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  범인은 바로 너 s3 .7

Busted! S3 .7


‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 근데 그 사건은, 아이‬That case was…
‪의뢰를 받기 전에‬ ‪그런 걸 좀 꼼꼼히 좀 살펴봐야 돼요‬You have to vet a client prior to taking on cases.
‪(광수)‬ ‪그러니까‬I know.
‪근데 마지막에 그 오만석 씨가‬What Oh Man-seok said at the end
‪(민영)‬ ‪그 했던 말이 저는 너무 찝찝해 가지고‬really bothered me.
‪(만석)‬ ‪난 내가‬I thought
‪죽인 거라고 생각했는데, 씨‬I had killed him.
‪그럼 저, 살인죄는 피한 겁니다‬Then I guess I'm not guilty of murder.
‪(민영)‬ ‪법을 너무 알고‬The fact that he knew the law well,
‪그 사람이 뻔뻔하게 했던 그 태도들과‬ ‪[탐정들의 탄식]‬The fact that he knew the law well, and his brazen attitude.
‪그 법이 아무런 힘이 없다는‬ ‪그런 생각이 딱 들면서‬ ‪[탐정들이 호응한다]‬It made me feel like the law is powerless, -and made me realize that people need us. -Right.
‪역시 우리가 필요하구나‬-and made me realize that people need us. -Right.
‪[탐정들의 한숨]‬-Yes. -The law is powerless.
‪법은 힘이 없어‬-Yes. -The law is powerless.
‪(광수)‬ ‪다들 내가 저번에 가져온‬ ‪칩 기억나시죠?‬Remember that chip I brought last time?
‪- (재석) 뭐?‬ ‪- 칩‬-What? -The chip.
‪- 칩?‬ ‪- (광수) 그, 잠재적 범죄자‬-The chip? -The potential criminals list.
‪그 리스트 있었던 그 칩‬The chip with that list.
‪- (광수) 의뢰할 게 있어서‬ ‪- (항표) 아, 네‬THE CHIP WITH THE POTENTIAL CRIMINALS LIST
‪(광수)‬ ‪이거를 풀 수 있을까요?‬Can you unlock this?
‪- (광수) 풀었어요, 벌써?‬ ‪- (항표) 자, 풀었어요‬-Did you get it already? -I did.
‪(민영)‬ ‪위험인물들을 갖다가‬They analyzed a bunch of people that they thought would be dangerous.
‪쭉 자기네들이 분석을 해 놓은 거야‬ ‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬They analyzed a bunch of people that they thought would be dangerous.
‪(항표)‬ ‪2020 버전은 암호가 필요해요‬The 2020 version requires a password.
‪(승기)‬ ‪그, 왜, 김기두도‬Kim Ki-doo too.
‪잠재적 범죄자 리스트에‬ ‪있다고 하지 않았어요?‬THE PEOPLE ON THE LIST ARE BEING ELIMINATED
‪(재석)‬ ‪잠재적 범죄자 리스트?‬ ‪[총성]‬THE PEOPLE ON THE LIST ARE BEING ELIMINATED The list of potential criminals?
‪- (종민) 볼까?‬ ‪- (민영) 근데 이거‬-Should we take a look? -We have the time,
‪(민영)‬ ‪지금은 우리가 여유가 되니까‬ ‪풀 수 있을 것 같은데?‬-Should we take a look? -We have the time, so we can probably solve it.
‪(광수와 민영)‬ ‪- 거기가 아니에요, 거기는 HDMI…‬ ‪- 아닌가 봐, 여기인가 봐‬-That's not it. That's the HDMI port. -This isn't it. Here.
‪[문 두드리는 소리가 난다]‬ ‪- (재석) 어어, 깜짝이야, 아, 나 정말‬ ‪- (세정) 어, 깜짝이야‬Here. -Oh, my gosh. -My goodness.
‪- (종민) 아, 저, 택배 아니야?‬ ‪- (승기) 누구세요?‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬-Oh, my gosh. -My goodness. -Is it another package? -Who is it? IS SOMEONE HERE?
‪또, 또 배달?‬ ‪[문이 끼익 열린다]‬IS SOMEONE HERE? Another delivery?
‪- (재석) 뭐야?‬ ‪- (광수) 어?‬What's this?
‪- (광수) 어, 뭐야?‬ ‪- (종민) 누구세요?‬ ‪[매혹적인 음악]‬-What's this? -And you are? A FEMALE STRANGER APPEARS
‪(재석)‬ ‪뭐야?‬What is it?
‪아니, 안녕하세요‬What? Hello.
‪[지효의 한숨]‬ ‪(종민)‬ ‪뭐야, 왜 이렇게 쳐다봐, 누구세요?‬-What is she staring at? Who are you? -Come here.
‪(지효)‬ ‪일로 와 봐‬-What is she staring at? Who are you? -Come here.
‪(재석)‬ ‪뭐야?‬
‪[지효가 광수를 찰싹 때린다]‬ ‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬THAT WAS OUT OF NOWHERE
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪- (지효) 야‬ ‪- (재석) 아니, 왜…‬THAT WAS OUT OF NOWHERE -What… -What's wrong?
‪- (광수) 이게…‬ ‪- 탐정이야?‬-My gosh. -Are you the detective?
‪- (광수) 예‬ ‪- (지효) 너 탐정이야?‬-Yes. -Are you the detective?
‪(지효)‬ ‪내 돈 내놔! 이…‬ ‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬Give me my money. What's she doing?
‪- (재석) 아, 오자마자‬ ‪- (지효) 야‬ ‪[광수의 당황한 신음]‬What's she doing? -Hey, wait. -What the heck?
‪- (지효) 네가‬ ‪- (광수) 이게 뭐야? 씨‬-Hey, wait. -What the heck?
‪(지효와 광수)‬ ‪- 네가 지금 내 돈 가져갔지, 어?‬ ‪- 다들 보고만… 예?‬-Hey, wait. -What the heck? -You took my money, didn't you? -What?
‪- (재석) 아, 저…‬ ‪- 내 돈 가지고 튄 사람 누구야?‬-Who took off with my money? -Hold on.
‪- (지효) 누구야?‬ ‪- (재석) 아니, 잠깐만‬ ‪[종민의 놀란 신음]‬-Who took off with my money? -Hold on. -Hold on. -What's wrong?
‪(지효)‬ ‪내 돈 가지고 튄 사람 누구냐고! 이씨‬ ‪[탐정들이 당황한다]‬-Who took off with my money? -Hold on. Who are you?
‪(재석과 승기)‬ ‪- 아니, 누구신데 오시자마자 따귀를‬ ‪- 따귀를 이렇게‬-Who took off with my money? -Hold on. Who are you? Who are you? Why are you slapping him out of the blue?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪- (재석) 아니, 누구세요?‬ ‪- (광수) 뭐야?‬Who are you?
‪- (지효) 저요? 송지효예요‬ ‪- (재석) 예‬Me? I'm Song Ji-hyo.
‪- (승기) 송지효 씨‬ ‪- (지효) 네, 송지효‬-Song Ji-hyo? -Yes, Song Ji-hyo.
‪(재석)‬ ‪오자마자 이렇게 저기‬ ‪싸대기를 날리면 어떡해‬-Song Ji-hyo? -Yes, Song Ji-hyo. How could you slap him as soon as you walk in like that?
‪(지효)‬ ‪내가 선수임료 달라 그래서‬ ‪먼저 줬더니‬How could you slap him as soon as you walk in like that? Someone asked for advance payment, and they ran off with it. Which one of you was it?
‪먹튀 한 놈 누구야, 어?‬Which one of you was it?
‪- (재석) 아니, 누가…‬ ‪- (광수) 먹튀를 누가 해?‬-Who? What? -Who'd do that?
‪- (세정) 아이, 또 누구야?‬ ‪- (지효) 아…‬-Who? What? -Who'd do that? -Who was it? -Who did that?
‪- (종민) 누구야?‬ ‪- (민영) 너야? 뭐야?‬ ‪[세훈이 부정한다]‬-Who was it? -Who did that? -You? -It wasn't us.
‪- 저희는 아니에요‬ ‪- (지효) 내가 바람난 남친‬-You? -It wasn't us. I wanted you to check up on my cheating boyfriend.
‪(지효)‬ ‪뒷조사 좀 해 달라고‬I wanted you to check up on my cheating boyfriend.
‪너무 창피해서 온라인으로 의뢰했더니‬I wanted you to check up on my cheating boyfriend. I was embarrassed, so I hired you online.
‪돈 가지고 감히 먹튀를 해?‬-But you took my money and disappeared. -You walk in here--
‪(재석)‬ ‪아니, 근데 오자마자…‬-But you took my money and disappeared. -You walk in here--
‪(광수)‬ ‪아니, 우리는‬ ‪디지털 그쪽으로는 아예…‬-But you took my money and disappeared. -You walk in here-- We don't do anything online!
‪(재석과 승기)‬ ‪- 아, 승기 너야?‬ ‪- 아니요, 전 온라인 못해요, 이런 거‬-Seung-gi, was it you? -No, I don't do anything online.
‪- (재석) 아니, 누구신데‬ ‪- (지효) 먹튀, 빨리 돈 내놔!‬-Who are you? -Give me my money back.
‪(세정과 재석)‬ ‪- 일단, 일단 앉으시죠, 앉으시죠‬ ‪- 아니, 저, 아니, 저‬-Who are you? -Give me my money back. -But… -Why don't you have a seat?
‪[재석의 웃음]‬ ‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬-Hey. -Stop that.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(광수)‬ ‪뭐야? 하지 마‬-Let go of me! -Hey.
‪(재석)‬ ‪잠깐만, 아이, 잠깐만‬Hold on. Wait.
‪[소란스럽다]‬ ‪- (재석) 아이, 잠깐만‬ ‪- (지효) 야!‬Hold on. Wait. -Calm down. -Why you…
‪[익살스러운 효과음]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪아이, 좀 놔‬-Stop it. -Oh, my gosh.
‪- (재석) 아이, 잠깐만‬ ‪- (승기) 자, 자, 자, 자‬-Wait. Stop. -Stop it. -Okay. Come on. -Hold on.
‪- (재석) 잠깐만‬ ‪- (광수) 아니, 초면인데‬-Okay. Come on. -Hold on. We just met!
‪- (승기) 앉아, 앉아, 말씀을…‬ ‪- (재석) 아니‬-Sit down. -Let's talk.
‪- (재석) 야, 너도 그러면 안 되지‬ ‪- (광수) 아니, 그게 아니라‬-You shouldn't do that. -But--
‪(세정)‬ ‪앉으세요, 앉으세요‬-You shouldn't do that. -But-- -Have a seat. -You seem very upset. Please sit.
‪(승기)‬ ‪뭔가 많이 흥분하신 것 같은데‬ ‪앉으세요, 앉으세요‬-Have a seat. -You seem very upset. Please sit.
‪(광수)‬ ‪뭔가 오해가 있으신 것 같아, 오해가‬ ‪[염소 울음 효과음]‬There must be a misunderstanding.
‪(민영)‬ ‪오빠 여기 빨개‬Your face is all red.
‪[세정의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪(광수)‬ ‪야, 빨갛지, 그렇게 세게 맞았는데‬Of course, it is. She hit me so hard.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- (종민) 아, 너무 무서워‬ ‪- (재석) 아니, 화가 너무 나셨는데‬Of course, it is. She hit me so hard. -I'm so scared. -You seem very angry.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪너무 무서웠어요‬That was scary.
‪(지효)‬ ‪제 돈 가지고 먹튀 한 놈 찾으세요‬Find the bastard who took off with my money.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪먹튀 한 놈! 안 찾으면 당신들‬If you don't find that fraud,
‪먹튀가 얼마나 무서운지‬ ‪내가 알게 해 줄 거야‬I'll teach you how terrible fraud is, got it?
‪알겠지?‬ ‪[꼴깍 삼키는 효과음]‬I'll teach you how terrible fraud is, got it?
‪- (지효) 다들 먹튀 한 놈 안 찾으면‬ ‪- (광수) 무슨 먹튀?‬If you don't find the bastard, I'll have you all locked up.
‪(지효)‬ ‪쇠고랑 찰 줄 알아!‬If you don't find the bastard, I'll have you all locked up.
‪(지효와 세정)‬ ‪- 나 지금 경찰에 신고하러 간다‬ ‪- 가요?‬I'm going to the police right now.
‪- (승기) 아니, 아니요, 저…‬ ‪- 알겠어?‬I'm going to the police right now. -Got that? -Wait, but we're not--
‪- (승기) 아니, 근데 저희가‬ ‪- (종민) 이메일이 뭔데요?‬-Got that? -Wait, but we're not-- -What was the email address? -What the heck?
‪(광수)‬ ‪아니, 뭐야?‬-What was the email address? -What the heck?
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 이거…‬-What was that? -What just happened?
‪- (종민) 뭐야?‬ ‪- (세훈) 뭐예요?‬-What was that? -What just happened?
‪(재석)‬ ‪너 한번 잘 생각해 봐‬ ‪너 저기, 뭐 잘못한 거 없는지‬Think long and hard. Did you do something bad?
‪- (승기) 술 먹고 실수한 거 없어요?‬ ‪- 없어, 없어, 없어‬Think long and hard. Did you do something bad? -Maybe when you were drunk? -No, nothing.
‪아니, 근데 왜 오빠를‬ ‪거의 노리고 왔어‬-Maybe when you were drunk? -No, nothing. She was out to get you though.
‪돌아이야, 돌아이‬She's a nutjob.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- (민영) 전 여자 친구라든지‬ ‪- (재석) 어, 그러니까‬She's a nutjob. -Is she an ex or something? -What do you mean?
‪(광수)‬ ‪무슨 소리야, 완전 내 스타일 아니야‬-Is she an ex or something? -What do you mean? She's totally not my type.
‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬ ‪나 처음 봐‬I've never seen her before.
‪- 저요? 송지효예요‬ ‪- (재석) 네‬Me? I'm Song Ji-hyo.
‪아니, 근데 뭐야, 누구야?‬Who was she?
‪(재석)‬ ‪세정아, 너 알아?‬ ‪네가 온라인으로 저기, 접수했냐?‬Se-jeong, do you know her? Did you accept her case online?
‪(세정)‬ ‪아이, 그건 아닌데‬Se-jeong, do you know her? Did you accept her case online? No, I didn't.
‪- (세훈) 그 메일 한번‬ ‪- (광수) 우리 중에 있는 거야?‬-Check our email. -Us?
‪(승기)‬ ‪있어? 메일이 뭐야?‬-Check our email. -Us? -We have one? -What's an email?
‪- (민영) 잠깐만, 나한테 문자가 왔어‬ ‪- (광수) 아니, 뭐, 아예…‬-We have one? -What's an email? -Wait. I just got a text. -What? What does it say?
‪- (세훈) 뭐요?‬ ‪- (광수) 무슨 문자?‬-Wait. I just got a text. -What? What does it say?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪(민영)‬"Why aren't you here yet? I see that you read my email. Please come quickly, or I will retract my offer to hire you."
‪(세훈)‬ ‪그게 왜 누나한테 와요?‬Why did that go to you?
‪(광수)‬ ‪그러게‬Right?
‪- 누나예요?‬ ‪- (민영) 누구야?‬ ‪[탐정들이 저마다 질문한다]‬Right? -Was it you? -Who was it?
‪- 나 안 했어요‬ ‪- (승기) 야, 민영아‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬-Was it you? -Who was it? -Min-young. Your earrings. -It wasn't me.
‪- (세훈) 누나‬ ‪- 야, 너 귀걸이…‬-Your earrings. -Min-young.
‪(민영)‬ ‪아, 내가 무슨‬ ‪이거 수임료 얼마나 된다고‬Like this is that much money.
‪아니, 근데 뭐야, 누구야?‬But seriously, who was it?
‪(세정)‬ ‪근데 이런 문자가 온 거면 뭔가 우리의‬But seriously, who was it? Anyway, if they sent this text, -it means-- -They know our number.
‪- 번호는 알고 있다는 거잖아‬ ‪- (세정) 그래요‬-it means-- -They know our number.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪뭔가 잘못 올린‬ ‪지금 사이트가 있다는 거네‬-That means there's a fake website. -Right.
‪(종민)‬ ‪아니면 사칭했든가, 우리를 사칭했든가‬ ‪[탐정들이 호응한다]‬-That means there's a fake website. -Right. -Someone's impersonating us. -Right.
‪- (재석) 아, 그럴 수도 있겠구나‬ ‪- (세정) 사칭 같아‬-Someone's impersonating us. -Right. You're right. That's possible.
‪(민영)‬ ‪그러니까 우리가 만약에 사칭이라면‬ ‪그걸 잡아야 되기 때문에‬You're right. That's possible. If someone is impersonating us, we need to catch them.
‪지금 내 번호로‬ ‪지금 이 수임료를 받았다면…‬If someone is impersonating us, we need to catch them. If they took payment using my number…
‪- (광수) 야, 이거 사칭인가 보네‬ ‪- (재석) 일단 가자‬-They must be imposters. -Let's go.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 이거 뭐, 아침부터 뭐, 정신없이‬-They must be imposters. -Let's go. What a hectic morning. Let's go. And we're off.
‪(민영)‬ ‪가자, 가자, 출발‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Let's go. And we're off.
‪"NETFLIX 오리지널 시리즈"‬
‪(재석)‬ ‪여기인가 본데? 일단 들어가 보자‬This must be the place. Let's go inside.
‪(승기)‬ ‪우리 사칭 안 해도 될 것 같은데‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬This must be the place. Let's go inside. Why would they impersonate us?
‪- (재석) 진짜 화려하네‬ ‪- (세훈) 아휴‬Why would they impersonate us? It's very fancy.
‪(소미)‬ ‪어떻게 오셨어요?‬How may I help you? -We were told we had an appointment. -We received a text.
‪(민영)‬ ‪아, 저희 약속이‬ ‪뭐, 돼 있다 그래서 왔는데‬-We were told we had an appointment. -We received a text.
‪- (종민) 연락받고…‬ ‪- (민영) 탐정단이거든요, 저희‬-We were told we had an appointment. -We received a text. -We're private detectives. -Private detectives?
‪- 탐정단요?‬ ‪- (재석) 예, 예‬-We're private detectives. -Private detectives? Yes.
‪탐정단은 지금 미리 와 계시는데‬-The detectives are already here. -What?
‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪(민영)‬ ‪예?‬-The detectives are already here. -What? -What the heck? -A team of detectives came?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪(세정)‬ ‪뭐야?‬-What the heck? -A team of detectives came?
‪(재석)‬ ‪탐정단이 와 있다고요?‬-What the heck? -A team of detectives came?
‪(세훈과 종민)‬ ‪사칭 맞네‬-They really are imposters. -Really?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(광수)‬ ‪진짜야?‬-They really are imposters. -Really?
‪(소미)‬ ‪네, 일단 그럼 들어오세요‬Please come in then.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아니, 우리를 누가 사칭하는 거야?‬Who's impersonating us?
‪(종민)‬ ‪이거 멱살 잡고 해야 되는 거 아니야?‬Who's impersonating us? We should duke it out.
‪- (재석) 저거 뭐야, 저거?‬ ‪- (세훈) 혼내야죠, 혼내야죠, 아주‬We should duke it out. -What is this? -We should teach them a lesson.
‪(재석)‬ ‪이 사람들이 탐정단이라고요?‬-What's going on? -They're the detectives?
‪- (종민) 어이가 없어‬ ‪- (재석) 이건 뭐야, 이 사람들?‬-I'm speechless. -Who are these people?
‪(광희)‬ ‪뭐야?‬-What the heck? -What the heck?
‪뭐야?‬-What the heck? -What the heck?
‪- (민영) 누가 봐도…‬ ‪- (광수) 장난하나‬-What the heck? -What the heck? It's so obvious… Are you kidding me?
‪[탐정들의 어이없는 웃음]‬Are you kidding me? Is that me?
‪아니, 이게 뭐야?‬Is that me? -What is this? -What is that?
‪- (종민) 저건 뭐야?‬ ‪- 언제, 언제 봤다고 삿대질을?‬-What is this? -What is that? Why are you being so rude?
‪호빵맨이야, 뭐야?‬What's with that hat?
‪(세호)‬ ‪안 그래도 우리를 사칭하고 다니는‬ ‪탐정단이 있다는 얘기 들었는데‬We heard that there were people impersonating us. It looks like all they did was match the number.
‪(승기)‬ ‪아, 이거 뭐‬ ‪구색만 맞춘 느낌인데, 이거?‬It looks like all they did was match the number.
‪- (세훈) 아, 애매한데?‬ ‪- (광수) 아, 돌아 버리겠네, 진짜‬It looks like all they did was match the number. -I'm not sure about this. -This is insane.
‪(종민)‬ ‪어이가 없어, 어이가 없어, 진짜‬ ‪[보현의 탄성]‬-I'm not sure about this. -This is insane. I'm flabbergasted.
‪똑같네, 똑같이 따라 했네‬I'm flabbergasted. They copied us exactly.
‪(재석)‬ ‪잠깐만, 이 사람이‬Hold on. This guy…
‪아, 이게, 이 사람이 이거‬So this guy…
‪당신이 탐정이야, 어?‬Are you a detective?
‪- (세호) 나 알아요?‬ ‪- (재석) 뭐라고?‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬-Do you know me? -What?
‪(세호)‬ ‪나 알아요?‬-Do you know me? -What?
‪- 아니, 알든 모르든 낯익은 얼굴인데‬ ‪- (세훈) '나 알아요?', '나 알아요?'‬-Do you know me? -What? Regardless of whether or not I know you, you look familiar.
‪- (세호) 초면에 내가 뭐…‬ ‪- (광수) 진정하세요, 진정하세요‬Regardless of whether or not I know you, you look familiar. You're so rude. -Please calm down. -Everyone, calm down.
‪(병재와 재석)‬ ‪- 자, 자, 진정들 하시고‬ ‪- 어? 아니, 이거, 이거 뭐야? 이거…‬-Please calm down. -Everyone, calm down. -You haven't met before. -What is this?
‪[광수의 웃음]‬-You haven't met before. -What is this?
‪(재석과 광수)‬ ‪- 아니‬ ‪- 아, 죄송해요, 죄송해요, 죄송해요‬-Hey. Sorry. Sorry about that. -Who are you?
‪- (재석) 아니, 누군데‬ ‪- (광수) 아, 죄송해요, 죄송해요‬-Hey. Sorry. Sorry about that. -Who are you? -Sorry. -Why are you here?
‪(재석과 광수)‬ ‪- 누군데 와 가지고 찐빵 모자, 아니‬ ‪- 아, 저희가 좀 흥분해서‬-Sorry. -Why are you here? -We're a little upset. -Look at that hat.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪아, 누구신데 콧수염 아저씨 이거‬-We're a little upset. -Look at that hat. -Who are you, Mr. Mustache? -Please calm down.
‪(병재)‬ ‪진정들 하시고‬-Who are you, Mr. Mustache? -Please calm down. Why are you impersonating us?
‪(재석)‬ ‪아이, 누군데‬ ‪지금 우리 사칭을 하는 거야?‬Why are you impersonating us?
‪(병재)‬ ‪조 탐정님, 모자 제대로 쓰시고‬Why are you impersonating us? Mr. Jo. Put your hat back on.
‪탐정님?‬-You're detectives? -Look.
‪(세호)‬ ‪아니, 우리가 그냥 넘어가려고 했는데‬ ‪이렇게까지 소리 질러도 되는 겁니까?‬-You're detectives? -Look. -Please sit. -We were going to be nice, -but you're being very rude. -Are you a baker?
‪(승기)‬ ‪아니, 뭐, 제빵사 아니에요, 제빵사?‬-but you're being very rude. -Are you a baker?
‪(세훈)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪제빵사‬-but you're being very rude. -Are you a baker? -A baker? -What the heck?
‪(세정)‬ ‪어, 뭐야?‬-A baker? -What the heck?
‪아, 의상이 똑같구나‬The clothes are the same.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(세정)‬ ‪오늘 나 원래 저 모자 쓰려 그랬어요‬I was going to wear that hat today.
‪(승희)‬ ‪내, 내 짝퉁?‬I was going to wear that hat today. Are you my knock-off?
‪- (승기) 뭐야? 의상이 똑같잖아, 이거‬ ‪- (세정) 뭘 짝퉁이야‬Are you my knock-off? -What? A knock-off? -She's my knock-off?
‪(성운)‬ ‪따라 하려면‬ ‪머리 색깔이라도 좀 따라 하든가‬-What? A knock-off? -She's my knock-off? At least copy my hair color too.
‪아이고, 참‬Gosh.
‪(보현)‬ ‪짝퉁이구나, 그게 너구나‬ ‪[광수가 구시렁거린다]‬Gosh. You must be my knock-off. It's you.
‪이건 뭐야?‬What is this?
‪- (종민) 저 검은색 너야?‬ ‪- (민영) 나야‬ ‪[민영의 웃음]‬-Is that you in black? -That's me.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 이거 잠깐만, 이거 내 옷 아니야?‬Hold on. Those are my clothes.
‪[소란스럽다]‬ ‪(세호)‬ ‪무슨 소리 하는 거예요‬-What are you talking about? -Look at him!
‪(광수)‬ ‪아니, 이거 봐‬-What are you talking about? -Look at him!
‪- (광수) 이게 뭐야?‬ ‪- (재석) 이건 뭐야, 또?‬What is that?
‪아, 나는 뭐야, 나는 왜 저래?‬ ‪아, 나는‬Why am I like that?
‪너구나‬So it's you. It's you.
‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬ ‪너구나, 나를 사칭한다는 그 자식이‬So it's you. It's you. The punk impersonating me.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- (세호) 어, 좋아, 좋아‬ ‪- (광수) 말투가 왜 이렇게‬The punk impersonating me. -Why does he sound… -Nice. Why does he sound so awkward?
‪- 말투가 왜 이렇게 어색해?‬ ‪- (세호) 좋아, 좋아‬Why does he sound so awkward? -Nice. -I hear you're impersonating me
‪네가 나를 사칭하고‬ ‪이름을 광수라고 지었다며?‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬-Nice. -I hear you're impersonating me and call yourself "Kwang-soo."
‪(종민)‬ ‪아, 광, 광, 광, 광이구나‬and call yourself "Kwang-soo." Kwang-Kwang. They're both Kwangs.
‪나 원래 본명이, 아이‬ ‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬Kwang-Kwang. They're both Kwangs. -That's right. -Kwang-hee.
‪(보현)‬ ‪이름까지 똑같이 했어?‬ ‪[성운이 말한다]‬-That's right. -Kwang-hee. -He even copied your name. -He even lost weight to look like you.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아니, 잠깐만, 의뢰를 하신 거죠?‬-He even copied your name. -He even lost weight to look like you. Hold on. You hired us, right?
‪- (소미) 네, 근데…‬ ‪- (세호) 정확히 말씀을 드리면‬-Yes, but-- -To be more precise, she's our client.
‪저희 의뢰자입니다‬-Yes, but-- -To be more precise, she's our client.
‪(재석)‬ ‪저희 의뢰자?‬-Your client? -And stop hitting me.
‪(세호)‬ ‪그리고 아까부터 막 툭툭 치시는데‬ ‪치지 마세요‬-Your client? -And stop hitting me.
‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬ ‪- 뭐?‬ ‪- (세호) 나 아십니까? 나 알아요?‬Do you know me? Do you? -What? -Do you know me?
‪- (재석) 뭐라고?‬ ‪- 나 알아요?‬-What? -Do you know me?
‪- (재석) 몰라도 알아, 이거 확!‬ ‪- (광수) 몰라도 아는 게 뭐예요‬ ‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬-I don't, but I do. -What does that mean?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪알아도 모르고 몰라도 알아, 이거‬-I don't, but I do. -What does that mean? I do, but don't. And I don't, but I do.
‪[못마땅한 신음]‬ ‪(병재)‬ ‪대화로, 대화로 풀어 나갑시다‬I do, but don't. And I don't, but I do. Okay, let's figure this out.
‪- (병재) 자리 앉으시고, 네‬ ‪- (재석) 그래그래‬Please have a seat. We have a lot to say as well.
‪(병재)‬ ‪저희도 드릴 말씀이 많으니까‬Please have a seat. We have a lot to say as well.
‪(라비)‬ ‪원래 진짜가 참는 법입니다‬-The real ones have to be patient. -Right.
‪(세호)‬ ‪오케이, 오케이, 오케이‬ ‪아, 좋아요, 좋아요‬-The real ones have to be patient. -Right. -Okay, sounds good. -Let's sit.
‪(재석과 광수)‬ ‪- 일단 저, 앉으시죠, 앉으시죠, 예‬ ‪- 아니, 이게 무슨 상황인지 모르겠네‬-Okay, sounds good. -Let's sit. -Let's sit. -I don't get what's going on.
‪(소미)‬ ‪양쪽 지금 다 탐정단 맞는 거죠?‬You're both detectives, correct?
‪- 아이, 탐정단이죠‬ ‪- (민영) 네, 양쪽…‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬-Yes, we are. -Yes.
‪- (재석) 아니, 우리가 저기, 저‬ ‪- 아니죠, 저희가 진짜죠‬-We're the-- -No. We're the real one.
‪(소미)‬ ‪저는 지금 한쪽에만‬ ‪일단 의뢰를 했거든요‬-We're the-- -No. We're the real one. I only hired one team.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 그래요?‬-Really? -Which of you are the real detectives?
‪(소미)‬ ‪누가 진짜 탐정단이죠?‬-Really? -Which of you are the real detectives?
‪(재석)‬ ‪이쪽도 탐정단이에요?‬-Really? -Which of you are the real detectives? Are you detectives?
‪아니면 갑자기 우리를 사칭하고 다니는‬ ‪가짜입니까?‬Are you detectives? -Or are you fakes impersonating us? -We're detectives.
‪탐정단입니다‬-Or are you fakes impersonating us? -We're detectives.
‪[병재가 말한다]‬ ‪- (재석) 짝퉁이에요?‬ ‪- 아니요‬-Or are you fakes impersonating us? -We're detectives. -Are you knock-offs? -No.
‪(병재)‬ ‪우리 탐정단을 사칭하는 탐정단이‬ ‪있다는 얘기는 들었는데‬We heard there was a team impersonating us.
‪솔직히 좀 굉장히 실망스럽네요‬To be honest, I'm disappointed.
‪기대 이하네요‬It's far below my expectations.
‪[세정의 웃음]‬ ‪(종민)‬ ‪야, 세정아, 이하래‬Se-jeong. She says you're below.
‪(라비)‬ ‪이런 분이 저를 똑같이 따라 한다는 게‬ ‪[종민의 어이없는 웃음]‬To think someone like this copied me…
‪[재석의 웃음]‬ ‪- (종민) 야, 너…‬ ‪- (광수) 많이 실망하셨구나‬-Hey. You. -I'm disappointed.
‪[종민의 한숨]‬ ‪(승기)‬ ‪근데, 근데 잠깐만, 잠깐만‬But… Hold on.
‪솔직히 그쪽이 나아요‬To be honest, you're better. Do you want to join us?
‪- 여기 들어올래요?‬ ‪- (종민) 야, 야‬ ‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬To be honest, you're better. Do you want to join us? You should go. It's time for you to leave.
‪(승기와 종민)‬ ‪- 형은 진짜 이제 갈 때 됐어, 형‬ ‪- 야, 얘…‬You should go. It's time for you to leave.
‪[종민의 탄식]‬ ‪(민영)‬ ‪아니, 근데 그쪽이 진짜인데‬Anyway, if you're the real ones,
‪- (민영) 왜 제 번호를 이용해서‬ ‪- (재석) 그러니까‬-why did you use my phone number -Exactly.
‪(민영)‬ ‪사건을 갖다 의뢰를 받은 거예요?‬-why did you use my phone number -Exactly. to get clients?
‪- 무슨 처음 듣는 얘기를‬ ‪- (광수) 아, 그러니까 문자…‬That's the first I've heard. -We got a text-- -You rude bastard!
‪(재석)‬ ‪이런 싸가지 없이, 어디!‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬-We got a text-- -You rude bastard!
‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬ ‪(광수)‬ ‪어, 진정하세요, 왜 그래, 이 형들‬-We got a text-- -You rude bastard! Hey! Calm down! What's wrong with you people?
‪- (재석) 아니, 잠깐만, 아니, 민영아‬ ‪- (광수) 이 형 오늘 왜 이래?‬-Hey. -What's wrong with you today? -Min-young, are you okay? -Sorry about that.
‪[광수가 사과한다]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪민영아, 괜찮아?‬-Min-young, are you okay? -Sorry about that.
‪- (광수) 아, 참으세요, 참으세요‬ ‪- (민영) 괜찮아요‬-Min-young, are you okay? -Sorry about that. -Calm down! -I'm fine.
‪(광수)‬ ‪아니, 원래 이렇게‬ ‪평소에 흥분하는 분이 아닌데‬-Calm down! -I'm fine. I know you're always excited, but…
‪아, 잠깐만, 저, 미안합니다, 초면인데‬Hold on. Sorry. I know we just met,
‪(재석)‬ ‪우리가 조금 우리를 사칭한다라는‬ ‪지금 얘기에‬but we're very sensitive right now after hearing that people were impersonating us.
‪우리가 좀 되게 굉장히 좀 예민해요‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬after hearing that people were impersonating us.
‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪- (재석) 어, 이거 뭐야?‬ ‪- (소미) 자‬-What's that? -So…
‪어느 쪽이 탐정이든 상관없어요‬I don't care which of you are the real detectives.
‪(소미)‬ ‪저는 제 사건만 해결하면 됩니다‬I'm okay as long as you solve my case.
‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[소란스럽다]‬ ‪(광수)‬ ‪어, 선생님‬-Ma'am! -Hold on.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 저, 아, 앞에서 좀 실례를 범한 점‬Our deepest apologies for our rudeness
‪다시 한번 진심으로 사과드리겠습니다‬Our deepest apologies for our rudeness -once again. -Okay.
‪저 정도는 돼야지‬That's more like it.
‪(소미)‬ ‪자, 보시다시피 액수가 좀 크죠?‬That's more like it. As you can see, it's a lot.
‪[재석의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪많이 크네요‬As you can see, it's a lot. Yes, it is.
‪(소미)‬ ‪저는 오늘 사건을 해결해 주신‬ ‪탐정단에게만‬I will pay this fee only to the team of detectives
‪이 수임료를 드리도록 하겠습니다‬I will pay this fee only to the team of detectives who solves my case today.
‪(재석)‬ ‪그건 뭐, 당연한 얘기 아니겠습니까?‬who solves my case today. That goes without saying.
‪(소미)‬ ‪자, 제가 일단 오늘‬ ‪의뢰드리려고 하는 사건은‬So, the case that I want to hire you for is this.
‪아주 제가 지금 너무 힘들어서‬ ‪[재석의 탄성]‬I haven't been able to sleep lately
‪하루하루 잠을 못 자고 있습니다‬because things are just too hard for me.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬because things are just too hard for me.
‪일단 오늘 사건은‬First, the case is…
‪[의아한 신음]‬
‪(종민)‬ ‪어, 뭐야, 뭐야?‬What?
‪왜, 왜, 왜, 왜, 왜?‬What's wrong?
‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬What's wrong?
‪(광수)‬ ‪뭐야?‬What's going on?
‪[재석의 당황한 신음]‬ ‪(세호)‬ ‪어, 왜 이래?‬-What's wrong with her? -What's going on? -What's wrong? -Are you guys detectives?
‪너희들 탐정이야?‬-What's wrong? -Are you guys detectives?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪- 뭐야?‬ ‪- (종민) 뭐야?‬ ‪[소미가 깔깔 웃는다]‬-What's this? -What's going on?
‪(소미)‬ ‪어떻게 하나같이 생긴 게 다‬ ‪믿음 가지 않게 생겼지?‬How is it that every single one of you doesn't look trustworthy at all?
‪(종민과 소미)‬ ‪- 어, 왜 이래‬ ‪- 생긴 게 왜 이렇게 다 이렇게 생겼어‬Why do you look like that? How could not a single one of you look trustworthy?
‪어떻게 하나같이‬ ‪믿음 가게 생긴 사람이 한 명도 없어‬How could not a single one of you look trustworthy?
‪- 무서워‬ ‪- (종민) 응?‬ ‪[소미의 웃음]‬I'm scared.
‪- (종민) 왜 그러세요?‬ ‪- 빙의한 거야?‬-She's possessed. -That's what it is. She's possessed.
‪- 맞네, 빙의 현상‬ ‪- (종민) 왜, 왜 그러세요, 갑자기?‬ ‪[재석의 놀란 탄성]‬-She's possessed. -That's what it is. She's possessed.
‪- 나 지금 죽은 사람이야‬ ‪- (종민) 예?‬-I'm dead right now. -What?
‪귀신이라고!‬ ‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬-I'm a ghost! -She died?
‪(종민)‬ ‪돌아가셨다고요?‬-I'm a ghost! -She died?
‪내 남자 친구 좀 찾아 줘‬Please find my boyfriend.
‪[놀란 신음]‬ ‪- (재석) 네?‬ ‪- (종민) 예?‬What?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪- 아, 소름 돋아‬ ‪- (소미) 내가 사실‬-I just got chills. -I was killed right before my boyfriend proposed to me,
‪(소미)‬ ‪남자 친구랑 프러포즈 전에‬right before my boyfriend proposed to me,
‪결혼식도 올리기 전에 죽어 버렸어‬before our wedding. Before he proposed?
‪- (종민) 어? 프러포즈…‬ ‪- (병재) 아이고‬ ‪[민영의 탄식]‬Before he proposed? THE CLIENT POSSESSED SOMEONE
‪(소미)‬ ‪그가 얼마나 슬퍼했을지 궁금해서‬ ‪도저히 내가 이승을 못 떠나겠어‬I want to know just how sad he is. I can't leave this world until I do.
‪- (소미) 너희들 탐정이지?‬ ‪- (종민) 예, 예‬-You're detectives, right? -Yes.
‪(소미)‬ ‪내 남자 친구 찾아 줄 수 있어?‬-Can you find my boyfriend? -Yes, definitely.
‪저희가 충분히‬ ‪찾아 줄 수 있습니다, 충분히‬-Can you find my boyfriend? -Yes, definitely.
‪[소미가 깔깔 웃는다]‬ ‪- (광수) 아, 왜 이렇게 웃는 거야?‬ ‪- (재석) 아, 왜 이렇게 웃어, 아…‬-Can you find my boyfriend? -Yes, definitely. Why is she laughing? All I remember is my boyfriend's name…
‪(소미)‬ ‪내가 기억하는 건 내 남자 친구의 이름‬All I remember is my boyfriend's name…
‪(재석)‬ ‪이름이 뭐야?‬-What is his name? -Yoo.
‪(소미)‬ ‪유태욱‬ ‪[탐정들이 호응한다]‬-What is his name? -Yoo. -Yoo. -Tae! -Tae. -Uk!
‪- (광수) 유태욱?‬ ‪- (종민) 유태욱 씨?‬-Yoo Tae-uk? -Yoo Tae-uk!
‪- 유태욱‬ ‪- (승기) 유태욱?‬-Yoo Tae-uk? -Yoo Tae-uk! -Yoo Tae-uk? -My boyfriend
‪(소미)‬ ‪내 남자 친구는‬-Yoo Tae-uk? -My boyfriend
‪- 어, 나만을 위한 로맨티시스트‬ ‪- (종민) 로맨티시스트‬-is a hopeless romantic for me. -Romantic.
‪(소미)‬ ‪그리고 잊지 못할 프러포즈‬ ‪[종민이 중얼거린다]‬And a proposal I can never forget.
‪남자 친구가 너무 보고 싶어‬ ‪[재석의 탄식]‬I want to see my boyfriend so badly.
‪지금 현재 어디 계신데요?‬Where is he now?
‪- (재석) 그걸 알면 찾아가지‬ ‪- (보현) 찾아 달라고 하잖아요, 지금‬-We have to figure that out. -We have to find him.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪너 탐정이라며 그것도 하나 못 찾아?‬But you're a detective! Can't you find one person?
‪- (광수) 죄송합니다‬ ‪- (재석) 아유‬I'm sorry.
‪(광수)‬ ‪저 형 아침부터 왜 이렇게‬ ‪이 사람, 저 사람 열받게 하는 거야?‬Why is he pissing everyone off today?
‪[종민의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬ ‪(소미)‬ ‪나 내 남자 친구 좀‬Why is he pissing everyone off today? You can find my boyfriend, can't you?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪빨리 찾아 줄 수 있지?‬You can find my boyfriend, can't you?
‪[깔깔 웃는다]‬
‪- (소미) 찾아 줄 거지? 꼭 찾아 줘‬ ‪- (재석) 아, 예‬-You'll find him, right? -Yes. -You must find him! -Don't worry.
‪- (재석) 아이, 걱정하지 마세요‬ ‪- 찾아 줘!‬-You must find him! -Don't worry. Find him!
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬ ‪- (재석) 아유‬ ‪- (세정) 아이고, 아이고‬Find him! -Oh, my gosh. -Do you remember anything else?
‪(광수)‬ ‪또 기억나는 거 없으세요?‬-Oh, my gosh. -Do you remember anything else?
‪- (라비) 이름이랑 나이만 가지고‬ ‪- (세호) 어, 괜찮아요?‬-All we have are his name and age. -Are you okay?
‪- 돌아왔다‬ ‪- (재석) 괜찮으세요?‬-She's back. -Are you okay?
‪(소미)‬ ‪일단 여러분이 지금 방금 만난 귀신이‬ ‪의뢰인입니다‬First of all, the spirit you just met is the client.
‪아, 야, 귀신이 의뢰인이야?‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬I see. The ghost is the client.
‪(재석)‬ ‪야, 귀신의 의뢰를 받긴 처음인데요‬It's the first time we were hired by a ghost.
‪그 의뢰인의 이름은‬ ‪혹시 알 수 있을까요?‬Do you know the client's name?
‪- 그 여자의 이름은 김서리고요‬ ‪- (종민) 서리 씨‬-Her name is Kim Seo-ri. -Seo-ri.
‪(소미)‬ ‪나이는 서른다섯 살‬ ‪유태욱이랑 동갑이에요‬She is 35 years old, the same as Yoo Tae-uk.
‪- (종민) 동갑이네, 동갑 친구네‬ ‪- (민영) 동갑이구나‬She is 35 years old, the same as Yoo Tae-uk. They're the same age.
‪(재석)‬ ‪이분이 이제 망자시죠?‬She died, right?
‪(소미)‬ ‪남자 친구를 보기 전에는‬ ‪절대 떠나고 싶지 않다고‬She says she won't leave until she sees her boyfriend. -She won't leave? -It must be a grudge.
‪- (종민) 안 가신대요?‬ ‪- (병재) 원혼이 되셨나 보다‬-She won't leave? -It must be a grudge.
‪그럼 저희가 이거를 찾기 위해서‬But are we supposed to find him without any clues?
‪뭐, 아무 단서가 없는 건가요‬ ‪이거밖에?‬But are we supposed to find him without any clues?
‪(소미)‬ ‪일단은 이 프러포즈 받던 장소는‬But are we supposed to find him without any clues? First, she said he was supposed to propose
‪그 남자의 직장이라고 했어요‬at his place of work.
‪[탐정들이 호응한다]‬ ‪(종민)‬ ‪직장‬-At his work. -His place of work.
‪- 남자의 회사‬ ‪- (소미) 네‬-At his work. -His place of work. -Yes. -It'll be hard to find him with just this.
‪(광수)‬ ‪와, 근데 이것만 가지고 찾기가‬ ‪쉽지가 않을 텐데‬-Yes. -It'll be hard to find him with just this.
‪- (재석) 뭐가 있습니까? 어?‬ ‪- (라비) 단서‬-Do you have something? -Clues? These are the love letters that they had exchanged.
‪(소미)‬ ‪이게 김서리 씨가 함께 주고받던‬ ‪러브장이에요‬These are the love letters that they had exchanged.
‪(세호)‬ ‪아, 그럼 저희가 좀 가져가겠습니다‬ ‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬These are the love letters that they had exchanged. We'll take this.
‪[소란스럽다]‬ ‪(승기)‬ ‪아, 잠시만요‬-Wait. -Jae-suk!
‪앉아 계세요‬-Sit down. -Let go.
‪(보현과 종민)‬ ‪- 자, 앉아 계세요, 앉아 계세요‬ ‪- 손 떼, 손 떼, 예‬-Sit down. -Let go. -Sit down. -Let go.
‪(재석)‬ ‪이게 그 두 분이 주고받던‬ ‪러브장입니까?‬These are the love letters that the two of them exchanged?
‪(소미)‬ ‪네, 여기에 모든 단서가‬ ‪다 있을 거고요‬Yes. All the clues should be in here.
‪(세호)‬ ‪아, 그럼 이 단서‬ ‪저희가 좀 가져가도록 하겠습니다‬Yes. All the clues should be in here. Then we'll take this. Hold on. We're the ones who were hired.
‪(재석)‬ ‪잠깐만요‬ ‪이거 좀 뭐, 의뢰를 받은, 예‬Hold on. We're the ones who were hired. -We were hired. -So were we.
‪- 저희가 의뢰를 받았습니다‬ ‪- (재석) 저희도 의뢰를 받았죠‬-We were hired. -So were we.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪(소미)‬ ‪어쨌든 오늘 탐정이 두 팀이니까‬-We were hired. -So were we. Regardless, since there are two teams of detectives,
‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬ ‪사실 제가‬Actually, I've…
‪- (광수) 예, 아유, 깔끔하시네‬ ‪- (종민) 아, 싸우지 않게‬-So we wouldn't fight. -You're very wise.
‪- (소미) 잘 좀 부탁드리겠습니다‬ ‪- (재석) 알겠습니다‬ ‪[탐정들이 대답한다]‬-Please find him. -All right.
‪먼저 찾으신 탐정단분은‬ ‪저한테 먼저 전화 주시고요‬Whoever finds him first, please call me.
‪[저마다 말한다]‬ ‪(광수)‬ ‪전문입니다‬-Okay. -Definitely.
‪[소미가 감사 인사를 한다]‬ ‪- (재석) 바로 해서, 예, 연락드릴게요‬ ‪- (병재) 걱정하지 마세요‬-We'll call you right away. -Don't worry.
‪(민영)‬ ‪자, 그러면 이게 러브장인데‬ ‪일단 이거야‬Okay, then. These are love letters. First, here.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪'네 맘에서 길을 잃은 나야'‬"I've lost my way in your heart.
‪'끝이 없는 여기는 바로‬ ‪출구 없는 미로'‬There is no end. This is a maze without an exit."
‪(병재)‬ ‪쭉 스토리를 보자‬ ‪우리가 지금 유태욱 씨를 찾아야 돼‬Let's look at the big picture. We have to find Yoo Tae-uk.
‪프러포즈를 딱 준비를 했는데‬He made preparations to propose to her,
‪프러포즈를 못 받고‬ ‪돌아가신 거잖아, 여자분이‬but she died before he could.
‪근데 그 프러포즈 준비하는‬ ‪과정일 거란 말이야‬These love letters were probably a part of the process
‪이 러브장이라는 건‬ ‪[성운이 호응한다]‬for planning the proposal. In light of that…
‪그렇게 또 봤을 때‬for planning the proposal. In light of that…
‪- (민영) 글씨가 다 색깔이 있다?‬ ‪- (종민) 색깔이 있네, 어‬-Each of the words are colored. -That's right.
‪[재석의 탄성]‬ ‪(민영)‬ ‪이 색깔에 뭐가 또 있을 것 같아‬I think that's meaningful. Maybe we can read them by the colors.
‪(종민과 민영)‬ ‪- 색깔대로 읽어 봐도 될 것 같고, 응‬ ‪- 그렇죠?‬Maybe we can read them by the colors. -Right? -Yes.
‪(병재)‬ ‪저게 예를 들어서 무지개면은‬ ‪빨은 1, 주는 2‬For example, if that's the rainbow, red would be one, orange would be two.
‪숫자로 치환하면‬ ‪어떤 숫자가 나올 수도 있고‬ ‪[세호의 탄성]‬red would be one, orange would be two. It may indicate numbers.
‪(재석)‬ ‪무조건 이게 이제‬These are definitely the clues to finding that man.
‪그 남자를 찾을 수 있는‬ ‪이 뭔가 단서잖아, 그렇지?‬These are definitely the clues to finding that man.
‪이걸로 얻을 수 있는 단서가 뭘까요?‬What can we glean from this?
‪(병재)‬ ‪이게 보니까 미로가‬This maze doesn't have just one answer.
‪답이 하나가 있는 게 아니라‬ ‪방향이 너무 많더라고‬This maze doesn't have just one answer. They go in several directions. So I don't think this is a word.
‪그래서 글자가 아닌 것 같아‬ ‪이거 아무래도‬They go in several directions. So I don't think this is a word.
‪아니면 여기에 힌트가 없는 거 아니야?‬Maybe this isn't a hint.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬Maybe this isn't a hint.
‪(재석)‬ ‪씁, '처음 너를 위해 작곡'‬"The first song I wrote for you."
‪이게 어디 주소나‬ ‪이런 걸 가리키는 게 아닐까, 그렇지?‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Maybe this has an address or something.
‪- (종민) 그렇지, 주소 같아요‬ ‪- (광수) 아니면 이런 거 아니에요?‬-I think it's an address. -Or maybe
‪색깔별로 이렇게 단어 만들면‬we can combine the words of the same color
‪거기가 주소 되는 거?‬to find the address.
‪이게 뭔가 주소 같아‬I think it's an address.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯, 여섯‬ ‪일곱, 여덟, 아홉, 열‬I think it's an address. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
‪일곱 개, 여섯 개‬Seven. Six.
‪이거 또 키보드 배열 아니에요?‬Six. Maybe this is a keyboard again.
‪- (민영) 그럴 수도 있어‬ ‪- (세훈) 자판‬-It may be. -A keyboard.
‪똑같잖아요, 또‬ ‪모든 페이지마다 이 배열이, 글자‬It's the same. Every page has the same layout of letters.
‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪오, 맞네‬He's right.
‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪맞아, 맞아, 맞아, 키보드, 키보드‬He's right. It's a keyboard.
‪맞아, 똑같아요‬It's the same.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪와, 색깔이 뭐가 있을 것 같은데‬There must be something behind the colors.
‪(세훈과 재석)‬ ‪- 색깔, 우아, 너무 어렵다‬ ‪- 이게 두 군데 아니야? 이거 봐 봐‬There must be something behind the colors. -This is so hard. -Maybe there are two places.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- (세훈) 네‬ ‪- (재석) 노란색은 노란색 주소‬Yellow is the address for yellow.
‪핑크색은 핑크색 주소‬Pink is the address for pink.
‪[놀라며]‬ ‪맞는 것 같아요‬-That's right. -I think you're right.
‪- 그렇지? 맞지‬ ‪- (민영) 맞아‬-Right? -Yes.
‪- (재석) 어떻게?‬ ‪- 이 테두리 색깔이 그 색깔로…‬-What do I do? -The color of the frame -is that color. -You're right.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 맞는다, 맞는다, 민영아‬-is that color. -You're right.
‪- (세정) 뭐가요?‬ ‪- (재석) 이 테두리하고 이거‬-What? -The frame and this.
‪- 다섯 번째, 사, 'ㅅ'‬ ‪- (승기) 사?‬The fifth is "sa"… "su"… "Seo." It's "seo." That says "seo."
‪- '서', '서'가 나오네, '서'‬ ‪- (승기) 서?‬"Seo." It's "seo." That says "seo."
‪'서'가 나와‬"Seo." It's "seo." That says "seo."
‪이거, 이거겠다‬This must be it.
‪- '패'‬ ‪- (승기) 서패‬"Pae." "Seopae."
‪주소인데? 서패‬It's an address though. Seopae.
‪[승기의 놀란 신음]‬There's a Seopae-dong. It exists.
‪(승기와 민영)‬ ‪- 서패동이 있어, 서패동이 있어‬ ‪- 있어, 있어?‬There's a Seopae-dong. It exists.
‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪형, 경기도 파주시‬ ‪서패동이 있어, 서패동‬There's a Seopae-dong in Paju in Gyeonggi-do.
‪(재석과 승기)‬ ‪- 서패동?‬ ‪- 서패동, 이게 '서패'야, '서패'‬-Seopae-dong? -Yes, this is Seopae.
‪(승기)‬ ‪점 찍힌 그림까지 합치면‬ ‪주소가 나오나?‬Maybe if we add the dots page, we'll get the address.
‪그리고 노랑도 마찬가지고‬Maybe if we add the dots page, we'll get the address. The same goes for the yellow.
‪(민영)‬ ‪그러니까 이거랑‬ ‪섞어야 되는 것 같아서‬The same goes for the yellow. I think we have to combine them.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪그러면 풀 주소가 나오는구나‬I think we have to combine them. Then we may get the full address.
‪(세호)‬ ‪어? 오, 야‬Hey.
‪우엉을 찾으면 돼‬We have to find "our end." Maybe like a restaurant? Our end.
‪우엉, 우엉, 우엉, 우엉 아니야, 우엉?‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬We have to find "our end." Maybe like a restaurant? Our end.
‪(광희)‬ ‪너무 먹을 거 생각하시는 거 아니에요?‬A restaurant? Are you hungry?
‪(세호)‬ ‪아니, 여기 쓰여 있잖아, 앞에, 앞에‬ ‪우엉 찾으라고‬A restaurant? Are you hungry? No. It says to find "our end."
‪(병재)‬ ‪내가 볼 때 색깔하고 알파벳은‬ ‪무조건이야‬I think the colors are letters.
‪- 색깔하고 알파벳은 무조건이라고?‬ ‪- (병재) 내 느낌에 그래요‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬-The colors are letters? -That's my gut feeling.
‪왜냐면 스물여섯 개가‬ ‪딱 맞아떨어지는 게‬There are 26 in total.
‪(병재)‬ ‪다 치환시켰더니 모양이 나와‬ ‪요거대로‬There are 26 in total. I put them together, and I found a shape. Like this.
‪(라비)‬ ‪아, 키보드 같네?‬I put them together, and I found a shape. Like this. It looks like a keyboard.
‪자판 같다는 거잖아, 지금‬So it may be a keyboard?
‪(세호)‬ ‪그래그래, 이거‬That's right.
‪- (보현) 알았어, 알았어‬ ‪- (병재) 알았어?‬-I got it. Got it. -What is it?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪뭐야?‬-I got it. Got it. -What is it?
‪- (보현) 테두리 색깔이 다 달라요‬ ‪- (세호) 어‬The frames' colors are different.
‪- (보현) 노란색이잖아‬ ‪- (세호) 어, 노란색‬-This is yellow. -Yes, yellow.
‪(보현)‬ ‪이 글자들이 힌트야‬These letters are the hint.
‪[놀란 숨을 들이켠다]‬
‪(세호)‬ ‪그러니까, 그럼 E, D, H가 뭐야‬You're right. It's E, D, H.
‪- (라비) '동'?‬ ‪- (보현) 어, 맞아‬-Dong? -Yes.
‪(병재)‬ ‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪하나, 둘, 셋, 넷, 다섯‬One, two, three, four, five.
‪- (세호) 'ㅅ', 'ㅅ', 'ㅅ'‬ ‪- (병재) 'ㅅ'‬One, two, three, four, five. -The letter "S." -S.
‪- (병재) 그러면은 '산', 동산, 동산‬ ‪- (라비) 동산, 동산, 동산‬-The letter "S." -S. That makes "san." "Dongsan."
‪(광수)‬ ‪이게 뭐야? 동그라미, 동그라미 이거‬What are these dots?
‪'너라는 사람을 등반할래‬ ‪여섯 개의 난관을 뚫고'‬"I want to hike you, break through six obstacles and fall weightlessly."
‪이게 여기 또 있네‬-It's here too. -It shows up again.
‪이거 '아무도 없는'‬ ‪그, 또 있지, 이거?‬ ‪[광수가 호응한다]‬-It's here too. -It shows up again. -Yes. -This is harder than I expected.
‪(광수)‬ ‪아, 생각보다 어려운데?‬-Yes. -This is harder than I expected.
‪[재석이 의아한 숨을 들이켠다]‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪- 저 알 것 같은데‬ ‪- (재석) 뭔데?‬-I think I got it. -What? Did you figure it out?
‪- (종민) 뭐야, 뭐야, 뭐야?‬ ‪- 세정아, 왔어?‬-I think I got it. -What? Did you figure it out?
‪- (세정) 숫자 점자‬ ‪- (승기) 숫자 점자‬ ‪[재석의 탄성]‬It's braille. Braille?
‪- (세정) 그거 아닐까요?‬ ‪- (광수) 진짜?‬-Right? -Really?
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 이게…‬ ‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬-Right? -Really? This?
‪- (종민) 왔어‬ ‪- (광수) 진짜?‬-That's it! -Really?
‪여기에 오빠, 영어랑 다 있어요‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬This has English and everything.
‪(재석)‬ ‪맞네, 맞네, 여기 있네, 여기 있네‬You're right. It's here.
‪- (세훈) 그러면 풀 주소가 나오는구나‬ ‪- (세정) 그렇지, 그렇지‬-So that gives us the full address. -Right.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪이거는 뭐, 숫자고 뒤에‬And this is a number.
‪(재석과 세정)‬ ‪- 야, 역시, 너 그거 어떻게 찾았냐?‬ ‪- 왜냐면 이게 지금‬And this is a number. -Because if you look… -How did you figure that out? You know how elevator buttons have braille on them.
‪(세정)‬ ‪엘리베이터 보면 점 찍혀 있잖아요‬You know how elevator buttons have braille on them.
‪오빠, 이쯤 되면 이제, 하, 진짜‬By now, we should… You know.
‪하, 진짜 잘한다‬You're really good.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아까 차 타고 온 대로 헤어지자‬ ‪알았지? 찢어져‬Let's split up by the cars we came in. -Let's split. -You go first.
‪- 형부터 나가세요, 형부터 나가세요‬ ‪- (재석) 알았어‬-Let's split. -You go first.
‪(재석과 종민)‬ ‪- 일단 차 빼 놓고 있을게, 빨리 와‬ ‪- 예, 차 빼고 있어요‬-I'll get the car. Come out. -Get the car.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪아, 저 사람들 왜 온 거야, 오늘?‬Why did those people come today?
‪(광희)‬ ‪아, 요번 사건이 어려운 것 같다, 조금‬This is hard. Let's solve this first.
‪(병재)‬ ‪우린 일단 이거부터 한번 풀어 보자‬Let's solve this first.
‪- (재석) 종민아, 야, 빨리 타!‬ ‪- (종민) 예?‬-Jong-min! Get in! -What?
‪- 야, 우리가 동산동이지?‬ ‪- (광수) 예‬-We're going to Dongsan-dong, right? -Yes.
‪- (승기) 우린 서패동이지, 서패동?‬ ‪- (민영) 어, 서패동‬We're going to Seopae-dong, right? Yes, Seopae-dong.
‪(승기)‬ ‪자‬-Okay. -Parking fee.
‪주차비, 주차비‬-Okay. -Parking fee. You can pay through the navigation system.
‪(승기)‬ ‪결제가 되잖아, 여기 내비게이션에서‬You can pay through the navigation system.
‪(세정)‬ ‪이걸로 돼요?‬-Really? You can? -You can pay through that?
‪(승기와 민영)‬ ‪- 딱‬ ‪- 아, 그냥 이걸로 페이가 되는 건아?‬-Really? You can? -You can pay through that?
‪- (승기) 다 되는 거야, 그렇지‬ ‪- (민영) 어머‬-That's right. -Oh, my gosh.
‪(승기)‬ ‪이런 것부터‬ ‪저 가짜들보다 훨씬 빠르지, 우리가‬Things like this put us ahead of those imposters.
‪와, 진짜 우리 오늘 멋있었다‬We were so cool today.
‪- (세정) 예, 짜릿합니다, 지금‬ ‪- (승기) 어?‬It feels great.
‪[세정의 탄성]‬ ‪시원하게 한 방 날리고 시작했다‬We socked it to them.
‪- (세정) 진짜 신기하다‬ ‪- (민영) 진짜 신기해‬-That's so cool. -It really is.
‪[주차 정산기 안내 음성]‬ ‪정산된 차량입니다‬-That's so cool. -It really is.
‪자, 가 보자‬Let's go.
‪(민영)‬ ‪와, 근데 우리가 완벽하게 이겼어‬We totally won. They don't compare.
‪(세정)‬ ‪저쪽은 상대가 안 되죠‬We totally won. They don't compare.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪아, 그때 천재들이랑‬ ‪진짜 한번 겨뤄 보고 나니까‬After competing against those geniuses,
‪(종민)‬ ‪어, 그렇지, 웬만하면‬After competing against those geniuses,
‪- (세훈) 이런 뭐, 일반인들은‬ ‪- (종민) '일반인들'‬ ‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬civilians like them… Civilians?
‪- (세훈) 일반인들은‬ ‪- (종민) 야, 그냥 일반 사람, 응?‬ ‪[광수가 거든다]‬-Civilians are… -They're cute, that's what.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪그냥 너무 그냥‬ ‪웃기더라고요, 처음부터요‬They were so funny from the get-go.
‪얼굴 보는데 웃음 나오더라고요‬They were so funny from the get-go. I burst out laughing when I saw them.
‪- (종민) 저기서 못 나올 것 같은데?‬ ‪- (세훈) 예, 못 나올 것 같아요‬-I don't think they'll ever leave there. -No way.
‪(종민)‬ ‪그렇죠, 형?‬Right?
‪(병재)‬ ‪내가 볼 때 이거는 무슨 점자고‬I think it's braille.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪[병재의 하품]‬
‪어, 저기 갔어, 형, 저기 갔어‬They left. Hey. They left.
‪(병재)‬ ‪어? 어디 갔어?‬They left. Hey. They left. Where did they go?
‪출발했어?‬They left?
‪(성운)‬ ‪아, 이게 점자만 찾으면 되는데‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬We just have to figure out the braille.
‪- (세훈) 여기인 것 같은데요, 예‬ ‪- (재석) 여기지?‬DONGSAN-DONG, GOYANG CITY -I think this is it. -We're here.
‪(재석과 광수)‬ ‪- 아니, 이거 뭐, 아, 이거, 이거‬ ‪- 이게‬-What's this? -This.
‪- (재석) 아까 그림에 있었던 거지?‬ ‪- (광수) 그게 이거네‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬-What's this? -This. -It was in the drawing. -That was this.
‪(세훈과 광수)‬ ‪- 아까 그, 산 타는 거‬ ‪- 이 '너라는 사람을 등반할래' 이거‬-It was in the drawing. -That was this. -"I want to hike you." -The hiking one.
‪(종민)‬ ‪아, 이거 그, 산 타는 거?‬ ‪[광수가 호응한다]‬-"I want to hike you." -The hiking one. -This? The hiking one. -Yes.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪여기네요‬-This? The hiking one. -Yes. -This is it. -This place has that…
‪(종민)‬ ‪여기 그거 있어, 막 이거 위에‬-This is it. -This place has that…
‪(직원1과 재석)‬ ‪- 안녕하세요, 운동하러 오셨어요?‬ ‪- 예, 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello. -Are you here to work out? -So…
‪- 아니, 저기…‬ ‪- (직원1) 처음 오시는?‬-Are you here to work out? -So… Is it your first time? -Yes, it's our first time. -We're here to look for something.
‪(재석)‬ ‪예, 저희가 운동하는 게 아니고‬ ‪누구를 찾으러 왔는데‬-Yes, it's our first time. -We're here to look for something.
‪- 그분 성함이 뭐였지?‬ ‪- (재석) 유태욱 씨, 유태욱 씨‬-What was his name? -Do you know Yoo Tae-uk?
‪(광수)‬ ‪유태욱 씨 아세요?‬-What was his name? -Do you know Yoo Tae-uk?
‪- 유태욱 씨, 알죠, 네‬ ‪- (종민) 예, 어, 어디 계세요?‬Yoo Tae-uk? Yes, I do. -Where is he? -He's a regular.
‪- (직원1) 단골이셨는데 지금은‬ ‪- (세훈) 아, 그래요?‬ ‪[재석의 탄성]‬-Where is he? -He's a regular. -I see. -What about now?
‪그분을 알 수 있거나‬ ‪뭐, 하는 데가 없을까요?‬-I see. -What about now? Is there a way to find him?
‪(광수)‬ ‪정보를 저희가 좀 얻을 수 있을까요‬ ‪그분을 만나야 돼요, 지금 저희가‬Can you give us some information? We must find him.
‪(직원1)‬ ‪태욱 씨가 여기서 처음 만났던‬ ‪여성분이 계시거든요‬There's a woman that he met here.
‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪맞아요, 맞아요‬That's right.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(종민)‬ ‪그분 성함이 서리 씨?‬That's right. -Was her name Seo-ri? -Yes, that's right.
‪(직원1과 광수)‬ ‪- 맞아요, 네‬ ‪- 맞아, 맞아, 맞아, 맞네, 여기 맞네‬-Was her name Seo-ri? -Yes, that's right. This is the place.
‪(직원1)‬ ‪결혼 준비까지 하셨던 걸로‬ ‪제가 기억을 해요‬This is the place. I remember he was getting ready to marry her.
‪[종민의 탄성]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪맞습니다, 예‬That's right.
‪(직원1)‬ ‪잘은 모르겠지만 여기에‬ ‪연인들이 즐겨 하는 코스가 있거든요‬That's right. I don't know the details, but there's a favorite course that couples take.
‪거기서 프러포즈‬ ‪준비하신다고 했었는데‬He was going to propose there, but it's still there.
‪그건 아직 그대로 있어요‬but it's still there.
‪아, 알겠습니다‬ ‪일단은 그럼 한번 좀, 예‬Okay, we'll take a look. Thanks.
‪(재석과 직원1)‬ ‪- 고맙습니다‬ ‪- 네, 안쪽으로 들어가시면 돼요‬You have to go that way.
‪- (종민) 감사합니다‬ ‪- (광수) 감사합니다‬You have to go that way. -Thank you. -Thank you.
‪지금 안 다니시는구나‬So he doesn't come anymore.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- (재석) 야, 여기 별게 다 있네‬ ‪- (광수) 야, 기가 막히다, 여기‬So he doesn't come anymore. -This place has everything. -It's amazing. So you can play sports, eat,
‪(세훈)‬ ‪그러니까 여기서 운동도 하고‬ ‪밥 먹고 자고‬So you can play sports, eat, -and sleep here. -You can do anything.
‪(재석)‬ ‪이런 거 하는 거야‬ ‪농구도 하고, 여기 3 대 3 농구‬-and sleep here. -You can do anything. They have basketball, an arcade…
‪야, 대박이네‬This place is awesome.
‪(광수)‬ ‪형, 첫 번째 뭐예요?‬-Jae-suk, what's first? -Parabolic slide?
‪(재석)‬ ‪파라볼릭 슬라이드?‬-Jae-suk, what's first? -Parabolic slide?
‪- (세훈) 이건가? 이거죠?‬ ‪- (종민) 이건 암벽이잖아‬Is this it? This is it, right? It's a climbing wall. It's wall climbing.
‪(광수)‬ ‪클라이밍이네, 클라이밍‬It's a climbing wall. It's wall climbing. He said they went on dates here often.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아니, 뭐, 이게 데이트를‬ ‪여기서 많이 하셨다 그러던데‬He said they went on dates here often.
‪저런 데‬ ‪뭐 쓰여 있는 거 아니야, 저렇게?‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬Maybe there's something written there. -There's something way on top. -Do we have to climb this?
‪(종민과 재석)‬ ‪- 저 위에, 맨 위에도 뭐가 붙어 있네‬ ‪- 아, 이거 또 올라가야 되나, 이거?‬-There's something way on top. -Do we have to climb this?
‪(광수)‬ ‪여기서 프러포즈를 준비했다는 거잖아‬ ‪뭐지?‬He was going to propose here. What did he plan?
‪- 어? 저기 뭐가 붙어 있네‬ ‪- (종민) 그렇지?‬-There's something there. -Right?
‪(재석)‬ ‪벽에다가 그, 저기, 뭐를‬ ‪메시지를 남겨 놨나 봐‬He must have left messages up there.
‪올라가야 될 것 같은데‬We have to climb up.
‪- 그러면 세훈이랑‬ ‪- (재석) 광수랑 올라가라‬-Sehun and-- -And Kwang-soo. Go up.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬-I'll go quickly. -Okay.
‪- (세훈) 그럼 제가 빨리‬ ‪- (종민) 어, 그래그래‬-I'll go quickly. -Okay.
‪(재석과 광수)‬ ‪- 그래그래, 세훈아, 네가, 그래그래‬ ‪- 그럴래, 세훈아? 오케이‬You'll do it all? Okay.
‪- 그럼 네가 한다 그러면 난 빠진다‬ ‪- (재석) 예스, 그래‬-If you'll do it, I'm out. -Okay.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪예, 알겠습니다‬ ‪제가 이거를 읽어 볼게요‬-Okay. -Sure. I'll go and read them.
‪걱정하지 마, 올라가다가‬ ‪힘들다 그러면 형한테 얘기해‬Let me know if you get tired. I'll do the rest.
‪(재석)‬ ‪형이 할게‬Let me know if you get tired. I'll do the rest. -I'll be back soon. -Okay.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪형, 갔다 올게요‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬-I'll be back soon. -Okay.
‪(광수와 재석)‬ ‪- 떨어질 것 같으면 바로 뒤로 돌아라‬ ‪- 야, 세훈아, 힘들면 형한테 얘기해‬-Turn around if you think you'll fall. -Let me know if you get tired.
‪(광수)‬ ‪긴장하지 마, 긴장하지 마‬ ‪[세훈의 당황한 신음]‬Don't be nervous. -Relax. -Move your legs with your arms.
‪(광수와 재석)‬ ‪- 몸 좀 풀고‬ ‪- 다리하고 같이 올라가야 안 힘들다‬-Relax. -Move your legs with your arms.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪생각보다‬It's actually…
‪팔 힘으로 올라가려고 하면‬ ‪절대 못 올라가‬You can't climb with your arms.
‪[세훈의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪(세훈)‬ ‪어유, 어유, 무섭다‬-It's scary. -You're there. Read it.
‪- (광수) 다 왔다, 거기 뭐 쓰여 있지?‬ ‪- (재석) 야, 거기 읽어, 읽어, 세훈아‬-It's scary. -You're there. Read it. "Number friends from six families are racing."
‪(세훈)‬ ‪'여섯 가문의 숫자 친구들이‬ ‪달리기를 하고 있어'‬"Number friends from six families are racing." "Number friends from six families are racing."
‪(재석)‬ ‪'여섯 가문의 숫자 친구들이‬ ‪달리기를 하고 있어'‬"Number friends from six families are racing."
‪[광수의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪그리고 그, 올라가다 보면 왼쪽에 있어‬There's one to your left.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪아휴, 씨‬
‪형, '숫자 3은 쌍둥이 형이 있어'‬"Number three has a twin older brother."
‪(재석)‬ ‪세훈아, 너는 고소 공포증이 없잖아‬ ‪[세훈의 놀란 신음]‬Sehun. You're not afraid of heights.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪'숫자 1은 1등으로 달리다가'‬"Number one was in first place…"
‪(재석과 광수)‬ ‪'숫자 1은'‬"Number one."
‪[세훈의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬CLUES OBTAINED "Number one was in first place…"
‪(세훈)‬ ‪'숫자 1은 1등으로 달리다가'‬"Number one was in first place…"
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- (종민) '숫자 1은 1등으로'‬ ‪- 저, 미안한데, 세훈아, 내려와서‬-"Number one." -Sorry, Sehun, but can you come down and get your phone and take pictures?
‪핸드폰을 가져가서‬ ‪좀 찍어 주면 안 되니?‬and get your phone and take pictures?
‪(광수)‬ ‪그게 좋을 것 같아, 세훈아‬That sounds good.
‪한 손, 한 손으로 버티고요?‬-And climb with one hand? -You're angry, right?
‪세훈아, 너 지금 화낸 거 맞지?‬-And climb with one hand? -You're angry, right?
‪[종민의 웃음]‬ ‪(세훈)‬ ‪아니요, 아니요, 아니요‬No. I'm just unstable.
‪- (세훈) 저 지금 불안해 가지고‬ ‪- (종민) 야, 무서워, 무서워?‬No. I'm just unstable. -Are you scared? -I'm scared now.
‪너무 무서운데, 이제‬-Are you scared? -I'm scared now.
‪(종민)‬ ‪아니야, 아, 아니야, 안 무서워‬ ‪더 올라가야 덜 무서워‬No, you're not scared. Go higher. You'll be less scared.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪야, 착각이야, 착각이야‬ ‪너의 착각이야‬You're confused. You're just confused. No, you're not scared.
‪아니야, 무서운 게 아니라니까‬No, you're not scared.
‪이제 너무 무서워‬ ‪이젠 너무 무서워, 이젠 너무 무서워‬I'm so scared now. I'm scared now.
‪너 그거 무서운 거 아니야‬ ‪네가 무섭다고 착각하는 거야‬You're not scared. You're confused and think you're scared.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪엄청 무서워, 무서워‬ ‪무서워, 무서워, 무서워, 무서워요‬You're not scared. You're confused and think you're scared. I'm scared. -I'm scared. -Okay, come down.
‪(재석)‬ ‪그래, 풀고 내려와, 내려와‬ ‪야, 내려오고‬-I'm scared. -Okay, come down. Come down. Kwang-soo, you go up.
‪저기, 저기, 광수 올라가‬Come down. Kwang-soo, you go up.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬
‪(종민)‬ ‪야, 네가 키가 크니까‬ ‪저 정도만 올라가도 보일 거야‬You're tall, so that's nothing.
‪(재석과 광수)‬ ‪- 야, 네가… 지금 세훈이 힘들다잖아‬ ‪- 아니‬-But… -You're tall. And Sehun is tired.
‪(재석)‬ ‪야, 담벼락에 무슨‬ ‪사마귀가 붙어 있냐, 저거‬There's a mantis on the wall.
‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬ ‪(종민)‬ ‪사마귀‬There's a mantis on the wall. -A mantis. -What do I step on?
‪(광수)‬ ‪어딜 밟아야 되지?‬-A mantis. -What do I step on? Step on them all.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(종민)‬ ‪그냥 다 밟아‬Step on them all. He looks like a pond skater.
‪(재석)‬ ‪야, 저거는 진짜 소금쟁이인데?‬He looks like a pond skater.
‪(종민)‬ ‪네가 거기서 시간을 지체하면‬ ‪지체할수록 힘들어‬The more time you waste there…
‪오늘따라 왜 이렇게‬ ‪다리가 가냘파 보이냐, 저거‬Why do his legs look even skinnier today?
‪(재석)‬ ‪광수야, 올라가, 너 힘 빠진다니까‬Kwang-soo, go up. You'll get tired.
‪- (종민) 그냥 바로 그냥 쭉 올라가‬ ‪- (재석) 그냥 바로 올라가야 돼!‬-Just go right up. -You have to go up.
‪(세훈과 재석)‬ ‪- 왕강왕강 뭐, 이렇게, 엉금엉금‬ ‪- 빨리해야 돼‬-Just go right up. -You have to go up. -You have to keep moving one by one. -Hurry up.
‪원투, 원투‬-You have to keep moving one by one. -Hurry up.
‪(광수)‬ ‪뭐야, '원투' 뭐야? 왜 이렇게 높아‬ ‪왜 이렇게 높아?‬What? Why is it so high?
‪형, 저희 박자를 맞춰야 돼요‬Keep with our beat.
‪(종민과 세훈)‬ ‪- 야, 밑에 보지 마, 밑에 보지 마!‬ ‪- 원투, 원투‬Don't look down! POND SKATER GETTING INTO THE BEAT
‪(탐정들)‬ ‪원투, 원투, 원투, 원투‬ ‪[재석이 손뼉 친다]‬POND SKATER GETTING INTO THE BEAT
‪- (재석) 원투, 원투‬ ‪- (광수) 오, 오, 너무‬ ‪[종민의 놀란 신음]‬
‪(종민)‬ ‪야, 너무 무서워‬ ‪[탐정들이 '원투'를 외친다]‬Look at him go!
‪- 리듬을 타요, 리듬을‬ ‪- (광수) 와, 씨‬
‪(탐정들)‬ ‪원투, 원투, 원투‬ ‪[광수의 겁먹은 신음]‬
‪- (세훈) 왼쪽에 숨겨져 있다, 원투‬ ‪- (재석) 원투, 원투‬There's one hidden on the left. -Left! -One! Two!
‪(종민과 재석)‬ ‪- 왼쪽, 왼쪽, 왼쪽, 광수야, 봐, 봐‬ ‪- 봐, 이제 봐, 봐, 광수야, 봐‬-Left! -One! Two! -Look at it! -Kwang-soo, look at it!
‪- (종민) 왼쪽, 왼쪽, 왼쪽‬ ‪- (재석) 왼쪽 봐‬On the left.
‪(광수)‬ ‪'숫자 7이 2등으로 달리고 있던‬ ‪쌍둥이 형을 앞질렀어'‬"Number seven overtook the older twin brother who was in second place."
‪(재석)‬ ‪그리고 자, 위에‬overtook the older twin brother who was in second place." And further up.
‪(종민)‬ ‪광수야‬
‪뭐야?‬What is it?
‪(광수)‬ ‪'숫자 5는‬ ‪뒤에서 두 번째로 달리고 있어'‬"Number five is second from behind."
‪빨리 내려와‬ ‪우리 다음 단계로 가 있을게‬Come down quickly. We'll go to the next one.
‪(직원2)‬ ‪자, 줄 잡고 벽을 발로 밀어 주세요‬Grab the rope and push off the wall.
‪(광수)‬ ‪어, 저 그냥 내려가면 안 돼요?‬Grab the rope and push off the wall. -Can't I climb down? -Come down!
‪(재석)‬ ‪내려와, 내려와, 툭 뛰어‬ ‪[세훈이 말한다]‬-Can't I climb down? -Come down! -Come down. Jump. -Grab the rope.
‪(광수)‬ ‪와, 나 손에 힘이 지금 하나도 없어‬My hands feel weak.
‪- 주먹이 안 쥐어져‬ ‪- (재석) 그러니까 내려와, 내려와‬My hands feel weak. -I can't grab it. -Come down.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪형, 근데 이게 잡아 줘요‬ ‪생각보다 잡아 줘요‬This will hold you better than you think.
‪- 저도 무슨 기분인지 아는데‬ ‪- (종민) 광수야‬ ‪[광수의 의아한 신음]‬This will hold you better than you think. -I was also-- -Kwang-soo! I know how you feel, but you have to trust it.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(세훈)‬ ‪그걸 믿어야 돼요‬I know how you feel, but you have to trust it.
‪(종민과 광수)‬ ‪- 야, 우리 다음 거 가 있을 테니까‬ ‪- 아니, 내려간다고, 내려간다고‬I know how you feel, but you have to trust it. -We'll go ahead. -I'm going down!
‪어차피 잡아 줘요, 잡아 줘‬It'll support you. It will.
‪- 뭘 잡아 줘?‬ ‪- (세훈) 줄이 잡아 준다고, 엉덩이를‬ ‪[종민의 웃음]‬-Support what? -The rope will support your butt.
‪- (광수) 안 잡아 주잖아!‬ ‪- (재석) 아이, 정말, 내려와!‬ ‪[세훈의 웃음]‬-No, it doesn't! -Come down!
‪- (세훈) 아이, 잡아 줘요, 잡아 줘‬ ‪- (재석) 아, 빨리 내려오니까‬-It'll support you. -Come down already.
‪형, 일단 손을 떼야 돼요‬-It'll support you. -Come down already. You have to let go.
‪(종민과 세훈)‬ ‪- 야, 너 안 내려오면 우리 간다‬ ‪- 손을 떼요‬-We'll leave if you don't come down. -Let go.
‪- (광수) 야, 나 지금 손…‬ ‪- (재석) 아니, 떼라니까, 저거 진짜‬-We'll leave if you don't come down. -Let go. -I can't-- -Let go. Seriously, man.
‪(광수)‬ ‪아니, 어떻게 떼, 이걸?‬ ‪아니, 안 잡아 준다고!‬-I can't-- -Let go. Seriously, man. -I can't let go! -It's really scary.
‪그러니까 뛰라고!‬So jump!
‪(세호)‬ ‪자, 여기인가 봐, 여기‬-This must be it. -You have to let go.
‪- (재석) 그걸 놔야 된다고!‬ ‪- (세호) 여기 소리가 나네‬-This must be it. -You have to let go. I hear something.
‪(광희)‬ ‪가 보자, 가 보자, 가 보자‬I hear something. Let's go see.
‪- (재석) 야, 왔어, 왔어‬ ‪- (종민) 야, 왔어‬-They're here. -They are here.
‪(광희)‬ ‪야, 우리 짝퉁들이 와 있네‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬-They're here. -They are here. Our knock-offs are here.
‪아니, 왜 마네킹이‬ ‪마네킹이 저기 올라가 있는 거야?‬Why is there a mannequin up there?
‪(재석)‬ ‪저기, 빨리 내려와, 광수야‬Why is there a mannequin up there? Hurry up and get down.
‪(종민)‬ ‪광수야, 지금 이럴 때가 아니다‬Hurry up and get down. We don't have time for this.
‪(광희)‬ ‪1단계도 못 지나갔네, 아직‬They didn't even pass stage one.
‪(보현)‬ ‪자, 그럼 우리‬ ‪1단계부터 하고 올라옵시다‬Let's do stage one first and come back.
‪우리 이거 금방 해요‬Let's do stage one first and come back. -We'll finish in no time. -Kwang-soo! Come down.
‪- (재석) 야, 광수야‬ ‪- (광수) 예?‬-We'll finish in no time. -Kwang-soo! Come down.
‪(재석)‬ ‪빨리 내려와, 다음 장소로 와‬-We'll finish in no time. -Kwang-soo! Come down. Come to the next one.
‪(종민)‬ ‪우리 다음 가 있을게‬We'll go first.
‪아니, 아니, 내려갈게, 내려갈게‬No. I'm coming.
‪(라비)‬ ‪아, 여기인가 봐요, 1단계‬This must be stage one.
‪(보현)‬ ‪이거다, 이거다‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬This must be stage one. This is it.
‪(광희)‬ ‪아, 우리가 이거 빨리 끝내 버리자‬Let's finish this quickly. There must be something up there.
‪(세호)‬ ‪그러니까 올라가면 뭐가 있을 것 같아‬There must be something up there.
‪(보현)‬ ‪단서가 있나, 위에?‬Is there a clue up there?
‪(종민)‬ ‪이게 슬라이드인데? 어, 뭐야?‬This is the slide. What is that?
‪(재석)‬ ‪뭐 어떻게 하는 거야, 이거는?‬What do we do here? Ravi, the knock-offs are watching, so do it right.
‪(광희)‬ ‪라비야, 짝퉁들이 보고 있으니까‬ ‪확실하게‬Ravi, the knock-offs are watching, so do it right.
‪- 오케이, 라비 파이팅, 라비 파이팅‬ ‪- (세호) 일단 라비야…‬ ‪[흥겨운 음악]‬Let's go, Ravi. You can do it.
‪(라비)‬ ‪아니, 요리 재료가 된 것 같아‬I feel like a cooking ingredient.
‪야, 그러니까 저 위에서 떨어지나 봐‬You must fall from up there.
‪(직원3)‬ ‪네, 꽉 잡아 주시고요‬ ‪바로 올라갈게요‬Hold on tight. We'll pull you right up.
‪(보현)‬ ‪라비 파이팅!‬-Let's go, Ravi! -All right!
‪[탐정들의 박수]‬ ‪(세호)‬ ‪자, 파이팅!‬-Let's go, Ravi! -All right!
‪(세훈)‬ ‪와, 이거 무서운데, 떨어지기가‬This looks scary. You have to drop.
‪(직원3)‬ ‪자, 바로 올라갈게요‬ ‪꽉 잡아 주시고 출발‬Okay, we'll pull you up. Hold on tight. -Let's go. -Wait!
‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪[라비의 비명]‬-Let's go. -Wait! Wait! Stop!
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪(라비)‬ ‪잠깐, 잠깐, 우아, 잠깐만…‬Wait! Stop! Wait! Stop! Hold on!
‪[소란스럽다]‬ ‪잠깐, 잠깐, 잠깐, 잠깐만, 잠깐‬Wait! Stop! Hold on! Wait! Hold on!
‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪(보현)‬ ‪오, 괜찮아, 라비야, 괜찮아‬Wait! Hold on! It's okay. Ravi, it's okay.
‪라비야, 라비야‬ ‪[라비의 겁에 질린 신음]‬-Ravi! -No! My gosh. Stop! Hold on!
‪(라비)‬ ‪잠깐, 잠깐, 우아!‬Stop! Hold on!
‪못 해, 못 해, 못 해, 못 해‬I can't do it! No!
‪우아, 우아, 잠깐만‬I can't do it! No! Hold on! I can't do this! I can't!
‪와, 못 해, 못 해요‬Hold on! I can't do this! I can't!
‪아니, 뭐가 있는 거야?‬ ‪이게 무슨 힌트가 있는 거야?‬What's up there? Where's the hint?
‪(보현)‬ ‪자, 좀 더 올라갈 수 있어?‬ ‪조금만 더 위로?‬Can you go a little higher? A little higher?
‪우아, 너무 무서워‬It's so scary!
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪아, 끝까지 올라갔대, 됐어, 됐어?‬He went all the way up. Are you good?
‪아니, 잠깐만요‬Hold on.
‪아, 아직, 아직, 아직‬Wait. Not yet.
‪(보현)‬ ‪잠시 기다려 줘, 뭐 받아, 아, 오케이‬-Wait. Is there… -I think there's something there.
‪(세호)‬ ‪뭐 있어요, 뭐 있는 것 같아‬-Wait. Is there… -I think there's something there.
‪근데 뭐가 있어?‬-What's there? -Hold on, Ravi!
‪(광희)‬ ‪라비야, 힘을, 꽉 잡고 있어‬-What's there? -Hold on, Ravi! -Hold on tight. -No, you can't look from there.
‪(보현)‬ ‪아니요, 아니요, 아니요, 아니요‬ ‪그렇게 보시면 안 되죠‬-Hold on tight. -No, you can't look from there.
‪- (재석) 저 위에 뭐가 있구나‬ ‪- (종민) 저 안에 뭐가 있나 보다‬-There must be something up there. -Maybe in that box.
‪(광희)‬ ‪라, 어, 라비야‬ ‪너무 오래 매달린 거 아니야?‬Isn't he up there for too long?
‪(보현)‬ ‪내려오면 적을게‬ ‪그냥 보고 내려와, 기억하고 내려와‬We'll write it down when you come down. Just remember it.
‪(광희)‬ ‪팔 힘 장난 아니다‬-He has strong arms. -Stay for as long as you can.
‪(보현)‬ ‪버틸 수 있을 때까지만 해 봐‬-He has strong arms. -Stay for as long as you can.
‪- (광수) 되게 오래 버티시네‬ ‪- (광희) 어, 그러니까‬-He's hanging on for a while. -I know.
‪(보현)‬ ‪역시, 다르네‬He's good.
‪와, 기절하신 거 아니야?‬Did he faint up there?
‪(라비와 광희)‬ ‪- 와, 팔 힘이 없어, 이제‬ ‪- 라비야, 너무 오래 있는 거 아니야?‬-My arms feel weak now! -Ravi, you're there for too long.
‪저 떨어질게요‬I want to go down. I can't go down.
‪(라비와 광희)‬ ‪- 아이, 못 떨어지겠어, 아, 어떡해‬ ‪- 라비야, 빨리 더 봐‬I want to go down. I can't go down. -How do I go down? -Hang on.
‪[탐정들의 놀란 탄성]‬-How do I go down? -Hang on.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪[탐정들의 감탄]‬
‪(보현)‬ ‪잘했어, 잘했어, 라비야, 잘했어‬Good work. You did great, Ravi.
‪(재석)‬ ‪우리 다음 거 가자, 빨리 가자‬Let's go to the next one. Hurry.
‪(라비)‬ ‪위에 가면 이렇게 칸이 두 개가 있는데‬ ‪[탐정들이 호응한다]‬There are two blocks up there.
‪숫자 3은 7보다 뭐, 앞에 빨리 갈수록‬ ‪이런 거고‬"Number three is running in front of seven." Something like that.
‪4는 처음은 앞에서 시작해도‬ ‪뒤에서 시작해도…‬"Four is this from the front or back."
‪이런 거라서 한 번 더 봐야 돼‬"Four is this from the front or back." -I have to look again. -Really?
‪- (세호) 아, 그래?‬ ‪- (보현) 일단 아는 대로 적어‬ ‪[광희의 탄성]‬-I have to look again. -Really? Let's look again.
‪- (재석) 야, 일단 가자‬ ‪- (세훈) 뭐예요, 뭐예요?‬-Let's go for now. -What is it?
‪(재석)‬ ‪이게 뭐야?‬-What is this? -Maybe you have to walk across stuff
‪(종민)‬ ‪아, 로프 달고 막‬ ‪그 위에 걷는 거 이런 거 아니에요?‬-What is this? -Maybe you have to walk across stuff -hanging by ropes? -That must be it.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 그런 건가? 아, 저거‬ ‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬-hanging by ropes? -That must be it. -Like that? -That looks tough.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪- (광수) 뭔데, 이게?‬ ‪- (재석) 와, 이거 또, 아…‬-Like that? -That looks tough. That too…
‪(광수)‬ ‪'여섯 개의 난관을 뚫고‬ ‪무중력 낙하 할래'가 이거구나‬So this is what the six obstacles and the falling thing was referring to.
‪(종민)‬ ‪이게, 우아, 이거‬Oh, my gosh. This is the highlight.
‪아, 이게 제일‬ ‪그, 하이라이트인 거야, 이게‬This is the highlight.
‪야, 나 너무 무서울 것 같은데?‬That's too scary for me.
‪(승기)‬ ‪아, 이거 너무 여유로운데?‬We have so much time.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪'멜로디 예술 학원'‬-Melody Art Academy. -You're right.
‪- (민영) 그러네, 작곡, 피아노‬ ‪- (승기) 작곡하는 사람 맞아‬ ‪[세정이 거든다]‬-Melody Art Academy. -You're right. -It's definitely a composer. -The piano.
‪(승기)‬ ‪안녕하세요, 아…‬Hello.
‪(원장)‬ ‪무슨 일로 오셨죠?‬How may I help you?
‪- (승기) 아, 저희는 탐정단인데요‬ ‪- (원장) 네‬How may I help you? -We're private detectives. -Okay.
‪(승기)‬ ‪유태욱 씨가‬ ‪프러포즈를 하기 위해 준비한‬We found a book of love letters from Yoo Tae-uk
‪뭔가 그런 저희가 러브장을‬ ‪발견했거든요‬that he prepared for his proposal. That's why we came here.
‪- (승기) 그래서 여길 온 건데, 예‬ ‪- (원장) 러브장요?‬that he prepared for his proposal. That's why we came here. -Love letters? -Yes.
‪(원장)‬ ‪워낙 그, 태욱 씨가 사랑꾼이라서‬ ‪[승기가 호응한다]‬-Tae-uk was such a big romantic. -Okay.
‪여기서 이런저런 이벤트를‬ ‪자주 했었어요‬So he used to do a lot of special things for his girlfriend here.
‪저 피아노랑‬ ‪저 악보대에서 뭘 하는 것 같았는데‬ ‪[승기가 호응한다]‬I remember him working on something at that piano -and that music stand. -Okay.
‪아! 그리고 저 발레 의상도‬ ‪태욱 씨가 선물한 거였어요‬-and that music stand. -Okay. Also, he gifted those tutus for the ballerinas.
‪- 발레 치마?‬ ‪- (원장) 네‬-The tutus? -Yes.
‪(승기와 민영)‬ ‪- 어? 저기 뭐 글씨가 쓰여 있네‬ ‪- 뭐 쓰여 있네‬-The tutus? -Yes. -There's something written-- -There's writing.
‪(민영)‬ ‪피아노, 악보대, 발레 치마‬Piano, music stand, tutus.
‪이 세 가지에‬ ‪각각 단서들이 숨어 있을 것 같아‬There must be clues in each one.
‪- (성운) 뭐, 약간‬ ‪- (승희) 어? 어, 잠시만‬-I think-- -Wait. Hold on.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪(병재)‬ ‪어, 저기 이미 도착했네, 저쪽‬They're here already.
‪- (성운) 저기 있다, 저기 있다‬ ‪- 어, 왔다, 왔다, 왔다‬-They're here. -They're coming.
‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬
‪- (세정) 아이, 너무 늦으신다‬ ‪- (승기) 아니, 도움을 많이 받았네‬-What took you so long? -You must have received a lot of help.
‪(승기)‬ ‪식사 안 했어? 식사할 여유가 없었겠네‬-You must not have had time to eat. -So you ate.
‪- (병재) 식사까지 하셨구나‬ ‪- (세정) 우리는 밥까지 다 먹었는데‬-You must not have had time to eat. -So you ate.
‪- (승기) 아, 배고프겠어‬ ‪- (병재) 배는 고프긴 한데‬-You must not have had time to eat. -So you ate. -You must be hungry. -Yes, we are.
‪배 굉장히 고프겠어‬-You must be starving. -We have to read this too.
‪- (병재) 이것도 읽긴 해야 되네‬ ‪- (세정) 발끝도 못 쫓아오시네‬-You must be starving. -We have to read this too.
‪(성운)‬ ‪피아노부터 좀 읽어 보고 싶네‬-I want to read the piano first. -You must be starving.
‪(승기)‬ ‪배가 굉장히 고프겠어‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬-I want to read the piano first. -You must be starving.
‪(병재)‬ ‪이게 약간 도레미파 그거 아니야?‬This must be the notes. Do, re, mi, fa.
‪도, 레, 미, 파, 솔, 라, 시‬ ‪[성운이 건반을 띵 누른다]‬Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti.
‪도, 레, 미, 파, 일곱 개인가, 그거는?‬There are seven.
‪[병재가 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬
‪저쪽도 근데‬ ‪뭐가 안 나온 것 같아, 아직‬I don't think they found anything yet.
‪(승희)‬ ‪음, 도, 도, 도, 도, 도, 도‬Do. Seunghee. Can you play anything on the piano?
‪- (승기) 승희 탐정은 뭐‬ ‪- (승희) 네, 네, 네‬Seunghee. Can you play anything on the piano?
‪칠 수 있는 피아노 뭐 없어요?‬Seunghee. Can you play anything on the piano?
‪(승희)‬ ‪아…‬ ‪[승희의 잔잔한 피아노 연주]‬
‪[탐정들의 놀란 탄성]‬ ‪(병재)‬ ‪어머나, 어머나, 어머나‬Oh, my gosh.
‪- (승희) 근데 이게 있는데‬ ‪- (승기) 어, 재능 발견, 재능 발견‬ ‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬-Like this. -We've discovered a new talent.
‪(승기)‬ ‪야, 내가 피아노 잘 쳐서‬ ‪힌트 하나 줄게‬I'll give you a hint since you played the piano so well.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬I'll give you a hint since you played the piano so well. -Seung-gi. What are you doing? -I'll give you a hint.
‪- 오빠‬ ‪- (병재) 받자, 승희야, 받자‬-Seung-gi. What are you doing? -I'll give you a hint.
‪- (세정) 이게 뭐야‬ ‪- (승기) 어, 안 받아?‬-Seung-gi. What are you doing? -I'll give you a hint. -You don't want it? -Let's just take it.
‪(병재)‬ ‪받자, 한번, 받아 보자‬-You don't want it? -Let's just take it.
‪(승희)‬ ‪아니…‬ ‪[승기의 웃음]‬-But… -Hey. Mr. Ha.
‪(승기)‬ ‪어, 잠깐만, 하 탐정‬-But… -Hey. Mr. Ha.
‪하 탐정, 지금 눈빛이‬ ‪원하는 눈빛이었어‬-You looked like you wanted it. -No, I don't.
‪(성운과 승기)‬ ‪- 아니요, 아니요, 아니요‬ ‪- '하나만 주세요' 하면 내가 줄게‬-You looked like you wanted it. -No, I don't. -We can swap. -I'll tell you if you say, "Please share."
‪[승희의 잔잔한 피아노 연주]‬ ‪- (병재) 해, '주세요'‬ ‪- (승희) 어? 잠시만‬-Please share. -Hold on. -Please share. -Say it louder.
‪[성운이 웅얼거린다]‬ ‪(승기)‬ ‪크게 얘기해요, 크게‬-Please share. -Say it louder.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬-Please share. -Say it louder.
‪(승희)‬ ‪[건반을 땅땅 두드리며]‬ ‪도, 도, 도, 도‬Do, do, do, do.
‪빨간색이 도‬The red is do.
‪[건반을 연신 땅땅 두드린다]‬
‪(승기)‬ ‪크게 얘기해요, 크게‬Say it louder.
‪(병재)‬ ‪어, 잠깐만, 이거 뭐야?‬ ‪[승희의 놀란 신음]‬-Hold on. What is that? -No.
‪[승희의 경쾌한 피아노 연주]‬ ‪- (승기) 어?‬ ‪- (성운) 안 해, 안 해요‬-Hold on. What is that? -No.
‪(승희)‬ ‪아! 도, 레, 미, 파, 솔, 라, 시, 도네‬It's do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪(병재)‬ ‪오케이‬A FAMILIAR TUNE
‪[병재가 속삭인다]‬A FAMILIAR TUNE You were too obvious.
‪빨리 딴거 쳐, 빨리 딴거 쳐‬You were too obvious. Play something else.
‪- (세정) 어? 맞는다‬ ‪- (민영) 맞아?‬-It is. -It is?
‪- 와, 대박‬ ‪- (승기) 우아, 대박‬-Yes. -Awesome.
‪(세정)‬ ‪그래, 무지개 색깔 순서가‬ ‪계이름 순서였네‬-Yes. -Awesome. Yes. The colors of the rainbow were the order of the notes.
‪이건 행진곡이야, '결혼 행진곡'‬This is the "Wedding March."
‪[승희의 경쾌한 피아노 연주]‬
‪아무튼 프러포즈니까‬ ‪'결혼 행진곡' 맞네‬He was proposing, so the "Wedding March" is right.
‪(병재)‬ ‪맞아, '결혼 행진곡'‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬Right. The "Wedding March."
‪(민영)‬ ‪오, 이 피아노에 뭐 붙여져 있네‬There's something on the piano.
‪'날 찾아 줘, 별'‬"Find me, star."
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬WEDDING MARCH
‪(승기)‬ ‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪206이 뭔가 있는 것 같아, 206‬There must be something about 206.
‪그거 일단 더, 덮어 봐‬Close it for now.
‪(성운)‬ ‪아, 너무 어려운데?‬It's too hard.
‪(승기)‬ ‪됐어, 몰라, 몰라‬ ‪우리만 악보까지 찾았어‬They don't know yet. We found the sheet music.
‪(원장)‬ ‪[리듬 막대를 땅 치며]‬ ‪얘들아, 준비하자‬Girls, come out.
‪자기 자리에 서고, 조심‬Take your positions. Careful.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(원장)‬ ‪태욱 씨가 선물한 거였어요‬He gifted those tutus.
‪(승기)‬ ‪발레 치마?‬ ‪어? 저기 뭐 글씨가 쓰여 있는데?‬YOO TAE-UK GIFTED THE TUTUS
‪- (민영) 뭐 쓰여 있네‬ ‪- (세정) 쓰여 있네‬YOO TAE-UK GIFTED THE TUTUS
‪(승기)‬ ‪야, 이거, 이거 잘 봐야 된다‬We have to watch this carefully.
‪(원장)‬ ‪파이브, 식스, 세븐, 에이트‬
‪[리듬 막대를 땅땅 치며]‬ ‪원, 투, 쓰리, 포‬
‪- (원장) 파이브, 식스, 세븐, 에이트‬ ‪- (승기) 여기서 봐야 되는 거지?‬We have to watch from here, right?
‪(원장)‬ ‪원, 투, 쓰리, 포‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪- (원장) 원, 투, 쓰리, 포‬ ‪- (승기) 'E', 'T'‬
‪(원장)‬ ‪원, 투, 쓰리, 포‬
‪파이브, 식스, 세븐, 에이트‬Is it F, O, T, E?
‪- F, O, T, E 아니야?‬ ‪- (원장) 세븐, 원, 투, 쓰리‬Is it F, O, T, E?
‪조금만, 조금만 천천히들‬ ‪하시면 안 돼요?‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Can't you spin a little slower?
‪- (승기) 조금만 천천히 돌아 주세요‬ ‪- (원장) 세븐, 에이트‬Can't you spin a little slower?
‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬ ‪(원장)‬ ‪원, 투, 쓰리, 포‬
‪파이브, 식스, 세븐, 에이트‬
‪(민영)‬ ‪뭐라고 쓰여 있는 거야?‬What does it say?
‪(원장)‬ ‪얘들아, 잘했어, 얘들아, 들어가자‬Good job, girls. Let's go back in.
‪아… 잠시만요‬Excuse me. Next team, get ready.
‪(원장)‬ ‪다음 팀 준비해‬Next team, get ready.
‪(승기와 세정)‬ ‪- 잠깐만‬ ‪- 오빠, 나 진짜 하나도 못 봤는데?‬-Hold on. -I couldn't see anything.
‪(승기)‬ ‪F, O, T, T, E‬-Hold on. -I couldn't see anything. F, O, T, T, E.
‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪뭘 찾아야 되는 거야, 그래서?‬What do I need to look for?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪(민영)‬ ‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪있잖아, 내 생각엔‬I think the tutus are clocks.
‪치마가 시계인 것 같아, 시계‬I think the tutus are clocks.
‪(승기)‬ ‪그게 무슨 말인데?‬What do you mean?
‪(민영)‬ ‪[웅얼거리며]‬ ‪이게 이거 같은데‬I think it's this.
‪이렇게 해서 있잖아‬Like this.
‪(승기)‬ ‪아, 이게 원, 투, 쓰리, 포‬ ‪파이브구나‬Like this. So they were one, two, three, four, five. -Awesome. -I think they're clocks.
‪(민영)‬ ‪회전이 시계인 거야, 시계‬-Awesome. -I think they're clocks.
‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬THE BALLERINAS TURN CLOCKWISE
‪그러니까 이 치마에 적힌 알파벳은‬THE TUTUS REPRESENT CLOCKS OR TIME? So, the letters on the tutus
‪각각 그 시간 숫자의‬ ‪첫 번째 글자인 거지‬are the first letters of the hours on the clock.
‪그래서 이 사이사이에‬ ‪하트가 막 이렇게 있어‬There are hearts in between like this.
‪이 하트를 찾으면 되는 거야‬If we figure out the hearts…
‪(민영)‬ ‪내 생각엔 1시 반대편에‬ ‪하트가 달려 있었거든‬I think there was a heart opposite one o'clock.
‪1의 건너편이 세븐이 되더라고‬ ‪7이 되더라고‬The opposite of one is seven. It's seven.
‪[세정과 승기의 탄성]‬It's seven.
‪언니, 9 아니에요?‬Isn't this nine?
‪(세정)‬ ‪하트가 E랑 E 사이에 있잖아요‬ ‪[민영이 호응한다]‬The heart is between E and E.
‪8시랑 11시 사이, 9‬Between eight o'clock and eleven o'clock. It's nine.
‪(민영)‬ ‪T가 12시인데‬ ‪하트가 맞은편에 있으니까 6시고‬T is twelve o'clock. The heart was opposite that, so it's six o'clock.
‪[세정의 탄성]‬ ‪(승기)‬ ‪그럼 마지막은 3이네‬The last one is three.
‪F 바로 옆에 있으니까‬Since it was right next to F.
‪(민영)‬ ‪그럼 치마에 숨겨진 단서는‬The clue hidden in the tutus is 7936.
‪7, 9, 3, 6이야‬The clue hidden in the tutus is 7936.
‪(세정)‬ ‪[작은 목소리로]‬ ‪이제 악보를 풀어야 될 것 같아요‬I think we have to solve the sheet music.
‪(민영)‬ ‪어? 이제 악보만 풀면‬ ‪세 개 다 푸는 거야‬Once we solve the sheet music, that's all three.
‪[종민의 긴장한 신음]‬ ‪(광수)‬ ‪형, 빨리, 시간 없어요, 시간 없어요‬SPORTS CENTER, DONGSAN-DONG Jong-min, we don't have time.
‪- (재석) 아, 종민아, 잠시만‬ ‪- (종민) 오케이‬Jong-min, we don't have time. Come on, Jong-min.
‪- (세훈) 제일 무서울 것 같아‬ ‪- (종민) 갑니다!‬-This is the scariest. -Here I go!
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(광수)‬ ‪형, 빨리빨리, 빨리빨리 가야 돼‬You have to move quickly.
‪형, 무섭다고 생각하는 순간‬ ‪진짜 무서운 거예요‬The moment you think you're scared, you'll really be scared.
‪[종민의 놀란 신음]‬The moment you think you're scared, you'll really be scared. -What? -Hold on! I'm wearing dress shoes.
‪(종민)‬ ‪잠깐만, 내가 신발이 구두야‬ ‪[세훈의 웃음]‬-What? -Hold on! I'm wearing dress shoes.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪나도 구두야‬-What? -Hold on! I'm wearing dress shoes. -So am I. -It's slippery.
‪- (종민) 너무 미끄러워‬ ‪- (광수) 구두가 무슨 상관‬-So am I. -It's slippery.
‪(광수)‬ ‪구두가 무슨 상관이에요‬What does it matter?
‪[종민의 긴장한 신음]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪아이씨, 종민아, 부탁한다, 진짜‬What does it matter? Jong-min. Please.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(종민)‬ ‪와, 미쳤나 봐, 미쳤나 봐, 미쳤나 봐‬It's dangerous.
‪- (광수) 와, 와, 이거는‬ ‪- 와, 미쳤나 봐, 다리 휘어져, 막‬It's dangerous. My legs are shaking.
‪- (종민) 오케이, 오케이‬ ‪- (세훈) 와, 진짜 너무 무서워‬It's dangerous. My legs are shaking. -Okay. -That looks so scary.
‪[종민의 겁먹은 신음]‬ ‪- (재석) 와, 야, 아이, 진짜, 어휴‬ ‪- (세훈) 와‬-Okay. -That looks so scary. Gosh, darn it.
‪(종민)‬ ‪이게 너무 흔들려‬It's so shaky!
‪(세훈)‬ ‪와, 너무 무서울 것 같은데?‬ ‪[종민의 긴장한 신음]‬-That looks insanely scary. -Darn it.
‪와, 씨, 와‬-That looks insanely scary. -Darn it.
‪아유, 나 여기가 막‬ ‪너무 찌릿찌릿하다, 어휴‬I can't stand to even look. Don't you see any writing?
‪글 쓰여 있는 거 없어요?‬Don't you see any writing?
‪야, 너무 무서워, 야!‬It's too scary!
‪(광수)‬ ‪형, 밑에 뭐가 붙어 있어요, 밑에‬There's something below you.
‪야! 밑에 붙어 있어‬Hey! It's by my feet.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- (종민) 와, 씨, 야‬ ‪- (광수) 그걸 봐야죠, 그걸 봐야죠‬Hey! It's by my feet. -You have to look at it. -Hey.
‪(종민)‬ ‪야, 밑에 못 봐‬ ‪야, 밑에 안 보여, 안 보여‬I can't look down. I can't see.
‪(광수)‬ ‪형, 그냥 가면 아무 소용 없어요!‬ ‪[종민의 헛웃음]‬There's no point if you walk past it!
‪야, 밑에 못 봐‬I can't look down!
‪(종민)‬ ‪야, 밑을 어떻게 봐?‬How can I look down?
‪(광수)‬ ‪밑에 보면서 가야 돼‬ ‪밑에 보면서, 형‬You have to look down as you go.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪뭐예요, 뭐예요?‬-What is it? -You have to look down for clues!
‪(광수)‬ ‪힌트가 있나, 없다‬ ‪밑을 보면서 가야 돼요‬-What is it? -You have to look down for clues!
‪(종민)‬ ‪안 보여, '숫자 2는'‬I can't see. -"Number two -Number two.
‪(광수)‬ ‪'숫자 2는'‬-"Number two -Number two. is running fourth from the back."
‪(종민)‬ ‪'뒤에서 4번째로 달리고 있어'‬is running fourth from the back."
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- (종민) 와, 씨, 와‬ ‪- (재석) 종민아, 야, 파이팅 해라‬NUMBER 2 IS RUNNING 4TH FROM THE BACK Jong-min, you can do it. -There's another one! -What does it say?
‪(종민)‬ ‪어, 또 있다, 여기 또 있다, 또 있어‬-There's another one! -What does it say?
‪- 뭐예요, 뭐예요?‬ ‪- (종민) '달리기 경주는'‬-There's another one! -What does it say? "There are nine in the race."
‪(종민)‬ ‪'모두 9명이 하고 있어'‬"There are nine in the race."
‪(재석)‬ ‪'달리기 경주는 모두 9명이 하고 있어'‬ ‪[광수가 거든다]‬-"There are nine in the race." -Nine.
‪이게 결론적으로 몇 번이 들어왔냐‬ ‪이런 문제구나‬I guess it'll be who came in first.
‪[종민의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪종민아, 잘했다, 와‬You did great, Jong-min.
‪(광수)‬ ‪할 수 있다, 할 수 있다!‬You can do it!
‪(종민)‬ ‪형, 여기는 못 할 것 같은데?‬I don't think I can do this one!
‪- (재석) 어?‬ ‪- 여기는 못 갈 것 같은데요?‬-What? -I can't do this one.
‪갈 수 있어!‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬Yes, you can!
‪다리가 하나밖에 없어요‬There's only one bridge.
‪[웃으며]‬ ‪그러니까 가‬So go.
‪외다리야, 외다리‬It's a narrow beam.
‪(재석과 세훈)‬ ‪- 빨리 가!‬ ‪- 형, 여기가 하나밖에 없으니까‬-Just go. -Since it's narrow,
‪(세훈)‬ ‪팔자로 걸어요, 팔자로, 이렇게 팔자로‬ ‪[종민의 힘겨운 신음]‬-Just go. -Since it's narrow, step one foot in front of the other.
‪(종민)‬ ‪형, 이게 그게 아니라, 와‬That's not it. Oh, my gosh! The plank is shaking!
‪형, 외다리가 움직여요!‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬That's not it. Oh, my gosh! The plank is shaking!
‪그게 네 팔자야‬That's your lot in life.
‪(종민)‬ ‪와, 씨!‬Oh, my gosh! Jae-suk!
‪형, 형, 미쳤다, 미쳤어‬Oh, my gosh! Jae-suk! -This is insane. -You're so cool.
‪- (종민) 미쳤어, 미쳤어‬ ‪- (세훈) 멋있다, 멋있다‬-This is insane. -You're so cool. This is insane.
‪(종민)‬ ‪진짜 미쳤어, 와‬This is insane. THE IDIOT DETECTIVE BECAME TALKATIVE
‪(재석)‬ ‪야, 종민아, 바닥에 뭐 있나 봐야 돼‬Jong-min! You have to look down to see if there's anything there.
‪- 아이씨‬ ‪- (광수) 밑에 뭐 붙어 있네‬-Shoot. -There's something down there.
‪(재석)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪아, 나 못 하겠다‬-Shoot. -There's something down there. I can't do it. I can't even watch.
‪야, 나는 못 보겠다, 진짜‬ ‪아, 나 이 바닥 보는 것도 너무 힘들어‬ ‪[세훈의 웃음]‬I can't do it. I can't even watch. It's too hard just looking down.
‪[종민의 겁에 질린 신음]‬ ‪(광수)‬ ‪형, 밑에 뭐 붙어 있는 것 같아, 거기‬-Shoot! -There's something by your foot!
‪와, 밑에 뭐 붙어 있어, 와!‬I can't look down! Oh, my gosh!
‪(종민)‬ ‪와!‬I can't look down! Oh, my gosh!
‪(보현)‬ ‪어디야, 어디? 어, 저거 뭐야?‬Where is it? There. What is that?
‪(종민)‬ ‪나, 나 몰라, 못 읽었어‬ ‪나 못 읽겠어, 나는…‬I can't. I couldn't read it! I can't do it.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪형, 눈 좀 바닥을 봐요!‬I can't. I couldn't read it! I can't do it. Look down! You have to look down!
‪- 바닥에 뭐라고 쓰여 있는지‬ ‪- (재석) 야, 뭐라고 쓴 거야!‬Look down! You have to look down! What does it say?
‪- (광희) 야, 빨리 가자‬ ‪- (보현) 맞아? 어디로 가는 거야?‬-Let's hurry. -Is that it? Where do we go?
‪- (광희) 여기 있다, 여기 있다‬ ‪- (보현) 아, 올라가야 된다‬-Let's hurry. -Is that it? Where do we go? -That way. -We have to go up.
‪야, 저 온다, 쟤들‬They're coming.
‪(광수)‬ ‪형, 그거 안 읽으면‬ ‪거기 간 이유가 없어요!‬If you don't read it, it defeats the purpose of going there!
‪(종민)‬ ‪몰라, 뭐, 야, 야, 야, 야, 야‬If you don't read it, it defeats the purpose of going there! Whatever. Hey.
‪(재석과 광수)‬ ‪- 종민아, 뭐라고 쓰여 있냐고!‬ ‪- 거기를 그냥 가면 어떡해‬Jong-min, what does it say? You can't just go!
‪(종민)‬ ‪'앞서 달리고 있는'‬"The two seven brothers
‪'두 7형제 사이엔 점이 있어'‬are in the lead and have a dot between them."
‪와, 미치겠다‬ ‪형, 이제 바꿔 주면 안 돼요?‬That was insane. Jae-suk, can you switch with me?
‪일단 가, 일단 가‬Just go for now. Go.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(보현)‬ ‪빨리 뛰어, 뛰어, 뛰어, 뛰어, 뛰어‬Just go for now. Go. Run. Come on, run.
‪- (광수) 왔다, 왔다, 왔다‬ ‪- (재석) 야, 왔다, 왔다‬-He's here. -He's here.
‪(종민)‬ ‪와, 미쳤나 봐‬This is insane.
‪(재석)‬ ‪일단 종민이 하고 올 동안‬This is insane. We should do that while Jong-min finishes.
‪저거 가서 빨리해야겠다‬We should do that while Jong-min finishes.
‪(종민)‬ ‪'숫자 4는 숫자 5보다‬ ‪앞서서 달리고 있어'‬"Number four is ahead of number five."
‪숫자 5보다 앞서 달리고 있다‬"Number four is ahead of number five."
‪(보현)‬ ‪일단 빨리빨리, 빨리 가는 게 좋아‬It's best to just go quickly.
‪(광수)‬ ‪형, 우리 지금 역전당했어요‬They overtook us.
‪[종민이 중얼거린다]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬-"Between three and two…" -We have to write it down.
‪[소란스럽다]‬ ‪(종민)‬ ‪오케이‬-"Between three and two…" -We have to write it down. Nice.
‪(보현)‬ ‪오케이, 잘한다‬ ‪[라비의 긴장한 신음]‬Nice. -Oh, my gosh. -Ravi!
‪- (광희) 라비야‬ ‪- (라비) 와‬-Oh, my gosh. -Ravi!
‪(세훈과 종민)‬ ‪- 종민이 형, 이번 사건 형이 풀었어요‬ ‪- 진짜?‬-Jong-min, you solved this one. -Really?
‪(세훈)‬ ‪형 아니었으면 못 풀었어, 진짜로‬We couldn't have done it without you. For real.
‪(라비)‬ ‪어, 나 너무 무서운데?‬I'm so scared.
‪- (보현) 형, 제가 할게요, 그러면‬ ‪- (세호) 그래, 너 해, 너 해‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬-I'll do it then. -Okay, go.
‪(보현)‬ ‪잠시만, 검은색 줄 잡아야 돼요?‬Hold on. Hold on.
‪이거 적었죠?‬ ‪'숫자 2는 4번째로 달리고 있어'‬You got this, right? "Number two is running fourth from the back."
‪(세호)‬ ‪오케이‬
‪(광희)‬ ‪야, 보현아, 구두 신고 괜찮아?‬Hey. Are you okay?
‪(보현)‬ ‪'달리기 경주는‬ ‪모두 9명이 하고 있어'요‬"There are nine in the race."
‪야, 보현아, 구두 신고 대단하다‬Bo-hyun, that's impressive in shoes.
‪(재석)‬ ‪'숫자 4는 5번째로 달리고 있어'‬"Number four is in fifth place."
‪(보현)‬ ‪내가 말하면 전달해 줘‬Relay what I say. I'll write it down, so read it out loud.
‪(세호)‬ ‪내가 적을 테니까 불러‬I'll write it down, so read it out loud.
‪'앞서 달리고 있는‬ ‪두 7형제 사이엔 점이 있어'‬"The two seven brothers are in the lead and have a dot between them."
‪형, 저쪽 다 한 것 같아, 빨리!‬Hurry! I think they're done!
‪[애잔한 음악]‬ ‪(세훈)‬ ‪아니, 손을 어떻게 놔, 여기서?‬How do you let go from there? I'm so scared. Can you let me down?
‪나 너무 무서워‬ ‪이제 내려 주시면 안 돼요?‬I'm so scared. Can you let me down?
‪아, 나 무서워, 너무 무서워‬I'm scared. I'm so scared.
‪무서워, 무서워‬I'm scared. I'm so scared. You'll let go naturally once your arms get weak.
‪어차피 형, 손에 힘 빠지면‬ ‪형 의지랑 상관없이 놓게 돼 있어요‬ ‪[세훈의 웃음]‬You'll let go naturally once your arms get weak.
‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬
‪(재석)‬ ‪아휴, 씨, 아휴, 씨‬
‪- (재석) 아휴, 아휴‬ ‪- (세훈) 너무 웃겨‬ ‪[세훈의 웃음]‬
‪[종민의 웃음]‬ ‪(광수)‬ ‪형‬-Jae-suk. -That was so scary.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 무서워‬ ‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬-Jae-suk. -That was so scary.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪(보현)‬ ‪다음 말해 줄게요‬I'll read them to you. "Number seven lost the lead to three."
‪'숫자 7은 3에게 선두를 빼앗겼어'‬I'll read them to you. "Number seven lost the lead to three."
‪- 선물을 빼앗겼대‬ ‪- (라비) '선두', '선두'‬It lost the reed! -"Lead." -It lost the lead.
‪선두를‬-"Lead." -It lost the lead.
‪(광희)‬ ‪어, 뭐야? 어, 이거 어렵다, 여기‬What's this? This one is hard.
‪보현아, 뭐라 그래? 뭐라고 쓰여 있어?‬Bo-hyun! What does it say?
‪(보현)‬ ‪'숫자 4는 숫자 5보다‬ ‪앞서 달리고 있어'‬"Number four is ahead of number five."
‪'숫자 3과 2 사이는 4가 달리고 있어'‬ ‪[광희가 호응한다]‬"Number four is ahead of number five." "Number four is running between three and two."
‪(광수)‬ ‪내려가자‬Let's go down.
‪(재석)‬ ‪여기서 한번 풀어 보자‬Let's solve it now.
‪- (광수) 아까 그, 그 힌트가 있었어요‬ ‪- (종민) 어떤 힌트?‬There was that hint. -Which one? -There were nine in the race.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪(광수)‬ ‪전체 달리기하는 건 9명이다‬-Which one? -There were nine in the race.
‪(재석)‬ ‪여섯 가문의 숫자 친구들이‬ ‪달리기를 하고 있고‬"Number friends from six families are racing."
‪여섯 개의 숫자 가문이니까‬ ‪딱 여섯 종류만 있는 거잖아요‬There are six families, -so there are only six numbers. -Right.
‪(세호)‬ ‪그렇지, 그렇지‬-so there are only six numbers. -Right. One, two, three, four, five, seven.
‪(라비)‬ ‪1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7‬One, two, three, four, five, seven.
‪이렇게 여섯 개밖에 없는 거야, 숫자는‬One, two, three, four, five, seven. Those are the only numbers.
‪- (재석) 자, 그러면 이제 이걸 가지고‬ ‪- (세훈) 예, 처음부터, 처음부터‬-We have to-- -From the start.
‪(재석)‬ ‪이걸 가지고 처음부터 경주를 해 보자‬Let's do the race from the start.
‪일단 4는 중간이에요, 형‬Four is in the middle.
‪어, 맞아요‬ ‪4는 앞에서도 뒤에서도 5번째야‬Right. Four is fifth from the front and the back.
‪(세호)‬ ‪'숫자 7은 3에게 선두를 빼앗겼어'‬Seven lost the lead to three.
‪3이 선두잖아요, 하나의 3이 선두고‬So three is in first. One of the threes is in first.
‪(광수)‬ ‪그러면 7이 두 번째, 세 번째네‬Then seven is in second and third.
‪(재석과 광수)‬ ‪- 그러니까 7이 두 번째, 세 번째야‬ ‪- 1등은 따로 있고, 예‬-Someone else is in first. -Seven is in second and third.
‪- (재석) 자, 그리고?‬ ‪- '숫자 3은'‬-And… -Number three
‪(광수)‬ ‪'7보다 앞에서 달리면서‬ ‪뒤에서 달리기도 해'‬runs in front of seven as well as behind it.
‪5는 뒤에서 두 번째‬Five is second from the back.
‪- (재석) 5는 뒤에서 두 번째‬ ‪- (종민) 두 번째‬-Five is second from the back. -Second.
‪5를 기준으로 또 봐야 되는 게‬We have to look relative to five.
‪(라비)‬ ‪숫자 1은 1등으로 달리다가‬ ‪숫자 5보다 뒤처져 있으니까‬Number one was in the lead, then fell behind five, and there's only one spot after five.
‪5 뒤에 한 숫자밖에 없어서‬ ‪숫자 1이 맨 마지막이야‬then fell behind five, and there's only one spot after five. -So number one is last. -That's one.
‪(세호)‬ ‪어, 5, 1이고‬ ‪[광희의 탄성]‬-So number one is last. -That's one.
‪그다음에 4 다음에 2야‬After four is two.
‪숫자 4는 3과 2 사이에 있대‬It says four is between three and two.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪'앞서 달리고 있는‬ ‪두 7형제 사이에 점이 있어'‬The two seven brothers are in the lead and have a dot between them. A dot?
‪- 점?‬ ‪- (종민) 그러니까‬are in the lead and have a dot between them. A dot? So it's 37.7342751.
‪(재석)‬ ‪37.7342‬So it's 37.7342751.
‪37.7342‬-It's 37.7342-- -751.
‪751‬-It's 37.7342-- -751. NUMBER 7 LOST THE LEAD TO 3
‪이게 뭔데요?‬What is that?
‪전화번호인가?‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬Is it a phone number?
‪(광수)‬ ‪근데 점이 뭐야?‬What's with that period?
‪(재석)‬ ‪씁, 여기 지역에 뭐가 있나?‬WHAT DOES THIS NUMBER REPRESENT? Is it around here?
‪(광수)‬ ‪아니, 근데 이게 프러포즈랑‬ ‪무슨 상관이냐고, 이 숫자가‬What does this have to do with a proposal?
‪(세훈)‬ ‪죽었다, 직장‬She died. His workplace.
‪[휴대전화 알림음]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪야, 세정이가 뭐 보냈네?‬Se-jeong texted.
‪- 어, 그렇네‬ ‪- (광수) 여기도 숫자가 나왔네‬-Yes. -They got a number too.
‪- (세훈) '126', '126.7936'‬ ‪- (재석) '7936'‬They got 126.7936206.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪그러니까 저희랑 비슷해요‬They got 126.7936206. It's similar to ours.
‪(재석)‬ ‪야, 이건 뭐, 배수도 아니고 이게 뭐‬ ‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬It's similar to ours. It's not a multiple or anything.
‪뭐야, 네, 형‬-Hi, Seung-gi. -You got a number, right?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪(승기)‬ ‪그, 너희가 조합한 숫자가 있지?‬-Hi, Seung-gi. -You got a number, right? That's what you found, right?
‪- 거기 나왔지? 우리가 나온 거는‬ ‪- (재석) 어‬That's what you found, right? -Yes. -We got 126.7936206.
‪(승기)‬ ‪126.7936206이거든‬-Yes. -We got 126.7936206.
‪- 앉아 봐요, 앉아 봐‬ ‪- (민영) 이게 뭐냐면‬ ‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬Sit down. I'll explain. HDS is a hint.
‪(민영)‬ ‪이 H, D, S가 힌트예요‬I'll explain. HDS is a hint.
‪다 알파벳으로 바꿔야 되는 거죠‬I'll explain. HDS is a hint. They have to be changed into the alphabet.
‪그래서 이분음표가 요거‬They have to be changed into the alphabet. So, this is this.
‪4, 8, 16, 32‬They're 4, 8, 16, 32.
‪[성운의 탄성]‬ ‪그리고 오선지 줄로‬They're 4, 8, 16, 32. And you identify the letter of the alphabet using the staff.
‪음표의 알파벳을 구분하는 거죠‬And you identify the letter of the alphabet using the staff.
‪(세정)‬ ‪만약에, 이게 팔분음표죠?‬Since this is an eighth note,
‪- (민영) 그럼 팔분음표의 다섯 번째‬ ‪- (세정) 팔분음표의 다섯 번째‬It would be the eighth note, fifth letter.
‪[세정의 탄성]‬ ‪(승기와 민영)‬ ‪'O'‬It would be the eighth note, fifth letter. O.
‪(병재)‬ ‪맞네, 이거네‬You're right.
‪(세정)‬ ‪팔분음표의 네 번째‬It would be the eighth note, fourth letter.
‪(탐정들)‬ ‪'원'‬-One. -One.
‪(세정)‬ ‪그래서 '원'‬-One. -One.
‪- 이거는 이제 126이 된다는‬ ‪- (세정) 126‬This means… It says 126.
‪- (병재) 126‬ ‪- (민영) 예, 근데 맨 뒤에 점이 붙죠‬ ‪[세정의 경쾌한 피아노 연주]‬-It's 126. -Yes. But there's a dot at the end.
‪(민영)‬ ‪그리고 여기다가‬ ‪우리가 피아노에서 얻은 206‬If we add what we found at the piano, 206,
‪발레리나 시계에서 얻은 7936을 합치면‬and 7936 from the ballerinas,
‪126.7936206인 거죠‬we get 126.7936206.
‪(승기)‬ ‪근데 이게 이런 거 좌표야, 좌표‬So this is a coordinate.
‪위도, 경도‬-Latitude, longitude. -Latitude, longitude?
‪위도, 경도?‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬-Latitude, longitude. -Latitude, longitude?
‪- (재석) 아, 7936‬ ‪- (종민) 어? 아…‬I see. 793…
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 그러면 그렇게 얘기를 해 줬어야지‬ ‪[탐정들이 구시렁거린다]‬I see. 793… They should've just said so.
‪- (재석) 아이참, 진짜‬ ‪- (종민) 아, 진짜‬Seriously. Gosh.
‪(광수)‬ ‪아니, 그러니까 우리 거가 위도‬ ‪얘네 거가 경도라는 얘기잖아요‬So ours is the latitude and theirs is the longitude.
‪(세정)‬ ‪오케이, 오케이, 37‬37…
‪- (세정) 오케이, 나왔다‬ ‪- 갑시다‬Got it.
‪(세정)‬ ‪'파주시 조리읍 탑삭골길 260'‬206, Tapsakgol-gil, Jori-eup in Paju.
‪퍼스트가든, 무슨 가든이네‬-First Garden? It's a garden. -Okay, let's go.
‪(종민)‬ ‪오케이, 가자‬-First Garden? It's a garden. -Okay, let's go.
‪(승기)‬ ‪아니, 도대체 프러포즈를‬ ‪왜 이렇게 어렵게 하는 거야?‬Why did he make his proposal so difficult?
‪- (세훈) 형, 근데 혹시라도‬ ‪- (종민) 응‬-Did you think… -Yes?
‪(세훈)‬ ‪저희가 질 것 같다는 생각‬ ‪해 보신 적 있으세요?‬that maybe by some chance, we may lose?
‪- (광수) 에이‬ ‪- (재석) 아니‬-No way. -No.
‪(재석)‬ ‪야, 천재 탐정단하고는 좀 다르지‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬-No way. -No. They're not like the genius detectives.
‪(광수)‬ ‪난 솔직히 지금 한숨 자고 하고 싶어‬To be honest, I want to take a nap.
‪[종민의 웃음]‬To be honest, I want to take a nap.
‪(재석)‬ ‪내가 그 생각이 든다‬I bet that's how the genius detectives felt when they competed against us.
‪천재 탐정단이 우리랑 하면서‬ ‪그런 생각을 가졌을 거야‬I bet that's how the genius detectives felt when they competed against us.
‪[종민과 세훈의 탄성]‬I bet that's how the genius detectives felt when they competed against us.
‪- (종민) 그래서 나도…‬ ‪- (세훈) 근데 이겼잖아요‬-Exactly. -But we won.
‪(재석)‬ ‪그렇지‬ ‪그래서 우리도 당할 수 있다라는 거지‬Right. That's why we can end up losing too.
‪(병재)‬ ‪아휴, 눈물 날 것 같아‬DON'T GET COCKY, BUT THEY ARE EASY I want to cry.
‪[승희와 성운의 웃음]‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪(보현)‬ ‪맞네, 위도가 '37.'으로 시작하고‬ ‪[광희가 중얼거린다]‬Got it. The latitude starts with 37.
‪이렇게 시작하고‬ ‪경도가 '126.'으로 시작해‬ ‪[세호가 호응한다]‬-And the longitude is about 127. -Right.
‪그 지점으로 우리가 가면 되는 거야‬We just have to go there.
‪- (세호) 병재야‬ ‪- (병재) 네‬-Byung-jae. -Yes?
‪(세호)‬ ‪퍼스트가든이라고 보냈거든, 보현이가‬ ‪거기로 치고 오면 돼‬Bo-hyun just texted you. First Garden. Type it in and come there. That's the place.
‪- 거기가 이벤트 장소야‬ ‪- (병재) 아, 네‬Type it in and come there. That's the place.
‪(병재)‬ ‪야, 우리는 근데‬ ‪자체적으로 한 게 하나도 없네?‬-Okay. -So we didn't do anything on our own.
‪[성운과 승희의 웃음]‬Let's hurry.
‪(병재)‬ ‪빨리 가자, 빨리 가자‬Let's hurry.
‪아, 근데 아무리 생각해도‬ ‪자존심이 너무 상해‬This really hurts my pride.
‪지금 약간 굉장히 농락당한 기분이고‬This really hurts my pride. I feel like we were patronized.
‪(세호)‬ ‪유태욱 씨만 찾으면 끝인가?‬Once we find Yoo Tae-uk, we're done, right?
‪정말 전문 탐정단이‬ ‪어떤 건지를 보여 줘야‬We must show them what professional detectives are like.
‪- (광희) 싹을 잘라야지, 형‬ ‪- (세호) 그렇지‬-We must nip it in the bud. -Exactly.
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬ ‪(민영)‬ ‪빨리 해결하러 가자, 빨리 해결하자‬FIRST GARDEN, PAJU -Let's go and solve this. -Let's go.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪(승기)‬ ‪가 보자‬-Let's go and solve this. -Let's go.
‪- (민영) 저 앞에 매표소 있다‬ ‪- (승기) 일단 매표, 어, 어, 저기‬-There's a ticket booth. -We need to get tickets.
‪(승기)‬ ‪역시나 뭐, 우리 예상대로‬ ‪아직 못 왔고요‬As we predicted, they're not here yet.
‪(세정과 민영)‬ ‪- 네‬ ‪- 아직 우리가 처음인 것 같은데?‬As we predicted, they're not here yet. I think we're the first to arrive.
‪- (승기) 아, 안녕하세요‬ ‪- (직원4) 안녕하세요‬-Hello. -Hello.
‪(승기)‬ ‪탐정단인데‬ ‪이제 좀 조사 중에 있거든요‬We're private detectives. We need to investigate something.
‪여기 계신 분들 중에‬Is there someone here…
‪아까 성함이 어떻게 됐죠? 그, 그분‬What is his name again?
‪- (민영) 유태욱, 유태욱‬ ‪- (승기) 유태욱‬-Woo Tae-uk? -Yoo Tae-uk.
‪유태욱 씨는…‬Yoo Tae-uk?
‪저희는 실명 말고‬ ‪예명을 쓰고 있어서요‬Yoo Tae-uk? We use aliases here.
‪(직원4)‬ ‪그래서 유태욱 씨가 누군지는‬ ‪저는 잘 모르겠는데‬So I don't know who Yoo Tae-uk is.
‪[민영과 세정의 탄성]‬
‪(직원4와 승기)‬ ‪- 그럼 여기 직원 명단 있거든요‬ ‪- 예‬-I have a list of employees here. -Okay.
‪(직원4)‬ ‪한번 찾아 보시겠어요?‬ ‪[승기가 중얼거린다]‬Do you want to look?
‪예, 직원 리스트‬Do you want to look? Here's the list.
‪(승기)‬ ‪잠깐만, 직원 리스트?‬Employee list?
‪- (민영) 어, 뭐야?‬ ‪- (승기) '슛돌이', '오작교'‬-What is that? -Shootdol, Ojakgyo,
‪(승기)‬ ‪'사랑의 고객센터'‬-What is that? -Shootdol, Ojakgyo, Love Call Center…
‪- (승기) 어? 뿔테, 뿔테‬ ‪- (민영) 어, 아, 뿔테, 뿔테, 뿔테‬-Hey. Horn-rimmed glasses. -The glasses.
‪유태욱 씨는‬Tae-uk has a mole above his lip on the right.
‪(원장)‬ ‪그, 오른쪽 입술 위에 점이 있고요‬Tae-uk has a mole above his lip on the right.
‪그리고 굵은 뿔테 안경요‬And he wears thick horn-rimmed glasses.
‪- (승기) 뿔테, 왼쪽 가르마, 점‬ ‪- (민영) 왼쪽 가르마, 점, 점‬Horn-rimmed glasses, left part, -and mole. There. -The mole.
‪- (세정) 점‬ ‪- (승기) 점 있다‬-and mole. There. -The mole.
‪(민영과 승기)‬ ‪- 오른쪽에 있어? 오케이‬ ‪- 샤이가이다, 샤이가이, 오른쪽의 점‬-Shy Guy has a mole. -It's Shy Guy.
‪- (민영) 샤이가이요‬ ‪- (직원4) 샤이가이‬-Shy Guy has a mole. -It's Shy Guy. -Shy Guy. -Shy Guy?
‪- (승기) 샤이가이요‬ ‪- 잠시만요‬-Shy Guy. -Shy Guy? -Hold on. -It's similar to my drawing.
‪(민영)‬ ‪내가 아까 그린 거랑 좀 비슷한데?‬-Hold on. -It's similar to my drawing.
‪왼쪽 눈썹 흉터, 왼쪽 가르마‬A scar by his left eyebrow, left part,
‪(민영)‬ ‪오른쪽 입술 위의 점, 굵은 뿔테 안경‬A scar by his left eyebrow, left part, a mole above his lip on the right, and thick horn-rimmed glasses.
‪어, 샤이가이 님 오늘‬ ‪프러포즈 코스 체크하시는 날이거든요‬Shy Guy is supposed to check the proposal course today.
‪(승기와 직원4)‬ ‪- 오늘요? 오늘 여기 와요, 그러면?‬ ‪- 네, 네‬Today? Is he coming here today then? Yes. There are nine proposal courses.
‪(직원4)‬ ‪오늘 지금 프러포즈 코스‬ ‪아홉 군데 있는데‬Yes. There are nine proposal courses.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪요기 중에 어딘가 계실 거예요‬Yes. There are nine proposal courses. He should be at one of them.
‪다 보셨는데도 안 계시면‬ ‪마지막 프러포즈 장소에 계실 거거든요‬SHE SAYS YOO TAE-UK IS AT ONE OF THE 9 LOCATIONS If he isn't at any of them, that means he's at the final proposal spot.
‪(민영과 세정)‬ ‪감사합니다‬-Thank you. -Thank you.
‪(승기)‬ ‪감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪(승기)‬ ‪일단 다 찾아 보고도 없으면‬ ‪마지막 코스라니까‬If he isn't at any of them, he'll be at the last one, so we have to find him before then.
‪그 중간에‬ ‪우리가 만나야 되는 거 아니야?‬ ‪[민영이 호응한다]‬he'll be at the last one, so we have to find him before then.
‪내가 세정이랑 놀이동산으로 가 볼게‬Se-jeong and I will go to the amusement park.
‪- 난 웨딩 홀 가 볼게‬ ‪- (승기) 오케이‬I'll go to the wedding hall.
‪(승기)‬ ‪흩어져서 한번 찾아 봅시다, 샤이가이‬ ‪[탐정들이 호응한다]‬Let's split up and find him. Shy Guy.
‪- (세정) 네‬ ‪- (민영) 샤이가이‬Let's split up and find him. Shy Guy. Okay. Shy guy.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪형, 그러면 저희가‬ ‪2인 1조로 할까요, 일단?‬Okay. Shy guy. Should we split up in pairs?
‪(재석과 세훈)‬ ‪- 그러자, 그러면‬ ‪- 마이크가 없으니까, 아, 마이크래‬Should we split up in pairs? -Since we don't have mics. I mean… -Okay.
‪(재석)‬ ‪우리가 그린 하우스로 갈게‬We'll go to the greenhouse.
‪야, 6번 여기 있네‬ ‪놀이동산, 여기잖아‬Hey, here's number six. Amusement park.
‪- (종민) 야, 우리 여기 갈게!‬ ‪- (재석) 일로 와 봐, 일로 와 봐‬Hey, here's number six. Amusement park. -We'll go here! -Come here.
‪(종민)‬ ‪6번 간다‬-We'll go here! -Come here. We're going to number six!
‪- (광수) 6번요, 형?‬ ‪- (종민) 어‬We're going to number six! -Number six? -Yes.
‪(세호)‬ ‪감사합니다‬Thank you. So Yoo Tae-uk is Shy Guy.
‪야, 오늘 유태욱 씨가 샤이가이네‬Thank you. So Yoo Tae-uk is Shy Guy.
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(라비)‬ ‪지금 우리가 1등인가?‬Thank you. So Yoo Tae-uk is Shy Guy. Are we the first ones here?
‪(세호와 라비)‬ ‪- 그럼 우리 넷이 나눌까, 그냥?‬ ‪- 네, 그럴까요?‬Are we the first ones here? -Should we split up? -Shall we?
‪- (세호) 그러면‬ ‪- (광희) 오케이‬-Should we split up? -Shall we? Then…
‪지금 현 위치가 어디지, 우리가?‬Where are we right now?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪(광희)‬ ‪매, 매표소‬The ticket booth.
‪(세호)‬ ‪여기가 어디야?‬Where are we?
‪(성운)‬ ‪일단 제가 여기서 제일 가까운 혹시‬ ‪[통화 연결음]‬I'll go to the gift shop first
‪제일 가까운 기념품 숍을 갔다 올게요‬I'll go to the gift shop first since it's the closest.
‪(병재)‬ ‪알았어, 그럼 우린 나머지 거에서‬ ‪한번 좀 나눠 볼게‬since it's the closest. -Okay. We'll split up the rest. -Okay.
‪(성운)‬ ‪알겠습니다‬-Okay. We'll split up the rest. -Okay.
‪(세정)‬ ‪샤이보이 님이었나요?‬-Shy Boy, was it? -Shy Guy.
‪- (승기) 샤이가이, 샤이가이‬ ‪- (세정) 샤이가이‬-Shy Boy, was it? -Shy Guy.
‪(승기)‬ ‪프러포즈 코스 체크하러 갔다고 했거든‬He went to check the proposal courses.
‪어? 이 자물쇠 이거‬ ‪연인들끼리 하는 그런 거 아니야?‬Isn't this love lock the thing that couples do?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪넌 나의 백마 탄 왕자가 될 거야?‬Isn't this love lock the thing that couples do? "I will be your prince on a white horse."
‪'너의 백마 탄 왕자가 될 거야'‬"I will be your prince on a white horse."
‪'태욱, 서리', 여기 있다‬-Tae-uk and Seo-ri. Here. -Where?
‪- (승기) 어디? '태욱, 서리', 이거다‬ ‪- (세정) 예‬-Tae-uk and Seo-ri. Here. -Where? Tae-uk and Seo-ri. This is it.
‪(세정)‬ ‪아, 근데 숫자가 뭘까?‬Tae-uk and Seo-ri. This is it. But what could the code be?
‪(승기)‬"I will be your prince on a white horse."
‪(승기)‬ ‪너, 너의 백…‬Your prince…
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(성운)‬ ‪안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪이 기념품 숍에 왔다 간 것 같은데‬I think he came by the gift shop.
‪뭐지?‬What is that?
‪'너랑 나, 그리고 널 닮은 아이'‬"Let's put teddy bears next to our future family portrait."
‪[세호의 의아한 신음]‬
‪(세호)‬"Remembering the kisses with you which were as sweet as candy."
‪찾았다, 찾았다, 찾았다‬Found it.
‪[새들이 지저귄다]‬ ‪어?‬Hey.
‪자물쇠가 있는데‬There's a key.
‪- (라비) 어? '태욱, 서리' 여기 있다‬ ‪- (세호) 뭐야, 이거 뭐지?‬THERE'S A LOCK WITH YOO TAE-UK AND KIM SEO-RI'S NAMES ON IT
‪(승기)‬ ‪백마, 백마‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬White horse.
‪어? 잠시만요, 너의 백마‬ ‪이거 백마 지금 탈 수 있어요?‬White horse. Hold on. Your prince on a white… Can we ride this white horse?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪(재석)‬ ‪야, 승기 저기 있네‬There's Seung-gi.
‪(승기)‬ ‪형, 여기 잠깐만‬ ‪여기 뭐 있어, 여기 뭐 있어‬There's Seung-gi. Hold on. There's something here. What is it?
‪(종민)‬ ‪뭐가 있어?‬What is it?
‪뭐지?‬What could it be?
‪- (종민) 다른 데서 뭐 찾은 거 있어?‬ ‪- (재석) 야, 너 찾았어, 못 찾았어?‬-Did you find a clue? -Did you find it or not?
‪(승기)‬ ‪어, 아니, 지금 샤이가이는 없는데요‬ ‪[종민이 호응한다]‬No, Shy Guy isn't here, but there's a lock there.
‪형, 저기 무슨 자물쇠가 있어요‬but there's a lock there.
‪'너의 백마 탄 왕자가 될 거야'인데‬but there's a lock there. It says, "I will be your prince on a white horse."
‪(종민)‬ ‪어? 어디로 들어오라고?‬What? Come in where?
‪(승기)‬ ‪아니, 아니‬ ‪어디로 들어오라는 말 안 했는데‬What? Come in where? No, I didn't tell you to come in.
‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬No, I didn't tell you to come in. THEY HAVE COMMUNICATION PROBLEMS
‪(재석)‬ ‪야, 종민이 말은 걸러서 들어‬Hey. You shouldn't listen to everything Jong-min says.
‪(승기)‬ ‪아, 오케이, 여기서 저기‬Jong-min says. Anyway. So, we have to find Shy Guy.
‪샤이가이를 찾아야 되는데‬Anyway. So, we have to find Shy Guy. He isn't here, but there's a clue up there.
‪샤이가이는 없고요‬ ‪형, 저기 앞에 무슨 단서가 있어요‬He isn't here, but there's a clue up there.
‪- (승기) 어? 돌아간다‬ ‪- (재석) 뭐야?‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬-It's moving. -What's this?
‪(세정)‬ ‪오빠, 오빠, 이 리본‬ ‪리본에 뭐 적혀 있어‬Seung-gi! There's something written on the ribbon!
‪- (종민) 뭐라고?‬ ‪- (승기) 뭐라고?‬-What does it say? -What does it say?
‪(승기)‬ ‪이거를 풀어야 되나 봐‬We must have to untie it.
‪(세정)‬ ‪아, 나 이거 손톱 때문에‬ ‪안 되는데, 이거‬I can't because of my nails.
‪형, 이거 세정이 손톱 때문에 안 돼요‬Se-jeong can't untie this.
‪이거 풀, 풀 수 있는 사람 와야 된대요‬Se-jeong can't untie this. Someone who can untie it needs to come on.
‪딴 데로 가야 된다고?‬-Go somewhere else? -No, you have to help us.
‪(승기)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪아니요, 이로, 이로 해야 된다고‬-Go somewhere else? -No, you have to help us.
‪이빨로, 아니, 다들 왜 이렇게‬ ‪잘 못 들으세요‬-Go somewhere else? -No, you have to help us. Why are you both… Why can't anyone hear?
‪(재석)‬ ‪야, 우리가 지금 여기 한 군데‬ ‪묶여 있으면 안 되고 딴 데로 가야지‬We shouldn't all be here. We should move on. Let's split up. You can go.
‪(승기)‬ ‪흩어지세요, 형‬ ‪흩어지셔도 될 것 같아요‬Let's split up. You can go.
‪- (재석) 야, 그럼 갈게‬ ‪- (승기) 예‬-We'll go then. -Okay.
‪야, 나 토할 것 같아‬I'm going to barf.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪- (승기) 어?‬ ‪- 멀미해‬I'm nauseous.
‪[승기의 웃음]‬
‪(승기)‬ ‪와, 어지러운데?‬I'm dizzy.
‪(종민)‬ ‪아유, 멀미‬I feel sick. I can't untie this. I think I'm going to barf.
‪아이, 빨리 안 풀리면 나 토할 것 같아‬I feel sick. I can't untie this. I think I'm going to barf.
‪나 풀었어‬I got mine.
‪(종민)‬ ‪'바다처럼 넓은 마음을 항해해 줄래?'‬"Will you sail in my heart that's as vast as the sea?"
‪(승기)‬ ‪바다처럼 넓은 마음을?‬-"Will you sail in my heart…" -"…that's as vast as the sea?"
‪(종민)‬ ‪'항해해 줄래?'‬-"Will you sail in my heart…" -"…that's as vast as the sea?"
‪(승기)‬ ‪바다가 어디 있어?‬-"Will you sail in my heart…" -"…that's as vast as the sea?" Where's the sea?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- (종민) 몰라‬ ‪- 바다가 그럼 옆에 있잖아‬-I don't know. -There it is.
‪- (종민) 어디? 어? 어, 바이킹?‬ ‪- (승기) 옆에, 바이킹, 바이킹‬-Where? -There. The viking ship. -Viking ship? -Viking ship.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪아니, 왜 이렇게 힘들게‬ ‪이벤트를 준비했을까요?‬Why did he plan something so complicated?
‪(광수)‬ ‪여기서 이벤트를 하시나 보네‬ ‪프러포즈를‬-People must propose here. -Hey.
‪[새들이 지저귄다]‬ ‪(남자1)‬ ‪야, 야, 야!‬-People must propose here. -Hey. Hey!
‪- (광수) 어, 뭐야, 소리 들려‬ ‪- (남자1) 으아, 야!‬ ‪[긴박한 음악]‬What? I hear something. Hey! Can't you share?
‪- (광수) 누구야?‬ ‪- (남자1) 날면서 먹으면 안 되니?‬Hey! Can't you share?
‪- (광수) 그분 아니야?‬ ‪- (남자1) 와‬-Is it him? -Dang it.
‪(광수)‬ ‪프러포즈?‬The proposal…
‪- (세훈) 어?‬ ‪- (광수) 어디야? 목소리 들렸는데‬-What? -Where is he? I heard his voice.
‪- (세훈) 뭐야, 누구예요?‬ ‪- (광수) 어?‬-What? Do you see him? -Hey.
‪- (광수) 아니…‬ ‪- (남자1) 야, 야, 야!‬ ‪[새들이 지저귄다]‬-Hey. -What is this?
‪(세훈)‬ ‪아이, 뭐야?‬-Hey. -What is this?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪들어가, 들어가, 들어가‬-Go in. -Guys.
‪(라비)‬ ‪얘들아‬-Go in. -Guys.
‪(광수)‬ ‪어, 새가 있네‬There are birds here.
‪- (라비) 아유, 얘들아‬ ‪- (세훈) 아, 나 못 잡는데?‬Gosh. -Guys. -I can't catch them.
‪[세훈과 광수의 놀란 신음]‬
‪(광수)‬"The birds will tell you a secret once they're full." THE BIRDS WILL TELL YOU A SECRET ONCE THEY'RE FULL
‪(광수)‬ ‪진짜로 이걸 배불리 먹여야 돼?‬Do we really have to feed them?
‪[광수와 세훈의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪(세훈)‬ ‪오, 형, 오‬ ‪[광수의 기겁하는 신음]‬
‪닿았어, 나 닿았어‬ ‪[세훈의 웃음]‬It touched me!
‪[놀란 신음]‬
‪어, 너무 커, 너무 커‬They're too big.
‪- (세훈) 형‬ ‪- (광수) 어?‬-Kwang-soo. -Yes?
‪- 나가 있어도 돼요?‬ ‪- (광수) 아이, 들어와, 뭐 하는 거야‬-May I wait outside? -What are you talking about?
‪[세훈의 웃음]‬ ‪일로 와 봐, 이거 풀어야지, 빨리‬-May I wait outside? -What are you talking about? Get over here and solve this.
‪세정이 불러와야 될 것 같은데‬I think we need Se-jeong.
‪(광수)‬ ‪아니, 해 봐, 빨리‬Just come and try.
‪세훈아, 나 지금 여기서‬ ‪이거 하고 있으니까 빨리 모이 줘 봐‬I'm doing this, so feed the birds.
‪- 뭘, 뭘 주라고요?‬ ‪- (광수) 어? 여기 있다‬-You want me to feed them? -Here it is.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪뭐가요?‬What?
‪(광수)‬ ‪'태욱, 서리'가 있네‬Tae-uk and Seo-ri. We probably have to open this.
‪이걸 열어야 되나 봐‬Tae-uk and Seo-ri. We probably have to open this.
‪야, 모이를 줘 봐‬-Feed them. -We just feed them,
‪(세훈)‬ ‪애들한테‬ ‪주면 되는 거 아니에요, 그냥?‬-Feed them. -We just feed them,
‪그럼 애들이 비밀번호‬ ‪말해 준다는 거 아니에요?‬then they'll tell us the code, right?
‪- (광수) 어, 아, 미안, 미안‬ ‪- (세훈) 어, 어어!‬ ‪[무거운 음악]‬Ravi.
‪[광수의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪[세훈의 놀란 신음]‬
‪[광수의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(광수)‬ ‪어, 안 되겠다‬I can't do this.
‪- 으, 야, 야, 야!‬ ‪- (광수) 어, 안 되겠다‬-Hey. Hey, you. -I can't do this.
‪- (광수) 세훈아‬ ‪- (세훈) 예?‬-Sehun. -Yes?
‪[세훈의 웃음]‬ ‪[광수의 괴로운 신음]‬
‪(광수)‬ ‪[힘겨운 목소리로]‬ ‪세훈아‬Sehun.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪아이, 잠시만요‬ ‪[광수의 힘겨운 신음]‬-Hold on. -Hey! Sehun!
‪(광수)‬ ‪세훈아, 으아!‬Sehun!
‪[광수의 비명]‬ ‪[세훈의 웃음]‬
‪[포효하는 효과음]‬
‪[포효하는 효과음]‬
‪(광수)‬ ‪세훈아, 야!‬ ‪[광수의 목소리가 늘어진다]‬
‪[세훈과 라비의 웃음]‬ ‪[광수가 소리친다]‬Don't come closer! No!
‪야, 우산 펼쳐, 우산 펼쳐!‬Open the umbrella!
‪- (세훈) 예?‬ ‪- (광수) 야, 우산 펼쳐!‬-What? -Open the umbrella!
‪[라비의 웃음]‬ ‪(광수)‬ ‪우산 펼쳐, 빨리‬-What? -Open the umbrella! Open the umbrella! Hurry! Come in here, Sehun!
‪야, 세훈아, 들어와 봐, 야, 진짜‬Open the umbrella! Hurry! Come in here, Sehun! I'm seriously-- It bit me!
‪악! 깨물어, 얘네‬I'm seriously-- It bit me! -Kwang-soo, I'm too scared. -I'm serious.
‪- (세훈) 아, 형, 형, 너무 무서워요‬ ‪- (광수) 야, 세훈아, 진짜, 야, 진짜‬-Kwang-soo, I'm too scared. -I'm serious.
‪(광수)‬ ‪야…‬-Hey. I'm serious. Come in. -There are too many.
‪- (광수) 야, 진짜 들어와 봐‬ ‪- (세훈) 형, 애들이 너무 많아요‬-Hey. I'm serious. Come in. -There are too many.
‪악! 얘네 깨문다, 깨문다‬It's biting me! They bite!
‪(광수)‬ ‪얘네 봐‬ ‪[광수의 비명]‬What the heck is their problem?
‪(민영)‬ ‪이게 웨딩 홀인가 본데?‬This must be the wedding hall.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(민영)‬"Love is hiding where an object becomes two like you and me."
‪[중얼거린다]‬Am I the only one here?
‪(민영)‬ ‪들어가 볼까?‬Should I go in?
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪[민영의 놀란 신음]‬It's a wedding hall.
‪웨딩 홀인데?‬It's a wedding hall.
‪거울‬A mirror.
‪사물이 둘이 되는 곳, 거울‬ ‪거울 또 딴거 있나?‬Where an object becomes two. A mirror. Is there another one?
‪저기도 있네‬There's another one.
‪이 두 거울‬These two mirrors.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪둘의 관계는?‬What's the relationship?
‪아이고‬Goodness. So we meet again.
‪여기서 뵙네요‬Goodness. So we meet again.
‪(민영)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪어? 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪같이 찾을까요?‬Should we look together?
‪(보현)‬ ‪어디 가세요, 같이 찾아요‬Where are you going? Let's team up.
‪(민영)‬ ‪저기도 있네‬There's another one.
‪사물이 둘이 되는 게‬ ‪반사가 됐다는 거잖아요‬If an object becomes two, -it means it's reflected. -Right.
‪- 그렇죠, 그러니까‬ ‪- (민영) 그래서 거울이잖아요‬-it means it's reflected. -Right. -That's a mirror. -Exactly.
‪(민영)‬ ‪안쪽에 거울이 이렇게‬ ‪반대편으로 왔더니 여기가 있고‬I went to the direction the mirror faced, and ended up here.
‪[보현의 탄성]‬ ‪네, 저기로 갔더니‬ ‪저기 거울이 하나 또 있네요‬I looked up, and there's another mirror.
‪(보현)‬ ‪아, 올라가 볼까요, 한번?‬I looked up, and there's another mirror. Wow. Should we go up?
‪(민영)‬ ‪거울‬A mirror.
‪(보현)‬ ‪오케이, 역시 거울이 또 있네‬As expected, there's another mirror.
‪여기 거울이 있고‬ ‪저기 역시 거울이 있네‬THE MIRRORS LEAD SOMEWHERE There's a mirror here, and another one there.
‪당연히 밖에 있겠죠? 예, 역시 뭐‬Naturally, there will be one outside. As expected.
‪(민영)‬ ‪여기 또 거울이 하나 있고‬There's another mirror here.
‪(보현)‬ ‪보자‬Let's see.
‪아, 자물쇠‬Okay, locks.
‪(민영)‬ ‪맞네, 여기‬This is it.
‪'태욱 하트 서리'‬"Tae-uk, heart, Seo-ri."
‪(보현)‬ ‪응, 아휴‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬UNKNOWN CALLER
‪(남자2)‬ ‪네, 준비됐습니다‬Yes, it's ready.
‪(성운)‬ ‪살려 주세요‬ ‪[발랄한 음악]‬Help me.
‪[성운의 헛웃음]‬
‪보자, 자물쇠를 풀어야 되는 것 같은데‬I think I have to figure out the code to the lock.
‪'널 닮은 아이'‬"Let's put teddy bears next to our future family portrait of you, me,
‪'미래의 우리 가족사진 옆엔‬ ‪예쁜 곰 인형들을 두자'‬"Let's put teddy bears next to our future family portrait of you, me, and our child that looks like you."
‪곰 인형‬Teddy bears.
‪곰 인형을‬Teddy bears.
‪곰 인형‬Teddy bear.
‪곰 인…‬Teddy…
‪곰이 없는데?‬There aren't any bears.
‪여기 호랑이‬There's a tiger,
‪토끼, 강아지, 공룡, 돼지, 거북이‬rabbit, puppy, dinosaur, pig, turtle…
‪어? 곰인가? 어?‬Is that a bear?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪어? '70%'‬It says 70 percent.
‪이 곰 인형이 10,500원인데‬This teddy bear costs 10,500 won. TEDDY BEAR COSTS 10,500 won
‪어? 곰 인형 또 있어‬There's another bear.
‪잠깐만‬Hold on.
‪어? 한 마리 더 있어‬There's another one. There are three.
‪세 마리인데?‬There's another one. There are three.
‪세 마리가 70% 할인해‬Three at 70 percent off.
‪[중얼거린다]‬That's a four… and 15…
‪15, 4‬That's a four… and 15… And four… So it's 9450.
‪9450‬And four… So it's 9450.
‪9450, 94‬It's 9450. Nine. Four.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬ ‪[성운의 탄성]‬Yes. It opened.
‪풀렸어‬Yes. It opened.
‪- (승기) 형, 어디, 어디 없어?‬ ‪- (종민) 야, 뭐 보여?‬-Do you see anything? -Do you see it?
‪- (승기) 아, 안 보여‬ ‪- (종민) 일단 그대로 몇 번 타 봐‬-No. -Keep riding it a few more times.
‪(승기)‬ ‪아이, 뭐야, 어지러운데?‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬But I'm dizzy! -Of course. It's a boat. -Where is it?
‪- (종민) 야, 배니까 어지럽지‬ ‪- (승기) 잠깐, 어디지?‬-Of course. It's a boat. -Where is it?
‪- (승기) 어디 있지? 어디 있지?‬ ‪- (종민) 봐 봐‬-Where is it? -Look.
‪어, 어, 있다, 있다, 있다‬ ‪잠깐만, 잠깐만‬There it is! Hold on! -What? Where? -"Into my heart."
‪(종민)‬ ‪왜, 어디, 어디, 어디?‬-What? Where? -"Into my heart."
‪(승기)‬ ‪형, '내 마음에', '내 마음에'‬-What? Where? -"Into my heart." Where? I see it!
‪어디? 아! 저기 있다‬Where? I see it!
‪(승기)‬ ‪'내 마음에', '내 마음에'‬"Into my heart."
‪'입장권은', 입장권‬"Entry ticket."
‪(승기)‬"There is only one entry ticket into my heart."
‪- (승기) 딱 한 장뿐? 그럼 매표소잖아‬ ‪- (종민) 저기 있다!‬Just one ticket? Ticket booth? -There it is! -Where?
‪(승기)‬ ‪어디, 어디?‬-There it is! -Where?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪(승기)‬ ‪'내 마음에 들어오는 입장권은'‬"There is only one entry ticket." Why are there so many calendars?
‪뭐야, 달력들이 왜 이렇게 많지?‬Why are there so many calendars?
‪(종민)‬ ‪달력이‬Calendar.
‪(승기)‬ ‪어? 지금 5월인데‬ ‪왜 이 달력만 9월이지?‬It's May. Why does this calendar say September?
‪어? 잠깐만‬Hold on. So it's 0919.
‪- 0919?‬ ‪- (종민) 어?‬Hold on. So it's 0919.
‪(종민)‬ ‪야, 비밀번호가 0919야?‬-Is the code 0919? -No. That's 0919.
‪(승기)‬ ‪아니, 아니, 0919?‬-Is the code 0919? -No. That's 0919.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(승기)‬ ‪[자물쇠를 달그락거리며]‬ ‪풀었어, 풀었어, 풀었어‬I got it.
‪(종민)‬ ‪어떻게, 어떻게, 어떻게?‬How?
‪- 아!‬ ‪- (종민) 왜?‬There's a word in here.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪글씨가 있다, 글씨가‬There's a word in here.
‪- (승기) '연', 글씨가 있잖아‬ ‪- (종민) 뭐야‬There's a word here. WRITING HIDDEN IN THE LOCK
‪(성운)‬ ‪응? '으'?‬What?
‪잠깐만‬Hold on.
‪그럼 다른 데, 다른 데 또‬-The others must have more. -They must have different words.
‪- 다른 글자들이‬ ‪- (승기) 다 있어‬-The others must have more. -They must have different words. THERE MUST BE OTHER WORDS WRITTEN ON LOCKS IN OTHER AREAS
‪(세훈)‬ ‪아, 이거 아니야‬This isn't it.
‪[세훈의 겁먹은 신음]‬
‪[함께 놀란다]‬ ‪(세훈)‬ ‪어, 나 안 돼, 나 안 돼‬No, I can't do it. I really can't do it.
‪나 안 돼, 나 진짜 안 돼‬ ‪[광수의 놀란 신음]‬No, I can't do it. I really can't do it. I really can't do it.
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪나 진짜 안 돼‬I really can't do it.
‪(라비)‬ ‪'마지나타'?‬"Marginata"? -What's that? -What is this?
‪- (세훈) 이게 뭔데요?‬ ‪- (광수) 이게 뭐예요?‬-What's that? -What is this? I'm not sure.
‪(라비)‬ ‪이거? 모르겠어요‬I'm not sure.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪아, 근데 이런 거 공유하긴 해야 돼요‬You need to share that. -We'll just take it. -That's not it. I mean…
‪[세훈의 웃음]‬ ‪(광수)‬ ‪가지고, 독점 안 돼요‬-We'll just take it. -That's not it. I mean…
‪(세훈과 광수)‬ ‪- 왜냐면 이거를 훔쳐 가면 안 돼요‬ ‪- 아니, 미안한데‬-We'll just take it. -That's not it. I mean… -Sorry, -You can't take it.
‪(광수)‬ ‪우리 지금 2 대 1인 것 같은데‬ ‪괜히 힘쓰게 하지 마요‬-Sorry, -You can't take it. but we outnumber you two to one. Don't waste our energy.
‪- 그러니까요‬ ‪- (광수) 저, 죄송한데‬Exactly. Sorry, but do you want to become bird feed?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪(광수)‬ ‪지금 새 모이가 되고 싶으세요?‬Sorry, but do you want to become bird feed?
‪[라비의 웃음]‬
‪(라비)‬ ‪얘들아!‬Guys!
‪(세훈과 광수)‬ ‪- 이럼 페어하지 못해요, 우리 게임이‬ ‪- 지금‬You're not playing fair. -We should play fair. -Look.
‪(광수)‬ ‪밖에 비도 와서 소리도 안 들리는데‬ ‪[라비의 웃음]‬It's raining, so no one will hear you.
‪- (세훈) 광수 형‬ ‪- (라비) 아유, 무슨 소리‬-Kwang-soo. -What do you mean? -I'll hold his arms, so… -What are you talking about?
‪(세훈과 라비)‬ ‪- 제가 팔 잡을 테니까‬ ‪- 무슨 소리, 무슨 소리 하시는 거예요‬-I'll hold his arms, so… -What are you talking about?
‪아니‬Look. Do you want to be humiliated and have it taken from you?
‪- (세훈) 한 번에 끝내죠, 한 번에‬ ‪- 약간 비참하게 뺏기실래요?‬Look. Do you want to be humiliated and have it taken from you?
‪(라비)‬ ‪근데 이게‬Look.
‪[세훈의 기겁하는 신음]‬-Sehun, why are you running away? -I'm too scared.
‪- (광수) 야, 세훈아, 너…‬ ‪- (세훈) 아, 나 이거 너무 무서워요‬-Sehun, why are you running away? -I'm too scared.
‪- (세훈) 아, 나 진짜 너무 무서워‬ ‪- (광수) 너 그런 걸로 하지 말라고‬-Sehun, why are you running away? -I'm too scared. -I'm too scared. -Don't do that.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪아, 저 진짜 너무 무서워요‬ ‪[광수가 구시렁거린다]‬-I'm really scared. -Don't do that.
‪[발랄한 음악]‬ ‪(세훈)‬ ‪막대기는 해야 돼요‬We need to share.
‪(광수와 세훈)‬ ‪- 아니, 우리가 같이 풀면 되잖아‬ ‪- 아무것도, 아무것도 없어요‬-We can solve it together. -There's nothing here.
‪(광수)‬ ‪이렇게 할 필요가 없어요‬ ‪[세훈의 탄성]‬There's no need to do this.
‪제가 풀어 드릴게요‬I'll solve it. I need your help.
‪(라비)‬ ‪저는 도움을 받아야겠습니다‬I need your help.
‪가나다라마바사 해서‬ ‪비밀번호 숫자 네 개죠?‬Maybe it's a code for the numbers.
‪마지나타라는 꽃을 찾아야 돼‬I have to find a flower called "marginata."
‪(세훈)‬ ‪타지나마? 타지나마?‬Tashinama?
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬ ‪지나, 이게 뭐, 꽃인가?‬Ji… Na… Is this a flower?
‪(광수)‬ ‪어, 뭐야?‬What's this? Dracaena marginata.
‪드라세나 마지나타‬ ‪아, 여기 있나 보네, 안에‬What's this? Dracaena marginata. It must be in here. Dracaena marginata.
‪드라세나 마지나타‬It must be in here. Dracaena marginata.
‪- (병재) 라비야‬ ‪- (광희) 라비야‬-Ravi! -Yes?
‪- (라비) 예, 형‬ ‪- (병재) 어디 있어?‬-Ravi! -Yes? -Where are you? -The hint is "najimata."
‪힌트가 나지마타야‬-Where are you? -The hint is "najimata."
‪(함께)‬ ‪나지마타?‬-Najimata? -Najimata? -The flower najimata must be in here. -Najimata? A flower?
‪(라비)‬ ‪나지마타꽃이 이 안에 있을 것 같아요‬-The flower najimata must be in here. -Najimata? A flower?
‪(광수)‬ ‪나지마타꽃?‬-The flower najimata must be in here. -Najimata? A flower?
‪[탐정들이 대화한다]‬ ‪아, 뭐 좀 찾았어요?‬Did you find something? Oh, my gosh. I thought it was a mirror.
‪(광희)‬ ‪어, 깜짝이야‬ ‪어유, 나 거울 보는 줄 알았어‬Oh, my gosh. I thought it was a mirror.
‪(광수)‬ ‪아, 무슨 또 거울 보는 줄 알아요‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬Oh, my gosh. I thought it was a mirror. What do you mean, a mirror? -It's obviously not. -We have to find the najimata.
‪- (병재) 야, 누가 봐도 다른 사람인데‬ ‪- 나, 나지마타꽃 찾아야 되는데‬-It's obviously not. -We have to find the najimata. -Did you find it? -This isn't the marginata.
‪(세훈과 광수)‬ ‪- 좀 찾았어요? 마지나타 아니에요‬ ‪- 예, 지금 찾고 있어요‬-Did you find it? -This isn't the marginata. Najinata. Najimata.
‪(광희)‬ ‪나지마타, 나지마타‬Najinata. Najimata.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪여기는 마지나타 아니에요‬-This isn't the marginata. -No?
‪(광희)‬ ‪아니에요?‬-This isn't the marginata. -No?
‪좀 찾았어요, 근데?‬-Did you find some clues? -We found a lot.
‪(광수)‬ ‪저희 많이 찾았죠‬-Did you find some clues? -We found a lot. -Really? -Yes.
‪- (광희) 진짜요?‬ ‪- (광수) 예‬ ‪[흥미로운 음악]‬-Really? -Yes.
‪(광수)‬ ‪아휴, 나 심장이 너무 빨리 뛰어‬ ‪[세훈의 웃음]‬My gosh. My heart is racing so fast.
‪(광희)‬ ‪야, 이쪽 안 돌았어?‬Did you check this side?
‪(세훈과 광수)‬ ‪- 가만, 가만, 가만, 가만…‬ ‪- 못 찾았어, 심장이 너무 빨리 뛰어‬-Let's go. -Hold on.
‪(라비)‬ ‪마지나타, 근데 나 다 돌았어‬Marginata. I checked everywhere already.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪간다, 간다, 간다, 간다…‬-They left. Let's go. They left. -Let's go.
‪[세훈이 중얼거린다]‬-They left. Let's go. They left. -Let's go. What is that? Kwang-soo. Look.
‪- (세훈) 형, 마, 어?‬ ‪- (광수) 야‬Kwang-soo. Look.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪뭐 있어요? 뭐 있어요?‬Do you see anything?
‪묶여 있네, 이거, 이거 풀어도 돼요?‬There's something tied here. Can I untie it?
‪- (세훈) 풀어도 되는 거예요?‬ ‪- (광수) 풀어, 풀어‬-Can I untie it? -Untie it.
‪오, 어떻게 이걸‬ ‪형, 발견하는 거 미쳤죠?‬How did we find this? This is crazy.
‪- (광수) 야, 너 어떻게 찾은 거야‬ ‪- (세훈) 미쳤죠, 미쳤죠?‬How did we find this? This is crazy. -How did you see this? -Right? Isn't it crazy?
‪[광수의 힘주는 신음]‬Hey.
‪나무 막대기 어디 있어?‬ ‪나무 막대기, 나무 막대기‬How do we get out? -That way. Run. -Hey.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪저쪽에 있잖아요, 형, 형, 주세요‬-That way. Run. -Hey.
‪(광수)‬ ‪야, 나 이거, 야, 나 이거 알 것 같아‬ ‪나 이거 알 것 같아‬Hey. Run. I think I know what this is.
‪(라비)‬ ‪뭐야, 뭐야, 뭐야?‬What? What's going on?
‪(광수와 세훈)‬ ‪- 일로 와 봐, 일로 와 봐, 일로 와 봐‬ ‪- 뭔데요, 뭔데요?‬-Get over here. -What is it?
‪- (광수) 그거 꺼내 봐, 꺼내 봐‬ ‪- (세훈) 뭔데요, 뭔데요?‬-Take it out. -What is it?
‪- (세훈) 이게 뭔데?‬ ‪- (광수) 꺼내 봐‬-What is this? -Take it out. -Take out what? -That thing. We have to wrap it.
‪- (세훈) 뭘 꺼내요?‬ ‪- (광수) 그, 여기 감아야 돼‬-Take out what? -That thing. We have to wrap it.
‪(광수)‬ ‪이거 감으면 다 나와‬We have to wrap it around this.
‪그렇지, 됐다, 됐다, 이거 맞는다‬Yes. This is it. I was right.
‪야, 세훈아, 미치겠다, 나 진짜‬Sehun, this is crazy.
‪세훈아, 미안한데 이거‬Sehun, do you mind taking a picture of me solving this by myself?
‪나 혼자 이거 풀고 있는 것 좀‬ ‪멀리서 좀 찍어 줄래?‬Sehun, do you mind taking a picture of me solving this by myself?
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬ ‪- (세훈) 아, 찍었어요‬ ‪- (광수) 꽃 좀 걸 수 있으면‬-I did. It's clearly you. -From far away.
‪- (세훈) 누가 봐도 형이에요‬ ‪- (광수) 아니, 나를‬-I did. It's clearly you. -From far away. Make sure you see me.
‪야, 뭐야, 이거?‬What is this? It's a code.
‪야, 비밀번호네‬What is this? It's a code.
‪- (세훈) 아, 자물쇠?‬ ‪- (광수) 자물쇠의 비밀번호‬-The lock. -It's the code. We have to open it.
‪(광수)‬ ‪저걸 풀어 놔야 되네‬-The lock. -It's the code. We have to open it.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪와, 미쳤다, 미쳤다‬This is insane.
‪- (광수) 야, 이거‬ ‪- (세훈) 미쳤죠?‬-This is… -Isn't it insane?
‪죽을 때까지 못 잊어‬ ‪[세훈의 웃음]‬I'll never forget this for as long as I live.
‪- 와…‬ ‪- (세훈) 진짜 대박이죠?‬This is amazing. I was shocked.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪저 놀랐어요‬This is amazing. I was shocked. How did this happen?
‪야, 어떻게 된 거야‬How did this happen?
‪와, 거의 FBI 수준이었어요, 우리‬We were totally like FBI agents.
‪우아‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬We were totally like FBI agents.
‪- (재석) 기가 막힌다, 기가 막혀‬ ‪- (세정) 기가 막히네‬This is amazing.
‪- (세호) 됐다, 야, 됐다‬ ‪- (성운) 어? 뭐야, 뭐야?‬Yes. We did it. "Mot"?
‪- (세호) '못'‬ ‪- (성운) '못'?‬Yes. We did it. "Mot"?
‪- (재석) 야‬ ‪- (세정) 이걸 어떻게 보지?‬-Hey. -How do we see that?
‪(재석)‬ ‪야, 잠깐만, 저걸 어떻게 봐?‬How can we see that?
‪'2145', '2145'‬It's 2145.
‪- (세정) 2145?‬ ‪- (재석) 2145‬-2145? -2145. A rose is red and a baby's breath is white.
‪- (세정) 오빠, 장미꽃이 빨강이고‬ ‪- (재석) '장미와'‬A rose is red and a baby's breath is white.
‪(세정)‬ ‪안개꽃이 흰색이라고 하면은‬ ‪분홍 색깔 쪽지를 좀 찾아 볼까요?‬A rose is red and a baby's breath is white. -Maybe we should look for a pink flower. -Pink.
‪(재석)‬ ‪분홍색‬-Maybe we should look for a pink flower. -Pink.
‪(세정)‬ ‪오빠, 분홍색이 다 0815‬All the pink ones say 0815.
‪(승희)‬ ‪아, 됐다, 됐다, 됐다, 됐다‬It worked.
‪- (광수) 열렸어‬ ‪- (라비) '본'‬-It opened. -"Bon."
‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬BON BON YUN EU MOT
‪(세호)‬ ‪아니, 그래서‬ ‪아까 내가 조합을 해 보니까‬I put them together, and I got "ri."
‪나는 '리'야, '리', '리'‬I put them together, and I got "ri." Hold on. In order. You had "ri."
‪(병재)‬ ‪잠깐만, 잠깐만, 이게 순서대로‬ ‪형 '리'‬Hold on. In order. You had "ri."
‪[무거운 음악]‬ ‪- (세호) '리', '리'‬ ‪- (라비) 저 '본', 저 '본'이에요‬-Ri. -Mine was "bon." -Bon. -Mine was "yun."
‪- (병재) '본'‬ ‪- (승희) 저 '연'‬-Bon. -Mine was "yun."
‪(성운)‬ ‪그리고 '못'‬ ‪형하고 저하고 '못'을 봤어요‬And "mot." We saw "mot." We solved it together.
‪- (병재) 못?‬ ‪- (세호) '못'을 같이 풀었어‬We solved it together. -Jae-suk. -Are you here?
‪[승기와 재석이 통화한다]‬ ‪(세정)‬ ‪오빠, 오빠‬-Jae-suk. -Are you here?
‪(세정)‬ ‪여기 웨딩 홀 뒤에 있는 이 연못이‬ ‪[재석의 탄성]‬-Check the group chat. -There's a pond back here. Is this it?
‪여기인가?‬Is this it?
‪(재석과 세정)‬ ‪- 그런 것 같아‬ ‪- 웨딩 홀 뒤에 연못이 하나 있는데‬-I think so. -There's a pond -behind the wedding hall. -Hey, Seung-gi.
‪- (재석) 야, 승기야‬ ‪- (승기) 예‬-behind the wedding hall. -Hey, Seung-gi. There's a pond behind the wedding hall according to the map.
‪(재석)‬ ‪웨딩 홀 뒤에 연못이 있거든‬ ‪그 지도 보면‬There's a pond behind the wedding hall according to the map.
‪- (승기) 어‬ ‪- (재석) 거기인 것 같아‬-Yes. -I think that's it.
‪- (승기) 거가 연희못인가?‬ ‪- (재석) 어, 거기가‬-There's a pond? -Yes. That's it.
‪(세호)‬ ‪연못이…‬ ‪[저마다 말한다]‬-A pond. -There. If you look at it this way, it's over there.
‪이렇게 봤을 때 여기야, 여기, 여기‬If you look at it this way, it's over there.
‪(세훈과 광수)‬ ‪- 일로, 일로, 일로, 직진, 직진이야‬ ‪- 일로 쭉 내려야 돼요‬-This way. -Go straight. The pond behind the wedding hall.
‪(병재)‬ ‪연못으로 일단‬ ‪웨딩 홀 뒤에, 웨딩 홀 뒤에‬The pond behind the wedding hall.
‪[재석의 탄성]‬ ‪(세정)‬ ‪야, 이거 지도를 그래서 잘 봐야 돼‬You have to know how to read a map.
‪(광수)‬ ‪어? 여기 있다, 프러포즈하는‬Here it is. The proposal spot.
‪(광수와 세정)‬ ‪'서리야, 나랑 결혼해 줄래?'‬"Seo-ri, will you marry me?"
‪(세훈)‬ ‪오케이, 오케이‬So the clues led to here.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 이걸 찾아서 여기로 오는구나‬So the clues led to here.
‪(세정)‬ ‪저 가운데 있는‬ ‪저 리본을 풀어야 되는 것 같아요‬I think we have to untie the ribbon there.
‪[재석의 탄성]‬I think we have to untie the ribbon there.
‪- (승희) 어?‬ ‪- (세호) 저기 있다‬ ‪[탐정들이 웅성거린다]‬There's something there. -We must have to go there. -Did you find it?
‪[세호가 말한다]‬ ‪(종민)‬ ‪야, 우리가 찾았어!‬-We must have to go there. -Did you find it?
‪빨리 풀어, 쟤들 오기 전에‬ ‪빨리빨리!‬Hurry up before they get here!
‪저 리본에 뭐가 달려 있어요!‬Something is attached to that ribbon!
‪(승기)‬ ‪뭐가 있어, 글씨가 있는 것 같아‬Something is attached to that ribbon! There's a writing.
‪(종민과 재석)‬ ‪- 재석이 형, 저 리본을 들어 봐요‬ ‪- 어‬-Jae-suk! -What? Lift the ribbon!
‪(재석)‬ ‪그거 보러 가는 거잖아‬ ‪[탐정들의 웃음]‬That's why we're going. -Gosh. -Seriously.
‪(광희)‬ ‪형, 뭐야, 뭐야, 뭐예요?‬-What is it? -I think we have to go in.
‪(병재)‬ ‪아니, 뭐, 들어가야 되나 봐, 저기‬ ‪[광희가 재촉한다]‬-What is it? -I think we have to go in. -Why? -Do we have to untie it?
‪(재석)‬ ‪이거를 풀 뭐가 있나?‬-Why? -Do we have to untie it?
‪- 뭐야, 뭐야?‬ ‪- (광수) 어, 이거 뭐야?‬-What is it? -What is this?
‪- (광수) 어?‬ ‪- (재석) 어, 이거 뭐야?‬What is it?
‪이거 뭐야, 돈 가방이야?‬What is this? A bag of cash?
‪- (광수) 아니지?‬ ‪- (재석) 꺼내 봐, 꺼내 봐‬-No, right? It's super heavy. -Pull it out.
‪(광수)‬ ‪와, 엄청 무거운데?‬-No, right? It's super heavy. -Pull it out.
‪- (승희) 뭐 하는 거야? 캐리어‬ ‪- (광희) '서리야, 나랑 결혼해 줄래?'‬-What are they doing? -"Seo-ri--" -It's luggage! -Luggage!
‪(병재)‬ ‪캐리어네, 캐리어‬ ‪[탐정들의 힘주는 신음]‬-It's luggage! -Luggage!
‪(재석)‬ ‪하나, 둘, 셋‬ ‪[탐정들의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪- (병재) 가라고?‬ ‪- (광희) 형, 가서 꺼내‬-Go? -Get it out!
‪(재석)‬ ‪절로 가서 당겨 보자‬-Let's go that way and pull it up. -It's so heavy.
‪(광수)‬ ‪와, 이거 얼마나 무거운지‬-Let's go that way and pull it up. -It's so heavy. Hurry! Jae-suk, they're almost here!
‪(종민)‬ ‪어? 빨리빨리, 빨리‬ ‪재석이 형, 다 왔어요!‬Hurry! Jae-suk, they're almost here!
‪(세훈)‬ ‪빨리 와요, 빨리‬Hurry.
‪- (광희) 형, 빨리, 뺏어‬ ‪- (광수) 어, 이거 이제 거의 다 왔어‬-Hurry! Take it from them! -We're almost there.
‪(광희)‬ ‪빨리빨리, 빨리‬Hurry.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아이씨‬Shoot.
‪(병재)‬ ‪뭐지, 저게?‬What is that?
‪- (재석) 끌어내, 끌어내‬ ‪- (종민) 아, 일단 끌어내‬-Pull it out. -Get it.
‪- (광수) 와, 이거 너무 무거운데‬ ‪- (세정) 조심해, 조심해요‬-It's way too heavy. -Careful.
‪(병재)‬ ‪오케이, 오케이, 오케이‬It's over.
‪- (세훈) 끝났어요, 끝났어, 게임‬ ‪- (승기) 일로 와서 같이 끌어요‬It's over. -Hey! -Come here and help us! It's too heavy!
‪(승기)‬ ‪같이 끌어, 이거 너무 무거워‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬-Hey! -Come here and help us! It's too heavy!
‪- (세호) 도와드릴게요, 도와드려‬ ‪- (병재) 그러니까, 그러니까, 예‬-We'll help you. -Okay. -Please. -We can lift it together.
‪(승기)‬ ‪같이 들어도 되겠다‬-Please. -We can lift it together.
‪(재석과 종민)‬ ‪- 잠깐만, 거기서, 거기서 도와줘‬ ‪- 물 좀 빼‬-Please. -We can lift it together. -From there. -Get rid of the water.
‪[탐정들의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪(종민)‬ ‪저 가운데로 가져가자‬We have to bring it back there.
‪(광수)‬ ‪어, 됐다, 됐다, 됐다‬We got it.
‪- (재석) 어유, 수고했어, 수고했어‬ ‪- (세정) 아유, 수고하셨습니다‬ ‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬-Thank you. -Gosh. Thank you. -What is it? -Let's bring it there.
‪(종민)‬ ‪다리로 가져가자‬-What is it? -Let's bring it there.
‪(재석)‬ ‪일단 끌고 와, 끌고 와‬Drag it over here.
‪(광수)‬ ‪이것도 풀어야 돼‬We have to untie this.
‪- (재석) 아, 저기‬ ‪- (병재) 아, 유재석 씨‬-Excuse me. -Se-ho.
‪(재석)‬ ‪[웃으며]‬ ‪우리가 찾은 거니까…‬We found it.
‪- (광수) 죄송한데 저희가 할게요‬ ‪- (재석) 나와요‬-Please get away. -We helped.
‪[성운이 말한다]‬ ‪- (재석) 아, 도와준 건 맞는데‬ ‪- (광수) 아, 도와준 건 고마운데‬-Please get away. -We helped. -Yes, you helped, but-- -Thanks for your help--
‪(승기)‬ ‪아, 지금 우리가 큰 걸 건져서 그래요‬We just got something huge.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아니, 지금 이게‬ ‪돈이 얼마가 걸려 있는데, 이 사람들아‬We just got something huge. You know how much money is at stake.
‪(승기)‬ ‪지금 장난 아니에요‬ ‪지금 우리가 슬쩍 봤는데‬We're not kidding. We peeked… -It's okay! -You can't move it alone.
‪[소란스럽다]‬-It's okay! -You can't move it alone.
‪(재석)‬ ‪자, 일단 이거 나온 거는‬ ‪그냥 보기만 하세요‬Just look and see what's inside.
‪- (재석) 이거는 다 우리가, 예?‬ ‪- (세훈) 이건 진짜 안 돼요‬-This is all for us… -Hands off. It's for us to take care of.
‪(재석)‬ ‪우리가 해결할 거니까‬ ‪눈독 들이지 마세요, 아셨죠?‬It's for us to take care of. So don't even think about it. Okay?
‪(세훈)‬ ‪안보현 씨는 어디 있어요? 안보현 씨‬So don't even think about it. Okay? Where's Ahn Bo-hyun?
‪(병재)‬ ‪아니, 우리 아까 보현 씨‬ ‪제일 마지막으로 본 사람이 라비…‬Who saw Bo-hyun last? Ravi?
‪[탐정들의 비명]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[탐정들의 비명]‬
‪- (재석) 뭐야?‬ ‪- (광희) 왜, 왜, 왜, 왜, 왜, 왜…‬ ‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬-What is that? -What? -What? -My gosh. What is that?
‪- (재석) 야, 이거 뭐야?‬ ‪- (세호) 아, 진짜 뭐야‬-What? -My gosh. What is that?
‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬ ‪(세호)‬ ‪사람 시체야‬It's a dead body. -My gosh. -It's a body.
‪- (광희) 아이…‬ ‪- (세호) 시체야, 시체야‬-My gosh. -It's a body.
‪- 서리 씨 아니야?‬ ‪- (승기) 서리 아니야, 서리 씨?‬-Isn't this Seo-ri? -Is it Seo-ri?
‪(세정)‬ ‪서리 씨 맞는 것 같아‬I think it is.
‪- (광수) 아유‬ ‪- (세정) 목에 스카프가 있는데‬-My gosh. -There's a scarf around her neck. She was strangled.
‪(종민)‬ ‪목이 졸렸네‬ ‪[승희의 놀란 신음]‬She was strangled.
‪(세정)‬ ‪러브장에 그려져 있던‬ ‪스카프 같은데요?‬I think it's the scarf from the love letter.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪그래서 계속 찾아 달라고, 빙의돼서‬That's why she possessed her and asked us to find her.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아, 빙의돼서‬ ‪자기를 찾아 달라 그런 건가?‬-That's why she asked us. -Exactly.
‪- (종민) 응‬ ‪- (세훈) 그러니까요‬-That's why she asked us. -Exactly.
‪유태욱‬Yoo Tae-uk!
‪(재석)‬ ‪저기, 일단 저, 경찰한테 연락해라‬ ‪일단…‬-Someone call the police. -Should we untie the scarf?
‪(세훈)‬ ‪스카프를 한번 풀어 볼까요?‬-Someone call the police. -Should we untie the scarf? My gosh.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아나, 정말‬My gosh. -Should we remove it? -Who is that?
‪- (종민) 일단 저거 빼 볼까?‬ ‪- (세훈) 어, 뒤에, 뭐, 뭐야?‬-Should we remove it? -Who is that?
‪- (병재) 어? 샤이가이, 샤이가이‬ ‪- (라비) 어? 샤이가이‬Shy Guy! -Get him! -Don't let him get away!
‪[탐정들이 소리친다]‬ ‪- (재석) 잡아!‬ ‪- (세정) 어? 잡아, 잡아, 잡아‬-Get him! -Don't let him get away!
‪- (광희) 잡았어‬ ‪- (재석) 이 사람이 샤이가이야?‬-We got him! -Is he Shy Guy? It is. It really is him.
‪(광수)‬ ‪맞네, 맞네, 맞네, 맞네, 맞네‬It is. It really is him. -Where were you? -He has a mole.
‪- (광희) 어디 있다가‬ ‪- (병재) 오른쪽 입술의 점‬-Where were you? -He has a mole. -It really is him. -It's him.
‪- (재석) 어, 이 사람 맞네, 이 사람‬ ‪- (세훈) 맞네, 맞네‬-It really is him. -It's him. -The scar. -That's him from the picture.
‪- (광수) 흉터, 흉터, 흉터‬ ‪- (병재) 가르마, 가르마‬-The scar. -That's him from the picture. -Who are you people? -The hair.
‪(태욱)‬ ‪당신들 뭐야!‬-Who are you people? -The hair. YOO TAE-UK, SHY GUY KIM SEO-RI'S BOYFRIEND
‪- (세훈) 와, 맞네, 맞네, 와‬ ‪- (세정) 맞네‬ ‪[탐정들의 탄성]‬-It is him. -It is. It really is.
‪- (광수) 맞아, 맞아‬ ‪- (종민) 여자 친구를 살해하셨죠?‬-It is him. -It is. It really is. You murdered your girlfriend, right?
‪(종민)‬ ‪프러포즈인 척 유인해 가지고‬You faked a proposal and lured her here.
‪여기서 목 졸라 죽인 거잖아요‬And you strangled her to death.
‪[태욱의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[태욱의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(재석)‬ ‪오죽 저, 원한이 맺혔으면‬ ‪우리한테, 예? 빙의가 돼 가지고‬She was overwrought by her grudge and possessed someone
‪자기 있는 곳을 위치를 알려 주고‬and told us where she was.
‪우리가 지금 그래서‬ ‪이거 건져 낸 거 아니에요?‬That's why we fished her out.
‪- (태욱) 당신들 미쳤어?‬ ‪- (재석) 뭐라고요?‬-Are you people insane? -What?
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪(태욱)‬ ‪서리는 이미 죽었어‬Seo-ri died already.
‪죽은 애가‬ ‪뭘 어떻게 알려 줬다는 거야?‬How could a dead person tell you anything?
‪(재석)‬ ‪우리가 뭐, 당신을 지금 체포해 갖고‬ ‪할 수는 없지만‬We may not be able to arrest you, but you should go to the police and tell them the truth.
‪어쨌든 경찰서 가서‬ ‪사실을 얘기해야지, 예?‬but you should go to the police and tell them the truth. You're the prime suspect.
‪당신이 유력한 용의자 아니에요?‬You're the prime suspect.
‪[총성]‬ ‪[탐정들의 비명]‬
‪[긴박한 음악]‬ ‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬What happened?
‪- (광수) 어, 뭐야?‬ ‪- (세호) 뭐야?‬ ‪[탐정들의 놀란 신음]‬What happened?
‪(재석)‬ ‪야, 뭐야? 이씨, 야, 뭐야?‬What happened? -Step back! -Oh, my gosh.
‪(승기와 재석)‬ ‪- 자, 나와, 나와, 나와, 나와‬ ‪- 야, 뭐야? 씨, 야, 뭐, 어디야?‬-Step back! -Oh, my gosh. -Where did it come from? -Where is he?
‪- (세정) 뭐야?‬ ‪- (종민) 어디, 어디?‬-Where did it come from? -Where is he? Is he really dead?
‪- (세훈) 아이씨‬ ‪- (재석) 아, 이 사람 진짜 죽었어?‬Is he really dead? -There! Over there! -Where?
‪- (세호) 저기 있다, 저기 있다!‬ ‪- (재석) 어디?‬-There! Over there! -Where? -Where? -Through the trees!
‪(세호와 광수)‬ ‪- 저기 있다, 나무 사이에, 위에‬ ‪- 어디, 어디, 어디, 어디?‬-Where? -Through the trees!
‪(광수와 재석)‬ ‪- 저 위에 있네, 저 위에, 저 위에‬ ‪- 알았어, 알았어, 알았어‬-Up there! He's up there! -Okay. -We have to go. -Up there!
‪- (광수) 저 위에, 저 위에‬ ‪- (세훈) 가야 돼, 가야 돼?‬-We have to go. -Up there!
‪(광희)‬ ‪아, 이분은 어떡해?‬ ‪[승기가 말한다]‬-What about this guy? -We have to go.
‪(광수)‬ ‪위에서 쏜 거야, 진짜?‬Did someone really shoot from there?
‪(재석)‬ ‪야, 씨‬-Dang it. What the heck? -What's going on?
‪- (재석) 이거 뭐야, 또 오늘? 씨‬ ‪- (광수) 아니, 위에 뭔데?‬-Dang it. What the heck? -What's going on?
‪- (성운) 아니…‬ ‪- (광희) 아, 이거 뭐야?‬What's going on?
‪야, 안보현 씨도 그렇고‬With Ahn Bo-hyun too… What's going on?
‪- 뭐, 어떻게 돌아가는 거야?‬ ‪- (종민) 너 뭐 알고 있는 거 아니야?‬With Ahn Bo-hyun too… What's going on? -Do you know? -No, we're not…
‪[소란스럽다]‬-Do you know? -No, we're not… -Wait. Hold up. -Where's Bo-hyun?
‪(세호와 종민)‬ ‪- 잠시만요, 잠깐만, 근데, 잠깐만‬ ‪- 보현 씨 어디 있어? 뭐야?‬-Wait. Hold up. -Where's Bo-hyun? Actually, Ahn Bo-hyun hired us.
‪(세호)‬ ‪사실 우리는 안보현 씨가‬ ‪고용한 사람들이에요‬Actually, Ahn Bo-hyun hired us.
‪(보현)‬ ‪곧 제가 섭외해 둔‬ ‪가짜 탐정단들이 올 겁니다‬Fake detectives that I hired will be coming soon.
‪(세호)‬ ‪그러니까 우리는 그냥 안보현 씨가‬ ‪고용을 했다고요‬-Ahn Bo-hyun hired us, that's all. -Exactly.
‪(병재)‬ ‪그러니까‬
‪두 팀에게 모두‬ ‪사건을 의뢰하겠다고 하세요‬Say you'll hire them both for a case.
‪(소미)‬ ‪그 죽은 여자가‬ ‪빙의돼서 말하는 것처럼 연기를 해라‬You want me to act like the dead woman possessed me, right?
‪이 말씀이시죠?‬You want me to act like the dead woman possessed me, right?
‪(보현)‬ ‪네‬That's right.
‪(성운과 세정)‬ ‪- 아, 그쪽도 박민영 씨가 없잖아요‬ ‪- 근데 민영 언니가 없어졌잖아요‬-You're missing Park Min-young too. -Where's Min-young? -Min-young is missing too. -Where is she?
‪- (성운) 박민영 씨도 없잖아요‬ ‪- (세호) 민영 씨 어디 갔어요?‬-Min-young is missing too. -Where is she? -Hold on. -Maybe they're working together.
‪(승기와 세호)‬ ‪- 잠깐만‬ ‪- 그 여자랑 짜고 뭐 한 거 아니야?‬-Hold on. -Maybe they're working together. -What? -She would never.
‪[저마다 말한다]‬ ‪(세정)‬ ‪민영 언니는 그럴 사람 아니에요‬-What? -She would never. Don't suspect Min-young, You should suspect Ahn Bo-hyun.
‪(승기)‬ ‪민영이를 의심해, 왜?‬ ‪안보현을 의심해야지!‬Don't suspect Min-young, You should suspect Ahn Bo-hyun.
‪(병재)‬ ‪아니, 아까 중간중간에 안보현 씨랑‬I saw the two of them exchange looks earlier.
‪눈빛 교환하고 막 이런 게 좀 있더라고‬ ‪[종민이 말한다]‬I saw the two of them exchange looks earlier. -I'm Ahn Bo-hyun. -Ahn Bo-hyun.
‪(보현과 재석)‬ ‪- 저는 안보현이라고 합니다, 네‬ ‪- 안보현, 어‬-I'm Ahn Bo-hyun. -Ahn Bo-hyun. MIN-YOUNG AND BO-HYUN EXCHANGED LOOKS
‪- (광수) 여기 맞죠?‬ ‪- (재석) 아까 여기였냐?‬-He was here, right? -Yes, this is it.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬ ‪(세훈)‬ ‪여기였는데‬-He was here, right? -Yes, this is it.
‪[세훈의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪여기였는데‬He was here.
‪야, 여기서 보이네‬You can see from here.
‪- (재석) 여기네, 딱, 여기, 여기지?‬ ‪- (세훈) 예, 여기였어요‬-This is it, right? -Yes, it is. I can see him on the ground.
‪(재석)‬ ‪저기 쓰러져 있는 거 보이네‬I can see him on the ground.
‪야, 이거 뭐야?‬What is this?
‪(광수)‬ ‪어? 이거 그거네, 저울‬-Hey, it's that. The scale. -What?
‪- (세훈) 예?‬ ‪- (재석) 야, 그거‬-Hey, it's that. The scale. -What? -That. -The tattoo.
‪(광수)‬ ‪문신이랑‬-That. -The tattoo.
‪사회부 기자 박효주라고 합니다‬I'm Park Hyo-ju. I'm a local news reporter.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(재석)‬ ‪이거 뭐야? '타깃 프로필'?‬What is this? THE MARK
‪- 이게 뭐야?‬ ‪- (세훈) 뭐예요?‬-What is this? -What is it? It's that organization, right?
‪(광수)‬ ‪그 집단이잖아요, 집단, 그렇죠?‬It's that organization, right?
‪(재석)‬ ‪'그동안 너희와 함께 즐겁긴 했지만'‬"It has been fun working with you guys, but the ones who judged the suspects
‪'결국 지금까지 범죄자들을‬ ‪심판대에 올린 건'‬"It has been fun working with you guys, but the ones who judged the suspects
‪'나약한 탐정단이 아닌‬ ‪우리 활빈당이었어'‬"It has been fun working with you guys, but the ones who judged the suspects weren't you weak detectives, but we, Hwalbindang.
‪'너희 중에도 아직‬ ‪법의 심판을 받지 않은 사람이 있지?'‬One of you still hasn't received the judgment of the law.
‪[세훈의 놀란 탄성]‬ ‪'오래 기다렸어, 이제 다음 차례야‬ ‪꽃의 살인마'‬One of you still hasn't received the judgment of the law. You've waited long. You're next, Flower Killer."
‪(세훈)‬ ‪이승기‬You've waited long. You're next, Flower Killer." Seung-gi.
‪(재석)‬ ‪이 사람들이 누구냐, 도대체, 활빈당?‬HWALBINDANG? Who are these people? Hwalbindang?
‪(세훈)‬ ‪아니, 일단 수상한 게 너무 많아요‬ ‪안보현 씨도 없어지고‬There are too many things that are suspicious. Ahn Bo-hyun is gone.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아니, 민영이는 갑자기 어디 간 거야?‬There are too many things that are suspicious. Ahn Bo-hyun is gone. Where did Min-young disappear to?
‪안보현한테 납치된 거야?‬Did Ahn Bo-hyun abduct her?
‪(세훈)‬ ‪그러니까 안보현이 지금 이걸 다‬ ‪계획했다는 거잖아요‬So Ahn Bo-hyun planned all of this.
‪- (광수) 그 당주‬ ‪- (재석) 그러니까‬That godmother. That woman.
‪- (광수) 그, 여자 있잖아요‬ ‪- 아, 그래‬-Yes, the godmother was a woman. -In the video.
‪- (광수) 그 영상에 있었던 여자도, 예‬ ‪- 당주가 여자였지?‬-Yes, the godmother was a woman. -In the video.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬ ‪역시 그분의 안목은‬That person is a good judge of character.
‪'그분의 안목'?‬"That person"?
‪당신이라면‬You must feel
‪우리랑 같은 마음이겠지?‬the same way we do, right?
‪(서하)‬ ‪당주님‬-But… Godmother. -Godmother?
‪- (종민) 당주?‬ ‪- (승기) 당주?‬-But… Godmother. -Godmother?
‪당주가 민영이라고?‬The godmother is Min-young?
‪- 누가요, 예?‬ ‪- (광수) 여자잖아요, 여자‬-Who? What? -There was a woman.
‪(재석)‬ ‪아이, 진짜, 말도 안 되는 소리…‬ ‪[세훈이 연신 질문한다]‬-Who? What? -There was a woman. -No way. That's ridiculous. -What?
‪(광수)‬ ‪아니, 왜냐면 여자잖아, 당주가‬-No way. That's ridiculous. -What? The godmother is a woman.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪(세훈)‬ ‪그 사람이 박민영이라고요?‬You're saying that's Min-young?
‪(재석)‬ ‪아이, 설마, 신발‬You're saying that's Min-young? It couldn't be. The shoes.
‪- (광수) 그 영상의 구두‬ ‪- (세훈) 구두!‬Those shoes in the video.
‪- (재석) 오늘 신발‬ ‪- (광수) 하이힐‬-The shoes. -Heels.
‪(종민)‬ ‪구두, 구두‬Shoes.
‪(광수)‬ ‪어?‬ ‪[구두 소리가 또각또각 울린다]‬Shoes.
‪[광수의 힘겨운 신음]‬ ‪(세정)‬ ‪그 칩 팔러 갔을 때‬-When you went to sell it? -I heard someone in heels.
‪(광수)‬ ‪그때 여자 하이힐 소리를 들었는데‬-When you went to sell it? -I heard someone in heels.
‪[광수의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪(광수와 세훈)‬ ‪- 아니, 근데 구두는 비슷한 거…‬ ‪- 형, 에이‬-No way. -The shoes were similar.
‪구두는 비슷한 거 맞아‬ ‪구두는 비슷한 거 맞아‬The shoes were similar. I'm sure of it.
‪둘이 한패라고요?‬They're working together?
‪이 둘이 계획한 거라고요? 안보현이랑?‬They're working together? Min-young and Bo-hyun planned it together?
‪(재석)‬ ‪야, 설마, 지금 민영이‬No way. Min-young?
‪야, 민영이가 우리랑 지금‬ ‪함께한 시간이 얼마인데‬No way. Min-young? She has been with us for so long.
‪- (재석) 야, 씨, 말이 안 돼‬ ‪- 형, 민영이 전화 한번 해 봐요‬-Dang it. -Try calling her.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪아, 형, 누나가 얼마나 잘해 줬는데요‬-Dang it. -Try calling her. She was so good to you.
‪- 어? 안 되네?‬ ‪- (세훈) 안 받네‬-I can't get through. -She isn't picking up.
‪(세훈)‬ ‪아, 이 누나 뭐야?‬MIN-YOUNG CAN'T BE REACHED What's going on here?
‪(보현)‬ ‪궁금하지 않아요?‬ ‪[의미심장한 음악]‬Aren't you curious
‪[철컥 장전한다]‬about who we are,
‪우리가 누군지‬about who we are,
‪왜 탐정단 주변을 맴도는지‬and why we're lingering around your team?

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