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  일타 스캔들 15

Crash Course in Romance 15


‪- [행선] 언니, 지금 뭐 하는 거야‬ ‪- [놀라며] 아, 깜짝…‬-What are you doing, Haeng-ja? -Gosh!
‪[행자] 아이, 기지배, 놀라라‬You scared me.
‪너 때문에 삑사리 날 뻔했잖아‬ ‪기지배야‬The nail polish almost got on her skin.
‪- [행선] 아…‬ ‪- [행자] 보면 몰라?‬The nail polish almost got on her skin. What do you think I'm doing?
‪봐 봐, 자, 자‬ ‪요즘 애들 이런 거 다 해‬Look. Kids these days love this kind of stuff.
‪어른보다 화장도 훨씬 잘한다고‬Kids these days love this kind of stuff. They're better at makeup than grown-ups.
‪후, 내가 특별히‬They're better at makeup than grown-ups. For her toenails,
‪페디는 강렬하게 레드로 했어‬ ‪이쁘지?‬I went for flaming red. Nice, right?
‪[행선] 해이‬ ‪의식 불명 환자야, 언니‬Hae-e is in a coma.
‪상태 체크할 때‬ ‪손발 다 확인하는 거 몰라?‬The doctor needs to check her nails.
‪급한 수술 들어갈 수도 있고?‬She might urgently need surgery too.
‪[행선의 답답한 한숨]‬
‪아, 빨리 지워‬Remove it right now.
‪아니, 나는 애가‬I just thought
‪의식 없이 누워 있는 게‬ ‪생기가 없어 가지고‬I just thought it was a shame that she was lying unconscious.
‪좀 생기 있어 보이라고…‬it was a shame that she was lying unconscious. I wanted to pretty her up.
‪[행자] 근데 너는‬ ‪언니를 가르치려고 든다?‬Are you lecturing your older sister?
‪아주 선생이랑 사귀니까‬ ‪니가 선생인 줄 알지?‬Did you learn that from your teacher boyfriend?
‪[한숨]‬Did you learn that from your teacher boyfriend?
‪아, 몰라! 잘난 니가 지워‬If you're so smart, remove it yourself.
‪난 해이한테 피해 안 되게‬ ‪여기 짜져 있을 테니까‬I'll keep out of Hae-e's hair.
‪아휴, 참‬Good grief.
‪- 진짜, 씨‬ ‪- [행선] 아휴, 진짜‬-What's with her? -Jeez.
‪[TV 전원음]‬
‪[TV 속 앵커] 현직 변호사가‬A lawyer has been charged with leaking school exam questions to her son
‪아들을 위해 내신 시험지를‬ ‪유출한 정황이 포착돼‬A lawyer has been charged with leaking school exam questions to her son
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- 경찰이 수사에 착수했습니다‬and is currently under investigation.
‪사교육 중심지인 녹은로에 위치한‬ ‪해당 사립 고등학교…‬This private high school is located in Nokeun-ro, -a private education mecca… -That's near here.
‪[행자] 이 동네네? 야‬-a private education mecca… -That's near here. Hey.
‪저, 저, 저기 혹시‬ ‪해이가 다니는 학교 아니냐?‬Isn't that Hae-e's school?
‪[TV 속 앵커] 1등을 한 것으로‬ ‪알려졌습니다‬Isn't that Hae-e's school? …came out on top in the midterms.
‪경찰에 따르면 학생이 학교 측에‬…came out on top in the midterms. The police said the student confessed to the school
‪시험 전 동일한 내용의‬ ‪프린트를 풀었음을 자백하며‬that he had accessed the exam questions beforehand,
‪사건이 드러났으며‬bringing the case to light.
‪용의자로 지목된 이 학생 어머니는‬Shockingly, his mother, the suspect,
‪국내 최대 규모 로펌의‬ ‪변호사인 것으로 알려져‬Shockingly, his mother, the suspect, turns out to be a lawyer working for a top firm.
‪충격을 더하고 있습니다‬turns out to be a lawyer working for a top firm.
‪JBC 뉴스 최현입니다‬This has been Choi Hyeon of JBC News.
‪해이 학교 맞는데‬Yes, that's Hae-e's school.
‪2학년에 엄마가 변호사면…‬An 11th grader whose mom is a lawyer?
‪"T&A 로펌"‬
‪[북적거리는 소리]‬
‪[비서] 어떡해요, 변호사님‬What do we do, Ms. Jang?
‪건물 입구랑 주차장까지‬ ‪기자들 쫙 깔렸어요‬The entrance and the garage are swarmed with reporters.
‪어떻게 알고‬ ‪여기까지 몰려든 건지, 진짜‬How did they find out about your workplace?
‪변호사님‬Ms. Jang.
‪아니죠? 뭐 오해가 있는 거죠?‬It's not true, is it? They're mistaken, right?
‪사무실까지 들이닥치기 전에‬I think you should sneak out before they barge in here.
‪빨리 빠져나가는 게‬ ‪좋을 거 같은데‬I think you should sneak out before they barge in here.
‪뭐, 선글라스나‬ ‪모자 같은 거라도 구해 올까요?‬Should I go find some sunglasses or a hat?
‪그래 봤자 이목만 더 끌겠죠‬That would only attract more attention.
‪- [기자들] 나온다, 나온다!‬ ‪- [카메라 셔터음]‬She's here! -She's here! -She's here!
‪[기자1] 혐의를 인정하십니까?‬-She's here! -She's here! -Do you admit to the charges? -Is this the first time?
‪[기자2] 이번이 처음이 맞습니까?‬-Do you admit to the charges? -Is this the first time? -If this isn't your first time… -Do you admit it?
‪[계속되는 질문 세례]‬-If this isn't your first time… -Do you admit it?
‪[기자1] 한마디 해 주시죠‬ ‪다들 기다리고 있습니다‬-Please say something. Everyone's waiting. -Is it true?
‪[기자3] 지금 심정이 어떠십니까?‬
‪[선재 부] 제가 변호인입니다‬I'm her lawyer.
‪아직 수사 중인 사안입니다‬ ‪코멘트 없습니다‬The case is still under investigation. We have no comment at this time.
‪지나가겠습니다‬Coming through.
‪[기자4] 그래도 한마디 해 주시죠‬-No comment at all? -Move.
‪[계속되는 질문 세례]‬-No comment at all? -Move. Coming through!
‪[뉴스 속 기자들의 질문 세례]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[수희] 일이 이 지경이 될 때까지‬ ‪학교는 대체 뭘 한 거예요?‬How could the school let things get so out of control?
‪[수희] 아니, 다른 사람도 아니고‬The education director, of all people,
‪교무부장이 학부모랑 내통을 해서‬ ‪시험지를 빼돌렸는데‬The education director, of all people, colluded with a parent and leaked the exam questions.
‪학교는 그걸 낌새도 못 챘다는 게‬ ‪이게 말이 됩니까, 이게?‬colluded with a parent and leaked the exam questions. How could the school not even know about this?
‪[미옥] 완전 충격이에요, 진짜‬ ‪어떻게…‬This is appalling. I've only seen these things happen on the news.
‪뉴스에서 보던 일이‬ ‪우리 학교에 이게 있을 수가 있지?‬I've only seen these things happen on the news.
‪[학부모1] 그러니까‬I've only seen these things happen on the news. -I know. -I have nothing to say.
‪예, 면목 없습니다, 죄송합니다‬-I know. -I have nothing to say. I apologize.
‪[정안] 지금 경찰 쪽에서‬ ‪조사 진행 중이니 좀 더 상황을…‬A police investigation is underway. -Please wait and-- -No, forget it.
‪[수희] 아니요, 됐고요‬-Please wait and-- -No, forget it.
‪아니, 이렇게 대담한 짓을‬How can we be sure that this brazen crime has never been committed before?
‪이번 한 번만 했다는 장담을‬ ‪누가 할 수 있습니까?‬How can we be sure that this brazen crime has never been committed before?
‪선재 학생 1학년 때부터‬ ‪성적 전수 조사 해서‬You should look into all of Sun-jae's grades in high school thus far
‪내신 조정을‬ ‪다시 해야 되는 거 아닙니까?‬and adjust the other students' grades.
‪- [학부모들이 동조한다]‬ ‪- [학부모2] 맞아요‬-I agree. -She's right.
‪[미옥] 맞습니다, 네‬ ‪그렇게 해 주시죠, 예‬-Absolutely. -I agree. Please do so.
‪- [정안의 헛기침]‬ ‪- 그리고 그 문제 학생에 대한‬Also, as a fair punishment for the student in question,
‪[수희] 합당한 징계 조치로‬Also, as a fair punishment for the student in question,
‪퇴학 처분 약속해 주세요‬promise us his expulsion.
‪아, 저, 수아 어머니‬Ms. Cho.
‪이선재 학생은 부정행위에‬ ‪처음부터 가담한 게 아니고…‬Ms. Cho. Sun-jae wasn't involved in the crime from the beginning…
‪[수희] 어쨌든‬ ‪답안지를 써서 냈잖아요‬In any case, he filled in and submitted his answer sheet.
‪- [미옥이 호응한다]‬ ‪- 문제가 유출된 걸 뻔히 알고도‬-Right. -Knowing the questions had been leaked…
‪- [휴대전화 알림음]‬ ‪- 그걸 인식…‬-Right. -Knowing the questions had been leaked…
‪- [학부모들이 속닥거린다]‬ ‪- [수희의 한숨]‬
‪그 결과로 무려 전교 1등을 하고‬As a result, he got first place in the midterms.
‪그래서 우리 애들‬The students who did their best suffered disadvantages…
‪정당하게 시험 본‬ ‪우리 애들이 피해를…‬The students who did their best suffered disadvantages…
‪- [휴대전화 알림음]‬ ‪- [학부모들이 거든다]‬The students who did their best suffered disadvantages… -She's right. -Exactly.
‪- [미옥] 너무 피해 봤지, 아유…‬ ‪- [수희의 한숨]‬This is unfair. PAYMENT CANCELED
‪- 그러니까 당연히 퇴학 처분을…‬ ‪- [휴대전화 벨 소리]‬It's only fair to expel…
‪죄송합니다‬Excuse me.
‪[벨 소리가 멈춘다]‬SU-A'S DAD
‪[수희] 아, 왜? 바빠 죽겠는데‬What is it? I'm busy. It's about that credit card payment.
‪[대근] 아니‬ ‪방금 그 카드 결제 말이야‬It's about that credit card payment.
‪그, 거래처 선물 사는데‬ ‪법카를 쓴다는 게‬I was buying a gift for my client, but I accidentally used my card instead of the company card.
‪내가 개인 카드를 잘못 써 가지고‬but I accidentally used my card instead of the company card.
‪바로 취소한 거거든‬So I canceled it right away.
‪알았어, 좀!‬I get it.
‪나 지금 수아 학교야, 끊어‬I'm at Su-a's school right now. Hang up.
‪- [부드러운 음악이 흐른다]‬ ‪- [통화 종료음]‬
‪[여자] 뭐래, 뭐래?‬ ‪언니가 의심해?‬What did she say? Is she suspicious?
‪[대근] 아니, 전혀, 거봐‬Not at all. I told you.
‪이 여자는 애 대학 보내는 거밖에‬ ‪관심이 없다니까‬I told you. All she cares about is her kid's college admissions.
‪[여자] 다행이네‬That's a relief.
‪진짜 이쁘게 잘 쓸게, 오빠‬ ‪너무 이뻐‬I'll use it well, honey. It's so pretty.
‪[대근] 니가 더 이뻐‬You're even prettier.
‪[여자, 대근의 웃음]‬You're even prettier.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪나예요, 통화 가능해요?‬It's me. Is this a bad time?
‪네, 나왔어요, 출근했어요?‬No, I'm alone. Are you at work?
‪지금 하고 있어요‬I'm on my way.
‪아침에 뉴스 봤어요‬ ‪해이랑 친한 그 친구, 맞죠?‬I saw the news this morning. It's about Hae-e's close friend, right?
‪해이가 왜 백지 냈는지‬ ‪이제 알겠어요‬Now I understand why she submitted her exam blank. Sun-jae must've shared the questions without knowing
‪선재도 그런 시험지인지 모르고‬ ‪준 거 같아‬Sun-jae must've shared the questions without knowing
‪둘이 워낙 친하니까‬since they're good friends.
‪안 그래도 심란할 텐데‬I know you're already shaken up,
‪더 충격적인 이야기를 해야 돼서‬ ‪좀 그런데‬so I'm sorry to tell you something even more shocking.
‪지 실장님 얘기예요?‬Is this about Mr. Ji?
‪우리가 생각하는 게‬ ‪맞을 수도 있을 거 같아요‬Our suspicions about him may be correct.
‪[치열] 6년을 같이 일했는데‬I've worked with him for six years,
‪내가 그 친구를 너무 몰랐어요‬but apparently, I don't know him very well.
‪어쩌면 요트도…‬Perhaps the yacht incident…
‪아직은 정황뿐이니까‬Nothing's certain yet.
‪내가 몇 가지 확인하고‬ ‪병원으로 바로 갈게요, 이따‬I'll come to you after I check on a few things.
‪알겠어요, 저기, 쌤‬Okay. Mr. Choi.
‪조심해요‬Be careful.
‪그럴게요‬I will.
‪[행자] 아유, 야‬ ‪간이 왜 이렇게 밍밍하냐?‬This tastes so bland.
‪[행자의 못마땅한 소리]‬It's not like I'm the patient.
‪보호자가 아픈 것도 아닌데, 그냥‬ ‪맛깔나게 좀 해 주지‬It's not like I'm the patient. I need food that tastes better to stay strong.
‪이래 갖고 힘을 내겠어?‬I need food that tastes better to stay strong.
‪그러지 말고 집에 가서‬ ‪반찬 좀 싸 와라, 어?‬Can you go home and bring back some side dishes?
‪간 김에 이불도 하나 가져오고‬A blanket too while you're at it.
‪밤엔 춥더라고‬ ‪홑이불 갖고는 안 되겠어‬A blanket too while you're at it. It gets cold at night. The blankets here are too thin.
‪[행선] 잘 만하던데, 뭐‬ ‪그럼 옷을 더 껴입든가‬It isn't that bad. Just wear some more layers.
‪[행자] 야, 좀 갖다줘‬Hey, just do it for me.
‪나 추위 엄청 타는 거 알잖아‬You know I'm sensitive to cold.
‪나 몸살 나면‬ ‪내 간병까지 하고 싶니?‬You know I'm sensitive to cold. Do you want another patient to look after?
‪알았어, 뭐가 필요한데?‬ ‪있으면 한 번에 말해‬Fine. What do you need? -Tell me everything you need. -There's a lot.
‪나 있어, 있어‬-Tell me everything you need. -There's a lot.
‪헤어드라이어랑 구르프‬A hair dryer and hair rollers.
‪[행자] 그리고 나‬ ‪화투도 좀 갖다줘‬A deck of cards too.
‪하루 종일 TV만 보고 있으려니까‬ ‪너무 심심해, 갖다줄 거지?‬It's so boring watching TV all day. Please?
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[행자] 아, 왜?‬What happened?
‪[행선] 움직였어‬She just moved.
‪손을 까딱했어, 해이가‬She just wiggled her finger.
‪[행자] 진짜?‬Really?
‪뭐야, 아닌데?‬No, she's not moving.
‪잘못 본 거 아니야?‬ ‪꼼짝도 안 하는데‬Are you sure? She's completely still.
‪아니야, 분명히 봤어‬No, I saw it clearly.
‪- [연경] 복귀 축하드립니다‬ ‪- [서진] 복귀 축하드려요, 실장님‬-Welcome back, Mr. Ji! -Welcome back, Mr. Ji!
‪[조교들의 환호성]‬
‪아유, 그래, 환영해 줘서 고맙다‬Thank you for the welcome, guys.
‪- 근데 좀 뻘쭘하네‬ ‪- [조교들의 웃음]‬But it does feel a bit awkward.
‪[효원] 아이, 다 그런 거죠, 뭐‬Come on. These things happen.
‪원래 부부 싸움은‬ ‪칼로 물 베기잖아요‬Come on. These things happen. They say the quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love.
‪[조교들의 웃음]‬They say the quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love.
‪전 오실 줄 알았어요‬I knew you'd come back.
‪두 분이 어떤 사이인데‬After all these years, you wouldn't break up over one dispute.
‪고깟 의견 충돌 한 번 가지고‬ ‪헤어지실까‬After all these years, you wouldn't break up over one dispute.
‪[연경] 그래도 전 좀 쫄았는데‬Still, I got quite scared.
‪선생님도 선생님이지만‬Mr. Choi aside,
‪실장님이 그렇게 화내는 모습‬ ‪처음 봤어요‬I'd never seen Mr. Ji so angry.
‪완전 무섭던데요?‬ ‪저 살짝 소름 끼쳤잖아요‬It was frightening. -It almost gave me the creeps. -Me too.
‪- [서진] 맞아, 완전 의외긴 했어‬ ‪- [조교] 그러니까‬-It almost gave me the creeps. -Me too. I didn't see that coming.
‪내가 좀 오버하긴 했지‬I admit that I went overboard.
‪다들 미안하다, 놀라게 해서‬Sorry for scaring you guys.
‪- [효원] 아유‬ ‪- [서진] 어, 진짜, 진짜 괜찮아요‬-Don't worry. -That's fine.
‪근데 효원이 그새 눈썹 정리했네?‬Hyo-won, did you get your eyebrows done?
‪[효원] 아, 소름‬Gosh, you're scary. It was just a slight trim.
‪아, 진짜 살짝 다듬은 거라서‬ ‪우리 엄마도 못 알아보던데‬Gosh, you're scary. It was just a slight trim. Not even my mom noticed.
‪- 어, 눈썰미 대박이시다‬ ‪- [서진의 탄성]‬You have really sharp eyes.
‪눈썰미가 아니라 관심이지‬It's not sharp eyes. I just pay attention.
‪- [조교들의 웃음]‬ ‪- [효원] 에이‬
‪- 잠깐만‬ ‪- [서진] 아, 네‬-Excuse me. -Sure.
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪어, 들어와‬Come in.
‪- 쌤‬ ‪- [치열] 응‬-Mr. Choi. -Yes?
‪오늘 학원에서 각 과목별‬ ‪수능 이벤트 회의 있는 거 아시죠?‬The academy is having a meeting to plan the CSAT events for each subject.
‪4시부터니까‬It starts at 4 p.m., so why don't we get going soon?
‪여유롭게 지금 출발하시는 게‬ ‪좋을 거 같은데‬It starts at 4 p.m., so why don't we get going soon?
‪그 회의, 지 실장이‬ ‪대신 좀 들어가면 안 될까?‬Could you attend the meeting on my behalf?
‪제가요?‬Could you attend the meeting on my behalf? -Me? -Yes.
‪[치열] 어‬ ‪내가 무리를 해서 그런지‬-Me? -Yes. I must've strained myself.
‪입안에 입병이 나 가지고‬ ‪좀 힘드네‬I must've strained myself. I've got a cold sore, and it's killing me. I barely managed to book an appointment.
‪진료 예약이‬ ‪지금밖에 안 된다 그래 가지고‬I barely managed to book an appointment.
‪회의 미루자고 하고‬ ‪병원부터 모실까요?‬Should we postpone and go to the hospital?
‪[치열] 아니야, 아니야‬ ‪니가 들어가도 충분해‬No need. Attend it on my behalf.
‪어차피 2차 회의 또 할 거 아니야‬There will be a follow-up meeting anyway.
‪네, 알겠습니다‬All right.
‪[치열] 생큐‬Thank you.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪[차 문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[자동차 시동음]‬
‪진짜요, 아줌마?‬Really, Ms. Nam?
‪[단지] 진짜‬ ‪해이 손이 움직였어요?‬Hae-e moved her finger?
‪그럼 좋은 징조인 거죠?‬That's a good sign, right?
‪해이 깨어날 수도 있는 거죠?‬ ‪그렇죠?‬It means she could wake up, right?
‪하, 다행이다‬I'm so relieved.
‪네, 알겠습니다, 네!‬Okay. Bye.
‪[성현 동창] 본 지 오래됐죠‬ ‪성현이‬I haven't seen Seong-hyeon in ages.
‪그 일 있고서는 거의…‬Almost never since that incident.
‪아! 근데, 그…‬By the way, one of my classmates recently said in our group chat
‪저희 동창들 단체방에, 얼마 전에‬By the way, one of my classmates recently said in our group chat that he'd seen someone who looked awfully like him.
‪성현이 비슷한 애를 본 것 같다는‬ ‪친구가 하나 있었던 거 같은데‬that he'd seen someone who looked awfully like him.
‪맞아요, 성현이였어요, 분명히‬Yes, I'm sure it was Seong-hyeon.
‪예, 틀림없어요‬I'm positive.
‪[규찬] 살이 많이 빠지고‬ ‪안경도 벗긴 했는데‬He's much slimmer now and doesn't wear glasses anymore,
‪아, 잊을 수가 없죠, 이 얼굴은‬but how could I ever forget his face?
‪저도 나름 그때 너무 충격이었어서‬I was pretty shocked back then.
‪근데 아니래요?‬But he denied it?
‪예, 아주 딱 잡아떼더라고요‬ ‪사람 잘못 봤다고‬Yes. He was adamant that I got the wrong person.
‪[정수] 그럼 스튜디오에는‬ ‪왜 온 거래요?‬What was he doing at the studio?
‪엄청 잘나가는 일타강사‬ ‪포스터 촬영이었는데‬A famous star teacher had a photo shoot here.
‪[규찬] 비서인지 뭔지‬ ‪옆에 딱 붙어 있더라고요‬He seemed like his assistant.
‪이름이 뭐더라?‬What was the teacher's name?
‪아, 제가 그쪽은 잘 몰라 가지고‬I don't know much about education.
‪최, 최치열인가?‬Choi… Choi Chi-yeol, maybe?
‪최치열이요?‬"Choi Chi-yeol"?
‪[이태의 놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[치열] 여기는 어쩐 일로?‬What brings you here?
‪[이태] 아, 그게‬Well…
‪어떻게 자꾸 올 일이 생기네요‬We keep finding reasons to come back here.
‪[치열] 그럼‬-Goodbye then. -Goodbye.
‪[이태] 아, 예‬-Goodbye then. -Goodbye.
‪- [무거운 음악]‬ ‪- 어쩐지, 낯이 익다 했더니‬No wonder he looked so familiar.
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[차 문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[치열] 1, 2, 7, 0‬One, two, seven, zero…
‪네 개의 숫자에서 나올 수 있는‬ ‪순열의 총수는 24개‬The number of possible permutations of 4 elements is 24.
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪해 볼 만해‬I might have a shot.
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬
‪- [한숨]‬ ‪- [도어 록 오류음]‬
‪- [도어 록 오류음]‬ ‪- [탄식]‬
‪잠깐만‬Hold on.
‪1, 2, 7, 0‬One, two, seven, zero.
‪0, 2, 1, 7‬Zero, two, one, seven.
‪내 생일?‬My birthday?
‪[도어 록 조작음]‬
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[문 열리는 소리]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[잘그락 소리]‬
‪[긴장되는 효과음]‬
‪[의미심장한 음악]‬
‪'정수현'?‬"Jeong Su-hyeon."
‪수현이가 왜…‬Why is her diary…
‪누나가 쌤 얘기 많이 했어요‬Su-hyeon told me a lot about you.
‪[치열] 아, 이거‬ ‪내가 전에 쓰던 거랑 똑같은 거다?‬I used to have the same exact pen.
‪그래요? 이거 저희 누나가 준 건데‬Really? My sister gave me that.
‪[규찬] 혹시 정성현?‬Are you Jeong Seong-hyeon?
‪사람 잘못 보신 거 같은데요‬I think you got the wrong person.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[차 문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬MS. JUNG, THE PRIDE
‪네, 정 실장님‬Hello, Ms. Jung.
‪[정 실장] 아, 쌤‬ ‪저희 회의 방금 끝났는데요‬Mr. Choi. The meeting just ended, and I need you to confirm something.
‪바로 확인해 주셔야 될 거‬ ‪하나 있어서요‬The meeting just ended, and I need you to confirm something.
‪지 실장님이 전화 안 받아서‬ ‪바로 전화드렸어요‬I called you because Mr. Ji wasn't picking up.
‪[치열] 지 실장‬ ‪회의 참석 안 했나요?‬He didn't come to the meeting?
‪[정 실장] 네, 오진 않고‬No, he didn't.
‪쌤 사정 생겨서 참석 못 하신다고‬ ‪문자만 왔었는데‬He just texted that something came up and you couldn't come.
‪'쌤 안 오시면‬ ‪지 실장님이라도 오실 텐데'‬He just texted that something came up and you couldn't come. If you couldn't come, he could've at least shown up instead.
‪그랬거든요, 우리끼리‬At least that's what we thought. And why would he tell me that over text--
‪아니, 전화도 아니고‬ ‪문자 한 통만 달랑 와서‬And why would he tell me that over text-- Okay. I'll call you back.
‪[치열] 일단 알겠습니다‬ ‪연락드릴게요‬Okay. I'll call you back.
‪[행자가 흥얼거린다]‬
‪[어두운 음악]‬A macchiato…
‪♪ 마끼아또 ♪‬A macchiato…
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬
‪[긴장되는 음악]‬
‪[행선] 해이한테서 떨어져!‬Get away from her!
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪더 이상 가만 안 있어, 나도‬I've had enough.
‪[행선의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[행선의 거친 숨소리]‬
‪[행선의 다급한 숨소리]‬
‪[치열의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[긴박한 음악]‬
‪괜찮아요?‬Are you okay?
‪[행선] 괜찮아요‬I'm fine.
‪[놀란 숨소리]‬
‪[사람들의 놀란 소리]‬
‪[치열의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[성현의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[사람들의 놀란 소리]‬
‪[치열의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[문 닫히는 소리]‬
‪정성현!‬Jeong Seong-hyeon!
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[거친 숨소리]‬
‪도대체 왜‬Why in the world…
‪왜인지 진짜 모른다고?‬You really don't know?
‪- [차분한 음악]‬ ‪- [가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪난 선생님을 지키려고‬I wanted to protect you.
‪누나가 믿고 내가 믿는‬ ‪유일한 어른이니까‬You were the only grown-up that my sister and I trusted.
‪그래서 쌤한테 거슬리는‬ ‪모든 걸 제거했는데‬So I've been removing every obstacle in your path.
‪그건 날 위한 게 아니야‬ ‪니 합리화지‬That wasn't for me. Stop justifying yourself.
‪[치열] 니가 겪은 불행과 학대‬ ‪그건 나도 마음이 아프지만‬I'm sorry for all the misery and abuse that you experienced.
‪그렇다고 니 행동이‬ ‪정당화될 순 없어, 이건 범죄야‬But that doesn't justify your actions. This is a crime.
‪그래서 뭐 어쩌라고?‬So what?
‪이때껏 잘 지냈어요, 우리‬We've been a good team.
‪그 여자만 안 나타났으면‬ ‪아무 문제 없었어‬Things would've stayed the same if only that woman hadn't shown up.
‪계속 잘 갔을 거라고‬Things would've stayed the same if only that woman hadn't shown up.
‪문제를 감춘 채 갔겠지‬Covering up all our problems.
‪죄의식 없이‬Killing more people without even a shred of guilt.
‪내 옆에서 사람이나 죽여 가면서‬Killing more people without even a shred of guilt.
‪자수하자‬Turn yourself in.
‪지금이라도 자수하고…‬-It's not too late-- -Why should I?
‪내가 왜!‬-It's not too late-- -Why should I?
‪내가 왜 그래야 되는데?‬ ‪누굴 위해서?‬Why should I do that? For whose sake?
‪수현이‬For Su-hyeon.
‪니가 이렇게 사는 걸‬ ‪가장 바라지 않을 사람‬She wouldn't want to see you living like this.
‪시끄러워‬Shut up.
‪이제 누나도 완전 잊어버렸잖아‬I know you've forgotten all about her.
‪나한테 이래라저래라 할‬ ‪자격 없어, 당신은‬You have no right to tell me what to do.
‪다 끝났어‬It's all over.
‪끝낼 거야‬I'll end it all.
‪동희야, 동희야‬ ‪동희야, 하지 마, 동희야‬Dong-hui, don't do that.
‪[치열] 동희야, 동희야‬ ‪동희야, 동희야‬Dong-hui. Dong-hui, please.
‪동희야, 동희야, 제, 제발‬ ‪동희야, 그러지 마‬Dong-hui, please. Don't do this, Dong-hui.
‪동희야, 지동희‬Don't do this, Dong-hui. Dong-hui. Ji Dong-hui!
‪- [고조되는 음악]‬ ‪- [치열의 불안한 숨소리]‬Please don't do this, Ji Dong-hui.
‪지동희, 지동희, 제발‬Please don't do this, Ji Dong-hui.
‪결국 이렇게 되네, 끝이‬So this is how it ends.
‪동희야, 내가 도와줄게, 어?‬I'll help you, Dong-hui, okay?
‪[치열] 도와줄게, 지동희, 어?‬I'll help you, Dong-hui.
‪다시 세상으로 들어올 수 있게‬ ‪내가 도와줄게‬I'll help you get back into the world.
‪지동희, 제발‬Please, Dong-hui.
‪지킬 게 없어‬I have nothing more to protect.
‪이제 너무 피곤해‬I'm too tired.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[수현] 성현아‬Seong-hyeon.
‪빨리 먹어, 성현아‬Eat up, Seong-hyeon.
‪엄마한테 들키면 우리 둘 다 죽어‬If Mom sees us, we're dead meat.
‪[수현의 한숨]‬
‪[수현] 나 대학 가면 말이야‬ ‪성현아‬When I go to college,
‪치열 쌤 조교 할 수 있을까?‬do you think I can be Mr. Choi's teaching assistant?
‪왜 치열 쌤 조교가 되고 싶은데?‬Why do you want to be his assistant?
‪[수현] 그냥‬Just because.
‪[수현의 생각하는 소리]‬
‪치열 쌤은 내가 믿을 수 있는‬ ‪유일한 어른이니까‬He's the only grown-up I can trust.
‪옆에서 지켜 주고 싶어서‬I want to protect him by his side.
‪[수현이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪- [사이렌 소리]‬ ‪- [행선의 가쁜 숨소리]‬
‪[행선] 쌤‬Mr. Choi.
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[삑삑 호루라기 소리]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[자동차 경적]‬
‪[뉴스 속 앵커] 한 대학 병원에서‬A murder suspect, Jeong, jumped to his death from a hospital.
‪살인 용의자 정 모 씨가‬ ‪투신해 사망했습니다‬A murder suspect, Jeong, jumped to his death from a hospital.
‪정 모 씨는 녹은로 일대에서‬ ‪연쇄적으로 발생한‬Jeong was a suspect in the series of metal ball attacks
‪이른바 쇠구슬 테러 사건의‬ ‪용의자로 지목돼‬that had taken place around Nokeun-ro
‪경찰의 추적을 받던 중이었으며‬and was being chased by the police.
‪해당 쇠구슬 연쇄 테러에 의해‬The metal ball attacks injured or killed at least three people,
‪정 씨가 일하던 학원 수강생과‬ ‪강사를 비롯해‬The metal ball attacks injured or killed at least three people,
‪최소 세 명이 죽거나 다친 것으로‬ ‪확인됐습니다‬The metal ball attacks injured or killed at least three people, including Jeong's students and colleagues.
‪정 모 씨는 10여 년 전‬ ‪세상을 놀라게 했던‬Jeong had also been infamously suspected of murdering his mother ten years ago.
‪친모 살해 사건의 피의자로‬Jeong had also been infamously suspected of murdering his mother ten years ago.
‪당시 정 모 씨를 기소한 검찰은‬At the time, the prosecution claimed
‪입시에 집착해 자녀들을 학대한‬ ‪어머니에 대한 앙심을 품고‬At the time, the prosecution claimed that he had held a grudge against his mother and murdered her
‪정 모 씨가 어머니를‬ ‪살해했다고 주장했으며‬that he had held a grudge against his mother and murdered her for abusing her children due to her obsession with education.
‪전문가는 과도한 경쟁 사회와‬ ‪입시 지옥이 낳은‬for abusing her children due to her obsession with education. An expert blames the excessive competition in society and education
‪비극이라고 진단했습니다‬for this tragedy.
‪- 나 참‬ ‪- [심전도계 비프음]‬Goodness gracious.
‪세상에 제일 알 길 없고‬ ‪무서운 게 인간이긴 한가 봐, 응?‬Guess you truly never know what goes on in a person's mind.
‪[행자] 아니, 1조 원 씨는‬ ‪머리가 그렇게 좋다며‬But if the Trillion Won Man is that smart,
‪어떻게 자기 사람이‬ ‪그런 인간인지 몰랐대? 허, 참‬But if the Trillion Won Man is that smart, why couldn't he see through someone so close to him?
‪괜히 너랑 해이까지‬ ‪위험에 빠트리고, 정말‬He put you and Hae-e in danger.
‪아유, 소름 끼쳐, 쯧‬It gives me the creeps.
‪그러고 보니 요새‬ ‪1조 원 씨가 통 안 보이네?‬Come to think of it, I haven't seen the Trillion Won Man in a while.
‪참새가 방앗간 들르듯‬ ‪꼬박꼬박 출석하던 사람이‬He used to come here day in, day out.
‪씁, 아직 충격에서 못 헤어났나?‬Is he still too shaken up?
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[통화 연결음]‬
‪[의미심장한 효과음]‬
‪- [휴대전화 진동음]‬ ‪- [계속되는 TV 소리]‬NAM HAENG-SEON NOT HO NAM-SEON
‪[계속되는 초인종 소리]‬
‪쌤, 안에 있죠?‬Mr. Choi, are you in there?
‪문 좀 열어 봐요‬Please open the door.
‪문 안 열면 내가 열고 들어…‬Open up, or I'll break in--
‪[도어 록 작동음]‬
‪[걱정스러운 숨소리]‬
‪- [심전도계 비프음]‬ ‪- [행자] 아휴‬
‪딱 얼굴만 보면‬ ‪내가 전형적인 미인상인데‬I mean, aren't I the obviously pretty one?
‪행선이 고 기지배는‬ ‪무슨 재주로 1조 원을 꼬셨대?‬How did Haeng-seon get to date the Trillion Won Man?
‪허, 참, 운 좋은 기지배‬She's one lucky brat.
‪아휴, 부럽다, 부러워‬I'm so envious.
‪어디 보자‬Let's see here.
‪[전동 침대 작동음]‬
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪[놀라며] 해이야‬Hae-e.
‪정신이 드나 봐‬She woke up. Where's the doctor?
‪어머, 의사 선생님, 선생님!‬She woke up. Where's the doctor? Doctor!
‪선생님!‬ ‪어, 마침 잘 오셨어요, 어서‬Doctor, you came at the right time. Please hurry up.
‪[행선] 해이야‬Hae-e.
‪[옅은 신음]‬
‪[행자] 그래, 엄마야‬Yes, it's your mom.
‪알아보겠어?‬Do you recognize me?
‪[행선] 하루 종일 집에 있으면서‬You're stuck at home all day.
‪환기도 좀 시키고 그러지‬Open your windows once in a while.
‪[새들이 지저귀는 소리]‬
‪[리모컨 조작음]‬
‪[행선의 헛기침]‬
‪[치열] 음…‬
‪[행선] 옳지, 잘 먹네‬There you go. Good job.
‪조금만 더 먹어요‬Eat just a bit more.
‪못 먹을 줄 알았는데‬I didn't think I could eat.
‪이게 또 먹히네‬But I can.
‪[행선] 거봐‬See? You need to fill your stomach if you want to stay strong.
‪뜨끈한 걸 먹어야‬ ‪살 만해지는 거라고‬You need to fill your stomach if you want to stay strong.
‪내가 그랬잖아요‬You need to fill your stomach if you want to stay strong.
‪아니, 우리 엄마가‬According to my mom.
‪살 만해져도 되는지 모르겠어요‬I'm not sure if I deserve to stay strong.
‪조사받는 내내‬Throughout the questioning,
‪'난 몰랐다'‬all I could say was…
‪'정말 몰랐다'‬ ‪이 말밖에 못 했는데‬"I didn't know. I had no idea."
‪쌤이 그랬잖아요‬You told me this yourself.
‪말하지 않는 마음은‬ ‪알 수가 없다고‬No one can read another person's mind.
‪오늘까지만‬Today is the last day
‪자책해요, 응?‬you'll blame yourself. Okay?
‪- [휴대전화 벨 소리]‬ ‪- [행선] 응?‬
‪어, 언니, 왜, 무슨 일이야?‬Hi, Haeng-ja. What's up?
‪[심전도계 비프음]‬
‪[행선] 해이야‬Hae-e.
‪[행선의 안도하는 숨소리]‬Everything's okay now.
‪이제 됐어 [웃음]‬Everything's okay now.
‪일어났으면 됐어, 해이야‬Now that you're awake.
‪- [울먹이는 숨소리]‬ ‪- [잔잔한 음악]‬
‪- [행선이 살짝 웃는다]‬ ‪- [문소리]‬
‪[재우] 해이야, 해이…‬Hae-e!
‪[재우] 해이야!‬Hae-e!
‪해이야, 안녕‬Hi, Hae-e.
‪[행선의 웃음]‬
‪[재우] 삼촌은 이제‬ ‪너랑 얘기도 못 하고‬I didn't think I'd be able to talk to you again.
‪이제 너랑 치킨 데이도 못 하고‬I didn't think there'd be another Chicken Day.
‪왜 이렇게 늦게 일어났어, 남해이‬Why were you asleep for so long?
‪삼촌, 미안해‬I'm sorry, Uncle.
‪엄마, 너무 미안해‬I'm sorry, Mom.
‪[행선] 니가 뭐가 미안해‬ ‪내가 미안해‬Don't say that. I'm sorry.
‪[재우] 아니야, 내가 미안해‬No, I'm sorry.
‪[행선이 살짝 웃는다]‬
‪[재우가 흐느낀다]‬
‪[행선의 웃음]‬
‪[목멘 소리로] 잘했어, 남해이‬Good job, Nam Hae-e.
‪[행선] 왜 울어‬Why are you crying?
‪[행선의 웃음]‬
‪[행자] 해이야, 이거 먹어 볼까?‬Hae-e, have some of this.
‪너 어렸을 때‬ ‪복숭아 엄청 좋아했잖아 [웃음]‬Hae-e, have some of this. You used to love peaches as a kid.
‪비싼 거야, 엄마 큰돈 들였어‬ ‪자, 먹어 봐‬These are extremely expensive, but I got them for you.
‪'아'‬Open up.
‪너무 큰가?‬Is it too big?
‪자, 잘랐어, 잘랐어, 먹어 봐‬Here, I cut it up. Eat just a little for my sake.
‪한 입만, 엄마 성의 봐서‬ ‪한 입만 먹어, 어?‬Eat just a little for my sake.
‪- 엄마‬ ‪- [행선] 어‬-Mom. -Yes?
‪[해이] 나 물 좀‬-I want some water. -Okay.
‪[행선] 어, 그래‬-I want some water. -Okay.
‪[행자] 내가 할게‬I'll get it.
‪내가 한다고‬Leave it.
‪아이고, 자, 목말랐구나, 마셔‬Let's see here. You must be thirsty. Here you go.
‪[해이의 한숨]‬
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪- [단지] 남해이! 씨…‬ ‪- [행선의 반기는 소리]‬Nam Hae-e! -Hi. -Hey!
‪[울먹이며] 야, 너 왜 이렇게‬ ‪사람을 놀래켜, 진짜‬-Hi. -Hey! Why would you scare me like that? I hate you.
‪나쁜 기지배, 씨‬Why would you scare me like that? I hate you.
‪괜찮아? 머리는? 머리 괜찮아?‬Are you okay now? How's your head? Is it okay?
‪야, 나 누구야?‬Do you know who I am?
‪[웃으며] 장딴지‬You're Jang Dan-ji.
‪[단지의 웃음]‬You're Jang Dan-ji.
‪[해이] 4월 27일생, MBTI는 ESFP‬Your birthday is April 27th. Your Myers-Briggs type is ESFP.
‪좌우명 '행복하자, 아프지 말고'‬Your motto is, "Don't worry, be happy."
‪키 172, 몸무게는 굶고 재면 50…‬You're 172cm tall. On an empty stomach, you weigh--
‪[단지] 쉿, 170‬I'm 170cm tall.
‪[해이] 50…‬-You weigh-- -Hae-e.
‪[건후] 헤이, 남해이‬-You weigh-- -Hae-e.
‪[해이] 오랜만이다, 서건후‬It's been a while, Seo Geon-hu.
‪[행자] 아유‬ ‪우리 해이 친구들이구나 [웃음]‬You must be Hae-e's friends.
‪너무 잘생겼고, 너무…‬You're so handsome, and you're so…
‪키가 커‬tall.
‪[단지, 행자의 웃음]‬Thank you for coming.
‪와 줘서 고맙다‬ ‪처음 보지? 나 해이 엄마‬Thank you for coming. Nice to meet you. I'm Hae-e's mom.
‪[행자의 웃음]‬
‪[해이] 학교엔 별일 없지?‬How's school?
‪선재는?‬What about Sun-jae?
‪[단지가 울먹이며] 야, 선재야!‬ ‪해이 깼대‬Sun-jae, Hae-e woke up!
‪남해이 일어났대, 이씨‬Sun-jae, Hae-e woke up! She's conscious now.
‪- 나 지금 병원 가는 중‬ ‪- [애잔한 음악]‬I'm on my way to see her. NAM HAE-E
‪[안도하는 숨소리]‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[학생들의 대화 소리]‬
‪여기 입원 확인서랑 진단서‬ ‪진료 확인서‬A doctor's note and a certificate of hospitalization.
‪- 여기 있습니다‬ ‪- [종렬] 예‬-Here you go. -Thank you.
‪갑자기 내일까지‬ ‪출결 처리를 하라고‬I was told to update the attendance information by tomorrow.
‪- 통보가 내려와서‬ ‪- [행선] 네‬I was told to update the attendance information by tomorrow. -I see. -Sorry for the short notice.
‪[종렬] 급하게 오시게 해서‬ ‪죄송합니다‬-I see. -Sorry for the short notice.
‪아, 아니에요‬No problem.
‪그래도‬Anyway, I'm so relieved that Hae-e woke up.
‪해이가 깨어나서‬ ‪얼마나 다행인지 모르겠어요‬Anyway, I'm so relieved that Hae-e woke up.
‪아유, 네, 덕분에요‬ ‪신경 써 주셔서 너무 감사합니다‬I know. It's all thanks to you. Thank you for everything.
‪바쁘실 텐데 병원에도 와 주시고‬You even visited her in the hospital.
‪[웃으며] 아유, 당연한 걸, 뭘‬It's no problem at all.
‪그, 치열이하고도 잘 지내시죠?‬Is everything good between you and Chi-yeol?
‪아, 네, 뭐, 네‬Yes, I think so.
‪아니, 해이랑 사연 알고‬ ‪솔직히 좀 놀랐는데‬The relationship between you and Hae-e was a surprise,
‪치열이는 [웃음]‬but you and Chi-yeol? I never even imagined it.
‪[종렬] 상상도 못 했습니다, 진짜‬I never even imagined it.
‪근데 그때 경찰서에서 보니까‬But after seeing you two at the police station that day,
‪'잘 만났구나' 싶더라고요‬I was glad.
‪치열이가 예전 대학 때 모습을‬ ‪다시 찾은 것 같아서‬It seemed like Chi-yeol was back to his college self.
‪진짜 인정 많은 놈이었거든요‬He was such a kind-hearted guy.
‪네‬I see.
‪[종렬의 웃음]‬
‪[확성기 속 수희] 학교는‬ ‪문제 학생을 쫓아내라!‬Expel the student who cheated! -Expel him! -Expel him!
‪[학부모들] 쫓아내라! 쫓아내라!‬-Expel him! -Expel him!
‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- [수희] 여러분‬Everyone.
‪이렇게 중차대한 범죄 행위가‬ ‪밝혀졌음에도 불구하고‬A serious crime has come to light.
‪학교는 해당 학생을‬And yet, the school isn't punishing the student properly.
‪솜방망이 처벌을‬ ‪하려고 하고 있습니다‬And yet, the school isn't punishing the student properly.
‪지금 이게 말이 됩니까?‬Is this fair?
‪[학부모들] 옳소!‬-No! -No!
‪[수희] 아니, 그러면은‬-No! -No! Then who will compensate our kids, who stayed up all night
‪정직하게 밤잠 줄여 가면서 공부한‬ ‪우리 애들은 무슨 죄며‬Then who will compensate our kids, who stayed up all night studying honestly for their exams?
‪그런 애들 눈치 보면서‬ ‪밤낮으로 서포트한‬What about us parents, who have been at our kids' beck and call?
‪우리 학부모는 뭐가 되는 겁니까?‬What about us parents, who have been at our kids' beck and call?
‪[학부모들] 맞습니다!‬-Right! -Right!
‪[수희] 자, 우리 다 같이 외칩시다‬Everyone, repeat after me.
‪학교는!‬-We ask the school! -"We ask the school!"
‪[학부모들] 학교는!‬-We ask the school! -"We ask the school!"
‪[수희] 범죄 학생의!‬To promise!
‪[학부모들] 범죄 학생의!‬-"To promise!" -"To promise!"
‪[수희] 퇴학 처분을 약속하라!‬-"To promise!" -"To promise!" To expel the criminal!
‪[학부모들] 퇴학 처분을 약속하라!‬ ‪약속하라!‬-"To expel the criminal!" -"To expel the criminal!"
‪[수희] 학교는!‬-We ask the school! -"We ask the school!"
‪[학부모들] 학교는!‬-We ask the school! -"We ask the school!"
‪[수희] 범죄 학생을 일벌백계하고‬ ‪학교 기강을 정비하라!‬To punish the criminal severely and restore order in school!
‪[학부모들] 학교 기강을 정비하라!‬and restore order in school! -"Restore order in school!" -"Restore order in school!"
‪정비하라! 정비하라!‬-Restore order! -Restore order!
‪[행선] 아니, 범죄 학생이라니요?‬What do you mean, a criminal?
‪아니, 범죄를 저지른 건‬ ‪선재 엄마지, 선재가 아니잖아요‬The crime was committed not by him but by his mom.
‪[수희] 아니, 그럼 그 집 해이처럼‬ ‪백지를 내든지 했었어야지‬Then he should've submitted his exam blank like Hae-e did.
‪결국에는 시험 다 풀고‬ ‪전교 1등까지 했잖아요‬He finished taking his exam and even got first place.
‪그거는 범죄에 동조한 거나‬ ‪마찬가지 아닌가? 안 그래요?‬That makes him an accomplice, doesn't it?
‪- [학부모] 그럼, 동조한 거지‬ ‪- [학부모들이 거든다]‬That makes him an accomplice, doesn't it? -You're right. -I agree.
‪[행선] 아니, 물론‬Sure, Sun-jae wasn't brave enough to tell the truth right at that moment.
‪그 순간에 정직해지지 못한‬ ‪선재한테도 잘못은 있지만‬Sure, Sun-jae wasn't brave enough to tell the truth right at that moment.
‪엄마가 벌인 일이잖아요‬But his mom started it all.
‪얼마나 당황했겠어요, 애가‬He must've been flustered.
‪아니, 결국 아이들을‬ ‪벼랑 끝으로 모는 건‬Isn't it always the grown-ups that push the kids to the brink?
‪항상 우리 어른들 아닌가요?‬Isn't it always the grown-ups that push the kids to the brink?
‪아이, 그리고 선재 자백했잖아요‬Plus, he came clean in the end.
‪그러지 않았으면‬ ‪묻히고 넘어갔을 일인데‬Otherwise, this would've remained buried.
‪그런 아이한테‬ ‪'용기 내 줘서 고맙다, 괜찮다'‬We should thank him for plucking up the courage,
‪보듬고 감싸 주지는 못할망정‬forgive him, and defend him.
‪아니, 퇴학이라니요?‬But you want him expelled?
‪이거는 너무 잔인…‬-This is too cruel-- -Let me get this straight.
‪[수희] 아니, 그렇게 치면은!‬-This is too cruel-- -Let me get this straight.
‪뭐든 잘못을 해 놓고‬ ‪자수만 하면은‬-This is too cruel-- -Let me get this straight. Are you saying all crimes should be forgiven
‪다 용서를 해 줘야 된다는 건가?‬ ‪지금 해이 엄마는?‬as long as the criminal comes clean?
‪아니, 그거는‬Wouldn't that pose a serious threat to the public good?
‪너무 공익에 위배되는‬ ‪처사 아닌가? 안 그래요, 여러분?‬Wouldn't that pose a serious threat to the public good?
‪- [학부모들이 호응한다]‬ ‪- [행선] 공익…‬-Exactly. -"The public…"
‪진짜 공익을 위해서‬ ‪이러시는 거라고요?‬You're doing this for the public good?
‪'내신 경쟁자 한 명 제낄 찬스다'‬ ‪싶어서 이러시는 거 아니고요?‬Are you not trying to eliminate one of your kid's competitors?
‪뭐라고요, 지금?‬What did you say?
‪[행선] 아니, 나는‬ ‪여기 계신 분들보다‬I haven't been able to support my kid as passionately as you all have.
‪열정적으로 애 뒷바라지도 못 했고‬I haven't been able to support my kid as passionately as you all have.
‪많이 배우지도 못했지만‬Nor am I well-educated.
‪진짜 이건 아닌 거 같아요‬But I know this isn't right.
‪주제넘었다면 죄송합니다‬I'm sorry if I stepped over the line.
‪[수희] 아, 뭐래, 대체?‬What did she say?
‪아, 뭘 모르면‬ ‪가만히나 있지, 진짜, 기막혀서‬What does she even know? I can't believe her.
‪[미옥] 아니‬But hold on.
‪해이 엄마 말도 일리가 있지‬She does have a point.
‪선재가 자백을 안 했으면‬ ‪우리가 알 도리가 있나?‬She does have a point. This would've been buried if Sun-jae hadn't come clean.
‪아니, 나도 모르겠어‬ ‪아휴, 뭐가 맞는 건지‬I don't know what's right and what's wrong anymore.
‪안 그래도 우리 단지가 알면‬ ‪나 안 볼까 봐 조마조마했는데‬I was afraid Dan-ji would cut ties with me if she found out I was here.
‪오늘은 여기까지 하죠, 언니‬Let's call it a day.
‪- [미옥의 한숨]‬ ‪- [학부모들이 웅성거린다]‬-She's leaving? -What's with her?
‪[수희] 아유, 진짜‬ ‪아니, 그럼… [한숨]‬Unbelievable. What…
‪아, 어떻게 하실 건데요?‬ ‪그럼 여기까지 해요?‬What do you want to do? Should we call it a day?
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[손님] 여기 계산이요‬I'd like to pay.
‪[영주] 네‬One second, please.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪근데 요즘 운동하시나 봐요‬Have you been working out lately?
‪몸이 엄청 좋아지신 거 같아‬You look very fit.
‪[손님] 아, 이게 티가 나나요?‬You look very fit. Does it show?
‪바디 프로필 한번 찍으려고‬ ‪요즘 나름 벌크 업 중이긴 한데‬Does it show? I've been building muscles for a photo shoot.
‪- [손님의 멋쩍은 웃음]‬ ‪- [영주] 아, 역시, 그렇구나, 허‬I've been building muscles for a photo shoot. I see. I knew it. Gosh.
‪두부는 서비스니까‬ ‪단백질 보충하세요‬Gosh. I'll throw some tofu in for your protein intake.
‪파이팅 하시고‬Good luck.
‪[손님] 두부를…‬You're giving me this for free? Thank you.
‪감사합니다, 예‬You're giving me this for free? Thank you.
‪- [영주] 네‬ ‪- [영주, 손님의 웃음]‬Sure. Are you paying with a card?
‪- 카드 하세요?‬ ‪- [손님] 아, 예, 그럼요‬Sure. Are you paying with a card? Yes.
‪[영주] 예, 카드 받았습니다‬Thank you.
‪[재우] 예, 2만 천 원이요‬Thank you. That'll be 21,000 won.
‪- [손님] 네‬ ‪- [포스 조작음]‬Okay.
‪[카드 단말기 작동음]‬
‪- [재우, 영주] 안녕히 가세요‬ ‪- [손님] 네‬-Goodbye. -Goodbye.
‪- 수고하세요, 네, 네‬ ‪- [영주] 네, 들어가세요‬-See you. -Bye.
‪[출입문 종소리]‬
‪몸도 별로 좋지도 않은데‬He doesn't look that fit.
‪[재우] 어좁이에 머리도 크고‬ ‪거북 목에 숏 다리에‬He has narrow shoulders, a big head, a turtle neck, and short legs.
‪[영주] 뭘 혼자 중얼거려?‬What are you mumbling about?
‪아니, 왜 남행선 누나도 아니면서‬What are you mumbling about? You're not even the owner.
‪서비스를 마음대로 막 주는데?‬You're not even the owner. Why would you give food away for free?
‪야, 내가 이사 재량으로‬ ‪두부 하나 서비스 못 주냐?‬Hey. I'm second-in-command here. I think I have the right.
‪- [휴대전화 진동음]‬ ‪- 왜 안 하던 텃세를 부리고 그래?‬Why are you picking a fight?
‪[재우] 어, 텃세 아니고‬I'm not.
‪- [영주] 어, 엄마, 왜?‬ ‪- [재우] 터, 텃세 아니야‬-Hi, Mom. What's up? -I'm not picking a fight.
‪[영주] 내일?‬Tomorrow?
‪없긴 한데, 왜?‬I'm free. Why?
‪나한테 얘기도 안 하고‬ ‪그런 약속을 잡아?‬Without asking me first?
‪나 자만추라니까‬ ‪선 같은 거 딱 싫다고‬I like to meet people naturally. I hate blind dates.
‪- [잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪- 잠깐만, 잠깐만, 잠깐만‬Hold on. Give me a second.
‪아니, 내 스타일이‬ ‪아니라니까, 선은‬Blind dates are just not my thing.
‪나는 뭐를 하면서‬I want to get to know a guy in a casual setting
‪성격으로‬ ‪어필을 해야 된다고, 엄마‬I want to get to know a guy in a casual setting where my character shows through.
‪혹시가 어디 있어, 혹시가!‬What do you mean, "you never know"?
‪알았어, 알았어‬Fine, I get it.
‪마음에 안 들기만 해, 그냥‬ ‪바로 깽판 치고 나와 버릴 거니까‬If I don't like him, I'll make a scene and leave right away.
‪간다고‬I'm going.
‪그럼 어떡해? 당장 내일인데‬What can I do? It's tomorrow.
‪근데 진짜 훈남이래?‬Are you sure he's good-looking?
‪진짜?‬Are you sure?
‪엄마 기준 훈남, 나 너무 불안해‬But I can't trust your standards.
‪- [영상 소리]‬ ‪- [행자의 웃음]‬
‪진짜 웃겨, 미쳤어‬This is hilarious. It's insane.
‪[행선이 작게] 왜 저래‬What's with her?
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪- 쌤!‬ ‪- [치열] 해이‬-Mr. Choi! -Hey.
‪[행선] 왔어요?‬Hi.
‪[치열] 몸은 좀 어때?‬How are you feeling today? Already back to your studies?
‪- 뭐야, 벌써 공부하는 거야?‬ ‪- [해이의 옅은 웃음]‬How are you feeling today? Already back to your studies?
‪[해이] 몸 좋아요, 근데‬ ‪큰일 났어요, 진도 밀려 가지고‬I'm feeling fine, but I'm way behind in my studies.
‪수학은 걱정하지 마, 퇴원하면‬ ‪내가 속성으로 특강해 줄게‬Don't worry about math. I'll bring you up to speed as soon as you get out.
‪[행선, 해이의 웃음]‬I'll bring you up to speed as soon as you get out.
‪[행자] 쌤‬ ‪제가 궁금한 게 있는데요‬-Mr. Choi. -Yes? -I have a question. -Okay.
‪[치열] 네‬-I have a question. -Okay. I heard that star teachers make a ton of money.
‪[행자] 일타강사, 그게‬ ‪거의 준재벌급이라면서요?‬I heard that star teachers make a ton of money.
‪아니, 내가 인터넷을 보니까‬I read about you online, and you're known as the Trillion Won Man.
‪선생님 별명이 막‬ ‪'1조 원의 사나이' 그러던데‬I read about you online, and you're known as the Trillion Won Man.
‪그거 뭘로 다 가지고 있어요?‬ ‪부동산? 금괴?‬Where do you keep all that money? In real estate? In gold? Or in a Swiss bank?
‪아니면 스위스 은행에‬ ‪막 넣어 놓나?‬In real estate? In gold? Or in a Swiss bank?
‪[치열] 아, 제가 실제로‬ ‪1조 원이 있는 게 아니라요‬In real estate? In gold? Or in a Swiss bank? It's not that I actually own a trillion won.
‪- 제 경제적 가치가 그렇다는…‬ ‪- [행자] 응‬I create that much value.
‪진짜로 있는 게 아니에요? 난 또‬You don't own that much money? That's a shame.
‪근데 부자는 부자죠? 그렇죠?‬But you're still rich, right?
‪아유, 언니! 좀‬Come on, Haeng-ja.
‪왜? 이게 너 얼마나 중요한 건데‬What? It's important!
‪해이야, 너도 앞으로‬ ‪남자를 만날 때는‬Hae-e, when you date a guy later, look into his financial situation.
‪[행자] 경제적 상황을‬ ‪고려해야 되는 거야‬Hae-e, when you date a guy later, look into his financial situation.
‪고정 수입이 얼마인지‬ ‪빚은 있는지‬Hae-e, when you date a guy later, look into his financial situation. How much does he make? Is he in debt?
‪집은 있는지, 차는 있는지‬ ‪집안이 또…‬Does he own a house and a car? Is he-- I guess you didn't look into my dad's financial situation.
‪내 아빠 되는 사람 경제 상황은‬ ‪파악을 못 했었나 봐?‬I guess you didn't look into my dad's financial situation.
‪- 어?‬ ‪- [행선의 한숨]‬What?
‪그때는 다른 게 있었어‬It was a different story back then.
‪[노크 소리]‬
‪- [문소리]‬ ‪- [행선] 네‬Yes?
‪[간호사] 어, 저기‬ ‪환자분 상처 처치할 거라서요‬I need to dress her wounds.
‪보호자 한 분만 남아 주시겠어요?‬Only one of you can stay with her.
‪[행자] 저요, 제가 엄마예요‬I will. I'm her mom.
‪[차분한 음악]‬
‪[행선] 왜요‬What is it?
‪왜 자꾸 힐끗거리는데요‬Why do you keep glancing at me?
‪그냥 눈치를 좀 보게 되네‬I can't help but walk on eggshells.
‪각오했던 일인데요, 뭐‬I always expected it to happen.
‪평생 우리 앞에‬ ‪안 나타날 것도 아니고‬She was going to show up one day.
‪워낙 타고나길 뻔뻔한 캐릭터라‬She's shameless by nature.
‪[치열] 휴게실 가서 좀 쉴래요?‬Do you want to go rest in the lounge?
‪침대 차지해서‬ ‪잠도 제대로 못 잤을 거 같은데‬I'm sure you didn't get much sleep last night.
‪우아, 본 거처럼 얘기하네?‬Wow. It's as if you were there.
‪[행선] 어!‬
‪와‬Come here.
‪[치열] 응‬
‪[행선] 들어가자‬-Let's go in. -Okay.
‪- [해이] 감사합니다‬ ‪- [행자] 감사해요‬-Thank you. -Thank you.
‪내가 해‬I'll do it.
‪엄마가 해 줄게, 좀‬ ‪나도 보호자 노릇 좀 해 보자‬Let your mom do it. Let me look after you for once.
‪이제 와서?‬Too late.
‪[행자] 아유, 쌀쌀맞아, 아무튼‬Why are you so cold?
‪- 치‬ ‪- [똑똑똑]‬
‪[해이] 치열 쌤은? 가셨어?‬Has Mr. Choi left?
‪응, 아니, 아직 안 가셨는데‬No, he's still here.
‪더 반가운 손님이 왔는데?‬But we have a surprise guest.
‪[행자] 어머‬Oh, my.
‪넌 또 누구니?‬ ‪처음 보는 애 같은데‬Who are you? I don't think we've met.
‪아주 훤칠하니 잘생겼다‬You're so tall and handsome.
‪- 키가 몇이야? 88? 90?‬ ‪- [행선] 언니, 나가자‬-How tall are you? 190cm? -Let's go out.
‪내가 음료수 뽑아 줄게‬I'll get you a soda.
‪[행자] 어? 나 방금 마셨는데‬I just had one.
‪[행자의 탄성]‬
‪왔네‬You're here.
‪너 진짜 안 닮았다, 니네 엄마랑‬You don't look like your mom at all.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪좀 그렇지?‬I agree.
‪[살짝 웃는다]‬
‪근데 너 뭐냐? 이제 오기 있냐?‬What is it? What took you so long?
‪단지랑 건후는 벌써 왔다 갔는데‬What is it? What took you so long? Dan-ji and Geon-hu already visited.
‪아, 미안‬Sorry.
‪나도 바로 오고 싶었는데‬ ‪그럴 수가 없었어‬I wanted to come sooner, but I couldn't.
‪- [잔잔한 음악]‬ ‪- 몸은 좀 괜찮아?‬How are you feeling?
‪어‬I'm good.
‪시험 기간 동안 못 잔 잠‬ ‪아주 확 다 몰아 잔 기분?‬I finally caught up on the sleep lost during the midterms.
‪너무 개운해‬I finally caught up on the sleep lost during the midterms. I feel rested.
‪살아났네, 남해이‬So you're back.
‪[해이] 그럼‬Of course.
‪그, 해이야‬Well… Hae-e.
‪나 오늘‬I…
‪자퇴서 냈어‬dropped out of school today.
‪[선재] 그게 맞는 거 같아서‬It's the right thing to do.
‪그냥 머리도 좀 식히고‬I want to take a break
‪그러고 검정고시 보려고‬and take the GED later.
‪야, 이제 너 없으면‬ ‪나 뭔 재미로 학교 다니냐?‬Hey. School will be so boring without you.
‪갈굴 친구도 없고‬There will be no one to bully.
‪[피식 웃는다]‬
‪심심할 때마다 연락해‬Call me whenever you're bored.
‪[선재] 내가 긴장 딱 하고‬ ‪대기하고 있을 테니까‬I'll be waiting on the edge of my seat.
‪- [해이] 너 약속했다‬ ‪- [선재] 응‬That's a promise. -Sure, you can-- -I'll call you every day.
‪- 응, 진짜 맨…‬ ‪- [해이] 맨날 전화한다?‬-Sure, you can-- -I'll call you every day.
‪[선재] 진짜 내가‬ ‪내가 맨날 전화할 건데‬-Sure, you can-- -I'll call you every day. I'll call you every day. Is that okay?
‪- [해이의 웃음]‬ ‪- 괜찮아?‬I'll call you every day. Is that okay?
‪[분위기 있는 음악이 흐른다]‬
‪[수희] 어쨌든 다들 너무 고생했다‬Anyway, great work, everyone.
‪아니, 밤늦게까지 촛불 들고‬ ‪소리 지르고‬You all held up the candles and shouted the slogans until so late.
‪덕분에 우리가 원하는 바를 이뤘고‬As a result, we achieved our goal.
‪내가 오늘 진짜 제대로 쏠게‬It's my treat today.
‪저번에 수아 아빠랑 왔었는데‬ ‪스테이크가 좋더라고‬I came here with my husband once, and the steak was amazing.
‪[미옥] 아이, 뭐‬ ‪우리 덕이라기보다는‬I'm not sure if it's really our achievement.
‪그냥 선재가 스스로‬ ‪자퇴서 낸 거 아닌가 싶어, 어?‬It was Sun-jae's own decision to drop out, wasn't it?
‪[수희] 뭐, 어쨌든‬ ‪결과가 중요한 거지‬The point is, we got what we wanted.
‪도찐개찐‬Tomahto, tomato.
‪아니, 도긴개긴‬ ‪어, 도긴, 도긴개긴‬-No, it's tomato, tomahto. -Goodness.
‪- [학부모1] 뭐, 그렇긴 하지, 응?‬ ‪- [학부모2의 웃음]‬I guess you're right.
‪아, 몰라요 [한숨]‬Whatever.
‪나 시위 나간 거‬ ‪우리 단지한테 딱 걸려 가지고‬Dan-ji found out I protested.
‪[미옥] 어떻게‬ ‪지 친구한테 그럴 수 있냐고‬She got so mad at me for attacking her friend
‪완전 삐져 가지고‬ ‪지금 나한테 말을 안 건다니까‬She got so mad at me for attacking her friend that she's refusing to talk to me.
‪아유, 짜증 나 죽겠어, 진짜, 씨‬that she's refusing to talk to me. It's driving me nuts.
‪[수희] 아, 뭘 그렇게 쩔쩔매니?‬ ‪딸내미한테‬Why are you so scared of your own daughter?
‪[미옥의 어이없는 소리]‬Why are you so scared of your own daughter?
‪시간 지나면 다 풀리게 돼 있어‬She'll come around soon.
‪어, 왔어?‬-Hey. -Why are you so late?
‪- [미옥] 왜 이렇게 늦게 와?‬ ‪- [수희] 가자‬-Hey. -Why are you so late? -Let's go in. -Traffic is horrible.
‪[학부모3] 차가 너무…‬-Let's go in. -Traffic is horrible.
‪[미옥이 작게] 쩔쩔매는 게 누군데‬ ‪나한테…‬As if she isn't scared of her kid.
‪[수희] 안녕하세요‬ ‪저, 수아임당으로 예약했어요‬Hello. -We have a reservation under Suaimdang. -Right.
‪- [종업원] 이쪽으로‬ ‪- [수희] 네‬-Please come this way. -Okay.
‪- [미옥] 어, 언니‬ ‪- [수희] 응?‬-Su-hui. -Yes?
‪- [미옥] 언니, 언니, 와 봐‬ ‪- [수희] 왜?‬-Come here. -What?
‪[대근, 여자의 웃음]‬
‪[미옥] 맞지?‬It's him, right?
‪수아 아빠 맞지?‬It's your husband, isn't it?
‪[흥미로운 음악]‬
‪니들 뭐 하니?‬What are you doing?
‪여, 여, 여보‬Honey.
‪[대근] 저기, 여보, 그게 아니라…‬Honey, I can explain.
‪아니, 여보, 그게 아니라‬It's not what you think it is.
‪- [사람들의 놀란 소리]‬ ‪- 아, 아니, 아니, 잠깐만, 잠깐‬-Goodness! -Then what is it? Tell me.
‪[수희] 뭐가 아닌데? 말해 봐‬ ‪그러니까 뭐가 아닌…‬-Goodness! -Then what is it? Tell me. -Hold on! -What is it?
‪- 일로 안 나와?‬ ‪- [대근] 야, 야, 잠깐만, 잠깐만‬-Come here. -Hey. -Hold on. -Move.
‪- [수희] 나와, 나와, 나와‬ ‪- [여자의 비명]‬-Hold on. -Move. -Move. -Hey.
‪- 뭐, 뭐? 야, 야‬ ‪- [대근의 아파하는 신음]‬-What? How dare you… -Hold on. Stop it.
‪- [대근] 아이, 아…‬ ‪- [여자의 당황한 소리]‬You must be crazy.
‪[수희] 야, 이 미친놈아, 미친놈아‬You lunatic. -You crazy bastard. -No!
‪[여자] 안 돼, 안 돼, 우리 오빠!‬-You crazy bastard. -No!
‪- [대근의 비명]‬ ‪- 우리 오빠 머리, 머리!‬Let go of his hair!
‪- 뭐? 머리? 머리? 야, 머리?‬ ‪- [여자의 비명]‬What? His hair? What do you care?
‪[소란스럽다]‬-You jerk! -Goodness.
‪[미옥] 말려 봐, 좀, 말려 봐‬Go stop her.
‪- [수희의 악쓰는 소리]‬ ‪- [대근의 비명]‬Go stop her. Hey!
‪- [대근] 야, 아, 수아 엄마…‬ ‪- [수희] 이 미친놈아, 씨발 놈아!‬-You crazy bastard! -Su-hui!
‪야! 니가 어떻게 이래!‬ ‪쓰레기 같은 놈아!‬How could you do this to me, you piece of garbage?
‪[영주] 야, 말도 마, 어?‬You have no idea.
‪온 동네 여자들이‬ ‪수아 엄마 얘기뿐이라니까‬The entire neighborhood is talking about Su-a's mom.
‪야, 훤한 대낮에 레스토랑에서‬She pulled her husband's hair and beat him up
‪남편 머리채 잡고‬ ‪난투극을 벌였으니, 이거‬in broad daylight at a restaurant.
‪소문이 퍼질 만도 하지‬No wonder word traveled so fast.
‪아, 누가 찍었는지‬ ‪동영상도 퍼졌나 보던데? 인터넷에‬Someone even took a video and spread it online.
‪[행자] 어? 나 그거 본 거 같은데‬ ‪인기 동영상에서‬Someone even took a video and spread it online. I think I saw it. It was one of the most trending videos.
‪[놀라며] 그게‬ ‪그 동네 여자였어요?‬I think I saw it. It was one of the most trending videos. So she's your neighbor? Unbelievable.
‪스고이, 대박‬So she's your neighbor? Unbelievable.
‪[영주] 개망신인 거지‬How humiliating.
‪수아임당인지 뭔지‬ ‪그냥 어깨 뽕 이만해서 댕기더니만‬After going around all high and mighty, calling herself Suaimdang.
‪그래도 너무 심했다, 야‬ ‪동영상까지는‬Still, sharing a video is too much.
‪[영주] 심하긴‬ ‪그 여자 너한테 한 짓을 생각해 봐‬I don't feel sorry after what she did to you.
‪다 인과응보, 응? 자업자득이지‬What goes around comes around.
‪왜요, 왜요?‬What happened? What did she do to Haeng-seon?
‪[행자] 그 여자가 우리 행선이한테‬ ‪뭘 어떻게 했는데?‬What happened? What did she do to Haeng-seon?
‪[행선] 그래서 오늘‬ ‪진짜 선보러 간다고, 너?‬So you're going on a blind date today?
‪자만추라며?‬Don't you prefer meeting men naturally?
‪선은 승률도 낮고‬ ‪면접 보는 거 같아서 싫다더니만‬You always said blind dates feel stiff and never work.
‪그냥 뭐‬I'll just think of it
‪로또 사는 셈 치고‬ ‪가 보는 거지, 뭐‬as betting my chances on a lottery ticket.
‪[영주] 참, 해이는?‬ ‪누구랑 나갔다고?‬Anyway, who did Hae-e go out with?
‪[안내 방송 알림음]‬
‪[발랄한 음악]‬
‪[건후] 야‬Hey.
‪너는 무슨 맨날‬ ‪해이 병원 오려고 자퇴했냐?‬Did you drop out to come see her every day?
‪아예 타임을‬ ‪정해 놓고 오든지 해야지, 진짜‬We need to coordinate our visits.
‪아주 휠체어 미는 스킬이‬ ‪만렙이다?‬Your wheelchair-pushing skills are improving by the day.
‪[선재의 헛웃음]‬Your wheelchair-pushing skills are improving by the day.
‪[선재] 너도 억울하면 자퇴하든가‬If you're upset, drop out too.
‪[건후] 이씨…‬You little…
‪그럴까?‬Should I? Be quiet. Just keep pushing.
‪[해이] 시끄럽고‬ ‪조용히 하고 가시죠‬Be quiet. Just keep pushing.
‪- [선재] 응‬ ‪- [건후] 넵‬-Okay. -Yes, ma'am.
‪[해이] 아, 서건후‬Geon-hu, how's the studying going without me as your personal tutor?
‪공부는? 혼자 할 만해?‬ ‪스승님 없이?‬Geon-hu, how's the studying going without me as your personal tutor?
‪[건후] 아니, 전혀‬It's terrible.
‪아, 그래서 이참에‬So I'm thinking of signing up for an academy.
‪그, 학원이란 데를‬ ‪끊어 볼까 고민 중이야‬So I'm thinking of signing up for an academy.
‪- [코웃음]‬ ‪- [해이] 어, 진짜?‬So I'm thinking of signing up for an academy. Really? That's a great idea.
‪생각 잘했네, 그래‬Really? That's a great idea. Right. You're still new to studying,
‪니가 공부 경험이 없어서 그렇지‬ ‪기초만 잘 닦으면 가능할 거야‬Right. You're still new to studying, but once you get the basics down, it should be possible.
‪뭐, 머리가 아주 나쁜 건‬ ‪아니더라고‬You don't seem to be slow or anything.
‪이야, 좀 쳐주는 거야? 내 머리?‬You don't seem to be slow or anything. Hey. You think I'm smart?
‪[선재] 야‬Hey.
‪보통은 된다는 소리잖아, 어?‬ ‪오버 좀 하지 마‬She just means you're not stupid. -Stop overreacting. -What, you punk?
‪[건후] 오버는 자식아, 너…‬-Stop overreacting. -What, you punk?
‪- [선재] 뭐?‬ ‪- [콜록거린다]‬What?
‪[건후] 야, 괜찮아?‬Are you okay?
‪잠깐만 기다려 봐‬ ‪내가 물 좀 사 올게‬I'll go get you some water.
‪- [해이] 아니…‬ ‪- [선재] 빨리 갔다 와‬Hurry up.
‪[해이가 콜록거리며] 괜찮…‬I'm okay.
‪아유 [헛기침]‬
‪[선재] 덮고 있어‬Cover yourself.
‪아, 됐어, 괜찮아‬I'm good. It's okay.
‪잠깐만‬Just a second.
‪[부드러운 음악]‬
‪야, 줘, 내가 할게‬Hey, give it here. -I'll do it. -Okay.
‪- 아, 어‬ ‪- [해이] 응‬-I'll do it. -Okay.
‪야, 근데 넌‬Why do you carry around a hair tie?
‪무슨 남자애가‬ ‪머리 끈을 들고 다니냐?‬Why do you carry around a hair tie?
‪묶을 머리도 없으면서‬You have short hair.
‪그거 너 거야‬That's yours.
‪[해이] 어?‬What?
‪그거 너 주려고 산 거야‬I bought it for you.
‪아, 그때 니가‬ ‪아끼던 머리 끈 끊어졌다고 해서‬You once said your favorite hair tie broke.
‪남해이‬Nam Hae-e.
‪[해이] 어‬Yes?
‪나 사실‬To be honest…
‪너랑 친구 그만하고 싶어‬I want to stop being friends with you.
‪[해이] 뭐?‬What?
‪좋아했어‬I've had a crush on you…
‪오래전부터‬for a long time.
‪나랑 사귈래?‬Will you go out with me?
‪[깔깔 웃는다]‬
‪아, 이선재‬Look at you, Lee Sun-jae.
‪[건후] 야, 야, 선재야‬Hey, Sun-jae.
‪'나랑 사귈래?'‬"Will you go out with me?"
‪야‬Hey, you've been hiding your feelings all these years
‪어떻게 몇 년을 그렇게‬ ‪찐따같이 말도 못 하다가‬Hey, you've been hiding your feelings all these years
‪거기서 딱 까이냐, 어?‬only to get turned down like that?
‪야, 선재야, 힘내라‬Cheer up, Sun-jae.
‪넌 한 번이겠지만‬ ‪난 한 열 번은 까인 거 같거든‬You only got turned down once, For me, it was about a dozen times.
‪[선재] 야, 난 까인 게 아니라‬ ‪보류라고, 보류!‬Hey, I didn't get turned down. I was put on hold.
‪야, 수능 끝나고‬ ‪생각해 보쟀다니까‬She said she'll think about it after the CSAT!
‪[건후] 야‬Hey.
‪그게 그거야, 이 자식아‬Same difference, you idiot.
‪[웃으며] 선재야, 정신 차려‬ ‪왜 이래‬Get it together, Sun-jae. What's with you?
‪야, 우리‬Hey, let's go to a coin karaoke and sing a breakup song together.
‪오늘 코노 가 가지고‬ ‪이별 노래 한 곡 때리자‬Hey, let's go to a coin karaoke and sing a breakup song together.
‪너 오늘 울어도‬ ‪내가 무덤까지 비밀 지켜 줄게‬Hey, let's go to a coin karaoke and sing a breakup song together. Even if you cry, I'll take it to the grave.
‪- [선재] 야‬ ‪- [건후의 웃음]‬Even if you cry, I'll take it to the grave. Hey.
‪아, 너랑 엮지 좀 말라니까, 진짜!‬Don't group me and you together.
‪- [건후] 아, 이선재, 진짜‬ ‪- [선재] 아, 난 다르다고, 너랑‬Don't group me and you together. -Look at you. -I'm different! No, you're just like me!
‪[건후] 뭐가 달라? 나랑 똑같구먼‬No, you're just like me!
‪- [건후의 웃음]‬ ‪- [선재] 야, 니는, 어?‬No, you're just like me! You asked her out like you were joking!
‪겁나 장난식으로 고백했잖아‬You asked her out like you were joking!
‪난 진지했어, 내 마음을‬I was serious.
‪[건후] 너무 진지해서‬ ‪이렇게 한 거야‬That's the problem.
‪[익살스러운 음악]‬
‪[아파하는 신음]‬
‪[아파하는 신음]‬
‪[영주] 야, 얼른 들어가, 쌀쌀해‬Go back in. It's cold.
‪[행선] 알았어, 선 잘 봐‬Go back in. It's cold. Okay. Good luck with your date.
‪또 남자 마음에 안 든다고‬ ‪술 들입다 퍼마시지 말고‬Okay. Good luck with your date. Don't drink too much even if you don't like the guy.
‪[영주] 알았어, 안 그래‬Don't drink too much even if you don't like the guy. I won't.
‪야, 느이 언니 말이야‬Hey, about your sister…
‪언제까지 있는대? 어?‬How long is she going to stay?
‪하는 걸로 봐서는‬ ‪꽤 오래 눌러 있을 분위기던데?‬It doesn't look like she's leaving anytime soon.
‪너한테 빌붙는 거 아니야, 또?‬I hope she won't mooch off you.
‪아이, 못 그러게 해야지‬I won't let her.
‪신경 쓰지 말고 가, 얼른, 가‬Don't worry and go on.
‪[영주] 그래, 가긴 가는데‬Okay. I am going, but…
‪아유, 몰라, 난, 니가 알아서 해‬Whatever. I'll leave it to you.
‪행운을 빈다, 오늘 밤‬Good luck tonight.
‪[행선의 웃음]‬
‪[수희의 당황한 소리]‬
‪왜 이래요? 나한테‬Why are you doing this?
‪뭐가요?‬What do you mean?
‪내 얘기 들었을 거 아니에요‬You must've heard.
‪온 동네가 하루 종일‬ ‪내 얘기 하고 있을 텐데, 왜?‬I'm sure I've become the talk of the town.
‪소문 들었죠?‬You heard, right?
‪그냥 다른 사람들처럼 비난을 해요‬Just point a finger at me like everyone else.
‪[수희] 어쭙잖은 동정 해서‬ ‪사람 자존심 상하게 만들지 말고‬Don't pity me and hurt my pride.
‪무슨 악취미야, 해이 엄마는?‬Are you enjoying this?
‪나 안 미워?‬Don't you hate me?
‪좀 밉긴 하죠‬A little.
‪우리 가게 VIP시잖아요‬But you're my VIP customer.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪[출입문 종소리]‬
‪아유, 재우 얘는 어디 간 거야‬Where did Jae-woo go?
‪약속 있다고‬ ‪마무리 좀 해 달라니까, 진짜‬I told him I had to leave early.
‪- [휴대전화 진동음]‬ ‪- [영주] 어?‬
‪야, 남재우, 너 어디야?‬Hey, Nam Jae-woo. Where are you?
‪[재우] 누나, 거기로 좀 빨리 와‬Come over here right now, Yeong-ju.
‪지난번에 우리 포차, 빨리‬Come over here right now, Yeong-ju. That place we went to last time.
‪- 야, 남재우, 야!‬ ‪- [통화 종료음]‬Hey, Jae-woo!
‪아이, 늦었는데‬ ‪이게 뭔 일이야, 진짜‬I'm late! What's going on?
‪[영주] 야‬Hey.
‪나 약속 있다고!‬I told you I had plans!
‪뭔데? 빨리빨리‬ ‪용건만 말해, 빨리‬What is it? Cut to the chase.
‪뭐냐고, 나 가야 된다고, 지금‬Spit it out. I have to get going soon.
‪가지 마‬Don't go.
‪가지 마, 누나‬Don't go, Yeong-ju.
‪내가 생각해 봤는데‬I've given it some thought…
‪나 누나 좋아해‬and I like you.
‪[영주] 응?‬What?
‪[재우] 남행선 누나처럼 좋은 건지‬I'm not sure if I like you
‪그거랑 다르게 좋은 건지는‬ ‪잘 모르겠지만‬in the same way I like Haeng-seon, or if it's different.
‪누나가 자꾸 신경 쓰이고‬ ‪자꾸자꾸 걱정돼‬But you keep bothering and worrying me.
‪[의아한 소리]‬I do?
‪그리고 누나가 선보러 가는 거‬ ‪진짜 싫어‬I do? And I hate that you're going on a blind date.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪이거 먹으면‬ ‪누나랑 사귀는 거지? 맞지?‬If I take a bite of this, that means we're going out, right?
‪[영주] 응?‬
‪너 뭐…‬What are you…
‪[힘겨운 숨소리]‬
‪야, 너, 아!‬Hey, don't…
‪옆으로 올래?‬Want to sit next to me?
‪[재우] 나 누나 좋아해‬I like you, Yeong-ju.
‪[재우의 후 내뱉는 소리]‬
‪나 누나 좋아해‬I like you.
‪[영주] 아이, 아이‬ ‪아니, 아니, 야‬No, stop.
‪이런 거 앞으로 내가 다 먹을게‬Leave this kind of food to me from now on.
‪[재우] 나 누나 좋아해!‬I like you, Yeong-ju!
‪[영주] 나도‬I like you too.
‪[행자] 와, 엄청 푹신하다‬These seats are so comfy.
‪이런 차는 얼마나 하려나?‬ ‪엄청 비쌀 텐데‬I wonder how much this car costs. I bet it's super expensive.
‪최 쌤‬Mr. Choi.
‪저, 이거 말고도 차가 더 있죠?‬ ‪몇 대예요?‬You have other cars, right? How many do you have?
‪기분에 따라 막‬ ‪그때그때 골라 타고 그러나?‬Do you drive a different car every day as you like?
‪[치열] 아, 뭐…‬Well…
‪네, 뭐, 그때그때, 필요에 따라‬yes, depending on the situation.
‪[행자] 그럴 줄 알았어요 [웃음]‬I knew it.
‪우리 행선이도 차 한 대 있으면‬ ‪장사하기 편할 텐데‬Haeng-seon could really use a car for her business.
‪아니, 사 달라 그러는 거 아니에요‬ ‪그냥 권장이에요, 권장‬Haeng-seon could really use a car for her business. I'm not telling you to buy her one. It's just a suggestion.
‪[행선] 언니‬Haeng-ja.
‪[치열] 아이, 안 그래도‬ ‪그러고 싶은데, 장도 봐야 되고‬I really want to since she goes grocery shopping,
‪행선 씨가‬ ‪말도 못 꺼내게 해 가지고요‬but she won't let me even talk about it.
‪[행자] 어머, 왜요?‬Why not?
‪그럼 차 한 대만 뽑아 주실래요?‬Why not? Then can you buy a car for us
‪장사할 때는 우리 행선이가 쓰고‬ ‪평소에는 내가 타고‬so I can use it when Haeng-seon doesn't need it?
‪[행선] 좀!‬Come on!
‪말이 되는 소리를 좀 해‬Stop spewing nonsense.
‪말이 왜 안 되니, 어?‬Why not?
‪[행자] 너는 그 이상한 자존심‬ ‪내세우는 거, 그게 문제야‬You need to learn to swallow your pride.
‪너무 그러는 것도‬ ‪너 그거 예의가 아니야, 기지배야‬It's rude to turn down a kind offer.
‪그렇죠, 최 쌤?‬It's rude to turn down a kind offer. -Right, Mr. Choi? -Sure.
‪[치열이 웃으며] 예‬-Right, Mr. Choi? -Sure.
‪아니, 아니…‬No, I mean…
‪[행자가 놀라며] 저거 봐‬ ‪어머, 어머머, 어머‬What's that? Oh, my goodness.
‪[해이의 한숨]‬
‪[행선] 이런 걸 언제 준비했어?‬WELCOME HOME, NAM HAE-E -When did you prepare this? -Mom, open the door.
‪- [해이] 엄마, 이것 좀 열어 줘‬ ‪- [행선] 어‬-When did you prepare this? -Mom, open the door.
‪[영주] 웰컴, 해이야‬Welcome home, Hae-e.
‪- [행선] 와, 진짜‬ ‪- [재우] 퇴원 축하해, 해이야‬-My goodness. -Congratulations, Hae-e.
‪[행선, 영주의 웃음]‬
‪고마워, 영주 이모, 고마워, 삼촌‬Thanks, Auntie Yeong-ju and Uncle.
‪- [영주] 수고했어, 수고했어‬ ‪- [행자] 아유, 촌스러워‬-Welcome back. -This is corny.
‪아무튼 니들은‬ ‪전반적으로 유난이다‬You guys tend to take things too far.
‪[행선] 고마워요, 쌤‬ ‪얼른 가 봐요, 수업 늦겠어‬Thank you. You should go. You'll be late for work. I'll come right after work. Don't start the party without me.
‪[치열] 끝나고 바로 올 테니까‬ ‪나 빼고 파티 시작하면 안 돼요‬I'll come right after work. Don't start the party without me.
‪나 삐져‬I'll come right after work. Don't start the party without me. -I'll be upset. -What are we celebrating?
‪오, 무슨 파티요?‬-I'll be upset. -What are we celebrating?
‪- [행선] 남해이 퇴원 축하 파티‬ ‪- [해이의 옅은 웃음]‬Hae-e coming home. Let's have a small party after work.
‪이따 과외 끝나고‬ ‪우리끼리 조촐하게‬Let's have a small party after work.
‪아니, 왜 파티를 조촐하게 해?‬Why would you have a small party?
‪[행자] 이왕 하는 거‬Invite everyone and throw a huge party instead.
‪주변 사람들 다 불러 가지고‬ ‪크게 크게 해야지‬Invite everyone and throw a huge party instead.
‪우리 최 쌤 재력이면은‬ ‪그냥 호텔…‬Invite everyone and throw a huge party instead. -Mr. Choi could even afford a hotel-- -Thank you for the ride, Mr. Choi.
‪[해이] 쌤, 얼른 가세요‬ ‪데려다주셔서 감사합니다‬-Mr. Choi could even afford a hotel-- -Thank you for the ride, Mr. Choi.
‪감사합니다, 감사합니다‬Thank you.
‪[행선] 이따 봐요‬-See you later. -Okay.
‪남재우‬Nam Jae-woo.
‪- 들어가, 해이야‬ ‪- [해이] 어‬-Let's go in. -Okay.
‪[영주의 환호성]‬
‪[행자의 후 내뱉는 소리]‬
‪[행자] 어, 안엔 처음이네‬ ‪이렇게들 사는구나‬I've never been in here before. So this is where you live.
‪- [재우] 해이야, 해이야‬ ‪- [해이] 어‬I've never been in here before. So this is where you live. Hae-e, I cleaned your room all day yesterday.
‪[재우] 삼촌이 어제‬ ‪니 방 하루 종일 청소했어‬Hae-e, I cleaned your room all day yesterday.
‪이불이랑 베개도 싹 빨았어‬ ‪잘했지?‬I even washed your bedding. Aren't I the best?
‪[해이] 어, 역시 삼촌 최고다‬ ‪고마워‬Yes, you're the best. Thanks.
‪[행자] 아니, 근데 방이 세 개인데‬ ‪나 어느 방 써?‬There are only three rooms. Where should I stay?
‪나랑 같이 써, 해이는 밤늦게까지‬ ‪공부해야 되니까‬Stay in my room with me. Hae-e studies until late.
‪[행자] 어유, 야, 싫어‬ ‪나 누구랑 방 같이 못 써‬Heck no. I can't share a room with anyone.
‪나 예민하잖아, 너도 알지?‬I can't share a room with anyone. I'm sensitive, you know.
‪병실에서도 얼마나 힘들었는데‬Staying in that hospital room was torture.
‪[행선] 그러면 어쩌라고?‬ ‪내가 재우랑 같이 쓸 순 없잖아‬Staying in that hospital room was torture. Then what do you suggest? I can't share a room with Jae-woo.
‪[행자] 아, 그러니까‬ ‪누가 이렇게 쪼끄만 데서 살래?‬Then what do you suggest? I can't share a room with Jae-woo. Why do you live in this tiny place in the first place?
‪좀 큰 데서 살면 좀 좋아?‬Why do you live in this tiny place in the first place?
‪이렇게 쪼끄만한 데서 그냥‬This place is cramped to begin with.
‪옹기종기 모여 사니까‬ ‪그런 거 아니야?‬This place is cramped to begin with.
‪야, 이참에 내가‬ ‪니 남자 친구한테 얘기해 가지고‬Do you want me to ask your boyfriend to get you a penthouse?
‪펜트하우스 하나‬ ‪큰 거 하나 얻어 달라 그럴까?‬Do you want me to ask your boyfriend to get you a penthouse?
‪그냥 내 방 써‬ ‪내가 거실 소파에서 잘 테니까‬Do you want me to ask your boyfriend to get you a penthouse? Stay in my room. I'll sleep on the sofa.
‪[해이] 어떻게 소파에서 자‬ ‪불편하게‬That sounds uncomfortable.
‪[행선] 괜찮아‬It's fine.
‪[재우] 어, 누나‬ ‪그럼 내가 소파에서 잘게‬Then I'll sleep on the sofa. Haeng-ja, stay in my room.
‪큰누나, 내 방 써‬Then I'll sleep on the sofa. Haeng-ja, stay in my room.
‪싫어, 야‬ ‪니 방 창고 같아, 더 싫어!‬Heck no. Your room looks like a storage room.
‪[행선] 시트 갈아 줄게‬I'll change the sheets.
‪[행자] 아이씨‬Gosh.
‪다 나한테 지랄이야‬-Everyone hates me. -How are you so brazen?
‪[해이] 엄마, 뭐가 그렇게 당당해?‬-Everyone hates me. -How are you so brazen?
‪이해하려야 이해할 수가 없어‬What? I just can't understand you.
‪- [휴대전화 벨 소리]‬ ‪- [해이] 어떻게…‬How-- Hold on. I'm getting a call.
‪잠깐만, 나 전화 왔어‬Hold on. I'm getting a call.
‪어, 잠깐‬Excuse me. Hello?
‪어, 하이, 하이, 모시모시, 에‬Excuse me. Hello?
‪[기가 찬 숨소리]‬
‪안 그래도 전화하려 그랬는데‬ ‪으유, 성질 급하기는‬I was about to call you. You're so impatient.
‪나 드디어 찾아낸 거 같아‬ ‪돈 나올 데‬I was about to call you. You're so impatient. I think I found a way to get money.
‪- [흥미로운 음악]‬ ‪- 어‬Yes.
‪내 동생한테‬ ‪푹 빠진 남자가 한 명 있는데‬Yes. There's this guy who's smitten with my sibling.
‪[일본어로] 에?‬ ‪'남동생' 말고 여동생‬What? No, not my younger brother.
‪[한국어로] 여동생‬My younger sister.
‪[행자] 어, 내가 좀‬ ‪어떻게 해 볼 수 있을 거 같아‬Yes, I think I can figure something out.
‪[들뜬 숨소리]‬Yes, I think I can figure something out.
‪좀 기다려 봐‬ ‪내가 다시 전화할게‬Wait just a little longer. I'll call you back. Bye.
‪어, 끊어, 하이, 어‬Wait just a little longer. I'll call you back. Bye. Okay. Bye.
‪[휴대전화 벨 소리]‬
‪[디스플레이 조작음]‬
‪네, 최치열입니다‬Hello, Choi Chi-yeol speaking.
‪[행자] 아, 네, 최 쌤‬ ‪저 해이 엄마예요, 행선이 언니‬Hello, Mr. Choi. This is Hae-e's mom. Haeng-seon's sister.
‪[치열] 아…‬This is Hae-e's mom. Haeng-seon's sister.
‪[행자] 네 [웃음]‬Yes.
‪앞으로 가족이 될지도 모르는데‬ ‪이 정도 전화는 괜찮죠?‬We might become family, so it's okay for me to call you, right?
‪아, 네, 말씀하세요‬Sure, go ahead.
‪아유, 역시 [웃음]‬I knew it.
‪제가 실은 우리 최 쌤한테‬ ‪긴히 부탁드릴 일이 있었는데‬The thing is, I have a favor to ask you,
‪아까는 짬이 안 나 가지고‬but I didn't get a chance earlier.
‪근데 이 얘기‬Haeng-seon can't know about this, okay?
‪우리 행선이한테‬ ‪절대 하시면 안 돼요, 아셨죠?‬Haeng-seon can't know about this, okay?
‪[치열] 음, 예, 예‬Of course.
‪제가 돌려 말하는 거 잘 못하니까‬ ‪바로 말씀드릴게요‬I'm a straightforward person, so here goes.
‪우리 최 쌤이‬ ‪아유, 당연히 그러시겠지만‬If you happen to have any cash lying around,
‪혹여라도 여유가 조금 되신다면은‬which I'm sure you do,
‪저, 저한테 돈을 좀 빌려…‬could you lend me some…
‪[행자가 놀라며] 어머, 얘‬Oh, my!
‪- [해이의 한숨]‬ ‪- 너 지금 뭐 하는 거야?‬What are you doing?
‪미쳤어, 엄마?‬Have you lost your mind?
‪지금 쌤한테‬ ‪돈 얘기 하려 그런 거잖아‬You were asking Mr. Choi for money. I heard everything.
‪- 좀 아까 통화한 거 다 들었어‬ ‪- [행자] 아니, 난…‬You were asking Mr. Choi for money. I heard everything. -I just-- -How could you do that
‪[해이] 어떻게 엄마…‬-I just-- -How could you do that to your sister's boyfriend, of all people?
‪딴 사람도 아니고 이모 남친한테‬to your sister's boyfriend, of all people?
‪엄마는 최소한의 양심‬ ‪뭐, 그런 것도 없는 사람이야?‬Don't you even have a conscience?
‪나도 어렵게 얘기 꺼낸 거야‬It wasn't easy for me either. I'm so pressed for money--
‪엄마가 오죽했으면…‬It wasn't easy for me either. I'm so pressed for money-- Even still, how do you think this makes your sister look?
‪[해이] 아무리 급해도 그렇지‬ ‪엄마가 이러면‬Even still, how do you think this makes your sister look?
‪이모가 뭐가 돼?‬Even still, how do you think this makes your sister look?
‪[한숨 쉬며] 엄마‬ ‪이모한테 미안하지도 않아?‬Don't you feel the least bit guilty?
‪나랑 삼촌 때문에‬ ‪연애도 운동도 못 하고‬She gave up sports and dating because of me and Uncle.
‪새벽부터 장 보고‬ ‪반찬 만들고 장사하고‬She's been working from dawn till dusk
‪십몇 년을 그렇게 살았어, 이모‬for more than a decade.
‪근데 엄마‬ ‪그동안 어디서 뭐 했는데?‬So where have you been all this time?
‪뭐 하다 이제야 나타나서 어떻게…‬How could you show up out of nowhere
‪어떻게 이런 민폐를 끼쳐?‬and be such a nuisance?
‪왜 날 비참하게 만들어, 왜!‬Why do you have to make me feel so miserable?
‪얘가 왜 악을 막 쓰고 그래?‬Why would you yell at me?
‪- 아직 안 빌렸잖아‬ ‪- [해이의 어이없는 숨소리]‬Why would you yell at me? I haven't even borrowed any money yet.
‪돈 얘기 꺼내기만 해‬Ask him for money again,
‪그땐 진짜 확 죽어 버릴 테니까‬and I'll kill myself.
‪[무거운 음악]‬
‪저게, 저게, 엄마한테…‬What, you brat? How dare you…
‪저 말버릇 봐, 저‬That rude little brat.
‪- [문소리]‬ ‪- [도어 록 작동음]‬I'm so scared.
‪아유, 무서워, 아유, 아유‬I'm so scared. Gosh.
‪아이씨, 아이‬
‪[떨리는 숨소리]‬
‪[애잔한 음악]‬
‪[휴대전화 진동음]‬
‪[잠긴 목소리로] 어, 응, 나야‬Hey, it's me.
‪[선재] 목소리가 왜 그래? 울었어?‬You sound awful. Were you crying?
‪[해이] 엄마가‬ ‪내 앞에 나타나는 상상‬I must've imagined my mom showing up one day
‪나 정말 몇천 번도 더 했었거든?‬at least a couple thousand times.
‪'복수해 줘야지'‬I wanted to get even.
‪'신경질이란 신경질은‬ ‪다 내 줘야지, 그리고'‬I wanted to be extremely mean to her.
‪'못 이기는 척 받아 줘야지'‬And then I wanted to accept her back, pretending I had no other choice.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪그래도 울 엄마니까‬After all, she's my mom.
‪내내 밉고, 또 그리웠으니까‬I've resented and missed her all these years.
‪근데 막상 보니까‬But now that she's here,
‪너무 속상해‬I'm so upset.
‪날 버렸어도‬Even if she abandoned me,
‪그래도 조금은‬ ‪더 괜찮은 사람이었으면 했는데‬I used to imagine her to be a decent human being.
‪아니야‬But I was wrong.
‪나 왜 그런 사람한테서 나왔을까?‬Why was I born out of someone like her?
‪[선재의 한숨]‬
‪우리가 부모를 선택해서‬ ‪태어날 순 없잖아‬We don't get to choose our parents.
‪[선재] 내가 좀 더‬All we can do is
‪좀 더 괜찮은 사람이 될 수밖에‬try to become better people than them.
‪그래야겠지?‬I guess we should.
‪[선재] 응‬Yes, we should.
‪그래야지‬Yes, we should.
‪- [출입문 종소리]‬ ‪- [치열의 힘주는 소리]‬
‪[행선] 어? 어서 와, 준비 다 됐어‬Hey, come on in! We're ready.
‪[치열] 오, 오늘의 주인공‬Here comes today's star.
‪[재우] 해이야, 해이야‬ ‪삼촌이 이거 다 불었어, 어지러워‬Here comes today's star. Hae-e, I blew up all these balloons. I feel dizzy.
‪[사람들의 웃음]‬
‪[행선이 손뼉 치며] 자!‬All right.
‪이제 다 모였으니까 시작해 볼까?‬Since everyone's here, let's get started.
‪남해이 퇴원 기념 파티!‬Let's celebrate Hae-e coming home!
‪[사람들의 환호성]‬Let's celebrate Hae-e coming home!
‪오시죠, 오시죠‬Come here. Have a seat.
‪[행자의 헛기침]‬
‪[함께] ♪ 퇴원 축하합니다 ♪‬-Congratulations on coming home -Congratulations on coming home
‪♪ 퇴원 축하합니다 ♪‬-Congratulations on coming home -Congratulations on coming home
‪♪ 사랑하는 남해이 ♪‬-Congratulations on coming home -Congratulations on coming home -Congratulations, dear Hae-e -Congratulations, dear Hae-e
‪♪ 퇴원 축하합니다 ♪‬-Congratulations on coming home -Congratulations on coming home
‪[사람들의 박수와 환호성]‬-Congratulations on coming home -Congratulations on coming home
‪어, 소원‬Make a wish.
‪해이야, 소원 빌고 촛불 꺼‬ ‪촛농 떨어져‬Make a wish. Make a wish and blow out the candles before they melt.
‪[해이] 생일도 아닌데, 무슨‬It's not my birthday.
‪- [사람들의 환호성]‬ ‪- [영주] 고생했어!‬-Great job! -Well done!
‪[치열] 고생했다!‬-Great job! -Well done!
‪- [해이] 고맙습니다‬ ‪- [스위치 조작음]‬Thank you, everyone.
‪[영주] 근데 소원‬ ‪꽤 오래 비는 거 같던데‬You were making a wish for quite a while. Can I ask what your wish is?
‪물어봐도 돼? 뭐 빌었어, 해이?‬You were making a wish for quite a while. Can I ask what your wish is?
‪[재우] 안 돼, 말하면 안 돼‬ ‪소원 안 이루어져‬-No, don't tell us. That'd jinx it. -He's right.
‪[행선] 그래‬ ‪해이 소원은 해이만 아는 걸로‬-No, don't tell us. That'd jinx it. -He's right. She should keep it to herself.
‪이모랑 삼촌‬I prayed that my aunt and uncle will live happily even when I'm gone.
‪나 없이도 계속 행복하게‬ ‪잘 살게 해 달라고‬I prayed that my aunt and uncle will live happily even when I'm gone.
‪[행선이 웃으며] 뭔 소리…‬What are you talking about?
‪[재우] 니가 왜 없어? 너 어디 가?‬What do you mean? Are you going somewhere?
‪[해이] 어, 나 없을 거야, 삼촌‬Yes, I'll be gone, Uncle.
‪나 이제‬I'm going to…
‪엄마랑 살려고‬live with Mom.
‪[잔잔한 음악]‬
‪나 엄마 따라 일본 갈 거야‬I'm following her to Japan.
‪거기서 둘이 살아 볼래‬I want to try living there with her.
‪[감성적인 음악]‬
‪야, 남해이‬Hey, Nam Hae-e!
‪너 진심이야?‬Are you serious?
‪[해이] 나 엄마 딸이야‬ ‪이모 딸 아니고‬I'm your daughter, not Auntie's.
‪딸이 엄마 따라가서‬ ‪같이 살겠다는데‬What's there to discuss when I want to live with my mom?
‪왜 상의가 필요해?‬What's there to discuss when I want to live with my mom?
‪[재우] 그럼 해이 이제‬ ‪우리랑 같이 안 살아?‬Will Hae-e not be living with us anymore?
‪[해이] 삼촌, 줄까?‬Want one, Uncle?
‪어떻게 이모 마음을 이렇게, 어?‬How could you hurt me like this?
‪[행선] 그래도 우리랑‬ ‪10년을 한식구로 살았는데‬How could you hurt me like this? We've lived together for more than a decade.
‪[해이의 울음]‬
‪[치열] 산책하자‬Let's take a walk.
‪야무진 애니까 나름 생각이 있겠지‬She's a smart kid. I'm sure she has her reasons.
‪일단 받아들여요‬Just accept it for now.

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