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  라이프 6

Life 6


가지 마세요낙산 의료원

Don't go to Naksan Medical Center.

내가  보냅니다

I won't send you.

[의미심장한 음악]

그게 무슨 말입니까?

What do you mean?

뭐가 무슨 말입니까?

What don't you understand? You don't have to go.

 가도 된다고요

You don't have to go.

[노크 소리가 들린다]

[의사들이 웅성거린다] (영재이거 잘된 거야뭐야?

Is that a good thing or not?

(정희) [헛웃음 치며지금 장난해?

Is he kidding? What about the strike?

(동수그럼 파업은 뭐여?

What about the strike?

 교수 덕분이야

It's all thanks to you, Dr. Joo.



This is a bit awkward.


It's all thanks to you.

(경문 가지는 분명하네

One thing is for sure.

우리 목구멍이

Our fate

 사장 손아귀에 달렸어

is in Mr. Gu's hands.

(진우확실히 보여 줬죠

He proved that just now.

[경문의 한숨]

(간호사 !

Dr. Lee.


I have big news.

빅뉴스요 무슨?

Big news? What now?

우리  가도 된대요파견 철회됐대요

We don't have to go. The relocation has been canceled.

누가 그래요어떻게?

Who said that? How?

 사장이요방금 전에 직접 말했대요

Mr. Gu. He just said it himself.

(간호사사장이 자기 입으로 그랬다니까 100%그렇죠?

The president said it himself, so it's for sure, right?


-Really? -I'm going to spread the word.


-Really? -I'm going to spread the word.

(노을같이 가요

I'll go with you.

[잔잔한 음악]


How do I…



No way.

[의료 기기 작동음]

(노을우리 커피 사서 가요내가 쏠게

Let's go get some coffee. My treat.

[간호사의 탄성] [휴대전화 진동음]

Let's go get some coffee. My treat. Yes!

(노을) [한숨 쉬며...


(간호사주치의 그거 아직도예요?

Are you still taking care of all those patients?

언제 바꿔 준대요?

When will they let you off?

(노을 말이요

My sentiments exactly.


불똥이 어디까지 튈까요?

How many people will get dragged into it?

덮은 거는 사실  센터장님일 텐데

Technically, it was the chief of the Cancer Center who covered it up.

불똥 튀어 봤자지

It won't make much of a difference.

환자를 가는 데마다 죽인 의사도

Even doctors who kill patients wherever they go still go around the rural areas and perform surgeries.

지방 돌면서 계속 수술하는데

still go around the rural areas and perform surgeries.

[어두운 음악] ( 선생의사 면허를 너무  뺏어 가니까

It's because they rarely revoke doctors' licenses.


 센터의  레지던트   동기죠?

That resident at the Cancer Center is your classmate, right?


처벌도 처벌이지만

Being punished is one thing…

그런 멍청한 짓을

How could he make such a mistake?

(재혁우리가 얼마나 혹독하게 훈련을 하는데 그런...

We trained like crazy. How could he…

불똥이 아니죠

He didn't get dragged into it.

당연히 센터장 연대 책임이지

The chief is also at fault.



 - 11번에 크라목신 줬어?

Yes? Did you give Clamoxin to the patient in Bed 11?


Well… I did.

세포탐 대신 크라목신으로 교체하라고 하셔서

You said to give him Clamoxin instead of Cefotam.

체크  됐던데?

It wasn't checked off.


What if I didn't check and ended up giving him double doses?

내가 확인  하고 그냥 중복 투약 했으면?

What if I didn't check and ended up giving him double doses?


I'm sorry.

크라목신은  죽어서 괜찮아?

Do you think it is okay because it doesn't kill?


No, I don't. I'm sorry.

우리라고  센터랑 다른  없어

We're no better than the Cancer Center. We've just been lucky.

그동안 운이 좋았던 거지

We're no better than the Cancer Center. We've just been lucky.

혹독하게 훈련했다며 근데 운발로 버텨?

You said you trained like crazy, but you rely on luck?

공부한  억울하지도 않냐?

Did you study for nothing?


I'll be more careful.

( 선생) [가쁜 숨을 내뱉으며여러분!



Listen up. We're not…


being kicked out.

[ 선생의 기뻐하는 숨소리]




I've been thinking…

파업이 이렇게   버리믄

Since the strike is off,

인력 보강이고 뭐고  퉁쳐지는  아니여?

the management will no longer consider meeting our demands, will they?

아닌  아니겠죠

I don't think they will.

(은하저희 진짜예요?

Is it true?

진짜  가는  맞아요?

Are we really not going?

(동수... ?

That's… right.


That's great…



그때  형사분이네요

It's that detective.

(지용그냥 소환하면   굳이 직장까지 쫓아와서 쪽을 주나?

They could've just summoned him. Did they have to come to his workplace and humiliate him?

(정희방패막이 없다고 아주 마음대로들이네

They have no consideration since we have no shield.

 위의 인간부터

Including that jerk up there.

언제까지 공석으로 비워 둬요원장 자리

How long will we keep the director position vacant?

(민기그래요빨리 세웁시다

That's right. Let's fill it soon. We need a representative in order to fight the president.

우리도 대표가 있어야 사장한테 비벼라도 보죠

We need a representative in order to fight the president.

파업한다고 동네방네 떠들어만 놓고

Well, we made all that noise about the strike,

(태상찍소리  하고 접게 됐어요

but we ended up calling it off without even making a peep.

그러니까 우스꽝스럽지 않게

So if there's anything you did that needs cleaning up,

벌여   있으면 잘들 수습합시다

clean it up quickly so that we don't become a laughing stock.

(지용먼저 갑니다

I'm going back to work.

[윤모가 숨을  내뱉는다]

이보훈 원장님한테야 쨉도  됐지만

Neither of them even stood a chance when Director Lee was here,

이번 선거에는

but it could've been a tight race between the chief of the Cancer Center

 센터장이랑 부원장은 둘이 붙어  만했는데

but it could've been a tight race between the chief of the Cancer Center and the deputy director in this election.

(윤모그렇죠  대고  풀었죠부원장

That's right. The deputy director had it handed to him on a platter.

방금 전도 

Look at him just now. The conference was held by Cardiothoracic Surgery.

엄연히 흉부 모탈리티인데  자기가 올라가서 설쳐?

The conference was held by Cardiothoracic Surgery. Why was he leading it?

(민기사람들  모인 앞에서 흉부과장 바보 만드는 거지그게

He made a fool out of the chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery in front of everyone.


See you later.

계속 미적지근한 척하시면

If you keep pretending not to care,

 좋은   수도 있어요

all your efforts could go in vain.

무슨 ?

What do you mean?

어차피 뽑을 건데

We are going to hold an election anyway.

' 원장 되고 싶소하면  누가 뭐라 그래요?

No one will say anything even if you show your willingness to become the director.

(세화누구는 날이 아주 제대로 섰던데

You know, there's someone who is eager to get the position.




Dr. Joo.

(세화먼저 갈게요

See you later.


Dr. Joo?


What the…

정신 차려아휴

Get your act together.

네가 올라가야 부원장 자리가   아니니

You need to become the director for the deputy director position to open up.




회장님께 약속드렸으니까요

Because I made a promise to you, Mr. Cho,

병원 삐걱댄다는 소리  나오게 하겠다고

that people won't say the hospital is having problems.



화정그룹이 주인이라는  의사들 뼈에 새겨 줘야죠

I should set it straight with the doctors that Hwajeong Group owns this hospital.

누가 자기들 생사여탈권을 쥐고 있는지를

They should know that we hold their lives in our hands.

[작은 목소리로조각 선생 계속 있는다

The Greek god doctor is staying.



경영 진단 결과는 지금 수치화 중입니다

The result of the efficiency evaluation is being put together.

정리되는 대로 바로 가져가겠습니다

I'll bring it over once it's done.


I'll bring it over once it's done. I see. Like that. Okay.

[휴대전화 조작음]


[차분한 음악]

[휴대전화  소리]

안녕하세요예진우 선생님

Hello, Dr. Ye.





죄송한 말씀을 드려야   같아서요

I have some bad news.

무슨 일이신데요?

What is it?

저희가 파업이 무산될  같아서요

It looks like we are calling off the strike.

저랑 하신 인터뷰 그대로 나가면

If you publish my interview,

 기자님께서 잘못 쓰신 것처럼 보일  같아서요

it will make you look like you are reporting false information.

친절한 성격이신가 봐요

You must be the thoughtful type.



(서현이런 일은 처음이라서요 먼저 알려 주는 경우

I've never had anyone tell me in advance.

I see.

(서현그런데 파업이 그야말로 무산된 건가요?

Was the strike just called off

사측하고 합의를  건가요?

or did the parties come to an agreement?

이렇게 빨리 타결되는  대부분 불씨가 남던데

Such swift settlements often lead to trouble later.

저희도 지금은 지켜볼밖에요

We'll just have to wait and see for now

어쨌든 파견이 철회됐으니까

since the relocation has been canceled.


그럼 좋은 일인데 일단 좋아하죠

That's a good thing then, so let's be happy. Congratulations.


That's a good thing then, so let's be happy. Congratulations.

원래 실리는 기사보다 하드에 저장되는   많으니까

You don't have to feel bad since many articles end up unpublished anyway.

그건 마음 쓰지 마시고요

since many articles end up unpublished anyway.

(팀원 기자님가시죠

Ms. Choi! Let's go. Just a minute.


Just a minute.

혹시 의료계 일로 여쭐  생기면 다음에 연락드려도 될까요?

May I call you again if I have questions about the medical field?


Yes, of course.


Thank you.

죄송하지만 저희가 지금 어디를 가야 돼서요

I'm sorry, but we're on our way somewhere.

안녕히 계세요

Have a nice day.

안녕히 계세요

You, too.

[휴대전화 조작음]

(서현친절한 성격이신가 봐요

You must be the thoughtful type.


I'm not.

(서현이렇게 빨리 타결되는  대부분 불씨가 남던데

Such swift settlements often lead to trouble later.

[새가 지저귄다]

(진우인생은 나선형 계단과 같다는 글을 언젠가 읽었습니다

I once read a saying that life is like a spiral staircase.

아주 멀리   같지만

You may think you climbed high, but when you look down,

발밑을 보면 바로 거기

but when you look down,

내가 지나온 길이 있다고

you can still see the path you walked on.

(진우저는 요즘 

Director Lee,

원장님이 이곳에 계셨던  시절이

why do I feel like it's been so long

아주  옛일 같을까요?

since you've been here?

[긴장되는 음악]

( 선생) [우물거리며후보자 받는구나

They are now accepting candidates.

드디어 시작이네

It's finally starting.

(재혁그들만의 리그죠

It's only a competition of their own. We don't have a say in it anyway.


It's only a competition of their own. We don't have a say in it anyway.

원장님은   분이셨는데

There has been only one director during my time here.

그들만의 리그?

"A competition of their own…"

(태상입후보는 정교수급이면 누구나   있습니다

Anyone at a chief level can be a candidate for the director.

(태상지금 투표권을 가진 정교수가...

There are 44 doctors who are eligible to vote,

마흔네 명인가 그러니까요

There are 44 doctors who are eligible to vote,

22 이상 받아야 병원장이 되겠죠

so the person must receive 22 votes or more to become the director.

그러고 나면 이제 이사회 재가를 받는 거였는데

Previously, the board of directors approved the appointment of the candidate,

지금은 어떻게...

but now… How would you like to…

(승효아니상국대병원에 이사회가 아직 있습니까?

Does Sangkook University Hospital still have a board of directors?


총괄제로 바뀌었죠

Right. We've granted all the authorities to one person.

그러니까 사장님 재가가 최종입니다 병원장이 되려면

That means that the elected candidate needs your approval in order to be appointed as the hospital director.

전의 원장이  대단하긴 했어요  번씩이나 연임을 하고?

The previous director really was impressive, serving four consecutive terms.

따르는 사람이 많았습니다

He had many who followed him.

(승효아니아무리 사립이라도  번이면 이거

Even for a private institution, four terms…

혼자서  년을  건가?

-How many years did he-- -Eleven years.


-How many years did he-- -Eleven years.

세월이  금방이네요

Time really flies.

11년이 짧았다고요?

Do you really think eleven years was short?

덕분에 공부 많이 했습니다

I learned a lot thanks to him.

[젓가락을 잘그락 내려놓는다]



선행 학습 충분히 하셨다니 다행이고요

I'm glad to know that you are all ready to become the director.

(태상선행 학습이라뇨 [잔을  내려놓는다]

I'm glad to know that you are all ready to become the director. "All ready"? The candidate registration hasn't even been closed yet.

아직 입후보자 추리기 전인데

The candidate registration hasn't even been closed yet.

[승효가 주전자를  내려놓는다]

[잔을 달그락 부딪친다]

[시원한 숨을 내뱉는다]

[태상과 승효가 잔을  내려놓는다]

까놓고 갑시다

Let me be straightforward.

나는 원장 김태상을 원하는데

I want you as the director.

[긴장되는 음악]



나랑 손발이 맞을 거니까

Because we'll work well together.

 말이 맞죠?

Aren't I right?

[숨을 깊게 내뱉는다]


It will be…

최선의 선택이  겁니다

the best decision for you.

[휴대전화 알림음]

그리고 자회사 하나 만들 거예요

I'm going to start a subsidiary.

(승효약품 도매 업체

A pharmaceutical distribution company.

우리 병원에만 공급하는 자회사요

The company will supply medicines only to us.

[젓가락을 잘그락 내려놓으며그럼 공급뿐이 아니라

Then the pharmacies near the hospital

병원  약국들도 전부 자회사 것만 사야 되겠네요

would have to buy medicines from the subsidiary

상국대학병원 의사들이

since doctors at Sangkook University Hospital

우리 자회사 제품만 처방할 테니까요

will only prescribe our subsidiary's drugs.

큰일 났네이거 벌써부터 손발이 척척이라

This is unbelievable. We work so well together already.

[태상의 웃음] [승효가 휴대전화를  내려놓는다]

근데 종합 병원은 비영리 법인이라 자회사가 원칙적으로 불가합니다

But general hospitals are nonprofit corporations, so they can't set up subsidiaries.

물론 사장님께서  파악하고 계시겠지만

I'm sure you're aware of that, of course. Yes, it is technically impossible,

원칙적으로는 불가한데

Yes, it is technically impossible,

자회사 하나   데가 없잖아요 국립대부터가

but every organization has subsidiaries. Even public universities do.

(태상그렇죠자회사도 비영리면 얼마든지 등록이 가능합니다

That's right. It's possible if the subsidiary is also a nonprofit.

영업 이익은 기부금 형태로 재단으로 돌리고

The profit can be given to the foundation as donations.

그러면 세금도 면제고요

Then it won't be taxed, either.

약품 공급권 입찰은

Let's say we took bids from pharmaceutical distributors

원내에서 비공개로 진행한 걸로 합시다

and made the decision quietly within the hospital.

(승효그리고 투약 사고 방지 프로토콜

And tell every department to submit a protocol for the prevention of medication errors.

모든 과마다  올리라고 하시고요

for the prevention of medication errors.

장들한테는 내가 직접 보고받을 겁니다

I will have the chiefs present them to me. The Cancer Center included.

 센터는 물론이고

The Cancer Center included.


Yes, sir.

(승효 가지 물읍시다

I have a question.

병원장은 왜들 그렇게 되려고 하는 거예요?

Why does everyone want to be the hospital director?

아니 정도 위치면 누구한테 갈굼 당할 것도 아니고

It's not like anyone would nag doctors at that level.

 고치는  똑같은데

You all cure diseases. Why do company workers want to get promoted and become president?

회사원들은  그렇게 승진하고 사장이 되려고 그럽니까?

Why do company workers want to get promoted and become president?

월급 때문에요?

For the salary?


If you don't, it means

나가라는 소리니까요

they want you out.

책상 빠지니까요우리는

We lose our jobs.

사장님도 책상 빠지는  두려워서 여기까지 올라오셨어요?

Did you climb this high up the ladder because you were afraid of losing your job?


Good day.

[ 문이  닫힌다]

[어두운 음악]



(세화어차피 뽑을 건데

We are going to hold an election anyway.

' 원장 되고 싶소하면  누가 뭐라 그래요?

No one will say anything even if you show your willingness to become the director.

누구는 날이 아주 제대로 섰던데

You know, there's someone who is eager to get the position.

[종상이 공장에 대해 설명한다]

Please take a look at that machine on the right.

[종상이 계속해서 설명한다]

Over here, the bottles are filled with the product.

(화학 사장약품 도매업체를 아예 따로 차리시겠다고요자회사로?

You'd like to set up a pharmaceutical distribution company? As a subsidiary?

 건강 보조제도 약품하고 유통은 동일하니까

Since supplements have the same distribution route as medicines,

저희  담당자를  보낼 테니까

we will send the person who will be in charge.

유통 과정  전수해 주시면 고맙겠습니다

Please educate that person on the distribution process.

자회사가 그렇게 뚝딱 돼요하루아침에?

Can a subsidiary be formed that quickly overnight? We aren't making the drugs ourselves.

(승효약을 직접 만드는  아니니까요

We aren't making the drugs ourselves. We are only setting up a single supplier framework.

구매 창구 일원화로 보시면 됩니다

We are only setting up a single supplier framework. A pharmaceutical company that supplies medicines

상국대병원에 공급하는 상국대병원 약품 회사라...

A pharmaceutical company that supplies medicines to the hospital that owns the company.

독점이 되겠네요?

You'd have exclusivity.

화정화학에도 이익이죠 경쟁이 없으니까

You'd benefit as well since you'll have no competition.

(화학 사장그거야  사장 마음먹기지

That's totally up to you.

독점 체제에서는

With an exclusive arrangement,

우리가 공급자일 때는 전부를 가져오지만

we take it all if we are your supplier,

만에 하나 아웃되면 순식간에 이게 되니까

but if you cut us loose, we'd lose it all in an instant.

전부를 뺏기는 거니까

We'd lose everything.


I guess we'll have to cooperate. Right?

[화학 사장과 경아의 웃음]

담당자 보내요

Send the person in charge. Thank you. And one more thing.


Thank you. And one more thing.

그리고 하나만 

Thank you. And one more thing.

저희 병원에

I'd like you to fund equipment purchases for our hospital.

설비 투자를  도와주셔야   같은데요

I'd like you to fund equipment purchases for our hospital.

화정화학 약을 환자들한테 팔라고 하면

If I tell the doctors to sell Hwajeong Chemical's drugs to the patients,

의사들 자존심에 가만히 있겠습니까?

their egos won't let them agree to do so that easily.

그래서 제가 명분을  만들어 드릴까 하고요

So, I plan to make a justification for you.

[숨을 들이켠다]

검토하고 연락드리죠

I'll look it over and get back to you.


Thank you.



[덜커덩거리는 소리가 들린다]


[차분한 음악]


[휴대전화 진동음]



방금 보고 왔어요 [ 문이  닫힌다]

I just checked.

O2 세츄레이션 계속 모니터링해 주세요

Please keep monitoring the oxygen saturation.

Thank you.


That was him.

[통화 연결음]


Hi, No-eul.

선우야 지금 어디야?

Hey, Seon-woo. Where are you right now?


Me? Where else? I'm at work.


Me? Where else? I'm at work.




아니 방금... [내비게이션 음성이 흘러나온다]

-I thought-- -In ten meters,

[통화  대기음]


These damn calls.

(선우받지 쌩까 버려

Don't pick up. Ignore it.


Should I?

내가 다시 할게

I'll call you back.

(선우뭐야먼저 걸어 놓고

Hey, you're the one who called me. I will get mad at you if you hang up.


Hey, you're the one who called me. I will get mad at you if you hang up.


Whatever. I'll call you back.

다시 할게

Whatever. I'll call you back.


랩에서 왔어요?

The lab results are out?


What did they say?

(노을 때문에   같지는 않아

I don't think he was here for work.

내가 방금 보험 심사실에 물어봤거든

I just asked the insurance claims office

심평원 사람 혹시 왔었냐고

if someone from the HIRA was here.


They said no.

그놈 확실해?

Are you sure it was him?

내가 선우를 모를까

How could I not recognize Seon-woo?

[진우가 휴지를  뽑는다]



걔가 여기  일이 없는데

He has no reason to come here.

(노을어디 아픈  아니겠지?

You don't think he's sick, do you?

(진우아파도 걔가  있는 데로  놈이 아니에요

If he was, he wouldn't have come to where I work at.

너도 알다시...

If he was, he wouldn't have come to where I work at. You know…

(노을) [하품하며미안


 아직도  주치의냐 시간 잤냐?

Are you still doing all the work? Did you get any sleep?

이제 가서 자려고

I'm going to get some sleep now. See you tomorrow.


I'm going to get some sleep now. See you tomorrow.

[노을의 한숨]

(진우 그러다 골로 인마

You'll get yourself killed.



[진우의 힘겨운 신음]

(노을뒤로 밀어

Push the seat back.

(진우) [힘겨운 목소리로남들    했냐

Why are you so short?

더럽게 좁아

It's so cramped.

 대한민국 평균이야 네가 비정상이지

I'm of average height. You're the unusual one.

의자 뒤로 하라니까?

Push the seat back.

[안전띠를 달그락 채우며그럼 네가 내일  낑낑대고 앞으로 당겨야 되잖아

Then you'll have to struggle to pull it forward again tomorrow

 개미 같은 팔로

with those twiggy arms. I said we could take your car.

그럼  차로 가자니까

I said we could take your car.

내일  모시러 오라고?

I said we could take your car. And pick you up in the morning?

(노을내가 언제? [휴대전화  소리]

I never asked you to.

[진우의 못마땅한 신음]

어어? [자동차 시동음]




요놈 봐라?

Look at you.

(노을기다리는 전화 있는데?

You must be waiting for someone's call.

(진우어디서 상꼬맹이가 어르신한테 요놈 저놈이야?

How dare a runt try to meddle in an adult's business?

[놀란 숨소리]

How dare a runt try to meddle in an adult's business?

불리할  나오는 상꼬맹이 소리까지?

You call me a runt whenever you're at a disadvantage.

[숨을 들이켠다]

주름 생긴다

You'll get wrinkles.

[노을의 놀란 신음]






Chodang Apartment.

[자동차 경적]


Dr. Joo!


[창문을  연다]


-Get in. -Hey.

- (경문... - (진우모셔다드릴게요

-Get in. -Hey. -We'll drop you off. -Thanks.


-We'll drop you off. -Thanks.

[경문의 힘겨운 신음]

(경문집이 가까운  좋은데

It's nice living close by,

너무 가까우니까  태워 주네

but it's hard to get a taxi for a short ride.

(노을오랜만에 댁에 가시네요?

You haven't been home in a while.

 달에  번도  가시죠?

You go only a few times a month, right?

(경문그런가그래서 그런가?

Is that right? Could that be why?


What do you mean?

(경문우리 딸내미가 고등학생이더라고

I recently learned that my daughter is in high school.

걔가 분명히 중학생이었는데

I was sure that she was in junior high.

[경문의 한숨]

근데 내가 방해했나?

Anyway, am I being the third wheel?


No, sir. We're practically sisters. Don't worry about it.

저희 자매나 마찬가지예요교수님 신경 쓰지 마세요

We're practically sisters. Don't worry about it.


We are brothers.


You are too pretty to be a brother.


You aren't that pretty to be a sister.


You're practically sisters.


Thank you.

[차분한 음악]

나무가  파랗네

The leaves are so green.

(경문금세  지겠지?

They will probably wither soon.


Are you okay?

(경문그때 나한테 뭐라고...

What were you going to say…


It's okay. I don't keep anything from Dr. Lee.

 선생하고는 가리는  없으니까

It's okay. I don't keep anything from Dr. Lee.

(경문모탈리티 들어가기 직전에 생각나나?

Remember that time right before the mortality conference?

나한테 무슨  하려고 했던  같은데

You were about to say something to me.


Something about the past.


A long time ago,

 가족이  한동안 병원 신세를 졌습니다

a family member of mine was hospitalized for quite a while.


I know.

(진우갑자기 상태가 나빠진 적이 있었는데

One time, his condition got worse all of a sudden.

그때는 원래 아팠으니까 그런  줄만 알았어요

I thought it was because he wasn't well in the first place.

지금 짚어 보면 일종의 의료 사고였는데

When I think about it now, it was because of a medical error.

아무것도 모르고 당했던 그때 생각이 났습니다

I was reminded of that time when I didn't know anything.

 센터 때문이든 마취 쇼크 때문이든

Maybe because of the Cancer Center incident or the anaphylactic shock death…

나는 피해자면서 동시에 가해자구나

I realized that I was both a victim and a perpetrator.


I realized that I was both a victim and a perpetrator.

우리 전부 그렇지

We all are.

(진우 사장이랑 같이 흉부에 돌을 던지려던  아니에요

I wasn't trying to throw stones at your department along with Mr. Gu.

 그런 인간한테 동조하지 않습니다

I do not go along with the likes of him.

어떤 인간인데구승효 사장?

What do you mean by "the likes of him"?


What do you think?


What is he like?

(진우사람 목숨을 숫자로만 보는 인간이지

He puts numbers above people's lives.

(노을우리는 달라?

Are we any different?

우리도 맨날 보험 수가가 어쩌니  소리잖아

We always complain about how little we get paid from the HIRA.

우리 같은 고급 인력이 몇이나 달라붙어서

"Several highly skilled people like us

대여섯 시간을 수술했는데

operated on a patient for hours.

 수술장에 떨어지는 수가가 고작 20, 30 원인  말이 되냐

How could they pay only 200 to 300 thousand won for the surgery?" We always say that.


only 200 to 300 thousand won for the surgery?" We always say that.


That's different. How is it different?

뭐가 다른데?

How is it different?

우리는 의사여서 환자 목숨 가지고 수지 타산 따져도 되고

Are you saying we can put numbers above our patients' lives since we are doctors,

그쪽은 자격이 없어의대를  나와서?

but he isn't qualified to do so? Because he didn't go to medical school?

(경문그건 잘못된 정책이니까 당연히 얘기를 하는 거고

We talk about those things because the policy is wrong.

나라에서 보험금을 합리적으로 책정하지 못해서

The government failed to set a reasonable fee schedule,

의사들만 죽어 나가니까 입에 올리는  당연하지

so doctors are suffering. It's only natural for them to complain.

(진우그럼 ?

What about you? Do you agree with Mr. Gu's idea to kick out unprofitable departments?

 사장처럼   버는 과는 마음대로 없애 버려도 된다는 거야?

Do you agree with Mr. Gu's idea to kick out unprofitable departments?


Don't twist my words.

그건 분명히 잘못이야

That's clearly wrong.



 사장 같은 사람도 우리 집단에 역할이 있다고 생각합니다

I think even someone like Mr. Gu has a role in our group.

 사장은 뼛속까지 장사꾼이야

He is a businessman to the bone.

 선생처럼 나이브하게 받아 주면

If you naively go along with him, you'll be eaten alive in no time.

순식간에 잡아먹혀

you'll be eaten alive in no time.

무조건 배척만 하면  배우나요?

And what do we learn by ostracizing him?

 집단이 얼마나 폐쇄적이고 이기적인지

We know better than anyone how clannish

우리가 제일  알잖아요

and self-centered a group of people we are.

  사장이 돌을 던져  사람이라고 생각해요

I think Mr. Gu is someone who can cast a stone.

(노을 잡아먹히려면   똑바로 떠야죠

If we don't want to get eaten alive, we should keep our eyes wide open.

근데 그게 귀찮으니까

But if we stop him from casting a stone

하루하루  바빠 죽겠으니까 아예 돌도 던지지 

just because we are too busy and do not want to be bothered,

그럼 아무것도  바뀌어요

nothing will change.

우리는 영원히 고인 물로 남을 거예요

We will forever remain a stagnant body of water.




Yes? Go ahead.

(경문저기 보이는 아파트인데

That's my apartment building.




Good night.

집은 기억하시겠지?

He'll remember where he lives, right?

(진우 소리야?

What do you mean?

딸이  살인지도 모르잖아

He doesn't even know his daughter's age.

(노을아파트는  비슷비슷한데

The buildings all look alike.

(진우  교수님한테 이른다

I'm telling Dr. Joo on you.



Mr. Gu was the first person who wasn't from the owner's family

자기네 그룹에서 최초로 마흔 전에 CEO  사람이래

Mr. Gu was the first person who wasn't from the owner's family to become a CEO in his group

(진우오너 가문 아닌 중에서

before the age of 40.

보통 아닐 거야

He isn't your average guy.

나도 기사 찾아봤어

I looked him up, too.

기사를 봤어?

You did?

  사장 기사까지 찾아보는데?

Why did you look him up?

신임 사장으로 온다는데 그럼  ?

How could I not look up our new president?

너도 찾아봤잖아

You did it too.


I was…

  사장한테 병동 보여 줬어

I showed him around the wards.

(진우네가 직접?

Personally? Why?

애들 보면 뭔가 느끼는  있지 않을까 해서

I thought he might feel something if he saw the kids.

말이 되는...

Like he would ever.

그래서 느꼈대?

So? Did he?


-I'm not sure. -I am.

(진우 몰라?

-I'm not sure. -I am.

네가 아까 모탈리티에서  인간 하는 꼴을 봤어야 됐는데

You should've seen him during the mortality conference.

(노을얘기 들었어

-I heard. -It's different from seeing it.

듣는 거랑 달라

-I heard. -It's different from seeing it. Exactly. His thoughts could have changed from before


Exactly. His thoughts could have changed from before

 사장도 그냥 막연히 '병원이니까 환자가 있겠지하는 거랑

Exactly. His thoughts could have changed from before when he just knew that there are patients in the hospital after seeing those sick babies

 작은 아기들이 아픈  직접 보는 거랑 다를 수도 있지

after seeing those sick babies with his own eyes.

세상이   마음 같으면 얼마나 좋겠니

It would be awesome if everything works out as you expected.

 교수님이 선우 알아?

Does Dr. Joo know Seon-woo?


No. Then how did he know Seon-woo was hospitalized for a while?

근데 선우 오래 입원했었다는 얘기를 어떻게 알아들어?

Then how did he know Seon-woo was hospitalized for a while?

(노을보통은 가족이 오래 아팠다고 하면

When you say a family member was sick for a while,

'누가 아프셨냐묻지 않나?

most people ask who it was, don't they?

 그런다 해도

Even if not, when you said a family member was sick,

네가 가족이 아팠다고 했을 

when you said a family member was sick,


he went, "I know."

원장님이 얘기하셨을 거야

Director Lee probably told him.

 교수님한테  얘기를 하신 모양이더라고

I think he told Dr. Joo about me. Everything about your family?

(노을너희 집안 얘기를 ?

Everything about your family?

선우 아팠던 것까지?

Even about Seon-woo's illness?

 분이 그렇게 친했나?

Were they that close?

친해도  교수님한테  얘기를 ?

Even if they were, why would he tell Dr. Joo about you?


I don't know.

[어두운 음악]


우리 좀만  고생합시다

Hang in there a little longer.

[태상이 술을 졸졸 따른다]

They rarely go after the chiefs.

교수급까지 건드는 경우는 드무니까

They rarely go after the chiefs.

(상엽처음으로 후회됩디다의사  

I regretted becoming a doctor for the first time in my life.

형사라고 하는 질문하고는 우리 일은 하나도 모르면서

That detective's questions… He knew nothing about what we do.

전문가를 데려다 놓든가

They should at least bring in an expert.

레지던트 애는 어떻게   같아요?

By the way, what do you think will happen to the resident?

유족이 고소했어요

The deceased's family pressed charges.

사장이 내질렀으니 빼도 박도 못하지

The president uncovered it, so he's screwed. He should feel guilty.

자기도 느끼는  있어야죠

He should feel guilty.

 사장 다음 플랜이 뭘까요?

What do you think Mr. Gu is planning to do next?

(세화 낚으려고 할까요?

What will he try to get?

3 퇴출도

I think the expulsion order and the efficiency evaluation

경영 진단도  미끼였던  같은데

I think the expulsion order and the efficiency evaluation were all just bait.

우리가 움직입시다

Let's make a move.

[긴장되는 음악]

우리도 총리도 치료해 봤고

We've treated the Prime Minister before.

재벌 회장님들    들여다본 사람들이야

We've also operated on conglomerates' chairmen.

 번씩이나 전국안과협회장에

You've been the chair of the National Ophthalmologists Association twice,

최초 여성 신경외과장

and you are the first female chief of Neurosurgery. You've gained recognition from NCI and MD Anderson,

(태상) NCI, MD앤더슨 미주 양대  센터를 모두 섭렵하신 

You've gained recognition from NCI and MD Anderson, the two most respected cancer institutes in the US.



제게 힘을 모아 주세요

support me.

 사장 내가 밀어내겠습니다

I'll push out Mr. Gu.

모두한테 가서

Go and tell everyone…


to support me.

[TV 소리가 흘러나온다] [도어  작동음]

[문이  닫힌다] [도어  작동음]

밥은? - 

-Did you eat? -Yes.

(진우 우리 병원의 주경문 교수라고 알아?

Do you know Dr. Joo Kyung-moon at my hospital?

 형네 병원 정형외과 사람들은 아는데

I know people in Orthopedics.

일하면서 이름 많이 봐서

I saw their names while working.

아니정형  아니...

No, he isn't…


Forget it.

[차분한 음악]

[휴대전화 조작음]

[문이  여닫힌다]

[욕실에서 물소리가 들린다] [휴대전화 조작음]

[물소리가  끊긴다]

수건  들고나오지 말라니까?

I told you not to bring the towel out.


Just use the one in your room. You're such a nag.

느느니 잔소리야

Just use the one in your room. You're such a nag. Stop leaving wet towels on the sofa.

축축한   자꾸 소파에 

Stop leaving wet towels on the sofa.

[진우의 한숨]

나가서 바람도  쐬고 그래라

Go out and get some fresh air instead of watching TV--

맨날 TV...

Go out and get some fresh air instead of watching TV-- It's too much of a hassle to go out.

 나가면 개고생이야

It's too much of a hassle to go out.

(진우이러지 말고 나가자

Hey, let's go out. At this hour? Where?

오밤중에 어디를 나가?

At this hour? Where?

오는데  피었더라

-The flowers have bloomed. -I'm sure they have.

(선우꽃이 피었겠지

-The flowers have bloomed. -I'm sure they have.

 TV 봐야 바빠

I have to watch TV. I'm busy.

Hey. Your brother's trapped in the hospital all day and wants…

 병원에 맨날 갇혀 사는 형이 오랜만에 꽃구경...

Hey. Your brother's trapped in the hospital all day and wants…

(TV  기자작년 초부터 시작된 총파업을...

The strike that began last year…


방금방금  다시

Switch back to that channel.


What? Which one?

(TV  기자종료를 공식 선언 함으로써

Both the entertainment department and the radio station…

예능국과 라디오국을 시작으로...

and the radio station…

[TV 뉴스가 계속 흘러나온다] (선우파업 소리만 들어도 흠칫해이제?

Does just hearing the word "strike" get to you? …in charge of the news and current events…

[진우의 다급한 신음]


Hey! Your towel!

[문이 달칵 여닫힌다수건!

Hey! Your towel!


That's why…



[서랍을  연다]

(영상  서현검찰이 자금 횡령 의혹과 관련해

Regarding the embezzlement allegations made against the clothing manufacturer, Black & Missus,

의류 전문 업체 블랙&미세스 본사를 전격 압수 수색 했습니다

made against the clothing manufacturer, Black & Missus, the prosecution conducted a search and seizure. The Prosecutors' Office sent investigators to the head office

서울중앙지검은 블랙&미세스 본사와

The Prosecutors' Office sent investigators to the head office as well as to CEO Kim Yo-han's home

김유환 대표의 자택 등에 수사관을 보내

as well as to CEO Kim Yo-han's home and obtained the relevant documents.

관련 자료를 확보한 것으로 전해졌습니다

and obtained the relevant documents.

[TV 소리가 흘러나온다] [TV 전원음]

[휴대전화 알림음]

[차분한 음악]

[휴대전화 조작음]

[리모컨 조작음]

(동수 약품마다 각기 다른 색깔로다가

Each of the vials will have different colored labels. As you can see, we'll use the colors of the traffic lights

보시면 이제

As you can see, we'll use the colors of the traffic lights

여기 신호등 색깔로다가 이렇게 라벨링을 해서

As you can see, we'll use the colors of the traffic lights

누가 봐도 눈에 띄게 구분을 하면

so that they are distinguishable to anyone.


Yes. So… As you can see,

여기 이렇게 보시는 바와 같이

Yes. So… As you can see,

약품들이서로 섞일 일이 없지 않을까

the drugs wouldn't get mixed up. So, that is the protocol Emergency Medical Center came up with.

하는 것이 저희 응급 센터 방안입니다

So, that is the protocol Emergency Medical Center came up with.


(영재저희 소아에서는

Pediatrics plans to put up these posters

눈에 띄는 장소마다...

Pediatrics plans to put up these posters in clearly visible areas…

이런 포스터들을 붙여서

in clearly visible areas…

[승효가 종이를 사락 넘긴다]

[깊은 한숨]

(승효여기 상국대학병원 맞아요?

Is this really Sangkook University Hospital?

상국초등학교가 아니고?

Not Sangkook Elementary School?


I mean…

이런 마인드로

Is this how you've been doing things? Working like this?

이런  처리로 여태껏   겁니까?

Is this how you've been doing things? Working like this?

RFID 칩이 내장된 바코드 리더기입니다 [긴장되는 음악]

This is a barcode reader that has an RFID chip embedded within it.

(경아앞으로 모든 약품은 물론이고

From now on, all drugs, expensive surgical equipment,

고가의 수술 장비와 환자들의 손목에

From now on, all drugs, expensive surgical equipment, and patients' wristbands will have these barcodes.

 바코드가 부착될 겁니다

and patients' wristbands will have these barcodes.

[리더기 작동음]

(경아클라우드 기반으로 관리돼서

All the data will be managed in a cloud-based system.

투약 오류 사고 방지뿐만 아니라

It will not only prevent medication errors, but also significantly reduce the time spent in managing

의약품 재고 관리에 할애되는 시간도 대폭 축소될 것입니다

but also significantly reduce the time spent in managing the inventory of medicines and medical supplies.

[리더기 작동음]

[리더기 작동음]

[리더기 작동음]

We won't have to argue about why we're short on supplies

맨날 ' 부족하냐'

We won't have to argue about why we're short on supplies

[ 선생이 바코드를 계속 찍는다] ' 잘못이냐 잘못이냐'

We won't have to argue about why we're short on supplies

이제 그거  일은 없겠네?

and whose fault it is anymore.

냅다 병만   알았더니만

I thought Mr. Gu would only give us grief, but he actually gave us something good.

약도 주네요 사장이

I thought Mr. Gu would only give us grief, but he actually gave us something good.

[리더기 작동음]


[리더기 작동음]

[리더기 작동음]

재벌 회사가 이런  좋아요

Hwajeong being our owner does have a benefit. Don't rely purely on that.

너무 그것만 믿지 말고

Don't rely purely on that.

I won't.

[기계 조작음]

[리더기 작동음]

진짜 종잡을 수가 없는 사람이네

I really can't read that guy.

[어두운 음악]


(진우) '관리  회의'

"Roles and power to call meetings."

(진우원장님여러 가지 일을 하셨네요

Director Lee. You wore many hats.

예산과 결산을 심의하시고

You reviewed the budget and accounts

조직  개폐에 관한 사항

and handled matters regarding the organization.

이런 것도 하셨나요?

You did things like that, too.

(태상앞으로 처방은

We will only prescribe medications that are on this list.

지금 나눠   리스트에서만 합니다

We will only prescribe medications that are on this list.

원활한 약품 공급을 위해서

This is a subsidiary we recently set up in order to ensure an adequate supply of medicines.

이번에 설립된 우리 병원 자회사입니다

in order to ensure an adequate supply of medicines.

(진우사장 해임에 대한 발의권

"Right to propose the president's dismissal.

기관 운영  재정회계 분야에서

If the president commits any misdeed or illegal act

위법 부당한 사례가 있을 경우 파면해임 등을 발의할  있다

in the course of managing the hospital, the director may propose the president's dismissal."

이것도 원장님 권한이었네요

This was also within your authority.

 원장이  일이네요

It's what the new director must do.

(진행자1)  해에 무려 5,600 명의 환자분을 시술한다고 하십니다

He operates on around 5,600 patients a year.

대단하신 거죠

That's incredible.

[방청객들의 탄성]

That's incredible.

(진행자2) 환자분들께  당부하고 싶으신 말씀은 없으세요?

Is there anything you'd like to say to the patients?

우리 어머님들요

You know how the mothers put the rest of the family first

  몸이 아파도 미루고 미루잖아요

You know how the mothers put the rest of the family first and delay getting treated even if they are sick.

다른 가족들을 위해서

and delay getting treated even if they are sick.

사실 제때 치료를 받아야

But you need to get treated early on

딸들이 보내 주는 효도 여행도 다니고 그러실 텐데 말이죠

to go on the trips that your daughters send you to.

(진행자1) ...

to go on the trips that your daughters send you to. They keep pushing it off

미루고 미루다 결국 김태상 부원장님을 찾아가시는군요?

They keep pushing it off and then end up going to you.

[방청객들의 웃음]

You're one of the top five in the nation

우리나라에서 다섯 손가락 안에 꼽히시는

You're one of the top five in the nation among joint replacement specialists.

인공 관절 전문가시잖아요

among joint replacement specialists.


Not at all. There are plenty of doctors who are better than I am,

 말고도 훌륭한 의사들 많으니까요

Not at all. There are plenty of doctors who are better than I am, so don't come to me. I never get a chance to rest.

 찾아오지 마세요

so don't come to me. I never get a chance to rest.

  틈이 없습니다

so don't come to me. I never get a chance to rest.

[함께 웃는다]

[분위기가 고조되는 음악]

(진우누가   있을까요?

Who could do it?

누가 원장님을 따라

Who would follow in your footsteps and walk this path…

 길을 곧게

Who would follow in your footsteps and walk this path…


without being swayed?

(노을정후야선생님 여기  볼게

Jeong-hu, let me take a look, okay?

[리더기 작동음]

[노을의 놀란 신음]

정후야우리 마트 놀이 할까?

Jeong-hu, should we pretend that we are at a supermarket?

이것 봐라

Look at this. I'm going to buy this.

선생님 이거  거다

Look at this. I'm going to buy this.

[리더기 작동음] [노을의 놀란 신음]


What about you? What do you want to buy?

정후는  살까?

What about you? What do you want to buy?


Why don't you buy it yourself?

정후는 정후를 사자

Why don't you buy it yourself?

요기요기 눌러  

Here. Press this.

[리더기 작동음]

누구 이름 떴어요?

Whose name is that?

그렇지정후 이름 떴지?

That's right. It's your name, Jeong-hu.

아이신기해   눌러 볼까?

That's so cool. Do you want to try it again? It says your name.

정후 이름 떴네? [리더기 작동음]

It says your name. What is that sound?

[놀라며무슨 소리 ?

What is that sound?

일단 찍으니까 마음 편해요

Having this system puts me at ease. I don't need to worry about getting things mixed up.

헷갈렸을까  걱정  해도 되고

I don't need to worry about getting things mixed up.

많이 고민했나 보네 이런  생각해 내고

They must have thought about it a lot, to have come up with this.

생각했어도 사장님 아니었으면 실행  됐겠죠

Even if they thought of it, it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for Mr. Gu. We couldn't afford it.

돈이 어디서 났겠어요?

We couldn't afford it. Right?



(영재소녀 팬들 나셨네 소녀 팬들 나셨어?

We've got a group of fangirls here.

많이 칭찬해 

Keep complimenting him. It'll be his first and last achievement.

처음이자 마지막 업적이  거니까

It'll be his first and last achievement.

[영재의 옅은 헛기침]

애들이야 멋모르고 좋아하지

Kids are clueless, so they like it. But what about the parents?


Kids are clueless, so they like it. But what about the parents? If you walk around with that,

이런  들고 다니면

If you walk around with that, they'll criticize doctors for not being able to remember what they do.

'저건 의사라는  자기가 하는 것도 기억  하나?'  그럴  같아?

they'll criticize doctors for not being able to remember what they do.

환자가 의사를 신뢰해야 말발도 먹히지

We need to earn patients' trust in order to make them respect what we say.


Shit. How dare that kid treat us like children?

이마에 피도  마른  누구를 초딩 취급이야

Shit. How dare that kid treat us like children?

 사장 계속 뭔가를  텐데 마지막일까요?

Mr. Gu will keep doing stuff. Do you think it'll be his last?

원장 선출만   당장 내쳐 버릴 거니까

Once we have a director, we'll kick him out right away.

  있으려나요 원장이

Will the new director be able to do it?


He made a promise. He'd better crush him.

박살 내야지

He made a promise. He'd better crush him.



( 선생님

Dr. Lee.

뇌사 추정 단계가 발생했다고 하셔서

I heard you have someone presumed brain-dead.


그런데 보호자가 기증에 전혀 뜻이 없네요

But the guardian doesn't want to donate the organs.

자식 일인데요그럼

Of course. It's their child.

기증 얘기 꺼내면

Some people hit me when I bring up organ donation.

처음에 때리는 사람들도 있어요

Some people hit me when I bring up organ donation.

[옅은 한숨]

[어두운 음악]

(노을내일 밤에 판정 검사 시작하면

If they start the evaluation tomorrow, they should finish with the brain wave scan in two days.

뇌파는 모레 오전쯤에 끝나겠네요

with the brain wave scan in two days. I'll talk to the guardian then.

그럼 보호자한테는 제가 얘기할게요

I'll talk to the guardian then.

조심해요맞으면  되지 [창이 살짝 웃는다]

Be careful. Don't get beat up.

(별스럽죠새로  사장

The new president is a pain, isn't he?


-What do you mean? -The response is a bit…


-What do you mean? -The response is a bit… The chiefs, too…

과장님들도 그렇고

The chiefs, too…

(영재원장 선출만   당장 내쳐 버릴 거니까

Once we have a director, we'll kick him out right away.


He made a promise.

선우 쌤은 어떤데요?

What about you? Me?


Me? How I feel isn't important.

제가  어떤  중요한가요?

How I feel isn't important.


It is important.


It is.

[노을이 서류를  내려놓는다]


Hold the elevator!


Oh, hello.


Oh, hello.


Thank you.

아침은 드셨어요?

Have you had breakfast?


I don't usually eat breakfast.


You shouldn't skip breakfast.

아침 빼먹으면 큰일 나요

You shouldn't skip breakfast.


Do you want some?



[휴대전화 진동음] [노을의 당황한 신음]

[노을의 짜증 섞인 신음]

[잔잔한 음악]


Thank you.



Lee No-eul speaking.


What about his fever?


Since last night?

엑스레이 어레인지  주세요

Please schedule an x-ray.

Thank you.

[휴대전화 진동음]



제가 주치의 맞아요

Yes, I'm her attending physician.

아직도 보미팅 있어요?

She's still vomiting? She just got off NPO.

그거 NPO 하다 넘어간 건데?

She just got off NPO.

일단 갈게요

I'll come by.


I'm sorry.

[엘리베이터 도착음]

좋은 하루 되세요

Have a nice day.


You forgot… Don't skip breakfast.

아침  드시고요

Don't skip breakfast.


It's hot!

[기계 인식음]

[도어  작동음]

[도어  작동음]

[영상에서 영어 음성이 흘러나온다]



이런  하나만 있었으면

I wish we had one of these.

이런  얼마쯤 하려나?

How much does something like this cost?


Gosh. Everything costs over 100 million won.

뻑하면 억대야진짜

Gosh. Everything costs over 100 million won.

[텀블러를  내려놓는다]

[노크 소리가 들린다


(의사스테이션으로 잠깐 오시라는데요

You were asked to come to the station.

[긴장되는 음악]

(영업 사원인지 기능과 전반적인  건강 개선에 탁월한 효과가 있다는 

This is effective for boosting cognitive function and brain health in general. If you stress this and recommend this drug,

셀링 포인트로 해서 의료진분들께서 추천해 주시면

If you stress this and recommend this drug,

여기서  수술 받은 환자분들 귀에 쏙쏙 박히지 않겠습니까?

the people who received brain surgery here would get intrigued. Not just the patients.

 환자분들뿐만 아니라

Not just the patients.

학생분들도 아침저녁으로  알씩만 챙겨 드시면...

Not just the patients. If students would take a few every morning and night…

(영업 사원저기...

I received permission from the president…

사장님 재가받고 하는 건데...

I received permission from the president…

[팸플릿을 마구 구긴다]

(지용어디를  거야일을 이따위로 벌여 놓고

Where did he run off to after pulling this crap?


You, too? These punks shoved this stupid box in my face,

이것들이 나더러 상어 간인지 고래 기름인지

These punks shoved this stupid box in my face,

(지용그딴 걸로 만들었다고 박스를 디밀면서 팔라는...

saying it's made of sharks' livers or whales' fat or something…

저기 과장!

Hey! Chief Oh!

 앞에서 시력 보강이 어쨌고

He talked about how it improves vision… How dare he tell us to sell this stuff? How dare he?

아니얻다 대고 약을 팔래얻다 대고

How dare he tell us to sell this stuff? How dare he? These punks take us for fools!

(지용이것들이 우리를 아주 알로 봐요!

These punks take us for fools!

[엘리베이터 도착음] [지용이 숨을  내뱉는다]

내가 회진 돌다 와서?

After my rounds… I'll just…

깜빡 묻어갈 뻔했네

I almost got dragged into it.

(구조 실장사장님 방금 나가셨는데요

Mr. Gu just left.

(세화구승효 사장님!

Mr. Gu!

(세화사장님은  사람들  뭘로 보이십니까?

What do you see these people as, Mr. Gu?

[세화의 헛웃음]

These people who came here in pain, asking for our help…

아프다고 살려 달라고  사람들

These people who came here in pain, asking for our help… What do you see them as?

 뭘로 보이시냐고요

What do you see them as?

'기억력 향상스트레스 감소 깊은 숙면'

"Memory enhancement." "Stress reduction. Deep sleep."

어디 이따위 싸구려 광고를 우리한테 그것도 환자들한테

How dare you throw these cheap ads at us and at the patients…

싸구려 아닙니다

They aren't cheap.

약의 효능이  미더워요?

You don't trust their efficacy?

우리가 장바닥 약장수입니까?

Are we drug peddlers at a market?

(세화아니같이 일하는 사람들한테 이렇게까지 자괴감 안겨서

What do you gain by making your colleagues feel a deep sense of shame like this?

도대체 사장님이 좋은  뭐가 있어요?

feel a deep sense of shame like this? -How could you-- -Enough!

어떻게 우리한테 이렇게까지...

-How could you-- -Enough!


-How could you-- -Enough!

오세화 과장

Chief Oh Se-hwa.

화정그룹이  대학 재단 인수했을 

When you found out that Hwajeong Group was acquiring this hospital, you should've refused firmly then.

목에 칼이 들어와도  된다고 그때 반대를 하든가

you should've refused firmly then.

이제 와서 무슨 뒷북입니까?

Why are you whining now?

(승효오세화 과장여기 병원 사람들 전부

Chief Oh. Along with all the employees here,

합병을 통해서 화정그룹의 직원이  겁니다

you became Hwajeong's employees through the acquisition.

그럼 이제 일을 하셔야죠

Then you should work.

직원들 하는 일이 뭔데요?

What do you think is the duty of employees? Isn't it to provide service and get paid?

회사에 이익 주고 월급  가는 겁니다 [세화의 헛웃음]

Isn't it to provide service and get paid? I can't understand why you're bringing up your sense of shame.

여기서 자괴감이  나오는지  도통 이해가  되네?

I can't understand why you're bringing up your sense of shame.

영업이 부끄럽습니까?

Are you ashamed of doing sales? What about it? Why?


Are you ashamed of doing sales? What about it? Why?

댁들한테 영업직들은 

Do salespeople seem that lowly to you people?

죄다 불가촉천민인가?

to you people?

 사람들도  빠지게 일해서 자기 가족들 먹여 살리는 사람들입니다

They work hard to put food on the table for their families, too.

의사는   먹고   싸는 신선이라도 되나 보죠?

Are doctors so noble that they're different from other people?

똑똑히 들으세요

Listen up.

  받고 일할 거면 영업  해도 됩니다

If you don't want to get paid, you don't have to sell the drugs. Don't do it if you don't want to.

하기 싫으면 하지 말아요

Don't do it if you don't want to.

[의미심장한 음악]

(간호사이것도 저기서   거라면서요?

I heard they supplied this.

돈도  꿨는데 괜히 빚진 꼴이 됐네

I didn't borrow any money, but I feel like a debtor.

이제 와서   수도 없고

It's not like I can just stop using it.

받아먹기만 하고 약을  팔아  수도 없고

I can't just take what they offered and not sell their drugs.



갑자기 주치의 오더에서   이름이   없어졌네요?

Your name got removed from the list of attending physicians.

어차피 낙산   거라  취소됐나?

Were they canceled since we're not going to Naksan anyway?


Who knows?

(간호사암튼 축하축하해요

Congratulations regardless.

이제 전화   오겠네

You will get fewer calls now.

That's right.

[어두운 음악]


Just what…

[문이 달칵 열린다]


재혁이는? [문이  닫힌다]

-Where's Jae-hyeok? -He clocked out.


-Where's Jae-hyeok? -He clocked out.

1 차가 빠져 갖고

That lazy first year. We couldn't clock out in my day.

(동수 때는 교대가 어디 있어

That lazy first year. We couldn't clock out in my day.

니가 박재혁이 사인 비스무리하게  갖고  과로 넘겨라

Forge his handwriting and pass it on.

가고 싶으면 자기나 가지

Why is he asking others to join? I don't even bathe my own dog.

내가 집에 있는  새끼 목욕도  시키는디

I don't even bathe my own dog.

(진우간다잖아요사장도 직접

The president is going himself, too.

과장님도 가시죠

You should go, too.


Forget it. The election is coming up.

원장 선거 금방인데요

The election is coming up.




Chief, why don't you register as a candidate?


Are you kidding? The deputy director clearly wants it.

부원장이 눈이 저래 시퍼런디

Are you kidding? The deputy director clearly wants it.

단일 후보가 뭡니까독재 국가도 아니고

How could we have only one candidate? Why do you think no one else stepped up?

(동수 입후보가  나서겄냐?

Why do you think no one else stepped up? The director has to work closely with the president.

원장   사장이랑 직방이여

The director has to work closely with the president.

[동수의 몸서리치는 신음]

It's better for the deputy director to take the fall.

부원장이 총대 메는  한결 나아

It's better for the deputy director to take the fall. Let him do it.


Let him do it.

재혁이   간다고 하믄 주말에 오프인  하나 잡아서 보내

If Jae-hyeok refuses to go, send someone who's off over the weekend.

 과에 딸랑  명씩인디 우리만  가면 찍혀서 쓰겄냐?

They want one per department. We should send someone. Otherwise, we'll look bad.

- (진우 - (동수


[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]




[잔잔한 음악] (노을구승효 사장 어떤데?

What is Mr. Gu like?

  사장한테 병동 보여 줬어

I showed him around the wards.

(진우네가 직접?

Personally? Why?

애들 보면 뭔가 느끼는  있지 않을까 해서

I thought he might feel something if he saw the kids.

(홍보 실장찍겠습니다여기 보시고요 [개들이 왈왈 짖는다]

Here we go. Look here. Let's all make a heart with your fingers.

 하트  번씩 부탁드릴게요

Let's all make a heart with your fingers.

하나! [카메라 셔터음]

One, two, three.

 번만  찍겠습니다

Let's take one more. People on the outside, please gather closer. Okay.

바깥에 계신 분들은 안쪽으로  모아 주시고요

People on the outside, please gather closer. Okay.

People on the outside, please gather closer. Okay.


One, two, three.

[카메라 셔터음]


Thank you.

[저마다 인사한다]

(센터 주인순서 말씀드릴게요

I'll tell you the order. First, clean the cages,

먼저 견사부터 청소하시고 주시고 목욕시켜 주시고놀아 주시고

First, clean the cages, feed them, bathe them, then play with them. We'll go in that order.

 순서로 진행할게요

We'll go in that order. -Please show them the way. -Please, come with me.

안내   주세요

-Please show them the way. -Please, come with me.

(직원1) 이쪽으로 가시는   따라오시면 되세요

-Please show them the way. -Please, come with me. This group, come with me.

[사람들이 대답한다] (직원2) 이쪽 견사는  따라오시면 되세요

This group, come with me.

(태상사장님이 동물까지 좋아하시는지 몰랐습니다

I didn't know you liked animals as well.

(상엽사장님 이렇게 입으시니까 아주 10년은 젊어 보이시네요

You look ten years younger, dressed like that. Thank you.


Thank you.

(홍보 실장저기사장님

Mr. Gu.

개인적인 인터뷰  해도 될까요?

May I get a personal interview?

어떻게 할까요?

May I get a personal interview? Sure. How should we do it? If you'd tell us your objective as we walk,

걸어가시면서 취지 같은  말씀해 주시면

If you'd tell us your objective as we walk,

(홍보 실장저희가 자연스럽게 편집하겠습니다

we'll edit it to make it look natural.

짧게 끝냅시다 여기 놀러   아니니까

Let's keep it short since I'm not here to play. We'll include clips of you volunteering as well.

(홍보 실장봉사하시는   컷만  담겠습니다

We'll include clips of you volunteering as well.

불편 드려서 죄송합니다

I apologize for the trouble.

(승효어느 쪽으로 갈까요?

Which way should we go?

저쪽으로 가실까요?

Let's go that way.


I've always had a soft spot for abandoned dogs

제가 평소에 유기견이나 유기묘에 대해서

I've always had a soft spot for abandoned dogs

 안타깝게 생각하고 있었는데 [어두운 음악]

and abandoned cats.

우리 병원 식구들이 이렇게 뜻을 모아 가지고...

The fact that people from our hospital… You're leading by example.


You're leading by example.

어쩝니까목매달아 놨는데

I have no choice. He has my life in his hands.

부원장님이야말로 밀어낸다 어쩐다 하시더니

What about you? You said you'd push him out.

밀어내려면 우선 옆에 바짝 붙어 있어야죠

I need to stick closely to his side if I'm going to push him out.


How did we get like this? Let's go.


Let's go.

[개들이 왈왈 짖는다]


It stinks.

[개들이 왈왈 짖는다]

(노을보배야맘마 먹자 [노을의 웃음]


It's been a while.

(노을보배맘마다맘마 [개가 낑낑댄다]

Come here and eat. Who gave you your name?

(노을이름은 누가 지어 줬어?

Who gave you your name?

[개를 어른다]

You're so cute.


You're so cute.


You're so cute.

이게 뭐야이게 뭐야

What's this?


What's this?

이거 뭐야이거 뭐야?

What's this?


Good boy. You're so cute.


Good boy. You're so cute.

[노을의 웃음]


Your cap…

 - (진우

-Yes. -Yes.

[차분한 음악]

지난번 말고 이걸로 들고일어났어야 했는데

We should've fought back about this.

 사장한테 완전히 말렸네요

Mr. Gu totally got us.

(노을언제까지 양심에 기댈  있을까요?

How long can we rely on our conscience?

(태상많이 뛰는 사람은 억대로 뛰겠지

For some, it'll probably go up hundreds of millions of won.

(상엽나야 경찰 조사가 끝나야 혜택을 받든가 말든가 하죠

I can't do anything until the police investigation is over.

(승효지금의 명성을 그런 식으로 쌓아 왔다고요?

Are you saying that is how he built his reputation until now? -We still have to look into it. -And if it's true?

- (선우알아봐야죠 - (승효알아봐서 맞으면?

-We still have to look into it. -And if it's true? To be honest,

(선우솔직히 말씀드리면

To be honest, the water will stay stagnant, and only the one who casts the stone will change.

우물은 그대로고  던지는 사람만 바뀐달까요?

the water will stay stagnant, and only the one who casts the stone will change. Things will soon be forgotten anyway.

(선우적발해 내도 금방 잊혀질 겁니다

Things will soon be forgotten anyway. Is that what you were after?

(노을정말  목적이었어요?

Is that what you were after?

그게 그렇게 중요한 거예요?

Is that important? Because it says a lot about what kind of person you are.


Because it says a lot about what kind of person you are.

(노을구승효라는 사람이 어떤 사람인지 알려 주니까요

Because it says a lot about what kind of person you are. Did you know then? Why you?

(진우그때부터  거야?

Did you know then? Why you?

(진우 너야?

Did you know then? Why you? Why did you come?

 네가 왔어?

Why did you come?

(선우형이 계획을 바꿀지도 모르니까

There was a chance you'd change your plan. Why didn't you tell me?

(진우   했어?

Why didn't you tell me?

무슨 현장 확인?

Check what? A government employee is coming here?

공무원이 직접 여기에 온다는 얘기예요?

A government employee is coming here?

(경아벌써 왔습니다

He's already here.


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