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  무브 투 헤븐: 나는 유품정리사입니다 6

Move to Heaven: I Am a Keepsake Organizer 6


‪(주민1)‬ ‪아저씨‬Hey, janitor.
‪여기 골프 백 좀 꺼내 주세요‬Take out my golf club bag.
‪예, 예, 예, 예, 예, 사장님‬Okay, sure, sir.
‪[골프 백을 덜그럭 든다]‬
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪- 빨리 좀 와요, 빨리 좀‬ ‪- (인수) 예, 예, 예‬-Make it quick! -I'm coming!
‪(주민1)‬ ‪답답하다, 답답해‬He's frustratingly slow.
‪[인수의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[주민2가 말한다]‬-What's going on? -What happened?
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(간호사)‬ ‪김인수 님‬Mr. Kim In-su?
‪어, 환자분은‬ ‪지금 퇴원하시면 안 되고요‬You can't leave yet.
‪저희 과장님 뵙고 가셔야 돼요‬You should see our chief doctor first.
‪이쪽으로 오세요‬Please come follow me.
‪"NETFLIX 오리지널 시리즈"‬
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬
‪(인수)‬ ‪저…‬Excuse me.
‪사장님, 죄송합니다만‬Sir. I'm sorry, but this is a hospital,
‪여긴 병원이라‬I'm sorry, but this is a hospital,
‪전 지역이 금연 구역입니다‬so smoking is prohibited on the premises.
‪아, 예, 죄송합니다‬Oh, I see. I'm sorry.
‪(인수)‬ ‪저, 어, 사, 사, 사장님‬Well-- Sir, I can take the cigarette butt. Here.
‪[봉지를 부스럭 열며]‬ ‪꽁초는 이리 주십시오‬Sir, I can take the cigarette butt. Here.
‪(상구)‬ ‪아이, 아닙니다, 괘, 괜찮은데…‬Goodness, no. It's okay.
‪아이, 괜찮습니다‬Don't worry about it.
‪아, 예‬ ‪[인수의 웃음]‬Okay, then.
‪[꽁초를 부스럭 넣는다]‬ ‪(인수)‬ ‪그럼‬Well, have a great day, sir.
‪좋은 하루 되십시오‬Well, have a great day, sir.
‪(상구)‬ ‪아, 예‬ ‪[인수의 웃음]‬Sure.
‪[인수가 브레이크를 달칵 푼다]‬ ‪[미선과 인수의 웃음]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[픽 웃는다]‬
‪아저씨‬ ‪[현창의 놀란 신음]‬Mr. Oh!
‪(나무)‬ ‪아무리 생각해도‬I've been thinking and decided to check with you.
‪이건 확인을‬ ‪좀 해야 될 거 같아서 왔는데요‬I've been thinking and decided to check with you.
‪그루 삼촌이‬ ‪살인자라는 소문이 있던데‬I heard Geu-ru's uncle is a murderer.
‪설마 아니죠?‬It can't be true, can it?
‪그건 어디서 들었어?‬Where did you hear that?
‪대박, 정말이었어요?‬OMG. Is it true?
‪(나무)‬ ‪와, 진짜 말도 안 돼‬Oh my goodness. I can't believe this.
‪아, 지금 어디서가 중요해요?‬Where I heard doesn't matter.
‪아, 대체 무슨 생각이지?‬What was he thinking?
‪무슨 생각이면 살인자를‬ ‪그루 옆에 둘 수가 있어요?‬How could he leave Geu-ru to a murderer?
‪사람 죽인 전과자가 후견인?‬ ‪그거 뭐, 법에 안 걸려요?‬Can a murderer be a guardian? Isn't it against the law?
‪아니, 아저씨는 다 알면서‬ ‪왜 정우 아저씨 안 말렸어요?‬If you knew all this, why didn't you stop Uncle Jeong-u?
‪아, 무슨 변호사가 이래요‬What kind of lawyer are you?
‪변호사는 의뢰인을 보호하고‬ ‪지켜 줘야 되는 거 아니에요?‬Aren't you supposed to protect your clients?
‪[잔을 달그락 내려놓는다]‬
‪다 했어요‬I'm done.
‪(현창)‬ ‪조상구 씨는 정확히 말하면‬ ‪살인자는 아니야‬I'm done. To be exact, Mr. Cho is not a murderer.
‪경기 중에 실수로‬ ‪사람을 죽일 뻔했지만‬He nearly killed an opponent in a game, but the victim didn't die.
‪피해자가 사망에 이른 건 아니라서‬He nearly killed an opponent in a game, but the victim didn't die.
‪살인자가 되는 건 면했어‬So he wasn't punished for manslaughter.
‪지금으로서는 그 사람이‬As far as I know, there's no reason to see him as a threat to Geu-ru.
‪그루에게 위험하다는 근거는‬ ‪없는 걸로 알고 있는데?‬As far as I know, there's no reason to see him as a threat to Geu-ru.
‪혹시 내가 모르는‬ ‪위험한 상황이 생긴 거야?‬Did something happen that I don't know about?
‪그런 건 아닌데요‬Did something happen that I don't know about? No, but--
‪(현창)‬ ‪조상구 씨가‬ ‪그루를 위험에 빠트리거나‬Has Mr. Cho put Geu-ru in danger or threatened him?
‪위협한 적 있니?‬Has Mr. Cho put Geu-ru in danger or threatened him?
‪[상구의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[그루의 힘겨운 신음]‬Shit.
‪그랬던 거 같기도 하지만…‬I felt like he has, but…
‪- 아니요‬ ‪- (현창) 그루가 생활하는 데‬not really. Has he caused any inconvenience
‪불편을 끼치거나‬ ‪손해를 입힌 적이 있니?‬Has he caused any inconvenience or harm for Geu-ru?
‪[나무의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(나무)‬ ‪왠지 그런 느낌적인‬ ‪느낌은 있지만…‬Somehow I felt like he has,
‪- 아니요‬ ‪- (현창) 무브 투 헤븐 직원으로서‬but not really. Has he done any harm to Move to Heaven by inappropriate behaviors?
‪적합지 않은 행동으로‬ ‪피해를 야기한 적은?‬Has he done any harm to Move to Heaven by inappropriate behaviors?
‪항상 그런 거 같지만‬It seems like he has all the time,
‪딱히 없네요‬but not really.
‪나무야, 조상구 씨가‬ ‪살인자란 소리를 안 들었다면‬Na-mu, what if you didn't hear that Mr. Cho was a murderer?
‪어땠을 거 같니?‬Na-mu, what if you didn't hear that Mr. Cho was a murderer?
‪마음엔 안 들지만 뭐‬I still don't like him, but I wouldn't be scared of him either.
‪무섭다고 생각은‬ ‪안 했을 거 같아요‬I still don't like him, but I wouldn't be scared of him either.
‪[현창이 차를 호로록 마신다]‬
‪(나무)‬ ‪그래도 한 가지 이해가 안 돼요‬Still, there's one thing I don't understand.
‪아저씨는 그걸 다 알면서‬ ‪걱정도 안 되세요?‬Aren't you worried even if knowing all that?
‪(현창)‬ ‪응, 안 돼‬No, I'm not.
‪왜요?‬How come?
‪그루 옆에는‬ ‪듬직한 나무 하나가 있거든‬Geu-ru has this good tree called Na-mu.
‪안녕히 계세요‬Have a good day.
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬ ‪[잔을 달그락 내려놓는다]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[미란이 그릇을 달그락거린다]‬
‪(상구)‬ ‪[신발을 탁탁 신으며]‬ ‪웬일이냐? 오늘 일도 없는데‬What are you doing here? We got no job today.
‪(나무)‬ ‪그거야 있으나 마나 한‬ ‪신입 사원분 생각이고‬That's how a useless newbie's mind works.
‪(나무)‬ ‪[가방을 툭 내려놓으며]‬ ‪저처럼 유능한 인재는‬A helpful staff like me knows better. I'm here to do prep work,
‪일이 없어도 출근해서 뭐‬ ‪현장 나갈 준비도 하고‬A helpful staff like me knows better. I'm here to do prep work, check the devices, and work on marketing strategies
‪기계 점검도 하고‬ ‪홍보 전략도 짜고‬check the devices, and work on marketing strategies although we got no job.
‪이, 주인 의식을 가지고‬ ‪일한다는 거예요‬It's called taking ownership.
‪회사를 사랑해서인지는 모르겠고‬I wouldn't say it's for our company,
‪(상구)‬ ‪내가 보기엔 그냥 하루 종일‬ ‪그루 옆에 붙어 있으려는‬but what I can tell is just a little cheap excuse to stick around Geu-ru all day long.
‪속 보이는 수작으로 보이는데‬just a little cheap excuse to stick around Geu-ru all day long.
‪하루 종일?‬"All day long"?
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪말해 봐, 하루 종일?‬ ‪이게 무슨 소리야?‬What does he mean by that? I don't get it. Aren't you studying for the exam?
‪(미란)‬ ‪너 학원 다니는 거 아니었어?‬I don't get it. Aren't you studying for the exam?
‪너 거짓말이야, 그거?‬Did you lie to me?
‪그, 그, 그게‬ ‪그, 그, 그게 아니라‬Did you lie to me? Actually, you know-- It's not like I--
‪그, 어…‬It's not like I--
‪(상구)‬ ‪안녕하세요, 인사가 늦었습니다‬How do you do? I should've introduced myself sooner.
‪저 그루 삼촌입니다‬I am Geu-ru's uncle.
‪나무 어머니 되시죠?‬You must be Na-mu's mother.
‪네, 저도 인사가 늦었네요‬I'm also sorry for the late introduction.
‪제가 농담했는데‬ ‪오해한 거처럼 들으셨네요‬There seems to be a misunderstanding. I was only joking.
‪(상구)‬ ‪제가 아직 여기 온 지‬ ‪얼마 안 돼서‬Since I just moved in,
‪회사도 그루도 잘 못 챙길까 봐‬I'm not doing a good job with Geu-ru and the work.
‪나무가‬So Na-mu is worried all day long, and that's what I meant by it.
‪하루 종일 걱정한단 말이었습니다‬So Na-mu is worried all day long, and that's what I meant by it.
‪(미란)‬ ‪어, 그런 거예요?‬Oh, is that so?
‪(상구)‬ ‪나무가 어려도 야무지고 똘똘해서‬Oh, is that so? She may be young, but she's very bright.
‪누굴 닮았나 했더니 이제 보니‬I've been wondering whom she takes after. Now that I see it is you.
‪어머니를 쏙 빼닮았네요‬I've been wondering whom she takes after. Now that I see it is you.
‪(미란)‬ ‪우리 나무가‬People say my Na-mu is a chip off the old block, me.
‪어릴 적 저‬ ‪붕어빵이란 소리 들어요‬People say my Na-mu is a chip off the old block, me.
‪어려운 공부 하는데‬ ‪이제 덜 귀찮게 하겠습니다‬I won't bother her as much since she studies for something important.
‪(상구)‬ ‪죄송합니다‬I apologize for that.
‪(미란)‬ ‪죄송할 거까지야…‬You don't need to.
‪[나무의 어색한 웃음]‬
‪- 나무야‬ ‪- (나무) 에?‬-Na-mu. -Yes?
‪(상구)‬ ‪뭐 해? 학원 가야지‬You got to go to study now.
‪(나무)‬ ‪아, 가야죠, 어‬Yes, that's right. Okay. From now on,
‪어, 그럼 이제‬ ‪저 좀 작작 귀찮게 굴고‬Okay. From now on, stop bothering me, and be good to Geu-ru. I don't want to worry anymore.
‪제가 걱정 안 하게‬ ‪그루한테 잘하세요, 아셨죠?‬stop bothering me, and be good to Geu-ru. I don't want to worry anymore.
‪아유, 늦었다, 어? 엄마, 나 가‬Oh no, I'm late. Mom, I have to go now.
‪치, 개똥도‬ ‪약에 쓸 때가 있다더니, 쯧‬Man, even good-for-nothing can be useful.
‪[자전거를 덜그럭 끌며]‬ ‪하는 짓 보면‬ ‪완전 나쁜 놈 같진 않네‬It looks like he isn't too bad after all.
‪(상구)‬ ‪그럼 살펴 가십시오‬-Okay, have a good day. -Sure.
‪(미란)‬ ‪예‬-Okay, have a good day. -Sure.
‪[상구의 웃음]‬
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬ ‪(그루)‬ ‪삼촌, 삼촌, 삼촌‬Uncle! -Uncle! -What is it?
‪(상구)‬ ‪왜, 왜?‬-Uncle! -What is it?
‪예약자 입금이 되어 있습니다‬We got a deposit for a job, but I don't recall getting a request.
‪(그루)‬ ‪예약받은 일이 없는데 이상합니다‬We got a deposit for a job, but I don't recall getting a request. I don't understand.
‪[종이를 사락 받으며]‬ ‪무슨 소리야?‬What do you mean?
‪아, 맞는다‬ ‪이거 내가 받은 거다, 3일 전에‬Oh, I remember now. I received the call. Three days ago.
‪그러니까 날짜가‬And he requested to come on the 1st.
‪1일, 어?‬And he requested to come on the 1st.
‪오, 오늘이네, 하, 씨‬Oh no. It's today. Darn it.
‪- 오늘입니까?‬ ‪- (상구) 어, 오늘 와 달라고 했어‬-Is it today? -Yes. He asked to come today.
‪(상구)‬ ‪너 딴 일도 없는데 가능하지?‬ ‪[슬리퍼를 툭툭 정리한다]‬We got nothing else to do, so we can do it, right?
‪[신발을 탁탁 신는다]‬
‪아, 뭐, 어째‬ ‪내가 들어온 다음부터‬Since I joined you, it seems like orders have flooded in.
‪주문이 끊이질 않냐? 쯧‬Since I joined you, it seems like orders have flooded in.
‪주문이 아니고 의뢰입니다‬Not orders. They're requests.
‪[그루가 상자를 툭 내려놓는다]‬We say "order" when ordering chicken.
‪(그루)‬ ‪주문은 나무네 치킨 시킬 때‬ ‪쓰는 말입니다‬We say "order" when ordering chicken.
‪그리고 아빠 계실 땐 지금보다‬ ‪의뢰가 세 배 정도 더 많았습니다‬And when Dad was here, we had three times more requests than now.
‪이상합니다‬ ‪나무가 아직 안 왔습니다‬Something is wrong. Na-mu isn't here yet.
‪나무한테 알려야 합니다‬We must ask her to come. Or else, she'll be mad again.
‪[휴대전화를 탁 들며]‬ ‪또 두고 가면 야단맞습니다‬We must ask her to come. Or else, she'll be mad again.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪그럴 필요 없어‬No need.
‪(상구)‬ ‪나무는 당분간‬ ‪무브 투 헤븐 휴직이야‬Na-mu will be on leave from Move to Heaven for a while.
‪개인 사정‬For a personal reason.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[손뼉을 짝 치며]‬ ‪렛츠 고!‬
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[나무가 가방을 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪[상구의 옅은 한숨]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬ ‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[상구가 숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪[안내 음성]‬ ‪고객이 전화를 받지 않아…‬Your call cannot be connected--
‪(상구)‬ ‪야, 일단 올라가 보자‬ ‪[상구가 휴대전화를 탁 닫는다]‬Let's go up there first.
‪[전철이 덜컹거린다]‬
‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬
‪어, 무브 투 헤븐에서 나왔습니다‬Hello. We're from Move to Heaven.
‪아무도 안 계시나?‬Is nobody home?
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[상구의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(상구)‬ ‪빨리 경찰에 신고해‬Call the police now.
‪그루, 안녕‬Hi, Geu-ru.
‪- (준영) 안녕하십니까‬ ‪- (상구) 예, 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Yes, hello.
‪많이 놀라셨죠?‬-It must've been shocking. -It caught me off guard.
‪아, 너무 갑작스러워서…‬-It must've been shocking. -It caught me off guard.
‪그나저나 어떻게 된 거예요?‬By the way, what happened?
‪의뢰를 언제쯤 받으셨다고 했죠?‬When did you say you got this request?
‪(상구)‬ ‪3일 전에‬ ‪어떤 남자분이 전화 주셨는데‬When did you say you got this request? Three days ago, a man called
‪성함이…‬-saying his name was-- -Mr. Kim In-su.
‪김 인 자 수 자 님입니다‬-saying his name was-- -Mr. Kim In-su.
‪(준영)‬ ‪분명히 김인수 씨라고 하셨습니까?‬-Are you sure it was Mr. Kim In-su? -Yes.
‪(상구)‬ ‪예, 왜요?‬-Are you sure it was Mr. Kim In-su? -Yes. Why?
‪(준영)‬ ‪사망자분 중의 남편 되시는 분이‬ ‪김인수 씨입니다‬One of the deceased is named Kim In-su, the husband.
‪그렇다는 건 살아 계실 때‬That means he requested himself when he was alive.
‪본인이 직접 의뢰하신 거예요‬That means he requested himself when he was alive.
‪(유림)‬ ‪떠나실 결심을 하시고‬ ‪직접 전화하신 거예요‬He decided to leave for good before he called you.
‪(준영)‬ ‪여기는 구청에서 나오신‬ ‪사회복지과 직원분이세요‬This is a social worker from the ward office.
‪(유림)‬ ‪안녕하세요‬ ‪사회 복지사 손유림이라고 하고요‬How do you do? I'm Son U-rim, a social worker.
‪[상구의 옅은 헛기침]‬
‪두 분이 제 담당이셨거든요‬I was in charge of these two.
‪이미선 님은 요양 병원에‬ ‪좀 오래 입원 중이셨고‬Mrs. Lee Mi-seon was a long-term patient at a nursing home,
‪김인수 님은‬ ‪아파트 경비 일을 하셨는데‬and Mr. Kim In-su was a janitor at an apartment complex.
‪제가 소식 듣고 알아보니깐‬After I heard the news, I found out that he was fired a month ago.
‪한 달 전에‬ ‪해고되셨다고 하더라고요‬After I heard the news, I found out that he was fired a month ago.
‪아마 그게 결심하게 된 계기가‬ ‪되신 거 같아요‬I think that was a trigger to make this decision.
‪[헛웃음 치며]‬ ‪씨‬Shit.
‪뭐 잘못됐나요?‬Is something wrong?
‪결심이요? 무슨 결심?‬Decision? A decision to do what?
‪(상구)‬ ‪아픈 부인 요양원에서 끌고 나와서‬To drag his sick wife out of the hospital and drug her and himself to death?
‪한날한시에‬ ‪약 먹고 죽게 하는 결심이요?‬To drag his sick wife out of the hospital and drug her and himself to death?
‪아니, 죽으려면 혼자 곱게 죽든지‬If you wanted to kill yourself, just do it alone. What was he thinking?
‪이게 뭐 하는 짓이야?‬ ‪[유림의 한숨]‬If you wanted to kill yourself, just do it alone. What was he thinking?
‪부인은 또 무슨 죄입니까?‬She didn't deserve this!
‪그 연세의 어르신들이‬ ‪죽음을 결심하신다는 게‬Do you think it's easy for the elderly to decide to end their lives at their age?
‪그게 그렇게‬ ‪간단한 문제인 줄 아세요?‬Do you think it's easy for the elderly to decide to end their lives at their age?
‪간단치 않을 건 또 뭡니까?‬What's not easy about it?
‪(상구)‬ ‪어설픈 책임감이랍시고‬ ‪남의 생사까지 자기가 결정하는 거‬To make the call on someone else's life and call it responsibility?
‪그거 살인자랑 뭐가 다릅니까?‬It's the same as a murder.
‪동반 자살이요?‬A double suicide? How do we know that she agreed to this?
‪아, 동반인지 아닌지‬ ‪누가 아는데, 그거?‬A double suicide? How do we know that she agreed to this?
‪담배 있냐?‬Got a smoke?
‪아, 차에 있지‬I left it in the van.
‪담배 좀 피우고 올게‬I'm going for a smoke.
‪(그루)‬ ‪그런데 유품을 전달받으실‬ ‪연고자 연락처가 없습니다‬We don't have anyone's number who can receive their belongings.
‪혹시 알고 계십니까?‬We don't have anyone's number who can receive their belongings. Do you know any?
‪두 분 따로 연고자가 없으세요‬They don't have any family members.
‪(준영)‬ ‪아쉽지만‬I'm afraid there seems to be no one who can take their belongings.
‪이번엔 유품 받을 사람이‬ ‪없을 거 같다, 그루야‬I'm afraid there seems to be no one who can take their belongings.
‪그래도 유품 정리는 하겠습니다‬Still, we will organize them.
‪(상구)‬ ‪야, 저런 인간을 위해서‬Don't pay a silent tribute or any shit to a man like him.
‪묵념이고 나발이고‬ ‪해 줄 필요 없어‬Don't pay a silent tribute or any shit to a man like him.
‪뭐, 살뜰히 잘해 줄‬ ‪생각 하지 말고‬Don't try your best. Just give a lick and a promise.
‪그냥 대충해, 대충‬Don't try your best. Just give a lick and a promise.
‪저런 인간은 천국 못 가니까‬A loser like him won't go to heaven, so don't even pray for him.
‪[그루가 상자를 툭 내려놓는다]‬ ‪명복 같은 거‬ ‪빌어 줘 봤자야, 씨, 쯧‬A loser like him won't go to heaven, so don't even pray for him.
‪(그루)‬ ‪어떻게 돌아가셨는지도 모르면서‬I was told not to say carelessly when you don't know their stories.
‪함부로 말하면‬ ‪안 된다고 하셨습니다‬I was told not to say carelessly when you don't know their stories.
‪그래그래‬ ‪[그루가 가방을 덜그럭거린다]‬Okay.
‪또 너희 잘난 아빠가‬ ‪그렇게 말했겠지‬I guess your wonderful dad said that.
‪(상구)‬ ‪여튼 난 저기 들어가서‬ ‪먼지 한 톨도 안 치울 테니까‬Anyway, I won't clean a speck of dust in there. Understand?
‪그런 줄 알아, 씨‬Anyway, I won't clean a speck of dust in there. Understand?
‪(그루)‬ ‪알겠습니다, 그럼‬Okay, then,
‪이번 현장 작업 수당이 해당하는‬ ‪액수만큼‬today's pay will be deducted from your monthly salary.
‪월급에서 차감하겠습니다‬today's pay will be deducted from your monthly salary.
‪야, 너 그렇다고 바로 그렇게…‬Hey, don't be so quick to--
‪저도 좀 돕고 싶은데‬-I'd like to give you a hand if it's okay. -Sure.
‪- (유림) 괜찮을까요?‬ ‪- (그루) 네‬-I'd like to give you a hand if it's okay. -Sure.
‪하, 씨‬Gosh, darn it.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪김인수 님, 이미선 님‬Mr. Kim In-su and Mrs. Lee Mi-seon,
‪(그루)‬ ‪2020년 5월 31일 사망하셨습니다‬you passed away on May 31st, 2020.
‪저는 고인의 유품을‬ ‪정리해 드리러 온‬I'm Han Geu-ru, a trauma cleaner
‪무브 투 헤븐의 한그루입니다‬from Move to Heaven.
‪이제부터 김인수 님, 이미선 님의‬I'll now begin to help you with your final move,
‪마지막 이사를 시작하겠습니다‬Mr. Kim In-su and Mrs. Lee Mi-seon.
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(그루)‬ ‪어?‬Uh?
‪삼촌은 아까…‬But you said--
‪(상구)‬ ‪아이, 트럭 아저씨 오기 전에‬ ‪끝내야 할 거 아니야‬We need to finish before the truck guy gets here.
‪아, 내가 맘 바뀌어서‬ ‪하는 게 아니라‬It's not that I changed my mind.
‪그, 그 양반 잔소리 듣기 싫어서‬ ‪하는 거야, 알았어?‬It's just that I didn't want to get an earful from him. -Understand? -I understand.
‪(그루)‬ ‪알겠습니다‬-Understand? -I understand.
‪그래도 일당은 33%만 지급됩니다‬Still, you'll only get 33 % of today's pay.
‪와, 야, 이제 보니까‬ ‪네가 바로 그, 응?‬ ‪[그루가 봉지를 부스럭 든다]‬Whoa, now I can see that you're such a heartless, cold-blooded, penny-pincher boss.
‪(상구)‬ ‪피도 눈물도 없는‬ ‪짠돌이 악덕 사장이구나?‬that you're such a heartless, cold-blooded, penny-pincher boss.
‪(그루)‬ ‪그루는 눈물은 없지만‬ ‪피는 보통 사람과 똑같이 있습니다‬I have a heart and warm blood like everybody else.
‪제 혈액형이 A형입니다‬My blood type is A.
‪그리고 짠돌이는‬And as for penny-pincher…
‪무슨 뜻인지 잘 모르겠습니다‬I'm not sure what that means.
‪됐다, 쯧‬Forget it.
‪뭐, 이거만‬ ‪대충 다 나가면 되는 거지?‬So we're done when taking these out, right?
‪[옅은 헛기침]‬
‪어유, 숨 막혀‬Man, it's suffocating.
‪야, 환기 좀 시키자‬Hey, let's open the window.
‪(상구)‬ ‪여기 뭐, 옥탑이라‬ ‪아파트처럼 보이지도 않는데‬It's the rooftop floor, so no one can see us like in an apartment.
‪창문 열어 놔도 되잖아‬We can open the window, right? Shoot, it's stuffy in here.
‪아으, 답답해‬We can open the window, right? Shoot, it's stuffy in here.
‪뭐야?‬What's that?
‪문인가?‬A door?
‪그루야, 한그루‬Geu-ru. Han Geu-ru.
‪여기 좀 와 봐‬You need to see this.
‪[봉지를 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪[봉지를 부스럭거린다]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬Oh my!
‪이게 다 뭐야?‬What's all this?
‪[픽 웃는다]‬
‪[상구의 감탄]‬Wow.
‪그쪽 눈엔 이게 정말‬Does this look to you like something made
‪(유림)‬ ‪뭐, 죄 없는 아내 죽인‬ ‪나쁜 남편이 맞는 거 같아 보여요?‬Does this look to you like something made by an evil man who killed his good wife?
‪뭐, 알게 뭡니까‬I couldn't care less.
‪(유림)‬ ‪쩝, 씁‬
‪둘이 똑같은 걸 보는데‬Two of us are looking at the same thing,
‪누구는 사랑을 보고‬ ‪누구는 미움을 보네요‬but one sees love while the other sees hate.
‪두고 볼래요?‬Do you want to bet?
‪적어도 여긴‬ ‪제가 아는 그런 세상이라는 거‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬At least this shows the world I believe, and I'll make sure you see that.
‪그거 제가 확인시켜 드릴게요‬At least this shows the world I believe, and I'll make sure you see that.
‪두고 보면 뭐?‬See what?
‪(상구)‬ ‪아이, 그나저나‬ ‪이걸 다 언제 치우냐?‬Gosh, it's going to take forever to clean these out.
‪보기는 멀쩡한 거 같은데‬ ‪어디 갖다 팔면 안 되나?‬They look fine. Maybe we can take and sell them?
‪(그루)‬ ‪안 됩니다, 돌려줘야 합니다‬No, we can't. We have to return them.
‪(상구)‬ ‪뭐, 어디 있던 건 줄 알고 돌려줘?‬How? We don't know where they're from.
‪105동에 가야 합니다‬We have to go to Block 105.
‪1, 105동?‬Block 105?
‪야, 105동이 뭐, 한둘이냐? 쯧‬There are so many Block 105s out there.
‪쓸데없는 소리 하지 말고‬ ‪여기 빨리 치우고 그냥 가자‬Don't be ridiculous. Let's clean these out and leave.
‪(상구)‬ ‪아, 뭐가 이렇게 많아?‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Gosh, there are so many.
‪[상구가 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬
‪(그루)‬ ‪저기‬Right there.
‪우형아파트 105동에 가야 합니다‬We must go to Block 105 of Woohyeong Apartment.
‪(상구)‬ ‪야, 너 진짜‬ ‪그거 아파트에 가지고 갈 거야?‬Hey, are you really going to take them to the apartment there?
‪나 먼저 간다?‬I'm leaving without you.
‪진짜 간다?‬I mean it!
‪(유림)‬ ‪자성요양병원이죠?‬Is this Jaseong Nursing Care Center?
‪예, 저, 오전에 연락드렸던…‬I called you earlier about--
‪예, 지금 바로 찾아뵈려고요‬Yes, I'm going there now.
‪저기요‬Hey, there.
‪타요‬Get in.
‪싫으면 말고‬Or not.
‪[그루가 수레들 덜덜 끈다]‬WOOHYEONG
‪[초인종이 울린다]‬
‪(주민3)‬ ‪누구세요?‬Who is it?
‪화분을 돌려드리러 왔습니다‬I'm here to return your plant.
‪(주민3)‬ ‪어? 이거 우리가 버린 건데‬What? It's the plant we threw away.
‪- (주민3) 아이, 쯧‬ ‪- 감사합니다‬-What a hassle. -Thank you.
‪[초인종이 울린다]‬
‪2020년 5월 31일 돌아가셨습니다‬He passed away on May 31st, 2020.
‪(주민4)‬ ‪죽은 사람 키우던 걸‬ ‪왜 갖고 와요?‬Why did you bring it back from the dead man?
‪재수 없게, 씨‬It brings bad luck.
‪[초인종이 울린다]‬
‪(그루)‬ ‪화분을 돌려드리러 왔습니다‬I'm here to return your plant.
‪(주민5)‬ ‪필요 없어요‬No, thank you.
‪[초인종이 울린다]‬
‪(그루)‬ ‪김 인 자 수 자 님‬Mr. Kim In-su passed away on May 31st, 2020.
‪2020년 5월 31일 돌아가셨습니다‬Mr. Kim In-su passed away on May 31st, 2020.
‪할아버지가…‬Mr. Kim--
‪정말 할아버지가 돌아가셨다고요?‬Mr. Kim passed away? Are you sure?
‪네‬ ‪[민지의 떨리는 숨소리]‬Yes.
‪(민지)‬ ‪할아버지 어떡해‬Oh, poor Mr. Kim.
‪[민지가 흐느낀다]‬ ‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[매미 울음]‬
‪(민지)‬ ‪할아버지, 좀 나와 보세요‬Mr. Kim, would you please come out?
‪(인수)‬ ‪응?‬Okay.
‪왜?‬What is it?
‪짠, 경비실에 에어컨 왔어요‬Ta-da! It's an air conditioner for your office.
‪아이, 민지야‬Oh my goodness, Min-ji.
‪이게 뭐, 뭐, 무슨 일이야?‬I don't understand.
‪(민지)‬ ‪제가 친구들이랑 모금했어요‬I raised the money with my friends.
‪그래도 좀 모자랐는데‬I was still short, but my parents gave allowance for my birthday in advance.
‪부모님이 생일날 받은 용돈‬ ‪미리 보태 주셨어요‬I was still short, but my parents gave allowance for my birthday in advance.
‪좋죠, 이제 시원하겠죠?‬ ‪[인수의 웃음]‬Do you like it? Your office will be cool.
‪[상자를 탁탁 만지며]‬ ‪아이, 네가 이걸‬Did you really get this for me? For my office?
‪정말 여기 달아 준다고?‬Did you really get this for me? For my office?
‪(주민1)‬ ‪거기 잠깐‬Hang on a second.
‪아이, 학생‬ ‪누구 맘대로 이런 거 하래?‬Hey, kid. Who says you could do that?
‪(민지)‬ ‪네?‬Sorry?
‪이거 제 돈으로 산 건데요‬I bought this with my money, sir.
‪[헛웃음 치며]‬ ‪그, 에어컨만 달면‬ ‪그게 뭐, 저절로 돌아가나?‬An air conditioner doesn't run on its own.
‪(주민1)‬ ‪그, 에어컨 설치하면‬ ‪전기료는 누가 낼 건데?‬Who's going to pay for the electricity?
‪그게 얼마나 나온다고…‬It won't cost much.
‪(주민1)‬ ‪얼마가 나올지‬ ‪학생이 그걸 어떻게 알아?‬How do you know if it won't cost much?
‪사장님, 진정하시고요‬Sir, please calm down.
‪(인수)‬ ‪돌리더라도 아주 더운 날만 잠깐…‬I'll use it for a moment only on hot days.
‪(주민1)‬ ‪그 말을 누가 믿어요?‬How can I trust you?
‪인간이란 게‬ ‪있으면 쓰고 싶고 편하고 싶지‬Humans tend to seek comfort and luxury if they can afford it.
‪그, 아저씨도 그래요, 예?‬And what's with you, really?
‪정 그렇게 더우면‬ ‪아저씨들 사비로 달고‬If it's too hot, buy and use it with your own money and take it with you when you leave.
‪전기료도 내고‬ ‪갈 때 떼 가시면 되잖아‬buy and use it with your own money and take it with you when you leave.
‪아니, 에어컨도 주민 돈으로 사 줘‬You expect us to get you the AC unit and pay for the electricity as well?
‪전기료도 주민 돈으로 내‬You expect us to get you the AC unit and pay for the electricity as well?
‪이게 무슨 거지 근성인가?‬Are you a beggar or something?
‪아이, 이, 말씀이‬You're crossing the line a bit, sir.
‪(인수)‬ ‪좀 지, 지, 지나치십니다‬You're crossing the line a bit, sir.
‪지나칠 거 하나도 없어요‬I'm not anywhere near the line!
‪(주민1)‬ ‪매사에 그렇게 남 덕만 바라시니깐‬As you expect to get help for everything, you end up where you are, being a janitor.
‪그렇게 경비만 하시면서‬ ‪사시는 거예요‬As you expect to get help for everything, you end up where you are, being a janitor.
‪어린 학생들한테‬ ‪부끄러운 줄 아시고‬You should be ashamed and turn down this little girl's help.
‪거절을 하셔야지‬You should be ashamed and turn down this little girl's help.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪예, 알겠습니다‬Okay, I understand.
‪에어컨 안 틀겠습니다‬I won't use the air conditioner.
‪할아버지‬Mr. Kim!
‪(주민1)‬ ‪그, 선풍기 틀어요‬ ‪한 두 대 틀면 시원하겠네‬Use fans instead. Two fans will be good enough.
‪[주민1의 헛기침]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪괜찮아, 민지 마음만 받을게, 응?‬It's okay. I still appreciate your gesture. Okay? Thank you.
‪(인수)‬ ‪고마워‬ ‪[인수의 웃음]‬Okay? Thank you.
‪[기어 조작음]‬
‪[시동이 탁 꺼진다]‬
‪(상구)‬ ‪왜요?‬What?
‪- 여기 아세요?‬ ‪- (상구) 예?‬-Do you know this place? -Sorry?
‪(유림)‬ ‪내비게이션도 안 찍고‬ ‪바로 왔잖아요‬You didn't bother to use the GPS.
‪[탄성]‬Ah, that.
‪안 내려요?‬ ‪[유림이 안전벨트를 달칵 푼다]‬Aren't you getting out?
‪씁, 잠깐‬Hold on.
‪여기까지 와서 그냥 갈 건 아니죠?‬-Now that you're here, stay put. -What for?
‪아, 그냥 안 가면?‬-Now that you're here, stay put. -What for?
‪기다렸다 듣고 가셔야죠‬You need to wait and hear the truth of Mr. Kim In-su.
‪김인수 할아버지에 대해서‬ ‪오해한 거‬You need to wait and hear the truth of Mr. Kim In-su.
‪아, 그래요, 뭐‬ ‪내가 뭐, 오해했다고 칩시다‬Okay, let's suppose I misunderstood him.
‪내가 뭐 어떻게 해야 되는 건데요?‬What would you want me to do?
‪그쪽한테 사과라도 해야 돼요?‬Say sorry to you?
‪당연히 사과하셔야죠‬Of course, you should.
‪저한테 말고 김인수 할아버지한테‬Not to me, but to Mr. Kim.
‪(유림)‬ ‪사자 명예 훼손이라는 말‬ ‪들어는 봤어요?‬Have you heard of defamation of the deceased?
‪사, 사자 뭐요?‬What now?
‪여기서 딱 기다려요, 아셨죠?‬Don't go anywhere, okay?
‪(상구)‬ ‪아니…‬
‪아, 뭐야?‬What's with her?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪[한숨]‬
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬
‪상구 오빠‬Sang-gu.
‪(수진)‬ ‪나왔다는 얘기 들었어요‬I heard you got out.
‪(상구)‬ ‪미안하다‬I'm sorry.
‪넌 괜찮아?‬How have you been doing?
‪어때 보이는데요?‬You tell me.
‪[수진의 한숨]‬
‪오빠가 애쓴 덕분에‬Thanks to you, we can keep Su-cheol alive when he's supposed to be dead already.
‪수철이 오빠‬ ‪죽은 목숨 부지하고 있으니까‬Thanks to you, we can keep Su-cheol alive when he's supposed to be dead already.
‪(수진)‬ ‪고맙다고 말해야 되는 건데‬I should say thank you, but I can't bring myself to say it.
‪차마 그 말이 안 나오네‬I should say thank you, but I can't bring myself to say it.
‪미안하다‬I'm sorry.
‪(수진)‬ ‪오빠가 여기 있어 보면 알 거예요‬You'll know if you stick around here
‪살아도‬what it's like
‪[대야를 달그락 들며]‬ ‪사는 게 아닌 게 뭔지‬to be in a living death.
‪[수진의 한숨]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(상구)‬ ‪[떨리는 목소리로]‬ ‪어떻게 됐어?‬What happened?
‪(마담)‬ ‪죽진 않았어‬He's not dead,
‪[상구의 한숨]‬ ‪그렇다고 산 것도 아니야‬but he's not alive either.
‪뇌 손상이 심해서‬ ‪깨어날 가망 없대‬His brain is too damaged. He probably won't wake up.
‪[상구의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(상구)‬ ‪사, 살아 있다며‬If he is not dead, it means he breathes and his heart beats.
‪숨도 쉬고 맥박도 있는 거잖아‬If he is not dead, it means he breathes and his heart beats.
‪의식은 없지‬-Without consciousness. -You fucking bitch.
‪이런, 씨‬-Without consciousness. -You fucking bitch.
‪[상구의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(상구)‬ ‪이게 다 누구 때문인데, 응?‬It's all your fault.
‪어제까지만 해도‬ ‪나랑 웃고 떠들던 놈이야‬He was laughing and talking with me till yesterday.
‪당신이, 당신이‬ ‪이런 짓만 안 벌였어도, 이씨‬If you didn't set us up like this-- God damn it.
‪그렇게 말하면 나도 억울하지‬Don't blame me. How can it be my fault?
‪(마담)‬ ‪경기를 하라고 했지‬ ‪죽이라곤 안 했잖아‬I told you to fight, not to kill him.
‪[상구가 씩씩거린다]‬
‪수철이 죽으면‬If Su-cheol dies,
‪당신도 곱게 못 죽어‬I won't let you die easily, either.
‪감당할 수 있겠어?‬Are you sure you can handle it?
‪무조건 살려 내‬Bring him back no matter what.
‪[유림이 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[멋쩍은 신음]‬
‪(유림)‬ ‪두 분이 드신 수면제는‬The sleeping pills they took were
‪여기서 할머니가 드시던 거래요‬the ones Mrs. Lee got here.
‪아마 오래전부터 모으셨겠죠‬She probably has saved them for long.
‪늘 입버릇처럼 남편보다‬ ‪하루 먼저 가는 게 소원이라고…‬She always said her wish was to die a day before her husband dies.
‪그리고 김인수 할아버지‬And as for Mr. Kim,
‪췌장암 말기셨대요‬he had terminal pancreatic cancer.
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪[유림이 훌쩍인다]‬
‪(간호사)‬ ‪김인수 님‬Mr. Kim In-su?
‪어, 환자분은‬ ‪지금 퇴원하시면 안 되고요‬You can't leave yet. You should see our chief doctor first.
‪저희 과장님 뵙고 가셔야 돼요‬You can't leave yet. You should see our chief doctor first.
‪이쪽으로 오세요‬Come follow me.
‪[인수가 의자에 털썩 앉는다]‬
‪어쩐 일이에요, 이 시간에?‬What brings you here at this hour?
‪당신 보고 싶어서‬Just to see you.
‪무슨 일 있어요?‬Is everything okay?
‪있지, 좋은 일‬Sure. Plus, I have good news.
‪당신 소원 풀어 주려고‬I came here to grant your wish.
‪이제 우리‬Well, now…
‪집에 갑시다‬let's go home.
‪[인수가 흥얼거린다]‬
‪(유림)‬ ‪아유‬Goodness.
‪내가 이럴 때가 아닌데‬I got no time for this.
‪얼른 두 분 영정 사진부터‬ ‪준비해야 되는데‬I should prepare their portraits for the funeral.
‪(상구)‬ ‪돌아가신 두 분이 이분들이세요?‬-Are they the deceased earlier? -Yes.
‪(유림)‬ ‪네, 그런데요‬-Are they the deceased earlier? -Yes. Why do you ask?
‪(인수)‬ ‪저…‬Excuse me, sir.
‪사장님‬Excuse me, sir.
‪(인수)‬ ‪좋은 하루 되십시오‬Have a great day, sir.
‪[인수의 힘주는 신음]‬Shall we?
‪[인수가 브레이크를 달칵 푼다]‬ ‪[미선과 인수의 웃음]‬
‪[인수의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪이제 이분들은 어떡합니까?‬What's going to happen to them?
‪뭐, 장례나 그런 거‬I mean their funeral and so on.
‪두 분 다‬ ‪호적상 연고자가 없으셔서‬Since they have no family, they're classified as unattended deaths.
‪무연고 처리 되실 거예요‬Since they have no family, they're classified as unattended deaths.
‪(유림)‬ ‪다행히 저희는 시에서‬Luckily, the city offers funerals for people without a family,
‪무연고자 장례 지원 사업을‬ ‪하고 있어서‬Luckily, the city offers funerals for people without a family,
‪조촐하게나마‬ ‪두 분 장례를 치러 드릴 거예요‬ ‪[상구의 호응하는 신음]‬so we'll give a small one for them.
‪다행이네요‬Good to hear.
‪[사진을 사락 건넨다]‬
‪[사진을 탁 받는다]‬
‪(나무)‬ ‪그루야, 이번엔 포기해‬Geu-ru, you need to give up this time.
‪이 상자 전해 드릴 분이‬ ‪아무도 안 계신다잖아‬There's no one you can hand over this box to.
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪쯧, 이런 경우엔 이걸 뭐‬ ‪어떻게 했었던 거냐?‬How did you deal with a situation like this before?
‪정우 아저씨가‬ ‪따로 태워 드린다고 들었어요‬I heard Uncle Jeong-u burned it separately.
‪쯧, 뭐, 이번에도 그렇게 해야겠네‬Then that's how we do it this time.
‪(상구)‬ ‪한그루, 이제 그만 처리하자, 쯧‬Han Geu-ru. It's time to move on.
‪[상구의 한숨]‬ ‪(그루)‬ ‪안 됩니다‬-Goodness. -No!
‪아직 안 됩니다‬ ‪[상구의 당황한 신음]‬Not yet!
‪아이씨‬ ‪[그루의 다급한 숨소리]‬Come on.
‪(상구)‬ ‪네가 언제‬ ‪한 번이라도 된다고 한 적 있었냐?‬You really don't know how to say yes.
‪좋은 말 할 때 놔라, 아이‬You'd better let it go. Come on.
‪연고자 있으면 좋겠습니다‬I wish there's anybody close to them.
‪(그루)‬ ‪김인수 님, 이미선 님 아시는 분‬I wish I can find anybody who knows them and pays a visit to their funeral.
‪장례식에 와 주실 분‬ ‪찾으면 좋겠습니다‬I wish I can find anybody who knows them and pays a visit to their funeral.
‪아이, 그럼 너무 좋겠지‬That would be wonderful,
‪근데 아무도 안 계시다고 하는 거‬ ‪못 들었어?‬but you also heard there was no one.
‪(상구)‬ ‪아, 변변히 남은‬ ‪연락처 하나 없는데 ‬There isn't even a number to call. What can we do?
‪뭐, 어떡하라고, 쯧‬There isn't even a number to call. What can we do?
‪야, 너 일로 안 와?‬Geu-ru, come back here!
‪(나무)‬ ‪아이, 삼촌‬Uncle Sang-gu!
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪알겠어, 그루야‬ ‪장례식 마치고 하자, 그럼 됐지?‬All right, Geu-ru. We'll find them after the funeral, okay?
‪(나무)‬ ‪얼른 준비하고 출발해야지‬ ‪너 장례식 간다며‬You need to get ready for the funeral. You're going, right?
‪네 말대로 아무도 안 오면‬ ‪쓸쓸해하실 텐데‬As you said, they'd be lonely if no one shows up.
‪너까지 늦으면 안 되잖아‬So, you shouldn't be late either.
‪(그루)‬ ‪전부 김인수 님이‬These are the flowers Mr. Kim took care of for Mrs. Lee.
‪이미선 님을 위해 키우셨던‬ ‪꽃들입니다‬These are the flowers Mr. Kim took care of for Mrs. Lee.
‪과꽃, 소중한 추억‬Aster. Precious memories.
‪스파티필룸, 세심한 사랑‬Peace lily. Thoughtful love.
‪[그루가 화분을 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪드라세나, 약속을 지키다‬Dracaena. Keeping a promise.
‪홍콩야자, 행운과 사랑‬Dwarf umbrella tree. Luck and love.
‪백합, 순수한 사랑‬Lily. Pure love.
‪천일홍, 변치 않는 사랑‬Globe amaranth. Unchanging love.
‪붓꽃, 기쁜 소식‬Iris. Joyful news.
‪(민지)‬ ‪그대를 사랑합니다‬I love you.
‪동백꽃의 꽃말은‬ ‪그대를 사랑합니다라고‬Camellia means "I love you." in the flower language.
‪할아버지께서 알려 주셨어요‬Mr. Kim taught me that.
‪민지 학생‬Min-ji!
‪김인수 님, 민지 학생 왔습니다‬Mr. Kim, Min-ji is here.
‪[그루가 화분을 툭 내려놓는다]‬
‪[상구가 라이터를 탁탁 켠다]‬
‪(남자1)‬ ‪야, 누군지‬ ‪방귀깨나 뀌는 집안인가 보네‬Wow, I don't know who the deceased is, but the family must be pretty affluent.
‪(남자2)‬ ‪그, 재화건설 이사 모친상이라고‬ ‪쓰여 있던데요‬It's the executive's mother at Jaehwa construction.
‪- (남자1) 응?‬ ‪- (남자2) 저 특실‬-Really? -That VIP hall.
‪[남자1의 호응하는 신음]‬I see.
‪[남자1의 한숨]‬
‪[상구가 꽁초를 툭 던진다]‬
‪[당황한 신음]‬
‪어, 도, 도, 도, 도…‬ ‪[상구의 당황한 신음]‬It's a th-- thief! There's a thief!
‪- 도득, 도둑이야, 도둑이야‬ ‪- (상구) 야‬It's a th-- thief! There's a thief!
‪도둑이야, 도둑이야‬-You idiot! -Thief!
‪[그루의 아파하는 신음]‬ ‪(상구)‬ ‪이 새끼야‬Shoot.
‪이 자식‬Gosh.
‪타인의 물건을‬ ‪허락 없이 가져오는 행위는‬Taking someone's stuff without their consent is theft.
‪절도입니다‬Taking someone's stuff without their consent is theft.
‪(그루)‬ ‪범법 행위입니다‬It's a criminal act.
‪아이, 훔치는 게 아니라‬ ‪잠깐 빌리는 거야‬I'm not stealing it. I'm just borrowing it temporarily.
‪내일 아침에 다시 갖다주려고 했어‬I was going to return it tomorrow morning.
‪그래도 나쁜 짓입니다‬Still, it's wrong.
‪야, 너도 눈 있으면 좀 봐라‬Hey, take a look around.
‪(상구)‬ ‪아, 우리는 하나도 없는데‬We have nothing,
‪저기는, 어?‬ ‪차고 넘쳐서 놓을 자리가 없잖아‬but they have too many to put them all together.
‪아유, 하나쯤 없어져도‬ ‪아무도 모른다니까?‬Nobody will notice even if one is missing.
‪안 그러면 그냥 다 버려요, 씨, 쯧‬They'll probably throw them away in the end, you know.
‪화환이 꼭 필요한 겁니까?‬Do we really need a wreath?
‪아이, 뭐, 꼭 필요한 건 아니지만‬I wouldn't say we must have it,
‪하나도 없으면 섭섭하지‬but it'd be sad if we don't have any.
‪왜 섭섭한 겁니까?‬Why would it be sad?
‪야, 당연히 섭섭하지‬Think about it.
‪(상구)‬ ‪'돌아가신 분이‬ ‪천국에 잘 도착하시길'‬It's like a card saying there's someone who wishes
‪'기원하는 사람이 여기 있습니다'‬It's like a card saying there's someone who wishes
‪그런 마음이 적힌‬ ‪카드 같은 거니까‬the deceased would reach heaven safely.
‪그래도 타인의 물건을‬ ‪허락 없이 가져오는…‬-Still, taking someone's stuff-- -All right.
‪(상구)‬ ‪아유, 알았어, 안 해‬-Still, taking someone's stuff-- -All right. I won't take it. Are you happy now?
‪됐냐?‬I won't take it. Are you happy now?
‪아씨, 뭐, 하나쯤 뭐, 없어지면‬ ‪뭐, 아무도 모르는데‬Man, nobody would notice even if I took one.
‪뭐, 그거 가지고 그래?‬You're being too inflexible.
‪[통을 달그락거린다]‬
‪"1981년‬ ‪대리 김인수"‬1981, JAEHWA CONSTRUCTION KIM IN-SU
‪있습니다‬-I found them. -Found what now?
‪또 뭐가 있어?‬-I found them. -Found what now?
‪(그루)‬ ‪김인수 님 아시는 분‬ ‪장례식에 오실 분‬People who knew Mr. Kim and can come to his funeral.
‪여기 있습니다‬They're here.
‪야, 야‬Geu-ru!
‪"대리 김인수"‬Geu-ru! Assistant Manager Kim In-su from 1981. He's at Hall Five now.
‪(그루)‬ ‪81년 대리 김인수입니다‬Assistant Manager Kim In-su from 1981. He's at Hall Five now.
‪지금 5호실에 있습니다‬Assistant Manager Kim In-su from 1981. He's at Hall Five now.
‪- (사원1) 아세요?‬ ‪- (사원2) 모르지, 당연히‬-Do you know him? -Of course, I don't.
‪(사원3)‬ ‪야, 이거 언제 적 명함이냐, 이거?‬This business card looks archaic.
‪(사원4)‬ ‪회사 로고 옛날엔 되게 촌스러웠다‬The company logo was so tacky.
‪(사원5)‬ ‪81년이면 김 대리는‬ ‪태어나지도 않지 않았나?‬You weren't even born in 1981, were you?
‪(그루)‬ ‪98년 부장 김…‬You weren't even born in 1981, were you? -Senior Manager-- -You can't do this here. Please leave.
‪(경비원)‬ ‪여기서 이러시면 곤란합니다‬ ‪돌아가세요‬-Senior Manager-- -You can't do this here. Please leave.
‪아, 저, 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry.
‪야, 이제 그만해‬ ‪여기가 어디라고…‬-You can't do that in here. Stop it. -Wait.
‪(노 회장)‬ ‪잠깐‬-You can't do that in here. Stop it. -Wait.
‪누구라고?‬Who did you say he was?
‪98년 부장 김인수입니다‬Senior Manager Kim In-su from 1998. He's in Hall Five right now.
‪지금 5호실에 있습니다‬Senior Manager Kim In-su from 1998. He's in Hall Five right now.
‪김인수 부장이라고 했나?‬Senior Manager Kim In-su, you said?
‪네‬Yes, sir.
‪[노 회장의 한숨]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(노 회장)‬ ‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪내가‬Well,
‪현장을 나가던 그 시절에‬when I was still a working-level associate,
‪김 부장이 늘 있었지‬Senior Manager Kim was always there.
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪이 명함은‬I promise
‪내가 오래 간직함세‬KIM IN-SU JAEHWA CONSTRUCTION I'll keep this name card for a long time.
‪또 만나세‬See you again.
‪(인수)‬ ‪'가야 할 때가 언제인가를'‬How beautiful it is
‪'분명히 알고 가는 이의 뒷모습은'‬To look at someone from the back
‪'얼마나 아름다운가'‬Who confidently knows it's their time to leave
‪'봄 한철 격정을 인내한'‬My love that endured A season of passion in spring is falling
‪'나의 사랑은 지고 있다'‬A season of passion in spring is falling
‪'분분한 낙화'‬Blossoms fall everywhere
‪'결별이 이룩하는 축복에 싸여'‬I am surrounded by the blessings of farewell
‪(인수)‬ ‪'지금은 가야 할 때'‬And now it's time to leave
‪'무성한 녹음과'‬Toward an exuberant forest
‪'그리고 머지않아 열매 맺는'‬And to autumn when trees begin to bear fruit
‪'가을을 향하여'‬And to autumn when trees begin to bear fruit
‪'나의 청춘은'‬My youth
‪[울먹이며]‬ ‪'꽃답게 죽는다'‬Dies like a flower does
‪(유림)‬ ‪너무 애 많이 쓰셨어요‬You lived a tough life.
‪이제 두 분 다‬Please rest in peace,
‪편히 쉬셔요‬Mr. Kim and Mrs. Lee.
‪이젠 정말 그러셔도 돼요‬You deserve it.
‪[상구의 하품]‬
‪(유림)‬ ‪저기요‬Wait!
‪고마웠어요‬Thank you.
‪(유림)‬ ‪무연고 장례식 치르면서‬Sorry? I've never been proud like I was today when holding a funeral
‪오늘처럼 뿌듯했던 적‬ ‪처음이었거든요‬I've never been proud like I was today when holding a funeral for those without family.
‪다 무브 투 헤븐 덕분이에요‬All thanks to Move to Heaven.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬ ‪[유림의 웃음]‬
‪(상구)‬ ‪아, 아, 예‬Okay.
‪고생하셨습니다‬Good work.
‪[상구가 픽 웃는다]‬Goodness.
‪(그루)‬ ‪분홍색입니다‬They're pink.
‪(상구)‬ ‪뭐?‬What?
‪삼촌 귀가 분홍색으로 변했습니다‬Uncle, your ears turn pink.
‪아, 무슨 소리 하는 거야‬ ‪인마, 이씨‬What are you talking about, kid?
‪모세 혈관이 갑자기 팽창하면‬ ‪그렇게 됩니다‬It happens when your capillary vessels suddenly expand
‪심장 박동이 빨라져서 그렇습니다‬because your heart starts beating faster.
‪아이, 저, 야, 그런 거 아니거든?‬That little-- Hey! It's nothing like that!
‪(직원)‬ ‪화환 배달 왔습니다‬Wreath delivery.
‪화환이요?‬A wreath?
‪잘못 오신 거 같은데요‬ ‪여기는 보내실 분이 없는데‬You must be mistaken. There's no one who'd send it here.
‪(직원)‬ ‪맞는데요, 여기‬I got the right address.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(상구)‬ ‪화환 같은 거 필요 없다며‬Didn't you say we don't need a wreath?
‪(그루)‬ ‪삼촌 말대로‬As you said,
‪'천국에 잘 도착하시길‬ ‪기원하는 사람이 여기 있습니다'‬it'd be sad not to receive any card
‪카드를 하나도 못 받는 건‬ ‪서운할 거 같아서 그랬습니다‬from someone who wishes they'd arrive at heaven safely.
‪(그루)‬ ‪김인수 님이랑 이미선 님이‬There are many people
‪잘 도착하셨으면 좋겠다고‬ ‪기원하는 사람들‬who wish Mr. Kim In-su and Mrs. Lee Mi-seon reach heaven well.
‪많이 많이 있습니다‬who wish Mr. Kim In-su and Mrs. Lee Mi-seon reach heaven well.
‪그래서 대표로‬ ‪카드 한 장 보냈습니다‬So I sent a card on our behalf.
‪[픽 웃는다]‬
‪[새가 짹짹 지저귄다]‬
‪뭐냐, 이거?‬-What's this? -It's one of the plants Mr. Kim had.
‪김인수 님께서 키우셨던 화분 중‬ ‪남은 겁니다‬-What's this? -It's one of the plants Mr. Kim had.
‪나보고 뭐 어쩌라고?‬So what's got to do with me?
‪손유림 복지사님께서‬ ‪삼촌한테 드리라고 하셨습니다‬Ms. Son U-rim, the social worker, asked me to give it to you.
‪(그루)‬ ‪이제 삼촌이 키우셔야 합니다‬You should take care of it from now.
‪(상구)‬ ‪야, 키우는 거 딱 질색이야‬I hate taking care of anything.
‪아, 너 하나 감당하는 것도‬ ‪힘들어 죽겠구먼, 무슨, 씨‬Handling you is already too much.
‪이 꽃의 이름은 달리아입니다‬This is called dahlias.
‪(그루)‬ ‪당신의 마음을 알아서 기쁩니다‬"Happy to know about your heart."
‪- 뭐, 뭐?‬ ‪- (그루) 달리아의 꽃말입니다‬-What? -That's what dahlias means.
‪(그루)‬ ‪당신의 마음을 알아서 기쁩니다‬"Happy to know about your heart."
‪[픽 웃는다]‬
‪[입소리를 쩝 낸다]‬
‪[픽 웃는다]‬
‪[멋쩍은 신음]‬Right.
‪아씨‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬Shoot.
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬SU-JIN
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪어, 어, 어, 수진아‬Yes, Su-jin.
‪(수진)‬ ‪[흐느끼며]‬ ‪오빠가…‬Su-cheol is--
‪수철 오빠가 위험하대요‬ ‪[놀란 숨소리]‬he's in critical condition!
‪아, 아, 아, 알았어‬ ‪그, 그, 금방 갈게‬Okay, I'll be right there.
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬ ‪[휴대전화를 탁 닫는다]‬

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