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  나는 신이다: 신이 배신한 사람들 6

In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal 6


‪(앵커) 검찰과 경찰의 수사가‬On the 8th of last month, the prosecution and police began the investigation.
‪본격적으로 시작된 시점은‬ ‪지난 8일‬On the 8th of last month, the prosecution and police began the investigation.
‪신도 3명이 살해됐다는‬ ‪제보를 받은 수사 당국은‬Upon receiving a report that three followers had been murdered,
‪교주 김기순 씨를 체포하기 위해‬the authorities dispatched about 50 detectives
‪50여 명의 수사관을‬ ‪아가동산으로 급파했습니다‬to the Baby Garden to arrest the cult leader, Kim Ki-soon.
‪(순복) 그냥, 우리가 그때 그…‬At the time, we were at a church service.
‪예배 보고 있었죠‬At the time, we were at a church service.
‪그냥 항상 예배 보는 장소예요‬ ‪엄청 커요‬It was the place we always held services. It was huge.
‪아, 어떤 한 사람이 밖에‬ ‪[영상 속 경찰차 사이렌]‬Somebody said that there were tons of people outside.
‪새카맣게 깔려 있대요‬Somebody said that there were tons of people outside.
‪[영상 속 신도들이 웅성거린다]‬ ‪그냥 완전히 우리‬ ‪포위됐다고 하더라고요‬He said we were completely surrounded.
‪아가동산 그, 신도들이‬ ‪평일 날은 이제 다 일하러 다녀요‬On the weekdays, the Baby Garden members go to work.
‪(민구) 그러다가 이제‬ ‪일요일 날 저녁에 다 모여요‬Then they all come back together on Sunday evening
‪그래서 김기순의 설교를‬ ‪듣는 거예요, 또‬to listen to Kim Ki-soon's sermons.
‪[영상 속 경찰차 사이렌]‬ ‪그, 피해자들을 구타한 사람들이‬Because there were so many people who had beaten up the victims,
‪너무나 많았기 때문에‬Because there were so many people who had beaten up the victims,
‪그들을 한꺼번에‬ ‪신병 확보를 하려면‬it was the best time to ensure that we captured them all at once.
‪그 시간이 가장 적합했습니다‬it was the best time to ensure that we captured them all at once.
‪수사관 수십 명하고‬Along with dozens of investigators
‪파견받은 경찰관‬ ‪[영상 속 경찰차 사이렌]‬and dispatched police officers,
‪저도 같이 현장에 갔고요‬I was also on the scene.
‪굉장히 추웠습니다, 그날‬It was a very cold day.
‪[경찰차 사이렌]‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪그쪽 뭐, 문으로 막 여기저기, 뭐‬The prosecutors were trying to get in
‪[영상 속 경찰차 사이렌]‬ ‪(순복) 막 검찰들은‬ ‪들어오려고 하고‬through the doors here and there,
‪여기 사람들은, 막‬ ‪못 들어오게 막고 있고‬and people were trying to stop them from coming in.
‪문마다 다 그렇게‬ ‪막 싸우고 있더라고요‬There were people fighting at every single door.
‪아, 이거는 뭐, 거의‬I mean, they were running around like wild animals.
‪야수처럼 날뛰었습니다, 그들이‬ ‪[영상 속 사이렌이 연신 울린다]‬I mean, they were running around like wild animals.
‪(민구) 제일 기억나는 거는‬ ‪저희 수사관 하나가‬I remember that one of our investigators
‪진짜 헹가래 치듯이‬was thrown up in the air and out the door.
‪공중을 떠다니면서‬ ‪밖으로 내팽개쳐졌어요‬was thrown up in the air and out the door.
‪(민구) 그 정도로 그들의‬ ‪어떤 저항이‬That's how strong their resistance was.
‪너무나 거셌고요‬That's how strong their resistance was.
‪내가 김기순 씨를‬I'm the one who helped Kim Ki-soon escape.
‪피신시킨 사람이에요‬I'm the one who helped Kim Ki-soon escape.
‪[저마다 고함친다]‬ ‪[경찰차 사이렌이 연신 울린다]‬
‪(순복) '어? 이게 뭐야?'‬I thought, "Huh? What's going on?"
‪이거 뭐, 장난이 아니잖아요‬It was pretty serious.
‪그래서 '어, 이거 뭐야?'‬ ‪그러면서 가만히 생각해 보니까‬So I went, "What's going on?" Then I stopped to think for a moment. I realized
‪아, 잡아갈 사람은‬I realized
‪우두머리니까 김기순 씨를‬ ‪잡아가겠다 싶어 가지고‬that they were probably going to take the leader, Kim Ki-soon, away.
‪[기순의 가쁜 숨소리]‬that they were probably going to take the leader, Kim Ki-soon, away.
‪'나갈 수 있는 문이‬ ‪어디 있을까?' 그러고 보니까‬So I started looking to see if I could find a door to exit.
‪[영상 속 기순의 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪(순복) 우리가 지하로‬We had this passageway that led underground.
‪이렇게 내려가는‬ ‪그, 통로가 있었어요‬We had this passageway that led underground.
‪내려가 보니까‬There was nobody there when we went down.
‪어, 거기는 아무도 없더라고요‬There was nobody there when we went down.
‪[영상 속 사이렌이 연신 울린다]‬ ‪피신을 시켰죠‬I got her to escape.
‪[기순의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪(민구) 그 와중에 저희가‬ ‪그, 김기순이를 놓쳤던 거죠‬In the middle of all that, Kim Ki-soon got away from us.
‪[경찰차 사이렌]‬ ‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[고조되는 음악]‬ ‪[사이렌 소리가 점점 커진다]‬
‪[위태로운 음악]‬
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬
‪[연신 강조하는 효과음]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪저는 강민구 변호사입니다‬My name is Kang Min-koo. I'm a lawyer.
‪그 당시에 저는 수원지검 여주지청‬At the time, I was a chief prosecutor at the Yeoju branch
‪어, 수석 검사였습니다‬of the Suwon Prosecutors' Office.
‪[여자의 말소리가 난다]‬
‪아, 저기 뭐야‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬This is how they tied up Choi Nak-gwi and dragged him to the pigpen.
‪최낙귀를 묶어서 돼지우리로‬ ‪끌고 가는 장면이에요‬This is how they tied up Choi Nak-gwi and dragged him to the pigpen.
‪피해자들의 어떠한 진술이‬We're seeing which of the victims' accounts
‪과연 이 현장에서 어떤 식으로‬were actually possible in this scene and how it could've played out.
‪전개가 가능했던지…‬were actually possible in this scene and how it could've played out.
‪처음에는 정말‬At first, I was thinking, "Come on, this can't be real."
‪'아, 이게 사실일까?'라는‬ ‪생각까지 들 정도로‬At first, I was thinking, "Come on, this can't be real."
‪진짜 믿지 못할‬ ‪충격적인 얘기였습니다‬That's how shocking it was.
‪(민구) 거기 이제 이탈한 사람들이‬ ‪두세 건의 그, 살인 사건‬After two or three murders came into the spotlight,
‪사람이 죽는 일이 터지면서‬previous members of the Baby Garden were disgusted by them and decided
‪거기에 대해서‬ ‪어떠한 염증을 느끼고‬previous members of the Baby Garden were disgusted by them and decided
‪'고발을 해야겠다' 그래서‬ ‪진정서를 냈습니다‬to report Kim Ki-soon. So, they filed a petition against her.
‪그래서 '이거는 한번‬ ‪파헤쳐 봐야겠다' 해 갖고‬I thought it was worth investigating,
‪수사를 시작했고‬so I started looking into it.
‪가장 저한테 인상적이었던 거는‬The part that stood out to me the most
‪그 당시에 그…‬was the description of the death of a child named Choi Nak-gwi.
‪'최낙귀라는 어린아이가' 이제‬was the description of the death of a child named Choi Nak-gwi.
‪'죽었다'라는 내용이 나오는데요‬was the description of the death of a child named Choi Nak-gwi.
‪사망 당시에‬ ‪그 아이가 7살이었습니다‬He was seven years old when he died.
‪그로부터 거의 한 10년 뒤에‬ ‪그 진정서가 접수가 됐는데‬The petition was received about ten years after his death.
‪어, 그 아이의 아버지의‬ ‪얘기였습니다‬It was written by the child's father.
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬CHOI MYEONG-HO
‪저는 최명호고요‬My name is Choi Myeong-ho.
‪아가동산에서‬ ‪그, 죽은 낙귀의 아버지입니다‬I'm the father of Choi Nak-gwi, the boy who died in the Baby Garden.
‪어, 그때는 애절한 마음으로‬ ‪그렇게 한 것 같아요‬I think I did that because I was so desperate.
‪내가 드러나지 않으면‬Because if I hadn't stepped forward,
‪그 사건을 해결할 수 없으니까‬they wouldn't have been able to settle that case.
‪방법이 뭐 있습니까?‬ ‪'고소, 고발해서 세상에 알려서'‬Was there any other way? We thought we had to take legal action against her
‪'그 죗값을‬ ‪받게 해야 되지 않겠냐' 하니까‬to let the world know and bring her to justice.
‪그 뜻을 모은 사람들이‬ ‪함께 이제 고소를 하게 된 거예요‬People who agreed on that worked together to sue her.
‪[긴박한 음악]‬ ‪[경찰차 사이렌]‬DECEMBER 8, 1996
‪(기자) 지청장의 지휘로‬ ‪전격적으로 이뤄졌습니다‬The investigation was swift under the order of the chief.
‪중점 수색 대상은 검찰의‬ ‪소환 요구가 있는 김동인 씨가‬The main target, Mr. Kim Dong-hui, who was summoned by the prosecution,
‪잠자리에서 곧바로 연행됩니다‬was taken straight from his bed.
‪(민구) 그 방안에서‬ ‪저희가 깜짝 놀랐던 거는‬We were shocked when we entered that room because there was this huge safe.
‪[긴박한 음악]‬ ‪엄청나게 큰 금고가 있었습니다‬We were shocked when we entered that room because there was this huge safe.
‪그 안에 돈이 가득했죠‬ ‪[영상 속 현장이 시끌시끌하다]‬It was full of money. 
‪한 7억 원 이상‬It was more than 700 million won.
‪그 당시에 5만 원권이‬ ‪없었기 때문에‬Back then, 50,000-won bills didn't exist.
‪만 원권으로 7억이면요‬ ‪굉장한 분량이었습니다‬So 700 million was a lot of cash in 10,000-won bills.
‪그리고 또 뭐, 현금 가치도‬And the cash back then would be worth about two to three billion won now.
‪지금의 뭐, 한 20, 30억은‬ ‪아마 됐을 거 같고‬And the cash back then would be worth about two to three billion won now.
‪특히 이제 김기순이가‬ ‪거처하는 곳은‬The place where Kim Ki-soon lived,
‪[영상 속 카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪조금 과장한다면 아방궁 같은‬with a bit of exaggeration, was like a palace.
‪개인 사우나실도 있었고‬She had her personal sauna,
‪침대도 그때 당시에‬ ‪진흙으로 만든 침대였어요‬and she had a bed made of clay at the time.
‪굉장히 컸고‬It was very big.
‪나머지 신도들의 잠자리는‬In contrast, her followers' rooms
‪군대 막사 같은 느낌?‬ ‪그런 느낌이 들었습니다‬felt a bit like military barracks. That's how it felt. So there was a big contrast.
‪그래서 참 대조적이었고요‬So there was a big contrast.
‪김기순 방에 들어가면은‬When you went into Kim Ki-soon's room,
‪(탈퇴자1) 천당 같지, 뭐‬ ‪한마디로 편안하고‬it was very comfortable, like it was heaven.
‪(탈퇴자2) 그 방에 있는‬I think the sound system in her room was worth at least 100 million won.
‪그 안에 있는 오디오 시스템이‬ ‪대략 못해도 1억 원?‬I think the sound system in her room was worth at least 100 million won.
‪그때 당시 돈으로, 뭐‬ ‪어마어마한 고가품들이었죠‬Some of her things were extremely expensive at the time.
‪뭐, 여왕벌을 놓쳤기 때문에‬ ‪완전히 저는…‬Because we lost the queen bee,
‪압수 수색이 실패한 거라고 저는‬I thought that the search and seizure was a complete failure.
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪생각을 했습니다‬I thought that the search and seizure was a complete failure.
‪굉장히 자괴감을 많이 느꼈어요‬I felt a huge sense of shame.
‪(민구) 일단 당연히‬ ‪지명 수배를 했고요‬Of course, we put her on the wanted list.
‪그다음에 뭐, 차량 추적‬We also tried to track down her vehicle.
‪[영상 속 경찰차 사이렌]‬ ‪그다음에 여러 가지를 했습니다‬We also tried many other things.
‪[경찰차 사이렌이 연신 울린다]‬
‪(민구) 김기순의 얼굴을 이제‬ ‪언론에다 알렸죠‬We exposed Kim Ki-soon's face to the media.
‪그래서 뭐, 제보도‬ ‪이제 받으려고 했고‬We also tried to receive reports from the public.
‪그렇지만 김기순이가 그렇게, 뭐‬But Kim Ki-soon was not a stupid woman.
‪어리석은 사람이 아니기 때문에‬But Kim Ki-soon was not a stupid woman.
‪꼭꼭 숨어 있었더라고요‬So she stayed well hidden.
‪[영상 속 경찰차 사이렌]‬ ‪(탈퇴자) 많이 답답했죠‬It was really frustrating.
‪'저것도 못 잡아?' 하고‬I was like, "You can't even catch her?"
‪잡을 수 있는데‬Surely, they should've gotten her.
‪충분히 잡을 수 있는데‬Surely, they should've gotten her.
‪그걸 못 잡는 경찰들이 좀‬ ‪한심하고 좀 그런 게 있었죠‬But the police couldn't find her, so they seemed a bit pathetic to me.
‪교주가 도망가 봤자 뻔하거든요‬It was obvious where she went.
‪(기자) 그러면 김 씨는‬ ‪어디로 숨었을까?‬Where is Ms. Kim hiding then?
‪(민구) 그 당시에 이제‬ ‪거기를 나왔던 사람들은‬At the time, the previous members told us the truth about what happened.
‪다 사실들, 진실을‬ ‪많이 얘기해 줬고‬At the time, the previous members told us the truth about what happened.
‪그곳에 몸담고 있는 사람들은‬But the people who were still there did everything to protect Kim Ki-soon.
‪철저히 김기순이를 보호했죠‬But the people who were still there did everything to protect Kim Ki-soon.
‪(기자) 세상 사람들이‬ ‪아무리 손가락질해도‬Though everyone else might point fingers at her,
‪아가야는 여전히‬ ‪이곳 아가동산의 신입니다‬Agaya is still the God of the Baby Garden.
‪(신도1) 거기에 대해서는‬ ‪상세한 건 잘 모르겠습니다‬I don't know the specific details at the moment.
‪지금 어디 피해 계시는 것도‬ ‪잘 모르고‬I don't know where she is right now.
‪(기자)‬About your leader, Kim Ki-soon.
‪(신도2)‬There is no leader. No leader here.
‪(신도2)‬No leader. This is a cooperative farm. You don't know what you're talking about.
‪(신도2)‬No leader. This is a cooperative farm. You don't know what you're talking about.
‪(기자)‬Where is she right now?
‪(탈퇴자)‬Come on, wake up, or you'll suffer for another 15 years.
‪(신도3)‬Our hard work is worth it.
‪(탈퇴자)‬How is it worth it?
‪(신도3)‬You left us, so don't bother us!
‪그냥 본능적으로‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬I think they were blindly loyal to her,
‪벌들이 여왕벌을 보호하는 것처럼‬I think they were blindly loyal to her,
‪(민구) 이런 맹목적인 어떤 충성을‬ ‪하지 않았나 이런 생각이 듭니다‬just like it is instinctive for bees to protect their queen.
‪(신도) 영원히 아가야께만‬ ‪답하라는…‬We'll answer to Agaya only, forever…
‪(기자) 이번 사건 핵심은 역시‬This case revolves around three members who were killed and buried.
‪3명의 신도 살해 암매장입니다‬This case revolves around three members who were killed and buried.
‪그러나 검찰은 지금까지도‬But regarding this, the prosecution has not found any conclusive evidence.
‪이 부분에 대한 결정적인 증거를‬ ‪확보하지 못하고 있습니다‬But regarding this, the prosecution has not found any conclusive evidence.
‪사체를 발굴하는 것만이‬ ‪유일한 답이었는데‬The only answer was to secure the corpses.
‪하나는 화장됐고, 하나는 실종됐고‬But one had been cremated and another was missing.
‪[쿵쿵거리는 중장비 소음]‬
‪(민구) 사체가 없는 사건 속에서‬ ‪진실을 밝힌다는 게‬Trying to find the truth in a case where there were no bodies
‪굉장히 어려운 과정이었다는‬ ‪생각이 많이 듭니다‬was a very difficult process in my opinion.
‪[강조하는 효과음]‬1978 THE RISE OF KIM KI-SOON
‪교주 김기순 등은 이곳에‬ ‪사이비 종교 집단을 만들어‬The leader, Kim Ki-soon, established a cult religion here
‪(기자) 자신을 따르지 않는‬ ‪신도들은‬and indiscriminately beat her followers who did not obey her.
‪무차별 구타했습니다‬and indiscriminately beat her followers who did not obey her.
‪최낙귀 사건도 그렇고‬Including the Choi Nak-gwi case, several other people also died.
‪그거 말고도 여러 사람‬ ‪몇 사람들이 죽었어요‬Including the Choi Nak-gwi case, several other people also died.
‪(탈퇴자1) 다 죽었어요‬They all died.
‪윤용웅 씨, 서종원 씨‬Yoon Yong-ung, Seo Jong-won, Nak-gwi, and Mi-gyeong.
‪어, 낙귀, 미경이‬Yoon Yong-ung, Seo Jong-won, Nak-gwi, and Mi-gyeong.
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬
‪(탈퇴자2) 그건 의문사예요‬But the causes of the deaths were unknown. We have no idea how they died.
‪전혀 몰라, 그냥 모르겠어요‬But the causes of the deaths were unknown. We have no idea how they died.
‪88년도 1월 1일이었습니다‬It was January 1, 1988.
‪(탈퇴자 윤 모 씨) 연극 준비를‬ ‪하고 있는데‬While I was getting ready for a play,
‪김기순 씨가 불러서‬Kim Ki-soon called me, so I went to her room.
‪김기순 씨 방에 가니‬Kim Ki-soon called me, so I went to her room.
‪내 손을 잡고‬She held my hands and said, "You can live without your dad, right?"
‪'아빠 없이도 살 수 있지?' 하면서‬She held my hands and said, "You can live without your dad, right?"
‪아버지가 농약을 드시고‬ ‪돌아가셨다면서‬She told me my father had died after drinking pesticide
‪김기순 씨 자기와‬ ‪영원히 살자면서 말을 했습니다‬and said I should live with her forever.
‪나는 아버지 시신도‬ ‪볼 수가 없었습니다‬I wasn't even allowed to look at my father's corpse.
‪아버지가 돌아가셨다는 것 외엔‬I didn't know anything else except that my father had passed away.
‪아무것도 아는 것이 없었습니다‬I didn't know anything else except that my father had passed away.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪(순복) 아, 미경이는‬ ‪정말로 예뻤어요‬Mi-gyeong was really pretty.
‪항상 생글생글 웃고 착하고‬She would always smile a lot and be kind.
‪[순복의 생각하는 신음]‬ ‪모든 사람들이 다 좋아했어요‬Everyone liked her.
‪(탈퇴자1) 이뻤어요, 진짜‬She was pretty, really.
‪특출나게 예뻐요‬She was exceptionally pretty, unlike the rest of us.
‪이렇게, 좀 보통‬ ‪우리하고 틀리게 특출나게 예뻤고‬She was exceptionally pretty, unlike the rest of us.
‪되게 순하고‬She was also very gentle.
‪김기순이 아들 셋인데‬Kim Ki-soon has three sons.
‪(성근) [음 소거 효과음] *철이가‬Because Mi-gyeong was so pretty, one of them had a crush on Mi-gyeong.
‪그, 강미경을‬ ‪아주 예쁘게 생겼으니깐‬Because Mi-gyeong was so pretty, one of them had a crush on Mi-gyeong.
‪좋아했던 거예요‬Because Mi-gyeong was so pretty, one of them had a crush on Mi-gyeong.
‪미경이를 눈독을 들이고‬ ‪있었던 거지‬So he had his eyes on Mi-gyeong.
‪그, 강미경이가‬ ‪묵동에 있는 김기순 집에서‬Kang Mi-gyeong used to go to Kim Ki-soon's house in Muk-dong
‪반찬도 하고 밥도 하고‬ ‪설거지도 해 주면서‬and cook and wash the dishes for her.
‪왔다 갔다 하니까‬She was always in and out.
‪걔를‬That's why he asked his mother to keep Mi-gyeong there
‪거기서 아예 그냥 자기네 식모같이‬ ‪좀 두게 해 달라고‬That's why he asked his mother to keep Mi-gyeong there
‪엄마한테 부탁을 했다는 거예요‬as a housekeeper of sorts.
‪[미경의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(탈퇴자2) 김기순 아들‬Kim Ki-soon's son.
‪그 김기순 아들이 자기가 좋아했지‬Kim Ki-soon's son was the one who liked her,
‪얘가 좋아한 게 아닌데‬not the other way around.
‪그래서 그것이‬ ‪이제 들통이 나 버려 가지고‬Kim Ki-soon found out about it,
‪그것이 이제 입소문 나면‬and she figured it would be a huge controversy
‪교인, 어…‬and she figured it would be a huge controversy if the members heard about it.
‪교인들이 난리가 날 거 같으니까‬if the members heard about it.
‪아들은 쉬쉬해 버리고‬So she tried to cover for her son
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪(성근) '우리 아들은‬ ‪그럴 아들이 아닌데'‬by saying, "My son would never do that."
‪'미경이 네가 꼬리 쳐서‬ ‪이런 일을 저질렀으니'‬She said, "Mi-gyeong, you seduced my son, so it's your fault."
‪'다 뭐, 네 탓이다'‬She said, "Mi-gyeong, you seduced my son, so it's your fault."
‪'죄의 값을‬ ‪네가 받아야 된다' 해서 아마‬And she said Mi-gyeong had to be punished.
‪먼저 그…‬I heard she made Mi-gyeong's parents beat her first.
‪자기 부모들을‬ ‪때리게 했대요, 그래서‬I heard she made Mi-gyeong's parents beat her first.
‪미경이 엄마가 먼저 때리고‬ ‪그다음부터 사람들이‬So Mi-gyeong's mother beat her first, and all these other people started hitting her with sticks.
‪다 그, 회초리 갖고 와서‬ ‪막 때렸다는 거예요‬and all these other people started hitting her with sticks.
‪[오싹한 음악]‬
‪(탈퇴자 주 모 씨) 저녁을‬ ‪먹고 난 후‬I went there after eating dinner and working at the chicken coop.
‪닭장에서 일을 하다‬ ‪그곳에 간 저는‬I went there after eating dinner and working at the chicken coop.
‪사람들이 웅성거리며‬Everybody was talking, standing around Agaya,
‪아가야를 중심으로‬Everybody was talking, standing around Agaya,
‪[불안한 음악]‬ ‪강미경을 꿇어앉혀 놓은 채‬while Kang Mi-gyeong was kneeling down.
‪몇몇 사람들이 몽둥이를 든 채로‬ ‪모여 있었습니다‬And some people were standing there with bats.
‪순간‬At that moment, one of the people with bats looked at me
‪저를 보며 그 몽둥이를‬ ‪들고 있던 한 사람이‬At that moment, one of the people with bats looked at me
‪그 옆에 같이 앉으라며‬ ‪소리를 질러댔습니다‬and yelled at me to sit next to Mi-gyeong.
‪꿇어앉은 저희 둘을 보며‬They looked at us, kneeling side by side, and said, "You bitches are both the same."
‪'너희 둘은 똑같은 년들이다'‬They looked at us, kneeling side by side, and said, "You bitches are both the same."
‪'너희가 감히 아가야를‬ ‪가슴 아프게 했으니'‬"The two of you broke Agaya's heart,
‪'너희 둘은 여기서‬ ‪지금 없애 버리고'‬so we can kill you both and make sure nobody will ever find your bodies."
‪'쥐도 새도 모르게‬ ‪처리할 수 있다'‬so we can kill you both and make sure nobody will ever find your bodies."
‪그 순간‬At that moment, after Mi-gyeong received a few blows from her mother,
‪미경이가 엄마한테 몇 대 맞자‬At that moment, after Mi-gyeong received a few blows from her mother,
‪고개를 들고‬ ‪아가야를 쳐다봤습니다‬she lifted her head and looked up at Agaya.
‪그러자 건방진 년이라며‬Kim Ki-soon called her a cheeky bitch and ordered people to kill her.
‪죽여버리라는 김기순의 말을 듣고‬Kim Ki-soon called her a cheeky bitch and ordered people to kill her.
‪[영상 속 미경의 신음]‬ ‪사람들은 구타를‬ ‪하기 시작했습니다‬Then people started to beat her.
‪[미경의 신음]‬
‪[미경의 신음]‬ ‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪(탈퇴자 주 모 씨) 그 장면은 마치‬ ‪[영상 속 미경의 신음]‬It was like a scene of chaos and clamor from hell itself.
‪지옥에 떨어져 아우성치는‬ ‪아비규환 같았습니다‬It was like a scene of chaos and clamor from hell itself.
‪[연신 때리는 소리]‬ ‪[미경이 연신 신음한다]‬
‪(탈퇴자 주 모 씨) 그 약한‬ ‪여자아이를‬My mind went blank as I watched so many people taking turns
‪그 많은 사람들이‬ ‪번갈아 가며 폭행하며‬My mind went blank as I watched so many people taking turns
‪갖은 욕설을 퍼붓는 것을 보며‬and beating such a small and weak girl while cussing at her.
‪저는 아무 생각도‬ ‪할 수가 없었습니다‬and beating such a small and weak girl while cussing at her.
‪저는 너무 무서워서‬I was so terrified and thought I might actually die there.
‪죽을 것만 같았습니다‬I was so terrified and thought I might actually die there.
‪(탈퇴자) 나는 이제 그…‬I'm the one who had to clean those factories.
‪공장 청소를 내가 해야 돼요‬I'm the one who had to clean those factories.
‪하다가 이렇게 보니까‬As I was cleaning,
‪강미경이 막 '아악'‬I heard Mi-gyeong screaming for help. FORMER MEMBER OF THE BABY GARDEN WITNESS OF THE KANG MI-GYEONG INCIDENT
‪[미경의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[영상 속 미경의 신음]‬ ‪(탈퇴자) 막 나중에는 이제 지쳐서‬Later, she was so exhausted that she couldn't even cry or scream.
‪울지도 못하더라고‬Later, she was so exhausted that she couldn't even cry or scream.
‪그, 소리도 못 지르고‬Later, she was so exhausted that she couldn't even cry or scream.
‪[퍽퍽 때리는 소리]‬
‪미경이는 결국‬ ‪기절을 하고 말았습니다‬Mi-gyeong ended up passing out.
‪그러자 김기순은 나가 버리고‬Then, Kim Ki-soon left, and the others followed her out.
‪사람들도 덩달아 따라 나갔으며‬Then, Kim Ki-soon left, and the others followed her out.
‪몇 명만 그 주위에 모여서‬The few people who stayed around told me to clean everything up.
‪저보고 청소를 깨끗이 하라고‬ ‪시켰습니다‬The few people who stayed around told me to clean everything up.
‪(탈퇴자 주 모 씨) 그날 새벽‬That night, I didn't get any sleep.
‪저는 밤새 한숨을 자지 못한 채‬That night, I didn't get any sleep.
‪숨을 죽인 채 숨어 있다가‬I just hid there, completely quiet, then ran away from there in the morning.
‪그곳을 도망쳐 나왔습니다‬I just hid there, completely quiet, then ran away from there in the morning.
‪(탈퇴자) 조용해서‬ ‪어찌 그러나 했더니‬They went quiet, so I was wondering what happened.
‪그렇게 억세게 하던‬ ‪여자들이 하나씩 하나씩‬Then I found all those loud and violent women leaving one by one.
‪다 없어지더라고요‬Then I found all those loud and violent women leaving one by one.
‪아, 내가 이렇게 보니까‬I looked and saw that they had completely undressed her,
‪다 옷 싹 벗기고, 그냥‬I looked and saw that they had completely undressed her,
‪아주 그, 몸뻬짝에다가‬and they put her in these loose work clothes instead.
‪그렇게 입혀 갖고, 응?‬and they put her in these loose work clothes instead.
‪거기 엎어져서 이렇게 오줌을‬She was lying on the ground, and she had peed everywhere.
‪잔뜩 이렇게 쌌더라고‬She was lying on the ground, and she had peed everywhere.
‪그런데 나를 보더니 그…‬Then she looked at me,
‪뭐라고 막 이렇게‬ ‪안간힘을 다해서‬and I saw her struggling to tell me something.
‪나보고 살려 달라고 하는지‬I think she was asking for help or asking for me to hide her somewhere.
‪응? 나 좀‬ ‪얻다 감춰 달라고 하는지‬I think she was asking for help or asking for me to hide her somewhere.
‪그때까지 안 죽었더라고‬She still hadn't died yet.
‪내가 얼른 도망가서‬I quickly ran away and hid somewhere else.
‪저기 가서 숨어 있으니까‬I quickly ran away and hid somewhere else.
‪그, 김 누구라고‬Then this woman, Kim something,
‪그 여자가 그 기다란‬ ‪마당 빗자루를 가지고‬came in holding a large broom upside down.
‪그거를 거꾸로 들고 오면서‬came in holding a large broom upside down.
‪아휴, 죽어가는 여자를‬And she beat that dying girl to death.
‪마지막 때려서 죽인 거야‬And she beat that dying girl to death.
‪엄마 정이 그리운데‬He just missed his mother,
‪못 만나게 하니까 어린 것이‬ ‪[애잔한 음악]‬but he wasn't allowed to see me, and he didn't know how to express it.
‪얻다 표출할 데가 없으니까‬ ‪그렇게 좀 똥을 싸 갖고‬but he wasn't allowed to see me, and he didn't know how to express it. So he pooped and smeared it on the window frames.
‪창틀에 바르고 했던 모양이더라고‬So he pooped and smeared it on the window frames.
‪그, 아마 심술이 나서‬ ‪김기순 아줌마를 밉다 그러고‬He got frustrated and said that he hates Kim Ki-soon.
‪아줌마만 보면 막 기겁을 하고‬ ‪소리를 지르고‬Whenever he saw her, he got so scared and started yelling.
‪(탈퇴자1) '아가야를 대적하는‬ ‪마귀가 들어왔다'‬She said, "A demon that defies Agaya has possessed him."
‪(탈퇴자2) 자기를 해칠 귀신에‬ ‪홀려서 그러니까‬He was possessed by an evil spirit that would harm her,
‪애를 없애야 한다고 그렇게 그냥…‬so she insisted that we get rid of the child.
‪(탈퇴자3) 거기는‬It was a place
‪죽이라고 하면은‬ ‪죽여야 하는 입장이기 때문에‬where if she told us to kill a person, then we had to do it.
‪사람을 때리는 데 가라 하면‬ ‪가서 그거를 했어야 됐고‬If she told us to go beat somebody up, we had to all go and do it.
‪무조건 시키면‬ ‪복종을 해야 하는…‬We have to obey whatever she ordered us to do.
‪(봉식) 오직 이 안에서 얘기하는‬ ‪교주 얘기만이 유일한 진리예요‬What the leader said was the truth, and the only truth.
‪그 당시에 죽었던‬ ‪사람들이 있잖아요?‬You know the people who died, like Choi Nak-gwi and Kang Mi-gyeong?
‪최낙귀라든가 강미경이라든가‬You know the people who died, like Choi Nak-gwi and Kang Mi-gyeong?
‪안에서 예를 들어‬ ‪체벌을 할 때‬When she was punishing them, she made it so the parents didn't think,
‪아버지가‬ ‪'내 딸 왜 때려?'라는 생각을‬When she was punishing them, she made it so the parents didn't think, "Why is she hitting my daughter?"
‪못하게 만들잖아요‬"Why is she hitting my daughter?"
‪그래서 그게 체벌이‬ ‪가능하게 되는 거예요‬That made the punishments possible.
‪딸이 죽었는데도 불구하고‬Mr. Kang was a pastor before he joined. Even though his daughter had died,
‪당시에 강 씨라는 사람은‬ ‪그분은 목사님이셨어요‬Mr. Kang was a pastor before he joined. Even though his daughter had died,
‪근데도 거기에 빠져 놓고‬he did nothing about her death because he had been brainwashed.
‪딸이 죽었는데도‬ ‪꿈쩍하지 않았어요‬he did nothing about her death because he had been brainwashed.
‪어떤 저항도 하지 않게 하고‬He didn't do anything to resist.
‪정신적 무장 해제라고‬ ‪볼 수 있는 거죠‬You could say she disarmed those people psychologically.
‪그, 세뇌 교육을 통해서‬ ‪아주 무서운 거죠‬Through brainwashing. It was something very scary.
‪김기순 씨가 저를 부르더라고요‬Kim Ki-soon told me to come and see her.
‪[비밀스러운 음악]‬AUGUST 15, 1987
‪(영례) '낙귀는 갔다', '죽었다'‬She said, "Nak-gwi is gone. He's dead."
‪'이미 다 이야기가 된 거다'‬"Everything is settled already."
‪'하라는 대로 하기만 하면 된다'‬"You just have to do as told."
‪상계동 기독의원의‬ ‪원장님께 갔습니다‬I went to the director of a Christian clinic in Sanggye-dong.
‪'여기 서명만 하시면 됩니다'‬They told me, "You just need to sign here."
‪이제 의사는‬ ‪그렇게 다 작성을 해 놓고‬The doctor had the paper filled out already and said,
‪'낙귀는 심근경색으로‬ ‪죽은 겁니다'‬"Nak-gwi died from a myocardial infarction."
‪'분명히 낙귀는 심근경색으로‬ ‪그렇게 죽은 겁니다'‬"Nak-gwi definitely died from a myocardial infarction." DIRECT CAUSE OF DEATH: CARDIOPULMONARY ARREST
‪(피디) 어머님은 사인하셨어요?‬And did you sign it?
‪사인했습니다‬I signed it.
‪맞아 죽은 아이를‬ ‪심근경색증이라고‬Even though my child was beaten to death, I signed a document
‪(영례) 그게 맞는다고‬ ‪사인을 했습니다‬that said he died from a myocardial infarction.
‪그 뒤에는 동사무소‬ ‪사망 신고 하러 갔습니다‬I went to the community office to report his death afterwards.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(영례) 그런데 이제 그때‬ ‪동사무소 직원이‬But the worker at the office looked a bit confused.
‪좀 갸우뚱거리면서 엄마 맞냐고‬But the worker at the office looked a bit confused. She asked if I was really Nak-gwi's mom, and if he really died.
‪맞냐고, 아이 죽은 거 맞냐고‬She asked if I was really Nak-gwi's mom, and if he really died.
‪'네, 맞습니다' 그랬더니‬I said, "Yes, that is right."
‪좀 의아해하는 표정을 보면서‬Seeing her confused face,
‪'아, 진짜 엄마라면'‬Seeing her confused face, I realized that a true mother should be torn up about her child's death.
‪'진짜 가슴, 참‬ ‪치며 있어야 되는데'‬I realized that a true mother should be torn up about her child's death.
‪'그런 감정 변화가 너무 없으니까'‬But I didn't show such emotions, so she probably thought I was strange.
‪'저렇게 봤나 보다'‬But I didn't show such emotions, so she probably thought I was strange.
‪엄청, 하여튼 비가 많이 오는‬ ‪철이었던 걸로 기억이 납니다‬From my memory, it was a season when it was pouring with rain.
‪그런데 이제 윤방수 씨가‬ ‪이제 농짝을‬I saw that Yoon Bang-su tied up a wardrobe
‪끈으로 하나 묶어 가지고‬ ‪뒤에 차에 실어 놨더라고요‬with some strings and loaded it in the back of his truck.
‪'그 안에 있는 게‬ ‪저게 낙귀 시신이다'‬He said, "Nak-gwi's body is in there."
‪그렇게 윤방수 씨가 말해 줬습니다‬That's what he told me.
‪'너는 윤방수 씨 따라가라'‬"You need to follow Yoon Bang-su."
‪'따라가서 이제 화장까지만‬ ‪그 일을 진행하고 나면'‬"If you go with him and cremate the body,
‪'그다음에 이제‬ ‪신경 쓸 일은 다 끝난다'‬you won't have to worry about anything else."
‪김기순이가 그렇게 했습니다‬That's what Kim Ki-soon said.
‪(영례) 그냥 순서 기다렸다가‬ ‪순서 되니까‬I waited for my turn, and when it was my turn,
‪이제 넣었다고 이제 가루 나오기‬ ‪기다리는 시간에‬they said they put his body in there. So I was waiting for his ashes,
‪그냥 가 버리자고 하더라고요‬ ‪윤방수 씨가‬but Yoon Bang-su said we had to leave because we were told to hurry back.
‪빨리 오라고 했다고‬but Yoon Bang-su said we had to leave because we were told to hurry back.
‪그래서 가루 그거‬ ‪다 탄 거 보지도 못하고‬So I left without even seeing his ashes.
‪돌아서 막 와 버렸어요‬So I left without even seeing his ashes.
‪근데 울지도 못했습니다‬But I couldn't even cry.
‪이번 뉴스는 사이비 종교 집단‬ ‪아가동산 사건 속보입니다‬This is breaking news about a cult called the Baby Garden.
‪교주 김 씨를 잡아야‬ ‪사건이 풀려 나갈 텐데‬The leader, Kim, must be found to solve the case.
‪수사에 착수한 지‬ ‪일주일이 지났지마는‬The investigation started a week ago, but there has been no progress.
‪아직 진전이 없습니다‬The investigation started a week ago, but there has been no progress.
‪검찰이 초조해하고 있습니다‬The prosecution is becoming nervous.
‪(기자) 검찰은 아가동산의‬ ‪실체를 벗기기 위해서는‬To unveil the truth about the Baby Garden,
‪달아난 교주 김기순 씨의‬ ‪검거가 급선무라고 보고‬the prosecutors consider the arrest of Kim Ki-soon their top priority.
‪[영상 속 발표하는 말소리]‬ ‪모든 수사력을‬ ‪김 씨 검거에 모으고 있습니다‬They are putting all of their resources toward her arrest.
‪그러나 수사 시작‬ ‪일주일이 지나도록‬Though the investigation started a week ago,
‪행적조차 파악하지‬ ‪못하고 있습니다‬her whereabouts are still unknown.
‪그때는 언론에서 이제‬ ‪검찰을 막 싸잡아 비난했죠‬At the time, the media were criticizing all the prosecutors.
‪탈출을 저희가‬ ‪말하자면 허용을 한 건데‬We had basically let her escape.
‪그거 때문에 김기순이‬ ‪시간을 벌었고‬Thanks to that, she bought herself some time.
‪또 여러 가지‬ ‪치밀한 대비책을 만들…‬I think we gave her enough time to come up with an elaborate countermeasure.
‪어떤 시간을 줬던 거 같습니다‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬I think we gave her enough time to come up with an elaborate countermeasure.
‪그때 내가 이제 아는 사람들‬ ‪이렇게 통해 가지고‬I went to see a famous lawyer who I found through my acquaintances.
‪(순복) 좀 유명하다는 변호사를‬ ‪찾아갔어요‬I went to see a famous lawyer who I found through my acquaintances.
‪이순복이가 그 당시에 이제‬At the time, Lee Soon-bok was Kim Ki-soon's right-hand woman.
‪(민구) 김기순이의‬ ‪장자방이었습니다‬At the time, Lee Soon-bok was Kim Ki-soon's right-hand woman.
‪[영상 속 신도들의 박수]‬ ‪나이는 그렇게 많지 않았지만‬She wasn't very old, but she was quite intelligent.
‪상당히 똑똑한 여자였고‬She wasn't very old, but she was quite intelligent.
‪또 그 당시에 김기순이 측에서‬Back then, as Kim Ki-soon's advisor,
‪사실상 사건을 진두지휘를 했던‬she was in charge of handling the whole situation.
‪아주 탁월한‬She was a woman with high skills and abilities.
‪어떤 능력을 갖고 있었던‬ ‪그런 여자였습니다‬She was a woman with high skills and abilities.
‪이렇게 김기순 씨가‬ ‪어려운 상황에 처해 있고‬Kim Ki-soon was in a tough spot, and so were we.
‪우리가 지금 이런 상황인데‬Kim Ki-soon was in a tough spot, and so were we.
‪그리고 우리가 지금까지‬And we had really put our lives on the line, in a way,
‪그냥 한 게 아니라 진짜 목숨 걸고‬And we had really put our lives on the line, in a way,
‪말하자면 와 가지고‬ ‪다 이뤄 놓은 것들인데‬to achieve all of those things.
‪이것이 다 무너질 수는 없다‬We couldn't just let that fall apart.
‪[연신 강조하는 효과음]‬ ‪(봉식) 이 사건의 키는‬A man named Yoon Bang-su was the key to solving the case.
‪윤방수라는 사람이‬ ‪쥐고 있었습니다‬A man named Yoon Bang-su was the key to solving the case.
‪최낙귀나 강미경의 시체를‬And that's because he was the one
‪직접 처리했던‬ ‪사람이었기 때문이죠‬who took care of Choi Nak-gwi and Kang Mi-gyeong's bodies.
‪그런데 그가‬ ‪입을 열기 시작했습니다‬Eventually, he started to speak out.
‪(기자) 검찰은 지난 87년 당시‬Prosecutors suspect that Yoon Bang-su,
‪아가동산 포크레인 기사였던‬ ‪윤방수 씨가‬who was an excavator driver at the Baby Garden in 1987,
‪숨진 최낙귀 군 등의 사체를‬ ‪직접 처리한 것으로 보고 있습니다‬was the one who disposed of Choi Nak-gwi and others' dead bodies.
‪사체를 처리할 때 포크레인으로‬ ‪파지 않으면 땅이 안 파입니다‬Excavators are needed to dig the ground to bury the corpses.
‪그래서 이 사람이 직접 관여를‬ ‪한 것으로알려져 있어 가지고‬So as far as we know, he was directly involved.
‪이 사람에 대해서 지금‬ ‪집중적으로 추궁을 하고 있습니다‬Currently, we're focusing on interrogating him.
‪그래서 윤방수를‬ ‪저희가 소환을 했습니다‬So we summoned Yoon Bang-su.
‪(민구) 덩치가 좀 있었고‬He was a large man, quite muscular.
‪몸이 좀 근육질이었습니다‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬He was a large man, quite muscular.
‪좀 우직하게 생겼고‬ ‪키도 좀 컸고요‬He looked like a simple and honest man, and he was tall too.
‪그리고 외모하고는 달리‬ ‪좀 부끄럼을 타는 성격‬But despite his looks, he was quite shy.
‪약간 좀 내성적인‬ ‪성격이었던 걸로 기억합니다‬He was a bit introverted from my memory.
‪처음에는 부인을 했죠‬At first, he denied it. He said he didn't bury the bodies.
‪자기는 묻은 적이 없다고‬At first, he denied it. He said he didn't bury the bodies.
‪강미경이를‬ ‪어렸을 때부터 알고 지냈고‬But he had known Kang Mi-gyeong since she was a child,
‪그런 어떠한‬ ‪'친분 관계가 있다'라는 점을‬But he had known Kang Mi-gyeong since she was a child,
‪그거를 제가 잘 활용해서 윤방수를‬ ‪[애잔한 음악]‬so I persistently used that relationship to persuade him.
‪집요하게 설득을 했습니다‬so I persistently used that relationship to persuade him.
‪'강미경이를‬ ‪어렸을 때부터 알았는데'‬"You knew Kang Mi-gyeong since she was a child."
‪'그 억울하게 죽은 애가‬ ‪불쌍하지도 않냐'‬"Don't you feel bad for her who died unfairly?"
‪'진실을 네가‬ ‪얘기해야 되지 않겠냐'‬"Don't you think you should tell the truth?"
‪나중에 가서 윤방수가‬ ‪양심선언을 했습니다‬Later, Yoon Bang-su ended up coming clean.
‪그 시체를 뭐, 윤방수 씨‬ ‪이런 사람을 통해 가지고 그걸‬People like Yoon Bang-su were used
‪메고 가 가지고‬ ‪묻어 버렸던 거지요‬to move the bodies and bury them.
‪(남자1) 자, 그리고…‬And after that…
‪- (남자2) 쓰러지고‬ ‪- (남자1) 쓰러지고‬-Collapse. -Curl up on the ground.
‪- 그렇지, 웅크리고‬ ‪- (남자2) 가만있어, 가만있어‬-Collapse. -Curl up on the ground. -Stay still. -Move your body like before…
‪몸을 아까처럼 움직여…‬-Stay still. -Move your body like before…
‪(남자1) 나가면서 좀 찍어줘요‬Film him as he walks out of there. Okay, walk out. Good.
‪[요란한 카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪자! 자연스럽게 나와, 됐어‬Film him as he walks out of there. Okay, walk out. Good.
‪(남자3) 네, 네‬ ‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[중장비 엔진음]‬
‪(남자1) 자! 자연스럽게 하세요‬ ‪먼저 한 것처럼‬Do it naturally, like you did before.
‪(기자1) 사체 발굴 사흘째‬Yoon, the excavator driver,
‪포크레인 기사 윤 모 씨가‬ ‪직접 현장을 찾았습니다‬came to the scene on the third day of excavating bodies.
‪지난 88년 숨진 강미경 양을‬ ‪직접 매장했다는 윤 씨는‬Yoon said he was the one who buried Kang Mi-gyeong's body in 1988
‪당시 상황을 설명했습니다‬and described the situation at the time.
‪(기자2) 시신을‬ ‪어디서부터 가져와서‬Where did you get the body, and where did you bury it?
‪어디에다 묻었죠?‬Where did you get the body, and where did you bury it?
‪회사 방에서 가지고 와서‬ ‪여기다가 이제…‬I got the body from the company room, brought it here, and…
‪묻은 거지요‬…buried it here.
‪- (방수) 어, 저쪽 배수관 있죠?‬ ‪- (기자2) 예‬-You see that drainpipe right there? -Yeah.
‪배수관 위치를 볼 때‬ ‪확실하다고 생각됩니다‬Considering the location of that pipe, I'm pretty sure this is the right place.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(민구) 윤방수의 그때 얘기는 일단‬Yoon Bang-su said that
‪'김기순이가 직접 지시를 했다'‬Kim Ki-soon had called him over and given him the orders directly.
‪자기를 불러 갖고‬Kim Ki-soon had called him over and given him the orders directly.
‪'뭐, 몇 대 때렸더니만‬ ‪애가 죽었다'‬"I beat her a few times, and she died. So go bury her."
‪'그러니까 네가 묻어라'‬"I beat her a few times, and she died. So go bury her."
‪(민구) '그래서 이제‬ ‪강미경의 시체를'‬So he said he took Kang Mi-gyeong's body,
‪'자기가 직접 포크레인으로‬ ‪구덩이를 파 갖고 묻었다'‬dug a hole with an excavator, and buried it.
‪'강미경의 시체를 묻기 전에‬ ‪많이 울었다'‬He said he cried a lot before burying her body.
‪이런 얘기까지도‬ ‪구체적으로 했습니다‬He even told us something as detailed as this.
‪당연히 강미경의 사체가‬ ‪나올 거라고 확신했습니다‬So we were certain that we would find Kang Mi-gyeong's body.
‪그때 당시에‬At the time,
‪수많은 언론들이 그거를‬ ‪경쟁적으로 취재를 했죠‬much of the media was competing against each other to report on this case.
‪윤방수가 지정하는 곳에‬We brought an excavator to every location
‪포크레인을 동원해서‬that Yoon Bang-su pointed out
‪다 파헤쳐 봤습니다‬and dug into the ground.
‪김기순 씨가 그러더라고‬ ‪그러면 파라고‬Kim Ki-soon said, "Dig all you want, then."
‪없다 이거죠‬She knew it wasn't there.
‪묻은 데를‬ ‪그 사람은 아는 모양이에요‬Though we didn't know, I think she knew where it was.
‪우리는 모르는데‬Though we didn't know, I think she knew where it was.
‪불행히도 시체는‬ ‪나오지 않았습니다‬Unfortunately, the body was never found.
‪오늘도 검찰은 숨진 강미경 양의‬ ‪사체를 직접 매장했다는‬Today, the prosecution again summoned the excavator driver,
‪포크레인 기사를 현장에 불러서‬ ‪발굴 작업을 했지마는‬who supposedly buried Kang's body, to excavate the body,
‪시신을 찾아내지 못했습니다‬but they were unable to find the body.
‪제정신이 아니었죠, 거의 그냥, 뭐‬We were almost going insane.
‪사체를 발굴하는 것만이‬ ‪유일한 답이었는데‬I mean, finding the body was the only solution.
‪그것조차도 실패했고‬But we failed to do that too.
‪검찰에 불리하게 돌아갔던‬It was a big disadvantage for the prosecution.
‪그러한 영향을 미쳤죠‬It was a big disadvantage for the prosecution.
‪[서늘한 음악]‬1996 KIM KI-SOON'S ESCAPE
‪(기자) 검찰은 교주 김 씨가‬The prosecution revealed that the cult leader, Kim,
‪오늘 오전 전화를 걸어서‬ ‪[불안한 음악]‬The prosecution revealed that the cult leader, Kim,
‪오늘 오후 5시 반에서 6시 사이에‬had called them in the morning to say
‪자수하겠다는 의사를‬ ‪통보해 왔다고 밝혔습니다‬she would turn herself in between 5:30 and 6:00 this afternoon.
‪변호사 두 분이‬ ‪지청장실을 방문했습니다‬Two lawyers came to the branch chief's office.
‪'김기순이가 곧 자수할 거다'‬"Kim Ki-soon will turn herself in soon."
‪[시끌시끌하다]‬ ‪(남자1) 저기에서 그냥‬ ‪걸어온 거야?‬DECEMBER 16, 1996 SUWON DISTRICT COURT IN YEOJU
‪(남자2) 저기, 야, 야!‬Hey!
‪- (남자3) 비켜! 비켜!‬ ‪- (남자2) 야, 야!‬Move!
‪- 다들 비켜! 다들 비켜!‬ ‪- (남자3) 비켜, 인마!‬-Out of the way, man! -Everyone, move!
‪비켜, 다 비켜, 이 새끼야!‬Move, you asshole! In the front, move! 
‪- (남자2) 야, 앞에‬ ‪- (남자4) 앞에‬In the front, move! 
‪(남자3) 앞에 비켜!‬One in the front!
‪- (남자2) 앞에 비켜, 앞에 비켜‬ ‪- (남자3) 비켜, 새끼!‬-You in the front, move! -Move!
‪(여자) 오디오 봐요‬ ‪오디오, 오디오, 오디오‬Check the audio.
‪(남자4) 앞에, 앞에 좀 비켜요!‬ ‪[저마다 고함친다]‬You in the front! Move! In the front!
‪- (남자3) 아저씨!‬ ‪- (남자5) 앞에 비켜!‬You in the front! Move! In the front!
‪[시끌시끌하다]‬You in the front! Move! In the front!
‪(남자2) 다들 비켜, 비켜, 비켜!‬Move!
‪(남자6) 됐어, 이리 와, 가! 가!‬Enough! Come this way. Go!
‪[연신 시끌시끌하다]‬Enough! Come this way. Go!
‪(남자7) 왜 앞에, 눈앞에 있어!‬Why are you in front of me?
‪(남자8) 야, 비켜!‬Damn it. Hey, move! Do you admit it's a religious group?
‪(기자1) 종교 집단인 거‬ ‪인정하시는 거예요?‬Do you admit it's a religious group?
‪(남자9) 김기순 씨‬Do you admit it's a religious group? -Ms. Kim. -Why were you summoned by the prosecution?
‪(기자2) 검찰에‬ ‪왜 나오시게 됐습니까?‬-Ms. Kim. -Why were you summoned by the prosecution?
‪- (기자3) 김기순 씨 맞아요? 네?‬ ‪- (남자10) 이리로‬Are you really Kim Ki-soon? Are you?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪'이제부터 본격적으로‬ ‪시작하는구나'‬I thought, "Now we're really getting started."
‪뭐, 옷차림은 그냥‬She was dressed like an ordinary middle-aged woman.
‪평범한 아줌마의 옷이었던 걸로‬ ‪기억나고요‬She was dressed like an ordinary middle-aged woman.
‪(민구) 뭐, 아주 화려하게‬ ‪입고 오진 않았던 거 같습니다‬She wasn't wearing any fancy clothes.
‪[피식 웃으며] 생각했던 거보다‬ ‪되게 소박했다‬The impression I got was that she was dressed a lot more humbly than I thought.
‪그런 인상이 남습니다‬that she was dressed a lot more humbly than I thought.
‪(순복) 변호사님 두 분이 왔을 때‬When those two lawyers came to us,
‪김기순 씨가 거기 들어가면은‬they said Kim Ki-soon would be released within three days
‪3일 안에 나올 거니까‬they said Kim Ki-soon would be released within three days if she went there, and she should go without worrying.
‪걱정하지 말고 들어가라 그랬어요‬if she went there, and she should go without worrying.
‪그러니까 김기순 씨도 들어갈…‬So Kim Ki-soon also thought, "Oh, so I'll be free in three days."
‪'어, 뭐, 3일이면 나오겠구나'‬So Kim Ki-soon also thought, "Oh, so I'll be free in three days."
‪그래서 가서 조사하면‬ ‪나올 줄 알았어요‬We thought she'd be out after the interrogation, but she wasn't.
‪근데 안 나오더라고요‬We thought she'd be out after the interrogation, but she wasn't.
‪(기자) 오늘 오후 5시 45분에‬ ‪출두한 김기순 씨에 대해서‬Kim Ki-soon came at 5:45 this afternoon, and the prosecution arrested her
‪검찰은 현장에서 김 씨를‬on the spot for homicide and abandonment of dead bodies.
‪살인과 사체 유기 등의 혐의로‬ ‪구속했습니다‬on the spot for homicide and abandonment of dead bodies.
‪더 커지더라고요, 사건이, 막‬It just kept getting bigger and bigger. The case became huge.
‪어마어마하게 커지더라고요‬It just kept getting bigger and bigger. The case became huge.
‪(순복) 막 분위기가‬ ‪뉴스는 뭐, 완전히 도배를 하고‬All the news was covering her story, and it was everywhere.
‪뭐, 신문이고 뭐고‬ ‪난리가 났더라고요‬All the newspapers were blowing up. So I thought, "Wow, this is no joke."
‪그래서 내가‬All the newspapers were blowing up. So I thought, "Wow, this is no joke."
‪'어? 이거 장난이 아니네'‬All the newspapers were blowing up. So I thought, "Wow, this is no joke."
‪(민구) 제가 직접 신문을 했는데‬I interrogated her myself and almost stayed up all night that day.
‪거의 그날 밤새우다시피 했습니다‬I interrogated her myself and almost stayed up all night that day.
‪[불안한 음악]‬ ‪근데 생각보다 굉장히 차분했고‬But she was a lot calmer than I expected.
‪담담하게 얘기를 하면서‬ ‪자기 할 말을 다 하더라고요‬She stayed composed while saying what she wanted to say.
‪흥분도 안 하고‬She never swayed emotionally.
‪제가 사실은 좀 흥분을 시키려고‬Although I tried to actually provoke her
‪여러 번 유도 질문도 해 봤지만‬by asking some leading questions,
‪안 넘어갔습니다‬she didn't fall for them.
‪그래서 '아, 내공이 상당하구나'‬So I could tell that she was pretty experienced.
‪아가동산 교주 김기순 씨는‬ ‪검찰 조사에서‬The Baby Garden's leader, Kim, has strongly denied all allegations
‪신도 살해를 비롯한 혐의 내용을‬ ‪완강히 부인하고 있습니다‬The Baby Garden's leader, Kim, has strongly denied all allegations in the interrogation, including murders of followers.
‪전면 부인했습니다‬She denied them all.
‪전면 부인했고‬She denied everything
‪(민구) 자기는 지시한 적이‬ ‪없다고 했습니다‬and said she never ordered anything like that.
‪'자기는 전혀 모르는 일이다'‬She said, "I don't know what you're talking about."
‪'그, 과격한 사람들이‬ ‪그냥 벌주려고'‬"Those violent people were trying to punish the victims."
‪'자기도 모르는 사이에‬ ‪벌어진 일이다'‬"But I never knew what was happening."
‪(앵커) 아가동산 교주‬ ‪김기순 씨 등‬The first trial of the Baby Garden's leader, Kim Ki-soon,
‪11명에 대한 첫 공판이‬The first trial of the Baby Garden's leader, Kim Ki-soon,
‪오늘 수원지법 여주지원에서‬ ‪열렸습니다‬ ‪[영상 속 시끌시끌한 소리]‬and 11 others took place today at Suwon District Court in Yeoju.
‪오늘 공판에서 교주 김기순 씨는‬During today's trial, Leader Kim Ki-soon said
‪자신이 아가동산 주민들의‬ ‪영적인 지도자였던 적이 없으며‬that she was never the spiritual leader of the Baby Garden.
‪지난 87년 숨진 최낙귀 군은‬She also denied all allegations,
‪아가동산에서‬ ‪살지도 않았다고 말하는 등‬saying Choi Nak-gwi, who died in 1987,
‪혐의 사실을 모두 부인했습니다‬had never even lived in the Baby Garden.
‪아가동산 신도를 자신이 직접‬ ‪암매장했다고 진술했던‬The key witness, who testified that he buried the Baby Garden members,
‪유력한 증인이 검찰에서의 증언은‬ ‪모두 사실이 아니라고‬The key witness, who testified that he buried the Baby Garden members, told the court that all of his testimony during the prosecution was false.
‪법원에서 말했습니다‬ ‪[불안한 음악]‬told the court that all of his testimony during the prosecution was false.
‪(기자) 검찰의 협박과 폭행 때문에‬Yoon said he made a false statement
‪거짓 진술을 했다고‬ ‪윤 씨는 말했습니다‬due to the prosecution's threats and assault.
‪진…‬ ‪[헛웃음]‬
‪억장이 무너지는 비보였죠‬It was devastatingly sad news.
‪윤방수 씨가 저한테 찾아왔을 때는‬When Yoon Bang-su came to see me,
‪(순복) '이렇게 되면‬ ‪아, 우리 아가동산이 다 무너지고'‬he said, "What if the Baby Garden falls apart,
‪'김기순 씨도 못 나오고‬ ‪그럼 우리는 어떡해?'‬and Kim Ki-soon is never released? What do we do then?"
‪'우리는 어디서 살아야 돼?'‬"Where are we supposed to live?"
‪'번복을 해라'‬So I told him, "Just take it back, and say you didn't bury them."
‪'그렇게 묻지 않았다'‬So I told him, "Just take it back, and say you didn't bury them."
‪이미 그, 윤방수의‬ ‪증언의 어떤 신빙성은‬At that point, the testimony of Yoon Bang-su
‪사실 너덜너덜해진 걸레나‬ ‪다름없었죠‬had completely lost credibility.
‪그 수사를 하면서‬Yoon Bang-su gave us the most trouble during that investigation.
‪가장 힘들게 했던 게‬ ‪윤방수였습니다‬Yoon Bang-su gave us the most trouble during that investigation.
‪(피디)‬-Is this Mr. Yoon Bang-su? -Yes.
‪(방수)‬-Is this Mr. Yoon Bang-su? -Yes.
‪(피디)‬Is it true that you buried Kang Mi-gyeong's body back then?
‪(방수)‬Yes, that's right. I said I didn't bury them because of what Kim Ki-soon said to me.
‪(피디)‬I heard she gave you land for you changing your statement. Is that correct?
‪(방수)‬I guess you could say that's one reason why I did it.
‪(피디)‬-So did you receive land from her? -Yes.
‪(방수)‬-So did you receive land from her? -Yes.
‪(방수)‬After Nak-gwi died, I drove his body over to the crematorium.
‪(피디)‬Did Kim Ki-soon also order you to do that?
‪(방수)‬Yeah, she did.
‪[서늘한 효과음]‬
‪25년 만에 고백을 하게 됩니다‬I'm making this confession after 25 years.
‪낙귀가 죽기 한 한 달도 아니야‬ ‪두 달 정도 됐어요‬It was a month, no, two months before Nak-gwi died.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪(탈퇴자) 그, 김기순 씨가‬ ‪다 둘러보더라고요‬Kim Ki-soon started looking around everywhere
‪공장 쪽 사람이 나오는가‬to see if anyone was coming out of the factory.
‪이런 데 전부 보더니‬ ‪아무도 없으니까‬to see if anyone was coming out of the factory. After finding out there was nobody,
‪저한테‬she told me, "Hey, we need to get rid of Nak-gwi."
‪'야'‬she told me, "Hey, we need to get rid of Nak-gwi."
‪'낙귀를 없애야겠다'‬ ‪그러더라고요‬she told me, "Hey, we need to get rid of Nak-gwi."
‪그래서, '예?'‬So I said, "Sorry?"
‪'낙귀를 저기, 친할머니네 집으로‬ ‪보내려고요?' 그랬죠‬"Are you going to send him to his grandmother's place?"
‪근데 윤방수가 올라오니까‬Then Yoon Bang-su showed up,
‪'아, 야, 윤방수 온다'‬ ‪그러면서 말을 않더라고요‬so she stopped talking and said, "Look, Yoon Bang-su is coming."
‪아기 없애야겠다고‬When she said she wanted to get rid of Nak-gwi
‪없앤다는 것을‬ ‪나는 상상도 못하고 했더니‬When she said she wanted to get rid of Nak-gwi I had no idea what she meant by that.
‪나중에 죽고 난 뒤에야‬I only realized it after he died.
‪[영상 속 때리는 소리]‬ ‪'어머, 그때 그 말 했는데'‬"Oh, so when she was saying that, she had it all planned out."
‪'계획적으로 그랬구나'‬"Oh, so when she was saying that, she had it all planned out."
‪[음산한 음악]‬
‪다 똑같은 자들입니다‬They're all the same.
‪그래서 다 살인자들입니다‬ ‪전부 다‬They're all murderers. All of them.
‪시체도 없고 증거도 없는 상황에서‬There was no corpse or evidence.
‪남은 건 죽은 낙귀 엄마의‬ ‪증언뿐이었습니다‬All that we had left was the testimony from Nak-gwi's mother.
‪그런 절박한 상황에서‬So, in such a desperate situation,
‪김기순의 유죄를 증명할‬the last trial to prove Kim Ki-soon's guilt was held, but…
‪마지막 기회가 될 재판이‬ ‪열렸습니다만‬the last trial to prove Kim Ki-soon's guilt was held, but…
‪솔직히 말씀드리면은‬ ‪강미경이 사건은‬To be frank, we weren't sure if we would find Kang Mi-gyeong's body.
‪사체가 나온다는 확신이‬ ‪없었습니다, 저희도‬To be frank, we weren't sure if we would find Kang Mi-gyeong's body.
‪그렇지만 최낙귀 사건 같은 경우‬But for Choi Nak-gwi's case,
‪직접 구타한 사람들이‬ ‪다 얘기를 해 줬기 때문에‬the people who actually beat him told us everything.
‪일단은 목격자의 증언이 충분했고‬So, at least, we had enough witnesses.
‪화장을 했기 때문에‬Because he was cremated,
‪사망 사실까지도‬ ‪충분히 입증이 가능하다‬we had enough evidence to prove that he had died.
‪[불안한 음악]‬
‪(영례) 김기순이가‬ ‪그때 이제 호텔로‬This is back when Kim Ki-soon was hiding in a hotel.
‪도망가 있던 시절의 이야기입니다‬This is back when Kim Ki-soon was hiding in a hotel.
‪저를 조용히 불러오라고 이제…‬She told her followers to bring me to her quietly.
‪'협조 잘해라‬ ‪이건 하늘 뜻이니까'‬"You'd better cooperate. This is God's will."
‪'요번만, 요번만 잘 지나가면'‬"If we can get past this…"
‪'네 엄마 역할이 크니까‬ ‪너만 잘하면'‬"If you do well, as your role as a mother is important,
‪'우리가 이길 수 있는‬ ‪승산이 있다'‬we have a chance to win this case."
‪막 이래 가면서‬we have a chance to win this case."
‪저를 끌어안아 주면서‬ ‪이제 잘하라고‬Then she hugged me and told me to do well.
‪선영례 씨…‬Sun Yeong-re…
‪기억은 해요‬I can remember her. I remember her coming to the Palace Hotel.
‪팔레스호텔로 왔던 거 기억해요‬I can remember her. I remember her coming to the Palace Hotel.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬ ‪(순복) 진술을 그 사람이 했을 때‬I think, for her testimony at the court,
‪이러이러한 질문을 하고‬they probably agreed on the answers beforehand
‪그러면은 '이렇게‬ ‪하겠습니다' 하고, 이렇게 하고‬they probably agreed on the answers beforehand
‪그런 건 바로‬ ‪말을 맞췄을 거 같아요, 근데‬to different questions.
‪낙귀는…‬"Nak-gwi was beaten and starved to death."
‪저기, 맞아서 굶어 죽었습니다‬"Nak-gwi was beaten and starved to death."
‪(피디) 법정에서 그렇게‬ ‪이야기하셨어요?‬And did you say that in court?
‪그렇게 못 했습니다‬No, I couldn't.
‪반대편에서 하도‬ ‪감시하는 눈초리도 있는 데다가‬Because there were people on the other side watching me so closely…
‪그렇게 말 못 했습니다, 그때는‬I couldn't say it back then.
‪(영례) 법정에서‬ ‪맞아 죽은 게 아니고‬I told the court he didn't die from a beating
‪심장마비, 심근경색으로‬ ‪죽었다고 증언했습니다‬but from a heart attack and myocardial infarction.
‪그 당시에 최낙귀를 때린 여자들은‬The women who had hit Choi Nak-gwi admitted that they had done it,
‪때렸다고 말을 하는데‬The women who had hit Choi Nak-gwi admitted that they had done it,
‪죽은 아이의 엄마는 부인하는‬but the mother of the child denied it.
‪(민구) 정말…‬It was truly a sad but also ridiculous situation.
‪웃픈 현상이 벌어진 거죠‬ ‪이건 말이 안 되는…‬It was truly a sad but also ridiculous situation.
‪죽이고 싶지, 그때 당시는‬Back then, I wanted to kill her.
‪저 미친 여자라고 그렇게도 하고‬I called her a crazy woman too
‪(명호) 거짓말을 하니까‬because she lied.
‪남편이 '미친 여자야, 정신 차려'‬My husband said, "Wake up, you crazy woman."
‪'좀 제발 내 말 좀 들어 봐'‬"Please, just listen to me. Nak-gwi was beaten to death."
‪'낙귀는 맞아 죽었잖아'‬"Please, just listen to me. Nak-gwi was beaten to death."
‪그 애처로운 눈초리로 했을 때‬When he looked at me pleadingly,
‪이쪽 팀들이 절대‬ ‪낙원이 아빠 말 듣지 말라고‬people on the other side told me not to listen to him.
‪어떻게 했길래, 도대체‬What did they do to her?
‪무슨 요사스러운 말로 홀렸길래‬What kind of wicked things were said to her
‪생때같은 자식의 죽음까지도‬to convince her to lie about the death of her precious son?
‪거짓으로 덮게 만들었는지…‬to convince her to lie about the death of her precious son?
‪(민구) 다른 건 모르겠지만‬Above all, it was heartbreaking to watch even the maternal love
‪그 모정마저‬ ‪철저히 짓밟힌 사건이‬Above all, it was heartbreaking to watch even the maternal love
‪가슴 아팠던 기억입니다‬get completely trampled on.
‪아가동산 사건으로‬ ‪사형이 구형됐던 김기순 피고인의‬Defendant Kim, whose death penalty was sought due to the Baby Garden case,
‪살인과 사기 혐의에 대해서‬ ‪무죄가 선고됐습니다‬was found not guilty of her murder and fraud charges.
‪물증이 없다는 이유였습니다‬It was due to a lack of evidence.
‪(기자) '김기순 피고인‬ ‪살인, 사기 혐의 무죄'‬The defendant, Kim Ki-soon, was found not guilty of murder and fraud.
‪[판사 봉을 땅땅 두드리는 소리]‬The defendant, Kim Ki-soon, was found not guilty of murder and fraud. NOT GUILTY OF MURDER AND FRAUD
‪살인 부분에 대해선‬ ‪2건 다 무죄가 선고됐는데‬She was found not guilty of murder in both cases.
‪(민구) 최낙귀 건에 대해서는‬ ‪[영상 속 때리는 소리]‬But for Choi Nak-gwi's case,
‪구타와 사망 사실은 다‬ ‪인정을 했습니다, 법원에서‬the court acknowledged that he had been beaten and killed.
‪'하지만 살해의 고의가 없고'‬But they said the murder had not been intentional.
‪'그냥 훈육 차원에서 때린 거다'‬"She was just trying to discipline him."
‪'죽이려는 의사가‬ ‪별로 없지 않았냐'‬"She didn't really want to kill him."
‪8월 찜통더위에서‬ ‪어린아이를 이틀 동안 굶기면서‬She starved a child for two days, beating him in the sweltering August heat.
‪매질을 한 게‬She starved a child for two days, beating him in the sweltering August heat.
‪과연 정말‬Was she really just trying to discipline him?
‪단순한 징계였을까요?‬Was she really just trying to discipline him?
‪정말 죽을 거를 몰랐을까요?‬Did she really not know that he would die?
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪아이를…‬ ‪[숨을 내뱉는다]‬I sincerely regret taking the kid to a place like that.
‪그런 데 데리고 간 게 한이 되고‬I sincerely regret taking the kid to a place like that.
‪그게 내가 어리석은 내 가슴을‬ ‪내가, 내가 쥐어뜯는 거죠‬I was so foolish to do something that would break my own heart.
‪내가, 내가 나를 쳐서 내가‬ ‪누가 때려 준다면‬I wish that somebody would just beat me.
‪[가슴을 퍽퍽 치며]‬ ‪내가, 누가 때려죽여 준다면‬If somebody could beat me to death, then, of course, I…
‪당연히 내가, 내가, 내가, 내가…‬If somebody could beat me to death, then, of course, I…
‪(영례) 바위라도 돌이라도‬I truly wish somebody would just stone me to death.
‪내가 맞아 죽을 심…‬ ‪죽고 싶은 심정은‬I truly wish somebody would just stone me to death.
‪정말 진실입니다, 내가‬I truly wish somebody would just stone me to death.
‪엄마가 잘못했다고, 미안하다고‬I want to apologize. I want to say that I'm sorry.
‪용서해 달란 말은…‬ ‪[영례가 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬It'd be shameless to ask for it, but I still want to beg for his forgiveness.
‪염치없어서 못 하겠지만‬ ‪그래도 용서를 빈다고‬but I still want to beg for his forgiveness.
‪[울먹이며] 너무너무 엄마가‬ ‪잘못했다고‬I want to tell him it's all my fault, and that I'm so sorry.
‪너무너무 미안하다고‬I want to tell him it's all my fault, and that I'm so sorry.
‪엄마가 어떻게 하면 쓰겠냐‬What should I do now?
‪엄마 좀 때려 줘라‬ ‪엄마가, 엄마가 진짜 잘못했다‬Please beat me. It's all my fault.
‪[흐느낀다]‬ ‪엄마가 어떻게 하면 좋겠냐‬What do I do now?
‪내가 죽었으면 좋겠는데‬ ‪죽어지지도 않는다‬I wish I could die, but I can't even do that.
‪누가…‬ ‪[연신 흐느낀다]‬
‪[영례가 연신 울며 뺨을 때린다]‬

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