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  무브 투 헤븐: 나는 유품정리사입니다 9

Move to Heaven: I Am a Keepsake Organizer 9


‪[칭얼거린다] ‪(은정 ) ‪어머머예쁘게 생겼다

Oh my, look how pretty he is.

‪(직원1) ‪그렇죠선생님?

Isn't he?

‪[은정 모의 웃음] ‪아이고

There, there.

‪[직원1 은정 모의 어르는 신음]

There, there.

‪[직원1 웃음] ‪(은정 ) ‪미안어유

Sorry. Aww.

‪- (직원1) 어유졸려졸려 ‪- (은정 어유 ‪[은정 모와 직원1 웃음]

Aww. Are you sleepy? Are you?

‪[차분한 음악] ‪(은정 ) ‪얼른 갈아입자

Let's get you changed quickly.

‪[은정 모의 웃음] ‪(직원1) ‪선생님 조심해서

Be careful with his hand.

‪(은정 ) ‪아이고됐다

All done.

‪- (직원1) 아이추워아이추워 ‪- (은정 얼른 입자빨리

-It's chilly, isn't it? -Put this on quickly.

‪(매튜) ‪저는 강성민입니다 ‪[은정 모와 직원1 웃음]

My name is Kang Seong-min.

‪[영어] ‪저는 강원도 춘천 기차역에서 ‪발견되었다고 합니다


시기는 1988 5 8일입니다

아무것도 같이 발견된  없어서

이름은 기관에서 지어 주셨고

‪(매튜) ‪1988 9 18

미국 뉴욕주로 입양되었습니다



자주 아팠는데

심장에 병이 있어서 그렇다는  ‪알게 됐습니다

뉴욕에서 지내는 것은


 땅에서 ‪나는 항상 외롭고 너무 다르고

너무 약한 아이였습니다

내가 가고 싶어서   아닌데

미국 시민 아니라고

돌아가라고 했습니다

저는 돌아갈 곳이 없었습니다

‪"뉴욕주 용커스 경찰서"

‪"매튜 그린국외 추방"

‪(매튜) ‪그러다 엄마 찾을  있을지 ‪모른다는 희망으로

이곳에 왔습니다

저는 엄마를 원망하지 않습니다

 저를 버렸는지 ‪물어보지 않을 거예요

그냥 보고 싶습니다

 낳아  엄마

   '엄마'라고 ‪불러 보고 싶습니다


‪(가게 주인) ‪[한국어] ‪한국 사람 아니에요?

Aren't you Korean?

‪(매튜) ‪

‪(가게 주인) ‪한국에 신원 보증   ‪사람은 있어요?

Do you have anyone who can vouch for you? PART-TIMER WANTED


No, I don't.

미안한데  되겠어요

I'm sorry, but no.

‪(가게 주인) ‪한국에 왔으면 ‪한국말을 제대로 하든가

He should learn to speak Korean if he came here.

영어만 하면 장땡인  알고 ‪한국에 기어 들어온 놈들 많다니까

So many losers come into Korea thinking they can get by speaking English.

‪"NETFLIX 오리지널 시리즈"

‪[멀리서 사이렌이 울린다]

‪(뉴스  은정) ‪오늘로 삼풍백화점 참사가 ‪벌어진 

CHRISANN MOTEL Today is the 25th anniversary of the Sampoong Department Store Collapse.

‪25년이 되었습니다

Today is the 25th anniversary of the Sampoong Department Store Collapse.

‪[힘겨운 숨소리]

안전한 대한민국을 만들겠다던 ‪그때의 약속이

We swore to make Korea safer then,

부끄러워지는 ‪ 하루가 지났습니다 ‪[매튜의 힘겨운 숨소리]

but little has been done to this day.

내년에는 올해보다

I hope we'll feel less ashamed a year after today.

 부끄러워지는 오늘이기를 ‪희망합니다 ‪[낑낑거린다]

I hope we'll feel less ashamed a year after today.

지금까지 SBC 뉴스 ‪강은정이었습니다

I am Kang Eun-jeong, and thank you for watching SBC News.

‪[개가 연신 낑낑거린다]

‪[동네가 시끌시끌하다] ‪[새가 짹짹 지저귄다]

‪- (나무근데 ‪- ?

-By the way, -What?

뭐가 아쉬워서 돌아오셨대?

what made you come back?


You said that he's my family.

하나뿐인 조카

That the uncle needs to protect the one and only nephew.

하나뿐인 삼촌이 ‪보호해야 하는 거라며

That the uncle needs to protect the one and only nephew.

병원에서 어디 아프대요? ‪얼마  산대요?

Have you fallen ill or something? Are you dying?



‪(나무) ‪사람이 죽을 때가 되면

My mom says when it's time to die,

갑자기 변한다고 그랬거든요 ‪ 엄마가

people tend to change suddenly.

죽을병이든 아니든 ‪  변치 마요

Don't go back to before whether you're dying or not.

 번만  그루 걱정시키면

If you make Geu-ru worry again,

  아저씨한테 일러서 ‪내가  후견인 자리 뺏을 거예요

I'll tell Mr. Oh on you and take over the guardianship myself.

이제야 본색을 드러내네

That's your intention all along.

‪(나무) ‪[헛웃음 치며] ‪ 본색은 처음부터 확실했거든요?

Gosh, my intention has been clear all along.

‪(상구) ‪솔직한 김에 하나 묻자

Let me ask you a question.

 언제부터 그루 좋아한 거냐?

How long have you liked Geu-ru?


What? Unbelievable.

어디까지나 친구로서 ‪ 베프의 책임감으로다가?

I'm just his friend. -As his bestie, I'm responsible-- -So when did you start liking him?

‪(상구) ‪그래서 언제부터 좋아한 건데?

-As his bestie, I'm responsible-- -So when did you start liking him?

‪[걸레를  내려놓으며] ‪


굳이 따지자면

if you must know,

처음 봤을 때부터?

when I first met him?

‪[입소리를  낸다]

 그루 처음   ‪  때라고 했지?

When did you say it was?

‪(나무) ‪나랑 그루가  여섯 ?

Maybe around when we were six?

그때 그루네가 이사 왔으니까

That's when they moved in.


By the way, did anything seem out of the ordinary?

이상한 낌새 같은  없디?

By the way, did anything seem out of the ordinary?

무슨 낌새요?

What do you mean?

아이그루는 ‪보통 애랑은 다르니까

Well, Geu-ru is unlike ordinary kids.


Did his parents seem to be struggling

냉정하게 굴었다든가

or acting cold to him?

그건 우리  얘기죠

My family was like that.

‪(나무) ‪아니 지금도 우리 엄마가 ‪새엄마가 아닐까

I've been seriously wondering even to this day if my mom is my real mom.

진지하게 생각한다고요

if my mom is my real mom.

근데 갑자기 ‪그런   물어요?

Hey. Why are you asking me that now?


Just because.

‪[와이퍼를  내리며] ‪그루가 자기 아빠랑 ‪너무  닮아서

Geu-ru doesn't really resemble his dad,

친아빠 맞나 싶은

so it got me thinking if Jeong-u is his real dad.

‪(나무) ‪하긴그루가 워낙 잘생기긴 했죠

Right, Geu-ru is really handsome, though.

이게  아줌마의 ‪우월한 유전자 덕분이거든요

All thanks to his mom's superior genes.

‪[나무의 한숨]

Actually, now it's time for me

지금이야말로  친자 검사가 ‪필요한 시점인  같네요

Actually, now it's time for me to do a DNA maternity test.

‪(상구) ‪유전자 검사  필요 없어

You don't need to.

  엄마랑 빼박이야

You're just like your mom.



‪[문이  닫힌다]

‪[도어  작동음] ‪지금 오셨습니다

Oh, he's just come in.


For me?



Oh yes.


‪[흥미로운 음악] ‪(상구) ‪


All right.

‪[전화기 조작음]


‪[코를 훌쩍인다]

‪[도구를 달그락 내려놓는다] ‪[힘주는 신음]

‪[상자를 달그락 내려놓는다]

‪[ 문이 탁탁 닫힌다]

빨리  주셔서 감사해요

Thank you for coming so quickly.

아닙니다마침 일도 없고

No problem. We didn't have anything else planned.

‪(유림) ‪  상태가   좋아요

Because his body was found much later,

사체 발견이 늦어서

the room is quite messy.

‪(그루) ‪돌아가신  ‪성함과 나이를 알려 주시겠습니까?

May I have the name and age of the deceased?

이름은 매튜 그린남자고요

His name is Matthew Green. A male.


A male. He was born in 1988.

‪(상구) ‪외국 사람입니까?

Oh. Was he a foreigner?

‪(유림) ‪아니요한국 사람이긴 한데

No. He was of Korean origin

태어나자마자 미국으로  ‪해외 입양아예요

but adopted to the US as soon as he was born.

한국 이름은 강성민

His Korean name is Kang Seong-min.

근데 계속 매튜라고 불렀어요

But we kept calling him Matthew.

‪(상구) ‪그럼  사람도 ‪ 선생님 담당이었습니까?

Were you also in charge of him, Ms. Son?

‪[그루가 도구를 달그락 내린다] ‪한국에서 친부모 찾기를 ‪지원하는 단체가 있는데

There's this organization which helps people find their birth parents,

‪(유림) ‪제가 거기 자원봉사를 하고 있어서

and I'm a volunteer there.

매튜랑은 거기서 알게 됐어요 ‪[상구의 탄성]

That's where I met him. I see.

 돌아가신 겁니까?

How did he pass away?

선천적으로 심장이   좋았대요

He had a genetic problem with his heart.

‪(유림) ‪돌보는 사람도 없이 ‪혼자 지내다 보니까

With no one to help him since he lived alone,

갑자기 쓰러졌을  ‪손을  수가 없었던 거죠

he could do nothing when he collapsed.

저라도  자주  볼걸

It wasn't my job, but I wish I'd come by more often.

너무 후회가 되네요

I'm sorry I didn't.

‪[유림이 훌쩍인다]

‪[차분한 음악]

‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]


‪[상구의 헛기침]

‪[그루가 상자를  내려놓는다]

‪[상구가 상자를  내려놓는다]

‪(상구) ‪아나

Oh boy.

‪[상구가 혀를  찬다]

매튜 그린 

Mr. Matthew Green,

‪2020 6 29 사망하셨습니다

you passed away on June 29th, 2020.

저희들은 고인의 유품을 ‪정리하러 

We are trauma cleaners from Move to Heaven.

무브  헤븐의 한그루

I'm Han Geu-ru,

‪- 조상구 ‪- (그루입니다

-I'm Cho Sang-gu. -That's us.


From now,

매튜 그린 님의 ‪마지막 이사를 시작하겠습니다

we'll begin to help you with your final move.

‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪[상구가 혀를  찬다]

‪[책을  내려놓는다]

‪(상구) ‪한국어 공부 하다  됐나 보네

He must've become her fan while studying Korean.


This one too?

‪[상구의 한숨]

‪[상자를  뺀다]

‪[종이를 부스럭 든다]

‪[상구가 혀를  찬다]

‪[상자를  든다]


This as well?

‪[상구가 혀를  찬다]

‪[옅은 한숨]

‪[주머니를 부스럭 든다]

‪[헤드폰에서 음악이 흘러나온다]

‪(그루) ‪'아지'








‪(상구) ‪뭐라고?

What? What did you say?

‪(그루) ‪아지


매튜 님이 키우시던 ‪반려견이 있었습니다

Mr. Matthew had a dog.

‪- ? ‪- (그루그런데 지금은 없습니다

-Really? -But it's not here.


That's strange.

‪(유림) ‪이것  드시고 하세요

Here, I got this for you.


Thank you.

매튜 님이 키우시던 ‪반려견이 없습니다

We can't find Mr. Matthew's dog.

아지도 죽었습니까?

Is A-ji dead too?

아지를 어떻게 아세요?

How do you know about A-ji?

지금은 병원에 있어요

Right. He's at the vet now.

‪[인식표를  받아 든다] ‪(유림) ‪처음 현장에 들어왔을 

I found A-ji next to Matthew

매튜 옆에 아지가 있었어요

when I first got to his room.

계속 매튜 옆에서 ‪울고 있었나 보더라고요

He'd been whining next to him.

‪[상구가 입소리를  낸다]

한국   4년이나 지났는데

Matthew has been in Korea for four years, but didn't he have anybody?

계속 혼자였습니까?

Matthew has been in Korea for four years, but didn't he have anybody?

부모나 가족을 찾진 않았고요?

No parents or family he found?

당연히 찾고 싶어 했죠

He wanted to find them, obviously.

근데 찾고 싶다고 ‪ 찾아지는  아니니까요

But it's not like you can find them just because you want to.

찾아도 ‪ 만나는 경우도 있습니까?

Is it possible they can't meet their family although they find them?

친부모 쪽에서 정보 공개나

Yes, if their birth parents refuse to meet or disclose their information.

만남을 거부하는 경우도 ‪많으니까요

refuse to meet or disclose their information.

이분도 그런 경우입니까?

Is it what happened to the deceased?

‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪[유림이 매튜를  토닥인다]

‪[노크 소리가 들린다]

‪(매튜) ‪[영어] ‪ 오셨나요?

만나고 싶어 하지 않는 거군요


‪(직원2) ‪유감이에요

어머니가 당신을 만나기 ‪힘들다고 하셨어요

사정이 있으시다네요

정말 유감이에요

‪[문이 스르륵 닫힌다]

‪(상구) ‪[한국어] ‪입양을 갔는데

They were adopted,

 무국적자가 되고 ‪ 추방까지 당하는 겁니까?

but how could they end up being stateless and then deported?

‪(유림) ‪지금은 고쳐졌지만

Things have improved now,

예전엔 입양된 아이가 외국에서 ‪정식 시민권자가 되는지를

but back then they had few resources to check if those children gained citizenship of the countries they were adopted to.

확인하는 것까진 ‪ 여력이 없었던 거죠

if those children gained citizenship of the countries they were adopted to.

데려간 부모가 ‪바로 시민권을 신청하지 않거나

So if their adoptive parents didn't apply for their citizenship

아니면 매튜의 경우처럼 ‪파양된 경우는

or the adoption is dissolved as in Matthew's case, it's impossible to be a citizen.

아예 불가능해지는 거죠

it's impossible to be a citizen.


Dissolve the adoption?

‪(상구) ‪아니

You mean his adoptive parents gave him up because they didn't like him?

데려간 아이가 마음에  들어서 ‪도로 갖다 버리는  아닙니까

You mean his adoptive parents gave him up because they didn't like him?

매튜의 경우엔 ‪심장이  좋았던 

In Matthew's case, his heart condition was discovered after he was sent to the US.

미국으로 보내진 뒤에 ‪밝혀졌나 봐요

his heart condition was discovered after he was sent to the US.

‪(유림) ‪그래서 여러 곳을 전전하다가… ‪[한숨]

So he was sent to many different places…

매튜 님의 유품입니다

Matthew's belongings.

어머님께 전해 드려야 합니다

We must give them to his mom.


That's the problem.

‪(유림) ‪센터에서 매튜 소식을 ‪전해 드렸을  여쭤봤는데

The center asked her about it when they told her about his death,


but she said no.

그래서 이건 전해 드릴 수가 ‪없을  같아요

I'm afraid we can't give this box to her.

‪[무거운 음악]

주소를 알려 주십시오

Give me her address, please.

제가 찾아가서 전해 드리겠습니다

I'll go and give it to her myself.

‪(유림) ‪나도 모르는데

I don't have it.

그리고 센터에서도

And that kind of information can't be disclosed to anyone.

함부로 알려  수가 없는 ‪정보라서

And that kind of information can't be disclosed to anyone.

‪[한숨 쉬며] ‪미안해요나도 정말

I'm sorry, I really--

‪(상구) ‪선생님 잘못이 아니죠

It's not your fault.


Okay. We will

저희가 알아서 할게요

take care of it.

‪(주택) ‪ 말이 참말입네까?

Are you serious?

‪(주택) ‪지가지가 살점 떼듯이 낳은 ‪자식을 버리는 것도 모자라

The mother gave up her own flesh and blood,

타향  리에서 찾아온 자식을

The mother gave up her own flesh and blood, and now she refused to see him knowing he flew all the way here?

 보겠다거부했다 ‪ 말입니까?

and now she refused to see him knowing he flew all the way here?

어떻게 그럴  있단 말입네까?

How can a mother do that?

‪[상구의 한숨]


‪(상구) ‪사람  간사해요

People can be very sly.

뭐가 말입네까?

Well, what do you mean by that?

‪(상구) ‪솔직히

To be frank,

지금까진 제가

till now, I thought I was

세상에서 제일 더러운 ‪팔자인  알았는데

the most unfortunate person in the world.

여기 와서 보니까

But now I learned

‪'그래도 나는  만한 거였네' ‪싶은 생각이

that my life wasn't too bad compared to the deceased's.

머리털 나고 처음 나더라고요

This never occurred to me before.

그루 삼촌

Mr. Cho,

‪(주택) ‪고새  사람이

you have

많이 달라졌습네다

changed a lot.

changed a lot. Gosh.


What do you mean?

 원래 이렇게 생겼거든요?

I've been always like this.

‪[주택과 상구의 웃음]

‪(상구) ‪[웃으며] ‪


Geu-ru, good job.

‪[주택이 혀를  찬다] ‪(상구) ‪들어가세요


‪(주택) ‪[트럭을  치며] ‪좋수다

All righty.

‪[주택의 헛기침]

‪[ 문이 달칵 여닫힌다]

‪[자동차 시동음]


Let's take off.

‪[차분한 음악]

‪[그루가 테이프를  뗀다]

‪[그루가 테이프를 연신  뗀다]

‪(상구) ‪ 시간까지 창고에서  ?

What are you doing up here at this late hour?



이걸 일일이  붙인 거야?

Did you put this whole thing back together?

진짜 미쳤다미쳤어

Seriously, you're something.


Hey, just forget about it.

그런 엄마는  찾는  나아

It'd be better not to find that kind of mom.

‪[상구가 책을  던진다] ‪(그루) ‪그래도

It'd be better not to find that kind of mom. Still,

매튜 님은 보고 싶으셨을 겁니다

I think Mr. Matthew wanted to meet her.

‪[문이 달칵 열린다]

‪(상구) ‪ 왔냐? ‪[문이  닫힌다]

What do you want?

 하고 있나 ‪궁금해서 왔어요왜요?

I wanted to see what's up. Is it a crime?

‪[상구가  웃는다]

‪(나무) ‪뭐야

Oh, what is it?

아기 옷이네?

It's a baby garment.

돌아가신 매튜 님의 유품입니다

It belongs to the deceased, Mr. Matthew.

‪(그루) ‪이렇게 작은 옷은 처음 봅니다

It's the tiniest shirt I've ever seen.

‪(나무) ‪아주 갓난아기들 입히는 ‪배냇저고리라고 하는 거야

It's called baenaejeogori, a wrap shirt for a newborn.

너도 어릴  이런  입었어

You also wore one of these.

근데 특이하다

This is odd.

돌아가신 분이 ‪아직도 이걸 간직하고 있다고?

The deceased still had this, you said?

보통은 엄마들이 갖고 있지 않나?

Usually, moms keep these.

그래서 엄마를 찾아 ‪전해 드리고 싶습니다

That's why I want to find his mom to give it.

엄마를 찾아?

"To find his mom"?

‪[나무가 훌쩍인다]

‪(나무) ‪그러니까  여자가

So this woman

   미혼모로 ‪아이를 낳았는데

had his son when she was a teenager and gave him away for overseas adoption?

해외로 입양을 보낸 거네요?

had his son when she was a teenager and gave him away for overseas adoption?

근데 30 만에 돌아온 아들이 ‪부담스러워서

And she refused to see him when he came back after 30 years

모른 척하느라 ‪ 만나  거잖아요

because she saw him as a burden?

‪[한숨 쉬며] ‪그렇지

-Yes, I guess so. -How could she?

‪(나무) ‪진짜 너무한다

-Yes, I guess so. -How could she?

아니무슨 엄마가 이래?

What kind of mother would do that?

아니어렸을  ‪어쩔  없었다고 쳐요

She might've had no choice as a teenager.

근데 이렇게  지나 가지고

But after all those years,

 번만 만나겠다고 ‪간절히 원하는데

her son came back, longing to see his mom.

그게 그렇게 어려운 거예요?

her son came back, longing to see his mom. How could she say no to him?

본인도  찾은 친엄마를 ‪어떻게 찾지?

I wonder how we can find his mom.

 사진 인터넷에 ‪ 올려 버릴까요?

Shall I post this photo on the internet sites?



매튜 님은 ‪엄마 보고 싶어 하셨습니다

Mr. Matthew missed his mom.

‪(그루) ‪엄마한테 나쁜  생기는  ‪바라지 않으실 겁니다

He wouldn't have wanted to cause any harm to her.

그러니까 유품만 ‪전달해 드리면 됩니다

All we need to do is to deliver his belongings to her.

‪(나무) ‪그래도

But still,

너무 불쌍하잖아

I feel really bad for him.

‪(상구) ‪그럼 어쩌겠냐?

What can we do?

우리가 가서 따질 수도 없고 ‪[잔잔한 음악]

We can't go and argue on his behalf.

‪[밝은 효과음]

‪[책을 촤라락 넘긴다]


I found her!

‪(그루) ‪사진  엄마 여기 있습니다

His mom in the picture is right here!

‪(상구) ‪똑같잖아? ‪[나무의 놀란 숨소리]

They look the same.

그러니까 열여섯에 ‪매튜 낳아서 입양 보냈다가

So this girl gave birth to him at 16 and sent him away for adoption

만나고 싶다는데도 ‪싫다고 거절한

and then kept refusing his request to meet her.

친모라는 인간이

and then kept refusing his request to meet her.

 아나운서 강은정이라는 거잖아

That's Kang Eun-jeong, the anchor?

‪(나무) ‪이게 찢어진  ‪박스에 있었다고?

You found this book all ripped up in a box?



그럼 매튜 님은 친엄마가 ‪누군지도 알고 있었다는 거네

That means Matthew knew who his birth mom was.


You're right!

이제 어머니께 ‪전해 드릴  있습니다

Now we can give this box to his mom.

그런 여자가 이거 받는다고 ‪ 하나 꿈쩍하겠어?

Do you think a woman like her would bat an eye over this?

‪(그루) ‪직접 보면 받아 주실지도 모릅니다

She might take it if she sees it herself.

‪(나무) ‪완전 대실망 ‪[그루가 물건을 달그락 정리한다]

I'm awfully disappointed.

우리 엄마 ‪강은정 아나운서  팬인데

My mom is a big fan of Kang Eun-jeong.

배신감 완전 쩔어

I feel totally betrayed.


If it were up to me,

당장 방송국 홈페이지에다가 ‪그냥 올려 

I'd post this on her network's homepage.

올려올려 ‪[나무의 헛기침]

Yeah, do that.

‪(나무) ‪그러고 싶지만  한다고

I would like to, but I won't.

‪(상구) ‪ 갑자기 마음이 약해져?

Why are you suddenly chickening out?

‪[차창이 스르륵 내려간다] ‪- (안내원안녕하세요 ‪- (상구

-Hi. -Hi. How can I help you?

‪- (안내원어떻게 오셨습니까? ‪- (상구

How can I help you? Actually,

‪(상구) ‪강은정 아나운서 만나러 왔는데요

we're here to meet Ms. Kang Eun-jeong.

‪(안내원) ‪약속하셨습니까?

Do you have an appointment?


An appointment?


Well, no.

‪(안내원) ‪그럼 아시는 사이십니까?

Then do you know her personally?


No, we don't, but we have something to give her.

전할 물건이 있어 가지고

No, we don't, but we have something to give her.

혹시 팬이세요?

Are you her fan?


Hell, no.

전할 물건은 여기다 ‪연락처랑 성함 쓰시고 맡기시면

You can leave with us what you want to give her with your name and number on here.

‪(안내원) ‪저희가 전달해 드립니다

with your name and number on here.

근데 그렇게 ‪ 전할 물건이 아니고

It's not something we can just leave with you, and we also have things to say to her in person.

‪(상구) ‪ 만나서 직접  말이 있어요

and we also have things to say to her in person.

‪(안내원) ‪맡기고 가시든가 그냥  주십시오

and we also have things to say to her in person. Leave it with us, or leave here.

여기서 계속 이러시면 곤란합니다

-Don't make a scene, please. -Over there!

‪- (안내원제발… ‪- 저기저기 계십니다

-Don't make a scene, please. -Over there! She's right there!

‪(상구) ‪

Oh? That's her.

강은정 !

Ms. Kang Eun-jeong!

강은정 아나운서!

Ms. Kang Eun-jeong!

강은정 여기 ‪[안내원의 만류하는 신음]

Ms. Kang Eun-jeong! -Here! -Stop shouting and move your van.

‪(안내원) ‪그렇게 소리 지르시면  돼요 ‪빨리  빼세요 빼세요

-Here! -Stop shouting and move your van. -Please leave. -Oh man.

‪(상구) ‪아이

‪[상구의 한숨]


‪[상구가 혀를  찬다]

‪(상구) ‪아이진짜

Wow, seriously,

유명인이라고 ‪얼굴 한번 보기 더럽게 힘드네

it's freaking hard to meet her just because she's a celeb.

‪[상구의 한숨]


‪[상구가 중얼거린다]

Where could she be?


Right there!

‪[버튼 조작음]

‪(그루) ‪삼촌


‪[리드미컬한 음악] ‪[상구가 안전벨트를 달칵 채운다]

‪[자동차 시동음]

‪"무브  헤븐"

‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪[ 문이  닫힌다]

‪[자동차 리모컨 작동음]

‪(상구) ‪강은정 !

Ms. Kang Eun-jeong!

‪[차분한 음악]


Can I help you?

매튜 그린 씨를 아십니까?

Do you know Matthew Green?



한국 이름 강성민

His Korean name is Kang Seong-min.

‪(상구) ‪1988 5월에 발견돼서

He was found in May, 1988

그해 9월에 미국으로 입양 

and was adopted to the US in September the same year.

강은정  ‪당신이 버린 아들 말입니다

He was your son that you gave up.

‪(여자1) ‪강은정인가 

Oh my. That's Kang Eun-jeong!

‪[헛웃음 치며] ‪?

Oh my. That's Kang Eun-jeong! -Sorry? -Hi.

‪(여자들) ‪안녕하세요

-Sorry? -Hi.

‪[옅은 웃음]

‪(은정) ‪어디 조용한  가서 얘기하시죠

Let's talk somewhere more quiet.

‪(은정) ‪근데 그분하곤 어떤 사이신 거죠?

How do you know this man?

저는 어떻게 알고 찾아오신 건지

How did you come and find me?

‪(상구) ‪저희는 매튜 씨의 ‪유품 정리를 맡은

We are trauma cleaners from Move to Heaven.

무브  헤븐에서 나왔습니다

We gave the service for Matthew.

유품 정리

Trauma cleaners?


-That means… -Mr. Matthew Green

‪(그루) ‪매튜 그린 

-That means… -Mr. Matthew Green

‪2020 6 29 사망하셨습니다

passed away on June 29th, 2020.

‪(상구) ‪혼자 있던 모텔 방에서 ‪지병으로 사망하셨습니다

He died alone from his chronic illness in his motel room.

시신은 일주일 후에 발견되었고요

His body was found a week after his death.

‪(그루) ‪매튜 님이 남기신 유품들입니다

These are his belongings.

‪(상구) ‪도와주는 센터를 통해서 ‪친모를 찾았지만

With the help of the center, he found his mother,

‪[상구가 코를 훌쩍인다]

정보 공개도 만남도 ‪거부했다고 들었습니다

but I heard she refused to meet him or disclose her information.

물론 유명하신 분이니까 ‪남의 이목도 있고

I understand that as a celebrity, it wasn't easy for you

쉽게 인정하기 어려운 일이었겠죠

since you had to consider the public eye.

친모를  만난 거군요결국

since you had to consider the public eye. So he didn't get to meet his biological mother.


What? Wait.

제가 지금  ‪남의 얘기 하는 겁니까?

I'm not talking about a random person here.

‪(상구) ‪만남을 거부한  그쪽이잖아요

You're the one who refused to see him.


I'm sorry, but…

 성민이 엄마가 아닙니다

I'm not Seong-min's mom.

‪[당황한 신음]

‪(은정) ‪88년이면 ‪ 그때 열여섯 살이었어요

In 1988, I was only 16.

‪(상구) ‪열여섯에 미혼모였으니까 ‪ 숨겨야 했겠죠

That's all the more reason you needed to keep it a secret.

아니요 아닙니다

No. I'm not his mother.

사진 있습니다

I have a photo.

‪(그루) ‪  함께 찍은 사진

The photo of you and him.

‪[그루가 상자를 뒤적인다]

여기 있습니다

I have it right here.

‪(은정) ‪ 사진이 어떻게  애한테

How did he have this picture?


That's him.

우리 성민이

My dear Seong-min.

‪[차분한 음악]

‪(은정) ‪저희 어머니는 ‪위탁모 일을 하셨습니다

My mother ran a foster home.

저희 집은 해외로 입양 보내는 ‪갓난아이들을 키우는

My family took care of babies who would be adopted overseas.

위탁 가정이었죠

who would be adopted overseas.

‪[사람들의 웃음]

‪(은정 ) ‪그렇지


‪[옅은 웃음]

‪(젊은 은정) ‪하나여기  ‪[새가 짹짹 지저귄다]

One, two, three. Look over here.


Good. Right here.

‪[즉석카메라 작동음]


One, two, three.

‪[즉석카메라 작동음]

‪[장난감이 짤랑거린다]

‪[째깍거리는 효과음]


‪[ 하는 효과음]

‪[은정 모의 웃음]

‪(젊은 은정) ‪웃어


‪[젊은 은정의 웃음]

That's it.

‪'누나' ‪[은정 모의 웃음]

Say Eun-jeong.

‪[장난감이 짤랑거린다]



‪[젊은 은정이 귀여워한다] ‪(은정 ) ‪우리 성민이 마지막 날이네?

-So cute. -It's the last day with Seong-min.

‪[장난감이 연신 짤랑거린다]

‪[문이  닫힌다]


‪[젊은 은정이 연신 훌쩍인다]


‪[직원3 말한다] ‪[장난감이 짤랑거린다]

‪[즉석카메라 작동음]

‪(직원3) ‪괜찮아

It's okay.

‪[가위가 싹둑거린다]

‪(직원4) ‪이제  끝났습니다

We're all done now.

‪(은정) ‪성민이는 저희 집에  ‪마지막 위탁아였어요

Seong-min was the last foster baby we looked after.

 후론 엄마도 저도 ‪너무 힘들어서

It became difficult for both my mom and I to continue on with it.

더는  하겠더라고요

It became difficult for both my mom and I to continue on with it.

‪(은정) ‪근데  사진 때문에

But because of this photo,


성민이가 ‪ 친엄마로 알았던 거네요

Seong-min thought I was his mom.

책에서 똑같은 얼굴 찾았습니다

He found the same face in the book.

그래서 알았습니다

That's how he knew about you.

‪[사진을 사락 든다]

‪(매튜) ‪엄마


차라리 찾아오지 ‪[한숨]

Why didn't he come to see me?

성민이라 그랬으면 기억했을 텐데

Had he said his name, I'd have remembered him.

저라도 반겨 줬을 텐데 ‪  왔을까요?

I would've welcomed him. Why didn't he come to me?


He did.

‪(그루) ‪매튜 님은 어머니 만나러 갔습니다

Mr. Matthew went to see his mother.

‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪[숨을  내뱉는다]



‪[옅은 한숨]


My name is


Kang Seong-min.

저는 성민입니다

I am Seong-min.

‪[긴장한 숨소리]

‪(은정) ‪안녕하세요 ‪성함이 어떻게 되세요?

-Hello. -Hi. -What's your name? -Ju Ji-yeong.

‪(여자2) ‪주지영이요

-What's your name? -Ju Ji-yeong.

‪- 주지영  ‪- (여자2) 

-Ms. Ju Ji-yeong? -Yes.

‪- (여자2) 너무 반갑습니다 ‪- (은정감사합니다

-Pleasure to meet you. -Thank you.

‪(여자2) ‪ 진짜 너무 좋아해요진짜 ‪[은정의 웃음]

-Pleasure to meet you. -Thank you. I'm your big fan.

‪- 고맙습니다 ‪- (여자2) 

-Thank you. -Sure.

‪(은정) ‪안녕하세요


‪[글씨를 쓱쓱 쓰며] ‪성함이 어떻게 되세요?

-What's your name? -It's Jang Seo-gyeong.

‪[여자3 말한다] ‪

-What's your name? -It's Jang Seo-gyeong. Okay.



성함이 어떻게 되시죠?

What's your name?

‪[차분한 음악]



You name please?


‪[영어] ‪ 이름은


미국에서 왔습니다


‪(은정) ‪한국어 읽을  아세요?

‪[한국어] ‪읽을  알아요

Yes, I can.

‪[영어] ‪한국어 잘하시네요

‪[글씨를 쓱쓱 쓴다]


‪[가방이  떨어진다] ‪[매튜가 코를 훌쩍인다]

‪[매튜의 한숨]

‪[괴로운 신음]

‪[매튜가 훌쩍인다]


나도 노력했어

‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪(매튜) ‪노력했다고

‪(은정) ‪[한국어] ‪거기까지 와서

Why didn't he say who he was when he came to see me?

 알은척도  하고 ‪그냥 갔을까요?

Why didn't he say who he was when he came to see me?

‪[속상한 숨소리]

차라리 대놓고 원망이라도 했으면

If he had just blamed me to my face--

‪(상구) ‪  없다는 말을

Because he was told


his mom didn't want to see him.

하지만 그래도 보고 싶었겠죠

But still, he wanted to see her


because she was his family.

그래서 가긴 갔지만

So he took up courage to see you,

막상  존재를 알리려니

but he got scared

겁이 났던 거죠

to tell you who he was.

기억  하는  아닌가

"What if she doesn't remember me?"

 보고 실망하면 어떡하나

"What if she finds me disappointing?"



‪[관중들이 시끌벅적하다] ‪(상구) ‪기억해 주길 바라지만

He would've wanted you to remember him,


but he got scared

내가 누군지

if you'd be disappointed

알려 주면

if you'd be disappointed

실망할까  자신 없고 ‪[상구의 한숨]

with who he really was.

‪(상구) ‪지금 사는  꼴을 보니까

And he was also mad at himself

한심해서 화가 나고

for being the way he was.

‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪[은정이 흐느낀다]


‪(은정) ‪얼마나 아팠을까요혼자

He must've been in so much pain all by himself.

얼마나 힘들고 외로웠을까요

He must've been so devastated and lonely.


Actually, we apologize

저희가 아무것도 모르고 ‪오해를 해서

for our ignorance. We misunderstood you.


We are sorry.

‪(그루) ‪죄송합니다

I'm sorry.

‪(은정) ‪[웃으며] ‪아니에요아니에요

No, it's fine.


이렇게라도 ‪ 아이를 기억하게  주셔서

Thank you for helping me remember him.

너무 감사합니다

Thank you for helping me remember him.

유품 정리사라고 하셨죠?

You said you were trauma cleaners, right?

‪[한숨 쉬며] ‪이런 일까지  주시는진 몰랐네요

I didn't know this kind of thing was part of the service.

 어렵고 ‪보람 있는 일을 하시네요

Your work seems hard yet rewarding.

정말 감사합니다

Thank you so much.

‪- (상구아닙니다 ‪- 

-No problem. -Sure.

‪(은정) ‪괜찮다면 ‪이건 제가 간직해도 될까요?

If you don't mind, can I keep these?


Are you sure?

‪(그루) ‪간직해 주시는 겁니까? ‪[은정의 웃음]

Will you keep his stuff?

그래도 된다면요

If it's okay with you.


Of course, it's okay.

‪(그루) ‪감사합니다

I appreciate it.


Thank you.


‪[몽환적인 음악]

‪[상구가 입소리를  낸다]

‪(상구) ‪[한숨 쉬며] ‪ 놈의 인생이

How can a person

이렇게 끝까지 불행할 수가 있냐?

be this miserable even to his death?

뭐가 불행입니까?

Why was he miserable?

‪(상구) ‪찾았다고 생각한 엄마도

He thought he found his mom,

결국 친엄마가 아니었다는 거잖아

but it turns out she's not the one.

그래도 마지막은 ‪불행 아닌  같습니다

Still, he wasn't miserable at the end.



매튜 님은 엄마를 보았고

Mr. Matthew saw his mom,

강은정 엄마는 ‪매튜 님을 기억해 주셨습니다

and Ms. Kang, who he thought his mom, remembered him

슬퍼해 주셨습니다

and grieved over his death.

‪(그루) ‪삼촌


‪(상구) ‪


‪(그루) ‪가야  곳이 있습니다

We have a place to go.

‪[다가오는 자동차 엔진음]

‪[타이어 마찰음]

‪[ 문이  닫힌다]

매튜 님이 ‪아지에게 주는 선물입니다

This is a gift for A-ji from Mr. Matthew.


‪(유림) ‪됐다

There you go.

내가 데려가려고요

I'm taking him with me.

매튜한텐 ‪좋은 친구가   줬지만

I wasn't a good friend to Matthew,


but I will to A-ji.



‪[입을  맞춘다]

‪[유림이 코를 훌쩍인다]

‪[옅은 한숨]

‪(그루) ‪?



‪(스크린  은정) ‪지난 65년간 해외로 입양된 ‪한국 아동 수는

Over 65 years, about 200,000 Korean kids were sent away for overseas adoption.


Over 65 years, about 200,000 Korean kids were sent away for overseas adoption.

이는 천만 서울 인구의 ‪2% 해당하는 숫자이며

That's two percent of Seoul's population, which is nearly ten million, and it brought dishonor on Korea as the biggest baby exporter

‪20세기 최대의 고아 수출국이라는 ‪오명을 갖게  이유입니다

and it brought dishonor on Korea as the biggest baby exporter in the 20th century.

  2000 이전에 입양되어

One out of ten children who were adopted before the year 2000

무관심과 방치 속에 ‪시민권을 취득하지 못해

One out of ten children who were adopted before the year 2000 failed to obtain citizenship

무국적자로 전락한 이들이

and became stateless because no one cared about them.

 10  1명으로 ‪추산되고 있으며

and became stateless because no one cared about them.

이들은 양국 어느 곳에서도 ‪자국민으로 인정받지 못한 

As they are not recognized as citizens by either of the countries,

외로운 삶과 투쟁하고 있습니다

they struggle to live lonely life.

지난 29

On the 29th,

서울의  모텔에서 홀로 사망한 ‪미국 입양아 매튜 그린도

Matthew Green, an adoptee from the US who died alone in his motel room in Seoul,

이들  하나였습니다

was one of them.

‪(스크린  은정) ‪모두가 즐거웠을 주말 동안

When everyone was enjoying the weekend,

외로이 홀로 죽어간 매튜 그린에게

Matthew had to meet lonely death.

고국은 올림픽이 한창이던 

To him, his mother country remained as same

혼자 비행기를 타고 떠나야 했던 ‪32 

as it was 32 years ago when he had to fly alone to the US

그때와 크게 ‪다르지 않았던  같습니다

while people celebrated the Seoul Olympics.

도움의 손길이 필요한 ‪해외 입양아들에 대해

The government must take action

정부 차원의 ‪적극적인 지원이 요구됩니다

to help those children in need who were adopted overseas.

신의 선물이란 의미의 ‪매튜라는 이름을 가졌지만 ‪[차분한 음악]

"Matthew" means a gift from God,

끝내 미국인 매튜로도

but this man couldn't live

한국인 강성민으로도 살지 못했던 ‪ 남성에게

as Matthew, an American, nor Kang Seong-min, a Korean. GOD'S GIFT, ABANDONED TILL THE END

대한민국을 대신해 ‪미안함을 전합니다

I express my sincere apology to him on behalf of Korea.

지금까지 SBC 뉴스 ‪강은정이었습니다

I'm Kang Eun-jeong, and thank you for watching SBC news.


Good job, everyone.

‪[사진을 사락 든다]

어쩌면 그루도

I could have been

한그루 아니고 ‪매튜 그린 됐을지도 모릅니다

a Matthew Green, not Han Geu-ru.

무슨 소리야?

What do you mean?

그루도 매튜 님이랑 똑같습니다

I am just like Mr. Matthew.

그루도 ‪낳아  엄마 아빠 모릅니다

I don't know my real mom and dad.



하지만 그루는 정우 아빠 만나서

But because I met my dad, Jeong-u,

한그루 됐습니다

I can be Han Geu-ru now.

아빠는 그루 ‪많이 많이 사랑하셨습니다

My dad loved me very much.

 성격에 걱정돼서

I know you're still caring and worried about him even in your grave.

눈을 어떻게 감았냐?

I know you're still caring and worried about him even in your grave.

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

‪[주머니를 부스럭 뒤진다]

‪[휴대전화를  연다] ‪[무거운 음악]

‪[휴대전화 조작음]

서류는  보관하고 있지?

You still have my documents, right?

‪(상구) ‪그거부터 돌려받기 전까진 ‪경기  나갈 거니까

I won't fight until I get them back,


so keep them safe.

마지막으로 얘기할게

And this is my last warning.


In case


something happens to me

내가 어떻게 돼도

at the tomorrow's game,

  근처엔 ‪  다시 얼씬거리지 

don't you ever set a foot near this house.


You got that?

‪(마담) ‪당신이나 잘해

Make sure you do your part

 당신한테  걸었으니까

because I bet everything on you.

‪[통화 종료음]

‪[휴대전화를  닫는다]



‪[새가 짹짹 지저귄다]

‪[청소기 작동음]

‪(그루) ‪?


‪[지글거리는 소리가 난다]



‪(상구) ‪일어났냐?

Good morning.

앉아아침 줄게

Have a seat. Breakfast is ready.

‪[상구가 팬을 달그락 내려놓는다]


Eat up.

‪- 삼촌 언제 죽습니까? ‪- (상구?

-Uncle, are you dying? -What?

‪(그루) ‪사람이  하던 짓을 하면 ‪죽을병에 걸린 거라고

Na-mu said people suddenly change when they're terminally ill.

나무가 그랬습니다

Na-mu said people suddenly change when they're terminally ill.

이런먹기 싫냐?

Gosh, you don't want my food? Is that it?

‪(상구) ‪관둬내가 먹으면 이씨

Forget it, then. I'll have it all.

‪(그루) ‪죽는  아니라고 말씀하시면 ‪먹을 겁니다

Tell me you're not dying, then I will eat.

삼촌  죽어인마

Your uncle is not dying, kid.

내가 얼마나 튼튼한데

Look how strong I am.

‪[그루가 그릇을  내려놓는다]

‪[그루가 의자를  당긴다]

‪(그루) ‪그럼  먹겠습니다

Then thank you for the food.

‪[ 웃는다]


I'm not dying!

노른자가 터졌습니다

The yolk is broken.

‪(상구) ‪그래?

Oh okay. Let me swap it.

바꿔 줄게

Oh okay. Let me swap it.


Thank you for the food.

‪[차분한 음악]


‪[옅은 웃음]

‪[칼질을 쓱쓱 한다]

‪[입소리를  낸다]

‪[그루가 칼질을 연신 쓱쓱 한다]

‪[상구가 신발을 탁탁 신는다]

‪[문이 달칵 열린다]

‪[문이  닫힌다] ‪[도어  작동음]

어서 와라

Good morning.

‪(상구) ‪아침밥  놨어

Breakfast is ready for you.

식기 전에 얼른 먹어

Eat it before it gets cold.

이건  뭐지?

What's going on?



No way.

이거 이거  ‪진짜 이상하다니까

See? Something is up.




Take care of him.

더도 덜도 말고

Just keep up what you're doing now, no more, no less.


Just keep up what you're doing now, no more, no less.

어디 가요?

Are you going somewhere?

‪(상구) ‪그냥

Are you going somewhere? It just

생각나는 김에 하는 말이야

came to my mind. That's all.

어디 가죠 가출하는 거예요?

Are you running away from home again?

‪(상구) ‪가출은 무슨

To run away from home,

 있는 사람이나 하는 거지

you need to have home first.

‪[상구가 입소리를  낸다]

you need to have home first.

여기도 집이잖아

This is home.

‪(나무) ‪여기도 삼촌 집이잖아요

This is your home too!


‪[나무가 신발을 탁탁 벗는다]

‪[문이  닫힌다] ‪[도어  작동음]

‪[다급한 숨을 내뱉으며] ‪그루야큰일 났어

Geu-ru, we have a problem!

알고 있습니다

I know.

‪(나무) ‪너도 알아?

Oh, you do?


삼촌이 아침을 차려 주시고

Uncle prepared breakfast for me

청소도 하셨습니다

and cleaned the house.

그런데 죽을병에  걸리셨습니다

But he's not dying.

걸렸을지도 몰라

Maybe he is.

‪[나무의 다급한 숨소리] ‪[나무가 의자를  뺀다]

‪(나무) ‪삼촌 이제 다시    같아

Your uncle might not come back for good.

‪(그루) ‪지난번에도  온다고 문자 왔는데 ‪다시 오셨습니다

He texted me he'd not come back, but he did.

‪(나무) ‪아니야이번에는

No, this time

진짜 다시    같은 ‪그런 느낌적인 느낌이 들어

I have a strong feeling he won't.

어제 이상한 낌새 같은  없었어?

Didn't you notice anything odd?

‪[그루가 우유를 쪽쪽 빤다]

‪(그루) ‪[굵은 목소리로] ‪'서류는  보관하고 있지?'

"You still have my documents, right?"

‪[무거운 음악]

"You still have my documents, right?"

‪'그거부터 돌려받기 전엔 ‪경기  나갈 거니까'

"I won't fight until I get them back,

‪' 챙겨'

so keep them safe."

‪'마지막으로 얘기할게'

"And this is my last warning."

‪'만약에 내일'

"In case, something happens to me at the tomorrow's game,

‪'내가 어떻게 돼도'

something happens to me at the tomorrow's game,

‪'  근처엔 ‪  다시 얼씬거리지 '

don't you ever set a foot near this house."


don't you ever set a foot near this house." "You got that?"

라고 하셨습니다어젯밤에

This is what Uncle said last night.

‪[놀란 숨소리]

‪[긴장되는 음악]

‪[관중들이 시끌벅적하다] ‪[현찰 계수기 작동음]


‪[다가오는 발걸음]

컨디션 어때?

How are you doing?

‪(마담) ‪  있다며

You said you wanted to talk.


My documents. I want them before I go up to the ring.

올라가기 전에 먼저  ‪보낼 데가 있어

My documents. I want them before I go up to the ring. -I need to send them to someone. -I said I'd give them back.

‪(마담) ‪준다고 했잖아

-I need to send them to someone. -I said I'd give them back.

내가 자기한테 빈말한  있어?

I've never lied to you, have I?

‪(상구) ‪알아

I've never lied to you, have I? That's true.

그런데 사람 일이라는 

But in life, you never know

모르는 거니까

what might happen.

‪(상구) ‪누가 알아?

Who knows?

  뒤에 내가

I might end up like Su-cheol in a few minutes.

수철이  날지

I might end up like Su-cheol in a few minutes.

수철이가 좋은  가르쳐 줬네

I guess he's taught you a good lesson.

‪[봉투를  든다]


Give it your best.

당신한테 올인했다는 

When I said I bet everything on you,

농담 아니니까

I wasn't joking.

‪[부스럭 소리가 난다]

‪[질색하는 숨소리]


이게 뭐야?

What? What is it?

‪[관중들의 환호성]

‪(진행자) ‪오래 기다리셨습니다

Now the moment we've been waiting for.

드디어 예고해 드린 대로 ‪올해의  매치 ‪[철문이  닫힌다]

As we announced, the biggest match of the year will begin.

러시아에서  챔피언 헬레이저!

A champion from Russia, Hell Raiser!

‪[관중들의 환호성과 박수]

그리고 전설의 무패 기록 ‪89 88

And the undefeated legendary fighter with 88 wins out of 89 matches.



‪[관중들의 환호성과 박수]



‪(나무) ‪ 혹시 펀치 드렁크인지 뭔지 ‪그거 알아?

do you know anything about punch drunk?

‪[무거운 음악] ‪펀치 드렁크 신드롬 말입니까?

You mean punch drunk syndrome?


Yes. That thing.

‪(그루) ‪복싱이나 미식축구 선수들처럼 ‪[진행자가 숫자를 센다]

It's a neurodegenerative disease

뇌에 습관적으로 많은 손상을 입는 ‪사람들에게 나타나는

commonly seen in boxers and footballers who experience repeated head injuries.

뇌세포 손상증입니다

commonly seen in boxers and footballers who experience repeated head injuries.

실어증실인증치매 등의 ‪만성 증세와

It can cause conditions such as aphasia, agnosia and dementia

정신 불안기억 상실 ‪혼수상태 등의

as well as acute conditions like anxiety, memory loss and loss of consciousness.

급성 증세를 보이기도 하고

like anxiety, memory loss and loss of consciousness.

심한 경우 ‪생명을 잃을 수도 있습니다

In severe cases, you can lose your life.

‪[공이  울린다]

In severe cases, you can lose your life.

‪[놀라며] ‪어떡해?

Oh no! Uncle Sang-gu might die if he fights tonight.

‪(나무) ‪삼촌 오늘 경기 나가면 ‪죽을지도 몰라

Oh no! Uncle Sang-gu might die if he fights tonight.

그거 알면서도 ‪거기 나간 거라니까?

Oh no! Uncle Sang-gu might die if he fights tonight. He went fighting knowing all that.

‪[당황하며] ‪진짜입니까?

Really? It can't be!


Really? It can't be! It can't be happening!

‪(그루) ‪[당황하며] ‪삼촌 다치는  싫습니다

I don't want Uncle to get hurt.

삼촌 죽으면  됩니다

I don't want him to die.

삼촌 죽으면  됩니다 ‪[그루의 목소리가 울린다]

He cannot die!




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