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  일타 스캔들 10

Crash Course in Romance 10


‪[학부모게시물 ‪제대로  보셨어요?

Did you even read the post?

‪[학부모의 어이없는 웃음]

맥락을 봐요

Look at it in context.

선생님이 여지를 주신  아니라

He didn't lead her on.

일방적으로  여자가

She's the one who made a move and threw herself at him--

‪-  몸으로 들이대서… ‪- [학부모들의 놀란 숨소리]

She's the one who made a move and threw herself at him-- It's not like that.

그런  아닙니다

It's not like that.

‪[잔잔한 음악]

과외도 내가 하겠다고  거고

I offered to tutor the student.

좋아한 것도 저예요

And I'm the one who had feelings.

그쪽이 아니라

Not her.

‪[치열그쪽은  ‪선생으로 대하는데

She only treated me as a teacher,

내가 일방적으로

so I'm the one at fault.

나랑 급이  맞게 ‪훌륭한 여자라서

I never deserved her.

넘치게 따뜻하고

She is extremely kind-hearted

반짝반짝 빛나는 사람이어서

and shines so brightly.

혼자 좋아했습니다그러니까

I had a crush on her.

함부로 말하지 마세요

So please mind your words.

‪[웅성거리는 소리]

‪[태화 [어색한 웃음]

I see.

‪- [미옥의 놀란 소리] ‪- [계속되는 콘서트 소리]

-Let's give him a round of applause. -Oh, my.

‪- [밝은 음악이 흐른다] ‪- [미옥어머

-Let's give him a round of applause. -Oh, my.

최치열 지금 뭐라는 거야?

What is Choi Chi-yeol saying?

일방적으로 좋아해?

He had a crush on her?

그러면  ‪해이 엄마가 쫓아다닌  아니라

So Ms. Nam didn't throw herself at him.

 혼자  달아서

He was lonely, so…

‪[미옥의 한숨]

최치열 완전 쓰레기네

He's total garbage.

오늘 지금까지 함께해 주신 우리

Please give a round of applause to Mr. Choi Chi-yeol…

최치열 강사님께 ‪박수 한번 부탁드리겠습니다

Please give a round of applause to Mr. Choi Chi-yeol… Hae-e, I made some waffles with ice cream--

‪[재우해이야삼촌이 ‪와플에다가 아이스크림

Hae-e, I made some waffles with ice cream--

‪- [해이 ‪- [재우치열이 형이다

-Thanks. -Hey, that's Chi-yeol.


Wow, is this vanilla?

완전 맛있다

It's so good. Can you make more?


It's so good. Can you make more?

‪- [재우알았어 ‪- [해이

-Okay. -Thanks.


‪[잔잔한 음악]


‪[통화 연결음]

‪[안내 음성연결이 되지 않아 ‪음성 사서함으로 연결되며

Your call cannot be completed. You will be redirected…


Your call cannot be completed. You will be redirected…

‪[도어  작동음]

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

‪[치열의 한숨]


‪[피곤한 신음]

‪- [ 내뱉는 소리] ‪- [휴대전화 진동음]


베르사이유 2 ?

"Room two at Versailles"?

‪[북적거리는 소리]


‪- [새어 나오는 반주 소리] ‪- [한숨]

‪[노크 소리]

‪[행선의 한숨]


Thank goodness.

베르사이유 2 방이라  가지고

When I read "room two at Versailles,"


I got all tense.

모텔 이런 데인  알고

It sounded like a motel.

농담이 나와요?

How are you joking right now?

‪[치열농담이라도 해야죠

That's all I can do.

여기는 왜요

So why are we here?

노래라도 부를까요?

To sing?


Are you kidding me?

카페는 이제 얼굴 팔려서  되고 ‪ 차도 없고

We can't meet at a cafe, and I don't have a car.

그렇다고 스쿠터 뒤에 ‪태우고 다니면서 대화할 수도 없고

And it's not like I can talk to you on my scooter.

‪[사람들의 떠드는 소리]

‪[잘그랑거리는 동전 소리]

‪[안내 음성] 48703

Four, eight, seven, zero, three.



‪- 대체  그랬어요 … ‪- [잔잔한 반주가 흐른다]

Why did you do that? Why…

내가 불쌍해서 그랬어요?

Did you pity me?

똥파리니 그딴 소리나 ‪듣고 있는  짠해서?

Because they were bad-mouthing me? Is that why you decided to take the fall?

그래서 '내가 뒤집어쓰고 말자' ‪그런 거예요?

Is that why you decided to take the fall?

‪[행선공짜로 과외도  주고 ‪월세도 깎아 주고

You tutored Hae-e for free. You halved our rent.

스캔들까지  뒤집어쓰고

You even took the fall for the scandal.



설마 진짜

Don't tell me you really…

그건 아니잖아요

No, right?

그건 말이  되잖아요 ‪쌤이  

That can't be. Why would you like--


I like you.


‪[작아지는 반주 소리]

  들었어요다시 얘기해

I couldn't hear you. Can you repeat…

‪[치열아니라고 부정도  보고

I tried denying it,

이런저런 합리화  봤는데

and I tried to rationalize it.

피할 데가 없네요

But nothing worked.


It's true.

좋아해요내가 그쪽

I like you.

일을 너무 많이 해서 ‪뇌가 어떻게   같기도 하고

Maybe it's just my brain malfunctioning due to being overworked.


Maybe it's just my brain malfunctioning due to being overworked.


Or is it my heart?




걱정하지 말아요

Don't worry.

좋아하면   사람인  알아요

I know I shouldn't have feelings for you.


I'll end it.

이번에도 ‪틀린 답을 찾은  나니까

I'm the one who found the wrong answer again.

‪[애잔한 음악]



‪[떨리는 숨소리]

‪- [전화벨 소리] ‪- [직원1] 아니요어머니

-No, you can't get a full refund. -You can cancel his class online.

‪- 전액 환불은 불가하시고요 ‪- [직원들의 통화 소리]

-No, you can't get a full refund. -You can cancel his class online. -A refund won't be possible. -Yes.


-A refund won't be possible. -Yes. -A teacher's private life -Yes.

‪[직원1] 그건 강사님 사생활이지 ‪저희 학원이랑은 무관한 거잖아요

-A teacher's private life -Yes. -is unrelated to the academy. -I'll check that.

‪[치열나랑 ‪  하기로  거야?

Have you decided to ignore me?

차라리 화를 내지

I'd rather you get mad at me.

 이러면  진짜 무섭다

You're scaring me.


I know.

니가 수습할  없을 정도의 ‪사고를 쳤지내가

I've made an irreparable mess that even you can't fix.

근데 그러지 않을 수가 없었어

But I had no choice.

잘못된 마음을 가진  난데 ‪그쪽이 그런 모욕을 당하는 

I was the one at fault, but they were blaming it on her.

그러니까 너라도 ‪나를  이해하면서

So please understand me--


I understand.

‪[동희나를 던지면서까지 ‪지키고 싶은 사람 있을  있죠

It's possible to have someone you want to protect at all costs.

그래서  화가 나요 ‪이해가 돼서 화가 나요

That's why it's even more infuriating. Because I get it.

쌤이 그렇게 ‪지키고 싶은 상대가 하필

But that person just had to be--

‪[치열알아 마음

I know how you feel.

그래서 언제 풀리는데?

So when will you quit sulking?

너무 오래 걸리진 마라

Don't drag it out for too long.

 그래도 터질 지뢰가 ‪한두 개가 아니다

I'm sure there's more trouble up ahead.

‪[학생우리는 ‪치열 쌤을 믿었습니다!

We trusted Mr. Choi!

그런데 쌤은 ‪우리의 믿음을 저버렸습니다!

But he betrayed our trust!

‪- [무거운 음악] ‪- [학생이 울먹인다]

He abandoned us!

우리의 손을 놨습니다!

He abandoned us!

치열 ! ‪당신은 금지된 사랑에 불타죠?

Mr. Choi! Is your heart burning passionately with forbidden love?

그럼 우리도 당신을 불태워 줄게!

Then we'll burn you too!

‪[학생의 울음]


‪[학생들의 울음]

‪- [잔잔한 음악이 흐른다] ‪- 아휴 진짜 식겁해 가지고

I was so shocked and pulled my kid out of his class right away.

최치열 인강 바로 드롭했잖아

I was so shocked and pulled my kid out of his class right away.

‪[미옥학원도 아주 난리래요 ‪환불해 달라고

I hear all the parents are demanding refunds. The offline classes are about to shut down,

현강도 거의 폐강 직전이고 ‪인강도 엄청 빠졌다던데?

The offline classes are about to shut down, and many dropped out of his online classes.

‪[학부모1] 아유 ‪자업자득이지

and many dropped out of his online classes. Jeez. He got what he deserved.

어디 여자가 없어서 ‪학생 엄마를

How could he fall for his student's mother?

‪[학부모2] 그러게 말이에요

Tell me about it.

괜히  없는 해이 엄마만 ‪ 멕이고

And Ms. Nam just ended up becoming the scapegoat.

‪[미옥근데 언니

By the way, shouldn't you apologize to Ms. Nam?

해이 엄마한테 ‪사과라도 해야 되는  아니야?

By the way, shouldn't you apologize to Ms. Nam?



‪[미옥아이그렇잖아 ‪추측만 가지고

Think about it. You blamed her for seducing him based on some assumptions

해이 엄마를 베갯밑송사 하는 ‪그런 여자로   아니야

You blamed her for seducing him based on some assumptions when she never did such a thing.

 같으면 언니 머리채 ‪잡고도 남았다

If I were her, I would've snatched your hair.

해이 엄마가 순해서 그렇지

Thankfully, she's a softie.


Was that too much?

‪- [수희근데 자기는  ? ‪- [미옥?

-Aren't you leaving? -What?

‪[수희여기 우리 지금 ‪올케어반 엄마들 모임이잖아

This is a gathering for the moms of the All Care Program.

‪[서진그래서 어쩌자는 거예요?

So what's your plan?

상황이  당황스럽긴 하지만

This is quite a flustering situation,

그래도 우리한테는 ‪대안이 없잖아요

but we have no alternative.

 도덕성하고 실력은

I believe one's ethics and competence should be judged separately.

별개로 판단하는  ‪맞다고 생각해요

I believe one's ethics and competence should be judged separately.

‪[수희아니 ‪대안이 없으면 그게 맞죠

If we have no other options, then you're right.

근데 대안이 있으면 얘기는 다르지

But it's a different story if we do.

‪- 아직 오프  레코드이긴 한데 ‪- [미옥의 놀란 숨소리]

This is still off the record.

지금 원장이 송준호 접촉 중이래요

But Director Kang is in contact with Song Jun-ho.

‪[학부모들의 놀란 소리]

‪[학부모1] 퍼펙트엠의 송준호?

Song Jun-ho from Perfect M?

요새 엄청 뜨는  같던데?

-He seems to be on the rise lately. -You're right.


-He seems to be on the rise lately. -You're right.

‪[수희군더더기 없이

He cuts to the chase

아주 수능 위주로 딱딱 ‪집어 준다 그러더라고 쌤이

and prepares his students solely for the CSAT.

‪[학부모2] 어머괜찮네

That's great.

‪[학부모3]  살이라도 ‪어린 사람이  낫긴 하죠

That's great. And it's always better to have a younger teacher.

‪- 수능 트렌드도    거고 ‪- [수희그렇지

They're up to date with the recent CSATs. -Right. -Right.

송준호 정도면 나쁘진 않은데 ‪가능하대요?

Song Jun-ho would be a good replacement, but is this confirmed?

계약 문제도 있고 ‪만만치 않을 텐데

Song Jun-ho would be a good replacement, but is this confirmed? Isn't it a breach of contract?

그거야 원장이 해결하겠죠

Director Kang will take care of that.

우리는 우리 의견만 ‪전달하면 되는 거니까

We just need to deliver our opinion.

‪[미옥근데 언니는 ‪진짜 해이 엄마한테 사과  ?

Are you really not going to apologize to Ms. Nam?

내가 있잖아 ‪반찬  사러 가고 싶은데

I want to go buy some side dishes, but I feel a bit uncomfortable.

조금 불편해 가지고  그렇다

I want to go buy some side dishes, but I feel a bit uncomfortable.

‪[수희그러니까 자기 가라고!

I told you to leave.

여기 자기  자리가 아니잖아

You're not supposed to be here. How did you know we'd be here? Who told her?

여기 있는  어떻게  거야 ‪누가 얘기했어요?

How did you know we'd be here? Who told her?

무슨 무를 이렇게 많이

Hey, what are all these radishes doing here?


깻잎만 해도 ‪일주일은 팔아야겠구먼

We still have a week's worth of perilla leaves to sell.

배추는  ? ‪겉절이 담근  얼마나 됐다고

And why the cabbage? We just made geotjeori.

‪[행선배추 넣고 ‪섞박지 담글 거야

I'm going to make some seokbakji. I'll make some and have the leftovers.

 놓으면 좋잖아 ‪팔다 남은  우리도 먹고

I'm going to make some seokbakji. I'll make some and have the leftovers.



 심란해서 ‪  만드는  아는데

I know you're purposely keeping yourself busy.

그러지 말고 그냥 결단해

But just make up your mind.

내가 보기에 너도 ‪ 쌤한테 마음 있어

It's obvious that you have feelings for him too.

당연하지재력 있겠다 ‪생긴  준수하겠다

Who wouldn't? A wealthy and good-looking guy says that he likes you.

그런 남자가  좋다는데 ‪그걸  마다해?

A wealthy and good-looking guy says that he likes you. So why would you decline? What's there to think about?

아니 고민해?

So why would you decline? What's there to think about?

계산기 두드려서 보여 주면 ‪해이도  이해할걸?

I'm sure Hae-e will understand if you explain everything.


그런   떠나서 너를 ‪해이 엄마로 알고도  고백이야

But most of all, he still confessed his love despite thinking you're married.

 마음은 진짜배기라고

That means it's genuine.

그러니까 싱숭생숭해하지 말고 ‪해이  얘기해

So stop tormenting yourself and tell him the truth about Hae-e.

 쌤한테만이라도 얘기하고

He's the only one who needs to know.

‪- 시끄럽고  무나  썰어 ‪- [영주남행선

He's the only one who needs to know. Shut it and chop up some radishes. -Nam Haeng-seon. -He said he'd end it. It's only right.

‪[행선정리한댔어그게 맞고

-Nam Haeng-seon. -He said he'd end it. It's only right.

 이상 얘기하지 너도

So drop it.

‪[영주그거야 ‪니가 진짜 유부녀인  아니까

That's because he thinks you're married.

격이  맞아나랑!

We're too different!

 말대로 가진 것도 많고

Like you said, he's wealthy.

‪[행선 봤잖아

And look at what happened.

스캔들  번으로 ‪우리 가게 초토화되는 

One scandal and our shop is barren.

아유불편해서 싫어 ‪밝히고 자시고  것도 없어

It's just too much. I don't need to tell him anything.

‪- [출입문 종소리] ‪- 어서 오세요




‪[행선어서 단지 엄마

Hello, Ms. Lee.

미안해요해이 엄마

I'm sorry, Ms. Nam.

 알지도 못하면서 ‪발길부터  끊고

I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions and stopped coming here.

오늘 스페셜이 뭐예요?

So… What's today's special? Dan-ji has been craving your braised tofu.

우리 단지가 여기 두부조림 ‪엄청 찾던데

What's today's special? Dan-ji has been craving your braised tofu. I see. Of course, we have some.

당연히 두부조림 있죠

I see. Of course, we have some.

‪- [행선마무리해 ‪- [영주

-Take over. -Go.

‪[부드러운 음악]

‪- [출입문 종소리] ‪- [두런거리는 소리]


‪[저마다 반갑게 인사한다]

-Hello! -Hello!

‪[미옥의 웃음]

‪[여자1] 왔어요?


‪- [여자2] 아유오랜만이다 ‪- [여자1] 진짜

-It's been a long time. -Seriously.

여기 너무 맛있는데  왔잖아

This place is so good.

‪- [여자2] 잡채 먹고 싶어 가지고 ‪- [여자1] 진짜아유

I've been craving japchae.

‪[여자3] 언니

-Hey! -Hey!

‪[여자4] 빨리 빨리

-Come on. -Wait up.




Lee Hui-jae.

며칠째 꼼짝도 않고  하는 거야?

You've been in there for days. What's going on?

밥은 먹어야지

You should at least eat.

‪[웅장한 음악이 흐른다]

‪[계속되는 웅장한 음악]

‪[준상의 한숨]



You know what?

 바닥에서 20 넘게 구르면서

I thought I had seen everything

볼꼴   ‪ 봤다 생각을 했는데

in over 20 years of working in this business.


But this…

짜릿하다 못해 감당이  내가

It's been an absolute nightmare to deal with.

환불환불이런 환불 전쟁은 ‪처음이야아주

I've never seen this many refund requests before.

아니 놈의 취향이?

What's with your taste in women?

맘만 먹으면 괜찮은 싱글녀들이 ‪줄을  텐데

Plenty of decent single women would line up to date you!

내가 진짜 안타까워서

Plenty of decent single women would line up to date you! My heart breaks…

‪[답답한 한숨]




일단은  쉬자 2주만

take a two-week break.

자숙하는 척이라도 하자고

At least pretend to be sorry.



그럼 보강은 영상으로 대체

-I'll record videos for the makeup class-- -Forget it.

‪[준상아유됐어 ‪ 판국에 보강은 무슨 보강이야

-I'll record videos for the makeup class-- -Forget it. Who'd take the makeup classes in this situation?

내가 알아서 대체를   테니까

I'll find a way to deal with all of this.

그냥 쉬어재충전도  하고

So rest up and recharge yourself.

그동안 너무 ‪혹사하긴 했잖아몸을

You've been working like a dog until now.

‪[치열의 한숨]


Okay, I'll do that.

학원에 손해 끼친 부분은 ‪제가 책임지고 배상하겠습니다

I'll also compensate the academy for all damages.

너무 섭섭하게 생각하지 

Don't feel too hurt, okay?

‪[준상나도 응원은 

I do support you.

사람 마음이라는  그게  ‪마음대로 되는 것도 아니고

You can't control how you feel about someone, and such a forbidden love tends to be so alluring…

그런 금단의 열매가 ‪사람을 묘하게 끌어당기는 

and such a forbidden love tends to be so alluring…



‪- [통화 연결음] ‪- [의미심장한 음악]

송준호  뭐래?

What did Song Jun-ho say?

‪[안도하는 숨소리]

미팅 날짜는?

When's the meeting?



이거는 성사되기 전까지는

Make sure Chi-yeol doesn't find out about this before everything's set.

최치열 쪽에 들어가면  되니까 ‪보안 철저히 하고

Make sure Chi-yeol doesn't find out about this before everything's set.

 선생은? ‪연락 아직  ?

And have you been able to reach Mr. Jin yet?


God, that bastard.

 그래도 골치 아파 죽겠는데 ‪ 걔까지 난리야?

Why is he being a headache on top of all this?

잘한다아주 놈은 사고 치고 ‪ 놈은 잠수 타고

This is great. One causes a mess, and another goes missing.


Darn it.

‪[여자우리  먹지?

What should we have?

‪[남자오늘은 김치찌개 먹을까?

How about kimchi stew?



‪[왈왈 짖는 소리]

 그래루루? ‪  보고 그러는 거야?

What is it, Lulu? What are you barking at?


What? What's that?


What is it?

‪- [의미심장한 음악] ‪- [여자의 놀란 숨소리]

‪[함께 비명을 지른다]

‪[무거운 효과음]

‪[사이렌 소리]


‪[의미심장한 음악]


‪[이태사체는 ‪인천에서 발견됐는데

The body was found in Incheon, but they gave us jurisdiction.

관할을 우리 서로 넘겼더라고

The body was found in Incheon, but they gave us jurisdiction.

‪[ 형사왜요?

The body was found in Incheon, but they gave us jurisdiction. How come?

‪[이태사체는 유기돼서 ‪떠내려온 걸로 보이고

How come? It seems the body was abandoned and floated down there.

신원 확인했는데 ‪주소지가 이쪽이고

It seems the body was abandoned and floated down there. Upon identification, it turns out he was from this area.

 프라이드 학원 강사란다

He was a teacher


at The Pride Academy.

‪[ 열리는 소리]

‪[수사관부검을  봐야겠지만

EVIDENCE 2, EVIDENCE 3 We need an autopsy to be sure.

검시 결과로는 ‪익사로 보이진 않나 봐요

But for now, they don't think he drowned.

저기 이마에

If you look at the picture, it's evident that he was hit in the forehead with a blunt object.

뭔가 강한 물체에 맞은 걸로 ‪보이는 외상도 분명하고요

it's evident that he was hit in the forehead with a blunt object.

‪[이태그걸  만지니 ‪그냥 

it's evident that he was hit in the forehead with a blunt object. Don't touch that. Just look at it.

‪[ 형사이거이거 뭐예요?

This. -What is this? -A metal ball. Odd, right?

‪[수사관 쇠구슬 특이하죠?

-What is this? -A metal ball. Odd, right?

사망자 바지 주머니 속에 있었대요

It was found in his pocket.

지문이랑 DNA 감식은 하려고요

We're going to run a fingerprint and DNA test.

‪[ 형사이거

Isn't this…

다잉 메시지죠맞죠선배?

a dying message? Right?



 근데 ‪ 영상 보고 깜놀했잖아

I was so shocked after watching that video.

‪[단지최치열 ‪미친  아니야?

Has Choi Chi-yeol gone insane?

수학 문제 진짜 겁나 풀다 ‪머리 돌았나 

Solving all those math questions must've gotten to him.

너네 아빠 모르시지?

Your dad doesn't know, does he?

과외도 ‪쌤이 먼저  준다 그랬다며?

I heard he offered to tutor you first.


Hold on.

이거  계획적으로 ‪접근한  아니야 핑계 대고?

Do you think he used you as an excuse to approach your mom?


It's not like that.

‪[단지아니긴 뭐가 아니야 ‪최치열 진짜 겁나 쓰레기네

Don't be ridiculous. He's total garbage.


Don't be ridiculous. He's total garbage. Hey.

아니라잖아친구가 아니라 그러면 ‪'아닌가 보다하면 되지

She said it's not like that. You should believe your friend.

그리고  오랜만에 ‪열공 중인   보여?

And can't you see that I'm finally studying?

협조   주지?

Please be quiet.


Fine. You can study, Geon-hu.

‪-  간다해이야 ‪- [해이

Bye. Bye.

‪[해이의 한숨]

‪[건후 같아도 힘들  같아

I'd be struggling too

엄마의 스캔들이라

if my mom had a scandal.

흔한 일은 아니잖아?

Well… It's not common, you know?

거기다 지나치게 잘생긴 애가 ‪옆에 있으니까

And having such a handsome guy sitting next to you

공부도 쉽지 않고그렇지?

And having such a handsome guy sitting next to you must make it hard to study, right?

‪[해이의 어이없는 웃음]

‪- [선재의 한숨] ‪- [발랄한 음악]

너는 진짜 정상은 아니야

You know what? You're really not normal.

Yes. I agree with you.

나도 그렇게 생각하는 편이야

Yes. I agree with you.



‪[영주갑자기 손님이 느니까 ‪그것도 적응이  된다

I can't get used to this sudden influx of customers.

회전이 엄청 빠르네

We're already refilling the food.

잘하면 반찬    ‪오늘 안에  팔리겠는데?

I think we could sell out of everything by the end of today.


You're right.

‪[출입문 종소리]

‪[재우치열이  ‪ 전화가 계속 꺼져 있어요?

Chi-yeol, why is your phone off all day?

메시지 확인하면 연락 주세요

Call me when you get this.



‪[통화 종료음]

‪[재우 그래남행선 누나?

What's wrong?

 치열이 형한테 전화하지  ‪전화하면  

Don't call him. You shouldn't.

‪- ? ‪- [행선왜냐면

-Why not? -Because…

그냥그냥 하지 말라면 하지 

No reason. Just listen to me.

‪[재우싫어 ‪치열이  나랑도 친해

No. He and I are close too.

언제든지 연락하라고 그랬어 ‪치열이 형이

He said I could call him whenever I want, so I'll do just that.


He said I could call him whenever I want, so I'll do just that.

 그래누나핸드폰 !

Why are you doing this? Give me back my phone!

그럼 약속해치열이 형한테 ‪절대 전화  하겠다고

Promise me you won't call him, and I'll give it back.

그럼 줄게

Promise me you won't call him, and I'll give it back.



약속은 서로 ‪마음이 맞아야 하는 거잖아

A promise is made when two sides agree.

근데 나는 그럴 마음이 없어

But I don't agree with you.

그러니까 약속을  

But I don't agree with you. That's why I can't promise.

 연락하면  되는지 ‪설명을  줘야

Explain why I shouldn't--

그래야  ‪그게 치열이 형을 위하는 거야

You must promise. It's all for his sake.

누나가 이유 없이 이러겠어?

I have my reasons for doing this.

전화하지 재우야

Please don't call him, Jae-woo.


Okay, I won't.

 하면 되잖아

I won't call him.


Give it back to me.

 하면 되잖아

I won't call him.

‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪[출입문 종소리]

‪[영주의 한숨]

‪[드르륵 카트 끄는 소리]

‪[영주나도 모르겠다 마음을

I just can't understand you.

싫은 거니싫어야 되는 거니

Do you really dislike him, or are you forcing yourself to?

‪- 아이고 ‪- [출입문 종소리]

Hey. Gosh.

‪[행선일찍 왔네

You're home early.

오늘 창체  해서

Yes, we didn't have CEA today.



아유모르겠다 ‪아직도 모르는  내가 너무 많네

I don't know what that is. There's still so much I have to learn. Go home.

들어가식탁 위에 삶은 계란 있어

Go home. I've set out some hardboiled eggs and sikhye on the table.

‪- [행선식혜랑 같이 먹어 ‪- [해이

I've set out some hardboiled eggs and sikhye on the table. Also, can you do the laundry for me? I forgot.

‪[행선그리고 ‪빨래  돌려  깜빡했어

Also, can you do the laundry for me? I forgot.


By the way… Auntie.

이모도 좋아치열 

Do you like Mr. Choi too?



아유니가 생각하는 ‪그런  아니야

It's not what you think.

쌤도 내가 너무 공격을 당하니까

He just said that to protect me…

어쨌거나  신경 쓰지 말고 ‪공부나 알았지?

Anyway, don't worry and just focus on your studies. Okay?


Okay. I'm going home.

‪[잔잔한 음악]

쓸데없는 생각 하지 말자

Get your head on straight.

‪[행선지금은 해이한테만 집중해

Just focus on Hae-e for now.



‪- [문소리] ‪- [도어  작동음]



Uncle, are you upset?

화났어남행선 누나 때문에

Yes, I'm mad at Haeng-seon.

‪[재우치열이  걱정되는데 ‪전화도  하게 

I'm worried about Chi-yeol, but she won't let me call him.

 치열이 형이랑 진짜 친한데

I'm worried about Chi-yeol, but she won't let me call him. Chi-yeol and I are close.

아주아주 독재자야남행선 누나

She's being a dictator.

‪- 못생겼어 ‪- [ 놓는 소리]

She's ugly.



‪[리모컨 조작음]

‪[TV 소리]

It's so green.

‪[리모컨 조작음]

‪[리모컨 조작음]

We all crave a cup of tea after lunch.

‪[TV  여자점심시간 식후에 ‪ 한잔 생각나는 시간

We all crave a cup of tea after lunch.

서울 여의도에 위치한 ‪ 커피 전문점에서

This cafe, located in Yeouido, has a menu of…

주문하는 메뉴를

This cafe, located in Yeouido, has a menu of…


‪- [한숨] ‪- [ 놓는 소리]

 하는 짓이냐

What am I doing?

만날 사람도 없고

I have no one to meet.



‪[도어  작동음]

‪[출입문 종소리]



‪[종렬의 한숨]

백억대 연봉이  컵라면?

Why would a rich guy like you have cup noodles?


No, I'm filthy rich.

‪[피식 웃는다]

 죽어도 잘난 척은

Still bragging, aren't you?

‪[종렬그럼   사라 ‪ 수백억대 연봉으로

Then treat me to a meal since you're filthy rich.

이왕이면 밥보다  한잔할래?

How about we grab a drink instead?

‪[북적거리는 소리]

-Table 13. -Enjoy.

‪[종렬의 시원한 숨소리]

‪[흥미로운 음악]

‪[시원한 숨소리]



솔직히 하나만  물어보자

Let me ask you one question.

하나만 물어봐라

It better be just one.

Did you…

진짜 몰랐냐? 12  그때

really not know the truth about the incident 12 years ago?


No, I didn't.

‪[치열정말 몰랐어

I really didn't.

상상도  했다

I had no idea.


What an idiot.


I am.

‪[치열의 한숨]


I really am.

그때나 지금이나

Even to this day…

모자란 놈이지

I'm still an idiot.

그래 놓고

But everyone

일타 오브 일타

calls me the star teacher.

‪1 원의 남자

The Trillion Won Man.

‪[치열의 웃음]

‪[애잔한 음악]


How hilarious.



‪[치열의 시원한 숨소리]

같이 마셔

Let's drink together.

모자란 놈이랑

You're an idiot,

모자란  경멸하는 ‪ 모자란 친구 놈이랑

and I'm your even more idiotic friend that hates you.


Bottoms up.

‪[종렬의 시원한 숨소리]

‪[시원한 숨소리]

‪[ 내뱉는 소리]

‪[종렬아니야 새끼야 ‪성적은 내가  좋았지

You're wrong, you idiot. I had a higher GPA than you.

 4.3이었어어디서 까불어?

I had a higher GPA than you. I got a 4.3. Don't make me laugh.

‪[치열 학기 새끼야 학기

For one semester, you idiot.

 학기 그래 놓은  가지고 ‪새끼

It was only for a single semester.

진짜 ‪누가 선생 아니랄까 진짜

Jeez, no wonder you became a teacher.

‪[종렬이 헛웃음 치며그래 ‪ 슨생이다?

Jeez, no wonder you became a teacher. That's right. I'm a teacher.

나는 슨생이고 니는… [웃음]

"I'm a teacher, and you're a…"

니는 뭐냐?

What are you? I'm just a tormented guy.

‪[치열 고생이지새끼야 ‪고생

I'm just a tormented guy.



나는 ‪ 하는  알아?

Tormented? Hey, do you think I've never struggled in life?

내가 얼마나 ‪공문  쓰는지 모르지?

You have no idea how well I fill out official documents.

내가 보여 줄게공문?

You have no idea how well I fill out official documents. -I'll show you. -Why would you show me that?

그걸  보여 ?

-I'll show you. -Why would you show me that?

‪[종렬얼마나  쓰는지 ‪한번  ?

Hey, take a look at how good I am.

내가 공문을 겁나  써서

I'm so good at filling out official documents

교감이 나만 시켜

that the vice principal always makes me do it.

‪- 니가… ‪- [웃음]

But you…

근데  너만 몇백억이야? ‪교감이 나만 시키는데

Why don't I get paid as much as you do when I have to do all this? I don't make you fill them out.

내가 시켰냐

I don't make you fill them out.

‪[함께 웃는다]



우리 애들 사랑해

love my students.

 애들한테 그런 맘도 없지?

I bet you don't feel the same way. You don't know what love is.

니가 사랑을 알아새끼

I bet you don't feel the same way. You don't know what love is.

사랑 모르지

No, I don't.


I don't know.


Hey, that's enough.

 내일 출근해야 인마

I have work tomorrow.

‪[치열  해도 되는데?

I don't.

이모여기 소주    주세요

-Can we have one more bottle of soju? -Sure.


-Can we have one more bottle of soju? -Sure. -No, make that two. -Okay.

‪- 아니   주세요 ‪- [사장

-No, make that two. -Okay.



But I'm drunk.

‪[한숨 쉬며 마시면  되는데 ‪ 새끼이거진짜

I shouldn't drink more, you idiot.

 하나도  취했다오늘

I'm not even a little bit drunk.

취하고 싶은데

I wish I were.

취하지도 않네

But I'm not.

‪[치열의 시원한 숨소리]



보고 싶네

I miss her.

‪[잔잔한 음악]





Hey, Chi-yeol.


He's long gone.

 집도 모르는데

I don't even know where he lives.


Come on.

‪[종렬의 헛기침]

‪[종렬이 코를 훌쩍인다]


‪[잠금 해제 오류음]

‪[휴대전화  소리]



‪[재우치열이 형인데 어떡해?

It's Chi-yeol. What do I do?


Should I pick up?

하지 말라고 했지 ‪받지 말라곤  했으니까

You only said not to call him, so I'm going to pick up.


You only said not to call him, so I'm going to pick up.


I'm picking up.


Hi, Chi-yeol.


Hello, I'm Chi-yeol's friend.

최치열 친구 되는 사람인데요

Hello, I'm Chi-yeol's friend.

혹시 치열이  아세요?

Do you know where his house is?

치열이  집이요?

Do you know where his house is? Chi-yeol's house?

‪[재우치열이  ?

Chi-yeol's house?

‪[부드러운 음악]

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

‪[재우누나 앞까지 왔어

Haeng-seon, I'm in front of his house.

괜찮아  있어

It's okay. I can carry him.


Okay, Haeng-seon.



치열이 비밀번호 뭐예요?

Chi-yeol, what is your passcode?

 비밀번호 뭐예요?

What is your passcode?

‪[치열] 0724

Zero, two, seven, two, four.

‪[재우의 힘겨운 신음]

‪[재우의 힘겨운 숨소리]


술을  이렇게 많이 마셨어

Why did he drink so much?


He's burning up.

‪[따뜻한 음악]

‪[가쁜 숨소리]

 꿈에 나왔네 여자

You're in my dreams again.

‪[치열 번만 나쁜  될게

Let me be with you just this once.

‪[새들이 지저귀는 소리]


‪[가쁜 숨소리]




What was that dream?

이러면서 ‪무슨 정리를 하겠다고

How will I get over her?





Darn it.


Darn it.

‪- [마우스 클릭음] ‪- [한숨]

‪[무거운 음악]


‪[안내 음성전원이 꺼져 있어 ‪음성 사서함으로 연결되며

Your call cannot be completed. You will be redirected to voicemail after the beep…

 소리  통화료가

You will be redirected to voicemail after the beep…


‪[동희선생님 ‪문자 보시면 전화  주세요

Mr. Choi, call me when you see this.

‪[ 놓는 소리]


‪[초인종 소리]

‪[초인종 소리]

‪[안내 음성전원이 꺼져 있어 ‪음성 사서함으로 연결되며

Your call cannot be completed. You will be redirected to voicemail after the beep…

 소리  통화료가

You will be redirected to voicemail after the beep…


‪[안내 음성전원이 꺼져 있어 ‪음성 사서함으로

Your call cannot be completed…

‪[ 내던지는 소리]

‪- [어두운 음악] ‪- [거친 숨소리]

‪[행선저번에 가져가신 ‪섞박지 어땠어요괜찮았어요?

How was the seokbakji from last time? Was it all right?

‪[손님너무 맛있었어요

It was so tasty.

 그래도  남편이 ‪어제도 그거 찾더라고요

My husband was asking for some yesterday as well.

   하려고요 ‪가을무가 인삼보다  좋대요

I'll make it again. I hear fall radish is good for you.

‪- [손님 ‪- 가세요

I'll make it again. I hear fall radish is good for you. -Okay. -Goodbye.

‪- [손님 먹겠습니다 ‪- [행선가세요

-Thank you. -Goodbye! -Goodbye! -Thank you!

‪- [영주가세요 ‪- [행선감사합니다

-Goodbye! -Thank you!

‪[출입문 종소리]

‪[영주어머 실장님 ‪오랜만이다

Goodness, Mr. Ji, it's been a long time.


Goodness, Mr. Ji, it's been a long time. -Hello. -You never stopped by even once.

‪[영주어쩜 ‪ 번을  오셨어요그동안

-Hello. -You never stopped by even once.

혹시 저희 선생님이랑 ‪연락되시는지 해서

I was wondering if you could reach Mr. Choi.

저번주 이후로 ‪연락한  없는데

Well… The last time we talked was last week.

왜요연락이  돼요?

Can you not reach him?

계속 전화기도 꺼져 있고 ‪집에도  계시고

No. His phone's turned off, and he's not home.

혹시 사장님한테 연락하셨나 해서

So I wondered if he called you.


Okay. Goodbye then.


저기혹시 연락되시면 ‪저한테 전화  주시라고

If you ever get in touch with him, please tell him to call me.


Thank you.


‪- [출입문 종소리] ‪- [영주이게  소리야?

Hey, what's going on?

그러니까  쌤이 잠수를 탔다고?

Mr. Choi has gone off the radar?

‪[무거운 음악]

Mr. Choi has gone off the radar? He's even ghosted Mr. Ji?

 실장한테도 연락 끊고

He's even ghosted Mr. Ji?

‪[안내 음성전원이 꺼져 있어 ‪음성 사서함으로 연결되며

Your call cannot be completed. You will be redirected to voicemail after the beep…


You will be redirected to voicemail after the beep…

대체 어딜  거야 남자

Where is he?

‪[안내 음성전원이 꺼져 있어 ‪음성 사서함으로 연결되며

Your call cannot be completed. You will be redirected to voicemail…


‪- [새들이 지저귀는 소리] ‪- [차분한 음악]


‪- [재우행선안녕히 가세요 ‪- [손님1] 수고하세요

Goodbye. -Goodbye. -Goodbye. Come again!

‪[행선다음에  오세요

-Goodbye. -Goodbye. Come again! -I will. -Come again!

‪- [손님1]  ‪- [영주들어가세요

-I will. -Come again!

‪[손님2] 여기 코다리찜 있어요?

-I will. -Come again! -Do you have braised pollock? -Yes, we do.

‪[행선여기 ‪코다리 하나 있습니다

-Do you have braised pollock? -Yes, we do.

‪[손님2] 아니이거 말고 ‪코다리찜이요

-Do you have braised pollock? -Yes, we do. This isn't braised pollack.

‪- [행선아이고어머 ‪- [영주코다리

-Goodness. -Yes, we do!

‪- [손님2] 아유 [웃음] ‪- [영주여기 있습니다

-Gosh. -Here you go.

‪- [손님2] 고마워요 ‪- [행선아이죄송해요

-Thank you. -I'm sorry.

‪[손님3] 이건 ‪하나밖에 없나 보네

I guess there was only one.

‪- [영주재우야 올라가 ‪- [휴대전화 진동음]

Jae-woo. You can go home. I think we'll close soon.

저녁 손님 얼추    같다

You can go home. I think we'll close soon.

‪- 제가  드릴게요 ‪- [손님2] 



Beef, stir-fried eggs,

그리고 코다리

and braised pollock.


Jeez, I'm so exhausted.

마시고 정신  차려

Jeez, I'm so exhausted. Drink this and come to your senses.

‪[행선내가 어쨌다고

What do you mean? I'm fine.


Don't lie.

 실장님 왔다 가고 ‪계속 정신  놓고 있잖아

You've been out of it ever since Mr. Ji stopped by.


Don't worry.

무슨 미성년자도 아니고

He's a grown man.

어디 잠깐 머리 식히러 갔겠지

I'm sure he's out to get some fresh air.

벼랑 끝에 몰린 사람이잖아

He's been pushed to the brink.

강한 사람 아니야 사람 ‪보기보다

He's softer than he seems.

‪[영주그렇게 걱정되는데 ‪아니라고?

You say you're not interested in him, yet you're worried sick.

이래도  마음이 아니야?

Will you still deny it?

‪- 영주야 ‪- [잔잔한 음악]


‪[행선 잠깐만 나갔다 올게 ‪미안해미안해

I need to go somewhere. I'm sorry.

 가게  부탁해

I need to go somewhere. I'm sorry. -Please wrap up without me. -Where are you going?

‪[영주어디 가는데?

-Please wrap up without me. -Where are you going?

‪-  어디 가는데? ‪- [출입문 종소리]

Where are you going?


‪[행선의 가쁜 숨소리]

Sir, can you take me to Gimpo?

아저씨 김포  부탁드릴게요

Sir, can you take me to Gimpo?

‪[택시 기사이거 ‪서울 택시인데요?

Sir, can you take me to Gimpo? I only drive within Seoul.

아저씨따블로 드릴게요

I'll double the pay.

부탁  할게요감사합니다

Please. Thank you.

‪[행선의 가쁜 숨소리]

‪[부드러운 음악]


Mr. Choi!

치열 !

Mr. Choi Chi-yeol!

‪[가쁜 숨소리]


Why are you here?


"Why"? "Why"?

선생님이야말로 !

I'd like to ask you the same question.

‪[행선어딜 가면 간다고 ‪주변에 얘기를 해야지

You should've told those around you if you were going somewhere.

자기가 애야사춘기예요?

You're not a rebellious teenager anymore!

 이렇게 걱정을 시켜요!

Why would you worry me like that?

자기 맘대로 사람  휘저어 놓고

You deliberately confused me.

정리할 거면 조용히   하든가

If you were going to get over me, you should've done so quietly.

 사람을 미치게 해요!

If you were going to get over me, you should've done so quietly. Why did you have to make me go crazy?

‪[행선의 떨리는 숨소리]

그러니까  말은걱정했다고요

What I'm trying to say is that I was worried about you.



내가 남행선  때문에 ‪죽기라도 할까 봐요?

Did you think I'd kill myself because of you?

그런  아니라

No, it's not that.

‪[차분한 음악]

‪- 사실은 … ‪- [치열  모르시네

-To be honest-- -It seems you don't know me very well.

내가 얼마나 ‪자기애가 넘치는 사람인데

I'm incredibly narcissistic.

 김에 밥이나 사요

Treat me to a meal.

쫄쫄 굶었더니 배고파 죽겠네

I haven't eaten anything, and I'm starving.

‪[풀벌레 울음]


‪[후루룩거리는 소리]

‪[치열의 시원한 숨소리]

배고프다면서 ‪ 여기까지 와서 먹재요

You said you were starving. Why come all the way here?

‪[치열 먹어요그쪽은?

Are you not eating?

‪[행선 괜찮아요

I'm okay.

내가 예전에 낚시터에서

Do you remember when I told you

은인 얘기   있죠?

about my savior back when we were camping?

그분이 하던 식당이에요여기가

She used to run this place.


Seon's Cafeteria.

‪[잔잔한 음악]


Does that mean--

‪[치열고시 공부   ‪ 동네 살았어요

I lived in this area while studying to become a teacher.

그때 행선  어머니한테 ‪신세 많이 졌고

And your mother fed me countless times.

여기서 먹는  끼가 ‪전부였던 시절이 있었는데

I could only have one meal a day, and it was at this place.

과분하게 대해 주셨어요 ‪어머니가

She was always so generous to me.

엄마한테 ‪  얘기 들은  같아요

I think she mentioned you several times.

형편이 어려운데 ‪엄청 열심히 하는 고시생

She said you were poor but studied hard for the exam.

그래서 아들 같아서 ‪계속 챙겨 주고 싶다고

She said you were poor but studied hard for the exam. You were like a son to her, so she wanted to take care of you.


How could this be…

여기 같이   나도 놀랐어요

I was surprised too when we came here last time.

‪'어떻게 이런 인연이 있나'

I couldn't believe this coincidence.

‪[치열강사로 자리 잡고 ‪한번 찾아왔었는데

I came to visit her after becoming a teacher at the academy.

가게가 바뀌었더라고요

But the sign had changed.

성공한 모습 보여 드리고 싶은 ‪유일한 분이었는데

I wanted to show her how successful I'd become.

갚아야   많아서

I owe so much to her.

그렇게 정리가 되더라고요

And I've finally come to a conclusion.



‪[치열생각을  봤는데

I thought long and hard.


And I think…

내가 헷갈렸던  같아요

I was just confused.

행선  어머니에 대한 ‪감사한 마음

My gratitude towards your mother,

이렇게 만난 인연에 대한 신기함

and how big of a coincidence this is.

그런 것들이 워낙 특별하다 보니까

Because it felt so special to me,

 마음까지도 ‪특별한 걸로 착각한  아닌가

perhaps… I mistook that as feelings for you.

아니면 일상이 지루해서 ‪잠깐 미쳤거나

Or maybe I went momentarily crazy due to boredom.

근데 정신이 번쩍 드네요

But I've come to my senses…

행선  얼굴 보니까

after seeing your face.


I should go back to where I belong.


I should go back to where I belong.


You should go in. And…

괜한 걱정 하게 해서 미안해요

I'm sorry for worrying you.


By the way,

월세는 그냥 원래대로 낼게요 ‪그렇게  주세요

I'll pay the full rent from now on. Let me do that.

‪[치열그냥 그렇게 해요

That's okay. I halved everyone else's anyway.

다른 데도  그렇게 받는데요

That's okay. I halved everyone else's anyway.


Take care.

장사도 잘하시고요

Good luck with your business too.


Thank you.

‪[애잔한 음악]

‪[출입문 종소리]



 어떻게  거야 ‪어디 갔다 이제 ?

What's going on? Where have you been? Answer me.

혹시  치열  찾으러  거야?

Did you go looking for Mr. Choi?

그래서 쌤은 찾았어?

So? Did you find him?

‪[행선이 훌쩍인다]

   봐라 ‪말하는  까먹었냐?

Answer me, will you? Cat got your tongue?

‪[행선이 울며영주야쌤이 ‪ 정리했대

Yeong-ju, Mr. Choi said… that he got over me.

그냥 헷갈렸던 거래

He said he was just confused.

근데 너무 잘됐는데 ‪ 너무 마음이 아파영주야

It all worked out for the best, but my heart is ripped into shreds.

  사람 좋아했나 

I must've liked him.

많이 좋아했나 영주야

I must've liked him a lot, Yeong-ju.

‪[엉엉 운다]

‪[새가 지저귀는 소리]


엄마 학교 갈게

Mom, I'm off to school.

‪[행선해이야해이야 ‪이것  먹고 

-Hae-e, have some of this. -What? -Today is the math performance assessment. -I need to go and read this--

 오늘 수학 수행 평가 본다며

-Today is the math performance assessment. -I need to go and read this--

‪[해이 빨리 가서 ‪이거 마저 봐야 되는

-Today is the math performance assessment. -I need to go and read this--


Okay, but you need some carbs to fuel your brain.

아침에 탄수화물이 들어가야 ‪머리가 팡팡 돌아가지

Okay, but you need some carbs to fuel your brain.

그리고 이것도 하나 뜯어 먹어

Right, and take one of these.

이거 수험생들 필수 아이템이래

It's a must-have for test takers.


‪-  짜서 먹어 ‪- [해이

Squeeze it.

‪- [해이의 힘주는 소리] ‪- [행선옳지잘했어

Well done.

‪- [해이됐지 간다 ‪- [행선

-Happy? I'm leaving now. -Okay.

시험  !

-Good luck! -Okay.

‪- 오케이 ‪- [행선파이팅!

-Good luck! -Okay. -You can do it! -Thanks.

‪- [문소리] ‪- [도어  작동음]

‪[흥미로운 음악]

좋은 아침!

Good morning.

다들 잘들  쉬었나?

Did you all get some good rest?


‪[치열뭐가 이렇게 썰렁해?

Where's everyone else?

애들 오늘부터 나오라고 ‪공지  돌렸어?

Did you not tell them to show up for work today?


I did.

쉬는 동안 애들이 ‪다른 자리를 알아봤나 봐요

But they must've looked for other jobs while you were gone.

마무리  하고 가서 ‪쌤한테 죄송하다고

They apologized for leaving so abruptly.


Hyo-won too?



이름 겨우  외웠는데

I'd just managed to memorize their names.

‪[치열그럴  있지 ‪우리가 가족도 아니고

That's okay. We're just colleagues, not family.

그냥 직장인데

That's okay. We're just colleagues, not family.

 의대 수석

You, top student at your med school.





 좋아하는 도진이도준이

Do-jin, the bread lover. -No, Do-jun-- -Seo-jin. It's Hyeon Seo-jin.


-No, Do-jun-- -Seo-jin. It's Hyeon Seo-jin.

‪- 서진이 ‪- [서진

-Seo-jin. -Yes. Yeon-gyeong and Seo-jin. Okay, I won't forget your names.

연경이서진이 ‪오케이 잊어버릴게

Yeon-gyeong and Seo-jin. Okay, I won't forget your names. Yeon-gyeong, print out the test material.

연경이는 오늘 테스트 자료 ‪프린트해 주고

Yeon-gyeong, print out the test material.

‪[치열서진이는 ‪Q&A 리스트 뽑아 주고

-Seo-jin, print out the Q and A list. -Okay.


-Seo-jin, print out the Q and A list. -Okay. The CSAT repeater class is at ten?

‪[치열재종 강의 ‪오늘 10시라 그랬나?

The CSAT repeater class is at ten? Yes, you have about 30 minutes.

‪[동희, 30 정도 ‪여유 있습니다

Yes, you have about 30 minutes.

‪- [문소리] ‪- [연경감격

No way, I'm so touched.

 이제  이상 애기가 아니야

I'm no longer just "kid."

‪[서진쉬고 오셔서 그런가? ‪ 변했어

Taking some time off must have changed him.

사람 냄새가 

He feels more human.


This feels so strange.

‪[치열두어  쉬었다고 ‪긴장되네

I'm nervous after taking two weeks off.

‪[동희하시던 대로 하면 되죠

Just be yourself.

‪'Pride Maketh Math'

"Pride maketh math. For math, Choi Chi-yeol."

‪'수학은 최치열강'

"Pride maketh math. For math, Choi Chi-yeol."

  년을 같이 ‪붙어 다니고도

We've spent years together, but you still haven't mastered it.

‪'Pride Maketh Math'

Pride maketh math.

수학은 최치열강

For math, Choi Chi-yeol.


‪[학생들이 웅성거린다]


‪[ 실장의 놀란 숨소리]

‪[ 실장어머어떡해 ‪죄송해요

Oh, no! I'm sorry.

제가  실장님한테 ‪전화한다는  깜빡해서

I totally forgot to call you, Mr. Ji.

강의실 바뀌었어요죄송해요

We switched your classroom. I'm sorry.

‪[준호실물로는 처음 뵙네요

It's nice to meet you in person.


Hello, I'm Song Jun-ho.

I see.

‪- [학생들이 수군거린다] ‪- [준호의 옅은 웃음]

‪[치열단란하고 좋네 ‪분위기가?

This is nice and cozy.

여기 마이크 세팅   있다

The microphone isn't set up.

‪[ 실장이 작게여기는 ‪소형 강의실이라

The teachers don't use a microphone here since it's a small classroom.

마이크를   쓰시기는 하는데

The teachers don't use a microphone here since it's a small classroom. But if you want, I'll set it up for you next week.

필요하시면 다음 주부터 ‪세팅해 드릴게요

But if you want, I'll set it up for you next week.

오늘만 목소리 조금만  크게 ‪부탁드립니다

Do you think you could just speak a bit louder for today?


-Okay. I'll do that. -Thank you.

‪[ 실장수고하세요

-Okay. I'll do that. -Thank you.

‪[ 닫히는 소리]

‪- [차분한 음악] ‪- 그럼 여기 남은 친구들은

Does this mean you guys are the loyal ones?


Does this mean you guys are the loyal ones?

니들 모공까지 보이고 ‪좋다?

I'm close enough to see your pores. How nice.

여기 잘하면 이름까지  외우겠어

I might even memorize all your names.

그럼 수업 시작할까?

Let's begin.

지난 2 동안 ‪삼각 함수 복습 들어갔지?

You reviewed trigonometric functions for the past two weeks. Now, we will learn about sequences.

오늘부터 수열 진도 나간다

Now, we will learn about sequences.

‪[무거운 음악]

‪[카메라 셔터음]

‪[ 형사오셨습니까?

-Hello, sir. -Hey.


-Hello, sir. -Hey.

  나온  있어?

-Did you find anything? -No, nothing definite yet.

‪[ 형사아니요아직 ‪확연하게 나온  없고요

-Did you find anything? -No, nothing definite yet. We need to look around more.

 살펴봐야   같아요

We need to look around more.

‪- 증거물 촬영 끝났죠? ‪- [수사관

Can I retrieve the evidence now? Yes.

‪[사이렌 소리]

‪[이태의  내뱉는 소리]


‪- [ 형사선배님 ‪- [이태

-Sir. -Yes? We retrieved the victim's call records.

‪[ 형사피해자 휴대폰 ‪사용 기록 나왔는데요

We retrieved the victim's call records.


-Really? -Based on his time of death,

‪[ 형사사망 추정 시간이랑 ‪비교해 보면

-Really? -Based on his time of death,

피해자의  쪽이거나 ‪적어도  근처에서 살해당해서

he must've been killed near his house or around that area

 쪽에 유기된  같습니다

before being tossed into the river.

‪[이태결과 나와 보면 알겠지

Let's wait for the results.

일단 피해자 오피스텔이랑 ‪주변 CCTV

First, check the CCTV cameras in his building and around that area.

꼼꼼하게 한번 확인해 

First, check the CCTV cameras in his building and around that area.

특히 이영민 사건 

Remember the guy from the convenience store

여기 편의점 CCTV 잡혔던 ‪ 친구 있잖아

Remember the guy from the convenience store during Lee Young-min's case? Hey!



이영민 사건 빼라니까 ‪ 말을  들어 처먹어?

Didn't I tell you to keep Lee Young-min's case out of this? -Hello, sir. -Hello, sir.

‪[ 형사나오셨습니까

-Hello, sir. -Hello, sir.

‪[이태나오셨어요 [한숨]

-Hello, sir. -Hello, sir.

니들 진짜  무시할래?

Do you think I'm a joke?

‪[팀장그냥 진이상 사건만 파라고 ‪이영민 사건은 엮지 말고!

Just look into Jin I-sang's case and don't connect it to that one!

같은  프라이드 학원이라고 ‪연쇄적인 사건이란 보장 있어?

Just because they're both from The Pride doesn't mean this is a serial murder.

‪[이태연쇄가 아니란 보장도 없죠

It doesn't mean it's not.

‪[ 형사사건 현장에  ‪ 쇠구슬이 발견됐어요

Metal balls were found at both crime scenes.

이번엔 무려 ‪피해자 주머니에 있었고요

This time, it was in the victim's pocket.

‪[이태일단 영장 청구  했고요

This time, it was in the victim's pocket. We've requested a warrant.

범죄지로 추정되는 ‪새암 비스타 주변 수색

We're going to bring as many men as possible

인원 최대한으로 동원해서 ‪들어갈 겁니다오늘

to look around Saeam Vista, the assumed crime scene.

그렇게 알고 계세요

That's all.

‪- [팀장아씨 ‪- [무거운 효과음]

Why, that little… Darn it.

‪[준상나도 진짜 ‪이렇게까지 하고 싶진 않았는데

I really didn't want things to go this far either.

 선생도 알잖아 ‪이쪽 학부모들 극성?

But you know very well how extreme these moms can be.

‪'아무리 학원이라도'

They don't want a teacher with moral issues teaching their kids.

‪'도덕적 결함이 있는 강사한테 ‪자식을 맡길  없다'

They don't want a teacher with moral issues teaching their kids.

아유전화가 불통이 나게 ‪항의를  대는 거야

They were blowing up our phones.

그럼 어떡해?

So what choice did I have?

강의 인원은 빠지지 ‪'해결책을 내놔라닦달은  대지

Students were dropping out, and the parents were demanding a solution.

진짜 급하게엄청 급하게 ‪섭외를  거야내가 송준호한테

So I urgently reached out to Song Jun-ho.

마침  우리 부원장이 ‪ 친구 선배랑  절친이라

Our vice director is a close friend of a college alumnus of his.


Yes, I understand.


Right? You do, right?

그래내가  선생은 ‪이해해   알았어?

Exactly. I knew you'd understand.



송준호랑 제가

I don't see the need for both him and me to work here.

   학원에 있을 필요는 ‪없을  같네요

I don't see the need for both him and me to work here.

‪[치열 프라이드와의 인연은

I'm afraid I'll have to resign from The Pride.

여기까지인 걸로 하겠습니다

I'm afraid I'll have to resign from The Pride.

아이그렇게  ‪극단적으로?

Look. You don't have to be so extreme.

시간을 가지고 방법을 

Let's take some time and think--

그동안 고생 많으셨어요

Thank you for everything.



이게이게 ‪이렇게 끝날 인연이 아닌데이게

It's such a pity for us to part ways like this.

이거 ‪섭섭해서 어떡하나내가

Jeez, my heart is breaking.

‪[치열의 한숨]



‪[ 형사오랜만에 뵙네요

It's been a long time.

‪[치열여기는 어쩐 일로?

What brings you here?



어떻게 자꾸  일이 생기네요

We keep finding reasons to come back here.


Goodbye then.


Goodbye then. Goodbye.

‪[의미심장한 음악]


Is he an assistant?

낯이 익네

He looks familiar.


Good work. -Goodbye. -Goodbye.


-Goodbye. -Goodbye.

‪[학생들이 대화한다]


Hey, Hae-e.

이거 시험 뭐냐?

What was this test?

 문제도 이해  했어

I didn't even get the questions.

아니문제를 ‪ 번이나 넘게 읽었는데

I read each question ten times, but I still couldn't understand.

무슨 말인지 하나도 모르겠다

I read each question ten times, but I still couldn't understand.

원래  학교 수학 논술 ‪난이도 헬이야

Our school always gives hard free-response questions for math.

수행 평가는 지필보다 ‪비중 적으니까

Our school always gives hard free-response questions for math. This test isn't as important as the midterms,

중간고사  ‪만회한다고 생각하고 공부해

so just focus on redeeming yourself then.

‪[단지가 울먹이며해이야


이번 수행  이렇게 어려워 ‪진짜 댕망했네이씨

Why was the assessment so hard this time? I'm done for.

‪[선재해이야 ‪마지막 문제 14 맞아?

Hey, did you get 14 for the last question?

‪- [해이? ‪- [선재  풀이 

-What? -Can I see?

‪- [해이나도 14… ‪- [단지 맞추지 

-I got 14 too. -Hey, don't cross-check.

 개매너들진짜 ‪ 손도  댔구먼

-I got 14 too. -Hey, don't cross-check. You have no manners. I couldn't even begin solving it.



‪[건후얘네 빼고 우리끼리 마시자

Forget about them. Let's drink this.

‪[단지의 한숨]

Let's drink this.

스트레스엔 맛있는 거지 ‪그래아휴

Nothing like something tasty when you're stressed.

‪- [발랄한 음악] ‪- [건후으음

‪[단지 맞추기만  ‪너네아주

Hey, you better not cross-check. Or I'll chew you guys up like this coconut jelly.

코코넛 젤리마냥 ‪잘강잘강 씹어 버릴라니까진짜

Or I'll chew you guys up like this coconut jelly.

‪[선재의 헛웃음]

‪[선재알겠어 할게 할게

Fine, I won't.

‪- 알았어하지 하지  ‪- [휴대전화 진동음]



No way. This is shocking.

엄마가 링크 보내 줬는데

My mom sent me a link.

 프라이드 학원 홈피에서 ‪치열  사진 아예 내렸는데?

They removed Mr. Choi's photo from The Pride's website.

완전 잘렸나 

He must've gotten sacked.

‪[선재확실해? ‪그냥 뒤로 밀린  아니고?

Are you sure? Maybe he's on another page.

‪[단지아니야 ‪완전 손절한  같아

No, I think they just kicked him out.

지팔지꼰이긴 한데

But then again, he DOOG. DOOG: DIG ONE'S OWN GRAVE


But this is harsh, right?

‪- [한숨] ‪- [차분한 음악]

‪[깊은 한숨]


‪[출입문 종소리]



Hey, Hae-e.

‪-  ‪- [치열지나가다가

-Mr. Choi. -I… I was just passing by

급하게 메일 ‪보낼 데가 있어 가지고

and remembered I had to send an urgent email.

 갈게중간고사 준비 잘하고

I'll get going then. Good luck with your midterms.


‪[애잔한 음악]



‪[행선언제 왔어?

When did you get here?

오늘 날이 너무 좋아서 ‪햇볕  쐬려고

I came outside to get some sunlight since the weather was so nice.

안에만 있었더니 ‪비타민 C 부족한  같아

Staying indoors all the time has made me lack vitamin C.

비타민 D

Vitamin D.

‪C D애니웨이

Big difference. Anyway, care to come inside? I made some japchae.

들어왔다 갈래? ‪ 전에 잡채 했는데

Anyway, care to come inside? I made some japchae.

아니야집으로 갈래

That's okay. I'll just go home.

그래 쉬어

All right. Go rest up.

날이 너무 좋네오늘

The weather is lovely today.


The weather is lovely today. -Bye! -Bye.


-Bye! -Bye.

‪[출입문 종소리]

‪[ 들이켜는 소리]

‪[ 닫히는 소리]


‪[선재 선재 다니는 학원이 ‪ 프라이드 학원 맞지?

Sun-jae goes to The Pride, right?


갑자기  관심이야?

Why the sudden interest?

나도 부모야

I'm a parent too.

너처럼 과하진 않지만 ‪관심이 아예 없진 않아

I may not be as extreme as you, but I'm not uninterested in him.

그래서 하고 싶은 말이 뭔데?

Why are you here?

‪[선재 아니 아까 ‪고소인 진술 때문에

I was at the police station with my client to get the plaintiff's statement

의뢰인이랑 경찰서 갔다가

I was at the police station with my client to get the plaintiff's statement

형사들 하는 얘기 들었는데

and overheard some officers talking.

거기 강사가 살해당했나 

One of their teachers was killed.

‪- [긴장되는 음악] ‪- 얼마 전에 애도 하나 투신했잖아

A student fell to his death recently too.

거기 괜찮은 학원 맞아? ‪문제 있는  아니야?

Are you sure about that academy? Is it safe?

강사 이름이 뭔데?

Who was the teacher?

아이몰라그것까진  들었고

I don't know. I didn't get the name.

쇠구슬 연쇄 사건 ‪그런 얘기 하는  같던데

They were mentioning a metal ball serial murder or something.

‪[선재 오다 보니까

On my way here, I saw officers patrolling Saeam Vista.

새암 비스타 쪽에 경찰도 ‪왔다 갔다 하고 어수선하더라

On my way here, I saw officers patrolling Saeam Vista. That must be where the teacher lived.

강사 집이 거기인가 보던데

That must be where the teacher lived.

‪[위치 추적 작동음]


대체  하는 거야이희재

What are you up to, Hui-jae?


Why are you here?

‪[선재  알아보고 ‪여차하면 바꿔학원

Look into it and switch academies if need be.

불안해서  공부하겠냐?

How will he focus there?

‪[ 열리는 소리]

‪[ 닫히는 소리]

‪[ 내뱉는 소리]

‪[통화 연결음]

‪[안내 음성고객님께서 ‪전화를 받을  없어

Your call cannot be completed…

‪[통화 연결음]

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

‪[행선그만 봐라닳겠다

Stop staring. You'll bore a hole right through me.


I wasn't looking at you.

밖에  건데

I was looking outside to check the weather.

날씨 어떤가 해서

I was looking outside to check the weather.

날씨 좋네

The weather is lovely.

이따 우리 햄버거나 사다 먹을까?

Should we have burgers later?

I'm down.

나는 피클마요네즈 빼고 ‪치즈 추가한 치즈버거

I want a cheeseburger with extra cheese, no pickles or mayo.



‪- [영주아니면 ‪- [다큐멘터리 영상 소리]

Or how about some jajangmyeon? Let's order some.

자장면 시켜 먹을까시켜 먹자!

Or how about some jajangmyeon? Let's order some.

 짜장면 먹고 싶어

I'm craving some.

 당근완두콩  볶음밥

I'm down. I want fried rice with no carrots or peas.

‪[행선맘대로   좋아

Sure. I'm fine with anything.



해이한테도 전화해서 ‪ 먹을지 물어봐

Call Hae-e and ask what she wants.

알았어잠깐만 ‪ 이것만  보고

Okay, hold on. I'm watching something.

‪[행선아유이씨 ‪하루 종일 동영상만 보고이씨

You've been on your phone all day.

 죽을래얼른  ?

You've been on your phone all day. Do you want to die? Hurry up.

‪- [재우나쁜 새끼 ‪- [행선 새끼가

-You bastard. -That little…


Mr. Popular! Haeng-seon.

누나핵인싸맨 지금 ‪치열이  만나러 간다는데?

Mr. Popular! Haeng-seon. He's on his way to see Chi-yeol.

‪[흥미로운 음악]

웰컴  핵인싸 월드

Welcome to Mr. Popular's World.

일타 스캔들 상대 여성을 ‪최초로 밝혀내며

I, Mr. Popular, was the first to reveal his love interest

진실을 밝히는  ‪ 역할을 했던  핵인싸맨이

I, Mr. Popular, was the first to reveal his love interest and played a big role in revealing the truth.

오늘 드디어

Today, I will finally meet the star adulterer, Choi Chi-yeol,

추락 불륜 일타 ‪최치열을 직접 만나

Today, I will finally meet the star adulterer, Choi Chi-yeol,

소감을 들어 보려고 합니다

and hear his thoughts.

최정상을 달리다가 ‪지하 던전으로 추락해 버린

Let's find out how he feels about his great fall from his peak

지금의 심정을 들어 보고

Let's find out how he feels about his great fall from his peak

그래도 아직까지 ‪ 유부녀를 사랑하는지

and see if he's still in love with that married woman.

한번 알아보도록 하겠습니다

and see if he's still in love with that married woman.

최치열은 어디 있을까요? ‪어디에 있을까요?

Where could he be? Beats me.

나도 모르겠어요어디 있을까요

Where could he be? Beats me.

어디 있을까요어디?

Where could he be? Right here.

바로 여기

Where could he be? Right here.

‪'수학은 최치열'

"For math, Choi Chi-yeol."

‪[핵인싸맨여기가 바로 ‪최치열이 있는 연구소 건물입니다

This is his math academy building.

그럼 ‪들어가 보도록 하겠습니다

Let's go inside.

웰컴  핵인싸 월드

Welcome to Mr. Popular's World. Let's get it.

레츠 기릿

Welcome to Mr. Popular's World. Let's get it.

‪[치열애들한테 준비해  자료는 ‪ 전달하고 마무리하자

Let's deliver the test materials to the students before I quit.

‪[동희학생들 이메일 주소 ‪확인해서 연락 취해 볼게요

I'll get their email addresses and reach out to them.

‪[엘리베이터 알림음]

I'll get their email addresses and reach out to them.

‪[핵인싸맨최치열강  ‪실물 영접 영광입니다

Mr. Choi, it's nice to meet you in person.

겁나 잘생겼네요

Mr. Choi, it's nice to meet you in person. You're so handsome.

‪- [핵인싸맨의 탄성] ‪- [동희뭡니까누구세요?

Who are you?

‪[핵인싸맨저는 핫한 정보를 ‪가장 빠르게 전달해 드리는

I'm Mr. Popular, delivering hot news faster than anyone.


I'm Mr. Popular, delivering hot news faster than anyone. Welcome to Mr. Popular's World.

웰컴  핵인싸 월드

Welcome to Mr. Popular's World. WHO'S THAT GUY? IT'S MR. JI!

‪- [치열핵인싸맨? ‪- [핵인싸맨의 놀란 소리]

WHO'S THAT GUY? IT'S MR. JI! Mr. Popular?

‪[핵인싸맨여러분 ‪최치열강 님이 저를 아시네요

Guys, Mr. Choi knows me.

그걸로 충분합니다감사합니다

That'll be enough. Thank you.

강사님과  프라이드 학원 계약이 ‪ 났다는  사실인가요?

Is it true that you no longer work at The Pride?

정상에서 나락으로 추락한 ‪지금의 심정이 어떠십니까?

How does it feel to hit rock bottom?


Just leave! You can't seem to answer me. Then next question.

‪[핵인싸맨답변을 ‪ 하시네요

You can't seem to answer me. Then next question.

그럼 다른 질문

You can't seem to answer me. Then next question.

지금  유부녀분과의 ‪감정은 어떠세요?

How do you feel about her now? Are you still in love?


How do you feel about her now? Are you still in love?

희대의 불륜 스캔들로 불리는데 ‪어떤 생각을 갖고 계십니

How do you feel about being the center of a cheating scandal?

‪[해이스캔들 아니에요!

It's not a scandal!

‪[해이의 가쁜 숨소리]



스캔들 아니에요

It's not a scandal.




It's Hae-e.


Haeng-seon, it's Hae-e.

‪[영주어머해이 얘가 ‪ 여기 있어?

Why is she there?

 쌤한테  거야?

She went to see Mr. Choi?

왜냐면 저희 엄마는

Because my mom…


isn't actually

엄마가 아니라

my mom.

‪- 이모예요미혼이고요 ‪- [부드러운 음악]

She's my aunt, and she's single.

그러니까 이건 스캔들이 아니라

CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN? NO WAY So this isn't a scandal.


It's just a romance. WHAT DID SHE SAY? SERIOUSLY?

쌤이 아프다고?

EPILOGUE Mr. Choi is sick?

어디가 아픈데?

Exactly how is he sick?

‪[재우몰라근데 ‪얼굴이 엄청 빨갛고 뜨거워

I don't know, but his face is red and hot.

열이 많이 나는  같아 ‪어떡해누나?

He's burning up. What should I do?

 꿈에 나왔네 여자

You're in my dreams again.

 번만 나쁜  될게

Let me be with you just this once.


At least in my dreams.

‪[감성적인 음악]

‪[카메라 셔터음 효과음]


‪[영주핵폭탄이 터지네아주

This is such a huge mess.

‪[해이쌤도 이모 좋아하잖아요 ‪맞죠?

You like her too. -Right? -Nam Hae-e.


-Right? -Nam Hae-e.

‪[해이좋아하는 사람한테 ‪좋아한다고 하고 연애도 하고

Express your feelings to the man you like. And go on dates.

‪[초인종 소리]

And go on dates.

‪[치열나만 애탔나 보다나만

I guess I was the only one who missed you.

‪[행선쌤은요? ‪언제부터였는데요 좋아한 

What about you? When did you start having feelings for me?

‪[서진경찰들이 사건을 ‪캐고 있다고범인 잡으려고

The police are investigating the case to find the killer.

대체 거기에   거야!

Why on earth were you there?

‪[선재 그래 그래?

Hui-jae! What's wrong?

타살인  같대경찰에서는

The police think he was murdered.


Why do these incidents keep occurring?

‪[치열 자꾸 ‪이런 일이 일어나는 거지?

Why do these incidents keep occurring?


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