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  슬기로운 의사생활 S1.5

Hospital Playlist S1.5


이거 완전 개새끼 아니야?‬What kind of sick son of a bitch does this?
‪[정원의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪장겨울 선생, 경찰에 신고해요‬Dr. Jang. Call the police.
‪- 네?‬ ‪- (광현) 아동 학대 같지?‬-Sorry? -It's child abuse, isn't it?
‪(정원)‬ ‪어, 교통사고로는‬ ‪멍이 이렇게 들진 않아‬I think so. These aren't bruises from a car accident.
‪게다가 색이 다른 멍도 여러 개고‬Besides, the bruises have different colors.
‪오래전에 맞은 건 이렇게 멍이 옅고‬The bruises from long ago are lighter,
‪여기 선명한 건 최근에 맞은 거‬and the recent ones are more vivid.
‪등에까지 멍투성이인 걸로 봐선‬ ‪이 아빠 완전 상습범이야‬Seeing that his back is covered with bruises, his father must beat him often.
‪뭐 해요, 빨리 경찰에 전화 안 하고?‬Haven't you called the police yet?
‪[박진감 넘치는 음악]‬
‪(광현)‬ ‪어?‬
‪- (정원) 아, 자, 장...‬ ‪- (광현) 야‬-Wait! -Hey!
‪[사람들의 놀라는 신음]‬
‪수술 바로 해야겠다‬-He needs surgery right now. -Of course.
‪그래야지‬-He needs surgery right now. -Of course.
‪근데 맨발의 장베베 선생 괜찮겠지?‬By the way, will Dr. Jang be all right without her shoes?
‪[정원의 한숨]‬
‪(준희)‬ ‪경찰에 신고했어요, 5분 안에 온대요‬I've called the police. They'll be here in five minutes.
‪사회 복지사 한 분도 같이 오신다네요‬They'll bring a social worker with them.
‪(광현)‬ ‪장겨울 선생‬ ‪누가 따라가 봐야 하지 않을까?‬Shouldn't someone follow Dr. Jang?
‪보안 팀에도 연락했지?‬-You also called the security team, right? -Yes.
‪네‬-You also called the security team, right? -Yes.
‪아, 간도 크다‬She's so bold.
‪손에 칼이라도 쥐고 있으면‬ ‪어떡하려 그래?‬What if he has a knife or something?
‪[광현의 헛웃음]‬ ‪(준희)‬ ‪쯧‬
‪아, 근데 교수님‬ ‪어제 재용이 형도 왔었는데‬By the way, Jae-yong's brother was here yesterday as well.
‪형은 괜찮을까요?‬Will he be all right?
‪아니, 팔이 부러졌다고 왔는데‬ ‪엑스레이상으론 갈비뼈도 부러졌거든요‬His father said he broke his arm, but the X-ray showed he had broken ribs as well. It did seem strange.
‪좀 이상하긴 했어요‬It did seem strange.
‪형 엑스레이 좀 봐요‬ ‪[박진감 넘치는 음악]‬Let me see his X-ray.
‪[겨울의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[겨울의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[재훈 부의 놀라는 신음]‬
‪(재훈 부)‬ ‪아, 뭐야, 아, 뭐야, 미친년이‬What are you doing, you crazy bitch?
‪놔, 놔, 안 놔? 안 놔?‬Let go. Let go of me.
‪놔, 놔!‬Let go of me. Get lost!
‪이거 놔!‬Let go of me. Get lost!
‪[겨울의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[물통이 데구루루 구른다]‬
‪[재훈 부가 털썩 쓰러진다]‬
‪[팡파르 효과음]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[달려오는 발걸음]‬ ‪[겨울의 놀라는 숨소리]‬Are you all right?
‪괜찮아?‬Are you all right?
‪네, 감사합니다‬Yes. Thank you.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(재훈 부)‬ ‪[거친 숨을 내쉬며]‬ ‪놔, 놔‬Let go of me.
‪[재훈 부의 아파하는 신음]‬Let go of me.
‪(송화)‬ ‪수고해요‬Keep it up, guys.
‪(재훈 부)‬ ‪놔!‬Let go!
‪(재훈 부)‬ ‪증거 있어요? 증거 있냐고요‬Do you have any proof that I beat him? Let's go to the police station and talk about it.
‪(경찰1)‬ ‪일단 경찰서 가서 얘기하시죠‬Let's go to the police station and talk about it.
‪(재훈 부)‬ ‪어이, 의사 양반‬ ‪내가 애 팼다는 증거 있어?‬Hey, you doctor. Do you have any proof that I beat my child?
‪증거 있냐고‬Tell me.
‪(경찰1)‬ ‪의사 선생님 말씀으로는‬ ‪두 아이 모두 아동 학대가 의심된대요‬The doctor suspects you've been beating both of your sons. Are they supposed to be gods or what?
‪의사가 신입니까?‬Are they supposed to be gods or what?
‪의사가 신이야, 뭐야?‬Do they know everything that's happened?
‪우리 애예요, 예? 우리 애라고‬They're my children. Okay?
‪내 앤데 내가 더 잘 알지‬They're my children, so I know better.
‪본 지 10분밖에 안 된‬ ‪저 사람들이 뭘 안다 그래, 어?‬They only saw them for ten minutes. What do they know?
‪(경찰2)‬ ‪그렇게 억울하시면‬ ‪경찰서 가서 다 얘기하세요, 예?‬If you think it's unfair, you can explain yourself at the station.
‪얼른 가시죠, 아...‬-Let's go already. -About Jae-hun.
‪(정원)‬ ‪재훈이요‬-Let's go already. -About Jae-hun.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪어제 식탁에서 떨어져‬ ‪팔 부러진 재훈이요‬He broke his arm when he fell off the table yesterday.
‪엑스레이를 다시 보니깐‬ ‪오른쪽 갈비뼈가 부러졌더라고요‬I saw the X-ray, and his right rib was broken too. Yes, you're right. So what?
‪예, 맞아요, 그래서요?‬Yes, you're right. So what?
‪떨어졌을 때‬ ‪그쪽으로 떨어졌으니까 그런 거지‬It's because he fell on his right side. -So what? -It's not every day
‪그게 뭐요?‬-So what? -It's not every day
‪식탁에서 떨어졌는데‬-So what? -It's not every day that you see someone break their arms and ribs just from falling off the table.
‪팔도 부러지고‬ ‪갈비뼈도 부러지는 것도 참 드문데‬that you see someone break their arms and ribs just from falling off the table.
‪재훈이는 자세히 보니깐‬ ‪오른쪽 맨 아래 늑골도‬And I also found that his lowest right rib had healed from a previous fracture.
‪한 번 부러졌다가‬ ‪다시 붙은 자국이 있고‬And I also found that his lowest right rib had healed from a previous fracture.
‪왼쪽도 왼쪽 아래 갈비뼈도 그래요‬And the same goes for his lower left rib.
‪혹시 폭행 전과 있습니까?‬Do you have prior convictions for assault?
‪[경찰2가 휴대전화를 탁 꺼낸다]‬
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪(경찰1)‬ ‪아동 복지법 위반 혐의로‬ ‪수배 내역 확인돼서 체포하겠습니다‬We were notified that you're wanted for child abuse. You're under arrest.
‪당신은 변호인을 선임할 권리가 있으며‬ ‪변명의 기회가 있고‬You have the right to an attorney and the right to explain yourself.
‪체포구속적부심을‬ ‪법원에 청구할 권리가 있습니다‬You also have the right to challenge your arrest or detention.
‪(재훈 부)‬ ‪당신 내가 얼굴 똑똑히 봤어‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬You. I'll remember your face.
‪다시 만나면 너 가만 안 둬‬When we meet again, you'll pay for this. Be careful. Okay?
‪조심해, 어? 쯧‬Be careful. Okay?
‪[경찰2의 못마땅한 신음]‬ ‪(경찰1)‬ ‪빨리 와‬-Let's go. -Take him.
‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬-You're the social worker, right? -Yes.
‪(정원)‬ ‪사회 복지사님이시죠?‬-You're the social worker, right? -Yes.
‪(사회 복지사)‬ ‪네‬-You're the social worker, right? -Yes.
‪수술은 두세 시간 정도 걸릴 거고요‬The surgery will take two to three hours.
‪어, 애가 깨어나면‬ ‪불안해할 수도 있으니까‬When he wakes up, he might be anxious. So, please take good care of him.
‪옆에서 케어 잘 부탁드립니다‬So, please take good care of him.
‪(사회 복지사)‬ ‪그럴게요‬-I will. -Okay, then.
‪(정원)‬ ‪네‬-I will. -Okay, then.
‪아, 그리고 집에 재훈이라고‬ ‪재용이 형이 있는데‬And his brother Jae-hun is at home.
‪아마 아침도 못 먹고‬ ‪기다리고 있을 겁니다‬He must be waiting for them, starving.
‪(사회 복지사)‬ ‪우리 직원이‬ ‪집에 벌써 도착했을 거예요‬He must be waiting for them, starving. One of my colleagues should be there by now. Don't worry.
‪걱정 마세요‬One of my colleagues should be there by now. Don't worry.
‪- (정원) 네, 감사합니다‬ ‪- (사회 복지사) 네‬Okay. Thank you.
‪(정원)‬ ‪아, 배준희 선생‬Dr. Bae.
‪잘했어요‬Good job.
‪형 엑스레이 볼 생각은‬ ‪저도 미처 못 하고 있었는데‬I didn't think of checking his brother's X-ray.
‪고마워요‬-Thank you. -No problem.
‪아, 아닙니다‬-Thank you. -No problem.
‪(정원)‬ ‪간다, 광현아‬See you, Gwang-hyeon.
‪아, 장겨울 선생‬Dr. Jang.
‪빨리 가서 수술 준비 안 하고 뭐 해요?‬Hurry up and get ready for the surgery.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪마취과는 제가 전화했으니까‬I've already called Anesthesiology. When the surgery is approved,
‪어, 퍼미션 받고 수술방 연락 오면‬ ‪환자 바로 올려요‬I've already called Anesthesiology. When the surgery is approved, send the patient to the OR.
‪(겨울)‬ ‪네‬Yes, Doctor.
‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪[익준의 한숨]‬
‪(익준)‬ ‪배고픈데, 엄청?‬I'm so hungry.
‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬ ‪(정원)‬ ‪고기 먹자, 애들한테 톡 했어‬I'm so hungry. Let's go eat some barbeque. I've already texted the others.
‪참, 너 그거 다 수습됐어?‬Oh, right. Did you take care of it? Almost.
‪거의, 하‬Almost.
‪와, 근데 세상 살다 살다‬ ‪별일을 다 겪는다, 진짜‬I never imagined this kind of thing would happen.
‪어유, 당 떨어져, 야, 먹을 거 없냐?‬God, I need some sweets. Do you have any?
‪- (정원) 저기‬ ‪- (익준) 아, 맞는다‬Over there.
‪야, 그럼 권순정 교수님이 본 환자는‬ ‪가짜 아들이었던 거야?‬Then, the patient Professor Kwon saw was fake?
‪(익준)‬ ‪어, 나한테만 진짜 아들 보여 주고‬ ‪권 교수님은 가짜 아들만 본 거지‬Yes, they had me see the real son, and had Professor Kwon see the fake one.
‪와, 이 새끼, 이거‬This punk... He's like a little kid.
‪이거 진짜 어린이네, 어린이‬This punk... He's like a little kid.
‪와, 1차 검사, 2차 검사‬ ‪정신과 진료도 하고 지문 등록도 하고‬We do two check-ups, a psychiatric test, and a fingerprint registration. It's really tight here.
‪엄청 빡세게 관리하는데, 참‬and a fingerprint registration. It's really tight here.
‪그게 가능할 거라고 생각했을까?‬-How did they think it was possible? -Gosh.
‪아이고, 심 의원 이식밖에 답이 없는데‬-How did they think it was possible? -Gosh. The liver transplant was the only way for Sim. But since his son refused, he had to take chances.
‪자식은 안 한다고 하니까‬ ‪도박을 한 거지‬But since his son refused, he had to take chances. Jeez.
‪(익준)‬ ‪참 나‬Jeez.
‪나름 엄청 치밀하게 준비를 했더라고‬It was quite well-planned.
‪웬만한 검사는 친아들이 다 하고‬The real son went through most of the check-ups, and the fake one hid in the room
‪가짜 아들은 병실에 숨어 있다가‬and the fake one hid in the room and showed his face only to Professor Kwon and his nurse.
‪권순정 교수님하고 전담 간호사한테만‬ ‪얼굴을 보여 준 거야‬and showed his face only to Professor Kwon and his nurse.
‪권순정 교수님이 공여자 수술을 해서‬Since Professor Kwon is in charge of the donor's surgery,
‪권 교수님한테는‬ ‪가짜 아들 얼굴 보여 줘야 되니까‬the fake son had to greet him every time he came in.
‪그리고 가짜도 1년 전부터‬ ‪딴 병원에서 이것저것 검사를 해서‬On top of that, they've chosen the fake son quite elaborately with a candidate who was checked up for a year at another hospital.
‪가장 좋은 사람으로 세팅을 했더라고‬with a candidate who was checked up for a year at another hospital.
‪(정원)‬ ‪참, 어차피 수술 당일 날‬ ‪들킬 확률이 높은데‬They would've gotten caught on the day of the surgery anyway.
‪야, 나도‬Hey. Give me some too.
‪(익준)‬ ‪응, 자‬Here.
‪수여자랑 공여자 의료진이‬ ‪다를 수도 있다는 걸 알고‬They knew that the donor and recipient could have different medical teams. That's what they were hoping for.
‪그걸 노린 거야‬That's what they were hoping for. They knew I was in charge of Sim
‪보아하니 심 의원은 내가 담당이고‬ ‪아들은 교수님이 담당한다니까‬They knew I was in charge of Sim and Professor Kwon was in charge of his son.
‪어쩌면 서로 환자에 대해서‬ ‪잘 모를 수도 있겠다‬They thought we might not know about each other's patients.
‪이렇게 생각을 한 거지‬They thought we might not know about each other's patients. Did they think the hospital is that stupid?
‪참, 병원을 바보로 알아요‬Did they think the hospital is that stupid?
‪난 그리고 노냐?‬And what about me?
‪내가 얌전히 내 환자 수술만 할까 봐?‬Do they think that all I do is perform surgery? They don't know that I constantly check up on all the patients.
‪이 방, 저 방 다 들여다보는 게‬ ‪내 루틴인데, 아유‬They don't know that I constantly check up on all the patients.
‪(정원)‬ ‪야‬Hey.
‪너 그거 그만 먹어‬Stop eating that. Jun-wan is keeping count.
‪준완이 그거 개수 세 놨어‬Stop eating that. Jun-wan is keeping count. -That's his favorite. -What a freak.
‪준완이가 제일 애정하는 거야‬-That's his favorite. -What a freak.
‪(익준)‬ ‪아, 새끼‬-That's his favorite. -What a freak.
‪야, 근데 이 새끼 어디 간 거야?‬By the way, where the hell is he? -We have a tight schedule today. -I don't know.
‪오늘 우리 스케줄 많잖아‬-We have a tight schedule today. -I don't know.
‪(정원)‬ ‪몰라‬-We have a tight schedule today. -I don't know.
‪오늘 휴가 내고‬ ‪아침부터 쫙 빼입고 어디 가던데?‬He took the day off. I saw him go somewhere, all dressed up.
‪톡 왔어, 고깃집으로 바로 온다고‬He said he'll meet us at the barbecue place.
‪여자네‬He said he'll meet us at the barbecue place. -He must be meeting a girl. -Of course.
‪(정원)‬ ‪그럼, 어쩐지 너무 오랫동안‬ ‪안 사귄다 했다‬-He must be meeting a girl. -Of course. I knew it. He's been single for too long. I'm guessing three months, as usual.
‪(익준)‬ ‪이번에도 석 달 본다‬I'm guessing three months, as usual.
‪참, 씁, 이 새끼는 생긴 건 멀쩡한데‬He's pretty good-looking,
‪어떻게, 어유‬ ‪연애 석 달을 못 넘기냐?‬He's pretty good-looking, but how come he can't date longer than three months?
‪[놀라며]‬ ‪야, 너 이거 봤어?‬but how come he can't date longer than three months? Hey, Ik-jun, did you see this? What's that?
‪(익준)‬ ‪뭐?‬What's that?
‪(정원)‬ ‪하, 그, 바꿔 치기 한 가짜 아들이‬The donor disguised as the fake son
‪석형이 아빠 회사 직원이라네?‬is an employee at Seok-hyeong's dad's company.
‪야, 석형이 어디 있어?‬Where's Seok-hyeong?
‪몰라, 수술실에 있겠지‬I don't know. Maybe in the OR?
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬ ‪[석형이 장갑을 탁 벗는다]‬
‪(석형)‬ ‪수고하셨습니다‬Good work, everyone.
‪(사람들)‬ ‪수고하셨습니다‬-Thank you. -Thank you.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(송화)‬ ‪인테리어 공사를 한다고?‬You're renovating the place?
‪언제? 그동안 어디 있으려고?‬When? Where are you going to be staying then?
‪내일부터‬It starts tomorrow.
‪하, 그냥 대충 좀 살지‬Why can't he just leave the house be?
‪아, 이 새끼 신혼방을 꾸미나?‬It's not like you're getting married. Why all of a sudden?
‪갑자기 왜 그래?‬It's not like you're getting married. Why all of a sudden? How can you take a shower in that bathroom?
‪넌 그 욕실에서 샤워가 되디?‬How can you take a shower in that bathroom?
‪욕실만 고치는 거야, 오래됐어‬I'm just renovating the bathroom. It's old.
‪(익준)‬ ‪둘 다 당분간‬ ‪우리 집에서 지내기로 했어‬They'll be staying at my place for a while.
‪(송화)‬ ‪우리 귀여운 우주는 어떡하고?‬But what about my cute U-ju? He went to Changwon with Auntie Wang.
‪(익준)‬ ‪우리 귀여운 우주는 창원 갔다‬ ‪왕 이모님이랑‬He went to Changwon with Auntie Wang.
‪야, 석형아‬ ‪너 너무 과료하는 거 아니야?‬Seok-hyeong, aren't you drinking too much?
‪콜라 그만 먹어, 이거 세 캔째야, 지금‬You should stop. This is your third can of soda.
‪(준완)‬ ‪야, 차라리 맥주를 마셔‬You should stop. This is your third can of soda. Just drink some beer, man. They won't call you this late.
‪이 밤엔 콜도 안 와‬ ‪아유, 답답이, 진짜‬Just drink some beer, man. They won't call you this late. You're so frustrating.
‪(석형)‬ ‪얘야, 넌 마치 우리 집 같구나‬Hey. You are just like my family.
‪씁, 이 콩가루‬ ‪마치 우리 집 같지 않니?‬Don't you think this bean powder is like my family?
‪그러네‬You're right.
‪[말을 더듬으며]‬ ‪너희 집 같네, 그렇지?‬It is like your family. Right, guys?
‪얘네 집 콩가루 집안이잖아‬His family is in pieces like the bean powder. Jeez.
‪(익준)‬ ‪진짜, 씨‬His family is in pieces like the bean powder. Jeez.
‪야, 근데 너희 아빠는 진짜...‬Hey, your dad is really...
‪아휴, 만날 전부터 진짜 왜 그러시니?‬What's wrong with your dad?
‪바람피우시지‬He cheated on your mom
‪직원 꼬드겨서 장기 매매 알선하시지‬and coaxed his employee into organ trafficking. And he was charged with tax evasion last year.
‪(준완)‬ ‪작년엔 탈세로 검찰에 고발당해‬ ‪추징금만 100억 내셨나?‬And he was charged with tax evasion last year. He paid 10 billion won in penalty tax alone.
‪(익준)‬ ‪야, 넌 뭐 없어?‬Hey, you got nothing?
‪나?‬-Me? -Just tell me.
‪얘기해‬-Me? -Just tell me.
‪(정원)‬ ‪본과 1학년 때‬When I was a freshman,
‪내가 밴드 연습하러‬ ‪지하에 내려갔는데‬I went down to the basement for band practice.
‪내가 제일 먼저 왔어‬I was the first to arrive, so I was practicing the drums alone.
‪혼자서 막 드럼을 연습하는데‬ ‪석형이 아빠가 내려오시더니‬I was the first to arrive, so I was practicing the drums alone. It was then that Seok-hyeong's dad came
‪나한테 담배 한 갑을 사 오라시는 거야‬and sent me on an errand for a pack of cigarettes.
‪- 그게 왜?‬ ‪- (익준) 설마‬-What about it? -Could it be?
‪담뱃값을 안 주셨어‬He didn't give me the money for it.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬He still hasn't paid me.
‪(정원)‬ ‪아직도 안 주셨어, 천백 원‬ ‪팔팔 라이트‬He still hasn't paid me. It was 1,100 won. 88 Light. It was unbelievable.
‪이게 말이나 돼?‬It was 1,100 won. 88 Light. It was unbelievable.
‪사장님, 삼겹살 2인분 추가요‬Excuse me. Two more servings of pork belly, please.
‪아, 그리고 저, 좀생이 변태 찌개도요‬Excuse me. Two more servings of pork belly, please. -And a miser bowl of soup, please. -Okay.
‪(종업원)‬ ‪네, 알겠습니다‬ ‪[정원의 시원한 숨소리]‬-And a miser bowl of soup, please. -Okay.
‪- (송화) 석형아‬ ‪- (석형) 응?‬-Seok-hyeong. -Yes?
‪그래도 구속은 아니시네?‬He's not arrested, though. Can you believe that? I don't get it.
‪말이 돼? 응?‬Can you believe that? I don't get it.
‪아니, 이해할 수가 없다‬Can you believe that? I don't get it.
‪심장 질환 핑계 대셨겠지‬I bet he used his heart condition to get off lightly.
‪(준완)‬ ‪어머니는?‬What about your mom?
‪(석형)‬ ‪그러든가 말든가‬ ‪뭐, 신경도 안 쓰시지‬She doesn't really care.
‪내심 감옥에 들어갔음 하실걸?‬She doesn't really care. But I think she actually wants him jailed.
‪(종업원)‬ ‪2인분요‬-Here's the pork belly. -She should get divorced like me.
‪아, 이혼하시지, 나처럼‬-Here's the pork belly. -She should get divorced like me.
‪이야, 우리 요즘 엄청 쿨하다‬We're so cool these days. We talk about heavy topics like they're nothing.
‪이런 얘기들 막 아무렇지도 않게 하고‬We're so cool these days. We talk about heavy topics like they're nothing.
‪어른 같아‬-We're like grown-ups. -What's wrong with divorce?
‪이혼이 죄야?‬-We're like grown-ups. -What's wrong with divorce?
‪이혼이 죄야?‬Is it a sin to be divorced?
‪야, 석형아, 이혼이 죄냐?‬Seok-hyeong, is it a sin to get a divorce?
‪- 죄야‬ ‪- (익준) 나쁜 새끼, 이씨‬-Yes, it's a sin. -You jerk.
‪난 아직도 전 와이프한테 미안해‬I still feel bad for my ex-wife.
‪나랑 우리 집 때문에 고생만 하고‬ ‪상처만 줬어‬She went through a lot of trouble because of me and my family.
‪- 넌 백번 잘 헤어졌어‬ ‪- (익준) 오케이‬You did good, getting that divorce.
‪(송화)‬ ‪우리 오늘 일정 많아, 빨리 먹어‬We are busy tonight. Hurry up and eat.
‪가서 연습도 해야 되고‬ ‪또 뭐도 해야 되고, 바빠‬We should go practice and do other stuff. We're busy.
‪야, 벌써 9시다‬Gosh, it's 9 p.m. already.
‪[리드미컬한 음악이 연주된다]‬ ‪(익준)‬ ‪♪ 밤이 깊었네 ♪‬The night is deep
‪♪ 방황하며 춤을 추는 불빛들 ♪‬ ‪[정원과 익준이 저마다 말한다]‬-Lights that wander and dance -It's hot. It's good.
‪♪ 이 밤에 취해 ♪‬Intoxicated by the night
‪(함께)‬ ‪♪ 술에 취해 ♪‬-And the alcohol -And the alcohol
‪(익준)‬ ‪♪ 흔들리고 있네요 ♪‬I'm stumbling
‪♪ 벌써 새벽인데 ♪‬It's nearing dawn
‪♪ 아직도 혼자네요 ♪‬But I'm still alone
‪♪ 이 기분이 ♪‬This feeling
‪♪ 나쁘지는 않네요 ♪‬Isn't too bad
‪♪ 항상 당신 곁에 ♪‬I want to stay
‪♪ 머물고 싶지만 ♪‬By your side forever
‪♪ 이 밤에 취해 ♪‬Intoxicated by the night
‪(함께)‬ ‪♪ 술에 취해 ♪‬-And the alcohol -And the alcohol
‪(익준)‬ ‪♪ 떠나고만 싶네요 ♪‬I want to get away
‪♪ 이 슬픔을 ♪‬I don't know
‪♪ 알랑가 모르겄어요 ♪‬If you can understand my sadness
‪♪ 나의 구두여 ♪‬My darling shoes
‪♪ 너만은 떠나지 마오 ♪‬Please, don't leave me
‪♪ 워 ♪‬Please, don't leave me
‪(함께)‬ ‪♪ 하나둘 피워 오는‬ ‪어린 시절 동화 같은 별을 보면서 ♪‬-Watching the stars appear -Watching the stars appear -Blossoming like a fairy tale -Blossoming like a fairy tale
‪♪ 오늘 밤 술에 취한 마차 타고 ♪‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬-I get on the carriage, drunk -I get on the carriage, drunk -And catch myself a moon tonight -And catch myself a moon tonight
‪♪ 지친 달을 따러 가야지 ♪‬-And catch myself a moon tonight -And catch myself a moon tonight
‪(익준)‬ ‪♪ 딱 한 번만이라도 ♪‬Even if just once
‪[코러스가 계속된다]‬-Don't go -Don't go
‪♪ 날 위해 웃어 준다면 ♪‬-If you could smile for me -Don't go -Don't leave me behind -Even if it were a lie
‪♪ 거짓말이었대도 ♪‬ ‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬-Don't leave me behind -Even if it were a lie -Don't go -Don't go
‪♪ 저 별을 따다 줄 텐데 ♪‬I would pluck a star for you -Don't leave me behind -When morning comes
‪♪ 아침이 밝아 오면 ♪‬-Don't leave me behind -When morning comes -Don't go -Don't go
‪♪ 저 별이 사라질 텐데 ♪‬-Stars will disappear -Don't leave me -Don't leave me behind -What am I to do
‪♪ 나는 나는 어쩌나 ♪‬-Don't leave me behind -What am I to do -Don't go -Don't go
‪(함께)‬ ‪♪ 차라리 떠나가 주오 ♪‬-I would rather you just leave me -I would rather you just leave me
‪♪ 워 ♪‬-I would rather you just leave me -I would rather you just leave me
‪♪ 하나둘 피어 오는 어린 시절 ♪‬ ‪[휴대전화 알림음]‬-Watching the stars appear -Watching the stars appear
‪♪ 동화 같은 별을 보면서 ♪‬-Blossoming like a fairy tale -Blossoming like a fairy tale
‪(석형)‬ ‪미안, 산모가 찾아, 간다!‬The patient is looking for me. I'm off.
‪[노래가 계속된다]‬ ‪(송화)‬ ‪야, 안 돼‬-I get on the carriage, drunk -No, I need you for something.
‪[휴대전화 알림음]‬ ‪너 뭐, 뭐 하나 하고 가야 돼‬-I get on the carriage, drunk -No, I need you for something.
‪(준완)‬ ‪야, 인마!‬Hey!
‪(익준)‬ ‪야, 야, 야, 나 내일 새벽‬ ‪간 이식 수술 하는 환자가‬Guys, a recipient is suddenly refusing to go through with the transplant.
‪갑자기 안 한다 그러네? 간다‬Guys, a recipient is suddenly refusing to go through with the transplant. -I got to go. -Don't go
‪(함께)‬ ‪♪ 가지 마라, 가지 마라‬ ‪나를 두고 떠나지 마라 ♪‬-I got to go. -Don't go -Don't leave me behind -Don't leave me behind
‪♪ 오늘 밤 새빨간 꽃잎처럼 ♪‬-Tonight I want to stay at your feet -Tonight I want to stay at your feet
‪♪ 그대 발에 머물고 싶어 ♪‬-Tonight I want to stay at your feet -Tonight I want to stay at your feet -Like bright red flower petals -Like bright red flower petals
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪(석형)‬ ‪오후 회진 때만 해도 NST 괜찮았잖아‬But the NST was fine in the afternoon.
‪(민하)‬ ‪네, 근데 갑자기 레이트 디셀이‬ ‪70까지 떨어지고 회복이 잘 안돼요‬Yes, but the late deceleration suddenly dropped to 70 and it won't recover. Professor. Come straight to the treatment room, okay?
‪교수님, 처치실로 바로 오세요‬Professor. Come straight to the treatment room, okay?
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[함께 흐느낀다]‬
‪(남자1)‬ ‪아비가 자식한테‬How can a father
‪이게 무슨 짓입니까‬do this to his child?
‪저 수술 못 해요‬I can't have this surgery.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(수빈)‬ ‪아, 빈이가 얼마나 큰 결정을 했는데요‬Bin has made an important decision.
‪아빠 컨디션 좋아야 수술도 잘된다고‬She didn't visit you today on purpose,
‪오늘 일부러 아빠 방에도 안 왔대요‬so that you won't cry and maintain the optimum condition for the surgery.
‪자기만 보면 우신다고‬so that you won't cry and maintain the optimum condition for the surgery.
‪아버님, 이러시면 빈이가 더 힘들어요‬Sir, you're making it harder for Bin.
‪[익준의 한숨]‬
‪(익준)‬ ‪저, 제가 하나도 안 아프게 할게요‬I'll make sure it doesn't hurt at all.
‪아이, 아버님은 잘 모르겠고, 빈이‬It's not for you, but for Bin.
‪빈이는 내가 정말로‬ ‪하나도 안 아프게 수술할 테니까‬I will make sure that she doesn't feel any pain.
‪마음 편하게 가지세요‬Don't worry about it.
‪[부부가 연신 흐느낀다]‬
‪쯧, 형사 출신이시라더니‬ ‪완전 수도꼭지시네, 응?‬I heard you used to be a detective, but you're such a crybaby.
‪[익준의 웃음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[석형의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[카드 인식음]‬
‪[폭죽이 팡팡 터진다]‬
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬ ‪(민하)‬ ‪교수님, 축하드려요!‬-Happy birthday! -Surprise!
‪(사람들)‬ ‪♪ 생일 축하합니다 ♪‬ ‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬-Happy birthday to you -Happy birthday to you
‪♪ 생일 축하합니다 ♪‬-Happy birthday to you -Happy birthday to you
‪♪ 사랑하는 교수님‬ ‪생일 축하합니다 ♪‬-Dear Professor Yang -Dear Professor Yang -Happy birthday to you -Happy birthday to you
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬-Happy birthday to you -Happy birthday to you
‪(민하)‬ ‪후, 후, 후, 후, 후‬
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬-Happy birthday! -Happy birthday!
‪[저마다 축하한다]‬-Happy birthday! -Happy birthday!
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬-Happy birthday! -Happy birthday!
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪(준완)‬ ‪나 갈래‬I'm going home.
‪어? 안녕하세요‬-Hello, ma'am. -Hi.
‪(석형 모)‬ ‪어, 그래‬ ‪[석형 모의 웃음]‬-Hello, ma'am. -Hi. -Hello. -Hello.
‪- (정원) 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (송화) 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪(정원)‬ ‪석형이 콜 와서 병원 갔어요, 아줌마‬Seok-hyeong was called to the hospital.
‪벌써 통화했지, 고마워‬ ‪[정원과 석형 모의 웃음]‬He already told me. Thank you.
‪(석형 모)‬ ‪이것 좀 먹어 봐‬Try these.
‪내가 직접 샀어‬I bought them myself.
‪[석형 모의 웃음]‬ ‪(송화)‬ ‪예, 잘 먹을게요‬Thank you.
‪(석형 모)‬ ‪송화, 오늘 자고 갈래?‬Why don't stay over tonight, Song-hwa?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(송화)‬ ‪네?‬Pardon? It's late. Why don't you stay the night?
‪(석형 모)‬ ‪늦었잖아, 자고 가‬It's late. Why don't you stay the night?
‪석형이 방 치워 놨어‬I've cleaned Seok-hyeong's room.
‪[석형 모의 웃음]‬
‪(준완)‬ ‪[속삭이며]‬ ‪자고 가‬You should.
‪[송화와 석형 모의 웃음]‬
‪(익준)‬ ‪음, 건강했던 기증자가 잘못되면‬If something goes wrong with the donor,
‪어, 저도 견디기 힘들어요‬it'll be hard on me too.
‪최선을 다해서‬ ‪제가 빈이 수술할 거고요‬I'll do my best for Bin's surgery.
‪어, 제가 빈이 간을 떼는 동안‬ ‪우리 여기 종세혁 선생님이‬While I do that, Dr. Jong Se-hyeok will remove your husband's liver.
‪아버님 간을 제거할 겁니다‬Dr. Jong Se-hyeok will remove your husband's liver.
‪거의 동시에 진행될 거고요‬The surgeries will be performed at the same time.
‪아버님 간이 모두 제거되고‬ ‪빈이 간을 붙일 준비가 되면‬The surgeries will be performed at the same time. When your husband's liver is removed, and the necessary preparations are complete,
‪어, 제가 기다리고 있다가‬ ‪아버님한테 이식을 할 거예요‬I'll transplant the liver to your husband.
‪시간은, 씁‬It'll take...
‪어, 공여자 따님 마취부터‬ ‪아버님 수술까지‬around 10 to 12 hours from anesthesia to surgery.
‪한 10시간에서‬ ‪한 12시간 정도 걸리는데‬around 10 to 12 hours from anesthesia to surgery. If I come out in the middle of the surgery, it's bad.
‪제가 수술 중에 나타나면‬ ‪긴장하셔야 하지만‬If I come out in the middle of the surgery, it's bad.
‪보이지 않으면‬ ‪어, 시간이 길어지더라도‬But if I don't, you can be relieved that the surgery is going well
‪'아, 수술이 잘되고 있구나'‬ ‪이렇게 생각하시면 돼요‬But if I don't, you can be relieved that the surgery is going well even if it takes longer than expected. Is my daughter's surgery a tough one?
‪우리 딸 수술 많이 힘든 수술인가요?‬Is my daughter's surgery a tough one?
‪[익준이 살짝 웃는다]‬All surgeries are tough.
‪(익준)‬ ‪수술은 다 힘들죠, 네‬ ‪[여자1의 한숨]‬All surgeries are tough.
‪그래도 뭐, 아직 젊고 건강하고‬But since she's young and healthy, and because of her determination,
‪특히 이, 이, 의지가 강해서‬and because of her determination, I'm sure Bin will do just fine.
‪빈이 아주 잘‬ ‪이겨 낼 거라고 생각하는데‬I'm sure Bin will do just fine.
‪오히려, 씁, 아버님이‬ ‪간경변증이 좀 심하셔서‬But your husband's veins are dilated from the severe cirrhosis he's suffered,
‪그, 혈관들이 늘어나 있고‬from the severe cirrhosis he's suffered,
‪지혈이 잘되지 않는 상태여서‬ ‪피가 많이 날 수도 있어요‬so it might be difficult to stop the bleeding during the surgery.
‪아까 그, 수술 동의서 쓰실 때‬ ‪자세히 다 들으셨...‬I'm sure they've explained it in detail when you signed the consent form...
‪[드르륵거리는 소리가 들린다]‬I'm sure they've explained it in detail when you signed the consent form... Why aren't you asleep?
‪뭐야, 아직 안 자고 뭐 해요?‬Why aren't you asleep?
‪(여자2)‬ ‪엄마, 괜찮아‬Don't worry, Mom.
‪선생님 간 이식 밥 먹듯이 하는 분이래‬I heard he performs this surgery all the time. I wouldn't say "all the time."
‪(익준)‬ ‪아니, 그 정도는 아니...‬I wouldn't say "all the time."
‪아, 맞는구나‬I guess you're right. I do it "all the time."
‪어, 하루에 한 끼 먹을 때도 많아서‬ ‪[익준이 피식 웃는다]‬I guess you're right. I do it "all the time." You're braver than your dad.
‪(세혁)‬ ‪아빠보다 씩씩하네‬ ‪[세혁이 살짝 웃는다]‬You're braver than your dad.
‪(여자1)‬ ‪우리 딸이 엄마보다 나아요‬She's better than I am.
‪빈아, 오늘은 엄마랑 같이 자자‬Bin, let's sleep together tonight. Gosh, forget it.
‪(여자2)‬ ‪아유, 됐어, 뭐야? 아‬Gosh, forget it.
‪쌤, 내일 봐요, '시 유'‬Bye, doctor.
‪(익준)‬ ‪어허, '투모로우'‬Sure.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪[물이 솨 나온다]‬SURGERY IN PROGRESS
‪[물이 뚝 멈춘다]‬
‪(이송 기사)‬ ‪천천히 갈게요‬We're going to go slow.
‪(코디네이터)‬ ‪아버님 강한 분이라면서요‬You said that your husband was strong. I guess he isn't.
‪아닌데요?‬You said that your husband was strong. I guess he isn't.
‪(남자1)‬ ‪[흐느끼며]‬ ‪아비가 자기 살자고‬What kind of father
‪멀쩡한 딸내미 몸에 칼을 대고‬takes his own daughter's liver to live?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪아휴, 진짜 사람도 아니다‬I'm such a horrible father.
‪(코디네이터)‬ ‪아버님, 다 잘될 거예요‬Sir, I'm sure the surgery will go well. Try to think of it as going into a deep sleep.
‪그냥 푹 주무신다고 생각하세요‬Try to think of it as going into a deep sleep.
‪아버님 마음이 편하셔야‬ ‪컨디션도 좋아서 수술이 잘돼요, 네?‬You need to calm down so that you can be at optimum condition for the surgery to be successful.
‪[남자1이 연신 흐느낀다]‬
‪[남자2가 인사한다]‬ ‪(석형)‬ ‪안녕하세요‬Be careful. -Hello. -Hi.
‪(여자3)‬ ‪네, 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hi.
‪[여자3의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬ ‪(남자2)‬ ‪자기야, 여기 나한테 기대‬Lean against my back, honey.
‪(여자3)‬ ‪아유, 괜찮아, 좀‬God, I'm fine. Stop that.
‪[남자2의 멋쩍은 신음]‬ ‪[사람들의 웃음]‬
‪선생님, 우리 튼튼이가‬ ‪왜 아직 소식이 없죠?‬Doctor, why is my baby not coming out yet?
‪우리 만나기가 싫은가 봐요‬-I don't think the baby wants to meet us. -Don't say that.
‪(석형)‬ ‪에이, 그럴 리가요‬-I don't think the baby wants to meet us. -Don't say that.
‪며칠만 더 기다려 봐요‬ ‪곧 소식 올 거예요‬Let's give it a few more days. It's due soon.
‪다른 이상하거나 그런 거 없죠?‬ ‪괜찮은 거죠?‬There's nothing wrong with her, right? Is she fine? Yes, everything looks good.
‪예, 다 좋습니다‬Yes, everything looks good.
‪아, 감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪(석형)‬ ‪우리 산모님께서 관리를 잘해 주셔서‬ ‪여기까지 잘 왔네요‬The mother's been doing a great job, so everything's good.
‪이제 나머지는 저한테 다 맡기시고‬ ‪마음 편하게 먹고‬Leave the rest to me and try to relax. Eat well and sleep well,
‪잘 드시고 잘 주무시고, 응‬Eat well and sleep well,
‪그러면 됩니다‬then you'll be fine.
‪[여자3의 웃음]‬
‪(여자3)‬ ‪저기, 질문이 있는데요‬-Well, I have a question. -Okay.
‪(석형)‬ ‪네‬-Well, I have a question. -Okay.
‪선생님, 혹시 결혼하셨어요?‬Are you married, Doctor? Yes. Pardon?
‪(석형)‬ ‪예‬Yes. Pardon?
‪예?‬Yes. Pardon? I've been thinking that you're such a good person.
‪(여자3)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪아니‬I've been thinking that you're such a good person.
‪아니, 볼 때마다‬ ‪우리 의사 선생님 너무 괜찮아서‬I've been thinking that you're such a good person.
‪제가 중매 한번 서 보려고요‬I'd like to set you up with someone.
‪[당황한 신음]‬
‪괜찮습니다, 어, 저 괜찮습니다‬It's okay. You don't have to do that. I guess you have a girlfriend.
‪여자 친구 있으시구나?‬I guess you have a girlfriend.
‪[석형의 당황한 신음]‬I guess you have a girlfriend. No, I don't. But still, it's fine.
‪(석형)‬ ‪아니요, 어, 없는데‬ ‪괜찮습니다, 아‬No, I don't. But still, it's fine.
‪37주부터는 만삭이라‬ ‪배가 아프다 싶으시면‬You're 37 weeks pregnant. So please come to the hospital right away whenever your belly hurts, okay?
‪바로 병원으로‬ ‪오시면 되시겠습니다, 예‬So please come to the hospital right away whenever your belly hurts, okay?
‪(여자3)‬ ‪예‬So please come to the hospital right away whenever your belly hurts, okay? I have a question too.
‪그, 저도 질문이 있는데‬I have a question too.
‪그, 이 사람 출산할 때‬When she gives birth,
‪혹시 제가‬ ‪노래를 좀 불러도 괜찮을까요?‬is it okay for me to sing a song in the delivery room?
‪아, 하지 말라니까‬ ‪[민하의 헛웃음]‬Come on. I told you, don't do that. We'll get going.
‪(여자3)‬ ‪안녕히 계세요‬Come on. I told you, don't do that. We'll get going.
‪(남자2)‬ ‪제가 노래로 계속 태교를 했거든요‬I've been singing the baby a song. I'm sure my baby will love it.
‪진짜 우리 튼튼이가‬ ‪엄청 좋아할 거예요‬I've been singing the baby a song. I'm sure my baby will love it.
‪제가 정말 꼭 한번...‬I really want to--
‪[남자2의 아파하는 신음]‬I really want to--
‪아, 여보, 내가 이거...‬ ‪[여자3의 못마땅한 신음]‬Honey, I'm--
‪[문이 스르륵 닫힌다]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬
‪(준완)‬ ‪텐션 많이 가지 않게‬Gently.
‪너무 세‬That's too strong. Hold back a little.
‪적당히‬That's too strong. Hold back a little.
‪너무 세면 컷스루 된다고 했잖아‬You'll cut through it if you put too much pressure.
‪(재학)‬ ‪예, 죄송합니다‬Okay. I'm sorry.
‪(준완)‬ ‪어제 못 잤어?‬-Didn't you get much sleep last night? -No.
‪(재학)‬ ‪예, 아닙니다‬-Didn't you get much sleep last night? -No. I mean, I did.
‪(준완)‬ ‪뭐야? 너 어제 오프였잖아‬I mean, I did. What? You were off yesterday.
‪(간호사1)‬ ‪천명태 교수님이 논문 데이터 200명‬ ‪오늘까지 다 조사하라고 해서‬Professor Cheon Myeong-tae asked him to examine 200 people to use as the data for his thesis by today, so stayed up all night.
‪밤새우셨대요‬to use as the data for his thesis by today, so stayed up all night.
‪(준완)‬ ‪천명태 교수가 누구야?‬Who's Professor Cheon Myeong-tae?
‪(재학)‬ ‪지난주에 새로 오신 교수님요‬ ‪교수님 모르세요?‬A new professor who started last week. Don't you know him? No. Is he famous?
‪(준완)‬ ‪몰라, 유명한 사람이야?‬No. Is he famous?
‪(재학)‬ ‪예, 환자들한테‬ ‪무섭기로 유명한 사람이에요‬Yes, he's famous for being hard on his patients.
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬
‪(남자3)‬ ‪저, 제가 논문을 좀 찾아보니까‬I've done some research and read
‪외국에서는 대동맥 판막 치환술에서‬ ‪수술보단 시술을 더 많이 하던데‬that aortic valve replacement is usually done by minimally invasive method in other countries.
‪본인이 의사세요?‬-Are you a doctor? -Sorry?
‪(남자3)‬ ‪예?‬-Are you a doctor? -Sorry?
‪아, 아니요‬No, I'm just asking because I'm worried.
‪그냥 걱정돼서 물어본 건데요‬No, I'm just asking because I'm worried.
‪예, 수술하시면 됩니다‬Then surgeries are fine.
‪(명태)‬ ‪그럼‬Well, then.
‪[남자3의 한숨]‬
‪(남자3)‬ ‪아휴, 가시죠‬Let's go, Dad.
‪[한숨]‬ ‪괜찮을 거예요‬Let's go, Dad.
‪(준완)‬ ‪도재학 선생님, 마무리 잘 부탁합니다‬I'll leave the rest to you, Dr. Do.
‪(재학)‬ ‪저, 교수님‬Professor.
‪저, 저 버리시면 안 돼요, 예?‬Don't abandon me, okay?
‪아, 저, 저, 아, 저 버리면‬ ‪다른 데로 팔려 간단 말이에요!‬If you abandon me, I'll be sold to another hospital.
‪집중해! 쯧‬Focus!
‪[문이 스르륵 닫힌다]‬
‪(재학)‬ ‪집중하세요‬Let's focus.
‪건희는 누가 맡아?‬Then who'll take Geon-hui? Dr. Ahn will.
‪안치홍 선생이요‬Dr. Ahn will.
‪안치홍, 스타트‬
‪(치홍)‬ ‪어, 홍건희, 5세 남아고요‬Hong Geon-hui, a five-year-old boy.
‪어, 풍선 불다가 기절해서‬ ‪응급실 통해서 입원했습니다‬He passed out while blowing a balloon and was taken to the ER. According to the CT angiography, we suspect it may be Moyamoya disease.
‪씨티 엔지오상에서는‬ ‪모야모야병이 의심되고‬According to the CT angiography, we suspect it may be Moyamoya disease.
‪오후에 TFCA 할 수 있도록‬ ‪어레인지했습니다‬And we've made the arrangements for a TFCA this afternoon. He's currently on a ventilator and is being hydrated.
‪현재 오투 어플라이 중이고요‬ ‪하이드레이션 하고 있습니다‬He's currently on a ventilator and is being hydrated.
‪환자는 스테이블합니다‬His condition is quite stable.
‪이 병은 원인이 뭐예요?‬What causes this disease?
‪(치홍)‬ ‪유전...‬I think it's genetic...
‪부모님이 모야모야병이 있으면‬There's a good chance
‪자녀에게도 생길 가능성이‬ ‪조금 높을 수 있겠지만‬There's a good chance that children will get Moyamoya disease if their parents have it. However, not all of them do.
‪모든 자녀에게서 생기진 않아‬However, not all of them do.
‪반드시 유전 때문이라고는 할 수 없어‬So it's not entirely genetic.
‪안치홍‬ ‪건희는 뭘 제일 조심해야 하지?‬Chi-hong, what do we have to watch out for the most?
‪절대 울리면 안 됩니다‬We can't let him cry.
‪(치홍)‬ ‪울거나 떼를 쓰면 뇌혈관이 좁아져서‬If he cries and yells, it'll constrict the blood vessel in his brain
‪뇌로 혈액 순환이 제대로 안 돼서‬and lower the blood flow to his brain,
‪발작을 일으키거나‬ ‪편마비 증상이 올 수 있습니다‬which will result in a seizure or hemiplegia.
‪맞아, 너 절대 건희 울리면 안 돼‬That's correct. You can't let him cry.
‪하, 어렵다‬-That's so hard. -Indeed, it's hard.
‪(송화)‬ ‪그럼, 어렵지‬-That's so hard. -Indeed, it's hard.
‪이따 CT 찍을 때도 조심해‬Be careful when you take his CT.
‪최대한 잘 달래서 찍어 보고‬Calm him down before you take it.
‪그래도 안 되면‬ ‪포크랄 먹여야 될 수도 있어‬If it doesn't work, you might have to give him Pocral. -It's safest to put him to sleep. -Okay.
‪재우는 게 제일 안전하니까‬-It's safest to put him to sleep. -Okay.
‪(치홍)‬ ‪네‬-It's safest to put him to sleep. -Okay.
‪잘 보고 잘 판단해‬Watch him closely and act accordingly.
‪(송화)‬ ‪그만할까?‬I think that'll be enough.
‪석민아, 점심은?‬What about lunch, Seok-min?
‪도재학 선생님이‬ ‪오늘 적금 탄다고 밥 사기로 했어요‬Dr. Do will buy lunch since his installment savings matured today. I can join, right?
‪저도 가도 되죠?‬I can join, right?
‪천하의 짠돌이 도재학 선생님이‬ ‪쏘시는 건데 무조건 먹어야죠‬Dr. Do, the infamous miser, is buying. I have to be there.
‪도재학 선생이 짠돌이니?‬Is he a miser?
‪네, 완전요‬Yes, totally. He's like a legend at the hospital.
‪우리 병원 전설이잖아요‬Yes, totally. He's like a legend at the hospital. His monthly allowance is 100,000 won. I heard he saves half of his monthly wage.
‪한 달 용돈 10만 원‬His monthly allowance is 100,000 won. I heard he saves half of his monthly wage.
‪월급의 반을 적금에 넣는대요‬His monthly allowance is 100,000 won. I heard he saves half of his monthly wage. That's amazing.
‪대단하다‬That's amazing.
‪[테이블을 탁 짚으며]‬ ‪그래, 그럼, 맛있게들 먹어라‬All right, then. Have a nice lunch.
‪(치홍)‬ ‪저는요? 저는 되는데요‬What about me? I'm available.
‪(송화)‬ ‪응?‬-What? -I'm free for lunch.
‪저는 시간 됩니다, 점심‬-What? -I'm free for lunch. Why aren't you going?
‪넌 안 가?‬Why aren't you going?
‪안 가실 거예요? 역사적인 순간인데?‬Why aren't you going? You're not? It's a historical moment. No, I won't. I'll just have lunch with you.
‪응, 난 안 가‬No, I won't. I'll just have lunch with you.
‪저는 교수님하고 점심 먹을래요‬No, I won't. I'll just have lunch with you.
‪(송화)‬ ‪그래, 가자‬Okay. Let's go.
‪비싼 거 사 줄게, 교수회관 가자‬I'll buy you something fancy -at the Professors' Cafeteria. -Really? What about me?
‪(선빈)‬ ‪아, 진짜요? 아, 저도요‬ ‪[석민의 못마땅한 신음]‬-at the Professors' Cafeteria. -Really? What about me?
‪진작 말씀하시지‬-You should've said sooner. -Too late.
‪(송화)‬ ‪끝, 치홍이만 사 줄 거야‬-You should've said sooner. -Too late. I'm taking Chi-hong only. Let's go.
‪가자‬I'm taking Chi-hong only. Let's go.
‪[선빈과 석민의 탄식]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬ ‪[심전도계 비프음]‬-I'll hold the portal vein. -Okay, the hemostat's ready.
‪(익준)‬ ‪포털 베인 잡을게요‬-I'll hold the portal vein. -Okay, the hemostat's ready.
‪(간호사2)‬ ‪네, 일자 클램프 준비됐습니다‬-I'll hold the portal vein. -Okay, the hemostat's ready.
‪[삭둑 자른다]‬
‪- (익준) 퍼퓨전 준비됐죠?‬ ‪- (간호사2) 네‬-Is the perfusion ready? -Yes.
‪(익준)‬ ‪헤파틱 아테리 잡을게요‬I'll hold the hepatic artery.
‪[익준의 탄성]‬
‪아, 잘됐네, 깨끗하다‬It went well. It looks clean.
‪김태형 쌤, 출혈 없죠?‬Dr. Kim, there's no bleeding, right?
‪확인하고 마무리해 주세요‬Check for bleeding and wrap it up, please.
‪(태형)‬ ‪네, 고생하셨습니다‬Good job, Doctor.
‪아, 그리고 좀 쉬세요‬Go get some rest. You have to perform the transplant surgery.
‪바로 수혜자 수술도 하셔야 하는데‬Go get some rest. You have to perform the transplant surgery.
‪저쪽 아직 헤파택토미 중이잖아요‬They're still doing hepatectomy.
‪(익준)‬ ‪어, 그러려고‬Okay, I will.
‪예, 고생들 하세요‬Keep it up, people. You too, Gyeo-ul.
‪겨울아, 고생해, 어‬Keep it up, people. You too, Gyeo-ul. Sure.
‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬Sure.
‪(세혁)‬ ‪바스큘라 클램프 주세요‬-Give me the vascular clamp. -What's the vital?
‪(마취과 의사)‬ ‪바이털 어떻게 되나요?‬-Give me the vascular clamp. -What's the vital?
‪(의사)‬ ‪BP는 90에 60에 펄스 레이트 100입니다‬BP is 90-60 and the pulse rate is at 100.
‪(세혁)‬ ‪석션 더요, 잘 안 보여요‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Suction. I can't see.
‪[심전도계 경고음]‬ ‪석션 계속, 거즈‬More suction. And gauze.
‪(간호사3)‬ ‪RBC 3개 가져왔어요‬-I brought three bags of RBC. -Wider.
‪(세혁)‬ ‪좀 벌려 주세요‬-I brought three bags of RBC. -Wider.
‪선생님 여기 벌려 주세요, 잘 안 보여‬ ‪좀 더 벌려 주세요‬A bit more. I can't see. -Widen it more, please. -Give me another lever.
‪[마취과 의사가 말한다]‬-Widen it more, please. -Give me another lever. -Get me a full dose of-- -Keep suctioning.
‪(세혁)‬ ‪석션 계속, 석션 계속‬-Get me a full dose of-- -Keep suctioning.
‪거즈‬Gauze. There.
‪보비요‬Gauze. There.
‪(마취과 의사)‬ ‪피 좀 더 타 오세요‬-Bring more blood. -Wider, please.
‪(세혁)‬ ‪좀 더 벌려 주세요, 좀 더‬-Bring more blood. -Wider, please.
‪(익준)‬ ‪피 많이 나? 괜찮아?‬Is he bleeding too much? Is he okay?
‪(세혁)‬ ‪하대정맥이 약간 열렸는데‬ ‪어프로치가 잘 안됩니다‬There's an opening in the IVC, but I can't get to it. Anesthesiology, are his vitals okay?
‪(익준)‬ ‪마취과 선생님, 바이털 괜찮아요?‬Anesthesiology, are his vitals okay?
‪(마취과 의사)‬ ‪피는 좀 난 거 같은데‬ ‪바이털이 좀 괜찮아진 거 같네요‬He's been bleeding quite a bit, but his vitals are okay now. Thank you. You want me to join?
‪(익준)‬ ‪네, 감사합니다, 내가 들어갈까?‬Thank you. You want me to join?
‪(세혁)‬ ‪들어오셔야 할 거 같습니다‬I think you should. Keep pressing on it. I'm going in.
‪(익준)‬ ‪어, 누르고 있어, 내가 들어갈게‬Keep pressing on it. I'm going in.
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬
‪(익준)‬ ‪마취과 선생님‬ ‪메이저 블리딩은 잡았습니다‬Anesthesiology, we got the major bleeding.
‪(세혁)‬ ‪간이 하대정맥을 둘러싸고 있어서‬ ‪박리하다가 열렸어요‬The liver was surrounding the IVC, so it started bleeding while we were removing it. This is hard.
‪진짜 어렵네요‬so it started bleeding while we were removing it. This is hard.
‪(익준)‬ ‪권순정 교수님 있잖아, 간 이식의 대가‬You know Professor Kwon, the master of liver transplants, right? -Yes. -On his first surgery as a fellow,
‪(세혁)‬ ‪네‬-Yes. -On his first surgery as a fellow,
‪(익준)‬ ‪그분도 펠로우 때‬-Yes. -On his first surgery as a fellow, his patient started bleeding the moment he opened the chest.
‪첫 수술에서‬ ‪스킨 열 때부터 피가 나서 쩔쩔매다가‬his patient started bleeding the moment he opened the chest.
‪간은 못 보고 피만 잡다가 강판당했대‬He was removed after stopping the blood. He didn't even get to see the liver.
‪[세혁의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬I see.
‪괜찮아, 이런 일 꽤 있어‬It's okay. This happens a lot.
‪그리고 다음에 이런 일 있으면‬ ‪지금보다 더 잘하면 되지, 뭐‬And when this happens again, you'll do better.
‪컨트롤 어려우면 나 불러, 또‬If you can't, call me again.
‪(세혁)‬ ‪네, 감사합니다‬Okay. Thank you.
‪(익준)‬ ‪그리고 이 아버지 꼭 살려야 돼‬And we have to save him no matter what. If anything goes wrong, Bin will kill me.
‪무슨 일 있으면 나 빈이한테 죽어‬If anything goes wrong, Bin will kill me.
‪(세혁)‬ ‪네‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬Okay.
‪(익준)‬ ‪스페시맨 나옵니다‬The specimen is coming out.
‪(은행원)‬ ‪와, 미납이 한 번도 없네요?‬You've never failed to make a single deposit.
‪[재학의 웃음]‬ ‪[은행원의 놀라는 숨소리]‬It's hard enough to make 60 payments over 5 years,
‪60회차 5년 완납도 어려운데‬ ‪연체 기록 한 번도 없으시고‬It's hard enough to make 60 payments over 5 years, but you've never even been late once. You're amazing.
‪정말 대단하세요‬but you've never even been late once. You're amazing.
‪저, 그래서 총 얼마예요?‬So, how much is it in total?
‪(은행원)‬ ‪어, 만기 해지 하시는 거고요‬You're withdrawing a mature saving.
‪어, 지난 5년간 원금에 이자‬ ‪그리고 세금 제하고 나면‬Including the principal and interest of the last five years excluding tax, it's 100,128,480 won.
‪1억 12만 8,480원요‬it's 100,128,480 won.
‪계좌로 바로 입금됐어요‬It's been wired to your account. Congratulations.
‪축하드립니다‬It's been wired to your account. Congratulations.
‪[재학의 탄성]‬
‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪일, 십, 백, 천...‬One, ten, a hundred...
‪(은행원)‬ ‪아, 그리고‬ ‪이건 저희 지점장님이 드리는 선물‬One, ten, a hundred... And this is a gift from the branch manager.
‪(재학)‬ ‪어, 오, 이런 것도 주세요?‬I get a gift too?
‪(은행원)‬ ‪5년 단골이신데 이 정도는 약소하죠‬I get a gift too? You've been our regular for five years. This is nothing.
‪지점장님도 축하한다고 전해 달래요‬The manager also sent you his congratulations.
‪아, 이 정도면‬ ‪우리 집은 1년 넘게 써요‬This is enough to last me a year. Sorry? You shouldn't be like that now.
‪네? 아‬Sorry? You shouldn't be like that now.
‪이제는 너무 그렇게 지내지 마세요‬Sorry? You shouldn't be like that now.
‪와이프분도 힘드시겠다‬Your wife must not like it. She doesn't even turn the lights on in the house before 8 p.m.
‪저희 와이프는‬ ‪8시 전에 집에 불도 안 켜요‬She doesn't even turn the lights on in the house before 8 p.m.
‪(은행원)‬ ‪아...‬ ‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪여, 여보‬ ‪[웃음]‬Honey.
‪우리 1억이나 있어‬We have 100 million now.
‪아이, 1억!‬No, 100 million!
‪[재학의 웃음]‬
‪(재학)‬ ‪아, 안녕히 계세요‬Bye.
‪아, 안 그래도‬ ‪그동안 너무 빈대 붙어서 미안했는데‬I know. I felt bad since I always mooched off them.
‪병원 사람들한테 밥 한번 사려고, 응‬ ‪[웃음]‬I'll treat them to something nice.
‪[석민의 한숨]‬
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪[발랄한 음악]‬
‪진짜 이러기예요?‬Seriously?
‪(재학)‬ ‪아, 미안해‬ ‪다음엔 꼭 삼겹살 사 줄게‬I'm sorry. I'll buy you pork belly next time.
‪(선빈)‬ ‪잘 먹을게요‬ ‪[재학의 웃음]‬Thanks for the food.
‪아, 어서 드세요‬Come on. Eat already.
‪도재학 선생님한텐‬ ‪이것도 완전 소고기예요, 소고기‬For him, it's like he's buying beef.
‪석민아, 진짜 미안해‬I'm sorry, Seok-min. I really am.
‪와이프한테 바로 다 송금했단 말이야‬I've sent all the money to my wife right away.
‪와이프도 1억 구경은 한번 해 봐야지‬I wanted to show her that we do have 100 million won. Did you say 100 million? How much did you deposit per month?
‪1억요?‬Did you say 100 million? How much did you deposit per month?
‪한 달에 그럼‬ ‪얼마나 적금 넣은 거예요?‬Did you say 100 million? How much did you deposit per month? It was 1.6 million a month.
‪160만 원‬It was 1.6 million a month.
‪(선빈)‬ ‪[놀라며]‬ ‪그게 가능해요?‬It was 1.6 million a month. Is that even possible?
‪가능하지‬Of course. He doesn't spend any money at all.
‪아예 돈을 안 쓰는데‬Of course. He doesn't spend any money at all.
‪아니, 그래도‬ ‪지금 사는 집 관리비도 들고‬Still, what about the maintenance fee for the house,
‪통신비랑 해서‬ ‪기본 나가는 돈이 있을 텐데?‬the phone bill and other living costs?
‪(재학)‬ ‪와이프도 맞벌이하잖아‬My wife works full-time as well.
‪우리 와이프‬ ‪결혼하고 하루를 못 쉬었어‬She's never taken a single day off since we've married.
‪지난 10년간 악착같이 모은 게‬ ‪딱 1억이야‬We've saved up for 10 years and now it's exactly 100 million.
‪그 돈으로 뭐 하시게요?‬What will you do with that money?
‪뭐‬ ‪[한숨]‬Well...
‪내일 전세 계약해‬I'm leasing a house tomorrow.
‪(선빈)‬ ‪[놀라며]‬ ‪어, 축하해요‬Congrats!
‪[선빈의 부추기는 신음]‬Congrats!
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪야, 나 진짜 너무 좋아‬I'm really happy right now.
‪물론 코딱지만 한 아파트지만‬ ‪그래도 전세 아니야, 전세‬I know it's a small apartment, but it's on a deposit basis.
‪(선빈)‬ ‪전세 얼마요?‬How much is it?
‪(재학)‬ ‪뭐, 대출도 받고 적금 좀 보태서 2억‬With a loan and the money I've saved up, it's 200 million won.
‪계약서 잘 써요‬Read the contract carefully.
‪며칠 전에 전세 사기 뉴스들‬ ‪막 나오던데‬There's been a lot of scams on the news lately.
‪야, 나 대학 4수에 사시 6년이야‬Hey, I've studied for ten years to be where I am.
‪누구한테 훈시야, 이게‬I don't need your advice. What about the landlord?
‪집주인은? 그거 잘 확인해요‬What about the landlord?
‪내가 알아서 잘할게‬Mind your own business.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪그리고 요즘 부동산에서‬ ‪알아서 다 해 줘‬The real estate agencies take care of everything now.
‪그래도 50만 원 정도는 떼 두시지‬You should set aside at least half a million.
‪부부가 주말에‬ ‪오랜만에 여행도 가고 그럼 좋잖아요‬You and your wife should go on a trip on the weekend.
‪여행?‬A trip?
‪여행이 뭐야?‬-What's a trip? -The weekend?
‪주말?‬-What's a trip? -The weekend?
‪주말이 뭐야?‬What's a weekend?
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪[정원 모의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪[한숨]‬It's so hot.
‪[흥얼거리며]‬ ‪와 이리 덥노, 와 이리 덥노‬It's so hot.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪와 이리 덥노‬Why is it so hot?
‪엄마 대단하지?‬Aren't I amazing?
‪이거 다 엄마가 직접 키우고 가꾼 거야‬ ‪우리 아들처럼‬I've grown all of them myself just like how I've brought you up.
‪아, 허리도 아픈데 텃밭을 왜...‬You have a bad back. You shouldn't be farming.
‪엄마, 그리고 채소만 먹는다고‬ ‪몸에 좋은 게 아니야‬And Mom, eating only vegetables is not that healthy.
‪이거 다 유기농이야‬ ‪약 하나도 안 쳤어‬These are organic. No pesticides. It's healthy.
‪완전 건강 밥상‬These are organic. No pesticides. It's healthy.
‪약을 안 친 게 아니라‬ ‪못 친 거겠지, 허리가 아파서, 하‬These are organic. No pesticides. It's healthy. It's more like you couldn't spray them because of your bad back.
‪그리고 엄마 나이 때는‬ ‪골고루 먹는 게 제일 좋아요‬And you should have a more balanced diet at your age.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪어‬Okay. Eat now, it's getting cold.
‪얼른 먹어, 식는다‬Okay. Eat now, it's getting cold.
‪(정원)‬ ‪단백질, 철분, 오메가 3 그리고 칼슘‬Protein, iron, omega-3, and calcium. Your anemia and dizziness come from lack of nutrition.
‪빈혈, 어지럼증‬ ‪이런 게 다 영양 부족에서 오는 거라고‬Your anemia and dizziness come from lack of nutrition. I'm eating well,
‪엄마 다 잘 챙겨 먹고 있어‬ ‪네 걱정이나 해‬I'm eating well, -so worry about yourself. -You're not.
‪뭘 잘 챙겨 먹어?‬-so worry about yourself. -You're not. Eat like this, and you'll suffer from malnutrition.
‪엄마, 이렇게 먹으면‬ ‪진짜 영양 부족이라니까?‬Eat like this, and you'll suffer from malnutrition.
‪[한숨 쉬며]‬ ‪저기‬Look over there.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪[정원 모와 정원의 한숨]‬
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪잘 챙겨 먹고 있다니까‬ ‪어른 말을 안 믿어‬See? I really am eating well. If you have all of that, then you're a drug addict.
‪엄마, 저거 다 먹으면 약물 중독이야‬If you have all of that, then you're a drug addict.
‪아, 그냥 대충 살다가 저세상 갈래‬ ‪얼른 밥이나 먹어‬I'll just live like this until I croak. Be quiet and eat.
‪[정원의 못마땅한 신음]‬ ‪(정원 모)‬ ‪응, 이거 먹어 봐, 이거‬-Why... -Hey, try this. It's seasoned aster. I made it myself, and it's divine.
‪취나물인데, 내가 무쳤는데도‬ ‪이 세상 맛이 아니다, 야‬It's seasoned aster. I made it myself, and it's divine.
‪[정원 모의 웃음]‬ ‪[정원의 한숨]‬Jeez, I can't argue with you.
‪내가 진짜 못 살아, 못 살아, 아‬Jeez, I can't argue with you.
‪맛있네‬It's good.
‪[정원 모의 웃음]‬
‪근데 엄마‬ ‪내가 지난번에 말했던 거 있잖아‬By the way, about the thing I told you about last time...
‪고추장이 없네?‬We need red pepper paste.
‪[정원의 한숨]‬
‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪[정원의 탄성]‬
‪미쳤네, 이거 이 세상 맛이 아니네‬This is insane. How can it be so delicious? Right? It's divine, right?
‪그렇지? 저세상 맛이지?‬Right? It's divine, right?
‪[정원 모의 웃음]‬ ‪저승, 저승‬-It's heavenly. -Try this too.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪겉절이도 먹어 봐‬-It's heavenly. -Try this too.
‪엄마, 내가 큰형이랑도 상의해 보고‬I've talked to my brother, asked my sisters,
‪누나들한테도 물어보고‬ ‪서울 대교구에도 물어봤거든‬I've talked to my brother, asked my sisters, and even asked the Seoul Archdiocese about this.
‪(정원)‬ ‪씁, 근데 이게 한국에서는‬ ‪나이 제한 때문에 좀 힘든데‬It's difficult in Korea because of the age limit,
‪그게 이탈리아에서는‬ ‪신부 공부가 가능하다네?‬but I can study to become a priest in Italy.
‪벌써 추천서도 보냈고‬ ‪곧 답변도 올 거야‬I've sent the letter of recommendation and I'm waiting to hear from them.
‪씁, 나 더 늦으면‬ ‪진짜 후회할 거 같아서‬I've sent the letter of recommendation and I'm waiting to hear from them. I think I'll regret it if I don't do it any sooner
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬Mom.
‪안 돼, 신부 공부는 무슨‬You can't. Studying to become a priest?
‪한국에서 신랑 공부나 해‬Study to become a groom in Korea.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪멀쩡하게 생겨서 애인도 없어?‬-You don't even have a girlfriend? -Gosh...
‪(정원)‬ ‪[웅얼거리며]‬ ‪아이씨, 진짜‬-You don't even have a girlfriend? -Gosh... Your brothers and sisters could, but not you.
‪형, 누나들은 다 돼도 넌 안 돼‬Your brothers and sisters could, but not you.
‪엄마 외로워서 안 돼‬I'll get too lonely.
‪종수랑 저, 석형 엄마 올 때 다 됐어‬ ‪얼른 먹고 치우자‬Jong-su and Seok-hyeong's moms will be here soon. Hurry and eat.
‪[정원 모의 한숨]‬
‪[정원의 한숨]‬
‪아, 더워‬It's so hot.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪강풍‬Stronger.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬Mom.
‪(정원)‬ ‪엄마‬Mom.
‪(종수)‬ ‪응, 잘하네‬You're good.
‪외과라 그런지 손 기술이 좋은 거냐?‬You must be dexterous since you're a surgeon.
‪외과의 생명은 섬세함이지‬Delicacy is the most important for a surgeon.
‪(병원장)‬ ‪형, 왜 대가리만 따?‬ ‪가운데 똥을 빼야지‬Don't just remove the heads. Remove the wastes in the middle.
‪(종수)‬ ‪아이고야‬Goodness.
‪야, 일일이‬ ‪이걸 어떻게 다 따고 있어, 아이고, 참‬How are we supposed to do all of this by hand?
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪너 복강경 몰라?‬You know the laparoscope, right?
‪복강경 했다 그래‬Tell her we used that.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪동작 그만, 손 머리‬Stop right there. Hands in the air.
‪내가 대가리도 쓸 거라고‬Didn't I tell you to keep the head because I'm going to use them?
‪대가리 놔두고‬ ‪가운데 똥만 떼라고 했어, 안 했어?‬Didn't I tell you to keep the head because I'm going to use them?
‪했어요‬You did, ma'am.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪근데 지금 대가리는 버리고‬ ‪똥도 안 뗐어? 안 뗐어요?‬But you threw away the heads and didn't even remove the wastes.
‪(병원장)‬ ‪어, 전, 전 뗐습니다‬I did.
‪(종수)‬ ‪에이, 몇 마리‬It's just a few of them.
‪아, 몇 마리‬There isn't even 20.
‪스무 마리도 안 된다, 야, 에이‬There isn't even 20.
‪아, 보자, 보자, 보자, 어디‬Okay, let's see.
‪어, 이 친구들이, 씁, 누구더라?‬I can't remember which is which.
‪다시 뗄게, 응?‬I'll do it again. I'll find them all.
‪다 찾을 수 있어‬I'll find them all. Find every single one of them, okay?
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪한 마리도 빼놓지 말고 다 찾아‬Find every single one of them, okay?
‪멸치 육수 내는데‬ ‪똥이 하나라도 뜨는 순간‬If there's even a single drop that I find while cooking my broth, I'm going to kill you.
‪오늘이 네 제삿날이다‬that I find while cooking my broth, I'm going to kill you.
‪(종수)‬ ‪네‬Yes, ma'am.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪병원장님, 일단 된 거라도 먼저 주세요‬Director, pass me the trimmed ones.
‪(병원장)‬ ‪아, 예, 예, 예‬Sure, ma'am.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪빨리해, 이거 하고 쪽파도 다듬어야 돼‬Hurry up. You have to trim the spring onions after this.
‪(종수)‬ ‪에이씨‬ ‪잔치국수 해 준다 그래서 왔더니‬Darn it. I came because you said you'll cook us to noodles, but I guess it was just a trap.
‪이러려고 불렀구먼?‬but I guess it was just a trap.
‪야, 아, 그리고‬ ‪야, 이걸 어떻게 둘이 다 따?‬To be honest, how could the two of us trim all of these?
‪너도 보면 참 양심 없다, 아이고‬Have you no conscience?
‪아유, 이거 어떻게‬God... How come every one of them has the waste?
‪똥 없는 멸치가 한 마리도 없냐? 아휴‬ ‪[초인종이 울린다]‬God... How come every one of them has the waste?
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪셋이서 따‬Here's one more.
‪[종수의 헛기침]‬
‪(종수)‬ ‪그러니깐 저기 머리부터 발끝까지‬So, that woman who's dressed like Audrey Hepburn
‪오드리 헵번 코스튬을 하신 분이‬from head to toe is
‪우리 병원 양석형 교수‬ ‪모친이다, 이거지?‬Professor Yang Seok-hyeong's mother?
‪(병원장)‬ ‪어‬ ‪[종수의 탄성]‬Yes. She's Dr. Yang's mother
‪양 교수 모친이시자‬ ‪태건어패럴 양태양 회장‬Yes. She's Dr. Yang's mother and the wife of Chairman Yang Tae-yang
‪사모님‬-of Taegeon Apparel. -I see.
‪(종수)‬ ‪어‬-of Taegeon Apparel. -I see.
‪(석형 모)‬ ‪제가 도와드려야 되는데‬ ‪몸이 안 좋아서, 죄송해요‬I should help you, but I'm not feeling well. I'm sorry.
‪(종수)‬ ‪아니에요‬It's okay. We're almost done.
‪다 땄어요, 예, 다 땄어요‬It's okay. We're almost done.
‪[종수의 웃음]‬
‪아줌마, 커피 드려요?‬Ma'am, would you like some coffee? Iced? Hot?
‪(정원)‬ ‪냉커피? 따스운 걸로?‬Ma'am, would you like some coffee? Iced? Hot?
‪[웃음]‬By the way, why are you not married?
‪근데 너도 왜 장가를 안 가니?‬By the way, why are you not married?
‪오케이, 냉커피로‬Okay, iced it is.
‪[정원 모의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪이제 그만해도 되겠어요‬I think I have enough now.
‪(병원장)‬ ‪아, 그럴까요?‬-Really? -Yes.
‪- (정원 모) 네‬ ‪- (종수) 아이고‬ ‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬-Really? -Yes.
‪(종수)‬ ‪아이고, 허리야, 아이고‬Oh, my back.
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪어, 아유, 내 새끼‬Hey, my puppy.
‪[종수의 웃음]‬Hey, my puppy. You called me because you missed your grandpa?
‪할아버지 보고 싶어서 전화했어?‬You called me because you missed your grandpa?
‪무슨 게임?‬-What game? -What's the point of having
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪자식이 미국서 의사 하고‬ ‪한국서 변호사 하면 뭐 해‬-What game? -What's the point of having -children who are doctors and lawyers? -You do what?
‪(종수)‬ ‪뭘 한다고?‬-children who are doctors and lawyers? -You do what? Their dad can't even have proper meals on time.
‪자기 아비는 삼시 세끼‬ ‪밥도 제대로 못 먹고 사는데‬Their dad can't even have proper meals on time.
‪편하게 입고 오라 그랬잖아‬I told you to dress casually.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪다 편한 사람들이라고‬You can be comfortable around them.
‪편하게 입은 거예요‬ ‪[웃음]‬I am dressed casually.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪[정원 모가 입바람을 후 분다]‬
‪뭘 하자고?‬Do what?
‪아, 마피아 게임‬The mafia game.
‪맞냐?‬-Is that it? -Yes.
‪- (정원) 네‬ ‪- (종수) 어‬-Is that it? -Yes.
‪(종수)‬ ‪아, 손주 놈이 다음 주말에 오는데‬My grandson is coming next weekend,
‪그, 마피아 게임을‬ ‪같이 하자 그러네, 참‬and he wants me to play the mafia game with him. What do I do?
‪[정원의 웃음]‬ ‪어떡하지?‬and he wants me to play the mafia game with him. What do I do?
‪(정원)‬ ‪하면 되죠‬You can do it. A lot of young people play it. It's fun.
‪요즘 애들 많이들 해요, 재밌어요‬You can do it. A lot of young people play it. It's fun.
‪'대부'도 재밌잖아요‬It must be fun since The Godfather is fun.
‪재밌겠네‬It must be fun since The Godfather is fun.
‪[어색하게 웃으며]‬ ‪네‬Yes. To put it simply,
‪아, 저, 쉽게 설명을 하면요‬Yes. To put it simply,
‪여기 네 분 중에‬ ‪마피아가 한 명 있어요‬one of you is chosen as the mafia.
‪(정원)‬ ‪그리고 나머지는‬ ‪무고한 시민이 되는 거죠‬And the rest of you will be innocent civilians. When you're chosen as the mafia, you have to pretend to be a civilian
‪마피아는 시민에게 잡히지 않기 위해서‬ ‪시민인 척 연기를 해요‬When you're chosen as the mafia, you have to pretend to be a civilian to not get caught by them. The goal is to figure out who the mafia is.
‪그럼 그게 누군지 찾아내면 되는 거죠‬The goal is to figure out who the mafia is. I see. That's easy.
‪(종수)‬ ‪어, 허허, 쉽네‬I see. That's easy.
‪[웃음]‬I see. That's easy.
‪구라 까는 놈 찾으면 되는 거잖아‬We have to find out which one of us is lying, then.
‪[정원과 병원장의 웃음]‬We have to find out which one of us is lying, then.
‪(정원)‬ ‪네, 맞아요‬That's right. I'll lead the game.
‪아, 그럼 제가 사회를 보고요‬That's right. I'll lead the game. Since there are four of you, if a civilian dies in the first round, it's game over.
‪어, 네 분이니까‬ ‪첫판에 시민이 죽으면 게임 끝‬Since there are four of you, if a civilian dies in the first round, it's game over.
‪마피아가 이기는 걸로 할까요?‬The mafia will win.
‪다들 룰은 아시겠죠?‬Do you all understand the rules?
‪뭐 숨긴 놈 찾는 건 내가 1등이지‬I'm good at fishing out people who are hiding things.
‪- 전 자신 있는데‬ ‪- (병원장) 저도‬-I think I can ace this game. -Same here. If we're playing a game, there should be a prize.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪근데 게임에는 뭐라도 걸어야지‬ ‪그냥 해?‬If we're playing a game, there should be a prize. We don't win anything? No prizes?
‪이기면 뭐 없어?‬We don't win anything? No prizes?
‪(정원)‬ ‪아, 잠깐만요‬Right. Hold on.
‪병원에서 받은 거‬I got them from the hospital.
‪아, 내가 준 거네?‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬Those are the tickets I gave out.
‪네, 병원에서 나온 연주회 티켓‬Yes. These are recital tickets I got from the hospital.
‪왜 내 건 없어?‬-How come I didn't get one? -I didn't get one, either.
‪내 것도 없어‬-How come I didn't get one? -I didn't get one, either.
‪거기서 딱 10장 줘서‬They only gave me ten tickets.
‪내가 VIP 팀 고생해서‬ ‪거기에 뿌린 거야‬So I gave the tickets to the doctors at the VIP Ward to thank them for their hard work.
‪넌 그리고 어차피‬ ‪뭐, 클래식 잘 모르잖아‬Besides, you don't know much about classical music anyway.
‪[종수의 웃음]‬Besides, you don't know much about classical music anyway.
‪(정원)‬ ‪넌 그걸 그냥 엄마 바로 줘야지‬ ‪왜 여기에 풀어?‬You should've given me the tickets. Why bring them out here? You can win the game and take the tickets.
‪아, 엄마가 이겨서 따 가면 되지‬You can win the game and take the tickets. Besides, you're not even interested in classical music.
‪그리고 엄마 클래식에 관심도 없잖아‬Besides, you're not even interested in classical music.
‪여자 친구랑 가면 되잖아‬Go with your girlfriend.
‪아, 여자 친구 없다니까‬I don't have a girlfriend! Why don't you have one?
‪여자 친구가 왜 없어?‬Why don't you have one? You're a handsome doctor at a university hospital.
‪생긴 건 멀쩡하고‬ ‪대학 병원 의사 하는 놈이‬You're a handsome doctor at a university hospital. You should have a girlfriend.
‪여자 친구가 왜 없어?‬ ‪[정원의 한숨]‬You should have a girlfriend.
‪맨날 친구들하고 밴드 하고‬ ‪자기들끼리 논다고 없는 거죠‬You should have a girlfriend. He doesn't have one because he hangs out with his friends and plays in the band.
‪[정원 모의 한숨]‬ ‪[종수의 웃음]‬because he hangs out with his friends and plays in the band. Seok-hyeong might not have a girlfriend since he's divorced,
‪(석형 모)‬ ‪우리 석형이야 잠깐 갔다 와서‬ ‪애인이 없다고 쳐‬Seok-hyeong might not have a girlfriend since he's divorced,
‪근데 넌 왜 없니?‬but why don't you have a girlfriend?
‪누구 좋아하는 사람도 없어?‬Is there anyone you're interested in?
‪- 있어요‬ ‪- (석형 모) 누구?‬ ‪[정원 모의 한숨]‬-There is. -Who?
‪하느님요‬The Lord.
‪[정원의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪(정원)‬ ‪아, 엄마!‬Mom!
‪[정원이 씩씩댄다]‬ ‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪아, 나 갈래‬I'm leaving.
‪(종수)‬ ‪[정원을 탁 잡으며]‬ ‪어, 어딜 가, 어딜?‬No. You can't leave yet.
‪앉아 있어, 앉아, 앉아, 앉아, 어?‬Professor Ahn, sit down.
‪아, 마피아 게임 가르쳐 주고 가야지‬You need to teach us how to play the game before you go.
‪아유, 밥 먹을 땐‬ ‪개도 안 건드려, 인마‬You need to teach us how to play the game before you go. You should let him eat in peace.
‪아니, 애가 하느님 좋아하는 게‬ ‪뭐가 어때서 그래?‬What's so bad about being religious? -Right. -You love Him a lot, too.
‪(정원)‬ ‪맞아‬-Right. -You love Him a lot, too.
‪(종수)‬ ‪아, 너도 하느님 엄청 사랑하잖아‬-Right. -You love Him a lot, too. -Exactly. -Seriously. You're so selfish.
‪(정원)‬ ‪그러니까‬-Exactly. -Seriously. You're so selfish.
‪(종수)‬ ‪하여튼 애가 참 이기적이야, 아휴‬-Exactly. -Seriously. You're so selfish.
‪너 그거 뭐야?‬What's that?
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪[종수의 당황한 신음]‬It's...
‪김이야, 김‬It's seaweed.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪(정원)‬ ‪자, 그럼 시작합니다‬ ‪[종수가 콜록거린다]‬All right. We'll begin now. After I announce, "It is night,"
‪제가 '밤이 되었습니다' 하고‬ ‪마피아 한 명을 뽑을 거예요‬After I announce, "It is night," I will pick someone as the mafia. And when I say, "It is morning,"
‪그리고 다시 '아침이 밝았습니다' 하면‬And when I say, "It is morning," that's when you start looking for who is in the mafia.
‪그때부터 누가 마피아인지‬ ‪찾아 주시면 돼요‬that's when you start looking for who is in the mafia.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪[놀라며]‬ ‪아유, 아침까지 한다고?‬that's when you start looking for who is in the mafia. We have to do this all night?
‪아, 그러니까 젊은 애들이 하는 거죠‬That must be why only young people play this game. I have an appointment in the afternoon.
‪(병원장)‬ ‪나는 오후에 스케줄 있는데‬I have an appointment in the afternoon. Then you should leave early.
‪(종수)‬ ‪그럼 넌 먼저 가 보고‬Then you should leave early.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬Then you should leave early. Since we're all here, let's give it a go at least once.
‪이왕 시작한 건데 한 판은 해 봐야지‬Since we're all here, let's give it a go at least once.
‪다른 분들은 오후에‬ ‪뭐, 스케줄 괜찮죠?‬You're all available this afternoon, right?
‪정원이, 너 약속 있어?‬Jeong-won, do you have any plans?
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪[사람들이 바닥을 두드린다]‬ ‪(정원)‬ ‪자, 밤이 되었습니다‬All right. It is night. Everyone. Close your eyes and lower your head.
‪모두 눈을 감고 고개를 숙여 주세요‬Everyone. Close your eyes and lower your head.
‪자, 이제부터 제가‬ ‪마피아 한 명을 뽑겠습니다‬Now, I'm going to choose someone to be the mafia. All right.
‪자‬All right.
‪자, 이제 마피아는‬Now, the mafia will-- It's me. I'm the mafia.
‪어, 나다, 나야, 나‬It's me. I'm the mafia.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬It's me. I'm the mafia. It's her.
‪(석형 모)‬ ‪언니 맞아요‬It's her. I felt something go past me.
‪내 앞으로 뭔가 훅 지나갔어‬I felt something go past me.
‪[종수의 탄성]‬
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪나‬-It's me. -Congrats.
‪(병원장)‬ ‪축하드려요‬ ‪[한숨]‬-It's me. -Congrats.
‪[사람들이 바닥을 두드린다]‬All right. It's morning.
‪(정원)‬ ‪자, 아침이 밝았습니다‬All right. It's morning. Now, you have to find out who the mafia is.
‪이제 마피아가 누군지‬ ‪찾아 주시면 됩니다‬Now, you have to find out who the mafia is. Stop tapping the floor now.
‪자, 그만 두드리시고요‬Stop tapping the floor now.
‪나 아니야‬-It's not me. -We didn't say anything.
‪우린 아무 말도 안 했어요‬-It's not me. -We didn't say anything. I'm not a yakuza, either.
‪저도 야쿠자 아니에요‬I'm not a yakuza, either.
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬This game isn't called "Yakuza." It's called "Mafia."
‪야쿠자가 아니고 마피아요‬This game isn't called "Yakuza." It's called "Mafia."
‪(병원장)‬ ‪형은 뭐야?‬What about you?
‪멍청하긴, 말을 하면 안 되지‬You're stupid. I'm not supposed to tell you.
‪아니, 형이 뭐건 간에‬ ‪일단은 시민이라고 해야지‬Whatever you are, you should say that you're a civilian.
‪왜 말을 안 해?‬Whatever you are, you should say that you're a civilian. Why won't you say that? Really? I can say that?
‪(종수)‬ ‪그래? 말은 해도 되는 거야?‬Really? I can say that?
‪나 시민이지, 시티즌‬I'm a civilian.
‪(병원장)‬ ‪형, 일부러 그러는 거지?‬You're doing that on purpose, aren't you?
‪마피아 아니야?‬-Aren't you the mafia? -Me? No, I'm not.
‪나? 아닌데?‬-Aren't you the mafia? -Me? No, I'm not.
‪아니, 가만있어 봐라‬Hold on.
‪씁, 네가 나를‬ ‪마피아로 의심하는 게 좋은 거니까‬Since it's advantageous for you to suspect me as the mafia, I should say that I am in the mafia.
‪어, 내가‬ ‪마피아라고 해야 되는 거구나?‬I should say that I am in the mafia.
‪나 마피아야, 시민 아니야‬I am the mafia. I'm not a civilian. How do you run the foundation with that brain?
‪너 그 머리로 재단을 어떻게 운영하니?‬How do you run the foundation with that brain?
‪너 빨리 은퇴해‬ ‪우리 병원 망하게 하지 말고‬Just retire soon. -Don't run our hospital into the ground. -What do you mean?
‪이거 왜 이래?‬-Don't run our hospital into the ground. -What do you mean?
‪율제 내가 맡자마자 매출 확 올랐어‬As soon as I took over the hospital, our profit skyrocketed.
‪(종수)‬ ‪이쪽 부군 때문에‬ ‪요즘에는 언론에도 자주 나오고‬And thanks to her husband, our hospital is covered by the press a lot these days.
‪엄청 잘나가‬Our hospital is doing very well.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪근데 병원장님은‬ ‪아까부터 얼굴이 왜 그렇게 빨개요?‬Why is your face getting so red?
‪- 저요?‬ ‪- (정원 모) 네‬-Me? -Yes.
‪마피아 아니에요?‬-Are you the mafia? -Your face is redder than his.
‪얼굴은 언니가 더 빨개요‬-Are you the mafia? -Your face is redder than his.
‪언니 마피아죠?‬-Are you the mafia? -Your face is redder than his. Aren't you in the mafia? You've been quite chatty.
‪아까부터 말도 많고‬Aren't you in the mafia? You've been quite chatty. No, I'm not. How can I be the mafia?
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪나 아니야, 내가 어떻게 마피아야?‬No, I'm not. How can I be the mafia? No one in the mafia would openly say that they are in the mafia.
‪(병원장)‬ ‪마피아가 어디‬ ‪'저 마피아예요'라고 하나요?‬No one in the mafia would openly say that they are in the mafia.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪어, 저 진짜 아니에요‬No one in the mafia would openly say that they are in the mafia. It's really not me! Jong-su, say something.
‪종수야, 너 말 좀 해 봐‬Jong-su, say something.
‪우리 로사 마피아 아니에요‬Rosa isn't the mafia. How do you know that?
‪그걸 어떻게 아세요?‬How do you know that? Because I'm the mafia.
‪제가 마피아입니다‬Because I'm the mafia.
‪이 형 뭐래?‬What is he doing?
‪정원이가 형 어깨 쳤어, 안 쳤어?‬Did Jeong-won tap you on your shoulder or not?
‪안 쳤어‬-He didn't. -Jong-su, be quiet.
‪아, 종수 너는 조용히 하고‬-He didn't. -Jong-su, be quiet.
‪아까부터 저를 계속 모시는 거 보니까‬ ‪본인이 마피아신 거 같은데‬Seeing how you keep trying to eliminate me, I think you are the mafia. -Shall we vote? -Let's do it.
‪- 우리 투표할까요?‬ ‪- (병원장) 해요, 전 사모님이 마피아‬-Shall we vote? -Let's do it. I think you're in the mafia. I'm sure of it, too.
‪저도 확실해요‬I'm sure of it, too.
‪로사 언니로 투표해요‬Let's vote Rosa out.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪어머?‬My gosh. It's really not me!
‪나 진짜 아니라니까‬ ‪나 마피아 아니라고‬My gosh. It's really not me! I'm not in the mafia.
‪종수야, 너 나 믿지?‬Jong-su, don't you believe me? I do.
‪(종수)‬ ‪그럼‬I do. Everyone. I am the mafia.
‪[정원 모의 못마땅한 신음]‬ ‪여러분, 제가 마피아입니다‬Everyone. I am the mafia. Forget it. Just vote.
‪(병원장)‬ ‪됐고, 형, 투표해‬Forget it. Just vote.
‪안 교수, 집행해‬Professor Ahn, proceed.
‪[병원장의 헛기침]‬ ‪(정원 모)‬ ‪아, 그래, 투표해요‬-Fine, let's vote. It's two against two. -You can't vote if someone calls you out.
‪어차피 2 대 2야‬-Fine, let's vote. It's two against two. -You can't vote if someone calls you out.
‪엄마는 지목되면 투표 못 해‬-Fine, let's vote. It's two against two. -You can't vote if someone calls you out. Why are there so many rules?
‪아, 뭐 그렇게 안 되는 게 많아?‬Why are there so many rules?
‪우리 집에선 그냥 하는 걸로 해‬ ‪땅땅땅‬ ‪[정원 모가 바닥을 탁탁 친다]‬Change the rule so I can vote since it's my house.
‪(종수)‬ ‪그래, 해, 투표해‬Yes. Let her vote.
‪[헛기침]‬All right. The voting will take place.
‪자, 그럼 투표를 시작하겠습니다‬All right. The voting will take place.
‪(정원)‬ ‪정로사 님께서 마피아라고 생각되시면‬If you believe Jeong Rosa is the mafia,
‪엄지손가락을 위로 번쩍 들어 주세요‬ ‪[정원 모의 한숨]‬raise your thumb -facing up. -Yes.
‪(병원장)‬ ‪예, 예, 예‬-facing up. -Yes.
‪[정원 모의 헛웃음]‬ ‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬-facing up. -Yes.
‪미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪네가 어떻게 나한테 이럴 수가 있어?‬How could you betray me like this?
‪자, 투표 결과는‬And the votes are in.
‪[북소리 효과음]‬ ‪[정원이 북소리를 흉내 낸다]‬And the votes are in.
‪[정원 모의 한숨]‬
‪무고한 시민 정로사 님께서 죽었습니다‬Jeong Rosa, an innocent civilian, has died.
‪아, 거봐, 나 아니랬잖아!‬I told you that it wasn't me!
‪(정원)‬ ‪자, 마피아는 바로‬ ‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬The person in the mafia was
‪주종수 님입니다!‬Ju Jong-su.
‪[병원장의 탄성]‬ ‪[정원 모의 못마땅한 신음]‬Ju Jong-su.
‪뭐? 이씨‬What? You bastard!
‪[놀라는 신음]‬What? You bastard!
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Jeez. What the...
‪[콜록거리며]‬ ‪아이, 아, 이게, 아, 이게 뭐야‬Jeez. What the... I should have known. You were always so sly.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪하여튼 주종수 음흉한 건‬ ‪진짜 알아줘야 된다니까‬I should have known. You were always so sly.
‪생긴 것도 족제비같이‬ ‪얍삽하게 생겨 가지고‬ ‪[종수의 한숨]‬You even look like a weasel. You fraud.
‪어유, 이 사기꾼 새끼‬You even look like a weasel. You fraud. You lied in elementary school saying that you went to feed the cows
‪내가 너 국민학교 다닐 때‬ ‪쇠꼴 주러 간다고‬You lied in elementary school saying that you went to feed the cows
‪뻥치고 학교 안 가고‬You lied in elementary school saying that you went to feed the cows when you went to the hill and drank makgeolli. I should've known then.
‪뒷산에서 막걸리 받아 마실 때부터‬ ‪알아봤어, 진짜‬when you went to the hill and drank makgeolli. I should've known then. This is just a game.
‪이거는 게임이야‬This is just a game. This is how you play this game.
‪이 게임은 원래 이렇게 하는 거라고‬ ‪[정원 모의 한숨]‬This is how you play this game. Aren't I right, Professor Ahn?
‪안 교수, 맞지? 내 말이 맞지?‬Aren't I right, Professor Ahn? Totally.
‪아, 완전‬ ‪[정원의 웃음]‬Totally.
‪[종수가 구시렁댄다]‬
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪게임이든 노름이든 뭘 하든 간에‬Whether it is a game or gambling, your true colors are bound to show when you play.
‪인간성은‬ ‪자연스럽게 나오는 법이야, 응?‬your true colors are bound to show when you play. Even if you had to betray someone,
‪어디 등쳐 먹을 게 없다고‬ ‪65년 지기 불알친구 등을 쳐 먹냐?‬ ‪[종수의 한숨]‬Even if you had to betray someone, how could you betray your best friend of 65 years? How could you?
‪- 등을 쳐 먹어, 등을 쳐 먹어‬ ‪- 나는 게임에 충실했다니까, 참‬your best friend of 65 years? How could you? I was just playing the game the best I could.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪아이, 줘 봐‬I was just playing the game the best I could. -Give me that. I'll do it. -Forget it.
‪- (정원 모) 아, 됐어, 됐어, 놔‬ ‪- (종수) 내가 닦을래‬-Give me that. I'll do it. -Forget it. -Give me that. -My gosh.
‪[사람들의 놀라는 신음]‬-Give me that. -My gosh.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪일로 와, 일로 와‬ ‪[종수의 괴로운 신음]‬-Come here. -Oh, no. -Wait. -Stop it. My gosh.
‪(정원)‬ ‪아, 그만해, 아유‬-Wait. -Stop it. My gosh.
‪(정원 모)‬ ‪야, 가만있어, 내가 닦아 줄게‬ ‪[종수의 비명]‬-Wait. -Stop it. My gosh. -Hold on. -Goodness!
‪닦아 준다잖아‬-How could you? -Hey.
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪(석형 모)‬ ‪어, 아들, 아기 잘 나왔어?‬Hey, Seok-hyeong. Did you deliver the baby? Yes. Mom, how was it?
‪(석형)‬ ‪어, 엄마, 어땠어?‬Yes. Mom, how was it?
‪모르는 사람들 있어서 좀 불편했지?‬Wasn't it uncomfortable with strangers around?
‪다음 주에는 저랑 온천 가요‬Let's go to a hot spring next weekend.
‪강원도에 온천 한 군데 알아 놨어‬I found a good hot spring in Gangwon-do.
‪(석형 모)‬ ‪엄마 다음 주에도 여기 올래‬I want to hang out with them next weekend, too.
‪(석형)‬ ‪네? 진짜?‬What? Really?
‪늙은 이후로 오늘 제일 많이 웃었어‬I haven't laughed this much since I got old.
‪엄마 태어나서‬ ‪저렇게 웃긴 사람들 처음이야‬I've never met people who are as entertaining as they are my whole life.
‪[차 문이 달칵 열린다]‬Thank you, son.
‪아들, 고마워‬ ‪[차 문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬Thank you, son.
‪네가 정원이한테도 고맙다고 전해 줘‬Tell Jeong-won that I thanked him.
‪엄마 간만에 웃었다‬I had a lot of fun in a long while.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬I had a lot of fun in a long while.
‪(석형 모)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪어‬Okay.
‪[겨울이 흥얼거린다]‬
‪(민하)‬ ‪벌써 왔어?‬You're back already?
‪[민하의 놀라는 숨소리]‬
‪왜 이렇게 많이 시켰어요?‬Why did you order so much? I heard another nurse will be joining us.
‪(겨울)‬ ‪간호사 선생님 한 분 더 오신다면서요‬I heard another nurse will be joining us. So there are only three of us. We can't have all of that.
‪(민하)‬ ‪그래서 우리 총 세 명이잖아‬So there are only three of us. We can't have all of that.
‪이거 다 못 먹어요‬ ‪[밝은 음악]‬So there are only three of us. We can't have all of that.
‪[겨울이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪(승주)‬ ‪와, 저렇게 잘 먹는데‬ ‪어떻게 살이 안 찔까?‬She eats so much, but she doesn't gain weight. I know. Gosh, it's so annoying.
‪그러니까요, 아유, 짜증 나‬I know. Gosh, it's so annoying.
‪(승주)‬ ‪참, 추민하 쌤‬Didn't you say you were going to a musical with your boyfriend last weekend?
‪주말에 남친이랑‬ ‪뮤지컬 보러 간다 그러지 않았어?‬Didn't you say you were going to a musical with your boyfriend last weekend? -Was it good? -We broke up.
‪재밌었어?‬-Was it good? -We broke up.
‪헤어졌어요‬-Was it good? -We broke up.
‪(승주)‬ ‪왜?‬Why?
‪아니, 갑자기‬ ‪내 연봉을 물어보더라고요‬He suddenly asked me how much my annual salary was.
‪그래서 재테크해 주려나 싶어 가지고‬ ‪얘기해 줬는데‬I thought he might help me with my investments, so I told him. After that, he asked me what my father does for a living.
‪그다음에‬ ‪우리 아빠 뭐 하시냐고 물어보데요‬After that, he asked me what my father does for a living.
‪(민하)‬ ‪씁, 뭐지? 이 초딩 같은 질문은?‬I thought his questions were a bit childish. I was slightly irritated,
‪살짝 짜증도 나고‬I was slightly irritated,
‪이 새끼 뭔가 하는 생각도 들고‬ ‪뭐, 그랬는데‬and I began to question his intentions. I told him that my father ran a guesthouse in Gangwon-do.
‪그래‬ ‪'우리 아빠 강원도에서 민박집 해'‬I told him that my father ran a guesthouse in Gangwon-do.
‪그랬더니요?‬And what happened?
‪아니, 대형 펜션으로 오해할까 봐‬ ‪얼른‬In case he thought we ran a fancy resort, I told him it was a small guesthouse at the foot of Seoraksan.
‪'설악산 아래 완전 조그만 민박집 해'‬ ‪이랬더니‬I told him it was a small guesthouse at the foot of Seoraksan. His face turned grim all of a sudden.
‪순간 표정이 확 어두워지는 거 있죠?‬His face turned grim all of a sudden. He runs a guesthouse?
‪민박집 하세요?‬He runs a guesthouse?
‪좋겠다, 경치 엄청 좋을 거 아니에요‬How nice. The view must be great.
‪으응, 경치만 좋아요‬Only the view is great.
‪아무튼 내가 의사니까‬Anyway, since I'm a doctor,
‪집안도 좋고 돈도 많고‬ ‪그렇게 생각했나 봐‬he must have assumed I had a lot of money and had a rich family.
‪아유, 어린놈의 새끼가‬ ‪닳고 닳아 가지고‬My gosh, he's so materialistic. Gosh, poor you, Min-ha.
‪아휴, 그럼 추민하 어떡하냐?‬ ‪큰일 났네‬Gosh, poor you, Min-ha. You're in trouble now.
‪추민하 쌤 소원 있잖아‬She has a wish, you know.
‪크리스마스에 남친이랑 커플링 하고‬ ‪첫 키스 하는 거‬She wants to have her first kiss on Christmas wearing matching rings.
‪[민하의 탄식]‬She wants to have her first kiss on Christmas wearing matching rings.
‪첫 키스요? 저도 한 번도 안 해 봤는데‬Your first kiss? I've never been kissed before, either.
‪미친 거 아니야?‬Are you mad?
‪난 올해 첫 키스, 응‬I meant the first kiss of this year. Okay?
‪[민하의 웃음]‬ ‪[탄성]‬I meant the first kiss of this year. Okay? I see.
‪(승주)‬ ‪올해 아직 많이 남았네‬You still have a lot of time.
‪응, 소개팅 빨리빨리 해‬You should go on blind dates.
‪(민하)‬ ‪아니, 제가 이젠 소개팅을 그만하고‬Actually, I'm going to stop going on blind dates.
‪고백을 한번 해 보려고...‬I'm thinking of confessing my feelings.
‪누구 있구나?‬You have a crush?
‪아니, 뭐‬Well, you know...
‪[웅얼거린다]‬Well, you know...
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬ ‪(민하)‬ ‪응?‬Well, you know...
‪[놀라며]‬ ‪아, 네, 알겠습니다‬Okay. I got it.
‪[통화 종료음]‬ ‪선생님, 김재영 산모‬ ‪그로스 알오엠 됐다고 와서‬I just got a call saying Kim Jae-yeong is experiencing a gross ROM. They sent her up to the delivery room.
‪바로 분만실 올렸대요‬They sent her up to the delivery room.
‪(승주)‬ ‪김재영 산모가 누구더라?‬Who was that again? I told you about her once. The really affectionate couple.
‪(민하)‬ ‪아, 왜, 그때 말했잖아요‬ ‪애정 꿀 뚝뚝 부부‬I told you about her once. The really affectionate couple. The husband said he'd sing, so the wife smacked him.
‪남편이 노래 부르겠다고 해서‬ ‪와이프한테 맞고 나갔다는‬The husband said he'd sing, so the wife smacked him. Right.
‪[승주의 탄성]‬Right.
‪[여자3의 떨리는 숨소리]‬Right.
‪[여자3이 심호흡한다]‬ ‪(석형)‬ ‪자, 지금 좋아요‬All right. You're doing very well. Breathe quickly.
‪자, 빨리 숨 쉬시고‬Breathe quickly. Push harder.
‪자, 더 밀어요, 더, 더‬Push harder. Push harder. Push.
‪더 쭉 밀어요‬Push harder. Push. Okay. Great.
‪예, 예, 예, 좋아요‬Okay. Great.
‪[아파하는 신음]‬Okay. Great. Honey, you're doing so well. So great.
‪(남자2)‬ ‪아, 여, 여보 잘하고 있어‬ ‪잘하고 있어, 여보, 어‬Honey, you're doing so well. So great.
‪[숨을 고른다]‬ ‪[안내 방송 알림음]‬Cardiothoracic surgeon needed in the ER.
‪(안내 방송 속 직원)‬ ‪흉부외과 ER, 흉부외과 ER‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Cardiothoracic surgeon needed in the ER.
‪[카드 인식음]‬
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬ ‪(재학)‬ ‪환자 브라디카디아 오면서‬The patient had a cardiac arrest due to bradycardia.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪어레스트 나서 CPR 3분 정도 했고‬The patient had a cardiac arrest due to bradycardia. I performed CPR for three minutes.
‪지금은 ROSC 됐습니다‬His cardiac activity has been restored for now.
‪어, 초음파 보자‬Let's check his ultrasound.
‪(준완)‬ ‪아휴, 심장이 이렇게 안 좋은데‬ ‪그동안 왜 병원을 안 오셨을까?‬My gosh, his heart is in awful shape. Why didn't he come to the hospital sooner?
‪돈이 없어서 그랬겠죠‬He probably didn't have the money.
‪동료분 말로는‬ ‪낮엔 택배 회사에서 포장 일 하고‬According to his colleague, he works in logistics during the day and does deliveries for fish markets at night.
‪밤엔 수산 시장에서 배달 일 한대요‬and does deliveries for fish markets at night.
‪보호자는 오셨어?‬What about his guardian? Did anyone come?
‪아, 아버지랑 좀 전에 통화했는데‬I talked to his father a few minutes ago. He's on his way right now from the country.
‪지방에서 지금 올라오고 계신대요‬He's on his way right now from the country.
‪보니까 아버님도 우리 병원에서‬ ‪항암 치료 하고 계시던데요?‬When I checked, his father is receiving chemo at our hospital.
‪우리 병원에서 항암을 하시는데‬ ‪지방엔 왜 계셔?‬Why is he in the country if he's doing chemo here? He works in construction.
‪공사장에서 일하신대요‬He works in construction.
‪부자가 하루 벌어 하루 산다고‬Both of them live from paycheck to paycheck.
‪동료분은‬ ‪벌써부터 병원비 걱정하시네요‬His colleague is already worried about the medical bill. We'll think about that later.
‪병원비야 나중 문제고‬ ‪일단 수술 준비부터 하자‬We'll think about that later. Let's prep him for surgery first.
‪마취과 전화해서 방 열어 달라고 해‬Call Anesthesiology and ask for an OR.
‪(준완)‬ ‪그, 희수 선생님은 아버님 도착하시면‬ ‪나한테 바로 전화 줘요‬And, Hui-su. Give me a call -as soon as his father gets here. -Okay.
‪(희수)‬ ‪네‬-as soon as his father gets here. -Okay.
‪(여자2)‬ ‪설마 저 보러 오신 거예요?‬Don't tell me you're here to see me.
‪(익준)‬ ‪공주병이세요? 무슨‬Do you think you're that important?
‪어머님, 식사하셨죠?‬Ma'am, did you eat? I came here to see your mother.
‪어머님 뵈러 온 거거든‬I came here to see your mother.
‪(여자2)‬ ‪치‬ ‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬
‪(간호사4)‬ ‪오재일 씨 보호자분 들어오세요‬The guardians of Oh Jae-il can come in now.
‪(석형)‬ ‪자, 천천히 심호흡 한번 하고 가실게요‬Let's take a deep breath first. Lift your head towards your stomach.
‪자, 고개 바짝 들어서 배 보시고‬Lift your head towards your stomach.
‪자, 하나, 둘, 셋!‬One, two, three.
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬Great job. One more push.
‪(승주)‬ ‪네, 잘하셨어요, 한 번 더‬Great job. One more push.
‪(석형)‬ ‪자, 끙 주세요, 자, 조금만 더‬All right. Push. A little more.
‪자, 다 됐어요, 다, 자, 더, 더, 더‬You're almost there. Push. Push.
‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪됐습니다‬You got it.
‪[아기 울음]‬ ‪[석형의 한숨]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪[흐느낀다]‬My gosh, how beautiful. Congratulations.
‪(석형)‬ ‪아이고, 이쁘다‬My gosh, how beautiful. Congratulations.
‪축하드립니다‬My gosh, how beautiful. Congratulations. It's 1:51 p.m.
‪(승주)‬ ‪1시 51분, 1시 51분, 축하드립니다‬It's 1:51 p.m. It's 1:51 p.m. Congratulations.
‪(남자2)‬ ‪고생했어, 여보, 응‬Great job, honey.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪[남자2의 한숨]‬
‪[코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪(여자3)‬ ‪고맙다, 아가, 우리한테 와 줘서‬Thank you for coming to us, my baby.
‪엄마가 사랑해‬Mommy loves you.
‪(승주)‬ ‪손가락, 발가락 다 확인하셨고요‬You've checked all of her fingers and toes. The baby will be in the nursery to maintain the temperature.
‪아기는 체온 유지 때문에‬ ‪신생아실로 갈 거예요‬The baby will be in the nursery to maintain the temperature.
‪남편분, 이쪽으로 오시면‬ ‪아기 안겨 드릴게요‬Sir, if you come over here, we'll let you hold the baby.
‪(남자2)‬ ‪♪ 세상에 지쳐 가던 내게 ♪‬When the world was withering me away
‪♪ 그대는 다가와 ♪‬You came into my world
‪♪ 가물어 갈라진 가슴에 ♪‬When my heart was dry in a drought of love You were my much-needed rain
‪♪ 단비를 주었죠 ♪‬You were my much-needed rain
‪♪ 잊었던 희망의 노래가 ♪‬The song of hope which I had forgotten
‪♪ 새록새록 솟고 ♪‬Came back to me as new sprouts grow Papa.
‪♪ 그댈 그리며 사는 날들 ♪‬Living my life as I yearn for you
‪♪ 꿈만 같아요 ♪‬Is a dream come true
‪♪ 그대 고운 내 사랑 ♪‬You, my beautiful love
‪♪ 5월의 햇살 같은 꿈이여 ♪‬My dream is as warm As the ray of sunshine in May -I spend my night -Doctor.
‪♪ 그댈 기다리며 ♪‬-I spend my night -Doctor.
‪(여자3)‬ ‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪선생님‬-I spend my night -Doctor. -As I wait for you -Doctor.
‪[남자2가 계속 노래한다]‬ ‪선생님‬-As I wait for you -Doctor.
‪아, 제발 하지 말라고‬ ‪말 좀 해 주세요, 네?‬-Please tell him to stop. -How slow the night goes Please? Please tell him to stop.
‪아, 제발요, 제발 말, 말...‬Please? Please tell him to stop. Please. Gosh.
‪[한숨]‬Please. Gosh.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(남자2)‬ ‪♪ 그대 짊어진 삶의 무게 ♪‬I cannot not even begin to understand The burden you are shouldering
‪♪ 가늠하지 못해 ♪‬The burden you are shouldering
‪[웃음]‬The burden you are shouldering
‪♪ 오늘도 나는 이렇게 ♪‬ ‪[여자3의 한숨]‬I am feeling lonely today Just like any other day
‪♪ 외로워하지만 ♪‬Just like any other day
‪♪ 가시나무 숲 서걱이던 ♪‬When the thorn bushes rustle
‪♪ 내 가슴 치우고 ♪‬I want to give you my heart
‪♪ 그대를 쉬게 하고 싶어 ♪‬And give you a place of rest My precious love
‪♪ 내 귀한 사람아 ♪‬My precious love
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬
‪(여자1)‬ ‪여보‬Honey.
‪[여자1이 흐느낀다]‬Your daughter is here.
‪빈이 왔어‬Your daughter is here.
‪(여자2)‬ ‪아빠, 딸‬Dad. It's your daughter.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪안 아파?‬Does it hurt?
‪우리 딸‬My daughter.
‪안 아파?‬Are you hurt?
‪안 아파, 나 하나도 안 아파, 아빠‬It doesn't. It doesn't hurt at all, Dad.
‪많이 아팠지?‬Didn't it hurt a lot?
‪아빠가 미안해‬I'm sorry.
‪뭐가 미안해?‬There's nothing to be sorry about.
‪미안해하지 마, 아빠‬Don't be sorry, Dad.
‪[함께 흐느낀다]‬
‪[버튼 조작음]‬You came into my world...
‪(간호사5)‬ ‪교수님, 이분이세요, 김태진 씨 아버님‬Professor Kim, this is Kim Tae-jin's father.
‪(남자4)‬ ‪선생님‬Doctor.
‪우리 아들 좀 잘 부탁드립니다‬Please take good care of my son.
‪우리 아들 좀 제발 좀 살려 주십시오‬Please save him. We put him under 20 minutes ago.
‪20분 전에 마취했고요‬We put him under 20 minutes ago. He has endocarditis. His endocardium was infected,
‪심내막염이라고 판막에 균이 자라서‬ ‪판막이 망가진 상태예요‬He has endocarditis. His endocardium was infected, so it's badly damaged now.
‪손상이 심해서‬ ‪자기 판막을 살리긴 어렵고‬As the damage is severe, the endocardium can't be repaired. I will insert a prosthetic valve.
‪인공 판막을 넣을 겁니다‬I will insert a prosthetic valve.
‪[흐느낀다]‬Oh, no.
‪(준완)‬ ‪시간은 4시간 정도 걸릴 것 같은데‬The surgery will take about four hours.
‪더 걸릴 수도 있고‬ ‪아닐 수도 있습니다‬It may take longer, or it may not.
‪최선을 다하겠습니다, 그럼‬I'll do my best.
‪[남자4의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪우리 아들‬Please give him
‪세상에서 제일 비싼 판막으로‬ ‪넣어 주세요‬the most expensive prosthetic valve.
‪[남자4가 연신 흐느낀다]‬
‪(남자4)‬ ‪우리 아들‬ ‪가장 비싼 걸로 부탁드립니다‬Please give him the most expensive one.
‪네, 걱정하지 마세요‬Don't worry, sir.
‪제가 세상에서 제일 비싸고‬I will give him the most expensive
‪가장 좋은 판막으로 수술하겠습니다‬and the best prosthetic valve in this world.
‪(남자4)‬ ‪고맙습니다‬Thank you.
‪고맙습니다‬Thank you.
‪[문이 스르륵 열린다]‬Thank you. Thank you.
‪고맙습니다‬Thank you.
‪(여자4)‬ ‪여보‬ ‪[남자5가 훌쩍인다]‬Honey.
‪[남자5의 웃음]‬
‪[키보드를 탁탁 치는 소리가 들린다]‬YULJE MEDICAL CENTER
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪[송화가 키보드를 탁탁 친다]‬ ‪어이, 퇴근 안 해?‬Hey, aren't you going home?
‪(송화)‬ ‪이거 내일까지 넘겨야 돼‬I have to hand this in by tomorrow.
‪(익준)‬ ‪뭔데, 그거?‬-What is it? -An assignment for the KIHASA.
‪보사연 과제‬-What is it? -An assignment for the KIHASA.
‪애들 시켜‬Make the residents do it.
‪애들 의료 환경 개선안 쓰는 건데‬ ‪애들한테 어떻게 맡겨?‬I'm writing on how to improve their medical work environment. How can I make them do it?
‪오늘 밤새우면 다 끝날 거 같아‬-I can finish it if I pull an all-nighter. -Come on, take it easy.
‪적당히 좀 해라, 적당히‬-I can finish it if I pull an all-nighter. -Come on, take it easy.
‪아, 말 시키지 마, 쯧‬Stop talking to me.
‪[익준이 스위치를 탁 끈다]‬Hey!
‪[짜증 섞인 신음]‬Gosh.
‪(치홍)‬ ‪디카페인요‬It's decaffeinated. I thought you might have had a lot of coffee today.
‪오늘 커피 많이 마셨을 거 같아서‬It's decaffeinated. I thought you might have had a lot of coffee today.
‪저 좀 있다 가도 되죠?‬Can I stay for a bit?
‪그래, 너 거기 잠깐 앉아 봐‬Yes. Sit over there for a moment.
‪(치홍)‬ ‪뭐 하실 말씀이라도...‬Did you have something to say to me?
‪제가 좀 도와드릴까요?‬Do you need some help? I'm good at running errands.
‪저 잡일 잘하는데‬I'm good at running errands.
‪너 혹시‬Do you
‪나 좋아해?‬like me?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪좋아해요, 예‬ ‪[살짝 웃는다]‬I like you. Yes.
‪고백하려고 했는데‬ ‪그, 타이밍을 놓쳤어요‬I was going to tell you, but I couldn't find the right time.
‪죄송합니다‬I'm sorry.
‪(치홍)‬ ‪죄송해요‬I'm sorry.
‪근데 저 진짜 교수님 좋아해요‬But my feelings for you are sincere.
‪- 좀 됐는데‬ ‪- (송화) 아...‬-I've had them for a while now-- -Hey.
‪아, 하지 마‬Don't.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪야, 하지 마‬Hey. Stop talking. What's wrong with you?
‪아, 왜 그래?‬What's wrong with you?
‪(치홍)‬ ‪제가 교수님 안 불편하시게‬ ‪알아서 잘할게요‬I'll behave accordingly, so you won't feel uncomfortable.
‪뭘, 뭘 잘해? 뭘?‬so you won't feel uncomfortable. What do you mean? What are you talking about?
‪야, 아, 그냥 하지 마‬Hey, just don't.
‪알았지? 어?‬Okay?
‪아, 그게‬ ‪제 마음대로 되는 게 아니라서‬Well, it's not something I have control over.
‪뭐, 하라면 하고 말라면 마는‬ ‪그런 장르가 아니라서‬I can't just stop because you told me to.
‪(치홍)‬ ‪전 이만 그럼‬I'll get going.
‪안녕히 계세요‬Bye.
‪[치홍의 헛기침]‬
‪야, 정원이 또 밤새운대?‬-Will Jeong-won stay up all night again? -Yes.
‪(준완)‬ ‪응‬-Will Jeong-won stay up all night again? -Yes.
‪근데 누가 와 있다고?‬By the way, who's at your house? Ik-sun.
‪(익준)‬ ‪익순이‬Ik-sun.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬She came to Seoul to attend her friend's wedding.
‪오늘 친한 친구가 결혼식 있어서‬ ‪서울 나왔다가 우리 집에서 자고‬She came to Seoul to attend her friend's wedding. She'll stay over and go back first thing tomorrow morning.
‪내일 새벽 첫차로 복귀한대‬She'll stay over and go back first thing tomorrow morning. I'll sleep in the living room.
‪내가 거실에서 잘게‬I'll sleep in the living room.
‪아유, 내가 잘게, 내가 손님인데‬I will. I'm the one crashing there.
‪근데 익순이 태권도 몇 단이야?‬Which degree black belt was Ik-sun in taekwondo again?
‪- (익준) 1단‬ ‪- (준완) 유도는?‬-First degree. -What about judo?
‪(익준)‬ ‪유... 어, 1단‬Judo? First degree. Is she a real soldier?
‪뭐야, 군인이 왜 그래?‬ ‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬Is she a real soldier?
‪(익준)‬ ‪아니, 그게...‬Well...
‪어, 말하라‬Go ahead.
‪(겨울)‬ ‪교수님, 윤정희 환자 드레인 양이 늘고‬Yun Jeong-hui has an increased drainage and there's a color change. I suspect she's bleeding.
‪컬러체인지 있어서 블리딩 의심됩니다‬and there's a color change. I suspect she's bleeding.
‪(익준)‬ ‪바이털 체크하고 CBC 해 봐‬ ‪내가 지금 바로 갈게‬and there's a color change. I suspect she's bleeding. Check her vitals and do a CBC. I'll be right there.
‪(준완)‬ ‪야, 데려다줄게‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬-I'll drop you off. -No.
‪(익준)‬ ‪아, 야, 아니야‬-I'll drop you off. -No. Drop me off over there.
‪야, 나 저기 세워 줘 봐‬ ‪지금 지하철이 더 빨라‬Drop me off over there. The subway is quicker.
‪[보글거리는 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[흥얼거린다]‬ ‪[도어 록 조작음]‬
‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬
‪[젓가락을 달그락 내려놓는다]‬
‪[익순이 부스럭거린다]‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[안경이 툭 떨어진다]‬
‪[안경이 툭 떨어진다]‬
‪[준완과 익순의 놀라는 숨소리]‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[준완의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(익순)‬ ‪오빠‬Jun-wan.
‪[익순의 한숨]‬
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪[익순의 놀란 신음]‬Are you okay?
‪[익준이 흥얼거린다]‬
‪(겨울)‬ ‪꼭 교수님만 호출하면‬ ‪환자분들이 멀쩡해지더라고요‬The patients seem to get better the moment I call for you.
‪죄송합니다‬-I'm sorry. -No. It's all right.
‪아니야, 괜찮아, 뭐‬-I'm sorry. -No. It's all right.
‪나 집에 가도 할 일이 없어‬It's not like I've got anything better to do at home.
‪야, 맞는다, 정원이 요즘‬ ‪우리 집에서 지내는데‬Oh, right. Jeong-won's been staying at my house. Really? Invite me to your home.
‪진짜요?‬ ‪저 집에 한 번만 초대해 주세요‬Really? Invite me to your home.
‪그래, 날 한번 잡자‬Yes, let's pick a day. Today?
‪야, 오늘?‬Yes, let's pick a day. Today?
‪(익준)‬ ‪아, 안 된다‬ ‪오늘 내 여동생이 와서 안 되고‬Wait, I can't do it today. My younger sister is staying over today.
‪내가 다시 날 한번 잡을게, 아유‬Wait, I can't do it today. My younger sister is staying over today. I'll try to pick another date. Gosh.
‪근데 여동생분이 군인이시라면서요‬I heard that your younger sister is in the military. Is she good at martial arts?
‪그럼 무술도 잘해요?‬Is she good at martial arts?
‪15단‬A total of 15 degrees.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬A total of 15 degrees.
‪[익순이 침을 꿀꺽 삼킨다]‬
‪[겨울의 탄성]‬Sixth degree in Muay Thai, in the national team.
‪무에타이 6단에 국대‬Sixth degree in Muay Thai, in the national team. Fourth degree in hapkido, third degree in kendo,
‪그리고 합기도 4단, 검도 3단‬ ‪태권도 1단, 유도 1단‬Fourth degree in hapkido, third degree in kendo, First degree in taekwondo and judo.
‪요즘엔 그, 주짓수도‬ ‪뭐, 하고 있더라고, 좀‬I heard that she's been practicing jiu-jitsu lately.
‪대박‬No way.
‪우리 익순이가 특히 이 발 차기가‬My sister is really good at kicks.
‪(익준)‬ ‪예술이야, 발 차기‬ ‪발 차기가 예술이야‬Her kicks are amazing. They really are something else.
‪1초에 몇 번? 한...‬Guess how many kicks she can do in a second. I'll exaggerate just a bit.
‪야, 내가 조금만 과장할게‬Guess how many kicks she can do in a second. I'll exaggerate just a bit.
‪천 번, 진짜‬She can do 1,000 kicks. I'm serious.
‪[익준의 기합]‬
‪너‬You know,
‪발 그거‬your kicks...
‪오른발, 그거‬Your right kicks...
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬ ‪살인 무기야‬They're deadly.
‪저는 강도인 줄 알고‬I thought you were a robber. What kind of a robber punches in the door code when entering?
‪(준완)‬ ‪세상 어떤 강도가‬ ‪비번 누르고 들어오니?‬What kind of a robber punches in the door code when entering?
‪신종 강도‬A new kind of robber?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪(익순)‬ ‪김치 더 드릴까요?‬Do you want more kimchi?
‪[익순의 한숨]‬
‪[익준의 웃음]‬
‪[입바람을 후 분다]‬
‪[익준의 탄성]‬
‪[익준의 웃음]‬
‪[익순의 웃음]‬ ‪(익준)‬ ‪아유, 진짜‬My goodness.
‪오빠, 소리‬
‪그래서 내일 새벽에 간다고?‬So you're leaving at dawn? Yes. I'm taking the first bus. I have to be there by 8 a.m.
‪(익순)‬ ‪어, 첫차로, 8시까지 부대 복귀해야 돼‬Yes. I'm taking the first bus. I have to be there by 8 a.m.
‪오빠, 여자 연예인하고‬ ‪소개팅한 적 있어?‬Have you ever gone on a blind date with a celebrity?
‪뭔 소리야, 갑자기?‬Where did that come from?
‪오늘 결혼한 친구 신랑이‬ ‪알고 보니까 연예인 기획사 대표인데‬The groom at the wedding turned out to be the CEO of an entertainment agency. And his agency signed only one actress.
‪거기 배우가 딱 한 명‬And his agency signed only one actress.
‪오늘 결혼식장에도 왔는데‬ ‪저보고 이익준 씨 동생이냐 그러던데‬She even came to the wedding. She asked me if I was Ik-jun's younger sister.
‪(준완)‬ ‪설마 이분?‬-Is this the actress? -Yes, that's her.
‪오, 맞아요‬-Is this the actress? -Yes, that's her.
‪실물 진짜 끝장이더라‬She was gorgeous in person. And she had a good personality, too.
‪(익순)‬ ‪성격도 좋던데?‬And she had a good personality, too.
‪근데 진짜 연예인이랑 소개팅했어?‬Did you really go on a blind date with an actress?
‪(준완)‬ ‪말해?‬Should I tell her?
‪(익준)‬ ‪전에 사귀었었지‬We used to date.
‪오, 마이 갓김치‬Oh, my gat kimchi. You're not lying, right?
‪허언증 아니지?‬You're not lying, right?
‪진짜야, 공보의 때였냐?‬You're not lying, right? Weren't you a public health doctor, then?
‪전공의 4년 차 때‬I was in the fourth year of my residency.
‪'명의'에 5초 나온 거 보고‬ ‪나한테 반해서 먼저 전화가 왔지‬After seeing me on Good Doctors for five seconds, she had a crush on me and called me. I don't believe it.
‪(익순)‬ ‪말이 돼?‬I don't believe it.
‪(익준)‬ ‪오빠가 한때 좀 나갔었다‬I used to be pretty popular back then.
‪(익순)‬ ‪근데 왜 헤어졌어?‬Why did you break up?
‪그때 둘이 잘됐으면‬If you had tied the knot, you would've been happily married.
‪육혜정인가 오혜정인가 안 만나고‬ ‪백년해로했지‬If you had tied the knot, you would've been happily married. -You wouldn't have met that ex of yours. -Then, I wouldn't have U-ju.
‪그러면 우주는 없었지‬-You wouldn't have met that ex of yours. -Then, I wouldn't have U-ju.
‪(익준)‬ ‪으이그, 쯧‬Goodness. But seriously, why did you break up with her?
‪(준완)‬ ‪진짜 그때 너 왜 헤어졌냐?‬But seriously, why did you break up with her?
‪너 공보의 하는 창원까지‬ ‪내려오고 그랬었잖아‬She even came to Changwon when you were a public health doctor.
‪밥을 안 먹어‬She wouldn't eat.
‪- (준완) 응?‬ ‪- (익순) 뭔 소리야?‬-What? -What are you talking about? When we met, she never ate.
‪(익준)‬ ‪만나면 거의 밥을 안 먹어‬When we met, she never ate.
‪[익준이 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬When we met, she never ate. And it looked like she was addicted to sleeping pills.
‪하, 만날 수면제 먹고 사는 거 같고‬And it looked like she was addicted to sleeping pills.
‪그리고 아침에‬ ‪난 일어나서 출근을 하는데‬When I woke up to go to work in the morning, she would go to sleep then.
‪그 친구는 그 시간에 잔다 그러고‬she would go to sleep then.
‪씁, 뭔가 나하고‬ ‪다른 세계에 있는 사람?‬she would go to sleep then. It felt like she lived in a different world from me.
‪물론 막판엔 내가 차였지만‬Of course, in the end, she dumped me.
‪(익순)‬ ‪뭐야, 진짜 사귄 거야?‬Are you serious? You really dated her?
‪(익준)‬ ‪아, 진짜라니...‬ ‪[익순의 탄성]‬Are you serious? You really dated her? I'm serious. You never believe me anything I say.
‪아, 얘는, 야, 너는 오빠가 말하면‬You never believe me anything I say.
‪엄마가 아빠랑‬ ‪부부라고 해도 안 믿더라?‬Even if it's the most obvious truth. You should have earned my trust when you had the time.
‪그러게 평소에 동생한테‬ ‪신뢰를 줬어야지‬You should have earned my trust when you had the time.
‪오빠, 근데 나 오늘 어디서 자?‬Where am I sleeping tonight?
‪오빠 방 내놔‬-Let me sleep in your room. -No.
‪안 돼, 준완이 방에서 자‬-Let me sleep in your room. -No. -Sleep in Jun-wan's room. -With him?
‪같이?‬-Sleep in Jun-wan's room. -With him? Are you crazy?
‪미쳤어? 이...‬Are you crazy?
‪(익준)‬ ‪쯧, 준완이 소파에서 잔대‬Jun-wan will sleep on the sofa.
‪[애교 섞인 신음]‬Oh, gosh.
‪보면 너도 약간 가식 있다?‬Sometimes, you're so fake.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬Sometimes, you're so fake.
‪귀신‬You're spot-on.
‪[애교 섞인 신음]‬
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪[준완의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪(준완)‬ ‪여보세요, 누구세요?‬Hello? Who is this?
‪(익순)‬ ‪누구세요?‬Who is this?
‪(준완)‬ ‪넌 누구신데요?‬Who is this?
‪(익순)‬ ‪준완 오빠?‬Is it you, Jun-wan? Is this your phone, Ik-sun?
‪(준완)‬ ‪아, 익순이, 네 핸드폰이야?‬Is this your phone, Ik-sun? I must have left it at home. I thought I left it in the taxi.
‪(익순)‬ ‪집에 놓고 왔구나‬I must have left it at home. I thought I left it in the taxi.
‪난 택시에 놓고 내린 줄 알고‬I must have left it at home. I thought I left it in the taxi. My gosh. What a relief.
‪하, 다행이다‬My gosh. What a relief. -Where are you now? -At the terminal.
‪(준완)‬ ‪너 어딘데?‬-Where are you now? -At the terminal.
‪(익순)‬ ‪터미널요‬-Where are you now? -At the terminal. I came early in case of a traffic jam, but I'm too early.
‪차 막힐까 봐 일찍 왔는데‬ ‪너무 일찍 왔네, 하‬I came early in case of a traffic jam, but I'm too early.
‪오빠, 죄송한데요‬I'm sorry to ask you this,
‪휴대폰 부대로‬ ‪좀 보내 주실 수 있어요?‬but can you please send my phone to my base? It takes only a day via courier these days.
‪택배 요즘 하루면 오던데‬It takes only a day via courier these days.
‪아유, 내가 갖다줄게, 있어‬It takes only a day via courier these days. I'll bring it to you myself. Stay there.
‪(준완)‬ ‪응, 나오는 곳 앞에 토스트 파는 데?‬Okay. At the exit. The toast truck?
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪(준완)‬ ‪뭘 또 그렇게 먹니?‬What are you eating at this hour?
‪[익순의 웃음]‬This is your phone, right?
‪이거 맞지?‬ ‪[익순의 놀라는 신음]‬This is your phone, right?
‪(익순)‬ ‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪오빠, 선물 있어요‬I have a present for you.
‪[새가 푸드덕거리는 효과음]‬ ‪[익살스러운 신음]‬
‪[익순의 웃음]‬
‪장난이고‬I'm just kidding.
‪진짜 선물 있어요‬I have a real present.
‪[익순이 달그락거린다]‬I have a real present.
‪오빠 초콜릿 좋아하신다면서요?‬I heard you like chocolate.
‪이거 맞죠?‬This is the one, right?
‪손‬Give me your hand.
‪[익순이 뚜껑을 탁 연다]‬Give me your hand.
‪[익순의 다급한 신음]‬Oh, no.
‪아, 소리, 소리, 소리...‬ ‪스톱, 스톱, 스톱‬
‪안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼‬ ‪다시, 다시, 다시‬No. Put them back in.
‪[감미로운 음악]‬ ‪[익순이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪[함께 웃는다]‬ ‪안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼‬Oh, no.
‪다 먹을 거야, 내가, 내가‬No. Let me do it.
‪안 되겠다‬I have no choice.
‪자요‬Here. The rest is mine.
‪나머지는 제가 먹어야 돼서‬Here. The rest is mine.
‪안 돼‬Okay.
‪내가 좋아한다고 말했던가?‬Have I told you that I like you?
‪오빠랑 연애하자‬Go out with me.
‪[남자6의 한숨]‬
‪[한숨]‬ ‪[노크 소리가 들린다]‬My goodness.
‪(남자6)‬ ‪아이고, 야‬ ‪[웃음]‬My goodness.
‪(해성)‬ ‪고영민 님‬Mr. Go Yeong-min.
‪(익준)‬ ‪안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪(해성)‬ ‪안녕하세요‬Hi.
‪(남자6)‬ ‪어서 오세요‬Hello.
‪(해성)‬ ‪컨디션 좀 어떠세요?‬How are you feeling?
‪(남자6)‬ ‪아, 좋습니다‬I'm feeling great.
‪이야, 돈이 좋긴 좋네요‬I guess money can really buy you happiness.
‪딸 덕에 이런 호강도 다 하고‬My daughter is spoiling me with this VIP room.
‪[남자6과 익준의 웃음]‬My daughter is spoiling me with this VIP room.
‪따님이 누구예요?‬Who's his daughter?
‪모르셨어요?‬Didn't you know?
‪환자 가족까진 잘 모르지‬ ‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬I don't check who the patient's family is.
‪(해성)‬ ‪어?‬ ‪[문이 달칵 닫힌다]‬Hello.
‪아, 간병인 쓰시지‬You should have hired a caregiver.
‪교수님, 따님 고아라 씨‬Professor Lee. This is the patient's daughter, Ms. Go A-ra.
‪오랜만입니다‬Long time no see.
‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪(익준)‬ ‪어‬ ‪[살짝 웃는다]‬Yes.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪(석형)‬ ‪예, 여보세요‬Hello?
‪누구시라고요?‬Who is this again?
‪(여자5)‬ ‪양태양 회장님하고 같이 사는 사람요‬I'm the person who's living with Chairman Yang Tae-yang.
‪아, 상간녀‬Right. I'm the adulterer.
‪남들은 저를 그렇게 부르데요‬ ‪상간녀라고‬That's what people call me. The adulterer.
‪전화 왜 하셨어요?‬Why did you call me?
‪(여자5)‬ ‪아드님한테 할 말이 있어서요‬I have something to tell you.
‪불편해하실 건 아는데‬ ‪그래도 잠깐 얼굴 좀 볼까요?‬I know it's uncomfortable for you, but could we meet in person for a moment?
‪병원 뒤에 좋은 정원 있던데‬ ‪거기서 잠깐 보죠‬There's a nice garden behind the hospital. Let's meet there.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪(민하)‬ ‪어? 잠깐 끊어 봐‬I'll talk to you later.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(민하)‬ ‪안녕하세요‬Hello. Two large cups of iced Americano, please.
‪아아 두 잔 제일 큰 걸로요‬Hello. Two large cups of iced Americano, please. -Okay. -Thank you.
‪네, 감사합니다‬-Okay. -Thank you.
‪[포스 조작음]‬-Okay. -Thank you.
‪[초조한 신음]‬
‪(여자5)‬ ‪어차피 일어난 일이잖아요‬It's spilled milk.
‪'너희들 엿 먹어라'‬I know she's thinking, "Screw you. I won't let you be happy. Over my dead body."
‪'너희들 잘 사는 꼴은‬ ‪죽어도 못 보겠다'‬"Screw you. I won't let you be happy. Over my dead body."
‪그 마음 이해는 하는데‬I do understand her
‪그래도 이렇게 버티시는 건 아니죠‬but refusing to divorce him isn't right.
‪그쪽 어머니 설득 좀 해 줄래요?‬Could you persuade your mother?
‪그래도 아들 말은 들을 거 같은데‬I think she'd at least listen to her son.
‪싫은데요‬I don't want to.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪제가‬I am...
‪임신을 했어요‬pregnant.
‪[어두운 음악]‬ ‪(여자5)‬ ‪벌써 3개월이라네요‬I'm three months pregnant already.
‪서로 힘든 길 가지 말죠‬Let's not choose the difficult path for all of us.
‪저 죽일 만큼 싫은 건 아는데‬I know that she despises me,
‪그래도 언제까지 이래요‬ ‪생떼도 아니고‬but how long can she keep this up? She's throwing a tantrum.
‪어머님 아프시다면서요‬I heard she's not well.
‪[여자5의 한숨]‬
‪저 같은 애 미워해서‬ ‪뭐 하시려 그러나‬What's the point of hating a girl like me?
‪우리 어른답게‬ ‪줄 건 주고 받을 건 받으시면서‬Let's be adults about this. We should do what must be done for both parties
‪깔끔하게 정리하죠‬and settle things once and for all.
‪앞으로 남은 생이 길잖아요‬We have a long life ahead of us.
‪어머니 잘 설득해 주시리라 믿어요‬I trust that you'll talk to your mother. You're a smart man.
‪똑똑하신 분이니까‬You're a smart man.
‪(유방외과 의사)‬ ‪이전엔 만져지는 게 없었는데‬If you didn't feel any lumps before and you suddenly feel a big lump,
‪갑자기 큰 멍울이 잡힌다면‬and you suddenly feel a big lump,
‪나쁜 가능성을 시사하긴 해요‬it could be a sign of bad news.
‪씁, 만져지는 거에서도‬ ‪멍울이 좀 딱딱하고‬From the way the lump felt, it was quite firm.
‪생긴 모양도 보시면‬And when you look at its shape,
‪[유방외과 의사의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪삐죽삐죽하고‬it's spiky as you can see here.
‪여기 뒤엔 그림자도 지고‬And there's a shadow in the back here.
‪모양이 예쁘지가 않아요‬The shape is irregular.
‪이런 경우엔‬ ‪조직 검사를 해 보는 게 좋거든요‬In this case, it's better to get a biopsy.
‪오늘 바로 검사하고 가시죠‬Why don't you get the biopsy today?
‪제가 하는 일이 있어요‬I have a job. How long will it take?
‪얼마나 걸리나요?‬How long will it take?
‪20분 정도‬About 20 minutes.
‪네, 바로 하시죠‬Okay. Let's do it right away.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪어이, 김준완, 요새 연애해?‬Hey, Jun-wan. Are you seeing someone? My gosh, that immature prick.
‪아유, 진짜 철없어, 진짜, 씨‬My gosh, that immature prick. You know that you're the first, right?
‪우리 안치홍 선생이 처음인 거 알지?‬You know that you're the first, right? I think my sister likes you.
‪우리 순이가‬ ‪안치홍 선생을 좋아하는 거 같아‬I think my sister likes you.
‪제가 잘 알죠‬I know that very well.
‪아유, 아무튼 남매가‬ ‪요즘 내 속을 뒤집어 놔요‬I know that very well. The two of them are driving me nuts. Have you ever seen Ik-jun fall for a girl first?
‪익준이가 먼저 누구 좋아하는 거 봤어?‬Have you ever seen Ik-jun fall for a girl first?
‪익준 씨한테 밥 한번 사야 되는데‬I should buy you a meal sometime.
‪아직은 누구 만나고 연애하고‬ ‪그럴 자신이 없대요‬She said she's not ready to date someone yet. I think it will take her some time.
‪시간이 좀 걸릴 거 같아요‬I think it will take her some time.
‪근데 너희 둘 진짜 용 된 거 알아?‬I think it will take her some time. Did you know you two had a huge transformation?
‪우리 둘?‬Us two?
‪서울대입구역인데 버스를 와 타노?‬Us two? It's the school entrance. Why take a bus?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬Doesn't Dr. Jang like Professor Ahn?
‪장겨울 선생님‬ ‪안정원 교수님 좋아하죠?‬Doesn't Dr. Jang like Professor Ahn? You're best friends with Dr. Jang, right?
‪장겨울 선생이랑 단짝이죠?‬You're best friends with Dr. Jang, right? Yes, I am. How do you know that?
‪네, 맞아요, 어떻게 아세요?‬Yes, I am. How do you know that?
‪혹시 저 좋아하는 거 아닐까요?‬Could he have feelings for me?
‪교수님, 질문이 있는데요‬I have a question.
‪사랑 그거 모른다, 응?‬You can never know someone completely.
‪씩씩한 척하지만‬ ‪뭔가 안 좋은 일이 있는 듯한?‬She acts as if everything is fine, but I think something is up with her.
‪채송화 교수님 좋은 분이세요‬Professor Chae is a good person. Something sounded off about her.
‪목소리가 수상한데, 뭔 일 있나?‬Something sounded off about her. Did something happen? Go to the ER now.
‪야, 응급실 가라, 빨리, 너 안 괜찮아‬Go to the ER now. I'm not okay. I think I would be in utter despair.
‪정말 너무너무 절망할 거 같아‬I think I would be in utter despair. I want to live in a place that's not too big or not too small
‪너무 크지도 않고 작지도 않은 곳에서‬I want to live in a place that's not too big or not too small
‪딱 1년만 살고 싶어‬I want to live in a place that's not too big or not too small just for a year. I can work at a hospital there, too.
‪거기서 병원 일도 하고‬I can work at a hospital there, too.

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