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  일타 스캔들 11

Crash Course in Romance 11


‪[흥미로운 음악]


‪[핵인싸맨최치열강  ‪실물 영접 영광입니다

Mr. Choi, it's nice to meet you in person.

너무 잘생겼네요 ‪실물 개쩔어요

-You're so handsome. Incredible. -Who are you?

‪- [동희뭡니까누구세요? ‪- [핵인싸맨잠시만요

-You're so handsome. Incredible. -Who are you? Hold on. IT'S THE CHEATER! IT'S OKAY, MR. CHOI!

저는 핫한 정보를 ‪가장 빠르게 전달해 드리는

IT'S THE CHEATER! IT'S OKAY, MR. CHOI! I'm Mr. Popular, delivering hot news faster than anyone.


I'm Mr. Popular, delivering hot news faster than anyone.

웰컴  핵인싸 월드

Welcome to Mr. Popular's World. IS HE CRAZY? GO, MR. POPULAR!

‪- 핵인싸맨? ‪- [핵인싸맨의 놀란 소리]

Mr. Popular?

‪[핵인싸맨여러분 ‪최치열강 님이 저를 알고 계시네요

Guys, Mr. Choi knows me.

그걸로 충분합니다감사합니다

That'll be enough. Thank you.

강사님과  프라이드 학원의 ‪계약이  났다는데사실인가요?

Is it true that you no longer work at The Pride?

정상에서 나락으로 추락한 ‪지금의 심정이 어떠십니까?

How does it feel to hit rock bottom?


Just leave!

‪[핵인싸맨답변을 ‪ 하시네요

You can't seem to answer me. Then next question.

그럼 다른 질문

You can't seem to answer me. Then next question. How do you feel about her now?

지금  유부녀분과의 ‪감정은 어떠세요?

How do you feel about her now?


Are you still in love? How do you feel about being the center of a cheating scandal?

희대의 불륜 스캔들로 불리는데 ‪어떤 생각을 갖고 계십니

How do you feel about being the center of a cheating scandal?

‪- [해이스캔들 아니에요! ‪- [핵인싸맨

How do you feel about being the center of a cheating scandal? It's not a scandal! I KNOW HER! WHAT?

‪- 무슨 말씀이시죠? ‪- [다급한 발소리]


스캔들 아니에요

It's not a scandal.



왜냐면 저희 엄마는

Because my mom…

‪[영상  해이실은

isn't actually

엄마가 아니라

my mom.


She's my aunt, and she's single.

그러니까 이건 스캔들이 아니라

So this isn't a scandal. WHAT? WHAT THE HECK?


It's just a romance. WHAT DID SHE SAY? SERIOUSLY?

‪[잔잔한 음악]


‪[행선의 한숨]

‪[행선여기   연구실 맞지?

That's his academy building, right?

‪[영주맞는  같아행선아

That's his academy building, right? Yes, I think so. Haeng-seon.



‪- [출입문 종소리] ‪- [영주의 탄식]

연일 핵폭탄이 터지네아주

This is such a huge mess.

‪[핵인싸맨의 당황한 소리]


‪- [휴대전화 조작음] ‪- [핵인싸맨 건데

That's mine.

‪[해이의 한숨]

‪[휴대전화 조작음]

‪- [동희가요나가라고! ‪- 시청자들의  권리 권리

-Leave. I said leave! -My viewers have a right to know.

‪[핵인싸맨… 이모라니!

-Leave. I said leave! -My viewers have a right to know. She's your aunt?

이모최치열강 !

She's your aunt? Mr. Choi!

‪- [ 닫히는 소리] ‪- 로맨스불륜이모?

Mr. Choi! Adultery! Aunt?




엄마가 아니라

Ms. Nam isn't your mom…

이모라고남행선 씨가?

but your aunt?

 때문에 거짓말한 거예요

She lied for my sake.

제가  상처받을까 

To protect me.

My mom…


I mean, my aunt

결혼 같은    없어요

has never been married.

그리고 진짜  좋아해요

And she likes you a lot.

쌤도 이모 좋아하잖아요맞죠?

You like her too. Right?

‪[ 여닫히는 소리]



‪[자동차 리모컨 작동음]

‪[애잔한 음악]

‪[자동차 시동음]

남해이 진짜

Nam Hae-e, you…

‪[행선  그랬어? ‪ 발로 여기까지 와서

Why did you do that? Why are you even here?

대체  하러!

What for?



나도 양심이란  있어야 되잖아

I have a conscience.

‪[해이이모가 엄마만 아니면 ‪아무 문제 없는 건데

All this is a problem because they think you're my mom.

말도  되는  스캔들도 그렇고

From this ridiculous scandal

쌤이랑 이모 마음도

to your and Mr. Choi's feelings--

니가  그런  상관해! ‪그건 어른들 문제고

Why should you care? This is a matter for grown-ups.

너는 그냥  공부만 하면

-You focus on your studies-- -No, I can't.


-You focus on your studies-- -No, I can't.

이제 그만 염치없을래

I want to stop being shameless.

‪[해이 이모이제

Auntie, I want you…

이모도 이모 인생 살면 좋겠어

to live your own life from now on.

‪[따뜻한 음악]

좋아하는 사람한테 ‪좋아한다고 하고

Express your feelings to the man you like.

좋아하는 사람이랑 연애도 하고

And go on dates with him.

진작 용기 냈어야 했는데

I should've done this sooner.

이제야 말해서 미안해

I'm sorry it took me so long.

‪[속상한 신음]

정말 미안해

I'm really sorry.

뭐가 미안해기지배야

Why would you be, you brat?

 희생한  아니야 ‪내가 선택한 거야

I wasn't forced to do this. I chose this life because I felt better that way.

그게  마음이 편해서

I chose this life because I felt better that way.

힘내고 살아갈 명분이 필요해서

I needed a reason to stay strong.

그리고 나한테는

And to me,

너랑 재우가

-you and Jae-woo-- -I know that.

‪[해이알아 아는데

-you and Jae-woo-- -I know that.

이제 그만

But you've done enough.


이모  좋아하잖아

You like Mr. Choi, don't you?

쌤도 이모 많이 좋아해

He likes you a lot too.

오늘 가게 앞에서 한참 동안 ‪이모 보다가 그냥 가셨어

He was watching you work for a while earlier today.

그러니까  잡아

So don't let him go.

나도  좋단 말이야

I like him too.

‪[타이어 마찰음]


‪[가쁜 숨소리]

‪[출입문 종소리]


-Hey, Chi-yeol. -Where's your sister?

‪- 누나는? ‪- [영주아이고

-Hey, Chi-yeol. -Where's your sister?

어디 있어요남행선 씨는?

Where's Ms. Nam?

‪[영주아니행선이 ‪아까 나갔는데

She stepped out a while ago after seeing

핵인싸맨인지 똥싸맨인지 ‪방송 보고 바로

She stepped out a while ago after seeing the live stream of Mr. Popular or Mr. Poopular or whatever.

‪[재우근데 남행선 누나 ‪폰도 두고 갔어요

But she forgot to take her phone.


 저랑 잠깐 얘기 

Mr. Choi. Can I have a word with you?

재우야잠깐만 올라가 있어

Jae-woo, will you excuse us for a minute?

그렇게 십몇 년을 ‪해이 엄마로  거죠

So she's lived as Hae-e's mom for more than a decade now.

가끔은 ' 대단하다싶기도 하고

Sometimes, I feel admiration for her.

‪[영주] '아유 저렇게까지 ‪ 인생을 던져 희생하고 사나'

But other times, I feel frustrated as her friend

친구로서 진짜 짜증도 났는데

by all the sacrifices she makes.

옆에서 보니까 

But they seem to rely on each other a lot.

서로가 서로를 의지하더라고요 ‪가족이라고

But they seem to rely on each other a lot. As a family.

셋이 아주 똘똘 뭉쳐서

The three of them are very tight-knit.

그래서 쌤한테 말하기가 ‪힘들었을 거예요

That must be why she couldn't tell you the truth.

중학교  ‪엄청 상처받았었거든요해이가

Hae-e got really hurt once back in middle school.


Mr. Choi.

우리 행선이


진짜 좋은 애예요

Haeng-seon is an amazing person.

걔가 남자 때문에 우는 

I'm telling you this as her best friend,

찐친 입장에서 진짜 맹세하는데 ‪처음이에요

but I've never seen her cry over a man before.

행선이  잡아 주세요?

Don't let her go, please.

‪- [한숨] ‪- [출입문 종소리]


Mr. Choi.

‪[부드러운 음악]

‪[행선의 가쁜 숨소리]

‪[초인종 소리]

‪[ 내뱉는 소리]

‪[타이어 마찰음]



나는 그냥 길이 엇갈릴까 

Well… I was worried we'd miss each other. I…

아까 너무 정신이 없어서 ‪가게에 휴대폰을 두고 나왔거든요

I was so flustered earlier that I left my phone at my store.

알잖아요 ‪   두고 다니는 

You know I often forget my phone.

고치려고 하는데 ‪ 안되네그게

I try not to, but it's not easy.

 몸처럼 달고 다녀야 ‪급할 때도 연락이 되는데

I'm supposed to carry it with me so people can reach me anytime,

태생이 덜렁이인가 봐요나는

but I'm forgetful by nature.

그러니까  말은

What I'm trying to tell you is,

그래서 전화도  하고근데

What I'm trying to tell you is, that's why I couldn't call you. But I really needed to see you--

오늘 보긴 해야 

But I really needed to see you--


Why didn't you tell me sooner?

아니 벌을 이렇게 

Why did you have to punish me like this?

‪[치열그것도 모르고

I had no idea and suffered so much trying to get over you.

 비워 내느라 얼마나 힘들었는데

I had no idea and suffered so much trying to get over you.


I really wish you'd told me.

‪[행선의 아파하는 신음]

‪[행선헬멧… ‪ 헬멧이

Mr. Choi, the helmet.

‪[치열의 당황한 소리]

‪[행선의 멋쩍은 숨소리]

‪[치열뭔가 했네

That's what that was.

‪[부드러운 음악]

‪[안도하는 숨소리]

‪[영상  해이엄마가 아니라

…isn't actually my mom.


She's my aunt, and she's single.

‪- [한숨] ‪- 그러니까 이건 스캔들이 아니라

So this isn't a scandal.


It's just a romance.

‪[도어  조작음]


‪[ 여닫히는 소리]



‪[서진형은  봤어?

Where's your brother? Have you seen him?

  때부터 없었던 거야그래?

Was he not here when you got home?


No, he wasn't.

‪[서진의 한숨]

‪[불안한 숨소리]

‪[안내 음성전원이 꺼져 있어 ‪음성 사서함으로 연결되며

Your call cannot be completed. You will be redirected to voicemail…

‪- [무거운 음악] ‪- 아이

Damn it.

‪[선재무슨 일인데요형은 

What's wrong? Why are you looking for him?

 수학 수행 평가 ‪그거   거니?

How was the math performance assessment?

형한테 무슨  있는 거죠?

Did something happen to him?

수행 평가 그거  봤냐고

-I'm asking about the assessment. -That's not important right now.

‪[선재지금 수행 평가가 ‪중요한  아니잖아요

-I'm asking about the assessment. -That's not important right now.

제가 찾아 볼게요

-I'll go look for him. -No need.


-I'll go look for him. -No need.

별일 아니야 빨리 학원이나 

It's nothing. Go to your academy.

‪[휴대전화 조작음]

‪[안내 음성전원이 꺼져 있어 ‪음성 사서함으로 연결

Your call cannot be completed. You will be redirected…

‪[희재의 가쁜 숨소리]

Like I explained last time,

‪[수의사지난번에도 말씀드렸지만

Like I explained last time,

쇠구슬 맞고 떨어져서  왔을 

after the cat had fallen from a height from being hit by a metal ball,

수술 통해서 폐출혈은 잡고

after the cat had fallen from a height from being hit by a metal ball, I'd managed to stop the pulmonary hemorrhage,

비장은 파열이 너무 심해서 ‪적출을 했었거든요

but the spleen had to be removed because it was badly damaged.

그렇게 어느 정도 고비는 넘겼는데

I thought it was over the hump,

갑자기 오늘 ‪급성 폐수종이 생기는 바람에

but it developed acute pulmonary edema today.

아니어느 미친놈이 ‪길고양이들한테 이런 짓을 하는지

What kind of psycho does this to stray cats?

‪[떨리는 숨소리]

속상해서 어떡해요

You must be so upset.

 죽어 가는  ‪이때껏 케어해 주셨는데

You've been looking after this poor thing all this time.



내가 진짜 그때 여기서

This reminds me of how I felt here that night.


What do you mean?


"What do you mean?"

, '왜요' ‪여기 어딘지 몰라요?

How can you say that? You don't know this place? -It's the Han River. -The "Han River"?


-It's the Han River. -The "Han River"?

‪[치열한강그냥 한강?

-It's the Han River. -The "Han River"? The plain old Han River?

서울 시민  알고 ‪지나가는 개도 안다는 한강?

As known to every Seoul citizen and even their dogs?


So that's it?

여기 그냥 그런 한강이구나

That's what this place is all about?

그래모를 수도 있지

Fine, you may not know.

‪- [잔잔한 음악] ‪- 모를 수도 있어

That's fine.

나만 애탔나 보다나만

I guess I was the only one who missed you.

그러는 행선 씨는

So tell me, Haeng-seon.


When did it all start?


When did you start…

 그런 ?

What do you mean?


I'm not sure.

‪[생각하는 소리]


At first…

‪[행선아니애가 놀라잖아요! ‪이씨

You're scaring him!

‪- [사람들이 웅성거린다] ‪- [행선의 놀란 소리]


Damn it.

‪[행선] ' 저런 ‪또라이가  있나했다가

I thought you were a nutjob.

‪[치열 하는 거야지금?

What's going on?

그냥 가시라고요

Just leave.

‪[행선] '또라이인데 ‪재수까지 없네'

Then you were a nutjob who was full of yourself.

‪' 저렇게 사람이 차갑지?' ‪그랬다가

I didn't understand why you had to be so cold.


Get back in here.

‪[재우최치열강 님이 ‪낚시하고 있어

Mr. Choi is fishing.

‪[행선] '차가운 사람이 아니라 ‪추운 사람이구나했다가

Mr. Choi is fishing. And then I realized that you were lonely rather than cold.


What about dinner? Have you eaten?

‪[행선근데 '어라?'

But at some point, I thought,

‪- [출입문 종소리] ‪- '사람이 은근 따뜻하네?'

But at some point, I thought, "This man is surprisingly kind."

‪' 온기는 뭐지?' 했다가

"What's this warmth I'm feeling?"

걱정했다가 많이 아팠다가

I was concerned at first, then tormented,

원망스러웠다가 애틋했다가

then resentful, and then longing.

그러고는 이러고 있네요여기서

In the end, here we are.


What about you?

언제부터였는데요 좋아한 

When did you start having feelings for me?





어쩌면 처음부터?

Maybe from the get-go.

‪[행선의 웃음]

Maybe from the get-go.


That's impossible.

추격전부터 해서 완전 ‪웬수로 만난 거나 다름없는데

That's impossible. We got into a chase. It couldn't have been worse.


It couldn't have been worse. That's true, but still…

근데 이상하게 마음 쓰였어요

I somehow felt drawn to you.

그쪽 보면서

I somehow felt drawn to you.

‪[치열신경 쓰이고 화도 나고 ‪답답하고

You bothered, upset, and frustrated me.

그러다 보니

Before I knew it,

 인생이 재밌어졌어요

my life got a lot more fun.

진짜 지루했었는데

It used to be so boring.

재밌어서 좋아했다고요?

You liked me because I was fun?

왜요? ‪재밌는  얼마나 중요한데

Yes. Why? That's a big deal.

‪[행선아니그러면 ‪개그우먼을 만날 일이지

Then why don't you go out with a comedian instead?

재밌어서 좋아했대

I can't believe you said that.

열일곱    운동 잘해서 ‪좋아했다는 남자애 이후로

You're the first guy to like me since a boy liked me when I was 17.

 번째 고백인데

You're the first guy to like me since a boy liked me when I was 17.


What a disappointment.

, 1 원의 남자라고 ‪잘난 척했지만

I bragged about being the Trillion Won Man,

사실 사는  재미없었거든요

but I never enjoyed my life.

정신없이  끝나고 ‪집에 와서 누우면

I'd crawl into my bed after a hectic day,

‪[치열뭔가 굉장히 중요한  ‪잃어버리고 사는 기분이 들고

and it'd always feel like something very important was missing.

잠도  오고

And I had trouble sleeping.

근데 찾아 줬어요행선 씨가

But you found that for me.

내가 잃어버렸던 

The missing piece.

어머니에 이어 ‪ 번째 은인이에요나한테

You're my second savior, following your mother.

 번째 은인만큼 아주 귀한

And you're just as precious to me as my first savior was.


Have you been getting tutored on how to talk sweetly?

 달콤하게 하는 학원에 다니시나

Have you been getting tutored on how to talk sweetly?


I can't believe you.

‪[행선의 헛기침]


‪[도어  조작음]

‪[도어  작동음]

어디 갔다 오는 거야?

Where have you been?

‪[서진거기 !

Stop right there!


‪9 28 밤에 새암 비스타

The night of September 28, at Saeam Vista.

거기   거야?

Why did you go there?

 어물쩍 넘어갈 생각 하지 

Don't even try to weasel out of this.

사람이 죽었어

A person died.

‪- [희재의 한숨] ‪- 경찰들이 사건을 캐고 있다고

The police are investigating the case to find the killer.

범인 잡으려고

The police are investigating the case to find the killer.


Tell me.

 하필 그때 ‪니가 거기에 있었는지

Why were you there at that exact time?

내가 알아야 ‪뭐든   아니야?

I can't help you unless you tell me.



대체 거기에   거야!

Why on earth were you there?

‪- [달칵] ‪- [서진?

Why on earth were you there?

‪[문을 쿵쿵 두드리며대체 ‪무슨 짓을 하고 돌아다니는 거야!

What the hell have you been up to?

‪- [힘겨운 숨소리] ‪- 희재야!


희재야  열어 !

Open the door, Hui-jae!



‪[무거운 음악]

‪[괴로운 신음]


‪[행선어차피 따로   ‪ 하러 같이 와요그냥 가지

I couldn't ride with you anyway. You should've just gone home.

‪[치열그래도 밤길이잖아요

Still, it's late.

‪[행선이 피식 웃는다]


Go home now.


Go in first.

가요  앞이잖아요

Go first. I live right here.

들어가는  보고 갈게요가요

I'll leave after I see you go in.

‪[행선아유가요빨리 ‪가는  보고 들어갈래요

I'm not going in before you leave.

‪- 빨리 가요 ‪- [치열먼저 들어가먼저

-Just go in-- -Go on.


I'll be on my way. Bye.



‪[  닫히는 소리]





‪- [발랄한 음악] ‪- 아유낸장이씨


‪[출입문 종소리]

‪- 아유기지배무슨 ‪- [영주그래서

-I can't believe you guys. -So? Are you two together now?

어떻게사귀기로  거야?

-I can't believe you guys. -So? Are you two together now? I don't know. What do you care?

‪[행선몰라뭐가 궁금한 건데?

I don't know. What do you care?

‪[영주  궁금하지 ‪ 이대로 들어가면   

I don't know. What do you care? Tell me everything, or I won't be able to sleep.

그래서 어떻게  건데?

So what happened?

그래서 어째 ‪사귀기로는  거야?

Are you together now?

사귀고 이제 손잡고 포옹하고 이제

Did you hold hands and hug?

‪- [행선의 놀란 소리] ‪- 아니면 바로

Did you hold hands and hug? Or did you already… Don't be ridiculous.

‪[행선어머얘가  이래 ‪진짜 

Don't be ridiculous.

‪[재우누나근데 영주 누나가

Yeong-ju tells me Chi-yeol might become my brother-in-law. Is that true?

치열이 형이 매형이 ‪ 수도 있다는데진짜야?

Yeong-ju tells me Chi-yeol might become my brother-in-law. Is that true?

‪[해이에이 ‪그건  앞서간  같은데?

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

근데 나도 궁금은 하다 ‪어쩌기로 했어둘이?

Still, I'm curious. So what happened?

‪[행선너까지  이러는데 ‪나도 후라이버시라는  있거든?

You too? Some fryvacy, please.

‪[해이] '후라이버시' 아니라 ‪'프라이버시엄마

"Privacy," not "fryvacy."

‪[재우] '후라이' 계란후라이 ‪누나

Has nothing to do with fried eggs.

‪[행선애니웨이 ‪니들 빨리 올라가알겠어?

Anyway. Head upstairs now, okay?


Dismissed. Go on.

‪[영주아니그러니까 ‪일단은 사귀기로는  거지?

Go on. So you guys are going out now, right?


So you guys are going out now, right? Does that make him my brother-in-law?

치열이 형이라고 불러? ‪매형이라고 불러?

Does that make him my brother-in-law?

‪- [해이에이앞서가지 삼촌 ‪- [행선아유!

-Don't get ahead of yourself. -Come on!



‪[영주결혼은 언제  건데?

Gosh. When's the wedding?

‪[재우근데 결혼하면 ‪우리 같이 살아따로 살아?

If you get married, would we still live together?

‪[해이그럼  독립할래

If you get married, would we still live together? I want to move out.

‪[영주 ‪호텔에서 결혼을 하겠지?

Hey. I guess the wedding will be at a hotel.

‪- [행선나가! ‪- [영주진짜  해라!

-Hey. -Gosh. -Get out! -Just tell us!

‪[재우근데 누나영주 누나가

Yeong-ju tells me I might get a nephew. Is that true?

남자 조카가 ‪생길 수도 있다는데진짜야?

Yeong-ju tells me I might get a nephew. Is that true?


Yeong-ju tells me I might get a nephew. Is that true? -Tell us. -There you go again.

‪- [해이아유김칫국진짜 ‪- [영주사귀기로   맞지?

-Tell us. -There you go again. You're together, right?

‪[ 내뱉는 소리]

‪[휴대전화 진동음]

‪[옅은 웃음]

‪[로맨틱한 음악]


‪[앙증맞은 효과음]

GOOD NIGHT! What is this?

‪[치열이 웃으며뭐야

What is this?


This is cute.


I should send a sticker too. POPULAR STICKERS

어디 보자

Let's see here.

 이렇게 많아?

There are so many.

일단  사지

I'll just buy all of them. PURCHASE

‪[하품 소리 효과음]

‪[행선어머 [웃음]

Oh, my.

‪- 이거 뭐야 ‪- [치열이 살짝 웃는다]

What is this?

‪[행선의 웃음]

What's with him?

진짜  이래

What's with him?

‪- [행선해이야! ‪- [해이?

-Hae-e! -Yes?


-Hae-e! -Yes? Nam Hae-e!

까먹으면  달라고  ‪이틀이나 지났구먼

You should remind me when I forget. I'm two days late.

‪[해이아아지난주  남았어

I have some left from last week.

‪[행선그게 ‪남을  뭐가 있다고

That's impossible. Don't be such a scrooge.

팍팍   짠순아 ‪애들한테도  쏘고

That's impossible. Don't be such a scrooge. Treat your friends sometimes.

‪[해이가 웃으며알았어생큐

Okay. Thank you.

‪- [행선해이야 ‪- [해이?

-Hae-e. -Yes?


Will you be okay?

너네 학교 애들도 ‪ 봤을 텐데어제 그거

The kids at your school must have seen it yesterday.

괜찮아신경  거야

Don't worry. It's no big deal.

‪[행선의 속상한 숨소리]


I'm really fine.

그땐 어렸고 지금은 컸잖아

I was younger back then. I've grown since.

‪[해이내가 어떤 책에서 봤는데

I read this in a book.

개인이 가진 내적 트라우마는 ‪마흔  전에 극복이 돼야 된대

"One should overcome their psychological trauma before 40

그래야 성숙한 인간이래

in order to mature."

나는  20  끌어 올려서 ‪올해 졸업할 거야

And I plan to do that this year, 20 years ahead of time.

진짜 갑니다

I'm off.


See you.

‪-  다녀와! ‪- [해이!

See you. -Have a nice day! -You too!

‪[잔잔한 음악]

‪[학생들이 조잘거린다]

‪[ 내뱉는 소리]

‪[학생들의 떠드는 소리]



 진짜 대단해너무 멋있어

Hey, you're amazing. So incredible.




I'm sorry.

너한테 진짜 말하고 싶었는데

I always wanted to tell you.

됐어 같아도  

Forget it. I couldn't have done it either.

솔직히  탓이냐으른들 탓이지

And to be honest, it's all the grown-ups' fault.

‪- [ 열리는 소리] ‪- [건후헤이남해이

Hey, Hae-e.

 화면발  받더라?

You looked great on camera.

‪[ 닫히는 소리]

You rock.

‪[교실이 조용해진다]

‪- [학생1]  스타다 ‪- [학생2]  스타?

-Here comes our star. -Nam Star.

‪- [학생들의 탄성] ‪- [학생3] 해이야

-Here comes our star. -Nam Star. -Hae-e! -You were amazing!

‪[학생들의 환호성]

‪[옅은 웃음]

‪[휴대전화 진동음]


Congratulations on coming out on the other side. What's gotten into him?

얘는  하던 짓을

What's gotten into him?

‪[엘리베이터 알림음]

새벽부터  휴대폰 불났어요

My phone's been blowing up all morning.

각종 언론 인터뷰 요청에 ‪방송 출연 요청까지

Interview and TV appearance requests are flooding in.

핵인싸맨 방송이 ‪핫한  맞나 봐요

Interview and TV appearance requests are flooding in. Mr. Popular sure has a lot of influence.


Mr. Popular sure has a lot of influence. Public opinion is a funny thing. Online communities are calling you "the romantic of the century."

‪[동희각종 커뮤에서도 쌤한테 ‪희대의 로맨티스트라고

Online communities are calling you "the romantic of the century."

‪[치열로맨티스트는 낸장

Online communities are calling you "the romantic of the century." "Romantic"? Cripes.

집어치우라 그래 ‪언제는 일타 불륜이라 그러더니

They can all go to hell. They called me a star cheater until a few days ago.

‪[ 치는 소리]

‪[흥미로운 음악]


-Mr. Choi. -Goodness.

‪[치열의 탄성]

-Mr. Choi. -Goodness.

‪[치열얼굴 좋다? ‪ 쉬었나 

You guys are all glowing. Got some good rest?


-I'm sorry, Mr. Choi. -Oh, boy.


-I'm sorry, Mr. Choi. -Oh, boy. -I'm sorry, sir. -Don't do this.

‪- [조교들잘못했습니다 ‪- [치열아유 이래

-I'm sorry, sir. -Don't do this. It was rash of us.

‪[효원저희가 경솔했어요

It was rash of us.

제가 쌤을 너무 리스펙해서

I looked up to you so much.

그래서 너무 실망을  가지고

That's why I was so disappointed.

아이쌤이 그럴 분이 아니신  ‪누구보다  알면서

I should've known you'd never do such a thing.


I'm sorry, sir.

 번만  기회를 주시면 ‪진짜 목숨 바쳐 충성할게요

Give me a second chance, and I'll devote my life to you.

저희  다시 받아 주세요?

Will you please take us back?

‪[치열아유이깟 일에 무슨 ‪목숨을 바치고 무릎을 바치고

There's no need to devote your life or kneel down.

나도 실망시켜서 미안하다

I'm sorry I disappointed you guys.

다시 잘해 보자효원아

Welcome back, Hyo-won.

‪[흥미로운 음악]

‪[효원방금 ‪ 효원이라 그런  맞지?

Did he just call me "Hyo-won"?

‪[울먹이며효원이라 그랬어

He said my name correctly.

효원이라 그랬다고

-He called me "Hyo-won." -Congratulations.

‪[조교들이 감사 인사를 한다]

-Thank you! -Thank you, sir! -We'll work hard! -Thank you!


-We'll work hard! -Thank you! -I love you! -Gosh.

‪- 이거 애들 줘라? ‪- [동희의 웃음]

-I love you! -Gosh. -Give these to them. -Okay.

 같은   보내나 몰라


‪- 이건 치우지  ‪- [동희

-Let's keep this one here. -Got it.

그리고 트리플탑 학원 쪽에서 ‪계속 미팅 제안 오는데

By the way, Triple Top keeps asking to meet with you.

어떻게자리 만들까요?

Should I arrange a meeting?

제가 보기엔 어썸베스트보다는 ‪트리플탑 쪽이

They're presenting a better offer than Awesome Best

조건도 좋고   맞을  같은데

They're presenting a better offer than Awesome Best and are probably a better fit.

그래만나 보자

and are probably a better fit. Sure, I'll meet with them.

‪- [노크 소리] ‪- 


 선생 왔어

It's me, Mr. Choi.



거두절미하고 ‪솔직하게 말할게내가

Let me cut to the chase and be straightforward with you.


Mr. Choi,

다시  프라이드로 ‪컴백   줘라

I want you back at The Pride.

‪- 왜요? ‪- [준상아이왜라니

-Why? -Why else?

 선생이 너무 필요하니까

We need you.

너무 간절하니까 그러지 ‪ 사람아

-We're desperate. -No, I'm genuinely curious.

아니아니진짜 궁금해서 그래요

-We're desperate. -No, I'm genuinely curious.

‪[치열스카우트해  ‪송준호도 있고

You now have Song Jun-ho

진이상 선생도 있는데

in addition to Jin I-sang.

학원에 수학 강사가 ‪ 셋이나 필요해요?

You can't possibly need a third math teacher.


The thing is…

송준호가 퍼펙트엠이랑 ‪해결이    알았는데

I thought Song Jun-ho had sorted things out with Perfect M,

‪[준상위약금  내놓으라고 ‪내용 증명 보냈나 보더라고

but they're now demanding more money from him for breaking contract.



그리고  선생

And about Mr. Jin…

아니이거 진짜 기밀 사항인데

This is top secret.

실은  선생이

Actually, Mr. Jin…

‪- [준상의 난처한 숨소리] ‪- [치열의 한숨]

‪[준상 자꾸 이런 일이 ‪생기는 건지

I don't get why these incidents keep happening.

‪[준상의 한숨]

왜요진이상  ‪무슨  있어요?

What's wrong? Did something happen to him?


Mr. Jin…



‪- 타살인  같대경찰에서는 ‪- [의미심장한 음악]

The police think he was murdered.

‪[준상의 한숨]

‪- [이태도겸아 ‪- [도겸

-Do-gyeom. -Yes? Are there any phone numbers that stand out?

‪[이태기지국에서 받은 번호에서 ‪특이 사항 없었어?

Are there any phone numbers that stand out?

‪[도겸아니 ‪이게 오피스텔 단지라

Since it's an apartment complex, there are way too many of them.

잡힌 번호가 너무 많아요

Since it's an apartment complex, there are way too many of them.

‪[이태저기피해자 휴대폰이랑 ‪컴퓨터 포렌식 결과

Have the victim's cell phone and computer been analyzed?

‪[형사비번이 ‪쉽게   풀리나 봐요

The password hasn't been cracked.

‪[이태 쪼아인마!

Push them harder!

 과수대에 동기 있다며?

You have a friend at the KCSI, right?

‪[형사아니 ‪많이 바쁘고 힘들어

They already have their hands full…

‪[ 치는 소리]

But I will give them a call.

그렇지만 ‪제가 일단 전화해 보겠습니다

But I will give them a call.

‪- [이태아휴진짜 ‪- [ 던지는 소리]


‪- 도겸아 ‪- [도겸

-Hey, Do-gyeom. -Yes?

‪[ 치며] DNA 없어? ‪지문도  나와

No DNA, no fingerprints.

‪[이태이거 미친놈치고 ‪빈틈없는  아니

No DNA, no fingerprints. Meticulous for a psycho, right?

‪-   빈틈이… ‪- [ 형사선배선배!

Meticulous for a psycho, right? -Why can't you be as-- -Detective Song! You need to see this.

선배이것  봐요

-Why can't you be as-- -Detective Song! You need to see this.

‪- [이태뭔데? ‪- [의미심장한 음악]

What's this?

‪[ 형사그놈 맞죠? ‪검정색 후드 

That's him, right? The black hoodie.


That's him, right? The black hoodie. Is this the CCTV footage from the victim's apartment?

피해자 오피스텔 CCTV ‪거기 잡힌 거야?

Is this the CCTV footage from the victim's apartment?

‪[ 형사 ‪이거  아쉬운 

Yes. But unfortunately, we can't see his face.

앞모습이 없어요

Yes. But unfortunately, we can't see his face.

이놈 얼굴이라도  드러나면 ‪뭐라도  풀릴 것도 같은데

If only we could see his face, it'd give us a clue.

‪[이태일단  시간대에 ‪주차된 차량들

Go through the dashcam footage from all the cars

블랙박스   확보해 가지고 ‪샅샅이 뒤져 

that were parked there at that time.

‪- 알겠습니다 ‪- [이태빨리 움직여

Yes, sir. -Get to it. -Let's go.


-Get to it. -Let's go.



그럼 ESTA 허가증은 언제 나와요?

When will his ESTA be issued?

‪3, 4일이요?

In three or four days?

그럼 나오는 대로 ‪가장 빠른 비행기로 예약해 주세요

Then please book the earliest flight available after that.


Yes, the name is Lee Hui-jae.

그럼 연락 주세요

Please keep me updated.


Ms. Jang.

‪2시에 접견 있는  아시죠?

-You have a consultation at 2 p.m. -Right, I know.


-You have a consultation at 2 p.m. -Right, I know.



올해 내가   있는 휴가가 ‪며칠이에요?

How many vacation days do I have left this year?

‪[밝은 음악이 흐른다]

Ms. Jung tells me

‪[학부모1] 아까 ‪ 실장한테 들었는데

Ms. Jung tells me


Ms. Jung tells me that Song Jun-ho hasn't sorted things out with Perfect M yet.

퍼펙트엠이랑 ‪정리가    같던데?

that Song Jun-ho hasn't sorted things out with Perfect M yet.

내용 증명 날아오고 ‪아주 난리도 아니래요

And they've been putting pressure on him.

‪[학부모2] 정리가 돼도 문제예요

That's not the only problem.

우리 호성이는 ‪송준호 수업 마음에  든다고

Ho-seong isn't satisfied with his teaching.

걔는 올케어 같은 상위 클래스 ‪맡을 수준은 아닌가 아직

He's apparently not ready to teach top-level students yet.

우리 수아도 ‪징징대긴 하는데

Come to think of it, Su-a has been complaining too,

대안 있어요?

but we have no choice.

‪[학부모1] 저기실은

Actually, the director's secretly trying to get Choi Chi-yeol back on board.

원장이 최치열 데리고 오려고 ‪물밑 작업 중이기는 한데

Actually, the director's secretly trying to get Choi Chi-yeol back on board.

최치열이  프라이드로 오면

If he does come back to The Pride,

 프라이드의 올케어반 ‪최치열이 맡는 

wouldn't it be ideal for him to teach the All Care students?

제일 이상적인  아니야?

wouldn't it be ideal for him to teach the All Care students?

스캔들 오해도 풀렸고

The scandal was just a misunderstanding.

‪[수희 ‪나도  얘기 듣긴 했는데

I did hear that too.

But I doubt he'll come back.

최치열이 오겠어요다시?

But I doubt he'll come back.

‪[학부모2] 모르죠 ‪원장이  울고불고 매달리면

Who knows what will happen if the director desperately begs him?


Come on.

 프라이드엔 와도 ‪올케어는    같은데?

He may come back to The Pride, but never to the All Care Program.


Just think about it.

자기가 누구 때문에 ‪스캔들에 휘말렸는데

Who started his scandal in the first place?

최치열이 보살도 아니고

It's not like he's a saint.

나라도  오겠다!

I know I wouldn't come back.

아주 올케어라면 ‪징글징글할  같아

I know I wouldn't come back. He must want nothing to do with All Care anymore.

‪[학부모2 한숨]

‪- [학부모1] 저기수아 엄마 ‪- [수희?

-Well, Ms. Cho. -Yes?

수아 엄마가 해이 엄마한테 ‪사과를  하면 어때요?

How about you apologize to Ms. Nam? Exactly.



‪[학부모1] 아이사과할 거는 하고

Apologize to her

최치열한테 ‪우리  프라이드로 오면

and ask her to persuade Mr. Choi to take charge of the All Care Program

올케어반도   부탁한다고 ‪얘기도   달라고 하고

and ask her to persuade Mr. Choi to take charge of the All Care Program if he comes back to The Pride.


Are you crazy?

내가  여자한테 사과를  해요?

Are you crazy? Why would I apologize to her?

‪[수희아니물론 결과적으로

They may not have been up to anything inappropriate after all,

둘이 부적절한 관계가 ‪아닌  맞지만

They may not have been up to anything inappropriate after all,

그런 오해를 하게 만들었잖아

but they did make things look suspicious.

그리고 해이 엄마도 그래

Ms. Nam isn't innocent either.

그러면 그렇다고?

Why couldn't she have told us

‪'나는 이모다', ' 미혼이다'

Why couldn't she have told us that she was Hae-e's aunt and that she was single?

처음부터  까놓든지

that she was Hae-e's aunt and that she was single?

무슨무슨 여자가 ‪그렇게 응큼해?

that she was Hae-e's aunt and that she was single? What a sly woman.

나도 사실은  부분 조금 ‪놀라긴 했는데

That did surprise me.

‪- [수희그러니까 ‪- [미옥그래그래

-Right? -You have a point.

우리한테 피해   솔직히 ‪솔까말 없잖아?

But it's not like she caused us any harm.

얘기 들어 보니까

Now that I know their story,

아이고해이도 짠하고 ‪해이 엄마도

I feel sorry for Hae-e. And her mom…

아니지해이 이모지?

And her mom… No, I mean her aunt.

해이 이모도 진짜 대단하다 싶더만

Her aunt is incredible too.

‪[학부모들이 호응한다]

Her aunt is incredible too.

그러니까 ‪언니가 그냥 사과해요

So just apologize to her. Please.

‪[익살스러운 음악]

나도   반찬   먹자

I miss her side dishes.

아유괜히 불편해 가지고

This is just too uncomfortable.

  마트 있잖아 ‪거기 반찬 가게 갔거든?

I tried that other side dish store in the supermarket,

‪- 간이 너무 그렇지? ‪- [학부모1] 아유그래

I tried that other side dish store in the supermarket, but it was so salty. -I know. -Right?

‪[미옥요새 우리 단지가 ‪  공기밖에  먹는다니까

Dan-ji only eats one bowl of rice these days.

‪[수희아유 시끄러워! ‪자기는진짜

Be quiet! You never know when to hold your tongue.

쓸데없는 소리를 그렇게 정말

Be quiet! You never know when to hold your tongue.


Be quiet! You never know when to hold your tongue. Anyway, I'll ask the director to pressure Choi Chi-yeol

최치열 문제는 ‪내가 원장한테 다시 오면은

Anyway, I'll ask the director to pressure Choi Chi-yeol

우리 올케어 붙여 달라고 ‪압력 넣을게

into teaching the All Care students again.

 먹으러 가자? ‪ 먹으러 가자

Let's go get something to eat. It's on me. Let's go.

내가내가 맛있는  쏠게가자

It's on me. Let's go.

‪[학부모1] 아유 ‪ 아침을  많이 먹어서

It's on me. Let's go. I had a lot for breakfast.

‪[학부모2] 나도 약속 있는데

I had a lot for breakfast. I have other plans.

그러니까 밥은 다음에 먹고

All right, then let's go for lunch some other time.

‪[헛기침하며나도 어디  ‪들렀다 가야겠다

I have to be somewhere too.

‪[미옥언니가 이건 ‪내면 되겠네

You can pay for our drinks.

이거 내가 쏠까?

-Should I? -Yes, that'd be best.

‪[미옥그래그렇게 하자쿨하게 ‪들어가계산해

-Should I? -Yes, that'd be best. -Sure. -Go ahead.


-Hi, there. -I'll take one biji stew too.

‪[손님1] 이거랑 ‪비지찌개 하나 주세요

-Hi, there. -I'll take one biji stew too.

‪- [행선비지 ‪- [영주비지찌개?

Biji stew? -I'll go bring some. One second. -Okay.

잠깐만담아 놓은  떨어졌네

-I'll go bring some. One second. -Okay.

‪- 잠시만요 ‪- [손님1] 

-I'll go bring some. One second. -Okay.

‪[손님2] 저는 이거 살게요

I'll take these three.


I'll take these three. Sure. One second, please.

삼색나물 하나계란말이 하나 ‪오징어채 하나

One namul, one rolled omelet, and one shredded squid.

‪[손님2] 이것도 같이  주세요

Ring hers up too.

‪[손님1] 어머! [놀란 숨소리]

‪- [손님들의 웃음] ‪- [행선로또 맞으셨네오늘

It's your lucky day.

‪[손님1] 으이그

You're the best.

‪[손님2] 근데

By the way, how did you decide to raise your niece yourself?

조카를 어떻게 ‪딸로 키울 생각을  했어요?

By the way, how did you decide to raise your niece yourself?

‪- [손님1 호응한다] ‪- 얘기 듣고 진짜 놀랐어요

By the way, how did you decide to raise your niece yourself? I was so surprised.

정말 대단해요사장님

You're incredible, ma'am.

아니에요 ‪대단한  하나도 없어요진짜

You're incredible, ma'am. I'm really not.

‪[손님1] 대단하지  대단해?

But you are.

그것도 모르고 사람들은  ‪불륜녀네 뭐네 누명을 씌웠으니

But you are. To think you were accused of being in an affair for no reason.

얼마나 억울했어 그래?

You must've been so frustrated.

아유인생이 그런 거죠

That's life. Full of ups and downs.

억울할 때도 있고 ‪행복할 때도 있고

That's life. Full of ups and downs.

맛있게들 드세요


‪- [손님1]  ‪- [영주안녕히 가세요

-Thank you. -See you.

‪- [재우안녕히 가세요 ‪- [손님1] 

-Thank you. -See you. -Goodbye. -See you again.

‪- [출입문 종소리] ‪- [손님들의 말소리]

-Let's go. -Let's go.

‪- [행선어서 오세… ‪- [영주어서 오세요

-Wel-- -Welcome.

단지 엄마

Hello, Ms. Lee. Hi.

안녕들 하세요

Hello, Ms. Lee. Hi.

‪[미옥해이 엄마

Right. Ms. Nam.

‪[행선죄송해요 ‪얘기할 만한 데가 여기밖에 없어서

I'm sorry. It's a bit cramped here.

‪[학부모1] 아유아니에요 ‪저희가 미안하죠바쁜데

I'm sorry. It's a bit cramped here. -We're sorry to take up your time. -No problem.


-We're sorry to take up your time. -No problem.

‪- [학부모2]  마실게요커피 ‪- [행선네네

-Thank you for the coffee. -Sure.



하실 말씀이?

What did you want to talk about?

‪[미옥의 헛기침]


The thing is…

나도 그렇고 ‪여기 올케어 엄마들도 그렇고

The All Care moms here and I

해이 엄마한테 ‪사과를 해야   같아 가지고

would like to apologize to you.

‪- [멋쩍은 웃음] ‪- 아이까놓고 얘기해서맞아

Fine. To be honest with you,

나도 거들었어그래

I took part in it too.


I'm talking about…


your scandal.

‪[어색한 웃음]

그땐 내가 ‪너무 오해를  가지고

But I got it all wrong.

단지랑 해이 사이를 봐서도 ‪내가 그러면  되는 거였는데

I shouldn't have done that when our kids are such good friends.

미안해요해이 엄마

I'm sorry, Ms. Nam.


I'm sorry, Ms. Nam.

‪[학부모1] 저희도 미안해요

I'm sorry too.

‪[학부모2] 마음 많이 상했죠? ‪ 풀어요

You must've been hurt. Please forgive us.


Don't worry about it.

 지난 일이고

It's all in the past now.

그리고  오해할 만한 ‪상황이기도 했고

The situation was misleading.

‪[행선아유 단순해서 ‪금방 잊어버려요

I let go of things easily.

그러니까 그냥 계속 ‪단골  주세요그럼 돼요 [웃음]

So please just continue to be my regulars.

‪[학부모1] 그럼

Of course.

‪[미옥아유말해   ‪걱정하질 말아

Don't worry! You can rest assured.

‪- [함께 웃는다] ‪- 아이고정말

And there's one more thing.

‪- [학부모1] 저기그리고 ‪- [미옥의 헛기침]

And there's one more thing.

치열  프라이드로 다시 ‪ 수도 있다고 그러는  같은데

I heard Mr. Choi might come back to The Pride.

쌤한테 올케어반 얘기  ‪잘해 주면  될까?

Could you put in a good word for the All Care Program with him?

애들이 치열 쌤을 ‪너무 간절히 바라 가지고

The kids desperately want him.


Well, I'm not sure.

제가 뭐라고아유

Well, I'm not sure. I don't think I'm in a position to do that.

‪- 아유아니 ‪- [학부모2] 어머더워요?

I don't think I'm in a position to do that. Are you hot?

‪[행선아니더워서가 아니라

-No, I'm not. -Come here.

‪[학부모2] 이렇게  봐요?

-No, I'm not. -Come here. -That's okay. -Come on. That won't do.

‪[미옥자기센스 없게 ‪그걸로 되나요런

-That's okay. -Come on. That won't do.

‪-  정도는  줘야지 정도 ‪- [행선아니아니요

-This is more like it. -Please stop.

‪- [미옥아유시원해시원해? ‪- [행선진짜단지 엄마

-This is more like it. -Please stop. -I'm okay. -Do you like it? -Ms. Lee. -Was that too much?

‪[미옥너무했나? ‪내가 이렇게 오버를 항상

-Ms. Lee. -Was that too much? -It's okay. -I went overboard again.


Why are you doing this?

‪[준상 선생이

Mr. Jin…



‪- [무거운 음악] ‪- 타살인  같대경찰에서는

The police think he was murdered.



Here's your coffee, sir.

‪[치열이 한숨 쉬며 ‪그냥  마실게

I'll just have some water.

커피  줄여 보려고

I'm cutting back on coffee.

행선 씨가 ‪너무 많이 마신다 그래 가지고

Haeng-seon thinks I should.


I see.

 진이상 알고 있었어?

Were you aware of Jin I-sang's death?



원장님이랑 부원장님만 아시고 ‪쉬쉬했나 보더라고요

The director and the vice director had been keeping a lid on it.

‪[동희이영민 건도 있고

They were worried about the academy's image,

  일까지 알려지면 ‪이미지 타격이 너무 커지니까

especially after Lee Young-min's incident.


‪[치열 자꾸 ‪이런 일이 일어나는 거지?

Why do these incidents keep occurring?

그러게요진짜 마음이 무겁네요

Tell me about it. It's so tragic.

애들은  어떡하냐 ‪중간고사 코앞인데

How will the kids manage with both their math teachers gone

수학이   비어서

How will the kids manage with both their math teachers gone and their midterms coming up?

‪[동희어떻게든 대타 구하시겠죠 ‪원장님이

I'm sure the director will find a replacement.

트리플탑이랑 ‪월요일에 미팅 잡았어요

I've set up a meeting for you with Triple Top on Monday.

‪2 제럴드 호텔괜찮으시죠?

I've set up a meeting for you with Triple Top on Monday. Gerald Hotel at 2 p.m. Is that okay?

‪[한숨 쉬며그래




‪[힘주는 소리]

며칠 휴가 냈어집에서 일할 거야

I'll be working from home for the next few days.

‪[서진그러니까 ‪나갈 생각 하지 말아

So don't even think of going out.



서류 신청해 놨으니까 나오는 대로

go stay with Aunt Hyeon-ju in the US

미국 현주 이모네  있어

as soon as all the paperwork is done.


Just know that

내가  위해   있는

this is the best I can do…

최선이란 것만 알아

for you.


‪[자동차 경적]

‪[부드러운 음악]


‪[차분한 음악]

정말요 조건에 ‪ 계약하시겠다고요?

Are you sure you're willing to offer me these terms?


Yes. I'm shaking too.

나도  떨려 [웃음]

Yes. I'm shaking too.


But I believe you have what it takes to become a star teacher.

최치열 가능성 보고 ‪일타 한번 만들어 보려고

But I believe you have what it takes to become a star teacher.

 당신한테  프라이드의 ‪미래를  거예요알지?

I'm betting the future of The Pride on you. Got it?

신나게 한번  봅시다

Let's do this.

수열의 일반항이 ‪이렇게 되니까

When the nth term of the sequence looks like this,

최종 항은 어떻게 되겠어?

what will the last term be?

‪[치열] 2-1분의 3 2⁶

Three times two to the power of six over two minus one…

‪[치열 범위에서 ‪방정식의 해는

Within this range, this equation has these three solutions.

  개가  테니까

this equation has these three solutions.

‪a 뭐가 된다?

this equation has these three solutions. Then what's a?

‪2 되는  맞겠지

The correct answer is two.

다음 문제 볼까?

All right. Let's move on.

 문제 보고 긴장들 했을 텐데 ‪그럴 필요 없지

It might have made you panic, but there's no need.

It might have made you panic, but there's no need. Why?

‪[학생들최치열 강의 들었으니까

-Because I took Choi Chi-yeol's course. -Because I took Choi Chi-yeol's course.

오케이문제를 보자마자 ‪떠오르는  있어야 

Okay. What else comes to mind when you see this type of question?

‪[발랄한 음악]

‪[달그락거리는 소리]

‪[옅은 웃음]





Your skills have improved.

‪[치열열심히 했나 보네혼자

You must've studied hard on your own.

‪[해이반복해서 풀었어요 ‪그것밖에   있는  없어서

I just kept solving the same problems because that was all I could do.

‪[치열잘했어반복하는 것만큼 ‪확실한 공부 방법은 없어

Great job. Repetition is the best way to learn.

다른 과목은  어때?

What about the other subjects?

국어영어는 괜찮은데

Language Arts and English are fine, but Life Science is a bit hard.

생명 과학이 조금

Language Arts and English are fine, but Life Science is a bit hard.

‪- 생명 과학 어렵지 ‪- [해이가 호응한다]

It can be.

올케어 수업 들었으면 ‪도움이  됐을 텐데

The All Care Program would've been helpful.

  없죠 ‪인강 위주로 들어 보려고요

Too bad. I'm thinking of checking out some online classes.

해이 괜찮아?

Are you okay, Hae-e?


I am.

털어놓고 나니까 별거 아니어서

Now that I've gotten it off my chest, it was no big deal.

 무안할 지경이에요 ‪진작 말할걸

I'm almost embarrassed. I shouldn't have waited so long.

그래 마음 가벼워졌으면 됐어

I'm relieved that you feel that way.


‪[ 열리는 소리]

‪[재우치열이 매형 ‪수고하셨습니다

Good work, Brother-in-Law.



‪[해이아직 아니라니까 ‪앞서가지 

You can't call him that yet.


Why not?

영주 누나가 그렇게  가능성이 ‪엄청 크댔는데

Why not? Yeong-ju said he's highly likely to become my brother-in-law.

그렇게 부르면  돼요? ‪치열이 매형?

Can't I call you that, Brother-in-Law?

아니  ‪상관없는데

Well, I don't mind.

편하편하게편하게 불러

Call me whatever you want.

이거 치열이 매형도 좋다잖아

See? Brother-in-Law approves of it.

‪- [해이… ‪- [행선저기여기 도시락

-Here's your lunch box. -Right.


-Here's your lunch box. -Right. And this is quince tea. It soothes your throat.

‪[행선그리고 이거 모과차인데요 ‪기관지에 좋대요

And this is quince tea. It soothes your throat.

‪- [치열… ‪- [행선커피 대신 드시라고

And this is quince tea. It soothes your throat. Drink it instead of coffee.

‪- [치열고맙습니다 ‪- [해이재우!


‪[행선 ‪니네들한테도 끓여 주잖아

Come on. I make it for you guys too.

‪[해이누가 뭐래?

-Sure you do. -We didn't say anything.

우리 아무 말도  했는데

-Sure you do. -We didn't say anything.

근데  도시락  ‪집에 가서 먹어야 되나?

But do I have to go eat this at home?


-Sorry? -It's a hassle to reheat it.

‪[치열아니 ‪식으면  뎁혀야 되고

-Sorry? -It's a hassle to reheat it.

여기서 먹고 갈까요?

How about I eat it here?

‪[행선의 민망한 웃음]

‪- [행선아유 이래 ‪- [재우해이

Well… What?

‪[부드러운 음악]

‪[만족스러운 탄성]

‪[행선골고루 먹어요 ‪입에 맞는 것만 먹지 말고

Eat it all, not just what you like most.

‪[치열  봐요

Keep going.


What do you mean?


I mean the nagging.

 먹으면서 잔소리 들으니까 ‪되게 좋네

It feels awesome being nagged while eating.

맨날 혼자 태블릿 보면서 먹다가

I usually eat alone, hunched over my tablet.

‪[행선별게  좋다진짜

I usually eat alone, hunched over my tablet. You're strange.


Thank you.

‪[치열의 탄성]


아니면  [코를 훌쩍인다]

Or you can feed me if you want.

  먹여 주든지

Or you can feed me if you want.

‪- [행선 이래요진짜미쳤어 ‪- [치열의 아파하는 신음]

Or you can feed me if you want. What's with you? Have you gone crazy? They might hear you.

애들도 있는데

Have you gone crazy? They might hear you.

진짜  이래요

What's the matter with you?

아니핸드볼 선출이면 ‪ 쓰는  자중하셔야지

You're a former handball player. You can't hit people with those hands.

‪[행선그럼   나가게 ‪ 주시든가요제발

Then please don't give me a reason to do so.

그래서 학원은요? ‪어디로 갈지 정했어요?

Have you decided which academy to join?

고민 중이에요 군데 콜이 와서

I'm still considering a few offers.

‪[치열내일 조건 제일 좋은 데랑 ‪미팅도 잡혀 있고

I'm meeting with the one with the best offer tomorrow.

근데 마음이  편치가 않네요

But I feel a bit uneasy.

아까  프라이드 원장님 ‪다녀갔는데

The director of The Pride came to see me earlier.

다시  달라고

He wants me back.

‪[행선이 호응한다]

내칠   인정사정없더니

After kicking me out so coldly.

근데   때문에 ‪피해  것도 없지 않아 있고

Then again, I did cause him some trouble.

그동안  비위 맞추느라 ‪애써  것도 있고

And he always did his best to humor me.

 처음 알아봐  ‪인간이기도 하고

He was also the first one to recognize my potential.

 가르치던 애들도 마음에 걸리고

I'm also concerned about my old students.

 나온  같은데벌써

So it's decided then.


How can you join another academy if so many things bother you?

‪[행선그렇게 여러 가지가 ‪마음에 걸리는데 어떻게   ?

How can you join another academy if so many things bother you?

  정도  기회를 줘도 ‪괜찮다고 봐요

I think you should give him a second chance.

그래도  똑같은 상황이 반복되면

If the same thing happens again, you can leave with a lighter heart.

그땐 얄짤없이 잘라도 ‪마음 편할걸?

If the same thing happens again, you can leave with a lighter heart.

운동 경기도

In sports, too,

옐로카드로 경고 주고 ‪그리고 레드 때리잖아요

you only get a red card after receiving a yellow card.

아니쌤이  정도 아량은 ‪베풀어도  사이라고 하니까

It sounds like he deserves a little mercy.


A yellow card.


I was actually going to keep quiet because the All Care moms had asked me

올케어 엄마들이  잘해 달래서 ‪되려 아는   하려 그랬는데

I was actually going to keep quiet because the All Care moms had asked me to put in a good word with you.

‪[행선근데 쌤이  많이 받고 ‪옮겨도 맘이 불편할  보여요

But I can see that you'll feel uneasy elsewhere, no matter how much you get paid.


알았어요고민해 볼게요

Okay. I'll think about it.

그럼   먹여 주세요

Now feed me.

‪[행선아유 이래

Stop it.


Come on. They'll hear you.


Just eat up.


Just eat up. Okay.

‪[행선이 작게아유진짜  저래

My goodness.

‪[동희 도착하신답니다

He'll be here in a minute. He's coming straight from home.

선생님이 댁에서 ‪바로 오신다고 해서

He'll be here in a minute. He's coming straight from home.

‪[원장아이신경 쓰지 마요

He'll be here in a minute. He's coming straight from home. Don't worry.

내가  일찍 왔어마음이 급해서

I got here early because I was so excited.

‪[원장의 웃음]

I got here early because I was so excited.

유명하던데우리 실장님도

You're quite famous yourself too.

 선생이 유일하게 믿는 존재라고

As Mr. Choi's only confidant.

‪[멋쩍은 웃음]


Please help me out.

 이거 성사  되면 ‪진짜 큰일 

If this deal doesn't go through, I'm done for.

딜하던   캔슬하고 ‪나온 자리야

If this deal doesn't go through, I'm done for. I've canceled every other deal.

걱정 마세요

I've canceled every other deal. You can relax.

미팅 잡으라는  ‪마음 정하셨다는 얘기예요

You can relax. He wouldn't meet with you unless he's decided.


I see.

‪- [원장아이고? ‪- [노크 소리]

아이고최치열 선생 ‪어서 오십시오

Oh, my. Good to see you, Mr. Choi.

‪[치열늦은  같지 않은데 ‪일찍 나오셨네요

Oh, my. Good to see you, Mr. Choi. You're early. I don't think I'm late.

‪[원장이 웃으며

You're early. I don't think I'm late. I got here early because I was excited to see you.

제가  선생 만날 생각에 ‪설레서 서둘렀습니다

I got here early because I was excited to see you.


Take a seat. Please.



인사만 드리고 가려고 나왔습니다

No. I'm not going to stay.


-Pardon? -I've made up my mind about what to do.

거취에 대한 ‪다른 결심이  서서요

-Pardon? -I've made up my mind about what to do.

‪[치열그래도 얼굴 뵙고 ‪말씀드리는  예의일  같아서

But I thought it was only right that I tell you in person.

죄송합니다바쁘실 텐데 ‪시간 허비하시게 해서

I apologize for wasting your time.

‪[원장아니그게 무슨

What are you talking about?

‪- 선생님 ‪- [치열건승하십시오

-Mr. Choi. -I wish you all the best.


Good luck.

‪[원장 선생최치열 선생!

Mr. Choi! -Mr. Choi! -Just a second, sir.


-Mr. Choi! -Just a second, sir.

거취에 대한 다른 결심이 서다니요 ‪그게 무슨 말씀이세요?

You've made up your mind? What do you mean?

‪[치열 그대로 ‪밤새 고민해 봤는데

It's just as I said. I thought about it all night,

 프라이드에 복귀하려고

and I'm going back to The Pride.


and I'm going back to The Pride. Why? They turned their back on you at a crucial moment.

 프라이드는 결정적인 순간에 ‪쌤한테 등을 돌렸어요

Why? They turned their back on you at a crucial moment.

근데  굳이 거기

So why are you going back?

트리플탑이 마음에  드세요?

So why are you going back? You don't like Triple Top?

조건은 얼마든지 ‪협의 가능하다고

-They're willing to meet your offers-- -I think…


-They're willing to meet your offers-- -I think…

편할  같아 마음이

I'll feel better that way.

  실수에 내쫓기엔 ‪그동안의 세월도 있고

We've been through too much together to just cut them off so easily.

옐로카드  번은 주고 ‪레드카드를 내밀어야

I think I'll regret it if I don't give them a yellow card first.

후회가    같아서

I think I'll regret it if I don't give them a yellow card first.

‪[무거운 음악]

혹시  남행선 사장님이 ‪조언하신 건가요?

Did Ms. Nam persuade you again?

그렇기도 하고

That's part of it.

그래도  처음 ‪알아봐  사람이잖아

Mr. Kang was the first one to recognize my potential.

‪[치열이렇게 끝내기엔 ‪찝찝하게 계속 남을  같아

I wouldn't feel comfortable walking away from him like this.

오늘 끝나고 국가대표 가야 

Right. I'm heading to Nation's Best after work.

치킨 데이야너도 같이 오래

It's Chicken Day. You're invited.


Mr. Choi. Also, tell The Pride that I'm only coming back

‪[치열그리고 ‪프라이드랑 재계약할 

Also, tell The Pride that I'm only coming back

해이 올케어 다시 들어가는 것도 ‪조건에 넣어

if Hae-e is readmitted into the All Care Program.

원래 해이 자리였으니까

That spot was hers anyway.

여기 자리  부탁한다

Now then, please wrap up here.

‪[원장 선생최치열 선생!

Mr. Choi!


Wait, sir.

‪[원장 실장

Wait, sir. Mr. Ji.

 이런 경우가 있냐고?

How dare he do this?

미팅까지 잡아 놓고 ‪사람 농락하는 것도 아니고 말이야

Why did he even agree to a meeting? Is he playing me?

이런 식이면 ‪나도 가만히  있어?

If he keeps this up, I won't sit back.

협회에도 말하고

I'll notify the association and work the media if need be.

언론 플레이도 하고 ‪   나도!

I'll notify the association and work the media if need be.

‪[동희아이원장님 ‪일단은 진정을  하시고요

Please calm down, sir.

저랑 말씀 나누시죠

Please calm down, sir. -You can talk to me. -I mean…


-You can talk to me. -I mean…

아니아까  정한 거라면서?

Didn't you say it was a done deal?


Didn't you say it was a done deal? I'm sorry.

일단 제가 선생님이랑 ‪통화를  보고

I'm sorry. Let me talk to him again on the phone…


Well done. It's correct.

‪[학생들의 탄성]

‪[학생들의 웃음]

서건후가 아주

Geon-hu is living proof that nothing is impossible.

‪'불가능은 없다정신을 ‪제대로 보여 주네

Geon-hu is living proof that nothing is impossible.

많이 늘었어

You've improved.

많이 늘었습니다

Yes, I have, sir.

 이래 봬도 기출문제 ‪1번부터 6번까지는 이제  풀어요

I can now solve the first six problems from every previous exam.

‪[종렬이 웃으며훌륭한데?

Good for you.



내가  자리에서 약속하는데

Let me promise something.

 대학 붙으면

If you get into college,

원하는   가지 뭐든 들어줄게

I'll grant you a wish.

‪[학생들의 부러운 탄성]


No, thank you.

 선생님 말고 ‪다른 사람하고 딜을 하고 싶은데요

There's someone else I want to strike a deal with.

‪[학생1] 다른 사람?

"Someone else"?

‪- [학생들이 웅성거린다] ‪- [학생2] 다른 사람누구?

-"Someone else"? -Who?


Hey, Hae-e.

 대학 붙으면

If I get into college,

 나랑 사귀자

go out with me.

‪- [학생들의 놀란 탄성] ‪- [부드러운 음악]


Okay. I'll leave you two

 딜은 둘이서 ‪알아서 하는 걸로 하고

Okay. I'll leave you two to sort out that deal.

오늘 수업 여기까지 ‪남은 수업 졸지 말고

That's all for today. Don't fall asleep next period.

‪- [학교 종소리] ‪- [학생들수고하셨습니다

-Thank you! -Thank you!

‪[학생3] 남해이대답  하냐?

-Thank you! -Thank you! Answer him, Hae-e.

‪[학생4] 뭐야 ‪사귀는 거야마는 거야?

Answer him, Hae-e. Are you going out with him?

‪[학생1] 진짜 사귀는 거야?

Are you really going to date him?

‪- [소란스럽다] ‪- [학생들사귀어라사귀어라!

Are you really going to date him? -Go out with him! -Go out with him!


-Go out with him! -Go out with him! -Hold on, guys! -Go out with him!

‪[해이잠깐만잠깐만 ‪아니아니

-Hold on, guys! -Go out with him!


He's just joking.

‪- [학생들의 야유] ‪-  그래

-Come on. -What's with you?

‪- [학생들의 탄성] ‪- [학생들사귀어라사귀어라!

-Go out with him! -Go out with him! -Go out with him! -Go out with him!


-Go out with him! -Go out with him!



‪[학생들의 장난 섞인 탄성]

Awesome, man.

‪[해이의 한숨]

Awesome, man.

정상 아닌  알았지만 ‪ 진짜 구제 불능이야

I knew you weren't normal, but you really are a lost cause.

아니면  하던 공부를 너무 해서 ‪ 스트레스가 많이 쌓였나?

Are you stressed out by all the studying?

그래서 미친 거야?

Are you stressed out by all the studying? Has it gotten to your head?

아니 멀쩡한데?

No, I'm completely sane.

멀쩡하니까  좋아하지

That's why I like you.

‪[발랄한 음악]

그걸 !

Why would you say that out loud in class?

수업 시간에 얘기를 하냐고

Why would you say that out loud in class? In front of the entire class and the teacher?

담임 쌤이랑 애들  있는 앞에서!

In front of the entire class and the teacher?

수업 시간에 얘기해서 ‪화난 거야?

Are you upset because I said it in class? Sorry about that.

그러면 내가 쏘리

Are you upset because I said it in class? Sorry about that.

내가 너랑 무슨 얘길 하냐

Why am I even talking to you?


Let's just drop it.

‪[건후 ‪당장 사귀자는 것도 아니잖아

Hey, it's not like I'm asking you out right now.

솔직히 내가 그렇게

Honestly, the chances of me getting into college are pretty slim.

대학교 합격 확률이 ‪높은 것도 아니고

Honestly, the chances of me getting into college are pretty slim.

이거 너한테 ‪밑질  없는 딜이라니까?

Honestly, the chances of me getting into college are pretty slim. You have nothing to lose.


You have nothing to lose. -Be quiet and go away. -Hey.


-Be quiet and go away. -Hey. Hae-e.

쫓아오지 말라고

I said go away.

화장실까지 같이 갈래?

Are you following me into the girls' room?

‪[ 흐르는 물소리]


‪- 아이씨 ‪- [수전 잠그는 소리]



What the hell?

뒤통수를 너무 씨게 맞아서

You stabbed me in the back.

나도 한번 때려 봤다?

So how does that feel?

‪[건후 [피식 웃는다]

I see.

뒤통수는 아니지

I didn't stab you in the back.

내가 얘기했잖아남해이 좋다고

I told you I had a crush on Hae-e.



주저하면  먹히는 거다

when you hesitate, you get scored on.

 공부 ‪진짜 열심히  거야선재야

I'm going to study real hard, Sun-jae.

‪- [한숨] ‪- [문소리]

‪[답답한 한숨]

‪- [복합기 알림음] ‪- [분주한 소리]

‪[이태 나온  없냐?

Have you found anything?

‪[ 형사선배님

Detective Song, about the guy in the black hoodie.

차량 블랙박스에 찍힌 ‪그놈 있잖아요

Detective Song, about the guy in the black hoodie.


-Yes? -His face got caught on a dashcam.

‪[ 형사검정 후드 티의 ‪앞모습이 잡혔어요

-Yes? -His face got caught on a dashcam. Really?



‪[무거운 음악]

됐다 정도면

There we go. This will be enough.

 수배된 놈은 아니라는 거지?

Did you say he isn't in the system?

‪[ 형사없어요 ‪이렇게 생긴 놈은

Did you say he isn't in the system? Yes. There's no match.



피해자 오피스텔 주변 CCTV ‪동선 파악하고

Okay. Analyze the CCTV footage and find out where he went.

‪[이태추적  되면 ‪바로 수배 때리고

If you can't track him, put out an alert.

‪[ 형사예썰!

If you can't track him, put out an alert. -Yes, sir! -Let's go.

‪- [도겸가자 ‪- [이태

-Yes, sir! -Let's go. -Get to it. -Yes!

‪[멀리서  짖는 소리]




이렇게 북적북적하니까 너무 좋다

It really is "the more, the merrier."

치킨 데이   난다진짜 ‪그렇지?

Chicken Day got so much more fun. Right?

‪- [재우완전완전 좋아 ‪- [해이좋아요

-Yes, this is awesome. -I agree.

‪[치열다들 좋다니까 ‪나도 좋네요

I'm happy if you guys are happy.

 실장이거 1 1닭이니까 ‪할당량 책임져야 맞죠?

Mr. Ji, each person must finish one chicken. Right?


Yes, it's a sin to waste food. Right?

음식 남기면 지옥 가서 ‪ 먹게  있거든요그렇지?

Yes, it's a sin to waste food. Right?

‪[영주아유 ‪둘이 쿵짝 맞는  

Look at the sparks between those two.

진짜 꼴사납고 좋네

It's so cringey and nice. Right, Mr. Ji?

그렇죠 실장님

It's so cringey and nice. Right, Mr. Ji?


‪[영주의 웃음]


‪[행선그럼 우리  시점에서 ‪거국적으로  한번 할까요?

How about we make a toast?


How about we make a toast?

‪[사람들의 웃음]


Everyone, good work today.

오늘 하루 수고 많으셨습니다

Everyone, good work today.


-Good work! -Good work!

‪[해이의 시원한 숨소리]

‪[사람들의 시원한 숨소리]

‪[영주근데 그러고 보니까

This reminds me.

 멤버 그때  멤버네족구

We played foot volleyball last time.

족구우리가 아슬아슬하게 졌던 ‪ 족구?

That's right. We lost by a hair.

‪[행선] '아슬아슬하게'라니요

"By a hair"?

수학 쌤이  이렇게 셈이 흐려?

You're supposed to be good with numbers.


It was a crushing defeat.

‪[재우] 21  3으로 ‪우리가 졌어요치열이 매형

We lost 21 to 3, Brother-in-Law.

‪[치열근데 그거는 ‪졌다고   없지기권이지

To be precise, we didn't lose, but we gave up.

내가 부상당하는 바람에? ‪중단됐으니까

The game stopped when I got injured.

‪[영주아유쿨하지 못하시긴

Just own up to it.

좋습니다그럼 오늘 모인 김에 ‪설욕전 한판?

Fine. Would you be up for a rematch?

‪- [행선의 웃음] ‪- [재우?

But we're watching a movie after this.

근데 치킨 먹고 올라가서 ‪영화 봐야 되는데

But we're watching a movie after this.

오늘은 '나의 문어 선생님'이에요 ‪치열이 매형

But we're watching a movie after this. Tonight we're watching My Octopus Teacher, Brother-in-Law.

‪[해이삼촌눈치 챙겨

A little tact, please, Uncle.

오늘  분위기 아니거든?

Not today.

‪[영주그래영화는 다음에 보고

Yes, we can watch that some other time.


Let's go break a little sweat.

근데 커플끼리  하면 ‪ 눈꼴 시리니까

Let's go break a little sweat. But since it's a bit obnoxious if the couple is on the same team,

  팀이랑 행선 팀이랑 나눠서

it'll be Team Chi-yeol versus Team Haeng-seon.

‪- [행선… ‪- [영주종목은 뭘로 할까?

it'll be Team Chi-yeol versus Team Haeng-seon. What should we play?

‪- [행선뭐가 좋으세요? ‪- [치열의 옅은 웃음]

What do you think?

선생님원하시는 ?

What about you, Mr. Choi?

‪[흥겨운 음악이 흐른다]

‪- [영주의 탄성] ‪- [행선의 웃음]

‪[치열이게 ‪ 스피드가 엄청나니까

When the ball reaches such a high speed,

이게 각도가 조금만 삐뚤어져도 ‪빠져 버리는구나

even a slight mistake can result in a gutter ball.

‪- [해이의 웃음] ‪- [행선!

That's not it.

‪[재우아니에요 스피드가 ‪영주 누나보다도  나왔어요

That's not it. Your ball speed was lower than Yeong-ju's.

‪[행선의 웃음]

‪[사람들의 탄성]

‪[사람들의 환호성]

‪[행선실장님 잘한다 ‪하이 파이브

You're so good! High five!

‪[영주아니거의 선수시네 ‪브라보!

High five! You're basically a pro! Bravo!

실장님   가르쳐  봐요

Mr. Ji, can you teach me the proper position?

이거 스텝 어떻게 하는 거예요?

How do you take the steps?

‪- [동희… ‪- [해이저도요

Teach me too.

‪- [동희이렇게  붙이시고요 ‪- [행선나도나도  볼래

-Arm close to your body. -I want to try too.

‪- [동희왼발오른발 ‪- [영주왼발오른발

-Left foot. -Left foot. -Right foot. -Just do it in one go, Dong-hui.

‪[치열동희야끊지 말고

-Right foot. -Just do it in one go, Dong-hui.

 번에 하는  알려 줘야지 ‪ 번에

-Right foot. -Just do it in one go, Dong-hui.


In one fell swoop.

‪[치열아슬아슬하게 ‪졌네요?

I lost by a hair again.

‪[사람들의 웃음]

I lost by a hair again.

다음에    와야겠어요

Let's do this again.


As you wish.

오늘 게임값 계산하실게요

You can pay for the game today, please.



이거 반납하실게요

And return these, please.

‪[치열재우야엔분의  해야지

Jae-woo, let's split the bill.


Mr. Ji.

‪- [동희감사합니다 ‪- [행선근데 실장님이

You're definitely more athletic than Mr. Choi.

확실히 쌤보다 ‪운동 신경이 좋으세요

You're definitely more athletic than Mr. Choi.

저번에 족구할 때도 그렇고

You nailed foot volleyball too.

‪[동희실력이야  ‪우리 사장님이  좋으시죠

-But I'm no match for you. -Come on.

아이 [웃음]

-But I'm no match for you. -Come on.

‪[동희다방면으로 ‪설득도 잘하시고

You're also very persuasive.

‪[의미심장한 음악]

선생님이  프라이드에 ‪남겠다 그러시더라고요

Mr. Choi says he's staying with The Pride.

쉽게 바뀔 마음 아니셨는데

I thought he was set on leaving.

사장님 덕분이잖아요

You changed his mind, right?

해이는 좋겠어요 ‪유능한 이모 둬서

Hae-e's so lucky to have a competent aunt like you.

‪[영주이거 마시고 ‪정신  차리자

Hey, let's drink this and wake up.

‪[행선의 한숨]


헬스를 끊든 PT  받든 해야지

I really need to sign up for a gym or find a trainer.

오랜만에 운동하니까 ‪ 삭신이 쑤시네

My body is aching all over after yesterday.

‪[행선그러게 평소에 ‪운동을  해야 되는데

Right. We should work out regularly.


  요새 ‪러닝 동호회  나가냐?

What happened to your running club?


Forget it. It's no fun.


Hey, are you being left out?

‪[행선그래서 나가기 싫은 거지? ‪맞지?

Is that why you stopped going?


That's not it.


That's not it.

‪[영주의 헛웃음]

‪[영주물이 별로라서 ‪그런 거거든요아휴

There are no hot guys there.

아휴우리  실장님 같은 남자 ‪ 명만 있어도

If only any of the members were as hot as Mr. Ji.

내가 나갈 맛이  텐데진짜

If only any of the members were as hot as Mr. Ji.

어떻게 그렇게뛰는데?

He doesn't even sweat when he runs.

땀도 별로  나고

He doesn't even sweat when he runs.

 사람 깔끔해정갈해아주

He always looks so fresh and neat.

 실장님 성격은 어떤  같아?

What kind of person do you think he is?

성격도 더할 나위 없이 좋지 ‪매너 있고 스윗하고

He's such a nice person. He's well-mannered and sweet.

‪[영주쓸데없는   하고 ‪ 아니냐?

Not too talkative either. Isn't that the best?

그렇지 눈엔 그런 스타일이지?

I'm sure you think so.


What? You don't?

아니아니라는  아니라 ‪그냥 

No, it's not that. It's just…


Never mind.


What is it?

뭔데  말을 하다 말아 ‪사람 궁금하게

Finish your sentence. I'm curious.


What is it?


I mean…

그냥 뭔가 느낌이

I have a feeling…

‪- [전화벨 소리] ‪- 사람

I have a feeling… he--

‪[영주국가대표입니다 ‪

Nation's Best Banchan. Yes.

도시락 50개요?

I see. Fifty lunch boxes.

‪[행선의 놀란 숨소리]

Fifty lunch boxes.


주소 받을게요

Can I have the address, please?



공개 고백 받은 남해이 

You've been publicly asked out, Ms. Nam.

‪[단지지금 심정이 어떠신가요?

You've been publicly asked out, Ms. Nam. How do you feel now?

‪' 정도 미모에 ‪ 정도 지성이면'

"Given my looks and intelligence, it's no wonder."

‪'놀랄 일도 아니지 않나'

"Given my looks and intelligence, it's no wonder."

요렇게 생각하시나요?

"Given my looks and intelligence, it's no wonder." Is that what you think?

하지 마라 얘긴

Stop talking about it.

‪[단지뭔데? ‪좋은  같이 먹어

What's that? Give me some too.

그거 먹으면 ‪고백받을  있는 거야?

If I eat this, will I be asked out too?

‪[웃으며그런 거야?

Is that it?

뭐래체력 관리 때문에 ‪먹는 거거든?

Be quiet. It just gives me an energy boost.

‪[해이너도 먹든지

Hey. You can have one.


You can have one. -Thanks. -Here.


-Thanks. -Here.

‪[단지근데 몰랐는데 ‪건후가 인기  많나 

I didn't know this, but Geon-hu seems to be pretty popular.

지금 고백 사건 ‪학교에  퍼졌는데

The entire school knows that he asked you out now.

‪1학년 여자애 울고 난리 났어

The entire school knows that he asked you out now. Some girls in tenth grade even cried.

 완전 나쁜  됐어

You're their enemy now.

‪[괴로운 신음]

You're their enemy now.

그래서 사귈 거냐아니면

So are you going to date him? Or are you just going to flirt?

썸만  거냐?

Or are you just going to flirt?

우리 3 코앞이거든?

Hey, we'll be seniors soon.

에이쓸데없는 소리  작작 해라

So cut it out already.

‪[해이의 힘주는 소리]


얘는   이래 ‪아끼는 건데이거

I broke my favorite hair tie.

우리 학교 여자애들의 한이 ‪ 끈에  닿았나 보다

All the girls' resentment toward you must have reached it.

‪[단지원한인 거지 ‪언니  하나 줄까?

It's cursed. -Want to borrow mine? -Please.

‪- [해이 ‪- [단지가 호응한다]

-Want to borrow mine? -Please.

‪[단지의 장난스러운 웃음]

‪[해이단지의 웃음]

‪- 내놔내놔 ‪- [단지싫어

-Give it here. -I don't want to.

‪- [단지의 힘주는 소리] ‪- [해이아유진짜

Gosh, you little…

‪-  간다 ‪- [단지

Guys, I'm off. I need to see our homeroom teacher.

담임 쌤한테  봐야 

Guys, I'm off. I need to see our homeroom teacher.

‪- [해이아휴 간다 ‪- [단지

-See you guys. -See you.

‪- 가라 ‪- [해이

-Bye. -Bye.

‪- 해이야 ‪- [해이?

-Bye. -Bye. -Hae-e. -Yes?

‪- 째려보는 애들 있어도 무시해 ‪- [해이으유!

If anyone scowls at you, just ignore them.

‪[단지 지금 되게 재수 없어

You're everyone's enemy now.

‪[해이단지의 웃음]

You're everyone's enemy now.

‪-  ! ‪- [해이

-Bye. -Bye.

‪[단지  고백  하냐?

Why don't you ask her out?



‪[단지놀라긴 ‪너도 해이 좋아하잖아

Why are you surprised? You have a crush on Hae-e too. So why don't you?

근데  고백  하냐고

You have a crush on Hae-e too. So why don't you?

해이만 모르지 ‪앵간하면  알걸?

Hey. Everyone knows except Hae-e.

나랑 있을  너랑 ‪해이랑 있을  너랑

Your expression totally lights up when you're with her.

표정이 천지 차이다

Your expression totally lights up when you're with her.

어떻게 모르냐?

So how could I not know?


Is that right?


So what is it?

고백했다 까이면 ‪친구도  할까 ?

Are you afraid you'll ruin your friendship?

‪- [잔잔한 음악] ‪- 서건후 매력 있다

Geon-hu is charming. If he keeps trying, Hae-e might accept him in the end.

저렇게   찍으면 ‪해이도 넘어갈  있다고

If he keeps trying, Hae-e might accept him in the end.

너도 되든  되든 ‪일단 고백이나 한번  봐야지

Be a man and at least ask her out.


Be a man and at least ask her out.


As for me, I like both you and Geon-hu.

서건후도 좋고 너도 좋고 ‪누굴 응원해야 되나?

As for me, I like both you and Geon-hu. Who should I root for?


What? You have a problem?




그럼  지금부터 이선재 

Starting now, I'm on your side.

근데   까서 주지

But couldn't you open it before giving it to me?

‪- [ 치는 소리] ‪- 새끼센스가 없어이씨

Be more thoughtful next time.


‪- [행선이게 열다섯  ‪- [영주열다섯 

-That one has 15. -15.

‪[행선그게 스무 ?

-And that one… -Has 20. -Okay. -Okay.

‪- [영주오케이 ‪- [행선오케이

-Okay. -Okay.

이거 고정   

Tape this up.

‪- [출입문 종소리] ‪- [행선의 놀란 숨소리]

‪- [영주오셨어요 ‪- 

Oh, hello.

배달 가요?

Going out on delivery?

‪[행선아이갑자기 ‪단체 주문이 들어와 가지고

We got an unexpected bulk order.

근데 웬일이에요 시간에?

We got an unexpected bulk order. What brings you here at this hour?

내일부터 ‪몹시 바빠질 예정이어서

What brings you here at this hour? I'll be extremely busy starting tomorrow, so I stopped by to see you.

잠깐이라도 얼굴  보게요

I'll be extremely busy starting tomorrow, so I stopped by to see you.

‪- [행선아니… ‪- [영주어유!

-Why… -Oh, my!

이렇게 좋아 죽는  ‪그동안 어떻게 참으셨대?

How have you been hiding your feelings all this time?

‪- [행선이 당황한다] ‪- 해이가 커밍아웃  했으면

How have you been hiding your feelings all this time? If Hae-e hadn't told the truth,

상사병 나셨겠어우리  !

you would've become lovesick.

차에 실어요차로 가게

-Load these up. I'll give you a ride. -No, I can deliver them on my scooter.

‪[행선아니에요 ‪이거 스쿠터로 가면   같은

-Load these up. I'll give you a ride. -No, I can deliver them on my scooter.

아이   같은데

-I don't think so. -But still…


-I don't think so. -But still…

‪[영주데이트하자시잖냐 ‪배달 데이트

Hey, he wants a date. A delivery date.

아유진짜 살아

My goodness.

피해자 측은 연락됐어요?

Have you contacted the victim?

합의 의사는요?

Will they settle?


알겠어요바로 나갈게요

Okay, I'll be right there.



‪[무거운 음악]


‪[단지너도 되든  되든 ‪일단 고백은 한번  봐야지

Be a man and at least ask her out.


Be a man and at least ask her out.

‪[부드러운 음악]


얘는   이래 ‪아끼는 건데이거

I broke my favorite hair tie.


-Thank you. -Goodbye.

‪[휴대전화 진동음]


‪- 엄마 ‪- [서진어디야?

Hi, Mom. Where are you?

학교 근처요 ‪바로  거예요스터디 카페

I'm near the school. I'm on my way to the study cafe.

‪[서진그냥 집에 

Just head straight home.

엄마 회사에 급한  생겨서 ‪방금 나왔어

Just head straight home. Something came up, so I'm at the office right now.

집에 가서 공부하고  지켜

Study at home and keep an eye on your brother.

일단  나가게  놨으니까 ‪락은  풀어 주고

I locked his door, so unlock it when you get home.


I locked his door, so unlock it when you get home. Mom.

대체   놓고 ‪나가신 거예요?

You did what? I have my reasons.

‪[서진그럴 만해서 그래 ‪시키는 대로나 

I have my reasons. Just do as I say.

‪[통화 종료음]


‪[차분한 음악]

‪- [긴장되는 음악] ‪- [희재의 거친 숨소리]

‪[힘겨운 신음]

‪[놀란 숨소리]

‪[가쁜 숨소리]

‪[어두운 음악]

‪[거친 숨소리]

‪[달그락거리는 소리]


‪[쿵쿵 두드리는 소리]

Hui-jae. Hui-jae!



‪- [선재괜찮아? ‪- [희재의 가쁜 숨소리]

Hui-jae! Hui-jae! Are you okay?


Hui-jae! Are you okay? Hui-jae! What's wrong?

 그래 그래?

What happened? It's okay.


It's okay.

 쉬어 쉬어천천히

Breathe. Slowly.


It's okay.


Everything's okay.

‪[행선도시락 배달 왔습니다

Lunch box delivery.

‪- [직원안녕하세요 ‪- [행선

-Hello. -Hello.

오늘 행사가 있나 봐요?

-Hello. -Hello. Are you having an event?

‪[직원노인정에서 행사하는데

Are you having an event? Yes, at a senior center.

주문한 도시락업체에서 ‪냉장고가 고장 났다고

We had ordered from another store, but their fridge broke down.


I see. That's a bummer.

그럼 이거 노인정으로 ‪옮겨야 되는 거죠?

So you're carrying these to the senior center?

‪- [힘주는 소리] ‪- [직원

-Yes. -I'll help you.

제가 옮겨 드릴게요

-Yes. -I'll help you.

‪[이태임페리얼 아파트로 ‪들어가는 거까지 확인됐다 이거지?

So he was seen entering Imperial Apartments?

‪[ 형사일단 ‪CCTV상으로는 그래요

Yes, according to the CCTV.

‪[이태거주했거나 통과했거나 ‪ 중의 하나라는 소리인데

So he either lives here or passed through here.

아파트 ‪CCTV 영장 신청은 했어?

Have you applied for a warrant for the CCTV footage here?

‪[ 형사요즘에는 ‪영장 없이는

Have you applied for a warrant for the CCTV footage here? Yes. You can't get access without a warrant these days.

관리실에서 ‪협조    주잖아요

Yes. You can't get access without a warrant these days.

‪- [이태일단  보자 ‪- [의미심장한 음악]

Let's go and ask first.

‪- [ 형사 ‪- [경비원수고하세요

-Thank you. -Goodbye.


He doesn't recognize him?

‪[ 형사 [한숨]

No. So many people live here.

워낙 세대들이 많아 가지고

No. So many people live here.

일일이 얼굴들을 ‪ 확인할 수가 없다고

He can't possibly remember every face.

‪[이태단지가 크긴 크다

The complex is huge indeed.

일단 CCTV부터 ‪확인하는  빠르겠어

We'll have to check the CCTVs first.

‪[ 형사영장 나왔는지 ‪확인해 볼게요

I'll see if the warrant is out.


Hey, kid.

‪[ 형사혹시  아파트에서 ‪이런 사람   있어요?

Have you seen this person around here?

‪[긴장되는 효과음]


I'm not sure.

‪[ 형사의 한숨]

We can't ask everyone passing by.

‪[ 형사지나가는 사람들 ‪일일이 붙들고

We can't ask everyone passing by.

 확인할 수도 없고진짜

We can't ask everyone passing by. Just a second.


Just a second.

‪[희재의 거친 숨소리]

‪[도어  조작음]

‪[ 여닫히는 소리]

‪[도어  작동음]



아니대체 무슨 일이야?

What's going on?

누가  사진 들고 찾고 있어

What's going on? Some men are looking for you.

아무래도 형사들 같아

They look like detectives.

무슨 일인데?

What happened?

내가 알아야 ‪형을 돕든지   아니야

Tell me so I can help you.

‪[초인종 소리]


Hold on.

빨리 들어가 있어 ‪빨리빨리

Hui-jae. Go inside. Now.

우리 강현 서에서 왔는데 ‪사건 수사 때문에

We're from Ganghyeon Police Station. We're investigating a case.

‪[ 형사학생 혼자 있나?

Are you home alone?


‪[이태잠깐   ‪확인해   있는데

We need to check something.

들어가도 될까?

May we come in?



‪[ 닫히는 소리]

‪[도어  작동음]

‪[ 형사가족은 어떻게 되나 ‪학생?

Can you tell us about your family?

형이나 누나는 없나동생이나?

Do you have any siblings?


-I don't. -You don't?


-I don't. -You don't?

‪[긴박한 음악]

‪- [ 형사! ‪- [선재!

-Hui-jae! -Stop, you punk!

‪- [이태 새끼 ‪- [선재!

-Hui-jae! -Stop, you punk! -Hui-jae! -Get him!

‪[치열 이렇게 ‪오래 걸렸어요?

What took you so long? I was bored to death.

심심해 죽는  알았네

What took you so long? I was bored to death.

‪[행선노인정까지 ‪올려다 주고 오느라고

I had to carry the lunch boxes to the senior center.

 김에 홍보도  하고요

I had to carry the lunch boxes to the senior center. And I promoted my store too.

‪[행선의 가쁜 숨소리]

‪- [치열자요 ‪- [행선고맙습니다

Here. Thanks.

‪[치열의 힘주는 소리]

‪[치열아유우리  사장님 ‪ 많이 마르셨네

You must've been quite thirsty, Ms. Nam.


About Mr. Ji…



보기보다 성격이  ‪까칠한 데가 있어요?

He's more aloof than I thought.



그건 주로  얘기   ‪나오는 단어인데

That word is mostly used to describe me.

‪[치열동희는 까칠이랑 ‪ 거리가 멀죠

Dong-hui is far from aloof.

누구한테나 친절하고 나이스하고

He's always nice to everyone.

근데 걔는  너무 그래 ‪그것도 병이야

He's always nice to everyone. Almost to a fault, in my opinion.

근데 왜요?


아니나도 그렇게 생각했는데

I used to think so too,

사람이  ‪ 면만 있는  아니니까

but I guess everyone is multifaceted.

무슨  있었어요?

Did something happen?

‪- 아니어제… ‪- [치열

-Yesterday… -Yes?


Never mind.

‪[행선 그래요 ‪ 대하는 것도  쎄한  같고

Something was just off with the way he treated me.


"Off"? How?

그냥 촉이?

It's just my hunch.

‪[행선의 생각하는 소리]

‪[행선설명은  하겠는데 ‪뭔가 느낌상

I can't really put my finger on it, but that's how it felt.


I'm not sure.

동희가 쎄한 거랑은 ‪ 거리가 먼데?

That doesn't really sound like him.

그럼 다행이고요

I'm relieved to hear that.

아니면  행선 씨가 ‪오버한  있어요?

Did you step over the line again?


-What? -He's pretty individualistic.

아니걔가  개인주의라

-What? -He's pretty individualistic.

갑자기 이렇게  들어오는  ‪ 싫어할  있거든요

-What? -He's pretty individualistic. He doesn't like it when his boundaries are crossed.

‪[치열 행선 씨가 ‪워낙 사교적이라

He doesn't like it when his boundaries are crossed. And you're very outgoing.

 친한 사람하고도 ‪경계가 없잖아요

You don't have boundaries with people you've just met.

 그런  있었나 해서

You don't have boundaries with people you've just met. I thought that might be it.


Mr. Choi.

‪[행선내가 ‪오지랖이 넓은  알겠는데

I know I can be nosy,

그렇게 사람  가리고 ‪아무한테나 주책 부리고

but I know when to butt in and butt out.

 정도 아니거든요?

but I know when to butt in and butt out.

아니 말은 ‪동희가 그럴 애가 아니니까

What I mean is, Dong-hui isn't that kind of person.

 자꾸 그럴 애가 아니래?

What I mean is, Dong-hui isn't that kind of person. Why do you keep saying that?

그럼  그런 사람이고요?

Then am I that kind of person?

아니요그런 뜻이 아니라요

That's not what I meant.


That's exactly what you meant.

‪[행선실장님은 이유 없이 ‪절대절대 그럴 사람 아니고

Since Mr. Ji would never act that way without reason

나는 시도 때도 없이 ‪  넘는 사람이고

and I step over the line all the time,

그러니까 내가 뭔가 ‪원인을 제공했을 거다?

you think I must be at fault.

아이  그렇게 극단적으로

Why are you so extreme?

나도 알아요

I know it too.

‪[행선 분이 각별한 

You two are really close and go back a long time.

알고 지낸 세월도 길고

You two are really close and go back a long time.

나보다 서로를   알겠죠

He knows you better than I do.

그래도 나도

But I want to get along with him.

 지내보고 싶어서 ‪신경 쓰여서  말인데

But I want to get along with him. That's why I brought it up. But why would you blame me for that?

 이렇게 사람을 ‪꽁하게 만들어요?

That's why I brought it up. But why would you blame me for that?

같은 말도 기분 나쁘게 하는  ‪ 재주인  알아요?

You have a way of making everything you say offensive.

아이내가   ‪기분 나쁘게까지 했다고 

Come on, I couldn't have offended you with that.

‪[행선나쁘지 그럼 좋아요?

You did!

맨날 ' 넘네', '오버하네' ‪'오지랖이네그러는데?

You said I step over the line all the time!


That's just…

‪- [치열행선의 놀란 소리] ‪- [타이어 마찰음]

‪[긴장되는 음악]

‪[놀란 숨소리]

‪[감성적인 음악]

‪[카메라 셔터음 효과음]


‪[수희미국  있다던 선재  ‪집에 은둔하고 있었나 봐요

Sun-jae's brother, who was said to be in the US, turns out to have been holed up at home.

‪- 중범죄란 얘기지 ‪- [학부모들의 놀란 소리]

-He committed a felony. -What?


-Mom. -Shut it! Don't say a single word!

‪[서진 닫고 있으라고 ‪뻥끗도 하지 !

-Mom. -Shut it! Don't say a single word!

‪[행선 실장님 얘기는

About Mr. Ji…

‪[치열 얘기는 그만하죠 ‪오늘은

Let's not talk about that anymore today.

혹시 둘이 싸웠니?

-Did you two fight? -No way! We're not kids.

싸우긴무슨우리가 애냐?

-Did you two fight? -No way! We're not kids.

‪- [치열  ‪- [휴대전화 진동음]

-Look at this. -Where? When I cut ties with someone,

‪[행선내가  한번 돌아서면 ‪얄짤없는 사람이라

When I cut ties with someone, I am utterly merciless and make a clean break.

찬바람 쉭쉭 불고 난리 나요

I am utterly merciless and make a clean break.

뒤도  돌아봐내가

I never look back.

우리 바쁜  지나면 ‪바람 쐬러 갈래요?

Should we go somewhere when I become less busy?


No way! It's the sea!

‪- [치열바다 처음 보나 ‪- [행선!

Have you never seen it before?


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