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  일타 스캔들 7

Crash Course in Romance 7


‪[수희치열  맞네

It really is Mr. Choi.

근데 여기서  내려? ‪반찬 사러 왔나?

Why did he stop here? Is he getting side dishes?


At this hour?

‪[수희그러게 ‪가게 문도 닫혔구먼

Right? The store's closed too.


That's strange.

완전 꿀참외네

This melon is so sweet. Too bad I didn't get more. They were on sale.

 봉지  살걸 ‪떨이였는데아깝네

Too bad I didn't get more. They were on sale.

수아 언니 아니야? ‪저기서  하는 거야?

Isn't that Su-hui? What's she doing there?

‪[익살스러운 효과음]

‪- [흥미로운 음악] ‪- [행선의 놀란 소리]

어머어머 ‪어머어머어떡해낸장

Holy cow! What do I do?


My goodness.

‪[휴대전화  소리]

‪- [치열지금 거의  도착… ‪- [행선이 작게!

Hi. I'm almost--

아무 말도 하지 말고 ‪두리번거리지도 말고

Don't say anything or look around.

자연스럽게 가게로 가면서 ‪  들어요

Listen to me as you casually walk toward my store.

‪- [치열그게 지금 무슨… ‪- [행선아유

What are you-- Don't ask questions! Just do as I say.

묻지도 따지지도 말고 그냥 ‪시키는 대로 해요얼른

Don't ask questions! Just do as I say.

‪20m 전방에서 수아 언니


아니수아 엄마가 ‪선생님을 보고 있다고요지금

I mean, Su-a's mom is watching you from 20m away.

‪[행선돌아보지 마요! ‪보고 있다고

Don't look back! She's watching!

보고 있다고

I said she's watching you.

‪[행선도시락 사러 왔다가 ‪허탕 치고 가는 것처럼요

Pretend you came here to buy my food, but the store was closed.

오버하지 말고 침착하게

Don't overdo it and keep it cool.

‪[놀란 탄성]

‪[ 소리로가게 문이 ‪벌써 닫았네

The store is closed already.


But I'm so hungry.

오늘은 그냥 ‪집에 가서 대충 때워야겠다!

I'll just have to eat whatever I have at home.

 실장내가 다시 전화할게

Mr. Ji, I'll call you back.

오버하지 말라고요

I said not to overdo it.



가게  닫힌  모르고 왔나 

I guess he didn't know the store was closed.

‪- 도시락 사러 ‪- [자동차 리모컨 작동음]

I guess he didn't know the store was closed. He must've come to buy food.

치열 쌤도 남해이네 반찬 먹나 

So he was Hae-e's mom's customer?

‪- 실망이야 ‪- [수희그러게

I'm disappointed. I know.

의외로 음식 취향이 소박하다

I expected him to have a more sophisticated palate.

빨리   인강 들어야 

Let's go home. I have online classes.


Okay. Let's go.

‪[수희엄마가 얼른 ‪샌드위치 하나 만들어 줄게

I'll whip up a sandwich for you. Okay.

‪- [수아 ‪- [기어 조작음]


‪[왈왈  짖는 소리]

‪[다가오는 발소리]

‪[행선이 작게클리어

Clear. Okay.

‪[치열이 작게오케이


‪[도어  작동음]

‪- 차는요? ‪- [치열편의점 앞에요

-Your car? -In front of the convenience store.

‪- 다행히 자리가 하나 있어 가지고 ‪- [행선의 놀란 소리]

-Your car? -In front of the convenience store. There was a spot.

‪- ? ‪- [행선어어!

-What? What is it? -Wait.

‪- [치열의 놀란 소리] ‪- !


A mosquito.

이거 물리면  가거든요

These ones leave you itching for days.

사람이  그래요진짜?

What's the matter with you?

가만 보면 ‪되게  놀라시는  같아

I'm surprised by how easily startled you are.

기가 약하신가 봐요

You must have weak energy.

아니내가 기가 약한  아니라 ‪얘기했잖아요

That's not it at all. As I said, I have an enormous influence--

‪- 나는 사교육계의 영향력이… ‪- [행선알죠

As I said, I have an enormous influence-- Yes, I know.

영향력이 막강하다는 

You're a big shot.

그래서 제가 ‪사력을 다해서 막았잖아요

That's why I acted so quickly.

 순발력 아니었어 봐요 ‪벌써 큰일 났지

Otherwise, you would've been in big trouble.

 번호 보고   같은데

She must've recognized my plate number.

아무래도 차를 하나 ‪새로 뽑아야겠네

Maybe I should get a new car.

차를 파시게요?

You're selling your car?

저것도 거의  차던데

But that one's pretty new too.

차를  팔아요얼마나 받는다고

Why would I sell it? I'd only get chump change.

그냥 하나 사면 되지

I'll just get another one.

 사면 되는구나

I see. You can just get another one.

‪[행선내가 참외   ‪ 사면 되듯이

Just like how I can just go get a few more melons.

‪- [발랄한 음악] ‪- [쓱쓱 적는 소리]

‪[치열의  내뱉는 소리]

‪[TV  교무부장지금부터

We will now be presenting awards to the top scorers

‪9 학력 평가 성적 우수자 ‪시상이 있겠습니다

We will now be presenting awards to the top scorers in the September mock exam.

‪2학년 1 남해이

Grade 11, Class 1, Nam Hae-e.

‪[밝은 음악]

‪[교무부장] ' 학생은 ‪2022학년도 9'

"This award is presented in recognition of the student's excellent achievements

‪'전국 연합 학력 평가에서 ‪우수한 성적을 거뒀으므로'

"This award is presented in recognition of the student's excellent achievements in the mock exam held in September 2022."

‪' 상장을 수여함'

in the mock exam held in September 2022."

‪'2022 9 21'

"September 21, 2022."

‪'우림고등학교 교장최정안'

"Principal of Woorim High School, Choi Jeong-an."

‪[정안모의고사 1등은 ‪처음인  같은데

This is the first time you've come out on top in a mock exam.


Great job.

‪[단지의 환호성]

‪[단지니들  박수  ?

Guys, give it up for her!

우리 해이가 ‪처음으로 1 했다잖아

She came out on top for the first time! Give it up!

박수 박수!

She came out on top for the first time! Give it up!

‪[단지의 환호성]

아유남해이 ‪이쁜 아휴

Nam Hae-e, that little munchkin.

‪[단지가 살짝 웃는다]

‪[TV  교무부장] 1 방수아

Class 1, Bang Su-a.

‪[교무부장내용은 동일합니다

We recognize your academic achievement.

‪6월에 1등이었지?

You were the top student in June. Keep up the good work.

‪[정안꾸준히 잘하고 있구나

You were the top student in June. Keep up the good work.


Better luck next time.

‪[교무부장] 1 이선재

Class 1, Lee Sun-jae.

내용은 동일합니다

We recognize your academic achievement.






국어만  보완하면 되겠던데?

Just work on Language Arts a little harder.

좋은 유전자를 물려받았는데 ‪발휘해야지

Make use of your excellent genes, okay?

Yes, ma'am.


All right.

엄마한테 ‪전화 한번 드린다 그래?

Tell your mom that I'll call, will you?

‪[선재의 한숨]


Congratulations, Hae-e.

‪[선재해이의 웃음]

‪[재우전교 1?

Top of her class?


Really? Hae-e?

‪[행선전교 1등이래

Yes, she's at the top of her class.

수학  맞았대해이만

She's the only one who got a perfect score in math.

‪[영주가 놀라며어머나

She's the only one who got a perfect score in math. Oh, my. I didn't know that was possible.

어떻게 수학을  맞아사람이?

I didn't know that was possible.

해이 천재인가 행선아! ‪어머웬일이야

She must be a genius! This is incredible.



 등짝  때려  ‪이거  아니지?

Can you slap my back? This might be a dream.

‪[행선의 아파하는 신음]


It hurts, Yeong-ju.

이거  아니야

It hurts, Yeong-ju. This isn't a dream.

그래현실이야마음껏 즐겨!

Yes, it's happening for real, so be happy.

‪- [행선의 벅찬 숨소리] ‪- [영주의 웃음]

Yes, it's happening for real, so be happy. Yeong-ju, I never thought good grades could make you happy,


Yeong-ju, I never thought good grades could make you happy,

 행복은 성적순이 ‪아닌  알았거든?

Yeong-ju, I never thought good grades could make you happy,

근데 그건 1등을   봐서 ‪몰랐던 건가 

Yeong-ju, I never thought good grades could make you happy, but maybe that's because I've never been at the top.

아유 진짜아유너무 좋아

but maybe that's because I've never been at the top. I'm so happy. I'm over the moon.

‪- 날아갈  같아영주야 ‪- [토닥이는 소리]

I'm so happy. I'm over the moon.

‪- 어떡해 ‪- [영주당연하지

Hey, of course.

암만 올림픽 정신 어쩌고 해도

Olympism is all well and good, but nothing beats winning a gold medal.

‪- 금메달 따면 기분 째지잖아 ‪- [행선의 벅찬 숨소리]

Olympism is all well and good, but nothing beats winning a gold medal.

일타가 괜히 일타가 아니네

Mr. Choi is called a star teacher for a reason.

아니과외  받았다고 ‪어떻게 바로 만점을 받냐?

Mr. Choi is called a star teacher for a reason. A little tutoring from him, and she gets a perfect score.

‪[재우맞아 ‪해이도 열심히 했는데

Exactly. It's true that Hae-e worked hard, but Chi-yeol's help has been crucial.

결정적인 어시스트는 ‪치열이 형이야

It's true that Hae-e worked hard, but Chi-yeol's help has been crucial.

‪[기쁜 숨소리]

‪[행선의 탄성]

‪[행선이 코를 훌쩍인다]

‪[통화 연결음]

‪[휴대전화  소리]

‪- 무슨 일로아유… ‪- [행선선생님!

-Hello? Why did you-- -Mr. Choi!

데시벨  낮춥시다

Will you please keep it down?

 무슨 일이길래 ‪그렇게 흥분하셔 가지고

Why are you so worked up?

‪[끼익 멈추는 효과음]

‪[행선이 작게해냈어요 ‪우리 해이가

Hae-e did it.


What do you mean?

‪[행선] 9모요 ‪자그마치 전교 1등이래요

The September mock. She came out on top of her class and had the only perfect score in math.

수학 만점은  혼자래요

She came out on top of her class and had the only perfect score in math.


That's good to hear.

근데 당연한  아닌가?

But no wonder. I'm her tutor.

‪- 누구한테 과외를 받는데 ‪- [행선맞아요

But no wonder. I'm her tutor. You're right.

전에는 쌤이 고딴 식으로 얘기하면 ‪ 재수 없고 그랬는데  하세요

I used to think you were full of yourself, but please go on.

오늘은 완전 인정 ‪리스펙입니다

I used to think you were full of yourself, but please go on. You're truly the best. I respect you!

‪[치열칭찬인지돌려 까는 건지

I'm not sure if that's a compliment or not.

‪[행선순도 100% 칭찬입니다

It's 100 percent a compliment.

감사합니다 ‪제가 크게 한턱 쏠게요

Thank you. I'll prepare a special treat for you.


You'll love it.

‪[행선의 기쁜 탄성]

‪- 어떡해 ‪- [치열예스!

-My goodness. -Yes!



‪- 좋았어 ‪- [버튼 조작음]



Great job!

‪[단지 친구지만 남해이

I'm not just saying this because I'm your friend.

‪- 인정 ‪- [해이의 웃음]

You're amazing. Honestly, mock exams haven't exactly been your forte.

아이솔직히 모의고사가 ‪내신보다 약했었잖아니가

Honestly, mock exams haven't exactly been your forte.

근데 어떻게 ‪학원과외 하나도  하고

But you improved your score without even taking any private classes.

이렇게 성적이 오르냐고

But you improved your score without even taking any private classes.

‪[해이운이 좋았어 ‪찍은 것도 맞고

I lucked out. Many good guesses.

‪[선재운도 실력이야 ‪잘난 척해

You studied hard. You can brag.

‪[단지엄마한테 말해야겠어

I'm going to tell my mom,

‪'학원 돌린다고 무조건 ‪성적 오르는  아니다?'

"You don't need private classes to get good grades."

‪'해이를 봐라'

"Hae-e is living proof."

‪- [헛웃음] ‪- 나도 학원 때려치우고

Maybe I should quit the academy

너한테 멘토링받을까건후처럼

and be tutored by you, like Geon-hu.


Forget it.

‪[해이건후는 ‪공부를   적이 없다니까

He's never studied, so I'm just giving him some direction.

그냥 방향만 알려 주는 거야

He's never studied, so I'm just giving him some direction.

‪[건후 얘기 하냐?

Talking about me?

‪- [달그락 놓는 소리] ‪- 내가 ?

What about me? What did I do?

‪[해이별거 아니야


‪- [건후그래? ‪- [해이

-Are you sure? -Yes.

‪[건후맞다 ‪ 궁금한  하나 있는데

Right. I wanted to ask you something.

해이 아까  ‪TV에는  나온 거야?

Hae-e, why were you on TV earlier?


Hey, that's… Gosh.


What? She wasn't?

‪[해이의 옅은 웃음]


그럼 내가 꿈꿨나 보다 ‪ [헛웃음]

I must've been dreaming then.

‪[해이밥이나 먹어그냥?

Just eat up, okay?

‪[건후너도 맛있게 먹어

Okay. You eat up too.

‪[단지 ‪남해이한테 9 발린 빵수아다

Here comes Su-a, beaten by you in the September mock.

표정 겁나  좋아지금

She looks awful.

‪[드르륵 의자 빼는 소리]

아휴 빵빵한  봐라

Look at her stuffing her face.

 급발진했다 [웃음]

She's losing it again.

분노의 먹방인가?

She must be eating her feelings.



‪[단지 저래?

What's with her?

해이 때문에  아프다는  ‪ 온몸으로 표현하는 거야뭐야?

Is she acting out her envy or something?

‪[수아의 힘겨운 신음]

‪[수아의 아파하는 신음]

 진짜 아픈  같은데?

It looks real.

‪[무거운 음악]

‪[수아의 고통스러운 신음]

‪[학생들이 웅성거린다]

-Oh, my. -What's wrong?


Excuse me…




Su-a. Are you okay?

괜찮은 거야 아파?

Are you in pain?


Oh, my goodness. What do I do?


Are you okay, Su-a?

아휴이게 무슨 일이야 ‪급체를  급체를

What happened? Why did you suddenly have an upset stomach?


My goodness.

어머  아유얼굴 

Look at your face.

얼굴이 파리한    ‪핏기 하나도 없잖아

Look at your face. You look completely pale.

그러니까 수아야

Listen, Su-a.

엄마가  에너지 드링크 ‪그거 자제하라 그랬지?

This is why I told you to cut back on those energy drinks.

니가 밤마다 그거를 ‪짝으로 들이켜니까

You drink about a dozen of them every night.

외삼촌이 그거

Your uncle had warned that you might experience side effects.

 부작용   있다고 ‪멕이지 말라 그랬단 말이야

Your uncle had warned that you might experience side effects.

정신력으로 ‪집중력을 컨트롤해야지수아야

Use your willpower to stay focused instead.

아휴진짜 엄마 너무 속상하다 ‪이게 뭐야

I'm so upset. This is terrible.

‪- [수아] 1 했어 ‪- [수희?

-She came out on top. -What?


Nam Hae-e.


She did what?


The September mock.

남해이가 전교 1 했다고

She came out on top of our class.

수아야그냥 오늘  번만 쉴까?

Su-a. Why don't you take the rest of the day off?

보강 자료만 받고?

We can still pick up the class materials.

근데  그러면은 ‪진도가 밀리니까그렇지?

But if you do that, you'll fall behind, right?

나중에  힘들어지겠다

It'll be tough to catch up later.

그래조금만  힘내 보자?

Fine. Just hang in there a little longer, okay?

모의고사 전교 1등이 ‪무슨 의미가 있어그게

Who cares if she came out on top in the mock exam?

전적으로 치면 ‪니가 월등히 앞서 있고

You have a much better track record than she does.

다음 시험  ‪제자리 찾으면 되고?

You can take her place in the next exam, right?

‪[수희수업하다가  힘들면 ‪중간에라도 연락해

You can call me if you want to come home early.

엄마 근처 카페에서 ‪대기하고 있을 테니까

I'll be waiting at a cafe nearby.


Got it?

‪[  닫히는 소리]

아유진짜 ‪무슨 해이가 전교 1등을 

Unbelievable. Hae-e came out on top?

아유애한테는 내색도  하고 ‪정말 짜증  죽겠네아씨

And I have to pretend not to care in front of Su-a. So annoying.

‪[직원변호사님 ‪그럼 그렇게 정리할게요

Ms. Jang, then I'll sort that out as you said.

‪- [휴대전화 진동음] ‪- [서진

Yes, please.

무슨 일이세요?

Hello? What is it?

‪[수희선재 엄마알고 있어요?

Ms. Jang, did you know?

선재가 해이한테 ‪올케어반 자료 공유한 

Sun-jae shared All Care materials with Hae-e.

모르셨구나 ‪선재 단속을  잘하셔야겠어요

I guess you didn't. You should keep a closer eye on him.

아니자료도 자료지만 ‪걱정돼서 그래

This isn't just about the materials. I'm concerned.

그런  많잖아요

You know how these things go.

선일고에서도 ‪전교 1 하는 남자애랑

Two top students at Seonil High School started going out together.

전교 5 하는 여자애랑 ‪사귀었는데

Two top students at Seonil High School started going out together.

그다음 시험에 ‪남자애는 20 떨어지고

In the next exam, the boy's grades took a nosedive

여자애는 전교 1 찍었다더라고

while the girl came out on top.

‪- 아니선재가 … ‪- [서진걱정하지 마세요

-I'm not saying Sun-jae-- -Don't worry.

 아들 단속은 내가 알아서 해요

I can take care of my son.

‪[무거운 음악]

‪[거친 숨소리]

‪[통화 연결음]


Hi, Mom. Hey.



 진짜 해이한테 ‪올케어 자료까지 줬어?

Did you really give Hae-e the All Care Program's material?

‪[버럭 하며 미쳤어?

Have you gone insane? Have you?

‪[선재가 한숨 쉬며그런  ‪아니에요

Have you? -It's not like that. -Cut it out.

‪[서진아니긴 뭐가 아니야지금?

-It's not like that. -Cut it out.

수아 엄마가 서슬이 퍼레서 ‪전화했는데

Su-a's mom just called me, all high and mighty.


I mean, why? Didn't I ask you not to do that?

엄마가엄마가 그렇게 ‪신신당부를 했는데선재야?

I mean, why? Didn't I ask you not to do that? Answer me, Sun-jae.


All right, fine.

니가  하면 내가 하지

If you can't do it, I'll do it.

내가  엄마한테 가서

I'll go tell her mom

거지 근성으로 ‪자식 공부시키는  아니라고

she shouldn't teach her kid to leech off of others.


she shouldn't teach her kid to leech off of others. How's that sound? Don't you dare.

‪[선재하기만 해요

Don't you dare.

다신 엄마   거니까

Or I won't see you again.

‪- 선재야이선재… ‪- [통화 종료음]

Sun-jae. Lee Sun-jae!



‪[노크 소리]


Ms. Jang.

의뢰인분들이 미팅을 ‪ 시간 미뤄 달라고 하시는데요

The clients would like to push the meeting back an hour.


Sure. We can do that.

그냥 그렇게 하시라고 해요 ‪알았어

Sure. We can do that.

‪[ 닫히는 소리]

‪[차분한 음악]

‪[깊은 한숨]

‪[떨리는 숨소리]

‪[드르륵 서랍 닫는 소리]


‪[힘겨운 숨소리]

‪[이태 젊은 애가 ‪연애도  하냐?

You're not seeing anyone? You're still young.

연휴 내내 출근하고?

Why spend the holidays working?

먹든가 뱉든가 ‪ 중의 하나만 인마

Hey, either swallow it or spit it out. Make up your mind.

‪- [형사선배 ‪- [이태?

-Detective Song. -What?

‪[형사내가 예전에 ‪걔를 분명히 어디서 봤거든요?

I'm sure I've seen him before.

근데 기억이  

But I can't place him.

수배자는 아닌데

He's not wanted.

 검정 후드 티에다가 ‪꾸부정해 가지고

Black hoodie, hunched over,

땅만 보면서 걷는데 ‪분명히… [탄식]

eyes fixed on the ground… I know I've seen him.

‪- [조르르 흐르는 물소리] ‪- [의미심장한 음악]

Gosh, it's hot.


Gosh, it's hot.

‪[이태의 힘겨운 신음]

너무 뜨겁다

It's so hot.

‪[이태의 힘겨운 신음]

라면… !

Hey, your ramyeon… Hey!

‪- [출입문 종소리] ‪- 라면아이!

What about our ramyeon?

‪[키보드 조작음]



‪[이태의 힘겨운 숨소리]

Yes, that's him. I'm certain.

‪[형사1] 맞아그놈이야확실해

Yes, that's him. I'm certain.


What are you talking about?

이영민 사건이요 쇠구슬

The Lee Young-min case. The metal ball.

‪[형사1] 실은 여름에 ‪민원이 하나 들어왔거든요

There was this complaint filed in the summer.

밤마다 누가 쇠구슬을 쏴서 ‪시끄러워 죽겠다고

Someone was shooting metal balls noisily every night.

길고양이도 죽고 그런다고

Someone was shooting metal balls noisily every night. Some stray cats got killed too.

그래서  골목엘  봤는데

When I went there to check,

어떤 놈이 갑자기  보더니 ‪냅다 내빼더라고요

a guy saw me and ran off right away.

그래서 추격하다 놓치긴 했는데

I chased him but lost him in the end.

‪[키보드 조작음]

That was him.

바로 이놈이에요 ‪이영민 건너편의  검정 후드

That was him. The guy in black across from Lee Young-min.

얼굴은   나왔지만

You can't see his face here,

키나 전체적인 느낌을 봐선 ‪확실해요

but he has the same build.

‪[키보드 조작음]


‪- [키보드 조작음] ‪- 봐요


이영민이 나가니까 ‪뒤따라 나가잖아요

He followed Lee Young-min out right away.

‪[형사2]  형사님 ‪시키신  알아봤는데

Detective Bae, I looked into what you told me about, and one of our precincts recently received

최근에 3 파출소 쪽에

and one of our precincts recently received

쇠구슬 관련 신고 들어온 건이 ‪있긴 하더라고요

a report about metal balls.

‪[치열] 4p분의 4, 4p분의 5

-It goes 3 over 4p, 5 over 4p, and so on. -Okay.

‪- 이런 식으로  거란 말이야 ‪- [해이

-It goes 3 over 4p, 5 over 4p, and so on. -Okay.

‪[치열그럼 얘네들이  ‪자연수가 되는 조건이랑

When these are all natural numbers, what else can we use?

  이용하면 될까?

When these are all natural numbers, what else can we use?

‪[해이, a5 범위요

When these are all natural numbers, what else can we use? -The range of a sub five. -Correct.

‪- [치열그렇지그럼 p ‪- [해이

-The range of a sub five. -Correct. In that case, p can be one third and one eighth.

‪[치열] 3분의 1, 8분의 1 ‪이렇게 구할  있을 거고

In that case, p can be one third and one eighth.

얘네 둘이 합치면 120S

If you add those two up, what will 120S be?

‪- [해이가 호응한다] ‪- [노크 소리]

If you add those two up, what will 120S be?

해이야멀었어언제 끝나?

Are you done yet, Hae-e?


We'll be done soon.

‪[재우 언제? ‪  ?

How soon though? In how many minutes?

‪[치열 문제 남았으니까 ‪8분이면 끝나요삼촌

We have two questions left, so eight minutes.

‪[재우, 8

Eight minutes?

알겠어요치열이 얼른 끝내요

Got it, Chi-yeol. Please hurry up.

‪[해이 당황스러우시죠 ‪저희 삼촌?

Does he make you uncomfortable?


Just a little.

낚시터에서 쌤한테 ‪반했나 보더라고요삼촌이

He's been smitten with you since we went camping. He won't stop talking about you.

죙일 치열이  얘기만 해요

He won't stop talking about you.

여자들하고만 살았어서 형처럼 ‪따르고 싶은  같기도 하고

Since he only lives with women, he must have wanted a brother figure.


I see.

아빠랑 떨어져  지는 ‪ 오래됐나 ?

Has your dad been away for long?

외국에 계신다고 들었는데

I heard he's abroad.


Yes, kind of.

‪[해이근데 ‪빨리 풀어야   같은데

I think we should hurry up.

삼촌  빠질  같아요

Uncle's getting impatient.

‪- [치열 ‪- [해이의 어색한 웃음]



A party?

‪- [흥미로운 음악] ‪- 

괜찮습니다 파티는 별로

I'm good. It's not my cup of tea.

‪[행선에이같이 내려가세요

Come on. Join us.

아이제가 큰맘 먹고 ‪한턱 쏘는 건데

It's my treat.

‪[치열아니아니진짜 괜찮아요

I'm good, really.

 시끄럽고 정신없는  ‪ 질색이라

I'm good, really. I find noisy and crowded places detestable.

 돌잔치라도 싫어요

I won't even attend my own birthday party.

가족끼리 하세요

Make it a family affair.

‪[재우가족끼리 아닌데

But it's not.

영주 누나도 밑에서 기다리는데

But it's not. Yeong-ju is waiting downstairs.

같이 가요치열이 

Yeong-ju is waiting downstairs. Join us, Chi-yeol.

‪- [치열아이… ‪- [행선그래요같이 갑시다!

-It's-- -Yes, join us! We're celebrating Hae-e coming out on top.

아이딴것도 아니고 ‪해이 1 축하 파티인데

We're celebrating Hae-e coming out on top.

아니선수가 MVP 탔는데 ‪감독이 빠지면 써요?

As her teacher, of course, you should be there.

아유 일부러 ‪도시락도  쌌단 말이에요

I didn't even pack dinner for you on purpose.

‪- … ‪- [재우같이 가면  될까요?

-Why-- -Will you please join us?

제가 족발도 시켰는데

-Why-- -Will you please join us? I even ordered some jokbal.

‪- [치열족발 별로 좋아하지 … ‪- [해이호이족발?

I even ordered some jokbal. -I'm not a fan-- -From Hoy's? Their jokbal tastes amazing. You should try it.

호이족발 맛있는데 ‪좀만 드시고 가세요

Their jokbal tastes amazing. You should try it.

선생님 ‪족발 별로  좋아하는데

Their jokbal tastes amazing. You should try it. I don't like jokbal. See? Hae-e wants you to join us too.

‪[행선보세요 ‪해이도 이렇게 원하잖아요

See? Hae-e wants you to join us too. I can't speak for me or Jae-woo,

아이재우랑 저는 모르겠는데

I can't speak for me or Jae-woo,

우리 해이가 경우 없이 조르고 ‪그런 캐릭터 아니거든요

but Hae-e never makes unreasonable requests.

애가 얼마나 좋으면 ‪그러겠어요

She must be so excited.

‪[해이   팔아 ‪엄마는?

Come on. Don't use me as an excuse.

‪[재우같이 가요치열이 

Come with us, Chi-yeol.

‪- [치열… ‪- [흥미로운 음악]

‪[행선같이 가요!

Come with us, Mr. Choi.

‪[행선룰은 알고 있지?

You know the rules.

음식을 남기면

It's a sin


to waste food.

본인 할당량은 본인이 해결해 ‪준비하시고

You must finish your share. Ready.



‪[행선의 탄성]


Oh, my.

‪[영주해이의 감탄]

Oh, my.

‪[행선진짜 맛있다

It's so good.

‪[영주 드세요 [웃음]

Dig in.


‪[행선너무 맛있다

It's delicious.

어떻게이쯤에서 우리 ‪건배 한번 하시죠?

Well? How about we make a toast?

잔들 드시고

Raise your drinks.

‪[생각하는 소리]

‪[행선의 헛기침]

‪[치열의 탄식]

 파티에 참석해 주신 여러분 ‪모두 감사하고요

I would like to thank everyone who came to this party.

특히  엄마가 이루지 못한 ‪금메달의 꿈을

Even though I never succeeded in winning a gold medal,

공부로 대신 해낸 우리 해이 ‪그리고!

my girl came out on top in her exam. And this miracle wouldn't have happened without Mr. Choi.

 기적적인 결과를 이끌어 주신 ‪우리 최치열 

And this miracle wouldn't have happened without Mr. Choi.

너무 고생하셨고요

-Thank you so much and-- -Cheers.


-Thank you so much and-- -Cheers.


-Cheers. -Cheers.

‪- [치열해이의 시원한 숨소리] ‪- [째깍거리는 효과음]

‪[해이의 헛기침]


It's so good.

‪- [뻐꾸기 알람 효과음] ‪- [영주의 탄식]


Heck yes.

‪[영주족발을 너무 ‪급하게 쑤셔 넣었어

I shouldn't have gobbled up so much jokbal.

‪- 속을  비워 놨어야 되는데 ‪- [해이의 웃음]

I was too full to down it in one go.

‪-  하는 거야? ‪- [재우원샷 대결이요

-What are they doing? -It's a downing match.

지난번 기록은 김영주 누나 8 01 ‪남행선 누나 8 03

Last time, Yeong-ju's record was 8.01 seconds, and Haeng-seon's was 8.03.

김영주 누나 승이에요

So Yeong-ju won.

전적은 ‪김영주 누나  남행선 누나

So far, they're tied at three to three.

‪3  3이에요

So far, they're tied at three to three.

‪- ! ‪- [치열의 탄성]

Darn it.

‪[치열실속 없는 승부욕을

This kind of competition is meaningless.


How foolish.


Hey, Haeng-seon. I can't accept this.

 인정   ‪딴걸로  번만  붙어

Hey, Haeng-seon. I can't accept this. Let's try something else.

‪[행선  객기를 부리고 그래

You're being unreasonable.

그래 ‪뭐든 상대해 줄게내가

Fine, as you wish. I can beat you in anything.

‪[해이저기 진정하시죠

Calm down, you two.

우리만 있는 것도 아니고 ‪오늘 쌤도 계신데

Don't forget Mr. Choi's with us today.

‪[영주좋아그럼 ‪아예 팀으로 붙어

Then let's play a team game. Your team versus mine.


Then let's play a team game. Your team versus mine.

 상관없어 ‪근데 우리  수가  맞는데?

That's fine with me. But we're an odd number of people.


Should he sit out?

‪- 깍두기… ‪- [영주아이깍두기는 재미없지

-"Sit out"? -Come on. That's no fun.

 맞으면 채우면 되지

We'll just have to bring in another person.

‪[밝은 음악]

‪- [치열의 다급한 소리] ‪- [행선의 기합]

‪[행선의 힘주는 소리]

‪[으르렁거리는 효과음]

‪[영주해이의 환호성]

‪[함께 기뻐한다]

‪[재우치열이 , 7  0

Chi-yeol, it's seven to zero!

‪[치열 ‪ 실장 이제 ?

Hey, what took you so long?

지금  하시는

What's going--

‪[치열왔으면 바로바로 ‪코트 들어와야지

Why aren't you in the game yet?

 때문에 지금 인원 딸려서 ‪우리 완전 밀리고 있잖아

Our team's outnumbered and struggling!

‪- [치열의 거친 숨소리] ‪- [행선아니

Hold on.

여자 셋이니까 남자 둘로 ‪충분하다고   누군데

Didn't you say two men could easily beat three women?

‪[행선의  내뱉는 소리]

‪[영주아유 실장님 ‪오셨어요?

Hi, Mr. Ji.

달빛 아래서 보니까 ‪한층  뽀야신 

Your skin looks even milkier in the moonlight.

참으로 청아하시다

You look so elegant. Should we switch up the teams?

‪[행선우리 팀을 바꿀까?

Should we switch up the teams?

일방적으로 이기는 것도 재미없고

It's boring to win every time.

‪[재우아닌데 ‪ 치열이 형이랑 좋은데

No, I want to stay on Chi-yeol's team.

‪[치열아니팀은 그냥 가고 ‪종목을 바꾸죠

The teams can stay the same, but let's play another game.

애초에 이건 ‪형평성에 어긋난 게임이었어요

This was unfair in the first place.


That sounds good to me.

우리는 농구도 괜찮고

We can play basketball if you want.

‪- [행선의 가쁜 숨소리] ‪- [영주] '왓에버'


‪- [치열뭘로 할래? ‪- [영주의 웃음]

What should we play? Think of a game where hands aren't used.

  쓰는   있냐?

Think of a game where hands aren't used.

핸드볼 선출들이라 ‪ 쓰는  우리가 무조건 불리해

They're former handball players, so our hands won't do.

군필자 기준으로 보면 축구나 ‪아니면

What about something like soccer?

‪- 족구? ‪- [치열족구족구오케이

-Or foot volleyball? -Foot volleyball? Sounds good. Let's play foot volleyball.

족구족구족구족구로 가시죠

Sounds good. Let's play foot volleyball. Sure.



‪- [부드러운 음악] ‪- [여자들의 웃음]


Let's do this!

‪- [  차는 소리] ‪- [영주행선의 탄성]

‪[동희의 힘주는 소리]

‪[힘주는 소리]

‪- [행선의 힘주는 소리] ‪- [날렵한 효과음]

‪- [동희의 신음] ‪- [행선영주의 환호성]


‪[재우남행선 누나 ‪ 너무 

Haeng-seon kicks too hard!




Okay. All right, guys.

‪[손뼉 치며침착하게?

All right, guys. Stay calm. We're warmed up now.

이제  풀렸어 ‪  끝까지 

Stay calm. We're warmed up now. Keep your eyes on the ball.



‪[치열  줘요?

Why are you giving it to me?


Give it to them.


Throw it.


Eyes on the ball. Focus!


‪- [행선의 탄성] ‪- 오케이삼촌마이 

Okay. Jae-woo, pass it to me.

마이 마이 오케이

Okay. Jae-woo, pass it to me. Okay.

‪- [익살스러운 효과음] ‪- [신음]

‪[행선영주의 웃음]

‪- [행선! 9  1! 매치 포인트 ‪- [해이의 신난 탄성]

Yes! Nine to one! -Yes! -Nice!

‪- [영주가 웃으며아니 ‪- [한숨]

I mean…

‪-   ‪- [행선의 기합]

아주 신나셨네아주

Look at you all happy.

공으로 하는  ‪아닌  같은데

A ball game was a bad idea.

‪- [해이의 환호성] ‪- [행선 점만 !

-One more point to go! -Yes!

우리 !

Give us the ball!

‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪[심장 박동 효과음]


Mr. Choi.


Mr. Choi. Yes? What did I do?

‪- [치열내가 ? ‪- [발랄한 음악]

Yes? What did I do?

‪- [동희? ‪- [치열아니

-What? -I mean…

내가  ‪ 어쨌는데?

What? What's wrong? What did I do?

‪[동희아니그게 아니라 ‪괜찮으세요?

Are you okay? You're pushing yourself too hard.

너무 무리하시는  같은데

Are you okay? You're pushing yourself too hard.

아니야아니괜찮아 ‪아무렇지도 않아

No, I'm fine. This is nothing.


See? I'm fine.


See? I'm fine. Let's do this. Okay!

‪[행선서브 갑니다!

Let's do this. Okay! I'll serve!

‪- [ 내뱉는 소리] ‪- [해이파이팅

You can do this!

‪[영주의 기합]

‪- [치열의 떨리는 숨소리] ‪- [동희어유오케이


‪[동희의 힘주는 소리]

‪[ 들이켜는 소리]


Mr. Choi! Yes?



마이 해이

I got it. Hae-e!

‪- [해이해이 ‪- [행선의 웃음]


‪[가쁜 숨소리]

‪[반짝이는 효과음]

‪[가쁜 숨소리]



‪- [행선해이의 환호성] ‪- [치열의 기합]

‪[치열의 힘겨운 신음]

‪- 선생님! ‪- [재우치열이 

-Mr. Choi! -Chi-yeol!

‪- [행선? ‪- [치열의 비명]

What happened?

‪- [치열의 아파하는 신음] ‪- 다쳤어요?

-Are you hurt? -Are you okay?


-Are you hurt? -Are you okay?


We need ice.


Hold this.

‪[사람들의 걱정스러운 숨소리]


‪- 아니… ‪- [행선의 한숨]

I'm okay.

‪[행선 봐요

Let me see.

‪[행선의 탄식]

‪[잔잔한 음악]


Are you okay?

‪[심장 박동 효과음]


Are you okay?


‪[아파하는 신음]

‪[부드러운 음악]

‪[행선 봐요

Let me see.


Are you okay?

‪[심장 박동 효과음]

‪[익살스러운 음악]

미친 하는 거야지금?

Damn it. What the hell am I thinking?

정상이 아니야지금

I must have gone crazy.

아니 여자도 아니고 ‪유부녀한테그것도 학부모한테

She's married and the mother of my student at that.

‪[당황하며 놈의 반응이냐 ‪이놈의 심장이?

What's wrong with my heart?

아무리 일개 ‪자율 신경계라도 그렇지

I know it's the autonomic nervous system, but this is way too autonomic.

지나치게 너무 ‪자율적인  아니야?

I know it's the autonomic nervous system, but this is way too autonomic.

 오늘 운동했잖아

Right, I played sports today.

간만에  써서  아드레날린이 ‪ 솟구친 거지?

I haven't moved like that in a while, so I must've gotten an adrenaline rush.

교감 신경이  활성화되면서

With my sympathetic nervous system firing,

자율 신경계가  ‪지멋대로  흥분한 거지

With my sympathetic nervous system firing, my autonomic nervous system got out of control.

그래그럴  있어

Yes, that can happen.

내가  건강해서 그런 거야 ‪건강해서

It just means I'm healthy.

그럴  있어

No big deal.

‪- 새미야 ‪- [AI 작동음]

-Sammy. -Yes? Please go ahead.

‪[AI 음성말씀하세요

-Sammy. -Yes? Please go ahead. To what extent can the sympathetic nervous system

교감 신경이 자율 신경계에 ‪얼마만큼 영향을 미칠  있지?

To what extent can the sympathetic nervous system affect the autonomic nervous system?

‪[AI 작동음]

I don't think I can answer that.

‪[AI 음성그건  모르겠습니다

I don't think I can answer that.

제가 도울  있는 ‪다른 부분이 있을까요?

Can I help you with anything else?

‪[익살스러운 음악]



Gosh, it never works.

하나도  맞아

Never once.


All right.


I should just sleep. I'll be fine after a good night's sleep.

자고 나면 괜찮아질 거야

I'll be fine after a good night's sleep.

 자고 나면

Once I get some rest,

교감 신경도 정상을 되찾고

my sympathetic nervous system will return to normal,


and my emotions will calm down.

평화가 찾아오고

and my emotions will calm down.



‪- 새미야   ‪- [AI 작동음]

Sammy, turn off the lights.

‪[AI 음성불을  드릴게요

Okay, I'll turn off the lights for you.

‪[센서 작동음]

‪[치열이너 피스

Inner peace.



‪[편안한 숨소리]

‪[잔잔한 음악]


Are you okay, Mr. Choi?

‪[반짝이는 효과음]

‪[당황한 숨소리]

‪- [한숨] ‪- [달그락거리는 소리]

‪[따뜻한 음악]

‪[도어  작동음]


‪[도어  작동음]

‪[행선국대 선수들이 많이 쓰는 ‪애정템이에요

These are what the national teams often use for pain.

통증 있으면 병원   보시고요

Go see a doctor if the pain persists.

‪[반짝이는 효과음]

‪[놀란 숨소리]

‪[치열다시 심장이  ‪벌렁거리기 시작하는데

Then my heart started fluttering again.

‪[치열의 탄식]

‪[치열] '병원부터  봐야겠다' ‪싶더라고요

That's when I figured I should see a doctor.



이건 일어날  없는 일이거든요 ‪제가 누구예요선생님?

can't be happening! Who am I?

사교육계의 어나더 레벨 ‪1 원의 남자!

I'm the Trillion Won Man, the teacher on another level. I pay more taxes than celebrities.

연예인보다 ‪세금  꾸준히 많이 내는

I pay more taxes than celebrities.

일타강사 최치열이에요

I'm the star teacher, Choi Chi-yeol.

그런 제가그런 제가 어떻게

I'm the star teacher, Choi Chi-yeol. So how could I develop

어떻게 유부녀한테 ‪이런 요상한 감정을

such inexplicable feelings for a married woman?


Your heart flutters.

이뻐 보이기도 하고?

You also find her attractive.

이건 무슨 병이에요?

So what's your diagnosis?

‪[떨리는 숨소리선생님


‪[치열 정말 ‪정말 그런 사람 아니거든요

I'm not that kind of person.

누구보다도 이성적이고

I'm more rational, reasonable, and moral than anyone else.

합리적이고 도덕적이고

I'm more rational, reasonable, and moral than anyone else.

가지 말아야   ‪불법금기이런  질색인

I find breaking the rules and going astray detestable.

병적일 정도로 결벽주의자인 제가

I'm too righteous for my own good.

대체 뭐에 홀려서?

So what's gotten into me?

너무 외로워서 그런가?

Have I been too lonely?

제가 너무 앞만 보고 달려왔나요?

Have I been too goal-oriented?

애정 결핍이런 ?

Am I starved for affection?

이미  파악하고 계시네

You have it all figured out.

거의 전문가야

Who's the doctor here?

‪- 맞다고요? ‪- [가연이 피식 웃는다]

So I'm right?


You rarely interact with anyone but your students, Mr. Choi.

학생들 말고는 ‪주변 사람들하고 관계를  맺잖아

You rarely interact with anyone but your students, Mr. Choi.

‪[가연경계도 심하고

You're incredibly wary.

일상도 심하게 루틴하시고

You're incredibly wary. You never break out of your routine.




are lonely creatures.

그래서 주변 관계에 ‪정서적 의존을 하지

So they emotionally depend on those around them.

근데  선생은  그러다 보니까

But you don't do that.

뜻밖의 상황에서 이성적 호감을 ‪느껴 버린 거지상대에게

But you don't do that. That's why you felt attracted to someone in an unexpected situation.


Out of the blue.

‪[흥미로운 음악]


"Out of the blue"?



그럼 무슨  ‪어떻게 해야 돼요

What am I supposed to do? What do I do?

어떻게 해요?

What do I do?


I'm not sure.

‪[가연이 피식 웃는다]

There's nothing wrong with your emotions, so don't beat yourself up.

‪[가연감정 자체에는 ‪잘못이 없으니까

There's nothing wrong with your emotions, so don't beat yourself up.

너무 자책하지 말고

There's nothing wrong with your emotions, so don't beat yourself up.

이러면 어떨까?

How about this?

 하던 짓을  보는 거지

Try something new.

인간관계도 확장시켜 보고

Expand your social circle. Break out of your routine and meet new women.

루틴에서 벗어나 ‪새로운 이성도  만나 보고

Break out of your routine and meet new women.

그럼 자연스럽게 ‪ 달갑지 않은 감정이 

Before you know it, your unwelcome emotions

무뎌지지 않을까?

might die down.


The weather…

제법 쌀쌀해졌죠?

has gotten quite chilly.

‪[강사1] ?


‪[강사2]  ‪ 그러네요

What? Well, yes, I guess.

‪[치열의 탄성]

Well, yes, I guess. Oh, my.


At this rate, it'll be CSAT season soon.

이러다 진짜 수능 금방 오겠어요

At this rate, it'll be CSAT season soon.

‪[어색한 웃음]

At this rate, it'll be CSAT season soon.

‪[강사들의 어색한 웃음]

어떻게 ‪특강 준비들은 잘되시고요?

How are your class preparations going?

‪- [강사1] … ‪- [함께 웃는다]

-Pretty well. -Yes.

‪[치열 선생님 ‪신혼여행  다녀오셨어요?

Mrs. Yoo, how was the honeymoon?

제가 수업이 풀이라 ‪식을  갔네

I'm sorry I missed your wedding. My schedule was full.

‪[강사1]  이혼했어요선생님

I got divorced.

‪1 전에

A year ago.

‪[익살스러운 음악]

시간이 진짜 빠르구나

Time flies.

‪[치열그러면 ‪나중에 커피라도 한잔

Let's grab a cup of coffee sometime.

‪- [강사2]  ‪- [엘리베이터 알림음]

Sure. The elevator's here. See you.

‪[치열엘리베이터가 왔네 ‪그럼

The elevator's here. See you. Bye.

‪[강사2] 대박

Gosh. I can't believe him. He sure knows how to annoy people.

‪[강사1] 뭐야? ‪멕이는 방법도 여러 가지야진짜

I can't believe him. He sure knows how to annoy people.

‪[강사2] 그러게? ‪특강은  물어누구 놀려?

I know. What does he care about our class preparations? Is he teasing us or what?

진짜재수 없어진짜

Is he teasing us or what? So full of himself.

‪[치열아니 ‪결혼한  얼마나 됐다고

They only just got married.


Why couldn't they stay together?


Ms. Cho.

‪[ 실장 실장이요 선생님

-It's Jung, sir. -Right, Ms. Jung.

‪[치열 실장님

-It's Jung, sir. -Right, Ms. Jung.

저번에 말씀하셨던  ‪있잖아요

About what you told me the last time…

‪[ 실장뭐요시간표 문제요?

-The schedule? -Not that.

‪[치열아니그거 말고

-The schedule? -Not that.

 팬이라고 이거 치신다는 후배?

I mean your pianist friend who's a fan of mine.

 후배 혜연이요

-You mean Hye-yeon! -Hye-yeon?

혜연이 ‪그분 성함이 혜연 씨구나

-You mean Hye-yeon! -Hye-yeon? -So that's her name. -Yes.

‪[ 실장

-So that's her name. -Yes. Are you still willing to set me up with her?

혜연  소개팅 ‪아직도 유효할까요?

Are you still willing to set me up with her?


You want me to?

그새 ‪결혼하신  아니면

Yes, as long as she hasn't gotten married in the meantime.

‪[치열결혼했다가 이혼했으면 ‪그건 상관없구나

Yes, as long as she hasn't gotten married in the meantime. If she's divorced, that's fine too.

‪[ 실장의 웃음]

‪[ 실장아니죠당연히

She's never been married.

어머  얘기 들으면 ‪기절하겠다

She's going to go crazy when she hears this.

 진짜 괜찮아요

She's amazing.

 외할아버지가 전직 장관인가?

I think her grandfather is a former government minister.

아무튼아무튼 ‪ 진짜 괜찮은 애예요

Anyway, she's incredible.

집안도 좋고요무엇보다 ‪애가 윤택하게 자라서 그런가

She comes from a good family, and most of all, she's really easygoing, maybe thanks to her upbringing.

‪- 애가 꼬인 데가 없어요아시죠? ‪- [치열그럼

she's really easygoing, maybe thanks to her upbringing. -You know-- -Then can you please set us up?

실장님이 자리를 

-You know-- -Then can you please set us up? Sure. When is convenient for you?

‪[ 실장언제요?

Sure. When is convenient for you?

‪[치열아무 때나

Anytime. There's no rush, but the sooner, the better.

서두르지 마시고요 ‪하루라도 빨리

Anytime. There's no rush, but the sooner, the better.

오케이알겠어요 ‪당장 연락해 볼게요

Okay. I'll call her right now.

진짜죠? ‪나중에 딴소리하시는  아니죠?

Are you sure about this? Don't change your mind later.


-I won't. -Okay.

‪[ 실장오케이

-I won't. -Okay.

분명히 ‪쌤이 먼저 말씀하셨어요맞죠?

Mr. Choi. You asked me to do this. -Is that clear? -Yes.

-Is that clear? -Yes.

‪[흥미로운 음악]

I'll do anything to get my autonomic nervous system back to normal.

‪[치열 자율 신경을 ‪정상으로 돌릴 수만 있다면

I'll do anything to get my autonomic nervous system back to normal.


Anything at all.

‪[커피 머신 작동음]

‪[영주남행선이 ‪웬일로 이런   샀대?

What's gotten into you? You bought that yourself?

믹스커피 신봉자 아니었냐?

I thought you were all for instant coffee.

그러게 말이야

I know.

아유재우 때문에 ‪끼니마다 와플 먹으려니까

I needed something to wash all those waffles down.

이게 필요하더라고

I needed something to wash all those waffles down.

‪[행선가게  손님들한테 ‪ 잔씩 드려도 좋고

It'll be a nice treat for my customers too.

해이 말이 ‪요즘  카페가 유행이래

It'll be a nice treat for my customers too. Hae-e tells me making coffee at home is in lately.

‪[행선의 탄성]


‪[ 냄새 맡는 소리]

‪-  좋다 ‪- [행선그렇지?

-It smells nice. -Right?

‪[영주카페 가서 ‪  와도 되고좋다

No more running to the cafe. How convenient.

‪[행선의 탄성]

엄청 가득 나와

There's so much.

‪[행선의 만족스러운 탄성]

‪[행선의  내뱉는 소리]

‪[행선의 웃음]


What's so funny all of a sudden?

‪[행선이 연신 웃는다]

커피가 웃겨?

Is it the coffee?

‪- [행선아니… ‪- [영주같이  웃자

-No. -Tell me what it is.

‪[행선  말이야 ‪아유 진짜

It's Mr. Choi. My goodness.

‪[행선의 웃음]

아니어제 보니까 ‪신은 공평하다 싶더라

Seeing him yesterday, I realized the world is fair.

아니 대단한 냥반이

Who knew that big shot would be so unathletic and yet so competitive?

운동 신경은 젬병인데 ‪ 존심은  가지고

Who knew that big shot would be so unathletic and yet so competitive?

화가  죽더라고아주

He was about to lose it.

 완전 웃기지 않냐?

Wasn't that so hilarious?

‪[행선의 웃음]

‪[영주뭐가 웃긴지 ‪모르겠는데하나도

I don't get why that's so funny.

‪[행선허당미가 있잖아은근

It's cute. He's human after all. At first, I thought he was so cold.

처음엔 진짜 ‪까칠한  알았거든

At first, I thought he was so cold.

‪' 넘지 마세요',  이러고

He even lectured me about boundaries.

근데   넘어도 ‪ 떠밀진 않아요

But once I crossed his boundaries, he didn't push me away.

아니어제 공원만 해도 ‪ 가도 그만인데

He even let us drag him to the park yesterday.

끌려가   아니야결국?

He even let us drag him to the park yesterday.

뭔가 반전이 있지 않니?

He's so unpredictable, isn't he?




What is it?

 혹시 언급증이라고 아니?

Ever heard of "mention syndrome"?


-Like premenstrual syndrome? -No, you fool.

‪[영주그런 증이 아니고이것아

-Like premenstrual syndrome? -No, you fool.

사람이 누군가를 이렇게 ‪ 좋아하기 시작하면

-When you catch feelings for someone, -Jeez.

 사람을 자꾸 ‪언급하고 싶어지는 병이 생기거든

you can't help mentioning that person over and over.

니가  그래지금 ‪최치열 언급증

That's what you're doing with Mr. Choi.

내가얘가 무슨내가 언제?

Me? Don't be ridiculous. That's not true.

 오늘만도 최치열 ‪  언급했는지 알아?

Do you know how many times you've mentioned him today alone?

‪[영주 잡아도 ‪ 스무 번은 될걸?

At least 20 times.


That's because he got hurt while he was with us, so I'm worried.

어제 우리랑 놀다 다쳤으니까 ‪걱정도 되고

That's because he got hurt while he was with us, so I'm worried.

그리고 지금 나한테 ‪제일 고마운 사람이니까

Also, he's the person I'm the most grateful to right now.

그동안 쌓인 ‪신용과 의리도 있고?

We've been building trust and loyalty too.

‪- [행선의 못마땅한 숨소리] ‪- [코웃음]

진짜 그게 다라고?

That's all?


Are you sure? Hey, are you sure?

‪[행선그럼 그게 다지기지배 ‪ 병이야

Of course, that's all. You're sick. You find romance in every relationship.

모든  남녀 관계로 엮어요

You're sick. You find romance in every relationship.

‪-   같은  아나진짜아휴 ‪- [영주의 한숨]

Not everyone's like you. Seriously.

‪[출입문 종소리]


‪[영주행선어서 오세요

-Welcome. -Welcome.

반찬 사러  사람은 ‪아니고요

I'm not here as a customer.

‪[ 형사혹시 ‪사장님이 누구

May I speak to the owner, please?


That would be me. What's the matter?

‪[ 형사 ‪강현 서에서 나왔는데요

I see. I'm from Ganghyeon Police Station.

‪- [행선 ‪- [ 형사다름이 아니고

-Okay. -You reported a metal ball attack

최근   전에 ‪쇠구슬 사건으로

-Okay. -You reported a metal ball attack to the local precinct a few months ago, correct?

근처 파출소에 ‪신고하신  있으시죠?

to the local precinct a few months ago, correct?

그날 상황을  ‪다시 들어   있을까 해서요

I'd like to ask you what exactly happened.



‪- [의미심장한 음악] ‪- [출입문 종소리]

‪[휴대전화 진동음]


-Hello, Detective Song. -Where are you?

‪[이태가 한숨 쉬며 ‪ 지금 어디야?

-Hello, Detective Song. -Where are you? I'm at the store where the metal ball attack was reported.

여기 쇠구슬 신고했다는 ‪ 반찬 가게요

I'm at the store where the metal ball attack was reported.

아이말씀드렸잖아요 ‪ 이거 계속  거라고

Like I said, I'm going to get to the bottom of this.

‪[ 형사아이쇠구슬 테러가 ‪지금 연쇄적으로 일어나고 있는데

There has been a series of metal ball attacks.

지금 이게 어떻게도대체 ‪애들 장난입니까?

How can you call this a harmless prank? Be quiet and get back here right now.


Be quiet and get back here right now.

‪-  빨리 들어와 ‪- [ 형사왜요?

Be quiet and get back here right now. -Why? -The captain is flipping his lid.

‪[이태팀장 지금 완전 ‪뚜껑 열렸어

-Why? -The captain is flipping his lid.

‪[ 형사그냥 ‪대충  둘러대 주시지 [탄식]

Can't you make up an excuse?

알겠어요빨리 갈게요

Fine, I'll be right there.

‪[출입문 종소리]

‪[행선선재 엄마

Hello, Ms. Jang.

 이렇게 오랜만이에요

It's been a while.

 그래도 너무 뜸해 가지고 ‪내가  섭했는데

I was wondering if you'd forgotten about my store.

저기해이 엄마

Ms. Nam.



‪[선재하기만 해요

Don't you dare.

다신 엄마   거니까

Or I won't see you again.


해이 1 축하해요

Congratulations to Hae-e.

‪[멋쩍은 웃음]

오늘은 밑반찬  있어요?

What dishes do you have today?

‪[행선 ‪들어와 보세요보세요

Come on in and take a look. Please.


‪[팀장 대체 [한숨]

What on earth have you been up to?

‪-  하고 돌아다니는 거야? ‪- []

What on earth have you been up to?

종결한 사건을  뒤지고 다니냐고

Why are you digging into a closed case?

아니그게 아니라요

-The thing is-- -Do you think I'm a joke?

 내가 우습지?

-The thing is-- -Do you think I'm a joke?

‪[팀장 년째 ‪팀장 뭉개고 있으니까

You look down on me because I haven't been promoted in years.

아주 핫바지로 보이지? ‪그래서  무시하는 거지?

You look down on me because I haven't been promoted in years. -Is that why you never listen to me? -But sir, this case--

아니근데 팀장님 ‪ 사건은 아직

-Is that why you never listen to me? -But sir, this case--

‪- [이태어허이 ‪- [ 형사의 힘겨운 신음]

Come on. Be quiet, you brat.


Come on. Be quiet, you brat.

팀장님 말씀하시는데 ‪어디 감히

How dare you talk back to the captain?


I'm sorry, sir.

제가  단도리 치겠습니다

I'll talk some sense into him. He's just overzealous.

아직 쓸데없이 열정만 넘쳐 가지고

He's just overzealous.


‪[ 형사아이진짜 ‪너무한  아니에요?

How can he do this to me?

아니일을  하겠다는 것도 ‪아니고 하겠다는데

I'm just trying to do my job. Didn't you see it yourself? It's definitely suspicious.

선배도  봤잖아요 ‪수상한  한두 가지가 아닌 

Didn't you see it yourself? It's definitely suspicious.

근데 그냥 묻어요?

And you're telling me to bury it?

덮어요진짜 여기서?

Seriously? At this stage?

‪[ 형사의 거친 숨소리]

‪[이태누가 덮으래?

-I'm not telling you to bury it. -What?

‪[ 형사?

-I'm not telling you to bury it. -What?

  나게  하라고 ‪조용히 요령껏

Just be more discreet. Keep it quiet. -Be tactful. -Detective Song.


-Be tactful. -Detective Song.

이영민이 주변쇠구슬 관련성

Dig around for any leads on the metal ball shooter.


Dig around for any leads on the metal ball shooter.

‪[이태입단속  시키고

Make sure word doesn't get out.

‪[ 형사아니 ‪  그런 줄도

I had no idea you were….

진작에 말씀을 하시지

Why didn't you say so?

같이 가요선배

Wait for me, Detective Song.

‪- 저녁  먹어요? ‪- [사이렌 소리]

What about dinner?


Deopbap, you punk.

‪[해이단지의 대화 소리]


Hey, Hae-e.

 이것  맡아 줘라

Hold on to that for me.

‪[해이뭐야이걸  나한테 ?

Why are you giving this to me?

‪[건후우리 바로 ‪시합한다잖아

Why are you giving this to me? The game starts right away, and I'll need that afterward.

 있다 세수할  쓰려고

The game starts right away, and I'll need that afterward.




-Is this washed? -Let's go.

‪- [단지가자해이야 ‪- [건후생큐

-Is this washed? -Let's go. Thank you.

‪[해이단지의 질색하는 소리]

Thank you.

‪[해이단지의 대화 소리]

Let's go. Hey.



그냥 스탠드에 뒀다 쓰면 ‪되는  아니냐?

You could've just put it on the stands.

당연히 그래도 되지

Yes. I could have.


What's with you?


Jeez, he's getting on my nerves.

체육이야 나가?

Hey, PE starts soon. Aren't you coming?

‪[한숨 쉬며체육이라고 들려?

Hey, it's PE. Can't you hear me?


Be quiet and get out of here.


Leave me alone!



‪[짜증 섞인 한숨]

‪- [박수 소리] ‪- [계속되는 학생들의 응원 소리]

-Go for it! -Here we go! -You got this! -Let's go!

‪[학생들의 환호성]


-Seo Geon-hu! -Seo Geon-hu!

‪- [학생들의 환호성] ‪- [ 호루라기 소리]

-Seo Geon-hu! -Seo Geon-hu!

‪[ 호루라기 소리]

‪[단지이선재 웬일이냐?

What's gotten into Sun-jae?

다음 수업에 지장 있다고 ‪체육 시간에 땀도  빼는 애가

He usually slacks off in PE so he can focus in class.

‪- [학생1] 나이스! ‪- [학생2] 나이스나이스!

-Nice! -Nice!

‪[저마다 말한다]

-Let's go. -Great job!


It's okay, Geon-hu. You got this!

‪[학생들의 환호성]

You can do it!

‪[학생들의 응원 소리]

You can do it!


-Seo Geon-hu! -Seo Geon-hu!


-Seo Geon-hu! -Seo Geon-hu!


-Seo Geon-hu! -Seo Geon-hu!

‪[학생들의 탄성]

‪[학생들이 조용해진다]

‪[ 호루라기 소리]



‪- 일로   ‪- [ 호루라기 소리]

Come here.

‪-  밀었지? ‪- [삑삑 호루라기 소리]

-You pushed me. -Hey, stop it.

‪- [학생들이 제지한다] ‪- 밀었잖아밀었잖아

-You pushed me. -Hey, stop it. -Didn't you? -Don't. -You pushed me. -Calm down, guys.

‪[학생3] 참아참아참아참아 ‪하지 하지 

-You pushed me. -Calm down, guys.

‪[단지이선재  저래? ‪이선재!

-What's with Sun-jae? Sun-jae! -He pushed me.

‪[건후공부나 열심히 

Just go study.

‪[운동장이 소란스럽다]

‪[못마땅한 한숨]

‪[삑삑 호루라기 소리]


‪[의미심장한 음악]

‪- [강조되는 효과음] ‪- ?

‪[ 울리는 소리]

‪[힘겨운 숨소리]

어어 이래 이래!

What's happening?

‪[놀란 숨소리]

‪[통화 연결음]

‪[울먹이며엄마 이상해

Mom, something's wrong with me.

문제집 글씨가  튕겨져 나와

The letters are popping out of the book!


I must be going crazy!

그게 무슨 말이야? ‪글씨가  튕겨져 나와?

What are you talking about? The letters are popping out of the book?

아니문제집 글씨가 ‪ 튀어나온다고!

They're popping out right before my eyes!

‪- [가쁜 숨소리] ‪- [수희수아야침착하게

Calm down, Su-a.

마음 가라앉히고 엄마  들어 

Pull yourself together and listen to me.

수아야우리 심호흡할까?

Do you want to try taking a deep breath?



‪[ 내뱉는 소리]




There you go. Good girl.

‪[한숨 쉬며수아야 ‪다시 마인드 컨트롤 하고

You need to calm down, Su-a.

천천히 다시 풀어 ?

Try solving the question again, okay?

‪-  그러면은 엄마한테… ‪- [통화 종료음]

Let me know if it happens again--

‪[잔잔한 음악이 흐른다]


Okay, bye.

‪[ 들이켜는 소리]

‪[수희의 한숨]

-I was so surprised. -What?

‪[학부모1]  진짜 ‪깜놀했잖아요

-I was so surprised. -What?

어떻게 9 1등이 반찬집 딸이야?

The side dish shop's daughter came out on top.

걔가 원래 그렇게 잘했어요?

Has she always been that good? She used to barely make the top 20.

‪[학부모2] 전교 10, 20 사이 ‪왔다 갔다 하는 정도였을걸요?

She used to barely make the top 20.

그런데 어떻게 갑자기

I wonder what happened.

아휴 우리 올케어 애들 중에 ‪나올  알았거든, 1등은

I thought one of the All Care kids would come out on top.

그러게 말이에요

I know.

무슨 쥐새끼마냥 ‪남의 교재까지 빼내서

All the stolen class materials must have helped.

공부한 덕분인지 뭔지

All the stolen class materials must have helped.

그게 무슨 소리예요?

What are you talking about? Stolen class materials?


What are you talking about? Stolen class materials?


The thing is, Sun-jae leaked All Care materials to Hae-e.

해이한테 올케어 자료 유출했대요

Sun-jae leaked All Care materials to Hae-e.

‪[학부모들의 놀란 소리]

‪- [무거운 음악] ‪- [수희그게 말이 돼요?

Can you believe that?

우리 수아가 눈치  챘으면 ‪아마 계속 그랬을걸?

He would've continued if Su-a hadn't caught him.

아이근데  자료  받았다고

Are you saying she came out on top in the September mock

갑자기 9모에 전교 1등을 해요?

Are you saying she came out on top in the September mock just because of some class materials?

‪[학부모1] 내신이야 ‪바짝 공부하면 그럴 수도 있다지만

That might work for school exams.

모의고사에서 이렇게 ‪치고 올라오는  진짜 힘든데

That might work for school exams. But it's extremely difficult to improve mock exam scores.

혹시 고액 과외 같은  ‪받는  아니에요?

Could she have found an expensive tutor?

‪[학부모2] 에이고액 과외를 ‪어떻게 받아

No way. Her mom can't afford it.

고깟 반찬 팔아서

No way. Her mom can't afford it.

‪[학부모1] 모르지

You never know.

걔네 아빠 필리핀에서 ‪사업한다면서요?

I heard her dad runs a business in the Philippines.

거기서 엄청 부쳐 줄지

Maybe he sends them loads of money.

‪[차분한 음악이 흐른다]


I'm sorry.

너무 팬이었는데 ‪앞에 계신  신기해서

I can't believe you're sitting with me because I've been such a fan.

‪[혜연자꾸만 힐끔거리게 되네요

That's why I keep glancing at you.

마음껏 보세요 ‪본다고 닳는 것도 아니고

You can look all you want. I don't mind.

‪[피식 웃는다]

생각보다 냉미남과신가 봐요

You're more aloof than I expected.

‪[혜연영상으로 봤을  ‪에너지 넘치고

In the videos, you seem energetic, humorous, and friendly.

개그도  치시고 친근했는데

In the videos, you seem energetic, humorous, and friendly.

실제로는  시크하세요

But you come across as a bit cold in real life.

강의에선 일종의 컨셉이죠

I put on a mask during class, so to speak.

가식이라면 가식이고

Some might call it fake or two-faced, which I can't deny.

이중인격이라 해도   없는데

Some might call it fake or two-faced, which I can't deny.

나로선 애들  ‪집중시키기 위한 노력이니까

But I do that to make sure the kids pay attention.


I see.

생각해 보니까 ‪저도 컨셉이 있네요일할 

Come to think of it, I put on a mask when I work too.

현대인들 ‪사회에서 쓰는 가면 같은 

Perhaps everyone in today's society does that

하나쯤은  있는  같아요

in one way or another.


Is it dry?


Too bad you have class later and can't have any wine.

‪[혜연와인이라도 ‪곁들이면 좋은데

Too bad you have class later and can't have any wine.

수업을 가셔야 돼서

Too bad you have class later and can't have any wine.

‪[치열와인 좋아해요?

Do you like wine?

‪[혜연그냥 가끔요

I sometimes drink it.

‪- 진짜 멋있으세요 ‪- [치열의 멋쩍은 웃음]

I think you're incredible.

수학 잘하시는 

You're so good at math.

제가 피아노는  치는데 ‪숫자 감각은  꽝이거든요

I can play the piano, but I'm terrible with numbers.

전화번호나 ‪생일 같은   외워서

I sometimes even forget my own phone number or birthday.

가끔  것도 헷갈려요

I sometimes even forget my own phone number or birthday.


‪[멋쩍은 웃음]

너무 솔직했다

Too honest, right?

이런 얘기는 굳이  필요 없는데

I didn't have to tell you that.

 피아노 호구예요

I suck at playing the piano. I can't even play Chopsticks or Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.

‪'젓가락 행진곡'  쳐요 ‪'나비야 나비야'

I can't even play Chopsticks or Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.


I can't even play Chopsticks or Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. Oh, my. Really?

‪- [치열 ‪- [함께 웃는다]


‪[잔잔한 음악이 흐른다]


What a shame.

 만남인데  시간 정도밖에 ‪얘기  나눠서

We only got to spend an hour together on our first date.

그럼 다음에  보죠

Then let's meet again.

‪[치열늦은 시간도 괜찮으면 ‪와인 한잔해요

If you don't mind meeting at night, let's go for some wine.


Sounds good. I'm a night owl anyway.

 원래 야행성이에요

Sounds good. I'm a night owl anyway.

‪[치열그래만나 보니까 좋네

Yes, this is going well.

이쁘고 성격도 좋고

She's not only pretty but also kind.

역시  여자만 ‪이뻐 보인  아니었어

I knew I'd find other women attractive too.

잠시 착오가 있었을 

It was all just a misunderstanding.

 완벽한 정상이야

It was all just a misunderstanding. I'm perfectly normal.

‪[치열그럼 적분값이 ‪어떻게 되겠어?

What's the integral value then? According to the formula…

식을 쓰면

What's the integral value then? According to the formula…

‪- 답은? 3분의 16이겠지 ‪- [해이가 호응한다]

the correct answer is 16 over 3.

이런 문제들은 ‪식으로만 접근하지 말고

These questions can be solved a lot more easily

그래프로 접근하면 ‪훨씬  쉽게 접근할  있어

These questions can be solved a lot more easily if you use graphs in addition to the formulas.

‪- 오케이? ‪- [해이

-Okay? -Got it.

‪[치열뒷장의 응용문제들 ‪한번 풀어 보고

Try solving the questions on the next page

‪- 막히는  있으면 체크해 놓고 ‪- [해이

-and mark the ones you find difficult. -Okay.

‪[치열오늘 여기까지 하자

That's all for today.


-Thank you. -You did well.


-Thank you. -You did well.



‪- 경계의 고삐를 늦추지 말자 ‪- [ 내뱉는 소리]

Don't let your guard down.


Keep your guard up.


-Thank you, Chi-yeol. -Sure.


-Thank you, Chi-yeol. -Sure. Thanks, Jae-woo.

근데 그쪽 누님은?

Where's your sister, by the way?

‪- [반짝이는 효과음] ‪- [잔잔한 음악]

벌써 끝나셨어요?

You're already done?

‪[행선오늘 일찍 끝났네

You finished early today.

잠깐만 기다리시면

Give me just a second.

‪[놀란 숨소리]

‪- [반짝이는 효과음] ‪- 거의  됐어요

It's almost done.

‪- [치열의 놀란 숨소리] ‪- [심장 박동 효과음]

Mr. Choi…

‪- [문소리] ‪- 도시락 가져가셔야죠!

Mr. Choi… Mr. Choi! Take your dinner!


Mr. Choi! Take this!

아니급한  있으세요?

What's the hurry? Hold on.


Hold on.

‪[행선아니 ‪도시락은 가지고 가셔야지

Take your dinner.

내가 가져갈게요

Okay, I will.



‪- [치열의 아파하는 신음] ‪- [행선아휴

오늘  되게 이상하시네

You're acting strange today.

‪[치열의 한숨]

Is your wrist still hurting?

계속 통증이 있는 거죠? ‪어제 다친  때문에

Is your wrist still hurting?

‪[치열괜찮아요 ‪신경 쓰지 마세요

I'm fine. Don't worry about it.

‪[행선아니신경 쓰이죠 ‪제가 괜히 끌고 나가 가지고

How can I not? You got hurt because of me.

그러게 평소에 ‪운동도  하고 그러시지

This is why you should work out regularly.

내일 혹시 시간 되세요? ‪해이 수업 끝나고

Do you have time after Hae-e's class tomorrow?

‪[치열아이 ‪남의 시간은 

Why do you ask?

‪[행선선수 때부터 ‪제가 다닌 한의원이 있는데

There's this doctor I've been going to since my handball days.

거기 원장님한테 침을 맞으면 ‪통증이 귀신같이  가라앉

There's this doctor I've been going to since my handball days. His acupuncture works wonders. It relieves pain right away-- No, thanks. I don't believe in alternative medicine.

‪[치열됐습니다 ‪ 대체 의학  믿어요

No, thanks. I don't believe in alternative medicine.

‪[행선대체 의학은 뭔지 모르겠고

I don't know what "alternative medicine" is.

나를 믿어요나를 ‪ 몸이 증거니까

But you can believe me. My body is proof.


-Goodness. -If I ask, he'll even see you at night.

‪[행선거기 원장님하고 ‪ 알아서

-Goodness. -If I ask, he'll even see you at night.

얘기하면 늦게라도  주실 거예요

-Goodness. -If I ask, he'll even see you at night.

그렇게 멀지도 않아요 ‪상도동이에요

It's not that far either. It's in Sangdo-dong.

내일 같이 가요저랑

Let me take you there tomorrow.

‪- 같이요? ‪- [행선

-We'd go together? -Of course.

낮에 가면 좋은데 ‪워낙에 바쁘시니까

You're busy during the day, right?

내일 저랑 가요 ‪간만에 원장님도 뵙고

I'll go with you. I haven't seen the doctor in forever. I see.


I see.

‪[행선그럼 가시는 걸로 알고 ‪전화해 놓겠습니다?

I'll take that as a yes and make an appointment. Okay?

조심히 가세요

Get home safe.

‪[부드러운 음악]

‪- [문소리] ‪- [치열의 한숨]


‪[멀리서  짖는 소리]



I mean…

데이트를 하자는 것도 아니고

it's not a date or anything.

손목이  좋은  사실이니까

And my wrist does hurt.

 같은 강사한테는  ‪손은 생명 줄이고

Teachers need to take good care of their wrists.



잘한 거야

I made the right decision.

다른 의도는 전혀 없어

I have no ulterior motives.


None whatsoever.

‪[가쁜 숨소리]

‪[ 닫히는 소리]


너무 밀었나아휴

I shaved too close.

 남아 있어야 ‪남성미가 있어 보이는데

I don't look as masculine.

‪- 아니야깔끔한  좋지 ‪- [부드러운 음악]

No. It's nice to look neat.


Neat is good.

최근에 ‪쇼핑을   가지고

I haven't bought any clothes lately.

입을  없네입을 

I have nothing to wear.

‪[치열명품이면  하나

What's the point of buying designer clothes?

유행 지나면 입지도 못하는데

They're useless when they're out of fashion.

 하는 거야지금?

What am I doing?

한의원 가는데 옷은  고르는데?

Why am I dressing up to see a doctor?

미쳤나 보다진짜

I must be crazy.

‪[한숨 쉬며청바지 입을까?

Should I wear jeans?

‪[부드러운 음악]

Jeans should work.


Jeans should work.

‪[동희토크 콘서트 예상 질문지 ‪책상 위에 뽑아 둘게요

I'll put a list of expected questions for the talk show on your desk.


-Hello, sir. -Hello, sir.

‪[학생1]   ‪오늘 패션  그래요?

Gosh, what's with your outfit today?

‪[학생2] 자다가 나오셨어요?

-Are those your pajamas? -What's with the fit?

‪- [학생3]  뭐야? ‪- [학생들의 웃음]

-Are those your pajamas? -What's with the fit?

‪[치열그렇게 이상하냐 ‪ 스타일?

Does my outfit look that bad?


No, it's casual.


-"Casual"? -Yes, I mean…

-"Casual"? -Yes, I mean…

‪[동희내추럴하기도 하고

It looks natural.


"Casual and natural"?

‪[한숨 쉬며솔직히  이상해요

To be honest, it looks weird.

 이러고 오셨어요오늘?

To be honest, it looks weird. What happened?



‪'낸장' 여기서  나와?

I just sounded like her.


I've gone insane. Cripes.

‪[익살스러운 음악]

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

‪[서진교무부장님 ‪안녕하셨어요?

Hello, Director. How have you been?

아니요지금 퇴근 전이에요

No, I haven't gotten off work yet.


I'm still at the office.


Right now?

I see.


You're nearby?


This wasn't easy,

그래도 워낙 ‪유능한 변호사신  아니까

but I know what a competent lawyer you are.

진짜   감고 ‪민망함 무릅쓰고 뵙자 그랬어요

So I worked up the courage and risked humiliation to ask you to see me.

자식이 뭔지

to ask you to see me. The lengths parents will go to.

그래서 지금 ‪경찰에서 조사 중인 건가요?

So there's currently a police investigation going on?

‪[한숨 쉬며그렇죠

Yes. The parents filed charges.

일단 그쪽 부모들이 ‪고소를 했으니까

Yes. The parents filed charges.

‪[교무부장진짜 ‪내가 속이 문드러져서

Good grief. That brat will be the death of me.

아니집단 폭행이  말이냐고요

A group assault on a kid

엄마가 우림고 교무부장인데

when his mom is the education director of Woorim High?

그렇다고 애들을 ‪24시간 쫓아다닐 수도 없고

But it's not like I can follow my kid around 24 hours a day.

 짓을 하고 다니는지

God knows what he's been up to.

지들이 감추면 ‪ 방법 있냐고요우리가

Kids can hide anything from their parents if they want to.


You came to the right person.

일단 수사 상황부터 ‪체크해 보죠

First, I'll find out how far the investigation has progressed.

‪- [자동차 시동음] ‪- [동희!

Mr. Choi! Mr. Choi!

‪- [치열 ‪- [동희이거 가져가셔야죠

-Yes? -You forgot this.

‪- 남해이 학생 과외 프린트 ‪- [치열

Tutoring materials for Nam Hae-e.

우림고 2학년 ‪내신 족보도 같이  뽑았어요

I included Woorim High's past exams for the 11th grade.

깜빡했다 ‪내가  급해 가지고

It slipped my mind. I was in a hurry.

‪[동희바로 ‪과외 가시는  아니에요?

It slipped my mind. I was in a hurry. Are you stopping by somewhere on the way?

‪- 어디 들렀다 가세요? ‪- [치열

Are you stopping by somewhere on the way? Maybe.


I'm off. Thanks.

‪- 운전 조심하세요 ‪- [치열

-Drive safely. -Okay.

‪[의미심장한 음악]

과외 프린트?

Tutoring materials?


Choi Chi-yeol is tutoring someone?

최치열이 과외를 한다고?

Choi Chi-yeol is tutoring someone?


The name is Nam Hae-e.

‪[또박또박 끊어서남해이

Nam Hae-e.

우림고 다니는 애인  같아

Probably goes to Woorim High.

알아낼  있는   알아내 

Find out everything you can.

최근 성적부터 동향까지  

From latest grades to recent activities.


Keep me updated. Thanks.

‪[피식 웃는다]

최치열이 ‪  걸렸어나한테?

Choi Chi-yeol, I've got you now.


‪- [문소리] ‪- [도어  작동음]

‪[발랄한 음악]

‪[가쁜 숨소리]


‪[힘주는 소리]

‪[ 내뱉는 소리]

‪[도어  작동음]

‪- [해이안녕하세요 ‪- [치열

-Hello, Mr. Choi. -Hello. -Come on in. -Hi.

‪- [행선오셨어요 ‪- [치열

-Come on in. -Hi.

‪[도어  작동음]

‪[치열이 가쁜 숨을 내쉬며


, 12 45 늦었네요 ‪회의가 있어 가지고

I'm 12 minutes and 45 seconds late. My meeting ran late.


Hi, Chi-yeol…

향수 냄새

I smell cologne.

향수 냄새 지독해

A lot of it.

‪[ 냄새 맡는 소리]

‪[치열이 콜록거린다]

‪[치열해이야 [헛기침]

-Hae-e, let's get started. -Okay.

‪- 수업 시작할까? ‪- [해이

-Hae-e, let's get started. -Okay.

‪[치열의 기침]

‪[행선의  냄새 맡는 소리]

What is it?


What is it?

엄마 끝나고 ‪남궁 선생님한테 간다며

You're going to Dr. Namgoong with Mr. Choi later, right?

치열 쌤이랑

You're going to Dr. Namgoong with Mr. Choi later, right?


Yes. What about it?

옷을  갈아입는  낫지 않겠어? ‪살짝 후줄근한데

Shouldn't you change? You look a bit scruffy. Put on some makeup too.

‪[해이화장도 좀만 하고

You look a bit scruffy. Put on some makeup too.

남궁 선생님 간만에 뵙는 거잖아

You haven't seen him in a while.

예의가 아니지 않나?

Where are your manners?


Should I?

‪[ 닫히는 소리]

‪[행선많이 후줄근해?

Do I look scruffy?


Yes, very.


I think I look fine.

‪[ 닫히는 소리]

‪[노크 소리]

‪[긴장되는 음악]

‪[킁킁 냄새 맡는 소리]


‪[교무부장 짓을 하고 다니는지

God knows what he's been up to.

지들이 감추면 ‪ 방법이 있냐고우리가

Kids can hide anything from their parents if they want to.

‪[ 형사아이쇠구슬 테러가 ‪지금 연쇄적으로 일어나고 있는데

There has been a series of metal ball attacks.

지금 이게 어떻게 ‪애들 장난입니까?

How can you call this a harmless prank?

‪[서진의 놀란 숨소리]

 이거 뭐야?

What is this?

‪[서진 대체 요새

Tell me.

무슨  하고 돌아다니는 거야?

What have you been up to?

밤마다 도둑고양이처럼 나가서 ‪ 하냐고

What are you doing sneaking out every night?

  쇠구슬은 뭐고?

What's with this metal ball?

말해 말해 


 대체 무슨 사고를 ‪치고 다니는지

Have you been causing trouble?


Have you been causing trouble? Hui-jae.


Hui-jae, tell me.

‪[서진의 아파하는 신음]

‪[서진의 고통스러운 신음]


‪- [달칵  잠기는 소리] ‪- [무거운 음악]

‪[떨리는 숨소리]


‪[힘겨운 숨소리]

‪[드르륵  열리는 소리]


You're done?

저희 바로 가야 돼요 ‪선생님 기다리셔서

Let's hurry. The doctor is waiting for us.

‪[잔잔한 음악]



I mean, sure.


Let's go.

‪- ? ‪- [치열아니

-What? -What? I mean…

가요빨리 ‪빨리 가자고요가요

Let's go. Let's hurry.

‪[행선얘들아 심심하면 ‪냉장고에서 자두 꺼내 먹어

If you need a snack, there are plums in the fridge.

씻어 놓은 거니까 바로 먹으면 

-They're washed. -Okay.


-They're washed. -Okay. Mom,

얼른  필요 없어천천히 

no need to hurry back. Take your time.

‪[재우누나 ‪나도 따라가면  ?

Can I tag along, Haeng-seon? I want to ride in Chi-yeol's--


Can I tag along, Haeng-seon? I want to ride in Chi-yeol's--

‪[해이얼른 ‪선생님 기다리시겠다

-Go on. Mr. Choi's waiting. -Okay.

‪- 갔다  ‪- [ 닫히는 소리]

See you.

‪[도어  작동음]

 따라간다 그래삼촌

Why would you tag along?



‪[풀벌레 울음]


단순한 염좌는 아닌  같고

This doesn't seem like just a sprain.

‪[평소에 손목을 많이 쓰네

You must use your wrist a lot. DR. NAMGOONG CHAN

손목에 지속적인 압박이 가해지면

When the wrist comes under pressure for an extended period of time,

 인대가 두꺼워지면서

When the wrist comes under pressure for an extended period of time, the ligaments get thicker,

정중 신경을 자극해 ‪통증이 유발되거든

putting pressure on the median nerve and causing pain.

이걸 우리 한의학에선 ‪수근관 증후군이라 그러고

It's called carpal tunnel syndrome.

무슨  하시나?

What do you do for a living?

‪[치열학생들 가르칩니다

I teach students. I see. So you're a teacher.


I see. So you're a teacher.

공교육 쪽은 아니고 ‪학원 강사입니다

I teach at a private academy, not at a school.

그냥 강사는 아니고요원장님

He's not just any teacher though.

일타강사라고 엄청  많이 벌고 ‪잘나가는 강사님이세요

He's a star teacher. He makes tons of money and is super popular.

‪[행선이 작게침값 많이 받으세요

Charge him a lot.


Is that right?

바가지 엄청 씌워야겠구먼

Then I should rip him off big time.

‪[찬의 웃음]

‪[찬의 쯧쯧  차는 소리]

돈을 얼마나 버는진 몰라도

I don't know how much money you make,

몸은 아주 쓰레기구먼 ‪엉망진창이야

but your body is a piece of junk. It's a total mess.

그래도 사람 몸인데 ‪쓰레기는 

Did you just call my body "a piece of junk"?

‪[맥이 심하게 무력이면서 ‪침맥이야

Your pulse is extremely weak and faint.

원체 기운이 허약한 데다

You're frail, to begin with,

과로에 스트레스까지

and you're overworked and under stress.

몸을 완전히 방치했구먼

You've been neglecting your body.

 정도면 ‪잠도     같은데

You must have trouble sleeping too.

불면증 있나?

Do you have insomnia?

그걸 어떻게?

How did you know?

 어떻게야점쟁이도 아니고

What do you think? I'm not a psychic or anything.

맥이 말해 주는 거지

I can tell by your pulse.

‪[약침  맞고 쑥뜸  뜨고

You'll need some acupuncture and moxibustion.

 번으로는    같으니까 ‪시간  때마다 들르고

One session won't do. Come by whenever you have time.

근데 제가 그렇게 자주자주 ‪시간이 나는 사람이 아니라

But I'm quite busy, sir.

‪[죽고 싶으면 마음대로 하고

Suit yourself if you want to die.

이대로 뒀다간

At this rate, you'll end up on the doorstep of hell, young man.

지옥문 앞까지 가겠구먼 ‪젊은 사람이

At this rate, you'll end up on the doorstep of hell, young man.

‪- 일단 올라가  ‪- [치열?

-Lie down now. -Pardon?

‪[ 치료   거야?

You don't want your wrist fixed?

앉아서  맞을래?

You can't receive acupuncture on a chair.

‪[쓱쓱 적는 소리]

‪- [약침은 ‪- [발랄한 음악]

All right. I'm going to insert needles


into your neck, head, hands, wrists,

발목발등요렇게 놓을 거야

belly, ankles, and feet.


My head too?

‪[몸에  풀고

Now, relax.

아니잠깐잠깐만 ‪

Hold on. Why insert needles into my head when it's my wrist that hurts?

손목이  좋은데 머리머리 ‪머리에 침을  맞아요?

Why insert needles into my head when it's my wrist that hurts?

‪[불면증 있다며?

You said you have insomnia.

‪[행선긴장되세요? ‪어떻게손이라도  잡아 드려요?

If you're nervous, I can hold your hand.

아이됐습니다손은 무슨

Forget it. Don't be ridiculous.

‪[이깟   방에 무슨 남자가

Don't be a crybaby. It'll be over before you know it.

금방 끝나금방

Don't be a crybaby. It'll be over before you know it.

‪- 잠깐잠깐잠깐잠깐잠깐 ‪- [간다

-Hold on. -Here we go.



‪[치열의 겁먹은 신음]

‪[풀벌레 울음]




손목도 그렇고  나은  같아요?

How's your wrist? Feeling any better?

약침 효과는 바로 나올 텐데

His acupuncture takes effect right away.

‪[치열 ‪ 그런  같기도 하고

His acupuncture takes effect right away. Yes, I think I feel better.

‪[행선말은  틱틱 저러셔도 ‪진짜 좋으세요원장님

He can be a bit brusque, but he's a good man.

침술도 좋으시고

He has excellent skills too.

시간 되시면   맞으러 가세요

Go see him from time to time.

아까 들으셨죠? ‪지옥문 앞에 가게 생기셨다잖아요

Did you hear? You'll end up on the doorstep of hell.

‪[치열지옥문은 무슨

The doorstep of hell, my foot.

‪-  사후 세계도  믿어요 ‪- [자동차 리모컨 작동음]

I don't believe in an afterlife. Is there anything you believe in?

‪[행선 믿는   많으셔 ‪가만 보면

Is there anything you believe in?


나이가 어떻게 되세요?

How old are you?

‪[치열아이 ‪남의 나이는 갑자기 

Well… why do you ask?

먹을 만큼 먹었어요

I'm old enough.

‪[행선아니 ‪생각보다  어리신가 해서

It seems like you're younger than I thought.

‪- 아니에요됐어요 ‪- [치열

-Never mind. -What?

아까 내가 ‪ 맞을  그런 거는

Is this about what happened back there?

겁이 많거나 그런  아니라

It wasn't because I was scared.

주사나 침같이 뾰족한 거에 ‪워낙 예민하다 보니까

I'm sensitive to sharp objects like needles, so-- I didn't say anything.

‪[행선누가 뭐래요?

I didn't say anything.

우리   먹으러 가요 ‪도시락도  쌌으니까

Let's get something to eat. I didn't pack you any dinner.

내가 쏠게요오늘

It's on me.

‪[치열지금 ‪먹는  중요한  아니라

It's on me. That's not what's important. You seem to have gotten the wrong idea.

그쪽이 오해를 하고 계셔 가지고

That's not what's important. You seem to have gotten the wrong idea.

‪[행선추어탕 어때요?

How about chueotang?

여기서 좀만  가면 ‪제가 아는 이모가 하는

How about chueotang? A lady I know runs a restaurant near here, and it's open around the clock.

‪24시간 추어탕집이 있거든요

A lady I know runs a restaurant near here, and it's open around the clock.

나온 김에 이모도  만나야겠다

I'd love to see her too.

오늘  잡았다아주

It's going to be so much fun.


Listen, Ms. Nam Haeng-seon.

외웠다 이름

You remembered my name.





‪[행선의 웃음]

‪[잔잔한 음악]


‪[달칵 안전띠 채우는 소리]

‪[자동차 시동음]

  겁나 없어요

I'm not scared of anything.

진짜  없어요

I mean it. You never let anything go.

‪[행선아무튼 뒤끝 있으셔

You never let anything go.

 가시면 돼요거의  왔어요

Go straight for just a bit more. We're almost there.

 동네예요이모 가게가?

Is the restaurant in this neighborhood?

‪[행선왜요아는 동네예요?

You've been here?

Kind of.

실은 옛날에 저희 엄마가 하던 ‪식당이에요거기가

Actually, my mom used to run it.

엄마 돌아가시고 ‪친한 이모가 인수했어요

When she passed away, a friend of hers took over.

간만에 옛날 생각 나겠다

This takes me back.

‪[행선 가시다가 ‪사거리 지나서

Keep going straight and make a right after the intersection.

그리고 골목 나오면 우회전이요

Keep going straight and make a right after the intersection.

‪[방향 지시  작동음]


This is it?



 오래돼서 허름하긴 한데

It's old and a bit run-down, but the best places always are.

이런 데가 맛집인  알죠?

It's old and a bit run-down, but the best places always are.

낮에 오면 ‪ 서서 먹어야 된다니까요

People line up to have lunch here.

우리 엄마 식당  때도 ‪단골 진짜 많았는데

My mom had many regulars too.

엄마가 입은  험해도

My mom had many regulars too. She was foul-mouthed,

손맛도 좋고 ‪인심이 진짜 좋았거든요

but she was a great cook and had a big heart.

‪[행선의 탄성]

‪[행선  낸장 ‪누가 식권 달래?

Cripes. I never asked for one.

 속에 뜨신  드가야 ‪  만해지지

You need to fill your stomach if you want to stay strong.

‪- [아련한 음악] ‪- 얼릉 

Hurry up.

‪[행선그래도 ‪커피라도 들어가니까 좋죠?

Hurry up. Isn't it nice to drink some coffee?

자고로 사람은  속에 ‪뜨신  들어가야  만하거든요

You need to fill your stomach if you want to stay strong.

‪[행선 처먹고 가라니까낸장

Cripes, don't make me repeat myself.

‪[행선낸장사람을 뭘로 보고

Cripes, what do you take me for?

‪[손님이모님 먹었습니다


‪- [행선 들어가  ‪- [손님

-Bye. Come again. -Okay. -Hello. -Welcome.

‪- [손님들이 인사한다] ‪- [행선 어서 와요 [웃음]

-Hello. -Welcome.


My goodness. Look at you.

언능 !

Come on in.

그렇게 느려 터져 가지고 ‪어디 밥이나 읃어먹겄어?

If you don't hurry, there will be no food left for you.


‪[부드러운 음악]


‪[카메라 셔터음 효과음]


‪[치열다시 일어서게 하는 ‪기억 같은 것들이 있잖아?

There are memories that get you back on your feet.

나한텐  이모님 식당이 그래

That's what her cafeteria is to me.

그래서 마음이  거야

That's why I was drawn to her.


Reduced by half?

‪[행선월세도 반값만 내라 그러고

The rent has been reduced by half.

이상하지 않아요건물 사자마자?

Isn't that strange? They just bought the building.

‪- [치열우리 파티할까요? ‪- [행선?

-Should we hold a party? -What?

‪[영주너랑 해이랑 재우를 보는 ‪뭐랄까따뜻한애정 어린?

He was looking at you, Hae-e, and Jae-woo with so much warmth and affection.


Confess to him that you're single.

‪[서진대체  하는 거야 ‪이희재?

What are you up to, Hui-jae?

‪[ 소리]

Mr. Choi's seeing someone?

‪[영주 쌤이 ‪만나는 여자가 있다?

Mr. Choi's seeing someone?

피아니스트에 미인에 ‪집안도 빵빵한?

A beautiful pianist from a wealthy family?


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