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  범인은 바로 너 s2 .9

Busted! S2 .9


(스테파니)‬ ‪이 카드를 발견했어요‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬-I found this card. -Killosophy!
‪(재석)‬ ‪'킬로소피'‬-I found this card. -Killosophy! Remember what we saw
‪김동준 집에 갔을 때 검색하던‬ ‪[종민의 놀란 신음]‬Remember what we saw -at Kim Dong-jun's house? -You're right.
‪- (민영) 맞아요‬ ‪- (승기) 아, 그 사이트?‬ ‪[종민의 탄성]‬-at Kim Dong-jun's house? -You're right. The website?
‪[승기가 암호를 읽는다]‬ ‪(스테파니)‬ ‪뒤에 이상한 암호들이 보이더라고요‬The website? There are strange codes written on the back of the card. -To the beautiful and artistic... -To the beautiful and artistic...
‪(승기와 세정)‬-To the beautiful and artistic... -To the beautiful and artistic... -The members are going to gather. -An invitation.
‪- 회원들이 모이는 날이구나‬ ‪- (민영) 인비테이션이네, 인비테이션‬ ‪[세정이 말한다]‬-The members are going to gather. -An invitation. -An invitation. -It's a regular get-together.
‪- (재석) 정모구나‬ ‪- (종민) 정모, 정모‬ ‪[세정의 놀란 신음]‬-An invitation. -It's a regular get-together.
‪[리드미컬한 음악]‬-An invitation. -It's a regular get-together.
‪- (종민) 우리 어디 가는 거예요?‬ ‪- (재석) 아이, 초대장이 여기잖아‬Is it this place? The invitation says it is here.
‪(종민)‬ ‪아, 뭔가 으스스하다‬I'm getting the chills. Everyone, be careful not to
‪(재석)‬ ‪아이, 그러니까 저, 각자‬Everyone, be careful not to -get caught by anyone. -Okay.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪- (재석) 정체 탄로 안 나게‬ ‪- (승기) 예‬-get caught by anyone. -Okay. -Be careful not to get caught. -We have to disguise ourselves, right?
‪(재석)‬ ‪잘해야 된다고‬-Be careful not to get caught. -We have to disguise ourselves, right?
‪- (승기) 위장을 좀 해야 되는 거죠?‬ ‪- (재석) 아, 그럼‬-Be careful not to get caught. -We have to disguise ourselves, right? That's why I put on earmuffs.
‪(종민)‬ ‪위장하려고‬ ‪귀마개도 끼고 왔어요, 이거‬That's why I put on earmuffs. -Who would wear earmuffs inside? -My gosh.
‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 좀, 실내에서 무슨 귀마개를 껴?‬-Who would wear earmuffs inside? -My gosh.
‪아, 정말‬-Who would wear earmuffs inside? -My gosh. -I think it's here. -Careful, Se-jeong.
‪- (재석) 여기로 가면 되나?‬ ‪- (세훈) 조심해, 세정아‬-I think it's here. -Careful, Se-jeong.
‪[음산한 음악]‬
‪- (재석) 야, 뭔가 느낌이 으스스하네‬ ‪- (민영) 으스스하다, 그렇죠?‬-This place gives me the creeps. -It's scary.
‪[재석이 중얼거린다]‬What was that again? Something about death.
‪(종민)‬ ‪죽음의, 그때 뭐라고 했죠?‬ ‪죽음의 뭐?‬What was that again? Something about death. -There's something over there. -What is it?
‪- (재석) 뭐 있어, 뭐‬ ‪- (승기) 뭐야, 뭐야?‬-There's something over there. -What is it?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬-There's something over there. -What is it?
‪(세정)‬ ‪안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 저기, 저, 실례합니다만‬Excuse me, but...
‪(세정과 종민)‬ ‪- 저희가 네, 초대장을 받고 왔는데요‬ ‪- 초대장 받고 왔는데‬-We got an invitation. -We got an invitation. That's strange.
‪(문지기1)‬ ‪이상하네‬That's strange.
‪인원들 다 들어간 거 같던데‬I thought everyone entered already.
‪피의 부름을 받았음을 증명하라‬Prove that you have received the call of blood.
‪- (세정) 이걸로 증명이 안 되는 건가?‬ ‪- (재석) 아, 저기‬-This can't be enough proof? -Well... Maybe we need some kind of password.
‪(재석)‬ ‪이게 뭐, 암호 같은 거 아니야?‬ ‪암호 같은 거‬Maybe we need some kind of password.
‪[세정의 탄성]‬ ‪(세훈)‬ ‪글자 한번 읽으면 되지 않을까요?‬Maybe we need some kind of password. Maybe we just have to read the message.
‪[재석이 중얼거린다]‬ ‪[세정의 탄성]‬Oh, this. The message...
‪글자 한번‬The message...
‪(재석)‬ ‪'피의 부름을 받았음을 증명하라'‬Prove we've received the call of blood?
‪(함께)‬-"To the..." -"To the -"To the gatekeepers..." -gatekeepers of death..." -Gatekeepers! -Gatekeepers of death!
‪- (승기) 아, 문지기‬ ‪- (종민) 문지기...‬ ‪[탐정들의 놀란 탄성]‬-Gatekeepers! -Gatekeepers of death! -I got goosebumps. -All right.
‪(재석)‬ ‪잠깐만, 있다, 있다‬-I got goosebumps. -All right.
‪'죽음의 문지기에게'‬-"To the gatekeepers of death..." -"Prove..."
‪- (재석) '피의 부름을'‬ ‪- (민영) '부름을'‬-"To the gatekeepers of death..." -"Prove..." -"Prove that you..." -"Prove that you
‪(함께)‬have received -"The call of blood"? -the call of blood." "If you want to live, head toward death.
‪(승기)‬ ‪'살고자 하면 죽음으로 향하라'‬"If you want to live, head toward death.
‪(승기)‬You will soon be smeared with the smell of blood
‪- (승기) '취할 것이다'‬ ‪- (재석) 오케이‬ ‪[재욱이 호응한다]‬-and will be drunk with it." -Okay.
‪[탐정들이 놀란다]‬-We did it. -We succeeded.
‪- (종민) 와, 승기 맞았어‬ ‪- (재석) 아유, 맞네, 아휴, 맞아...‬-We did it. -We succeeded. We got it right.
‪- (재욱) 이건 뭐야?‬ ‪- (승기) 아, 우리 거?‬-What's that? -I guess we have to wear these.
‪- (세훈) 이거 입어야 되나 봐요‬ ‪- (재욱) 입어요?‬-What's that? -I guess we have to wear these. -These? -Oh, we have to wear those.
‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬ ‪(승기)‬ ‪아, 이걸 입어야 돼‬-These? -Oh, we have to wear those.
‪이거 원 사이즈?‬There's only one size?
‪- (재석) 아이, 뭔 사이즈를 물어봐?‬ ‪- (승기) 원 사이즈‬-You asked him for another size? -One size...
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(승기)‬ ‪끄떡했어요, 근데, '원 사이즈' 하니까‬-You asked him for another size? -One size... But he nodded when I asked that.
‪[민영이 중얼거린다]‬ ‪- (재석) 뭔 사이즈를 물어봐?‬ ‪- (승기) 원 사이즈‬He seriously asked that? "One size"? -It's a cape. -Oh, they gave us capes.
‪- (세훈) 망토네‬ ‪- (재석) 어, 이 망토를 주네?‬-It's a cape. -Oh, they gave us capes.
‪(승기)‬ ‪봐 보세요‬ ‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬Let me see. That's so funny.
‪[재욱이 말한다]‬That's so funny.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪팸플릿 같은 건가 봐요‬ ‪[종민의 탄성]‬They must be pamphlets.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪'개요, 올해의 신은 꽃의 살인마이며'‬The outline reads "This year's god is The Flower Killer,
‪'오늘은 그의 살인 방식을 선보인다'‬and we will see his murder methods."
‪(재욱)‬ ‪공연을 하는구나, 공연‬I guess they're doing a performance.
‪'회원들은 원하는 배우를 따라다니며‬ ‪살인 방식을 체험하며 배울 수 있다'?‬"Members may follow actors of their liking and experience and learn their murder methods." What? "Experience"?
‪살인 방식을 체험한다고?‬ ‪[탐정들의 놀란 탄성]‬What? "Experience"?
‪(문지기2)‬ ‪리허설 중이니 조용히 입장해 주십시오‬The rehearsal's going on, so please enter quietly.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 고맙습니다‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬Thank you.
‪(종민)‬ ‪여기 같은데, 여기‬It must be through here.
‪[음산한 음악]‬
‪(재석)‬ ‪야, 이게 뭐냐?‬What is all this?
‪(승기와 재석)‬ ‪- 이게 뭐야?‬ ‪- 근데 이렇게 그냥 가면 되는 거야?‬What do we do? Do we just go?
‪(승기)‬ ‪지금 여기 있는 사람들이‬ ‪다 회원들이잖아요‬So all these people here must be members.
‪(종민)‬ ‪뒤의 분들이 계속‬ ‪우리를 자꾸 이상하게 쳐다보는데‬The people behind us keep staring at us.
‪(재석)‬ ‪여기 다 그 회원들이니까 말들 조심해‬ ‪[종민의 탄성]‬We have to watch what we say since everyone's a member. We have to act like we're members, too.
‪우리도 지금‬ ‪회원처럼 행동해야 된다니까‬We have to act like we're members, too. We have to act like we really enjoy murders.
‪(승기)‬ ‪살인을 즐기는 것처럼‬ ‪행동해야 되는 거...‬We have to act like we really enjoy murders.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(스테파니)‬ ‪그가 당신들한테 나타날 겁니다‬He will soon appear before you guys.
‪(재석)‬ ‪저 사람이 뭘 한 거지, 지금?‬He will soon appear before you guys. -What is he doing? -It worships The Flower Killer.
‪(민영)‬ ‪꽃의 살인자 숭배 사이트예요‬-What is he doing? -It worships The Flower Killer.
‪[재석과 종민의 놀란 신음]‬-What? -Someone around you is a murderer.
‪(김 도령)‬ ‪주변에 살인자가 있어‬-What? -Someone around you is a murderer. It's reenacting the five murders that happened, right?
‪(민영)‬ ‪다섯 개의 살인 사건을‬ ‪얘기하는 거잖아‬It's reenacting the five murders that happened, right?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪K가 죽었던 데잖아‬It's reenacting the five murders that happened, right? It's where K was killed.
‪- (세훈) K가 맞는데‬ ‪- (재석) 윤종훈, 윤종훈‬It is K. -Police... -General store owner.
‪- (승기) 경찰‬ ‪- (세정) 만물상‬-Police... -General store owner.
‪(승기)‬ ‪가까이에 있다는 거 아니야?‬They're close.
‪[음산한 소리가 들린다]‬
‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪(민영)‬ ‪아, 깜짝이야‬-Oh, that startled me. -Oh, gosh. The sound came from over here.
‪(재석)‬ ‪소리가 이쪽에서 났지?‬The sound came from over here.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(민영)‬ ‪여기 뭐 있는데?‬There's something here.
‪- (재석) 이게 뭐...‬ ‪- (재욱) 뭐야?‬-What is all this? -What is this?
‪(종민)‬ ‪입원실? 병원인데, 여기‬"Hospital ward"? It's a hospital?
‪아, 이게, 형, 이게 전체가‬ ‪다 연극인가 봐요‬I guess this whole place is going to be used for the play.
‪- (재석) 아, 그러니까‬ ‪- (민영) 아, 무대가 따로 없고?‬-Right. -There's no separate stage. Yes, they're doing a performance here today.
‪(재석)‬ ‪오늘 공연, 공연한다잖아, 공연‬Yes, they're doing a performance here today.
‪(종민)‬ ‪뭐야?‬What?
‪- (종민) 여기 사람 있는데?‬ ‪- (승기) 그 안에도 뭐 있어?‬There's someone here. -There's something inside... -There's someone here.
‪(종민)‬ ‪사람이 누가 누워 계시는데?‬-There's something inside... -There's someone here.
‪- (재석) 어? 이거 태항호...‬ ‪- (종민) 어?‬Isn't that Tae Hang-ho?
‪(세훈과 재석)‬ ‪만물상‬-The General Store owner. -The store owner.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아이, 태항호 맞는데? 태항호...‬ ‪[탐정들의 의아한 신음]‬It really is him. Tae Hang-ho...
‪- (재석) 아...‬ ‪- (종민) 죽었어요?‬-Is he dead? -He's dead!
‪- (재석) 죽었다니까‬ ‪- (재욱) 죽었어?‬ ‪[저마다 말한다]‬-Is he dead? -He's dead! -He's really dead? -Really?
‪(재석)‬ ‪아이, 죽었다니까‬I'm telling you, he's dead.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪야, 태항호가 죽으면 어떡해?‬ ‪[재석이 말한다]‬-What? Tae Hang-ho's dead? -Goodness. -Why is he dead? -What's going on?
‪- (종민) 태항호가 왜 죽었지?‬ ‪- (재석) 아니, 이게 뭐야?‬-Why is he dead? -What's going on?
‪- (재석) 야‬ ‪- (종민) 진짜 죽은 거죠?‬-Hey. -He's really dead? He was fine when we last met.
‪(승기)‬ ‪아니, 이분 저번에까지도‬ ‪멀쩡하게 계셨는데‬He was fine when we last met.
‪(항호)‬ ‪전국 육지를 떠도는 통통배‬ ‪태항호입니다‬I am a man who wanders the world, Tae Hang-ho.
‪- 만 달러, 응, 만 달러‬ ‪- (종민) '만 달러'‬-Ten thousand dollars. -What?
‪(재욱)‬ ‪은근히 우리 쪽 사건하고 많이‬ ‪연관되어 있네‬-Ten thousand dollars. -What? He's always involved -in our cases. -Exactly. We see him every week.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아니, 그러니까, 매주 본다니까‬-in our cases. -Exactly. We see him every week.
‪- (종민) 팔에 뭐 있지 않았어요?‬ ‪- (세정) 예‬Wasn't there something here? -Yes... -What's that?
‪[세정의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪(종민)‬ ‪뭐야?‬-Yes... -What's that?
‪(재욱)‬ ‪뭐야?‬What is it?
‪- (재석) '비밀 만물상, 10pm'?‬ ‪- (종민) 만물상...‬ ‪[재욱이 말한다]‬-"Secret General Store"? -The general store. "At 10 p.m."?
‪pm 10시는 뭐지? 만물상‬What would that mean?
‪(종민)‬ ‪만물상에서 10시?‬General store at 10 p.m.?
‪10시에 죽었다는 건가?‬Did he die at 10 p.m. then?
‪(재석과 종민)‬ ‪- 아니, 이 사람이 왜 여기 있지?‬ ‪- 그러니까‬Why is he here, though? That's what I'm wondering.
‪[재석의 탄성]‬That's what I'm wondering. Gosh.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪뭐 어떻게 해야 되는 거야?‬What do we do, then?
‪다른 데 한번 가 볼까요?‬-Let's try the other rooms. -We should try going to the other rooms.
‪(재석과 승기)‬ ‪- 다른 데 한번 가 봐야 될 것 같아‬ ‪- 넘어가야 될 것 같은데?‬-Let's try the other rooms. -We should try going to the other rooms.
‪(스피커 속 사회자)‬ ‪꽃의 살인마‬ ‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬-The Flower Killer. -Oh, gosh.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪깜짝이야‬ ‪[웅장한 음악]‬-The Flower Killer. -Oh, gosh. The feast of blood where you can feel
‪(스피커 속 사회자)‬ ‪그분의 완벽한‬ ‪살인의 미학을 느낄 수 있는‬The feast of blood where you can feel The Flower Killer's amazing art of murder will begin soon.
‪피의 향연이 곧 시작됩니다‬The Flower Killer's amazing art of murder will begin soon. His worshipers,
‪그분의 숭배자‬His worshipers,
‪소피아 님들은‬ ‪모두 극장으로 모여 주시기 바랍니다‬Sophias, please gather at the theater.
‪(승기)‬ ‪우리는 소피아로 가는 거야‬So we're Sophias, right?
‪[저마다 말한다]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪우리가 소피아...‬-We're Sophias. -We're gathering.
‪- (종민) 가시죠‬ ‪- (재석) 일단 가‬-We're Sophias. -We're gathering. -Let's go. -Let's go to the theater.
‪- (종민) 극장으로 일단 갈게요‬ ‪- (재욱) 우리는 일단, 아휴‬-Let's go. -Let's go to the theater. Why is he here?
‪(재석)‬ ‪아니, 이 사람 왜 여기...‬Why is he here?
‪(재욱)‬ ‪극장이 어디야?‬Where's the theater?
‪(재석)‬ ‪일단 가다 보면 있겠지‬We'll see it somewhere.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪- (재석) 이 사람들 따라가면 되잖아?‬ ‪- (종민) 예‬We just need to follow them. Right.
‪[승기의 탄식]‬I guess the theater's over there.
‪(종민)‬ ‪저쪽이 극장인가 본데요?‬I guess the theater's over there.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪야, 근데 우리가 사건이 있을 때마다‬ ‪태항호가 굉장히 많이 관여돼 있었는데‬Tae Hang-ho was connected to all the cases we worked on.
‪- (재석) 아, 근데 저 사람 죽었잖아‬ ‪- (재욱) 죽어 버리면‬But he's dead now? I don't think everything's just an act here.
‪(승기)‬ ‪이 연극의 일부가‬ ‪아닌 거 아니에요, 지금?‬I don't think everything's just an act here. -You're right. -He's really dead, right?
‪- (재석) 아니, 그러니까 말이야‬ ‪- (승기) 진짜 죽은 거 아니야?‬-You're right. -He's really dead, right? -Exactly. -I don't know what's going on.
‪- (재석) 아니, 그걸 모르겠다니까‬ ‪- (종민) 그러니까‬-Exactly. -I don't know what's going on.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪아, 조심해야 될 것 같아요‬-We should really be careful. -I agree.
‪(재석)‬ ‪그렇지?‬Right?
‪(민영과 승기)‬ ‪- 어, 극장이다‬ ‪- 시작했나 보다, 시작하나 보다‬-Oh, it's the theater. -It must be starting.
‪[재석의 탄성]‬ ‪[승기가 말한다]‬-Oh, it's the theater. -It must be starting. Come on, over here.
‪[재욱이 중얼거린다]‬They're all here already.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬This is the theater?
‪(종민)‬ ‪극장이야?‬This is the theater?
‪[탐정들의 놀란 탄성]‬
‪(민영)‬ ‪오, 스케일이‬Wow, it's huge.
‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]‬
‪(종민)‬ ‪어, 어디로 가야 돼, 우리?‬-Where should we go? -I guess we put our hands together.
‪(세정)‬ ‪손을 모아야 되나 봐요‬-Where should we go? -I guess we put our hands together.
‪[민영의 놀란 신음]‬Oh, my gosh.
‪(승기)‬ ‪으스스하네‬This is quite scary.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪우리도 똑같이 해야 될 것 같아요‬I think we should do what they're doing.
‪(종민)‬ ‪어? 시작한다, 시작한다‬ ‪[음산한 음악]‬It's starting.
‪[민영의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪(종민)‬ ‪온다, 온다, 일로‬People are coming in.
‪(재석)‬ ‪앞에 봐요, 앞에‬Look forward.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪아, 무서워‬This is scary.
‪(재석)‬ ‪다섯 명이‬Five people.
‪한 명씩 맡고 대사를 뭐, 한 명씩...‬If they represent The Flower Killer, -then they must be reenacting... -The 5 Flower Killers.
‪- (민영) 아, '5인의'‬ ‪- (재석) 그걸 재연하나 보다‬-then they must be reenacting... -The 5 Flower Killers.
‪- (재석) '5인의', 그렇지, 그렇지?‬ ‪- (민영) '5인의 꽃의 살인마'‬-then they must be reenacting... -The 5 Flower Killers. -The 5 Flower Killers. -Right.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[재석의 놀란 탄성]‬
‪- (재석) 하나씩 재연하나 본데?‬ ‪- (종민) 예‬-They must be reenacting each murder. -Yes.
‪(종민)‬ ‪누가 당하는 거지?‬Who's the one getting killed?
‪[재석의 놀란 신음]‬
‪(재석)‬ ‪저게 죽었다는 거 아니야?‬ ‪이 사람도 죽었다는 거 아니야?‬Doesn't that mean he is dead? That person as well.
‪(종민)‬ ‪어? 지금 죽은 거죠?‬He's dead, right?
‪[탐정들이 웅성거린다]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪죽은 거지, 죽은 거지‬That person is dead.
‪[재석의 탄성]‬The first couple?
‪(종민)‬ ‪첫 번째는요? 첫 번째...‬The first couple? -Are they the first couple? -Hey, be quiet!
‪(재석)‬ ‪아이, 조용히 해‬-Are they the first couple? -Hey, be quiet! -We'll get caught. -Okay.
‪- (재석) 그러다 들킨다니까‬ ‪- (종민) 알았어요‬-We'll get caught. -Okay. -You're the loudest! -Just be quiet.
‪- (종민) 형이 제일 시끄러워요‬ ‪- (재석) 아이, 조용히 해‬-You're the loudest! -Just be quiet.
‪(재석)‬ ‪앉아, 앉아, 앉아, 앉아, 앉아‬Hey, sit down. Come on.
‪무릎 꿇어, 무릎 꿇어‬ ‪반무릎, 반무릎‬ ‪[민영의 탄성]‬Kneel. We have to kneel.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪저 사람 뭐야?‬Who's that?
‪- (재욱) 지금 뭐지?‬ ‪- (승기) 어? 누구지?‬-What's going on? -Who's that?
‪- (재석) 이거 누구지?‬ ‪- (종민) 이거 누구야?‬Who's that supposed to be?
‪(종민)‬ ‪갑자기 들어왔어‬They suddenly lay down.
‪[재석의 놀란 탄성]‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬What...
‪(재석)‬ ‪네 명밖에 안 했잖아?‬-Only four actors performed. -Right.
‪(종민)‬ ‪네, 한 명이 없어요‬-Only four actors performed. -Right. -One of them didn't do it. -Why did only four perform?
‪(재석)‬ ‪다섯 개를 보여 준다 그랬는데‬ ‪네 개밖에 안 됐지?‬-One of them didn't do it. -Why did only four perform?
‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(승기)‬ ‪어, 뭐야?‬What's happening?
‪(세훈)‬ ‪아, 원하는 배우를 쫓아다니는 건가 봐‬Oh, this is where we all follow the actors as we like.
‪[종민의 탄성]‬ ‪여기서부터‬Oh, this is where we all follow the actors as we like. We can follow the actors and learn the methods.
‪(승기)‬ ‪각자 배우를 따라서‬ ‪배울 수 있다 그랬잖아‬We can follow the actors and learn the methods.
‪- (세훈) 쫓아가는 건가 봐요‬ ‪- (승기) 지금 쫓아가는 거야?‬We can follow the actors and learn the methods. Then we follow them now? This is too scary.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪너무, 너무 무서운데?‬This is too scary.
‪(재석)‬ ‪이 봐, 이거 봐, 지금 다 쫓아가잖아‬This is too scary. Look, they're following them. We just have to follow the members.
‪우리는 이 회원들 쫓아가듯이‬ ‪해야 된다니까‬We just have to follow the members. We should blend in with them.
‪(승기)‬ ‪회원들 안에 우리도...‬We should blend in with them.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪아, 무서워‬-This is too scary. -This is creepy.
‪- (민영) 이런 게 다 있어?‬ ‪- (재석) 일단 따라가 봐‬-This is too scary. -This is creepy. -Let's follow them. -Let's go.
‪(종민)‬ ‪따라가 보자‬-Let's follow them. -Let's go.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪일단 흩어져 볼까?‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬Why don't we split up, then?
‪- (민영) 다 한 명씩‬ ‪- (세훈) 흩어졌다가‬-We'll follow each actor. -Split up.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪이따가 다시 모여‬-Let's meet up again later. -Right.
‪(세훈과 민영)‬ ‪예‬-Let's meet up again later. -Right.
‪(민영)‬ ‪뭐야, 이게? 벤치가 있고‬There are benches here...
‪공원인가?‬Is this a park?
‪(남자1)‬ ‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪포이즌 조수 역할 하는 친구가‬The actor for Poison's assistant isn't here.
‪안 보이는데요?‬The actor for Poison's assistant isn't here.
‪(여자)‬ ‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪그럼 빨리 대타 구해야 된다‬We should hurry and get a replacement, then.
‪(승기)‬ ‪'꽃의 살인마'‬The Flower Killer...
‪대체 이게 무슨 일이지?‬What in the world is going on?
‪[음산한 효과음]‬
‪[알람이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[알람이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[배우1의 웃음]‬
‪[배우1의 짜증 섞인 신음]‬Oh, gosh.
‪(배우1)‬ ‪이거, 이거, 이거, 이거, 이거!‬Look at this!
‪- (재석) 무슨 공연인데?‬ ‪- (종민) 어?‬It's some kind of performance. What?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬What? Oh, they're doing a play right now.
‪(종민)‬ ‪아, 이게 지금 연극이네‬Oh, they're doing a play right now.
‪[재석의 탄성]‬
‪[배우2의 기합]‬ ‪[흥겨운 음악]‬
‪[배우3의 탄성]‬
‪[종민이 속삭인다]‬What's happening here?
‪(종민)‬ ‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪지금 뮤지컬 배우인 것 같아요‬Who's the one wearing black? The women are following her around. The one in the black clothing.
‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪까만 옷 입은 여자만‬ ‪계속 따라다니고 있는 거야‬The women are following her around. The one in the black clothing.
‪- (종민) 배우죠, 배우?‬ ‪- (재욱) 배우인가 봐‬-She's an actress? -She must be an actress.
‪- (재욱) 연예인, 연예인‬ ‪- (종민) 연예인, 연예인‬-A celebrity. -A celebrity.
‪[배우2의 탄성]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪꽃의 살인마를 따라다니는 그 사람이‬The one following The Flower Killer
‪파주에 있었다고요?‬was in Paju?
‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪만물상에 있던 것들...‬It seems like the general store.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬It seems like the general store.
‪(민영)‬ ‪만물상도 꽃의 살인마와 관계가 있나?‬Is Tae Hang-ho connected to The Flower Killer?
‪[음산한 음악]‬
‪[종이 뎅 울리는 효과음]‬
‪[달그락거리는 소리가 들린다]‬
‪전기 충격을 가할 수 있는‬ ‪헤드폰을 만들어 줘‬Make a headphone that can electrocute the user for me.
‪(배우4)‬ ‪알겠어, 만 달러‬All right. Ten thousand dollars.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Ten thousand dollars.
‪- (재석) 그럼 내가 딴 데 가 볼게, 어‬ ‪- (종민) 보다가‬-I'll try someplace else. -Okay. -Let's meet up later. -Okay.
‪- (종민) 이따가 중간에 만나요‬ ‪- (재석) 알았어‬-Let's meet up later. -Okay.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아유, 왜 이렇게 무서워? 공연이 다‬Gosh, this is so scary.
‪응? 어...‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪아니, 저 사람이 그러니까‬So that man's one of the murderers.
‪(재석)‬ ‪살인마 중의 한 사람 아니야?‬So that man's one of the murderers.
‪씁, 저 사람이 뭘 한 거지, 지금?‬What exactly is he doing, though?
‪(재석)‬ ‪가만, 여기가 아까‬ ‪태항호 시체가 있었던 데 아니야?‬Wait. Isn't this where Tae Hang-ho's body was before?
‪어, 어?‬
‪(재석)‬ ‪오, 태항호 어디 갔어?‬Hey, where did he go?
‪[의아한 신음]‬What?
‪(재석)‬ ‪아니, 태...‬What...
‪야, 이건 또 뭐야?‬What's going on here?
‪아니, 근데 아까 그 공연에서‬ ‪네 사람밖에 그걸 안 했거든‬Only four people did the performance, though.
‪태항호가 마지막인가?‬Is Tae Hang-ho the last victim?
‪(종민)‬ ‪또 어디 있지?‬Where are the rest?
‪하, 또 어디 연극을 볼까‬Which play should I go see next?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[음산한 소리가 들린다]‬
‪(종민)‬ ‪뭔 소리야? 씨, 오, 깜짝이야‬What was that? Gosh, that startled me.
‪[호루라기가 삑 울린다]‬
‪어? 저분은 왜 저러지?‬What's that?
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[음산한 음악]‬ ‪[배우5가 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪[배우5의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[배우5의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪뭘 만드나?‬He's making something.
‪(종민)‬ ‪어, 야‬Hey.
‪(배우4)‬ ‪초소형 전기 충격기가 들어간‬I need a headset containing
‪헤드셋이 필요해‬a small taser.
‪[배우6의 기괴한 웃음]‬
‪[배우4가 돈다발을 탁탁 친다]‬
‪[배우6의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪(배우6)‬ ‪실화야, 뭐야?‬I can't believe it.
‪오늘 내가 의뢰받은 일이‬What I make at his request could be used for murder by The Flower Killer!
‪꽃의 살인마가‬ ‪살인에 이용될 수도 있다는 거잖아‬could be used for murder by The Flower Killer!
‪헐, 대박, SNS 업데이트, 오, 예!‬I can't believe it! I'm going to post this on my account!
‪[배우6의 웃음]‬I can't believe it! I'm going to post this on my account!
‪[배우6의 탄성]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[긴장감이 고조되는 음악]‬
‪아까 파란색 가면 여기‬ ‪'경찰' 쓰여 있던데‬There was a police mark on the blue mask.
‪(승기)‬ ‪경찰, 따라가 봐야 되겠는데?‬Police... I should follow him.
‪어디까지 가나 보자고‬Let's see where this leads.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪[배우7의 긴장한 숨소리]‬
‪꽃의 살인마‬The Flower Killer...
‪이 근처가 분명한데‬I'm sure he's around here somewhere.
‪(배우7)‬ ‪여기까지 찾아오다니‬He's come too close.
‪가만둬서는 안 되겠군‬I can't leave him be.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪아이씨, 무서워, 씨‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬Gosh, it's so scary. Goodness.
‪[호루라기가 삑 울린다]‬
‪[배우8이 입바람을 후 분다]‬
‪[배우8이 입바람을 후 분다]‬
‪[세훈이 입바람을 분다]‬
‪[배우8이 입바람을 후 분다]‬
‪[세훈이 입바람을 후 분다]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[격정적인 음악]‬
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬
‪[경쾌한 음악]‬
‪(세훈)‬ ‪씁, 옷 갈아입고 계신 것 같은데‬I think she's getting dressed.
‪아, 무서워, 아, 무서워‬This is so scary.
‪아, 저기요‬Why is everything so scary?
‪저기요‬Excuse me.
‪[배우2의 탄성]‬
‪[배우2의 한숨]‬
‪[배우2의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(배우2)‬ ‪꽃의 살인마를 따라다니는 그 사람이‬The one following The Flower Killer
‪파주에 있었다?‬was in Paju?
‪[배우5의 한숨]‬
‪[배우9의 한숨]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[배우9가 우산을 탁 짚는다]‬
‪[배우5의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪(배우9)‬ ‪포이즌, 그 물건‬ ‪당신이 구한 거 아닌가?‬Poison. Aren't you the one who got that object?
‪꽃의 살인마, 누구야?‬Who's The Flower Killer?
‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪- (재석) 오, K‬ ‪- (종민) K 아니야, K?‬-It must be K. -K?
‪무슨 소리야?‬What are you talking about?
‪난 아무것도 몰라‬I don't know anything about it.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[배우5의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[긴박한 음악]‬
‪[배우5의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[배우5의 신음]‬
‪[배우5의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[배우5의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(배우9)‬ ‪다음에 날 만날 땐‬It would be wise
‪꽃의 살인마의 정보를‬ ‪준비하는 게 좋을 거야‬to give me information about The Flower Killer when we meet again.
‪(재석)‬ ‪꽃의 살인마를 찾으러 다녔구나‬-He must've been after The Flower Killer. -What?
‪(종민)‬ ‪예‬-He must've been after The Flower Killer. -What?
‪K가 살인마를 찾으러 다녔어‬-K was trying to find The Flower Killer. -Right.
‪(종민)‬ ‪예‬-K was trying to find The Flower Killer. -Right.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[배우6이 트림을 꺽 한다]‬
‪[배우6의 한숨]‬ ‪태항호?‬Tae Hang-ho?
‪(재석)‬ ‪잠깐만‬Wait... His clothes are the same.
‪옷이 똑같잖아?‬Wait... His clothes are the same.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아니, 태항호가‬ ‪저 역할 하다가 죽은 건가?‬Did Tae Hang-ho die while playing that role?
‪(종민)‬ ‪뭐야, 또 여기 있어?‬There's something else? -It's Tae Hang-ho. -It's not him.
‪태항호, 태항호‬-It's Tae Hang-ho. -It's not him.
‪(종민)‬ ‪태항호 아니에요‬-It's Tae Hang-ho. -It's not him. It's just the same hoodie, that's all.
‪- (재석) 아까 입었던 후드 집업‬ ‪- (종민) 옷만 똑같은 건데‬It's just the same hoodie, that's all.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아니야, 태항호라니까‬No. -I'm telling you, it's him. -Really?
‪- (종민) 태항호 맞아요?‬ ‪- (재석) 그래‬-I'm telling you, it's him. -Really? Yes.
‪(재석)‬ ‪옷이 똑같잖아‬ ‪[종민의 놀란 신음]‬It's the same hoodie. Oh, someone's coming.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪(재석)‬ ‪누굴 만나러 온 거잖아‬He's here to meet someone. -Who? -This guy.
‪- (종민) 누가요?‬ ‪- (재석) 이 사람이‬-Who? -This guy. He's here to see Tae Hang-ho.
‪(종민)‬ ‪태항호 만나러 왔다고요?‬He's here to see Tae Hang-ho.
‪이 사람 누구예요?‬Who is he?
‪(재석)‬ ‪살인마, 살인마, 꽃의 살인마‬He's the killer. The Flower Killer.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[종민이 중얼거린다]‬
‪[배우6의 웃음]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪어?‬
‪(종민)‬ ‪아까 그 포이즌, 저거‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Poison put that inside the cabinet a while ago.
‪저기 넣어 놨던 거예요‬Poison put that inside the cabinet a while ago.
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪[카메라 셔터음]‬
‪(종민)‬ ‪사진을 계속 찍었어요‬ ‪아까부터 태항호가‬So Tae Hang-ho took photos of all that?
‪[배우6의 비명]‬
‪[배우6의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪(재석)‬ ‪아까 사진 찍어 놓은 거‬It's because of the photos he took.
‪입조심하라고‬He's telling him to watch his mouth.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬He's telling him to watch his mouth.
‪[배우6의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪(종민)‬ ‪태항호가 어디로 자꾸 가는데요?‬Tae Hang-ho is heading somewhere again.
‪(재석)‬ ‪어, 그러니까‬I know.
‪[배우6의 겁먹은 신음]‬
‪[겁먹은 신음]‬
‪(종민)‬ ‪경찰서...‬It's a police station.
‪[배우6이 울먹인다]‬
‪(배우10)‬ ‪저기요‬ ‪[배우6의 겁에 질린 신음]‬Sir. No...
‪[재석이 속삭인다]‬No...
‪[배우6의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪천천히 한번 얘기해 보세요‬ ‪무슨 일이세요?‬Tell us slowly about what happened.
‪- 저 좀 보호해 주세요‬ ‪- (배우10) 예?‬I need your protection. What?
‪꽃의 살인마가‬The Flower Killer...
‪곧 저를 죽일 거라고요!‬He's going to kill me soon!
‪- 저희가 신변을 보호해 드리겠습니다‬ ‪- (배우6) 예‬We promise to provide protection. -Okay. -Relax.
‪편히 얘기해 보세요‬ ‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬-Okay. -Relax. -That must be Yoon Jong-hoon. -Right, Yoon Jong-hoon.
‪- (재석) 윤종훈, 윤종훈‬ ‪- (종민) 윤종훈이야‬-That must be Yoon Jong-hoon. -Right, Yoon Jong-hoon.
‪(스피커 속 사회자)‬ ‪'5인의 꽃의 살인마'‬The first part of the performances have ended.
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪공연 1막이 종료되었습니다‬The first part of the performances have ended.
‪지금부터 약 10분간‬ ‪인터미션을 갖겠습니다‬We will have an intermission for around 10 minutes.
‪- (재욱) 야, 우리 일단 모여야지‬ ‪- (민영) 다시 극장으로 가야 돼, 응‬-We should gather again. -Yes.
‪[탐정들이 저마다 말한다]‬-This is tough. -This is uncomfortable.
‪(종민)‬ ‪어, 이거 불편해, 이거‬-This is tough. -This is uncomfortable. I can't focus well with this mask on. I can't see very well.
‪(승기)‬ ‪가면을 쓰니까‬ ‪좀 집중력이 떨어지는 것 같아‬I can't focus well with this mask on. I can't see very well.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪추리력이 좀 떨어지는 것 같아‬I can't focus well with this mask on. I can't see very well. Is it really just because of the mask?
‪- (재석) 그래? 가면 때문이야?‬ ‪- (승기) 예‬Is it really just because of the mask?
‪[재석의 웃음]‬ ‪예‬Is it really just because of the mask?
‪(민영)‬ ‪뭐 좀 보셨어요?‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Did you see anything helpful?
‪(종민)‬ ‪많이 봤지‬Of course. -I saw a police officer. -A police officer?
‪저는 어떤 경찰‬-I saw a police officer. -A police officer?
‪- (재석) 경찰?‬ ‪- (승기) 예‬-I saw a police officer. -A police officer? Yes.
‪(종민)‬ ‪나는 여기서 완전히‬ ‪새로운 인물을 봤어‬I saw a totally new character. -Who? -Who?
‪- (재욱) 누구?‬ ‪- (민영) 누구요?‬-Who? -Who? There's a man named Poison who actually makes poison.
‪(종민)‬ ‪어? 포이즌이라는‬ ‪독을 만드는 사람이야‬There's a man named Poison who actually makes poison.
‪- 독살됐다 그랬었잖아‬ ‪- (종민) 예‬-K was poisoned, right? -Yes. It's the first time we've heard about someone making poison.
‪독을 만든 사람이‬ ‪지금 최초로 나온 거예요, 여기서‬It's the first time we've heard about someone making poison.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪나는 어떤 여배우, 여배우‬I saw some actress.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪'꽃의 살인마를 찾으려 한 사람을‬ ‪파주에서 봤다'‬She said she saw someone searching for The Flower Killer in Paju.
‪뭐, 이러면서 USB에 담아서‬She said she saw someone searching for The Flower Killer in Paju. And she put stuff in a flash drive
‪(재욱)‬ ‪그걸 하얀색 옷 입은 꽃의 살인마에게‬ ‪넘겨주더라고‬and handed it to The Flower Killer. Oh, really?
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 진짜?‬ ‪[탄성]‬Oh, really?
‪(재욱)‬ ‪꽃의 살인마가 노트에다 메모하기를‬ ‪[종민이 호응한다]‬-And I saw The Flower Killer writing -Yes?
‪(재욱)‬ ‪이 여배우가 평상시에‬ ‪립밤을 잘 바르니까‬a memo saying that the actress uses lip balm often,
‪- (재욱) 립밤에다가 그 가루를 해서‬ ‪- (재석) 독을?‬ ‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬so the poison should be put on hers. That's what he wrote.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪뭐, 메모를 하더라고‬That's what he wrote.
‪(세정)‬ ‪저는 제일 처음에‬ ‪그, 선거 그거 하실 때‬When they were doing the election thing at the beginning,
‪(세정)‬ ‪꽃의 살인마 한 분이‬The Flower Killer
‪1번 후보를‬ ‪되게 유심히 보고 있는 거예요‬was looking intently at the first candidate. -Number one? -Yes.
‪- (종민) 1번 후보?‬ ‪- (세정) 네‬-Number one? -Yes. And then he went back to his office
‪(세정)‬ ‪그래서 자기 사무실 같은 데 가서‬And then he went back to his office
‪(세정)‬ ‪1번 후보의 종이를 막 찢는 거예요‬and ripped the candidate's poster into pieces.
‪(재석)‬ ‪종이를?‬and ripped the candidate's poster into pieces. The poster?
‪(세정)‬ ‪그러더니 혼자 종이에다가‬ ‪'메틸 파라티온'‬And he wrote "methyl parathion"
‪- (종민) '티온'이 뭐야?‬ ‪- (세정) 그거를 적어서는‬ ‪[민영이 호응한다]‬on a piece of paper and went to go meet Tae Hang-ho.
‪(세정)‬ ‪그, 태항호를 만나는 장소로 간 거예요‬ ‪[재석의 탄성]‬and went to go meet Tae Hang-ho.
‪그래서 그 약물을 들고서는‬ ‪지금 여기, 여기 와서‬So after he got that vial, he came here and poured it into that tank over there.
‪저기 물 수조 같은 데다가‬ ‪그 약물을 풀고 막 그러더라고요‬ ‪[재석의 탄성]‬and poured it into that tank over there.
‪(민영)‬ ‪근데 이게 그 하얀색 다섯 명이‬The five Flower Killers are reenacting
‪다섯 개의 살인 사건을‬ ‪얘기하는 거잖아‬the five murders that happened, right? -Tae Hang-ho... -Right.
‪- 다 꽃의 살인마인 것 같던데‬ ‪- (민영) 근데 태항호가‬-Tae Hang-ho... -Right. Tae Hang-ho met three of The Flower Killer actors.
‪(민영)‬ ‪어, 태항호가 그중에서 세 명을 만났어‬Tae Hang-ho met three of The Flower Killer actors.
‪그럼 태항호가 살인 사건이랑‬ ‪관련이 있다는 거야?‬So Tae Hang-ho is actually connected to the murders?
‪- (민영) 세 개‬ ‪- (세훈) 아니, 형‬-Three of them. -Jae-suk, I heard his body disappeared.
‪태항호 시체 없어졌다면서요?‬I heard his body disappeared.
‪없어졌어‬ ‪[탐정들이 놀란다]‬-Yes, it's gone. -What? His body's gone?
‪- (승기) 시체가 없어졌어?‬ ‪- (민영) 우리가 본 거?‬His body's gone? -The body we saw? -Yes.
‪[저마다 말한다]‬ ‪예, 없어지고 보라색 꽃‬-The body we saw? -Yes. And a flower was placed there.
‪진짜 사라졌네‬It's really gone.
‪꽃이 남은 거는‬ ‪그럼 여기서 살해됐다는 거잖아‬If there was a flower left there, that means he was killed here.
‪- (종민) 어?‬ ‪- (재석) 여기서?‬-What? -Here?
‪- (민영) 네‬ ‪- (종민) 그럼 시체는 어디 갔어?‬-Yes. -Where's the body? -Maybe he was passed out before. -So during the five plays,
‪(민영과 승기)‬ ‪- 기절 상태였다가 죽은 걸 수도 있고‬ ‪- 그러면 다섯 개의 역할극 안에서‬-Maybe he was passed out before. -So during the five plays, the actual murder of Tae Hang-ho occurred?
‪하나의 진짜 살인 사건이‬the actual murder of Tae Hang-ho occurred?
‪태항호가 지금 벌어졌다는 거 아니야?‬the actual murder of Tae Hang-ho occurred? I'm not sure if I just missed something,
‪너무 궁금한데‬ ‪제가 이해를 못 했는진 모르겠는데‬I'm not sure if I just missed something,
‪누가 이걸 주최한 거예요?‬but who exactly is hosting this event?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(민영)‬ ‪이거는 사실‬Everything about this event
‪이 전체가 지금 향하고 있는 게‬ ‪사실 꽃의 살인마잖아‬Everything about this event -is about The Flower Killer. -Right.
‪(재석)‬ ‪그렇지‬-is about The Flower Killer. -Right. So The Flower Killer is obviously the actual main character of the plays.
‪(민영)‬ ‪이건 꽃의 살인마가‬ ‪주인공일 수밖에 없는 연극이란 말이야‬So The Flower Killer is obviously the actual main character of the plays.
‪(종민과 민영)‬ ‪- 그렇지‬ ‪- 그러면 꽃의 살인마가 주최했겠지‬-Right. -Then The Flower Killer could be the host. This is a club of members worshiping The Flower Killer,
‪(승기)‬ ‪그거를 숭배해서 만든 동호회인데‬This is a club of members worshiping The Flower Killer,
‪- (재욱) 응‬ ‪- (민영) 그렇지‬This is a club of members worshiping The Flower Killer, -Right. -but we don't really know
‪(승기)‬ ‪어, 꽃의 살인마가‬-Right. -but we don't really know
‪주최를 한 건지는‬ ‪그거는 이제 정확한 건 아니고‬if the killer is really the host of this event. -It's not clear. -They know the details because
‪(민영)‬ ‪꽃의 살인마가 주최를 했기 때문에‬ ‪다 알고 있는 거지‬-It's not clear. -They know the details because the killer's the host.
‪그래? 응...‬You think so?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(스피커 속 사회자)‬ ‪'5인의 꽃의 살인마'‬ ‪공연 2막을 시작합니다‬The second part of the performances will begin soon.
‪킬로소피 회원님들은‬Members of Killosophy, please get ready.
‪모두 준비해 주시기 바랍니다‬Members of Killosophy, please get ready.
‪- (승기) 쫓아가야 되겠다‬ ‪- (재욱) 또 가?‬-We should follow them. -Again?
‪- (승기) 예‬ ‪- (세정) 아이고, 좀 있다 봬요‬-Yes. -I'll see you later.
‪[종이 뎅 울린다]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(재석)‬ ‪만물상이다, 만물상‬It's Tae Hang-ho.
‪(재석)‬ ‪딱지‬Ttakji?
‪(항호)‬ ‪이 딱지로 말할 것 같으면‬This is the ttakji that King Arthur used
‪그레이트브리튼 아발론섬에서‬that King Arthur used
‪아서왕이 사용하던 딱지‬ ‪[종민이 말한다]‬in Avalon of Great Britain.
‪아휴, 씨‬Damn it.
‪[숨을 후 내뱉는다]‬
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪(재석)‬ ‪야, K는 어디 갔냐?‬Hey, where's K?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪야, K 어디 갔냐?‬Where's K?
‪(종민)‬ ‪K 찾아봐야 되겠는데요‬We should find him.
‪어? 꽃의 살인마다‬Hey, it's The Flower Killer!
‪(재석)‬ ‪종민아, 같이 따라가 보자‬Jong-min, let's follow him.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(재석)‬ ‪어? K가 죽었던 데잖아‬It's where K was killed.
‪(종민)‬ ‪그런가?‬Is it?
‪(종민)‬ ‪K가 없는데요?‬But K isn't here.
‪캔들, 캔들‬The candle. -K died on the bed. -Right.
‪- (재석) K가 침대에서 죽었잖아‬ ‪- (종민) 예‬-K died on the bed. -Right.
‪(종민)‬ ‪캔들, 캔들‬So, the candle...
‪(종민)‬ ‪아휴, K는 안 보이고 K가 죽은 장소만‬What's going on? K isn't here, but his bedroom was recreated.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 이거...‬-K died on his bed, right? -Yes.
‪- (종민) K 죽은 자리 있잖아요‬ ‪- (재석) 어‬-K died on his bed, right? -Yes. The Flower Killer
‪(종민)‬ ‪그 옆에다가 캔들 있잖아요‬The Flower Killer
‪- (재석) 그래그래‬ ‪- (종민) 향초 같은 거, 그걸 놔뒀어요‬left the candle next to the bed.
‪(종민)‬ ‪아까 포이즌이‬ ‪[재석이 호응한다]‬-Remember how Poison -Yes.
‪뭐, 이상한‬ ‪그런 거 막 만들던데 그게 혹시‬ ‪[재석의 탄성]‬made something before? Maybe that was it.
‪(재석과 종민)‬ ‪- 양초에 독약 성분이 있었나? 쉿, 쉿‬ ‪- 어, 그렇죠?‬-So he put poison in the candle? -Right.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪누구 따라가는 거야?‬ ‪누구 따라가는 거야?‬Who are we following? -Who are we following? -I don't know.
‪(종민)‬ ‪모르겠어요, 지금 모르겠어‬ ‪[재욱의 웃음]‬-Who are we following? -I don't know.
‪(재석과 종민)‬ ‪- 지금 K 찾고 있는데 K가 안 보이네‬ ‪- K 찾고 있는데‬-We're looking for K. -We're looking for K, but...
‪- (재욱) 지금‬ ‪- (재석) 어‬The actor playing Tae Hang-ho
‪- (재욱) 태항호 역할 하는 사람이‬ ‪- (종민) 어‬The actor playing Tae Hang-ho
‪(재욱)‬ ‪헌금함 안에다가 독극물을 넣어 놨는데‬ ‪[재석이 호응한다]‬just put poison in a donation box,
‪꽃의 살인마가 와서‬ ‪그 독극물 하나를 챙겨 갔어‬and The Flower Killer took it. What's going on?
‪(재석)‬ ‪와, 이게 뭐지?‬What's going on?
‪[소란스러운 소리가 들린다]‬Gosh, what is this place?
‪[사람들이 소란스럽다]‬
‪- (승기) 마술, 마술‬ ‪- (세정) 모르겠어‬-Is he doing a magic show? -I'm not sure.
‪(세정)‬ ‪이 사람이 아까 제가 봤던 그‬He's the one I saw before.
‪- (세정) 꽃의 살인마 역할이었거든요‬ ‪- (승기) 어‬ ‪[승기의 탄성]‬He's one of the actors playing The Flower Killer.
‪(승기)‬ ‪마술을 직접 보여 주려 그러는 건가?‬Is he really going to do a magic show?
‪(세정)‬ ‪응?‬ ‪[리드미컬한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬Is he really going to do a magic show?
‪[사람들의 박수와 환호성]‬
‪(재석)‬ ‪이게 뭐야?‬What's happening?
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬
‪[세정의 감탄]‬
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬
‪[세정의 감탄]‬
‪[세정의 탄성]‬
‪[사람들의 탄성]‬
‪[사람들의 박수와 환호성]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[세정이 중얼거린다]‬
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬
‪어, 뭐야?‬What's that?
‪[승기의 탄성]‬
‪[세정이 말한다]‬ ‪[사람들의 환호성]‬It's the politician. He asked the politician to come up on stage.
‪(승기와 세정)‬ ‪- 의원...‬ ‪- 근데 이 사람 저 1번 싫어하는데?‬He asked the politician to come up on stage. The Flower Killer seemed to hate that man.
‪[사람들의 놀란 탄성]‬
‪[재석의 감탄]‬
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬
‪[사람들의 박수와 환호성]‬
‪(승기)‬ ‪아, 뒤에서 지금...‬The water...
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬It's nothing.
‪[배우11의 힘겨운 신음]‬It's nothing.
‪(세정)‬ ‪저기에 뭐 탔단 말이에요‬-He put something in the water earlier. -Yes.
‪- (승기) 그러니까‬ ‪- (세정) 갔다 올게요‬-He put something in the water earlier. -Yes. I'm going to go see.
‪[배우11의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[배우11의 힘겨운 신음]‬He got drenched in the water that The Flower Killer poisoned.
‪(세정)‬ ‪저 사람이‬He got drenched in the water that The Flower Killer poisoned.
‪저 이상한 약물 탄 물에 맞아 가지고‬He got drenched in the water that The Flower Killer poisoned.
‪- (재욱) 약이 있었나 보지?‬ ‪- (세정) 네, 탔어요, 그 약을‬The water was poisoned? Yes, he put it in the water. -Really? -Yes.
‪- (재욱) 아, 그래?‬ ‪- (세정) 네‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬-Really? -Yes.
‪[세정의 놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪(세정)‬ ‪죽었어‬He's dead.
‪- (재욱) 빗물에 약을 섞었다고?‬ ‪- (세정) 네‬The water was poisoned? Yes. The Flower Killer seemed to hate that politician.
‪(세정)‬ ‪아까 그 사람이‬ ‪1번 이 사람을 싫어했거든요‬Yes. The Flower Killer seemed to hate that politician. Candidate number one.
‪1번 후보를‬Candidate number one.
‪- (재욱) 어?‬ ‪- (세정) 어, 봐 봐요‬-What? -Someone's here.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(재욱)‬ ‪세정아, 이거 봐‬-Se-jeong, keep watching. -Okay.
‪네‬-Se-jeong, keep watching. -Okay.
‪(배우12)‬ ‪당신같이 질투가 지나친 사람이‬ ‪정치를 하게 둘 수는 없지‬I can't let someone with so much jealousy like you do politics here.
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬do politics here.
‪(종민)‬ ‪스태프로 왔어요, 스태프로‬He's working as a staff.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪'K와 톱스타의 관계를'‬"The connection between K and a top star. K is getting closer to finding out...
‪[재욱이 내용을 계속 읽는다]‬K is getting closer to finding out... Need to take care of this..."
‪[어두운 음악]‬Need to take care of this..."
‪[배우들의 탄성]‬
‪(재욱)‬ ‪'톱스타 S 양은‬ ‪평소에 립밤을 자주 발라'‬"Top star S uses lip balm often.
‪'립밤에다가 묻혀서'‬Put it on her lip balm and..."
‪'1분 후 즉각 마비로'‬"It will lead to instant paralysis."
‪[배우2의 당황한 신음]‬
‪- (재욱) 입이 돌아갔어‬ ‪- (종민) 어, 입이 돌아갔어‬-Her mouth's twisted. -Yes, it's twisted.
‪[배우2의 놀란 신음]‬-Her mouth's twisted. -Yes, it's twisted.
‪[불안한 숨소리]‬
‪[겁먹은 신음]‬
‪[함께 놀란다]‬Oh, my gosh.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- (민영) 스튜어디스‬ ‪- (세훈) 공항, 공항, 공항‬-It's the flight attendant. -It's an airport.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪공항, 기업 대표‬-It's the flight attendant. -It's an airport. -He's the company president? -The president?
‪(민영)‬ ‪기업 대표?‬-He's the company president? -The president?
‪(세훈)‬ ‪아, 그럼 이 사람이 헤드셋을‬ ‪여기서 바꾸는구나‬She switched the headset like that.
‪그래‬-Right. The president. -It's the company president.
‪[민영이 중얼거린다]‬-Right. The president. -It's the company president.
‪전기가 오르지, 이제‬He's going to get electrocuted.
‪[헤드폰이 지지직거린다]‬ ‪[힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[웃음소리가 들린다]‬
‪(세훈)‬ ‪그러면 아까 그‬ ‪태항호가 교회에다가 놓고 간 거를‬So Tae Hang-ho left the headphones at the church, The Flower Killer took it, and gave it to the flight attendant.
‪챙겨서 승무원한테 주고‬The Flower Killer took it, and gave it to the flight attendant.
‪죽였어‬And she killed him.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪(배우13)‬ ‪너의 악행이‬Your bad deeds led to so many victims.
‪수많은 희생양을 낳았지‬Your bad deeds led to so many victims.
‪이젠‬It's time for you to be the victim instead,
‪이 로벨리아를 든 네가‬It's time for you to be the victim instead,
‪희생양이 될 차례야‬with this lobelia on you.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪어, 깜짝이야, 어유, 씨‬Oh, gosh. He startled me.
‪그, 아까 독극물, 립밤‬It's the actress who died from the poisoned lip balm.
‪(배우14)‬ ‪거만한 너에겐‬A blue hydrangea suits you, since you are arrogant.
‪[분위기가 고조되는 음악]‬ ‪파란 수국이 제격이지‬A blue hydrangea suits you, since you are arrogant.
‪[세정의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[긴박한 음악]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪세정아, 어디 가?‬Se-jeong, where are you going?
‪- (세정) 과수대 따라가요‬ ‪- (재석) 아, 윤종훈?‬I'm following the CSI actor. Yoon Jong-hoon?
‪(세정)‬ ‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪이 사람이, 1번 후보가‬After the politician was killed
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪(세정)‬ ‪그, 꽃의 살인마한테 죽었거든요‬After the politician was killed by The Flower Killer a while ago,
‪거기서 뭘 숨겨서‬ ‪지금 누굴 기다리고 있어요‬he took something from the scene, and now he's waiting for someone.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(세정)‬ ‪어! 만물상‬-Tae Hang-ho! -It's Tae Hang-ho.
‪(재석)‬ ‪만물상?‬-Tae Hang-ho! -It's Tae Hang-ho.
‪[배우4가 휘파람을 분다]‬
‪(배우4)‬ ‪현장 조사하면서 슬쩍하는 거‬ ‪어렵지 않잖아?‬Taking something from the scene during an investigation isn't that hard, is it?
‪[배우4의 웃음]‬
‪잘했어, 잘했어‬ ‪그래, 다음 주에 그거 들고 와‬All right. Good job. Bring that next week.
‪- (재석) 내가 가 볼게‬ ‪- (세정) 갈게요‬-I'll follow him. -Okay, bye.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪이제 다른 곳 좀 가 볼까?‬Should I try somewhere else now?
‪여기 좀 낯이 익은데‬This place looks familiar.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[배우9의 피곤한 신음]‬
‪[배우9가 침대에 탁 눕는다]‬
‪아, K‬It's K.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪죽었다‬He's dead.
‪아이씨, 뭐야?‬Oh, my gosh.
‪K가 맞는데‬It really is K.
‪- (종민) K 죽었어?‬ ‪- (세훈) K, K, K‬-K's dead? -It's K.
‪- (종민) K 살았어?‬ ‪- (세훈) 죽었어요‬-Is he alive? -He's dead.
‪- (종민) 죽었다고, 벌써?‬ ‪- (세훈) 응‬-Is he alive? -He's dead. -He's dead already? -Yes.
‪(세훈과 민영)‬ ‪- 제가 왔을, 제가 왔을 때 딱 잠들고‬ ‪- 어떻게 죽었는지 못 봤어?‬-Did you see how he died? -I saw him going to sleep and then the red light came on.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪갑자기 빨간 핀이 탁 켜지면서‬ ‪[조명이 탁 켜진다]‬and then the red light came on. -He died right away? -Yes.
‪- (민영) 바로 죽었어?‬ ‪- (세훈) 예‬-He died right away? -Yes. I came here before when K wasn't here.
‪(종민)‬ ‪나는 아까 여기‬ ‪K가 없을 때 왔어, 나는‬I came here before when K wasn't here. I saw The Flower Killer put something on the table.
‪근데 그 꽃의 살인마가‬ ‪여기다가 설치해 놓은 게 있어‬I saw The Flower Killer put something on the table.
‪- (세훈) 설치한 게 있다고요?‬ ‪- (종민) 어‬-He put something there? -Yes.
‪- (세훈) 아, 향이다, 향‬ ‪- (종민) 향초‬-Oh, it's the candle. -The candle.
‪- (종민) 향초를‬ ‪- (민영) 아, 그, 아까‬The candle... The Flower Killer got poison, remember?
‪그, 독성 물질 두 가지 있었잖아요‬The Flower Killer got poison, remember? He must've put it in the candle.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪아, 이 향이네, 향‬He must've put it in the candle.
‪(민영)‬ ‪그럼 K는 향초 때문에...‬-So K died because of the candle. -Right.
‪- (종민) 그렇지‬ ‪- (세훈) 근데 그때 K가 죽었을 때‬-So K died because of the candle. -Right. But when K died...
‪벌써‬ ‪미리 죽었다고 했어, 죽은 다음에‬They said he was already dead.
‪- (민재) 칼로 찌른 창상이 있어서‬ ‪- (재욱) 어‬-Because there was a knife wound, -Yes.
‪(민재)‬ ‪칼로 인해서 죽은 줄 알았는데‬ ‪알고 보니 독살이더라고요‬I thought he was stabbed to death. but he was actually poisoned.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 그러니까 이게‬but he was actually poisoned. -So you're saying... -He didn't die because he got stabbed.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪칼로 살해한 것 자체가 아니라는 거지‬-So you're saying... -He didn't die because he got stabbed. You're saying there's another culprit.
‪범인이 한 명이 아니라는 얘기 아니야?‬You're saying there's another culprit.
‪이 향으로 인해서 죽고‬ ‪이제 칼만 그다음에 이렇게‬So he died from the candle, and Lee Yu-jin stabbed his body after that.
‪- (종민) 와서 죽인 거지‬ ‪- (세훈) 예‬ ‪[째깍거리는 효과음]‬-He stabbed him. -Right.
‪(민영)‬ ‪만든 거...‬ ‪[탐정들의 놀란 탄성]‬-So the candle... -Oh, he's here.
‪(재석)‬ ‪또 왔다, 또 왔다‬He's back.
‪숨을 쉬나, 안 쉬나 확인한 거 아니야?‬He was checking if he was breathing.
‪(종민)‬ ‪아, 그런가 본데‬ ‪확인됐나 보다, 죽은 게‬Oh, I see. I guess he saw that he was dead.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪그럼 중요한 게 지금‬ ‪이런 식으로 죽였다는 거 아니야?‬So the point is that the candle is how he killed K.
‪- (종민) 그렇지‬ ‪- (세훈) 와, 진짜‬So the point is that the candle is how he killed K. -Yes. -My gosh.
‪(종민)‬ ‪아, 저렇게 올려놓고 갔구나‬So he placed the flower like that.
‪(배우15)‬ ‪내 마지막 작품‬My final piece.
‪(종민과 민영)‬ ‪'마지막 작품'?‬ ‪[세훈이 중얼거린다]‬-His final piece? -"Final piece"?
‪'행복한 종말'이라는 꽃말을 가진‬I will give you a canna, a flower
‪(배우15)‬ ‪칸나를 당신께 선물하지‬that means "happy ending."
‪[배우15의 웃음]‬
‪[배우15의 웃음]‬
‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬
‪(승기)‬ ‪근데 마지막 작품이라고 하지 않았어?‬-The flower. -He just said it's his last piece.
‪[재석이 호응한다]‬ ‪- (민영) 응, 마지막...‬ ‪- (승기) 근데 태항호‬-Yes. His last one. -But Tae Hang-ho... -So... -He died today, though.
‪- (민영) 그러니까‬ ‪- (승기) 오늘 그랬잖아‬-So... -He died today, though. Maybe there's another killer.
‪[재석의 탄성]‬ ‪그럼 한 명이 아닐 수도 있나?‬Maybe there's another killer.
‪- 살인마가?‬ ‪- (민영) 예‬-Another killer? -Yes.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪- (종민) 살인마가?‬ ‪- (재석) 야, 이거 모르겠네‬-Another killer? -I have no clue. There could be another one.
‪(민영)‬ ‪한 명이 아닐 수도 있는 거지‬There could be another one. The Flower Killer could have finished his murders with K.
‪꽃의 살인마가 여기까지 하고‬The Flower Killer could have finished his murders with K.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 근데 우리가 봤을 때는‬ ‪해바라기였잖아‬But when we saw K's body, it was a sunflower.
‪(민영과 재석)‬ ‪- 해바라기였고‬ ‪- 지금 이 꽃은 해바라기가 아니잖아‬-Yes, it was a sunflower. -But this one isn't. Did he switch the flowers?
‪(종민)‬ ‪그럼 꽃을 바꿔치기했나?‬Did he switch the flowers?
‪(승기와 민영)‬ ‪- 아니지, 모방범이 있는 거 같다니까‬ ‪- 그러니까‬-No, I think there's a copycat. -Right.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 그러니까 어찌 됐든‬-No, I think there's a copycat. -Right. Anyway, the one who brought the candle is that man, right?
‪- 양초를 놓고 간 사람이 그 사람이지?‬ ‪- (종민) 예‬Anyway, the one who brought the candle is that man, right?
‪그렇지? 그 사람이 와서‬ ‪이 꽃을 놨는데‬He came back and put that flower there.
‪(종민)‬ ‪예‬But when we arrived,
‪- (종민) 우리가 갔을 때는 다른‬ ‪- (재석) 해바라기였지‬ ‪[민영이 말한다]‬But when we arrived, -there was a sunflower. -A sunflower.
‪(종민)‬ ‪아, 이따 누가 바꾸는지 봐야겠네‬-there was a sunflower. -A sunflower. We should see who switches them.
‪(민영)‬ ‪그 후에 누군가가 와서‬ ‪이 꽃도 바꿔치기하고‬We should see who switches them. So someone must have come -and switched the flowers. -Yes.
‪[종민이 호응한다]‬-and switched the flowers. -Yes. Someone worshiping The Flower Killer
‪그러니까 꽃의 살인마를‬ ‪숭배하던 누군가가‬Someone worshiping The Flower Killer could have done that and then started killing others.
‪나머지 사건을 저지르면서‬could have done that and then started killing others.
‪마치 자신이 꽃의 살인마인 것처럼‬ ‪[재석의 탄성]‬And pretended that they were -The Flower Killer. -You're right.
‪- 포장을 한 걸 수도 있다니까‬ ‪- (종민) 그렇지‬-The Flower Killer. -You're right.
‪(민영)‬ ‪그리고 이런 공연까지 하고‬-The Flower Killer. -You're right. And also did plays like this
‪자기를 우상화시키는 거지‬to make themselves get worshiped. I actually saw
‪아니, 아까 내가 보고 온 게‬I actually saw
‪태항호랑 윤종훈이랑‬ ‪모종의 거래가 있더라고‬Tae Hang-ho and Yoon Jong-hoon making some kind of deal.
‪- (재석) 그래‬ ‪- (종민) 돈을 놔두고‬Tae Hang-ho and Yoon Jong-hoon making some kind of deal. -Yes. -Tae Hang-ho gave him money
‪(종민)‬ ‪'현장에서 뭐 하나 숨길 수 있잖아'‬ ‪이러면서 돈을 주고 갔어‬and said something about taking something from the scene.
‪[재석의 탄식]‬Oh, my gosh.
‪(종민)‬ ‪윤종훈이 여기 와서 바꿔치기했나?‬So did Yoon Jong-hoon switch the flowers?
‪[세훈의 생각하는 신음]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪그럴 수도 있겠네‬-I guess that's possible. -So there could be someone
‪(승기)‬ ‪뭔가 꽃의 살인마 말고도‬-I guess that's possible. -So there could be someone
‪[저마다 말한다]‬ ‪다른 누군가가‬ ‪있을 수 있다는 거잖아, 지금‬doing the killing besides the real Flower Killer, right?
‪실제 꽃의 살인마가 아닌 사람이‬ ‪또 있다는 거네?‬Someone who's not the real Flower Killer.
‪(민영과 종민)‬ ‪- 그렇죠, 꽃의 살인마인 척하는‬ ‪- 그렇지‬Someone who's not the real Flower Killer. -Right. -Someone pretending to be. Yes, and that person is close by.
‪- (재석) 하는 사람이‬ ‪- 그게 가까이에 있다는 거 아니야‬Yes, and that person is close by.
‪(승기)‬ ‪태항호나 아니면 아까 말한 그, 누구?‬It could be Tae Hang-ho or Yoon Jong-hoon.
‪- (종민) 윤종훈‬ ‪- (승기) 어‬It could be Tae Hang-ho or Yoon Jong-hoon.
‪[승기의 탄성]‬
‪(민영)‬ ‪벌써 네 명의 꽃의 살인마가‬ ‪살인을 했고‬Four of the Flower Killers killed the victims so far.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪(재석)‬ ‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪민영아, 뭐 해?‬Min-young, what are you doing?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬Min-young, what are you doing?
‪[휘파람을 분다]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(민영)‬ ‪어디다 전화를 하는 거지?‬Who is he calling?
‪[전화벨이 울린다]‬Who is he calling?
‪[배우16이 수화기를 탁 집어 든다]‬ ‪(배우16)‬ ‪네, 여보세요?‬Hello?
‪404호에 화분요? 네, 알겠습니다‬A plant for room 404? All right.
‪[배우16이 수화기를 탁 내려놓는다]‬
‪(배우16)‬ ‪표현승 환자한테 꽃 배달이 왔대요‬There's a flower delivery for that patient.
‪병실로 들어올 수 없어서‬ ‪밑에서 기다리고 있나 봐요‬The delivery man's waiting downstairs since he can't enter.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(승기)‬ ‪어, 뭐야, 태항호야?‬What? Is that Tae Hang-ho?
‪- (재석) 아, 이렇게 죽었구나‬ ‪- (민영) 예‬-So that's how he died. -Yes.
‪(재석)‬ ‪씁, 어디서 많이 보던 사람인데?‬I think I've seen him before.
‪- (재석) 윤종훈 아니야?‬ ‪- (승기) 윤종훈‬-Yoon Jong-hoon? -Yoon Jong-hoon?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪- (민영) 윤종훈‬ ‪- (재석) 아니, 윤종훈 여기 왜 있어?‬-Yoon Jong-hoon? -Yoon Jong-hoon? What is he doing here?
‪윤종훈이 모방범이야, 그러면?‬So is Yoon Jong-hoon the copycat killer?
‪(재석)‬ ‪아니, 윤종훈이 태항호를 죽인 거야?‬Yoon Jong-hoon killed Tae Hang-ho? You said something you shouldn't have.
‪(종훈)‬ ‪해서는 안 될 말을‬You said something you shouldn't have.
‪(재석)‬ ‪잠깐, 잠깐, 잠깐, 잠깐, 잠깐...‬ ‪[종훈의 놀란 신음]‬Wait. Wait a second.
‪잠깐만, 아, 잠깐만, 저기, 잠깐만‬Wait a second. -Hang on. -What?
‪- (종훈) 뭐야?‬ ‪- (재석) 저기‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬-Hang on. -What? -You... -What are you doing?
‪- (종훈) 뭐 하시는 거예요?‬ ‪- (재석) 당신‬-You... -What are you doing? -Aren't you Yoon Jong-hoon? -Hey!
‪(재석과 종훈)‬ ‪- 당신 윤종훈 아니야? 잠깐만‬ ‪- 뭐 하시는 거예요? 아...‬-Aren't you Yoon Jong-hoon? -Hey! -Hang on. -Hey, watch it!
‪- (종훈) 무슨 소리 하시는 거예요?‬ ‪- (재석) 아니, 잠깐만...‬ ‪[종훈의 아파하는 신음]‬-Hang on. -Hey, watch it! -Just a moment. -Hey!
‪(재석)‬ ‪어? 이 사람 맞...‬-Just a moment. -Hey! It really is you. You're Yoon Jong-hoon, right?
‪- (재석) 윤종훈 맞지?‬ ‪- (종훈) 아이, 누구, 어?‬It really is you. You're Yoon Jong-hoon, right? You...
‪- (종훈) 어, 민영 탐정님‬ ‪- (재석) 아니, 저...‬-Min-young? -Hey...
‪[종훈의 다급한 신음]‬ ‪- (재석) 아니, 잠깐만‬ ‪- (종훈) 여기!‬-Hey, wait a minute. -Someone help!
‪(종훈)‬ ‪아, 예, 과학 수사대‬ ‪마스코트 윤종훈입니다‬I'm Yoon Jong-hoon, the mascot of the Crime Scene Investigation.
‪아, 예, 반갑습니다‬I'm Yoon Jong-hoon, the mascot of the Crime Scene Investigation. It's a pleasure to meet you.
‪(종훈)‬ ‪빨리 도와주세요, 도와주세요‬ ‪[소란스럽다]‬-Help! -No!
‪- (종훈) 도와주세요, 도와주세요‬ ‪- (재석) 아, 이 사람 웃긴 사람...‬-Help me! -Hey!
‪[저마다 말한다]‬ ‪(승기)‬ ‪어, 도망...‬-Hey! -Hey! He's running away! Hang on.
‪(재석)‬ ‪잠깐만, 아이, 잠깐만‬He's running away! Hang on.
‪[긴박한 음악]‬ ‪- (재석) 야, 어디...‬ ‪- (승기) 저기 있다!‬He's running away! Hang on. -Where is he? -Where are you going?
‪(재석)‬ ‪야‬ ‪[민영의 다급한 신음]‬Hey!
‪[종훈의 가쁜 숨소리]‬Hey!
‪[종훈의 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪- (승기) 잡아, 잡아‬ ‪- (재석) 야, 윤종훈, 씨‬-Wait! -Yoon Jong-hoon!
‪[종훈의 다급한 신음]‬ ‪(승기)‬ ‪아이, 야, 일로 와‬Come here.
‪- (재석) 당신 왜 여기 있어, 어?‬ ‪- (종훈) 예?‬-What are you doing here? -What? These are supposed to be plays reenacting the murders,
‪(승기)‬ ‪오늘 사건 재연하는 걸로만‬ ‪알고 있었는데‬These are supposed to be plays reenacting the murders, but weren't you trying to kill someone?
‪이거 진짜로‬ ‪죽이려 그랬던 거 아니에요?‬but weren't you trying to kill someone?
‪(재석)‬ ‪아니, 지금 진짜 죽이려 그랬던 거야?‬ ‪[종훈의 놀란 신음]‬You were really about to kill him? Why would I kill someone? What are you talking about?
‪아, 누가 누굴 죽여요‬ ‪무슨 소리 하시는 거예요, 지금?‬Why would I kill someone? What are you talking about?
‪(재석)‬ ‪아이, 잠깐, 잠깐, 잠깐‬Hang on.
‪[종훈의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪(종훈)‬ ‪아니, 저한테 왜 그러시는 거예요?‬Why are you doing this to me?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪- (재석) 야, 이거 봐라? 아, 그러니까‬ ‪- (민영) 어떻게 된 거예요?‬Wow, look at him. -You're the one who killed Tae Hang-ho. -What's going on?
‪(재석)‬ ‪당신이 태항호를 죽인 범인 아니야?‬-You're the one who killed Tae Hang-ho. -What's going on? Tae Hang-ho is dead?
‪태항호가 죽었다고요?‬Tae Hang-ho is dead? The room where you were is where Tae Hang-ho died.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아까 당신 들어간 데가‬ ‪태항호 죽은 데 아니야?‬The room where you were is where Tae Hang-ho died.
‪(종훈)‬ ‪아니, 태항호가‬ ‪언제, 어디서, 어떻게 죽었어요?‬When and how did he die?
‪그러니까 왜 죽였냐고, 왜?‬Why did you kill him? I saw him and Tae Hang-ho making some kind of deal.
‪(종민)‬ ‪아니, 태항호랑‬ ‪굉장히 뒷거래가 있었더라고요‬I saw him and Tae Hang-ho making some kind of deal.
‪(종훈)‬ ‪제가 태항호랑은‬ ‪제가 원래 거래를 하던 사람입니다‬We used to work together.
‪뭐 빼돌려 달라고 했죠?‬He asked you to take something, right?
‪(종훈)‬ ‪참, K 죽었을 때요‬ ‪그거 팔았습니다, 그거‬I sold it after K died.
‪뭐? 아, 그거 얘기해야지‬-What did you sell? -Why do you keep selling stuff?
‪- (세정) 또, 아휴, 뭘 자꾸 팔고‬ ‪- 뭘 팔아넘겼는데?‬-What did you sell? -Why do you keep selling stuff?
‪- 향, 향, 향‬ ‪- (재석) 향?‬-What did you sell? -Why do you keep selling stuff? -The candle. -The candle?
‪- 향초? 향초, 향초?‬ ‪- (종훈) 예, 예, 예‬-The candle? -Yes. I'm sorry. I took the candle and sold it to him.
‪(종훈)‬ ‪제가 죄송합니다, 제가‬ ‪아, 제가 팔았어요, 제가‬I'm sorry. I took the candle and sold it to him. The candle was what killed K.
‪(종민)‬ ‪그거를, K가 그 캔들에 죽었어‬ ‪[째깍거리는 효과음]‬The candle was what killed K.
‪(재석과 민영)‬ ‪- 아, 그걸 아는 사람이 그걸 갖고...‬ ‪- 혹시, 혹시 꽃도 바꿨어요?‬Did you switch the flower, too?
‪(종훈)‬ ‪아, 아, 그건 안 건드렸습니다‬No, I didn't touch the flower. -You didn't? -I didn't touch it.
‪- 꽃 안 바꿨어요?‬ ‪- (종훈) 예, 저 몰라요‬-You didn't? -I didn't touch it. I only took the candle and sold it.
‪저는 향초만 팔았어요, 향초만‬I only took the candle and sold it.
‪(재석)‬ ‪경찰이면서 어떻게 그, 돈을 받고‬How can you do that when you're a police officer?
‪중요한 단서가 될 수 있는‬ ‪증거를 갖다 팔아넘겨요?‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬How could you sell important evidence like that?
‪야, 이 사람 진짜 웃긴 사람이네‬How could you sell important evidence like that? You're unbelievable.
‪(승기)‬ ‪큰일 날 사람이죠‬-It's ridiculous. -That makes no sense.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아니, 진짜‬ ‪말도 안 되는 소리를 하고 있어‬-It's ridiculous. -That makes no sense.
‪[종훈의 한숨]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 그러니까 태항호를 왜 죽였냐고‬So why did you kill Tae Hang-ho?
‪(종훈)‬ ‪제가 누굴 죽여요? 저는 그냥‬I didn't kill anyone. I was just
‪태항호 뒤를 캐다가‬investigating him,
‪(종훈과 승기)‬ ‪- 이 자식 킬로소피 회원이더라고요‬ ‪- 태항호가요?‬and I found out he was a Killosophy member. -Tae Hang-ho's a member? -Yes.
‪- 태항호가?‬ ‪- (종훈) 예, 예, 예‬-Tae Hang-ho's a member? -Yes.
‪"킬로소피"‬-Tae Hang-ho's a member? -Yes.
‪(종훈)‬ ‪이 자식 뒤를 좀 캐 보려고‬ ‪저도 회원에 가입한 거예요‬I just became a member to do an investigation.
‪제가 딱 가입하고 나니까‬ ‪이런 쪽지가 왔어요‬-And when I joined, I got this message. -Poison!
‪(종민)‬ ‪어? 포이즌‬-And when I joined, I got this message. -Poison! Yes, I was told to act as The Flower Killer.
‪(종훈)‬ ‪네, 아이, 저한테 이런 역할을 하라고‬Yes, I was told to act as The Flower Killer.
‪'공권력에 도전'인가, 프롬?‬The ID was "Challenge Authority." -So you got the role. -Yes.
‪역할을 맡게 됐다고‬ ‪이렇게 문자가 왔다고?‬ ‪[종훈이 수긍한다]‬-So you got the role. -Yes. Everything is just part of the play.
‪이게 다 짜여진 각본이잖아요, 지금‬Everything is just part of the play.
‪(종훈)‬ ‪게다가 저는 일정 때문에‬ ‪리허설도 못 하고‬And I couldn't even do the rehearsal because of the schedule. I only acted in the second part, and I just followed the script.
‪2부에만 나왔다고요‬ ‪각본대로 했을 뿐이라니까요‬I only acted in the second part, and I just followed the script.
‪태항호 그 자식이 제가 판 물품 중에‬Tae Hang-ho called me and said that one of the items I sold
‪(종훈)‬ ‪꽃의 살인마 단서를‬was a clue to one of The Flower Killer's murders.
‪가리키는 물품이 있다고‬ ‪저한테 연락이 온 거예요‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬was a clue to one of The Flower Killer's murders. -Right. -So
‪- (재석) 그래‬ ‪- (종훈) 그래서 오늘‬-Right. -So
‪태항호를 만나기로 했었습니다‬I said I'd meet him today.
‪10시에‬At ten.
‪- (종훈) 근데...‬ ‪- 만물상에서‬-At the general store? -Yes, the general store!
‪네, 네, 비밀 만물상‬-At the general store? -Yes, the general store!
‪- 어, 맞아, 맞아, 맞아‬ ‪- (종훈) 예‬-Oh, right! -Exactly!
‪- (종민) 10시에‬ ‪- 이거, 이거, 이거, 이거‬-General Store, 10 p.m. -Yes, this.
‪(종민)‬ ‪팔에 뭐 있지 않았어요?‬ ‪[세정이 호응한다]‬Wasn't there something here? -What's that? -What is it?
‪(종민과 재욱)‬ ‪뭐야?‬-What's that? -What is it?
‪- (재석) '비밀 만물상, 10pm'?‬ ‪- (종민) 만물상...‬ ‪[재욱이 말한다]‬"Secret General Store"? The general store. -"At 10 p.m."? -I'm telling you, it's not me.
‪(종훈)‬ ‪전 아니라고요‬-"At 10 p.m."? -I'm telling you, it's not me.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪지금 꽃의 살인마 떠올릴 수 있는‬ ‪인물은 누가 있는 거야?‬So who could be The Flower Killer? Let's think about who was there when K was dead.
‪K가 죽었을 때 누가 있었는지‬ ‪[재석의 탄식]‬Let's think about who was there when K was dead.
‪(민영)‬ ‪거기에, 잘 생각해 볼까요?‬Let's think about who was there when K was dead.
‪- (재욱) 그때 이 친구랑 그, 김 형사‬ ‪- 김민재‬-Him and the officer... -Kim Min-jae. The police officer...
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(민영)‬ ‪경찰이면‬The police officer...
‪(승기)‬ ‪경찰이면 증거물에 손대기도 너무 쉽죠‬-It'll be easy to obtain evidence. -Right.
‪(민영)‬ ‪그렇죠, 꽃을 바꾸기도 좋고‬ ‪[재석이 호응한다]‬-It'll be easy to obtain evidence. -Right. And it'll be easy to switch the flowers.
‪그래서 이렇게 나쁜 범죄도‬ ‪저지를 수 있는 거고‬And it'll be easy to switch the flowers. So it'll be possible to commit such crimes. And Kim Min-jae...
‪(승기)‬ ‪그리고 김민재는‬And Kim Min-jae... When they found the body at the tunnel...
‪동굴 안에서‬ ‪살인 사건이 일어났을 때도‬When they found the body at the tunnel... -He was there first. -Right.
‪- 제일 먼저 와 있었네?‬ ‪- (민영) 제일 먼저 와 있었잖아‬-He was there first. -Right.
‪(민영)‬ ‪우리보다 먼저 도착해 있었어요‬He was there before we arrived. Sergeant Kim.
‪(재석)‬ ‪형사님!‬Sergeant Kim.
‪- (세정) 맞네, 맞네‬ ‪- (재석) 아, 맞네, 맞네‬Sergeant Kim. -Excuse me. -It's him.
‪- (세훈) 아는 분이에요, 아는 분‬ ‪- (재석) 잠깐만, 우리 저기, 아는 분‬-Excuse me. -It's him. We're acquainted with him.
‪유독 살인 사건에‬ ‪제일 먼저 와 있었어, 우리보다‬He seemed to arrive first at several murder scenes.
‪근데 심지어 그때에만‬ ‪거기 현장에 꽃이 없었어요‬Right, and there was no flower at the scene. -Right. -We only found out later.
‪- (민영) 맞아‬ ‪- (세정) 나중에 알았잖아요, 저희가‬-Right. -We only found out later.
‪(민영)‬ ‪윤종훈 씨를 갖다가‬ ‪이용할 수 있는 사람도 김민재인 거죠‬Kim Min-jae could have also used Yoon Jong-hoon.
‪가장, 가장 근처에서‬He's close by, and...
‪미끼?‬He's bait?
‪(재욱)‬ ‪김민재가 좀, 뭔가 좀 냄새가‬Kim Min-jae seems pretty suspicious.
‪- 많이 나는데?‬ ‪- (재욱) 어‬-He really is. -Yes.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 근데‬Look at this.
‪이게 뒤의 수첩이 이게 경찰 수첩인데‬This paper is from a police officer's notebook.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- (세훈) 맞아요, 경찰 모양이에요‬ ‪- (종민) 그래‬-You're right. It has the police mark. -It does.
‪(종민과 재욱)‬ ‪- 혹시 수첩 갖고 있어요, 수첩?‬ ‪- 아, 어디, 어디, 어디?‬-You're right. It has the police mark. -It does. Let me see. Do you have a police notebook? Of course. I have mine here.
‪아, 제 수첩 여기 있죠‬Of course. I have mine here.
‪(종훈)‬ ‪아, 여기, 저는 깨끗하잖아요, 지금‬ ‪[재석이 말한다]‬Of course. I have mine here. -Look, it's clean. -Let me see.
‪- (재석) 이거 딱 맞는데, 응?‬ ‪- (세훈) 아니, 딱 맞는데?‬-It fits perfectly. -It's the same one.
‪- (재석) 완전 같은 건데‬ ‪- (승기) 완전 똑같은데?‬ ‪[세훈이 호응한다]‬-It's exactly the same. -It's the same.
‪(종민)‬ ‪이건 뭐야, 뭐가 쓰여 있는데?‬What's this? Something's written here. What's this?
‪(종훈)‬ ‪어? 이건 뭐지?‬What's this?
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 근데 이 사람‬ ‪자기 수첩에다 넣어 놓은 걸 이걸 몰라‬It was in your notebook, and you don't know?
‪(종훈)‬ ‪아니, 제가 넣어 놓은 게 아니라고...‬ ‪경찰 수첩을 누가 만지지?‬It was in your notebook, and you don't know? I didn't put it there. Who'd touch my notebook?
‪지뢰 아니겠죠? 지뢰 찾기‬It wouldn't be Minesweeper, would it?
‪만약에 지뢰 찾기라면 뭐가 나와요?‬If it is, what would it show?
‪안에 있는 숫자가‬ ‪사각형 변 개수인 거예요‬I think the numbers mean the sides of the square.
‪(세정)‬ ‪그러니까 여기는 네 개잖아요‬ ‪그럼 여기 네 변이 다 채워지는 거예요‬So since this is four, it'd mean all four sides are outlined.
‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬ ‪[세정이 말한다]‬So since this is four, it'd mean all four sides are outlined. -Like this. -It seems like it'll work.
‪- (재욱) 완전 그럴듯한데?‬ ‪- (종민) 야, 그럼 채워 봐 봐‬-Like this. -It seems like it'll work. Try outlining the sides.
‪(종민)‬ ‪영어 같은데?‬It seems to be in English.
‪- 지금 L, E 나왔거든요, L, E‬ ‪- (세훈) 'L, E'‬-There's an L and an E. -L and E?
‪(민영)‬ ‪'L, E'?‬L, E, and...
‪- (세정) 얘도 A인 것 같은데요‬ ‪- (승기) 무슨 밸리?‬I think that's an A. -"Valley"? -That's an A, too.
‪- (세정) 얘도 A예요‬ ‪- (종민) A야, 쟤도 A야, 그럼, A, A‬ ‪[민영이 말한다]‬-"Valley"? -That's an A, too. -it's an A? -A.
‪(종민)‬ ‪저게...‬That's...
‪[종민이 말한다]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 진짜 알아서 해, 진짜!‬That's... You're not going to join in?
‪(종훈)‬ ‪네!‬No!
‪(종민과 세정)‬ ‪- 뭐야, 어디 갔어?‬ ‪- 근데 저분이 아닌 거 같은 게 뭐냐면‬Hey, where is he going? I don't think it's him. While I was watching the plays,
‪아까 그, 연극 보는데‬While I was watching the plays,
‪(세정)‬ ‪꽃의 살인마 역할이‬ ‪따로 있는데도 불구하고‬I saw that there were roles for The Flower Killer
‪[종민이 말한다]‬ ‪그 연기에 저 윤종훈 씨 역할이‬ ‪따로 있었어요‬but there was a separate role for Yoon Jong-hoon. -Oh, really? -Yes.
‪- 아, 진짜?‬ ‪- (세정) 예‬-Oh, really? -Yes.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬-Oh, really? -Yes.
‪(종민)‬ ‪T 나왔어, A, 뭐, T‬There's a T. So A, something, T.
‪(승기)‬ ‪아트밸리?‬"Art valley"?
‪[종민의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪- (재석) 아, 맞네‬ ‪- (세정) 오, 맞다‬-What? -Oh, you're right!
‪- (민영) 맞네, 아트밸리‬ ‪- (세정) 아트밸리 맞다‬-What? -Oh, you're right! -It's "art valley." -Pocheon Art Valley?
‪- 포천 아트밸리‬ ‪- (재석) 아트밸리?‬ ‪[저마다 말한다]‬-It's "art valley." -Pocheon Art Valley? -It's nearby. -Art valley?
‪(세정)‬ ‪글로 오라는 건가, 지금?‬So we're supposed to go there? -Ten. -By ten!
‪- (재욱) 10시‬ ‪- (재석) 야, 이게‬-Ten. -By ten!
‪[민영이 말한다]‬ ‪- (종민) 10시까지‬ ‪- (재석) 아트밸리 10시구나‬-Ten. -By ten! Art valley at ten.
‪(종민)‬ ‪지금 빨리 가야 돼요‬ ‪지금 시간 몇 시야?‬Art valley at ten. -We have to hurry. We don't have time. -It's almost ten already.
‪(재석과 승기)‬ ‪- 지금 시간 다 됐어, 지금 가야 돼‬ ‪- 지금 가야 돼, 지금 가야 돼...‬-We have to hurry. We don't have time. -It's almost ten already. -We have to go. -Hurry.
‪- (종민) 가자, 가자‬ ‪- (세정) 아휴‬Come on.
‪[종민의 탄성]‬ ‪(승기)‬ ‪포천 아트밸리‬Pocheon Art Valley.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아니, 그러면 태항호가‬ ‪죽은 거야, 어떻게 된 거야?‬So is Tae Hang-ho really dead or what?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪(승기)‬ ‪태항호는 죽은 거 아니에요, 그러니까?‬So is Tae Hang-ho really dead or what? Isn't he dead? -He's dead, right? -He's dead.
‪- (재석) 죽은 거지?‬ ‪- (승기) 죽은 거잖아요‬-He's dead, right? -He's dead. But somebody must have moved his body.
‪근데 그걸 누군가 치운 거겠죠?‬But somebody must have moved his body.
‪(재석)‬ ‪태항호 어디 갔어?‬Hey, where did he go?
‪(종민)‬ ‪꽃의 살인마가 K를 죽일 때‬ ‪마지막이라고 했어‬When The Flower Killer was killing K, he said it was his last murder.
‪(배우15)‬ ‪내 마지막 작품‬he said it was his last murder. -My final piece. -His final piece?
‪'마지막 작품'?‬-My final piece. -His final piece?
‪(배우15)‬ ‪'행복한 종말'‬-My final piece. -His final piece? I will give you a canna, a flower that means "happy ending."
‪칸나를 당신께 선물하지‬I will give you a canna, a flower that means "happy ending."
‪(승기)‬ ‪범인이 둘인가?‬Then are there two killers?
‪(승기)‬ ‪윤종훈은 태항호를 살해한 범인이고‬Then are there two killers? Yoon Jong-hoon could have killed Tae Hang-ho,
‪- (승기) 김민재는 꽃의 살인마‬ ‪- (종민) 꽃의 살인마‬and Kim Min-jae could be The Flower Killer.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪공교롭게 모든 우리 사건에‬ ‪그, 김민재 형사가‬and Kim Min-jae could be The Flower Killer. For some reason, Sergeant Kim arrived
‪하여튼 어떻게든지‬ ‪나타나긴 나타났었지‬at all the crime scenes that we went to.
‪(민재)‬ ‪임 형사님 후배 김민재 경사입니다‬I am Sergeant Kim Min-jae. -It's nice to meet you. -It's him.
‪- 처음 뵙겠습니다‬ ‪- (재석) 어, 예, 예‬-It's nice to meet you. -It's him.
‪(재석과 세훈)‬ ‪- 화면 속에 있는 그 사람, 맞지?‬ ‪- 맞아요, 맞아‬-It's nice to meet you. -It's him. Sergeant Kim. We meet again.
‪- (재석) 형사님! 여기서 또 뵙네‬ ‪- (세훈) 아, 다행이네‬Sergeant Kim. We meet again.
‪(세정)‬ ‪형사님, 여기 어쩐 일이세요?‬-Sergeant Kim, what brings you here? -I'm here to meet Min Sung-wook.
‪민성욱 씨 찾으러 왔습니다‬-Sergeant Kim, what brings you here? -I'm here to meet Min Sung-wook. Isn't that Sergeant Kim?
‪(승기)‬ ‪저분 형사님 아니셔?‬Isn't that Sergeant Kim? I'm sure I only asked a few of you to come.
‪몇 분만 오라고 하지 않았나요?‬I'm sure I only asked a few of you to come.
‪(승기)‬ ‪김민재는 너무 수상해‬It's so suspicious.
‪아, 갔는데 김민재 있으면‬If Sergeant Kim is there,
‪제가 멱살 한번 잡을게요‬If Sergeant Kim is there, I'll grab him by the collar.
‪[승기와 종민의 웃음]‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬I'll grab him by the collar.
‪[승기의 탄성]‬ ‪(종민)‬ ‪아, 근데 김민재는 얼굴이‬But Kim Min-jae doesn't really look like he'd commit a crime.
‪범인 상이 아닌데?‬But Kim Min-jae doesn't really look like he'd commit a crime. You don't really look like a detective, either.
‪너도 탐정 상은 아니야‬You don't really look like a detective, either.
‪[함께 웃는다]‬You don't really look like a detective, either.
‪(종민)‬ ‪똑같이 생겼는데 왜요?‬You and I are no different. What are you talking about?
‪뭘 똑같이 생겨?‬What are you talking about?
‪(승기)‬ ‪어쨌든 아트밸리 가 보면 뭔가 하여튼‬Anyway, we'll discover something once we get to Art Valley.
‪- (종민) 나올 것 같아, 실마리나...‬ ‪- (승기) 나올 것 같은데?‬Anyway, we'll discover something once we get to Art Valley. -Yes, we'll find something. -Yes.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪(종민)‬ ‪다 왔어, 다 왔어‬ ‪[재석의 탄성]‬We're here.
‪- (재석) 여기 무슨 안내소 있는데?‬ ‪- (세훈) 안내소 있는데요?‬-There's an information center here. -Yes.
‪- (세훈) '안내소'‬ ‪- (재석) 어유‬An information center.
‪[재석의 한숨]‬
‪[재석이 중얼거린다]‬Here...
‪(승기)‬ ‪어?‬
‪(세정)‬ ‪어, 뭐야, 깜짝이야, 아, 깜짝이야‬Oh, gosh. He startled me.
‪천 달러‬ ‪[돈통 열리는 효과음]‬A thousand dollars. This guy wants a thousand dollars.
‪- (승기) 뭐야? 뭐야, 뭐야?‬ ‪- 아, 이분은 또 천 달러네?‬This guy wants a thousand dollars.
‪[밝은 음악]‬ ‪(항호)‬ ‪물어보려면 만 달러‬Give me 10,000 dollars.
‪만 달러‬Give me 10,000 dollars.
‪만 달러‬Give me 10,000 dollars.
‪천 달러‬A thousand dollars.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아니, 저기, 태항호 씨 좀‬ ‪만나러 왔는데요‬We're here to meet Tae Hang-ho.
‪천 달러‬ ‪[돈통 열리는 효과음]‬A thousand dollars.
‪[탐정들의 당황한 신음]‬ ‪(종민)‬ ‪천 달러면‬A thousand dollars -is a little better than 10 thousand. -Is this a general store, too?
‪만 달러보다는 조금 낫다‬-is a little better than 10 thousand. -Is this a general store, too?
‪여기도 만물상이야?‬-is a little better than 10 thousand. -Is this a general store, too?
‪(재석)‬ ‪여기 뭐, 여기가‬ ‪비밀 만물상이라 그랬잖아‬This is the Secret General Store or something.
‪아, 비밀 만물상 찾아오셨으면‬Oh, if you're here for the Secret General Store,
‪VIP분들이신가 보네요‬you must be VIPs.
‪보통 VIP분들이 오시면 늘, 으쌰‬When VIPs visit, they usually... Here we go.
‪씁, 요 열쇠를 여시고요‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬You need to unlock this,
‪(남자2)‬ ‪여기서 진짜 지도를 찾으셔서‬ ‪찾아가시면 됩니다‬and find the real map among these.
‪그러니까 이 지도 중에‬ ‪이 암호를 풀면‬and find the real map among these. So if we solve this code here,
‪(재석과 재욱)‬ ‪- 진짜 지도가 여기 있는 거야‬ ‪- 진짜 지도가...‬we'll find the real map? So those pictures are a code?
‪(민영)‬ ‪이게 암호라는 거잖아요?‬So those pictures are a code? -What could it be? -Doesn't it look like a dance?
‪- (재석) 뭐지?‬ ‪- (승기) 이거 무슨 춤 같지 않아요?‬-What could it be? -Doesn't it look like a dance?
‪[흥겨운 음악]‬ ‪- (승기) 하나, 둘‬ ‪- (민영) 둘‬-One, two. -Two. -The hand. -Three.
‪- (재석) 손, 손‬ ‪- (승기) 셋, 넷‬-The hand. -Three. -Four. -No, like this.
‪- (세정) 이렇게 해서, 이렇게‬ ‪- (재석) 이거, 이거, 이거‬-Four. -No, like this. No, it's like this.
‪(민영)‬ ‪아니, 이거, 이거, 요거, 요거‬No, it's like this.
‪(민영과 세훈)‬ ‪- 이게 자세히 보면‬ ‪- 아, 이렇게 해서 이렇게 들고 있네‬-If you look closely... -Raise your foot.
‪(민영)‬ ‪이쪽이 들고 있어, 한쪽...‬-If you look closely... -Raise your foot. -One foot is raised. -You're right.
‪- (재석) 그렇네, 그렇네‬ ‪- (세정) 와, 이렇게 해야 돼요?‬-One foot is raised. -You're right. -You have to do it like this? -It's this hard?
‪(승기)‬ ‪이렇게 어렵다고, 안무가?‬-You have to do it like this? -It's this hard? You really think this is some dance?
‪근데 정말 춤추는 게 맞다고요?‬You really think this is some dance? -It's really hard. -One,
‪- (세정) 진짜 어려운데?‬ ‪- (재석) 하나, 둘, 셋, 넷‬-It's really hard. -One, two, three, four...
‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬two, three, four... -Isn't this move like this? -What is this?
‪(승기와 재석)‬ ‪- 야, 이건, 이건 100% 이거 아니에요?‬ ‪- 야, 이거 뭐냐?‬-Isn't this move like this? -What is this?
‪- (승기) 이건 100% 이거 아니에요?‬ ‪- (세훈) 풀렸어요?‬-Isn't this move like this? -What is this? -Isn't this it? -Did you solve it?
‪(재석)‬ ‪무조건이지‬It definitely is.
‪- (세훈) 안 풀렸어요?‬ ‪- (재석) 야, 이게 뭐냐?‬It definitely is. What could this be?
‪(승기)‬ ‪어, 이거 도수 체조인가?‬-Is this some kind of workout routine? -One, two.
‪- (승기) 하나, 하나‬ ‪- (재석) 둘‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬-Is this some kind of workout routine? -One, two. -One, two. -Two.
‪- (승기) 둘, 셋, 넷‬ ‪- (재석) 손, 손‬ ‪[저마다 말한다]‬-One, two. -Two. -Your hand. -Three, four.
‪- (세정) 이렇게 해서, 이렇게‬ ‪- (재석) 이거, 이거...‬-Your hand. -Three, four. -Like this. -No, it's this one.
‪(민영)‬ ‪이거, 이거, 요거, 요거‬-Like this. -No, it's this one.
‪- (승기) 아, 그러니까 셋, 아...‬ ‪- (세정) 반대, 반대‬ ‪[민영이 말한다]‬Okay. Three... -It's the other way. -Keep it up.
‪- (민영) 이게 자세히 보면‬ ‪- (세훈) 아, 이렇게 들고 있네요‬-It's the other way. -Keep it up. -If you look closely... -Oh, like this.
‪[민영이 설명한다]‬-If you look closely... -Oh, like this. This one is...
‪(세훈)‬ ‪와, 종민이 형 풀었어요‬This one is... Wow, Jong-min solved it. -Really? -Really?
‪(승기)‬ ‪진짜로?‬ ‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬-Really? -Really?
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪풀었어?‬-Really? -Really? He did it when we weren't even looking?
‪(승기)‬ ‪이렇게 집중 안 할 때 풀었다고?‬ ‪[세정과 민영의 탄성]‬He did it when we weren't even looking?
‪야, 어떻게 이렇게‬ ‪아무도 관심 안 가질 때‬How did you solve it when nobody was even paying attention?
‪- (승기) 이렇게 어려운 걸‬ ‪- (재석) 야‬ ‪[종민의 웃음]‬How did you solve it when nobody was even paying attention? -One, two... -How did you solve that?
‪(재석)‬ ‪너는 지금 이거 어떻게 푼 거야?‬ ‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬-One, two... -How did you solve that?
‪(종민)‬ ‪막 돌리니까 돌아가던데요?‬I just turned it and it opened. Let's open it up, then.
‪(승기)‬ ‪그러면 어쨌든 한번 열어 보죠‬ ‪형이 열어 봐요, 그럼 이거‬Let's open it up, then. Open it, Jong-min.
‪(재석)‬ ‪참 나, 얘 진짜‬My gosh.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪- (종민) 뭐야, 이거?‬ ‪- (승기) 유니콘이다, 유니콘‬-What's that? -It's a unicorn.
‪[세정의 한숨]‬-What's that? -It's a unicorn.
‪- (재석) 어?‬ ‪- (민영) 동물이 달라요‬ ‪[세정이 말한다]‬-What? -There are different animals.
‪(재석)‬ ‪이건 또 뭐야?‬What is all this?
‪[세정의 한숨]‬
‪- (세정) 아, 알았다!‬ ‪- (재석) 아, 그렇지?‬-Oh, I got it! -Good job. It's "horse," like H, O, R...
‪(세정)‬ ‪HOR...‬ ‪'홀스', 그, 스펠링이 뭐죠?‬It's "horse," like H, O, R...
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪- (종민) 오, 스펠링, 스펠링, 영어‬ ‪- (승기) 아!‬It's "horse," like H, O, R... Oh, the English spelling. -It's five letters, though. -It's "unicorn"!
‪- (재욱) 다섯 개잖아‬ ‪- (세정) '유니콘, 유니콘'‬-It's five letters, though. -It's "unicorn"!
‪(승기)‬ ‪'유니콘'‬
‪- (재석) '엘리펀트', 맞아?‬ ‪- (민영) 맞아요‬-Right? -Yes.
‪- (승기) '피그'‬ ‪- (재석) '피그', 맞네‬Right. "Monkey" is right.
‪- (승기) '멍키', 맞아‬ ‪- (재석) '멍키'‬"Monkey" is right.
‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬-I danced for no reason. -We got it right.
‪- (승기) 괜히 춤췄네, 아, 또 이거‬ ‪- (재석) 아이, 맞네, 맞네‬-I danced for no reason. -We got it right.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪아니, 같은 글자 있는 거를‬ ‪찾아보면 되잖아‬Let's look for the same letters, then.
‪(재석과 승기)‬ ‪- 있다, '엘리펀트', 두 번째 거‬ ‪- E다, E‬-Here! -Elephant. -The second one. -An E.
‪- (재석) E, E‬ ‪- (세정) 이게 E요?‬-The second one. -An E. -This is E? -And then it's L, L.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪그다음이 L, L‬-This is E? -And then it's L, L. It must be "yellow"!
‪(세정)‬ ‪'옐로'인가 보다‬It must be "yellow"! -Oh! -Yellow.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪- (재석) 아!‬ ‪- (세정) '옐로'‬-Oh! -Yellow.
‪(재석)‬ ‪잠깐만, Y 볼게, Y‬-Wait, is that Y? -Yes! "Yellow"!
‪- (종민) 옐로!‬ ‪- (승기) 옐로, 옐로, 옐로‬ ‪[세정의 환호]‬"Yellow"! -Great! -Gosh, I danced for no reason at all.
‪- (종민) 대박‬ ‪- (승기) 아, 이거 괜히 춤추고 있었네‬-Great! -Gosh, I danced for no reason at all. My gosh.
‪[저마다 말한다]‬My gosh. Jong-min, if you hadn't opened that...
‪(재석)‬ ‪종민아, 네가 저거 안 열었으면‬Jong-min, if you hadn't opened that...
‪(민영)‬ ‪아, 오빠가 이거 안 풀었으면‬ ‪못 풀었어요‬We couldn't have solved it without that.
‪- (재석) 어?‬ ‪- (세정) 그렇네요‬We couldn't have solved it without that. -Right. -It really was "yellow."
‪(승기)‬ ‪옐로가 진짜였네‬-Right. -It really was "yellow."
‪- (세정) 천문 과학관이네‬ ‪- (재석) 가 보자‬The Astronomical Science Museum. -Let's go. -All right.
‪(세훈과 세정)‬ ‪네‬-Let's go. -All right. We're going quite high up.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪꽤 올라가네‬We're going quite high up.
‪그나저나 이거‬ ‪가면 태항호가 있는 거 아니야?‬What if Tae Hang-ho is really there?
‪(종민과 세훈)‬ ‪- 태항호는 죽었...‬ ‪- 아, 그러면 진짜 너무 무서워‬-Tae Hang-ho is dead, though. -If he is,
‪- (재석) 아닌가? 어휴‬ ‪- 너무 무서울 것 같은데요?‬-Tae Hang-ho is dead, though. -If he is, that would be too scary.
‪[탐정들의 겁먹은 신음]‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬that would be too scary.
‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪어, 이게 뭐야?‬Wow, what is this place?
‪(승기)‬ ‪우아, 이쁘다‬ ‪[종민이 중얼거린다]‬This place is beautiful.
‪[세정의 탄성]‬This place is beautiful.
‪(재석)‬ ‪와, 이쁘긴 하다‬Wow, it really is pretty.
‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬ ‪(민영)‬ ‪그렇죠? 멋있어요‬Wow, it really is pretty. Right? It's so cool.
‪(승기)‬ ‪어, 저 배가 뭐야?‬ ‪[종민의 탄성]‬Right? It's so cool. Hey, what's that boat? There's a boat floating there.
‪저 배, 배가 뭐가 떠 있는데?‬Hey, what's that boat? There's a boat floating there.
‪[재석의 탄성]‬ ‪(종민)‬ ‪배?‬-Is that a boat? -What's that?
‪- (세훈) 이거 배예요?‬ ‪- (승기) 어, 뭐야?‬ ‪[세정의 탄성]‬-Is that a boat? -What's that?
‪- (세정) 시체 아니야?‬ ‪- (민영) 어, 시체야, 시체, 시체...‬ ‪[저마다 말한다]‬-Isn't it a body? -Hang on. -It's a body. -No way.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아이, 말도 안 돼‬-It's a body. -No way.
‪잠깐만‬ ‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬Hang on.
‪(세정)‬ ‪안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼, 안 돼‬Oh, no.
‪- (재석) 어, 태항호다‬ ‪- (세정) 태항호‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬Oh, no. -It's Tae Hang-ho! -Tae Hang-ho!
‪(재석)‬ ‪어, 태항호 어디 갔어?‬Hey, where did he go? I am a man who wanders the world, Tae Hang-ho.
‪(항호)‬ ‪전국 육지를 떠도는 통통배‬ ‪태항호입니다‬I am a man who wanders the world, Tae Hang-ho.
‪(종민)‬ ‪진짜 태항호야‬ ‪태항호가 왜 여기 와 있어?‬I am a man who wanders the world, Tae Hang-ho. -It's really him. -It's Tae Hang-ho.
‪[저마다 말한다]‬ ‪(재욱)‬ ‪아니, 아까 시체가 없어졌다 그러더니‬His body was gone, but it's here?
‪(재욱과 재석)‬ ‪- 여기 와 있는 거야?‬ ‪- 아니, 시체가 왜 여기 와 있지?‬His body was gone, but it's here? Why is his body here?
‪(세훈과 재석)‬ ‪- 누군가 지금 옮겨 놨다는 거 아니야?‬ ‪- 아니, 태항호 맞잖아‬Why is his body here? -Somebody moved his body? -It really is him.
‪- (세정) 맞아요‬ ‪- (종민) 태항호‬You're right.
‪(종민)‬ ‪왜 여기, 여기 와 있어?‬What happened?
‪- (승기) 진짜 죽은 거였어‬ ‪- (세훈) 지금 여기 누군가 그러면...‬-So he really was dead. -So did someone...
‪(승기)‬ ‪뭐야?‬What's going on?
‪(세훈)‬ ‪아, 근데 누가 이걸‬ ‪여기 이렇게 갖다 놓고‬So who brought his body here? That's what I want to know.
‪아, 그러니까 말이야‬That's what I want to know.
‪과시하려는 건가?‬Did they want to show this off?
‪[종민이 중얼거린다]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪아니, 우리한테 이게 보라고 한 거면‬If they wanted us to see this,
‪이 안에 뭐, 우리한테‬ ‪메시지 같은 걸 남겨 두지 않았나?‬there would be some kind of message here. -Right. -What does this flower mean?
‪(재욱과 종민)‬ ‪- 그러니까‬ ‪- 이 꽃이 뭘, 뭘 의미하죠, 꽃말이?‬-Right. -What does this flower mean? This is the flower we saw, right?
‪(재석)‬ ‪이 꽃 아까 남겨 있었던 꽃 맞지?‬This is the flower we saw, right?
‪- (재욱) 어디?‬ ‪- (재석) 맞지, 맞지?‬ ‪[세훈의 탄성]‬Where? -Right? -Yes.
‪- 맞아요, 맞아요, 맞아요‬ ‪- (승기) 어디에요?‬-Right? -Yes. -When Tae Hang-ho's body disappeared, -Yes?
‪- (재석) 태항호 시체가 없어지고‬ ‪- (종민) 예‬-When Tae Hang-ho's body disappeared, -Yes? -this flower was left on the bed. -Right.
‪(재석과 세훈)‬ ‪- 그 병실에 남아 있던 꽃이 이거야‬ ‪- 맞아요, 맞아요, 맞아요‬-this flower was left on the bed. -Right.
‪(재석과 종민)‬ ‪- 아, 맞아, 맞아, 맞아, 이 꽃이야‬ ‪- 보라색 꽃‬Oh, right. It's the same flower. What flower is this? It's purple.
‪- (승기) 이 꽃이 뭐예요?‬ ‪- (종민) 보라색 꽃‬What flower is this? It's purple.
‪(세정)‬ ‪이 목걸이는 뭐죠?‬What's this necklace?
‪(종민)‬ ‪목걸이 뭐, 글씨 같은데?‬What's this necklace? It looks like some kind of writing.
‪(재석)‬ ‪키인가, 무슨? 아, 미안합니다‬Is it a kind of key? Oh, I'm sorry.
‪[재석의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪- (종민) 어, 그래, 그렇지‬ ‪- (세정) 아유, 와‬All right.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪열쇠야?‬ ‪[재석의 한숨]‬Is it a key?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(세훈)‬ ‪도장, 그거 같긴 하다‬It looks like a Chinese character.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪아니, 그럼 'pm 10시'라는 거는‬ ‪뭐, 누가 만나기로 하고 한 게 아니라‬So the "10 p.m." on the memo wasn't the time of a meeting
‪그냥 이 시체를 그 시간에‬but just the time the body was going to be sent here?
‪- (재욱) 보여 주겠다는 암시야?‬ ‪- (종민) 놓은 거지, 여기다‬was going to be sent here?
‪[종민의 탄성]‬ ‪(승기)‬ ‪이건 100% 어디선가 보고 있을...‬I'm sure this person's watching us. I think so, too.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪네, 보고 있을 것 같아요‬I think so, too. They made us come here on purpose.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪우리를 일로 유인한 거나‬ ‪마찬가지 아니야?‬They made us come here on purpose.
‪- (승기) 예‬ ‪- (재석) 한번 이 위로 한번 가 볼까?‬They made us come here on purpose. Why don't we go up there?
‪- (종민) 천문대로 올라가 볼까요?‬ ‪- (세정) 네‬Should we go to the observatory? All right.
‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬Oh, this is the observatory.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 여기가 천문대네‬Oh, this is the observatory.
‪(승기)‬ ‪여기 그럼 뭐가 답이 있는 건가?‬Would we find some answers here? I wonder what we'll find.
‪- (세훈) 누가 있을지 궁금하다‬ ‪- (재석) 아, 저기, 잠깐만‬I wonder what we'll find. -Hey, hang on. -What?
‪(종민과 재석)‬ ‪- 예?‬ ‪- 내가 저, 어느 순간부터 보니까‬-Hey, hang on. -What? I've been thinking since a while ago...
‪(재석)‬ ‪약간 우리 그‬ ‪탐정단 리더처럼 행동하네?‬You keep acting like you're the leader of this team.
‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬You keep acting like you're the leader of this team. -I... -Gosh.
‪[종민이 중얼거린다]‬ ‪아니‬-I... -Gosh.
‪(종민)‬ ‪아까 푸는 거 못 보셨어요, 이거?‬Didn't you see me solve the lock?
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 나 참‬ ‪[세정의 웃음]‬Didn't you see me solve the lock?
‪아이, 나 진짜‬Gosh, it kind of makes me feel annoyed.
‪(재석과 종민)‬ ‪- 아, 어느 순간 되게 기분 나쁘네‬ ‪- 아이참, 저만 따라오세요‬Gosh, it kind of makes me feel annoyed. -He's so funny. -Just follow my lead. He's so confident when he can't even hear properly right now.
‪(승기)‬ ‪귀도 안 들리겠다 뭐‬ ‪자신감도 붙어 가지고 이제는 뭐‬He's so confident when he can't even hear properly right now.
‪(종민)‬ ‪어, 잠겼는데?‬What? It's locked.
‪- (재욱) 어?‬ ‪- (세훈) 예?‬What? Oh, the key.
‪(승기와 세정)‬ ‪- 아까 열쇠‬ ‪- 제가 봤을 땐 이게 비번인 것 같아요‬What? Oh, the key. I think it's the passcode.
‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬I think it's the passcode. I think it's a number.
‪(세정)‬ ‪이게 숫자예요, 숫자‬ ‪그렇죠, 숫자 같죠?‬I think it's a number. -It looks like numbers, right? -A passcode?
‪- (재석) 비번이네, 비번‬ ‪- (세훈) 오케이, 오케이‬-It looks like numbers, right? -A passcode? Right?
‪- (민영) 오‬ ‪- (세정) 그렇죠?‬Right?
‪- (종민) 2네, 2‬ ‪- (민영) 아, 그러면 이렇게 읽는 거면‬-It's two. -If you read it like this...
‪- (세정) 5, 2‬ ‪- (재욱) 5, 2, 6‬-It's two. -If you read it like this... -Then 52... -It's 526...
‪- (민영) 5, 2...‬ ‪- (재욱) 5, 2, 6‬-Then 52... -It's 526...
‪(민영)‬ ‪5328 해 봐요‬Try 5328.
‪[도어 록 알림음]‬Star, 5328, star.
‪(재석)‬ ‪별, 5328, 별‬Star, 5328, star.
‪(재석과 세훈)‬ ‪별, 별‬-Star. -Star.
‪[도어 록 알림음]‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬-Gosh, his earmuffs. -My gosh.
‪[저마다 구시렁거린다]‬-Gosh, his earmuffs. -My gosh.
‪(재석)‬ ‪일로 나와‬ ‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬Just move.
‪너 일로 나와, 일로 나와‬Just stand back.
‪- (승기) 목걸이가 이거였는데‬ ‪- (세정) 3825는요?‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬-The necklace... -How about 3825?
‪[도어 록 알림음]‬ ‪- (세정) 오!‬ ‪- (종민) 어, 뭐야, 뭐야, 뭐야?‬-Did we get it? -Oh, it was wrong.
‪- 안 된 거구나, 안 된 거, 안 된 거‬ ‪- (승기) 안 된 거 같은데‬-Did we get it? -Oh, it was wrong. -It didn't work. -Seriously.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪- (종민) 아...‬ ‪- 안 된 거, 안 된 거‬-It didn't work. -Seriously. -It didn't work. -You surprised me.
‪[저마다 말한다]‬ ‪- (종민) 깜짝이야‬ ‪- (승기) 지금 되게 남성스러운...‬-It didn't work. -You surprised me. Your voice just sounded like a guy.
‪- (재석) 527...‬ ‪- (세정) 5276‬ ‪[종민이 말한다]‬Then 527... So 5276.
‪(세정)‬ ‪5276, 5276‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬So 5276. Try 5276.
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬Try 5276.
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬ ‪(세정과 재석)‬ ‪5276‬-It was 5276! -We got it right!
‪(세정과 승기)‬ ‪5276, 5276‬ ‪[재석이 말한다]‬-It was 5276! -We got it right!
‪(세정)‬ ‪5276‬-It was 5276! -We got it right! It was 5276.
‪(승기)‬ ‪역시 너 세정이 또‬Se-jeong did it again.
‪- (세정) 오늘, 오늘, 아, 잘 풀린다‬ ‪- (승기) 야, 세정이 오늘 뭐‬-I'm pretty good at solving today. -Se-jeong is on fire.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪- (종민) 와, 잘했다‬ ‪- (재욱) 야, 뭐야?‬-I'm pretty good at solving today. -Se-jeong is on fire. -Good job. -What's this?
‪- (승기) 뭐야, 이거?‬ ‪- (종민) 이건 뭐야?‬-Good job. -What's this? -What is this? -There are all kinds of stuff here.
‪(재석)‬ ‪야, 별걸 다 갖다 놨네‬ ‪별걸 다 갖다 놨어‬-What is this? -There are all kinds of stuff here. There's really old stuff here.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪진짜 완전 옛날 거를‬There's really old stuff here. Amazing.
‪와, 대박이다‬Amazing. It was 10 p.m. at...
‪- (재석) 오후 10시에 비밀 만물상‬ ‪- (승기) 비밀 만물상‬It was 10 p.m. at... -The Secret General Store. -Yes. -This is the store. -It's here.
‪- 여기 만물상이잖아요‬ ‪- (승기) 여기잖아요‬-This is the store. -It's here. So did Yoon Jong-hoon tear that memo and use it to lead us here?
‪그럼 여기 윤종훈이 그걸 찢어서‬ ‪우리를 이쪽으로 유인한 건지‬So did Yoon Jong-hoon tear that memo and use it to lead us here? Who's the one who wanted us here?
‪(재석)‬ ‪아니면 누가 우리를‬ ‪이쪽으로 부른 건지‬Who's the one who wanted us here? If Tae Hang-ho was supposed to meet this person,
‪태항호랑 10시에 만나기로 했으면‬If Tae Hang-ho was supposed to meet this person, there would've been plans to make some kind of deal.
‪뭔가 거래가 있었을 거...‬ ‪있으려고 만난 거 아니에요?‬there would've been plans to make some kind of deal.
‪실패한 거지‬-But it failed. -So there could be something here.
‪(종민)‬ ‪그러니까 여기에 뭔가가 있을 수 있지‬-But it failed. -So there could be something here. -Right? -What was he about to hand over?
‪- (종민) 그렇지‬ ‪- 뭘 전해 주려고 그런 걸까?‬-Right? -What was he about to hand over? That's what I want to know.
‪- (종민) 그러니까 그걸 찾아야 돼‬ ‪- (재석) 아이, 그러니까 말이야‬That's what I want to know.
‪[승기의 한숨]‬ ‪(민영)‬ ‪아니, 뭐, 힌트가 될 만한 게 없나?‬Isn't there anything here that could be a hint?
‪- (세정) 어?‬ ‪- (민영) 여기 있네‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬-Here. -Why there?
‪- (종민) 어, 뭐야, 왜?‬ ‪- (민영) 숨겨 놨어요‬-Here. -Why there? -It was hidden here. -How did you find that?
‪(종민)‬ ‪와, 너 어떻게 찾았어?‬-It was hidden here. -How did you find that? How did you find this?
‪(재석)‬ ‪야, 이걸 찾았어, 어떻게?‬ ‪[세정이 말한다]‬How did you find this? "Mr. Ji had a son.
‪(재석)‬ ‪'지 연구원에게는 아들이 있습니다‬ ‪그놈은 바로'‬"Mr. Ji had a son. His name is..." Mr. Ji?
‪(재석과 세정)‬ ‪- '지 연구원'?‬ ‪- 아, 이거 그때 그 휴대폰인데‬His name is..." Mr. Ji? It's the phone we saw last time.
‪- (세정) 그...‬ ‪- 정재영인가?‬It's the phone we saw last time. Jung Jae-yeong's?
‪[세정의 놀란 신음]‬
‪- (재석) 전화기 있네‬ ‪- (민영) 어, 핸드폰‬-It's a cell phone. -It's a cell phone.
‪(재석)‬ ‪'지 연구원에게는 아들이 있습니다‬ ‪그 이름은 바ㄹ'?‬"Mr. Ji had a son. -His name is..." -What is it?
‪[재욱이 호응한다]‬ ‪(민영)‬ ‪죽어 가면서 보낸 문자 아닌가, 그거는‬-His name is..." -What is it? Isn't that the text he wrote just before he died?
‪- (세정) 맞, 맞는 것 같은데‬ ‪- (세훈) 그땐 핑크색이었는데‬ ‪[재석의 탄성]‬Isn't that the text he wrote just before he died? -I think it is. -The phone was pink, though.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪이거 색깔이 다른데요?‬It's a different color. -So it was cloned? -A cloned phone?
‪- (승기) 이게 복제폰인가?‬ ‪- (종민) 복제폰?‬-So it was cloned? -A cloned phone? You can clone phones?
‪복제를 할 수 있어, 폰도?‬You can clone phones?
‪[민영의 놀란 숨소리]‬ ‪(종민)‬ ‪뭐야, 왜?‬-What? -The murder when
‪그때 김민재가 제일 먼저 발견한‬ ‪그 살인 사건‬-What? -The murder when Kim Min-jae was first at the scene.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 저, 맞네, 형사님!‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬Kim Min-jae was first at the scene. -Sergeant Kim. It's him. -We know him.
‪- (세훈) 아, 다행이네‬ ‪- (재석) 여기서 또 뵙네‬-Sergeant Kim. It's him. -We know him. We meet again.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪사진이나 뭐, 다른 자료는 없어?‬Aren't there any photos or any data?
‪(재석)‬ ‪아니, 지금, 잠깐만‬ ‪문자는 그게 있고요‬Wait, there's that text message, and...
‪(녹음 속 재영)‬ ‪2018년 10월 1일‬October 1st, 2018.
‪나는 신변 보호 조치를 통해‬ ‪경찰의 집으로 왔다‬October 1st, 2018. I came to a police officer's house for personal protection.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬October 1st, 2018.
‪2018년 10월 1일‬October 1st, 2018. I came to a police officer's house
‪나는 신변 보호 조치를 통해‬ ‪경찰의 집으로 왔다‬I came to a police officer's house for personal protection.
‪(녹음 속 재영)‬ ‪보호 경찰은‬ ‪잠깐 자리를 비운 상태이다‬The officer just went out for a moment.
‪이게 뭐지?‬What's this?
‪(종민)‬ ‪'이게 뭐지?'‬"What's this"?
‪[달그락거리는 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪(녹음 속 재영)‬ ‪이 방은 대체...‬What is this room?
‪(녹음 속 민재)‬ ‪정재영 씨, 여기 어떻게 들어왔죠?‬Mr. Jung Jae-yeong. How did you get in here?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪(종민)‬ ‪어?‬Mr. Jung Jae-yeong. How did you get in here?
‪(종민)‬ ‪어?‬
‪김민재‬It's Kim Min-jae.
‪(종민)‬ ‪어?‬
‪정재영 씨‬Mr. Jung Jae-yeong.
‪(민재)‬ ‪여기 어떻게 들어왔죠?‬How did you get in here?
‪[녹음 속 민재의 한숨]‬
‪(녹음 속 민재)‬ ‪보지 말아야 할 거는‬ ‪보지 않는 게 좋은 법인데 말이야‬It's better not to see things that you shouldn't see.
‪(녹음 속 재영)‬ ‪당신, 정체가 뭐야?‬Who are you?
‪[녹음 속 재영의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[녹음 속 민재의 한숨]‬I don't usually commit unplanned murder like this,
‪(녹음 속 민재)‬ ‪이렇게 우발적인 살인은‬ ‪취미는 없습니다만‬I don't usually commit unplanned murder like this,
‪이 일은 다 당신이 자초한 겁니다‬but you've brought this on yourself.
‪[녹음 속 재영의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪[녹음 속 민재의 거친 숨소리]‬Gosh, seriously.
‪[녹음 속 민재의 거친 숨소리]‬Since you have blood all over you,
‪(녹음 속 민재)‬ ‪이렇게 피로 물든 이상‬ ‪당신에게는 꽃조차 줄 수 없겠군요‬Since you have blood all over you, I can't even offer you a flower.
‪- 그래서 없었구나, 우발적으로‬ ‪- (민영) 그래, 우발적으로‬ ‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬-So that's why there wasn't a flower. -It was an unplanned murder.
‪- 김민재‬ ‪- (민영) 맞잖아‬-Kim Min-jae! -It really is him. -He's a total psycho. -Kim Min-jae...
‪- (세정) 와, 사이코‬ ‪- 야, 이게 김민재...‬-He's a total psycho. -Kim Min-jae... Remember Ji Yu-jin?
‪- 지유진 씨 있잖아요‬ ‪- (종민) 어, 어‬ ‪[재석의 탄성]‬Remember Ji Yu-jin? He said one of the victims wasn't his.
‪그 사람이‬ ‪한 명은 자기가 안 죽였다고 한 거‬He said one of the victims wasn't his.
‪(종민)‬ ‪그렇지, 마지막에 가면서‬Right, that's what he said. -Three men? -What?
‪- 세 명요?‬ ‪- (재석) 예?‬-Three men? -What?
‪(종민)‬ ‪세 명 아니에요?‬-You killed three men. -I only killed two men.
‪저는 두 명만 죽였는데‬-You killed three men. -I only killed two men.
‪- (종민) 마지막에 가면서‬ ‪- (민영) 그게 이제 김민재...‬-It must've been Kim Min-jae. -So that was Kim Min-jae.
‪김민재네, 범인이 김민재였구먼‬-It must've been Kim Min-jae. -So that was Kim Min-jae. So the killer was Kim Min-jae.
‪[재영의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[민재의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[민재의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪[재영의 아파하는 신음]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪(민재)‬ ‪이렇게 피로 물든 이상‬ ‪당신에게는 꽃조차 줄 수 없겠군요‬Since you have blood all over you, I can't even offer you a flower.
‪이유진이라고 했던가?‬Was your name Lee Yu-jin?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(민재)‬ ‪너 따위 초보가‬How dare you mess up my piece when you're just a rookie?
‪감히 작품을 더럽혀?‬How dare you mess up my piece when you're just a rookie?
‪뭐, 죗값 치르는 거라 생각해라‬Just think of this as paying for your sins.
‪[민재의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪- (승기) '꽃조차 줄 수 없겠군요'‬ ‪- (종민) 그러니까 '꽃조차'‬-"I can't even offer you a flower." -That's right.
‪(재석)‬ ‪야, 이게 태항호도 그럼 죽인 게‬ ‪김민재야?‬So did he kill Tae Hang-ho, too? Maybe he's the one who killed K and the others, too.
‪- (민영) 정재영은 아니다‬ ‪- (세훈) 그럼 K랑 그런 사람들‬Maybe he's the one who killed K and the others, too.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪다 죽인 거 아니에요, 김민재가?‬Maybe he's the one who killed K and the others, too. Right.
‪- (종민) 그렇지‬ ‪- (세정) 왜 죽였지?‬Right. So maybe he planned all this today.
‪그리고 오늘 이 계획한 것도‬ ‪다 김민재고‬So maybe he planned all this today.
‪[음산한 효과음]‬ ‪(세훈)‬ ‪아니에요? 그렇게 되는 거 아니에요?‬So maybe he planned all this today. Isn't that right?
‪아닌데, 김민재 없었는데, 오늘‬He wasn't there today, though.
‪- (승기) 그건 모르죠, 그건 모르지‬ ‪- (재석) 그건 모르지‬-We can't know for sure. -We don't know. -That's true. -Anyway, according to the clues we have,
‪(세정과 재석)‬ ‪- 그렇죠‬ ‪- 어쨌든 이 태항호도 우리가 그‬-That's true. -Anyway, according to the clues we have, it seems that Tae Hang-ho
‪(재석)‬ ‪여러 가지 그, 단서를 조합해 보면‬it seems that Tae Hang-ho
‪이게 뭔가 하여튼 이 일하고‬ ‪밀접하게 관련이 있었던 것 같긴 해‬was closely connected to all this in some way.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪그러니까 정재영이든 누구든‬So whether it was Jung Jae-yeong or anyone else, anyone who found out
‪김민재의 비밀을‬ ‪누군가가 알게 된 사람들은‬So whether it was Jung Jae-yeong or anyone else, anyone who found out
‪결국 다 처리가 된다는‬about his identity was killed...
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬about his identity was killed...
‪- (재욱) 그럼, 그럼 우리도‬ ‪- 우리도 위험하네‬-Then we're... -We're in danger now. -We found out about Kim Min-jae now. -Right.
‪(재욱과 종민)‬ ‪- 김민재의 비밀을 우리도 알게 됐는데‬ ‪- 지금 이제 다 알게 됐잖아요‬-We found out about Kim Min-jae now. -Right.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪(재욱)‬ ‪그래서 자꾸 우리한테‬Is that why people told us
‪- (종민) 피 냄새 난다고‬ ‪- (재욱) 피 냄새가 다가오고 있다고‬that the smell of blood was getting stronger? What is this room, though?
‪(민영)‬ ‪근데 이 방이 뭐예요?‬ ‪[종민이 말한다]‬What is this room, though?
‪(승기와 세정)‬ ‪- 이 방이 뭐야? 이 방이야, 어디야?‬ ‪- 그러니까, 이 방이 뭐지?‬What is this room, though? -This room... -Is it the same room? No, I don't think it's this room.
‪- 아니야, 여기는 아닌 것 같아...‬ ‪- (재욱) 김민재만의‬No, I don't think it's this room.
‪(재욱과 민영)‬ ‪- 비밀 어떤 방을 우리가 찾아야 되네‬ ‪- 그렇죠, 그렇죠, 네‬-We should find Kim Min-jae's secret room. -Right. A room where he prepares his kills.
‪살인을 준비하는 방‬A room where he prepares his kills.
‪(재욱)‬ ‪그렇지, 그러니까 모든 계획되는‬ ‪[재석의 탄성]‬A room where he prepares his kills. Yes, we have to find the room where he prepared everything.
‪그 김민재의 방을 우리가 찾아야겠네‬Yes, we have to find the room where he prepared everything.
‪김민재 집으로 가야 되나?‬ ‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬-Do we have to go to his house? -Hang on.
‪어? 잠깐만, 전화 왔네‬ ‪[종민의 놀란 신음]‬-Do we have to go to his house? -Hang on. I got a call.
‪누구한테요?‬Who is it? Hello?
‪(재석)‬ ‪여보세요?‬Hello?
‪뭐, 포이즌?‬What? Poison?

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