돌싱글즈 10
Love After Divorce 10
- [경쾌한 음악] - [세윤] 드디어 대망의 | Finally, the long-awaited Love After Divorce: Season 4 |
'돌싱글즈 시즌 4' 최종 선택의 날이 | Finally, the long-awaited Love After Divorce: Season 4 final selection day has come. |
- 돌아왔습니다 - [오스틴의 탄성] | final selection day has come. |
드디어 최종 선택 하루 전입니다 | It's the day before the final selection. |
마지막 일대일 데이트가 공개가 될 텐데요 | The final one-on-one date will be revealed. |
[세윤] 자, 이번엔 | This time, it'll be Tom and Sora's one-on-one date. |
톰 그리고 소라의 일대일 데이트입니다 | This time, it'll be Tom and Sora's one-on-one date. |
- 야, 여기 - [세윤] 요 데이트가 | This time, it'll be Tom and Sora's one-on-one date. -Wow, these two-- -This date is unpredictable. |
지금 예상이 안 됩니다 | -Wow, these two-- -This date is unpredictable. |
과연 일대일 데이트로 새로운 감정이 생길지 | -Wow, these two-- -This date is unpredictable. Will a one-on-one date spark new feelings? |
여러분 함께 지켜봐 주세요 | Everyone, please stay tuned. |
'찌릿찌릿' | "Tingly-tingles!" |
[소라] 어, 나 어제 얘기하다가 끊긴 것 같은데 | THE FINAL ONE-ON-ONE DATE: TINGLY-TINGLES, TOM & SORA I think our talk got cut off yesterday. |
- [톰의 호응] - 어제 오빠 아기 얘기하면서 | When you were talking about your twins-- |
[소라] 그 부분이 되게 마음이 아팠던 것 같아 | I think this part really broke my heart. |
반나절이라는 거를 | That "half-day" wasn't defined clearly, so it's actually just a few hours a day. |
하루에 몇 시간이라고 '정의'를 안 해 가지고 | That "half-day" wasn't defined clearly, so it's actually just a few hours a day. |
- [톰] 응, 맞아 - 두세 시간밖에 뭐, 할 | -Yeah, that's right. -You only have two to three hours-- |
[소라] 동물원도 못 데려가고 | -You can't even take them to the zoo. -Right. |
맞아 | -You can't even take them to the zoo. -Right. |
[소라] 뭐 할 수가 없잖아 앉았다 하면 끝인데 | You can't do anything. If you sit down, time's up. |
- 맞아 - [소라] 어 | -You're right. -Yeah. |
그래서 그냥 맨날 밥만 먹다가 | So you just eat and go to the playground for a bit, and it's over. |
놀이터 잠깐 가고 끝날 거 아냐 | So you just eat and go to the playground for a bit, and it's over. |
[영어로] '정확해' | You get it. |
- [한국어로] 너가 잘 아네 - [차분한 음악] | You get it. |
너가 역시, 우리 애 나이가 비슷하니까 | You get it because our kids are the same age. |
그렇지, 맞아 | Yeah, you're right. |
진짜 | Seriously. |
뭐, 뭘 할 수가 없어 그냥 | Seriously. We can't do anything. |
밥 먹이고 | I just feed them |
뭐, 잠깐 하나 하면 그냥 | and do something for a bit and it's time to go. |
- 가야 돼, 그냥 - [소라의 호응] | and do something for a bit and it's time to go. |
[소라] 그리고 그런 것도 같이 자는 것도 | And things like sleeping together. |
- 낮잠도 못 잘 거 아니야 - [톰] 맞아 | -You can't even take a nap. -Right. |
잘 때가 얼마나 이뻐, 애들 | Kids are so adorable when they sleep! |
[톰] 그러니까, 나는 근데 | -But I'm-- -Watching them sleep makes you so happy |
잘 때 이렇게 쳐다보는 것도 얼마나 행복하고 마음이 막 | -But I'm-- -Watching them sleep makes you so happy |
포근해지는데, 어 | and your heart gets all warm. |
근데 너 말대로 진짜 애들이랑 같이 | But like you said, when I'm with the kids lying together in bed, |
같이 누워 가지고 이렇게 있는 게 | But like you said, when I'm with the kids lying together in bed, |
- [소라] 너무 맞아 - 그때가 제일 행복해 | -that's when I'm the happiest. -Yeah. |
[지혜의 호응] | -that's when I'm the happiest. -Yeah. |
- [톰] 제일 행복해 - 제일 행복해요, 맞아요 | -The happiest. -Right. That's when you're the happiest. |
이 세상을 다 가진 기분이죠 | You feel like you've gained the whole world. |
[톰] 애들이 나이가 비슷하니까 | Because our kids are similar in age, |
그런 공감대가 확 형성이 되네 | we're able to form a bond right away. |
[소라의 호응] | |
[신나는 음악] | TINGLY-TINGLES |
[소라, 톰이 소리를 지른다] | TINGLY-TINGLES |
- [오스틴의 탄성] - [지원] 뭐야? | SPEEDBOAT DATE |
[바람 소리 효과음] | AND… |
오, 와! 재밌겠다 | Oh, wow. That looks so fun. |
[톰] 가자, 가자 | Let's go! |
재밌게 노는 거야 | Let's just have fun. |
- 이제 칸쿤 온 것 같다 - [소라의 말소리] | I finally feel like I'm in Cancún now. |
아, 마지막 날 이렇게 재밌게 보내서 다행이다 | Aw, I'm glad they're having fun on the last day. |
[지원] 야 이 코스 대박이다 | Wow, this course is amazing! "Tingly-tingles" is amazing. |
- '찌릿찌릿'이 대박이네 - [세윤의 탄성] | Wow, this course is amazing! "Tingly-tingles" is amazing. |
[신나는 음악] | |
[출연진의 탄성] | |
[소라, 톰의 신난 탄성] | |
[지혜의 놀란 숨소리] | |
[지혜] 진짜 재밌겠다, 와! | That looks so fun. Wow! |
[소라] 아, 너무 무서워 | Oh, I'm so scared. |
- [소라] 아, 시원해 - [톰] 아, 진짜 좋아 | -Wow, it's so refreshing. -Oh, I love it. |
- [소라] 너무 좋아 - [혜영의 탄성] | It feels so good. Wow! |
- [혜영의 탄성] - 저거 뭐야? | -That's amazing. -What's that? |
- 저거 뭐야? - [혜영] 정글이야, 정글 | -What's that? Wow! -It's a jungle! |
[세윤, 오스틴의 탄성] | |
- [지혜] 야, 멋지다 - [세윤의 놀란 탄성] | -That's amazing! -Wow! |
와, 이건 나도 하고 싶다 | Hey, I want to do that too. |
- [소라] 아, 시원해 - [톰] 너무 신나 | -How refreshing! -So exciting. |
[소라] '너무 신나'? [웃음] | So exciting, huh? |
[세윤] 저거 타고 싶다 정글에서 | I want to ride that in the jungle. |
[지원] 응, 진짜, 와 | I want to ride that in the jungle. -Seriously. -Really. Wow. |
- [세윤] 우와 - [혜영] 진짜, 어 | -Seriously. -Really. Wow. |
- [세윤] 이거 대박이다 - [오스틴의 호응] | -This is amazing. -Yeah. |
[소라] 얼굴에 물 많이 튀어? | Is the water splashing on your face? |
[톰] 조금, '왜'? | A little. What about you? |
[소라] 난 많이 튄 거 같아서 | -It's splashing a lot. -You okay? |
[톰] 괜찮아? | -It's splashing a lot. -You okay? |
[소라] 계속 이렇게 하고 있어 | I keep doing this. |
물, 올 때, 물 튈 것 같을 때마다 | Every time I feel like the water is going to splash. |
이렇게 하고 있어 | Every time I feel like the water is going to splash. |
- [톰] 이걸로 막아 - [소라의 웃음] | Block it with this. |
[출연진의 웃음] | |
[소라] 나 이렇게 물 막아 | I'll block the water like this. |
[톰] 아, 손을 집어넣어 | Oh, just put your hand in. |
- 손을 집어넣으면 되잖아 - [소라] 아니야 | -You can put your hand in. -No. |
- [톰] 응? - [반짝이는 효과음] | |
- [소라] 너무 예뻐 - [톰] 어, 진짜 예뻐 | How beautiful. Yeah, it's so beautiful. |
[리드미컬한 음악] | BEFORE THEY KNOW IT, |
[탄성] | -Wow! -Snorkeling! |
스노클링 | -Wow! -Snorkeling! |
[혜영] 어우, 아름답다 | -Gee, how beautiful. -It's so pretty. |
[지혜] 진짜 예쁘다 | -Gee, how beautiful. -It's so pretty. |
[띠링 울리는 효과음] | |
[오스틴] 와 물 진짜 깨끗하다 | Wow, the water is really clean. |
- [지원] 그래 - [소라] 오빠 | -Right? -Tom! |
[소라] 오빠! | Tom! |
"안녕!" | |
오, 손잡고 있어 | They're holding hands! |
[출연진의 탄성] | -Wow! -They're holding hands! |
손잡았어 | -Wow! -They're holding hands! |
[오스틴] 와, 여기 스쿠버다이빙해도 진짜 재밌겠다 | Wow, it would be really fun to scuba dive here. |
[지혜의 호응] | Wow, it would be really fun to scuba dive here. |
[띠링 울리는 효과음] | A DATE WHERE YOU CAN FEEL… |
[감탄하며] 어우, 너무 좋다 | A DATE WHERE YOU CAN FEEL… Oh, how nice! |
[톰] 내가, 하나 내가 | How about-- |
우리 재미난 게임 하나 내가 알려줄게 | Let's play a fun game. |
'재미난' 거 | It's quite interesting. |
[톰] 시험이라고 생각해, 오케이? | Think of it as a test, okay? |
답은 무조건 적어야 돼 | -You have to answer the question. -Okay. |
[소라의 호응] | -You have to answer the question. -Okay. -Your ex. -Yeah. |
- 엑스가 - [소라] 어 | -Your ex. -Yeah. |
문제가 있었던 네가 막 '부정적'이게 | You know how you spoke negatively about his problem? |
막 얘기했다고 그랬잖아 | You know how you spoke negatively about his problem? |
[톰] 그 사람 입장에서는 왜 그게 | From that person's point of view, why did he have to be that way? |
- 가능할 수가 있었는지 - [차분한 음악] | From that person's point of view, why did he have to be that way? |
그 사람 입장에서 한 번 | For once, from his point of view… |
- [세윤의 탄성] - [바람 소리 효과음] | |
- 하나는… - [톰의 호응] | SHE QUIETLY THINKS BACK TO THAT TIME -One is-- -Yeah? |
[소라] 그 사람이 나한테 해줬던 고마웠던 거를 | I think there were things that he did for me, |
내가 좀 당연하게 받아들인 게 있는 것 같아 | which I took for granted, instead of being thankful. |
[소라] 왜, 아내가 집에서 | Even if your wife is a stay-at-home mom, who doesn't work and raises the kids, |
아이를 보는, 일을 안 하는 사람이어도 | Even if your wife is a stay-at-home mom, who doesn't work and raises the kids, |
[소라] 그걸 항상 고맙다고 표현해 주는 게 맞는 거잖아 | you should always be grateful and express your gratitude, right? |
근데 나는 | But for me, |
내가 돈을 벌고 남편이 집을 아이를 전적으로 | I was the one making money and my husband was taking care of our son. |
케어를 하는 상황에서 | I was the one making money and my husband was taking care of our son. |
뭔가 | So, |
나도 내 일 힘들게 매일매일 하듯이 | I thought, "I work hard, and every day is a challenge at work. |
- [톰의 호응] - 치열하게 사는데 | I thought, "I work hard, and every day is a challenge at work. |
너도 이거 집안일이고 네 건데 | For you, housework is your job, so do I always have to be grateful?" |
'내가 그렇게 뭐 하는 거 항상 고마워해야 돼'? | For you, housework is your job, so do I always have to be grateful?" |
라고 생각했던 것 같아 | For you, housework is your job, so do I always have to be grateful?" |
[세윤의 호응] | |
남편과 아내가 바뀌긴 했지만 사실 | The roles of the husband and wife had changed, but in reality, |
굉장히 많은 부부들이 이런 부분에 있어서 | there are many couples who clash because of this matter. |
부딪히곤 하죠 | there are many couples who clash because of this matter. |
'쟤는 나를 왜 피곤하게 하지?' 라고 | Maybe I shouldn't have only thought, "Why does this man make me weary?" |
생각만 할 게 아니라… | Maybe I shouldn't have only thought, "Why does this man make me weary?" |
'쟤도 저런 자기 모습이 정말 싫을 수 있겠구나' | I should've thought, "Maybe he doesn't like how he was living his life." |
'더 자존감 더 떨어질 수 있겠구나' | I never thought about how he might've been losing his self-esteem the whole time. |
그런 생각을 내가 못 했던 것 같아 | I never thought about how he might've been losing his self-esteem the whole time. |
[소라] 그, 어제 보트 타고 오는 길에 | On the way back by boat yesterday, |
그런 얘기 했어요 우리는 | we talked about how |
우리 입장에서는 | the viewpoint of my story is only coming from me. |
저밖에 모르니까 | the viewpoint of my story is only coming from me. |
당연히 제 인생, 이혼의 빌런은 전남편이었는데 | Of course, it sounds like the villain of my life and the divorce is my ex-husband. |
또 전남편의 친구, 가족들은 내가 빌런일 수 있는 거잖아요 | But to my ex's friends and family, I could be the villain. So I realized a few things during that conversation. |
그러니까 그 얘기 하면서 좀 깨달은 게 있었어요 | So I realized a few things during that conversation. |
- [종소리] - [상인의 말소리] | |
[소라가 영어로] 대화 고마워 | |
[소라의 웃음] | |
[빛나는 효과음] | A DATE FOR TWO PEOPLE |
[소라가 한국어로] 좋은 질문이었어 | That was a great question. |
[소라] 고맙다는 얘기를 내가 너무 안 한 것 같아 | I don't think I thanked him enough. |
[지원] 소라, 그 말도 되게 | Don't you think what Sora said really makes you think? |
가슴에 와닿지 않아요? | Don't you think what Sora said really makes you think? |
'그 사람이 나에게 빌런이듯' | Just as that person was a villain to me, |
'나도 그 사람한테 빌런일 수 있다'라는 | they could also say I'm the villain to them. |
- 맞아요 - [지원] 너무 자기 | That's right. If you're so self-absorbed, you just can't see that. |
개인 중심적으로 생각하다 보면 안 보이는 거지, 이게 | If you're so self-absorbed, you just can't see that. |
음, 맞아요, 저희 프로그램하다 보면 사실 | Right. In fact, when you watch our show, |
일방적으로 한쪽 이야기만 듣기 때문에 | you only get to hear one side of the story. |
- [지원, 혜영의 호응] - 반대 입장에서는 사실 또 | From the opposite point of view, the story could be different. |
얘기가 다를 수 있잖아요 근데 | From the opposite point of view, the story could be different. But the fact that she thought and realized that herself, |
스스로 본인이 그렇게 생각하고 깨달았다는 것 자체가 | But the fact that she thought and realized that herself, |
소라 씨도 굉장히 큰 사람인 것 같다라는 | I think it means that Sora has a big heart. |
생각이 듭니다 | I think it means that Sora has a big heart. |
[지원] 아, 지미가 일대일에 강하더라고 | -Shy-shy date. -Jimi's good at one-on-one dates. |
- [서랍 여는 소리] - [지미] 어디 갈까? | Where will we go? |
[희진] 두구두구두구두구 | |
[지미, 희진] '마야 문명 체험' | "Mayan civilization experience." |
[희진] 우와 | Wow. |
[지미가 영어로] 우리 젖는 거야? | Wow. What is a Mayan civilization experience? |
[세윤이 한국어로] '마야 문명 체험', 그게 뭐죠? | What is a Mayan civilization experience? |
'마야 문명 체험' | Mayan civilization experience. |
[희진] '레츠 고' | |
[지미] 보통 아까 내가 물어봤잖아 | You know how I asked you earlier what time you get to bed? |
보통 몇 시에 자냐고? | You know how I asked you earlier what time you get to bed? |
- [희진의 호응] - [지미] 궁금했던 게 | You know how I asked you earlier what time you get to bed? The reason I asked was, |
[지미가 영어로] 만약 뉴욕으로 | if I go to New York and you go back to Vancouver, |
[한국어로] 나 돌아가고 넌 밴쿠버 돌아가서도 | if I go to New York and you go back to Vancouver, |
- [세련된 음악] - 우리가 계속 연락을 | -how would we keep in touch? -Oh, because of the time difference? |
- 자주 하려면, 어 - [희진] 아 | -how would we keep in touch? -Oh, because of the time difference? |
- 시차 때문에? - [지미의 호응] | -how would we keep in touch? -Oh, because of the time difference? -Well, I-- Yeah. -It's three hours, right? |
- [지미] 내가 뭐, 어 - 3시간 있지, 시차? | -Well, I-- Yeah. -It's three hours, right? {3-HOUR TIME DIFFERENCE} BETWEEN THE TWO |
거리가 제일 먼 커플이야 | They're the couple with the farthest distance. |
시차가 3시간이면 거리가 진짜 꽤 있는 거예요 | If it's a three-hour time difference, that's quite a bit of distance. |
[오스틴의 호응] | If it's a three-hour time difference, that's quite a bit of distance. |
자기 전에 잠깐 통화하고 싶을 수도 있고 한데 | If I wanted talk to you before going to bed, |
[지미] 너가 자려고 할 시간에 | I might be asleep by the time you're about to. |
난 이미 자고 있을 거 아냐? | I might be asleep by the time you're about to. |
나 점심 먹을 때쯤에 넌 출근하고 | By the time I eat lunch, you'll go to work. |
나 저녁 먹, 저녁 먹고 집에 들어올 때쯤엔 | By the time I have dinner and get back home, |
너 퇴근하고 막 이런… | you'll be getting off work. |
[헛웃음] | |
그치 | Right. |
[혜영] 거리 얘기하니까 둘이 표정이 | It worries me that their face expressions change when they talk about distance. |
약간 어두워진 게 마음에 걸린다 | It worries me that their face expressions change when they talk about distance. |
- [오스틴의 호응] - [혜영의 한숨] | -Yeah. -Oh, dear. |
[지혜] 쉬운 일이 아니니까 | -Yeah. -Oh, dear. -Because it's not easy. -Of course not. |
[혜영] 그럼 | -Because it's not easy. -Of course not. THE 12-HOUR DISTANCE IS A REALITY THEY MUST FACE |
분위기가 묘한데? | That's a peculiar atmosphere. |
[혜영] 남미에 온 것 같은 느낌이 확 든다 | -This certainly feels like Latin America. -How interesting. |
[오스틴] 와, 신기하다 | -This certainly feels like Latin America. -How interesting. THEY EXPERIENCE ANCIENT MAYAN CIVILIZATION TOGETHER |
[지혜] 마야 문명 체험 너무 궁금해요 | I wonder what the Mayan experience is. What will they do? |
뭐 하는 거지? | I wonder what the Mayan experience is. What will they do? |
[뱃고동 소리] | SURPRISE |
[희진] 신기해 | SURPRISE What's that sound? |
[오스틴] 어, 소리 뭐지? | What's that sound? |
- [지원] 뭐야? - [지혜, 오스틴의 탄성] | What's that? |
- [혜영] 우와 - [오스틴] 원주민 같은 | -Wow. -He seems like a native. |
사람이 있네 | -Wow. -He seems like a native. |
[지미가 스페인어] 안녕하세요 | |
[희진이 영어로] 안녕하세요 | |
환영합니다 | |
제 이름은 자오테카입니다 | |
[지미] 네 | |
[지미] 감사합니다 | |
[자오테카] 저희가 올바른 의식을 거행할 수 있도록 | |
영혼과 기운의 허락을 구하는 방법입니다 | |
[차차스 소리] | |
[자오테카] 팔을 벌리세요 | |
눈을 감고 | |
숨을 들이마시세요 | |
이름을 말하세요 | |
[희진] 희진 | |
- 지미 - [자오테카] '지미' | |
이 의식의 목적은 | |
과거의 관계를 놓아주는 겁니다 | |
그래야 희망을 찾을 수 있습니다 | |
그리고 새로운 사랑을 형성하기 위한 의식을 찾을 수 있습니다 | |
[세윤이 한국어로] 고대 마야인들의 | They're experiencing the soul purification ceremony of the ancient Mayans. |
영혼 정화 의식을 | They're experiencing the soul purification ceremony of the ancient Mayans. |
체험하는 거라고 하더라고요 | They're experiencing the soul purification ceremony of the ancient Mayans. |
[세윤] 말 그대로 '나쁜 기운은 빼고' | Completely removing the bad energy… |
[혜영, 지원의 호응] | -Yeah? -…and cleansing your mind and body. |
'몸과 마음을 깨끗하게 해준다' | -Yeah? -…and cleansing your mind and body. |
[자오테카가 영어로] 왼손으로 | |
이걸 집어 보세요 | |
좀 더 가져가세요 | |
불 있는 데로 가보죠 | |
고통과 죄책감을 놓아주세요 | |
우리 내면에 있는 | |
사랑의 호흡을 회복하세요 | A CEREMONY TO {RESTORE NEW LOVE} |
[자오테카가 스페인어로] '아호' | A CEREMONY TO {RESTORE NEW LOVE} |
[지혜가 한국어로] '새로운 사랑' | I think he's expressing "new love", the purpose of Love After Divorce, |
우리 돌싱글즈에 대한 의미를 | I think he's expressing "new love", the purpose of Love After Divorce, |
지금 의식으로 해주시는 것 같아요 | through the ceremony right now. |
이혼에 대한 아픔을 | -It's to heal the pain of divorce. -To heal? |
- 치유해 주는 거겠죠 - [혜영] 치유해 주는? | -It's to heal the pain of divorce. -To heal? |
- [오스틴의 깨달은 탄성] - [지혜] 음, 그렇지 | -It's to heal the pain of divorce. -To heal? That's right. |
[혜영] 함 가 봐 | You should go. |
[지원이 웃으며] 내가 왜? | Oh, come on. |
[지혜] 저기 다녀오면 | If you go there, you'll have new opportunities. |
- [지혜] 새로운 기회가 - 전 이미 다 | If you go there, you'll have new opportunities. I'm already healed. |
- [지혜] 생긴데, 오빠 - 치유가 됐어요 | I'm already healed. |
언제 몰래 저기 갔다가 딱 걸리지 말고 | Don't try to go secretly and get caught. |
- [출연진의 웃음] - [세윤] 얘기하고 가세요 | Don't try to go secretly and get caught. -Tell us before you go. -Okay. |
[세윤의 웃음] | -Tell us before you go. -Okay. |
[자오테카가 영어로] 안쪽으로 들어가세요 | |
이 목욕탕의 원래 용도는 | |
여성의 출산을 위한 장소였습니다 | |
안쪽으로 가서 | |
우리는 신생아가 되어 다시 살아나게 됩니다 | |
[지혜가 한국어로] '다시 살아난다고'? | They'll come back to life. |
[오스틴, 혜영의 호응] | They'll come back to life. |
[자오테카가 영어로] 테마스칼로 들어가면 | |
[민속적인 음악] | |
[지원이 한국어로] 나 이거 해본 것 같아요 | -I think I've done this before. -Really? |
- [세윤] 그래? - 여기다가 막 | -I think I've done this before. -Really? I think they put smoke in there. |
연기 집어넣는 것 같던데 | I think they put smoke in there. |
[자오테카가 영어로] 숨을 쉽니다 | TEMAZCAL: A CEREMONY |
숨을 마시고 내쉽니다 | |
마음을 안정시키는 소리를 듣고 잡념을 없애세요 | |
놔주세요 | |
땀을 내기 위한 목적입니다 | |
깊게 호흡을 하세요 | |
[자오테카의 숨 내뱉는 소리] | |
[한국어로] 아니, 아까 전에 형이 왜 치유됐다 했더니 | I was wondering how you were healed, but I guess it's because you did this. |
이거 한 번 해 갖고 치유가 됐나 보네 | I was wondering how you were healed, but I guess it's because you did this. |
- [지원] 아, 그런가? - 치유하고 왔네 | -Is that what happened? -You got your healing already. |
[지미가 스페인어로] 고맙습니다 | |
[영어로] 감사합니다 | |
[지미의 목 가다듬는 소리] | |
[지미가 스페인어로] 감사합니다 | |
[한국어로] 어제는 식당에서 먹었는데 | -We ate at a restaurant yesterday… -Right? |
[희진] 오늘은 숲속에서 우리만 먹으니까 | …but today, we're the only ones eating in the forest. |
[희진] 이게 기분이 | -It feels mysterious. -Different, huh? |
- [지미] 다르지? - [희진] 오묘하네, 응 | -It feels mysterious. -Different, huh? |
너 귀여워 | You're cute. |
- [희진] 음, 뭐가? - 귀여워 | -What? -You're cute. |
- [지혜] 아, 미치겠다 - [세윤의 웃음] | Gee, this is driving me crazy! |
[세윤] 느끼한 거 아니야? | -Isn't that a bit too corny? -Yeah, that's a bit corny. |
[오스틴] 이거는 좀 느끼한데요 | -Isn't that a bit too corny? -Yeah, that's a bit corny. |
[지원] 이거는 좀 느끼한데 | -Isn't that a bit too corny? -Yeah, that's a bit corny. |
- [세윤] 느끼한데 - 진심인데 뭐 어때? | -Isn't that a bit too corny? -Yeah, that's a bit corny. Who cares if he means it? |
[지미] 너 귀여워 | You're cute. |
- 음, 뭐가? - [지미] 귀여워 | -What? -You're cute. |
- [지미] 어? - 뭐가? 어떤 부분이? | How? In what way? |
[지미] | I think your personality is cute. |
[혜영이 놀라며] 이것 봐 좋아하잖아 | See? She likes it. |
[희진] 되게, 막, 이렇게… | HOW DOES HEE-JIN FEEL ABOUT JIMI'S RELENTLESS PURSUIT? Hearing that I'm pretty |
- 이성한테 - [지미의 호응] | and things like that from a guy |
예쁘단 얘기 듣고 이런 게 | and things like that from a guy |
좋은데 약간 적응 안 되는 것도 있고 | is nice, but I'm not used to it. |
[지미] 그럴 수 있지 | I understand. |
[희진] 왜냐면은… | Because… |
[희진] | I haven't heard those words from my ex-husband very much. |
[희진] | I haven't heard those words from my ex-husband very much. |
- [지미] 응 - [무거운 음악] | I haven't heard those words from my ex-husband very much. |
그럴 수 있지 | I understand. |
[지미] 내가 많이 해 줄게 | I'll tell you often. |
- [따뜻한 음악] - [지혜, 혜영의 탄성] | |
[지미] 싫다는 얘기는 아니니까 상관없어 | You're not saying you don't like it, so I'll do it. |
[혜영] 매력 있어 | He's charming. |
[지미] 내일이 벌써 [한숨] | Tomorrow is already |
최종 선택해야 되는 날이니까 | the day to make a final selection. |
[한숨] | |
넌 좀 어때? 마음이 어때? | How are you feeling? What's on your mind? |
- 마음이 어때? 어 - [희진] 마음이? | -How are you feeling? -How do I feel? |
[차분한 음악] | |
좋은 사람을 진짜 만난 것 같아서 | I think I've met a really nice person, |
어, 되게 좋아 | so I'm really happy. |
되게 좋은데… | I'm really happy, but… |
[씁 숨 들이켜는 소리] | |
[희진] 쯧, 그 이외에 좀 | aside from that, |
고민하는 것들도 좀 있고 | there are some things I'm worried about. |
[지미의 생각하는 소리] | |
[희진] 아직, 아직 | I-- I'm not sure yet. |
- 잘 모르겠어 - [지미의 호응] | I-- I'm not sure yet. |
고민하고 있어 | I'm still thinking about it. |
- 고민하고 있고 - [지미의 호응] | I'm still thinking about it. |
[혜영의 한숨] | I'm still thinking about it. |
[세윤] 거리가 좀 신경 쓰일 거 같아 | I think the distance is a concern for her. |
그럴 수 있지 | I see. |
이제부터 현실적인 얘기가 되는구나 | They have to be realistic from here on out. |
[지혜] 아니 좋으면 고민이 생기는 거예요 | She's worried because she likes him. |
이 사람이다 싶으면 고민이 더 생기는 게 | You worry more when you want to be with this person. |
[혜영] 근데 희진이가 | It concerns me that Hee-jin didn't give a definitive answer at the end. |
끝까지 확신을 주지 않는 모습이 약간 불안한데? | It concerns me that Hee-jin didn't give a definitive answer at the end. |
- 오빠는 어때? - [지미] 응? | What about you? |
오빤 어때? | What about you? |
마음은 많이 편한 것 같아 | I feel at ease. |
[지미] 그러니까 막, 쯧 | Like… |
난, 내 선택에 | I have no regrets or anything about my decisions. |
후회하거나 이럴 생각이 하나도 없기 때문에 | I have no regrets or anything about my decisions. |
그런 부분에서 마음이 편한 것 같아 | So I feel at ease in that sense. |
음, 음 | |
[지미] 자기가 후회 없는 결정을 하는 게 제일 중요하지 | The most important thing is to make a selection you won't regret. |
맘 편히 있으세요 | Just relax. |
- 네 - [지미의 호응] | Yes. |
[지미] 마음을 굳힌 것 같아요 지미는 | -I think Jimi's made up his mind. -Yeah. |
[오스틴의 호응] | -I think Jimi's made up his mind. -Yeah. WHAT SELECTION WILL THE TWO, |
[세윤] 나는 비행기로 왕복 12시간이면 | WHO PROMISED TO MAKE A SELECTION THEY WON'T REGRET, MAKE? If it's a 12-hour round trip by plane, I don't think I'd go for it. |
선택 못 할 것 같아 | If it's a 12-hour round trip by plane, I don't think I'd go for it. |
왕복 12시간, 아 | A 12-hour round trip? Gosh. |
[지혜] 그, 일을 해야 되는 | If you have to work-- If you have a certain position at work, |
사회적인 위치라는 게 있다 보면 | If you have to work-- If you have a certain position at work, |
너무 가고 싶긴 한데 못 갈 수도 있잖아요 | you might not be able to go, even if you really wanted to. |
- [오스틴] 그렇죠 - 그러다 보면 그게 | you might not be able to go, even if you really wanted to. If you look at it that way, I think it's going to be really stressful. |
스트레스가 엄청 될 것 같기는 해요 | If you look at it that way, I think it's going to be really stressful. |
이런 걱정을 우리만 하고 있는 것 같은데요? | I think we're the only ones worried about that. |
- [혜영, 지혜의 웃음] - [지원] 저 둘은 전혀 | Those two are not worried at all! |
거리에 대한 무슨 고민이 전혀 없어 | Those two are not worried at all! They have no concerns about the distance! -No. -Sure about that? |
- [혜영] 없을까? - [세윤] 아니야, 희진이는 | -No. -Sure about that? -Hee-jin's thinking about it a lot. -I think she's concerned. |
- [세윤] 고민하고 있는… - 희진 씨가 좀 많이 | -Hee-jin's thinking about it a lot. -I think she's concerned. |
- 생각하는 것 같은데요 - [지혜] 맞아 | -Hee-jin's thinking about it a lot. -I think she's concerned. -Yeah, Hee-jin's worried. -Of course. |
[혜영] 그럼 | -Yeah, Hee-jin's worried. -Of course. I think Jimi is concerned, but he's trying not to bring it to surface. |
[세윤] 지미도 고민 돼지만 | I think Jimi is concerned, but he's trying not to bring it to surface. |
그거를 이제 | I think Jimi is concerned, but he's trying not to bring it to surface. |
수면 위로 올리지 않으려고 하는 것 같고 | I think Jimi is concerned, but he's trying not to bring it to surface. |
[호응] | I think Jimi is concerned, but he's trying not to bring it to surface. |
[지원이 한국어로] 아 듀이 깔끔해졌네 | Gee, Dewey looks so clean. |
- [오스틴의 호응] - 그치 오늘 남친룩이야 | Right? He has the boyfriend look today. |
듀이 좋아 | Good vibes! |
[세윤] ♪ 듀이 듀이, 듀이 ♪ | Dewey, Dewey, Dewey! |
[오스틴, 혜영의 웃음] | |
[빛나는 효과음] | -He's happy! Goodness. -Wow, he's so happy! |
- 좋아, 와, 어떡해, 좋다 - [세윤] 야, 좋아, 좋아 | -He's happy! Goodness. -Wow, he's so happy! |
- '레츠 고' 듀이! - [혜영] 아, 듀이 | Gosh, Dewey. |
[지혜] 기회에요, 기회에요 지금, 듀이 | This is an opportunity. WHAT IS THE DESTINATION FOR THE CUTESY-CUTESY DATE TODAY? |
[지수, 듀이의 놀란 탄성] | Whoa! |
[지수, 듀이의 놀란 탄성] | Whoa! |
- 뭐야, 우와 - [지원] 뭐야? | What's that? Wow! -Why? What is it? -Oh, Ji-su is happy too! |
- [세윤] 지수 좋아한다 - [지혜] 저거, 뭔데? | -Why? What is it? -Oh, Ji-su is happy too! |
[듀이] 와 되게 좋겠는데? | -Wow, I bet it's amazing. -This is-- What was it? Isla Mujeres. |
그 여기, 그 뭐지 '이슬라 무헤레스'? | -Wow, I bet it's amazing. -This is-- What was it? Isla Mujeres. |
그 저기 베니타 언니가 얘기했던 | It's the place Benita was talking about. |
- [듀이] 아, 진짜? - [지수] 어 | -Oh, really? -Yeah. |
아, 드디어 우리가 이런 데 가는 거야? | -Oh, really? -Yeah. We finally going to a place like this? |
- [지수의 감탄] - 진짜 감격스럽다 | -I'm thrilled, so thrilled. -Good, good. |
- 감격스러워 - [지수] 좋다, 좋다 | -I'm thrilled, so thrilled. -Good, good. |
- [혜영의 놀란 탄성] - [지혜] 어, 예쁘다 | TODAY'S DESTINATION: ISLA MUJERES Wow, how gorgeous. |
- [지수] 와, 드디어 - [듀이] 드디어 출발한다 | -Wow. -It's finally time to leave. |
왜 감격스럽지? | Why am I so excited? |
[세윤] '아기자기' 호 출발 | Car cutesy-cutesy, let's go! |
[지수] 아, 배도 타고 | We'll get to ride a boat. |
재밌을 것 같은데 | -It sounds fun. -Yeah, I think it's going to be fun. |
[듀이] 어 나도 재밌을 것 같아 | -It sounds fun. -Yeah, I think it's going to be fun. |
난 기대돼 | I'm looking forward to it. |
[피식 웃음] | |
어제는 | Yesterday-- |
그 가위바위보 해 가지고 둘씩 둘씩 앉았잖아 | You know how we did rock, paper, scissors, and sat in pairs? |
[듀이] 어, 나, 너 오는 거 보고 깜짝 놀랐어 | I was so surprised to see you come. It made me laugh when I saw you. |
근데 오빠가 있는 거 보고 웃음이 나는 거야 [웃음] | It made me laugh when I saw you. |
아, 되게 아, 또 듀이 오빠네 | Like, "Oh, it's Dewey oppa again." |
[출연진의 웃음] | |
- 아, 그러니까 - [지수] 그냥 이건 | -Right? -It's just-- |
운명인가 보다 | I thought, "It must be destiny." |
[듀이, 지수의 웃음] | I thought, "It must be destiny." |
[지수] 운명인가 보다 | "It must be destiny." |
- [웃음] - [출연진의 탄성] | |
[경쾌한 음악] | |
[지수] 그 친구도 이제 드디어 이렇게 | I think she finally realized |
의도적으로 피해도 얽히는 상황이 나오는 거를 | that there was a different type of a signal |
아, 좀 다른 신호로 캐치하지 않았나 | because we kept ending up together, no matter how much she avoided it. |
그런 생각이 들었어요 | That's what I thought. |
- [듀이] 아, 그러니까 - [지수의 웃음] | Right. |
[지수] 어, 나 진짜 기억에 남을 것 같아 | -Oh, I think I'll always remember that. -Yeah. |
- [지수의 웃음] - [듀이] 응 | -Oh, I think I'll always remember that. -Yeah. |
아, 웃겨 | How funny. |
어, 그래서 어쨌든 재밌었어 | Either way, I had fun yesterday. |
- [듀이] 아, 좋다, 어 - [지수] 너무 좋다 | -Wow, how nice. Yeah. -It's so nice. |
- [지원] '이슬라' - [혜영의 놀란 탄성] | Isla-- |
[오스틴의 탄성] | |
[혜영이 놀라며] 정말 많이 가는 덴가 봐, 사람들이 | -So many people. -Wow, there are lots of people. |
[오스틴] 와, 많이 간다 | -So many people. -Wow, there are lots of people. |
[듀이] '아기자기'라고 했는데 | They said it was cutesy, but I wasn't expecting this. |
이런 거는 진짜 기대 못 했네 | They said it was cutesy, but I wasn't expecting this. |
[지수] 아, 너무 좋다 | Wow, it's so nice. |
[듀이] 여기 좀 높은데 올라올 수 있겠어? | -Can you climb up? It's pretty high. -Oh, it's fine. |
[지수] 어, 괜찮아 | -Can you climb up? It's pretty high. -Oh, it's fine. |
[알림 효과음] | -I'm really looking forward to it. -Me too. |
- [듀이] 너무 기대된다 - [지수] 나도 | -I'm really looking forward to it. -Me too. |
- [물방울 떨어지는 효과음] - [세윤의 놀란 탄성] | Are they taking pictures? |
[지혜] 사진 찍는 거예요? | Are they taking pictures? -How affectionate. -Oh, my! They've suddenly gotten closer. |
- [혜영] 다정해, 갑자기 - [지혜] 오, 뭐야 | -How affectionate. -Oh, my! They've suddenly gotten closer. |
- 갑자기 되게 친해졌어 - [리드미컬한 음악] | -How affectionate. -Oh, my! They've suddenly gotten closer. |
- [지수] 아, 너무 신나 - [듀이] 어, 맞아 | -I'm so excited. -I know, right? |
[듀이] 아, 간다 | We're ready to set sail. |
지수 지금까지 봤던 것 중에 제일 행복해 보여 | -This is the happiest I've ever seen her. -Yeah! |
[출연진의 호응] | -This is the happiest I've ever seen her. -Yeah! |
어쨌든 출발이 좋아요 | Anyway, it's a good start. |
- [지수] 바람도 불고 - [듀이] 어, 괜찮다 | -The wind is blowing too. -Yeah, it's nice. |
- [지수의 웃음] 너무 좋다 - [듀이] 맞아 | -It feels so good. -Right? |
[배 안내 음성] | -It feels so good. -Right? SMOOTH SAILING FOR THE CUTESY-CUTESY DATE |
[듀이] 어 | -In the morning… -Yeah. …I woke up around 7:30 this morning. |
[듀이가 웃으며] 응 | I went to stamp, but yours was already stamped. -When'd you stamp yours? -At 6:00 a.m. |
- [지수가 놀라며] 진짜로? - [듀이] 어 | -When'd you stamp yours? -At 6:00 a.m. -Seriously? -Yeah. Did you wake up at 6 o'clock on purpose? |
[지수의 탄성] | -Yeah, I did. -Wow! |
- [지수] 원래는 - [듀이] 어 | Originally, I was planning to talk to you |
[지수] 보고서 오빠한테 얘기하고 | Originally, I was planning to talk to you |
- [듀이의 호응] - '같이 가서' | Originally, I was planning to talk to you and ask if you want to go on the date and spend some time together. |
- [듀이의 호응] - '시간 보낼까?' | and ask if you want to go on the date and spend some time together. |
물어보려고 했는데 | and ask if you want to go on the date and spend some time together. |
- [듀이의 깨달은 탄성] - 이미 찍혀져 있어서 그냥 | But your name was already stamped, so-- |
거기다 바로 그냥 찍었어 | I just stamped mine there too. |
- [차분한 음악] - [세윤의 놀란 탄성] | THE EXACT SITUATION |
- [세윤] 우와, 뭐야 - [혜영] 그랬었구나 | -Wow! No way. -So that's what happened. |
[지수] 그냥 가서 찍어도 돼서 | I could just go and stamp my name because I felt so comfortable. |
- 되게 편했어서 - [가수의 스페인어 말소리] | I could just go and stamp my name because I felt so comfortable. |
- 고마워 - [듀이의 호응] | Thanks. |
- 고마워 - [듀이의 호응] | Thanks. |
[듀이] 아니, 내가 얘기하면 또 30분 잡고 있을까 봐 | If we did talk about it, I would've talked for half an hour. |
[지수의 웃음] | If we did talk about it, I would've talked for half an hour. |
[박수 소리] | |
- [세윤] 이렇게 열린다 - [환호] | So she can open up! |
[혜영] 그런가 봐 | -I guess so. -If you don't give up, she'll open up. |
[세윤] 포기하지 않으면 열려 | -I guess so. -If you don't give up, she'll open up. |
[혜영의 호응] | -I guess so. -If you don't give up, she'll open up. |
- [장난스러운 음악] - [멀리서 음악 소리] | Do you have a religion? |
[지수] 부모님도 천주교이시고 | -Oh, Catholic? -My parents are Catholics too. |
[듀이의 호응] | -Oh, Catholic? -My parents are Catholics too. |
[지혜] AI 돌린다 AI 돌린다, 어떻게 할지 | Dewey-bot is running calculations: "How can I continue this conversation?" |
- [지혜] 얘길 어떻게 할지 - [혜영, 오스틴의 웃음] | Dewey-bot is running calculations: "How can I continue this conversation?" |
- [지수의 호응] - [듀이] 어 | My grandmother actually goes to Myeongdong Cathedral. Yeah. |
- [지혜] 봐 봐 - [출연진의 웃음] | You see? |
봤지, AI 돌린다고 | See? Dewey-bot ran a search and found Myeongdong Cathedral. |
- [지혜] 명동성당 나왔잖아 - [기계 효과음] | See? Dewey-bot ran a search and found Myeongdong Cathedral. |
[출연진의 웃음] | See? Dewey-bot ran a search and found Myeongdong Cathedral. MYEONGDONG CATHEDRAL |
- [지원] 천주교라고? - [세윤이 딱딱하게] 우리 | "My grandmother goes to Myeongdong Cathedral." |
할머니는 명동성당을 다녀 | "My grandmother goes to Myeongdong Cathedral." |
듀이 너무 귀엽지 않아요? | Isn't Dewey so cute? |
- [혜영] 귀여워, 어 - [지혜] 정들었어, 진짜 | -He's adorable. -I've grown quite fond of him. Seriously. |
[활기찬 음악] | My grandmother actually goes to Myeongdong Cathedral. |
- [지수의 깨달은 탄성] - [듀이] 어 | My grandmother actually goes to Myeongdong Cathedral. Yeah. |
[듀이] 그래서 | So for a while, I used to wear rosary beads. |
[듀이] 여기에 | So for a while, I used to wear rosary beads. |
[출연진의 웃음] | |
[듀이] 그리고 | And if you go to the military training center, |
아 | -I was baptized as a Catholic there. -Oh, really? |
아, 진짜? | -I was baptized as a Catholic there. -Oh, really? |
[지혜] 이제 여기까지 여기까지 | -All right, that's enough. -Exactly. |
- [지혜] 여기까지, 그만해 - [지원] 그만 | -All right, that's enough. -Exactly. -Enough. Stop right there! -Oh, he's still going. |
[오스틴] 아, 계속해 | -Enough. Stop right there! -Oh, he's still going. |
[지수] 오빠가 너무 | Dewey seems like such a transparent person. |
투명한 사람인 것 같고 | Dewey seems like such a transparent person. |
알면 알수록 사람이 너무 순수한 거예요 | The more you get to know him, you realize how pure he is. |
[흥미로운 음악] | |
- [지혜] 바다 색깔 봐요 - [출연진의 탄성] | -Look at the color of the ocean! -Wow. |
[세윤] 여기가 여인의 섬이야? | Is this Isla Mujeres? |
- [지혜] 아, 좋다 - [새소리] | Gee, how nice. |
"이슬라 무헤레스" "멕시코" | |
[지수] 아, 여기 너무 좋다 | Wow, it's so nice here. |
[듀이] 이것이 칸쿤이지 | This is Cancún. |
[듀이] 어, 여기 있다 이건가 보다 | Oh, over here. This must be it. |
[지수] 아! | Oh, over here. This must be it. |
- [지수] 잘 부탁드립니다 - [듀이] 네 | -Drive safely. -Okay! |
[듀이] 편하고 안전한 여행 되십시오 | Let's have a comfortable and safe trip. |
- [듀이] 오, 이런 느낌 - [경쾌한 음악] | Oh, this is what it feels like. |
[듀이] 되게 옛날 차 몰 때 이랬는데 | It feels like an old car. |
[지수] 아, 좋아, 좋아 | Oh, I love it. |
나 팔찌하고 왔어 받은 거 | I wore the other bracelet today. |
- [세윤] 어? - [혜영의 놀란 숨소리] | THIS BRACELET IS…? |
[지혜, 세윤의 놀란 숨소리] | THIS BRACELET IS…? |
[세윤] 이거 거절했었잖아 | Didn't she refuse to wear this? |
[의미심장한 음악] | Didn't she refuse to wear this? |
[듀이] 지금 팔찌 할래? 내가 가져올까? | Oh, you want to wear it? Shall I bring it? |
- [지미] 너무 - [희진] 응? | Oh, you want to wear it? Shall I bring it? |
- [듀이] 가져올까, 팔찌? - [지미] 한국에서는 | Shall I bring the bracelet? |
[지수] 아니, 괜찮아 괜찮아, 오늘은 이거 하려고 | No, it's okay. I'll wear this today. She refused the bracelet. |
[세윤] 거절했었잖아 | She refused the bracelet. |
[지미] 왜냐면 한국에서 못 했었으니까… | JI-SU HAD REFUSED THIS COUPLE BRACELET |
[지수] 나 팔찌하고 왔어 받은 거 | -I wore the other bracelet today. -Oh, really? Me too. |
[듀이] 아, 진짜, 나도 [웃음] | -I wore the other bracelet today. -Oh, really? Me too. |
[지수] 팔찌도 예뻐 | This bracelet is cute. |
[듀이] 어, 진짜 나 이런 색깔 되게 잘… | -Yeah, I really like this color. -I'm glad we received cute prizes. |
- [지수] 예쁜 - [감미로운 음악] | -Yeah, I really like this color. -I'm glad we received cute prizes. |
예쁜 상이어서 다행이었어 | -Yeah, I really like this color. -I'm glad we received cute prizes. |
[지수, 듀이의 웃음] | DEWEY CAN'T STOP SMILING |
- 근데 예쁜 상이었어 - [듀이] 그러니까 | -Cute prizes. -Right? |
[듀이] 제가 지난 이틀 동안 괴로웠던 것들이 | I felt like I was being rewarded for the pain I felt the past two days. |
보상받는 느낌이었어요 | I felt like I was being rewarded for the pain I felt the past two days. |
아니, 갑자기 반전이 너무 심한 거 아니야? | Isn't this too big a plot twist? |
[혜영의 웃음] | Isn't this too big a plot twist? |
[세윤] 보상을 갑자기 몰아서 다 해주네 | -He's suddenly being rewarded all at once. -Right. |
어 | -He's suddenly being rewarded all at once. -Right. |
듀이, 좋아 | Good job, Dewey. |
[지혜] 점점 자연스러워지죠? | It's getting more natural. |
- [지혜] AI 느낌 아니고 - [오스틴] 네 | -Dewey doesn't feel so robotic anymore. -Yeah. |
[지혜] 이제 듀이도 | -Dewey doesn't feel so robotic anymore. -Yeah. |
[지수] 굉장히 자연스럽게 운전하네 | -You drive very naturally. -Of course. |
[듀이] 그럼 | -You drive very naturally. -Of course. |
[듀이] 나 사실은 카트는 처음 몰아봐 | It's actually my first time driving a cart. |
[지수] 진짜? | -Really? -Yeah. |
어, 근데 되게 잘 어떻게 알았어? | -Really? -Yeah. Oh, you're doing well. How did you figure out how to drive it? |
어떻게 해야 되는지? | Oh, you're doing well. How did you figure out how to drive it? |
- [듀이] 아니 그냥 - 그냥 운전하는 거랑 | -Well, I just-- -Is it the same as driving a car? |
- 비슷하다고 생각하고? - [듀이의 호응] | -Well, I just-- -Is it the same as driving a car? |
[듀이] 그리고 내가 | Oh, I also developed some racing games. |
게임으로도 레이싱 게임을 개발하긴 했어 | Oh, I also developed some racing games. |
[지혜] 어필, 어필 | Major appeal! |
내가 '크아'를 되게 좋아했거든 | I used to really like Crazy Arcade. |
[듀이의 호응] | I used to really like Crazy Arcade. |
'크아' 때문에 학교를 안 간 적이 있어 | I skipped school because of Crazy Arcade. |
- [듀이] 진짜? - 초등학교 때 | -Seriously? -In elementary school. |
[듀이의 탄성] | Because I wanted to play Crazy Arcade. |
게임하고 그 '크아'를 하고 싶어서 | Because I wanted to play Crazy Arcade. |
[듀이] 그럼 언제까지 했어? | Until when did you play? |
[지수] 중학교 때까지 한 것 같아 | -I think until middle school. -That's quite a long time. |
오래 했다, 꽤 | -I think until middle school. -That's quite a long time. |
그러면 게임은 | Then you haven't played games since then? |
그때 이후로는 아예 안 하는 거야? | Then you haven't played games since then? |
[지수] [음 소거 효과음] 캔디*** | Candy C**sh. |
[듀이의 깨달은 탄성] | |
[세윤의 놀란 탄성] | |
[듀이] 그거 알아? 내가 그 회사에 있는 거 | Did you know I work at that company? |
- [지수] 아, 진짜? - [듀이] 내가 | -Oh, really? -I… |
[음 소거 효과음] *티비전 *리자드 *이야, 그래서 | Act*vision, Bl*zzard, and **ng are under one company. |
[지수] 그게 같은 회사야? | Act*vision, Bl*zzard, and **ng are under one company. Oh, so it's the same company? |
- 다 같은 회사야 - [지수, 출연진의 탄성] | They're all the same company. |
- 반했어, 반했어 - [오스틴] 매력 보이 | -She's falling for him! -Mr. Charming! |
반했어! | She's falling for him! |
- [지수] 진짜 대박이다 - [듀이의 웃음] | That's amazing! |
나 [음 소거 효과음] 캔디*** 진짜 좋아해 | I really like Candy C**sh. |
[듀이의 호응] | I really like Candy C**sh. |
[지수] 아, 근데 | But, |
오빠는 어제 이제 뭐, 코딩을 해서 | you know how you explained yesterday about developing games through coding? |
게임을 만들어 | you know how you explained yesterday about developing games through coding? |
- 이렇게 설명을 해줬잖아 - [듀이의 호응] | you know how you explained yesterday about developing games through coding? |
그 말 듣고서 '오, 멋있다' 이랬는데 | When I heard that, I thought it was cool. |
막 '그 [음 소거 효과음] 캔디***'있는 회사가 | When I heard that, I thought it was cool. But hearing that you work at the company that develops Candy C**sh |
'내가 있는 회사야' 이러니까 되게 있어 보여 | But hearing that you work at the company that develops Candy C**sh -makes you even cooler! -Oh, really? |
[듀이] 아, 진짜? | -makes you even cooler! -Oh, really? |
- [지수] 되게 있어 보여 - 아, 진짜? | -makes you even cooler! -Oh, really? |
- 아는 걸로 말해야 - [지수] 진짜 | I should've mentioned a game you knew. |
어, 구체적으로 말해야지 | I should've mentioned a game you knew. I should've been more specific. |
- [오스틴의 웃음] - [지혜] 귀여워, 진짜 | HAS DEWEY WON HER OVER BECAUSE OF A GAME? They're so cute, really. |
[지수] 어머, 여기도 이쁘다 | Oh, this place is pretty too. |
- [듀이, 지수의 탄성] - [청량한 음악] | Oh, this place is pretty too. THEY'VE ARRIVED AT THE END OF THE ISLE |
[듀이] 와 '아름다운' 뷰네 | THEY'VE ARRIVED AT THE END OF THE ISLE Wow, it's a beautiful view. |
[듀이] 아, 여긴가 보다 우리의 목적지는 | This must be our destination. |
[지수의 깨달은 탄성] | |
[출연진의 놀란 탄성] | |
[듀이] 아, 여기 이름은 '푼타 수르'인가봐 | I think this place is called Punta Sur. |
[듀이] 여기 진짜 이쁘다 | -It's so pretty here. -The colors are beautiful. |
[지수] 응 저 색깔도 이쁘다 | -It's so pretty here. -The colors are beautiful. |
- [듀이의 호응] - 초록색 풀하고 | The green grass. |
[지혜가 놀라며] 야 여기 너무 예쁘다 | This place is so beautiful. |
- [지혜의 놀란 숨소리] - 예술이네 | -Look at those colors. -It's art. |
저기선 진짜 사랑이 안 생길 수가 없을 것 같은데 | You have no choice but to fall in love there. |
[듀이] 너 줄까? | -Want some water? -I'll take a sip. |
- [지수] 한 모금 마실게 - [신나는 음악] | -Want some water? -I'll take a sip. |
[듀이] 나 사실 입술이 계속 타 | My lips are getting dry. |
[띠링 울림 효과음] | |
- [지혜] 잘 챙겨주네 - [세윤] 좋아 | -He takes good care of her. Great job. -Nice work. |
[지혜] 잘하고 있어요 아주 좋아요 | -He takes good care of her. Great job. -Nice work. |
[듀이] 이리 줘 | Give it here. |
[듀이] 짐 들어주는 것들이라든가 | Holding her stuff or picking up stuff for her. |
아니면 맡아주는 것들, 예 | Holding her stuff or picking up stuff for her. |
더 이상 내가 챙겨주는 걸 부담으로 안 가진다는 데서 | I felt so relieved that she didn't feel burdened when I took care of her. |
되게 안도감을 느꼈습니다 | I felt so relieved that she didn't feel burdened when I took care of her. |
[듀이] 저기도 뭐가 있네 사람들이 | -There are some people over there too. -Oh, it's a photo zone. |
- [지수] 포토존이네 - [듀이의 호응] | -There are some people over there too. -Oh, it's a photo zone. |
[듀이] 응 | |
[지혜] 신혼여행 온 커플 같네 | They look like a couple on their honeymoon. |
[혜영] 아, 둘이 해맑으니까 너무 보기 좋다 | They look like a couple on their honeymoon. Gee, it's so nice to see them smiling. |
[웃음] | |
[지수가 영어로] 감사합니다 | |
[듀이] 감사합니다 | |
- [지수] 매우 감사해요 - [듀이] 좋아요, 좋아요 | |
[여자] 사진이 잘 나왔네요 | |
[지혜가 한국어로] 야 어떻게 이런 색깔이 나오지? | How can the sea be that color? |
- [지수] 망고, 망고 - [듀이] 망고 | -Mango, mango. -Mango! |
[듀이가 영어로] 안녕 | |
[지수가 스페인어로] 안녕하세요, 얼마예요? | How much is this? One hundred pesos. |
[상인이 영어로] 100페소입니다 | One hundred pesos. |
- [지수] 100페소요? - [상인] 100페소요 | |
[지수] 100페소, 네 | |
[지수가 한국어로] 아니면 하나만 해서 먹을래? | -Should we just get one? -Yeah, let's do that. |
[듀이] 어어, 그렇게 하자 | -Should we just get one? -Yeah, let's do that. |
- [스페인어로] 하나 주세요 - [듀이] 한 개요 | |
[흥미로운 음악] | |
[세윤이 한국어로] 생망고인가 봐 | -It looks like fresh mango. -That looks delicious. |
- [혜영] 맛있겠다 - [듀이가 영어로] 감사해요 | -It looks like fresh mango. -That looks delicious. |
[지수가 한국어로] 그늘에 가서 앉아서 먹자 | -Let's eat in the shade. -Yeah, let's go. |
[듀이] 어, 그러자 | -Let's eat in the shade. -Yeah, let's go. |
[듀이] 카트 가서 앉을래? | -Want to sit in the cart? -Sure. |
- [지수] 그래 - [듀이의 호응] | -Want to sit in the cart? -Sure. |
[지수] 아, 포크를 한 개밖에 안 주셨네 | -She only gave me one fork. -Oh, really? |
[듀이] 아, 그래? [웃음] | -She only gave me one fork. -Oh, really? |
- [세윤] 아, 그럼 - [혜영] 같이 먹으면 되지 | -You can just share. -Oh, she'll have to feed him then! |
- [세윤] 먹여줘야겠네 - [지혜] 네, 아유 | -You can just share. -Oh, she'll have to feed him then! |
- 같이 먹어야지 이런 - [혜영의 웃음] | They have to share. What other choice do they have? |
어쩔 수 없는 거잖아요 | They have to share. What other choice do they have? Oh, Dewey, Dewey, Dewey! |
[세윤] 오 ♪ 듀이 듀이, 듀이 ♪ | Oh, Dewey, Dewey, Dewey! |
[출연진의 웃음] | |
[듀이] 요거, 요거 이쪽으로 | Over here. This way. |
[자동차 엔진 소리가 들린다] | |
[지수] 아, 여기가 좋다 | -It's nice here. -Yeah. |
[듀이의 호응] | -It's nice here. -Yeah. |
[지수] 바람도 불고 | The wind is blowing too. |
[세윤] 듀이 되는 날이다 완전 | It's totally Dewey's day. |
나 이거 하나만 먹어볼게 | -I'll try this first. -Yeah, try it. |
- [듀이] 어, 먹어봐 - 이거 조금 먹고 | -I'll try this first. -Yeah, try it. -Let's eat some and get going. -Sure. |
- 출발하자 - [듀이의 호응] | -Let's eat some and get going. -Sure. |
[듀이] 급할 거 없지, 우리 | There's no rush. |
[지수] 음 | Yum! |
- [듀이] 맛있어? - 이게 되게 스파이시 한 거 | -Is it tasty? -I think she sprinkled that local spice. |
약간 뿌려 먹는 게, 여기 | -Is it tasty? -I think she sprinkled that local spice. |
사람들이 자주 먹더라고 | I was wondering what it tasted like. |
- [듀이의 깨달은 탄성] - 궁금하긴 했어 | I was wondering what it tasted like. |
[자동차 엔진소리] | |
[지수] 이거 먹어봐 조그만 거 | Try this small one. |
미안 | Oops, sorry. |
[심장 박동 소리 효과음] | THE SAME FORK… THE SAME MANGO… |
[오스틴, 지혜의 놀란 탄성] | THE SAME FORK… THE SAME MANGO… |
[지혜] 설레겠어요 | His heart must be racing. |
[아기 웃음 효과음] | "Life is sweet." |
[혜영이 웃으며] '인생 달다' | "Life is sweet." |
[흥미진진한 음악] | |
[듀이] 이런 느낌이구나 | -So this is what it tastes like. -You know this taste? |
[지수] 무슨 맛인지 알겠지 느낌이 좀 | -So this is what it tastes like. -You know this taste? |
[듀이의 호응] | -So this is what it tastes like. -You know this taste? |
- [듀이의 옅은 웃음] - [혜영, 지혜의 웃음] | THE FIRST TIME HE'D TASTED THE FLAVORS OF L.O.V.E. IN CANCÚN |
이거 오빠 하나 다 먹어도 되겠다 | Here, have the whole thing. |
- [듀이] 아, 내가 들고? - 아니, 반 잘라 먹어 | -Oh, should I hold it? -No, just take half. |
내가 반 먹을게 | I'll eat the other half. |
오, 반 잘라먹어? | Oh, the other half? |
- [지혜의 탄성] - 그러면 | -Then-- -What's happening? |
- [지혜] 뭐야? - [세윤, 오스틴의 탄성] | -Then-- -What's happening? |
[출연진의 놀란 탄성] | Whoa! |
[오스틴] ♪ 듀이 듀이, 듀이, 듀이 ♪ | -Dewey, Dewey, Dewey! -Sharing-- Sharing food is considered dating, no? It's basically-- |
[지혜] 이 나눠 먹는 건 사귀는 거 아니에요? | Sharing food is considered dating, no? It's basically-- |
- [지혜] 나눠 먹는 건 - 할머니가 | Sharing food is considered dating, no? It's basically-- This is like when your grandma chews your food for you. |
씹어서 주는 거랑 거의 비슷한 거예요 | This is like when your grandma chews your food for you. |
- [지혜] 이거는, 이거는 - [혜영] 맞아 | -Right. -They're dating! They've no choice but to. |
사귀어야 되는 거예요 이건 어쩔 수 없습니다 | -Right. -They're dating! They've no choice but to. |
[세윤] 이거 완전 사귀어야 되는 거죠, 이건 | -This is totally dating. They're-- -Wow! |
- [지혜] 사귀어야 돼요 - [오스틴] 와우 | -This is totally dating. They're-- -Wow! |
마음이 더 큰 사람이 후에 먹잖아요 | -The one who has more feelings eats after. -Right. |
- [지혜] 맞아 - [지원] 여긴 | -The one who has more feelings eats after. -Right. -These two-- They're 100%. -This-- |
- 여기는 백 프로다 - [혜영] 이거 | -These two-- They're 100%. -This-- |
- 여긴 됐다, 여긴 된 거야 - [흥미진진한 음악] | They're good. It's decided. |
[듀이] 그럼 출발해 보겠습니다 | Let's get going now. |
[지수] 와 | Wow. |
[듀이] 아, 좋다 '편안'하고 | How nice and relaxing. |
아, 이게 집라인이구나 | This is the zip line! That-- Over there. |
저거다, 이거야, 이거 | This is the zip line! That-- Over there. |
[지수가 놀라며] 와 너무 좋다 | ZIP LINE ZONE Oh, wow! How amazing. |
[듀이] 그치? 와 | Right? Wow. |
집라인 되게 재미있어 | -Zip-lining is really fun. -I've never done it. |
[지수] 나 처음 해봐 | -Zip-lining is really fun. -I've never done it. |
- [듀이] 처음 해봐? - [지수] 어 | -Never? -No. |
[띠링 울리는 효과음] | |
- [듀이] 저거 - [지수] 내가 힘을 줄 | -That's-- -I don't need to use my strength, right? |
필요는 없는 거네 | -That's-- -I don't need to use my strength, right? |
[듀이] 없어, 없어 | -Not at all. Because it's-- -If I let go, will I fall? |
- [듀이] 왜냐면 - [지수] 이거 그냥 놓치면 | -Not at all. Because it's-- -If I let go, will I fall? |
- [지수] 떨어지고 - [듀이] 아니야, 아니야 | -Not at all. Because it's-- -If I let go, will I fall? No, no. |
- [듀이] 어 - 오빠, 선크림 이쪽 | Oppa, you got sunscreen right there. |
- [듀이] 아 - [세윤] 해 줘, 해 줘 | Do it for him! |
[오스틴] '선크림' 좀 발라줘 | Put sunscreen on him. |
[듀이] 됐어? | -Did I get it? -Over here. |
[지수] 여기 | -Did I get it? -Over here. |
[듀이] 여기? | Here? |
[지수] 오빠 손으로 해 줄게 | -I'll do it with your hand. -Okay. |
어 | -I'll do it with your hand. -Okay. |
[지수가 웃으며] 이거 | This-- |
- [지수] 해줄까? - [듀이의 호응] | -Shall I? -Yeah. |
[듀이] 얼마 안 되면 | If it's not a lot. |
- [출연진의 감탄] - [흥미로운 음악] | Wow! |
야, 이미 사귀는데 둘이 그쵸? | -These two are already dating, huh? -Wow! |
[감탄] | -These two are already dating, huh? -Wow! |
큰 데는 내가 할게 | I'll do the big areas. |
- [지혜의 감탄] - [지혜] 표정 봐, 표정 | -Wow! -Look at his expression! |
- [오스틴의 웃음] - [혜영] 표정 | His expression. |
- [지혜의 놀란 숨소리] - [세윤의 놀란 탄성] | Wow! Turn around, this way. |
[지수] 돌아봐, 이쪽으로 | Turn around, this way. |
아, 여기도 | -Oh, here. -Oh, is it serious? |
- [듀이] 그래? 심각해? - [기계음 효과음] | -Oh, here. -Oh, is it serious? |
[지수] 저쪽 | That side. |
- [지혜] 너무 행복해한다 - [지수] 됐어 | He's so happy. -You're good. -Gosh, Dewey is so cute. |
[혜영] 아, 듀이 귀여워 | -You're good. -Gosh, Dewey is so cute. |
저런 거에 반할 거 같아 | I think she's going to fall for this side of him. |
[지혜의 호응] | |
[듀이] 기대돼? | -Are you looking forward to it? -Kind of. |
[지수] 좀 | -Are you looking forward to it? -Kind of. |
[지수] 좀 기대돼 | I'm kind of looking forward to it. |
[직원1이 영어로] 준비됐나요? | |
- [듀이] 네 - [직원1] 좋아요 | |
[직원1] 뒤로 젖히고 다리를 드세요 | |
뒤를 보세요 | |
[직원1] 하나, 둘, 출발 | |
[리드미컬한 음악] | |
[혜영이 한국어로] 아, 아름다워 | Wow, how beautiful. |
[출연진의 웃음] | I'M ON A DATE TODAY |
[듀이의 탄성] | |
[세윤의 웃음] | He's kind of cute, no matter what he does. |
[혜영] 뭘 해도 약간 귀여워 | He's kind of cute, no matter what he does. |
[직원1이 영어로] 하나, 둘, 출발 | |
[지수의 놀란 탄성] | |
[출연진의 탄성] | -Wow! -Wow! |
[혜영이 한국어로] 와 재밌겠다 | Wow, it looks so fun. |
[지수가 스페인어로] 감사합니다 | |
[듀이가 한국어로] 오, 좋아, 좋아 | Oh, good job. |
[직원2가 영어로] 실례하겠습니다 | |
[지수] 감사합니다 | |
[부드러운 음악] | |
[지수가 한국어로] 바다가 보이는 레스토랑 | A restaurant with a view of the ocean. |
[듀이] 파도가 여기서 부서지는 게 되게 신기하다 | It's cool how the waves break here. |
요까지 와서 | All the way here. |
'돌싱글즈'에 나오길 잘한 거 같아? | Are you glad you chose to be on Love After Divorce? |
[듀이] 응, 나는 | Yeah, I think so. |
되게 | It-- It was such a great experience. |
되게 좋은 경험이었어 | It-- It was such a great experience. |
뭐, 물론 하루하루가 매우 힘들긴 하지만 | Well, obviously, each day was very difficult. |
[지수의 옅은 웃음] | Well, obviously, each day was very difficult. |
너무 힘들었던 적도 있었어? | Did you ever have a hard time? |
그냥 심적으로는 막… | Just mentally or anything. |
어, 난 계속 힘들었어 | It was hard for me all the time. |
[지수의 호응] | It was hard for me all the time. |
나도 | Me too. |
- [혜영] 응 - [감미로운 음악] | Yes, it was hard for Ji-su too. |
[혜영] 지수 씨도 힘들었지 | Yes, it was hard for Ji-su too. They had different goals, and they both had a hard time. |
[세윤] 방향만 다르고 | They had different goals, and they both had a hard time. |
- 둘 다 힘들었죠 - [지혜의 호응] | They had different goals, and they both had a hard time. -Yeah. -That's right. |
[혜영] 그치 | -Yeah. -That's right. |
이쪽으로 돌리고 앉아서 멍을 때려야겠어 | I'm going to turn this way and look into the ocean. |
[듀이] 아, 나도 | Me too. |
- [종소리 효과음] - [듀이] 일로 좀 가자 | |
- [지수] 물이 반짝반짝해 - [반짝이는 효과음] | -The water is sparkling. -Yeah. |
[듀이의 호응] | -The water is sparkling. -Yeah. |
[듀이] 지금 생각나는 노래 하나 있어? | Is there a song that comes to mind that you'd like to listen to here? |
이런 데서 듣고 싶은? | Is there a song that comes to mind that you'd like to listen to here? |
[지수] 노래? | A song? |
그냥 파도 소리가 좋다 | I just like the sound of the waves. |
[듀이] 아, 저게 음악이지 | Well, that's music. |
[출연진의 웃음] | |
아니, 왜 자기가 생각했던 노래가 있는데 | There's a song that he thought of, |
- [세윤의 호응] - '파도지' | but she says she likes the waves, and he's like "Yeah, that's music." |
- [익살스러운 효과음] - '그래, 파도가 음악이지' | but she says she likes the waves, and he's like "Yeah, that's music." |
- [혜영] '저게 음악이지' - 역시 AI인데 | but she says she likes the waves, and he's like "Yeah, that's music." He's acting robotic again, but he's doing a good job. |
아주 잘하고 있어요 | He's acting robotic again, but he's doing a good job. |
데이트가 맞네 | Good thing he has plenty of data. |
[듀이] 그러니까 이게 진짜 마지막이구나 | -This is the end, huh? -Seriously. |
[지수] 진짜 | -This is the end, huh? -Seriously. |
- [지수] 시간, 씁 - [듀이] 너무 빨리 가 | -The time… -…went by too fast. |
어떤 느낌이야? | How do you feel? |
[지수] 여기 오기를 너무 잘했다는 생각이 들고 | I'm really glad I came here. |
[듀이의 호응] | |
[지수] 그리고 | And… |
아직까지 내 마음의 상태는 확실하게 모르겠는데 | I'm still not sure about my feelings. |
[듀이] 응 | |
[지수] 이번 여행에서는 | Through this trip, |
'되게 좋은 사람들을 많이 만났고' | I've met a lot of really good people that I'm finally getting to know. |
'이제 막 알게 됐다' | I've met a lot of really good people that I'm finally getting to know. |
- 그런 느낌이야 - [듀이의 호응] | That's how I feel. |
- '이제 막 알게 됐다' - [듀이의 호응] | That I'm just getting to know. |
그리고 이제 막 알게 되었는데 너무 친해졌다 | I'm just getting to know them, but we've already gotten so close. |
[듀이, 지수의 웃음] | |
- 오빠는… - [듀이] 응 | Dewey… |
오빠는 최종 선택에서 누군가를 | are you planning to choose someone |
선택할… 생각이야? | are you planning to choose someone in the final choosing? |
[의미심장한 음악] | |
아직도 고민 중이야 | I'm still thinking about it. |
[듀이] 마지막까지 고민할 거 같다는 | I think I'll be thinking about it until the end. |
생각을 하고 있고, 아마 | I think I'll be thinking about it until the end. |
이 일주일은 솔직히 너무 짧았고 | -Honestly, this week was too short. -Yeah. |
[지수의 호응] | -Honestly, this week was too short. -Yeah. Especially… |
특히 | Especially… |
[듀이] 우리가 동거를 가고 막 그런다고 해서 | because we decide to move in together, |
진짜 결혼으로 가는 것도 아니고 | it might not lead to marriage. |
그냥 말 그대로 | It's simply another week together. |
[듀이] 우리는 일주일을 더 있을 뿐이야 | It's simply another week together. |
[듀이] 그러면은 그냥 | If that's the case, |
일주일을 서로를 알아볼 수 있는 기회를 | I think it's just a chance to get to know each other better for another week. |
더 가지는 거라고 생각을 해 | I think it's just a chance to get to know each other better for another week. |
- [호응] - [듀이] 어 | Yeah. |
[지혜의 호응] | |
약간 동거에 대한 부담을 갖지 말라는 의미로 | I think he's telling her not to feel the burden of moving in together. |
이야기하는 거 같아요 | I think he's telling her not to feel the burden of moving in together. |
[생각하는 소리] | |
근데 나는 오늘 이런 대화를 하면서 | But today, while talking to you-- |
어 | |
- 드디어 관심사를 알았거든? - [지수] 맞아 | I finally learned your interests. |
[음 소거 효과음] 캔디***가 있는 회사 | -Right. You work at Candy C**sh's company. -Candy C**sh too. |
[듀이] [음 소거 효과음] 캔디***도 [웃음] | -Right. You work at Candy C**sh's company. -Candy C**sh too. |
[듀이] 아, 그러니까 이런 것도 | Exactly. Things like this-- |
평생에 지금 이걸 놓치면 없는 기회다 보니까 | Because this is an opportunity that I'll never get back again, |
'그냥 넘기기에는 정말 고민을 하게 만든다' | I keep thinking it's too good to just pass. |
라는 좀 기분이 들어 | That's how I feel. |
우리는 너무 서바이벌하게 살아왔고 | We've lived in survival mode so far. |
[웃음] | |
[듀이] 아, 이런 게 그래서 | Yeah, that's the unfortunate part of this whole thing. |
[듀이] 참 안타깝단 말이지 | Yeah, that's the unfortunate part of this whole thing. |
근데 생각해 봤는데 나 여기 와서 | But I thought about it and since I got here, |
오빠랑 얘기를 하면서 제일 많이 웃은 거 같아 | I think I laughed the most while talking to you. |
- [듀이] 아 진짜? - [지수의 호응] | -Oh, really? -Yeah, I think you're the funniest. |
[지수] 오빠가 제일 웃긴 거 같애 | -Oh, really? -Yeah, I think you're the funniest. -I am? -Yeah. |
- 아, 내가? - [지수의 호응] | -I am? -Yeah. |
- [듀이] 아, 다행이다 - [부드러운 음악] | That's a relief. |
[탄성] | -Wow. -Yeah! |
[오스틴의 탄성] | -Wow. -Yeah! DEWEY HAS A GOOD FEELING |
[지수] 우리 오늘, 오늘이 | What we did today finally feels like a date. |
오늘이 데이트인 거 같애 | What we did today finally feels like a date. Yeah, exactly. |
[듀이] 어, 그니까 | Yeah, exactly. |
마지막 데이트야 | Yeah, exactly. -It's the final date. -Right. |
[지수] 그러니까 | -It's the final date. -Right. |
[지수] 나는 아기자기한 거 구경하고 그런 거 좋아하는데 | I like looking at cute things. |
[듀이의 호응] | I like looking at cute things. |
[지수] 근데 평소에 팔찌 같은 걸 하지는 않지? | You don't usually wear bracelets, do you? |
[듀이] 어 | No. |
그래도 너가, 너가 해주면은 | But if you get me one, I'll wear it. |
- 나 끼고 다닐 수 있어 - [지수가 웃으며] 팔찌? | But if you get me one, I'll wear it. |
[출연진의 웃음] | |
[듀이] 아, 여기도 있다 | Oh, there's some here. |
[혜영이 놀라며] 아 | Wow. |
[듀이] 아, 그러니까 제롬이랑 베니타는 | Jerome and Benita got ones that say "Baby" and "Dear." |
- [지수] 응 - [듀이] 그 | Jerome and Benita got ones that say "Baby" and "Dear." |
'디어'랑 '베이비'? | Jerome and Benita got ones that say "Baby" and "Dear." |
그거를 계속 차고 다니더라고 같이 서로 | They wear it all the time. |
- [지수] 팔찌? - [듀이] 어 | -The bracelets? -Yeah. |
[혜영] 부러웠어 | He was jealous. |
[지수] 팔찌 사고 싶어? | Do you want a bracelet? |
- [듀이] 나는 너가 하면 - [지수] 팔찌 | -If you get one too. -A bracelet… |
[혜영의 웃음] | |
[지수] 나는 여기 나비 있는 것도 이쁘고 | -I like the butterflies here. -There are butterflies? Oh, it's nice. |
[듀이] 나비도 있었어? 오, 괜찮은데 | -I like the butterflies here. -There are butterflies? Oh, it's nice. |
이거 괜찮다 | This one is nice too. |
[지수] 우리도 두 개 할까, 우리? | -Shall we get these two? -Yeah, sounds good. |
- [듀이] 어, 좋아 - [지수] 그래 | -Shall we get these two? -Yeah, sounds good. |
지금 찰까, 우리? | Shall we wear it now? |
[듀이] 어, 지금 차자 | Yeah, let's put them on. |
[듀이가 영어로] 지금 찰 수 있나요? | Yeah, let's put them on. |
- [지수] 지금 차고 갈게요 - [상인] 차고 가시게요? | |
[지수의 깨달은 탄성] | |
[듀이가 한국어로] 이건 근데 혼자 못 묶겠다, 이 정도면 | I don't think you can put it on by yourself. |
[듀이, 지수의 웃음] | |
[지수가 스페인어로] 정말 감사합니다 | Thank you very much. |
[듀이가 한국어로] 금방 묶으시네 | ON DEWEY'S WRIST |
[듀이] 이건 짱짱한 느낌인데? | -Oh, it's quite sturdy. -Yeah. |
[지수의 호응] | -Oh, it's quite sturdy. -Yeah. |
[지수] 안 풀릴 거 같지 어떻게든 | I don't think it'll ever fall off. |
[듀이의 웃음] | I don't think it'll ever fall off. |
- [지수] 예쁜데? - [듀이] 그러니까 | -It's pretty. -Right? |
- [지수] 재밌었어 - [듀이] 재밌었다 | -I had fun. -It was fun. |
'아기자기' 팀 | Cutesy-cutesy team. |
[혜영] 진짜 아기자기했던 팀이었던 거 같아요 | I think it was a really cute team. |
[지혜] 이제 곧 자기라고 부를 거 같아요 | I think it was a really cute team. I think they'll call each other "baby" soon. Right. |
- [혜영] 네 - 예 | Right. |
개인적으로 이 영상을 보니까 | Personally, after watching this video, |
더욱더 듀이가 더 잘됐으면 하는 바람이 큰데 | I really want things to work out for Dewey. |
[지원] 아, 막판에 | But at the last minute, |
뒤에 지수 씨가 또 | Ji-su spoke a bit ambiguously toward the end. |
찝찝하게 이야기한 부분이 있어 가지고 | Ji-su spoke a bit ambiguously toward the end. |
[세윤] 뭐, 어떤 부분이요? | What part? |
'아직 마음을 못 정했는데' | What part? -Like, "I still haven't made up my mind." -Exactly. |
- [혜영의 호응] - 이런 말들을 해 가지고 | -Like, "I still haven't made up my mind." -Exactly. Stuff like that. |
아, 근데 저는 긍정적이게 봅니다 | But I think it's rather positive. |
- [지원] 그래요? - 지수 씨 같은 경우는 | -Really? -For Ji-su, it's either yes or no. |
모 아니면 도예요, 그래서 | -Really? -For Ji-su, it's either yes or no. |
그전까지 고민하는 시간은 길었는데 | Until now, she's been thinking about it for a long time |
지금 이제 마음을 딱 열고 | but now, she's opening up. |
'동거까지 한 번' | I think she'd consider moving in with him and make a selection accordingly. |
'가보자' 해서 선택을 하지 않을까? | I think she'd consider moving in with him and make a selection accordingly. |
[흥미진진한 음악] | [AFTER A MOMENT] |
[듀이] 시간이 너무 짧은 게 아쉽고 | It's a pity it went by so fast. THE UNPREDICTABLE CONCLUSION |
[제롬] 솔직히 저도 어떻게 할지 모르겠어요 | Honestly, I don't know what to do. FINAL DECISION TIME HAS ARRIVED |
[지수] 제가 하려고 하는 선택을 | I don't think I'm going to change my mind. |
바꾸지는 않을 거 같아요 | I don't think I'm going to change my mind. |
[긴장한 숨소리] | |
[오스틴] 아, 이 커플은 진짜 좋아 | FINAL ONE-ON-ONE DATE: FUZZY-FUZZY JEROME & BENITA I really like this couple. |
- 너무 사랑스럽게 보여요 - [지혜] 맞아 | I really like this couple. -They're so lovely. -You're right. |
[제롬] 어디? | Where to? |
[베니타의 웃음] | |
'플라야 델 카르멘'? | "Playa del Carmen"? "Playa del Carmen." |
[베니타가 스페인어로] 플라야 델 카르멘 | "Playa del Carmen." |
[제롬이 한국어로] '플라야 델 카르멘' | Playa del Carmen. |
[지혜] 뭐야? '플라야 델 카르멘', 뭐야? | What is Playa del Carmen? |
[리드미컬한 음악] | |
[혜영] 아 칸쿤 근교에 있는 도시인데 | Oh, it's a city near Cancún. |
요즘 뜨는 핫한 곳이래요 | It's a hot spot these days. |
[세윤, 오스틴의 탄성] | It's a hot spot these days. A ROMANTIC PLACE FULL OF LOVE |
- [출연진의 탄성] - [오스틴] 오, 스킨십 | A ROMANTIC PLACE FULL OF LOVE -Whoa! How hot. -Oh, the PDA. |
[제롬] 뭐 아직까지, 어떻게 | It hasn't been too long since we last talked. |
어저께랑 얘기, 뭐 별로 시간 안 지났는데 | It hasn't been too long since we last talked. |
바다에서 아직 50프로에서 | From 50%, is it still there? One percent hasn't gone up yet? |
- 아직까지 50프로지 - [베니타의 웃음] | From 50%, is it still there? One percent hasn't gone up yet? |
아직 1프로 아직 안 올라갔나? | From 50%, is it still there? One percent hasn't gone up yet? |
뭔가 아직 안 올라갔어? | Something hasn't gone up yet? |
- [웃음] - [제롬] 50, 50 | Fifty-- I gotta know. |
[제롬이 영어로] 알아야 돼 | Fifty-- I gotta know. |
[제롬이 한국어로] 얼마큼 계속 올려야 돼 갖고 | How much do I need to go up? |
알아야 되니까 지금 오늘이랑 | Because honestly, we only have today and tomorrow. |
솔직히 내일밖에 없잖아 | Because honestly, we only have today and tomorrow. |
- 그렇지, 응 - [제롬의 호응] | -That's right. Yeah. -Yeah. |
- [제롬] 아니면 떨어졌어? - [떨어지는 효과음] | Or did it fall? |
[출연진의 웃음] | Or did it fall? |
- [베니타의 웃음] 걱정돼? - [유쾌한 음악] | Are you worried? |
걱정되지 | Of course, I am. |
이거를 50프로에서 좀 올리래요 | I have to raise it from 50%. |
거기서 이제 조금 더 이제 데이트하면서 좀 | From there, if we have fun on the date, it could go up a bit more. |
재미있게 해주면 | From there, if we have fun on the date, it could go up a bit more. |
조금씩 더 올라갈 수도 있고 | From there, if we have fun on the date, it could go up a bit more. |
그냥 뭐든지 잘해야 해요 지금부터 | I have to give it my all from now on. |
제롬, 오늘 잘하면 돼, 오늘 | Jerome, try your best today. |
[제롬이 영어로] 그러면 너는 | So, for you, |
[제롬이 한국어로] 뭐가 제일 중요해, 남자? | what do you look for most in a man? |
나는 좀 재미있는 사람 항상 좋아했던 거 같애 | I think I've always liked funny guys. |
[베니타] 막 위트 있고 좀 재미있고 | Like witty and funny. |
좀 같이 있으면 '라이크' | When we're together, like, |
그냥 재미있는 거 있잖아 | we just have fun, you know? You laugh… |
[베니타가 영어로] 웃게 하는 거 | we just have fun, you know? You laugh… |
[베니타가 한국어로] 그냥… | we just have fun, you know? You laugh… |
[혜영] 표정 봐 [웃음] | Look at his expression! |
- 자기 얘기하는 줄 알아 - [지혜의 호응] | -He thinks she's talking about him. -Yeah. |
[베니타] 아, 근데 나 지금 너무 졸려 | Gosh, I'm so sleepy right now. |
잠 못 잤어, 어제? | You couldn't sleep yesterday? |
어, 잠 못 잤어 | No, I couldn't sleep. |
지금도, 지금 눈 붙여 | Get some sleep now. |
- [베니타] 아니야, 아니야 - [제롬] 졸려? | -No, it's fine. -You sleepy? |
[베니타] '노', 아니 | I'm not. |
[제롬이 영어로] 괜찮대도 | I'm not. |
[베니타가 한국어로] 아니야, 아니야 | -No, no. -It's fine. |
괜찮아, 자는 모습 이뻐 | -No, no. -It's fine. You're pretty even when you sleep. Like Sleeping Beauty. |
'잠자는 공주'니까 | You're pretty even when you sleep. Like Sleeping Beauty. |
- 그냥 자 - [베니타] 아니야 | -Get some sleep. -No. |
'잠자는 공주'니까 자고 내가 뽀뽀하면 일어나야 해 | Sleep since you're Sleeping Beauty, but you have to wake up when I kiss you. |
[귀여운 음악] | Sleep since you're Sleeping Beauty, but you have to wake up when I kiss you. |
[출연진의 웃음] | |
잘한다, 잘한다 | Good job! |
이 멘트가 [웃음] | These comments. |
- [제롬] 재미없어? - 아니, 말만 잘하는, 어? | -It's no fun? -No. They're just words, huh? |
- [세윤의 웃음] - [지원] 말만 | Just words. |
[지혜의 웃음] | |
나는 말하면 말을 지켜 | If I say something, I stand by my word. |
[영어로] 난 해 | If I say something, I stand by my word. |
언행일치하는 사람이야 | |
[한국어로] 근데 그냥 성격 자체가 이런 거 같애 | But I think it's just your personality. |
[영어로] 내가 보기에 | But I think it's just your personality. |
[한국어로] 성격 자체가 이렇게 이야기를 하고 | I look like the type to say this stuff and not keep my word? |
얘기하는 거 안 따라갈 거 같아? | I look like the type to say this stuff and not keep my word? |
- [제롬] 아니야? - 뭐, 안 따라가는 건 | Well, I don't know if you'll keep them or not. |
내가 모르지 | Well, I don't know if you'll keep them or not. |
[목소리를 가다듬으며] 그치, 솔직히 | Yeah, honestly. |
[제롬이 목을 가다듬으며 영어로] 미안해 | |
[지혜가 한국어로] 엄청 신경 쓰고 있네요, 제롬 | Jerome seems really concerned. |
[흥미진진한 음악] | -Wow! -Whoa. |
[제롬, 베니타의 탄성] | -Wow! -Whoa. |
[혜영] 아 너무 가보고 싶다, 진짜 | Gee, I really want to go there. |
[오스틴] 어딜 가도 예뻐요 | It's gorgeous, no matter where you go. The streets are beautiful too. |
[혜영] 오 길거리 데이트구나 | The streets are beautiful too. |
[제롬이 영어로] 도착했네 | We're here. PLAYA DEL CARMEN, A HOT SPOT NEAR CANCÚN |
[제롬] 오빠가 가방 사줄까? | Want this oppa to buy you a bag? |
- [베니타의 웃음] - 응? | Want this oppa to buy you a bag? |
- [활기찬 음악] - [세윤의 탄성] | |
- [제롬] 아니, 명품 골라 - [베니타의 말소리] | -Pick a luxury bag. -What are you talking about? |
어? 오빠 | This oppa will buy you luxury bags. |
명품 사줄 수 있어 | This oppa will buy you luxury bags. |
멕시코에서 명품 내가 왜 못 사줘 | Why wouldn't I buy you luxury items here in Mexico? |
- 골라, 골라 - [베니타] 알았어 [웃음] | Why wouldn't I buy you luxury items here in Mexico? Here, choose one. |
[제롬] 뭐 사고, 야 | What does it matter? I told you, I, as the oppa, can-- |
- 내가 얘기했지, 오빠 - [베니타] 어, 어? | What does it matter? I told you, I, as the oppa, can-- |
- 가격은 생각하지 마 - [베니타] 오빠 | -Don't worry about the price. -Oppa, oppa-- |
- 먹고 싶은 거 있으면은 - [베니타] 알았어, 알았어 | -Don't worry about the price. -Oppa, oppa-- -Eat whatever you want to eat. -All right, all right. Okay. |
- 먹어 - [베니타] 알았어 | -Eat whatever you want to eat. -All right, all right. Okay. |
사고 싶은 거 있음 사 | Buy whatever you want. |
가격 생각하지마 오빠가 다 해 줄게 | Don't think about price. I'll take care of everything. |
[혜영의 웃음] | Don't think about price. I'll take care of everything. |
[베니타] 나 사실 저런 거 사고 싶었는데 | I wanted to buy something like that. |
- [제롬] 사 줘? - [베니타] 아니 | -Shall I buy it for you? -No. |
[제롬] 하나 갖고 가 | Take one. I have a lot of money. |
- 오빠 돈 많아 - [베니타의 웃음] | Take one. I have a lot of money. |
[혜영의 웃음] | |
[지원] 뭐, 이렇게 뭘 계속 '사줘? 사줘?'만 하고 있고 | -He keeps asking if he can buy her stuff. -"I have a lot of money." |
- [혜영] 오빠 돈 많대 - [지원] 1프로 | -He keeps asking if he can buy her stuff. -"I have a lot of money." |
- 빚이 1프로 올라가겠지 - [세윤의 웃음] | "One percent"? The only thing going up by 1% is his card debt! |
[출연진의 웃음] | "One percent"? The only thing going up by 1% is his card debt! Why does he keep saying he'll buy her things? |
[지원] 아니 뭘 계속 사 줘 | Why does he keep saying he'll buy her things? |
[세윤] 결국 금리만 1프로 올라 | The only thing going up by 1% is your interest rate! |
[출연진의 웃음] | The only thing going up by 1% is your interest rate! |
- '금리' - [지원] 아니, 뭘 자꾸 | -Interest rate. -Why does he keep saying that? |
[지원] 사준다고 그래 | -Interest rate. -Why does he keep saying that? |
[세윤] 마음이 급한 거야 | He's in a rush, trying to do whatever he can. |
- [지원] 어 - 뭐라도 하려고 | He's in a rush, trying to do whatever he can. |
- 귀엽잖아 - [지혜] 어, 난 좋아 | -It's cute! -Yeah, I like it. |
나도 좋아 | I like it too. |
[흥겨운 음악] | |
[제롬이 영어로] 이거랑 같은 거 있나요? | |
[제롬이 한국어로] 재미있게 해주면 | If I make her laugh, I think it'll go up a little. |
조금씩 좀 올릴 거 같아요 | If I make her laugh, I think it'll go up a little. |
- 재미있게, 재미있게 찍는다 - [띠링 울리는 효과음] | -Let's take a funny one. -What are you going to do? |
[베니타] 뭐 하게? | -Let's take a funny one. -What are you going to do? |
- [카메라 셔터 효과음] - [지혜] 너무 이쁘다 색깔 | -The colors are so pretty. -Wow. #PLAYA DEL CARMEN #HOPES FOR 1% INCREASE |
- 오, 색깔 너무 이뻐 - [오스틴의 탄성] | #PLAYA DEL CARMEN #HOPES FOR 1% INCREASE -Oh, the colors are pretty. -Wow! |
[베니타] 여기 이쁘긴 이쁘다 | -Oh, the colors are pretty. -Wow! -It's really pretty here. -Yeah. |
[제롬] 어, 오 | -It's really pretty here. -Yeah. |
[제롬이 영어로] 아이스크림 살까? | |
[제롬] 먹을래? | |
- [제롬] 맛 고르면 돼요? - [상인의 영어 말소리] | |
- 그래요? - [상인] 네 | |
[출연진의 탄성] | {A FLOWER ICE CREAM HAS BLOOMED} -Wow! -Wow! |
[오스틴이 한국어로] 꽃을 만들었네 | -Wow! -Wow! -He made a flower. -Wow! |
[제롬] 그래도 1프로면 뭔가 가능성 있잖아요 | But still-- If it's a 1% increase, there's some possibility. |
1프로 가능성 있고 | All I need is a 1% increase in possibility. |
그거 올리면 되니까 | All I need is a 1% increase in possibility. |
[제롬, 베니타가 스페인어로] 감사합니다 | |
- [빛나는 효과음] - [제롬이 영어로] 내 사랑 | |
- [지혜의 탄성] - [제롬] 내 사랑 | |
[혜영의 웃음] | |
[제롬이 한국어로] 이제 기분 좋은 거 보니까 | Seeing that she was in a good mood put me in a good mood too. |
저도 기분 좋았어요 | Seeing that she was in a good mood put me in a good mood too. |
- [제롬] 이쪽 배경? - [베니타] 응 | -This background? -Yeah. |
바깥에서 찍어야 예쁘지 | It's pretty if you take it outside. |
[베니타] 짠 | Cheers. |
[제롬] '원, 투, 스리' | |
[카메라 셔터 효과음] | |
- [지혜의 감탄] 매 순간 - [혜영] 노력한다, 노력해 | -He's trying. -He's putting in a lot of effort. |
[지혜] 진짜 열심히 한다 제롬 | Jerome is really trying his best. |
- [제롬] 맛있게 드세요 - [베니타의 호응] | -Enjoy your meal. -Yes, thank you for the food. |
- [베니타] 잘 먹겠습니다 - [제롬] 맛있게 먹겠습니다 | -Enjoy your meal. -Yes, thank you for the food. Thank you for the food. |
[베니타] 나는 라임 너무 좋아해 | I love lime so much. |
[베니타가 영어로] 제일 좋아 | |
[제롬] 나도 | |
[한국어로] 아, 입맛 똑같네 | Oh, we have similar tastes. |
- 그런 이야기 그만할게 - [베니타의 웃음] | I won't say stuff like that anymore. |
- [제롬] 수프에다 넣거나 - [베니타] 그런 게 중요해 | -You can put it in soup-- -But that's important too. |
- [제롬] 응? - [베니타] 식성 중요해 | -What? -Diet is important. |
맞아 | You're right. |
[베니타] 그런 거 좋아해? '라이크' | Do you like that stuff? Like-- |
'공개적으로' 이렇게 막 하는 거? | Doing stuff publicly? |
[영어로] 뭐라도 | |
[제롬이 한국어로] '공개적으로' 하는 거? | |
[한국어로] 프러포즈도 막 '공개적으로' 하고, 뭐 | Proposing in a public space. |
- [베니타] 프러포즈는 - 프러포즈 | -For my proposal-- -A proposal-- |
삼겹살집에서 문 닫을 때 | I did it at my friend's restaurant after hours, just us. |
친구네 삼겹살 우리끼리만 했어 | I did it at my friend's restaurant after hours, just us. |
[제롬이 영어로] 안 좋아해? | |
공개적으로 하는 거 안 좋아해? | |
[한국어로] 여자들 대부분 싫어해 | Most women don't like that. Most of us. |
- [베니타] 대부분 - 좋아, 좋아하지 않아? | Most women don't like that. Most of us. Don't women like that? |
여자들 | Don't women like that? Men think so. |
[베니타가 웃으며] 남자들이 그렇게 생각하는 거지 | Men think so. |
[제롬이 영어로] 공개적으로 하는 거랑 | |
장미도 안 좋아하겠네 | |
[한국어로] 그냥 우리만 알 수 있는 추억이 좋은 거지 | We like making memories for just the two of us. |
[베니타가 영어로] 대부분은 안 좋아해 | |
[한국어로] 우리만 | Just the two of us? |
[유쾌한 음악] | |
[혜영의 웃음] | |
[베니타] 오케이, 다른 거 | Okay, another question. |
싸우잖아? 어떻게 풀어? | BENITA STILL HAS A LOT OF QUESTIONS Let's say we fight. How would you resolve it? |
그거 굉장히 중요한 거 같애, 난 | I think that's really important to me. |
그냥 | You just |
놔둬야 해 | have to leave it alone. |
일단 먼저 놔두고 | You put it off at first, |
더 뭐, 더 '깊게' | and before we get deep into it-- |
가기 전에 | and before we get deep into it-- |
[영어로] 대화하기 전 마음을 가라앉히고 | I'd rather calm down before we get to talking. |
[한국어로] 하다가 그냥 얘기를 했으면 좋겠어 | I'd rather calm down before we get to talking. |
서로 풀 수 있으면 좋겠어 | And then we can resolve the issue. |
[제롬이 영어로] 난 마음을 가라앉히려고 해 | |
한 사람이라도 | |
두 사람 다 진정되면 좋지만 | |
한 사람이라도 진정하고 서로 대화를 해야 해 | |
베니타, 너의 생각은 어때? | |
[한국어로] 나도 시간을 좀 두고 | I think I need some time to think as well. |
생각할 시간을 주는 거 같아 | I think I need some time to think as well. |
[제롬] 좀 시간이 있어야 하는 거잖아, 그렇지? | You need some time, right? |
그렇지 | |
[제롬] 그렇게 해야 돼 나도 | I need that too. |
예약해야 해, 우리 이따가 다시 이야기하자, 이거 | You have to make a reservation. "Let's talk again at this time." |
싸울 때마다 | -If we fight, let's make up over Zoom. -Oh, we could. |
- 풀 때는 줌으로 하자 - 아, 그렇네 | -If we fight, let's make up over Zoom. -Oh, we could. |
그러면 | Then there's no reason to hit. |
때릴 일은 없잖아 | Then there's no reason to hit. |
- [베니타] 맞을 일도 없고 - [익살스러운 음악] | Or no reason to get hit. |
- 나 때릴, 남자 때려? - [베니타] 아니 | -Are you going to hit me--? You hit men? -No, no, no. |
- [베니타가 웃으며] '노' - [세윤의 웃음] | -Are you going to hit me--? You hit men? -No, no, no. |
- 나 때리려고 했어? - [혜영의 웃음] | Were you going to hit me? |
- [지원] '때려?' - [출연진의 웃음] | "Are you going to hit me?" |
- [지원] 때려? - [세윤의 웃음] | "No reason to hit?" |
- 둘이 유머 코드가 맞아 - [오스틴의 호응] | -Their sense of humor matches. -Yeah. |
그 티키타카 | It's like tiki-taka. |
베니타가 지금 | Seeing that Benita is talking about the future, |
어, 미래에 대해서도 이야기하는 거 보니까 | Seeing that Benita is talking about the future, |
[지혜] 둘 되게 긍정적으로 보이네요, 둘의 관계가 | I think things are looking up for this couple. |
[혜영] 마음에 있다는 거지 | It means she has feelings. |
[분위기 있는 음악] | |
[베니타] 아 이거 유명한 거잖아 | This thing is famous. |
[제롬이 영어로] 저기 저거? | This thing is famous. |
[베니타] 응, 저거 | |
[제롬이 한국어로] 아! 맞아, 맞아 | Right, right. |
- [오스틴] 와, 이거 - [혜영] 멋있다 | -Wow, this is-- -That's amazing. |
[지혜의 놀란 숨소리] | -Wow, this is-- -That's amazing. |
아, 나 선글라스 끼고 싶은데 눈이 너무 | Oh, I want to wear sunglasses. My eyes are so-- |
[제롬] 선글라스 껴, 괜찮아 | Wear your sunglasses. It's fine. |
[베니타] 아니, 근데 인상 쓰고 있는 거 | Because I'll keep frowning, I might look like I'm upset at you. |
너 싫어하는 거처럼 나올 거 같아서 | Because I'll keep frowning, I might look like I'm upset at you. |
나도 쓰지 않아? 지금 계속 인상? | Aren't I frowning too? |
- 쓰고 있지 않아? - [베니타] 응, 그래서 | -Am I frowning? -Yeah, exactly. |
둘이 여기서 헤어지는 거처럼 | It's going to look like we're breaking up. |
- [혜영의 웃음] - [유쾌한 음악] | |
- 싸우고 - [제롬] 좋게 | -After a fight, after a fight-- -Looking out to the sea for the last time. |
- 싸우고, 이제 - [제롬] '라스트' | -After a fight, after a fight-- -Looking out to the sea for the last time. |
- '라스트' 바다 보고 - [베니타의 호응] | -After a fight, after a fight-- -Looking out to the sea for the last time. -After our last meal together. -Tomorrow-- |
'라스트', 같이 밥 | -After our last meal together. -Tomorrow-- |
- 밥 먹고 - [베니타] 우리 내일 | -After our last meal together. -Tomorrow-- |
인상 쓰고 이렇게 막 | -While frowning. -Saying, "I think this is it for us." |
[베니타] '오늘이 이제 마지막일 거 같애' 이러면서 | -While frowning. -Saying, "I think this is it for us." |
어떻게 보면 헤어질 수도 있잖아 | In a way, we might actually break up. After tomorrow. |
내일, 내일 이후로 | In a way, we might actually break up. After tomorrow. |
그렇지 | You're right. |
그래도 나 사람들 다 너무 좋아서 | Still, I like everyone so much. |
계속 보고 싶어 | I want to keep in touch. |
맞아 | You're right. |
그리고 솔직히 시즌 3에서도 | And honestly, in season three, it didn't work out, but later, |
안 됐는데, 나중에 | And honestly, in season three, it didn't work out, but later, |
서로 끝나고 얘기하고 잘된 커플들도 있어 | there were couples who got together and things went well. |
그것들은 다 힌트네 | These are all hints. |
힌트를 하나씩 하나씩 주고 있네 | -You're giving me hints, one at a time. -What? Oh, a hint? |
뭐, 아니 힌트 | -You're giving me hints, one at a time. -What? Oh, a hint? |
어, 근데 이건 선택을 안 한다는 이야기인가? | Oh, is she saying that she won't choose him? |
- 그렇게 느끼겠다, 정말 - [세윤] 그러게 | -Sounds that way. -You're right. |
근데, 과연 | But even if I don't know what's going to happen, |
어떻게 될지 모르고 | But even if I don't know what's going to happen, |
누가 나갈까 | I wonder if anyone may leave the gondola, which they could if they're unhappy. |
- [베니타의 웃음] - 기분 안 좋은 사람 | I wonder if anyone may leave the gondola, which they could if they're unhappy. |
안 나갈 수 있잖아 | I wonder if anyone may leave the gondola, which they could if they're unhappy. |
[베니타] 아니 왜 기분이 나빠 | Why would they feel bad for not being selected or didn't match? |
선택을 안 받고 뭐, 매칭이 안 돼도 | Why would they feel bad for not being selected or didn't match? |
[제롬] 슬프지, 어떤 사람들은 슬퍼할 수도 있지 | Some people might be sad. |
자기 진짜로 | If they really liked someone and it didn't work out-- |
누구 마음에 들고 근데 안 됐는데 | If they really liked someone and it didn't work out-- |
[베니타] 그런 건 있을 수 있을 거 같애 | What could also happen is that they have feelings for each other, |
서로 마음은 있는데 | What could also happen is that they have feelings for each other, |
상황 때문에 | but they have to give up because of circumstances. |
포기해야 되는 그런 건 슬픈 거지 | but they have to give up because of circumstances. That's actually really sad. |
한 명이 좋다는 데 다른 애가 싫다고 해서 | Just because the other person doesn't feel the same way, |
그런 건 별로 안 슬퍼, 사실 | doesn't mean they should feel sad. |
우리 얘기 같은데? | That sounds like us. |
- [베니타의 웃음] - 상황 때문에 | Because of circumstances, |
안 되는 거 우리 얘기하는 거 같은데, 지금? | I feel like you're talking about us. |
[베니타] 아니지 우리는 '지역'도 다 맞고 | No, we're in the same region. |
[제롬] 상황 상황도 하나 있잖아 | But there is a situation to be dealt with. |
[제롬이 영어로] 경고네 | |
[혜영이 한국어로] 제롬이가 굉장히 불안하겠다 | Jerome must feel very uneasy. |
[제롬] 그냥 '공개적으로' 다 노출되는 거 | Being exposed publicly. |
어, 댓글 같은 거 | And people leaving comments online. |
이제 제가 | Since I used to work in that industry, |
그쪽 일을 했으니까 좀 더 이제 | Since I used to work in that industry, |
뭐, 댓글이나 아니면 기사나 | comments or articles might come out, even more. |
좀 더 나올 수 있으니까요 | comments or articles might come out, even more. |
평범한 사람보다 뭐, 톰이나 | More so than non-celebrities like Tom or Dewey… |
듀이나 그런 사람들보다 | More so than non-celebrities like Tom or Dewey… |
그게 지금 베니타 씨가 많이 걱정하고 저도 이제 걱정 | that's what Benita is worried about right now. |
베니타 씨가 그런 거 때문에 스트레스받고 | Benita is stressed because of that, |
기분 안 좋을 수 있고 그런 거 때문에 | and she might not feel good about it. |
[한숨 쉬며] 근데 이것도 제롬인데 어떡해 | Well, that's who Jerome is. What can you do? |
[베니타] 그래도 어느 날이 제일 '재밌'었어? | Anyway, which day was most exciting? |
- [베니타의 웃음] - 오늘? | Today? |
[영어로] 오늘이 가장 좋은 날이었어 | |
[제롬] 넌 어때? 언제가 가장 좋았어? | |
[한국어로] 난 야시장 좋았어 야시장 | I liked the night market date. |
- [제롬의 호응] - [분위기 있는 음악] | |
[제롬이 영어로] 더블, 랜덤 데이트? | |
응, 랜덤 데이트 | |
[한국어로] 뭐가 되게 랜덤했는데 | It was random, but it didn't feel so random. |
랜덤하지 않은 느낌? | It was random, but it didn't feel so random. |
그래서 좋았고 | BY PICKING BENITA'S PERFUME It was nice. |
[제롬] 아 나 화장실 갔다 올게 | I'm going to the bathroom. Where is it? |
화장실 어디 있지? | I'm going to the bathroom. Where is it? |
- [혜영] 이 와중에? - [오스틴의 웃음] | In the midst of all this? -He kept drinking his drink. -I'll be right back. |
[지혜] 아니, 계속 음료수를 마시더라고 | -He kept drinking his drink. -I'll be right back. |
[제롬이 영어로] 가서 보고 올게, 괜찮겠어? | -He kept drinking his drink. -I'll be right back. -I'm gonna go see. You gonna be okay? -Yeah. |
[베니타] 응 | -I'm gonna go see. You gonna be okay? -Yeah. -I'll throw it away. -I have some left. |
[제롬이 한국어로] 갔다 올게, 이거 버리고 | -I'll throw it away. -I have some left. |
[베니타] 버려, 난 있어 | -I'll throw it away. -I have some left. JEROME GOES TO THE BATHROOM |
아, 눈부셔 | Geez, my eyes. |
[새가 지저귄다] | AND TAKES SELFIES |
[혜영] 한참을? | A long time? |
[지혜] 그러게 왜 이렇게 오래 걸리지? | What's taking him so long? |
[베니타] 왜 안 와? | Why isn't he coming? |
[세윤] 아, 뭐야, 뭐야? | Oh, what's this? |
[제롬] 좀 약간 조금씩 뭐, 이벤트 같은 거 | I enjoy giving her small surprises. |
하는 걸 좋아해요 | I enjoy giving her small surprises. |
[세윤의 탄성] | |
혹시, 데이트 데이트하게 되면 꽃 | If we go on a date, I'd like to get her flowers. |
드리고 싶어요, 이걸 | If we go on a date, I'd like to get her flowers. |
50프로에서 좀 올리래요 | I'd like to raise it from 50%. |
꽃 주면 이렇게 5프로나 10프로 좀 올릴 거 같아요 | If I get her flowers, I think it'll go up, five to 10%. |
- [세윤의 감탄] - [지혜의 놀란 숨소리] | |
[혜영] 아, 이벤트 해주려고 그러는구나 | Oh, he wanted to surprise her. |
약간 공개적인 걸 싫어한다 그랬잖아요, 베니타가 | You know how Benita said she doesn't like public stuff? |
- [혜영의 호응] - 그래서 약간 | So I think he's trying to surprise her when it's just the two of them. |
- 둘만 있을 때, 서프라이즈 - [혜영] 그런가 봐 | So I think he's trying to surprise her when it's just the two of them. |
[오스틴의 깨달은 탄성] | I think that's what he's thinking. |
[지혜] 그런 생각을 한 거 같아요 | I think that's what he's thinking. If she liked public stuff, he would've given it to her outside. |
[세윤] 만약에 공개적인 게 좋다고 했으면 | If she liked public stuff, he would've given it to her outside. |
- 그 자리에서 줬을 텐데 - [지혜] 그렇죠, 그렇죠 | If she liked public stuff, he would've given it to her outside. Yes, exactly. |
- 센스 있다 - [지혜] 감동이다 | -How sensible. -I'm impressed. |
- 센스 있어 - [오스틴의 탄성] | Very sensible. |
아, 제롬 괜찮네요, 너무 | Oh, Jerome is amazing. |
[제롬이 스페인어로] 아가씨, 안녕하세요 | How are you, senorita? |
- 아가씨, 안녕하세요 - [발랄한 음악] | How are you, senorita? |
[제롬] 아가씨, 안녕하세요 | |
[베니타가 한국어로] 이거 뭐야? 샀어? | What's this? Did you buy one? |
[제롬이 영어로] 선물이야, 솜브레로 모자 | |
[지혜가 한국어로] 아, 모자 사 온 거처럼 속인 거구나 | Oh, he's pretending he went to buy the hat. |
[혜영] 그런가 봐 | |
[제롬이 영어로] 멕시코 모자야 | I'll keep this on when we go home. |
[베니타가 한국어로] 이거 쓰고 들어가야겠다 | I'll keep this on when we go home. |
[제롬] '원, 투, 스리' | |
같이 찍자, 같이 | Let's take one together. |
뒷, 뒷배경으로 뒤에 예쁘지? | With the background in the back. Isn't it pretty? |
[베니타의 호응] | Uh-huh. |
[제롬] '원' | -Whoa! -Physical touch. |
[출연진의 탄성] | -Whoa! -Physical touch. |
[오스틴] 스킨십 | -Whoa! -Physical touch. |
[세윤] 허리에 손을? | Hands on the waist? |
[제롬] '원, 투, 스리' | |
- [제롬] 오케이 - [베니타] 오케이 | -Okay. -Okay. Let's go. |
- [제롬] 갑시다 - [베니타] '레츠 고' | -Okay. -Okay. Let's go. |
[베니타] 쓰고 들어가야 해 | -You have to wear this when you go in. -Seriously? You mean home? |
- [제롬] 진짜로? 집에? - [베니타의 호응] | -You have to wear this when you go in. -Seriously? You mean home? -Yeah. Of course. -I'll wear it when I go home. |
[제롬] 집에 쓰고 들어갈게 | -Yeah. Of course. -I'll wear it when I go home. |
- [베니타] 그럼 - 지금은 바람 부니까 | -Yeah. Of course. -I'll wear it when I go home. For now, it's windy, so I'll just carry it. |
들고 갈게 | For now, it's windy, so I'll just carry it. |
[베니타] 나는 '얘가 어디를 가서' | I was wondering where you ran off to. |
'왜 이렇게 안 오나' | I was wondering where you ran off to. |
'아, 날 또 놓고 갔나' [웃음] | "Man, did he leave me again? Is he afraid he won't be chosen tomorrow?" |
- 내 선택을 못 받을까 봐 - [제롬] 내가 얘기했잖아 | Is he afraid he won't be chosen tomorrow?" |
- [혜영] 궁금하다 - [지혜] 어, 반응 | -I'm curious. -Yeah, her reaction. |
[제롬이 영어로] 이것 좀 들어줄래? | |
[베니타] 그래 | |
그래, 그래 | |
[한국어로] 이렇게 | This way. |
[혜영] 아, 귀여워 | Gee, how cute. |
이렇게 끼고 가는 거야? | Should I go home like this? |
[제롬] 어? | Should I go home like this? |
[세윤] 언제 보여줄 거야? | When will you show her? |
- 아, 긴장되나 보다 - [혜영] 목이 타 | -He must be nervous. -He's getting thirsty. |
목이 타 | -He must be nervous. -He's getting thirsty. |
[베니타] 조심히만 가주세요 | -Please drive carefully. -Yes, ma'am. |
[제롬의 호응] | -Please drive carefully. -Yes, ma'am. |
[오스틴] '컴 온' | |
[세윤] 아, 내가 기대된다 | I'm looking forward to it. |
[제롬] 아, 맞다, 잠깐만 | Oh, right. Hold on. |
선글라스 | My sunglasses. |
- [흥미진진한 음악] - 그 한 번 열어 봐 봐 | -Can you open that? -Your sunglasses? |
[베니타] 선글라스? 아니 여기 있어, 선글라스 | -Can you open that? -Your sunglasses? No, your sunglasses are here. You need them? |
[베니타] 줘? | No, your sunglasses are here. You need them? |
[제롬] 내 지갑 선글라스랑 잠깐만… | My wallet and sunglasses-- Hold on. |
- [출연진의 안타까운 탄성] - [지혜] 아닌데, 아닌데 | -Oh, dear. -Oh, no. -No, that's not it! -No! |
- 그거 아닌데 - [오스틴] 아니야 | -No, that's not it! -No! That's not it! |
[지혜] 그거 아니야 그거 아니야 | That's not it! |
'오, 노' | |
[지혜] 다른 걸로 줘야 돼요 | |
[흥미진진한 음악] | |
[영어로] 오케이, 고마워 | |
[베니타가 한국어로] 그리고? | SECOND ATTEMPT -What else? -And my wallet… |
[제롬] 그리고 혹시 내 지갑… | -What else? -And my wallet… |
저기 안에 봐 봐, 내 지갑 | Look in there. My wallet-- |
[제롬] 저기 안에 봐 봐 | Look in there. |
- 여기 다 놨었어? - [제롬] 지갑 있는 쪽 | -You put it in here? -My wallet… |
제발 [놀란 숨소리] | Please. FIND IT THIS TIME… |
좋아, 좋아, 좋아, 좋아 | Okay, going well! |
- 여기다 놨었어? - [제롬] 지갑 있는 쪽 | -You put it in here? -My wallet… |
[웃음] | BEAMING |
[출연진의 탄성] | SHE FINALLY FOUND IT…! She finally saw it! |
- [지혜] 봤어, 봤어 - [분위기 있는 음악] | She finally saw it! |
- 이거, 이거 뭐야? - [제롬] 어? | What-- What's this? |
[혜영이 박수 치며] 진짜 좋아한다 | She's so happy. |
[세윤] 됐다! | He did it! |
[제롬] 아니 | No. |
사람들 앞에서 바닷가 거기 앉으면서 줄라고 | I was going to give it to you in front of the beach. |
화장실 가서 줄라고 그랬는데 | I was going to give it to you in front of the beach. That's why I went to the bathroom. |
[기분 좋은 탄성] | |
[제롬] 가다가 꽃집 하나 발견해 갖고 | -I found a flower shop on the way… -You found one? |
발견했어? | -I found a flower shop on the way… -You found one? |
'공개적인 거' 그런 거 싫어해서 | You don't like public attention, |
그래서 아, 이건 안 되겠다 하고 차 안에 그냥 | so instead of drawing public attention, I put it in here. |
그래서 미안해 좀 더 오래 걸렸어 | I'm sorry, that's why I took so long. |
그러니까, 왜 이렇게 안 오나 아, 참 | Gosh, I was thinking, "What's taking him so long?" |
고맙네 | Thank you. |
또, 이 점수가 [웃음] | Well, your score now-- |
점수가 두구두구두구두구두구두구 | My score-- |
[세윤] 이거 안 올라갈 수가 없지 | There's no way it wouldn't go up. |
- [영어로] 고마워 - [제롬] 아니야 | |
[한국어로] 점수 조금 올라갔어 | Your score went up a bit. |
[제롬이 웃으며] 조금? 와 꽃 줬는데 조금 올라갔어? | A bit? Wow, I got you flowers, but it only went up a bit? |
아, 힘들다 이거 | Ah, this is tough. |
- [베니타] 힘들지? - 어, 힘드네 | -It's tough, huh? -Yeah, it is. |
오, 나는 감동적 왜 감동적이지 이게? | Oh, how touching-- Why is this so touching for me? |
[혜영] 부럽잖아 | You're envious. |
나, 이 노력하는 이 마음이 너무 고마울 것 같애 | I think I'd be so grateful for how hard he's trying. |
[제롬] 그럼, 좀 진지하게 얘기하면 이거는 뭐 | Well, to be serious. |
답변 안 해도 되는데 그냥 궁금해서 | You don't have to answer, but I'm just curious. |
이제 시간 얼마 안 남고 오늘하고 내일 아침 있는데 | There's not much time left. We have today and tomorrow morning. |
내일 인제 최종 선택해야 되는데 | Tomorrow, we have to make the final selection. |
아직 마음이 결정된 거 있어? 아니면 아직까지는 좀 | Have you made up your mind yet? Or is it still a little-- |
답을 듣고 싶어? | You want to hear the answer? |
[제롬이 영어로] 아니, 그냥 | |
[한국어로] 답은 내일 나오겠지 | -…I'll get the answer tomorrow. -Yeah. |
[베니타] 응 | -…I'll get the answer tomorrow. -Yeah. |
그니까 너의 그 마음이 지금 결정되어 있어? | But have you made up your mind now? |
어떻게, 뭐를 어떻게 할지 '오어' | -Like what you're going to do? Or-- -No. |
[베니타] 아니 | -Like what you're going to do? Or-- -No. |
결정은 안 되어 있어 | I haven't made up my mind yet. |
[의미심장한 효과음] | IT'S NOT "JEROME" JUST YET |
[베니타] 나는 좀 이렇게 | I'm kind of, like-- |
마음이 편할 때 좀 생각을 하는 걸 좋아해 | I like to think when my mind is at ease. |
'유 노, 라이크' | You know, like-- |
막 복잡하고 피곤하고 이럴 때 생각하면 | If you think about it when things are complicated and you're tired… |
[영어로] 대부분 잘못된 결정을 했어 | If you think about it when things are complicated and you're tired… |
- [제롬] 안 좋은 결정? - 응 | |
[제롬이 한국어로] 집에 가서 바로 자 | When we get home, go to sleep right away until tomorrow morning. |
[출연진의 웃음] | When we get home, go to sleep right away until tomorrow morning. |
- 내일 아침까지 - [베니타의 웃음] | When we get home, go to sleep right away until tomorrow morning. |
내가 애들한테 얘기할 게 건들지 말라고 | I'll tell the others, "Do not disturb." |
[베니타] '건들지 말라고'? | "Do not disturb." |
[출연진의 웃음] | "Do not disturb." |
자다가 아침 일찍 일어나서 | Get some sleep, and I'll wake you up early. |
내가 일어나서 너 바닷가 데려가서 내가 놔둘게 | Get some sleep, and I'll wake you up early. I'll take you to the beach, leave you there, and come home alone. |
다시 올게 | I'll take you to the beach, leave you there, and come home alone. |
바닷가 좀 보면서 | I'll take you to the beach, leave you there, and come home alone. -You can look at the vast sea and think. -Oh, and feel at ease? |
넓은 바닷가 보면서 | -You can look at the vast sea and think. -Oh, and feel at ease? |
- 좀 이렇게 생각해 - [베니타] 마음 편하게? | -You can look at the vast sea and think. -Oh, and feel at ease? |
어, 마음 편하게 | -Yeah, you can feel at ease. -Feel at ease. Then, decide "no." |
마음 편하게, '오 노' | -Yeah, you can feel at ease. -Feel at ease. Then, decide "no." |
[혜영의 웃음] | -Yeah, you can feel at ease. -Feel at ease. Then, decide "no." |
[웃음] | |
[베니타] 아, 웃겨 | Oh, how funny. |
[베니타] 톰이 얘기하자고 할 수 있을 것 같애 | But I think Tom might want to talk. |
- 나는 근데 - [제롬이 영어로] 말했어 | But I think Tom might want to talk. |
[한국어로] 얘기했어 나한테 | He told me. |
아, 얘기했어? | -Oh, he did? -He said he asked you out on a date. |
[제롬] 너랑 데이트 신청했는데 | -Oh, he did? -He said he asked you out on a date. |
한 6년 전부터 '일대일 데이트' 신청했는데 | He's been asking for a one-on-one date for six years but didn't get a chance yet. |
아직까지 '일대일 데이트' 못 갔다고 | He's been asking for a one-on-one date for six years but didn't get a chance yet. |
[베니타, 혜영의 웃음] | -It was a group date again. -"Group date." |
[제롬] 다시 그룹 데이트였는데 | -It was a group date again. -"Group date." |
'그룹 데이트' | -It was a group date again. -"Group date." |
[출연진의 탄성] | |
[바람 소리 효과음] | THE LAST NIGHT, |
[혜영] 이 둘은 끝까지 모를 것 같애 | I don't think we'll know until the end. |
- [지혜] 톰이 있었어 - [혜영의 호응] | -We have to consider Tom. -Yeah. JEROME - BENITA |
- 근데 굳이, 그 - [물방울 떨어지는 효과음] | I wonder why she keeps bringing up Tom. |
톰 얘기를 하는 이유가 뭘까가 저는 | I wonder why she keeps bringing up Tom. |
약간의 질투심을 | -To make him jealous? -Even in that setting. |
- 유발하는 건가? - [지원] 저 자리에서 | -To make him jealous? -Even in that setting. |
[지혜] 왜냐하면 이렇게 즐겁게 데이트하고 나서 | Well, if she suddenly has a chat with Tom after having such a fun date-- |
갑자기 톰이랑 또 데이트를 하면 | Well, if she suddenly has a chat with Tom after having such a fun date-- |
- 제롬 입장에서 오해하고 - [혜영] 오해할 수 있… | -A misunderstanding. -Jerome could take that badly. |
기분 나쁠 수 있으니까 | -A misunderstanding. -Jerome could take that badly. |
'이따가 얘기할 수 있어' | -A misunderstanding. -Jerome could take that badly. I bet she's telling him in advance, so that he doesn't misunderstand. |
라고, 일부러 얘기를 좀 해주는 게 아닐까요? | I bet she's telling him in advance, so that he doesn't misunderstand. |
오해하지 말라고? | I bet she's telling him in advance, so that he doesn't misunderstand. |
근데 약간 신경 쓰이는 얘기를 많이 하긴 했어요 | But she did make a few disconcerting remarks. |
뭐, '지금 당장 선택은 안 돼도' | But she did make a few disconcerting remarks. "Even if you're not chosen, some couples get together later on." |
'나중에라도 잘되는 커플도 있어' | "Even if you're not chosen, some couples get together later on." Such remarks. |
라고 하는 말들이 | Such remarks. |
- 어 - [세윤] 조금, 뭔가… | It's somehow a little-- |
[지원] 계속 아까 대화 중에서도 저는 | Even during that conversation, something stood out to me. |
그걸 들었거든요 | Even during that conversation, something stood out to me. |
'선택을 안 받았다고 왜 슬퍼?'라고 하고 | "Why would it be sad not to get chosen?" |
'그게 왜 기분 나빠?' 라고 하는 게 | "Why feel bad?" Comments like those. |
[지원] 그거 선택 안 받았다고 해서 | It somewhat sounded like, "Don't feel bad if I don't choose you." |
'기분 나빠하지 마'로 들렸거든요 | It somewhat sounded like, "Don't feel bad if I don't choose you." |
[지원] 약간 그런 식의 뉘앙스로 들려서 나는 | I think that's what she was really saying. |
- [지혜] 글쎄… - [혜영] 하여튼 | -I'm not sure. -Say they don't choose each other here. |
진짜 여기서 최종 선택 안 하고 | -I'm not sure. -Say they don't choose each other here. |
그냥 LA 가서 몰래 만나면 우린 재미없잖아요? | But if they secretly met up in LA, that'd be no fun for us. |
[지원] 그러니깐 우린 재미없지만 | -Exactly. -Not for us, no. |
그리고 너튜브 채널 열면 | They better not open their own YouTube channel instead. Seriously. |
- 가만 안 둬요 - [익살스러운 음악] | They better not open their own YouTube channel instead. Seriously. |
- 진짜… - [출연진의 웃음] | They better not open their own YouTube channel instead. Seriously. |
- [세윤] 베니타 이거 - [지혜] LA 가서 | -Benita is-- -You better not open one in LA. |
유튜브 열기만 해봐 가만 안 둬 | -Benita is-- -You better not open one in LA. I think Benita wants to be in the follow-up episodes. |
[세윤] 베니타가 외전 하고 싶어서 그런가 보다 | I think Benita wants to be in the follow-up episodes. |
[세윤] 외전 | Follow-up episodes. |
[의미심장한 음악] | |
[혜영] 와 마지막 밤이라니 벌써 | Wow, it's the last night already. |
[제롬] 오! | |
- [돌싱들의 탄성] - [하림] '오 마이 갓' | |
- 대박 - [돌싱들의 탄성] | Amazing! WHAT DID THE WIND REVEAL ON THE BLACKBOARD? |
- [지수] 어, 최종 선택? - [듀이의 호응] | -Final decisions? -Yeah. |
[지미] 내일은 대관람차에서 최종 선택을 합니다 | "Tomorrow, final decisions will be made on the Ferris wheel. |
후회 없는 마지막 밤을 보내세요 | Spend this last night without regrets." |
[톰] 아, 벌써 마지막 날 밤이야 | Gosh, it's already the last night! |
[제롬] 내일까지 아직 | Until tomorrow arrives, |
어떻게 될지 모르니까 | nobody knows what will happen. |
[영어로] 안 늦었어 | |
[한국어로] 그러니까 끝난 거 아니야 | So it's not over. |
[분위기 있는 음악] | So it's not over. |
그래 아직 끝난 게 아니야 | No, it's not over yet. |
[지혜] 두 사람은 끝까지 가봐야 알 것 같습니다 | These two will have to see it to the end. |
[제롬] 마지막 밤 '치어스' | To our last night-- |
[함께] '치어스' | |
[제롬] '치어스 치어스, 치어스' | Let's have no regrets. |
[지미] 후회 없는 밤을 보내십시다 | Let's have no regrets. {THIS LAST NIGHT} ISN'T OVER UNTIL IT'S OVER |
[듀이] 너는 아마 갈 거 같지? | DEWEY, RICKY DISCUSS FINAL SELECTIONS You're pretty sure you're going? To the next step? |
'다음 단계'로? | You're pretty sure you're going? To the next step? |
'다음 단계' | -The next phase. -I'm definitely going. |
[혜영] 아, 멋진 리키 | Oh, our admirable Ricky. |
[듀이가 한국어로] 그냥 | How about you? Do you think there's any progress? |
[듀이] 아, 그래도 좀 | Still, it's a bit-- |
[듀이가 영어로] 계속 보여주려고 했어 | |
우리가 더 알게 되면 | |
지수를 선택할 거라고 | |
- 그게 내 생각이야 - [리키의 호응] | |
그래서 지수가 생각해 봐야겠다고 했는데 | |
거절의 의미는 아니었어 | |
오늘 밤에 지수는 아마 결정을 할 거야 | |
[리키가 한국어로] 너는 다른 '2순위'가 있어? | Do you have a number two? |
- [듀이] 이젠 없어 - [리키] '2순위' 없어? | -Not anymore. -No number two? |
- [리키] 오케이 - [의미심장한 음악] | -Not anymore. -No number two? |
[듀이] 우린 어떻게 될지 몰라 | I don't know what'll happen to us. |
[혜영의 한숨] | I see… |
지수가 좀 생각 좀 해봤으면 좋겠다 | I hope Ji-su would really think about it. |
[지미가 영어로] 제롬 어때, 잘돼가? | |
[제롬] 잘했다고 생각하는데 모르겠어 | |
50프로였지만 좀 올라갔다고 봐 | |
- [지미가 한국어로] 어? - 50%에서 조금 올렸어 | I got my chances up a bit from 50%. |
- [지미의 깨달은 탄성] - 어, 50%에서 | -Really? -Yeah, it started at 50%-- |
[제롬이 영어로] 75%까지 올렸다고 봐 | |
[지미] 좋네 | |
[제롬] 좋은데, 아직 | |
이제 하루도 안 남았잖아 | |
[부스럭거리는 소리] | |
[제롬] 모르겠어 | |
[혜영이 한국어로] 진짜 마지막까지 불안한… | The situation's unclear until the end. |
[소라] 말했어? | Did you tell him? |
[베니타] 아니 | Yeah, I did. |
[베니타] '지역'만 괜찮으면 난 무조건 괜찮아 | I was going to go for him, as long as the location wasn't a problem. |
[희진의 호응] | Yeah. |
[베니타] '지역' 공개했을 때 다 괜찮았어 | All was fine, even after the region reveal. |
근데 공인이었다고 얘기를 했을 때 뭔가 '아…' | But when he said he was a public figure, I was kind of like, "Oh." |
정말 | It honestly felt like a "one step forward, ten step backwards" situation. |
'한 걸음 전진'했으면 | It honestly felt like a "one step forward, ten step backwards" situation. |
'열 걸음 뒤로' 간 느낌? [옅은 웃음] | It honestly felt like a "one step forward, ten step backwards" situation. |
[소라] 힘들겠다 | It must be hard for you. |
[베니타] 일단 | I-- I'm not on social media very much. |
- [세윤] 어, 진짜? - [잔잔한 음악] | -Oh, really? -I see. |
[오스틴] 어 | -Oh, really? -I see. |
[지혜] 아예 공개하는 걸 좋아하지 않는 성향인 거예요 | JEROME'S PAST IS STILL WEIGHING ON BENITA'S MIND -She's just a private person. -I see. |
[오스틴의 깨달은 탄성] | -She's just a private person. -I see. THE DIVORCÉES' MINDS REMAIN TORN |
[제롬이 영어로] 지금까지 확실한 건 한 커플이네 | |
- 너도 확신해? - [하림] 지미도 확실해 | |
[익살스러운 효과음] | UNSURE |
[제롬] 한 커플이 확실해 | |
두 커플 확실해 | |
세 커플 확실해 | |
- [제롬] 네 커플 확실해 - [돌싱들의 웃음] | |
- [돌싱들의 웃음] - [부드러운 음악] | SOME MAY BE SURE WHILE OTHERS MAY REMAIN UNSURE Right. |
- [제롬] 잘 자 - [돌싱녀] 잘 자 | Right. |
[톰이 한국어로] 잘 자 [목 가다듬는 소리] | Good night. ONE BY ONE |
아, 톰 | -Tom. -I feel sorry for him the most. |
[지혜] 아, 제일 안타까워 | -Tom. -I feel sorry for him the most. |
[혜영] 그러니까 괜찮은 사람 | -Tom. -I feel sorry for him the most. -Exactly. He's such a great guy. -Oh, man. |
[지혜] 너무 괜찮은데 | He's so great. |
[톰] 나는, 그, 저기 딱 내려갔을 때가 | I'm pretty sure that the moment I went down there |
나한테는 이, 가장 충격적인 순간이었던 것 같애 | I'm pretty sure that the moment I went down there was the most shocking moment for me. |
- [혜영] 마음이 아파, 톰 - [오스틴] 아, 아쉽네 | -My heart aches for Tom. -What a pity. |
[베니타] 지수! | Ji-su! |
지수 | Ji-su? |
- [베니타] 혼자 뭐해? - [지수] 나 자려고 | -What are you doing all alone? -I tried to sleep. |
[지수가 한숨을 쉬며] 끝내 끝이 아니구나 싶어져 | I was thinking about how it's really ending. |
[베니타] '당연히' | "Of course?" |
[베니타] 어? | -What are you guys doing? -What? |
- [베니타의 웃음] - [흥미로운 음악] | TOM COMES RIGHT DOWN AT BENITA'S WORDS |
[혜영이 놀라며] 아, 톰 기회가 온 건가? | Tom! This could be his chance! |
아, 갑자기 또 긴장되는 마지막 밤이 되는 거야? | Wow, is this night suddenly turning out to be a nervous one? |
[톰의 말소리] | |
- [베니타의 웃음] - [톰] 그럼… | -What? -I already talked to Dewey oppa. |
[베니타, 톰의 호응] | Go on. |
그, 그런 것 같아 | I haven't made up my mind, but it's like this-- To be honest, when I'm with Dewey oppa is when I laugh the most. |
[베니타, 톰의 호응] | I see. -I just find him funny. -But that's my selection standard too. |
- [편안한 음악] - [톰] 아, 되게 좋아하네 | -I told him that too. -Then, that's a really good sign. |
[톰의 탄성] | Wow! |
- [톰의 말소리] - 진짜? | THE PERSON WHO MADE HER LAUGH THE MOST It's a positive sign, right? |
[혜영] 뭔가 사인이 좋은데? | It's a positive sign, right? DEWEY - JI-SU |
[빛나는 효과음] | DEWEY - JI-SU CAN JI-SU LAUGH… |
[지혜] 오 잘 됐으면 좋겠다 | CAN JI-SU LAUGH… I hope they work out. …WITH DEWEY TOMORROW? |
여자들은 웃긴 남자를 좋아해 | -Women do like funny guys. -It's true, though. |
[지혜] 근데 진짜 그래요 | -Women do like funny guys. -It's true, though. |
살다 보니까 나를 웃게 하는 게 | The happiest factor in a marriage is that your other half can make you laugh. |
가장 진짜 제일 행복한 것 같아요 | The happiest factor in a marriage is that your other half can make you laugh. Even when I'm with my husband, everything else aside-- All else aside. |
저도 저의 남편이랑 있으면 | Even when I'm with my husband, everything else aside-- All else aside. |
- [익살스러운 효과음] - 다른 건 그냥 그래도 | Even when I'm with my husband, everything else aside-- All else aside. |
- [혜영] 웃겨? - 웃겨요, 진짜 | -He's funny? -He really is. Just thinking about him makes you laugh? |
[지원] 지금도 생각만 하면 웃긴가 보죠 | Just thinking about him makes you laugh? |
우리 오빠, 진짜 웃겨 | -Well, he really is funny. -Just thinking of him makes you laugh? |
[지원] 생각만 해도 웃긴가 봐 | -Well, he really is funny. -Just thinking of him makes you laugh? |
아니, 웃겨 | -Wow! -He's funny! |
[지원] 행복해 보여요 | -You do seem happy. -He's funny enough to join the industry. |
예능인으로 키우고 싶을 정도로 참 웃겨요 | -You do seem happy. -He's funny enough to join the industry. -Oh, really? -Yes, I don't know about anything else. |
[오스틴] 아, 그래요? | -Oh, really? -Yes, I don't know about anything else. |
진짜, 네 다른 건 모르겠지만, 진짜 | -Oh, really? -Yes, I don't know about anything else. |
[지혜] 그래서 우리가 사는 이유가 있다 싶어서 | -I reckon that's why we're making it work. -Wow. |
- [혜영] 그래서 - [세윤] 그래 | -That explains you and your wife, no? -Yes, I think so. |
- 자기도 잘 사는 거 아니야 - [세윤] 그런 것 같애 | -That explains you and your wife, no? -Yes, I think so. |
- [지혜] 맞아 - 남자 쪽이 좀 웃겨 주고 | -Right. -The guy should be a bit funny. |
여자가 남자를 좀 귀엽게 보면 끝이라고 하잖아요? | -Right. -The guy should be a bit funny. They say it's a done deal if a woman finds her man adorable. |
- [혜영의 호응] - 맞아, 귀여워요, 귀여워 | Yes, right. My husband's adorable. |
[부드러운 음악] | |
- [오스틴] 아직 - [지원] 아직도? | -Not yet? What? -Still? |
- [혜영의 놀란 숨소리] - [오스틴] '왓'? | BENITA IS STILL DECIDING |
[베니타의 호응] | -Yesterday, when we did the child reveal. -Yes. -I thought a lot about my situation. -Yeah. |
- [베니타] 응 - [톰] 내가 이제 거기서 | -I thought a lot about my situation. -Yeah. Considering my current situation… |
애들이 둘… | I have two kids. |
난 이제 아이고, 좀 그렇지 | So I came to accept that my chances are slim. |
[지혜] 신경이 쓰였구나 본인만 아이가 있으니까 | He's concerned because she doesn't have kids. |
[혜영의 호응] | He's concerned because she doesn't have kids. Yeah. |
내가 말했잖아 | I told you already, location is what matters more to me. |
사실 | To be honest, I can't say the child reveal didn't concern me at all. |
너랑 이야기하면 좀 | {IT'S HIS LAST NIGHT WITH BENITA} WHAT IS TOM FEELING RIGHT NOW? When I look at you, I see someone who's like a responsible eldest sister. |
- [베니타의 호응] - [톰] 막 그런 거에… | Someone who wouldn't be fazed by-- |
[톰] | You're just comfortable to be around. |
[베니타] 뭐 한다고? | -Makes you, what? -There's one thing that saddens me. |
- 서글픈 게 - [베니타] 응 | -Makes you, what? -There's one thing that saddens me. |
있다면 하나라고 | -Makes you, what? -There's one thing that saddens me. |
[베니타] 오늘하고 그때 야시장 두 번 | Today and the night market. BENITA HAS HAD TWO 1:1 DATES |
[톰] 그니까 [헛기침] 좀 내가… | I also hoped to-- I mean… |
[베니타] 어필을 할 수 있는 | -A chance to appeal-- -Yes, in a more formal setting. |
[톰] 어필을 그런 매너를 갖추고 | -A chance to appeal-- -Yes, in a more formal setting. |
- 의자도 당겨주고 - [베니타의 호응] | Pulling out your chair, showing some manners and such. |
뭐, 이렇게 매너도 보이고 뭐, 하면서 | Pulling out your chair, showing some manners and such. |
주문도 하고 [한숨] | Ordering some food and-- Goodness. |
한 번도 못 하고 내가 지금 | I never got to do any of that, and I'm going back home now. |
- [베니타의 웃음] - 도로 집에 가는 거야 | I never got to do any of that, and I'm going back home now. |
[베니타] 아니, 근데 | I never got to do any of that, and I'm going back home now. No, but I really didn't get many chances to go on dates with you. |
나는 오빠랑 정말 데이트 기회가 많이 없었어 | No, but I really didn't get many chances to go on dates with you. |
한 번도 없었어 | I never had the proper chance. |
[지혜] 자, 우리 최종 커플 예측을 한번 | -How about we predict our final couples? -Okay. |
- 해보면 좋을 것 같아요 - [혜영의 호응] | -How about we predict our final couples? -Okay. |
지난 시즌에 | -We had two couples last season, right? -Yes. |
- 두 커플이 나왔죠? - [혜영의 호응] | -We had two couples last season, right? -Yes. |
자, 시즌 4 | Now, how many couples do you expect for season four? |
- [물방울 효과음] - 몇 커플 예상하세요? | Now, how many couples do you expect for season four? |
[혜영] 어, 저는… | Well, I say four couples. |
네 커플이요 | Well, I say four couples. RICKY & HA-RIM, JEROME & BENITA… |
- [지혜] 네 커플이요? - [세윤] 우와 | RICKY & HA-RIM, JEROME & BENITA… -Four couples? That many? -Whoa! |
- [혜영의 호응] - 최, 진짜 많이? | -Four couples? That many? -Whoa! |
- 그니까 톰, 소라 빼놓고 - [세윤의 호응] | Everyone except Tom and Sora. …DEWEY & JI-SU, JIMI & HEE-JIN |
- 될 거 같아요, 네 - [오스틴] 아, 그래요? | …DEWEY & JI-SU, JIMI & HEE-JIN -Oh, really? -Yes. |
[지혜] 어때요, 오스틴은? | -What about you, Austin? -For me, |
- 저는 리키, 하림은 무조건 - [혜영의 호응] | -What about you, Austin? -For me, Ricky and Ha-rim are definite. Then, there's Jerome and Benita. |
제롬, 베니타 하고 | Ricky and Ha-rim are definite. Then, there's Jerome and Benita. |
저는 그런데 지미하고 희진은 | But I don't think Jimi and Hee-jin will work out. |
- 잘 안될 것 같아요 - [혜영의 놀란 탄성] | But I don't think Jimi and Hee-jin will work out. |
[지원] 나도 나도 그런 생각 했다니까 | -I think so too! -Right? |
- [오스틴의 호응] - [지원] 싸울 때 | -I think so too! -Right? I feel like they'd go all out when they fight. |
대판 크게 싸울 것 같은 느낌? | I feel like they'd go all out when they fight. |
- [오스틴] 그럴 수도 있다 - [지혜] 진짜? | -That's possible. -Really? |
[지원] 저는 한 커플 나올 것 같아요 | I think we'll get one couple. |
- 리키하고 하림 - [혜영, 세윤의 탄성] | -Ricky and Ha-rim. -What? |
[세윤] 진짜 한 커플 | -You really think so? -Really? |
- 나온다고? - [오스틴] 그래요? | -You really think so? -Really? |
아니, 한 커플만 됐으면 좋겠는 거 아니에요? | -Wait, isn't that what you're hoping for? -No, no. Why would I? |
- 배 아파서? - [지원] 아니요, 아니요 | -Wait, isn't that what you're hoping for? -No, no. Why would I? |
아니, 제가 왜요? | -Wait, isn't that what you're hoping for? -No, no. Why would I? -Really? -I hope they all couple up. |
- [지혜] 그래요? - 전 다 잘 됐으면 좋겠죠 | -Really? -I hope they all couple up. |
[세윤] 저도 지미, 희진이 | I think for Jimi and Hee-jin-- |
- 희진이 선택을 - [혜영이 놀라며] 진짜? | -I doubt Hee-jin will bite the bullet. -Really? |
- [세윤] 못 할 것 같아요 - [흥미로운 음악] | -I doubt Hee-jin will bite the bullet. -Really? |
- 너무 장거리고, 막 이래서? - [세윤] 네 | -Because of their distance? -Yes. |
- 저도 리키, 하림 되고 - [혜영] 응 | I also think Ricky and Ha-rim will match up. |
- 베니타, 제롬 되고 - [혜영] 응 | Then, Benita and Jerome. After that, Jimi and Hee-jin. |
- 그다음에 지미랑 희진 되고 - [혜영] 응 | Then, Benita and Jerome. After that, Jimi and Hee-jin. Yeah. |
[지혜] 듀이랑 지수는 | Yeah. I don't think Dewey and Ji-su will go through with it. |
- 안 할 것 같아요 - [세윤의 호응] | I don't think Dewey and Ji-su will go through with it. |
지수가 웃기는 하지만 | Though he does make Ji-su laugh, |
지수 씨는 약간 본인이 꽂히는 | I doubt Ji-su will make the selection unless the guy fits her criteria. |
그 코드가 아니면 선택을 | I doubt Ji-su will make the selection unless the guy fits her criteria. |
- 왠지 안 할 것 같은? - [지원] 네 | I doubt Ji-su will make the selection unless the guy fits her criteria. |
- [지원] 이야, 이 집도 - [새소리] | It's time to say farewell to this house. |
- 이제 안녕이네 - [혜영] 그러네 | It's time to say farewell to this house. -You're right. -It was such a beautiful house. |
[지원] 음, 이뻤는데 | -You're right. -It was such a beautiful house. |
- [톰] 안녕하세요 - [베니타] 안녕하세요 | {NERVOUS} -Hello. -Hello. |
- [반짝이는 효과음] - [하림] 땡스 | {HEART FLUTTERS} |
[리키, 하림의 웃음] | |
[지수가 코 훌쩍이는 소리] | {SORROW} |
[베니타의 웃음] | {JOY} |
- [혜영] 아, 떨려 - [지혜의 감탄] | -I'm nervous. -Wow! |
[띠링 울리는 효과음] | AT {THE FERRIS WHEEL} |
[출연진의 감탄] | Wow! |
[분위기 있는 음악] | |
- [지혜] 긴장 가득 - [오스틴] 와 | -Full of tension. -Whoa. |
[지원] 다들 왜 이렇게 긴장해? | Why is everyone so nervous? |
- [혜영] 그럼 긴장되지 - [세윤] 엄청 긴장되지 | -Of course they're nervous! -It must be nerve-wracking. |
[세윤] 자, 돌싱글즈의 | It's the Love After Divorce signature event: |
- 시그니처죠 - [분위기 있는 음악] | It's the Love After Divorce signature event: |
케이블카 최종 선택입니다 | The cable car final selections. |
[세윤] 이번 시즌은 케이블카 대신에 | Instead of a cable car this season, |
대관람차에서 최종 선택이 이루어지는데요 | the final selections will be made on a Ferris wheel. |
먼저 여자들이 한 명씩 관람차에 탑승을 하고요 | First, the women will get on the Ferris wheel one at a time. |
남자들은 탑승장에서 기다리고 있다가 마음에 드는 여자의 | The men will wait on the boarding platform, and board once the gondola with the woman they like approaches. |
관람차가 오면 탑승을 합니다 | and board once the gondola with the woman they like approaches. |
[지원의 감탄] | and board once the gondola with the woman they like approaches. I see. |
단, 신호등이 초록불에서 | However, they must board the gondola before the red light turns on. |
빨간불로 바뀌기 전에 반드시 탑승을 해야 합니다 | However, they must board the gondola before the red light turns on. |
[세윤] 관람차가 한 바퀴를 돌아서 도착을 했을 때 | When the Ferris wheel finishes one rotation and arrives, |
이번에는 여자가 | When the Ferris wheel finishes one rotation and arrives, this time it's the woman's turn to make a decision. |
- 선택할 차례인데요 - [혜영의 호응] | this time it's the woman's turn to make a decision. |
여자는 남자가 마음에 들면 | If the woman is interested in the man, she will get off with him holding hands. |
손을 잡고 함께 내리면 되고요 | If the woman is interested in the man, she will get off with him holding hands. |
- [지원의 탄식] - 마음에 안 들면 | If not, she will get off alone. |
혼자 내리게 됩니다 | If not, she will get off alone. |
이때, 선택을 받지 못한 남자는 | The man who isn't chosen will have to do another lap alone. |
- [혜영의 탄식] - 혼자 한 바퀴를 더 돌고 | The man who isn't chosen will have to do another lap alone. |
혹은 안 내리셔도 됩니다 | Or you don't have to get off. |
[혜영의 웃음] | |
[지원이 탄식하며] 아 | |
[오스틴] 와, 진짜 힘들겠다 | Wow, that must be so tough. |
아, 혼자 남겨져서 한 바퀴 돌아갈 때 무슨 생각이 들까? | I wonder how they'd feel during that extra rotation alone. |
- [혜영] 내 말이 - [세윤] 그건 진짜 슬프죠 | I wonder how they'd feel during that extra rotation alone. -That's what I mean. -That's really sad. |
[분위기 있는 음악] | |
[오스틴의 탄식] | -Wow. -Gee, but I'm really curious. |
[지혜] 아 근데 진짜 궁금하다 | -Wow. -Gee, but I'm really curious. |
시간이 너무 짧은 게 아쉽고 | I regret we had so little time. |
어, 길게 알았으면 좋겠다 | I wish I had more time to get to know her better. |
확실한 건 연애를 하고 싶다는 그런 마음 | I've confirmed my desire to be in a relationship. |
다짐, 뭔가 감정? 연애하고 싶은 감정 같은 거는 | I realized I have the sense of commitment and the emotional capacity to do so. |
저한테 있다는 거를 확인했던 거 같아요 | I was able to confirm that I'm ready for that. |
마음은 가지만 또 | I am emotionally drawn to him. |
이제 끝날 때쯤 되니까 또 | But now that it's almost over, |
마음만 또 생각할 수 없는 그런… | But now that it's almost over, I don't think I should only consider what I feel emotionally. |
음, 생각이 훨씬 많아지는 것 같아요 | So, I think I have much more to consider. |
[제롬] 베니타 씨가 웃는 모습이 이뻐요 | Benita has a pretty smile. It was nice to see her smile a lot. |
그래서 그런 거 많이 봐서 좋았는데 | Benita has a pretty smile. It was nice to see her smile a lot. |
근데 그런 생각 했어요 | But it did make me think, |
'나랑 있으면, 이거 되면 방송 나오면' | "If she chooses to be with me and the show airs, |
'그 모습 바뀔까?' | will that change her smile?" |
- 그런 것 때문에 - [지혜가 놀라며] 음 | -Things like that. -Oh, my. |
그 모습을 계속 보고 싶은데… | I want to continue to see her smile. |
솔직히 저, 저도 어떻게 할지 모르겠어요 | To be honest, I don't know what I will do. |
[한숨] | |
[헤영] 베니타가 너무 고민하니까… | Since Benita is too concerned… |
아직 끝나지 않았는데… | It's not over yet. |
어, 생각이 또 바뀔 수도 있는 거고 | Her mind might change after all. |
어떻게 될지 모르죠 | Who knows? |
[의미심장한 음악] | |
[혜영이 놀라며] 타겠다 | Is he gonna get on her gondola? |
[물방울 떨어지는 효과음] | IT'S TIME TO MAKE A DECISION |
[감성적인 음악] | FINAL SELECTIONS |
[오스틴] 오 남자들 다 멋있게 입었네 | The men are all dressed nicely. |
[지혜] 어, 마음이 복잡해 보입니다 | -He seems to have a lot on his mind. -I'm nervous! Oh, gosh! |
[혜영] 어, 떨려, 어떡해! | -He seems to have a lot on his mind. -I'm nervous! Oh, gosh! |
[혜영이 놀라며] 처음 보는 표정이야, 톰 | THEY ANXIOUSLY WAIT FOR THE FINAL SELECTIONS I've never seen Tom like this. |
어, 손에서 땀 안 나는데 원래? | My hands don't usually sweat. |
[지혜] 떨리지 | He's nervous. |
[힘든 탄성] | Oh, gosh. |
[지혜] 엄청 긴장되죠 | Sure, she's really nervous. Her mind must be all over the place. |
[지혜] 혼자서 얼마나 많은 생각이 들겠어요 | Sure, she's really nervous. Her mind must be all over the place. |
[차분한 음악] | |
- [띠링 울리는 효과음] - [지혜] 첫 번째 | #THE FIRST GONDOLA ARRIVES -It's the first one! -The first one? |
- [지혜] 첫 번째가 제일 - [오스틴] 첫 번째야? | -It's the first one! -The first one? That's when it's the most nervous. |
[지혜] 긴장되잖아요 | That's when it's the most nervous. |
- [지원] 첫 번째 누구야? - [오스틴] 누구야? | #THE FIRST DIVORCÉE ARRIVES -Who's in the first one? -Who is it? |
아… [숨 들이켜는 소리] | |
[함께] 누구야? | -Who is it? -Who is it? |
- [혜영] 어? - [지원] 아, 희진 | -Hee-jin! -It's Hee-jin! |
- [세윤] 희진이다 - [지혜] 오, 희진 | -Hee-jin! -It's Hee-jin! It's Hee-jin! |
[감미로운 음악] | |
- [세윤] 가야지 - [지혜] 지미! | -Go over to her. -Let's go, Jimi! |
[오스틴] '레츠 고', 지미 | -Go over to her. -Let's go, Jimi! |
- [혜영] 왜 안 타? - [지혜] 왜 고민해 | -Why isn't he moving? -What's the worry? Get on! |
- [지혜] 빨리 타요 - [세윤] 가야지 | -Why isn't he moving? -What's the worry? Get on! Go on! |
[혜영] 어! 신호등 바뀌겠다 | The traffic light might ch-- |
- 빨리, 빨리, 빨리 - [세윤] 어, 빨리 타 | -Get on already! -Quickly! |
- 뭐 하고 있어? - [지혜] 저게 빨간불로 | What's he doing? -It's no use if it turns red. -Go on! |
- [지혜] 바뀌면 안 돼요 - 빨리 타 | -It's no use if it turns red. -Go on! |
[세윤] 뭐해? | What? |
[밝은 음악] | |
- 오, 그렇지 - [지원] 빨리 가 | -That's right. -That's the way to go. |
- [오스틴] 그렇지 - [세윤] 가야지 | -That's right. -That's the way to go. |
와, 멋있다 | Wow, good going! |
오, 지미 상남자네, 상남자 | Jimi is the man. |
[혜영] 지미, 멋있어 | Jimi is a cool guy. |
[지미] 안녕 | Hello. Oh, gosh. |
[띠링 울리는 효과음] | AS ALWAYS, JIMI CHOSE HEE-JIN |
떨린다 | I'm nervous. |
- [희진] 멋있네 - [지미] 예쁘네 | -You look dapper. -You look pretty too. |
어떻게 보면 | JIMI & HEE-JIN'S GONDOLA DEPARTS If we look at it this way, |
미국 편 제작한다고 하는 거에 캐나다에서 | applying for a US edition season all the way from Canada, |
지원한 것도 용기잖아 | applying for a US edition season all the way from Canada, that's a leap of faith, in a way. |
[지미] 어떻게 보면? | that's a leap of faith, in a way. |
- 용기 내줘서 고마워 - [희진의 옅은 웃음] | Thanks for taking that leap. |
[편안한 음악] | |
[혜영] 어, 멋있다 | Great remark. |
고마워, 그렇게 얘기해 줘서 | Thank you for saying that. |
어떻게 되든 간에 어쨌든 네가 있어서 되게 좋았어 | Whatever happens, I really liked that you were there. |
나도, 진짜 진심으로 진짜 의지 많이 됐어 | Likewise. I really, really-- I honestly relied on you a lot. |
[지미] 바다 진짜 예쁘다, 근데 | The sea is really pretty, though. |
[희진] 도시 뷰도 너무 이쁘고 | The city view is so nice too. |
칸쿤을 많이 못 본 것 같애, 와서… | -I didn't get to see much of Cancún… -Yeah. |
[희진] 응 | -I didn't get to see much of Cancún… -Yeah. |
- 한 사람만 보느라고 - [희진이 픽 웃는다] | …because I was only looking at one person. |
[지혜] 아 이 얘길 할 줄 알았어 | I knew he'd say that. |
- [출연진의 탄성] - '칸쿤을 못 봤어' | "I didn't get to see Cancún because I was looking at only one person." |
'한 사람만 보느라고' 이거 | "I didn't get to see Cancún because I was looking at only one person." |
점점 느끼해져 | -He's getting cornier by the day. -This one's a bit corny. |
- 이건 조금 느끼하다 - [혜영의 웃음] | -He's getting cornier by the day. -This one's a bit corny. |
- 왜, 난 좋아 - [오스틴] 어, 어 | Why not? I like it. |
- [지혜] 오스틴은 느끼하대 - [세윤] 점점 느끼해져 | -Austin agrees. -He's getting cornier. |
[오스틴] '오, 맨' | |
[의미심장한 음악] | |
[지혜] 자, 다음 누굴까요? | I wonder who's next. |
- [지원, 오스틴] 소라? - [지혜] 소라예요 | -Sora? -It's Sora. |
- [세윤] 소라다 - [혜영의 호응] | -It's Sora. -Yes. |
[어두운 분위기의 음악] | |
소라 | Sora. Sora. |
소라 | Sora. Sora. |
[혜영이 한숨 쉬며] 너무 힘들어 | -Gosh, this is so hard. -It is. |
[세윤] 힘들어 | -Gosh, this is so hard. -It is. |
[오스틴] 톰하고 소라도 잘 어울리는데 | Tom and Sora looked good together. |
[혜영의 한숨] | Tom and Sora looked good together. |
[물방울 떨어지는 효과음] | |
[혜영의 한숨] | Oh, dear. |
- [한숨] - [혜영] 많은 생각을 | -Gosh. -I'm sure her thoughts are racing. |
[혜영] 할 거 같애 | -Gosh. -I'm sure her thoughts are racing. |
[탄식] | |
[소라] 리키가 웃을 때 되게 눈에 주름이 | When he smiles, he gets crow's feet. |
팍 생기면서 되게 | When he smiles, he gets crow's feet. So I want to keep making him laugh. |
뭔가 계속 웃겨 주고 싶은 느낌? | So I want to keep making him laugh. |
[하림, 리키의 말소리] | BUT, |
[하림] 하나도 안 무서웠어? | -Were you not scared? -Yeah. |
[영어로] 난 첫째 날부터 너한테 관심 있었어 | |
- [리키] 오, 정말? - [한국어로] 몰랐어? | You didn't know? |
- [소라] 아예 몰랐어? - 나 진짜 몰랐어 | -Not at all? -I had no idea. |
- [소라가 웃으며] 그래? - [리키] 응 | BUT HER HEART NEVER REACHED THE OTHER… |
- [소라] 그래? - '첫째 날', 진짜 몰랐어 | -Really? -I had no clue. …THE OTHER PERSON |
[소라] 그랬구나 | …THE OTHER PERSON |
[소라] 제가 상처받을까 봐 방어하는 거 같아요 | I think I'm trying to protect myself from getting hurt. |
[소라] 내가 괜히 원한다고 했다가 | If I say that I want something, |
안 되면 더 부끄러울까 봐? | and it doesn't work out-- It'll be more embarrassing. |
[지혜] 힘들었다, 소라 | You handled it well, Sora. |
그냥 사랑받고 싶은 거뿐인데 [울음] | I just want to be loved. |
[소라의 울음소리] | |
[소라] 맘에 드는 사람이 있었을 때 | When there is someone I like, I should express myself more. |
표현하는 거? | When there is someone I like, I should express myself more. |
표현해서 뭐, 아니면 아닌 거지? | If nothing good comes of it, so be it. |
그렇게 해서 후회 없이 살아야 될 거 같아요 | I think I should learn to express to live without regrets. |
[반짝이는 효과음] | SORA'S STORY ENDS HERE |
[혜영이 박수 치며] 그동안 너무 수고하셨어요 | You did so well, Sora. |
소라 씨 | You did so well, Sora. |
소라 잘됐으면 좋겠다 | I hope it works out for her. |
- [혜영] 잘될 거야 - [지원] 될 거야 | -It will. -It'll work out. |
- [오스틴] 잘될 거야 - [지원] 능력도 좋고 | -She'll do well. -She's capable enough. |
- [혜영] 응, 매력도 있고 - [오스틴의 호응] | -Yes. -Right. And charming. |
- 내 모습을 알게 된 것도 - [혜영] 응 | Learning about herself is a great benefit she reaped. |
굉장히 큰 수확일 거 같아요 | Learning about herself is a great benefit she reaped. -A great benefit. -Of course. |
- 수확일 거 같아요 - [혜영] 그럼, 응 | -A great benefit. -Of course. |
[오스틴의 호응] | -A great benefit. -Of course. |
[분위기 있는 음악] | |
- [지혜] 자, 이번에는 - [혜영] 세 명 남았어? | -Gee, we have three left? -Wow. |
[오스틴] 와 | -Gee, we have three left? -Wow. |
[목 가다듬는 소리] | |
- [세윤] 누구야? - [오스틴] 누구지? | -Who's next? -Who is it? |
[지혜] 누굴까요? | I wonder who? |
[느린 템포의 산뜻한 음악] | THE THIRD DIVORCÉE - HA-RIM |
[지혜, 오스틴의 탄성] | |
- [세윤] 하림 - [혜영] 하림이다 | It's Ha-rim! |
[혜영, 오스틴] 그렇지 | -That's right! -As expected. |
[힘 있는 음악] | |
[세윤, 지원의 탄성] | Whoa! |
- [오스틴] 와! - [혜영] 좋아, 좋아 | -Wow. -I'm loving this! |
[반짝이는 효과음] | |
유후! | |
여전히 왕 귀걸이를 하고 오셨네 | She's wearing her huge earrings too. |
[혜영의 웃음] | She's wearing her huge earrings too. |
집에 가면 또 떼야 되니까 | -Well, she has to take them off at home. -Exactly. |
[지원] 그러니까요 | -Well, she has to take them off at home. -Exactly. |
이때라도 많이 해야지 | Enjoy them while you can. |
[리키, 하림] 안녕? | -Hello. -Hello. |
- 보고 싶었어 - [하림의 웃음] | -I missed you. -Oh, my! |
[혜영] 어머 | -I missed you. -Oh, my! |
- 향수 냄새 좋다 - [리키가 영어로] 그래? | Your cologne smells good. |
[하림이 한국어로] 내가 좋아하는 스타일이야 | -My favorite kind of scent. -Really? |
진짜? | -My favorite kind of scent. -Really? |
- 지금 딱 내 이상형이야 - [오스틴의 탄성] | You're my ideal man now. Oh, my! |
[혜영의 기분 좋은 탄성] | Oh, my! |
다행이다 | I'm glad. |
- 우리도 맡고 싶어요 - [오스틴, 지혜] 오! | We want to smell it too! |
우리도 맡고 싶어 | We want to smell it too! |
뭔데, 향수 뭔데? | What is it? Which cologne is it? |
[혜영, 오스틴의 웃음] | What is it? Which cologne is it? |
[반짝이는 효과음] | |
[혜영] 여긴 무슨 대화를 나눌까? | I wonder what they'll talk about? |
[익살스러운 효과음] | LOOKING AROUND |
[익살스러운 효과음] | |
[혜영] 계면쩍어하네? | He's being shy. -Why has he gone quiet? -He's silent. |
[지혜] 갑자기 말이 없어? | -Why has he gone quiet? -He's silent. |
[오스틴] 왜 말 없지? | -Why has he gone quiet? -He's silent. |
[혜영] 어색한가? | Is he feeling awkward? |
- [하림] 긴장돼? - [리키] 어? | Are you nervous? |
[하림] 긴장돼? | Feeling nervous? |
[리키가 영어로] 나 고소공포증 있어 | |
- [한국어로] 기억했었잖아 - [하림] '오, 예' | -I have fear of heights. -Oh, yeah. You do! |
아, 맞다! | -I have fear of heights. -Oh, yeah. You do! |
[유쾌한 음악] | |
[지원] 아, 맞아, 그래서 집라인인가, 그거 안 탔지? | That's right. He didn't go on the zip line! |
[출연진의 호응] | That's right. He didn't go on the zip line! -Oh, yeah! -Oh, right, right. |
이야, 그 저 공포증을 이겨내고 | -He overcame that fear and came to Ha-rim. -That's what I mean. |
- 하림한테 온 거예요 - [혜영] 그러니까 | -He overcame that fear and came to Ha-rim. -That's what I mean. |
요번에 고쳐지겠네 | Maybe she'll help him overcome it. |
[리키가 영어로] 나 고소공포증 있어 | -I have fear of heights. -Oh, right! |
- [한국어로] 기억했었잖아 - [하림] '오, 예' | -I have fear of heights. -Oh, right! |
[하림] 아, 맞다! | -I have fear of heights. -Oh, right! Are you okay now? |
어떻게 괜찮아, 지금? | Are you okay now? |
응? 어, 생각보다 괜찮아 | -Yeah, it's better than I imagined. -It's better than you imagined? |
[하림] 생각보다 괜찮아? | -Yeah, it's better than I imagined. -It's better than you imagined? |
- 나 지금 물 보고 있어 - [하림] 어 | -I'm looking at the water now. -All right. |
- [아기자기한 음악] - [세윤] 그래, 하림을 봐 | LOOK AT ME INSTEAD -Yes, look at Ha-rim. -Yeah, look at her. |
[오스틴] 어, 봐, 봐 | -Yes, look at Ha-rim. -Yeah, look at her. |
- [오스틴] 하림한테 봐 - [혜영] 귀여워 | -Watch Ha-rim. -How cute. |
[리키] 하이 | |
[하림의 웃음] | AT HA-RIM'S CUTENESS, |
되게 예뻐 | So pretty. |
[리키] 되게 예뻐 | So pretty. |
- [혜영이 감탄하며] 좋다 - [오스틴] 오! | I love that. |
[반짝이는 효과음] | |
[하림의 호응] | I want to sit next to you to look at the scenery together. |
[띠링 울리는 효과음] | |
- [세윤] 잘 어울린다 - [지혜] 오, 설렌다 | -They look good together. -Oh, I have flutters. |
[밝은 음악] | |
[반짝이는 효과음] | TWO DIVORCÉES |
[둔탁한 효과음] | HAVE YET TO ARRIVE |
[띠링 울리는 효과음] | |
[분위기 있는 음악] | JI-SU |
- [지혜] 지수 - [혜영] 지수다 | JI-SU -Ji-su. -It's Ji-su. |
- [세윤] 지수다 - [오스틴] 지수 | -Ji-su. -It's Ji-su. |
[지수] 시간이 주어진다면 | If I had more time, |
듀이 오빠하고 좀 더 일대일로 얘기를 할 수 있는 시간이 | I'd like more one-on-one time to have chats with Dewey oppa. |
있었으면 좋았겠다는 생각이 들어요 | I think that would've been nice. |
[지혜가 놀라며] 왜 그래? | What's wrong? |
- 어? 안, 안 타는 거야? - [지원] 어? | What? He-- He's not getting in? |
- [지원] 안 한다고? - [지혜] 응? | He's not gonna talk to her? |
뭐 하고 있어? | What is he doing? |
[혜영] 아, 선택을 못 받을까 봐? | Is he afraid she'll reject him? |
어, 아니요, 지수 씨한테 할 말은 정말로 어제 | No. I think I said everything I needed to say yesterday, also, |
다 한 거 같고요, 그리고 뭐 | No. I think I said everything I needed to say yesterday, also, |
저를 이제 좋은 사람으로 생각해 준 거 같아요 | I think she sees me as a good person, and someone she can be comfortable with. |
그리고 옆에 있어도 편한 사람까지 생각해 준 거 같은데 | I think she sees me as a good person, and someone she can be comfortable with. |
[듀이] 그거 가져올래? 가져올까? | Should I go get the bracelets? |
- 팔찌? - [지미] 한국에서는… | Should I go get the bracelets? No, it's okay. I'll wear this today. |
아? 아니, 괜찮아, 괜찮아 오늘 이거 하려고 | No, it's okay. I'll wear this today. |
[희진] 그것만 신경 쓰면… | No, it's okay. I'll wear this today. |
[지미] 그래서 한국에서 못 했었으니까… | So I couldn't do it in Korea… SHE REJECTED WEARING THE COUPLE BRACELETS |
[듀이] 사실, 좀 그런 말을 좀 하고 싶어 가지고 | To be honest, I wanted to tell you this. |
어, 내가 너한테 신호를 주고 있다고 | That I'm giving you signals. |
- [지수의 웃음] - [듀이] 어 | |
'나랑 비슷한 문화를 갖…' | I wanted to find someone who is culturally-- |
- '문화적인' - [듀이의 호응] | I wanted to find someone who is culturally-- |
'배경을 갖고 있는 사람을 찾고 싶다' | I wanted to find someone with a similar background. |
- [지수] 이랬던 거 같애 - [듀이] 응 | I wanted to find someone with a similar background. |
[듀이] 연인에 대해서는 확신은 없다고 느꼈어요 | I didn't get a sense that Ji-su would ever see me romantically. |
그, 지수한테서 | I didn't get a sense that Ji-su would ever see me romantically. |
- [혜영의 놀란 숨소리] - [지혜가 놀라며] 뭐야 | What? So he's not gonna get in? |
[지혜] 안 타는 거야 그러면? | What? So he's not gonna get in? |
[세윤] 오, 안 타나 봐? | He's not gonna get in? |
- [지혜] 왜 그래? - [오스틴] 뭐지? | He's not gonna get in? -What's wrong? -What? |
[오스틴이 탄식하며] '노' | Come on, no. |
[놀라며] 빨리, 왜 그래? | Hurry! What's stopping you? |
[세윤, 오스틴의 놀란 탄성] | Whoa! |
[신나는 음악] | |
- [출연진의 환호] - [혜영의 탄성] | -That's right! Goodness! -Yes! |
- [출연진의 환호] - [혜영의 탄성] | -That's right! Goodness! -Yes! |
[오스틴] ♪ 듀이 듀이, 듀이, 듀이 ♪ | Dewey, Dewey, Dewey, Dewey! |
- [지혜의 탄성] - ♪ 듀, 듀, 듀이 ♪ | Dewey, Dewey, Dewey, Dewey, Dewey! -Yes, go on! -Oh, gosh. |
- [지혜] 그래, 가야지 - [혜영의 한숨] | -Yes, go on! -Oh, gosh. |
- [지혜] 가야지, 그래 - [혜영] 가야지! | -He's gotta go, yeah! -Of course! |
[지혜] 어, 막, 진짜 많이 조마조마했어요 | -Goodness, I was really anxious. -And they look like a good match! |
어, 그리고 둘이 어울려 | -Goodness, I was really anxious. -And they look like a good match! |
[혜영] 멋있다! | Good going! |
- [혜영] 지수도 웃는다 - [지혜] 어머, 다행이다 | -Ji-su's smiling too. -That's a relief. |
[듀이] 안녕 | Hello. |
[지수] 오래 기다렸을 거 같은데 | -I feel like you have. -No. |
[지혜] 자, 이제 진짜 지수 선택만 | -All that's left is for Ji-su to decide. -Exactly. |
- [지혜] 남았습니다 - [혜영] 그러니까 | -All that's left is for Ji-su to decide. -Exactly. |
[듀이] 예쁘게 차려입었네? | -You're dressed up nicely. -Me? |
[지수] 어? | -You're dressed up nicely. -Me? |
[듀이] 어쨌든 | Whatever the case, |
'기회는 오면 놓치지 말아야 된다'는 주의라서 | I live by the principle that opportunities that come my way shouldn't be missed. |
있을 때 해 봐야 된다는 생각이거든요? | I think I should give it a shot while I still have a chance. |
[듀이] 일대일로 이렇게 '깊은' 대화를 나눌 기회는 | Going into her gondola was my only chance to have a deep one-on-one with her. |
관람차밖에 없다고 생각을 했고 | Going into her gondola was my only chance to have a deep one-on-one with her. |
그렇다면 저는 이 기회를 | If so, I wanted to take this opportunity to have a deeper conversation with her. |
더 깊은 대화를 나누는 데 쓰고 싶었습니다 | If so, I wanted to take this opportunity to have a deeper conversation with her. |
- [혜영] 잘해봐 - [지혜] 캬, 멋지다 | -Good luck to you! -How admirable. |
[오스틴의 호응] | -Good luck to you! -How admirable. |
[듀이] 그냥, 변함은 없는 거 같아요, 그냥 | My mind hasn't really changed, though. |
지수 씨한테 가고 | It's still steering toward Ji-su. |
예, '아, 얘도 같은 마음이구나' 같은 | If I feel that she feels the same way, I think it'd be a great feeling. |
'참 좋다'라는 생각을 할 거 같아요 | If I feel that she feels the same way, I think it'd be a great feeling. |
[혜영이 놀라며] 어! 잘됐으면 좋겠다 | HE SIMPLY HOPES SHE FEELS THE SAME I hope it goes well. |
[물방울 떨어지는 효과음] | {TOM} |
[물방울 떨어지는 효과음] | AND {JEROME} |
- [혜영] 아이고 - [오스틴] 오, '와우' | -Oh, goodness. -Oh, wow. |
[오스틴의 웃음] | -Oh, goodness. -Oh, wow. |
[톰] 저한테 선택이 있으면 | If I were given the choice, I'd choose Benita. |
베니타를 선택할 거고요 | If I were given the choice, I'd choose Benita. |
[제롬] 저는 당연히 100% 선택하고 싶죠 | Of course I'd 100% like to choose her. |
[한숨 쉬며] 형이랑 나네? | It's you and I, Hyung. |
[제롬의 쩝 다시는 소리] | |
[한숨] | |
[오스틴] 와, 베니타도 엄청 생각 많이 할 거 같은데? | Wow, Benita must be having thoughts running through her head. |
- [제롬의 웃음] - [베니타] 그렇지, 뭐 | "It is what it is?" |
[톰] 근데, 그룹 데이트가 돼 버렸잖아요 | But it turned out to be a group date. |
[지혜] 아, 계속 어긋났어요 | -They kept missing each other. -Indeed. |
- [혜영의 호응] - 일대일 한 번도 못 하고 | -They kept missing each other. -Indeed. That one-on-one date never came. |
[목 가다듬는 소리] | |
[톰] 내일 일대일? | -One-on-one tomorrow? -Yeah, tomorrow? |
[베니타] 내일 일대일? | -One-on-one tomorrow? -Yeah, tomorrow? |
- [톰] 내일? - [베니타] '투모로'? | Yeah. |
[톰] '그때 일대일 못 했으니까' | Since we didn't get that one-on-one, I said, "Let's go on a date tomorrow." |
'내일 데이트하자'라고 했고 | Since we didn't get that one-on-one, I said, "Let's go on a date tomorrow." |
그래도 마지막에 베니타랑은 적어도 | Since we didn't get that one-on-one, I said, "Let's go on a date tomorrow." Though it was at the very end, I expected to go on one date with Benita. |
일대일 데이트를 하겠구나 | Though it was at the very end, I expected to go on one date with Benita. |
근데 전 늦잠 잤고 | But I overslept. |
[제롬] 베니타, 보니타 | |
베니타 너 부른다 | -Benita, he's calling you. -Yeah? |
[베니타] 응? | -Benita, he's calling you. -Yeah? |
[톰] 음 제가 일찍 일어났으면 | Well, if only I'd woken up early. |
할 수 있었을 텐데 | I could have had that date. |
내 마음은 나, 나만 생각하면 | If I followed my heart and thought for myself, I would choose her. |
선택하고 싶어요 | I would choose her. |
근데 내 마음만 생각 안 하니까, 난 항상 | But, I never only think of my heart. I consider the other person's heart too. |
그 사람 마음도 생각하니까 | But, I never only think of my heart. I consider the other person's heart too. |
그게 지금 베니타 씨가 많이 걱정하고 | That's what Benita and I are most concerned about right now. |
저도 이제, 걱정하는 게… | That's what Benita and I are most concerned about right now. |
내가 톰이랑 '선택'했을 때 | If I choose Tom for the final-- What was it called? After whatever it is. |
그 '애프터' 뭐라고 그러지? 그거랑 | If I choose Tom for the final-- What was it called? After whatever it is. |
너를 '선택'했을 때 그 '애프터' 그게 | Or if I choose you, the outcomes will be vastly different. |
엄청 다를 거 같애 | Or if I choose you, the outcomes will be vastly different. |
너랑은 뭔가 더 '공개적으로' 될 것 같은 | If I choose you, our relationship will become more public. |
그런 느낌이 드는 거지 | If I choose you, our relationship will become more public. |
'유 노'? | You know? |
베니타 씨가 그런 거 때문에 스트레스받고 | Such things could stress her out, and put her in a bad mood. |
기분 안 좋을 수 있고 | Such things could stress her out, and put her in a bad mood. |
그러면 제가 마음 아프죠 | Then, that would break my heart. |
괜히 나 때문에 그렇게 돼 갖고 | Since it'd be all because of me. |
[지혜] 베니타가 힘들어질까 봐? | -He's afraid Benita will have to suffer. -Goodness. |
[혜영의 한숨] | -He's afraid Benita will have to suffer. -Goodness. |
설마 제롬이 안 가려는 건 아니겠지? | Is Jerome intending not to go? |
[세윤] 아 팔찌를 하고 나왔네 | He's wearing the bracelet. |
[경쾌한 음악] | |
[출연진의 탄성] | -Wow! -Wow! |
- [지혜] 출발! - [세윤] 아, 제롬 먼저 | -Go on! -Jerome's first move! |
아, 제롬 먼저 출발한다 | Gosh, Jerome made the first move! |
[혜영] 멋있다, 제롬! | You go, Jerome! |
실례합니다 사랑의 열차인가요? | -Excuse me, is this the train of love? -"The train of love." |
- [출연진의 웃음] - [지혜] 잘한다 | -Excuse me, is this the train of love? -"The train of love." |
[반짝이는 효과음] | |
- 안녕? - [베니타] 안녕? | -Hello. -Hi. |
[세윤] 톰 | Tom! |
- [오스틴] 톰은? - [지혜] 톰은 어떡해요? | Tom! -What about Tom? -What happens now? |
들어올 거 같아 | I think he'll come in. |
아 | |
- [분위기 있는 음악] - [세윤] 톰 어떡할 거야? | What are you gonna do, Tom? |
안 타요? | -Is he not getting in? -What's wrong? |
왜 그래? | -Is he not getting in? -What's wrong? |
- [오스틴] 타야 되지 - [세윤] 타 | -Of course he must. -Go. |
[지혜] 안 가? 가, 안 가? | Is he not gonna go? Is he going or not? |
[지원, 세윤의 놀란 탄성] | TOWARDS BENITA |
[톰의 웃음] | |
[오스틴] 어? | |
- [오스틴] 어? - [세윤] 뭐야, 뭐야? | -What, what? -What's going on? |
- [혜영] 어, 뭐야? - [세윤] 뭐야 | -What, what? -What's going on? |
어? | |
가지 | You gotta go. |
[둔탁한 효과음] | BUT FALLS BACK |
[세윤, 지혜] 어! | Oh, my! |
[톰의 목 가다듬는 소리] | |
[지혜가 놀라며] 안 타요? | He's not getting in? |
[지원] 안 간다고? | He's not going? |
[차분한 음악] | |
- [세윤, 오스틴의 탄성] - [지혜] 오, 어떡해? | -Oh, my goodness! -Oh, gosh! |
- 안 탔어, 어떡해? - [오스틴] '와우' | -He didn't get on it. -Wow! |
- 어머 - [오스틴] '오, 마이' | Oh, dear. I still thought he'd get in. |
난 탈 줄 알았어, 그래도 | Oh, dear. I still thought he'd get in. |
[지혜] 어떡해 | Oh, dear. |
[지혜의 놀란 숨소리] | |
- [혜영] 포기했네 - [오스틴] 와! | -He gave up. -Wow. |
[지원] 와, 톰 | -Wow. -Tom. |
[톰] 두 사람이 됐을 때 | I can see that they enjoy each other's company the most. |
가장 즐거워하는 거 같아요 | I can see that they enjoy each other's company the most. |
[톰] 사실, 저 진짜… | To be honest, I really wanted to leave here with a partner. |
짝을 찾아서 나가고 싶었거든요? | To be honest, I really wanted to leave here with a partner. |
그래서 끝까지 | That's why I tried until the end. |
어, 한 명, 한 명 | I tried to see how I got along with each of the women. |
보려고 했는데 | I tried to see how I got along with each of the women. |
[톰] 하림이랑 몇 시까지 있었다고? | Until what time did you talk to Ha-rim? |
[리키] 네 시까지? | Until 4:00 a.m. |
[듀이가 영어로] 너 지금 하림이랑 만나는 거 맞지? | |
[리키의 호응] | Yes. |
- [듀이] 안 바꿀 거지? - [리키의 부정하는 소리] | -No changing? -No. |
[톰의 탄식] | -Geez, like, I-- I'm just-- -What? |
- [톰이 한국어로] 나는… - [듀이] 왜? | -Geez, like, I-- I'm just-- -What? |
[톰] | I also gave up on Ha-rim, since I felt like I was intruding on them. |
아, 베니타 보고 가자고 했는데 | But I asked Benita to stamp with me. |
[웃음] | |
[톰] 베니타랑 제롬이랑 잘 되겠지? | I guess Benita will do well with Jerome, huh? |
[톰] 베니타와 제롬이 | Benita and Jerome had been spending a lot of time together. |
그동안 시간도 많이 같이 보냈고 | Benita and Jerome had been spending a lot of time together. |
- [베니타] 제롬 - [제롬의 한숨] | Jerome. |
[톰] | I couldn't possibly get in between them. |
후회 없어요 | I have no regrets. |
이런 시간은 저는 이제 | Going through this-- For me, it's… |
제 인생에서는 끝났다고 그렇게 생각을 많이 했었어요 | I actually believed that romance would never be a part of my life again. |
일하고 육아하고 그렇게 지낼 줄 알았는데 | I thought work and parenting were all that was left for me. |
[톰] 잊고 있었던 그런 모습을 찾은 거 같고 | I think I rediscovered a part of me that I had forgotten about. |
그냥 감사해요, 모든 게 | I'm just thankful for everything. |
- [혜영] 멋있다, 근데 - [지원] 아이, 양보했어 | -His words are admirable. -He's super cool. |
[혜영의 호응] | -His words are admirable. -He's super cool. |
- [오스틴] 남자네, 진짜 - [지혜의 놀란 숨소리] | -He's a real man. -Really. |
[빛나는 효과음] | TOM'S STORY ENDS HERE |
- [혜영] 박수 - [오스틴] 멋있네 | -Let's applaud! -That's cool. |
[지혜] 아니, 너무 매력을 많이 봐서 | We saw so many of his charms. |
아마 앞으로 설렐 일이 많이 | -I think he'll have reasons to be excited. -Right, right. |
- 생길 거 같긴 해요 - [혜영의 호응] | -I think he'll have reasons to be excited. -Right, right. |
우리 톰, 응원합니다, 진짜 | -We're really rooting for you, Tom. -Yeah. |
[혜영] 응 | -We're really rooting for you, Tom. -Yeah. |
- 아니, 여기서 소라가 - [익살스러운 효과음] | Can't Sora just jump out of her gondola and go over to Tom? |
뛰어내려 가지고 톰한테 가면 안 되는 거야? | Can't Sora just jump out of her gondola and go over to Tom? |
[오스틴의 웃음] | Can't Sora just jump out of her gondola and go over to Tom? |
- [지원] 어? - [세윤] 아니면 톰이 | Or Tom can catch the rails of her gondola like this… |
'소라!' 이렇게 관람차를 잡, 매달려 가지고 | Or Tom can catch the rails of her gondola like this… |
[혜영의 웃음] | Both Tom and Sora seems to have gained something from this. |
톰도 그렇고 소라 씨도 그렇고 | Both Tom and Sora seems to have gained something from this. |
뭔가 얻고 가는 게 있는 것 같아요 | Both Tom and Sora seems to have gained something from this. |
- [지혜] 그럼요 - 좋아하는 사람 생기면 | -Sure. -That if they like someone, |
- [지혜의 호응] - '적극적으로 대시' | they should be more expressive and be the first to make the move. |
'먼저 하고 표현해야겠다'라는 거를 | they should be more expressive and be the first to make the move. |
[흥미로운 음악] | ALL DIVORCÉS ON BOARD… |
[지혜] 이제 여자들의 선택만 남았는데요 | ALL DIVORCÉS ON BOARD… All that's left is for the women to decide. IT'S THE DIVORCÉES' TURN TO CHOOSE |
- [오스틴] 오! - [혜영] 과연 몇 커플이 | How many couples will get to live together? |
동거까지 가게 될지 지켜보시죠 | How many couples will get to live together? Let's take a look. |
나도 혼자 침대에 누워서 생각을 많이 했거든 | I was lying in bed and thinking hard. |
근데 | |
장거리 연애가, 어… | But long distance relationships-- |
크게 난 상관없다고 사전 인터뷰 땐 얘기했었는데 | I did say in the early interviews that I wasn't bothered by that much. |
[희진] 이제 막상, 씁 | But now that it's reality-- |
어, 비행기로밖에 왔다 갔다 할 수밖에 없는 거리니까 | We have to fly on a plane to see each other due to the distance. |
아, 이게 그냥 단순하게 쉽게만 볼 거는 아니겠구나 | I realized this wasn't something to be taken so lightly. |
- [지미의 호응] - 어, 어 | I realized this wasn't something to be taken so lightly. -Yeah, I agree. -Right. |
그래서 만약에 연애를 한다면 | So if we were to get into a relationship, we'll have to think about that seriously. |
그런 부분도 조금 신중하게 생각을 할 필요가 있겠고, 어 | So if we were to get into a relationship, we'll have to think about that seriously. |
- [부드러운 음악] - [혜영] 되게 멀어 | -She's so far from Jimi. -Oh, yeah. |
- [혜영] 지미랑 - [오스틴] '오, 예' | -She's so far from Jimi. -Oh, yeah. |
[지혜] 맞아요, 멀어요 시차가 세 시간이면, 뭐 | -She's so far from Jimi. -Oh, yeah. Right, so far. Their time difference is three hours. |
[희진이 웃으며] 지미 씨가 자꾸 눈을 피하는 거예요 | Jimi kept looking away, but I thought that was really cute. |
근데 그 부분이 되게 귀여웠어요 | Jimi kept looking away, but I thought that was really cute. |
그냥 내가 여자로서 알아보고 싶은 사람은 | The person I wanted to get to know to be more than friends |
처음부터 너밖에 없었어 | The person I wanted to get to know to be more than friends |
[지미] 처음부터 너밖에 없었어 | was only you. |
[희진] 이런 기회가 주어진 게 진짜… | Being given such opportunities really seems like a miracle. |
기적 같아 [웃음] | Being given such opportunities really seems like a miracle. |
뉴욕, 나 돌아가고 너는 밴쿠버 돌아가서도 | If I go to New York and you go back to Vancouver-- |
우리가 계속 연락을 | -To keep in touch… -Because of the time difference? |
- [지미] 자주 하는… - [희진] 시차 때문에? | -To keep in touch… -Because of the time difference? Yeah. |
[지미] 어 | Yeah. |
- [지미] 내가 뭐… - 세 시간이지? 시차 | -Well, I-- -It's three hours, right? |
[지미] 어, 자기 전에, 뭐 | Yeah. Like talking before bed. |
자기 전에 잠깐 통화하고 싶을 수도 있고 한데 | If I wanted to talk to you before going to bed, |
[지미] 네가 자려고 한 시간에 | I might be asleep by the time you're about to. |
난 이미 자고 있을 거 아냐? | I might be asleep by the time you're about to. |
편하게 해, 뭐가 됐든 | Whatever you decide, choose as you please. |
[지혜] 마음 편하게 해 주려고, 계속 | He's trying to make her feel at ease. |
네가 편하고 행복했으면 좋겠어 | I want you to relax and be happy. |
오빠가 자꾸 그렇게 얘기를 해 줘 가지고 | Thanks to your comments like that… |
정말 마음이 편했어 있는 동안에, 응 | I really felt at ease, this past week. |
[흥미로운 음악] | |
어떻게 될까? | What's going to happen? |
[한숨] | Oh, man. |
[희진] 떨려? | You nervous? |
나도 | Me too. |
즐거웠어, 일주일 동안 | It was fun, this past week. |
[지혜의 놀란 탄성] | It was fun, this past week. |
[희진] 즐거웠어 일주일 동안 | It was fun, this past week. |
[지혜] 뭐야? | What's that? |
마지막 말 같잖아 왜 그래요? | It sounds like a farewell. Don't say that. |
과거형 싫어 | Don't talk in past tense! |
진짜 잊지 못할 거 같아 | I won't ever forget it. |
즐거웠습니다 | It was fun. |
[오스틴] 어, 뭐지? | What's going on? |
[세윤의 안타까운 탄성] | -Oh, no. -What? |
- [세윤] 안 돼 - [지혜] 왜? | -Oh, no. -What? |
- [지원] 멀구나 - 아, 진짜 모르겠다, 여기 | -The distance-- -Gosh, I really don't know. |
[오스틴] 씁, 어 | -The distance-- -Gosh, I really don't know. |
[긴장감 있는 음악] | |
[지미] 그렇지? | I feel like my heart's about to explode. |
[희진] 정말 즐거웠고 | I had a lot of fun. |
돌아가서도 건강하게 잘 지내고 | I hope you take care when you go back. |
그, 오빠가 나한테 먼저 손잡아 줬잖아 | Remember how you reached out to me first? |
오늘은 내가 먼저 잡을게 | Today, I'll reach out first. |
오늘은 내가 먼저 잡을게 | Today, I'll reach out first. |
[밝은 음악] | Wow! |
[출연진의 탄성] | Wow! |
- [혜영] 한 커플 탄생! - [지혜의 말소리] | -We have our first couple! -I was so anxious! |
[혜영] 한 커플 탄생 | -We have our first couple! -I was so anxious, seriously! |
나 애가 조마조마했네, 진짜 | -We have our first couple! -I was so anxious, seriously! |
- [세윤의 웃음] - [오스틴] 와! | -We have our first couple! -I was so anxious, seriously! -Whoa! -Goodness! |
- [경쾌한 탄성] - [지혜] 야, 너무 잘됐다 | -Whoa! -Goodness! -Wow, that's so great! -Congratulations! |
[혜영] 축하해요 | -Wow, that's so great! -Congratulations! |
[세윤] 와, 네 커플 | -Wow, that's so great! -Congratulations! -What if we get four couples? -Wow! |
- [지혜] 너무 잘됐다 - '와우' | -What if we get four couples? -Wow! |
- [지혜] 너무 잘됐다 - 와, 왜 이렇게 떨리게 해 | -I'm so happy for them. -Wow, this makes me so anxious. |
이렇게 잡을까? | Let's hold it like this. |
[희진] 이렇게 잡을까? | Let's hold it like this. |
[오스틴의 탄성] | Oh, my! |
[혜영] 둘이 어울려 | They look good together. |
[혜영] 느낌이 둘이 뭔가 맞아 | They just feel like they're compatible. |
[반짝이는 효과음] | JIMI & HEE-JIN A COUPLE IS BORN |
[지미의 한숨] | |
[지미] | -Thanks. -Sure, thank you. |
[희진] | -Thanks. -Sure, thank you. |
[혜영] 지미의 직진이 결국 성공했어요 | Jimi's persistence succeeded in the end. |
- [지원] 예, 축하해요 - [오스틴] '와우' | -Yes, congratulations. -Wow. |
[혜영] 남자는 이래야 돼 [웃음] | -Yes, congratulations. -Wow. That's a man's man. |
우리가 이제 지미가 처음에 와서 '연애 8번 했다' | When Jimi first came, he said he'd been in eight relationships. |
[헤영, 세윤의 호응] | When Jimi first came, he said he'd been in eight relationships. He had eight relationships in 12 years, so we were doubting him quite a bit. |
[지혜] '12년에 8번' 해서 서로 의심을 | He had eight relationships in 12 years, so we were doubting him quite a bit. |
- 되게 많이 했잖아요 - [혜영, 오스틴의 호응] | He had eight relationships in 12 years, so we were doubting him quite a bit. |
근데 이제 확실하게 알 거 같아요 | But I think I know for sure now. I think Jimi is a very charming, sweet, |
저는 지미는 굉장히 매력적이고 스위트하고 | But I think I know for sure now. I think Jimi is a very charming, sweet, |
- 든든한 남자인 거 같습니다 - [세윤] 네 | -and reliable man. -Yes. |
- 로맨티스트 - [지혜] 네 | -A romantic. -Yeah. |
- [혜영] 맞아요 - [세윤] 어쨌든 지미 | -A romantic. -Yeah. Anyhow, congrats on your ninth relationship, Jimi. |
- [성스러운 효과음] - 아홉 번째 연애 | Anyhow, congrats on your ninth relationship, Jimi. |
- 축하드립니다 - [출연진의 웃음] | Anyhow, congrats on your ninth relationship, Jimi. |
- 더 이상, 더 이상 - [지혜] 지미… | Don't get that number up. |
- [지혜] 지미, 화이팅! - [혜영] 맞어 | -Right. -Go, Jimi! |
- 네 - [혜영의 웃음] | Yeah. |
[편안한 음악] | |
- 뭐가? 뭐가? - [하림] 응? | What? About what? |
이 상황이 다 신기해서 | This whole situation amazes me. |
그렇지, 저렇게 일주일 만에 사랑에 빠지면 신기하겠지 | I reckon it would be amazing to fall in love in a week. |
[하림이 영어로] 내가 처음 여기 와서는 | |
- [리키의 호응] - 너한테만 관심 있었어 | |
- [리키] 아! - [하림] 응, 응 | |
[한국어로] 내일 '일대일 데이트'면 할래? | If it's a one-on-one tomorrow, want to go with me? |
[영어로] 응, 나도 데이트 가면 좋을 거 같아 | |
- [리키] 좋아 - [호응] | |
[리키] 내가 정말 관심이 쏠리는 사람은 너였어 | |
[리키가 한국어로] 어! | |
- 되게 예쁘네? 어 - [하림의 웃음] | "She's really pretty," yeah. |
[세윤] 음, 좋다 | How nice. |
자녀가 있습니다 | I have a child. |
7살 아들 있습니다 | -I have a seven-year-old son. -Wow! |
[제롬, 듀이의 놀란 탄성] | -I have a seven-year-old son. -Wow! |
저는 자녀가 세 명 있고요 | I have three children. |
[하림] 음, 8살 5살, 2살이에요 | And they're eight, five, and two years old. |
[리키가 웃으며] 나는, 너 | I really-- |
진짜 좋아해 | I really like you. |
[리키] 진짜, 진짜 좋아해 | I really, really like you. THE DAY THEY LEARNED EVERYTHING |
[리키가 영어로] 안 돼 넘어지지 마 | |
[한국어로] 근데 나는 그 '문제'를 | But I intend to overcome those challenges like any other obstacle. |
그냥 붙들고 넘어갈라고 | But I intend to overcome those challenges like any other obstacle. |
[리키가 영어로] 일상을 받아들이고 | |
- [하림의 호응] - [한국어로] '유 노'? | |
그러니까 걱정할 거 없어, 넌 | So personally, I'm not worried. |
[혜영] 와, 저런 남자를 만나다니 [웃음] | Wow, imagine meeting a man like that. |
[혜영] 둘이 약간 뭔가 운명적인 거 같아 | I think they were destined to meet. |
[분위기 있는 음악] | WITHOUT FAIL, |
- [지원의 탄성] - [혜영] 도착했어요 | -Gosh. -They arrived. |
그런데 하림이가 | Ha-rim wouldn't just leave him so as not to burden him, right? |
설마 부담 주기 싫어서 그냥 떠나는 건 아니겠지? | Ha-rim wouldn't just leave him so as not to burden him, right? |
- [혜영] 아니야 - 에이 | -No. -No way. |
- [오스틴] '노, 노' - [혜영] 절대 아니야 | -No. -No way. -No, no. -Absolutely not. |
[세윤] 어떡해, 어떡해! | What's it gonna be? Which is it? |
[하림] | -Shall we go? -Yeah. |
- [부드러운 음악] - [출연진의 탄성] | Oh, wow! -Whoa! -Good for them! |
[혜영] 잘됐다 | -Whoa! -Good for them! |
[기분 좋은 탄성] | Oh, my. |
진짜 여기는 사랑에 너무 | It's so obvious that they're deeply in love. |
- 푹 빠진 게 보여서 - [오스틴] 아, 예 | It's so obvious that they're deeply in love. |
그냥 볼 때마다 흐뭇하고 행복하고 막 그래요, 그렇죠? | -So it's always a pleasure to watch them. -Yeah. |
[혜영, 오스틴의 호응] | -So it's always a pleasure to watch them. -Yeah. |
- [혜영] 아우, 어울려라 - [세윤의 감탄] | Gee, they look good. |
[반짝이는 효과음] | RICKY & HA-RIM A COUPLE IS BORN |
[세윤] 자, 시즌 4 두 번째 커플 탄생입니다 | Season four's second couple is born! |
- [혜영의 호응] - 공식 커플이었던 | Season four's second couple is born! Our official couple Ricky and Ha-rim are also confirmed to live together. |
리키 '앤드' 하림도 동거행 확정입니다 | Our official couple Ricky and Ha-rim are also confirmed to live together. |
- [지혜] 오, 축하드립니다 - [오스틴] 오! | Yay, congratulations! |
자, 이 커플은요 둘 다 자녀를 양육을 하고 있습니다 | Now, this couple has kids on both sides. |
우리 하림 씨 같은 경우는 셋 | Ha-rim has three children, and Ricky has one child. |
- [혜영의 호응] - 그리고 리키 씨는 한 명 | Ha-rim has three children, and Ricky has one child. |
[지혜] 그래서 둘이 합쳐서 벌써 아이가 넷이에요 | The two of them together have four kids, total. |
자, 두 사람의 동거 어떨 거 같습니까? | How do you think they'll fare together? |
다섯 명 나온다니까 | -It'll be a total of five kids soon. -Right away? |
- [지혜] 아, 바로? - [혜영] 그러니까 | -It'll be a total of five kids soon. -Right away? |
바로 '어머, 두 줄이네요' | They'll be like, "Oh, it's two lines." |
- [지혜] 이렇게 - [밝은 음악] | |
- [지혜] 벌써? - [오스틴이 웃으며] 와 | -"So soon?" -Wow! |
[지혜] 바로? | -Oh, gosh. -Right away? |
- 왜냐면, 그 하림 씨는 - [지혜] 네 | Well, Ha-rim did say that she wants to date a man who values life. |
인생을 소중하게 생각하는 남자를 | Well, Ha-rim did say that she wants to date a man who values life. |
만나고 싶다고 했어요, 초반에 | Well, Ha-rim did say that she wants to date a man who values life. |
그런데 그런 남자인 거 같아요 | -Right. -And I think he fits the bill. |
리키도 그 가족을 되게 끔찍이 사랑하는 그게 있었거든 | -Ricky loves his family very much. -That's right, his son. |
- [지혜] 맞아, 아들을 - [오스틴] 네 | -Ricky loves his family very much. -That's right, his son. |
[지혜] 아, 베니타의 마음이 사실 여기서 | I'm most curious about what's on Benita's mind. |
[지혜] 제일 궁금하거든요? | I'm most curious about what's on Benita's mind. |
[제롬] 솔직히, 타기 전에 | To be honest, before I got on-- |
[제롬] 딱 여기부터 | Right up to that moment, |
이거였어 | my mind was like this-- I wasn't gonna get on this. |
안 타려고 | my mind was like this-- I wasn't gonna get on this. |
왜 안 타려고 했어? | Why didn't you want to? |
네가 진짜 | I don't want to see you suffer from the things that really worry you. |
- 걱정했던 것 때문에? - [잔잔한 음악] | I don't want to see you suffer from the things that really worry you. |
많이 힘들면 난 그거 보기 싫어 | I don't want to see you suffer from the things that really worry you. |
[영어로] 난 네가 | I don't want to see you suffer from the things that really worry you. |
[제롬] 행복했으면 좋겠어 | |
[세윤, 혜영의 깨달은 탄성] | |
[한국어로] 그런데 한 가지가 이제 결정된 건 | But one thing that helped me decide-- |
여기서 계속 생각하면서 | One thing kept coming to mind. I told you about it too. |
[제롬] 나도 얘기했잖아 | One thing kept coming to mind. I told you about it too. |
나는 내 주위에 있는 사람들을 항상 챙긴다고 | I always take care of those around me, even if I fall ill or whatnot. |
내가 아파도 상관없고 | I always take care of those around me, even if I fall ill or whatnot. |
우리 엄마가 그런 말을 했어 | So my mom told me this: "You take care of yourself first, Jerome." |
'너 먼저 챙기라고, 제롬아' | So my mom told me this: "You take care of yourself first, Jerome." |
'너 자신부터 챙기고 너 먼저 챙기라고' | "Make yourself priority. Take care of yourself." |
[제롬] 난 그런 결정에서 | That's what influenced my decision. |
한 거야 | I came here so I would have no regrets. |
후회 안 되게 | I came here so I would have no regrets. |
[영어로] 그래서 | So, I was all confused because of that. That's why, even yesterday… |
[한국어로] 그것 때문에 좀 많이 고민하고 | So, I was all confused because of that. That's why, even yesterday… |
그래서 어저께도 | So, I was all confused because of that. That's why, even yesterday… |
[제롬] 좀 막 머리를 비우고 | I wanted to clear my head. |
그랬으면 좋겠어서 | I wanted to clear my head. |
내가 얘기를 안 건 거야 어저께 계속 | That's why I kept my distance yesterday. Even after everything was over. |
끝나고 어젯밤에도 | That's why I kept my distance yesterday. Even after everything was over. |
[지혜] 응 | I see. |
제 감정에 | I'm trying to stay true to my feelings. |
- 충실하려고 하는데 - [차분한 음악] | I'm trying to stay true to my feelings. |
왠지 저녁에 대화를 하면 | I'm trying to stay true to my feelings. But somehow, whenever I talk to him at night-- |
그분의 감정에 좀 | I increasingly felt like I'd get caught up in his feelings. |
휘말릴 거 같은 생각이 좀 많이 들어서 | I increasingly felt like I'd get caught up in his feelings. |
응, 그래서 안 했던 거 같아요 | Yeah, I think that's why I didn't do it. |
그리고, 물론 마음은 가지만 또, 씁 | I am emotionally drawn to him. |
마음만 또 생각할 수 없는 그런… | I don't think I should only consider what I feel emotionally. |
내가 10년 동안 한국에 있을 때 | I was in Korea for ten years. I told you I was there for a bit. |
한국에서 오래 있었다고 그랬잖아 | I was in Korea for ten years. I told you I was there for a bit. |
연예계 쪽 일했었어 | I used to work in Korean entertainment. |
- 대박 - [소라의 영어 말소리] | How shocking, huh? |
VJ, MC, 랩, 가수 음반도 몇 번 냈고 | I was a VJ, an emcee, a rapper, and a singer. I released a few albums. |
[제롬] 연기도 했어요 | I also did acting. |
- 대박 반전이다 - [소라] 신기하다 | -What a huge twist. My gosh. -It's so fascinating. |
- [소라] 너무 신기해 - 참 | -What a huge twist. My gosh. -It's so fascinating. |
그 얘기 듣고 나서부터 계속 멘붕이었어, 나는 | I've been in a state of shock ever since I heard that. |
- [제롬이 영어로] 이해해 - [베니타가 한국어로] 더 | I'm just scared to be more publicly open. |
'공개' 되는 게 무서운, 무서운 거지 | I'm just scared to be more publicly open. |
[지혜] 문제가 될 수 있죠 | That could be a problem. |
[오스틴] 여기 안 돼? | That could be a problem. Everyone has different depths to which they take their concerns. |
- 사람마다 다 어떤 - [오스틴] 그럼… | Everyone has different depths to which they take their concerns. |
고민의 깊이가 받아들이는 게 다르기 때문에 | Everyone has different depths to which they take their concerns. |
- [혜영] 그래 - [지혜] 베니타 입장에선 | -Yes. -This could be a huge issue for Benita. |
굉장히 이게 큰 고민이 될 수 있을 거란 생각이 듭니다 | -Yes. -This could be a huge issue for Benita. |
나도 어제 얘기를 할까, 말까 | To be honest, I was so torn yesterday, about whether I should talk to you or not. |
고민을 엄청 많이 했어, 사실 | To be honest, I was so torn yesterday, about whether I should talk to you or not. |
[베니타] 잠깐 얘기를 할까 했는데 | I considered talking to you for a bit. |
그런데, 씁, 어제 그냥 | But yesterday was just-- I was just-- I thought we'd talked enough in the car. |
아, 그냥… | But yesterday was just-- I was just-- I thought we'd talked enough in the car. |
우리 충분히 얘기한 거 같고 | But yesterday was just-- I was just-- I thought we'd talked enough in the car. |
- 차에서도 - [어두운 음악] | But yesterday was just-- I was just-- I thought we'd talked enough in the car. |
안 하는 게 맞는 거 같았어 | I think it's right not to do it. |
[지원, 혜영의 탄성] | I see. |
[베니타가 영어로] 다른 것 때문이 아니라… | |
[한국어로] 얘기하면 더 좋았을 수도 있겠지만 | It might have been better to have a chat, but I needed to sort out my thoughts. |
그냥 내 생각 좀 정리를 하고 | It might have been better to have a chat, but I needed to sort out my thoughts. |
똑같아, '나부터 생각하자' | Likewise, I was prioritizing myself. |
[지원] '나부터 생각하자'? | "Prioritizing myself"? |
- [혜영] 아휴 - [지혜] 어떡해 | "Prioritizing myself"? -Goodness. -Oh, dear. |
그래, 충분히… | But, I've thought enough. |
[베니타] 응 | |
아, 베니타가 선택을 안 할 수도 있겠구나 | -Benita might not choose him. -No. |
[혜영] 그러게 | -Benita might not choose him. -No. |
[듀이] 아마 이제 여기가 지나면은 | I'm guessing that this moment will be our last chance to have a one-on-one. |
우리가 일대일로 대화하는 것도 끝일 텐데 | I'm guessing that this moment will be our last chance to have a one-on-one. |
[듀이] 모르겠어, 그냥 좀 | I don't know-- I just think it'd be nice to have a meaningful conversation. |
의미 있는 대화를 나누다가 가면 좋을 거 같아서 | I don't know-- I just think it'd be nice to have a meaningful conversation. |
나는, 나도 사실 | To be honest, I also-- |
그 연인으로서의 감정을 느낄 만큼 | I don't think we did anything much to see if there can be any romantic feelings between us. |
우리가 무언가를 아직 못 했다라고 생각은 들거든 | if there can be any romantic feelings between us. |
- [듀이] 어, 사실은 - [차분한 음악] | Frankly speaking, whenever I tried to take care of you, |
내가 어느 정도 뭔가 너를 챙겨 주려고 해도 | Frankly speaking, whenever I tried to take care of you, |
사실 그거를 되게 아예 안 받는 경향이 있었거든 | you never seemed to accept the favor I was offering. |
[세윤의 깨달은 탄성] | Yeah. |
뜨거우면 이거 해 | Use this if it's hot. |
- [지수] 달고나 - [지미] 누나 | Nuna… |
[희진의 웃음] | |
- [톰] 응 - 근데 내가 만나면 자꾸 | But if I see her now, |
너 '부정적인' 인상만 줄까 봐 | I'll only make a negative impression, that's why I can't see her. |
지금 만나지를 못하겠어 | I'll only make a negative impression, that's why I can't see her. |
[듀이] 수영장에서 진짜 지수한테 한 번도 안 갔거든요 | I never once went to Ji-su at the pool. |
얘기 한 번도 안 걸고 | I didn't talk to her either. |
그리고 또 그룹 데이트에서도 | And even on the group date… |
- [제롬] 골라 - 누구랑 해 볼까? | -Pick someone. -Who should I choose? |
난 소라랑 할게 | I'll play with Sora. |
[듀이] 그냥 일부러 계속 다른 사람 선택했어요 | I purposefully chose other people. |
제가 의도적으로 그 지수 씨한테 이렇게 좀 | I intentionally stayed away from Ji-su. |
멀리했던, 그냥… | I intentionally stayed away from Ji-su. It's just that, it'd been really tough for two days. |
이틀 간이 정말 힘들었고 | It's just that, it'd been really tough for two days. |
[지혜의 깨달은 탄성] | I see. |
나도 상대방이 원치 않는 거를 | I, too, don't want to continue to approach someone who isn't keen on me. |
계속하는 거는 나도 원치 않아 | I, too, don't want to continue to approach someone who isn't keen on me. |
근데 금요일 날 우리가 전날에는 | But on Friday-- The day before today. |
어쨌든 내가 뭔가 널 위해서 해 주는 것들에 대해서 그냥 | You were more accepting of everything I was trying to do for you. |
다 받아 줬거든? | You were more accepting of everything I was trying to do for you. |
- 어제? - [듀이] 어 | -Yesterday? -Yeah. |
[듀이] 그때가 토요일인가? | -Yesterday was a Friday, right? -Yes. |
- 응 - [듀이] 금요일이지? | -Yesterday was a Friday, right? -Yes. |
- 지금 찰까, 우리? - [듀이] 어, 지금 차자 | -Shall we wear it now? -Yeah, let's put them on. |
- [지수] 예쁜데? - [듀이] 그니까 | -Looks pretty. -Right? |
[지혜] 조금씩 마음을 열었어요 | -Looks pretty. -Right? -She's opening up. -Good buy. |
내가 반 먹을게 | I'll eat the other half. |
- [혜영] 나눠 먹고 - [오스틴] 어 | -She shared food with him too. -Yeah. |
[지원] 아, 저 이빨 자국 망고는 쉽지 않아요 | -She shared food with him too. -Yeah. -She took a mango with teeth marks. -That's a lot on her part. |
[세윤] 저건 진짜 쉽지 않은 건데 | -She took a mango with teeth marks. -That's a lot on her part. |
[듀이] 이게 예전에는 절대 없었던 모습이거든요? 예 | I'd never seen her like that before, yeah. |
[지혜] 얼마나 좋았을까, 이때? | He must've been so glad, then. |
[반짝이는 효과음] | He must've been so glad, then. THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE TWO GOT CLOSER |
아, 여기도 같이 내렸으면 좋겠다 | Gee, I hope they get off together. |
그만큼 오빠가 나를 되게 편하게 해준 거 같아 | I think that's how much you made me feel comfortable. |
[지수] 얘기도 잘 들어 주고 | You carefully listened to my story too. That's why… |
그래서 | You carefully listened to my story too. That's why… |
오빠랑 보낸 시간이 제일 많잖아 | I spent the most time with you, Oppa. |
[듀이의 호응] | I spent the most time with you, Oppa. |
[지수] 그, 춤추는 것도 오빠랑 했었고 | I also did that dancing thing with you. And… |
그리고, 어… | I also did that dancing thing with you. And… |
그리고, 그 K 보드게임도 오빠랑 했었고 | -I played the K-board game with you. -Yeah. |
[듀이의 호응] | -I played the K-board game with you. -Yeah. |
서바이벌 그것도 오빠랑 같이했었고 | I also did the survival game with you. |
어제도 오빠랑 데이트하고 오고 그래서 | And I went on a date with you yesterday. |
나는 오빠라는 사람에 대해서 제일 많이 알았어 | I got to know you as a person, during this journey. |
- [지수] 이번 여행에서 - [옅은 웃음] | I got to know you as a person, during this journey. |
[세윤의 탄성] | LOOKING BACK, |
[듀이] 음, 그리고 뭐… | -Yeah. -Yeah, and well… |
[지혜] 자, 이제 지수의 선택입니다 | Now, it's Ji-su's call. |
[듀이] 우리가 또 재밌게 일상을 | If we could share our lives again, I think that would be really fun. |
공유하면서 살 수 있으면 | If we could share our lives again, I think that would be really fun. |
그것도 되게 재밌을 거 같아 | If we could share our lives again, I think that would be really fun. |
[세윤] 아 마지막까지 어필한다 | -He's still trying to appeal to her. -Yeah. |
[혜영의 호응] | -He's still trying to appeal to her. -Yeah. |
얼마나 간절했으면, 듀이 | He really wants to make it work. |
[혜영의 탄식] | |
씁, 선택할까? | Will she choose him? |
어, 어떻게 할까? | What will she do? |
여기 타 줘서 고마워 | Thank you for getting in here. |
혼자야? | Is she leaving alone? |
몰라 | I don't know! |
[세윤] 어떡해, 어떡해? | What's happening? |
[지수] 먼저 갈게 | -I'll get off first. -Oh, no! |
- [지혜의 놀란 숨소리] - [오스틴] 어? | -I'll get off first. -Oh, no! |
- [지혜의 놀란 숨소리] - [오스틴] 어? | Oh, no! |
[지원] 뭐야? | -What was that? -Why? |
왜? | -What was that? -Why? |
- [듀이] 잘 가, 응 - [지수] 먼저 갈게 | -Bye. Yeah. -I'll get off first. |
[지혜가 놀라며] 어떡해 | Oh, dear! |
[잔잔한 음악] | |
[듀이의 한숨] | |
[세윤] 아 | Oh, my. |
- [지혜의 놀란 탄성] - [오스틴] '왓'? | What? |
- [오스틴이 한국어로] 왜? - [놀라며] 어떡해 | -Why? -Oh, no. |
[혜영] 그럴 수 있지 | -It was always a possibility. -Comfort doesn't mean there's interest. |
편하게 해 줬어도 호감은 아닐 수 있죠 | -It was always a possibility. -Comfort doesn't mean there's interest. |
[지원, 오스틴의 놀란 탄성] | -Whoa. -Wow. |
[지수] 사랑에 빠지는 시간이었다기보다는 | This was about getting to know people rather than to fall in love, personally. |
그 사람들에 대해서 아는 시간이었던 거 같아, 나한테는 | This was about getting to know people rather than to fall in love, personally. A WHILE AGO, IN THE GONDOLA |
[지수] 그래서 좋은 사람을 이제 이렇게 알았으니까 | Now that I know a good person like you, I really want to hang out as friends. |
이제 친구로 지내 보고 싶은 마음이 커 | Now that I know a good person like you, I really want to hang out as friends. |
[지수] 어, 저는 보통 이성을 만났을 때 | Well, when I usually meet someone-- |
친구로 잘 지낼 것 같다거나, 뭐 | Whether we end up as good friends, or develop romantic feelings-- |
이성으로 관심 있다거나 이게 좀 | Whether we end up as good friends, or develop romantic feelings-- |
딱 정해지는 느낌이거든요 첫 느낌부터 | I feel like it's decided from the get-go, I get an inkling from the start. |
첫인상부터 | From the first impression. |
[지수] 지수라고 합니다 반갑습니다 | I'm Ji-su. It's nice to meet you. FIRST IMPRESSIONS DETERMINE {HER FEELINGS FOR THE PERSON} |
[지수] 그런데 제가 뭔가 | But the person I was romantically interested in-- |
이성으로 좀 관심이 있다고 느꼈던 분이 | But the person I was romantically interested in-- |
딱 한 분밖에 확실하게 없었던 거 같아서 | I think there was only one person that I was certain about. |
듀이 씨가 제가 지금 남자 출연진분들 중에서는 | Out of all the male participants, Dewey seems most like a friend to me. |
제일 친구 같거든요? | Out of all the male participants, Dewey seems most like a friend to me. |
- [세윤의 깨달은 탄성] - 그래서, 어, 막 | Out of all the male participants, Dewey seems most like a friend to me. That's why |
[지수] 데이트를 한다는 느낌보다는 | instead of it feeling like a date, I feel like he's a neighborhood friend. |
뭔가, 동네 친구? [웃음] | instead of it feeling like a date, I feel like he's a neighborhood friend. |
어렸을 때부터 알던 친구? | A friend you've known since childhood. |
그거를 바꾸는 게 | Changing that impression I had of him turned out to be impossible. |
불가능했던 거 같아요 | Changing that impression I had of him turned out to be impossible. |
[생각하는 소리] | |
그리고 제가 여기 와서, 저… | After coming here, I really… |
제가… | I… |
여기 와서 제가 제일 많이 웃은 게 | The reason I laughed a lot after coming here, |
오빠랑 있을 때 제일 많이 웃었던 거 같아요 | I think it's because I was with him. |
그리고 마지막으로 듀이 오빠 | And lastly, Dewey oppa, |
어, 이번 돌싱글즈에서 | thank you for making me laugh so much during this season of Love After Divorce. |
나랑 가장 많이 웃게 해 줘서 너무 고맙고 | thank you for making me laugh so much during this season of Love After Divorce. |
내 성격이 좀 | My personality is a bit-- I know I can be a bit stubborn. |
[웃으며] 약간 단호박 같은 성격인 것도 있는데 | My personality is a bit-- I know I can be a bit stubborn. |
그런 게 오빠를 힘들게 했다면 너무 미안하고 | So, I'm so sorry if I hurt you in anyway. |
뭔가 되게 세상에 | I feel like you're someone who's very curious about the world. |
알고 싶은 게 되게 많은 사람 같아, 오빠는 | I feel like you're someone who's very curious about the world. |
그런데 난 시간이 흐를수록 | But as time goes by… |
뭔가 알고 싶은 것보다 알고 싶지 않은 게 | I find myself wanting to learn less about the world, rather than more, like you. |
더 많아지는 거 같거든? | I find myself wanting to learn less about the world, rather than more, like you. |
그래서, 그런 긍정적인 기운을 | So, thank you for sharing that positive energy of yours with me. |
나한테 전해 줘서 너무 고마워 | So, thank you for sharing that positive energy of yours with me. |
[반짝이는 효과음] | JI-SU'S STORY ENDS HERE |
[잔잔한 음악] | NOW HE'S LEFT ALONE |
[듀이] 그냥, 이 다시 한 바퀴 도는 걸 보면서 | Watching this Ferris wheel make another round, |
1일 차부터 하나씩 이렇게 좀 | I was able to gain a clearer perspective of everything that happened from day one. |
돌아가는 게 보이더라고요 | I was able to gain a clearer perspective of everything that happened from day one. |
좋은 인연이 있으면 놓치지 않는 것이 | If I meet someone I can connect with, keeping that person is my goal. |
제 목표입니다 | If I meet someone I can connect with, keeping that person is my goal. |
[물방울 떨어지는 효과음] | BUT IT WASN'T AS EASY AS HE'D THOUGHT |
- [듀이] 아… - [지수의 코 훌쩍임] | BUT IT WASN'T AS EASY AS HE'D THOUGHT |
[듀이] 사실 뭐 좀 괴로운 때도 있었지만 | ALL YOU CAN DO IS STAY BESIDE HER To be honest, there were times when it was painful. |
어쨌든 어 한 사람을 다가가면서 | But anyhow, while I pursued one person, I got to do the things I wanted to try. |
해 보고 싶었던 거, 그리고 | But anyhow, while I pursued one person, I got to do the things I wanted to try. And… |
- [지수] 응 - [듀이] 어, 내가 너한테 | -Yeah. -That I'm giving you signals. |
신호를 주고 있다고 | -Yeah. -That I'm giving you signals. |
그냥 꾸준히 한 번 관심을 표현해 볼 생각이고, 응 | I intend to keep expressing my interest. |
만약에 데이트가 있으면 어떡할래? | What would you do if there's a date? |
말하고 싶었던 거 다 말했고 | I said everything I wanted to say. |
그게 뭐 받아들여지지 않았지만 | Though my feelings weren't accepted, |
[듀이] 후련합니다 뭐 할 거 다 해 봤고 | I'm relieved I got to try everything. I expressed myself as much as I could. |
보여 줄 만큼 보여줬고 | I'm relieved I got to try everything. I expressed myself as much as I could. |
결과도 받았고 | And this is the result. |
제 입장에서 할 수 있는 건 다 했기 때문에 | I tried everything I could in my power, so I have no regrets. |
후회는 없습니다 | I tried everything I could in my power, so I have no regrets. |
[지혜] 맞아요, 최선을 다한 게 뭐, 멋진 거죠 | -Yes, doing your best is what matters. -Yeah. |
[오스틴] 아, 그렇죠 | -Yes, doing your best is what matters. -Yeah. |
[반짝이는 효과음] | DEWEY'S STORY ENDS HERE |
- [혜영] 고생했어요, 듀이 - [박수 소리] | DEWEY'S STORY ENDS HERE You did so well, Dewey. |
그래도 듀이는 최선을 다했고 | -Still, Dewey gave it his best. -Yes. |
- [지혜] 네 - 또 지수 씨의 마음도 | -Still, Dewey gave it his best. -Yes. -I get why Ji-su felt that way too. -Yes. |
- 이해가 갑니다 - [지혜의 호응] | -I get why Ji-su felt that way too. -Yes. |
뭐 두 분이 친구처럼 또 지내다가 | Well, they could stay as friends, but who knows what will happen? |
또 어떻게 될지 모르는 거니까 | Well, they could stay as friends, but who knows what will happen? |
또 각자 또 새로운 인연을 만날 수도 있고 | They can meet new people too. Please contact us if you have good news. |
꼭 좋은 소식 있으면 연락 주세요 | They can meet new people too. Please contact us if you have good news. |
[제롬] 근데 나도 이거를 너한테 얘기하고 싶어 | But I want to tell you this. |
너도 이제 다른 사람들 '기분'도 생각하잖아 | You also think about other people's feelings, right? |
[영어로] 내 기분은 걱정 마 | |
네 기분만 생각해 | |
[제롬] 네가 하고 싶은 대로 | |
[한국어로] 하고 | That being said, |
[제롬] 네가 어떻게 가든 | no matter what you decide-- |
[베니타의 목 고르는 소리] | no matter what you decide-- |
[영어로] 네 의사를 존중해 이유를 아니까 | |
[제롬이 한국어로] 나는 존중할 거야, 너의 선택 | I'll respect your decision. |
[탄식] | Goodness. |
[혜영] 이제 곧 도착한다 | They will arrive soon. |
[한숨] | |
어떻게 될까? | I wonder how it'll go. |
오케이 | |
[제롬] 나오기 전까지 고민을 많이 했잖아요 | I had to think hard about coming here. |
누구 때문에 설레게 된 것도 | It'd been so long since I felt excited about someone. |
오랜만이어서 좋았고 | It'd been so long since I felt excited about someone. That was great. |
[제롬] '디어' 내가 '디어' 할게 | "Dear," I'll be your dear. |
[영어로] 네가 베이비 하고 내가 디어 할게 | |
[한국어로] 특히나 이 커플은 꼭 됐으면 좋겠는데 | I especially want this couple to work out. |
돼야 돼 | They have to. |
[제롬] 어떻게 선택하든 그냥 행복해 | No matter what she decides, I hope she'll be happy. |
[제롬] 행복했으면 좋겠다 | I want her to be happy. |
[세윤의 탄식] | Oh, gosh. |
[영어로] 있잖아 | |
난 쭉 네 자기가 되고 싶어 | |
그러니까 나한테 넌 계속 베이비야 | |
[물방울 떨어지는 효과음] | BUT BENITA {STILL DOESN'T ANSWER} |
제발 | |
[혜영이 한국어로] 아이고 미치겠다 | Gosh, it's driving me nuts. |
- [지혜의 한숨] - 정말 확신했던 커플이었는데 | Gosh, it's driving me nuts. I was so sure about them, but now I really don't know. |
[혜영] 지금 정말 모르겠어 | I was so sure about them, but now I really don't know. |
[지혜] 그러게요 | I was so sure about them, but now I really don't know. Me neither. |
[지원] 어? | What? |
먼저 일어나? | She's standing up first? |
[세윤] 혼자 일어나 | She's standing up alone. |
[오스틴] 아니야 | -No, wait-- -She can't look at Jerome-- Oh, no! |
[지혜] 제롬을 못 쳐다보네 | -No, wait-- -She can't look at Jerome-- Oh, no! |
- [지원] 쓱 끌고… 어! - [지혜] 어떡해! | -No, wait-- -She can't look at Jerome-- Oh, no! |
- [제롬] 진짜? - [지혜가 놀라며] 어떡해! | -Seriously? -Oh, no! |
- [오스틴] 어! - [지원의 탄식] | Wow! |
- [세윤] 데리고 와 - [오스틴] 왜 그래? | -Bring her back. -What's this? |
[지원] 빨리 내려 | Get off quickly! |
[차분한 음악] | |
[베니타] 그냥 감정이 되게 오묘해요 | It felt really odd-- It was bittersweet and-- |
진짜 시원섭… | It felt really odd-- It was bittersweet and-- |
모든 감정, 우리가 말할 수 있는 모든 감정이 | I felt every emotion-- I felt every describable emotion. |
다 들어가 있어요 | I felt every emotion-- I felt every describable emotion. |
기쁨, 슬픔, 뭐… | Joy, sorrow, and like-- |
오묘함 뭐 이런 게 다 섞여 있어서 | Every subtle emotion-- It was a mixture of everything. |
- [놀라며] 어떡해 - [오스틴] 진짜? | -Oh, no. -For real? |
- [지혜] 어, 안 돼 - '오 마이 가쉬' | |
[지혜가 놀라며] 어떡해 | Oh, dear goodness. |
[혜영] 힘들었겠다, 베니타도 | It must've been tough for Benita. |
[베니타] 그냥 다 너무 고마웠고 | I was just-- I was so thankful for everything. |
좀 많이 웃게 해 줘서 고마웠던 거 같아요 | I was grateful that he made me laugh a lot. |
[오스틴] '오 마이 갓' | Oh, my God. |
[한숨] | |
[둔탁한 효과음] | AND STOPS…? |
- [지원, 혜영] 어! - [오스틴] 어? | What? |
- 어! - [오스틴] 어? | What? |
- [지원, 혜영] 어! - 어? | What? |
[부드러운 음악] | |
[출연진의 환호] | AND REACHES HER HAND OUT TO JEROME -Oh, my God! -Really? |
[세윤] 진짜? | -Oh, my God! -Really? |
- [세윤] 진짜? - [오스틴이 영어로] 거봐요 | -Oh, my God! -Really? |
[혜영이 한국어로] 아 뭐야, 방금 이거! | What the heck! |
[지혜] 아, 나 눈물 나 눈물 나 | -I was tearing up! -Wow! |
- [세윤] 아, 정말! - [오스틴] 진짜 왜 그래 | -Seriously! -What the heck! |
어떡해, 나 진짜로 | I thought they were really done! |
- [울먹이는 소리] - [오스틴] '오 마이 갓' | I thought they were really done! |
나 눈물 | Gosh, I'm in tears-- Why make me cry! |
나 왜 울려! | Gosh, I'm in tears-- Why make me cry! |
이렇게 방송 재밌게 하면 공개적이 되지! | If you make it so entertaining, you're asking to go public! Of course! |
[혜영] 당연하지! | Of course! |
제일 관종이야, 하여튼 간에! | You're the worst kind of attention-seeker! |
[혜영의 웃음] | You're the worst kind of attention-seeker! |
- [익살스러운 효과음] - 제일 관종이야! | -She's the worst kind! -He's right! |
- [혜영] 맞아! - [오스틴] 와 | -She's the worst kind! -He's right! -Wow! -Benita was crying in the interview, |
아니, 난 인터뷰를 울면서 하길래 | -Wow! -Benita was crying in the interview, |
- [익살스러운 효과음] - '아유, 안 했구나' | -I was like, "That ship's sailed." -I was in tears. |
- [혜영의 안타까운 탄식] - [지혜] 진짜 눈물 났어 | -I was like, "That ship's sailed." -I was in tears. I was so invested in those two! |
- 아니, 너무 됐으면 하고 - [오스틴] '와우' | I was so invested in those two! |
응원했는데, 나 진짜, 누가 눈물이 날 거 같았는데 | I was so invested in those two! -I was really tearing up. -I know. |
[혜영] 그러니까 | -I was really tearing up. -I know. |
어, 됐어, 됐어, 됐어 너무 다행이다 | But it's all good. I'm so glad! |
- [지혜] 잘됐어, 진짜 - [지원] 잘됐다 | -Good for them! -Really great! |
[지원, 오스틴의 감탄] | -Good for them! -Really great! |
- [지원] 베니타 - [혜영] 아유 | -Benita! -This is great! |
- [혜영] 잘됐다! - [활기찬 음악] | -Benita! -This is great! |
[띠링 울리는 효과음] | |
- [베니타의 웃음소리] - 예스! | |
- 야! - [사람들의 환호] | Hey! |
- [깜찍한 효과음] - [출연진의 웃음] | |
- [제롬] 아, 다리 아파 - [혜영] 몰랐겠지 | -Calm down. -Oh, my legs! Of course he didn't know. |
[제롬] 휴 | For us to just remain as friends… |
[베니타] 친구로서 남기에는 | For us to just remain as friends… |
좀 감정이 좀 너무 많이 소모가 됐고 | I'd invested too much of my emotions into him. |
그런 지금 선택 길에 있어서 | Once I was at crossroads, |
좀 더 신중하게 하려고 했던 거 같아요 | I think I was trying to be more careful with my decision. |
[베니타] 사실 7일간의 시간이라는 게 | To be honest, to fall for someone within the seven days we had, |
[웃으며] 누구한테 막 이렇게 빠진다는 거는 | To be honest, to fall for someone within the seven days we had, |
불가능이라고 생각을 했거든요 | I thought was impossible. |
근데 그거를 해 주셨던 거 같아요, 그래서 | But I think he broke my prejudice. |
[제롬의 안도하는 숨소리] | |
- [베니타] 놀랐어? - [제롬] 놀랐어 | -Were you surprised? -So surprised, really! |
진짜 [웃음] | -Were you surprised? -So surprised, really! |
[오스틴] 손잡아, 손 | Hold hands! |
- [오스틴이 영어로] 그래 - [출연진의 탄성] | |
[오스틴] 그거지, 그거야 | |
[지혜가 한국어로] 진짜 잘 어울려요 | They really suit each other. |
- [감성적인 음악] - 아주 후련해요 | I'm relieved and feeling good. |
- 기분 좋아요 - [베니타] 어, 후련해요 | I'm relieved and feeling good. -I'm so relieved, yes. -Really. |
- [베니타] 진짜, 응 - [제롬] 진짜로요 | -I'm so relieved, yes. -Really. |
- [베니타] 그런 거 같아요 - [제롬] 걱정 | -I think-- -I was so worried. |
걱정 같은 거 많이 했는데 | -I think-- -I was so worried. |
하고 끝까지도 걱정하게 만드는 사람이 | The person who made me worry until the very end |
혼자 나가고 | left the gondola alone. |
- '아, 이건 좀 아니다' - [혜영의 웃음] | "Man, that's a bit much-- I knew it." That's what I thought. |
'그럴 줄, 그럴 줄 알았어' | "Man, that's a bit much-- I knew it." That's what I thought. |
- [세윤의 웃음] - 이렇게 생각했어요 | "Man, that's a bit much-- I knew it." That's what I thought. |
지금부터 더 걱정이에요 | I'm even more worried now. |
[제롬의 호응] | I'm even more worried now. |
감당이 안 될 거 같아요 | I don't think I can handle him. |
[제롬] '진정'할게 '진정' | -Okay, I'll calm down. -I keep restraining him. |
[베니타] 제가 계속 자제시키고 있어요 | -Okay, I'll calm down. -I keep restraining him. |
[혜영] 아, 너무 잘됐다 | -Okay, I'll calm down. -I keep restraining him. I'm so happy for them. |
[베니타] 이따가 잠깐 얘기 좀 하자 | Let's talk for a minute later. |
[제롬] 무슨 얘기 갑자기? 아니… | What'd you mean, so suddenly? I mean, what-- |
[제롬이 영어로] 다 끝났어 | |
[베니타가 웃으며] 알아 | |
[한국어로] 비행시간? | Flight time? |
[지미] 뭐, 걱정되는 건 아닌데 어쨌든 | Well, I'm not that worried, but anyway-- |
어쨌든 쉬운 일이 아니잖아요 | Anyhow, it's not an easy feat to keep up. |
뭐, 거리가 워낙 6시간 비행기인데 | Considering we're a 6-hour flight away. |
뭐, 그래도 | Even so, |
그래도 잘해 보고 싶은 생각이 들어서 | I still want to give it a good try. |
[리키] 잠깐? 네 | -We lightly touched upon that, yes. -Yeah. |
- 좀 얘기했어요, 네 - [하림] 네, 응 | -We lightly touched upon that, yes. -Yeah. |
시애틀로 오기로 결정 내렸어요, 네 | He decided to move to Seattle. |
[지혜] 어? 진짜 벌써? | Oh, really? Already? |
벌써 계획을 했다고요? | They've already made plans? |
- [지원] 뭐? - 언제 얘기가 된 거예요? | They've already made plans? -What? -When did you even talk about it? |
[지혜] 아까 그 대관람차에서 내리자마자인데 | You just got off the Ferris wheel-- And what, he's moving to Seattle? |
시애틀로 온다고요? | You just got off the Ferris wheel-- And what, he's moving to Seattle? |
[오스틴, 세윤의 웃음소리] | You just got off the Ferris wheel-- And what, he's moving to Seattle? |
어, 너무 좋다 | This is so nice. |
- [혜영] 이야 - 와 | -Gee. -Wow! |
[세윤] 자 돌싱글즈 시즌 4 | The final selections for Love After Divorce: Season 4 are over. |
최종 선택이 모두 끝났습니다 | The final selections for Love After Divorce: Season 4 are over. |
[세윤] 제롬, 베니타 | Jerome and Benita. |
지미, 희진 | Jimi and Hee-jin. |
리키, 하림 | Ricky and Ha-rim. |
총 세 커플이 동거를 하게 됩니다 | Three couples will begin cohabitation. |
- [혜영] 네 - 그리고 여러분 | You'll also find this surprising. |
깜짝 놀라실 겁니다 | You'll also find this surprising. |
- [흥미로운 음악] - [지혜] 지금까지 부모님과 | As you've all seen, we've had parents and children making appearances before. |
아이들 출연은 뭐 다들 보셨잖아요 | As you've all seen, we've had parents and children making appearances before. |
그런데 | This time… |
- 엑스까지 출연한다고 합니다 - [혜영] 뭐? | -Their exes will appear too. -What? |
[오스틴이 영어로] 네? | -Their exes will appear too. -What? |
[지원이 한국어로] '왓 더 엑스'? | |
- [오스틴] '왓 더…' - [세윤] '왓 더 엑스'! | |
- [지원] '왓 더 엑스'! - [지혜가 웃으며] 엑스까지 | The exes will make appearances too. |
- [지혜] 출연한다고 합니다 - [오스틴] 엑스요? | The exes will make appearances too. The exes? |
[활기찬 음악] | |
[세윤] 자, 이번에는 100% 찐 리얼 동거가 | Their 100% real cohabitation stories in the US are about to unfold. |
미국에서 펼쳐진다고 합니다 | Their 100% real cohabitation stories in the US are about to unfold. |
- [제롬의 웃음] - [베니타의 탄성] | |
[제롬, 베니타] 하이 | |
- [반짝이는 효과음] - [희진] 하이 [웃음] | COHABITATION LIFE IN THE US |
[지미] 왜 뒤에서 와? | COHABITATION LIFE IN THE US How'd you come up from behind me? |
- [아이들이 소란한 소리] - [발랄한 음악] | WITH RICKY |
- [리키의 웃음소리] - [조든] 이리 와 | REAL PARENTING WITH 3 KIDS |
- [지혜가 한국어로] 지금 - [혜영] 정신이 | They must be losing their minds. |
[혜영] 하나도 없겠다 | They must be losing their minds. |
[유쾌한 음악] | |
[베니타] 잠깐 내려놔도 되지? | -Can I put it down for a while? -Yeah. |
[제롬] 어 | -Can I put it down for a while? -Yeah. |
- [지혜가 웃으며] 어떡해 - [혜영의 말소리] | MORE SPECTACLES THAN EVER |
오, 너무 감동이다 | I'm so moved. |
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