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  사이렌: 불의 섬 6

Siren: Survive the Island 6


[마스터] 오늘의 아레나전‬Today's Arena Battle.
‪'목마른 사람이 우물 판다'‬The Thirsty One Digs the Well.
‪- [현지] 삽질, 삽질‬ ‪- [소방 팀원] 대박‬-Shoveling. -No way.
‪[마스터] 가장 먼저‬ ‪땅속 깊이 숨겨진 밸브를 찾아‬The first team to get the water running by finding the valve hidden underground
‪물을 터트리는 팀이 승리합니다‬The first team to get the water running by finding the valve hidden underground will be the winners.
‪단‬Each well has different sabotage coins hidden inside.
‪우물에는 서로 다른 공격 코인이‬ ‪숨겨져 있으며‬Each well has different sabotage coins hidden inside.
‪코인의 정체는‬Only the team that decides the lanes will know where different coins are.
‪자리 배치권을 가진 팀만‬ ‪알 수 있습니다‬Only the team that decides the lanes will know where different coins are.
‪우물 자리 배치권이 걸린‬ ‪대결 종목은‬The event in which you will compete for lane priority is…
‪팔씨름입니다‬arm wrestling.
‪- 시작‬ ‪- [지현] 와!‬Begin.
‪[현아의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[마스터] 마지막 팔씨름 경기‬ ‪진행하겠습니다‬The last round of arm wrestling will now begin.
‪- [긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- 운동 팀, 소방 팀‬Team Athlete, Team Firefighter.
‪각 팀 대표 경기장으로‬ ‪내려와 주시기 바랍니다‬Participants from each team, please come down to the arena.
‪안 잡아 보셨죠?‬You haven't held it, have you?
‪하, 진짜 그…‬I mean…
‪[마스터] 경기 시작하겠습니다‬The match will now begin.
‪- 시작‬ ‪- [시작음]‬Begin.
‪[참가자들의 탄성]‬
‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- [참가자] 아…‬
‪[운동 팀원의 환호]‬
‪[운동 팀의 환호와 박수]‬
‪저도 힘은 진짜 자신 있는데‬I'm pretty strong myself, but…
‪아유, 진짜 인정해 줘야 돼요‬Man, I've got to hand it to her.
‪무릎 꿇게 되더라고요‬I had to accept my defeat.
‪무조건 1등‬First place or nothing.
‪아니, 우리를 누가 이기겠어‬Who could possibly beat us?
‪[마스터] 운동 팀에게‬ ‪우물에 숨어 있는‬Team Athlete will be given information
‪코인의 정체를 공개하겠습니다‬about the coins hidden in the wells.
‪[김민선] 응‬-Just us? -Yes.
‪[지혜] 뭐 있는지‬-And what they do. -Their uses.
‪[마스터] 운동 팀 대표는‬Team Athlete, please discuss among yourselves
‪스탠드로 올라가‬ ‪팀원들과 회의를 통해‬Team Athlete, please discuss among yourselves
‪각 팀 우물 자리를‬ ‪지정해 주시기 바랍니다‬and choose a well for each team.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Two different sabotage coins are hidden in each well.
‪우물에는 각기 다른 공격 코인이‬Two different sabotage coins are hidden in each well.
‪두 개씩 숨겨져 있습니다‬Two different sabotage coins are hidden in each well.
‪[운동 팀원] 응‬-Do we think this is the best one? -Yes.
‪[은별] 그게 가장 좋은 거라고‬ ‪생각했어요, 저희는‬There was one that we thought was the best,
‪근데 그게 딱‬ ‪두 팀한테 갈 수 있었거든요‬but they could only go to two teams.
‪그래서 우리 하나, 여기 하나‬but they could only go to two teams. Us and them.
‪근데 우선은‬We joined forces with Team Firefighter for the battle in the morning,
‪좀 고민하고 있던 상태였거든요‬We were still weighing our options.
‪[마스터] 1번 자리‬ ‪발표해 주십시오‬Who will dig well number one?
‪소방 팀입니다‬Team Firefighter.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬-Why? -I wonder what it is.
‪[마스터] 2번 자리‬ ‪발표해 주십시오‬Who will dig well number two?
‪[희정] 운동선수 팀입니다‬Team Athlete.
‪[마스터] 3번 자리‬ ‪발표해 주십시오‬TEAM FIREFIGHTER, TEAM ATHLETE Who will dig well number three?
‪군인 팀입니다‬Team Soldier.
‪[은별] '일단은 군인한테‬ ‪먼저 왔으니 줘 보자'‬The soldiers did suggest an alliance,
‪이렇게 얘기가 되어 가지고‬so we decided to go with them.
‪[현선] 응‬-Numbers two and three must be better. -Right.
‪[마스터] 우물 자리 배치가‬ ‪완료되었습니다‬The wells have been assigned.
‪[비장한 음악]‬
‪아레나전 시작하겠습니다‬The Arena Battle will now begin.
‪전원 경기장으로 내려와‬Please come down to the arena
‪지정된 자리에‬ ‪위치해 주시기 바랍니다‬and stand at your designated wells.
‪[현지] 삽이 뭐예요?‬-So we have to dig this? -With the shovel?
‪[나은의 호응]‬-It seemed smaller from up there. -Exactly.
‪[마스터] 오늘의 아레나전‬Today's Arena Battle,
‪'목마른 사람이 우물 판다'‬The Thirsty One Digs the Well.
‪시작하겠습니다‬You may begin.
‪- [참가자1] 아자!‬ ‪- [참가자2] 파이팅!‬-Let's go. -Go, team. -The gloves. -They're in here.
‪[현선] 장갑 안에 있다‬ ‪우선 내가 이거 움직일게‬-The gloves. -They're in here. Let me move this first.
‪[군인 팀원] 오케이‬Okay.
‪- [은미] 비켜 주십시오, 비켜‬ ‪- [비장한 음악]‬I'm ready to roll. Step aside. Move.
‪[은미] 삽으로 퍼내‬Shovel it away.
‪[현선의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Okay.
‪저희 씨름장이 모래잖아요‬The ssireum ring is filled with sand.
‪자주 파 줘야 되거든요‬We have to dig through it often,
‪저희는 비치 카바디도 있거든요?‬There's an event called beach kabaddi,
‪[현아] 야, 우리가 제일로 잘해‬We're the best at this.
‪[비장한 음악]‬
‪[정민선의 거친 숨소리]‬We do a lot of shoveling out in the field.
‪[정민선] 저 같은 경우에는‬We do a lot of shoveling out in the field. Because fire trucks are so huge,
‪[현아의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[현선] 아씨‬Damn.
‪와, 씨‬Damn it.
‪[현선] 돌이야, 돌이야‬-There are so many. -There are.
‪[성연] 여섯, 일곱‬Six. Seven, eight.
‪여덟, 아홉‬Seven, eight. -Nine. -We're going at a good pace.
‪[희정] 지금 템포 좋아, 우리 다‬-Nine. -We're going at a good pace.
‪- [성연] 열‬ ‪- [희정] 하자, 하자, 하자‬-Ten. -Let's go.
‪내가 할게, 거기 안에 한번 팔게‬I'll break that up for you.
‪- [희정] 곡괭이 한번 하자‬ ‪- 어‬-Let's use the pickaxe. -Sure.
‪- [희정] 나오고, 나오고‬ ‪- 나와, 나와, 나와‬-Move. -Move over.
‪- [성연의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪- [희정] 좋아, 좋아, 좋아‬-Good. -Nice.
‪잘 판다, 잘 판다‬That's it.
‪- [군인 팀원] 좋아‬ ‪- [나은의 웃음]‬-Call me an excavator. -Nice.
‪[나은] '아임 포크레인'!‬"I'm an excavator!"
‪[현아] 그렇지‬That's it.
‪- [정민선의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪- 그렇지, 잘한다‬There you go. Good job.
‪[은미의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[은미의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[현지] 가자‬Let's go.
‪[현아] 됐어, 그만‬That's it.
‪[경호 팀원] 파이팅, 파이팅!‬You can do this.
‪[참가자1] 어? 비 온다‬It's raining.
‪[참가자2] 비 오는 건가?‬Is it raining?
‪[소방 팀원1의 힘주는 소리]‬30 MINUTES IN
‪[현아] 옆으로, 옆으로, 옆으로‬-Good. Keep going. -Move aside.
‪[소방 팀원2] 속도가 안 붙네‬We're not getting any faster.
‪[현지] 어? 여기 있다, 여기 있다‬-Found it. -Found what?
‪- [긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- 여기, 여기, 여기‬-Here. -Stop.
‪어? 여기 있다, 여기 있다‬Here it is.
‪- [현아] 코인 찾았습니다!‬ ‪- [정민선] 오케이, 오케이‬-We found a coin! -Okay. TEAM FIREFIGHTER ACQUIRES A COIN
‪[지혜] 찾았다!‬-We found it! -We'll use the coin.
‪코인 사용하겠습니다‬-We found it! -We'll use the coin.
‪[마스터] 소방 팀, 공격 코인‬Team Firefighter has acquired a coin
‪3분 공구 사용 금지를‬ ‪획득했습니다‬that bans the use of tools for three minutes.
‪[수련] 상상을 못 했어요‬I didn't see that coming.
‪[봄은] 생각하지도 못했거든요?‬I didn't expect this.
‪3분?‬Three minutes?
‪군인 팀 사용하겠습니다‬We'll use it on Team Soldier.
‪[현아] 군인 팀 사용하겠습니다‬We'll use it on Team Soldier.
‪[군인 팀의 기합]‬Nice! Let's go! -Let's go! -Yeah!
‪제껴야겠습니다‬We'll have to take Team Firefighter out.
‪보내 드려야지‬We'll send them home.
‪[군인 팀의 기합]‬-Let's go! -Nice! -Let's go! -Yeah! -Nice, break time! -Team Soldier.
‪[마스터] 군인 팀, 지금부터 3분간‬ ‪공구 사용이 금지됩니다‬-Nice, break time! -Team Soldier. You are banned from using tools for three minutes.
‪3분 시작‬Your three minutes begin now.
‪- [나은] 타임!‬ ‪- [째깍거리는 소리]‬It's just the tools. We can still use our hands.
‪[현선] 아니, 공구잖아‬ ‪손은 되잖아‬It's just the tools. We can still use our hands.
‪- [나은] 아, 오케이, 아!‬ ‪- [현선] 손은 되잖아‬-Okay. -We can use our hands.
‪[봄은] 우리는 개야, 개, 좋아‬-We're dogs now. -Good.
‪- 파, 파, 파!‬ ‪- [비장한 음악]‬Keep digging!
‪[은미] 3분 짧아, 3분 짧아‬Three minutes is nothing.
‪한 10분 주셨어야지‬-It's almost over. -They should have made it 10 minutes.
‪군인 정신이죠‬It's the soldier's spirit.
‪끝까지, 아직 안 끝났잖아요‬Until the end. It's not over yet.
‪- [은미] 다 머리를 이쪽으로 대‬ ‪- [현선] 예‬Put your heads this way. -Sure. Which way? -Inwards.
‪- 어디? 아, 이쪽으로?‬ ‪- [은미] 머리 이쪽으로 대‬-Sure. Which way? -Inwards. This way? Okay.
‪- [현선] 오케이, 오케이‬ ‪- [은미] 어, 엉덩이 들어!‬This way? Okay. Get your butts up!
‪- 엉덩이 들어!‬ ‪- [봄은] 가자‬-Get your butts up! -All right.
‪[군인 팀의 기합]‬-Let's do this. -Yes!
‪- [군인 팀의 기합]‬ ‪- [째깍거리는 소리]‬-Let's do this. -Yes!
‪[마스터] 군인 팀‬ ‪3분 종료되었습니다‬Team Soldier, your three-minute ban is over.
‪- [은미의 기합]‬ ‪- [군인 팀의 웃음]‬
‪[나은] 이상하네?‬It's strange.
‪[성연의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[김민선] 언니, 저기‬ ‪뭐 반짝이는 게 있는데?‬Seong-yeon, I see something shiny.
‪[희정] 언니, 언니, 언니‬Seong-yeon!
‪- [긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- 앞에, 앞에‬Right there. TEAM ATHLETE ACQUIRES A COIN
‪- 앞에, 앞에‬ ‪- [성연] 뭐야?‬TEAM ATHLETE ACQUIRES A COIN What is it?
‪저희 사용하겠습니다‬We'll use our coin.
‪[마스터] 운동 팀, 공격 코인‬ ‪흙 추가를 획득했습니다‬Team Athlete has acquired a coin that adds sand.
‪- [참가자1] 흙 추가?‬ ‪- [참가자2] 이게 더 안 좋네‬-More sand? -That's even worse.
‪[정민선] 흙 추가?‬-More sand? -Please choose a team to use it on.
‪[마스터] 어느 팀에 사용할지‬ ‪결정해 주시기 바랍니다‬-More sand? -Please choose a team to use it on.
‪경호 팀한테 사용하겠습니다‬We'll use it on Team Guard.
‪소방에 대한 마음도‬ ‪우리가 조금 있기 때문에‬But we had to stay on good terms with Team Firefighter as well.
‪[마스터] 운동 팀‬ ‪경호 팀에 공격 코인‬Team Athlete has used their sabotage coin to add sand to Team Guard's well.
‪흙 추가를 사용했습니다‬Team Athlete has used their sabotage coin to add sand to Team Guard's well.
‪[지현] 와, 이것들, 씨…‬Those little…
‪와, 그래, 해보자‬Fine, bring it on.
‪[수현] 뭐야?‬What the heck?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪저렇게 수레로 싣는다고?‬They're bringing a cartful of it?
‪[마스터] 경호 팀 우물에‬ ‪흙 500kg이 추가됩니다‬500kg of sand will be added to Team Guard's well.
‪[강렬한 음악]‬
‪- [참가자1] 다시 메우네?‬ ‪- [참가자2] 와…‬They're filling it back up.
‪[지현] '아, 빨리 부으소, 빨리'‬Hurry it up!
‪'이것 때문에 시간 딜레이되잖아'‬ ‪이 생각밖에 안 했어요‬I was just thinking, "They're setting us back right now."
‪[지현] 하자‬Let's go.
‪- [어두운 음악]‬ ‪- [수현] 이거 내가 할게‬I'll do this.
‪[지현] '무조건 빨리'‬As fast as possible. And as much as possible. That's all I thought about.
‪'무조건 빨리, 많이'‬ ‪이 생각밖에 안 들었어요, 그냥‬And as much as possible. That's all I thought about.
‪- [경호 팀원1] 잘한다, 파이팅!‬ ‪- [경호 팀원2의 환호]‬You're doing great!
‪[참가자3] 잘한다!‬
‪[경호 팀원1] 파이팅, 파이팅!‬Keep it up.
‪[경호 팀원3] 잘한다, 잘한다‬There you go.
‪- [수련] 나왔다! 코인!‬ ‪- [지현] 나왔다, 공격권! 공격권!‬-Found it. -We found a coin! TEAM GUARD ACQUIRES A COIN
‪- [어두운 음악]‬ ‪- [수련] 나왔다! 코인!‬-Found it. -We found a coin!
‪- [지현] 나왔다, 공격권! 공격권!‬ ‪- [경호 팀의 환호]‬-Found it. -We found a coin! Sabotage coin!
‪- [지현] 공격권! 공격권!‬ ‪- [경호 팀의 환호]‬Sabotage coin! They found a coin.
‪[마스터] 경호 팀‬Team Guard
‪공격 코인 3분 공구 사용 금지를‬ ‪획득했습니다‬has acquired a coin that bans the use of tools for three minutes.
‪사용하겠습니다‬We will use our coin on…
‪해당 팀은‬We will use our coin on…
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬
‪해당 팀은‬ ‪소방 팀에 적용하겠습니다‬We will use our coin on Team Firefighter.
‪[수련] 해당 팀은‬ ‪소방 팀에 적용하겠습니다‬We will use our coin on Team Firefighter.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[마스터] 경호 팀‬ ‪소방 팀에 공격 코인‬Team Guard has used their sabotage coin
‪3분 공구 사용 금지를‬ ‪사용하였습니다‬to ban Team Firefighter from using tools for three minutes.
‪[마스터] 3분 시작‬Your three minutes begin now. It's fine.
‪[정민선] 됐어, 언니, 됐어‬It's fine.
‪[나은] 어?‬ ‪어, 여기 있다, 있다, 뭐 있다‬Hold on. I found something.
‪- 어, 나왔어, 나왔어, 나왔어‬ ‪- [군인 팀] 나왔다!‬There it is. -Found it! -We found it!
‪[은미] 야, 나은이‬ ‪눈 돌아갔다, 지금, 눈 돌아갔어‬Na-eun's got crazy eyes right now.
‪[은미의 환호]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[마스터] 군인 팀, 공격 코인‬ ‪우물 바꾸기를 획득했습니다‬Team Soldier has acquired a coin that allows the team to swap wells.
‪[정민선] 아…‬
‪[마스터] 군인 팀은‬ ‪나머지 세 개 팀의 우물 확인 후‬Team Soldier, please check the other teams' wells
‪바꾸고 싶은 팀의 우물을‬ ‪결정해 주시기 바랍니다‬and choose the one you'd like to swap with.
‪단, 이 코인은‬ ‪사용하지 않는 것도 가능합니다‬Please note that you can choose not to use the coin.
‪- [현선] 와, 잘 팠다‬ ‪- [은미] 아유, 잘 팠다‬-They did great. -Nicely done.
‪현선아, 들어가‬Hyun-seon, get in there.
‪- [긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- 들어가 봐‬Go on in.
‪너 누울 수 있는지 봐 봐‬See if you can lie down.
‪- 오, 좋다, 좋다, 나와‬ ‪- [현선] 오케이, 좋아‬Nice. You can come out now. Okay, good.
‪[현선] 오케이‬Okay.
‪- 오케이‬ ‪- [봄은] 군인 팀 결정했습니다‬-Okay. -We made our decision.
‪[마스터] 군인 팀‬Team Soldier.
‪바꾸고 싶은 팀의 이름을‬ ‪말해 주세요‬Please state the team you'd like to swap with.
‪[봄은] 없습니다!‬No one!
‪[은미, 현선의 환호]‬No one!
‪- [비장한 음악]‬ ‪- [은미] 아자!‬Let's do this!
‪없대, 없대, 없대, 없대‬ ‪없대, 없대‬No one.
‪[참가자들] 멋지다!‬-You're awesome! -Amazing. This is our well!
‪[은미] 우리 거 하자, 우리 거!‬This is our well!
‪그냥 한번 놀려 주고‬We just wanted to tease them a little
‪'그냥 우리 거 하자' 이렇게‬and then get back to work.
‪'우리 거 지켜야 된다'라는‬ ‪생각을 하고 안 바꿨습니다‬We didn't swap wells and chose to keep ours instead.
‪[마스터] 소방 팀‬ ‪3분 종료되었습니다‬Team Firefighter, your three-minute ban is over.
‪- [현아의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪- [현지] 하나, 둘‬One, two. One, two. One…
‪하나, 둘, 하나‬One, two. One…
‪[은미] 잘한다, 파이팅!‬That's it. Let's go!
‪[참가자들] 파이팅!‬70 MINUTES IN
‪[어두운 음악]‬70 MINUTES IN Min-sun was digging out the sand with her legs in a W shape.
‪[성연] 나 한 번만 할게, 나와 봐‬ ‪내가 열 번만 삽질할게‬Let me get in there. Move. -I'll dig ten times. -Let me finish this.
‪[비장한 음악]‬-I'll dig ten times. -Let me finish this.
‪[희정] 잘하고 있어‬ ‪잘하고 있어, 어?‬We're doing great.
‪[소방 팀원] 한 개가 아니에요‬There's more than one.
‪[마스터] 운동 팀, 공격 코인‬Team Athlete has acquired a coin that allows the team to swap wells.
‪우물 바꾸기를 획득했습니다‬Team Athlete has acquired a coin that allows the team to swap wells.
‪[희정] 저희 사용하지 않겠습니다‬We won't use our coin.
‪[참가자들의 응원]‬-Keep digging! -Thank you!
‪[함께] 파이팅!‬90 MINUTES IN -Let's do this! -Go, team! -Let's go! -Let's go!
‪- 코인, 코인, 코인‬ ‪- [지혜] 어디, 어디?‬-It's a coin. -Look, a coin.
‪[현아] 여기 있다고? 코인이?‬-You saw a coin here? -There it is.
‪[지혜] 있네, 있네, 있네‬ ‪여기 있네‬-You saw a coin here? -There it is.
‪[마스터] 소방 팀, 공격 코인‬ ‪흙 추가를 획득했습니다‬Team Firefighter has acquired a coin that adds sand.
‪죄송합니다‬ ‪경호 팀 사용하겠습니다‬I'm sorry, but we'll use it on Team Guard.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬That's karma for you.
‪[성연] 멋지다! 파이팅!‬You're amazing! Let's go!
‪[지혜의 힘겨운 소리]‬
‪[현아] 아유, 힘들어라‬ ‪이제 힘들다‬This is getting tiring.
‪- [지혜] 나도‬ ‪- [현지] 응, 자, 언니도…‬You must be.
‪- [비장한 음악]‬ ‪- [현아] 들어와, 들어와‬But I never give up. Get in here.
‪[정민선] 이제 곡괭이 가자‬ ‪곡괭이 가자, 곡괭이 가자‬Grab the pickaxe. -The pickaxe. -Right.
‪[현지] 언니 하고 저 갈게요‬-The pickaxe. -Right.
‪[지혜] 아, 갯벌‬-This is as bad as the mudflat. -Gosh, the mudflat.
‪[현아] 잘한다, 잘한다, 우리‬There you go.
‪- 민선이 잘한다, 잘한다‬ ‪- [현지] 잘한다!‬-That's it, Min-seon. -Go!
‪[소방 팀의 응원]‬-Yes! -Nice!
‪계속 점점점 깊이가 있고‬Our well was getting deeper.
‪옆에를 둘러보니까‬I looked around and saw that we were digging the fastest.
‪우리가 1등이고‬ ‪우리가 속도가 빨랐고‬I looked around and saw that we were digging the fastest.
‪근데 아마 운동선수 팀이‬ ‪제일로 빠르거나‬It was either us or the athletes in the lead.
‪[현아] 아니면 저희가 빨랐을 텐데‬It was either us or the athletes in the lead.
‪[현지] 소방 잘한다, 1등이다!‬CURRENT RANKING
‪[지혜] 파이팅!‬Go, team.
‪누군가는 또‬ ‪'삽질은 군인이 잘하겠지?' 하지만‬Some might think soldiers are the best at shoveling,
‪뭐, 삽질은 소방관 아닙니까?‬but that's a job for firefighters.
‪[참가자1] 진짜 많이 팠다‬We dug out a lot.
‪- [참가자2] 좀만 힘내자‬ ‪- [참가자3] 와, 금방 팠어‬We dug out a lot. -Let's hang in there. -It didn't even take long.
‪[수련] 이 정도면‬Isn't it about time we found a coin?
‪[경호 팀원1] 어? 뭐?‬-What is it? -It's a coin.
‪[수현] 아, 코인이다‬-What is it? -It's a coin. -A coin. -A coin.
‪- [경호 팀] 코인! [환호]‬ ‪- [긴장되는 음악]‬-A coin. -A coin.
‪- [경호 팀원2] 봐 봐, 봐 봐‬ ‪- [경호 팀원3] 흙 추가!‬-See what it is. -More sand!
‪[경호 팀원2의 환호]‬-See what it is. -More sand!
‪[마스터] 경호 팀, 공격 코인‬ ‪흙 추가를 획득했습니다‬Team Guard has acquired a coin that adds sand.
‪아, 제발‬-Come on. -Please decide the team
‪[마스터] 어느 팀에 사용할지‬ ‪결정해 주시기 바랍니다‬-Come on. -Please decide the team -you'll use it on. -It'll be us.
‪우리네‬-you'll use it on. -It'll be us.
‪- 할 말이 없다, 근데 [웃음]‬ ‪- [정민선] 다 했는데‬-Fair enough though. -We're almost done.
‪[지현] 소방 팀 하겠습니다!‬We choose Team Firefighter!
‪[마스터] 경호 팀‬Team Guard has used their sabotage coin to add sand to Team Firefighter's well.
‪소방 팀에 공격 코인‬ ‪흙 추가를 사용했습니다‬Team Guard has used their sabotage coin to add sand to Team Firefighter's well.
‪어쩔 수 없어‬Nothing we can do about it.
‪- 가 보자, 가 보자‬ ‪- [비장한 음악]‬Let's do this.
‪더 좋아‬ ‪오히려 좋아, 오히려 좋아‬This is even better.
‪[현아] 아무것도 아니야, 금방이야‬This is nothing. It won't take us long.
‪[지혜] 이거 받아들여야 돼, 이거‬We just have to accept it.
‪[정민선] 일단은 해 보자‬Let's just do it.
‪'이것 때문에 우리 지겠다'라는‬ ‪생각은 안 했고‬We didn't think we would lose because of that.
‪'빨리 부은 거 빨리 마저 파자'‬We just had to dig out what was just added.
‪뭐, 이런 걸로 무너지면은‬ ‪여태까지 한 게 뭐가 되겠나 해서‬Our efforts would be in vain if we let this pull us down.
‪[지혜] 내 드갈게, 내 드갈게‬Let me help.
‪[정민선, 현아]‬ ‪- 파이팅하자, 파이팅, 파이팅!‬ ‪- 파이팅하자!‬-Let's do this! -Go, team!
‪[정민선의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪- 잘한다, 여덟!‬ ‪- [현지] 다 왔다‬-Good job. That's eight. -You're almost done.
‪- [현아] 다 왔다, 모래 나왔다‬ ‪- [현지] 다 왔다, 다 왔다‬-It's almost gone. -You're almost done. -Nine. -Nine.
‪[소방 팀] 아홉‬-Nine. -Nine. This is the last one.
‪[현아] 마지막, 라스트 한 방!‬This is the last one.
‪[정민선] 아, 미치겠다‬This is killing me.
‪[지혜] 오케이, 오케이, 현지‬-Okay, Hyeon-ji. -Dig around the edges.
‪[정민선] 가에 파, 가에 파야 돼‬-Okay, Hyeon-ji. -Dig around the edges.
‪- [소방 팀] 둘‬ ‪- [현아] 그렇지!‬-Two. -Two. -That's it. -One last time.
‪- [소방 팀원] 마지막!‬ ‪- [현아] 그렇지!‬-That's it. -One last time. -That's it! -That's it.
‪[힘주는 소리]‬
‪[지혜] 잘한다‬-No, I'm fine. -Great job.
‪저희 구호처럼‬Our motto is "always as if we're in the field."
‪'언제나 늘 현장처럼'인 것처럼‬Our motto is "always as if we're in the field."
‪얼마나 포기하지 않는지를‬ ‪보여 주고 싶었거든요‬We wanted to show everyone that we don't give up.
‪- [소방 팀] 넷‬ ‪- [현아] 넷, 잘한다!‬-Four. -Four. Good job.
‪- [소방 팀] 다섯‬ ‪- [현아] 다섯, 잘한다‬-Five. -Five. Nice.
‪- [소방 팀] 여섯‬ ‪- [현아] 여섯, 잘한다‬-Six. -Six. All right.
‪- [소방 팀] 일곱‬ ‪- [현아] 일곱, 잘한다‬-Seven. -Seven. Good job.
‪그렇지, 들어가, 던져!‬-Seven. -That's it. Throw the shovel.
‪- [힘주는 소리]‬ ‪- 그렇지, 잘했어‬Throw the shovel. That's it. Good job.
‪[지혜, 현아]‬ ‪- 멋있어, 멋있어, 개멋있어‬ ‪- 올라와, 올라와, 올라와‬-That was so cool. -You can come up now. -Get up here. -You were like Thor.
‪- [지혜] 토르 같아‬ ‪- [현아] 올라와, 올라와‬-Get up here. -You were like Thor.
‪들어가, 들어가, 들어가‬ ‪언니 갔다 올게‬Here I go. I'm getting in there.
‪- [현지] 와, 이게 모래가…‬ ‪- [현아의 힘주는 소리]‬Gosh, the sand…
‪[현지] 77‬-She's 177cm. -Aren't we almost done then?
‪[희정] 아, 많이 팠다‬-We should at least see a hose by now. -I know, we dug so deep.
‪[현지] 진짜 다 왔다‬We're almost done.
‪오케이, 오케이, 좋다, 좋다‬Okay, good.
‪여기서 포기하기엔 너무 아깝다‬We've come too far to give up. No one's giving up. Who said we're giving up?
‪[현아] 뭐가 있어, 들어와‬ ‪들어와, 빨리 곡괭이로 파‬I see something. Get in here with the pickaxe.
‪- [비장한 음악]‬ ‪- 곡괭이 파‬Use the pickaxe.
‪[현아] 깊이 파, 발로‬ ‪눌러, 그렇지‬Dig deep with your weight. That's it.
‪[성연] 우리 나왔어?‬-I found it. -Really?
‪[성연] 어, 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬No. It's all right.
‪[참가자의 비명]‬
‪[참가자들의 비명]‬
‪아, 깜짝이야‬What the heck?
‪[참가자들의 비명]‬What the heck?
‪[정민선] 일로 와, 일로 와‬ ‪잡아 줄게, 일로 와‬-Come on. I'll pull you up. -Pull her up.
‪[참가자들의 말소리]‬-Come on. I'll pull you up. -Pull her up. -Come on. -All right.
‪[정민선] 포기 안 하고‬ ‪물이 팍 하고 터져 나왔을 때 진짜‬We didn't give up. When the water burst out,
‪'대한민국 소방관은‬ ‪못 하는 게 없구나'‬I thought, "Firefighters can do anything."
‪'우리 넷이 있으면 진짜‬ ‪못 하는 게 없구나'‬"The four of us are invincible."
‪[지혜] 언니, 안아요, 우리‬Bring it in.
‪[소방 팀의 말소리]‬-That was exhausting. -Let's do our chant.
‪[정민선] 파이팅 한번 하자‬-That was exhausting. -Let's do our chant.
‪파이팅 한번 하자‬Let's do our chant.
‪[현아] 언제나 늘 현장처럼‬Let's do our chant. Always as if we're in the field!
‪- [함께] 파이팅!‬ ‪- [종료음]‬-Let's go! -Let's go! The Arena Battle is over.
‪[마스터] 세 번째 아레나전이‬ ‪종료되었습니다‬The Arena Battle is over. Team Firefighter wins.
‪- 승리 팀은 소방 팀입니다‬ ‪- [강조되는 효과음]‬Team Firefighter wins. TEAM FIREFIGHTER
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬I'm so sad.
‪[김민선의 한숨]‬
‪[김민선] 네‬Sure.
‪[희정] 아레나전 끝나고‬ ‪다들 올라가는데‬We were heading back after the Arena Battle
‪그 찰나에 소방 팀이‬when one of the firefighters locked eyes with us
‪저희랑 눈을 교환하시고‬ ‪바로 저희 쪽으로 틀어서‬when one of the firefighters locked eyes with us and came toward us.
‪오시는 거예요‬and came toward us.
‪'내일 군인을 할 건데'‬ ‪뭐, 이런 식으로‬She talked to us about raiding the soldiers the next day.
‪얘기를 이제 하시는 거예요‬She talked to us about raiding the soldiers the next day.
‪군인, 경호원, 운동선수, 저희‬ ‪이렇게 넷이 남았는데‬Soldier, Guard, Athlete, and Firefighter. There were four teams left.
‪누가 봐도‬ ‪군인을 쳐야 될 거 같거든요‬We could all agree that Team Soldier had to go.
‪'아, 연합해야겠다'‬So we needed an alliance.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Another team proposed an alliance earlier today. -Team Soldier, right? -Yes, it was them.
‪[희정] 네, 왔었어요‬-Team Soldier, right? -Yes, it was them.
‪[희정] 그래서, 그래서…‬-because we see you as the biggest threat. -Right.
‪'군인이 연합을 제의를 왔었는데'‬She told me that they'd talked to Team Soldier
‪'군인 팀이 우리를'‬and that they felt like Team Soldier was looking down on them,
‪'무시하는 거 같은 느낌을‬ ‪좀 받아서'‬and that they felt like Team Soldier was looking down on them,
‪'나는 그쪽 소방 팀이랑‬ ‪연합을 하고 싶다'‬and that they felt like Team Soldier was looking down on them, which is why they would rather work with us.
‪이렇게 솔직하게 자기네 속마음을‬which is why they would rather work with us. The leader of Team Athlete was very candid,
‪운동선수 팀 리더가 말을 해 줘서‬The leader of Team Athlete was very candid, and that's when I knew that I could trust them.
‪저는 그때 신뢰를 느꼈어요‬and that's when I knew that I could trust them.
‪[현아] 만날 일은 많아요‬ ‪저희가 가면 되니까‬-Okay. -We need to talk some more. -I'll come to you. -Sure.
‪[함께 인사한다]‬-Thanks. -Good game today.
‪- [희정] 우리 파이팅!‬ ‪- [현아] 네, 파이팅!‬-We got this. -Let's do it.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬Things are going great for us.
‪[희정] 그리고 내일 기지전만 하자‬-Let's just focus on the Base Battle. -Okay.
‪[김민선] 응, 응‬-Let's just focus on the Base Battle. -Okay.
‪[김민선] 응, 응‬-It'll be hard to hide it. -I know.
‪[은미] 저희입니다‬It's us.
‪[희정] 어, 오셨어요?‬Hey, you're here.
‪[현선] 안녕하세용‬-Hi. -How did you not get found?
‪- [의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪- [현선] 아, 그니까‬She didn't come here. She went that way. -I know. -She said "good game" and left.
‪[은미] 알겠습니다‬-Okay. -Got it. It's your decision to make.
‪[현선] 어‬-She's lying. -I know.
‪[은미] 응‬and she said that she just said hi and left. But that's not true. We saw her running from here.
‪[은미] 응‬Right.
‪[작게]‬Come here, Eun-mi.
‪[봄은] 어‬-To the athletes? -Yes. That's not the way to her base.
‪- [봄은] 지금 가야 돼‬ ‪- [현선] 지금 가자‬-We have to go to them. -Let's go.
‪[봄은, 현선]‬ ‪- 지금 가야 돼, 얘기했을 때‬ ‪- 가지 말입니다‬-We should go now. -Let's find them.
‪[현선] 응, 당연하지‬-Let's not tell them anything. -Right. Of course not.
‪[현선] 괜찮아‬It's fine.
‪[현선] 거짓말했어‬-They lied to us. -They lied.
‪[현선] 어‬but she said she didn't see her. She said they only ran into each other.
‪[현선] 예‬-I'm glad you went over there. -Right. We almost trusted them.
‪[군인 팀의 호응]‬Spray them with the fire extinguisher. -Yes. -It's over.
‪[군인 팀의 웃음]‬
‪[현지] 우리 빨리‬ ‪작전 다시 세우자‬We should come up with a new plan. When do you think the siren will go off?
‪몇 시에, 사이렌 몇 시에 불지랑‬We should come up with a new plan. When do you think the siren will go off?
‪[정민선] 아유, 작전을‬ ‪자꾸 세워야 되네‬We should come up with a new plan. When do you think the siren will go off? -We keep having to strategize. -Tell me about it.
‪[지혜] 그러니까, 우리가 우승인데‬-We keep having to strategize. -Tell me about it. -It's exhausting. -We're going to win anyway.
‪[소방 팀의 웃음]‬I doubt anyone will come outside.
‪[현지] 맞아‬-They'll be too scared to eat. -I know.
‪[지혜] 어, 맞아요‬She did. Team Soldier asked Team Athlete to take us down with them.
‪[지혜] 치‬Team Soldier asked Team Athlete to take us down with them.
‪[소방 팀원] 어‬-But now we have the benefit. -Right. Once we team up with the athletes,
‪[소방 팀원] 끝나네? 와, 미쳤다‬-it'll be over for them. -Right. This is insane.
‪[지혜] 얼음 세트 봐요, 얼음 세트‬-It's the ice set. -Ice set!
‪[현지] 얼음 세트!‬-It's the ice set. -Ice set! Yes, let's get our ice.
‪- [지혜가 재촉한다]‬ ‪- [현아] 일단 먹자, 먹자‬Yes, let's get our ice. Let's have ice. -I see a cooler. -There's a cooler?
‪- [현지] 아이스박스, 아이스박스‬ ‪- [현아] 아이스박스야?‬-I see a cooler. -There's a cooler? It's a cooler.
‪- [지혜] 언니, 리더, 오늘‬ ‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬-The leader should open it. -Our leader.
‪[현아] 그래, 아…‬Right.
‪- [지혜] 빨리, 언니, 읽어 줘요‬ ‪- [현아] 자, '사이렌권'‬-Read it for us. -"Siren Ticket."
‪'원하는 기지전 시작 시간을‬ ‪상의하세요'‬"Discuss when to begin the Base Battle."
‪'아레나의 횃불에‬ ‪이 카드를 태우면'‬"Discuss when to begin the Base Battle." "The siren will go off 30 minutes after you burn this
‪- '30분 후에 사이렌이 울립니다'‬ ‪- [정민선] 아레나 횃불에?‬"The siren will go off 30 minutes after you burn this -in the arena's fire bowl." -The arena's fire bowl? The arena's fire bowl?
‪[현지] 아레나 횃불?‬The arena's fire bowl? We have to get there without being noticed.
‪[현아] 야, 야‬We have to get there without being noticed.
‪[지혜] 횃불까지 갔다가 다시 와…‬We can just walk there and back.
‪[현지] 물이 어디 있지?‬Where's the water?
‪[소방 팀원의 웃음]‬Where's the water?
‪[현아] 얘들아, 일단‬ ‪얼음물을 해서 먹자‬Let's drink some ice water first. Come on.
‪[소방 팀의 탄성]‬
‪- [현아의 탄성]‬ ‪- [정민선] 진짜 맛있다‬It's so good.
‪- [정민선] 아, 맞다‬ ‪- [현지] 맞아, 와‬-You're right. -Right.
‪- [전화벨이 울린다]‬ ‪- [현지] 어? 뭐야‬What the…
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[정민선] 소방 팀입니다‬This is Team Firefighter.
‪[마스터] 지금부터‬ ‪내일 있을 기지전을 위해‬Please hide your team flag in preparation for tomorrow's Base Battle.
‪기지 내에 수비 깃발을 숨기세요‬Please hide your team flag in preparation for tomorrow's Base Battle.
‪[정민선] 어, 어, 그렇게, 그렇게‬-We can't have it too tight. -That's good.
‪- [현아] 됐어? 됐어, 이제?‬ ‪- [정민선] 예, 네‬-We can't have it too tight. -That's good. -Is it secure? -Yes.
‪- [은진] 원래 있던 자리로‬ ‪- [지현] 네, 원래 있던 자리로‬-We'll put it in the same spot. -That's right.
‪이거 이렇게 하면 되죠?‬Just like that, right?
‪[마스터] 운동 팀과 군인 팀은‬Team Athlete and Team Soldier
‪두 개의 기지 중‬can hide their flags in either of their two bases.
‪원하는 곳에‬ ‪깃발을 숨길 수 있습니다‬can hide their flags in either of their two bases.
‪[김민선] 우리‬ ‪여기다 숨길까요, 그냥?‬-Should we just hide it here? -Should we?
‪[희정] 그럴까?‬-Should we just hide it here? -Should we?
‪[김민선] 언니, 일단 오늘은‬ ‪여기가 맞는 거 같아요‬I think we should hide it here today.
‪내일 우리 보수 공사를 내일 하고‬We'll reinforce the base tomorrow.
‪[나은] 거기 틀 밟으시고‬TEAM SOLDIER CABIN You can step on that ledge.
‪- [현선] 어디? 여기?‬ ‪- [나은] 거기 보이십니까? 예, 예‬-Where? -Right there. -Here? -Yes.
‪[나은] 그래도 좋습니다‬ ‪이거에 정신 팔리니까‬-and put Team Police's up? -That's a good idea. -Won't it be better? -It'll distract them.
‪[현선] '와, 이 새끼들‬ ‪여기에 했네?' 하면서‬They'll go, "Look where they put it." -They won't think of the cabinet. -Right.
‪[나은] 캐비닛‬ ‪생각 못 할 거 같은데, 그러면‬-They won't think of the cabinet. -Right.
‪[현선] 저희 거는‬ ‪진짜 거는 캐비닛에 넣고‬We'll hide our flag in the cabinet and put Team Police's flag up here.
‪경찰 깃발을 여기에 올리는 겁니다‬and put Team Police's flag up here.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[봄은] 이렇게 해도 잘되나?‬Would this work?
‪- 야‬ ‪- [현선] 예?‬-Hey. -Yes?
‪[현선] 어떤 거?‬-Which one? -Let's use the camouflage paint.
‪[봄은] 응‬-The green one? -Yes.
‪그냥 다 칠해도 되겠네‬We can just paint over it. -Just like this? -Let's not make it too obvious.
‪- [현선] 그냥 이렇게?‬ ‪- [봄은] 어, 너무 티 안 나게‬-Just like this? -Let's not make it too obvious.
‪- 연하게‬ ‪- [봄은] 응‬Keep it light.
‪[현선] 진짜‬-It's camouflage paint for a reason. -Right. -I'm glad our color is green. -Imagine if it was red.
‪[현선] 진짜‬Seriously.
‪[현선] 짠!‬Ta-da.
‪티 안 나, 이건‬They can't tell.
‪속을 거 같은데?‬I think they'll fall for it.
‪- [봄은] 그럴싸해?‬ ‪- [현선] 네, 엄청‬-Does it look convincing? -Definitely.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬19:10 SQUARE HOUSE
‪[노크 소리]‬-Yes? -Someone's knocking.
‪- [현아] 예‬ ‪- [지혜] 어? 똑똑똑 한다‬-Yes? -Someone's knocking.
‪[현아] 네‬Yes?
‪[김민선] 네, 저‬Hello. -She can't open the door. -It's Team Athlete.
‪[소방 팀원] 문이 안 열리나 봐‬-She can't open the door. -It's Team Athlete.
‪[현아] 지금 열어 드릴게요‬I'm coming.
‪아, 아, 오셨구나‬ ‪어떻게 오셨어요? 네 명 다?‬I'm coming. -Hey, you came. -Yes. Are all of you here?
‪- [김민선] 저 혼자 왔어요‬ ‪- 혼자 왔어요?‬Are all of you here? -No, it's just me. -Just you?
‪[현아] 잠깐만, 얘들아, 나와 봐‬ ‪얘들아, 잠깐 나와 봐‬Guys, get out here for a second. An athlete came by to see us.
‪한 명이 왔어, 운동선수 팀이‬An athlete came by to see us.
‪[김민선] 좋다‬This is nice.
‪그냥 말만 전달하려고, 전‬I only came by to deliver a message.
‪[현아] 오늘 만나자고요?‬-we should meet tonight. -Tonight?
‪- [현아] 예, 40분까지 봬요‬ ‪- [김민선] 네, 네‬-We'll see you at 7:40 p.m. -We'll see you then. -See you. -At the treehouse, right?
‪[현아] 저기서 봬요‬ ‪스턴트 하우스에서, 네‬-See you. -At the treehouse, right?
‪[현아] 얘들아, 수상 가옥 쪽으로‬ ‪돌아서 갈 테니까‬We'll be going around the boathouse. Let's get moving.
‪얼른 가자‬We'll be going around the boathouse. Let's get moving.
‪[현아] 저기 미끄러우니까 조심해‬It's slippery. Watch your step.
‪아니, 어제 민선이랑‬Min-seon and I tried to take a shortcut to the boathouse.
‪여기 옆으로 지름길로 해서‬ ‪수상 가옥을 가려 했거든?‬Min-seon and I tried to take a shortcut to the boathouse. -Right. -But we couldn't find one.
‪- 아, 근데 없더라고, 지름길이‬ ‪- [어두운 음악]‬-Right. -But we couldn't find one.
‪[은미] 빨리‬Hurry.
‪[봄은] 소방? 어‬-Team Firefighter's? -Yes. We can go check it out right now.
‪[은미] 아, 무전기 가야죠‬Right, a radio.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Let's just go for now.
‪나가기만 하면 정보는‬ ‪무조건 수집을 해 왔거든요?‬Every time I went out, I came back with intel.
‪[나은] 예?‬-The hatchet. -Sorry? Should we check if it's there?
‪[나은] 예? 아, 아‬-What? -Move aside.
‪- [은미의 중얼거리는 소리]‬ ‪- [나은] 이거 어떻게…‬Damn it. How do we get up here? Where's the door?
‪문이 어디야?‬Where's the door?
‪- [나은] 어? 문이다‬ ‪- [은미] 가 보자‬-It is. -Let's go.
‪[나은] 좋아, 좋아‬ ‪다 파악하고 가야 됩니다‬Good. We need to find out as much as we can.
‪[은미] 문‬The door.
‪[은미] 됐어‬-Should we go in? -We found it.
‪[나은] 이걸 어떻게 잠가?‬How do they lock this? Try pulling it open.
‪- [나은] 최대한 잠가 보죠‬ ‪- [덜그럭거리는 소리]‬Try to keep me from opening it.
‪[은미] 못 열어?‬-I can't open it. -No?
‪[은미] 살짝 열어 놔‬-Let's keep it open then. -We have to keep it open.
‪[나은] 거기 문이‬ ‪되게 특이하잖아요‬Their door is quite unique.
‪이게 틈 사이가 벌어져 있지 않고‬ ‪항상 닫혀 있잖아요‬The door is always closed without a gap.
‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- 이걸 모르겠는 거예요‬We just couldn't figure it out.
‪'손잡이도 없는데‬ ‪어떻게 들어가지?' 하고‬How can you open a door without a handle?
‪[은미] 아!‬Until they get back?
‪[나은] 아, 왜 말입니까?‬-Why? -Let's see how they open it.
‪[나은] 아…‬-I see. -Let's watch them.
‪[나은] 네‬Sure.
‪- [은미] 저…‬ ‪- [나은] 알겠습니다‬-Over there. -Got it. Stay prone.
‪[소방 팀원이 작게] 와‬ ‪바다다, 바다‬TEAM FIREFIGHTER BOATHOUSE
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[지혜] 맞네, 맞네, 끝났네‬-We don't need to worry about this one. -You're right.
‪[현아] 그냥 이대로 놔두고 가자‬Let's leave it like this.
‪- [지혜] 언니, 35분이에요‬ ‪- [현아] 어‬It's 7:35 p.m.
‪[성연] 저기서 군인이 보여요‬19:35 TREEHOUSE You can see Team Soldier from there.
‪[희정] 언니, 언니‬ ‪그냥 저기서 얘기하자‬-Isn't it better to talk over there? -Let's talk over there. We can be spotted easily here.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬We're allies now. So let's decide on a specific hour and strike them quickly.
‪[현아] 계속 한 명이‬ ‪계속 화로대 앞에 있기 때문에‬We only got to see it from the outside. One of them is constantly on watch. We had already formed an alliance with the athletes,
‪[정민선] 일단 운동선수 팀들이랑‬ ‪맺어 놓은 연합이 있기 때문에‬We had already formed an alliance with the athletes,
‪제일 큰 걸 하나 제거를 하면‬so taking out the biggest threat was going to make the game easier.
‪앞으로 게임이 편할 거 같아서‬so taking out the biggest threat was going to make the game easier.
‪군인을 치는 게 맞다고‬ ‪생각했습니다‬That's why we thought we had to go for Team Soldier.
‪[희정] 그냥 문 들어가면 바로…‬-The window above the door. -Through the door… My biggest concern was the possibility
‪- [현아] '우리 큰일 났네'‬ ‪- [운동 팀원1] 1층, 1층‬-of an attic. -There isn't one. -It's just one room. -It's single-floor.
‪[현아] 맞아, 맞아‬they'd have to pass Team Soldier's base. It'd be best to end it before then.
‪[지혜] 군인 조져야 돼요‬So we need to finish the job before Team Guard arrives.
‪[운동 팀원2] 그냥 왔다 갔다 하면‬ ‪끝이네?‬That'll take up most of your time. Do you have a time in mind?
‪[현아] 자, 그러면‬Then… Okay, eight o'clock.
‪[참가자1] 아, 진짜‬-We'll be the last two teams standing. -Right.
‪[현아가 작게] '하나, 둘, 셋'‬ ‪하면 파이팅‬We are loyal to the bone. -Bring it in. On three. -Okay.
‪- [참가자2] 파이팅‬ ‪- [현아] 하나, 둘, 셋‬-Bring it in. On three. -Okay. One, two, three.
‪[참가자들] 파이팅!‬-Let's do this. -Let's do this.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬It would have been really scary had we not won the battle.
‪[지혜의 웃음]‬We wouldn't have been able to sleep.
‪[무전기 작동음]‬Na-eun.
‪[무전기 작동음]‬I'm hiding in front of Team Firefighter's base.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Okay.
‪쥐 나면 한번 이렇게‬ ‪앞으로 갔다가‬When I got a cramp, I leaned forward. And when I got another one, I leaned backward like this.
‪[나은] 쥐 나면 이렇게 뒤로‬ ‪뒤로 앉았다가‬And when I got another one, I leaned backward like this.
‪그렇게 했거든요?‬And when I got another one, I leaned backward like this.
‪[현아] 이거 지금‬ ‪돌아오는 길 있잖아‬You see the path we're taking back to our base right now?
‪지금 우리 가고 있는 길‬You see the path we're taking back to our base right now? This is the way we're going tomorrow.
‪이거 그대로 뛸 거야‬This is the way we're going tomorrow.
‪[현지] 아, 근데‬ ‪우리 것만 안 털리면 되는데‬I just hope no one gets our flag.
‪[현아] 우린 앞으로‬ ‪더 잘할 거니까‬We're going to do even better from now on.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[정민선의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[현아] 컵 갖고 들어가자‬Let's take that inside.
‪언니가 할게, 언니가 할게‬ ‪얘들아, 얘들아, 얘들아, 얘들아‬Let me do it, girls.
‪- [현아의 힘주는 소리]‬ ‪- [지혜] 언니 진짜 잘한다‬You're so good at that.
‪언니 손가락도 힘이 좋은가 보다‬-She has a strong grip. -Thank you.
‪- [소방 팀] 감사합니다‬ ‪- [현아] 어이, 들어가자‬-She has a strong grip. -Thank you. -Thank you. -Sure, let's head inside.
‪다 들어가라, 얘들아‬-Thank you. -Sure, let's head inside. I should take off my socks.

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