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  일타 스캔들 14

Crash Course in Romance 14


아, 내 폰‬My phone.
‪[다급한 숨소리]‬
‪빨리‬Come on.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪- [문소리]‬ ‪- [휴대전화 진동음]‬UNCLE
‪[해이] 삼촌‬Uncle.
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪- [긴박한 음악]‬ ‪- [해이의 다급한 소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[해이의 다급한 소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪- [해이의 비명]‬ ‪- [타이어 마찰음]‬
‪[차 문 열리는 소리]‬
‪- [사람들의 놀란 소리]‬ ‪- [남자1] 119‬-Oh, no! -Call an ambulance. Someone call an ambulance!
‪119에 누가 신고 좀 해요‬ ‪빨리요, 빨리!‬Someone call an ambulance! -My gosh. -Hurry up!
‪- [사람들이 웅성거린다]‬ ‪- [남자2] 치인 거 아니야? 어떡해‬-My gosh. -Hurry up! -Is she dead? -She got run over? -What do we do? -She got hit by that car.
‪[여자] 어떡해‬ ‪많이 다친 거 아니야?‬Is she badly hurt?
‪[음산한 효과음]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[사람들이 웅성거린다]‬I can't believe this happened.
‪[사이렌 소리]‬
‪[치열] 아니요‬No, I'm telling you. The call went through for about five seconds.
‪분명 신호가 갔다니까요‬ ‪한 5초 정도요‬No, I'm telling you. The call went through for about five seconds.
‪네, 다시 좀 알아봐 주세요‬ ‪최대한 빨리요‬Please check again. -Please hurry. Thank you. -Your call cannot be completed…
‪- [안내 음성] 전원이 꺼져 있어…‬ ‪- [치열] 부탁드립니다‬-Please hurry. Thank you. -Your call cannot be completed…
‪[행선] 뭐래요? 알 수 있대요?‬Can they find her?
‪[치열의 한숨]‬They're looking into it.
‪[치열] 알아보겠대요‬They're looking into it.
‪잠깐이라도 전원이 켜진 게 맞으면‬If it's true that her phone did turn on,
‪기지국 정도는 알 수 있을 거라고‬If it's true that her phone did turn on, they can track down the cell tower.
‪[조르르 따르는 소리]‬
‪다시 나가 봐야 될 거 같아요‬I should look for her again.
‪핸드폰이 켜졌다 꺼진 게 이상해‬It bothers me how her phone turned on and off again.
‪해이가 우리한테‬ ‪무슨 SOS 치는 거 같기도 하고‬It's as if Hae-e was asking us for help.
‪- [치열] 어, 그래요‬ ‪- [안내 음성] 전원이 꺼져 있어…‬-Thanks. All right. -Your call cannot be completed. -Drink this, and we can go out again. -You will be redirected…
‪[치열] 이거 마시고‬ ‪같이 나가 봐요‬-Drink this, and we can go out again. -You will be redirected…
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[재우] 오, 누나, 여보세요‬Haeng-seon. Hello?
‪[행선] 줘 봐‬ ‪여보세요, 해이니? 해이야‬Give that to me. Is this Hae-e?
‪네, 제가 그 핸드폰 주인‬ ‪보호자 맞는데‬Yes, I'm her mom. Who is this?
‪누, 누구세요?‬Yes, I'm her mom. Who is this?
‪병원이요?‬The hospital?
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[행선의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[행선] 죄송합니다‬Excuse me.
‪[탁탁 소리]‬
‪[치열] 재우야‬Jae-woo.
‪정신 똑바로 차리자‬Let's stay strong.
‪누나랑 해이‬We need…
‪지켜 줘야지, 우리가‬to protect Haeng-seon and Hae-e.
‪남자 대 남자, 알지?‬We're men. Right?
‪앉아요, 좀‬ ‪얼마나 걸릴지도 모르는데‬Sit down. We don't know how long this will take.
‪걱정하지 말아요‬Don't worry.
‪해이 강한 애잖아요‬Hae-e is a strong girl.
‪- [행선이 흐느끼며] 영주야‬ ‪- [영주가 울먹인다]‬
‪[영주] 아유, 말도 안 돼‬I can't believe this.
‪야, 세상에, 이게 무슨 일이냐‬I can't believe this. How could this happen?
‪우리 해이한테‬ ‪왜 이런 일이 생기냐‬Why would this happen to Hae-e?
‪[영주, 행선이 흐느낀다]‬
‪[동희] 쌤‬Mr. Choi.
‪[행선] 아, 나 어떡해…‬What do we do?
‪- [영주] 괜찮아, 괜찮아‬ ‪- [치열] 응, 왔어?‬-Mr. Choi. -Hey.
‪[영주의 한숨]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[상황판 알림음]‬
‪[의사] 대퇴부 복합 골절로‬ ‪유합 수술 진행했고‬She had numerous femoral fractures, so we operated on them.
‪- [심전도계 비프음]‬ ‪- 수술은 잘됐습니다‬The surgery was a success.
‪뭐, 다행히 뇌출혈은 없지만‬ ‪문제는 뇌부종이에요‬Thankfully, there's no brain hemorrhage. But the problem is cerebral edema.
‪지금 상태에선‬ ‪뇌의 부기가 가라앉기를‬For now, we just have to wait until the swelling goes down.
‪기다리는 수밖에 없습니다‬For now, we just have to wait until the swelling goes down.
‪안타깝지만‬ ‪지금 환자는 혼수상태에…‬I'm sorry to say this, but she's currently in a coma.
‪- [애잔한 음악]‬ ‪- [행선] 혼수상태요?‬A coma?
‪[재우] 우리 해이 언제 깨요?‬ ‪몇 시, 몇 분에요?‬When will she wake up? At what time?
‪계속 자는 거 아니죠?‬She won't sleep forever, right?
‪현재로서는 약물을 쓰면서‬ ‪지켜보는 수밖에 없어요‬We have no choice but to administer medication and wait.
‪[의사] 얼마가 걸릴지는‬ ‪보장을 못 합니다, 저희도‬I'm afraid I can't tell you how long it'll take.
‪짧게는 수일, 아주 드물게는‬ ‪수년 이상 걸리기도 하고‬It could take a few days or even years, although that's rare.
‪호전되지 않을 수도 있어서…‬Her condition may not improve.
‪[학생들의 떠드는 소리]‬
‪[건후] 아직 연락 없구나, 맞지?‬Still nothing? Right?
‪[단지] 아씨, 돌겠네, 진짜, 씨‬Damn it. I'm about to lose my mind.
‪[건후의 한숨]‬
‪아휴, 야‬Guys, if we don't hear from her by lunchtime,
‪점심때까지 소식 없으면‬ ‪SNS 올리고‬Guys, if we don't hear from her by lunchtime, let's share this on social media, ditch class, and go look for her.
‪뭐, 수업 째고 그냥‬ ‪우리도 나가서 찾자, 해이‬let's share this on social media, ditch class, and go look for her.
‪[건후] 오케이, 나도 오늘‬ ‪하키부 애들 동원할 수 있어‬let's share this on social media, ditch class, and go look for her. Okay. I can get the hockey team to give us a hand.
‪걔네 오늘 개인 연습이야‬Okay. I can get the hockey team to give us a hand.
‪[단지] 어, 야, 다 풀어‬Good. Call everyone.
‪야, 이선재, 너도 나가는 거다‬Sun-jae, you're coming too.
‪[학생의 헛기침]‬
‪다른 조회 사항은 없고‬There are no announcements for today.
‪우리 반 해이가‬But Hae-e…
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪해이가 차 사고가 나서‬She was in a car accident.
‪[종렬] 수술하고 지금‬ ‪강현대학병원 중환자실에 있다‬She received an operation and is in the ICU at Ganghyeon University Hospital.
‪다들 해이가 빨리‬ ‪회복할 수 있도록 기도해 줬으면…‬Please pray for her quick recovery--
‪선재야! 이선재!‬Sun-jae. Lee Sun-jae!
‪[울먹이며] 죄송해요, 쌤‬I'm sorry, Mr. Jeon.
‪[수아의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬
‪[행선] 고맙습니다, 감사합니다‬Thank you. Thank you.
‪[영주] 어유, 넓긴 하네‬It's quite spacious.
‪나 VIP 병실 처음 본다, 야‬I've never been to a VIP room before.
‪이렇게까지 안 해도 되는데…‬You didn't need to.
‪아, 중환자실은 면회도 까다롭고‬They don't let people visit the ICU often.
‪여긴 옆에서‬ ‪케어가 가능하다고 하니까‬They don't let people visit the ICU often. But you're allowed to stay with her here.
‪행선 씨 목소리 들려야‬She needs to hear your voice if you want her to wake up soon.
‪[치열] 해이가‬ ‪빨리 일어날 거 아니에요‬She needs to hear your voice if you want her to wake up soon.
‪[영주] 그래, 부자 남친 덕‬ ‪이럴 때 보지, 언제 보냐?‬Yes. This is the time to accept your rich boyfriend's help.
‪안 그래, 재우야?‬Right, Jae-woo?
‪[행선] 영주야, 너 이제 가 봐‬ ‪가게에 너라도 있어야지‬Yeong-ju, you should go to the store.
‪[영주] 그러게, 단골 장사라‬ ‪계속 비워 놓을 수도 없고, 쯧‬I wish we could be away, but we have too many regulars.
‪너 하는 거의‬ ‪반의반도 안 되겠지만‬I definitely won't be as good as you, but I'll do my best.
‪최선을 다해 볼게‬I definitely won't be as good as you, but I'll do my best.
‪너 걱정 말고 해이한테만 신경 써‬So don't worry about the store and focus on Hae-e.
‪재우야, 너도 영주랑 같이 가‬Jae-woo, go with her.
‪아니야, 나 여기 있을래‬No, I'm staying here.
‪[행선] 아니야‬No.
‪여긴 쌤도 있고‬ ‪간호사 쌤도 있는데‬I have Mr. Choi and the nurses, but Yeong-ju will be alone.
‪영주는 혼자잖아, 응?‬I have Mr. Choi and the nurses, but Yeong-ju will be alone. Please?
‪- [단지] 야, 남해이! [울음]‬ ‪- [선재] 해이야!‬-Hae-e! -Hae-e!
‪[단지] 야, 너 왜‬ ‪여기 이러고 있어, 이씨…‬Why are you here?
‪[행선] 학교도 아직‬ ‪안 끝났을 텐데 어떻게 왔어, 니들‬School isn't even over yet, so how are you guys here?
‪[단지] 아줌마, 해이 아직‬ ‪마취 덜 풀려서 그런 거죠?‬Ma'am, the anesthesia hasn't worn off yet, right?
‪곧 깨어나죠? 그렇죠?‬She'll wake up soon, right?
‪얘 보기보다 성질 더러워서‬ ‪가만히 못 누워 있어‬She's too impatient to be lying down for too long.
‪깨어날 거야, 곧‬She'll wake up soon.
‪'서프라이즈' 이러면서‬She'll say, "Surprise!"
‪[옅은 웃음]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪- [형사] 안녕하세요‬ ‪- [행선] 안녕하세요‬Hello. Hello.
‪- [형사] 어머니 되세요?‬ ‪- [행선] 네‬Hello. -Are you her mother? -Yes.
‪아, 저희 중부 서에서 나왔습니다‬We're from the Jungbu Police Station.
‪유서라니요?‬A suicide note?
‪그럼 우리 해이가‬ ‪일부러 뛰어들었다고요, 차에?‬Are you saying she jumped into the street?
‪[형사] 예, 아무래도‬ ‪그런 거 같아요‬Yes, we're afraid so.
‪휴대폰에서 유서로 보이는‬ ‪메모가 발견이 됐어요‬We found her suicide note on her phone.
‪이거 남해이 학생 휴대폰 맞죠?‬her suicide note on her phone. That's hers, right?
‪[행선] 말도 안 돼‬This can't be.
‪[치열] 저기, 잠깐만요‬ ‪아니, 이거만 가지고‬Hold on. How could you conclude it as suicide
‪극단적인 선택으로‬ ‪단정할 수 있는 건가요?‬solely based on this memo?
‪[형사] 사고 차 운전자‬ ‪진술도 그렇고, 블랙박스도‬The driver already gave us their testimony. And the dashcam
‪고의로 뛰어든 걸로‬ ‪딱 보이더라고요, 학생이‬showed her running in front of the car deliberately.
‪아니, 말도 안 돼요‬ ‪대체 우리 해이가 왜요?‬That's just ridiculous. Why would she do such a thing?
‪[형사] 백지 답안지 낸 거랑‬ ‪상관있지 않을까요?‬Maybe it has something to do with her turning in her exam blank.
‪아휴, 입시 스트레스가‬ ‪워낙 크잖아요, 요즘‬You know how stressful college admissions are for students.
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[안내 방송 소리]‬
‪진짜 우리 해이가‬ ‪그런 나쁜 생각을 했을까요?‬Do you really think she did that just because of one exam?
‪시험 좀 못 봤다고?‬Do you really think she did that just because of one exam?
‪[행선] 나는 하나도 못 믿겠어‬I just don't believe it.
‪해이가 백지 낸 것도‬ ‪이런 극단적인 짓을 벌인 것도‬That she submitted her exam blank and attempted suicide.
‪근데 중요한 거는‬But most importantly,
‪몰랐다는 거야, 내가‬I had no idea about any of this.
‪애가 그런 상황인지도 모르고‬I didn't know what she was going through
‪연애한다고 혼자 들떠서는, 진짜‬and was swept up in being happy in a relationship.
‪친엄마가 아니라서 그랬나 봐‬It's because I'm not her real mom.
‪너무 자책하지 말아요‬Don't beat yourself up.
‪말하지 않는 마음은‬ ‪아무도 알 수 없어요‬No one can read another person's mind,
‪아무리 가까운 사람이라도‬no matter how close you are.
‪[치열] 나야말로 너무 둔했어요‬I should be the one to blame.
‪생각해 보니까 그날 아침에‬Come to think of it, that morning,
‪해이가 나한테 뭔가‬ ‪털어놓고 싶어 했던 거 같은데‬it seemed like she wanted to tell me something.
‪그걸 눈치 못 채고‬I should've caught on to it.
‪무슨 말을 하려고 했었던 걸까요?‬ ‪해이가 나한테‬What do you think she wanted to tell me?
‪- [재우] 감사합니다‬ ‪- [택시 기사] 안녕히 가세요‬-Thank you. -Goodbye.
‪[달그락 문 여는 소리]‬
‪[출입문 종소리]‬
‪어, 누나, 나 뭐부터 해?‬Yeong-ju, what do you need me to do?
‪일단 내가 마트부터 갔다 올게‬I'll go to the grocery store.
‪[재우] 뭐, 뭐 사 와야 되는지‬ ‪좀 적어 줘‬Can you write down a grocery list?
‪재우야‬Jae-woo, don't hold it in.
‪그만 참아‬Jae-woo, don't hold it in.
‪그만 참아‬Your emotions. Let them out.
‪[영주] 너 병원에서부터‬ ‪울고 싶은 거 꾹 참은 거 알아‬I know you've been holding back your tears since you were at the hospital.
‪행선이 생각해서 그런 것도 알고‬I know it was for Haeng-seon.
‪너랑 나만 있잖아‬ ‪그러니까 티 내도 된다고‬But she's not here right now, so you can let your emotions out.
‪맨날 나였어‬It was always me.
‪놀라게 만드는 것도‬I was the one who always startled them.
‪찾아다니게 만드는 것도‬I was the one they always had to look for. And I was the one who was always sick and bedridden.
‪아파서 맨날맨날 누워 있는 것도‬ ‪늘 나였어‬And I was the one who was always sick and bedridden.
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪그때마다 남행선 누나랑 해이가‬ ‪나 지켜 줬어‬And every time, Haeng-seon and Hae-e kept me safe.
‪근데 해이가 지금‬But seeing Hae-e…
‪저렇게 누워 있는 거 보니까‬unconscious in bed…
‪슬퍼‬makes me sad.
‪근데 나는 삼촌인데‬Despite being her uncle,
‪나는 아무것도 해 줄 수가 없어‬there's nothing I can do.
‪왜 없어?‬That's not true.
‪이렇게 온 마음을 다해 걱정하는데‬You're worried sick about her.
‪- 울고 싶으면 울어, 괜찮아‬ ‪- [재우가 훌쩍인다]‬Cry if you want. It's okay.
‪누나 의외로 입 무겁다?‬I can actually keep a secret.
‪[재우가 훌쩍인다]‬
‪[영주] 해이도‬ ‪니 마음 이해할 거야‬I'm sure Hae-e will understand. She will wake up.
‪- [흐느낀다]‬ ‪- 일어날 거야‬I'm sure Hae-e will understand. She will wake up.
‪그렇게 믿자, 우리, 응?‬Let's believe that she will. Okay?
‪[서진이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[서진] 걱정 마세요‬Don't worry.
‪선재 성적이‬ ‪워낙에 나쁜 편이 아니어서‬Sun-jae had good scores to begin with, so no one will suspect him.
‪의심받을 리도 없고요‬Sun-jae had good scores to begin with, so no one will suspect him.
‪원래 이런 정황만으로‬ ‪입증이 어렵습니다‬And no one can accuse him since there's no proof.
‪뭐, 혹여나 일이 잘못되더라도‬Even if things go awry, it won't affect you, ma'am.
‪교무부장님이‬ ‪피해 보실 일은 없으실 거예요‬Even if things go awry, it won't affect you, ma'am.
‪선재한테 제가 잘 얘기했으니까‬I've told him to keep his mouth shut,
‪너무 신경 쓰지 마시고요‬so please don't worry.
‪네, 제가 다시 연락드릴게요, 네‬I'll call you back later. Goodbye.
‪선재야, 니가 여기 웬일이야?‬Sun-jae, what brings you to my office?
‪너 왜 그래, 무슨 일이야?‬What's the matter?
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬Mom.
‪다 우리 때문이에요‬It's our fault.
‪해이가 차에 뛰어들었대요‬Hae-e jumped in front of a moving car.
‪[선재가 훌쩍이며] 다…‬And it's all our fault!
‪다 우리 때문이라고요, 다!‬And it's all our fault!
‪[선재가 흐느낀다]‬
‪[서진] 그래서 어떻게 됐어, 해이?‬How is she? She received surgery.
‪[선재] 수술했는데‬She received surgery.
‪아직 못 깨어났어요‬But she's still unconscious.
‪어딜 얼마나 다쳤는데?‬How badly is she hurt? Will she wake up or not?
‪깨어날 수 있다는 거야‬ ‪없다는 거야?‬Will she wake up or not?
‪엄마는 해이가‬ ‪안 깨어났으면 좋겠어요?‬Do you wish she wouldn't wake up?
‪이선재‬Lee Sun-jae.
‪너 진짜…‬How could you say that?
‪- [선재] 엄마, 그냥‬ ‪- [한숨]‬Mom. Let's…
‪그냥 우리 학교에 솔직하게 말하고‬Let's just tell the school…
‪벌받아요, 그냥‬and take the punishment.
‪그래야‬Doing that
‪해이가 깨어나도‬ ‪떳떳할 거 같아요, 난‬will help me face Hae-e when she wakes up.
‪이선재‬Lee Sun-jae.
‪너 흥분하지 말고‬ ‪이성적으로 생각해‬Calm down and think rationally.
‪[선재가 훌쩍인다]‬We're almost there.
‪우리 거의 다 왔어‬We're almost there.
‪이제 1년, 아니‬One year… No. In six months, you can get into your dream university.
‪반년만 더 있으면‬ ‪원하는 대학에 갈 수 있어‬In six months, you can get into your dream university.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 엄마…‬Mom.
‪[서진] 선재야‬-Sun-jae. -That's what you want, not what I want.
‪[선재] 내가 원하는 게 아니고‬ ‪엄마가 원하는 대학이에요‬-Sun-jae. -That's what you want, not what I want.
‪[서진] 그래, 내가 원해!‬Yes, I want it!
‪내 아들 인생이니까‬Because it's about your future.
‪넌 잘 몰라‬You have no idea
‪이 사회가 얼마나‬ ‪노골적이고 원색적이고‬how vulgar and critical our society is.
‪직업적 포지션을 중시하는 덴지‬Your career is everything out there.
‪[선재가 훌쩍인다]‬
‪선재야, 조금만, 거의 다 왔어‬Sun-jae. Hang in there. We're almost there.
‪[선재의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪그래서‬So tell me.
‪엄마는 행복해요?‬Are you happy?
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪[선재] 엄마는 좋은 포지션에‬ ‪있는 사람이어서‬You have a great career.
‪그래서 행복하냐고요‬So are you happy?
‪[선재의 한숨]‬
‪[자동차 경적]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[건후] 너 왜 말도 없이 사라졌냐?‬Why did you leave first?
‪- [휴대전화 진동음]‬ ‪- 우린 해이랑 있다가 방금 옴‬We just said goodbye to Hae-e.
‪- [휴대전화 진동음]‬ ‪- 야, 읽었으면 답 좀 하지?‬Reply if you read this.
‪[동희] 쌤‬Mr. Choi.
‪[치열] 응‬Mr. Choi. Hey.
‪해이는 좀 어때요?‬How's Hae-e?
‪[한숨 쉬며] 좀 봐야 되나 봐‬They need to keep an eye on her. Things aren't looking great.
‪별로 희망적이지만은 않네‬They need to keep an eye on her. Things aren't looking great.
‪네‬I see.
‪참, 아까 학원에서 연락 왔었는데‬Right, the academy called
‪[동희] 다음 주에 할‬ ‪수학 캠프 커리큘럼이요‬about next week's math camp curriculum.
‪[치열] 아, 깜빡했다‬ ‪원장이랑 얘기하기로 해 놓고‬about next week's math camp curriculum. I forgot that I had to speak with the director.
‪[동희] 우선 회의에서 나온‬ ‪아이디어는‬I organized and delivered the ideas that came up during the meeting.
‪제가 정리해서 전달했고요‬I organized and delivered the ideas that came up during the meeting. Someone would like to interview you regarding the camp,
‪추가적으로 캠프 관련해서‬ ‪인터뷰 요청이 들어왔는데‬Someone would like to interview you regarding the camp,
‪그건 상황 봐서 진행할게요‬but we'll see what happens.
‪캠프 공지가 벌써 나갔나?‬ ‪일정을 좀 미뤘으면 어떨까 싶은데‬Have they already announced the dates? I'd like to push it back.
‪아직 공지는 안 나갔는데‬No, they haven't.
‪아마 조정이 어려울 거예요‬ ‪이미 장소 대관도 했고…‬But I doubt we can since we've already booked--
‪처음부터 안 내켰어‬I wasn't up for it from the get-go. I'm sick of putting on a show.
‪그런 쇼는 이제‬ ‪그만 좀 했으면 싶고‬I wasn't up for it from the get-go. I'm sick of putting on a show.
‪[치열] 캠프 준비하는 데‬ ‪집중할 수 없을 거 같고‬And I don't think I can focus on the camp preparations.
‪일정을 좀 미루든가‬ ‪취소할 수 있으면 취소하자‬Postpone it, or better yet, cancel it if you can.
‪학원이랑 그렇게 얘기해 줘‬Postpone it, or better yet, cancel it if you can. Please let the director know.
‪저, 쌤, 그렇지만…‬But sir…
‪그렇게 하자, 부탁한다‬Let's do that. Thanks.
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- [휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[동희] 네, 원장님‬Hello, Director Kang.
‪아니요, 쌤이 일이 좀 있으셔서‬No, he's just a bit busy.
‪수학 캠프는‬ ‪원래대로 진행하실 겁니다‬The math camp will go on as planned.
‪일단 커리큘럼 회의는‬ ‪저만 참석할게요, 네‬I'm afraid I'll be the only one attending the curriculum meeting. Okay.
‪[물소리가 멈춘다]‬
‪[수희] 반찬집 딸, 자살 시도라며?‬I heard Hae-e attempted suicide.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪아휴, 진짜 끔찍하다‬How frightening.
‪하긴 뭐, 이 동네가‬ ‪하루 이틀이야?‬Then again, it's par for the course in this neighborhood.
‪아니, 걔는 강단은 있어 보이던데‬She looked pretty strong on the outside,
‪생각보다 멘털이 약한가 봐‬but I guess that wasn't the case.
‪- [문소리]‬ ‪- 무슨 수능도 아니고‬It wasn't even the CSAT,
‪중간고사 한 과목 가지고 그런…‬but one midterm exam--
‪[수아가 악쓰며] 그만 좀 해‬ ‪제발!‬That's enough!
‪[수희의 놀란 소리]‬That's enough!
‪[수아가 씩씩거린다]‬
‪그게 나였을 수도 있어‬That could've been me.
‪그게 나였을 수도 있다고!‬That could've been me!
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪[동희] 이걸 킬러 문제로 넣기엔‬ ‪너무 쉬운데?‬This one is too easy to be a killer question.
‪[조교1] 근데 이걸 빼 버리면‬This one is too easy to be a killer question. But the students could be confused if we omit it.
‪오히려 애들이‬ ‪헷갈려 할 수가 있어 가지고…‬But the students could be confused if we omit it. How about we move up the latter questions?
‪[조교2] 차라리 뒤에 있는 문제를‬ ‪앞으로 좀 빼시죠‬How about we move up the latter questions?
‪- [의논하는 소리]‬ ‪- [서진] 실장님, 실장님‬-Mr. Ji, can you take a look at this? -That could work.
‪- 이거 한번 와서 봐 주세요‬ ‪- [동희] 보고 있어 봐‬-Mr. Ji, can you take a look at this? -That could work. -I'll be back. -It's the presentation you asked for.
‪[서진] PPT 시키신 거‬-I'll be back. -It's the presentation you asked for.
‪[동희] 얘네 위아래‬ ‪한 번만 바꿔서 다시 보여 줘‬-This… -Can you switch the top and bottom ones?
‪- [서진] 예, 두 개를요? 위아래…‬ ‪- [동희] 어‬-This… -Can you switch the top and bottom ones? -The top and bottom? -Yes. Mr. Ji, for the merchandise,
‪[효원] 실장님, 캠프 굿즈요‬Mr. Ji, for the merchandise,
‪어, 쌤 필기 복사본이랑‬ ‪스톱워치, 그리고…‬we have a copy of Mr. Choi's notes, a stopwatch, and--
‪[동희] 요청 사항‬ ‪가장 많았던 게 뭐야?‬we have a copy of Mr. Choi's notes, a stopwatch, and-- -Which one had the highest demand? -The first one.
‪[효원] 쌤 필기 복사본이요‬-Which one had the highest demand? -The first one.
‪[동희] 그러면‬Then let's go with this one for the Golden Bell merch.
‪- 골든 벨 굿즈 이걸로 가자‬ ‪- [효원] 네‬Then let's go with this one for the Golden Bell merch. -Okay. -Here's the draft of the questions.
‪[연경] 실장님‬ ‪문제 초안 뽑았는데요‬-Okay. -Here's the draft of the questions.
‪[동희] 오케이, 일단 이렇게 가고‬Okay. This looks good.
‪- 쌤한테 컨펌받고 다시 조정하자‬ ‪- [조교들] 네‬Let's see what Mr. Choi says. -Okay. -Okay.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬-Okay. -Okay.
‪- [동희] 잠깐만, 보고 있어‬ ‪- [조교3] 네‬-I'll be back. -Okay.
‪[문 열리는 소리]‬
‪[동희] 네, 쌤‬Hello, Mr. Choi.
‪[치열] 어, 학원이랑 얘기해 봤니?‬ ‪수학 캠프‬Did you speak with the director yet about the math camp?
‪[동희] 아, 그, 얘기해 봤는데‬ ‪어림도 없던데요‬Well, I did. But he wouldn't budge.
‪[동희] 어렵게 장소 섭외해 놨는데‬ ‪무슨 소리냐고‬He said the venue was already booked.
‪최치열 복귀 알리는 이벤트인데‬ ‪절대 안 된다고 강경하시더라고요‬He was adamant about having your comeback event.
‪아, 그래?‬Is that so?
‪[동희] 쌤, 제가‬ ‪책임지고 준비해 볼 테니까‬You can leave the preparations up to me and just give the final confirmation.
‪최종 컨펌만 좀 해 주세요‬and just give the final confirmation.
‪이렇게라도 진행하는 게‬ ‪쌤한테도 좋아요‬Doing this will benefit you.
‪[동희] 중요한 시기잖아요, 지금‬This is a crucial time for you.
‪[한숨 쉬며] 그래, 알았다, 뭐‬ ‪할 수 없지, 뭐‬Fine. It can't be helped then.
‪네, 알겠습니다‬Okay. Are you at the hospital?
‪어디, 병원이세요?‬Okay. Are you at the hospital?
‪아니, 쫓겨났어‬ ‪행선 씨가 나 있으면 더 못 잔다고‬No, I got kicked out. Haeng-seon said she can't sleep with me around.
‪내일 일찍 다시 가 보려고‬I'm going to go back tomorrow morning.
‪[동희] 눈 좀 붙이세요‬ ‪이러다 쌤이 병나시겠어요‬Get some sleep, or you'll get sick. Okay, thanks. I'll leave you to it.
‪그래, 고맙다, 고생하고‬Okay, thanks. I'll leave you to it.
‪내일 보자‬See you tomorrow.
‪[쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[선재 부] 왜?‬What is it? You picked up.
‪어, 받네‬You picked up.
‪안 받을 줄 알았는데‬I didn't think you would.
‪[선재 부] 술 마셨니?‬Are you drunk?
‪용건이 뭐야?‬Why did you call?
‪어… 용건‬Why did I call?
‪글쎄, 그냥 뭐‬I'm not sure.
‪내가 누구랑 좀‬ ‪얘기를 하고 싶었는데‬I just wanted to talk to someone.
‪불러낼 사람도 없고‬ ‪결국 당신한테 했다‬But I had no one to call, so I called you.
‪장서진 인생 진짜 재미없다‬ ‪그렇지? 응?‬My life is so boring, isn't it?
‪[선재 부] 너 취했구나‬You're drunk.
‪자라‬-Go to bed. -Honey.
‪여보‬-Go to bed. -Honey.
‪나 왜 이렇게 됐니?‬How did I end up like this?
‪나 왜 이렇게 됐을까?‬How did I end up like this?
‪나도 이제 내가 너무 무서워‬I'm scared of what I've become.
‪어디까지 갈지‬ ‪얼마나 더 나빠질지‬How far will I go? How much worse will I become?
‪나 아까 무슨 생각 했는지 알아?‬Do you know what went through my mind earlier?
‪[어두운 음악]‬
‪'이대로 그 애가 죽었으면'‬"I hope she just dies."
‪'차라리 그랬으면…'‬"That would be better."
‪[선재 부] 뭔 소리야?‬What do you mean?
‪누가 죽어?‬Who's "she"?
‪여보세요, 장서진‬Hello? Jang Seo-jin.
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬
‪[행선] 야‬Hey.
‪너 진짜 호강한다‬Consider yourself lucky.
‪국대 출신이 해 주는‬ ‪마사지나 받고 말이야‬You're getting a massage from a former national athlete.
‪근데 나 아직도‬ ‪납득이 안 돼, 해이야‬I still don't understand, Hae-e.
‪진짜야?‬Is it true?
‪진짜 니가 차에…‬Did you really run into…
‪- 이게 뭐야?‬ ‪- [의미심장한 음악]‬What is this?
‪[새들이 지저귀는 소리]‬
‪[안전띠 푸는 소리]‬
‪[수희] 아유‬
‪오늘 날씨 너무 좋다, 수아야‬The weather is lovely today, Su-a.
‪오늘 수업 잘 듣고‬Study hard.
‪저기, 한 번씩 햇볕도 쐬고‬Get some sunlight and take a walk every now and then. Okay?
‪걷기도 하고 그래, 응?‬Get some sunlight and take a walk every now and then. Okay?
‪니네 교정 뒷길‬ ‪산책하기 되게 좋잖아‬There's a nice walking trail behind the school.
‪알았지? 응?‬Okay?
‪그래, 그래, 잘 갔다 와, 수아야‬All right, have a good day.
‪우리 수아 파이팅!‬Good luck, Su-a!
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪아, 언니, 너무 오랜만이죠?‬Hey, it's been a long time.
‪제가 한번 연락드린다, 드린다‬ ‪하고는 못 했어요‬I've been meaning to call you sooner,
‪[웃으며] 입시생 엄마라서‬ ‪나름 바빠 가지고‬but I've been busy helping my daughter prepare for college.
‪예, 병원은 잘되시죠?‬How's your clinic doing?
‪아이, 딴게 아니고‬I called…
‪우리 딸 때문에‬because of my daughter.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[의사] 내가 보기엔‬I think she has
‪입시 스트레스로 인한‬ ‪감정 조절 장애 같은데‬I think she has stress-related anger management issues due to college admissions.
‪입시생들한테 나타나는‬ ‪전형적인 증상 중의 하나야‬It's a common symptom found among students preparing for college.
‪폭력, 강박‬They're violent and compulsive.
‪심할 경우엔‬ ‪환청, 환각을 동원하기도 하는데‬In serious cases, they hear and see things as well.
‪예의 주시 해 봐‬Keep a good eye on her and see what her symptoms are like.
‪애 상태가 어느 정도인지‬Keep a good eye on her and see what her symptoms are like.
‪[수아의 떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[문 열리는 소리]‬
‪[종렬] 자‬All right.
‪중간고사 채점 결과 나왔다‬I have your midterm results.
‪[학생들의 탄식]‬Come up when I call your name.
‪나와서 받아들 가고‬Come up when I call your name.
‪이의 있으면 각 과목 선생님들한테‬ ‪바로 이야기하고‬If you have any issues, talk to your teachers.
‪- 고소영‬ ‪- [소영] 네‬-Ko So-yeong. -Yes.
‪[무거운 효과음]‬MATH SCORE: 68, LEVEL: 4
‪[어두운 음악]‬MATH SCORE: 68, LEVEL: 4
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[학생1] 야‬ ‪나 교무실 갔다 들었는데‬Hey, I overheard something in the teachers' office.
‪남해이 중간고사 꼴등이래‬ ‪독서를 백지로 냈대‬Hae-e got the lowest midterm score. Her Reading exam was blank.
‪[학생2] 헐, 진짜? 아니, 왜?‬Seriously? -Why? -Beats me.
‪[학생1] 모르지‬-Why? -Beats me.
‪가짜 엄마한테‬ ‪반항이라도 하고 싶었나?‬Maybe she was rebelling against her fake mom.
‪- 야, 혹시 해이 사고 난 것도…‬ ‪- [툭 떨어지는 소리]‬Do you think the accident--
‪[단지] 어디서 개가 짖나‬What is this nonsense?
‪니들 아침부터 뭔 개소리야?‬What are you guys yapping about?
‪잘 알지도 못하면서‬ ‪한마디만 더 나불거려 봐‬If I hear you gossiping about things you don't know about again,
‪[발을 탁 구르며] 확!‬If I hear you gossiping about things you don't know about again,
‪짜부시켜 버리려니까‬I'll crush you. -We were just… -We're only talking.
‪[학생1] 아니, 우리는 그냥…‬-We were just… -We're only talking.
‪[학생2] 야, 무슨 말도 못 하냐?‬-We were just… -We're only talking.
‪[문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[형사] 사고 차 운전자‬ ‪진술도 그렇고, 블랙박스도‬The driver already gave us their testimony. And the dashcam
‪고의로 뛰어든 걸로‬ ‪딱 보이더라고요, 학생이‬showed her running in front the car deliberately.
‪[학생] 나 교무실 갔다 들었는데‬I overheard something in the teachers' office.
‪남해이 중간고사 꼴등이래‬ ‪독서를 백지로 냈대‬Hae-e got the lowest midterm score. Her Reading exam was blank.
‪[괴로운 숨소리]‬Sun-jae, you can't avoid this forever.
‪[해이] 선재야‬ ‪피한다고 될 일 아니야‬Sun-jae, you can't avoid this forever.
‪처음부터 끝까지‬ ‪토씨 하나 안 틀리고 똑같았어‬The exam was exactly the same as the material you gave me.
‪너가 빌려준 프린트랑‬The exam was exactly the same as the material you gave me.
‪[문 여닫히는 소리]‬
‪[건후] 야, 이선재!‬Lee Sun-jae!
‪- 야, 너 뭐 해? 새끼야‬ ‪- [선재의 힘겨운 숨소리]‬Hey! What the hell are you doing?
‪뭐 하는 거냐고!‬Hey! What the hell are you doing?
‪[건후의 신음]‬
‪야, 야‬ ‪진짜 죽고 싶어서 그래? 어?‬Hey! Do you really want to kill yourself?
‪[선재] 어, 죽고 싶어‬Yes, I do.
‪그러니까 좀 냅두고 꺼져, 씨‬So just leave me alone! Get lost!
‪꺼지라고!‬Get lost!
‪[건후] 야! 씨‬Hey!
‪야, 야, 야‬ ‪정신 차리라고, 이 새끼야!‬Snap out of it, you bastard.
‪[떨리는 목소리로] 정신 차리라고‬Snap out of it.
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪악! 씨‬
‪[선재의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪- [건후] 야‬ ‪- [선재의 거친 숨소리]‬Hey.
‪그만하라고, 좀!‬That's enough!
‪[선재] 아, 놔! 놓으라고, 좀!‬Let go of me!
‪놓으라고‬Let go…
‪[교사] 결석은 한 명인데‬ ‪왜 세 자리가 비어?‬It says only one student is absent, so why are there three empty seats?
‪누구야?‬Who isn't here?
‪저기 빈자리 두 자리 누구야?‬Whose seats are those?
‪[건후] 아…‬
‪수업 또 제끼네‬I missed another class.
‪공부 좀 해 보려 그랬더니‬I was really determined to study.
‪이래서‬This is exactly why…
‪[건후의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪울 엄마가 친구 잘 사귀라 그랬어‬my mom told me to choose my friends wisely.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪웃냐?‬Was that funny?
‪[건후의 헛웃음]‬
‪아, 나 이거 진짜‬ ‪또라이네, 진짜 [웃음]‬You're an idiot.
‪[선재의 힘겨운 신음]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[탁탁 터는 소리]‬
‪[건후의 한숨]‬
‪뭔데?‬What is it?
‪너 해이랑 무슨 일 있는 거지?‬What's with you and Hae-e?
‪둘이 이상했던 거‬Does this have something to do…
‪그거랑 상관있는 거야?‬with how awkward you guys were?
‪[건후의 깊은 한숨]‬
‪야, 이 답답한 새끼야‬You're so frustrating.
‪대체 뭔지는 모르겠지만‬I don't know what this is about.
‪해결을 해라, 해결을, 피하지 말고‬But just face it head-on. Don't avoid it.
‪야, 니 이러는 거 해이가 봤어 봐‬Imagine if Hae-e saw you like this.
‪해이가 일어나고 싶겠냐? 어?‬Do you think she'd want to wake up? Do you?
‪[건후의 한숨]‬
‪[선재의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪야, 어디 가?‬Where are you going?
‪[건후의 헛웃음]‬
‪[선재] 저, 선생님‬Sir… Mr. Jeon.
‪응, 선재‬Hey, Sun-jae.
‪왜?‬What is it?
‪어, 저기…‬Well, you see…
‪저, 드릴 말씀이 있어서‬I have something to tell you.
‪[형사] 아휴, 그래서‬ ‪하시고 싶은 말씀이 뭔데요?‬So what exactly do you want to tell us?
‪아무리 생각해도 이상해요‬It just doesn't sit right with me.
‪- [형사의 한숨]‬ ‪- 그, 이 말씀하신 유서요‬It just doesn't sit right with me. About the so-called suicide note…
‪우리 애 말투가 전혀 아니거든요‬This isn't how she normally talks.
‪걔는 지 삼촌을‬ ‪그냥 삼촌이라 그러지‬She addresses her uncle as just "Uncle," not "Uncle Jae-woo."
‪'재우 삼촌'이라고 안 불러요‬She addresses her uncle as just "Uncle," not "Uncle Jae-woo." She also doesn't use that many periods.
‪그리고 '점점'‬ ‪이런 것도 안 붙이고‬She also doesn't use that many periods.
‪시크하게 자기 할 말만 딱‬ ‪그런 앤데…‬She's always very brief with her words.
‪[형사] 요즘 애들 워낙 이랬다…‬She's always very brief with her words. -Kids these days are unpredictable-- -The trash bag.
‪쓰레기봉투요‬-Kids these days are unpredictable-- -The trash bag.
‪[행선] 그것도 샀대요, 그날‬ ‪제가 슈퍼에 확인했어요‬The store employee said she bought one that day.
‪죽을 마음 먹은 애가‬ ‪할 행동은 아니잖아요‬That's not something a suicidal girl would do.
‪그리고 이상한 게 있는데‬ ‪우리 애 손바닥에…‬I also found something odd -on her palm-- -Ma'am.
‪[형사] 저기요, 어머님‬-on her palm-- -Ma'am.
‪아니, 이모님‬I mean, Hae-e's Auntie.
‪몰랐는데 엄마가 아니라‬ ‪이모시더라고요‬It turns out you are her aunt, not her mother.
‪평소에도 뭐, 심부름 같은 거‬ ‪자주 시키셨구먼‬And you made her run errands on a regular basis.
‪듣자 하니 뭐, 가게 배달도 하고‬ ‪그랬다는 거 같던데, 애가?‬I heard she delivered food to your customers.
‪그건 그냥 가끔 바쁠 때만…‬She only did that when I was too busy--
‪[형사] 꼭 때리고 욕을 해야만‬ ‪학대가 아니거든요‬Beating and swearing aren't the only means of abuse.
‪가정사 있는 애들 가출하면요‬When kids from problematic families run away
‪저희가 쎄빠지게 고생해서‬ ‪찾아내면은‬and we painstakingly find them, they always beg us not to send them back home.
‪'제발 집에만 보내지 말아 주세요'‬they always beg us not to send them back home.
‪아주 애원을 해요, 애원을‬they always beg us not to send them back home.
‪[치열] 학대라니요‬"Abuse"?
‪말 함부로 하지 말죠?‬Watch what you say.
‪[형사의 헛기침]‬Have you ever seen her family before?
‪여기 가족이‬ ‪어떻게 사는지 보셨어요?‬Have you ever seen her family before?
‪아니, 근거도 없이‬ ‪몇몇 그런 케이스가 있다고 해서‬You're generalizing this case based on a few prior cases.
‪일반화시키는 거‬You're generalizing this case based on a few prior cases.
‪그러시면 안 되죠‬You shouldn't do that.
‪다른 분들도 아니시고‬You're a cop, for goodness' sake.
‪아니, 나는 꼭‬ ‪남행선 씨가 그렇다는 게 아니고…‬Come on. I wasn't accusing her of that--
‪[행선] 전 상관없어요‬I don't mind. You can misunderstand me all you want.
‪오해든 육해든 상관없으니까‬I don't mind. You can misunderstand me all you want.
‪수사만 다시 해 주세요‬Just please reinvestigate.
‪극단적 선택 아닌 거 같아요‬ ‪우리 해이‬I really don't think she attempted suicide.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[행선] 이런 게 왜 있냐고요‬ ‪손바닥에‬Why would she have this on her palm?
‪- [치열] 뭘까, 이게?‬ ‪- [심전도계 비프음]‬What could this be?
‪물감인가? 아니면 페인트?‬Could it be paint?
‪[행선] 물감은 아니에요‬No, it's not. I couldn't get it off with wet wipes.
‪물티슈로 지워 봤는데‬ ‪안 지워지더라고요‬No, it's not. I couldn't get it off with wet wipes.
‪[치열] 갈색인데 살짝‬ ‪오렌지빛이 도는 거 같기도 하고‬It's brownish orange.
‪[행선] 펜인 거 같아서‬ ‪오전에 재우한테‬I thought it was from a pen, so I told Jae-woo to bring all the pens from home this morning.
‪해이 필통이랑 집에 있는 펜‬ ‪다 가져오라 그랬는데‬so I told Jae-woo to bring all the pens from home this morning.
‪이런 색깔은 없더라고요‬But none of them were this color.
‪그럼 이게 해이가 없어지고 나서‬ ‪생긴 거다?‬-So this appeared after she went missing? -Probably.
‪그런 거 아닐까요?‬-So this appeared after she went missing? -Probably.
‪난 하나부터 열까지 다 이상해‬None of this makes sense.
‪쓰레기봉투 산 다음에 없어진 거‬Going missing after buying a trash bag, a car accident in another neighborhood,
‪[행선] 남의 동네에서 사고 난 거‬ ‪해이 말투 아닌 문자‬Going missing after buying a trash bag, a car accident in another neighborhood, and that weird suicide note.
‪모조리 다 이상해요‬Everything is just too odd.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪잠시만요‬One minute.
‪네, 원장님, 접니다‬Hello, Director Kang.
‪[준상] 어, 최 선생‬ ‪그, 딴게 아니라‬Mr. Choi, I called to ask you for a favor regarding the math camp.
‪우리 수학 캠프‬Mr. Choi, I called to ask you for a favor regarding the math camp.
‪무리인 건 아는데 인원을‬ ‪한 백 명만 더 받으면 안 될까?‬Mr. Choi, I called to ask you for a favor regarding the math camp. Could we accept 100 more students?
‪아니, 학부모들 문의가‬ ‪너무 쇄도를 해 가지고‬The parents have been calling nonstop.
‪[치열] 아니, 그거보다‬Before that, I was meaning to call you about something.
‪제가 원장님한테‬ ‪따로 전화드릴까 했는데‬Before that, I was meaning to call you about something.
‪[준상] 어? 왜, 무슨 일로?‬What? What for?
‪지 실장이 말씀드린‬ ‪수학 캠프 딜레이 문제요‬I know Mr. Ji asked you to delay the math camp.
‪그거 지금 좀‬ ‪타이밍이 좀 아닌 거 같아 가지고‬I don't think this is the right time for me.
‪물론 이미 공지도 됐고‬ ‪장소 섭외도 쉽지 않겠지만‬I know it's already been announced, and booking a new venue won't be easy…
‪[준상] 아, 잠깐만, 잠깐만‬ ‪딜레이라니?‬Hold on. What delay?
‪나 처음 듣는 얘기인데‬This is news to me. You want to push back the date?
‪수학 캠프를 딜레이하자고?‬You want to push back the date?
‪지 실장한테‬ ‪아무 얘기 못 들으셨어요?‬Didn't Mr. Ji tell you about this?
‪[준상] 나는 금시초문인데?‬No, he didn't.
‪아, 근데 벌써 늦었지‬ ‪오늘 공고까지 나갔는데‬But it's too late since we announced it today.
‪[동희] 자, 이 문제는‬The next one
‪최근 학생들이 많이 어려워하는‬ ‪도형 문제입니다‬is a geometry problem that many students struggle with.
‪평가원에서도 6모, 9모‬It has been spotted regularly
‪수능에서‬ ‪꾸준히 출제하고 있으니까‬in the June and September mocks as well as the CSAT.
‪꼭 체크하기‬in the June and September mocks as well as the CSAT. So make sure you review it.
‪자, 다음 수열 파트‬ ‪들어가 볼까요?‬Now, let's move on to sequences.
‪[감독] 아, 네, 됐고요‬That's enough.
‪골든 벨 하실 때‬ ‪현장 스태프 몇 분 필요하신지‬How many staff members do you need for the Golden Bell?
‪저희도 준비를 해야 돼서‬We need to know in advance.
‪스태프분 총 네 분‬We need four staff members
‪칠판 담당 따로 두 분 정도‬and two more for the boards.
‪[감독] 알겠습니다‬and two more for the boards. Sure. Please make sure Mr. Choi shows up for the final rehearsal.
‪최종 리허설 때는‬ ‪선생님이 꼭 직접 오셔야 돼요‬Sure. Please make sure Mr. Choi shows up for the final rehearsal.
‪네, 오실 겁니다, 꼭‬Yes, he will.
‪이거 좀‬Here.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪네, 쌤‬Hello, Mr. Choi.
‪[치열] 지금 어디야?‬Where are you?
‪저 지금 쌤 대신 1차 리허설…‬I'm doing the first rehearsal…
‪무슨 일이세요?‬What's wrong?
‪너 원래 이런 애였어?‬Were you always like this?
‪[치열] 학원 쪽엔‬ ‪말 한마디 안 꺼내고‬You never talked to the academy,
‪어떻게 얼굴색 하나 안 변하고‬yet you lied through your teeth.
‪여태까지 이렇게 일한 거야?‬Have you always been like this?
‪나랑 학원 사이에서 스리슬쩍‬ ‪니가 원하는 대로 조종하면서?‬Slyly controlling my role in the academy as you want?
‪아닙니다, 절대‬I would never.
‪이번 일은 말 꺼내 봤자‬ ‪안 통할 거 같아서…‬I just knew they wouldn't understand--
‪[치열] 그걸 왜 니가 판단해?‬I just knew they wouldn't understand-- Who are you to assume that?
‪난 처음부터‬ ‪수학 캠프 마음에 안 드는데‬I never wanted to do this math camp from the get-go,
‪니가 밀어붙였지?‬yet you encouraged it.
‪근데 거짓말까지 하면서 이러는 건‬And now you've lied to my face.
‪선 넘은 거야‬ ‪날 기만한 거라고, 알아?‬You crossed the line. You deceived me, you know that?
‪네‬You're right.
‪거짓말한 건 잘못했습니다‬I apologize for lying to you.
‪그렇지만 저는 쌤을 위해서…‬But I did it for you.
‪뭐가 날 위한 건데?‬How so?
‪이렇게 큰 행사를‬This is a huge event.
‪[동희] 정당한 사유 없이‬ ‪개인 사정으로 변경하면‬Changing the date due to personal reasons
‪쌤 신뢰도가 또 무너져요‬will only kill your credibility.
‪어떻게 하는 복귀인데‬This comeback wasn't easy.
‪훼손되게 둘 수 없었어요‬ ‪제가 용납 못 해요‬I couldn't let you ruin your reputation.
‪그런 식으로 합리화하지 마‬Don't try to justify your actions. You thought I was a joke--
‪너 나 우습게 본 거야‬Don't try to justify your actions. You thought I was a joke--
‪우습게 본 게 아니라!‬That's not true.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪우스워지실까 봐 그랬습니다‬I didn't want you to become a joke.
‪선생님 이런 분 아니셨어요‬You were never like this.
‪며칠씩 못 먹어도‬ ‪수액 맞아 가면서 강의하셨고‬You'd starve for days and receive IV drips just to teach.
‪[동희] 주 7일 밤새워도‬ ‪휴가 한 번 없이‬You always worked endlessly without taking a break.
‪다음 스케줄 소화하셨던 분이에요‬You always worked endlessly without taking a break.
‪누구보다 공사 구분 확실하고‬You were always professional
‪사생활로 업무 지장‬ ‪그런 거 어림도 없는 분이셨다고요‬and never let your private matters affect your work.
‪근데 남행선 씨 때문에‬But you were swayed by Ms. Nam and kept making exceptions.
‪자꾸만 예외 상황 만들고‬ ‪흔들리시고…‬But you were swayed by Ms. Nam and kept making exceptions.
‪그게 너무 당황스럽고‬ ‪속상합니다, 전‬Seeing you like that flustered and upset me.
‪흔들리는 게 아니라‬I'm not being swayed.
‪변화하는 거야‬I'm changing.
‪넌 그게 정상이었다고 생각해?‬Did you think I was normal back then?
‪[치열] '1조 원의 남자'‬ ‪어쩌고 떠들면서‬They'd call me the Trillion Won Man,
‪속 빈 강정마냥‬ ‪일벌레로, 일 노예로‬yet I was empty inside, slaving away at work.
‪밥 한 끼 제대로‬ ‪소화도 못 시키면서‬I couldn't even digest my food and would return to my empty shell of a house.
‪빈껍데기뿐인 집에 들어가‬I couldn't even digest my food and would return to my empty shell of a house.
‪자는 둥 마는 둥‬ ‪눈 붙이고 기어 나와‬I'd toss and turn in bed, trying to sleep,
‪다시 반복하고 또 반복하고‬then repeat everything again and again.
‪그런 내가 나다운 거고‬You think that's who I really am? You miss the old me?
‪그런 내가 그립다고, 넌?‬You miss the old me?
‪난 안 그런데, 별로‬I don't.
‪[동희] 선생님께‬ ‪득이 되는 변화가 아니잖아요!‬But this change won't benefit you.
‪[치열] 득이 되고 안 되고를‬ ‪왜 니가 판단해! 무슨 기준으로?‬Who are you to determine whether it benefits me or not?
‪[동희] 선생님!‬Who are you to determine whether it benefits me or not? -Mr. Choi! -That's up to me to decide!
‪판단은 내가 해!‬-Mr. Choi! -That's up to me to decide!
‪강사로서 갈 방향, 삶의 가치‬ ‪다 내가 결정한다고‬I decide my future in this line of work and what I value in life!
‪지금 나한텐 내 일만큼이나‬As of now, Haeng-seon and her family matter just as much as my work.
‪행선 씨나 행선 씨 가족도‬ ‪소중하니까‬As of now, Haeng-seon and her family matter just as much as my work.
‪토 달지 마‬So don't complain.
‪[동희] 그딴 여자가 뭐라고요‬What's so great about her?
‪막말로 해이가‬ ‪죽은 것도 아니잖아요!‬It's not like her kid died or anything!
‪[치열] 뭐?‬What?
‪[당황한 숨소리]‬
‪뭐라고?‬What did you say?
‪너 어떻게…‬How could you…
‪아니, 선, 선생님‬ ‪제 말은 그런 뜻이 아니라…‬Mr. Choi, what I meant was--
‪내가 너에 대해서‬ ‪모르는 게 많았나 보다‬I guess I never really knew you.
‪니가 그런 생각을 갖고 있다면‬If that's what you think,
‪더 이상 같이 못 갈 거 같다‬then I can't work with you anymore.
‪- 여기까지 하자‬ ‪- [무거운 음악]‬This is the end for us.
‪[문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[효원] 저, 실장님‬Mr. Ji, I don't think this is right.
‪이러실 일 아닌 거 같아요, 진짜‬Mr. Ji, I don't think this is right.
‪아, 쌤도 홧김에 그냥…‬In his burst of anger…
‪아니, 쌤이랑 실장님이랑‬ ‪어떤 사이인데‬In his burst of anger… Come on. You guys have a long history.
‪아, 1, 2년 일한 것도 아니고‬You've been working together for years. You're like family.
‪진짜 가족이나‬ ‪다름없는 사이시잖아요‬You've been working together for years. You're like family.
‪화 풀리실 때까지‬ ‪기다려 보시는 게 나을 거 같은데‬Maybe just give him some time to cool down…
‪실장님‬Mr. Ji.
‪[탁 누르는 소리]‬
‪[연경] 와, 이거 실화예요?‬Is this really happening?
‪진짜 이렇게 끝이라고요?‬He quit just like that?
‪[서진] 그냥 부부 싸움 같은 거‬ ‪아닐까요?‬Maybe it's just a lover's quarrel.
‪[효원의 한숨]‬Maybe it's just a lover's quarrel. I don't know anymore.
‪[효원] 모르겠다, 나도‬I don't know anymore.
‪분위기 봐선‬Judging by what I just saw, they're pretty much getting a divorce.
‪- 이혼 각인 거 같기도 하고‬ ‪- [조교들의 한숨]‬Judging by what I just saw, they're pretty much getting a divorce.
‪[툭툭 두드리는 소리]‬
‪- [차분한 음악]‬ ‪- [휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[정수] 아, 안녕하세요‬ ‪저 강현 서의 배정수 형사인데요‬Hello, this is Detective Bae Jeong-su from Ganghyeon Police Station.
‪아, 네, 안녕하세요‬Hello.
‪[정수] 진이상 씨 관련해서‬ ‪뭐 좀 여쭤볼 게 있어서요‬I'd like to ask you a few questions about Mr. Jin I-sang.
‪지금 잠깐 시간 좀 되실까요?‬Are you free right now?
‪네, 맞습니다‬Yes, that's correct.
‪그때쯤 진이상 선생이‬ ‪'최치열라짱나'인 걸 알게 됐어요‬That was around the time when I found out that he was Chiyeolsucks.
‪[이태] 알고도‬ ‪왜 경찰에 신고 안 하셨나요?‬Why didn't you report him to the police?
‪뭐, 일 키워 봤자 득 될 것도 없고‬I didn't see the need to go that far.
‪안 하겠다는 약속 받고 끝냈습니다‬And he promised that he'd stop.
‪[치열] 근데 지금‬ ‪뭐 하시는 겁니까?‬What are you doing?
‪뭐, 저 의심받는 겁니까?‬What are you doing? Are you suspecting me? I have a solid alibi.
‪그날 알리바이는 확실한데‬Are you suspecting me? I have a solid alibi.
‪아, 아, 그건 그런데‬Right.
‪[이태] 뭐, 불쾌하게 들리시겠지만‬This may be offensive to hear.
‪솔직하게 말씀드리면‬But I'll be honest.
‪이 쇠구슬 관련 사건들의 공통점이‬ ‪딱 하나밖에 없거든요‬All these metal ball cases have only one thing in common.
‪최치열 선생님이요‬It's you.
‪[정수] 국가대표 쇠구슬 사건 때도‬ ‪가게에 계셨고‬You were at Nation's Best Banchan when a metal ball was shot.
‪이영민 학생과는 투신 직전에‬ ‪서로 마찰 있으셨고‬Lee Young-min stormed out of your class right before he died.
‪진이상도‬ ‪후배랑 마지막 통화 했을 때‬And in Jin I-sang's last call to his friend,
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬he said you had found out that he was Chiyeolsucks
‪선생님이 자기가‬ ‪'최치열라짱나'인 거 알았다고‬he said you had found out that he was Chiyeolsucks
‪그래서 몸 좀 사려야겠다고‬and that he was going to lie low.
‪저기, 죄송한데‬ ‪손 한번 볼 수 있을까요?‬I'm sorry, but may I look at your hands?
‪뭐 하시는 겁니까?‬What are you doing?
‪[이태] 진이상 선생 살해범‬ ‪목격자가 있었습니다‬There's a witness in Mr. Jin's case.
‪목격자에 따르면‬According to the witness,
‪범인 오른쪽 검지‬ ‪두 번째 마디쯤에‬the joint of the suspect's right index finger
‪아주 딱딱한 굳은살이 있었답니다‬the joint of the suspect's right index finger was calloused. "Calloused"?
‪[정수] 저희는 범인이‬ ‪쇠구슬 총 고무줄을‬The callus must have formed from repeatedly pulling a slingshot.
‪잡아당겼을 때 박인‬ ‪굳은살이 아닐까‬The callus must have formed from repeatedly pulling a slingshot.
‪그렇게 추측하고 있습니다‬That's what we assume.
‪이렇게 고무줄을‬They would've pulled it back
‪당길 테니까‬like so.
‪[이태] 아, 이건 좀‬ ‪개인적인 질문이긴 한데‬This is a personal question.
‪혹시 정성현이라고 아십니까?‬Do you happen to know a Jeong Seong-hyeon?
‪정성현이요? 글쎄요, 잘‬"Jeong Seong-hyeon"? I'm afraid I don't.
‪그럼 혹시 정수현은요?‬Then how about… Jeong Su-hyeon?
‪정수현이요?‬Jeong Su-hyeon?
‪[문 여닫히는 소리]‬
‪내가‬After what I've done for you!
‪내가 당신 때문에‬ ‪무슨 짓까지 했는데!‬After what I've done for you!
‪- [분한 숨소리]‬ ‪- [어두운 음악]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[수현] 내가 유일하게‬ ‪믿을 수 있는 사람‬He's the only person I can trust.
‪내게 유일한 어른인‬He's the only one I consider an adult.
‪치열 쌤에게 털어놔 볼까?‬Should I confide in Mr. Choi?
‪나도 그렇게 생각했어, 누나‬I thought the same way, Su-hyeon.
‪그래서 지켜 주고 싶었어‬ ‪우리가 믿는 유일한 어른이라서‬I wanted to protect the only trustworthy adult we had.
‪근데 최치열이 날 버렸어‬But he abandoned me.
‪그리고 누나도 잊었어‬And he forgot about you too.
‪[강조되는 효과음]‬JEONG SU-HYEON
‪[수현] 제발, 엄마‬-Please, Mom. -Don't you dare call me your mom!
‪[수현 모] 엄마는 누가 엄마야!‬-Please, Mom. -Don't you dare call me your mom!
‪내가 니 엄마 맞아?‬ ‪근데 학교에다 일러바쳤니?‬Am I really your mom? Then why did you tell the school,
‪[수현 모] '우리 엄마가‬ ‪시험 문제 빼돌렸어요'‬"My mom got hold of the exam paper,
‪'제발 처벌 좀 해 주세요' 그러고?‬so please punish her"?
‪- [수현] 엄마, 나 진짜…‬ ‪- [찰싹 소리]‬-Mom-- -How could you do this to me?
‪[수현 모] 니가 어떻게‬ ‪나한테 이래‬-Mom-- -How could you do this to me? It was all for your sake!
‪내가 누구 때문에‬ ‪그런 짓까지 했는데!‬It was all for your sake!
‪[쨍그랑 깨지는 소리]‬
‪- [바람 소리]‬ ‪- [쓸쓸한 음악]‬
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[무거운 효과음]‬Su-hyeon.
‪[성현] 누나…‬Su-hyeon.
‪- [수현 모가 흐느낀다]‬ ‪- [차분한 음악]‬
‪[수현 모가 울며] 수현아…‬Su-hyeon…
‪[수현 모가 훌쩍인다]‬
‪넌 들어가, 이제‬Go home.
‪다음 주부터 시험이잖아‬You have exams next week.
‪나 그냥‬Can I just…
‪여기 있으면 안 돼요?‬stay here?
‪[조문객1] 근데‬ ‪그 문제 유출 얘기는 뭐예요?‬What's this rumor about the exam questions leaking?
‪[조문객2] 수현이가 투신 전에‬Before Su-hyeon died, she told her school
‪기말고사 시험지가‬ ‪유출된 거 같다고‬she told her school about the exam questions getting leaked.
‪이실직고를 했나 봐, 학교에‬about the exam questions getting leaked.
‪교장이 시끄러워질까 봐‬ ‪그걸 그냥 덮었는데‬The principal just swept it under the rug,
‪애들 사이에서 소문이 난 거지, 쫙‬but all the students found out.
‪어, 그러니까‬Tell me about it.
‪[성현] 선생님‬Sir.
‪선생님이 치열 쌤이죠?‬You're Mr. Choi Chi-yeol.
‪어, 맞아‬Yes.
‪[성현] 누나가‬ ‪쌤 얘기 많이 했어요‬Su-hyeon told me a lot about you.
‪이것도 쌤 거 뺏은 거라고‬She also said she took your pen.
‪내가 누나 준 거니까‬I gave it to her.
‪[치열] 누나 거야‬So it's hers.
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪- [툭 놓는 소리]‬ ‪- 엄마‬Mom.
‪[수현 모] 내일모레가 시험인데‬ ‪잠이 오니?‬How could you sleep when the exam is in two days? Don't you know you're my only hope now?
‪나한테 이제 너밖에 없어, 몰라?‬Don't you know you're my only hope now?
‪알아요, 아는데, 너무 졸려서…‬I know. I was just so sleepy--
‪[수현 모] 졸려도 참아야지!‬You should've fought it!
‪그딴 정신력으로‬ ‪어떻게 스카이 갈래?‬How will you get into a top school with such a weak mentality?
‪나와, 나와!‬Come out.
‪- [성현] 엄마, 엄마‬ ‪- [수현 모] 잠이 오면 깨워야지‬-Mom… -You're sleepy? Then wake up. -Mom… -Come out! Go!
‪나와, 나가!‬-Mom… -Come out! Go!
‪엄마, 안 졸게요‬Mom, I won't sleep.
‪[성현] 너무 추워요‬ ‪문 좀 열어 주세요‬It's so cold. Please let me in. Mom! Please open the door.
‪엄마, 엄마!‬Mom! Please open the door.
‪엄마, 문 좀 열어 주세요, 엄마‬Mom! Please open the door.
‪엄마, 엄마!‬Mom!
‪[수현 모] 이 와중에도‬ ‪넌 또 잠이 오니?‬I can't believe you fell asleep again.
‪일어나, 잠 깼으면‬ ‪들어가서 공부해, 얼른‬Get up. Go study if you're awake now.
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[판사] 피고인이 자신의 어머니를‬There's no decisive evidence that the defendant intended to murder his mother.
‪의도적으로 살해하였다고‬ ‪인정할 증거가 없고‬that the defendant intended to murder his mother.
‪딸의 사망을 비관한 피해자가‬Furthermore, there's a possibility
‪스스로 극단적 선택을 했을‬ ‪가능성도 배제할 수 없으므로‬that the mother decided to end her life over the loss of her daughter.
‪존속 살인죄에 대하여‬As for his charge of matricide,
‪피고인의 무죄를 선고합니다‬I find the defendant innocent.
‪[술렁이는 소리]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[수현] 김수현입니다‬I'm Kim Su-hyeon.
‪[치열] 반가워요‬It's nice to meet you.
‪[보라] 김보라입니다‬I'm Kim Bo-ra.
‪[치열] 잘해 봐요‬I hope we get along.
‪[지혜] 신지혜예요‬I'm Shin Ji-hye.
‪선생님 조교 하게 돼서‬ ‪너무 좋아요‬I'm so delighted to be your teaching assistant.
‪[치열] 그 마음‬ ‪변치 말아야 될 텐데‬I hope those feelings don't change.
‪이름이?‬What's your name?
‪[성현] 지동희입니다‬I'm Ji Dong-hui.
‪모시게 돼서 영광입니다‬It's an honor to serve you.
‪모시긴 무슨, 내가 조상도 아니고‬"Serve me"? I'm not a king.
‪아무튼 잘해 봐요‬I hope we get along.
‪[치열이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪- [치열] 손 좀 [웃음]‬ ‪- [성현] 아…‬-Can you let go? -Right.
‪- [치열] 이름이?‬ ‪- [윤형] 권윤형입니다‬-Your name? -Kwon Yun-hyeong. -Kwon Yun-hyeong? -Yes.
‪- [치열] 권윤형? 잘 부탁해요‬ ‪- [윤형] 네, 네, 잘 부탁드립니다‬-Kwon Yun-hyeong? -Yes. -I hope we get along. -Likewise.
‪[성현] 선생님‬Mr. Choi.
‪[치열] 어, 생큐‬Thank you.
‪아, 이거 내가 전에 쓰던 거랑‬ ‪똑같은 거다?‬I used to have the same exact pen.
‪그래요? 이거 저희 누나가 준 건데‬Really? My sister gave me that.
‪- 신기하네‬ ‪- [쓱쓱 적는 소리]‬How fascinating. Not many people use this brand.
‪이거 쓰는 사람 많이 없을 텐데‬How fascinating. Not many people use this brand.
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[이태] 혹시 정성현이라고‬ ‪아십니까?‬Do you happen to know a Jeong Seong-hyeon?
‪그럼 혹시 정수현은요?‬Then how about… Jeong Su-hyeon?
‪[고조되는 음악]‬
‪[영주] 야‬Hey, this won't do.
‪아무래도 안 되겠다‬Hey, this won't do.
‪아, 밑반찬 몇 개 더 해 봐야지‬We need a few more side dishes.
‪진열대가 너무 휑하네‬Our trays look too empty.
‪아무리 행선이 없대도‬We need to maintain our sales even when Haeng-seon isn't here.
‪어느 정도 매출은‬ ‪유지해야 할 거 아니야‬We need to maintain our sales even when Haeng-seon isn't here.
‪어, 그럼‬ ‪내가 장을 좀 더 봐 올까?‬Then should I buy more groceries?
‪그렇게 하고 일단 여기 좀 닦자‬But first, let's wipe this.
‪[딸랑거리는 소리]‬
‪저희 아직 오픈 못 했는데…‬We're not open yet.
‪혹시 연예인이세요?‬Are you a celebrity?
‪평수가 얼마 안 되네‬It's not as spacious as I thought. It looked big from the outside.
‪[여자] 밖에서 볼 땐‬ ‪좀 되는 줄 알았는데‬It's not as spacious as I thought. It looked big from the outside.
‪그래도 월세 꽤 나가죠?‬But the rent must be expensive.
‪목이 목이다 보니까 그럴 거야‬Judging by its location, I bet it is.
‪매상은 얼마나 돼요?‬How much do you make?
‪한 달에 얼마나 버나? 순이익‬What is your monthly net profit?
‪아이, 저기, 혹시 근처에‬ ‪뭐, 가게 보고 계세요?‬Are you thinking about opening up a store nearby?
‪내가 장사할 스타일로 보여요?‬Do I look like I would?
‪[여자의 웃음]‬
‪[여자] 와…‬
‪근데 행선이 어디 갔나?‬By the way, did Haeng-seon go somewhere? I don't see her.
‪안 보이네‬I don't see her.
‪해이는 가게는 안 내려오나?‬Does Hae-e not come here that often?
‪아, 행선이 지인이세요? 누구…‬Are you Haeng-seon's friend? What's your name?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪남행자 누나‬Nam Haeng-ja.
‪[행자] 재우야‬Jae-woo.
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬Hae-e…
‪[행자가 흐느끼며] 해이야‬ ‪눈 좀 떠 봐, 어?‬Hae-e… Open your eyes, will you?
‪엄마 왔어, 해이야‬It's me, your mom.
‪너 이게 어떻게 된 거야?‬What's going on?
‪언니는 어디 있다‬ ‪이제 나타났는데?‬Where have you been all this time?
‪[행자] 나 일본에서 쭉 지내다가‬ ‪여기 비행기 타고 왔다, 왜?‬Where have you been all this time? I was in Japan all this time and flew here. So what?
‪넌 애 케어를 대체 어떻게 했길래‬How could you be so irresponsible?
‪우리 해이가 저 꼴로‬ ‪병원에 누워 있게 만들어, 왜!‬Why is my daughter unconscious and hospitalized?
‪[흐느끼며] 해이야, 엄마야‬Hae-e, your mom is here…
‪[행선의 한숨]‬
‪엄마 많이 보고 싶었지? 내 새끼‬Didn't you miss me a lot, my dear baby?
‪[영주] 꼬치꼬치 묻는데‬ ‪말을 안 할 수도 없고‬She was bombarding me with questions. I had to tell her.
‪[행자] 아이고…‬No…
‪[문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪해이야, 눈 좀 떠 봐, 응?‬Open your eyes.
‪[오열하며] 아유, 내 새끼!‬My poor baby.
‪[치열] 마셔요, 속 좀 뻥 뚫리게‬Drink this and refresh yourself.
‪[행선의 한숨]‬
‪아니, 어떻게 또‬I mean,
‪자매가 그렇게 달라? 참‬how could two sisters be so different?
‪해이는 그래도‬ ‪엄마보다는 이모 쪽인가?‬Does Hae-e take after you more than her mom?
‪둘 다 아니죠‬It's neither.
‪지 아빠인가?‬Maybe it's her dad.
‪아, 모르겠어요, 머리가 너무 아파‬I don't know. My head hurts.
‪아니, 왜 하필 지금 나타나 가지고‬ ‪뭘 잘했다고 저렇게 당당하게‬How could she just show up now and be so shameless?
‪이유가 있겠죠, 이 타이밍에 온‬There must be a reason why she came now. Who knows?
‪[치열] 혹시 알아요?‬Who knows?
‪해이 회복하는 데 도움이 될지‬Maybe she could help Hae-e recover quickly.
‪[행선] 글쎄요‬I'm not sure.
‪과연 그럴까?‬Do you think so?
‪- 근데 얼굴이 왜 그래요?‬ ‪- [치열] 응?‬-What's with your face? -What?
‪[행선] 잠 한숨 못 잔 사람처럼‬ ‪무슨 일 있어요?‬You look haggard. Is something going on?
‪아니, 뭔 일은, 아니에요‬No, everything's fine.
‪아닌 게 아닌데‬You're obviously lying.
‪안색이 너무 안 좋아‬You don't look too well.
‪왜요?‬Tell me.
‪- [새들이 지저귀는 소리]‬ ‪- [경비원] 자‬-Here you go. -Thank you.
‪[이태] 아유, 예‬ ‪아유, 감사합니다‬-Here you go. -Thank you. It's nothing.
‪[경비원] 아이고‬It's nothing.
‪아, 그때 그렇게 무죄받고, 응?‬After being acquitted of his charges, he never left his house.
‪한참 동안 밖에도 안 나오더니‬ ‪아예 안 보이더라고요‬he never left his house. And I never saw him again.
‪씁, 그러고는 몇 년 지나서‬ ‪누가 그 집에 이사를 오데?‬A few years later, someone moved into that house.
‪알아봤더니 삼촌이라는 사람이‬It turned out that his uncle reported him missing and moved in.
‪걔 실종 신고를 하고‬ ‪아예 들어오는 거더라고‬It turned out that his uncle reported him missing and moved in.
‪혹시 그럼 지금은?‬-Does the uncle still live here? -He sold it and moved out.
‪아, 팔고 이사 갔지, 그 삼촌도‬-Does the uncle still live here? -He sold it and moved out.
‪[경비원] 씁, 5년은 족히 됐을걸?‬It's been well over five years.
‪- [이태의 한숨]‬ ‪- 아휴‬
‪근데 이런 말 하면‬ ‪내가 벌받을지 모르지마는‬I know it's wrong of me to say this,
‪실종이건 뭐건‬but missing or not, I was glad that kid disappeared.
‪어쨌든 그놈이 사라져서‬ ‪다행이다 그랬어, 난‬but missing or not, I was glad that kid disappeared.
‪아, 허구한 날 쇠구슬을 쏴 대서‬ ‪내가 얼마나 고생했다고‬He'd shoot metal balls all the time and put me in a pickle.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬He'd shoot metal balls all the time and put me in a pickle.
‪- 쇠구슬이요?‬ ‪- [경비원] 어‬-"Metal balls"? -Yes.
‪아파트에서 누가 쇠구슬 쏜다고‬The residents would complain about someone shooting metal balls.
‪그냥 민원이 아주 그냥‬The residents would complain about someone shooting metal balls.
‪환장하겠더라니까‬It drove me crazy.
‪근데 범인이 그놈이더라고‬Turns out he was the culprit.
‪나중에 알았지‬I only found out later.
‪근데 지금 생각하면, 씁‬Looking back,
‪다 정상은 아니었어, 그 집 식구들‬none of his family members were sane.
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬
‪[비서] 정말 대단하세요, 변호사님‬-Come on. -You're truly incredible.
‪아니, 절대 못 뒤집을 거라고‬ ‪다른 펌에서 포기한 사건을‬Another firm had given up on the case, saying it was impossible.
‪그것도 대법원에서 승소하시다니‬But you won, and at the Supreme Court at that.
‪[서진] 그냥 운이 좋았어요‬I was just lucky.
‪[직원1] 에이, 변호사님 실력은‬ ‪업계가 다 아는데‬Come on. Everyone in this line of work knows how competent you are.
‪[직원2] 정말 축하드려요‬Congratulations.
‪[서진] 고마워요‬Thanks.
‪우리 회식 한번‬ ‪해야 되는 거 아니에요?‬Shouldn't we celebrate this over dinner?
‪- 뭐, 좋아요, 그러면 오늘 저녁…‬ ‪- [휴대전화 진동음]‬Sure. Then let's have dinner…
‪아, 잠깐만요‬Excuse me.
‪[서진이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[종렬] 예, 선재 어머님‬ ‪저 선재 담임입니다‬Hello, Ms. Jang. This is Sun-jae's homeroom teacher.
‪아유, 잘 지내셨어요? [웃음]‬How have you been?
‪근데 무슨 일로?‬May I ask what you're calling about?
‪[종렬] 죄송하지만‬I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you need to visit the school.
‪학교에 한번‬ ‪나오셔야 할 거 같은데요‬I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you need to visit the school.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[학생1] 뭐야?‬ ‪야, 이선재가 1등이라며?‬WOORIM HIGH SCHOOL BULLETIN BOARD What? Wasn't Sun-jae in first place?
‪[학생2] 아예 30등 안에도 없는데?‬He's not even in the top 30.
‪1반 애들도 아무도 없어‬No one from Class 1 is on the list.
‪[학생3] 야, 그럼 불미스러운 일이‬ ‪이선재랑 관련이 있다는 거네?‬No one from Class 1 is on the list. This must mean the "unfortunate incident" has something to do with Sun-jae.
‪- 걔 커닝한 거 아니야?‬ ‪- [헛기침 소리]‬Maybe he cheated.
‪[건후] 뭔 일 있는 거 같지?‬-Something's going on, right? -Yes.
‪[단지] 어‬-Something's going on, right? -Yes.
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[수희] 어, 나야‬ ‪나 지금 나가려고‬Hey, it's me. I was just about to leave.
‪그게 무슨 말이야?‬What do you mean?
‪누가 중간고사 시험지를‬ ‪유출했다고?‬Someone leaked the midterm exam?
‪교무부장? [답답한 숨소리]‬The education director? Who did she leak it to?
‪아, 그러니까 누, 누구한테?‬The education director? Who did she leak it to?
‪- [영주] 이쪽으로‬ ‪- [계속되는 휴대전화 벨 소리]‬This way, please.
‪- [손님1] 여보세요‬ ‪- [손님2] 여보세요‬-Hello? -Hello?
‪- [손님1] 뭐?‬ ‪- [손님2] 어?‬-What? -What?
‪- [손님3] 여보세요?‬ ‪- [손님1] 그게 무슨 말이야?‬-Hello? -What do you mean?
‪- [손님2] 그래서?‬ ‪- [손님3] 유출?‬-So what happened? -"Leaked"?
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬DAD
‪저 선재인데요‬It's me, Sun-jae.
‪엄마 좀 도와주세요‬Please help Mom.
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪- [도어 록 작동음]‬ ‪- [스위치 조작음]‬
‪[치열] 뭐 좀 마실래?‬Do you want something to drink?
‪선생님, 제가 잘못했습니다‬I'm sorry, Mr. Choi.
‪[성현] 제가 오버했어요‬I overreacted.
‪선생님이 유독‬ ‪제 말에 귀 기울여 주시고‬You always took my words into consideration,
‪저랑 많은 걸 상의해 주시고‬ ‪또 배려해 주시고 그러니까‬consulted me often, and treated me well.
‪주제에 선을 넘었어요‬ ‪그래도 되는 줄 알고‬So I think I felt entitled and crossed the line.
‪제가 잘못했습니다‬ ‪죽을죄를 지었어요‬I'm sorry. I really shouldn't have done that.
‪선생님 곁이 아니면‬ ‪저 아무 의미 없어요‬This job means nothing if I'm not working with you.
‪이 일을 할 이유도 없어요‬I have no reason to do this.
‪오버 안 하고 잘하겠습니다‬I will never cross the line again.
‪다시 모실 수 있는 기회‬Please give me the chance…
‪주세요, 선생님‬to serve you again.
‪[치열] 일어나‬Get up.
‪[떨리는 숨소리] 선생님‬-Mr. Choi. -Get up, Dong-hui.
‪일어나, 지동희‬-Mr. Choi. -Get up, Dong-hui.
‪나도 과했다, 어젠‬I overreacted as well yesterday.
‪[치열] 순간 예민해져서‬I was too sensitive.
‪그래도 지난 6년을‬I shouldn't have treated you like that
‪내 곁에서 한결같이 몸, 마음‬ ‪다 바쳐서 일해 준 너한테‬when you've stood by me and dedicated yourself to me
‪그런 식으로 대하는 건 아닌데‬for the past six years.
‪선생님‬Mr. Choi.
‪우리 어제 일은 잊고‬Let's forget what happened yesterday
‪다시 잘 시작해 보자‬and start anew.
‪[치열] 응?‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪내일 뵙겠습니다, 선생님‬I'll see you tomorrow.
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[차 문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[치열] 이것 좀 봐 봐요‬Take a look at this.
‪비슷하죠?‬Doesn't it look similar to the stain on Hae-e's palm?
‪해이 손바닥에 있는 그…‬Doesn't it look similar to the stain on Hae-e's palm?
‪[행선] 네, 그런 거 같아요‬Yes, I think so.
‪[치열] 그, 지 실장이 늘 쓰는‬ ‪만년필이 있는데‬There's a fountain pen that Mr. Ji always uses.
‪어쩌면 그 잉크일지도‬It could've been that ink.
‪- 모른다는 생각이 들어서…‬ ‪- [행선의 놀란 소리]‬It could've been that ink.
‪행선 씨가‬ ‪동희에 대해서 말했을 때‬When you first mentioned Dong-hui to me,
‪솔직히 좀‬ ‪오해가 있을 거라고 생각했는데‬I honestly thought there was a misunderstanding.
‪이젠 나도 모르겠어요‬But I don't know anymore…
‪동희가 어떤 놈인지‬about what kind of person he is
‪왜 내 옆에 있는지‬or why he's by my side.
‪[치열] 응?‬
‪[벅찬 숨소리]‬Okay.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[이태] 목격자에 따르면‬According to the witness,
‪범인 오른쪽 검지‬ ‪두 번째 마디쯤에‬the joint of the suspect's right index finger
‪아주 딱딱한 굳은살이 있었답니다‬was calloused.

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