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  일타 스캔들 6

Crash Course in Romance 6



Goodness! Hello. Long time no see!



아유오늘 일찍 눈이 떠져서 ‪ 일찍 나왔는데

I came to work earlier than usual because I woke up early.

이게 바로 미라클 모닝인가 봐요

I guess this is what you call a miracle morning.

 아직  여신 거죠?

You're not open yet, are you?

‪[동희저희 선생님 차가 ‪저기 편의점 앞에  있어 가지고

I spotted Mr. Choi's car in front of the convenience store.

선생님 요새 ‪저희 가게  오시잖아요

You know he hasn't been coming by lately.

‪[영주근데 거기다 차를  놓고 ‪어디 가셨을까?

I wonder where he went after parking his car there.

그러고 보니까 ‪우리  사장도  이상하네

Speaking of which, my boss has been acting strange too.

벌써  열고도 남을 시간인데

It's way past opening time.


Mr. Choi!

‪- 벨트 가져가셔야죠… ‪- [치열아유잠깐만

-You forgot your belt. -Hold on. -Here-- -My belt.


-Here-- -My belt.


Give me my belt.



‪[치열의 놀란 소리]


‪[유쾌한 음악]


‪[무거운 효과음]



나는 너한테 숨길 생각이 ‪1 없었지

I had no plans whatsoever to hide this from you.

근데 최치열 쌤이

But Mr. Choi said…

‪[탕탕 내리치는 소리]

But Mr. Choi said…

반드시 비밀로 해야지 ‪된다 그래 가지고

It had to be a secret at all costs.

아니최치열이 개인 과외 한다고 ‪소문이라도 돌면

I mean, he said it'd be a huge problem

 사달이  거라고

if people found out that he was tutoring.

아이자기가 대통령도 아니고

He's neither the president nor a top star.

그렇다고 연예계 톱스타도 아니고

He's neither the president nor a top star.

사달이  봤자지아무튼 유난은

Why is he fussing about this?

아휴너도 알다시피 ‪최치열  냥반이 워낙에

As you already know, he's very--

‪[영주아이더럽게 못생겼네

Jeez. How ugly.

‪[행선아이허세가  심한 

No. You know how self-important he is.

아니같이 사는 가족들 외에는 ‪절대로 비밀로 해야지 된다고

He emphasized that no one apart from my family

아주 무섭게 단속을 시키더라고

He emphasized that no one apart from my family should know about this.

‪[쓱쓱 깎는 소리]



 누구랑 얘기하니영주야?

Are you listening to me?

말시키지 마시죠사장님

Please don't talk to me, ma'am.

일개 직원인 저는

I'm just an employee here.

‪[영주사장님 가정사에

From now on, I won't meddle

외람된 간섭을 일절 삼가고 ‪일만  거거든요앞으로

in your family affairs and just focus on work.

사장님도  그렇게 ‪ 까시지 말고   지켜 주세요

So please don't cross the line or address me casually.

우리가  ‪같이 사는 가족도 아닌데

After all, we're not family.


What do I do, Jae-woo?


She's going to sulk for a while.

‪[휴대전화 알림음]

‪- [달그락 놓는 소리] ‪- [재우택배!

The delivery!

‪[행선의 한숨]

Haeng-seon, the waffle maker will be delivered today.

누나오늘 와플 기계 온대

Haeng-seon, the waffle maker will be delivered today.

 시에 오지?

I wonder what time.

보통 우체국은 2 아니면 4시인데

They usually deliver either at 2 p.m. or 4 p.m.

‪[한숨 쉬며외롭다

I feel lonely.


I'm so lonely.

이유 불문하고 이건 말이  돼요

This is absurd no matter how you look at it.

선생님답지 않으세요

This is unlike you!

  도시락 때문에 ‪그러시는 거면

If it's because of their food, I'll look for another place.

‪[동희제가 다른 밥집 ‪다시 찾아볼게요

If it's because of their food, I'll look for another place.

아니제가 요리사 자격증을 ‪딸게요그냥

Or I'll become a chef myself-- It's not just because of her food.

‪[치열도시락 때문만이 아니야

It's not just because of her food.

   올케어반 제외된  ‪찝찝했어계속

It kept bothering me how she was kicked out of the All Care program.

마음에 걸렸다고

It kept bothering me how she was kicked out of the All Care program. I get to eat, and she gets to catch up on math.

  끼니 해결하고 ‪ 모자란 수학 공부 하고

I get to eat, and she gets to catch up on math.

 정도면 윈윈 아니야?

It's a win-win.

윈윈은 아니죠

Not at all. If people find out, only you will suffer.

리스크는 쌤이 ‪ 감당하셔야  텐데

Not at all. If people find out, only you will suffer.

 요새 굉장히 ‪매사에 부정적인 경향이 있다?

You're being quite pessimistic these days.

‪-  그러지? ‪- [동희 그러겠어요

-What's wrong? -What do you think? It's because of you.

옆에 계신  영향이지

It's because of you.

몰라얘기  끝난 

What's done is done. I don't care.


What's done is done. I don't care. Big whoop.


Mr. Choi!

일단 벨트  하세요 ‪들고 계시니까 이상해요

At least put your belt back on. You look weird carrying it around.

‪- [치열의 한숨] ‪-  동네 엄마들

You know how fussy the moms here are when it comes to their kids' education.

자식 교육 문제에 ‪얼마나 예민한지 아시잖아요

You know how fussy the moms here are when it comes to their kids' education.

학생들은  어떻고요

What about the students?

수업 중에 하이 파이브만 해도 ‪커뮤가 뒤집어지는데 개인 과외를

The online community blows up when you just high-five someone. But tutoring?

이거 알려지면

-If people find out-- -We won't let them.

‪[치열아유 알려지게 해야지 ‪얘가 아까부터 진짜 부정 타게

-If people find out-- -We won't let them. Why do you keep jinxing it? Are you trying to tempt fate?

제사 지내?

Why do you keep jinxing it? Are you trying to tempt fate?

‪[동희 수업 하고 하루 만에 ‪벌써  명한테 들키셨거든요?

Two people have already found out within a day of your first class.

‪[치열어떻게 그럴 수가 있지?

That's unbelievable.


It is indeed.

‪[치열아이그건  ‪변수가 있어 가지고

There was an unpredictable variable. Was I always such a lightweight?

아유 술이  이렇게 약해졌지 ‪오랜만에 들어가서 그런가?

There was an unpredictable variable. Was I always such a lightweight? Has it been that long since I drank? I wasn't this bad before.

 정도는 아니었는데

Has it been that long since I drank? I wasn't this bad before.


Mr. Choi.

 이거 진짜 아닌  같아요 ‪지금이라도 그냥

I don't think this is right. It's not too late--

동희야이건  개인 일이야

Dong-hui, this is a private matter.

업무 끝나고 ‪ 사적인 시간 쓰는 거라고

I'm using the personal time I have after work.

‪[치열그리고 엄밀히 말하면 ‪과외도 아니야

Strictly speaking, it's not even tutoring. I'm not getting paid.

대가를  받잖아

Strictly speaking, it's not even tutoring. I'm not getting paid.

일종의 재능 기부라니까

It's a skill exchange.

‪- 그래도… ‪- [치열그만

-But still-- -Stop.

 얘기는 여기까지오케이?

That's enough. Okay?

‪[버튼 조작음]

‪- [동희의 한숨] ‪- [휴대전화  소리]


What is it, Hyo-won?


Hello, Mr. Choi.

‪[동희  올렸어? ‪'최치열라짱나'?

Is Chiyeolsucks at it again?

‪[효원 ‪ 아까 스카이맘점넷에요

Yes, they posted on just now.

‪[치열  꾸준하다?

They just don't change, do they?

 정도면  ‪열라 좋아하는  아니야?

They just don't change, do they? At this point, they're my biggest fan.

  잡는 건데?

Why can't the police find them?

‪[동희해외로 IP 우회해서 ‪경찰도 추적이 어려운가 봐요

Because the user is using an overseas IP address. I'll look for another way.

다른 루트로도 찾아 볼게요

I'll look for another way.

‪[치열용쓴다용써 ‪타격감은 1 없지만

They're trying really hard but to no avail.



이번  쌤이 직접 ‪보셔야   같은데

I think you need to see this one.

 많이 악질이에요

It's quite heinous.


What's it about?

‪[무거운 음악]

‪[이상며칠   프라이드에서 ‪투신한 학생

Do you know why that student who killed himself a few days ago

 하필 학원에서 그랬는지 아심?

Do you know why that student who killed himself a few days ago jumped off The Pride Academy's building?

경찰은 쉬쉬하는데

The police are hushing it up,

 학생이 직전 수업에서 ‪최치열이랑 대판 싸웠음

but the student had a fight with Choi Chi-yeol just beforehand.

소름인  이런 일이 ‪ 새끼한테 처음이 아니란 거임

What's creepier is that this isn't the first incident of its kind.

최치열은 지금 ‪이미지 세탁에 성공했지만

Choi Chi-yeol may have cleaned up his image now, but he had a scandal with a female student back when he was an assistant.

조교 시절에 여고생이랑 ‪스캔들 있었음

but he had a scandal with a female student back when he was an assistant.

그걸로 최치열은 학원 잘리고 ‪ 학생은 극단적 선택 하고

He was sacked from that academy, and the girl committed suicide.


What's even more shocking is that her mom died not too long after,

그러고 얼마 후에 ‪ 여고생 엄마도 죽었는데

What's even more shocking is that her mom died not too long after,

살해 용의자로 ‪남동생이 지목됐다는 사실임

and the police suspected her younger brother.


That's right.

 유명한 중학생 ‪친모 살해 사건의 발단이 바로

Choi Chi-yeol was the cause of that infamous murder case.


Choi Chi-yeol was the cause of that infamous murder case.

최치열이  집안을 아작  거임

He's responsible for destroying that family.





Thank you. Goodbye.


They removed the post.

올린  얼마  돼서 ‪조회 수도 낮고

The post was recent, so the view count wasn't high.

‪'최치열라짱나' 평소에도 워낙 ‪악의적인  많이 올려서

And since Chiyeolsucks is known to write many malicious posts,

별로 관심  받을 거예요

people won't care.


Mr. Choi.

‪- [치열 ‪- [동희너무 신경 쓰지 마세요

-Yes? -Don't let it get to you.

‪'최치열라짱나 ‪가끔 소설 쓰잖아요

Chiyeolsucks makes up stories every now and then.

그래알았으니까 나가 

All right. You may go.


‪[어두운 음악]

‪[ 여닫히는 소리]

‪[ 들이켜는 소리]

‪[마우스 조작음]

‪[키보드 조작음]

‪- [행선카드 여기 있습니다 ‪- [손님

Here you go.

‪[행선비지찌개는 ‪살짝 끓여 드세요

-Cook the biji stew beforehand. -I will.

‪- [손님 ‪- [행선

-Cook the biji stew beforehand. -I will. You don't even use artificial flavor enhancers, right?

‪[손님근데 여기는 ‪조미료도  쓰시는  같은데

You don't even use artificial flavor enhancers, right?

사장님 손맛이 너무 좋아요

You're truly a great cook.

‪[행선아유아니에요 ‪ 손맛보다는

Not at all. I'm not the one you should compliment.

우리  이사님의 ‪간잽이 역할이 한몫한달까

Ms. Kim plays quite a big role in our food.

‪- [손님… ‪- [행선장금이가 따로 없거든요

She's the best cook ever.

미각 달인  이사!

She's the best cook ever. Ms. Kim has a perfect palate.

‪- [행선의 웃음] ‪- [손님이 웃으며그렇구나

Ms. Kim has a perfect palate. I see.

‪-  먹을게요 ‪- [행선안녕히 가세요

-Thank you. -Goodbye. -Come again! -I will.

‪-  오시고요 ‪- [손님

-Come again! -I will. -Have a good day! -Thank you.

‪- [행선좋은 하루 되세요! ‪- [휴대전화 알림음]

-Have a good day! -Thank you.

‪[ 닫히는 소리]

‪[재우택배 왔다!

The waffle maker is here!

누나 집에  ‪갔다 오면  ?

Haeng-seon, can I stop by our house?

작동 바로 시켜 봐야 되거든

I need to try it out right away.

왜냐면 이상이 있을  ‪무상 교환 신청하고

If there's an issue with it, I can exchange it for free.

마음에  들면

And if I don't like it,

전자 상거래 등에서의 ‪소비자 보호에 관한 법률에 따라

the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce

‪7 이내에 청약 철회해야 

says I must cancel my order within a week.


says I must cancel my order within a week. Okay. Go test it out right away.

어여 올라가서 맘껏 작동시켜 보렴

Okay. Go test it out right away.


Thanks, Haeng-seon!

‪- [행선아유아주 신났네 ‪- [출입문 종소리]

Gosh, he's so excited. He's going to be obsessed with making waffles for some time.

아무래도 당분간은 ‪와플 굽는  꽂힐  같다

He's going to be obsessed with making waffles for some time.

우리 와플 엄청 먹게 생겼다

Brace yourself to eat a ton of them.


Catch! Gosh.


-Hey! Do you want to die? -Sorry.


-Hey! Do you want to die? -Sorry.

‪[영주가 코를 훌쩍인다]

오늘따라  패스 정확도가 딸리냐

My accuracy isn't that great today.

‪[ 놓는 소리]

‪[영주가 코를 훌쩍인다]

It's still nice to hear you talk.

그래도 대꾸해 주니까 좋네

It's still nice to hear you talk.

내가 미안해 풀어

I'm sorry. Forgive me, will you?

죙일   닫고 ‪불편해 죽겠어진짜

The silent treatment is killing me.

내가 점심때  좋아하는 ‪감자부침개  줄게

I'll cook you your favorite potato pancakes for lunch. Okay?


I'll cook you your favorite potato pancakes for lunch. Okay? -Okay? -Hey.

‪- [영주아유 이래? ‪- [행선의 애교 섞인 소리]

-Okay? -Hey. What's with you? Stop bothering me.


What's with you? Stop bothering me.

‪[행선아유영주야 ‪미안하다고 [한숨]

Yeong-ju, I'm sorry.

나도 어쩔  없는 학부모인가 

I guess I'm like all the other moms after all.

‪[영주의 헛웃음]


Did you just smirk?

‪- [영주의 한숨] ‪- 좋아마지막 일격

Here comes the final blow.

‪[영주하지  ‪하지  [웃음]

Stop it!

‪- [경쾌한 음악] ‪- [행선어유영주 터졌다오예

You burst into laughter! Oh, yes.

‪[함께 웃는다]

‪[영주가 코를 훌쩍인다]



 진짜  번만  ‪이런 식으로  배신해

Betray me like this again,


and I'm cutting ties. All right.

‪[행선알았어알았어 ‪내가 잘못했으니까

All right. I was in the wrong, so please forgive me.

노여움 푸세요 이사님

I was in the wrong, so please forgive me.

‪[영주가 코를 훌쩍인다]

‪[영주그럼 감자부침개는?

And those pancakes? I'll make them.

‪[행선당근  주지

I'll make them.

‪[행선의 시원한 숨소리]

너랑 말하니까 정말 좋다

It's so nice to talk with you again.

진짜 답답해서 죽는  알았어

I was suffocating earlier.

근데 내가

There's one thing I've been dying to ask but didn't.

아까부터 궁금해 미치겠는  ‪ 참고 있었는데

There's one thing I've been dying to ask but didn't.

일타  말이야

About that star teacher.

 새벽에 니네 집에서 그러고 ‪빨개벗고 나온 건데?

Why did he come out of your place in the morning scantily dressed?

‪[행선아이빨개벗긴 누가이씨

Why did he come out of your place in the morning scantily dressed? He wasn't scantily dressed. It was just his belt, so don't exaggerate.

벨트 하나    갖고 ‪어디서 MSG

He wasn't scantily dressed. It was just his belt, so don't exaggerate.

그러니까 벨트를  푸냐고

Exactly. Why did he remove his belt?

과외 끝나고 ‪누구한테  가르쳤길래?

Was he giving extra lessons after tutoring?

그건  냥반이 술이 약해서

That was because he can't hold his liquor.

  고따구로 뜰래자꾸? ‪게슴츠레하게?

Stop giving me that dirty look.

대체  상상을 ‪애들도 있는 집에서이씨

What are you imagining? I wasn't home alone.

애들만 없었으면 ‪ 하기는 했을 거란 그런 얘기야?

So if you had been home alone, you two would have done something?

‪[행선미쳤어미쳤어 ‪미쳤어미쳤어

So if you had been home alone, you two would have done something? You're crazy. You're practically begging me to hit you.

‪- [영주의 웃음] ‪- 매를 벌어요매를매를매를!

You're crazy. You're practically begging me to hit you. Gosh! You're so disgusting.

아유진짜아유진짜! ‪징그러워 죽겠어진짜아유

Gosh! You're so disgusting.



‪- [익살스러운 효과음] ‪- [웃음]

‪[행선 진짜아휴



What's wrong with her?

‪[교사지금  들어오시네요

He just arrived.


One minute, please.

‪- 선생님전화  받아 보세요 ‪- [종렬

-Mr. Jeon, this is for you. -Okay.


Jeon Jong-ryeol speaking.

‪[의미심장한 음악]

‪[종렬의 한숨]

‪[종렬] 30 뒤에 수업이야

I have class in 30 minutes.

 일인지 모르겠지만 ‪용건만 간단히 

Whatever it is, make it quick.

지난번 서점에서 ‪만났을  했던 

Remember what you said at the bookstore?

‪[치열혹시  얘기니?


그걸 이제 알았다고?

You just realized that?

그럼 정말 수현이 동생이

Does that mean Su-hyeon's brother…

‪[종렬 진짜

Are you serious?

아이어디 무인도에서 살았냐?

Have you been living under a rock?

뉴스며 인터넷이며 ‪ 세상이 떠들썩한 사건이었는데

That case was the talk of the town back then.

 이걸 몰랐어?

You weren't aware?

지방으로 가서 헤맬 때라

I was struggling in the countryside.

사건은 들어 봤는데 ‪수현이네 일일 거라고는 전혀

I heard about the case but never thought it'd be about Su-hyeon.


수현이 그렇게 가고 엄마

After she died, her mom went insane and started obsessing over her younger brother even more.

 미쳐서 수현이 동생한테 ‪ 집착하고

her mom went insane and started obsessing over her younger brother even more.

‪[종렬아니결국 엄마가 ‪투신을 했는데

In the end, she jumped off a building.

그때 옆에 있던 수현이 동생을 ‪존속 살해로 몰아서 구속했어

Her son was next to her, so the police arrested him for murdering his mom.

다행히 무죄 받고 ‪풀려나긴 했지만

Luckily, he was acquitted and released.

그럼  뒤로  친구는?

Then where is he now?


I'm not sure. Well…

실종됐다는 얘기 ‪어디서 들은  같은데

I'm not sure. Well… I heard he went missing.

‪[종렬의 헛웃음]

‪[종렬아이  ‪모르는  많아서  편했겠다

Ignorance really is bliss, isn't it?

‪[치열의 한숨]

Ignorance really is bliss, isn't it?

 너한테 교무부장 번호 넘긴 

The guilt I felt for giving you

  하나로 ‪엄청난 죄책감에 시달렸어

the education director's number continued to haunt me.

‪'그때  전화 받지 말걸'

I shouldn't have picked up your call.

‪' 번쯤은 의심해 볼걸'

I should've thought it through.

‪'번호 알려 주지 말걸'

I shouldn't have given you the number.

그랬으면 수현이  죽었을 거고

Then Su-hyeon would still be here.


So would her mom and brother.

종렬아나도 그때 ‪ 선생 속셈 알았더라면

Jong-ryeol, had I known that teacher's intention,

너한테 전화  했어정말

I wouldn't have called you.


Forget it.

이제 와서 의미 있냐?

It doesn't matter anymore.

‪[종렬알고 그랬어도 ‪모르고 그랬어도

Whether you were aware of it or not,


to me, you're still an asshole.


앞으로 이런 일로아니

Don't ever call me about… Actually,

어떤 일로도 연락하지 마라

just don't ever call me again.



Mr. Choi!

  모르는  있는데

I have a question.

 요새 ‪진짜 힘들단 말이에요

Mr. Choi, I'm really having a tough time.

제가 티를  내서 그렇지

Mr. Choi, I'm really having a tough time. I just don't show it.

외고 오니까 애들도 너무 뛰어나고

The kids at my school are too smart.

‪[수현중간고사 성적 보고

The kids at my school are too smart. My mom even collapsed after seeing my midterm grades.

엄마 충격받아서 쓰러지고 ‪난리도 아니었어요

My mom even collapsed after seeing my midterm grades.

수시 비중 점점 높아지는데

She yelled at me saying my life will be ruined

 인생 여기서   거냐고 ‪ 소리 지르고

if I don't get good grades for college admissions.


Look at your face.

지금  되게 짠하고 ‪ 지켜 주고 싶고  그렇죠?

Don't you feel bad and want to protect me?


괜찮아요 ‪ 보기보다 강한 여자라

Don't worry. I'm stronger than I look.

대신에  힘내라고 ‪ 이거 선물로 주시면  돼요?

But to cheer me up, can you give me that pen? You always carry that around.

이거  맨날 들고 다니는 거라

You always carry that around.

그래 써라좋은 것도 아닌데

Sure. You can have it. It wasn't expensive.

‪[휴대전화  소리]


Hello, sir.

‪[강사 전신외고에

Don't you have a friend at Jeonsin Foreign Language High School?

대학 동기 ‪하나 있다 그러지 않았나?

Don't you have a friend at Jeonsin Foreign Language High School?

전종렬이라고 ‪수학 교사인데왜요?

I do. Jeon Jong-ryeol, a math teacher. Why do you ask?

‪[강사학원에서 ‪외고 설명회 한다고 해서 그러는데

Our academy is holding an info session on foreign language schools,

교무부장 ‪연락처    있나?

Our academy is holding an info session on foreign language schools, so could you look into their education director's number?




Hey, Su-hyeon.

수현아 그래?

Su-hyeon, what's wrong?

기말고사 망했어?

Did you flunk your finals?

‪- [수현선생님 ‪- [의미심장한 음악]

Mr. Choi.

‪[수현이 떨리는 목소리로] ‪기말 전에 엄마가

My mom had given me worksheets to work on before the finals.

풀어 보라고  문제지가 있는데요

My mom had given me worksheets to work on before the finals.

시험  풀다 보니까 ‪너무 똑같아서

But during the exam, I noticed the questions were identical.

일단 풀어서 내긴 냈는데

I turned in the test anyway,

제가제가 너무 무서워서요

but I'm so scared.

‪[울먹이며 어떡해요?

What do I do, Mr. Choi?

‪[치열그래서 저한테 거기 ‪교무부장 연락처 물어보신 겁니까?

Is that why you wanted their education director's number?

접근해서 ‪문제지 유출받으시려고요?

To leak the exam questions in advance?

내가 유출받은  아니다

I wasn't the one who leaked them.

 그냥 수현이 어머니 부탁 받고 ‪다리   거지

I just helped Su-hyeon's mother by serving as a bridge.

저랑  친구가  다리가 됐고요

By using me and my friend as that bridge.

어떻게 이러실 수가 있어요? ‪이건 중범죄예요이건

How could you do this? This is a serious felony.


Do you know…

수현이도 지금 ‪얼마나 괴로워하는지 아세요?

how much pain Su-hyeon is in right now?

대학 입시는 과정이지 ‪목적이 아니잖아요대체 !

Admissions is just a process, not the end goal, -so why-- -I can't take this any longer.

‪[강사듣자 듣자 하니까 ‪ 새끼가

-so why-- -I can't take this any longer.

건방지게 누굴 가르쳐!

How dare you lecture me?

  잘한다고 오냐오냐해 줬더니 ‪눈에 뵈는  없냐?

Are you getting cocky because I've been going easy on you?

 바닥에 ‪발도  붙이게  내가?

Do you want to stop teaching once and for all?

아무리 협박하셔도

Threaten me all you want, but you still need to fix this.

아닌  아닌 겁니다 ‪바로잡으세요

Threaten me all you want, but you still need to fix this.




I can't believe this.

‪[강사의  내뱉는 소리]

‪[강사 나가

Get out.

해고야 새끼야

You're fired.

숙소에서도 당장  싸고

Move out of the dorm too.


나가긴 나갈 건데요

I will do that.

선생님이 바로잡지 않으시면 ‪제가 신고할 겁니다

But if you don't fix this, -I'll report you. -Report me?


-I'll report you. -Report me? Be my guest. What do you think will happen?

그럼 어떻게   같은데?

Be my guest. What do you think will happen?

이미 물은 엎어졌는데?

What's done is done.

 성적 빵점 처리 되고 ‪엄마 깜빵 가고

What's done is done. She'll get a zero on the test, and her mom will go to jail.

기사 도배되고

It'll be all over the news, and that'll be the end for her.

 인생 망가지고

It'll be all over the news, and that'll be the end for her.

그게 니가 바라는 거냐? ‪그래 자식아?

Is that what you want? Is it, you bastard?


You know she grew up without a dad, right?

아빠도 없이 ‪엄마가 혼자 키운  알지?

You know she grew up without a dad, right?

괜한 오지랖 떨어서 ‪ 집안 쑥대밭 만들지 말고

Don't meddle in their affairs and ruin the entire family.

조용히 꺼져

Just get lost.

 걔네 엄마가 벌인 일이야이거

This is all her mom's doing.

‪[무거운 음악]

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

‪[휴대전화 진동이 멈춘다]


I'm sorry, Mr. Choi.

 때문에 괜히 ‪선생님까지 잘리시고

You got fired because of me.

근데 선생님 너무 지쳤어요

But Mr. Choi, I'm so exhausted.

매일 아침 눈뜰 때마다

I wake up every single morning,

‪' 하루가 시작되는구나' ‪절망해요

I wake up every single morning, and I feel hopeless.

학교는 악몽 같고 ‪집은 지옥 같아요

School is a nightmare, and my house is a living hell.

이제  편해지고 싶어요

I want some peace now.

그래도 선생님 덕분에 ‪조금은  버틸  있었어요

But I was able to breathe a bit thanks to you.

정말 감사합니다

Thank you so much.

‪[수현 모가 흐느낀다]

‪[수현 모가 울며수현아




대체 !

Why did you do this?

‪- [수현 모의 울음] ‪- [가쁜 숨소리]

‪[애잔한 음악]

‪[수현 모가 훌쩍인다]

 들어가이제 ‪다음 주부터 시험이잖아

Go home. You have exams next week.


Can I just…

여기 있으면  돼요?

stay here?

‪[조문객1] 근데 ‪ 문제 유출 얘기는 뭐예요?

What's this rumor about the exam questions leaking?

‪[조문객2] 수현이가 투신 전에

Before Su-hyeon died,

기말고사 시험지가 ‪유출된  같다고

she told her school about the exam questions getting leaked.

이실직고를 했나 학교에

about the exam questions getting leaked.

교장이 시끄러워질까  ‪그걸 그냥 덮었는데

The principal just swept it under the rug,

애들 사이에서 소문이  거지

but all the students found out.

‪- [조문객1] 그랬구나 ‪- [조문객2] 그러니까

-Unbelievable. -Tell me about it.

‪[수현 동생선생님


선생님이 치열 쌤이죠?

You're Mr. Choi Chi-yeol.





‪[수현 동생누나가 ‪ 얘기 많이 했어요

Su-hyeon told me a lot about you.

이것도   뺏은 거라고

She also said she took your pen.

내가 누나  거니까 누나 거야

I gave it to her. So it's hers.


I'm done, Mr. Choi.



‪[해이가 작게문제

The problem.


Right. Let's see.


You did well.

‪- 남은 문제는 혼자 풀어 보고 ‪- [해이

-Solve the rest on your own. -Okay.

‪[치열걸리는  있으면 ‪다음 시간에 같이 풀어 보자

If you get stuck on any, -we'll review them next class. -Okay.

-we'll review them next class. -Okay.


Are you done?

어떻게실장님하고는 ‪무마가 잘되셨어요?

Did you talk it out with Mr. Ji yesterday?



‪[행선 ‪도시락 가져가셔야죠

Right, your lunch box.

이거 양념게장 ‪넉넉히 담았어요

I've packed a lot of spicy marinated crabs.

남은  냉장고에 넣으시고 ‪그리고 아이스 팩은 버리세요

I've packed a lot of spicy marinated crabs. Put the leftovers in the fridge and throw away the ice packs.

‪-  ‪- [행선

-Okay. -Here.

‪[재우최치열강 이거 드세요 ‪제가 구웠어요

Mr. Choi, have this. I made it myself.

‪[행선 [웃음]

제가 와플 기계를  줬거든요

I bought him a waffle maker.

집이 유러피안 감성이 ‪아주 가득하고 좋죠?

Doesn't it fill our house with a European vibe?

고마운데 ‪내가 속이   좋아서

Thank you, but my stomach's not feeling well.

속이  좋으시구나 ‪그럼 죽을 끓일걸

Really? I should've made porridge instead.

‪[행선지금 끓일까요? ‪ 20분이면 되는데

-I can make it in 20 minutes. -No.


-I can make it in 20 minutes. -No. I'm fine.


I see. Goodbye then.

‪- 그럼 ‪- [행선

Goodbye then. -Get home safely. -Goodbye, Mr. Choi.

‪- 조심해서 가세요 ‪- [해이안녕히 가세요

-Get home safely. -Goodbye, Mr. Choi.

‪[도어  작동음]

‪[풀벌레 울음]

‪- [문소리] ‪- [도어  작동음]

I really worked hard to make this.

‪[재우진짜 열심히 구웠는데

I really worked hard to make this.

‪[행선이거 완전 맛있겠어 ‪누나 맛볼게

It looks scrumptious. Let me have a taste.

‪- [해이나도 ‪- [행선의 탄성]

Me too.

‪- [해이의 탄성] ‪- [행선


Is it really good? It's so tasty.

‪[해이너무 맛있는데?

It's so tasty.

삼촌 와플 장사 해도 되겠는데?

Uncle, you could sell this.

‪[우물거리며 ‪완전 파는  같아

Yes. You definitely could.

‪[재우알겠어 ‪ 구워 줄게그럼

Okay, I'll make some more.

 오늘 속보다 ‪기분이   좋은  같지 않냐?

Hey, didn't Mr. Choi look down today?

‪[휘휘 젓는 소리]

A bit.


A bit.

‪[행선아까   때문에 그러나?

Is it because of earlier?

탄내 재우야

It's burning-- Jae-woo.

‪[형사그럼 형태는 둥글고

So you think it's round

재질은 유리 또는  모양으로 ‪보여졌다는 거죠?

and made of either glass or metal?



 선명한 화면 찾으면 ‪다시 부탁드리겠습니다

Please take another look once I find a clearer photo. Goodbye.


Gosh, you startled me.

‪[이태 하냐?

What are you doing?

 죄를 지었길래 놀라고 그래?

Why so startled? What shadiness are you up to?

‪[형사죄가 아니라요 ‪이거  보세요

It's nothing shady. Look at this.

여기 반짝거리는 거요

This shiny thing.

뭘까 싶어서 ‪국과수 팀에 보내 봤는데

I asked forensics about this,

둥근 유리나  같다거든요?

and they think it's round glass or metal.

그럼 구슬 아닐까요? ‪유리구슬이나 쇠구슬?

Maybe it's a small ball. -A glass or metal ball. -So?


-A glass or metal ball. -So?

 구슬에 스친 ‪자국일 수도 있지 않을까요?

Maybe this thing scratched his face.

‪[이태헛소리  고만하고

Cut the nonsense and write up the final report.

종결 보고서나 빨리 올려

Cut the nonsense and write up the final report.

  뻘짓하다 걸리면 ‪가만  둔다

I better not catch you doing something else.

빨리 올려

Make it quick.

진짜냄새가 나는데

I swear this smells fishy.

‪- [의미심장한 음악] ‪- [고양이 울음]

‪[탁탁 튕기는 소리]

‪- [밝은 음악] ‪- [행선대가리도 삼촌

I want the head too.

어두육미인데 ‪ 대가리를 빼더라?

It's the tastiest for stew, but you always leave it out.

찌개에 넣으면 얼마나 좋은데

It's the tastiest for stew, but you always leave it out.

삼촌 전복은 얼마 받으셔?

WILD-CAUGHT ABALONE How much is the abalone?

이거 양식 아니야자연산이야

They're wild-caught, not farmed.

그러니까 ‪자연이 낳은 전복이 얼마인데?

Exactly. So how much is it?

얼마면 돼요?

How much do you want?

 사장로또 맞았어? ‪요새 아주  

Did you win the lottery? You've been splurging.

‪[행선상인의 웃음]

‪1kg 20

200,000 won for 1kg.

‪[놀란 숨소리]


양식은 없어요?

Where are the farmed ones?

‪[영주거기다 전복 ‪딸랑   넣겠다고?

You're going to add just one abalone?

전복이  트러플이냐향만 내게?

It's not a truffle. It's not just for the scent.

자연산이라 디따 크거든? ‪ 개라도

It's wild-caught, so it's bigger than normal.


어머이거 안동식혜네

This is Andong sikhye.

이거 완전 천연 소화제 아니야?

It's a natural digestive.

 많이 간다고   하면서 ‪언제 담갔대?

I thought you rarely made this because it was a hassle.

‪[행선아유 얼마  

I didn't make much. Can you put it in that glass bottle?

거기 옆에 있는 유리병에다 ‪ 담아 

I didn't make much. Can you put it in that glass bottle?



 전속 요리사 어쩌고 하더니

You talked about cooking exclusively for him.

최치열의 장금이가 ‪되기로  거야?

Have you decided to become his personal chef?

전복죽에 안동식혜에

From abalone porridge to this sikhye.

여기가 궁중 수라간이냐고 ‪동네 반찬 가게지!

This isn't the royal kitchen. It's a side dish store.

‪[행선그럼 그렇게라도 해야지

This isn't the royal kitchen. It's a side dish store. It's the least I can do when he's teaching Hae-e for free.

 공부를 공짜로 맡기는데

It's the least I can do when he's teaching Hae-e for free.

그것도  비싼 사람이니?

It's the least I can do when he's teaching Hae-e for free. Don't you know who he is?

그냥 강사도 아니고 일타강사를?

He's a star teacher.


That's true. I looked him up, and he's way above tutoring,

과외할 레벨은 진짜 아니더라

I looked him up, and he's way above tutoring,

버는 돈으로 보나 뭘로 보나

regardless of the form of payment.

 일인지 몰라도

I don't know what's up, but he didn't look well yesterday.

컨디션이 엄청 ‪ 좋아 보였어어제

I don't know what's up, but he didn't look well yesterday.

‪[호응하는 소리]

‪[웃으며벨트 한번 풀더니

It seems after that whole belt incident…

컨디션 챙기는 사이가 되셨어? ‪?

you've become more concerned about him. Am I right?

여기 어디 간장게장이 있었는데

Where are the marinated crabs?

‪[행선집게발로도 그냥 ‪입은 찢기겠지?

I ought to rip out your tongue with their claws.

기지배가 진짜

You little brat.


Hold on. The sikhye could go bad if he doesn't refrigerate it right away.

식혜는 바로 냉장고에  넣으면 ‪  같은데

The sikhye could go bad if he doesn't refrigerate it right away.

‪[초인종 소리]

아직  일어났나?

Is he still asleep?

‪[초인종 소리]

‪[부드러운 음악]

‪[초인종 소리]

‪[도어  작동음]


Mr. Choi, I'm sorry for waking you up.


I was worried you wouldn't refrigerate this properly…

바로 냉장고에  넣으면 ‪  같아서

I was worried you wouldn't refrigerate this properly…


Excuse me.

‪[도어  작동음]





이거는 제가  ‪알아서 넣고 갈게요주무세요

I'll put it in the fridge and leave. You can go back to bed.

늦게까지 일했나? ‪어떻게 저렇게까지 잠에 취해

Did he work until late? He's still half-asleep.

‪[놀란 숨소리]


How marvelous.

이게  평이야대체?

Exactly how big is this place?

집은 넓은데  이렇게 휑하냐

It feels so empty for such a big space.

멍멍이라도  마리 키우지

He should raise a few dogs.

‪[놀란 숨소리]


‪[놀라며 냉장고가 ‪이렇게 휑해?

Why is the fridge so empty?


There's nothing in here.

‪[놀란 숨소리]

‪[행선의 탄식]

쉬운  없네쉬운 

Nothing in life is easy.

 저마다 ‪어려움이 있어요사는 

Everyone struggles with their own demons.

‪[작게 보겠습니다


‪- [덜컹거리는 소리] ‪- [행선의 힘주는 소리]

‪[행선의 의아한 소리]


‪[달그락거리는 소리]

‪- [경보음] ‪- [행선의 놀란 소리]


What's wrong with this?

‪[행선의 당황한 소리]


‪[행선의 놀란 숨소리]

‪[도어  작동음]

이렇게 열리는 거구나

I see. So that's how you open it.

아니저는  깰까 

I didn't want you to wake up, so I was going to leave quietly, but…

최대한 조용히 ‪나가려고 그랬는데 문이

I didn't want you to wake up, so I was going to leave quietly, but…

‪[흥미로운 음악]

‪[행선의 힘주는 소리]

‪[행선의 힘겨운 신음]

무슨 남자가 뻑하면 엎어져 ‪엎어지길맥없이진짜

What kind of man just passes out like that?


‪[행선아니이렇게 ‪좋은 침대 놔두고 침낭은 

Why does he have a sleeping bag next to this comfortable bed?

 가졌다고 무조건 행복한  ‪아닌  같으네

I guess you can have it all and still be unhappy.



‪[미옥언니대학 입시 보는 ‪타로술사 중에 있잖아

Su-hui, she's the most well-known tarot reader

‪- [수희 ‪- 제일 유명하다니까 언니가

Su-hui, she's the most well-known tarot reader -when it comes to college admissions. -I see.


-when it comes to college admissions. -I see. She's able to predict the school's initials.

대학을 이렇게  ‪집어낸다잖아

She's able to predict the school's initials.

‪- [수희가 호응한다] ‪- 거의 100%래요타율이

-Right. -Her accuracy is almost 100%.


I've heard.

용하긴 용한가 보다

She must really have such powers,

이렇게 호화로운  사는  보면

judging by where she's living.

‪[미옥이 헛웃음 치며 ‪주로 정재계

judging by where she's living. Countless influentials and VIPs ask her for help.

‪VIP들한테 불려 다니는데

Countless influentials and VIPs ask her for help.

‪[웃으며내가 누구야 ‪알잖아

But… you know me.

우리 언니 친구라서

you know me. She only made time for us because she's my sister's friend.

특별하게 ‪시간을   거예요오늘

She only made time for us because she's my sister's friend.

‪[수희알았어생색  그만 

All right. Stop bragging. Goodness.



‪[수희? ‪해이 엄마 아니야저기?

What? Isn't that Ms. Nam?


You're right.

‪- [의미심장한 음악] ‪-  여자가 여긴 웬일이지?

What is she doing here?

‪- 그러니까 ‪- [미옥배달 왔나?

-Tell me about it. -Delivery?

‪[수희 아침에?

This early?

단체 아니면 ‪배달도   주던데거기

They only deliver for bulk orders.

그럼 뭔데?

Then why is she here?


Who knows?

‪[미옥언니 ‪어제 '최치열라짱나 봤어?

By the way, did you read what Chiyeolsucks posted yesterday?

‪[헛웃음 치며완전 소름이더라

-It gave me the creeps. -Don't be absurd.

뭐가 소름이야

-It gave me the creeps. -Don't be absurd.

 봐도 고소당할까  쫄려서 ‪바로 내린 거던데

It's obvious that they removed the post out of fear that they'd get sued.

‪- 그리고 수아 얘기 들어 보니까 ‪- [미옥

It's obvious that they removed the post out of fear that they'd get sued. -I asked Su-a about it. -Yes.

‪[수희영민이도 ‪그날 최치열이랑 싸운  아니라

She said Mr. Choi didn't argue with Young-min that day.

걔가 일방적으로 들이받은 거래

The kid just acted out on his own.

여고생 스캔들 얘기는 ‪ 바닥 고인 물이라는 원장도

The director of the academy has been around for years, but even he has never heard of that scandal before.

처음 듣는 얘기라 하고

but even he has never heard of that scandal before.

‪- [미옥그래? ‪- [수희

-Really? -Yes.

‪[미옥그러면 소설  거야? ‪'최치열라짱나'?

Does that mean that story is completely fake?

‪[수희아유 ‪ 원래 상습적이잖아

That's what Chiyeolsucks does.

원래 잘나가는 사람들한테는 꼬여 ‪그런 똥파리들이

Successful people are always cursed with the likes of Chiyeolsucks.

‪[미옥의 웃음]


‪[미옥언니 ‪최치열 편드는  보니까

Hey. Seeing how you're siding with Mr. Choi, the All Care Program must be going well.

올케어반 분위기 괜찮아졌나 보네?

Seeing how you're siding with Mr. Choi, the All Care Program must be going well.

워낙 잘하던 애들이 ‪모인 거니까

They're all top students, you know?

‪[수희멘털이 남다르지 ‪강사도 베테랑급이고

They're strong-minded, and their teacher is excellent too.

‪[미옥의 헛기침]

‪[미옥저기언니 ‪있잖아 [헛기침]

By the way,

올케어반 ‪자료나 교재 같은  있지?

doesn't the All Care Program have its own materials and textbooks?

그거 우리 단지한테만 살짝  ‪공유해 주면  될까?

Could you just share them with Dan-ji?

내가  살게비싼 걸로

I'll treat you to an expensive meal.

‪- 자기야 ‪- [미옥언니

-Hey. -Yes?

가끔 자기는

At times, you say things

이렇게 교육 수준이 ‪의심되는 소리를 하더라

that make you seem less intelligent.

‪[수희 자료를 ‪그렇게 돌릴 거였으면  하러

If we were going to share them, why would our kids have gone through the hassle of taking the level test?

레벨 테스트까지 받아 가면서 ‪거길 들어갔겠니?

why would our kids have gone through the hassle of taking the level test?

‪[엘리베이터 알림음]

‪[익살스러운 음악]

지도 듣보대 출신이면서

That's rich, coming from a no-name university graduate.

‪[학교 종소리]

‪[단지김말이 재입고가자

They brought the gimmari back! Let's go!

‪[학생들의 떠드는 소리]

‪- [건후? ‪- [학생김말이 먹자김말이

Let's have some gimmari.

‪[건후김말이? ‪김말이  좋아하는데

-Come on. -I don't like it. I want tteokbokki.

‪[학생뭐라도 마셔

-Come on. -Let's go.

‪[수아 요새 ‪ 이렇게 열심히 푸는 거야?

What is she working so hard on these days?

‪[의미심장한 음악]


This is good.


‪- 이거 진짜 매워 ‪- 에이

-It's so spicy. -Jeez.

그러게 김말이나 먹으라니까

I told you not to eat that.

‪- [해이 ‪- [선재생큐

-Here. -Thank you.

진짜 맵다

It's super spicy.

‪[단지이선재 ‪맵찔이진짜

You're so weak.

‪- 나도 ‪- [선재

Give me that.


That's so spicy.


I'm so tired.

‪[건후의 푸르르  푸는 소리]

‪[건후의 웃음]

‪- [건후의 힘주는 소리] ‪- [단지서건후안녕

Hi, Geon-hu.

‪[건후아니 안녕

I'm too tired to say hi back.

‪[건후의 피곤한 신음]


Is that tasty?

‪- 해이남해이 ‪- [해이

-Hey, Hae-e. -Yes?

‪- [건후 영어 단어 100 ‪- [해이

-Hey, Hae-e. -Yes? Do I really have to memorize 100 English words by today?

‪[건후진짜 오늘까지 ‪ 외워야 ?

Do I really have to memorize 100 English words by today?

‪[해이그거 완전 ‪기본 단어들이야

Yes, they're basic ones.

 외우면 독해는 시작도  

You need them for reading comprehension.

‪[건후의 한숨]



 머리에서 스팀 지금 ‪ 보여?

There's steam coming out of my head.

 머리가 ‪ 깨질  같은데지금?

I have a splitting headache.

‪[선재 먹는데

Hey, she's eating.

‪[해이엄살부리지  ‪외워무조건

Don't be a baby. Just memorize them.

‪[건후의 한숨]


Yes, ma'am. I should. Of course.


Of course.


There's one gimmari left.

맛있다이거 어디 거야?

This is good. Where did you get this?

미쳤냐라스트 김말이를?

Are you insane? That was the last one!

이게 이렇게 ‪화낼 일은 아니잖아

Why are you so worked up about this?

‪- 뱉어 뱉어 ‪- [건후뱉어? [놀란 소리]

-Spit it out. -Spit it out? -Spit it out. -I can't do that!

이걸 어떻게 뱉어 ‪이거를!

-Spit it out. -I can't do that!

‪- 뱉으라고! ‪- [건후!

Spit it out!

‪- [건후의 아파하는 신음] ‪- [해이뱉어

-Spit it out. -There's no more?

‪[건후 없어단지없어?

-Spit it out. -There's no more?

‪[무거운 음악]

What are you doing?

‪[선재 지금  하냐?

What are you doing?

이걸 남해이가  갖고 있는데?

Why does Hae-e have this?

‪[수아치열  테스트지잖아

This is Mr. Choi's material.

올케어반만 나눠  건데 ‪남해이가 어떻게 갖고 있냐고

How does she have the All Care Program's material?

니가 빌려준 거야?

Did you lend it to her?

아니면 남해이가 ‪훔치기라도  거야?

Or did she steal it?

맞아 거야 ‪잠깐 풀어 보라고 빌려준 거야

It's mine. I lent it to her.

니가 뭔데무슨 자격으로?

What gives you the right to do that?

그러면  무슨 자격으로 ‪해이 가방을 뒤지는데

And what gives you the right to rummage through her backpack?

‪[선재오기 전에 다시 정리해  ‪아니면 애들한테 깔까?

Put it back before she comes. Or should I tell the others that you snoop around when no one's looking?

방수아  교실에서 ‪남의  뒤지는 취미 있다고?

that you snoop around when no one's looking?


‪[휴대전화 진동음]

‪[힘겨운 숨소리]

‪[피곤한 신음]

 실장방금 일어났어

Hey, Mr. Ji. I just woke up.

‪[동희어디  좋으세요?

Mr. Choi, are you sick?


I'm feeling under the weather.

오늘 재종 수업 하나던가?

Do I have one CSAT repeater class today?

‪[이상어제  올라온  봤지? ‪최치열이

Did you read Chiyeolsucks' post yesterday?

아이근데 이거 이렇게 묻히면 ‪ 되는  아니야?

People should look into it even though he's a star teacher.

아무리 최치열이어도?

People should look into it even though he's a star teacher.

‪[강사1] 근데 ‪그거 확실하긴  건가?

But is the post even true?

‪'최치열라짱나'인가 ‪ 쌤한테 집착하는 악플러잖아요

Chiyeolsucks is a hater who's obsessed with Chi-yeol.

아이그렇긴 한데

That may be true,

근데  '최치열라짱나' ‪근거 없이 아무거나  올리고

but if you look at it, I don't think he was just posting baseless accusations.

‪[이상그런  아니더라고 ‪가만 보면?

I don't think he was just posting baseless accusations.

 투신 사건 나고 ‪ 형사들이 최치열만 면담했겠어?

After the recent incident, Chi-yeol was the only one who was interrogated.

‪[강사2] 아이그래도

But still, to say that he's the cause of that murder is just pushing it.

 친모 살해 사건이 ‪최치열 때문이라는  

But still, to say that he's the cause of that murder is just pushing it.

억지 같던데?

But still, to say that he's the cause of that murder is just pushing it.

아니그게  억지야?

What do you mean?

 금쪽같은 딸이

Her precious daughter committed suicide after being used by him.

최치열한테 농락당하다 ‪그렇게 갔으니?

Her precious daughter committed suicide after being used by him.

엄마랑 동생이 ‪미치지 않고 배겨?

So of course the family would go crazy.

‪[이상최치열이 일가족을 ‪몰살시킨 거나 마찬가지지

Choi Chi-yeol basically annihilated a family.

아니 같으면 말이야 ‪같이 따라 죽진 못해도

Choi Chi-yeol basically annihilated a family. If I were him, I wouldn't be able to kill myself,

적어도  바닥에서 쌩까고 ‪ 벌어먹고 

but I wouldn't be brazen enough to continue working…

‪- [강사3 헛기침] ‪- ?

-What's wrong? -I have class.

‪- [강사3] 수업이 있어 가지고 ‪- [이상어디

-What's wrong? -I have class. Where are you all going?

어디 ?

Where are you all going?

‪[이상의 한숨]

 그게 아니라

Look, Mr. Choi.

 … [한숨]

I just…

‪[빠지직 찌그러지는 소리]


‪[쓸쓸한 음악]

‪[치열의 한숨]

‪[통화 연결음]


Mr. Ji, it's me.

오늘 아무래도  되겠다

I don't think I can make it today.

보강 잡고 오늘내일  쉬자

Let's reschedule the classes so I can take the next two days off.

‪- [행선맛점 하세요 ‪- [손님

-Enjoy your lunch. -Thank you.


‪- 영주야 ‪- [영주


‪[행선우리 예전에 합숙할 

-When we used to train before our matches, -Yes?

‪- 시합 전에 ‪- [영주

-When we used to train before our matches, -Yes?

‪[행선긴장해서 불면증 오는 ‪애들한테 시키던 체조 있었잖아

our coach made us do a certain exercise to help us sleep better.

그거 어떻게 하는 거였지?

What was it again?

‪[영주숙면 체조이거?

The sleep exercise? This?

‪- [영주의  내뱉는 소리] ‪- [행선맞다

That's it.


And then?

그다음 이렇게

Then like this.

‪[영주행선의 심호흡]



‪- [행선의  내뱉는 소리] ‪- 몸을 털듯이

Shake it off.

‪-  ‪- [휴대전화 알림음]

‪[호응하는 소리]




Today's class is canceled.

‪[키보드 조작음]

‪[전화벨 소리]

‪[형사강현  형사과입니다

Ganghyeon Station, Detective Division.


Officer, I hear popping sounds outside my window every night.

아니밤마다 밖에서 ‪장작불 타는 소리맹키로 그냥

Officer, I hear popping sounds outside my window every night.

탁탁 소리가  갖고 ‪나가 시끄러워서 잠을  잔다니께

It's so loud that I can't go to bed for the life of me. Is that so, ma'am?


Is that so, ma'am?

근데 그런 문제는

But you should contact the local precinct or patrol station for that.

근처 지구대나 파출소에 ‪민원을  넣으셔야 되거든요

But you should contact the local precinct or patrol station for that.

여기는 형사과예요 ‪강력 범죄 다루는 

This is the Detective Division. We deal with violent crimes.metal ba


But someone shot and killed some stray cats with metal balls.

쇠구슬을  가지고 ‪길고냥이가 죽고 그라는디

But someone shot and killed some stray cats with metal balls.

고거이 범죄가 아니면 뭣이여?

Isn't that a crime?

그러니까 쇠구슬이요

Exactly. Those metal balls…

‪[의미심장한 음악]

할머니방금 ‪쇠구슬이라고 하셨어요?

Ma'am, did you just say "metal balls"?

‪[카메라 셔터음]

‪[할머니아니 그래도 ‪누가 밥을 주는가 그냥

Someone must have been feeding the stray cats

길고양이들이 모여 쌓아서 ‪짜증이 나서 죽겄는디

Someone must have been feeding the stray cats because they've been gathering around and annoying me.

고놈의 딱딱거리는 소리까지 ‪신경을 긁더라고

But the popping sounds have been getting on my nerves as well.

그러다 지난주인가지난주

Was it last week? Yes, it was.

내가 아침에 나와 봉게

I came out in the morning, and dear me.

엄마 마리는 ‪ 뻗어서 죽어 있고

I came out in the morning, and dear me. One of the cats was already dead.

 마리는 피를 철철 흘리면서 ‪내빼 버리고

And another one was bleeding and running away.

언제부터였다고요소리가 들린 

When did you first hear the sounds?

‪[할머니 됐어

It's been a while.

아이고 처음에는 ‪'아그들이 딱총을 쏘나'

At first, I thought some kids were playing with firecrackers

‪'그러다 말겄지했지

and would stop eventually.

근데 아니여

and would stop eventually. But I was wrong.

잊을 만하면 딱딱거리고

It's still going on to this day.

아주 내가 노이로제가 걸리겄어

It's still going on to this day. The sound is driving me crazy.

근데 그게 쇠구슬인  ‪어떻게 아셨어요?

How did you know they were metal balls?

여기 ‪떨어져 있더라고언제 봉게

I once spotted them on the ground.

‪[할머니그래서 ‪'이걸  댔구나했지

That's when I realized they were shooting them.

근데 나중에 봉게  ‪ 치웠더라고

But later on, they all disappeared.

임자가 주워 갔는가

I guess they picked them all up.

‪[종렬방학 때도 학교 오니까 ‪아주 좋지?

Isn't it great to come to school during the break?

친구들도 맨날 보고

You get to see your friends.

‪[종렬주말에 휴대폰만 보면서 ‪시간 버리지 말고

Don't waste your weekends on your phones.

누누이 말하지만

I can't stress this enough.

 들여다보는 시간과 성적은 ‪반비례한다

Your phone time and your grades have an inverse relationship.

방학 끝나면

After the break,

‪9모가 기다리고 있다이상

the September mock will be waiting for you. See you.

‪[학생들의 탄식]

남해이나랑 잠깐 얘기  하자

Hae-e, we need to talk.


-Okay. Hold on. -Hey.

‪[건후 100  외웠어 ‪테스트 빨리해

I finished memorizing. Hurry up and quiz me.

까먹을  같아

-I might forget them. -Geon-hu.


-I might forget them. -Geon-hu.

지금 나랑 얘기 중인   보여?

I'm talking to her.

‪[건후 보여말시키지 

I don't care. Don't talk to me.

진짜 까먹을  같으니까

I'm going to forget the words.

‪[선재 얘랑  얘기 있다고

I said I need to talk to her.

테스트 내일 

Do it tomorrow.

내일은 주말인데?

Tomorrow is Saturday.

‪[건후주말까지 그러면 ‪너무 민폐잖아내가

It's a bit much to take up her time on the weekend.

‪[선재의 한숨]




테스트 약속이 먼저니까

I promised Geon-hu first,

급한  아니면 나중에 얘기해

so if it's not urgent--

급한  아니면 ‪너랑 얘기도  하냐이제?

I can't even talk to you if it's not urgent?

‪[선재의 한숨]

‪[새가 지저귀는 소리]

NATION'S BEST BANCHAN I'm done. I'm all ready.

‪[재우 됐어나는 준비 !

I'm done. I'm all ready.



 짐도 싸고 옷도 갈아입어야 

I need to pack and get changed as well.

기차 시간도 아직 남았어

We still have time before the train.

‪[해이 말려 ‪완전 신났어삼촌

Look at him. He's so excited.

‪[행선우리가  ‪오랜만이긴 하지캠핑이

It's been a while since we last camped.

‪- 이건 그냥 부을게 ‪- [해이

-I'll just pour it. -Okay.

근데 엄마선생님 어제 수업 ‪  오신 건데?

Mom, why couldn't Mr. Choi come yesterday?

몰라그냥 문자로 ‪'오늘 휴강하겠습니다', 

Beats me. He just texted and said that he couldn't make it.

 걱정된다 ‪그저께도  좋아 보이셨는데

I'm a bit worried. He looked unwell two days ago too.


You're right. He did seem a bit unwell.

컨디션이  좋긴   같던데

He did seem a bit unwell.


Hold on.

‪[해이가 흥얼거린다]


‪- [재우누나멀었어? ‪- [행선

MR. CHOI, ARE YOU FEELING… Are you not done yet? Hurry up.

‪- [재우빨리 빨리빨리 ‪- [행선아유

Are you not done yet? Hurry up. Stop rushing me!

재촉  하지 진짜이씨

Stop rushing me! Jeez.

‪- 해이야이거 마저 넣어 ‪- [해이

-Hae-e, finish up while I get changed. -Yes?

‪- [행선   갈아입고 올게 ‪- [해이

-Hae-e, finish up while I get changed. -Yes? Okay.

‪[TV  내레이터  ‪화제입니다

…is very popular. Plastic wastes are heated, and the fibrous tissues

폐플라스틱을 가열하여 얻어지는 ‪작은 섬유 조직들을

Plastic wastes are heated, and the fibrous tissues

재가공하는 기술로 만들어진 ‪옷과 신발은

are reprocessed to make clothes and shoes.

 제품을 만드는 것에 비해

Compared to making new ones…

‪- [TV 소리가 멈춘다] ‪- [차분한 음악]


‪[ 내뱉는 소리]

‪[아이들의 즐겁게 떠드는 소리]

-Go! Hey! -Go!

‪[행선주말이라고 ‪ 기어 나왔나

Everyone came out on the weekend. This place is packed.

아주  들어찼네

Everyone came out on the weekend. This place is packed.

‪[해이그러게텐트 얻다 치지?

Everyone came out on the weekend. This place is packed. You're right. Where should we put up our tent?

‪[재우우아낚시터도 있어

There's a fishing area.

누나우리 저쪽으로  보자

Haeng-seon, let's go over there.


Sure, let's go.

저쪽은 텐트족들이 ‪  있을  같으네

I think there will be fewer people there.

‪[새들이 지저귀는 소리]

‪[행선의 탄성]


What is it?

‪[재우최치열강 님이다

That's Mr. Choi.

최치열강  낚시하고 있어

Mr. Choi is fishing.



‪[해이치열  맞는데?

It really is him.

‪[재우최치열강 !



Mr. Choi!

‪[당황한 소리]


‪- [행선아니여기… ‪- [해이안녕하세요

-What are you… -Hello.

‪[행선의 힘주는 소리]




What are you…



‪- [흥겨운 효과음] ‪- [행선아니


‪- [행선진짜  드세요라면? ‪- [익살스러운 음악]

You really don't want ramyeon?

최치열 선생님!

Mr. Choi.

‪[치열그냥 없는 사람으로 ‪생각해 달라고 얘기했을 텐데요

Didn't I tell you to just ignore me?

‪[행선아는데요있는 사람을 ‪없는 사람 취급 하는 

You did. But it's not easy for me to ignore someone who's right in front of me.

쉽지가 않네요성격상

But it's not easy for me to ignore someone who's right in front of me.

갑자기 수업  한다 그래서 ‪걱정했는데

I was worried when you canceled your class,

그래도 야외 액티비티도 하시고

but here you are fishing outside.

  먹었을  아니에요? ‪와서  그릇 해요?

You must not have eaten anything. Come have a bite. Come on.



아유엄청 맛있게 생겼네

Gosh. It looks so scrumptious.


That's hot.

‪[재우라면은 남행선 누나보다 ‪남해이가  맛있어

Haeng-seon, Hae-e's ramyeon tastes better than yours.

‪- [행선인정 ‪- [해이가 살짝 웃는다]

That's true.

해이가   끓여

Hers is tastier.

진짜 맛있다

This is so delicious.

‪- [첨벙거리는 소리] ‪- [재우의 놀란 소리]


Did you catch one? Haeng-seon, he caught one!

‪- [행선의 놀란 탄성] ‪- 누나진짜 잡혔어

Did you catch one? Haeng-seon, he caught one!


Did you catch one? Haeng-seon, he caught one! No way.

‪- [재우의 탄성] ‪- [흥미로운 음악]

‪[행선의 탄성]


‪[첨벙거리는 소리]


Why did you let it go?

‪[치열너무 작아요 ‪ 커서 오라고

It's too small. I'm letting it grow bigger.

‪- [해이의 탄성] ‪- [재우개멋있다

You're so cool.

‪[부드러운 음악]


I'm not in Seoul.


What? Where are you?


I'm at a camping site. There's a fishing area too.


Camping, all of a sudden? JANG DAN-JI

‪[해이와서 일한다무수리임

I'm working as a maid here. I'm still so jealous.


I'm still so jealous. I'm at a study cafe. Save me.



‪[피식 웃는다]


진짜 유치하게 이선재 ‪질투나 하고

I'm so childish for being jealous.


‪[ 소리]

‪[선재좋겠네 김에 힐링

Lucky you. Relax while you're there.

‪[우당탕거리는 소리]

Relax while you're there.

‪[의미심장한 음악]


‪[선재 ?

Hui-jae. What are you doing?



Do you need money?


I have some.

근데  필요한 건데?

By the way, why do you need it?

‪- [문소리] ‪- [도어  작동음]

‪[새들이 지저귀는 소리]

‪[행선해이랑 재우는 ‪설거지하러 갔어요

Hae-e and Jae-woo are washing the dishes. That's their job whenever we go camping.

걔네 담당이거든요캠핑 오면

That's their job whenever we go camping.

음악도  들리는  같은데

I don't hear any music.

커피 한잔해요

Have some coffee.

인스턴트커피  마셔요

I don't drink instant coffee.

그냥 인스턴트가 아니라 ‪내가 자체적으로 블렌딩한 거예요

This isn't just any instant coffee. I blended it myself.

‪[행선먹어 봐요

Take a sip.

인스턴트에 무슨 블렌딩을

How do you even blend instant coffee?

‪[행선의 힘주는 소리]

‪[행선의 편안한 숨소리]

‪[치열어떻게  거예요?

How did you do it?

봉지 커피요

It's instant coffee.

‪[행선대기업에서 블렌딩한  ‪제일 맛나요

The tastiest coffee is made by big companies.

믿고 드세요그냥

Trust me on that.

‪[치열저기 궁금한  ‪하나 있는데

I have a question.

남궁선 씨는

I have a question. Ms. Namgoong Seon.

‪[행선아유하다 하다 이제 ‪남의 성까지 바꾸네

Jeez. You even got my surname wrong.


It's Nam Haeng-seon.

‪'호남선아니고 '남행순아니고

It's not Ho Nam-seon or Nam Haeng-sun.

‪'남궁선' ‪ 아니고요

And it's definitely not Namgoong Seon.

이제  외울 때도 되지 않았어요?

Shouldn't you know my name by now?

내가 남의 이름 ‪  외워 가지고오케이

I'm not good with names. Okay. Ms. Nam Haeng-seon.

남행선 씨는

Ms. Nam Haeng-seon.

 넘는  취미예요? ‪내가 진짜 궁금해서 그래요

Is it your hobby to cross boundaries? I'm genuinely curious.

집안 내력이거든요

It runs in the family.

‪[행선우리 엄마가 ‪오지랖이  과한 편이어서

My mom used to be the nosy type.


Then what about you?

그렇게 칼같이  지키고 사는  ‪ 피곤해요?

Isn't it tiring to always draw the line?

그렇게   지키면서 사는  ‪ 피곤하지 않나?

Isn't the opposite more tiring? -Jeez, you always have the last word. -Gosh.

‪[행선아유   ‪따박따박 아주

-Jeez, you always have the last word. -Gosh.

‪- 절대  말은 ‪- [치열아휴

-Jeez, you always have the last word. -Gosh.

‪[행선그래도 ‪커피라도 들어가니까 좋죠?

Isn't it nice to drink some coffee?

자고로 사람은  속에 ‪뜨신  들어가야  만하거든요

You need to fill your stomach if you want to stay strong.

‪[잔잔한 음악]

왜요 뭐가 거슬려요?

What is it this time? Is something bothering you again?

아니내가 알던 분이랑 ‪똑같은 말을  가지고

Someone I knew said the exact same thing in the past.

어떤 분이요?



Your first love?

아니요 정말 어려울  ‪먹여 살려  은인

She was my savior who fed me when things were tough.

지금은 ‪내가 먹여 살리는 셈인데

I see. But now I'm the one feeding you.

‪[행선괜히 승부욕 생기네 ‪ 분발해야겠다

This is making me competitive. I should try harder.

근데 선생님은

By the way,

 땡땡이친 거예요어제?

why did you cancel yesterday?


You're crossing my boundaries again.

‪[행선보아 하니까

It seems like you have a lot on your mind.

머리가 복잡하셨던  같은데

It seems like you have a lot on your mind.

너무 어려운 수학 문제를 ‪많이 풀어서 그런  아니에요?

Maybe your head is too full of difficult math questions.

 스트레스받다가도 ‪자고 나면 머릿속이  비던데

I take a nap when I'm stressed, and my mind clears out.

그래도 수학은 명쾌해요

But math is black and white.

답이  있거든요

There's always an answer.

‪[치열근데 인생은 ‪그렇지가 않더라고요

But my life isn't like that.

공식도 없고 법칙도 없고

There are no set formulas or rules.

틀릴 때마다 ‪'내가   잘못됐구나'

Every time I make a mistake, I become dispirited.


Every time I make a mistake, I become dispirited.


But still…

틀릴 때마다 ‪답에 가까워지는 거잖아요

you become that much closer to the answer.

‪[행선핸드볼  때도 보면

Take handball for example.

 각도에서 던져서   되면 ‪ 각도에서 던지고

If this angle doesn't work, you change angles.

‪'이쪽 근육  때는 ‪볼이 약하구나'

If your throw is weak, you switch up the muscles you use.

그럼 다음에 요쪽 근육 쓰고

If your throw is weak, you switch up the muscles you use.

그러면서 성공률을 ‪높여 나가는 거거든요

If your throw is weak, you switch up the muscles you use. That's how you improve your success rate.

인생도 그런 거죠

That's how you improve your success rate. That's life.

더듬더듬 답을 찾아 나가는 거죠

We're all fumbling for the answers.

이렇게도  보고 ‪저렇게도  보면서

We try out different approaches.

너무 복잡하게 생각하지 마요

Don't overcomplicate things. No wonder you have insomnia.

그러니까 불면증이 오죠

Don't overcomplicate things. No wonder you have insomnia.

어떻게 알아요 ‪ 불면증 있는 ?

How did you know I have insomnia?

아니 봐도 예리해 보이니까

You're obviously very sharp,

‪[행선불면증이 있지 않을까 ‪그런 추측을 

You're obviously very sharp, so it was just a deduction.

예리한  아니라 예민한 거겠죠

I'm sensitive, not sharp.

아니예리한 사람이 ‪예민하기도 하고

A sharp person is sensitive and vice versa.

예민했다 예리하기도 하고 ‪그런 거지

A sharp person is sensitive and vice versa.



아휴노래나 틀어야겠다

I should turn on some music.

‪- [파도 소리가 흐른다] ‪- [행선의 탄성]

‪- [서정적인 음악이 흐른다] ‪- [행선이 흥얼거린다]

Promise me

‪[행선] ♪ 약속해  ♪

Promise me

‪♪ 오늘   ♪

That you will protect me

‪♪ 나를 지켜   있다고 ♪


‪[행선의 추임새]

‪- [손뼉 치는 소리] ‪- 맞다

Right. Mr. Choi, get up.

‪- 선생님잠깐 일어나 봐요 ‪- [치열왜요?

Right. Mr. Choi, get up. -Why? -Just do it. I'll teach you something.

‪[행선잠깐만요 ‪내가   가르쳐 줄게요

-Why? -Just do it. I'll teach you something. What is it?

‪[치열왜요 하려고?

What is it? This is something national athletes do to sleep better.

‪[행선아니 ‪우리 국가대표 선수들이

This is something national athletes do to sleep better.

    하는 체조인데

This is something national athletes do to sleep better.

따라  봐요

Follow me.

‪[행선의  내뱉는 소리]


Like this.

여기손을 여기까지

Move your arms.

아이 하는 거예요이게?

What is this?


Good. Legs shoulder width apart.

다리는 어깨너비

Good. Legs shoulder width apart.

손은 여기까지

Raise your arms.

‪[행선의 심호흡]

‪- 아니이렇… ‪- [치열하고 있잖아요

Like this. I'm doing it.

‪[행선아니손을 여기까지 ‪여기까지

Raise your arms up to here. Up to here.

‪[행선의 힘주는 소리]

‪- 이럴 … ‪- [치열의 놀란 소리]

Your shoulders--

‪- [행선의 비명] ‪- [치열아이고

Your shoulders-- Oh, no!

진정성 있게 사과드릴게요

I sincerely apologize.

미안합니다죽을죄를 지었어요

I'm sorry. Please forgive me.




‪[해이뭐야 그래엄마?

What happened, Mom?


Are you okay?

‪[행선의 힘겨운 신음]


So cold.



‪[서정적인 음악]


Gosh, that's cold.

‪[행선의 하품]

‪[재우 드세요치열이 

Have some tangerines, Chi-yeol.

‪[치열내가 형이에요?

Why so polite? Am I older than you?

‪[재우제가 포털에서 ‪찾아봤어요

Yes, I looked you up online.

저보다   형이에요

You're one year my senior, Chi-yeol.

‪[치열괜찮습니다 ‪    좋아해 가지고

No, thank you. I don't like sour food.



근데 차가 너무 멋져요치열이 

I love your car, Chi-yeol.

인터페이스도 훌륭하고

The interface is spectacular, and the seams look very professional.

자국 연결 실밥에서도 ‪장인 정신이 느껴져요

The interface is spectacular, and the seams look very professional.

 정도 승차감이면

A smooth ride like this

멀티링크 서스펜션 아니면 ‪더블 위시본 서스펜션인데

should have either a multi-link or a double wishbone suspension.

이런 서스펜션엔 처음 앉아 봐서 ‪가늠이  안돼요

But this is my first time experiencing this, so I'm not sure.

블랙박스도 내장형인데

The dashcam is built-in,

저건 스마트폰이랑 ‪연동되는 거예요치열이 

and you can connect it to your phone, Chi-yeol.

‪[행선우리 똑똑한 재우야

Hey, smarty-pants.

그만하고 귤이나 먹지?

Why don't you just eat the tangerines?

입은 하나인데 ‪하는 일이 너무 많네?

You're being awfully chatty.

‪[재우알겠어남행선 누나

Okay, Haeng-seon.

괜찮죠날이 푹해서 

The weather is warm enough, right?

감기 들거나 ‪그러진 않을  같은데

I doubt you'll catch a cold.

‪[행선날이 푹해서 ‪시원하게  주시려 그랬구나

I see. Did you push me so that I could cool down?


I'm so touched.

그래도 덕분에 차비도 굳고 ‪그건 감사해요

Nevertheless, thank you for offering to drive us home.

가는 길인데

Your house is on the way anyway.

졸리면 자요 괜찮으니까

You can sleep if you're tired.

‪[행선그건 아니죠

That's not right.

조수석에 타서 졸고 그러면 돼요? ‪매너 없이

It'd be rude to doze off in the passenger seat.

새벽 시장 다녀 버릇해서 ‪ 졸려요

I'm used to going to the morning market.

걱정하지 마세요

Don't worry.

‪- [익살스러운 효과음] ‪- [행선의 새근거리는 소리]

‪[발랄한 음악]

‪[안내 음성사고 다발 구간입니다 ‪주의하세요

This is an accident blackspot. Please be careful.

‪[행선의 놀란 숨소리]

Please be careful. Be careful.


Be careful.


You need to be careful. Watch out.



‪[안내 음성] 300m 앞에서 ‪80km 이하로 주행하세요

In 300m, reduce speed to 80 km per hour.

전방 200m 앞에서 80km…

In 200m, reduce speed to--

‪- [버튼 조작음] ‪- [안내 음성이 멈춘다]

In 200m, reduce speed to--


Thank you, Mr. Choi.

‪- [치열 ‪- [행선조심해서 가세요

-No problem. -Get home safe!


Goodbye and thank you, Mr. Choi.


No problem.

‪[재우안녕히 가세요치열이 

Goodbye, Chi-yeol. Can you all just say goodbye at once?

거참인사는  번에 합시다

Can you all just say goodbye at once?


Should we do that? Attention.

선생님께 경례

Say goodbye to Mr. Choi.

‪- [해이안녕히 가세요 ‪- [재우안녕히 가세요

-Goodbye. -Goodbye, Mr. Choi.

‪[부드러운 음악]

‪[행선이 작게안녕히 가세요


아무튼 오버야

She's so over the top.

적당히가 없어적당히가

She doesn't know moderation.

‪[행선이 한숨 쉬며얘들아 ‪들어가자

Let's go inside. I should unpack and open the store.

빨리 정리하고  ‪가게  열어야지 [힘주는 소리]

Let's go inside. I should unpack and open the store.

‪[해이엄마놔둬 ‪내가 들고 들어갈게

Let me. I'll bring it in later.

 잠깐 전화 

-I need to make a call first. -Okay, but this is heavy. Goodness.

‪[행선알겠어 ‪이거 무거울 텐데아이고

-I need to make a call first. -Okay, but this is heavy. Goodness.

‪- [ 닫히는 소리] ‪- [한숨]

‪[통화 연결음]


Hey, Hae-e.


You picked up.

 어제  읽씹하길래 ‪전화도  받을 

I didn't expect you to since you ignored my texts yesterday.

‪[선재타이밍 놓쳤어어젠 ‪집에  거야?

I didn't expect you to since you ignored my texts yesterday. I checked my phone too late. -Are you home? -Yes, just got back.


-Are you home? -Yes, just got back.

 오늘 올케어 저녁 수업이지? ‪ 전에 시간  ?

You have the All Care class today, right? Can we meet before that?

‪- [치열의 한숨] ‪- [동희컨디션 괜찮으세요?

How are you feeling? Do you feel better?


How are you feeling? Do you feel better?


Yes, I think so. Did you schedule the makeup classes?

보강은 잡았어?

Yes, I think so. Did you schedule the makeup classes?

‪[동희공지만 돌리면 됩니다

Yes. I just need to announce it.

‪[치열오케이토크 콘서트는?

Okay. Do we have the third talk show scheduled?

‪3 일정 잡혔나?

Okay. Do we have the third talk show scheduled?

‪[동희 그래도 ‪협회에서 전화 왔는데

Yes, the association called. They're thinking the 30th of next month and asked if you'd be free.

다음  30 정도에 ‪잡을까 한다고

They're thinking the 30th of next month and asked if you'd be free.

 스케줄 괜찮으시냐고

They're thinking the 30th of next month and asked if you'd be free.

저녁 강의 없는 날이긴 합니다

-You don't have classes that evening. -Okay, let's do that.

오케이그렇게 진행하자

-You don't have classes that evening. -Okay, let's do that.

 필요하신 ?

Okay. Anything else you need?


No… Actually,



 혹시  노래 알아?

do you know this song?

‪[서정적인 노래를 흥얼거린다]

‪- 글쎄요음을   정확하게 ‪- [치열이 계속 흥얼거린다]

Can you be a bit more precise…

그게 무슨 노래인데요?

What song is that?

 절대 음감이야 ‪ 귀가  좋은  아니야?

I have perfect pitch. You may have hearing issues.

아니요저도 절대 음감인데

I have perfect pitch too.

절대 음감이 ‪흔한  알아?

Perfect pitch isn't that common.

‪♪  ♪

‪♪  ♪

‪- ♪  ♪ ‪- [동희] ♪  ♪

‪[함께 멈춘다]


I guess it's common.

‪[피식 웃는다]

근데  노래는 왜요?

By the way, what about that song?

아이그런  있잖아

By the way, what about that song? It's just a song that's been stuck in my head.

자꾸 맴도는데 ‪제목이 생각   가지고

It's just a song that's been stuck in my head.


It's annoying me.


I see.

음을   정확하게 불러 ‪녹음해 주시면

Give me a more accurate melody, and I'll record it--

‪- [동희제가… ‪- 아유모르면 됐어

Forget it if you don't recognize the song.

아휴너도 은근 적당히가 없어

Forget it if you don't recognize the song. You always go over the top too.

‪[피식 웃는다]

 보필하는  있어서 ‪제가  그렇긴 하죠

I tend to be like that when it's about you.

근데 누가  적당히가 없는데요?

There's someone else like that?

있어더한 사람

Yes. Someone who's even worse.

‪[키보드 조작음]

‪[서정적인 음악이 흐른다]


I'm so sick of this song!

죙일  노래만 벌써  번째니!

You've been replaying this song thousands of times already!

  토할  같아행선아!

I'm going to vomit, Haeng-seon!


Let's listen to something else!

아니면 차라리 여러 곡을  ‪전체 재생으로 돌리든가

Or how about we just listen to a playlist?


There's nothing… Hey! As your boss, I can pick what we listen to!

! ‪선곡은 사장 권한이거든?

Hey! As your boss, I can pick what we listen to!


Unbelievable. Why are you suddenly into this song?

갑자기   노래에 꽂혀 가지고!

Unbelievable. Why are you suddenly into this song?

‪[행선좋으네원래도 좋았는데 ‪갑자기  좋아지네

I've always liked this song, but now I love it even more for some reason.

가사도 좋고

I love the lyrics

멜로디도 좋고

and the melody.

‪♪ 나와 함께해  ♪

Spend the rest of your life with me

‪♪ 다시 한번 ♪

I say this to you again

‪♪ 자신 있게 말하지만 ♪

I say this to you again With confidence

‪[밝은 음악이 흐른다]

‪[해이의 탄성]

‪[해이맨날 집밥 먹다 먹으니까 ‪진짜 꿀맛

It's so tasty to eat out after eating at home every day.

역시 가끔은 MSG 들어가 줘야 

It's so tasty to eat out after eating at home every day. It feels good to eat some MSG every now and then.

‪[선재그러게 [한숨]

I agree.

편의점 햄버거만 먹다 ‪먹으니까 맛있네

This is better than the convenience store burgers.




그저께 나한테 섭섭했냐?

Were you upset with me two days ago?




I was.

 요새 서건후만 겁나 챙기잖아

You've been prioritizing Geon-hu.

‪[해이챙기긴 ‪하기로  거니까 신경 쓰는 거지

That's not true. It's just that I promised that I'd help.

그리고  제일 편한 친구니까

And you're my closest friend.

아무튼 그것도 쏘리

Anyway, I'm sorry.

근데 뭐였는데? ‪어제 나한테   있다고  

What did you want to tell me yesterday?




That day, after the supplementary class,

보충 끝나고 빵수아가 ‪ 가방 뒤지고 있더라고

That day, after the supplementary class, I caught Su-a rummaging through your backpack.




Why would she…

 자리에서 ‪올케어반 테스트지 봤다고

She said you had the All Care Program's material.

‪[선재아이일단 ‪ 거라고 했어

I told her it was mine and that I had lent it to you.

잠깐 빌려준 거라고

I told her it was mine and that I had lent it to you.


Sun-jae, you see…

‪[행선아무튼 ‪이거 절대 발설하면  된다

Anyway, it's top secret.

우리와 쌤만의 비밀이야알았지?

It stays between us and Mr. Choi. Got it?

됐어곤란하면 다음에 얘기해

It's okay. You can tell me when you're ready.

 자료 필요하면 나한테 말하고

Let me know if you need any materials.


Thanks, Sun-jae.

됐고 시간 되지?

Don't worry about it. You're free, right? We need to blow off some steam.

간만에 스트레스  풀자오늘

You're free, right? We need to blow off some steam.

‪[경쾌한 반주가 흐른다]

‪[해이의 웃음]

‪[선재가 흥얼거린다]

‪[선재] ♪ 왜들 그리 ‪다운돼 있어? ♪

Why is everyone so down?

‪♪ 뭐가 문제야, Say something ♪

Why is everyone so down? What's the problem? Say something

‪[함께] ♪ 분위기가 겁나 싸해 ♪

-The vibe is so cold -The vibe is so cold

‪♪ 요새는 이런  유행인가 ♪

-The vibe is so cold -The vibe is so cold -Is that the trend nowadays? -Is that the trend nowadays?

‪[해이] ♪ 왜들 그리 ‪재미없어! ♪

Why is everyone so boring?

‪♪ 그건 나도 마찬가지 ♪

I'm one of them

‪- ♪ Tell me… ♪ [웃음] ‪- [선재의 추임새]

-Tell me what -I got to do

‪[함께] ♪ 급한 대로 ‪블루투스  ♪

-Turn on the Bluetooth right now -Turn on the Bluetooth right now

‪♪ 아무 노래나 일단 틀어 ♪

-Turn on any song -Turn on any song

‪[선재] ♪ 아무거나 ‪신나는 걸로 ♪

Turn on any fun song

‪♪ 아무렇게나 춤춰 ♪

Dance however you like

‪[함께] ♪ 아무렇지 않아 ‪보이게 ♪

-So that you look okay -So that you look okay -I don't want to think -I don't want to think

‪♪ 아무 생각 하기 싫어 ♪

-I don't want to think -I don't want to think

‪- [잔잔한 반주가 흐른다] ‪- [해이의 헛기침]

‪[선재] ♪ 빛이 들어오면 ♪

When the sun shines

‪- ♪ 자연스레 뜨던  ♪ ‪- [해이의 웃음]

I naturally wake up and open my eyes

‪♪ 그렇게 ♪


‪♪ 새롭게 ♪ [추임새]

Seems to have changed

‪♪ 바뀐  같아 ♪

Like that

‪- [해이] ♪ 남의 얘기 같던 ♪ ‪- [지직거리는 소리]

Heart-fluttering events That I thought only happened…

‪♪ 설레는 … ♪

Heart-fluttering events That I thought only happened…

‪[해이의 웃음]

‪- [선재 ‪- ♪ 내게 일어나고 있어 ♪

Are happening to me

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

‪[이태 어디야?

Hey, where are you?

어디인  알면 ? ‪덮으란 말밖에  

Why would I tell you? You're just going to tell me to drop it.

아니무슨 강남 한복판에 ‪CCTV 이렇게 없냐고

I get that this area in Gangnam is about to be redeveloped,

아무리 재개발 예정지라도 그렇지

but how could there still be no CCTV cameras?



‪[형사이거 아까까지만 해도 ‪없었잖아

I swear that was empty a moment ago.

‪[의미심장한 음악]

 뭐야 거기 !

Hey. Who are you? Stop!

‪[형사의 가쁜 숨소리]


Darn it.

‪[선재해이가 조잘거린다]




‪[선재 그새  꺼진  같은데 ‪   먹을까?

I'm already hungry again. Should we grab something to eat?

‪- [해이 학원 시간 되나? ‪- [선재

Do you have time? I do.

‪[해이의 호응하는 소리]

‪[해이 시간 정도 ‪여유 있네

You have an hour left.


Sure, let's eat.




She's my friend.



-Well… -He's my older brother.


-Well… -He's my older brother.

‪- 안녕하세요 ‪- [무거운 음악]

I see. Hello.


Aren't you hot?

‪[형사의 가쁜 숨소리]

대체  토낀 거야

Why the hell did he run away?

 하는 놈이야?

Who is he?


Come on.

‪[풀벌레 울음]



우리 형이야

He's my brother.


Were you surprised?


Yes. A bit.


My brother…

영국 유학   아니야

never went to the UK to study.

숨어 살아집에

He stays home all the time.

‪[선재은둔형 외톨이라고 알지?

You know what a shut-in is, right?

그게 우리 형이야

That's him.

‪- 보통은  안에만 처박혀 있다가 ‪- [차분한 음악]

He usually stays in his room…

말없이  번씩 나가고 그러는데

and quietly goes out once in a while.

 부딪친 거지오늘

And then today…


he ran into me.

우리 형이 원래 이렇진 않았어

He wasn't always like this. He had good grades in school.

공부도 잘했는데

He wasn't always like this. He had good grades in school.

스카이에  붙어서 ‪엄마 때문에 억지로 재수했거든

But our mom forced him to retake the CSAT to get into a better school.


But then…

수능  형이 사라진 거야

he disappeared on the day of the CSAT.

시험장에  왔대

He didn't take the exam.

 가족이 밤새 ‪ 찾으러 다녔는데

Our entire family searched everywhere,

집에 있더라고

only to find him at home.

자기 방에  잠그고

He had locked himself in his room.


That was the start.

‪[도어  조작음]

Our mom refused to let me fail as well,

‪[선재엄마는 나까지는 ‪실패할  없다고

Our mom refused to let me fail as well,

아빠랑 싸우면서까지 ‪여기로 이사  거고

so we moved here despite our dad's disapproval.

‪[드르륵  열리는 소리]

‪[서진 요새 외출이 너무 잦다

You're going out often these days.

어디 갔다 ?

Where were you?

‪[  여닫히는 소리]

‪[힘겨운 숨소리]

‪[깊은 한숨]

‪[선재의 한숨]

‪[선재그래도 털어놓고 나니까 ‪ 후련하다

I feel better now that I've said it.

 번이나 말하고 싶었는데 ‪ 하겠더라고

I've wanted to tell you this numerous times, but I just couldn't.

뭔지 알아

I understand.

너무  알지

I totally get it.

‪[잔잔한 음악]



‪[해이 얘기는  하는데 ‪하나는 고백해야겠다

I can't tell you everything, but I must confess something.

올케어 테스트지

The All Care Program's material

그거 치열 쌤한테 받은 거야

was from Mr. Choi.

 요새 치열 쌤한테 ‪따로 수업받아

He's tutoring me these days.


-What? -He felt bad that I was kicked out.

‪[해이쌤이  올케어 탈락한  ‪맘에 걸렸었나 

-What? -He felt bad that I was kicked out.

수업하는  비밀로 해야 된대서 ‪말할 수가 없었어

He told me to keep it a secret, so I couldn't tell you.

근데 최소한 이건 ‪얘기해야   같아서너한테

But I feel like I should at least tell you this.



내가  얘기 해서?

Because I told you a secret?

그런 것도 있고

That's part of it.



얘기해 줘서 고맙다

Thank you for telling me.

비밀  지킬게

Your secret's safe with me.


Okay. I trust you, Sun-jae.

나도 믿어 

So trust me too.

‪- [서정적인 음악이 흐른다] ‪- [행선이 흥얼거린다]


‪[ 내뱉는 소리]


‪[치열문제 조건대로 ‪그림을 그리면

If we were to draw the question, it would look like this.

이런 식으로 그릴  있을 거고

If we were to draw the question, it would look like this.


Look at these two triangles.

여기 삼각형과  삼각형 ‪ 삼각형이 뭐가 된다?

This one and this one. What are they?

‪- [학생들합동 ‪- [치열그렇지

-Congruent. -Congruent. That's it. Then this length will be two.

그럼 여기 길이가 2  거고

That's it. Then this length will be two.

‪BH 길이도 2 되겠네

And the length of BH will be the same.

그럼 우리가 구하고자 하는 ‪삼각형 ABC

Then how will we get the radius of ABC's circumcircle?

외접원의 반지름을 구하면 ‪어떻게 ?

Then how will we get the radius of ABC's circumcircle?

루트 2분의 2 루트 65니까

That'll be 2 square root of 65 over the square root of 2.

답은 루트

-The answer is square root-- -Of 130.

‪[학생] 130

-The answer is square root-- -Of 130.


Who was that?



‪[치열] 130? 진짜 130 맞아?

Are you sure it's 130? Positive?



 암산이 그렇게 빨라? AI?

How are you so quick? Are you a machine?

‪[학생들의 웃음]

‪[치열니가 와서 수업해

You can take over.


‪- [선재뭐야? ‪- [학생들의 탄성]

‪- [학생 ‪- [치열

-Mr. Choi. -Yes? Can you give me some room?

‪[학생비켜 주시겠어요?

Can you give me some room?

‪[학생들의 탄성과 웃음]

‪[치열루트 [탄성]

The square root of…

‪[학생들의 웃음]


I made spicy stir-fried octopus and two fried eggs. This is my attempt at surpassing that savior of yours.

‪[동희 쉬셔서 그런가 ‪파이팅 넘치시던데요

You seemed more energetic after getting some rest.

국가대표로 가세요?

You seemed more energetic after getting some rest. Going to Nation's Best?



해이도 보강해야 돼서

-Hae-e needs a makeup session too. -That test is for her, right?

오늘  테스트지죠?

-Hae-e needs a makeup session too. -That test is for her, right?

책상 위에 두고 가시길래 ‪챙겨 왔어요

You left it on your desk.

아휴다시 들를 뻔했네생큐

You saved me the trouble. Thank you.

남해이 학생 수업 자료 ‪앞으로 제가 준비할게요

I'll prepare her material from now on.

‪[동희 컴퓨터로 프린트해서

I'll print it out.

그래 주면 나야 고맙지

I'd be grateful for that.

수업 찬성한다는  아닙니다

This doesn't mean I approve.

 계속 반대예요그럼

I'm still against this. Goodbye.

진짜 매력 있는데

He's so charming.

 여친이 없지?

How is he still single?


But then again,

나도 진짜 매력 있는데 ‪여친이 없지

I'm super charming myself, but I'm also single.

그럴  있어

It's understandable.

‪[수희크루아상 남아 있어서 ‪너무 다행이다

I'm glad they still had some croissants. They usually sell out quickly.

‪- 여기  빨리 떨어져그렇지? ‪- [자동차 리모컨 작동음]

I'm glad they still had some croissants. They usually sell out quickly. -Mom. -Yes?

‪- [수아엄마 ‪- [수희?

-Mom. -Yes?

‪- 아무래도 ‪- [수희

I think Sun-jae is leaking All Care materials to Hae-e.

이선재가 남해이한테 ‪올케어반 자료 주는  같아

I think Sun-jae is leaking All Care materials to Hae-e.

진짜걔네 둘이 사귀어?

Seriously? Are they dating?

‪- 그건 모르겠고 ‪- [수희

I don't know, but they're awfully close.

둘이 엄청 친하긴 

I don't know, but they're awfully close.

‪[수희아니선재 걔는 ‪그렇게  봤는데

I never took him for that type,

애가 개념이 없네

but he's so thoughtless.

그런 자료를 유출하면 어떡해?

but he's so thoughtless. How can he leak those materials?


Whatever. It's so annoying, and it bothers me.

짜증 계속 신경 쓰여

It's so annoying, and it bothers me.

‪[수희당연히 신경 쓰이지 ‪니가 거기를 어떻게 들어갔는데

Of course. You studied hard to get into that program.

엄마가 선재 엄마한테 얘기를 할게

I'll speak with Sun-jae's mom.

 여자가 딴건 몰라도

-She's not a thoughtless person. -That was Mr. Choi's car!

‪- 그런 쪽으로는 말이 통해 ‪- [수아치열  차다

-She's not a thoughtless person. -That was Mr. Choi's car!

‪- [수희어디어디? ‪- [수아저기

-Where? -There!

맞아번호도 맞고

It's him. That's his plate number.


It's him. That's his plate number. You're right. But why is he in our neighborhood?

근데 우리 동네 쪽에  왔지?

You're right. But why is he in our neighborhood?


‪[치열의 힘주는 소리]

‪[자동차 리모컨 작동음]

‪[긴장되는 음악]

‪[부드러운 음악]

‪[카메라 셔터음 효과음]


‪- [놀란 소리] ‪- [치열?

I'm surprised by how easily startled you are.

‪[행선가만 보면 ‪되게  놀라시는  같아

I'm surprised by how easily startled you are.

기가 약하신가 봐요

You must have weak energy.

‪- 무슨 일로아유… ‪- [행선선생님!

-Hello? Why did you-- -Mr. Choi!

오늘은 완전 인정 ‪리스펙입니다

You're truly the best. I respect you!



‪[서진 진짜 해이한테 ‪올케어 자료까지 줬어?

Did you really give Hae-e the All Care Program's material?

‪[버럭 하며 미쳤어?

Have you gone insane?



‪-  하는 거야? ‪- [재우원샷 대결이요

-What are they doing? -It's a downing match.

‪[치열아니 여자도 아니고 ‪유부녀한테그것도 학부모한테

She's married and the mother of my student at that.

‪[당황하며 놈의 반응이냐 ‪이놈의 심장이?

What's wrong with my heart?

‪[치열의 놀란 숨소리]

What's wrong with my heart?

‪[행선거의  됐어요

It's almost done. I'm certain that he's totally into you.

‪[영주이건 내가 보기엔 ‪그린 라이트야

I'm certain that he's totally into you.


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