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Life 8


[자동차 경적]
[차 문이 탁 열린다]
(승효) 저... [차 문이 탁 닫힌다]Excuse me.
잘 부탁합니다Take good care of him.
(여자) 아, 네Yes, sir.
(경아) 홍성찬 회장 인천에서 양재동 사옥으로 출발했답니다Mr. Hong left Incheon for his office in Yangjae.
5시 3분 전 도착 예정입니다His ETA is three minutes to five o'clock.
화정생명에서 제안이 왔는데요Hwajeong Life Insurance sent us an offer.
저희 병원 통해서 보험 상품을 세일즈하고 싶답니다They want to sell their insurance plans through our hospital. They must have heard that we entered an alliance with Hwajeong Chemical.
화정화학이랑 제휴 맺은 걸 들었나 봐요They must have heard that we entered an alliance with Hwajeong Chemical.
[헛웃음]They must have heard that we entered an alliance with Hwajeong Chemical.
답변 보류하겠습니다I'll defer the response.
[긴장되는 음악]
[커피 머신 작동음]
[커피 머신 작동음]
(성찬) 블랙아이보리It's Black Ivory.
저, 회장님 아직 여독도 안 풀리셨을 텐데You must still be tired from the travel.
이렇게 시간 내주셔서 감사합니다 [커피 머신 작동음]Thank you for making time for me.
홍콩인데 여독은It was just a short trip to Hong Kong.
코끼리 똥으로 만든 거예요It's made from elephant poop.
이거 루왁하고는 좀 다른 거 같기도 하네요It does taste different from kopi luwak.
루왁 뭐...Kopi luwak?
(성찬) 애들이 어디서 주워듣고 루왁, 루왁 대는 거지Only some snobs make a big deal out of something like that.
[성찬이 살짝 웃는다]
남형이한테 대충...Nam-hyeong told me… Oh, I'm sorry.
아, 아, 소리Oh, I'm sorry.
조 회장한테 얘기는 대충 들었는데Mr. Cho told me the gist.
우리랑 앱을 개발하고 싶다고요?So, you'd like to develop an app with us? Yes, a health app.
네, 그게 헬스 앱입니다Yes, a health app.
(승효) 그, QL전자 휴대폰에We would like to develop a built-in app for QL phones that monitors
심장 박동 수나 혈압the users' health measurements, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and BMI.
비만도 등을 측정하는 앱을 넣어 가지고요blood pressure, and BMI.
그 정보가 저희 상국대병원에 다이렉트로 전송되는 겁니다The app will send the data directly to us at Sangkook University Hospital.
'다이렉트로'가 아니라 '독점으로'죠"Exclusively" is a better-fitting word.
(성찬) 우리 폰 유저들은 자동으로 상국대병원에 종속되는 건데?Through this, Sangkook gets to keep our users under their thumb.
그게 이제 잠재 고객이 되시는 거죠They'll become our potential clients.
왜 내 고객들을 조 회장 병원에 갖다 바쳐야 할까?Why must I offer up my customers to Mr. Cho's hospital?
회장님Sir, if not with Sangkook University Hospital, with whom will you work?
그럼 상국대병원이 아니면 어디하고 하실 겁니까?Sir, if not with Sangkook University Hospital, with whom will you work?
국립대 병원은 수익 배분이 복잡하고요It's hard to share profits with national university hospitals,
다른 대형 병원들은 이미 파트너가 있습니다It's hard to share profits with national university hospitals, and other large hospitals already have partners.
죄송합니다만 저희나 QL전자나 좀 늦었습니다I'm sorry, but both QL and Sangkook are behind in the game.
왜 늦었을까요?Why do you think that is?
내가 몰라서?Because I didn't know?
(성찬) '너 요즘 심장 박동 이상하더라'"Your heart rate is unusual lately."
폰 주인한테 메시지 뜨게 해서 괜히 사람 불안하게 만들고The app will send such push notifications to the user and make them nervous,
그 불안감 이용해서 자동으로 검진 예약시키고leading them to make an appointment for a checkup.
물론 상국대병원에다At Sangkook Hospital, of course.
그럼 그때부터 머리채 잡힌 거지Then you have that user under your thumb.
생활 건강 클리닉인가?Healthy Life Clinic, right?
구 사장 그런 것도 하겠다고 천명했던데?You recently announced your plan for that, didn't you?
- 네 - '고객님'-I did. -"Your heart rate
'박동이 이상한 게 담배 때문이었네요'is irregular because of your smoking.
'자, 그럼 이제 우리 상국 금연 클리닉으로'Okay, then. Go over to Sangkook Smoking Cessation Clinic."
(성찬) 이거 하자는 거잖아요That's what you want to do.
내가 왜 남 좋은 일 시켜야 되는 건데?Why should I help you?
물론 이 앱을 통해서 발생할 수익 분배에 대해서는I can explain how we will distribute profits generated through this app right now, if you'd like.
지금 말씀드릴 수 있습니다generated through this app right now, if you'd like.
(승효) 하지만 그런 것보다But rather than that…
우리 대QL전자 홍성찬 회장님께서는I know Chairman Hong Seong-chan of QL Electronics
남 좋은 일 안 시키려다가 나 좋은 일까지 놓치실won't miss out on a great opportunity just because it would benefit someone else as well.
그럴 분이 아니시지 않습니까?just because it would benefit someone else as well.
이게 어디 헬스 앱뿐이겠습니까?The health app is just the beginning.
이제 곧 원격 화상 진료 시대도 곧 도래하는데요You know, telemedicine is now poised to become the new normal. Soon, someone from a remote island
먼 낙도에서도 전화 한 통이면Soon, someone from a remote island
서울에 있는 박사님들한테 다 화면으로 진찰을 받을 건데will be able to get examined by doctors in Seoul via video conferencing.
그때도 파트너 병원 하나가 없어서You wouldn't let QL's phones
QL 폰이 먹통이 되게 두실 리는 없지 않습니까, 회장님께서become useless because you don't have a partner hospital.
그때가 되면 굳이 병원하고 제휴를 안 맺어도...By that time, we won't need an alliance with a hospital.
모두 제휴를 맺고 있으니까 그게 문제죠The problem is, everyone has made alliances. If you think about hospitals on par with QL Electronics' status,
(승효) QL전자의 위상에 걸맞은 곳을 따져 보신다면If you think about hospitals on par with QL Electronics' status,
전국 대형 병원 빅5 중에there is no better partner than Sangkook University Hospital
저희 상국대병원이 최적입니다there is no better partner than Sangkook University Hospital among the Big Five.
걸맞죠That's true. QL and Hwajeong.
우리 QL하고 화정That's true. QL and Hwajeong.
화정이 휴대폰을 안 만들 뿐이지Although Hwajeong is not in the cell phone business,
[잔을 탁 내려놓으며] 나머지는 글로벌 마켓에서 둘이 박 터지게 싸우는 중이니까we're fighting tooth and nail in other business areas in the global market.
예, 저희 화정은 휴대폰을 안 만들고You are right. Hwajeong is not in the cell phone business,
QL전자는 계열사 중에 병원이 없죠and QL Electronics does not own a hospital.
[잔을 탁 집어 든다]
식었네It got cold.
[잔을 탁 내려놓는다]
우리가 병원을 사 버리면 되지We can just buy a hospital
화정처럼as Hwajeong did.
그때가 되면 빅5 중에 어디가When we do, which of the Big Five
우리한테 밀려나려나?would we push out?
잘 마셨습니다, 회장님Thank you for the coffee, sir.
[승효가 잔을 탁 내려놓는다]
(승효) 회장님Sir.
[통화 연결음]
(성찬) 어, 조 회장, 요즘 바빠?Mr. Cho. Are you busy lately?
많이 바쁜가 보네?You must be really busy.
왜 애를 보냈어?Why did you send a pip-squeak over?
돼도 그만 안 돼도 그만인가 본데?I guess you aren't desperate enough.
[성찬이 살짝 웃는다] [휴대전화 진동음]
(경아) 사장님, 회장 비서실인데요It's the chairman's assistant. He wants you to come in.
들어오시라고...It's the chairman's assistant. He wants you to come in.
[숨을 후 내뱉는다]
(남형) 딱 봐서 뻘소리 지껄인다 싶으면 박차고 나왔어야지You should've stormed out as soon as he started talking bullshit.
왜 아쉬운 소리를 해서 내가 그 새끼한테 매달린 것처럼 만들어!Why did you make it sound like I was begging that prick for it?
죄송합니다, 회장님I'm sorry, sir.
(남형) 재수 없는 새끼That annoying prick.
아, 공부도 더럽게 못한 게He sucked in school, too.
내가 자기 옛날을 다 아는데I know what kind of loser he used to be. How dare he call and act cocky to me?
어디 띡 전화를 해서 개폼을 잡아, 이씨I know what kind of loser he used to be. How dare he call and act cocky to me?
[남형의 한숨]
내가 핸드폰을 밀고 나갔어야 했는데I should've pushed forward to enter the cell phone business.
아버지를 꺾었어야 했는데I should've fought my father.
지금이라도 뛰어들어?Should I just enter it now?
저, 핸드폰 시장은...-The cell phone market-- -It is completely saturated.
국물도 안 남았지-The cell phone market-- -It is completely saturated.
(남형) 병원이야 언제든 짓든 사든 키우든You can always buy, build, or expand a hospital.
그러니까 그놈이 똥배짱이지, 아는데That's why he's being cocky. I know that, but still…
재수는 없네it's annoying as hell.
제가 홍 회장 생각 돌려놓겠습니다I'll get Mr. Hong to change his mind.
가진 게 넘치는 분이니He has pretty much everything,
낚시질보다는 끊임없이 도끼질해야죠so giving him bait won't work. I'll have to break him down.
회장님 염려 없으시도록 성사될 때까지 만나겠습니다I'll keep meeting with him until he agrees, so you won't have to worry.
(남형) 나 염려 없게 해 주느라You're working super hard
여러모로 애쓰지? 우리 구 사장to make sure not to worry me.
병원 파견 취소한 거You canceled the relocation
그것도 구 사장이 순전히 나 욕먹을까 봐against your will because you didn't want me
본인 뜻 꺾은 거잖아, 그렇지?to be criticized, right?
의료 외 수입 때문이기도 하고요It was also because of non-medical revenue.
의료 외 수입Non-medical revenue…
(승효) 제가 부임하기 전부터 들어 온 게Before joining the hospital, I heard that superior general hospitals
상급 병원은 원래 적자라는 소리였습니다always operate in the red.
다른 대형 병원들도 내놓은 자료가 다 그렇길래always operate in the red. That's what all the other large hospitals' public records said,
사실인 줄 알았고요so I thought it was true.
그런데 이번 경영 진단을 통해서 통합 재무제표가 나왔는데Through the recent efficiency evaluation, we've put together a consolidated financial statement,
기업에서는 본 적 없는 항목을 하나 발견했습니다and I found an item that I had never seen in that of corporations.
고유 목적 사업 준비금이라고요It's called "reserve fund for essential business."
[어두운 음악]
이게 간단히 말씀드리자면To put it simply, it's an expense
건물이나 의료 장비를 매입할 때 드는 비용입니다reserved for purchasing buildings or medical equipment.
(승효) 이전 재단에서는 이걸 매입도 안 하고서는 경비로 잡았는데The previous foundation had counted it as an expense without spending it,
저희는 이걸 수익에다가 넣어 보니까but we counted it as revenue,
실은 경상 이익이 흑자로 나왔습니다and it made the ordinary profit go from in the red to black.
(남형) 그게 얼마나 되는데?How much was it?
네, 분원까지 전체 합쳐서Including the fund reserved for the branch hospital,
2,037억입니다, 회장님it's 203.7 billion won, sir.
[휘파람을 분다]
(남형) 하긴Now I get it. They were whining to get their way.
우는소리를 해야 떡 하나라도 더 받아먹지Now I get it. They were whining to get their way.
병원이 주가 하락 걱정할 것도 아니고Hospitals don't need to worry about the stock price anyway.
저, 그런데 응급이나 소아과 같은 필수 과를 없애게 되면But if we eliminate essential departments like Emergency Medicine or Pediatrics,
세금이나 경비처럼we'll receive significantly fewer benefits,
이 항목으로 받는 혜택이 확 줄어들게 됩니다we'll receive significantly fewer benefits, including tax exemption and deductions. It would be better for us
(승효) 3과를 유지하되It would be better for us
대신 저희는 이 항목을 더 넓게 잡는 게 유리하다고 판단을 했고It would be better for us to keep the three departments and increase the size of the reserve fund.
여기에 대해서는 내일까지 정리해서 회장님께 보고드릴 예정이었습니다I was planning to prepare a report for you by tomorrow.
구조 실장 통해서 먼저 듣게 해 드려서 정말 죄송합니다, 회장님I'm sorry for making you hear this from the Restructure Team first.
구 사장이 잘하던 거잖아That was your specialty…
(남형) 비서 시절에when you were an assistant.
나 뭐 하나 옆에서 냄새 맡다가You'd watch to see what I was doing
내 아버지한테 쪼르르 이르는 거and rush to tell my father on me.
실장 탓할 거 없어Don't blame Mr. Lee.
탓하지 않습니다I don't blame him. And…
그리고I don't blame him. And…
회장님의 용무를I've never…
선대 회장께 이른 적도 없습니다told the previous chairman about what you did.
[숨을 깊게 내뱉는다]
처음부터 내가 키운 사람이었으면 참 좋았을 텐데It would've been nice if you were one of my people from the start.
(남형) QL은 계속 시도해Keep working on QL.
온 국민을 뚫고 들어갈 건 핸드폰만 한 게 없어Cell phones are the best way to reach all the people in the country.
꼭 연계돼야 돼We need this deal.
(승효) 잘 알겠습니다, 회장님I understand, sir.
(경아) 괜찮으세요?Are you okay?
아이, 퇴근하시라니까I told you to go home.
아니, 뭐...Well…
괜찮으세요?Are you okay?
갑시다Let's go.
집에들 가자고Let's just go home.
[엘리베이터 버튼을 탁 누른다]
여기Over here.
스파이 접선해?What are we, spies?
왜 오밤중에 머리를 풀어 헤치고 이런 데서 보재?Why did you want to meet here at night? Mr. Assessment Man. Do you still think I'm No-eul?
심평원 동무Mr. Assessment Man. Do you still think I'm No-eul?
내가 아직도 동무 누나로 보이네?Mr. Assessment Man. Do you still think I'm No-eul?
왜 눈탱이가 밤탱이야?Why are your eyes all swollen?
그래도 이쁘지?I'm still pretty though, right?
아, 혼자선 못 듣겠네This is too much to bear alone.
이제 그만 나오시지?Why don't you come out now?
이놈의 자식You punk.
일은 잘되냐?How's work going?
공무 수행 중, 비밀I'm on government duty. It's confidential.
그러시구랴Sure, whatever.
들어가야 돼?-You need to go back? -Yes.
- (노을) 응 - 저녁은?-You need to go back? -Yes. -What about dinner? -Why don't you ever ask me that?
(진우) 아이, 나한테도 좀 물어봐라-What about dinner? -Why don't you ever ask me that?
(노을) 싸우지들 말고 빨리 들어가, 이놈들아Don't fight and go home, punks.
(선우) 누나, 들어가, 우리 갈게Bye. We'll go now.
가는 거 보고After you leave.
Go on.
내일 보자Okay. See you tomorrow.
[차분한 음악]
[트렁크 문이 탁 열린다]
[트렁크 문이 탁 닫힌다] [차 문이 탁 열린다]
[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]
정말 어떻게 될 거 같아, 부원장?What do you think will happen to the deputy director?
(선우) 글쎄, 아직은Who knows? I don't know yet.
근데 대안은 있는 거야?Is there an alternative?
부원장이 원장이 돼서는 안 된다며You said he is not fit to be the director.
그럼 다른 대안은?Then who's the alternative?
몰라, 나도I don't know either.
(선우) 구 사장한테 대적할 인물이 없을 거 같던데I don't think there's anyone who could challenge Mr. Gu.
나야 뭐, 오늘 하루 봤지만Well, I only met him today though.
(진우) 너 사장 봤어?You met him?
(선우) 괜찮던데?He seemed nice.
(진우) [헛웃음 치며] 괜찮긴, 겪어 봐라No way. Try working with him.
아니다, 네가 왜 겪냐, 그런 사람을Never mind. Why should you put up with him? But is there really no good candidate for the director?
(선우) 근데 진짜 원장감이 그렇게 없어?But is there really no good candidate for the director?
[엘리베이터 도착음]
[엘리베이터 문이 쓱 열린다]
[엘리베이터 버튼을 탁 누른다]
(승효) 아, 잠깐만요Hold the elevator.
아, 감사합니다Thank…
감사합니다Thank you.
[엘리베이터 안내 음성] 문이 닫힙니다
(승효) 아, 네Thanks.
스위스 어떤 마을에서요In a town in Switzerland,
핵 폐기장을 만들려고 주민 투표를 했대요they took a vote on whether to build a nuclear waste repository.
결과는?The result?
60% 이상 찬성Over 60% approved of the decision.
근데 이번에는 정부에서 보상금 제안을 해요But then, the government offered compensation.
'너희 마을에 폐기장 만들면 우리가 돈 줄게'"If you let us build the repository in your town, we will pay you."
(노을) 해서 다시 투표So, they took another vote.
아, 뭐 하러요?What for?
60% 이상이면 바로 지어야지They should've just built it since over 60% agreed to it.
이번에는 찬성표가 얼마나 나왔을까요?How many do you think voted "yes" this time?
[엘리베이터 도착음]
지었을까요, 못 지었을까요?Do you think they were able to build it or not?
이노을 선생님Dr. Lee?
[잔잔한 음악] 네?Yes?
동물 병원 만드신다면서요?I heard you will open a veterinary center.
(노을) 어디다 만드시려나?Where will you open the center?
그래서 몇 %요?What was the result of the vote?
공간이 있어야 할 텐데We'll need a space for it.
우리 병원 꽉 찼는데But our hospital is packed.
보실래요?Would you like to see?
(노을) 어디를 보시는 게 도움이 되시려나?Where should I show you around this time?
로봇 수술실?The robotic operating room?
해부 실습실?The anatomy lab?
(노을) 음압 격리 병동이에요This is the Negative Pressure Isolation Zone.
전염성 질환 발생 시 사용하죠It's utilized in the occurrence of an infectious disease outbreak.
(승효) 연간 유지비가 3천 정도 상회하는데The maintenance costs about 30 million won a year,
거의 안 써먹는 시설이죠, 여기는The maintenance costs about 30 million won a year, but it's hardly ever used.
(노을) 몇 년 전까지만 해도Until a few years ago,
음압 병실에 대한 개념도 규정도 없었어요there was no awareness of the need for the facility, let alone any regulations.
그걸 바꿔 준 게 메르스예요It was MERS which changed that.
메르스가 퍼졌을 때 우리나라 병원들도 같이 아팠어요When MERS spread, our country's hospitals suffered so much.
대비가 전혀 안 돼 있었거든요They weren't prepared for it.
그때 심하게 앓고 나서야 체계가 생긴 거예요Only after going through that difficulty did they come up with a system.
위기관리에 대한 투자라고 생각하시면 어떨까요?Why don't you think of it as an investment in crisis management?
[익살스럽게] 사장님Why don't you think of it as an investment in crisis management?
(노을) 오 교수님 수업하시네요Chief Oh is giving a lecture.
의대생들입니까?Are they med students?
(노을) 전공의들 같은데요I think they are residents.
아, 전공의들도 이렇게 수업을 해요?Residents have classes like this?
따로 시간 짜내서 가르쳐 줄 지도 교수님을 만날 행운이 있다면?Only if they're lucky enough to have a professor who will make time to teach them.
(세화) 자, 각자 소견들Okay. What are your thoughts? It's a large aneurysm measuring over 25mm.
(의사1) 25mm 이상의 거대 동맥류입니다It's a large aneurysm measuring over 25mm.
치료는?How would you treat it?
(의사1) 뇌동맥류는 코일이나 클립으로 잡을 수 있고요Intracranial aneurysms can be treated with clipping or coiling.
이 경우에 크기나 위치로 봤을 때 코일로 하겠습니다For this patient, given the size and location of the aneurysm, I'd opt for coiling.
또?-Anyone else? -The aneurysm is located in the MCA,
(의사2) 발생 위치가 MCA이긴 하지만 크기가 너무 크고요-Anyone else? -The aneurysm is located in the MCA, but the size is too large.
기술적으로도 수술 위험도가 높아서 저도 코일로 할 거 같은데요Since surgical treatment would be too risky, I'd also go with coiling.
아, 저도...-I'd also-- -Why?
이유는?-I'd also-- -Why?
어, 그러니까, 어...Well…
- 나가 - (의사3) 교수님-Get out. -Dr. Oh.
(세화) 나는 안 되는 애 억지로 안 끌고 가I won't wait for those who fall behind.
내 시간 낭비시키지 말고 나가Don't waste my time, and get out.
(의사3) 죄송합니다, 교수님, 한 번만...I'm sorry. Please…
(세화) 너희 둘은 지금 환자의 기저 질환을 간과했어Both of you overlooked the patient's underlying disease.
동맥류 자체만 본 거지Both of you overlooked the patient's underlying disease. You only looked at the aneurysm.
실제로 이 환자는In fact, this patient
콩팥 질환이 있어서 랩 결과도 안 좋고 이디머 증상도 있고has kidney disease, so the lab results aren't good. He also has edema,
아치도 안 좋고 ICA도 안 좋아and his aortic arch and ICA are in bad condition.
어프로치 자체가 힘들어서 코일은 어려워It'd be hard to reach the aneurysm, so coiling wouldn't work.
버릇인가 봐요That must be a habit.
뭐 집중할 때Doing this when you're focused.
아닌데요I don't do that. Yes, you do.
그런데요?Yes, you do.
[노을의 놀란 신음]
[키보드를 탁탁 두드린다]
누가 나보고 뭐라고 해?Who would dare criticize me?
[통화 연결음]
[연결 불가 신호음]
[무거운 음악]
아, 지금 학교 가 있을 시간이구나That's right. She must be at school right now.
(태상) 하필 바쁠 때 했어, 내가I should have called her another time.
제가To you…
저승사자 같으시죠?I must seem like the grim reaper.
(창) 죄송합니다I'm sorry.
얼마든지 욕하셔도 돼요Curse me all you want.
그런데 아버님But sir, through my job,
저는 이 일 하면서through my job,
앞 못 보던 사람들이 눈 뜨는 걸 봤고I saw blind people see for the first time,
죽기 직전의 사람이and people on the brink of death…
이 병원 살아서 걸어 나가는 걸 봤습니다walk out of here alive.
그래서 쉽게 포기할 수가That's why I can't give up…
없네요that easily.
(창) 그 마음, 그 바람I'm sure…
아버님께서 제일 잘 아시겠죠you understand how I feel better than anyone.
죄송합니다I'm sorry.
(노을) 그러니까 소아과에서는So, in Pediatrics, we inject only 20ml of a 100ml ampoule,
100mg 앰풀이면 20mg만 주사하고 나머지는 버려요So, in Pediatrics, we inject only 20ml of a 100ml ampoule, and throw out the rest.
아이들이 너무 작으니까 체구에 맞게 줘야죠The kids are small, so we must adjust the dosage accordingly.
그런데 심평원에서는But the HIRA
실제로 쓴 20mg만 보험 수가를 인정해 준단 말이에요will reimburse us only for the 20ml that was actually administered.
(승효) 버려진 80mg은요?Then do hospitals need to pay for the discarded 80ml?
전부 병원에서 내야 되고요?Then do hospitals need to pay for the discarded 80ml?
(노을) 그래서 원래 안 되는 거 알면서도That's why some hospitals recycle the leftovers,
80mg을 재활용하는 데가 생겨나는 거예요knowing that they shouldn't.
근데 재사용하고 나눠 담다 보면 오염률이 확 올라가죠If you recycle them and combine the leftovers, the risk of contamination increases.
(승효) 아, 늦었네요It's late. Good night.
수고하셨습니다It's late. Good night.
(노을) 수고하셨습니다Good night.
(승효) 아, 그 핵 폐기장 그래서 어떻게 됐...So, what happened with the nuclear waste…
[문이 달칵 닫힌다]So, what happened with the nuclear waste…
[차분한 음악]
[다가오는 발걸음]
왜 다시 와요?Why did you come back?
나가는 길 아세요?Do you know your way out?
생각해 보니까 이쪽 동은 처음이신데I realized it's your first time in this part of the hospital.
(승효) 아휴, 모든 길은 정문으로 통하죠Every path connects to the front door.
그러시면...Okay, then.
(승효) 그 아이That child…
그때 그 아이That child from before.
가던데요? 보호 시설로He was taken to a welfare center.
예, 갔어요Yes, they took him.
그래서 그렇게 부은 거예요, 울어서?Is that why you're all puffy? From crying?
(노을) 병원에서 시설로 곧장 가는 아이들 종종 있어요There are quite a lot of kids who end up being taken to welfare centers.
[긴장되는 음악]
(태상) [퍽퍽 때리며] 몇 번을 물어, 이 새끼야, 몇 번을!How many times did I ask you? You idiot!
(의사4) 죄송합니다I'm sorry.
(태상) 정신 차려!Pull yourself together!
(선우) 그쪽은 이미 결론 난 거 아니야?Pull yourself together! Hasn't it been decided already?
문제는 그럼 누구냐는 거지The question is, who will it be? If the deputy director loses his candidacy,
부원장이 탈락하면 누가 원장 선거에 뛰어들 것인가If the deputy director loses his candidacy, who will jump into the race for director?
(선우) 암 센터 이상엽 교수Dr. Lee Sang-yeop of the Cancer Center.
부원장을 역임한 경력도 있고He was a deputy director in the past.
(상엽) 은폐 안 했습니다, 보고했어요We did not cover it up. We reported it.
원장님께 보고했습니다I reported it to Director Lee.
(선우) 미국에 오래 있다 와서 덜 권위적이고He spent a lot of time in the US, so he's not that authoritative.
뭐, 사고로 털리기 전까진 구 사장한테 그래도 제일 맞섰던 인물Before he got screwed over because of that incident, he fought back against Mr. Gu the most.
(진우) 임상 실험 남발, 성과급 찬성Excessively recommends clinical trials, approved the pay-for-performance program,
100% 암 센터 위주and he thinks only about the Cancer Center.
그럼 다른 사람?Then, who else?
안과 서 교수Dr. Seo of Ophthalmology.
매출 1위, 야망 있고They generate the most revenue. He is ambitious. Come on. The nurses hate him so much.
(선우) 에이, 간호사 선생들이 너무 싫어하잖아Come on. The nurses hate him so much.
희롱이나 하고 다니는 인간Come on. The nurses hate him so much. He sexually harasses them.
간호사 선생들은 투표권이 없지The nurses can't take part in the election.
투표권 있는 교수들 사이에선...Among the doctors who can vote…
(선우) 형이 병원 주인이야?Do you own the hospital?
진짜 주인은 신경도 안 쓰는데 왜 사서 고생을 해? 무슨 득이 된다고The real owner doesn't even care. Why do this to yourself? What would you get out of this?
(진우) 오세화 교수Dr. Oh Se-hwa.
혼자 이런다고 뭘 바꿀 수 있을까?You alone can't change anything.
선우가 끌어들여졌어, 나 때문에Seon-woo was dragged into it because of me.
애를 끌어들였으면 끝까지 책임을 져야지I dragged him in, so I must take full responsibility.
[진우의 한숨]
오 교수는...Dr. Oh…
[덜커덩거리는 소리가 들린다]
[문이 달칵 열린다] (진우) 놔둬Leave it.
나 내일 오프라서 일부러 쌓아 둔 거야I'm off tomorrow. That's why I left them there.
(선우) 안 많아It's not a lot.
[고무장갑을 탁 뺏으며] 안 많으니까I'll do it.
돌린다I'm turning you.
(진우) 들어가 쉬어Go in and rest.
(선우) 노을이 누나랑 전화했어?Were you on the phone with No-eul?
(진우) 응?What?
방금 노을이 누나 아니었어?Weren't you just talking to her?
왜 그렇게 생각했는데?Why did you think that? I thought you said something about me.
나를 뭐, 어쩌고 그러는 거 같아서I thought you said something about me.
내 이름 말해 가며 통화할 사람이 누나밖에 더 있어?Whom else would you talk to about me?
그래서That's why.
내 목소리가 들렸어?You heard me?
전화 내용이 들렸던 건 아니고...I couldn't really hear what you were saying though.
[차분한 음악]
안 엿들었어, 걱정 마I wasn't eavesdropping. Don't worry.
자라Good night.
(선우) 형도You too.
엄마 말고 지금 나 말고Does anyone else know other than your mom
또 아는 사람 있니?and me?
(보훈) 네가, 아...So…
잘 걷는 선우하고 얘기하고no one else knows that you can see
선우 얼굴 보고 그러는 거and talk to the other Seon-woo who can walk?
다른 사람은 몰라?and talk to the other Seon-woo who can walk?
학교 같은 데선 선우가 보여도 걔랑 얘기 안 해요I don't talk to him in other places like at school, even if I see him.
애들이 들을까 봐Other kids may hear me.
진우 네가 동생이 아파서 많이 속상했어You were very upset because your brother got hurt.
전처럼 같이 뛰고 놀고 싶어서You wanted to run around and play with him like before.
네 마음속에서 건강한 동생이 그리워서 만든 거니까Your heart created him because you missed how your brother used to be.
괜찮아because you missed how your brother used to be. So it's okay.
(보훈) 다 괜찮아Everything is okay.
그 대신에But Jin-woo,
진우야, 너도 알지?you know well yourself, right?
건강한 선우는 너한테만 보인다는 거That you're the only person who can see the Seon-woo who can walk.
네 마음속에 살고 있다는 거That he only lives inside your heart.
그럼 우리 같이 연습을 한번 해 볼까?All right. Then why don't we try practicing?
(보훈) 진우 네가 보는 선우는 네 친구야The Seon-woo that you see is your friend. An imaginary friend.
상상 속의 친구is your friend. An imaginary friend.
그러니까 겉으로 말고 속으로만 얘기해도So, even if you talk to him in your mind without speaking out loud,
마음속의 친구는 다 알아들어your friend can still hear you.
(어린 진우) 그러니까 저 미친 거 아니죠?So, I'm not crazy, right? I'm not, right?
아니죠?So, I'm not crazy, right? I'm not, right?
넌 다른 친구들보다 아주 특별한 친구가 하나 더 있는 거야You simply have a very special friend different from your other friends.
(보훈) 다만 친구는 언젠가는 떠나However, that special friend will disappear someday.
우리 같이 떠나보낼 준비를 천천히 한번 해 보자Let's slowly prepare to let your friend go.
그동안 마음속으로만 주고받는 연습을 하면서Practice talking to him only inside of your head.
속으로만 얘기해도 선우는 다 알아Even if you say it in your head, that Seon-woo can still hear you
선우는 너니까because that Seon-woo is you.
(선우) 간만에 뛰니까 좋네It's nice running again.
힘들지?You're tired, aren't you?
하루하루가 막 달라, 그렇지?It gets harder every day, doesn't it?
아, 뭘 그래 어젯밤에 어쩌다 들렸겠지Calm down. He just happened to hear you last night.
우리가 방심했나?Were we careless?
되게 소심하네, 진짜Stop sulking.
그런다고 내가 안 와?That won't stop me from showing up!
[가쁜 숨소리]
[남자의 당황한 신음]
[슬픈 숨을 내뱉는다]
가?Should we go?
(진우) 부원장이 너 갈구면 바로 콜해Call me if the deputy director tries to screw you over.
나도 네 핑계로 부원장 경골체 좀 까 보자Let me use you as an excuse to kick him in the tibia, too.
(선우) 아무리, 조사 나온 공무원을...He wouldn't. I'm a government…
형도 맞은 적 있어, 부원장한테?Did he hit you before?
왜 하필 경골체야Why the tibia of all places?
정강이 까인 거야, 그 인간한테, 형?Did that bastard kick you in the shin?
씨, 깡패야?Is he a gangster?
털어서 먼지 쪼가리 비슷한 것만 나와 봐If I find even the slightest dirt on him,
내가 그 인간 담가 버린다I'll destroy him.
참된 정형의의 자세일세What great mentality as an orthopedist.
(진우) 아침 먹고 들어갈까?Should we grab breakfast?
(진우) 에이씨...Gross.
[힘주는 신음]
으쌰All right.
[힘주는 신음]
아휴, 됐어, 됐어All done.
[청소기 작동음]
[휴대전화 진동음]
[통화 연결음]Okay, bye.
(진우) [숨 가쁜 목소리로] 예, 최 기자님Hello? Ms. Choi?
안녕하세요, 예 선생님Hello, Dr. Ye.
통화 괜찮으세요?Are you free to talk?
아, 예Yes.
[진우의 힘주는 신음]
[거친 숨을 내뱉는다]
(진우) 예, 웬일이세요?Yes. What's the occasion?
저희가 입수한 자료가 있는데We received some documents, but they're medical records, so we can't make sense of them.
의료 기록이라서 저희는 봐도 몰라서요but they're medical records, so we can't make sense of them.
아, 저는 보면 알죠I can help you.
(서현) 고맙습니다Thank you.
(서현) 지금 자료 보내 드리면 검토해 보시고I'll send them to you now. Can you please look them over?
제가 한 시간 정도 후에 다시 전화드려도 될까요?I'll call you in about an hour. Is that okay?
(진우) 지, 아, 지금, 지금요?Right… Right now?
아, 제가 지금 병원이라서...I'm at the hospital.
죄송합니다, 바쁘시면 나중에...I'm sorry. If you're busy--
(진우) 아니요, 아니요, 그...No. It's not that I'm busy per se.
바쁘다기보다는 이제...No. It's not that I'm busy per se.
그, 지금 자료를 받기가 좀 예, 불편하니까I just can't download the files right now.
그, 시간 괜찮으시면 뵙고 말씀드리는 게 좋을 거 같은데Well… if you have time, I'd prefer to explain things to you in person.
(서현) 그럼 제가 지금 병원으로 갈게요I'll come to the hospital now, then.
(진우) 아...
아, 지금은 좀 바빠서요I'm a bit busy right now.
그, 어, 예...I'm a bit busy right now.
조금만 시간을 주시, 그러니까 그...If you'd give me some time… Well, it'll get less busy soon.
바쁜 게 이제 안 바빠지거든요?If you'd give me some time… Well, it'll get less busy soon.
한 시간쯤 후에?How about an hour from now?
그럼 지금Okay, then.
12시 40분이니까 2시까지 제가 갈게요 병원으로It's 12:40 p.m. right now, so I'll be at the hospital by 2 p.m.
아, 2시요?By 2 p.m.?
예, 예, 알겠습니다, 2시에 뵐게요Yes. Okay. See you then.
- (서현) 예 선생님 - 예, 예?-Dr. Ye. -Yes?
그때 1층 카페로요?The same café on the first floor?
예, 그렇죠, 그, 1층 카페Yes, that's right. The one on the first floor.
시간 내주셔서 감사합니다 이따 뵐게요Thank you for making time for me. See you soon.
많이 바쁜데 했나? [휴대전화 조작음]Am I bothering him when he's busy?
[엘리베이터 도착음]
[차분한 음악] 실례합니다Excuse me.
[엘리베이터 문이 쓱 닫힌다]
[엘리베이터 도착음]
(선우) 죄송합니다Excuse me.
고맙습니다Thank you.
(경문) 심평원 들렀다 와요?Did you stop by your office?
(선우) 예Yes.
통증은?How's the pain?
괜찮습니다, 진통제도 남았고How's the pain? It's fine. I still have my painkillers.
근데...The hospital people won't like it
저랑 얘기하시는 거 여기 병원 사람들이 보면 안 좋아할 텐데The hospital people won't like it if they see you talking to me.
형이 알게 될까 봐 안 오는 거면If you're not coming in case your brother finds out,
내가 다른 병원에 말해 놓을게요I'll refer you to another hospital.
진료는 건너뛰지 말아야지, 어?You shouldn't skip your checkups.
감사합니다Thank you.
근데 진짜 형한테는...But please don't tell--
걱정 말아요, 말 안 해Don't worry. I won't tell him.
(경문) 수고Take care.
(선우) 고맙습니다Thank you.
(선우) 안녕하세요Hello.
(선우) 형도 맞은 적 있어, 부원장한테?Did he hit you before?
[휴대전화 진동음]
네, 이 선생님Hello, Dr. Lee.
(노을) 민서 부모님 서명하셨어요Min-seo's parents signed the consent form.
맘 바꾸셨어요?Did the father change his mind? They'll donate her organs?
기증하신대요?Did the father change his mind? They'll donate her organs?
갈게요I'll be right there.
말씀 전해 들었습니다I heard the news.
우리 민서 그, 그럼 지금... 지금 데려가시는 건가요?Then… are you taking our daughter right now?
아니요, 아직 절차가 남아 있습니다No. There's a process.
먼저 뇌파 검사를...First, we need to conduct an EEG--
(민서 부) 그거 들어 뭐 해?Why do you want to know that?
갑시다Let's go.
(민서 모) 마지막까지 고생하잖아, 우리 민서가She has to go through a tiresome process until the end.
어떤 건지는 알아야지I need to know what they're going to do.
(민서 부) 들어서 뭐가 바뀌어?What difference does that make?
뭐 좋은 얘기라고I don't want to know.
(창) 아버님Sir.
힘든 결정We'll do our best
헛되지 않으시도록 최선을 다하겠습니다not to make the difficult decision you made go to waste.
[무거운 음악] [민서 모의 떨리는 숨소리]
[창의 한숨]
[휴대전화 조작음]
[통화 연결음]
선우창입니다This is Sunwoo Chang. When will she be pronounced brain-dead?
뇌사 판정 위원회 언제 될까요?This is Sunwoo Chang. When will she be pronounced brain-dead?
[긴장되는 음악]
CCTV 영상이 좀 필요한데요I need a security video.
무슨 CCTV?Of what?
(구조 실장) 올해 2월 14일 본관 E로젯He requested the video of Operating Room Three of Rosette E in the main building recorded on February 14.
3번 수술장 녹화 영상을 요청했습니다of Rosette E in the main building recorded on February 14.
(승효) 왜요?Why?
(구조 실장) 먼저 영상을 확인해야 본인도 말할 수 있다면서He says he can only tell us after he checks the video. He wouldn't say more.
더 이상은 함구해서요He wouldn't say more.
어떡할까요?What should we do?
찾아와요Get the video.
(승효) 아, 이거 소리 좀 나오게 안 되나?Can't you turn on the sound?
(구조 실장) 예, 그...No. The cameras in the operating rooms do not record sound.
수술장 녹화는 말은 안 들어간답니다No. The cameras in the operating rooms do not record sound.
(경아) 아니, 이게 의사들이...Well, so the doctors…
많이 나오네요There are many of them.
(구조 실장) 죄송하지만 뭔지...I'm sorry,
저희가 이쪽에 노하우가 없어서but we lack the know-how in this field.
아, 도대체 병원이라는 데는...What in the world is going on?
(승효) 노하우가 없으면 노웨어지If you lack the know-how, you will get nowhere.
[휴대전화 조작음]
[통화 연결음]
어, 난데Hey. It's me. I'm going to send you an operation note
지금 저, 수술 기록지하고 영상 하나 첨부해서 보낼 테니까Hey. It's me. I'm going to send you an operation note and a video of an operation. See what they are about.
어떤 건지 봐 봐and a video of an operation. See what they are about.
어, 급해Yes, it's urgent.
야, 내가 지금...-I can't really talk-- -I found it.
(선우) 찾았어-I can't really talk-- -I found it.
[긴장되는 음악]
(진우) 어디야?Where are you?
(선우) 오늘 오프라며, 집에 있는 줄 알았더니Aren't you off today? I thought you were home.
찾은 게 뭐야?-What did you find? -Have you heard of Han Min-gyo?
한민교라고 들어 봤어?-What did you find? -Have you heard of Han Min-gyo?
우리 병원 사람이야?Does he work here?
병원 사람이 아니라...No, but…
영상이 제대로 찍혔던가요?Did it get caught on the security camera?
한민교는 바이오컬사 직원이야Han Min-gyo works for BioCal.
바이오컬사는 의료 기기 및 장비 납품 업체입니다BioCal sells medical devices and equipment.
(선우) 상국대병원에서 최근 그 업체를 통해 구입한 기기는The hospital recently purchased MediHap, a surgical robot used for arthroplasty, through them.
관절 수술 로봇 메디햅used for arthroplasty, through them.
국내에 현재 세 대뿐인 가장 최신 버전이The latest version, of which there are only three in the nation,
여기 E로젯 3번 수술장에 있습니다is here, in Operating Room Three of Rosette E.
야, 이거 어떤 새끼가 한 거야?What kind of idiot got these documents?
응? 또라이야?Are you a moron?
(태상) 몽땅 세라믹만 모아 놓으면 어쩌자는 거야?They're all about ceramics! What can I do with these?
정남준이하고 손지영이 어디 갔어?Where are Nam-jun and Ji-yeong?
당장 불러와!Get them now!
방금 두 분 다 호출받고 내려가셨는데요They were both paged and went downstairs.
이런 무식한 새끼You stupid moron.
(태상) 뭐, 너 초등학교는 나왔냐?Did you even graduate from grade school?
누구 앞에서 누구를 높여?Who cares if they were paged or not?
네 할아비 앞에서 네 아비 오셨다 가셨다 할 거냐?Just shut your mouth and bring them to me now!
죄송합니다-I'm sorry. -You moron.
(태상) 너 아직도 무슨 얘기인지 모르지?-I'm sorry. -You moron.
[휴대전화 진동음] [종이를 탁 내려놓는다]
정신없어 죽겠는데 뭘 오라 가라야, 알았어!You're asking for me when I'm so busy. Fine!
퇴행성 관절염이나A surgical robot
(선우) 외상으로 인해 손상된 관절 뼈를 제거하고for removing joints that are damaged either by arthritis or trauma
인공 관절을 보다 정확히 삽입하는 수술 로봇and implanting a prosthesis more precisely.
기본 강의가 필요하셨으면 저한테 얘기를 하시죠and implanting a prosthesis more precisely. If you needed a lecture on basics, you should've asked me. I could've explained it to you better than this amateur.
(태상) 제가 이런 뜨내기보다 훨씬 잘 가르쳐 드렸을 텐데I could've explained it to you better than this amateur.
(선우) 메디햅은 3차원 CT 입체 영상을 토대로MediHap utilizes a 3-D CT scan to minimize unnecessary bone removal
불필요한 뼈 절삭과 오차를 줄여 최대한 원형을 유지하고MediHap utilizes a 3-D CT scan to minimize unnecessary bone removal and to improve accuracy so that the original structure can be retained and side effects can be reduced.
부작용을 낮춘 수술 기기입니다so that the original structure can be retained and side effects can be reduced.
(태상) 기계 팔아먹으러 왔냐?Are you here to sell the machine?
영업 뛰기로 했어?Are you in sales now?
(선우) 제가 뛸 필요 있을까요?I don't need to.
이미 친한 영업 사원이 있으신데You already have a salesperson you are close to.
바이오컬사 영업 대리 한민교Han Min-gyo from BioCal.
[긴장되는 음악]
아니...What? Is this about that?
겨우 그거?What? Is this about that?
(태상) 아, 심평원 나리, 그거?Are you making this fuss about that?
한민교는 현재 무면허 의료 행위로 경찰의 조사를 받고 있습니다Han Min-gyo is under police investigation for practicing medicine without a license.
올해 3월 15일On March 15 this year, at a general hospital in Busan,
부산의 한 종합 병원에서On March 15 this year, at a general hospital in Busan,
본인이 납품한 메디햅을 써서he was caught operating on a patient
집도의 대신 환자 관절을 건드린 게 탄로 났기 때문이죠he was caught operating on a patient in place of the doctor using the MediHap he had sold.
(선우) 검거 발표만 남았는데He's going to be arrested soon.
한민교가 그 얘기는 안 해 주던가요?Did Han Min-gyo not tell you that?
(선우) 2월 14일 오후 3시 40분On February 14, at 3:40 p.m.,
김태상 상국대병원 정형 센터장께서는you, Dr. Kim Tae-sang, the chief of Orthopedics,
이 병원 3번 수술장과 그 건너편 5번 방을conducted two surgeries simultaneously,
더블로 열어 놓고 동시 수술을 진행했습니다one in Operating Room Three and another in the OR across the hall.
그때 3번 수술장의 메디햅Who was operating the MediHap…
누구 차지였습니까?in Operating Room Three that day?
(노을) 늑골도 잘라야 할까요?Will we have to cut through the ribs?
(경문) 열어 봐서 공간 확보를 해야 되면We'll see whether we need to when we go in.
[노을의 한숨]We'll see whether we need to when we go in.
(노을) 견딜 수 있을까...-Do you think-- -The person
(태상) 그걸 제일 잘 아는 사람이 한 거야 기계를 제일 잘 아는 사람이!-Do you think-- -The person who knows best about the machine did it!
[긴장되는 음악] 아, 들여온 지 일주일도 안 된 기계였어We got that machine less than a week before the surgery.
아, 파는 사람이, 기계 수입한 사람이 제일 잘 아니까!The person who sells it knows it best. That's why!
아니, 로봇 수술을 왜 하는데?Why do we perform robotic surgeries?
정확하기 위해서, 내가 하는 것보다!Because we can operate with more precision!
잘못 작동해서 잘못되는 거보다 그게 훨씬 안전하지!It could've gone wrong if I did it myself using the machine I'm not familiar with.
(태상) 환자를 위한 최선의 선택이었습니다It was the best option for the patient.
내깔겨 뒀잖아요!You abandoned the patient!
면허도 없는 사람한테 전부 맡기고 그냥 나가 버렸잖아요You entrusted the patient to someone without a medical license and left.
무자격자한테!He was unqualified!
부산의 의사는 최소한 옆에 붙어서 배웠습니다At least the doctor in Busan stayed and watched to learn.
영업 사원이 하는 걸 옆에서 들여다보고He watched as the salesperson performed the procedure.
그쪽은 최소한 노력했단 말입니다!At least he made an effort!
너 지금 뭐라 그랬냐?What did you just say?
[태상이 크게 웃는다]
(태상) 내가 상국대학병원에서 30년 동안 하루같이 어떻게 살아왔는데!I've been working my ass off at this hospital for 30 years.
남의 등이나 쳐서 타이틀 따고 들어앉아 버린 네가You've burdened so many people so that you can be where you are now.
이제 와서 감히 나를 평가하고 비난해?How dare you judge and criticize me?
내가 누구 등을 쳤습니까?To whom have I been a burden?
정형을 하겠다는 거 자체부터가!Insisting on going into orthopedics in itself…
(태상) 얼마나 뛰어다니고 얼마나 힘을 써야 되는데Do you know how physically demanding being an orthopedist is?
너 하나 때문에 네 동기들 선후배들이 얼마나 많은 짐을 져야 했는지If you ever thought about how much of a burden you are to your colleagues and seniors,
단 한 번이라도 생각했다면 너는!to your colleagues and seniors,
정형을 하겠다고 들이댈 수가 없는 거야you could not dare insist on going into orthopedics! Someone useless like you could not!
너 같은 건, 양심이 있다면!Someone useless like you could not!
어이, 김태상 부원장Deputy Director Kim.
(태상) 피해를 보는 건 우리였단 말입니다!We were the ones who had to bear the burden!
한 놈은 의지의 한국인인 척하고While one punk pretended to be some noble guy
나머지는 전부 박애주의자 노릇 하고 있는 동안에!While one punk pretended to be some noble guy with determination and the rest acted like philanthropists,
그 피해는 몽땅 우리가 졌어요we had to work our asses off to pick up the slack!
그때도 그 난리를 치더니You made all that fuss back then, too.
현장 생활 단 하루도 안 한 게 이제 와서 나를 평가해?You don't have a single day of experience in the OR. Who are you to judge me?
뭐? 노력?What? "Effort"?
제가I heard
여기서that there was…
제 모교에서 수련의가 되는 걸one professor
끝까지 반대한 교수님이 계셨다 들었습니다who refused to let me intern here at my own alma mater.
10년이 지나서 알게 됐네요I found out after ten years
다른 학교에서도 받아 준 절 누가who refused me when another school accepted me…
거부했는지without a problem.
[거친 숨을 내뱉는다]
상관없어It doesn't matter.
예선우는 누구보다 열심히 했어Ye Seon-woo worked harder than anyone else.
발등이 터질 때까지 일했어You worked until you popped a vein in your foot…
너무 오래 앉아 있어서from sitting for too long.
너무 열심히 해서 피가 올라온 발등에서 내가Your foot got swollen from working so much,
그 피를 뽑아 줬어so I drained blood from your foot.
여러 번Numerous times.
내가 알아I know that.
다른 사람은 상관없어It doesn't matter what others say about you.
[분위기가 고조되는 음악]
2월 14일On February 14…
3시 40분at 3:40 p.m.,
[어두운 음악] (승효) 두 사람 부원장 수술 들어갔었죠?you two assisted the deputy director in his surgery, correct?
여기 예선우 선생 말Is what Dr. Ye Seon-woo said
무자격자의 대리 수술 그거 사실입니까?about an unlicensed person performing surgery true?
김태상 부원장이 묵과하고 조장했어요? 예?Did Deputy Director Kim Tae-sang overlook it and encourage it? Did he?
대답 감사합니다Thank you for your answer.
[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]
[문이 달칵 열린다]
(경문) 환자 기다려The patient's waiting.
[태상이 씩씩댄다]How dare they…
(태상) 아씨, 쌍놈의 새끼들Shit. Assholes.
내가 그냥, 이 자식들을 그냥...Shit. Assholes.
[태상이 계속 씩씩댄다]
[다가오는 발걸음]
[태상의 당황한 신음]
[긴장되는 음악]What…
(태상) [힘주며] 이씨...You asshole.
(진우) 다시 말해 봐Say that again.
내 동생한테 한 거 나한테도 해 봐Try being an asshole to me like you just did to my brother.
[태상이 컥컥거린다]
평생 널 쫓아다닐 거야I'll follow you around for the rest of your life.
네 집에 가고I'll show up at your door
네 자식 앞에 나타날 거야and in front of your children.
널 살릴 수는 없어도 죽일 수는 있어I may not be able to save you, but I can kill you.
내 동생한테 깝치지 마Don't you ever be rude to my brother again.
[태상의 신음]
죽여 버릴 거야Or I'll kill you.
[태상의 힘겨운 신음]
(태상) 미친 새끼, 저게...That crazy jerk.
[태상의 거친 신음]
의사 새끼들Those damn doctors.
간신히 하나 수습했더니 미친놈들이, 씨...I barely fixed one problem, and those bastards…
[통화 연결음]
(경아) 네, 사장님Yes, sir.
그, 김태상 부원장 제보한 거 누구인지 좀 압시다Let's find out who filed the complaint against the deputy director.
[엘리베이터 도착음]
(진우) 너 소리 잘 지르더라You're good at yelling.
힘들었지?It must've been hard.
나 회사 가면 혼나겠다I'll get in trouble when I go back to the office.
원래 조용히 조사만 하고We're supposed to investigate quietly without causing problems on-site.
현지에서 분란 일으키면 안 되는 건데without causing problems on-site.
왜 말 안 했어?Why didn't you tell me? That you went to another school because a professor refused you.
끝까지 반대한 교수 때문에 다른 학교 간 거That you went to another school because a professor refused you.
(진우) 왜 나한테는 네가 원해서Why did you tell me it was your choice? You said you felt uncomfortable here.
우리 학교 불편해서라고 했어?Why did you tell me it was your choice? You said you felt uncomfortable here.
형 그때 광양에서 보건의 할 때였어You were serving as a public health doctor in Gwangyang then.
내가 광양에서 영영 안 오니?I was going to come back. Exactly.
학교로 돌아올 거였잖아You were going to come back here.
계속 이 병원에서 그 교수랑You'd have to see that professor
얼굴 맞댈 사람이잖아, 형은all the time while working here.
[차분한 음악]
(선우) 나 괜찮아I'm fine.
뭐, 꼭 상국대에서 수련의를 해야 하나?I didn't have to complete my training here.
그러니까 그렇게 보지 마So don't look at me like that.
내가 어떻게 봤는데?How did I look at you?
징그럽게You're being gross.
(선우) 에이그Gosh.
나 진짜 괜찮아I'm really fine.
근데 오프인데 병원 왜 왔어?Why did you come here on your day off? Was it because of me?
진짜 나 때문에?Why did you come here on your day off? Was it because of me?
(진우) 응?What?
(진우) 아...
아이씨...Damn it.
[휴대전화 조작음]
[통화 연결음]
[연결 불가 신호음]
[휴대전화 조작음] (진우) 아...
[진우의 한숨]
(정희) 부원장도 나름 자기 입장이 있으니까 처음에는 공방이 좀 오갔다는데At first, they argued back and forth since the deputy director wanted to argue his case. But still, it's true that he messed up.
그래도 본인이 해 놓은 짓 있는 건 사실이잖아요But still, it's true that he messed up.
사장이 다 들었고? 그 자리에서요?Mr. Gu was there and heard everything?
도장 깨기인가?Is he trying to bring them down one by one?
난 그것도 좀 이상해I don't get it.
암 센터는 사장이 나서서 의도야 뭐든 먼저 깐 거지만 [의미심장한 음악]No matter what his intention was, Mr. Gu was the one who exposed the Cancer Center incident,
이번에 부원장 건 자기가 어떻게 알고?but how did he dig up the dirt on the deputy director?
(정희) 수술장에서 생긴 일을 사장이 뭘 안다고How would he know about what happened in the OR?
그런데 결과적으로는?But in the end…
도장 깨기가 됐죠He pulled them out of the game.
4번, 5번 타자만 골라서The fourth and fifth batters specifically.
[정희의 헛웃음]
(정희) 솔직히 이보훈 원장님 돌아가시고 다들 똑같이 생각했을 거예요I'm sure everyone thought the same thing after Director Lee passed away.
둘 중 하나가 다음 우리 원장이다That one of those two would be the next hospital director.
암 센터장이랑 부원장이 제일 유력했죠The chief of the Cancer Center and the deputy director were the lead candidates.
근데 말이에요, 오 교수님But think about it, Dr. Oh.
왜 꼭 그 둘 중의 하나여야 되는데?Why must it be one of those two?
오 교수님 여자 중에서 최초잖아요 신경외과 센터장 된 거You're the first female chief of the Neurosurgery Center.
(정희) 일이 이렇게 되고 보니까Now, it makes me wonder.
왜 꼭 그게 센터장에서 끝나야 되는데요?Why must that be the highest position you hold?
(영진) 한숨 돌리셔도 되죠You can relax now.
관심이 교수님한테서 완전히 부원장한테로 넘어갔는데The focus shifted from you to the deputy director.
이럴 때 차라리 치고 나가야 되는데You should make an aggressive move at a time like this.
방법 좀 생각해 보시죠You should think of a way.
(노을) 데려다주는 거야 뭐...I can take him home.
근데 넌 어디인데?Where are you, though?
(진우) 나 좀 밖인데I just have somewhere to be.
'좀 밖'은 뭐야?Where exactly?
무슨 일 있어?Is something wrong?
(진우) 아니야No.
저기, 근데 선우한테But don't ask Seon-woo
'괜찮냐' 그런 말은 좀...if he's okay or things like that.
낮의 일 다시 물어보고 그런 거는Don't ask him about what happened earlier today.
나 먼저 얘기하기 전까진 안 캐물어I won't unless he brings it up. I'm not the nosy type.
(진우) 그렇지I won't unless he brings it up. I'm not the nosy type. Right.
[통화 종료음]
[휴대전화 조작음]
[숨을 후 내뱉는다]
찾아올 수도 있지, 그럼There's nothing wrong with coming by.
어? 약속을 두 번이나 그랬는데I flaked on her twice.
찾아와서 사과를 할 수도...It's okay to come and apologize.
[노크 소리가 들린다]
잠깐만Just a minute.
(선우) 다 됐어?-Are you ready? -Yes. Give me one minute.
(노을) 응, 1분만-Are you ready? -Yes. Give me one minute.
(선우) 아, 이렇게 생겼구나So, this is what your office looks like. This is where you work.
이런 데서 일하는구나So, this is what your office looks like. This is where you work.
(노을) 소아과 처음 와 봐?-Never been to a pediatrician's office? -I've never been to yours until today.
(선우) 누나가 일하는 데라고-Never been to a pediatrician's office? -I've never been to yours until today.
다 똑같지They're all the same.
저녁 먹고 갈까?Should we grab dinner?
사 가서 먹는 건? 집에서Let's get some takeout and eat at home.
(노을) 아 참That's right. Do you know Dr. Joo Kyung-moon?
너 주경문 교수님 아니?That's right. Do you know Dr. Joo Kyung-moon?
[차분한 음악]
(노을) 몰라?You don't?
왜, 그분?Why do you ask?
(노을) 아까 낮에Earlier today,
진우를 말하는 건 줄 알았는데, 그땐I thought he was referring to Jin-woo, but…
(태상) 한 놈은 의지의 한국인인 척하고While one punk pretended to be some noble guy
나머지는 전부 박애주의자 노릇 하고 있는 동안에!with determination and the rest acted like philanthropists,
그 피해는 몽땅 우리가 졌어요we had to work our asses off to pick up the slack!
이건 예 선생 싸움이야, 둬This is… Dr. Ye's fight. Stay out of it.
(선우) 제 모교에서 수련의가 되는 걸I heard that there was one professor
끝까지 반대한 교수님이 계셨다 들었습니다who refused to let me intern here at my own alma mater.
처음에는 주 교수님이 말하는 예 선생이 진우인 줄 알았는데At first, I thought the Dr. Ye he mentioned was Jin-woo.
진우 싸움이 아니잖아But it isn't Jin-woo's fight.
(노을) 전에도 한 번 교수님이 너 아는 건가 싶기도 했고I wondered before too, whether he knew you.
그래?Does he?
알아?Does he?
선우야, 왜 그래?Seon-woo. What is it?
누나가 좋아like you.
나도Me, too.
말하게 해 줘Let me say it.
(선우) 좋아하는 사람 앞에서Let me be a man
좋아한다고 말하는, 말해도 되는who can tell the woman he likes how he feels about her.
평범한 남자로 고백하게 해 줘Let me be an ordinary man and confess my feelings.
처음부터였어It was from the start.
이노을이라는 사람을From the very first moment…
처음 봤을 때I met you, No-eul.
[잔잔한 음악]
[긴장되는 음악]
(태상) 너희들 세상이 온 거 같지?You think the world is your oyster now, don't you?
어떻게 참았어, 그동안?How did you hold it in all this time?
아, 너희들이 어떻게...How could you guys…
그러게 잘하시지 그랬어요How could you guys… You should've done better, then.
(세화) 그러게 잘 좀 하시지 그랬어요Right, you should've done better.
(세화) 나 같으면 누구한테 닥치라는 소리는 안 듣죠Right, you should've done better. I'd never have anyone tell me to shut up in the first place
문제 자체를 안 만드니까!I'd never have anyone tell me to shut up in the first place since I never cause trouble!
나 고발한 게 너지?You reported me, didn't you?
(선우) 조용히 넘어갈 수는 없습니다We can't silence the press.
(승효) 조용히 처리할 수는 있죠We can't silence the press. We can handle it quietly, though.
(선우) 왜 쥐고 있는 카드를 안 쓰세요?Why won't you play your hand?
아, 무슨 일이야?What is it?
이대로는 안 되겠어요This won't do.
(진우) 저희 원장님이 돼 주세요Please be our director.
말로만 걱정된다 하지 마시고Don't just say you're worried.
우리 병원이 더 망가지기 전에Please step in before our hospital…
(진우) 나서 주세요gets any worse.
(창) 김태상 부원장Deputy Director Kim
끝내 사퇴 안 했어did not withdraw his candidacy.
죽어도 물러설 수 없나 봐He just can't seem to back down.
암 센터장도 꿈쩍 않고The chief of the Cancer Center won't budge, either.
굉장하지들?They're all impressive.
대신 새로운 선택지가 생겼어But there is a new option now.
사장님, 선거 결과요Mr. Gu, the election results are out.
나왔어요? 누구?Mr. Gu, the election results are out. Really? Who…
(진우) 누구 표가 더 많이 나왔는데요?Really? Who… Who won more votes?
(승효) 기대가 아주 큽니다I have high expectations for you.
잘해 봅시다I look forward to continue working with you, Dr. Joo.
주 교수님

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