이래, 이래 [웃음] - [매혹적인 음악] | -since they've looked this happy. -This is a first. They're doing this. |
- 이렇게 - [레이디들의 웃음] | They're doing this. |
이야! 자신만만하고 당당하고 | Goodness. They really love people |
자기 일을 열심히 하는 분들을 좋아해요 | who are confident and hardworking. |
아니, 근데 많은 분들이 레이디들을 알아보죠? | Do a lot of people recognize you? |
[레이디들이 중국어로 호응한다] | -Of course. -Yes. |
[중국어로] | They like us, but not all of them approach us. |
[한국어로] 그러면은 대만에서는 | In Taiwan, what do you say |
[동엽] 남자가 집에 바래다줬는데 마음에 들어 | when a guy you're into drops you off at home and you want to invite him in? |
- [웬신의 탄성] - 그럼 뭐라고 얘기해요? | and you want to invite him in? |
[중국어로] | Do you want to go buy Cola with me? |
[레이디들의 감탄하는 소리] | |
- [레이디들의 웃음] - [익살스러운 효과음] | |
[레이디들이 중국어로 설명한다] | |
[웬신이 영어로] | "Make love." It sounds just like "buy Cola" in Chinese. |
- [매혹적인 음악] - [탄성] | BUY COLA = MAKE LOVE |
[시경이 한국어로] '마이커러'니까 '메이크 러브' | -That makes sense. -Make love. |
[레이디들] | -That makes sense. -Make love. -Make love. -Make love. |
그니까 요기서 '라면 먹고 갈래요?'가 | It's like how we say, "Do you want to come in for ramyeon?" |
[시경] '콜라 사러 갈래?'네 | It's like how we say, "Do you want to come in for ramyeon?" |
[레이디들이 호응한다] | -That's right. -Yes. |
[동엽] 여러분에게 | What does being a JKF Lady mean to you? |
[동엽] | What does being a JKF Lady mean to you? |
[중국어로] | After I joined JKF, I realized that it's not a crime to be pretty. |
[밝은 효과음] | I get to spread happiness to many people. |
[동엽, 시경의 탄성] | I get to spread happiness to many people. |
[리드미컬한 음악] | You must find your own beauty. When you're confident about your beauty, what others think doesn't matter. |
[밝은 효과음] | Being a JKF Lady gives me confidence. |
[저마다 호응한다] | Being a JKF Lady gives me confidence. |
- [한국어로] 좋습니다 - [동엽] 그래요 | -Great. -All right. |
JKF가 어떤 회사인지 좀 더 알아볼 수 있을까요? | Could we learn more about what kind of company JKF is? Sure. Should we head over to the office? |
[중국어로] | Sure. Should we head over to the office? |
[저마다 중국어로 감사를 전한다] | -Thank you. -Thank you. -Thank you. -Thank you. |
[레이디들이 한국어로] 감사합니다 | -Thank you. -Thank you. -Thank you. -Thank you. |
"JKF 오피스" | |
- [중국어로] - [동엽, 시경의 탄성] | Welcome to JKF. |
[동엽, 시경의 탄성] | These are our JKF magazines. |
[시경이 한국어로] 어? | Hey. |
어? | Hey. |
- [중국어로] - [동엽, 시경의 탄성] | Yes, that's me. That's me as well. |
[경쾌한 음악] | |
[쥬쥬가 한국어로] 예뻐? | Do I look pretty? |
[사람들의 웃음] | |
좋아해? | Do you like it? |
[중국어로] | This is a gift. |
[놀란 소리] | |
[사람들의 웃음] | Thank you. |
[한국어로] 좋아, 좋아 | He likes it. |
- [중국어로] - [쥬쥬가 중국어로 호응한다] | -Yes, I love it. -He loves it. |
[한국어로] 표지 모델 몇 번 해 봤어요, 지금까지 | How many covers have you been on? Five or six. |
[중국어로] | Five or six. |
[동엽의 탄성] | We have over 700 models, |
[한국어로] 1등이 계속하는 게 아니에요? | So the number one isn't always on the cover. No. |
[중국어로] | No. It'd get boring if I were always on the cover. |
- [동엽, 시경의 탄성] - [리드미컬한 음악] | You can see the other girls here. There's You Bao, the number two. There's Bi Te, the number three. |
- [동엽이 한국어로] 예 - [시경] 좋아, 좋아 | -Are you ready? -Yes. This is great. |
[쥬쥬의 웃음] | |
- [흥미로운 음악] - [키보드 조작음] | |
[중국어로] | This is where they refine sexiness. |
[시경이 한국어로] 왜 이렇게 뭔가 딱딱한 분위기지? | Why does everyone look so serious? |
[동엽] 어 | Why does everyone look so serious? |
- 지금 다 여기 일하는 분들 - [중국어로] | -They're all employees, right? -We have many employees. |
[동엽이 한국어로] 직원분들이고요 | These are the employees. Yes. |
[중국어로] | Yes. |
[시경이 한국어로] 이야 애플이 몇 대야, 도대체? | Goodness. Look at all the iMacs. |
- [동엽] 근데 - [의미심장한 효과음] | Wait. |
[흥미진진한 음악] | |
[동엽] 아, 그러니까 지금 잠깐만 봐 봐, 여기 지금 | Come here for a second. |
[시경] 아이고, 아이고 | Goodness. |
[키보드 조작음] | It's so interesting to see them edit the photos. |
[동엽] 야, 이거 보정하는 거 이거 너무 재밌다, 그림, 응? | It's so interesting to see them edit the photos. This is so interesting. When you look at them like this… |
[시경] 너무 웃긴다 이렇게 딱 보니까 | This is so interesting. When you look at them like this… |
[웃으며] 이래서… | This is so interesting. When you look at them like this… |
[동엽] 사실 한국 같으면은 사장이 딱 들어오면서 | If this was in Korea, the CEO would come in saying, |
'아, 일들 아주 열심히 하는구먼 아주, 아주 열심히 해' 근데 | "Look how hard you guys are working." Then they'd see the screens and go, "What the heck are you doing?" |
딱 보면은 '아니, 일 안 하고 다들 뭐 하는 거야?' | Then they'd see the screens and go, "What the heck are you doing?" |
- [시경] 사실 놀고 있는 거 같은 - [쥬쥬] '어머, 뭐야, 어머' | -It doesn't look like they're working. -They'd go, "What the heck?" |
[중국어로] | This is where the photos are edited. |
[시경이 한국어로] 다들 포토샵을 전문으로 하시는 분들이신 건가? | Are they all Photoshop experts? Yes, they are. |
- [중국어로] - [시경이 한국어로] 포토샵 | Yes, they are. Could you ask how long he's been in this field? |
얼마나 오랫동안 하셨는지 좀 물어봐 주실래요? | Could you ask how long he's been in this field? |
[중국어로] | How long have you worked in this field? |
[놀란 숨소리] | |
[매혹적인 효과음] | |
[시경이 한국어로] 글쎄 이렇게만 봐서는… | -You met her earlier. -I can't tell from just that. |
[동엽] 이렇게 물어보면 쥬쥬 | I can tell by how she asked. -It's Jiu Jiu. -Yes, Jiu Jiu. |
[웃으며 중국어로] | It's me. |
[시경의 탄성] | |
[시경이 한국어로] 쥬쥬에 대해서 어떻게 생각하는지 | Could you ask him what he thinks about you? |
- [중국어로] - [시경이 말한다] | -What do you think about me? -Since he's editing your photo. |
[웃으며] | There isn't much to edit because I'm the best. |
[시경의 탄성] | My fans say I look better in person, |
[익살스러운 효과음] | He's been on your butt for a while. |
[한국어로] 근데 지금 계속 엉덩이 쪽을 | He's been on your butt for a while. |
[시경] 계속 더 만지고 더 만지고 하시는데 | He keeps retouching it. |
[쥬쥬의 웃음] | |
- [중국어로] - [흥미로운 음악] | He says you keep retouching my butt. |
[시경이 한국어로] 어떻게 하고 싶으신 건가요 | How do you want to change her butt? |
이 상태에서 엉덩이를? | How do you want to change her butt? |
[중국어로] | It needs to be lifted nicely. |
[웃으며] | I see. |
[동엽의 탄성] | |
[한국어로] | So cute. Sexy body. |
[함께 웃는다] | |
- [동엽] 안녕하세요 - [중국어로] | -Hello. -Guess whose butt that is. |
[의미심장한 효과음] | |
[시경이 한국어로] 이걸 어떻게 알아요 | How could we know? |
[사람들의 웃음] | |
- [동엽, 시경] - [흥미로운 음악] | -It'd be weird if we did. -Exactly. Take a guess. |
[중국어로] | Take a guess. |
[익살스러운 효과음] | |
[쥬쥬의 환호성] | |
[시경이 한국어로] 아 지금 다 자기라고 자랑하는… | -She wants to show off. -It's all me. |
[중국어로] | -She wants to show off. -It's all me. |
[동엽이 한국어로] 지금 어떤 걸 보정하는지 | May I ask what she's working on? |
좀 여쭤봐도 될까요? | May I ask what she's working on? |
[중국어로] | Which part are you working on right now? |
[직원] | We're working on the skin tone. |
[동엽, 시경이 호응한다] | They're making my skin tone more even. |
[시경이 한국어로] 이런 과정이 진짜 필요하겠구나 | -This process does seem necessary. -They're constantly working for your fans. |
팬들을 위해서 이렇게 계속 작업을 하시는 거네요 | -This process does seem necessary. -They're constantly working for your fans. |
- [중국어로] - [시경이 한국어로] 야, 근데 | -That's right. -Hold on. |
아니, 저것도, 저것도 쥬쥬잖아 | Isn't that Jiu Jiu as well? |
[쥬쥬의 웃음] | -Are you doing this because she's here? -I bribed them a bit |
오늘, 오늘 쥬쥬가 와서 일부러 이런 거예요? 아니면… | -Are you doing this because she's here? -I bribed them a bit |
[중국어로] | -Are you doing this because she's here? -I bribed them a bit so that they have my photos up. |
[흥미로운 음악] | so that they have my photos up. |
- [동엽, 시경의 탄성] - [쥬쥬의 웃음] | |
[동엽이 한국어로] 오늘 제가 오니까 다 제 사진으로 | So she asked everyone to have her photos up for us. |
- [시경] 어, 위주로 - [동엽] 올려 달라고 | So she asked everyone to have her photos up for us. |
- [중국어로] - [동엽의 탄성] | Pull my pictures up. |
[시경, 동엽의 웃음] | Jiu Jiu. |
[시경이 한국어로] 아, 또 쥬쥬야 | It's her again. |
[사람들의 웃음] | I told you I spent a lot. |
[중국어로] | I told you I spent a lot. |
[분주한 키보드 조작음] | |
[동엽이 한국어로] 제가 프로그램 때문에 | I've visited a lot of companies for various shows, |
수많은 회사 방문을 했지만 | I've visited a lot of companies for various shows, |
이렇게 열심히 일하는 직원분들은 처음 봤어요 | but I've never seen employees as hardworking as them. |
[시경] 통역해 주세요 | Please interpret what he said. |
[중국어로] | They've never seen employees that work as hard as you guys do. |
[중국어로 말한다] | They said not all companies are like this. |
[사람들의 웃음] | They said not all companies are like this. Way to go, guys. |
- [쥬쥬] - [동엽의 웃음] | Way to go, guys. Way to go. I think her personality is what attracts people. |
[시경이 한국어로] 약간 이런 성격이 사랑받는 거 같아 | I think her personality is what attracts people. |
- 이렇게 천진난만하고 - [동엽] 너무 당당하고, 어 | -She's confident. -She's carefree. |
[시경] '나 이쁘지?' 하는 그런 매력, 이런 자신감 | Her confidence makes her more charming. |
[중국어로] | This is the conference room. |
[시경의 탄성] | This is where I had my interview. The person I'm about to introduce |
- [쥬쥬가 한국어로] 아빠, 아빠 - [시경] 아빠 | is referred to as "Dad" by the Ladies. -Dad? -Yes. |
[중국어로] | He's a dad in the sense that he discovered us and helped us grow. |
[쥬쥬가 한국어로] 아빠 | He's a dad in the sense that he discovered us and helped us grow. |
- 아빠! [웃음] - [경쾌한 음악] | Dad! |
- 아빠! - [직원의 탄성] | Dad! |
[영어로] | Hi. |
[시경이 한국어로] 안녕하세요 반갑습니다 | -Hello, nice to meet you. -Hello. |
[저마다 인사한다] | -Nice to meet you. -Hello. |
[중국어로] | I've cast about 200 models. |
- [시경이 한국어로] 2백 명? 와 - [동엽의 탄성] | 200 models? |
[중국어로] | I was actually in the middle of an interview. |
[시경] 관관 | I'm Guan Guan, a new JKF Lady. |
[한국어로] 캐스팅을 할 때 | What do you look for in a model? |
어떤 면을 많이 보시는지 궁금합니다 | What do you look for in a model? Since JKF is focused on sexiness, |
[중국어로] | Since JKF is focused on sexiness, |
[한국어로] 요즘 대만에서 인기 많은 | Which type of JKF Ladies are popular in Taiwan these days? |
[동엽] JKF 레이디 스타일은 어떤 스타일이에요? | Which type of JKF Ladies are popular in Taiwan these days? |
[중국어로] | In the past, the sassy and stoic types were popular. |
[시경이 한국어로] 근데 이렇게 귀여운 섹시가 | Is there a reason the cute and sexy type became popular? |
인기가 갑자기 많아진 이유가 있을까요, 그러면? | Is there a reason the cute and sexy type became popular? |
[중국어로] | I think the pandemic played a role in this. |
[리드미컬한 음악] | Before the pandemic, models who wore revealing outfits drew more attention |
[시경이 한국어로] 우리 1위 쥬쥬는 | As the number one, Jiu Jiu, how many fans do you have? |
본인 팬이 한 몇 명 정도… | As the number one, Jiu Jiu, how many fans do you have? |
[중국어로] | Including Instagram and other platforms, I think I have around two million. |
- [익살스러운 효과음] - [시경이 한국어로] 아, 어? | |
- 나도 그 정도는 돼요, 합치면 - [익살스러운 음악] | I'd have that many if I included everything. |
[사람들의 웃음] | |
[중국어로] | You were calculating in your head. |
- [동엽의 웃음] - [시경이 한국어로] 그런가? | He's sexy. Am I? |
[중국어로] | Your voice is sexy. |
[한국어로] 모든 걸 다 섹시한 쪽으로만… | You interpret everything as sexy. |
[사람들의 웃음] | |
주변에서 친구들이 되게 부러워할 거 같아요 | I think your friends would be envious of you |
[동엽] '너는 맨날 레이디만 만나는구나' | since you get to work with the Ladies every day. |
- 제발 소개 한 번만 해 달라고 - [쥬쥬의 웃음] | "Please let me meet them." |
[시경] '소개, 어?' | Right? |
[중국어로] | Naturally, there are many guy friends who are envious of my job. |
[작게 한국어로] 거짓말 | -I take my job seriously. -Liar. -I don't try to fulfill my desires here. -Liar. |
[쥬쥬가 작게] | -I don't try to fulfill my desires here. -Liar. |
[쥬쥬의 웃음] | -I don't try to fulfill my desires here. -Liar. |
거짓말 | Liar. |
[사람들의 웃음] | |
[중국어로] | I'm serious. |
[한국어로] | It's true. |
[동엽] JKF 대표님도 여기 계시다면서요 | I heard the CEO of JKF is here as well. |
[중국어로] | All right, I'll take you to him. |
- [흥미로운 음악] - [이슨 황이 호응한다] | -Let's go. -Okay, let's go. |
[시경이 한국어로] 고맙습니다 | Thank you. |
- 안녕하세요 - [대표] 안녕하세요 | -Hello. -Hello. |
[동엽] 안녕하세요, 어이구 | -Hello. -Hello. Goodness. You're stylish and good-looking. |
굉장히 스타일이 좋고 미남이신데 | Goodness. You're stylish and good-looking. THE BRAIN THAT ANALYZES SEXINESS JKF CEO, ERIC |
안녕하세요, 반갑습니다 | Hello, nice to meet you. |
[중국어로] | Thank you for visiting us. |
[시경, 동엽의 놀란 탄성] | |
[동엽의 탄성] | I have 58% and 38% Kaoliang Liquor. |
[동엽이 한국어로] 어? 웰컴 드링크를… | 58% KAOLIANG LIQUOR 38% KAOLIANG LIQUOR A welcome drink? |
웰, 웰컴 고량주는 처음 먹어 보는데 | I've never had Kaoliang Liquor as a welcome drink. |
[중국어로] | I come from Kinmen Islands. |
[부드러운 효과음] | And Kinmen is best known for its Kaoliang Liquor. |
[시경이 한국어로] 약간 안동 소주… | And Kinmen is best known for its Kaoliang Liquor. It's as if someone from Andong brought us Andong soju. |
안동 사람이 온 거야, 지금 | It's as if someone from Andong brought us Andong soju. |
어, 그렇지, 그렇지 | That's right. |
- '자, 안동 소주, 40도' - [동엽] 어, 어 | "Have some 40% Andong soju." |
한국에서도 금문 고량주를 좋아해요 | Kinmen Kaoliang Liquor is also popular in Korea. Yes, it's very popular. |
인기가 많습니다 | Yes, it's very popular. |
- [시경] 기왕이면… - [동엽] 어, 그래? | If we have to choose… Really? |
[작게] 58이 더 좋은 거야 | The 58% one is better. |
- [동엽] 58도 - [사람들의 웃음] | We'll go with 58%. |
- [동엽, 시경이 호응한다] - [중국어로] | -Really? Great. -Yes. |
[흥미로운 음악] | We'll go with the 58%. |
[시경이 한국어로] 이런 디자인은 처음 본 거 같아 | I've never seen this design before. |
[중국어로] | This is a collector's edition. |
[강조되는 효과음] | Only the ones aged over ten years come in this design. |
- [동엽의 탄성] - [반짝이는 효과음] | -I see. -I told you. |
[동엽의 탄성] | |
[시경이 중국어로 감사를 전한다] | -Thank you. -Thank you. Cheers. |
[한국어로] '건배'는 뭐라고 하나요, 중국어로? | How do you say "cheers" in Chinese? |
- [중국어로] - [시경] '깐라' | -Gan la! -Gan la! |
- [동엽의 탄성] - [웅장한 효과음] | It burns you up, doesn't it? |
[한국어로] 어? 내가 먹던 58도랑 달라 | -This isn't the 58% I know. -It's different, right? |
- [사람들의 웃음] - [에릭이 호응한다] | |
[시경] 이게 10년 된 거라 그런가 봐 | I think it's because it's been aged for ten years. |
- [중국어로] - [한국어로] 진심 행복해하는 | -It goes down smoothly. -He looks so happy. |
[흥미로운 효과음] | |
- [동엽] 어, 이럴 리가 없을 텐데 - [사람들의 웃음] | That doesn't feel right. |
[흥미로운 음악] | |
[중국어로] | It's quite nice, isn't it? |
- [한국어로] 자, 인터뷰는 됐고 - [사람들의 웃음] | We can end the interview here. It's been decided that JKF is an amazing company. |
[시경] JKF는 벌써 좋은 회사예요 | It's been decided that JKF is an amazing company. |
[사람들의 웃음] | |
JKF 회원제예요? | Does JKF have a membership subscription? |
[중국어로] | Yes, we have over four million members. |
[한국어로] 무료예요? | -Is it free? -Yes, it is. |
[중국어로] | -Is it free? -Yes, it is. |
[시경의 놀란 소리] | Only the VIP memberships are paid for. |
[시경이 한국어로] 아, 그럼 한국분들도 회원이 있으세요? | Are there any Korean members? |
[중국어로] | About 200,000 members are Korean, |
[시경이 한국어로] 아, 진짜 한국 사람들 부지런해 | -Koreans are so diligent. -which is about 5% of the total. |
JKF의 연 매출, 어느 정도 되나요? | How much is the annual sales of JKF? |
- [중국어로] - [강조되는 효과음] | We make about 100 billion won. |
[의미심장한 효과음] | |
[한국어로] 천억? | 100 billion won. |
[시경] 그러면 회사 직원 수도 여쭤봐도 되나요? | How many employees are there? |
[중국어로] | We have about 160 employees. |
[시경, 동엽이 호응한다] | to find new Ladies and talents. |
[한국어로] 처음부터 잘됐나요 아니면 처음엔 좀 힘드셨나요? | Did it do well from the get-go? Or did it have a rough start? |
[중국어로] | It wasn't easy at first. |
[탄성] | and talk behind their backs. |
[시경이 호응한다] | I wanted Taiwanese people to accept sexiness |
[시경, 동엽이 호응한다] | |
[한국어로] 아, 예전에는 대만이 보수적이었군요 | I didn't know how conservative Taiwan used to be. |
지금은 분명히 우리보다는 | But now, they're definitely more… -More open-minded than Korea. -Exactly. |
[함께] 개방적인 느낌이 있죠 | -More open-minded than Korea. -Exactly. |
[중국어로] | We've been trying to get the public to be more receptive, |
[동엽, 시경이 호응한다] | and I think we're making progress. You have 700 models working for JKF. |
[한국어로] 7백 명이나 모델이 소속이 있는데 | You have 700 models working for JKF. |
[시경] 그럼 아무래도 비즈니스적으로 | So I'm sure you analyze them from a business perspective. |
분석을 하실 거 아니에요 | So I'm sure you analyze them from a business perspective. |
대만 남성들에게 특히 인기가 있는 유형이라는 게 있을까요? | Is there a specific type that Taiwanese men find appealing? |
[중국어로] | In my book, there are two types of women. |
[동엽이 한국어로] 그럼 실제로 동그라미형과 네모형의 데이터를 | Do you apply your theory about these two types of women |
레이디들 활동에 적용시키기도 하나요? | to the Ladies' activities? |
[중국어로] | Of course. |
[시경, 동엽의 탄성] | The first V is the lines that connect your eyes and lips. |
[한국어로] 띵띵띵, 쓰리 포인트 | Three points. |
- [동엽] 띵… - [에릭의 웃음] | Come on. |
- 포인트, 얼굴 포인트, 어 - [시경] 아, 얼굴 쓰리 포인트? | -I meant on the face. -Right. |
- [리드미컬한 음악] - [중국어로] | The second V is the line that connects the top of your ears and your chin. |
[시끌벅적하다] | The Ladies who are the round type attend events like meet-and-greets, so they can closely interact with their fans. |
[동엽이 한국어로] 그러면 쥬쥬는 어떤 형이에요? | What's Jiu Jiu's type? |
[중국어로] | Jiu Jiu is very unique. |
[몽환적인 음악] | She has a great balance of both types. |
[시경이 한국어로] JKF의 보물이네요 | She's a treasure of JKF. |
[중국어로] | -She is. -She must bring up your sales. |
[한국어로] 최고의 매출을 올리는 | -She is. -She must bring up your sales. May I ask how much money she brought in last year? |
[시경] 쥬쥬가 작년에 올린 매출을 물어봐도 되나요? | May I ask how much money she brought in last year? |
- [의미심장한 효과음] - [중국어로] | I can't answer that. |
[시경, 동엽의 탄성] | |
[한국어로] 조금 어렵다고 얘기하는 거 보면 되게 많은 거야 | That means she brought in a lot. |
[사람들의 웃음] | |
[시경] 쥬쥬가 저기서 귀가 이만해져 가지고 | She must be listening in on us. |
[동엽] 대표님이 생각하는 섹시함이란 뭘까요? | How would you define sexiness? |
- [리드미컬한 음악] - [중국어로] | I think sexiness is a means of communication. |
[시경, 동엽이 호응한다] | In Taiwan, we have JKF Ladies. |
[시경이 한국어로] 오늘 너무 즐거웠습니다 | -We had a great time today. -Thank you. -See you later. -Thank you. |
- [쥬쥬가 한국어로] 다음에 또 봐 - [경쾌한 음악] | -See you later. -Thank you. |
[시경] 사장님한테 그렇게 얘기하면 안 돼 | You can't talk so casually to your boss. |
[사람들의 웃음] | You can't talk so casually to your boss. |
'다음에 또 봐요' | Talk respectfully. |
[쥬쥬] 다음에 또 봐요 | See you next time, sir. |
- [시경] '안녕히 계세요' - [쥬쥬] 안녕히 계세요 | -Goodbye. -Goodbye. |
거봐, 존댓말 다 할 줄 알면서 계속… | -See? She knows how to talk respectfully! -I know, she was pretending not to. |
[동엽] 계속 일부러 반말했단 말이야 | She was being casual on purpose! |
[시경] 아, 이거 선물, 가져가야지 | I can't forget this. |
- [사람들의 웃음] - [중국어로] | It's a gift, so don't forget. |
[동엽이 한국어로] 아 저거랑 같은 거예요? | -Is it the same bottle as that? -Yes. |
[시경의 탄성] | |
[중국어로] | It's the same one. |
[당황한 소리] | |
[한국어로] 그럼 저도, 저도 뭐 하나 좀… | -I want to give him something too. -What? |
- [시경] 뭐, 뭐, 뭐? - 저도 하나… | -I want to give him something too. -What? |
[사람들의 웃음] | |
[중국어로] | Thank you. |
[동엽이 한국어로] 아주 맛있게 잘 먹겠습니다 | -I will enjoy this drink. -Thank you. |
[시경] 감사합니다 | -I will enjoy this drink. -Thank you. |
네, 감사합니다 | -Thank you. -Thank you. |
- [중국어로] - [쥬쥬가 한국어로] 감사합니다 | -Thank you. -Thank you. -Thank you. -Thank you. |
- [시경] 네, 고맙습니다 - [쥬쥬] 안녕 | -Thank you. -Thank you. -Goodbye. -Bye. |
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