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Blackpink: Light Up the Sky


‪"2016년"‬[mouse scrolling]
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‪(진행자 1) [한국어]‬ ‪오늘은 YG에서 7년 만에 선보이는‬ ‪신인 그룹이 데뷔하는 날입니다‬[host 1 in Korean] Today is the debut of YG's newest girl group in seven years.
‪블랙핑크를 소개합니다!‬Introducing BLACKPINK!
‪[노래 '뚜두뚜두']‬["Ddu-Du Ddu-Du" playing]
‪"3년 후"‬
‪♪ 블랙핑크! ♪‬♪ BLACKPINK… ♪
‪[팬들의 환호성]‬[fans cheering]
‪(진행자 2) 박수로 맞아주세요‬ ‪블랙핑크입니다!‬[host 2 in Korean] Please give it up for BLACKPINK!
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬[shutters clicking]
‪(다 함께) 안녕하세요‬ ‪블랙핑크입니다!‬[all together] Hello, we're BLACKPINK!
‪[강렬한 비트]‬[beat drops]
‪(마이클 스트라한) [영어]‬ ‪다음으로 만나볼 게스트는‬[Michael Strahan in English] Our next guests are the best-charting
‪가요 차트 역대 1위의‬ ‪한국 여성 그룹입니다‬female Korean group of all time.
‪널리 인기를 끌고 있는‬ ‪케이팝 그룹인…‬…wildly popular K-pop group…
‪케이팝 센세이션‬ ‪블랙핑크입니다!‬K-pop sensations, BLACKPINK!
‪♪ [영어] 때려 줄게 뚜두뚜두 ♪‬♪ Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du ♪
‪(기자 1)‬ ‪블랙핑크는‬[reporter 1] BLACKPINK has become
‪차트 기록 역대 최고의‬ ‪케이팝 걸그룹입니다‬the highest charting K-pop girl group ever.
‪(기자 2)‬ ‪역사를 새로 쓴 그룹이죠‬[reporter 2] They also made history as they became
‪코첼라에서 공연한 최초의‬ ‪케이팝 걸그룹이니까요‬the first K-pop girl group to perform at Coachella.
‪(진행자 3) 미국 TV 최초‬ ‪라이브 공연으로 보시겠습니다‬[host 3] Performing it live for the first time ever on US television,
‪블랙핑크입니다!‬here is BLACKPINK!
‪- (진행자 4) 블랙핑크!‬ ‪- 블랙핑크‬-[host 4] BLACKPINK! -BLACKPINK!
‪[한국어] 블랙핑크 여러분‬ ‪축하드리고요‬[in Korean] Congratulations, BLACKPINK.
‪(진행자 5) 블랙핑크‬ ‪축하합니다!‬[host 5] BLACKPINK!
‪♪ [영어] 때려 줄게 뚜두뚜두 ♪‬♪ Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du ♪
‪[노래 마침]‬[music ends]
‪"2020년 초"‬
‪- (리사) [영어] 너무 배고파‬ ‪- (제니) 그래?‬-[Lisa] I'm so hungry. -[Jennie] Are you?
‪- 나 오늘 뭘 먹었나?‬ ‪- (리사) 아니‬-Did I eat something today? -[Lisa] No.
‪디저트의 일종인데‬ ‪인절미가 든 크루아상 같은 거야‬There's a dessert. It's like a croissant with injeolmi.
‪(전원) 으아아!‬[all] Ah!
‪다들 인절미 싫어해?‬You guys don't like injeolmi?
‪진짜 맛있는데‬ ‪[킥킥 웃음]‬It tastes really good. [giggles]
‪(로제) 태국 소녀가‬ ‪할 말은 아니지 [웃음]‬[Rosé] Says the Thai girl in the car. [laughs]
‪(제니) 새 앨범이 나올 때마다‬ ‪다들 정말 신이 나요‬[Jennie] Every time a new album comes, we're just excited. We're like,
‪'드디어 또 하나 나오네!'‬ ‪다 같이 이러죠‬"Ah, yay. Finally, one more," you know?
‪이제 한 반쯤 왔지?‬I think we're halfway there, maybe?
‪우린 늘 반쯤 온 상태지‬ ‪'노래는 다 됐어'‬We're always halfway there. We're like, "We have the songs…
‪'머릿속에 다 있어‬ ‪녹음만 하면 돼'‬there. We just need to record them."
‪(지수) [한국어]‬ ‪이렇게 많은 분이 저희 노래를‬ ‪좋아해주시는 걸 보니까‬[Jisoo in Korean] Seeing so many people love our music
‪자신 있게 새롭고 다양한 모습을‬ ‪도전하고 싶은 마음이 커져요‬motivates us to try something new and different.
‪[영어] 노래 좀‬ ‪불러 볼 시간이다‬[in English] It's time for us to do some music.
‪(제니) 여러분께 보여 드릴 게‬ ‪너무 많아요‬[Jennie] We just have so much to show people.
‪굉장히 여성스러운 음악도‬ ‪아직 해 본 적이 없는 거 같아요‬I don't think we've done something really girly yet.
‪너무나 다양한 것들을‬ ‪연습하고 탐구해 봤으니까‬We've practiced and explored so many different things,
‪연습생 시절에요‬um, during our trainee days,
‪그러니 블랙핑크로서 그것들을‬ ‪얼마나 선보일 수 있을지가‬and so it's just a matter of how much of that we could end up showing
‪관건인 거 같아요‬as BLACKPINK.
‪'여성스러운 음악'이라고 했을 때‬ ‪내가 하고 싶은 건 이렇게…‬I think, for me, when I say girly, I want to do more like…
‪[가냘프게] '안녕…'‬like… [softly] "Hello…"
‪- [웃음]‬ ‪- (로제) 뭐?‬-[all giggle] -[Rosé] Like what?
‪이렇게, 오오오…‬Like, ooh…
‪"블랙 라벨"‬[bass and drums playing]
‪[베이스와 드럼]‬[bass and drums playing]
‪(테디) [한국어]‬ ‪딜레이가 왜 이렇게 세?‬[in Korean] Why is that delay so strong right now?
‪조금만 내려 줘‬Can you bring it down a bit?
‪조금만 더 앞으로‬ ‪해야 할 거 같아‬Push it forward a bit.
‪[영어] 전 프로듀서이자‬ ‪작곡가예요‬[in English] I'm their producer, songwriter.
‪지금까지 발표한 모든 노래를‬ ‪작곡하고 프로듀싱했죠‬I've written and produced every single song that's come out so far.
‪이제 4년째네요‬It's been about four years now.
‪저희의 원래 전략은 이랬죠‬ ‪'싱글, 대히트, 싱글, 대성공'‬Our initial approach was more like… single, smash, single, hit.
‪"박테디‬ ‪프로듀서/작곡가"‬single, smash, single, hit.
‪이제는 좀 더 사적인 이야기를‬ ‪들려드려야 할 것 같아요‬Now, we feel like we need to tell more of our personal story.
‪팬분들이 화내시는 건 알아요‬ ‪'우린 더, 더 원해!'‬And I know the fans are mad. Like, "We want more and more."
‪보여드릴 건 아주 많지만…‬We do have a lot in here, but…
‪어떤 걸 보여드릴지는‬ ‪아주 까다롭게 정하거든요‬we're very particular with what we put out.
‪(로제와 제니) [한국어]‬ ‪안녕하세요!‬[Rosé and Jennie in Korean] Hello!
‪[전원 웃음]‬[all giggling]
‪(제니) [영어] 오빠‬ ‪웬 가죽 재킷이에요?‬[Jennie in English] Oppa, you got some leather jackets going on there?
‪[한국어] 우와!‬[in Korean] Awesome!
‪[영어] 오늘 특별히‬ ‪차려입은 것처럼 반응하지 마‬[in English] Stop acting like I overdressed today.
‪난 늘 이렇게 입는다고‬I always dress like this.
‪[멤버들 깔깔 웃음]‬[girls giggling]
‪[한국어] 그래도 낮잠을‬ ‪잤어야 했는데‬[in Korean] I should've had a nap today.
‪- 때려 줄게, 졸리지?‬ ‪- 낮잠을 안 잤어‬-I'll slap your wrist. Sleepy right? -I didn't get a nap.
‪- 아야! [신음]‬ ‪- 어때, 딱 괜찮지?‬Ah! [groans in pain] Better?
‪(테디) [영어]‬ ‪이번에는…‬[Teddy in English] So, I have the…
‪레이디 가가가 피처링한‬ ‪블랙핑크 곡이 곧 나올 거야‬Lady Gaga featuring BLACKPINK that's about to come out.
‪- [흥얼거림]‬ ‪- (제니) 만세!‬-[exclaims] -[Jennie] So sweet!
‪이것 때문에 새해 전에‬ ‪정말 열심히 했잖아‬We worked hard before New Year's for this.
‪[스피커에서 'Sour Candy' 재생]‬["Sour Candy" playing over speakers]
‪[깔깔 웃음]‬[giggles]
‪[제니의 노래]‬[Jennie singing] ♪ So-sour candy ♪
‪(테디) 정말 거대한‬ ‪성공을 거뒀죠‬[Teddy] They're huge, and they're so successful.
‪우리 중 누구도 이런 성과는‬ ‪예상하지 못했어요‬I don't think any of us even expected this.
‪가끔 실감이 들 때마다 이러죠‬ ‪'이런 세상에!'‬Sometimes it gets to me, like, "Oh, my God."
‪이런 열렬한 반응에‬ ‪어떻게 부응하지?‬How do we live up to this hype?
‪[노래 계속됨]‬♪ I'm hard on the outside ♪
‪'Sour Candy'라니‬ ‪[깔깔 웃음]‬Sour candy. [laughs]
‪- [탄성]‬ ‪- (지수) [한국어] 중독적이야‬-[exclaims] -[Jisoo in Korean] It's addictive.
‪[영어] '한입 먹어봐'‬Take a bite, take a bite.
‪[로제가 노래하는 'Sour Candy']‬[Rosé] ♪ Hard on the outside… ♪
‪(테디) [한국어] 'Crazy over You'‬ ‪다시 녹음할까? 어떤 부분?‬[Teddy in Korean] Should we re-record certain parts of "Crazy Over You"?
‪(테디) [영어] 모든 그룹에는‬ ‪그룹의 정체성을 결정짓는‬[Teddy in English] Every group has their own different cultural background
‪그들만의 문화적 배경이 있죠‬that makes them who they are.
‪[노래 계속됨]‬[song continues]
‪(테디) 블랙핑크가 특별하고‬ ‪눈에 띄는 이유는‬[Teddy] But the combination, that's what makes BLACKPINK unique
‪다양한 문화의 결합이에요‬and stand out.
‪[한국어] 여기서 자기 부분‬ ‪더 잘할 것 같은 사람?‬[in Korean] Who thinks they can nail their part in this song?
‪[영어] 로제부터‬ ‪인트로를 다시 해 볼래?‬[in English] Rosé, want to go in first for the intro?
‪[영어로 노래]‬ ‪♪ 머릿속에서 네 생각이‬ ‪떠나질 않아 ♪‬[sings in English] ♪ Can't get you outta my head ♪
‪[목소리 가다듬음]‬ ‪♪ 머릿속에서… ♪‬[clears throat] ♪ My head… ♪
‪(테디) 로제는 호주에서 자란‬ ‪한국 소녀예요‬[Teddy] Rosé, a Korean girl that was raised in Australia.
‪로제는 새벽 6시까지‬ ‪스튜디오에 남아서 연습하곤 하죠‬And she stays here 'til, like, six o'clock a.m. just in the studio.
‪가끔 저도 놀라요‬ ‪'세상에, 아직도 있었어?'‬Sometimes I'm like, "Wow! You still here?"
‪(로제) ♪ 머릿속에서 네 생각이‬ ‪떠나질 않아 ♪‬[Rosé] ♪ Can't get you outta my head ♪
‪[한국어 노래]‬[sings line in Korean]
‪[영어] 와‬ ‪그 부분 정말 잘했어‬[in English] Ooh… you really killed that one.
‪[가사 없는 발성]‬[vocalizes]
‪(테디) 지수‬[Teddy] Jisoo.
‪한국에서 나고 자란‬ ‪토종 한국 소녀죠‬Straight-up Korean girl that grew up in Korea.
‪그룹의 큰언니예요‬ ‪나이가 제일 많거든요‬She's the unnie of the group. She's the oldest.
‪(지수, 노래하며)‬ ‪♪ 난 사랑할 준비 됐어 ♪‬[Jisoo sings] ♪ I'm ready for love I'm ready for love ♪
‪(테디) 지수에겐 전문가다운‬ ‪포커페이스가 있어요‬[Teddy] She does have that professional poker face.
‪지수랑 알고 지낸 지도‬ ‪벌써 6년째인데‬I've known Jisoo for, let's say, a good six years.
‪그동안 우는 건…‬I've seen her cry…
‪딱 한 번 봤어요‬once.
‪지수는 정말 영리해요‬She's super smart.
‪공부로 익힌 지식뿐이라고‬ ‪생각하기 쉽지만‬A lot of people might think she's book smart,
‪실은 물정에 밝고‬ ‪경험이 풍부하죠‬but I would say she's street smart.
‪♪ 난 사랑할 준비 됐어‬ ‪사랑할 준비 됐어 ♪‬♪ I'm ready for love, I'm ready for love ♪
‪- [두드리는 소리]‬ ‪- [한국어] 깜짝이야‬-[rattling] -[in Korean] Oh, that scared me.
‪(테디) [영어]‬ ‪태국에서 온 리사‬[Teddy in English] Lisa, from Thailand.
‪리사는 늘 쿨하고‬ ‪차분한 미소를 지어요‬She's always got that cool, calm,
‪'잘될 거야, 우린 괜찮아'‬ ‪하는 듯한 미소죠‬"it's gonna be okay, we're all good" smile.
‪♪ 난 사랑할 준비 됐어‬ ‪사랑할 준비 됐어 ♪‬♪ I'm ready for love I'm ready for love… ♪
‪(테디) 하지만 중요한 순간에는‬[Teddy] But when it comes to certain moments,
‪음악이 시작하는 순간이나‬ ‪바짝 집중해야 할 때는‬when the music starts, when it's crunch time,
‪실행력과 투지가 넘쳐요‬she has this executioner killer instinct.
‪[한국어 노래]‬[singing in Korean]
‪(테디) [영어]‬ ‪제니는 한국에서 태어나서‬ ‪뉴질랜드로 유학을 갔죠‬[Teddy in English] Jennie, born in Korea, but moved to New Zealand.
‪[노래 계속됨]‬
‪제니는 아주 똑 부러진 성격이에요‬She's super clear.
‪자기 의견과 감정을‬ ‪확실히 표현하죠‬Her opinions, her emotions.
‪완벽주의자이기도 하고요‬She's a perfectionist.
‪[스피커에서 노래 계속됨]‬[song continues over speakers]
‪(테디) 이 서로 다른 문화들을‬ ‪한데 모은 거예요‬[Teddy] All those different cultures in one pot,
‪걷고, 말하고, 입는 방식까지‬ ‪전혀 다른 네 사람을요‬it's just different how they walk, how they talk, and how they dress.
‪네 사람이 서로를 보완하며‬ ‪완벽한 균형을 이루죠‬And the perfect balance, how they complement each other.
‪아주 매력적이에요‬It's fascinating.
‪[스피커에서 노래 계속됨]‬[song continues over speakers]
‪(테디) 우리는 그냥‬ ‪음악 하려는 한국인들이죠‬[Teddy] We're just Korean people trying to do music,
‪그런데 한국인이 음악을 만들면‬so if Korean people make music,
‪그게 케이팝이라고요?‬ ‪이해가 안 돼요‬it's K-pop? I don't even get it. Like…
‪한국 팝 뮤직이에요‬It's Korean pop.
‪유일한 차이점은 언어뿐이죠‬The only thing is language.
‪왜 다른 나라에는‬ ‪그런 장르가 없는 거죠?‬Why don't they do that for every country?
‪케이팝이란 뭘까요?‬What is K-pop?
‪- [잡음]‬ ‪- 케이팝이죠‬-[static] -K-pop.
‪(기자 1) 케이팝이 미국 전역을‬ ‪휩쓸고 있습니다‬[reporter 1] K-pop is taking the US by storm.
‪케이팝은 국제적인‬ ‪문화 현상이 되었죠‬K-pop has become a worldwide cultural phenomenon.
‪이미 20년 가까운‬ ‪역사가 있는 장르입니다‬The genre has been around for at least two decades.
‪[한국어] '서태지와 아이들'이라는‬ ‪트리오인데요‬[in Korean] This is a three-member group named Seo Taiji and Boys.
‪박수로 청해 듣겠습니다‬Please welcome them.
‪[군중의 박수]‬[crowd clapping]
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬[upbeat music playing]
‪[한국어 랩]‬[rapping in Korean]
‪[노래 '붐바야']‬["Boombayah" playing]
‪(기자 2) 강력한 리듬과‬ ‪현란한 춤‬[reporter 2 in Korean] Powerful rhythm and flash dances
‪이것이 서태지 음악의 특징입니다‬are the hallmarks of Seo Taiji's music.
‪노래 잘 부르고 멋있잖아요‬ ‪춤도 잘 추고‬They sing well, look cool, and dance well.
‪[노래 '붐바야' 계속됨]‬["Boombayah" continues]
‪우리 대중음악에 대한 외국인들의‬ ‪관심이 예사롭지 않습니다‬The interest in Korean pop music is unusually high from foreigners.
‪[가사 없는 발성]‬
‪(기자 3) [영어]‬ ‪몇몇 거대 음반회사들이‬[reporter 3 in English] A few big music agencies
‪가수, 래퍼, 댄서로 이루어진‬began making these polished groups
‪세련된 그룹들을‬ ‪만들기 시작했습니다‬of singers, rappers, and dancers.
‪(기자 4) 영향력이 막강한‬ ‪음반회사 중 하나가‬[reporter 4] One of the heavy-weight companies
‪YG 엔터테인먼트입니다‬is YG Entertainment.
‪(기자 5) …엄청난 인기를 끈‬ ‪'강남 스타일'을 만들어냈죠‬[reporter 5] …responsible for the insanely viral "Gangnam Style." 
‪(기자 5) [영어]‬ ‪매년 수십억 달러의‬ ‪수익을 창출합니다‬[reporter 5 in English] The industry brings in billions of dollars a year.
‪(기자 6) 가수들을 키워 내는 것‬ ‪자체가 하나의 사업이죠‬[reporter 6] Grooming these singers is an industry all in itself.
‪(기자 7) 이르면 11살부터‬ ‪연습생이 됩니다‬[reporter 7] Trainees can start as young as 11 years old.
‪(기자 8) 연습생들은‬ ‪함께 자라고 함께 연습합니다‬[reporter 8] They're raised together. They train together.
‪(기자 9) 음 하나하나‬[reporter 9] Perfecting every pitch.
‪움직임 하나하나까지‬ ‪완벽히 다듬고 익히죠‬Mastering every move.
‪(기자 7) 위험부담도 큽니다‬[reporter 7] Stakes are high.
‪어떤 연습생은 겨우 몇 달 만에‬ ‪데뷔에 성공하지만‬Some make their debut after just a few months' training.
‪10년 가까이 기다리는‬ ‪사람들도 있죠‬For others, it could be up to a decade.
‪끝까지 데뷔하지 못하는‬ ‪연습생도 많습니다‬Many never make it to debut at all.
‪"YG 엔터테인먼트"‬
‪[둘이 함께 늑대 울음]‬[both howling]
‪(지수) [한국어]‬ ‪몇 개를 뽑아야 하는 거야? [웃음]‬[Jisoo in Korean] How many do I have to pick? [chuckles]
‪(제니) [영어]‬ ‪새 앨범을 준비하는 건‬ ‪확실히 즐거워요‬[Jennie in English] Preparing for a new album, that's definitely fun,
‪새로운 걸 만들어내려고‬ ‪하는 거니까요‬'cause it's like trying to come up with something new,
‪하지만 특히‬ ‪이런 옷 피팅은‬but fittings like this,
‪우리 활동 중에서도 가장 중요하고‬ ‪창의적인 부분 중 하나죠‬it is one of the biggest, like, creative parts that we do.
‪- [리사의 탄성]‬ ‪- (로제) 와, 지수야!‬-[Lisa exclaims] -[Rosé] Oh, Jisoo!
‪- 우와…‬ ‪- (리사) 세상에‬-Wow… -[Lisa] Oh là là.
‪(제니) [한국어] 언니 자체가‬ ‪섹시인 걸 어떡해‬[Jennie in Korean] You look naturally sexy!
‪- 정말!‬ ‪- 그렇게 보이는 걸 어떡해!‬-Really! -You can't help yourself!
‪(로제) 이걸 입어 본다고 하면‬ ‪한 명씩 들어가서 직접 맞추고‬[Rosé] If we wear something, we all try to see how it fits as a group,
‪그런데 그게 때에 따라 달라요‬but that's-- Well, it's case by case.
‪[영어] 시간이 오래 걸리죠‬[in English] It takes a long time.
‪[한국어] 그런데 이게 너무 좀…‬ ‪통을 좀 줄여야 하나?‬[in Korean] Shouldn't we make it a bit tighter? What do you think?
‪- 더 올라가게, 이러면 올라가지‬ ‪- (여성) 응‬-Because this side goes up. -[woman] Mm-mm-mm.
‪[영어] 좋아‬[in English] Okay.
‪(로제) 라리사!‬ ‪세상에!‬[Rosé] Lalisa. Oh là là!
‪(제니) 리사! 라리사!‬[Jennie] Lisa! Lalisa!
‪(로제) 세상에‬[Rosé] Oh là là.
‪(제니) [한국어]‬ ‪리사는 너무 취향이 다양해서‬[Jennie in Korean] Lisa has diverse tastes.
‪- [영어] 뭘 입어도 어울려‬ ‪- 뭐든 소화하지‬-[in English] She can wear whatever. -She pulls off anything.
‪(로제) 스타일을 정의하기가‬ ‪참 어려워요‬[Rosé] It's so hard to define style.
‪스타일이라는 거엔‬ ‪경계선이 없는 것 같아요‬I don't think there's any, like, boundaries within that.
‪우린 '이건 한국식, 이건 서양식‬ ‪이건 아시아식' 이러지 않거든요‬We don't go, "This is Korean, and this is Western. This is Asian."
‪패션이라는 건 아주‬ ‪국제적이라고 생각해요‬I think fashion is really just international.
‪경계선을 긋지 않을수록‬ ‪더 창의적인 결과가 나오는 거죠‬The more that there aren't any boundaries, I think that's when you can get creative.
‪그리고 저희가 무대에서‬ ‪굉장히 어려운 안무를 추는 만큼‬And since we do crazy choreography on stage,
‪모든 의상을 아주‬ ‪꼼꼼히 만들어야 해요‬it all has to be really engineered, basically.
‪옷이 떨어지거나 터지지 않게요‬Make sure nothing flops out anywhere.
‪- (로제) 맞아‬ ‪- [웃음]‬-[Rosé] Yeah. -[laughs]
‪[노래 '붐바야']‬["Boombayah" playing]
‪[가사 없는 발성]‬
‪- [한국어] 뭐야?‬ ‪- 코첼라‬-[in Korean] What's this? -Coachella.
‪(제니) '에'에서 음이 나갔어‬[Jennie] I missed my note at the "eh."
‪봐, 우리 영상 보면서‬ ‪그냥 즐길 수가 없다니까‬See, this is why we can't watch our old footage.
‪이럴 때도‬ ‪'잠깐만, 너 여기서 음이 나갔어'‬We're like, "You missed your note at the 'eh',"
‪'안무할 때 여기서 이걸‬ ‪이렇게 해야 했는데'‬and, "I should've gone slower at this part of the choreography,
‪'이렇게 빨리했어'‬but I did it too quickly."
‪'에'에서 음이 나갔어‬ ‪별로야, 별로‬I missed my note. That wasn't good.
‪[노래 계속됨]‬[song continues]
‪너무 긴장해서…‬We were so nervous…
‪[영어] 맞아, 한마디로‬ ‪스트레스가 엄청나죠‬[in English] Yeah. If anything, it's stressful.
‪잘 안 되는 부분이 있거나‬ ‪내 실력을 다 발휘하지 못할 때면‬Sometimes if something's not working, or I'm not doing my best performance,
‪스트레스가 심해요‬it can be stressful.
‪(지수) [한국어]‬ ‪다른 무대와는 조금 다른‬[Jisoo in Korean] Compared to other stages,
‪벅차오르는 느낌이 있었어요‬ ‪너무 긴장해서 그런가 봐요‬it was much more overwhelming because we were so nervous.
‪(제니) 우리한테는 미국이라는‬ ‪낯선 곳에 처음 가서‬ ‪무대에 서는 거여서‬[Jennie] For us, it was our first time in a country we weren't familiar with.
‪딱 이런 걸 상상하면서‬ ‪늘 연습하거나‬I used to dream of that day when we were trainees.
‪- [영어] 이런 걸 원했어‬ ‪- [한숨]‬[in English] This is what we wanted. -[sighs]
‪- 바로 이거야‬ ‪- 바로 이거지‬-This is it. -This is it.
‪[전원 웃음]‬[all giggle]
‪전 늘 제 개인에 대한‬ ‪인터뷰나 질문을 피해요‬I always avoid interviews or any questions about me
‪자 자신에 대해서는‬ ‪별로 말하고 싶지 않거든요‬because I would rather not talk about myself, but…
‪"제니"‬["Solo" by Jennie playing]
‪[제니의 '솔로']‬
‪♪ 한땐 네 여자였지‬ ‪이젠 정상에 섰어 ♪‬♪ Used to be your girl Now I'm used to being the GOAT ♪
‪♪ 넌 주저앉아 있지만‬ ‪난 왕좌에 앉지 ♪‬♪ You're sittin' on your feelings I'm sittin' on my throne ♪
‪♪ 네 고통에 찬 눈 따위‬ ‪봐 줄 시간 없어 ♪‬♪ I ain't got no time For the troubles in your eyes ♪
‪♪ 지금 내가 보는 건‬ ‪나, 나, 나뿐 ♪‬♪ This time I'm only lookin' at Me, myself, and I ♪
‪♪ 난 혼자야 ♪‬♪ I'm going solo ♪
‪[음악 소리 작아짐]‬[music fades]
‪(여성) [한국어]‬ ‪제니의 성격요?‬[woman in Korean] Jennie's personality?
‪다가가기 조금 힘들었는데‬ ‪친해지고 나니까‬At first, it was hard getting to know her,
‪굉장히 의리 있고‬but once we became close,
‪되게 다정다감하고‬ ‪사랑스러운 친구인 것 같아요‬I could tell that she's very loyal, very sweet, and a lovely friend.
‪"여제시‬ ‪필라테스 강사"‬[both chuckling]
‪[둘 다 웃음]‬[both chuckling]
‪저는 사실 매일 보다 보니까‬ ‪친근하고 동생 같고 이런데‬I see her every day, so I'm used to her, and she's like my little sister.
‪TV에서 보면 이러죠‬ ‪'아, 우리 제니 스타였구나'‬But when I see her on TV, I'm like, "Ah, Jennie is a star,”
‪그런데 실제로 보면‬ ‪굉장히 소탈하고‬but she's really down-to-earth.
‪- [제니 심호흡]‬ ‪- (제시) 너무 잘해요‬-[Jennie breathes deeply] -[Jessie] You're doing so well.
‪(제니) [영어] 제시는‬ ‪제 몇 안 되는 친구 중 하나예요‬[Jennie in English] She's my friend. One of few that I have.
‪- [신음]‬ ‪- [한국어] 천천히 [가벼운 웃음]‬-[groans] -[in Korean] Slowly. [chuckles]
‪한 다리만 들어서‬ ‪아라베스크 할게요‬We're going to lift one leg up and do an arabesque.
‪[영어] 투어나 활동 후엔‬ ‪늘 온몸이 아파요‬[in English] I'm always aching after tours and stuff.
‪우리 멤버 중에선‬I feel like, out of all the members,
‪제가 늘 아픈 것 같아요 [웃음]‬I'm always sick. [laughs]
‪[끙끙거리는 소리]‬[groans in pain]
‪(제니) 사람들이 다 그렇듯‬ ‪어떤 날에는‬You know, some days, just like every other human being,
‪유독 기분이 좋아요‬you feel extra happy.
‪그리고 어떤 날에는‬ ‪기분이 우울하고요‬And some other days, you're feeling down.
‪전 노래하고 춤추고 랩 하는 걸‬ ‪항상 즐기지만‬Singing, dancing, and rapping, I always enjoy it all the time,
‪저희는 늘 무대 위에서‬but we always have to be on stage
‪완벽한 모습으로‬ ‪똑같은 공연을 해야 하죠‬looking perfect and performing the same thing.
‪매일 2시간씩‬ ‪운동하는 것과 비슷해요‬It's like working out for two hours every day.
‪절대 쉬워지지 않죠‬It never gets easy.
‪사실 더 어려워지죠‬ ‪나이를 먹으니까요 [웃음]‬Gets harder, actually, 'cause you age. [laughs]
‪- [제시의 가벼운 웃음]‬ ‪- 아, 아야, 아야‬Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow.
‪[가벼운 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪(제니) 저는 한국에서 태어났어요‬I was born in Korea.
‪엄마와 단둘이 살았죠‬ ‪전 외동딸이었거든요‬It's just me and my mom. I'm the only child.
‪10살까지 서울에서 자랐어요‬I was raised in Seoul until I was ten.
‪엄마랑 호주와 뉴질랜드로‬ ‪여행을 갔는데‬I went to Australia and New Zealand to travel with my mom,
‪우리가 뉴질랜드에 도착했을 때‬and by the time we got to New Zealand,
‪평화롭고 참 좋았죠‬it was so nice and peaceful.
‪엄마가 물어보셨어요‬ ‪'여기서 살면 어떨 거 같니?'‬She asked me, "How do you feel about living here?"
‪제가 그랬죠‬ ‪'좋을 거 같아요'‬And I said, "Yeah, I would like that."
‪그래서 10살부터 15살까지‬ ‪뉴질랜드에서 혼자 살았어요‬So, from ten to 15, I was in New Zealand by myself.
‪최근까지 엄마랑 집에서‬ ‪함께 오래 시간을 보낼 기회가‬I never really got to spend so much time in the house with my mom…
‪거의 없었어요‬until recently.
‪[아이들 노래]‬[children singing]
‪(제니) 홈스테이를 했죠‬[Jennie] I did a homestay.
‪여기저기 다니며‬ ‪정말 많은 걸 배웠어요‬I got to just run around, learn so many things.
‪(어린 제니) [한국어]‬ ‪처음보다는 더‬[young Jennie in Korean] I understand English
‪그래도 이해하기도 더 낫고‬ ‪좀 더 나아요‬better than when I began.
‪처음에는 친구들이 많이 도와주고‬In the beginning, my friends helped me a lot
‪필기한 것도 보여주곤 했는데‬ ‪지금은 혼자서 다 할 수 있어요‬and showed me their notes. Now I can do it by myself.
‪(제니) [영어] 학교 수업으로‬ ‪야외에 나가거나‬[Jennie in English] They have classes in school to go out,
‪캠핑을 가거나‬ ‪악기를 배울 수도 있었어요‬go camping, go learn instruments.
‪예술을 공부하고 싶다면요‬If you want, do art.
‪뭐든 자기 뜻대로 할 수 있죠‬Everything was up to you.
‪10살이라도 자기 일을 스스로‬ ‪결정할 수 있게 해 줘요‬Even if you're ten, you still got to make your own decisions.
‪그게 어린 제게는‬ ‪아주 중요한 경험이었어요‬That was very important for me to have at a young age.
‪지금의 저를 만든 경험이죠‬That built me as who I am right now.
‪저는 굉장히 내성적이에요‬I am super shy.
‪전화로 음식 시키는 것도‬ ‪어려워하는‬I was one of those people where I can't even
‪그런 사람이었죠‬order something on the phone.
‪정말 싫어했어요‬Like, I hated that.
‪- [웃음]‬ ‪- [한국어] 잘했어요‬-[giggles] -[in Korean] Good work.
‪(제니) [영어]‬ ‪이만큼 오느라 참 힘들었죠‬[Jennie in English] Took me a while to get this far.
‪- 짜잔!‬ ‪- [가벼운 웃음]‬-Ta-da! -[chuckles]
‪(제니) 15살 때 미국으로‬ ‪진학할지 고민했어요‬[Jennie] When I turned 15, I was deciding whether I should move to America.
‪미국에 가서 학교도 방문하고‬ ‪80%쯤 마음을 굳혔죠‬I went there, I checked the school out. Everything was kind of decided, like 80%.
‪그래서 뉴질랜드로 돌아가‬ ‪짐을 싸기 시작했는데‬And I came back to New Zealand to pack my stuff up,
‪그러다 깨달았어요‬ ‪저는 미국으로 가서‬and that's when I realized I don't want to go to America
‪또 혼자 학교에 다니고 싶지‬ ‪않다는 걸요‬and do another study there by myself.
‪사실은 가수가 되고 싶었어요‬ ‪왜 그런 마음이 들었나 몰라요‬I actually want to become a singer. I don't know where it came from.
‪[푸시캣 돌스의 'Wait A Minute']‬["Wait A Minute" by Pussycat Dolls playing]
‪(제니) 한국에 돌아오자마자‬ ‪오디션을 봤어요‬[Jennie] As soon as I came back, I did an audition.
‪그리고 운 좋게도‬ ‪바로 합격했죠‬And luckily, I got in right away.
‪다른 사람들을 보며 생각했죠‬ ‪'세상에, 다들 정말 열정적이야'‬I was like, "Wow! These people are so in to it!"
‪'다들 전문가들이네‬ ‪나도 따라잡아야지'‬"They know what they're doing." I was like, "Let's catch up."
‪그 생각밖에 없었죠‬That's all I had in mind.
‪[노래 'The Hills']‬♪ I only call you When it's half past five ♪
‪"2015년‬ ‪제니 연습생 5년 차"‬♪ I only call you When it's half past five ♪ ♪ The only time that I can call you… ♪
‪(리사) [한국어] 아유 이뻐‬[Lisa in Korean] So pretty!
‪(제니) [한국어]‬ ‪진짜 옛날 건데‬[Jennie in Korean] Oh, that’s really long ago.
‪어둡고 강렬한 걸‬ ‪많이 해서 그런지‬I used to do a lot of dark and strong songs.
‪'내가 지금 뭘 하고 있는 거지?'‬ ‪라는 생각을 많이 해‬So I often wonder, "What am I doing right now?"
‪너무 다르니까 [가벼운 웃음]‬It's so different from what I do now. [chuckles]
‪- [영어 랩]‬ ‪- (리사) [한국어] 와‬-[rapping in English] -[Lisa in Korean] Wow!
‪- (리사) 제스처!‬ ‪- (로제) 항상 멋있어‬-[Lisa] Your gestures! -[Rosé] You're always so cool.
‪[지수의 깔깔 웃음]‬[Jisoo giggling]
‪(제니) [영어]‬ ‪정말 슬프게도‬[Jennie in English] It's sad to say,
‪저랑 같이 훈련했던‬ ‪첫 그룹 사람들은‬the very first group of people that trained with me,
‪지금 아무도 안 남았어요‬none of them are here with me right now.
‪그리고 리사가 들어왔을 때‬And as soon as Lisa came in,
‪그때 이런 생각을 했죠‬that's when I thought…
‪[한국어] '태생적으로 이렇게‬ ‪잘하는 친구가 있구나'‬[in Korean] "Wow, there are people born to do this."
‪[가벼운 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪[노래 '마지막처럼']‬["As If It's Your Last" playing]
‪♪ 나 사랑에 빠지려고 해 ♪‬♪ Uh, I'ma fall in love, baby ♪
‪♪ 날 찾아봐‬ ‪날 잡아 봐 ♪‬♪ You gon' finna catch me ♪
‪♪ 전부 다 줄게 ♪‬♪ Uh, give you all of this, baby ♪
‪♪ 난 예쁘고 심술궂지 ♪‬♪ Call me pretty and nasty ♪
‪♪ 우린 해낼 거야‬ ‪내 사랑에 돈을 걸어 ♪‬♪ 'Cause we gonna get it My love you can bet it on ♪
‪♪ 100달러 칩을‬ ‪두 배로 쌓아 ♪‬♪ Black, we gon' double The stack on them, whoa! ♪
‪[음악 멈춤]‬[music stops]
‪(리사) [한국어] 역할…‬ ‪일단 제가 래퍼고‬ ‪춤도 담당하고 있고‬[Lisa in Korean] My role… I'm a rapper and also the lead dancer.
‪[헉 소리]‬[gasps]
‪[영어] 이거 귀엽다‬[in English] Oh, this is cute.
‪[한국어] 저는 빈티지를‬[in Korean] I love vintage clothes.
‪좋아하기 때문에‬So wherever I go,
‪미국 갈 때나‬ ‪어느 나라를 가도‬whether it be America or anywhere else,
‪빈티지 샵을 찾는 편이에요‬I try to look for vintage shops.
‪[영어] 와, 이것 좀 봐!‬[in English] Oh, wow. Voilà!
‪[한국어] 이거는 110만원이고요‬[in Korean] This is  1.1 million.
‪- 이거는 32만원이요‬ ‪- 얘는요?‬-And this is  320,000. -And this one?
‪걔는 75만원이요‬That's 750,000.
‪얘가 110만원이라고요?‬This is  1.1 million?
‪예, 이게 90년대 초반 거라‬Yes, because it's from the early '90s.
‪[영어] 정말 멋져요‬[in English] This is so cool!
‪이거 가져도 돼요?‬ ‪[가벼운 웃음]‬Can I-- Can I get this? [chuckles]
‪[한국어] 돈 관리는 무조건‬ ‪엄마가 해 주죠‬[in Korean] My mom manages my finances.
‪[영어] 엄마가 이러실 거예요‬ ‪'안 돼, 리사, 쇼핑 그만해'‬[in English] She's gonna be like, "No, Lisa, no. Stop shopping for now."
‪엄마는 늘 그러시는데‬ ‪제가 말을 안 듣죠‬She's always like that, but I don't really listen to her.
‪죄송해요, 엄마‬ ‪[깔깔 웃음]‬I'm sorry, Mom. [giggles]
‪제가 태어난 해예요‬When I was born.
‪[가벼운 웃음]‬[chuckles]
‪(리사) [한국어]‬ ‪저는 태국에서 태어났어요‬[Lisa in Korean] I was born in Thailand.
‪[태국어] 부리람 주에서요‬[in Thai] I was born in Buriram Province.
‪그리고 세 살 때‬ ‪방콕으로 이사했죠‬Then I moved to Bangkok when I was three.
‪저희 이모가 밴드를 하셔서‬My auntie had a music group,
‪마이크 스탠드가 있었는데‬ ‪늘 그걸 가지고 놀았죠‬so they had mic stands, and I always played with them.
‪제 키에 맞게 스탠드 높이를‬ ‪낮추곤 했어요‬I would lower it until it was the same height as me.
‪그러고는 혼자 춤추고‬ ‪노래하며 놀았죠‬Then I would just dance and sing to myself.
‪그걸 보고 제가 춤을 좋아하는 걸‬ ‪알게 된 엄마가‬That was how my mom knew I loved dancing.
‪유치원 때 절 댄스 수업에‬ ‪등록시켜 주셨어요‬So she signed me up for a course when I was in kindergarten.
‪- [댄스 뮤직]‬ ‪- (여성) 무대 뒤 모습이에요‬-[dance music playing] -[woman] This is behind the scenes.
‪(리사) 그렇게 모든 게‬ ‪시작된 거죠‬[Lisa] That was how it all began.
‪[태국어 가요]‬[singing pop song in Thai]
‪(리사) 엄마가 댄스 경연이나‬ ‪대회 같은 데‬[Lisa] She signed me up to many contests…
‪[영어] 많이 신청해 주셨어요‬[in English] …dance competition and stuff.
‪[태국어] 브레이크 댄스는‬ ‪언제부터 배우기 시작했어요?‬[in Thai] How long have you been practicing break dancing?
‪아주 오래전부터요‬For a long time.
‪(리사) 12살인가 13살 때‬ ‪한 경연 대회에 나갔어요‬[Lisa] I participated in a contest. I was around 12 or 13 years old then.
‪탤런트 매니저가 노래를 시키더니‬ ‪가수가 되고 싶냐고 물었죠‬Then a talent scout told me to try singing and asked if I wanted to be a singer.
‪그때 제가 노래와 춤을 둘 다‬ ‪좋아한다는 걸 깨달았어요‬Then I realized that I loved both singing and dancing.
‪마침 그때 YG에서‬ ‪오디션을 열고 있었죠‬And YG happened to have an audition at the time.
‪그래서 결심했어요‬So, I made a decision.
‪[영어] 좋아, 꼭 한번‬ ‪시도해 보자‬[in English] Okay. I should try, for sure.
‪"2010년"‬[Jisoo laughs]
‪(제니) [한국어] 야, 오디션이야?‬[Jennie in Korean] Is this an audition?
‪(지수) 옷을 몇 벌을 입은 거야?‬ ‪왜 바지 위에 바지를 입었어?‬[Jisoo] How many layers are you wearing? Why are you wearing pants on top too?
‪- 이게 뭐야?‬ ‪- (로제) 대박‬-What is this? -[Rosé] Oh, wow!
‪- 와, 대박‬ ‪- (로제) 느낌 쩔어‬-Oh, my God. -[Rosé] This is amazing.
‪뭐야, 뭐야!‬Wow!
‪멋있다, 야‬You look so cool.
‪(리사) 멋있는 척 쩔었다, 나‬[Lisa] I'm trying so hard to be cool.
‪[태국어 ]오디션이 끝나고 나서‬ ‪[한국어] 계속 연락을 기다렸죠‬[in Thai] After the audition ended… [in Korean] …I waited for the call.
‪연락을 계속 기다렸어요‬I was waiting and waiting.
‪[태국어] 전화가 오길 기다렸죠‬[in Thai] I waited for the call.
‪2달을 기다렸어요!‬I waited for two months!
‪그러다 전화가 와서 전 이랬죠‬ ‪'뭐라고? 정말로?'‬And then they called me. I was like, "What? Is this possible?"
‪[비명, 웃음]‬[screaming, laughing]
‪(리사) [태국어]‬ ‪저는 마마걸이었어요‬[Lisa in Thai] I was a mama's girl.
‪그래서 엄마와 헤어져‬ ‪한국에 가게 됐을 때‬So, when I had to go to Korea without Mom,
‪이제 제가 저 자신을‬ ‪돌봐야겠다고 생각했죠‬I felt that I had to take care of myself now.
‪[영어] 전 14살이었어요‬[in English] I was 14.
‪어린애였죠‬Such a kid.
‪[한국어] 그때는 한국말은‬ ‪한마디도 못 하고‬[in Korean] I didn't speak any Korean.
‪'안녕하세요' 밖에 몰라서‬ ‪완전히 새로운 시작이었어요‬I only knew how to say "hello," so it really was a new start.
‪"2013년‬ ‪리사 연습생 2년 차"‬[in English] ♪ I'm in the club High off purp', with some shades on… ♪
‪[노래 '23']‬[in English] ♪ I'm in the club High off purp', with some shades on… ♪
‪(리사) [한국어] 다행인 게‬ ‪제니 언니가 있어서‬[Lisa in Korean] Fortunately, there was Jennie.
‪(리사) [한국어] 언니만 영어가‬ ‪가능한 사람이었던 거예요‬[Lisa in Korean] She was the only one who could speak English
‪연습생 중에서요‬among the trainees.
‪언니랑 영어로 말하기도 하고‬I spoke English with her…
‪무슨 일 있으면‬ ‪이렇게 말해 주고‬[in Korean] …and if something were to happen, I would talk to her.
‪[가사 없는 발성]‬[vocalizing]
‪(지수) 맞다, 맞아‬[Jisoo in Korean] That's it.
‪[영어] 자기 편한 대로‬ ‪이렇게…‬[in English] However you feel comfortable. Like…
‪[한국어] 끊고 말고를 네가 결정해‬ ‪다 다르게 하니까‬[in Korean] You choose how to sing it because we're all doing it differently.
‪[영어로] ♪ 사랑할 준비 됐어 ♪‬[in English] ♪ I'm ready for love, I'm ready for love ♪
‪- (테디) ♪ 준비 됐어 ♪‬ ‪- ♪ 준비 됐어 ♪‬-[Teddy] ♪ I'm ready for love ♪ -♪ I'm ready for love ♪
‪- (테디) 그래‬ ‪- 네‬-[Teddy] There you go. -Okay.
‪(지수) [한국어] 저희 넷이서‬ ‪팀이 된 게 다행인 게‬[Jisoo in Korean] A great thing with us
‪서로 팀을 좋은 방향으로‬ ‪이끌고 싶은 욕심이 있기 때문에‬is everyone wants the best for the group as a whole.
‪[영어] ♪ 난 사랑할 준비 됐어‬ ‪사랑할 준비 됐어 ♪‬[in English] ♪ I'm ready for love, I'm ready for love ♪
‪(테디) 좋네‬ ‪마음에 들어‬[Teddy] That's cool. I'm happy with that.
‪(리사) [한국어] 네!‬[Lisa in Korean] Okay.
‪(지수) 저희가 넷이 함께 보여줘야‬ ‪되는 게 있기 때문에‬[Jisoo] Since we perform as a group,
‪균형을 맞추려고도 하고‬we try to strike a balance
‪그렇게 할 수 있는 게‬that works for everyone.
‪가장 좋은 점인 것 같아요‬I think.
‪♪ 내 방식이 어떨지 기다려봐 ♪‬♪ Oh, wait 'til I do what I do ♪
‪♪ 때려 줄게 뚜두뚜두 ♪‬♪ Hit you with that ddu-du ddu-du du ♪
‪(지수) [영어]‬ ‪어떻게 지내셨어요?‬[Jisoo] What's up? What's up?
‪(여성) [한국어] 지수야, 앉아‬[woman in Korean] Sit here, Jisoo.
‪(지수) 어때요, 저?‬[Jisoo] What do you think?
‪저 오늘 배울 수 있을 것 같아요?‬Do you think I'll be able to learn today?
‪눈썹을 그리는 법을‬ ‪제대로 배우면 좋을 것 같은데‬I think it’ll be nice to learn how to draw my eyebrows properly.
‪"이명선‬ ‪메이크업 아티스트"‬I think it’ll be nice to learn how to draw my eyebrows properly.
‪선생님이 하면 제가 따라 할게요‬If you show me, I'll follow it.
‪- 알았어‬ ‪- 제가 오늘 배우는 거잖아요‬-Okay. -I'm learning from you today.
‪이렇게 가르치기도 해요?‬Do you teach makeup like this too?
‪- (명선) 일반인들에게‬ ‪- 진짜?‬-[Myungsun] To regular people? Yes. -Really?
‪- 강의가 있어요?‬ ‪- 그럼!‬-There are classes for that? -Of course!
‪그럼 나도 진작 들을걸‬ ‪[가벼운 웃음]‬I should've taken those classes then. [chuckles]
‪블랙핑크 메이크업을‬ ‪배우러 오는 고객님도 있어‬There are people who come to learn BLACKPINK makeup.
‪- 블랙핑크 메이크업?‬ ‪- 응‬-BLACKPINK makeup? -Yes.
‪(지수) 제가 어렸을 때는‬[Jisoo] When I was younger,
‪친척들 사이에서 못생겼다고‬ ‪왕따당했었어요‬my relatives treated me like an outcast because I was ugly.
‪(지수) 원숭이 같다고‬[Jisoo] They called me a monkey.
‪지금은 제일 예쁘잖아‬ ‪괜찮아‬It's okay. You're the prettiest one now.
‪(지수) 저는 경기도 군포시‬ ‪산본에서 자랐습니다‬[Jisoo] I grew up in Sanbon in Gunpo city, Gyeonggi-do region.
‪저는 부모님이랑‬I lived with my parents, 
‪언니 오빠랑 할머니, 할아버지랑‬ ‪같이 살았어요‬my sister, my brother, and my grandparents.
‪제가 그때 생각했던‬ ‪미래의 저하고‬I'm living a very different life
‪지금의 저는 많이 다른‬ ‪모습인 것 같기는 해요‬than the one I thought I'd be living.
‪원래는 글 쓰는 일을‬I used to want to be a writer
‪하고 싶었고‬or a painter.
‪그림 그리거나…‬ ‪그림은 못 그리는데‬Although, I couldn't paint well.
‪고2 때 연극부였는데‬And then I joined the drama club in 11th grade.
‪'연기 쪽으로 가 볼까?'‬Should I try acting?
‪오디션 같은 것도 많이 봐야 하고‬They were saying I should start auditioning for stuff
‪그런 경험이 필요하다 싶어서‬because I needed the experience.
‪"2011년"‬[piano playing]
‪(지수) 처음 오디션 본 곳이‬ ‪YG였어요‬[Jisoo] My first audition was at YG.
‪솔직히 처음 왔을 때 YG란 회사를‬ ‪정확하게 파악한 게 아니여서‬I didn't know much at all about YG before I arrived there the first day.
‪저랑은 되게 먼일이라고‬ ‪생각했던 것 같아요‬It felt like something far removed from me.
‪그 일을 직접 하게 될 거라고는‬ ‪생각해본 적이 없었던 것 같아요‬I never thought I'd actually be doing it for real.
‪어때요? 저 진짜‬ ‪젖살 빠졌어요?‬How about now? Do you think I really lost my baby fat?
‪그때는 이런 데도‬ ‪좀 아기같이…‬Back then, it was more baby-like here…
‪안 되겠다, 오늘은‬ ‪라면 먹고 자야겠다 [가벼운 웃음]‬I guess I'll just have to eat ramen before I sleep tonight. [chuckles]
‪그럼 옛날 얼굴이‬ ‪좀 나올 것 같네‬Maybe then you'll get your old self back.
‪아냐, 아니야‬ ‪지금 딱 이뻐‬No, you're perfect right now.
‪아무튼 풋풋했지‬Anyways, you were like a baby back then.
‪그런데 선생님도 그때랑‬ ‪다르잖아요, 지금‬But you're different from back then, too.
‪- [웃음]‬ ‪- 샵 차리셨잖아요!‬-[laughs] -You have your own shop!
‪이거 다 누가 차리라고 했어요?‬Who told you to open your own shop?
‪빨리 말하세요‬ ‪누가 차리라 했어요?‬Say it! Who told you to?
‪지수‬You did.
‪빅 픽쳐!‬It was my big plan.
‪제가 아직도 빅 픽쳐를‬ ‪그리고 있어요‬And I'm still planning big things.
‪'내가 이걸 꼭 해야지‬ ‪이게 내 길이야'‬I think that there are very few who truly think,
‪이렇게 확신을 갖고 가는 사람은‬"This is what I have to do. This is my path."
‪정말 행운아인 거죠‬People like that are really lucky.
‪그런 사람이‬ ‪별로 없다고 생각해요‬I don't think there are many like that.
‪(로제) [영어]‬ ‪도통 잠이 잘 안 와요‬[Rosé in English] I have a really hard time falling asleep.
‪머릿속에 생각이 너무 많아서요‬I have a lot of thoughts running through my head.
‪노래는 일종의‬ ‪스트레스 해소법이에요‬And singing is kind of like stress relief,
‪이러고 있으면 모든 게‬ ‪다 제대로 돌아가는 것 같거든요‬and everything just kind of makes sense when I'm doing this.
‪[영어]‬ ‪되게 어려운 곡이에요 [웃음]‬[in English] That's a really hard song. [laughs]
‪이 곡은 절대 익힐 수‬ ‪없을 줄 알았는데 [웃음]‬I didn't think I could ever perfect that one. [laughs]
‪(로제) 사실 어떨 때는‬ ‪연습생 시절이 그리워요‬Sometimes, I actually have missed my trainee days.
‪[음악 코드 연주]‬[playing chords]
‪(로제) 왜냐하면 그때는‬ ‪늘 음악에 둘러싸여 살았거든요‬Because, back then, we were surrounded by music all the time.
‪하지만 요즘은 일이 너무 많아져서‬But these days we've got a lot of work,
‪노래하려면 따로 시간을 내야 하죠‬so I actually have to make time for this.
‪그래서 늘 밤에 잠은 안 자고‬ ‪노래하는 거예요‬That's why it's always at night, when I'm supposed to be sleeping.
‪안녕, 소년, 소녀 여러분‬Hi, girls and boys.
‪나는 로젠이라고 해요‬I'm called Roseanne…
‪지금 막 일어났어요‬and I just woke up.
‪'잠옷 뉴스'에 온 걸 환영해요‬And welcome to Pajama News.
‪(로제) 저는 뉴질랜드에서‬ ‪태어났어요‬[Rosé] I was born in New Zealand.
‪그리고 8살 때 호주로 이사했죠‬And then I moved to Australia when I was eight.
‪[느린 곡 연주]‬[playing slow melody]
‪어린 시절엔 늘 피아노에‬ ‪붙어살았어요‬Back then, I was always on the piano.
‪피아노 앞에 앉아서‬ ‪저 자신을 위해 자장가를 연주했죠‬I'd like sit there, and I'd play this lullaby for myself,
‪그러다 보면 너무 졸려서‬ ‪그대로 잠들곤 했어요‬but I'd be really sleepy, and I'd fall asleep,
‪턱을 무릎 위에 괴고요‬and then I'd put my chin on my knee.
‪전 일요일마다 교회에 가서‬ ‪한국 친구를 많이 사귀었어요‬I went to church every Sunday and had a lot of Korean friends there.
‪하지만 학교에서는 그냥‬ ‪평범한 호주 소녀였죠‬But then at school, I was just a normal Australian kid.
‪- (남성) 축하한다, 로제‬ ‪- [청중들의 박수]‬-[man] Congratulations, Rosé. -[audience clapping]
‪(로제) 두 개의 삶을 살면서‬ ‪즐거웠던 것 같아요‬[Rosé] And I think I enjoyed having two lives.
‪약간 한나 몬타나처럼요 [웃음]‬Kind of like Hannah Montana. [laughs]
‪재미있죠‬It's funny.
‪[노래 'When You Look Me‬ ‪In The Eyes']‬♪ If you look me in the eyes ♪
‪(로제) 아빠가 호주에 YG가 온다는‬ ‪뉴스를 보셨어요‬[Rosé] My dad saw on the news that YG was coming to Australia.
‪보고 그러셨죠‬ ‪'로제야, 오디션 보고 싶니?'‬He was like, "Rosé, do you wanna audition?"
‪전 정말 충격받았죠‬And I was so shocked.
‪아빠께 여쭤봤던 것 같아요‬ ‪'제가 음악을 좋아해요? 제가요?'‬I think I asked him, "Do I like music? Do I?"
‪아빠는 이러셨고요‬ ‪'그렇고말고'‬And he's like, "Yeah, obviously."
‪'그러니 뭔가 시도해 봐야지'‬"You're gonna have to, you know, try do something about it."
‪'안 그러면 25살이 돼서'‬"Otherwise you're gonna be 25,
‪'왜 아무것도 해 보지 않았나‬ ‪후회할 테니까'‬and you're gonna regret that you didn't try anything."
‪[노래 'I Won't Give Up']‬[playing "I Won't Give Up"]
‪(로제) 전 16살이었죠‬[Rosé] I was 16.
‪가서 오디션을 봤고‬ ‪나중에 전화를 받았어요‬Then I went and auditioned, and then they called me,
‪'두 달 내에 한국으로‬ ‪올 수 있어요?'‬and they were like, "Can you fly to Korea within two months?"
‪(로제) 그렇게 제 인생이 바뀌었죠‬[Rosé] And then my whole life changed.
‪저는 학교를 중퇴했어요‬I dropped out of school.
‪호주에서 다니던 학교를 나왔죠‬In Australia, I dropped out of school.
‪가족들과 떨어져서 사는 건‬ ‪상상도 해 본 적 없었어요‬I had never even imagined myself living apart from my family.
‪2주 넘게 집을‬ ‪떠나 본 적조차 없었죠‬I hadn't even slept more than two weeks out of home.
‪그래서 정말로…‬ ‪세상에, 울 것 같네요‬It was a really-- Oh, my gosh. I'm gonna cry.
‪[떨리는 목소리] 그건…‬[voice breaking] It was--
‪울음이 나네요‬I'm gonna cry.
‪기숙사에 처음 들어간 날 밤에‬The first night in the dorm,
‪다 같이 한방을 썼거든요‬they were all in the same room.
‪다들 자고 있었죠‬Everybody was sleeping.
‪[한국어] 채영이가 호주에서‬ ‪기타 들고 와서‬[in Korean] She brought a guitar from Australia, and I was like,
‪'보여줘 봐' 이랬거든요‬ ‪[웃음]‬"Play something for us." [laughs]
‪[영어] 넷이 마음이 맞았죠‬ ‪이유도 모르겠어요‬[in English] It was us four. I don't even know why,
‪하지만 마음이 맞았어요‬but it was us four.
‪아침까지 노래를 불렀어요‬We covered songs 'til morning.
‪넷이 다 함께 노래하고‬ ‪누군가는 화음을 넣고요‬All four of us, we were singing. Somebody was harmonizing.
‪지수가 화음을‬ ‪넣었던 거 같아요‬I think Jisoo was harmonizing.
‪정말 재미있었죠‬ ‪믿어져요?‬It was so funny. Can you believe it?
‪- [로제 웃음]‬ ‪- 내 눈‬-[Rosé laughs] -My eyes.
‪(로제) 내 눈‬[Rosé] My eyes.
‪- [한국어] 여기 진짜 예쁘다‬ ‪- (리사) 우와‬-[in Korean] It's really pretty. -[Lisa] Wow!
‪여기 서 봐‬Here, stand here.
‪[영어] 하나, 둘…‬[in English] One, two…
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬[shutter clicks]
‪- 아주 좋아‬ ‪- 나도 볼래‬-Nice. -I wanna have a look.
‪(리사) [한국어] 저는 5층에서‬ ‪한국어 수업을 받고 나서‬[Lisa in Korean] After my Korean classes on the fifth floor,
‪엘리베이터를 타고‬ ‪지하로 내려가는 길인데‬I took the elevators to the basement.
‪어떤 여자가‬And there was this girl
‪머리가 짧은데 이렇게 꽉 묶고‬with short hair, tied back.
‪어색한 느낌이었어‬It was kind of awkward.
‪- 뭔가 긴장됐어‬ ‪- 긴장되지, 그럼‬-I was nervous. -I'm sure you were nervous.
‪[영어] 묘했어‬[in English] So weird.
‪[한국어] 저도 막‬ ‪'어, 새로운 여자?'‬[in Korean] I was like, "Oh! A new girl?"
‪- [로제의 웃음소리]‬ ‪- 나는 경… 경…‬-[Rosé laughs] -I was like… so wary of competition.
‪- [한국어] 맞아, 경쟁‬ ‪- 경쟁, 너무 경쟁적이었어‬-[in Korean] Right. Competition. -Competition, it's so competitive.
‪[영어] 그 때는 모든 게‬ ‪다 경쟁이었어‬[in English] Everything was gyeongjaeng at that time.
‪날 경쟁 상대로 봤다니‬She thought I was competition,
‪내가 얼마나 주눅 들어 있었는데‬and I was just really intimidated.
‪'다들 너무 잘하잖아'‬Like, everybody is so good.
‪(리사) [태국어]‬ ‪저희는 동갑이었고‬[Lisa in Thai] We were the same age,
‪취향도 비슷했어요‬and we had similar tastes.
‪[한국어] 외국에서‬ ‪왔기 때문에 힘들 때도‬[in Korean] Since we both came from another country,
‪서로 더 의지가 됐던 거 같아요‬we relied on each other when we were having a hard time.
‪[태국어] 둘이 단짝 친구가 됐죠‬[in Thai] We become like two peas in a pod.
‪거의 무슨 쌍둥이 같았어요‬We were like genuine twins.
‪(로제) [영어] 둘이 똑같은‬ ‪옷을 입고서‬[Rosé in English] We have so many days where we walk out,
‪나오는 일도 정말 많아요‬and we're wearing the same thing.
‪[한국어] 항상 쉬는 날이 있으면‬ ‪같이 돌아다니고‬[in Korean] And during our days off, we'd always be together.
‪[영어] 리사한테 호주 억양이‬ ‪옮기 시작했다니까요‬[in English] She started getting an Australian accent.
‪[리사의 웃음]‬[Lisa laughs]
‪아직도 가끔 호주 억양이 나와요‬See, she still has it sometimes.
‪[호주 억양] 아니야‬[in Australian accent] No.
‪- 맞아‬ ‪- [호주 억양] 아냐‬-Yeah. -No.
‪[깔깔 웃음] 어떻게‬ ‪말하는지도 모르겠어‬[giggles] I don't even know how to say--
‪한국에서 살게 될 줄은‬ ‪꿈에도 생각 못 했어요‬I never knew I would live in Korea.
‪그러다가 갑자기 16살 때…‬Then all of a sudden at 16, I'm like…
‪이젠 한국이 제 고향이죠‬Now Korea is my home.
‪(리사) [한국어] 힘들었어?‬[Lisa in Korean] Was it hard for you?
‪[영어] 당연하지‬[in English] Of course.
‪내가 있는데도?‬Even though you have me?
‪넌 아무 도움도 안 돼‬You're not any help.
‪농담이야 [깔깔 웃음]‬I'm joking. [giggles]
‪- 난 언니랑 같이 자랐거든‬ ‪- 응‬-Yeah, 'cause I grew up with a sister. -Mm.
‪그런데 언니가‬ ‪없다고 생각해 봐‬Think about not having a sister.
‪하지만 리사가 곁에 있었지‬But Lisa was there.
‪[한국어] 제가 힘든 일이‬ ‪있을 때는‬[in Korean] When I was having a hard time,
‪채영이를 보면 얘도‬ ‪똑같이 힘들어하니까요‬I'd look at Rosé, and she'd be the same.
‪[영어] 굉장히 슬플 때도 널 보면‬ ‪괜찮다는 생각이 들었어‬[in English] I thought I was really sad, but I'd look at you, and I'd go, "Okay."
‪[두 사람의 웃음]‬[both laughing]
‪케이팝을 케이팝답게 만드는 건‬ ‪연습생으로 지낸 시간인 것 같아요‬I think what makes K-pop K-pop is the time that we spend as a trainee.
‪"연습생 기간 6년‬ ‪연습생 기간 5년"‬
‪"연습생 기간 4년‬ ‪연습생 기간 5년"‬
‪일종의 아이돌 훈련용‬ ‪기숙 학교처럼‬We all live together, sort of like a boarding school,
‪다 같이 살거든요‬like a training version.
‪(로제) 여자애가 9명‬ ‪있었을 거예요‬[Rosé] I think there were nine girls. 
‪기획사가 커다란 그룹을‬ ‪만들려고 계획 중이어서‬They were planning on creating a big group,
‪연습생이 많았죠‬so they had a lot of girls there.
‪(제니) 저희는 모든 면에 있어서‬[Jennie] They need you to be at their standard
‪기획사의 기준을‬ ‪충족시켜야 해요‬in every single subject.
‪[한국어] 저는 처음 들어왔을 때‬ ‪레슨이 너무 많아서‬[in Korean] For me, there were so many lessons in the beginning.
‪하루에 춤 레슨을‬ ‪서너 개씩 받으면서 연습하고‬I took three to four dancing lessons a day and practiced.
‪보컬 레슨도 두 선생님‬ ‪세 선생님에게서 받고‬I had vocal lessons from two to three teachers.
‪그때 제일 힘들었어요‬It was a rough time.
‪(로제) [영어] 2주에 한 번씩‬ ‪쉬는 날이 있었고‬[Rosé in English] We'd get a day off every fortnight,
‪그다음엔 다시 13일간‬ ‪연습하는 거죠‬and then practice again for another 13 days.
‪하루에 14시간씩‬ ‪훈련만 하는 거예요 [가벼운 웃음]‬So 14 hours a day just training. [chuckles]
‪[스피커에서 랩 음악 흘러나옴]‬♪ Look at y'all lookin' ass hittas Stop lookin' at my ass, ass hittas… ♪
‪(테디) 쉬운 일이 아니죠‬[Teddy] It's not easy,
‪끝도 없이 반복하는 거요‬the repetition.
‪하지만 이렇게 어린 나이에‬ ‪이후 10년 동안 필요한‬But at such a young age, they are able to absorb all the techniques and the tools
‪모든 기술과 수단을‬ ‪흡수할 수 있어요‬that they need for their next ten years.
‪(로제) 춤을 배우려면 익혀야 하는‬ ‪기본적인 안무가 있어요‬[Rosé] There's this basic routine you have to learn in dancing.
‪제니는 이런 식이었죠‬ ‪'이 안무를 제일 먼저 배워야 해'‬Jennie was like, "The first thing you have to learn is that,
‪'그냥 첫 번째 동작부터 알려줄게'‬and I'll just teach you the first moves."
‪그러고는 '그대로 해 봐'‬ ‪저는 '난 할 줄 몰라'‬And she was like, "Do this." And I was like, "I don't know how."
‪(리사) 네가 처음 댄스 수업‬ ‪받던 날이 아직도 기억나‬[Lisa] I can still remember the first day that you had a dance lesson.
‪- [웃음]‬ ‪- 그 전엔 춤춰 본 적이 없었어요‬-[laughs] -'Cause I'd never danced in my life.
‪귀여웠어‬It was cute.
‪16살짜리 애한테‬ ‪처음으로 춤을 추게 시키면‬If you ask a 16-year-old to dance for the first time,
‪정말 웃긴 꼴이 되죠‬ ‪저는 이렇게…‬it's the funniest thing. I looked like a…
‪[리사의 웃음]‬[Lisa laughs]
‪그러고 나서 저 자신에게‬ ‪너무 화가 났어요‬And then after that, I got so angry at myself.
‪'나도 리사처럼 될 거야'‬ ‪하고 다짐했죠‬I was like, "I am going to become like Lisa."
‪리사는 굉장한 댄서였거든요‬ ‪완전히 최상위권이었죠‬'Cause Lisa was the dancer. She was like… She was at the top.
‪[댄스 음악]‬[dance music playing]
‪(로제) 매달 월말이면 사장님이랑‬ ‪프로듀서님들이 전부 와서‬[Rosé] At the end of every month, our boss and all the producers would come,
‪저희는 그 앞에서‬ ‪솔로곡, 그룹 곡‬and we'd perform a solo song,
‪그룹 안무를 각각 공연했어요‬a group song, and a group choreography.
‪(리사) [한국어] 저희가‬ ‪직접 짜고요‬[Lisa in Korean] For that, we'd have to plan everything ourselves,
‪그런데 담당이 있어요‬but we each had a role.
‪어떤 사람이 보컬 담당이면‬ ‪파트 정해 주고 그러는데‬If someone was in charge of vocals, we'd give them that role,
‪저는 항상 안무 담당이어서‬but I always took on the role of the dancer.
‪항상 제가 안무를‬ ‪짜고 그랬었어요‬So I'd always design the choreography.
‪매달, 정말 매달 짰어요‬Every month! Literally every month
‪5년 동안요‬for five years.
‪[관객의 박수]‬[audience clapping]
‪(리사) 평가가 끝나고‬ ‪점수 같은 게 나와요‬[Lisa] After a monthly review, you would be graded.
‪누가 A고, 누가 B고‬ ‪누가 C고…‬You had those who got an A, those with Bs and those with Cs.
‪(제니) [영어]‬ ‪매달 친한 친구가 한 명씩‬[Jennie in English] I remember having to send
‪시험에서 탈락해서‬a good friend of mine home every month
‪집으로 돌아가야 했던 게 기억나요‬because they got eliminated from the test.
‪규칙이 정말 많았어요‬ ‪조심해야 할 게 너무 많았죠‬There were so many rules, so many things to just be like,
‪'이건 회사에서 싫어하고‬ ‪저것도 싫어하고'‬"Okay, they don't like this. They don't like that."
‪제가 뭘 하든 잘못했다는‬ ‪이야기만 들었죠‬Everything that I did was wrong.
‪(제니) 면전에서 이 일을 할‬ ‪실력이 부족하단 말을 듣고‬[Jennie] Being told that I'm not good at stuff face-to-face
‪그런 말을 듣고서도‬and trying to keep everything together
‪정신을 추슬러야 하는 게…‬when I hear those things…
‪정말 가혹하죠‬It's really harsh.
‪그다지 즐거운 분위기는‬ ‪아니었어요‬It wasn't a very happy vibe.
‪술, 담배도 금지였고‬ ‪문신도 하면 안 됐죠‬We're not allowed to drink, or smoke, or get a tattoo.
‪[한국어] 집에 많이 못 가고‬ ‪주말까지도 연습하곤 해서‬[in Korean] I rarely went home and had to practice on the weekends.
‪부모님도 많이 속상해하시고‬ ‪걱정하셨는데‬So my parents were quite upset and worried.
‪워낙 저희 가족들도‬But they're not really…
‪저를 아끼고 감싸는‬ ‪그런 성격이 아니라‬the protective, overbearing type,
‪어차피 제 인생은‬ ‪제가 살아야 하는 거니까‬and they knew this was something that I had to do,
‪어차피 언젠가 있을 일이다 하시고‬ ‪저를 강하게 키우신 것 같아요‬so they told me to stay strong and get it done.
‪[영어] 전 늘 엄마에게‬ ‪전화하곤 했어요 [웃음]‬[in English] I would always call my mom… [laughs]
‪전화해서는 늘 이랬죠‬ ‪'엄마, 너무 힘들어요'‬…and I would always call her and tell her, "Mom, it's so hard."
‪'그럼 집에 돌아오렴'‬ ‪'싫어요'‬She'd say, "Come home." I'd say, "No."
‪아빠도 연락하셔서 이러셨어요‬ ‪'로제야, 그냥 집에 돌아오렴'‬My dad sent me, and he was like, "Rosé, come home."
‪'우린 네가 돌아왔으면 좋겠어'‬He's like, "We want you back home."
‪전 그게 너무 싫었어요‬ ‪'집에 오라'는 말이요‬And I hated that. I hated it whenever they would say, "Come home."
‪제가 제일 듣기 싫어한 말이었어요‬That was the last thing I wanted to hear.
‪[노래 'Clarity']‬♪ High dive into frozen waves ♪
‪(지수) [한국어] 다른 친구들보다‬ ‪조금 늦게 시작해서‬[Jisoo in Korean] I started a bit later than the others,
‪저는 친구들이랑 추억도 많이 쌓고‬ ‪학교에서의 생활도 길어서‬so I was able to make memories with friends and go to school.
‪지금 생각하면 그게 좀‬ ‪다행이란 생각이 들어요‬I consider it a blessing now.
‪[노래 'Can't Feel My Face']‬[in English] ♪ She told me, "Don't worry about it"… ♪
‪(제니) [영어]‬ ‪연습생으로 지내면서‬[Jennie] I don't regret spending time as a trainee, learning how to dance,
‪춤과 노래를 배운 시간을‬ ‪후회하지는 않아요‬[Jennie] I don't regret spending time as a trainee, learning how to dance, how to sing.
‪하지만 한 가지 아쉬운 게 있다면‬ ‪18, 19살이 될 때까지는‬But one thing I wish is to maybe have lived at home
‪집에서 살 수 있었으면‬ ‪좋았을 거 같아요‬until I was like 18, 19.
‪많은 사람이 고등학교에서‬ ‪추억을 잔뜩 쌓는데‬A lot of people make lots of memories as a high school student.
‪전 그런 추억이 전혀 없거든요‬But I never had that.
‪(리사) [한국어] 그래서 계속‬ ‪기다린 게 힘들었던 것 같아요‬[Lisa in Korean] Waiting was the hardest part.
‪[태국어] 해낼 수 없을 것 같았죠‬ ‪포기하기 직전이었어요‬[in Thai] I didn't think I would make it. I was on the verge of letting it go.
‪[영어] 어린 소녀들이 모여서‬ ‪어디로 가는지도 모른 채‬[in English] It was just days on end with just a bunch of girls
‪그저 하루하루 보내는 거니까요‬not knowing where this was going.
‪[한국어] '내가 여기서'‬[in Korean] I'd ask myself,
‪'조금 힘든 것 때문에‬ ‪그만두는 게 맞나?'‬"Do you want to give up because it's not easy?"
‪(제니) 할 수 있다고‬ ‪다짐했어요‬[Jennie in English] I knew I could do it.
‪소속사가 저를‬ ‪엄격하게 대할수록‬The tougher they treated me,
‪이렇게 생각했죠‬ ‪'이겨낼 거야'‬I'm like, "I'm gonna get through it,
‪'내게 가치가 있다는 걸‬ ‪저 사람들에게 보여줄 거야'‬and I'm gonna show them that I'm worth it."
‪[노래 'Nobody Love']‬♪ I should be more cynical And tell myself it's not okay… ♪
‪(로제) '여기까지 왔는데'‬[Rosé] After all of this,
‪'아무것도 안 하고‬ ‪돌아가진 않을 거야'‬I'm not gonna go back without doing anything.
‪'그런 건 한심하잖아'‬ ‪그렇게 생각했어요‬That would be embarrassing for me. That's what I thought.
‪(리사) [태국어] 계속 싸우며‬ ‪제 모든 걸 다 쏟아부어야 했어요‬[Lisa in Thai] I had to keep fighting. I had to give it my all.
‪'연습생으로 얼마나 오래‬ ‪있어야 하든 상관없어'‬"I don't care how long the training will take."
‪'덤벼 보라지!‬ ‪이제 아무것도 신경 안 써'‬"Bring it on! I don't care about that anymore!"
‪[군중의 박수]‬[crowd clapping]
‪(제니) [영어]‬ ‪사장님은 매달 저희를‬[Jennie in English] So, the CEO would put us
‪다른 그룹으로 나눠서‬ ‪서로 잘 맞는지 보셨어요‬into different groups every other month just to see.
‪그리고 어느 순간에 이르러‬ ‪저희 넷을 골라내셨죠‬And there was a point where he pointed the four of us out.
‪[노래 '붐바야']‬["Boombayah" playing]
‪(지수) [한국어] 평가를 볼 때도‬ ‪네 명이서 그룹으로 보고‬[Jisoo in Korean] We were evaluated together,
‪테스트 촬영 같은 게 있으면‬ ‪넷이서 받고‬and the four of us did screen tests
‪녹음 같은 것도 넷이 올라가서‬ ‪데모 녹음을 해 보고…‬and recorded demos together.
‪"2015년"‬["Lean On" by Major Lazer playing]
‪[스피커에서 나오는 'Lean On']‬["Lean On" by Major Lazer playing]
‪(리사) 되게 자연스럽게‬ ‪된 것 같아요‬[Lisa] It happened naturally.
‪뭔가 합이 잘 맞았어요‬We just clicked.
‪(제니) [영어]‬ ‪그냥 서로 잘 맞았어요‬[Jennie] We just got along so well.
‪보통 그룹은 이렇잖아요‬ ‪'내가 노래를 더 부르고 싶어'‬Because usually there's like, "Oh, I wanna sing more."
‪'내가 가운데 서고 싶어'‬Or, "Oh, I wanna be in the middle."
‪이런 식의 작은 갈등이‬ ‪그룹 안에서 일어나죠‬There's always those little fights going on in the groups.
‪하지만 저희 넷이 모이면‬ ‪할 일이 아주 분명했어요‬But when it was the four of us, it was clear what we were doing.
‪그래서 저희 넷이‬ ‪한 그룹이 될 수 있었죠‬And that's what made it possible for us to be in a group.
‪여자애 4명이 그룹을 이루는 게‬ ‪쉬운 일이 아니잖아요‬You know, four girls being in one group is not easy.
‪(지수) [한국어]‬ ‪이렇게 단체로 하다 보면‬[Jisoo in Korean] When you're working in a group,
‪각자 맡는 위치가 있고‬ ‪역할이 있으니까‬everyone has their place and a role.
‪단체로 활동할 때 한 명씩‬ ‪각각 최고의 자리에서‬And when everyone settles into their roles,
‪노력할 때의 시너지를 보면서‬ ‪제가 깨달았던 것 같아요‬that's how synergy is born.
‪'이렇게 한 명씩‬ ‪맞는 자리에 있으니까'‬That realization changed my outlook. When everyone is where they need to be,
‪'큰 효과를 낼 수 있구나'‬big things can happen.
‪[군중의 박수]‬[crowd clapping]
‪[경쾌한 전자 음악]‬[upbeat electronic music playing]
‪(테디) [영어]‬ ‪제가 처음 이 일을 맡았을 때는‬[Teddy] When I first came in the picture, there were seven, eight, nine girls.
‪애들이 일곱, 여덟‬ ‪아홉 명이 있었어요‬[Teddy] When I first came in the picture, there were seven, eight, nine girls.
‪그러다 노래를 몇 곡‬ ‪준비하기 시작하고‬Then we started cutting some songs,
‪음향상으로 가장 좋은 소리를‬ ‪내는 조합을 찾았죠‬and sonically, whatever that sounded the best.
‪지금의 네 명이라는 조합을요‬The four girls right now, the combination.
‪그리고 물론 각 멤버의‬ ‪개성도 고려해야죠‬And of course you start looking at their individuality,
‪성격 같은 거요‬like their character.
‪그 넷은 그냥 딱 맞는‬ ‪느낌이었어요‬The four of them just felt right.
‪[노래 계속됨]‬[song continues playing]
‪(리사) [한국어]‬ ‪테디 오빠는 사장님이랑‬ ‪가까운 위치였어요‬[Lisa in Korean] Teddy felt like a CEO to us.
‪누가 테디 오빠랑 뭘 했다거나‬ ‪만났다고 하면‬If somebody did something with Teddy or met with Teddy…
‪[헉 소리] 큰일, 대단한 일처럼‬ ‪반응하는 분위기였단 말이에요‬[gasps] …it was considered to be a big deal.
‪(리사) 누구인지 잘 몰랐긴 했는데‬[Lisa] I didn't know much about him.
‪1TYM에 있었던 건‬ ‪알고 있었어요‬I knew he was a 1TYM member.
‪(테디) [영어] 시대가‬ ‪바뀌었으니까‬[Teddy in English] It's a different time,
‪제가 젊었을 때 필요했던‬ ‪그런 사람이 돼 주고 싶었어요‬and I just wanted to become someone that I needed when I was young.
‪조금 거리를 두고 이 일을 보며‬ ‪내게 어디로 가야 할지 알려 주는‬I didn't have somebody that's a little more outside looking in,
‪그런 사람이 없었거든요‬telling me where to go.
‪[한국어] 처음 만났을 때는‬ ‪그때잖아‬[in Korean] The first time we met was when--
‪(지수) 연습생 때‬[Jisoo] When I was a trainee.
‪[영어] 그때 정말 긴장됐어요‬[in English] I was so nervous.
‪오빠에게 말도 제대로 못 했죠‬I couldn't really talk to him.
‪(지수) [한국어] 오빠를 보는 게‬ ‪데뷔의 끝판왕 같았잖아요‬[Jisoo in Korean] Meeting you was like the final stage of the debut.
‪오빠가 최종 보스였어요‬ ‪오빠를 보면 데뷔하는 거야‬You were the final boss. If we meet you, we get to debut.
‪(리사) 맞아‬[Lisa] You're right.
‪오빠, 기억나세요?‬Oppa, do you remember…
‪휘파람 소리 1,000번‬ ‪녹음했던 거?‬how we had to record that whistling sound 1,000 times?
‪[전원 웃음]‬[all laugh]
‪- [영어] 절대 못 잊을 거야‬ ‪- [전원 웃음]‬-[in English] That I'll never forget. -[girls laughing]
‪절대 못 잊지‬I cannot forget that.
‪하마터면 '휘파람'을 데뷔곡으로‬ ‪발표 못 할 뻔했지만…‬And we almost didn't come out with "Whistle" for our debut song, but--
‪(테디) 다들 무모하다고 반대했지‬[Teddy] Too many people thought it was risky.
‪하지만 결국 마지막에 이랬죠‬ ‪'이 곡이어야 해'‬But last minute, we were like, "It has to be that one."
‪(테디) 노래가 묘하게‬ ‪컨트리풍이었는 데다‬[Teddy] 'Cause it has this weird country vibe to it,
‪아주 미니멀 음악이었잖아‬and it's super minimal.
‪노래가 너무 허전하다고‬ ‪생각한 사람이 많았지‬It just sounded too empty for a lot of people.
‪대부분의 사람이 반대했지만‬ ‪우리가 그냥 밀어붙였지‬Most people were against it. We just pushed forward, whatever.
‪저기 있는 저 사진 알겠어?‬Hey, you know that photo there?
‪우리가 블랙핑크로 참여한‬ ‪첫 사진 촬영이야‬That's our very first photo session as BLACKPINK.
‪(제니) 맞아요‬[Jennie] Yeah.
‪오빠가 제일 좋아하는‬ ‪사진이잖아요‬It's oppa's favorite photo.
‪저 사진이 찍힌 걸 본 순간‬ ‪이런 생각이 들었어요‬As soon as I saw that photo, how it turned out, I was like, 
‪'야, 이거 아주 재미있겠는데'‬"Oh, this is gonna be fun."
‪[노래 '붐바야']‬["Boombayah" playing]
‪"2016년 8월"‬
‪(기자 1) [한국어]‬ ‪YG 엔터테인먼트도‬[reporter 1 in Korean] YG Entertainment is expected
‪2NE1 이후 7년 만에‬ ‪신인 걸그룹을 선보일 예정입니다‬to showcase its first new girl group in seven years since 2NE1 debuted.
‪(기자 2) 프로듀서 테디의‬ ‪진두지휘 아래‬[reporter 2] Under the direction of producer Teddy,
‪출격 준비를 하고 있는‬ ‪이 걸그룹은‬this new group is being prepared.
‪멤버 구성부터 데뷔곡까지‬ ‪모두 베일에 싸여 있는 상황‬Its members and debut songs have been shrouded in secrecy.
‪떨려!‬I'm shaking!
‪- 너무 떨려!‬ ‪- [스태프 웃음]‬-So shaky! -[staff laughing]
‪'여러 가지…‬ ‪다양한 색을…'‬"Various… diverse colors…"
‪[한숨]‬ ‪어떡해야 되지?‬[sighs] How does it go?
‪[영어] 제가 원하는 건 사람들이‬ ‪저희 잠재력을 알아봐 주는 거예요‬[in English] All I wanted was people to see the potential in us.
‪이렇게 생각할 필요는 없어요‬ ‪'우와! 새 그룹이 나왔는데'‬It didn't necessarily have to be, "Wow! This group came out,
‪'모든 면에서 정말 완벽해'‬and they're so perfect in every single way."
‪그냥 사람들이 저희에 대해‬ ‪호기심을 가졌으면 했어요‬Like, I wanted people to be curious about us.
‪[한국어] 안녕하세요‬[in Korean] Hello everyone.
‪블랙핑크의 로제입니다‬I'm BLACKPINK's Rosé.
‪안녕하세요‬ ‪블랙핑크의 제니입니다‬Hello everyone. I'm BLACKPINK's Jennie.
‪안녕하세요‬Hello everyone.
‪블랙핑크의 지수입니다‬I'm BLACKPINK's Jisoo.
‪안녕하세요‬ ‪블랙핑크의 리사입니다‬Hello everyone. I'm BLACKPINK's Lisa.
‪그동안 함께 해온 멤버들과‬Uh… after training with my members all this time
‪데뷔를 하게 되어서‬and finally being able to debut on this stage,
‪너무 떨리고 기대돼요‬I'm nervous and excited.
‪앞으로 블랙핑크만의 색으로‬ ‪채워나갈 수 있도록‬In the future, we will work hard to show everyone
‪노력하는 모습 보여드리겠습니다‬BLACKPINK's unique colors.
‪사랑해주세용!‬Please love us!
‪(다 함께) 감사합니다!‬[all together] Thank you!
‪[영어] 저희가 데뷔하자마자‬[in English] As soon as we debuted…
‪[한국어] 제가 생각한 그대로‬ ‪된 것 같아요‬[in Korean] …I think it happened just the way I thought it would.
‪[지수의 휘파람]‬[Jisoo whistling]
‪- 나 세 보인다‬ ‪- [스태프 웃음]‬-I look intense. -[staff laughs]
‪[영어] 가자!‬[in English] Let's go!
‪(다 함께) [한국어] 안녕하세요‬[all together in Korean] Hello.
‪정말 기대가 되는데요‬ ‪다음 무대도 소개해 주세요‬I can't wait. Can you tell us who's performing next?
‪지난주 인기가요에서 독점 공개된‬Two of their songs debuted exclusively at Inkigayo last week
‪둘 모두 1위 후보!‬and could be number one!
‪(남성) 대세 중의 대세를 입증하는‬[man] Shall we see the performance
‪초특급 신인 블랙핑크의‬ ‪무대를 만나볼까요?‬of BLACKPINK, the hottest rookies right now?
‪- [영어] 뮤직…‬ ‪- 스타트!‬-Music… -…start!
‪[노래 '휘파람']‬["Whistle" playing]
‪♪ 불어 봐 미사일 같은 휘파람‬ ‪펑, 펑 ♪‬♪ Make 'em whistle like a missile Bomb, bomb ♪
‪♪ 내가 나타날 때마다‬ ‪화려하게 터트릴 때마다 ♪‬♪ Every time I show up, blow up, uh… ♪
‪(기자 3) [한국어]‬ ‪YG가 새롭게 선보인‬ ‪신인 걸그룹 블랙핑크가‬[reporter 3 in Korean] YG's new girl group, BLACKPINK,
‪데뷔 14일 만에‬ ‪지상파 음악 방송 정상에 올라‬has reached number one only 14 days after their debut,
‪걸그룹 중 최단 기간으로‬ ‪1위 기록을 세웠습니다‬which is the shortest time ever by a girl group to reach number one.
‪(지수) 처음 저희가‬ ‪아무것도 모르고 데뷔하고‬[Jisoo] I remember making our debut
‪상 받고 이랬을 때는‬and winning awards.
‪[스태프의 박수와 환호성]‬[staff clapping and cheering]
‪[영어] 와우!‬[in English] Wow!
‪[한국어] '우리 이렇게 해냈다!'‬ ‪이런 다음에‬[in Korean] And feeling like, "Wow! We did it."
‪[환호성 계속됨]‬[cheering continues]
‪(지수) 점점 올라가서‬ ‪'휘파람'이라는 노래가‬ ‪1위를 했을 때는‬[Jisoo] "Whistle" kept going up and up, and when it hit number one,
‪신나는 마음뿐이었던 것 같아요‬we were just so happy and excited.
‪(제니) 그때 제일 현실적으로‬ ‪놀랐던 거는‬[Jennie] Honestly, I think I was most surprised
‪음원차트에서 '휘파람'이‬ ‪1위 했을 때‬when "Whistle" reached number one on the music charts.
‪그때 제일 설렜지‬That was the most exciting.
‪[영어] 내 기억에 우리가‬[in English] I remember we were…
‪[한국어] 연습실에 있었는데‬ ‪그때 아직 우리가‬[in Korean] …in a practice room when we heard the news
‪2위인가 그랬는데‬that we were number two.
‪계속 확인하며 연습을 했어요‬ ‪연습은 해야 하니까‬I kept on checking and checking, but we had to go to practice.
‪한 시간에 한 번씩‬We'd check every hour.
‪그런데 갑자기 누가 와서‬ ‪'야, 대박!'‬And then someone came in and said, "Oh, my God!"
‪[영어] 같이 펄쩍펄쩍 뛰었지‬[in English] We jumped up and down.
‪[한국어]‬ ‪나는 친구들이 보내 준 게 기억나‬[in Korean] I remember my friends telling me that they heard it.
‪'길 가는데 너희 노래 나온다!'‬ ‪이랬거든‬They were like, "I'm outside, and they're playing your song!"
‪그때는 정말 신기했지‬It felt really weird back then.
‪'대박, 대박! 찍어 봐!‬ ‪영상 보내 봐!'‬I was like, "Oh, my God, that's so cool! Shoot a video! Send me the video!"
‪[영어] 리사! 사랑해!‬[in English] Lisa! I love you!
‪(팬 1) 음악 스타일이‬ ‪정말 좋아요‬[fan 1] I just really like their style.
‪다른 케이팝 그룹의‬ ‪음악과는 전혀 달라요‬Their sound is super different from other K-pop groups.
‪(팬 2) 외국인 멤버가‬ ‪아주 많다 보니‬[fan 2] It's 'cause they have so many foreign members,
‪누구나 꿈을 이룰 수 있다는 걸‬ ‪잘 보여주죠‬and it really shows how anyone can achieve their dreams.
‪(팬 3) 무대를 완전히‬ ‪휘어잡아요‬[fan 3] They own the stage when they're on it.
‪[한국어] 춤을 되게‬ ‪파워풀하게 추고…‬[in Korean] Their dance is so powerful.
‪[네덜란드어] 음악을 들으면‬ ‪곧장 춤추게 돼요‬[in Dutch] When their music is played, you just instantly start dancing.
‪[영어] 제가 본 케이팝 그룹 중‬ ‪멤버 간 유대가 제일 강해요‬[in English] They have the strongest friendship I've seen in a K-pop group.
‪[스페인어] 다들 이 일을 사랑하고‬ ‪타고났다는 게 보여요‬[in Spanish] You can see they love what they are doing and are born to do it.
‪[영어] 제가 정말로‬ ‪공감할 수 있는‬[in English] I felt like this is a girl group
‪걸그룹인 것 같아요‬that I can actually vibe with.
‪[음악 멈춤]‬[music stops]
‪[영어] 그야 멋지니까요‬[in English] You know, they cool.
‪최고의 악녀들이에요 [웃음]‬They the baddest bitches alive. [laughs]
‪['휘파람' 계속됨]‬["Whistle" continues]
‪[군중의 아우성]‬[crowd clamoring]
‪(리사) [태국어] 연습생 때는‬ ‪아무도 저를 몰랐어요‬[Lisa in Thai] When I was a trainee, nobody knew about me.
‪하지만 블랙핑크로‬ ‪데뷔하고 나서는‬But after I debuted as BLACKPINK,
‪어딜 가든 사람들이‬ ‪절 따라다녀요‬everyone would follow me no matter where I went.
‪저희가 이렇게‬ ‪유명해질 줄은 몰랐어요‬I didn't know that we would become this famous.
‪[음악 멈춤]‬[music stops]
‪(로제) [영어]‬ ‪어젯밤엔 얼마나 잤어?‬[Rosé in English] How much did you sleep last night?
‪[한국어] 세 시간‬[in Korean] Three hours.
‪- [영어] 세 시간?‬ ‪- 응‬-[in English] Three hours? -Yup.
‪- (스태프 1) [한국어]‬ ‪앞에 비켜야 해요‬ ‪- (스태프 2) 거기 나오세요‬-[staff 1 in Korean] Clear in front. -[staff 2] Everybody get out.
‪(로제) [영어] 연습생 시절에는‬ ‪데뷔하고 싶은 마음뿐이었죠‬[Rosé in English] During trainee days, I was desperate. I really wanted it.
‪하지만 데뷔하고 나면‬ ‪수많은 책임이 뒤따라 와요‬But after debut, that's when you start getting a lot of responsibilities.
‪(남성) [한국어]‬ ‪다들 화면 딱 보고‬[man in Korean] Everybody look into the camera.
‪(지수) 다 함께 나올 때는‬ ‪저희도 부담이 있는 거죠‬[Jisoo] Then came the pressure for our next thing.
‪'어떡해야 하지?‬ ‪이제 어떡해야 돼?'‬"What now? What do we do?"
‪'빨리 새로운 걸 생각해 보자'‬ ‪쫓기는 느낌이 들었는데‬"Let's come up with something fresh." I felt like we were being chased.
‪(감독) [영어] 액션!‬[director in English] Action!
‪[노래 '불장난']‬["Playing With Fire" playing]
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬[shutters clicking]
‪[한국어] 본상은 블랙핑크!‬[in Korean] The winner is BLACKPINK!
‪[군중의 환호성]‬[crowd screaming]
‪감사합니다‬ ‪사랑해요!‬Thank you! I love you all!
‪(기자 1) 블랙핑크에게‬ ‪중요한 날입니다‬[reporter 1 in English] It's a big day for BLACKPINK
‪'뚜두뚜두'가 지난 24시간 동안‬as "Ddu-Du Ddu-Du" has become
‪가장 많이 시청된‬ ‪한국 영상이 되었습니다‬the most viewed Korean music video in 24 hours.
‪(기자 2) 세 편의 뮤직비디오가‬ ‪조회수 4억을 넘겼습니다‬[reporter 2] Three music videos with over 400 million views.
‪(기자 3) 유튜브 조회 수‬ ‪10억 회를 돌파했습니다‬[reporter 3] One billion views on YouTube.
‪[음악 멈춤]‬[music stops]
‪(로제) 일이 점점 빨리‬ ‪진행되면서‬[Rosé] I think when things get faster,
‪거기 압도되는 순간이‬ ‪오는 것 같아요‬it also becomes very overwhelming at some points.
‪[들숨] 그렇죠‬[inhales] Yeah.
‪(리사) [태국어]‬ ‪데뷔 이후 처음으로…‬[Lisa in Thai] I still remember the first time…
‪[군중의 환호성]‬[screaming]
‪(리사) 태국에 돌아갔을 때가‬ ‪아직도 기억나요‬[Lisa] I went back to Thailand after my debut.
‪태국의 십 대들에게 저는‬ ‪이만큼 크게 성공한 태국인이니까‬Because Thai teens see me as a Thai who has made it this far.
‪다들 이러죠‬ ‪'나도 리사처럼 되고 싶어'‬They would say, "I want to be like Lisa."
‪[군중의 구호 소리]‬ ‪리사! 리사!‬[crowd chanting] Lisa!
‪[군중의 함성]‬[crowd screaming]
‪(리사) [태국어]‬ ‪하지만 저는 그때‬[Lisa in Thai] But at that moment,
‪제가 십 대들의 롤모델이 될 만큼‬ ‪훌륭한 사람일지 자신이 없었죠‬I wasn't sure if I was really good enough to be their role model.
‪[한국어] 나는 가수인데‬[in Korean] I'm a singer…
‪정확히 어떤 가수가 되고 싶은지‬but I didn't know what kind of singer I wanted to be.
‪목적을 잃은 것 같아요‬ ‪나 자신을 찾고 있었던 것 같아요‬I kind of lost the goal. I was trying to find myself.
‪[태국어] 내가 정말로 그들의‬ ‪롤모델이 될 수 있을까?‬[in Thai] Could I really become their role model?
‪그들을 실망시키지 않으려면‬ ‪어떻게 해야 할까?‬What should I do to not let them down?
‪이런 생각이 계속 머릿속을‬ ‪스쳐 지나갔죠‬These kinds of thoughts kept running through my mind.
‪[군중의 환호성]‬[crowd cheering]
‪"블랙핑크 기숙사"‬
‪(제니) [영어] 설탕이 필요해‬[Jennie in English] We need sugar.
‪[노래하듯이] 설탕이 필요하다네‬[in singsong voice] We need sugar.
‪- (지수) 한 숟갈만‬ ‪- 한 숟갈‬-[Jisoo] One spoon. -One spoon.
‪(지수) [한국어]‬ ‪너도 이건 잘 먹잖아‬ ‪탕후루는 달라‬[Jisoo in Korean] You like this too. Tanghulu is different.
‪(제니) 탕후루는 과일의 상큼함이‬ ‪있기 때문에요‬[Jennie] Tanghulu has the sweetness of the fruits.
‪오랜만에 해서‬ ‪비율이 약간…‬The ratio is a little off because we haven't made it in a while.
‪- 설탕이 더 많았어‬ ‪- 여기 좀 탔다‬-There was too much sugar. -It's a bit burnt.
‪- 근데 맛있을 것 같은데‬ ‪- 맞아‬-It still looks delicious. -Yeah.
‪[영어] 이건 사실‬ ‪중국 전통 간식인데‬[in English] This is actually a Chinese traditional snack,
‪여기 한국에선 찾기가 힘들어서요‬but it's hard to find it here in Korea.
‪(지수) [한국어] 우리 한 번은‬ ‪불날 뻔했잖아‬[Jisoo in Korean] We almost started a fire once.
‪- 이걸 너무 만들다가‬ ‪- 맞아, 태울 뻔했지‬-We were making too much. -Yeah, we almost burnt it.
‪이 숙소가 없어졌을 뻔했어‬ ‪[가벼운 웃음]‬We almost made this dorm disappear. [chuckles]
‪(제니) [영어] 지수에게 이렇게‬ ‪영어 회화를 가르쳤어요‬[Jennie in English] This is a way of me teaching Jisoo to speak English.
‪지난 6달간 영어가‬ ‪많이 늘었어요‬She got better in the last six months.
‪제가 하는 말을 다 알아듣거든요‬ ‪그래서 종종 영어로 이야기해요‬She understands everything that I say, so I do talk to her in English sometimes.
‪- (제니) [한국어] 어때?‬ ‪- 음!‬-[Jennie in Korean] How is it? -Mm.
‪맛있어? 나도 이거 먹을래‬Is it good? I want a taste.
‪따뜻해‬It's warm.
‪[바삭거리는 소리]‬[crunching]
‪사실 좀 탄 맛 나‬It's a bit burnt.
‪[영어] 나쁘지 않네‬[in English] Not bad.
‪나쁘진 않지만‬ ‪좋지도 않지‬Not bad but not good.
‪맞아, 솔직해지자‬ ‪이건 실패작이야‬Yeah. Let's be honest. It was a fail.
‪[한국어] 아니야, 물을‬ ‪안 넣었잖아‬[in Korean] No. We didn't add any water.
‪- 무슨 소리 하는 거야?‬ ‪- 물은 안 넣는다니까‬-What are you talking about? -No, you don't add water.
‪언니, 물 넣어‬Unnie! You add water.
‪물을 넣는다고?‬ ‪아니야, 물은 안 넣어‬You add water? No, you don't add water.
‪못 살겠다, 봐요‬ ‪제가 없으면 돌아가는 게 없어요‬What am I going to do about you? Nothing works without me.
‪[영어] 한국에서 이름 다음으로‬ ‪제일 먼저 묻는 게‬[in English] In Korea, one of the first things you ask,
‪나이가 몇 살이냐는 거잖아요‬other than your name, is how old are you?
‪나이가 더 많으면 바로 이러죠‬ ‪'아, 네가 언니구나'‬And as soon as they say they're older, it's like, "Oh, you're unnie."
‪언니라는 건 나이가 많은‬ ‪여자 형제를 말하고요‬So, unnie is basically what you call an older sister.
‪그게 꼭…‬It's like--
‪[한국어] 외국은 그런 게 없잖아‬[in Korean] Other places don't have it.
‪[영어] 여기서는 서로를‬ ‪이름으로 부르지 않아요‬[in English] We don't call each other by names.
‪상대방이 나이가 많으면‬ ‪'언니'라고 하죠‬It's normally unnie if you're older than me,
‪남자라면 '오빠'라고 하고요‬and oppa if you're a guy.
‪익숙해지는 데 시간이 좀 걸렸지만‬ ‪한 번 입에 붙으면‬It takes a while to get used to, but once you get a hold of it,
‪이름을 부르는 것보다‬ ‪더 좋아요‬it's better than calling their names.
‪지수가 아니라 '언니'인 거죠‬She's not Jisoo. She's unnie.
‪어떤 점에선 가족이랑 비슷해요‬It's like family, in a way.
‪[한국어] 내가 그때 처음 와서‬ ‪가수가 될 준비를 하는 거니까‬[in Korean] When I first came to train as a singer,
‪노래랑 춤도 아예 다‬ ‪처음 해 보는 거고‬I had never tried singing or dancing before.
‪'어떡해야 되지?' 그러고 있는데‬ ‪네가 알려줬어‬I was lost, but you taught me a lot.
‪우리는 둘이…‬ ‪그때가 경쟁이 정말 심할 때잖아‬For two of us, it was-- The competition was fierce at the time.
‪연습생이 20, 30명 있고‬There were about 20 to 30 trainees.
‪어쩔 수 없이 맏언니니까‬Because we are the older ones of the group,
‪애들이 어떡하지? 하는 걸‬ ‪결국 우리가…‬the others came to us with the issues they were having.
‪어떤 문제인지는 아는데‬ ‪'언니, 이거 어떡하죠?'‬I knew what their problems were. They'd ask us, "Unnie, what should we do?"
‪그대로 말하면 되지 않나 싶은데‬ ‪그런 말을 잘 못 하니까‬And I'd advise them to speak their mind, but they have a hard time doing that,
‪내가 대신 말해 주고‬ ‪이렇게 되는 거지‬so I end up taking care of it.
‪당연히 책임이 있다고 생각하고‬There's no doubt I feel a sense of responsibility.
‪최대한 케어해 줄 수 있을 만큼‬ ‪케어해 주려고 해요‬I try the best I can to take care of the other girls.
‪[바삭거리는 소리]‬[crunching]
‪[영어] 꽤 괜찮은데?‬ ‪난 입에 맞아‬[in English] It's okay, actually. I could eat this.
‪[한국어] 반 정도‬ ‪반만 성공‬[in Korean] Semi-success.
‪(죠 리) [영어] 좋아‬ ‪비트만 가지고 하는 거야‬[man in English] Okay. It's just Rosé and the beat.
‪- 맙소사!‬ ‪- 가사도 멜로디도 없이‬-Oh, my God! -No words, no melody whatsoever.
‪(죠) 이제 시작‬[man] So here we go.
‪[장난스럽고 경쾌한 음악]‬[playful, upbeat music playing]
‪♪ 잠들 수 없는 밤 ♪‬♪ Can't sleep at night ♪
‪♪ 전부 괜찮아질까? ♪‬♪ But would it be all right ♪
‪♪ 내가 머무른다면‬ ‪머무른다면 ♪‬♪ If I stay, if I… ♪
‪♪ 아냐, 문제없을 거야‬ ‪아냐, 문제없을 거야 ♪‬♪ No, it shouldn't be a problem No, it shouldn't be a problem ♪
‪(로제) 높은 곳을 무서워하거나‬ ‪물을 무서워하는‬[Rosé] You know how when people say they're afraid of heights
‪사람들이 있잖아요?‬or they're afraid of water?
‪전 늘 스튜디오에 들어가거나‬ ‪작곡하는 게 무서웠어요‬I've always been so afraid of getting in the studio or writing something.
‪언젠가는 해 봐야겠다고‬ ‪늘 생각했죠, 해야 한다고‬I always thought just someday I have to just start it. I have to.
‪[가사 없는 발성]‬[vocalizing]
‪[음악 멈춤]‬[music stops]
‪- 이건 저장해 둘게‬ ‪- 네‬-I'm gonna still keep this one. -Okay.
‪- 한 번 더 해 보자‬ ‪- 알겠어요‬-Let's try one more time. -Okay.
‪리듬을 바꿀까요?‬ ‪자꾸 같은 박자를 반복하게 되네요‬Do I change the rhythm? I keep going for the same thing.
‪- 부르면서 불편해?‬ ‪- 부르면서 불편하냐고요?‬-Do you feel uncomfortable singing it? -Do I feel uncomfortable singing it?
‪아주 조금요‬ ‪한 번 더 불러볼까 봐요‬Like slightly. Maybe I'll try singing it one more time.
‪죠를 몇 번 만난 적이 있어요‬ ‪죠의 음악은 굉장하죠‬I've seen Joe a few times, and his music's like amazing.
‪테디에게 그랬어요‬ ‪'죠가 날 좀 도와주면 어떨까요?'‬I was just like, to Teddy, "What do you think if he helps me out?"
‪이게 저희가 작업한 거예요‬ ‪로제의 첫 녹음 곡이죠‬So here's what we worked on. This is Rosé's first recorded song.
‪(로제) 아무도 못 듣게‬ ‪이 파일 전체를‬[Rosé] We even saved this whole file in this secret folder
‪비밀 폴더에 넣어 놨어요‬ ‪'아무도 모르게 숨겨 줘요'‬because I said nobody can listen to it. I was like, "Hide it from everyone."
‪♪ 아냐, 문제없을 거야‬ ‪아냐, 문제없을 거야 ♪‬♪ Wouldn't be a problem No, it shouldn't be a problem ♪
‪작곡 같은 경우 로제는 머릿속에‬ ‪확실한 이야기를 갖고 있어요‬When it comes to writing songs, Rosé has certain stories in mind.
‪그런데 그 이야기를‬ ‪들려주는 걸 쑥스러워하죠‬And she's shy about sharing that story.
‪로제에게는 아주 내밀한‬ ‪이야기인 거예요‬It's just super personal to her.
‪꼭 일기처럼요‬It's like her diary.
‪[로제의 웃음]‬ ‪이런 세상에!‬[Rosé laughs] Oh, my gosh!
‪너무 긴장한 목소리야‬You sounded nervous in that one.
‪'내가 뭘 하는 건지 모르겠어'‬ ‪이러네요 [깔깔 웃음]‬Yeah. I'm like, "I don't know what I'm doing." [giggles]
‪이런 내용으로 노래를 만들면‬ ‪재미있을 것 같았거든요‬I was thinking it'd be fun if I write something like…
‪♪ 두세 시 지나서 ♪‬[sings in Korean] ♪ After two, three o’clock… ♪
‪♪ 전화 걸 때면 ♪‬♪ When I call you ♪
‪♪ 내 전화를 보고… ♪‬♪ And when you see my call… ♪
‪[초조한 웃음]‬[laughs nervously]
‪이게 들어가는 거‬Something like that.
‪- 괜찮은 거 같은데‬ ‪- 저 지금 너무 숨고 싶어요‬-I think it's fine. -I want to hide right now.
‪- 아니야‬ ‪- 저 못 할 거 같아요 [웃음]‬-No. -I don't think I can do this. [laughs] 
‪[영어] 테디 오빠도 어제 그랬어요‬[in English] Teddy told me yesterday too.
‪'스튜디오 안에서 약한 부분을‬ ‪드러내는 법을 배워야 해'‬He was like, "You need to learn how to be more vulnerable in the studio."
‪저한텐 그렇게 쉬운 일이 아니죠‬That's something I can't do too easily,
‪제가 하려던 말은…‬but I was gonna say--
‪- (죠) 그러려면 시간이 걸리지‬ ‪- 네‬-[Joe] I mean, it takes time. -Yeah.
‪저는 음악에 대한‬ ‪깊은 경애심을 갖고 있어요‬I really have a lot of respect for music,
‪그러니까 아무 노래나 부르고선‬ ‪자기도 작곡을 한다고‬so I don't wanna be just like another girl who sings
‪자랑하고 다니는 그런 여자애는‬ ‪되고 싶지 않아요‬and just kind of tells everybody that she writes music.
‪그런 건 절대 싫어요‬That's the last thing I wanna be.
‪- 나도 이런 거 하나 있었으면‬ ‪- (죠) 그렇지‬-Whoa, I need one of these. -[Joe] Yeah.
‪- (로제) 세상에‬ ‪- [음악 코드 연주]‬-[Rosé] Oh, my gosh. -[plays chords]
‪저 혼자 있을 때‬ ‪더 위축되는 기분이에요‬I feel more intimidated when I'm by myself.
‪방에 혼자 있을 때‬When I'm in my room by myself,
‪'작곡을 한번 해 볼까?'‬ ‪하고 생각하면‬and I go, "Should I try and write something?"
‪훨씬 더 주눅이 들어요‬I think I'm way more intimidated then.
‪왜냐하면 저 혼자니까요‬ ‪제 생각이 옳은지도 모르겠고‬'Cause it's just me. I don't know if my opinions are right,
‪그래서 겁이 나요‬and that scares me.
‪전 저 자신을 제일‬ ‪무서워하나 봐요‬I feel like I scare myself the most.
‪[선율 연주]‬[playing melody]
‪(죠) 좋아, 그걸 녹음하자‬[Joe] Okay, let's record that.
‪박자는 어떻게 돼?‬What's our tempo?
‪한 달쯤 전에 이 코드가‬ ‪떠올랐어요‬I found these chords maybe like a month ago.
‪그냥 마음에 들더라고요‬ ‪'멋진 소리인걸' 했죠‬I was like-- I liked it. I was like, "This sounds cool."
‪그 뒤로 계속 이 코드를‬ ‪연주하게 돼요‬And ever since then, I just play it.
‪(죠) 난 네가 녹음실에 들어가서‬ ‪거기 맞춰 노래해 보면 좋겠어‬[Joe] If anything, I was gonna put you in the booth and sing over it.
‪[로제의 웃음] 네‬[Rosé giggles] Okay.
‪제가 할 수 있을까요?‬ ‪한 번도 해본 적 없는데‬Do you think I could do it? I've never tried this.
‪(죠) 할 수 있을 거야‬ ‪그냥 한번 해 보자‬[Joe] I think you can do it. Let's just give it a try.
‪[피아노 선율]‬[piano melody playing]
‪[따라 흥얼거림]‬[hums along]
‪[킥킥 웃음]‬[giggles]
‪방 안에 딱 적당한 수의 사람이‬ ‪함께 있다는 게 참 좋아요‬It's nice to have just the right amount of people in the room,
‪뭐든지 있는 그대로 받아들여서‬ ‪새로운 무언가를‬who are just there to accept whatever is there
‪만들어내는 사람들이죠‬and make it into something.
‪죠는 늘 그래요, '여긴 안전해‬ ‪이 방 안의 일은 전부 비밀이야'‬Joe always says, "This is the safe ground. Everything's a secret in here."
‪'마음껏 바보짓을 해도 돼'‬"You can make a fool out of yourself,
‪'아무에게도 얘기 안 할게'‬and we won't tell anyone."
‪저 자신을 표현하는 기분이에요‬It feels just like expressing myself.
‪전에는 늘 다른 사람이 작곡한‬ ‪노래를 불렀던 것과 반대로요‬Whereas I would always sing songs of other artists.
‪그건 원 작곡가의 감정을 빌려와‬ ‪제 감정으로 만드는 것에 가깝죠‬That's more like borrowing their emotions and making it mine.
‪반면에 이건 완전히 제 시점에서‬ ‪이야기를 들려주는 거예요‬Whereas this is totally just speaking from my point of view. 
‪[가사 없는 발성]‬[vocalizing]
‪음악이라는 언어를 처음 배우는‬ ‪아기가 된 것 같아요‬I'm almost like a baby trying to speak in the music,
‪태어나서 처음으로…‬ ‪노래를 불러 보려고 하는 아기요‬trying to sing… for the first time.
‪[발성 계속됨]‬[continues vocalizing]
‪- [킥킥 웃음] 또 놓쳤어요‬ ‪- (죠) 잘했어‬-[giggles] I lost it again. -[Joe] We got it.
‪(제니) 리사, 나 돌아갈 때‬ ‪이걸 입을까?‬[Jennie] Lisa, should I wear this on my way back?
‪(로제) 쿠마!‬[Rosé in Korean] Kuma!
‪[영어] 블랙핑크 후드티?‬[in English] BLACKPINK hoodie?
‪- 그래, 입고 가‬ ‪- (제니) 그치?‬-I think you should. -[Jennie] Right?
‪안녕? 아야!‬ ‪날 물었어!‬Hello. Ah, ow! You just bit me.
‪코코가 날 물었어!‬ ‪아야!‬Coco bit me. Ah!
‪코코는 이러네‬ ‪'어쩌라고'‬Coco like, "I don't care."
‪(지수) [한국어] 옷이 많은데‬ ‪자리가 없어서‬[Jisoo in Korean] I have so many clothes, but there's not enough space,
‪베란다에다가… [웃음]‬so I keep them on the balcony. [laughs]
‪일본에서 행사하는 날 옷도‬ ‪챙겨야 하지 않아?‬Don't we have to pack for the event in Japan?
‪이런 거 하나 가져가야 돼‬ ‪추워‬You have to bring something like this. It's cold.
‪- 목도리도 하나 챙겨 가‬ ‪- 목도리 없어‬-Bring a scarf too. -Oh, I don't have a scarf!
‪- 하나 줘‬ ‪- 웃기네, 진짜‬-Give me one. -You are funny.
‪- 하나 줘!‬ ‪- 줄 순 없어‬-Give me one. -I can't.
‪그거 목도리 아닌데‬That's not a scarf.
‪일을 할 때는 막상 힘든데‬It is so tiring when we work,
‪또 일을 안 하면 안 하는 거에‬ ‪스트레스를 받으니까‬but when we don't work, I get stressed out about not working.
‪이 일의 딜레마인 것 같아‬I think it's that. It's a dilemma.
‪일을 할 때는 너무 쉬고 싶은데‬When we work, I really want to rest,
‪일을 안 할 때는 또‬ ‪'내가 지금 뭘 하는 거지?'‬but when we don't work, I end up wondering, "What am I doing?"
‪(로제) 기복이 되게‬ ‪심한 직업이니까‬[Rosé] This job has a lot of ups and downs.
‪(지수) 어쩔 수 없이‬ ‪그렇게 되지‬[Jisoo] There's nothing we can do about it.
‪규칙적인 게 아니라‬ ‪늘 무작위적이니까‬It's very random, and there's no regularity.
‪어떤 일이 딱 시작되면‬ ‪이게 얼마나 갈지 모르니까‬The thing is, you can never tell how long this will last,
‪가늠이 잘 안 되니까‬ ‪그게 제일 어려운 것 같아‬so estimating is impossible. That's most challenging.
‪(제니) [영어] 이번 해는‬ ‪여행을 정말 많이 했어요‬[Jennie in English] This year has been on the road.
‪짐을 싸고 풀고, 싸고 풀고‬ ‪싸고 푸는 것의 반복이었죠‬This year has been pack and unpack, and unpack and pack and unpack.
‪무슨 노래 같다‬That's a song.
‪[앓는 소리]‬[grunts]
‪(제니) 최소한 지금은‬ ‪휴식 기간을 어떻게 보낼지‬[Jennie] At least right now, we're prepared enough
‪계획을 짤 준비가 됐어요‬to plan the resting part,
‪작년에는 기간 내내‬ ‪그냥 이랬거든요‬'cause last year, we were just like spending time like…
‪그러고 나서 투어가 시작됐죠‬And then the tour hit us,
‪저희는 '세상에'‬ ‪이랬고요‬and we're like, "Oh, my God."
‪(로제) 맞아‬[Rosé] Yeah.
‪"1년 전‬ ‪2019 월드 투어 리허설"‬["Really" playing]
‪[노래 'Really']‬
‪(지수) [한국어]‬ ‪월드 투어를 하기 전에는‬[Jisoo in Korean] I think we were together for three years
‪저희 넷이서 한 3년 정도‬ ‪활동했던 것 같아요‬before we went on the world tour.
‪(제니) [영어]‬ ‪9개월 가까이 되는 긴 투어였어요‬[Jennie in English] It was a long tour, about nine months.
‪(리사) [한국어] 월드 투어는‬ ‪아시아부터 시작하긴 했지만‬[Lisa in Korean] We started the world tour in Asia,
‪미국 투어를 처음 시작한 곳이‬ ‪코첼라였단 말이에요‬but Coachella marked the start of our tour in North America.
‪(로제) [영어]‬ ‪저희가 아시아 밖으로‬[Rosé in English] When they said that we're gonna
‪나갈 거라는 얘기를 들었을 때는‬start going outside of Asia,
‪꿈만 같았어요‬that was like a dream.
‪[한국어] 처음에 여기서‬ ‪가사 다 하고‬[in Korean] And blow them kisses here and stuff,
‪뽀뽀 이런 거 할 때‬ ‪뽀뽀 같은 거 해주고‬because you're coming out during the chorus before you kiss.
‪다음 후렴에 나와요?‬Oh, the next chorus?
‪너 뽀뽀하기 전‬ ‪후렴에 나오는 거야‬You're coming out during the chorus before you kiss.
‪전 후렴에 미리 나와 있으라고요?‬You want me to come out before that chorus?
‪천천히 나와서 여기서 놀자고‬Come out slowly and play here.
‪여기 너무 오래 있으니까‬ ‪좀 지루하더라고‬It was getting boring when you stay out there for too long.
‪(리사) 처음으로 더 다양하고‬ ‪더 많은 블링크 분들이‬[Lisa] A much more diverse group of fans
‪우리를 기대하고 있을 거고‬will be looking forward to seeing us.
‪(로제) [영어] 가능한‬ ‪최고의 무대를 선보이고 싶었어요‬[Rosé in English] We wanted to bring them the best show possible.
‪(안무가) [한국어] 약간 이렇게‬ ‪'불장난'이든 '붐바야'든…‬[choreographer in Korean] Whether it be "Playing With Fire" or "Boombayah"…
‪강렬하게 안 춘다는 거지‬you don't look like you're dancing hard enough.
‪- 안 춘다는 거네요‬ ‪- 너무 손만 추니까‬-We're not dancing hard enough? -Not hard enough.
‪얘네들이 가까이에서‬ ‪너희 에너지를 받고 그래야 하는데‬The audience needs to be mesmerized by your energy, up close.
‪너희들이 원래 아는 안무인데‬ ‪긴장감이 조금 더 있었으면 좋겠어‬I know that you guys know the dance well, but put in a bit more effort.
‪지수가 음만 잘 맞추면‬Jisoo, you need to get the notes right.
‪박자 아까 틀렸지?‬ ‪빨랐던 거야?‬You messed up on the rhythm before, right? Too fast?
‪제가 MR 연습을‬ ‪여기서 처음 해 봤어요‬I practiced with MR for the first time when I got here.
‪(안무가) 음 터지는 게‬ ‪약간 불안해, 처음 들어갈 때‬[choreographer] The notes are a bit unstable when you first go in.
‪이건 얘기하면 안 돼‬ ‪나오면 안 돼‬But we shouldn't have said that on camera.
‪야 [삐 소리]‬Hey… [bleeping]
‪[전원 웃음]‬[all laugh]
‪방송에 절대 안 나와‬They'll never air this.
‪"방콕"‬[crowd screaming]
‪[군중의 함성]‬
‪(기자 1) [한국어]‬ ‪케이팝 여왕들이‬ ‪마침내 착륙했다며…‬[reporter 1 in Korean] The media says that K-pop queens have landed.
‪[영어] 블랙핑크!‬ ‪태국에 온 걸 환영해요!‬[in English] BLACKPINK, welcome to Thailand. Yay!
‪[한국어] 걸그룹 블랙핑크가 투어‬ ‪첫 나라 태국을 뜨겁게 달궜습니다‬[in Korean] Girl group BLACKPINK heat up their first world tour stop, Thailand.
‪고향에서 공연한다는 게‬ ‪정말 특별한 일인 것 같아요‬It's special to have a concert in Lisa's hometown.
‪[팬들의 환호성]‬[fans cheering]
‪(리사) [태국어] 블랙핑크가‬ ‪태국 팬 여러분을 만나 보는‬[Lisa in Thai] This is the first concert where BLACKPINK has been able
‪첫 콘서트예요‬to meet our Thai fans.
‪블링크 여러분을 실망시키지 않게‬ ‪최선을 다할게요‬We will do our very best and will not disappoint the BLINKS.
‪[군중들의 구호 소리]‬ ‪블랙핑크!‬[crowd chanting] BLACKPINK!
‪[요란한 환호성]‬[cheering loudly]
‪(지수) [한국어]‬ ‪내가 나를 봤을 때‬[Jisoo in Korean] I want to give a performance
‪만족할 수 있는 무대를‬ ‪남기고 싶다‬that I can look at and be content with.
‪제가 봤을 때 아쉬운 무대를‬ ‪하지 않는 데‬My focus is leaving the stage having given a performance
‪너무 집중하고 있어서‬I have no regrets about.
‪[관중의 환호성]‬[audience cheering]
‪처음 무대에 올라갔을 때는‬ ‪'안 틀려야지' 하는 생각과‬So when I get out there, I'm thinking, "Don't mess this up."
‪[환호성 계속됨]‬[cheering continues]
‪(지수) '잘해야지'‬[Jisoo] "You've got to nail this."
‪- [강렬한 비트]‬ ‪- [노래 '뚜두뚜두']‬-[beat drops] -["Ddu-Du Ddu-Du" playing]
‪(제니) [영어]‬ ‪저희 첫 월드 투어인 만큼‬[Jennie in English] Since it was our very first world tour,
‪큰 경기장 가득‬ ‪팬분들이 와 주신 게‬it's amazing to see all these fans
‪정말 굉장했어요‬ ‪이럴 줄은 예상도 못 했거든요‬filling up the big arenas that we didn't expect.
‪(리사) [한국어]‬ ‪처음 돌아다녔을 때는‬ ‪모든 게 처음이니까‬[Lisa in Korean] Everything was new to me on my first tour.
‪최대한 여러 나라의 팬들을‬ ‪만날 수 있는 것도 너무 좋았고‬It was so great to meet so many fans around the world.
‪[팬들의 구호]‬[fans chanting]
‪(제니) [영어] 한 번 시작되니‬ ‪그 뒤 대략 30일 동안‬[Jennie in English] Once it gets going, for, like, the next 30 days,
‪매일 최고의 무대를 보여줘야‬ ‪한다는 게 부담이 많이 되더라고요‬to try to give them the best stage every day is a lot of pressure.
‪(제니) 비행기를 끝도 없이 타고‬ ‪환경도 계속 바뀌다 보니‬[Jennie] After so many plane rides and so many environment changes,
‪몸이 그냥 맥을 못 추네요‬our body just gives up on us.
‪- [한국어] 진짜 삔 느낌이 들어요‬ ‪- 이쪽을 더 심하게?‬-[in Korean] It feels like it's sprained. -Is it worse on this side?
‪(제니) [영어] 집에 가면‬ ‪열심히 운동하고‬[Jennie in English] When I'm home, I like to workout
‪제 몸을 잘 돌볼 거예요‬and take care of my body
‪할머니가 된 기분이에요‬ ‪온몸이 다 아파요‬'cause I'm like a grandma. I'm sick everywhere.
‪정말로 몸을 좀 돌봐야겠어요‬Honestly, I need to take care of myself.
‪이제 다른 사람들보다‬ ‪숨도 금방 가쁘고‬I lose breath a little easier than other people,
‪다른 사람들만큼‬ ‪뛰기도 힘들어요 [웃음]‬and I can't jump as much as other people.
‪(로제) 처음엔 제가 가려는 길이‬ ‪어떤 건지 잘 몰랐던 것 같아요‬[Rosé] I think, at first, I didn't know what I was headed towards. 
‪(스태프) 좋아요, 갑시다‬[staff] Okay. Let's go.
‪그냥 언제나 신나고‬ ‪재미있는 일뿐일 거라고 생각했죠‬I thought it would all be just really exciting and fun.
‪[음악 멈춤]‬[music stops]
‪[한국어] 일단 케첩 없이‬ ‪먹어 볼게‬[in Korean] I’m going to eat it without ketchup.
‪(로제) [영어] 투어 도중엔‬ ‪사생활이 전혀 없는 기분이었어요‬[Rosé in English] In the middle of it, I didn't feel like I had a personal life.
‪제 삶에 커다란‬ ‪구멍이 뚫린 것 같았죠‬It felt like there was this big hole in my life.
‪그냥 다음 날 공연을‬ ‪위해서만 사는 거예요‬What I'm basically living for is tomorrow's show.
‪무대에 서는 건 참 좋아요‬ ‪가장 생동감 넘치는 순간이죠‬I love being on stage because that's when I feel the most alive,
‪하지만 호텔로 돌아오면‬yet when we come back to the hotel,
‪너무 공허해요‬I felt so empty.
‪[한국어] 지금 너무 배고파서‬ ‪간단하게 먹을 걸 좀 시켜서…‬[in Korean] I'm hungry, so I ordered something simple.
‪[영어] 수란이에요‬ ‪짜잔!‬[in English] Poached eggs. Ta-da!
‪그러면 집이 그립다는 게‬ ‪실감이 나는 거죠‬And that's when I realized I'm homesick.
‪[한국어] 맛있다!‬[in Korean] Delicious.
‪[영어] 좋았어! 가자!‬[in English] Yeah! Let's go!
‪(제니) 리사가 우리 중‬ ‪제일 한결같아요‬[Jennie] Lisa is the most constant one.
‪늘 긍정적인 에너지를‬ ‪그룹에 가져다주죠‬She brings positive energy into the group.
‪(지수) [한국어]‬ ‪가끔 힘들어하거나‬ ‪뒤처지는 멤버가 있으면‬[Jisoo in Korean] If someone is fed up one day…
‪리사가 가서 힘을 주고‬ ‪웃게 해 주고 이러니까‬…she makes that person laugh.
‪저희도 같이 힘을 낼 수밖에 없죠‬She keeps us energized.
‪[입 모양으로만 따라 부름]‬[mouthing song]
‪(리사) [영어] 가끔은 제가‬[Lisa in English] Sometimes I feel like…
‪[한국어] 좀 오버한 것도‬ ‪많은 것 같아서‬[in Korean] …I think I overreact a lot.
‪분위기가 안 좋은데도‬ ‪억지로 분위기가 좋아지게‬Or I tend to try to bring too much positivity
‪너무 밀고 간 것 같아서…‬when the mood is sour.
‪- (제니) [영어] 도움이 많이 돼‬ ‪- 정말로?‬-[Jennie in English] But it really helps. -Really?
‪- 그럼‬ ‪- 알겠어‬-Yeah. -Okay.
‪그럼 계속 그럴게‬I'll keep doing that.
‪- 계속해줘‬ ‪- 계속해, 리사! [웃음]‬-Keep going. -Yeah, keep going, Lisa! [laughs]
‪[가사 없는 발성]‬[vocalizing]
‪(로제) 한 그룹으로써‬ ‪끈끈한 유대를 유지하기 위해‬[Rosé] How we stay tight as a group
‪각자 자기 자신을‬ ‪잘 돌보려고 해요‬is we try to take care of ourselves individually,
‪건강하고 행복하게 함께 모여‬ ‪뭐든 해낼 수 있게요‬and then come together healthy and happy so that the whole thing works.
‪(제니) 가끔 제가 굉장히‬ ‪피곤하거나 화가 나 보이는데‬[Jennie] Sometimes, when I look like I'm really tired and angry,
‪그게 사실 행복해하는 얼굴이에요‬that is my happy face.
‪우리 모두 인간이고 젊은 여성이니‬ ‪힘든 순간들이 있죠‬We're all human, and we're ladies, so we have our moments.
‪하지만 긍정적인 에너지를‬ ‪계속 잃지 않으면‬But when you have the good positive energy going on,
‪확실히 도움이 돼요‬it helps.
‪"2019년 4월"‬[airplane roars]
‪안녕, 로스앤젤레스! 블랙핑크가‬ ‪97.1 라디오에서 인사드립니다‬Los Angeles, what's up? We're BLACKPINK on 97.1 AMP radio.
‪(라디오 진행자) 여러분은‬ ‪코첼라에서 공연하는‬[radio host] You guys, the first female Korean group
‪첫 한국 여성 그룹이죠‬to perform at Coachella.
‪- [전원] 세상에!‬ ‪- 굉장하죠?‬-[all members] Oh, my gosh! -What?
‪"코첼라"‬[reporter] The K-pop girl band called BLACKPINK
‪(기자) 케이팝 걸그룹 블랙핑크가‬[reporter] The K-pop girl band called BLACKPINK
‪이번 주 미국에 찾아왔습니다‬is in the US this weekend.
‪(리사) [태국어]‬ ‪정말 큰 축제다 보니‬[Lisa in Thai] Because it's such a big festival,
‪여기 참가할 거란‬ ‪말을 들었을 때‬when I was told that we were going,
‪믿을 수가 없었어요‬I couldn't believe it.
‪[영어] 코첼라에 간다고요?‬ ‪블랙핑크가? 정말로요?‬[in English] Are we going to Coachella? BLACKPINK? Are you sure?
‪[태국어] 이거 현실인가?‬[in Thai] Is this for real?
‪(지수) [한국어] 저기 봐!‬[Jisoo in Korean] Look over there!
‪(로제) [영어] 너무 신나요‬ ‪정말 멋지네요‬[Rosé in English] I'm so excited. This is cool!
‪(로제) 정말 긴장됐어요‬It was really nerve-wracking.
‪한국에서 온 그룹으로서‬ ‪우리나라를 대표하는 거잖아요‬We're a group from South Korea representing our country.
‪(제니) 이 순간만을‬ ‪기다려 왔다는 걸‬[Jennie] We were just so ready to tell the world
‪세상에 보여줄 준비가‬ ‪돼 있었죠‬that we've been waiting for this.
‪[한국어] 저희가 정말‬ ‪시간이 없는 관계로‬[in Korean] Since we don't have much time…
‪[영어] 'Stay'는 건너뛰고‬[in English] …we're gonna skip "Stay,"
‪'휘파람'에서 바로‬ ‪'Kiss and Make Up'으로 갈게요‬and we're gonna go from "Whistle" and "Kiss and Make Up."
‪(리사) [한국어]‬ ‪너무 긴장됐었던 것 같아요‬ ‪미국 팬분들이‬[Lisa in Korean] I was so nervous because I didn't know
‪어떻게 반응을 할지…‬how our American fans would react.
‪(로제) [영어]‬ ‪보통 블랙핑크 투어는‬[Rosé in English] Usually, a BLACKPINK tour
‪저희를 보러 와 주신‬ ‪팬들로 가득하죠‬is filled with fans who come to watch us,
‪하지만 코첼라에 온 사람들은‬ ‪그냥 음악을 즐기러 온 분들이에요‬but people who come to Coachella are just people who love music in general.
‪그래서 저희 무대까지‬ ‪보러 오는 사람이‬I personally was really worried that not many people
‪얼마 없을까 봐‬ ‪정말 걱정됐어요‬would walk up to our show.
‪(제니) 저희 관객이‬[Jennie] I didn't even think we would have,
‪한 100, 200명도 채‬ ‪안 될 거라고 생각했어요‬I don't know, 100 people or 200 people at least.
‪그냥 누구라도 저희를‬ ‪보러 와 주기만 바랐죠‬I was just hoping to have somebody watching us.
‪(지수) [한국어]‬ ‪제가 그때 진짜 아파서…‬[Jisoo in Korean] I was so sick.
‪제 인생에서 제일‬ ‪아픈 때였던 것 같아요‬That was the sickest I've ever been.
‪허리가 너무 아파서‬ ‪움직이기가 힘드니까‬My back was killing me. It hurt to move.
‪- 걱정이 많이 됐죠‬ ‪- 걱정도 많이 하고…‬-I was pretty worried. -We were very worried.
‪(스태프 1) 수고하세요‬[staff 1] Break a leg.
‪(스태프) 코첼라 팔로잉해요‬[staff 2] We're following Coachella.
‪[영어] 다들 가자‬[in English] Let's go.
‪(지수) [한국어]‬ ‪처음 딱 무대에 섰을 때는‬[Jisoo in Korean] When I got onto that stage,
‪사실 사람이 그렇게‬ ‪많았는지를 몰랐어요‬I actually didn't realize that there were so many people.
‪(로제) 사람이 왜 이렇게 많아?‬[Rosé] Why are there so many people?
‪(제니) 모르겠어‬[Jennie] I don't know.
‪사람이 너무 많아‬There are so many people.
‪[군중의 환호성]‬[crowd cheering]
‪- (제니) 할 수 있어‬ ‪- (리사) 화이팅‬-[Jennie] We can do it. -[Lisa] We can do it. It's fine.
‪(전원) 하나, 둘, 셋, 고!‬[all] One, two, three! Go!
‪(스태프) 제니랑 로제는 저쪽‬[staff] Jennie and Rosé, that way.
‪물, 물, 물!‬Water, water, water!
‪안약! 누가 안약 좀!‬Eye drops, somebody!
‪(스태프) 네, 시작할게요!‬[staff] We're starting now!
‪(리사) [태국어] 너무 긴장됐어요‬ ‪무대에 발을 내딛고‬[Lisa in Thai] I was so nervous. The moment I stepped foot on the stage
‪소리 지르고 환호하는‬ ‪그 많은 사람을 본 순간…‬and saw all the crowds shouting and cheering…
‪[군중의 함성]‬[crowd screaming]
‪(리사) 그 순간 느낌이 왔죠‬ ‪'바로 이거야!'‬[Lisa] …I got the feeling, "This is it!"
‪♪ 블랙핑크! ♪‬-♪ BLACKPINK! ♪ -["Ddu-Du Ddu-Du" playing]
‪[노래 '뚜두뚜두']‬
‪♪ 오 예, 오 예 ♪‬♪ Oh yeah, oh yeah ♪
‪(제니) [영어] 코첼라 공연에서‬ ‪처음 느낀 게 저희 음악이‬[Jennie in English] I think Coachella was the moment where I felt like
‪단순한 케이팝이 아니란 걸‬ ‪이해하는 사람이 있다는 거였어요‬there are people that understand that this isn't just K-pop music.
‪저희 음악을 새로운 무언가로‬ ‪봐 주는 게 정말 좋았어요‬ ‪[깔깔 웃음]‬They see us as doing something new, and I really like that. [giggles]
‪(리사) [태국어] 다양한 인종의‬ ‪온갖 사람들이 한데 모여 있었죠‬[Lisa in Thai] All races and all kinds of people came together there.
‪그래서 더 잘 부각해 준 것 같아요‬So it helped emphasize…
‪[영어] 블랙핑크가 어떤‬ ‪그룹인지를요‬[in English] …this represents BLACKPINK.
‪[노래 '불장난']‬["Playing With Fire" playing]
‪(제니) [영어] 사람들이‬ ‪새로운 문화와‬[Jennie in English] I'm happy to be in an era
‪새로운 음악에 열려 있는‬ ‪시대를 산다는 게 기뻐요‬where people are open to new culture, new music.
‪누가 상상이나 했을까요?‬ ‪수천 명의 사람이‬Who would have imagined, at Coachella,
‪코첼라에서 한국어 노래를‬ ‪부르다니…‬thousands of people singing in Korean…
‪[한국어] '불장난'?‬ ‪[영어] 뭐라고?‬[in Korean] "Playing with fire"? [in English] What?
‪♪ 내 사랑에 불이 붙었어 ♪‬♪ My love is on fire ♪
‪♪ 이제 타올라‬ ‪불타올라 ♪‬♪ Now burn, baby, burn ♪
‪(로제) [영어] 관객의 규모는‬ ‪중요하지 않아요‬[Rosé in English] It doesn't matter the size of the audience.
‪공연의 분위기가‬ ‪어떤지가 중요하죠‬It just matters if it's the right atmosphere.
‪관객 전체와 통한다는‬ ‪느낌이 들었어요‬Everybody's on the same vibe.
‪(제니) [영어] 이때가‬ ‪저희가 해온 것에‬[Jennie in English] This was a moment where I felt really satisfied
‪정말로 만족했던 순간이었어요‬with our work.
‪연습생으로 보낸 시간이‬ ‪보답받은 기분이었죠!‬Like all those training years were worth it!
‪(리사) [태국어] 제가 정말로…‬ ‪옳은 길을 택했다는 기분이었어요‬[Lisa in Thai] It makes me feel that… I had chosen the right path.
‪이게 제 인생에서‬ ‪제가 정말 하고 싶었던 일이라고요‬This was what I really wanted to do in my life.
‪[노래 마침]‬[music ends]
‪[군중의 환호성]‬[crowd cheering]
‪(리사) [영어] 정말 즐거웠어요‬[Lisa in English] We had so much fun.
‪평생 오늘 일을 기억할 거예요‬I think I'll remember today for the rest of my life.
‪(제니) 다들 사랑해요!‬[Jennie] We love you guys!
‪- (지수) 고마워요!‬ ‪- (리사) 고마워요‬-[Jisoo] Thank you, guys! -[Lisa] Thank you so much.
‪[환호성 계속됨]‬[cheering continues]
‪(로제) 다들 안녕!‬[Rosé] Goodnight!
‪(기자) 코첼라에서 다양한 소식이‬ ‪들려오고 있습니다만‬[reporter] There's been lots of news coming from Coachella,
‪모두의 입에 오르내리는‬ ‪한 그룹이 바로 블랙핑크입니다‬but one group that has everybody talking is BLACKPINK.
‪그들이 누구인지 모르셨다면‬ ‪이제 확실히 아시겠죠‬If you didn't know who they were before, you definitely know who they are now.
‪[한국어] 코첼라 공연을 하고 나서‬ ‪어떻게 하면 무대에서‬[in Korean] After Coachella, I think I figured out
‪즐겁게 공연할 수 있나를‬ ‪알게 된 것 같아요‬how to have fun on stage.
‪너무 나 자신에게 집중하지 않고‬Don't concentrate on just yourself,
‪이 열기를 나도 좀‬ ‪느끼고 와야겠다‬but feed off this passion raging around you.
‪[영어] 즐겨‬ ‪이걸 즐기는 거야‬[in English] Have fun. Have fun with this.
‪(리사) [태국어] 저희가‬ ‪나이를 먹고 다음 세대에게‬[Lisa in Thai] It doesn't matter if we grow old
‪자리를 내준다 해도 괜찮아요‬and get replaced by a new younger generation.
‪누군가 계속 저희에 대해‬ ‪이야기해주기만 한다면요‬As long as there is still someone talking about us.
‪우리가 얼마나 밝게 빛났는지‬ ‪다들 계속 기억해 줄 테니까요‬Because they will still remember how we shone so bright.
‪♪ 나 사랑에 빠지려고 해 ♪‬♪ Uh, I'ma fall in love, baby ♪
‪♪ 날 찾아봐‬ ‪날 잡아 봐 ♪‬♪ You gon' finna catch me ♪
‪♪ 전부 다 줄게 ♪‬♪ Uh, give you all of this, baby ♪
‪♪ 난 예쁘고 심술궂지 ♪‬♪ Call me pretty and nasty ♪
‪♪ 우린 해낼 거야‬ ‪내 사랑에 돈을 걸어 ♪‬♪ 'Cause we gonna get it My love you can bet it on ♪
‪♪ 100달러 칩을‬ ‪두 배로 쌓아 ♪‬♪ Black, we gon' double The stack on them, whoa! ♪
‪♪ 난 네 보니‬ ‪넌 내 클라이드 ♪‬♪ I'll be you Bonnie and you be my Clyde ♪
‪♪ 모든 걸 다 바쳐‬ ‪네 편 내 편 ♪‬♪ We ride or die Xs and Os ♪
‪♪ 오늘 밤 날 놓지 말아 줘 ♪‬♪ Tonight won't you set me free… ♪
‪[영어] 전부 일어나 주세요!‬[in English] I want everybody to stand up!
‪(로제) [영어]‬ ‪우리 모두 꿈이 있고‬ ‪그걸 이루길 갈망하죠‬[Rosé in English] We all have dreams, hunger to make it.
‪자기 일에 온 힘을‬ ‪다 쏟아붓는 것이야말로‬When you're really invested in what you do,
‪그 꿈을 현실로 만들어 줘요‬that's what makes things happen.
‪(로제) [영어] 사랑해요, 방콕!‬[Rosé in English] We love you, Bangkok!
‪정말 고마워요!‬Thank you so much!
‪[노래 마침]‬[music ends]
‪(로제) 고마워요!‬[Rosé] Thank you.
‪[군중의 환호성]‬[crowd cheering]
‪슬프게도, 정말 너무나 슬프게도‬Sadly, very, very extremely sadly,
‪전에 말씀드렸듯이‬ ‪이게 저희 투어의‬Like we said before, this will be our last concert
‪마지막 공연이에요‬on this tour.
‪전 저희 네 명 모두가‬And I feel like all four of us,
‪정말 잘 해냈다고 생각하고‬we did really well,
‪저희 그룹 한 명 한 명이‬ ‪전부 참 자랑스러워요‬and I'm very proud of each and every one of us.
‪- 지금까지 정말 힘들었거든요‬ ‪- [함성]‬-'Cause we went through a lot. -[crowd screaming]
‪[킥킥 웃음]‬[giggles]
‪여러분은 무대 위의‬ ‪모습만을 보시지만‬Like, I know you guys only see the stuff that's on stage,
‪우리 모두 힘든 과정을‬ ‪정말 많이 거쳤고‬but I feel like we all go through so much else…
‪[떨리는 목소리로]‬ ‪정말 자랑스러워요‬[voice breaks] …and I'm very proud.
‪(리사) 아유‬[Lisa] Aw!
‪[군중의 환호성]‬[crowd cheering]
‪(로제) 공연 중에는‬ ‪늘 관객을 향하고‬[Rosé] During the shows, we're always looking out
‪소통하려고 해요‬and talking to the audience.
‪그렇게 이야기를 하다가‬ ‪다른 멤버들을 보고‬Then I was talking, and I kinda looked at my members,
‪감정이 벅차서‬ ‪그냥 울기 시작했어요‬and I was like, "Ah!" Then I started crying.
‪처음으로 멤버 한 명 한 명에게‬ ‪말하고 있다는 기분이 들었거든요‬Because it felt like the first time talking to, you know, each.
‪다들 집을 떠난 채로‬ ‪너무 힘들었고…‬Like, I feel like it's so hard that everybody stays away from home…
‪행복한 눈물이에요‬Happy tears.
‪- 행복한 눈물이죠‬ ‪- 행복해서 그래요, 괜찮아요‬-Happy tears. -Happy tears. It's okay.
‪(제니) 그리고 태국에 갈 때마다‬ ‪굉장히 감정이 벅차올라요‬[Jennie] And every time we're in Thailand, I get really emotional.
‪- [전원 깔깔 웃음]‬ ‪- 왜 그런지 모르겠어요‬-[all giggling] -I don't know why.
‪- 울기 싫은데 눈물이 나네요‬ ‪- (로제) 다들 울 거예요‬-Now I'm gonna cry. I don't want to cry. -[Rosé] Everybody's gonna cry.
‪- (지수) 다들 울어요‬ ‪- (로제) 모두 우세요! [웃음]‬-[Jisoo] Everyone, cry. -[Rosé] Everyone, cry! [laughs]
‪연쇄작용 같았죠‬ ‪제가 울고, 제니 언니가 울고‬So, it's like a train. It's me and then Jennie unnie.
‪제니 언니가 울면‬ ‪리사도 울고, 그리고…‬And if she cries, then Lisa cries, and then…
‪[한국어] 전 안 울어요 [웃음]‬[in Korean] I don't cry. [laughs] 
‪안 울어요‬ ‪마지막으로 울지‬I don't cry. I cry last.
‪[군중의 환호성]‬[crowd cheering]
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬[shutter clicking]
‪[영어] 와 주셔서 정말 감사해요‬ ‪안녕!‬[in English] Thank you so much for coming. Bye!
‪(스태프 1) [한국어]‬ ‪발 조심하세요‬ ‪아래 조심하세요‬[staff 1 in Korean] Watch your step. Be careful.
‪(스태프 2) 수고하셨습니다!‬[staff 2] Good work!
‪[가볍게 웃음] 부채?‬[chuckles] A fan?
‪(제니) [영어]‬ ‪저희가 블랙핑크로서‬ ‪이뤄낸 것들이 정말 자랑스러워요‬[Jennie in English] I'm very proud of what we've created as BLACKPINK.
‪[군중의 함성]‬[crowd screaming]
‪(로제) 우리 자신조차‬ ‪가능할 거라고 생각 못 한‬ ‪멋진 그룹으로 발전했어요‬[Rosé] We grew into something that we didn't even know was possible.
‪팬 여러분이 이 결과에‬ ‪놀라시는 것만큼이나‬And as much as fans are surprised with the outcome,
‪저희도 놀라곤 해요‬we are as well.
‪그래서 이 모든 게 팬 여러분과‬ ‪함께 하는 여정처럼 느껴지죠‬And so, it feels like a journey that they're on with us.
‪(제니) 부담감을 느끼냐고‬ ‪누가 제게 물으면‬[Jennie] When somebody asks me, "Do you have pressure about it?"
‪저는 아니라고 해요‬ ‪'우리 모두 아주 잘하고 있고'‬I'm like, "No," because I feel like we're doing a great job,
‪'아직 더 보여드릴 게 많으니까요‬ ‪이건 겨우 시작일 뿐이에요'‬and we have more to show you guys. It's just the beginning.
‪[계속되는 군중의 환호성]‬[crowd continues cheering]
‪[점점 작아지는 환호성]‬[cheering fades]
‪(리사) [한국어] 고기! 고기!‬[Lisa in Korean] Meat, meat!
‪(웨이터) 접시가 뜨겁습니다‬[waiter] Careful of the hot plate.
‪- (로제) 진짜 대박!‬ ‪- (지수) 나 한 입만‬-[Rosé] That looks amazing! -[Jisoo] Can I have a bite?
‪(리사) [영어] 고마워‬[Lisa in English] Thank you.
‪- (로제) [한국어] 저희 아세요?‬ ‪- 네‬-[Rosé in Korean] Do you know us? -Yes.
‪- 전에 오시지 않으셨나요?‬ ‪- (지수) 맞아요, 왔었어요‬-Weren't you here before? -[Jisoo] Yes, that's right.
‪- 연습생 때 여기 왔었는데‬ ‪- (웨이터) 네, 여기 오셔서‬-We were here when we were trainees. -[waiter] Yes, you guys ate here.
‪- 식사하시던 게 기억나는데‬ ‪- (리사) 그때부터 여기 계셨어요?‬-I remember. -[Lisa] I've been here since the start.
‪(웨이터) 많이 못‬ ‪챙겨드려서 [웃음]‬[waiter] I didn't give you good service. [chuckles]
‪(지수) 진짜요? 그래서 오늘‬ ‪잘 챙겨주신 건가요?‬[Jisoo] Really? Is that why you're so nice now?
‪많이 드세요‬Yes. I hope you enjoy the food.
‪- (웨이터) 감사합니다‬ ‪- (리사) 감사합니다‬-[waiter] Thank you. -[Lisa] Thank you.
‪(로제) 갑자기 할시한테서‬ ‪연락이 온 거예요‬[Rosé] Halsey contacted me all of a sudden.
‪(제니) 할시가 파리에?‬[Jennie] She was at Paris?
‪[영어] 할시가 '지금 파리야?'‬ ‪'설마 할시도요?'‬[in English] She's like, "You in Paris?" I'm like, "Don't tell me you're here."
‪처음 만나는 거였는데 이미 한‬ ‪네 번은 만난 느낌이었어요‬It was my first time meeting her. I felt like it was my fifth time.
‪할시도 그랬어요‬ ‪'우리 이게 처음 만나는 거야?'‬And she said the same. Like, "Was this our first time?"
‪'네,' 할시는 꼭 우리 같아요‬ ‪우리랑 말투가 똑같아요‬I'm like, "Yeah." She's just like us. She just talks like us.
‪- (제니) 할시는 미국인인가?‬ ‪- 네, LA 출신일걸요?‬-[Jennie] Is she from America, or… -Yeah, I think she's from LA?
‪(리사) LA! 세상에, LA!‬[Lisa] LA! Come on, LA!
‪- [한국어] 나 파리에서 살고 싶어‬ ‪- 나도! 한 1년!‬-[in Korean] I want to live in Paris. -Me too! For a year.
‪- 우리 같이 한 1년!‬ ‪- (지수) 파리지엥이 다 됐구먼‬-We will stay for a year. -[Jisoo] You're Parisian already.
‪한 1년 있다가 미국 가고 싶어‬After a year, I'd like to go to the US.
‪난 파리에서도 살고 싶고‬ ‪미국이랑 영국에서도‬I want to live in Paris, but I also want to live in the US and England.
‪(리사) 20년요?‬[Lisa] Twenty years?
‪(지수) 리사는 완전히 해외를‬ ‪돌아다니면서 살 것 같아‬[Jisoo] I feel like Lisa would be traveling around the world.
‪[영어] 43살이네?‬[in English] Forty three?
‪- (리사) 난 40살?‬ ‪- (로제) 난 42살‬-[Lisa] I'm gonna be 40? -[Rosé] I'm gonna be 42.
‪- (리사) 40살이겠네‬ ‪- (로제) 우린 42살‬-[Lisa] Gonna be 40. -[Rosé] We're gonna be 42.
‪그럼 우리 모두…‬ ‪그때쯤이면 우리 다 결혼했을까?‬I feel we'll all be-- Do you think we'll all be married by then?
‪- (로제) 그럴 거 같은데‬ ‪- 당연하지! 세상에, 40살인데!‬-[Rosé] I think we might. -Of course! It's 40… Like, come on!
‪(제니) 아기는 어떨지 모르겠지만‬[Jennie] I don't know about babies, but…
‪[한국어] 결혼은 다‬ ‪했을 것 같은데‬[in Korean] …I think we'd all be married.
‪애도 낳았을걸?‬ ‪42, 44살이면‬We'd have babies by then. Forty-two, 44…
‪(지수) 애기가 있다고?‬[Jisoo] We'll have children?
‪아니면‬If not,
‪좀 늦게 결혼했으면‬ ‪갓 결혼했거나‬we could also get married later in life.
‪(지수) 갓 결혼했다고?‬[Jisoo] We'll be freshly married?
‪갓 낳은 게 아니고?‬No newborns!
‪우리 컴백 안 할 거예요?‬Aren't we going to make a comeback?
‪(지수) 그 나이에?‬[Jisoo] At that age?
‪블랙핑크! [흥얼거림]‬BLACKPINK! [hums tune]
‪허리 나갈 거 같은데!‬We'll injure our backs!
‪(지수) 그땐 춤 못 추지‬[Jisoo] I don't think we'll be able to dance.
‪이렇게 서서 해야 돼‬We'll have to stand.
‪[전원 웃음]‬[all laughing]
‪[노래 'Pretty Savage']‬["Pretty Savage" playing]
‪♪ 비슷한 것 같지‬ ‪우린 뼛속까지 다름 ♪‬♪ May seem similar but different to the core ♪
‪♪ 아이 창피하다가도‬ ‪멍석 깔면 바름 ♪‬♪ May seem shy but kill it when put on the spot ♪
‪♪ [영어] 태생이 날씬하지‬ ‪[한국어] 암만 살쪄도 난 마름 ♪‬♪ Born skinny bish still skinny after some gain ♪
‪♪ 계산은 느려도 눈치는 빠름 ♪‬♪ Slow at calculating but fast and witty ♪
‪♪ 인기를 논하자면‬ ‪안 해 입만 아픔 ♪‬♪ There’s no point to discuss about popularity ♪
‪♪ [영어] 헤픈 남자는 취향 아냐‬ ‪[한국어] 싹둑싹둑 자름 ♪‬♪ F boys not my boys cut them all out ♪
‪♪ 우리 이름 틀린다면‬ ‪뚜두뚜두 맞음 ♪‬♪ If you get our names wrong get hit like ddu-du ddu-du ♪
‪♪ [영어] 멋지게 끝내 버려‬ ‪꼭대기부터 바닥까지 박살 ♪‬♪ Drip drip ice it out bust it down top to the bottom ♪
‪♪ [한국어] 검은색 분홍빛이‬ ‪[영어] 푹 빠져 불 밝혀 ♪‬♪ All up in it make it lit like ♪
‪♪ [영어] 우린 만만한‬ ‪여자들이 아니야 ♪‬♪ Yeah we some bishes you can’t manage ♪
‪♪ 또 이 어려운 걸 해내지 ♪‬♪ We pulled this off once again ♪
‪♪ 우린 예쁘장한 야수‬ ‪우린 예쁘장한 야수 ♪‬♪ We’re pretty savage. We some pretty savage ♪
‪♪ [영어] 야수 ♪‬

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