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  이 연애는 불가항력 10

Destined with You 10




[홍조여행  갔네요?

You didn't go on the trip.

가지 말라고 전화한  아니었어?

Didn't you call to stop me from going?


That's right.

가지 말라고 전화한 

I called to stop you from going.

[홍조그래도 여기까지  줄은 몰랐는데

But I didn't expect you to come all the way here.

역시 있는 거였네주술

Spells do work after all.

내가 다시  봤어요

I tried it again.

진짜 있는지 없는지 확인해 보고 싶어서

I wanted to check if it worked or not.

[계속되는 감성적인 음악]


It doesn't matter…

주술이 있든 없든

whether spells work or not.


I love you.

- [아이엄마! - [홍조신유의 놀란 소리]


[홍조의 당황한 숨소리]

[홍조신유의 헛기침]

[익살스러운 음악]

진짜 어이없어

That was weird.

아니고백을 그렇게 갑자기 하는 사람이 어디 있어요?

That confession was just out of the blue.

그럼 고백을 갑자기 하지

Of course it's out of the blue.

'오늘 저녁 9 반에 고백할 거니까 들을 준비 '

"I'll confess to you at 9:30 p.m. Get ready."

하고 하는 사람이 어디 있어?

Who even does that?

 화를 내고 그래요?

Why are you angry?

화낸  아니거든? - [홍조화났는데

-I'm not. -You are.

목소리가 커졌잖아

Your voice got louder.

화난  아니라니까 - [익살스러운 효과음]

I said I'm not angry.

쑥스러워서 그래

I'm just embarrassed.

[아련한 음악]

[홍조쑥스러운  모르는

I thought you were someone…

그런 사람 아니에요?

who couldn't feel embarrassment.

여자 친구도 있으면서 사랑한단  함부로 하고

You have a girlfriend, and you said you love me so easily.

함부로   아니야

It wasn't easy.

[잔잔한 음악]

그럼 양심 없는 사람이거나

Then you have no conscience.

[홍조양다리 걸치는 거잖아요 지금

You're two-timing now.


I'm not.


Wait for me.


I'm coming to you soon,

정갈해진 상태로

pure and wholly.

그러니까 당신도 정갈한 상태로 기다려 줬으면 좋겠어

So I want you to be pure too and wait for me.

 언제나 정갈했어요

I've always been pure.

장신유 씨보다 훨씬 정갈한 편이에요나는

I'm much purer than you.

[홍조평생 제대로  연애도 한번   봤는데

My whole life, I've never had a proper boyfriend.

마음이 정갈하지 않잖아

Your mind isn't pure.

 마음이  지저분하다는 거예요?

Are you saying my mind is dirty then?


Kwon Jae-gyeong.


You liked him.

 마음이  사라진  아니잖아

You still have feelings for him.

아이짝사랑 갖고 뭐래

That was just one-sided love.

- [흥미로운 음악] - 사랑까지  거야?

You even loved him?

아이누가 짝사랑을 사랑으로 쳐요?

Who considers one-sided love as love?

아니어쨌든  단어가 붙어 있잖아

The word "love" is still there.

다른 남자한테 그런  하지 

Don't do that to other guys.


I hate it.

몸은 괜찮아졌어요?

Are you feeling better?

걱정이 많이 되나 ?

You must be very worried.

장신유 씨는

Sin-yu, you said

주술이 있든 없든 상관없다고 하지만

it doesn't matter whether spells work or not,

[홍조 상관있어요

but it matters to me.

저주 인형 신경 쓰이니깐 몸조심해요

I'm concerned about the curse doll. Please take care.


I will.

[잔잔한 음악]

괜히 찬바람 맞고 감기 걸리지 말고

Don't catch a cold from the cold wind.

- [홍조얼른 집에 가요 - [신유먼저 

-Go home now. -You go first.

내가 먼저 말했잖아요

I said it first.

얼른 가요

Go now.

당신이 가기 전엔   건데

I won't leave until you do.


It's cold.

찬바람 맞지 말라면서

You said I should avoid the cold wind.


All right, then.


I'll get going.

이만 총총

I'm leaving.

[홍조의 웃음]


Go now.

[홍조의 옅은 웃음]

- [사람들의 환호] - [홍조의 웃음]


I said go.

[홍조의 옅은 웃음]

[신유 그때도  사람을 사랑했던  같아요

I think I loved her back then too.

[부드러운 음악]


The view.


The smell.


The feel.

모든   생생했고

Everything was vivid.

 순간 제가 느낀 감정까지

Even the emotions I felt at that moment.

전부  현실 같았어요

Everything felt real.




There's one more person

전생을 기억하는 사람

who remembers the past life.

그게 정말 전생일까요?

Is that really my past life?

전생의 기억을 가진 사람들

A lot of people remember their past lives.

의외로 많아

More than you think.

나도  기억하잖아

I remember everything too.

[신유끊어   없는 운명이라는 

When you said inseverable destinies,

[차분한 음악]

이런 거였어요?

did you mean this?

[은월인간의 과보는 쇠사슬처럼 질겨서

Karma is as strong as an iron chain.

억겁의 세월이 흘러도 사라지지 않는 법이다

It doesn't disappear even after kalpas of time.

그런데  저만 보이고

But why am I the only one who sees

저만 기억하는 걸까요?

and remembers it?

말을  보지 그래?

Why don't you ask her?


I won't.

미친놈 소리 들을까 ?

You think you might sound crazy?


Just because.

어쩐지 두려워서

I'm scared for some reason.

[은월인과 연이 [한숨]

People and their destinies

- [의미심장한 음악] - 합하여지는 때가 다를  있지

can come together at different times.

그래도 시간을 지나 윤회했으니

Since you are reborn after a long time,

기꺼이 지어지는 인연대로 살면 

you can live according to the destinies that you encounter.

불이   버린 곳에는

You cannot burn what is already burnt.

다시 불이 붙지 않는 것처럼

You cannot burn what is already burnt.

아무 미련도 남지 않게

Make sure you have no regrets.

[통화 연결음]

[차분한 음악]

[휴대 전화 진동음]


[통화 연결음]

[통화 종료음]

[부드러운 음악이 흐른다]

[하움 대표이게

Hey, this…

이게 '헤어질 결심' 나온 위스키거든?

This whiskey is from the movie Decision To Leave.

내가 이걸로  셀렉했게?

Do you know why I chose this whiskey?

 헤어질 결심 하라고

So you can decide to leave him.


I'm not leaving him.

남자는 집요한 여자 극혐해

Men hate persistent women.

- [졸졸 따르는 소리] - [  부딪는 소리]

그렇게  하면 우리 관계 바로 끝나

If I'm not, our relationship will end.

너는  얼굴로  그러고 다니냐?

Why do you live like that with that face?

[하움 대표내가 여잔데  얼굴이었잖아?

If I were a woman and had your face,

그럼 너처럼  살아

I wouldn't live like you.

 장신유 많이 좋아해

I like Sin-yu a lot.

[기가  웃음]

그러면서 나랑은  자는데?

Then why do you sleep with me?

 사람이  외로움을 채워 주지 않으니까

Because he doesn't fill my loneliness.


[ 내려놓는 소리]

혜정이 여행 갔어

Hye-jeong is on a trip.

 비었는데 올라갈래?

The house is empty, come in.




Get in the car.

어젯밤에 반성은  했어?

Did you reflect on yourself yesterday?

[나연어디  거야?

Where are we going?

어디든 빨리 가자

Wherever it is, let's go quickly.

나연아 - [나연한강 가서 라면 먹을까?

-Na-yeon. -Shall we eat ramyeon by Han River?

자판기 라면 오빠도  먹어 봤지?

You never tried it, right? I heard it's really good.

그거 엄청 맛있대

You never tried it, right? I heard it's really good.

지금 어딜 가도 돌아오는 길이 최악일 거야

Wherever we go now, our way back will be terrible.

- [차분한 음악] - 그러니까 여기서 얘기할게

So I'll just say it here.



듣기 싫어

I don't want to hear it.

- [  닫히는 소리] - [한숨]



[나연의 한숨]

[나연정리한다 그랬잖아!

You said you'd end it.


I can't.

[잔잔한 음악]

내가 봐줄게

I'll let it slide.

[나연내가 그냥 넘어가 준다고

I'll turn a blind eye.

그냥 잠깐 흔들린 거라며

You said you wavered for a while.

흔들리는 거랑 사랑이

I don't know how different wavering is

뭐가 다른지 모르겠어

from love.


오빠  만나는 동안 사랑한다는 

Ever since we started dating,

 번도  밖으로 꺼낸  없었어

you never once said you loved me.

근데 설마 이홍조를 사랑이라도 한다는 거야?

And now are you saying you love Hong-jo?



No way.

[나연적어도 납득이  만한 애여야 이해를 하지!

I would understand if she was better than me at least.

걔가 뭐라고?

She's nothing.


오빠 지금 착각하고 있는 거야

You're just confused.

불쌍해 보였거나 짠해 보였거나

You're just pitying or feeling bad for her.

그런 이유 때문에 신경이 쓰이는 

That's why she's on your mind. You're mistaking it for love.

착각하고 있는 거라고

That's why she's on your mind. You're mistaking it for love.

[울먹이는 숨소리]

비난해도   없어

You have every right to judge me.

최악인  알아 - [나연이 울먹이며그래

-I'm the worst. -Yes.


You're the worst.

어떻게 나한테 이래?

How can you do this to me?


[나연이 흐느낀다]

[경쾌한 음악]

크리스마스  혼자 둬서 미안해

I'm sorry I left you alone on Christmas.

이제 정갈해진 거예요?

Are you pure now?



[대문 열리는 소리]

[재경받지 마요

Don't accept it.

- [긴장되는 음악] - [홍조가 놀라며보좌관님

-Mr. Kwon. -A bouquet?

[재경꽃다발 같은   자격 없어요 자식은

-Mr. Kwon. -A bouquet? He has no right to give you one. Come to me.

나한테 와요

He has no right to give you one. Come to me.

[신유가지 마요

Don't go.


Let go of her.

선배가 먼저 놔요

You let go first.


You let go.

- [신유놓으라고요 - [재경

-Let go. -Let go.

일로 와요

Come here.

내가 행복하게  줄게요 홍조 

I'll make you happy.

[신유내가  행복하게 해줄  있어홍조 알잖아

I can make you happier, you know that. Let go of her.

- [재경… - [신유놓으라고요

I can make you happier, you know that. Let go of her. Don't fight over me.

[홍조 땜에 싸우지 마요 싸우지 마요

Don't fight over me.

행복하게    있다니까요 홍조 

I can make you happy.

[신유선배  놔요

Let her go.

- [재경 - [신유놓으라고요선배

-Let go. -I said, let go.

[홍조여러분! [힘겨운 소리]


- [신유재경의 다투는 소리] -  땜에 싸우지 마요여러분

Don't fight over me.

정말장신유 ! - [오토바이 가속음]

Goodness. Sin-yu!

- [재경위험해! - [신유위험해장신유

-Watch out. -Watch out, Sin-yu.

[홍조의 비명]

- [홍조의 놀란 숨소리] - [멀어지는 오토바이 엔진음]

[ 짖는 소리]

- [익살스러운 음악] - [머쓱한 숨소리]


[홍조인간에게 상상력은  있는 걸까?

Why do humans have imagination?

[ 웃는 소리]

좋다 말았네

I got excited for nothing.

[홍조크리스마스는  보내셨어요?

How was your Christmas?

[새별나는 [한숨]


소개팅이고 기훈 씨고

No blind date nor Gi-hoon.

결국 뉴튜브 씨와 함께한 꿀꿀한 크리스마스였어

I spent a depressing one with NewTube in the end.

내년엔 기필코 뜨밤을 보낼 거야

Next year, no matter what, I'll have a romantic one.


With that man.

변호사님 [웃음]

Mr. Jang.

[새별이제야 얼굴 뵙네요

I finally get to see you.

병가 내셨다는 얘기 듣고 얼마나 놀랐는지 몰라요

I was so shocked when I heard you were on sick leave.

앞으론 절대 아프지 마세요

Don't ever get sick again.

잠은  잤어요?

Okay. Did you sleep well?

[웃으며제가 유별나게 잠이 많은 편이라

Yes, I'm a heavy sleeper, so…

이홍조 씨는요?

What about you, Hong-jo?

[흥미로운 음악]

[홍조저도  잤어요

I slept well too.


That's good to hear.

- [엘리베이터 도착음] - [엘리베이터  열리는 소리]

That's good to hear.

- [버튼 조작음] - [안내 음성] 11

Eleventh floor.

- [버튼 조작음] - 7

Seventh floor.

[남자실례하겠습니다 죄송합니다

Excuse me. I'm sorry.

[여자1] 뭐야

Excuse me. I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.

[여자2] 좁은데

There's no space.

[안내 음성문이 닫힙니다

Doors closing.

[새별아니근데 변호사님 키가 엄청 크시네요?

Mr. Jang, you're very tall. Your body's so well-proportioned.

팔등신도 아니고 구등신

Your body's so well-proportioned.

[웃으며저는 삼등신이거든요

My body proportion is more like an insect's.


Head, thorax, abdomen.

[새별이 깔깔 웃는다]

 여기 있는데

I'm here.

[엘리베이터 도착음]

- [안내 음성문이 열립니다 - [새별의 헛기침]

Doors opening.

- [새별내릴게요 - [사람들의 당황한 소리]

Excuse me.

[여자3 불평하는 소리]

[신유] CCTV 설치는 어떻게 됐어요?

How's the CCTV setup going?

가격이 만만치 않더라

It was pretty expensive.

비용은 니가   거지?

You'll pay for it, right?

어디 어디 설치했는지 사진만 찍어서 보내 주시면

As long as you send pictures of where they're set up.

  설치해 놓고    청구할까 ?

Why? Do you think I'll overcharge you?

[재경됐어내가 낼게

Forget it. I'll pay.

너처럼 쪼잔한 타입은 아니라서

I'm not so stingy like you.

선배 쪼잔하거든요?

You are stingy.

'같이  먹자 놓고 결국 구내식당 왔잖아요

You invited me to lunch and here we are at the cafeteria.

오징어볶음과 김칫국은 구내식당 메뉴  최강 조합이야

Our cafeteria's stir-fried squid and kimchi soup make the best pairing.

[기동변호사님 은근 어린이 입맛

You're rather childish with your food choices.


See? He didn't get seasoned bracken.

[놀리며고사리나물도  가져왔대요

See? He didn't get seasoned bracken.

[신유어린이 입맛 아닙니다

I'm not childish.

고사리만  먹는 거지

I just don't eat bracken.

 좋은 기억이 있어요

I have bad memories.

예전에  사람이 고사리 뜯다가 뱀에 물린 적이 있어서

This person got bitten by a snake while picking bracken.

뱀에 물렸어요누가요?

Who got bitten by a snake?

[잔잔한 음악]

아닙니다 먹어요

It's nothing. Eat up.

[수정팀장님은  소개팅을  했을까?

Why didn't Mr. Gong go on the blind date?

팀장님 소개팅이 문제가 아니에요지금

His blind date isn't the issue now.

[새별우리가 소개팅을 해야지

We need blind dates.

최차삼이 저기 있잖아

Mr. Biases are there.

최차삼 누군데?

Mr. Biases? Who is he?


My top three biases.

[새별변호사님보좌관님 법무팀 기동 

Mr. Jang, Mr. Kwon, and Gi-dong.

우리도 저쪽도 

Three men, three women. It's like a three-on-three blind date.

완전 3  3 소개팅 느낌!

Three men, three women. It's like a three-on-three blind date.

[새별의 탄성]

Three men, three women. It's like a three-on-three blind date.

 되겠네 [헛기침]

We can't do it.

- [차분한 음악] - 여친 왔어

His girlfriend is here.

[나연같이  먹어도 ?

May I join?

[잘그락 소리]

[새별여전히 예쁘고 여전히  헤어졌네

She's still pretty, and they still haven't broken up.

눈만 버렸어괜히 왔어구내식당

What a terrible sight. I shouldn't have come here.



이런 질문  부담스러우실 수도 있는데요

You might find this question uncomfortable, but--

부담스러우면 하지 마요

Then don't ask.

  어떻게 만나신 거예요?

How did you two end up dating?

[나연의 옅은 웃음]

제가   찍었어요

I kept hitting on him.

이런 미인도 누군가를 찍는구나

So beauties like you make the first move too.

  혹시 사귀는  없으시면

If you two aren't dating anyone, I can set you up with my friends.

제가 소개시켜 드릴까요?

If you two aren't dating anyone, I can set you up with my friends.

[날쌘 효과음]

[기동그래 주시면 너무 좋죠

That would be great.

- [잘그락 소리] -  괜찮습니다 [한숨]

I'll pass.



보좌관님도 사귀는 사람 없잖아요

You're not dating anyone either.

좋아하는 사람은 있어요

I have someone I like.

[무거운 음악]

그래도 소개는 받아 보지 그래요?

Why don't you try at least?

좋아하는 사람이랑 잘될  같진 않은데

I doubt you will end up with the person you like.

이렇게 까칠한 너도   찍으니까

You're a cold person, but her persistence won your heart.

결국 넘어간 거잖아?

You're a cold person, but her persistence won your heart.


Oh, I see.

선배도   찍어 보겠다는 거예요지금?

So you want to keep hitting on her too?

찍긴  찍어사람을?

I don't have to.

그냥 만나면 되는 거지

I'll just see her.

그냥 만난다고 그게 진짜 만나는 건가?

Just seeing her doesn't mean anything.

선배가 김칫국을 먹더니 김칫국을 너무 많이 마시네

I know you like chickens, but don't count them before they hatch.

[당황스러운 숨소리]


What's wrong, Sin-yu?

내가  얘기  했지?

Did I tell you this?

[재경 사람 엄청  어울려

You guys look perfect together.

[차분한 음악]

[신유의 한숨]

[나연올라가서 같이  한잔 마셔도 ?

Can we have a cup of tea in your office?

아까 식당에서도 그렇고 [한숨]

You were being so showy in the cafeteria.

사람들 많은 데서 보란 듯이 이러는  부담스러워

It makes me uncomfortable.

사람들이 아니라

Because of Hong-jo, not others. Am I right?

이홍조가 볼까  부담스러운  아니야?

Because of Hong-jo, not others. Am I right?

 너랑 약속했고

I made a promise, so I'm doing my best to keep it.

최선을 다하고 있어

I made a promise, so I'm doing my best to keep it.

그러니까 비아냥대진 

So don't be sarcastic.

[신유의 깊은 한숨]

[버튼 조작음]

[전화벨 소리]


녹지과 이홍조입니다

Hi, Hong-jo of Greenway Building Division speaking.

[잔잔한 음악]


How was


your lunch?

It was fine.


Don't you

[홍조저한테    없어요?

have something to tell me?

길고양이 급식소 문제는 불법이라 철거하는 수밖에 없어요

About the feeding station, it's illegal. You need to take it down.

[신유조례를 바꾸지 않는 이상 불가능해요

You can't keep it unless you change the rules.

 말이 그게 다예요?

Is that all you want to say?

호신용품  챙겨 다녀요

Keep your self-defense tools with you.


I will.


[버튼 조작음]

법률 자문관 장신유입니다

Hi, I'm Legal Advisor Jang Sin-yu.

녹지과 주거래 업체 그린조경화원

Can I see the business registration,

사업자 등록증법인 등기부 등본

registry information, and the company seal of Green Landscape Garden?

사용 인감계    있을까요?

registry information, and the company seal of Green Landscape Garden?

[부드러운 음악이 흐른다]

[신유 아휴

 새끼가 뭐가 그리 이쁘다고 아주 사람을 들들 볶아

What's so good about this that he nags me so much?

고마워다시 돌려줘서

Thank you for giving it back to me.

여기까지  하러 나오셨어요

You didn't have to come all the way here.

제가 퇴근하고 갖다드리면 되는데

I would've brought it to you after work.

근처에 볼일이 있었어

I had things to do around here.

 요즘 우울증이 심해져서

My depression worsened recently.


So I went for counseling.

혹시 정신과 상담이에요?

Did you go to a psychiatrist?


No. A fortune teller.


No. A fortune teller.

[유쾌한 음악]


Fortune teller?

우울할  점쟁이랑 얘기하면 힐링돼

Talking to a fortune teller when I'm down makes me feel better.

[욱의 헛웃음]

[신유 근데 엄청 용하더라

She was really good.

내가 자리에 그냥  앉자마자

As soon as I sat down, she said,

'남자 때문에 왔구나'

"You're here because of a man."


She got it right.

[ 웃는다]

 정돈 저도 맞혀요

Even I can guess that much.

남자가 가면 여자 문제

Men have women issues

여자가 가면 남자 문제

and women have men issues.


It's obvious.

[신유 하나도  뻔했어

It wasn't obvious at all.

[신유 모의 한숨]

남편은 아주 꼴도 보기도 싫지

My husband is a pain in the neck,

신유는 걱정되지 [한숨]

and I'm worried about Sin-yu.

그렇게 우울하시면

If you're so depressed,

연기를 다시 시작해 보는  어때요?

why don't you start acting again?

[잔잔한 음악]

늦었다고 생각할 

They say better never than late.

 늦은 거래

They say better never than late.

 이미 늦었어

It's too late for me.

[휴대 전화 진동음]


[무거운 음악]



무슨 일이야?

Hi. What's up?

[부드러운 음악이 흐른다]

[나연 나랑 오빠랑 헤어지길 바라지?

You want me to break up with him, right?


근데 절대 그렇겐   거야

But that will never happen.

우리 결혼 날짜 잡았거든

Our wedding date is set.

굳이  불러서 그런 얘기 하는 이유가 뭐야?

Why did you call me out to say this? I doubt you want me to catch the bouquet.

부케 받아 달라고  것도 아니면서

Why did you call me out to say this? I doubt you want me to catch the bouquet.


So you can snap out of it.

[나연니가 예전에

Just like you thought we were friends,

우리 사이를 우정이라고 착각한 것처럼

Just like you thought we were friends,

지금도 착각하고 있는  같아서

you're being mistaken again.

'장신유라는 남자가 나한테 오진 않을까'

Thinking that Sin-yu might come to you.

[나연의 코웃음]

둘이 무슨 일이 있었구나?

Something happened between you two.

- [무거운 음악] - 동거를 먼저 할지도 몰라

Something happened between you two. We might move in together.

오빠네 부모님이 그걸 원하셔

His parents want that.

[나연당연한 수순이지

It was expected.

2년이나 만났으니까

We've been dating for two years, staying together 24/7.

우린 24시간 붙어 있었어

We've been dating for two years, staying together 24/7.

한순간도 떨어져 있기 싫어서

We didn't want to stay apart.

그리고 오빠는 손잡는  별로  좋아해

And Sin-yu doesn't like holding hands.

특히 겨울엔

Especially in winter.

손이 차가워서  손까지 차가워질까  미안하대

He's worried his cold hands might make mine cold too.

 잠이 없는 편이지만

He doesn't sleep much, but when I pat his hair,

머리칼을 만져 주면 금방 잠들어

He doesn't sleep much, but when I pat his hair, he falls asleep fast.

[홍조너무 TMI 아닌가? [한숨]

he falls asleep fast. Do I need to know these things?

 그런  전혀 궁금하지 않은데

I don't want to know any of this.


 오래 연애   봤지?

You've never had a long-term relationship, have you?

오래 연애하면 수많은 일들이 있어

Countless things happen in a long-term relationship.

싸웠다가 화해하고

You fight and make up.

[나연뜨거웠다가 식기도 하고

You get close and distant.

그치만 다시  뜨거워지고

Then you get close again.

우리 그렇게 쉽게 헤어질  있는 사이 아니야

We can't break up that easily.

오래된 연애는 그런 거야

That's what it's like.

잠깐 흔들려도

He might waver for a while,

결국엔 다시 돌아오는 

but he comes back in the end.

많이 불안한가 보다

I can tell you're very anxious,

이런 쓸데없는 얘기까지 하는  보니까

seeing that you're saying all these unnecessary things.

오빠 어젯밤에도 나랑 있었어

He was with me last night too.



남자 너무 믿지 

Don't trust men so much.

오빠도 남자야

Sin-yu's a man too.

[우아한 음악이 흐른다]

[대표님이  슬쩍 떠보래

The CEO told me to feel you out

다시  생각 없는지

on whether you want to return.

없어다시  생각

I don't plan to go back.

시청  재밌냐?

Is working in City Hall fun?

따분하지 않아?

Isn't it boring?


It's fun.

[한숨 쉬며지금은  괴롭긴 하지만

Although things are a bit tough now.

[한숨 쉬며하긴  괴로운 일이 어디 있겠냐

Then again, all work is tough.

그래도 배우는 재밌을  같은데

Still, acting sounds fun.

 배우기로 했는데?

Acting like how?

배우기로   아니고

Not that kind of acting.

배우연기하는 배우

Acting, as in what actors and actresses do.



 그쪽에 소질 없어

You have no talent in acting.

아니연기를 내가 한다는  아니고

I'm not saying I want to be an actor.

[신유연기는 내가 하고 있지

Actually, I'm acting at the moment.

- [차분한 음악] - 보고 싶고 같이 있고 싶고

I miss her. I want to be with her.

그래서 미치겠는데 아닌 척하고 있잖아

It's driving me crazy, but I'm acting like I'm fine.

그렇게 보고 싶으면 그냥 전화해서 오라 그래

If you miss her, just tell her to come.

[ 술도  먹는데  와인 혼자 먹긴 아까워

You don't even drink. It's a waste of wine.

실은 대표님이 법카 줘서

The CEO gave me the corporate card,

100  넘는 걸로 질렀거든

so I splurged on the wine. It's over a million won.

[웃으며나연  불러 같이 마시게

so I splurged on the wine. It's over a million won. Call Na-yeon. Let's drink together.

너한텐 솔직하게 얘기해야겠다

I must be honest with you.

언젠  솔직했냐?

When were you not?

[향을 음미하며역시

When were you not? Just as I thought.

 좋아하는 사람 생겼어

I have a crush on someone.


? [놀란 숨소리]


누군데어떻게  건데?

Who? What happened?

[ 쉽게 누구  좋아하고 그런  아니잖아

You don't easily fall for anyone.

  입에서 누구 좋아한다는 얘기

This is the first time I've heard you saying you like someone.

나오는 것도 처음 들었다

This is the first time I've heard you saying you like someone.

[부드러운 음악이 흐른다]

[홍조윤나연정신 차려

Hey, wake up.

집에 가서 자야지

Go home and sleep.

[칭얼대는 소리]

[ 취한 말투로 오빠 불러 

Call Sin-yu.

[나연 오빠 보고 싶어

I miss him.


대리운전 불러 줄게

I'll call a driver.

  어디 있어?

Where's your car?

[옅은 한숨]


Aren't you curious?

[나연내가 여기 있다 그러면

If I tell him I'm here,

오빠가 올지  올지

will he come or not?

[잔잔한 음악]

 환생이나 윤회를 믿어? [한숨]

Do you believe in reincarnation?

당근 믿지

Of course I do.

그럼 말이  통하겠네

Then you'll understand this.



 사람을 아주 오래전부터 좋아했어

I've loved her since long ago.


She's your first love.

[휴대 전화 진동음]

초등학교 동창?

From elementary school?

아님 유치원?

Or from kindergarten? LEE HONG-JO

[욱의 웃음]




그보다 훨씬  오래전

Way before that.

[그보다 훨씬  오래전이면은

Way before that?

신생아실 동기냐?

Were you two born in the same hospital? Don't be silly.

그게 말이 되냐?

Were you two born in the same hospital? Don't be silly.

 잠깐 전화 

I need to answer this call.





Where are you?

[ 열리는 소리]

[차분한 음악]


You're here.

[홍조나연이 챙겨요

Take Na-yeon.

[ 열리는 소리]

[신유어떻게  거야?

What happened? It's odd you were drinking together.

[ 닫히는 소리]

What happened? It's odd you were drinking together.

둘이  마실 사이 아니잖아

What happened? It's odd you were drinking together.

쟤가 먼저 전화했고

She called,

 어쩔  없이 나왔고

so I had to come.

 혼자 이런저런 얘기 하다가 이렇게  거예요

She said random things to me and then got drunk.

무슨 얘기?

What things?

내가 알고 싶지 않은 얘기

Things I didn't want to know.

무슨 얘기를 했든 신경 쓰지 

Whatever she said, don't mind it.

어떻게 신경을  써요?

How can I not?

내가 장신유 씨한테 전화해 놓고

Do you know what I was thinking after I called you?

무슨 생각을 했을  같아요?

Do you know what I was thinking after I called you?

나중에 얘기해

Let's talk later.

먼저 갈게요

I've got to go.

오란다고 진짜 오냐?

I can't believe he actually came.

[ 대문 닫히는 소리]


[달그락거리는 소리]


[긴장되는 음악]

[불안한 숨소리]

[달그락거리는 소리]

[긴장감 고조되는 음악]

[불안한 숨소리]

[홍조의 떨리는 숨소리]

- [ 뿌리는 소리] - [남자의 비명]

- [남자의 힘겨운 소리] - [ 쓰러지는 소리]

[고통스러운 신음]

[놀란 소리]

[아파하는 신음]


Mr. Kwon?

[재경의 신음]

- [재경의 아파하는 신음] - [홍조의 당황한 소리]

- [부드러운 음악] - [재경의 신음]


I'm sorry.

보좌관님인  모르고

I didn't know it was you.

그러게 오밤중에  거기서 그러고 계세요

What were you doing there in the middle of the night?

[재경반찬 소분한  놔두러 왔다고요

I just wanted to share some food with you.


집주인분이 택배를 보냈는데 안에 메모가 들어 있었어요

My landlord sent a parcel. And there was a note inside

김치랑 겉절이계란

with some kimchi and eggs,

윗집 아가씨랑 정확히 반반 나눠 먹으라고

saying I should share half of them with you.

[홍조의 난감한 숨소리]

그래도 그렇지오밤중에 굳이

Still, you didn't have to come at this late hour.

굳이 오밤중이라 걱정했어요

Because it was late, I was worried

들어왔나  들어왔나

if you came home safely.

[재경이상한  있다고 해서 CCTV까지 달았는데

We even put up a CCTV to protect you and…




I'm sorry.


If you're sorry,

모임 같이 가요

be my plus-one.



[감성적인 음악]

얼굴 이렇게 만들어 놓고  가겠다는 거죠?

Are you turning me down after ruining my face?




- [툭툭 부딪는 소리] - ?

집에 가야 되는데 앞이  보이네?

I must go home, but I can't see.

[재경실명되는 건가?

Am I going blind?

[재경의 한숨]

어차피 내일 모임  가겠네아휴

I can't go to the gathering anyway.

- [] - [아파하는 신음]


Who are you?

저랑 같이 모임 가실래요? - [홍조의 한숨]

Do you want to be my plus-one?

갈게요가면 되잖아요

I'll go. Happy now?

가는 거예요

You promised.


You woke up.

여기서  이러고 있어?

Why are you here?

오빠네 집으로 가도 됐잖아

We could've gone to your place.


Don't get me wrong.

 얘기 있어서 데리러  거였고

I came to tell you something.

그래서 기다린 거야

That's why I waited.

이홍조  만나지 

Don't meet with Hong-jo.

[애잔한 음악]

오빠 정말 나쁘다

You're so mean.

그런  들을 각오는 이미  있어

I'm prepared to hear you say that.


[  닫히는 소리]

[자동차 시동음]


[잔잔한 음악]

[나연오빠 어젯밤에도 나랑 있었어

He was with me last night too.

[짜증  숨소리]

[분한 숨소리]

[홍조의 깊은 한숨]

[홍조의 한숨]

- [안전띠 조작음] - [홍조 보겠습니다

I'll get going.


Good luck.

[흥미로운 음악]

감사합니다이따 뵐게요

Thank you. See you later.

[재경이따 봬요

See you later.

[전화벨 소리]


[버튼 조작음]

녹지과 이홍조입니다

Hello. Lee Hong-jo speaking.

지금  올라와요

Come up to my office now.

무슨 일인데요?

What is it about?

올라와 보면 알지 않겠어요?

You'll find out when you come up.

[노크 소리]

[한숨일단 앉아 봐요

Have a seat.

[홍조의 한숨]

 그러고 왔어?

Why did you come like that?

[익살스러운 음악]

  그러고 왔냐는 거예요?

What do you mean?

 그렇게 이쁘게 하고 왔냐고

Why did you dress up so nicely?

[홍조 맘이에요

Because I wanted to.

시청 근처에서 내리면 모를  알았나 ?

I know he gave you a ride this morning.

[신유권재경  타고 같이 출근하는 

What would others think if they find out you're carpooling with Jae-gyeong?

누가 보기라도 한다면 어떻게 생각하겠어?

What would others think if they find out you're carpooling with Jae-gyeong?

오해하기  좋은 상황 아니야?

It can be misleading.

그러는 장신유 씨는요?

What about you?

내가 ? - [홍조어젯밤에

-Me? -Last night.


Why did you do that?

질투하는 거야?

Are you jealous?

[홍조질투하는  아니라 짜증  거예요

I'm not jealous. I'm annoyed.

장신유  뭐예요?

What are you playing at?

나한테 기다리라고 했잖아요

You told me to wait.

당신도 기다리겠다고  놓고

You said you'd wait, but then you carpooled with him.

권재경  타고 같이 출근했잖아

You said you'd wait, but then you carpooled with him.

같이 출근했어요

Yes, we carpooled.

버스 타고 가면 40분이나 걸리는데

Because it shortens my 40-minute commute to 20 minutes.

 얻어 타고 가면 20분밖에  걸리니까

Because it shortens my 40-minute commute to 20 minutes.

정갈해지겠다고 약속했잖아

You promised to be pure.

그쪽도 정갈하지 않잖아요!

You're not pure either.

[홍조내가 어제 맥줏집에서 장신유  기다리면서

Do you know what I was thinking while waiting for you at the bar?

무슨 생각을 했는지 알아요?

Do you know what I was thinking while waiting for you at the bar?

'당신이  왔으면 좋겠다'

I was wishing you wouldn't come to pick Na-yeon up.

'나연이 데리러  왔으면 좋겠다'

I was wishing you wouldn't come to pick Na-yeon up.

그런 생각을 했어요

That's what I was thinking.

- [차분한 음악] - 사귀는 커플 헤어지기를 바라고

I'm wishing for a couple to break up.

 헤어지면 어떡하나 걱정하고

I'm worried about it not happening.

밤새 둘이 무슨  있었던  아닌지

I get suspicious and jealous about what might've happened.

의심하고 질투하고

I get suspicious and jealous about what might've happened.

그게 얼마나 거지 같은 기분인지 알기나 해요?

Do you know how terrible this feels?

그런 거지 같은 기분이라 권재경이랑 붙어 다니는 거야?

Is that why you go around with Jae-gyeong?

당신도 윤나연이랑 붙어 다녔잖아요!

You go around with Na-yeon too.

내가 당신이랑 같아?

It's not the same.

나는 당신한테 사랑한다는 말까지 했어

I even told you that I loved you.

근데도  믿는 거야?

And you still don't trust me?


나만 사랑한  아니잖아요

I'm not the only one you love.

여기저기 이쪽저쪽 여러 사람 좋아하고 있잖아요!

There are a lot of people you love.

아아당신은 여기저기 이쪽저쪽

So I guess it's possible for you to love a lot of people at the same time?

여러 사람 좋아하는  가능한가 보지?

So I guess it's possible for you to love a lot of people at the same time?

[신유나도 좋고권재경도 좋고

You like both me and Jae-gyeong.

글쎄요나도  맘을  모르겠네요

Maybe. I'm not sure about my feelings.

장신유 씨가 나한테 확신을 주지 않으니까!

Because of all the mixed signals.

[성난 숨소리]

말로는  된다는 거지?

So words are not enough.

[감성적인 음악]

[홍조의 놀란 숨소리]


What are you doing?

정갈하지도 않은 주제에

You're not even pure.

정갈하지 않은 상태라 이러는 거야

I'm doing this because I'm not pure right now.

- [기동변호사님! - [홍조의 놀란 소리]

Mr. Jang.

[익살스러운 음악]

  지금  하세요?

You two… What are you doing?

보면 모릅니까?

Can't you tell?

상담 중이었잖아요

We were consulting.

아니 밀어 버리셨던  같은데?

I think you pushed her.

[홍조아닙니다 저절로 밀렸어요

No. The chair slid by itself.

바퀴가 되게 좋네요

-The wheels work well. -Did they lube it?

기름칠했나이거? [헛기침]

-The wheels work well. -Did they lube it?

[홍조상담 감사했습니다

Thanks for the consultation.


Thank you.

[ 닫히는 소리]

노크  하고 들어올  없어요?

Can't you knock before you enter?

아이까방권 썼잖아요

I used a coupon for it.

[한숨올해까지만 쓰세요 무슨 일이에요?

It's valid until this year. What is it?

보좌관님 오늘 커플 모임 가신대요근데

Mr. Kwon is going to a couple gathering today.

[기동누구랑 가는지 말씀   주시는데

He didn't tell me who his partner was.

- [기동알아볼까요? - 알아보지 마요

-Should I find out? -Please don't.

- [흥미로운 음악] - [신유그리고



get out.

지금 당장

Right now.


Right now?


Ms. Ma.

내년 상반기 사업 보고서 올려놨습니다

I sent you next year's business report.

지금 보고 있어

I'm reading it now.

[서구그럼 일도 끝냈으니까

Since my work's done,

일찍 퇴근해 봐도 되겠습니까?

can I get off work early?

그렇게 빼입고 어디  건데?

Where are you going all dressed up?

땡땡이를 칠라면 그럴듯한 이유라도 대야지

Give me a good reason for playing hooky.

땡땡이가 아니고

I'm not playing hooky.

소개팅 있습니다

I have a blind date.

- [익살스러운 음악] - [직원들의 탄성]


I knew it.

아이그래서 오늘 그렇게 멋있게 하고 오셨구나

That's why you dressed so nicely today.

[익살스러운 효과음]

That's why you dressed so nicely today.

[은영어머 소개팅 아직도 진행 중이니?

Oh my. Is that blind date still ongoing?


How persistent.


You can't go early.

퇴근이  되면

If I can't get off work, then I'm going to the restroom.

화장실 갔다고 생각해 주시죠

If I can't get off work, then I'm going to the restroom.

[서구그럼 저는 화장실  보겠습니다

I'll go to the restroom now.

- [흥미진진한 음악] - [직원들의 환호와 박수]


You look gorgeous!

[직원들의 환호]


[직원들의 환호와 박수]



오늘 저녁 내가 살게

Dinner's on me today.

 소개팅 간다고 말씀드렸습니다

I said I was going on a blind date.

소개팅 가는 사람 붙잡고 같이  먹자는 말은 뭐겠어?

Obviously, I don't want you to. What do you think that means?

[부드러운 효과음]

[옅은 웃음]

얼굴이랑 눈은 이제 괜찮으시네요?

Your face and eyes look okay now.

밤새  하면서 밤새 홍조  생각을 했어요

I massaged them all night and thought about you.

그래서 잠자리가 뒤숭숭했구나

That's why I had bad dreams.

욕한  아니에요

Not in a bad way.

자꾸 떠올라서 웃음이 났던 거지

You kept popping up in my mind, so I smiled.

[홍조의 옅은 웃음]

홍조 실은  말이 있어요

Hong-jo. I have something to say.

갑자기 이런  하면  놀랄 수도 있는데

You might be shocked to hear this so suddenly.

설마  커플 모임 취소된  아니죠?

Is that gathering for couples cancelled?

어떻게 알았어요?

How did you know?

진짜 취소됐어요?

Is it really cancelled?

 - [홍조왜요?

-Yes. -Why?

커플 모임이잖아요

It's a gathering for couples,

근데 거기  커플이 얼마 전에 깨졌나 봐요

but two of the couples broke up recently.


그럼 우리 지금 어디 가는 거예요?

Then where are we going now?

얼굴에  묻었어요

There's something on your face.

예쁨이요? - [재경어떻게 알았어요?

-Beauty? -How did you know?

[부드러운 음악]

[훌쩍이는 소리]

- [홍조 넓은 주차장에 - [세찬 바람 소리]

This parking lot is huge,

[훌쩍이며우리 둘밖에 없네요

and we're the only ones here.

[익살스러운 음악]

영하 12도에 누가 차크닉을 하겠어요

Who would go on a car picnic at minus 12 degrees?

근데 우린  하고 있는 거죠?

Then why are we doing it?

[훌쩍이는 소리]

그래도 괜찮지 않아요?

Isn't it pretty nice?

[재경서울도 그렇고 한강 야경도 그렇고

Both Seoul and the night view of Han River.

 오랜만이라 좋은데 [웃음]

It's been a while. I like it.

저는  그렇게 많이 좋진 않아요

I don't like it that much.


I'm cold


and hungry.

잠깐 기다려요

Wait for a bit.

[휴대 전화 조작음]

[재경맛있죠먹으니까  춥죠?

Isn't it delicious? It feels less cold.

You're right.

오늘 보좌관님이   중에 제일 잘한 

This is the best thing you did today.

[재경다리 먹어요

Eat the drumstick. This means I'm giving you my everything.

 다리를 주는  모든  주는 거예요

Eat the drumstick. This means I'm giving you my everything.

 가슴살 좋아해요

I prefer chicken breast.

여기 있다 [옅은 웃음] - [재경

Here it is.

- [익살스러운 음악] - 가슴살



[휴대 전화 진동음]


Where are you?

[잔잔한 음악]

[휴대 전화 진동음]

[휴대 전화 진동음]

답장  해요?

Aren't you replying?

혹시 장기 연애    있으세요?

Have you ever been in a long-term relationship?

[홍조] 2 넘게 만나면

If you date for longer than two years, is it hard to break up?

헤어지기 힘들까요?

If you date for longer than two years, is it hard to break up?

[재경의 헛기침]

헤어지는  쉽죠

Breaking up is easy.

다른 사람을 만나는  어렵지

What's hard is dating someone else.

[재경만난 시간만큼 잊는 시간도 오래 걸리니까

The longer it was, the longer time you need to move on.

2 만났으면

If you dated for two years,

잊는 시간도 2년이 걸릴까요?

will it take two years to move on?

사람마다 다를  있겠지만

That depends on the individual,

[재경누군가를 진심으로 만났다면

but if you truly cared for that person,

 사람을 보내는 과정도

the process of moving on may take around that long.

그만큼의 시간은 필요하다고 생각해요

the process of moving on may take around that long.

헤어지자마자 곧바로 누굴 만나는 사람도 있잖아요

Some people date someone else right after they break up.

그런 만남이 오래가긴 힘들지 않겠어요?

That kind of relationship won't last long.

전에 만났던 사람이랑 자꾸 비교하게 되거나

They'll compare their new lover with their ex

전에 만났던 사람이 자꾸 떠오를 텐데

or keep being reminded of their ex.


I see.

헤어지긴 힘들겠네

Breaking up sounds hard.

[재경헤어지기 힘들어요

Yes, it is hard.

그러니까 장신유 기다리지 마요

So don't wait for Sin-yu.

[부드러운 음악]

 지금 고백하는 거예요

I'm confessing my feelings now.

장신유한테 흔들리지 말고

Don't get shaken up by Sin-yu.

나한테 오라고

Come to me.

- [ 고르는 소리] - [다가오는 발소리]

[나연이홍조 거요

This is Hong-jo's.

[의미심장한 음악]

그걸로 스릴러 장르가 되긴 해요?

How can that make this into a thriller? Tell me your plan at least.

  건지 말은  줘요

How can that make this into a thriller? Tell me your plan at least.

기분 더러우니까

I feel disgusted.


I'll just

소원을   거야

make a wish.

[옅은 웃음]



또라이   거면 빨리해요

If you're doing it, do it quick.

 기다릴 여유 없으니까

I have no time to wait.

[조경사의 웃음]


[어두운 음악]

[긴장되는 음악]

[ 베는 소리]

[섬뜩한 효과음]

[긴장감 고조되는 음악]

[서구의 피곤한 숨소리]

[피곤한 소리]


[흥미로운 음악]

[놀란 소리]

- [스위치 조작음] - 아이고

My goodness.

새삼스럽게  가려?

Why bother covering yourself? I saw it all yesterday.

어제  봤구만

Why bother covering yourself? I saw it all yesterday.

아침 먹어

Eat breakfast.

얼른 먹고 집에 가서  갈아입고 출근해

Then go home, get changed, and go to work.

같은  입고 출근하면  걸린다

Don't wear the same clothes. They'll find out.

아이나는 일주일씩 같은  입고 출근해 가지고

I wear the same clothes for a week,

괜찮긴 한데

so it's fine.


- [익살스러운 음악] - 오늘부터 우리 1일이가?

Are we dating starting today?


What are you saying?


Don't be so old-fashioned.



She must be embarrassed.


[ 내려놓는 소리]

- [버튼 조작음] - [통화 연결음]


It's me, Sin-yu.

이홍조 지금 당장 올라오세요

Hong-jo, come up right now.

이홍조  하느라 전화를

Hong-jo, why aren't you checking your…

- [긴장되는 음악] - [신유의 당황한 숨소리]


약속 지킨다더니

You said you'd keep your promise.

결국 이런 거였어?

Is this keeping your promise?

[나연약속은 오빠가 어긴 거야

You broke the promise.


You'll have to pay for this.

[ 열리는 소리]

[  닫히는 소리]

[학영누가 시장실에 노크도 없이 들어와!

Who comes into my office without knocking?



무슨 일이야?

What's up?

 이렇게 기분이  좋아 보여?

Why do you look so down?



 아빠한테 부탁할  있어

I need to ask you a favor.


[ 열리는 소리]


부르면  후딱후딱   없어?

Can't you come quickly when I call?


예산안 회의 중이었습니다

I was at the budget meeting.

[재경무슨  있으세요?

Is there something wrong?


[학영녹지과에 이홍조라고 있어

Lee Hong-jo in Greenway Building Division.

 당장 출장소로 발령 

Transfer her to another branch.


-Excuse me? -One more thing.

- [무거운 음악] - [한숨그리고 하나 

-Excuse me? -One more thing.

바우건설 말인데

About Bawoo Construction…

[  닫히는 소리]

[신유기동 씨한테 전염됐어요노크할  몰라요?

Did you get it from Gi-dong? Don't you know how to knock?

 대체  하는 자식이야?

What the hell did you do?

[재경무슨 일을 이따위로 ?

Is this how you do things?

선배는 무슨 말을 이따위로 하지?

What's with your attitude?

알아들을  있게 설명을  해요

Please explain what you're trying to say.

시장님이 이홍조  출장소로 발령 내래

Mayor told me to transfer Hong-jo

[재경난잡한 사생활로 공무원 품위 손상시켰다고

because she defamed the civil servants by hitting on you.

너한테 찝쩍댔다는   이유야!

because she defamed the civil servants by hitting on you.

이거   잘못이잖아

This is all your fault.

니가 처신 똑바로  하는 바람에

Because you didn't behave properly, she's the one being accused.

이홍조 씨만 오해받고 있는 거잖아!

Because you didn't behave properly, she's the one being accused.

무슨 일이 벌어지는지 말해 줘서 고맙긴 한데

Thank you for telling me what's going on.

무슨 일이 벌어져도 내가 알아서  테니까

Whatever it is, I'll deal with it. Keep your nose out of it.

선배는 신경 꺼요

Whatever it is, I'll deal with it. Keep your nose out of it.

[재경니가   해결하기 전까진

I can't keep my nose out of it until you get this sorted out.

계속 신경 쓰일  같은데 어떻게 수습할 거야?

I can't keep my nose out of it until you get this sorted out. -How are you going to fix this? -Too bad.


-How are you going to fix this? -Too bad.

내가 지금 바빠서 얘기할 여유가 없을  같은데

I'm too busy to explain it to you now.

[ 열리는 소리]

[  닫히는 소리]

여긴  올라왔어?

Why are you here?

시장님이 부르셔서요

Mayor called me up.


[감성적인 음악]

 필요 없어

You don't need to go.

[홍조의 당황한 숨소리]

[홍조 하는 거예요?

What are you doing?

어디 가는 거예요?

Where are we going?


Let go of my hand.

사람들 보잖아요! - [술렁인다]

People are looking at us.



[직원장신유라는 사람 아니야?

Isn't he Jang Sin-yu?

[홍조사람들  쳐다보는데  하는 짓이에요?

Everyone can see us. What are you doing?

이런 식이면 이상한 소문  수도 있어요

This could spread weird rumors, you know.

소문나도 상관없으니까 이러는 거야

I'm doing this because it doesn't matter.

[홍조의 난처한 소리]


Get in the car.

[당황한 숨소리]


[  열리는 소리]

벨트 매고

Put your seat belt on.

[홍조어디 가는 건데요?

Where are we going? I'm supposed to be at work now.

 반차도  냈어요

Where are we going? I'm supposed to be at work now.

경위서  - [자동차 시동음]

Submit a report.

[기어 조작음]


[홍조 이렇게 제멋대로예요?

You never listen to others, do you?

갑자기  이러는지     거예요?

Aren't you going to tell me why you're doing this?

[신유나연이가 부탁했어

Na-yeon made me make a promise.

시청에 사귄다는 소문  났는데

Everyone in City Hall knew we were dating,

헤어졌다는  알려지면  다닐  같다고

so she'd be too embarrassed to work if we broke up.

[차분한 음악]

so she'd be too embarrassed to work if we broke up.

그러니까 비밀로  달라고

So she asked me to keep it a secret.

공사 끝날 때까지만

She asked me to pretend

아무  없었던 것처럼 있어 달라고

that nothing happened until the construction was over.

내가  부탁을 들어주기로 했던 

I accepted that request

당신 때문이었어

because of you.

소문난  얼마 되지도 않았는데

People just found out about me and Na-yeon,

내가 당신을 만난다고 하면 당신은 뭐가 되나

so people would've judged you for dating me.

그래서 견딜  있을 때까지 견뎌 보기로  거야

That's why I wanted to take it as slow as possible.

조금 늦어지더라도

I wanted a peaceful start

조용하게 시작하고 싶었어

even if it meant we had to start late.

그리고 그게

I thought… that's the right thing to do to show you respect.

당신에 대한 예의라고 생각을 했고

I thought… that's the right thing to do to show you respect.

근데  상관없어졌어

But none of that matters now.

 이제 대놓고 당신 편을  거야

I'm going to side with you openly now.

[옅은 한숨]

우리   곤란해질 거예요

Then both of us will get in trouble.

손가락질당할 거고

People will point fingers at us.

욕먹을 거고

They'll bad-mouth us.

그래서 당신 마음을 알아야겠어

That's why I need to know your feelings.

그래야 내가 뭐든   있으니까

So I know what I should do.


Tell me.

지금 당신 마음은 어떤지

Tell me what you're feeling now.









아주 오래전부터

it feels like

장신유 씨를 좋아하고 있었던  같아

I've been caring about you for a very long time.

[감성적인 음악]


You're right.

[신유우린 서로 좋아했어

We cared for each other.

당신은 기억  하겠지만

Though you probably don't remember.

[섬뜩한 효과음]

[긴장되는 음악]

[신유홍조의 놀란 소리]

[신유의 떨리는 숨소리]

[긴장감 고조되는 음악]

[놀란 숨소리]

[감성적인 음악]

[ 교수환촉이 다시 시작됐다고?

You started having tactile hallucinations again?

괜찮은 거예요?

Are you okay?

[신유한동안 그런 증상이 없었는데

I didn't have this symptom for a while.

[홍조정작 아픈 사람한텐  주술도 없어

There's no spell to use on a sick person.

[나연좋아하는 사람 있다더니

You said you liked someone.

그게 이홍조였어요?

And that was Hong-jo?

 거면 치밀하게 하든가

Be thorough if you're going to do it.

[홍조 꿈꿨어요?

Did you have the dream again?

자긴 신분이 높고  천민이라더니

You had a high status and I was a lowly being.

[신유만약에 말이야

By any chance,

내가 전생에 당신 원수였다면

if I was your mortal enemy in our past lives,

어떨  같아?

what would you think?


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