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  이 연애는 불가항력 9

Destined with You 9




[홍조예쁘게  나왔네요

It looks pretty.

고생하셨습니다 - [사장의 웃음]

Thank you for your hard work.

[사장안내판은 내일 오후에 나올 겁니다

The signboard will be done tomorrow afternoon.

설치하고 나면 연락드릴게요

I'll call you when it's up.

 보고서용으로 사진  찍을게요

Okay. I'll take pictures for my report.

[사장의 옅은 웃음]

[카메라 셔터음]

- [카메라 셔터음] - 멋있다

It's cool.

[옅은 웃음]

- [카메라 셔터음] - [바람 소리]

[어두운 음악]

[홍조조명이  꺼졌죠?

Why are the lights off?

축제 당일날도 이러면  돼요사장님

This shouldn't happen during the festival, sir.







[당황한 숨소리]


- [휴대 전화 진동음] - [한숨]





[남자의 숨소리]

여보세요… - [통화 종료음]


[긴장되는 음악]


What's happening?

[홍조의 불안한 소리]

[홍조의 떨리는 숨소리]

[홍조의 놀라는 소리]

[의미심장한 효과음]

[홍조의 가쁜 숨소리]

[섬뜩한 효과음]

[놀란 숨소리]

[휴대 전화 진동음]

[홍조의 떨리는 숨소리]

[스산한 효과음]

[다급한 숨소리]

[홍조의 아파하는 신음]

[섬뜩한 효과음]

[겁먹은 숨소리]

[다급한 소리]

- [긴장감 고조되는 음악] - [홍조의 거친 숨소리]

[홍조의 힘겨운 소리]

[거친 숨소리]

[홍조의 비명]

[홍조의 놀란 숨소리]


Are you okay?

[놀란 숨소리]

- [서구 - [은영?

Hey. -What? -I'll move your washing machine. Let's go.

[서구세탁기 내가 옮겨 줄게 같이 가자

-What? -I'll move your washing machine. Let's go.

- [은영우리 집에? - [서구

To my place? Yes.

그건  그렇지 않니?

Won't that be a bit weird?

뭐가 그래 어차피  남자로  보잖아

Why? I'm just a friend to you.

그렇긴 하지

Well, that's true.

- [서구 열어 주세요 - [은영?

Can you open the door?

[ 리모컨 조작음]

[잔잔한 음악]

[  닫히는 소리]

[달그락 소리]

[덜컹거리는 소리]

[서구세탁기 넣었고

I moved the washing machine,

침대 옮겼고 [가쁜 숨소리]

moved the bed,

형광등 갈았고

and changed the lights. Done, right?


and changed the lights. Done, right? -All good? -Yes, it's all good.


-All good? -Yes, it's all good.

[은영이거 복분자

Here, raspberry wine.

아이쓸데도 없는  갖다

I have no use for it, but…

- [후루룩 마시는 소리] - 라면 먹고 갈래?

Do you want some ramyeon?

[익살스러운 음악]

Do you want some ramyeon?

[놀란 소리]


Gosh, you startled me.

[기가  숨소리 없어서

I don't have any other food,

라면이라도 멕여 보내려 그런 건데!

so I thought I'd make you ramyeon at least.

[당황한 숨소리]

소개팅 있는데

I have a blind date.


At this hour?

[서구아이세무과  많아 가지고

The Tax Department is busy.

차승연  늦게 마친다고 밤에 본다 했단 말이다

Seung-yeon asked to meet at night after her work.

이거 우짜노

What should I do?

빨리 벗어빨아 줄게

Take it off now. I'll wash it.



- [은영후딱 벗어! - [서구알았다

-Quickly. -Okay.

- [은영지금 빨리 빨아야  - [서구 밑에

-We must wash it fast. -Let me…

[화면 강조 효과음]

[심장 박동 효과음]

[숨소리 효과음]

[꼴깍  삼키는 효과음]

[계속되는 심장 박동 효과음]

소개팅 가기  그렇다그쟈?

I don't look suitable for a blind date, do I?

옷이  그렇지?

The shirt's too dirty.


그러니까  흘려!

So why did you spill it?


[ 울리는 발걸음]

한번 안아 봐도 되나?

Can I hug you?


What are you saying?

근데 그걸 물어보고 하는 남자가 어디 있냐?

What kind of man asks that beforehand?

[은영그러니까 니가 모태 솔로를  벗어나는 거야

That's why you've been alone forever.

차승연 씨한테 절대 그러지 

Don't ever ask that to Seung-yeon.

진짜 없어 보여

It's so lame.

[감성적인 음악]

[덜덜 떨리는 효과음]

[심장 박동 효과음]

[빨라지는 심장 박동 효과음]

[심전도계 경고음]

[심전도계 비프음]

[신유 아니둘이서만 알고 있었다는  말이 ?

How could you two keep this a secret?

[울먹이며아들이 아픈데

My son is sick.

엄마가 모르는  말이나 되냐고!

But I was unaware of it. Does this make sense?

[신유  깨겠다

You could wake him up.

 승질을 내고 그래

Keep your voice down.

어머니들어가서  쉬세요

Mother, go home and get some rest.

[신유 가기는 어딜 

I'm not going anywhere.

가고 싶으면 너나 !

You go home if you want to.

 여기 있을 거니까

I'll stay here.

[신유 아니 나연이한테 화를 ?

Why would you lash out at her?

얘가 주차장에서 신유 발견  했으면 어쩔 뻔했어

You should be thankful that she found Sin-yu in the parking lot.

그나마 나연이 덕에 다행인 거지

You should be thankful that she found Sin-yu in the parking lot.

당신도  보기 싫으니까

You go too. I don't want to see you.

[신유 비밀로   따로 있지

You kept this from me.

신유 아픈  어떻게 말을   수가 있어?

How could you not tell me that Sin-yu was sick?

[신유 신유가 말하지 말라 그랬어

He told me not to.

 같이 걱정할 필요  있냐고

He didn't want to worry you.

오빠 저한테도   했어요

He didn't tell me either.

[울먹이며우리 신유

My poor boy.

혼자서 얼마나 힘들었을까

It must've been so hard dealing with this all alone.

- [애잔한 음악] - [신유 모의 훌쩍이는 소리]

[신유 모의  차는 소리]






[통화 연결음]



[휴대 전화  소리]

- [휴대 전화 조작음] - [휴대 전화  소리가 멈춘다]

[어두운 음악]

홍조 안에 있어요?

Hong-jo. Are you inside?

[쾅쾅 치는 소리]

이홍조 !


[도어  작동음]

[힘겨운 숨소리]


I was worried. Your phone rang, but you didn't pick up.

 소리는 들리는데 전화를  받아서

I was worried. Your phone rang, but you didn't pick up.

[힘겨운 숨소리]

잠깐 누워 있었어요

I was lying down.

[고조되는 음악]

 이래요어디 아파요?

What's wrong? Are you sick?


 부탁이 있는데요

Can I ask you a favor?

[홍조진통제가  떨어졌는데

I ran out of painkillers,

약국  힘이 없는 거예요

but I didn't have the energy to go buy some.

[홍조의 기침]

그걸로 진짜 괜찮겠어요?

Will you be fine with that?

그냥 오한 들고 열감이 있는 정도예요

Yes. I just feel chilly and a bit feverish.



혹시 몰라서 수면제도 가져왔어요

I brought some sleeping pills just in case.

 자는  좋을  같아서

You need to sleep soundly.


Thank you.

[의미심장한 음악]

[신유 용의선상엔 권재경도 있어

Jae-gyeong's on my list of suspects too.

잠옷을 훔치기에 가장 용이하잖아

Jae-gyeong's on my list of suspects too. It's easy for him to steal your pajamas.


I have a question.

아까 공원엔  가신 거예요?

Why were you in the park just now?

축제 점검하러요

To check on the festival.

보좌관님께서 직접요?

You checked it yourself?

의외로 잡다한 일을 많이 해요내가

I actually do quite a lot of miscellaneous things.


Sin-yu asked

CCTV 달고 싶다면서 허락해 달라던데

if I'd agree to set up a CCTV.

홍조 씨도 동의한 거예요?

Did you agree to it as well?

아니요저는 그런 얘기 들은 적이 없는데요

No. He didn't tell me about that.

일단 CCTV 내가 허락  했어요

I didn't agree with the CCTV.

 신유가 홍조  걱정하면서

I don't understand why he's asking such a favor worrying about you.

그런 부탁을 하는지 이해도  되고

I don't understand why he's asking such a favor worrying about you.

[재경얘기   볼랬더니

I wanted to talk about it,

병가 내서  나오는 바람에 만나질 못했고

but he's on sick leave, so I couldn't meet him.

 병가 냈는지

Do you know why

혹시 아세요?

he's on sick leave?



이만 들어가 자요

You should go sleep now.

자는  확인하기 전까진  내려갈 거니까

I won't go down until you're asleep.

먼저 내려가세요

Go down first.

[잔잔한 음악]

일단 CCTV 내가 알아서 할게요

I'll think about setting up a CCTV myself.

그리고 무슨  있으면

And if anything happens,

나한테 먼저 얘기해요

tell me first.

I will.

[재경내일 아침에도  좋으면 남은   챙겨 먹어요

Finish up the medicine if you're still unwell tomorrow.

물주머니 가져왔으니까 이것만 데워 주고 내려갈게요

I brought a hot-water bottle. I'll heat this up and leave.


[달그락 소리]

[옅은 한숨]


[스위치 조작음]

[어두운 음악]

[놀란 숨소리]

[당황한 숨소리]

[스위치 조작음]

[떨리는 숨소리]

[달칵달칵 스위치 조작음]

[당황한 숨소리]

[가쁜 숨소리]

[떨리는 숨소리]

[달칵달칵 스위치 조작음]

[불안한 숨소리]

[오싹한 효과음]

- [놀란 소리] - [긴장되는 음악]

[겁먹은 소리]

[거친 숨소리]

[홍조의 떨리는 숨소리]

- [삐거덕대는 소리] - [홍조의 불안한 숨소리]

[바람 소리]

[섬뜩한 효과음]

- [긴장감이 고조되는 음악] - [비명]

[홍조의 울먹이는 소리]


[놀란 소리]

[거친 숨소리]

[놀란 숨소리]

[거친 숨소리]

[애잔한 음악]

[안도하는 숨소리]

[심전도계 비프음]

[의사병의 특성상

Due to the illness's nature,

뇌혈관이 막히는 뇌경색이 생길  있는데

he might develop cerebral infarction.

이번에는 범위가 크지 않아서 금방 회복될 거야

But the affected area isn't large this time, so he'll recover soon.

살짝 왔다 가는 TIA

It's just a temporary TIA.

정말 운이 좋았어

He was very lucky.

[신유 근데   일어나는 거야?

Why can't he wake up?

이틀째 계속 이러고만 있잖아

He's been sleeping for two days.

[의사그동안 쌓였던 피로나 스트레스 때문일  있어

It might be due to accumulated fatigue or stress.

[신유 우리 신유 잘못되는  아니죠?

Will Sin-yu be fine?

그런 불길한 소리 입에 담지 말랬지

I told you not to say something ominous.

[옅은 한숨]

[차분한 음악]


Is something wrong with you?

[수정홍조 ?



Come here.



'낙화'놀이 수정  했거든요

"Festival." I edited them all.

- [홍조감사합니다 - [수정

-Thank you. -Welcome.

[휴대 전화 진동음]

[재경몸은  괜찮아요?

How are you feeling?

- [한숨] - [새별의 목기침]

- [차분한 음악] - [새별규현 

Hello, Gyu-hyeon.




No. Yes.

[심전도계 비프음]

[신유 모의 피곤한 숨소리]

[신유 신유야깼어?

Sin-yu. You're awake.

이제 정신이 드니?

Are you okay?

어머 말을  ?

Why won't you speak?


Look at me.

엄마  알아보는  아니지?

You recognize me, right?

[신유 아이  이렇게 호들갑을 떨어

Stop making a fuss.



컨디션 어때일어날  있겠어?

How are you feeling? Can you sit upright?

[신유 무슨 잠을 그렇게 오래 ?

That was such a long sleep.

엄마 걱정돼 죽는  알았잖아

I was worried sick.

엄마 얼굴    며칠  폭삭 삭았지

Look at my face. I've aged so much in a few days.

[신유 모의 훌쩍이는 소리]

당신은 지금 당신 얼굴 걱정할 때야?

It's not time for you to be worrying about your face.

신유 얼굴은 반쪽이 됐는데?

His face has become half its size.

신유 얼굴은 원래 반쪽이었어

His face was always small.

나를 닮아 작아원래 얼굴이

He takes after me and has a small head.

얼굴 작은  그거 자랑할  아니다

Having a small head isn't something to brag about.

옛날에는 조두라 그랬어새대가리

Back in the day, a small head meant a small brain.

당신   인권 모독이야

What you said is insulating.

[신유 ] '인격 모독'이겠지

You mean "insulting."

[감성적인 음악]

[통화 연결음]


[홍조혹시 병원에 있어요?

Are you in hospital?

톡은   봐요?

Why won't you read my texts?

보면 답장 줘요

Reply when you read this.


[놀란 숨소리]

걱정은 했나 보네

I guess you were worried.

[당연히 걱정했지 그럼  했겠냐?

Of course I was. You thought I wasn't?


I'm upset with you.

  떠서 처음 찾은  엄마아빠도 아니고

The first thing you look for isn't your mom, dad,

나도 아니고 나연 씨도 아니고

me, nor Na-yeon.


It's your phone.


Aren't you busy?

바쁜  문제냐?

That's not important.


퇴원하면 스키장이나 가자

When you're discharged, let's go skiing.

너랑 같이  보고 싶다

I want to see snow with you.


You can go now.

 그만 올해 스키장  번도  갔구먼

What do you mean? I meant we should go together.


I meant you should leave.


[차분한 음악]

[홍조가 놀라며추운데  그러고 나왔어요?

It's cold. You should've dressed warmly.

[신유연락 많이 왔던데? [한숨]

You texted me a lot.

나한텐 사내 메일 사내 메신저로만 연락하라더니

You told me to contact you via the in-house email or messenger only.

[홍조모든 일엔 예외라는  있는 거예요

There's an exception to everything.

가까워지지 말자며?

You told me not to get closer.

어떻게  거예요?

What happened?


I don't remember.

혹시 상태가   좋아진 거예요?

Did your illness become worse?

원래 앓았던 병이 뭔데요?

What illness do you have?


I got sick from the AC.



It's so cold.

[홍조의 한숨]

이렇게 장난칠 거예요?

Stop fooling around, will you?

내가 얼마나 많이 걱정했는지 알아요?

Do you know how worried I was?

그렇게 걱정했는데 빈손으로  거야?

And yet, you came empty-handed.

가기 전에 사다 줄게요

I'll buy you something before I leave.

됐어얼굴 봤으니까

I got to see you, so it's fine.

실은  병문안   아니에요

Actually, I didn't come here to check on you.

목함 받으러 왔어요

I came here to get the wooden box.

그건 ?


저주 인형이 맘에 걸려서요

I'm concerned about the curse doll.

[잔잔한 음악]

당신이 무슨 생각 하는지 알겠는데

I know what you're thinking.

[신유병은 원래 앓고 있던 거야

But I've had this illness before that.

상태가 좋아지다가 갑자기 나빠진  아니에요?

Wasn't it getting better before it suddenly got worse?

확인  하고 싶어요

-I want to check something. -Don't.

하지 그런 

-I want to check something. -Don't.

달라 그럼 그냥 주면  돼요?

Can't you just give it to me when I ask?

어차피  거라 그랬고

You said it was mine and that I had to deal with it anyway.

처리를 해도 내가 해야 한다면서요

You said it was mine and that I had to deal with it anyway.

무슨  있던  아니지?

Did anything happen?

아무 일도 없었어요

Nothing happened.

퇴원은 언제 해요?

When are you getting discharged?


 하고 싶어

I don't want to.

이홍조 씨가 계속  걱정 하게

So you would keep worrying about me.


멀쩡하네 아무 말이나  하는  보니까

You're perfectly fine, seeing how you're speaking nonsense.

혹시  비번 바꿨어요?

Did you change the passcode to your place?


I didn't.

주인도 없는 집에 들어가는  실례인  알지만

I know it's rude to go to your house when you're not there,

실례  할게요

but please excuse me.

[카메라 셔터음]

[신유그럼 같이 

I'll go with you.

- [의미심장한 음악] - [카메라 셔터음]

아픈 사람이 어딜 간다 그래요?

You can't. You're sick.

얼른 들어가요

Go back in now.


I don't want to.

감기까지 걸리고 싶어요?

Do you want to catch a cold as well? Go in quickly.


Do you want to catch a cold as well? Go in quickly.

[감성적인 음악]

 아직  말이 남았어

I have things left to say.

[휴대 전화 진동음]

[의미심장한 음악]

[통화 연결음]

이제 사진 그만 찍으셔도   같아요

I think you can stop taking pictures now.

[나연너무 다행이다깨어나서

I'm so glad that you woke up.

[차분한 음악]

[나연의 안도하는 숨소리]

홍조한테 얘기 듣고 오해는 풀었어

Hong-jo cleared up my misunderstanding.

그래도 오빠가 먼저 연락할 때까지 기다릴라 그랬는데

I was still going to wait until you contacted me first.

내가 참을성이 없어서 얼마나 다행이야?

Isn't it good that I'm impatient?

내가 발견  했으면 큰일이었지

It would've been bad if I hadn't found you.

오빤 나한테 고마워해야 

You should thank me.

[나연의 옅은 웃음]

퇴원하고  같이 여행 가기로   들었어?

Right. Did you hear about our travel plans afterward?


Yes, I did.

[옅은 웃음]

[나연빨리 퇴원했음 좋겠다

I hope you get discharged quickly.

  왔어 같이 먹자 [옅은 웃음]

I bought some porridge. Let's eat.

오빠랑 같이 먹으려고 나도 저녁  먹었어

I didn't eat dinner because I wanted to eat with you.

[달그락거리는 소리]



[의미심장한 음악]

[홍조] '독하고 모진 기운이 담긴'

"If someone is cursed by this spell with strong and malicious energy,

' 저주를 받은 이는'

"If someone is cursed by this spell with strong and malicious energy,

'영과 육이 파괴되리라'

their soul and body will be destroyed."

'차마  밖에 내지 못한 증오와 원망을 담아'

"If you cast the spell with hatred and resentment

'주술을 행하면 반드시 재앙이 일어날 것이니'

that cannot be spoken out, a disaster would assuredly be unleashed."


'제웅을 만들고'

"Make a straw doll

'연심을 품은 이의 의복을 입혀'

and dress it with the clothes of someone you love."

'머리에 검은 헝겊을 씌우고'

"Put a black cloth on its head and write the name of the person you want to curse."

'저주하는 이름을 적은 다음'

"Put a black cloth on its head and write the name of the person you want to curse."

' 나이만큼'

"Pierce it with needles

'바늘을 꽂아라'

as many as the person's age."

[은월신유가 아픈 

Do you think Sin-yu's sick

 저주 때문이라고 생각하는 거야?

because of this curse?

할머니는 주술이 있다고 믿으시잖아요

You believe in spells.

[의미심장한 음악]

귀신도 보이는 사람한테는 있는 거고

Ghosts exist for those who can see them.

 보이는 사람한테는 없는 거니까

They don't exist for those who can't.

다시  봐야겠어요

I should try it again.

[장엄한 음악]

- [어두운 음악] - [바람 소리]


What are you doing? It's so dark and spooky in here.

불도  켜고 무섭게

What are you doing? It's so dark and spooky in here.

갖고 왔어?

Did you bring it?

이걸로  하시려고?

What do you need this for?

 필요 없고 [한숨]

You don't need to know.

[힘주는 소리]

- [긴장되는 음악] - [조경사의 옅은 숨소리]

[헛웃음 아저씨 완전 변태네!

What a pervert.

시키지도 않은 이상한   거면 다시 줘요그거

I didn't tell you to do that. Give it back.

내가 지금까지

Do you think I did

니가 시켜서   같아?

all the things until now because you told me to?

[긴장감 고조되는 음악]

내가 시켜서   아님  그랬는데요?

If it wasn't because I told you to, why did you do those things?

내가 세운 계획

It was my plan.


어머대체 무슨 계획을 세우셨을까?

Oh, my. I wonder what plan that is.

[조경사의 웃음]

I wonder what plan that is.

그냥  닥치고 협조나 

Just shut up and cooperate.


You're insane.

내가 그쪽한테 협조를  해요?

Why would I cooperate with you?


It's fun.

휴먼이나 멜로 이런 장르보다

Compared to drama or romance,


a thriller's more exciting.

그래서  어쩌라고요?

So what do you want me to do?




- [달칵  누르는 소리] - [홍조의 한숨]


[잔잔한 음악]

[신유 아직  말이 남았어

I have things left to say.

이번 주엔 출근을   거야

I can't go to work this week.

퇴원하면 여행을 가야 해서

I need to go on a trip after I get discharged.


Have a safe trip.

누구랑 가는진  궁금해?

Don't you want to know with whom?

나한테  그런  물어봐요?

Why are you asking me that?

당신이 가지 말라고 하면

If you tell me not to go,


I won't go.

[깊은 한숨]

[신유 모의 한숨]

[신유 제주도 가서  쉬다가

Rest well in Jeju Island.

올라오면 당장  싸서 집으로 들어와

When we come back, pack up and move back into our house.

며칠  쉬었다   아니라

Resting for a few days isn't enough.

나랑 아예   살기를 할까  신유랑 나랑

Maybe Sin-yu and I should stay there for a month.

신유가  당신이랑 같이 살아?

Why would Sin-yu live with you?

[신유  거면 나연이하고 같이 살아야지

He should live with Na-yeon if anything.

[신유 결혼 전부터 동거하란 말이야?

Moving in together before getting married?

[신유  혼자 있는 

I'm too worried

암만해도 불안해서  되겠어

about him staying alone.

 나온 김에 결정하자

Since we're at it, let's decide now.

본가로 들어오든지

Move into our house or live with Na-yeon.

아니면 나연이하고 같이 살든지

Move into our house or live with Na-yeon.

나연이 걔가    안다고?

Na-yeon doesn't know how to do anything.

내가  주는  먹는  낫지

If he lives with me, I can cook for him. Don't you think so?


If he lives with me, I can cook for him. Don't you think so?

엄마는 혹시 전생 같은  믿어요?

Do you believe in past lives?

괜히 퇴원했어

He's not fully recovered.

당신 얼른  교수한테 전화해서 검사 다시 하자 그래

Call Dr. Kim right now. We need another checkup.

[신유아니요그럴 필요 없어요

No. There's no need.

[신유 느닷없이 전생 얘기는 뭐야?

Why suddenly bring up past lives?

[경쾌한 음악]

[학영이렇게 추운 날씨에도 불구하고

To the interested parties and citizens of Onju

자리를 빛내 주신

To the interested parties and citizens of Onju

관계자  우리 온주 시민 여러분께

To the interested parties and citizens of Onju who graced us with your presence despite the cold,

진심으로 감사의 말씀을 드립니다

I sincerely express my gratitude.

[사람들의 환호]

우리 온주시의 낙화놀이는

Onju's fireworks festival

조선 중기 때부터 바로   자리

started in mid-Joseon dynasty right here in Buyongjae

바로 부용재에서 시작되어  이어져 내려온

and has been passed down until now. It's a traditional event with a long history.

유서 깊은 전통 놀이로서

It's a traditional event with a long history.

현대판 불꽃놀이와는 비교할  없는

It has beauty incomparable

아름다움을 간직하고 있습니다

to modern fireworks.

추운 겨울밤을 따뜻하게 밝혀  낙화와 함께

With the fireworks to light up the cold winter night,

 해를  마무리하시길 바라며

I hope you wrap up this year well.


I hope you wrap up this year well. Now,

30 부용재 축제 낙화놀이 개회를

let the 30th Buyongjae Fireworks Festival



[사람들의 환호]

[홍조준비해 주세요

Get ready.


선생님점화 시작해 주세요

Sir, start lighting them up.

[남자들붙여 드리겠습니다

Okay, I'll ignite them.

[구슬픈 가야금 연주]


[고조되는 가야금 연주]

[통화 연결음]


[휴대 전화 조작음]


- [계속되는 가야금 연주] - [사람들의 탄성]

[시민1] 예쁘다

- [시민1 탄성] - [시민2] 저거 너무 예뻐

Look at that. How pretty.

[부드러운 음악]

[감성적인 음악]

[홍조여행  갔네요?

You didn't go on the trip.

가지 말라고 전화한  아니었어?

Didn't you call to stop me from going?


That's right.

가지 말라고 전화한 

I called to stop you from going.

[홍조그래도 여기까지  줄은 몰랐는데

But I didn't expect you to come all the way here.

역시 있는 거였네주술

Spells do work after all.

내가 다시  봤어요

I tried it again.

진짜 있는지 없는지 확인해 보고 싶어서

I wanted to check if it worked or not.

[계속되는 감성적인 음악]


It doesn't matter…

주술이 있든 없든

whether spells work or not.


I love you.

[부드러운 음악]


Let's run away.


It doesn't matter where.


Anywhere's fine.

- [어두운 음악] - [세찬 빗소리]

[덜커덩거리는 소리]

[콰르릉 천둥소리]

[종복들의 가쁜 숨소리]

[종복1] 조심혀

Be careful.

[종복2] 아이고조심히 가고 있어

I am being careful.

[종복3 힘겹게이거  이렇게 무거워

-Why is this so heavy? -I know, right?

[종복2] 아이고그러게 말이여

-Why is this so heavy? -I know, right?

[종복들의 힘겨운 소리]


- [콰르릉 천둥소리] - [종복1] 아이고뭐야!

What was that?

- [종복들의 놀란 소리] - 어여 어여 

Let's go quickly.

어여 어여  - [종복3] 빨리 와요!

Quickly. Hurry up.

아이고빨리 갑시다

Let's go quickly.

[종복들의 다급한 소리]


- [고조되는 음악] - [콰르릉 천둥소리]

[옅은 신음]

[콰르릉 천둥소리]

[옅은 신음]

[콰르릉 천둥소리]

- [종복들의 말리는 소리] - [아이가 성내며놓아라!

-Let me go. -Don't do this.

놓으라지 않느냐!

I told you to let me go.

당장 놓지 않으면 멍석말이를  것이다!

If you don't, I'll make them beat you up.

[아이의 다급한 숨소리]

[아이의 울먹이는 소리]

[아이 무슨 짓이냐!

What is happening?

[아이제발 허락해 주십시오

Please let me in.

어머니를 뵈어야 합니다

I need to meet my mother.

어머니를 뵙게  주십시오

Allow me to meet her.

안채엔 절대 걸음 하지 말라 일렀거늘!

I said you cannot go into her room.

[울먹이며병세가 악화되었다 들었습니다

I heard her illness got worse.

혹여 저대로 잘못되시기라도 하면

What if she passes away?


Your mother…

너를 보기 원치 않는 것이다

does not wish to see you.

- [애잔한 음악] - 그럴  없습니다

That… That cannot be true.

[ 열리는 소리]

[ 닫히는 소리]




My deepest condolences.

명을 다하셨습니다

She has passed away.

[여종이 흐느끼며아이고마님!

Poor madam.

아이고마님! - [아이 부의 흐느끼는 소리]

Poor madam!



[아이의 울음]


[계속되는 아이의 울음]

[신비로운 음악]

[거친 숨소리]

감히 웃어?

How dare you smile?



울지 말고 차라리 그렇게 발끈하거라

Don't cry. Rather, get angry like now.

[당황한 숨소리]

학문을 게을리하니

You don't study hard.

어미의 마음을 아직   게지

So you haven't seen what your mother wrote.

[놀란 숨소리]

'동몽선습안에 편지를 넣어 두었다

She put a letter in your book.

어서 가서 읽어 보아라

Go and read it now.

[부드러운 음악]

[의미심장한 음악]

[ 내려놓는 소리]



[아이 새벽에도  꿈을 꾸었다

I dreamed about you even at dawn.

- [무거운 음악] - 꿈에서라도 만날  있어

The fact that I could see you in my dreams at least,

나는  속없이 기뻤단다

made me foolishly happy.

귀하디귀한  아들

My precious son.

보고 싶어 애간장이 끊어질 지경이나

I miss you so much that it hurts.

행여 나의 병이 너에게 옮아갈까 두려워

But I was worried about you catching my illness,

- [흐느끼는 숨소리] - 차마   없었다

so I couldn't see you.

그러니 - [힘겨운 숨소리]


부디  못난 어미의 마음을

please understand

헤아려 다오

why I'm doing this.

비록 짧은 생이나 - [아이의 울음]

It was a short life,

너로 인해 모든 날이 기뻤으니

but every day was joyful because of you.

나의 삶은

My life


couldn't have been



[계속되는 아이의 울음]

[까마귀 울음]



You're the crybaby.

어머니 편지는  보았어?

Did you read your mother's letter?

[아이의 헛기침]

[아이천것 주제에 감히 누구에게 말을 놓는 것이냐

How dare a low being like you talk to me informally?

 내가 누군지 모르는 모양인데

You must not know who I am.

  고을에서 제일 지체 높은 현감님의 아들이다

I'm the son of this town's governor.


I see.

살펴 가십시오


[현감 아들의 헛기침]

[여자아이한데 도련님

-But, sir. -What?


-But, sir. -What?

서책은  갖고 가십니까?

Aren't you taking your books?



인사 잘한다

That's a nice bow.

[부드러운 음악]

이게 진짜!

How dare you?

고맙단  하려고  기다린 거잖아요

I know you waited for me to thank me about your mother's letter.

어머니 편지를 보게  줘서

I know you waited for me to thank me about your mother's letter.

고맙긴 한데

I am grateful for that.

 아니었어도 편지는 보았을 것이다

But I would've read it anyway.

[현감 아들서책만 펼치면 되는 일이니

I just had to open my book.

[여자아이서책을  보실 거잖아요

But you wouldn't have.


-What? -I can tell.

암만 봐도 얼굴에 공부가 보이질 않아서요

-What? -I can tell. You don't look like you study.

 거기  ?

Hey, stop right there.

[현감 아들 서당에서 1등도 했어

I placed first in school.

 얼굴이 어디가 어때서!

And what's that about my looks?

[여자아이의 애쓰는 소리]



[옅은 웃음]

[현감 아들받거라

Here. Take this.

[여자아이의 탄성]


[여자아이의 웃음]

- [탁탁  파는 소리] - [여자아이의 힘주는 소리]


It's a worm.

- [현감 아들만지지 말거라 - [여자아이의 옅은 웃음]

Don't touch it.

[여자아이의 탄성]

[겁먹은 소리하지  ?

Don't. What are you doing?

- [웃음] - [현감 아들빨리 버리거라

Throw it away now.

앙앙 - [현감 아들의 질색하는 소리]

Throw it away now.

[여자아이가 웃으며몸에 좋으니 드셔 보십시오

-It's good for your health. Try it. -No.

- [현감 아들싫다 - [여자아이의 웃음]

-It's good for your health. Try it. -No.

- [여자아이어어! - [현감 아들하지 

-Here. -Stop.

- [여자아이으아! - [현감 아들하지 말란 말이다!

-Boo! -I told you to stop.

[여자아이의 웃음]

[현감 아들하지 말라고!

[현감 아들아버지께서 과거를 준비하라 당부하셨는데

My father told me to prepare for the state exam.

고민이 깊다

I'm very conflicted.

문무에 모두 소질이 있으니

I'm talented both in studies and martial arts.

앞날을 정하는  쉽지가 않아

So it's hard to decide what to do.

문에는 소질이 없으십니다

You have no talent in studies.

[여자아이서당에서도 매일 불통을 받으시면서

You always fail your tests in school.

혹시  앞날이 보이느냐?

Can you see my future?

[현감 아들무과 쪽으로 나가면 어찌 되는데?

What happens if I choose to join the military?

 병조 판서 되고 그러나?

Will I become a general?

[의미심장한 효과음]

[무거운 효과음]


What is it?

병졸이나 하다가 끝날  같으냐?

Will I be stuck as a foot soldier?


No. You'll work your way up.

크게 되실  같습니다

No. You'll work your way up.

- [부드러운 음악] - [옅은 웃음]

[옅은 웃음]

[현감진정 혼자   있겠느냐?

Can you really ride it alone?

[현감 아들


[투레질 소리]

[현감 아들의 힘주는 소리]


무섭지 않느냐?

Aren't you afraid?

[머뭇거리며무섭지 않습니다

I'm not.


- [현감 아들의 기합] - [투레질 소리]

Let's go.

[비밀스러운 음악]

[ 울음]

[가쁜 숨소리]

[현감 아들의 기합]

[투레질 소리]

[우르릉 천둥소리]

[세찬 빗소리]

[매서운 새소리]

[세찬 바람 소리]

[고조되는 음악]

[ 울음]

[부드러운 음악]

관례를 치르셨습니까?

Did you do your coming-of-age ceremony?

성년이 되기를 얼마나 기다렸는지 모른다

You have no idea how much I've waited to be an adult.

[현감 아들니가 보기엔 어떠하냐?

How do I look?

난생처음 상투를 틀고 갓을  것인데

I tied my hair in a top knot and wore a gat for the first time.

깜짝 놀랐지요

I'm surprised.

너무 근사해서

You look so great.


That's a relief.

[현감 아들오늘만큼은  그리 보이고 싶었다

I wanted you to think that today.

오늘은 우리에게 몹시 특별한 날이니

Today is a very special day for us.

관례를 치른 도련님껜

It might be for you who did the coming-of-age ceremony.

특별한 날일지 모르겠으나

It might be for you who did the coming-of-age ceremony.


But to me, it's just a normal day like any other day.

그저 평범한 하루  하나일 뿐인걸요

But to me, it's just a normal day like any other day.

다른 이들의 앞날은 잘만 보면서

You foresee others' futures so well,

 네게 벌어질 일은

but you have no idea what will happen to you.

  앞도 모르는구나

but you have no idea what will happen to you.

저에게 무슨 일이 벌어질지

You don't know

도련님도 모르시지 않습니까?

what will happen to me either.

나는   있지

I know.

내가  거니까

Because I'll do it.

[부드러운 음악]


For example…

[현감 아들이런 

Something like this.

얼굴이 사과처럼 붉어졌다

Your face is as red as an apple.

[감성적인 음악]

노을 때문입니다

It's because of the sunset.


You're lying.

[은월   늘었네?

There's one more person who remembers the past life.

전생을 기억하는 사람

There's one more person who remembers the past life.

[신유 사람을 아주 오래전부터 좋아했어

I've loved her since long ago.


Wait for me.

[나연오빠 지금 착각하고 있는 거야

You're just confused.

우리 그렇게 쉽게 헤어질  있는 사이 아니야

We can't break up that easily.


Snap out of it.

[재경장신유한테 흔들리지 말고

Don't get shaken up by Sin-yu.

나한테 오라고

Come to me.


The view, the feel.

전부  현실 같았어요

Everything felt real.

그런데  저만 보이고

But why am I the only one who sees

- [홍조의 놀란 숨소리] - 저만 기억하는 걸까요?

and remembers it?


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