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  킹 오브 클론 : 황우석 박사의 몰락

Kings Of Clones


‪[영어로] 여기는‬[murmurs]
‪돌봄 시설입니다‬Our care facility.
‪전부 다‬They are all
‪복제견입니다‬They are all cloned… cloned dogs.
‪[남자1] 황우석 박사의‬ ‪사연이야말로‬[Dr. Wolpe] You don't get any more of a story of success
‪기적의 치유에 관한‬ ‪최고의 성공담이죠‬all the way to miracle healing than Dr. Hwang.
‪[남자2] 과학은 물론 정치적으로도‬ ‪엄청난 혁신이었기에‬[David] It was not only a scientific breakthrough, but it was a political one, and that is what caught the attention of both the scientists and the world.
‪과학자들과 전 세계의 이목을‬ ‪사로잡은 겁니다‬and that is what caught the attention of both the scientists and the world.
‪[남자3이 한국어로] 우리‬ ‪대한민국은‬[man 1] South Korea will be
‪100년 앞당겨‬ ‪경제 대국을 이루게 될 것이고‬an economic power 100 years faster than planned.
‪[남자1이 영어로] 마비 환자들에겐‬ ‪다시 걸을 수 있다고‬[Dr. Wolpe] The promise was that people who were paralyzed would walk again, and people who are dying from diseases would have those diseases in remission.
‪병으로 죽어 가는 이들에겐‬ ‪호전될 수 있다고 말했습니다‬and people who are dying from diseases would have those diseases in remission.
‪[남자4가 한국어로] 그때는‬ ‪이제 엄청난 거죠‬[Prof. Chin] At that time, it was huge.
‪'드디어 우리가 세계 최고다'‬"Finally, Koreans are the world's best!"
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬[enigmatic synth music]
‪[앵커1] 먼저 충격적이고‬ ‪참담한 소식을 전해 드립니다‬[male reporter 1] First, we have shocking and devastating news.
‪[앵커2가 영어로] 추락한‬ ‪줄기세포 연구원 황우석 박사가‬[female reporter 1] Disgraced stem cell researcher, Hwang Woo-suk, has been sentenced to one year and six months in prison
‪징역 1년 6개월에‬ ‪집행 유예 2년을 선고받았습니다‬has been sentenced to one year and six months in prison and two years of probation.
‪[앵커3] 예수에서 루시퍼로 전락한‬ ‪과학자입니다‬[male reporter 2] The scientist has gone from Jesus to Lucifer.
‪[여자] 과학을‬ ‪구원의 수단으로 본다면‬[female reporter 2] When science is seen as this thing that can save us,
‪그걸 이용하는 과학자에겐‬ ‪어떤 결과가 따를까요?‬what are the consequences of scientists taking advantage of that?
‪[남자1] 이 이야기의‬ ‪아주 중요한 교훈을 통해‬[Dr. Wolpe] The story becomes a really important one to tell,
‪두 가지를 이해할 수 있죠‬in the understanding of both
‪부와 명예처럼‬ ‪그릇된 대상에 눈독 들이면‬the heights that a misguided attention to the wrong things
‪얼마나 높이 비상할 수 있는지와‬like fame and money can bring you to
‪심각한 윤리 위반을 저지르면‬ ‪얼마나 깊이 추락하는지를요‬and then the depths that profound ethical violations can drop you to.
‪- [리드미컬한 음악이 흐른다]‬ ‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬[rhythmic Arabic music]
‪[쿵쿵 울리는 소리]‬[rhythmic Arabic music]
‪[아랍어로] 청중의 기대와‬ ‪야망이 하늘을 찌르는구나‬[singing in Arabic] ♪ The audience's hopes And ambitions are high ♪
‪[남자1이 아랍어로 말한다]‬
‪[남자2가 영어로] 인간이‬ ‪선별적으로‬[Dr. Wolpe in English] We started selectively breeding animals
‪동물을 교배해 온 역사는‬[Dr. Wolpe in English] We started selectively breeding animals
‪수천 년을 거슬러 올라가요‬many, many thousands of years ago.
‪지금 벌어지는 일은‬ ‪그보다 훨씬 강력합니다‬But something much, much more powerful is happening now.
‪지구 역사상 최초로‬For the first time in the history of this planet,
‪인간은 생물을‬ ‪직접 설계할 수 있으며‬we are able to directly design organisms.
‪전례 없는 능력으로‬ ‪생명체의 형질도 조작할 수 있죠‬We can manipulate the plasms of life with unprecedented power.
‪과학 소설 내용이 아닙니다‬It's not science fiction.
‪이론적으로만 보면‬ ‪조만간 생물 공학적으로‬It is theoretically possible that before too long, we will be biotechnologically capable of creating human beings
‪야광 인간도‬ ‪만들 수 있게 될 겁니다‬we will be biotechnologically capable of creating human beings that glow in the dark.
‪저런 낙타는‬ ‪몇 마리나 복제하셨죠?‬How many camels have you cloned from these?
‪[생각하는 소리]‬Uh…
‪150마리가 넘죠‬More than 150.
‪[남자2] 과학은 종종 윤리보다‬ ‪훨씬 앞서가곤 합니다‬[Dr. Wolpe] Science often gallops way ahead of the ethics.
‪선의를 핑계로‬ ‪나쁜 행동을 저지를 순 없죠‬Good intentions is never an excuse for bad behavior.
‪황 박사의 경우를 놓고 보면‬Look what happened to Dr. Hwang.
‪모두에게 이로운 일을‬ ‪하려고 했다는 게‬The fact that he was trying to do something for the good of everybody
‪그토록 심각한 부정행위의‬ ‪핑계가 되진 못합니다‬does not excuse such profound misbehavior.
‪- [남자1이 아랍어로 말한다]‬ ‪- [박수 소리]‬
‪[남자2] 세계 정상에 올라서‬He's sitting on top of the world,
‪인류 역사상‬ ‪최초의 업적을 세웠지만‬he's done something no other human being has done,
‪완전히 추락해서 무너졌으니‬and then he takes the complete fall and collapse.
‪어떻게 보면 길이 남을 이야기죠‬I mean, it is a story for the ages in some ways.
‪"킹 오브 클론:‬ ‪황우석 박사의 몰락"‬
‪[앵커] 주문 제작 인간과‬Humans made to order.
‪자기 자신을 낳는 어머니부터‬Mothers giving birth to themselves.
‪신체 기관 이식을 위해‬ ‪만들어지는 아기까지‬Babies conceived just so their body parts can be transplanted.
‪무시무시한 복제의 세계로‬ ‪여러분을 안내합니다‬Come with me into the scary new world of cloning.
‪[다가오는 자동차 엔진음]‬
‪[양희은의 '아침 이슬'이 흐른다]‬["Morning Dew" by Yang Hee-eun playing]
‪[한국어로] ♪ 내 맘에 설움이 ♪‬[in Korean] ♪ When sorrows form in my heart ♪
‪♪ 알알이 맺힐 때 ♪‬♪ Drop by drop ♪
‪♪ 아침 동산에 올라… ♪‬♪ In the morning, I climb up a hill… ♪
‪[우석] 이 사막 가운데서의 생활과‬ ‪하루하루가‬[Dr. Hwang in English] Living here, in the middle of this desert, day to day,
‪이런 음악을 들으면서‬month to month,
‪저의 지나온 삶의 발자취에‬listening to this type of music, it gives me a lot of meaning
‪참 의미를 많이‬ ‪부여하는 거 같습니다‬to each aspect of my life.
‪♪ 한낮에 찌는 더위는 ♪‬[song continues in Korean] ♪ The sweltering midday heat ♪
‪♪ 나의 시련일지라 ♪‬♪ Is a trial for me ♪
‪♪ 나 이제 가노라 ♪‬♪ I am going now ♪
‪♪ 저 거친 광야에 ♪‬♪ Going into the barren wilderness ♪
‪♪ 서러움 모두 버리고 ♪‬♪ Leaving my sorrows behind ♪
‪♪ 나 이제 가노라 ♪‬♪ I am going now ♪
‪[우석] 그리고 어쩌면‬ ‪남들이 보기에는‬[in English] And perhaps in the eyes of others,
‪한국의 역사와‬there's just as much pain as there is glory
‪또는 저의 삶의, 지나간‬there's just as much pain as there is glory in the history of Korea.
‪그 궤적들이‬And in what I chose to do
‪고통도 있겠고 영광도 있고‬throughout my career in my past.
‪하지만 이것 역시 지울 수도 없고‬[Dr. Hwang] But unfortunately, those things cannot be erased.
‪- [차분한 음악]‬ ‪- 나의 모습이었다‬That was who I was.
‪[우석] 여기는‬ ‪메인 빌딩의 로비입니다‬[Dr. Hwang] This is the… reception area of the main building.
‪보시는 분들은 UAE의‬The portraits you are looking at are of the key leaders of the UAE.
‪주요 지도자들이시고‬The portraits you are looking at are of the key leaders of the UAE.
‪어, 셰이크 자이드‬[Dr. Hwang] Sheikh Zayed,
‪현 대통령인 셰이크 할리파‬the current president is Sheikh Khalifa,
‪[영어로] 아, 왕세자‬ ‪셰이크 모하메드와‬uh… Crown Prince Sheikh Mohamed,
‪우리 상관이신‬ ‪셰이크 만수르입니다‬our big boss, Sheikh Mansour.
‪[우석이 아랍어로] 잘 오셨어요!‬-[Dr. Hwang] Welcome! -[man 2] Hello!
‪- [남자] 안녕하세요!‬ ‪- [우석의 웃음]‬-[Dr. Hwang] Welcome! -[man 2] Hello!
‪[우석] 잘 지내셨어요?‬-[Dr. Hwang] How are you? -Fine, how are you?
‪[남자가 영어로] 그럼요‬ ‪박사님도요?‬-[Dr. Hwang] How are you? -Fine, how are you?
‪[우석이 아랍어로] 잘 지내셨죠?‬Welcome. Thank you for having me.
‪[남자가 영어로] 초대 감사합니다‬Thank you for having me.
‪- [우석] 와 주셔서 감사하죠‬ ‪- [남자] 잘 지내셨어요?‬-[Dr. Hwang] Thank you for coming. -How are you?
‪- [우석] 그럼요‬ ‪- [남자] 시간 내 주셔서 감사해요‬-[Dr. Hwang] Thank you for coming. -How are you? -[Dr. Hwang] Okay, I'm good. -[man 2] Very good. Thanks.
‪[우석이 한국어로] 여러 가지‬ ‪호칭이 있을 수 있을 겁니다‬[Dr. Hwang] I suppose you could say I had… a lot of nicknames.
‪한때 서울대학교에서‬I was once called the best lecturer
‪명강의 교수‬at Seoul National University.
‪하지만 어느 때인가는‬At one point,
‪소위 또 부끄러운 사람으로‬I was also considered a national embarrassment.
‪취급을 했을 겁니다‬And I was treated as such.
‪아마 이 나라에서도‬ ‪역시 마찬가지로‬I'm sure they are fully aware of everything I've done
‪모든 것을 다 파악하고 있겠죠‬in this country as well.
‪흠뻑 서포트할 수 있는‬ ‪모든 그 준비를‬But even after everything, they are still ready to fully support me.
‪하고 계시다는 겁니다‬they are still ready to fully support me.
‪[우석이 영어로] 선생님 낙타의‬ ‪세포를 한 개만 추출하면…‬When we get one cell from your camel…
‪[남자] 처음엔‬ ‪피부로만 작업하시나요?‬So you start to work with the skin only?
‪- [우석] 네, 그것만 쓰진 않지만‬ ‪- [남자] 피부로…‬-[Dr. Hwang] Mainly, not only. -[man 2] That's… [Dr. Hwang] But the best portion is the skin.
‪- [우르릉 울리는 소리]‬ ‪- [우석] 피부가 최고의 재료죠‬[Dr. Hwang] But the best portion is the skin. [rumbling]
‪참 대단한 광경이지?‬Quite a good scene, isn't it?
‪미치광이 하나에‬One man crazy,
‪[배우] 제정신인 구경꾼 셋이라니‬three very sane spectators.
‪[콰르릉 울리는 소리]‬[thunder roars]
‪[남자] 일단 복제의 개념부터‬ ‪이해해야 해요‬[Dr. Wolpe] First, we have to understand what cloning actually is.
‪- 난자를 채취해서‬ ‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬You take an egg,
‪그 난자의 세포핵을 제거하고‬and you take the nucleus out of the egg.
‪복제하려는 개체의‬ ‪체세포를 채취합니다‬Then you take a body cell from the individual you want to clone.
‪피부 세포, 간세포 등‬ ‪뭐든 괜찮아요‬It could be a skin cell, it could be a liver cell, it could be any cell,
‪그 세포의 세포핵을 추출해서‬and you take the nucleus out of that cell,
‪난자에 삽입합니다‬and you put it into the egg.
‪그럼 그 난자는‬ ‪마치 수정란처럼 보이죠‬And now what you have is an egg that looks a lot like a fertilized egg,
‪체세포엔 각 개체를 형성하는‬ ‪모든 DNA가 담겨 있거든요‬because our body cells have all the DNA we need to be an individual.
‪관건은 그 수정란의‬ ‪생식 가능 여부입니다‬Now the question is, can you get that egg to start reproducing?
‪[콰르릉 울리는 소리]‬[rumbling]
‪[월페이] '프랑켄슈타인' 내용처럼‬ ‪전기를 활용해서‬[Dr. Wolpe] When we use electricity, just like in Frankenstein,
‪약간의 충격을 주면‬we give it a little jolt of electricity,
‪수정란이 분열하기 시작하면서‬and it begins to split
‪하나의 유기체가 됩니다‬and become an organism.
‪그게 복제의 기본 개념이죠‬That's cloning at its most basic.
‪[배우] 살아 있군!‬It's alive.
‪[웃으며] 살아 있어‬It's alive.
‪살아 있다고!‬It's alive! It's alive!
‪살아 있다!‬It's alive!
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[enigmatic music]
‪[우석] 오늘이‬ ‪출산 예정일이잖아요‬[Dr. Hwang] Actually, today is the due day.
‪- [남자] 오늘 밤이죠‬ ‪- [우석] 오늘 밤 맞죠?‬[Dr. Hwang] Actually, today is the due day. Night, huh? Tonight, huh?
‪'인샬라'‬Night, huh? Tonight, huh? God willing.
‪[낙타 울음]‬
‪[한국어로] 지금 이곳에는 모두‬In this place, we have a total of
‪[우석] 여섯‬ ‪클론 베이비가 있습니다‬In this place, we have a total of six cloned baby camels.
‪아, 이 중에서‬Amongst them,
‪검정색은 모두 관상용 낙타고요‬the black ones are beauty camels.
‪그다음에 어제 태어난 아이와‬Next, the baby that was born yesterday,
‪저쪽에 있는 흰색 낙타는‬ ‪경주용 낙타죠‬and the white camel over there are both racing camels.
‪그리고 오늘 아마, 오늘 밤 중에‬And, uh… today, or possibly sometime tonight,
‪또 하나의 세 번째 경주용 낙타가‬ ‪태어날 예정입니다‬or possibly sometime tonight, a third racing camel will be born.
‪- [낙타 울음]‬ ‪- [무거운 음악]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[우석이 영어로] 이제‬ ‪새끼가 나오네요‬[Dr. Hwang] The baby is coming now.
‪[우석이 한국어로] 이‬ ‪'클로닝'이라는 기술을‬[Dr. Hwang] Among those criticizing cloning technology,
‪비난하는 사람들 중에는‬[Dr. Hwang] Among those criticizing cloning technology, some say that cloning is wrong,
‪신의 창조 질서에 대한‬ ‪말하자면 거역이고‬some say that cloning is wrong, that it is interfering with the will of God,
‪그 역할을 하려고 하는 몸짓이라고‬and with the process of natural creation. Some even say it's an attempt to play God.
‪비난하는 사람들 있습니다‬Some even say it's an attempt to play God.
‪이 클로닝은 그런 기술이 아닙니다‬Cloning is not that kind of technology.
‪클로닝은 유전적인 복제입니다‬No. What cloning is… is a genetic copy.
‪유전자 복제라고‬ ‪이렇게 생각하시면‬We cannot simply create DNA out of a vacuum.
‪지나친 상상은…‬We cannot simply create DNA out of a vacuum. One might say that history has already proved it.
‪아, 말하자면‬ ‪지금 역사가 증명하지 않습니까‬One might say that history has already proved it.
‪벌써 수십 년이 지났는데‬In this world,
‪전 세계적으로‬has there ever been a Frankenstein?
‪프랑켄슈타인‬ ‪현재까지 태어났습니까?‬has there ever been a Frankenstein? No, not yet, right?
‪아직 없지 않습니까‬No, not yet, right?
‪[낙타 울음]‬
‪[우석] 저런 생명체를 볼 때마다‬[Dr. Hwang] Every time I see such a creature, I feel the greatness of science and technology.
‪저희는 과학 기술의 위대함‬I feel the greatness of science and technology.
‪그리고 이 과학 기술이‬ ‪인류를 위해서‬It is a sense of awe at how much science and technology
‪얼마큼 기여할 수 있는가 하는‬ ‪그 경외감‬It is a sense of awe at how much science and technology have contributed to humanity. I take pride in our science and technology.
‪또 우리 과학 기술에 대한 자부심‬I take pride in our science and technology. This is what I feel.
‪이런 것을 느끼게 됩니다‬This is what I feel.
‪[낙타 울음]‬[brays]
‪[영어로] 배아는 두 개가 아니라‬ ‪한 개 맞죠?‬-So only one embryo, yeah? Not two. -[female researcher] Just one.
‪[여자] 하나예요‬-So only one embryo, yeah? Not two. -[female researcher] Just one. [Dr. Tinson] Alex Tinson's my name.
‪[틴슨] 제 이름은‬ ‪알렉스 틴슨입니다‬[Dr. Tinson] Alex Tinson's my name.
‪호주 출신 수의사로‬I'm an Australian veterinarian who started out
‪원래 동물원 수의사를 꿈꿨지만‬ ‪낙타 전문가가 됐죠‬I'm an Australian veterinarian who started out wanting to be a zoo vet and ended up being a camel specialist.
‪[낙타 울음]‬[brays]
‪예전엔 구닥다리‬ ‪사자 사파리에서 일했어요‬I was working at one of these old-fashioned lion safari sort of places.
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬♪ It's the African Lion Safari… ♪
‪[사람들] ♪ 아프리카 사자‬ ‪사파리랍니다 ♪‬♪ It's the African Lion Safari… ♪
‪[틴슨] 믿기 힘드시겠지만‬ ‪거기선 몇 번이나‬[Dr. Tinson] Believe it or not, we had a few, sort of, disasters there
‪사자나 호랑이가‬ ‪사람을 잡아먹는 사고가 있었죠‬in terms of the lions and tigers eating people.
‪[사람들] ♪ 무섭지만‬ ‪다들 괜찮다네요! ♪‬♪ It's scary, but nobody cares! ♪
‪저도 몇 번 잡아먹힐 뻔했어요‬I nearly got eaten a couple of times myself, I must say.
‪결국 그 사파리는 폐쇄됐죠‬And in the end, the place got closed down.
‪[틴슨] 배아 하나 삽입합니다‬Going, single embryo.
‪[틴슨] 그 시절엔‬ ‪수의사로 1-2년쯤 일하면‬[Dr. Tinson] In those days, after you've been a vet for a year or two, you literally went and knocked up your shingle somewhere and said,
‪자기 병원을 따로 차려서‬you literally went and knocked up your shingle somewhere and said,
‪마음껏 영업할 수 있었죠‬"Right, I'm a vet, come and see me," you know?
‪요즘은 규제가 엄격해졌어요‬These days, there's a lot more regulation.
‪전 2년만 중동에서 지내려다가‬I came to the Middle East for two years, and 35 years later, I'm still here.
‪35년째 눌러앉았죠‬and 35 years later, I'm still here.
‪제 사위는 아랍 에미리트 사람인데‬ ‪친척 중에 낙타 레이서가 많아서‬My daughter's married to an Emirati whose… a lot of the relatives are camel racers, so I look after my relatives' camels.
‪제가 그 친척들의 낙타를 돌보죠‬are camel racers, so I look after my relatives' camels.
‪근데 전 아무래도 처음부터‬But I guess pretty much from day one,
‪늘 동물의 번식 쪽에‬ ‪관심 있었던 것 같아요‬I always felt that my personal interest was the breeding side.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[틴슨] 마브루칸이라는‬ ‪낙타가 있었어요‬We had a camel called Mabrukan.
‪품평회용 낙타로‬He was a show camel,
‪거구에 털은 검은색이었죠‬and he was big, he was black.
‪'관상용 낙타'라고 하면‬ ‪다들 비웃지만‬People laugh at me about beauty camels.
‪불도그도 외모를 평가하고‬How do you rate a good-looking bulldog? How do you rate, uh, you know, best in show and crafts?
‪명견 대회에선 순위도 매기듯‬How do you rate, uh, you know, best in show and crafts?
‪다 똑같은 겁니다‬It's the same thing. You got a committee.
‪심사 위원회에서‬It's the same thing. You got a committee. They judge the height, the color, the ease, position,
‪신장, 색상, 귀, 자세나‬They judge the height, the color, the ease, position,
‪걸음걸이를 평가하죠‬how it walks.
‪[장내 방송이 흘러나온다]‬[indistinct announcement]
‪[틴슨] 마브루칸은‬ ‪우리 낙타 중에서‬Mabrukan was just the biggest,
‪제일 크고 멋지며‬most amazing, expensive camel we ever had.
‪가장 비싼 녀석이었어요‬most amazing, expensive camel we ever had.
‪미모로 10점 만점을 받은‬ ‪최초의 낙타였는데‬He was the first camel to get a 10 out of 10 beauty score.
‪유례없는 일이었죠‬Never happened before.
‪[틴슨] 덩치가 공룡만 했어요‬He was literally the size of a dinosaur.
‪피 뽑으려고 옆에 서면‬ ‪머리가 이만해서‬When I was standing next to him to take blood, his head was like this, you know.
‪마치 티라노의 혈액을‬ ‪채취하는 것 같았어요‬You felt like you were taking blood from a T-Rex.
‪거대한 녀석이었는데‬ ‪굉장히 위험하기도 했죠‬He was magnificent, but he was also very dangerous, you know?
‪말도 안 되게 크고 힘이 셌거든요‬Because he was ridiculously big and strong.
‪이빨은 사자만 했고‬He had teeth the size of a lion,
‪성질머리도 좀 있었죠‬and he was a bit grumpy.
‪녀석을 수송하는 일은‬ ‪까다로웠어요‬He was just a logistical nightmare
‪워낙 덩치가 크고‬because of his size,
‪가치가 높은 녀석이라서요‬because of his value. I mean, he was five million US dollars when he was bought.
‪처음 구입했을 때도‬ ‪미화로 500만 달러였거든요‬I mean, he was five million US dollars when he was bought.
‪다른 나라의 어느 왕가에서‬One of the other ruling families from another country
‪그 낙타를 사겠다며‬ ‪2천만 달러 넘게 제안했는데‬offered, I think, in excess of 20 million dollars for the camel.
‪그 녀석은 안 판다며 거절했죠‬And His Highness refused. He said, "No, not for sale."
‪[웃으며] 교배도 시도해 봤는데‬We were trying to breed him a bit.
‪어찌나 골치 아팠던지요‬And he was a real headache because you'd bring the best-looking camels to him,
‪미모의 낙타를 대령해도‬ ‪관심조차 없었어요‬because you'd bring the best-looking camels to him, he wasn't interested in those. He liked the scrubbers.
‪못난 잡종만 좋아했는데‬he wasn't interested in those. He liked the scrubbers. The ones that didn't look that… I don't know. It was bloody hopeless.
‪녀석은 답이 없었죠‬The ones that didn't look that… I don't know. It was bloody hopeless.
‪언젠가 친구들과 단체로‬ ‪로마에 놀러 가서‬Anyhow, one day, I was with a whole lot of friends in Rome,
‪- 어느 식당에 갔는데‬ ‪- [전화벨 효과음]‬-and we went to this restaurant. -[phone rings]
‪그때 전화가 왔어요‬So I get the phone call.
‪수화기 너머로 그러더군요‬ ‪'마브루칸이 죽었어요'‬The bloke on the other end says, "Mabrukan's dead."
‪전 말없이 앉아 있다가‬And I'm just… I'm sitting there, dead silent.
‪일어나서 말했죠‬And then I stood up and I said, "Cut out his testicles!
‪'고환을 자르고 피부도 잘라서‬ ‪냉장고에 보관해'‬"Cut out his testicles! Get some skin! Put them in the fridge!
‪'난 오늘 밤에 돌아갈게'‬I'll be back tonight."
‪그렇게 10년쯤 잊고 지냈죠‬And then we forgot about it for ten years.
‪[우아한 음악]‬[upbeat music]
‪[남자] 누군가는 복제가‬ ‪부자의 전유물이라고 하죠‬[Dr. Ruebben] Some people say cloning is only for rich people.
‪물론 비용은 비싸지만‬It is no doubt expensive. But I will take my last money
‪저는 전 재산을 털어서라도‬But I will take my last money
‪제 반려견을 복제할 겁니다‬to clone my dog.
‪칠로 같은 프렌치불도그는‬Csillo is a French bulldog,
‪안면 구조가 독특해서‬ ‪마치 사람 같아요‬and they've got a special geometry of the face, more like a human.
‪칠로의 이름을 따온‬ ‪'칠러그'란 단어는‬Csillo comes from the name Csillag.
‪헝가리어로 '별'이란 뜻이에요‬It's Hungarian for "star."
‪녀석은 제 인생의 별이었으니‬ ‪칠로라는 이름을 붙였죠‬And he was, for me, the star of my life, actually. So that's why I called him Csillo.
‪[왈왈 짖는 소리]‬[dog barking]
‪[루벤] 우린 서로 깊은 관계였어요‬ ‪소통도 많이 했거든요‬[Dr. Ruebben] It is a very deep relationship because we interact very much.
‪게다가 칠로는‬ ‪우리 가족이나 마찬가지였어요‬And he took part in the family.
‪녀석은 절 재워 주기도 했죠‬He put me, for example, to bed.
‪제가 밤에 TV를 보고 있는데‬So when I was looking TV in the night,
‪시간이 늦어서‬ ‪절 재워야겠다 싶으면‬and he thought, "Oh, it's too late, I must sleep,"
‪저한테로 와서‬ ‪침대로 데려갔거든요‬he came to me to bring me to, to the bed.
‪그래서 칠로는‬ ‪꼭 형처럼 느껴졌어요‬So that's why I think he's like an older brother.
‪덕분에 힘을 얻었고 웃기도 했는데‬He really gives me support, I think, and the laugh.
‪웃음이야말로 최고의 선물이었죠‬The laugh, I think, is the biggest thing he gave me because
‪제가 집을 비우면‬ ‪칠로가 울었거든요‬when I went away, he was crying.
‪녀석의 분위기가 달라졌죠‬His mood changed.
‪제가 집을 오래 비울수록‬The more days I was away,
‪칠로는 더 긴장하며 슬퍼했어요‬the more he got nervous, the more he got sad.
‪그러다 녀석의 목을 보니‬ ‪림프에 혹이 났던데‬And when I saw that he had this lymph nodule at his neck,
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- 심각한 문제라고 하더군요‬I understood it was something serious.
‪딱 봐도 건강이 무척 안 좋았고‬You could see that his life was in a bad shape.
‪너무 고통스러워했죠‬He was suffering a lot.
‪복제 기술은 알고 있었고‬I knew cloning is possible.
‪그래서 칠로도 복제하고 싶었어요‬And then I was thinking, "Yes, I want to clone Csillo."
‪그럼 참 좋을 테니까요‬It would be a wonderful thing to see.
‪전 조사를 시작했고‬I started to do research,
‪관계자들에게 연락도 해 봤는데‬where I could contact, who was doing it.
‪몇몇 업체에선‬ ‪일부 절차는 밟아 줘도‬There are some companies who can do some steps,
‪복제를 완성할 순 없다더군요‬but not further processing.
‪미국 쪽에선‬ ‪제법 긍정적으로 반응했죠‬And the Americans were quite easygoing.
‪자기들은 복제가 가능하고‬ ‪성공률도 높다면서요‬They'd say, "We do cloning. Quite good success rate."
‪그런데 황 박사님을 조사해 보니‬But when I was researching about Dr. Hwang,
‪복제 분야에서 경험이 풍부한‬I found out that he had got a huge experience
‪선구자로 꼽히시더군요‬and that he was like a pioneer in this.
‪[앵커가 한국어로] 지금부터‬ ‪복제 송아지인‬[male reporter 3] Let us now introduce the cloned calf.
‪슈퍼 송아지를‬ ‪소개해 드리겠습니다‬This is "super calf."
‪[기자] 복제 송아지의 울음소리는‬ ‪태어날 때부터 우렁찼습니다‬[female reporter 3] The cry of the cloned calf was healthy and strong when it was born.
‪[송아지 울음]‬[mooing] [mooing]
‪복제 송아지는‬ ‪세포 핵이식 기술을 이용해‬[female reporter 3] After eight years of research, Professor Hwang's team created the cloned calf using cell nuclear transfer techniques
‪서울대 생물 제어 연구실‬ ‪황우석 교수 팀이‬created the cloned calf using cell nuclear transfer techniques
‪지난 8년간의 연구 끝에‬ ‪이루어진 것입니다‬in his lab at Seoul National University.
‪[우석] 국내 축산 농가에‬When it's ready to be applied to domestic livestock farms in Korea,
‪적용이 완료되는 시점에‬ ‪이르게 되면‬When it's ready to be applied to domestic livestock farms in Korea,
‪연간 약 7천억 원의‬ ‪수입 대체 효과와‬When it's ready to be applied to domestic livestock farms in Korea, there will be huge savings on imports of about 700 billion won,
‪약 1조 5천억 원의‬ ‪부가 가치를 창출할 수 있는‬there will be huge savings on imports of about 700 billion won, creating added value of about 1,500 billion won per year.
‪막대한 효과가 있다고 보겠습니다‬creating added value of about 1,500 billion won per year.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[남자] 그때는‬ ‪일반적으로 잘 몰랐죠, 사람들이‬[Prof. Ryu] At the time, the public did not know who he was.
‪일개 서울대학교 그냥 교수‬ ‪일반 교수였는데‬He was merely a simple professor from Seoul National University.
‪[영준] 또 송아지 가격이 세‬Since calves were expensive, it was breaking news
‪황우석이 소를 복제했다니까‬Since calves were expensive, it was breaking news when Hwang Woo-suk succeeded in cloning.
‪대박이 난 거죠, 소위 말해서‬when Hwang Woo-suk succeeded in cloning.
‪그래서 황우석을 불러서 황우석을‬So government officials arranged a meeting between the president at the time and Hwang Woo-suk.
‪직접 대통령하고 대면시켜 줍니다‬between the president at the time and Hwang Woo-suk.
‪서울대학 교수 황우석은‬ ‪그렇게 해도 됐던 거죠‬Hwang Woo-suk, a professor at Seoul National University, was allowed to meet him.
‪근데 실제로 일반 국민들이‬ ‪그렇게 할 수는 없고‬was allowed to meet him. This was a special occasion as regular citizens could never meet the president.
‪일반 일개 과학자가‬ ‪그렇게 할 순 없었어요‬as regular citizens could never meet the president. Not even if they were distinguished scientists.
‪[남자가 영어로] 황 박사는‬ ‪소를 비롯해‬He had numbers in the hundreds of, of cows that he was cloning
‪수백 마리의 동물을 복제했고‬and, uh, other, other animals.
‪한국산 호랑이도‬ ‪복제하려 했습니다‬He, he wanted to clone a, um, a Korean tiger.
‪한국산 호랑이는‬ ‪굉장히 상징적이잖아요‬And the Korean tiger is very symbolic.
‪황 박사는 그게 남북한을‬ ‪하나로 만들 거라고 했죠‬He was describing it as a way to get North Korea and South Korea to come together because it was their common heritage.
‪그 멸종 위기종은‬ ‪남북한의 공동 유산이니‬to come together because it was their common heritage. They had this endangered species, and he wanted to be able to clone it.
‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- 그걸 복제하려 했어요‬They had this endangered species, and he wanted to be able to clone it.
‪[한국어로] 만약 북한에서 얻어 온‬ ‪백두산 호랑이를‬He thought that if a North Korean tiger, a gift from the north,
‪[영준] 남한의 기술로‬ ‪복제를 한다면‬if a North Korean tiger, a gift from the north, could be cloned using South Korean technology,
‪그보다 좋은 과학적 행사는‬ ‪없었을 것이다‬could be cloned using South Korean technology, there would be no greater scientific event.
‪- [시끌벅적한 소리]‬ ‪- 이렇게 판단을 하고‬there would be no greater scientific event. Hwang did not hesitate.
‪황이 그것을, 기회를 잡았던 거죠‬He grasped the opportunity.
‪[앵커] 호랑이 복제 과정‬ ‪지금 들어 보니까‬Hearing about the process to clone a Korean tiger,
‪기술적으로‬ ‪아주 복잡해 보이는데요‬Hearing about the process to clone a Korean tiger, it sounds technically complicated.
‪아, 과연 복제 호랑이‬ ‪성공적으로 태어나겠습니까?‬it sounds technically complicated. Could a tiger be successfully cloned?
‪[우석] 예, 아마 2000년에는‬Yes, I am hoping that by the year 2000.
‪우리 앞에 복제된 호랑이가‬ ‪나타날 거로 기대합니다‬Yes, I am hoping that by the year 2000. I will succeed in cloning the Korean tiger. [anchor] Thank you.
‪[앵커] 네‬[anchor] Thank you.
‪그거만으로도 연구비와‬With this claim, he knew he could garner the attention of the public,
‪그거만으로도‬ ‪사람들의 이목을 집중시키니까‬he knew he could garner the attention of the public, and raise research funds.
‪그 당시에‬At that time,
‪아, 우리 한국산 호랑이라는 것은‬ ‪한국에서는 없었어요‬there were no "Korean tigers" in South Korea.
‪[우석] 이들로부터는 더 이상의…‬They had gone extinct, as the last remaining tigers, the breeding tigers, had failed, so to speak.
‪말하자면 교배가 안 됐어요‬the breeding tigers, had failed, so to speak.
‪평양 동물원에 있었던‬ ‪한국산 호랑이‬From the Pyongyang Zoo in North Korea, the last two Korean tigers who were still alive,
‪수컷, 암컷이 한국 정부에‬the last two Korean tigers who were still alive, one male and one female,
‪말하자면‬ ‪동물 교환 프로그램에 의해서‬one male and one female, were sent to South Korea in a sort of animal exchange program.
‪- [호랑이 울음]‬ ‪- 생존해 있었습니다‬in a sort of animal exchange program.
‪그 초기에는‬In the beginning,
‪제일 입수가‬ ‪제일 얻기가 쉬운 것이‬In the beginning, the easiest egg to, uh, to obtain was the pig egg. Compared to other animal eggs,
‪돼지 난자죠‬Compared to other animal eggs,
‪또 돼지를‬ ‪대리모로 사용할 때 쉽죠‬Compared to other animal eggs, it's easy to use them for surrogates. So at first,
‪그래서 우리는 돼지 난자의‬So at first, we used the Korean tiger donor cell
‪한국산 호랑이 공여 세포를‬ ‪이용해 가지고 시도를 쭉 했었어요‬we used the Korean tiger donor cell and injected it right into the pig egg.
‪그래서 그다음 단계로서는‬Afterwards, we took it to the next level,
‪소 난자를 사용을 했었어요‬which was to use the cow egg.
‪그다음에 돼지와 소에서‬And after that, once we'd confirmed that initial development was possible
‪초기 발달이 된다는‬ ‪사실을 확인하고‬once we'd confirmed that initial development was possible using the pig and the cow,
‪그다음에는 집고양이로‬ ‪이걸 넘어가게 된 겁니다‬we moved on to using domestic cats.
‪이때 대리모는‬At this time, we used, um,
‪어, 호랑이와 사자를‬ ‪다 사용을 했었어요‬At this time, we used, um, the tiger and the lion. We used each of the animals as surrogate mothers.
‪사자 한 마리에‬ ‪헤르니아라는 게 생겼어요‬One of the lions developed a… a hernia.
‪말하자면 착상 이후에‬ ‪이 상처가 아물지 않고‬So after the implantation, the wound didn't heal, and there were complications. We observed that the intestines…
‪여기에서 이제 인테스틴‬We observed that the intestines…
‪내장 장기가 밖으로 나와 가지고‬ ‪결국은 희생이 됐어요‬The innards came out and ultimately, the animal perished.
‪그때 이게 중단이 됐습니다‬That is when we stopped the experiment.
‪이것은 과학입니다‬This is what science is.
‪그리고 누가 보면‬ ‪무모할지 모르지만‬And some might think it reckless,
‪과학은 무모하다 그래서‬ ‪그 길을 무시하면 안 되죠‬but in science, you can't ignore a path just because it's reckless.
‪그 과정에서 또 우리가 얻는‬Through the process, there are trials.
‪하나의 과학적 데이터가‬But again, we obtain scientific data, so nothing goes to waste. We make sure of it.
‪더 얻어지기 때문에‬ ‪버릴 건 없어요‬so nothing goes to waste. We make sure of it.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[앵커1이 영어로] 한국‬ ‪과학자들이 최초로‬[male reporter 2] Scientists in South Korea have, for the first time,
‪개 복제에 성공했습니다‬successfully cloned a dog.
‪[앵커2가 한국어로]‬ ‪아프간하운드종이고‬[female reporter 1] It is an Afghan Hound, and as of today, it is 101 days old.
‪오늘로 태어난 지‬ ‪백 하루가 됐다는데요‬[female reporter 1] It is an Afghan Hound, and as of today, it is 101 days old.
‪황 박사의 개 복제 성공은‬ ‪동물 복제 연구에‬Dr. Hwang's team has declared the dog's cloning a success
‪정점이라고 볼 수 있습니다‬and it is seen as the peak of animal cloning research.
‪[기자] 세계 최초의‬ ‪복제 개 스너피‬The name of the world's first cloned dog is Snuppy.
‪그 이름은‬ ‪서울대학교의 영어 이니셜과‬The name is Seoul National University's English acronym
‪강아지 '퍼피'의 뒷글자를 결합해‬ ‪만들어졌습니다‬The name is Seoul National University's English acronym and the word "puppy" put together.
‪[앵커3이 영어로] 연구원들은‬ ‪복제견이 건강하며‬[male reporter 4] Researchers say the puppy is healthy and normal.
‪정상이라고 말합니다‬[male reporter 4] Researchers say the puppy is healthy and normal.
‪[우석이 한국어로] 미국에서‬ ‪오랜 기간 동안 '미시'라고 하는‬American researchers had tried for a long time to take on the difficult task of cloning a puppy
‪퍼피를 복제하기 위해서‬ ‪오랫동안 노력을 했는데‬to take on the difficult task of cloning a puppy named Missy. But they had repeatedly failed.
‪결국 실패했어요‬But they had repeatedly failed.
‪[월페이가 영어로] 개는‬ ‪품종 개량을 워낙 많이 해서‬[Dr. Wolpe] We bred dogs so much that their genomes were very fragile in certain ways.
‪게놈에 취약한 면이 있다 보니‬that their genomes were very fragile in certain ways.
‪복제하기가 어려웠죠‬That made them difficult to clone.
‪황 박사는‬ ‪아주 숙련된 과학자였으니‬He was a very skilled scientist.
‪과학계는 황 박사의 성공에‬ ‪썩 놀라진 않았습니다‬So it wasn't a surprise to the scientific community that he did it.
‪당시 사람들이 놀랐던 건‬I mean, people were surprised only because they didn't know who would be first.
‪그저 누가 먼저 성공할지‬ ‪몰랐기 때문이죠‬I mean, people were surprised only because they didn't know who would be first. It was a race.
‪[한국어로] 저는 이 성공 사례가‬I believe that in this case, our success sends a…
‪다른 클로닝에 주어지는‬ ‪말하자면 메시지가‬our success sends a… message to others in the bioengineering world and cloning field. And it is not a small one.
‪나는 적지 않았다고 생각하죠‬And it is not a small one.
‪[우석] 아, 도그 클로닝에‬ ‪성공했다는 것은‬The fact that we can successfully clone dogs is not a small feat.
‪'만약 어느 정도의 여건과‬ ‪챈스가 주어진다면'‬The fact that we can successfully clone dogs is not a small feat. Because it means if we are given the opportunity, and the necessary conditions required,
‪'이제 거의 모든 동물의 클로닝은‬ ‪가능하겠구나'라고‬we can believe that cloning almost any other animal is possible.
‪[시라노스키가 영어로]‬ ‪황 박사에겐 연구비가 많았고‬Dr. Hwang had a lot of funding. He had a lot of fancy machines
‪다양한 고급 기계와 미세 조작기로‬ ‪난자를 조작했어요‬He had a lot of fancy machines and micromanipulators that are used to manipulate the eggs.
‪황 박사는 자기 기술자들이‬He had technicians who he claimed had special training with their hands.
‪젓가락 특수 훈련을‬ ‪받았다고 주장했죠‬He had technicians who he claimed had special training with their hands. "Chopstick-trained hands."
‪[기자가 한국어로] 황우석 교수의‬ ‪연구 팀에는‬[male reporter 5] About 30 researchers in Professor Hwang's team work,
‪평균 오전 7시부터‬ ‪밤 11시까지 근무하는‬[male reporter 5] About 30 researchers in Professor Hwang's team work, on average, from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
‪삼십여 명의 연구원들이 있습니다‬on average, from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
‪비눗방울처럼‬ ‪터지기 쉬운 난자를 찔러‬The "chopstick technique" which involves removing the nucleus from an egg in a split second,
‪내부 핵을 순간적으로 짜내는‬ ‪이른바 '젓가락 기술'은‬which involves removing the nucleus from an egg in a split second,
‪전 세계의 생명 공학자들도‬ ‪감탄하는 기술입니다‬is a technique that is mindboggling to bioengineers around the world.
‪[연구원] 외국인 같은 경우엔‬ ‪손이 더뎌서요‬Foreigners have slower hands, so…
‪저희 뭐, 한 시간에‬ ‪뭐, 100개를 한다면‬Let's say we do 100 an hour, they manage fewer than us.
‪그 사람들은 개수가 훨씬 떨어져요‬Let's say we do 100 an hour, they manage fewer than us.
‪[우석] 어느 날 정부로부터‬One day,
‪마브루칸이라고 하는‬ ‪상징적인 낙타가 있었다‬I heard from the UAE government that there used to be a symbolic camel in their country named Mabrukan,
‪그런데 그것이 10년 전쯤‬that there used to be a symbolic camel in their country named Mabrukan, but 10 years ago, it suddenly died.
‪갑자기 사망을 했다‬but 10 years ago, it suddenly died.
‪그때 저에게‬They asked me
‪가능성을 얼마로 보느냐‬ ‪물으시길래‬what the possibility of cloning Mabrukan was.
‪제가 그랬습니다‬So I told them,
‪'그래서 그 가능성은'‬"The probability is less than one percent."
‪[영어로] '1% 미만입니다'‬"The probability is less than one percent."
‪[틴슨] 어느 날‬ ‪호출을 받고 회의실로 가 보니‬One day, we were told literally to come to the conference room.
‪황 박사 팀이 들어오더군요‬In walked Prof. Hwang with his team.
‪솔직히 말씀드리자면‬And, if I'm really honest,
‪진짜로 복제할 줄은 몰랐어요‬did I really think we were gonna clone him? No.
‪정자 하나를 추출하고 주입해서‬ ‪번식시키려는 줄 알았죠‬I thought we could get some individual sperm into sperm injection and get an offspring.
‪[신비로운 음악]‬[mysterious music]
‪[우석이 한국어로] 결국‬ ‪죽은 지 11년 만에‬[Dr. Hwang] At last, 11 years after its death,
‪11두의 마브루칸 클론이‬ ‪결국 탄생이 돼서‬11 cloned Mabrukans were born from this science.
‪[남자가 아랍어로 말한다]‬[Dr. Tinson] Ten Mabrukans.
‪[낙타 울음]‬[camels braying]
‪현재 아주 소중한 대상자로서‬ ‪이곳에 있습니다‬They are now living here in the UAE as extremely treasured subjects.
‪뇌 기능과 심장 박동이‬When the brain function…
‪멈춰지면 그것을‬and the heartbeat come to a halt,
‪바로 '데스'의‬ ‪하나의 시발점으로 보는데‬those are considered to be some of the early signs of death, but we think otherwise.
‪우리는 다릅니다‬but we think otherwise.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪죽은 뒤에 만약 그 체세포에‬Forget about medical death. We do not think an organism is totally dead
‪세포계로서 배양이 가능한‬until the body cell no longer has the potential to be cultured as a cell line.
‪가능성을 갖고 있는 그 단계까지‬to be cultured as a cell line. In this line of work, that is our definition of death.
‪죽었다고 생각을 안 합니다‬that is our definition of death.
‪이 과정을 저희의 하나의‬ ‪거의 직업으로 하다 보니까‬Our research has proved to us time and time again, that a single cell itself is, in fact, a living thing.
‪세포 자체는 생명이다‬ ‪이렇게 생각이 되는 거죠‬that a single cell itself is, in fact, a living thing.
‪[틴슨이 영어로] 솔직히‬ ‪복제된 낙타를 처음 껴안았을 땐‬[Dr. Tinson] I must say, the first time, I was just standing there, holding this animal.
‪속으로 이렇게 생각했죠‬ ‪'10년째 죽어 있던 녀석인데'‬And I thought to myself, "This thing was dead for 10 years."
‪'내가 돌보던 낙타가 살아났군'‬"I used to look after it, and here it is back."
‪그 기분은 말로 표현 못 해요‬And I've got to say I cannot explain the feeling.
‪신이 된 기분이냐고요?‬Does it feel like a God complex?
‪네, 안타깝게도 그래요‬Yes, unfortunately, it does.
‪그때 문득 이런 생각이 들죠‬At that moment, you suddenly thought,
‪'맙소사, 우리가 뭘 한 거지?‬ ‪이거 굉장하군'‬"God, what have we done? Isn't this just incredible?"
‪이어서 생각하죠‬ ‪'맙소사, 우리가 뭘 한 거야?'‬And then you just think, "God, what have we done?"
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[tense music]
‪[사람들의 웃음소리]‬
‪칠로는 생전 마지막 날을‬ ‪이 방에서 보냈어요‬The last day of Csillo, actually, he was in, in this room.
‪[루벤] 동물 병원에 다녀와선‬[Dr. Ruebben] He came back from the vet.
‪여기서 제 품에 안겨 잠들었죠‬He was sleeping here on my arms, and he knew he would die.
‪녀석도 죽음을 직감했는지‬ ‪몸을 좀 떨었는데‬He was sleeping here on my arms, and he knew he would die. And that's why he was a bit shaking. He wanted to be with us.
‪우리 곁에 있으려 했어요‬And that's why he was a bit shaking. He wanted to be with us.
‪저쪽을 보시면‬And this point, we, uh, he was, he's,
‪실은 여기서 숨을 거뒀죠‬And this point, we, uh, he was, he's, he died here, actually.
‪여기서 죽었어요‬Here, he died.
‪녀석도 희망은 있었어요‬[Dr. Ruebben] Here, he still had hope.
‪눈빛에서‬ ‪삶의 의지가 느껴졌거든요‬You see, his eyes still wanted to live.
‪근데 마지막 날엔‬ ‪더는 못 버텼어요‬But the last day, he could not live anymore.
‪우린 충격에 빠졌죠‬ ‪칠로는 12살에 죽었어요‬We were shocked. Csillo was dead after 12 years.
‪왜 유독 충격이 심했느냐면‬Because you must know, the shock is… That's why it was so strong.
‪사실 노화도 없었거든요‬He did not age, actually.
‪늘 명랑하고 왕성했으며‬ ‪기운도 넘쳤죠‬He was always playful, he was always young, always full of power.
‪[왈왈 짖는 소리]‬[dog barking]
‪더할 나위 없이 건강했고‬ ‪정말 튼튼했어요‬[Dr. Ruebben] He was in a completely good shape. He was in super shape.
‪프렌치불도그는‬ ‪12년밖에 못 산다지만‬Although French bulldogs live only 12,
‪칠로는 백혈병만 아니었다면‬ ‪20년은 살았을지도 몰라요‬if he did not have this leukemia, he would live for maybe 20 years.
‪그래서 녀석의 죽음은‬ ‪너무도 충격적이었죠‬And because of this, it was very shocking that it happened to him.
‪- [차분한 음악]‬ ‪- 하루아침에 상황이 나빠졌거든요‬From one day to the other, everything turned out bad.
‪전 칠로를 잃었다는 슬픔 대신‬I tried to put the sadness of losing him
‪녀석을 되살리는 행복을‬ ‪느끼고자 했죠‬into the happiness of recreating him.
‪[한국어로] 아, 사실‬ ‪어찌 보면은 그 슬픔에서‬I guess one way to look at it is…
‪우리의 클로닝에‬grief is the catalyst. It's where our…
‪스타트가 이루어지는지도 모르겠죠‬cloning process really begins.
‪[영어로] 전 복제 키트를 구입했고‬I started to buy a cloning kit.
‪[루벤] 샘플을 채취해‬ ‪보관하는 법도 배워서‬How to take the sample, how to store the samples,
‪칠로의 귀에서 샘플을 채취했죠‬and we took the samples from the ear.
‪귀에서 채취한 섬유 아세포는‬ ‪나중에 생장하기 쉽거든요‬Because the ear, the fibroblasts are more easily to let them grow after.
‪그걸 영국의‬ ‪동물 세포 보관소로 보냈어요‬We sent to England. There's cell storage for animals.
‪영국에선 그걸 한국으로 보냈고‬From England, they went to Korea.
‪세포가 과도기일 때‬ ‪한국에서 아부다비로 보냈죠‬Because it was in the transition time when he went from Korea to Abu Dhabi.
‪[우석이 한국어로] 우리가 성공을‬ ‪장담할 수는 없지만‬[Dr. Hwang] Although we can't guarantee success, we told them to send the tissues quickly.
‪빨리 조직을 보내 봐라‬we told them to send the tissues quickly.
‪[루벤이 영어로] 황 박사님은‬ ‪참 친절하셨죠‬[Dr. Ruebben] Dr. Hwang was so nice.
‪칠로를 복제하고 나서‬Once he had cells growing,
‪사진까지 보내 주셨거든요‬he made pictures. Then he sent me pictures of it.
‪복제에 두 팀이 뛰어들었는데‬And he had two teams working on it.
‪개 복제는 상당히 까다로워서‬But when they clone dogs, it's quite difficult to achieve, so they make more dogs.
‪개체 수를 넉넉히 만들죠‬so they make more dogs. And I cloned Csillo because I wanted to have Csillo back.
‪전 칠로를 되찾기 위해‬ ‪칠로를 복제했어요‬And I cloned Csillo because I wanted to have Csillo back.
‪바다를 좋아하거나‬ ‪축구를 하는 개 말고‬Not a sea dog, not a, a playing football dog.
‪칠로를 되찾고 싶었죠‬I wanted Csillo, Csillo back.
‪복제 과정의 문제는‬ ‪실패할 가능성이 높다는 거예요‬The problem in the cloning process is that there could be many failures.
‪그래서 복제를‬ ‪여러 번 시도하거든요‬So what they're doing, they make multiple trials,
‪그래서 개를 3-5마리씩‬ ‪복제할 수도 있죠‬so it can be that you get five dogs back, or four dogs back, or three.
‪사실 칠로는 2마리 복제했어요‬So we had two cloned Csillo, actually, at this time.
‪칠로의 첫 번째 복제견은‬ ‪11월에 태어났는데‬We had… The first clone of Csillo was born in November,
‪전 이렇게 생각했죠‬ ‪'복제견이 생겼다니, 끝내주네!'‬and I thought, "Look, I have a cloned dog! It's fantastic!"
‪이어서 황 박사님 조수가‬ ‪연락해서 말했죠‬And then the assistant of Dr. Hwang called me.
‪'칠로를 또 복제했습니다'‬"We have got another Csillo."
‪두 형제 중 첫째는‬ ‪태어난 직후에 죽었어요‬The first of these two brothers died, very early afterwards,
‪기형 때문에 굶어 죽었는데‬because of the malformation. He starved to death, actually. We couldn't do nothing. It was too young.
‪손도 못 쓰고 바로 죽었죠‬He starved to death, actually. We couldn't do nothing. It was too young.
‪그래도 두 번째로 태어난 칠로는‬ ‪이제 한 살 반이 됐고‬I can tell you now, Csillo two, he's one year and a half old now,
‪행복하게 지내고 있어요‬and he's a happy dog.
‪그래서 제가 잘했다 싶죠‬And that's why I know I did everything right.
‪[개 짖는 소리]‬[dog barking]
‪[우석이 한국어로] '이 클로닝은'‬[Dr. Hwang] This cloning is…
‪'100% 복제가 아니다'‬not about… copying 100%.
‪'이 복제는 유전형 복제고‬ ‪DNA 복제이지'‬not about… copying 100%. We are copying genetically, we're copying the DNA. We are not copying the phenotype.
‪'표현형 복제는 아니다‬ ‪약간의 차이는 있을 수 있다'‬Therefore, there might be a slight difference from the original. So this is what we say to people.
‪이렇게 얘기를 합니다‬from the original. So this is what we say to people.
‪[루벤이 영어로] 칠로의 사체는‬ ‪어떻게 하나 싶더라고요‬[Dr. Ruebben] We didn't know what to do with Csillo's body.
‪그냥 땅에 묻어야 하는지‬[Dr. Ruebben] We didn't know what to do with Csillo's body. We didn't know if we should bury him or…
‪어떻게 해야 할지 몰랐죠‬What are we doing with him?
‪동물을 박제하는 사람도 있잖아요‬Some people are putting it, you know, stuff it or do something.
‪우린 냉장고에 보관했죠‬So we put him in the fridge.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬[tense music]
‪"열지 마세요"‬[tense music]
‪[루벤] 우린 칠로가 잠들 곳을‬ ‪찾아 주기로 했어요‬[Dr. Ruebben] Our idea is that we'll find a place where Csillo can be.
‪헝가리의 공동묘지는 싫고‬We did not want to put him in a cemetery here in Hungary.
‪우리 근처에 묻어 주고 싶었죠‬We wanted to be next to him.
‪녀석이 행복하게 잠들어서‬And we want to find a place where he would be happy
‪늘 우리와 함께할 수 있는 곳에요‬and where we connect always with him.
‪그래서 찾은 장소가 있어요‬That's what we, we find now.
‪어느 정원의 한편으로‬A place in a garden where we can go
‪언제든 찾아가서‬ ‪녀석을 기릴 수 있는‬A place in a garden where we can go and where we can cherish him, and it will be his place.
‪보금자리가 되겠죠‬and where we can cherish him, and it will be his place.
‪[우석이 한국어로] 특히‬ ‪갯과 동물에 있어서는‬[Dr. Hwang] At this time, in the genus of dogs,
‪지금 대략적으로‬in the genus of dogs, I think we have…
‪제가 생각하기에‬ ‪1,600두가 넘어섰습니다‬I think we have cloned roughly 1,600 dogs.
‪그리고‬We've also cloned cows,
‪[영어로] 소, 돼지, 늑대‬We've also cloned cows, pigs, wolves, coyotes,
‪코요테, 고양이, 말도요‬pigs, wolves, coyotes, cats, horses.
‪[양 울음]‬[bleats]
‪[월페이] 양 돌리를 복제했을 때도‬[Dr. Wolpe] When Dolly the sheep was cloned,
‪금지 규정이나 법률이 없었는데‬[Dr. Wolpe] When Dolly the sheep was cloned, there were no rules or laws against it.
‪지금도 동물 복제를 금지하는‬ ‪규정과 법률이 없어요‬There still aren't to this day, as far as animals are concerned.
‪당시 미국의 대다수 여론은‬ ‪동물 복제가 잘못됐다고 했어요‬But the majority of Americans said they thought cloning animals was wrong.
‪이후 8개월에서 1년여에 거쳐‬And it took another eight to ten months to a year
‪과학자들과 언론이‬for scientists and the media to say,
‪복제가 정확히 무엇인지‬ ‪대중에게 설명하자‬"You're not getting what cloning really is. Here's what it is." And then slowly, those numbers went down, down, down
‪반대 여론이 서서히 줄면서‬Here's what it is." And then slowly, those numbers went down, down, down
‪미국인들은 이렇게 말했죠‬until you had Americans saying,
‪'그래요‬ ‪양 복제 정도는 괜찮네요'‬"Well, okay, things like cloning sheep are fine."
‪영장류에 이어‬ ‪인간 복제로 넘어간다면야‬Once you get to cloning primates and then to human beings, though,
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- 얘기가 완전히 달라지지만요‬it's an entirely different kind of conversation.
‪인간 복제에 관한 중대한 소식을‬Now, a major development in human cloning, health correspondent, Susan Dentzer begins.
‪수전 덴처 보건 특파원이‬ ‪전해 드리겠습니다‬health correspondent, Susan Dentzer begins.
‪[덴처] 기존에 과학자들이‬ ‪복제했던 소수의 인간 배아는‬[Susan] Other scientists have previously cloned small numbers of human embryos
‪단기간 생존하는 데 그쳤습니다‬that live for a short time.
‪그에 반해‬By contrast,
‪오늘 학술지 '사이언스'에‬ ‪연구 결과를 발표한 한국 연구진은‬the South Koreans who announced their work today in the journal, Science,
‪기존의 인간 복제 시도를‬ ‪압도적으로 능가하는‬apparently succeeded on a scale that far outstripped earlier human cloning efforts.
‪성공을 거뒀다고 합니다‬that far outstripped earlier human cloning efforts.
‪세상을 놀라게 한 사건이었죠‬It was earth-shattering in the sense that
‪[시라노스키] 재생 의학의‬ ‪세계를 여는 첫걸음이었고‬this was the first step towards the world of regenerative medicine when we were actually going to be able to start using these cells
‪그런 세포는 온갖 치료에‬ ‪사용하게 될 테니까요‬when we were actually going to be able to start using these cells for all kinds of therapeutic uses.
‪[덴처] 최초 연구에 참여했던‬ ‪16인의 여성은‬[Susan] The researchers began with a group of 16 women,
‪호르몬 치료를 통해‬who were given hormone treatments to produce
‪다수의 생식 난세포를‬ ‪생산했습니다‬large numbers of reproductive egg cells.
‪이어서 과학자들은‬ ‪혁신적인 기술로‬Then the scientists used innovative techniques
‪각 난세포의 세포핵을 제거했죠‬to strip out the nucleus from each of the egg cells.
‪이어서 과학자들은‬The scientists next took body cells
‪난세포 기증 여성의‬ ‪체세포를 채취했습니다‬The scientists next took body cells from the same women who had donated the egg cells.
‪체세포에 포함된 두 쌍의 염색체는‬The body cells have two sets of chromosomes,
‪인간을 만드는 데 필요한‬ ‪유전자 청사진입니다‬the full genetic blueprint needed to create a human being.
‪과학자들은‬ ‪이 체세포의 세포핵을 추출해서‬The scientists then removed these body cells' nuclear material
‪난세포에 주입했죠‬and placed it into the egg cells.
‪그렇게 복제된 66개의 난자는‬The result was 66 cloned eggs,
‪사실상 인간 배아로‬in effect, human embryos,
‪난세포 기증 여성과‬ ‪유전자 구성이 동일합니다‬with the exact genetic makeup of the original females.
‪[여자] 재생 의학 측면에서‬ ‪엄청난 관심을 끌었어요‬[Dr. Chan] There was this tremendous interest from the point of view of regenerative medicine.
‪하나의 세포로‬ ‪어떤 체세포든 만들 수 있다면‬Because if you can take a cell and you can make it into any of the cells in the body, you know, could we make new livers?
‪간과 같은 장기를‬ ‪새로 만들 수 있고‬you know, could we make new livers? Could we grow new organs?
‪손상된 신경 세포도‬ ‪재생할 수 있을지 모르니‬Could we regenerate damaged nerve cells?
‪치료 측면에서도‬ ‪막대한 관심이 모였어요‬And so there was this huge, sort of, therapeutic interest as well.
‪제법 저명한 과학자들이‬ ‪이 사안을 논하면서‬You had some pretty prominent scientists talking about this as, as car parts that we'd be replacing.
‪- 자동차의 부품 교체에 빗댔죠‬ ‪- [무거운 음악]‬as, as car parts that we'd be replacing.
‪[덴처] 배아 줄기세포를‬ ‪기초 소재로 활용하면‬Embryonic stem cells are the building block cells that ultimately develop into almost all the cells and tissues of the body.
‪체내의 거의 모든 세포와 조직을‬ ‪만들 수 있습니다‬that ultimately develop into almost all the cells and tissues of the body.
‪한국 연구진은 배아에서‬ ‪이러한 원시 세포를 추출했는데‬The South Korean researchers extracted these primordial cells from the embryos,
‪그 과정에서 배아는 파괴됐으며‬destroying the embryos in the process. They then grew entire colonies of genetically identical stem cells.
‪이후 유전적으로 동일한‬ ‪줄기세포군을 형성했습니다‬They then grew entire colonies of genetically identical stem cells.
‪[섀튼] 짚고 넘어가야 할 점은‬ ‪미국이 서울에서의 연구에‬You need to recognize that the primary American contribution
‪가장 크게 기여한 부분은‬ ‪바로 코카콜라라는 사실이죠‬to the work in Seoul has been Coca-Cola.
‪[우석의 웃음]‬to the work in Seoul has been Coca-Cola. -[laughs] -Woo-suk lives on caffeine and sugar.
‪황 박사의 주식은‬ ‪카페인과 설탕이거든요‬-[laughs] -Woo-suk lives on caffeine and sugar.
‪[월페이] 그건‬ ‪생물학계의 꿈이었으니까요‬This was the biological dream.
‪황 박사는 세계적으로‬ ‪유명한 과학자가 됐어요‬Dr. Hwang became a world-famous scientist.
‪황 박사는 한국에서‬ ‪슈퍼스타 과학자로 추앙받았죠‬He was very much being hailed as a scientific superstar in South Korea.
‪[우석이 한국어로] 나중에‬ ‪적절한 시점에‬There will come a time when I can share information with you.
‪- [소란스러운 소리]‬ ‪- 제가 말씀드리도록 하겠습니다‬There will come a time when I can share information with you.
‪[월페이가 영어로] 명성과‬ ‪돈이 따라오고‬[Dr. Wolpe] It is reputation. It is money. It is your place in the pantheon of science for all time
‪과학 역사에 위인으로‬ ‪길이 남을 일이죠‬It is your place in the pantheon of science for all time so that the textbooks a hundred years from now are going to mention your name.
‪100년 후의 교과서에도‬ ‪자기 이름이 남을 테고요‬so that the textbooks a hundred years from now are going to mention your name.
‪[섀튼] 참으로 놀랍습니다‬[Prof. Schatten] It's absolutely stunning
‪과학적으로 뛰어난 진보인 동시에‬how brilliant the scientific advances have been
‪의학계에 끼칠 영향도‬ ‪무척 중요하니까요‬and how important the medical implications are.
‪[시라노스키] 황 박사의 업적은‬ ‪굉장하지만‬[David] His accomplishment here is… is fantastic,
‪사람들이 가장 놀란 부분은‬but what people are most amazed by is not his scientific ability,
‪황 박사의 과학적 역량이 아닌‬ ‪난자를 확보하는 능력이죠‬but what people are most amazed by is not his scientific ability, but by his ability to get these eggs.
‪복제 세포를 생장시킬 난자가‬ ‪필수 자원이었어요‬The crucial resource was getting eggs to grow in the clone cells.
‪세포 생장엔 난자가 필요한데‬You need eggs to grow these things.
‪인간의 난자는 구하기 어렵죠‬And it's not easy to get human eggs.
‪[덴처] 월경 주기에 난소 한쪽에서‬ ‪난자를 배출합니다‬[female reporter 4] During the monthly menstrual cycle, one of the ovaries releases an egg.
‪배란 후 난자는 나팔관에 진입하죠‬After ovulation, the egg enters the fallopian tube.
‪여성의 임신 가능성을‬ ‪최대한 높이려면‬A woman is most likely to become pregnant if she has sex in the days just before,
‪배란기 혹은 그 직전이나 직후에‬ ‪성관계를 맺으면 됩니다‬A woman is most likely to become pregnant if she has sex in the days just before, during, or right after ovulation.
‪[월페이] 황 박사는 242개의‬ ‪난자를 사용했다고 주장했어요‬[Dr. Wolpe] Dr. Hwang claimed he used 242 eggs.
‪다시 말해 여성들에게‬That means that he had to ask women
‪난소를 과잉 자극 하는‬ ‪약물을 복용시켰고‬to take a drug to hyperstimulate their ovaries,
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- 이어서 난소에서‬and then use a needle
‪바늘로 하나씩 흡인한 난자를‬ ‪연구에 사용한 겁니다‬to aspirate from their ovaries, one at a time, to use in research.
‪[찬] 제가 볼 때 과학의 이름으로‬ ‪종종 간과되는 점은‬[Dr. Chan] I think one thing that is often obscured by the scientific language is
‪여성이 난자를 생산할 때‬the bodily burden on women that's involved in,
‪그 생물학적 노동에 따르는‬ ‪신체적 부담과‬the bodily burden on women that's involved in, you know, the biological labor of producing eggs
‪주기적으로 난소를 과잉 자극 하고‬ ‪난자를 채취하면서 겪는‬and the kind of biomedical reality of women going through cycles of ovarian hyperstimulation and harvesting.
‪생물 의학적인 문제들이죠‬cycles of ovarian hyperstimulation and harvesting.
‪[월페이] 난자를 입수하는‬ ‪방식에 관해선‬[Dr. Wolpe] There were different rules in different countries
‪나라마다 규정이 달랐지만‬about how you might access ova.
‪국가를 불문하고‬ ‪난자를 채취할 때는‬But in every case, there is only one way to do it,
‪반드시 여성의 동의를‬ ‪받아야 합니다‬and that is to get consent from a woman.
‪[시라노스키] 황 박사는‬ ‪16명의 여성이‬[David] He claimed that he had 16 women that gave 242 eggs.
‪난자 242개를 기증했다고 했는데‬that gave 242 eggs. And he claimed that these were all volunteers
‪그 여성들은‬ ‪모두 자원했다고 주장했죠‬And he claimed that these were all volunteers that had done this just out of the good of their heart
‪자신의 연구를 믿기에‬ ‪선의로 참여했다는 겁니다‬that had done this just out of the good of their heart because they believed in his research.
‪우린 황 박사가‬ ‪참 대단하다고 생각했어요‬We were thinking, "Well, this is amazing that he did this."
‪황 박사의 사무실에서 물었죠‬So when I was in his office, I'd ask him,
‪'난자는 어떻게 구했고‬ ‪출처는 어디죠?'‬"How did you get these eggs? Where did they come from?"
‪[한국어로] 본인은 이 연구 과정에‬Once again, I would like to express
‪기꺼이 난자를 제공해 준‬ ‪많은 성스러운 여인들에게‬my deepest gratitude to the many dignified women who were willing
‪다시 한번 깊은 감사를 드립니다‬to provide their eggs for this study.
‪[영어로] 당시‬ ‪제가 소속됐던 '네이처'는‬I was working for Nature,
‪아주 유명한 국제 과학지로‬which is a very well-known international science magazine,
‪[시라노스키] 아시아 태평양‬ ‪특파원으로서‬and I was the Asia-Pacific correspondent.
‪제가 취재하던 내용은‬and I was the Asia-Pacific correspondent. And I was trying to find out more about
‪한국의 생물 의학과‬ ‪줄기세포 연구였어요‬biomedical science in Korea, stem cell research in Korea, and I really didn't think that I was going to uncover something.
‪저도 제가 뭔가를‬ ‪파헤치게 될 줄은 몰랐죠‬and I really didn't think that I was going to uncover something.
‪황 박사가 분명하게 잘못한 건‬ ‪없다고 생각했거든요‬I didn't think that he had done anything demonstrably wrong.
‪그저 풍기는 분위기가‬ ‪이상했을 뿐이에요‬I was just getting some weird vibes from him.
‪제 질문에 허술하게 답변하고‬I mean, he was giving me answers that weren't complete,
‪- 불편한 기색을 보였거든요‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬and he looked uncomfortable when I asked these questions.
‪그래서 15명의 논문 공동 저자와‬ ‪일일이 통화하기로 했죠‬So I decided just to call everybody on the paper. There were 15 co-authors, and the first author
‪제1 저자는 보통 연구를 도맡고‬There were 15 co-authors, and the first author is usually the person who does all the work.
‪실험을 계획한 선임 교수가‬ ‪마지막 저자로 올라요‬The last author was the senior professor who has kind of designed the experiment,
‪- 저는 한 명씩 연락하면서‬ ‪- [전화기 조작 효과음]‬and I just started calling each of them, hoping that I could find
‪한 명이라도‬ ‪이렇게 말해 주길 바랐죠‬and I just started calling each of them, hoping that I could find one person who could say,
‪'네, 제가 책임자였고‬ ‪이렇게 연구했습니다'‬"Yes, I was in charge of the process. This is how we did it."
‪[남자가 한국어로] 네, 여보세요‬Several of them said, "Just talk to Dr. Hwang.
‪[시라노스키가 영어로] 여러 명이‬ ‪그러더군요‬Several of them said, "Just talk to Dr. Hwang.
‪'황 박사님께 물어봐요‬ ‪난 통화하기 싫어요'‬I don't want to talk to you."
‪그러다 마침내 어느 여성분이‬ ‪이렇게 말씀하셨어요‬But finally, I had a woman on the phone, and she said,
‪'전반적인 난자 기증 절차는‬ ‪저도 잘 모르지만'‬"I can't tell you about the egg donation process in general.
‪'제 경험은 말씀드릴 수 있어요'‬I can only tell you about my own procedure."
‪이내 깨닫고 되물었죠‬It took me a second.
‪'본인의 난자를‬ ‪실험에 기증하셨다고요?'‬"So you donated your eggs for the experiment?"
‪그분이 기증했다고 하더군요‬She said, "Yes, I donated my eggs."
‪그때 심각한 일이라는 걸‬ ‪직감하게 됐어요‬And then it hit me that this was… this was something… this was something big.
‪그래서 그분이 밟은 절차를‬ ‪전부 여쭤봤어요‬So I asked her about all of the procedures that she went through, where she did it, why she did it.
‪어디서, 왜 기증했는지요‬that she went through, where she did it, why she did it.
‪본인은 이미 자식을 낳았으니‬She said she had already had children,
‪불임이 되더라도‬ ‪개의치 않았다고 하셨죠‬she wasn't worried even if it made her unable to have children.
‪한국엔 척추 부상자가 워낙 많으니‬She said, "There are so many people with spinal cord injuries in Korea. I want to help them out any way I can."
‪어떻게든‬ ‪그 사람들을 돕고 싶다면서요‬I want to help them out any way I can."
‪황 박사는‬ ‪만인의 구원자가 될 테니‬She basically said Dr. Hwang was going to be a savior to people,
‪본인도 동참하고 싶었다네요‬and she wanted to be a part of it.
‪[한국어로] 그때 당시에, 음…‬At that time,
‪우리 실험실에 있는‬ ‪여자 연구원들이 꽤 많았거든요‬we had many female researchers in the lab.
‪[영준] 그 실험실에 있는‬ ‪여자 연구원들한테 전부 다‬All the female researchers were called into his office.
‪교수실에 불러 가지고 다들‬Hwang Woo-suk showed them the papers,
‪종이를 내보이면서‬ ‪황우석이가 직접 설명을 하고‬and personally explained all the details of his contents, then asked them to sign it.
‪여기 사인만 하라고 그래서‬then asked them to sign it. The majority of the female researchers in the lab signed the papers
‪우리 랩의‬ ‪거의 대부분의 여자 연구원들이‬The majority of the female researchers in the lab signed the papers without a second thought,
‪거기 직접 사인을 하고‬without a second thought, and Professor Hwang collected them.
‪황 전 교수가 그거를 갖고 갔어요‬and Professor Hwang collected them.
‪[영어로] 이럴 가능성도‬ ‪있다고 봅니다‬I think it's fairly likely that if you were a junior female researcher
‪해당 연구에 참여한‬ ‪하급 여성 연구원이‬I think it's fairly likely that if you were a junior female researcher working in a lab at this time and you thought that giving your eggs
‪[찬] 자기 난자를 기증해서‬working in a lab at this time and you thought that giving your eggs was a way that you could make this breakthrough happen,
‪과학적 발전을‬ ‪이룰 수 있다고 생각하면‬was a way that you could make this breakthrough happen,
‪기꺼이 나설 수도 있고‬you would do it, willingly.
‪누가 부탁할 필요도 없겠지만‬You might not even need to be asked.
‪그걸 자발적인 선택이라고‬ ‪할 수 있었을까요?‬But was it really voluntary? Did they have any choice? Um, I think, in the matter,
‪이 사례에서‬Um, I think, in the matter,
‪명망 높은 선배 과학자가‬ ‪연구실에서 이렇게 말했다고 치죠‬did the well-respected, senior scientist coming into the lab and saying, "Well, we need some eggs. Where on Earth can we get them from?"
‪'난자가 필요한데‬ ‪대체 어디서 구하지?'‬"Well, we need some eggs. Where on Earth can we get them from?"
‪그것도 하나의 강압이 아닐까요?‬Is that a form of coercion?
‪[시라노스키] 제가 쓴‬ ‪기사의 핵심은‬[David] The article I wrote was basically about
‪그 연구엔 윤리적 문제가 있지만‬there being ethical problems with the research
‪황 박사는‬ ‪인정하길 꺼린다는 거였죠‬that Dr. Hwang did not want to recognize.
‪기사 제목은 이렇게 지었어요‬And the title of the article was,
‪'윤리 문제에 휩싸인‬ ‪한국의 복제 전문가들'‬"Korean cloners dogged by ethical problems,"
‪그걸 황 박사한테 들려주니‬ ‪이렇게 말하더군요‬and I told Dr. Hwang this. And he said, "If you do that, you're going to have very big problems."
‪'그 기사를 내면‬ ‪당신만 힘들어집니다'‬And he said, "If you do that, you're going to have very big problems."
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬[ominous music]
‪[앵커가 한국어로] 황우석‬ ‪교수 팀에 제공된‬It has been revealed that the funding provided to Professor Hwang's team
‪정부와 민간단체의 지원금은 무려‬It has been revealed that the funding provided to Professor Hwang's team by the government and private organizations
‪천억 원이 넘는 것으로‬ ‪나타나고 있습니다‬by the government and private organizations amount to over 100 billion won.
‪[기자] 황우석 교수님의‬ ‪그 파워를 느낄 수 있었는데…‬[reporter 1] Do you feel powerful, Professor Hwang?
‪무슨 파워는 무슨 파워‬[reporter 1] Do you feel powerful, Professor Hwang? Power? What power?
‪그만큼 저희가 이제‬ ‪책임이 무겁다는 뜻이죠‬Power? What power? It just means there is greater responsibility.
‪[시라노스키가 영어로] 저는‬ ‪그 기사로 추가 조사가 이뤄져서‬I thought that the article would lead to further investigation
‪제 보도가 사실로 밝혀지고‬and that they would find what I wrote was true
‪이 문제를 더 깊이 성찰하면서‬and that there would be more reflection on this,
‪황 박사가‬ ‪골머리 좀 앓겠거니 했는데‬and probably some headaches for Dr. Hwang, but…
‪놀랍게도 제 기사의 진실성을 두고‬ ‪부정적인 반응만 쏟아졌어요‬I was surprised that there was only negative reaction to my article, to the integrity of my article.
‪과학계에선 언급조차 드물었고요‬And among the scientific community, there was very little said.
‪황 박사는‬And this is the star
‪배아 줄기세포와‬ ‪복제 연구 분야의 스타로‬of embryonic stem cell research, of cloning research.
‪핵심적인 인물이잖아요‬This is the guy at the center of it all,
‪그 사람의 연구에‬ ‪심각한 생명 윤리 문제가 있다면‬and if he has serious bioethical problems in his research,
‪당연히 논의가 이뤄져야죠‬then we should be talking about it.
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- 근데 다들 언급을 꺼렸어요‬But no one wanted to talk about it.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[시라노스키] 이어서‬ ‪인간 복제에 관한‬And then Dr. Hwang's second human cloning paper
‪황 박사의 두 번째 논문이‬And then Dr. Hwang's second human cloning paper
‪2005년 5월에 발표됐죠‬ ‪첫 논문 이후 1년여 만에요‬came out in May of 2005, so just over a year after his first.
‪[우석] 이 논문으로 과학계는‬ ‪미래를 향한 큰 걸음을 내디뎠고‬This report brings science a giant step forward toward the day
‪인류에게 가장 치명적인‬ ‪질병과 부상도‬when some of humankind's most devastating diseases and injuries
‪치료용 줄기세포를 활용해‬ ‪효율적으로 치료할 날이 올 겁니다‬can be effectively treated through the use of therapeutic stem cells.
‪2005년에 발표된 그 논문을 통해‬That 2005 paper was a step towards the ability
‪환자 본인의 세포로‬ ‪치료법을 개발하는 기술에‬That 2005 paper was a step towards the ability to be able to use a patient's own cells
‪[월페이] 한 걸음‬ ‪다가서게 된 겁니다‬to create therapies for that patient.
‪[섀튼] 한국에서 하시는 연구는‬ ‪세계적으로 유일무이하죠‬The work that you do in Korea doesn't occur anywhere else in the world.
‪[남자] 치료용 복제는‬ ‪전 세계 수많은 환자의‬[man 3] Therapeutic cloning offers the hope of understanding treatment and cures for millions and millions of people around the world.
‪치료법을 개발할 수 있는‬ ‪한 줄기 희망입니다‬treatment and cures for millions and millions of people around the world.
‪[여자] 과학자들은 이를 이 시대‬ ‪최고의 발견이라고 말합니다‬[female reporter 5] Scientists say it's the greatest discovery of our lifetime.
‪[월페이] 황 박사는‬ ‪하나의 수정란을‬[Dr. Wolpe] Dr. Hwang claimed that he took a fertilized egg
‪특정 개수의 세포로‬ ‪분열시켰다고 주장했어요‬that has managed to divide into a certain number of cells.
‪그 각각의 세포를‬ ‪다능성 줄기세포라고 해요‬Each one of those cells are what we call pluripotent stem cells,
‪그러한 세포 하나하나는‬which means that every one of those cells
‪신장이나 간, 피부 세포가‬ ‪될 수 있습니다‬can turn into a kidney cell, or a lung cell, or a skin cell.
‪이러한 연구의 목표는‬ ‪복제된 수정란을‬And the goal here was to take this cloned, fertilized egg
‪다수로 복제해서‬and be able to clone it into many
‪줄기세포를 얻는 거예요‬so that you could get stem cells
‪모든 줄기세포는‬ ‪최초의 수정란과 동일하니‬that all would actually be identical to that original,
‪그걸 자궁에 주입하면‬ ‪온전한 인간이 탄생하겠죠‬which, in a uterus, would develop into a full human being.
‪황 박사는 그런 연구를 했어요‬And so that's basically what he did.
‪인간으로부터 복제한‬ ‪줄기세포를 만들었죠‬He created stem cells that were cloned from the original human being.
‪[찬] 당시 줄기세포 과학은‬At that time, stem cell science was going to revolutionize medicine.
‪의학을 획기적으로‬ ‪뒤바꿀 기세였으니까요‬At that time, stem cell science was going to revolutionize medicine. It was going to be transformative.
‪- 모든 국가가 어느 정도는‬ ‪- [박수 소리]‬And so, in some ways, for any country,
‪그런 과학적 혁신을 이루고자‬achieving that level of breakthrough science
‪노력했을 겁니다‬would have been something to strive for.
‪"서울은 세계를 환영합니다"‬2002 FIFA WORLD CUP KOREA/JAPAN
‪- [활기찬 음악]‬ ‪- [시끌벅적한 응원 소리]‬[upbeat percussive music]
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬[crowd cheering]
‪[남자가 한국어로] 이제 한국도‬ ‪이른바 개발 도상국에서‬[Prof. Chin] At the time, South Korea was transitioning from being a developing country to a developed country.
‪이제 선진국으로 넘어가는‬ ‪과도기였고‬from being a developing country to a developed country. So naturally, there was a strong pride.
‪그런 열망들 같은 것들이‬ ‪굉장히 강했던‬So naturally, there was a strong pride.
‪'이제는 우리가‬ ‪따라가는 게 아니라'‬"Now, we're not following others, that time is done.
‪'우리가 새로운 걸 뭐‬ ‪만들어야 되고 그럴 때가 됐다'‬"Now, we're not following others, that time is done. Instead, we're the ones leading with something new.
‪'우리도 세계 최고'‬Instead, we're the ones leading with something new. We're among the world's best.
‪'최고의 기술 또 최고의 과학‬ ‪뭐, 등등등'‬We're among the world's best. It's time that we have the best technology,
‪'이런 것들을 가질 때가 됐다'‬It's time that we have the best technology, the best science, and so on."
‪라는 그런 열망들이‬ ‪굉장히 분출되던 시기였습니다‬This mindset was very strong during that period.
‪[앵커] 우리나라를 세계적인‬[female reporter 6] The World Stem Cell Hub,
‪생명 과학 연구의 메카로‬ ‪자리매김하게 할‬[female reporter 6] The World Stem Cell Hub, which will reposition Korea into the mecca for life science research worldwide, opened its doors today.
‪세계 줄기세포 허브가‬ ‪오늘 문을 열었습니다‬for life science research worldwide, opened its doors today.
‪[섀튼이 영어로] 미래에는‬ ‪인간의 고통이‬We now have hope that human being sufferings
‪환자 맞춤형‬ ‪배아 줄기세포가 주도할‬might someday be alleviated by the breakthroughs
‪과학적 혁신을 통해‬ ‪완화되길 희망합니다‬enabled by patient-specific embryonic stem cells.
‪[한국어로] 옛날에는‬ ‪제가 별로 도움이 되지 않았습니다‬In the past, I was not a big help. But now, I am helping out a little bit.
‪지금은 좀 돕고 있습니다‬But now, I am helping out a little bit. From this moment onwards, I will provide full support.
‪앞으로 확실히 밀겠습니다‬From this moment onwards, I will provide full support. [applause]
‪[박수 소리]‬[applause]
‪[시라노스키가 영어로] 당시‬ ‪세계는 두 편으로 나뉘었어요‬Basically, the world was divided into two camps at that point.
‪한쪽에선‬ ‪배아 줄기세포 연구를 지지했고‬There was a group that supported embryonic stem cell research,
‪다른 한쪽에선 배아도 곧 인간이니‬and there was a group that said embryos are humans
‪배아 줄기세포 연구에‬ ‪이용하겠다고‬and they shouldn't be torn apart to use their cells for embryonic stem cell research.
‪배아를 헤집지 말라고 했죠‬for embryonic stem cell research.
‪오늘 통과를 요청드리는 법안은‬Tonight, I ask you to pass legislation
‪의료 연구의 심각한 악용을‬ ‪금지하는 내용입니다‬to prohibit the most egregious abuses of medical research.
‪모든 형태의 인간 복제는 물론‬Human cloning in all its forms,
‪실험용으로‬ ‪배아를 생성 혹은 이식하는 행위‬creating or implanting embryos for experiments,
‪인간과 동물의 혼성체를‬ ‪만드는 행위‬creating human-animal hybrids,
‪인간 배아의 매매 및‬ ‪특허 취득을 금지합시다‬and buying, selling, or patenting human embryos.
‪[기자가 한국어로] 허브는‬ ‪이르면 다음 달부터‬[female reporter 7] As early as next month,
‪난치성 질환을 가진 환자들의‬ ‪등록 절차를 진행할 계획입니다‬[female reporter 7] As early as next month, the hub will be registering patients with incurable diseases.
‪[환자] 그러면 이제‬ ‪좀 활동 좀 하고‬I've dreamed that I can get up and throw away the wheelchair.
‪휠체어 이거 버리고‬I've dreamed that I can get up and throw away the wheelchair.
‪뭐, 워커라도 보조기라도 짚고‬Maybe get some walkers.
‪특히 줄기세포라는‬ ‪그 개념이 당시에는 그렇게‬At that time, most of the public was still unfamiliar
‪국민들에게 많이 알려지지 않았던‬ ‪초창기의 개념이에요‬with the concept of stem cells. When the notion of stem cells was finally introduced to the public,
‪[학수] 그래서‬ ‪그 당시의 줄기세포가‬When the notion of stem cells was finally introduced to the public,
‪말 그대로 모든 것을 할 수 있는‬When the notion of stem cells was finally introduced to the public, it was presented as a medical advance that could do anything
‪모든 병을 치료할 수 있는‬it was presented as a medical advance that could do anything and cure all diseases.
‪그런 것으로 이제‬ ‪소개되었었기 때문에‬and cure all diseases.
‪음, 거의 모든 환자들이‬ ‪거의 모든 장애를 가지신 분들이‬So almost all patients, almost all people with disabilities,
‪너무나 크게 여기에 꿈을 가졌고‬ ‪의지하게 된 거죠‬they began having big dreams and came to depend on them.
‪[성스러운 음악]‬[whimsical music]
‪[남자] 할렐루야‬ ‪사랑하는 성도 여러분‬Hallelujah, my beloved disciples of Christ.
‪한 주간도 평안하셨습니까?‬Hallelujah, my beloved disciples of Christ. Have you been well this week?
‪'나는 누구인가' 그리고‬"Who am I? And where did I come from?"
‪'나는 어디서부터 왔는가'‬ ‪라고 하는‬And where did I come from?" Throughout history,
‪그 질문에 대해서 인간은 모두가‬ ‪당위성을 찾기를 원합니다‬all humans have looked for answers to these difficult questions.
‪그리고 19세기, 20세기를 거치면서‬And through the 19th and 20th centuries,
‪인간은 그 당위성을‬ ‪과학에서 찾게 되었죠‬humans found those answers in science.
‪이로 인하여 사람들은‬Therefore,
‪신의 자리에‬ ‪과학을 올려놓았습니다‬humans have effectively replaced God with science.
‪과연 그럴까요?‬-[Pastor Kim] Could it be true? -[rings]
‪[뎅 울리는 종소리]‬-[Pastor Kim] Could it be true? -[rings]
‪[남자] 우리 아이가 이제‬My child was involved in a car accident in 2002.
‪2002년도에 교통사고가 났어요‬My child was involved in a car accident in 2002.
‪24일 만에 깨어났어요‬He woke up after 24 days
‪의식이 없다가‬from a coma state.
‪그러고서‬And after that,
‪하반신, 이 가슴 밑으로‬ ‪전부 다 마비가 됐죠‬his lower body from the chest down was… completely paralyzed.
‪[제언] 그 당시의 황우석 박사가‬In that time period,
‪길병원 측에다‬ ‪도움을 요청했던 거 같아요‬I think Dr. Hwang had requested help from the Gil Medical Center.
‪뭐, 환자 중에서 이제 자기가‬He was looking for a patient. A patient that would volunteer and
‪연구하고 있는 줄기세포 연구에‬A patient that would volunteer and participate in the stem cell research
‪함께할 수 있는 사람을‬ ‪원한다, 찾는다‬participate in the stem cell research that he was conducting.
‪길병원에서‬ ‪우리 현이를 담당한 과장님이‬The doctor at the Gil Medical Center who was in charge of caring for my son,
‪닥터가 혹시‬Hyeon-yi, asked if we would be interested
‪여기에 참여할 의사가 있느냐‬ ‪라고 물었어요‬asked if we would be interested in taking part in this research.
‪그 이후에 우리는‬ ‪황우석 박사가 초대하는‬Later, we ended up visiting the laboratory of Dr. Hwang Woo-suk upon his generous invitation.
‪그의 연구실을 방문하게 되었어요‬upon his generous invitation.
‪'아, 이거는 대단한 것이구나'라고‬ ‪깨닫게 되고‬And I realized just how incredible this technology was
‪희망을 품을 수 있게 됐죠‬and I started to have some hope.
‪- [신나는 음악]‬ ‪- [관객들의 환호성]‬[upbeat pop music]
‪[영준] 강원래는‬ ‪이인조 남성 그룹의‬[Prof. Ryu] Kang Won-rae was a member of a successful two-man dance group.
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- 댄스 그룹의 일원이었어요‬[Prof. Ryu] Kang Won-rae was a member of a successful two-man dance group.
‪그 사람은 굉장히‬ ‪춤을 잘 추는 걸로 유명했고‬He was well-known for his excellent dancing skills,
‪어, 그 전에‬and in the past,
‪유명 가수의 백댄서로 이름을…‬and in the past, he had built his career as a backup dancer for a very famous singer.
‪그니까 경력을 쌓았던 사람들이죠‬he had built his career as a backup dancer for a very famous singer.
‪그 이름도 '클론'이었어‬They were even called "Clon."
‪[관객들의 환호성]‬[crowd cheering]
‪저 강원래 군을 벌떡 일으켜‬I hope that… Mr. Kang Won-rae will…
‪이제 과거 보여 주셨던‬Mr. Kang Won-rae will… stand again and show us his sharp dancing skills
‪그 날렵한 솜씨를‬ ‪다시 보여 주길 바랍니다‬stand again and show us his sharp dancing skills we remember from his past.
‪[중권] 실제로‬ ‪그걸 또 연출을 했고‬[Prof. Chin] They staged the whole scene.
‪아니, 뭐, 앉은 사람‬ ‪휠체어에 앉은 사람한테‬I mean, he told a man sitting, a man in a wheelchair
‪'내가 너를 걷게 하리라'‬that he will make him walk again. That's something Jesus said.
‪이거 예수 그리스도가 했던‬ ‪말이잖아 [웃음]‬that he will make him walk again. That's something Jesus said.
‪그니까 목사님 아들한테‬ ‪'내가 너를 걷게 해 주겠다'‬So he told a pastor's son that he would make him walk.
‪자기가 뭐, 예수 그리스도야?‬ ‪도대체 뭐야, 이게?‬Who does he think he is, Jesus Christ? What is this?
‪[웅장한 음악]‬[Superman theme song]
‪[영준] 크리스토퍼 리브라는‬ ‪미국 배우가 있잖아요‬You know, there was an American actor named Christopher Reeve,
‪- '슈퍼맨' 역할을 했던‬ ‪- [무거운 음악]‬You know, there was an American actor named Christopher Reeve, who starred as Superman.
‪자기는 황 전 교수의‬ ‪워크에 대해서 잘 알고 있고‬He said that he knew about the work that Dr. Hwang was doing.
‪[영어로] 치료용 복제‬ ‪혹은 체세포 핵 이식은‬Therapeutic cloning, also known as somatic cell nuclear transfer,
‪진정한 희망을 줍니다‬offers real hope.
‪[한국어로] 우표, 포스트 스탬프‬ ‪기념우표가 발행되는 거예요‬The post stamp. They released a commemorative post stamp.
‪[중권] 휠체어에서 앉아서‬ ‪일어나서 걷는 것을‬Someone sitting in a wheelchair and getting up and starting to walk is depicted continuously on these stamps.
‪연속 동작으로 표현한‬ ‪우표가 발행이 되는데‬and starting to walk is depicted continuously on these stamps.
‪와, 미쳤어요‬Wow. It's crazy.
‪과학자라면서 어떻게 그렇게…‬How can a scientist say things like, "I can make you walk"?
‪'내가 당신 일어나서‬ ‪걷게 해 주겠다'‬How can a scientist say things like, "I can make you walk"? You can't say that as a scientist.
‪그런 얘기 못 하잖아요‬ ‪과학자들이‬You can't say that as a scientist.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[학수] 그때 당시에는 이제‬ ‪가장 유명한 사람이 박지성‬At the time, the most famous person in our country was Park Ji-sung.
‪- [사람들의 환호성]‬ ‪- [웅장한 음악이 흐른다]‬[crowd cheering]
‪지금으로 놓고 보자면 뭐라고 할까‬If I were to compare it to today, how should I explain this?
‪- [관객들의 환호성]‬ ‪- 문화적으로 놓고 보자면 BTS‬If I were to compare it to today, how should I explain this? If we were to think of it in cultural terms… BTS? Or Son Heung-min?
‪또는 손흥민‬BTS? Or Son Heung-min?
‪왜 황우석 교수에 대해서…‬Combine their fame? That was the public sentiment towards Professor Hwang Woo-suk.
‪그런 사람들을 다 합친 것만큼의‬ ‪어떤 파워‬That was the public sentiment towards Professor Hwang Woo-suk. That was his power.
‪[앵커] 황우석‬ ‪서울대 교수가 제1호‬[female reporter 7] Seoul National University professor,
‪최고 과학자로 선정됐습니다‬[female reporter 7] Seoul National University professor, Hwang Woo-suk, has been selected as its top scientist.
‪과학 기술부는‬ ‪오늘 오전 서울 팔래스 호텔에서‬Hwang Woo-suk, has been selected as its top scientist. At the Palace Hotel Seoul this morning,
‪최고 과학자 위원회를 열고‬At the Palace Hotel Seoul this morning, the Ministry of Science and Technology has appointed Hwang Woo-suk
‪황우석 교수를 최고 과학자로‬ ‪만장일치로 결정했습니다‬the Ministry of Science and Technology has appointed Hwang Woo-suk as the chief scientist with a unanimous vote.
‪황 교수는 앞으로 5년 동안‬Professor Hwang will receive three billion won
‪매년 30억 원의 연구비를‬ ‪지원받게 됩니다‬in research funding for each of the next five years.
‪[찬이 영어로] 황 박사는‬[Dr. Chan] Hwang was getting all of this
‪과학계, 의학계와‬ ‪대중의 관심을 한 몸에 받았지만‬[Dr. Chan] Hwang was getting all of this scientific and medical and public interest,
‪동시에 그 세포들은‬ ‪인간의 배아에서 나왔으니‬but at the same time, these cells are coming from human embryos, and that's obviously controversial for some
‪당연히 논쟁을 일으키죠‬and that's obviously controversial for some
‪일각에선 인간의 배아도‬ ‪신성한 보호의 대상이라거나‬because they regard human embryos as sacred or deserving of protection.
‪인간 생명의 시작점으로 보니까요‬You know, they're the start of human life.
‪당시 이 문제로‬ ‪많은 토의가 이뤄졌어요‬So there was a lot of debate about this at the time.
‪[웅장한 음악]‬So there was a lot of debate about this at the time. [PD Note theme music]
‪[한국어로] 어렵게‬ ‪'PD수첩'을 찾은 분들이 있습니다‬These people have come to PD Note with heavy hearts.
‪얼굴과 목소리를 꼭 보호해 달라며‬ ‪자신들의 이야기를 꺼냈습니다‬They have shared their stories, requesting that they remain anonymous for protection.
‪[학수] 제가 'PD수첩'을 한 게‬ ‪2005년경‬I worked at PD Note around 2005.
‪그래서 대한민국 사람이‬ ‪대부분이 아는‬It's an investigative program that most Koreans know
‪탐사 보도 프로그램이고‬It's an investigative program that most Koreans know and among all the investigative programs, it was ranked number one.
‪탐사 보도 프로그램 중에서는‬ ‪랭킹 원이고‬and among all the investigative programs, it was ranked number one.
‪그것을 받았을 때‬ ‪처음에 어떤 생각이 들었었냐면‬[knocking] [Hak-soo] When I first received the tip, the first thing I thought was,
‪- [키보드 조작 효과음]‬ ‪- 아, 이것도, 음‬"Ah, this could be…"
‪뭐, 대학 교수‬ ‪황 교수에 대한 이야기기 때문에‬"Ah, this could be…" Because this was about Dr. Hwang, a university professor,
‪황 교수가 어떤 뭐, 약간‬Because this was about Dr. Hwang, a university professor, I thought it would be about sexual harassment.
‪성희롱이라거나‬I thought it would be about sexual harassment.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪우리 그 제보자‬The informant used the expression,
‪나도 더 이상 내릴 수 없는 어떤‬The informant used the expression, "Riding on the back of a tiger that I can no longer get off of."
‪호랑이 등에 올라탔다는‬ ‪표현을 쓰거든요?‬"Riding on the back of a tiger that I can no longer get off of."
‪이제 'PD수첩'에‬ ‪이제 제보하기로 마음을 먹고‬So he made up his mind to tip PD Note.
‪'저는 황우석 교수 팀에서‬ ‪연구하던 사람인데'‬"I was on Dr. Hwang Woo-suk's research team, and…
‪'중요한 문제와 관련해서‬ ‪제보를 하게 되었습니다'‬and I have information… to share with you regarding an important issue.
‪'한번 직접 만나서‬ ‪얘기를 해 보고 싶습니다'‬to share with you regarding an important issue. I'd like to meet to talk about it."
‪내가 프로듀서로, 피디로서‬As a producer, as a PD,
‪그리고 다큐멘터리를 만드는‬ ‪사람으로서‬as someone who makes documentaries,
‪어떤 불편한 진실도‬no matter how uncomfortable the truth is,
‪나는 드러내는 것이‬ ‪저널리스트의 몫이라고 생각한다‬no matter how uncomfortable the truth is, it is the journalist's duty to reveal it.
‪그래서 혹시 뭐‬ ‪그 사람의 개인 비리가 뭘까‬So I thought I would go and listen to the informant
‪하고 이제 들어 보자 하는‬ ‪취지였고‬and find out what this personal information was,
‪혹시 개인 비리 중에서도‬ ‪심각한 거라면‬and find out what this personal information was, and if it was serious enough.
‪[영준] 그런데 나타난 사람은‬But the person who showed up
‪제가 모르는‬ ‪한학수가 나타났던 거죠‬was Han Hak-soo, whom I hadn't known before.
‪그때는 상당히 제가‬ ‪경계하고 있는 상태였기 때문에‬At the time, I had my guard up. So when he first arrived, I immediately began to gauge whether I could trust this person or not.
‪이 사람을 믿어도 될지 안 될지를‬ ‪순간적으로 판단해야 됐었어요‬I immediately began to gauge whether I could trust this person or not.
‪그때 갔더니 이제 류영준 씨가‬When I got there, Mr. Ryu Young-joon, um,
‪[학수] 조용한 방으로 불러 가지고‬took me to a quiet room and before he said anything to me,
‪저한테 얘기를 하기 전에‬took me to a quiet room and before he said anything to me,
‪맨 처음에 했던 질문이‬ ‪그거였어요, 저한테‬the very first question he asked me was this.
‪한학수 피디는 진실이 먼저냐‬ ‪아니면 국익이 먼저냐‬"Producer Han, what's more important to you? The truth or national interest?"
‪[영준] 한학수 피디가‬Producer Han Hak-soo replied,
‪한 1초도 망설이지 않고‬without a second of hesitation,
‪바로 '진실이 국익이다'‬ ‪이렇게 이야기를 했어요‬"Truth itself is the national interest."
‪그래서 내가‬ ‪'아, 이 사람은 믿어도 되겠구나'‬That was when I knew, "Ah, I could trust him."
‪난자와 관련된 불법 거래를 하고‬He made illegal transactions with regards to the eggs.
‪[학수] 그런 많은 다수의‬ ‪불법 거래 된 난자를‬He made illegal transactions with regards to the eggs. Those eggs were illegally traded.
‪[영준] 그, 논문을 위한 실험을‬ ‪계획을 처음에 세팅을 할 때‬[Prof. Ryu] When we were preparing for our 2004 research paper, Dr. Hwang and I didn't know how to procure the eggs.
‪황 전 교수도 몰랐고‬Dr. Hwang and I didn't know how to procure the eggs.
‪나도 어떻게‬ ‪난자를 구해야 될지 몰랐어요‬We had no idea where to get them.
‪우리나라에서 난자를‬I reached out to all the labs in the country
‪제일 많이 사용하는 연구실에다가‬ ‪전부 연락을 해 가지고‬I reached out to all the labs in the country that frequently used eggs as part of their research,
‪제가 직접 찾아가서‬ ‪그 상황을 봤어요‬and subsequently visited them myself to follow up.
‪그래서 실험에 사용할 수 있는‬ ‪난자를 다 조사를 했어요‬I asked them if they could provide us with eggs for our experiment,
‪그랬더니 전부 다 거부를 했어요‬but they all refused.
‪'남는 게 없다'‬They said there were no more eggs left.
‪'이것은 윤리적으로‬ ‪굉장히 문제가 있는 거라서'‬They said there were no more eggs left. And that they wouldn't help us because what we were trying to do
‪'절대로 우리는‬ ‪도움을 줄 수 없다'‬And that they wouldn't help us because what we were trying to do was ethically problematic. And that was the conclusion.
‪이렇게 결론을 내렸어요‬was ethically problematic. And that was the conclusion.
‪그리고 황 전 교수는‬ ‪굉장히 기분 나빠 했죠‬Dr. Hwang was extremely upset.
‪그때부터 황 전 교수는‬From that moment on, he started visiting hospitals in person
‪그 사람들을 직접 만나면서‬ ‪사람을 가리기 시작해서‬From that moment on, he started visiting hospitals in person and noted the ones willing to help.
‪미즈메디를 해야 되겠다‬He concluded that it had to be Mizmedi,
‪어, 불임 전문 산부인과 병원‬a maternity hospital specializing in infertility treatment.
‪[피디] 그동안‬ ‪연구에 사용된 난자의‬Whenever the ethical problem of the eggs used in research came up,
‪윤리 문제가 불거질 때마다‬ ‪황우석 교수는‬Whenever the ethical problem of the eggs used in research came up, Professor Hwang Woo-suk has emphasized that he has only used eggs
‪숭고한 여성들이 기증한 난자만‬ ‪사용해 왔다고 강조해 왔습니다‬Professor Hwang Woo-suk has emphasized that he has only used eggs donated by dignified women.
‪- 외국 언론에게도 제가‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬I have already communicated to the foreign press and media
‪심심 어린 감사의 뜻을‬ ‪전한 분들이 있습니다‬just how grateful I am… to all of these women.
‪[우석] 그분들은‬ ‪저는 직접 누구인지는 모르지만‬I haven't had the chance to meet all of them personally,
‪바로 이 연구에‬ ‪자신들의 귀중한 난자를‬but it is true that they have each volunteered to donate their precious eggs for research
‪자발적으로 제공해 주신‬to assist in this scientific experiment.
‪그러나 이번 'PD수첩'의 취재 결과‬However, through our PD Note investigation,
‪황 교수의 주장은‬ ‪사실이 아니었음이 드러났습니다‬However, through our PD Note investigation, we found that this claim was untrue.
‪지난 몇 개월간의 취재로‬Over the past few months,
‪6백여 개가 넘는 난자들이‬Over the past few months, we have secured evidence showing that more than 600 eggs
‪매매로 제공되었다는‬ ‪증거를 확보했지만‬we have secured evidence showing that more than 600 eggs were provided through trade.
‪[무거운 음악]‬were provided through trade.
‪[학수] 인터넷에서 알게 된‬ ‪난자 중개업소를 찾은 이 여성은‬[PD Note host] This woman, who visited an egg brokerage company she found on the Internet,
‪그녀는 자신의 난자가‬who visited an egg brokerage company she found on the Internet, seemed to have no idea that her eggs had been used
‪황 교수 연구에 쓰였다는 사실을‬ ‪전혀 모르는 눈치였습니다‬seemed to have no idea that her eggs had been used in Professor Hwang's research.
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- 황 교수 연구에‬A woman, who provided eggs to Professor Hwang's research twice,
‪두 차례나 난자를 제공한‬ ‪이 여성의 경우도‬A woman, who provided eggs to Professor Hwang's research twice,
‪브로커를 통해 난자를‬ ‪매매한 사실을 시인했습니다‬also admitted to selling her eggs through brokers.
‪[학수] 그 정도의 젊은 여성들을‬They recruited these young women to provide their eggs for up to, um,
‪모집해서 난자를 제공하는 데‬ ‪뭐, 3백만 원을 주기도 하고‬They recruited these young women to provide their eggs for up to, um, three million won or two million five hundred thousand won.
‪또는 뭐, 2백5십만 원을‬ ‪주기도 하고‬three million won or two million five hundred thousand won.
‪[기자1] 실험에 쓰이는‬ ‪난자나 이런 것들은 윤리적인…‬[reporter 2] Are there any ethical issues when it comes to the eggs used in the experiment?
‪[우석] 아, 글쎄요‬[Dr. Hwang] Well…
‪[기자1] 매매가 되는 거 아닙니까?‬Were the eggs bought?
‪[우석] 아, 우리는 그런 경우는‬ ‪전혀 없습니다, 예‬Were the eggs bought? We don't have any such cases.
‪[기자2] 황우석 교수님‬ ‪감사합니다‬[reporter 2] Thank you, Professor Hwang, have a good day.
‪- 예, 감사합니다‬ ‪- [기자3] 들어가십시오‬[reporter 2] Thank you, Professor Hwang, have a good day. Thank you.
‪그렇게 난자를 이제‬ ‪제공하는 사람들을 모집해서‬The number of eggs they illegally procured by recruiting these women
‪난자를 불법적으로 모집했던‬The number of eggs they illegally procured by recruiting these women is really beyond our imagination.
‪그 난자들의 숫자가‬ ‪정말 상상을 초월하죠‬is really beyond our imagination.
‪그래서 처음에 황우석 박사의‬ ‪그, 난자와 관련된 그런‬So when I first started reporting on the… glaring ethical issues regarding Dr. Hwang's eggs and how he obtained them?
‪연구 윤리에 대해서‬ ‪보도를 했더니‬Dr. Hwang's eggs and how he obtained them?
‪거의 뭐, 나라가 뒤집어졌죠‬The whole country turned upside down.
‪[지지자] 황우석 교수님을 살리고‬[man 4] Save Professor Hwang Woo-suk…
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬[man 4] Save Professor Hwang Woo-suk…
‪[학수] 그 뒤에‬ ‪황우석을 지지하는 사람들이‬[Hak-soo] After that, supporters of Hwang Woo-suk surrounded our MBC building 24/7.
‪우리 MBC 방송사를‬ ‪24시간 둘러쌌어요‬supporters of Hwang Woo-suk surrounded our MBC building 24/7.
‪밤에는 촛불을 들고‬ ‪촛불 시위를 했어요‬At night, they held candles. They had candlelight vigils.
‪''PD수첩'이‬ ‪방송을 하지 말게 해 주세요'‬"Please don't broadcast PD Note."
‪''PD수첩'이 황우석 박사 관련해서‬ ‪보도하는 것을 막아 주세요'‬"Please stop the reports on Dr. Hwang Woo-suk on PD Note."
‪그곳에 장애인분들도 오셨고‬ ‪유명한 분도 오셨고‬At the rally, people with disabilities came, famous people came, as well as regular civilians who supported Hwang Woo-suk.
‪그다음에 황우석을 지지하는‬ ‪일반인들이‬as well as regular civilians who supported Hwang Woo-suk.
‪[여자] 그때 당시에‬ ‪매주 올라갈 때 이제‬[Jea-suk] At that time, we'd go to Seoul every week.
‪우리 딸이 어렸으니까, 6살 때니까‬My daughter was young, she was six years old.
‪가서 해요, 낮에는 잘 있어‬We'd go there, and she'd be fine during the day.
‪밤에 졸리잖아요‬ ‪그럼 막 얘 칭얼거려‬But she'd get sleepy at night, and she would whine. So then we'd have to get back to the car.
‪차에 와야 되잖아요?‬So then we'd have to get back to the car.
‪그럼 걔를‬ ‪애기를 이제 업고 오는 거야‬I would carry her on my back. Then the police would escort me all the way back to the car.
‪경찰이 에스코트를 해 주는 거예요‬ ‪거기까지‬Then the police would escort me all the way back to the car.
‪그래서 어디서 오셨냬‬They would ask me where I was from,
‪그래 갖고‬ ‪아, 청주서 왔다고 그러면‬They would ask me where I was from, and I said I was from Cheongju.
‪훌륭하신 일 하신다고‬ ‪칭찬을 해 주시더라고, 뒤에서‬Then they would cheer me on, saying I was doing something impressive, secretly.
‪경찰이 그러셨어요‬That's what the police said.
‪[지지자] 국민들이 지켜본다!‬That's what the police said. [supporter in English] The citizens are watching!
‪[지지자들] 국민들이 지켜본다!‬[supporter in English] The citizens are watching! [all in Korean] The citizens are watching!
‪[지지자] 재연 기회 보장하라!‬[supporter in English] Give him another chance!
‪[지지자들] 재연 기회 보장하라!‬[supporter in English] Give him another chance! [all in Korean] Give him another chance!
‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪- 존경하는 국민 여러분‬[in English] My fellow Koreans, whom I respect,
‪현재 저희들이 수행하는 연구는‬the research we are conducting
‪매 단계마다‬ ‪세계 최초로 진행되는 것입니다‬is the world's first at every level and step.
‪[우석] 국민 여러분들께서‬ ‪그동안 보여 주셨던 따뜻한 성원과‬[Dr. Hwang] To repay… the warm support that the citizens have shown,
‪난치병 환자들의 희망 등에‬ ‪조금이라도 보답하기 위해‬and for the hopes of patients around the world suffering from incurable diseases,
‪오로지 순수한 과학도로서의‬ ‪길만 걷겠습니다‬I will continue on my path with only the purest… of scientific interests.
‪황 교수는 그런 국민적인 심리‬ ‪그다음에 그런 애국주의적인 열풍‬Dr. Hwang really understood the mood of society at that time,
‪이런 것을 잘 알고 있었기 때문에‬as well as the national patriotism.
‪우리가 난자와 관련된‬ ‪방송을 하고 나서‬That's why, two days after we aired the report on the eggs,
‪이틀이 지나고 나서‬That's why, two days after we aired the report on the eggs,
‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪- [학수] 수많은 그, 기자들을‬he invited so many, so many journalists
‪데려다 놓고 라이브로‬ ‪라이브로 기자 회견을 한 거죠‬he invited so many, so many journalists and he hosted a live press conference.
‪제가 만약 여성이었다면‬If I were a woman,
‪제 난자를 뽑아 가지고‬it's true that I would have
‪실험을 하고 싶은‬ ‪그런 심정이었던 것이 사실입니다‬wanted to extract my own eggs to conduct my scientific experiments.
‪한국 사회가 어떤 너무 급하게‬ ‪그다음에 어떤‬This case shows how Korean society hastily acts to put out results first
‪성과를 위해서는‬ ‪다른 것을 외면해도 좋다고 하는‬This case shows how Korean society hastily acts to put out results first and pushes all other things to the periphery.
‪그리고 국익을 위해서는‬ ‪진실 따위는‬And how the truth can so easily be overlooked
‪크게 중요하지 않을 수도‬ ‪있다고 하는 어떤 그런‬for the sake of the country as a whole, all wrapped up in such a dogma, in such fascist beliefs.
‪도그마와‬ ‪어떤 파시즘적인 어떤 열풍‬all wrapped up in such a dogma, in such fascist beliefs.
‪'잘나가는, 잘나가는 과학자를‬ ‪왜 깎아내리느냐'‬"Why are you undermining a promising scientist?
‪'국가를 위해서‬ ‪넌 입을 다물어야 된다'‬"Why are you undermining a promising scientist? You should keep your mouth shut for the sake of the country.
‪'국가적인 기술을 발전시키는데'‬You should keep your mouth shut for the sake of the country. They're developing technology for the advancement of our country
‪'니가 국가에‬ ‪도움이 되지 않고 말이지'‬They're developing technology for the advancement of our country
‪'항상 불평불만만 하고' [웃음]‬and instead of helping, you're complaining."
‪- [흥겨운 음악이 흐른다]‬ ‪- [여자]‬♪ Our pride, our hero ♪
‪[여자]‬♪ Our biotechnology amazed the world ♪
‪[여자]‬♪ Dr. Hwang, stay strong ♪
‪[여자]‬♪ Dr. Hwang, we love you ♪ DR. HWANG IS KOREA'S HOPE AND FUTURE
‪[중권] 그 여성들이 자발적으로‬ ‪자기 난자를 기증하겠다고‬Those women were volunteering their eggs and I…
‪덤벼드는 걸 보고‬ ‪난 완전히 쇼크를 받아 가지고‬Those women were volunteering their eggs and I… I was completely shocked.
‪그니까 우리 사회가‬ ‪이렇게 미쳤구나라는 걸‬It was the first time I felt that our nation had gone mad.
‪처음 느꼈습니다‬It was the first time I felt that our nation had gone mad.
‪왜냐면 대개는 그런 것 아닙니까‬Because usually, it goes like this.
‪그 연구를 위해서는‬ ‪수많은 난자들이 필요하고‬Because usually, it goes like this. Lots of eggs are needed for experiments,
‪그 난자는 젊은 여성에게서‬ ‪채취가 되는데‬Lots of eggs are needed for experiments, and those eggs were extracted from young women.
‪난자를 채취하는 과정이‬ ‪상당히 고통스럽다고 들었는데‬I heard that it's an excruciating process to extract eggs.
‪그니까 1930년대 독일 같은 느낌을‬ ‪저는 처음 받았습니다, 그때‬I felt for the first time that we were like Germany in the 1930s.
‪황우석 교수의 연구를 위한‬ ‪자발적인 난자 기증자가‬The number of voluntary egg donors for Dr. Hwang's research has now reached 1,000.
‪천 명을 돌파했습니다‬has now reached 1,000.
‪자기들은 난자 문제에‬ ‪그렇게 문제가 있다면‬The protesters said that if there were so many issues with the eggs,
‪'우리가 난자를 자원해서'‬The protesters said that if there were so many issues with the eggs, then they would voluntarily donate their own eggs for research.
‪[학수] '자발적으로 이렇게‬ ‪기증하겠습니다'라고 하면서‬then they would voluntarily donate their own eggs for research.
‪자발적인 난자 제공 이벤트를‬ ‪막 국민들을‬So the fan club would actually hold events for voluntary egg donor patients.
‪자기 팬들을 동원해 가지고‬ ‪막 이렇게 하고‬So the fan club would actually hold events for voluntary egg donor patients.
‪[기자] 각계각층의 여성들‬ ‪그리고 난치병 환자와‬[male reporter 6] Many women, along with relatives of people
‪장애인의 가족들이‬ ‪한자리에 모였습니다‬with incurable diseases and disabilities
‪연구 치료 목적으로 쓰이는‬ ‪난자 기증을 지원하는‬have gathered today to create a foundation for the donation of eggs.
‪재단을 만들기 위해서입니다‬have gathered today to create a foundation for the donation of eggs.
‪연구 치료를 목적으로 하는‬ ‪난자 기증도‬If women understand the purpose and use of their egg donation,
‪여성들이 스스로‬ ‪그 목적과 용도를 이해한다면‬If women understand the purpose and use of their egg donation, for research and treatment,
‪본인들의 판단하에서‬they will participate with their own will and judgment.
‪스스로의 의지를 가지고‬ ‪동참하게 될 것입니다‬they will participate with their own will and judgment.
‪[지지자] 어차피‬ ‪사람으로 태어났으면‬We are all human beings
‪고통받는 사람을 위해서‬ ‪함께 고통을 나누는 것이‬and we feel that sharing the pain with others who are less fortunate
‪우리가 최선의 길이라고‬ ‪생각하고 있습니다‬and we feel that sharing the pain with others who are less fortunate is the best path.
‪쉽지 않죠‬It wasn't easy.
‪쉽지 않은데, 저는‬It wasn't easy. It wasn't, but I…
‪그니까 연구잖아요, 연구‬I mean, it was for research and it couldn't be done without eggs.
‪난자가 없으면 안 되니까‬I mean, it was for research and it couldn't be done without eggs.
‪저는 기꺼이 제 몸에서, 그니까‬I mean, it was for research and it couldn't be done without eggs. So, I gladly… I, I took it out from my body.
‪생명의 씨앗이라고 봤거든요?‬I, I took it out from my body. I saw it as a seed of life.
‪저는 기꺼이 기부하고 싶었어요‬I wanted to donate it, with pleasure.
‪황우석이라는 개인보다‬ ‪인류에 대한 그런‬I didn't do it for the individual, Dr. Hwang,
‪좋은, 그런 큰 뜻에‬ ‪쓰이고 싶다는 뜻이었죠‬but rather for humankind and for a greater purpose.
‪제 생각은 그랬죠, 그때‬but rather for humankind and for a greater purpose. That was my thinking. [girl] Doctor, come to Daegu!
‪[사람들의 말소리]‬[girl] Doctor, come to Daegu!
‪[지지자1] 박사님, 건강하세요‬ ‪건강하세요‬[supporter 2] Please stay well, Dr. Hwang! Please stay well!
‪[지지자2] 박사님, 힘내세요‬ ‪저희가 늘 응원할게요‬Please stay strong! We will support you!
‪[영준] 근데 이미 우리 집 앞에는‬[Prof. Ryu] But the reporters and Professor Hwang's supporters
‪기자들과 황, 프로 황들이‬ ‪이미 진을 치고 있어서‬[Prof. Ryu] But the reporters and Professor Hwang's supporters were camping outside my place. It would've been a disaster if I went there.
‪내가 들어가면 난리 나는 거야‬ ‪정말 맞아…‬It would've been a disaster if I went there. I would've been beaten to death.
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- 뭐, 잡혀서 뭐, 곤욕을 치렀겠죠‬I would've been beaten to death.
‪뭐, 말할 수도 없이‬ ‪수많은 전화가 오죠‬I've received too many death threats to count.
‪'죽이겠다' 뭐, 응?‬"I'm going to kill you," things like that.
‪뭐, 오만 얘기 다 하죠‬"I'm going to kill you," things like that. They made a lot of threats.
‪13층에 살았는데‬ ‪그 건물이 15층짜리였어요‬I lived on the 13th floor of a 15-story building.
‪근데 그, 옥상에서 로프를 타고‬ ‪모 방송사 기자 둘이가‬I lived on the 13th floor of a 15-story building. And two reporters from a broadcasting company rappelled off the rooftop and came into my place through the window.
‪들어와서, 우리 집에‬ ‪로프 타고 창문으로‬rappelled off the rooftop and came into my place through the window.
‪그래 가지고‬ ‪우리 집 전경을 쫙 찍고‬They took videos of my place, and it was broadcasted on the evening news.
‪그거를 그날 방송에 내보냈습니다‬and it was broadcasted on the evening news.
‪흔히 사람들은 저를 비판하기에‬Usually, people criticized me.
‪'어떻게 아버지를‬ ‪배신할 수 있느냐'‬"How could you betray a father-like figure?"
‪[우석] 그래서 한국에서는‬In South Korea, officiating somebody's wedding has great importance.
‪어느 결혼식에‬ ‪주례를 서 준다는 것은‬officiating somebody's wedding has great importance. It means…
‪그만큼 그들의 미래를 위해서‬that you will be present for the couple throughout the rest of their lives.
‪함께 더불어 하겠다는 뜻이죠‬throughout the rest of their lives.
‪주례를 부탁해서‬ ‪제가 기꺼이 해 줬습니다‬He asked me to be their officiant, and I willingly did.
‪아이가 탄생이 됐으니‬ ‪이 첫 아이에 와서‬And one day, he called me and said, "Our first child is born.
‪대부, 갓파더가 좀 돼 달라고 해서‬Would you be the godfather of our first child?" So I paid a visit to them in the hospital
‪제가 그 병원을 방문을 해 가지고‬ ‪제가 갓파더‬So I paid a visit to them in the hospital to meet their baby, and I became the godfather.
‪그 태어난 아이의 갓파더가 됐었죠‬to meet their baby, and I became the godfather. The godfather to the newborn child.
‪그런데 나중에‬ ‪바로 그 기간 동안에 계속해서‬It was only later that I found out that throughout this time period,
‪어, MBC의 한학수 피디와‬ ‪계속 이메일을 주고받으면서‬he had been constantly exchanging emails about me with MBC's producer, Han Hak-soo.
‪저하고 피 섞이지 않은‬ ‪지도 교수를‬It's not right for people to say I betrayed my mentor
‪지도 교수의 거짓말을‬ ‪그냥 놔뒀다고‬It's not right for people to say I betrayed my mentor by exposing his lies, especially given that we're not family.
‪그걸 배신이라 하면 안 돼요‬by exposing his lies, especially given that we're not family.
‪그 정의가 이미 다른 거예요‬ ‪저하고는‬by exposing his lies, especially given that we're not family. That is not my definition of betrayal.
‪배신이란 말은, 음‬The word "betrayal"…
‪과학자에서 배신이란 말은‬as understood among scientists,
‪그 진리를 배반하면‬ ‪그게 배신이에요‬applies only when we betray the truth.
‪[시라노스키가 영어로] 과학자는‬I think there is an image of scientists as kind of pure, truth seekers.
‪순수하게 진리만을‬ ‪탐구한다는 이미지가 있어요‬I think there is an image of scientists as kind of pure, truth seekers.
‪그런 표현에 걸맞은‬ ‪과학자도 많습니다‬And for a lot of scientists, I think that's true. It fits. Like, that's why they went into it.
‪진리를 위해 과학에 몸담은‬ ‪영리한 사람들이‬It fits. Like, that's why they went into it. Maybe they're smart people. They probably could've made money… more money doing something else.
‪다른 일을 했더라면‬ ‪돈을 더 벌었겠지만‬They probably could've made money… more money doing something else. But a lot of them are curious and interested,
‪많은 과학자는‬ ‪호기심과 흥미를 느끼고‬But a lot of them are curious and interested,
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- 그 호기심을 추구하려 하죠‬and they just want to follow that curiosity.
‪다만 자기 경력에도‬ ‪신경 써야 해요‬But there's also your career to worry about, and scientists, like anybody else, they have to produce results.
‪과학자도 남들처럼‬ ‪결과를 내야 하죠‬and scientists, like anybody else, they have to produce results.
‪[찬] 과학자라면 누구나‬ ‪압박에 시달려요‬All scientists face pressure.
‪여러 과학 분야에서‬ ‪많은 희망과 기대를 떠안죠‬There's a huge amount of hope and hype around lots of areas of science, and not every scientist in Hwang's position
‪하지만 황 박사와‬ ‪처지가 비슷하다고 해서‬and not every scientist in Hwang's position
‪모든 과학자가‬ ‪그렇게 행동하진 않아요‬would have done what he did.
‪[기자가 한국어로] 지난 5월‬[male reporter 7] According to the research paper
‪사이언스지에 게재된‬ ‪논문에 따르면‬[male reporter 7] According to the research paper published in the Science journal,
‪황우석 교수 팀이 배양에‬ ‪성공했다고 밝힌 줄기세포는‬published in the Science journal, all 11 stem cells have been successfully cultured by the team.
‪모두 열한 개‬all 11 stem cells have been successfully cultured by the team.
‪그러나 이들 대부분이 훼손됐거나‬However, doubts have been raised
‪애초부터 줄기세포가‬ ‪아니었을 수 있다는 주장이‬within the research team that the cells may have been damaged
‪연구 팀 내에서‬ ‪처음으로 제기됐습니다‬or were not even stem cells to begin with.
‪어나니머스라는 한 과학자가‬ ‪아, 과학자가‬A scientist called Anonymous… Well, he's not a scientist anymore.
‪지금은 이제 과학을 하지 않고‬ ‪감자 농사를 짓는 분이에요 [웃음]‬Well, he's not a scientist anymore. He's a potato farmer now. [chuckles]
‪근데 이분이 이제‬ ‪과학을 좋아하시는 분이고‬He's someone who loves science.
‪그래서 그분은 황우석 교수의‬ ‪논문을 그때 읽어 본 거예요‬So at the time, he read Dr. Hwang's paper.
‪[학수] 다시 한번 읽어 보고‬When he read it the second time, he came to the realization
‪아, 이 스테이닝 사진에‬ ‪세포 사진이라고 해 놓은 것들이‬When he read it the second time, he came to the realization that the picture Dr. Hwang claimed to be a stem cell
‪이게 조작되었다는 것을‬ ‪이 사람은 대번에 알게 된 거예요‬that the picture Dr. Hwang claimed to be a stem cell was, in fact, manipulated.
‪[여자] 황 교수 팀이‬ ‪확립하였다고 하는‬[woman] The additional cell lines,
‪추가적인 세포주들이‬which Professor Hwang and his team have claimed to have established,
‪과연 환자 맞춤형‬ ‪체세포 복제 줄기세포인지를‬which Professor Hwang and his team have claimed to have established, will undergo DNA analysis to confirm if they are patient-specific somatic cell cloned stem cells.
‪DNA 분석을 통해‬ ‪확인할 예정입니다‬if they are patient-specific somatic cell cloned stem cells.
‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪- [소란스러운 소리]‬[cameras clicking] [Dr. Wolpe] That paper, it had implications
‪[월페이가 영어로] 그 논문은‬ ‪엄청난 영향을 끼쳤죠‬[Dr. Wolpe] That paper, it had implications
‪지구상 모든 선진국의‬ ‪과학계는 물론‬for the science of every advanced country on Earth,
‪수많은 과학자, 대학원생과‬ ‪포닥들의 경력에도요‬for the careers of hundreds of thousands of scientists, of graduate students, and postdocs,
‪그 논문을 바탕으로 연구했다가‬ ‪다들 실패하고 말았잖아요‬all of whom would have used that paper as the basis of their own work, and then fail.
‪[앵커가 한국어로] 황우석‬ ‪교수 팀의‬23 SAMPLES ANALYZED AT 3 RESEARCH INSTITUTES [male reporter 8] The Seoul National University
‪줄기세포 연구를‬ ‪재검증하고 있는 서울대는‬[male reporter 8] The Seoul National University investigation committee, who is reevaluating the professor's stem cell research,
‪잠시 뒤 서울대 본부 4층에서‬who is reevaluating the professor's stem cell research, will be making an announcement shortly.
‪중간발표를 할 예정입니다‬will be making an announcement shortly.
‪그것은 제가 그때‬ ‪인간 팀 팀장으로 있었기 때문에‬I was the leader of the human research team back then, so I had access to all of the raw data.
‪미가공 데이터는 제가 가져갔고‬so I had access to all of the raw data. I was also in charge of drafting our submission to Science academic journal.
‪그리고 사이언스 페이퍼의 초벌도‬ ‪초벌 논문도‬our submission to Science academic journal. When I finished it, I passed it along to Dr. Hwang for final approval.
‪제가 직접 써서 전달했습니다‬When I finished it, I passed it along to Dr. Hwang for final approval.
‪원래 미가공 데이터를‬ ‪임의로 자기가 제 앞에서‬He changed the raw data figures as he saw fit, right in front of me,
‪어떤 권위를 행사하듯이‬He changed the raw data figures as he saw fit, right in front of me, as if he was exercising his authority.
‪그, 과학, 숫자를 고칩니다, 그냥‬He changed the numbers, just like that.
‪실패율을 낮추고‬ ‪성공률을 높이는 그 퍼센티지를‬He lowered the failure rate and increased the success rate with his red pen.
‪그냥 임의로 빨간색 볼펜으로‬ ‪이렇게 쭉쭉 그으면서‬and increased the success rate with his red pen. Once he had the figures he wanted, he instructed me to go back and make the formal changes
‪자기가 원하는 숫자를 적어 넣고‬he instructed me to go back and make the formal changes according to his made-up numbers.
‪이렇게 고치라고‬ ‪저한테 지시를 했죠‬according to his made-up numbers.
‪[무거운 음악]‬[dark music]
‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬ ‪- 2005년 논문은‬The 2005 research paper reported
‪환자 맞춤형‬ ‪인간 체세포 복제 줄기세포주‬The 2005 research paper reported that 11 patient-specific stem cell lines were created from somatic cell cloning.
‪열한 종을 만들었다고‬ ‪보고하였습니다‬were created from somatic cell cloning. However, the truth is that the data of these 11 stem cells
‪그러나 사실은‬ ‪두 개의 줄기세포를 가지고‬However, the truth is that the data of these 11 stem cells was fabricated from only two stem cells.
‪열한 개 줄기세포의 데이터를‬ ‪만들어 냈고‬was fabricated from only two stem cells.
‪[기자1] 먼저 충격적이고‬ ‪참담한 소식을 전해 드립니다‬[male reporter 9] First of all, we have news that is both shocking and devastating.
‪- [소란스러운 소리]‬ ‪- 황우석 교수의 배아 줄기세포‬There was a testimony that out of 11 of Professor Hwang Woo-suk's embryonic stem cells,
‪열한 개 중 적어도 아홉 개는‬out of 11 of Professor Hwang Woo-suk's embryonic stem cells,
‪가짜입니다‬at least nine of them are fake.
‪[기자2] 앞으로의‬ ‪계획은 어떠신지 좀…‬at least nine of them are fake. [woman 2] Please give us a comment.
‪- [기자3] 한 말씀만 해 주시죠‬ ‪- 변호사님 나옵니다‬-[man 5] Please give us just one comment. -[woman 2] Just one word, please.
‪[기자4] 아, 한 말씀만 해 주세요‬-[man 5] Please give us just one comment. -[woman 2] Just one word, please.
‪[기자1] 그렇지 않기를 바랬지만‬-[man 5] Please give us just one comment. -[woman 2] Just one word, please. [male reporter 10] Good evening. We kept hoping it wouldn't be the case,
‪황우석 교수 관련‬ ‪서울대 조사 위원회의‬[male reporter 10] Good evening. We kept hoping it wouldn't be the case, but the first findings from the SNU Internal Review Board
‪1차 결과가 발표되어‬but the first findings from the SNU Internal Review Board
‪결국 온 국민을 참담하고‬ ‪허탈하게 만들고야 말았습니다‬but the first findings from the SNU Internal Review Board regarding Professor Hwang Woo-suk has left the whole nation feeling devastated.
‪[제언] '어쨌든 황우석 박사의‬ ‪줄기세포라고 하는'‬[Pastor Kim] Back then, I thought that whatever happened,
‪'그 연구, 그 주제는'‬I thought that whatever happened, Dr. Hwang's stem cell research
‪'너무도 확실한 결과를‬ ‪가져다줄 것이다'라고‬Dr. Hwang's stem cell research was going to yield some definitive results.
‪생각을 했으니까‬was going to yield some definitive results.
‪그 과정에서‬ ‪무엇이 잘못됐는지는 모르지만‬I'm not entirely sure what went wrong in the process…
‪만약에 황우석 박사가‬ ‪내 아이의 줄기세포를‬But if it is true that he never worked on creating my son's stem cells at all from the very beginning…
‪하지 않았다면‬at all from the very beginning…
‪애초부터 연구를 하지 않았고‬ ‪실행을 하지 않았다면‬If he never did the research from the beginning,
‪그건 정말 나쁜 사람이죠‬then he is a terrible person.
‪[영어로] 과학은‬ ‪신뢰 체계를 바탕으로 하는데‬Science is based on a trust system.
‪그 신뢰 체계를 망가뜨린다면‬And when that trust system breaks down,
‪반드시 심각한 처벌이 따라야죠‬it must be severely punished,
‪그러지 않는다면‬ ‪과학 자체가 무너지니까요‬because if it's not, all of science collapses.
‪[기자] 현대 과학계의 거물이‬ ‪추락하는 순간‬[male reporter 11] The moment of downfall for a giant of modern science.
‪박사의 팀원들은‬ ‪통한의 하루를 보냈습니다‬For his staff, it was a day of mourning.
‪[지지자들이 흐느낀다]‬For his staff, it was a day of mourning. [people sobbing]
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- [한국어로] 황우석 교수를‬We have just charged Dr. Hwang Woo-suk without detainment
‪특정 경제 범죄 가중 처벌 등에‬ ‪관한 법률 위반 사기‬We have just charged Dr. Hwang Woo-suk without detainment
‪업무상 횡령‬for fraud, embezzlement, and for violating the safety of bioethics law.
‪생명 윤리법 안전에 관한‬ ‪법률 위반으로‬for fraud, embezzlement, and for violating the safety of bioethics law.
‪불구속 기소 하였고‬for fraud, embezzlement, and for violating the safety of bioethics law.
‪[소란스러운 소리]‬for fraud, embezzlement, and for violating the safety of bioethics law. [screams and wails]
‪[지지자가 통곡한다]‬[screams and wails]
‪[기자] 통곡의 장으로 바뀐‬ ‪서울 지검‬[male reporter 11] This office has turned into a wailing venue.
‪경찰은 수사 결과 발표에‬ ‪불만을 품은 황 박사 지지자들이‬The police mobilized three units to block access to the building
‪극단적인 행동을 보일 것에 대비해‬ ‪경찰 3개 중대를 동원해‬in case Dr. Hwang's supporters, dissatisfied with the announcement,
‪청사 출입을 통제했습니다‬show extreme behavior.
‪[제언] 얼마 후에 드디어‬ ‪'PD수첩'이 방영됐고‬[Pastor Kim] Then later, the PD Note episode finally aired.
‪제가 'PD수첩'을 아들과‬ ‪내 아내와 함께 봤어요‬I watched PD Note together with my son and my wife.
‪'PD수첩'이 끝나고 나서‬After the show,
‪내 아들이 고개를‬ ‪왼쪽으로 돌려 나를 보면서‬After the show, my son turned to his left, looking directly into my eyes,
‪뒤돌아보면서‬and then he asked me,
‪'아빠, 그러면 나 이제 못 걸어?'‬ ‪라고 물었어요‬"Daddy, does that mean I'll never be able to walk again?" And I said…
‪[후 내뱉는 숨소리]‬[exhales]
‪'하나님께서 반드시'‬"God will…
‪'너로 하여금 그런 일을'‬definitely help you
‪'이루게 하실 거야'‬achieve it.
‪'다만 하나님을 믿는 거지‬ ‪사람을 믿는 건 아니지'‬It's just… we must believe in God, not ordinary people.
‪'그러므로‬ ‪굳이 절망할 필요는 없어'‬So there is no need to despair because of this."
‪음, 내 아이가 그랬죠‬Then my son said this.
‪'나도 아빠…'‬"I know, Dad.
‪'와 같아'‬I feel the same."
‪그리고 울었어요‬And then he cried.
‪황우석 박사의‬ ‪'PD수첩' 사건이 있고‬After the PD Note episode, regarding Dr. Hwang,
‪얼마 안 있어서‬not long after…
‪음, 제 아이가, 어…‬[voice breaking] …my child, uh…
‪의식을 잃었어요‬passed away.
‪[시라노스키가 영어로] 거짓말을‬ ‪했으니 감옥에 가야겠지만‬These guys lied, and they, you know, they do, they have to go to jail. But of course, that's not what happens.
‪- 물론 그럴 일은 없죠‬ ‪- [소란스러운 소리]‬But of course, that's not what happens.
‪과학적 사기는 범죄가 아니거든요‬I mean, scientific fraud is not a crime.
‪그 죄로 수감할 방법은 없으니‬ ‪계속 과학자로 활동할 수 있죠‬There's no real way to put someone in jail for that. You can go on with your career.
‪황 박사도 보조금 횡령으로‬ ‪난처해지긴 했어요‬[David] Dr. Hwang did get in trouble for embezzling grant money that he had.
‪다만 과학적 사기로는‬But for scientific fraud?
‪그 사람을 감옥에 가둘‬ ‪근거 자체가 없죠‬There's no real, uh, way to put someone in jail for that.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[우석이 한국어로] 용서를 빕니다‬[Dr. Hwang] I ask for forgiveness.
‪죄송하다는 말씀조차‬ ‪드리기 어려울 정도로‬I am feeling so ashamed to the point where it is hard to even apologize.
‪참담한 심정입니다‬to the point where it is hard to even apologize.
‪그동안 여러분들이 보내 주신‬ ‪사랑과 성원, 기대를 생각하면‬[Dr. Hwang] Thinking back on the amount of love, all the support, and expectations you had for me,
‪어찌 이 자리에 서겠습니까‬I have no right to be here.
‪[뉴스 속 우석] 모두 인정하고‬ ‪다시 한번 사과를 드립니다‬[over TV] I admit to everything, and once again, I give my apologies.
‪[차분한 음악]‬[somber music]
‪[우석] 이와 같은 사태가‬ ‪저뿐만이 아니고‬Looking back at all of this, the incident taught me a hard lesson
‪좁게는 한국의‬the incident taught me a hard lesson and became a milestone not only for me,
‪과학 소사이어티‬and became a milestone not only for me, but for the entire Korean scientific society,
‪어, 크게 보면 세계적인 과학계에‬but for the entire Korean scientific society, and moreover, for the world's scientific circles.
‪아, 하나의 교훈과‬ ‪이정표가 됐다고 볼 수 있겠습니다‬and moreover, for the world's scientific circles. It would be cowardly of me to use pressure as an excuse to justify my actions.
‪이 압박을 가지고 핑계를 댄다면‬ ‪그건 비겁한 겁니다‬No one in the world could have pressured me.
‪내가 무슨 압박을‬ ‪누구한테 받아 가지고‬No one could make me do something like this.
‪그런 일을 했겠어요‬
‪그거는 비겁한 핑계일 뿐입니다‬That is just… a cowardly excuse.
‪과욕 때문에‬ ‪그런 일이 있었던 것이지‬This happened because of my excessive greed.
‪그걸 가지고 누구 뭐‬ ‪누구 핑계 댈 수도 없는 것이고요‬There's no one… no one else that can be blamed but me.
‪그러나 종합적으로 봤을 때‬However, if I were to be born again,
‪제가 만약 다시 태어나서‬ ‪제 인생의 길을‬However, if I were to be born again, if I were to get the chance to choose the path of my life again, I would choose to take the exact same path.
‪다시 선택할 수 있는‬ ‪기회가 주어진다면‬I would choose to take the exact same path. I have very few regrets.
‪저는 똑같은 길을 걷고 싶습니다‬I stand behind my contributions to science.
‪[월페이가 영어로] 우리가‬ ‪쌓아 올린 과학엔‬I think there are real structural problems
‪구조적인 문제가 있다고 봐요‬in how we have set science up.
‪제가 볼 때 우리는 종종‬And I think we often,
‪최고의 과학을 행하겠다는 구실로‬in the guise of trying to do the best science,
‪부정행위를 부추기죠‬encourage misbehavior.
‪과학자들이 윤리를 고려하는 건‬ ‪무척 중요해요‬I think it's profoundly important that scientists think about ethics,
‪전 윤리학자로 활동하면서‬and I've spent my career
‪과학자들에게‬ ‪윤리관을 가르치고자 했죠‬trying to teach scientists how to think about ethics.
‪우리 모두는‬All of us,
‪과학자건 배관공이건 야구 선수건‬whether we're a scientist, or a plumber, or a baseball player,
‪각자 직업에 관한‬ ‪윤리적 책임을 져야 해요‬have to take responsibility for the ethics of our work
‪우리 일이 타인에게 끼치는‬ ‪영향에 대해서도요‬and the implications of our work on others.
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- [다가오는 탱크 엔진음]‬
‪[여자1이 러시아어로] 초대해‬ ‪주셔서 정말 감사합니다‬[Dr. Lena] Thank you so much for the invitation.
‪박사님은 특히‬ ‪분자 고생물학의 발전에‬[Dr. Lena] Thank you so much for the invitation. You've done so much for the development of paleontology, especially molecular.
‪크게 기여해 주셨어요‬especially molecular.
‪[여자2가 영어로] 저희는 물론‬We really appreciate everything that you have done
‪러시아 전역의‬ ‪분자 과학계에 기여하신‬We really appreciate everything that you have done for us,
‪박사님의 노고에‬ ‪진심으로 감사드립니다‬for us, and for molecular science of the entire Russia.
‪[우석이 한국어로] 2012년‬ ‪여름 탐사였는데요‬[Dr. Hwang] Back in the summer of 2012, I traveled to an excavation site
‪카자치예 지역이라고‬ ‪말하자면 북동 시베리아 지역이죠‬I traveled to an excavation site found deep in the Kazachye region, which is in the northeastern area of Siberia.
‪이 당시에 나는 내 과학 인생에서‬At this time, I felt that I was… the most disgraced that I've ever been
‪가장 명예를 잃은 상태였습니다‬in my entire scientific career.
‪천신만고 끝에‬ ‪이 탐사에 초청을 받았고‬After a lot of work, I was recommended for this expedition.
‪이 탐사에서‬ ‪아무런 결과가 획득되지 못하면‬If I didn't produce any results from this expedition, I knew that I would never get a second chance.
‪나에게는‬ ‪두 번 다시 이런 기회가 없었죠‬I knew that I would never get a second chance. There was a lot of pressure on me.
‪[남자가 러시아어로] 벽이‬ ‪온통 빙정으로 뒤덮였어요‬See, all the walls are covered in ice crystals.
‪여기서 새끼 매머드의‬ ‪팔꿈치 뼈를 발견했습니다‬This is where we found the elbow bone of the young mammoth.
‪[우석이 한국어로] 이 동굴은‬ ‪자연히 발생한 것이 아니고‬[Dr. Hwang] This cave is not a naturally occurring cave.
‪매머드 헌터들이‬It is man-made. The mammoth hunters would… How can I explain it?
‪말하자면 고압의 물을 뿌려 가지고‬The mammoth hunters would… How can I explain it? They would spray water towards the rock in high pressure
‪물을 뿌려 가지고 조금씩 조금씩‬ ‪동굴을 만들어 가서 들어갑니다‬They would spray water towards the rock in high pressure and slowly but surely, the cave was formed into what you're looking at today.
‪관심이 단지 상아만‬ ‪관심이 있고 나머지‬The hunters were only interested in obtaining the mammoth's ivory.
‪우리는 오히려 상아보다는‬But we entered the cave because we wanted the cells.
‪아, 이런 샘플이‬ ‪우리한테 필요해서 들어간 겁니다‬But we entered the cave because we wanted the cells. Not the ivory.
‪이 과정에서 상당 위험성이 있다는‬ ‪그, 동굴이 무너진다는…‬We were told that the cave was potentially dangerous. That it could collapse.
‪[우석이 영어로] 됐네요‬[Dr. Hwang] Okay.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬[exhales] -[Dr. Hwang] I did it. -[man 6] Sir, we need to go.
‪찾았습니다‬-[Dr. Hwang] I did it. -[man 6] Sir, we need to go.
‪- [우석이 한국어로] 어? 왜?‬ ‪- [남자1] 가야 된대요‬-[Dr. Hwang] I did it. -[man 6] Sir, we need to go. -[Dr. Hwang] What? Why? -We have to leave.
‪[남자1이 영어로] 왜‬ ‪철수해야 하죠?‬-[Dr. Hwang] What? Why? -We have to leave. -Now. -[man 7] Why do we have to retract?
‪- 왜죠?‬ ‪- [남자2] 지금 철수 안 하면…‬Why? [man 6] We have to retract because the entrance…
‪[남자1이 한국어로] 아, 지금‬ ‪입구가 무너지고 있대요‬The entrance is collapsing right now.
‪- [우석] 아, 그래?‬ ‪- [남자1] 네‬The entrance is collapsing right now. -[Dr. Hwang] Oh, really? -[man 6] Yes.
‪- [우석이 영어로] 알겠습니다‬ ‪- [남자1] 꼭 나가야 하는지…‬-[Dr. Hwang] Oh, really? -[man 6] Yes. -[Dr. Hwang] Okay. -[man 7] Do we have to… Do we have to go this way?
‪[우석] 네, 나가시죠‬Do we have to go this way? Okay, let's go out.
‪나갑시다, 좋아요‬[Dr. Hwang] Let's go. Okay.
‪내 샘플을 챙겨야죠‬My… My sample.
‪내 샘플요‬My sample, my sample.
‪[우석이 한국어로] 거기서‬ ‪만약의 경우‬[Dr. Hwang] If the cave had collapsed,
‪그 동굴이 무너지면‬[Dr. Hwang] If the cave had collapsed, everyone on the inside would have been stuck.
‪그 안에서‬ ‪모든 사람이 다 죽는 거죠‬everyone on the inside would have been stuck. There would have been no possibility of rescue.
‪구조를 할 방법도 없고‬ ‪모두가 다 죽는 거죠‬There would have been no possibility of rescue. Everyone would've died.
‪나는 그 당시에‬At that specific time,
‪정말로 내 생을‬ ‪내 생명을 바치겠다는‬At that specific time, I was ready to give my life. To sacrifice everything for my work.
‪그 각오가 확고하게 섰었습니다‬I was… I was very committed to that.
‪내가 이만큼 살았으면 됐고‬I have lived enough for a lifetime.
‪내가 여기에서‬If I went there for the purpose of fulfilling a scientific goal,
‪만약 나의 과학적인 한 부분의‬ ‪목표를 위해서 가다가‬If I went there for the purpose of fulfilling a scientific goal, and my life was cut short due to an accident? Then I think it would've been meaningful.
‪내 생명이 여기에서 끝난다고 하면‬I am dedicated to this cause
‪그 또한 의미가 있다고‬ ‪나는 생각을 했었습니다‬and I can't see myself shying away from danger.
‪[여자가 러시아어로] 이 작은‬ ‪연구실에 가득한 고정밀 장비로‬[female reporter 8] This small room has enough high-precision equipment
‪매머드 복제의 첫걸음을‬ ‪완성해 나가는 중입니다‬[female reporter 8] This small room has enough high-precision equipment to complete the first steps toward the creation of a mammoth clone.
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- 이 과정을 감독하는 책임자는‬Overseeing the process was a professor
‪수암 생명 공학 연구원의‬ ‪황우석 교수입니다‬at Sooam Korean Biomedical Technology Foundation, Hwang Woo-suk.
‪[전동 드릴 작동음]‬[drill whirring]
‪[우석이 한국어로] 구했던‬ ‪그 샘플 중에서‬[Dr. Hwang] Among the samples we obtained, we found muscle samples with traces of blood.
‪피가 흐르는 근육 세포를 발견하고‬we found muscle samples with traces of blood. This was the moment where we thought,
‪그때 이제 '아'‬This was the moment where we thought,
‪'어쩌면 우리의 꿈을 이룰 수‬ ‪있겠구나'라고 생각을 했었던‬"We might finally be realizing our dream."
‪바로 그, 그 당시의 모습들입니다‬These were some of the pictures from that time.
‪그중에서 정말 살아 있는‬ ‪단일 세포 하나만 찾아내면 됐어요‬From there, as long as we can find one single living cell, that's it.
‪[영어로] 이건 기밀입니다만‬ ‪벌써 생세포를 확보했어요‬Confidentially speaking, we already have the live cells.
‪[우석이 한국어로] 만약‬ ‪매머드 프로젝트가 성공이 되고‬If the mammoth project is successful
‪러시아 측에서‬and if the Russian government agrees,
‪만약 허락이 된다면‬ ‪그중에서 몇 두는‬I want to put a few mammoths between South Korea and North Korea.
‪남북한, 사우스, 노스 코리아의‬ ‪매머드 벨트는‬It would be a symbol of how science and technology can bring people together.
‪남북한의 통일의‬ ‪이것이 시초가 된다는 뜻입니다‬It would be the initiation of the reunification of the two countries.
‪[영어로] 복제 기술로‬ ‪종을 보전 혹은 보존하거나‬Using cloning for species preservation or conservation,
‪[시라노스키] 소위 멸종 생물을‬ ‪복원하려면 문제가 참 많죠‬or de-extinction, as they call it. There are many problems with it. One is that it's very resource intensive.
‪일단 엄청난 자원이 필요합니다‬There are many problems with it. One is that it's very resource intensive.
‪게다가 복제할 경우‬Another is that if you're cloning,
‪엄밀히 따지면‬ ‪근친 교배를 하는 셈이니‬you're going to have this kind of, inbreeding. By definition, you're going to have genetically identical animals
‪유전자가 동일한‬ ‪동물들이 탄생하는데‬By definition, you're going to have genetically identical animals which doesn't help with the kind of long-term sustainability of that species.
‪그건 종의 장기적인 지속성에‬ ‪큰 도움이 안 되거든요‬which doesn't help with the kind of long-term sustainability of that species.
‪[월페이] 복제로 되살린 생명체는‬ ‪본래의 그 생명체가 아닙니다‬[Dr. Wolpe] A creature brought back through cloning isn't really what that creature is.
‪특정 시기의 생태계에‬ ‪존재했던 생명체는‬That creature existed in an ecosystem and in a time
‪혈통이나 지역에 따른‬ ‪온갖 습성은 물론‬that gave all kinds of familial and territorial and coexistence
‪다른 동물과 공존하는 환경까지‬ ‪담아내기 마련인데‬and territorial and coexistence with other animals' context to its life.
‪그 환경 밖에서‬ ‪생명체를 되살리는 거잖아요‬And now, you're just bringing it back outside of that context.
‪쥐라기를 벗어난‬ ‪티라노사우루스는 뭘까요?‬What is a Tyrannosaurus Rex outside of the Jurassic period?
‪그저 모습만 닮았을 뿐‬It's just some simulacrum,
‪가짜 티라노사우루스에 불과하죠‬some pretend of a, of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
‪- [우아한 음악]‬ ‪- [새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[루벤] 따라오렴, 칠로‬ ‪얼른 가자‬Here we go. Csillo, come! Time to go.
‪너를…‬Let's put your…
‪네 첫 번째 몸을 묻을 거야‬your first body in the Earth.
‪[루벤] 개를 복제한 건‬ ‪제 평생 가장 잘한 일이에요‬[Dr. Ruebben] Clone my dog is the best thing, what I did to my life.
‪이런 댓글이 달려요‬People are writing,
‪'신 흉내를 내나 보네'‬ ‪'똑같은 개도 아니잖아'‬"Oh, you're playing God" or "It's not the same dog."
‪죄다 부정적인 반응이죠‬They're all negative.
‪[푹푹 삽질하는 소리]‬
‪다들 똑같은 질문만 해요‬Everybody asks the same question.
‪'유전자는 같아도'‬"It is genetically the same,
‪'성격은 분명 다르겠죠?'‬but its character must be different."
‪전 그럴 때마다‬ ‪똑같은 개라고 대답해요‬And actually, I would always answer that it's the same dog.
‪왜냐하면 복제견이‬Because cloning a dog
‪동일한 환경과 가족을 만나서‬and putting it in the same environment, the same family,
‪똑같은 아이들과 어울리면‬with the same kids around,
‪첫 번째 개와‬ ‪똑같이 행동할 테니까요‬he will be behaving exactly the same as the first one.
‪칠로를 복제한 게 아니라‬ ‪녀석이 돌아왔다고 생각해요‬[Dr. Ruebben] I don't see I cloned him. He is Csillo, he came back.
‪죽음을 견디고 살아남은 거죠‬He actually survived death.
‪복제가 워낙 효과적이라서‬ ‪많은 사람을 도울 수 있어요‬This cloning process is very powerful and can help a lot of people.
‪복제는 환생하는 거예요‬Cloning is really only reincarnation.
‪죽은 육신을 재생하니까요‬Reproduces the body which is gone.
‪무척 유용한 기술 같아요‬Yes, I think it is very, very useful to do this.
‪[루벤] 네 첫 번째 몸이 여기 있어‬Here lays your first body.
‪녀석의 역할은 네가 대신하렴‬you'll take over his role.
‪[루벤] 기분이 참 묘해요‬ ‪칠로가 이렇게 컸잖아요‬[Dr. Ruebben] It's very strange for me because Csillo is now big.
‪첫 번째 칠로를‬ ‪완전히 대체하는 느낌인데‬I feel he's really replacing him completely,
‪제가 이런 말을 건네는 기분이네요‬so actually, for me, it's like saying,
‪- '녀석의 역할은 네가 대신하렴'‬ ‪- [무거운 음악]‬"You, you take now over, his role."
‪마침내 녀석이‬ ‪고이 잠들 곳도 찾았죠‬And we finally found a place where he can rest in peace.
‪[여자] 최초로 원숭이 두 마리를‬[female reporter 9] In a world first, Chinese researchers have cloned two healthy monkeys
‪- 건강하게 복제한 중국 연구진은‬ ‪- [원숭이 울음]‬Chinese researchers have cloned two healthy monkeys
‪20년 전에 양 돌리를 복제했던‬ ‪그 기술을 활용했습니다‬by using the same technique that produced Dolly the sheep two decades ago.
‪[남자] 영장류 복제의 장벽을‬ ‪뛰어넘었습니다‬The barrier of cloning primate species is now overcome.
‪이론상 인간을 포함한‬ ‪모든 영장류를 복제할 수 있죠‬In principle, any primate, including humans, can be cloned.
‪[틴슨] 기술은 늘 논쟁의 대상인데‬[Dr. Tinson] Let's face it, technology's controversial all the time.
‪자동차도 논쟁을 일으켰겠죠‬I'm sure the motorcar was controversial.
‪말이 겁먹는다는 이유로요‬They were upset it was scaring horses, you know.
‪인간의 모든 행위는‬ ‪논쟁을 거치기 마련이라고 봐요‬I think everything… everything we do is controversial at some stage.
‪저는 어린 두 딸을 잃었어요‬I lost two daughters when they were very young.
‪먼저 떠나보낸 애니아는…‬And the first one, Anya…
‪그때의 아픔은‬ ‪절대 못 잊을 겁니다‬Basically though, I mean, I'll never forget how it affected me.
‪지금도 극복하지 못했거든요‬I mean, it affects me to this day.
‪아이를 제 품에 안고서‬ ‪생명 유지 장치를 뗐어요‬And I actually held her in my arms when they disconnected her.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪누가 이렇게 제안했다고 치죠‬And if somebody turned around and said to me,
‪'따님을 복제해서‬ ‪되살려 드리겠습니다'‬"Hey, we can clone her and we'll get her back."
‪성격을 발달할 시간조차 없었으니‬She hadn't really had a chance to develop a personality.
‪복제하면 유전자가 완전히 동일한‬ ‪제 딸이 되겠죠‬She was going to be identically, genetically the same. She was going to be my daughter.
‪제가 그걸 승낙할까요?‬Would I say yes?
‪하자고 할 것 같네요‬I'd have to say I would.
‪아이의 죽음만큼‬ ‪비참한 건 없거든요‬There's nothing worse than small coffins.
‪그렇다면 인간 복제에도‬ ‪순기능이 있을까요?‬So is there a role for cloning in humans?
‪아주 드문 경우에는‬ ‪그럴 수도 있겠죠‬I might argue, in very select cases.
‪근데 누가 저더러‬ ‪복제되고 싶은지 묻는다면‬Now, if somebody said to me, "Would you like to be cloned?" I'm going to be cremated.
‪전 화장될 거라서‬ ‪절대로 못 살린다고 대답할 거예요‬"Would you like to be cloned?" I'm going to be cremated. No one's bringing me back from nowhere.
‪아무도 제 DNA는 못 건들죠‬No one's playing with my DNA.
‪[월페이] 과학은 종종 윤리보다‬ ‪훨씬 앞서가곤 합니다‬Science often gallops way ahead of the ethics.
‪그럼 윤리가 그 뒤를 따라붙어요‬And ethics plays catch-up
‪과학자들이 다양한 실험을 하면서‬because scientists are out there doing these experiments
‪종종 새로운 발견을 하면‬ ‪이런 태도가 필요하죠‬and then occasionally, they come up with something, and we have to say, "Whoa, whoa, wait a second.
‪'잠깐, 이 문제를 논의해 봅시다'‬and we have to say, "Whoa, whoa, wait a second. We need to talk about this."
‪안타깝게도‬ ‪우리 윤리학자들만 그렇게 외칠 뿐‬Unfortunately, often it's just the ethicists saying that.
‪다들 무시할 때가 많아요‬No one listens to us.
‪그래도 가끔은‬ ‪그런 대화가 진지하게 이어져서‬But, um, sometimes, that conversation becomes very serious.
‪사람들에게 이런 말을‬ ‪전할 기회도 있죠‬Sometimes, we manage to get people to listen and say,
‪'이건 전례 없는 일이니'‬"This is coming down the pike,
‪'세심한 주의를 기울여야 합니다'‬and we really need to pay attention to it."
‪[차분한 음악]‬[soft music]
‪[우석이 한국어로] 어‬ ‪한국은 아무래도‬[Dr. Hwang] Korea is the country where I was born.
‪제가 태어난 나라니까‬[Dr. Hwang] Korea is the country where I was born. So…
‪어, 1년에 뭐, 한두 차례 오든지‬I feel at ease every time I come back from abroad,
‪그러더라도 역시‬ ‪마음이 이제 편하죠, 아무래도요‬even if it is only once or twice a year.
‪[차 문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[우석] 목사님‬[Dr. Hwang] Pastor.
‪- [제언이 웃으며] 어서 오세요‬ ‪- [우석] 아이고 [웃음]‬[chuckling] Welcome.
‪[제언] 아유, 평안하셨어요?‬-How have you been? -[Dr. Hwang] Oh, goodness.
‪[우석] 아이고‬-How have you been? -[Dr. Hwang] Oh, goodness.
‪목사님 [웃음]‬Pastor.
‪[제언] 아이고‬
‪- 교수님 얼굴 하나 안 변하셨네‬ ‪- [우석의 웃음]‬Your face has not changed one bit.
‪[우석] 목사님도 그대로십니다‬You're also the same, Pastor.
‪- [제언이 웃으며] 들어가시죠‬ ‪- [우석] 아이고, 참‬You're also the same, Pastor. My goodness. Let's head in. You look even younger.
‪- [제언] 더 젊어지신 거 같아요‬ ‪- [우석의 웃음]‬My goodness. Let's head in. You look even younger.
‪[우석] 예, 목사님, 아이고‬ ‪정말 뵙고 싶었습니다‬[Dr. Hwang] Yes, Pastor, I've been really wanting to see you.
‪[우석] 파묻어 둘 수가‬ ‪없는 것이 이제 우리 현이‬[Dr. Hwang] Hyeon-yi is someone I can never forget.
‪현이와의 그 숭고했던 그 약속들‬The noble promises I made with Hyeon-yi.
‪[제언] 지금은 오히려‬I hope that
‪아, 현이와의‬ ‪우리 박사님의 어떤 약속들이‬you will continue to keep the promise you made with Hyeon-yi
‪우리 박사님 가슴속에 이렇게‬ ‪지금처럼 해 주신다면‬in your heart as you've done so far.
‪아마 또 다른 현이들이‬ ‪수없이 많잖아요‬There are so many Hyeon-yi situations out there, right?
‪이 땅에서 또 다른 현이들이‬ ‪너무 많지 않습니까‬Yes, there are so many in the same predicament.
‪[우석] 예‬Yes, there are so many in the same predicament.
‪[제언] 그 사람들에게 주어지는‬I believe you have…
‪또 우리 박사님의‬ ‪사명이어야 되지 않을까요‬been given the mission to help them.
‪이 '클로닝'이라는 기술을‬ ‪비난하는 사람들 중에는‬Among those people who criticize the use of cloning technology…
‪신의 창조 질서에 대한‬ ‪말하자면 거역이고‬some say that cloning is against the will of God,
‪그 역할을 하려고 하는 몸짓이라고‬against Mother Nature, and natural creation. Some say it's an extravagant attempt to play God.
‪비난하는 사람들 있습니다‬Some say it's an extravagant attempt to play God.
‪하지만 감히‬But, how can
‪누가 이 부분은‬anyone definitively claim that this…
‪신의 영역이라고‬ ‪누가 규정할 수가 있을까요‬anyone definitively claim that this… that this really is God's realm?

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