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  나의 해방일지 12

My Liberation Notes 12


‪(태훈) 성당 가는 중이요‬I'm on my way to church.
‪(기정) 네, 기도 열심히 하시고요‬Okay, have a nice time praying.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(태훈) 죄송하네요‬Sorry. It's always going to be like this on Sundays.
‪일요일엔 늘 이럴 텐데‬Sorry. It's always going to be like this on Sundays.
‪(기정) 별말씀을요‬It's okay.
‪일요일 아침에‬I'm just happy to have someone I can text on Sunday morning like this.
‪이렇게 톡 할 수 있는 남자가‬ ‪있다는 것만으로도 충분합니다‬I'm just happy to have someone I can text on Sunday morning like this.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬ ‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪(미정) 다녀오겠습니다‬-See you later. -See you.
‪(혜숙) 응, 다녀와‬-See you later. -See you.
‪어, 쉬엄쉬엄해요, 어‬Take it easy.
‪[혜숙의 한숨]‬
‪이거 빨리 안 빨아?‬Can you wash these already?
‪[문이 달칵 열린다]‬
‪아, 볕 좋을 때‬ ‪얼른 운동화 빨아 널라고‬Wash and hang the sneakers to dry while the sun's strong.
‪설거지하라며‬ ‪[그릇이 잘그락거린다]‬-You told me to do the dishes. -Are you still not done?
‪그걸 아직도 안 하고, 어?‬-You told me to do the dishes. -Are you still not done?
‪그놈의 핸드폰들을‬ ‪다 그냥 부숴 버리든가 해야지‬I should just break these damn phones or something.
‪(미정) 예전에 염소 키웠었거든?‬We used to have a goat.
‪[구 씨의 탄성]‬Okay.
‪근데 소하고 염소는‬ ‪키우면서 이상하게 미안해‬But you feel weirdly sorry when you raise cows or goats since you're going to eat them eventually.
‪잡아먹을 거라‬since you're going to eat them eventually.
‪염소가 사람 잘 따르거든‬Goats like humans.
‪졸졸졸 따라오는데‬It used to follow me around,
‪마음이 좀 그래‬and it made me feel bad.
‪잡아먹었냐?‬Did you eat it?
‪졸졸졸 따라붙던 거?‬The one that liked you?
‪딴 집 염소랑 바꿔서‬We swapped goats with our neighbor.
‪(미정) 키우던 거‬ ‪원래 서로 바꿔 먹어‬We usually swap them before we eat them.
‪(구 씨) 야, 굳이 바꿔 가면서까지‬ ‪뭐 이렇게 잡아먹냐?‬Do people have to go that far? I'd rather just not eat it.
‪안 먹고 말지‬Do people have to go that far? I'd rather just not eat it.
‪그럼 버리나?‬Would you throw them out, then?
‪그냥 키우면 되지‬Can't you just keep raising them?
‪(미정) 못 키워‬ ‪염소가 얼마나 많이 먹는데‬You can't. They eat so much.
‪자는 시간 빼고 24시간 먹어‬They eat nonstop except when they're asleep.
‪아빠가 꼴 베러 다니다‬ ‪지쳐서 잡은 거야‬Dad got too tired to get grass for it, so we ate it.
‪[구 씨의 황당한 숨소리]‬
‪(구 씨) 야‬ ‪이름 불러 가면서 키우던 게‬How could you eat something you had spent time with and given a name?
‪목으로 넘어가냐?‬How could you eat something you had spent time with and given a name?
‪(미정) 이름 없었어‬It didn't have a name.
‪잡아먹을 건‬ ‪원래 이름 지어 주지 않아‬We don't name the ones we're going to eat.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪(구 씨) 야‬Hey.
‪너, 씨‬Give me a name already, okay?
‪나 빨리 이름 지어 줘, 어?‬Give me a name already, okay?
‪이름 지어 줘, 나 잡아먹지 못하게‬Give me a name so you can't eat me.
‪[미정이 피식 웃는다]‬Give me a name so you can't eat me.
‪(미정) 구 씨잖아‬You're Mr. Gu.
‪[구 씨가 피식 웃는다]‬
‪[시끌시끌하다]‬Father. I loved today's sermon.
‪- (태훈) 딸이 나와서요‬ ‪- (남자1) 아, 그러세요?‬-Oh, Yu-rim's here. -I'll be off then. See you.
‪- (남자1) 예, 들어가세요‬ ‪- (태훈) 예‬-Oh, Yu-rim's here. -I'll be off then. See you. Goodbye.
‪(태훈) 우리 뭐 먹으러 갈까?‬What do you want for lunch?
‪(유림) 초밥‬Sushi.
‪(희선) 역시 우리 유림이‬That's my Yu-rim. Excellent choice.
‪탁월한 메뉴 선택‬That's my Yu-rim. Excellent choice.
‪[태훈과 희선의 웃음]‬
‪[TV 소리가 흘러나온다]‬
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪(희선) 잠바 입고 나가‬ ‪바람 많이 불어‬Put your coat on! The wind is strong.
‪(태훈) 거기 무릎 보호대‬ ‪그거 챙기고‬Don't forget the kneepads.
‪(희선) 으이그‬ ‪나오라니까 안 나오고 라면은…‬I told you to come out, but here you are, eating ramyeon…
‪이거 먹어‬Eat this.
‪이거 특이야, 우니도 있어‬It's the special, and there's uni, too. Tae-hun bought it for you.
‪태훈이가 산 거다, 그거‬It's the special, and there's uni, too. Tae-hun bought it for you.
‪하, 치‬
‪[희선의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[태훈의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪(희선) 차 조심하고‬ ‪올 때 유림이 리코더 사 와‬Watch out for cars. And pick up a recorder for Yu-rim.
‪(태훈) 어‬All right. Let's go.
‪(희선) 악기점 가서‬ ‪소리 들어 보고 사‬Try it out at the shop first! Don't just get anything.
‪아무거나 막 사지 말고!‬Try it out at the shop first! Don't just get anything.
‪(태훈) 알았어!‬I got it!
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪(경선) 개새‬Son of a…
‪얌전한 척하면서‬ ‪뒤로 호박씨는 다 까고, 씨‬Doing anything you want behind our backs, damn it.
‪놔둬, 모르는 척해‬Leave him be. Pretend not to know.
‪자기가 지금 여자 만날 때야?‬This isn't the time for him to be dating.
‪그러면 뭐, 유림이 클 때까지‬ ‪연애도 하지 말라 그래?‬Then, what? Should we tell him to not see anyone until Yu-rim grows up?
‪[분한 숨소리]‬
‪기정이 걔 괜찮아, 어?‬Gi-jeong is okay, all right?
‪(희선) 남자 힘들게 하고‬ ‪그럴 애 아니야‬She wouldn't give him a hard time.
‪그냥 둬‬Leave them be. Don't bother him.
‪괜히 눈치 주고 그러지 말고‬Leave them be. Don't bother him.
‪염기정 걔가 연애만 할 거 같아?‬Do you think Gi-jeong only wants to date him? At her age?
‪나이가 있는데?‬Do you think Gi-jeong only wants to date him? At her age?
‪결혼한다 그러면‬ ‪우리 셋이 살면 돼‬The three of us can live together if they get married.
‪우리 새끼야?‬Why do we have to sacrifice ourselves?
‪왜 우리만 희생해?‬Why do we have to sacrifice ourselves?
‪아, 그럼 너도 나가 살아!‬Then you can move out, too!
‪나랑 유림이만 같이 살아도 돼‬I can live with Yu-rim.
‪유림이 있었으니까 그나마‬We've lived like decent human beings all thanks to Yu-rim.
‪우리가 사람 사는 것처럼‬ ‪하고 살았지‬We've lived like decent human beings all thanks to Yu-rim.
‪유림이 없으면 아무것도 아니야‬Without Yu-rim, we're nothing.
‪둘이 결혼해서 유림에 데리고‬ ‪나가 산다고 생각하면‬Thinking of them getting married and taking Yu-rim away from us…
‪그게 더 억장 무너져‬That makes me even sadder.
‪사는 재미 하나도 없어‬Life wouldn't be worth living.
‪(유림) 작은고모랑 왜 싸웠어?‬Why did you fight with Auntie?
‪안 싸웠어‬We didn't fight.
‪별거 아니야‬It's nothing.
‪그 아줌마 좋아?‬Do you like that lady?
‪고모 친구‬Auntie's friend.
‪아, 왜, 너무너무 상투적인데, 어?‬I know it's very cliché,
‪(기정) 겪어 보면‬ ‪그 말이 딱이다 싶은‬but it's the only way to put it now that I've experienced it.
‪그런 거 있잖아요‬but it's the only way to put it now that I've experienced it.
‪[웃으며] 날아갈 것 같아요‬I feel like I'm flying.
‪[함께 피식 웃는다]‬
‪내가 이렇게 가벼웠던 적이‬ ‪있었나 싶어요‬I don't think I've ever felt this light.
‪남동생이 맨날 저한테 그러거든요‬My brother tells me this all the time.
‪나를 모르는 인간이 복된 인간이다‬The people who don't know me are the lucky ones.
‪아는 사람은 다 욕하니까, 응‬Since I speak ill of everyone I know.
‪내가 아는 사람이 되는 순간‬ ‪그냥 내 입에서 씹히거든요‬The moment you become someone I know, I start speaking badly of you.
‪남들 다 괜찮다고 하는 사람도‬Even if everybody says you're all right, I still do it somehow.
‪뭐, 어떻게든 흠을 잡아서, 음‬Even if everybody says you're all right, I still do it somehow.
‪[기정이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪우리도 씹혔다는 거네‬That must include us.
‪전 많이‬Many times for me.
‪이사님은 어쩌다 한 번‬Only sometimes for you.
‪(김 이사) 응‬Right…
‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪(기정) 근데‬But…
‪아무한테도 욕이 안 나와요‬I don't feel like bad-mouthing anyone.
‪아, 욕을 딱 놓으니까‬Since I've let go of that,
‪[웃음]‬Since I've let go of that,
‪이렇게 가벼울 수가 없어요‬I feel lighter than ever before.
‪[기정의 웃음]‬I feel lighter than ever before.
‪'아, 증오가‬ ‪이렇게 무거운 거구나', 예‬So that's how heavy hatred is. I felt like something was dragging me down to the ground.
‪아, 맨날 땅에서‬ ‪잡아끄는 것 같더니‬I felt like something was dragging me down to the ground.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬But now, I feel like I can even fly.
‪날 수도 있을 거 같아요‬But now, I feel like I can even fly.
‪[기정의 웃음]‬
‪(김 이사) 좋겠다‬I'm jealous. I guess you'll be seeing him every day?
‪매일 보겠네?‬I'm jealous. I guess you'll be seeing him every day?
‪자주는 못 봐요‬I can't see him often.
‪[머뭇거리는 소리]‬
‪바쁘기도 하고‬We're both so busy.
‪(기정) 그래도‬Still…
‪있다는 느낌?‬just the feeling of having someone
‪그것만으로도 충분한 듯요‬is enough for me.
‪[기정이 살짝 웃는다]‬ ‪[김 이사의 한숨]‬
‪있는데 없는 것 같은 느낌‬I feel like I'm alone even though I have someone.
‪백 퍼 없다는 느낌‬And when you know that you don't have anyone…
‪[진우가 혀를 쯧 찬다]‬
‪헤어졌습니다‬We broke up.
‪[카드 인식음이 연신 울린다]‬Bring me with you.
‪[태훈의 옅은 웃음]‬
‪(태훈) 식사는 하셨어요?‬Did you have lunch?
‪- 아, 예‬ ‪- (태훈) 예‬Yes.
‪그, 언니한테‬You've heard from your sister, right?
‪얘기 들었죠?‬You've heard from your sister, right?
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[전기톱 작동음]‬Relax your right hand.
‪(제호) 오른손 힘 빼고, 힘 빼고‬ ‪그렇지, 그렇지‬Relax your right hand. That's it. Totally relax as it goes out, perfect.
‪그렇지, 잘하고 있어‬That's it. Totally relax as it goes out, perfect.
‪빼고, 그렇지‬That's it. Totally relax as it goes out, perfect.
‪지금보다는‬ ‪한 번에 더 쭉 밀고 나가‬Try pushing it through more smoothly.
‪- (구 씨) 800‬ ‪- (제호) 800‬It's 800. "Eight hundred."
‪(구 씨) 1000‬And 1,000.
‪(제호) 꼭 반은‬ ‪선불로 받고 시작해‬Be sure to get half in advance.
‪목재값은 받아 놔야지‬For the cost of the wood.
‪재단 다 하고 취소해도 손해 안 나‬That way, even if they cancel after we've cut them, we won't lose money.
‪아, 다 잘라 놨는데‬ ‪취소하면은 얻다 쓰지도 못하고‬If they cancel after you cut everything, you can't even use any of it.
‪아, 그리고 웬만하면은‬ ‪인테리어업자 건 하지 말아‬And if possible, don't take jobs from interior designers.
‪집주인한테 돈 받아서 준다 그러고‬ ‪애먹여, 어?‬They always say they'll pay you after getting money from the landlord.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪아, 삼식이 새끼, 씨‬Sam-sik, that dumbass.
‪(현진) 여기 맞아?‬Is this really the place?
‪어떻게 오셨어요?‬Can I help you?
‪아, 아이고, 수고하십니다‬Goodness, nice to meet you.
‪저, 여기 일하시는 분들‬ ‪다 어디 가셨어요?‬Do you know where I can find the people who work here?
‪(현진) 이야‬ ‪삼 남매가 다 훈남 훈녀네‬These three siblings are all so good-looking.
‪근데 셋 다 결혼을 안 했나 봐요?‬But it looks like none of them have gotten married yet?
‪결혼사진이 없네?‬There aren't any wedding photos.
‪(혜숙) 예‬ ‪징글징글하게들 안 나가요‬No, they haven't. I'm sick of them.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪[다가오는 자동차 엔진음]‬
‪어, 이제들 들어오네‬Here they are now.
‪[차 문이 탁탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪아니, 누가 오셨나?‬Do we have a guest?
‪[제호의 힘주는 신음]‬ ‪안녕하십니까‬Hello.
‪(제호) 예, 누구…‬Yes, hi. Who…
‪(혜숙) 아, 저, 구 씨 선배래요‬He says he's Mr. Gu's friend.
‪전화를 안 받아서‬ ‪뭔 일 있나 하고 왔대요‬He couldn't reach him, so he came to check on him.
‪(제호) 아이고, 예, 그래요?‬-Goodness, is that so? -It's nice to meet you.
‪처음 뵙겠습니다‬-Goodness, is that so? -It's nice to meet you.
‪- 아, 반갑습니다, 예‬ ‪- (현진) [웃으며] 반갑습니다‬-Nice to meet you, yes. -Yes.
‪(제호) 반갑습…‬Nice to…
‪어…‬Please, have a seat. Please come.
‪예, 앉으세요‬Please, have a seat. Please come.
‪이리 오세요, 앉으세요, 앉으세요‬Please, have a seat. Please come.
‪(현진) 아, 저 무지 기다렸습니다‬ ‪배고파서‬God, I've been waiting for so long. I'm so hungry!
‪[현진의 웃음]‬God, I've been waiting for so long. I'm so hungry!
‪아, 빨리 와, 인마, 앉아‬Hurry up and sit.
‪[현진의 웃음]‬
‪[현진의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪[현진이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪아, 또 술 먹고 어떻게 됐나…‬ ‪[구 씨의 한숨]‬I was worried he might get drunk and hurt…
‪전화를 받지, 새끼, 아이참‬Why didn't you answer my calls? Jesus Christ.
‪이야, 우리 동생이‬ ‪왜 여기 있는지 알겠네요‬I get why he wants to stay here, though.
‪[피식 웃으며] 저도 있고 싶네요‬I want to stay, too.
‪[현진의 웃음]‬
‪[현진의 멋쩍은 숨소리]‬
‪아, 뭐, 제가 말이 선배지‬Well, I might be the older one,
‪뭐, 동생 놈 덕분에 먹고삽니다‬but I can only make ends meet thanks to him.
‪아, 얘가 짱이에요‬He's at the top, you know. Everyone's beneath him.
‪다 얘 밑‬He's at the top, you know. Everyone's beneath him.
‪저, 시장할 텐데 어서 들어요‬You must be famished. Help yourself.
‪(현진) [웃으며] 아, 예‬-Thanks. -Please.
‪(제호와 현진)‬ ‪- 드세요‬ ‪- 예, 저, 잘 먹겠습니다, 예‬-Thanks. -Please. Yes, well, thank you for the food.
‪(현진) 씁, 아, 이거…‬Yes, well, thank you for the food. Let's see…
‪(제호) 아, 그, 그래도‬ ‪저, 술이라도 한잔…‬Let me offer you a drink. Honey.
‪- (제호) 여보‬ ‪- (현진) 어어, 저 괜찮습니다‬Let me offer you a drink. Honey. I'm fine, thank you.
‪[피식 웃으며] 차 가져와서요‬I brought my car.
‪아, 예‬ ‪[현진의 웃음]‬Right…
‪(현진) 아, 맛있다‬-This is delicious. -Please, help yourself.
‪(제호와 현진)‬ ‪- 많이 드세요, 많이 드세요‬ ‪- 예‬-This is delicious. -Please, help yourself.
‪[현진의 탄성]‬
‪(현진) 참‬
‪여기서 뭐 하고 자빠진 거냐?‬What on earth are you doing here?
‪재밌냐, 연기하고 사는 거?‬Is it fun? Living a lie?
‪쇼 그만하라고, 새끼야‬Enough with the show, punk.
‪취미로 목공 한다고 해도‬ ‪믿을까 말까야‬Carpentry just doesn't suit you.
‪너만 바라보고 있는 놈들‬ ‪생각하라고, 새끼야‬Think about all the people who rely on you, you bastard.
‪애새끼들 줄줄이‬ ‪거지꼴인 거 알면서‬Our boys are all in ruin now.
‪승재 아빠방 나가‬Seung-jae works at the host bar.
‪영일인 주방에서 과일 깎고‬ ‪나보곤 삐끼 하란다!‬Yeong-il works in a kitchen. They're telling me to be a waiter!
‪우리가 너한테 세트로‬ ‪끼워팔기 되는 인간들이지‬We only used to be somebodies because you were there with you.
‪언제 한 번이라도‬ ‪자생 가치 있어 본 놈들이냐?‬Have we ever been capable of doing anything by ourselves?
‪미안하다, 새끼야‬I'm sorry.
‪형이 돼 갖고‬I'm depending too much on you even though I'm older.
‪동생한테 빌붙어 먹어서‬I'm depending too much on you even though I'm older.
‪야, 인마, 신 회장이 오랄 때‬Hey, you should've come back when Chairman Shin told you to.
‪'감사합니다' 하고‬ ‪갔어야지, 새끼야‬Hey, you should've come back when Chairman Shin told you to.
‪왜 노인네 기분 잡치게 만들어‬Why did you make him upset? He came all the way here for you!
‪여기까지 찾아온 양반을!‬Why did you make him upset? He came all the way here for you!
‪너 이제‬Forget about Baek trying to kill you.
‪백 사장 손에 죽는 게 아니고‬Forget about Baek trying to kill you. It'll be Chairman Shin now.
‪신 회장 손에 죽게 생겼어‬It'll be Chairman Shin now.
‪너 인마, 여기 여자 있지?‬You have a girl here, don't you?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[현진의 헛웃음]‬
‪있어‬You do?
‪있어, 이 새끼!‬You do, you bastard.
‪하, 참‬
‪[웃으며] 하, 참‬
‪[현진의 어이없는 숨소리]‬
‪[개들이 헥헥거린다]‬
‪[개들이 컹컹 짖는다]‬
‪[마우스 클릭음]‬
‪헐, 대박‬Oh, my God.
‪해방클럽 회원 늘었는데?‬Someone joined the Liberation Club.
‪(지희) 봐 봐, 누구인지‬Have a look, see who it is.
‪[지희의 웃음]‬
‪(향기) 그날 참관하고 난 뒤로‬ ‪계속 오고 싶었는데요‬Since I sat in on the meeting that day, I've wanted to join all along.
‪이제서야 용기 내서 왔습니다‬I finally got up the courage to do it.
‪해방되고 싶은 게‬ ‪한두 가지가 아닌데, 일단은‬There are more than a few things I want to be liberated from, but first…
‪이 표정‬This expression…
‪무표정이 안 돼요‬I can't stop making this expression.
‪눈앞에 사람이 보이면‬When I see someone in front of me,
‪자동적으로 이런 표정이 돼요‬my face automatically makes this expression.
‪하나도 행복하지 않은데‬Even though I'm not happy at all.
‪뭐, 행복하지 않다면 거짓말이고‬Well, I'd be lying if I said I was unhappy,
‪이렇게 웃을 정도로‬but I'm not happy enough to smile like this.
‪좋지도 않은데‬but I'm not happy enough to smile like this.
‪사람만 보이면‬When I see someone,
‪자동적으로 이런 표정이 돼요‬I automatically make this expression.
‪상갓집 가는 게 너무 힘들어요‬it's really difficult for me to attend funerals.
‪상갓집 갈 때마다‬Every time I go to a funeral,
‪억지로라도‬ ‪무표정해 보려고 애쓰는데‬I try to force myself to put on a neutral expression…
‪[웃으며] 힘들어요‬but it's so hard.
‪[훌쩍이며] 아…‬
‪우선 우리 해방클럽의‬ ‪강령을 말씀드리자면…‬First, let me tell you the Liberation Club's rules--
‪네, 알아요‬Yes, I know.
‪'조언하지 않는다'‬"Do not give advice, and do not try to comfort."
‪'위로하지 않는다'‬"Do not give advice, and do not try to comfort."
‪그건 부칙이고‬That's a sub-rule.
‪[옅은 탄성]‬
‪말씀드리지‬Go ahead and explain.
‪행복하자고 모인 모임이니까‬Since the purpose of this club is to become happier,
‪저희 인생을 좀 정직하게‬ ‪들여다보고자 하는 차원에서‬we've made three tenets
‪세 가지 강령을 정했습니다‬in order to take an honest look into our lives.
‪아, 네‬I see.
‪(태훈) 1‬ ‪[차분한 음악]‬"One. I will not pretend to be happy."
‪'행복한 척하지 않겠다'‬"One. I will not pretend to be happy."
‪네‬All right.
‪저한테 딱 맞는 말이네요‬It applies to me perfectly.
‪'행복한 척하지 않겠다'‬"I will not pretend to be happy."
‪2, '불행한 척하지 않겠다'‬"Two. I will not pretend to be unhappy."
‪3, '정직하게 보겠다'‬"Three. I will be honest."
‪어, 근데요, 전 왜‬I wonder why…
‪(향기) 음…‬
‪정직한 게‬I feel so afraid
‪무서울까요?‬of being honest?
‪자신한테만 정직하시면 돼요‬Just be honest with yourself.
‪속으로‬On the inside.
‪아, 네‬I see.
‪어유, 깜짝이야‬Gosh, that scared me.
‪전 오늘 바로‬ ‪탈퇴할 뻔했어요, 무서워서‬I was so scared, I almost quit immediately.
‪[향기의 웃음]‬I was so scared, I almost quit immediately.
‪(미정) 치즈 살까, 육포 살까?‬Shall I buy cheese or jerky?
‪그냥 둘 다 샀어요‬I just bought both.
‪[통화 연결음]‬MR. GU CALL
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[버스 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[멀어지는 버스 엔진음]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬ ‪[멀리서 개가 짖는다]‬
‪염미정이다‬It's Yeom Mi-jeong!
‪(미정) 그분은 진짜‬ ‪그냥 해피한 사람인 줄 알았는데‬I thought that lady was genuinely a really happy person.
‪다들 힘들게 연기하며 사나 봐‬I guess everyone is just pretending.
‪(구 씨) 연기 아닌 인생이‬ ‪어디 있냐?‬Does anyone live without pretending?
‪(미정) 그쪽도 연기하나?‬Do you pretend, too?
‪(구 씨) 무지 한다‬All the time.
‪넌 안 하냐?‬Don't you?
‪(미정) 하지‬Of course I do.
‪수더분한 척‬I pretend to be easygoing.
‪또 어떻게 생각하면‬If you think about it another way,
‪다들 연기하며 사니까‬it's because everyone is pretending that life on Earth flows so smoothly.
‪이 정도로 지구가‬ ‪단정하게 흘러가는 거지‬it's because everyone is pretending that life on Earth flows so smoothly.
‪내가 오늘‬ ‪아무 연기도 안 한다고 하면‬If I lived today without pretending at all,
‪어떤 인간 잡아먹을걸?‬I would've killed and eaten someone.
‪난 이상하게‬ ‪너무너무 사랑스러운 걸 보면‬It's weird, but when I see something cute, I get the urge to squeeze it and eat it.
‪주물러 터트려서 먹어 버리고 싶어‬It's weird, but when I see something cute, I get the urge to squeeze it and eat it.
‪한입에 꿀꺽‬In one bite.
‪이제 아무 얘기나 막 하는구나‬You just tell me anything you want now.
‪[구 씨의 한숨]‬
‪[창희의 한숨]‬
‪(창희) 정 선배 아버진‬ ‪그래도 정 선배보단 양반이야‬Ms. Jeong's dad is still better than her.
‪애는 먹이는데‬He's annoying, but he doesn't turn you inside out or anything.
‪막 사람 속 뒤집어 놓고‬ ‪그러진 않아‬He's annoying, but he doesn't turn you inside out or anything.
‪정 선배는‬ ‪내가 알지도 못하는 인간 욕을‬Ms. Jeong badmouths someone I don't even know for an hour
‪한 시간을 해 놓고‬Ms. Jeong badmouths someone I don't even know for an hour
‪끝에 한다는 말이 나랑 닮았대‬and tells me that I'm like them, after cursing them out for an hour.
‪한 시간을 욕해 놓고‬and tells me that I'm like them, after cursing them out for an hour.
‪[민규의 한숨]‬ ‪(직원1) 어째 슬슬‬Why does it feel like the effect of the car is slowly wearing off?
‪자동차 약발이 떨어지는 느낌이다‬Why does it feel like the effect of the car is slowly wearing off?
‪씁, 나는 차보다는‬ ‪연애가 아닐까 싶다‬In my opinion, getting a girlfriend would be more effective.
‪어? 나 연애라 그랬다‬I said get a girlfriend. I didn't say get marriage.
‪절대 결혼이라고 안 했다‬ ‪[민규가 피식 웃는다]‬I said get a girlfriend. I didn't say get marriage.
‪왜 이래, 유부남?‬What's wrong, married man?
‪하, 쯧‬
‪나 우리 상지 진짜 사랑해‬I really love Sang-ji.
‪(직원1) 끔찍하게 사랑해, 근데‬I love her like crazy. But…
‪힘들어‬ ‪[함께 웃는다]‬It's hard.
‪어? 다연이‬Da-yeon!
‪(민규) 오랜만이다‬ ‪[다연의 웃음]‬It's been ages.
‪이제 끝났어?‬Did you just get off?
‪(다연) 어‬-Yes. -I thought you said you couldn't come?
‪(민규) 못 온다더니?‬-Yes. -I thought you said you couldn't come?
‪어, 그냥 집에 가려다가‬Well, I was going to go home then heard Chang-hee was here.
‪창희 있다 그래서‬Well, I was going to go home then heard Chang-hee was here.
‪(민규와 직원1) 오‬
‪(직원1) 야, 뭐야?‬Hey, what's wrong? She's being very forward. Why are you ignoring it?
‪저렇게 막 밀고 들어오는데‬ ‪왜 모른 척해?‬Hey, what's wrong? She's being very forward. Why are you ignoring it?
‪(창희) 뭘 또 막 밀고 들어와‬What do you mean, "forward"?
‪아, 뭐, 그럼 얼마나 더‬ ‪밀고 들어와야 되는 거야?‬How much more obvious can it be?
‪[창희가 숨을 씁 들이켠다]‬
‪(직원1) 에?‬What's with him?
‪(민규) [웃으며] 뭐야?‬What's with him?
‪[감성적인 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪(직원1) 내 입시‬When you're finally done with your education, job-hunting,
‪취업, 출산, 육아를 끝내고 나면‬When you're finally done with your education, job-hunting, having kids, and raising them,
‪또 자식의 입시‬ ‪취업, 출산, 육아를 위해‬you move on to their education, job-hunting, and raising children, all over again, you know?
‪달리는 거야‬and raising children, all over again, you know?
‪남녀가 만나서 둘이 좋으면 그만‬A man and woman meeting and falling in love should be the end.
‪거기까지만 가야 하는데‬It should stop there.
‪'우리 애는 낳지 말자'라는 말이‬But saying, "Let's not have kids,"
‪꼭 '너에 대한 애정은‬ ‪여기까지야'라는‬But saying, "Let's not have kids," sounds super cold, like you're saying, "I don't love you that much."
‪냉정한 말 같아서‬sounds super cold, like you're saying, "I don't love you that much."
‪그 말을 못 하고‬That's why people can't say it.
‪둘이 사이좋게 손잡고‬ ‪고생문을 활짝 열고 들어가서‬So they end up opening the door to a lifetime of hardship
‪고생스러운 인간을 또 하나‬and cause another person
‪만든다‬to suffer.
‪[직원1의 한숨]‬
‪그러니까 애는 낳지 말자는 게‬So, how do we explain nicely to women
‪절대로 당신을 사랑하지 않는다는‬ ‪의미가 아니라는 거를‬that not wanting to have children with them
‪여자들이 알아듣게, 어?‬doesn't mean you don't love them?
‪잘, 어?‬doesn't mean you don't love them?
‪창희야, 어?‬Chang-hee. How?
‪(창희) 알아들었니?‬Did you understand?
‪[다연이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪(직원1) 치‬
‪(직원2) 야, 너희들‬ ‪저번에도 이런 분위기더니‬Hey, you guys had this kind of vibe last time, too. Are you still there?
‪아직까지 이런 분위기냐? 어?‬ ‪[직원들의 한숨]‬Hey, you guys had this kind of vibe last time, too. Are you still there?
‪아, 얘네 뭐야?‬What's going on with you two?
‪오빠가 오늘‬Should I
‪데려다줄까?‬give you a ride home tonight?
‪[다연이 피식 웃는다]‬
‪(직원들) 오!‬
‪(직원1) ♪ 빰 빰빠밤 ♪‬
‪(직원들) ♪ 빰 빰빠밤 ♪‬ ‪[창희의 웃음]‬Stop it.
‪[저마다 결혼 행진곡을 흥얼댄다]‬
‪(직원1) 어, 야, 야, 야, 야!‬Hey.
‪아유, 오빠가 데려다준다는데‬ ‪오징어를 먹으면…‬Hey, he's offering you a ride home. You can't eat the squid…
‪과일 먹어, 과일, 어?‬Have some fruit, all right? It's sweet.
‪상큼하게‬ ‪[직원1과 다연의 웃음]‬Have some fruit, all right? It's sweet.
‪[저마다 인사한다]‬ ‪- (창희) 가, 들어가‬ ‪- (직원1) 응‬-Bye! -Bye! -Take care. -Yes.
‪[직원1이 중얼거린다]‬ ‪(창희) 가‬-See you. -Go.
‪(직원1) 아이고, 아이고‬Gosh…
‪(직원들) ♪ 빰 빰빠밤 ♪‬Hey!
‪- (다연) 야‬ ‪- (창희) 가‬ ‪[직원들이 연신 흥얼거린다]‬Hey! Off you go.
‪(직원1) 파이팅!‬Good luck.
‪[직원1의 웃음]‬
‪[창희의 한숨]‬
‪(다연) 안 받아?‬Aren't they picking up?
‪[창희의 한숨]‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪잠깐만, 있어 봐‬Give me a sec. Stay here.
‪(창희) 사장님‬ ‪6145 차주분 혹시…‬Excuse me, is the owner of car number 6145 here?
‪저, 혹시 6145 차주분…‬Is the owner of car number 6145 here?
‪6145 차주분…‬Is the owner of car number 6145 here?
‪[창희의 한숨]‬
‪(창희) 아씨, 쯧‬
‪(창희) 미안하다‬I'm sorry.
‪뭐가, 다음에 태워다 주면 되지‬What for? You can just give me a ride next time.
‪[창희의 한숨]‬
‪(다연) 어, 왔다‬It's here.
‪- 갈게‬ ‪- (창희) 응‬-I'll see you, then. -Yes.
‪(다연) 이따 싸우지 말고‬Don't fight with them.
‪[차 문이 달칵 열린다]‬ ‪(창희) 조심해서 가‬Get home safe.
‪갈게‬Good night.
‪잘 가‬ ‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬Good night.
‪[차 리모컨 작동음]‬
‪[다가오는 발걸음]‬
‪(창희) 저기요‬Excuse me
‪전화를 안 받으면 어떡해요‬ ‪차를 이렇게 대 놓고‬How could you not answer your phone after parking like this?
‪(남자2) 아, 전화 안 왔었는데?‬But I didn't get any calls.
‪무슨 전화가 안 와요‬What do you mean? I called you so many times.
‪내가 전화를 몇 번을 했는데‬What do you mean? I called you so many times.
‪아, 안 왔어요‬I didn't receive any.
‪(남자2) 보세요, 안 왔어요‬Look. I didn't.
‪봐 봐요‬Look at this. See how many times I called you.
‪봐요, 내가 전화 얼마나 많이 했나‬Look at this. See how many times I called you.
‪아, 잘못 누르셨네‬You've got the number wrong.
‪0이 아니고 8인데, 8‬It's eight, not zero.
‪(창희) 하, 씨‬And you must've kept pressing redial.
‪(남자2) 아유, 그걸 계속‬ ‪재발신만 눌렀으니‬And you must've kept pressing redial.
‪아무렴 차를 이렇게 대 놓고‬ ‪내가 전화를 안 받을까요‬Why would I not answer my phone when I parked my car here?
‪어유, 어쩐지‬ ‪이상하다 이상하다 했어‬I thought it was odd that no one asked me to move my car.
‪빼 달란 소리 없어서‬ ‪[차 문이 달칵 열린다]‬I thought it was odd that no one asked me to move my car. Then…
‪그럼 좀‬Then…
‪좀 나와 보죠, 그러면‬you should have come check.
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬ ‪(기정) 경기도 사는 여자‬ ‪오래 만나는 법‬"How to date a woman who lives in Gyeonggi."
‪절대 태워다 주지 마세요‬Never give me a ride home.
‪데려다주고 집에 가려면‬ ‪엄청 멀어요‬It will take forever for you to get back.
‪두 번은 못 데려다주겠다 싶어요‬You'll think you won't do it ever again.
‪근데 또 한번 태워다 줬는데‬ ‪다시 안 태워다 주면‬But if you do it once and never do it again,
‪씁, 또 뭔가 잘못된 것 같고‬it'll feel like I did something wrong and I'll feel sad.
‪막 서운하고 막 그래요‬it'll feel like I did something wrong and I'll feel sad.
‪그러니까 처음부터‬ ‪절대 태워다 주지 마세요‬So, just never give me a ride from the beginning.
‪저도 어쩌다‬ ‪누가 막 태워다 준다 그러면‬When someone offers sometimes, I say no and run away.
‪'아니에요, 아니에요'‬ ‪그러고 막 도망가요‬When someone offers sometimes, I say no and run away. Even when the subway has closed, I say it's still running and run away.
‪어? 전철 끊겼는데도‬Even when the subway has closed, I say it's still running and run away.
‪'아니에요, 전철 안 끊겼어요'‬Even when the subway has closed, I say it's still running and run away.
‪그러고 뻥치고 막 도망가요‬ ‪[태훈의 웃음]‬Even when the subway has closed, I say it's still running and run away.
‪[기정의 웃음]‬
‪자‬All right.
‪이제 아이 키우는 남자 만나는 법‬Now, please teach me how to date a guy who has a child.
‪팁 주시죠‬Now, please teach me how to date a guy who has a child.
‪[머뭇거리는 숨소리]‬
‪[멋쩍은 웃음]‬
‪괜찮아요, 알아야죠‬It's okay. I should know.
‪(태훈) 음…‬
‪크리스마스, 새해‬On holidays like Christmas and New Year's Day,
‪이런 날 못 만나요‬we won't be able to spend time together.
‪(기정) 음‬Right.
‪음, 좋아하는 사람하고‬ ‪있어야 되는 그런 날엔‬Since you have to be alone on the days you should spend time
‪(태훈) 정작 혼자니까‬with the person you like,
‪기운 빠지실 거예요‬you'll become dispirited.
‪(기정) 음‬
‪느낌 오네요, 예‬I get what you're trying to say.
‪근데 뭐, 밸런타인데이며‬ ‪무슨 무슨 날에‬Well, I'm not really the type to place a lot of importance
‪그렇게 크게 의미 부여하는‬ ‪스타일 아니라서요, 예‬Well, I'm not really the type to place a lot of importance on days like Valentine's Day or whatever.
‪그리고 또요?‬And what else?
‪(태훈) 어…‬Well, the other things are
‪나머진‬Well, the other things are
‪다 예상되는 거예요‬just things that you would expect.
‪바쁘고‬I'll be busy,
‪돌발 변수 많고‬many unexpected things will crop up,
‪약속하고‬and I might even cancel our plans sometimes.
‪펑크 낼 때도 있을 거예요‬and I might even cancel our plans sometimes.
‪1초도 고민하지 마시고‬ ‪바로 전화해서‬Don't hesitate for even a second, and just call me right away
‪절대 미안해하지도 말고‬ ‪바로 펑크 내세요‬and cancel them. No apologies.
‪부담 없이‬and cancel them. No apologies.
‪[기정이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[옅은 한숨]‬
‪(유림) 그 아줌마 좋아?‬Do you like that lady?
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(유림) 고모 친구‬Auntie's friend.
‪어디가 좋은데?‬Why do you like her?
‪[태훈의 고민하는 숨소리]‬
‪(태훈) 음…‬
‪아빠를‬She lets me…
‪쉬게 해 줘‬relax.
‪1분만 쉬세요‬Catch your breath, just for a minute.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪(태훈) 파이팅 넘치게‬I don't have to be
‪즐겁지 않아도 돼서‬super energetic and fun.
‪좋아‬That's why.
‪아, 아빠가‬You know that I'm…
‪그렇게 즐거운 사람은‬You know that I'm…
‪아니잖아‬not that fun.
‪다행이네‬That's good.
‪(태훈) 저, 오늘은‬ ‪제가 태워다 드릴게요‬I'll give you a ride today. It's fine, I told you earlier.
‪(기정) 아유, 아니에요‬ ‪아까 말했잖아요‬It's fine, I told you earlier.
‪괜찮아요, 갈게요, 예‬I'm okay. I'll be off, then.
‪(태훈) 아, 제가‬ ‪태워다 드리고 싶어서 그래요‬I really want to give you a ride.
‪타세요‬Get in, please.
‪(기정) 아‬ ‪여기서 전철 타면 금방인데‬I can just take the train.
‪뭐 하러 거기까지 가요?‬Why would you drive that far? I'm off, all right?
‪저 갈게요, 예‬Why would you drive that far? I'm off, all right?
‪(태훈) 아, 진짜‬ ‪태워다 드리고 싶어서 그래요‬Really, I want to give you a ride.
‪(기정) 아이, 들어가세요, 얼른‬No! You should go home. I'll see you. Good night.
‪예, 갈게요, 예‬No! You should go home. I'll see you. Good night.
‪이런 바보‬You idiot.
‪차를 안 타면 어디서 키스를 하냐?‬Where else are you going to kiss him?
‪이런, 씨‬Damn it.
‪오늘 키스하자는 거였어‬He probably meant to kiss me tonight.
‪[밝은 음악]‬
‪다음에 우리 꼭 자요‬Let's sleep together next time!
‪[끼익 멈추는 효과음]‬
‪[아름의 탄식]‬
‪[아름이 칭얼거린다]‬ ‪[키보드 조작음]‬
‪(아름) 아니, 이게 왜‬ ‪본사 직원이 사과해야 되는 거냐고‬I mean, why does an HQ employee have to apologize for this?
‪내가 한숨 쉬었어?‬Did I sigh? It was the store owner who sighed.
‪점주가 한숨 쉬었지‬Did I sigh? It was the store owner who sighed.
‪아니, 한창 바쁜 시간에‬I mean, I'm so busy right now.
‪10원짜리, 100원짜리‬ ‪동전 가지고 와 가지고‬It's annoying enough that this crazy guy paid for a pack of cigarettes
‪담배 사는 놈도 미친놈이지만‬It's annoying enough that this crazy guy paid for a pack of cigarettes with 10 and 100 won coins.
‪아니, 점주도 그래‬But the store owner counted all the coins and sighed while other customers watched.
‪딴 손님들 보는 데서‬counted all the coins and sighed while other customers watched.
‪한숨 쉬어 가면서‬ ‪일일이 돈 세는 것도‬counted all the coins and sighed while other customers watched.
‪그것도 진상 아니야?‬Isn't that also being an asshole? At that busy time?
‪그 바쁜 시간에?‬Isn't that also being an asshole? At that busy time?
‪아, 정말, 진짜‬Seriously.
‪어유! 씨‬God damn it!
‪아, 왜 모욕의 대가를‬ ‪나한테 받겠다고 지랄이냐고!‬Why does he want to get an apology from me?
‪아, 진짜 아무 상관 없는 나한테‬I have nothing to do with it!
‪(현욱) 그만하자, 좀‬That's enough.
‪(아름) 아니, 그렇잖아요‬I mean, think about it. Why do we have to apologize for things that happen
‪아니, 왜 우리가‬Why do we have to apologize for things that happen
‪점주랑 손님 사이에 있었던 일까지‬ ‪사과해야 되는 거냐고요‬Why do we have to apologize for things that happen between the store owner and a customer?
‪안 그래, 염 대리?‬Don't you agree, Mr. Yeom?
‪(현욱) 염 대리‬ ‪이따가 나랑 드라이브 한번 하자‬Chang-hee! Let's go for a drive together later, all right?
‪나 잠깐 저기‬ ‪강동 지사 갔다 와야 되는데‬I need to visit the Gangdong branch later. Is that okay?
‪되지?‬ ‪[아름의 한숨]‬I need to visit the Gangdong branch later. Is that okay?
‪(아름) [발을 구르며] 아! 진짜‬ ‪[한숨]‬Seriously.
‪[아름이 씩씩거린다]‬ ‪[키보드 조작음]‬
‪[민규의 한숨]‬
‪(민규) 어제 거긴?‬-What about that place yesterday? -I said it wasn't there.
‪아니라니까‬-What about that place yesterday? -I said it wasn't there. There was a car blocking this car.
‪내 앞의 차가 막고 있었는데‬ ‪누가 어떻게 나가?‬There was a car blocking this car.
‪[달려오는 발걸음]‬
‪- (남자3) 안녕하세요, 예, 예‬ ‪- (현욱) 아, 여기‬-Hello, yes, hi. -Here.
‪(현욱) 이거 우리 직원 차인데‬This is my colleague's car…
‪(남자3) 오, 성공하셨네‬Looks like you've made it big.
‪(현욱) 아, 아니야‬No. Just take a look.
‪야, 이거 봐 봐‬No. Just take a look.
‪(남자3) 아이고‬Oh, dear.
‪아이고‬Oh, dear.
‪[남자3이 숨을 들이켠다]‬Oh, dear.
‪언제 이런 거예요?‬When did it happen?
‪그걸 모른대‬He doesn't know.
‪오늘 출근해서 보니까 이렇더래‬He says it was like this when he came to work today.
‪(현욱) 저 블랙박스에‬ ‪메모리 칩이 없다네‬And the car dashcam doesn't have a memory chip in it.
‪(남자3) 아휴‬
‪(현욱) 이런 차는 블랙박스 말고‬ ‪뭐 더 있지 않을까?‬Wouldn't this kind of car have more than just a dashcam?
‪[웃으며] 그런 게 어디 있어요, 씁‬Of course not.
‪(남자3) 긁힌 위치를 보니까‬ ‪승용차인데‬From the location of the scratch, it must have been a sedan…
‪은색이네‬And it's silver.
‪펄 실버, 어?‬
‪[남자3의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪그, 일단‬First, you need to remember the places you parked in
‪어디어디 주차를 했었는지‬ ‪최대한 기억을 해 내 가지고‬First, you need to remember the places you parked in
‪거기 CCTV‬ ‪뒤져 보는 수밖에 없어요‬and go through the CCTV footage.
‪경찰서에 사고 접수하고 가시면‬ ‪다 보여 줘요‬If you report it to the police, they'll show you.
‪그, 짚이는 데가 있긴 한데‬There's one place I'm thinking of.
‪어제 낮에 주차해 둔 데인데 거기‬The place we parked yesterday afternoon.
‪CCTV가 없다네‬But they don't have any CCTV.
‪(남자3) 아유‬ ‪안 되려고 기를 쓰네‬Gosh, you guys just have no luck.
‪[남자3의 웃음]‬
‪그러면은, 어‬Then what do we do?
‪그러면은 이제, 씁, 그래‬Then what do we do? Right.
‪어제 그 시간에‬ ‪거기다가 주차했던 사람들한테‬We need to ask people who parked there yesterday
‪블랙박스 좀 보여 달라‬ ‪그럴 수밖에 없죠‬if we could see their dashcam footage.
‪거기 주차했던 사람을‬ ‪어떻게 찾아?‬How will we find those people?
‪(남자3) 그러니까 지금 거길 가서‬So, you need to go there right now
‪거기다가 주차해 놓은 사람들한테‬ ‪일일이 물어보는 거예요‬and ask all the people who have parked there one by one.
‪혹시 어제 그 시간에도‬ ‪여기다가 차를 댔느냐‬"Did you park your car here yesterday afternoon too?"
‪그래서 댔다 그러면은‬ ‪부탁을 하는 거지‬And if you find anyone, then you should ask them to show you the footage.
‪블랙박스 한번 보여 달라고‬ ‪[창희의 한숨]‬And if you find anyone, then you should ask them to show you the footage.
‪아, 그‬ ‪빨리 알아보셔야 될 거예요‬You'll have to hurry up.
‪상시 녹화는‬ ‪하루 지나면 삭제되니까‬Dashcam footage only lasts for one day. One day?
‪(현욱) 하루?‬One day?
‪아, 이런 차는‬Aren't you supposed to look around the car every time you get in and out?
‪타고 내릴 때마다 이렇게‬ ‪한 바퀴 돌아봐 주는 게‬Aren't you supposed to look around the car every time you get in and out?
‪예의 아니냐?‬It's a luxury car.
‪아, 처음엔 그랬죠, 씨‬I did, at first!
‪(준호) 사내 디자인 공모전 떴던데‬The company is holding a design contest.
‪1등은 디자인실에서 나와야지?‬The winner should come from the design department, shouldn't it?
‪이번에도‬ ‪다른 부서에서 1등 나오면‬I'll be really embarrassed if another department wins it this time, too.
‪진짜 면 떨어진다‬I'll be really embarrassed if another department wins it this time, too.
‪김지희‬Kim Ji-hui.
‪네‬Yes, sir.
‪한수진‬Han Su-jin.
‪네‬Yes, sir.
‪신경 좀 써 봐‬Pay extra attention to it.
‪(준호) 숨겨 둔 실력 좀 보여 줘‬Show me what you're made of.
‪상금에 인사 고과 생각하면‬ ‪애써 볼 만하지 않아?‬The prize money and evaluation merits are worth putting in the effort for, no?
‪(보람) 기분 나쁘게‬ ‪꼭 사람 건너뛰고‬What an asshole. Leaving out us temps…
‪언니, 1등 먹고 정규직 가자‬Mi-jeong, you should win it and get a permanent position.
‪올해 정규직 전환 안 되면‬ ‪언니 무조건 나가야 되잖아‬Don't you have to leave the company if you don't get it this year?
‪디자인 공모전 1등을‬ ‪설마 내보내겠어?‬They wouldn't fire an employee who's won the design contest.
‪언니, 오늘부터 어금니 꽉 깨물고‬ ‪밤새워요‬You should pull all-nighters to win.
‪내년엔 내가 1등 먹고‬And I'll win next year.
‪[보람의 한숨]‬
‪[커피 머신 조작음]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪[비닐장갑을 쓱 벗는다]‬
‪아이고, 아이고, 아이고, 이런‬Gosh. Goodness me.
‪- (기정) 또 뭐?‬ ‪- (혜숙) 아유, 참‬-What is it now? -Gosh.
‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪(혜숙) 아이고, 이 양반‬ ‪핸드폰을 놓고 나갔네, 어?‬ ‪[통화 종료음]‬Gosh, he left his phone at home!
‪아, 저, 창희 어디쯤인지‬ ‪전화해 봐, 어?‬Call Chang-hee and ask him where he is.
‪올 때 황태포 하나 사 오라 그래‬Tell him to pick up some dried pollack.
‪(제호) 예, 예, 고맙습니다‬Yes, thank you.
‪[출입문 종소리]‬
‪[출입문 종소리]‬
‪[차 문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[혜숙이 주전자를 툭 놓는다]‬
‪[미정의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[상이 탁 놓인다]‬ ‪(혜숙) 구 씨 얼른 와‬ ‪한잔하라 그래, 응?‬Tell Mr. Gu to come over and have a drink.
‪(제호) 차 얼마 주고 빌렸어?‬How much did you pay to rent that car?
‪두환이 가게 앞에 있는 차‬The car in front of Du-hwan's café. How much did you pay to rent it?
‪그거 얼마 주고 빌렸어?‬The car in front of Du-hwan's café. How much did you pay to rent it?
‪(창희) 빌리긴 어디서 빌려요‬What do you mean "rent"?
‪리스한 거 아니에요, 친구 차예요‬I didn't lease it. It's a friend's.
‪친구 누구?‬Which friend?
‪아버지가 제 친구 다 알아요?‬Do you know all of my friends, Dad? Just one of them.
‪(창희) 있어요‬Do you know all of my friends, Dad? Just one of them.
‪친구 누구!‬Which friend?
‪구 씨요‬Gu.
‪예, 구 씨 어마어마한 부자예요‬That's right, Gu's superrich.
‪타고 다니라고 저 줬어요‬He lent it to me to drive around.
‪미정이 얘 노난 거예요, 아빠‬Mi-jeong's so lucky, Dad. She's hit the jackpot.
‪(기정) 대박 잡았어‬Mi-jeong's so lucky, Dad. She's hit the jackpot.
‪[제호가 코를 훌쩍인다]‬
‪남의 차 끌지 마‬Don’t drive other people's cars.
‪[창희의 한숨]‬
‪아니, 한집에서‬ ‪한솥밥 먹는 사람이 타라고 준 차‬We eat with him under one roof. Isn't he practically family?
‪(창희) 좀 몰면 안 돼요?‬We eat with him under one roof. Isn't he practically family?
‪내 평생 저런 차‬ ‪몰아 볼 리 만무한데‬I'll never drive a car like that again.
‪원님 덕에 나발 좀 불면 안 돼요?‬Can't I just enjoy this moment?
‪어떻게 제가 조금이라도‬ ‪즐거운 꼴을 못 보세요?‬It's like you hate that I'm happy.
‪(제호) 남의 차를 왜 몰아!‬ ‪남의 차를, 쯧‬Why would you drive someone else's car?
‪그것도 몇억짜리를!‬Such an expensive car, at that.
‪[기정의 한숨]‬
‪그냥 '알았습니다' 하고‬ ‪몰래 끌면 되잖아‬Just say, "I understand," and drive it in secret, you dumbass.
‪이 멍청한 새끼야‬Just say, "I understand," and drive it in secret, you dumbass.
‪(혜숙) 구 씨 와, 그만해‬Mr. Gu is on his way, stop it.
‪구 씨 와요‬Mr. Gu is coming.
‪[제호의 한숨]‬ ‪[문이 달칵 여닫힌다]‬
‪어서 와 앉아요, 어?‬Come have a seat, all right?
‪[혜숙의 힘주는 신음]‬
‪[혜숙이 잘그락거린다]‬
‪자, 자‬Here.
‪[조르르 따르는 소리]‬
‪[제호의 한숨]‬
‪[젓가락을 툭 놓는다]‬
‪[미정이 달그락거린다]‬
‪왜?‬What are you doing?
‪(혜숙) 어?‬What?
‪가서 먹으려고‬I'll eat somewhere else.
‪그냥 여기서 먹어, 쯧‬Just eat here.
‪[젓가락을 툭 놓는다]‬
‪[미정이 쟁반을 툭 놓는다]‬
‪[바람이 쏴 분다]‬ ‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪(두환) 야, 괜히 야매로 했다가‬ ‪더 망하지 말고‬Stop trying to fix it on your own.
‪그냥 솔직하게 얘기해‬Stop trying to fix it on your own. Just tell him the truth.
‪형한테 이실직고하고‬ ‪그냥 몇 대 맞고‬Just tell Mr. Gu the truth and get hit a few times.
‪보험으로 하자‬And use the insurance.
‪형 보험 있어, 백 퍼 있어‬He definitely has insurance on the car. I'm sure.
‪안 끌고 다닌다고‬ ‪뭐, 보험 없겠냐?‬He owns it, doesn't he?
‪[괴로운 신음]‬
‪[입소리를 쯧 낸다]‬
‪[힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪(두환) 어, 안녕하세요‬Hello…
‪[구 씨가 부스럭거린다]‬
‪[창희의 비명]‬ ‪[흥미진진한 음악]‬
‪[창희의 겁먹은 신음]‬
‪(창희) 어떤 게 나을까?‬What would be better? Would it be better to just get on my knees here and spare Gu the trouble?
‪형을 덜 고생시키고‬ ‪여기서 딱 무릎 꿇는 게 나을까?‬Would it be better to just get on my knees here and spare Gu the trouble?
‪아니면 최대한 진을 빼 놔서‬ ‪때릴 힘도 없게 만드는 게 나을까?‬Or should I make him too exhausted to even hit me?
‪[창희의 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪저 형이‬But would he ever get too exhausted to hit me?
‪때릴 힘이 없어질까?‬But would he ever get too exhausted to hit me?
‪[창희의 비명]‬
‪[창희의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪(여자) [떨리는 목소리로]‬ ‪너란 인간은‬You are like…
‪너란 인간은…‬You are like…
‪(구 씨) 시끄러워!‬ ‪나란 인간 나만 알면 돼‬Stop! I'm the only one who needs to understand me. You don't need to act like you know me.
‪너까지 아는 척 떠들 필요 없어‬You don't need to act like you know me.
‪(미정) 거칠고 투명해‬You're rough and transparent.
‪(구 씨) 미쳤구나?‬You're crazy.
‪투명해‬You're transparent.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪[다가오는 오토바이 엔진음]‬Mr. Gu!
‪(두환) 형, 형!‬Mr. Gu! Mr. Gu!
‪[창희의 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪야, 창희야!‬Hey, Chang-hee! Here!
‪창희야! 야‬Hey, Chang-hee! Here!
‪(창희) 되는 일이 없다‬Nothing goes my way.
‪(현아) 내가 작가나 해 볼까 하고‬ ‪잠깐 작법책 본 적 있는데‬I once read a book about how to be a good writer to become a writer,
‪좋은 드라마란‬and it said that a good drama is
‪주인공이 뭔가를 이루려고‬ ‪무지 애쓰는데 안 되는 거래‬one where the main character tries hard to achieve something but can't do it.
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪(현아) 그거 보고 접었어‬So I gave up.
‪인생이랑 똑같은 걸 뭐 하러 써?‬Why would I write something that's like life? It's so boring.
‪재미없게‬Why would I write something that's like life? It's so boring.
‪[창희의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪(현아) 그 사람이 너 보고 싶대‬He says he wants to meet you.
‪내가 맨날 '창희, 창희' 했으니까‬Since I told him about you all the time.
‪[안내 음성이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[카드 인식음]‬
‪[안내 음성] 스크린 도어가‬ ‪열립니다‬
‪[가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[창희의 가쁜 숨소리]‬ ‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[힘겨운 숨을 내뱉는다]‬
‪[창희가 가쁜 숨을 고른다]‬
‪[구 씨의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악이 흘러나온다]‬
‪[현진의 헛기침]‬
‪(현진) 야, 이게 누구야?‬Look who's here.
‪웬일이냐, 여기까지?‬You came all the way here? What's gotten into you?
‪(구 씨) 마담으로 있을 때‬When I was running the club,
‪정말 더럽게 안 팔리던‬ ‪선수 새끼 하나 있었는데‬we had this guy who was super unpopular.
‪안 팔릴 만했어, 애새끼가‬I got why he was unpopular, that punk.
‪인간의 맛이 없어‬He had no charm.
‪인간이라면 무슨, 응?‬I mean, everyone has
‪맛이라는 게 있는데‬their own charm.
‪입만 열면 거짓말에 잘난 척에‬He would lie or brag all the time.
‪그래서 내가 더럽게 구박했는데‬So I really laid into him.
‪이 바닥에서 사라졌나 했는데‬ ‪여전히 있더라고‬I wondered if he would have quit, but he still works in this field.
‪'저 새끼가‬ ‪어떻게 살아남았나' 했더니‬So I thought, "How the hell did that asshole survive?"
‪산타가 됐더라고‬It turned out he became a dealer.
‪약 판대‬He sells drugs.
‪얼마 전에 그놈 봤어‬ ‪백 사장 가게에서‬And I saw him at Baek's place a few days ago.
‪쯧, 백 사장 그 새끼 약 팔아‬Baek, that bastard is selling drugs.
‪(현진) 아…‬Baek, that bastard is selling drugs.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪백, 백 사장 친다?‬I'll attack Baek then!
‪너 믿고 친다?‬I'm going to trust you, okay?
‪회장님한테 말한다, 너 온다고!‬I'm telling Chairman Shin that you're coming back!
‪[현진의 헛웃음]‬
‪그러게 생겼다‬Now I can understand her.
‪뭐, 어떻게 생겼는데요?‬What do you mean?
‪[혁수의 웃음]‬
‪[사이렌이 요란하게 울린다]‬ ‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪(형사1) 사무실엔 없습니다‬He's not in the office.
‪(형사2) 사무실 말고‬ ‪딴 데 있다니까‬Of course not. I told you.
‪[달려오는 발걸음]‬
‪야, 출입구 통제하고‬ ‪2인 1조로 수색해‬Hey, block the exits and search in groups of two!
‪[경찰들이 대답한다]‬ ‪(형사3) 가자!‬-Yes, sir! -Let's go.
‪[백 사장의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪야, 이 개새끼야‬You bastard. So are you going to come up here?
‪뭐, 어떻게, 올라오시겠다고?‬You bastard. So are you going to come up here?
‪(백 사장) 올라와 봐‬ ‪이 새끼야! 씨‬Get up here and try me, you bastard!
‪내가 이래서 호빠로 큰 새끼들을‬ ‪안 믿는 거야‬This is why I don't trust bastards who worked in host bars.
‪(백 사장) 정정당당을 몰라‬ ‪이 새끼들이, 씨‬You bastards don't know how to play fair.
‪야, 뭐, 맞짱 뜨러 올 거 같더니‬ ‪뒤통수나 치고, 이씨‬You acted like you would come fight me in person. But you just ratted me out.
‪너 그냥 거기서 딱 기다리고 있어‬ ‪이 개새끼야‬You just wait there for me, you son of a bitch.
‪내가 지금 산포로 떠 주려니까‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬I'll go to Sanpo right now.
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[휴대전화를 툭 놓는다]‬
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬
‪(구 씨) 그만 가 볼까 하고‬I've decided to leave.
‪어딜?‬Where will you go?
‪(구 씨) 서울에‬To Seoul.
‪(미정) 갑자기 왜?‬Why all of a sudden?
‪(구 씨) 응, 그렇게 됐어‬It just happened.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[문이 탁 닫힌다]‬
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[술병이 잘그랑거린다]‬
‪가끔 연락할게‬I'll call you sometimes.
‪가끔 봐‬ ‪한 달에 한 번, 두 달에 한 번‬Let's meet once a month, or once every two months.
‪(구 씨) 뭐 하러?‬What for?
‪[구 씨의 한숨]‬I want to live a clear-cut life.
‪깔끔하게 살고 싶다‬I want to live a clear-cut life.
‪내가 무슨 일 하면서‬ ‪어떻게 살았는지‬I'm sure you roughly know
‪전혀 감 못 잡진 않았을 거고‬what kind of life I led until now.
‪이 세계는 이 세계인 거고‬This world is this world,
‪그 세계는 그 세계인 거고‬and that world is that world.
‪상관없다고 했잖아‬ ‪어떻게 살았는지‬I told you, I don't care what kind of life you've led.
‪어떻게 살았는지 상관없다고‬You don't care what kind of life I've led?
‪어떻게 사는지도 상관없겠냐?‬What about the kind of life I'll live?
‪난 괜찮거든‬I'm just fine
‪내 인생‬with my life.
‪[술병이 잘그랑거린다]‬
‪욕하고 싶으면 해‬Curse me out if you want.
‪나중에 후회하지 말고‬Don't regret it later.
‪해‬Go ahead.
‪화 안 나냐?‬Aren't you angry?
‪'나는' 뭐?‬You're what?
‪말해‬Say it.
‪화는 안 나‬not angry.
‪그만두고 떠난다는데 화 안 나?‬I'm quitting and leaving, but you're not angry?
‪돌아가고 싶다는 거잖아‬You want to go back.
‪가고 싶다는 건데‬You want to leave,
‪가지 말라고 할 수는 있어‬and I could tell you not to…
‪(미정) 더 있다 가라고‬ ‪할 수도 있어‬or I could ask you to stay longer.
‪서운해‬I'm just sad.
‪근데 화는 안 나‬But I'm not angry.
‪모르지, 나중에 화날지도‬I don't know, I might be angry later.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪(구 씨) 너도‬You too.
‪웬만하면 서울 들어가 살아, 응?‬Live in Seoul if possible, all right?
‪평범하게‬Like an ordinary person.
‪사람들 틈에서‬Surrounded by people.
‪지금도 평범해‬I'm ordinary now, too. Exhaustingly ordinary.
‪지겹게 평범해‬Exhaustingly ordinary. Being ordinary…
‪(구 씨) 평범은‬Being ordinary…
‪[구 씨의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪같은 욕망을 가질 때‬is when you have common desires.
‪그럴 때 평범하다고 하는 거야‬That's when you can say you're ordinary.
‪추앙, 해방 같은 거 말고‬Not "worship" or "liberation."
‪남들 다 갖는 욕망‬The desires that everyone else has.
‪너희 오빠 말처럼‬As your brother said, like the women who have the strollers they want.
‪끌어야 되는 유모차를‬ ‪갖고 있는 여자들처럼‬As your brother said, like the women who have the strollers they want.
‪애는 업을 거야‬I'm going to carry my kid.
‪(미정) 당신을 업고 싶어‬I want to carry you.
‪한 살짜리‬I want to carry you
‪당신을 업고 싶어‬at one year old.
‪그러니까 이렇게 살지‬That's why you live like this.
‪나는 이렇게 살 거야‬I'm going to live like this.
‪(미정) 그냥 이렇게 살 거야‬I'm just going to live like this.
‪전화할 거야‬I'm going to call.
‪짜증스럽게 받아도 할 거야‬Even if you answer grumpily.
‪자주 안 해‬But not often.
‪[새가 지저귄다]‬ ‪[풀벌레 울음]‬SANPO SINKS
‪아니다 싶으면‬If you ever change your mind, you're always welcome here.
‪언제든 다시 와‬If you ever change your mind, you're always welcome here.
‪[제호가 부스럭거린다]‬2019 MONTHLY SCHEDULE
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[잘그락거리는 소리]‬ ‪[개의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[개가 낑낑거린다]‬
‪[컹컹 짖는다]‬
‪[개의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[형사들의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[힘주는 신음]‬
‪[푹 찔리는 소리]‬ ‪[백 사장의 비명]‬
‪[형사2의 힘주는 숨소리]‬
‪- (형사2) 아씨‬ ‪- (형사1) 왜?‬What's wrong?
‪(형사2) 아이씨‬ ‪[휴대전화 조작음]‬
‪[백 사장이 콜록거린다]‬ ‪예, 수고하십니다‬Hello. This is Officer Yeo Min-gu. Please send an ambulance.
‪저 강남 경찰서 여민구 경위인데요‬ ‪[어두운 음악]‬This is Officer Yeo Min-gu. Please send an ambulance.
‪구급차 좀 보내 주세요‬This is Officer Yeo Min-gu. Please send an ambulance.
‪[백 사장의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[숨을 헐떡인다]‬Shit.
‪[풀벌레 울음]‬
‪[미정이 흐느낀다]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[안내 음성] 지금 거신 전화는‬ ‪없는 번호입니다‬The number you have dialed is not in the directory.
‪다시 확인하신 후 걸어 주십시오‬The number you have dialed is not in the directory. Check the number and please try again.
‪[안내 음성이 영어로 흘러나온다]‬
‪[통화 종료음]‬
‪[두런거리는 소리]‬
‪[구 씨가 콜록거린다]‬
‪[구 씨의 한숨]‬
‪(구 씨) 나 보고 싶었냐?‬Did you miss me?
‪응?‬Did you miss me?
‪(현진) 야, 인마‬You, punk.
‪표정 관리 좀 해, 애들 있는데‬Watch your expression in front of the boys.
‪누구 죽었어?‬Did someone die?
‪아, 죽었지‬Someone did.
‪(구 씨) 죽었지‬ ‪[구 씨의 웃음]‬Someone did die.
‪[현진의 한숨]‬
‪[구 씨가 상을 탁탁 친다]‬
‪[구 씨의 한숨]‬
‪[구 씨의 웃음]‬
‪[술잔을 탁 놓는다]‬
‪(구 씨) 하, 나는‬Me…
‪누가 죽는 게 이렇게 시원하다‬I'm the kind of person who's happy when someone dies.
‪[어두운 음악]‬I'm the kind of person who's happy when someone dies.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬You know?
‪[바람이 쏴 분다]‬
‪(미정) '행복한 척하지 않겠다'‬"I will not pretend to be happy."
‪'불행한 척하지 않겠다'‬"I will not pretend to be unhappy."
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪'정직하게 보겠다'‬"I will be honest."
‪(미정) 나를 떠난 모든 남자들이‬ ‪불행하길 바랐어‬I hoped every man who ever left me would be unhappy.
‪내가 하찮은 인간인 걸‬ ‪확인한 인간들은‬As if I wanted all the people who saw how small I was
‪지구상에서‬ ‪다 사라져 버려야 되는 것처럼‬As if I wanted all the people who saw how small I was to disappear from this world,
‪죽어 없어지길 바랐어‬I hoped they would die.
‪당신이 감기 한번‬ ‪걸리지 않길 바랄 거야‬ ‪[사이렌이 울린다]‬For you, I'm going to hope that you never even catch a cold.
‪숙취로 고생하는 날이‬ ‪하루도 없길 바랄 거야‬I'm going to hope that you don't suffer a single day of being hungover.
‪(미정) 행복한 게 무서워‬ ‪도망친 새끼‬He ran because he was afraid of being happy.
‪(혜숙) 뭐가 그렇게 급하다고‬ ‪온다 간다 말도 없이 갔는지‬Why did he leave in such a hurry without telling his landlady?
‪그냥 연애만 하는 거야‬We're just dating. I'll just stop by and take a look.
‪(혜숙) 엄마가 슬쩍 한번 볼게‬I'll just stop by and take a look.
‪(혁수) 현아 잡아야 된다‬Don't let Hyeon-a go.
‪(창희) 우리가 연애를 했어요?‬ ‪뭘 했어요?‬It's not like we dated. She talks about you all the time.
‪(혁수) 야, 맨날‬ ‪'창희, 창희' 하는데‬She talks about you all the time.
‪(보람) 미친 새끼‬-Bastard. -He's afraid
‪사내 공모전 1등 할 거 같으니까‬ ‪쫄리는 거지‬-Bastard. -He's afraid that you might win the contest.
‪(지희) 오, 염미정 선수‬ ‪굳히기 들어가나요?‬that you might win the contest. Yeom Mi-jeong is moving in for the final blow.
‪(구 씨) 내가 기분이‬ ‪기깔나게 좋아지고 싶은데‬I want to be in a really good mood,
‪뭘 하면 좋을지 모르겠다‬but I have no idea what I should do.
‪(미정) 와 줘‬Come for me.
‪(구 씨) 염미정!‬Yeom Mi-jeong!

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